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Decrypted: TargetCompany Ransomware

7 February 2022 at 15:02

On January 25, 2022, a victim of a ransomware attack reached out to us for help. The extension of the encrypted files and the ransom note indicated the TargetCompany ransomware (not related to Target the store), which can be decrypted under certain circumstances.

Modus Operandi of the TargetCompany Ransomware

When executed, the ransomware does some actions to ease its own malicious work:

  1. Assigns the SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege and SeDebugPrivilege for its process
  2. Deletes special file execution options for tools like vssadmin.exe, wmic.exe, wbadmin.exe, bcdedit.exe, powershell.exe, diskshadow.exe, net.exe and taskkil.exe
  3. Removes shadow copies on all drives using this command:
    %windir%\sysnative\vssadmin.exe delete shadows /all /quiet
  4. Reconfigures boot options:
    bcdedit /set {current} bootstatuspolicy ignoreallfailures
    bcdedit /set {current} recoveryenabled no
  5. Kills some processes that may hold open valuable files, such as databases:
List of processes killed by the TargetCompany ransomware
MsDtsSrvr.exe ntdbsmgr.exe
ReportingServecesService.exe oracle.exe
fdhost.exe sqlserv.exe
fdlauncher.exe sqlservr.exe
msmdsrv.exe sqlwrite

After these preparations, the ransomware gets the mask of all logical drives in the system using the  GetLogicalDrives() Win32 API. Each drive is checked for the drive type by GetDriveType(). If that drive is valid (fixed, removable or network), the encryption of the drive proceeds. First, every drive is populated with the ransom note file (named RECOVERY INFORMATION.txt). When this task is complete, the actual encryption begins.


To keep the infected PC working, TargetCompany avoids encrypting certain folders and file types:

List of folders avoided by the TargetCompany ransomware
msocache boot Microsoft Security Client Microsoft MPI
$windows.~ws $windows.~bt Internet Explorer Windows Kits
system volume information mozilla Reference Microsoft.NET
intel boot Assemblies Windows Mail
appdata windows.old Windows Defender Microsoft Security Client
perflogs Windows Microsoft ASP.NET Package Store
application data
WindowsPowerShell Core Runtime Microsoft Analysis Services
tor browser Windows NT Package Windows Portable Devices
Windows Store Windows Photo Viewer
Common Files Microsoft Help Viewer Windows Sidebar

List of file types avoided by the TargetCompany ransomware
.386 .cpl .exe .key .msstyles .rtp
.adv .cur .hlp .lnk .msu .scr
.ani .deskthemepack .hta .lock .nls .shs
.bat .diagcfg .icl .mod .nomedia .spl
.cab .diagpkg .icns .mpa .ocx .sys
.cmd .diangcab .ico .msc .prf .theme
.com .dll .ics .msi .ps1 .themepack
.drv .idx .msp .rom .wpx

The ransomware generates an encryption key for each file (0x28 bytes). This key splits into Chacha20 encryption key (0x20 bytes) and n-once (0x08) bytes. After the file is encrypted, the key is protected by a combination of Curve25519 elliptic curve + AES-128 and appended to the end of the file. The scheme below illustrates the file encryption. Red-marked parts show the values that are saved into the file tail after the file data is encrypted:

The exact structure of the file tail, appended to the end of each encrypted file, is shown as a C-style structure:

Every folder with an encrypted file contains the ransom note file. A copy of the ransom note is also saved into c:\HOW TO RECOVER !!.TXT

The personal ID, mentioned in the file, is the first six bytes of the personal_id, stored in each encrypted file.

How to use the Avast decryptor to recover files

To decrypt your files, please, follow these steps:

  1. Download the free Avast decryptor. Choose a build that corresponds with your Windows installation. The 64-bit version is significantly faster and most of today’s Windows installations are 64-bit.
  2. Simply run the executable file. It starts in the form of a wizard, which leads you through the configuration of the decryption process.
  3. On the initial page, you can read the license information, if you want, but you really only need to click “Next”
  1. On the next page, select the list of locations which you want to be searched and decrypted. By default, it contains a list of all local drives:
  1. On the third page, you need to enter the name of a file encrypted by the TargetCompany ransomware. In case you have an encryption password created by a previous run of the decryptor, you can select the “I know the password for decrypting files” option:
  1. The next page is where the password cracking process takes place. Click “Start” when you are ready to start the process. During password cracking, all your available processor cores will spend most of their computing power to find the decryption password. The cracking process may take a large amount of time, up to tens of hours. The decryptor periodically saves the progress and if you interrupt it and restart the decryptor later, it offers you an option to resume the previously started cracking process. Password cracking is only needed once per PC – no need to do it again for each file.
  1. When the password is found, you can proceed to the decryption of files on your PC by clicking “Next”.
  1. On the final wizard page, you can opt-in whether you want to backup encrypted files. These backups may help if anything goes wrong during the decryption process. This option is turned on by default, which we recommend. After clicking “Decrypt”, the decryption process begins. Let the decryptor work and wait until it finishes.


SHA256 File Extension
98a0fe90ef04c3a7503f2b700415a50e62395853bd1bab9e75fbe75999c0769e .mallox
3f843cbffeba010445dae2b171caaa99c6b56360de5407da71210d007fe26673 .exploit
af723e236d982ceb9ca63521b80d3bee487319655c30285a078e8b529431c46e .architek
e351d4a21e6f455c6fca41ed4c410c045b136fa47d40d4f2669416ee2574124b .brg

The post Decrypted: TargetCompany Ransomware appeared first on Avast Threat Labs.

Exploit Kits vs. Google Chrome

12 January 2022 at 16:37

In October 2021, we discovered that the Magnitude exploit kit was testing out a Chromium exploit chain in the wild. This really piqued our interest, because browser exploit kits have in the past few years focused mainly on Internet Explorer vulnerabilities and it was believed that browsers like Google Chrome are just too big of a target for them.

#MagnitudeEK is now stepping up its game by using CVE-2021-21224 and CVE-2021-31956 to exploit Chromium-based browsers. This is an interesting development since most exploit kits are currently targeting exclusively Internet Explorer, with Chromium staying out of their reach.

— Avast Threat Labs (@AvastThreatLabs) October 19, 2021

About a month later, we found that the Underminer exploit kit followed suit and developed an exploit for the same Chromium vulnerability. That meant there were two exploit kits that dared to attack Google Chrome: Magnitude using CVE-2021-21224 and CVE-2021-31956 and Underminer using CVE-2021-21224, CVE-2019-0808, CVE-2020-1020, and CVE-2020-1054.

We’ve been monitoring the exploit kit landscape very closely since our discoveries, watching out for any new developments. We were waiting for other exploit kits to jump on the bandwagon, but none other did, as far as we can tell. What’s more, Magnitude seems to have abandoned the Chromium exploit chain. And while Underminer still continues to use these exploits today, its traditional IE exploit chains are doing much better. According to our telemetry, less than 20% of Underminer’s exploitation attempts are targeting Chromium-based browsers.

This is some very good news because it suggests that the Chromium exploit chains were not as successful as the attackers hoped they would be and that it is not currently very profitable for exploit kit developers to target Chromium users. In this blog post, we would like to offer some thoughts into why that could be the case and why the attackers might have even wanted to develop these exploits in the first place. And since we don’t get to see a new Chromium exploit chain in the wild every day, we will also dissect Magnitude’s exploits and share some detailed technical information about them.

Exploit Kit Theory

To understand why exploit kit developers might have wanted to test Chromium exploits, let’s first look at things from their perspective. Their end goal in developing and maintaining an exploit kit is to make a profit: they just simply want to maximize the difference between money “earned” and money spent. To achieve this goal, most modern exploit kits follow a simple formula. They buy ads targeted to users who are likely to be vulnerable to their exploits (e.g. Internet Explorer users). These ads contain JavaScript code that is automatically executed, even when the victim doesn’t interact with the ad in any way (sometimes referred to as drive-by attacks). This code can then further profile the victim’s browser environment and select a suitable exploit for that environment. If the exploitation succeeds, a malicious payload (e.g. ransomware or a coinminer) is deployed to the victim. In this scenario, the money “earned” could be the ransom or mining rewards. On the other hand, the money spent is the cost of ads, infrastructure (renting servers, registering domain names etc.), and the time the attacker spends on developing and maintaining the exploit kit.

Modus operandi of a typical browser exploit kit

The attackers would like to have many diverse exploits ready at any given time because it would allow them to cast a wide net for potential victims. But it is important to note that individual exploits generally get less effective over time. This is because the number of people susceptible to a known vulnerability will decrease as some people patch and other people upgrade to new devices (which are hopefully not plagued by the same vulnerabilities as their previous devices). This forces the attackers to always look for new vulnerabilities to exploit. If they stick with the same set of exploits for years, their profit would eventually reduce down to almost nothing.

So how do they find the right vulnerabilities to exploit? After all, there are thousands of CVEs reported each year, but only a few of them are good candidates for being included in an exploit kit. Weaponizing an exploit generally takes a lot of time (unless, of course, there is a ready-to-use PoC or the exploit can be stolen from a competitor), so the attackers might first want to carefully take into account multiple characteristics of each vulnerability. If a vulnerability scores well across these characteristics, it looks like a good candidate for inclusion in an exploit kit. Some of the more important characteristics are listed below.

  • Prevalence of the vulnerability
    The more users are affected by the vulnerability, the more attractive it is to the attackers. 
  • Exploit reliability
    Many exploits rely on some assumptions or are based on a race condition, which makes them fail some of the time. The attackers obviously prefer high-reliability exploits.
  • Difficulty of exploit development
    This determines the time that needs to be spent on exploit development (if the attackers are even capable of exploiting the vulnerability). The attackers tend to prefer vulnerabilities with a public PoC exploit, which they can often just integrate into their exploit kit with minimal effort.
  • Targeting precision
    The attackers care about how hard it is to identify (and target ads to) vulnerable victims. If they misidentify victims too often (meaning that they serve exploits to victims who they cannot exploit), they’ll just lose money on the malvertising.
  • Expected vulnerability lifetime
    As was already discussed, each vulnerability gets less effective over time. However, the speed at which the effectiveness drops can vary a lot between vulnerabilities, mostly based on how effective is the patching process of the affected software.
  • Exploit detectability
    The attackers have to deal with numerous security solutions that are in the business of protecting their users against exploits. These solutions can lower the exploit kit’s success rate by a lot, which is why the attackers prefer more stealthy exploits that are harder for the defenders to detect. 
  • Exploit potential
    Some exploits give the attackers System, while others might make them only end up inside a sandbox. Exploits with less potential are also less useful, because they either need to be chained with other LPE exploits, or they place limits on what the final malicious payload is able to do.

Looking at these characteristics, the most plausible explanation for the failure of the Chromium exploit chains is the expected vulnerability lifetime. Google is extremely good at forcing users to install browser patches: Chrome updates are pushed to users when they’re ready and can happen many times in a month (unlike e.g. Internet Explorer updates which are locked into the once-a-month “Patch Tuesday” cycle that is only broken for exceptionally severe vulnerabilities). When CVE-2021-21224 was a zero-day vulnerability, it affected billions of users. Within a few days, almost all of these users received a patch. The only unpatched users were those who manually disabled (or broke) automatic updates, those who somehow managed not to relaunch the browser in a long time, and those running Chromium forks with bad patching habits.

A secondary reason for the failure could be attributed to bad targeting precision. Ad networks often allow the attackers to target ads based on various characteristics of the user’s browser environment, but the specific version of the browser is usually not one of these characteristics. For Internet Explorer vulnerabilities, this does not matter that much: the attackers can just buy ads for Internet Explorer users in general. As long as a certain percentage of Internet Explorer users is vulnerable to their exploits, they will make a profit. However, if they just blindly targeted Google Chrome users, the percentage of vulnerable victims might be so low, that the cost of malvertising would outweigh the money they would get by exploiting the few vulnerable users. Google also plans to reduce the amount of information given in the User-Agent string. Exploit kits often heavily rely on this string for precise information about the browser version. With less information in the User-Agent header, they might have to come up with some custom version fingerprinting, which would most likely be less accurate and costly to manage.

Now that we have some context about exploit kits and Chromium, we can finally speculate about why the attackers decided to develop the Chromium exploit chains. First of all, adding new vulnerabilities to an exploit kit seems a lot like a “trial and error” activity. While the attackers might have some expectations about how well a certain exploit will perform, they cannot know for sure how useful it will be until they actually test it out in the wild. This means it should not be surprising that sometimes, their attempts to integrate an exploit turn out worse than they expected. Perhaps they misjudged the prevalence of the vulnerabilities or thought that it would be easier to target the vulnerable victims. Perhaps they focused too much on the characteristics that the exploits do well on: after all, they have reliable, high-potential exploits for a browser that’s used by billions. It could also be that this was all just some experimentation where the attackers just wanted to explore the land of Chromium exploits.

It’s also important to point out that the usage of Internet Explorer (which is currently vital for the survival of exploit kits) has been steadily dropping over the past few years. This may have forced the attackers to experiment with how viable exploits for other browsers are because they know that sooner or later they will have to make the switch. But judging from these attempts, the attackers do not seem fully capable of making the switch as of now. That is some good news because it could mean that if nothing significant changes, exploit kits might be forced to retire when Internet Explorer usage drops below some critical limit.


Let’s now take a closer look at the Magnitude’s exploit chain that we discovered in the wild. The exploitation starts with a JavaScript exploit for CVE-2021-21224. This is a type confusion vulnerability in V8, which allows the attacker to execute arbitrary code within a (sandboxed) Chromium renderer process. A zero-day exploit for this vulnerability (or issue 1195777, as it was known back then since no CVE ID had been assigned yet) was dumped on Github on April 14, 2021. The exploit worked for a couple of days against the latest Chrome version, until Google rushed out a patch about a week later.

It should not be surprising that Magnitude’s exploit is heavily inspired by the PoC on Github. However, while both Magnitude’s exploit and the PoC follow a very similar exploitation path, there are no matching code pieces, which suggests that the attackers didn’t resort that much to the “Copy/Paste” technique of exploit development. In fact, Magnitude’s exploit looks like a more cleaned-up and reliable version of the PoC. And since there is no obfuscation employed (the attackers probably meant to add it in later), the exploit is very easy to read and debug. There are even very self-explanatory function names, such as confusion_to_oob, addrof, and arb_write, and variable names, such as oob_array, arb_write_buffer, and oob_array_map_and_properties. The only way this could get any better for us researchers would be if the authors left a couple of helpful comments in there…

Interestingly, some parts of the exploit also seem inspired by a CTF writeup for a “pwn” challenge from *CTF 2019, in which the players were supposed to exploit a made-up vulnerability that was introduced into a fork of V8. While CVE-2021-21224 is obviously a different (and actual rather than made-up) vulnerability, many of the techniques outlined in that writeup apply for V8 exploitation in general and so are used in the later stages of the Magnitude’s exploit, sometimes with the very same variable names as those used in the writeup.

The core of the exploit, triggering the vulnerability to corrupt the length of vuln_array

The root cause of the vulnerability is incorrect integer conversion during the SimplifiedLowering phase. This incorrect conversion is triggered in the exploit by the Math.max call, shown in the code snippet above. As can be seen, the exploit first calls foofunc in a loop 0x10000 times. This is to make V8 compile that function because the bug only manifests itself after JIT compilation. Then, helper["gcfunc"] gets called. The purpose of this function is just to trigger garbage collection. We tested that the exploit also works without this call, but the authors probably put it there to improve the exploit’s reliability. Then, foofunc is called one more time, this time with flagvar=true, which makes xvar=0xFFFFFFFF. Without the bug, lenvar should now evaluate to -0xFFFFFFFF and the next statement should throw a RangeError because it should not be possible to create an array with a negative length. However, because of the bug, lenvar evaluates to an unexpected value of 1. The reason for this is that the vulnerable code incorrectly converts the result of Math.max from an unsigned 32-bit integer 0xFFFFFFFF to a signed 32-bit integer -1. After constructing vuln_array, the exploit calls Array.prototype.shift on it. Under normal circumstances, this method should remove the first element from the array, so the length of vuln_array should be zero. However, because of the disparity between the actual and the predicted value of lenvar, V8 makes an incorrect optimization here and just puts the 32-bit constant 0xFFFFFFFF into Array.length (this is computed as 0-1 with an unsigned 32-bit underflow, where 0 is the predicted length and -1 signifies Array.prototype.shift decrementing Array.length). 

A demonstration of how an overwrite on vuln_array can corrupt the length of oob_array

Now, the attackers have successfully crafted a JSArray with a corrupted Array.length, which allows them to perform out-of-bounds memory reads and writes. The very first out-of-bounds memory write can be seen in the last statement of the confusion_to_oob function. The exploit here writes 0xc00c to vuln_array[0x10]. This abuses the deterministic memory layout in V8 when a function creates two local arrays. Since vuln_array was created first, oob_array is located at a known offset from it in memory and so by making out-of-bounds memory accesses through vuln_array, it is possible to access both the metadata and the actual data of oob_array. In this case, the element at index 0x10 corresponds to offset 0x40, which is where Array.length of oob_array is stored. The out-of-bounds write therefore corrupts the length of oob_array, so it is now too possible to read and write past its end.

The addrof and fakeobj exploit primitives

Next, the exploit constructs the addrof and fakeobj exploit primitives. These are well-known and very powerful primitives in the world of JavaScript engine exploitation. In a nutshell, addrof leaks the address of a JavaScript object, while fakeobj creates a new, fake object at a given address. Having constructed these two primitives, the attacker can usually reuse existing techniques to get to their ultimate goal: arbitrary code execution. 

A step-by-step breakdown of the addrof primitive. Note that just the lower 32 bits of the address get leaked, while %DebugPrint returns the whole 64-bit address. In practice, this doesn’t matter because V8 compresses pointers by keeping upper 32 bits of all heap pointers constant.

Both primitives are constructed in a similar way, abusing the fact that vuln_array[0x7] and oob_array[0] point to the very same memory location. It is important to note here that  vuln_array is internally represented by V8 as HOLEY_ELEMENTS, while oob_array is PACKED_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS (for more information about internal array representation in V8, please refer to this blog post by the V8 devs). This makes it possible to write an object into vuln_array and read it (or more precisely, the pointer to it) from the other end in oob_array as a double. This is exactly how addrof is implemented, as can be seen above. Once the address is read, it is converted using helper["f2ifunc"] from double representation into an integer representation, with the upper 32 bits masked out, because the double takes 64 bits, while pointers in V8 are compressed down to just 32 bits. fakeobj is implemented in the same fashion, just the other way around. First, the pointer is converted into a double using helper["i2ffunc"]. The pointer, encoded as a double, is then written into oob_array[0] and then read from vuln_array[0x7], which tricks V8 into treating it as an actual object. Note that there is no masking needed in fakeobj because the double written into oob_array is represented by more bits than the pointer read from vuln_array.

The arbitrary read/write exploit primitives

With addrof and fakeobj in place, the exploit follows a fairly standard exploitation path, which seems heavily inspired by the aforementioned *CTF 2019 writeup. The next primitives constructed by the exploit are arbitrary read/write. To achieve these primitives, the exploit fakes a JSArray (aptly named fake in the code snippet above) in such a way that it has full control over its metadata. It can then overwrite the fake JSArray’s elements pointer, which points to the address where the actual elements of the array get stored. Corrupting the elements pointer allows the attackers to point the fake array to an arbitrary address, and it is then subsequently possible to read/write to that address through reads/writes on the fake array.

Let’s look at the implementation of the arbitrary read/write primitive in a bit more detail. The exploit first calls the get_arw function to set up the fake JSArray. This function starts by using an overread on oob_array[3] in order to leak map and properties of oob_array (remember that the original length of oob_array was 3 and that its length got corrupted earlier). The map and properties point to structures that basically describe the object type in V8. Then, a new array called point_array gets created, with the oob_array_map_and_properties value as its first element. Finally, the fake JSArray gets constructed at offset 0x20 before point_array. This offset was carefully chosen, so that the the JSArray structure corresponding to fake overlaps with elements of point_array. Therefore, it is possible to control the internal members of fake by modifying the elements of point_array. Note that elements in point_array take 64 bits, while members of the JSArray structure usually only take 32 bits, so modifying one element of point_array might overwrite two members of fake at the same time. Now, it should make sense why the first element of point_array was set to oob_array_map_and_properties. The first element is at the same address where V8 would look for the map and properties of fake. By initializing it like this, fake is created to be a PACKED_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS JSArray, basically inheriting its type from oob_array.

The second element of point_array overlaps with the elements pointer and Array.length of fake. The exploit uses this for both arbitrary read and arbitrary write, first corrupting the elements pointer to point to the desired address and then reading/writing to that address through fake[0]. However, as can be seen in the exploit code above, there are some additional actions taken that are worth explaining. First of all, the exploit always makes sure that addrvar is an odd number. This is because V8 expects pointers to be tagged, with the least significant bit set. Then, there is the addition of 2<<32 to addrvar. As was explained before, the second element of point_array takes up 64 bits in memory, while the elements pointer and Array.length both take up only 32 bits. This means that a write to point_array[1] overwrites both members at once and the 2<<32 just simply sets the Array.length, which is controlled by the most significant 32 bits. Finally, there is the subtraction of 8 from addrvar. This is because the elements pointer does not point straight to the first element, but instead to a FixedDoubleArray structure, which takes up eight bytes and precedes the actual element data in memory.

A dummy WebAssembly program that will get hollowed out and replaced by Magnitude’s shellcode

The final step taken by the exploit is converting the arbitrary read/write primitive into arbitrary code execution. For this, it uses a well-known trick that takes advantage of WebAssembly. When V8 JIT-compiles a WebAssembly function, it places the compiled code into memory pages that are both writable and executable (there now seem to be some new mitigations that aim to prevent this trick, but it is still working against V8 versions vulnerable to CVE-2021-21224). The exploit can therefore locate the code of a JIT-compiled WebAssembly function, overwrite it with its own shellcode and then call the original WebAssembly function from Javascript, which executes the shellcode planted there.

Magnitude’s exploit first creates a dummy WebAssembly module that contains a single function called main, which just returns the number 42 (the original code of this function doesn’t really matter because it will get overwritten with the shellcode anyway). Using a combination of addrof and arb_read, the exploit obtains the address where V8 JIT-compiled the function main. Interestingly, it then constructs a whole new arbitrary write primitive using an ArrayBuffer with a corrupted backing store pointer and uses this newly constructed primitive to write shellcode to the address of main. While it could theoretically use the first arbitrary write primitive to place the shellcode there, it chooses this second method, most likely because it is more reliable. It seems that the first method might crash V8 under some rare circumstances, which makes it not practical for repeated use, such as when it gets called thousands of times to write a large shellcode buffer into memory.

There are two shellcodes embedded in the exploit. The first one contains an exploit for CVE-2021-31956. This one gets executed first and its goal is to steal the SYSTEM token to elevate the privileges of the current process. After the first shellcode returns, the second shellcode gets planted inside the JIT-compiled WebAssembly function and executed. This second shellcode injects Magniber ransomware into some already running process and lets it encrypt the victim’s drives.


Let’s now turn our attention to the second exploit in the chain, which Magnitude uses to escape the Chromium sandbox. This is an exploit for CVE-2021-31956, a paged pool buffer overflow in the Windows kernel. It was discovered in June 2021 by Boris Larin from Kaspersky, who found it being used as a zero-day in the wild as a part of the PuzzleMaker attack. The Kaspersky blog post about PuzzleMaker briefly describes the vulnerability and the way the attackers chose to exploit it. However, much more information about the vulnerability can be found in a twopart blog series by Alex Plaskett from NCC Group. This blog series goes into great detail and pretty much provides a step-by-step guide on how to exploit the vulnerability. We found that the attackers behind Magnitude followed this guide very closely, even though there are certainly many other approaches that they could have chosen for exploitation. This shows yet again that publishing vulnerability research can be a double-edged sword. While the blog series certainly helped many defend against the vulnerability, it also made it much easier for the attackers to weaponize it.

The vulnerability lies in ntfs.sys, inside the function NtfsQueryEaUserEaList, which is directly reachable from the syscall NtQueryEaFile. This syscall internally allocates a temporary buffer on the paged pool (the size of which is controllable by a syscall parameter) and places there the NTFS Extended Attributes associated with a given file. Individual Extended Attributes are separated by a padding of up to four bytes. By making the padding start directly at the end of the allocated pool chunk, it is possible to trigger an integer underflow which results in NtfsQueryEaUserEaList writing subsequent Extended Attributes past the end of the pool chunk. The idea behind the exploit is to spray the pool so that chunks containing certain Windows Notification Facility (WNF) structures can be corrupted by the overflow. Using some WNF magic that will be explained later, the exploit gains an arbitrary read/write primitive, which it uses to steal the SYSTEM token.

The exploit starts by checking the victim’s Windows build number. Only builds 18362, 18363, 19041, and 19042 (19H1 – 20H2) are supported, and the exploit bails out if it finds itself running on a different build. The build number is then used to determine proper offsets into the _EPROCESS structure as well as to determine correct syscall numbers, because syscalls are invoked directly by the exploit, bypassing the usual syscall stubs in ntdll.

Check for the victim’s Windows build number

Next, the exploit brute-forces file handles, until it finds one on which it can use the NtSetEAFile syscall to set its NTFS Extended Attributes. Two attributes are set on this file, crafted to trigger an overflow of 0x10 bytes into the next pool chunk later when NtQueryEaFile gets called.

Specially crafted NTFS Extended Attributes, designed to cause a paged pool buffer overflow

When the specially crafted NTFS Extended Attributes are set, the exploit proceeds to spray the paged pool with _WNF_NAME_INSTANCE and _WNF_STATE_DATA structures. These structures are sprayed using the syscalls NtCreateWnfStateName and NtUpdateWnfStateData, respectively. The exploit then creates 10 000 extra _WNF_STATE_DATA structures in a row and frees each other one using NtDeleteWnfStateData. This creates holes between _WNF_STATE_DATA chunks, which are likely to get reclaimed on future pool allocations of similar size. 

With this in mind, the exploit now triggers the vulnerability using NtQueryEaFile, with a high likelihood of getting a pool chunk preceding a random _WNF_STATE_DATA chunk and thus overflowing into that chunk. If that really happens, the _WNF_STATE_DATA structure will get corrupted as shown below. However, the exploit doesn’t know which _WNF_STATE_DATA structure got corrupted, if any. To find the corrupted structure, it has to iterate over all of them and query its ChangeStamp using NtQueryWnfStateData. If the ChangeStamp contains the magic number 0xcafe, the exploit found the corrupted chunk. In case the overflow does not hit any _WNF_STATE_DATA chunk, the exploit just simply tries triggering the vulnerability again, up to 32 times. Note that in case the overflow didn’t hit a _WNF_STATE_DATA chunk, it might have corrupted a random chunk in the paged pool, which could result in a BSoD. However, during our testing of the exploit, we didn’t get any BSoDs during normal exploitation, which suggests that the pool spraying technique used by the attackers is relatively robust.

The corrupted _WNF_STATE_DATA instance. AllocatedSize and DataSize were both artificially increased, while ChangeStamp got set to an easily recognizable value.

After a successful _WNF_STATE_DATA corruption, more _WNF_NAME_INSTANCE structures get sprayed on the pool, with the idea that they will reclaim the other chunks freed by NtDeleteWnfStateData. By doing this, the attackers are trying to position a _WNF_NAME_INSTANCE chunk after the corrupted _WNF_STATE_DATA chunk in memory. To explain why they would want this, let’s first discuss what they achieved by corrupting the _WNF_STATE_DATA chunk.

The _WNF_STATE_DATA structure can be thought of as a header preceding an actual WnfStateData buffer in memory. The WnfStateData buffer can be read using the syscall NtQueryWnfStateData and written to using NtUpdateWnfStateData. _WNF_STATE_DATA.AllocatedSize determines how many bytes can be written to WnfStateData and _WNF_STATE_DATA.DataSize determines how many bytes can be read. By corrupting these two fields and setting them to a high value, the exploit gains a relative memory read/write primitive, obtaining the ability to read/write memory even after the original WnfStateData buffer. Now it should be clear why the attackers would want a _WNF_NAME_INSTANCE chunk after a corrupted _WNF_STATE_DATA chunk: they can use the overread/overwrite to have full control over a _WNF_NAME_INSTANCE structure. They just need to perform an overread and scan the overread memory for bytes 03 09 A8, which denote the start of their _WNF_NAME_INSTANCE structure. If they want to change something in this structure, they can just modify some of the overread bytes and overwrite them back using NtUpdateWnfStateData.

The exploit scans the overread memory, looking for a _WNF_NAME_INSTANCE header. 0x0903 here represents the NodeTypeCode, while 0xA8 is a preselected NodeByteSize.

What is so interesting about a _WNF_NAME_INSTANCE structure, that the attackers want to have full control over it? Well, first of all, at offset 0x98 there is _WNF_NAME_INSTANCE.CreatorProcess, which gives them a pointer to _EPROCESS relevant to the current process. Kaspersky reported that PuzzleMaker used a separate information disclosure vulnerability, CVE-2021-31955, to leak the _EPROCESS base address. However, the attackers behind Magnitude do not need to use a second vulnerability, because the _EPROCESS address is just there for the taking.

Another important offset is 0x58, which corresponds to _WNF_NAME_INSTANCE.StateData. As the name suggests, this is a pointer to a _WNF_STATE_DATA structure. By modifying this, the attackers can not only enlarge the WnfStateData buffer but also redirect it to an arbitrary address, which gives them an arbitrary read/write primitive. There are some constraints though, such as that the StateData pointer has to point 0x10 bytes before the address that is to be read/written and that there has to be some data there that makes sense when interpreted as a _WNF_STATE_DATA structure.

The StateData pointer gets first set to _EPROCESS+0x28, which allows the exploit to read _KPROCESS.ThreadListHead (interestingly, this value gets leaked using ChangeStamp and DataSize, not through WnfStateData). The ThreadListHead points to _KTHREAD.ThreadListEntry of the first thread, which is the current thread in the context of Chromium exploitation. By subtracting the offset of ThreadListEntry, the exploit gets the _KTHREAD base address for the current thread. 

With the base address of _KTHREAD, the exploit points StateData to _KTHREAD+0x220, which allows it to read/write up to three bytes starting from _KTHREAD+0x230. It uses this to set the byte at _KTHREAD+0x232 to zero. On the targeted Windows builds, the offset 0x232 corresponds to _KTHREAD.PreviousMode. Setting its value to SystemMode=0 tricks the kernel into believing that some of the thread’s syscalls are actually originating from the kernel. Specifically, this allows the thread to use the NtReadVirtualMemory and NtWriteVirtualMemory syscalls to perform reads and writes to the kernel address space.

The exploit corrupting _KTHREAD.PreviousMode

As was the case in the Chromium exploit, the attackers here just traded an arbitrary read/write primitive for yet another arbitrary read/write primitive. However, note that the new primitive based on PreviousMode is a significant upgrade compared to the original StateData one. Most importantly, the new primitive is free of the constraints associated with the original one. The new primitive is also more reliable because there are no longer race conditions that could potentially cause a BSoD. Not to mention that just simply calling NtWriteVirtualMemory is much faster and much less awkward than abusing multiple WNF-related syscalls to achieve the same result.

With a robust arbitrary read/write primitive in place, the exploit can finally do its thing and proceed to steal the SYSTEM token. Using the leaked _EPROCESS address from before, it finds _EPROCESS.ActiveProcessLinks, which leads to a linked list of other _EPROCESS structures. It iterates over this list until it finds the System process. Then it reads System’s _EPROCESS.Token and assigns this value (with some of the RefCnt bits masked out) to its own _EPROCESS structure. Finally, the exploit also turns off some mitigation flags in _EPROCESS.MitigationFlags.

Now, the exploit has successfully elevated privileges and can pass control to the other shellcode, which was designed to load Magniber ransomware. But before it does that, the exploit performs many cleanup actions that are necessary to avoid blue screening later on. It iterates over WNF-related structures using TemporaryNamesList from _EPROCESS.WnfContext and fixes all the _WNF_NAME_INSTANCE structures that got overflown into at the beginning of the exploit. It also attempts to fix the _POOL_HEADER of the overflown _WNF_STATE_DATA chunks. Finally, the exploit gets rid of both read/write primitives by setting _KTHREAD.PreviousMode back to UserMode=1 and using one last NtUpdateWnfStateData syscall to restore the corrupted StateData pointer back to its original value.

Fixups performed on previously corrupted _WNF_NAME_INSTANCE structures

Final Thoughts

If this isn’t the first time you’re hearing about Magnitude, you might have noticed that it often exploits vulnerabilities that were previously weaponized by APT groups, who used them as zero-days in the wild. To name a few recent examples, CVE-2021-31956 was exploited by PuzzleMaker, CVE-2021-26411 was used in a high-profile attack targeting security researchers, CVE-2020-0986 was abused in Operation Powerfall, and CVE-2019-1367 was reported to be exploited in the wild by an undisclosed threat actor (who might be DarkHotel APT according to Qihoo 360). The fact that the attackers behind Magnitude are so successful in reproducing complex exploits with no public PoCs could lead to some suspicion that they have somehow obtained under-the-counter access to private zero-day exploit samples. After all, we don’t know much about the attackers, but we do know that they are skilled exploit developers, and perhaps Magnitude is not their only source of income. But before we jump to any conclusions, we should mention that there are other, more plausible explanations for why they should prioritize vulnerabilities that were once exploited as zero-days. First, APT groups usually know what they are doing[citation needed]. If an APT group decides that a vulnerability is worth exploiting in the wild, that generally means that the vulnerability is reliably weaponizable. In a way, the attackers behind Magnitude could abuse this to let the APT groups do the hard work of selecting high-quality vulnerabilities for them. Second, zero-days in the wild usually attract a lot of research attention, which means that there are often detailed writeups that analyze the vulnerability’s root cause and speculate about how it could get exploited. These writeups make exploit development a lot easier compared to more obscure vulnerabilities which attracted only a limited amount of research.

As we’ve shown in this blog post, both Magnitude and Underminer managed to successfully develop exploit chains for Chromium on Windows. However, none of the exploit chains were particularly successful in terms of the number of exploited victims. So what does this mean for the future of exploit kits? We believe that unless some new, hard-to-patch vulnerability comes up, exploit kits are not something that the average Google Chrome user should have to worry about much. After all, it has to be acknowledged that Google does a great job at patching and reducing the browser’s attack surface. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for all other Chromium-based browsers. We found that a big portion of those that we protected from Underminer were running Chromium forks that were months (or even years) behind on patching. Because of this, we recommend avoiding Chromium forks that are slow in applying security patches from the upstream. Also note that some Chromium forks might have vulnerabilities in their own custom codebase. But as long as the number of users running the vulnerable forks is relatively low, exploit kit developers will probably not even bother with implementing exploits specific just for them.

Finally, we should also mention that it is not entirely impossible for exploit kits to attack using zero-day or n-day exploits. If that were to happen, the attackers would probably carry out a massive burst of malvertising or watering hole campaigns. In such a scenario, even regular Google Chrome users would be at risk. The damage done by such an attack could be enormous, depending on the reaction time of browser developers, ad networks, security companies, LEAs, and other concerned parties. There are basically three ways that the attackers could get their hands on a zero-day exploit: they could either buy it, discover it themselves, or discover it being used by some other threat actor. Fortunately, using some simple math we can see that the campaign would have to be very successful if the attackers wanted to recover the cost of the zero-day, which is likely to discourage most of them. Regarding n-day exploitation, it all boils down to a race if the attackers can develop a working exploit sooner than a patch gets written and rolled out to the end users. It’s a hard race to win for the attackers, but it has been won before. We know of at least two cases when an n-day exploit working against the latest Google Chrome version was dumped on GitHub (this probably doesn’t need to be written down, but dumping such exploits on GitHub is not a very bright idea). Fortunately, these were just renderer exploits and there were no accompanying sandbox escape exploits (which would be needed for full weaponization). But if it is possible to win the race for one exploit, it’s not unthinkable that an attacker could win it for two exploits at the same time.

Indicators of Compromise (IoCs)

SHA-256 Note
71179e5677cbdfd8ab85507f90d403afb747fba0e2188b15bd70aac3144ae61a CVE-2021-21224 exploit
a7135b92fc8072d0ad9a4d36e81a6b6b78f1528558ef0b19cb51502b50cffe6d CVE-2021-21224 exploit
6c7ae2c24eaeed1cac0a35101498d87c914c262f2e0c2cd9350237929d3e1191 CVE-2021-31956 exploit
8c52d4a8f76e1604911cff7f6618ffaba330324490156a464a8ceaf9b590b40a payload injector
8ff658257649703ee3226c1748bbe9a2d5ab19f9ea640c52fc7d801744299676 payload injector
SHA-256 Note
2ac255e1e7a93e6709de3bbefbc4e7955af44dbc6f977b60618237282b1fb970 CVE-2021-21224 exploit
9552e0819f24deeea876ba3e7d5eff2d215ce0d3e1f043095a6b1db70327a3d2 HiddenBee loader
7a3ba9b9905f3e59e99b107e329980ea1c562a5522f5c8f362340473ebf2ac6d HiddenBee module container
2595f4607fad7be0a36cb328345a18f344be0c89ab2f98d1828d4154d68365f8 amd64/coredll.bin
ed7e6318efa905f71614987942a94df56fd0e17c63d035738daf97895e8182ab amd64/pcs.bin
c2c51aa8317286c79c4d012952015c382420e4d9049914c367d6e72d81185494 CVE-2019-0808 exploit
d88371c41fc25c723b4706719090f5c8b93aad30f762f62f2afcd09dd3089169 CVE-2020-1020 exploit
b201fd9a3622aff0b0d64e829c9d838b5f150a9b20a600e087602b5cdb11e7d3 CVE-2020-1054 exploit

The post Exploit Kits vs. Google Chrome appeared first on Avast Threat Labs.

DirtyMoe: Rootkit Driver

11 August 2021 at 09:44


In the first post DirtyMoe: Introduction and General Overview of Modularized Malware, we have described one of the complex and sophisticated malware called DirtyMoe. The main observed roles of the malware are Cryptojacking and DDoS attacks that are still popular. There is no doubt that malware has been released for profit, and all evidence points to Chinese territory. In most cases, the PurpleFox campaign is used to exploit vulnerable systems where the exploit gains the highest privileges and installs the malware via the MSI installer. In short, the installer misuses Windows System Event Notification Service (SENS) for the malware deployment. At the end of the deployment, two processes (workers) execute malicious activities received from well-concealed C&C servers.

As we mentioned in the first post, every good malware must implement a set of protection, anti-forensics, anti-tracking, and anti-debugging techniques. One of the most used techniques for hiding malicious activity is using rootkits. In general, the main goal of the rootkits is to hide itself and other modules of the hosted malware on the kernel layer. The rootkits are potent tools but carry a high risk of being detected because the rootkits work in the kernel-mode, and each critical bug leads to BSoD.

The primary aim of this next article is to analyze rootkit techniques that DirtyMoe uses. The main part of this study examines the functionality of a DirtyMoe driver, aiming to provide complex information about the driver in terms of static and dynamic analysis. The key techniques of the DirtyMoe rootkit can be listed as follows: the driver can hide itself and other malware activities on kernel and user mode. Moreover, the driver can execute commands received from the user-mode under the kernel privileges. Another significant aspect of the driver is an injection of an arbitrary DLL file into targeted processes. Last but not least is the driver’s functionality that censors the file system content. In the same way, we describe the refined routine that deploys the driver into the kernel and which anti-forensic method the malware authors used.

Another essential point of this research is the investigation of the driver’s meta-data, which showed that the driver is code-signed with the certificates that have been stolen and revoked in the past. However, the certificates are widespread in the wild and are misused in other malicious software in the present.

Finally, the last part summarises the rootkit functionally and draws together the key findings of digital certificates, making a link between DirtyMoe and other malicious software. In addition, we discuss the implementation level and sources of the used rootkit techniques.

1. Sample

The subject of this research is a sample with SHA-256:
The sample is a windows driver that DirtyMoe drops on the system startup.

Note: VirusTotal keeps a record of 44 of 71 AV engines (62 %) which detect the samples as malicious. On the other hand, the DirtyMoe DLL file is detected by 86 % of registered AVs. Therefore, the detection coverage is sufficient since the driver is dumped from the DLL file.

Basic Information
  • File Type: Portable Executable 64
  • File Info: Microsoft Visual C++ 8.0 (Driver)
  • File Size: 116.04 KB (118824 bytes)
  • Digital Signature: Shanghai Yulian Software Technology Co., Ltd. (上海域联软件技术有限公司)

The driver imports two libraries FltMgr and ntosrnl. Table 1 summarizes the most suspicious methods from the driver’s point.

Routine Description
FltSetCallbackDataDirty A minifilter driver’s pre or post operation calls the routine to indicate that it has modified the contents of the callback data structure.
FltGetRequestorProcessId Routine returns the process ID for the process requested for a given I/O operation.
FltRegisterFilter FltRegisterFilter registers a minifilter driver.
Routines delete, set, query, and open registry entries in kernel-mode.
ZwTerminateProcess Routine terminates a process and all of its threads in kernel-mode.
ZwQueryInformationProcess Retrieves information about the specified process.
MmGetSystemRoutineAddress Returns a pointer to a function specified by a routine parameter.
ZwAllocateVirtualMemory Reserves a range of application-accessible virtual addresses in the specified process in kernel-mode.
Table 1. Kernel methods imported by the DirtyMoe driver

At first glance, the driver looks up kernel routine via MmGetSystemRoutineAddress() as a form of obfuscation since the string table contains routine names operating with VirtualMemory; e.g., ZwProtectVirtualMemory(), ZwReadVirtualMemory(), ZwWriteVirtualMemory(). The kernel-routine ZwQueryInformationProcess() and strings such as services.exe, winlogon.exe point out that the rootkit probably works with kernel structures of the critical windows processes.

2. DirtyMoe Driver Analysis

The DirtyMoe driver does not execute any specific malware activities. However, it provides a wide scale of rootkit and backdoor techniques. The driver has been designed as a service support system for the DirtyMoe service in the user-mode.

The driver can perform actions originally needed with high privileges, such as writing a file into the system folder, writing to the system registry, killing an arbitrary process, etc. The malware in the user-mode just sends a defined control code, and data to the driver and it provides higher privilege actions.

Further, the malware can use the driver to hide some records helping to mask malicious activities. The driver affects the system registry, and can conceal arbitrary keys. Moreover, the system process services.exe is patched in its memory, and the driver can exclude arbitrary services from the list of running services. Additionally, the driver modifies the kernel structures recording loaded drivers, so the malware can choose which driver is visible or not. Therefore, the malware is active, but the system and user cannot list the malware records using standard API calls to enumerate the system registry, services, or loaded drivers. The malware can also hide requisite files stored in the file system since the driver implements a mechanism of the minifilter. Consequently, if a user requests a record from the file system, the driver catches this request and can affect the query result that is passed to the user.

The driver consists of 10 main functionalities as Table 2 illustrates.

Function Description
Driver Entry routine called by the kernel when the driver is loaded.
Start Routine is run as a kernel thread restoring the driver configuration from the system registry.
Device Control processes system-defined I/O control codes (IOCTLs) controlling the driver from the user-mode.
Minifilter Driver routine completes processing for one or more types of I/O operations; QueryDirectory in this case. In other words, the routine filters folder enumerations.
Thread Notification routine registers a driver-supplied callback that is notified when a new thread is created.
Callback of NTFS Driver wraps the original callback of the NTFS driver for IRP_MJ_CREATE major function.
Registry Hiding is hook method provides registry key hiding.
Service Hiding is a routine hiding a defined service.
Driver Hiding is a routine hiding a defined driver.
Driver Unload routine is called by kernel when the driver is unloaded.
Table 2. Main driver functionality

Most of the implemented functionalities are available as public samples on internet forums. The level of programming skills is different for each driver functionality. It seems that the driver author merged the public samples in most cases. Therefore, the driver contains a few bugs and unused code. The driver is still in development, and we will probably find other versions in the wild.

2.1 Driver Entry

The Driver Entry is the first routine that is called by the kernel after driver loading. The driver initializes a large number of global variables for the proper operation of the driver. Firstly, the driver detects the OS version and setups required offsets for further malicious use. Secondly, the variable for pointing of the driver image is initialized. The driver image is used for hiding a driver. The driver also associates the following major functions:

  1. IRP_MJ_CREATE, IRP_MJ_CLOSE – no interest action,
  2. IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL – used for driver configuration and control,
  3. IRP_MJ_SHUTDOWN – writes malware-defined data into the disk and registry.

The Driver Entry creates a symbolic link to the driver and tries to associate it with other malicious monitoring or filtering callbacks. The first one is a minifilter activated by the FltRegisterFilter() method registering the FltPostOperation(); it filters access to the system drives and allows it to hide files and directories.

Further, the initialization method swaps a major function IRP_MJ_CREATE for \FileSystem\Ntfs driver. So, each API call of CreateFile() or a kernel-mode function IoCreateFile() can be monitored and affected by the malicious MalNtfsCreatCallback() callback.

Another Driver Entry method sets a callback method using PsSetCreateThreadNotifyRoutine(). The NotifyRoutine() monitors a kernel process creation, and the malware can inject malicious code into newly created processes/threads.

Finally, the driver tries to restore its configuration from the system registry.

2.2 Start Routine

The Start Routine is run as a kernel system thread created in the Driver Entry routine. The Start Routine writes the driver version into the SYSTEM registry as follows:

  • Key: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\WinApi\WinDeviceVer
  • Value: 20161122

If the following SOFTWARE registry key is present, the driver loads artifacts needed for the process injecting:

  • HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Secure

The last part of Start Routine loads the rest of the necessary entries from the registry. The complete list of the system registry is documented in Appendix A.

2.3 Device Control

The device control is a mechanism for controlling a loaded driver. A driver receives the IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL I/O control code (IOCTL) if a user-mode thread calls Win32 API DeviceIoControl(); visit [1] for more information. The user-mode application sends IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL directly to a specific device driver. The driver then performs the corresponding operation. Therefore, malicious user-mode applications can control the driver via this mechanism.

The driver supports approx. 60 control codes. We divided the control codes into 3 basic groups: controlling, inserting, and setting.


There are 9 main control codes invoking driver functionality from the user-mode. The following Table 3 summarizes controlling IOCTL that can be sent by malware using the Win32 API.

IOCTL Description
0x222C80 The driver accepts other IOCTLs only if the driver is activated. Malware in the user-mode can activate the driver by sending this IOCTL and authorization code equal 0xB6C7C230.
0x2224C0  The malware sends data which the driver writes to the system registry. A key, value, and data type are set by Setting control codes.
used variable: regKey, regValue, regData, regType
0x222960 This IOCTL clears all data stored by the driver.
used variable: see Setting and Inserting variables
0x2227EC If the malware needs to hide a specific driver, the driver adds a specific driver name to the
listBaseDllName and hides it using Driver Hiding.
0x2227E8 The driver adds the name of the registry key to the WinDeviceAddress list and hides this key
using Registry Hiding.
used variable: WinDeviceAddress
0x2227F0 The driver hides a given service defined by the name of the DLL image. The name is inserted into the listServices variable, and the Service Hiding technique hides the service in the system.
0x2227DC If the malware wants to deactivate the Registry Hiding, the driver restores the original kernel
0x222004 The malware sends a process ID that wants to terminate. The driver calls kernel function
ZwTerminateProcess() and terminates the process and all of its threads regardless of malware privileges.
0x2224C8 The malware sends data which driver writes to the file defined by filePath variable; see Setting control codes
used variable: filePath, fileData
Table 3. Controlling IOCTLs

There are 11 control codes inserting items into white/blacklists. The following Table 4 summarizes variables and their purpose.

White/Black list Variable Purpose
Registry HIVE WinDeviceAddress Defines a list of registry entries that the malware wants to hide in the system.
Process Image File Name WinDeviceMaker Represents a whitelist of processes defined by process image file name. It is used in Callback of NTFS Driver, and grants access to the NTFS file systems. Further, it operates in Minifilter Driver and prevents hiding files defined in the WinDeviceNumber variable. The last use is in Registry Hiding; the malware does not hide registry keys for the whitelisted processes.
WinDeviceMakerB Defines a whitelist of processes defined by process image file name. It is used in Callback of NTFS Driver, and grants access to the NTFS file systems.
WinDeviceMakerOnly Specifies a blacklist of processes defined by the process image file name. It is used in Callback of NTFS Driver and refuses access to the NTFS file systems.
File names
(full path)
Determines a whitelist of files that should be granted access by Callback of NTFS Driver. It is used in combination with WinDeviceMaker and WinDeviceMakerB. So, if a file is on the whitelist and a requested process is also whitelisted, the driver grants access to the file.
WinDeviceNameOnly Defines a blacklist of files that should be denied access by Callback of NTFS Driver. It is used in combination with WinDeviceMakerOnly. So, if a file is on the blacklist and a requesting process is also blacklisted, the driver refuses access to the file.
File names
(containing number)
WinDeviceNumber Defines a list of files that should be hidden in the system by Minifilter Driver. The malware uses a name convention as follows: [A-Z][a-z][0-9]+\.[a-z]{3}. So, a file name includes a number.
Process ID ListProcessId1 Defines a list of processes requiring access to NTFS file systems. The malware does not restrict the access for these processes; see Callback of NTFS Driver.
ListProcessId2 The same purpose as ListProcessId1. Additionally, it is used as the whitelist for the registry hiding, so the driver does not restrict access. The Minifilter Driver does not limit processes in this list.
Driver names listBaseDllName Defines a list of drivers that should be hidden in the system;
see Driver Hiding.
Service names listServices Specifies a list of services that should be hidden in the system;
see Service Hiding.
Table 4. White and Black lists

The setting control codes store scalar values as a global variable. The following Table 5 summarizes and groups these variables and their purpose.

Function Variable Description
File Writing
Defines a file name and data for the first file written during the driver shutdown.
Defines a file name and data for the second file written during the driver shutdown.
Registry Writing
Specifies the first registry key path, value name, data, and type (REG_BINARY, REG_DWORD, REG_SZ, etc.) written during the driver shutdown.
Specifies the second registry key path, value name, data, and type (REG_BINARY, REG_DWORD, REG_SZ, etc.) written during the driver shutdown.
File Data Writing filePath Determines filename which will be used to write data;
see Controlling IOCTL 0x2224C8.
Registry Writing regKey
Specifies registry key path, value name, and type (REG_BINARY, REG_DWORD, REG_SZ, etc.);
see Controlling IOCTL 0x2224C0.
Keeps a path and data for file A.
Keeps a path and data for file B.
Table 5. Global driver variables

The following Table 6 summarizes variables used for the process injection; see Thread Notification.

Function Variable Description
Process to Inject dwWinDriverMaker2
Defines two command-line arguments. If a process with one of the arguments is created, the driver should inject the process.
Defines two process names that should be injected if the process is created.
DLL to Inject dwWinDriverPath1
Specifies a file name and data for the process injection defined by dwWinDriverMaker2 or dwWinDriverMaker1.
Defines a file name and data for the process injection defined by dwWinDriverMaker2_2 or dwWinDriverMaker1_2.
Keeps a file name and data for the process injection defined by dwWinDriverMaker2 or dwWinDriverMaker1.
Specifies a file name and data for the process injection defined by dwWinDriverMaker2_2 or dwWinDriverMaker1_2.
Table 6. Injection variables

2.4 Minifilter Driver

The minifilter driver is registered in the Driver Entry routine using the FltRegisterFilter() method. One of the method arguments defines configuration (FLT_REGISTRATION) and callback methods (FLT_OPERATION_REGISTRATION). If the QueryDirectory system request is invoked, the malware driver catches this request and processes it by its FltPostOperation().

The FltPostOperation() method can modify a result of the QueryDirectory operations (IRP). In fact, the malware driver can affect (hide, insert, modify) a directory enumeration. So, some applications in the user-mode may not see the actual image of the requested directory.

The driver affects the QueryDirectory results only if a requested process is not present in whitelists. There are two whitelists. The first whitelists (Process ID and File names) cause that the QueryDirectory results are not modified if the process ID or process image file name, requesting the given I/O operation (QueryDirectory), is present in the whitelists. It represents malware processes that should have access to the file system without restriction. The further whitelist is called WinDeviceNumber, defining a set of suffixes. The FltPostOperation() iterates each item of the QueryDirectory. If the enumerated item name has a suffix defined in the whitelist, the driver removes the item from the QueryDirectory results. It ensures that the whitelisted files are not visible for non-malware processes [2]. So, the driver can easily hide an arbitrary directory/file for the user-mode applications, including explorer.exe. The name of the WinDeviceNumber whitelist is probably derived from malware file names, e.g, Ke145057.xsl, since the suffix is a number; see Appendix B.

2.5 Callback of NTFS Driver

When the driver is loaded, the Driver Entry routine modifies the system driver for the NTFS filesystem. The original callback method for the IRP_MJ_CREATE major function is replaced by a malicious callback MalNtfsCreatCallback() as Figure 1 illustrates. The malicious callback determines what should gain access and what should not.

Figure 1. Rewrite IRP_MJ_CREATE callback of the regular NTFS driver

The malicious callback is active only if the Minifilter Driver registration has been done and the original callback has been replaced. There are whitelists and one blacklist. The whitelists store information about allowed process image names, process ID, and allowed files. If the process requesting the disk access is whitelisted, then the requested file must also be on the white list. It is double protection. The blacklist is focused on processing image names. Therefore, the blacklisted processes are denied access to the file system. Figure 2 demonstrates the whitelisting of processes. If a process is on the whitelist, the driver calls the original callback; otherwise, the request ends with access denied.

Figure 2. Grant access to whitelisted processes

In general, if the malicious callback determines that the requesting process is authorized to access the file system, the driver calls the original IRP_MJ_CREATE major function. If not, the driver finishes the request as STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED.

2.6 Registry Hiding

The driver can hide a given registry key. Each manipulation with a registry key is hooked by the kernel method GetCellRoutine(). The configuration manager assigns a control block for each open registry key. The control block (CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK) structure keeps all control blocks in a hash table to quickly search for existing control blocks. The GetCellRoutine() hook method computes a memory address of a requested key. Therefore, if the malware driver takes control over the GetCellRoutine(), the driver can filter which registry keys will be visible; more precisely, which keys will be searched in the hash table.

The malware driver finds an address of the original GetCellRoutine() and replaces it with its own malicious hook method, MalGetCellRoutine(). The driver uses well-documented implementation [3, 4]. It just goes through kernel structures obtained via the ZwOpenKey() kernel call. Then, the driver looks for CM_KEY_CONTROL_BLOCK, and its associated HHIVE structured correspond with the requested key. The HHIVE structure contains a pointer to the GetCellRoutine() method, which the driver replaces; see Figure 3.

Figure 3. Overwriting GetCellRoutine

This method’s pitfall is that offsets of looked structure, variable, or method are specific for each windows version or build. So, the driver must determine on which Windows version the driver runs.

The MalGetCellRoutine() hook method performs 3 basic operations as follow:

  1. The driver calls the original kernel GetCellRoutine() method.
  2. Checks whitelists for a requested registry key.
  3. Catches or releases the requested registry key according to the whitelist check.
Registry Key Hiding

The hiding technique uses a simple principle. The driver iterates across a whole HIVE of a requested key. If the driver finds a registry key to hide, it returns the last registry key of the iterated HIVE. When the interaction is at the end of the HIVE, the driver does not return the last key since it was returned before, but it just returns NULL, which ends the HIVE searching.

The consequence of this principle is that if the driver wants to hide more than one key, the driver returns the last key of the searched HIVE more times. So, the final results of the registry query can contain duplicate keys.


The services.exe and System services are whitelisted by default, and there is no restriction. Whitelisted process image names are also without any registry access restriction.

A decision-making mechanism is more complicated for Windows 10. The driver hides the request key only for regedit.exe application if the Windows 10 build is 14393 (July 2016) or 15063 (March 2017).

2.7 Thread Notification

The main purpose of the Thread Notification is to inject malicious code into created threads. The driver registers a thread notification routine via PsSetCreateThreadNotifyRoutine() during the Device Entry initialization. The routine registers a callback which is subsequently notified when a new thread is created or deleted. The suspicious callback (PCREATE_THREAD_NOTIFY_ROUTINE) NotifyRoutine() takes three arguments: ProcessID, ThreadID, and Create flag. The driver affects only threads in which Create flag is set to TRUE, so only newly created threads.

The whitelisting is focused on two aspects. The first one is an image name, and the second one is command-line arguments of a created thread. The image name is stored in WinDriverMaker1, and arguments are stored as a checksum in the WinDriverMaker2 variable. The driver is designed to inject only two processes defined by a process name and two processes defined by command line arguments. There are no whitelists, just 4 global variables.

2.7.1 Kernel Method Lookup

The successful injection of the malicious code requires several kernel methods. The driver does not call these methods directly due to detection techniques, and it tries to obfuscate the required method. The driver requires the following kernel methods: ZwReadVirtualMemory, ZwWriteVirtualMemory, ZwQueryVirtualMemory, ZwProtectVirtualMemory, NtTestAlert, LdrLoadDll

The kernel methods are needed for successful thread injection because the driver needs to read/write process data of an injected thread, including program instruction.

Virtual Memory Method Lookup

The driver gets the address of the ZwAllocateVirtualMemory() method. As Figure 4 illustrates, all lookup methods are consecutively located after ZwAllocateVirtualMemory() method in ntdll.dll.

Figure 4. Code segment of ntdll.dll with VirtualMemory methods

The driver starts to inspect the code segments from the address of the ZwAllocateVirtualMemory() and looks up for instructions representing the constant move to eax (e.g. mov eax, ??h). It identifies the VirtualMemory methods; see Table 7 for constants.

Constant Method
0x18 ZwAllocateVirtualMemory
0x23 ZwQueryVirtualMemory
0x3A NtWriteVirtualMemory
0x50 ZwProtectVirtualMemory
Table 7. Constants of Virtual Memory methods for Windows 10 (64 bit)

When an appropriate constants is found, the final address of a lookup method is calculated as follow:

method_address = constant_address - alignment_constant;
where alignment_constant helps to point to the start of the looked-up method.

The steps to find methods can be summarized as follow:

  1. Get the address of ZwAllocateVirtualMemory(), which is not suspected in terms of detection.
  2. Each sought method contains a specific constant on a specific address (constant_address).
  3. If the constant_address is found, another specific offset (alignment_constant) is subtracted;
    the alignment_constant is specific for each Windows version.

The exact implementation of the Virtual Memory Method Lookup method  is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Implementation of the lookup routine searching for the kernel VirtualMemory methods

The success of this obfuscation depends on the Window version identification. We found one Windows 7 version which returns different methods than the malware wants; namely, ZwCompressKey(), ZwCommitEnlistment(), ZwCreateNamedPipeFile(), ZwAlpcDeleteSectionView().
The alignment_constant is derived from the current Windows version during the driver initialization; see the Driver Entry routine.

NtTestAlert and LdrLoadDll Lookup

A different approach is used for getting NtTestAlert() and LdrLoadDll() routines. The driver attaches to the winlogon.exe process and gets the pointer to the kernel structure PEB_LDR_DATA containing PE header and imports of all processes in the system. If the import table includes a required method, then the driver extracts the base address, which is the entry point to the sought routine.

2.7.2 Process Injection

The aim of the process injection is to load a defined DLL library into a new thread via kernel function LdrLoadDll(). The process injection is slightly different for x86 and x64 OS versions.

The x64 OS version abuses the original NtTestAlert() routine, which checks the thread’s APC queue. The APC (Asynchronous Procedure Call) is a technique to queue a job to be done in the context of a specific thread. It is called periodically. The driver rewrites the instructions of the NtTestAlert() which jumps to the entry point of the malicious code.

Modification of NtTestAlert Code

The first step to the process injection is to find free memory for a code cave. The driver finds the free memory near the NtTestAlert() routine address. The code cave includes a shellcode as Figure 6. demonstrates.

Figure 6. Malicious payload overwriting the original NtTestAlert() routine

The shellcode prepares a parameter (code_cave address) for the malicious code and then jumps into it. The original NtTestAlert() address is moved into rax because the malicious code ends by the return instruction, and therefore the original NtTestAlert() is invoked. Finally, rdx contains the jump address, where the driver injected the malicious code. The next item of the code cave is a path to the DLL file, which shall be loaded into the injected process. Other items of the code cave are the original address and original code instructions of the NtTestAlert().

The driver writes the malicious code into the address defined in dll_loading_shellcode. The original instructions of NtTestAlert() are rewritten with the instruction which just jumps to the shellcode. It causes that when the NtTestAlert() is called, the shellcode is activated and jumps into the malicious code.

Malicious Code x64

The malicious code for x64 is simple. Firstly, it recovers the original instruction of the rewritten NtTestAlert() code. Secondly, the code invokes the found LdrLoadDll() method and loads appropriate DLL into the address space of the injected process. Finally, the code executes the return instruction and jumps back to the original NtTestAlert() function.

The x86 OS version abuses the entry point of the injected process directly. The procedure is very similar to the x64 injection, and the x86 malicious code is also identical to the x64 version. However, the x86 malicious code needs to find a 32bit variant of the  LdrLoadDll() method. It uses the similar technique described above (NtTestAlert and LdrLoadDll Lookup).

2.8 Service Hiding

Windows uses the Services Control Manager (SCM) to manage the system services. The executable of SCM is services.exe. This program runs at the system startup and performs several functions, such as running, ending, and interacting with system services. The SCM process also keeps all run services in an undocumented service record (SERVICE_RECORD) structure.

The driver must patch the service record to hide a required service. Firstly, the driver must find the process services.exe and attach it to this one via KeStackAttachProcess(). The malware author defined a byte sequence which the driver looks for in the process memory to find the service record. The services.exe keeps all run services as a linked list of SERVICE_RECORD [5]. The malware driver iterates this list and unlinks required services defined by listServices whitelist; see Table 4.

The used byte sequence for Windows 2000, XP, Vista, and Windows 7 is as follows: {45 3B E5 74 40 48 8D 0D}. There is another byte sequence {48 83 3D ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8D 0D} that is never used because it is bound to the Windows version that the malware driver has never identified; maybe in development.

The hidden services cannot be detected using PowerShell command Get-Service, Windows Task Manager, Process Explorer, etc. However, started services are logged via Windows Event Log. Therefore, we can enumerate all regular services and all logged services. Then, we can create differences to find hidden services.

2.9 Driver Hiding

The driver is able to hide itself or another malicious driver based on the IOCTL from the user-mode. The Driver Entry is initiated by a parameter representing a driver object (DRIVER_OBJECT) of the loaded driver image. The driver object contains an officially undocumented item called a driver section. The LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY kernel structure stores information about the loaded driver, such as base/entry point address, image name, image size, etc. The driver section points to LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY as a double-linked list representing all loaded drivers in the system.

When a user-mode application lists all loaded drivers, the kernel enumerates the double-linked list of the LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY structure. The malware driver iterates the whole list and unlinks items (drivers) that should be hidden. Therefore, the kernel loses pointers to the hidden drivers and cannot enumerate all loaded drivers [6].

2.10 Driver Unload

The Driver Unload function contains suspicious code, but it seems to be never used in this version. The rest of the unload functionality executes standard procedure to unload the driver from the system.

3. Loading Driver During Boot

The DirtyMoe service loads the malicious driver. A driver image is not permanently stored on a disk since the service always extracts, loads, and deletes the driver images on the service startup. The secondary service aim is to eliminate evidence about driver loading and eventually complicate a forensic analysis. The service aspires to camouflage registry and disk activity. The DirtyMoe service is registered as follows:

Service name: Ms<volume_id>App; e.g., MsE3947328App
Registry key: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\<service_name>
ImagePath: %SystemRoot%\system32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs
ServiceDll: C:\Windows\System32\<service_name>.dll, ServiceMain

3.1 Registry Operation

On startup, the service creates a registry record, describing the malicious driver to load; see following example:

Registry key: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\dump_E3947328
ImagePath: \??\C:\Windows\System32\drivers\dump_LSI_FC.sys
DisplayName: dump_E3947328

At first glance, it is evident that ImagePath does not reflect DisplayName, which is the Windows common naming convention. Moreover, ImagePath prefixed with dump_ string is used for virtual drivers (loaded only in memory) managing the memory dump during the Windows crash. The malware tries to use the virtual driver name convention not to be so conspicuous. The principle of the Dump Memory using the virtual drivers is described in [7, 8].

ImagePath values are different from each windows reboot, but it always abuses the name of the system native driver; see a few instances collected during windows boot: dump_ACPI.sys, dump_RASPPPOE.sys, dump_LSI_FC.sys, dump_USBPRINT.sys, dump_VOLMGR.sys, dump_INTELPPM.sys, dump_PARTMGR.sys

3.2 Driver Loading

When the registry entry is ready, the DirtyMoe service dumps the driver into the file defined by ImagePath. Then, the service loads the driver via ZwLoadDriver().

3.3 Evidence Cleanup

When the driver is loaded either successfully or unsuccessfully, the DirtyMoe service starts to mask various malicious components to protect the whole malware hierarchy.

The DirtyMoe service removes the registry key representing the loaded driver; see Registry Operation. Further, the loaded driver hides the malware services, as the Service Hiding section describes. Registry entries related to the driver are removed via the API call. Therefore, a forensics track can be found in the SYSTEM registry HIVE, located in %SystemRoot%\system32\config\SYSTEM. The API call just removes a relevant HIVE pointer, but unreferenced data is still present in the HIVE stored on the disk. Hence, we can read removed registry entries via RegistryExplorer.

The loaded driver also removes the dumped (dump_ prefix) driver file. We were not able to restore this file via tools enabling recovery of deleted files, but it was extracted directly from the service DLL file.

Capturing driver image and register keys

The malware service is responsible for the driver loading and cleans up of loading evidence. We put a breakpoint into the nt!IopLoadDriver() kernel method, which is reached if a process wants to load a driver into the system. We waited for the wanted driver, and then we listed all the system processes. The corresponding service (svchost.exe) has a call stack that contains the kernel call for driver loading, but the corresponding service has been killed by EIP registry modifying. The process (service) was killed, and the whole Windows ended in BSoD. Windows made a crash dump, so the file system caches have been flushed, and the malicious service did not finish the cleanup in time. Therefore, we were able to mount a volume and read all wanted data.

3.4 Forensic Traces

Although the DirtyMoe service takes great pains to cover up the malicious activities, there are a few aspects that help identify the malware.

The DirtyMoe service and loaded driver itself are hidden; however, the Windows Event Log system records information about started services. Therefore, we can get additional information such as ProcessID and ThreadID of all services, including the hidden services.

WinDbg connected to the Windows kernel can display all loaded modules using the lm command. The module list can uncover non-virtual drivers with prefix dump_ and identify the malicious drivers.

Offline connected volume can provide the DLL library of the services and other supporting files, which are unfortunately encrypted and obfuscated with VMProtect. Finally, the offline SYSTEM registry stores records of the DirtyMoe service.

4. Certificates

Windows Vista and later versions of Windows require that loaded drivers must be code-signed. The digital code-signature should verify the identity and integrity of the driver vendor [9]. However, Windows does not check the current status of all certificates signing a Windows driver. So, if one of the certificates in the path is expired or revoked, the driver is still loaded into the system. We will not discuss why Windows loads drivers with invalid certificates since this topic is really wide. The backward compatibility but also a potential impact on the kernel implementation play a role.

DirtyMoe drivers are signed with three certificates as follow:

Beijing Kate Zhanhong Technology Co.,Ltd.
Valid From: 28-Nov-2013 (2:00:00)
Valid To: 29-Nov-2014 (1:59:59)
SN: 3C5883BD1DBCD582AD41C8778E4F56D9
Thumbprint: 02A8DC8B4AEAD80E77B333D61E35B40FBBB010A0
Revocation Status: Revoked on 22-May-‎2014 (9:28:59)

Beijing Founder Apabi Technology Limited
Valid From: 22-May-2018 (2:00:00)
Valid To: 29-May-2019 (14:00:00)
SN: 06B7AA2C37C0876CCB0378D895D71041
Thumbprint: 8564928AA4FBC4BBECF65B402503B2BE3DC60D4D
Revocation Status: Revoked on 22-May-‎2018 (2:00:01)

Shanghai Yulian Software Technology Co., Ltd. (上海域联软件技术有限公司)
Valid From: 23-Mar-2011 (2:00:00)
Valid To: 23-Mar-2012 (1:59:59)
SN: 5F78149EB4F75EB17404A8143AAEAED7
Thumbprint: 31E5380E1E0E1DD841F0C1741B38556B252E6231
Revocation Status: Revoked on 18-Apr-‎2011 (10:42:04)

The certificates have been revoked by their certification authorities, and they are registered as stolen, leaked, misuse, etc. [10]. Although all certificates have been revoked in the past, Windows loads these drivers successfully because the root certificate authorities are marked as trusted.

5. Summarization and Discussion

We summarize the main functionality of the DirtyMoe driver. We discuss the quality of the driver implementation, anti-forensic mechanisms, and stolen certificates for successful driver loading.

5.1 Main Functionality


The driver is controlled via IOCTL codes which are sent by malware processes in the user-mode. However, the driver implements the authorization instrument, which verifies that the IOCTLs are sent by authenticated processes. Therefore, not all processes can communicate with the driver.

Affecting the Filesystem

If a rootkit is in the kernel, it can do “anything”. The DirtyMoe driver registers itself in the filter manager and begins to influence the results of filesystem I/O operations; in fact, it begins to filter the content of the filesystem. Furthermore, the driver replaces the NtfsCreatCallback() callback function of the NTFS driver, so the driver can determine who should gain access and what should not get to the filesystem.

Thread Monitoring and Code injection

The DirtyMoe driver enrolls a malicious routine which is invoked if the system creates a new thread. The malicious routine abuses the APC kernel mechanism to execute the malicious code. It loads arbitrary DLL into the new thread. 

Registry Hiding

This technique abuses the kernel hook method that indexes registry keys in HIVE. The code execution of the hook method is redirected to the malicious routine so that the driver can control the indexing of registry keys. Actually, the driver can select which keys will be indexed or not.

Service and Driver Hiding

Patching of specific kernel structures causes that certain API functions do not enumerate all system services or loaded drivers. Windows services and drivers are stored as a double-linked list in the kernel. The driver corrupts the kernel structures so that malicious services and drivers are unlinked from these structures. Consequently, if the kernel iterates these structures for the purpose of enumeration, the malicious items are skipped.

5.2 Anti-Forensic Technique

As we mentioned above, the driver is able to hide itself. But before driver loading, the DirtyMoe service must register the driver in the registry and dump the driver into the file. When the driver is loaded, the DirtyMoe service deletes all registry entries related to the driver loading. The driver deletes its own file from the file system through the kernel-mode. Therefore, the driver is loaded in the memory, but its file is gone.

The DirtyMoe service removes the registry entries via standard API calls. We can restore this data from the physical storage since the API calls only remove the pointer from HIVE. The dumped driver file is never physically stored on the disk drive because its size is too small and is present only in cache memory. Accordingly, the file is removed from the cache before cache flushing to the disk, so we cannot restore the file from the physical disk.

5.3 Discussion

The whole driver serves as an all-in-one super rootkit package. Any malware can register itself in the driver if knowing the authorization code. After successful registration, the malware can use a wide range of driver functionality. Hypothetically, the authorization code is hardcoded, and the driver’s name can be derived so we can communicate with the driver and stop it.

The system loads the driver via the DirtyMoe service within a few seconds. Moreover, the driver file is never present in the file system physically, only in the cache. The driver is loaded via the API call, and the DirtyMoe service keeps a handler of the driver file, so the file manipulation with the driver file is limited. However, the driver removes its own file using kernel-call. Therefore, the driver file is removed from the file system cache, and the driver handler is still relevant, with the difference that the driver file does not exist, including its forensic traces.

The DirtyMoe malware is written using Delphi in most cases. Naturally, the driver is coded in native C. The code style of the driver and the rest of the malware is very different. We analyzed that most of the driver functionalities are downloaded from internet forums as public samples. Each implementation part of the driver is also written in a different style. The malware authors have merged individual rootkit functionality into one kit. They also merged known bugs, so the driver shows a few significant symptoms of driver presence in the system. The authors needed to adapt the functionality of the public samples to their purpose, but that has been done in a very dilettante way. It seems that the malware authors are familiar only with Delphi.

Finally, the code-signature certificates that are used have been revoked in the middle of their validity period. However, the certificates are still widely used for code signing, so the private keys of the certificates have probably been stolen or leaked. In addition, the stolen certificates have been signed by the certification authority which Microsoft trusts, so the certificates signed in this way can be successfully loaded into the system despite their revocation. Moreover, the trend in the use of certificates is growing, and predictions show that it will continue to grow in the future. We will analyze the problems of the code-signature certificates in the future post.

6. Conclusion

DirtyMoe driver is an advanced piece of rootkit that DirtyMoe uses to effectively hide malicious activity on host systems. This research was undertaken to inspect the rootkit functionally of the DirtyMoe driver and evaluate the impact on infected systems. This study set out to investigate and present the analysis of the DirtyMoe driver, namely its functionality, the ability to conceal, deployment, and code-signature.

The research has shown that the driver provides key functionalities to hide malicious processes, services, and registry keys. Another dangerous action of the driver is the injection of malicious code into newly created processes. Moreover, the driver also implements the minifilter, which monitors and affects I/O operations on the file system. Therefore, the content of the file system is filtered, and appropriate files/directories can be hidden for users. An implication of this finding is that malware itself and its artifacts are hidden even for AVs. More importantly, the driver implements another anti-forensic technique which removes the driver’s evidence from disk and registry immediately after driver loading. However, a few traces can be found on the victim’s machines.

This study has provided the first comprehensive review of the driver that protects and serves each malware service and process of the DirtyMoe malware. The scope of this study was limited in terms of driver functionality. However, further experimental investigations are needed to hunt out and investigate other samples that have been signed by the revoked certificates. Because of this, the malware author can be traced and identified using thus abused certificates.


Samples (SHA-256)


[1] Kernel-Mode Driver Architecture
[2] Driver to Hide Processes and Files
[3] A piece of code to hide registry entries
[4] Hidden
[5] Opening Hacker’s Door
[6] Hiding loaded driver with DKOM
[7] Crashdmp-ster Diving the Windows 8 Crash Dump Stack
[8] Ghost drivers named dump_*.sys
[9] Driver Signing
[10] Australian web hosts hit with a Manic Menagerie of malware

Appendix A

Registry entries used in the Start Routine


Appendix B

Example of registry entries configuring the driver

Key: ControlSet001\Control\WinApi
Value: WinDeviceAddress
Data: Ms312B9050App;   

Value: WinDeviceNumber

Value: WinDeviceName

Value: WinDeviceId
Data: dump_FDC.sys;

The post DirtyMoe: Rootkit Driver appeared first on Avast Threat Labs.
