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Escalating Privileges with CylancePROTECT

1 May 2018 at 19:23

If you regularly perform penetration tests, red team exercises, or endpoint assessments, chances are you've probably encountered CylancePROTECT at some point. Depending on the CylancePROTECT policy configuration, your standard tools and techniques may not have worked as expected. I've ran into situations where the administrators of CylancePROTECT set the policy to be too relaxed and establishing a presence on the target system was trivial. With that said, I've also encountered targets where the policy was very strict and gaining a stable, reliable shell was not an easy task.

After a few frustrating CylancePROTECT encounters, I decided to install it locally and learn more about how it works to try and make my next encounter less frustrating. The majority of CylancePROTECT is written in .NET, so I started by firing up dnSpy, loaded the assemblies, and started looking around. I spent several nights and weekends casually looking through the codebase (which is quite massive) and found myself spending most of my time analyzing how the CylanceUI process communicated with the CylanceSvc process. My hope was that I would find a secret command I could use to stop the service as a user, but no such command exists (for users). However, I did find a privilege escalation vulnerability that could be triggered as a user via the inter-process communication ("IPC") channels.

Several commands can be sent to the CylanceSvc from the CylanceUI process via the tray menu, some of which are enabled by starting the UI with the advanced flag: CylanceUI.exe /advanced

CylanceUI Advanced Menu

CylanceUI Advanced Menu

Prior to starting a deeper investigation of the different menu options, I used Process Monitor to get high level view of how CylancePROTECT interacted with Windows when I clicked these menu options. My favorite option ended up being the logging verbosity, not only because it gave me an even deeper insight into what CylancePROTECT was doing, but also because it plays a major role in this privilege escalation vulnerability. The 'Check for Updates' option also caught my eye in procmon because it caused the CyUpdate process to spawn as SYSTEM.

CyUpdate Spawning as SYSTEM

CyUpdate Spawning as SYSTEM

The procmon output I witnessed at this point told me quite a bit and was what made me begin my hunt for a possible privilege escalation vulnerability. The three main indicators were:

  1. As a user, I could communicate with the CylanceSvc service and influences its behavior
  2. As a user, I could trigger the CyUpdate process to spawn with SYSTEM privileges
  3. As a user, I could cause the CylanceUI process to write to the same file/folder as the SYSTEM process
CylanceUI and CylanceSvc writing to log

CylanceUI and CylanceSvc writing to log

CyUpdate writing to log

CyUpdate writing to log

The third indicator is the most important. It’s not uncommon for a user process and system process to share the same resource, but it is uncommon for the user process to have full read/write permissions to that resource. I confirmed the permissions on the log folder and files with icacls:

Log folder and File Modify Permissions

Log folder and File Modify Permissions

Having modify permissions on a folder will allow for it to be setup as a mount point to redirect read/write operations to another location. I confirmed this by using James Forshaw's symboliclink-testing-tools to create a mount point, as well as try other symbolic link vectors. Before creating the mount point, I made sure to set CylancePROTECT’s log level to 'Error' to prevent additional logs from being created after I emptied the log folder.

Log folder mount point created

Log folder mount point created

After creating the mount point, I increased the log verbosity and confirmed the log file was created in the mount point target folder, C:\Windows.

CylanceSvc writing log to C:\Windows\

CylanceSvc writing log to C:\Windows\

CyUpdate change log file permissions

CyUpdate change log file permissions

Log file modify permissions

Log file modify permissions

Writing a log file to an arbitrary location is neat but doesn't demonstrate much impact or add value to an attack vector. To gain SYSTEM privileges with this vector, I needed to be able to control the filename that was written, as well as the contents of the file. Neither of these tasks can be accomplished by interacting with CylancePROTECT via the IPC channels. However, I was able to use one of Forshaw's clever symbolic link tricks to control the name of the file. This is done by using two symbolic links that are setup like this:

  1. C:\Program Files\Cylance\Desktop\log mount point folder points to the \RPC Control\ object directory.
  2. \RPC Control\2018-03-20.log symlink points to \??\C:\Windows\evil.dll

One of James' symbolic link testing tools will automatically create this symlink chain by simply specifying the original file and target destination, in this case the command looked like this, CreateSymlink.exe "C:\Program Files\Cylance\Desktop\log\2018-03-20.log" C:\Windows\evil.dll, and the result was:

Creating symlink chain to control filename

Creating symlink chain to control filename

File with arbitrary name created in C:\Windows

File with arbitrary name created in C:\Windows

At this point I've written a file to an arbitrary location with an arbitrary name and since the CyUpdate.exe process grants Users modify permissions on the "log file", I could overwrite the log contents with the contents of a DLL.

Contents of C:\Windows\evil.dll

Contents of C:\Windows\evil.dll

Verifying overwrite permissions

Verifying overwrite permissions

From here all I needed to get a SYSTEM shell was a DLL hijack in a SYSTEM service. I decided to target CylancePROTECT for this because I knew I could reliably spawn the CyUpdate process as a user. Leveraging Procmon again, I set my filters to:

  1. Path contains .dll
  2. Result contains NOT
  3. Process is CyUpdate.exe

The resulting output in procmon looked like this:

libc.dll hijack identified in procmon

libc.dll hijack identified in procmon

Now all I had to do was setup the chain again, but this time point the symlink to C:\Program Files\Cylance\Desktop\libc.dll (any of the highlighted locations would have worked). This symlink gave me a modifiable DLL that I could force CylancePROTECT to load and execute, resulting in a SYSTEM shell:

Gaining SYSTEM shell and stopping CylanceSvc

Gaining SYSTEM shell and stopping CylanceSvc

Elevating our privileges from a user to SYSTEM is great, but more importantly, we meet the conditions required to communicate with the CylancePROTECT kernel driver CYDETECT. This elevated privilege allows us to send the ENABLE_STOP IOCTL code to the kernel driver and gracefully stop the service. In the screenshot above, you’ll notice the CylanceSvc is stopped as a result of loading the DLL.

Privilege escalation vulnerabilities via symbolic links are quite common. James Forshaw has found many of them in Windows and other Microsoft products. The initial identification of these types of bugs can be performed without ever opening IDA or doing any sort of static analysis, as I’ve demonstrated above. With that said, it is still a good idea to find the offending code and determine if it’s within a library that affects multiple services or an isolated issue.

Preventing symbolic link attacks may not be as easy as you would think. From a developer’s perspective, these types of vulnerabilities don’t stand out like a SQLi, XSS, or RCE bug since they’re typically a hard to spot permissions issue. When privileged services need to share file system resources with low-privileged users, it is very important that the user permissions are minimal.

Upon finding this vulnerability, Cylance was contacted, and a collaborative effort was made through Bugcrowd to remediate the finding. Cylance responded to the submission quickly and validated the finding within a few days. The fix was deployed 40 days after the submission and was included in the 1470 release of CylancePROTECT.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter: @ryHanson

Atredis Partners has assigned this vulnerability the advisory ID:Β ATREDIS-2018-0003.

The CVE assigned to this vulnerability is:Β CVE-2018-10722

Escalating Privileges with CylancePROTECT

CVE-2018-0952: Privilege Escalation Vulnerability in Windows Standard Collector Service

21 August 2018 at 20:50

If you aren't interested in the adventure behind this bug hunt, ATREDIS-2018-0004 is a good TL;DR and here is the Proof-of-Concept.

Process Monitor has become a favorite tool of mine for both research and development. During development of offensive security tools, I frequently use it to monitor how the tools interact with Windows and how they might be detected. Earlier this year I noticed some interesting behavior while I was debugging some code in Visual Studio and monitoring with Procmon. Normally I setup exclusion filters for Visual Studio processes to reduce the noise, but prior to setting up the filters I notice a SYSTEM process writing to a user owned directory:

StandardCollector.Service.exe writing to user Temp folder

StandardCollector.Service.exe writing to user Temp folder

When a privileged service writes to a user owned resource, it opens up the possibility of symlink attack vector, as previously shown in the Cylance privilege escalation bug I found. With the goal of identifying how I can directly influence the service's behavior, I began my research into the Standard Collector Service by reviewing the service's loaded libraries:

Visual Studio DLLs loaded by StandardCollector.Service.exe

Visual Studio DLLs loaded by StandardCollector.Service.exe

The library paths indicated the Standard Collector Service was a part of Visual Studio's diagnostics tools. After reviewing the libraries and executables in the related folders, I identified several of the binaries were written in .NET, including a standalone CLI tool named VSDiagnostics.exe, here is the console output:

Help output from VSDiagnostics CLI tool

Help output from VSDiagnostics CLI tool

Loading VSDiagnostics into dnSpy revealed a lot about the tool as well as how it interacts with the Standard Collector Service. First, an instance of IStandardCollectorService is acquired and a session configuration is used to create an ICollectionSession:

Initial steps for configuring diagnostics collection session

Initial steps for configuring diagnostics collection session

Next, agents are added to the ICollectionSession with a CLSID and DLL name, which also stood out as an interesting user controlled behavior. It also made me remember previous research that exploited this exact behavior DLL loading behavior. At this point, it looked like the Visual Studio Standard Collector Service was very similar or the same as the Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector Service included with Windows 10. I began investigating this assumption by using OleViewDotNet to query the services for their supported interfaces:

Windows Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector Service in OleViewDotNet

Windows Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector Service in OleViewDotNet

Viewing the proxy definition of the IStandardCollectorService revealed other familiar interfaces, specifically the ICollectionSession interface seen in the VSDiagnostics source:

ICollectionSession interface definition in OleViewDotNet

ICollectionSession interface definition in OleViewDotNet

Taking note of the Interface ID ("IID"), I returned to the .NET interop library to compare the IIDs and found that they were different:

Visual Studio ICollectionSession definition with different IID

Visual Studio ICollectionSession definition with different IID

Looking deeper into the .NET code, I found that these Visual Studio specific interfaces are loaded through the proxy DLLs:

VSDiagnostics.exe function to Load Proxy Stub DLLs

VSDiagnostics.exe function to Load Proxy Stub DLLs

A quick review of the ManualRegisterInterfaces function in the DiagnosticsHub.StandardCollector.Proxy.dll showed a simple loop that iterates over an array of IIDs. Included in the array of IIDs is one belonging to the ICollectionSession:

ManualRegisterInterfaces function of proxy stub DLL

ManualRegisterInterfaces function of proxy stub DLL

Visual Studio ICollectionSession IID in array of IIDs to register

Visual Studio ICollectionSession IID in array of IIDs to register

After I had a better understanding of the Visual Studio Collector service, I wanted to see if I could reuse the same .NET interop code to control the Windows Collector service. In order to interact with the correct service, I had to replace the Visual Studio CLSIDs and IIDs with the correct Windows Collector service CLSIDs and IIDs. Next, I used the modified code to build a client that simply created and started a diagnostics session with the collector service:

Code snippet of client used to interact with Collector service

Code snippet of client used to interact with Collector service

Starting Procmon and running the client resulted in several files and folders being created in the specified C:\Temp scratch directory. Analyzing these events in Procmon showed that the initial directory creation was performed with client impersonation:

Session folder created in scratch directory with impersonation

Session folder created in scratch directory with impersonation

Although the initial directory was created while impersonating the client, the subsequent files and folders were created without impersonation:

Folder created without impersonation

Folder created without impersonation

After taking a deeper look at the other file operations, there were several that stood out. The image below is an annotated break down of the various file operations performed by the Standard Collector Service:

Various file operations performed by Standard Collector Service

Various file operations performed by Standard Collector Service

The most interesting behavior is the file copy operation that occurs during the diagnostics report creation. The image below shows the corresponding call stack and events of this behavior:

CopyFile operation performed by the Standard Collector Service

CopyFile operation performed by the Standard Collector Service

Now that I've identified user influenced behaviors, I construct a possible arbitrary file creation exploit plan:

  1. Obtain op-lock on merged ETL file ({GUID}.1.m.etl) as soon as service calls CloseFile
  2. Find and convert report sub-folder as mount point to C:\Windows\System32
  3. Replace contents of {GUID}.1.m.etl with malicious DLL
  4. Release op-lock to allow ETL file to be copied through the mount point
  5. Start new collection session with copied ETL as agent DLL, triggering elevated code execution

To write the exploit, I extended the client from earlier by leveraging James Forshaw's NtApiDotNet C# library to programmatically create the op-lock and mount point. The images below shows code snippet used to acquire the op-lock and the corresponding Procmon output illustrating the loop and op-lock acquisition:

Code snippet used to acquire op-lock on .etl file

Code snippet used to acquire op-lock on .etl file

Winning race condition with op-lock

Winning race condition with op-lock

Acquiring an op-lock on the file essentially stops the CopyFile race, allows the contents to be overwritten, and provides control of when the CopyFile occurs. Next, the exploit looks for the Report folder and scans it for the randomly named sub directory that needs to be converted to a mount point. Once the mount point is successfully created, the contents of the .etl are replaced with a malicious DLL. Finally, the .etl file is closed and the op-lock is released, allowing the CopyFile operation to continue. The code snippet and Procmon output for this step is shown in the images below:

Code snippet that creates mount point, overwrites .etl file, and releases op-lock

Code snippet that creates mount point, overwrites .etl file, and releases op-lock

Procmon output for arbitrary file write through mount point folder

Procmon output for arbitrary file write through mount point folder

There are several techniques for escalating privileges through an arbitrary file write, but for this exploit, I chose to use the Collector service's agent DLL loading capability to keep it isolated to a single service. You'll notice in the image above, I did not use the mount point + symlink trick to rename the file to a .dll because DLLs can be loaded with any extension. For the purpose of this exploit the DLL simply needed to be in the System32 folder for the Collector service to load it. The image below demonstrates successful execution of the exploit and the corresponding Procmon output:

SystemCollector.exe exploit PoC output

SystemCollector.exe exploit PoC output

Procmon output of successful exploitation

Procmon output of successful exploitation

I know that the above screenshots show the exploit was run as the user "Admin", so here is a GIF showing it being ran as "bob", a low-privileged user account:

Running exploit as low-privileged user

Running exploit as low-privileged user

Feel free to try out the SystemCollector PoC yourself. Turning the PoC into a portable exploit for offensive security engagements is a task I'll leave to the reader. The NtApiDotNet library is also a PowerShell module, which should make things a bit easier.

After this bug was patched as part of the August 2018 Patch Tuesday, I began reversing the patch, which was relatively simple. As expected, the patch simply added CoImpersonateClient calls prior to the previously vulnerable file operations, specifically the CommitPackagingResult function in DiagnosticsHub.StandardCollector.Runtime.dll:

Report folder being created with impersation

Report folder being created with impersation

CoImpersonateClient added to CommitPackagingResult in DiagnosticsHub.StandardCollector.Runtime.dll

CoImpersonateClient added to CommitPackagingResult in DiagnosticsHub.StandardCollector.Runtime.dll

As previously mentioned in the Cylance privilege escalation write-up, protecting against symlink attacks may seem easy, but is often times overlooked. Any time a privileged service is performing file operations on behalf of a user, proper impersonation is needed in order to prevent these types of attacks.

Upon finding this vulnerability, MSRC was contacted with the vulnerability details and PoC. MSRC quickly triaged and validated the finding and provided regular updates throughout the remediation process. The full disclosure timeline can be found in the Atredis advisory link below.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter: @ryHanson

Atredis Partners has assigned this vulnerability the advisory ID: ATREDIS-2018-0004

The CVE assigned to this vulnerability is: CVE-2018-0952

CVE-2018-0952: Privilege Escalation Vulnerability in Windows Standard Collector Service
