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Before yesterdayNCC Group Research

Enumerating System Management Interrupts

10 June 2024 at 16:00

System Management Interrupts (SMI) provide a mechanism for entering System Management Mode (SMM) which primarily implements platform-specific functions related to power management. SMM is a privileged execution mode with access to the complete physical memory of the system, and to which the operating system has no visibility. This makes the code running in SMM an ideal target for malware insertion and potential supply chain attacks. Accordingly, it would be interesting to develop a mechanism to audit the SMIs present on a running system with the objective of cross-referencing this information with data provided by the BIOS supplier. This could help ensure that no new firmware entry-points have been added in the system, particularly in situations where there is either no signature verification for the BIOS, or where such verification can be bypassed by the attacker.

The section 32.2, “System Management Interrupt (SMI)” of Intel’s System Programming Guide [1], states the following regarding the mechanisms to enter SMM and its assigned system priority:

“The only way to enter SMM is by signaling an SMI through the SMI# pin on the processor or through an SMI message received through the APIC bus. The SMI is a nonmaskable external interrupt that operates independently from the processor’s interrupt- and exception-handling mechanism and the local APIC. The SMI takes precedence over an NMI and a maskable interrupt. SMM is non-reentrant; that is, the SMI is disabled while the processor is in SMM.”

Many mainboard Chipsets (PCH), such as the Intel 500 series chipset family [2], expose the I/O addresses B2h and B3h, enabling the signaling of the SMI# pin on the processor. Writting a byte-value to the address B2h signals the SMI code that corresponds to the written value. The address B3h is used for passing information between the processor and the SMM and needs to be written before the SMI is signaled.

Chipsec [3] is the industry standard tool for auditing the security of x86 platform firmware. It is open source and maintained by Intel. Chipsec includes a module called smm_ptr, which searches for SMI handlers that result in the modification of an allocated memory buffer. It operates by filling the allocated memory with an initial value that is checked after every SMI call. It then iterates through all specified SMI codes, looking for changes in the buffer, the address of which is passed to the SMI via the processor’s general-purpose registers (GPRS).

Although highly useful as a reference approach to trigger SMIs by software, Chipsec’s smm_ptr module does not fulfill the objective of enumerating them. Only when the SMI has an observable change in the passed memory buffer does the module consider it vulnerable and flags its existance.

Since our goal is to enumerate SMIs, I considered measuring the time it takes for the SMI to execute as a simple measure of the complexity of its handler. The hypothesis is that an SMI code ignored by the BIOS would result in a shorter execution time compared to when the SMI is properly attended. With this objective in mind, I added the ‘scan’ mode to the smm_ptr module [4].

The scan mode introduces a new ioctl command to the Chipsec’s kernel module that triggers the SMI and returns the elapsed time to the caller. This mode maintains an average of the time it takes for an SMI to execute and flags whenever one exceeds a defined margin.

In the initial tests performed, an unexpected behaviour was observed in which, with a periodicity of one second, a ten times larger runtime appeared for the same SMI code. To confirm these outliers were only present when the SMI was signaled, I implemented an equivalent test measuring the time spent by an equivalently long time-consuming loop replacing the SMI call. The results of both tests are presented below.

CPU counts per SMI call
CPU counts per test loop execution

The details of each long-running SMI are detailed next, where ‘max’ and ‘min’ values are the maximum and minimum measured elapsed time in CPU counts, ‘total’ is the number of SMIs signaled, ‘address’ shows the register used for passing the address of the allocated buffer, and ‘data’ is the value written to the I/O address B3h.

SMI: 0, max: 5023124, min: 680534, count: 7, total: 12288,
  long-running SMIs: [
  {'time offset': 278.017 ms, 'counts': 3559564, 'rcx': 11, 'address': rbx, 'data': 0x09},
  {'time offset': 1278.003 ms, 'counts': 3664844, 'rcx': 14, 'address': rbx, 'data': 0x2C},
  {'time offset': 2277.865 ms, 'counts': 4244506, 'rcx': 1, 'address': rbx, 'data': 0x50},
  {'time offset': 3277.685 ms, 'counts': 4950032, 'rcx': 4, 'address': rsi, 'data': 0x73},
  {'time offset': 4277.681 ms, 'counts': 5023124, 'rcx': 8, 'address': rbx, 'data': 0x96},
  {'time offset': 5277.898 ms, 'counts': 4347570, 'rcx': 11, 'address': rbx, 'data': 0xB9},
  {'time offset': 6277.909 ms, 'counts': 4374736, 'rcx': 14, 'address': rsi, 'data': 0xDC}]

I don’t know the reason for these periodic lengthy SMIs. I can only speculate these might be NMI interrupts being blocked by SMM and serviced with priority right after exiting SMM and before the time is measured. In any case, I opted for performing a confirmation read once a long-running SMI is found, which effectively filters out these long measurements, resulting in the output shown below. It has an average elapsed time of 770239.23 counts and standard deviation of 7377.06 counts (0.219749 ms and 2.104e-06 seconds respectively on a 3.5 GHz CPU).

CPU counts per SMI filtered out the outliers

To discard any effects of the values passed to the SMI, I ran the test by repeatedly signaling the same SMI code and parameters. Below is the result using the confirmation read strategy, showing an average value of 769718.88 counts (0.219600 ms) and standard deviation of 6524.88 counts (1.861e-06 seconds).

CPU counts per SMI filtered out the outliers and using the same SMI parameters

The proposed scan mode is effective in identifying long-running SMIs present in the system. However, it is unable to find others that fall within the bounds of the defined threshold. For example, using an arbitrary threshold of 1/3 times larger than the average, the implementation was not successful noticing some of the SMIs flagged by the smm_ptr’s fuzz and fuzzmore modes. The main reasons are the large deviation observed and the challenge of dealing with a system for which no confirmed SMI codes are provided, making it difficult to calibrate the algorithm and establish a suitable threshold value.

The implementation has been merged into the upstream version of Chipsec and will be included in the next release [5].

[1] Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual Volume 3 (3A, 3B, 3C, 3D): System Programming Guide
[2] Intel® 500 Series Chipset Family On- Package Platform Controller Hub Datasheet, Volume 1 of 2. Rev. 007, September 2021.

Ivanti Zero Day – Threat Actors observed leveraging CVE-2021-42278 and CVE-2021-42287 for quick privilege escalation to Domain Admin 

5 February 2024 at 13:21

Authors: David Brown and Mungomba Mulenga


NCC Group has observed what we believe to be the attempted exploitation of CVE-2021-42278 and CVE-2021-42287 as a means of privilege escalation, following the successful compromise of an Ivanti Secure Connect VPN using the following zero-day vulnerabilities reported by Volexity1 on 10/01/2024:

  • CVE-2023-46805 – an authentication-bypass vulnerability with a CVSS score of 8.2
  • CVE-2024-21887 – a command-injection vulnerability found into multiple web components with a CVSS score of 9.1

By combining these vulnerabilities threat actors can quickly access a network and obtain domain administrator privileges.

New TTPs

There is a wealth of excellent information from the Cybersecurity community detailing the subsequent tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) and indicators of compromise (IOCs) that have been observed since the public reporting on the Ivanti zero day. This blog focuses on the exploitation of specific CVEs, that when used together could be particularly damaging.

T1068 – Privilege Escalation – Exploitation for Privilege Escalation

NCC Group has assisted a number of clients who are dealing with the Ivanti Connect Secure VPN zero-day and in the process of doing so we identified what we believe to be follow on actions that attempted to leverage CVE-2021-422782 and CVE-2021-422873.

These are vulnerabilities in Active Directory that when combined can allow a regular user to impersonate a domain administrator.

In order to successfully exploit these in an environment there will need to be a domain controller present that is not patched against this vulnerability, the threat actor would need access to a regular domain user account and a machine user account quota above zero.

This activity shows that threat actors are quickly attempting lateral movement and privilege escalation once they have gained a foothold on a compromised Ivanti Connect Secure VPN.


If you have Ivanti Connect Secure VPNs in use, then it is advised to do the following to check if you are vulnerable to this attack or if it has been attempted in your organization:

  • Check that all of your domain controllers are patched against CVE-2021-42278 and CVE-2021-42287.
  • Check domain controller logs for suspicious activity coming from the Ivanti appliance, specifically the following:
    • Windows Security Log Event ID 5156 – The windows filtering platform has allowed a connection
    • Windows Security Log Event ID 4673 – A privileged service was called
    • Windows Security Log Event ID 4741 – A computer account was created
    • Windows Security Log Event ID 4724 – An attempt was made to reset an account’s password
    • Windows Security Log Event ID 4742 – A computer account was changed
    • Windows Security Log Event ID 4781 – The name of an account was changed

If you have been affected by the Ivanti vulnerability and see above activity that coincides with compromise you should invoke your incident response plan immediately and investigate further.


The good news is that mitigation for this issue is relatively straightforward. The following should be considered:

  • Patch all domain controllers against the underlying CVEs
  • Set the machine account quota for standard users to zero

Please ensure to test the impact of any changes within your environment before applying mitigations.


It appears that threat actors are rapidly stringing CVE’s together to take advantage of the access the Ivanti Zero day has provided. NCC Group has not been able to attribute the attacks at this time or define what the end objectives were, as the attacks were interrupted.

The Ivanti issue does present an opportunity for initial access brokers to plant backdoors in environments however, leading to the possibility of follow on action taking place weeks or months after the initial compromise of the Ivanti Connect Secure VPN.

It underscores how important it is that there is a thorough investigation of the wider environment if an Ivanti compromise is detected.

If you think you are experiencing an attack contact our 24/7 incident response team using this link.

The Spelling Police: Searching for Malicious HTTP Servers by Identifying Typos in HTTP Responses

15 November 2023 at 13:54

At Fox-IT (part of NCC Group) identifying servers that host nefarious activities is a critical aspect of our threat intelligence. One approach involves looking for anomalies in responses of HTTP servers.

Sometimes cybercriminals that host malicious servers employ tactics that involve mimicking the responses of legitimate software to evade detection. However, a common pitfall of these malicious actors are typos, which we use as unique fingerprints to identify such servers. For example, we have used a simple extraneous whitespace in HTTP responses as a fingerprint to identify servers that were hosting Cobalt Strike with high confidence1. In fact, we have created numerous fingerprints based on textual slipups in HTTP responses of malicious servers, highlighting how fingerprinting these servers can be a matter of a simple mistake.

HTTP servers are expected to follow the established RFC guidelines of HTTP, producing consistent HTTP responses in accordance with standardized protocols. HTTP responses that are not set up properly can have an impact on the safety and security of websites and web services. With these considerations in mind, we decided to research the possibility of identifying unknown malicious servers by proactively searching for textual errors in HTTP responses. 

HTTP response headers and semantics

HTTP is a protocol that governs communication between web servers and clients2. Typically, a client, such as a web browser, sends a request to a server to achieve specific goals, such as requesting to view a webpage. The server receives and processes these requests, then sends back corresponding responses. The client subsequently interprets the message semantics of these responses, for example by rendering the HTML in an HTTP response (see example 1). 

Example 1: HTTP request and response

An HTTP response includes the status code and status line that provide information on how the server is responding, such as a ‘404 Page Not Found’ message. This status code is followed by response headers. Response headers are key:value pairs as described in the RFC that allow the server to give more information for context about the response and it can give information to the client on how to process the received data. Ensuring appropriate implementation of HTTP response headers plays a crucial role in preventing security vulnerabilities like Cross-Site Scripting, Clickjacking, Information disclosure, and many others3.

Example 2: HTTP response


The purpose of this research is to identify textual deviations in HTTP response headers and verify the servers behind them to detect new or unknown malicious servers. To accomplish this, we collected a large sample of HTTP responses and applied a spelling-checking model to flag any anomalous responses that contained deviations (see example 3 for an overview of the pipeline). These anomalous HTTP responses were further investigated to determine if they were originating from potentially malicious servers.

Example 3: Steps taken to get a list of anomalous HTTP responses

Data: Batch of HTTP responses

We sampled approximately 800,000 HTTP responses from public Censys scan data4. We also created a list of common HTTP response header fields, such as ‘Cache-Control’, ‘Expires’, ‘Content-Type’, and a list of typical server values, such as ‘Apache’, ‘Microsoft-IIS’, and ‘Nginx.’ We included a few common status codes like ‘200 OK,’ ensuring that the list contained commonly occurring words in HTTP responses to serve as our reference.

Metric: The Levenshtein distance

To measure typos, we used the Levenshtein distance, an intuitive spelling-checking model that measures the difference between two strings. The distance is calculated by counting the number of operations required to transform one string into the other. These operations can include insertions, deletions, and substitutions of characters. For example, when comparing the words ‘Cat’ and ‘Chat’ using the Levenshtein distance, we would observe that only one operation is needed to transform the word ‘Cat’ into ‘Chat’ (i.e., adding an ‘h’). Therefore, ‘Chat’ has a Levenshtein distance of one compared to ‘Cat’. However, comparing the words ‘Hats’ and ‘Cat’ would require two operations (i.e., changing ‘H’ to ‘C’ and adding an ‘s’ in the end), and therefore, ‘Hats’ would have a Levenshtein distance of two compared to ‘Cat.’

The Levenshtein distance can be made sensitive to capitalization and any character, allowing for the detection of unusual additional spaces or lowercase characters, for example. This measure can be useful for identifying small differences in text, such as those that may be introduced by typos or other anomalies in HTTP response headers. While HTTP header keys are case-insensitive by specification, our model has been adjusted to consider any character variation. Specifically, we have made the ‘Server’ header case-sensitive to catch all nuances of the server’s identity and possible anomalies.

Our model performs a comparative analysis between our predefined list (of commonly occurring HTTP response headers and server values) and the words in the HTTP responses. It is designed to return words that are nearly identical to those of the list but includes small deviations. For instance, it can detect slight deviations such as ‘Content-Tyle’ instead of the correct ‘Content-Type’.

Output: A list with anomalous HTTP responses

The model returned a list of two hundred anomalous HTTP responses from our batch of HTTP responses. We decided to check the frequency of these anomalies over the entire scan dataset, rather than the initial sample of 800.000 HTTP Responses. Our aim was to get more context regarding the prevalence of these spelling errors.

We found that some of these anomalies were relatively common among HTTP response headers. For example, we discovered more than eight thousand instances of the HTTP response header ‘Expired’ instead of ‘Expires.’ Additionally, we saw almost three thousand instances of server names that deviated from the typical naming convention of ‘Apache’ as can be seen in table 1.

DeviationCommon nameAmount
Server: Apache CoyoteServer: Apache-Coyote2941
Server: Apache \r\nServer: Apache2952
Server: Apache.Server: Apache3047
Server: CloudFlareServer: Cloudflare6615
Table 1: Frequency of deviations in HTTP responses online 

Refining our research: Delving into the rarest anomalies

However, the rarest anomalies piqued our interest, as they could potentially indicate new or unknown malicious servers. We narrowed our investigation by only analyzing HTTP responses that appeared less than two hundred times in the wild and cross-referenced them with our own telemetry. By doing this, we could obtain more context from surrounding traffic to investigate potential nefarious activities. In the following section, we will focus on the most interesting typos that stood out and investigate them based on our telemetry.


Anomalous server values

During our investigation, we came across several HTTP responses that displayed deviations from the typical naming conventions of the values of the ‘Server’ header.

For instance, we encountered an HTTP response header where the ‘Server’ value was written differently than the typical ‘Microsoft-IIS’ servers. In this case, the header read ‘Microsoft -IIS’ instead of ‘Microsoft-IIS’ (again, note the space) as shown in example 3. We suspected that this deviation was an attempt to make it appear like a ‘Microsoft-IIS’ server response. However, our investigation revealed that a legitimate company was behind the server which did not immediately indicate any nefarious activity. Therefore, even though the typo in the server’s name was suspicious, it did not turn out to come from a malicious server.

Example 4: HTTP response with a ‘Microsoft -IIS’ server value

The ‘ngengx’ server value appeared to intentionally mimic the common server name ‘nginx’ (see example 4).  We found that it was linked to a cable setup account from an individual that subscribed to a big telecom and hosting provider in The Netherlands. This deviation from typical naming conventions was strange, but we could not find anything suspicious in this case.

Example 5: HTTP response with a ‘ngengx’ server value

Similarly, the ‘Apache64’ server value deviates from the standard ‘Apache’ server value (see example 5). We found that this HTTP response was associated with webservers of a game developer, and no apparent malevolent activities were detected.

Example 6: HTTP response with an ‘Apache64’ server value

While these deviations from standard naming conventions could potentially indicate an attempt to disguise a malicious server, it does not always indicate nefarious activity.

Anomalous response headers

Moreover, we encountered HTTP response headers that deviated from the standard naming conventions. The ‘Content-Tyle’ header deviated from the standard ‘Content-Type’ header, and we found both the correct and incorrect spellings within the HTTP response (see example 6). We discovered that these responses originated from ‘imgproxy,’ a service designed for image resizing. This service appears to be legitimate. Moreover, a review of the source code confirms that the ‘Content-Tyle’ header is indeed hardcoded in the landing page source code (see Example 7).

Example 7: HTTP response with ‘Content-Tyle’ header
Example 8: screenshot of the landing page source code of imgproxy

Similarly, the ‘CONTENT_LENGTH’ header deviated from the standard spelling of ‘Content-Length’ (see example 7). However, upon further investigation, we found that the server behind this response also belongs to a server associated with webservers of a game developer. Again, we did not detect any malicious activities associated with this deviation from typical naming conventions.

Example 9: HTTP response with ‘CONTENT_LENGTH’ header

The findings of our research seem to reveal that even HTTP responses set up by legitimate companies include messy and incorrect response headers.

Concluding Insights

Our study was designed to uncover potentially malicious servers by proactively searching for spelling mistakes in HTTP response headers. HTTP servers are generally expected to adhere to the established RFC guidelines, producing consistent HTTP responses as dictated by the standard protocols. Sometimes cybercriminals hosting malicious servers attempt to evade detection by imitating standard responses of legitimate software. However, sometimes they slip up, leaving inadvertent typos, which can be used for fingerprinting purposes.

Our study reveals that typos in HTTP responses are not as rare as one might assume. Despite the crucial role that appropriate implementation of HTTP response headers plays in the security and safety of websites and web services, our research suggests that textual errors in HTTP responses are surprisingly widespread, even in the outputs of servers from legitimate organizations. Although these deviations from standard naming conventions could potentially indicate an attempt to disguise a malicious server, they do not always signify nefarious activity. The internet is simply too messy.

Our research concludes that typos alone are insufficient to identify malicious servers. Nevertheless, they retain potential as part of a broader detection framework. We propose advancing this research by combining the presence of typos with additional metrics. One approach involves establishing a baseline of common anomalous HTTP responses, and then flagging HTTP responses with new typos as they emerge.

Furthermore, more research could be conducted regarding the order of HTTP headers. If the header order in the output differs from what is expected from a particular software, in combination with (new) typos, it may signal an attempt to mimic that software.

Lastly, this strategy could be integrated with other modelling approaches, such as data science models in Security Operations Centers. For instance, monitoring servers that are not only new to the network but also exhibit spelling errors. By integrating these efforts, we strive to enhance our ability to detect emerging malicious servers.


  1. Fox-IT (part of NCC Group). “Identifying Cobalt Strike Team Servers in the Wild”: ↩︎
  2. RFC 7231: ↩︎
  3. OWASP: ↩︎
  4. Censys: ↩︎
