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Today β€” 22 June 2024The Hacker News

ExCobalt Cyber Gang Targets Russian Sectors with New GoRed Backdoor

By: Newsroom
22 June 2024 at 11:28
Russian organizations have been targeted by a cybercrime gang called ExCobalt using a previously unknown Golang-based backdoor known as GoRed. "ExCobalt focuses on cyber espionage and includes several members active since at least 2016 and presumably once part of the notorious Cobalt Gang," Positive Technologies researchers Vladislav Lunin and Alexander Badayev said in a technical report

Warning: New Adware Campaign Targets Meta Quest App Seekers

By: Newsroom
22 June 2024 at 11:03
A new campaign is tricking users searching for the Meta Quest (formerly Oculus) application for Windows into downloading a new adware family called AdsExhaust. "The adware is capable of exfiltrating screenshots from infected devices and interacting with browsers using simulated keystrokes," cybersecurity firm eSentire said in an analysis, adding it identified the activity earlier this month. "

U.S. Treasury Sanctions 12 Kaspersky Executives Amid Software Ban

By: Newsroom
22 June 2024 at 06:00
The U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) imposed sanctions against a dozen individuals serving executive and senior leadership roles at Kaspersky Lab, a day after the Russian company was banned by the Commerce Department. The move "underscores our commitment to ensure the integrity of our cyber domain and to protect our citizens against malicious cyber

Yesterday β€” 21 June 2024The Hacker News

Chinese Hackers Deploy SpiceRAT and SugarGh0st in Global Espionage Campaign

By: Newsroom
21 June 2024 at 13:42
A previously undocumented Chinese-speaking threat actor codenamed SneakyChef has been linked to an espionage campaign primarily targeting government entities across Asia and EMEA (Europe, Middle East, and Africa) with SugarGh0st malware since at least August 2023. "SneakyChef uses lures that are scanned documents of government agencies, most of which are related to various countries' Ministries

Military-themed Email Scam Spreads Malware to Infect Pakistani Users

By: Newsroom
21 June 2024 at 13:01
Cybersecurity researchers have shed light on a new phishing campaign that has been identified as targeting people in Pakistan using a custom backdoor. Dubbed PHANTOM#SPIKE by Securonix, the unknown threat actors behind the activity have leveraged military-related phishing documents to activate the infection sequence. "While there are many methods used today to deploy malware, the threat actors

Oyster Backdoor Spreading via Trojanized Popular Software Downloads

By: Newsroom
21 June 2024 at 09:51
A malvertising campaign is leveraging trojanized installers for popular software such as Google Chrome and Microsoft Teams to drop a backdoor called Oyster (aka Broomstick and CleanUpLoader). That's according to findings from Rapid7, which identified lookalike websites hosting the malicious payloads that users are redirected to after searching for them on search engines like Google and Bing. The

SolarWinds Serv-U Vulnerability Under Active Attack - Patch Immediately

By: Newsroom
21 June 2024 at 08:54
A recently patched high-severity flaw impacting SolarWinds Serv-U file transfer software is being actively exploited by malicious actors in the wild. The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-28995 (CVSS score: 8.6), concerns a directory transversal bug that could allow attackers to read sensitive files on the host machine. Affecting all versions of the software prior to and including Serv-U 15.4.2

U.S. Bans Kaspersky Software, Citing National Security Risks

By: Newsroom
21 June 2024 at 04:25
The U.S. Department of Commerce's Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) on Thursday announced a "first of its kind" ban that prohibits Kaspersky Lab's U.S. subsidiary from directly or indirectly offering its security software in the country. The blockade also extends to the cybersecurity company's affiliates, subsidiaries and parent companies, the department said, adding the action is based on

Before yesterdayThe Hacker News

Researchers Uncover UEFI Vulnerability Affecting Multiple Intel CPUs

By: Newsroom
20 June 2024 at 14:22
Cybersecurity researchers have disclosed details of a now-patched security flaw in Phoenix SecureCore UEFI firmware that affects multiple families of Intel Core desktop and mobile processors. Tracked as CVE-2024-0762 (CVSS score: 7.5), the "UEFIcanhazbufferoverflow" vulnerability has been described as a case of a buffer overflow stemming from the use of an unsafe variable in the Trusted Platform

French Diplomatic Entities Targeted in Russian-Linked Cyber Attacks

By: Newsroom
20 June 2024 at 14:00
State-sponsored actors with ties to Russia have been linked to targeted cyber attacks aimed at French diplomatic entities, the country's information security agency ANSSI said in an advisory. The attacks have been attributed to a cluster tracked by Microsoft under the name Midnight Blizzard (formerly Nobelium), which overlaps with activity tracked as APT29, BlueBravo, Cloaked Ursa, Cozy Bear,

Chinese Cyber Espionage Targets Telecom Operators in Asia Since 2021

By: Newsroom
20 June 2024 at 10:22
Cyber espionage groups associated with China have been linked to a long-running campaign that has infiltrated several telecom operators located in a single Asian country at least since 2021. "The attackers placed backdoors on the networks of targeted companies and also attempted to steal credentials," the Symantec Threat Hunter Team, part of Broadcom, said in a report shared with The Hacker News

New Rust-based Fickle Malware Uses PowerShell for UAC Bypass and Data Exfiltration

By: Newsroom
20 June 2024 at 08:09
A new Rust-based information stealer malware called Fickle Stealer has been observed being delivered via multiple attack chains with the goal of harvesting sensitive information from compromised hosts. Fortinet FortiGuard Labs said it's aware of four different distribution methods -- namely VBA dropper, VBA downloader, link downloader, and executable downloader -- with some of them using a

Experts Uncover New Evasive SquidLoader Malware Targeting Chinese Organizations

By: Newsroom
20 June 2024 at 06:34
Cybersecurity researchers have uncovered a new evasive malware loader named SquidLoader that spreads via phishing campaigns targeting Chinese organizations. AT&T LevelBlue Labs, which first observed the malware in late April 2024, said it incorporates features that are designed to thwart static and dynamic analysis and ultimately evade detection. Attack chains leverage phishing emails that

Kraken Crypto Exchange Hit by $3 Million Theft Exploiting Zero-Day Flaw

By: Newsroom
19 June 2024 at 16:40
Crypto exchange Kraken revealed that an unnamed security researcher exploited an "extremely critical" zero-day flaw in its platform to steal $3 million in digital assets and refused to return them. Details of the incident were shared by Kraken's Chief Security Officer, Nick Percoco, on X (formerly Twitter), stating it received a Bug Bounty program alert from the researcher about a bug that "

UNC3886 Uses Fortinet, VMware 0-Days and Stealth Tactics in Long-Term Spying

By: Newsroom
19 June 2024 at 15:09
The China-nexus cyber espionage actor linked to the zero-day exploitation of security flaws in Fortinet, Ivanti, and VMware devices has been observed utilizing multiple persistence mechanisms in order to maintain unfettered access to compromised environments. "Persistence mechanisms encompassed network devices, hypervisors, and virtual machines, ensuring alternative channels remain available

New Threat Actor 'Void Arachne' Targets Chinese Users with Malicious VPN Installers

By: Newsroom
19 June 2024 at 10:23
Chinese-speaking users are the target of a never-before-seen threat activity cluster codenamed Void Arachne that employs malicious Windows Installer (MSI) files for virtual private networks (VPNs) to deliver a command-and-control (C&C) framework called Winos 4.0. "The campaign also promotes compromised MSI files embedded with nudifiers and deepfake pornography-generating software, as well as

Warning: Markopolo's Scam Targeting Crypto Users via Fake Meeting Software

By: Newsroom
19 June 2024 at 10:08
A threat actor who goes by alias markopolo has been identified as behind a large-scale cross-platform scam that targets digital currency users on social media with information stealer malware and carries out cryptocurrency theft. The attack chains involve the use of a purported virtual meeting software named Vortax (and 23 other apps) that are used as a conduit to deliver Rhadamanthys, StealC,

Mailcow Mail Server Flaws Expose Servers to Remote Code Execution

By: Newsroom
19 June 2024 at 07:36
Two security vulnerabilities have been disclosed in the Mailcow open-source mail server suite that could be exploited by malicious actors to achieve arbitrary code execution on susceptible instances. Both shortcomings impact all versions of the software prior to version 2024-04, which was released on April 4, 2024. The issues were responsibly disclosed by SonarSource on March 22, 2024. The flaws

Signal Foundation Warns Against EU's Plan to Scan Private Messages for CSAM

By: Newsroom
18 June 2024 at 16:22
A controversial proposal put forth by the European Union to scan users' private messages for detection of child sexual abuse material (CSAM) poses severe risks to end-to-end encryption (E2EE), warned Meredith Whittaker, president of the Signal Foundation, which maintains the privacy-focused messaging service of the same name. "Mandating mass scanning of private communications fundamentally

Cybercriminals Exploit Free Software Lures to Deploy Hijack Loader and Vidar Stealer

By: Newsroom
18 June 2024 at 13:30
Threat actors are luring unsuspecting users with free or pirated versions of commercial software to deliver a malware loader called Hijack Loader, which then deploys an information stealer known as Vidar Stealer. "Adversaries had managed to trick users into downloading password-protected archive files containing trojanized copies of a Cisco Webex Meetings App (ptService.exe)," Trellix security

New Malware Targets Exposed Docker APIs for Cryptocurrency Mining

By: Newsroom
18 June 2024 at 09:41
Cybersecurity researchers have uncovered a new malware campaign that targets publicly exposed Docket API endpoints with the aim of delivering cryptocurrency miners and other payloads. Included among the tools deployed is a remote access tool that's capable of downloading and executing more malicious programs as well as a utility to propagate the malware via SSH, cloud analytics platform Datadog

VMware Issues Patches for Cloud Foundation, vCenter Server, and vSphere ESXi

By: Newsroom
18 June 2024 at 08:24
VMware has released updates to address critical flaws impacting Cloud Foundation, vCenter Server, and vSphere ESXi that could be exploited to achieve privilege escalation and remote code execution. The list of vulnerabilities is as follows - CVE-2024-37079 & CVE-2024-37080 (CVSS scores: 9.8) - Multiple heap-overflow vulnerabilities in the implementation of the DCE/RPC protocol that could

Singapore Police Extradites Malaysians Linked to Android Malware Fraud

By: Newsroom
18 June 2024 at 07:38
The Singapore Police Force (SPF) has announced the extradition of two men from Malaysia for their alleged involvement in a mobile malware campaign targeting citizens in the country since June 2023. The unnamed individuals, aged 26 and 47, engaged in scams that tricked unsuspecting users into downloading malicious apps onto their Android devices via phishing campaigns with the aim of stealing

ASUS Patches Critical Authentication Bypass Flaw in Multiple Router Models

By: Newsroom
17 June 2024 at 14:39
ASUS has shipped software updates to address a critical security flaw impacting its routers that could be exploited by malicious actors to bypass authentication. Tracked as CVE-2024-3080, the vulnerability carries a CVSS score of 9.8 out of a maximum of 10.0. "Certain ASUS router models have authentication bypass vulnerability, allowing unauthenticated remote attackers to log in the device,"

China-Linked Hackers Infiltrate East Asian Firm for 3 Years Using F5 Devices

By: Newsroom
17 June 2024 at 11:59
A suspected China-nexus cyber espionage actor has been attributed as behind a prolonged attack against an unnamed organization located in East Asia for a period of about three years, with the adversary establishing persistence using legacy F5 BIG-IP appliances and using it as an internal command-and-control (C&C) for defense evasion purposes. Cybersecurity company Sygnia, which responded to

Hackers Exploit Legitimate Websites to Deliver BadSpace Windows Backdoor

By: Newsroom
17 June 2024 at 06:28
Legitimate-but-compromised websites are being used as a conduit to deliver a Windows backdoor dubbed BadSpace under the guise of fake browser updates. "The threat actor employs a multi-stage attack chain involving an infected website, a command-and-control (C2) server, in some cases a fake browser update, and a JScript downloader to deploy a backdoor into the victim's system," German

NiceRAT Malware Targets South Korean Users via Cracked Software

By: Newsroom
17 June 2024 at 05:11
Threat actors have been observed deploying a malware called NiceRAT to co-opt infected devices into a botnet. The attacks, which target South Korean users, are designed to propagate the malware under the guise of cracked software, such as Microsoft Windows, or tools that purport to offer license verification for Microsoft Office. "Due to the nature of crack programs, information sharing amongst

U.K. Hacker Linked to Notorious Scattered Spider Group Arrested in Spain

By: Newsroom
16 June 2024 at 04:31
Law enforcement authorities have allegedly arrested a key member of the notorious cybercrime group called Scattered Spider. The individual, a 22-year-old man from the United Kingdom, was arrested this week in the Spanish city of Palma de Mallorca as he attempted to board a flight to Italy. The move is said to be a joint effort between the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the

Grandoreiro Banking Trojan Hits Brazil as Smishing Scams Surge in Pakistan

By: Newsroom
15 June 2024 at 09:51
Pakistan has become the latest target of a threat actor called the Smishing Triad, marking the first expansion of its footprint beyond the E.U., Saudi Arabia, the U.A.E., and the U.S. "The group's latest tactic involves sending malicious messages on behalf of Pakistan Post to customers of mobile carriers via iMessage and SMS," Resecurity said in a report published earlier this week. "The goal is

Pakistani Hackers Use DISGOMOJI Malware in Indian Government Cyber Attacks

By: Newsroom
15 June 2024 at 08:13
A suspected Pakistan-based threat actor has been linked to a cyber espionage campaign targeting Indian government entities in 2024. Cybersecurity company Volexity is tracking the activity under the moniker UTA0137, noting the adversary's exclusive use of a malware called DISGOMOJI that's written in Golang and is designed to infect Linux systems. "It is a modified version of the public project
