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KDU v1.2 release and the wonderful world of Microsoft incoherency

It's been a while since last KDU update and thanks to Artem Baranov from Kaspersky my attention is again on it. The new 1.2 release contain eight new providers and set of additional changes that were required for new providers work. Here is list of new providers added, the details on each are following:

  • GMER "antirootkit"
  • Dell BIOS Utility (assigned CVE-2021-21551)
  • Mimikatz "Mimidrv"
  • Process Hacker "KProcessHacker2"
  • Process Explorer "ProcExp152"
  • Dell BIOS Utility (assigned CVE-2021-36276)
  • Cheat Engine
  • ASUS GPU Tweak II/III (EneTech next-gen)
And after describing new providers we will take a tour into wonderful world of Microsoft incoherency with their newest Win10/Win11 drivers blacklist managed by CI.dll

Providers description 

(number is ID in KDU database)

15. GMER "antirootkit"

Pic 1. What could possible go wrong here

GMER "antirootkit", I'm familiar with this software since it birth and introduction by author (Przemyslaw Gmerek) on SysInternals forums during Rustock's first variants most active period. Since it first release it was a mediocre software with limited capabilities to detect or remove anything despite author claims (he still has a dedicated gallery on his long forgotten site). Since I was developing the same toolset during that time I of course reverse-engineered GMER to find out if there is anything interesting in it. It sounds fun but this is exactly how things were going in the 2005-2010 anywhere with tools developed by enthusiasts. Amount of copy-pasted techniques and code from different authors in different tools of this time is tremendous. GMER driver doesn't surprised me and except obvious bugs I didn't found anything else interesting in it, except number of simple ways how to completely make it blind in case of rootkit detection (we later implemented one of in our laboratory rootkit called Unreal so Gmerek was forced to do an emergency update 😅). Remember, it was year 2006 and Windows XP was all around and shiny again after general Vista fuckup. Entire class of this software died around 2011-2013 so I was surprised that GMER actually managed not only survive but move to x64 world. Ohh, better he doesn't. The actual x64 driver made of copy-paste from x86 version with few things adjusted to make it work on x64 and some features that are bound to x86 only completely removed. For some unknown reason it still has a branches of code that doesn't make any sense on x64, that shows how actually author didn't care about final product. Since acquiring by Avast their Avast MBR tool contain exact the same driver from GMER (because it's powered by "GMER technology", this is a fucking rofl yeah). From current perspective this driver is a wormhole and I'm surprised no one actually tried to exploit it for a fancy CVE id, almost just like Trend Micro tool highlighted in one of my previous posts. For KDU usage the most prominent features of GMER are arbitrary kernel virtual memory read and write. This is not a bug, it is intentionally created mess so GMER can read/write kernel memory via it's process. This feature implemented via MDL mapping and accessible with dedicated IOCTL with simple data structure. One important note is that before calling this (or any other IOCTL) you have to talk with GMER driver first to let it know it was "initialized". This is done with a special IOCTL. Note that GMER driver sets exclusive flag when creating it device object, however when application crash driver stays in memory and accessible for everyone.

TL;DR - current GMER is completely useless (and dangerous due to multiple bugs, just look on pic 1 - few seconds before BSOD) in terms of "rootkit detection" usage and represent a security risk by containing Windows security bypasses available without any proper verification of caller nor access checks. 

16. Dell BIOS Utility (assigned CVE-2021-21551)

This one is pretty simple and well described in CVE entry. This is a typical flaw in giveio-type drivers. It has memmove with completely user controlled parameters send by special IOCTL.  Such "features" aren't so rare in the wonderful world of hardware vendors drivers.

17. Mimikatz "Mimidrv"

This is auxiliary driver from Mimikatz tool which is open-source. Mimikatz is a well known tool and a lot of people found it damn useful. Well I'm not one of them. Speaking of mimidrv - it has full source available and by opening this source you will want to close it ASAP to not hurt your eyes with amount of shitcode you will face. It's a complete bugged wormhole which has number of built binaries with different versions all signed with a valid certificate. No wonder Microsoft banned this certificate in their HVCI blocklist which we will discuss later. We are interested here in arbitrary kernel virtual memory read/write IOCTL's, in fact they are almost the same as in GMER. You don't need any special preconditions to start using mimidrv. Here is the details on other features of mimidrv - Mimidrv In Depth: Exploring Mimikatz’s Kernel Driver if you are interested.

18. Process Hacker "KProcessHacker2"

It is famous tool and I remember how it was born. Process Hacker come at SysInternals forum with wj32 in the late 00s in form of open source task manager replacement written in C#. It was immediately criticized for this by forum members and after some reconsiderations wj32 ported it on more suitable programming language (thankfully there wasn't any cancer like Rust popular that days). PH roots from Windows XP era with same design and philosophy. That's how it started and worked just fine until Turla malware group widely popularized BYOVD (Bring Your Own Vulnerable Driver) attacks in 2014-2015. The mentioned PH driver KProcessHacker2 was abused by multiple actors starting from malware and ending up with cheat community. This followed with wave of antivirus detections and game bans. All because of this tool initial design and philosophy from Windows XP era. That is why it was full of wormhole functionality and still have it up-to-date. What is so unique in this driver? It provides a set of IOCTL's which work as Windows API replacements for several key to the Windows security functions. Just a few of them for example: OpenProcess, OpenThread, DuplicateHandle, TerminateThread, TerminateProcess, Set/GetThreadContext, Read/WriteProcessMemory. Natural hackbox isn't it? Earlier versions of PH code (which all nicely written and well documented) even contain remarks where author hopes that this driver client "is not a virus" so wj32 clearly predicted things can go worse 😏 We will go back to PH in the end of this post. For KDU tasks this driver maybe not looking good at first glance (it looks like more suitable for malware usage 😂), but then if you look on the things from a different perspective - hell yeah. Here is why - starting from ancient Windows NT versions up to latest Windows 10 release "System" process keeps handle to physical memory section. It was abused before for physical memory access and later Microsoft banned it from user mode usage by setting object header flag -> kernel only access so you can't open new handle for this section from the user mode. Later MS added protected processes feature which additionally blocked exploitation because you can't open "System" process with sufficient rights. And here Process Hacker driver comes to the rescue with it hackbox IOCTL's allowing us: open full process handle for "System" process, duplicate physical memory section handle to our process with same full access rights. Further is trivial. Important note about fancy new Windows 10 rebrand called Windows 11. There is no physical memory section handle in "System" process as I observed and it is too boring to figure out is it intentional or need any preconditions to make it popup again - you may consider this as homework.

19. Process Explorer "ProcExp152"

Rival of previous task manager. Or previous task manager is a rival to this, or new Windows 10/11 taskmanager is a rival to both or vice versa or..., I don't really follow this "task manager market war" which is a complete bullshit, just the fact that Process Explorer existed long before PH release and PH "release to public" place was Process Explorer developers forums. This is a small handy tool developed by Mark Russinovich before his acquiring by Microsoft and abandoning all his tools (they are now out-sourced to some Microsoft geniuses who decided to remake classic UI with new over overstretched buttons and idiotic bitmaps ruining your old UI experience, and oh-ah "dark mode" I forgot about it). Process Explorer driver provide limited set of features that works almost the same as hackbox from PH. Have you heard about AV detecting Process Explorer as malware? I didn't, maybe because it is signed by Microsoft?😄 Anyway, this driver does have access checks implemented at dispatch routine so it fits into Microsoft wonderland of what they call "security boundaries". It doesn't really matter for BYOVD, this driver allows process opening, handle duplication, process termination and more. It is used in KDU in a similar manner as KProcessHacker2 driver. Oh, it even re-used next by KDU as placeholder for the final shellcode, what an irony.

20. Dell BIOS Utility (assigned CVE-2021-36276)

The same as previous Dell driver except it has different steps required for loading and new device name. In fact this is example of "fix" similar to that I described in my previous blogpost. TL;DR Dell fixed nothing and posed this driver update as ultimate fix for previously reported vulnerabilities. KDU exploits 2.5 version driver as I didn't bothered to find 2.7, but from all the description etc it will work the same way on 2.7 you only need to change device name.

21. Cheat Engine

Pic 2. Cheat Engine 7.4

Infamous open-source tool mostly used for game cheating and cracking. Has a kernel mode component called DBK (DarkByte Kernel?) which is a wormhole by design with WHQL signature, yeah. This driver abused by malware in recent GhostEmperor attacks. KDU uses similar pattern to write and execute code in kernel mode. Cheat Engine author tried to complicate his driver usage by 3rd parties (most likely by other cheat programs) by introducing few pseudo-security checks implemented on driver side. None of them can be considered as sufficient and mentioned above malware fully bypass them. KDU uses driver from the up-to-date Cheat Engine 7.4 package and proxy application "kernelmodeunloader.exe" from the same package. This driver is in HVCI blocklist. Warning to these who want to try: while installing Cheat Engine package (from official site) may install you a bunch of scamware if you won't pay attention to installation process and just spam "Next" clicks. Note that Cheat Engine driver has some problems with Windows 7, so it may not work or load here.

Pic 3. Cheat Engine DBK load failure, Windows 7

22. ASUS GPU Tweak II/III (EneTech next-gen)

It is implementation of what is stated in my previous blogpost. Nothing changed since that time, ASUS continuously use this trash in a number of it software products up to date. Side note, they also introduced new driver which looks like heavy remake of original WinIO with most of it dangerous features stripped, however not all. It is a something to investigate later.

HVCI blocklist or welcome to wonderful world of Microsoft incoherency

This feature introduced with HVCI on Windows 10. It is implemented as blocklist stored in \systemroot\system32\codeintegrity\driversipolicy.p7b file as certificate blob and specific code at CI.DLL to manage it. Decoding this "driverspolicy" data maybe accomplished with the following PowerShell script -> Microsoft maintains current state of this list on github -> This blocklist is loaded and parsed by CI.DLL in kernel mode and invoked when HVCI is enabled (Core Isolation -> Memory Integrity) and something is trying to load driver. If this driver (authenticode hash, page hash, filename from version block, filename and version range from version block) found in blocklist Windows will deny it loading and log event. Presumable this list will be updated and each new Windows 1X "release" will bring brand new blocklist. Or they even managed to do it auto updating didn't checked that, at least previous Windows 10 versions doesn't seems update it since install.

Lets take Process Hacker discussed above, but latest version, and try to load it as admin with HVCI enforced:

Pic 4. HVCI enforced block of kprocesshacker.sys

With event 5038 added to the system security event log: 

Code integrity determined that the image hash of a file is not valid.  The file could be corrupt due to unauthorized modification or the invalid hash could indicate a potential disk device error.

File Name: \Device\HarddiskVolume3\ProcessHacker\kprocesshacker.sys

and NTSTATUS codes like STATUS_IMAGE_CERT_REVOKED and STATUS_DRIVER_UNABLE_TO_LOAD. This is actual Process Hacker v3.0 with valid digital signature and KProcessHacker3 which is immune to previous abuse by malware and cheaters. 

Why is this happening or welcome to wonderful world of Microsoft incoherency.

Microsoft added Process Hacker (PH) to HVCI blocklist just recently. There are no live examples of Process Hacker v3 abuse by malware except one from Crowdstrike dated back to 2019 and updated in the Dec 2021, This post gives you a brief to supposedly PH driver malicious usage involving full bypass of it integrated client verification introduced in 2.39 and still used in 3.0+. From that post you will learn that over-engineered approach which is used almost everywhere in PH code doesn't guarantee security and wormhole features are still can be used by 3rd party if they really want to. From my point of view malware authors has nothing else to do by choosing Process Hacker driver as their "provider" because:
  1. There are exist alternatives with much simpler (or none at all) verification logic, using them you can achieve the same "terminator" features;
  2. Process Hacker already signatured by various FakeAV as PUP/Tool/HackTool (or TrojanMulDrop lol) because it different old versions are used by malware and they share scan patterns.
Or they just wanted to piss-off PH authors showing them bypass of it over-engineered verification. Why then Microsoft doesn't considers its own Process Explorer (PE) driver as malicious security breaking tool? Lets leave aside "because it Microsoft signed lol" or "because it fits into security boundaries, have you saw secure device and SePrivilegeCheck?". If you compare how exactly PH and PE drivers does their "process" management you will notice that PH actually does it on lower level than PE. There are other functionally which is also should not exist at all - like duplicating handles, write/reading arbitrary processes memory, changing thread contexts etc. But lets start with simple thing, how PH and PE both acquire process handles. 

PH uses PsLookupProcessThreadByCid/PsLookupProcessByProcessId and ObOpenObjectByPointer. This allows it to skip ordinary access checks, ETW logging and... bypass some of the security products relying on filtering. It is basically reimplemented ntoskrnl ZwOpenProces->PsOpenProcess function with all the Se validation replaced with PH client/call verification. In comparison PE simple calls ZwOpenProcess with GENERIC_ALL desired access value. Both approaches are terrible piece of shit and comes from Windows XP era. If you need a handle to process/thread etc - use usermode call, that's is the only solid way to guarantee security and audit. If you still insist on accessing protected processes then entire operation should only take place in kernel after Windows security verification without returning anything important to usermode. Any termination/memory read/write from driver should be banned at all. This will however turn off "hacking" features of products as they won't be able to open/read/write everything. Sorry guys but this is how Windows now designed - if you not a part of trusted system code you can't access what ever you want. And there we have a dilemma - two drivers with wormhole functionality ideal for BYOVD attacks. One maintained open-source project, second proprietary Microsoft code without updates for decades. Both used by malware including APT. One in HVCI blocklist, second nope. I call this bullshit, Microsoft. What about PH, guys you are fucking process manager with extended features, not a Windows subsystem to replace or reinvent the MS security wheel just because you have nothing else to do and want to practice with system programming. Your "multi-purposing" is actually playing against you and serves no other purpose. You already removed a lot of "hacking" code from Process "Hacker" and still have a lot to remove/rework. Leave all this "hacking" to where it started - in the Windows XP era.

Another piece in this blocklist that attracted my attention is a number of strange drivers MS added seems by lurking on forum, including leaked certificates. Well it is good to know you lurk on most currently famous forum dedicated to kernel mode rootkits (what an irony yeah).

VBoxDrv innotek entry brings good old memories of Turla and later DSEFix/TDL. The only question here is why innotek only. Unlike popular opinion the exploit used by Turla group wasn't previously disclosed and therefore fixed in next versions, so basically it was a zeroday. This entire confuse makes you think that VirtualBox has only innotek signed Turla-style exploitable drivers. Meanwhile I would remember you that Sun acquired innotek GmbH in 2008 and later VirtualBox versions came out signed by Sun certificate. Since this vulnerability in vboxdrv wasn't fixed - all vboxdrv drivers at least up to 3.0 version are equally vulnerable and can be easily adopted to be used like in DSEFix or TDL 😉 (which was already done by some Chinese APT few years ago). Strange that this is not noticed by Microsoft.

Pic 5. The old the new thing

Ideally this blocklist should be twice or triple size bigger with only what is available on public today. No iobit, zemana fakeav drivers, no mihoyo, other anticheat crapware, no nVidia trash, no endless MSI packs of crap. Are you kidding, Microsoft? This is all available and exploitable. Right here, right now. Stop being a slowpoke, I've cookie for you.

Dustman APT: Art of Copy-Paste

Dustman is a piece of data wiping malware with origin believed to be from Iran or if you like - quote from "Iranian state-sponsored hackers". 

There is a full technical overview of this malware ->, I wouldn't waste time fully repeating it, as it gives a brief and enough description of this malware key parameters and capabilities.

Usually I pay zero attention to typical APT hysterics and low quality malware pushed by mass media/various fakeAv's as "incredible sophisticated" spyware/whatever. With exception if there is anything related to my work, for example copy/pasted from it. Just like in this case.

This is believed shared code with another data wiper called "ZeroCleare" - and IBM did analysis with 28 page PDF where they managed to copy-paste from my github repository without even giving a single credit or link to original. Well, ok, fuck you too IBM IRIS rippers 💩

Why this thing called Dustman? Well authors of this malware were lazy and left full pdb string inside main dropper C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Dustman\x64\Release\Dustman.pdb. This doesn't look like fake and left because Visual Studio (and this one created in it) always sets debug information to Release builds by default (Project settings->Linker->Debugging). It is something from series of small tips just like if you are wondering why some of rootkits pdb paths always at Z: drive - easy to use hotkey while debugging on VMware.

Dustman main executable is a muldrop (SHA-1 e3ae32ebe8465c7df1225a51234f13e8a44969cc). 

It contain three more files stored inside executable resource section. They are encrypted with simple xor.

for (ULONG i = 0; i < (ResourceSize / sizeof(ULONG_PTR)); i++)
        Buffer[i] ^= 0x7070707070707070;

Resource with id 1 (decrypted SHA-1 7c1b25518dee1e30b5a6eaa1ea8e4a3780c24d0c) is a VirtualBox driver. It is ripped by me from WinNT/Turla (another APT, this time "believed" to be from GRU GS AF RF, that one by the way also had some references/inspirations of my/our previous work). Dustman author(s) got it from my github repository called TDL - Turla Driver Loader (, well not only that driver, half of their work actually blatant copy-paste of this repository.

Resource with id 103 (decrypted SHA-1 a7133c316c534d1331c801bbcd3f4c62141013a1) is Eldos RawDisk modified driver (version It is modified by Dustman authors by removing digital certificate from it. Currently I have no answer why they did this, except Eldos RawDisk certificate is widely blacklisted or detected by intrusion prevention systems/AV as possible sign of threat as it was used before multiple times in different malwares (

Resource with id 106 (decrypted SHA-1 20d61c337653392ea472352931820dc60c37b2bc) is malware agent application that is intended to work with Eldos RawDisk to perform data wipe. It contain pdb string C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Dustman\Furutaka\drv\agent.plain.pdb which is giving you insides on VS solution structure. Furutaka is an internal name that I gave to TDL project executable.

Initial dropper is a modified version of original TDL (Furutaka) version 1.1.5, so it is relatively new, as this is final version in that repository before it was archived at April 2019. Just to show you how much Dustman authors copy-pasted, here is a screenshot of functions which I was able to identify in this malware (while rest of them are various trash from MS runtime).

Pic 1. Dustman dropper functions.
It seems Dustman author(s) simple took TDL solution and then modified it by removing console/debug output in code and adapting it for their specific tasks - decrypt, drop resources to the disk, load RawDisk driver and start agent application at final stage. Lets take a look on modifications made by Dustman author(s).

At main (which is a heavily modified TDLMain from original TDL) right at the beginning Dustman attempts to block multiple copies from installing VirtualBox/mapping Eldos driver by setting mutex with a very specific name "Down With Bin Salman". I do not want to dig into politics and other bullshit but I would like to suggest in case if this is false flag operation (surprise, but we will never know this) use something more creative - like for example "Coded by Soleimani" or "(c) 2019 IRGC", "covfefe" is fine too. If I would doing APT of such kind I would at first refrain from creating such wrong and stupid mutexes or build their unique names based on current environment without using any idiotic constants. Another fun message hidden inside agent executable (dropper resource 106 as mentioned above) "Down With Saudi Kingdom Down With Bin Salman" - very creative (not). Eldos license key is hardcoded in agent executable as "b4b615c28ccd059cf8ed1abf1c71fe03c0354522990af63adf3c911e2287a4b906d47d".

Back to initial dropper, supQueryResourceData ( is modified by adding xor decryption loop mentioned above. Below is screenshot of TDLStartVulnerableDriver routine slightly modified by removing console output, code responsible for backup and new file name for dropped file.

Pic 2. TDLStartVulnerableDriver copy-paste.

Original routine

Assistant.sys here is VirtualBox driver which is loaded as shown on picture above. Have no idea why Dustman authors left VirtualBox USB/Network drivers unload code intact. In original TDL this is required to load driver on machine with VirtualBox installed and this is requirement because VBoxHardenedLoader is depends on this. However this is not required in APT and can be removed, but it seems Dustman author(s) had mediocre understanding of what they are doing. It is a little doubtful that target machines has VirtualBox running which can produce incompatibilities with TDL.

Our next stop is TDLMapDriver routine. In original TDL proof-of-concept it setups shellcode that next will be executed in kernel by VBoxDrv, maps input file, processes it imports and merges it with shellcode. Next VBoxDrv memory mapping executed and finally exploit called. In shellcode original TDL allocates memory for driver mapping using ExAllocatePoolWithTag routine with tag 'SldT' (Tdl Shellcode), processes image relocs, creates system thread (PsCreateSystemThread) with parameter set to driver entry. TDL mapped drivers must be specially designed as DriverEntry parameters in such way of loading will be invalid. Finally thread handle closed with ZwClose. Function pointers passed to shellcode through registers by small bootstrap code which is constructed in user mode. Dustman author(s) modified this loading scheme in the following way: 

1) Encryption for module/function names, funny note that the following string used to decrypt strings in runtime "I'm 22 and looking for fulltime job!". Because this is copy-paste from open source and original TDL is very well detected by various fakeAVs ( this maybe an attempt to remove some of these detections.
2) They remember ExAllocatePoolWithTag, PsCreateSystemThread and IoCreateDriver however they never use PsCreateSystemThread despite checking it resolving success and instead in their shellcode simple call IoCreateDriver with pointer to driver entry point as InitializationFunction param.

Since IoCreateDriver expects DriverName as pointer to UNICODE_STRING modified shellcode also contain "\Driver\elRawDsk" string stored as local array of bytes. IoCreateDriver will create driver object with specified name and pass it to the InitializationRoutine as parameter, exactly what Eldos RawDisk need at it driver entry. Thus original TDL limitation bypassed and mapping code can work with usual drivers. As result of successful exploitation Eldos RawDisk will be mapped to the kernel and it DriverEntry executed.
Pic 3. Eldos driver object as seen by WinObjEx64.

Because driver was mapped without involving Windows loader it doesn't have corresponding entry in PsLoadedModulesList therefore WinObjEx64 shows it driver object major functions as belonging to unknown memory area which is always automatically suspicious and usually mean kernel mode malware activity. While Eldos RawDisk DriverEntry execution it creates a symbolic link to provide access for the applications. It also can be seen with WinObjEx64.

Pic 4. ElRawDisk symbolic link.
Here is a mystery or at least question. Why do they use TDL at all? If you look at Eldos RawDisk previous versions, for example you will notice it is digitally signed. As I said at the beginning of this post there can be IPS/AV blocking Eldos driver by it certificate. However why use Eldos RawDisk if you can write your own driver which will be much simpler/smaller (because it will miss useless license check) and use it with TDL? It seems author(s) of Dustman prefer simplest ways and incapable of writing anything beyond simple copy-pasting with small additions. State sponsored hackers, rofl? It of course depends on effectiveness of such methods but I think someone need a bigger budget. However if you take this entire Dustman as false flag operation it looks pretty much ok, because Dustman thing can be built in 4-5 hours and cost almost nothing, while doing severe impact as informational warfare.

A little about agent application, a little because as fact there is nothing interesting inside. It is built as typical C++ MS runtime based application full of ineffective code unrelated to main purpose - wipe data on disk. To do this agent calls Eldos RawDisk with mentioned above license. As data to fill it uses "Down With Saudi Kingdom Down With Bin Salman" string. If agent launched without elevation it will crash with error due to its code quality, state sponsored hackers do you remember?

Pic 5. Wipe in progress.
