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A case of DLL Side Loading from UNC via Windows environmental variable

5 July 2022 at 15:51

About a month ago I decided to take a look at JetBrains TeamCity, as I wanted to learn more about CVE-2022-25263 (an authenticated OS Command Injection in the Agent Push functionality).

Initially I just wanted to find the affected feature and test the mitigation put in place, eventually I ended up searching for other interesting behaviors that could be considered security issues- and came across something I believed was a vulnerability, however upon disclosure the vendor convinced me that the situation was considered normal in TeamCity's context and its thread model. Since the feature I was testing allowed me to set some of the environmental variables later passed to the given builder step process (in my case it was python.exe).

During that process I accidently discovered that Python on Windows can be used to side-load an arbitrary DLL named rsaenh.dll, placed in a directory named system32, located in a directory pointed by the SystemRoot environment variable passed to the process (it loads %SystemRoot%/system32/rsaenh.dll).

For the purpose of testing, I installed TeamCity on Windows 10 64-bit, with default settings, setting both the TeamCity Server and the TeamCity Build Agent to run as a regular user (which is the default setting).

I used the same system for both the TeamCity Server and the Build Agent.
First, as admin, I created a sample project with one build step of type Python.
I installed Python3 (python3.10 from the Microsoft App Store, checked the box to get it added to the PATH), so the agent would be compatible to run the build. I also created a hello world python build script:

From that point I switched to a regular user account, which was not allowed to define or edit build steps, but only to trigger them, with the ability to control custom build parameters (including some environmental variables).

I came across two separate instances of UNC path injection, allowing me to attack the Build Agent. In both cases I could make the system connect via SMB to the share of my choosing (allowing me to capture the NTLM hash, so I could try to crack it offline or SMB-relay it).

In case of build steps utilizing python, it also turned out possible to load an arbitrary DLL file from the share I set up with smbd hosted from the KALI box.

The local IP address of the Windows system was I ran a KALI Linux box in the same network, under

Injecting UNC to capture the hash / NTLM-relay

On the KALI box, I ran responder with default settings, like this:

Then, before running the build, I set the teamcity.build.checkoutDir parameter to \\\pub:

I also ran Procmon and set up a filter to catch any events with the "Path" attribute containing "".
I clicked "Run Build", which resulted in the UNC path being read by the service, as shown in the screenshot below:

Responder successfully caught the hash (multiple times):

I noticed that the teamcity.build.checkoutDir was validated and eventually it would not be used to attempt to load the build script (which was what I was trying to achieve in the first place by tampering with it), and the application fell back on the default value C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\2b35ac7e0452d98f when running the build. Still, before validation, the service interacted with the share, which I believe should not be the case.

Injecting UNC to load arbitrary DLL

I discovered I could attack the Build Agent by poisoning environmental variables the same way as I attacked the server, via build parameter customization.
Since my build step used python, I played with it a bit to see if I could influence the way it loads DLLs by changing environmental variables. It turned out I could.

Python on Windows can be used to side-load an arbitrary DLL named rsaenh.dll, placed in a directory named system32, located in a directory pointed by the SystemRoot environment variable passed to the process.

For example, by setting the SystemRoot environmental variable to "\\\pub" (from the default "C:\WINDOWS" value):

In case of python3.10.exe, this resulted in the python executable trying to load \\\pub\system32\rsaenh.dll:

With Responder running, just like in case of attacking the TeamCity Server, hashes were captured:

However, since python3.10 looked eager to load a DLL from a path that could be controlled with the SystemRoot variable, I decided to spin up an SMB share with public anonymous access and provide a copy of the original rsaenh.dll file into the pub\system32\ directory shared with SMB.
I used the following /etc/samba/smb.config:


workgroup = WORKGROUP
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 1000
logging = file
panic action = /usr/share/samba/panic-action %d
server role = standalone server
map to guest = bad user
comment = some useful files
read only = no
path = /home/pub
guest ok = yes
create mask = 0777
directory mask = 0777

I stopped Responder to free up the 445 port, I started smbd:

service smbd start

Then, I ran the build again, and had the python3.10 executable successfully load and execute the DLL from my share, demonstrating a vector of RCE on the Build Agent:

Not an issue from TeamCity perspective

About a week after reporting the issue to the vendor, I received a response, clarifying that any user having access to TeamCity is considered to have access to all build agent systems, therefore code execution on any build agent system, triggered from low-privileged user in TeamCity, does not violate any security boundaries. They also provided an example of an earlier, very similar submission, and the clarification that was given upon its closure https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/TW-74408 (with a nice code injection vector via perl environmental variable).

python loading rsaenh.dll following the SystemRoot env variable

The fact that python used an environmental variable to load a DLL is an interesting occurrence on its own, as it could be used locally as an evasive technique alternative to rundll32.exe (https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1574/002/, https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1129/) - to inject malicious code into a process created from an original, signed python3.10.exe executable .


The following code was used to build the DLL. It simply grabs the current username and current process command line, and appends them to a text file named poc.txt. Whenever DllMain is executed, for whatever reason, the poc.txt file will be appended with a line containing those details:

First, let's try to get it loaded without any signatures, locally:

Procmon output watching for any events with Path ending with "rsaenh.dll":

The poc.txt file was created in the current directory of Β C:\Users\ewilded\HACKING\SHELLING\research\cmd.exe\python3_side_loading_via_SystemRoot while running python:

Similar cases

There must be more cases of popular software using environmental variables to locate some of the shared libraries they load.

To perform such a search dynamically, all executables in the scope directory could be iterated through and executed multiple times, each time testing arbitrary values set to individual common environmental variables like %SystemRoot% or %WINDIR%. This alone would be a good approach for starters, but it would definitely not provide an exhaustive coverage - most of the places in code those load attempts happen are not reachable without hitting proper command lines, specific to each executable.

A more exhaustive, and but also demanding approach, would be static analysis of all PE files in the scope that simply indicate the usage of both LoadLibrary and GetEnv functions (e..g LoadLibraryExW() and _wgetenv(), as python3.10.exe does) in their import tables.

Improving the write-what-where HEVD PoC (x86, Win7)

17 October 2021 at 20:12


This one is about another HEVD exercise (look here to see the my previous HEVD post); the arbitrary write (https://github.com/hacksysteam/HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver/blob/master/Driver/HEVD/Windows/ArbitraryWrite.c). The main reason I decided to write up my experience with it is the fact that it instantly occurred to me that the official exploitation process, used both in the original PoC as well as described here, leaves the kernel in an unstable state with high probability of crash anytime after the exploit is run. So, this post is more about the exploitation technique, the problem it creates and the solution it asks for, rather than the vulnerability itself. It also occurred to me that doing HEVD exercises fully (like understanding exactly what and how) is quite helpful in improving the general understanding of how the operating system works.

When it comes to stuff like setting up the environment, please refer to my earlier HEVD post. Now let's get started.

The vulnerability

This one is a vanilla write-what-where case - code running in kernel mode performs a write operation of an arbitrary (user-controlled) value into an arbitrary (user-controlled) address. In case of a x86 system (we keep using these for such basic exercises as they are easier while debugger output with 32-bit addresses is more readable), it usually boils down to being able to write an arbitrary 32-bit value into an arbitrary 32-bit address. However, it is also usually possible to trigger the vulnerability more than once (which we will do in this case, by the way, just to fix the state of the kernel after privilege escalation), so virtually we control Β data blocks of any size, not just four bytes.

First of all, we have the input structure definition at https://github.com/hacksysteam/HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver/blob/master/Exploit/ArbitraryOverwrite.h - it's as simple as it could be, just two pointers:

Then, we have the TriggerArbitraryWrite function in https://github.com/hacksysteam/HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver/blob/master/Driver/HEVD/Windows/ArbitraryWrite.c (screenshot below). First, we have a call to ProbeForRead on the input pointer, to make sure that the structure itself is located in user space (both ProbeForRead and ProbeForWrite methods throw an access violation exception if the address provided turns out to belong to the kernel space address range). Then, What and Where values held by the structure (note that these are both pointers and there are no additional checks here whether the addresses those pointers contain belong to kernel or Β user space!) are copied into the local kernel mode function variables:

Then, we have the vulnerable write-what-where:

Now, let's see how this C code actually looks like after it's compiled (disassembly view in windbg):


So, as always, we just want to run our shellcode in kernel mode, whereas the only thing our shellcode does is overwriting the security token of our exploit process with the one of the SYSTEM process (token-stealing shellcode). Β Again, refer to the previous blog post https://hackingiscool.pl/hevd-stackgs-x86-win7/ to get more details on the shellcode used.

To exploit the arbitrary write-what-where to get our shellcode executed by the kernel, we want to overwrite some pointer, some address residing in the kernel space, that either gets called frequently by other processes (and this is what causes trouble post exploitation if we don't fix it!) or is called by a kernel-mode function that we can call from our exploit process (this is what we will do to get our shellcode executed). In this case we will stick to the HalDispatchTable method - or to be more precise, HalDispatchTable+0x4. The method is already described here https://poppopret.blogspot.com/2011/07/windows-kernel-exploitation-basics-part.html (again, I recommend this read), but let's paraphrase it.

First, we use our write-what-where driver vulnerability to overwrite 4 bytes of the the nt!HalDispatchTable structure (nt!HalDispatchTable at offset 0x4, to be exact). This is because the NtQueryIntervalProfile function - a function that we can call from user mode - results in calling nt!KeQueryIntervalProfile (which already happens after switching into kernel mode), and that function calls whatever is stored at nt!HalDispatchTable+0x4:

So, the idea is to first exploit the arbitrary write to overwrite whatever is stored at nt!HalDispatchTable+0x4 with the user-mode address of our shellcode, then call the NtQueryIntervalProfile only to trick the kernel into executing it via calling HalDisaptchTable+0x4 - and it works like a charm on Windows 7 (kernel mode execution of code located in user mode buffer, as no SMEP in place).

The problem

The problem is that nt!HalDispatchTable is a global kernel structure, which means that once we tamper it, it will still be there if any other program refers to it (e.g. calls NtQueryIntervalProfile). And it WILL affect whatever we will be doing enjoying our SYSTEM privileges, because it WILL crash the entire system.

Let's say that the buffer holding our shellcode in our user mode exploit is at 00403040. If we overwrite the original value of nt!HalDispatchTable+0x4 with it, that shellcode will only be reachable and thus callable if the current process being executed is our exploit. Once the scheduler interrupt switches the current CPU core to another process, in the context of that process the user mode virtual address of 00403040 will either be invalid (won't even fall into any committed/reserved virtual address range within the virtual address space used by that process) or it will be valid as an address, but in reality it will be mapped to a different physical address, which means it will hold something completely different than our shellcode. Remember, each process has its own address space, separate from all other processes, whereas the address space of the kernel is global for the entire system. Therefore every kernel space address makes sense to the entire system (kernel and all processes), whereas our shellcode at 00403040 is only accessible to our exploit process AND the kernel - but only when the process currently being executed is our exploit. The same address referred to from a different process context will be invalid/point at something completely different.

So, after we tamper HalDispatchTable+0x4 by overwriting it with the address of the shellcode residing in the memory of the current process (our exploit) and call NtQueryIntervalProfile to get the shellcode executed, our process should now have SYSTEM privileges (and so will any child processes it spawns, e.g. a cmd.exe shell).

Therefore, if any other process in the system, after we are done with privilege escalation, calls NtQueryIntervalProfile, it will as well trick the kernel into trying to execute whatever is located under the 00403040 address. But since the calling process won't have this address in its working set or will have something completely different mapped under it, it will lead to a system crash. Of course this could be tolerated if we performed some sort of persistence immediately upon the elevation of privileges, but either way as attackers we don't want disruptions that would hurt our customer or potentially tip the defenders off. We don't want system crashes.

This is not an imaginary problem. Right after running the initial version of the PoC (which I put together based on the official HEVD PoC), all of the sudden I saw this in windbg:

Obviously whatever was located at 0040305b Β at the time ( 000a - add byte ptr [edx],cl), was no part of my shellcode. So I did a quick check to see what was the process causing this - by issuing the !vad command to display the current process VADs (Virtual Address Descriptors), basically the memory map of the current process, including names of the files mapped into the address space as mapped sections - which includes the path to the original EXE file:

One of svchost.exe processes causing the crash by calling HalDispatchTable+0x4

One more interesting thing is that - if we look at the stack trace (two screenshots above) - the call of HalDispatchTable+0x4 did not originate from KeQueryIntervalProfile function, but from nt!EtwAddLogHeader+0x4b. Which suggests that Β HalDispatchTable+0x4 is called from more places than just NtQueryIntervalProfile, adding up to the probability of such a post-exploitation crash being very real.

The solution

So, the obvious solution that comes to mind is restoring the original HalDispatchTable+0x4 value after exploitation. The easiest approach is to simply trigger the vulnerability again, with the same "where" argument ( HalDispatchTable+0x4) and a different "what" argument (the original value as opposed to the address of our user mode shellcode).

Now, to be able to do this, first we have to know what that original value of nt!HalDispatchTable+0x4 is. We can't try to read it in kernel mode from our shellcode, since we need to overwrite it first in order to get the shellcode execute in the first place. Luckily, I figured out it can be calculated based on information attainable from regular user mode execution (again, keep in mind this is only directly relevant to the old Windows 7 x86 I keep practicing on, I haven't tried this on modern Windows yet, I know that SMEP and probably CFG would be our main challenges here).

First of all, let's see what that original value is before we attempt any overwrite. So, let's view nt!HalDispatchTable:

The second DWORD in the memory block under nt!HalDispatchTable contains 82837940. Which definitely looks like an address in kernel mode. It has to be - after all, it is routinely called from other kernel-mode functions, as code, so it must point at kernel mode code. Once I called it up with dt command, windbg resolved it to HaliQuerySystemInformation. Running disassembly view command uu on it, revealed the full symbol name (hal!HaliQuerySystemInformation) and showed that in fact there is a function there (just based on the first few assembly lines we can see it is a normal function prologue).

OK, great, so we know that nt!HalDispatchTable+0x4, the pointer we abuse to turn arbitrary write into a privilege escalation, originally points to a kernel-mode function named hal!HaliQuerySystemInformation (which means the function is a part of the hal module).

Let's see more about it:

Oh, so the module name behind this is halacpi.dll. Now we both have the function name and the module name. Based solely on this information, we can attempt to calculate the current address of hal!HaliQuerySystemInformation dynamically. To do this, we will require the following two values:

  1. The current base address the halacpi.dll module has been loaded (we will get it dynamically by calling NtQuerySystemInformation from our exploit).
  2. The offset of the HaliQuerySystemInformation function within the halacpi.dll module itself (we will pre-calculate the offset value and hardcode it into the exploit code - so it will be version-specific). We can calculate this offset in windbg by subtracting the current base address of the halacpi.dll kernel-mode module (e.g. taken from the lmDvmhal command output) from the absolute address of the Β hal!HaliQuerySystemInformation function as resolved by windbg. We can also calculate (confirm) the same offset with static analysis - just load that version of halacpi.dll into Ghidra, download the symbols file, load the symbols file, then find the static address of the function with its address within the binary and subtract the preferred module base address from that address.

Below screenshot shows the calculation done in windbg:

Calculating the offset in windbg

Below screenshots show the same process with Ghidra:

Preferred image base - 00010000
Finding the function (symbols must be loaded)
HaliQuerySystemInformation static address in the binary (assembly view)

Offset calculation based on information from Ghidra: 0x2b940 - 0x10000 = 0x1b940.

So, during runtime, we need to add 0x1b940 (for this particular version of halacpi.dll - remember, other versions will most likely have different offsets) to the dynamically retrieved load base address of halacpi.dll, which we retrieve by calling NtQuerySystemInformation and iterating over the buffer it returns (see the PoC code for details). The same function, NtQuerySystemInformation, is used to calculate the runtime address of the HalDispatchTable - the "what" in our exploit (as well as the Β original HEVD PoC code and many other exploits of this sort). In all cases Β NtQuerySystemInformation is called to get the current base address of the ntoskrnl.exe module (the Windows kernel). Then, instead of using a hardcoded (fixed) offset to get HalDispatchTable, a neat trick with LoadLibraryA and GetProcAddress is used to calculate it dynamically during runtime (see the full code for details).

The reason I could not reproduce this fully dynamic approach of calculating the offset from the base (calling LoadLibrary(halacpi.dll) and then GetProcAddress(HaliQuerySystemInformation)) to calculate hal!HaliQuerySystemInformation and used a hardcoded, fixed, manually precalculated 0x1b940 offset instead, is because the HaliQuerySystemInformation function is not exported by halacpi.dll - whereas GetProcAddress only works for functions that have their corresponding entries present in the DLL Export Table.

Full PoC

The full PoC I put together can be found here: https://gist.github.com/ewilded/4b9257b552c6c1e2a3af32879f623803.

nt/system shell still running after the exploit process's exit
The original HalDispatchTable+0x4 restored after exploit execution

HEVD StackOverflowGS x86 Win7 - exploitation analysis

5 October 2021 at 06:00


This post is about kernel mode exploitation basics under Windows. It operates on assumptions that the reader is familiar with terms such as process, thread, user and kernel mode and the difference between user and kernel mode virtual address range. One could use this post as an introduction to HEVD.

Even though I came across at least one good write up about Hacksys Extreme Vulnerable Driver StackOverflowGS (https://klue.github.io/blog/2017/09/hevd_stack_gs/, highly recommend it), after reading it I still felt that I did not understand the entire exploitation process (did not notice the link to the source code at the time :D), so I fell back on the PoC provided by HEVD (https://github.com/hacksysteam/HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver/blob/master/Exploit/StackOverflowGS.c), analyzed it and learned a few things, now I am just sharing my insights and tips.


There are numerous resources on how to set up Windows kernel debugging and install HEVD (e.g. https://hshrzd.wordpress.com/2017/05/28/starting-with-windows-kernel-exploitation-part-1-setting-up-the-lab/ and https://hshrzd.wordpress.com/2017/06/05/starting-with-windows-kernel-exploitation-part-2/).

I personally prefer using my host OS as the debugger and a VirtualBox VM as the debuggee (Windows 7, x86).

VM setting of the serial port for debugging

To attach to the VM, I run the following command (make sure windbg.exe is in your %PATH%):

windbg -k com:pipe,port=\.\pipe\com_1,resets=0,reconnect

When successfully attaching a debuggee, windbg output will look like this:

I myself have experienced issues when rebooting the debuggee (which happened a lot with all the crashes resulting from my attempts at exploitation) with windbg running; it just didn't want to attach to the named pipe and thus there was no connection between windbg and the debuggee. Also, trying to attach to a VM that was already running didn't work this way either. I figured that for me everything always works as should when I first boot the VM and then, once the OS loading progress bar pops up, I run the command to spawn windbg and make it connect to the named pipe created by VirtualBox.

Also, don't forget to load the symbols, e.g.:

.sympath C:\Users\ewilded\HACKING\VULNDEV\kernel\windows\HEVD\HEVD.1.20\drv\vulnerable\i386;SRVC:\SymbolsServerhttps://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols

The vulnerability

StackOverflowGS (code here https://github.com/hacksysteam/HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver/blob/master/Driver/HEVD/Windows/BufferOverflowStackGS.c) is a vanilla stack-based buffer overflow, just like StackOverflow (code here https://github.com/hacksysteam/HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver/blob/master/Driver/HEVD/Windows/BufferOverflowStack.c). The only difference is that in this case stack smashing is detected via a stack canary/stack cookie (a good introduction to the subject can be found here).

All HEVD exercises have the same structure and are all called in the same manner.

Whenever a user wants to interact with the module, they send the driver a data structure - Β IRP (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/gettingstarted/i-o-request-packets). This data structure is our malicious input vector.

On line 128 of the HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver.c main driver source file, we can see that IrpDeviceIoCtlHandler function is assigned to IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL packets:

That function can be found in the same file, starting with line 248:

Depending on the IOCTL code (an unsigned long integer argument, part of the IRP), IrpDeviceIoCtlHandler runs a different function:

Constants like HEVD_IOCTL_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_STACK are numeric variables predefined in HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver.h.

So each exercise has its corresponding function with "IoctlHandler" suffix in its name (BufferOverflowStackIoctlHandler, BufferOverflowStackGSIoctlHandler and so on). Let's see what this function looks like in our case (https://github.com/hacksysteam/HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver/blob/master/Driver/HEVD/Windows/BufferOverflowStackGS.c):

So there is another function, named TriggerBufferOverflowStackGS, run from BufferOverflowStackGSIoctlHandler. So the function call tree, starting from IrpDeviceIoCtlHandler, is now:

Finally, the function is pretty simple too:

UserBuffer is a pointer to the user mode memory block (valid in the address space of the process that is currently interacting with the driver). Kernel mode code will be reading data from this location.

Size is an integer telling HEVD how many bytes we want it to read from the UserBuffer memory block - and write to kernel memory, starting at KernelBuffer. KernelBuffer is a local variable (defined on line 72 visible in the screenshot above), so it resides on the stack.

Both the UserBuffer pointer and the Size are delivered with the IRP and controlled by the user mode program that created it and triggered an interrupt to communicate with this driver (we'll get to that code too, shortly).

Then we get to the bottom of this:

So basically it's a vanilla stack-based buffer overflow. We can overwrite KernelBuffer with UserBuffer, with Size bytes (we control both UserBuffer and Size).

Let's set up a breakpoint in windbg, at HEVD!TriggerStackOverflowGS:

By listing the breakpoint (bl) we can see the current kernel mode address of the function (87e3f8da), which will vary between platforms and system boots.

View the disassembly of the entire function we can notice two important points in the code:

First is our vulnerable memcpy call, the second is the SEH_epilog4_GS, the function responsible for checking the saved stack canary and preventing from normal returning if the stack was detected to be smashed (if the cookie doesn't match), aimed at preventing exploitation.

Naturally, a breakpoint at 87e3f964 e871c8ffff Β  Β  Β call Β  Β HEVD!memcpy (87e3c1da) would be more precise, as we could see directly how the stack buffer looks like before and after memcpy executes. Let's set it:

By listing the existing breakpoints again, we can see that windbg neatly displays both addresses using properly resolved symbols, so our second breakpoint set using the address 87e3f964 got nicely resolved to HEVD!TriggerStackOverflow+0x8a. I personally prefer to save these, so I can use them later when running again, just to remember where the actual breakpoint I am interested in is.

Now, we need to interact with the driver in order to see how the buffer we supply is stored on the stack, what do we overwrite and how error conditions we cause this way will differ depending on the buffer size.

For this purpose, I assembled a simple piece of C code based on other existing HEVD PoCs (I use Dev-C++) https://gist.github.com/ewilded/1d015bd0387ffc6ee1284bcb6bb93616:

  • it offers two payload types; a string of A-s or up to 3072 bytes of de Brujin sequence,
  • it asks for the size argument that will be sent over to the driver.

Below screenshot demonstrates running it in order to send a 512-byte buffer filled with 'A':

At this point we should hit the first breakpoint. We just let it go (g) and let it hit the second breakpoint (just before memcpy):

Let's see the stack:

Now, let's just step over once (p), so we get to the next instruction after the memcpy call, and examine the stack again:

So we can clearly our 512-byte buffer filled with 'A'. Now, at this point there is no buffer overflow.

Now, the next value on stack, right after that buffer (in this case 070d99de), is the stack cookie.

By the way, this is a good opportunity to notice the call stack (function call tree):

We can see that our saved return address is 87e3f9ca (HEVD!TriggerStackOverflowGS+0x8f)(red). The SEH handler pointer we will overwrite is sitting between the stack cookie and the saved RET (green):

If we let it running further (g), we can see nothing happens and fuzz.exe returns:

Good, as the buffer was 512, there was no overflow, everything returned cleanly.

Now, let's see what happens when we increase the buffer size by just one:

First two breakpoints hit, nothing to see yet:

Now, let's step over (p or F10) and see the stack again. This time we overwrote the stack cookie, by one byte (0d9bb941):

Now, let's let the debuggee go and see what happens (also, note the !analyze -v link generated in windbg output - click on it/run the command to see more details about the crash):

We end up with a fatal error 0x000000f7 (DRIVER_OVERRAN_STACK_BUFFER), which means that the __SEH_epilog4_GS function detected the change in the cookie saved on the stack and triggered a fatal exception.

Just as expected.

It is important to pay close attention to the error code, especially in this case: 0x000000f7 (DRIVER_OVERRAN_STACK_BUFFER) looks a lot like 0x0000007f (DOUBLE_TRAP), whereas the second one basically means that some sort of exception was triggered while already executing some exception handler - in other words, it means that after one exception, the code handling the exception encountered another exception. Distinguishing between these two (easy to mix up) is crucial while developing this exploit, as while the first one indicates that the stack cookie was overwritten and that the SEH __SEH_epilog4_GS has executed and detected the tampering to prevent exploitation. On the other hand, 0x0000007f (DOUBLE_TRAP) indicates that we triggered an exception and that afterwards another exception was raised. We can trigger an access violation by providing sufficiently large value of the Size argument in an IRP, causing the kernel-mode memcpy call to either read beyond the page of the user-mode process working set, or write beyond the kernel stack, depending on which happens first).

Exploitation approach

When it comes to stack cookies, there are several bypass scenarios.

The stack cookie could be leaked by exploiting another vulnerability (chaining, just like in one of my previous write ups) and then used in the payload to overwrite the original value of the canary cookie with the original value, making the entire stack-smashing invisible to the stack canary-checking routine called in the function's epilogue.

Another chaining method involves overwriting the process-specific pseudo-random value of the current cookie in the process memory, wherever it is stored (depending on the OS and compiler).

And then finally there is the third exploitation approach, abusing the fact that exception handlers are executed before the stack cookie is checked. Sometimes it is possible to abuse exception handling code - in this case a SEH handler pointer, which is also stored on the stack in a location we can overwrite. The idea is to abuse the memory corruption vulnerability in such a way that we overwrite a pointer to an exception handler and then we trigger an exception within the same function, before the stack checking routine in the function's epilogue is executed. This way we redirect the execution to our payload (our shellcode), which first elevates our privileges (in this case, as it's a local kernel EoP exploit), then returns to the parent function (the function that called the function we are exploiting - the parent in the call stack/call tree), without ever running the stack cookie-checking routine.

Again, please refer to https://dl.packetstormsecurity.net/papers/bypass/defeating-w2k3-stack-protection.pdf for more details on the general subject of defeating stack cookies under Windows.

HEVD official PoC

The tricky part in this exercise is that we have to do both things with one input (one device interaction, one IRP with a buffer pointer and size, one call of the TriggerStackOverflowGS function); overwrite the pointer to the SEH exception handler AND cause an exception that the handler would be used for.

The only viable option here is to cause the vulnerable memcpy call itself first Β overwrite the buffer along with the saved stack cookie and the SEH handler pointer AND trigger an access violation exception - either due to exceeding the size of the user mode buffer and reading past the memory page that holds it, or by writing past the stack boundary (whichever happens first). Now, writing down the stack would completely wipe out all the older (parent) stack frames, making it super hard to return from the shellcode in a way that would avoid crashing the system. Thus, having the kernel code read past the user-supplied user mode buffer is a much better option - and I really like the way this has been solved in the original HEVD PoC (https://github.com/hacksysteam/HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver/blob/master/Exploit/StackOverflowGS.c).

The entire payload that is introduced into the kernel buffer (bytes we write to the stack) is 532 bytes long. It's 512 bytes of the original buffer, 4 bytes of the stack cookie, 12 bytes of other 3 DWORDs that we don't care about (in the payload referred to as junk) and then finally 4 bytes of the SEH handler. 512 + 4 + 12 + 4 = 532. This is the exact number of bytes that need to be written to the stack for the SEH handler pointer to be overwritten with a value we control.

Now, in order to trigger an access violation exception in the same operation (memcpy), just after our 532 bytes from our user mode buffer were copied into the kernel mode stack, we want to place our 532-byte payload at the end of a page (the basic memory allocation unit provided by the OS memory manager, 4096 bytes by default). So from our user mode program, we allocate a separate page (4096-byte buffer). Then we put our payload into its tail (last 532 bytes) - so our payload starts on the 3565-th byte and ends on the 4096-th (the last 4 bytes being the pointer to our shellcode).

Finally, to trigger an access violation, we adjust the buffer size parameter sent encapsulated in the IRP, to exceed the size of our payload (so it must be bigger than 532, e.g. 536). This will cause memcpy running in kernel mode to attempt reading four bytes beyond the page our payload is located in. To make sure this causes an access violation, the page must not have an adjacent/neighbor page. So for example, if the virtual address of the user mode page allocated for the buffer with our payload is 0x00004000, with page size being 0x1000 (4096), the valid address range for this page will be 0x00004000 <--> 0x00004fff. Meaning that accessing address 0x00005000 or higher would mean accessing another page starting at 0x00005000 (thus we call it an adjacent/neighbor page). Since we want to achieve an access violation, we need to make sure that no memory is allocated for the current (exploit) process in that range. So we want just one, alone page allocated, reading past which causes an access violation.

There are a few ways to cause such a violation. For example, two adjacent pages can be allocated, then the second one could be freed, then the read operation is triggered on the first one, with the size operand making it read beyond the first page, entering the second one. And this is the method employed by klue's PoC: https://github.com/klue/hevd, with his mmap and munmap wrappers around NtAllocateVirtualMemory and NtFreeVirtualMemory.

Another one is to allocate the page in a way that ensures nothing else is allocated in the adjacent address space, which is what the official HEVD exploit does by using an alternative memory allocation method supported by Windows.

Let's Β analyze the code (https://github.com/hacksysteam/HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver/blob/master/Exploit/StackOverflowGS.c).

First, we have declarations. hFile is used for opening the driver object (in order to then send the IRP) . PageSize is 0x1000 (4096). MemoryAddress is the pointer to the special page we are going to allocate our stack-smashing payload (528 bytes of junk, 4 bytes overwriting the SEH handler pointer, pointing at our shellcode, located at the page's tail, starting at 3565-th byte). SuitableMemoryForbuffer is the pointer we are going to pass to HEVD as the UserBuffer. It will point at the 3565-th byte of the 4096-byte page allocated at MemoryAddress. EopPayload is another pointer, another location in user mode, containing our shellcode (so the shellcode is in a separate user mode buffer than the special page we are allocating for the stack-smashing payload):

Variable declarations

Finally, there is SharedMemory - a handle to the mapped file object we are going to create (as an alternative way of allocating memory). Instead of requesting a new page allocation with VirtualAlloc, an empty, non-persisted memory mapped file is created. Memory-mapped files are basically section objects (described properly in Windows Internals, Part 1, "Shared memory and mapped files" section), a mechanism used by Windows for sharing memory between processes (especially shared libraries loaded from the disk), also please see the official Microsoft manual to find out more about https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/io/memory-mapped-files).

In this case, we are going to request creation of a "mapped-file" object without any file, by providing an INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE as the first argument to CreateFileMappingA - this scenario is mentioned in the manual page of this function (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winbase/nf-winbase-createfilemappinga):

So it's basically a section ("mapped file") object only backed by the system paging file - in other words, a region in the system paging file that we can map to our process's address space and use just like (almost) a regular page:

Creation of a mapped file object

Β Now, we map that region to our address space:

Mapping the object to the current process address space

Now, we're setting the SuitableMemoryForBuffer pointer at 3565-th byte of the SharedMemoryAddress region (this is where we will locate our 532-byte payload that will be then copied by the driver to a buffer on its stack):

Setting the payload pointer at 3565-th byte of the 4096 memory region

And we will the entire region with 'A':

Filling the entire 4096-byte region with 'A'

Then eventually, the payload is finished by setting its last 4 bytes to contain the user mode address of the shellcode (these bytes will overwrite the SEH handler). This is done in a bit indirect way, as first the pointer (MemoryAddress) is set at offset 0x204 (516) - right past the xored stack cookie - and overwrites 3 of the following junk pointers, only to eventually set the new value for the SE handler:

Grooming the buffer - this is tricky

It seems that simply setting the MemoryAddress to point at SuitableMemoryForBuffer + 0x210 directly (to point it at the location that will overwrite the SE handler pointer) would do the trick as well - other locations on the stack would be overwritten with meaningless 'A's anyway:

Then finally, we trigger the creation of our IRP and send it to the driver along with pointers to the UserBuffer (SuitableMemoryForBuffer - 3656-th byte of the 4096-byte region) and the Size argument; SeHandlerOverwriteOffset + RAISE_EXCEPTION_IN_KERNEL_MODE. SeHandlerOverwriteOffset is just the size of our payload (532). Then, a constant RAISE_EXCEPTION_IN_KERNEL_MODE is added to the size - it's just a numeric constant of 0x4 - and it's only to make the size argument exceed 4096 when added to the 3656-th byte being provided as the beginning of the buffer to read from:

Finally, talking to the driver


Our shellcode being a separate buffer in user mode, which will get executed by kernel mode HEVD code, instead of the legitimate exception handler - on modern kernels this would not get executed due to SMEP, but we're doing the very basics here.

First of all, let me recommend ShellNoob. It's a neat tool I always use whenever I want to:

  • analyze a shellcode (a sequence of opcodes) or a just some part of it,
  • write shellcode.

In this case we will use a slightly modified version of the publicly available, common Windows7 token-stealing payload (https://github.com/hasherezade/wke_exercises/blob/master/stackoverflow_expl/payload.h):

After converting the shellcode to ascii-hex and pasting it to shellnoob input (opcode_to_asm), this is what we get:

Our shellcode, executing in kernel mode, finds the SYSTEM process and then copies its access token over the token of the exploit process. This way the exploit process becomes NT AUTHORITY/SYSTEM. Have a look into https://github.com/hacksysteam/HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver/blob/master/Exploit/Payloads.c to see descriptions of all individual assembly instructions in this payload. Pay attention to the fact that while shellnoob output presents assembly in AT&T syntax, Payloads.c contain assembly in Intel syntax (this is why it's worth to know both, http://staffwww.fullcoll.edu/aclifton/courses/cs241/syntax.html).

This shellcode, however, requires one more adjustment.

Clean return

Now, the problem is, if we simply use this shellcode to exploit this particular vulnerability, the kernel will crash right after modifying relevant access token. The reason for this is the return process and messed up stack. The problem - and the solution - are already well described at https://klue.github.io/blog/2017/09/hevd_stack_gs/. I myself had to get my head around the process my own way to fully understand it and confirm (instead of just blindly running it and trusting it would work), that in fact the return stub provided by klue is going the correct one:

mov 0x78c(%esp), %edi
mov 0x790(%esp), %esi
mov 0x794(%esp), %ebx
add $0x9b8, %esp
pop %ebp
ret $0x8

So, the following return stub

had to be replaced. Again, I used shellnoob to obtain the opcodes:

Basically the entire problem boils down to the fact that we need to return to somewhere - and when we do, the stack needs to be aligned the same way as it would normally be during normal execution.

The entire process of aligning the stuck boils down to three things. First, identifying, where we will be returning - and taking notice of what the stack and the registers look like when return to that location is made normally. Second, setting a breakpoint in our shellcode, to again take notice of what the stack and the registers look like when our shellcode executes (it's convenient to use hardcoded software breakpoint in the shellcode itself - just append it with 0xcc (int3) instead of the return stub). Third, comparing the state of the registers and the stack between the two stages, finding where the register values to restore are in memory, restore them, then finally adjust the last one of them (ESP) and make the return.


Source code can be found here.

Cmd Hijack - a command/argument confusion with path traversal in cmd.exe

10 June 2020 at 05:43

This one is about an interesting behavior 🀭 I identified in cmd.exe in result of many weeks of intermittent (private time, every now and then) research in pursuit of some new OS Command Injection attack vectors.

So I was mostly trying to:

  • find an encoding missmatch between some command check/sanitization code and the rest of the program, allowing to smuggle the ASCII version of the existing command separators in the second byte of a wide char (for a moment I believed I had it in the StripQuotes function - I was wrong Β―\(ツ)/Β―),
  • discover some hidden cmd.exe's counterpart of the unix shells' backtick operator,
  • find a command separator alternative to |, & and \n - which long ago resulted in the discovery of an interesting and still alive, but very rarely occurring vulnerability - https://vuldb.com/?id.93602.

And I eventually ended up finding a command/argument confusion with path traversal ... or whatever the fuck this is πŸ˜ƒ

For the lazy with no patience to read the whole thing, here comes the magic trick:

Tested on Windows 10 Pro x64 (Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.18363.836]), cmd.exe version: 10.0.18362.449 (SHA256: FF79D3C4A0B7EB191783C323AB8363EBD1FD10BE58D8BCC96B07067743CA81D5). But should work with earlier versions as well... probably with all versions.

Some more context

Let's consider the following command line: cmd.exe /c "ping",
whereas is the argument controlled by the user in an application that runs an external command (in this sample case it's ping). This exact syntax - with the command being preceded with the /c switch and enclosed in double quotes - is the default way cmd.exe is used by external programs to execute system commands (e.g. PHP shell_exec() function and its variants).

Now, the user can trick cmd.exe into running calc.exe instead of ping.exe by providing an argument like, traversing the path to the executable of their choice, which cmd.exe will run instead of the ping.exe binary.

So the full command line becomes:

cmd.exe /c "ping"

The potential impact of this includes Denial of Service, Information Disclosure, Arbitrary Code Execution (depending on the target application and system).

Although I am fairly sure there are some other scenarios with OS command execution whereas a part of the command line comes from a different security context than the final command is executed with (Some services maybe? I haven't search myself yet) - anyway let's use a web application as an example.

Consider the following sample PHP code:

Due to the use of escapeshellcmd() it is not vulnerable to known command injection vectors (except for argument injection, but that's a slightly different story and does not allow RCE with the list of arguments ping.exe supports - no built-in execution arguments like find's -exec).

And I know, I know, some of you will point out that in this case escapeshellarg() should be used instead - and yup, you would be right, especially since putting the argument in quotes in fact prevents this behavior, as in such case cmd.exe properly identifies the command to run (ping.exe). The trick does not work when the argument is enclosed in single/double quotes.

Anyway - the use of escapeshellcmd() instead of escapeshellarg() is very common. Noticed that while - after finding and registering CVE-2020-12669, CVE-2020-12742 and CVE-2020-12743 ended up spending one more week running automated source code analysis scans against more open source projects and manually following up the results - using my old evil SCA tool for PHP. Also that's what made me fed up with PHP again quite quickly, forcing me to get back to cmd.exe only to let me finally discover what this blog post is mostly about.

I am fairly sure there are applications vulnerable to this (doing OS command injection sanity checks, but failing to prevent path traversal and enclose the argument in quotes).

Also, the notion of similar behavior in other command interpreters is also worth entertaining.

An extended POC

Normal use:


Now, this is what normal use looks like in Sysmon log (process creation event):

So basically the child process (ping.exe) is created with command line equal to the value enclosed between the double quotes preceded by the /c switch from the parent process (cmd.exe) command line.

Now, the same for the above ipconfig.exe hijack:

And it turns out we are not limited to executables located in directories present in Β %PATH%. We can traverse to any location on the same disk.

Also, we are not limited to the EXE extension, neither to the list of "executable" extensions contained in the %PATHEXT% variable (which by default is .COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.MSC - basically these are the extensions cmd.exe will try to add to the name of the command if no extension is provided, e.g. when ping is used instead of explicit ping.exe). cmd.exe runs stuff regardless to the extension, something I noticed long ago (https://twitter.com/julianpentest/status/1203386223227572224).

And one more thing - more additional arguments between the original command and the smuggled executable path can be added.

Let's see all of this combined.

For the demonstrative purposes, the following C program was compiled and linked into a PE executable (it simply prints out its own command line):

Copied the EXE into C:\xampp\tmp\cmd.png (consider this as an example of ANY location a malicious user could write a file).


So we just effectively achieved an equivalent of actual (exec, not just read) PE Local File Inclusion in an otherwise-safe PHP ping script.

But I don't think that our options end here.

The potential for extending this into a full RCE without chaining with file upload/control

I am certain it is also possible to turn this into an RCE even without the possibility of fully/partially controlling any file in the target file system and deliver the payload in the command line itself, thus creating a sort of polymorphic malicious command line payload.

When running the target executable, cmd.exe passes to it the entire part of the command line following the /c switch.

For instance:

cmd.exe /c "ping"

executes c:\windows\system32\calc.exe with command line equal ping

And, as presented in the extended POC, it is possible to hijack the executable even when providing multiple arguments, leading to command lines like:


This is the command line lol.bin would be executed with. Finding a proxy execution LOLBin tolerant enough to invalid arguments (since we as attackers cannot fully control them) could turn this into a full RCE.
The LOLBin we need is one accepting/ignoring the first argument (which is the hardcoded command we cannot control, in our example "ping"), while also willing to accept/ignore the last one (which is the traversed path to itself). Something like https://lolbas-project.github.io/lolbas/Binaries/Ieexec/, but actually accepting multiple arguments while quietly ignoring the incorrect ones.

Also, I was thinking of powershell.

Running this:

cmd.exe /c "ping ;calc.exe;"

makes powershell start with command line of

ping ;calc.exe

I expected it to treat the command line as a string of inline commands and run calc.exe after running ping.exe. Yes, I know, a semicolon is used here to separate ping from calc - but the semicolon character is NOT a command separator in cmd.exe, while it is in powershell (on the other hand almost all OS Command Injection filters block it anyway, as they are written universally with multiple platforms in mind - cause obviously the semicolon IS a command separator in unix shells).

A perfect supported syntax here would be some sort of simple base64-encoded code injection like powershell's -EncodedCommand, having found a way to make it work even when preceded with a string we cannot control. Anyway, this attempt led to powershell running in interactive mode instead of treating the command line as a sequence of inline commands to execute.

Anyway, at this point turning this into an RCE boils down to researching the behaviors of particular LOLbins, focusing on the way they process their command line, rather than researching cmd.exe itself (although yes, I also thought about self-chaining and abusing cmd.exe as the LOLbin for this, in hope for taking advantage of some nuances between the way it parses its command line when it does and when it does not start with the /c switch).

Stumbling upon and some analysis

I know this looks silly enough to suggest I found it while ramming that sample PHP code over HTTP with Burp while watching Procmon with proper filters... or something like that (which isn't such a bad idea by the way)... as opposed to writing a custom cmd.exe fuzzer (no, you don't need to tell me my code is far away from elegant, I did not expect anyone would read it neither that I would reuse it), then after obtaining rather boring and disappointing results, spending weeks on static analysis with Ghidra (thanks NSA, I am literally in love with this tool), followed up with more weeks of further work with Ghidra while simultaneously manually debugging with x64dbg while further expanding comments in the Ghidra project πŸ˜‚

cmd.exe command line processing starts in the CheckSwitches function (which gets called from Init, which itself gets called from main). CheckSwitches is responsible for determining what switches (like /c, /k, /v:on etc.) cmd.exe was called with. The full list of options can be found in cmd.exe /? help (which by the way, to my surprise, reflects the actual functionality pretty well). Β 

I spent a good deal of time analyzing it carefully, looking for hidden switches, logic issues allowing to smuggle multiple switches via the command line by jumping out of the double quotes, quote-stripping issues and whatever else would just manifest to me as I dug in.

The beginning of the CheckSwitches function after some naming editions and notes I took

If the /c switch is detected, processing moves to the actual command line enclosed in double quotes - which is the most common mode cmd.exe is used and the only one the rest of this write-up is about:

The same mode can be attained with the /r switch:

After some further logic, doing, among other things, parsing the quoted string and making some sanity fixes (like removing any spaces if any found from its beginning), a function with a very encouraging and self-explanatory name is called:

Disassembly view:

Decompiler view:

At this point it was clear it was high time for debugging to come into play.

By default x64dbg will set up a breakpoint at the entry point - mainCRTStartup.

This is a good opportunity to set an arbitrary command line:

Then start cmd.exe once again (Debug-> Restart).

We also set up a breakpoint on the top of the SearchForExecutable function, so we catch all its instances.

We run into the first instance of SearchForExecutable:

We can see that the double-quoted proper command line (after cmd.exe skips the preceding cmd.exe /c) along with its double quotes is held in RBX and R15. Also, the value on the top of the stack (right bottom corner) contains an address pointing at CheckSwitches - it's the saved RET. So we know this instance is called from CheckSwitches.

If we hit F9 again, we will run into the second instance of SearchForExecutable, but this time the command line string is held in RAX, RDI and R11, while the call originates from another function named ECWork:

This second instance resolves and returns the full path to ping.exe.

Below we can see the body of the ECWork function, with a call to SearchForExecutable (marked black). This is where the RIP was at when the screenshot was taken - right before the second call of SearchForExecutable:

Now, on below screenshot the SearchForExecutable call already returned (note the full path to ping.exe pointed at with the address held in R14). Fifteen instructions later the ExecPgm function is called, using the newly resolved executable path to create the new process:

So - seeing SearchForExecutable being called against the whole ping string (uh yeah, those evil spaces) suggests potential confusion between the full command line and an actual file name... So this gave me the initial idea to check whether the executable could be hijacked by literally creating one under a name equal to the command line that would make it run:

Uh really? Interesting. I decided to have a look with Procmon in order to see what file names cmd.exe attempts to open with CreateFile:

So yes, the result confirmed opening a copy of calc.exe from the file literally named ping .PNG in the current working directory:

Now, interestingly, I would not see any results with this Procmon filter Β (Operation = CreateFile) if I did not create the file first...

One would expect to see cmd.exe mindlessly calling CreateFile against nonexistent files with names being various mutations of the command line, with NAME NOT FOUND result - the usual way one would search for potential DLL side loading issues... But NOT in this case - cmd.exe actually checks whether such file exists before calling CreateFile, by calling QueryDirectory instead:

For this purpose, in Procmon, it is more accurate to specify a filter based on the payload's unique magic string (like PNG in this case, as this would be the string we as attackers could potentially control) occurring in the Path property instead of filtering based on the Operation.

"So, anyway, this isn't very useful" - I thought and got back to x64dbg.

"We can only hijack the command if we can literally write a file under a very dodgy name into the target application's current directory... " - I kept thinking - "... Current directory... u sure ONLY current directory?" - and at this point my path traversal reflex lit up, a seemingly crazy and desperate idea to attempt traversal payloads against parts of the command line parsed by SearchForExecutable.

Which made me manually change the command line to ping and restart debugging... while already thinking of modifying the cmd.exe fuzzer in order to throw a set payloads generated for this purpose with psychoPATH against cmd.exe... But that never happened because of what I saw after I hit F9 one more time.

Below we can see x64dbg with cmd.exe ran with cmd.exe /c "ping" command line (see RDI). Β We are hanging right after the second SearchForExecutable call, the one originating from the bottom of the ECWork function. Just few instructions before calling ExecPgm, which is about to execute the PE pointed by R14. The full path to C:\Windows\System32\calc.exe present R14 is the result of the just-returned Β SearchForExecutable("ping") call preceding the current RIP:

The traversal appears to be relative to a subdirectory of the current working directory (calc.exe is at c:\windows\system32\calc.exe):

"Or maybe this is just a result of a failed path traversal sanity check, only removing the first occurrence of ../?" - I kept wondering.

So I dug further into the SearchForExecutable function, Β also trying to find the answer why variants of the argument created by splitting it by spaces are considered and why the most-to-the-right one is chosen first when found.

I narrowed down the culprit code to the instructions within the SearchForExecutable function, between the call of mystrcspn at 14000ff64 and then the call of the FullPath function at 14001005b and exists_ex at 140010414:

In the meantime I received the following feedback from Microsoft:

We do have a blog post that helps describe the behavior you have documented: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/io/file-path-formats.

Cmd.exe first tries to interpret the whole string as a path: "ping” string is being treated as a relative path, so β€œping” is interpreted as a segment in that path, and is removed due to the preceding β€œ../” this should help explain why you shouldn’t be able to use the user controlled input string to pass arguments to the executable.

There are a lot a cases that would require that behaviour, e.g. cmd.exe /c "....\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" we wouldn’t want that to try to run some program β€œ....\Program” with the argument β€œFiles (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe”.

It’s only if the full string can’t be resolved to a valid path, that it splits on spaces and takes everything before the first space as the intended executable name (hence why β€œping” does work).

So yeah... those evil spaces and quoting.

From this point, I only escalated the issue by confirming the possibility of traversing to arbitrary directories as well as the ability to force execution of PE files with arbitrary extensions.

Interestingly, this slightly resembles the common unquoted service path issue, except that in this case the most-to-the-right variant gets prioritized.

The disclosure

Upon discovery I documented and reported this peculiarity to MSRC. After little less than six days the report was picked up and reviewed. About a week later Microsoft completed their assessment, concluding that this does not meet the bar for security servicing:

On one hand, I was little disappointed that Microsoft would not address it and I was not getting the CVE in cmd.exe I have wanted for some time.

On the other hand, at least nothing's holding me back from sharing it already and hopefully it will be around for some time so we can play with it πŸ˜ƒ It's not a vulnerability, it's a technique πŸ˜ƒ

I would like thank Microsoft for making all of this possible - and for being nice enough to even offer me a review of this post! Which was completely unexpected, but obviously highly appreciated.

Some reflections

Researching stuff can sometimes appear to be a lonely and thankless journey, especially after days and weeks of seemingly fruitless drudging and sculpturing - but I realized this is just a short-sighted perception, whereas success is exclusively measured by the number of uncovered vulnerabilities/features/interesting behaviors (no point to argue about the terminology here πŸ˜ƒ). In offensive security we rarely pay attention to the stuff we tried and failed, even though those failed attempts are equally important - as if we did not try, we would never know what's there (and risk false negatives). Curiosity and the need to know. And software is full of surprises.

Plus, simply dealing with a particular subject (like analyzing a given program/protocol/format) and gradually getting more and more familiar with it feeds our minds with new mental models, which makes us automatically come up with more and more ideas for potential bugs, scenarios and weird behaviors as we keep hacking. A journey through code accompanied by new inspirations, awarded with new knowledge and the peace of mind resulting from answering questions... sometimes ending with great satisfaction from a unique discovery.

PE Import Table hijacking as a way of achieving persistence - or exploiting DLL side loading

27 December 2019 at 03:56


In this post I describe a simple trick I came up with recently - something which is definitely nothing new, but as I found it useful and haven't seen it elsewhere, I decided to write it up.

What we want to achieve

So - let's consider backdooring a Windows executable with our own code by modifying its binary file OR one of its dependencies (so we are not talking about runtime code injection techniques or hooking, Β neither about abusing known persistence features like AppInit DLLs and the like).

Most of us are familiar with execution flow hijacking combined with:

We probably heard of IAT hooking (in-memory), but how about on-disk?

Import Table and DLL loading

Both EXE and DLL files make use of a PE structure called Import Table, which is basically a list of external functions (usually just WinAPI) the program is using, along with the names of the DLL files they are located in. This list can be easily reviewed with any PE analysis/editing tool like LordPE, PEView, PEStudio, PEBear and so on:

An excerpt of the calc.exe Import table displayed in PEView

These are the runtime dependencies resolved by the Windows PE loader upon image execution, making the new process call LoadLibrary() Β on each of those DLL files. Then the relevant entries for each individual function are replaced with with its current address within the just-loaded library (the GetProcAddress() lookup) - this is the normal and usual way of having this done, taken care by the linker during build and then by the Windows loader using the Import Table.

I need to mention that the process can as well be performed directly by the program (instead of using the Import Table), by calling both LoadLibrary() and then GetProcAddress(), respectively from its own code at some point (everyone who wrote a windows shellcode knows this :D). This second way of loading DLLs and calling functions from them is sometimes referred to as dynamic linking (e.g. required for calling native APIs) and in many cases is a suspicious indicator (often seen in malicious software).

Anyway, let's focus on the Import Table and how we can abuse it.

Getting right to it - hijacking the Import Table and creating the malicious PoC DLL

WARNING: Please avoid experimenting with this on a production system before you develop and test a working PoC, especially when dealing with native Windows DLLs (you could break your system, you've been warned). Do it on a VM after making a backup snapshot first.

So, without any further ado, let's say that for some reason (🀭) we would like to inject our code into lsass.exe.

Let's start with having a procmon look to see what DLLs does lsass.exe load:

A procmon filter for DLL loads performed by lsass.exe
The results once the filter is applied

Now, we are going to slightly modify one of these DLLs.

When choosing, preferably we should go after one that is not signed (as we want to chose one with high chances of being loaded after our modification).

But in this case, to my knowledge, they are all signed (some with embedded signatures - with the Digital Signatures tab visible in the explorer properties of the file, others signed in the C:\Windows\System32\catroot\).

The execution policy on this system, however, is unrestricted... oh wait, that's what I thought up until finishing up this write up, but then for diligence, I decided to actually make a screenshot (after seeing it I was surprised it worked, please feel free to try this at home):

ANYWAY - WE WANT to see what happens OURSELVES - instead of making self-limiting assumptions, so we won't let the presence of the signature deteriorate us. Also, in case system decides that integrity is more critical than availability and decides to break, we have a snapshot of the PoC development VM.

The second factor worth considering when choosing the target DLL is the presence of an Import Table entry we would feel convenient replacing (will become self-explanatory).

So, let's choose C:\Windows\System32\cryptnet.dll (sha256: 723563F8BB4D7FAFF5C1B202902866F8A0982B14E09E5E636EBAF2FA9B9100FE):

Now, let's view its Import Table and see if there is an import entry, which is most likely not used - at least during normal operations. Therefore such an entry is the most safe to replace (I guess now you see where this is going). We could as well ADD an import table entry, but this is a bit more difficult, introduces more changes into the target DLL and is beyond this particular blog post.

Here we go:

api-ms-win-core-debug-l1-1-0.dll with its OutputDebugStringA is a perfect candidate.

As Import Tables contain only one reference to each particular DLL name, all relevant functions listed in the Import Table simply refer to such DLL name within the table.

Hence, if we replace a DLL that has multiple function entries in the Import Table, we would have multiple functions to either proxy or lose functionality and risk breaking something (depending on how lazy we are).

Thus, a DLL from which only one function is imported is a good candidate. If the DLL+function is a dependency that has most likely already been resolved by the original executable before it loaded the DLL we are modifying, it's even better. If it is a function that is most likely not to be called during normal operations (like debugging-related functions), it's perfect.

Now, let's work on a copy of the target DLL and apply a super l33t offensive binary hacking technique - hex editor. First, let's find the DLL name (we simply won't care about the Import Table structure):

Searching for the DLL name in the Import Table using HxD

Got it, looks good:

Looks like we found it

Now, our slight modification:

Now, just changing ONE byte, that's all we need

So now our api-ms-win-core-debug-l1-1-0.dll became api-ms-win-code-debug-l1-1-0.dll.

Let's confirm the Import Table change in PEView:

Now, let's fire up our favorite software development tool and create api-ms-win-code-debug-l1-1-0.dll with our arbitrary code.

DevC++, new project, DLL, C

Using a very simple demo, grabbing the current module name (the executable that loaded the DLL) and its command line, appending it into a txt file directly on C: (so by default only high integrity/SYSTEM processes will succeed):

One thing, though - in order for the GetModuleFileNameA() function from the psapi library (psapi.h) to properly link after compilation, -lpsapi needs to be added to the linker parameters:

Code can be copied from here https://github.com/ewilded/api-ms-win-code-debug-l1-1-0/blob/master/dllmain.c.

OK, compile. Now, notice we used one export, called OutputFebugString (instead of OutputDebugString). This is because the linker would complain about the name conflict with the original OutputDebugString function that will get resolved anyway through other dependencies.

But since I wanted to have the Export Table in the api-ms-win-code-debug-l1-1-0.dll to match the entry from the cryptnet.dll Import Table, I edited it with HxD as well:

Fixing it


Fixing it

Normally we might want to test the DLL with rundll32.exe (but I am going to skip this part). Also, be careful when using VisualStudio, as it might produce an executable that by default will be x86 (and not x64) and for sure will produce an executable requiring visual C++ redistributables (even for a basic hello world-class application like this), while we might want to create portable code that will actually run on the target system.

What we are expecting to happen

We are expecting the lsass.exe process (and any other process that imports anything from cryptnet.dll) to load its tampered (by one byte!) version from its original location in spite of its digital signature being no longer valid (but again, lsass.exe and cryptnet.dll are just examples here).

We are also expecting that, once loaded, cryptnet.dll will resolve its own dependencies, including our phony api-ms-win-code-debug-l1-1-0.dll, which in turn, upon load (DllMain() execution) will execute our arbitrary code from within lsass.exe process (as well as from any other process that loads it, separately) and append our C:\poc.txt file with its image path and command line to prove successful injection into that process.


OK, now we just need to deploy our version of cryptnet.dll (with the one Import Table entry hijacked with our phony api-ms-win-code-debug-l1-1-0.dll) along with our phony api-ms-win-code-debug-l1-1-0.dll itself into C:\Windows\System32\.

For this, obviously, we need elevated privileges (high integrity administrator/SYSTEM).

Even then, however, in this case we will face two problems (both specific to C:\Windows\System32\cryptnet.dll).

The first one is that C:\Windows\System32\cryptnet.dll is owned by TrustedInstaller and we (assuming we are not TrustedInstaller) do not have write/full control permissions for this file:

The easiest way to overcome this is to change the file ownership and then grant privileges:

The second problem we will most likely encounter is that the C:\Windows\System32\cryptnet.dll file is currently in use (loaded by multiple processes).

The easiest workaround for this is to first rename the currently used file:

Then deploy the new one (with hijacked Import Table), named the same as the original one (cryptnet.dll).

Below screenshot shows both new files deployed after having the original one renamed:


Now, for diagnostics, let's set up procmon by using its cool feature - boot logging. Its driver will log events from the early stage of the system start process, instead of waiting for us to log in and run it manually. That boot log itself is, by the way, a great read:

Once we click Enable Boot Logging, we should see the following prompt:

We simply click OK.


And let's check the results.

This looks encouraging:

Oh yeah:

Let's run procmon to filter through the boot log. Upon running we should be asked for saving and loading the boot log, we click Yes:

Now, the previous filter (Process name is lsass.exe and Operation is Load Image) confirms that our phony DLL was loaded right after cryptnet.dll:

One more filter adjustment:

To once more confirm that this happened:

Why this can be fun

DLL side loading exploitation

This approach is a neat and reliable way of creating "proxy" DLLs out of the original ones (that differ by no more than one byte). Then we only might need to proxy one or few functions, instead of worrying about proxying all/most of them.


Introducing injection/persistence of our own code into our favorite program's/service's EXE/DLL.

All with easy creation of the phony DLL (just write in C) and a simple byte replacement in an existing file, no asm required.

Vulnserver - my KSTET exploit (delivering the final stage shellcode through an active server socket)

13 March 2019 at 08:00

The purpose of writing this up was only to present a little trick I came up with while playing with vulnserver's (http://www.thegreycorner.com/2010/12/introducing-vulnserver.html) KSTET command (one of many protocol commands vulnerable to some sort of memory corruption bug). In spite of the hardcoded addresses, 32-bitness and general lazyness, this technique should as well work in more modern conditions.

After hijacking EIP it turned out there was too little space, both above and below the overwritten saved RET, to store an actual windows shellcode (at least 250 bytes or more) that could run a reverse shell, create a user or run an executable from a publicly accessible SMB share.

Also, it did not seem to be possible to split the exploitation into two phases and first deliver the shellcode somewhere else into memory and then only use an egghunter (70 bytes to store the payload, enough for a 31-byte egghunter, not enough for the second-stage shellcode)... so I got inspired by a xpn's solution to the ROP primer level 0 (https://blog.xpnsec.com/rop-primer-level-0/) where the final shellcode was read onto the stack from stdin by calling read().

Having only about 70 bytes of space, I decided to locate the current server socket descriptor and call recv on it, reading the final stage shellcode onto the stack and then execute it. This write up describes this process in detail.

Controlling the execution

Below is the initial skeleton of a typical exploit for such an overflow. We control 70 bytes above the saved RET, then the saved RET itself ("AAAA"). Then we stuff 500 bytes of trash, where in the final version we'd like to put our shellcode, so we could easily jump to it by overwriting the saved RET with an address of a "JMP ESP" instruction (or something along these lines):

Once the crash occurs, we can see that we only control first 20 bytes after the saved RET, the rest of the payload is ignored:

So, we're going to use the first 20 bytes below the saved RET as our first stage shellcode, only to jump to the 70 bytes above the saved RET, which will be our second stage. The second stage, in turn, will download the final (third) stage shellcode and execute it.

First, we search for a "JMP ESP" instruction so we can jump to the first stage.

A convenient way to do so is to use mona, searching for the JMP ESP opcode:

!mona find -s "\xff\xe4"

We pick an address that does not contain NULL characters, preferably from a module that is using the least number of safety features as possible (essfunc.dll is a perfect candidate):

The addresses will most likely differ on your system.

0x625011af will be used for the rest of this proof of concept.

We toggle a breakpoint at it, so we can easily proceed from here in developing the further stages of the shellcode:

Now our PoC looks as follows (we used 20 NOPs as a holder for the first stage):

We run the PoC and hit the breakpoint:

Once we do a step (F7), we can see the execution flow is redirected to the 20-byte NOP space, where our first stage will be located (so far, so good).

At the top we can see the second stage buffer, at bottom we can see the first stage buffer. In between there is the overwritten RET pointer, currently pointing to the JMP ESP instruction that lead us here:

First stage shellcode

We want our first stage shellcode to jump to the start of the second stage shellcode (there is not much more we can do at this point on the only 20 bytes we control).

As we know EIP is equal to our ESP, as we just did a JMP ESP, we don't need to retrieve the current EIP in order to change it. Instead, we simply copy our current ESP to a register of choice, subtract 70 bytes from it and perform a JMP to it:

PUSH ESP ; we PUSH the stack pointer to the stack
POP EDX ; we pop it back from the stack to EDX
SUB EDX,46 ; we subtract 70 from it, pointing at the beginning of the buffer for the second stage shellcode
JMP EDX ; we JMP to it

OllyDbg/Immunity Debugger allow assembling instructions inline while debugging (just hit space to edit), which is very handy in converting our assembly to opcode without the need of using additional tools like nasmshell or nasm itself:

So, our second stage is simply


Also, for the time of development, for our convenience, we can prepend it with an inline breakpoint \xCC instruction, as Immunity loses the breakpoint set on the initial JMP ESP with every restart. Just remember to remove the \xCC/replace it with a NOP in the final exploit, otherwise it will cause an unhandled exception leading to a crash!

At this stage, our POC looks as follows (NOPs in the first stage were only added for visibility, they won't ever get executed). Also, the holder for the second stage was filled with NOPs as well:

As we can see, the first stage does its job, moving the execution flow to the second stage:

Second stage shellcode

Now, this is where the fun begins. As mentioned before, we want to use the existing server application's socket descriptor and call WS2_32.recv on it, so we can read as much data from it as we want, writing it to a location we want and then jump to it - or even better, write it to a suitable location so the execution flow slides to it naturally.

First, we find the place in code where the original WS2_32.recv is issued, so we can see how that takes place (e.g. what is its address and how arguments are passed, where to find them and so on).

Luckily, the section is not far away from the executable's entry point (the first instruction program executes, also the first instruction we are at once we start it in the debugger):

As we scroll down we can see we are getting somewhere:

And here we go:

We toggle a breakpoint, restart the application, make a new client connection and send something to the server. The breakpoint is hit and we can see the stack:

The part that got our interest:

00FAF9E0 00000058 |Socket = 58
00FAF9E4 003A3CA0 |Buffer = 003A3CA0
00FAF9E8 00001000 |BufSize = 1000 (4096.)
00FAF9EC 00000000 |Flags =

Also (an Immunity/OllyDbg tip); if we hit space on the actual CALL instruction where our current breakpoint is, we can see the actual address of the instruction called (we will need this later):

Now we can compare the current stack pointer at the time of our execution hijack with the one recorded while the orignal WS2_32.recv was done. We are hoping to estimate the offset between the current stack pointer and the location of the socket descriptor, so we culd use it again in our third stage.

As it turns out, the stack we are currently using points to the same location, which means the copy of the socket descriptor identifier used by the original recv() has been overwritten with further stack operations and the overflow itself:

Hoping to find a copy of it, we search the stack for its current value.

Right click on the CPU window - which represents the stack at the moment -> search for -> binary string -> 00 00 00 58 (the identifier of the socket at the time of developing, but we don't want to hardcode it as it would normally differ between systems and instances, hence the hassle to retrieve it dynamically).

We find another copy on the stack (00F2F969):

We calculate the offset between the location of the socket descriptor id copy and the current stack pointer at the time our second stage shellcode starts (119 DEC). This way we'll be able to dynamically retrieve the ID in our second stage shellcode.

Also, there is one more problem we need to solve. Once we start executing our second stage, our EIP is slightly lower than the current ESP.

As the execution proceeds, the EIP will keep going towards upper values, while the ESP is expected to keep going towards lower values (here comes the Paint):

Also, we want to write the final stage shellcode on the stack, right below the second stage, so the execution goes directly to it, without the need to jump, as illustrated below:

Hence, once we have all the info needed to call WS2_32.recv(), we'll need to move the stack pointer above the current area of operation (by subtracting from it) to avoid any interference with the shellcode stage instructions:

So, the shellcode goes like this:

POP ECX ; we simply copy ESP to ECX, so we can make the calculation needed to fetch the socket descriptor id
SUB CL,74 ; SUB 119 (DEC) from CL - now ECX points at the socket descriptor ID, which is what we need to pass to WS2_32.recv
SUB ESP,50 ; We have to move the current stack pointer above the second stage shellcode (above the current EIP), otherwise we would make it cripple itself with any stack operations performed by WS2_32.recv we are going to call, also this way we will avoid any collision with the buffer we are going to use for our final stage shellcode. From this point we don't have to worry about it anymore.
XOR EDX,EDX ; zero EDX (the flags argument for recv),
PUSH EDX ; we push our first argument to the stack, as arguments are passed via stack here
ADD DH,2 ; now we we turn EDX into 512 by adding 2 to DH
PUSH EDX ; we push it to the stack (BufSize, the second argument)
; retrieve the current value of ESP to EBX
; increment it by 0x50 (this value was adjusted manually after experimentig a bit), so it points slightly below our current EIP
ADD EBX,50 ; this is the beginning of the buffer where the third stage will be written
PUSH EBX ; push the pointer to the buffer on the stack (third argument)
; now, the last argument - the socket descriptor - we push the value pointed by ECX to the stack:

So, we are almost done.

Now we have to call the WS2_32.recv() function the same way the original server logic does. We take the address used by the original CALL instruction (0040252C - as it was emphasized we would need it later).

The problem we need to deal with is the fact the address starts with a NULL byte - which we cannot use in our shellcode.

So, to get round this, we are going to use a slightly modified version of it, e.g. 40252C11, and then perform a shift 8 bits to the right. This way the least significant byte will vanish, while a null byte becomes the new most significant byte (SHR(40252C11) => 0040252C):

MOV EAX,40252C11

Our full PoC looks as follows:

The stack during the execution of the second stage right before the third stage is delivered:

The stack right after the return from WS2_32.recv():

Yup, full of garbage we control:

Now we can replace the 500 "\xCC" with our favorite shellcode.
