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Analysis of DirectComposition Binding and Tracker object vulnerability

DirectComposition introduction

Microsoft DirectComposition is a Windows component that enables high-performance bitmap composition with transforms, effects, and animations. Application developers can use the DirectComposition API to create visually engaging user interfaces that feature rich and fluid animated transitions from one visual to another.[1]

DirectComposition API provides COM interface via dcomp.dll, calls win32kbase.sys through win32u.dll export function, and finally sends data to client program dwm.exe (Desktop Window Manager) through ALPC to complete the graphics rendering operation:

win32u.dll (Windows 10 1909) provides the following export functions to handle DirectComposition API:

The three functions related to trigger vulnerability are: NtDCompositionCreateChannel,NtDCompositionProcessChannelBatchBuffer and NtDCompositionCommitChannel:
(1) NtDCompositionCreateChannel creates a channel to communicate with the kernel:

typedef NTSTATUS(*pNtDCompositionCreateChannel)(
	OUT PHANDLE hChannel,
	IN OUT PSIZE_T pSectionSize,
	OUT PVOID* pMappedAddress

(2) NtDCompositionProcessChannelBatchBuffer batches multiple commands:

typedef NTSTATUS(*pNtDCompositionProcessChannelBatchBuffer)(
    IN HANDLE hChannel,
    IN DWORD dwArgStart,
    OUT PDWORD pOutArg1,
    OUT PDWORD pOutArg2

The batched commands are stored in the pMappedAddress memory returned by NtDCompositionCreateChannel. The command list is as follows:


The commands related to trigger vulnerability are: CreateResource, SetResourceBufferProperty, ReleaseResource. The data structure of different commands is different:

(3) NtDCompositionCommitChannel serializes batch commands and sends them to dwm.exe for rendering through ALPC:

typedef NTSTATUS(*pNtDCompositionCommitChannel)(
	IN HANDLE hChannel,
	IN DWORD flag,

CInteractionTrackerBindingManagerMarshaler::SetBufferProperty process analysis

First use CreateResource command to create CInteractionTrackerBindingManagerMarshaler resource (ResourceType = 0x59, hereinafter referred to as β€œBinding”) and CInteractionTrackerMarshaler resource (ResourceType = 0x58, hereinafter referred to as β€œTracker”).
Then call the SetResourceBufferProperty command to set the Tracker object to the Binding object’s BufferProperty.
This process is handled by the function CInteractionTrackerBindingManagerMarshaler::SetBufferProperty, which main process is as follows:

The key steps are as follows:
(1) Check the input buffer subcmd == 0 && bufsize == 0xc
(2) Get Tracker objects tracker1 and tracker2 from channel-> resource_list (+0x38) according to the resourceId in the input buffer
(3) Check whether the types of tracker1 and tracker2 are CInteractionTrackerMarshaler (0x58)
(4) If binding->entry_count (+0x50) > 0, find the matched TrackerEntry from binding->tracker_list (+0x38) according to the handleID of tracker1 and tracker2, then update TrackerEntry->entry_id to the new_entry_id from the input buffer
(5) Otherwise, create a new TrackerEntry structure. If tracker1->binding == NULL || tracker2->binding == NULL, update their binding objects

After SetBufferProperty, a reference relationship between the binding object and the tracker object is as follows:

When use ReleaseResource command to release the Tracker object, the CInteractionTrackerMarshaler::ReleaseAllReferencescalled function is called. ReleaseAllReferences checks whether the tracker object has a binding object internally:

If it has:
(1) Call RemoveTrackerBindings. In RemoveTrackerBindings, TrackerEntry.entry_id is set to 0 if the resourceID in tracker_list is equal to the resourceID of the freed tracker. Then call CleanUpListItemsPendingDeletion to delete the TrackerEntry which entry_id=0 in tracker_list:

(2) Call ReleaseResource to set refcnt of the binding object minus 1.

(3) tracker->binding (+0x190) = 0

According to the above process, the input command buffer to construct a normal SetBufferProperty process is as follows:

After SetBufferProperty, the memory layout of binding1 and tacker1, tracker2 objects is as follows:

After ReleaseResource tracker2, the memory layout of binding1, tacker1, and tracker2 objects is as follows:


Retrospective the process of CInteractionTrackerBindingManagerMarshaler::SetBufferProperty, when new_entry_id != 0, a new TrackerEntry structure will be created:

If tracker1 and tracker2 have been bound to binding1 already, after binding tracker1 and tracker2 to binding2, a new TrackerEntry structure will be created for binding2. Since tracker->binding != NULL at this time, tracker->binding will still save binding1 pointer and will not be updated to binding2 pointer. When the tracker is released, binding2->entry_list will retain the tracker’s dangling pointer.

Construct an input command buffer which can trigger the vulnerability as follows:

Memory layout after ReleaseResource tracker1:

It can be seen that after ReleaseResource tracker1, binding2->track_list[0] saves the dangling pointer of tracker1.


According to analyze the branch of β€˜the new_entry_id != 0’, the root cause of CVE-2020-1381 is when creating TrackerEntry, it didn’t check the tracker object which has been bound to the binding object. The patch adds a check for tracker->binding when creating TrackerEntry:

CVE-2021-26900 is a bypass of the CVE-2020-1381 patch. The key point to bypass the patch is if the condition of tracker->binding==NULL can be constructed after the tracker is bound to the binding object.
The way to bypass is in the β€˜update TrackerEntry’ branch:

When TrackerEntry->entry_id == 0, RemoveBindingManagerReferenceFromTrackerIfNecessary function is called. It checks if entry_id==0 internally, then call SetBindingManagerMarshaler to set tracker->binding=NULL:

Therefore, by setting entry_id=0 manually, the status of tracker->binding == NULL can be obtained, which can be used to bypass the CVE-2020-1381 patch.

Construct an input command buffer which can trigger the vulnerability as follows:

After setting entry_id=0 manually, the memory layout of binding1 and tracker1:

At this time, binding1->TrackerEntry still saves the pointer of tracker1, but tracker1->binding = NULL. Memory layout after ReleaseResource tracker1: avatar

It can be seen that after ReleaseResource tracker1, binding1->track_list[0] saves the dangling pointer of tracker1.


Retrospective the method in CVE-2021-26900 which sets entry_id=0 manually to get tracker->binding == NULL status to bypass the CVE-2020-1381 patch and the process of CInteractionTrackerMarshaler::ReleaseAllReferences:ReleaseAllReferences which checks that if the tracker object has a binding object, and then deletes the corresponding TrackerEntry.

So when entry_id is set to 0 manually, tracker->binding will be set to NULL. When the tracker object is released via ReleaseResource command, the TrackerEntry saved by the binding object will not be deleted, then a dangling pointer of the tracker object will be obtained again.

Construct an input command buffer which can trigger the vulnerability as follows:

Memory layout after ReleaseResource tracker1:

It can be seen that after ReleaseResource tracker1, binding1->track_list[0] saves the dangling pointer of tracker1.


CVE-2021-33739 is different from the vulnerability in win32kbase.sys introduced in previous sections. It is a UAF vulnerability in dwmcore.dll of the dwm.exe process. The root cause is in ReleaseResource phase of CloseChannel. In CInteractionTrackerBindingManager::RemoveTrackerBinding function call, when the element Binding->hashmap(+0x40) is deleted, the hashmap is accessed directly without checking whether the Binding object is released, which causes the UAF vulnerability.

Construct an input command buffer which can trigger the vulnerability as follows:

According to the previous analysis, in the normal scenario of CInteractionTrackerBindingManagerMarshaler::SetBufferProperty function call, the Binding object should be bound with two different Tracker objects. However, if it is bound with the same Tracker object:

(1) Binding phase:
CInteractionTrackerBindingManager::ProcessSetTrackerBindingMode function is called to process binding opreation, which calls CInteractionTrackerBindingManager::AddOrUpdateTrackerBindings function internally to update Tracker->Binding (+0x278). When Tracker has already be bound with the current Binding object, the binding operation will not be repeated:

Therefore, if the same Tracker object is bound already, the Binding object will not be bound again, then the refcnt of the Binding object will only be increased by 1 finally: avatar

(2) Release phase:
After PreRender is finished, CComposition::CloseChannel will be called to close the Channel and release the Resource in the Resource HandleTable. The Binding object will be released firstly, at this time Binding->refcnt = 1:

Then the Tracker object will be released. CInteractionTrackerBindingManager::RemoveTrackerBindings will be called to release Tracker->Binding:

Three steps are included:
(1) Get the Tracker object from the TrackerEntry
(2) Erase the corresponding Tracker pointer from Binding->hashmap (+0x40)
(3) Remove Tracker->Binding (Binding->refcnt –) from the Tracker object

The key problem is: After completing the cleanup of the first Tracker object in TrackerEntry, the Binding object may be released already. When the second Tracker object is prepared to be cleared, because the Binding object has been released, the validity of the Binding object does not be checked before the Binding->hashmap is accessed again, which result in an access vialation exception:

Exploitation: Another way to occupy freed memory

For the kernel object UAF exploitation, according to the publicly available exploit samples[5], the Palette object is used to occupy the freed memory:

Use CInteractionTrackerBindingManagerMarshaler::EmitBoundTrackerMarshalerUpdateCommands function to access the placeholder objects:

The red box here is the virtual function CInteractionTrackerMarshaler::EmitUpdateCommands of tracker1, tracker2 object (vtable + 0x50). Because the freed Tracker object has been reused by Palette, the program execution flow hijacking is achieved by forging a virtual table and writing other function pointers to fake Tracker vtable+0x50.
The sample selects nt!SeSetAccessStateGenericMapping:

With the 16-byte write capability of nt!SeSetAccessStateGenericMapping, it modifies _KTHREAD->PreviousMode = 0 to inject shellcode into Winlogon process to complete the privilege escalation.

Another way to occupy freed memory

The exploitation of Palette object is relatively common, is there some object with user-mode controllable memory size in the DirectComposition component can be exploited?

The Binding object and Tracker object we discussed before are belonged to the Resource of DirectComposition. DirectComposition contains many Resource objects, which are created by DirectComposition::CApplicationChannel::CreateInternalResource:

Each Resource has a BufferProperty, which is set by SetResourceBufferProperty command. So our object is to find one Resource which can be used to allocate a user-mode controllable memory size through the SetResourceBufferProperty command. Through searching, I found CTableTransferEffectMarshaler::SetBufferProperty. The command format is as follows:

When subcmd==0, the bufferProperty is stored at CTableTransferEffectMarshaler+0x58. The size of the bufferProperty is set by the user-mode input bufferSize, and the content is copied from the user-mode input buffer:

Modify the original sample and use the propertyBuffer of CTableTransferEffectMarshaler to occupy freed memory:

By debugging, we can see that the propertyBuffer of CTableTransferEffectMarshaler occupies the freed memory successfully:

Finally, successful exploitation screenshot:


[1] https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/directcomp/directcomposition-portal
[2] https://www.zerodayinitiative.com/blog/2021/5/3/cve-2021-26900-privilege-escalation-via-a-use-after-free-vulnerability-in-win32k
[3] https://github.com/thezdi/PoC/blob/master/CVE-2021-26900/CVE-2021-26900.c
[4] https://ti.dbappsecurity.com.cn/blog/articles/2021/06/09/0day-cve-2021-33739/
[5] https://github.com/Lagal1990/CVE-2021-33739-POC

CVE-2021-1732: win32kfull xxxCreateWindowEx callback out-of-bounds

CVE-2021-1732 is a 0-Day vulnerability exploited by the BITTER APT organization in one operation which was disclosed in February this year[1][2][3]. This vulnerability exploits a user mode callback opportunity in win32kfull module to break the normal execution flow and set the error flag of window object (tagWND) extra data, which results in kernel-space out-of-bounds memory access violation.

Root cause analysis

The root cause of CVE-2021-1732 is:
In the process of creating window (CreateWindowEx), when the window object tagWND has extra data (tagWND.cbwndExtra != 0), the function pointer of user32!_xxxClientAllocWindowClassExtraBytes saved in ntdll!_PEB.kernelCallbackTable (offset+0x58) in user mode will be called via the nt!KeUserModeCallback callback mechanism, and the system heap allocator (ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap) is used to allocate the extra data memory in user-space.
By hooking user32!_xxxClientAllocWindowClassExtraBytes function in user mode, and modifying the properties of the window object extra data in the hook function manually, the kernel mode atomic operation of allocating memory for extra data can be broken, then the out-of-bounds read/write ability based on the extra data memory is achieved finally.

The normal flow of the window object creation (CreateWindowEx) process is shown as follows (partial):

From the above figure, we can see that: when the window extra data size (tagWND.cbWndExtra) is not 0, win32kfull!xxxCreateWindowEx calls the user mode function user32!_xxxClientAllocWindowClassExtraBytes via the kernel callback mechanism, requests for the memory of the window extra data in user-space. After allocation, the pointer of allocated memory in user-space will be returned to the tagWND.pExtraBytes property:

Here are two modes of saving tagWND extra data address (tagWND.pExtraBytes):
[Mode 1] In user-space system heap
As the normal process shown in the figure above, the pointer of extra data memory allocated in user-space system heap is saved in tagWND.pExtraBytes directly.
One tagWND memory layout of Mode 1 is shown in the following figure:

[Mode 2] In kernel-space desktop heap
The function ntdll!NtUserConsoleControl allocates extra data memory in kernel-space desktop heap by function DesktopAlloc, calculates the offset of allocated extra data memory address to the kernel desktop heap base address, saves the offset to tagWND.pExtraBytes, and modifies tagWND.extraFlag |= 0x800:

One tagWND memory layout of Mode 2 is shown in the following figure: avatar

So we can hook the function user32!_xxxClientAllocWindowClassExtraBytes in user-space, call NtUserConsoleControl manually in hook function to modify the tagWND extra data storage mode from Mode 1 to Mode 2, call ntdll!NtCallbackReturn before the callback returns:

Then return the user mode controllable offset value to tagWND.pExtraBytes through ntdll!NtCallbackReturn, and realize the controllable offset out-of-bounds read/write ability based on the kernel-space desktop heap base address finally.

The modified process which can trigger the vulnerability is shown as follows:

According to the modified flowchart above, the key steps of triggering this vulnerability are explained as follows:

  1. Modify the user32!_xxxClientAllocWindowClassExtraBytes function pointer in PEB.kernelCallbackTable to a custom hook function.
  2. Create some normal window objects, and leak the user-space memory addresses of these tagWND kernel objects through user32!HMValidateHandle.
  3. Destroy part of the normal window objects created in step 2, and create one new window object named β€˜hwndMagic’ with the specified tagWND.cbwndExtra. The hwndMagic can probably reuse the previously released window object memory. Therefore, by searching the previously leaked window object user-space memory addresses with the specified tagWND.cbwndExtra in the custom hook function, the hwndMagic can be found before CreateWindowEx returns.
  4. Call NtUserConsoleControl in the custom hook function to modify the tagWNDMagic.extraFlag with flag 0x800.
  5. Call NtCallbackReturn in the custom hook function to assign a fake offset to tagWNDMagic.pExtraBytes.
  6. Call SetWindowLong to write data to the address of kernel-space desktop heap base address + specified offset, which can result in out-of-bounds memory access violation.

An implementation of the hook function is demonstrated as follows:

void* WINAPI MyxxxClientAllocWindowClassExtraBytes(ULONG* size) {

	do {
		if (MAGIC_CBWNDEXTRA  == *size) {
			HWND hwndMagic = NULL;
			//search from freed NormalClass window mapping desktop heap
			for (int i = 2; i < 50; ++i) {
				ULONG_PTR cbWndExtra = *(ULONG_PTR*)(g_pWnd[i] + _WND_CBWNDEXTRA_OFFSET);
				if (MAGIC_CBWNDEXTRA == cbWndExtra) {
					hwndMagic = (HWND)*(ULONG_PTR*)(g_pWnd[i]);
					printf("[+] bingo! find &hwndMagic = 0x%llx in callback :) \n", g_pWnd[i]);
			if (!hwndMagic) {
				printf("[-] Not found hwndMagic, memory layout unsuccessfully :( \n");

			// 1. set hwndMagic extraFlag |= 0x800
			CONSOLEWINDOWOWNER consoleOwner = { 0 };
			consoleOwner.hwnd = hwndMagic;
			consoleOwner.ProcessId = 1;
			consoleOwner.ThreadId = 2;
			NtUserConsoleControl(6, &consoleOwner, sizeof(consoleOwner));

			// 2. set hwndMagic pExtraBytes fake offset
			struct {
				ULONG_PTR retvalue;
				ULONG_PTR unused1;
				ULONG_PTR unused2;
			} result = { 0 };		
			//offset = 0xffffff00, access memory = heap base + 0xffffff00, trigger BSOD	
			result.retvalue = 0xffffff00;			
			NtCallbackReturn(&result, sizeof(result), 0);
	} while (false);

	return _xxxClientAllocWindowClassExtraBytes(size);

BSOD snapshot:

Exploit analysis

From Root cause anaysis, we can see that:
β€œAn opportunity to read/write data in the address which calculated by the kernel-space desktop heap base address + specified offset” can be obtained via this vulnerability.

For the kernel mode exploitation, the attack target is to obtain system token generally. A common method is shown as follows:

  1. Exploit the vulnerability to obtain a arbitrary memory read/write primitive in kernel-space.
  2. Leak the address of some kernel object, find the system process through the EPROCESS chain.
  3. Copy the system process token to the attack process token to complete the privilege escalation job.

The obstacle is step 1: How to exploit β€œAn opportunity to read/write data in the address which calculated by the kernel-space desktop heap base address + specified offset” to obtain the arbitrary memory read/write primitive in kernel-space.

One solution is shown in the following figure:

  1. The offset of tagWNDMagic extra data (wndMagic_extra_bytes) is controllable via the vulnerability, so we can use SetWindowLong to modify the data in specified address calculated by desktop heap base address + controllable offset.
  2. Use the vulnerability ability to modify tagWNDMagic.pExtraBytes to the offset of tagWND0 (the offset of tagWND0 is obtained by tagWND0+0x8), call SetWindowLong to modify tagWND0.cbWndExtra = 0x0fffffff to obtain a tampered tagWND0.pExtraBytes which can achieve read/write out-of-bounds.
  3. Calculate the offset from tagWND0.pExtraBytes to tagWND1, call SetWindowLongPtr to replace the spMenu of tagWND1 with a fake spMenu by the tampered tagWND0.pExtraBytes, realize the arbitrary memory read ability with the help of fake spMenu and function GetMenuBarInfo.
    The logic of GetMenuBarInfo to read the data in specified address is shown as follows, the 16 bytes data is stored into MENUBARINFO.rcBar structure: avatar

  4. Use the tampered tagWND0.pExtraBytes to modify tagWND1.pExtraBytes with specified address, and use the SetWindowLongPtr of tagWND1 to obtain the arbitrary memory write ability.
  5. After obtaining the arbitrary memory read/write primitive, we need to leak a kernel object address in desktop heap to find EPROCESS. Fortunately, when setting the fake spMenu for tagWND1 in step 3, the return value of SetWindowLongPtr is the kernel address of original spMenu, which can be used directly.
  6. Finally, find the system process by traversing the EPROCESS chain, and copy the system process token to the attack process to complete the privilege escalation job. This method is relatively common, so will not be described in detail.

The final privilege escalation demonstration:

Patch analysis



[1] https://msrc.microsoft.com/update-guide/vulnerability/CVE-2021-1732
[2] https://ti.dbappsecurity.com.cn/blog/index.php/2021/02/10/windows-kernel-zero-day-exploit-is-used-by-bitter-apt-in-targeted-attack-cn/
[3] https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/914b6125f6e39168805fdf57be61cf20dd11acd708d7db7fa37ff75bf1abfc29/detection
[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Privilege_escalation
