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SLAE – Assignment #4: Custom shellcode encoder

Assignment #4: Custom Shellcode Encoder As the 4th SLAE’s assignment I was required to build a custom shellcode encoder for the execve payload, which I did, here how. Encoder Implementations I’ve decided to not relay on XORing functionalities as most antivirus solutions are now well aware of this encoding schema, the same reason for which […]

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Perform a Nessus scan via port forwarding rules only

This post will be a bit different from the usual technical stuff, mostly because I was not able to find any reliable solution on Internet and I would like to help other people having the same doubt/question, it’s nothing advanced, it’s just something useful that I didn’t see posted before. During a recent engagement I […]

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SLAE – Assignment #3: Egghunter

Assignment #3: Egghunter This time the assignment was very interesting, here the requirements: study an egg hunting shellcode and create a working demo, it should be configurable for different payloads. As many before me, I’ve started my research journey with Skape’s papers: β€œSearching Process Virtual Address Space”. I was honestly amazed by the paper content, […]

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