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Today β€” 8 June 2024Main stream

Sttr - Cross-Platform, Cli App To Perform Various Operations On String

sttr is command line software that allows you to quickly run various transformation operations on the string.

// With input prompt

// Direct input
sttr md5 "Hello World"

// File input
sttr md5 file.text
sttr base64-encode image.jpg

// Reading from different processor like cat, curl, printf etc..
echo "Hello World" | sttr md5
cat file.txt | sttr md5

// Writing output to a file
sttr yaml-json file.yaml > file-output.json

:movie_camera: Demo

:battery: Installation

Quick install

You can run the below curl to install it somewhere in your PATH for easy use. Ideally it will be installed at ./bin folder

curl -sfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/abhimanyu003/sttr/main/install.sh | sh


MacOS / Linux

curl -sS https://webi.sh/sttr | sh


curl.exe https://webi.ms/sttr | powershell

See here


If you are on macOS and using Homebrew, you can install sttr with the following:

brew tap abhimanyu003/sttr
brew install sttr


sudo snap install sttr

Arch Linux

yay -S sttr-bin


scoop bucket add sttr https://github.com/abhimanyu003/scoop-bucket.git
scoop install sttr


go install github.com/abhimanyu003/sttr@latest


Download the pre-compiled binaries from the Release! page and copy them to the desired location.

:books: Guide

  • After installation simply run sttr command.
// For interactive menu
// Provide your input
// Press two enter to open operation menu
// Press `/` to filter various operations.
// Can also press UP-Down arrows select various operations.
  • Working with help.
sttr -h

// Example
sttr zeropad -h
sttr md5 -h
  • Working with files input.
sttr {command-name} {filename}

sttr base64-encode image.jpg
sttr md5 file.txt
sttr md-html Readme.md
  • Writing output to file.
sttr yaml-json file.yaml > file-output.json
  • Taking input from other command.
curl https: //jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users | sttr json-yaml
  • Chaining the different processor.
sttr md5 hello | sttr base64-encode

echo "Hello World" | sttr base64-encode | sttr md5

:boom: Supported Operations


  • [x] ascii85-encode - Encode your text to ascii85
  • [x] ascii85-decode - Decode your ascii85 text
  • [x] base32-decode - Decode your base32 text
  • [x] base32-encode - Encode your text to base32
  • [x] base64-decode - Decode your base64 text
  • [x] base64-encode - Encode your text to base64
  • [x] base85-encode - Encode your text to base85
  • [x] base85-decode - Decode your base85 text
  • [x] base64url-decode - Decode your base64 url
  • [x] base64url-encode - Encode your text to url
  • [x] html-decode - Unescape your HTML
  • [x] html-encode - Escape your HTML
  • [x] rot13-encode - Encode your text to ROT13
  • [x] url-decode - Decode URL entities
  • [x] url-encode - Encode URL entities


  • [x] bcrypt - Get the Bcrypt hash of your text
  • [x] md5 - Get the MD5 checksum of your text
  • [x] sha1 - Get the SHA1 checksum of your text
  • [x] sha256 - Get the SHA256 checksum of your text
  • [x] sha512 - Get the SHA512 checksum of your text


  • [x] camel - Transform your text to CamelCase
  • [x] kebab - Transform your text to kebab-case
  • [x] lower - Transform your text to lower case
  • [x] reverse - Reverse Text ( txeT esreveR )
  • [x] slug - Transform your text to slug-case
  • [x] snake - Transform your text to snake_case
  • [x] title - Transform your text to Title Case
  • [x] upper - Transform your text to UPPER CASE


  • [x] count-lines - Count the number of lines in your text
  • [x] reverse-lines - Reverse lines
  • [x] shuffle-lines - Shuffle lines randomly
  • [x] sort-lines - Sort lines alphabetically
  • [x] unique-lines - Get unique lines from list


  • [x] remove-spaces - Remove all spaces + new lines
  • [x] remove-newlines - Remove all new lines


  • [x] count-chars - Find the length of your text (including spaces)
  • [x] count-lines - Count the number of lines in your text
  • [x] count-words - Count the number of words in your text


  • [x] hex-rgb - Convert a #hex-color code to RGB
  • [x] hex-encode - Encode your text Hex
  • [x] hex-decode - Convert Hexadecimal to String


  • [x] json - Format your text as JSON
  • [x] json-escape - JSON Escape
  • [x] json-unescape - JSON Unescape
  • [x] json-yaml - Convert JSON to YAML text
  • [x] json-msgpack - Convert JSON to MSGPACK
  • [x] msgpack-json - Convert MSGPACK to JSON


  • [x] yaml-json - Convert YAML to JSON text


  • [x] markdown-html - Convert Markdown to HTML


  • [x] extract-emails - Extract emails from given text
  • [x] extract-ip - Extract IPv4 and IPv6 from your text
  • [x] extract-urls - Extract URls your text ( we don't do ping check )


  • [x] escape-quotes - escape single and double quotes from your text
  • [x] completion - generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  • [x] interactive - Use sttr in interactive mode
  • [x] version - Print the version of sttr
  • [x] zeropad - Pad a number with zeros
  • [x] and adding more....

Featured On

These are the few locations where sttr was highlighted, many thanks to all of you. Please feel free to add any blogs/videos you may have made that discuss sttr to the list.

Yesterday β€” 7 June 2024Main stream

PIP-INTEL - OSINT and Cyber Intelligence Tool


Pip-Intel is a powerful tool designed for OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) and cyber intelligence gathering activities. It consolidates various open-source tools into a single user-friendly interface simplifying the data collection and analysis processes for researchers and cybersecurity professionals.

Pip-Intel utilizes Python-written pip packages to gather information from various data points. This tool is equipped with the capability to collect detailed information through email addresses, phone numbers, IP addresses, and social media accounts. It offers a wide range of functionalities including email-based OSINT operations, phone number-based inquiries, geolocating IP addresses, social media and user analyses, and even dark web searches.

Before yesterdayMain stream

Thief Raccoon - Login Phishing Tool

Thief Raccoon is a tool designed for educational purposes to demonstrate how phishing attacks can be conducted on various operating systems. This tool is intended to raise awareness about cybersecurity threats and help users understand the importance of security measures like 2FA and password management.


  • Phishing simulation for Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows XP, Windows Server, Ubuntu, Ubuntu Server, and macOS.
  • Capture user credentials for educational demonstrations.
  • Customizable login screens that mimic real operating systems.
  • Full-screen mode to enhance the phishing simulation.



  • Python 3.x
  • pip (Python package installer)
  • ngrok (for exposing the local server to the internet)

Download and Install

  1. Clone the repository:

```bash git clone https://github.com/davenisc/thief_raccoon.git cd thief_raccoon

  1. Install python venv

```bash apt install python3.11-venv

  1. Create venv:

```bash python -m venv raccoon_venv source raccoon_venv/bin/activate

  1. Install the required libraries:

```bash pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Run the main script:

```bash python app.py

  1. Select the operating system for the phishing simulation:

After running the script, you will be presented with a menu to select the operating system. Enter the number corresponding to the OS you want to simulate.

  1. Access the phishing page:

If you are on the same local network (LAN), open your web browser and navigate to

If you want to make the phishing page accessible over the internet, use ngrok.

Using ngrok

  1. Download and install ngrok

Download ngrok from ngrok.com and follow the installation instructions for your operating system.

  1. Expose your local server to the internet:

  2. Get the public URL:

After running the above command, ngrok will provide you with a public URL. Share this URL with your test subjects to access the phishing page over the internet.

How to install Ngrok on Linux?

  1. Install ngrok via Apt with the following command:

```bash curl -s https://ngrok-agent.s3.amazonaws.com/ngrok.asc \ | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ngrok.asc >/dev/null \ && echo "deb https://ngrok-agent.s3.amazonaws.com buster main" \ | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ngrok.list \ && sudo apt update \ && sudo apt install ngrok

  1. Run the following command to add your authtoken to the default ngrok.yml

```bash ngrok config add-authtoken xxxxxxxxx--your-token-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Deploy your app online

  1. Put your app online at ephemeral domain Forwarding to your upstream service. For example, if it is listening on port http://localhost:8080, run:

    ```bash ngrok http http://localhost:5000


  1. Run the main script:

```bash python app.py

  1. Select Windows 11 from the menu:

```bash Select the operating system for phishing: 1. Windows 10 2. Windows 11 3. Windows XP 4. Windows Server 5. Ubuntu 6. Ubuntu Server 7. macOS Enter the number of your choice: 2

  1. Access the phishing page:

Open your browser and go to or the ngrok public URL.


This tool is intended for educational purposes only. The author is not responsible for any misuse of this tool. Always obtain explicit permission from the owner of the system before conducting any phishing tests.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.



Developer: @davenisc Web: https://davenisc.com
