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The XOR madness of MBE's tricky lab6B - a walkthrough

This post is a continuation of my MBE (Modern Binary Exploitation) walkthrough series. In order to get some introduction, please see the previous post: https://hackingiscool.pl/mbe-lab6c-walkthrough/.

A look at the target app

So let's get right to it. The source code of the target application can be found here: https://github.com/RPISEC/MBE/blob/master/src/lab06/lab6B.c. The lab6B.readme reveales that this time we are not dealing with a suid binary. Instead, we are supposed to compromise a service running on port 6642.

Let's see if we can interact with it from our MBE VM command line:

Nice, it's working.

Running locally

Our target application is not actually capable of networking. This is covered by socat:

socat TCP-LISTEN:6642,reuseaddr,fork,su=lab6A EXEC:timeout 300 /levels/lab06/lab6B

For the purpose of better understanding of how the target program behaves and making its exploit development easier, let's compile our own version in /tmp.

The only change required is the hardcoded /home/lab6A/.pass path - with the assumption that we are doing our development from the MBE VM, using lab6B account (as we won't have the privileges to read it):

I just replaced it with pass.txt (the file needs to exist, be nonempty and readable for the program to work properly):

The source code overview

Now, the source code. Just like in lab6C.c, we have a 'secret_backdoor()' function here as well, so all we are gonna need is execution control:

Then we have the hash_pass() function. Takes two pointers to buffers (password and username) and XORs each byte of the password buffer the corresponding byte from the username buffer. The crucial property here is that the XOR operation will keep going until a nullbyte is encountered under password[i] index:

If a nullbyte is encountered under username[i] first, the rest of the password is XOR-ed with a hardcoded value of 0x44.

Then there's the lengthy load_pass() function, which simply reads the contents of the /home/lab6A/.pass file into the buffer pointed by the pointer passed as the only argument this function takes:

Now, this is how the main() function looks like:

It loads the local user password into the sercretpw buffer and hashes it with the hardcoded "lab6A" string (the target username). Then it calls the login_prompt() function, passing the original password size and the hash to it.

Then finally we have the login_prompt() function. It reads username and password to local buffers using strncpy() to only read maximum number of bytes up to the size of the current buffer to avoid overflow. Then it calls the hash_pass() function on the buffers. Then compares (memcmp()) the result with the password hash pointed by the pointer passed in the second login_prompt() argument, also making sure that it compares the exact number of bytes as it should (pwsize):

The first vuln

And honestly, I could not figure out where the vulnerability was. So I peeked into Corb3nik's solution https://github.com/Corb3nik/MBE-Solutions/blob/master/lab6b/solution.py only to notice the following part:

By the way, as the original version kept complaining about input arguments, before I read the usage comment, I simply modified it to make the 'remote' variant (hardcoded remote() method of interaction with hardcoded https://github.com/ewilded/MBE-snippets/blob/master/lab6B/solution.py. Either way, it works like a charm. Now let's find out how and why.

So, after sending the first set of credentials, the exploit is parsing the output from the application (p.recvline()) as a memory leak (individual byte ranges are saved in values with names corresponding to the names of local values stored on login_prompt()'s stack), right after encountering the "Authentication failed for user" string. This made me see the light and instantly revealed the first vulnerability - which by the way also makes the second vulnerability possible to exploit, but we'll get to that in due course.

The local readbuff buffer is 128 bytes-long. Both username and password are 32 bytes-long:

Now, what happens next is that fgets() reads a string from user input, saving it in the readbuff buffer. To make the user input saved in readbuff an actual string, fgets() will terminate it with a nullbyte. This means that if we provide, let's say, 60 characters of username, fgets() will make sure byte 61 is 0, so the string is terminated:

This itself is not an issue. However, what happens next is strncpy() blindly rewriting up to 32 bytes from readbuff to username.

The same goes for password.

This means that if we provide at least 32 bytes both as username and password, both 32-byte buffers, username + password, Β create a continuous 64-byte block of memory without a single nullbyte. Depending on the values stored next to it (in this case attempts and result, and anything that follows, the continuous non-null memory block can be longer - and printable.

Every time after hash comparison fails, the address of the username buffer is passed to a printf() call:

Provided with a pointer to the username buffer and the %s formatting modifier, printf() will keep printing memory starting at username and will only stop once it encounters a nullbyte on its way. Hence the memory leak necessary for us to obtain the information required to defeat ASLR (as we must provide the current, valid address of the login() function to EIP).

Running the app

Before we proceed any further, let's get the feel how all this data is aligned on the stack.

Let's put our first breakpoint here (betweeen strncpy() and hash_pass() calls):

Which would be this place in login_prompt() (at offset 278, right after the second strncpy() call is complete):

We can set a breakpoint on an offset, without first loading the program and using a full address, like below:

OK, run:

The breakpoint is hit let's have a look at the stack and identify what's what:

To confirm whether the value we think is the saved RET is in fact the saved RET, let's simply check the address of the next instruction after the login_prompt() call:

Yup. So we know how data is aligned on the stack when hash_pass() is about to be called.

Fair enough, let's create a second breakpoint - right after the hash_pass() call - to see how Β affects the Β values on the stack : break *(login_prompt+296)):

And once it's hit, we can see that the password (originally consisting of capital 'C's) was hashed with the username (capital 'B's), as well as were the two integer values (attempts and result) and stuff that follows them:

Even the trailing 0x80002f78 was changed to 0x80002e79 in result of the XOR operation. The XOR stopped on the nullbyte in 0x80002e79, leaving the 0x80 part intact.

At this point I got really worried about my understanding of the issue. How are we supposed to leak any memory layout information like the saved RET, saved EBP or anything revealing the current address base, if we encounter a nullbyte on our way earlier? We are always going to have nullbytes on our way with saved RET containing it due to the code segment base address containing such:

Then I noticed that the code segment has in fact a non-null base Β (just like the other maps) Β when we attach to an already running process instead of starting it from gdb (if you know the reason of this behavior please let me know).

As my goal was to figure out the exploitation myself and using Corb3nik's exploit for clues as last resort, I tried to develop the rest of the code myself, starting with this skeleton taken from his code:


Setting the pwlib's context.log_level variable to debug makes gives a great additional feedback channel during exploit troubleshooting and development.

Here's a sample run of this exploit skeleton (note the entire [DEBUG] output, the script itself does not print anything explicitly except for "The pid is: ..."):

By the way, because I wanted to attach gdb to the target process before inducing the out-of-bonds read (so I proceed from this point developing the exploit), I made it Β  print out the PID and pause, waiting for a key to be pressed:

Console 1

This way we can conveniently attach to the process from a second console: Β 

Console 2

Again, breakpoints:

And the stack (marked red saved RET, the address of the next instruction after login_prompt() call):

The second vuln

Now let's see how the stack changed after the first hash_password() call (breakpoint 2):

First, we have our username buffer (32 bytes of 0x42 value) intact. Then we have the password buffer. It's also 32 bytes, originally of 0xff value we sent in our payload... now turned into 0xbd.

The 32 bytes of password got XOR-ed with their corresponding username bytes. Β 0x42 XOR 0xff = 0xbd. So far so good.

But what happens next, when i becomes 32 and keeps incrementing, because no nullbyte was encountered under neither password[i] or username[i]?:

username[32] points at password[0], username[33] points at password[1] and so on. And password[32] points at result, password[33] points at attempts and so on. XOR keeps XOR-ing.

Let's have a look at the two signed integer values (result and attempts), previously 0xffffffff and 0xfffffffe. Now they're 0x42424242 and 0x42424243, respectively:

So, how did their bytes turn from 0xff to 0x42? Had they been XOR-ed with 0x42 (username), they would now be nullbytes (which we don't want, by the way), because any value XOR-ed with itself becomes 0.

They were originally 0xff and became ox42 because they were XOR-ed with 0xbd (to check what was the value they were XOR-ed with, we can simply XOR the current value with the old value, 0x42 XOR 0xff = 0xbd):

So, the bytes that follow the password buffer (including the two integers, saved EBP and the saved RET) got XOR-ed with the contents of the password buffer... after the password buffer was XOR-ed with the username buffer.

And this is how we attained the second vulnerability - which, as we can see, allows us to change the saved RET!

Look again, the saved RET got changed as well (marked blue):

It's original value was 0xb77cdf7e, now it's 0x0ac162c3. Again, we can run simple test to see what was the value it got XOR-ed with:

Yup, it was 0xbd (username XOR password).

So, the second vulnerability is an out-of-bond XOR in the hash_function().

A XOR with a buffer that we control. So it is effectively an out-of-bond write (a XOR-chained stack-based buffer overflow).

And funnily, it has the same root cause, which is relying on whether or not a particular consecutive byte is null instead of using a maximum size boundary for write.

Understanding the exploitation process and implementing it

In order to trigger both the out-of-bonds read and out-of-bonds XOR, we must provide 32 non-null bytes of username and then 32 non-null bytes of password.

Also, no byte at username[i] can have its corresponding byte in password[i] equal to it (that would lead to the relevant password[i] becoming a nullbyte in result of the XOR operation, cutting us out from the further bytes on the stack).

This way the following things will happen:

1) password will get XOR-ed with username

2) the bytes on the stack following the just XOR-ed password buffer ( attempts, result, login_prompt() parameters, saved EBP and saved RET) will get XOR-ed with the new contents of the password buffer - which is, again, what we provide as password then XOR-ed with what we provide as username.

3) Since this authentication attempt will fail, the printf() call Β will print out everything starting from the username buffer through the XOR-ed password to the rest of the values on the stack XOR-ed with the XOR-ed password up until a nullbyte is encountered.

So we use the out-of-bound printf() to actually obtain, among others, the saved RET. Β All these values are XOR-ed with the result of the username XOR password operation.

At this point the program is in an incorrect state. The saved RET and saved EBP do not make sense. We will now how to trigger both vulnerabilities again with another authentication attempt, crafting the username and the password payloads in such a way that when the values on the stack (attempts and saved RET) are XOR -ed with the password buffer (which at that point will be the result of XOR between the username and the password we provide), they become the arbitrary values we WANT them to be.

Yes, in addition to the saved RET becoming the current address of the login() function, Β we also want to control the Β attempts value, so the while loop can end:

The login_prompt() function will not attempt to return until the loop ends. And the return call is how we gain execution control via saved RET overwrite.

What we need to do now is:

1) use the leaked values to calculate the login() address

2) craft the second username and password 32-byte payloads in such a way, that the current values on the stack (a copy of which we already got via the leak) - especially saved RET and attempts - once XOR-ed with the password buffer, become what we want them to be. Keeping in mind that the password buffer will first get XOR-ed with the username buffer, so we'll need to consider this order while preparing the payload.

All boils down to applying correct values and correct order of XOR-ing.

Let's start from the first payload again.

This time we'll use 'C' (0x43) as username and 0x11 as password:

Now, reading the values from the leak:

We know they are XOR-ed with 0x52, because 0x43 ('C', the username) XOR-ed with 0x11 produces 0x52. Again, these values can be arbitrary as long as they meet the conditions mentions above. And once they are picked, the following decoding and encoding will depend on these values.

We know that XOR-ing anything with the same value twice produces the same value back again. So:

0x43 XOR 0x11 = 0x52

0x52 XOR 0x11 = 0x43

Knowing that the hash_pass() encoded the stack variables with 0x52, we XOR them with 0x52 to make them make sense again:

OK, time for the second payload. This time we'll use 'D' (0x44) as username, only to emphasize that it can differ here.

Obtaining the offset of the login() function:

Calculate the current ASLR-ed address of the login() function by preserving 20 most significant bits from the original saved RET and adding the fixed offset 0xaf4 to it:

Now crafting the payloads for saved RET and attempts. We want such a value, which, when XOR-ed with currently messed up saved RET on the stack, will become the new_ret address. As we know the current value of the messed up saved RET (the xored_ret variable), we XOR it the new_ret and save it in new_ret_payload. Β When this value gets XOR-ed with xored_ret in one stack with a hash_pass() call, two XOR-s with xored_ret will make that value equal new_ret (this is why I titled it "madness"):

Now the attempts value. We decode it with the 0x52 key from the first attempt, increment it by one (to get past the last, third iteration of the while loop instead of having to perform another dummy authentication attempt) and encode it back :

Now, one last layer of encoding. Before sending, we need to XOR everything with the username value we chose for the second attempt, so the hash_pass() call XOR-ing the password with it will reverse this process, making those values ready to be XOR-ed against the rest of the stack:

And lastly, we assemble the payload, fill it up to 32-bytes with some arbitrary character (e.g. 'E') and send it:

And here we go. Triggering the leak and the first out-of-bonds XOR:

Receiving the leak:

Sending the second authentication attempt payload:

And we're done:

The full source code with comments can be found here:


MBE lab6C walkthrough

About MBE

Some time ago I came across RPISEC's free Modern Binary Exploitation course (https://github.com/RPISEC/MBE) which I can't recommend enough. You get lectures, challenges and a ready out-of-the-box operational Ubuntu VM to play with. Yup, this course is Linux-focused, which made it a great extension to my recently passed OSCE (which is, or at least was at the time, Windows-only). After completing only about 16, maybe 17 challenges (there are ten chapters, 3 challenges each => 30 + 2 additional challenges with no source code provided) I can conclude I learned comparably as much as doing my OSCE, but quite different knowledge (again, different OS and also different techniques), which again is great. And finally got myself together to put some of my notes out here. If you don't feel like doing but would like to get the feel, this is a read for you.

How it works

Our environment is the VM provided RPISEC (can be found here https://github.com/RPISEC/MBE/releases/download/v1.1_release/MBE_VM.vmdk.gz).

The target program is usually a setuid binary, running with its owner's effective uid. If we can execute arbitrary code, we steal the flag which is always located in /home/<USER>/.pass (which is a clear text unix password for that user account), whereas <USER> corresponds to the current target level. E.g. lab6C is the start user for the level 6, lab6B is the target user, hence /levels/lab06/lab6C is a setuid binary owned by lab6B so we obtain the pass and therefore can advance to the next level. Please refer to RPISEC's github page to find all info, including credentials, slides, resources and so on.


This challenge (https://github.com/RPISEC/MBE/blob/master/src/lab06/lab6C.c) is the first one from level 6, which should be done with ASLR turned on for all the time.

This is how the program behaves when we're not trying to abuse it (it does not really send our 'tweet' anywhere, just internal buffer operations):

Now, spoiler alert, first a quick glance at the source code to see where the vulnerability is.

First, there are some self-explanatory definitions:

Then it gets more interesting:

We have a secret_backdoor() function which simply reads up to 128-byte string from the standard input and then performs the libc system() wrapper on the exec() syscall (with a fork() and sh). The function is not explicitly called anywhere from the code, so it's clear we are not going to need a shellcode here; it's all about redirecting the execution to this function.

Now, to the vulnerability. We have several functions calling each other, so let's go through them in the order of the call sequence.

First, we have a standard main() function:

And here is the handle_tweet() function:

So, a local instance of the savestate structure (which was declared in the beginning of the file) is defined here, locally, on the stack.

username and msglen fields are initialized, then there are two two calls; set_username() and set_tweet(), respectively. Both calls take a pointer to the save instance of the savestate structure (so the pointer will point at the handle_tweet() function's stack). And this is the stack we are about to overflow (we'll get to how in a minute) to redirect the execution flow, overwriting handle_tweet's saved RET pointing back to main (the next instruction after the handle_tweet() call, which is just a return EXIT_SUCCESS;.

To illustrate, this is a simplified stack layout while inside of the handle_tweet() function, after the local struct was defined, but before the two set_username() and set_tweet() calls:

We will overwrite the save.tweet buffer outside its 140 bytes and write down over the username, msglen and then the saved RET.

Once the handle_tweet() function call returns, instead of going back to the last instruction of main(), the execution flow will go to our secret_backdoor() function.

So, the overflow must be possible in one of the two set_username(), set_tweet() functions. They both take a pointer to that buffer, so they can operate on it.

Let's see the set_username() function then:

Looks OK at the first glance. The devil's in the details (line 75):

for(i = 0; i <= 40 && readbuf[i]; i++) // this is where the problem starts
    save->username[i] = readbuf[i]; //write

The <= conditional operator (instead of just <) is the culprit here. Instead of being able to write up to 40 bytes of the username, we can write 41. One byte more - which is enough to overwrite the previously initialized value of 140.

So once the set_username() call returns, the username is set, while the msglen is set to an arbitrary value that we will smuggle in the additional 41-th byte provided as the username.

This is how the second function, set_tweet(), looks like:

So the function has a quite big (1024 bytes, even too big for our needs) local buffer. To keep the big picture clear, this is how the stack will look like inside the set_tweet() function call, after calling fgets(), but before calling strncpy():

And this is where the buffer overflow that will allow us to overwrite the bottom saved RET occurs (lab6C.c:59):

strncpy(save->tweet, readbuf, save->msglen);

If we provide an arbitrary one-byte integer value higher than 140 in the 41-st byte of the username, we'll then be able to write more than 140 bytes from the 1024-byte local buffer, starting at the savestate.tweet address, up until the saved RET to overwrite with the address of the secret_backdoor() function.

Controlling the message length

Let's start simple and crash the program.

As at the time I started this I did not know a better way to provide arbitrary (non-printable) input using standard input/output without actual coding, here is how I was doing it (using two console windows simultaneously):

1) in one console window, I touched a file to use as an input buffer: /tmp/input6C

2) in the second window, I ran the following to have the program read all the input from that file as it appears:

gdb /levels/lab06/lab6C
[... once gdb loaded ....]
run < `tail -f /tmp/input6C`

In the first window I could then play with the printf command, putting arbitrary bytes into the /tmp/input6C, so they would go to the standard input of the target process.

We know we would need at least 140 + 40 + 8 bytes to overwrite the saved RET. Should actually be more, considering saved EBPs (stack frames) and function arguments. Something around 200. To find out how many bytes exactly do I need to overwrite to control the EIP, I used pattern_create output (some folks prefer to use the one provided with metasploit, I use one of the python implementations that can be found on github).

Already knowing that the 41-st byte of the first input line is the integer controlling the message length, I knew the username should look like this:


We set the new message length to maximum value possible 0xff (255), to make sure we overwrite the saved RET without caring what else do we overwrite.

The next line should be the pattern_create output, so here goes (this is actually pattern_create 400 output):

lab6C@warzone:/tmp$ printf "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA\xff" >> input6C

lab6C@warzone:/tmp$ echo "" >> input6C

lab6C@warzone:/tmp$ echo "Aa0Aa1Aa2Aa3Aa4Aa5Aa6Aa7Aa8Aa9Ab0Ab1Ab2Ab3Ab4Ab5Ab6Ab7Ab8Ab9Ac0Ac1Ac2Ac3Ac4Ac5Ac6Ac7Ac8Ac9Ad0Ad1Ad2Ad3Ad4Ad5Ad6Ad7Ad8Ad9Ae0Ae1Ae2Ae3Ae4Ae5Ae6Ae7Ae8Ae9Af0Af1Af2Af3Af4Af5Af6Af7Af8Af9Ag0Ag1Ag2Ag3Ag4Ag5Ag6Ag7Ag8Ag9Ah0Ah1Ah2Ah3Ah4Ah5Ah6Ah7Ah8Ah9Ai0Ai1Ai2Ai3Ai4Ai5Ai6Ai7Ai8Ai9Aj0Aj1Aj2Aj3Aj4Aj5Aj6Aj7Aj8Aj9Ak0Ak1Ak2Ak3Ak4Ak5Ak6Ak7Ak8Ak9Al0Al1Al2Al3Al4Al5Al6Al7Al8Al9Am0Am1Am2Am3Am4Am5Am6Am7Am8Am9An0An1An2A" >> input6C

Sending that input to the target process attached to gdb, reading from tail -f /tmp/input6C, resulted in this:

Guessed arguments:
arg[0]: 0xbffff518 --> 0xb7fd8000 (">>: >: Welcome, ", 'A' <repeats 40 times>, "\377>: Tweet @Unix-Dude\n")
arg[1]: 0xbffff0f0 ("Aa0Aa1Aa2Aa3Aa4Aa5Aa6Aa7[...]Ag2Ag3Ag4Ag5Ag"...)
arg[2]: 0xff

Invalid $PC address: 0x67413567
0000| 0xbffff5e0 ("6Ag7Ag8Ag9Ah0Ah1Ah2Ah3Ah4Ah5Ah6Ah7Ah8Ah9Ai0Ai1Ai2Ai3Ai4\277\064\366\377\277$ ")
0004| 0xbffff5e4 ("Ag8Ag9Ah0Ah1Ah2Ah3Ah4Ah5Ah6Ah7Ah8Ah9Ai0Ai1Ai2Ai3Ai4\277\064\366\377\277$ ")
0008| 0xbffff5e8 ("g9Ah0Ah1Ah2Ah3Ah4Ah5Ah6Ah7Ah8Ah9Ai0Ai1Ai2Ai3Ai4\277\064\366\377\277$ ")
0012| 0xbffff5ec ("0Ah1Ah2Ah3Ah4Ah5Ah6Ah7Ah8Ah9Ai0Ai1Ai2Ai3Ai4\277\064\366\377\277$ ")
0016| 0xbffff5f0 ("Ah2Ah3Ah4Ah5Ah6Ah7Ah8Ah9Ai0Ai1Ai2Ai3Ai4\277\064\366\377\277$ ")
0020| 0xbffff5f4 ("h3Ah4Ah5Ah6Ah7Ah8Ah9Ai0Ai1Ai2Ai3Ai4\277\064\366\377\277$ ")
0024| 0xbffff5f8 ("4Ah5Ah6Ah7Ah8Ah9Ai0Ai1Ai2Ai3Ai4\277\064\366\377\277$ ")
0028| 0xbffff5fc ("Ah6Ah7Ah8Ah9Ai0Ai1Ai2Ai3Ai4\277\064\366\377\277$ ")
Legend: code, data, rodata, value
Stopped reason: SIGSEGV
0x67413567 in ?? ()

So yeah, the saved RET was overwritten, as set_tweet() read whole 400 bytes of the pattern written to the readbuf, while msglen set to 255 made strncpy() copy 255 bytes from it to the save.tweet buffer, overwriting everything the entire save structure and the saved RET below it as illustrated on the diagram above.

0x67413567 in ?? () means this is what we wrote to the saved RET, and, in consequence, what went to the EIP register. The program crashed (segmentation fault), as this is not a valid address in its virtual address space). It's a unique 4-character sequence from the 400-byte pattern string we used.

To see what is the exact number of bytes between the beginning of our controlled buffer and the saved RET we run the pattern_offset tool (comes along with pattern_create) with it as argument, so it calculates this for us:

ewilded@localhost:~$ pattern_offset 67413567
hex pattern decoded as: g5Ag

So far so good.

For starters, to make this process simpler, we are going to develop this exploit with ASLR disabled. Once we think the exploit's ready, we turn ASLR back on (use the gameadmin:gameadmin credentials to get sudo su on the VM):

root@warzone:/home/gameadmin# echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space
root@warzone:/home/gameadmin# cat /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space

OK, let's peek where the secret_backdoor() function is (from attached gdb):

gdb-peda$ p secret_backdoor
$1 = {<text variable, no debug info>} 0x8000072b <secret_backdoor>

So, after our 196 bytes of garbage, we should put 0x8000072b into our buffer to move the execution to the secret_backdoor() function (and then the last thing would be to provide a command to execute).

We can already say using this address won't work because it contains a nullbyte (doesn't go well with string-operating functions like fgets()).

Also, we know this address will be randomized with ASLR on, so using a fixed address won't do. Without leaking the memory layout somehow and calculating the address based on known offsets, we could either bruteforce (just keep running the exploit until our hardcoded address happens to be the correct one... this is just a 4-byte address as we're dealing with 32-bits, which is bad enough, while with x64 the likelihood is practically never)... Or perhaps perform so called partial overwrite instead.

Partial overwrites

ASLR only partially randomizes virtual addresses - which means only some of the bytes (the more significant ones, 'on the left') are hard to predict, while the least significant bytes (the ones 'on the right') - which are just the offsets within the code segment and are known to us as long as we can read the binary - stay untouched.

For example, 0x8000072b under ASLR becomes 0xbf76072b. Β 

So, the OS does partial ASLR on the more significant bytes, leaving the least significant bytes alone. Thus, to keep things fair, we do a partial overwrite too, but on the least significant bytes (so we only overwrite one or two bytes instead of all 4), while leaving the two more significant bytes alone, because they already have the proper valid values set by the OS and we don't need to know them at all to attain a valid ASLR-ed address (as long as we're redirecting the execution to an instruction in the same text segment).

Of course partial overwrites are not always possible. In this case, we can use 196 bytes of garbage + 2 bytes of arbitrary offset within the code segment to change the saved RET to the address of secret_backdoor().

Moving on with the exploit

So, our exploit is (we're still playing without ASLR yet):

echo "cat /home/lab3C/.pass" >> input6C

And it fails like this:

Legend: code, data, rodata, value
Stopped reason: SIGSEGV
0x000a072b in ?? ()

Interestingly, the newline character got copied in. Also, for some reason, the next character was nullified, just like the entire string was copied instead of just 198 bytes we wanted.

Oh right. This is because we're still overwriting the msglen with the maximum possible value of 255 (0xff). Instead, we should use 0xc6 (198).

Ironically, before I realized this little mistake, a managed to search for existing solutions to peek from in case I got stuck and found this amazing repository:


So I looked at the lab6C solution only to discover that it is using pwnlib (true awesomeness, making exploit dev much easier and allowing me to ditch the retarded tail -f thing :D).

After carefully analysing the code I decided to just give it a go, but from the very beginning I knew something wasn't right (line 12):

payload = p8(0xff) * 196
payload += p32(0xb775d72b)

The payload sent to the program as the 'tweet' content consists of 196 bytes (49 dwords) + a dword -> 200 dwords. So, the last dword 0xb775d72b does not seem to be a partial overwrite, but a full overwrite with a fixed address instead.

The only explanation I thought of was that the author left the PoC with a fixed value of secret_backdoor() function from the non-ASLR version of the exploit - or extracted the information about the memory layout from somewhere else and calculated the address with ASLR on. Anyway, I knew it would not work on my VM and guess what - it in fact didn't :D

So I decided to take corb3nik's solution code as a template and modify it so I could attach to the running process with gdb once its PID is known and then see exactly what's going on:


Setting the context.log_level variable to = 'debug' showed the real awesomeness of pwnlib, displaying all the input/output exchanged with the app in hex, revealing all the non-printable characters along with how many bytes were received/sent.
Very, very helpful.

So, I made this version that worked on non-ASLR:


And did not want to work once I switched ASLR back on.

So I ran the debugger again, only to see that the text segment addresses changed from non-ASLR 0x80000XXX to ASLR-ed 0xb77YYXXX (whereas XXX is the Relative Virtual Address - the fixed offset within the segment, while YY is the only really randomized part).

For example, secret_backdoor() had, depending on the instance, values like:


So e != a (the '7' halfbyte remains unaffected) and we can't do partial half-byte writes... Which in this case can be simply and non-elegantly solved with a small bruteforce. Just stick to any fixed second least-significant byte value you see in gdb, in my case such as 'a7', 'e7', '17' and so on. Statistically one in 16 attempts should work, in my case the result was more like one in 8), which in this case (a local console app) is acceptable - it just has to be kept in mind this exploit is not 100% reliable (https://github.com/ewilded/MBE-snippets/blob/master/lab6C/ex_attempt2_aslr.py).

Vulnserver - my KSTET exploit (delivering the final stage shellcode through an active server socket)

The purpose of writing this up was only to present a little trick I came up with while playing with vulnserver's (http://www.thegreycorner.com/2010/12/introducing-vulnserver.html) KSTET command (one of many protocol commands vulnerable to some sort of memory corruption bug). In spite of the hardcoded addresses, 32-bitness and general lazyness, this technique should as well work in more modern conditions.

After hijacking EIP it turned out there was too little space, both above and below the overwritten saved RET, to store an actual windows shellcode (at least 250 bytes or more) that could run a reverse shell, create a user or run an executable from a publicly accessible SMB share.

Also, it did not seem to be possible to split the exploitation into two phases and first deliver the shellcode somewhere else into memory and then only use an egghunter (70 bytes to store the payload, enough for a 31-byte egghunter, not enough for the second-stage shellcode)... so I got inspired by a xpn's solution to the ROP primer level 0 (https://blog.xpnsec.com/rop-primer-level-0/) where the final shellcode was read onto the stack from stdin by calling read().

Having only about 70 bytes of space, I decided to locate the current server socket descriptor and call recv on it, reading the final stage shellcode onto the stack and then execute it. This write up describes this process in detail.

Controlling the execution

Below is the initial skeleton of a typical exploit for such an overflow. We control 70 bytes above the saved RET, then the saved RET itself ("AAAA"). Then we stuff 500 bytes of trash, where in the final version we'd like to put our shellcode, so we could easily jump to it by overwriting the saved RET with an address of a "JMP ESP" instruction (or something along these lines):

Once the crash occurs, we can see that we only control first 20 bytes after the saved RET, the rest of the payload is ignored:

So, we're going to use the first 20 bytes below the saved RET as our first stage shellcode, only to jump to the 70 bytes above the saved RET, which will be our second stage. The second stage, in turn, will download the final (third) stage shellcode and execute it.

First, we search for a "JMP ESP" instruction so we can jump to the first stage.

A convenient way to do so is to use mona, searching for the JMP ESP opcode:

!mona find -s "\xff\xe4"

We pick an address that does not contain NULL characters, preferably from a module that is using the least number of safety features as possible (essfunc.dll is a perfect candidate):

The addresses will most likely differ on your system.

0x625011af will be used for the rest of this proof of concept.

We toggle a breakpoint at it, so we can easily proceed from here in developing the further stages of the shellcode:

Now our PoC looks as follows (we used 20 NOPs as a holder for the first stage):

We run the PoC and hit the breakpoint:

Once we do a step (F7), we can see the execution flow is redirected to the 20-byte NOP space, where our first stage will be located (so far, so good).

At the top we can see the second stage buffer, at bottom we can see the first stage buffer. In between there is the overwritten RET pointer, currently pointing to the JMP ESP instruction that lead us here:

First stage shellcode

We want our first stage shellcode to jump to the start of the second stage shellcode (there is not much more we can do at this point on the only 20 bytes we control).

As we know EIP is equal to our ESP, as we just did a JMP ESP, we don't need to retrieve the current EIP in order to change it. Instead, we simply copy our current ESP to a register of choice, subtract 70 bytes from it and perform a JMP to it:

PUSH ESP ; we PUSH the stack pointer to the stack
POP EDX ; we pop it back from the stack to EDX
SUB EDX,46 ; we subtract 70 from it, pointing at the beginning of the buffer for the second stage shellcode
JMP EDX ; we JMP to it

OllyDbg/Immunity Debugger allow assembling instructions inline while debugging (just hit space to edit), which is very handy in converting our assembly to opcode without the need of using additional tools like nasmshell or nasm itself:

So, our second stage is simply


Also, for the time of development, for our convenience, we can prepend it with an inline breakpoint \xCC instruction, as Immunity loses the breakpoint set on the initial JMP ESP with every restart. Just remember to remove the \xCC/replace it with a NOP in the final exploit, otherwise it will cause an unhandled exception leading to a crash!

At this stage, our POC looks as follows (NOPs in the first stage were only added for visibility, they won't ever get executed). Also, the holder for the second stage was filled with NOPs as well:

As we can see, the first stage does its job, moving the execution flow to the second stage:

Second stage shellcode

Now, this is where the fun begins. As mentioned before, we want to use the existing server application's socket descriptor and call WS2_32.recv on it, so we can read as much data from it as we want, writing it to a location we want and then jump to it - or even better, write it to a suitable location so the execution flow slides to it naturally.

First, we find the place in code where the original WS2_32.recv is issued, so we can see how that takes place (e.g. what is its address and how arguments are passed, where to find them and so on).

Luckily, the section is not far away from the executable's entry point (the first instruction program executes, also the first instruction we are at once we start it in the debugger):

As we scroll down we can see we are getting somewhere:

And here we go:

We toggle a breakpoint, restart the application, make a new client connection and send something to the server. The breakpoint is hit and we can see the stack:

The part that got our interest:

00FAF9E0 00000058 |Socket = 58
00FAF9E4 003A3CA0 |Buffer = 003A3CA0
00FAF9E8 00001000 |BufSize = 1000 (4096.)
00FAF9EC 00000000 |Flags =

Also (an Immunity/OllyDbg tip); if we hit space on the actual CALL instruction where our current breakpoint is, we can see the actual address of the instruction called (we will need this later):

Now we can compare the current stack pointer at the time of our execution hijack with the one recorded while the orignal WS2_32.recv was done. We are hoping to estimate the offset between the current stack pointer and the location of the socket descriptor, so we culd use it again in our third stage.

As it turns out, the stack we are currently using points to the same location, which means the copy of the socket descriptor identifier used by the original recv() has been overwritten with further stack operations and the overflow itself:

Hoping to find a copy of it, we search the stack for its current value.

Right click on the CPU window - which represents the stack at the moment -> search for -> binary string -> 00 00 00 58 (the identifier of the socket at the time of developing, but we don't want to hardcode it as it would normally differ between systems and instances, hence the hassle to retrieve it dynamically).

We find another copy on the stack (00F2F969):

We calculate the offset between the location of the socket descriptor id copy and the current stack pointer at the time our second stage shellcode starts (119 DEC). This way we'll be able to dynamically retrieve the ID in our second stage shellcode.

Also, there is one more problem we need to solve. Once we start executing our second stage, our EIP is slightly lower than the current ESP.

As the execution proceeds, the EIP will keep going towards upper values, while the ESP is expected to keep going towards lower values (here comes the Paint):

Also, we want to write the final stage shellcode on the stack, right below the second stage, so the execution goes directly to it, without the need to jump, as illustrated below:

Hence, once we have all the info needed to call WS2_32.recv(), we'll need to move the stack pointer above the current area of operation (by subtracting from it) to avoid any interference with the shellcode stage instructions:

So, the shellcode goes like this:

POP ECX ; we simply copy ESP to ECX, so we can make the calculation needed to fetch the socket descriptor id
SUB CL,74 ; SUB 119 (DEC) from CL - now ECX points at the socket descriptor ID, which is what we need to pass to WS2_32.recv
SUB ESP,50 ; We have to move the current stack pointer above the second stage shellcode (above the current EIP), otherwise we would make it cripple itself with any stack operations performed by WS2_32.recv we are going to call, also this way we will avoid any collision with the buffer we are going to use for our final stage shellcode. From this point we don't have to worry about it anymore.
XOR EDX,EDX ; zero EDX (the flags argument for recv),
PUSH EDX ; we push our first argument to the stack, as arguments are passed via stack here
ADD DH,2 ; now we we turn EDX into 512 by adding 2 to DH
PUSH EDX ; we push it to the stack (BufSize, the second argument)
; retrieve the current value of ESP to EBX
; increment it by 0x50 (this value was adjusted manually after experimentig a bit), so it points slightly below our current EIP
ADD EBX,50 ; this is the beginning of the buffer where the third stage will be written
PUSH EBX ; push the pointer to the buffer on the stack (third argument)
; now, the last argument - the socket descriptor - we push the value pointed by ECX to the stack:

So, we are almost done.

Now we have to call the WS2_32.recv() function the same way the original server logic does. We take the address used by the original CALL instruction (0040252C - as it was emphasized we would need it later).

The problem we need to deal with is the fact the address starts with a NULL byte - which we cannot use in our shellcode.

So, to get round this, we are going to use a slightly modified version of it, e.g. 40252C11, and then perform a shift 8 bits to the right. This way the least significant byte will vanish, while a null byte becomes the new most significant byte (SHR(40252C11) => 0040252C):

MOV EAX,40252C11

Our full PoC looks as follows:

The stack during the execution of the second stage right before the third stage is delivered:

The stack right after the return from WS2_32.recv():

Yup, full of garbage we control:

Now we can replace the 500 "\xCC" with our favorite shellcode.
