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SharpShares - Multithreaded C# .NET Assembly To Enumerate Accessible Network Shares In A Domain

Multithreaded C# .NET Assembly to enumerate accessible network shares in a domain

Built upon djhohnstein's SharpShares project

> .\SharpShares.exe help

SharpShares.exe /threads:50 /ldap:servers /ou:"OU=Special Servers,DC=example,DC=local" /filter:SYSVOL,NETLOGON,IPC$,PRINT$ /verbose /outfile:C:\path\to\file.txt

Optional Arguments:
/threads - specify maximum number of parallel threads (default=25)
/dc - specify domain controller to query (if not ran on a domain-joined host)
/domain - specify domain name (if not ran on a domain-joined host)
/ldap - query hosts from the following LDAP filters (default=all)
:all - All enabled computers with 'primary' group 'Domain Computers'
:dc - All enabled Domain Controllers (not read-only DCs)
:exclude-dc - All enabled computers that are not Domain Controllers or read-only DCs
:servers - All enabled servers
:servers-exclude-dc - All enabled servers excluding Domain Controllers or read-only DCs
/ou - specify LDAP OU to query enabled computer objects from
ex: "OU=Special Servers,DC=example,DC=local"
/stealth - list share names without performing read/write access checks
/filter - list of comma-separated shares to exclude from enumeration
/outfile - specify file for shares to be appended to instead of printing to std out
/verbose - return unauthorized shares

Execute Assembly

execute-assembly /path/to/SharpShares.exe /ldap:all /filter:sysvol,netlogon,ipc$,print$

Example Output

Specifying Targets

The /ldap and /ou flags can be used together or seprately to generate a list of hosts to enumerate.

All hosts returned from these flags are combined and deduplicated before enumeration starts.

Gssapi-Abuse - A Tool For Enumerating Potential Hosts That Are Open To GSSAPI Abuse Within Active Directory Networks

gssapi-abuse was released as part of my DEF CON 31 talk. A full write up on the abuse vector can be found here: A Broken Marriage: Abusing Mixed Vendor Kerberos Stacks

The tool has two features. The first is the ability to enumerate non Windows hosts that are joined to Active Directory that offer GSSAPI authentication over SSH.

The second feature is the ability to perform dynamic DNS updates for GSSAPI abusable hosts that do not have the correct forward and/or reverse lookup DNS entries. GSSAPI based authentication is strict when it comes to matching service principals, therefore DNS entries should match the service principal name both by hostname and IP address.


gssapi-abuse requires a working krb5 stack along with a correctly configured krb5.conf.


On Windows hosts, the MIT Kerberos software should be installed in addition to the python modules listed in requirements.txt, this can be obtained at the MIT Kerberos Distribution Page. Windows krb5.conf can be found at C:\ProgramData\MIT\Kerberos5\krb5.conf


The libkrb5-dev package needs to be installed prior to installing python requirements


Once the requirements are satisfied, you can install the python dependencies via pip/pip3 tool

pip install -r requirements.txt

Enumeration Mode

The enumeration mode will connect to Active Directory and perform an LDAP search for all computers that do not have the word Windows within the Operating System attribute.

Once the list of non Windows machines has been obtained, gssapi-abuse will then attempt to connect to each host over SSH and determine if GSSAPI based authentication is permitted.


python .\gssapi-abuse.py -d ad.ginge.com enum -u john.doe -p SuperSecret!
[=] Found 2 non Windows machines registered within AD
[!] Host ubuntu.ad.ginge.com does not have GSSAPI enabled over SSH, ignoring
[+] Host centos.ad.ginge.com has GSSAPI enabled over SSH

DNS Mode

DNS mode utilises Kerberos and dnspython to perform an authenticated DNS update over port 53 using the DNS-TSIG protocol. Currently dns mode relies on a working krb5 configuration with a valid TGT or DNS service ticket targetting a specific domain controller, e.g. DNS/dc1.victim.local.


Adding a DNS A record for host ahost.ad.ginge.com

python .\gssapi-abuse.py -d ad.ginge.com dns -t ahost -a add --type A --data
[+] Successfully authenticated to DNS server win-af8ki8e5414.ad.ginge.com
[=] Adding A record for target ahost using data
[+] Applied 1 updates successfully

Adding a reverse PTR record for host ahost.ad.ginge.com. Notice that the data argument is terminated with a ., this is important or the record becomes a relative record to the zone, which we do not want. We also need to specify the target zone to update, since PTR records are stored in different zones to A records.

python .\gssapi-abuse.py -d ad.ginge.com dns --zone 128.168.192.in-addr.arpa -t 50 -a add --type PTR --data ahost.ad.ginge.com.
[+] Successfully authenticated to DNS server win-af8ki8e5414.ad.ginge.com
[=] Adding PTR record for target 50 using data ahost.ad.ginge.com.
[+] Applied 1 updates successfully

Forward and reverse DNS lookup results after execution

nslookup ahost.ad.ginge.com
Server: WIN-AF8KI8E5414.ad.ginge.com

Name: ahost.ad.ginge.com
Server: WIN-AF8KI8E5414.ad.ginge.com

Name: ahost.ad.ginge.com

PowerView - A New Hope

I'd been wanting to add some features to PowerView for a while, it's arguably the tool I use most on infrastructure assessments, and when @harmj0y officially discontinued PowerSploit I decided to fork it and start adding them.

For anyone that doesn't know, PowerView is an amazing tool written in PowerShell that can be used for playing with Active Directory and particually performing recon of Active Directory.

This post is about some new features I've added to it. My forked version can be found here.

RBCD Support

Until now dealing with RBCD (or the msds-allowedtoactonbehalfofotheridentity attribute) using PowerView was a manual process. Using Security.AccessControl.RawSecurityDescriptor with an security descriptor definition language (SDDL) string as an argument and manually converting it, as documented here and here.

I wanted to automate this so I created the Get-DomainRBCD and Set-DomainRBCD functions.


Get-DomainRBCD by default finds all accounts, user and computer, that have the msds-allowedtoactonbehalfofotheridentity. It returns a custom PS object where the SID's have been resolved if possible. If identities are specified then only the RBCD configuration of those identities are returned:

It also tells you whether the account (either source account or account that's been granted delegation rights) is a user or machine account. This is useful to know because only 1 type of account can be configured on the msds-allowedtoactonbehalfofotheridentity security descriptor at once. So either all computer accounts or all user accounts, but a mixture of the 2.


To compliment Get-DomainRBCD, I created Set-DomainRBCD, which can be used to configured RBCD on an account.

The Identity parameter is the account(s) where RBCD is to be configured, it can be done on multiple accounts at once and works the same way as in the other PowerView functions, like Get-DomainUser. The DelegateFrom parameter is a pipe ('|') delimited list of identities to delegate access to. The argument to DelegateFrom can be any format also supported by the Identity parameter:

Configuring RBCD the same as in the previous screenshot can be done like this:

Here, I configure RBCD on the computer account ISQL1 and delegate access to ISQL1 and ISQL2. This results in the same configured shown previously:

Finally, it is possible to easily remove this configuration using the -Clear switch to Set-DomainRBCD:

This makes dealing with RBCD using only PowerView much easier.


A small addition to the Get-DomainUser function in PowerView was the -Owner switch. With this switch it return 2 extra object members, OwnerSID and OwnerName:

As shown here, the owner of the testsd user has the SID of S-1-5-21-2042794111-3163024120-2630140754-512 and the SamAccountName of Domain Admins. This is important for the next section.

Security Descriptors

While coding Set-DomainRBCD I realised that the msds-allowedtoactonbehalfofotheridentity attribute is just a security descriptor (SD) and it reminded me of a conversation I had in the BloodHound slack regarding the AdminCount attribute.

As discussed here members of protected groups have their AdminCount attribute set to 1 by the SD Propagator (SDProp). At the same time the security descriptor (SD) from AdminSDHolder gets applied, which is basically a hardened SD for protected objects. The problem here is that when the object is removed from having protected status, the AdminCount attribute value as well as the hardened SD remains.

It is often required to escalate accounts during assessments to perform certain attack paths, but it is always best to leave the client infrastructure in as similar state as before the assessment. So a method of viewing and restoring object SD's was required.

Enter Get-DomainObjectSD and Set-DomainObjectSD.


Get-DomainObjectSD can be used to retrieve an object's SD. By default it will output a custom PS object with 2 members (ObjectSID and ObjectSDDL).

  1. ObjectSID is the objects security idenfitier (i.e S-1-5-21-2042794111-3163024120-2630140754-1113).
  2. ObjectSDDL is the security descriptor of the object in SDDL string format.

There is also an -OutFile parameter that can be used to output the SD's and SID's to a file:

The -OutFile argument appends when the file exists so different SD's can be added dynamically:

It is also possible to retrieve several SD's at the same time, by piping the identities into Get-DomainObjectSD, like with other PowerView functions:

A -Check parameter exists which allows the current SD to be compared to a supplied one. If it's the same just a warning will be thrown but if the SD is different, a warning will be thrown and the object will be returned:

The -Check parameter also takes a file containing multiple account SD's to be checked:

Escalating A User

So after adding the testsd user to the Domain Admins group, the AdminCount attribute was set as expected:

After a while and retreiving the SD using Get-DomainObjectSD function and diffing the 2 SD's shows that they are significantly different:

Removing testsd from the Domain Admins group, leaves the AdminCount set to 1, as shown below:

The AdminCount attribute can easily be cleared using Set-DomainObject's -Clear parameter:


This is where Set-DomainObjectSD comes in. Set-DomainObjectSD can only be used from an account that has owner privileges on the object, this is partly why the -Owner switch was added to Get-DomainUser.

There are 2 ways to set object SD's with Set-DomainObjectSD, firstly using an input file with the -InputFile parameter, this takes a csv file in the same format created by Get-DomainObjectSD:

This will apply all SD's contained within the provided file. The other way is to specify the object identity and the SDDL string manually with -SDDLString:

If multiple identities are specified here, the same SD will be applied to them, unlike if an input file is provided.

Some Other Useful Features

I have added 2 other useful functions, Find-HighValueAccounts and Get-DomainDCSync.


As mentioned above, the AdminCount attribute remains even after the user has been removed from the protected group. I wanted a way to find all current members of these groups. For this I created Find-HighValueAccounts, by default it returned the full user and computer objects (I've selected just the samaccountname so it can be displayed better):

It gets group membership recursively. You can specify which type of object to return with the -Users and -Computers switches. It also supports -SPN for returning accounts with service principal names, -Enabled and -Disabled, -AllowDelegation and -DisallowDelegation; and -PassNotExpire to search for accounts that are configured to not require a regular password reset.


Another useful function I created is Get-DomainDCSync which gets the ACL from the domain head, and determines which result in the ability to perform a DCSync. This is primarily 2 different types of ACE's, GenericAll or both DS-Replication-Get-Changes and DS-Replication-Get-Changes-All. This function again returns the full object and by default returns user and computer objects:

This function also gets group membership recursively and also provides the ability to filter by object type, with -Users and -Computers but this time also includes the ability to filter by groups too with -Groups.


I've also added a few features to some standard PowerView functions, including Get-DomainUser.

Along with the already mentioned -Owner switch, I added -Enabled, -Disabled -PassNotExpire switches which are pretty self-explainatory. A -Unconstrained switch which filters user accounts that are configured for unconstrained delegation. A -RBCD switch which returns user accounts that have a non empty msds-allowedtoactonbehalfofotheridentity attribute. A -PassLastSet parameter which will only return user accounts that have not changed their password for at least a number of days:

I've also added the -Locked and -Unlocked switches. These take into account the domain lockout duration policy into account. So if a user account has been locked 31 minutes ago but the lockout duration policy is set to 30, the account will be returned as unlocked.


For Get-DomainComputer I've added 2 switches, -RBCD and -ExcludeDCs. The -RBCD switch which returns computer accounts that have a non empty msds-allowedtoactonbehalfofotheridentity attribute. -ExcludeDCs allows you to filter out domain controllers from the results, useful for searching for computer accounts configured for unconstrained delegation:


I do plan on making more additions to PowerView but hopefully these will be useful on assessments.

Until then you can grab my fork of PowerView here.
