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Before yesterdayXPN InfoSec Blog

Object Overloading

15 February 2022 at 20:01
In this post we are going to look at one such technique that I thought was cool while playing around with the Windows Object Manager, and which should allow us to load an arbitrary DLL of our creation into a Windows process during initial execution, something that I've been calling "Object Overloading" for reasons which will hopefully become apparent in this post.

g_CiOptions in a Virtualized World

15 May 2022 at 06:43
With the leaking of code signing certificates and exploits for vulnerable drivers becoming common occurrences, adversaries are adopting the kernel as their new playground. And with Microsoft making technologies like Virtualization Based Security (VBS) and Hypervisor Code Integrity (HVCI) available, I wanted to take some time to understand just how vulnerable endpoints are when faced with an attacker set on escaping to Ring-0.

Restoring Dyld Memory Loading

14 January 2023 at 12:03
Up until recently, we've enjoyed in-memory loading of Mach-O bundles courtesy of dyld and its NSCreateObjectFileImageFromMemory/NSLinkModule API methods. And while these methods still exist today, there is a key difference.. memory modules are now persisted to disk. So in this post we'll take a look at just what was changed in dyld, and see what we can do to restore this functionality... hopefully keeping our warez in memory for a little longer.

Building a Custom Mach-O Memory Loader for macOS - Part 1

4 February 2023 at 10:03
In this blog we'll look at what it takes to construct an in-memory loader for Mach-O bundles within MacOS Ventura without using dyld. We'll walk though the lower-level details of what makes up a Mach-O file, how dyld processes load commands to map areas into memory, and how we can emulate this to avoid writing payloads to disk.

LAPS 2.0 Internals

13 August 2023 at 10:03
This year, LAPS 2.0 was released by Microsoft, and thankfully it now comes built-in to Windows. This time it comes ready for use with Active Directory, as well as being supported in Azure AD aka Entra ID. In this post, we’ll look at how LAPS 2.0 for Active Directory works under the hood, so you can make those fresh recommendations to your clients, and prepare yourself for the inevitable question... “But we just deployed LAPS.. what does LAPS 2.0 do differently?!”.

MacOS "DirtyNIB" Vulnerability

4 October 2023 at 23:01
While looking for avenues of injecting code into platform binaries back in macOS Monterey, I was able to identify a vulnerability which allowed the hijacking of Apple application entitlements. Recently I decided to revisit this vulnerability after a long time of trying to have it patched, and was surprised to see that it still works. There are some caveats introduced with later versions of macOS which we will explore, but in this post we’ll look at a vulnerability in macOS Sonoma which has been around for a long time, and remains an 0day, urm, to this day.

Identity Providers for RedTeamers

18 March 2024 at 23:01
Originally presented at SOCON-2024, and continuing the series into post-exploitation techniques against Identity Providers, in this blog post we'll look at Ping, OneLogin and Entra ID. I'll discuss how post-exploitation techniques effective against Okta apply to other providers, release new tools for post-exploitation, and look at what proves to be effective when critical assets lie beyond an Identity Provider portal.
