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AD Amusement Park – Part 1

11 April 2019 at 04:47

WHO (Is This Geared Towards?)

  • Penetration Testers
  • System Administrators
  • Technology & System Enthusiast
  • Average Joe (Jill)
  • Anybody That Wants To Read!

WHAT (Will It Encompass?)

The design and provisioning of an AD Penetration Testing Lab created to mimic a corporate network. After which, we will simulate an adversary attacking the network using various techniques. Along the way we will spend time getting to know the key concepts on what being in a “Windows Environment” is all about.

This will be broken into multiple post, each leveraging the previous one & building towards the next. Since this is meant to be comprehensive we will spend a significant amount of time (the initial few post) constructing our lab. Once completed, we’ll detail as many Red-Team scenarios, Pentesting Techniques (or whatever we think is relevant/cool) on the network we created. There is no end in sight! Once I’m tapped out I will solicit friends & peers for techniques to illustrate.Did you catch I said we? That means you also. So do leave comments, email me, to keep this series rolling.

Note: In no way do I or ever claim to be an expert in anything. The best way for me to learn is by doing – making mistakes, trying/failing, and just persevering. With that said my connections are experts in the topics I’ll speak about. If I misspeak or underrepresented anything – point it out, I’m totally open to constructive criticism.

WHEN (Does It Start?)

Aren’t you reading this right now? Duh. Just kidding – I plan on staying pretty consistent. Current date is 4/10/2019 19:12 EST. I would like to be done with the standing the lab up and be on to blogging about the scenarios by beginning of summer at the latest.

WHY (Are You Even Doing This?)

  • Because I Have Unlimited Amounts Of Free Time? This couldn’t be further from the truth !! Let’s see I lead AppSec @ work, am preparing to take GREM, being a husband, being a sibling, being a resource, and being a friend.
  • Because I Get Paid For This? Yeah Ok! If anyone is paying then the funds have never reached me lol. Truthfully I still remember being broke waking up and not having a single dollar. I do pretty well nowadays and I’ll never let money motivate me! Imagine being purely driven by money, and then there’s no money left. That’s why I’ll never ask for a donation, a beer or anything similar. The best thing you could do for me is leave a comment (to help me make it better for the future) or share it with others. You’ll never see an ad on this blog. I take pride in this and it means a lot to me. One of the most valuable things you provide to someone is your time.
  • Because Why Not ?! Okay. Now we’re on to something. The thing to love about having a blog is being able to write about whatever the heck you want! If I wanted to fill this blog up with lavender bunny rabbits or Swedish meatballs, who could tell me not too? Nobody. Fortunately for you guys I’m not that weird! I made a promise to myself that I wouldn’t write to fill up the pages. This syndrome affects primarily new bloggers. After receiving warm fuzzy feedback on their blog, the human in them wants to just put out more post, sacrificing quality just to continue getting complimented. Being self aware is an amazing quality to have. So instead of quantity I focus on quality and content.
  • To Learn Some of you who know the path I took to get where I am currently.  I skipped over an important role that most offensive & defensive folks get. System Administration & Networking. All my knowledge in those areas are self taught mostly from books & hacking. It’s almost like my hobby now. Fun fact, for me is that the more unknown something is to me, the more fascinating it is.
  • To Teach I never want to be the guy that hoards information. Ever. I think it’s disgusting when people are afraid to sharing knowledge for whatever reasons. I also feel like I’m the perfect medium. Almost artistic like a compiler, actually a decompiler. I take some input, perform some translations – modifications and do my best to covey it to you as output in a language that’s most familiar to you. Teaching is loaded because you’re constantly reinforcing what you already knew. So again I win.
  • To Be The Devil’s Advocate We will look through both lenses, that of the attacker as well as the defender. I think this is necessary for completeness. Just think how wrapped up we get in colors and the box we place ourselves in. “I’m a Red-Teamer – I’m a Blue-Teamer – I’m a Purple-Teamer”. In reality there’s 2 sides, the good guys & the bad guys. If you straddle the line, I consider you to be on the bad side. Simple

Okay. With that out of the way – let’s start Part 1 of the series!

I’ll summarize exactly what we’re going to accomplish in this post first, then illustrate it in detail below.

    1. Summary/Disclaimer
    2. Physical System Requirements
      1. Recommendation & What’s in My Environment
    3. ESXI & Hypervisors
      1. Download, Installation, and Deployment
    4. Active Directory & Windows Domains


*Operation Manage Expectations* – Unfortunately or fortunately every marathon starts with a single step. This is our single step. It sets the stage for all subsequent post in this series. With it being the foundation it’s one of the most important. What happens to anything build upon weak foundation? We actually won’t do any hacking here. It’s meant to understand the core concepts and get a handle on getting your lab stood up. (I can’t hear folks sucking their teeth & heading for the EXIT)

Physical System Requirements:

First off, I don’t want to hear any chuckles, laughs or “bruhhh’s” after I reveal what I’m about to say. I’m running all this on a Dell Inspiron 3874 from back in the day! If you’re a person with a fancy beefy server so be it! More power to you. But if you’re more like me, loving to stretch the limits of anything you can touch on, then you can so-called “ball on a budget”. I laughed one day when I read people speculating on what type of equipment & devices I had in my lab. I was like damn this guy is going to be sadly disappointed when I inform him on the current state of affairs going on here lol.  So take what I’m going to list below w/ a grain of salt.

Processor – Depending on the generation I would say you can get away with having an I5 processor. Obviously the newer the better, to handle all the multitasking we’ll be doing and to utilize the advances in technology. Again my old I7 fourth gen does just fine. Ha!

RAM – One of the most important things in the entire stack. This depends on how big you want your environment to be honestly.  I would suggest 32GB and a minimum of 16GB. At the moment I have 12GB and I usually never see more than 50% usage at max load having 5 VMs running and all processing something.

Disk – Ideally you have a large SSD 1TB and a small one 128GB to boot from. My setup is slightly different. I had an 256GB SSD laying around and the desktop came with a 1TB HDD. So I boot the OS from the 256GB SSD and use the HDD for the VM Storage. You actually could boot the OS from a flash drive atleast 4GB if you wanted. I did this before and experience random hanging and freezing so that’s why this time around I decided to use a physical drive.

My Powerhouse Dell Inspiron 3874

*IMPORTANTYou’re free to use whatever Hypervisor you want. I tried all the major ones and settled with VMware ESXI as my favorite. If you’re going to follow this post & build your lab accordingly, ESXI only works with Intel NICs. You’ll need to have one to avoid a situation where you have to patch the ISO to inject open-source (shady) drivers (kernel level rootkit?) into your build. Guess what? That desktop had a Realtek NIC. Irony. No worries I solved this easily by buying and installing one of these.

ESXI & Hypervisors:

I’ll spare you from the dictionary definition which you’re welcome to find here on what a Type 1 hypervisor is.  Type-1 runs directly on the host machines hardware directly and doesn’t have to load an OS first. In comparison to Type-2 which most people are already familiar with some examples, VirtualBox (yuck) – VMWare Workstation (if you’re fortunate) – VMWare Player (if you’re fortunate & the one of your liking.

So what does this do for us? Great question. When we leverage this type of hypervisor we’re able to utilize all the host machines hardware for our VMs. First thing we do is head over and grab the latest ESXI image from VMWare’s website which at the moment is 6.7. YES – you have to create an account.

Downloading latest ESXI image

The ISO is surprisingly small for the shear amount of magic that it provides. The next thing we want to do is burn the ISO to a USB flash drive. There are a few programs I’ve used for this over the years depending on OS but the most reliable one has to be Rufus. Download and install (or run it).

Insert your USB into the machine and run Rufus. You’ll have to point it to the ESXI ISO, it should detect your USB drive letter automatically. Similar to the following:

Writing ESXI image to flash drive

Installation should be quick, less than a minute. Unfortunately the only confirmation you’ll get from Rufus is a Window’s chime and the progress bar reaching 100% visually but sorry no messagebox popup confirmation.

Rufus finished writing image to flash drive

Now that we have our flash drive ready for battle, we insert it into the system we’re using for our lab. Sometimes you’ll hold F2 on system boot or go into the bios, alter the boot order and select the USB to load prior to the Hard Disk. The process for installing ESXI is very simple just click through honestly. But for the sake of completeness I wanted to detail it thoroughly. The initial load will show you some Linux booting output and switch to the following looking screen:

ESXI loading after booting from USB

Click “Enter” to Continue with the installation when paused at the Compatibility prompt. Then F11 to accept the EULA. Continuing on you’ll be prompted to select the disk you want to install ESXI on. If you’re dropping it on another USB make sure it’s insert it VMWare should recognize it. DON’T OVERWRITE THE USB WITH THE INSTALLATION ON IT MISTAKENLY. No matter what choose the correct disk, if you’re using SSD or HDD just make sure you select the correct one. Remember this ISN’T the place where your VMs will be held, although it’s probably inside the same physical system. In my case for illustration purposes I’m installing on a VM so my disk is labeled as such, and looks like the following. (Multiple disk will be listed if applicable)

Installing ESXI on host disk.

Hit “Enter” to Continue. Select your default keyboard layout Swiss German in my case. JK – I selected “US Default” of course & again “Enter” to Continue. At the next screen you’re prompted for a root password, make it whatever you want so long as you remember it

Selecting root password.

Confirm again your pointing to the correct disk before you begin the partition. (Can you tell I screwed up here before?)

Confirming partition to write to

A completed install looks similar to the following.

Completed ESXI Install.

Great Progress! Remove the installation media and reboot.

To save time here’s the assumptions I will make:

  1. You already have at least one Windows Server edition to be your domain controller. Microsoft provides evaluation copy’s for 180 days that you can download directly from them Server 2016 Download. You’ll have to fill out the form (bogus information) to initiate the download. Get creative 🙂
  2. You have at least one client to add to your domain, this could be any Windows OS like 10, 8 (you’re weird), 7 or XP. You can get Windows 10 for free using their Media Creation Tool here. Get creative finding the other editions.

If all went well you’ll boot up to the following:

ESXI Installed & running.

Take note of the IP address ESXI presents to you and browse to the IP. It should be bridged to your LAN. Note: My address is NAT’d since I’m simulating the process on a VM. Not that should have realized that anyway. From this point on you can disconnect the monitor if you like, all the rest of the administration is done through the web application.

Accepting the self signed cert shows the following:

ESXI Web App Login

After logging in your main dashboard provides you a bunch of system information about your physical host and configuration options for your future lab. To deploy a VM first we have to upload an ISO. In ESXI terms the storage that houses the ISO and the resulting VMs is called the datastore. Things are pretty intuitive actually bc the upload process to the datastore is streamlined in the Create/Register VM workflow. Click that button:

ESXI Dashboard

Select “Create a new virtual machine” and click Next as follows:

Deploying a new VM

Give you VM a recognizable name & select the OS version from the dropdown. I named mine DC-2K-16 just to be descriptive. I know it’s going to be my Domain Controller and the OS year. Do whatever makes you happy:

Select VM OS and naming it

You’ll select a datastore, click Next and be presented with the final screen.

VM Provisioning almost complete

Note: We still didn’t upload our ISO to the datastore yet. Now here’s our time. You’re going to click “Browse” from the location row. This will open the datastore browser, there you’ll click “Upload” and then browse your local system to the Windows Server 2016 ISO.

As it’s progressing things should look like this:

Be patient – this is where you get to pause and reflect on your tremendous efforts thus far.

After that finishes, do yourself a favor. Upload your other ISO the Windows 10 machine also. In my case I had a Windows 8.1 32 bit ISO already downloaded so that’s what I used. To simulate a corporate network I’d suggest at least 9 machines. You’re going to upload until your thumbs hurt haha. You’ll also need a PFSense ISO that’ll be our virtual Firewall – you can grab it from here and upload that ISO like the other images. Download your ISO’s from where ever you’re finding them, upload them to the datastore, and repeat. Repeat until you’re close to the setup I have below.

Back at our Dashboard we can now see our VM list has grown from 0 to 1. Clicking on it and selecting Power On. This will load the VM and install Windows like we’ve done a thousand times prior. Repeat the process for all your client machines. This is the part that takes the most time so you can upload a bunch and go to sleep or something.

Note: I am switching from the virtual environment where I was demonstrating the the installation process to my actual ESXI server. The one you laughed about earlier smh.

You should now have the beginnings of an AD Pentesting lab. Mines looks like the following:

Enough VMs to make you jealous

Active Directory & Windows Domains

An Active Directory domain is a collection of objects within a Microsoft Active Directory network. An object can be a single user, a group or it can be a hardware component, such as a computer or printer. Each domain holds a database containing object identity information.

Active Directory domains are grouped in a tree structure; a group of Active Directory trees is known as a forest, which is the highest level of organization within Active Directory. Active Directory domains can have multiple child domains, which in turn can have their own child domains. Authentication within Active Directory works through a transitive trust relationship.

Active Directory domains can be identified using a DNS name, which can be the same as an organization’s public domain name, a sub-domain or an alternate version (which may end in .local). While Group Policy can be applied to an entire domain, it is typical to apply policies to sub-groups of objects known as organizational units (OUs). All object attributes, such as usernames, must be unique within a single domain and, by extension, an OU.

That was a mouthful. Let’s try to explain it in layman’s terms. A domain is simply a group of computers or devices that can be managed centrally. A domain controller is the server edition of Windows in the environment that responds to authentication request from other systems on the domain. This server implements the Active Directory roles/responsibilities, and stores all the user account information for the domain, enforces the security policy, and can run the domain’s DHCP & DNS servers.

Feel free to read, Google and pause if you want to research any of these topics in depth. For now just accept that this is all you need. I’ll give you everything else that’s pertinent exactly when it’s required. This is enough to get us off the ground running.

Here’s what I hope you learned about in this post:

  1. My motivations to start this series & what I hope to accomplish
  2. You can deploy a pretty nice lab for close to nothing if you have the time
  3. How to write ISOs to flash drives if you’ve never done it in the past
  4. How to install an ESXI server
  5. How to install VM OSes inside your ESXI server
  6. A little bit about Active Directory & Window Domains


For the next post I have the following agenda:

  1. Configure our first DC
  2. Promoting the server to be DC
  3. Installing the Active Directory roles & responsibilities
  4. Install the DNS role
  5. Installing the DHCP role
  6. Configuring OU’s
  7. Joining a client to our domain
  8. Learning about GPO
  9. Setting up our PFSense firewall.

Until next time !

The post AD Amusement Park – Part 1 appeared first on Certification Chronicles.
