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CVE-2024-23108: Fortinet FortiSIEM 2nd Order Command Injection Deep-Dive

28 May 2024 at 12:08

In November of 2023, preparing for a call for papers, I attempted to investigate the FortiSIEM patch for CVE-2023-34992. I kindly inquired with the PSIRT if I could have access to the most recent versions to some of their appliances to validate the patches, to which they declined. Acquiring access a different way, I eventually was able to analyze the patch.

While the patches for the original PSIRT issue, FG-IR-23-130, attempted to escape user-controlled inputs at this layer by adding the wrapShellToken() utility, there exists a second order command injection when certain parameters to are sent. There exist two distinct vulnerabilities which were assigned CVE-2024-23108 and CVE-2024-23109, both with a CVSS3 score of 10.0, which allows remote, unauthenticated command execution as root. This blog will only cover the first, CVE-2024-23108, given they’re both patched in the same release.

CVE-2023-34992 Patch and Code Flow Analysis

In CVE-2023-34992, the phMonitor service on tcp/7900 was abused by sending it a handleStorageRequest message with a malicious server_ip value. When phMonitor received this message the specific command to be executed would be:
/usr/bin/python3.9 /opt/phoenix/deployment/jumpbox/ nfs test ‘<server_ip>’ ‘<mount_point>’ online. Inspecting the control flow of for this type of request, we see that the server_ip field is validated by attempting to connect to the IP address.

Figure 1. validating server_ip

After this, control is eventually passed to /opt/phoenix/deployment/jumpbox/datastore/nfs/ Here, a call to __testMount() formats a call to os.system() on line 23, which derives the nfs_string value from our user-controlled mount_point payload value.

Figure 2. __testMount() calls os.system()

By formatting a request to the phMonitor client with a command type of 81, and the following payload, an unauthenticated attacker can achieve remote code execution as root.

Figure 3. Exploiting for reverse shell

The astute reader will notice that there is very little difference in the exploitation of the previous command injection, CVE-2023-34992, to this one, CVE-2024-23108, reported 6 months later.

Figure 4. CVE-2023-34992 vs CVE-2024-23108

Our proof of concept exploit can be found on our GitHub.

Indicators of Compromise

The logs for the phMonitor service will verbosely log many details of messages it receives and can be found at /opt/phoenix/logs/phoenix.log. Attempts to exploit CVE-2024-23108 will leave a log message containing a failed command with nfs test. These lines should be inspected for malicious looking input.

Figure 5. Malicious commands logged


29 November 2023 – Reported CVE-2024-23108

30 November 2023 – Reported CVE-2024-23109

3 January 2024 – PSIRT reproduces issues

16 January 2024 – Fortinet silently fixes the issues in v7.1.2 build 0160 with no mention of the vulnerabilities, PSIRT releases, or CVEs published

31 January 2024 – Fortinet publicly “discloses” the issues by adding unpublished CVE IDs to the PSIRT released for CVE-2023-34992 6 months prior without adding a changelog entry

7 February 2024 – Fortinet publicly publishes the CVE IDs, but states they were duplicates published in error, and then states they were real

Sometime later in 2024 – Fortinet eventually adds a changelog entry to the PSIRT and adds CVE IDs to the release documents

28 May 2024 – This blog


Figure 6. NodeZero exploiting CVE-2024-23108 to load a remote access tool for post-exploitation activities clients and free-trial users alike can run a NodeZero operation to determine the exposure and exploitability of this issue.

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On-Prem Misconfigurations Lead to Entra Tenant Compromise 

20 May 2024 at 21:42

As enterprises continue to transition on-premises infrastructure and information systems to the cloud, hybrid cloud systems have emerged as a vital solution, balancing the benefits of both environments to optimize performance, scalability, and ease of change on users and administrators. However, there can be risks involved when connecting a misconfigured or ill-protected network to cloud services. Particularly, Microsoft Active Directory environments that are compromised could lead to a full compromise of a synchronized Microsoft Entra ID tenant. Once this critical IAM platform is breached all integrity and trust of connected services is lost.  

MS Entra ID and Hybrid Configurations 

Formally known as AzureAD, Entra ID is Microsoft’s cloud-based Identity and Access Management (IAM) solution that is integrated with several Microsoft products and services – including Azure cloud resources, Office 365, and any third-party applications integrated to use the platform for identity management. To capitalize on the dominance of Active Directory (AD) for on-premises domain management and ease the transition of enterprises to cloud services, Microsoft designed Entra ID to integrate seamlessly with existing AD infrastructure using a dedicated on-premises application called MS Entra Connect (formally known as AzureAD Connect). This setup allows users to access the on-premises domain and cloud services/resources using the same credentials.  

In the most common hybrid setup, known as Password Hash Synchronization (PHS), the Entra Connect application has highly-privileged access to both the AD and Entra environments to synchronize authentication material between the two. If an attacker breaches the Entra Connect server, they have potential paths to compromising both environments. Additionally, Entra Connect has a feature known as Seamless SSO that, when enabled, allows for password-less authentication to Microsoft cloud services, like Office 365, by utilizing the Kerberos authentication protocol.  

A Real-World Example 

A client conducted an assumed-breach internal pentest using NodeZero. NodeZero was given no prior knowledge of the client’s Entra ID account or hybrid setup.  

Initial Access to Domain Compromise

In this example case, NodeZero: 

  1. NodeZero poisoned NBT-NS traffic from Host 1 to relay a netNTLM credential to Host 2 – a SMB server with signing not required.  
  2. NodeZero remotely dumped SAM on Host 2 and discovered a Local Administrator Credential that was reused on several other hosts (Host 3 and Host 4).  
  3. Domain Compromise #1 – Utilizing the shared local administrator credential, NodeZero was able to run the NodeZero RAT on Host 3 and perform an LSASS dump. Interestingly, the Machine Account for Host 3 (HOST3$), captured in the LSASS dump, was a Domain Administrator!  
  4. Domain Compromise #2 – On Host 4, NodeZero used the shared local administrator credential to remotely dump LSA and discovered a second Domain Administrator credential (Admin2)!

    Domain Compromise to Entra Tenant Compromise

  5. Using Admin2’s credentials, NodeZero queried AD using the LDAP protocol and determined the domain was synchronized to an Entra ID tenant using Entra Connect installed on a Domain Controller (DC1). Exploiting three different credential dumping weaknesses (LSA Dumping, DPAPI dumping, and Entra Connect Dumping) NodeZero was able to harvest the cloud credential for Entra Connect (Sync_*).  
  6. Using HOST3$’s credentials, NodeZero performed an NTDS dump on another Domain Controller (DC2) and discovered the credential for the AZUREADSSOACC$ service account. This credential is utilized to sign Kerberos tickets for Azure cloud services when Seamless SSO is enabled. 
  7. NodeZero successfully logged into the client’s Entra tenant using Entra Connect’s credential and obtained a Refresh Token – enabling easier long-term access. 
  8. Using Entra Connect’s Refresh Token, NodeZero collected and analyzed AzureHound data and determined an on-premises user (EntraAdmin) was a Global Administrator within the Entra Tenant.  
  9. Armed with this knowledge, NodeZero performed a Silver Ticket Attack – using the credential for AZUREADSSOACC$, NodeZero forged a valid Kerberos Service Ticket. 
  10. Using the Kerberos ticket for EntraAdmin, NodeZero successfully authenticated to the Microsoft Graph cloud service, without being prompted for MFA, and verified its new Global Administrator privileges.  

It took NodeZero an hour to compromise the on-premises AD domain, and just shy of 2 hours to fully compromise the associated Entra ID tenant.  

Key Takeaways and Mitigations 

The attack path above was enabled by several common on-premises misconfigurations that when combined not only compromised the AD domain, but the Entra ID tenant as well. Key findings include: 

  1.  Prevent NTLM Relay.  NodeZero gained initial access to the domain via NTLM Relay; enabled by the insecure NBT-NS protocol and failure to enforce SMB Signing. Disabling NBT-NS and enforcing SMB Signing may have prevented NodeZero from utilizing the relay for initial access – but other vectors for initial domain access existed within the pentest. 
  2. Use LAPS.  The client’s reuse of credentials for Local Administrators enabled key lateral movements that lead to the discovery of Domain Administrator credentials. 
  3. Treat Entra Connect as a Tier-0 resource. Given the valuable nature of Entra Connect’s credentials, recommends installing Entra Connect on a non-DC server (with LAPS enabled) and adequately protected with an EDR solution.  
  4. Avoid using on-premises accounts for Entra Administrator Roles. Follow Microsoft’s recommendations for limiting the number of Entra Administrators and their level of privilege.  
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CVE-2023-34992: Fortinet FortiSIEM Command Injection Deep-Dive

20 May 2024 at 11:44

In early 2023, given some early success in auditing Fortinet appliances, I continued the effort and landed upon the Fortinet FortiSIEM. Several issues were discovered during this audit that ultimately lead to unauthenticated remote code execution in the context of the root user. The vulnerabilities were assigned CVE-2023-34992 with a CVSS3.0 score of 10.0 given that the access allowed reading of secrets for integrated systems, allowing for pivoting into those systems.

FortiSIEM Overview

The FortiSIEM allows customers to do many of the expected functions of a typical SIEM solution such as log collection, correlation, automated response, and remediation. It also allows for simple and complex deployments ranging from a standalone appliance to scaled out solutions for enterprises and MSPs.

Figure 1. Example Deployment

In a FortiSIEM deployment, there are four types of roles that a system can have:
● Supervisor – for smaller deployments this is all that’s needed, and supervises other roles
● Worker – handles all the data coming from Collectors in larger environments
● Collector – used to scale data collection from various geographically separated network
environments, potentially behind firewalls
● Manager – can be used to monitor and manage multiple FortiSIEM instances

For the purposes of this research, I deployed an all-in-one architecture where the appliance contains all of the functionality within the Supervisor role. For more information about FortiSIEM key concepts refer to the documentation.

Exploring the System

One of the first things we do when auditing an appliance is to inspect the listening services given you have some time of shell access. Starting with the most obvious service, the web service, we see that it listens of tcp/443 and the proxy configuration routes traffic to an internal service listening on tcp/8080.

Figure 2. httpd.conf proxying traffic

Figure 3. Backend webserver

We find that the backend web service is deployed via Glassfish, a Java framework similar to Tomcat in that it provides a simple way to deploy Java applications as WAR files. We find the WAR file that backs the service, unpack it, and decompile it. Inspecting some of the unauthenticated attack surface, we happen upon the LicenseUploadServlet.class.

Figure 4. LicenseUploadServlet doPost method

We follow the code into this.notify(), where we eventually observe it calling sendCommand(), which interestingly sends a custom binary message with our input to the port tcp/7900.

Figure 5. sendCommand()

We find that tcp/7900 hosts the phMonitor service, which listens on all interfaces, not just localhost.

Figure 6. phMonitor on tcp/7900

And it is also a compiled C++ binary.

Building a Client

Now that we’ve identified a pretty interesting attack surface, let’s build a client to interact with it in the same way the web service does. The message format is a pretty simple combination of:

  1. Command Type – The integer enum mapped to specific function handlers inside the phMonitor service
  2. Payload Length – The length of the payload in the message
  3. Send ID – An arbitrary integer value passed in the message
  4. Sequence ID – The sequence number of this message
  5. Payload – The specific data the function handler within phMonitor will operate on

Constructing the LicenseUpload message in little-endian format and sending it over an SSL wrapped socket will succeed in communicating with the service. Re-implementing the client messaging protocol in Python looks like the following:

Figure 7. phMonitor Python client

As a test that the client works, we send a command type of 29, mapped to handleProvisionServer, and can observe in the logs located at /opt/phoenix/log/phoenix.log that the message was delivered.

Figure 8. phMonitor client successful message sent

phMonitor Internals

The phMonitor service marshals incoming requests to their appropriate function handlers based on the type of command sent in the API request. Each handler processes the sent payload data in their own ways, some expecting formatted strings, some expecting XML.

Inside phMonitor, at the function phMonitorProcess::initEventHandler(), every command handler is mapped to an integer, which is passed in the command message. Security Issue #1 is that all of these handlers are exposed and available for any remote client to invoke without any authentication. There are several dozen handlers exposed in initEventHandler(), exposing much of the administrative functionality of the appliance ranging from getting and setting Collector passwords, getting and setting service passwords, initiating reverse SSH tunnels with remote collectors, and much more.

Figure 9. Sampling of handlers exposed

Finding a Bug

Given the vast amount of attack surface available unauthenticated within the phMonitor service, we begin with the easiest vulnerability classes. Tracing the calls between these handlers and calls to system() we land of the handler handleStorageRequest(), mapped to command type 81. On line 201, the handler expects the payload to be XML data and parses it.

Figure 10. handleStorageRequest() expecting XML payload

Later, we see that it attempts to extract the server_ip and mount_point values from the XML payload.

Figure 11. XML payload format

Further down on line 511, the handler formats a string with the parsed server_ip and mount_point values, which are user controlled.

Figure 12. Format string with user-controlled data

Finally, on line 556, the handler calls do_system_cancellable(), which is a wrapper for system(), with the user controlled command string.

Figure 13. do_system_cancellable command injection

Exploiting this issue is straightforward, we construct an XML payload that contains a malicious string to be interpreted, such as a reverse shell.

Figure 14. Reverse shell as root

Our proof of concept exploit can be found on our GitHub.

Indicators of Compromise

The logs in /opt/phoenix/logs/phoenix.logs verbosely log the contents of messages received for the phMonitor service. Below is an example log when exploiting the system:

Figure 15. phoenix.logs contain payload contents


5 May 2023 – Initial report

10 October 2023 – Command injection vulnerability fixed

22 February 2024 – RingZer0 BOOTSTRAP conference talk disclosing some of these details

20 May 2024 – This blog


Figure 16. NodeZero exploiting CVE-2023-34992 to load a remote access tool for post-exploitation activities

Figure 17. NodeZero identifying files of interest and extracting keys and credentials for lateral movement clients and free-trial users alike can run a NodeZero operation to determine the exposure and exploitability of this issue.

Sign up for a free trial and quickly verify you’re not exploitable.

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Elevate Your Cybersecurity Strategy: Download the 2023 Year in Review

22 March 2024 at 13:00

In our groundbreaking 2023 Year in Review, delves into the transformative approach of autonomous pentesting with NodeZero. This pivotal document is your gateway to mastering proactive cybersecurity defense mechanisms.

Here’s what you'll discover:

The Attacker's Perspective

Learn how thinking like an attacker can uncover hidden vulnerabilities.

Overcoming Common Cyber Threats

Insight into the most prevalent cybersecurity challenges today, including credential issues and software vulnerabilities.

Innovative Mitigation Strategies

Practical guidance on enhancing your security posture through advanced mitigation techniques.

Policy Recommendations

Expert advice on shaping policies to bolster your defenses against emerging threats.

Continuous Security Assessment

The importance of ongoing evaluation and adaptation to stay ahead of cyber adversaries.

Download now to unlock the secrets to a more resilient cybersecurity framework.

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