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Taking a joke a little too far.

Extract from “Rainbow Dash and the Open Plan Office”.

This is an extract from my upcoming 29 chapter My Little Pony fanfic. Clearly I do not own the rights to the characters etc.

Dash was tapping away on the only thing a pony could ever love, the Das Keyboard with rainbow colored LED Cherry Blues. Dash is nothing if not on brand when it comes to illumination. It had been bought in a pique of distain for equine kind, a real low point in what Dash liked to call, annus mirabilis. It was clear Dash liked to sound smart but had skipped Latin lessons at school.

Applejack tried to remain oblivious to the click-clacking coming from the next desk over. But even with the comically over-sized noise cancelling headphones, more akin to ear defenders than something to listen to music with, it all got too much.

“Hey, Dash, did you really have to buy such a noisy keyboard?”, Applejack queried with a tinge of anger. “Very much so, it allows my creativity to flow. Real professionals need real tools. You can’t be a real professional with some inferior Cherry Reds.”, Dash shot back. “Well, if your profession is shit posting on Reddit that might be true, but you’ve only committed 10 lines of code in the past week.”. This elicited an indignant response from Dash, “I spend my time meticulously crafting dulcet prose. Only when it’s ready do I commit my 1000-line object d’art to a change request for reading by mere mortals like yourself.”.

Letting out a groan of frustration Applejack went back to staring at the monitor to wonder why the borrow checker was throwing errors again. The job was only to make ends meet until the debt on the farm could be repaid after the “incident”. At any rate arguing wasn’t worth the time, everyone knew Dash was a favorite of the basement dwelling boss, nothing that pony could do would really lead to anything close to a satisfactory defenestration.

“Have you ever wondered how everyone on the internet is so stupid?”, Dash opined, almost to nopony in particular. Applejack, clearly seeing an in, retorted “Well George Carlin is quoted as saying “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”, it’s clear where the dividing line exists in this office”. “I think if George had the chance to use Twitter he might have revised the calculations a bit” Dash quipped either ignoring the barb or perhaps missing it entirely.

To be continued… not.

Getting an Interactive Service Account Shell

Sometimes you want to manually interact with a shell running a service account. Getting a working interactive shell for SYSTEM is pretty easy. As an administrator, pick a process with an appropriate access token running as SYSTEM (say services.exe) and spawn a child process using that as the parent. As long as you specify an interactive desktop, e.g. WinSta0\Default, then the new process will be automatically assigned to the current session and you'll get a visible window.

To make this even easier, NtObjectManager implements the Start-Win32ChildProcess command, which works like the following:

PS> $p = Start-Win32ChildProcess powershell

And you'll now see a console window with a copy of PowerShell. What if you want to instead spawn Local Service or Network Service? You can try the following:

PS> $user = Get-NtSid -KnownSid LocalService
PS> $p = Start-Win32ChildProcess powershell -User $user

The process starts, however you'll find it immediately dies:

PS> $p.ExitNtStatus

The error code, STATUS_DLL_INIT_FAILED, basically means something during initialization failed. Tracking this down is a pain in the backside, especially as the failure happens before a debugger such as WinDBG typically gets control over the process. You can enable the Create Process event filter, but you still have to track down why it fails.

I'll save you the pain, the problem with running an interactive service process is the Local Service/Network Service token doesn't have access to the Desktop/Window Station/BaseNamedObjects etc for the session. It works for SYSTEM as that account is almost always granted full access to everything by virtue of either the SYSTEM or Administrators SID, however the low-privileged service accounts are not.

One way of getting around this would be to find every possible secured resource and add the service account. That's not really very reliable, miss one resource and it might still not work or it might fail at some indeterminate time. Instead we do what the OS does, we need to create the service token with the Logon Session SID which will grant us access to the session's resources.

First create a SYSTEM powershell command on the current desktop using the Start-Win32ChildProcess command. Next get the current session token with:

PS>  $sess = Get-NtToken -Session

We can print out the Logon Session SID now, for interest:

PS> $sess.LogonSid.Sid
Name                                     Sid
----                                     ---
NT AUTHORITY\LogonSessionId_0_41106165   S-1-5-5-0-41106165

Now create a Local Service token (or Network Service, or IUser, or any service account) using:

PS> $token = Get-NtToken -Service LocalService -AdditionalGroups $sess.LogonSid.Sid

You can now create an interactive process on the current desktop using:

PS> New-Win32Process cmd -Token $token -CreationFlags NewConsole

You should find it now works :-)

A command prompt, running whois and showing the use as Local Service.

DLL Import Redirection in Windows 10 1909

While poking around in NTDLL the other day for some Chrome work I noticed an interesting sounding new feature, Import Redirection. As far as I can tell this was introduced in Windows 10 1809, although I'm testing this on 1909.

What piqued my interesting was during initialization I saw the following code being called:

NTSTATUS LdrpInitializeImportRedirection() {
    PUNICODE_STRING RedirectionDllName =     
    if (RedirectionDllName->Length) {
        PVOID Dll;
        NTSTATUS status = LdrpLoadDll(RedirectionDllName, 0x1000001, &Dll);
        if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
        // ...


The code was extracting a UNICODE_STRING from the RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS block then passing it to LdrpLoadDll to load it as a library. This looked very much like a supported mechanism to inject a DLL at startup time. Sounds like a bad idea to me. Based on the name it also sounds like it supports redirecting imports, which really sounds like a bad idea.

Of course it’s possible this feature is mediated by the kernel. Most of the time RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS is passed verbatim during the call to NtCreateUserProcess, it’s possible that the kernel will sanitize the RedirectionDllName value and only allow its use from a privileged process. I went digging to try and find who was setting the value, the obvious candidate is CreateProcessInternal in KERNELBASE. There I found the following code:

BOOL CreateProcessInternalW(...) {
    LPWSTR RedirectionDllName = NULL;
    if (!PackageBreakaway) {
        BasepAppXExtension(PackageName, &RedirectionDllName, ...);

    BasepCreateProcessParameters(&Params, ...);
    if (RedirectionDllName) {
        RtlInitUnicodeString(&Params->RedirectionDllName, RedirectionDllName);

    // ...


The value of RedirectionDllName is being retrieved from BasepAppXExtension which is used to get the configuration for packaged apps, such as those using Desktop Bridge. This made it likely it was a feature designed only for use with such applications. Every packaged application needs an XML manifest file, and the SDK comes with the full schema, therefore if it’s an exposed option it’ll be referenced in the schema.

Searching for related terms I found the following inside UapManifestSchema_v7.xsd:

<xs:element name="Properties">
      <xs:element name="ImportRedirectionTable" type="t:ST_DllFile" 

This fits exactly with what I was looking for. Specifically the Schema type is ST_DllFile which defined the allowed path component for a package relative DLL. Searching MSDN for the ImportRedirectionTable manifest value brought me to this link. Interestingly though this was the only documentation. At least on MSDN I couldn’t seem to find any further reference to it, maybe my Googlefu wasn’t working correctly. However I did find a Stack Overflow answer, from a Microsoft employee no less, documenting it *shrug*. If anyone knows where the real documentation is let me know.

With the SO answer I know how to implement it inside my own DLL. I need to define list of REDIRECTION_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTOR structures which define which function imports I want to redirect and the implementation of the forwarder function. The list is then exported from the DLL through a REDIRECTION_DESCRIPTOR structure as   __RedirectionInformation__. For example the following will redirect CreateProcessW and always return FALSE (while printing a passive aggressive statement):

BOOL WINAPI CreateProcessWForwarder(
    LPCWSTR lpApplicationName,
    LPWSTR lpCommandLine,
    LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpProcessAttributes,
    LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes,
    BOOL bInheritHandles,
    DWORD dwCreationFlags,
    LPVOID lpEnvironment,
    LPCWSTR lpCurrentDirectory,
    LPSTARTUPINFOW lpStartupInfo,
    LPPROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation)
    printf("No, I'm not running %ls\n", lpCommandLine);
    return FALSE;

    { "api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-0.dll", "CreateProcessW"
                  &CreateProcessWForwarder },

extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) const REDIRECTION_DESCRIPTOR __RedirectionInformation__ =


I compiled the DLL, added it to a packaged application, added the ImportRedirectionTable Manifest value and tried it out. It worked! This seems a perfect feature for something like Chrome as it’s allows us to use a supported mechanism to hook imported functions without implementing hooks on NtMapViewOfSection and things like that. There are some limitations, it seems to not always redirect imports you think it should. This might be related to the mention in the SO answer that it only redirects imports directly in your applications dependency graph and doesn’t support GetProcAddress. But you could probably live with that,

However, to be useful in Chrome it obviously has to work outside of a packaged application. One obvious limitation is there doesn’t seem to be a way of specifying this redirection DLL if the application is not packaged. Microsoft could support this using a new Process Thread Attribute, however I’d expect the potential for abuse means they’d not be desperate to do so.

The initial code doesn’t seem to do any checking for the packaged application state, so at the very least we should be able to set the RedirectionDllName value and create the process manually using NtCreateUserProcess. The problem was when I did the process initialization failed with STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_HASH. This would indicate a check was made to verify the signing level of the DLL and it failed to load.

Trying with any Microsoft signed binary instead I got STATUS_PROCEDURE_NOT_FOUND which would imply the DLL loaded but obviously the DLL I picked didn't export __RedirectionInformation__. Trying a final time with a non-Microsoft, but signed binary I got back to STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_HASH again. It seems that outside of a packaged application we can only use Microsoft signed binaries. That’s a shame, but oh well, it was somewhat inconvenient to use anyway.

Before I go there are two further undocumented functions (AFAIK) the DLL can export.

BOOL __ShouldApplyRedirection__(LPWSTR DllName)

If this function is exported, you can disable redirection for individual DLLs based on the DllName parameter by returning FALSE.

BOOL __ShouldApplyRedirectionToFunction__(LPWSTR DllName, DWORD Index)

This function allows you to disable redirection for a specific import on a DLL. Index is the offset into the redirection table for the matched import, so you can disable redirection for certain imports for certain DLLs.

In conclusion, this is an interesting feature Microsoft added to Windows to support a niche edge case, and then seems to have not officially documented it. Nice! However, it doesn’t look like it’s useful for general purpose import redirection as normal applications require the file to be signed by Microsoft, presumably to prevent this being abused by malicious code. Also there's no trivial way to specify the option using CreateProcess and calling NtCreateUserProcess doesn't correctly initialize things like SxS and CSRSS connections.


Now if you’ve bothered to read this far, I might as well admit you can bypass the signature check quite easily. Digging into where the DLL loading fails we find the following code inside LdrpMapDllNtFileName:

if ((LoadFlags & 0x1000000) && !NtCurrentPeb()->IsPackagedProcess)
  status = LdrpSetModuleSigningLevel(FileHandle, 8);
  if (!NT_SUCCESS(status))
    return status;


If you look back at the original call to LdrpLoadDll you'll notice that it was passing flag 0x1000000, which presumably means the DLL should be checked against a known signing level. The check is also disabled if the process is in a Packaged Process through a check on the PEB. This is why the load works in a Packaged Application, this check is just disabled. Therefore one way to get around the check would be to just use a Packaged App of some form, but that's not very convenient. You could try setting the flag manually by writing to the PEB, however that can result in the process not working too well afterwards (at least I couldn't get normal applications to run if I set the flag).

What is LdrpSetModuleSigningLevel actually doing? Perhaps we can just bypass the check?

NTSTATUS LdrpSetModuleSigningLevel(HANDLE FileHandle, BYTE SigningLevel) {
    DWORD Flags;
    BYTE CurrentLevel;
    NTSTATUS status = NtGetCachedSigningLevel(FileHandle, &Flags, &CurrentLevel);
    if (NT_SUCCESS(status))
        status = NtCompareSigningLevel(CurrentLevel, SigningLevel);
    if (!NT_SUCCESS(status))
        status = NtSetCachedSigningLevel(4, SigningLevel, &FileHandle);
    return status;


The code is using a the NtGetCachedSigningLevel and NtSetCachedSigningLevel system calls to use the kernel's Code Integrity module to checking the signing level. The signing level must be at least level 8, passing in from the earlier code, which corresponds to the "Microsoft" level. This ties in with everything we know, using a Microsoft signed DLL loads but a signed non-Microsoft one doesn't as it wouldn't be set to the Microsoft signing level.

The cached signature checks have had multiple flaws before now. For example watch my UMCI presentation from OffensiveCon. In theory everything has been fixed for now, but can we still bypass it?

The key to the bypass is noting that the process we want to load the DLL into isn't actually running with an elevated signing level, such as Microsoft only DLLs or Protected Process. This means the cached image section in the SECTION_OBJECT_POINTERS structure doesn't have to correspond to the file data on disk. This is effectively the same attack as the one in my blog on Virtual Box (see section "Exploiting Kernel-Mode Image Loading Behavior").

Therefore the attack we can perform is as follows:

1. Copy unsigned Import Redirection DLL to a temporary file.
2. Open the temporary file for RWX access.
3. Create an image section object for the file then map the section into memory.
4. Rewrite the file with the contents of a Microsoft signed DLL.
5. Close the file and section handles, but do not unmap the memory.
6. Start a process specifying the temporary file as the DLL to load in the RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS structure.
7. Profit?

Copy of CMD running with the CreateProcess hook installed.

Of course if you're willing to write data to the new process you could just disable the check, but where's the fun in that :-)

Digging into the WSL P9 File System

Windows 10 version 1903 is upon us, which gives me a good reason to go looking at what new features have been added I can find bugs in. As it's clear people seem to appreciate fluff rather than in-depth technical analysis I thought I'd provide a overview of my process I undertook to look at one new feature, the P9 file system added for the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). The aim is to show my approach to analyzing a feature with the minimum amount of reverse engineering, ideally with no disassembly.


When WSL was first introduced it had a pretty poor story for interoperability between the Linux instance and the host Windows environment. In the early versions the only, officially supported, way to interop was through DrvFS which allows you to mount local Windows drives into the Linux environment. This story has changed over time such as adding support to start Windows executables from Linux and better NTFS case-sensitivity support (which I blogged about already).

But one fairly large pain point remained, accessing Linux files from Windows applications. You could do it, the files are stored inside the distro's package directory (%LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\DISTRO\LocalState\rootfs), so you could open them directly. However WSL relies on various tricks to deal with the mismatch between Windows and Unix-style filesystem semantics, such as storing the UID/GID and file permission bits in extended attributes. Modifying these files using an unenlightened Windows application could result in corruption of the file state which in the worse case could break the distro.

With the release of 1903 the WSL team (if such a thing exists) looks to be trying to solve this problem once and for all. This blog introduced the new feature, accessing Linux files via a UNC path. I felt this warranted at least a small amount of investigation to see how it works and whether there's any quick wins or low-hanging fruit.

Understanding the Feature

The first thing I needed was to setup a x64 version of 1903 in a Hyper-V VM. I then made the following changes, which I would always do regardless of what I end up using the VM for:
  • Disabled SecureBoot for the VM.
  • Enabled kernel debugging through BCDEDIT. Note that I tend to be paranoid enough to disable NICs in the VM (and my success of setting up alternative debug transports is mixed) so I resort to serial debugging over a named pipe. Note that for Gen 2 Hyper-V VMs you can't add a serial port from the UI, instead you need use the Set-VMComPort PowerShell cmdlet.
  • Install my tooling, such as NtObjectManager and SysInternals suite, especially Process Monitor.
  • Enabled the Windows Subsystem for Linux feature.
  • Install a distro of choice from the Windows Store. Debian is the most lightweight, but any will do for our purposes. Note that you don't need to login to the Store to get the distro, though the app will do its best to convince you otherwise. Don't listen to its lies.
With a VM in hand we can now start the investigation. The first thing I do is take any official information at face value and use that to narrow the scope. For example reading the official blog post I could determine the following:
  • The feature uses the Plan 9 Filesystem Protocol to access files.
  • The files are accessed via the UNC path \\WSL$\DISTRO but only when the distro is running.
  • The P9 server is hosted in the init process when the distro starts.
  • The P9 server uses UNIX sockets for communication.
Based on those observations the first thing I want to do is try and find how the UNC path is implemented. The rationale for starting at the UNC path is simple, that's the only externally observable feature described in the blog post. Everything else, such as the use of P9 or UNIX sockets could be incorrect. I'm not expecting the blog post to outright lie about the implementation, but there's sometimes more important details to get right than others. It's worth noting here that you should increase your skepticism of a feature's technical description the older the blog post is as things can and will change.

If we can find how the UNC path is implemented that should also lead us to whether P9 is used as well as what transport the feature is using. An important question is whether these files are really accessed via the UNC path, which would imply kernel support, or is it only in Explorer? This is important to allow us to track down where the implementation lies. For example it's possible that if the feature only works in Explorer it could be implemented as a shell extension, similar to how MTP/PTP is supported.

To determine whether its a kernel driver or a shell extension it's as simple as opening the UNC path using the lowest possible function, which in this case means calling a system call. Invoking a system call will also eliminate the chance the WSL UNC path is implemented using some new feature added to the Win32 APIs. As my NtObjectManager module directly calls the NtOpenFile system call we can use that to do the test. I ran the following PowerShell command to check on the result:

$f = Get-NtFile \??\UNC\wsl$\Debian\bin\bash

This command successfully opens the BASH executable file. This is a clear indication that we now need to look at the kernel to find the driver responsible for implementing the UNC path. This is commonly implemented by writing a Network Mini-Redirector which handles a lot of the setup with the Multiple UNC Provider (MUP) and the IO Manager.

At this point the assumption would be the mini-redirector would be implemented in the LXCORE system driver which implements the rest of WSL. However a quick check of the imports with the DUMPBIN tool, shows the driver doesn't import anything from RDBSS which would be crucial for the implementation of a mini-redirector. 

To find the actual driver name I'll go for the simplest, brute force approach, just list all drivers which import RDBSS and see if any are obvious candidates based on name. You could achieve this in one of many ways, for example you could implement a PE file parser and check the imports, you could script DUMPBIN, or you could just GREP (well FINDSTR) for RSBSS, which is what I'll do. I ran the following:

c:\> findstr /I /M rdbss c:\windows\system32\drivers\*.sys

In the FINDSTR command I just list all drivers which contain the case insensitive string RDBSS and print out the filename only (unless you enjoy terminal beeps). The result of this process is a clear candidate P9RDR. This also likely confirms the use of the P9 protocol, though of course we should never jump the gun on this. 

We could throw the driver into a disassembler at this point and start RE, but I don't want to go there just yet. Instead, in the spirit of laziness I'll throw the driver into STRINGS and get out all printable debug string information, of which there's likely to be some. I typically use the SysInternals STRINGS rather than the BINUTILS one, just as I usually always have it installed on any test system and it handles Unicode and ANSI strings with no additional argument. Below is some of the output from the tool:

c:\> strings c:\Windows\system32\drivers\p9rdr.sys
P9: Invalid share name in P9RDR_ADD_CONNECTION_TARGET_INPUT.

We can see a few things here, firstly we can see the WSL$ prefix, this is a good indication that we're in the right place. Second we can see a device name which gives us a good indication that there's expected to be communication from user-mode to kernel mode to configure the device. And finally we can see the string "AF_UNIX" which ties in nicely with our expectation that Unix Sockets are being used.

One this which is missing from the STRINGS output is any indication of the Unix socket file name being used. Unix sockets can be used in an "abstract" fashion, however typically you access the socket through a file path on disk. It's most likely that a file is how the driver and communicates with the socket (I don't even know if Windows supports the "abstract" socket names). Therefore if it is indeed using a file it's not a fixed filename. The kernel has support for a socket library so again maybe this would be the place we could go disassembling, but instead we'll just do some dynamic analysis using PROCMON.

In order to open a socket from a file there must be some attempt to call the IO Manager to open it, this in turn would likely be detectable using PROCMON's filter driver. We can therefore make the following assumptions:

  • The file open can be detected in PROCMON.
  • The socket file will be opened in the context of the first process to open the UNC path.
  • The open request will have the P9RDR driver on the call stack.
The first assumption is a general problem with PROCMON. There are ways of opening files, such as inside another filter driver which cannot be detected by PROCMON as it never receives the request. However we'll assume that is can be detected, of course if we don't find it we might have to resort to disassembly or kernel debugging after all. 

The second assumption is based on the fact the WSL distribution isn't always running, therefore any Unix socket file would only be opened on demand, and for reasons of laziness is likely to be in the same process that first makes the request. It could push the request to a background thread, but it seems unlikely. By making this assumption we can filter PROCMON to only show open file requests from a known process.

The final assumption is there to filter down all possible open file requests to the ones we care about. As the driver is a mini-redirector the call chain is likely to be IO Manager to MUP to RDBSS to P9RDR to UNIX SOCKET. Therefore we only care about anything which goes through the driver of interest. This assumption is more important if assumption 2 is false as it might mean that we couldn't filter to a specific process, but we'll go with it anyway on the basis that it's useful technique to learn.

Based on the assumptions we can set PROCMON's filters for a specific process (we'll use PowerShell again) and filter for all CreateFile operations. The Windows kernel doesn't specifically differentiate between open and create calls (open is a specific case of create) so PROCMON doesn't either.

PROCMON Filter View showing filtering on powershell process name and CreateFile operation.

What about the call stack? As far as I can tell you can't filter on the call stack directly, instead we'll do something else. But first gather a trace of a PowerShell session where you execute the Get-NtFile command show earlier in this blog post. Now we want to save the trace as an XML file. Why an XML file? First, the XML format is easy to access, unlike the native PML format. However, the real answer is shown in the following screenshot.

PROCMON Save Dialog showing options for XML output including stack traces.

The screenshot shows the options for exporting to XML. It allows us to save the call stacks for all trace events. It will even resolve symbols, however as we're only interested in the module on the stack not the name we can select to include the stack trace, but not symbol resolving. With an exported trace we can now filter the calls based using a simple XPath expression. The following is a simple PowerShell script to run the XPath query.

$xml = [xml]$(Get-Content "LogFile.XML")
$xml.SelectNodes("//event[stack/frame[contains(path, 'p9rdr')]]/Path[text()]")

The script is pretty simple, if you "cast" a text file to an XML object (using [xml]) PowerShell will create an XML DOM Document from the text. With the Document object we can now call SelectNodes with an appropriate XPath. In this case we just want to select all Path of all events which have a stack trace frame containing the P9RDR module. Running this script against the capture results in one hit:


DISTRO is the name of the Store package you installed the distro from, for example Debian is installed into TheDebianProject.DebianGNULinux_76v4gfsz19hv4. With a file name of fsserver it seems pretty clear what the file is for, but just to check lets open the event back in PROCMON and look at the call stack.

PROCMON call stack opening fsserver showing AFUNIX driver and P9RDR.

I've highlighted areas of interest, at the top there's the calls through the AFUNIX driver, which demonstrates that the file is being opened due a UNIX socket connection being made. At the bottom we can see a list of calls in the P9RDR driver. As symbol resolving is enabled we can use the symbol information to target specific areas of the driver for reverse engineering. Also now we know the path we can put this back into PROCMON as a filter and from that we can confirm that it's the init process which is responsible for setting up the file server.

In conclusion we can at least confirm a few things which we didn't know before.
  • The handling of the UNC paths is handled entirely in kernel mode via a mini-redirector. This makes the file system more interesting from a security perspective as it's parsing arbitrary user data in the kernel.
  • The file system uses UNIX sockets for communication, this is handled by the kernel driver and the main init process.
  • The socket protocol is presumably P9 based on the driver name, however we've not actually confirmed that to be true.
There's of course still things we'd want to know:
  • How is the UNC mappings configured? Via the device driver?
  • Is the protocol actually P9, if so what information is being passed across?
  • How well "fuzzed" are the protocol parsers.
  • Does this file system have any other interesting behaviors.
Some of those things will have to wait for another blog post.
