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trident – Automated Password Spraying Tool

By: Darknet
7 October 2020 at 04:18
trident – Automated Password Spraying Tool

The Trident project is an automated password spraying tool developed to be deployed across multiple cloud providers and provides advanced options around scheduling and IP pooling.

trident was designed and built to fulfill several requirements and to provide:

  • the ability to be deployed on several cloud platforms/execution providers
  • the ability to schedule spraying campaigns in accordance with a target’s account lockout policy
  • the ability to increase the IP pool that authentication attempts originate from for operational security purposes
  • the ability to quickly extend functionality to include newly-encountered authentication platforms

Using trident Password Spraying Tool

trident-cli campaign [flags]

-a, --auth-provider string this is the authentication platform you are attacking (default "okta")
-h, --help help for campaign
-i, --interval duration requests will happen with this interval between them (default 1s)
-b, --notbefore string requests will not start before this time (default "2020-09-09T22:31:38.643959-05:00")
-p, --passfile string file of passwords (newline separated)
-u, --userfile string file of usernames (newline separated)
-w, --window duration a duration that this campaign will be active (ex: 4w) (default 672h0m0s)

Example output:

$ trident-client results
| 1 | [email protected] | Password1!

Read the rest of trident – Automated Password Spraying Tool now! Only available at Darknet.

tko-subs – Detect & Takeover Subdomains With Dead DNS Records

By: Darknet
23 September 2020 at 17:13
tko-subs – Detect & Takeover Subdomains With Dead DNS Records

tko-subs is a tool that helps you to detect & takeover subdomains with dead DNS records, this could be dangling CNAMEs point to hosting services or to nothing at all or NS records that are mistyped.

What does tko-subs – Detect & Takeover Subdomains With Dead DNS Records Do?

This tool allows you:

  • To check whether a subdomain can be taken over because it has:
    • a dangling CNAME pointing to a CMS provider (Heroku, Github, Shopify, Amazon S3, Amazon CloudFront, etc.) that can be taken over.

Read the rest of tko-subs – Detect & Takeover Subdomains With Dead DNS Records now! Only available at Darknet.

Arcane – Tool To Backdoor iOS Packages (iPhone ARM)

By: Darknet
17 August 2020 at 08:03
Arcane – Tool To Backdoor iOS Packages (iPhone ARM)

Arcane is a simple script tool to backdoor iOS packages (iPhone ARM) and create the necessary resources for APT repositories.

It was created to help illustrate why Cydia repositories can be dangerous and what post-exploitation attacks are possible from a compromised iOS device.

How Arcane Tool To Backdoor iOS Package Works

It’s possible to supply scripts as part of a package when installing or removing applications. Package maintainer scripts include the preinst, postinst, prerm, and postrm files.

Read the rest of Arcane – Tool To Backdoor iOS Packages (iPhone ARM) now! Only available at Darknet.

SharpHose – Asynchronous Password Spraying Tool

By: Darknet
27 July 2020 at 14:50
SharpHose – Asynchronous Password Spraying Tool

SharpHose is an asynchronous password spraying tool in C# for Windows environments that takes into consideration fine-grained password policies and can be run over Cobalt Strike’s execute-assembly.

It provides a flexible way to interact with Active Directory using domain-joined and non-joined contexts, while also being able to target specific domains and domain controllers. The tool takes into consideration the domain password policy, including fine-grained password policies, in an attempt to avoid account lockouts.

Read the rest of SharpHose – Asynchronous Password Spraying Tool now! Only available at Darknet.

Axiom – Pen-Testing Server For Collecting Bug Bounties

By: Darknet
6 July 2020 at 19:09
Axiom – Pen-Testing Server For Collecting Bug Bounties

Project Axiom is a set of utilities for managing a small dynamic infrastructure setup for bug bounty, basically a pen-testing server out of the box with 1-line.

With Axiom, you just need to run a single command to get setup, and then you can use the Axiom toolkit scripts to spin up and down your new hacking VPS.

Setting up your own β€˜hacking vps’, to catch shells, run enumeration tools, scan, let things run in the background in a tmux window, used to be an afternoon project – running into a whole day sometimes if you hit some package isues or β€˜dependency hell’.

Read the rest of Axiom – Pen-Testing Server For Collecting Bug Bounties now! Only available at Darknet.

Quasar RAT – Windows Remote Administration Tool

By: Darknet
27 May 2020 at 17:41
Quasar RAT – Windows Remote Administration Tool

Quasar is a fast and light-weight Windows remote administration tool coded in C#. The usage ranges from user support through day-to-day administrative work to employee monitoring.

It aims to provide high stability and an easy-to-use user interface and is a free, open source tool.

Features of Quasar RAT Windows Remote Administration Tool

The main features that can be found in Quasar are:

  • TCP network stream (IPv4 & IPv6 support)
  • Fast network serialization (Protocol Buffers)
  • Compressed (QuickLZ) & Encrypted (TLS) communication
  • UPnP Support
  • Task Manager
  • File Manager
  • Startup Manager
  • Remote Desktop
  • Remote Shell
  • Remote Execution
  • System Information
  • Registry Editor
  • System Power Commands (Restart, Shutdown, Standby)
  • Keylogger (Unicode Support)
  • Reverse Proxy (SOCKS5)
  • Password Recovery (Common Browsers and FTP Clients)

Using Quasar Windows Remote Administration Tool


Read the rest of Quasar RAT – Windows Remote Administration Tool now! Only available at Darknet.
