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Yesterday — 24 June 2024Main stream

Disarming Fiat-Shamir footguns

24 June 2024 at 13:00

By Opal Wright

The Fiat-Shamir transform is an important building block in zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) and multi-party computation (MPC). It allows zero-knowledge proofs based on interactive protocols to be made non-interactive. Essentially, it turns conversations into documents. This ability is at the core of powerful technologies like SNARKs and STARKs. Useful stuff!

But the Fiat-Shamir transform, like almost any other cryptographic tool, is more subtle than it looks and disastrous to get wrong. Due to the frequency of this sort of mistake, Trail of Bits is releasing a new tool called Decree, which will help developers specify their Fiat-Shamir transcripts and make it easier to include contextual information with their transcript inputs.

Fiat-Shamir overview

Many zero-knowledge proofs have a common, three-step protocol structure1:

  1. Peggy sends Victor a set of commitments to some values.
  2. Victor responds with a random challenge value.
  3. Peggy responds with a set of values that integrate both the committed values from step (1) and Victor’s random challenge value.

Obviously, the details of steps (1) and (3) will vary quite a bit from one protocol to the next, but step (2) is pretty consistent. It’s also the only part where Victor has to contribute anything at all.

It would make things much more efficient if we could eliminate the whole part where Victor picks a random challenge value and transmits it to Peggy. We could just let Peggy pick, but that gives her too much power: in most protocols, if Peggy can pick the challenge, she can customize it to her commitments to forge proofs. Worse, even if Peggy can’t pick the challenge, but can predict the challenge Victor will pick, she can still customize her commitments to the challenge to forge proofs.

The Fiat-Shamir transform allows Peggy to generate challenges but with the following features:

  • Peggy can’t meaningfully control the result of the generated challenges.
  • Once Peggy has generated a challenge, she cannot modify her commitment values.
  • Once Victor has the commitment information, he can reproduce the same challenge value Peggy generates.

The basic mechanism of the Fiat-Shamir transform is to feed all of the public parts of the proof (called a transcript of the proof) into a hash function, and use the output of the hash function to generate challenges. We have another blog post that describes this in better detail.

Having a complete transcript is critical to the secure generation of challenges. This means that implementers need to clearly specify and enforce transcript requirements.

Failure modes

There are a couple of Fiat-Shamir failure patterns we see in practice.

Lack of implementation specification

We often observe that customers’ transcripts are ad-hoc constructions, specified only by the implementation. The list of values added to the transcript, the order of their inclusion in the transcript, and the format of the data can be ascertained only by looking at the code.

Being so loosey-goosey with such an important component of a proof system is bad practice, but we see it all the time in our code reviews.

Incorrect formal specification

Papers describing new proof techniques or MPC systems necessarily reference the Fiat-Shamir transform, but how the authors of those papers discuss the topic can make a big difference in the security of implementation.

The optimal situation occurs when authors provide a detailed specification for secure challenge generation. A simple, unambiguous list of transcript values is about as easy as it gets, and will be accessible to implementers at all levels of experience. Assuming the authors don’t make a mistake with their spec, implementers have a good chance of avoiding weak Fiat-Shamir attacks.

When authors wave their hands and say little more than “This protocol can be made interactive using the Fiat-Shamir transform,” the nitty-gritty details are left to the implementer. For savvy cryptographers who are up to date with the literature and understand the subtleties of the Fiat-Shamir transform, this is labor-intensive, but workable. For less experienced developers, however, this is a recipe for disaster.

The worst of both worlds is when authors are hand-wavy, but try to give unproven examples. One of our other blog posts includes a good example of this: the Bulletproofs paper. The authors’ original paper referenced the Fiat-Shamir transform, and suggested what a challenge generation might look like. Many cryptographers used that example as the basis for their Bulletproofs implementation, and it turned out to be wrong.

Lack of enforcement

Even when a transcript specification is present, it can be hard to verify that the spec is followed.

Proof systems and protocols in use today are incredibly complex. For some zkSNARKS, the Fiat-Shamir transcript can include values that are generated in subroutines of subroutines of subroutines. A protocol may require Peggy to generate values that meet specific properties before they can be used in the proof and thus integrated into the transcript. This leads to complicated call trees and a lot of conditional blocks in the software. It’s easy for a transcript value that’s handled in an “if” block to be skipped in the corresponding “else” block.

Also, the complexity of these protocols can lead to intricate architectures and long functions. As functions grow longer, it becomes hard to verify that all the expected values are being included in the transcript. Transcript values are often the result of very complex computations, and are usually added to the transcript shortly after being computed. That means transcript-related calls can be dozens of lines apart, or buried in subroutines in entirely different modules. It’s very easy for a missed transcript value to get lost in the noise.

Not by fiat, but by decree

Trail of Bits is releasing a Rust library to help developers avoid these pitfalls. The library is called Decree, and it’s designed to help developers both create and enforce transcript specifications. It also includes a new trait designed to make it easier for transcript values to include contextual information like domain parameters, which are sometimes missed by developers and authors alike.

The first big feature of Decree is that, when initializing a Fiat-Shamir transcript, it requires an up-front specification of required transcript values, as well as a list of the expected challenges. Trying to generate a challenge before all of the expected values have been provided gets flagged as an error. Trying to add a value to the transcript that isn’t expected in the specification gets flagged as an error. Trying to add a value to the transcript that has already been defined gets flagged as an error. Trying to request challenges out of order… you get the idea.

This specification and enforcement mechanism is provided by the Decree struct, which builds on the venerable Merlin library. Using Merlin means that the underlying hashing and challenge generation mechanisms are solid. Decree is designed to manage access to an underlying Merlin transcript, not to replace its cryptographic internals.

As an example, we can riff a bit on our integration test that implements Girault’s identification protocol. In our modified example, we’ll start by making the following call:

let mut transcript = Decree::new("girault",
     &["g", "N", "h", "u"], &["e", "f"]);

This initializes the Decree struct so that it expects four inputs named g, N, h, and u, and two outputs named e and f. (For the Girault proof, we only need e; f is included purely for illustrative purposes.)

We can add all of these values to the transcript at the same time, or we can add them as they’re calculated:

transcript.add_serial("h", &h)?;
transcript.add_serial("u", &u)?;
transcript.add_serial("g", &g)?;
transcript.add_serial("N", &n)?;

Notice that the order we added the values to the transcript doesn’t match the ordering given in the declaration. Decree doesn’t update the underlying Merlin transcript until all of the values have been specified, at which point the inputs are fed into the transcript in alphabetical order. Changing up how you order your Decree inputs doesn’t impact the generated challenges.

We can then generate our challenges:

let mut challenge_e: [u8; 128] = [0u8; 128];
let mut challenge_f: [u8; 32] = [0u8; 32];
    &mut challenge_e)?;
    &mut challenge_f)?;

When we generate challenges, order does matter: we are required to generate e first, because e is listed ahead of f in the declaration.

A Decree struct is not limited to single-step protocols, either. Once all of the challenges in a given specification have been generated, a Decree transcript can be extended to handle further input values and challenges, carrying all of the previous state information with it. For multi-stage proofs, the extension calls help delineate when protocol stages begin and end.

The ability to include contextual information is provided by the Inscribe trait, which is derivable for structs with named members. When deriving the Inscribe trait, developers can specify a function that provides relevant contextual information, such as elliptic curve or finite field parameters. This information is included alongside deterministic serializations of the struct members. And if a struct member supports the Inscribe trait, then its contextual information will be included as well.

We can use the Inscribe trait to simplify handling of a Schnorr proof:

/// Schnorr proof as a struct
    struct SchnorrProof {
        base: BigInt,
        target: BigInt,
        modulus: BigInt,
        base_to_randomized: BigInt,
        z: BigInt,

After we’ve filled in the base, target, modulus, and base_to_randomized values of a SchnorrProof struct, we can simply add it to our transcript, generate our challenge, and update the z value:

let mut transcript = Decree::new(
    "schnorr proof", &["proof_data"], 
transcript.add("proof_data", &proof)?;

let mut challenge_bytes: [u8; 32] = [0u8; 32];
&mut challenge_bytes)?;
let chall = BigInt::from_bytes_le(Sign::Plus,
let proof.z = (&chall * &log) + &randomizer_exp;

By setting the #[inscribe(skip)] flag on the z member, we set up the struct to automatically add every other value to the transcript; adding z to the proof makes it ready to send to the verifier.

In short, the Decree struct helps programmers to define, enforce, and understand their Fiat-Shamir transcripts, while the Inscribe trait makes it easier for developers to ensure that important contextual data (such as elliptic curve identifiers) is included by default. While getting a Fiat-Shamir specification wrong is still possible, it’ll at least be easier to spot, test, and fix.

So give it a shot, and let us know what you think.

1Many of the more complicated proof systems have multiple instances of this structure. That’s okay; our ideas here extend to those systems.

Before yesterdayMain stream

EuroLLVM 2024 trip report

21 June 2024 at 13:00

By Marek Surovič and Henrich Lauko

EuroLLVM is a developer meeting focused on projects under the LLVM Foundation umbrella that live in the LLVM GitHub monorepo, like Clang and—more recently, thanks to machine learning research—the MLIR framework. Trail of Bits, which has a history in compiler engineering and all things LLVM, sent a bunch of our compiler specialists to the meeting, where we presented on two of our projects: VAST, an MLIR-based compiler for C/C++, and PoTATo, a novel points-to analysis approach for MLIR. In this blog post, we share our takeaways and experiences from the developer meeting, which spanned two days and included a one-day pre-conference workshop.

Security awareness

A noticeable difference from previous years was the emerging focus on security. There appears to be a growing drive within the LLVM community to enhance the security of the entire software ecosystem. This represents a relatively new development in the compiler community, with LLVM leadership actively seeking expertise on the topic.

The opening keynote introduced the security theme, asserting it has become the third pillar of compilers alongside optimization and translation. Kristof Beyls of ARM delivered the keynote, providing a brief history of how the concerns and role of compilers have evolved. He emphasized that security is now a major concern, alongside correctness and performance.

The technical part of the keynote raised an interesting question: Does anyone verify that security mitigations are correctly applied, or applied at all? To answer this question, Kristof implemented a static binary analysis tool using BOLT. The mitigations Kristof picked to verify were -fstack-clash-protection and -mbranch-protection=standard, particularly its pac-ret mechanism.

The evaluation of the BOLT-based scanner was conducted on libraries within a Fedora 39 AArch64-linux distribution, comprising approximately 3,000 installed packages. For pac-ret, analysis revealed 2.5 million return instructions, with 46 thousand lacking proper protection. Scanning 1,920 libraries that use -fstack-clash-protection identified 39 as potentially vulnerable, although some could be false positives.

An intriguing discussion arose regarding the preference for BOLT over tools like IDA, Ghidra, or Angr from the reverse-engineering domain. The distinction lies in BOLT’s suitability for batch processing of binaries, unlike the user-interactivity focus of IDA or Ghidra. Furthermore, the advantage of BOLT is that it supports the latest target architecture changes since it is part of the compilation pipeline, whereas reverse engineering tools often lag behind, especially concerning more niche instructions.
For further details, Kristof’s RFC on the LLVM discourse provides additional information.

For those interested in compiler hardening, the OpenSSF guidelines offer a comprehensive overview. Additionally, for a more in-depth discussion of security for compiler engineers, we suggest reading the Low Level Software Security online book. It’s still a work in progress, and contributions to the guidelines are welcome.

One notable talk on program analysis and debugging was Incremental Symbolic Execution for the Clang Static Analyzer, which discussed how the Clang Static Analyzer can now cache results. This innovation helps keep diagnostic information relevant across codebase changes and minimizes the need to invoke the analyzer. Another highlight was Mojo Debugging: Extending MLIR and LLDB, which explored new developments in LLDB, allowing its use outside the Clang environment. This talk also covered the potential upstreaming of a debug dialect from the Modular warehouse.

MLIR is not (only) about machine learning

MLIR is a compiler infrastructure project that gained traction thanks to the machine learning (ML) boom. The ML in MLIR, however, stands for Multi-Level, and the project allows for much more than just tinkering with tensors. SiFive, renowned for their work on RISC-V, employs it in circuit design, among other applications. Compilers for general-purpose languages using MLIR are also emerging, such as JSIR Dialect for JavaScript, Mojo as a superset of Python, ClangIR, and our very own VAST for C/C++.

The MLIR theme of this developer meeting could be summarized as “Figuring out how to make the most of LLVM and MLIR in a shared pipeline.” A number of speakers presented work that, in one way or another, concluded that many performance optimizations are better done in MLIR thanks to its better abstraction. LLVM then is mainly responsible for code generation to the target machine code.

After going over all the ways MLIR is slow compared to LLVM, Jeff Niu (Modular) remarked that in the Mojo compiler, most of the runtime is still spent in LLVM. The reason is simple: there’s just more input to process when code gets compiled down to LLVM.

A team from TU Munich even opted to skip LLVM IR entirely and generate machine-IR (MIR) directly, yielding ~20% performance improvement in a Just-in-Time (JIT) compilation workload.

Those intrigued by MLIR internals should definitely catch the second conference keynote on Efficient Idioms in MLIR. The keynote delved into performance comparisons of different MLIR primitives and patterns. It gave developers a good intuition about the costs of performing operations such as obtaining an attribute or iterating or mutating the IR. On a similar topic, the talk Deep Dive on Interfaces Implementation gave a better insight into a cornerstone of MLIR genericity. These interfaces empower dialects to articulate common concepts like side effects, symbols, and control flow interactions. The talk elucidated their implementation details and the associated overhead incurred in striving for generality.

Region-based analysis

Another interesting trend we’ve noticed is that several independent teams have found that analyses traditionally defined using control flow graphs based on basic blocks may achieve better runtime performance when performed using a representation with region-based control flow. This improvement is mainly because analyses do not need to reconstruct loop information, and the overall representation is smaller and therefore quicker to analyze. The prime example presented was dataflow analysis done inside the Mojo compiler.

For cases like Mojo, where you’re starting with source code and compiling down an MLIR-based pipeline, switching to region-based control flow for analyses is only a matter of doing the analysis earlier in the pipeline. Other users are not so lucky and need to construct regions from traditional control flow graphs. If you’re one of those people, you’re not alone. Teams in the high-performance computing industry are always looking for ways to squeeze more performance from their loops, and having loops explicitly represented as regions instead of hunting for them in a graph makes a lot of things easier. This is why MLIR now has a pass to lift control flow graphs to regions-based control flow. Sounds familiar? Under the hood, our LLVM-to-C decompiler Rellic does something very similar.

Not everything is sunshine and rainbows when using regions for control flow, though. The regions need to have a single-entry and single-exit. Many programming languages, however, allow constructs like break and continue inside loop bodies. These are considered abnormal entries or exits. Thankfully, with so much chatter around regions, core MLIR developers have noticed and are cooking up a major new feature to address this. As presented during the MLIR workshop, the newly designed region-based control flow will allow specifying the semantics of constructs like continue or break. The idea is pretty simple: these operations will yield a termination signal and forward control flow to some parent region that captures this signal. Unfortunately, this still does not allow us to represent gotos in our high-level representation, as the signaling mechanism does allow users to pass control-flow only to parent regions.

C/C++ successor languages

The last major topic at the conference was, as is expected in light of recent developments, successor languages to C/C++. One such effort is Carbon, which had a dedicated panel. The panel questions ranged from technical ones, like how refactoring tools will be supported, to more managerial ones, like how Carbon will avoid being overly influenced by the needs of Google, which is currently the main supporter of the project. For a more comprehensive summary of the panel, check out this excellent blog post by Alex Bradbury.

Other C++ usurpers had their mentions, too—particularly Rust and Swift. Both languages recognize the authority of C++ in the software ecosystem and have their own C++ interoperability story. Google’s Crubit was mentioned for Rust during the Carbon panel, and Swift had a separate talk on interoperability by Egor Zhdan of Apple.

Our contributions

Our own Henrich Lauko gave a talk on a new feature coming to VAST, our MLIR-based compiler for C/C++: the Tower of IRs. The big picture idea here is that VAST is a MLIR-based C/C++ compiler IR project that offers many layers of abstraction. Users of VAST then can pick the right abstractions for their analysis or transformation use-case. However, there are numerous valuable LLVM-based tools, and it would be unfortunate if we couldn’t use them with our higher-level MLIR representation. This is precisely why we developed the Tower of IRs. It enables users to bridge low-level analysis with high-level abstractions.

The Tower of IRs introduces a mechanism that allows users to take snapshots of IR between and after transformations and link them together, creating a chain of provenance. This way, when a piece of code changes, there’s always a chain of references back to the original input. The keen reader already has a grin on their face.

The demo use case Henrich presented was repurposing LLVM analyses in MLIR by using the tower to bring the input C source all the way down to LLVM, perform a dependency analysis, and translate analysis results all the way back to C via the provenance links in the tower.

Along with Henrich, Robert Konicar presented the starchy fruits of his student labor in the form of PoTATo. The project implements a simple MLIR dialect tailored towards implementing points-to analyses. The idea is to translate memory operations from a source dialect to the PoTATo dialect, do some basic optimizations, and then run a points-to analysis of your choosing, yielding alias sets. To get relevant information back to the original code, one could of course use the VAST Tower of IRs. The results that Robert presented on his poster were promising: applying basic copy-propagation before points-to analysis significantly reduced the problem size.

AI Corridor talks

Besides attending the official talks and workshops, the Trail of Bits envoys spent a lot of time chatting with people during breaks and at the banquet. The undercurrent of many of those conversations was AI and machine learning in all of its various forms. Because EuroLLVM focuses on languages, compilers, and hardware runtimes, the conversations usually took the form of “how do we best serve this new computing paradigm?”. The hardware people are interested in how to generate code for specialized accelerators; the compiler crowd is optimizing linear algebra in every way imaginable; and languages are doing their best to meet data scientists where they are.

Discussions about projects that went the other way—that is, “How can machine learning help people in the LLVM crowd?”—were few and far between. These projects typically did research into various data gathered in the domains around LLVM in order to make sense out of them using machine learning methods. From what we could see, things like LLMs and GANs were not really mentioned in any way. Seems like an opportunity for fresh ideas!
