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Save the Environment (Variable)

By: @Wietze
By manipulating environment variables on process level, it is possible to let trusted applications load arbitrary DLLs and execute malicious code. This post lists nearly 100 executables vulnerable to this type of DLL Hijacking on Windows 11 (21H2); it is demonstrated how this can achieved with just three lines of VBScript.

Windows Command-Line Obfuscation

By: @Wietze
Many Windows applications have multiple ways in which the same command line can be expressed, usually for compatibility or ease-of-use reasons. As a result, command-line arguments are implemented inconsistently making detecting specific commands harder due to the number of variations. This post shows how more than 40 often-used, built-in Windows applications are vulnerable to forms of command-line obfuscation, and presents a tool for analysing other executables.

Hijacking DLLs in Windows

By: @Wietze
DLL Hijacking is a popular technique for executing malicious payloads. This post lists nearly 300 executables vulnerable to relative path DLL Hijacking on Windows 10 (1909), and shows how with a few lines of VBScript some of the DLL hijacks can be executed with elevated privileges, bypassing UAC.

PowerShell Obfuscation using SecureString

By: @Wietze
PowerShell has built-in functionality to save sensitive plaintext data to an encrypted object called `SecureString`. Malicious actors have exploited this functionality as a means to obfuscate PowerShell commands. This blog post discusses `SecureString`, examples seen in the wild, and presents a tool [[8](https://wietze.github.io/powershell-securestring-decoder/)] that helps analyse `SecureString` obfuscated commands.

Spoofing Google Search results

By: @Wietze
By adding two parameters to any Google Search URL, you can replace search results with a Knowledge Graph card of your choice. A malicious user can use this to generate false information or 'fake news'.
