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Red Team Tactics: Advanced process monitoring techniques in offensive operations

By: Cornelis

In this blog post we are going to explore the power of well-known process monitoring utilities and demonstrate how the technology behind these tools can be used by Red Teams within offensive operations.

Having a good technical understanding of the systems we land on during an engagement is a key condition for deciding what is going to be the next step within an operation. Collecting and analysing data of running processes from compromised systems gives us a wealth of information and helps us to better understand how the IT landscape from a target organisation is setup. Moreover, periodically polling process data allows us to react on changes within the environment or provide triggers when an investigation is taking place.

To be able to collect detailed process data from compromised end-points we wrote a collection of process tools which brings the power of these advanced process utilities to C2 frameworks (such as Cobalt Strike).

The tools (including source) can be found here:

Windows internals system utilities

We will first explore which utilities are available for harvesting process information from a Windows computer. We can then learn how these utilities collect such information, so that we can subsequently leverage these techniques in our red teaming tools.

The Windows Operating System is equipped with many out-of-the-box utilities to administer the system. Although most of these tools would fit the purpose of basic system administration, some lack the functionality we need for more advanced troubleshooting and monitoring. The Windows task manager for example, provides us basic information about all the processes running within the system, but what if we need more detailed information like the object handles, network connections or loaded modules within a particular process?

To collect detailed information, there is more advanced tooling available. For example the system utilities within the Sysinternals suite. As a Red Team operator with a long background in network and system administration I have always been a big fan of the Sysinternals tools.

When troubleshooting a slow performing server system or a possibly infected client computer, most times I started initial troubleshooting with tools like Process Explorer or Procmon.

From a digital forensics perspective these tools are also very useful for basic dynamic analysis of malware samples and searching for artefacts on infected systems. So why are these tools so popular among system administrators as well as security professionals? Let’s explore this by showing some interesting process information we can gather using the Process Explorer tool.

Using Process Explorer

First thing we notice when we start Process Explorer is the list/tree of all the processes currently active on the system. This provides us information about process names, process IDs, the user context and integrity level of the process and version information. More information can be made visible in this view by customizing the columns.

If we enable the lower pane, we can show all modules loaded within a specific process or switch to the handle view to show all the named handle objects being used by a process:

Viewing modules can be useful to identify malicious libraries being loaded within a process or – from a Red team perspective – if there’s a security product active (e.g. EDR) that injected a user mode API hooking module.

Switching to the handle view allows you to view the type and name of all named objects being used within the process. This might be useful to view which file objects and registry keys are opened or named pipes being used for inter-process communication.

If we double click a process name, a window with more detailed information will popup. Let’s explore some tabs to view additional properties from a process:

The image tab shows us information about the binary path, working directory and command line parameters. Furthermore, it shows information about the user context, parent process, image type (x86 vs x64) and more.

The thread tab provides information about running threads within the process. Selecting a thread and then clicking the stack button will display the call stack for this specific thread. To view the threads/calls running in kernel-mode, Process Explorer uses a kernel driver which is installed when running in elevated mode.

From a DFIR perspective, thread information is useful to detect memory injection techniques a.k.a. fileless malware. Threads not backed by a file on disk for example might indicate that something fishy is going on. To have more insights into threads and memory I strongly advise to also look at the Process Hacker tool.

Another interesting tab in Process Explorer is the TCP/IP tab. This will show all the network connection related to the process. From an offensive perspective this can be useful to detect when connections are made from a system under our control. An incoming PowerShell remoting session or RDP session might indicate that an investigation is started.

Leveraging these techniques offensively

Now we have looked at some interesting process information we can gather using Process Explorer, you might wonder how we can get access to the same information available from user-mode within our favourite C2 frameworks. Of course, we could use PowerShell as this provides us a very powerful scripting language and enables access to the Windows APIs. But with PowerShell under heavy security monitoring these days, we try to avoid this method. 

Within Cobalt Strike we can use the ps command within the beacon context. This command displays basic process information from all processes running on the system. Combined with @r3dQu1nn ProcessColor aggressor script this is probably the best method to easily collect process information.

The output from the ps command is useful for a quick triage of running processes, but lacks the detailed information which can help us to better understand the system. To collect more detailed information, we wrote our own process info utilities to collect and enrich the information we can gather from the systems we compromise.

Outflank Ps-Tools

Trying to replicate the functionality and information provided by a tool like Process Explorer is not an easy task. First, we need to figure out how these tools work under the hood (and within user-mode), next we need to figure out the best way to display this information from a console instead of a GUI.

After analyzing publicly available code it became clear that many low-level system information tools are heavily based on the native NtQuerySystemInformation API. Although the API and related structures are not fully documented, this API allows you to collect a wealth of information about a Windows system. So, with NtQuerySystemInformation as a starting point to collect overall information about all processes running in the system, we then use the PEB of individual processes to collect more detailed info about each process. Using the NtQueryInformationProcess API we can read the PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION structure from a process using its process handle and locate the PebBaseAddress. From there we can use the NtReadVirtualMemory API to read the RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS structure which allows us to read the ImagePathName and CommandLine parameters of a process.

With these API’s as the basic fundament of our code, we wrote the following process information tools:

  • Psx: Shows a detailed list of all processes running on the system.
  • Psk: Shows detailed kernel information including loaded driver modules.
  • Psc: Shows a detailed list of all processes with Established TCP connections.
  • Psm: Show detailed module information from a specific process id (loaded modules, network connections e.g.).
  • Psh: Show detailed handle information from a specific process id (object handles, network connections e.g.).
  • Psw: Show Window titles from processes with active Windows.

These tools are all written as reflective DLLs in C language and can be reflectively loaded within a spawned process using a C2 framework like Cobalt Strike (or any other framework which allows Reflective DLL injection). For Cobalt Strike we included an aggressor script which can be used to load the tools using the Cobalt Strike script manager.

Let’s explore each individual tool running within Cobalt Strike to demonstrate its functionality and which information can be gathered using the tool:


This tool displays a detailed list of all the processes running on the system. The output can be compared to the output from the main screen of Process Explorer. It shows us the name of the process, process ID, parent PID, create time and information related to the process binaries (architecture, company name, versions e.g.). As you can see it also displays interesting info from the active kernel running on the system, for example the kernel base address, which is information useful when doing kernel exploitation (calculating ROP gadget offsets e.g.). This information can all be gathered from a normal user (non-elevated) context.

If we have enough permissions to open a handle to the process, we can read more information like the user context and integrity level from its token. Enumerating the PEB and its related structures allows us to get information about the image path and command line parameters:

As you may have noticed, we’re reading and displaying version information from the process binary images, for example company name and description. Using the company name it is very easy to enumerate all active security products within the system. Using this tool, we’re comparing the company names of all active processes against a list of well-known security product vendors and display a summary of the results:


This tool displays detailed information about the running kernel including all the loaded driver modules. Just like the Psx tool, it also provides a summary of all the loaded kernel modules from well-known security products.


This tool uses the same techniques to enumerate active processes like Psx, except that it only displays processes with active network connections (IPv4, IPv6 TCP, RDP, ICA):


This tool can be used to list details about a specific process. It will display a list of all the modules (dll’s) in use by the process and network communication:


Same as Psm, but instead of loaded modules, shows a list of handles in use by the process:


Last but not least the Psw tool. This tool will show a list of processes which have active window handles opened on the desktop of the user, including the window titles. This is useful to determine which GUI applications are opened by a user without having to create desktop screenshots:

Use cases

So how is this useful in offensive operations, you might wonder? After initial access to a compromised asset, we usually use this information for the following purposes:

  • Detecting security tooling on a compromised asset. Not only by process information names, but also by loaded modules.
  • Identifying user-land hooking engines through loaded modules.
  • Finding opportunities for lateral movement (via network sessions) and privilege escalation.

After initial compromise, you can periodically poll detailed process information and start building triggers. For example, we feed this information automatically into our tool RedELK. We can then start building alerts on suspicious changes in process information such as:

  • A security investigation tool has been started or a new end-point security product has been installed.
  • Incoming network connections from the security department via RDP or PowerShell remoting.
  • Another process has opened a handle on one of our malware artefacts (e.g. a file used for persistence).


In this blogpost we demonstrated how tools like Sysinternals Process Explorer can be used to get more detailed information about processes running on a system and how this information can help administrators and security professionals to troubleshoot and investigate a system for possible security or performance related issues.

The same information is also very relevant and useful for Red Teams having access to compromised systems during an assessment. It helps to better understand the systems and IT infrastructure from your target and periodically polling of this information allows a Red Team to react on possible changes within the IT environment (an investigation trigger, for example).

We replicated some of the functionality provided by tools like Process Explorer so we can benefit from the same information in offensive operations. For this we created several process monitoring tools, which can be used within a C2 framework like Cobalt Strike. We demonstrated how to use the tools and which information can be gathered by using the tools.

The tools are available from our GitHub page and are ready to be used within Cobalt Strike.

The post Red Team Tactics: Advanced process monitoring techniques in offensive operations appeared first on Outflank.

Direct Syscalls in Beacon Object Files

By: Cornelis

In this post we will explore the use of direct system calls within Cobalt Strike Beacon Object Files (BOF). In detail, we will:

  • Explain how direct system calls can be used in Cobalt Strike BOF to circumvent typical AV and EDR detections.
  • Release InlineWhispers: a script to make working with direct system calls more easy in BOF code.
  • Provide Proof-of-Concept BOF code which can be used to enable WDigest credential caching and circumvent Credential Guard by patching LSASS process memory.

Source code of the PoC can be found here:

Source code of InlineWhispers can be found here:

Beacon Object Files

Cobalt Strike recently introduced a new code execution concept named Beacon Object Files (abbreviated to BOF). This enables a Cobalt Strike operator to execute a small piece of compiled C code within a Beacon process.

What’s the benefit of this? Most importantly, we get rid of a concept named fork & run. Before Beacon Object Files, this concept was the default mechanism for running jobs in Cobalt Strike. This means that for execution of most post-exploitation functionality a sacrificial process was started (specified using the spawnto parameter) and subsequently the offensive capability was injected to that process as a reflective DLL. From an AV/EDR perspective, this has various traits that can be detected, such as process spawning, process injection and reflective DLL memory artifacts in a process. In many modern environments fork & run can easily turn into an OPSEC disaster. With Beacon Object Files we run compiled position independent code within the context of Beacon’s current process, which is much more stealthy.

Although the concept of BOF is a great step forward in avoiding AV/EDR for Cobalt Strike post-exploitation activity, we could still face the issue of AV/EDR products hooking API calls. In June 2019 we published a blogpost about Direct System Calls and showed an example how this can be used to bypass AV/EDR software. So far, we haven’t seen direct system calls being utilized within Beacon Object files, so we decided to write our own implementation and share our experiences in this blog post.

Direct syscalls and BOF practicalities

Many Red Teams will be familiar by now with the concept of using system calls to bypass API hooks and avoid AV/EDR detections. 

In our previous system call blog we showed how we can utilize the Microsoft Assembler (MASM) within Visual Studio to include system calls within a C/C++ project. When we build a Visual Studio project that contains assembly code, it generates two object files using the assembler and C compiler and link all pieces together to form a single executable file.

To create a BOF file, we use a C compiler to produce a single object file. If we want to include assembly code within our BOF project, we need inline-assembly in order to generate a single object file. Unfortunately, inline-assembly is not supported in Visual Studio for x64 processors, so we need another C compiler which does supports inline-assembly for x64 processors.

Mingw-w64 and inline ASM

Mingw-w64 is the Windows version of the GCC compiler and can be used to create 32- and 64-bit Windows application. It runs on Windows, Linux or any other Unix based OS. Best of all, it supports inline-assembly even for x64 processors. So, now we need to understand how we can include assembly code within our BOF source code.

If we look at the man page of the Mingw-w64 or GCC compiler, we notice that it supports assembly using the -masm=dialect syntax:

Using the intel dialect, we are able to write assembly code via the same dialect like we did with the Microsoft Assembler in Visual Studio. To include inline-assembly within our code we can simply use the following assembler template syntax:

        asm("nop \n  "
            "nop \n  "
  • The starting asm keyword is either asm or __asm__
  • Instructions must be separated by a newline (literally \n).

More information about the GCC’s assembler syntax can be found in the following guide:

From __asm__  to BOF

Let’s put this together in the following example which shows a custom version of the NtCurrentTeb() routine using inline-assembly. This routine can be used to return a pointer to the Thread Environment Block (TEB) of the current thread, which can then be used to resolve a pointer to the ProcessEnvironmentBlock (PEB):

To make this assembly function available within our C code and to declare its name, return type and parameters we use the EXTERN_C keyword. This preprocessor macro specifies that the function is defined elsewhere, has C linkage and uses the C-language calling convention. This methodology can also be used to include assembly system call functions within our code. Just transform the system calls invocation written in assembly to the assembler template syntax, add the function definition using the EXTERN_C keyword and save this in a header file, which can be included within our project.

Although it is perfectly valid to have an implementation of a function in a header file, this is not best practise to do. However, compiling an object file using the -o option allows us to use one source file only, so in order not to bloat our main source file with assembly functions we put these in a separate header file.

To compile a BOF source code which includes inline assembly we use the following compiler syntax:

x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -o bof.o -c bof.c -masm=intel 


To demonstrate the whole concept, we wrote a Proof-of-Concept code which includes direct system calls using inline-assembly and can be compiled to a Beacon Object File.

This code shows how we can enable WDigest credential caching by toggling the g_fParameter_UseLogonCredential global parameter to 1 within the Lsass process (wdigest.dll module). Furthermore, it can be used to circumvent Credential Guard (if enabled) by toggling the g_IsCredGuardEnabled variable to 0 within the Lsass process. 

Both tricks enable us to make plaintext passwords visible again within LSASS, so they can be displayed using Mimikatz. With the UseLogonCredential patch applied you only need a user to lock and unlock his session for plaintext credentials to be available again. 

This PoC is based on the following excellent blogposts by _xpn_ and N4kedTurtle from Team Hydra. These blogs are a must read and contain all necessary details:

Both blogposts include PoC code to patch LSASS, so from that viewpoint our code is nothing new. Our PoC builds on this work and only demonstrates how we can utilize direct system calls within a Beacon Object file to provide a more OPSEC safe way of interacting with the LSASS process and bypassing API hooks from Cobalt Strike.

Patch Limitations

The memory patches applied using this PoC are not reboot persistent, so after a reboot you must rerun the code. Furthermore, the memory offsets to the g_fParameter_UseLogonCredential and g_IsCredGuardEnabled global variables within the wdigest.dll module could change between Windows versions and revisions. We provided some offsets for different builds within the code, but these can change in future releases. You can add your own version offsets which can be found using the Windows debugger tools.


To detect credential theft through LSASS memory access, we could use a tool like Sysmon to monitor for processing opening a handle to LSASS. We can monitor for suspicious processes accessing the LSASS process and thereby create telemetry for detecting possible credential dumping activity.

Of course, there are more options to detect credential theft, for example using an advanced detection platform like Windows Defender ATP. But if you don’t have the budget and luxury of using these fancy platforms, then Sysmon is that free tool that can help fill the gap.


A few months after we published our Direct System Call blogpost, @Jackson_T published a great tool named SysWhispers. Sourced from the SysWhispers Git repository: 

SysWhispers helps with evasion by generating header/ASM files implants can use to make direct system calls”.

It is a great tool to automate the process of generating header/ASM pairs for any system call, which can then be used within custom built Red Teaming tools.

The .asm output file generated by the tool can be used within Visual Studio using the Microsoft Macro Assembler. If we want to use the system call functions generated from the SysWhispers output within a BOF project, we need some sort of conversion so they match the assembler template syntax. 

Our colleague @DaWouw wrote a Python script that can be used to transform the .asm output file generated by SysWhispers to an output file that is suitable within a BOF project.

It converts the output to match the assembler template syntax, so the functions can be used from your BOF code. We can manually enter which system calls are used in our BOF to prevent including unused system functions. The script is available within the InlineWhispers repository on our Github page:


In this blog we showed how we can use direct system calls within Cobalt Strike Beacon Object Files. To use direct system calls we need to write assembly using the assembler template syntax, so we can include assembly functions as inline-assembly. Visual Studio does not support inline-assembly for x64 processors but fortunately Mingw-w64 does.

To demonstrate the usage of direct system calls within a Beacon object file, we wrote a Proof-of-Concept code which can be used to enable WDigest credential caching. Furthermore, we wrote a script called InlineWhispers that can be used to convert .asm output generated by SysWhispers to an inline assembly header file suitable for BOF projects.

We hope this blogpost helps understanding how direct system calls can be implemented within BOF projects to improve OPSEC safety.

The post Direct Syscalls in Beacon Object Files appeared first on Outflank.
