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Autoharness - A Tool That Automatically Creates Fuzzing Harnesses Based On A Library

By: Zion3R

AutoHarness is a tool that automatically generates fuzzing harnesses for you. This idea stems from a concurrent problem in fuzzing codebases today: large codebases have thousands of functions and pieces of code that can be embedded fairly deep into the library. It is very hard or sometimes even impossible for smart fuzzers to reach that codepath. Even for large fuzzing projects such as oss-fuzz, there are still parts of the codebase that are not covered in fuzzing. Hence, this program tries to alleviate this problem in some capacity as well as provide a tool that security researchers can use to initially test a code base. This program only supports code bases which are coded in C and C++.


This program utilizes llvm and clang for libfuzzer, Codeql for finding functions, and python for the general program. This program was tested on Ubuntu 20.04 with llvm 12 and python 3. Here is the initial setup.

sudo apt-get update;
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip llvm-12* clang-12 git;
pip3 install pandas lief subprocess os argparse ast;

Follow the installation procedure for Codeql on Make sure to install the CLI tools and the libraries. For my testing, I have stored both the tools and libraries under one folder. Finally, clone this repository or download a release. Here is the program's output after running on nginx with the multiple argument mode set. This is the command I used.

python3 -L /home/akshat/nginx-1.21.0/objs/ -C /home/akshat/codeql-h/ -M 1 -O /home/akshat/autoharness/ -D nginx -G 1 -Y 1 -F "-I /home/akshat/nginx-1.21.0/objs -I /home/akshat/nginx-1.21.0/src/core -I /home/akshat/nginx-1.21.0/src/event -I /home/akshat/nginx-1.21.0/src/http -I /home/akshat/nginx-1.21.0/src/mail -I /home/akshat/nginx-1.21.0/src/misc -I /home/akshat/nginx-1.21.0/src/os -I /home/akshat/nginx-1.21.0/src/stream -I /home/akshat/nginx-1.21.0/src/os/unix" -X ngx_config.h,ngx_core.h


 It is definitely possible to raise the success by further debugging the compilation and adding more header files and more. Note the nginx project does not have any shared objects after compiling. However, this program does have a feature that can convert PIE executables into shared libraries.

Planned Features (in order of progress)

  1. Struct Fuzzing

The current way implemented in the program to fuzz functions with multiple arguments is by using fuzzing data provider. There are some improvements to make in this integration; however, I believe I can incorporate this feature with data structures. A problem which I come across when coding this is with codeql and nested structs. It becomes especially hard without writing multiple queries which vary for every function. In short, this feature needs more work. I was also thinking about a simple solution using protobufs.

  1. Implementation Based Harness Creation

Using codeql, it is possible to use to generate a control flow graph that maps how the parameters in a function are initialized. Using that information, we can create a better harness. Another way is to look for implementations for the function that exist in the library and use that information to make an educated guess on an implementation of the function as a harness. The problems I currently have with this are generating the control flow graphs with codeql.

  1. Parallelized fuzzing/False Positive Detection

I can create a simple program that runs all the harnesses and picks up on any of the common false positives using ASAN. Also, I can create a new interface that runs all the harnesses at once and displays their statistics.


If you find any bugs with this program, please create an issue. I will try to come up with a fix. Also, if you have any ideas on any new features or how to implement performance upgrades or the current planned features, please create a pull request or an issue with the tag (contribution).


This tool generates some false positives. Please first analyze the crashes and see if it is valid bug or if it is just an implementation bug. Also, you can enable the debug mode if some functions are not compiling. This will help you understand if there are some header files that you are missing or any linkage issues. If the project you are working on does not have shared libraries but an executable, make sure to compile the executable in PIE form so that this program can convert it into a shared library.


Karta - Source Code Assisted Fast Binary Matching Plugin For IDA

By: Zion3R

"Karta" (Russian for "Map") is an IDA Python plugin that identifies and matches open-sourced libraries in a given binary. The plugin uses a unique technique that enables it to support huge binaries (>200,000 functions), with almost no impact on the overall performance.

The matching algorithm is location-driven. This means that it's main focus is to locate the different compiled files, and match each of the file's functions based on their original order within the file. This way, the matching depends on K (number of functions in the open source) instead of N (size of the binary), gaining a significant performance boost as usually N >> K.

We believe that there are 3 main use cases for this IDA plugin:

  1. Identifying a list of used open sources (and their versions) when searching for a useful 1-Day
  2. Matching the symbols of supported open sources to help reverse engineer a malware
  3. Matching the symbols of supported open sources to help reverse engineer a binary / firmware when searching for 0-Days in proprietary code

Read The Docs

Installation (Python 3 & IDA >= 7.4)

For the latest versions, using Python 3, simply git clone the repository and run the install script. Python 3 is supported since versions v2.0.0 and above.

Installation (Python 2 & IDA < 7.4)

As of the release of IDA 7.4, Karta is only actively developed for IDA 7.4 or newer, and Python 3. Python 2 and older IDA versions are still supported using the release version v1.2.0, which is most probably going to be the last supported version due to python 2.X end of life.


Karta's identifier is a smaller plugin that identifies the existence, and fingerprints the versions, of the existing (supported) open source libraries within the binary. No more need to reverse engineer the same open-source library again-and-again, simply run the identifier plugin and get a detailed list of the used open sources. Karta currently supports more than 10 open source libraries, including:

  • OpenSSL
  • Libpng
  • Libjpeg
  • NetSNMP
  • zlib
  • Etc.


After identifying the used open sources, one can compile a .JSON configuration file for a specific library (libpng version 1.2.29 for instance). Once compiled, Karta will automatically attempt to match the functions (symbols) of the open source in the loaded binary. In addition, in case your open source used external functions (memcpy, fread, or zlib_inflate), Karta will also attempt to match those external functions as well.

Folder Structure
  • src: source directory for the plugin
  • configs: pre-supplied *.JSON configuration files (hoping the community will contribute more)
  • compilations: compilation tips for generating the configuration files, and lessons from past open sources
  • docs: sphinx documentation directory

Additional Reading


This project was developed by me (see contact details below) with help and support from my research group at Check Point (Check Point Research).

Contact (Updated)

This repository was developed and maintained by me, Eyal Itkin, during my years at Check Point Research. Sadly, with my departure of the research group, I will no longer be able to maintain this repository. This is mainly because of the long list of requirements for running all of the regression tests, and the IDA Pro versions that are involved in the process.

Please accept my sincere apology.


LazySign - Create Fake Certs For Binaries Using Windows Binaries And The Power Of Bat Files

By: Zion3R

Create fake certs for binaries using windows binaries and the power of bat files

Over the years, several cool tools have been released that are capeable of stealing or forging fake signatures for binary files. All of these tools however, have additional dependencies which require Go,python,...

This repo gives you the opportunity of fake signing with 0 additional dependencies, all of the binaries used are part of Microsoft's own devkits. I took the liberty of writing a bat file to make things easy.

So if you are lazy like me, just clone the git, run the bat, follow the instructions and enjoy your new fake signed binary. With some adjustments it could even be used to sign using valid certs as well ¯\(ツ)

DcRat - A Simple Remote Tool Written In C#

DcRat is a simple remote tool written in C#


  • TCP connection with certificate verification, stable and security
  • Server IP port can be archived through link
  • Multi-Server,multi-port support
  • Plugin system through Dll, which has strong expansibility
  • Super tiny client size (about 40~50K)
  • Data transform with msgpack (better than JSON and other formats)
  • Logging system recording all events

  • Remote shell
  • Remote desktop
  • Remote camera
  • Registry Editor
  • File management
  • Process management
  • Netstat
  • Remote recording
  • Process notification
  • Send file
  • Inject file
  • Download and Execute
  • Send notification
  • Chat
  • Open website
  • Modify wallpaper
  • Keylogger
  • File lookup
  • DDOS
  • Ransomware
  • Disable Windows Defender
  • Disable UAC
  • Password recovery
  • Open CD
  • Lock screen
  • Client shutdown/restart/upgrade/uninstall
  • System shutdown/restart/logout
  • Bypass Uac
  • Get computer information
  • Thumbnails
  • Auto task
  • Mutex
  • Process protection
  • Block client
  • Install with schtasks
  • etc

  • Build:vs2019
  • Runtime:
Project Runtime
Server .NET Framework 4.61
Client and others .NET Framework 4.0

  • The following systems (32 and 64 bit) are supported
    • Windows XP SP3
    • Windows Server 2003
    • Windows Vista
    • Windows Server 2008
    • Windows 7
    • Windows Server 2012
    • Windows 8/8.1
    • Windows 10

  • Password recovery and other stealer (only chrome and edge are supported now)
  • Reverse Proxy
  • Hidden VNC
  • Hidden RDP
  • Hidden Browser
  • Client Map
  • Real time Microphone
  • Some fun function
  • Information Collection(Maybe with UI)
  • Support unicode in Remote Shell
  • Support Folder Download
  • Support more ways to install Clients
  • ……


Open the project in Visual Studio 2019 and press CTRL+SHIFT+B.


Press here to download the lastest release.


I (qwqdanchun) am not responsible for any actions and/or damages caused by your use or dissemination of the software. You are fully responsible for any use of the software and acknowledge that the software is only used for educational and research purposes. If you download the software or the source code of the software, you will automatically agree with the above content.


Kaiju - A Binary Analysis Framework Extension For The Ghidra Software Reverse Engineering Suite

CERT Kaiju is a collection of binary analysis tools for Ghidra.

This is a Ghidra/Java implementation of some features of the CERT Pharos Binary Analysis Framework, particularly the function hashing and malware analysis tools, but is expected to grow new tools and capabilities over time.

As this is a new effort, this implementation does not yet have full feature parity with the original C++ implementation based on ROSE; however, the move to Java and Ghidra has actually enabled some new features not available in the original framework -- notably, improved handling of non-x86 architectures. Since some significant re-architecting of the framework and tools is taking place, and the move to Java and Ghidra enables different capabilities than the C++ implementation, the decision was made to utilize new branding such that there would be less confusion between implementations when discussing the different tools and capabilities.

Our intention for the near future is to maintain both the original Pharos framework as well as Kaiju, side-by-side, since both can provide unique features and capabilities.

CAVEAT: As a prototype, there are many issues that may come up when evaluating the function hashes created by this plugin. For example, unlike the Pharos implementation, Kaiju's function hashing module will create hashes for very small functions (e.g., ones with a single instruction like RET causing many more unintended collisions). As such, analytical results may vary between this plugin and Pharos fn2hash.

Quick Installation

Pre-built Kaiju packages are available. Simply download the ZIP file corresponding with your version of Ghidra and install according to the instructions below. It is recommended to install via Ghidra's graphical interface, but it is also possible to manually unzip into the appropriate directory to install.

CERT Kaiju requires the following runtime dependencies:

NOTE: It is also possible to build the extension package on your own and install it. Please see the instructions under the "Build Kaiju Yourself" section below.

Graphical Installation

Start Ghidra, and from the opening window, select from the menu: File > Install Extension. Click the plus sign at the top of the extensions window, navigate and select the .zip file in the file browser and hit OK. The extension will be installed and a checkbox will be marked next to the name of the extension in the window to let you know it is installed and ready.

The interface will ask you to restart Ghidra to start using the extension. Simply restart, and then Kaiju's extra features will be available for use interactively or in scripts.

Some functionality may require enabling Kaiju plugins. To do this, open the Code Browser then navigate to the menu File > Configure. In the window that pops up, click the Configure link below the "CERT Kaiju" category icon. A pop-up will display all available publicly released Kaiju plugins. Check any plugins you wish to activate, then hit OK. You will now have access to interactive plugin features.

If a plugin is not immediately visible once enabled, you can find the plugin underneath the Window menu in the Code Browser.

Experimental "alpha" versions of future tools may be available from the "Experimental" category if you wish to test them. However these plugins are definitely experimental and unsupported and not recommended for production use. We do welcome early feedback though!

Manual Installation

Ghidra extensions like Kaiju may also be installed manually by unzipping the extension contents into the appropriate directory of your Ghidra installation. For more information, please see The Ghidra Installation Guide.


Kaiju's tools may be used either in an interactive graphical way, or via a "headless" mode more suited for batch jobs. Some tools may only be available for graphical or headless use, by the nature of the tool.

Interactive Graphical Interface

Kaiju creates an interactive graphical interface (GUI) within Ghidra utilizing Java Swing and Ghidra's plugin architecture.

Most of Kaiju's tools are actually Analysis plugins that run automatically when the "Auto Analysis" option is chosen, either upon import of a new executable to disassemble, or by directly choosing Analysis > Auto Analyze... from the code browser window. You will see several CERT Analysis plugins selected by default in the Auto Analyze tool, but you can enable/disable any as desired.

The Analysis tools must be run before the various GUI tools will work, however. In some corner cases, it may even be helpful to run the Auto Analysis twice to ensure all of the metadata is produced to create correct partitioning and disassembly information, which in turn can influence the hashing results.

Analyzers are automatically run during Ghidra's analysis phase and include:

  • DisasmImprovements = improves the function partitioning of the disassembly compared to the standard Ghidra partitioning.
  • Fn2Hash = calculates function hashes for all functions in a program and is used to generate YARA signatures for programs.

The GUI tools include:

  • Function Hash Viewer = a plugin that displays an interactive list of functions in a program and several types of hashes. Analysts can use this to export one or more functions from a program into YARA signatures.
    • Select Window > CERT Function Hash Viewer from the menu to get started with this tool if it is not already visible. A new window will appear displaying a table of hashes and other data. Buttons along the top of the window can refresh the table or export data to file or a YARA signature. This window may also be docked into the main Ghidra CodeBrowser for easier use alongside other plugins. More extensive usage documentation can be found in Ghidra's Help > Contents menu when using the tool.
  • OOAnalyzer JSON Importer = a plugin that can load, parse, and apply Pharos-generated OOAnalyzer results to object oriented C++ executables in a Ghidra project. When launched, the plugin will prompt the user for the JSON output file produced by OOAnalyzer that contains information about recovered C++ classes. After loading the JSON file, recovered C++ data types and symbols found by OOAnalyzer are updated in the Ghidra Code Browser. The plugin's design and implementation details are described in our SEI blog post titled Using OOAnalyzer to Reverse Engineer Object Oriented Code with Ghidra.
    • Select CERT > OOAnalyzer Importer from the menu to get started with this tool. A simple dialog popup will ask you to locate the JSON file you wish to import. More extensive usage documentation can be found in Ghidra's Help > Contents menu when using the tool.

Command-line "Headless" Mode

Ghidra also supports a "headless" mode allowing tools to be run in some circumstances without use of the interactive GUI. These commands can therefore be utilized for scripting and "batch mode" jobs of large numbers of files.

The headless tools largely rely on Ghidra's GhidraScript functionality.

Headless tools include:

  • fn2hash = automatically run Fn2Hash on a given program and export all the hashes to a CSV file specified
  • fn2yara = automatically run Fn2Hash on a given program and export all hash data as YARA signatures to the file specified
  • fnxrefs = analyze a Program and export a list of Functions based on entry point address that have cross-references in data or other parts of the Program

A simple shell launch script named kaijuRun has been included to run these headless commands for simple scenarios, such as outputing the function hashes for every function in a single executable. Assuming the GHIDRA_INSTALL_DIR variable is set, one might for example run the launch script on a single executable as follows:

$GHIDRA_INSTALL_DIR/Ghidra/Extensions/kaiju/kaijuRun fn2hash example.exe

This command would output the results to an automatically named file as example.exe.Hashes.csv.

Basic help for the kaijuRun script is available by running:

$GHIDRA_INSTALL_DIR/Ghidra/Extensions/kaiju/kaijuRun --help

Please see docs/ file in the repository for more information on using this mode and the kaijuRun launcher script.

Further Documentation and Help

More comprehensive documentation and help is available, in one of two formats.

See the docs/ directory for Markdown-formatted documentation and help for all Kaiju tools and components. These documents are easy to maintain and edit and read even from a command line.

Alternatively, you may find the same documentation in Ghidra's built-in help system. To access these help docs, from the Ghidra menu, go to Help > Contents and then select CERT Kaiju from the tree navigation on the left-hand side of the help window.

Please note that the Ghidra Help documentation is the exact same content as the Markdown files in the docs/ directory; thanks to an in-tree gradle plugin, gradle will automatically parse the Markdown and export into Ghidra HTML during the build process. This allows even simpler maintenance (update docs in just one place, not two) and keeps the two in sync.

All new documentation should be added to the docs/ directory.

Building Kaiju Yourself Using Gradle

Alternately to the pre-built packages, you may compile and build Kaiju yourself.

Build Dependencies

CERT Kaiju requires the following build dependencies:

  • Ghidra 9.1+ (9.2+ recommended)
  • gradle 6.4+ (latest gradle 6.x recommended, 7.x not supported)
  • GSON 2.8.6
  • Java 11+ (we recommend OpenJDK 11)

NOTE ABOUT GRADLE: Please ensure that gradle is building against the same JDK version in use by Ghidra on your system, or you may experience installation problems.

NOTE ABOUT GSON: In most cases, Gradle will automatically obtain this for you. If you find that you need to obtain it manually, you can download gson-2.8.6.jar and place it in the kaiju/lib directory.

Build Instructions

Once dependencies are installed, Kaiju may be built as a Ghidra extension by using the gradle build tool. It is recommended to first set a Ghidra environment variable, as Ghidra installation instructions specify.

In short: set GHIDRA_INSTALL_DIR as an environment variable first, then run gradle without any options:

export GHIDRA_INSTALL_DIR=<Absolute path to Ghidra install dir>

NOTE: Your Ghidra install directory is the directory containing the ghidraRun script (the top level directory after unzipping the Ghidra release distribution into the location of your choice.)

If for some reason your environment variable is not or can not be set, you can also specify it on the command like with:

gradle -PGHIDRA_INSTALL_DIR=<Absolute path to Ghidra install dir>

In either case, the newly-built Kaiju extension will appear as a .zip file within the dist/ directory. The filename will include "Kaiju", the version of Ghidra it was built against, and the date it was built. If all goes well, you should see a message like the following that tells you the name of your built plugin.

Created in <path/to>/kaiju/dist

where X.Y.Z is the version of Ghidra you are using, and YYYYMMDD is the date you built this Kaiju extension.

Optional: Running Tests With AUTOCATS

While not required, you may want to use the Kaiju testing suite to verify proper compilation and ensure there are no regressions while testing new code or before you install Kaiju in a production environment.

In order to run the Kaiju testing suite, you will need to first obtain the AUTOCATS (AUTOmated Code Analysis Testing Suite). AUTOCATS contains a number of executables and related data to perform tests and check for regressions in Kaiju. These test cases are shared with the Pharos binary analysis framework, therefore AUTOCATS is located in a separate git repository.

Clone the AUTOCATS repository with:

git clone

We recommend cloning the AUTOCATS repository into the same parent directory that holds Kaiju, but you may clone it anywhere you wish.

The tests can then be run with:

gradle -PKAIJU_AUTOCATS_DIR=path/to/autocats/dir test

where of course the correct path is provided to your cloned AUTOCATS repository directory. If cloned to the same parent directory as Kaiju as recommended, the command would look like:

gradle -PKAIJU_AUTOCATS_DIR=../autocats test

The tests cannot be run without providing this path; if you do forget it, gradle will abort and give an error message about providing this path.

Kaiju has a dependency on JUnit 5 only for running tests. Gradle should automatically retrieve and use JUnit, but you may also download JUnit and manually place into lib/ directory of Kaiju if needed.

You will want to run the update command whenever you pull the latest Kaiju source code, to ensure they stay in sync.

First-Time "Headless" Gradle-based Installation

If you compiled and built your own Kaiju extension, you may alternately install the extension directly on the command line via use of gradle. Be sure to set GHIDRA_INSTALL_DIR as an environment variable first (if you built Kaiju too, then you should already have this defined), then run gradle as follows:

export GHIDRA_INSTALL_DIR=<Absolute path to Ghidra install dir>
gradle install

or if you are unsure if the environment variable is set,

gradle -PGHIDRA_INSTALL_DIR=<Absolute path to Ghidra install dir> install

Extension files should be copied automatically. Kaiju will be available for use after Ghidra is restarted.

NOTE: Be sure that Ghidra is NOT running before using gradle to install. We are aware of instances when the caching does not appear to update properly if installed while Ghidra is running, leading to some odd bugs. If this happens to you, simply exit Ghidra and try reinstalling again.

Consider Removing Your Old Installation First

It might be helpful to first completely remove any older install of Kaiju before updating to a newer release. We've seen some cases where older versions of Kaiju files get stuck in the cache and cause interesting bugs due to the conflicts. By removing the old install first, you'll ensure a clean re-install and easy use.

The gradle build process now can auto-remove previous installs of Kaiju if you enable this feature. To enable the autoremove, add the "KAIJU_AUTO_REMOVE" property to your install command, such as (assuming the environment variable is probably set as in previous section):

gradle -PKAIJU_AUTO_REMOVE install

If you'd prefer to remove your old installation manually, perform a command like:

rm -rf $GHIDRA_INSTALL_DIR/Extensions/Ghidra/*kaiju*.zip $GHIDRA_INSTALL_DIR/Ghidra/Extensions/kaiju

Php_Code_Analysis - San your PHP code for vulnerabilities

This script will scan your code

the script can find

  1. check_file_upload issues
  2. host_header_injection
  3. SQl injection
  4. insecure deserialization
  5. open_redirect
  6. SSRF
  7. XSS
  8. LFI
  9. command_injection

  1. fast
  2. simple report

python <file name> >>> this will scan one file
python >>> this will scan full folder (.)
python <path> >>> scan full folder

Retoolkit - Reverse Engineer's Toolkit

By: Zion3R

This is a collection of tools you may like if you are interested on reverse engineering and/or malware analysis on x86 and x64 Windows systems. After installing this toolkit you'll have a folder in your desktop with shortcuts to RE tools like these:

Why do I need it?

You don't. Obviously, you can download such tools from their own website and install them by yourself in a new VM. But if you download retoolkit, it can probably save you some time. Additionally, the tools come pre-configured so you'll find things like x64dbg with a few plugins, command-line tools working from any directory, etc. You may like it if you're setting up a new analysis VM.


The *.iss files you see here are the source code for our setup program built with Inno Setup. To download the real thing, you have to go to the Releases section and download the setup program.

Included tools

Check the wiki.

Is it safe to install it in my environment?

I don't know. Some included tools are not open source and come from shady places. You should use it exclusively in virtual machines and under your own responsibility.

Can you add tool X?

It depends. The idea is to keep it simple. We won't add a tool just because it's not here yet. But if you think there's a good reason to do so, and the license allows us to redistribuite the software, please file a request here.

DLLHSC - DLL Hijack SCanner A Tool To Assist With The Discovery Of Suitable Candidates For DLL Hijacking

By: Zion3R

DLL Hijack SCanner - A tool to generate leads and automate the discovery of candidates for DLL Search Order Hijacking

Contents of this repository

This repository hosts the Visual Studio project file for the tool (DLLHSC), the project file for the API hooking functionality (detour), the project file for the payload and last but not least the compiled executables for x86 and x64 architecture (in the release section of this repo). The code was written and compiled with Visual Studio Community 2019.

If you choose to compile the tool from source, you will need to compile the projects DLLHSC, detour and payload. The DLLHSC implements the core functionality of this tool. The detour project generates a DLL that is used to hook APIs. And the payload project generates the DLL that is used as a proof of concept to check if the tested executable can load it via search order hijacking. The generated payload has to be placed in the same directory with DLLHSC and detour named payload32.dll for x86 and payload64.dll for x64 architecture.

Modes of operation

The tool implements 3 modes of operation which are explained below.

Lightweight Mode

Loads the executable image in memory, parses the Import table and then replaces any DLL referred in the Import table with a payload DLL.

The tool places in the application directory only a module (DLL) the is not present in the application directory, does not belong to WinSxS and does not belong to the KnownDLLs.

The payload DLL upon execution, creates a file in the following path: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Temp\DLLHSC.tmp as a proof of execution. The tool launches the application and reports if the payload DLL was executed by checking if the temporary file exists. As some executables import functions from the DLLs they load, error message boxes may be shown up when the provided DLL fails to export these functions and thus meet the dependencies of the provided image. However, the message boxes indicate the DLL may be a good candidate for payload execution if the dependencies are met. In this case, additional analysis is required. The title of these message boxes may contain the strings: Ordinal Not Found or Entry Point Not Found. DLLHSC looks for windows that contain these strings, closes them as soon as they shown up and reports the results.

List Modules Mode

Creates a process with the provided executable image, enumerates the modules that are loaded in the address space of this process and reports the results after applying filters.

The tool only reports the modules loaded from the System directory and do not belong to the KnownDLLs. The results are leads that require additional analysis. The analyst can then place the reported modules in the application directory and check if the application loads the provided module instead.

Run-Time Mode

Hooks the LoadLibrary and LoadLibraryEx APIs via Microsoft Detours and reports the modules that are loaded in run-time.

Each time the scanned application calls LoadLibrary and LoadLibraryEx, the tool intercepts the call and writes the requested module in the file C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Temp\DLLHSCRTLOG.tmp. If the LoadLibraryEx is specifically called with the flag LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32, no output is written to the file. After all interceptions have finished, the tool reads the file and prints the results. Of interest for further analysis are modules that do not exist in the KnownDLLs registry key, modules that do not exist in the System directory and modules with no full path (for these modules loader applies the normal search order).

Compile and Run Guidance

Should you choose to compile the tool from source it is recommended to do so on Visual Code Studio 2019. In order the tool to function properly, the projects DLLHSC, detour and payload have to be compiled for the same architecture and then placed in the same directory. Please note that the DLL generated from the project payload has to be renamed to payload32.dll for 32-bit architecture or payload64.dll for 64-bit architecture.

Help menu

The help menu for this application

dllhsc - DLL Hijack SCanner

dllhsc.exe -h

dllhsc.exe -e <executable image path> (-l|-lm|-rt) [-t seconds]

DLLHSC scans a given executable image for DLL Hijacking and reports the results

It requires elevated privileges

-h, --help
display this help menu and exit

-e, --executable-image
executable image to scan

-l, --lightweight
parse the import table, attempt to launch a payload and report the results

-lm, --list-modules
list loaded modules that do not exist in the application's directory

-rt, --runtime-load
display modules loaded in run-time by hooking LoadLibrary and LoadLibraryEx APIs

-t, --timeout
number of seconds to wait f or checking any popup error windows - defaults to 10 seconds

Example Runs

This section provides examples on how you can run DLLHSC and the results it reports. For this purpose, the legitimate Microsoft utility OleView.exe (MD5: D1E6767900C85535F300E08D76AAC9AB) was used. For better results, it is recommended that the provided executable image is scanned within its installation directory.

The flag -l parses the import table of the provided executable, applies filters and attempts to weaponize the imported modules by placing a payload DLL in the application's current directory. The scanned executable may pop an error box when dependencies for the payload DLL (exported functions) are not met. In this case, an error message box is poped. DLLHSC by default checks for 10 seconds if a message box was opened or for as many seconds as specified by the user with the flag -t. An error message box indicates that if dependencies are met, the module can be weaponized.

The following screenshot shows the error message box generated when OleView.dll loads the payload DLL :

The tool waits for a maximum timeframe of 10 seconds or -t seconds to make sure the process initialization has finished and any message box has been generated. It then detects the message box, closes it and reports the result:

The flag -lm launches the provided executable and prints the modules it loads that do not belong in the KnownDLLs list neither are WinSxS dependencies. This mode is aimed to give an idea of DLLs that may be used as payload and it only exists to generate leads for the analyst.

The flag -rt prints the modules the provided executable image loads in its address space when launched as a process. This is achieved by hooking the LoadLibrary and LoadLibraryEx APIs via Microsoft Detours.


For any feedback on this tool, please use the GitHub Issues section.
