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Today — 11 June 2024Security News

Last Week in Security (LWiS) - 2024-06-10

By: Erik
11 June 2024 at 03:59

Last Week in Security is a summary of the interesting cybersecurity news, techniques, tools and exploits from the past week. This post covers 2024-06-03 to 2024-06-10.


Techniques and Write-ups

  • No Way, PHP Strikes Again! (CVE-2024-4577) - On Windows (specifically the Chinese and Japanese locales), a '%AD' in a URL gets interpreted as '-' which can lead to remote code execution depending on how PHP is configured. By default, the XAMPP project is vulnerable.
  • How to Train Your Large Language Model - Ever wondered how people 'fine tune' large language models for specific tasks? This post walks through training a local model and GPT-4 to assist with making sense of the pseudo-code output in the IDA Pro disassembler. The model and plugin code can be found at aidapal.
  • WHFB and Entra ID: Say Hello to Your New Cache Flow - With Windows Hello for Business and Entra ID, there still needs to be a way to authenticate the user on the device if the device is offline. This cache can be used by attackers to bruteforce passwords. The use of a trusted platform module (TPM), or better yet a TPM v2, will slow down this bruteforce considerably.
  • An Introduction to Chrome Exploitation - Maglev Edition - Besides mobile devices, Chrome is probably the next hardest target. This post covers Chromium Security Architecture and the V8 Pipeline, with a focus on the Maglev Compiler. It also covers the root cause analysis of CVE-2023-4069 and how to exploit it with JIT-spraying shellcode.
  • Inside the Box: Malware's New Playground - Malware groups are using the BoxedApp product to evade detection. This mirrors earlier efforts that used VMprotect. If you can pay a modest price for a commercial packer that will help you evade EDR, many financially motivated actors will do so. Are you using commercial packers in your adversary simulations?
  • Hacking Millions of Modems (and Investigating Who Hacked My Modem) - A hacker discovers his modem is compromised, and through the course of investigating finds a way to hack any Cox customer's modem.
  • Becoming any Android app via Zygote command injection - Meta's red team discovered a vulnerability in Android (now patched) that allows an attacker with the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission, which is held by the ADB shell and certain privileged apps, to execute arbitrary code as any app on a device. By doing so, they could read and write any app's data, make use of per-app secrets and login tokens, change most system configuration, unenroll or bypass Mobile Device Management, and more. The exploit involves no memory corruption, meaning it worked unmodified on virtually any device running Android 9 or later, and persists across reboots. This feels like a vulnerability that will make some advanced actors very upset to see patched.
  • Deep diving into F5 Secure Vault - After Exploiting an F5 Big-IP, @myst404_ set their sights on the "Secure Vault." Spoiler: it isn't all that secure.
  • Windows Internals: Dissecting Secure Image Objects - Part 1 - The king of technical deep dives is back! Funny that this is actually a third order blog post spawned from research originally into the Kernel Control Flow Guard (Kernel CFG) feature. As always, Connor delivers a great, highly technical post.
  • Bypassing Veeam Authentication CVE-2024-29849 - "This vulnerability in Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager allows an unauthenticated attacker to log in to the Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager web interface as any user. - Critical"
  • [PDF] Paged Out! #4 (14MB, beta1 build) - A great modern zine.
  • Spray passwords, avoid lockouts - A very compreshensive look at Windows password policy. conpass is the new tool dropped to implement the ideas presented in the post.
  • Develop your own C# Obfuscator - Sure, you've used ConfuserEx, but what if you wrote your own C# obfuscator?
  • Bypassing EDR NTDS.dit protection using BlueTeam tools. - Love to see traitorware in the wild.
  • One Phish Two Phish, Red Teams Spew Phish - How to give your phishing domains a reputation boost.

Tools and Exploits

  • MAT - This tool, programmed in C#, allows for the fast discovery and exploitation of vulnerabilities in MSSQL servers.
  • AmperageKit - One stop shop for enabling Recall in Windows 11 version 24H2 on unsupported devices.
  • omakub - Opinionated Ubuntu Setup.
  • chromedb - Read Chromium data (namely, cookies and local storage) straight from disk, without spinning up the browser.
  • The_Shelf - Retired TrustedSec Capabilities. See Introducing The Shelf for more.
  • RflDllOb - Reflective DLL Injection Made Bella.
  • CVE-2024-29849 - Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager Authentication Bypass (CVE-2024-29849).
  • rsescan - RSEScan is a command-line utility for interacting with the RSECloud. It allows you to fetch subdomains and IPs from certificates for a given domain or organization.
  • MDE_Enum - comprehensive .NET tool designed to extract and display detailed information about Windows Defender exclusions and Attack Surface Reduction (ASR) rules without Admin privileges.
  • Disable-TamperProtection - A POC to disable TamperProtection and other Defender / MDE components.

New to Me and Miscellaneous

This section is for news, techniques, write-ups, tools, and off-topic items that weren't released last week but are new to me. Perhaps you missed them too!

  • How Malware Can Bypass Transparency Consent and Control (CVE-2023-40424) - CVE-2023-40424 is a vulnerability that allows a root-level user to create a new user with a custom Transparency Consent and Control (TCC) database in macOS, which can then be used to access other users' private data. It was fixed in 2023 in macOs Sonoma (but not backported to older versions!).
  • PsMapExec - A PowerShell tool that takes strong inspiration from CrackMapExec / NetExec.
  • Evilginx-Phishing-Infra-Setup - Evilginx Phishing Engagement Infrastructure Setup Guide.
  • File-Tunnel - Tunnel TCP connections through a file.
  • awesome-cicd-attacks - Practical resources for offensive CI/CD security research. Curated the best resources I've seen since 2021.
  • JA4+ Database - Download, read, learn about, and contribute to augment your organization's JA4+ network security efforts
  • detection-rules is the home for rules used by Elastic Security. This repository is used for the development, maintenance, testing, validation, and release of rules for Elastic Security's Detection Engine.
  • openrecall - OpenRecall is a fully open-source, privacy-first alternative to proprietary solutions like Microsoft's Windows Recall. With OpenRecall, you can easily access your digital history, enhancing your memory and productivity without compromising your privacy.
  • knock - Knock Subdomain Scan.
  • ubiquity-toolkit - A collection of statically-linked tools targeted to run on almost any linux system.
  • SOAPHound - A fork of SOAPHound that uses an external server to exfiltrate the results vs dropping them on disk for improved OPSEC.

Techniques, tools, and exploits linked in this post are not reviewed for quality or safety. Do your own research and testing.

Yesterday — 10 June 2024Security News

Japanese video-sharing platform Niconico was victim of a cyber attack

10 June 2024 at 23:06

The Japanese video-sharing platform, Niconico, was forced to suspend its services following a cybersecurity incident.

The Japanese video-sharing platform, Niconico, temporarily suspended its services following a large-scale cyberattack on June 8, 2024.

“Due to the effects of a large-scale cyber attack, Niconico has been unavailable since early morning on June 8th” reads the incident notice published by the company. “We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.

In response to the incident, the company temporarily suspended Niconico Family Services such as Niconico Video, Niconico Live Broadcast, Niconico Channel, etc. The company also suspended the Niconico Account login on external services.

“Beginning in the early hours of Saturday, June 8th, an issue occurred that prevented access to multiple servers in our group. In response to this incident, we immediately shut down the relevant servers to protect the data. Based on the scope of our internal analysis and investigation that was conducted on the same day, we have determined that there is a high possibility that we were the victim of a cyber attack.” reads a statement from the company.

The video-sharing platform also canceled/postponed programs scheduled from June 10th to June 16th.

The company is investigating the security incident with the help of law enforcement and external experts to determine the full extent of the damage.

The company has yet to determine if threat actors have stolen any information from its systems.

The Japanese firm did not reveal the type of cyberattack it suffered; however, the problems it is facing and the incident response procedure adopted suggest it was the victim of a ransomware attack.

Follow me on Twitter: @securityaffairs and Facebook and Mastodon

Pierluigi Paganini

(SecurityAffairs – hacking, cyber attack)

UK NHS call for O-type blood donations following ransomware attack on London hospitals

10 June 2024 at 20:10

The UK NHS issued an urgent call for O-type blood donations following the recent ransomware attack that hit several London hospitals.

The UK National Health Service (NHS) issued an urgent call for O-type blood donations due to the recent ransomware attack on Synnovis that disrupted operations at several healthcare organizations in London.

In early June, a ransomware attack on pathology and diagnostic services provider Synnovis severely impacted the operations at several major NHS hospitals in London. The attack forced the impacted hospitals to cancel some healthcare procedures, in some cases, patients were redirected to other hospitals.

Synnovis is a pathology partnership between Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and King’s College Hospitals NHS Trust, and SYNLAB, Europe’s largest provider of medical testing and diagnostics.

In a post published on its website, Synnovis disclosed it was the victim of a ransomware attack.

“On Monday 3 June, Synnovis – a partnership between two London-based hospital Trusts and SYNLAB – was the victim of a ransomware cyberattack. This has affected all Synnovis IT systems, resulting in interruptions to many of our pathology services.” reads the statement published by the company. “Regrettably this is affecting patients, with some activity already cancelled or redirected to other providers as urgent work is prioritised.”

Synnovis has yet to release a new update and hasn’t provided any information on the scope of the attack.

Law enforcement suspects that Qilin extortion gang is behind the attack.

The NHS London published a statement on Synnovis ransomware attack confirming that the incident is having a significant impact on the delivery of services at Guy’s and St Thomas’, King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trusts and primary care services in south east London.

“On Monday 3 June Synnovis, a provider of lab services, was the victim of a ransomware cyber attack. This is having a significant impact on the delivery of services at Guy’s and St Thomas’, King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trusts and primary care services in south east London and we apologise for the inconvenience this is causing to patients and their families.” reads the statement published by NHS London.

“All urgent and emergency services remain open as usual and the majority of outpatient services continue to operate as normal.” continues the NHS. “Unfortunately, some operations and procedures which rely more heavily on pathology services have been postponed, and blood testing is being prioritised for the most urgent cases, meaning some patients have had phlebotomy appointments cancelled.”

The NHS confirmed that the ransomware attack has disrupted blood matching tests, for this reason, affected hospitals are using O Negative and O Positive blood for patients who can’t wait for alternative matching methods. For this reason, the NHS is calling for O-type blood donations.

“England’s top doctor has today (Monday 10 June) backed calls from NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) for O Positive and O Negative blood donors to urgently book appointments to donate in one of the 25 town and city centre NHS Blood Donor Centres in England, to boost stocks of O type blood following the cyber incident in London.” reads the announcement published by the NHS Blood and Transplant.

“The IT incident affecting a pathology provider means the affected hospitals cannot currently match patients’ blood at the same frequency as usual. For surgeries and procedures requiring blood to take place, hospitals need to use O type blood as this is safe to use for all patients and blood has a shelf life of 35 days, so stocks need to be continually replenished. That means more units of these types of blood than usual will be required over the coming weeks to support the wider efforts of frontline staff to keep services running safely for local patients.”

O Negative blood is a universal blood type, anyone can receive it, for this reason, it is crucial in emergencies or when a patient’s blood type is unknown. Despite only 8% of the population having O Negative, it accounts for about 15% of hospital orders. O Positive, the most common blood type, can be given to anyone with a positive blood type, benefiting 76% of the population. 35% of blood donors have O Positive blood.

“To support London hospitals to carry out more surgeries and to provide the best care we can for all patients, we need more O Negative and O Positive donors than usual. Please book an urgent appointment to give blood at one of our 25 town and city donor centres which currently have good appointment availability.

“We have availability for donors who know they are type O but we also welcome new donors who don’t yet know their blood type. You might have one of these special types that can be used in emergencies.”

“To support London hospitals to carry out more surgeries and to provide the best care we can for all patients, we need more O Negative and O Positive donors than usual. Please book an urgent appointment to give blood at one of our 25 town and city donor centres which currently have good appointment availability.” said Dr Gail Miflin, Chief Medical Officer, NHS Blood and Transplant. “We have availability for donors who know they are type O but we also welcome new donors who don’t yet know their blood type. You might have one of these special types that can be used in emergencies.””

Follow me on Twitter: @securityaffairs and Facebook and Mastodon

Pierluigi Paganini

(SecurityAffairs – hacking, London hospitals)

More_eggs Malware Disguised as Resumes Targets Recruiters in Phishing Attack

By: Newsroom
10 June 2024 at 15:24
Cybersecurity researchers have spotted a phishing attack distributing the More_eggs malware by masquerading it as a resume, a technique originally detected more than two years ago. The attack, which was unsuccessful, targeted an unnamed company in the industrial services industry in May 2024, Canadian cybersecurity firm eSentire disclosed last week. "Specifically, the targeted individual was a
