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Yesterday β€” 12 May 2024KitPloit - PenTest & Hacking Tools

PingRAT - Secretly Passes C2 Traffic Through Firewalls Using ICMP Payloads

PingRAT secretly passes C2 traffic through firewalls using ICMP payloads.


  • Uses ICMP for Command and Control
  • Undetectable by most AV/EDR solutions
  • Written in Go


Download the binaries

or build the binaries and you are ready to go:

$ git clone https://github.com/Nemesis0U/PingRAT.git
$ go build client.go
$ go build server.go



./server -h
Usage of ./server:
-d string
Destination IP address
-i string
Listener (virtual) Network Interface (e.g. eth0)


./client -h
Usage of ./client:
-d string
Destination IP address
-i string
(Virtual) Network Interface (e.g., eth0)

Before yesterdayKitPloit - PenTest & Hacking Tools

LOLSpoof - An Interactive Shell To Spoof Some LOLBins Command Line

LOLSpoof is a an interactive shell program that automatically spoof the command line arguments of the spawned process. Just call your incriminate-looking command line LOLBin (e.g. powershell -w hidden -enc ZwBlAHQALQBwAHIAbwBjAGUA....) and LOLSpoof will ensure that the process creation telemetry appears legitimate and clear.


Process command line is a very monitored telemetry, being thoroughly inspected by AV/EDRs, SOC analysts or threat hunters.


  1. Prepares the spoofed command line out of the real one: lolbin.exe " " * sizeof(real arguments)
  2. Spawns that suspended LOLBin with the spoofed command line
  3. Gets the remote PEB address
  4. Gets the address of RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS struct
  5. Gets the address of the command line unicode buffer
  6. Overrides the fake command line with the real one
  7. Resumes the main thread

Opsec considerations

Although this simple technique helps to bypass command line detection, it may introduce other suspicious telemetry: 1. Creation of suspended process 2. The new process has trailing spaces (but it's really easy to make it a repeated character or even random data instead) 3. Write to the spawned process with WriteProcessMemory


Built with Nim 1.6.12 (compiling with Nim 2.X yields errors!)

nimble install winim

Known issue

Programs that clear or change the previous printed console messages (such as timeout.exe 10) breaks the program. when such commands are employed, you'll need to restart the console. Don't know how to fix that, open to suggestions.

SQLMC - Check All Urls Of A Domain For SQL Injections

SQLMC (SQL Injection Massive Checker) is a tool designed to scan a domain for SQL injection vulnerabilities. It crawls the given URL up to a specified depth, checks each link for SQL injection vulnerabilities, and reports its findings.


  • Scans a domain for SQL injection vulnerabilities
  • Crawls the given URL up to a specified depth
  • Checks each link for SQL injection vulnerabilities
  • Reports vulnerabilities along with server information and depth


  1. Install the required dependencies: bash pip3 install sqlmc


Run sqlmc with the following command-line arguments:

  • -u, --url: The URL to scan (required)
  • -d, --depth: The depth to scan (required)
  • -o, --output: The output file to save the results

Example usage:

sqlmc -u http://example.com -d 2

Replace http://example.com with the URL you want to scan and 3 with the desired depth of the scan. You can also specify an output file using the -o or --output flag followed by the desired filename.

The tool will then perform the scan and display the results.


  • Check for multiple GET params
  • Better injection checker trigger methods



This project is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0.

BadExclusionsNWBO - An Evolution From BadExclusions To Identify Folder Custom Or Undocumented Exclusions On AV/EDR

BadExclusionsNWBO is an evolution from BadExclusions to identify folder custom or undocumented exclusions on AV/EDR.

How it works?

BadExclusionsNWBO copies and runs Hook_Checker.exe in all folders and subfolders of a given path. You need to have Hook_Checker.exe on the same folder of BadExclusionsNWBO.exe.

Hook_Checker.exe returns the number of EDR hooks. If the number of hooks is 7 or less means folder has an exclusion otherwise the folder is not excluded.

Original idea?

Since the release of BadExclusions I've been thinking on how to achieve the same results without creating that many noise. The solution came from another tool, https://github.com/asaurusrex/Probatorum-EDR-Userland-Hook-Checker.

If you download Probatorum-EDR-Userland-Hook-Checker and you run it inside a regular folder and on folder with an specific type of exclusion you will notice a huge difference. All the information is on the Probatorum repository.


Each vendor apply exclusions on a different way. In order to get the list of folder exclusions an specific type of exclusion should be made. Not all types of exclusion and not all the vendors remove the hooks when they exclude a folder.

The user who runs BadExclusionsNWBO needs write permissions on the excluded folder in order to write Hook_Checker file and get the results.

EDR Demo


Ioctlance - A Tool That Is Used To Hunt Vulnerabilities In X64 WDM Drivers


Presented at CODE BLUE 2023, this project titled Enhanced Vulnerability Hunting in WDM Drivers with Symbolic Execution and Taint Analysis introduces IOCTLance, a tool that enhances its capacity to detect various vulnerability types in Windows Driver Model (WDM) drivers. In a comprehensive evaluation involving 104 known vulnerable WDM drivers and 328 unknow n ones, IOCTLance successfully unveiled 117 previously unidentified vulnerabilities within 26 distinct drivers. As a result, 41 CVEs were reported, encompassing 25 cases of denial of service, 5 instances of insufficient access control, and 11 examples of elevation of privilege.


Target Vulnerability Types

  • map physical memory
  • controllable process handle
  • buffer overflow
  • null pointer dereference
  • read/write controllable address
  • arbitrary shellcode execution
  • arbitrary wrmsr
  • arbitrary out
  • dangerous file operation

Optional Customizations

  • length limit
  • loop bound
  • total timeout
  • IoControlCode timeout
  • recursion
  • symbolize data section


Docker (Recommand)

docker build .


dpkg --add-architecture i386
apt-get update
apt-get install git build-essential python3 python3-pip python3-dev htop vim sudo \
openjdk-8-jdk zlib1g:i386 libtinfo5:i386 libstdc++6:i386 libgcc1:i386 \
libc6:i386 libssl-dev nasm binutils-multiarch qtdeclarative5-dev libpixman-1-dev \
libglib2.0-dev debian-archive-keyring debootstrap libtool libreadline-dev cmake \
libffi-dev libxslt1-dev libxml2-dev

pip install angr==9.2.18 ipython==8.5.0 ipdb==0.13.9


# python3 analysis/ioctlance.py -h
usage: ioctlance.py [-h] [-i IOCTLCODE] [-T TOTAL_TIMEOUT] [-t TIMEOUT] [-l LENGTH] [-b BOUND]
[-g GLOBAL_VAR] [-a ADDRESS] [-e EXCLUDE] [-o] [-r] [-c] [-d]

positional arguments:
path dir (including subdirectory) or file path to the driver(s) to analyze

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
analyze specified IoControlCode (e.g. 22201c)
total timeout for the whole symbolic execution (default 1200, 0 to unlimited)
-t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
timeout for analyze each IoControlCode (default 40, 0 to unlimited)
-l LENGTH, --length LENGTH
the limit of number of instructions for technique L engthLimiter (default 0, 0
to unlimited)
-b BOUND, --bound BOUND
the bound for technique LoopSeer (default 0, 0 to unlimited)
-g GLOBAL_VAR, --global_var GLOBAL_VAR
symbolize how many bytes in .data section (default 0 hex)
-a ADDRESS, --address ADDRESS
address of ioctl handler to directly start hunting with blank state (e.g.
-e EXCLUDE, --exclude EXCLUDE
exclude function address split with , (e.g. 140005c20,140006c20)
-o, --overwrite overwrite x.sys.json if x.sys has been analyzed (default False)
-r, --recursion do not kill state if detecting recursion (default False)
-c, --complete get complete base state (default False)
-d, --debug print debug info while analyzing (default False)


# python3 evaluation/statistics.py -h
usage: statistics.py [-h] [-w] path

positional arguments:
path target dir or file path

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-w, --wdm copy the wdm drivers into <path>/wdm


  1. Compile the testing examples in test to generate testing driver files.
  2. Run IOCTLance against the drvier files.


NTLM Relay Gat - Powerful Tool Designed To Automate The Exploitation Of NTLM Relays

NTLM Relay Gat is a powerful tool designed to automate the exploitation of NTLM relays using ntlmrelayx.py from the Impacket tool suite. By leveraging the capabilities of ntlmrelayx.py, NTLM Relay Gat streamlines the process of exploiting NTLM relay vulnerabilities, offering a range of functionalities from listing SMB shares to executing commands on MSSQL databases.


  • Multi-threading Support: Utilize multiple threads to perform actions concurrently.
  • SMB Shares Enumeration: List available SMB shares.
  • SMB Shell Execution: Execute a shell via SMB.
  • Secrets Dumping: Dump secrets from the target.
  • MSSQL Database Enumeration: List available MSSQL databases.
  • MSSQL Command Execution: Execute operating system commands via xp_cmdshell or start SQL Server Agent jobs.


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • proxychains properly configured with ntlmrelayx SOCKS relay port
  • Python 3.6+


To install NTLM Relay Gat, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that Python 3.6 or higher is installed on your system.

  2. Clone NTLM Relay Gat repository:

git clone https://github.com/ad0nis/ntlm_relay_gat.git
cd ntlm_relay_gat
  1. Install dependencies, if you don't have them installed already:
pip install -r requirements.txt

NTLM Relay Gat is now installed and ready to use.


To use NTLM Relay Gat, make sure you've got relayed sessions in ntlmrelayx.py's socks command output and that you have proxychains configured to use ntlmrelayx.py's proxy, and then execute the script with the desired options. Here are some examples of how to run NTLM Relay Gat:

# List available SMB shares using 10 threads
python ntlm_relay_gat.py --smb-shares -t 10

# Execute a shell via SMB
python ntlm_relay_gat.py --smb-shell --shell-path /path/to/shell

# Dump secrets from the target
python ntlm_relay_gat.py --dump-secrets

# List available MSSQL databases
python ntlm_relay_gat.py --mssql-dbs

# Execute an operating system command via xp_cmdshell
python ntlm_relay_gat.py --mssql-exec --mssql-method 1 --mssql-command 'whoami'


NTLM Relay Gat is intended for educational and ethical penetration testing purposes only. Usage of NTLM Relay Gat for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. The developers of NTLM Relay Gat assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this tool.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
