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Exploiting Feedback Hub in Windows 10

Feedback Hub is  a feature in Windows 10 which allows users to report problems or suggestions to Microsoft. It relies ond he “diagtrack” service, running as SYSTEM, or better known as “Connected User Experiences and Telemetry”

When the Feedback Hub gathers info in order to send them to MS, it does a lot of file operations, most of them performed by the SYSTEM user. It turns out that this application and the related services/executables which are run during the collection have a lot of logical bugs which can be exploited by “Directory Junctions” or Symbolic links via RPC Control.

These “bugs” could permit a malicious user to perform the following operations:

  • Arbitrary File Read (Information Disclosure)
  • Arbitrary File Overwite with contents not controlled by the Attacker (Tampering)
  • Arbitrary File Overwite/Write with contents  controlled by the Attacker (Elevation of Privilege)
  • Arbitrary File/Folder Deletion (Elevation of Privilege)

In my investigations, I was able o perform all these operations in various circumstances.

Today I’m going to show you how it is possible to perform an Arbitrary File Overwite/Write which could easily lead to EoP.  I found this issue in Windows 10 Preview up to Build v10.0.19592.1001. In Windows 10 “standard” version, the bug was much easier to exploit.

This issue was fixed in an “unintended” way in CVE-2020-0942  and sequent in latest WIP Build (10.0.19608.1006).


  • Standard Windows 10 / domain user with Windows 10 computer (virtual or physical)
  • Diagnostics & Feedback has to be set to “Full” mode
    • If “Basic” was selected at the first logon this can be changed by the logged on user in settings->privacy->diagnostics& feedback by switching from “required” to “optional”


When an attachment is sent via the Feedback Hub App and you choose to “Save a local copy…”, several file operations are performed by the diagtrack service, mostly using SYSTEM user privileges.



Here is an overview of the most significant operations.

First, diagtrack service by impersonating the current user creates a temporary random folder name diagtracktempdir<XX..X> under the “c:\Users\user\Appdata\local\temp” directory:


During the creation of the directory, the impersonated user also sets new permissions. These are not inherited from the parent folder and are very restrictive. In fact, as we can see in the following screenshot, permissions in the current directory do not include the current user:


While, for the subdirectories and files inside, the current user has some privileges.


In the next screenshot we can observe that files and folders are created without user impersonation and therefore as SYSTEM. It should also be noticed that even the file uploaded as feedback attachment (windowscoredeviceinfo.dll in this case) is now copied in the temporary folder. Additionally, all the files and folders created or copied in the temporary path will inherit these new permissions.


Once the process is complete, diagtracktempdir<XX..X> is renamed and moved into the current user FeedbackHub path. Sequent, restrictive permissions are again set on first directory of the renamed folder:



So the question is:

Is it still possible to abuse from special crafted “junction”?

Theoretically yes: the primary folder diagtracktempdir<XX..X> is created by the current user. Even though the permissions are sequent changed in a more restrictive way, such as granting the user only READ permissions, he could still modify because the user is the owner of the directory.

Practically, there is a race condition to win. Specifically, permissions on diagtracktempdir<XX..X> have to be changed before the subdirectories are created by SYSTEM without impersonation. In this way, the new permissions will be propagated, and the attacker will have full access on all of content.

Winning such a race conditions is hard. The time between the two events is in the order of milliseconds and you have to inject your “malicious” code for altering the permissions…



Nevertheless, I found a couple  solutions to win the race conditions and developing a POC/tool in VS2019 C++

Note: In order to speed up the tests, always choose “Suggest a feature” in Feedback Hub.

Only 1 Hard disk present

I tested this procedure on both physical and virtual machines. Depending on the HW, performance and current workload, I was able to perform the exploitation at first run. In some cases, it took up to 10/15 attempts.

First of all, run the “Feedback Hub” app and exit. This will create the initial directory and settings if never launched before.

This is the “Logical Flow” of my Poc/Tool:

  • Thread 1: Run a file watcher for the directory: “c:\users\<user>\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\DiagOutputDir”
    this will intercept the creation of a directory and save the directory {GUID} useful for later
  • Thread 2: Run a file watcher for the directory “c:\users\<user>\appdata\local\temp”
    this will intercept the creation of folder diagtracktempdir<XX..X>
    • When the directory is created, change immediately the permissions, e.g.: everyone:full.
      Note: SetSecurityInfo API function is not suitable because slow (it does a lot of useless work “under the hood”), NtSetSecurityObject is faster because more “atomic”
    • We know how the final path name will look like:
      “diagtracktempdir<XX..X>\get info T0FolderPath\<{GUID}>”
  • Loop to create a “junction point” from the identified path to our target directory. Loop until the error is “path/file not found”.

If everything works fine, we should have copied our file in the destination directory. Alternatively, the loop will exit with an access denied error which means that we were too late.

The following screenshots are the PoC of how I was able to write the previous attached WindowsCoreDeviceInfo.dll in c:\windows\system32:




The following screenshot shows that the SetSecurity executed by the exploit happened before the creation of the directory “get info T0FolderPath


And directory successfully mounted:


Finally, file copied in target directory and EoP is just one step away 😉cattura.JPG

Two or more hard disk/partitions are present (including the possibility to mount an external USB disk)

I tested this procedure on both physical and virtual machines. In my test environment (physical and virtual machine with 2 partitions) I was able to perform the exploitation at first run. This solution is much more reliable.

Mounting an external USB disk on a physical machine can be accomplished by a standard user

First of all, run the “Feedback Hub” app and exit. This will create the initial directory and settings if never launched before.

In this scenario, we will create a junction from the directory “c:\user\<user>\documents\feedbackhub” to a directory located on another drive. This will force “reparse” operations whenever a file is opened, and this introduces delays, especially if the junction points to a different drive/partition.

When a junction is in place, the user’s “…appdata\local\temp” directory is no more used and the diagtracktempdir<XX..X> directory is directly written under the feedbackhub.

The only prerequisite is that the feedbackhub folder has to be empty, which means that that no previous Feedback Hub with Local Saving Attachments have to be done, because once the folders and  files are created, the user cannot delete them.

The following steps are required to win the race condition:

  1. Create the junction: cattura.JPG
  2. Use the junction directory instead of “…appdata\local\temp” in the C++ exploit:cattura.JPG
  3. Submit a new feedback and load a malicious DLL as attachmentcattura.JPG

Et voilà! Our dll was copied in System32 folder:




This is just  one of the still many possibilities to perform privileged file operations by abusing the generic “error reporting” functionalities in Windows 10.

If you’re hunting for for CVE’s maybe this might be worth a try. All you need is Procmon, time and patience 😉


POC can be downloaded here





















The strange case of “open-ssh” in Windows Server 2019

A few weeks ago I decided to install “open-ssh” on a Windows 2019 server for management purpose. The ssh server/client is based on the opensource project and MS implementation source code can be found here

Installing ssh is a very easy task, all you have to do is to install the “feature” via powershell:


The first time you start the service, the necessary directories and files are created under the directory “c:\programdata\ssh





A standard  “sshd_config” is created and this file is obviously readonly for  users:


So a strange idea came in my mind: what if I created a special kind of malicious “sshd_config” file before the first launch of the open-ssh server?

As a standard user, with no special privileges, I am able to create the “ssh” directory  and write files…

And what should my “sshd_config” file contain? Well, easy: the possibility to login as an administrator with a predefined public/private key pair!

So let’s start again from the beginning…. sshd server has not yet been installed or launched for the first time.

First of all,  we need  to create a “special” sshd_config file, here the relevant parts:

StrictModes no
PubkeyAuthentication yes
Match Group administrators
     AuthorizedKeysFile c:\temp\authorized_keys
  1. StrictModes” set to “no” will bypass the owner/permissions strict checks on the “authorized_keys file”
  2. PubkeyAuthentication” set to yes will permit login via public/private keys
  3. Match Group administrators” will point to an “authorized”_keys” file generated by the user

3) is very interesting, we have the possibility to define a unique private/pubkey pair for authenticating the members of “administrators” groups..

Now we have to generate our public/private key. In this example, I will use the ssh utilities for Windows, but you can create them also on other systems (ex:Linux)



Once done, we will copy the public key, in this example under c:\temp:


Next step is creating the c:\programdata\ssh  directory and copy  the config file into it:


At his point we have just to wait that “sshd” service will be launched, for testing we can do it on your own as an admin:


Our config file has not been changed and we are still able to modify it!

Let’s see if it works. We are going to use OUR private/public key pair in order to login as administrator




Yes, it works! 🙂

Even if there are not so “common” preconditions, this installation/configuration  bug (which has nothing to do with the open-ssh software suite itself) could easily lead to EoP, don’t you agree?

So I informed MSRC about this, they opened a case and some days after they told me that this was already fixed with CVE-2020-757, probably as an “unintended” side effect…

Strange! My Windows 2019 server was fully patched including latest CVE’s. So I tested this on a Windows 10 machine, updated it with latest patches and actually after that I ran into an  empty “c:\programdata\ssh” folder  with correct permissions, even if open-ssh was not installed.

But why did this not happen on my Windows 2019 server?

I tested other servers as well, installed a new one from scratch and always same results, no empty c:\programdata\ssh directory!

I had a long debate about this with MSRC, basically  they were stating that they could not reproduce it and then magically, with March MS Tuesday patch, the directory was finally created with KB4538461 !

Really strange, but that’s it and given that now it’s fixed I decided to publish this post!

Stay safe, remember to keep “physical distancing” and not “social distancing” 🙂










































The strange RPC interface (MS, are you trolling me?)

On a dark and stormy night, I was playing with Forshaw’s fantastic NTOBJECTMANGER library which, among the millions of things, is able to “disassemble” RPC servers  and implement Local RPC calls  in .NET.

I was looking at “interesting”  RPC servers on my Windows 10 1909 machine when my attention was caught by the “XblGameSave.dll” library.

This Dll is used by the “Xbox Live Game Service“:


What is the purpose of this service? Well, I never played with Xbox nor Xbox games on Windows, but MS states that:

This service syncs save data for Xbox Live save enabled games. If this service is stopped, game save data will not upload to or download from Xbox Live.”

The service runs under the SYSTEM user context and is set to manual-triggered startup:


In short,  XblGameSave can be started upon a remote procedure call event.

I immediately popped up a new powershell instance as a standard user, imported  the Ntobjectmanager library and took a look at the Dll:


Looked promising! The Dll exported a Local RPC Call “svcScheduleTaskOperation” with an Interface ID: f6c98708-c7b8-4919-887c-2ce66e78b9a0 and running as SYSTEM , maybe I could abuse  this call to  schedule a task as a privileged user?

Side note: I was able to get all these detailed information because I also specified the relative .pdb symbol file located in c:\symbols.  You can download the symbols files with the symchk.exe tool available with the Windows SDK:

symchk.exe /v c:\windows\system32\xblagamesave.dll /s 



In order to obtain more information about the exposed interface, I created a client instance:


The mysterious svcScheduleTaskOperation()  wanted a string as input parameter.  Next step was connect to the RPC server:


Cool! when connecting my client I was able to trigger and start the service, so I tried to invoke the RPC call:



As you can imagine, now the problem was guessing which string the function was waiting for…

The return value -2147024809  was only telling me that the parameter  was “Incorrect”. Thanks, this was a great help 😦

I hate fuzzing and bruteforcing and must admit that I’m really a noob in this field, this clearly was not the right path for me.

At this point, decompiling the Dll was no more an option! I had also the symbol file, so the odds of getting something readable and understandable by  common humans like me were founded.

xblc1This was the pseudo-C code generated by IDA, and in short, as far as I understood (I’m not that good in reversing): if input parameter was not NULL (a2), the Windows API WindowsCreateString was called and the resulting HSTRING passed to the ScheduledTaskOperation() method belonging somehow the ConnectedStorage class.


I obviously googled for more information with the keyword “ConnectedStorage” but surprisingly all the resulting links pointing to MS site returned a 404 error… The only way was to retrieve cached pages:


It seemed that the “ConnectedStorage” class, implemented in this Dll, had the following purpose:  “Store saved games and app data on Xbox One”  (and probably Windows 10 “Xbox” games too?)

My goal was not to understand the deepest and mysterious mechanisms of these classes, so I jumped to the ScheduledTaskOperation() function:

void __fastcall ConnectedStorage::Service::ScheduledTaskOperation(LPCRITICAL_SECTION lpCriticalSection, const struct ConnectedStorage::SimpleHStringWrapper *a2)
  const struct ConnectedStorage::SimpleHStringWrapper *v2; // rdi
  unsigned int v4; // eax
  const unsigned __int16 *v5; // r8
  unsigned int v6; // eax
  const unsigned __int16 *v7; // r8
  unsigned int v8; // eax
  const unsigned __int16 *v9; // r8
  unsigned int v10; // eax
  const unsigned __int16 *v11; // r8
  unsigned int v12; // eax
  const unsigned __int16 *v13; // r8
  unsigned int v14; // eax
  const unsigned __int16 *v15; // r8
  unsigned int v16; // eax
  const unsigned __int16 *v17; // r8
  unsigned int v18; // eax
  const unsigned __int16 *v19; // r8
  unsigned int v20; // eax
  const unsigned __int16 *v21; // r8
  unsigned int v22; // eax
  const unsigned __int16 *v23; // r8
  const unsigned __int16 *v24; // r8
  int v25; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-40h]
  __int64 v26; // [rsp+28h] [rbp-38h]
  LPCRITICAL_SECTION v27; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-30h]
  __int64 v28; // [rsp+38h] [rbp-28h]
  __int128 v29; // [rsp+40h] [rbp-20h]
  int v30; // [rsp+50h] [rbp-10h]
  char v31; // [rsp+54h] [rbp-Ch]
  __int16 v32; // [rsp+55h] [rbp-Bh]
  char v33; // [rsp+57h] [rbp-9h]

  v2 = a2;
  v3 = lpCriticalSection;
  v27 = lpCriticalSection;
  v28 = 0i64;
  v26 = 0i64;
  v4 = WindowsCreateString(L"standby", 7i64, &v26);
  if ( (v4 & 0x80000000) != 0 )
      (ConnectedStorage *)v4,
      (const wchar_t *)L"WindowsCreateString(str, static_cast<UINT32>(wcslen(str)), &_hstring)",
  v25 = 0;
  v6 = WindowsCompareStringOrdinal(*(_QWORD *)v2, v26, &v25);
  if ( (v6 & 0x80000000) != 0 )
      (ConnectedStorage *)v6,
      (const wchar_t *)L"WindowsCompareStringOrdinal(_hstring, right._hstring, &result)",
  if ( v25 )
    v26 = 0i64;
    v8 = WindowsCreateString(L"maintenance", 11i64, &v26);
    if ( (v8 & 0x80000000) != 0 )
        (ConnectedStorage *)v8,
        (const wchar_t *)L"WindowsCreateString(str, static_cast<UINT32>(wcslen(str)), &_hstring)",
    v25 = 0;
    v10 = WindowsCompareStringOrdinal(*(_QWORD *)v2, v26, &v25);
    if ( (v10 & 0x80000000) != 0 )
        (ConnectedStorage *)v10,
        (const wchar_t *)L"WindowsCompareStringOrdinal(_hstring, right._hstring, &result)",
    if ( v25 )
      v26 = 0i64;
      v12 = WindowsCreateString(L"testenter", 9i64, &v26);
      if ( (v12 & 0x80000000) != 0 )
          (ConnectedStorage *)v12,
          (const wchar_t *)L"WindowsCreateString(str, static_cast<UINT32>(wcslen(str)), &_hstring)",
      v25 = 0;
      v14 = WindowsCompareStringOrdinal(*(_QWORD *)v2, v26, &v25);
      if ( (v14 & 0x80000000) != 0 )
          (ConnectedStorage *)v14,
          (const wchar_t *)L"WindowsCompareStringOrdinal(_hstring, right._hstring, &result)",
      if ( !v25 )
        v31 = 1;
        v30 = 4;
        _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)&v29, (__m128i)GUID_LOW_POWER_EPOCH);
        v33 = 0;
        v32 = 0;
        ConnectedStorage::Power::PowerChangeCallback(v3 + 4, 0i64, &v29);
        goto LABEL_12;
      v26 = 0i64;
      v16 = WindowsCreateString(L"testexit", 8i64, &v26);
      if ( (v16 & 0x80000000) != 0 )
          (ConnectedStorage *)v16,
          (const wchar_t *)L"WindowsCreateString(str, static_cast<UINT32>(wcslen(str)), &_hstring)",
      v25 = 0;
      v18 = WindowsCompareStringOrdinal(*(_QWORD *)v2, v26, &v25);
      if ( (v18 & 0x80000000) != 0 )
          (ConnectedStorage *)v18,
          (const wchar_t *)L"WindowsCompareStringOrdinal(_hstring, right._hstring, &result)",
      if ( !v25 )
        v31 = 0;
        goto LABEL_11;
      v26 = 0i64;
      v20 = WindowsCreateString(L"logon", 5i64, &v26);
      if ( (v20 & 0x80000000) != 0 )
          (ConnectedStorage *)v20,
          (const wchar_t *)L"WindowsCreateString(str, static_cast<UINT32>(wcslen(str)), &_hstring)",
      v25 = 0;
      v22 = WindowsCompareStringOrdinal(*(_QWORD *)v2, v26, &v25);
      if ( (v22 & 0x80000000) != 0 )
          (ConnectedStorage *)v22,
          (const wchar_t *)L"WindowsCompareStringOrdinal(_hstring, right._hstring, &result)",
      if ( v25 )
          (ConnectedStorage *)0x80070057i64,
          (const wchar_t *)L"Service::ScheduledTaskOperation called with an invalid operation type.",


In short:

  • the expected input strings were “logon“, “standby“,”maintenance“, “testenter“, “testexit
  • logon“, “standby“,”maintenance” did nothing! (fake??)
  • testenter” and “testexit” called the PowerChangeCallback  method with a  parameter set to  GUID_LOW_POWER_EPOCH and a flag set  1 if  “testenter” and 0 if “testexit“. This GUID identifies  a “low power state” of the device.

The disassembled  output of the PowerChangeCallback was the following:

__int64 __fastcall ConnectedStorage::Power::PowerChangeCallback(LPCRITICAL_SECTION lpCriticalSection, __int64 a2, __int64 a3)
  int v4; // ebx
  HANDLE v5; // rcx
  __int64 v6; // rdx
  __int64 v7; // r8
  HANDLE v8; // rcx
  DWORD v10; // eax
  const unsigned __int16 *v11; // r8
  ConnectedStorage *v12; // rcx
  DWORD v13; // eax
  const unsigned __int16 *v14; // r8
  ConnectedStorage *v15; // rcx

  v3 = lpCriticalSection;
  v4 = *(_DWORD *)(a3 + 20);
  v5 = v3[1].OwningThread;
  if ( v4 )
    LOBYTE(v3[1].LockSemaphore) = 1;
    if ( !ResetEvent(v5) )
      v13 = GetLastError();
      v15 = (ConnectedStorage *)((unsigned __int16)v13 | 0x80070000);
      if ( (signed int)v13 <= 0 )
        v15 = (ConnectedStorage *)v13;
      ConnectedStorage::ReportErrorAndThrow(v15, L"Event: ResetEvent failed", v14);
    v8 = v3[2].OwningThread;
    LOBYTE(v3[1].LockSemaphore) = 0;
    if ( !SetEvent(v5) )
      v10 = GetLastError();
      v12 = (ConnectedStorage *)((unsigned __int16)v10 | 0x80070000);
      if ( (signed int)v10 <= 0 )
        v12 = (ConnectedStorage *)v10;
      ConnectedStorage::ReportErrorAndThrow(v12, L"Event: SetEvent failed", v11);
    v8 = *(HANDLE *)&v3[3].LockCount;
  if ( v8 )
    (*(void (__fastcall **)(HANDLE, __int64, __int64))(*(_QWORD *)v8 + 8i64))(v8, v6, v7);
  return 0i64;

This function was responsible for setting (“testenter“) and resetting (“testexit“) event objects in order to notify a waiting thread of the occurrence of the particular event ( I presume “low power change” in this case).

So back to us, what could I do with the original svcScheduleTaskOperation RPCcall ?

Probably nothing useful, maybe it has been exposed  only for testing purpose. Why did MS not implement the other functions like logon, maintenance, standby ?

And why did they call it svcScheduleTaskOperation ? Perhaps they will complete it in a future Windows release?



As you can see, all legitimate commands returned 0  (success), that was a cold comfort 😦

My research sadly led to a dead end, but perhaps there are other forgotten or or leftover RPC interfaces to look for?

That’s all, for now 🙂














