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Today β€” 17 June 2024Vulnerabily Research

Simple analyze about CVE-2024-30080

17 June 2024 at 03:45

Author: k0shl of Cyber Kunlun

In the June Patch Tuesday, MSRC patched the pre-auth RCE I reported, assigned to CVE-2024-30080. This is a race condition that leads to a use-after-free remote code execution in the MSMQ HTTP component.

At POC2023 last year, Yuki Chen(@guhe120), Azure Yang(@4zur9), and I gave a presentation to introduce all MSMQ attack surfaces. After returning to work, I simply went through all of them again, and when I reviewed the MSMQ HTTP component, I found an overlooked pattern, which led to CVE-2024-30080.

The vulnerability exists in mqise.dll, in a function named RPCToServer.

CLIENT_CALL_RETURN __fastcall RPCToServer(__int64 a1, __int64 a2, __int64 a3, __int64 a4)
      LocalRPCConnection2QM = GetLocalRPCConnection2QM(&AddressString, v8, v9);
      if ( LocalRPCConnection2QM )
        v15 = v5;
        return NdrClientCall3((MIDL_STUBLESS_PROXY_INFO *)&pProxyInfo, 0, 0i64, LocalRPCConnection2QM, a2, v15, a4);
      RemoveRPCCacheEntry(&AddressString, v14);

At POC2023, we also introduced the MSMQ HTTP component. It receives HTTP POST data and then passes it into the RPCToServer function. The MSMQ HTTP component acts more like an RPC client; it serializes POST data as parameters of NdrClientCall3 and sends it to the MSMQ RPC server.

When I reviewed this code, I noticed these two functions: GetLocalRPCConnection2QM and RemoveRPCCacheEntry.

In the GetLocalRPCConnection2QM function, the service retrieves the RPC binding handle from a global variable. If the global variable is empty, it first binds the handle to the RPC server and then returns to the outer function.

In the RemoveRPCCacheEntry function, it removes the RPC binding handle from the global variable and then invokes RpcBindingFree to release the RPC binding handle.

The question I had when reviewing this code was: if the variable LocalRPCConnection2QM is NULL, service invokes RemoveRPCCacheEntry instead of NdrClientCall3, does RemoveRPCCacheEntry really work if the RPC binding handle is already NULL in this situation?

I quickly realized there was an overlooked pattern in this code.

Do you remember the RPC client mechanism? A typical RPC client defines an IDL file to specify the type of parameter for the RPC interface. When invoking NdrClientCall3, the parameters are marshalled according to the IDL. If the parameter is invalid, it will crash the RPC client when it is serialized in rpcrt4.dll. This is why we sometimes encounter client crashes when hunting bugs in the RPC server.

To prevent client crashes, we usually add RPC exceptions in the code as follows:

        ULONG ulCode = RpcExceptionCode();
        printf("Run time reported exception 0x%lx = %ld\n",
            ulCode, ulCode);
        return false;
        return true;

It's clear now that the overlooked pattern is that the NdrClientCall3 function is within an RPC exception, but the IDA pseudocode doesn't show it. This means if an unauthenticated user passes an invalid parameter into NdrClientCall3, it triggers a crash during marshalling in rpcrt4.dll, which then invokes the RemoveRPCCacheEntry function to release the RPC binding handle as it will be invoked in RpcExcept.

There is a time window where if one thread passes an invalid parameter and then releases the RPC binding handle, while another thread retrieves the RPC binding handle from the global variable and passes it into NdrClientCall3, it will use the freed RPC handle inside rpcrt4.dll.

Crash Dump:

0:021> r
rax=000001bcbf5c6df0 rbx=00000033d80fed10 rcx=0000000000000000
rdx=0000000000001e50 rsi=000001bcbaf22f10 rdi=00007ffe04f1a020
rip=00007ffe2dc0616f rsp=00000033d80fe910 rbp=00000033d80fea10
 r8=00007ffe04f1a020  r9=00000033d80fee40 r10=000001bcbf5c6df0
r11=00007ffe04f1a9bc r12=0000000000000000 r13=00000033d80feb60
r14=00000033d80ff178 r15=00007ffe04f1a2c0
iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz na po nc
cs=0033  ss=002b  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00010204
00007ffe`2dc0616f 817808efcdab89  cmp     dword ptr [rax+8],89ABCDEFh ds:000001bc`bf5c6df8=????????

Stack Trace:

0:021> k
 # Child-SP          RetAddr               Call Site
00 00000033`d80fe910 00007ffe`2dc9b9d3     RPCRT4!I_RpcNegotiateTransferSyntax+0x5f
01 00000033`d80fea50 00007ffe`2dc9b14d     RPCRT4!NdrpClientCall3+0x823
02 00000033`d80fedc0 00007ffe`04f141e8     RPCRT4!NdrClientCall3+0xed
03 00000033`d80ff160 00007ffe`04f13fef     MQISE!RPCToServer+0x150
04 00000033`d80ff310 00007ffe`04f138c2     MQISE!HandleEndOfRead+0xa3
05 00000033`d80ff350 00007ffe`04f53d40     MQISE!GetHttpBody+0x112