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How to Make Your Employees Your First Line of Cyber Defense

There’s a natural human desire to avoid threatening scenarios.Β The irony, of course, is if you hope to attain any semblance of security,Β you’ve got toΒ remain prepared to confront thoseΒ veryΒ same threats. As a decision-maker for your organization, you know this well. But no matter how many experts or trusted cybersecurity tools your organization has a standing guard,

When is One Vulnerability Scanner Not Enough?

Like antivirus software, vulnerability scans rely on a database of known weaknesses. That’s why websites like VirusTotal exist, to give cyber practitioners a chance to see whether a malware sampleΒ is detectedΒ by multiple virus scanning engines, but thisΒ concept hasn’t existed in the vulnerability management space. The benefits of using multiple scanning engines Generally speaking
