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Logging Passwords in Plaintext in Azure Arc

19 July 2022 at 13:03

Microsoft’s Azure Arc is a management platform designed to bridge multi-cloud and similarly mixed environments together in a convenient way.

Tenable Research has discovered that the Jumpstart environments for Arc do not properly use logging utilities common amongst other Azure services. This leads to potentially sensitive information, such as service principal credentials and Arc database credentials, being logged in plaintext. The log files that these credentials are stored in are accessible by any user on the system. Based on this finding, it may be possible that other services are also affected by a similar issue.

Microsoft has patched this issue and updated their documentation to warn users of credential reuse within the Jumpstart environment. Tenable’s advisory can be found here. No bounty was provided for this finding.

The Flaw

The testing environment this issue was discovered in is the ArcBox Fullbox Jumpstart environment. No additional configurations are necessary beyond the defaults.

When ArcBox-Client provisions during first-boot, it runs a PowerShell script that is sent to it via the `Microsoft.Compute.CustomScriptExtension (version 1.10.12) plugin.

Most scripts we’ve come across on other services tend to write ***REDACTED*** in place of anything sensitive when writing to a log file. For example:

<Plugin name="Microsoft.CPlat.Core.RunCommandLinux" version="1.0.3">
<RuntimeSettings seqNo="0">{
"runtimeSettings": [
"handlerSettings": {
"protectedSettingsCertThumbprint": "7AF139E055555FAKEINFO555558EC374DAD46370",
"protectedSettings": "*** REDACTED ***",
"publicSettings": {}

In the provisioning script for this host, however, this sanitizing is not done. For example, in “C:\Packages\Plugins\Microsoft.Compute.CustomScriptExtension\1.10.12\Status\0.status”, our secrets and credentials are plainly visible to everyone, including low privileged users.

This allows a malicious actor to disclose potentially sensitive information if they were to gain access to this machine. The accounts revealed could allow the attacker to further compromise a customer’s Azure environment if these credentials or accounts are re-used elsewhere.


Obviously, the Arc Jumpstart environment is intended to be used as a demo environment, which ideally lessens the impact of the revealed credentials — provided that users haven’t reused the service principal elsewhere in their environment. That said, it isn’t uncommon for customers to use these types of Jumpstart environments as a starting point to build out their actual production infrastructure.

We do, however, feel it’s worth being aware of this issue in the event that other logging mechanisms exist elsewhere in the Azure ecosystem, which could have more dire consequences if present in a production environment.

Logging Passwords in Plaintext in Azure Arc was originally published in Tenable TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Microsoft Azure Site Recovery DLL Hijacking

12 July 2022 at 16:58

Azure Site Recovery is a suite of tools aimed at providing disaster recovery services for cloud resources. It provides utilities for replication, data recovery, and failover services during outages.

Tenable Research has discovered that this service is vulnerable to a DLL hijacking attack due to incorrect directory permissions. This allows any low-privileged user to escalate to SYSTEM level privileges on hosts where this service is installed.

Microsoft has assigned this issue CVE-2022–33675 and rated it a severity of Important with a CVSSv3 score 7.8. Tenable’s advisory can be found here. Microsoft’s post regarding this issue can be found here. Additionally, Microsoft is expected to award a $10,000 bug bounty for this finding.

The Flaw

The cxprocessserver service runs automatically and with SYSTEM level privileges. This is the primary service for Azure Site Recovery.

Incorrect permissions on the service’s executable directory (“E:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Azure Site Recovery\home\svsystems\transport\”) allow new files to be created by normal users. Please note that while the basic permissions show that “write” access is disabled, the “Special Permissions” still incorrectly grant write access to this directory. This can be verified by viewing the “Effective Access” granted to a given user for the directory in question, as demonstrated in the following screenshot.

This permissions snafu allows for a DLL hijacking/planting attack via several libraries used by the service binary.

Proof of Concept

For brevity, we’ve chosen to leave full exploitation steps out of this post since DLL hijacking techniques are extremely well documented elsewhere.

A malicious DLL was created to demonstrate the successful hijack via procmon.

Under normal circumstances, the loading of ktmw32.dll looks like the following:

With our planted DLL, the following can be observed:

This allows an attacker to elevate from an arbitrary, low-privileged user to SYSTEM. During the disclosure process, Microsoft confirmed this behavior and has created patches accordingly.


DLL hijacking is quite an antiquated technique that we don’t often come across these days. When we do, impact is often quite limited due to lack of security boundaries being crossed. MSRC lists several examples in their blog post discussing how they triage issues that make use of this technique.

In this case, however, we were able to cross a clear security boundary and demonstrated the ability to escalate a user to SYSTEM level permissions, which shows the growing trend of even dated techniques finding a new home in the cloud space due to added complexities in these sorts of environments.

As this vulnerability was discovered in an application used for disaster recovery, we are reminded that had this been discovered by malicious actors, most notably ransomware groups, the impact could have been much wider reaching. Ransomware groups have been known to target backup files and servers to ensure that a victim is forced into paying their ransom and unable to restore from clean backups. We strongly recommend applying the Microsoft supplied patches as soon as possible to ensure your existing deployments are properly secured. Microsoft has taken action to correct this issue, so any new deployments should not be affected by this flaw.

Microsoft Azure Site Recovery DLL Hijacking was originally published in Tenable TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
