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SIRI WI400: XSS on Login Page – CVE-2022-48111

By: Ylabs
20 February 2023 at 13:23
Reading Time: 3 minutes WI400 is a software developed by SIRI that acts as a web interface for the IBM Power Systems (AS/400). During a penetration test activity, a reflected cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability was found on the login page. This allowed to craft URLs with arbitrary JavaScript code injected that would execute once the link was visited. Advisory […]

CVE-2022-2602: DirtyCred File Exploitation applied on an io_uring UAF

21 December 2022 at 06:00
Introduction In the past few weeks, I worked with @LukeGix (checkout his blog post on the same vulnerability here) to exploit the CVE-2022-2602, a very interesting bug from multiple perspectives without a public exploit, that impacts the io_uring subsystem with an Use-After-Free vulnerability handling registered file descriptors.We used a Data-Only attack against kernel version 5.15.74 […]

Plug n Panda – APT Group

By: Ylabs
15 September 2022 at 14:14
Reading Time: 7 minutes β€œPlug N Panda” group (the name that has been chosen by Yarix R&D) is a newly observed group characterized by the use of Ransomware DLL sideloading (PlugX – Talisman) techniques to cover his tracks after carrying an attack and it is believed to originate from China. This APT was first observed in the first months […]

Driver Buddy Reloaded

By: Ylabs
28 October 2021 at 15:30
Reading Time: 5 minutes As part of Yarix's continuous security research journey, during this year I’ve spent a good amount of time reverse-engineering Windows drivers and exploiting kernel-mode related vulnerabilities. While in the past there were (as far as I know), at least two good IDA plugins aiding in the reverse engineering process: DriverBuddy of NCC Group. win_driver_plugin of […]

Crucial’s MOD Utility LPE – CVE-2021-41285

By: Ylabs
30 September 2021 at 15:30
Reading Time: 7 minutes Crucial Ballistix MOD Utility is a software product that can be used to customize and control gaming systems, specifically LED colours and patterns, memory, temperature, and overclock.During my vulnerability research, I’ve discovered that this software utilizes a driver, MODAPI.sys, containing multiple vulnerabilities and allowing an attacker to achieve local privilege escalation from a low privileged […]

Root Cause Analysis of a Printer’s Driver Vulnerability

By: Ylabs
29 July 2021 at 15:30
Reading Time: 8 minutes Last week SentinelOne disclosed a "high severity" flaw in HP, Samsung, and Xerox printer's drivers (CVE-2021-3438); the blog post highlighted a vulnerable strncpy operation with a user-controllable size parameter but it did not explain the reverse engineering nor the exploitation phase of the issue. With this blog post, I would like to analyse the vulnerability […]

Reverse Engineering & Exploiting Dell CVE-2021-21551

By: Ylabs
20 May 2021 at 15:30
Reading Time: 11 minutes At the beginning of the month, Sentinel One disclosed five high severity vulnerabilities in Dell’s firmware update driver.As the described vulnerability appeared not too complicated to exploit, a lot of fellow security researchers started weaponizing it. I was one of, if not the first tweeting about weaponizing it into a _SEP_TOKEN_PRIVILEGES overwrite exploit, and with […]

Chaining Bugs: NVIDIA GeForce Experience (GFE) Command Execution

By: Ylabs
13 May 2021 at 15:30
Reading Time: 5 minutes NVIDIA GeForce Experience (GFE) v.<= 3.21 is affected by an Arbitrary File Write vulnerability in the GameStream/ShadowPlay plugins, where log files are created using NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM level permissions, which lead to Command Execution and Elevation of Privileges (EoP). NVIDIA Security Bulletin – April 2021 NVIDIA Acknowledgements Page Introduction Some time ago I was looking for […]

Linux Kernel Exploit Development: 1day case study

13 June 2022 at 10:01
Introduction I was searching for a vulnerability that permitted me to practise what I’ve learned in the last period on Linux Kernel Exploitation with a β€œreal-life” scenario. Since I had a week to dedicate my time in Hacktive Security to deepen a specific argument, I decided to search for a public vulnerability without a public […]

KRWX: Kernel Read Write Execute

12 March 2022 at 15:41
Introduction Github project: https://github.com/kiks7/KRWX During the last few months/year I was studying and approaching the Kernel Exploitation subject and during this journey I developed few tools that assissted me (and currently assist) on better understanding specific topics. Today I want to release my favourine one: KRWX (Kernel Read Write Execute). It is a simple LKM […]

Eternalromance: eternal pwnage of Windows Server 2003 and XP

By: vivami
25 April 2017 at 22:00

Most of the write-ups on the leaked Equation Group tools by the shadow brokers are about the Eternalblue exploit, an RCE SMB exploit that provides SYSTEM to the attacker of Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 machines not patched with MS17–010. Cool stuff, however, maybe even cooler is the stuff that will provide reverse shells for life: Eternalromance on fully patched Windows XP and Server 2003 machines. In this short write-up, I’ll explain how to get EternalRomance working by popping a meterpreter session on a fully patched Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2 box.


Fully patched Windows Server 2003.

Eternalromance requires shellcode for the exploitation phase. Any shellcode other than shellcode generated by the Doublepulsar implant, results in a BSOD on the box (trust me, I’ve tried this many times…).

Start FuzzBunch and type use Doublepulsar. Walk through the default options and choose function OutputInstall. This generates the shellcode to feed to Eternalromance.


Doublepulsar generates dopu_shellcode.bin

Walk through the default options of Eternalromance, let the Smbtouch execute and afterwards provide the dopu_shellcode.bin shellcode file generated with Doublepulsar.


Smbtouch via Eternalromance.


Select proper DoPu shellcode file.


Eternalromance succeeded.

After Eternalromance succeeded, let’s now prepare a payload of use to us, in this case a meterpreter shell.


Use msfvenom to generate a meterpreter stager DLL.

Now we’ll let Doublepulsar inject this dll, and initiate a meterpreter session.


Doublepulsar injects meterpreter.dll


Meterpreter session on the Windows Server 2003 SP2.


Seriously though, if your organisation relies on these legacy operating systems:

  • Disable SMBv1, or;
  • Segment the box
  • Run IDS/IPS with signatures for the maliciously crafted SMBv1 packet.

Stay safe!
