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Kernel Bug #0 ThreadIoPriority

This post is the first in a series of posts that will discuss several kernel bugs that i find in Windows Kernel. This post is about a bug found in the kernel of Windows 7 SP1 (64-bit).

With the "ThreadInformationClass" parameter set to ThreadIoPriority 0x16, passing certain signed values e.g.Β  0xFF3FFF3C orΒ  0xFF3FFFFC in the variable pointed to by the "ThreadInformation" parameter to the ntdll "ZwSetInformationThread" function can be abused to arbitrarily set certain bit flags of the corresponding "_ETHREAD" structure e.g. ThreadIoPriority:3, ThreadPagePriority:3, RundownFail:1, or NeedsWorkingSetAging:1.

Bug Type:
This is due to a signedness error in the "nt!NtSetInformationThread" function.

32-Bit kernel:
64-bit kernel:

1) The signed value leads to bypassing the check for the "SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege" privilege that is required to set the thread's IO priority to HIGH.

2) An unprivileged thread can use certain calculated signed values to escalate its IO priority and memory priority to maximum values e.g. Raise IO priority to CRITICAL or Page priority to 7.

3) Also, certain bit flags of the corresponding "_ETHREAD" structure can be set e.g. RundownFail and NeedsWorkingSetAging.



Reported to the vendor and rejected for not being a security issue.

Any comments or ideas are very welcome. You can also follow me on Twitter @waleedassar

Kernel Bug #1 ProcessIoPriority

In this post i will show you the second kernel bug that i found in theΒ  Kernel of Windows 7 SP1 (64-bit). This one is in the "nt!NtSetInformationProcess" function.

With the "ProcessInformationClass" parameter set to ProcessIoPriority 0x21, passing certain signed values e.g.Β  0xFFFFFFFF or 0x8000F129 in the variable pointed to by the "ProcessInformation" parameter to the ntdll "ZwSetInformationProcess" function can be abused to arbitrarily set certain bit flags of the corresponding "_EPROCESS" structure e.g. DefaultIoPriority: Pos 27, ProcessSelfDelete : Pos 30, or SetTimerResolutionLink: Pos 31.

Bug Type:
This is due to a signedness error in the "nt!NtSetInformationProcess" function.

32-Bit kernel:

64-bit kernel:

Β Impact:
1) The signed value leads to bypassing the check for the "SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege" privilege that is required to set the process's IO priority to HIGH.

2) The signed value leads to bypassing the check for disallowed values for the process's IO priority e.g. the bug can be abused to set the process's IO priority to CRITICAL.

3) Setting the "ProcessSelfDelete" flag, which makes the target process non-killable by conventional methods.

4) Setting the "SetTimerResolutionLink" flag, which causes a BSOD (Bug check code of 0x3B)Β  if we terminate the process due to a null pointer dereference bug.


Non-Killable Process



Reported to the vendor.

Any comments or ideas are very welcome. You can also follow me on Twitter @waleedassar

PE TimeDateStamp Viewer

In this this post, i will share with you a tiny tool that i wrote to discover all occurrences of TimeDateStamps in a PE executable. The tool simply traverses the PE header and specifically the following structures/fields:

1) The "TimeDateStamp" field of the "_IMAGE_FILE_HEADER" structure.

This is the most notorious field that is always a target for both malware authors and forensic guys.

N.B. Certain versions of Delphi linkers always emit a fixed TimeDateStamp of 0x2A425E19, Sat Jun 20 01:22:17 1992. In this case you should not rely on this field and continue looking in other fields.

2) The "TimeDateStamp" field of the "_IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY" structure.

It is usually the same as or very close to the "TimeDateStamp" field of the the "_IMAGE_FILE_HEADER" structure".

N.B. Not all linkers fill this field, but Microsoft Visual Studio linkers do fill it for both DLL's and EXE's.

3) The "TimeDateStamp" field of the "_IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR" structure.

Unlike what the name implies, this field is a bit useless if you are trying to determine when the executable was built. It is -1 if the executable/dll is bound (see #8) and zero if not. So, it is not implemented in my tool.

4) The "TimeDateStamp" field of the "_IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY" structure.

Usually Microsoft Visual Studio linkers don't set it (I have tested with linker versions of 6.0, 8.0, 9.0,Β  and 10.0).

Borland C and Delphi set this field for the main _IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY and its subdirectories.

Sometimes spoofers forget to forge this field for subdirectories.

5) The "TimeDateStamp" of the "_IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY" structures.

Microsoft Visual Studio linkers emitting debug info. in the final PE always set this field. Spoofers may forge the field in the first "_IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY" structure and forget the following ones.

N.B. Debug info as pointed to by Debug Data Directory is an array ofΒ  "_IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY" structures, each representing debug info of different type e.g. COFF, CodeView, etc.

6) IfΒ  "_IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY" has the "Type" field set to 0x2 (IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_CODEVIEW), then by following the "PointerToRawData" field we can find another occurrence of TimeDateStamp ( only if the PDB format is PDB 2.0 i.e when "Signature" field is set to "NB10" )

7) The "TimeDateStamp" field of the "_IMAGE_LOAD_CONFIG_DIRECTORY" structure.

I have not seen it being used before. However, it isΒ  implemented in the tool.

8) The "TimeDateStamp" field of the "_IMAGE_BOUND_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR" structures.

It is the TimeDateStamp of the DLL that the executable is bound to. We can't use this field to know when the executable was build, but we can use it to determine on which Windows version/Service pack the file was built/bound. It is not implemented in the tool.

The tool has a very simple command line. See below.

You download the tool from here. For any bugs or suggestions, please don't hesitate to leave me a comment or contant me @waleedassar.

GitHub Project here.

ShareCount As Anti-Debugging Trick

In this post i will share with you an Anti-Debugging trick that is very similar to the "PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY" trick mentioned here, where we had to flag code section as writeable such that any memory write to its page(s) would force OS to change the page protection from PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY to PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE. But in this case we don't have to make any modifications to the code section's page protection. We will just query the process for its current working set info. Among the stuff we receive querying the working set of a process are two fields, "Shared" and "ShareCount".

By default the OS assumes the memory pages of code section (Non-writable sections) should share physical memory across all process instances. This is true till one process instance commits a memory-write to the shared page. At this point the page becomes no longer shared. Thus, querying the working set of the process and inspecting the "Shared" and/or "ShareCount" fields for our Code section pages would reveal the presenceΒ  ofΒ  debugger, only if the debugger uses INT3 for breakpoints.

To implement the trick, all you have to do is call the "QueryWorkingSet" or "QueryWorkingSetEx" functions.

N.B. You can also use the "ZwQueryVirtualMemory" function with the "MemoryInformationClass" parameter set to MemoryWorkingSetList for more portable code.

Code from here and demo from here. Tested on Windows 7.

For any suggestions, leave me a comment or drop me a mail [email protected].

You can also follow me on Twitter @waleedassar

VirtualBox Detection Via WQL Queries

Here i have tried to group most of the WMI classes that can be used to detect VirtualBox Virtual Machine. They are as follows:

1) Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration (Alias: NICCONFIG)
2) Win32_SystemDriver (Alias: sysdriver)
3) Win32_NTEventLog (Alias: NTEventLog)
4) Win32_BIOS (Alias: bios)
5) Win32_DiskDrive (Alias: diskdrive)
6) Win32_StartupCommand (Alias: Startup)
7) Win32_ComputerSystem (Alias: ComputerSystem)
8) Win32_Service (Alias: service)
9) Win32_LogicalDisk (Alias: LogicalDisk)
10) Win32_LocalProgramGroup)
11) Win32_NetworkAdapter (Alias: NIC)
12) Win32_Process (Alias: process)
13) Win32_BaseBoard (Alias: BaseBoard)
14) Win32_SystemEnclosure (Alias: SystemEnclosure)
15) Win32_CDROMDrive (Alias: cdrom)
16) WIN32_NetworkClient (Alias: netclient)
17) Win32_ComputerSystemProduct (Alias: csproduct)
18) Win32_VideoController
19) Win32_PnPEntity
20) Win32_NetworkConnection (Alias: NetUse)

I wrote some simple VBScript code for these WQL queries. Here you can find it. It is very self-explanatory.

You can find it on GitHub here.

Malformed PE Header Kernel Denial Of Service

This post is about a bug in the Windows Kernel that i recently discovered and reported to Microsoft. It lies in code responsible for parsing PE executables.

The "nt!MiCreateImageFileMap" function is prone to a vulnerability where the "e_lfanew" field of the "_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER" structure is not properly checked against the "SizeOfImage" field of the "_IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER" structure. The bug is due to the kernel assuming two contradictive things, the first is that the "e_lfanew" field is an offset into the "on-disk" file and the second is that it is an offset into the "in-memory" executable image.

The function reads (I/O Read) the "_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS" structure as long as data is within the file size, not bearing in mind that PE executables support file overlays. So, while the function reads and parses PE headers "successfully!". Any subsequent call to the "nt!RtlImageNtHeader" or "nt!RtlImageNtHeaderEx" function on the PE Header of the executable image's memory will end up reading beyond memory boundaries (In other words, a file offset is being used to reference memory).

For example, when the "MiCreateImageFileMap" function returns, it calls the "nt!MiValidateImageHeader" function, which calls the "nt!MiMapImageInSystemCache" function to a map number of PTEs corresponding to "SizeOfImage" (total size of PE in memory) and then passes this memory to the "nt!SeValidateImageHeader" function which calls into the Code Integrity driver (CI.dll) functions CI!CiValidateImageHeader, CI!CipFixImageType, nt!RtlImageNtHeader.Β RtlImageNtHeaderΒ feteches e_lfanew again and accesses memory.

So, let's have a look at MiCreateImageFileMap

1) It first starts with a call to "FsRtlGetFileSize()"Β  function to get the file size of the input executable. If it is is above 0xFFFFFFFF bytes, the call fails. Now, we know the input executable must be below 4GB.

2) It then calls the "IoPageRead" function to read one page representing the input executable's DOS header and hopefully the NT file headers, from disk into memory, if it was not already cached in memory. Then, as expected, it checks to see whether the "e_magic" field is set to "MZ" (0x5A4D).

3) It then makes sure "e_lfanew" plus sizeof(nt!_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64) does not overflow and does not exceed the input file size on disk.

4) If the data at "e_lfanew" does not fit into one memory page, then function proceeds with allocating two pages and reattempts reading again.

5) Then, it calculates the size and address of _IMAGE_NT_HEADERS structure in memory.

6) At this point, the "MiCreateImageFileMap" function proceeds with parsing the in-memory NT headers by callingΒ  "MiVerifyImageHeader".

Β 7) The call to "MiCreateImageFileMap" will then proceed to building aΒ  Β _CONTROL_AREA structure, where the section headers are also parsed via calling the "MiParseImageSectionHeaders" function.

Now let's move to another function, "MiValidateImageHeader". Its prototype looks like below.
It uses the control area structure created previously by "MiCreateImageFileMap" to map the executable header and sections into kernel system cache.

It then calls the "SeValidateImageHeader" function to validate the code integrity of the executable.Β SeValidateImageHeader itself calls into CI.dll, where "RtlImageNtHeaderEx" is finally called. See, Call stack in image below.

Now, let's move to, "RtlImageNtHeaderEx". Its prototype looks like below.

Its first argument is the executable image's base in memory. It simply finds the location of NT headers in memory by using the "e_lfanew" field.

So, if we modify the "e_lfanew" field to be located in the PE overlay i.e. beyond SizeOfImage, we can have a valid memory image where, at offset 0x3C, we have a value that represents an offset beyond the boundary of image memory in kernel system cache. Moreover, if we set the "IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_FORCE_INTEGRITY" characteristic, we force the "RtlImageNtHeaderEx" to use this file offset as a memory offset, crashing the kernel.

Here is the crash call stack.

By the way, "MiCreateImageFileMap" improperly sanitizing "e_lfanew" against "SizeOfImage" also led to a memory corruption bug in the "nt!MiRelocateImage" function. I will explain that in the next blog post.

You can find POC here. Password: POCpoc@123

The bug was assignedΒ CVE-2019-1391.

You can follow me @waleedassar
