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Rust Won’t Save Us: An Analysis of 2023’s Known Exploited Vulnerabilities

6 February 2024 at 09:58


Memory safety issues have plagued the software industry for decades. The Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has been leading a charge for secure-by-design and encouraging developers and vendors to utilize memory safe languages like Rust to eradicate this vulnerability class.Β 

Google Chromium, the engine used by the majority of browsers around the world, reports that approximately 70% of their high severity issues are memory safety issues. Microsoft reports the same percent of issues affecting it’s Windows OS are also memory safety. But, what vulnerabilities are being exploited by threat actors today? CISA maintains and publishes its Known Exploited Vulnerability (KEV) catalog of all vulnerabilities that they have insight into having been exploited by threat actors.Β 

We have analyzed all critical vulnerabilities from the CISA KEV catalog starting from January 2023 through January 2024, categorized the vulnerability root causes, and attempted to analyze if the current efforts in the information security industry match with the current threat vectors being abused.

Executive Overview

1. Insecure Exposed Functions Lead the CISA KEV

Nearly half of vulnerabilities are enabled by insecure exposed functions. At a strategic level we’ve seen recent pushes for security improvements by pursuing memory safe languages and software bill of materials (SBOM), but a seemingly asymmetric amount of effort or strategy around addressing this vulnerability category.

Figure 1. Vulnerabilities by Root Cause

Vulnerabilities fall into this category when:

  • It is not apparent that the developer made any effort to prevent an unauthenticated user from reaching dangerous code
  • Often, the exposed dangerous code allows authorization bypass or remote code execution via insecure usage of command execution libraries, unrestricted deserialization, or file operations.
2. Rust Won’t Save Us, But It Will Help Us

Memory safety issues were the second (tied) leading cause of vulnerabilities in the data set, coming in at 20%. Interestingly, 75% of the analyzed memory safety vulnerabilities have been exploited as 0-days by threat actors. Additionally, 25% were discovered by security researchers and retroactively discovered to have been exploited as 0-days. When vulnerabilities are exploited as 0-days they typically have a much more widespread effect on the world given that patches often lag by weeks once they are discovered.

Figure 2. Vulnerabilities due to Memory Corruption

3. Web Routing and Path Abuse Tied for Second

Nearly 20% of vulnerabilities in Figure 1 are the result of routing and path abuse in web applications. These vulnerabilities typically manifest in the β€œglue” between web frameworks when a developer attempts to route application traffic from one service to another.

Vulnerabilities fall into this category when:

  • The developer has made an apparent effort to prevent an unauthenticated user from reaching dangerous code. Developer mistakes include reverse proxy regex issues, framework filter issues, path normalization issues, and internal application path inspection issues.
  • Similarly, once this code is reached, developers have abandoned defense-in-depth and secure coding practices which allow abuse of insecure functions.
4. Threat Actors Love Exploiting Appliances

This isn’t a new trend, but its clear from the analysis that they are the target of choice coming in at 49%. They’re commonly found on network boundaries and exposed to the internet. They also have low defender visibility – no PSP’s installed and sparse logging.

Figure 3. Vulnerability by Software Type

For the purpose of this analysis, appliances are any product or software that is commonly deployed as a hardware appliance or as a virtual appliance.

Technical Breakdown

There are 212 vulnerabilities that have been added to the CISA KEV catalog since the start of 2023. Of that, only 41 vulnerabilities are rated critical. Below is a snapshot of those 41 vulnerabilities and the root cause leading to the vulnerability being exploitable.

CVE-2023-34362: Progress MOVEit Transfer

Category: Routing / Path Abuse

Reference: Horizon3.ai

The application exposed an endpoint, /moveitisapi/moveitisapi?action=m2, that attempted to limit functionality to just localhost, but had a header parsing bug leading to any function being reachable.

Figure 4. Header Bypass to Invoke Arbitrary Function

CVE-2023-20887: VMware Aria for Operations for Networks

Category: Routing / Path Abuse

Reference: @SinSinology

A lax rewrite rule in the appliance’s Nginx configuration allowed an attacker to reach services which were meant to be unexposed. The request /saas./resttosaasservlet will route to /resttosaasservlet.

Figure 5. nginx Routing Bypass

CVE-2023-20198: Cisco IOS XE

Category: Routing / Path Abuse

Reference: Horizon3.ai

The appliance’s routing rules for which requests required authentication did not account for double URL encoded paths.

Figure 6. Double URL Encoded Path Authentication Bypass

CVE-2023-33246: Apache RocketMQ

Category: Insecure Exposed Function

Reference: Rapid7

The application insecurely exposed an endpoint that calls Java’s getRuntime().exec() with an attacker controlled variable.

Figure 7. FilterServerUtil getRuntime().exec()

CVE-2023-22515: Atlassian Confluence

Category: Insecure Exposed Function

Reference: Rapid7

The application insecurely exposed an endpoint, /server-info.action?bootstrapStatusProvider.applicationConfig.setupComplete=false, that allows modification to the server’s configuration state. Setting this state to false allows an attacker to re-enter application setup and add an administrative user.

Figure 8. Exposed Configuration Endpoint

CVE-2023-47246: SysAid Server

Category: Insecure Exposed Function

Reference: Huntress

The application exposed an endpoint, /userentry?accountId=/../../../tomcat/webapps/<webshell_dir>, which wrote attacker controlled data to a filepath also influenced by the attacker, but vulnerable to path traversal in the parameter.

Figure 9. Insecure File Write

CVE-2023-1671: Sophos Web Appliance

Category: Insecure Exposed Function

Reference: VulnCheck

The application insecurely exposed an endpoint, /index.php?c=blocked&action=continue, which did not sufficiently sanitize user input which results in second-order command injection.

Figure 10. Sanitization Bypass to Command InjectionΒ 

CVE-2023-27350: PaperCut MF / NG

Category: Insecure Exposed Function

Reference: Horizon3.ai

The application insecurely exposed an endpoint, /app?service=page/SetupComplete, used for first time administrator login during the install process.

Figure 11. Exposed SetupComplete formSubmit()

CVE-2023-46747: F5 BIG-IP

Category: Request Smuggling

Reference: Praetorian

The appliance used a custom Apache library which contained a known request-smuggling vulnerability: CVE-2022-26377. By abusing this vulnerability, with specific considerations for the F5 application stack, authentication bypass was achieved.

Figure 12. Request Smuggling Payload

CVE-2023- : Apache SuperSet

Category: Default Secret

Reference: Horizon3.ai

The application sets the underly Flask SECRET_KEY to a default value. This secret key is used to create session tokens, which can be forged when the secret key is known.

Figure 13. Default SECRET_KEY

CVE-2023-38203: Adobe ColdFusion

Category: Insecure Exposed Function

Reference: Project Discovery

The application exposed an insecure function at the endpoint,Β /CFIDE/adminapi/accessmanager.cfc?method=foo&_cfclient=true,Β which called a dangerous Java sink with attacker controlled input leading to deserialization.

Figure 14. Call to WDDXDeserialize() with Attacker Controlled Input

Conclusion and Looking Ahead

The lions share of vulnerabilities that are being exploited in the last year are trivial to exploit. While memory safe languages like Rust may help eliminate some of portion of breaches, there is much work to do to address the risk that comes with building complex software systems.

Looking at 2024 and beyond my advice would be:

  1. Vendors
    1. Develop the depth of knowledge of your engineers in the frameworks they use
    2. Harden, standardize, and audit the use of those frameworks across products
    3. Enable and expose verbose logging for your products
  2. Developers
    1. Assume all code you write is reachable from an unauthenticated context
    2. Practice defense-in-depth programming and don’t make it easy for an attacker to shell out
  3. Defenders
    1. Reduce any attack surface exposed to the internet if its not needed there
    2. Proactively enable logging, and remote logging if possible, for all products that touch the internet
  4. Researchers
    1. Look for bugs in the places frameworks come together

We’re already seeing similar trends in 2024 with the recently exploited Ivanti Connect Secure vulnerabilities back-to-back – more path abuse and SSRF to β€œRCE-as-a-feature” code. An interesting attack surface surrounding application re-initialization vulnerabilities has sprung up this last year and I think we’ll continue to see similar vulnerabilities discovered.


This analysis is made possible by the collective information security community publishing their analysis and research to the world. The following organizations or people were referenced while performing this research:

Rapid7, Mandiant, Project Discovery, Praetorian, VulnCheck, Huntress, SonarSource, AssetNote, BishopFox, Lexfo, Palo Alto Networks, and many more.

Analysis Bias

This is an analysis based on my observations as both a software engineer and a vulnerability researcher. TheΒ analysis likely has bias and shortcoming stemming from:

  1. Only considering the vulnerabilities that have been discovered recently
    1. My assumption is that more recent vulnerabilities are better representative of this issues that affect us today
  2. Filtering Vulnerabilities Based on CVSS 3.0 >= 9 Score
    1. There are vulnerabilities in KEV that are not critically scored but can been combined with other vulnerabilities to achieve some critical effect

Raw Data

The full spreadsheet of all 41 vulnerabilities and their analysis can be found here.

RingZer0 Conference

This research was done in preparation for a talk I’ll be giving at RingZer0’s BOOTSTRAP conference on Friday, February 23.Β  I’ll briefly touch on this research along with vulnerability research I’ve conducted against Fortinet appliances over the last year that fall directly in line with the trends highlighted here.




The post Rust Won’t Save Us: An Analysis of 2023’s Known Exploited Vulnerabilities appeared first on Horizon3.ai.

CVE-2024-1403: Progress OpenEdge Authentication Bypass Deep-Dive

6 March 2024 at 16:58

On February 27, 2024, Progress released a security advisory for OpenEdge, their application development and deployment platform suite. The advisory details that there exists an authentication bypass vulnerability which effects certain components of the OpenEdge platform. Our proof of concept can be found here.

When the OpenEdge Authentication Gateway (OEAG) is configured with an OpenEdge Domain that uses the OS local authentication provider to grant user-id and password logins on operating platforms supported by active releases of OpenEdge, a vulnerability in the authentication routines may lead to unauthorized access on attempted logins.

Similarly, when an AdminServer connection is made by OpenEdge Explorer (OEE) and OpenEdge Management (OEM), it also utilizes the OS local authentication provider on supported platforms to grant user-id and password logins that may also lead to unauthorized login access.

OpenEdge Architecture

The OpenEdge platform has several different components that can be deployed across an environment:

  1. OpenEdge Management (an enterprise version of OpenEdge Explorer)
  2. OpenEdge Enterprise RDBMS
  3. OpenEdge Replication
  4. OpenEdge Authentication Gateway (OEAG)
  5. Progress Application Server (PAS) for OpenEdge
  6. Progress Develop Studio (PDS) for OpenEdge

Typically the OpenEdge Management, OpenEdge Enterprise RDBMS, and PAS roles are deployed on a system and act as the backend, central source of information for developers using PDS as clients to develop applications. If an the Authentication Gateway is in use, it centrally manages authentication across the OpenEdge ecosystem.

Figure 1. Example OpenEdge Deployment

Finding The Vulnerable Component

In this case, we were unable to obtain a patched system to perform patch diffing, but there are quite a few interesting details that can be picked from the advisory. The advisory states: β€œThe AdminServer logins are always potentially vulnerable because they only support OS local logins”. Additionally the temporary mitigations specify:

The following mitigation options are intended for short-term use until you can apply the provided OpenEdge Update to your deployments. The revised β€œauth.dll” library associated with the OS you’re using should be copied into $DLC/bin to replace the vulnerable version of the β€œauth.dll” library that existed in LTS UpdatesΒ 11.7.18, 12.2.13 or 12.8.0.

Given this information, we install OpenEdge Manager, RDBMS, and PAS on a single Windows server and inspect the installed services with TaskManager and find that these roles will start the vulnerable β€œAdminServer” service referenced in the advisory.

Figure 2. AdminServer service running

Now that we have the vulnerable component running – an often overlooked part of reversing is spending hours reading documentation, we find documentation on the AdminServer service and what its used for. The documentation states that its a Java RMI service listening by default on tcp/20931 and references several command line utilities to communicate with the service:

  • This is the RMI port used by command line utilities:Β proadsv, asbman, wtbman, nsman, restman, and pre OpenEdge 12.0 fathom cmd line tooling
  • The defaultΒ listening portΒ for the AdminServer (-port) remainsΒ 20931Β for all versions.

Inspecting our listening connections on the Windows server, we find that the AdminServer is indeed listening on tcp/20931.

Figure 3. AdminServer service listening

Inspecting the command use to kick off the Java process we find it’s loading several Progress JARs and calling com.progress.chimera.adminserver.AdminServerStarter.

Figure 4. AdminServer command line

Reversing the AdminServer Service

We find that the com.progress.chimera.adminserver.AdminServerStarter class is defined in C:\Progress\OpenEdge\java\progress.jar. Inspecting the class, we find that when a remote connection is made the connect() method is called and expects a user supplied username and password.

Figure 5. AdminServer connect()

The connect() method interestingly loads a native system library, auth.dll, and eventually calls the authorizeUser() method defined in it. Replacing auth.dll was mentioned in the temporary mitigations so we’re likely on the right track.

Figure 6. Loading auth.dll

Opening up auth.dll in Ghidra, we find that it exports several functions to be available as Java interfaces, one of which is our authorizeUser() function.

Figure 7. Java Interfaces from auth.dll

The authorizeUser() function performs some basic input validation, ensures the supplied credentials meet certain criteria, and passes control to a function we named vulnerable_checks() (defined at 0x1800051a0). This function does further validation, but getting right into the meat of the vulnerability we see that on line 262 the user supplied AccountName (username) is compared the NT AUTHORITY/SYSTEM. If it matches, you are authenticated.

Figure 8. If username == β€œNT AUTHORITY/SYSTEM”: you may pass

Thats the vulnerability.

Figure 9. Its a feature


While we’ve bypassed authentication, finding attack surface to abuse to drive some impact like remote code execution was the next goal.


Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) interfaces typically suffer from deserialization vulnerabilities, but in this case there were no classic libraries in the class path of the service to easily abuse with a ysoserial gadget. We did confirm that deserialization is possible with a simple out-of-band DNS request payload, but did not spend the time to develop a custom gadget with the in scope libraries. Remote code execution is likely possible with this avenue.

Abuse of Built In Functionality

We spent the better part of a day looking for easily abusable functionality within the available RMI interfaces. Easily reachable functionality allows a user to start, stop, and list performance metrics of applications. Deeper attacker surface looks like it may allow a user to deploy new applications via remote WAR file references, but the complexity increased dramatically in order to reach this attack surface because of the use of internal service message brokers and custom messages. We believe there is again likely an avenue to remote code execution via built in functionality given enough research effort.

Creating a Proof of Concept

We continue our investigation by re-examining the AdminServer class and dbman.bat which makes use of the AdminServer. We find that we can connect to the AdminServer over RMI at rmi://<target_ip>:29031/Chimera. We get back an IAdminServerConnection which exposes two connect methods that require a username and password. With our knowledge from dbman.bat we know we need to encode the username and password using an Encoder from oeauth-12.8.0.jar.

Now that we are connected to the AdminServer, what can we do? We can use the following code to display all interfaces available to us from the AdminServerβ€˜s getPlugins method:

We get the following output:



From here, we leave it as an exercise to the reader to figure out what you can do with the above interfaces. Our proof of concept can be found here.

NOTE: We will not be distributing the Progress JARs given we do not own that code. These JARs can be obtained from an OpenEdge installation and are required to run the proof of concept.

Indicators of Compromise

When a connection is made to the AdminServer service, logs are generated at C:\OpenEdge\WRK\admserv. An example log entry can be seen below where it records the user authenticating as well as the Java interfaces that user is accessing, the UBRemoteCommand class in our case. While it seems that accessing this service via the NT AUTHORITY/SERVICE account was intended, we did not observe log entries associated to this account outside of service startup. We also were not running a production server where more service traffic may be generated and observed.

The post CVE-2024-1403: Progress OpenEdge Authentication Bypass Deep-Dive appeared first on Horizon3.ai.

Fortinet FortiWLM Deep-Dive, IOCs, and the Almost Story of the β€œForti Forty”

14 March 2024 at 09:45

Early in 2023, soon after reproducing a remote code execution vulnerability for the Fortinet FortiNAC, I was on the hunt for a set of new research targets. Fortinet seemed like a decent place to start given the variety of lesser-known security appliances I had noticed while searching for the FortiNAC firmware. The first target I landed on was the Fortinet Wireless LAN Manager (WLM). The security audit of this appliance began what became the successful, but failed journey of what I dubbed the β€œForti Forty” – a goal to find 40 CVE’s in Fortinet appliances. The journey ended in 16 mostly critical and high security issues identified across the FortiWLM, FortiSIEM, and another appliance before it was cut short when Fortinet’s download portal no longer provided access to download their appliances.

This blog details several of the issues discovered in the FortiWLM that have since been patched:

  1. CVE-2023-34993 – Multiple Unauthenticated Command Injections – PSIRT-23-140
  2. CVE-2023-34991 – Unauthenticated SQL Injection – PSIRT-23-142
  3. CVE-2023-42783 – Unauthenticated Arbitrary File Read – PSIRT-23-143
  4. CVE-2023-48782 – Authenticated Command Injection – PSIRT-23-450

Additionally two vulnerabilities that have not received patches leading to appliance compromise:

  1. Unauthenticated Limited Log File Read – Allows retrieval of arbitrary log files which contain administrator session ID tokens
  2. Static Session ID Vulnerability – Session IDs do not change between sessions for users. Chained with the above issue allows trivial compromise of the device.

Fortinet Wireless LAN Manager Overview

Fortinet’s Wireless LAN Manager allows for ease of management of wireless devices throughout an enterprise. It remotely monitors the devices health, performance, and any RF interference all in a single pane of glass. It’s commonly deployed in large campus settings like universities, hospitals, and other large office footprints – making it a valuable target of interest in today’s threat landscape.

Figure 1. FortiWLM Dashboard

FortiWLM Web Framework and Middleware

The FortiWLM web services are built atop the Apache2 and Django frameworks. The Apache configuration has defined several rewrite rules from the frontend on tcp/443 and passes them back to the Django framework middleware which listens on localhost tcp/8000.

The core of the Django middleware logic lies within the /opt/meru/etc/ws/wlmweb directory. Inspecting the file /opt/meru/etc/ws/wlmweb/wlmweb/wlmrbac.py, within the process_view() function, we see that several endpoints depending on the request path are validated against the current requests session authentication information.

On line 86, the two endpoints are explicitly allowed for any request without any authentication checks:

  1. /ems/cgi-bin/ezrf_upgrade_images.cgi
  2. /ems/cgi-bin/ezrf_lighttpd.cgi

Figure 2. wlmrbac.py authentication checks

Path to Remote Code Execution #1

CVE-2023-34993: Fortinet FortiWLM Unauthenticated Command Injection Vulnerability

This vulnerability allows remote, unauthenticated attackers to inject a crafted malicious string in a request to the /ems/cgi-bin/ezrf_upgrade_images.cgi endpoint that will be executed in the context of root. The issue results from the lack of proper validation of results and calls to the potentially dangerous function system().Β 

The first endpoint explicitly allowed without authentication, /ems/cgi-bin/ezrf_upgrade_images.cgi, can be found at /opt/meru/etc/ws/cgi-bin/ezrf_upgrade_images.cgi. All CGI endpoints are Perl scripts which, depending on the endpoint, parse different request parameters which are sometimes validated, but sometimes not.Β 

This ezrf_upgrade_image.cgi endpoint parses the op_type request parameter, and depending on the value, passes control to different defined functions within the script.

Figure 3. ezrf_upgrade_images.cgi operation types

The deleteprogressfile() function extracts the progressfile request parameter and then directly passes it to a call to system() without any input validation.

Figure 4. ezrf_upgrade_images.cgi’s vulnerable deleteprogressfile()

Sending a request to this unauthenticated endpoint with op_type=deleteprogressfile and aΒ  malicious string in the progressfile parameter results in remote code execution in the context of the root user.

Figure 5. Unauthenticated RCE as root via ezrf_ugprade_image.cgi endpoint

Path to Remote Code Execution #2

CVE-2024-???? (0-day): Fortinet FortiWLM Unauthenticated Limited File Read Vulnerability

This vulnerability allows remote, unauthenticated attackers to access and abuse builtin functionality meant to read specific log files on the system via a crafted request to the /ems/cgi-bin/ezrf_lighttpd.cgi endpoint. This issue results from the lack of input validation on request parameters allowing an attacker to traverse directories and read any log file on the system.

The second endpoint explicitly allowed without authentication, /ems/cgi-bin/ezrf_lighttpd.cgi, can be found at /opt/meru/etc/ws/cgi-bin/ezrf_lighttpd.cgi. Again, this CGI endpoint is a Perl script in which different request parameters are not always validated.

When the op_type is upgradelogs, control is passed to the upgradelogs() function. This function will read the specific log file from the system and return its content in the response.

Figure 6. ezrf_lighttpd.cgi upgradelogs() function

Inspecting how the $filename variable is constructed we see that it is partially controlled by the imagename request parameter.

Figure 7. ezrf_lighttpd.cgi attacker controlled input unvalidated

Abusing the lack of input validation, an attacker can construct a request where the imagename parameter contains a path traversal, allowing the attacker to read any log file on the system.

Luckily for an attacker, the FortiWLM has very verbose logs – and logs the session ID of all authenticated users. Abusing the above arbitrary log file read, an attacker can now obtain the session ID of a user and login and also abuse authenticated endpoints.

Figure 8. Leak Session ID with Unauthenticated Arbitrary Log File Read

CVE-2023-48782: Fortinet FortiWLM Authenticated Command Injection Vulnerability

This vulnerability allows remote, authenticated attackers to inject a crafted malicious string in a request to the /ems/cgi-bin/ezrf_switches.cgi endpoint that will be executed in the context of root. The issue results from the lack of proper validation of results and insecure use of the dangerous system calls. This endpoint is accessible for both low privilege users and admins.

The ezrf_switches.cgi endpoint supports several op_type subfunctions related to adding a LAN switch for monitoring. This CGI script can be found at /opt/meru/etc/ws/cgi-bin/ezrf_switches.cgi.

The updateStatus() helper function, called in two different op_type functions, is vulnerable to command injection of both the $switche_table_k_Hostname and $switche_table_k_CommunityString variables which are derived from user input.

Figure 9. ezrf_switches.cgi vulnerable updateStatus()

Both addSwitche() and editSwitche() functions call the vulnerable updateStatus() helper function without validating any input.Β 

Figure 10. ezrf_switches.cgi addSwitche() calls updateStatus()

Tracing those variables to where they are declared, they are derived straight from the request parameters Hostname and CommunityString, and are never validated along the way.

Figure 11. ezrf_switches.cgi request parameters unvalidated

Combining both the unauthenticated arbitrary log file read and this authenticated command injection, an unauthenticated attacker can obtain remote code execution in the context of root.

Figure 12. Abusing Unauth Log Read and Auth Command Injection to obtain root RCE

Other Security Issues

The initial report to Fortinet contained a total of 9 specific security issues, largely concentrated on the unauthenticated endpoints discovered in the Django middleware. The authenticated attack surface is large, and at the time contained numerous issues that were similar in nature to the ones detailed here stemming from a lack of input validation. Two additional security issues of note reported and patched, but unused in the attack paths were:

CVE-2023-42783: Fortinet FortiWLM Unauthenticated Arbitrary File Read Vulnerability

This vulnerability allows remote, unauthenticated attackers to access and abuse builtin functionality meant to read specific log files on the system via a crafted request to the /ems/cgi-bin/ezrf_upgrade_images.cgi endpoint in the uploadstatus function with the progressfile parameter. This issue results from the lack of input validation on request parameters allowing an attacker to traverse directories and read any file on the system.

CVE-2023-34991: Fortinet FortiWLM Unauthenticated SQL Injection Vulnerability

This vulnerability allows remote, unauthenticated attackers to access and abuse builtin functionality meant to list images on the system via a crafted request to the /ems/cgi-bin/ezrf_upgrade_images.cgi endpoint in the editimage function with the imageName and description parameters. This issue results from the lack of input validation on request parameters allowing an attacker to modify a SQL query string.

CVE-2024-???? (0-day): Fortinet FortiWLM Static Session ID Vulnerability

The web session ID token of authenticated users remains static, and unchanged, for users between sessions. Each time a user logs in, they receive the exact same session ID token. This token remains static for each boot of the device. An attacker that can obtain this token can abuse this behavior to hijack sessions and perform administrative actions. This session ID is retrievable with the unpatch limited log file read vulnerability above and can be user to gain administrative permissions to the appliance.

Internet Exposure

While we found it to be popular with State, Local, and Education (SLED) and healthcare focused customers, luckily the internet exposure is fairly limited to around 15 instances.

Figure 13. Shodan Exposure

Indicators of Compromise

The FortiWLM logs the majority of its application activities in the /data/apps/nms/logs directory. Specifically activity related to the exploitation these issues can be observed in the /data/apps/nms/logs/httpd_error_log.log file. Example entries of the log file included below show the exploitation of the unauthenticated remote code execution vulnerability, CVE-2023-34993. If defenders suspect that an appliance has been compromised, the logged request parameters should be analyzed to determine if they appear malicious.

Figure 14. httpd_error_log.log example entry


12 May 2023 – Submitted report to Fortinet PSIRT

15 May 2023 – PSIRT acknowledges receipt

10 July 2023 – PSIRT reproduces issues and indicates fix is in-progress

10 August 2023 – Ask for update, PSIRT responds fix is awaiting release

11 October 2023 – PSIRT releases fixes for 2 reported issues

14 November 2023 – PSIRT releases fixes for 2 more reported issues

21 November 2023 – Indicate to PSIRT of intent to publicly disclose all issues

22 November 2023 – PSIRT indicates remaining 3 vulnerabilities will be patched soon

7 December 2023 – PSIRT releases 1 fix for more reported issues

23 February 2024 – RingZer0 conference talk discussing some of these vulnerabilities

14 March 2024 – This public disclosure after 307 days with two unpatched vulnerabilities

The post Fortinet FortiWLM Deep-Dive, IOCs, and the Almost Story of the β€œForti Forty” appeared first on Horizon3.ai.

CVE-2023-34992: Fortinet FortiSIEM Command Injection Deep-Dive

20 May 2024 at 11:44

In early 2023, given some early success in auditing Fortinet appliances, I continued the effort and landed upon the Fortinet FortiSIEM. Several issues were discovered during this audit that ultimately lead to unauthenticated remote code execution in the context of the root user. The vulnerabilities were assigned CVE-2023-34992 with a CVSS3.0 score of 10.0 given that the access allowed reading of secrets for integrated systems, allowing for pivoting into those systems.

FortiSIEM Overview

The FortiSIEM allows customers to do many of the expected functions of a typical SIEM solution such as log collection, correlation, automated response, and remediation. It also allows for simple and complex deployments ranging from a standalone appliance to scaled out solutions for enterprises and MSPs.

Figure 1. Example Deployment

In a FortiSIEM deployment, there are four types of roles that a system can have:
● Supervisor – for smaller deployments this is all that’s needed, and supervises other roles
● Worker – handles all the data coming from Collectors in larger environments
● Collector – used to scale data collection from various geographically separated network
environments, potentially behind firewalls
● Manager – can be used to monitor and manage multiple FortiSIEM instances

For the purposes of this research, I deployed an all-in-one architecture where the appliance contains all of the functionality within the Supervisor role. For more information about FortiSIEM key concepts refer to the documentation.

Exploring the System

One of the first things we do when auditing an appliance is to inspect the listening services given you have some time of shell access. Starting with the most obvious service, the web service, we see that it listens of tcp/443 and the proxy configuration routes traffic to an internal service listening on tcp/8080.

Figure 2. httpd.conf proxying traffic

Figure 3. Backend webserver

We find that the backend web service is deployed via Glassfish, a Java framework similar to Tomcat in that it provides a simple way to deploy Java applications as WAR files. We find the WAR file that backs the service, unpack it, and decompile it. Inspecting some of the unauthenticated attack surface, we happen upon the LicenseUploadServlet.class.

Figure 4. LicenseUploadServlet doPost method

We follow the code into this.notify(), where we eventually observe it calling sendCommand(), which interestingly sends a custom binary message with our input to the port tcp/7900.

Figure 5. sendCommand()

We find that tcp/7900 hosts the phMonitor service, which listens on all interfaces, not just localhost.

Figure 6. phMonitor on tcp/7900

And it is also a compiled C++ binary.

Building a Client

Now that we’ve identified a pretty interesting attack surface, let’s build a client to interact with it in the same way the web service does. The message format is a pretty simple combination of:

  1. Command Type – The integer enum mapped to specific function handlers inside the phMonitor service
  2. Payload Length – The length of the payload in the message
  3. Send ID – An arbitrary integer value passed in the message
  4. Sequence ID – The sequence number of this message
  5. Payload – The specific data the function handler within phMonitor will operate on

Constructing the LicenseUpload message in little-endian format and sending it over an SSL wrapped socket will succeed in communicating with the service. Re-implementing the client messaging protocol in Python looks like the following:

Figure 7. phMonitor Python client

As a test that the client works, we send a command type of 29, mapped to handleProvisionServer, and can observe in the logs located at /opt/phoenix/log/phoenix.log that the message was delivered.

Figure 8. phMonitor client successful message sent

phMonitor Internals

The phMonitor service marshals incoming requests to their appropriate function handlers based on the type of command sent in the API request. Each handler processes the sent payload data in their own ways, some expecting formatted strings, some expecting XML.

Inside phMonitor, at the function phMonitorProcess::initEventHandler(), every command handler is mapped to an integer, which is passed in the command message. Security Issue #1 is that all of these handlers are exposed and available for any remote client to invoke without any authentication. There are several dozen handlers exposed in initEventHandler(), exposing much of the administrative functionality of the appliance ranging from getting and setting Collector passwords, getting and setting service passwords, initiating reverse SSH tunnels with remote collectors, and much more.

Figure 9. Sampling of handlers exposed

Finding a Bug

Given the vast amount of attack surface available unauthenticated within the phMonitor service, we begin with the easiest vulnerability classes. Tracing the calls between these handlers and calls to system() we land of the handler handleStorageRequest(), mapped to command type 81. On line 201, the handler expects the payload to be XML data and parses it.

Figure 10. handleStorageRequest() expecting XML payload

Later, we see that it attempts to extract the server_ip and mount_point values from the XML payload.

Figure 11. XML payload format

Further down on line 511, the handler formats a string with the parsed server_ip and mount_point values, which are user controlled.

Figure 12. Format string with user-controlled data

Finally, on line 556, the handler calls do_system_cancellable(), which is a wrapper for system(),Β with the user controlled command string.

Figure 13. do_system_cancellable command injection

Exploiting this issue is straightforward, we construct an XML payload that contains a malicious string to be interpreted, such as a reverse shell.

Figure 14. Reverse shell as root

Our proof of concept exploit can be found on our GitHub.

Indicators of Compromise

The logs in /opt/phoenix/logs/phoenix.logs verbosely log the contents of messages received for the phMonitor service. Below is an example log when exploiting the system:

Figure 15. phoenix.logs contain payload contents


5 May 2023 – Initial report

10 October 2023 – Command injection vulnerability fixed

22 February 2024 – RingZer0 BOOTSTRAP conference talk disclosing some of these details

20 May 2024 – This blog


Figure 16. NodeZero exploiting CVE-2023-34992 to load a remote access tool for post-exploitation activities

Figure 17. NodeZero identifying files of interest and extracting keys and credentials for lateral movement

Horizon3.ai clients and free-trial users alike can run a NodeZero operation to determine the exposure and exploitability of this issue.

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The post CVE-2023-34992: Fortinet FortiSIEM Command Injection Deep-Dive appeared first on Horizon3.ai.

CVE-2024-23108: Fortinet FortiSIEM 2nd Order Command Injection Deep-Dive

28 May 2024 at 12:08

In November of 2023, preparing for a call for papers, I attempted to investigate the FortiSIEM patch for CVE-2023-34992. I kindly inquired with the PSIRT if I could have access to the most recent versions to some of their appliances to validate the patches, to which they declined. Acquiring access a different way, I eventually was able to analyze the patch.

While the patches for the original PSIRT issue, FG-IR-23-130, attempted to escape user-controlled inputs at this layer by adding the wrapShellToken() utility, there exists a second order command injection when certain parameters to datastore.py are sent. There exist two distinct vulnerabilities which were assigned CVE-2024-23108 and CVE-2024-23109, both with a CVSS3 score of 10.0, which allows remote, unauthenticated command execution as root. This blog will only cover the first, CVE-2024-23108, given they’re both patched in the same release.

CVE-2023-34992 Patch and Code Flow Analysis

In CVE-2023-34992, the phMonitor service on tcp/7900 was abused by sending it a handleStorageRequest message with a malicious server_ip value. When phMonitor received this message the specific command to be executed wouldΒ be:
/usr/bin/python3.9 /opt/phoenix/deployment/jumpbox/datastore.py nfs test β€˜<server_ip>’ β€˜<mount_point>’ online.Β Inspecting the control flow of datastore.py for this type of request, we see that the server_ip field is validated by attempting to connect to the IP address.

Figure 1. datastore.py validating server_ip

After this, control is eventually passed to /opt/phoenix/deployment/jumpbox/datastore/nfs/test.py. Here, a call to __testMount() formats a call to os.system() on line 23, which derives the nfs_string value from our user-controlled mount_point payload value.

Figure 2. __testMount() calls os.system()

By formatting a request to the phMonitor client with a command type of 81, and the following payload, an unauthenticated attacker can achieve remote code execution as root.

Figure 3. Exploiting for reverse shell

The astute reader will notice that there is very little difference in the exploitation of the previous command injection, CVE-2023-34992, to this one, CVE-2024-23108, reported 6 months later.

Figure 4. CVE-2023-34992 vs CVE-2024-23108

Our proof of concept exploit can be found on our GitHub.

Indicators of Compromise

The logs for the phMonitor service will verbosely log many details of messages it receives and can be found at /opt/phoenix/logs/phoenix.log. Attempts to exploit CVE-2024-23108 will leave a log message containing a failed command with datastore.py nfs test. These lines should be inspected for malicious looking input.

Figure 5. Malicious commands logged


29 November 2023 – Reported CVE-2024-23108

30 November 2023 – Reported CVE-2024-23109

3 January 2024 – PSIRT reproduces issues

16 January 2024 – Fortinet silently fixes the issues in v7.1.2 build 0160 with no mention of the vulnerabilities, PSIRT releases, or CVEs published

31 January 2024 – Fortinet publicly β€œdiscloses” the issues by adding unpublished CVE IDs to the PSIRT released for CVE-2023-34992 6 months prior without adding a changelog entry

7 February 2024 – Fortinet publicly publishes the CVE IDs, but states they were duplicates published in error, and then states they were real

Sometime later in 2024 – Fortinet eventually adds a changelog entry to the PSIRT and adds CVE IDs to the release documents

28 May 2024 – This blog


Figure 6. NodeZero exploiting CVE-2024-23108 to load a remote access tool for post-exploitation activities

Horizon3.ai clients and free-trial users alike can run a NodeZero operation to determine the exposure and exploitability of this issue.

Sign up for a free trial and quickly verify you’re not exploitable.

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The post CVE-2024-23108: Fortinet FortiSIEM 2nd Order Command Injection Deep-Dive appeared first on Horizon3.ai.
