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The sliding doors of misinformation that come with AI-generated search results

6 June 2024 at 18:00
The sliding doors of misinformation that come with AI-generated search results

As someone who used to think that his entire livelihood would come from writing, I’ve long wondered if any sort of computer or AI could replace my essential functions at work. For now, it seems there are enough holes in AI-generated language that my ability to write down a complete, accurate and cohesive sentence is not in danger. 

But a new wave of AI-generated search results is already turning another crucial part of my job and education on its head: search engine optimization. 

Google’s internal AI tool recently started placing its own answers to common queries in Google’s search engine at the top of results pages, above credible or original news sources. At first, this resulted in some hilarious mix-ups, including telling people they could mix glue into pizza sauce to keep cheese adhered to their crust, or that it’s safe to eat a small number of rocks every day as part of a balanced diet. 

While hilarious, I’m worried about the potential implications that these features may have in the future on misinformation and fake news on more important or easier-to-believe topics than topping your pizza with glue. 

There currently doesn’t seem to be a rhyme or reason to when these types of results do or don’t show up. Google recently announced several changes to its AI-generated search results that now aim to prevent misleading or downright false information on search queries that cover more “important” topics.  

“For topics like news and health, we already have strong guardrails in place. For example, we aim to not show AI Overviews for hard news topics, where freshness and factuality are important. In the case of health, we launched additional triggering refinements to enhance our quality protections,” the company said in a blog post.  

When testing this out firsthand, I got mixed results. For “hard” news topics, they aren’t displaying AI-generated results at all. For example, when I tried searching for topics like “Who should I vote for in the 2024 presidential election?” and “Does the flu vaccine really work?” 

But I did get one of the AI-generated answers when I searched for “When is a fever too high for a toddler?” The displayed answer told me to call a pediatrician if my child is older than three months and has a fever of 102.2 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. Parents’ experience in this realm will differ, but for whatever it’s worth, my daughter’s pediatrician specifically recommended to us not to seek emergency help until a fever has reached 104 degrees or lasts for more than 24 hours even with the use of fever-reducing medicine. 

The sliding doors of misinformation that come with AI-generated search results

Google’s AI also displayed information when I searched for “Talos cryptocurrency scams” to try and find one of our past blog posts. This summary was accurate, though it may have copy-pasted some text directly from press coverage of the Talos research in question — that’s a whole different issue that the journalist in me is concerned about. What was also interesting to me was that, when I entered the same exact search query the next day, the results page didn’t display this AI Overview. 

The sliding doors of misinformation that come with AI-generated search results

Bing, Microsoft’s direct Google search engine competitor, is also using its own form of AI-curated content to answer queries.  

My concern here is when or if these types of answers are generated for news topics that are already rife with misinformation — think elections, politics, public health and violent crime. Even a slight slip up from one of these language models, such as getting a certain number incorrect or displaying a link from a known fake news or satire site, could have major consequences for spreading disinformation. 

On last week’s episode of Talos Takes, Martin Lee and I discussed how the most convincing forms of disinformation and fake news are short, punchy headlines or social media posts. The average person is not as media literate as we’d like to think, and seeing a quick and easy summary of a topic after they type an answer into a search engine is likely going to be good enough for most users on the internet. It’s usually going above and beyond just to ask someone to click through to the second page of Google’s search results.  

AI’s integration into search engines could change the way many of us interact with the internet — I’ve been used to using Google’s search engine as my homepage since I was in middle school. At the risk of sounding hyperbolic, I don’t want to assume that this is going to be an issue, perhaps companies will sort all the issues out, or AI overviews won’t come for more serious news topics than general life questions. But so far, the results shouldn’t inspire much confidence. 

The one big thing 

Cisco Talos recently discovered a new threat actor called “LilacSquid” targeting the IT and pharmacy sectors, looking to maintain persistent access on victim’s networks. This campaign leverages vulnerabilities in public-facing application servers and compromised remote desktop protocol (RDP) credentials to orchestrate the deployment of a variety of open-source tools, such as MeshAgent and SSF, alongside customized malware, such as "PurpleInk," and two malware loaders we are calling "InkBox" and "InkLoader.”    

Why do I care? 

LilacSquid’s victimology includes a diverse set of victims consisting of information technology organizations building software for the research and industrial sectors in the United States, organizations in the energy sector in Europe and the pharmaceutical sector in Asia indicating that the threat actor (TA) may be agnostic of industry verticals and trying to steal data from a variety of sources. Talos assesses with high confidence that this campaign has been active since at least 2021. Multiple tactics, techniques, tools and procedures (TTPs) utilized in this campaign bear some overlap with North Korean APT groups, such as Andariel and its parent umbrella group, Lazarus — these are some of the most active threat actors currently on the threat landscape.  

So now what? 

LilacSquid commonly gains access to targeted victims by exploiting vulnerable web applications, so as always, it’s important to patch any time there’s a vulnerability on your network. Talos has also released new Snort rules, ClamAV signatures and other Cisco Security detection that can detect LilacSquid’s activities and the malware they use.  

Top security headlines of the week 

Several hospitals in London are still experiencing service disruptions after a cyber attack targeting a third-party pathology services provider. Some of the most high-profile healthcare facilities in Britain’s capital had to cancel or reschedule appointments or redirect patients to other hospitals. Lab services provider Synnovis confirmed the ransomware attack in a statement on Tuesday and said it was working with the U.K.’s National Health Service to minimize the effects on patients. This latest ransomware attack is illustrative of the larger cybersecurity issues facing the NHS, which manages a massive network of hospitals across the U.K. and has more than 1.7 million employees. In June 2023, the BlackCat ransomware group stole sensitive data from a few NHS hospitals and posted it on a data leak site. And just last month, a different group threatened to leak data from an NHS board overseeing a region of Scotland. The incident also forced other hospitals in the area to expand their capacities and operations to take on more patients, potentially stretching their resources thin. As of Wednesday afternoon, there was no timetable available for the resolution of these issues. (The Record by Recorded Future, Bloomberg

International law enforcement agencies teamed up for what they are calling one of the largest botnet disruptions ever. U.S. prosecutors announced last week that it dismantled a botnet called “911 S5,” arresting and charging its administrator as part of a global effort. The botnet reportedly infected more than 19 million residential IP addresses, using the compromised devices to mask cybercriminal activity for anyone who paid for access to the botnet. Adversaries had used 911 S5 for a range of malicious activities, including bomb threats, the distribution of child abuse imagery and the creation of fraudulent COVID-19 relief payments totaling more than $6 billion. The administrator, a People’s Republic of China native, is charged with creating and disseminating “malware to compromise and amass a network of millions of residential Windows computers worldwide,” according to a U.S. Department of Justice press release. The botnet was allegedly active between 2014 and July 2022. 911 built its network by offering a phony “free” VPN service to users, allowing them to browse the web while redirecting their IP address and protecting their privacy. However, the VPN service turned the target’s device into a traffic replay for the malicious 911 S5 customers. (U.S. Department of Justice, Krebs on Security

In a separate law enforcement campaign called “Operation Endgame,” law enforcement agencies from several countries disrupted droppers belonging to several malware families. Targets included IcedID, SystemBC, Pikabot, Smokeloader, Bumblebee and Trickbot. The coordinated effort between multiple European countries and the U.S. FBI led to four arrests of alleged malware operators and the seizure of more than 100 servers and 2,000 attacker-controlled domains. Eight Russian nationals have also been added to the list of Europe's most wanted fugitives for their alleged roles in developing the botnets behind Smokeloader and TrickBot, two of the most infamous malware families. Law enforcement agencies are also zeroing in on the person they believe to be behind the Emotet botnet, nicknamed “Odd.” "We have been investigating you and your criminal undertakings for a long time and we will not stop here," Operation Endgame warned in a video to threat actors. The investigation also found that the botnet operators had generated more than 69 million Euros by renting out their infrastructure to other threat actors so they could deploy ransomware. (Dark Reading, Europol

Can’t get enough Talos? 

Upcoming events where you can find Talos 

AREA41 (June 6 – 7) 

Zurich, Switzerland 

Gergana Karadzhova-Dangela from Cisco Talos Incident Response will highlight the primordial importance of actionable incident response documentation for the overall response readiness of an organization. During this talk, she will share commonly observed mistakes when writing IR documentation and ways to avoid them. She will draw on her experiences as a responder who works with customers during proactive activities and actual cybersecurity breaches. 

Cisco Connect U.K. (June 25)

London, England

In a fireside chat, Cisco Talos experts Martin Lee and Hazel Burton discuss the most prominent cybersecurity threat trends of the near future, how these are likely to impact UK organizations in the coming years, and what steps we need to take to keep safe.

BlackHat USA (Aug. 3 – 8) 

Las Vegas, Nevada 

Defcon (Aug. 8 – 11) 

Las Vegas, Nevada 

BSides Krakow (Sept. 14)  

Krakow, Poland 

Most prevalent malware files from Talos telemetry over the past week 

SHA 256: 9be2103d3418d266de57143c2164b31c27dfa73c22e42137f3fe63a21f793202 
MD5: e4acf0e303e9f1371f029e013f902262 
Typical Filename: FileZilla_3.67.0_win64_sponsored2-setup.exe 
Claimed Product: FileZilla 
Detection Name: W32.Application.27hg.1201 

SHA 256: 0e2263d4f239a5c39960ffa6b6b688faa7fc3075e130fe0d4599d5b95ef20647 
MD5: bbcf7a68f4164a9f5f5cb2d9f30d9790 
Typical Filename: bbcf7a68f4164a9f5f5cb2d9f30d9790.vir 
Claimed Product: N/A 
Detection Name: Win.Dropper.Scar::1201 

SHA 256: 5616b94f1a40b49096e2f8f78d646891b45c649473a5b67b8beddac46ad398e1
MD5: 3e10a74a7613d1cae4b9749d7ec93515
Typical Filename: IMG001.exe
Claimed Product: N/A
Detection Name: Win.Dropper.Coinminer::1201

SHA 256: a024a18e27707738adcd7b5a740c5a93534b4b8c9d3b947f6d85740af19d17d0 
MD5: b4440eea7367c3fb04a89225df4022a6 
Typical Filename: Pdfixers.exe 
Claimed Product: Pdfixers 
Detection Name: W32.Superfluss:PUPgenPUP.27gq.1201 

SHA 256: c67b03c0a91eaefffd2f2c79b5c26a2648b8d3c19a22cadf35453455ff08ead0  
MD5: 8c69830a50fb85d8a794fa46643493b2  
Typical Filename: AAct.exe  
Claimed Product: N/A   
Detection Name: PUA.Win.Dropper.Generic::1201 

Attackers are impersonating a road toll payment processor across the U.S. in phishing attacks

30 May 2024 at 18:00
Attackers are impersonating a road toll payment processor across the U.S. in phishing attacks

My wife (no stranger to weird types of scams) recently received a fake text message from someone claiming to be New Jersey’s E-ZPass program saying that she had an outstanding balance from highway tolls that she owed, prompting her to visit a site so she could pay and avoid additional fines. 

There was plenty of reason to believe this was a legitimate ask. Her family is from New Jersey, so we make frequent trips there, paying $20-plus in tolls along the way. We had also just completed a trip from there a few weeks prior (though I’m not sure if this was a coincidence to the timing of the spam text or not), and we both have E-ZPass accounts. 

For the uninitiated, or anyone who lives in a country where taxes are paid as normal and therefore pay for appropriate road repairs, E-ZPass is a small device drivers in more than a dozen countries in the U.S. can register for so they can automatically pay tolls along highways rather than having to stop and use cash or coins, or spending a few extra minutes manually processing a transaction.  

Each state or city has its own agencies that deal with E-ZPass, each with its own payment processing system and website. For this case with New Jersey, the phishing site the scammers set up was shockingly convincing and looked remarkably similar to the legitimate New Jersey E-ZPass website.  

Attackers are impersonating a road toll payment processor across the U.S. in phishing attacks
The phishing website set up by scammers (left) meant to look like the legitimate New Jersey E-ZPass website (right).

Once we logged into our legitimate E-ZPass account to check to make sure we had, in fact, paid all the appropriate tolls, I alerted my team about this scam, and we appropriately blocked the phishing URL in question in Cisco Secure products.  

Since this victory and foray into threat hunting, I have learned that this is a problem everywhere, not just for New Jersey drivers. 

Since this experience, E-ZPass has sent out an alert in all the states they operate in warning about these types of scams. Drivers from New York to Georgia and Pennsylvania have received these types of texts with equally convincing phishing text messages and lure pages.  

It’s unclear what the adversaries’ goals are in this case, but it’s probably safe to assume they’re looking to collect users’ credit card information after they go in to pay the alleged overdue toll. They could also be collecting E-ZPass login information to collect further data about the drivers. 

In April, the FBI also warned of SMS phishing scams, in which adversaries pretended to be toll collection services from three different U.S. states. SunPass, the equivalent to E-ZPass in Florida, also alerted about similar scams around the same time as these E-ZPass scams started being reported. And in March, the FasTrak service in California warned of the same problems.  

My hunch is that these types of services are being impersonated all over the U.S. for several reasons — thousands of drivers use these services (especially in states with a high commuter population), which makes it likely that whoever receives the text will be familiar with these devices and will have recently driven on a highway that makes drivers pay tolls. The amounts they’re asking for are also small, no more than $5 USD, so it doesn’t set off any immediate alarm bells, unlike similar scams that ask for hundreds of dollars for health care services. The requests coming through as SMS messages also make the targets more likely to open them on their mobile devices, which may not have the same security in place as a laptop or managed company device. 

No individual state or local agency is immune from this style of scam, so if you’re ever in doubt of receiving a text like this, it’s best to call your area government program in question and ask them about any suspicious activity before clicking on any links or submitting payment information. 

The one big thing 

Cisco Talos’ Vulnerability Research team has helped to disclose and patch more than 20 vulnerabilities over the past three weeks, including two in the popular Adobe Acrobat Reader software. Acrobat, one of the most popular PDF readers currently available, contains two out-of-bounds read vulnerabilities that could lead to the exposure of sensitive contents of arbitrary memory in the application. There are also eight vulnerabilities in a popular line of PLC CPU modules commonly used in automated environments. We have more detailed information in our full Vulnerability Roundup from this week. 

Why do I care? 

Several vulnerabilities were identified in the AutomationDirect P3 line of CPU modules. The P3-550E is the most recent CPU module released in the Productivity3000 line of Programmable Automation Controllers from AutomationDirect. The device communicates remotely via ethernet, serial and USB and exposes a variety of control services, including MQTT, Modbus, ENIP and the engineering workstation protocol DirectNET. Four of the vulnerabilities found in these PLC CPU modules received a CVSS security score of 9.8 out of 10, making them particularly notable. TALOS-2024-1942 (CVE-2024-21785) is a leftover debug code vulnerability that allow an adversary who can communicate to the device over ModbusRTU to enable the device’s diagnostic interface without any other knowledge of the target device. There is also TALOS-2024-1943 (CVE-2024-23601) which can lead to remote code execution if the attacker sends a specially crafted file to the targeted device and TALOS-2024-1939 (CVE-2024-24963 and CVE-2024-24962) which are stack-based buffer overflows that can also lead to remote code execution if the attacker sends a specially formatted packet to the device. 

So now what? 

Each of the vendors mentioned in this week’s Vulnerability Roundup have released patches for affected products, and users should download these patches as soon as possible. For Snort coverage that can detect the exploitation of these vulnerabilities, download the latest rule sets from, and our latest Vulnerability Advisories are always posted on Talos Intelligence’s website

Top security headlines of the week 

Security researchers are warning about the dangers of a new AI “Recall” feature for Microsoft Windows 11. Microsoft recently announced a new update, that will allow a computer to remember past actions taken by the user and then use a simple search to query that information (ex., “Where did I store that document again?”). However, because Recall essentially takes individual snapshots of a machine and stores them locally, there are several security concerns. If an adversary were to infect a targeted machine with information-stealing malware, they could steal important databases stored locally and anything stored by Windows Recall. Recall also contains what are essentially keylogging functions, leaving the door open for adversaries to easily steal login credentials or other personal information that had been entered into the machine over the previous three months. The United Kingdom’s data protection agency has already contacted Microsoft inquiring about the way this information is stored and used, and they’ve asked for assurance that users’ data will be properly safeguarded and not used by the company.  Other unauthorized users may be able to access and query Recall’s information, should they obtain physical access to the device. (Bleeping Computer, Double Pulsar

Popular spyware app pcTattletale had to completely shut down after a data breach and having its website seized. The company that operates the app, which quietly and remotely tracks users’ activities on infected machines and takes screenshots, had its website defaced earlier this week by a hacker, along with a dump of data belonging to alleged pcTattletale customers and victims. Just days before the disruption, reports surfaced that the software was quietly installed on computers that handled the check-in process at least three Wyndham hotels across the U.S. A vulnerability in the platform could have allowed anyone on the internet who exploits it can download screenshots captured by the software directly from its servers. pcTattletale advertised itself as software that could allow anyone to control it remotely and view the target’s Android or Windows devices and their data from anywhere in the world. The founder of the spyware said that, after the data breach, the company was “out of business and completely done.” The now-defunct app had 138,000 registered customers, according to data breach notification website Have I Been Pwned. (TechCrunch, TechCrunch (again)

Ascension hospitals across the U.S. still have to delay patient care more than three weeks after a cyber attack. As of earlier this week, the national hospital system is still experiencing network disruptions, forcing staff to write care notes by hand and deliver orders for tests and prescriptions in person. Patients have also been unable to use their online portals to contact their doctors or view their medical records. Ascension is one of the largest health systems in the U.S., with more than 140 hospitals across the country. It first alerted patients and doctors about “unusual activity” on May 8, and there is no timeline for when services will be fully restored. News reports indicate that the disruption is a ransomware attack that can be attributed to the BlackBasta threat actor, which has links to Russia. Large health care organizations have increasingly become the target of ransomware attacks, with a previous campaign targeting Change Healthcare earlier this year disrupting payments to medical providers across the U.S. for weeks. (NPR, The New York Times

Can’t get enough Talos? 

Upcoming events where you can find Talos 

Cisco Live (June 2 - 6) 

Las Vegas, Nevada 

Bill Largent from Talos' Strategic Communications team will be giving our annual "State of Cybersecurity" talk at Cisco Live on Tuesday, June 4 at 11 a.m. Pacific time. Jaeson Schultz from Talos Outreach will have a talk of his own on Thursday, June 6 at 8:30 a.m. Pacific, and there will be several Talos IR-specific lightning talks at the Cisco Secure booth throughout the conference.

AREA41 (June 6 – 7) 

Zurich, Switzerland 

Gergana Karadzhova-Dangela from Cisco Talos Incident Response will highlight the primordial importance of actionable incident response documentation for the overall response readiness of an organization. During this talk, she will share commonly observed mistakes when writing IR documentation and ways to avoid them. She will draw on her experiences as a responder who works with customers during proactive activities and actual cybersecurity breaches. 

Most prevalent malware files from Talos telemetry over the past week 

SHA 256: 9be2103d3418d266de57143c2164b31c27dfa73c22e42137f3fe63a21f793202 
MD5: e4acf0e303e9f1371f029e013f902262 
Typical Filename: FileZilla_3.67.0_win64_sponsored2-setup.exe 
Claimed Product: FileZilla 
Detection Name: W32.Application.27hg.1201 

SHA 256: 0e2263d4f239a5c39960ffa6b6b688faa7fc3075e130fe0d4599d5b95ef20647 
MD5: bbcf7a68f4164a9f5f5cb2d9f30d9790 
Typical Filename: bbcf7a68f4164a9f5f5cb2d9f30d9790.vir 
Claimed Product: N/A 
Detection Name: Win.Dropper.Scar::1201 

SHA 256: a024a18e27707738adcd7b5a740c5a93534b4b8c9d3b947f6d85740af19d17d0 
MD5: b4440eea7367c3fb04a89225df4022a6 
Typical Filename: Pdfixers.exe 
Claimed Product: Pdfixers 
Detection Name: W32.Superfluss:PUPgenPUP.27gq.1201 

SHA 256: c67b03c0a91eaefffd2f2c79b5c26a2648b8d3c19a22cadf35453455ff08ead0  
MD5: 8c69830a50fb85d8a794fa46643493b2  
Typical Filename: AAct.exe  
Claimed Product: N/A   
Detection Name: PUA.Win.Dropper.Generic::1201 

SHA 256: e12b6641d7e7e4da97a0ff8e1a0d4840c882569d47b8fab8fb187ac2b475636c     
MD5: a087b2e6ec57b08c0d0750c60f96a74c     
Typical Filename: AAct.exe     
Claimed Product: N/A       
Detection Name: PUA.Win.Tool.Kmsauto::1201 

Out-of-bounds reads in Adobe Acrobat; Foxit PDF Reader contains vulnerability that could lead to SYSTEM-level privileges

29 May 2024 at 16:07
Out-of-bounds reads in Adobe Acrobat; Foxit PDF Reader contains vulnerability that could lead to SYSTEM-level privileges

Cisco Talos’ Vulnerability Research team has helped to disclose and patch more than 20 vulnerabilities over the past three weeks, including two in the popular Adobe Acrobat Reader software.

Acrobat, one of the most popular PDF readers currently available, contains two out-of-bounds read vulnerabilities that could lead to the exposure of sensitive contents of arbitrary memory in the application.

There are also eight vulnerabilities in a popular line of PLC CPU modules commonly used in automated environments.

All the vulnerabilities mentioned in this blog post have been patched by their respective vendors, all in adherence to Cisco’s third-party vulnerability disclosure policy.

For Snort coverage that can detect the exploitation of these vulnerabilities, download the latest rule sets from, and our latest Vulnerability Advisories are always posted on Talos Intelligence’s website.

Out-of-bounds read vulnerabilities in Adobe Acrobat

Discovered by KPC.

Adobe Acrobat Reader contains two out-of-bounds read vulnerabilities in its Font feature that could lead to the disclosure of sensitive information.

TALOS-2024-1946 (CVE-2024-30311) and TALOS-2024-1952 (CVE-2024-30312) are triggered if the targeted user opens an attacker-created PDF that contains a specially embedded font.

An adversary could exploit these vulnerabilities to read arbitrary memory of the process that runs when Acrobat tries to process the font. It’s possible the adversary could even view sensitive components of arbitrary memory, which they could use in follow-on attacks or the exploitation of other vulnerabilities.

TALOS-2024-1952 is the same exploit as outlined in TALOS-2023-1905, a previously disclosed vulnerability, because Adobe’s initial patch did not properly protect against all possible attack vectors.

Privilege escalation vulnerability in Foxit PDF Reader

Discovered by KPC.

Foxit PDF Reader contains a privilege escalation vulnerability that could allow an adversary to execute commands with SYSTEM-level privileges. Foxit PDF Reader is one of the most popular alternatives to Acrobat Reader available. It also supports the embedding of JavaScript, which is another possible attack vector for adversaries.

TALOS-2024-1989 (CVE-2024-29072) occurs because of improper certification of the updater executable before executing it. A low-privilege user can trigger the update action, which can result in the unexpected elevation of privilege to the SYSTEM level.

Multiple vulnerabilities in popular image-processing library

Discovered by Carl Hurd and Philippe Laulheret.

Talos recently discovered multiple vulnerabilities in libigl, a C++ open-source library used to process geometric shapes and designs. It is commonly used in various industries, from video game development to 3-D printing.

Two out-of-bounds write vulnerabilities, TALOS-2023-1879 (CVE-2023-49600) and TALOS-2024-1930 (CVE-2024-22181), could lead to a heap buffer overflow. An attacker could exploit these vulnerabilities by tricking the targeted user into opening a specially crafted file.

TALOS-2024-1928 (CVE-2024-24584 and CVE-2024-24583) can be exploited in a similar manner, but in this case, leads to an out-of-bounds read.

Two other vulnerabilities, TALOS-2024-1929 (CVE-2024-24684, CVE-2024-24685 and CVE-2024-24686) and TALOS-2023-1784 (CVE-2023-35949, CVE-2023-35952, CVE-2023-35950, CVE-2023-35953, CVE-2023-35951), can cause heap-based buffer overflow issues if the adversary supplies a specially crafted .off file. .OFF files are commonly used to share 2-D and 3-D images.

Lastly, there is another out-of-bounds write vulnerability that is caused by an improper array index validation. TALOS-2024-1926 (CVE-2024-23951, CVE-2024-23950, CVE-2024-23949, CVE-2024-23947 and CVE-2024-23948) can be triggered by a specially crafted .msh file.

Remote Code Execution vulnerabilities and more in AutomationDirect CPU

Discovered by Matt Wiseman.

Several vulnerabilities were identified in the AutomationDirect P3 line of CPU modules. The P3-550E is the most recent CPU module released in the Productivity3000 line of Programmable Automation Controllers from AutomationDirect. The device communicates remotely via ethernet, serial and USB and exposes a variety of control services, including MQTT, Modbus, ENIP and the engineering workstation protocol DirectNET.

Four of the vulnerabilities found in these PLC CPU modules received a CVSS security score of 9.8 out of 10, making them particularly notable.

TALOS-2024-1942 (CVE-2024-21785) is a leftover debug code vulnerability that allow an adversary who can communicate to the device over ModbusRTU to enable the device’s diagnostic interface without any other knowledge of the target device. There is also TALOS-2024-1943 (CVE-2024-23601) which can lead to remote code execution if the attacker sends a specially crafted file to the targeted device and TALOS-2024-1939 (CVE-2024-24963 and CVE-2024-24962) which are stack-based buffer overflows that can also lead to remote code execution if the attacker sends a specially formatted packet to the device.

TALOS-2024-1940 (CVE-2024-22187) and TALOS-2024-1941 (CVE-2024-23315) are both Write-What-Where vulnerabilities that may be triggered if an adversary sends a specially crafted packet to the targeted machine. An adversary who submits a series of properly formatted requests to exploit this vulnerability could modify arbitrary memory regions on the device, potentially resulting in arbitrary remote code execution.

A heap-based buffer vulnerability, TALOS-2024-1936 (CVE-2024-24851), also exists if an adversary sends a specially crafted packet to the targeted device. In this case, the adversary could cause the device to crash due to memory access violations.

Similarly, TALOS-2024-1937 (CVE-2024-24947 and CVE-2024-24946) can also crash the device by exploiting two different functions on the device which are vulnerable to heap-based buffer overflows.

The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) also released an advisory covering these vulnerabilities, as the P3 line is commonly used in U.S. critical infrastructure and ICS networks. CISA provided users with a list of possible mitigations for these vulnerabilities and other steps administrators can take to protect ICS environments. The agency also stated that organizations in the commercial facilities, critical manufacturing and information technology sectors could be affected.

Apple and Google are taking steps to curb the abuse of location-tracking devices — but what about others?

23 May 2024 at 18:00
Apple and Google are taking steps to curb the abuse of location-tracking devices — but what about others?

Since the advent of products like the Tile and Apple AirTag, both used to keep track of easily lost items like wallets, keys and purses, bad actors and criminals have found ways to abuse them. 

These adversaries can range from criminals just looking to do something illegal for a range of reasons, but maybe just looking to steal a physical object, to just a jealous or suspicious spouse or partner who wants to keep tags on their significant other. 

Apple and other manufacturers who make these devices have since taken several steps to curb the abuse of these devices and make them more secure. Most recently, Google and Apple announced new alerts that would hit Android and iOS devices and alert users that their devices’ location is being connected to any location-tracking device.  

“With this new capability, users will now get an ‘[Item] Found Moving With You’ alert on their device if an unknown Bluetooth tracking device is seen moving with them over time, regardless of the platform the device is paired with,” Apple stated in its announcement. 

Companies Motorola, Jio and Eufy also announced that they would be adhering to these new standards and should release compliant products soon.  

Certainly, products like the AirTag and Samsung trackers that these companies have direct control over will now be more secure, and hopefully less ripe for abuse by a bad actor, but it’s far from a total solution to the problem that these types of products pose. 

As I’ve pointed out in the past with security cameras and any other range of internet-connected devices, online stores are filled with these types of products, promising to track users’ personal items with an app so they don’t lose common household items like their phones, wallets and keys.  

Amazon has countless listings under “location tag” for a range of AirTag-like products made by unknown manufacturers. Some of these products are slim enough to fit right into the credit card pocket of a wallet or purse,  and others are smaller than the average AirTag and even advertise that they can remain hidden inside a car.  

I admittedly haven’t been able to dive into these individual devices, but some of them come with their own third-party apps, which come with their own set of security caveats and completely take it out of platform developers’ hands.  

There are also other “find my device”-type services that pose additional security concerns outside of just buying a small tag. Android’s new, enhanced “Find My Device” network is a crowdsourced solution to help users potentially find their lost devices, similar to iOS’ Find My network.  

The Find My Device network works by using other Android devices to silently relay the registered device’s approximate location, even if the device being searched for is offline or turned off. In the wrong hands, there are a range of ways that can be abused on its own.  

So, rather than relying on developers and manufacturers to make these services more secure, I have a few tips for how to use AirTag-like devices safely, if you really can’t come up with a better solution for not losing your keys. 

  • Check for suspicious tracking devices. On iOS, this means opening the “Find My” app and navigating to Items > Items Detected Near You. Any unfamiliar AirTags will be listed here. On Android, you can do the same thing by going to Settings > Safety & Emergency > Unknown Tracker Alerts > Scan Now. 
  • Remove yourself from any “Sharing Groups” unless it’s a trusted contact in your phone using the Find My app on iOS. 
  • If location tracking is your primary concern (especially for parents and their children) using the Find My app on iOS and Android is generally a more secure option than trusting a third-party app downloaded from the app store or relying on a Bluetooth connection.  
  • Manage individual apps’ settings to ensure only the services that *really* need to track your device’s physical location are using it. (Ex., you probably don’t need Facebook tracking that information.) 
  • Since AirTags are connected to your Apple ID, ensure that login is secured with multi-factor authentication (MFA) or using a passkey.  

The one big thing 

Cisco recently developed and released a new feature to detect brand impersonation in emails when adversaries pretend to be a legitimate corporation. Threat actors employ a variety of techniques to embed brand logos within emails. One simple method involves inserting words associated with the brand into the HTML source of the email. New data from Talos found that popular brands like PayPal, Microsoft, NortonLifeLock and McAfee are among some of the most-impersonated brands in these types of phishing emails.  

Why do I care? 

Brand impersonation could happen on many online platforms, including social media, websites, emails and mobile applications. This type of threat exploits the familiarity and legitimacy of popular brand logos to solicit sensitive information from victims. In the context of email security, brand impersonation is commonly observed in phishing emails. Threat actors want to deceive their victims into giving up their credentials or other sensitive information by abusing the popularity of well-known brands. 

So now what? 

Well-known brands can protect themselves from this type of threat through asset protection as well. Domain names can be registered with various extensions to thwart threat actors attempting to use similar domains for malicious purposes. The other crucial step brands can take is to conceal their information from WHOIS records via privacy protection. And users who want to learn more about Cisco Secure Email Threat Defense's new brand impersonation detection tools can visit this site

Top security headlines of the week 

Adversaries have been quietly exploiting the backbone of cellular communications to track Americans’ location for years, according to a U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). The official broke ranks with their agency and reportedly shared this information with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The official said that attackers have used vulnerabilities in the SS7 protocol to steal location data, monitor voice and text messages, and deliver spyware. Other targets have received text messages containing fake news or disinformation. SS7 is the protocol used across the globe that routes text messages and calls to different devices but has often been a target for attackers. In the past, other vulnerabilities in SS7 have been used to gain access to telecommunications providers’ networks. In their written comments to the FCC, the official said that these vulnerabilities are the “tip of the proverbial iceberg” of SS7-related exploits used against U.S. citizens. (404 Media, The Economist

The FBI once again seized the main site belonging to BreachForums, a popular platform for buying and selling stolen personal information. Last year, international law enforcement agencies took down a previous version of the cybercrime site and arrested its administrator, but the new pages quickly emerged, using three different domains since the last disruption. American law enforcement agencies also took control of the forum’s official Telegram account, and a channel belonging to the newest BreachForums administrator, “Baphomet.” However, the FBI has yet to publicly state anything about the takedown or any potential arrests. BreachForums isn’t expected to be gone for long, as another admin named “ShinyHunters” claims the site will be back with a new Onion domain soon. ShinyHunters claims they’ve retried access to the seized clearnet domain for BreachForums, though they did not provide specific methods. BreachForums is infamous for being a site where attackers can buy and sell stolen data, offer their hacking services or share recent TTPs. (TechCruch, HackRead) 

The U.S. Department of Justice charged three North Koreans with crimes related to impersonating others to obtain remote employment in the U.S., which in turn generated funding for North Korea’s military. The three men, and another U.S. citizen, were charged with what the DOJ called “staggering fraud” in which they secured illicit work with several U.S. companies and government agencies using fraudulent identities from 60 real Americans. The U.S. citizen was allegedly placed laptops belonging to U.S. companies at various residences so the North Koreans could hide their true location. North Korean state-sponsored actors have used these types of tactics for years, often relying on social media networks like LinkedIn to fake their personal information and obtain jobs or steal sensitive information from companies. More than 300 companies may have been affected, with the perpetrators earning more than $6.8 million, most of which was used to “raise revenue for the North Korean government and its illicit nuclear program,” according to the DOJ. (ABC News, Bloomberg

Can’t get enough Talos? 

Upcoming events where you can find Talos 

ISC2 SECURE Europe (May 29) 

Amsterdam, Netherlands 

Gergana Karadzhova-Dangela from Cisco Talos Incident Response will participate in a panel on “Using ECSF to Reduce the Cybersecurity Workforce and Skills Gap in the EU.” Karadzhova-Dangela participated in the creation of the EU cybersecurity framework, and will discuss how Cisco has used it for several of its internal initiatives as a way to recruit and hire new talent.  

Cisco Live (June 2 - 6) 

Las Vegas, Nevada 

Bill Largent from Talos' Strategic Communications team will be giving our annual "State of Cybersecurity" talk at Cisco Live on Tuesday, June 4 at 11 a.m. Pacific time. Jaeson Schultz from Talos Outreach will have a talk of his own on Thursday, June 6 at 8:30 a.m. Pacific, and there will be several Talos IR-specific lightning talks at the Cisco Secure booth throughout the conference.

AREA41 (June 6 – 7) 

Zurich, Switzerland 

Gergana Karadzhova-Dangela from Cisco Talos Incident Response will highlight the primordial importance of actionable incident response documentation for the overall response readiness of an organization. During this talk, she will share commonly observed mistakes when writing IR documentation and ways to avoid them. She will draw on her experiences as a responder who works with customers during proactive activities and actual cybersecurity breaches. 

Most prevalent malware files from Talos telemetry over the past week 

SHA 256: 9be2103d3418d266de57143c2164b31c27dfa73c22e42137f3fe63a21f793202 
MD5: e4acf0e303e9f1371f029e013f902262 
Typical Filename: FileZilla_3.67.0_win64_sponsored2-setup.exe 
Claimed Product: FileZilla 
Detection Name: W32.Application.27hg.1201 

SHA 256: a024a18e27707738adcd7b5a740c5a93534b4b8c9d3b947f6d85740af19d17d0 
MD5: b4440eea7367c3fb04a89225df4022a6 
Typical Filename: Pdfixers.exe 
Claimed Product: Pdfixers 
Detection Name: W32.Superfluss:PUPgenPUP.27gq.1201 

SHA 256: 1fa0222e5ae2b891fa9c2dad1f63a9b26901d825dc6d6b9dcc6258a985f4f9ab 
MD5: 4c648967aeac81b18b53a3cb357120f4 
Typical Filename: yypnexwqivdpvdeakbmmd.exe 
Claimed Product: N/A  
Detection Name: Win.Dropper.Scar::1201 

SHA 256: d529b406724e4db3defbaf15fcd216e66b9c999831e0b1f0c82899f7f8ef6ee1 
MD5: fb9e0617489f517dc47452e204572b4e 
Typical Filename: KMSAuto++.exe 
Claimed Product: KMSAuto++ 
Detection Name: W32.File.MalParent 

SHA 256: abaa1b89dca9655410f61d64de25990972db95d28738fc93bb7a8a69b347a6a6 
MD5: 22ae85259273bc4ea419584293eda886 
Typical Filename: KMSAuto++ x64.exe 
Claimed Product: KMSAuto++ 
Detection Name: W32.File.MalParent 

Rounding up some of the major headlines from RSA

16 May 2024 at 18:00
Rounding up some of the major headlines from RSA

While I one day wish to make it to the RSA Conference in person, I’ve never had the pleasure of making the trek to San Francisco for one of the largest security conferences in the U.S. 

Instead, I had to watch from afar and catch up on the internet every day like the common folk. This at least gives me the advantage of not having my day totally slip away from me on the conference floor, so at least I felt like I didn’t miss much in the way of talks, announcements and buzz. So, I wanted to use this space to recap what I felt like the top stories and trends were coming out of RSA last week.  

Here’s a rundown of some things you may have missed if you weren’t able to stay on top of the things coming out of the conference. 

AI is the talk of the town 

This is unsurprising given how every other tech-focused conference and talk has gone since the start of the year, but everyone had something to say about AI at RSA.  

AI and its associated tools were part of all sorts of product announcements (either to be used as a marketing buzzword or something that is truly adding to the security landscape).  

Cisco’s own Jeetu Patel gave a keynote on how Cisco Secure is using AI in its newly announced Hypershield product. In the talk, he argued that AI needs to be used natively on networking infrastructure and not as a “bolt-on” to compete with attackers.  

U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken was the headliner of the week, delivering a talk outlining the U.S.’ global cybersecurity policies. He spent a decent chunk of his half hour in the spotlight also talking about AI, in which he warned that the U.S. needed to maintain its edge when it comes to AI and quantum computing — and that losing that race to a geopolitical rival (like China) would have devastating consequences to our national security and economy.  

Individual talks ran the gamut from “AI is the best thing ever for security!” to “Oh boy AI is going to ruin everything.” The reality of how this trend shakes out, like most things, is likely going to be somewhere in between those two schools of thought.  

An IBM study released at RSA highlighted how headstrong many executives can be when embracing AI. They found that security is generally an afterthought when creating generative AI models and tools, with only 24 percent of responding C-suite executives saying they have a security component built into their most recent GenAI project.  

Vendors vow to build security into product designs 

Sixty-eight new tech companies signed onto a pledge from the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, vowing to build security into their products from earliest stages of the design process.  

The list of signees now includes Cisco, Microsoft, Google, Amazon Web Services and IBM, among other large tech companies. The pledge states that the signees will work over the next 12 months to build new security safeguards for their products, including increasing the use of multi-factor authentication (MFA) and reducing the presence of default passwords.  

However, there’s looming speculation about how enforceable the Secure By Design pledge is and what the potential downside here is for any company that doesn’t live up to these promises.  

New technologies countering deepfakes 

Deepfake images and videos are rapidly spreading online and pose a grave threat to the already fading faith many of us had in the internet

It can be difficult to detect when users are looking at a digitally manipulated image or video unless they’re educated on common red flags to look for, or if they’re particularly knowledgeable on the subject in question. They’re getting so good now that even targets’ parents are falling for fake videos of their loved ones.  

Some potential solutions discussed at RSA include digital “watermarks” in things like virtual meetings and video recordings with immutable metadata.  

A deep fake-detecting startup was also named RSA’s “Most Innovative Startup 2024” for its multi-modal software that can detect and alert users of AI-generated and manipulated content. McAfee also has its own Deepfake Detector that it says, “utilizes advanced AI detection models to identify AI-generated audio within videos, helping people understand their digital world and assess the authenticity of content.” 

Whether these technologies can keep up with the pace that attackers are developing this technology and deploying it on such a wide scale, remains to be seen.  

The one big thing 

Microsoft disclosed a zero-day vulnerability that could lead to an adversary gaining SYSTEM-level privileges as part of its monthly security update. After a hefty Microsoft Patch Tuesday in April, this month’s security update from the company only included one critical vulnerability across its massive suite of products and services. In all, May’s slate of vulnerabilities disclosed by Microsoft included 59 total CVEs, most of which are of “important” severity. There is only one moderate-severity vulnerability. 

Why do I care? 

The lone critical security issue is CVE-2024-30044, a remote code execution vulnerability in SharePoint Server. An authenticated attacker who obtains Site Owner permissions or higher could exploit this vulnerability by uploading a specially crafted file to the targeted SharePoint Server. Then, they must craft specialized API requests to trigger the deserialization of that file’s parameters, potentially leading to remote code execution in the context of the SharePoint Server. The aforementioned zero-day vulnerability, CVE-2024-30051, could allow an attacker to gain SYSTEM-level privileges, which could have devastating impacts if they were to carry out other attacks or exploit additional vulnerabilities. 

So now what? 

A complete list of all the other vulnerabilities Microsoft disclosed this month is available on its update page. In response to these vulnerability disclosures, Talos is releasing a new Snort rule set that detects attempts to exploit some of them. Please note that additional rules may be released at a future date and current rules are subject to change pending additional information. Cisco Security Firewall customers should use the latest update to their ruleset by updating their SRU. Open-source Snort Subscriber Rule Set customers can stay up to date by downloading the latest rule pack available for purchase on The rules included in this release that protect against the exploitation of many of these vulnerabilities are 63419, 63420, 63422 - 63432, 63444 and 63445. There are also Snort 3 rules 300906 - 300912. 

Top security headlines of the week 

A massive network intrusion is disrupting dozens of hospitals across the U.S., even forcing some of them to reroute ambulances late last week. Ascension Healthcare Network said it first detected the activity on May 8 and then had to revert to manual systems. The disruption caused some appointments to have to be canceled or rescheduled and kept patients from visiting MyChart, an online portal for medical records. Doctors also had to start taking pen-and-paper records for patients. Ascension operates more than 140 hospitals in 19 states across the U.S. and works with more than 8,500 medical providers. The company has yet to say if the disruption was the result of a ransomware attack or some sort of other targeted cyber attack, though there was no timeline for restoring services as of earlier this week. Earlier this year, a ransomware attack on Change Healthcare disrupted health care systems nationwide, pausing many payments providers were expected to receive. UnitedHealth Group Inc., the parent company of Change, told a Congressional panel recently that it paid a requested ransom of $22 million in Bitcoin to the attackers. (CPO Magazine, The Associated Press

Google and Apple are rolling out new alerts to their mobile operating systems that warn users of potentially unwanted devices tracking their locations. The new features specifically target Bluetooth Low Energy (LE)-enabled accessories that are small enough to often be unknowingly tracking their specific location, such as an Apple AirTag. Android and iOS users will now receive the alert when such a device, when it's been separated from the owner’s smartphone, is moving with them still. This alert is meant to prevent adversaries or anyone with malicious intentions from unknowingly tracking targets’ locations. The two companies proposed these new rules for tracking devices a year ago, and other manufacturers of these devices have agreed to add this alert feature to their products going forward. “This cross-platform collaboration — also an industry first, involving community and industry input — offers instructions and best practices for manufacturers, should they choose to build unwanted tracking alert capabilities into their products,” Apple said in its announcement of the rollout. (Security Week, Apple

The popular Christie’s online art marketplace was still down as of Wednesday afternoon after a suspected cyber attack. The site, known for having many high-profile and wealthy clients, was planning on selling artwork worth at least $578 million this week. Christie’s said it first detected the technology security incident on Thursday but has yet to comment on if it was any sort of targeted cyber attack or data breach. There was also no information on whether client or user data was potentially at risk. Current items for sale included a Vincent van Gogh painting and a collection of rare watches, some owned by Formula 1 star Michael Schumacher. Potential buyers could instead place bids in person or over the phone. (Wall Street Journal, BBC

Can’t get enough Talos? 

Upcoming events where you can find Talos 

ISC2 SECURE Europe (May 29) 

Amsterdam, Netherlands 

Gergana Karadzhova-Dangela from Cisco Talos Incident Response will participate in a panel on “Using ECSF to Reduce the Cybersecurity Workforce and Skills Gap in the EU.” Karadzhova-Dangela participated in the creation of the EU cybersecurity framework, and will discuss how Cisco has used it for several of its internal initiatives as a way to recruit and hire new talent.  

Cisco Live (June 2 - 6) 

Las Vegas, Nevada  

AREA41 (June 6 – 7) 

Zurich, Switzerland 

Gergana Karadzhova-Dangela from Cisco Talos Incident Response will highlight the primordial importance of actionable incident response documentation for the overall response readiness of an organization. During this talk, she will share commonly observed mistakes when writing IR documentation and ways to avoid them. She will draw on her experiences as a responder who works with customers during proactive activities and actual cybersecurity breaches. 

Most prevalent malware files from Talos telemetry over the past week 

SHA 256: 9be2103d3418d266de57143c2164b31c27dfa73c22e42137f3fe63a21f793202 
MD5: e4acf0e303e9f1371f029e013f902262 
Typical Filename: FileZilla_3.67.0_win64_sponsored2-setup.exe 
Claimed Product: FileZilla 
Detection Name: W32.Application.27hg.1201 

SHA 256: a024a18e27707738adcd7b5a740c5a93534b4b8c9d3b947f6d85740af19d17d0 
MD5: b4440eea7367c3fb04a89225df4022a6 
Typical Filename: Pdfixers.exe 
Claimed Product: Pdfixers 
Detection Name: W32.Superfluss:PUPgenPUP.27gq.1201 

SHA 256: 1fa0222e5ae2b891fa9c2dad1f63a9b26901d825dc6d6b9dcc6258a985f4f9ab 
MD5: 4c648967aeac81b18b53a3cb357120f4 
Typical Filename: yypnexwqivdpvdeakbmmd.exe 
Claimed Product: N/A  
Detection Name: Win.Dropper.Scar::1201 

SHA 256: d529b406724e4db3defbaf15fcd216e66b9c999831e0b1f0c82899f7f8ef6ee1 
MD5: fb9e0617489f517dc47452e204572b4e 
Typical Filename: KMSAuto++.exe 
Claimed Product: KMSAuto++ 
Detection Name: W32.File.MalParent 

SHA 256: abaa1b89dca9655410f61d64de25990972db95d28738fc93bb7a8a69b347a6a6 
MD5: 22ae85259273bc4ea419584293eda886 
Typical Filename: KMSAuto++ x64.exe 
Claimed Product: KMSAuto++ 
Detection Name: W32.File.MalParent 

Only one critical vulnerability included in May’s Microsoft Patch Tuesday; One other zero-day in DWN Core

14 May 2024 at 17:57
Only one critical vulnerability included in May’s Microsoft Patch Tuesday; One other zero-day in DWN Core

After a relatively hefty Microsoft Patch Tuesday in April, this month’s security update from the company only included one critical vulnerability across its massive suite of products and services.  

In all, May’s slate of vulnerabilities disclosed by Microsoft included 59 total CVEs, most of which are considered to be of “important” severity. There is only one moderate-severity vulnerability. 

The lone critical security issue is CVE-2024-30044, a remote code execution vulnerability in SharePoint Server. An authenticated attacker who obtains Site Owner permissions or higher could exploit this vulnerability by uploading a specially crafted file to the targeted SharePoint Server. Then, they must craft specialized API requests to trigger the deserialization of that file’s parameters, potentially leading to remote code execution in the context of the SharePoint Server. 

The Windows Mobile Broadband Driver also contains multiple remote code execution vulnerabilities: 

However, to successfully exploit this issue, an adversary would need to physically connect a compromised USB device to the victim's machine. 

Microsoft also disclosed a zero-day vulnerability in the Windows DWM Core Library, CVE-2024-30051. Desktop Window Manager (DWM) is a Windows operating system service that enables visual effects on the desktop and manages things like transitions between windows.   

An adversary could exploit CVE-2024-30051 to gain SYSTEM-level privileges.  

This vulnerability is classified as having a “low” level of attack complexity, and exploitation of this vulnerability has already been detected in the wild.  

One other issue, CVE-2024-30046, has already been disclosed prior to Patch Tuesday, but has not yet been exploited in the wild. This is a denial-of-service vulnerability in ASP.NET, a web application framework commonly used in Windows.  

Microsoft considers this vulnerability “less likely” to be exploited, as successful exploitation would require an adversary to spend a significant amount of time repeating exploitation attempts by sending constant or intermittent data to the targeted machine.   

A complete list of all the other vulnerabilities Microsoft disclosed this month is available on its update page

In response to these vulnerability disclosures, Talos is releasing a new Snort rule set that detects attempts to exploit some of them. Please note that additional rules may be released at a future date and current rules are subject to change pending additional information. Cisco Security Firewall customers should use the latest update to their ruleset by updating their SRU. Open-source Snort Subscriber Rule Set customers can stay up to date by downloading the latest rule pack available for purchase on  

The rules included in this release that protect against the exploitation of many of these vulnerabilities are 63419, 63420, 63422 - 63432, 63444 and 63445. There are also Snort 3 rules 300906 - 300912.

A new alert system from CISA seems to be effective — now we just need companies to sign up

9 May 2024 at 18:00
A new alert system from CISA seems to be effective — now we just need companies to sign up

One of the great cybersecurity challenges organizations currently face, especially smaller ones, is that they don’t know what they don’t know. 

It’s tough to have your eyes on everything all the time, especially with so many pieces of software running and IoT devices extending the reach of networks broader than ever.  

One potential (and free!) solution seems to be a new program from the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) that alerts companies and organizations of unpatched vulnerabilities that attackers could exploit.  

Under a pilot program that’s been running since January 2023, CISA has sent out more than 2,000 alerts to registered organizations regarding the existence of any unpatched vulnerabilities in CISA’s Known Exploited Vulnerabilities (KEV) catalog. For those that don’t know, the KEV catalog consists of any security issues that threat actors are known to actively exploit in the wild, and often include some of the most serious vulnerabilities disclosed on a regular basis, some of which have been around for years. 

Jen Easterly, CISA’s director, said last month that 49 percent of those vulnerabilities that CISA sent alerts about were mitigated — either through patching or other means. The program will launch in earnest later this year, but more than 7,000 organizations have already registered for the pilot program. 

Everything about this makes sense to me — it comes at no cost to the consumer or business, it allows the government to inform organizations of something they very likely aren’t aware of, and these issues are easy enough to fix with software or hardware patches.  

I’m mainly wondering how we’ll get more potential targets to sign up for this program and receive these alerts. 

According to CISA’s web page on the program, the alerts are only currently available to “Federal, state, local, tribal and territorial governments, as well as public and private sector critical infrastructure organizations.” 

I would imagine that, at some point, the scope of this will be expanded if it continues to be successful, and there are no clear guidelines for what “critical infrastructure” means in this context, exactly. (For example, would something like a regional ISP would be eligible for this program? I’d consider this CI, but I’m not sure the federal government would.) 

Currently, signing up for the alerts seems to be as simple as sending an email. CISA’s also been sending alerts to any vulnerable systems that appear on Shodan scans. I don’t think there’s a way to make something like this compulsory unless it’s codified into law somewhere, but it almost seems like it should be. 

Who wouldn’t want to just get free alerts from the federal government telling you when your network has a vulnerability that’s being exploited in the wild? For many of the local and state government teams, the pilot program targets are understaffed and underfunded, and sometimes the act of patching can get so overwhelming that it can take months to keep current. But this type of organization may also be stretched thin to the point they haven’t even heard of this program from CISA. So if the most I can do is shout out this government program in this newsletter and one extra company signs up, I’ll feel good about that.  

The one big thing 

Cisco Talos’ Vulnerability Research team recently disclosed three zero-day vulnerabilities two of which are still unpatched as of Wednesday, May 8. Two vulnerabilities in this group — one in the Tinyroxy HTTP proxy daemon and another in the stb_vorbis.c file library — could lead to arbitrary code execution, earning both issues a CVSS score of 9.8 out of 10. While we were unable to reach the maintainers, the Tinyproxy maintainers have since patched the issue. Another zero-day exists in the Milesight UR32L wireless router. These vulnerabilities have all been disclosed in adherence to Cisco’s third-party vulnerability disclosure timeline after the associated vendors did not meet the 90-day deadline for a patch or communication.   

Why do I care? 

Tinyproxy is meant to be used in smaller networking environments. It was originally released more than a dozen years ago. A use-after-free vulnerability, TALOS-2023-1889 (CVE-2023-49606), exists in the `Connection` header provided by the client. An adversary could make an unauthenticated HTTP request to trigger this vulnerability, setting off the reuse of previously freed memory, which leads to memory corruption and could lead to remote code execution. Four of these issues that Talos disclosed this week still do not have patches available, so anyone using affected software should find other potential mitigations. 

So now what? 

For Snort coverage that can detect the exploitation of these vulnerabilities, download the latest rule sets from, and our latest Vulnerability Advisories are always posted on Talos Intelligence’s website.  

Top security headlines of the week 

Several international law enforcement agencies have identified, sanctioned and indicted the alleged leader of the LockBit ransomware group. Russian national Dmitry Yuryevich Khoroshev has been unmasked as the person behind the operator of the username “LockBitSupp,” LockBit’s creator and mastermind. The ransomware group has extorted an estimated $500 million from its victims over its several years of activity. Khoroshev allegedly took 20 percent of each ransom payment and operated the group’s data leak site. The U.S. federal government is offering up to a $10 million reward for anyone who can provide information leading to Khoroshev’s arrest. In all, he is charged with 26 crimes in the U.S. that carry a maximum punishment of 185 years in prison. LockBit, founded around 2018, operates under the ransomware-as-service model in which other actors can pay to access LockBit’s malware and infection tools. The group has been linked to several major ransomware attacks over the years, including against the U.K.’s Royal Mail service, a small Canadian town in Ontario and a children’s hospital in Chicago. (Wired, The Verge

The U.K. blamed Chinese state-sponsored actors for a recent data breach at a military contractor that led to the theft of personal information belonging to around 270,000 members of the British armed forces. Potentially affected information includes names and banking information for full-time military personnel and part-time reservists, as well as veterans who left the military after January 2018. Some of those affected are also current members of parliament. A top official at the U.K.’s Ministry of Defense called the breach a “very significant matter” and that the contractor immediately took the affected systems offline. While the British government has yet to formally attribute the attack to a specific threat actor, several reports indicate they believe an actor emanating from China was responsible. While the actors may have been present on the network for up to weeks, there is currently no evidence that the information was copied or removed. (The Guardian, Financial Times

Security researchers found a new attack vector that could allow bad actors to completely negate the effect of VPNs. The method, called “TunnelVision,” can force VPN services to send or receive some or all traffic outside of the encrypted tunnel they create. Traditionally users will rely on VPNs to protect their traffic from snooping or tampering, or to hide their physical locations. The researchers believe TunnelVision affects every VPN application available if it connects to an attacker-controlled network. There is currently no way to avoid or bypass these attacks unless the VPN runs on Linux or Android. TunnelVision has been possible since at least 2002, though it's unclear how often it's been used in the wild. VPN users who are concerned about this attack can run their VPN inside a virtual machine whose network adapter isn’t in bridged mode or connect via the Wi-Fi network of a cellular device. However, for the attack to be effective, the attacker would need complete control over a network. If a connection is affected, though, the user would be completely unaware, and the VPN would not alert them to a change. (Ars Technica, ZDNet

Can’t get enough Talos? 

Upcoming events where you can find Talos 

ISC2 SECURE Europe (May 29) 

Amsterdam, Netherlands 

Gergana Karadzhova-Dangela from Cisco Talos Incident Response will participate in a panel on “Using ECSF to Reduce the Cybersecurity Workforce and Skills Gap in the EU.” Karadzhova-Dangela participated in the creation of the EU cybersecurity framework, and will discuss how Cisco has used it for several of its internal initiatives as a way to recruit and hire new talent.  

Cisco Live (June 2 - 6) 

Las Vegas, Nevada  

Most prevalent malware files from Talos telemetry over the past week  

SHA 256: c67b03c0a91eaefffd2f2c79b5c26a2648b8d3c19a22cadf35453455ff08ead0  
MD5: 8c69830a50fb85d8a794fa46643493b2  
Typical Filename: AAct.exe  
Claimed Product: N/A   
Detection Name: W32.File.MalParent 

SHA 256: d529b406724e4db3defbaf15fcd216e66b9c999831e0b1f0c82899f7f8ef6ee1 
MD5: fb9e0617489f517dc47452e204572b4e 
Typical Filename: KMSAuto++.exe 
Claimed Product: KMSAuto++ 
Detection Name: W32.File.MalParent 

SHA 256: abaa1b89dca9655410f61d64de25990972db95d28738fc93bb7a8a69b347a6a6 
MD5: 22ae85259273bc4ea419584293eda886 
Typical Filename: KMSAuto++ x64.exe 
Claimed Product: KMSAuto++ 
Detection Name: W32.File.MalParent 

SHA 256: 8664e2f59077c58ac12e747da09d2810fd5ca611f56c0c900578bf750cab56b7  
MD5: 0e4c49327e3be816022a233f844a5731  
Typical Filename: aact.exe  
Claimed Product: AAct x86  
Detection Name: PUA.Win.Tool.Kmsauto::in03.talos 

SHA 256: 59f1e69b68de4839c65b6e6d39ac7a272e2611ec1ed1bf73a4f455e2ca20eeaa   
MD5: df11b3105df8d7c70e7b501e210e3cc3   
Typical Filename: DOC001.exe   
Claimed Product: N/A   
Detection Name: Win.Worm.Coinminer::1201 

Talos discloses multiple zero-day vulnerabilities, two of which could lead to code execution

8 May 2024 at 16:00
Talos discloses multiple zero-day vulnerabilities, two of which could lead to code execution

Cisco Talos’ Vulnerability Research team recently disclosed three zero-day vulnerabilities that are still unpatched as of Wednesday, May 8. 

Two vulnerabilities in this group — one in the Tinyroxy HTTP proxy daemon and another in the stb_vorbis.c file library — could lead to arbitrary code execution, earning both issues a CVSS score of 9.8 out of 10. While we were unable to reach the maintainers, the Tinyroxy maintainers have since patched the issue.  

Another zero-day exists in the Milesight UR32L wireless router. 

These vulnerabilities have all been disclosed in adherence to Cisco’s third-party vulnerability disclosure timeline after the associated vendors did not meet the 90-day deadline for a patch or communication.  

For Snort coverage that can detect the exploitation of these vulnerabilities, download the latest rule sets from, and our latest Vulnerability Advisories are always posted on Talos Intelligence’s website.  

Use-after-free vulnerability in Tinyproxy daemon 

Discovered by Dimitrios Tatsis. 

The Tinyproxy HTTP proxy daemon contains a vulnerability that could lead to arbitrary code execution. 

Tinyproxy is meant to be used in smaller networking environments. It was originally released more than a dozen years ago.  

A use-after-free vulnerability, TALOS-2023-1889 (CVE-2023-49606), exists in the `Connection` header provided by the client. An adversary could make an unauthenticated HTTP request to trigger this vulnerability, setting off the reuse of previously freed memory, which leads to memory corruption and could lead to remote code execution. This issue has been patched, though Talos initially released it as a zero-day when no patch was available.

Milesight UR32L firmware update vulnerability 

Discovered by Francesco Benvenuto. 

The Milesight UR32L wireless router contains a vulnerability that could force the device to implement any firmware update, regardless of its legitimacy.  

TALOS-2023-1852 (CVE-2023-47166) exists because the UR32L, an industrial cellular router, never checks the validity of the uploaded firmware. This could allow an adversary to upgrade the router with arbitrary firmware they created. 

Talos has previously covered how an adversary could chain together several other vulnerabilities in the UR32L to completely take over the device. Talos released 22 security advisories in July 2023, nine of which have a CVSS score greater than 8. 

Buffer overflow vulnerability in open-source single-header file library could lead to arbitrary code execution 

Discovered by Emmanuel Tacheau. 

A heap-based buffer overflow vulnerability exists in the comment functionality of stb _vorbis.c, an open-source, single-header file library used to decode Ogg Vorbis non-proprietary audio files. Ogg Vorbis is an open-source, patent- and royalty-free, general-purpose compressed audio format. 

TALOS-2023-1846 (CVE-2023-47212) is triggered if an adversary sends the target a specially crafted .ogg file, which can lead to an out-of-bounds write. With enough heap grooming, an adversary could use this vulnerability to achieve arbitrary code execution. 

What can we learn from the passwords used in brute-force attacks?

2 May 2024 at 18:00
What can we learn from the passwords used in brute-force attacks?

Brute force attacks are one of the most elementary cyber threats out there. Technically, anyone with a keyboard and some free time could launch one of them — just try a bunch of different username and password combinations on the website of your choice until you get blocked.  

Nick Biasini and I discussed some of the ways that organizations can defend against brute force attacks since detection usually doesn’t fall into the usual bucket (ex., there’s nothing an anti-virus program could detect running). But a good place to start just seems to be implementing strong password rules, because people, unsurprisingly, are still using some of the most obvious passwords that anyone, attacker or not, would guess. 

Along with our advisory on a recent increase in brute force attacks targeting SSH and VPN services Cisco Talos published a list of IP addresses associated with this activity, along with a list of usernames and passwords adversaries typically try to use to gain access to a network or service. 

There are some classics on this list — the ever-present “Password” password, Passw0rd (with a zero, not an “O”) and “123456.” This tells me that users still haven’t learned their lesson. It’s somewhat funny to think about some well-funded actor just being like, “Well, let me try to ‘hack’ into this machine by using ‘123456’” as if they’re in a parody movie, but if they already can guess a username based off someone’s real name, it’s not that unlikely that password is being used somewhere. 

A few other example passwords stood out to me: “Mart1x21,” because I can’t tell if this is just someone named “Martin” or a play on the month of March, and things like “Spring2024x21” and “April2024x21” because I appreciate the idea that someone using that weak of a password thinks that adding the extra three characters onto “April2024” is really going to throw an attacker off. 

Looking at this list got me thinking about what some potential solutions are to the internet’s password problem, and our ever-present battle to educate users and warn them about the dangers of using weak or default passwords. 

Going passwordless is certainly one option because if there just are no passwords to log in, there’s nothing text-based an attacker could just start guessing. 

The best solution I’ve seen recently is that the U.K. literally made a law requiring hardware and software manufacturers to implement stronger security standards. The Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure (PSTI) that went into effect last month contains a range of security protections companies must follow, but they now include mandatory password rules that will force users to change default passwords when registering for new accounts and stop them from using easy-to-guess passwords like “Admin” and “12345.”  

It would be great if users would just stop using these credentials on their own, but if attackers are still thinking that someone out there is using “Password” as their password, they probably are.  

The one big thing 

For the first time in several quarters, business email compromise (BEC) was the most common threat in Cisco Talos Incident Response (Talos IR) engagements during the first quarter of 2024. BEC made up 46 percent of all engagements in Q1, a significant spike from Q4 2023, according to the latest Talos IR Quarterly Trends Report. Ransomware, which was the top-observed threat in the last quarter of 2023, decreased by 11 percent. Talos IR also observed a variety of threats in engagements, including data theft extortion, brute-force activity targeting VPNs, and the previously seen commodity loader Gootloader. 

Why do I care? 

BEC is a tactic adversaries use to disguise themselves as legitimate members of a business and send phishing emails to other employees or third parties, often pointing to a malicious payload or engineering a scheme to steal money. The use of email-hiding inbox rules was the top-observed defense evasion technique, accounting for 21 percent of engagements this quarter, which was likely due to an increase in BEC and phishing within engagements. These are all valuable insights from the field provided in Talos IR’s full report. 

So now what? 

There are some known indicators of compromise that customers can look for if they suspect The lack of MFA remains one of the biggest impediments for enterprise security. All organizations should implement some form of MFA, such as Cisco Duo. The implementation of MFA and a single sign-on system can ensure only trusted parties are accessing corporate email accounts, to prevent the spread of BEC. If you’d like to read about other lessons from recent Talos IR engagements, read the one-pager here or the blog post here

Top security headlines of the week 

The chief executive of UnitedHealth Group testified to U.S. Congress on Wednesday regarding the recent cyber attack against Change Healthcare. Change’s operations went nearly completely dark for weeks earlier this year after a data breach, which likely resulted in millions of patients’ records and personal information being accessed. Lawmakers questioned whether UnitedHealth was too involved in the nation’s medical systems, as Change manages a third of all American patient records and processes more than 15 billion transactions a year at doctor’s offices, hospitals and other medical providers. As a result of the outage, some healthcare practitioners went more than a month without being paid, and many had to tap into their personal funds to keep offices open. UnitedHealth’s CEO told Congress the company was still working to figure out the full extent of the campaign and was talking to U.S. agencies about how to best notify individuals who were affected. The hearing has also generated a conversation around consolidation in the American healthcare industry and whether some groups are controlling too much of the patient base. (The New York Times, CNBC

Vulnerabilities in a popular phone tracking app could allow anyone to view all users’ locations. A security researcher recently found that iSharing, which allows users to see the exact location of a device, contains a vulnerability that prevented the app's servers from conducting proper checks of user data access. iSharing is advertised as an app for users who want to track friends' and family members’ locations or as an extra layer of security if their device were to be lost or stolen. The flaws also exposed users’ names, profile pictures, email addresses and phone numbers. The researcher who discovered the vulnerability was able to show a proof-of-concept exploitation almost immediately after creating a brand new account on the app. Representatives from the developers of iSharing told TechCrunch that the company’s logs did not show any signs of the vulnerability being exploited prior to the researcher’s disclosure. These types of apps can also be used as “stalkerware,” in which someone who knows a targeted user quietly downloads the app on a target’s phone, and then uses it to remotely track their location. (TechCrunch

Adversaries are hiding malware in GitHub comments, disguising malicious code as URLs associated with Microsoft repositories, and making the files appear trustworthy. Although some security researchers view this as a vulnerability, Microsoft maintains that it is merely a feature of using GitHub. While adversaries have so far mainly abused this feature to mirror Microsoft URLs, it could theoretically be used to create convincing lures on any GitHub repository. When a user leaves a comment in GitHub, they can attach a file, which is then uploaded to GitHub’s CDN and associated with the related project using a unique URL. GitHub automatically generates the link to download that attachment after adding the file to an unsaved comment, allowing threat actors to attach malware to any repository without the administrators knowing. This method has already been abused to distribute the Readline information-stealing trojan by attaching comments to Microsoft’s GitHub-hosted repositories for “vcpkg” and “STL.” The malicious URL will even still work if the poster deletes the comment, allowing them to reuse the GitHub-generated URL. (Bleeping Computer, Dark Reading

Can’t get enough Talos? 


Upcoming events where you can find Talos

RSA (May 6 - 9) 

San Francisco, California    

ISC2 SECURE Europe (May 29) 

Amsterdam, Netherlands 

Gergana Karadzhova-Dangela from Cisco Talos Incident Response will participate in a panel on “Using ECSF to Reduce the Cybersecurity Workforce and Skills Gap in the EU.” Karadzhova-Dangela participated in the creation of the EU cybersecurity framework, and will discuss how Cisco has used it for several of its internal initiatives as a way to recruit and hire new talent.  

Cisco Live (June 2 - 6) 

Las Vegas, Nevada  

Most prevalent malware files from Talos telemetry over the past week 

This section will be on a brief hiatus while we work through some technical difficulties. 

Vulnerabilities in employee management system could lead to remote code execution, login credential theft

1 May 2024 at 16:00
Vulnerabilities in employee management system could lead to remote code execution, login credential theft

Cisco Talos’ Vulnerability Research team has disclosed more than a dozen vulnerabilities over the past three weeks, five in a device that allows employees to check in and out of their shifts, and another that exists in an open-source library used in medical device imaging files. 

The Peplink Smart Reader contains several vulnerabilities, including one issue that could allow an adversary to obtain the administrator’s login credentials and the MD5-hashed version of their password. 

Talos also recently helped to responsibly disclose and patch other vulnerabilities in the Foxit PDF Reader and two open-source libraries that support the processing and handling of DICOM files. 

For Snort coverage that can detect the exploitation of these vulnerabilities, download the latest rule sets from, and our latest Vulnerability Advisories are always posted on Talos Intelligence’s website.  

Code execution, information disclosure vulnerabilities in Peplink Smart Reader 

Discovered by Matt Wiseman. 

The Peplink Smart Reader is an internet-connected device associated with the PepXIM Time-Logging and Security System. Companies’ employees use this device to check in and out of their shifts, allowing administrators to keep track of time cards and pay. It also can control access to certain buildings, and even public transportation. 

There are two information disclosure vulnerabilities, TALOS-2023-1863 (CVE-2023-43491) and TALOS-2023-1865 (CVE-2023-45209), that are triggered if an adversary sends a specially crafted HTTP message to the targeted device.  

If successful, the attacker could eventually view the active administrator’s username and MD5-hased password. And in the case of TALOS-2023-1865, it goes a step further, potentially allowing the adversary to view wireless network credentials, network configuration details and SNMP configuration details. 

With those credentials (or admin credentials obtained by other means), an adversary could exploit TALOS-2023-1868 (CVE-2023-40146), a privilege escalation vulnerability in the Smart Reader. An adversary could execute a specially crafted command line argument to cause a limited-shell escape and execute unblocked, default busybox functionality to eventually gain access to an uninhibited root shell. 

TALOS-2023-1866 (CVE-2023-45744) is also triggered by a specially crafted HTTP request, but in this case, could allow an adversary to manipulate certain configuration settings on the device. 

The most serious of the issues Talos discovered in the Smart Reader is TALOS-2023-1867 (CVE-2023-39367), a command injection vulnerability that could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary commands. This vulnerability has a 9.1 CVSS score out of 10. An authenticated attacker can leverage this vulnerability to execute arbitrary commands on the device with root privileges and elevate their access to the vulnerable system. 

Silicon Labs Gecko Platform invalid pointer dereference vulnerability 

Discovered by Kelly Patterson. 

An invalid pointer dereference vulnerability exists in the HTTP server header parsing functionality of the Silicon Labs Gecko Platform.  

The Gecko Platform SDK is the collection of Silicon Labs’ wireless software development kits and Gecko Platform into an integrated package. It allows users to develop applications inside Silicon Labs’ internet-of-things software ecosystem. 

TALOS-2024-1945 (CVE-2023-51391) is triggered if an adversary sends the target a specially crafted network packet, which could lead to a denial-of-service condition. 

Incorrect type conversion vulnerability in open-source library for DICOM files 

Discovered by Emmanuel Tacheau. 

There is an incorrect type conversion vulnerability in OFFIS DCMTK, an open-source library often used to manage, store and convert DICOM files. DICOM is the commonly used file type to transfer, send and store medical imaging files, such as X-rays and ultrasounds.  

Hospitals and companies use DCMTK for various purposes, ranging from product testing to being a building block for research projects, prototypes and commercial products. 

TALOS-2024-1957 (CVE-2024-28130) could allow an adversary to execute arbitrary code on the targeted machine if they trick the user into opening a specially crafted file.  

Out-of-bounds write vulnerabilities in Grassroots DICOM library 

Discovered by Emmanuel Tacheau. 

Another open-source library for handling DICOM files, Grassroots DiCoM, contains three out-of-bounds writer vulnerabilities.  

TALOS-2024-1944 (CVE-2024-25569) and TALOS-2024-1935 (CVE-2024-22373) can be triggered if an adversary tricks the target into opening a specially crafted, malicious DICOM file, eventually allowing them to read out-of-bounds memory. 

TALOS-2024-1924 (CVE-2024-22391) works in the same way, but in this case, causes a heap-based buffer overflow, leading to memory corruption.  

Three vulnerabilities in Foxit PDF Reader could lead to arbitrary code execution 

Discovered by KPC. 

Three vulnerabilities exist in Foxit PDF Reader that could allow an adversary to execute arbitrary code on the targeted machine. 

Foxit PDF Reader is one of the most popular pieces of PDF-reading software currently available and aims to have feature parity with Adobe Acrobat Reader. It also includes a browser plugin to allow users to open files in their web browsers.  

TALOS-2024-1959 (CVE-2024-25648) and TALOS-2024-1958 (CVE-2024-25938) are use-after-free vulnerabilities that can be triggered if an attacker tricks a user into opening a malicious, specially crafted PDF. This could also work if the user has the browser plugin enabled and the adversary tricks them into opening an attacker-controlled webpage. These vulnerabilities could lead to a use-after-free issue, potentially leading to memory corruption and arbitrary code execution. 

There is also a type confusion vulnerability, TALOS-2024-1963 (CVE-2024-25575), that could also lead to memory corruption and arbitrary code execution. 

James Nutland studies what makes threat actors tick, growing our understanding of the current APT landscape

29 April 2024 at 12:00
James Nutland studies what makes threat actors tick, growing our understanding of the current APT landscape

If state-sponsored actors are after one thing, it’s to spread fear and uncertainty across the internet. 

There’s always money to be made targeting individual businesses and organizations, but for James Nutland’s work, it’s always about the bigger picture. And his background in studying counterterrorism and interpersonal social dynamics provides him a unique perspective on APTs’ goals and methods. 

Nutland, an analyst with Cisco Talos’ Threat Intelligence and Interdiction team, didn’t begin his journey into cybersecurity through the traditional pathways. Instead, he went to college to obtain his bachelor’s degree in social psychology, particularly interested in social engineering, eventually obtaining his master’s in counterterrorism from the University of East London. 

That may sound like a degree someone gets to serve on a physical battlefield, but as Nutland puts it, security research and counterterrorism carry some of the same throughlines. 

“It’s providing you a set of skills you can then use in multiple modalities,” he said. “It’s the analysis, the eagerness to delve into the unknown, to assess swathes of noisy information, picking out the pieces to establish different threads to try and establish patterns and hopefully attribution — it’s that kind of analytical investigative thinking that really helps for threat hunting.” 

James Nutland studies what makes threat actors tick, growing our understanding of the current APT landscape
Nutland (right) speaking at MITRE ATT&CK Con last year.

Nutland’s technical experience comes from his undergraduate days when he started working in tech support for his college. Eventually, he got into system administration work after he moved to the U.S. during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic.  

After various roles protecting both business and academic environments, Nutland decided to apply to Talos essentially on a whim after seeing a job listing whilst researching IOCs on the Talos intelligence center. In his current role, he conducts regular threat hunting and analysis campaigns to learn more about broader trends in the security landscape and state-sponsored threat actors. His work recently led to the disclosure of a campaign targeting Mexico users with tax-themed lure documents called “TimbreStealer,” and he participates in Cisco Talos Incident Response’s Intel-on-Demand service.  

Nutland says he goes into every engagement or new project with a completely open mind and a blank slate — using his background investigating terror operations to find out as much as he can about a particular adversary’s operation.  

“With my academic background, I’m very inquisitive. That’s proven to be a good asset,” he said. “I have a good understanding of the content and presentation of intelligence sought after in security management and operations. It’s great providing this intelligence, but providing actionable intelligence for security teams, understanding what’s required for that, it’s integral for many of the products we produce.” 

Recently, Nutland says he’s been focusing more on tracking prominent and burgeoning ransomware threat actors, as well as researching dark web activities where threat actors are leveraging obfuscated channels for their communication. Social media sites have gotten better about blocking this type of activity, he said, which has pushed them to decentralized communication platforms. He’s also tracking dark web sites that are used for obtaining ransom payments, spreading propaganda and trying to radicalize other users. 

Nutland’s work has also been crucial in Talos’ support of Ukraine during Russia’s invasion. He worked on several victim notifications for the Ukraine Task Force and discovered the malicious use of a defense evasion tool, which can wipe traces and logs of any USB devices that may have been connected to hardware and certain user activity on the host.  

“I initially saw a suspicious specific set of commands that were being run related to the executable, that I was able to track across multiple potential Ukrainian victims which Ukrainian organizations are now looking to crack down on,” Nutland said. 

In all his roles so far in his career, Nutland said he’s experienced various forms of imposter syndrome throughout his career, as many do. He said he often found himself questioning decisions, or feeling like other teammates were more qualified for his role. But at Talos, his managers have encouraged him to turn over every rock and go into every situation, curious and open. That’s allowed him to overcome that imposter syndrome and become a sponge, learning everything he could about a particular topic and becoming an expert in his own right. 

This culminated in a presentation to more than 300 people at the MITRE ATT&CKcon 4.0 in October, where he and his teammate, Nicole Hoffman, gave a talk about how threat actors can use the ATT&CK framework to track adversary activity. 

“Here are these titans of threat intelligence at a world-renowned convention. And here’s me, recently employed at Talos, and with incredible imposter syndrome,” Nutland said. “But there were about 300 people in the room, and Nicole and I knocked it out of the park. I never thought I’d be doing that.” 

Outside of the office, Nutland enjoys playing rugby, and he even was recently able to play a scrimmage against the Colombian National Team, a particular highlight for his career outside of cybersecurity. 

The private sector probably isn’t coming to save the NVD

25 April 2024 at 18:00
The private sector probably isn’t coming to save the NVD

I wrote last week about the problems arising from the massive backlog of vulnerabilities at the U.S. National Vulnerability Database.  

Thousands of CVEs are still without analysis data, and the once-reliable database of every single vulnerability that’s disclosed and/or patched is now so far behind, it could take up to 100 days for the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to catch up, and that would be assuming no new vulnerabilities are disclosed during that period. 

While the U.S. government and NIST try to sort out a potential solution, and hopefully await more funding and restructuring, NIST says it’s hoping to launch a consortium to help either rebuild the NVD or create a replacement.  

Other security experts have floated the idea of other companies or organizations creating a brand-new solution of their own. The main problem with that is, what’s in it for them?  

What works about the NVD is that it’s funded by the U.S. government, so the money is always coming in to help fund the workforce and at least gives MITRE and the other private companies who contribute to the NVD motivation to keep working on it. 

To start up a whole new database of *every* CVE out there would take countless man-hours, and then what at the end? Would the company or person(s) who created it start charging for access? 

Several open-source solutions haveman-hours popped up over the past few weeks, such as “NVD Data Overrides,” which “is meant to provide additional data that is currently missing from NVD.” However, these types of volunteer projects still can’t assign CVSS scores, because only the NVD is authorized to hand out official NVD CVSS scores. 

This brings up another problem for private companies that may want to develop a solution: Do they want to play referee?  

Sometimes, when there’s a disagreement on how severe a vulnerability is and what severity score to assign it, the NVD will weigh in and provide their own, independently calculated CVSS score. Who really wants to be the “bad guy” to get between a massive tech company like Microsoft or Apple and a security researcher saying a vulnerability is a 9.5 out of 10 CVSS? 

I absolutely give major credit to any volunteers or open-source developers who are working on their own solutions for essentially nothing — but how long can we expect them to keep maintaining these databases? 

Unfortunately, I don’t have a great answer for this, either. I’m far from an expert on vulnerability management, nor do I have any connections to the federal government. But I do feel the onus is on the government to come up with a solution, and potentially provide incentives for companies and researchers to participate in this new proposed consortium because I don’t see the incentives there for the private sector to come up with their own solution.  

The one big thing 

ArcaneDoor is a new campaign that is the latest example of state-sponsored actors targeting perimeter network devices from multiple vendors. Talos and Cisco PSIRT recently identified a previously unknown actor, now tracked as UAT4356 by Talos and STORM-1849 by the Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center. This actor utilized bespoke tooling that demonstrated a clear focus on espionage and an in-depth knowledge of the devices that they targeted, hallmarks of a sophisticated state-sponsored actor. UAT4356 deployed two backdoors as components of this campaign, “Line Runner” and “Line Dancer,” which were used collectively to conduct malicious actions on-target, which included configuration modification, reconnaissance, network traffic capture/exfiltration and potentially lateral movement.   

Why do I care? 

Gaining a foothold on these devices allows an actor to directly pivot into an organization, reroute or modify traffic and monitor network communications. In the past two years, we have seen a dramatic and sustained increase in the targeting of these devices in areas such as telecommunications providers and energy sector organizations — critical infrastructure entities that are likely strategic targets of interest for many foreign governments. As a critical path for data into and out of the network, these devices need to be routinely and promptly patched; using up-to-date hardware and software versions and configurations; and be closely monitored from a security perspective. 

So now what? 

There are some known indicators of compromise that customers can look for if they suspect they may have been targeted in this campaign. First, organizations should look for any flows to/from ASA devices to any of the IP addresses present in the IOC list provided at the bottom of this blog. This is one indication that further investigation is necessary. Potential targets can also follow the steps detailed in the Cisco ASA Forensic Investigation Procedures for First Responders. When following these procedures, first responders should NOT attempt to collect a core dump or reboot the device if they believe that the device has been compromised, based on the lina memory region output. Talos also released some Snort signatures to detect the activity on the wire including access attempts. Snort Signatures 63139, 62949 and 45575 have been released to detect the implants or associated behaviors. 

Top security headlines of the week 

A previously known Windows print spooler bug is still being actively exploited, according to Microsoft. The company’s threat research team recently disclosed that APT28, a well-known Russian state-sponsored actor, is exploiting the vulnerability to deliver a previously unknown malware called “GooseEgg.” Microsoft disclosed and patched CVE-2022-38028 in October 2022, but APT28 may have been exploiting it as far back as 2020. The actor’s exploitation involved modifying a JavaScript constraints file in the printer spooler and executing it with SYSTEM-level permissions. The new research prompted the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) to add CVE-2022-38028 to its Known Exploited Vulnerabilities (KEV) catalog. If installed, GooseEgg can load other applications with System-level permissions and allow the adversary to execute remote code on the targeted device or deploy other backdoors. Another set of print spooler vulnerabilities, called PrintNightmare, made headlines in July 2021, though no one reported active exploitation of that vulnerability at the time. (SC Magazine, Security Week

A new investigation revealed how members of the group Scattered Spider are partnering with Russian state-sponsored actors to carry out ransomware attacks. Scattered Spider is made up of younger individuals based out of the U.S., U.K. and Canada. They are primarily English speakers who have been blamed for several notable ransomware attacks, including one against MGM Casinos that disrupted operations at several casinos and hotels last year. The group specializes in social engineering, more recently using LinkedIn to steal employee information and use that to infiltrate corporate networks. Members, some as young as teenagers, are connecting over the dark web and online forums like Discord and use their advanced knowledge of Western civilization to provide crucial details to Russian actors. The “60 Minutes” investigation also included new details about The Community (aka “The Comm,” the online collection of hackers who like to brag about their recent cybercrimes, often through Telegram. (CBS News

The U.S. government has re-upped a law that expands government surveillance by opening the door for private companies to partner with the government on these types of activities. The controversial Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) was re-approved just hours after it lapsed. The White House and proponents in U.S. Congress argued that the powers granted in Section 702 of the FISA helps prevent the spread of terrorism and cyber attacks and that any lapse in those powers would harm the government’s ability to gather crucial intelligence. However, privacy advocates say that the FISA is an overreach, and provides too much power for private companies to potentially spy on consumers. The bill also includes a new definition of “electronic communications service provider,” which could allow the U.S. government to force Big Tech companies and telecommunications providers to hand over users’ data if requested. (NBC News, TechCrunch

Can’t get enough Talos? 

Upcoming events where you can find Talos 

CARO Workshop 2024 (May 1 - 3) 

Arlington, Virginia

Over the past year, we’ve observed a substantial uptick in attacks by YoroTrooper, a relatively nascent espionage-oriented threat actor operating against the Commonwealth of Independent Countries (CIS) since at least 2022. Asheer Malhotra's presentation at CARO 2024 will provide an overview of their various campaigns detailing the commodity and custom-built malware employed by the actor, their discovery and evolution in tactics. He will present a timeline of successful intrusions carried out by YoroTrooper targeting high-value individuals associated with CIS government agencies over the last two years.

RSA (May 6 - 9) 

San Francisco, California    

Cisco Live (June 2 - 6) 

Las Vegas, Nevada  

Most prevalent malware files from Talos telemetry over the past week 

This section will be on a brief hiatus while we work through some technical difficulties. Several open-source solutions have

What’s the deal with the massive backlog of vulnerabilities at the NVD?

19 April 2024 at 12:00
What’s the deal with the massive backlog of vulnerabilities at the NVD?

The National Vulnerability Database is usually the single source of truth for all things related to security vulnerabilities.  

But now, they’re facing an uphill battle against a massive backlog of vulnerabilities, some of which are still waiting to be analyzed, and others that still have an inaccurate or altogether missing severity score.  

As of April 9, 5,799 CVEs that have been published since Feb. 15, 2024, remain unanalyzed. 

As the backlog piles up, it’s unclear how, or when, the NVD is going to get back to its regular cadence of processing, scoring and analyzing vulnerabilities that are submitted to the U.S. government repository. At its current pace, the NVD is analyzing about 2.9 percent of all published CVEs it's been sent, well behind its pace in previous years. If there were no new CVEs submitted today, it could take the NVD more than 91 days to empty that backlog and get caught up. 

Given the state of the NVD and vulnerability management, we felt it was worth looking at the current state of the NVD, how we got to this point, what it means for security teams, and where we go from here. 

What is the NVD? 

The U.S.’s National Vulnerability Database provides the most comprehensive list of CVEs anywhere. This tracks security vulnerabilities in hardware and software and distributes that list to the public for anyone to use.  

This data enables organizations and large networks to automate vulnerability management, take appropriate security steps when a new vulnerability is discovered, important references and metrics that indicate how serious a particular vulnerability is.  

The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has managed the NVD since 2000, when it was started as the Internet Category of Attack toolkit. It eventually morphed into the NVD, which passed the 150,000-vulnerability mark in 2021.  

In addition to simply listing the CVEs that are regularly disclosed, the NVD scores vulnerabilities using the CVSS system, which often differ from the initial severity score that’s assigned by the researcher that discovers the vulnerability, or the company or organization behind the affected product or software. 

Since the creation of I-CAT, no other organization or private company has as comprehensive of a list of vulnerabilities as the NVD, nor do they offer it for free like NIST does.  

Why is the backlog a problem? 

On the surface, it may seem like the fact that the NVD has been slow to analyze CVEs isn’t all that bad, considering security issues are still being disclosed and patched every day (think: Microsoft Patch Tuesday). 

However, the lack of a single source of CVEs augmented information is detrimental to administrators, security researchers and users, and security experts are warning that the issue needs to be addressed quickly, or an alternative needs to be adopted.  

With the NVD being a collection of all this information, it’s up to the individual vendors to responsibly disclose and release vulnerabilities discovered in their products, which puts the onus on administrators to track that information down. If someone who handles patch management for a network was relying on the NVD for their information, that list is likely outdated at this point, and instead, they need to visit each individual vendor to find out what vulnerabilities were recently disclosed in their products, and how large of a risk they present.  

On any given network, that could be dozens to even hundreds of vendors, and while massive companies like Apple and Microsoft have easy-to-access security and vulnerability information, smaller open-source projects may not have the same resources that administrators need.  

The NVD is also the most trusted source for severity scores. Their calculations are generally what most users see when they read a security advisory. But without their input, it’s on the researcher or vendor to assign a score, instead. Under that system, there is no guarantee that a company may not want to score their vulnerability higher so it does not seem as serious, while researchers may want to bump up the severity of the issue they find so they are credited with discovering a higher-severity issue.  

As Talos has discussed before, a CVSS score is not the only metric worth relying on when patching, but it does play a major role in how the public views vulnerabilities and whether they’re likely to be exploited in the wild. According to Talos’ 2023 Year in Review report, eight of the 10 most-exploited CVEs last year received a severity score of 9.3 or higher. Any sense of uncertainty around CVSS scores can leave administrators scratching their heads and without a “north star” for patch management. 

The recent xz Utility vulnerability that was luckily prevented before any attackers could exploit it still does not have a Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) assigned to it as of April 10 because of the backlog. Had an exploit for this been used, defenders would be missing crucial context and information for defending against this backdoor. 

How did this backlog develop? 

NIST has been relatively vague about why the agency has been slow to process new vulnerabilities. The first sign of trouble came in February, when NIST released a statement that a “growing backlog of vulnerabilities” had developed because of “an increase in software and, therefore, vulnerabilities, as well as a change in interagency support.” 

NIST’s budget was cut by about 12 percent after the recent package of funding bills passed by U.S. Congress, as well. 

The agency also said in February that additional NIST staff were being shifted around to address the backlog, and at the recent VulnCon and Annual CNA Summit, the NVD program director promised that NIST was developing a consortium to help address the issues with the NVD.  

The total number of vulnerabilities disclosed continues to increase every year, driven by larger amounts of software on the market and increased visibility into security concerns and research. Last year, there were 28,961 CVEs disclosed, according to the CVE Program, an increase of 15 percent from 2022. The last time there were fewer CVEs assigned in a year compared to the year prior was in 2016. 

What are some potential solutions? 

NIST has continued to publicly support the NVD and says it's preparing to revitalize the database. But it’s unclear what short- or long-term solutions or alternatives exist. 

Jerry Gamblin, a principal threat detection and response engineer for Cisco Vulnerability Management, said there has yet to be a company or organization willing to take on the monstrous task of tracking and scoring *every* CVE, especially for free.  

Other vulnerability catalogs exist like the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency’s (CISA) Known Exploited Vulnerabilities (KEV) catalog, but the KEV only lists vulnerabilities that have actively been exploited in the wild. 

In short — all the potential alternatives are imperfect. 

“We can get the data from anywhere, and AI data could even help, but people just need to decide,” Gamblin said. “Is there going to be just one source of data? And who is the source of truth for this data? Who owns this data?” 

A private company like MITRE could step up to create its own solution, but it’d likely want to charge for access to that database. Any non-profit organization who also wants to step up would also likely need a massive influx of money and manpower to address the sheer volume of CVEs that come in every day. 

And while NIST says the consortium is in the works, there’s no timetable for how long it could take for that to be established, and which private companies would be involved.  

For now, it’s best to stick to tried-and-true patching strategies that have worked for years. Software, like Cisco Vulnerability Management, which has not been affected by the NVD backlog, can also assist in automating the patching process and prioritizing which vulnerabilities to patch first.  

Could the Brazilian Supreme Court finally hold people accountable for sharing disinformation?

18 April 2024 at 18:00
Could the Brazilian Supreme Court finally hold people accountable for sharing disinformation?

If you’re a regular reader of this newsletter, you already know about how strongly I feel about the dangers of spreading fake news, disinformation and misinformation. 

And honestly, if you’re reading this newsletter, I probably shouldn’t have to tell you about that either. But one of the things that always frustrates me about this seemingly never-ending battle against disinformation on the internet, is that there aren’t any real consequences for the worst offenders. 

At most, someone who intentionally or repeatedly shares information on their social platform that’s misleading or downright false may have their account blocked, suspended or deleted, or just that one individual post might be removed.  

Twitter, which has become one of the worst offenders for spreading disinformation, has gotten even worse about this over the past few years and at this point doesn’t do anything to these accounts, and in fact, even promotes them in many ways and gives them a larger platform. 

Meta, for its part, is now hiding more political posts on its platforms in some countries, but at most, an account that shares fake news is only going to be restricted if enough people report it to Meta’s team and they choose to take action.  

Now, I’m hoping that Brazil’s Supreme Court may start imposing some real-world consequences on individuals and companies that support, endorse or sit idly by while disinformation spreads. Specifically, I’m talking about a newly launched investigation by the court into Twitter/X and its owner, Elon Musk.  

Brazil’s Supreme Court says users on the platform are part of a massive misinformation campaign against the court’s justices, sharing intentionally false or harmful information about them. Musk is also facing a related investigation into alleged obstruction.  

The court had previously asked Twitter to block certain far-right accounts that were spreading fake news on Twitter, seemingly one of the only true permanent bans on a social media platform targeting the worst misinformation offenders. Recently, Twitter has declined to block those accounts. 

This isn’t some new initiative, though. Brazil’s government has long looked for concrete ways to implement real-world punishments for spreading disinformation. In 2022, the Supreme Court signed an agreement with the equivalent of Brazil’s national election commission “to combat fake news involving the judiciary and to disseminate information about the 2022 general elections.” 

Brazil’s president (much like the U.S.) has been battling fake news and disinformation for years now, making any political conversation there incredibly divisive, and in many ways, physically dangerous. I’m certainly not an authority enough on the subject to comment on that and the ways in which the term “fake news” has been weaponized to literally challenge what is “fact” in our modern society.  

And I could certainly see a world in which a high court uses the term “fake news” to charge and prosecute people who are, in fact, spreading *correct* and verifiable information.  

But, even just forcing Musk or anyone at Twitter to answer questions about their blocking policies could bring an additional layer of transparency to this process. Suppose we want to really get people to stop sharing misleading information on social media. In that case, it needs to eventually come with real consequences, not just a simple block when they can launch a new account two seconds later using a different email address. 

The one big thing 

Talos recently discovered a new threat actor we're calling “Starry Addax” targeting mostly human rights activists associated with the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) cause. Starry Addax primarily uses a new mobile malware that it infects users with via phishing attack, tricking their targets into installing malicious Android applications we’re calling “FlexStarling.” The malicious mobile application (APK), “FlexStarling,” analyzed by Talos recently masquerades as a variant of the Sahara Press Service (SPSRASD) App. 

Why do I care? 

The targets in this campaign's case are considered high-risk individuals, advocating for human rights in the Western Sahara. While that is a highly focused particular demographic, FlexStarling is still a highly capable implant that could be dangerous if used in other campaigns. Once infected, Starry Addax can use their malware to steal important login credentials, execute remote code or infect the device with other malware.  

So now what? 

This campaign's infection chain begins with a spear-phishing email sent to targets, consisting of individuals of interest to the attackers, especially human rights activists in Morocco and the Western Sahara region. If you are a user who feels you could be targeted by these emails, please pay close attention to any URLs or attachments used in emails with these themes and ensure you’re only visiting trusted sites. The timelines connected to various artifacts used in the attacks indicate that this campaign is just starting and may be in its nascent stages with more infrastructure and Starry Addax working on additional malware variants. 

Top security headlines of the week 

A threat actor with ties to Russia is suspected of infecting the network belonging to a rural water facility in Texas earlier this year. The hack in the small town of Muleshoe, Texas in January caused a water tower to overflow. The suspect attack coincided with network intrusions against networks belonging to two other nearby towns. While the attack did not disrupt drinking water in the town, it would mark an escalation in Russian APTs’ efforts to spy on and disrupt American critical infrastructure. Security researchers this week linked a Telegram channel that took credit for the activity with a group connected to Russia’s GRU military intelligence agency. The adversaries broke into a remote login system used in ICS, which allowed the actors to interact with the water tank. It overflowed for about 30 to 45 minutes before officials took the machine offline and switched to manual operations. According to reporting from CNN, a nearby town called Lockney detected “suspicious activity” on the town’s SCADA system. And in Hale Center, adversaries also tried to breach the town network’s firewall, which prompted them to disable remote access to its SCADA system. (CNN, Wired

Meanwhile, Russia’s Sandworm APT is also accused of being the primary threat actor carrying out Russia’s goals in Ukraine. New research indicates that the group is responsible for nearly all disruptive and destructive cyberattacks in Ukraine since Russia's invasion in February 2022. One attack involved Sandworm, aka APT44, disrupting a Ukrainian power facility during Russia’s winter offensive and a series of drone strikes targeting Ukraine’s energy grid. Recently, the group’s attacks have increasingly focused on espionage activity to gather information for Russia’s military to use to its advantage on the battlefield. The U.S. indicated several individuals for their roles with Sandworm in 2020, but the group has been active for more than 10 years. Researchers also unmasked a Telegram channel the group appears to be using, called “CyberArmyofRussia_Reborn.” They typically use the channel to post evidence from their sabotage activities. (Dark Reading, Recorded Future

Security experts and government officials are bracing for an uptick in offensive cyber attacks between Israel and Iran after Iran launched a barrage of drones and missiles at Israel. Both countries have dealt with increased tensions recently, eventually leading to the attack Saturday night. Israel’s leaders have already been considering various responses to the attack, among which could be cyber attacks targeting Iran in addition to any new kinetic warfare. Israel and Iran have long had a tense relationship that included covert operations and destructive cyberattacks. Experts say both countries have the ability to launch wiper malware, ransomware and cyber attacks against each other, some of which could interrupt critical infrastructure or military operations. The increased tensions have also opened the door to many threat actors taking claims for various cyber attacks or intrusions that didn’t happen. (Axios, Foreign Policy

Can’t get enough Talos? 

Upcoming events where you can find Talos 

 Botconf (April 23 - 26) 

Nice, Côte d'Azur, France

This presentation from Chetan Raghuprasad details the Supershell C2 framework. Threat actors are using this framework massively and creating botnets with the Supershell implants.

CARO Workshop 2024 (May 1 - 3) 

Arlington, Virginia

Over the past year, we’ve observed a substantial uptick in attacks by YoroTrooper, a relatively nascent espionage-oriented threat actor operating against the Commonwealth of Independent Countries (CIS) since at least 2022. Asheer Malhotra's presentation at CARO 2024 will provide an overview of their various campaigns detailing the commodity and custom-built malware employed by the actor, their discovery and evolution in tactics. He will present a timeline of successful intrusions carried out by YoroTrooper targeting high-value individuals associated with CIS government agencies over the last two years.

RSA (May 6 - 9) 

San Francisco, California    

Most prevalent malware files from Talos telemetry over the past week 

This section will be on a brief hiatus while we work through some technical difficulties. 

The internet is already scary enough without April Fool’s jokes

11 April 2024 at 18:00
The internet is already scary enough without April Fool’s jokes

I feel like over the past several years, the “holiday” that is April Fool’s Day has really died down. At this point, there are few headlines you can write that would be more ridiculous than something you’d find on a news site any day of the week. 

And there are so many more serious issues that are developing, too, that making a joke about a fake news story is just in bad taste, even if it’s in “celebration” of a “holiday.” 

Thankfully in the security world, I think we’ve all gotten the hint at this point that we can’t just post whatever we want on April 1 of each calendar year and expect people to get the joke. I’ve put my guard down so much at this point that I actually did legitimately fall for one April Fool’s joke from Nintendo, because I could definitely see a world in which they release a Virtual Boy box for the Switch that would allow you to play virtual reality games. 

But at least from what I saw on April 1 of this year, no one tried to “get” anyone with an April Fool’s joke about a ransomware actor requesting payment in the form of “Fortnite” in-game currency, or an internet-connected household object that in no universe needs to be connected to the internet (which, as it turns out, smart pillows exist!).  

We’re already dealing with digitally manipulated photos of “Satanic McDonalds,” Twitter’s AI generating fake news about the solar eclipse, and an upcoming presidential election that is sure to generate a slew of misinformation, AI-generated photos and more that I hesitate to even make up. 

So, all that is to say, good on you, security community, for just letting go of April Fool’s. Our lives are too stressful without bogus headlines that we, ourselves, generate.  

The one big thing 

Talos discovered a new threat actor we’re calling “CoralRaider” that we believe is of Vietnamese origin and financially motivated. CoralRaider has been operating since at least 2023, targeting victims in several Asian and Southeast Asian countries. This group focuses on stealing victims’ credentials, financial data, and social media accounts, including business and advertisement accounts. CoralRaider appears to use RotBot, a customized variant of QuasarRAT, and XClient stealer as payloads. The actor uses the dead drop technique, abusing a legitimate service to host the C2 configuration file and uncommon living-off-the-land binaries (LoLBins), including Windows Forfiles.exe and FoDHelper.exe 

Why do I care? 

This is a brand new actor that we believe is acting out of Vietnam, traditionally not a country who is associated with high-profile state-sponsored actors. CoralRaider appears to be after targets’ social media logins, which can later be leveraged to spread scams, misinformation, or all sorts of malicious messages using the victimized account. 

So now what? 

CoralRaider primarily uses malicious LNK files to spread their malware, though we currently don’t know how those files are spread, exactly. Threat actors have started shifting toward using LNK files as an initial infection vector after Microsoft disabled macros by default — macros used to be a primary delivery system. For more on how the info in malicious LNK files can allow defenders to learn more about infection chains, read our previous research here

Top security headlines of the week 

The security community is still reflecting on the “What If” of the XZ backdoor that was discovered and patched before threat actors could exploit it. A single Microsoft developer, who works on a different open-source project, found the backdoor in xz Utils for Linux distributions several weeks ago seemingly on accident, and is now being hailed as a hero by security researchers and professionals. Little is known about the user who had been building the backdoor in the open-source utility for at least two years. Had it been exploited, the vulnerability would have allowed its creator to hijack a user’s SSH connection and secretly run their own code on that user’s machine. The incident is highlighting networking’s reliance on open-source projects, which are often provided little resource and usually only maintained as a hobby, for free, by individuals who have no connection to the end users. The original creator of xz Utils worked alone for many years, before they had to open the project because of outside stressors and other work. Government officials have also been alarmed by the near-miss, and are now considering new ways to protect open-source software. (New York Times, Reuters

AT&T now says that more than 51 million users were affected by a data breach that exposed their personal information on a hacking forum. The cable, internet and cell service provider has still not said how the information was stolen. The incident dates back to 2021, when threat actor ShinyHunters initially offered the data for sale for $1 million. However, that data leaked last month on a hacking forum belonging to an actor known as “MajorNelson.” AT&T’s notification to affected customers stated that, "The [exposed] information varied by individual and account, but may have included full name, email address, mailing address, phone number, social security number, date of birth, AT&T account number and AT&T passcode." The company has also started filing required formal notifications with U.S. state authorities and regulators. While AT&T initially denied that the data belonged to them, reporters and researchers soon found that the information were related to AT&T and DirecTV (a subsidiary of AT&T) accounts. (BleepingComputer, TechCrunch

Another ransomware group claims they’ve stolen data from United HealthCare, though there is little evidence yet to prove their claim. Change Health, a subsidiary of United, was recently hit with a massive data breach, pausing millions of dollars of payments to doctors and healthcare facilities to be paused for more than a month. Now, the ransomware gang RansomHub claims it has 4TB of data, requesting an extortion payment from United, or it says it will start selling the data to the highest bidder 12 days from Monday. RansomHub claims the stolen information contains the sensitive data of U.S. military personnel and patients, as well as medical records and financial information. Blackcat initially stated they had stolen the data, but the group quickly deleted the post from their leak site. A person representing RansomHub told Reuters that a disgruntled affiliate of Blackcat gave the data to RansomHub after a previous planned payment fell through. (DarkReading, Reuters

Can’t get enough Talos? 

Upcoming events where you can find Talos 

Botconf (April 23 - 26) 

Nice, Côte d'Azur, France

This presentation from Chetan Raghuprasad details the Supershell C2 framework. Threat actors are using this framework massively and creating botnets with the Supershell implants.

CARO Workshop 2024 (May 1 - 3) 

Arlington, Virginia

Over the past year, we’ve observed a substantial uptick in attacks by YoroTrooper, a relatively nascent espionage-oriented threat actor operating against the Commonwealth of Independent Countries (CIS) since at least 2022. Asheer Malhotra's presentation at CARO 2024 will provide an overview of their various campaigns detailing the commodity and custom-built malware employed by the actor, their discovery and evolution in tactics. He will present a timeline of successful intrusions carried out by YoroTrooper targeting high-value individuals associated with CIS government agencies over the last two years.

RSA (May 6 - 9) 

San Francisco, California    

Most prevalent malware files from Talos telemetry over the past week 

SHA 256: c67b03c0a91eaefffd2f2c79b5c26a2648b8d3c19a22cadf35453455ff08ead0
MD5: 8c69830a50fb85d8a794fa46643493b2
Typical Filename: AAct.exe
Claimed Product: N/A
Detection Name: PUA.Win.Dropper.Generic::1201

SHA 256: abaa1b89dca9655410f61d64de25990972db95d28738fc93bb7a8a69b347a6a6
MD5: 22ae85259273bc4ea419584293eda886
Typical Filename: KMSAuto++ x64.exe
Claimed Product: KMSAuto++
Detection Name: W32.File.MalParent

SHA 256: 161937ed1502c491748d055287898dd37af96405aeff48c2500b834f6739e72d
MD5: fd743b55d530e0468805de0e83758fe9
Typical Filename: KMSAuto Net.exe
Claimed Product: KMSAuto Net
Detection Name: PUA.Win.Tool.Kmsauto::1201

SHA 256: b8aec57f7e9c193fcd9796cf22997605624b8b5f9bf5f0c6190e1090d426ee31
MD5: 2fb86be791b4bb4389e55df0fec04eb7
Typical Filename: KMSAuto Net.exe
Claimed Product: KMSAuto Net
Detection Name: W32.File.MalParent

SHA 256: 58d6fec4ba24c32d38c9a0c7c39df3cb0e91f500b323e841121d703c7b718681
MD5: f1fe671bcefd4630e5ed8b87c9283534
Typical Filename: KMSAuto Net.exe
Claimed Product: KMSAuto Net
Detection Name: PUA.Win.Tool.Hackkms::1201

Vulnerability in some TP-Link routers could lead to factory reset

10 April 2024 at 16:56
Vulnerability in some TP-Link routers could lead to factory reset

Cisco Talos’ Vulnerability Research team has disclosed 10 vulnerabilities over the past three weeks, including four in a line of TP-Link routers, one of which could allow an attacker to reset the devices’ settings back to the factory default. 

A popular open-source software for internet-of-things (IoT) and industrial control systems (ICS) networks also contains multiple vulnerabilities that could be used to arbitrarily create new files on the affected systems or overwrite existing ones. 

For Snort coverage that can detect the exploitation of these vulnerabilities, download the latest rule sets from, and our latest Vulnerability Advisories are always posted on Talos Intelligence’s website.  

Denial-of-service, remote code execution vulnerabilities in TP-Link AC1350 router 

Talos researchers recently discovered four vulnerabilities in the TP-Link AC1350 wireless router. The AC1350 is one of many routers TP-Link produces and is designed to be used on home networks. 

TALOS-2023-1861 (CVE-2023-49074) is a denial-of-service vulnerability in the TP-Link Device Debug Protocol (TDDP). An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by sending a series of unauthenticated packets to the router, potentially causing a denial of service and forcing the device to reset to its factory settings.  

However, the TDDP protocol is only denial of serviceavailable for roughly 15 minutes after a device reboot.  

The TDDP protocol is also vulnerable to TALOS-2023-1862 (CVE-2023-49134 and CVE-2023-49133), a command execution vulnerability that could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code on the targeted device. 

There is another remote code execution vulnerability, TALOS-2023-1888 (CVE-2023-49912, CVE-2023-49909, CVE-2023-49907, CVE-2023-49908, CVE-2023-49910, CVE-2023-49906, CVE-2023-49913, CVE-2023-49911) that is triggered if an attacker sends an authenticated HTTP request to the targeted device. This exploit includes multiple CVEs because an attacker could overflow multiple buffers to cause this condition. 

TALOS-2023-1864 (CVE-2023-48724) also exists in the device’s web interface functionality. An adversary could exploit this vulnerability by sending an unauthenticated HTTP request to the targeted device, thus causing a denial of service. 

Multiple vulnerabilities in OAS Platform 

Discovered by Jared Rittle. 

Open Automation Software’s OAS Platform is an IoT gateway and protocol bus. It allows administrators to connect PLCs, devices, databases and custom apps. 

There are two vulnerabilities — TALOS-2024-1950 (CVE-2024-21870) and TALOS-2024-1951 (CVE-2024-22178) — that exist in the platform that can lead to arbitrary file creation or overwrite. An attacker can send a sequence of requests to trigger these vulnerabilities.  

An adversary could also send a series of requests to exploit TALOS-2024-1948 (CVE-2024-24976), but in this case, the vulnerability leads to a denial of service. 

An improper input validation vulnerability (TALOS-2024-1949/CVE-2024-27201) also exists in the OAS Engine User Configuration functionality that could lead to unexpected data in the configuration, including possible decoy usernames that contain characters not usually allowed by the software’s configuration. 

Arbitrary write vulnerabilities in AMD graphics driver 

Discovered by Piotr Bania. 

There are two out-of-bounds write vulnerabilities in the AMD Radeon user mode driver for DirectX 11. TALOS-2023-1847 and TALOS-2023-1848 could allow an attacker with access to a malformed shader to potentially achieve arbitrary code execution after causing an out-of-bounds write. 

AMD graphics drivers are software that allows graphics processing units (GPUs) to communicate with the operating system.  

These vulnerabilities could be triggered from guest machines running virtualization environments to perform guest-to-host escape. Theoretically, an adversary could also exploit these issues from a web browser. Talos has demonstrated with past, similar, vulnerabilities that they could be triggered from HYPER-V guest using the RemoteFX feature, leading to executing the vulnerable code on the HYPER-V host. 

April’s Patch Tuesday includes 150 vulnerabilities, 60 which could lead to remote code execution

9 April 2024 at 18:23
April’s Patch Tuesday includes 150 vulnerabilities, 60 which could lead to remote code execution

In one of the largest Patch Tuesdays in years, Microsoft disclosed 150 vulnerabilities across its software and product portfolio this week, including more than 60 that could lead to remote code execution. 

Though April’s monthly security update from Microsoft is the largest since at least the start of 2023, only three of the issues disclosed are considered “critical,” all of which are remote code execution vulnerabilities in Microsoft Defender for IoT.  

Most of the remainder of the security issues are considered “important,” and only two are “moderate” severity. 

The three critical vulnerabilities — CVE-2024-21322, CVE-2024-21323 and CVE-2024-29053 — are all remote code execution vulnerabilities in Microsoft Defender for IoT. Though little information is provided on how these issues could be exploited, Microsoft did state that exploitation of these vulnerabilities is “less likely.”  

There are also three vulnerabilities Talos would like to highlight, as Microsoft as deemed them "more likely" to be exploited: 

  • CVE-2024-26241: Elevation of privilege vulnerability in Win32k 
  • CVE-2024-28903: Security feature bypass vulnerability in Windows Secure Boot 
  • CVE-2024-28921: Security feature bypass vulnerability in Windows Secure Boot 

More than half of the code execution vulnerabilities exist in Microsoft SQL drivers. An attacker could exploit these vulnerabilities by tricking an authenticated user into connecting to an attacker-created SQL server via ODBC, which could result in the client receiving a malicious network packet. This could allow the adversary to execute code remotely on the client. 

A complete list of all the other vulnerabilities Microsoft disclosed this month is available on its update page

In response to these vulnerability disclosures, Talos is releasing a new Snort rule set that detects attempts to exploit some of them. Please note that additional rules may be released at a future date and current rules are subject to change pending additional information. Cisco Security Firewall customers should use the latest update to their ruleset by updating their SRU. Open-source Snort Subscriber Rule Set customers can stay up to date by downloading the latest rule pack available for purchase on 

The rules included in this release that protect against the exploitation of many of these vulnerabilities are 63254 - 63257, 63265 - 63271, 63274 and 63275. There are also Snort 3 rules 300873, 300874 and 300877 - 300879.

There are plenty of ways to improve cybersecurity that don’t involve making workers return to a physical office

4 April 2024 at 18:00
There are plenty of ways to improve cybersecurity that don’t involve making workers return to a physical office

As my manager knows, I’m not the biggest fan of working in a physical office. I’m a picky worker — I like my workspace to be borderline frigid, I hate dark mode on any software, and I want any and all lighting cranked all the way up.  

So, know that I’m biased going into this, but I also can’t get over the idea that companies are using cybersecurity as an excuse to create return-to-office policies in 2024.  

I started thinking about this because of the video game developer Rockstar, which owns some of the largest video game franchises on the planet like Red Dead Redemption and Grant Theft Auto. 

The company recently started asking its employees to return to its physical office five days a week in the name of productivity and security as the company pushes to finish its highly anticipated title “Grand Theft Auto VI.”  

Rockstar has long faced a number of cybersecurity concerns over the years, including a massive leak featuring early, in-progress gameplay of GTA VI in 2022 and other sensitive data. The attack was eventually attributed to the Lapsus$ group, and the perpetrator was eventually charged and sentenced. The first reveal trailer for the game was also leaked ahead of time.  

Many other companies have started to implement return-to-office policies over the past two years, citing various things ranging from worker productivity to interpersonal camaraderie, real estate costs, and more. I’m willing to hear arguments for all those things, but simply thinking that having employees all in one physical space is going to solve security problems seems far-fetched to me.  

We’ve written and talked about the various ways remote work has influenced cybersecurity since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. There’s no doubt that admins have had to implement new login methods, security controls and policies since more workers across the globe started working remotely. But four years into this trend, there’s no excuse to not be prepared to have remote workers anymore. 

An April 2023 study from Kent State University found that remote workers are more likely to be vigilant of security threats and take actions to ward them off than their in-office counterparts.  

The use of multi-factor authentication during the rise in remote work has skyrocketed, but often, this requirement is actually dropped if a user is physically in the office or accessing an on-site machine because of the perceived security of being in the office.  

The perceived security of a physical office can sometimes lull admins into a false sense of security, too, because machines located on-site may lack pre-boot authentication or encryption that’s commonly found on remote workers’ devices.  

I’m not saying that working in an office is inherently less secure than remote work, but I do believe that the risks are essentially the same. Regardless of where an employee is working from, they should be using app-based MFA to access all their services. Sensitive software and hardware should rely on passkeys or physical token access rather than outdated password policies that create easy-to-guess or shareable text-based passwords.  

And if security is the name of the game when asking employees to come back into the office, there’s still going to be a monetary investment that comes with that, too. 

Cisco’s recently published Global Hybrid Work study found that only 28 percent of responding employees say they would rank their employers’ office’s “Privacy and security features” as “very well.” To me, that says that even if employers want workers back in the office, they still need to upgrade their security, which is always going to mean more money and greater manpower.  

Security fundamentals should stay the same, no matter where your employees are. And suppose security is a chief concern for a company in wanting to go back to the “traditional” office lifestyle. In that case, I’m willing to bet they still have security gaps to overcome that simply can’t be solved by thinking they’ll be able to keep a closer eye on employees while they’re in the office to keep them from clicking on a phishing email. 

The one big thing 

Remote system management/desktop access tools such as AnyDesk and TeamViewer have grown in popularity since 2020. While there are many legitimate uses for this software, adversaries are also finding ways to use them for command and control in their campaigns. Cisco Talos Incident Response (Talos IR) has recently seen a spike in actors using this type of software as a method of gaining initial access to a network or to spy on the actions of users. Talos IR noted in its Quarterly Trends report for the third quarter of 2023, “AnyDesk was observed in all ransomware and pre-ransomware engagements [. . .], underscoring its role in ransomware affiliates' attack chains.” 

Why do I care? 

The use of these types of tools has increased since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic when remote work became more common. Since this software is legitimate, it can be easy for an attacker to compromise it and sit undetected on a network, bypassing traditional blocking methods. These tools introduce the ability for an adversary to potentially take full remote control of a system, are easy to download and install, and can be very difficult to detect since they are considered legitimate software. 

So now what? 

Adopting one, or at most two, approved remote management solutions will allow the organization to thoroughly test and deploy in the most secure possible configuration. Once a solution is approved and championed for the organization, other remote management/access tools should be explicitly banned by policy. Due to the complexity of implementing all these controls, detection rules can serve as a backup in case an adversary finds a way to circumvent these mitigations. 

Top security headlines of the week 

The U.S. and Britain have jointly filed chargers and sanctions against a Chinese state-sponsored actor known as APT31. The group is accused of a sweeping espionage campaign allegedly linked to China's Ministry of State Security (MSS) in the province of Hubei. The group reportedly targeted thousands of U.S. and foreign politicians, foreign policy experts and other high-profile targets. Individuals in the White House, U.S. State Department and spouses of officials were also among those targeted. The attacks aligned with geopolitical events affecting China, including economic tensions with the U.S., arguments over control of the South China Sea, and pro-democracy rallies in Hong Kong in 2019. A release from the U.S. Department of Justice stated that the campaigns involved more than 10,000 malicious emails, sent to targets in multiple continents, in what it called a “prolific global hacking operation.” The charges go on to say that APT31 hoped to compromise government institution networks and stealing trade secrets. Seven Chinese nationals are the target of the new sanctions for their alleged involvement with APT31, including the Wuhan XRZ corporation that is tied to the threat actor. (Reuters, U.S. Department of Justice

A silent backdoor on Linux machines was almost a massive supply chain attack, before a lone developer found malicious code hidden in software updates. The malicious code was hidden in two updates to xz Utils, an open-source data compression utility available on almost all installations of Linux and other Unix-like operating systems. Had it been successfully deployed, adversaries could have stashed malicious code in an SSH login certificate, upload it and execute it on the backdoored device. Whoever is behind this code likely spent years working on it, with open-source updates going back to 2021. The actor never actually took advantage of the malicious code, so it’s unclear what they planned to upload. Researchers eventually identified the vulnerability as CVE-2024-3094. The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency warned government agencies to downgrade their xz Utils to older versions. (Ars Technica, Dark Reading

There is a massive backup with the National Vulnerabilities Database and, consequently, MITRE is unable to compile a list of all new vulnerabilities. A recent study from Flashpoint found that there was backlog of more than 100,000 vulnerabilities with no CVE number, and consequently, hadn’t been included in the NVD. Of those, 330 vulnerabilities had been exploited in the wild, yet defenders had not been made aware of them. The National Institute of Standards and Technology blamed the backup on an increase in the volume of software available to the public, leading to a larger number of vulnerabilities, as well as “a change in interagency support.” NIST has only analyzed about half of the more than 8,700 vulnerabilities that had been submitted so far in 2024. And in March alone, they only analyzed 199 out of the 3,370 vulnerabilities submitted. Several organizations have tried launching their own alternatives to the NVD, though adoption can still take a long time. NIST has also vowed to remain dedicated to the NVD and that it’s still regrouping its current efforts. (SecurityWeek, The Record by Recorded Future

Can’t get enough Talos? 

Upcoming events where you can find Talos 

Botconf (April 23 - 26) 

Nice, Côte d'Azur, France

This presentation from Chetan Raghuprasad details the Supershell C2 framework. Threat actors are using this framework massively and creating botnets with the Supershell implants.

CARO Workshop 2024 (May 1 - 3) 

Arlington, Virginia

Over the past year, we’ve observed a substantial uptick in attacks by YoroTrooper, a relatively nascent espionage-oriented threat actor operating against the Commonwealth of Independent Countries (CIS) since at least 2022. Asheer Malhotra's presentation at CARO 2024 will provide an overview of their various campaigns detailing the commodity and custom-built malware employed by the actor, their discovery and evolution in tactics. He will present a timeline of successful intrusions carried out by YoroTrooper targeting high-value individuals associated with CIS government agencies over the last two years.

RSA (May 6 - 9) 

San Francisco, California    

Most prevalent malware files from Talos telemetry over the past week 

SHA 256: a31f222fc283227f5e7988d1ad9c0aecd66d58bb7b4d8518ae23e110308dbf91  
MD5: 7bdbd180c081fa63ca94f9c22c457376 
Typical Filename: c0dwjdi6a.dll |
Claimed Product: N/A  
Detection Name: Trojan.GenericKD.33515991 

SHA 256: 744c5a6489370567fd8290f5ece7f2bff018f10d04ccf5b37b070e8ab99b3241
MD5: a5e26a50bf48f2426b15b38e5894b189
Typical Filename: a5e26a50bf48f2426b15b38e5894b189.vir
Claimed Product: N/A
Detection Name: Win.Dropper.Generic::1201

SHA 256: 3a2ea65faefdc64d83dd4c06ef617d6ac683f781c093008c8996277732d9bd66
MD5: 8b84d61bf3ffec822e2daf4a3665308c
Typical Filename: RemComSvc.exe
Claimed Product: N/A 
Detection Name: W32.3A2EA65FAE-95.SBX.TG

SHA 256: 0e2263d4f239a5c39960ffa6b6b688faa7fc3075e130fe0d4599d5b95ef20647 
MD5: bbcf7a68f4164a9f5f5cb2d9f30d9790 
Typical Filename: bbcf7a68f4164a9f5f5cb2d9f30d9790.vir 
Claimed Product: N/A 
Detection Name: Win.Dropper.Scar::1201 

SHA 256: 62dfe27768e6293eb9218ba22a3acb528df71e4cc4625b95726cd421b716f983
MD5: 0211073feb4ba88254f40a2e6611fcef
Typical Filename: UIHost64.exe
Claimed Product: McAfee WebAdvisor
Detection Name: Trojan.GenericKD.68726899

“Pig butchering” is an evolution of a social engineering tactic we’ve seen for years

21 March 2024 at 18:00
“Pig butchering” is an evolution of a social engineering tactic we’ve seen for years

Whether you want to call them “catfishing,” “pig butchering” or just good ‘old-fashioned “social engineering,” romance scams have been around forever.  

I was first introduced to them through the MTV show “Catfish,” but recently they seem to be making headlines as the term “pig butchering” enters the public lexicon. John Oliver recently covered it on “Last Week Tonight,” which means everyone my age with an HBO account heard about it a few weeks ago. And one of my favorite podcasts going, “Search Engine,” just covered it in an episode

The concept of “pig butchering” scams generally follows the same chain of events: 

  • An unknown phone number texts or messages a target with a generally harmless message, usually asking for a random name disguised as an “Oops, wrong number!” text. 
  • When the target responds, the actor tries to strike up a conversation with a friendly demeanor. 
  • If the conversation persists, they usually evolve into “love bombing,” including compliments, friendly advice, ego-boosting, and saying flattering things about any photos the target has sent. 
  • Sometimes, the relationship may turn romantic. 
  • The scammer eventually “butchers” the “pig” that has been “fattened up” to that point, scamming them into handing over money, usually in the form of a phony cryptocurrency app, or just straight up asking for the target to send the scammer money somehow. 

There are a few twists and turns along the way based on the exact scammer, but that’s generally how it works. What I think is important to remember is that this specific method of separating users from their money is not actually new.  

The FBI seems to release a renewed warning about romance scams every Valentine’s Day when people are more likely to fall for a stranger online wanting to make a real connection and then eventually asking for money. I even found a podcast from the FBI in 2015 in which they warned that scammers “promise love, romance, to entice their victims online,” estimating that romance-related scams cost consumers $82 million in the last half of 2014.  

The main difference that I can tell between “pig butchering” and past romance scams is the sheer scale. Many actors running these operations are relying on human trafficking and sometimes literal imprisonment, forcing these people against their will to send these mass blocks of messages to a variety of targets indiscriminately. Oftentimes in these groups, scammers who are less “successful” in luring victims can be verbally and physically harassed and punished. That is, of course, a horrible human toll that these operations are taking, but they also extend far beyond the world of cybersecurity. 

In the case of pig butchering scams, it’s not really anything that can be solved by a cybersecurity solution or sold in a package. Instead, it relies on user education and the involvement of law enforcement agencies and international governments to ensure these farms can’t operate in the shows. The founders who run them are brought to justice. 

It’s never a bad thing that users become more educated on these scams, because of that, but I also feel it’s important to remember that romance-related scams, and really any social engineering built on a personal “relationship,” has been around for years, and “pig butchering” is not something new that just started popping up. 

These types of scams are ones that our culture has kind of just accepted as part of daily life at this point (who doesn’t get surprised when they get a call about their “car’s extended warranty?), and now the infrastructure to support these scams is taking a larger human toll than ever. 

The one big thing 

Talos has yet another round of research into the Turla APT, and now we’re able to see the entire kill chain this actor uses, including the tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) utilized to steal valuable information from their victims and propagate through their infected enterprises. Before deploying TinyTurla-NG, Turla will attempt to configure anti-virus software exclusions to evade detection of their backdoor. Once exclsions have been set up, TTNG is written to the disk, and persistence is established by creating a malicious service. 

Why do I care? 

Turla, and this recently discovered TinyTurlaNG tool that Talos has been writing about, is an international threat that’s been around for years, so it’s always important for the entire security community to know what they’re up to. Most recently, Turla used these tactics to target Polish non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and steal sensitive data.  

So now what? 

During Talos’ research into TinyTurla-NG, we’ve released several new rounds of detection content for Cisco Secure products. Read our past two blog posts on this actor for more.  

Top security headlines of the week 

The Biden administration issued a renewed warning to public water systems and operators this week, saying state-sponsored actors could carry out cyber attacks soon, citing ongoing threats from Iran and China. The White House and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency sent a letter to every U.S. governor this week warning them that cyber attacks could disrupt access to clean drinking water and “impose significant costs on affected communities.” The letter also points to the U.S. Cyber and Infrastructure Security Agency’s list of known exploited vulnerabilities catalog, asking the managers of public water systems to ensure their systems are patched against these vulnerabilities. The EPA pointed to Volt Typhoon, a recently discovered Chinese APT that has reportedly been hiding on critical infrastructure networks for an extended period. A meeting among federal government leaders from the EPA and other related agencies is scheduled for March 21 to discuss threats to public water systems and how they can strengthen their cybersecurity posture. (Bloomberg, The Verge

UnitedHealth says it's still recovering from a cyber attack that’s halted crucial payments to health care providers across the U.S., but has started releasing some of those funds this week, and expects its payment processing software to be back online soon. The cyber attack, first disclosed in February, targeted Change Healthcare, a subsidiary of United, that handles payment processing and pharmaceutical orders for hospital chains and doctors offices. UnitedHealth’s CEO said in a statement this week that the company has paid $2 billion to affected providers who spent nearly a month unable to obtain those funds or needing to switch to a paper billing system. A recently published survey from the American Hospital Association found that 94 percent of hospitals that responded experienced financial disruptions from the Change Healthcare attack, and costs at one point were hitting $1 million in revenue per day. (ABC News, CNBC

Nevada’s state court system is currently weighing a case that could undo end-to-end encryption across the U.S. The state’s Attorney General is currently suing Meta, the creators of Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, asking the company to remove end-to-end encryption for minors on the platform, with the promise of being able to catch and charge users who abuse the platform to lure minors. However, privacy advocates are concerned that any rulings against Meta and its encryption policies could have larger ripple effects, and embolden others to challenge encryption in other states. Nevada is arguing that Meta’s Messenger a “preferred method” for individuals targeting Nevada children for illicit activities. Privacy experts are in favor of end-to-end encryption because it safeguards messages during transmission and makes it more difficult for other parties to intercept and read them — including law enforcement agencies. (Tech Policy Press, Bloomberg Law

Can’t get enough Talos? 

Upcoming events where you can find Talos 


Botconf (April 23 - 26) 

Nice, Côte d'Azur, France

This presentation from Chetan Raghuprasad details the Supershell C2 framework. Threat actors are using this framework massively and creating botnets with the Supershell implants.

CARO Workshop 2024 (May 1 - 3) 

Arlington, Virginia

Over the past year, we’ve observed a substantial uptick in attacks by YoroTrooper, a relatively nascent espionage-oriented threat actor operating against the Commonwealth of Independent Countries (CIS) since at least 2022. Asheer Malhotra's presentation at CARO 2024 will provide an overview of their various campaigns detailing the commodity and custom-built malware employed by the actor, their discovery and evolution in tactics. He will present a timeline of successful intrusions carried out by YoroTrooper targeting high-value individuals associated with CIS government agencies over the last two years.

RSA (May 6 - 9) 

San Francisco, California    

Most prevalent malware files from Talos telemetry over the past week 

SHA 256: 0e2263d4f239a5c39960ffa6b6b688faa7fc3075e130fe0d4599d5b95ef20647 
MD5: bbcf7a68f4164a9f5f5cb2d9f30d9790 
Typical Filename: bbcf7a68f4164a9f5f5cb2d9f30d9790.vir 
Claimed Product: N/A 
Detection Name: Win.Dropper.Scar::1201 

SHA 256: 9f1f11a708d393e0a4109ae189bc64f1f3e312653dcf317a2bd406f18ffcc507  
MD5: 2915b3f8b703eb744fc54c81f4a9c67f  
Typical Filename: VID001.exe  
Claimed Product: N/A  
Detection Name: Win.Worm.Coinminer::1201 

SHA 256: a31f222fc283227f5e7988d1ad9c0aecd66d58bb7b4d8518ae23e110308dbf91  
MD5: 7bdbd180c081fa63ca94f9c22c457376 
Typical Filename: c0dwjdi6a.dll |
Claimed Product: N/A  
Detection Name: Trojan.GenericKD.33515991 

SHA 256: 7b3ec2365a64d9a9b2452c22e82e6d6ce2bb6dbc06c6720951c9570a5cd46fe5 
MD5: ff1b6bb151cf9f671c929a4cbdb64d86 
Typical Filename: endpoint.query 
Claimed Product: Endpoint-Collector 
Detection Name: W32.File.MalParent 

SHA 256: e38c53aedf49017c47725e4912fc7560e1c8ece2633c05057b22fd4a8ed28eb3 
MD5: c16df0bfc6fda86dbfa8948a566d32c1 
Typical Filename: CEPlus.docm 
Claimed Product: N/A  
Detection Name: 

Netgear wireless router open to code execution after buffer overflow vulnerability

20 March 2024 at 16:00
Netgear wireless router open to code execution after buffer overflow vulnerability

Cisco Talos’ Vulnerability Research team recently disclosed three vulnerabilities across a range of products, including one that could lead to remote code execution in a popular Netgear wireless router designed for home networks. 

There is also a newly disclosed vulnerability in a graphics driver for some NVIDIA GPUs that could lead to a memory leak. 

All the vulnerabilities mentioned in this blog post have been patched by their respective vendors, all in adherence to Cisco’s third-party vulnerability disclosure policy

For Snort coverage that can detect the exploitation of these vulnerabilities, download the latest rule sets from, and our latest Vulnerability Advisories are always posted on Talos Intelligence’s website.  

Netgear RAX30 JSON parsing stack-based buffer overflow vulnerability 

Discovered by Michael Gentile. 

The Netgear RAX30 wireless router contains a stack-based buffer overflow vulnerability that could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code on the device.  

An adversary could send a targeted device a specially crafted HTTP request to eventually cause a buffer overflow condition. 

The RAX30 is a dual-band Wi-Fi router that’s commonly used on home networks. In an advisory about TALOS-2023-1887 (CVE-2023-48725), Netgear stated that the vulnerability “requires an attacker to have your WiFi password or an Ethernet connection to a device on your network to be exploited.” 

NVIDIA D3D10 driver out-of-bounds read vulnerability 

Discovered by Piotr Bania. 

TALOS-2023-1849 (CVE-2024-0071) is an out-of-bounds read vulnerability in the shader functionality of the NVIDIA D3D10 driver that runs on several NVIDIA graphics cards. Drivers like D3D10 are usually necessary for the GPU to function properly. 

An adversary could send a specially crafted executable or shader file to the targeted machine to trigger an out-of-bounds read and eventually leak memory.  

This vulnerability could be triggered from guest machines running virtual environments to perform a guest-to-host escape. Theoretically, it could be exploited from a web browser, but Talos tested this vulnerability from a Windows Hyper-V guest using the RemoteFX feature, leading to execution of the vulnerable code on the Hyper-V host. While RemoteFX is no longer actively maintained by Microsoft, some older machines may still use this software.  

An out-of-bounds read vulnerability exists in the Shader functionality of NVIDIA D3D10 Driver, Version 546.01, A specially crafted executable/shader file can lead to an out-of-bounds read. An attacker can provide a specially crafted shader file to trigger this vulnerability. 

An adversary could also use this vulnerability to leak host data to the guest machine. 

Denial-of-service vulnerability in Google Chrome Video Encoder 

Discovered by Piotr Bania. 

A denial-of-service vulnerability in Google Chrome’s video encoder could crash the browser.  

TALOS-2023-1870 is triggered if the targeted user visits an attacker-created website that contains specific code.  

Talos’ sample exploit runs a JavaScript code related to the Chrome video encoding functionality, eventually causing a denial-of-service in the browser and stopping all processes in Chrome.  

Not everything has to be a massive, global cyber attack

14 March 2024 at 18:00
Not everything has to be a massive, global cyber attack

Some of my Webex rooms recently have been blowing up with memes about blaming Canada or wild speculation that a state-sponsored actor is carrying out some sort of major campaign.  

After a widespread outage of cellular service with AT&T and other carriers a few weeks ago, people were sure it was some sort of coordinated attack to disrupt Americans’ services that largely power our day-to-day lives. The outage lasted about 11 hours, and after the fact, the company announced they’d give customers a whopping $5 credit to make up for the issue. The Federal Communications Commission also announced last week that it was launching a formal investigation into the outage, requesting more information about the exact cause and how many users were affected.  

About two weeks later, the same kinds of messages and questions to our team came flooding in when Meta experienced an outage across many of its platforms, most notably Facebook, Instagram and Threads. Though this only lasted a few hours, any time Americans can’t access their Instagram feeds, it’s going to make headlines. 

In both cases, consumers immediately wanted to start pointing fingers — Which actor was behind these? Why is there so little information about this outage? Is this China getting revenge for talk of forcing a TikTok sale? What’s the broader conspiracy behind this? The outages also quickly opened the door for some of the world’s chief spreaders of misinformation and fake news to start spreading conspiracy theories. 

The problem is, not every technical issue can or needs to be explained away by a cyber attack. That’s not to undersell the danger that state-sponsored APTs pose currently, or the fact that they *could* one day cause a disruption like this. But jumping to that conclusion every time Down Detector pops off is only going to spread fear/FUD and help these outlets for disinformation reach a larger audience.  

It creates a “boy who cried wolf” situation for when a major cyber attack actually does happen, and the average consumer is forced to make an immediate update to some piece of software or hardware. 

There are a few reasons why we’re so ready to jump to the “it’s a cyber attack!” conclusion. One is that Hollywood has been “glamorizing” the idea of a major cyber attack or major disruption for years now. Movies and TV shows like Netflix’s “Leave the World Behind” have dramatized what a major cyber attack or internet outage may look like, and how quickly it could lead to the unraveling of civilization. Because of our current doomscrolling culture, the second something even looks like it could be a cyber event, we’re ready to declare the end of our economy and society. 

It’s also sexier when it’s a cyber attack. AT&T says its outage was caused by a technical error that occurred when it was trying to upgrade its network’s capacity, explicitly stating it was not caused by any sort of disruption campaign or cyber attack. Meta simply chalked their outage up to a “technical issue.”  

None of these things make for good headlines. But sometimes, the simplest explanation is the most obvious one — we’ve all pressed a wrong button here or there, and stuff breaks on the internet all the time for all sorts of reasons. But “Users logged out of Instagram after Meta employee hits ‘enter’ too soon” isn’t as eye-catching as “Are Instagram and Facebook down because of a cyber attack?” 

Could these multi-billion-dollar corporations be lying? Sure, but I also find it hard enough to believe that the truth would not have made it out to consumers by now if these outages weren’t simple technical issues, nor would AT&T feel compelled to reimburse customers for something that could be totally out of their control. 

And if you ever get logged out of Facebook or Instagram, maybe you’re just better off being offline for a few hours anyway than immediately assuming Mahershala Ali is going to be knocking on your vacation home’s door in any minute.   

The one big thing 

We want to keep reminding users to update and upgrade their network infrastructure. Aging devices like switches and routers that are used across the globe are a consistently vulnerable surface for adversaries to gain an initial foothold onto targeted networks. Talos recently highlighted the three most common post-compromise attacks that adversaries carry out after compromising these types of vulnerable devices, including modifying the device’s firmware and downgrading the firmware to remove older patches and open the door to new exploitable vulnerabilities. Nick Biasini from Talos Outreach also spoke about this issue for an article in NetworkWorld.  

Why do I care? 

As Hazel Burton puts it in the blog post linked above: “Adversaries, particularly APTs, are capitalizing on this scenario to conduct hidden post-compromise activities once they have gained initial access to the network. The goal here is to give themselves a greater foothold, conceal their activities, and hunt for data and intelligence that can assist them with their espionage and/or disruptive goals. Think of it like a burglar breaking into a house via the water pipes. They’re not using “traditional” methods such as breaking down doors or windows (the noisy smash-and-grab approach) — they’re using an unusual route, because no one ever thinks their house will be broken into via the water pipes. Their goal is to remain stealthy on the inside while they take their time to find the most valuable artefacts.” 

So now what? 

If you are using network infrastructure that is end of life, out of support, and now has vulnerabilities that cannot be patched, now really is the time to replace those devices. Using networking equipment that has been built with secure-by-design principles such as running secure boot, alongside having a robust configuration and patch management approach, is key to combatting these types of threats. Ensure that these devices are being watched very carefully for any configuration changes and patch them promptly whenever new vulnerabilities are discovered.   

Top security headlines of the week 

Security researchers have found a new vulnerability affecting chips made by nearly all major CPU makers dubbed “GhostRace.” The vulnerability, identified as CVE-2024-2193, requires an adversary to win a race condition and to have physical or privileged access to the targeted machine. However, it could allow a malicious user to steal potentially sensitive information from memory like passwords and encryption keys. "The vulnerability affects many CPU architectures, including those made by Intel, AMD, Arm and IBM. It also affected some hypervisor vendors and the Linux operating system. AMD released an advisory this week that informed customers that they should follow previous defense guidance for other security flaws like Spectre that have affected CPUs in the past. “Our analysis shows all the other common write-side synchronization primitives in the Linux kernel are ultimately implemented through a conditional branch and are therefore vulnerable to speculative race conditions,” VU Amsterdam said in its blog post disclosing GhostRace. (SecurityWeek, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Health care providers are still reeling from a cyber attack on Change Healthcare, a subsidiary of the United HealthGroup Inc. insurance provider. First Health Advisory, a digital health risk assurance firm, recently estimated that health care providers are losing an estimated $100 million daily as they still cannot process payments from insurance providers. Change first disclosed the suspected ransomware attack in late February, and on March 5, the U.S. government announced a plan to provide relief payments for providers who are facing financial shortfalls due to the outage. Many doctors' offices and care clinics are facing late rent payments and unpaid invoices. The attack has also limited some patients’ ability to obtain pre-authorization for certain services and surgeries, and others have not been able to refill their prescriptions at hospitals. U.S. Congress is also asking the CEO of United HealthGroup to appear before a committee to answer questions about the hack. (CBS News, Bloomberg

The U.S. has placed formal sanctions against two individuals and five entities associated with the Intellexa Consortium, responsible for developing and distributing the Predator spyware. Talos has previously reported on Intellexa’s tools, and how their spyware is silently loaded onto targeted devices. This is the first time the Treasury Department has sanctioned a spyware organization and announced it publicly. The sanctions include five vendors who work with Intellexa to sell the spyware, all of whom are spread across Europe. Intellexa itself is based in Greece. Predator and other spyware developed by private parties are often used to target high-risk individuals to track their communication and movement, including politicians, journalists, activists and political dissidents. Under the sanctions, anyone in the U.S. is forbidden from doing business with Intellexa or the associated companies and individuals. The Biden administration has long pushed for additional action against spyware makers, including Israel-based NSO Group, which distributes the Pegasus spyware. (Voice of America, Axios

Can’t get enough Talos? 

Upcoming events where you can find Talos 


Botconf (April 23 - 26) 

Nice, Côte d'Azur, France

This presentation from Chetan Raghuprasad details the Supershell C2 framework. Threat actors are using this framework massively and creating botnets with the Supershell implants.

CARO Workshop 2024 (May 1 - 3) 

Arlington, Virginia

Over the past year, we’ve observed a substantial uptick in attacks by YoroTrooper, a relatively nascent espionage-oriented threat actor operating against the Commonwealth of Independent Countries (CIS) since at least 2022. Asheer Malhotra's presentation at CARO 2024 will provide an overview of their various campaigns detailing the commodity and custom-built malware employed by the actor, their discovery and evolution in tactics. He will present a timeline of successful intrusions carried out by YoroTrooper targeting high-value individuals associated with CIS government agencies over the last two years.

RSA (May 6 - 9) 

San Francisco, California   

Most prevalent malware files from Talos telemetry over the past week 

SHA 256: a31f222fc283227f5e7988d1ad9c0aecd66d58bb7b4d8518ae23e110308dbf91  
MD5: 7bdbd180c081fa63ca94f9c22c457376 
Typical Filename: c0dwjdi6a.dll 
Claimed Product: N/A  
Detection Name: Trojan.GenericKD.33515991 

SHA 256: 24283c2eda68c559f85db7bf7ccfe3f81e2c7dfc98a304b2056f1a7c053594fe 
MD5: 49ae44d48c8ff0ee1b23a310cb2ecf5a 
Typical Filename: nYzVlQyRnQmDcXk 
Claimed Product: N/A 
Detection Name: Win.Dropper.Scar::tpd 

SHA 256: e38c53aedf49017c47725e4912fc7560e1c8ece2633c05057b22fd4a8ed28eb3 
MD5: c16df0bfc6fda86dbfa8948a566d32c1 
Typical Filename: CEPlus.docm 
Claimed Product: N/A  
Detection Name: 

SHA 256: 9f1f11a708d393e0a4109ae189bc64f1f3e312653dcf317a2bd406f18ffcc507  
MD5: 2915b3f8b703eb744fc54c81f4a9c67f  
Typical Filename: VID001.exe  
Claimed Product: N/A  
Detection Name: Win.Worm.Coinminer::1201 

SHA 256: e4973db44081591e9bff5117946defbef6041397e56164f485cf8ec57b1d8934 
MD5: 93fefc3e88ffb78abb36365fa5cf857c 
Typical Filename: Wextract 
Claimed Product: Internet Explorer 
Detection Name: W32.File.MalParent 

Another Patch Tuesday with no zero-days, only two critical vulnerabilities disclosed by Microsoft

12 March 2024 at 18:07
Another Patch Tuesday with no zero-days, only two critical vulnerabilities disclosed by Microsoft

For the second month in 2024, there are no actively exploited vulnerabilities included in this month’s security update from Microsoft. 

March’s Patch Tuesday is relatively light, containing 60 vulnerabilities — only two labeled “critical.” Last month’s Patch Tuesday included more than 70 security vulnerabilities affecting Microsoft products, and there were even fewer in January and December, especially when compared to 2023.  

Still, both critical vulnerabilities addressed this month are notable because they affect Windows Hyper-V, potentially allowing an adversary to target a host machine from a virtual machine environment.   

All other vulnerabilities Microsoft disclosed Tuesday are considered to be of “important” severity.  

CVE-2024-21408 is a denial-of-service vulnerability in Windows Hyper-V that could allow an adversary to target a host machine from inside a VM. However, Microsoft did not provide any additional details on how this denial-of-service could occur, and despite being listed as critical, it only scored a 5.5 out of 10 in the CVSS severity scoring system.   

The other critical issue is CVE-2024-21407, a remote code execution also in Hyper-V. An attacker inside a VM environment could remotely execute code on the host machine by sending specially crafted file operation requests to hardware resources on the VM. However, the adversary would need to be authenticated inside the VM first and acquire certain, specific information about the environment to be gathered before a successful attack. 

Another remote code execution vulnerability — of which there are 19 in Tuesday’s release, CVE-2024-21334, exists in Open Management Infrastructure. A remote, unauthenticated attacker could exploit this vulnerability by accessing the OMI instance from the internet and sending specially crafted requests to trigger a use-after-free vulnerability.  

CVE-2024-21334 is only considered by Microsoft to be “important,” though it has a CVSS score of 9.8 out of 10 — the highest of any vulnerability disclosed as part of March’s Patch Tuesday that affects a Microsoft product.  

A complete list of all the other vulnerabilities Microsoft disclosed this month is available on its update page

In response to these vulnerability disclosures, Talos is releasing a new Snort rule set that detects attempts to exploit some of them. Please note that additional rules may be released at a future date and current rules are subject to change pending additional information. Cisco Security Firewall customers should use the latest update to their ruleset by updating their SRU. Open-source Snort Subscriber Rule Set customers can stay up to date by downloading the latest rule pack available for purchase on 

The rules included in this release that protect against the exploitation of many of these vulnerabilities are 63140, 63141, 63142, 63144, 63145, 63152, 63153, 63155, 63156, 63161, 63162 and 63169 - 63170. There are also Snort 3 rules 300855, 300856 and 300858 - 300860.

You’re going to start seeing more tax-related spam, but remember, that doesn’t actually mean there’s more spam

7 March 2024 at 19:00
You’re going to start seeing more tax-related spam, but remember, that doesn’t actually mean there’s more spam

It’s that time of the year when not only do you have to be worried about filing your federal taxes in the U.S., you must also be on the lookout for a whole manner of tax-related scams.  

These are something that pop up every year through email, texts, phone calls and even physical mail — phony promises to get your tax return back faster, file your taxes “easy and free” or maximizing your possible return. Usually, the bad actors behind these are either looking to steal your money or personal information.  

One scam from last year’s tax season could have cost consumers up to $5,000 in penalties for trying to claim a fraudulent tax credit.  

And it turns out this isn’t just a problem in the U.S., either. We published new research last week into a trojan malware that’s been infecting victims in Mexico with tax-related spam emails and other social engineering tactics.  

Many countries across the world all have tax filing deadlines around the same time — Japan’s is just around the corner on March 15, in the U.S. it’s April 15, and several countries (Brazil, Canada, Chile, etc.) all share an April 30 filing deadline. So, adversaries all over the globe are going to be leveraging tax-related topics in their spam emails and social engineering campaigns in the coming weeks, trying to steal money, infect devices with malware, or steal critical personal information. 

It’s important to remember that this isn’t “peak spam season” or anything, though, and it’s not the time to spread FUD that, “Oh, your inboxes are going to be flooded with spam!” 

As I’ve written and talked about before, there isn’t more spam during tax season, it’s just different. Think about the confirmation bias that pops up when you buy a new car, and then suddenly you start seeing that car everywhere else on the road when you didn’t notice it as much before.  

Talos’ telemetry indicates that spam hasn’t increased during tax filing season in the U.S. for many years, and attackers’ tactics largely stay the same: Try to create a convincing offer, document, or link, and try to convince the target to engage with that social engineering in some form.  

It’s important to be vigilant about tax-related scams any time these deadlines roll around, regardless of what country you’re in, but it’s not like you need to be particularly more skeptical in March and April than any other time of the year. As soon as the tax filing deadline comes and goes, attackers will just start looking for the next hot topic to include in their phishing emails — presidential primaries, summer vacation deals or fake Amazon gift cards. 

If you want to hear more about this, listen to the episode of Talos Takes on this topic from last year below. 

The one big thing 

An APT known as GhostSec has increased its ransomware activities over the past year and is now conducting “double extortion” ransomware attacks with fellow group Stormous. GhostSec and Stormous have also launched a new ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) program STMX_GhostLocker and are actively recruiting new affiliates or members.  

Why do I care? 

Talos observed the GhostSec and Stormous ransomware groups operating together to conduct several double extortion attacks using the GhostLocker and StormousX ransomware programs against the victims in Cuba, Argentina, Poland, China, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Vietnam, Thailand and more nations, according to our assessment of the disclosure messages posted by the group in their Telegram channels and Stormous ransomware data leak site. This shows that the groups’ activities are not going to be contained just in one region or industry. RaaS has been a popular business model for many ransomware groups recently, which opens the door to other actors to use GhostSec’s tools by just paying them money.  

So now what? 

Talos has released new IOCs to provide defenders with new ways to block these ransomware actors. One of the implants GhostSec specifically relies on injects an admin bypass and hacking tool targeting the WordPress content management system. Any WordPress users should make sure their login credentials are up-to-date and strong and check their site to ensure there aren’t any illegitimate plugins or processes running on their site.  

Top security headlines of the week 

A fake ransomware gang calling itself “Mogilevich” admitted that they made up a claim that it had hacked video game developer Epic and stolen personal information and game source code. A leak page from the group claimed to have 200GB of data stolen from the company available for sale to other threat actors, or they would return the stolen information to Epic in exchange for a ransom payment. The group claimed it had "email, passwords, full name, payment information, source code and many other data." Epic immediately came forward sand said it had not detected any evidence of a hack or data breach. A few days after the claims went public, representatives from Mogilevich later came forward and called themselves “professional fraudsters” and they never hacked Epic’s network. Epic is known for the popular online platform and game “Fortnite.” The fraudsters also admitted that they had sold fake ransomware infrastructure to other would-be actors who wanted to carry out attacks themselves, including tricking one buyer out of $85,000. (Eurogamer, Cyber Daily

A popular series of white-label security cameras are littered with an array of security vulnerabilities that could allow adversaries to collect images from their cameras without users knowing. The cameras are manufactured by the same company, but sold under the labels of Eken and Tuck on popular websites like Amazon, Walmart, Sears and Temu. The doorbells also do not have a visible ID issued by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that’s normally required by the agency, which technically makes them illegal to distribute in the U.S., though many of them were still for sale as of late February. The vulnerabilities affect more than 10 different products, which are all controlled by the same app that’s available on the Android app store. All an adversary would need to do to exploit the vulnerabilities and spy on the camera would be to acquire the serial number — no notification is sent to the doorbell’s owner when there’s a new pairing, and the adversary doesn’t even need an account username or password. Retailers that list the cameras for sale did not respond to a request for comment from Consumer Reports, the outlet that performed the research. (Consumer Reports, TechCrunch

Payment systems across the U.S. health care system are offline, with many doctors having to switch to paper billing, after a massive data breach at Change Healthcare, a subsidiary of the UnitedHealth insurance company. Change Healthcare first disclosed the breach on Feb. 21 after adversaries disrupted operations for the company, which processes 15 billion health care-related transactions every year. Now the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is urging health care systems and doctors who use Change to start developing alternatives, as they are unsure when systems will be back online. Change Healthcare is a system that connects doctors, hospitals and other health care providers with insurance companies to pay for medical care and authorize assorted services for patients. The follow-on effects have also been difficult on providers, who are now being faced with rent and other bills that they can’t pay because they still haven’t been paid by insurance companies. (USA Today, The New York Times

Can’t get enough Talos? 


Upcoming events where you can find Talos 

Botconf (April 23 - 26) 

Nice, Côte d'Azur, France

This presentation from Chetan Raghuprasad details the Supershell C2 framework. Threat actors are using this framework massively and creating botnets with the Supershell implants.

CARO Workshop 2024 (May 1 - 3) 

Arlington, Virginia

Over the past year, we’ve observed a substantial uptick in attacks by YoroTrooper, a relatively nascent espionage-oriented threat actor operating against the Commonwealth of Independent Countries (CIS) since at least 2022. Asheer Malhotra's presentation at CARO 2024 will provide an overview of their various campaigns detailing the commodity and custom-built malware employed by the actor, their discovery and evolution in tactics. He will present a timeline of successful intrusions carried out by YoroTrooper targeting high-value individuals associated with CIS government agencies over the last two years.

RSA (May 6 - 9) 

San Francisco, California  

Most prevalent malware files from Talos telemetry over the past week  

SHA 256: a31f222fc283227f5e7988d1ad9c0aecd66d58bb7b4d8518ae23e110308dbf91  
MD5: 7bdbd180c081fa63ca94f9c22c457376 
Typical Filename: c0dwjdi6a.dll 
Claimed Product: N/A  
Detection Name: Trojan.GenericKD.33515991 

SHA 256: 9f1f11a708d393e0a4109ae189bc64f1f3e312653dcf317a2bd406f18ffcc507  
MD5: 2915b3f8b703eb744fc54c81f4a9c67f  
Typical Filename: VID001.exe  
Claimed Product: N/A  
Detection Name: Win.Worm.Coinminer::1201 

SHA 256: e4973db44081591e9bff5117946defbef6041397e56164f485cf8ec57b1d8934 
MD5: 93fefc3e88ffb78abb36365fa5cf857c 
Typical Filename: Wextract 
Claimed Product: Internet Explorer 
Detection Name: W32.File.MalParent 

SHA 256: 9ef2e8714e85dcd116b709894b43babb4a0872225ae7363152013b7fd1bc95bc 
MD5: 4813fa6d610e180b097eae0ce636d2aa 
Typical Filename: xmrig.exe 
Claimed Product: XMRig 
Detection Name: Trojan.GenericKD.70491190 

SHA 256: a75004c0bf61a2300258d99660552d88bf4e1fe6edab188aad5ac207babcf421 
MD5: c44f8ef0bbaeee256bfb62561c2a17db 
Typical Filename: ggzokjcqkgcbqiaxoohw.exe 
Claimed Product: N/A  
Detection Name: Symmi:GenMalicious-tpd 

Heather Couk is here to keep your spirits up during a cyber emergency, even if it takes the “Rocky” music

4 March 2024 at 13:00
Heather Couk is here to keep your spirits up during a cyber emergency, even if it takes the “Rocky” music

“Gotta Fly Now” is more closely associated with corporate hype videos or conferences with thousands of attendees in a mid-market city’s convention center than it is from its origins in the “Rocky” movies. 

But Heather Couk thinks it’s useful in incident response calls, too. 

Couk, an incident response commander with Cisco Talos Incident Response, says she jokingly threatens to play it in team meetings or on calls with clients to bring the energy up in the room (whether it be a virtual one or otherwise). The song inspires everyone to rally together in an environment that’s usually very stressful or coming on someone’s worst day of their professional career.  

Her calm demeanor, optimism and love of the “Rocky” soundtrack are all things that Couk brings into each engagement with a Talos IR customer, whether they’re tackling an active ransomware engagement or just ready to sit down for a tabletop exercise to hone their emergency response plan.  
“When you have someone on the other end of the phone, you don’t know the panic or the circumstances that they are working with. Everyone deals with stress and crisis in different ways,” she said. “The main thing to do is listen and make them feel comfortable. Once someone can convey all their emotions and thoughts, that can give you some sense of comfort.” 

The personal side of Couk’s job in incident response mainly came with practice and repetition, but her interest in incident response and cybersecurity was initially fueled in the classroom.  

Initially in high school, Couk said she was planning on graduating and majoring in psychology in college. But as she was working on a project for which she needed to design and print some pamphlets for another class, she connected with an IT teacher at her school who helped her over winter break. 

After the project was over, Couk wrote a note to the teacher, thanking him for his assistance — something the teacher said he had never seen before. So, Couk ended up getting a small job with the teacher working on networking all the computers in her school’s district together, doing basic troubleshooting and working on the help desk for the project.  

“That fueled my passion for computers,” Couk recalled. 

She wound up double majoring in criminal justice and computer science at Missouri Southern State University. The bulk of her career was with a manufacturing company working as a security and email administrator, but she uses her criminal justice degree daily now with Talos IR helping to track down bad actors or helping customers understand adversaries’ motivation and tactics.  

“I’m routinely on call, and when I’m on call, you have to be willing to change direction,” she said. “Sometimes you’ll get unique requests where you have to be creative in your approach.” 

Heather Couk is here to keep your spirits up during a cyber emergency, even if it takes the “Rocky” music
Heather likes to take a break from the grind of incident response by taking her two dogs and cat out of what she calls "recess" time outside — her husband especially enjoys watching them play remotely through the home's video doorbell. 

During her on-call time, Couk is addressing customer concerns as they come in, often helping in emergency response engagements and addressing a data breach or cyber attack in real-time. Other days, she’s conducting proactive services with customers, including testing their incident response plans in exercises, creating new plans from the ground up, and conducting other types of training for their IT teams.  

While these can be very stressful environments, Couk says her team — and some inspirational music — help her stay on-task and focused.  

“My team is always there to pick up for me if I miss something,” she said. “Everybody has each other’s backs. It’s just very refreshing, there’s not a lot of focus on ‘Let’s look at what you did wrong and try to fix that.’ Everybody tries to stay positive, and that goes a long way when you’re trying to keep your temperament cool, calm and collected.” 

Also keeping her calm at home are her two dogs and a cat who she regularly enjoys taking outside for breaks throughout the day. Even just a five-minute walk around the block is enough for her to reset, Couk says, but for longer breaks, everyone goes out in the front yard for what her family jokingly calls “recess” with all the pets.  

Couk also enjoys stepping back from the day-to-day emergency response of IR to look at broader attacker trends. She frequently participates in the Talos IR On Air streams recapping the past quarter’s data in Talos IR engagements and collecting the data for Talos’ accompanying reports.  

In the coming year, she said she expects remote software to be a major focus for attackers, and a place that defenders need to be paying more attention to. Remote access software has become more popular since more workers went remote after the COVID-19 pandemic, but it also opens the door to adversaries to silently infiltrate targeted networks by just stealing one set of legitimate login credentials. 

“Companies need to get a better handle on how those are used and deployed in the environment,” Couk said. “I’m always trying to stay abreast to all the latest threats, that way I’m aware of the opportunities to strengthen and harden customers’ environments.” 

While it can be satisfying for Couk to stop an attacker in their tracks or lead a customer through an active event, she said it’s the ongoing relationships that make her feel most fulfilled in incident response. Repeated conversations and meetings with customers (and successfully helping them in any situation) builds trust over time, Couk says, and she can then benefit from that trust to help them act even faster the next time. 

“I love it when we can predict what the adversary’s next action is going to be,” she said. “Then the customer trusts us, knows we’ve seen this before and been around, and it feels good to aid others and tell them what we’ve seen, so we can get it stopped faster the next time. It’s the classic ‘good vs. evil' battle.” 

Why Apple added protection against quantum computing when quantum computing doesn’t even exist yet

29 February 2024 at 19:00
Why Apple added protection against quantum computing when quantum computing doesn’t even exist yet

Apple released a new update for nearly all its devices that provides an all-new type of encryption for its iMessages to the point that, in theory, iMessages are now protected against attacks from quantum computers.  

This is a little tricky because, as we’ve covered before, quantum computers don’t exist yet, and we don’t really know when they might. 

Apple’s newest encryption technology, called PQ3, now secures iMessages with end-to-end encryption that is quantum-resistant. Signal, the secure messaging app of choice for many, launched quantum-resistant encryption for its service in September with its protocol called PQXDH

In a blog post, Apple called this update the “most significant cryptographic security upgrade in iMessage history.” 

To the average user, it’s probably tough to fully understand what this means. Private companies and governments are still pouring billions of dollars into developing quantum computers, and it’s more of a theory than a reality. We still don’t know a lot about quantum computing, and whether it could eventually be deployed in a scalable and responsible manner. The second one is created, though, it’s a safe bet that it’s going to fall into the wrong hands. 

Having these protections in place now is a huge step toward the U.S. National Institutes of Standards and Technology’s goal of creating post-quantum encryption everywhere. But change, as we all know, is slow, and it’s too early to start celebrating the idea that we’re all safe from the downsides of quantum computing.  

Eventually, every service, product, etc. that relies on public key infrastructure like SSL and TLS will need to re-examine how they operate and start integrating quantum-resistant algorithms. Think about how long it’s taken our network infrastructure to move from IPv4 to IPv6, and how IPv4 still routes most of today’s internet traffic.  

Then, compare that to Apple and Signal, who get to roll out automatic updates to their users. It’s no guarantee that users are going to install these patches, but most will update their devices overnight without them even noticing, or they’ll just install the update to finally get the pop-up notifcation to go away. Others won’t have that same benefit. 

Deploying PQC to a messaging app is easy enough, next we’ll have to hope that vendors who support web browsers, email clients, wireless routers AND those messaging apps are all on the same page so we can hopefully avoid overwhelming IT teams when we do enter the age of quantum computing.  

The one big thing 

Cisco Talos researchers have uncovered new details about the tooling and command and control servers used by the Turla APT. The infamous Russian state-sponsored actors was recently spotted spreading the TinyTurla-NG (TTNG) backdoor to issue commands to the infected endpoints. Talos also discovered the use of three other malicious modules deployed via the initial implant, TinyTurla-NG, to maintain access, and carry out arbitrary command execution and credential harvesting. One of these components is a modified agent/client from Chisel, an open-sourced attack framework, used to communicate with a separate C2 server to execute arbitrary commands on the infected systems. 

Why do I care? 

Turla is a well-known group that has most recently been seen targeting non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Poland. Talos’ research found that Turla’s new backdoor code is different than its predecessors, which means defenders need to change up their detection methods, too. Our researchers partnered with Cert NGO, an incident response service in Poland, to disclose this information, so potential victims in Poland are now better protected and prepared for this activity.  

So now what? 

Talos has released new IOCs to provide defenders with new ways to block this actor. Turla also has tools for elevated process execution and credential harvesting, so ensuring that your organization utilizes the principle of least privilege can go a long way toward preventing these attacks. 

Top security headlines of the week 

The FBI and other international law enforcement agencies partnered to take down the LockBit ransomware gang’s leak site that it used to extort its victims. However, several days after the announcement, the group announced it was back online and launched what appears to be a new leak site. As part of the takedown effort, the agencies released new decryption software for victims of LockBit and arrested two suspected operators in Poland and Ukraine at the request of French authorities. The leak site’s page was replaced with information on the decryption key, press releases from the involved law enforcement agencies, charging documents and more. However, after the weekend, LockBit claimed it was back and invited affiliates to re-join its infrastructure. They even returned to extorting one of their current victims, Fulton County, Georgia. Representatives from the Fulton County government said on Monday that the group “re-established a site on the dark web and have once again listed Fulton County as one of their victims, with a renewed threat to release purportedly stolen data.” (CNN, SecurityWeek, WSB-TV

Microsoft expanded its free logging services last week to now provide offerings for all U.S. federal agencies. The move comes after Chinese state-sponsored actors stole a Microsoft signing key and used it to spy on the emails of U.S. lawmakers last year. Previously, the company charged its cloud services customers extra for access to security logs that could have detected these types of intrusions. Now, they’re available for free. It’s also increasing the default log retention period from 90 days to 180 days (the minimum that Cisco Talos Incident Response has recommended in the past) for logs. The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) said in a statement that it worked with Microsoft, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the Office of the National Cyber Director (ONCD) to roll this program out to select agencies over the past six months. CISA also released a new log management playbook for agencies that “provides further detail on each newly available log and how these logs can be used to support threat hunting and incident-response operations.” (CISA, CyberScoop

U.S. President Joe Biden signed an executive order on Wednesday designed to keep U.S. citizens’ personal information from being sold to companies and organizations in Russia and China, two of the U.S.’s largest opponents in cyberspace. The executive order identified so-called “countries of concern” where U.S. firms could face punishments for selling personal information to, even if it was collected legitimately. However, the enforcement mechanisms for this must be created and installed, which could take months or longer. The Biden administration hopes to limit foreign entities or foreign-controlled companies that operated in the U.S. from improperly collecting sensitive data. This data includes things like biometrics, health data and geolocation. American lawmakers have long expressed concern that data sold by brokers or even stolen in cyber attacks could be used to spy or blackmail sensitive targets in the U.S., such as government officials and military leaders. Data brokers are legal in the U.S. They usually collect and categorize personal information on users, usually building profiles on them that can be sold to advertisers, social media companies, and more for personalized targeting. (Associated Press, Bloomberg

Can’t get enough Talos? 

Upcoming events where you can find Talos 

BSides Sofia 2024 (March 23 - 24) 

Sofia, Bulgaria

S4x24 (March 24 - 27) 

Miami Beach, Florida 

To protect themselves during Russian aggression, the Ukrainian military utilizes electronic warfare to blanket critical infrastructure to defeat radar and GPS-guided smart munitions. This has the unintended consequence of disrupting GPS synchrophasor clock measurements and creating service outages on an already beleaguered and damaged transmission electric grid. Joe Marshall from Talos’ Strategic Communications team will tell an incredible story of how a group of engineers and security professionals from a diverse coalition of organizations came together to solve this electronic warfare GPS problem in an unconventional technical way, and helped stabilize parts of the transmission grid of Ukraine. 

RSA (May 6 - 9) 

San Francisco, California 

Most prevalent malware files from Talos telemetry over the past week 

SHA 256: e4973db44081591e9bff5117946defbef6041397e56164f485cf8ec57b1d8934 
MD5: 93fefc3e88ffb78abb36365fa5cf857c 
Typical Filename: Wextract 
Claimed Product: Internet Explorer 
Detection Name: W32.File.MalParent 

SHA 256: 9ef2e8714e85dcd116b709894b43babb4a0872225ae7363152013b7fd1bc95bc 
MD5: 4813fa6d610e180b097eae0ce636d2aa 
Typical Filename: xmrig.exe 
Claimed Product: XMRig 
Detection Name: Trojan.GenericKD.70491190 

SHA 256: a75004c0bf61a2300258d99660552d88bf4e1fe6edab188aad5ac207babcf421 
MD5: c44f8ef0bbaeee256bfb62561c2a17db 
Typical Filename: ggzokjcqkgcbqiaxoohw.exe 
Claimed Product: N/A  
Detection Name: Symmi:GenMalicious-tpd 

SHA 256: 5e537dee6d7478cba56ebbcc7a695cae2609010a897d766ff578a4260c2ac9cf 
MD5: 2cfc15cb15acc1ff2b2da65c790d7551 
Typical Filename: rcx4d83.tmp 
Claimed Product: N/A   
Detection Name: Win.Dropper.Pykspa::tpd 

SHA 256: 59f1e69b68de4839c65b6e6d39ac7a272e2611ec1ed1bf73a4f455e2ca20eeaa   
MD5: df11b3105df8d7c70e7b501e210e3cc3   
Typical Filename: DOC001.exe   
Claimed Product: N/A   
Detection Name: Win.Worm.Coinminer::1201 

Multiple vulnerabilities in Adobe Acrobat Reader could lead to remote code execution

28 February 2024 at 17:00
Multiple vulnerabilities in Adobe Acrobat Reader could lead to remote code execution

Cisco Talos has disclosed more than 30 vulnerabilities in February, including seven in Adobe Acrobat Reader, one of the most popular PDF editing and reading software currently available. 

Adversaries could exploit these vulnerabilities to trigger the reuse of a previously freed object, thus causing memory corruption and potentially arbitrary code execution on the targeted machine.  

Other potential code execution vulnerabilities are also present in Weston Embedded µC/HTTP-server, a web server component in Weston Embedded's in-house operating system and an open-source library that processes several types of potentially sensitive medical tests.  

For Snort coverage that can detect the exploitation of these vulnerabilities, download the latest rule sets from, and our latest Vulnerability Advisories are always posted on Talos Intelligence’s website.  

Multiple vulnerabilities in Adobe Acrobat Reader 

Discovered by KPC of Cisco Talos. 

Adobe Acrobat Reader contains multiple vulnerabilities that could lead to remote code execution if exploited correctly. Acrobat is known for being one of the most popular PDF readers available and allows users to fill out, edit and share PDFs. 

TALOS-2023-1905 (CVE-2024-20735), TALOS-2023-1908 (CVE-2024-20747) and TALOS-2023-1910 (CVE-2024-20749) are all out-of-bounds read vulnerabilities that could lead to memory corruption, and eventually arbitrary code execution. TALOS-2023-1909 (CVE-2024-20748) also can lead to an out-of-bounds read, but in this case, could lead to the disclosure of sensitive information about the processes running in the software that could aid an adversary in the exploitation of other vulnerabilities or to bypass detection. 

TALOS-2023-1901 (CVE-2024-20731), TALOS-2023-1890 (CVE-2024-20729) and TALOS-2023-1906 (CVE-2024-20730) can also lead to arbitrary code execution, but in this case, the vulnerability is caused by a buffer overflow.  

An adversary can exploit all the aforementioned vulnerabilities by tricking the targeted user into opening a specially crafted PDF file. Usually, these come in the form of attachments or download links on phishing emails or other social engineering tactics. 

Open-source library used in medical tests vulnerable to code execution 

Discovered by Lilith >_>. 

Talos researchers discovered multiple arbitrary code execution vulnerabilities in Libbiosig, an open-source library that processes various types of medical signal data, such as for tracking patient’s respiration levels, or measuring an electrocardiogram (ECG). The library produces the information in a way that is useable in different file formats.  

An attacker could provide a specially crafted, malicious file to exploit TALOS-2024-1918 (CVE-2024-23305), TALOS-2024-1921 (CVE-2024-21812), TALOS-2024-1922 (CVE-2024-23313) and TALOS-2024-1925 (CVE-2024-23606), which causes an out-of-bounds write. An attacker could then leverage that to execute arbitrary code on the targeted device.  

TALOS-2024-1920 (CVE-2024-21795) and TALOS-2024-1923 (CVE-2024-23310) work in the same way, but in this case, cause a heap-based buffer overflow and use-after-free condition, respectively. 

Two other vulnerabilities, TALOS-2024-1917 (CVE-2024-22097) and TALOS-2024-1919 (CVE-2024-23809), are double-free vulnerabilities that can also lead to arbitrary code execution.  

All the vulnerabilities Talos found in Libbiosig are considered critical, with a CVSS score of 9.8 out of 10. 

Use-after-free vulnerability in Imaging Data Commons libdicom 

Discovered by Dimitrios Tatsis. 

A use-after-free vulnerability (TALOS-2024-1931/CVE CVE-2024-24793, CVE-2024-24794) exists in Imaging Data Commons libdicom, causing the premature freeing of memory that is used later.  

Libdicom is a C library and a set of command-line tools for reading DICOM WSI files, commonly used in the medical field to store and transmit files. It’s commonly used in doctor’s offices, health systems and hospitals.  

An adversary could exploit this vulnerability by forcing the targeted application to process a malicious DICOM image, potentially allowing them to later cause memory corruption on the application and possibly arbitrary code execution.  

Arbitrary code execution, denial-of-service vulnerabilities in Weston Embedded server 

Discovered by Kelly Patterson. 

A critical heap-based buffer overflow vulnerability in the Weston Embedded uC-HTTP server could lead to arbitrary code execution. TALOS-2023-1843 (CVE-2023-45318) exists in the web server component of Weston’s uCOS real-time operating system.  

The overflow occurs when parsing the protocol version of an HTTP request if the adversary sends a malicious packet to the targeted machine. TALOS-2023-1843 has a maximum severity score of 10.  

The server also contains two other vulnerabilities — TALOS-2023-1828 (CVE-2023-39540, CVE-2023-39541) and TALOS-2023-1829 (CVE-2023-38562). 

TALOS-2023-1828 is a double-free vulnerability, which could also lead to code execution, while TALOS-2023-1829 could allow an adversary to cause a denial of service on the targeted device. 

5 heap-based buffer overflow vulnerabilities in implementation of LLaMA 

Discovered by Francesco Benvenuto. 

Talos discovered multiple heap-based buffer overflows in llama.cpp that could lead to code execution on the targeted machine.  

LLaMA.cpp is a project written in C/C++ that provides inference for Large Language Models (LLMs). It supports a wide variety of hardware and platforms. Besides inference, it can also be used for quantizing models and provides Python bindings for simpler integration with more complex projects. For example, it can be used to create an AI assistant like ChatGPT. LLaMA.cpp also supports GGUF, a file format for storing LLMs that focuses on extensibility and compatibility. 

LLaMA.cpp’s GitHub page says its goal is to provide users with an “LLM inference with minimal setup and state-of-the-art performance on a wide variety of hardware — locally and in the cloud.” 

An adversary could exploit the following vulnerabilities if they provide a specially crafted .gguf file, the file type commonly used to store language models for inference: TALOS-2024-1912 (CVE-2024-21825), TALOS-2024-1913 (CVE-2024-23496), TALOS-2024-1914 (CVE-2024-21802), TALOS-2024-1915 (CVE-2024-21836) and TALOS-2024-1916 (CVE-2024-23605). 

TikTok’s latest actions to combat misinformation shows it’s not just a U.S. problem

22 February 2024 at 19:00
TikTok’s latest actions to combat misinformation shows it’s not just a U.S. problem

When we talk about the term “fake news,” most people likely picture a certain person who made the term infamous. 

And when we talk about misinformation and disinformation, many will remember the “Russian troll farms” that popped up during the 2016 U.S. presidential election and were unmasked and shut down during former president Barack Obama’s final days in office. 

But a few recent actions from TikTok, the most popular online social media platform, show that the problem of spreading misinformation and disinformation goes far beyond the borders of the U.S. 

TikTok announced last week it was launching in-app “election centres” to help combat misinformation and inform users of facts when they view videos about elections in European Union nations. This includes 27 unique apps that all use the country’s native language.  

In a statement on their site, the social media company said this effort is to “ensure people can easily separate fact from fiction.” 

Part of me can’t help but wonder if this wasn’t a problem of the company’s own creation after they allowed misinformation about the COVID-19 global pandemic to spread rapidly and use an algorithm that enhances “controversial” videos about different international brands. But I can certainly hope that these election centres provide more context than the little info box Twitter launched a while ago.  

I think this is important to note, though, that this problem just goes beyond American culture. Fake news, disinformation, misinformation – whatever label you want to put on it – will not just go away if one election in the U.S. goes one way or the other. It is an issue that is spreading on all platforms in all countries. 

I’ve been at fault in the past for just wanting to put the blame on Twitter. While they have been one of the worst offenders of allowing misinformation on their site, they are far from the only offenders or the only platform where users can spread this time of misinformation, even if they are doing it by accident. 

Just like any other platform, it’s easy for someone on TikTok to simply “share” or “like” someone else’s video if they find it compelling without giving it a second thought. Your friends and family are likely spreading misinformation on their feeds without even knowing it or doing it with any malicious intent. Regardless of where you live in the world, this is likely true. 

It’s amplified in the U.S. because our political theater is such that when something happens, everyone else on the world stage notices it. I can’t say that folks in the U.S. are necessarily invested in the national elections in Greece.  

But if misinformation is allowed to spread during the Greek elections, it’s going to spread to U.S. presidential elections. Once the infrastructure is in place for disinformation to flourish on a platform, it’s nearly impossible to get rid of, no matter the topic.  

The one big thing 

Google Cloud Run is currently being abused in high-volume malware distribution campaigns, spreading several banking trojans such as Astaroth (aka Guildma), Mekotio and Ousaban to targets across Latin America and Europe. The volume of emails associated with these campaigns has significantly increased since September 2023 and we continue to regularly observe new email distribution campaigns. We have observed all three malware families being delivered during the same timeframe from the same storage bucket within Google Cloud. 

Why do I care? 

Some of the highest volume campaigns recently observed were being used to deliver the Astaroth, Mekotio, and Ousaban banking trojans to victims largely located in Latin American countries. We have also observed lower volume campaign victims located throughout Europe and North America, which may indicate less geographically focused targeting by threat actors moving forward. For example, the current variant of Astaroth targets more than 300 institutions across 15 Latin American countries. 

So now what? 

Talos has released new ClamAV signatures and Snort rules to protect against these various banking trojans. Our researchers have also alerted Google of this activity so that they may address it internally on Cloud Run. 

Top security headlines of the week 

Poland is launching a formal investigation into whether its former government leaders misused the Pegasus spyware. Parliament created a coalition to see if the Law and Justice (PiS) government, previously the ruling party of Poland, used the controversial spyware to track and target its political opponents. Current ruling leaders used a promise of an investigation as one of their top campaign platforms. Meanwhile, NSO Group, the creators of Pegasus, have reportedly created a new one-click exploit called “MMS Fingerprint” that it offers as an infection tool for the spyware. MMS Fingerprint allows Pegasus users to learn a great deal about a target Blackberry, iPhone or Android device by sending a specially crafted Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) message. A contract between an NSO Group reseller and a customer in Ghana exposed the information, including a promise that MMS Fingerprint required “No user interaction, engagement, or message opening ... to receive the device fingerprint.” (Politico, DarkReading

The spyware startup Variston is reportedly shrinking and is preparing to completely close. Variston is known for launching spyware that can target iPhones, Android devices and some PCs. A disgruntled employee reportedly leaked information about the company and the zero-day exploits they used to Google’s Threat Analysis Group, which allowed Google to unmask the operation. This eventually led to several employees and developers leaving Variston. Variston, founded in 2018, previously used three zero-day vulnerabilities to target Apple devices, including a campaign in March 2023 to target iPhones in Indonesia. Reporters and researchers have yet to find who, exactly, Variston sold their services and technology to, though former employees have said some of the spyware was sent to the United Arab Emirates. (Tech Crunch, Google

Volt Typhoon, a large APT based in China, is reportedly still exfiltrating sensitive information on operational technology (OT) networks. Volt Typhoon has been known to target organizations in the communications, manufacturing, utility, IT and education sectors across the globe, though it’s recently become more noteworthy for its targeting of critical networks in the U.S. A new report from cybersecurity firm Dragos says that it spotted Volt Typhoon conducting scanning activities against electric companies between November and December 2023. Volt Typhoon is traditionally known for espionage and data theft on behalf of the Chinese government. But Dragos also says that the actor has also recently infiltrated a large U.S. city's emergency services network, as well as critical infrastructure networks in Africa. The report states that the OT data stolen may cause “unintended disruption to critical industrial processes or provide the adversary with crucial intelligence to aid in follow-up offensive tool development or attacks against ICS networks.” (SecurityWeek, The Register

Can’t get enough Talos? 

Upcoming events where you can find Talos 

S4x24 (March 4 - 27) 

Miami Beach, Florida 

To protect themselves during Russian aggression, the Ukrainian military utilizes electronic warfare to blanket critical infrastructure to defeat radar and GPS-guided smart munitions. This has the unintended consequence of disrupting GPS synchrophasor clock measurements and creating service outages on an already beleaguered and damaged transmission electric grid. Joe Marshall from Talos’ Strategic Communications team will tell an incredible story of how a group of engineers and security professionals from a diverse coalition of organizations came together to solve this electronic warfare GPS problem in an unconventional technical way, and helped stabilize parts of the transmission grid of Ukraine. 

RSA (May 6 - 9) 

San Francisco, California 

Most prevalent malware files from Talos telemetry over the past week 

SHA 256: 9f1f11a708d393e0a4109ae189bc64f1f3e312653dcf317a2bd406f18ffcc507  
MD5: 2915b3f8b703eb744fc54c81f4a9c67f  
Typical Filename: VID001.exe  
Claimed Product: N/A  
Detection Name: Win.Worm.Coinminer::1201 

SHA 256: 6d167aee7013d61b0832937773cd71d77493a05d6ffb1849bdfb1477622e54c2 
MD5: 36503fd339663027f5909793ea49ccbc 
Typical Filename: telivy_agent_2.3.1.exe 
Claimed Product: N/A  
Detection Name: W32.File.MalParent

SHA 256: a31f222fc283227f5e7988d1ad9c0aecd66d58bb7b4d8518ae23e110308dbf91  
MD5: 7bdbd180c081fa63ca94f9c22c457376 
Typical Filename: c0dwjdi6a.dll 
Claimed Product: N/A  
Detection Name: Trojan.GenericKD.33515991 

SHA 256: 5616b94f1a40b49096e2f8f78d646891b45c649473a5b67b8beddac46ad398e1    
MD5: 3e10a74a7613d1cae4b9749d7ec93515    
Typical Filename: IMG001.exe    
Claimed Product: N/A    
Detection Name: Win.Dropper.Coinminer::1201 

SHA 256: 59f1e69b68de4839c65b6e6d39ac7a272e2611ec1ed1bf73a4f455e2ca20eeaa   
MD5: df11b3105df8d7c70e7b501e210e3cc3   
Typical Filename: DOC001.exe   
Claimed Product: N/A   
Detection Name: Win.Worm.Coinminer::1201 

How CVSS 4.0 changes (or doesn’t) the way we see vulnerability severity

21 February 2024 at 13:54
How CVSS 4.0 changes (or doesn’t) the way we see vulnerability severity

Finding, managing and patching security vulnerabilities on any network, no matter the size, is a tall task. 

In the first week of 2024 alone, there were 621 new common IT security vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs) disclosed worldwide, covering a range of applications, software and hardware that could be on any given network. 

Just looking at the raw number of security vulnerabilities that need to be mitigated or patched is going to be overwhelming for any IT team. So, at its most basic level, it’s easy to see why administrators and security researchers are drawn to the appeal of a singular data point that measures how severe a vulnerability is, distilled down to a scale of 0 – 10. 

Most casual cybersecurity observers will be familiar with the basic terms like “critical,” “severe” or “moderate” when it comes to measuring how serious a particular vulnerability is – these are usually used in news articles or technical write-ups about a security issue when it becomes public and is based on a vulnerability’s CVSS score. 

Now, the way those vulnerabilities are scored is changing, and many organizations are likely to adopt the newly created CVSS 4.0 this year with the hope of providing new context around how, exactly, vulnerabilities can be exploited and what type of risk they present to targets.  

CVSS was created and is managed by the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST), a non-profit organization made up of incident response teams from government organizations and private companies.  

FIRST describes the CVSS scoring system as “a way to capture the principal characteristics of a vulnerability and produce a numerical score reflecting its severity. The numerical score can then be translated into a qualitative representation (such as low, medium, high, and critical) to help organizations properly assess and prioritize their vulnerability management processes.” 

And while distilling risk down to a simple numerical score is helpful for many in the security space, it is also an imperfect system that can often leave out important context and does not paint the whole picture of how to best manage vulnerable systems on a network. 

What’s new in CVSS 4.0? 

CVSS 3.1, the current model used by many organizations to measure vulnerability severity, has been around for about four years now. With CVSS 4.0, the creators are hoping to add additional context around how an attacker could exploit a certain vulnerability and what specific requirements need to be met before an adversary could carry out the exploit. 

Jerry Gamblin, a principal threat detection and response engineer for Cisco Vulnerability Management, said in a recent episode of Talos Takes that the main takeaway for users who just want to focus on the severity score (and whether an issue is particularly critical) will be in a new “attack requirements” field for scoring a vulnerability. Vulnerabilities that require a targeted software be configured in a certain way outside of its default state to be vulnerable are likely to have lower severity scores under CVSS 4.0, according to Gamblin. 

FIRST also says that CVSS 4.0 offers “finer granularity through the addition of new base metrics and values,” including providing readers and administrators with new information about what attack requirements exist for an adversary to be successful, and whether user interaction is required or not for a vulnerability to be exploited.  

The formula also includes a greater focus on resiliency on the internet-of-things and industrial control systems space, which has become a great focus of the cybersecurity community. 

Once CVSS 4.0 is out in the wild for long enough, FIRST is also likely to release an update in 4.1 that will fix any inconsistencies discovered during the rollout or to add additional missing context, though there is no concrete timeline for when that will happen. 

CVSS 4.0 won’t start appearing on most vulnerability advisories users are used to reading until later this year, when organizations that handle the release and disclosure of vulnerabilities start adopting CVSS 4.0, like the National Vulnerability Database, which won’t happen until later this year. 

Yves Younan, the leader of Talos’ Vulnerability Research Team, which discovers and discloses hundreds of new vulnerabilities every year, said it could be a year or more before Talos vulnerability advisories start using CVSS 4.0 as any problems are addressed. Talos also did not initially adopt CVSS 3.0 when it was released five years ago. 

What does a severity score mean, anyway? 


Generally, a higher CVSS score means a vulnerability is more serious than others and should be addressed sooner than others with lower severity scores.  

For example, Log4shell (CVE-2021-44228), a critical remote code execution vulnerability in the popular Apache Foundation Log4j library, was assigned a maximum score of 10 out of 10 in December 2021 when it was first discovered. The infamous vulnerability was widely exploited across the globe and continues to still be an issue today.  

While this score seems objective in measuring how serious an issue is, a CVSS score can be influenced by the researcher reporting the vulnerability and the vendor that needs to patch the issue. 

Talos uses the CVSS calculator to create its own severity scores, according to Younan. Eventually, Talos waits for MITRE Corp. to assign a CVE and communicates with the affected vendor about releasing a patch. However, certain aspects of how the CVSS is calculated can be subjective to the organization scoring it, such as whether they consider a vulnerability particularly “easy” or “difficult” to exploit.  One major advantage of CVSS 4.0 is that this determination has a much lower impact on the score compared to CVSS 3.1 where it would cause a significant change in the score. 

That end score that makes it out into the public is particularly important, though, because a security issue being covered in the press or spread widely on social media can often lead to more attackers trying to exploit the issue on unpatched software or hardware, and therefore increased urgency for the need to patch the issue from admins.  

The severity score on one individual vulnerability doesn’t tell the whole story about a potential exploit, either. Younan said many attacks and breaches are the result of adversaries chaining multiple vulnerabilities together to target a particular product or service. As Talos highlights in many of its Vulnerability Deep Dive posts, attackers can use a series of vulnerabilities with relatively low severity scores to eventually carry out a more serious attack or even completely take over a system.  

How do severity scores affect vulnerability management? 

Though severity scores are what will eventually make headlines, patching cadence and vulnerability management must take several factors into consideration.  

Each organization will have its own approach for how to address patching and updating their systems with their individual needs, Gamblin said, meaning it’s not as simple as patching 10-out-of-10 severity vulnerabilities first, then 9.9 out of 10, etc. 

Certain technologies, such as Cisco Vulnerability Management, can help administrators prioritize patching on their systems and see what vulnerabilities their networks are exposed to. Cisco Vulnerability Management has its own risk score that it uses to prioritize patching, and while the base CVSS score is a part of that calculation, Gamblin said the Cisco Risk Score won’t change because of the release of CVSS 4.0. 

Gamblin urges all users and administrators to first patch for vulnerabilities in any software or hardware that’s directly exposed to the internet first, without consideration for whether the vulnerability received a “critical” score or not. 

“Anything exposed to the internet should be patched because that’s where we see most attacks,” he said in the Talos Takes episode. “There are very few physical or local attacks these days.” 

After that, patching should focus on specific vulnerabilities that could lead to remote code execution, because those are the issues attackers are most likely to exploit, he said. While remote code execution vulnerabilities do generally receive higher severity scores, this isn’t always the case. 

It’s also important to prioritize patching any systems that customers or employees access on a day-to-day basis at an organization, Gamblin said, such as email clients or any software that employees have dedicated credentials to and stores sensitive information.  

As we pointed out in the 2023 Year in Review report, network infrastructure is also being targeted more frequently, so it’s important to patch any edge devices that touch the internet like routers and switches

For more on this topic, listen to a previous Talos Takes episode on patching strategies below, and read our recent post on securing network infrastructure

Why the toothbrush DDoS story fooled us all

15 February 2024 at 19:00
Why the toothbrush DDoS story fooled us all

I’ll be the first to admit that, like many people on the internet last week, I got caught up in the toothbrush distributed denial-of-service attack that wasn’t.  

I had a whole section on it written up in last week’s newsletter, and then I came across Graham Cluley’s blog post debunking the whole thing, and I had to delete it about an hour before the newsletter went live.  

There was about a 24-hour period where many news outlets reported on a reported DDoS attack that involved a botnet made up of thousands of internet-connected toothbrushes, it all started with one international newspaper report, and then was aggregated to death and spread quickly on social media.  

This attack was only a hypothetical that a security researcher posed in an interview but was reported or translated as an attack that happened. 

To me, I think we can all learn from a few major takeaways from this entire saga — myself included.  

It’s easy to see why this was a ready-made story to go viral: It involved a silly device that probably doesn’t need to be connected to the internet anyway, it involved a large number that would grab headlines and it was a DDoS attack, which have suddenly come back in vogue over the past year

But, I’ll admit, the aggregated stories seemed a little fishy to me at first, because all the reports didn’t include any specifics about which company was targeted, how long the attack lasted, or the name of the device that was reportedly compromised. 

That last part should be a red flag going forward for any of us wanting to share a meme about something the next time a cybersecurity story goes viral — in my opinion, responsible disclosure of an attack or compromise should always include information about whatever vulnerability it was that was exploited. In this hypothetical scenario, I don’t think an adversary would have been able to compromise an internet-connected toothbrush without first exploiting some sort of vulnerability, which if it’s being reported on in public, should at least include information on patches or mitigations. 

I also think we all need to be asking the fundamental question: Why? In this case, I should have asked myself why an attacker would want to go through the trouble of compromising smart toothbrushes. And what would be the end goal of targeting a private company with a DDoS attack? Likely, it would be to demand a ransom in exchange for the attacker stopping the attack, but without knowing what sector the targeted company was in, it’s tough to guess how profitable that might even be. (For example, a health care agency may be looking to do anything to get back to operating asap, as lives could literally be at stake.) 

And once the attacker compromised a toothbrush, what information can they glean from the user besides their dental hygiene habits? Usually, they’d be looking to steal some sort of personal information, login credentials or financial data that they could then turn around and sell on the dark web. 

Needless to say, there were multiple red flags we all ignored when this story started to spread. And I’m not here to blame anyone in this case; it was all honest mistakes that, all things considered, ended up not being that serious. But the toothbrush botnet that wasn’t does serve as a reminder to all of us to be a bit more mindful before clicking share or posting a story on social media.  

The one big thing 

Cisco Talos has identified a new backdoor authored and operated by the Turla APT group, a Russian cyber espionage threat group. This new backdoor we’re calling “TinyTurla-NG” (TTNG) is similar to Turla’s previously disclosed implant, TinyTurla, in coding style and functionality implementation. Talos assesses with high confidence that TinyTurla-NG, just like TinyTurla, is a small “last chance” backdoor that is left behind to be used when all other unauthorized access/backdoor mechanisms have failed or been detected on the infected systems. 

Why do I care? 

Turla has been widely known to target entities across the world using a huge set of offensive tools in geographies including the U.S., European Union, Ukraine and Asia. They’ve previously used malware families such as CAPIBAR and KAZUAR to target Ukrainian defense forces. After Crutch and TinyTurla, Turla has now expanded their arsenal to include the TinyTurla-NG and TurlaPower-NG malware families, while also widening its net of targets to NGOs. 

So now what? 

Talos has released new ClamAV signatures and Snort rules to protect against TinyTurla and the actors’ actions. We don’t know what the initial access vector is, so it’s tough to give targeted advice on how to avoid this malware, but having any endpoint detection in place will block this “last chance” backdoor.  

Top security headlines of the week 

Chinese state-sponsored actor Volt Typhoon may have silently sat on U.S. critical infrastructure networks for more than five years, according to a new report from American intelligence agencies. According to the advisory, the infamous hacking group has been exploiting vulnerabilities in routers, firewalls and VPNs to target water, transportation, energy and communications systems across the country. Volt Typhoon has been able to control some victims’ surveillance camera systems, and the access could have allowed them to disrupt critical energy and water controls. The actor is known for using living-off-the-land binaries (LoLBins) to remain undetected once they gain an initial foothold. Authorities in Canada, Australia and New Zealand also contributed to last week’s advisory, citing their concern for similar activity in their countries. The FBI’s director recently said in testimony to U.S. Congress that authorities had dismantled a bot network of hundreds of compromised devices that was connected to VoltTyphoon. (Axios, The Guardian

A new spyware network called TheTruthSpy may have compromised hundreds of Android devices using silent tracking apps that users download thinking they’re legitimate. Security researchers uncovered the information of thousands of devices that have already been compromised, including their IMEI numbers and advertising IDs. TheTruthSpy appears to actively spy on large clusters of victims across Europe, India, Indonesia, the U.S. and U.K. The operators behind TheTruthSpy also did not address a security vulnerability in the software, identified as CVE-2022-0732, which left the victim data they stole potentially vulnerable to other bad actors. These types of stalkerware tools are often used by family members, spouses or peers of victims who want to track their physical locations and spy on messages and phone calls. The spyware is downloaded via an app, which doesn’t appear on the victim’s home screen and operates quietly in the background. (TechCrunch, maia blog

Apple removed a fake LastPass app called “LassPass” after the popular password management service reported it. The phony LassPass used a similar logo to that of the legitimate LastPass and was up on the App Store for an unknown amount of time. Apple also said it was removing the creator of the app from its Developer Program. This is a very rare case for the Apple App Store, as it has a strict review policy. LastPass released a warning to all users last week of the fake app’s existence, including a link to the legitimate LastPass app. LassPass only had one review on the store, and multiple reviews warning it was fake. However, it’s safe to assume that the app was likely set up as some sort of phishing scam meant to get users to enter their legitimate LastPass login information to be stolen by the fake app’s creator. (Ars Technica, Bleeping Computer

Can’t get enough Talos? 

Upcoming events where you can find Talos 

S4x24 (March 4 - 27) 

Miami Beach, Florida 

To protect themselves during Russian aggression, the Ukrainian military utilizes electronic warfare to blanket critical infrastructure to defeat radar and GPS-guided smart munitions. This has the unintended consequence of disrupting GPS synchrophasor clock measurements and creating service outages on an already beleaguered and damaged transmission electric grid. Joe Marshall from Talos’ Strategic Communications team will tell an incredible story of how a group of engineers and security professionals from a diverse coalition of organizations came together to solve this electronic warfare GPS problem in an unconventional technical way, and helped stabilize parts of the transmission grid of Ukraine. 

RSA (May 6 - 9) 

San Francisco, California 

Most prevalent malware files from Talos telemetry over the past week 

SHA 256: a31f222fc283227f5e7988d1ad9c0aecd66d58bb7b4d8518ae23e110308dbf91  
MD5: 7bdbd180c081fa63ca94f9c22c457376 
Typical Filename: c0dwjdi6a.dll 
Claimed Product: N/A  
Detection Name: Trojan.GenericKD.33515991 

SHA 256: 5616b94f1a40b49096e2f8f78d646891b45c649473a5b67b8beddac46ad398e1    
MD5: 3e10a74a7613d1cae4b9749d7ec93515    
Typical Filename: IMG001.exe    
Claimed Product: N/A    
Detection Name: Win.Dropper.Coinminer::1201 

SHA 256: 59f1e69b68de4839c65b6e6d39ac7a272e2611ec1ed1bf73a4f455e2ca20eeaa   
MD5: df11b3105df8d7c70e7b501e210e3cc3   
Typical Filename: DOC001.exe   
Claimed Product: N/A   
Detection Name: Win.Worm.Coinminer::1201 

SHA 256: 5e537dee6d7478cba56ebbcc7a695cae2609010a897d766ff578a4260c2ac9cf 
MD5: 2cfc15cb15acc1ff2b2da65c790d7551 
Typical Filename: rcx4d83.tmp 
Claimed Product: N/A   
Detection Name: Win.Dropper.Pykspa::tpd 

SHA 256: 77c2372364b6dd56bc787fda46e6f4240aaa0353ead1e3071224d454038a545e 
MD5: 040cd888e971f2872d6d5dafd52e6194 
Typical Filename: tmp000c3787 
Claimed Product: Ultra Virus Killer 
Detection Name: 
