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Today β€” 17 June 2024Security News

What is DevSecOps and Why is it Essential for Secure Software Delivery?

17 June 2024 at 11:26
Traditional application security practices are not effective in the modern DevOps world. When security scans are run only at the end of the software delivery lifecycle (either right before or after a service is deployed), the ensuing process of compiling and fixing vulnerabilities creates massive overhead for developers. The overhead that degrades velocity and puts production deadlines at risk.

Before yesterdaySecurity News

Learn to Secure Petabyte-Scale Data in a Webinar with Industry Titans

14 June 2024 at 12:24
Data is growing faster than ever. Remember when petabytes (that's 1,000,000 gigabytes!) were only for tech giants? Well, that's so last decade! Today, businesses of all sizes are swimming in petabytes. But this isn't just about storage anymore. This data is ALIVEβ€”it's constantly accessed, analyzed, shared, and even used to train the next wave of AI. This creates a huge challenge: how do you

Why Regulated Industries are Turning to Military-Grade Cyber Defenses

14 June 2024 at 11:01
As cyber threats loom large and data breaches continue to pose increasingly significant risks. Organizations and industries that handle sensitive information and valuable assets make prime targets for cybercriminals seeking financial gain or strategic advantage.Β  Which is why many highly regulated sectors, from finance to utilities, are turning to military-grade cyber defenses to safeguard
