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PrintSpoofer - Abusing Impersonation Privileges on Windows 10 and Server 2019

By: itm4n

Over the last few years, tools such as RottenPotato, RottenPotatoNG or Juicy Potato have made the exploitation of impersonation privileges on Windows very popular among the offensive security community. Though, recent changes to the operating system have intentionally or unintentionally reduced the power of these techniques on Windows 10 and Server 2016/2019. Today, I want to introduce a new tool that will allow pentesters to easily leverage these privileges again.


Please note that I used the term “new tool” and not “new technique”. If you read this article in the hope of learning a new leet technique, you will be disappointed. In fact, I’m going to discuss two very well-known techniques that can be combined together in order to achieve privilege escalation from LOCAL SERVICE or NETWORK SERVICE to SYSTEM. To my knowledge, I think there hasn’t been any public mention about using this particular trick in this context but, of course, I might be wrong. :roll_eyes:

Note: I developed the tool and started preparing this blog post prior to the publication of this blog post by James Forshaw: Sharing a Logon Session a Little Too Much. I could have chosen to cancel the publication of my post but I eventually realized that it was still worth it. Please keep this in mind as you read this post.

Impersonation Privileges

I want to start things off with this quote from @decoder_it: “if you have SeAssignPrimaryToken or SeImpersonate privilege, you are SYSTEM”. That’s a deliberately provocative shortcut obviously, but it’s not far from the truth. :smile:

These two privileges are very powerful indeed. They allow you to run code or even create a new process in the context of another user. To do so, you can call CreateProcessWithToken() if you have SeImpersonatePrivilege or CreateProcessAsUser() if you have SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege.

Before talking about these two particular functions, I want to quickly remind you what the standard CreateProcess() function looks like:

The first two parameters allow you to specify the application or the command line you want to execute. Then, a lot of settings can be specified in order to customize the environment and the security context of the child process. Finally, the last parameter is a reference to a PROCESS_INFORMATION structure which will be returned by the function upon success. It contains the handles to the target process and thread.

Let’s take a look at CreateProcessWithToken() and CreateProcessAsUser() now:

As you can see, they are not much different than the standard CreateProcess() function. However, they both require a handle to a token. According to the documentation, hToken must be “a handle to the primary token that represents a user”. Further, you can read “To get a primary token that represents the specified user, […] you can call the DuplicateTokenEx function to convert an impersonation token into a primary token. This allows a server application that is impersonating a client to create a process that has the security context of the client.

Of course, the documenation doesn’t tell you how to get this token in the first place because that’s not the responsibility of these two functions. Though, it tells you in what type of scenario they are used. These functions allow a server application to create a process in the security context of a client. This is indeed a very common practice for Windows services that expose RPC/COM interfaces for example. Whenever you invoke an RPC function exposed by a service running as a highly privileged account, this service might call RpcImpersonateClient() in order to run some code in your security context, thus lowering the risk of privilege escalation vulnerablities.

As a summary, provided that we have the SeImpersonatePrivilege or SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege privilege, we can create a process in the security context of another user. What we need though is a token for this user. The question is: how to capture such a token with a custom server application?

Impersonating a User with a Named Pipe

Exploit tools of the Potato family are all based on the same idea: relaying a network authentication from a loopback TCP endpoint to an NTLM negotiator. To do so, they trick the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM account into connecting and authenticating to an RPC server they control by leveraging some peculiarities of the IStorage COM interface.

During the authentication process, all the messages are relayed between the client - the SYSTEM account here - and a local NTLM negotiator. This negotiator is just a combination of several Windows API calls such as AcquireCredentialsHandle() and AcceptSecurityContext() which interact with the lsass process through ALPC. In the end, if all goes well, you get the much desired SYSTEM token.

Unfortunately, due to some core changes, this technique doesn’t work anymore on Windows 10 because the underlying COM connection from the target service to the “Storage” is now allowed only on TCP port 135.

Note: as mentionned by @decoder_it in this blog post, this restriction can actually be bypassed but the resulting token cannot be used for impersonation.

Now, what are the alternatives? RPC isn’t the only protocol that can be used in such a relaying scenario, but I won’t discuss this here. Instead, I’ll discuss an old school technique involving pipes. As I said in the Foreword, there is nothing groundbreaking about this but, as always, I like to present things my own way, so I’ll refresh some basic knowledge even though that may sound trivial for most people.

According to the documentation, “a pipe is a section of shared memory that processes use for communication. The process that creates a pipe is the pipe server. A process that connects to a pipe is a pipe client. One process writes information to the pipe, then the other process reads the information from the pipe.” In other words, pipes are one of the many ways of achieving Inter-Process Communications (IPC) on Windows, just like RPC, COM or sockets for example.

Pipes can be of two types:

  • Anonymous pipes - Anonymous pipes typically transfer data between a parent process and a child process. They are usually used to redirect standard input and output between a child process and its parent.
  • Named pipes - Named pipes on the other hand can transfer data between unrelated processes, provided that the permissions of the pipe grant appropriate access to the client process.

In the first part, I mentionned the RpcImpersonateClient() function. It can be used by an RPC server to impersonate an RPC client. It turns out that Named pipes offer the same capability with the ImpersonateNamedPipeClient() function. So, let’s do some named pipe impersonation! :sunglasses:

I realize that what I’ve explained so far is a bit too theoretical. What we need is a concrete example so, let’s consider the following code. Explanations will follow.

LPWSTR pwszPipeName = argv[1];

if (!InitializeSecurityDescriptor(&sd, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION))
    wprintf(L"InitializeSecurityDescriptor() failed. Error: %d - ", GetLastError());
    return -1;

if (!ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor(L"D:(A;OICI;GA;;;WD)", SDDL_REVISION_1, &((&sa)->lpSecurityDescriptor), NULL))
    wprintf(L"ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor() failed. Error: %d - ", GetLastError());
    return -1;

if ((hPipe = CreateNamedPipe(pwszPipeName, PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, PIPE_TYPE_BYTE | PIPE_WAIT, 10, 2048, 2048, 0, &sa)) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
    wprintf(L"[*] Named pipe '%ls' listening...\n", pwszPipeName);
    ConnectNamedPipe(hPipe, NULL);
    wprintf(L"[+] A client connected!\n");

    if (ImpersonateNamedPipeClient(hPipe)) {

        if (OpenThreadToken(GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, &hToken)) {



            wprintf(L"OpenThreadToken() failed. Error = %d - ", GetLastError());
        wprintf(L"ImpersonateNamedPipeClient() failed. Error = %d - ", GetLastError());
    wprintf(L"CreateNamedPipe() failed. Error: %d - ", GetLastError());

The first two function calls are used to create a custom Security Descriptor that will be applied to the pipe. These functions are not specific to pipes and they don’t play a role in impersonation but I have to mention them briefly. Indeed, pipes are securable objects just like files or registry keys. This means that if you don’t set the appropriate permissions on the named pipe you create, clients running with a different identity might not be able to access it at all. Here, I chose the easy way by granting Everyone generic access to the pipe.

Here are the required functions for impersonating a client through a named pipe:

  • CreateNamedPipe() - The name speaks for itself. As a server application, this function allows you to create a named pipe with a name of the form \\.\pipe\PIPE_NAME.
  • ConnectNamedPipe() - Once the pipe is created, this function is used for accepting connections. Unless specified otherwise, the call is synchronous by default, so the thread is paused untill a client connects.
  • ImpersonateNamedPipeClient() - This is where the magic happens!

Of course, some rules apply to the use of this last function. According to the documentation, here are two of the four cases where impersonation is allowed:

  • The authenticated identity is same as the caller - In other words, you can impersonate yourself. Surprisingly, there are some exploitation scenarios where this is actually useful.
  • The caller has the SeImpersonatePrivilege privilege - That’s us! :slightly_smiling_face:

Just one last thing before seeing this code in action. I implemented a few functions that will print some information about the client’s token and I also implemented a function that I called DoSomethingAsImpersonatedUser(). The purpose of this function is to check whether we can actually execute code in the context of the client. This will be particularly relevant for the last part of this post.


And here we go! After starting my server application as a local administrator (administrators have the SeImpersonatePrivilege prvivilege by default), I use a normal user account and try to write to the named pipe.

Once the client is connected, you get an impersonation token with an impersonation level of 2, i.e. SecurityImpersonation. In addition, DoSomethingAsImpersonatedUser() returned successfully, which means that we can run arbitrary code in the security context of this client. :ok_hand:

Note: perhaps you noticed that I used the path \\localhost\pipe\foo123, instead of \\.\pipe\foo123, which is the real name of the pipe. For the impersonation to succeed, the server must first read data from the pipe. If the client opens the path using \\.\pipe\foo123 as the pipe’s path, no data is written and ImpersonateNamedPipeClient() fails. On the other hand, if the client opens the pipe using \\HOSTNAME\pipe\foo123, ImpersonateNamedPipeClient() succeeds. Don’t ask me why, I have no idea…

To summarize, we know that in order to create a process in the context of another user we need a token. Then, we saw that we could get that token thanks to a server application which leverages named pipe impersonation. So far, that’s common knowledge but the question is: how can we trick the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM account into connecting to our named pipe?

Getting a SYSTEM Token

At then end of last year (2019-12-06), @decoder_it published a blog post entitled We thought they were potatoes but they were beans (from Service Account to SYSTEM again), where he demonstrated how the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) could be leveraged to get a SYSTEM token in a local NTLM relaying scenario which is quite similar to the technique used in the Potato exploits. @decoder_it and @splinter_code implemented this technique in a tool called RogueWinRM, which you can find here.

Although this method is perfectly valid, it comes with a significant drawback. It relies on a WinRM request that is performed by BITS on the local TCP port 5985, the default WinRM port. If this port is available, you can create a malicious WinRM server that will reply to this request and thus capture the credentials of the SYSTEM account. Although the WinRM service is usually stopped on workstations, it is quite the opposite when it comes to server instances, so it wouldn’t be exploitable in this case.

When the results of this research and the associated PoC came out, I was also searching for a generic way of achieving the same objective: capturing a SYSTEM token via a local NTLM relay. Although that wasn’t my top priority, I did find a similar trick but, in the end, it had the same limitations. It wouldn’t work on most installations of Windows Server, so I left it aside. And then, a few months later, during a chat, @jonaslyk gave me the answer: the Printer Bug (with a slight twist).

Does it ring a bell? :wink:

The Printer Bug was introduced as a tool called SpoolSample by Lee Christensen (a.k.a. @tifkin_). According to the description of the tool on GitHub, its purpose is to “coerce Windows hosts authenticate to other machines via the MS-RPRN RPC interface”. The idea behind this tool is to provide a simple and effective mechanism for exploiting Active Directory environments, by tricking a Domain Controller into connecting back to a system configured with unconstrained delegation. Based on this simple concept, an attacker can compromise another forest in a 2-way trust for example, but I digress…

This exploit is based on a single RPC call to a function exposed by the Print Spooler service.

DWORD RpcRemoteFindFirstPrinterChangeNotificationEx( 
    /* [in] */ PRINTER_HANDLE hPrinter,
    /* [in] */ DWORD fdwFlags,
    /* [in] */ DWORD fdwOptions,
    /* [unique][string][in] */ wchar_t *pszLocalMachine,
    /* [in] */ DWORD dwPrinterLocal,
    /* [unique][in] */ RPC_V2_NOTIFY_OPTIONS *pOptions)

According to the documentation, this function creates a remote change notification object that monitors changes to printer objects and sends change notifications to a print client using either RpcRouterReplyPrinter or RpcRouterReplyPrinterEx.

Do you know how these notifications are sent to the client? The answer is “via RPC… over a named pipe”. Indeed, the RPC interfaces of the Print Spooler service are exposed over a named pipe: \\.\pipe\spoolss. You can see the pattern now? :slightly_smiling_face:

Let’s try a few things with the PoC provided by Lee Christensen.

The tool was originally designed to let you specify two server names: the one to connect to (a Domain Controller) and the one you control, for capturing the authentication. Here we want to connect to the local machine and receive the notification on the local machine as well. The problem is that if we do that, the notification is sent to \\DESKTOP-RTFONKM\pipe\spoolss. This pipe is controlled by NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM and we cannot create our own pipe with the same name, that doesn’t make any sense. On the other hand, if we specify an arbitrary path and append an arbitrary string, the call just fails because of a path validation check.

Though, I did say that there was a twist. Here is the second trick that @jonaslyk shared with me. If the hostname contains a /, it will pass the path validation checks but, when calculating the path of the named pipe to connect to, normalization will transform it into a \. This way, we can partially control the path used by the server! :open_mouth:

See? The final path that is being used by the service is now \\DESKTOP-RTFONKM\foo123\pipe\spoolss. Of course, this is not a valid path for a named pipe, but with a slight adjustment, we can make it a valid one. If we specify the value \\DESKTOP-RTFONKM/pipe/foo123 in our RPC call, the service will transform it into \\DESKTOP-RTFONKM\pipe\foo123\pipe\spoolss, which is perfectly valid.

Thanks to our server application, we can quicky test this scenario. The following screenshot shows that we do get a connection and that we can then successfully impersonate NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM.

I implemented this trick in a tool I called PrintSpoofer. As a prerequisite, the only required privilege is SeImpersonatePrivilege. I tested it successfully on default installations of Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019. It might work as well on older versions of Windows under certain circumstances.

The screenshot below shows the execution of the tool in a real-life scenario. A shell is opened as a subprocess of the CDPSvc service on Windows Server 2019. This concrete example is particularly interesting because this service runs as NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE with only two privileges: SeChangeNotifyPrivilege and SeImpersonatePrivilege.

How to Prevent Named Pipe Impersonation

First of all, I don’t know if it’s common knowledge but named pipe impersonation can be prevented. As a client, you can specify that you don’t want to be impersonated or, at least, that you don’t want the server to run code in your security context. In fact, there is a place which I already discussed in a previous post where this protection was implemented by Microsoft as a fix for a “vulnerability”.

But before we discuss this, we need a dummy client application for communicating with our named pipe server. This will help me illustrate what I’m going to explain. Named pipes are part of the filesystem so how do we connect to a pipe? The answer is “with a simple CreateFile() function call”.

HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(
    argv[1],                        // pipe name
    GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,   // read and write access 
    0,                              // no sharing 
    NULL,                           // default security attributes
    OPEN_EXISTING,                  // opens existing pipe 
    0,                              // default attributes 
    NULL                            // no template file 

    wprintf(L"[+] CreateFile() OK\n");
} else {
    wprintf(L"[-] CreateFile() failed. Error: %d - ", GetLastError());

If we run this code, we can see that we get a connection on our named pipe and the client is successfully impersonated. There is nothing surprising because I called CreateFile() with default values.

Though, in the documentation of the CreateFile() function, we can see that a lot of attributes can be specified. In particular, if the SECURITY_SQOS_PRESENT flag is set, we can control the impersonation level of our token.

So, in the source code of the dummy client application, I modified the CreateFile() function call as follows. The value SECURITY_SQOS_PRESENT | SECURITY_IDENTIFICATION is now specified as part of the dwFlagsAndAttributes parameter.

HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(
    argv[1],                        // pipe name
    GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,   // read and write access 
    0,                              // no sharing 
    NULL,                           // default security attributes
    OPEN_EXISTING,                  // opens existing pipe 
    SECURITY_SQOS_PRESENT | SECURITY_IDENTIFICATION, // impersonation level: SecurityIdentification
    NULL                            // no template file 

We still get some info about the token but, this time, if we try to execute code in the security context of the client, an error is returned: Either a required impersonation level was not provided, or the provided impersonation level is invalid. Indeed, as highlighted on the screenshot, the impersonation level of the token is now SecurityIdentification which prevents our malicious server application from fully impersonating the client.

That being said, that’s still a bit theoretical but, I did mention that Microsoft implemented this protection as a fix for a vulnerability. In a previous post, I discussed a vulnerability in the Service Tracing feature. As a reminder, this feature allows you to collect some debug information about a particular service simply by editing a registry key in the HKLM hive. Any Authenticated User can specify the destination folder of the log file in the FileDirectory value. For example, if you specify C:\test, the debugged program will write to C:\test\MODULE.log and this operation is performed in the security context of the target application or service.

Since you have control over the file path, nothing prevents you from using the name of a pipe as a path for the target directory. Well, that’s exactly what the CVE-2010-2554 or the MS10-059 bulletin is about.

This vulnerability was reported to Microsoft by @cesarcer. He implemented this in a tool called Chimichurri. I didn’t find the original source of the code but you can find it in this repo. The idea is to trick a service running as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM into connecting to a malicious named pipe and thus capture its token. Provided that you had the SeImpersonatePrivilege, this method worked perfectly well.

Let’s see what happens now if we try to do the same thing on Windows 10:

Although we have the SeImpersonatePrivilege privilege, we get the exact same error when we try to execute code in the context of the SYSTEM account. If we take a look at the CreateFile() call used in rtutils.dll to open the log file, we can see the following:


Note: it should be noted that this protection isn’t bulletproof though. It just makes things harder for an attacker.

As a conclusion, Microsoft treated this case as a regular vulnerability, assigned it a CVE ID and even wrote a detailed security bulletin. Though, times have changed a lot! Nowadays, if you try to report such a vulnerability, they will reply that elevation of privilege by leveraging impersonation privileges is an expected behavior. They probably realized that it’s a fight they cannot win, at least not this way. Like James Forshaw once said about this kind of exploit on Twitter: “they’d argue that you might as well be SYSTEM if you’ve got impersonate privilege as that’s kind of the point. They can make it harder to get a suitable token but it’s just a game of whack-a-mole as there will always be something else you can exploit” (source).


In this post, I explained how the impersonation privileges could be leveraged on Windows 10 in order to execute code in the context of the SYSTEM account. A lot of Windows services which run as LOCAL/NETWORK SERVICE have these capabilities. Though, sometimes they don’t. In this case, you can still recover impersonation privileges either using this tool - FullPowers - or with the method which was illustrated by James Forshaw in this blog post: Sharing a Logon Session a Little Too Much.

Last but not least, I want to say a special thank you to @jonaslyk. Over the past few weeks, I had the chance to chat with him on multiple occasions and, I have to say that he’s always willing to share and explain some cool tips and tricks. These conversations sometimes even turn into very productive brainstorming sessions.

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Windows DLL Hijacking (Hopefully) Clarified

By: itm4n

Whenever a “new” DLL hijacking / planting trick is posted on Twitter, it generates a lot of comments. “It’s not a vulnerability!” or “There is a lot of hijackable DLLs on Windows…” are the most common reactions. Though, people often don’t really speak about the same thing, hence the overall confusion which leads us nowhere. I don’t pretend to know the ultimate truth but I felt the need to write this post in order to hopefully clarify some points.


Whenever I write about something that involves DLL hijacking (e.g.: NetMan DLL Hijacking), I assume that it’s common knowledge and that we are all on the same page. It turns out that it’s a big mistake, for multiple reasons! First, DLL hijacking is just a core concept and, in practice, there are some variants. Therefore, whether you are a pentester, a security researcher or a system administrator, your own conception of it may differ from someone else’s. And then, there is this recurring debate: is it a vulnerability? Before giving a factual answer to this question, I’ll first remind what DLL hijacking is about. Then I’ll illustrate two of its variants with real-life examples, depending on what you are trying to achieve. Finally, I’ll try to give some insight into how you can lower the risk of DLL hijacking.

DLL Hijacking: What are we talking about?

Dynamically compiled Win32 executables use functions which are exported by built-in or third-party Dynamic Link Libraries (DLL). There are two main ways to achieve this:

  • At link time - When the program is compiled, an import table is written into the headers of the Portable Executable (PE). To put it simple, it keeps track of which function needs to be imported from which DLL. Therefore, whenever the program is executed, the linker knows what to do and loads all the required libraries transparently on your behalf.
  • At runtime - Sometimes, you need to or want to import a library at runtime. At this point, the linker has already done its part of the job, so if you want to do so you’ll have to take care of a few things yourself. In particular, you can call LoadLibrary() or LoadLibraryEx() from the Windows API.

Note: in this post, I’ll consider only Win32 applications. Although they use the same extension, DLLs in the context of .NET applications have a completely different meaning so I won’t talk about them here. I don’t want to add to the confusion.

According to the documentation, the prototype of these two functions is as follows:

HMODULE LoadLibrary(LPCSTR lpLibFileName);
HMODULE LoadLibraryEx(LPCSTR lpLibFileName, HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwFlags);

The main argument - lpLibFileName - is the path of the library file you want to load. Though, evaluating the full path of the file at runtime requires some work that we are not always willing to do, especially when the system can retrieve this path by itself. For example, instead of writing LoadLibrary("C:\Windows\System32\mylib.dll"), you could just write LoadLibrary("mylib.dll") and thus let the system find the DLL. This approach makes a lot of sense for third-party applications because they don’t necessarily know this path beforehand.

But then, if you don’t specify the full path of the library you want to load, how does the system know where to find it? The answer is simple, it uses a predefined search order, which is illustrated on the following diagram.

The locations in the “pre-search” are highlighted in green because they are safe (from a privilege escalation perspective). If the name of the DLL doesn’t correspond to a DLL which is already loaded in memory or if it’s not a known DLL, the actual search begins. The program will first try to load it from the application’s directory. If it succeeds, the search stops there otherwise it continues with the C:\Windows\System32 folder and so on…

Note: in this context, the term “Known DLL” has a very specific meaning. These DLLs are listed in the HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\KnownDLLs registry key and are guaranteed to be loaded from the System folder.

I won’t bore you with the theory. Rather, I’ll illustrate this search order with some examples based on the following source code. The following program uses the first command line argument as the name of a library to load with LoadLibrary().

HMODULE hModule = LoadLibrary(argv[1]);
if (hModule) {
    wprintf(L"LoadLibrary() OK\n");
} else {
    wprintf(L"LoadLibrary() KO - Error: %d\n", GetLastError());

Scenario 1: loading a DLL which exists in the application’s directory.

The program finds the DLL in its directory C:\MyCustomApp, that’s the first location in the search order so the library is loaded successfully. Everything is fine. :ok_hand:

Scenario 2: loading a Windows DLL, dbghelp.dll for example.

The program first tries to load the DLL from C:\MyCustomApp, the application’s directory, and doesn’t find it there. Therefore, it tries to load it from the system directory C:\Windows\System32, where this library is actually located.

We can see a potential issue here. What if the C:\MyCustomApp directory is configured with incorrect permissions and allows any user to add files? You guessed it, a malicious version of the DLL could be planted in this directory, allowing a local attacker to execute arbitrary code in the context of any other user who would run this application. Although that’s DLL search order hijacking, this first variant is also sometimes rightly or wrongly called DLL Sideloading. It’s mostly used by malwares but it can also be used for privilege escalation (see my article about DLL Proxying).

Note: in theory DLL Sideloading has a specific meaning. According to MITRE: “Side-loading vulnerabilities specifically occur when Windows Side-by-Side (WinSxS) manifests are not explicit enough about characteristics of the DLL to be loaded. Adversaries may take advantage of a legitimate program that is vulnerable to side-loading to load a malicious DLL.

Scenario 3: loading a nonexistent DLL

If the target DLL doesn’t exist, the program continues its search in the other Windows directories. If it can’t find it there, it tries to load it from the current directory. If it still can’t find it, it eventually searches for it in all the directories that are listed in the %PATH% environment variable.

We can see that a lot of DLL hijacking opportunities arise there. If any of the %PATH% directories is writable, then a malicious version of the DLL could be planted and would be loaded by the application whenever it’s executed. This is another variant which is sometimes called Ghost DLL injection or Phantom DLL hijacking.

Scenario 4: loading a nonexistent DLL as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM

With this last scenario, we are slowly but surely approaching the objective. In the previous examples, I ran the executable as a low-privileged user so that’s not representative of a privilege escalation scenario. Let’s remediate this and run the last command as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM this time.

The exact same search order applies to NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM as well and that’s completely normal. There is a slight difference though. The last directory in the search is different. With the low-privileged user it was C:\Users\Lab-User\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps whereas it’s now C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps. This difference is due to a per-user path that was added starting with Windows 10: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps, where %USERPROFILE% resolves to the path of the user’s home folder.

Anyway, by default, all these folders are configured with proper permissions. So, low-privileged users wouldn’t be able to plant a malicious DLL, preventing them from hijacking the execution flow of a service running as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM for example. With this demonstration, I hope that it’s now clear why DLL hijacking is not a vulnerability.

OK, if DLL hijacking isn’t a vulnerability, why all this fuss? :confused:

Well, as I said before, DLL hijacking is just a core concept, an exploitation technique if you will. It’s just a means to an end. The end goal is either local privilege escalation or persistence (or even AV evasion) in most cases. Though, the means may differ a lot depending on your perspective. Based on my own experience, I know that this perspective generally differs between pentesters and security researchers, hence the potential confusion. So, I’ll highlight two real-life examples in the next parts.

DLL Hijacking From a Security Researcher’s Perspective

First of all, as a Windows bug hunter, if you want to find privilege escalation vulnerabilities on the operating system itself, you’ll often want to start from a blank page, with a clean installation of Windows. The objective is to prevent side-effects that could be caused by the installation of third-party applications. That’s already a big difference between a researcher and a pentester.

Previously, I said that a default installation of Windows is not vulnerable to DLL hijacking because all the directories that are used in the DLL search are configured with proper permissions so, how this technique can still be useful?

It turns out this technique comes in very handy when it comes to privileged file operations abuse for example, especially arbitrary file write. Let’s say that you found a vulnerability in a service that allows you to move any file you own to any location on the filesystem in the context of NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM. That’s cool but that’s somewhat limited. What you really want to achieve is arbitrary code execution as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM. At this point, DLL hijacking is the missing piece that completes the puzzle.

An arbitrary file write vulnerability opens up many opportunities for DLL hijacking because you are not limited to the %PATH% directories (scenario #3), you could also consider hijacking a DLL in an application’s directory (scenario #2) or even in C:\Winows\System32 if it doesn’t exist there. Both DLL Sideloading and Phantom DLL Hijacking techniques can then be used.

If you search for DLL Sideloading opportunities using Process Monitor on a default installation of Windows, you’ll find a lot of them. Typically, any program which is not installed in C:\Windows\System32 and tries to load a DLL from this folder without specifying its full path will fall into this category.

Enough with the theory, let’s take a real-life example! On the below screenshot, you can see that the WMI service loads the wbemcomn.dll library on startup:

The first result is NAME NOT FOUND. That’s totally normal because wbemcomn.dll is a system library, its actual location is C:\Windows\System32\wbemcomn.dll. Though wmiprvse.exe tries to load it from C:\Windows\System32\wbem because this is the directory where it is installed.

Therefore, provided that you found an arbitary file write vulnerability, you could plant a malicious version of wbemcomn.dll in C:\Windows\System32\wbem. After a machine reboot, your DLL would be loaded by the service as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM. Though in practice you wouldn’t rely on this particular DLL hijacking opportunity in your exploit for two major reasons:

  • A reboot is required - Let’s say you found a vulnerability that allows you to move a file to an arbitrary location as SYSTEM. Ending you exploit chain with a machine reboot after having successfully planted your DLL would be a shame. You’d rather search for a DLL hijacking you can trigger on demand as a normal user.
  • Denial of Service - Let’s say that you finally decided to plant your DLL in the wbem folder because you didn’t find a better candidate. After a machine reboot, your DLL is properly loaded by the service and you get your arbitary code execution as SYSTEM. That’s cool but what about the service? Congratulations, you’ve just crashed it because it wasn’t able to import its required dependencies. Again that’s a shame. One could argue that you could craft a Proxy DLL in order to address this issue. Though in practice this would add to your exploit development workload so you want to avoid that as far as possible

This is only one example of DLL Sideloading. There is a ton of similar opportunities on a default installation of Windows. That’s why, security researchers often say that DLL hijacking on Windows is very common and widespread. From their perspective, they think of DLL hijacking in its entirety. However, with the two previous points in mind, you can see that it’s not that simple in the end. Although DLL hijacking is widespread, finding the perfect candidate for your exploit can easily become a headache. That’s why exploits such as the DiagHub technique by James Forshaw are very interesting. This specific technique is now patched but it met all the criteria back then:

  • It could be triggered by a normal user through RPC and you could even choose the name of the DLL you wanted to load. As long as it was in the System32 folder, it would be loaded by the service.
  • You could safely execute your own code without risking a service crash.
  • On top of that, you didn’t have to write your code in DllMain().

Microsoft finally prevented this exploit by enforcing code signing. In other words, only Microsoft-signed libraries can now be loaded using this trick. Later on, I found another technique that is not as good as this one but still meets almost all of the above criteria - Weaponizing Privileged File Writes with the USO Service, but I digress…

That’s it for DLL hijacking in the context of Windows security research. What about pentesters now?

DLL Hijacking From a Pentester’s Perspective

In the context of a pentest, the initial conditions are usually very different. You are given an environment to compromise and you have to adpat based on what you find along the way. Finding a 0-day vulnerability or leveraging the last privilege escalation exploit that was released publicly is usually the option of last resort. The first things you’re looking for are system misconfigurations. Based on my own experience, I’d say that it probably represents 80% of the job.

Security issues caused by misconfigurations are common in corporate environments. That is to some extent quite understandable because installing an operating system without any additional software is pretty useless. And sometimes, these third-party applications introduce vulnerabilities either because they are not installed correctly or they are themselves vulnerable.

Based on what I explained previously, I’ll discuss the two most common DLL hijacking scenarios you’ll face. Now for the setup, here is a common mistake I see very often in corporate environments: a third-party application is installed at the root of the main partition (C:\) or is installed on a seperate partition (D:\ for example).

If you don’t already know that, folders that are created at the root of a partition are granted permissive rights. They allow any “Authenticated User” to create files and folders in them. These permissions are then inherited by subdirectories by default. Therefore, if the program installer doesn’t take care of that or if the administrator doesn’t check them, there is a high chance that the application’s folder is vulnerable.

With this in mind, here are the two most common scenarios you’ll face:

  1. The program installer created a service which runs as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM and executes a program from this directory. In this example, we consider that the permissions of the executable itself are properly configured though. In this case, there is a high chance that it is vulnerable to DLL Sideloading. A local attacker could plant a Windows DLL that is used by this service in the application’s folder.
  2. The program installer added the application’s directory to the system’s %PATH%. This case is a bit different. You could still use DLL Sideloading in order to execute code in the context of any other user who would run this application but you could also achieve privilege escalation to SYSTEM. What you need in this case is Ghost DLL Hijacking because, as I explained before, a nonexistent DLL lookup will ultimately end up in the %PATH% directories.

From my experience, this second scenario is by far the most common one. So, assuming that you find yourself in such situation, what would you need? Well, you’d need to find a privileged process that tries to load a DLL from this unsecure folder. The most common place to look for this kind of opportunity is Windows services.

But then, what are the criteria for finding the perfect candidate? They can be summarized in these three points:

  • It tries to load a nonexistent DLL without specifying its full path.
  • It doesn’t use a safe DLL search order.
  • It runs as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM. Actually it’s not strictly required but I will consider only this case for simplicity. This particular subject will be discussed in an upcoming article. :wink:

On Windows 10 (workstation), services that match these criteria have almost disappeared. Therefore, I often say that DLL hijacking isn’t that common nowadays on Windows 10. That’s because when I think of it I refer to missing DLLs which are loaded from the %PATH% directories by services running as highly privileged account, which is only one variant of DLL hijacking. Nevertheless there are still a few of these services. One of them is the Task Scheduler, as explained in this blog post. This service tries to load the missing WptsExtensions.dll DLL upon startup.

As you can see on the above screenshot, the service tried to load this DLL from C:\MyCustomApp because this directory was added to the system’s %PATH%. Since this directory is configured with weak permissions, any local user can therefore plant a malicious version of this DLL and thus execute code in the context of this service after a machine reboot.

Note: once again, the %PATH% is an environment variable so it varies depending on the user profile. As a consequence, the %PATH% of the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM account is often different from the %PATH% of a typical user account.

Though, you have to be very careful with this particular DLL hijacking if you want to exploit it during a pentest. Indeed, when this DLL is loaded by the service, it’s not freed so you won’t be able to remove the file. One solution is to stop the service as soon as you get your SYSTEM shell, then remove the file and finally start the service again.

Note: starting/stopping the Task Scheduler service requires SYSTEM privileges.

This example applies to Windows 10 workstation but what about Windows servers? Well I won’t discuss this here because I already did that in my previous post: Windows Server 2008R2-2019 NetMan DLL Hijacking. On all versions of Windows Server, starting with 2008 R2, the NetMan service is prone to DLL hijacking in the %PATH% directories because of the missing WLAN API. So, if you find yourself in the situation I just described, you could trigger this service in order to load your malicious DLL as SYSTEM, very convenient.

How to prevent DLL Hijacking?

Hopefully, I made it clear that, whatever the situation, DLL hijacking isn’t a vulnerability. It’s just an exploitation technique for getting code execution in the context of an application or a service for example. An exploitation technique on its own is useless though, what you need is a vulnerability such as weak folder permissions or a privileged file operation abuse.

  • Weak folder permissions - This issue can be caused by the installation of a third-party application. The installer should take care of that but that’s not always the case so system administrators should pay extra attention to this issue.
  • Privileged file operation abuse - This issue is due to a flaw in the design of the application. In this case, developpers should review the code in order to prevent such operation on files and folders that can be controlled by normal users or implement impersonation when possible.

Now, let’s say that the permissions of the application’s folder are properly set and that your code is clean, but you want to go the extra mile. There are still a few things you can do in order to reduce the risk of DLL hijacking in the %PATH% directories.

You’ve probably noticed that I used the simple LoadLibrary() function in my example but I didn’t say anything about the second option: LoadLibraryEx(). As a reminder, here is its prototype:

HMODULE LoadLibraryEx(LPCSTR lpLibFileName, HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwFlags);

The first parameter is still the name (or the path) of the DLL but there are two other arguments. According to the documentation, the second one - hFile - is reserved and should be set to NULL. The third argument, however, allows you to specify some flags that will affect the behavior of the function. In our case, the three most interesting flags are:

  • LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_APPLICATION_DIR - If this value is used, the application’s installation directory is searched for the DLL and its dependencies. Directories in the standard search path are not searched.

Indeed, if this flag is used, the search is limited to C:\MyCustomApp.

  • LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32 - If this value is used, %windows%\system32 is searched for the DLL and its dependencies. Directories in the standard search path are not searched.

Indeed, if this flag is used, the search is limited to C:\Windows\System32.

  • LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_USER_DIRS - If this value is used, directories added using the AddDllDirectory() or the SetDllDirectory() function are searched for the DLL and its dependencies.

Enough with the theory, let’s check a real-life example. :slightly_smiling_face:

You probably know or you’ve probably heard about the IKEEXT DLL hijacking, that was originally published here in 2012 as far as I can tell. Starting with Windows Vista and up to Windows 8, the IKEEXT service loaded the missing wlbsctrl.dll library upon startup without specifying its full path and without using a safe DLL search order. Here is what it looked like back then:

Of course, the researcher who initially reported this to Microsoft was given the same usual answer:

Microsoft has thoroughly investigated the claim and found that this is not a product vulnerability. In the scenario in question, the default security configuration of the system has been weakened by a third-party application. Customers who are concerned with this situation can remove the directory in question from PATH or restrict access to the third-party’s application directory to better protect themselves against these scenarios.

This is the official answer but then, starting with Windows 8.1, this DLL hijacking magically disappeared. Have you ever wondered how and why? Well, let me tell you that IKEEXT still tries to load this missing DLL, even in the latest version of Windows 10. But why don’t we talk about it anymore? First things first, here is what it looks like now on Windows 10:

See? The service tries to load the DLL from C:\Windows\System32, doesn’t find it and then stops. Do you recognize this behavior? :smirk: At this point, and based on what I’ve explained so far, you probably see where I’m going with this.

Let’s take a look at the two versions of the ikeext.dll file…

Of course, there is nothing magical about this. It turns out that Microsoft just silently patched this particular DLL hijacking by modifying the code of ikeext.dll. LoadLibraryEx() is now called instead of LoadLibrary() with the flag LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32, thus restricting the search to %windir%\System32.

LoadLibraryW(L"wlbsctrl.dll");                                          // Windows 7
LoadLibraryExW(L"wlbsctrl.dll", NULL, LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32);    // Windows 10

What is the cost of this change: one line of code, yes ONLY ONE LINE OF CODE!!! :expressionless:

With that in mind, I want you to think about a particular communication from Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC). In a blog post, entitled Triaging a DLL planting vulnerability, they explicitly define what is considered a vulnerability and what is not:

Did you read that? Microsoft won’t address DLL hijacking scenarios involving %PATH% directories. I’ll let you draw your own conclusions from this… :roll_eyes:


In the end, DLL hijacking (in the %PATH% directories) is not a vulnerability. It’s what Microsoft keeps replying over and over again to people who report them. OK, we get that and now what?

In this post, I discussed two versions of this problem:

  • DLL sideloading - If the permissions of an application’s folder are not properly configured, that’s the responsibility of this application only and, most of the time, the impact is limited to this application. So, there’s nothing special to say about it.
  • DLL hijacking in the %PATH% directories - Again, if the permissions of an application’s folder are not properly configured, that’s the responsibility of this application. However, if it adds itself to the system’s %PATH%, that’s another story. In this case, the entire system is put at risk. Any Windows service that attempts to load a missing DLL without using a secure DLL search order can then be leveraged for privilege escalation. Is this a normal situation? I don’t think so.

When you know that this second scenario can easily be prevented simply by changing one line of code, I find it really hard to accept Microsoft’s answer to this issue. It’s even harder to accept considering that they patch them silently in the end. Unfortunately, I know that there are some people who keep relaying Microsoft’s argument blindly. The problem is that this leads us nowhere. Do we want to improve security or do we just want to spend our time figuring out who’s responsible for what?

In my opinion, a honest and constructive reply to people who report these issues would be something like: “Thank you for your report, we don’t consider this a critical or important security issue but we will address this in a future public release”. Perhaps I’m a bit naive and my point of view is biased because I don’t have the big picture. I don’t know. Anyway, I’ll conclude this post with an approximate translation of a quote from a French humorist: “If you’re absolutely one hundred percent sure about something, there’s a high chance you are wrong.

Links & Resources

Windows Server 2008R2-2019 NetMan DLL Hijacking

By: itm4n

What if I told you that all editions of Windows Server, from 2008R2 to 2019, are prone to a DLL Hijacking in the %PATH% directories? What if I also told you that the impacted service runs as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM and that the DLL loading can be triggered by a normal user, on demand, and without the need of a machine reboot? Provided that you found some %PATH% directories configured with weak permissions, this would probably be the most straightforward privilege escalation technique I know. I don’t know why there hasn’t been any publication about this yet. Anyway, I’ll try to fill this gap.


To start things off, I probably don’t need to clarify this but DLL hijacking is not considered as a vulnerability by Microsoft (source). I tend to agree with this statement because, by default, even if a DLL is loaded from the %PATH% directories by a process running with higher privileges, this behavior cannot be exploited by a normal user. Though in practice, and especially in corporate environments, it’s quite common to see third-party applications configured with weak folder permissions. In addition, if they add themselves to the system’s %PATH%, the entire system is then put at risk. My personal opinion on the subject is that Microsoft should prevent these uncontrolled DLL loadings as far as possible in order to prevent a minor configuration issue affecting a single application from becoming a privilege escalation attack vector with a way higher impact.

Back to Basics: Searching for DLL Hijacking Using Procmon

This discovery is the unexpected result of some research I was doing on Windows 2008 R2. Although the system is no longer supported, it’s still widespread in corporate networks and, I was looking for the easiest way of exploiting binary planting through my CVE-2020-0668 exploit. I’ve done a lot of research on Windows 10 Worsktation during the past few months and working back on Windows 7/2008 R2 required me to forget about some techniques I’ve learned and to restart from the beginning. My original problem was: how to easily exploit arbitrary files writes on Windows 2008 R2?

My first instinct was to start with the IKEEXT service. On a default installation of Windows 2008 R2, this service is stopped, and it tries to load the missing wlbsctrl.dll library whenever it’s started. A normal user can easily trigger this service simply by attempting to initiate a dummy VPN connection. However, starting it only once affects its start mode, it goes from DEMAND_START to AUTOMATIC. Leveraging this service under such circumstances would therefore require a machine reboot, which makes it a far less interesting target. So, I had to look for other ways. I also considered the different DLL hijacking opportunities documented by Frédéric Bourla in his article entitled “A few binary plating 0-days for Windows” but they are either not easy to trigger or appear quite randomly.

I decided to begin my research process with firing up Process Monitor and checking for DLL loading events failing with a NAME NOT FOUND error. In the context of an arbitrary file write exploit, the research doesn’t have to be limited to the %PATH% folders so this yields a lot of results! To refine the research, I therefore added a constraint. I wanted to filter out processes which try to load a DLL from the C:\Windows\System32\ folder and then find it in another Windows folder, especially if they need it to function properly. The objective is to avoid a Denial of Service as far as possible.

I considered 3 DLL hijacking cases:

  • A program loads a DLL which doesn’t exist in C:\Windows\System32\ but exists in another Windows directory, C:\Windows\System\ for example. Since the C:\Windows\System32\ folder has a higher priority, this could be a valid candidate.
  • A program loads a non-existing DLL but uses a safe DLL search order. Therefore, it only tries to load it from the C:\Windows\System32\ folder for example.
  • A program loads a non-existing DLL and uses an unrestricted DLL search order.

The first case might lead to Denial of Service so I left it aside. The second case is interesting but can be a bit difficult to spot amongst all the results returned by Procmon. The third case is definetly the most interesting one. If the DLL doesn’t exist, the risk of causing a Denial of Service when hijacking it is reduced and it’s also easy to spot in Procmon.

To do so, I didn’t add a new filter in Process Monitor. Instead, I simply added a rule which highlights all the paths containing WindowsPowerShell. Why this particular keyword, you may ask. On all (modern) versions of Windows, C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\ is part of the default %PATH% folders. Therefore, whenever you see a program trying to load a DLL from this folder, it most probably means that it is prone to DLL Hijacking.

I then tried to start/stop each service or scheduled task I could. And, after having spent a few hours staring at Procmon’s output, I finally saw this:

Wait, what?! Is this really what I think it is? :astonished: Is this a non-existing DLL being loaded by a service running as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM? My first thought was: “if wlanhlp.dll is a hijackable DLL, I should already know about it, I must have made a mistake somewhere or I must have installed some third-party app causing this”. But then I remembered. Firstly, I’m using a fresh install of Windows Server 2008 R2 in a dedicated VM. The only third party application is “VMware Tools”. Secondly, all the research I’ve done so far was mostly on Worstation editions of Windows because it’s often more convenient. Could it be the reason why I saw this event only now?

Fortunately, I have another VM with Windows 7 installed so I quickly checked. It turns out that this DLL exists on a Workstation edition!

If you think about it, if wlanhlp.dll is really related to Wlan capabilities as its name implies, it would make sense. The Wlan API is only available on Workstation editions by default and must be installed as an additional component on Server editions. Anyway, I must be on to something…

NetMan and the Missing Wlan API

Let’s start by looking at the properties of the event in Procmon and learn more about the service.

The process runs as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM, that’s some good news for us. It has the PID 972 so let’s check the corresponding service in the Task Manager.

Three services run inside this process. Looking at the Stack Trace of the event in Procmon, we should be able to determine the name of the one which tried to load this DLL.

We can see an occurrence of netman.dll so the corresponding service must be NetMan (a.k.a. Network Connections). That’s one problem solved. If we take a closer look at this Stack Trace, we also notice several lines containing references to RPCRT4.dll or ole32.dll. That’s a good sign. It means that this event was most probably triggered through RPC/COM. If so, there is a chance we can also trigger this event as a normal user with a few lines of code but I’m getting ahead of myself.

This DLL hijacking opportunity is due to the fact that the Wlan API is not installed by default on a server edition of Windows 6.1 (7 / 2008 R2). The question is: does the same principle apply to other versions of Windows? :thinking:

Luckily, I use quite a lot of virtual machines for my research and I had instances of Windows Server 2012 R2 and 2019 already set up so it didn’t take long to verify.

On Windows Server 2012 R2, wlanhlp.dll doesn’t show up in Procmon. However wlanapi.dll does instead. Looking at the details of the event, it turns out that it is identical. This means that Windows 6.3 (8.1 / 2012 R2) is also “affected”.

Ok, this version of Windows is pretty old now, Windows 2019 cannot be affected by the same issue, right? Let’s check this out…

The exact same behavior occurs on Windows Server 2019 as well! :smirk: I ended up checking this on all possible versions of Windows Server from 2008 to 2019. I won’t bore you with the details, all the versions are prone to this DLL hijacking. The only one which I couldn’t test thoroughly was Server 2008, I wasn’t able to reproduce the issue on this one.

How to Trigger this DLL Hijacking Event on Demand?

Let’s summarize the situation. On all versions of Windows Server, the NetMan service, which runs as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM, tries to load the missing wlanhlp.dll or wlanapi.dll DLL without using a safe DLL search order. Therefore it ends up trying to load this DLL from the directories which are listed in the system’s %PATH% environement variable. That’s a great start I’d say! :slightly_smiling_face:

The next step is to figure out if we can trigger this event as a normal user. I already mentionned that this behavior was due to some RPC/COM events but it doesn’t necessarily mean that we can trigger it. This event could also be the result of two services communicating with each other through RPC.

Anyway, let’s hope for the best and start by checking the Stack Trace once again but, this time, using an instance of Procmon configured to use the public symbols provided by Microsoft. To do so, I switched to the Windows 10 VM I use for security research.

We can see that the CLanConnection::GetProperties() method is called here. In other events, the CLanConnection::GetPropertiesEx() method is called instead. Let’s see if we can find these methods by inspecting the COM objects exposed by NetMan using OleViewDotNet.

Simply based on the name of the class, the LAN Connection Class seems like a good candidate. So, I created an instance of this class and checked the details of the INetConnection interface.

Here it is! We can see the CLanConnection::GetProperties() method. We’re getting close! :ok_hand:

At this point, I was thinking that all of this looked too good to be true. First, I saw this DLL hijacking which I had never seen before. Then, I saw that it was triggered by an RPC/COM event. Finally, finding it with OleViewDotNet was trivial. There had to be a catch! Though, only one problem could arise now: restrictive permissions on the COM object.

COM objects are securable too and they have ACLs which define who is allowed to use them. So, we need to check this before going any further.

When I first saw Administrators and NT AUTHORITY\..., I thought for a second, “crap, this can only be triggered by high-privileged accounts”. And then I saw NT AUTHORITY\INTERACTIVE, phew… :sweat_smile:

What this actually means is that this COM object can be used by normal users only if they are authenticated using an interactive session. More specifically, you’d need to logon locally on the server. Not very useful, right?! Well, it turns out that when you connect through RDP (this includes VDI), you get an interactive session as well so, under these circumstances, this COM object could be used by a normal user. Otherwise, if you tried to use it in a WinRM session for example, you’d get an “Access denied” error. That’s not as good as I expected initially but that’s still a seemingly interesting trigger.

The below screenshot shows a command prompt opened in an RDP session on Windows Server 2019.

At this point, the research part is over so let’s write some code! Fortunately, the INetConnection interface is documented (here). This makes things a lot easier. Secondly, while searching how to enumerate the network interfaces with INetConnection->EnumConnections(), I stumbled upon an interesting solution posted by Simon Mourier on StackOverflow here. Yes, I copied some code from StackOverflow, that’s a bit lame, I know… :neutral_face:

Here is my final Proof-of-Concept code:


#include <iostream>
#include <comdef.h>
#include <netcon.h>

int main()
    HRESULT hResult;

    typedef void(__stdcall* LPNcFreeNetconProperties)(NETCON_PROPERTIES* pProps);
    HMODULE hModule = LoadLibrary(L"netshell.dll");
    if (hModule == NULL) { return 1; }
    LPNcFreeNetconProperties NcFreeNetconProperties = (LPNcFreeNetconProperties)GetProcAddress(hModule, "NcFreeNetconProperties");

    hResult = CoInitializeEx(0, COINIT_MULTITHREADED);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hResult))
        INetConnectionManager* pConnectionManager = 0;
        hResult = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ConnectionManager, 0, CLSCTX_ALL, __uuidof(INetConnectionManager), (void**)&pConnectionManager);
        if (SUCCEEDED(hResult))
            IEnumNetConnection* pEnumConnection = 0;
            hResult = pConnectionManager->EnumConnections(NCME_DEFAULT, &pEnumConnection);
            if (SUCCEEDED(hResult))
                INetConnection* pConnection = 0;
                ULONG count;
                while (pEnumConnection->Next(1, &pConnection, &count) == S_OK)
                    NETCON_PROPERTIES* pConnectionProperties = 0;
                    hResult = pConnection->GetProperties(&pConnectionProperties);
                    if (SUCCEEDED(hResult))
                        wprintf(L"Interface: %ls\n", pConnectionProperties->pszwName);
                        wprintf(L"[-] INetConnection::GetProperties() failed. Error code = 0x%08X (%ls)\n", hResult, _com_error(hResult).ErrorMessage());
                wprintf(L"[-] IEnumNetConnection::EnumConnections() failed. Error code = 0x%08X (%ls)\n", hResult, _com_error(hResult).ErrorMessage());
            wprintf(L"[-] CoCreateInstance() failed. Error code = 0x%08X (%ls)\n", hResult, _com_error(hResult).ErrorMessage());
        wprintf(L"[-] CoInitializeEx() failed. Error code = 0x%08X (%ls)\n", hResult, _com_error(hResult).ErrorMessage());

The below screenshot shows the final result on Windows Server 2008 R2. As we can see, we can trigger the DLL loading simply by enumerating the Ethernet interfaces of the machine. No need to say that the machine must have at least one Ethernet interface, otherwise this technique doesn’t work. :smile:

The screenshot below shows an attempt to run the same executable as a normal user connected through a remote PowerShell session on Windows Server 2019.

(2020-04-13 update) Dealing with the INTERACTIVE restriction

A couple days after the publication of this blog post, @splinter_code brought to my attention that it was technically possible to spawn an interactive process from a non-interactive one.

Then, I had the chance to exchange a few words with him. It turns out that he developped a tool called RunasCs which implements among other things a generic way for spawning an interactive process. He also took the time to explain to me how it works. This trick involves some Windows internals subtleties which are not commonly well known. I won’t detail the technique here because it would require a dedicated blog post in order to explain everything clearly but I’ll try to give a high-level explanation. I hope we will see a blog post from the author himself soon! :slightly_smiling_face:

To put it simple, you can call CreateProcessWithLogon() in order to create an interactive process. This function requires the name and the password of the target user. The problem is that if you try to do that from a process running in session 0 (where most of the services live), the child process will immediately die. A typical example is when you connect remotely through WinRM. All your commands are executed through a subprocess running in session 0 with your identity.

Why is it a problem? You may ask. The thing is, an interactive process is called this way because it interacts with a desktop, which is a particular securable object in the Windows world. However, in the case of our WinRM process which runs in session 0, you wouldn’t (and you shouldn’t) be allowed to interact with this desktop. What @splinter_code found is that you can edit the ACL of the desktop object in the context of the current process in order to grant the current user access to this object. Child processes will then inherit these permissions and therefore have a desktop to interact with. Really clever!

As you can see on the below screenshot, using this trick, we can spawn an interactive process and therefore run NetManTrigger.exe as if we were logged in locally. :slightly_smiling_face:


Following this analysis, I can say that the NetMan service is probably the most useful target for DLL Hijacking I know about. It comes with a small caveat though. As a normal user you would need an interactive session (RDP / VDI), which makes it quite useless if you’re logged on through a remote PowerShell session for instance. But there is another interesting case, if you’ve compromised another service running as LOCAL SERVICE or NETWORK SERVICE, then you would still be able to trigger the NetMan service to elevate your privileges to SYSTEM.

With this discovery, I also learned a lesson. Focusing your attention and your research on a particular environment may sometimes prevent you from finding interesting stuff, which turns out to be particularly relevant in the context of a pentest.

Last but not least, I integrated this in my Windows Privilege Escalation Check script - PrivescCheck. Depending on the version of Windows, the Invoke-HijackableDllsCheck function will tell you which DLL may potentially be hijacked through the %PATH% directories. Thanks @1mm0rt41 for suggesting the idea! :thumbsup:

Links & Resources

CVE-2020-0863 - An Arbitrary File Read Vulnerability in Windows Diagnostic Tracking Service

By: itm4n

Although this vulnerability doesn’t directly result in a full elevation of privileges with code execution as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM, it is still quite interesting because of the exploitation “tricks” involved. Diagnostic Tracking Service (a.k.a. Connected User Experiences and Telemetry Service) is probably one of the most controversial Windows features, known for collecting user and system data. Therefore, the fact that I found an Information Disclosure vulnerability in this service is somewhat ironic. The bug allowed a local user to read arbitrary files in the context of NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM.

DiagTrack RPC Interfaces

This time, I won’t talk about COM but pure old school RPC so, let’s check the interfaces exposed by Diagtrack thanks to RpcView.

We can see that it has quite a few interfaces but we will focus on the one with the ID 4c9dbf19-d39e-4bb9-90ee-8f7179b20283. This one has 37 methods. This makes for quite a large attack surface! :wink:

The vulnerability I found lied in the UtcApi_DownloadLatestSettings procedure… :smirk:

The “UtcApi_DownloadLatestSettings” procedure

RpcView can generate the Interface Definition Language (IDL) file corresponding to the RPC interface. Once compiled, we get the following C function prototype for the UtcApi_DownloadLatestSettings procedure.

long DownloadLatestSettings( 
    /* [in] */ handle_t IDL_handle,
    /* [in] */ long arg_1,
    /* [in] */ long arg_2

Unsurprisingly, the first parameter is the RPC binding handle. The two other parameters are yet unknown.

Note: if you’re not familiar with the way RPC interfaces work, here is a very short explanation. While working with Remote Procedure Calls, the first thing you want to do is get a handle on the remote interface using its unique identifier (e.g. 4c9dbf19-d39e-4bb9-90ee-8f7179b20283 here). Only then, you can use this handle to invoke procedures. That’s why you’ll often find a handle_t parameter as the first argument of a procedure. Not all interfaces work like this but most of them do.

After getting a binding handle on the remote interface, I first tried to invoke this function with the following parameters.

/* ... initialization of the binding handle skipped ... */
hRes = DownloadLatestSettings(g_hBinding, 1, 1);

And, as usual, I analyzed the file operations running in the background with Process Monitor.

Although the service is running as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM, I noticed that it was trying to enumerate XML files located in the following folder, which is owned by the currently logged-on user.


The user lab-user is the one I use for my tests. It’s a normal user with standard privileges and no admin rights. This operation originated from a call to FindFirstFileW() in diagtrack.dll.

The folder seems to be empty by default so I created a few XML files there.

I ran my test program again and observed the result.

This time, the QueryDirectory operation succeeds and the service reads the content of file1.xml, which is the first XML file present in the directory and copies it into a new file in the C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Diagnosis\SoftLandingStage\ folder (with the same name).

The same process applies to the two other files: file2.xml, file3.xml.

Finally, all the XML files which were created in C:\ProgramData\[…]\SoftLandingStage are deleted at the end of the process.

Note: I created a specific rule in Procmon to highlight CreateFile operations occurring in the context of a DeleteFile API call.

The CreateFile operations originated from a call to DeleteFileW() in diagtrack.dll.

The Arbitrary File Read Vulnerability

The files are not moved with a call to MoveFileW() or copied with a call to CopyFileW() and we cannot control the destination folder so, a local attacker wouldn’t be able to leverage this operation to move/copy an arbitrary file to an arbitrary location. Instead, each file is read and then the content is written to a new file in C:\ProgramData\[...]\SoftLandingStage\. In a way, it’s a manual file copy operation.

The one thing we can fully control though is the source folder because it’s owned by the currently logged-on user. The second thing to consider is that the destination folder is readable by Everyone. It means that, by default, new files created in this folder are also readable by Everyone so this privileged file operation may still be abused.

For example, we could replace the C:\Users\lab-user\AppData\Local\Packages\[…]\Tips folder with a mountpoint to an Object Directory and create pseudo symbolic links to point to any file we want on the file system.

If a backup of the SAM file exists, we could create a symlink such as follows in order to get a copy of the file.

C:\Users\lab-user\AppData\Local\Packages\[…]\Tips -> \RPC Control
\RPC\Control\file1.xml -> \??\C:\Windows\Repair\SAM

Theoretically, if the service tries to open file1.xml, it would be redirected to C:\Windows\Repair\SAM. So, it would read its content and copy it to C:\ProgramData\[…]\SoftLandingStage\file1.xml, making it readable by any local user. Easy, right?! :sunglasses:

Well… Wait a minute. We have two problems here. :confused:

  1. The FindFirstFileW() call on the Tips folder would fail because the target of the mountpoint isn’t a “real” folder.
  2. The new file1.xml file which is created in C:\ProgramData\[…]\SoftLandingStage is deleted at the end of the process.

It turns out that we can work around these two issues using an extra mountpoint, several bait files and a combination of opportunistic locks (see the details in the next parts).

Solving The “FindFirstFileW()” Problem

In order to exploit the behavior described in the previous part, we must find a way to reliably redirect the file read operation to any file we want. But, we cannot use a pseudo symbolic link straight away because of the call to FindFirstFileW().

Note: the Win32 FindFirstFileW() function starts by listing the files which match a given filter in a target directory but this doesn’t make any sense for an Object Directory. To put it simple, you can dir C:\Windows but you cannot dir "\RPC Control".

This first problem is quite simple to address though. Instead of creating a mountpoint to an Object Directory immediately, we can first create a mountpoint to an actual directory, containing some bait files.

First, we would have to create a temporary workspace directory such as follows:

|__ file1.xml 
|__ file2.xml

Then, we can create the mountpoint:

C:\Users\lab-user\AppData\Local\Packages\[…]\Tips -> C:\workspace

Doing so, FindFirstFileW() would succeed and return file1.xml. In addition, if we set an OpLock on this file we can partially control the execution flow of the service because the remote procedure would be paused whenever it tries to access it.

When the OpLock is triggered, we can switch the mountpoint to an Object Directory. This is possible because the QueryDirectory operation already occurred and is done only once at the beginning of the FindFirstFileW() call.

C:\Users\lab-user\AppData\Local\Packages\[…]\Tips -> \RPC Control
\RPC Control\file2.xml -> \??\C:\users\lab-admin\desktop\secret.txt

Note: at this point, we don’t have to create a symbolic link for file1.xml because the service already has a handle on this file.

Thus, when the service opens C:\Users\lab-user\AppData\[…]\Tips\file2.xml, it actually opens secret.txt and copies its content to C:\ProgramData\[…]\SoftLandingStage\file2.xml.

Conclusion: we can trick the service into reading a file we don’t own but, this leads us to the second problem. At the end of the process, C:\ProgramData\[…]\SoftLandingStage\file2.xml is deleted so we wouldn’t be able to read it anyway.

Solving The Final File Delete Problem

Since the target file is deleted at the end of the process, we must win a race against the service and get a copy of the file before this happens. To do so we have two options. The first one would be bruteforce. We could implement the strategy described in the previous part and then monitor the target directory C:\ProgramData\[…]\SoftLandingStage in a loop in order to get a copy of the file as soon as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM has finished writing the new XML file.

But, bruteforce is always the option of last resort. Here, we have a second option which is way more reliable but we have to rethink the strategy from the beginning.

Instead of creating two files in our initial temporary workspace directory, we will create three files.

|__ file1.xml
|__ file2.xml  
|__ file3.xml

The next steps will be the same but, when the OpLock on file1.xml is triggered, we will perform two extra actions.

We will first switch the mountpoint and create two pseudo symbolic links. We must make sure that the file3.xml link points to the actual file3.xml file.

C:\Users\lab-user\AppData\Local\Packages\[…]\Tips -> \RPC Control
\RPC Control\file2.xml -> \??\C:\users\lab-admin\desktop\secret.txt
\RPC Control\file3.xml -> \??\C:\workspace\file3.xml

And, we set a new OpLock on file3.xml before releasing the first one.

Thanks to this trick, will are able to influence the service as follows:

  1. DiagTrack tries to read file1.xml and hits the first OpLock.
  2. At this point, we switch the mountpoint, create the two symlinks and set an OpLock on file3.xml.
  3. We release the first OpLock (file1.xml).
  4. DiagTrack copies file1.xml and file2.xml which points to secret.txt.
  5. DiagTrack tries to read file3.xml and hits the second OpLock.
  6. This is the crucial part. At this point, the remote procedure is paused so we can get a copy of C:\ProgramData\[…]\SoftLandingStage\file2.xml, which is itself a copy of secret.txt.
  7. We release the second OpLock (file3.xml).
  8. The remote procedure terminates and the three XML files are deleted.

Note: this trick works because the process performed by DiagTrack is done sequentially. Each file is copied one after each other and all newly created files are deleted at the very end.

This results in a reliable exploit which allows a normal user to get a copy of any file readable as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM. Here is a screenshot showing the PoC I developped.

Links & Resources

CVE-2020-0787 - Windows BITS - An EoP Bug Hidden in an Undocumented RPC Function

By: itm4n

This post is about an arbitrary file move vulnerability I found in the Background Intelligent Transfer Service. This is yet another example of a privileged file operation abuse in Windows 10. There is nothing really new but the bug itself is quite interesting because it was hidden in an undocumented function. Therefore, I will explain how I found it and I will also share some insights about the reverse engineering process I went through in order to identify the logic flaw. I hope you’ll enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.


If you don’t know this Windows feature, here is a quote from Microsoft documentation (link).

Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) is used by programmers and system administrators to download files from or upload files to HTTP web servers and SMB file shares. BITS will take the cost of the transfer into consideration, as well as the network usage so that the user’s foreground work has as little impact as possible. BITS also handles network interuptions, pausing and automatically resuming transfers, even after a reboot.

This service exposes several COM objects, which are different iterations of the “Control Class” and there is also a “Legacy Control Class”. The latter can be used to get a pointer to the legacy IBackgroundCopyGroup interface, which has two undocumented methods: QueryNewJobInterface() and SetNotificationPointer().

If a user invokes the CreateJob() method of the IBackgroundCopyGroup interface (i.e. the legacy one), he/she will get a pointer to the old IBackgroundCopyJob1 interface. On the other hand, if he/she invokes the QueryNewJobInterface() method of this same interface, he/she will get a pointer to the new IBackgroundCopyJob interface.

The issue is that this call was handled by the service without impersonation. It means that users get a pointer to an IBackgroundCopyJob interface in the context of NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM. Impersonation is implemented in the other methods though so the impact is limited but there are still some side effects.

When a job is created and a file is added to the queue, a temporary file is created. Once the service has finished writing to the file, it is renamed with the filename specified by the user thanks to a call to MoveFileEx(). The problem is that, when using the interface pointer returned by QueryNewJobInterface(), this last operation is done without impersonation.

A normal user can therefore leverage this behavior to move an arbitrary file to a restricted location using mountpoints, oplocks and symbolic links.

How do the BITS COM Classes work?

The Background Intelligent Transfer Service exposes several COM objects, which can be easily listed using OleViewDotNet (a big thanks to James Forshaw once again).

Here, we will focus on the Background Intelligent Transfer (BIT) Control Class 1.0 and the Legacy BIT Control Class and their main interfaces, which are respectively IBackgroundCopyManager and IBackgroundCopyMgr.

The “new” BIT Control Class

The BIT Control Class 1.0 works as follows:

  1. You must create an instance of the BIT Control Class (CLSID: 4991D34B-80A1-4291-83B6-3328366B9097) and request a pointer to the IBackgroundCopyManager interface with CoCreateInstance().
  2. Then, you can create a “job” with a call to IBackgroundCopyManager::CreateJob() to get a pointer to the IBackgroundCopyJob interface.
  3. Then, you can add file(s) to the job with a call to IBackgroundCopyJob::AddFile(). This takes two parameters: a URL and a local file path. The URL can also be a UNC path.
  4. Finally, since the job is created in a SUSPENDED state, you have to call IBackgroundCopyJob::Resume() and IBackgroundCopyJob::Complete() when the state of the job is TRANSFERRED.
CoCreateInstance(CLSID_4991D34B-80A1-4291-83B6-3328366B9097)   -> IBackgroundCopyManager*
|__ IBackgroundCopyManager::CreateJob()                        -> IBackgroundCopyJob*
    |__ IBackgroundCopyJob::AddFile(URL, LOCAL_FILE) 
    |__ IBackgroundCopyJob::Resume() 
    |__ IBackgroundCopyJob::Complete()  

Although the BIT service runs as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM, all these operations are performed while impersonating the RPC client so no elevation of privilege is possible here.

The Legacy Control Class

The Legacy Control Class works a bit differently. An extra step is required at the beginning of the process.

  1. You must create an instance of the Legacy BIT Control Class (CLSID: 69AD4AEE-51BE-439B-A92C-86AE490E8B30) and request a pointer to the IBackgroundCopyQMgr interface with CoCreateInstance().
  2. Then, you can create a “group” with a call to IBackgroundCopyQMgr::CreateGroup() to get a pointer to the IBackgroundCopyGroup interface.
  3. Then, you can create a “job” with a call to IBackgroundCopyGroup::CreateJob() to get a pointer to the IBackgroundCopyJob1 interface.
  4. Then, you can add file(s) to the “job” with a call to IBackgroundCopyJob1::AddFiles(), which takes a FILESETINFO structure as a parameter.
  5. Finally, since the job is created in a SUSPENDED state, you have to call IBackgroundCopyJob1::Resume() and IBackgroundCopyJob1::Complete() when the state of the job is TRANSFERRED.
CoCreateInstance(CLSID_69AD4AEE-51BE-439B-A92C-86AE490E8B30)   -> IBackgroundCopyQMgr*
|__ IBackgroundCopyQMgr::CreateGroup()                         -> IBackgroundCopyGroup*
    |__ IBackgroundCopyGroup::CreateJob()                      -> IBackgroundCopyJob1*
        |__ IBackgroundCopyJob1::AddFiles(FILESETINFO)
        |__ IBackgroundCopyJob1::Resume()
        |__ IBackgroundCopyJob1::Complete()

Once again, although the BIT service runs as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM, all these operations are performed while impersonating the RPC client so no elevation of privilege is possible here either.

The use of these two COM classes and their interfaces is well documented on MSDN here and here. However, while trying to understand how the IBackgroundCopyGroup interface worked, I noticed some differences between the methods listed on MSDN and its actual Proxy definition.

The documentation of the IBackgroundCopyGroup interface is available here. According to this resource, it has 13 methods. Though, when viewing the proxy definition of this interface with OleViewDotNet, we can see that it actually has 15 methods.

Proc3 to Proc15 match the methods listed in the documentation but Proc16 and Proc17 are not there.

Thanks to the documentation, we know that the corresponding header file is Qmgr.h. If we open this file, we should get an accurate list of all the methods that are available on this interface.

Indeed, we can see the two undocumented methods: QueryNewJobInterface() and SetNotificationPointer().

An Undocumented Method: “QueryNewJobInterface()”

Thanks to OleViewDotNet, we know that the IBackgroundCopyQMgr interface is implemented in qmgr.dll so, we can open it in IDA and see if we can find more information about the IBackgroundCopyGroup interface and the two undocumented methods I mentionned.

The QueryNewJobInterface() method requires 1 parameter: an interface identifier (REFIID iid) and returns a pointer to an interface (IUnknown **pUnk). The prototype of the function is as follows:

virtual HRESULT QueryNewJobInterface(REFIID iid, IUnknown **pUnk);

First, the input GUID (Interface ID) is compared against a hardcoded value (1): 37668d37-507e-4160-9316-26306d150b12. If it doesn’t match, then the function returns the error code 0x80004001 (2) – “Not implemented”. Otherwise, it calls the GetJobExternal() function from the CJob Class (3).

The hardcoded GUID value (37668d37-507e-4160-9316-26306d150b12) is interesting. It’s the value of IID_IBackgroundCopyJob. We can find it in the Bits.h header file.

The Arbitrary File Move Vulnerability

Before going any further into the reverse engineering process, we could make an educated guess based on the few information that was collected.

  • The name of the undocumented method is QueryNewJobInterface().
  • It’s exposed by the IBackgroundCopyGroup interface of the Legacy BIT Control Class.
  • The GUID of the “new” IBackgroundCopyJob interface is involved.

Therefore, we may assume that the purpose of this function is to get an interface pointer to the “new” IBackgroundCopyJob interface from the Legacy Control Class.

In order to verify this assumption, I created an application that does the following:

  1. It creates an instance of the Legacy Control Class and gets a pointer to the legacy IBackgroundCopyQMgr interface.
  2. It creates a new group with a call to IBackgroundCopyQMgr::CreateGroup() to get a pointer to the IBackgroundCopyGroup interface.
  3. It creates a new job with a call to IBackgroundCopyGroup::CreateJob() to get a pointer to the IBackgroundCopyJob1 interface.
  4. It adds a file to the job with a call to IBackgroundCopyJob1::AddFiles().
  5. And here is the crucial part, it calls the IBackgroundCopyGroup::QueryNewJobInterface() method and gets a pointer to an unknown interface but we will assume that it’s an IBackgroundCopyJob interface.
  6. It finally resumes and complete the job by calling Resume() and Complete() on the IBackgroundCopyJob interface instead of the IBackgroundCopyJob1 interface.

In this application, the target URL is \\\C$\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts (we don’t want to depend on a network access) and the local file is C:\Temp\test.txt.

Then, I analyzed the behavior of the BIT service with Procmon.

First, we can see that the service creates a TMP file in the target directory and tries to open the local file that was given as an argument, while impersonating the current user.

Then, once we call the Resume() function, the service starts reading the target file \\\C$\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts and writes its content to the TMP file C:\Temp\BITF046.tmp, still while impersonating the current user as expected.

Finally, the TMP file is renamed as test.txt with a call to MoveFileEx() and, here is the flaw! While doing so, the current user isn’t impersonated anymore, meaning that the file move operation is done in the context of NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM.

The following screenshot confirms that the SetRenameInformationFile call originated from the Win32 MoveFileEx() function.

This arbitrary file move as SYSTEM results in an Local Privilege Escalation. By moving a specifically crafted DLL to the System32 folder, a regular user may execute arbitrary code in the context of NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM as we will see in the final “Exploit” part.

Finding the Flaw

Before trying to find the flaw in the QueryNewJobInterface() function itself, I first tried to understand how the “standard” CreateJob() method worked.

The CreateJob() method of the IBackgroundCopyGroup interface is implemented in the COldGroupInterface class on server side.

It’s not obvious here because of CFG (Control Flow Guard) but this function calls the CreateJobInternal() method of the same class if I’m not mistaken.

This function starts by invoking the ValidateAccess() method of the CLockedJobWritePointer class, which calls the CheckClientAccess() method of the CJob class.

The CheckClientAccess() method is where the token of the user is checked and is applied to the current thread for impersonation.

Eventually, the execution flow goes back to the CreateJobInternal() method, which calls the GetOldJobExternal() method of the CJob class and returns a pointer to the IBackgroundCopyJob1 interface to the client

The calls can be summarized as follows:

(CLIENT) IBackgroundCopyGroup::CreateJob()
(SERVER) COldGroupInterface::CreateJob()
         |__ COldGroupInterface::CreateJobInternal()
             |__ CLockedJobWritePointer::ValidateAccess()
             |   |__ CJob::CheckClientAccess() // Client impersonation
             |__ CJob::GetOldJobExternal() // IBackgroundCopyJob1* returned

Now that we know how the CreateJob() method works overall, we can go back to the reverse engineering of the QueryNewJobInterface() method.

We already saw that if the supplied GUID matches IID_IBackgroundCopyJob, the following piece of code is executed.

That’s where the new interface pointer is queried and returned to the client with an immediate call to CJob::GetExternalJob(). Therefore, it can simply be summarized as follows:

(CLIENT) IBackgroundCopyGroup::QueryNewJobInterface()
(SERVER) COldGroupInterface::QueryNewJobInterface()
         |__ CJob::GetJobExternal() // IBackgroundCopyJob* returned

We can see a part of the issue now. It seems that, when requesting a pointer to a new IBackgroundCopyJob interface from IBackgroundCopyGroup with a call to the QueryNewJobInterface() method, the client isn’t impersonated. This means that the client gets a pointer to an interface which exists within the context of NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM (if that makes any sense).

The problem isn’t that simple though. Indeed, I noticed that the file move operation occurred after the call to IBackgroundCopyJob::Resume() and before the call to IBackgroundCopyJob::Complete().

Here is a very simplified call trace when invoking IBackgroundCopyJob::Resume():

(CLIENT) IBackgroundCopyJob::Resume()
(SERVER) CJobExternal::Resume()
         |__ CJobExternal::ResumeInternal()
             |__ ...
             |__ CJob::CheckClientAccess() // Client impersonation
             |__ CJob::Resume()
             |__ ...

Here is a very simplified call trace when invoking IBackgroundCopyJob::Complete():

(CLIENT) IBackgroundCopyJob::Complete()
(SERVER) CJobExternal::Complete()
         |__ CJobExternal::CompleteInternal()
             |__ ...
             |__ CJob::CheckClientAccess() // Client impersonation
             |__ CJob::Complete()
             |__ ...

In both cases, the client is impersonated. This means that the job wasn’t completed by the client. It was completed by the service itself, probably because there was no other file in the queue.

So, when a IBackgroundCopyJob interface pointer is received from a call to IBackgroundCopyGroup::QueryNewJobInterface() and the job is completed by the service rather than the RPC client, the final CFile::MoveTempFile() call is done without impersonation. I was not able to spot the exact location of the logic flaw but I think that adding the CJob::CheckClientAccess() check in COldGroupInterface::QueryNewJobInterface() would probably solve the issue.

Here is a simplified graph showing the functions that lead to a MoveFileEx() call in the context of a CJob object.

How to Exploit this Vulnerability?

The exploit strategy is pretty straightforward. The idea is to give the service a path to a folder that will initially be used as a junction to another “physical” directory. We create a new job with a local file to “download” and set an Oplock on the TMP file. After resuming the job, the service will start writing to the TMP file while impersonating the RPC client and will hit the Oplock. All we need to do then is to switch the mountpoint to an Object Directory and create two symbolic links. The TMP file will point to any file we own and the “local” file will point to a new DLL file in the System32 folder. Finally, after releasing the Oplock, the service will continue writing to the original TMP file but it will perform the final move operation through our two symbolic links.

1) Prepare a workspace

The idea is to create a directory with the following structure:

<DIR> C:\workspace
|__ <DIR> bait
|__ <DIR> mountpoint
|__ FakeDll.dll

The purpose of the mountpoint directory is to switch from a junction to the bait directory to a junction to the RPC Control Object Directory. FakeDll.dll is the file we want to move to a restricted location such as C:\Windows\System32\.

2) Create a mountpoint

We want to create a mountpoint from C:\workspace\mountpoint to C:\workspace\bait.

3) Create a new job

We’ll use the interfaces provided by the Legacy Control Class to create a new job with the following parameters.

Target URL: \\\C$\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
Local file: C:\workspace\mountpoint\test.txt

Because of the junction that was previously created, the real path of the local file will be C:\workspace\bait\test.txt.

4) Find the TMP file and set an Oplock

When adding a file to the job queue, the service immediately creates a TMP file. Since it has a “random” name, we have to list the content of the bait directory to find it. Here, we should find a name like BIT1337.tmp. Once we have the name, we can set an Oplock on the file.

5) Resume the job and wait for the Oplock

As mentioned earlier, as soon as the job is resumed, the service will open the TMP file for writing and will trigger the Oplock. This technique allows us to pause the operation and therefore easily win the race.  

6) Switch the mountpoint

Before this step:

TMP file   = C:\workspace\mountpoint\BIT1337.tmp -> C:\workspace\bait\BIT1337.tmp
Local file = C:\workspace\mountpoint\test.txt -> C:\workspace\bait\test.txt

We switch the mountpoint and create the symbolic links:

C:\workspace\mountpoint -> \RPC Control
Symlink #1: \RPC Control\BIT1337.tmp -> C:\workspace\FakeDll.dll
Symlink #2: \RPC Control\test.txt -> C:\Windows\System32\FakeDll.dll

After this step:

TMP file   = C:\workspace\mountpoint\BIT1337.tmp -> C:\workspace\FakeDll.dll
Local file = C:\workspace\mountpoint\test.txt -> C:\Windows\System32\FakeDll.dll

7) Release the Oplock and complete the job

After releasing the Oplock, the CreateFile operation on the original TMP file will return and the service will start writing to C:\workspace\bait\BIT1337.tmp. After that the final MoveFileEx() call will be redirected because of the symbolic links. Therefore, our DLL will be moved to the System32 folder.

Because it’s a move operation, the properties of the file are preserved. This means that the file is still owned by the current user so it can be modified afterwards even if it’s in a restricted location.

8) (Exploit) Code execution as System

To get code execution as System, I used the arbitrary file move vulnerability to create the WindowsCoreDeviceInfo.dll file in the System32 folder. Then, I leveraged the Update Session Orchestrator service to load the DLL as System.


Links & Resources

CVE-2020-0668 - A Trivial Privilege Escalation Bug in Windows Service Tracing

By: itm4n

In this post, I’ll discuss an arbitrary file move vulnerability I found in Windows Service Tracing. From my testing, it affected all versions of Windows from Vista to 10 but it’s probably even older because this feature was already present in XP.


Service Tracing is an old feature that I could trace back to Windows XP but it probably already existed in previous versions of the OS. It aims at providing some basic debug information about running services and modules. It can be configured by any local user, simply by editing some registry keys and values under HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing.

A service or module is associated to a registry key. Each key contains 6 values (i.e. settings). The 3 values we will focus on are: EnableFileTracing (enable / disable the “tracing”), FileDirectory (set the location of the output log file) and MaxFileSize (set the maximum file size of the log file).

Once EnableFileTracing is enabled, the target service will start writing to its log file in the directory of your choice. As soon as the size of the output file exceeds MaxFileSize, it will be moved (the .LOG extension is replaced by .OLD) and a new log file will be created.

Thanks to James Forshaw’s symbolic link testing tools, the exploit is quite simple. All you need to do is set the target directory as a mountpoint to the \RPC Control object directory and then create two symbolic links:

  • A symbolic link from MODULE.LOG to a file you own (its size must be greater than MaxFileSize).
  • A symbolic link from MODULE.OLD to any file on the file system (e.g.: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsCoreDeviceInfo.dll).

Finally, the file move can be triggered by targeting a service running as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM and, the Update Session Orchestrator service can then be leveraged to get arbitrary code execution.

The Tracing Feature for Services

As briefly mentioned before, the Service Tracing feature can be configured by any local user, simply by editing some registry keys and values under HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Tracing.

Using AccessChk from the Windows Sysinternals tools suite, we can see that regular Users have Read/Write permissions on almost all the sub-keys.

For the rest of this article, I’ll use the RASTAPI module as an example since it’s the one I leveraged in my exploit. This module is used by the IKEEXT service. Therefore, log events can be easily triggered by initiating dummy VPN connections. The following screenshot shows the default content of the registry key. The exact same values are configured for the other services and modules.

From a local attacker’s standpoint, here are the most interesting values:

Name Possible values Description
EnableFileTracing 0 - 1 Start / Stop writing to the log file.
FileDirectory A String The absolute path of a directory.
MaxFileSize 0x00000000 - 0xffffffff The maximum size of the output log file.

By setting these values, we can:

  • Force a specific service or module to start or stop writing debug information to a log file by setting EnableFileTracing to either 0 or 1.
  • Specify the location of the log file by setting FileDirectory.
  • Specify the maximum size of the output file by setting MaxFileSize.

The only caveat is that we cannot choose the name of the output file since it’s based on the name of the debugged service or module. This issue can be easily addressed using symbolic links though.

The Arbitrary File Move Vulnerability

With all the previous elements of context in mind, the vulnerability can be easily explained.

Case #1: MaxFileSize - Default value

For this first test case, I simply set C:\LOGS as the output directory and enabled the File Tracing.

Now, if we want the target service to start writing to this file, we must generate some events. A very simple way to do so is to initiate a dummy VPN connection using the rasdial command and a PBK file.

It worked! The log file was written by NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM. Its size is now around 24KB.

Case #2: MaxFileSize - Custom value

In the previous test, we saw that the final size of the output log file was around 24KB. Therefore, this time, we will set MaxFileSize to 0x4000 (16,384 bytes) and restart the test.

The events captured by “Process Monitor” can be summarized as follows:

  1. Basic information about the log file is fetched by the service. We can see that the EndOfFile is at offset 23,906, which is the size of the file at this moment. The problem is that we specified a max file size of 16,384 bytes so, the system will consider that there is no more free space.
  2. SetRenameInformationFile is called with FileName=C:\LOGS\RASTAPI.OLD. In other words, since the existing file is considered as full, it is moved from C:\LOGS\RASTAPI.LOG to C:\LOGS\RASTAPI.OLD.
  3. The service creates a new C:\LOGS\RASTAPI.LOG file and starts writing to it.

The “Move” operation is performed as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM. Therefore, it can be leveraged to move a user-owned file to any location on the file system, such as C:\Windows\System32\.

The Exploit

The exploit is simple and can be summarized as follows:

  1. Create (or copy) a file with a size greater than 0x8000 (32,768) bytes.
  2. Create a new directory (C:\EXPLOIT\mountpoint\ for example) and set it as a mountpoint to \RPC Control.
  3. Create the following symbolic links:
    \RPC Control\RASTAPI.LOG -> \??\C:\EXPLOIT\FakeDll.dll (owner = current user)
    \RPC Control\RASTAPI.OLD -> \??\C:\Windows\System32\WindowsCoreDeviceInfo.dll
  4. Configure the following values in the registry:
    FileDirectory = C:\EXPLOIT\mountpoint
    MaxFileSize = 0x8000 (32,768‬ bytes)
    EnableFileTracing = 1
  5. Trigger RASTAPI related events using the RasDial function from the Windows API.
  6. Trigger the Update Session Orchestrator service to load the DLL in the context of NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM.


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By: itm4n

A DLL hijacking “vulnerability” in the CDPSvc service was reported to Microsoft at least two times this year. As per their policy though, DLL planting issues that fall into the category of PATH directories DLL planting are treated as won’t fix , which means that it won’t be addressed (at least in the near future). This case is very similar to the IKEEXT one in Windows Vista/7/8. The big difference is that CDPSvc runs as LOCAL SERVICE instead of SYSTEM so getting higher privileges requires an extra step.

CDPSvc DLL Hijacking

Before we begin, I’ll assume you know what DLL hijacking is. It’s probably one of the oldest and most basic privilege escalation techniques in Windows. Besides, the case of the CDPSvc service was already well explained by Nafiez in this article: (MSRC Case 54347) Microsoft Windows Service Host (svchost) - Elevation of Privilege.

Long story short, the Connected Devices Platform Service (or CDPSvc) is a service which runs as NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE and tries to load the missing cdpsgshims.dll DLL on startup with a call to LoadLibrary(), without specifying its absolute path.

Therfore, following the DLL search order of Windows, it will first try to load it from the “system” folders and then go through the list of directories which are stored in the PATH environment variable. So, if one of these folders is configured with weak permissions, you could plant a “malicious” version of the DLL and thus execute arbitrary code in the context of NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE upon reboot.

Note: the last PATH entry varies depending on the current user profile. This means that you will always see this folder as writable if you look at your own PATH variable in Windows 10. If you want to see the PATH variable of the System, you can check the registry with the following command: reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /V Path.

That’s it for the boring stuff. :sleeping: Now let’s talk about some Windows internals and lesser known exploitation techniques. :smiley:

A Word (Or Maybe Two…) About Tokens And Impersonation

In my previous article, I discussed the specific case of service accounts running without impersonation privileges. As it turns out, it’s not the case of CDPSvc so we will be able to take advantage of this. However, I realize that I didn’t say much about the implications of each impersonation privilege. It’s not overly complicated but I know that it’s easy to overlook this kind of things because there are so many other things to learn.

Since I worked quite a bit on the inner working of tools such as RottenPotato or JuicyPotato, I’d like to share what I learned in an hopefully clear and concise way. If you’re already familiar with these concepts, you may skip to the next part.

Token Types

First things first. Let’s talk about tokens. There are 2 types of tokens: Primary tokens and Impersonation tokens. A Primary token represents the security information of a process whereas an Impersonation token represents the security context of another user in a thread.

  • Primary token: one per process.
  • Impersonation token: one per thread which impersonates another user.

Note: an Impersonation token can be converted to a Primary token with a call to DuplicateTokenEx().

Impersonation Levels

An Impersonation token comes with an impersonation level: Anonymous, Identification, Impersonation or Delegation. You can use a token for impersonation only if it has an Impersonation or Delegation level associated with it.

  • Anonymous: The server cannot impersonate or identify the client.
  • Identification: The server can get the identity and privileges of the client, but cannot impersonate the client.
  • Impersonation: The server can impersonate the client’s security context on the local system.
  • Delegation: The server can impersonate the client’s security context on remote systems.


Regarding the impersonation methods, there are 3 different ways to create a process as a different user in Windows as I far as I know.

This function doesn’t require any specific privilege. Any user can call this function. However you must know the password of the target account. That’s typically the method used by runas.

This function requires the SeImpersonatePrivilege privilege, which is enabled by default (for the LOCAL SERVICE account). As an input, it requires a Primary token.

This function requires the SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege and SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege privileges, which are both disabled by default (for the LOCAL SERVICE account) but only SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege really needs to be enabled. SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege will be transperently enabled/disabled during the API call. As an input, it also requires a Primary token.

API function Privilege(s) required Input
CreateProcessWithLogon() None Domain / Username / Password
CreateProcessWithToken() SeImpersonatePrivilege Primary token
CreateProcessAsUser() SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege AND SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege Primary token

The CDPSvc Case

As you can see on the below screenshot, the process in which CDPSvc runs has the three privileges I’ve just talked about so it can impersonate any local user with CreateProcessWithToken() or CreateProcessAsUser() provided that you have a valid token for this user.

As a conclusion, we have the appropriate privileges to impersonate NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM. The second thing we need is a valid token but how can we get one of them? :thinking:

Bringing Back An Old Technique From The Dead: Token Kidnapping

In the old days of Windows, all services ran as SYSTEM, which means that when one of them was compromised all the other services and the host itself were also compromised. Therefore Microsoft added some segregation and introduced two other accounts with less privileges: NETWORK SERVICE and LOCAL SERVICE.

Unfortunately, this wasn’t enough. Indeed, if a service running as LOCAL SERVICE was compromised for example, it could execute code in any other service running as the same user account, access its memory space and extract privileged impersonation tokens: this is the technique called Token Kidnapping, which was presented by Cesar Cerrudo at several conferences in 2008.

To counter this attack, Microsoft had to redesign the security model of the services. The main feature they implemented was Service Isolation. The idea is that each service runs with a dedicated Security Identifier (SID). If you consider a service A with SID_A and a service B with SID_B, service A won’t be able to access the ressources of service B anymore because the two processes are now running with two different identities (although it’s the same account).

Here is a quote from MS Blog, Token Kidnapping in Windows.

The first issue to address is to make sure that two services running with the same identity not be able to access each other’s tokens freely. This concern has been mostly addressed with service hardening done in Windows Vista and above. There are some minor changes that would need to be done to strengthen service hardening to close some gaps identified during our investigation of this issue.

OK so, basically, you’re telling me that Token Kidnapping is now useless because of Service Isolation. What’s the point in talking about that then? :unamused:

Well, the fun fact about CDPSvc is that it runs within a shared process so Service Isolation is almost pointless here since it can access the data of almost a dozen services. CDPSvc runs within a shared process by default only if the machine has less than 3.5GB of RAM (See Changes to Service Host grouping in Windows 10). The question is, among all these services, is there at least one that leaks interesting token handles?

Let’s take a look at the properties of the process once again. Process Hacker provides a really nice feature. it can list all the Handles that are open in a given process.

It looks like the process currently has 5 open Handles to Impersonation tokens which belong to the SYSTEM account. How convenient! :sunglasses:

Fine! How do we proceed?! :grin:

A Handle is a reference to an object (such as a Process, a Thread, a File or a Token for example) but it doesn’t hold the address of the object directly. It’s just an entry in an internally maintained table where the “actual” address is stored. So, it can be seen as an ID, which can be easily bruteforced. That’s the idea behind the Token Kidnapping technique.

Token Kidnapping consists in opening another process and then bruteforcing the open Handles by duplicating them inside the current process. For each valid Handle, we check whether it’s a Handle to a Token, if it’s not the case, we go to the next one.

If we find a valid Token Handle, we must check the following:

  • The corresponding account is SYSTEM?
  • Is it an Impersonation token?
  • The Impersonation Level of the token is at least Impersonation?

Of course, because of Service Isolation, this technique can’t be applied to services running in different processes. However, if you are able to “inject” a DLL into one of these services, you can then access the memory space of the corresponding process without any restrictions. So, you can apply the same bruteforce technique from within the current process. And, once you’ve found a proper impersonation token, you can duplicate it and use the Windows API to create a process as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM. That’s as simple as that.

No conclusion for this post. I just hope that you learned a few things. Here is the link to my PoC.


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