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Send()-ing Myself Belated Christmas Gifts - GitHub.com's Environment Variables & GHES Shell

Earlier this year, in mid-January, you might have come across this security announcement by GitHub. In this article, I will unveil the shocking story of how I discovered CVE-2024-0200, a deceptively simple, one-liner vulnerability which I initially assessed to likely be of low impact, and how I turned it into one of the most impactful bugs in GitHubโ€™s bug bounty history. Spoiler: The vulnerability enabled disclosure of all environment variables of a production container on GitHub.

Route to Safety: Navigating Router Pitfalls

Introduction Wi-Fi routers have always been an attractive target for attackers. When taken over, an attacker may gain access to a victimโ€™s internal network or sensitive data. Additionally, there has been an ongoing trend of attackers continually incorporating new router exploits into their arsenal for use in botnets, such as the Mirai Botnet. Consumer grade devices are especially attractive to attackers, due to many security flaws in them. Devices with lower security often contain multiple bugs that attackers can exploit easily, rendering them vulnerable targets.

Exploitation of a kernel pool overflow from a restrictive chunk size (CVE-2021-31969)

Introduction The prevalence of memory corruption bugs persists, posing a persistent challenge for exploitation. This increased difficulty arises from advancements in defensive mechanisms and the escalating complexity of software systems. While a basic proof of concept often suffices for bug patching, the development of a functional exploit capable of bypassing existing countermeasures provides valuable insights into the capabilities of advanced threat actors. This holds particularly true for the scrutinized driver, cldflt.

Analysis of NodeBB Account Takeover Vulnerability (CVE-2022-46164)

Back in January 2023, I tasked one of our web security interns, River Koh (@oceankex), to perform n-day analysis of CVE-2022-46164 as part of his internship with STAR Labs. The overall goal is to perform an objective assessment of the vulnerability based on the facts gathered. In addition, I challenged him to reproduce the vulnerability without referencing any other materials besides the textual contents of the official advisory by NodeBB.

[P2O Vancouver 2023] SharePoint Pre-Auth RCE chain (CVE-2023โ€“29357 & CVE-2023โ€“24955)

Brief I may have achieved successful exploitation of a SharePoint target during Pwn2Own Vancouver 2023. While the live demonstration lasted only approximately 30 seconds, it is noteworthy that the process of discovering and crafting the exploit chain consumed nearly a year of meticulous effort and research to complete the full exploit chain. This exploit chain leverages two vulnerabilities to achieve pre-auth remote code execution (RCE) on the SharePoint server: Authentication Bypass โ€“ An unauthenticated attacker can impersonate as any SharePoint user by spoofing valid JSON Web Tokens (JWTs), using the none signing algorithm to subvert signature validation checks when verifying JWT tokens used for OAuth authentication.

nftables Adventures: Bug Hunting and N-day Exploitation (CVE-2023-31248)

During my internship, I have been researching and trying to find bugs within the nftables subsystem. In this blog post, I will talk about a bug I have found, as well as the exploitation of an n-day discovered by Mingi Cho โ€“ CVE-2023-31248. Introduction to nftables nftables is a modern packet filtering framework that aims to replace the legacy {ip,ip6,arp,eb}_tables (xtables) infrastructure. It reuses the existing netfilter hooks, which act as entry points for handlers that perform various operations on packets.

Under The Hood - Disassembling of IKEA-Sonos Symfonisk Speaker Lamp

We are excited to embark on a series of teardowns to explore the inner workings of various devices. In this particular teardown, our focus will be on the 1st-Generation of IKEA-SONOS SYMFONISK Speaker Lamp, unraveling its captivating inner workings. Please note that due to prior testing, certain screws, wires, and components have been temporarily removed from the appliance and may not be present during this analysis. However, for the purpose of this exercise, we have meticulously reassembled the SYMFONISK to its approximate original state.

A new method for container escape using file-based DirtyCred

Recently, I was trying out various exploitation techniques against a Linux kernel vulnerability, CVE-2022-3910. After successfully writing an exploit which made use of DirtyCred to gain local privilege escalation, my mentor Billy asked me if it was possible to tweak my code to facilitate a container escape by overwriting /proc/sys/kernel/modprobe instead. The answer was more complicated than expected; this led me down a long and dark rabbit holeโ€ฆ In this post, I will discuss the root cause of the vulnerability, as well as the various methods I used to exploit it.

prctl anon_vma_name: An Amusing Linux Kernel Heap Spray

TLDR prctl PR_SET_VMA (PR_SET_VMA_ANON_NAME) can be used as a (possibly new!) heap spray method targeting the kmalloc-8 to kmalloc-96 caches. The sprayed object, anon_vma_name, is dynamically sized, and can range from larger than 4 bytes to a maximum of 84 bytes. The object can be easily allocated and freed via the prctl syscall, and leaked information can be obtained via reading the proc/pid/maps file. The advantage of this method is that it does not require a cross-cache attack from cg/other caches (unlike other objects such as msg_msg) as anon_vma_name is allocated with the GFP_KERNEL flag.

Breaking the Code - Exploiting and Examining CVE-2023-1829 in cls_tcindex Classifier Vulnerability

Background The discovery and analysis of vulnerabilities is a critical aspect of cybersecurity research. Today, we will dive into CVE-2023-1829, a vulnerability in the cls_tcindex network traffic classifier found by Valis. We will explore the process of exploiting and examining this vulnerability, shedding light on the intricate details and potential consequences. We have thoroughly tested our exploit on Ubuntu 22.04 with kernel version 5.15.0-25, which was built from the official 5.

The Old, The New and The Bypass - One-click/Open-redirect to own Samsung S22 at Pwn2Own 2022

TLDR; We began our work on Samsung immediately after the release of the Pwn2Own Toronto 2022 target list. In this article, we will dive into the details of an open-redirect vulnerability discovered during the Pwn2Own 2022 event and how we exploited it on a Samsung S22 device. By breaking down the technical aspects and using code snippets, we aim to provide a comprehensive overview of this critical security flaw. To begin, I revisited our teamโ€™s paper (written by Li Jiantao and Nguyแป…n Hoร ng Thแบกch) from previous year, where two bugs were identified.

Microsoft Exchange Powershell Remoting Deserialization leading to RCE (CVE-2023-21707)

Introduction While analyzing CVE-2022-41082, also known as ProxyNotShell, we discovered this vulnerability which we have detailed in this blog. However, for a comprehensive understanding, we highly recommend reading the thorough analysis written by team ZDI. To aid in understanding, we present a visual representation of CVE-2022-41082 below. The sink of ProxyNotShell: //System.Management.Automation.InternalDeserializer.ReadOneObject() internal object ReadOneObject(out string streamName) { //... Type targetTypeForDeserialization = psobject.GetTargetTypeForDeserialization(this._typeTable); //[1] if (null != targetTypeForDeserialization) { Exception ex = null; try { object obj2 = LanguagePrimitives.

CS-Cart PDF Plugin Unauthenticated Command Injection

Summary A command injection vulnerability exists in CS-Cartโ€™s HTML to PDF converter (https://github.com/cscart/pdf) allowing unauthenticated attackers to achieve remote command execution (RCE). The vulnerability only affects the HTML to PDF converter service and the default hosted service at converter.cart-services.com (maintained by CS-Cartโ€™s development team) used by the PDF converter plugin, and does not allow for RCE against base installations of CS-Cart. Product Background In CS-Cart v4.13.2, the HTML to PDF converter is an optional plugin (disabled by default) for printing PDF documents in CS-Cart.

Microsoft Azure Account Takeover via DOM-based XSS in Cosmos DB Explorer

Upon finding the vulnerability, our team member, Ngo Wei Lin (@Creastery), immediately reported it to the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) on 19th March 2022, who fixed the important issue with a fix commited in the repo within seven days, which is impressive and a much faster response than other Microsoft bugs which we reported previously. The fix was pushed down to Azure Cosmos DB Explorer on 31st March 2022.

STAR LABS SG PTE. LTD. has been authorized by the CVE Program as a CVE Numbering Authority (CNA)

STAR LABS SG PTE. LTD. (STAR Labs) announced today that it has become a CVE Numbering Authority (CNA) for the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEยฎ) system, a global cybersecurity community. As a CNA, STAR LABS is authorized to assign CVE Identifiers๏ผˆCVE IDs๏ผ‰to newly discovered vulnerabilities and publicly disclose information about these vulnerabilities through CVE Records. Identifying vulnerabilities with CVE IDs can speed up the awareness and understanding of those vulnerabilities, enabling security researchers and system managers to expedite solutions.

Gotta KEP-tcha 'Em All - Bypassing Anti-Debugging methods in KEPServerEX

Background Lately, my focus has been on discovering any potential vulnerabilities in KEPServerEX. KEPServerEX is the industryโ€™s leading connectivity platform that provides a single source of industrial automation data to all your applications. Users can connect, manage, monitor, and control diverse automation devices and software applications through one intuitive user interface. This software employs multiple anti-debugging measures, making it challenging to discover any vulnerabilities and performing fuzzing on it. In this regard, I would like to share my perspective on the issue and my strategy for circumventing these measures.

Dissecting the Vulnerabilities - A Comprehensive Teardown of acmailer's N-Days

Introduction In this post, one of our recent intern, Wang Hengyue (@w_hy_04) was given the task to analyse CVE-2021-20617 & CVE-2021-20618 in acmailer since there isnโ€™t any public information on it. Today, weโ€™ll be sharing his journey in dissecting the vulnerabilities in acmailer. Both vulnerabilities were originally found by ma.la acmailer is a Perl-based email delivery application that provides functionality centered around sending mass emails, with associated functions such as registration and unregistration forms, surveys, and email templating.

Deconstructing and Exploiting CVE-2020-6418

As part of my internship at STAR Labs, I conducted n-day analysis of CVE-2020-6418. This vulnerability lies in the V8 engine of Google Chrome, namely its optimizing compiler Turbofan. Specifically, the vulnerable version is in Google Chromeโ€™s V8 prior to 80.0.3987.122. In this article, I will give a step-by-step analysis of the vulnerability, from the root cause to exploitation. Background In JavaScript, objects do not have a fixed type. Instead, V8 assigns each object a Map that reflects its type.

The Last Breath of Our Netgear RAX30 Bugs - A Tragic Tale before Pwn2Own Toronto 2022

Background Some time ago, we were playing with some Netgear routers and we learned so much from this target. However, Netgear recently patched several vulnerabilities in their RAX30 router firmware, including the two vulnerabilities in the DHCP interface for the LAN side and one remote code execution vulnerability on the WAN side which we prepared for Pwn2Own Toronto 2022. This blog post focuses on the vulnerabilities found in version can download the firmware from this link, and easily extract the firmware by using binwalk.

TheHole New World - how a small leak will sink a great browser (CVE-2021-38003)

Introduction CVE-2021-38003 is a vulnerability that exists in the V8 Javascript engine. The vulnerability affects the Chrome browser before stable version 95.0.4638.69, and was disclosed in October 2021 in googleโ€™s chrome release blog, while the bug report was made public in February 2022. The vulnerability will cause a special value in V8 called TheHole being leaked to the script. This can lead to a renderer RCE in a Chromium-based browser, and has been used in the wild.

Multiple Vulnerabilities in Proxmox VE & Proxmox Mail Gateway

Background Proxmox Virtual Environment (Proxmox VE or PVE) is an open-source type-1 hypervisor. It includes a web-based management interface programmed in Perl. Another Proxmox product written in Perl, Proxmox Mail Gateway (PMG), comes with a similar web management interface. They share some of the codebases. In this article, I will introduce how to debug PVEโ€™s web service step-by-step and analyse three bugs I have found in PVE and PMG. [UPDATE] This is a quick and minor update to this blog post.

Microsoft SharePoint Server Post-Authentication Server-Side Request Forgery vulnerability

Overview Disclaimer: No anime characters or animals were harmed during the research. The bug had been fixed but it did not meet that criterion required to get CVE. Recently, we have found a Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) in Microsoft SharePoint Server 2019 which allows remote authenticated users to send HTTP(S) requests to arbitrary URL and read the responses. The endpoint <site>/_api/web/ExecuteRemoteLOB is vulnerable to Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF). The HTTP(S) request is highly customizable in request method, path, headers and bodies.

Apple CoreText - An Unexpected Journey to Learn about Failure

Late last year, I have focused my research on the CoreText framework for 2-3 months. In particular, the code related to the text shaping engine and the code responsible for parsing the AAT tables. During this research, I found an OOB (Out-Of-Bounds) Write in the morx table. This series of writeups is to document my whole process, from selecting this attack surface to finding the bug to writing an exploit for it in Safari.

Step-by-Step Walkthrough of CVE-2022-32792 - WebKit B3ReduceStrength Out-of-Bounds Write

Recently, ZDI released the advisory for a Safari out-of-bounds write vulnerability exploited by Manfred Paul (@_manfp) in Pwn2Own. We decided to take a look at the patch and try to exploit it. The patch is rather simple: it creates a new function (IntRange::sExt) that is used to decide the integer range after applying a sign extension operation (in rangeFor). Before this patch, the program assumes that the range stays the same after applying sign extension.

Exploiting WebKit JSPropertyNameEnumerator Out-of-Bounds Read (CVE-2021-1789)

Initially, our team member, ฤแป— Minh Tuแบฅn, wanted to write about the RCA (Root Cause Analysis) of CVE-2021-1870 which APT used. But Maddie Stone pointed it to us that it was actually CVE-2021-1789. None-the-less, we would still want to share with everyone the analysis done by ฤแป— Minh Tuแบฅn. The bug is assigned CVE-2021-1789 in security content of Safari 14.0.3. We successfully exploited it on WebKitGTK <= 2.30.5 or equivalent on WebKit.

Gitlab Project Import RCE Analysis (CVE-2022-2185)

At the beginning of this month, GitLab released a security patch for versions 14->15. Interestingly in the advisory, there was a mention of a post-auth RCE bug with CVSS 9.9. The bug exists in GitLabโ€™s Project Imports feature, which was found by @vakzz. Incidentally, when I rummaged in the authorโ€™s h1 profile. I discovered that four months ago, he also found a bug in the import project feature: Initially, I thought it was tempting after seeing the bounty, so I started learning Rails and debugged this bug!

io_uring - new code, new bugs, and a new exploit technique

For the past few weeks, I have been working on conducting N-day analysis and bug hunting in the io_uring subsystem of the Linux kernel with the guidance of my mentors, Billy and Ramdhan. In this article, I will briefly discuss the io_uring subsystem, as well as my approach to discovering and developing a new kernel exploit technique during my N-day analysis of CVE-2021-41073. I will also discuss two bugs I found while analyzing a new io_uring feature.

Trying To Exploit A Windows Kernel Arbitrary Read Vulnerability

Introduction I recently discovered a very interesting kernel vulnerability that allows the reading of arbitrary kernel-mode address. Sadly, the vulnerability was patched in Windows 21H2 (OS Build 22000.675), and I am unsure of the CVE being assigned to it. In this short blog post, I will share my journey of trying to exploit this vulnerability. Although I didnโ€™t finish the exploit in the end, I have decided to share this with everyone anyway.

New Wine in Old Bottle - Microsoft Sharepoint Post-Auth Deserialization RCE (CVE-2022-29108)

Introduction Recently, I have had a some work which is related to Sharepoint, so I was learning on how to setup and debug old bugs of Sharepoint. In February, there was a Deserialization bug CVE-2022-22005 (post-auth of course). There is already a detailed analysis blog post about that written by a Vietnamese guy (here). The blog is written with great enthusiasm and detail. I also rely on the details in that blog to setup and debug.

The Cat Escaped from the Chrome Sandbox

Introduction On 13th September 2021, Google published the security advisory for Google Chrome. That advisory states that Google is aware of two vulnerabilities exploited in the wild, CVE-2021-30632 as RCE and CVE-2021-30633 as Sandbox Escape. In this post, I will talk about the bypass sandbox vulnerability CVE-2021-30633. Man Yue Mo had published a very detailed blog post explaining CVE-2021-30632, which is a Type Confusion bug that leads to RCE in Chrome.